per olof arnäs transportation transport big data logistics digitization ict research digitalization freight teaching transportation and logistics its twitter future block chain technology real-time data digitalisering digital examination higher education sustainability environment logistik per olof arns trends automation flipped classroom freight transport blogging university challenges course development learning chalmers universeum logistikfokus disruption ed tech evaluation digital exam servitization sharing economy digitalisation e-commerce e-learning workshop data processing pecha kucha digital information sharing university. chalmers realtime applications social media innovation efficiency vetenskapsfestivalen 2013 waze the matrix framtidens transporter systemperspektiv high capacity transports almedalen information subscription pubsub tforum12 northern lead energy wesserbisser webcoast science transport quality connected transport tech technology effectiveness relevance chalmers university edtech pedagogy inspera wordpress linkedin instagram facebook engagement visibility communication podcasting real-time data driven decision making modelling world access control reach transpo data science visualization possibilities sjÖlog 2015 kul2015 blended learning active learning education urban transport intelligent transport systems eu@socool high capacity transport urban freight public transport digital development megatrends global redareföreningen forskning tredje uppgiften tal write for web project tforum14 3d printing wearable tech management it internet publication pub sub roleplaying mean squared estimation case geocoding business chals library treff13 hct almedalen 2013 ec eu europe fill rate load factor ipadpresentation haikudeck digital maps innovations expo 2013 gothenburg disruptive foursquare tforum13 öppen data tforum13abs pensionera brevduvan trender goods vs products onepager info graphic swedish infographic ar prosumers standards messages footprinting information infrastructure broadcasting gröna korridorer akademi quality trafikverket godsetdagen transportgruppen red cross lessons mistakes crisis it. ikt business processes vehicles social shipments infrastructure framtid transporter connected goods allocation emissions road transport calculation fuels meet-model digitalisering. per-olof arnäs varför twittra sociala media per-olof arnäs sprinkler blogga företagande rss tips molntjänster sharea connected webocast wesserbisserse emissioner emissionsberkning co2 milj logistikfokusse video transportkvalitet screencast systems science complexity uml cybernetics drpolecture connect4
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