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Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

Modern Web
JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Modern Web Technologies
Table of Contents

 JavaScript
 CSS3
 Resources
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   Is no a subset of Java and actually has very
    little similarities with Java
   Formalized as ECMAScript language
   “JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting
    language that is dynamic, weakly typed and
    has first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm
    language, supporting object-oriented,
    imperative, and functional programming
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   Has been available for long time (for example
    from Netscape 2 which was introduced in
   Both language and engines have been
    evolving ever since
   Primarily used in browsers
   Can be executed outside browser using, for
    example, Rhino or Google’s V8 JavaScript
   For example, increasingly popular Node.js
    platform is based on V8
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

<!-- JavaScript can be written in many ways -->

<!-- external script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/someFile.js"></script>

<!-- script block -->
<script type="text/javascript">
   alert('Hello world');

<!-- inline (bad practise, avoid!) -->
<div style="background: blue;"
   onmouseover=" = 'red';"
   onmouseout=" = 'blue';">
   This div has blue background that changes to red on mouse over
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

// Here we create same global variable in four different ways

// Using var statement in global scope
// (scope means the context (function) in which the code is executed)
var title = 'some string';
// All global variables become part of native window object
// Setting object property via dot notation
window.title = 'some string';
// Setting object property via square bracket notation
window['title'] = 'some string';

function doSomething() {
   // Variable without var statement makes it
   // always global regardless of scope
   title = 'some string';
Perttu Myry           6.11.2012

// Two popular ways of writing functions in JavaScript

// Traditional way to write a function
function doSomething(someAttribute) {
   // Do something here...

// In JavaScript function is standard datatype (an object),
// they can be passed around and copied freely,
// here we copy anonymous function into doSomething variable
var doSomething = function(someAttribute) {
   // Do something here...

// Executing function...
doSomething('some value');
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012


“Interaction with the DOM is usually slower than normal JavaScript code”
      JavaScript Performance Best Practices, Nokia Developer Wiki
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   “The Document Object Model (DOM) is the model
    that describes how all elements in an HTML page,
    like input fields, images, paragraphs etc., are
    related to the topmost structure: the document
    itself. By calling the element by its proper DOM
    name, we can influence it.”
   DOOM = Especially in old browsers poorly written
    DOM code can lead to horrible performance
   JavaScript engines’ DOM performance has been
    dramatically increased in modern browsers
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012


 Each  item in DOM is a Node
 DOM can be walked through using
  various methods, such as firstChild,
  lastChild, childNodes and parentNode
 Elements can be fetched using methods
  such as document.getElementById() or
Perttu Myry                   6.11.2012

<!-- Some HTML code -->
<div id="contentWrapper">
   <p>First paragraph, here is a link to
      <a class="external" href="">Google</a>
   <p>This is second paragraph.</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
var wrapper = document.getElementById('contentWrapper');
// wrapper's first child is text (line break), its next sibling is the
// first paragraph which first child (array index 0) is text and
// second child (array index 1) is the link
// alerts
// same end result but easier, alerts
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

 Travelling DOM like this is both worksome
  and code breaks rather easily if HTML
  structure changes
 Attaching unique id attribute to each
  element that you want to access via
  JavaScript could solve problems with
  HTML structure changing, but it isn't very
  flexible option either
 Let's take a look at CSS selectors
Perttu Myry          6.11.2012

<!-- Some HTML code -->
<a href="go/back/to/previous/page.html">Back</a>
<div id="contentWrapper">
   <p>First paragraph, here is a link to
      <a class="external" href="">Google</a>
   <p>This is second paragraph.</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
// now first anchor element is back link, alerts page.html
// modern browser support native CSS selectors
if(document.querySelectorAll) {
   // find all anchors which have class name external
   // alerts
Perttu Myry                     6.11.2012

<!-- Okay and then something potentially useful, not just alerting stuff -->
<a class="external" href="">Google</a><br />
<a class="external nounderline" href="">W3C</a><br />
<a href="link/to/some/internal/page.html">page.html</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
// For example, in strict XHTML document type, anchor target attribute is not
// allowed though it works in every modern browser, let's use JavaScript to make
// HTML code valid and yet class="external" links open in new browser window/tab
if(document.querySelectorAll) {
   var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a.external');
   var count = anchors.length; // NB. not checking length again in each loop
   /*for(var i=0; i<count; i++) {
       anchors[i].target = '_blank';
   while(count--) {
       anchors[count].target = '_blank';
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
   Event model provides efficient way to
    decouple (avoid unnecessary dependencies)
   Information is delivered as events and
    handled via event handler functions
   JavaScript has lots of native events, such as
    mouseover, mouseout, click etc.
   External libraries, such as jQuery, can provide
    option to trigger and handle also custom
   Let’s take a look at DOM event flow
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
Perttu Myry                    6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
<!-- Event handler can be registered in four different ways:
inline, traditional, W3C and Microsoft -->

<!– inline (again, bad practice, avoid!) -->
<td onclick="alert('click over table cell');">Over the River, Charlie</td>

<script type="text/javascript">
// declare variable td and function fn
var td = document.getElementsByTagName('td')[1];
function fn(e) {
   alert('click over table cell');

// traditional (okay, but setting new handler overrides previous one)
td.onclick = fn;
// W3C (supported by all modern browsers [event type, handler, use capturing])
td.addEventListener('click', fn, false);
// MS (before IE 9, notice "on" before event type and does not support capturing)
td.attachEvent('onclick', fn);
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
   Feature detection is needed because different
    browsers support different JavaScript versions and
   Possibility to provide better user experience for
    modern browsers and yet graceful fallback for old
   Why not just do browser detection?
   Because user agent information is not reliable and
    new versions of browsers can fix an error that exists
    in current version of the browser causing you
    additional overhead and maintenance
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
// Example why you should avoid browser detection, assuming
// this code was written before Internet Explorer 9 was released.

function bind(element, eventType, fn) {
   if(navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i)) {
      // IE specific way of adding event listener
      element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, fn);
   } else {
      // W3C compatible browsers
      element.addEventListener(eventType, fn, false);

bind(document.getElementById('someButton', 'click', function(e) {
   alert('element with id="someButton" was clicked');
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
   So what went wrong with browser detection?
   IE 9 introduced W3C compatible
    addEventListener which all other major
    browser had been using
   Actually in this case IE 9 still supports
    attachEvent, but we cannot know whether
    attachEvent will be removed in some future IE
   When we write code we cannot foresee all
    these kind of changes, what can we do?
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
// Fixed example using feature detection that works in "all" browsers

function bind(element, eventType, fn) {
   if(element.addEventListener) {
      // W3C compatible browsers
      element.addEventListener(eventType, fn, false);
   } else if(element.attachEvent) {
      // Old IE specific way of adding event listener
      element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, fn);
   } else {
      // Oldest browsers support neither, could write lengthy
      // fallback which could mimic W3C/MS models, but in this
      // case we simply don't support old browsers
      alert('Sorry, this application does not support old browsers');
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
// Usage examples

bind(document.getElementById('someButton'), 'click', function(e) {
   alert('element with id="someButton" was clicked');

bind(document.getElementById('someInput'), 'keyup', function(e) {
   var event = e || window.event;
   // Force input value to lower case
   this.value = this.value.toLowerCase();
   // If user hits "enter" we call doSearch() method
   if(event.keyCode === 13) {
Perttu Myry             6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
// Event triggering
function trigger(element, eventType) {
   var event;
   if(document.createEvent) {
      // W3C compatible browsers
      event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
      event.initEvent(eventType, true, true);
   } else if(document.createEventObject) {
      // Old IE specific syntax
      event = document.createEventObject();
      event.eventType = 'on' + eventType;
   } else {
      // Not supporting oldest browsers
      alert('Sorry, this application does not support old browsers');

    event.eventName = eventType;

    if(document.createEvent) {
    } else {
       element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event);
Perttu Myry                       6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
<!-- Usage examples -->

<div   class="inputRow">Row #1: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div>
<div   class="inputRow">Row #2: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div>
<div   class="inputRow">Row #3: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div>
<!--   and so on... -->

<script type="text/javascript">
function doSave(value) {
    alert('value saved: ' + value);

function getEvent(e) {
   return e || window.event; // old IE browsers store event in window object

function getTarget(event) {
   return || event.srcElement; // and there are differences in event attributes

// continue on next slide...
Perttu Myry                       6.11.2012

Events and Feature Detection
var inputRows = document.querySelectorAll('div.inputRow'), i = inputRows.length;
while(i--) {
   // bind click event handler to all span elements in input row
   bind(inputRows[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0], 'click', function(e) {
      var target = getTarget(getEvent(e));
      if(this.className.match(/disabled/)) {
      this.className += ' disabled'; // disable save button once it has been clicked once
      // do something with the data in this row...
   // bind keyup event handler to all input elements in input row
   bind(inputRows[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0], 'keyup', function(e) {
      var event = getEvent(e);
      var target = getTarget(event);
      if(event.keyCode === 13) {
         trigger(target.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[0], 'click');
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
   ”AJAX allows web pages to be updated
    asynchronously by exchanging small amounts
    of data with the server behind the scenes. This
    means that it is possible to update parts of a
    web page, without reloading the whole
    W3Schools AJAX Tutorial
   You might also encounter term AJAJ which
    stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

   Based on XMLHttpRequest object that can be
    used to make HTTP request as a background
   Why AJAX?
   Enhanced user experience
   Better performing web sites and applications (it is
    much faster to fetch and update only small part of
    the page versus reloading the whole page)
   Can be used to assemble data from various
    sources to a single page
   Check out iGoogle
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

function ajax(url, fn) {
   var req;
   if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
      req = new XMLHttpRequest();
   } else {
        // once again, old IE implementation differs from W3C
        req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');

    req.onreadystatechange = function() {
       if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
    }'GET', url, true);
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

//   Notice that these requests are asynchronous. This means that
//   calling ajax(someUrl) does not stop JavaScript execution until
//   response is received. This also means we have no way of knowing
//   which one of these requests will receive response first.

ajax('some/test/file.txt', function(response) {
   alert('Fetched file.txt content using AJAX: ' + response);

ajax('another/site/page.html', function(response) {
   alert('Fetched page.html content using AJAX: ' + response);
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
   XML is one of the most used data exhance
    formats, but in JavaScript JSON format is more
   Backends support JSON very well
   For example, in PHP 5.2 JSON is enabled by
    default and Zend_Json can be used to make
    XML-to-JSON conversion (useful in case your
    application is currently using XML and you
    want to switch to use JSON in certain cases)
   JSON example messages
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

<!-- Modern browsers have built-in support for JSON via global JSON
object, JSON2 library can be used to support older browsers
(JSON2 is light and uses native JSON object if one is available) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
var myObject = {
   'name' : 'John',
   'age' : 43

// Convert object into JSON string
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(myObject);

// Convert JSON string back to JavaScript object
var myObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
Perttu Myry          6.11.2012

   Doing cross domain AJAX requests doesn’t work
    because of same origin policy
   Best solution is to create a resource on your own
    server which then makes the cross domain request
    (no policy issues and you can cache results)
   In case you have control over your server
    environment, you can also use Cross-origin
    resource sharing (CORS) to allow AJAX requests
    from certain domains
   If you are not in control of the server, you might still
    be able to use JSONP (if server supports this
Perttu Myry          6.11.2012

   Be careful though when using JSONP
       It adds new script tag to your page
       Contents of the script are controlled by third party
       Therefore load data only from sites which you trust
   Malicious sites can exploit this and inject harmful
    code into your site
       Response could be something like /*harmful JS
        code here*/ + yourCallbackFnName(/*json data
       This way it would look like request works correctly,
        but also harmful JS code would be executed
Perttu Myry               6.11.2012

<!-- JSONP technique exploits script tag which is not restricted to same
domain policy as XMLHttpRequest is -->

<script type="text/javascript">
// Define callback function
function myCallbackFunction(json) {
   // do something with json data here...

// Create script element
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');

// Set script src to a twitter feed, adding callback param wraps
// the response into myCallbackFunction(/*json data here*/);
scriptTag.src =

// Append the script to document head
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

   When transition between two different stages
    is done in 2 or more steps which are not
    executed at once, it can be considered as
    an animation
   In JavaScript this could be, for example,
    change of position, size, color or opacity
   Well designed animations look good and can
    enhance user experience
   Poorly designed and/or implemented
    animations look bad, are annoying and will
    make user experience worse
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   So according to definition changing, for
    example, element width from 100px to 200px
    is not animated if it’s done
       either in one step
       or in n steps, but all steps are executed
        immediately without any delay
   In order not to execute all steps immediately,
    we need to wait between steps
   Traditionally this can be achieved either via
    setTimeout or setInterval methods
Perttu Myry               6.11.2012

<div id="someBox" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 10px;">
   I am a box

<script type="text/javascript">
var box = document.getElementById('someBox'), left = 0;
function moveBox() { = (left += 5) + 'px';

// setTimeout will call function once, box will move 5 pixels to
// right 100 milliseconds after this function call and stop
setTimeout(moveBox, 100);

// setInterval will call function again and again, box will move
// 5 pixels to every 20th millisecond
setInterval(moveBox, 20);
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012


 My  box just keeps on running and
  eventually floats outside screen, how
  about stopping the animation?
 setTimeout and setInterval methods return
  unique id which can be used to cancel
  the timeout via clearTimeout(id) or
  clearInterval(id) methods
Perttu Myry                6.11.2012

// Let's do bit different version of moveBox function
function moveBox(amount, max) {
   // Left value is string like '15px', parseFloat converts that to number 15
   var newLeft = parseFloat( + amount; = newLeft + 'px';
   if(newLeft > max) {
      return false;
   return true;

var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
   // Move box 5px more to right in each step every 10ms
   // until it goes 500px from the left, this means that
   // animation duration is 500 / 5 * 10ms = 1000ms = 1s
   if(moveBox(5, 500) === false) {
}, 10);
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

   Animating like this is quite a bit of work and
    doesn’t seem very flexible
   In addition, setTimeout and setInterval are not
    accurate (function might be executed some
    milliseconds late because it’s placed on queue)
   Modern browser support a method called
    requestAnimationFrame which can be used to
    create better performing, more accurately
    executed and thus also smoother animations
   In jQuery chapter we’ll take another look at
    animations and how they can be done quite
    much easier and more flexibly
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
 OOP   in JavaScript differs from traditional
 JavaScript doesn’t have traditional way
  of creating classes, defining public,
  protected or private variables and
  methods inside class
 Some things in JavaScript are not possible,
  such as defining protected variables or
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
// Define a new class Car
function Car(model) {
   // Keyword this points to current object
   // Public property model
   this.model = model;

    // Private variable carColor (only visible in this scope)
    var carColor = 'Red';

    // Public setter and getter for color (visible outside this scope)
    this.getColor = function() {
       return carColor;
    this.setColor = function(color) {
       carColor = color;
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
// Create new Car
var ford = new Car('Ford');
alert(ford.model); // Alerts "Ford"
alert(ford.getColor()); // Alerts "Red" (default)
ford.setColor('Blue'); // Change ford color
alert(ford.getColor()); // Alerts "Blue"

// Testing that variable carColor really is private
// Alerts undefined (carColor is not public property of Car)
// Alerts undefined (variable carColor is not in global scope)
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
   The dangerous keyword this
   In JavaScript keyword this points to the
    "owner" of the function
   Powerful concept, but often causes problems
    due misunderstanding or misusing
   It's crucial to understand the difference of
    copying a function compared to referring to
    a function
   Can be affected via call or apply functions
Perttu Myry               6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
<!-- Few examples of common ways to misuse this -->
<div id="testElement"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function highlight() { = '#d00';

this === window; // true
highlight(); // causes error, because is undefined

// copy function to onmouseover
document.getElementById('testElement').onmouseover = highlight;

<!--   refer to function, this points to window and causes error -->
<div   onmouseover="highlight();"></div>
<!--   force this point to div element using call function -->
<div   onmouseover=";"></div>
Perttu Myry                6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
// OOP example of how keyword this can be misused
var Person = function(nickname) {
   this.nickname = nickname;

// New methods to classes can be introduced via prototype
Person.prototype.sayName = function() {

var john = new Person('John');
var jane = new Person('Jane');
john.sayName(); // Alerts "John"
// Here we copy the function to global variable (owned by window object)
var sayJohnName = john.sayName;
// And now keyword "this" points to global window object
sayJohnName(); // Alerts undefined
// Function call or apply can be used to define where "this" points; // Alerts "John"; // Alerts "Jane"
Perttu Myry                    6.11.2012

Object-Oriented JavaScript
// Singleton pattern in JavaScript suggested by Douglas Crockford
var CarFactory = (function() {
   // Variables created inside this scope are private
   var createdModels = [];

   // Return object which contains all public methods
   return {
      createCar : function(model) {
         var car = {};
         car.model = model;
         return car;
      countCreatedModels : function() {
      alertCreatedModels : function() {
         alert(createdModels.join(', '));
})(); // executes function, CarFactory will now contain what the function returns


CarFactory.countCreatedModels(); // Alerts 3
CarFactory.alertCreatedModels(); // Alerts "Ford, Dodge, Hyundai"
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
   Modern aproach to writing JavaScript
   Separate functionality and content (do not
    use inline JavaScript)
   Follow JavaScript best practises (proper use of
    design patterns, namespacing code, feature
    detection, systematic testing...)
   Progressive enhancements / gracefull
    fallbacks to enhance user experience for
    modern browsers and yet avoid fatal errors in
    older browsers
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
<!-- Old school ugly way to write JavaScript -->

<a href="javascript:fetchNews();">Show 10 latest news</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
// introducing global function fetchNews
function fetchNews() {
   // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX...
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
<!-- Better in terms of decoupling plus does not introduce new
global function fetchNews, but this does nothing if JavaScript
support has been disabled in browser settings -->

<a href="#" id="fetchNews">Show 10 latest news</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
bind(document.getElementById('fetchNews'), 'click', function(e) {
   // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX...
Perttu Myry             6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
<!-- Proper unobtrusive way is to provide fallback. Now if
JavaScript is enabled system will fetch news using AJAX,
but in JavaScript disabled environments browser will open
latestNews.php script and thus site will always work. -->

<a href="latestNews.php" id="fetchNews">Show 10 latest news</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
bind(document.getElementById('fetchNews'), 'click', function(e) {
   var event = e || window.event;
   // prevents browser to go to latestNews.php
   // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX...
Perttu Myry                       6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
// Let’s imagine you are creating an application Custom Cars, this application will be big
// so you decide to create few different classes to handle different kind of functionality

function CustomCarsFactory() {/* factory code here*/};
function CustomCarsTires() {/* tires code here*/};
function CustomCarsBling() {
   this.addSpinners = function(car) {/* add spinners to tire rims... */};
function CustomCarsShop = new function() {
   // custom cars shop code here...

var factory = new CustomCarsFactory();
var tires = new CustomCarsTires();
var bling = new CustomCarsBling();

var myCar = factory.makeCar();

// Declared total of 8 global variables, could this be done any better?
Perttu Myry                    6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
// Use namespacing and singleton pattern

var CustomCars = (function() {
   return {
      Factory : function() {
         return {
            createCar : function() {
                // here we create a new car...
            Tires : function() {
                return {
                   makeTires : function(car) {
                      // here we create tires to the car...
            Bling : function() {
                return {
                   addSpinners : function(car) {
                      // add spinners to tire rims...
})(); // executes function, CustomCars will now contain what the function returns

// Continue on next slide...
Perttu Myry                    6.11.2012

Unobtrusive JavaScript
// On previous page we added indentation quite quickly, here is another
// way to add public methods to CustomCars singleton class without going
// wild with indentation
CustomCars.Shop = function() {
   return {
      sellCar : function(car) {
         // here we sell cars...
         alert('car sold :)');

// Use Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to avoid polluting global scope
(function() {
   // Here we are working in local scope,
   // thus myCar will not become global variable
   var myCar = CustomCars.Factory.createCar();
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012


 Modern browsers provide good
 JavaScript debug tools
    Firebug for Firefox
    Chrome Developer Tools
    IE Developer Tools (starting from IE 8)
    Opera Dragonfly
 Eachprovides a console into which
 developers can log statements
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   Firebug and Chrome provide excellent tools
    which can be used also for creating
    breakpoints, checking network connections,
    inspecting DOM tree, manipulating HTML and
    CSS on the fly, collecting profiles and so on
   Firebug Lite can be used, for example, for old
    Internet Explorer browsers (IE 6+)
   Not as complete as Firebug, but provides
    many useful features, such on console
    logging, HTML inspection and CSS
Perttu Myry             6.11.2012

// Console grouping and logging'fruits');

// Tracing
(function() {
    var test = function() {

// More complete example available at
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   Word of warning: old browsers do not support
    global console variable so leaving console.log()
    statements in your code will cause errors in old
   You can remove all your debug code before it
    goes to production
   Or you can write simple console support for old
    browsers (
   And there are also ready made solutions which
    you can utilize
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   DOM
   Events and Feature Detection
   Unobtrusive JavaScript
   AJAX and JSON
   Animations
   Object-Oriented JavaScript
   Debugging
   jQuery
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012


 So far we have noticed that there are
  quite a lot of browser inconsistencies and
  we’ve just scratched the surface here
 Writing cross-browser compatible
  JavaScript isn’t easy
 Though browsers in use are continuously
  renewing, there are still lots of old browser
  versions used worldwide
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012


Perttu Myry     6.11.2012


 ”jQuery  is a fast and concise JavaScript
  Library that simplifies HTML document
  traversing, event handling, animating,
  and Ajax interactions for rapid web
  development. jQuery is designed to
  change the way that you write
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   There are many JavaScript libraries out there, but
    so far I have found jQuery to be the best, why so?
   It’s lightweight (only one file, doesn’t cause
    multiple HTTP requests such as, for example, Dojo
    does in certain cases)
   It’s well documented and easy to learn (check out
    tutorials, use Google and check out
   It has a great way to utilize CSS selectors
   It’s constantly evolving
   It performs very well
   It has a good plugin system
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

// jQuery and its CSS selectors can be used via global variable $
// (or jQuery), let's take a look at some new and previous
// examples how to use jQuery

// alerts how many external anchors there are on the page

// Setting external anchors' target="_blank" is a one-liner
$('a.external').attr('target', '_blank');

// One great feature in jQuery is chainability (setters return
// themselves so we can call series of sets in chain)
// Select class="errorMessages" elements and do bunch of stuff to them
   .css({'background' : '#d00', 'color' : '#fff'})
Perttu Myry                           6.11.2012

   <div class="inputRow">Row #1: <input type="text" /> <span class=”button">Save</span></div>
   <div class="inputRow">Row #2: <input type="text" /> <span class=”button">Save</span></div>
   <!-- and so on... -->

<script type="text/javascript">
// could bind event listener to each row separately, but here it's more efficient to use event delegation
// which adds only one event listener to body and once click event bubbles up to body element,
// jQuery checks whether click originated from element that fits the given CSS selector
$(document.body).delegate('div.inputRow span:not(.disabled)', 'click', function(e) {
   var span = $(this), input = $('input', span.parent());
   span.addClass('disabled'); // disable save button when it is clicked for the first time
   // do something with the data in this row...
// delegate keyup event handler to catch all input keyup events in input row
$(document.body).delegate('div.inputRow input', 'keyup', function(e) {
   // event is always found from e attribute regardless of browser
   if(e.keyCode === 13) {
      $('span.button', $(this).parent()).trigger('click');
Perttu Myry              6.11.2012

// Animating with jQuery is a blast, get element id="infoBox",
// hide it immediately and reveal it during 0,5s animation

// Or get all class="openElement" elements in accordion
// and reveal their contents via 300ms slideDown animation
$('.accordion .openElement .content').slideDown(300);

// And AJAX is made also easy and flexible, check out api
$.ajax('', {
    success : function(data) {
       // Update id="newsContainer" element's HTML content
    error : function() {
       $('#newsContainer').html('News feed is currently unavailable');

// Accordion example available at
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Modern Web Technologies
Table of Contents

 JavaScript
 CSS3
 Resources
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Colors and opacity
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   “Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet
    language used for describing the presentation
    semantics (the look and formatting) of a
    document written in a markup language.”
   CSS1 official recommendation published by W3C
    in 1996 and CSS2 in 1998
   Unlike previous recommendations, CSS3 consists of
    modules which progress in different stages
   Under constant development, some CSS3 features
    can be used as defined in standard, some via
    browser specific prefixes and some not at all
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

 Inorder to cover as much browsers as
  possible, you often have to define set of
  browser specific prefixes
 CSS3 Please! provides good cross-browser
  compatible CSS3 examples
 Also some tools, such as Prefixr, can be
  used to produce cross-browser
  compatible code
 CSS3 Cheat Sheet
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Colors and opacity
   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Colors and opacity
   CSS3 opacity can be used to define visibility
    or transparency of an element
   Value 0 means completely transparent
    element is 1 completely visible element, 0.5
    means 50% transparent element
   IE versions 6-8 support this via filter, cross-
    browser compatible code can be found from
    CSS3 Please!
   Setting opacity affects also descendant
    elements’ opacity
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

Colors and opacity
   If you want to create partially transparent
    background and yet keep text completely
    opaque, you can use rgba or hsla colors
   Setting rbg(red, green, blue) colors works in all
    major browsers, but rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
    is not supported by IE 6-8, for those you can go for
    CSS-Tricks gradient workaround
   Or if you want you can use 32-bit PNG images with
    partial transparency in IE 7 and 8, but IE 6 fails to
    show 32-bit PNG transparency, you could go for 8-
    bit partial transparent PNG images, but only few
    programs (not even Photoshop) are able to make
    such files
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   CSS has had border support from version 1
   CSS3 adds possibility to create better looking
    borders via border-radius (rounded corners)
    and border-image (use image as border)
   Check out border-radius from CSS3 Please!
   CSS-Tricks border-image tutorial
   Example of border-image (this is the image
    used in borders)
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   Similar to border, background has been part
    of CSS since first version
   CSS2 introduced possibility to define multiple
    backgrounds separated by comma
   CSS3 adds three new properties: background-
    clip, background-origin and background-size
   The last one is especially useful when making
    background images cover the whole window
    using background-size: cover
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   Via CSS3 you don’t have to enter Photoshop
    anymore in order to make gradients
   Provides flexibility as colors are configurable in
    CSS whereas in picture you’re stuck until you
    update the picture
   When combined with rgba colors, you can
    create transparent gradients and just change
    background-color in order to achieve easily
    configurable color schemes
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

 Also   faster because doesn’t need HTTP
  request to fetch the background image
 Still early draft so lots of different browser
  prefixes are needed for cross-browser
 Defining gradients is best done via such
  tool as Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
  that provides you with CSS code you can
  copy-paste in your CSS file
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

   CSS3 has two shadow types which are box-
    shadow (casts shadow to any element) and
    text-shadow (casts shadow to text)
   Shadows have four attributes: x-offset, y-
    offset, radius (blur) and color
   Box shadows can be drawn inside element
    providing fifth attribute, keyword ”inset”
   W3Schools box-shadow and text-shadow
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Text and fonts
   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Text and fonts
   CSS3 contains few useful properties when
    working with text
   In case element’s overflow is set to hidden,
    text-overflow can be set to ellipsis to show ...
    at the end of the clipped text
   Another property, word-wrap, can be set to
    break-word in order to allow adding line
    break to unbreakable words (contains no
    spaces or hyphens)
   And property columns can be used to split
    content into multiple columns
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Text and fonts
   But what really is the greatest text tool in CSS3
    is web fonts via font-face property
   Finally you can provide decent typography,
    not just the same old web safe fonts
   Via services like Google Web Fonts or Font
    Squirrel adding custom fonts is easier and
    more fun than ever before
   If you do not find your pick from those or other
    web services, you can create your own ones
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Selectors and media queries
   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Selectors and media queries
   CSS3 has powerful new selectors which can
    be used to easily decorate your site or
   W3Schools selector reference contains good
    list and also states in which CSS version a
    selector has been introduced to CSS
   Especially attribute, such as a[src^="http"],
    and nth-child(even|odd) selectors have
    been proven very useful
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Selectors and media queries
   Yet another powerful concept introduced in
    CSS3 are media queries
   In CSS2 you can define different styles for
    different media types, such as screen and
   In CSS3 you can define new kind of rules
    when styles apply or don’t apply
   This enables responsive design that allows you
    to use single code base for different platforms
    and devices
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Transitions and transforms
   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

Transitions and transforms
   Via transforms you can rotate, scale and skew
   On webkit browser you can also do 3D transforms
   If browser supports CSS3 transitions, animating is as
    easy as defining transition property to element
   Again lots of browser prefixes exist so you can get
    best outcome using CSS3 Please!
   You can define what will be animated, in which
    duration and using what kind of easing algorithm
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   Introduction
   Colors and opacity
   Borders
   Backgrounds
   Shadows
   Text and fonts
   Selectors and media queries
   Transitions and transforms
   Tweaks
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012


 Few  more tweaks that might be useful
 Box sizing example
 Enable changing element size via resize
 Setting border to element changes
  element’s dimensions, this can be
  avoided by using outline instead of
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Modern Web Technologies
Table of Contents

 JavaScript
 CSS3
 Resources
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry           6.11.2012


Introduction                  Offline & Storage

                              Device Access



                              3D, Graphics and Effects

                              Performance and Integration

Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

   Fifth revision of HTML markup language
   Not yet completed standard
   Predecessor HTML 4.01 standard not updated
    since 2000
   Started by Web Hypertext Application
    Technology Working Group (WHATWG), now
    joined by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
   New standard adds new elements, removes
    some old ones and adds new APIs
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

 Provides functionality that was previously
  possible only via third party plug-ins, such
  as Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight
     More advanced mathematically produced
      graphics (SVG, canvas, CSS3)
     Smooth animations
     Video and audio playback
     Socket connections (for example, possibility
      to create highly performing chat without
      having to poll for data using interval)
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

New elements and selectors
   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry          6.11.2012

New elements and selectors
   More detailed information in W3Schools HTML5
   Semantic elements: article, aside, bdi, command,
    details, summary, figure, figcaption, footer, header,
    hgroup, mark, meter, nav, progress, ruby, rt, rp,
    section, time, wbr
   Media elements: audio, video, source, embed, track
   Canvas element: canvas
   Form elements: datalist, keygen, output
   Removed elements: acronym, applet, basefont, big,
    center, dir, font, frame, frameset, noframes, strike, tt,
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

New elements and selectors
   New <input> types: color, date, datetime,
    datetime-local, email, month, number, range,
    search, tel, time, url, week
   New <form> attributes: autocomplete, novalidate
   New <input> attributes: autocomplete, autofocus,
    form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod,
    formnovalidate, formtarget, height and width, list,
    min and max, multiple, pattern (regexp),
    placeholder, required, step
   New selectors: getElementsByClassName,
    querySelector and querySelectorAll
   HTML5 Cheat Sheet
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

Audio and video
   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Audio and video
   Possibility to embed sound via <audio> tag
    and video by <video> tag
   Supported by all major browsers
   Content written inside <audio> or <video> tag
    will be used as fallback in non-supported
   This provides excellent possibility to use HTML5
    if possible, fallback to Flash (or some other
    third-party technology) in older browsers or
    finally fallback to show some error message in
    completely non-supported environments
Perttu Myry            6.11.2012

Audio and video
   HTML attributes
       controls : Displays the standard HTML5 controls for the
        audio on the web page
       autoplay : Makes the content play automatically
       loop : Make the content repeat (loop) automatically
   DOM methods
       play(): Play the audio/video
       pause(): Pause the playback
       load(): Load new source to player
       canPlayType(): Check whether browser can playback
        certain audio or video format (such as ”video/mp4” or
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Audio and video

 DOM     properties
     currentSrc, currentTime, videoWidth,
      videoHeight, duration, ended, error,
      paused, muted, seeking, volume, height,
 DOM     events
     play, pause, progress, error, timeupdate,
      ended, abort, empty, emptied, waiting,
Perttu Myry          6.11.2012

Audio and video

 Testing <audio> tag
 Testing <video> tag
 <video> with custom controls
 And to make life even easier, you can use
  third party players like JW Player or jPlayer
     HTML5 and automatic fallback to Flash
     Consistent API in all browsers regardless
      HTML5 or Flash is used
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Web storage provides possibility to store data
    locally into browser
       localStorage: permanent data storage
       sessionStorage: temporary data storage, data is
        cleared when session dies (when browser
        window/tab is closed, depends on browser
   No more cookies! Supported by all major browsers
   Via feature detection it is possible to create such
    functionality that will use localStorage if available
    or fallback to cookies (old IE < 8)
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets

 Web   workers can be used to execute
  resource heavy JavaScript calculations in
  the background without interrupting UI
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
// Code examples from

// Main script
var worker = new Worker('doWork.js');

worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  console.log('Worker said: ',;
}, false);

worker.postMessage('Hello World'); // Send data to our worker.

// doWork.js (the worker):
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets

 ”WebSockets       is a technique for two-way
  communication over one (TCP) socket, a
  type of PUSH technology. At the moment,
  it’s still being standardized by the W3C;
  however, the latest versions of Chrome
  and Safari have support for WebSockets.”
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Pushing data to client can also be achieved
    by technique called long polling
       Client sends HTTP request to server, but server
        does not send response until certain timeout is
        reached or it has some data to respond
       Once client received response, it immediately
        fires up new ”long poll” HTTP request
       This way there is always one connection live
        between client and server
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   In some environments socket connections can be
    blocked by firewalls depending on what port is
    used for the socket connection
   Sometimes can be solved by routing
       Configure two different IP addresses, A for normal
        HTTP requests and B for socket connections
       Make socket connections to B port 80 and route
        connection to some custom port on A
       This solution can also cause problems, advanced
        firewalls can detect request containing non-HTTP
        traffic to port 80 and again block the request
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   At the moment these slides were created, only
    Firefox, Chrome and Safari supported sockets, if
    this is not an issue and firewalls are not a problem
    in your case, go for sockets
   Strips away HTTP headers and therefore requires
    less bandwidth
   Also handling socket connections can be done by
    some really light weight server side
    implementation, such as something created using
   This can provide really well performing
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

Web storage, web workers and web sockets
 Don’t try to reinvent the wheel by yourself,
  there are several third-party tools to help
  you out
 One excellent option is Socket.IO
     Based on Node.js
     Provides fallbacks which makes it
      compatible with practically every browser
     No personal experience, but based on
      ”how to use” examples looks very simple
      and lightweight
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry         6.11.2012

   Can be used to locate user via
       GPS
       A-GPS (assistive GPS, triangulation between mobile
        phone towers and public masts)
       Wi-Fi hotspots
       IP address ranges
   User is prompted for permission per domain
   Browsers will remember the decision if not
    bypassed or specifically changed later in browser
    settings by user
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

// Function showMap is used to handle successful get position
function showMap(position) {
   // Position has coords property which furthermore has
   // properties latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy,
   // altitudeAccuracy, heading and speed
   var lat = position.coords.latitude;
   var lon = position.coords.longitude;
   var map = new google.maps.Map($("#myMap").get(0), {
       zoom: 12,
       center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon),
       mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

// Availability can be checked via navigator.geolocation property
if(navigator.geolocation) {
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

Drag and drop
   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

Drag and drop
   Arguably the worst part of HTML5
   ”No one will argue that HTML5's DnD model is
    complicated compared to other solutions like
    JQuery UI.”
    HTML5 Rocks DnD tutorial
   Seams easy at the beginning, just add
    draggable=”true” to any element you want
    to drag
   This just makes elements draggable, you
    cannot drop them anywhere
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

Drag and drop
   Adding some functionality into dragging can be
    achieved via seven events which are dragstart,
    drag, dragenter, dragleave, dragover, drop and
   There are differences in how different browsers
    have implemented these events
   In dragover event handler default action needs to
    be prevented in order to enable dropping
   DnD ”magic” happens in event’s DataTransfer
   HTML5 Rocks tutorial covers this topic well
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

File API
   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   Drag and drop
   File API
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

File API
   Provides functionality to let user select files,
    read content of those files and then use them
    directly or upload them to server
   Files can be selected either via <input
    type=”file”> or by dragging them from file
    system to browser window
   In case <input> is used, ”change” event
    listener needs to be bind to the input
   In case drag and drop is used, check out how
    DnD works in previous chapters few slides
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012

File API
 Simple  file DnD (drag and drop) demo
 Good tutorial with nice examples
 Upload images using DnD and service
  automatically resizes and provides
  different size versions of uploaded images
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   File API
   Drag and drop
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry      6.11.2012

   Not actually part of any standard, but worth
    mentioning here
   Only webkit currently supports notifications
   Can be used to show notifications to user
    outside the browser window (if user allows
    notifications, compare to geolocation)
   Works even if browser window is minimized
   Again, HTML5 Rocks tutorial covers this well
Perttu Myry    6.11.2012

   Introduction
   New elements and selectors
   Audio and video
   Web storage, web workers and web sockets
   Geolocation
   File API
   Drag and drop
   Notifications
   Canvas
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   Canvas element can be used to draw graphics
   Has only two attributes, width and height, which
    are both optional and can be set using DOM
   Similar to <audio> and <video> elements, fallback
    content can be written <canvas>inside canvas
   Drawing into canvas can be done via rendering
    context that can currently be 2D for most browsers
    and also 3D for browsers that support WebGL
   IE 9 supports canvas, for older versions of IE
    ExplorerCanvas can be used
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012


 2D  examples
 Canvas 2D context methods and
 W3Schools simple demo
 Flash killer
 Video particles
 Biolab Disaster
 Collection of 15 examples
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012


 3D examples
 3D picture wall
 Canvascape
 How to create particle system using
 CanvasMol
 Quake 2 ported to HTML5 (Youtube)
 Collection of 10 WebGL examples
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

Modern Web Technologies
Table of Contents

 JavaScript
 CSS3
 Resources
Perttu Myry        6.11.2012

   Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
       Unpublished yet, have been reading the early
        access version and learned a lot
       Author John Resig is the creator and lead
        developer of jQuery
   Head First Design Patterns
       Learned lot of good practices from this book
       Design patterns can be used to enhance
        architecture regardless of programming
        language used
   Getting Real
       Good book about web-based application
Perttu Myry   6.11.2012

   General
       HTML5 & CSS3 Browser Support
       Modernizr
Perttu Myry       6.11.2012

   JavaScript
Perttu Myry     6.11.2012


Perttu Myry       6.11.2012


Perttu Myry    6.11.2012


 Example    covering use of JSON in sending
  and receiving data in AJAX requests
 AJAX news feed example
 JavaScript encrypt and decrypt example

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Modern Web Technologies

  • 1. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Modern Web Technologies JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5
  • 2. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Modern Web Technologies Table of Contents  JavaScript  CSS3  HTML5  Resources
  • 3. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 4. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction  Is no a subset of Java and actually has very little similarities with Java  Formalized as ECMAScript language  “JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.” WikiPedia
  • 5. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction  Has been available for long time (for example from Netscape 2 which was introduced in 1996)  Both language and engines have been evolving ever since  Primarily used in browsers  Can be executed outside browser using, for example, Rhino or Google’s V8 JavaScript engine  For example, increasingly popular Node.js platform is based on V8
  • 6. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction <!-- JavaScript can be written in many ways --> <!-- external script --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/someFile.js"></script> <!-- script block --> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('Hello world'); </script> <!-- inline (bad practise, avoid!) --> <div style="background: blue;" onmouseover=" = 'red';" onmouseout=" = 'blue';"> This div has blue background that changes to red on mouse over </div>
  • 7. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction // Here we create same global variable in four different ways // Using var statement in global scope // (scope means the context (function) in which the code is executed) var title = 'some string'; // All global variables become part of native window object // Setting object property via dot notation window.title = 'some string'; // Setting object property via square bracket notation window['title'] = 'some string'; function doSomething() { // Variable without var statement makes it // always global regardless of scope title = 'some string'; } doSomething();
  • 8. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Introduction // Two popular ways of writing functions in JavaScript // Traditional way to write a function function doSomething(someAttribute) { // Do something here... } // In JavaScript function is standard datatype (an object), // they can be passed around and copied freely, // here we copy anonymous function into doSomething variable var doSomething = function(someAttribute) { // Do something here... } // Executing function... doSomething('some value');
  • 9. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 10. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM “Interaction with the DOM is usually slower than normal JavaScript code” JavaScript Performance Best Practices, Nokia Developer Wiki
  • 11. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM  “The Document Object Model (DOM) is the model that describes how all elements in an HTML page, like input fields, images, paragraphs etc., are related to the topmost structure: the document itself. By calling the element by its proper DOM name, we can influence it.” QuirksMode  DOOM = Especially in old browsers poorly written DOM code can lead to horrible performance  JavaScript engines’ DOM performance has been dramatically increased in modern browsers
  • 12. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM  Each item in DOM is a Node  DOM can be walked through using various methods, such as firstChild, lastChild, childNodes and parentNode  Elements can be fetched using methods such as document.getElementById() or document.getElementsByTagName()
  • 13. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM <!-- Some HTML code --> <div id="contentWrapper"> <p>First paragraph, here is a link to <a class="external" href="">Google</a> </p> <p>This is second paragraph.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var wrapper = document.getElementById('contentWrapper'); // wrapper's first child is text (line break), its next sibling is the // first paragraph which first child (array index 0) is text and // second child (array index 1) is the link // alerts alert(wrapper.firstChild.nextSibling.childNodes[1].href); // same end result but easier, alerts alert(document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href); </script>
  • 14. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM  Travelling DOM like this is both worksome and code breaks rather easily if HTML structure changes  Attaching unique id attribute to each element that you want to access via JavaScript could solve problems with HTML structure changing, but it isn't very flexible option either  Let's take a look at CSS selectors
  • 15. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM <!-- Some HTML code --> <a href="go/back/to/previous/page.html">Back</a> <div id="contentWrapper"> <p>First paragraph, here is a link to <a class="external" href="">Google</a> </p> <p>This is second paragraph.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // now first anchor element is back link, alerts page.html alert(document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href); // modern browser support native CSS selectors if(document.querySelectorAll) { // find all anchors which have class name external // alerts alert(document.querySelectorAll('a.external')[0].href); } </script>
  • 16. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript DOM <!-- Okay and then something potentially useful, not just alerting stuff --> <a class="external" href="">Google</a><br /> <a class="external nounderline" href="">W3C</a><br /> <a href="link/to/some/internal/page.html">page.html</a> <script type="text/javascript"> // For example, in strict XHTML document type, anchor target attribute is not // allowed though it works in every modern browser, let's use JavaScript to make // HTML code valid and yet class="external" links open in new browser window/tab if(document.querySelectorAll) { var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('a.external'); var count = anchors.length; // NB. not checking length again in each loop /*for(var i=0; i<count; i++) { anchors[i].target = '_blank'; }*/ while(count--) { anchors[count].target = '_blank'; } } </script>
  • 17. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 18. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection  Event model provides efficient way to decouple (avoid unnecessary dependencies)  Information is delivered as events and handled via event handler functions  JavaScript has lots of native events, such as mouseover, mouseout, click etc.  External libraries, such as jQuery, can provide option to trigger and handle also custom events  Let’s take a look at DOM event flow
  • 19. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection
  • 20. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection <!-- Event handler can be registered in four different ways: inline, traditional, W3C and Microsoft --> <!– inline (again, bad practice, avoid!) --> <td onclick="alert('click over table cell');">Over the River, Charlie</td> <script type="text/javascript"> // declare variable td and function fn var td = document.getElementsByTagName('td')[1]; function fn(e) { alert('click over table cell'); }; // traditional (okay, but setting new handler overrides previous one) td.onclick = fn; // W3C (supported by all modern browsers [event type, handler, use capturing]) td.addEventListener('click', fn, false); // MS (before IE 9, notice "on" before event type and does not support capturing) td.attachEvent('onclick', fn); </script>
  • 21. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection  Feature detection is needed because different browsers support different JavaScript versions and functionality  Possibility to provide better user experience for modern browsers and yet graceful fallback for old browsers  Why not just do browser detection?  Because user agent information is not reliable and new versions of browsers can fix an error that exists in current version of the browser causing you additional overhead and maintenance
  • 22. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection // Example why you should avoid browser detection, assuming // this code was written before Internet Explorer 9 was released. function bind(element, eventType, fn) { if(navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i)) { // IE specific way of adding event listener element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, fn); } else { // W3C compatible browsers element.addEventListener(eventType, fn, false); } } bind(document.getElementById('someButton', 'click', function(e) { alert('element with id="someButton" was clicked'); }));
  • 23. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection  So what went wrong with browser detection?  IE 9 introduced W3C compatible addEventListener which all other major browser had been using  Actually in this case IE 9 still supports attachEvent, but we cannot know whether attachEvent will be removed in some future IE version  When we write code we cannot foresee all these kind of changes, what can we do?
  • 24. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection // Fixed example using feature detection that works in "all" browsers function bind(element, eventType, fn) { if(element.addEventListener) { // W3C compatible browsers element.addEventListener(eventType, fn, false); } else if(element.attachEvent) { // Old IE specific way of adding event listener element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, fn); } else { // Oldest browsers support neither, could write lengthy // fallback which could mimic W3C/MS models, but in this // case we simply don't support old browsers alert('Sorry, this application does not support old browsers'); } }
  • 25. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection // Usage examples bind(document.getElementById('someButton'), 'click', function(e) { alert('element with id="someButton" was clicked'); }); bind(document.getElementById('someInput'), 'keyup', function(e) { var event = e || window.event; // Force input value to lower case this.value = this.value.toLowerCase(); // If user hits "enter" we call doSearch() method if(event.keyCode === 13) { doSearch(); } });
  • 26. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection // Event triggering function trigger(element, eventType) { var event; if(document.createEvent) { // W3C compatible browsers event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent(eventType, true, true); } else if(document.createEventObject) { // Old IE specific syntax event = document.createEventObject(); event.eventType = 'on' + eventType; } else { // Not supporting oldest browsers alert('Sorry, this application does not support old browsers'); return; } event.eventName = eventType; if(document.createEvent) { element.dispatchEvent(event); } else { element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event); } }
  • 27. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection <!-- Usage examples --> <div class="inputRow">Row #1: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div> <div class="inputRow">Row #2: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div> <div class="inputRow">Row #3: <input type="text" /> <span class="button">Save</span></div> <!-- and so on... --> <script type="text/javascript"> function doSave(value) { alert('value saved: ' + value); } function getEvent(e) { return e || window.event; // old IE browsers store event in window object } function getTarget(event) { return || event.srcElement; // and there are differences in event attributes } // continue on next slide...
  • 28. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Events and Feature Detection var inputRows = document.querySelectorAll('div.inputRow'), i = inputRows.length; while(i--) { // bind click event handler to all span elements in input row bind(inputRows[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0], 'click', function(e) { var target = getTarget(getEvent(e)); if(this.className.match(/disabled/)) { return; } this.className += ' disabled'; // disable save button once it has been clicked once // do something with the data in this row... doSave(target.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value); }); // bind keyup event handler to all input elements in input row bind(inputRows[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0], 'keyup', function(e) { var event = getEvent(e); var target = getTarget(event); if(event.keyCode === 13) { trigger(target.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[0], 'click'); } }); } </script>
  • 29. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 30. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML  ”AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.” W3Schools AJAX Tutorial  You might also encounter term AJAJ which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON
  • 31. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  Based on XMLHttpRequest object that can be used to make HTTP request as a background operation  Why AJAX?  Enhanced user experience  Better performing web sites and applications (it is much faster to fetch and update only small part of the page versus reloading the whole page)  Can be used to assemble data from various sources to a single page  Check out iGoogle
  • 32. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON function ajax(url, fn) { var req; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // once again, old IE implementation differs from W3C req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } req.onreadystatechange = function() { if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { fn(req.responseText); } }'GET', url, true); req.send(); }
  • 33. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON // Notice that these requests are asynchronous. This means that // calling ajax(someUrl) does not stop JavaScript execution until // response is received. This also means we have no way of knowing // which one of these requests will receive response first. ajax('some/test/file.txt', function(response) { alert('Fetched file.txt content using AJAX: ' + response); }); ajax('another/site/page.html', function(response) { alert('Fetched page.html content using AJAX: ' + response); });
  • 34. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  JSON = JavaScript Object Notation  XML is one of the most used data exhance formats, but in JavaScript JSON format is more straightforward  Backends support JSON very well  For example, in PHP 5.2 JSON is enabled by default and Zend_Json can be used to make XML-to-JSON conversion (useful in case your application is currently using XML and you want to switch to use JSON in certain cases)  JSON example messages
  • 35. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON <!-- Modern browsers have built-in support for JSON via global JSON object, JSON2 library can be used to support older browsers (JSON2 is light and uses native JSON object if one is available) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myObject = { 'name' : 'John', 'age' : 43 }; // Convert object into JSON string var jsonString = JSON.stringify(myObject); // Convert JSON string back to JavaScript object var myObject = JSON.parse(jsonString); </script>
  • 36. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  Doing cross domain AJAX requests doesn’t work because of same origin policy  Best solution is to create a resource on your own server which then makes the cross domain request (no policy issues and you can cache results)  In case you have control over your server environment, you can also use Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to allow AJAX requests from certain domains  If you are not in control of the server, you might still be able to use JSONP (if server supports this technique) 
  • 37. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON  Be careful though when using JSONP  It adds new script tag to your page  Contents of the script are controlled by third party  Therefore load data only from sites which you trust  Malicious sites can exploit this and inject harmful code into your site  Response could be something like /*harmful JS code here*/ + yourCallbackFnName(/*json data here*/)  This way it would look like request works correctly, but also harmful JS code would be executed
  • 38. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript AJAX and JSON <!-- JSONP technique exploits script tag which is not restricted to same domain policy as XMLHttpRequest is --> <script type="text/javascript"> // Define callback function function myCallbackFunction(json) { // do something with json data here... }; // Create script element var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); // Set script src to a twitter feed, adding callback param wraps // the response into myCallbackFunction(/*json data here*/); scriptTag.src = ' include_rts=true&screen_name=twitterapi&count=2&callback=myCallbackFunction'; // Append the script to document head document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptTag); </script>
  • 39. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 40. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations  When transition between two different stages is done in 2 or more steps which are not executed at once, it can be considered as an animation  In JavaScript this could be, for example, change of position, size, color or opacity  Well designed animations look good and can enhance user experience  Poorly designed and/or implemented animations look bad, are annoying and will make user experience worse
  • 41. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations  So according to definition changing, for example, element width from 100px to 200px is not animated if it’s done  either in one step  or in n steps, but all steps are executed immediately without any delay  In order not to execute all steps immediately, we need to wait between steps  Traditionally this can be achieved either via setTimeout or setInterval methods
  • 42. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations <div id="someBox" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 10px;"> I am a box </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var box = document.getElementById('someBox'), left = 0; function moveBox() { = (left += 5) + 'px'; } // setTimeout will call function once, box will move 5 pixels to // right 100 milliseconds after this function call and stop setTimeout(moveBox, 100); // setInterval will call function again and again, box will move // 5 pixels to every 20th millisecond setInterval(moveBox, 20); </script>
  • 43. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations  My box just keeps on running and eventually floats outside screen, how about stopping the animation?  setTimeout and setInterval methods return unique id which can be used to cancel the timeout via clearTimeout(id) or clearInterval(id) methods
  • 44. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations // Let's do bit different version of moveBox function function moveBox(amount, max) { // Left value is string like '15px', parseFloat converts that to number 15 var newLeft = parseFloat( + amount; = newLeft + 'px'; if(newLeft > max) { return false; } return true; } var intervalId = setInterval(function() { // Move box 5px more to right in each step every 10ms // until it goes 500px from the left, this means that // animation duration is 500 / 5 * 10ms = 1000ms = 1s if(moveBox(5, 500) === false) { clearInterval(intervalId); } }, 10);
  • 45. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Animations  Animating like this is quite a bit of work and doesn’t seem very flexible  In addition, setTimeout and setInterval are not accurate (function might be executed some milliseconds late because it’s placed on queue)  Modern browser support a method called requestAnimationFrame which can be used to create better performing, more accurately executed and thus also smoother animations  In jQuery chapter we’ll take another look at animations and how they can be done quite much easier and more flexibly
  • 46. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 47. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript  OOP in JavaScript differs from traditional languages  JavaScript doesn’t have traditional way of creating classes, defining public, protected or private variables and methods inside class  Some things in JavaScript are not possible, such as defining protected variables or methods
  • 48. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript // Define a new class Car function Car(model) { // Keyword this points to current object // Public property model this.model = model; // Private variable carColor (only visible in this scope) var carColor = 'Red'; // Public setter and getter for color (visible outside this scope) this.getColor = function() { return carColor; }; this.setColor = function(color) { carColor = color; }; }
  • 49. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript // Create new Car var ford = new Car('Ford'); alert(ford.model); // Alerts "Ford" alert(ford.getColor()); // Alerts "Red" (default) ford.setColor('Blue'); // Change ford color alert(ford.getColor()); // Alerts "Blue" // Testing that variable carColor really is private // Alerts undefined (carColor is not public property of Car) alert(ford.carColor); // Alerts undefined (variable carColor is not in global scope) alert(carColor);
  • 50. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript  The dangerous keyword this  In JavaScript keyword this points to the "owner" of the function  Powerful concept, but often causes problems due misunderstanding or misusing  It's crucial to understand the difference of copying a function compared to referring to a function  Can be affected via call or apply functions
  • 51. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript <!-- Few examples of common ways to misuse this --> <div id="testElement"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function highlight() { = '#d00'; }; this === window; // true highlight(); // causes error, because is undefined // copy function to onmouseover document.getElementById('testElement').onmouseover = highlight; </script> <!-- refer to function, this points to window and causes error --> <div onmouseover="highlight();"></div> <!-- force this point to div element using call function --> <div onmouseover=";"></div>
  • 52. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript // OOP example of how keyword this can be misused var Person = function(nickname) { this.nickname = nickname; }; // New methods to classes can be introduced via prototype Person.prototype.sayName = function() { alert(this.nickname); }; var john = new Person('John'); var jane = new Person('Jane'); john.sayName(); // Alerts "John" // Here we copy the function to global variable (owned by window object) var sayJohnName = john.sayName; // And now keyword "this" points to global window object sayJohnName(); // Alerts undefined // Function call or apply can be used to define where "this" points; // Alerts "John"; // Alerts "Jane"
  • 53. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Object-Oriented JavaScript // Singleton pattern in JavaScript suggested by Douglas Crockford var CarFactory = (function() { // Variables created inside this scope are private var createdModels = []; // Return object which contains all public methods return { createCar : function(model) { var car = {}; car.model = model; createdModels.push(model); return car; }, countCreatedModels : function() { alert(createdModels.length); }, alertCreatedModels : function() { alert(createdModels.join(', ')); } }; })(); // executes function, CarFactory will now contain what the function returns CarFactory.createCar('Ford'); CarFactory.createCar('Dodge'); CarFactory.createCar('Hyundai'); CarFactory.countCreatedModels(); // Alerts 3 CarFactory.alertCreatedModels(); // Alerts "Ford, Dodge, Hyundai"
  • 54. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Unobtrusive JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 55. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript  Modern aproach to writing JavaScript  Separate functionality and content (do not use inline JavaScript)  Follow JavaScript best practises (proper use of design patterns, namespacing code, feature detection, systematic testing...)  Progressive enhancements / gracefull fallbacks to enhance user experience for modern browsers and yet avoid fatal errors in older browsers
  • 56. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript <!-- Old school ugly way to write JavaScript --> <a href="javascript:fetchNews();">Show 10 latest news</a> <script type="text/javascript"> // introducing global function fetchNews function fetchNews() { // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX... }; </script>
  • 57. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript <!-- Better in terms of decoupling plus does not introduce new global function fetchNews, but this does nothing if JavaScript support has been disabled in browser settings --> <a href="#" id="fetchNews">Show 10 latest news</a> <script type="text/javascript"> bind(document.getElementById('fetchNews'), 'click', function(e) { // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX... }); </script>
  • 58. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript <!-- Proper unobtrusive way is to provide fallback. Now if JavaScript is enabled system will fetch news using AJAX, but in JavaScript disabled environments browser will open latestNews.php script and thus site will always work. --> <a href="latestNews.php" id="fetchNews">Show 10 latest news</a> <script type="text/javascript"> bind(document.getElementById('fetchNews'), 'click', function(e) { var event = e || window.event; // prevents browser to go to latestNews.php event.preventDefault(); // fetch 10 latest news here using AJAX... }); </script>
  • 59. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript // Let’s imagine you are creating an application Custom Cars, this application will be big // so you decide to create few different classes to handle different kind of functionality function CustomCarsFactory() {/* factory code here*/}; function CustomCarsTires() {/* tires code here*/}; function CustomCarsBling() { this.addSpinners = function(car) {/* add spinners to tire rims... */}; }; function CustomCarsShop = new function() { // custom cars shop code here... }; var factory = new CustomCarsFactory(); var tires = new CustomCarsTires(); var bling = new CustomCarsBling(); var myCar = factory.makeCar(); tires.makeTires(myCar); bling.addSpinners(myCar); shop.sellCar(myCar); // Declared total of 8 global variables, could this be done any better?
  • 60. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript // Use namespacing and singleton pattern var CustomCars = (function() { return { Factory : function() { return { createCar : function() { // here we create a new car... }, Tires : function() { return { makeTires : function(car) { // here we create tires to the car... } }; }(), Bling : function() { return { addSpinners : function(car) { // add spinners to tire rims... } }; }() }; }() }; })(); // executes function, CustomCars will now contain what the function returns // Continue on next slide...
  • 61. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Unobtrusive JavaScript // On previous page we added indentation quite quickly, here is another // way to add public methods to CustomCars singleton class without going // wild with indentation CustomCars.Shop = function() { return { sellCar : function(car) { // here we sell cars... alert('car sold :)'); } }; }(); // Use Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to avoid polluting global scope (function() { // Here we are working in local scope, // thus myCar will not become global variable var myCar = CustomCars.Factory.createCar(); CustomCars.Factory.Tires.makeTires(myCar); CustomCars.Factory.Bling.addSpinners(myCar); CustomCars.Shop.sellCar(myCar); })();
  • 62. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Debugging  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  Unobtrusive JavaScript  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 63. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Debugging  Modern browsers provide good JavaScript debug tools  Firebug for Firefox  Chrome Developer Tools  IE Developer Tools (starting from IE 8)  Opera Dragonfly  Eachprovides a console into which developers can log statements
  • 64. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Debugging  Firebug and Chrome provide excellent tools which can be used also for creating breakpoints, checking network connections, inspecting DOM tree, manipulating HTML and CSS on the fly, collecting profiles and so on  Firebug Lite can be used, for example, for old Internet Explorer browsers (IE 6+)  Not as complete as Firebug, but provides many useful features, such on console logging, HTML inspection and CSS manipulation
  • 65. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Debugging // Console grouping and logging'fruits'); console.log('apple'); console.debug('orange');'banana'); console.warn('pineapple'); console.error('peach'); console.groupEnd(); // Tracing (function() { var test = function() { console.trace(); }; test(); })(); // More complete example available at
  • 66. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript Debugging  Word of warning: old browsers do not support global console variable so leaving console.log() statements in your code will cause errors in old browsers  You can remove all your debug code before it goes to production  Or you can write simple console support for old browsers (  And there are also ready made solutions which you can utilize console-log/
  • 67. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery  Introduction  DOM  Events and Feature Detection  Unobtrusive JavaScript  AJAX and JSON  Animations  Object-Oriented JavaScript  Debugging  jQuery
  • 68. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery  So far we have noticed that there are quite a lot of browser inconsistencies and we’ve just scratched the surface here  Writing cross-browser compatible JavaScript isn’t easy  Though browsers in use are continuously renewing, there are still lots of old browser versions used worldwide
  • 69. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery
  • 70. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery  ”jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.”
  • 71. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery  There are many JavaScript libraries out there, but so far I have found jQuery to be the best, why so?  It’s lightweight (only one file, doesn’t cause multiple HTTP requests such as, for example, Dojo does in certain cases)  It’s well documented and easy to learn (check out tutorials, use Google and check out  It has a great way to utilize CSS selectors  It’s constantly evolving  It performs very well  It has a good plugin system
  • 72. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery // jQuery and its CSS selectors can be used via global variable $ // (or jQuery), let's take a look at some new and previous // examples how to use jQuery // alerts how many external anchors there are on the page alert(jQuery('a.external').length); // Setting external anchors' target="_blank" is a one-liner $('a.external').attr('target', '_blank'); // One great feature in jQuery is chainability (setters return // themselves so we can call series of sets in chain) // Select class="errorMessages" elements and do bunch of stuff to them $('.errorMessages') .css({'background' : '#d00', 'color' : '#fff'}) .opacity(0.8) .addClass('someNewClassName') .removeClass('removeSomeClassName') .height('120px');
  • 73. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery <html><body> <div class="inputRow">Row #1: <input type="text" /> <span class=”button">Save</span></div> <div class="inputRow">Row #2: <input type="text" /> <span class=”button">Save</span></div> <!-- and so on... --> </div> </body></html> <script type="text/javascript"> // could bind event listener to each row separately, but here it's more efficient to use event delegation // which adds only one event listener to body and once click event bubbles up to body element, // jQuery checks whether click originated from element that fits the given CSS selector $(document.body).delegate('div.inputRow span:not(.disabled)', 'click', function(e) { var span = $(this), input = $('input', span.parent()); span.addClass('disabled'); // disable save button when it is clicked for the first time // do something with the data in this row... doSave(input.value); }); // delegate keyup event handler to catch all input keyup events in input row $(document.body).delegate('div.inputRow input', 'keyup', function(e) { // event is always found from e attribute regardless of browser if(e.keyCode === 13) { $('span.button', $(this).parent()).trigger('click'); } }); </script>
  • 74. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 JavaScript jQuery // Animating with jQuery is a blast, get element id="infoBox", // hide it immediately and reveal it during 0,5s animation $('#infoBox').hide().show(500); // Or get all class="openElement" elements in accordion // and reveal their contents via 300ms slideDown animation $('.accordion .openElement .content').slideDown(300); // And AJAX is made also easy and flexible, check out api $.ajax('', { success : function(data) { // Update id="newsContainer" element's HTML content $('#newsContainer').html(data); }, error : function() { $('#newsContainer').html('News feed is currently unavailable'); } }); // Accordion example available at
  • 75. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Modern Web Technologies Table of Contents  JavaScript  CSS3  HTML5  Resources
  • 76. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Introduction  Introduction  Borders  Backgrounds  Colors and opacity  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 77. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Introduction  “Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language.” Wikipedia  CSS1 official recommendation published by W3C in 1996 and CSS2 in 1998  Unlike previous recommendations, CSS3 consists of modules which progress in different stages  Under constant development, some CSS3 features can be used as defined in standard, some via browser specific prefixes and some not at all
  • 78. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Introduction  Inorder to cover as much browsers as possible, you often have to define set of browser specific prefixes  CSS3 Please! provides good cross-browser compatible CSS3 examples  Also some tools, such as Prefixr, can be used to produce cross-browser compatible code  CSS3 Cheat Sheet
  • 79. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Colors and opacity  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 80. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Colors and opacity  CSS3 opacity can be used to define visibility or transparency of an element  Value 0 means completely transparent element is 1 completely visible element, 0.5 means 50% transparent element  IE versions 6-8 support this via filter, cross- browser compatible code can be found from CSS3 Please!  Setting opacity affects also descendant elements’ opacity
  • 81. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Colors and opacity  If you want to create partially transparent background and yet keep text completely opaque, you can use rgba or hsla colors  Setting rbg(red, green, blue) colors works in all major browsers, but rgba(red, green, blue, alpha) is not supported by IE 6-8, for those you can go for CSS-Tricks gradient workaround  Or if you want you can use 32-bit PNG images with partial transparency in IE 7 and 8, but IE 6 fails to show 32-bit PNG transparency, you could go for 8- bit partial transparent PNG images, but only few programs (not even Photoshop) are able to make such files
  • 82. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Borders  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 83. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Borders  CSS has had border support from version 1  CSS3 adds possibility to create better looking borders via border-radius (rounded corners) and border-image (use image as border)  Check out border-radius from CSS3 Please!  CSS-Tricks border-image tutorial  Example of border-image (this is the image used in borders)
  • 84. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Backgrounds  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 85. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Backgrounds  Similar to border, background has been part of CSS since first version  CSS2 introduced possibility to define multiple backgrounds separated by comma  CSS3 adds three new properties: background- clip, background-origin and background-size  The last one is especially useful when making background images cover the whole window using background-size: cover
  • 86. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Backgrounds  Via CSS3 you don’t have to enter Photoshop anymore in order to make gradients  Provides flexibility as colors are configurable in CSS whereas in picture you’re stuck until you update the picture  When combined with rgba colors, you can create transparent gradients and just change background-color in order to achieve easily configurable color schemes 
  • 87. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Backgrounds  Also faster because doesn’t need HTTP request to fetch the background image  Still early draft so lots of different browser prefixes are needed for cross-browser support  Defining gradients is best done via such tool as Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator that provides you with CSS code you can copy-paste in your CSS file
  • 88. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Shadows  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 89. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Shadows  CSS3 has two shadow types which are box- shadow (casts shadow to any element) and text-shadow (casts shadow to text)  Shadows have four attributes: x-offset, y- offset, radius (blur) and color  Box shadows can be drawn inside element providing fifth attribute, keyword ”inset”  W3Schools box-shadow and text-shadow references 
  • 90. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Text and fonts  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 91. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Text and fonts  CSS3 contains few useful properties when working with text  In case element’s overflow is set to hidden, text-overflow can be set to ellipsis to show ... at the end of the clipped text  Another property, word-wrap, can be set to break-word in order to allow adding line break to unbreakable words (contains no spaces or hyphens)  And property columns can be used to split content into multiple columns
  • 92. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Text and fonts  But what really is the greatest text tool in CSS3 is web fonts via font-face property  Finally you can provide decent typography, not just the same old web safe fonts  Via services like Google Web Fonts or Font Squirrel adding custom fonts is easier and more fun than ever before  If you do not find your pick from those or other web services, you can create your own ones 
  • 93. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Selectors and media queries  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 94. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Selectors and media queries  CSS3 has powerful new selectors which can be used to easily decorate your site or application  W3Schools selector reference contains good list and also states in which CSS version a selector has been introduced to CSS  Especially attribute, such as a[src^="http"], and nth-child(even|odd) selectors have been proven very useful 
  • 95. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Selectors and media queries  Yet another powerful concept introduced in CSS3 are media queries  In CSS2 you can define different styles for different media types, such as screen and print  In CSS3 you can define new kind of rules when styles apply or don’t apply  This enables responsive design that allows you to use single code base for different platforms and devices
  • 96. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Transitions and transforms  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 97. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Transitions and transforms  Via transforms you can rotate, scale and skew elements  On webkit browser you can also do 3D transforms  If browser supports CSS3 transitions, animating is as easy as defining transition property to element  Again lots of browser prefixes exist so you can get best outcome using CSS3 Please!  You can define what will be animated, in which duration and using what kind of easing algorithm
  • 98. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Tweaks  Introduction  Colors and opacity  Borders  Backgrounds  Shadows  Text and fonts  Selectors and media queries  Transitions and transforms  Tweaks
  • 99. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 CSS3 Tweaks  Few more tweaks that might be useful  Box sizing example  Enable changing element size via resize property  Setting border to element changes element’s dimensions, this can be avoided by using outline instead of border
  • 100. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Modern Web Technologies Table of Contents  JavaScript  CSS3  HTML5  Resources
  • 101. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Introduction  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 102. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Semantics Introduction Offline & Storage Device Access Connectivity Multimedia 3D, Graphics and Effects Performance and Integration CSS3
  • 103. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Introduction
  • 104. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Introduction  Fifth revision of HTML markup language  Not yet completed standard  Predecessor HTML 4.01 standard not updated since 2000  Started by Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), now joined by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  New standard adds new elements, removes some old ones and adds new APIs
  • 105. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Introduction  Provides functionality that was previously possible only via third party plug-ins, such as Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight  More advanced mathematically produced graphics (SVG, canvas, CSS3)  Smooth animations  Video and audio playback  Socket connections (for example, possibility to create highly performing chat without having to poll for data using interval)
  • 106. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 New elements and selectors  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 107. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 New elements and selectors  More detailed information in W3Schools HTML5 Tutorial  Semantic elements: article, aside, bdi, command, details, summary, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, mark, meter, nav, progress, ruby, rt, rp, section, time, wbr  Media elements: audio, video, source, embed, track  Canvas element: canvas  Form elements: datalist, keygen, output  Removed elements: acronym, applet, basefont, big, center, dir, font, frame, frameset, noframes, strike, tt, u 
  • 108. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 New elements and selectors  New <input> types: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week  New <form> attributes: autocomplete, novalidate  New <input> attributes: autocomplete, autofocus, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height and width, list, min and max, multiple, pattern (regexp), placeholder, required, step  New selectors: getElementsByClassName, querySelector and querySelectorAll  HTML5 Cheat Sheet
  • 109. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Audio and video  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 110. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Audio and video  Possibility to embed sound via <audio> tag and video by <video> tag  Supported by all major browsers  Content written inside <audio> or <video> tag will be used as fallback in non-supported environments  This provides excellent possibility to use HTML5 if possible, fallback to Flash (or some other third-party technology) in older browsers or finally fallback to show some error message in completely non-supported environments
  • 111. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Audio and video  HTML attributes  controls : Displays the standard HTML5 controls for the audio on the web page  autoplay : Makes the content play automatically  loop : Make the content repeat (loop) automatically  DOM methods  play(): Play the audio/video  pause(): Pause the playback  load(): Load new source to player  canPlayType(): Check whether browser can playback certain audio or video format (such as ”video/mp4” or ”audio/mp3”)
  • 112. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Audio and video  DOM properties  currentSrc, currentTime, videoWidth, videoHeight, duration, ended, error, paused, muted, seeking, volume, height, width  DOM events  play, pause, progress, error, timeupdate, ended, abort, empty, emptied, waiting, loadedmetadata
  • 113. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Audio and video  Testing <audio> tag  Testing <video> tag  <video> with custom controls  And to make life even easier, you can use third party players like JW Player or jPlayer  HTML5 and automatic fallback to Flash  Consistent API in all browsers regardless HTML5 or Flash is used
  • 114. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 115. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Web storage provides possibility to store data locally into browser  localStorage: permanent data storage  sessionStorage: temporary data storage, data is cleared when session dies (when browser window/tab is closed, depends on browser implementation)  No more cookies! Supported by all major browsers  Via feature detection it is possible to create such functionality that will use localStorage if available or fallback to cookies (old IE < 8) 
  • 116. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Web workers can be used to execute resource heavy JavaScript calculations in the background without interrupting UI  workers
  • 117. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets // Code examples from // Main script var worker = new Worker('doWork.js'); worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) { console.log('Worker said: ',; }, false); worker.postMessage('Hello World'); // Send data to our worker. // doWork.js (the worker): self.addEventListener('message', function(e) { self.postMessage(; }, false);
  • 118. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  ”WebSockets is a technique for two-way communication over one (TCP) socket, a type of PUSH technology. At the moment, it’s still being standardized by the W3C; however, the latest versions of Chrome and Safari have support for WebSockets.” -ajax/start-using-html5-websockets-today/
  • 119. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Pushing data to client can also be achieved by technique called long polling  Client sends HTTP request to server, but server does not send response until certain timeout is reached or it has some data to respond  Once client received response, it immediately fires up new ”long poll” HTTP request  This way there is always one connection live between client and server
  • 120. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  In some environments socket connections can be blocked by firewalls depending on what port is used for the socket connection  Sometimes can be solved by routing  Configure two different IP addresses, A for normal HTTP requests and B for socket connections  Make socket connections to B port 80 and route connection to some custom port on A  This solution can also cause problems, advanced firewalls can detect request containing non-HTTP traffic to port 80 and again block the request
  • 121. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  At the moment these slides were created, only Firefox, Chrome and Safari supported sockets, if this is not an issue and firewalls are not a problem in your case, go for sockets  Strips away HTTP headers and therefore requires less bandwidth  Also handling socket connections can be done by some really light weight server side implementation, such as something created using Node.js  This can provide really well performing connections 
  • 122. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Don’t try to reinvent the wheel by yourself, there are several third-party tools to help you out  One excellent option is Socket.IO  Based on Node.js  Provides fallbacks which makes it compatible with practically every browser  No personal experience, but based on ”how to use” examples looks very simple and lightweight
  • 123. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Geolocation  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 124. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Geolocation  Can be used to locate user via  GPS  A-GPS (assistive GPS, triangulation between mobile phone towers and public masts)  Wi-Fi hotspots  IP address ranges  User is prompted for permission per domain  Browsers will remember the decision if not bypassed or specifically changed later in browser settings by user 
  • 125. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Geolocation // Function showMap is used to handle successful get position function showMap(position) { // Position has coords property which furthermore has // properties latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy, // altitudeAccuracy, heading and speed var lat = position.coords.latitude; var lon = position.coords.longitude; var map = new google.maps.Map($("#myMap").get(0), { zoom: 12, center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); } // Availability can be checked via navigator.geolocation property if(navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showMap); }
  • 126. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Drag and drop  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 127. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Drag and drop  Arguably the worst part of HTML5 specification  ”No one will argue that HTML5's DnD model is complicated compared to other solutions like JQuery UI.” HTML5 Rocks DnD tutorial  Seams easy at the beginning, just add draggable=”true” to any element you want to drag  This just makes elements draggable, you cannot drop them anywhere
  • 128. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Drag and drop  Adding some functionality into dragging can be achieved via seven events which are dragstart, drag, dragenter, dragleave, dragover, drop and dragend  There are differences in how different browsers have implemented these events  In dragover event handler default action needs to be prevented in order to enable dropping  DnD ”magic” happens in event’s DataTransfer object  HTML5 Rocks tutorial covers this topic well
  • 129. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 File API  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  Drag and drop  File API  Notifications  Canvas
  • 130. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 File API  Provides functionality to let user select files, read content of those files and then use them directly or upload them to server  Files can be selected either via <input type=”file”> or by dragging them from file system to browser window  In case <input> is used, ”change” event listener needs to be bind to the input  In case drag and drop is used, check out how DnD works in previous chapters few slides back
  • 131. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 File API  Simple file DnD (drag and drop) demo  Good tutorial with nice examples le/dndfiles/  Upload images using DnD and service automatically resizes and provides different size versions of uploaded images
  • 132. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Notifications  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  File API  Drag and drop  Notifications  Canvas
  • 133. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Notifications  Not actually part of any standard, but worth mentioning here  Only webkit currently supports notifications  Can be used to show notifications to user outside the browser window (if user allows notifications, compare to geolocation)  Works even if browser window is minimized  Again, HTML5 Rocks tutorial covers this well
  • 134. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Canvas  Introduction  New elements and selectors  Audio and video  Web storage, web workers and web sockets  Geolocation  File API  Drag and drop  Notifications  Canvas
  • 135. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Canvas  Canvas element can be used to draw graphics programmatically  Has only two attributes, width and height, which are both optional and can be set using DOM properties  Similar to <audio> and <video> elements, fallback content can be written <canvas>inside canvas element</canvas>  Drawing into canvas can be done via rendering context that can currently be 2D for most browsers and also 3D for browsers that support WebGL  IE 9 supports canvas, for older versions of IE ExplorerCanvas can be used
  • 136. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Canvas  2D examples  Canvas 2D context methods and properties  W3Schools simple demo  Flash killer  Video particles  Biolab Disaster  Collection of 15 examples
  • 137. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 HTML5 Canvas  3D examples  3D picture wall  Canvascape  How to create particle system using Three.js  CanvasMol  Quake 2 ported to HTML5 (Youtube)  Collection of 10 WebGL examples
  • 138. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Modern Web Technologies Table of Contents  JavaScript  HTML5  CSS3  Resources
  • 139. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Books  Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja  Unpublished yet, have been reading the early access version and learned a lot  Author John Resig is the creator and lead developer of jQuery  Head First Design Patterns  Learned lot of good practices from this book  Design patterns can be used to enhance architecture regardless of programming language used  Getting Real  Good book about web-based application development
  • 140. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Links  General         HTML5 & CSS3 Browser Support  Modernizr
  • 141. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Links  JavaScript  troducing-knockout-a-ui-library-for-javascript/  w-does-this-javascript-jquery-syntax-work- function-window-undefined  performance-boosting-tips-from-nicholas-zakas  s.html 
  • 142. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Links  CSS      
  • 143. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Links  HTML5    
  • 144. Perttu Myry 6.11.2012 Resources Notes  Example covering use of JSON in sending and receiving data in AJAX requests  AJAX news feed example  JavaScript encrypt and decrypt example