community development education glyncoch young people rhondda community research action research hardware software computing community education school employment health and well-being #research #ymchwil # evaluation; research; technology cynon programming code computer science voluntary sector action learning peer support third sector continuing professional development glyncoch regeneration university politics welsh election volunteering job community developme communities first apprentice; glyncoch; work; creativity; flourist; open university; glyncoch regeneration; chance to communities first; job club; pontypridd community statistics in wales; communities first communities first; statistics; community developme wales; voluntary sector; charity; third sector youth work summer children's play scheme youth work training supervision; community development; communities fi rugby adhd; autism; family; parenting; education diy community learning tackling poverty wales monitoring and evaluation children halloween partnership working; community sport; sports leade youth and community work; university post graduate elderly people; community development education and training learning training fitness health community volunteers well-being participation in sport sport clubs comic relief rct physical activity
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