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The Leftovers
Amur Ghose
Forget what you heard, this is what you’re hearing
● Listen to the words of our prophet, DMX
● This isn’t a sitcom quiz
● This is a largely MELA-ish Gen quiz with a lot of TV questions, but also with
questions on non-TV and tangential topics such as ads/video games etc.
● There are some anime questions too
● 18 Qs for prelims
● 8 teams qualify
● 16 + Written + 16 + connect in mains
Prelim - Q1
On the next slide we have some female characters of great plot importance in one
of the worst reviewed TV shows of all time. Russian newspapers called it an
unmitigated disaster, a mangling of a great work.
Nevertheless, even after this, there was enough interest in the author to try
starting a series in 2007, several years later. The series grew, and eventually, they
released their latest element recently with a focus on the same women you see on
the next slide, which was a hit that you may have heard of.
A generic answer will do.
Prelims - Q2 - 2 points
On the next slide, you will see the cover art of _______ ____, one of the greatest
pieces of literature written by a black author - Ralph Ellison, that coincidentally
shares its name with an older, more well known novel.
The author chose this name after feeling that American liberals and Marxists
seldom paid any heed to him or his community, and thus went with this title.
Recently, this was not-so-subtly referenced as the cover art of a fictional novel
within TV. Just like Ellison, this fictional writer within TV came from a lower-class
background and felt forced and ignored by a similar community.
2 points, one each.
Prelims - Q3
Simply ID the source.
Prelims - Q4
This practice was probably not in use till the 1800s, when the first recorded cases
of this begin to appear.
In Roman times, this was somewhat more hardcore, and in very rare cases,
snakes were used to carry it out.
Sometimes, far-left or far-right parties will adopt the _____ as a symbol, to signify
that something is quite Hamlet-like.
Specific phrase, 2 words.
Prelims - Q5
Listen carefully and ID the song being sampled.
(Artist will fetch half a point)
Prelims - Q6
Though better known as a singer, X is one of the best icons for farming and
working class Americans alive and helped boost Bernie Sanders’ popularity
amongst the same. He’s performed at Farm Aid since 1985, and is among the
founding members.
X says the inspirations for Farm Aid came from his own album naming choices,
and were spurred by the comments of Bob Dylan. Written in 1972, X composed
_______ amidst the farmlands of California, and has always felt that it was his
most popular album amongst farmers and blue-collar workers.
Prelims Q7
The following is “Molitva”, the winning entry of Eurovision 2007.
The song was hugely popular in Serbia and all other Slavic countries, including
Russia. However, in several of them, the translation of the song had to be altered
very slightly to suit local tastes.
Simply explain ( funda will do, nothing specific here )
Prelims Q8 - 2 points
Tower of the hand - the premier site for ASOIAF discussion - has run several polls
on the _________ ________ option, even before it was forced.
The possibility was considered as early as 2010, even before Game of Thrones
had begun airing, based on the empirical rates earlier and the speculation only
grew as Brandon Sanderson was tasked to write A Memory of Light.
Explain the discussion ( one point ) and FITB ( specific, one more point )
Prelims Q9
_____ hunting is one of the British Conservative Party’s biggest obsessions , and
a constant tussling point between the Tories and Labour. The tradition occupation
of the nobility, this has already been banned in several countries in Europe, and
thus this activity was a hot topic in the recent May-Corbyn campaign.
None of this, however, was on the mind of the guys who chose the name - they
just wanted something that sounded “Weird and English” to fit with the aesthetic
and make their band appear fancier than it was.
Prelims Q10
/b/ describes this as “the ideal video meme template. Quick cuts. Quick photos.
Surreal imagery. Avant garde. For the truly patrician pepes.”
There are many video meme templates, but this is perhaps the most famous one.
It will usually involve 90 seconds with various frames and facial closeups with
random text in between.
Specific answer only pls.
Prelims Q11 - 2 points.
When working on the set of Xena : The Warrior Princess in 1995, Mary Elizabeth
McGlynn fell off a horse and broke her kneecap. Unable to find any acting work
thereafter, she took on a directing job some years later, on a product then freshly
imported to America.
This would go on to define the genre and be held up as a masterpiece. At the
time, however, she felt that it would fail - and rightly so. The work was under-
produced, ran with a low budget and had all the makings of a disaster, and no one
expected it to be any good, since generally work of this category was considered
inferior - and still is. However, this particular example is held as the finest of this
category, even by people who look down on it.
Prelims Q12
Though the 2006 film is what propelled him to fame, this character’s origins lie in
TV. In a short, two-episode series, he appears in various locations in the UK.
The actions in the UK were far tamer and more measured than the ones in the
USA. Mostly, however, the method remains the same. _____ goes around
Cambridge and Oxford, asking students and professors if they think women and
“Pakis” should be able to study there. He also tries to learn a sport, but derails it
by ranting about jews.
Simply name the character/explain the 2006 rise to fame.
Prelims Q13
What practical reason is very commonly cited by the creators and actors of Silicon
Valley to keep their show light-hearted and comedic instead of gradually shifting
into drama ?
Prelims Q14 - 2 points
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has simultaneously managed to be one of the best comedy shows on
TV, and also the least awarded. As a snub towards the Emmies, it decided to hold an “award episode”.
IASIP revolves around people running a pub, so in this episode, they compete for a fictional “best bar
award” and fail to win. In the process, they try to attract black customers to improve diversity, but worry too
many black customers may make them a black bar, which don’t win awards ( a parody on the “diverse”
casts and token minorities in modern sitcoms ) . They also wonder if their location is causing problems,
but then realize “that bar down the street” has been winning awards, whereas they haven’t. This is a nod
to the fact that IASIP airs on FX, which is somewhat of a small channel.
1) Who appear in this episode as the black customers ?
2) Which “bar down the street” show on FX is IASIP angry about ?
Prelims Q15
A X’s Y represents an increase of roughly 8.3% over an usual Y. This allows a
nice pun with the title - the narrator is a X telling a X’s Y worth of stories instead of
Y. The author of the book stated that initially, the surname was going to be
different, but the opportunity to make the pun caused the name change.
Give both. Half each.
Prelims Q16
Some of the more unexpected elements on this list include :
● Phineas and Ferb, episode “Mission Marvel”
● The Simpsons - in Comic Book Guy’s store
● The Big Bang Theory - “The Excelsior Acquisition”
These elements stand out in that they are from TV shows that do not focus on this
area. I had to cherrypick the list significantly to get them, if that gives you a clue.
What is being described ? This phenomenon is more well-known in movies, and
may end soon.
Prelim - Q17
In 1996, one of the strangest political sights to grace American history occurred in
the Democratic National Congress. Banking on the dancing skills of Bill and Hillary
( who were, to be fair, more attractive back then ) the democratic party put on the
_____ and danced for four very weird minutes to project - in their words - a “...hip,
energetic, multi-culti image of the Democratic Party on national TV...” and to
increase minority outreach. As bizarre as this sounds now, back then, the song
and the dance was a democratic party anthem - reaching Al Gore as well.
Observe the next slide to get an idea of what this may be.
Q18 - A series of scenes from Better Call Saul.
Answers begin
Q1 - Ciri and Yennefer, the Witcher
J. Peterman Catalogue
This practice was probably not in use till the 1800s, when the first recorded cases
of this begin to appear.
In Roman times, this was somewhat more hardcore, and in very rare cases,
snakes were used to carry it out.
Sometimes, far-left or far-right parties will adopt the _____ as a symbol, to signify
that something is quite Hamlet-like.
Specific phrase, 2 words.
Ans : Rotten Tomatoes
Prelims - Q5
Listen carefully and ID the song being sampled.
(Artist will fetch half a point)
Prelims - Q6
Though better known as a singer, X is one of the best icons for farming and
working class Americans alive and helped boost Bernie Sanders’ popularity
amongst the same. He’s performed at Farm Aid since 1985, and is among the
founding members.
X says the inspirations for Farm Aid came from his own album naming choices,
and were spurred by the comments of Bob Dylan. Written in 1972, X composed
_______ amidst the farmlands of California, and has always felt that it was his
most popular album amongst farmers and blue-collar workers.
Prelims Q7
The following is “Molitva”, the winning entry of Eurovision 2007.
The song was hugely popular in Serbia and all other Slavic countries, including
Russia. However, in several of them, the translation of the song had to be altered
very slightly to suit local tastes.
Simply explain ( funda will do, nothing specific here )
Gender change in pronouns
Marija serifovic is gay, which doesn’t go over very well in Russia
Prelims Q8 - 2 points
Tower of the hand - the premier site for ASOIAF discussion - has run several polls
on the _________ ________ option, even before it was forced.
The possibility was considered as early as 2010, even before Game of Thrones
had begun airing, based on the empirical rates earlier and the speculation only
grew as Brandon Sanderson was tasked to write A Memory of Light.
Explain the discussion ( one point ) and FITB ( specific, one more point )
Fullmetal Alchemist
Prelims Q9
_____ hunting is one of the British Conservative Party’s biggest obsessions , and
a constant tussling point between the Tories and Labour. The tradition occupation
of the nobility, this has already been banned in several countries in Europe, and
thus this activity was a hot topic in the recent May-Corbyn campaign.
None of this, however, was on the mind of the guys who chose the name - they
just wanted something that sounded “Weird and English” to fit with the aesthetic.
Prelims Q10
/b/ describes this as “the ideal video meme template. Quick cuts. Quick photos.
Surreal imagery. Avant garde. For the truly patrician pepes.”
There are many video meme templates, but this is perhaps the most famous one.
It will usually involve 90 seconds with various frames and facial closeups with
random text in between.
Specific answer only pls.
Prelims Q11 - 2 points.
When working on the set of Xena : The Warrior Princess in 1995, Mary Elizabeth
McGlynn fell off a horse and broke her kneecap. Unable to find any acting work
thereafter, she took on a directing job some years later, on a product then freshly
imported to America.
This would go on to define the genre and be held up as a masterpiece. At the
time, however, she felt that it would fail - and rightly so. The work was under-
produced, ran with a low budget and had all the makings of a disaster, and no one
expected it to be any good, since generally work of this category was considered
inferior - and still is. However, this particular example is held as the finest of this
category, even by people who look down on it.
Prelims Q12
Though the 2006 film is what propelled him to fame, this character’s origins lie in
TV. In a short, two-episode series, he appears in various locations in the UK.
The actions in the UK were far tamer and more measured than the ones in the
USA. Mostly, however, the method remains the same. _____ goes around
Cambridge and Oxford, asking students and professors if they think women and
“Pakis” should be able to study there. He also tries to learn a sport, but derails it
by ranting about jews.
Simply name the character/explain the 2006 rise to fame.
Prelims Q13
What practical reason is very commonly cited by the creators and actors of Silicon
Valley to keep their show light-hearted and comedic instead of gradually shifting
into drama ?
Timeslot is after GoT
Prelims Q14 - 2 points
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has simultaneously managed to be one of the best comedy shows on
TV, and also the least awarded. As a snub towards the Emmies, it decided to hold an “award episode”.
IASIP revolves around people running a pub, so in this episode, they compete for a fictional “best bar
award” and fail to win. In the process, they try to attract black customers to improve diversity, but worry too
many black customers may make them a black bar, which don’t win awards ( a parody on the “diverse”
casts and token minorities in modern sitcoms ) . They also wonder if their location is causing problems,
but then realize “that bar down the street” has been winning awards, whereas they haven’t. This is a nod
to the fact that IASIP airs on FX, which is somewhat of a small channel.
1) Who appear in this episode as the black customers ?
2) Which “bar down the street” show on FX is IASIP angry about ?
The Wire, Louie
Prelims Q15
A X’s Y represents an increase of roughly 8.3% over an usual Y. This allows a
nice pun with the title - the narrator is a X telling a X’s Y worth of stories instead of
Y. The author of the book stated that initially, the surname was going to be
different, but the opportunity to make the pun caused the name change.
Give both. Half each.
Baker’s Dozen, 13 reasons why
Prelims Q16
Some of the more unexpected elements on this list include :
● Phineas and Ferb, episode “Mission Marvel”
● The Simpsons - in Comic Book Guy’s store
● The Big Bang Theory - “The Excelsior Acquisition”
These elements stand out in that they are from TV shows that do not focus on this
area. I had to cherrypick the list significantly to get them, if that gives you a clue.
What is being described ? This phenomenon is more well-known in movies, and
may end soon.
Stan Lee cameo
Prelim - Q17
In 1996, one of the strangest political sights to grace American history occurred in
the Democratic National Congress. Banking on the dancing skills of Bill and Hillary
( who were, to be fair, more attractive back then ) the democratic party put on the
_____ and danced for four very weird minutes to project - in their words - a “...hip,
energetic, multi-culti image of the Democratic Party on national TV...” and to
increase minority outreach. As bizarre as this sounds now, back then, the song
and the dance was a democratic party anthem - reaching Al Gore as well.
Observe the next slide to get an idea of what this may be.
The Macarena
Q18 - A series of scenes from Better Call Saul.
First rule of Fight Club
+15/-10 Pounce
+10/0 Bounce
If this came before their fame…
What came afterwards ?
Pictured : Four fine southern gents,
sometime and somewhere near
the border of Texas and Louisiana
You thought this was only classy TV ?
Some choice quotations about this three word phrase from various critics :
“... synonymous with a specific brand of ….. comedy...”
“....The mating call…. of the hacky, incompetent stand up comic...”
And finally, one from Urban Dictionary that chooses to be ironic and provides the literal definition :
“...a way of asking someone what is going on. usually used when asking what someone is doing that evening.“
Provide both phrase and show. Phrase is practically synonymous with the show, though it actually occurs rarely within it.
“Training Day”, a 2001 film, depicts the relationship of Ethan Hawke playing a
young, white police officer assigned to work with a senior, corrupt black cop. The
black cop, played by Denzel Washington, works with the gangsters of Harlem and
is ruthless to the Black community. His ways disgust Ethan Hawke’s character,
and eventually, he dies. The movie features Denzel’s character roughing up
suspects, planting evidence, and dealing with gangsters - all aspects that would
be replicated, with a healthy addition of Trump campaign motifs, in what ?
Note : Looking for a specific answer.
The Ricklantis mixup
Assuming we have Wifi while conducting…….
What was the above based on ?
The chicken dance, Arrested Development
The following is a popular fan theory for the show - which, unlike its name, had its
most iconic scenes shot in Canada - based on the four horsemen of the
Season 1 stars ____ as Disease - a horseman who spreads lies and corrupts the
innocent, weak-willed primary protagonist into evil. He rides into small towns, and
leaves them corrupted.
Season 2 is about War - the conflict between rival families. This season is by far
the bloodiest, with organized gang-fighting between equal forces.
Season 3 draws strong parallels between ____ and Famine - difficulties with food
and the relentless hunger for wealth.
Lorne Malvo, V.M.Varga
The following slide contains a painting depicting King Agamemnon, preparing to
carry something out in order to win the Trojan War.
What is he doing ? And why would this be noted - by the Atlantic, the Slate, and
elsewhere - to be a TV influence ?
Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter, Iphigenia
A myth that later influenced the scene of Stannis burning Shireen Baratheon
The term derives from the fact that these would commonly take place on Star Trek
when the crew ran out of budget, thus, it would feature no planets and occur
entirely on the ship, as a ship in a _____ .
An important subversion of this case happens when a writer chooses to go against
this rule just to show off his skills. In this case, a writer may write a script for a
____ _____ to demonstrate his powers. The most famous example is ___ ______
__________, which was rejected at first and pushed through to become a classic
episode, making the show famous in the first place.
Bottle Episode
The Chinese Restaurant, Seinfeld
Though the song naming makes no sense, the band confirms that this is, indeed,
a reference to the book. However, in their typical fashion, this is just a random
choice that happens to sound cool and “has nothing to do with mass murder”.
Picture on next slide may help.
In Cold Blood - Alt-J, Daljeet Dhaliwal
This organization sponsored a parody of Game of Thrones with a new advisor
who takes the place of Eddard Stark. ID the group based on the screenshots that
Reason + Libertarian Party USA
What exactly is the literary comparison being drawn here, based on the similar
names and narrative arcs - the other example substituting three men of great
power and ambition for dragons ?
Dagny Taggart, Atlas Shrugged
Francisco d'Anconia, John Galt, Ragnar Danneskjöld being the three heads
The place is supposed to be closest in terms of inspiration to the “Cult of the ____
altar”, which itself derives from Lovecraft’s Dreams in the Witch House.
The song is intimately partnered with another song on the same album. ______
_______ describes the two songs as being one of a pair - both depressing, but
while ____ is “a personal song of nihilism, suicide, giving up” the other is an
“apocalyptic orgy of the mellotron..a song for the end of the human race…” in his
“classics review” segment.
Name both. For a bonus of +10, who describes these songs ?
Epitaph, In the Court of the Crimson King
Apart from being known for his most famous series of books (one of them originally written
to be an episode), the person whose name will get you full points was a minor yet extremely
popular contributor to Doctor Who. The author independently wrote The Pirate Planet and
co-wrote City of Death under the pseudonym-David Agnew, both of which appeared in
Season 17 (1979-1980) of the cult show.
Apart from these two, a third episode titled ‘Shada’ was also written by him but remained
unreleased due the rampant inflation and union strikes in England during the time. However,
efforts from the fans and producers have succeeded in restoring the episode which will be
available for a digital download on November 24 and has brought joy to the fans of the TV
show and the author alike.
Identify the writer of these three episodes
Doug Adams
Given on the next few slides are a couple of paintings by Margaret Keane, on
whose life the film ‘Big Eyes’ was based, as a matter of fact. The animators of a
certain show X named her as one of their major influences. One of the characters
in the show, that of a kindergarten teacher, was also named after her. Identify X
The Powerpuff Girls
Shown below is Polina Gagarina ( who somehow randomly collaborated with
Eminem ) performing one of her better known songs.
The video contains a nod to a 2011 video game, which later became well known in
other forms instead. Polina was very tangentially involved - being a Russian
neighbour, after all - and thus the fan theory goes that she put those in as a nod to
the will of _____ _____.
Q15 - Quizzers of IITK, what do they know ?
To the right : a cover for The Shape of Water
( a new movie by Del Toro ) .
Look at it carefully and give me a sci-fi book.
( Cover art and imagery matters here )
Discworld written Round
Trying my hand at winner-takes-it-all :
● Award yourself 2*n^2, n = number of answers correct
● You only need to ID the reference. No discworld knowledge required.
● The max-value looks high, but hopefully there’ll be stumps.
Twoflower in Discworld comes from the far-off Eastern half of the world, standing
in for China. He introduces a foreign concept to the city of Ankh-Morpork which he
calls, in his strange fashion, the reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits for better
spice and silk trading with the city.
Although it seems like no one understands him, Ankh-Morpork does seem to
benefit from the introduction. One of Terry’s most subtle puns, this may take a
while to crack. Think simple.
Q2 - ID the reference. The book is Pyramids
"Go, tell the Ephebians — " he began.
The soldiers waited.
"What?" said Autocue after a while. "Go and tell
them what?"
The sergeant relaxed, like air being let out of a
"Go and tell them, what kept you?" he said. On the
near horizon another column of dust was advancing.
This was more like it. If there was going to be a
massacre, then it ought to be shared by both sides.
Q3 -Reaper Man.
In soul music, the story follows the introduction of rock and roll to a medieval
world. The dean of the local magical university becomes a huge fan - he dresses
up in new styles and decides to fight against all his superiors by making random
This grows more and more frequent throughout the book, to the point where by
the end, all the dialogues by the Dean are written as “mumblemumble….” and
occur extremely frequently.
As a result, he is termed a ____ ____ _ ______.
Q5 - Finally, Night Watch
Twoflower in Discworld comes from the far-off Eastern half of the world, standing
in for China. He introduces a foreign concept to the city of Ankh-Morpork which he
calls, in his strange fashion, the reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits for better
spice and silk trading with the city.
Although it seems like no one understands him, Ankh-Morpork does seem to
benefit from the introduction. One of Terry’s most subtle puns, this may take a
while to crack. Think simple.
Q2 - ID the reference. The book is Pyramids
"Go, tell the Ephebians — " he began.
The soldiers waited.
"What?" said Autocue after a while. "Go and tell
them what?"
The sergeant relaxed, like air being let out of a
"Go and tell them, what kept you?" he said. On the
near horizon another column of dust was advancing.
This was more like it. If there was going to be a
massacre, then it ought to be shared by both sides.
Q3 -Reaper Man.
In soul music, the story follows the introduction of rock and roll to a medieval
world. The dean of the local magical university becomes a huge fan - he dresses
up in new styles and decides to fight against all his superiors by making random
This grows more and more frequent throughout the book, to the point where by
the end, all the dialogues by the Dean are written as “mumblemumble….” and
occur extremely frequently.
As a result, he is termed a ____ ____ _ ______.
Rebel without a pause
Q5 - Finally, Night Watch
After immense pressure, fans got Hideo Kojima to do something - a feat in itself
given that Kojima does whatever the hell he wants. He decided to give it a try, and
ended up liking it a lot. What is it ? Why did the fans desire this ?
Playtest - Black Mirror
When bored - as he was often - he would often lend his voice to the recording of
audiobooks. This program, called the Blind Project led to his voice narrating iconic
works such as Flowers in the Attic ( V.C. Andrews ) and even Star Wars.
These audiobooks are now seeing a surge in popularity. Explain why - who is this
narrator ?
This event was traditionally held for 45 days for a duration of over 500 years. This
was one of the greatest marketplaces in the middle ages, and attracted merchants
from as far off as Turkey. There is no indication, however, that the exact
elements associated with this event could be purchased here.
Today, a small imitation is still held, acting as a major source of tourism for this
city in Yorkshire, England. However, the audience is now somewhat trashy and
tourist attendance is on a decline.
Scarborough Fair
What group of people ( assuming that they are physically fit - something that is
rarely true ) are selectively recruited by the air forces of South Korea and China,
and to a lesser extent Japan and Philippines ?
This activity is usually streamed on live television thanks to Samsung sponsorship
in the countries in question, and military ads are run concurrently.
Starcraft players
On the next slide, we see an image from one of the most critically acclaimed
episodes of The Good Place, a sitcom set in Heaven.
In this episode, God is tasked with teaching the humans in his control a little about
decision making under pressure. How does he do this ?
Take a closer look..and just name the episode.
The Trolley Problem
On the next slide, you see the poster for Bloodborne. The console’s answer to the
iconic Dark Souls trilogy, this game heavily draws from the anime/manga series
________ in terms of choice of weapon and plot twists. The level of violence is
also commensurate - Bloodborne is, as its name indicates, bloody. _______ is
violent enough to make “Attack on Titan look like Disney”.
One of the strangest plot twists occur if the player chooses to romance Arianna. In
this case, the Moon is cast over in a demonic event that causes Arianna to bear -
and miscarry - a demonic child, in what is an explicit nod to this series.
The casting requirements for the actor imply that he should be of a very special
ethnic combination , with great skill in the usage of the sword he carries. As a
result, even though Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities of the world,
Amazon’s casting calls for this TV show continue to be fruitless. His antagonist is
equally ethnically specific, and has proven just as hard to cast.
ID the source material, which went on to inspire contemporary classics such as
Blindsight, Neuromancer, Serial Experiments Lain amongst others.
Shown here on “Veep” we have one of the greatest influencers on politics in the
recent era - played by an actor who intentionally acts like an asshole for the role.
Yet he runs for no elections, has no wealth and certainly not much charisma - in
the show, he is called a “moon-faced hobbit”.
Who is this secretive individual, who had been called by the NYT as the world’s
unlikeliest media star ?
William F. Buckley’s show “Firing Line” marked the high point in conservative TV,
as it does now. This is the standard that “.....conservative publications such as
Commentary and National Review forever aspire to….and Fox News fails to
With that in mind, ID Buckley’s most famous guest and debate partner from this
exchange below :
X : Sometimes I lose my temper debating the Vietnam war...but maybe not
Buckley : No, not tonight...if you did, I’d smash you in the face.
Submission/Soumission is a controversial French novel by Michel Houllebecq. It
imagines a future in which an Islamic party allies with the left and wins the 2022
French election. The central thesis of Soumission is the name : humans like to
submit, either to a strong religion like Islam, or in a larger sense to civilization
The book attracted intense controversy upon release. However, it has gradually
become recognized as a fairly innovative work. In a recent interview with Der
Spiegel, X stated that “Despite all that...I find Houllebecq to be amongst the finest
of our times. Political heroism is solely lacking in our generation, and I feel like it
needs a revival...along with noblesse oblige.”
Why did the book attract the controversy ? And who is this admirer ?
Charlie Hebdo shooting day, Emmanuel Macron
This is a clip from “Sing Street”, mirroring the 80’s formation of a famous rock
group. The two primary boys in the video above are dressed in the manner of the
two primary members, and in the movie, they even meet the way those two met in
real life - the first found the second after hearing of his amazing instrumental skills.
In the clip, they play along the early style of this band, which was significantly
different and softer from what came after.
Give me both + band ( order not important )
Steven Patrick Morrissey, Johnny Marr, The Smiths
Catalonian independence for 8 seconds
On the next slide, we have a portrait of Max Stirner ( born Johann Kaspar Schmidt
) based on the caricature drawn by Friedrich Engels. Engels, Marx and Stirner
were roommates, and exchanged ideas quite often. Stirner is considered the
godfather of modern anarchism, with his own work : The Ego and Its Own.
Yet, none of that is relevant. Take a look at the caricature and name the iconic
character whose pose he inspired.
Slaughterhouse Five
Yet another bojack. What is being referenced here ?
This is a generic MELA connect
● It is quite specific
● It may not be exhaustive
MELA-ish General Quiz
MELA-ish General Quiz

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MELA-ish General Quiz

  • 2. Forget what you heard, this is what you’re hearing ● Listen to the words of our prophet, DMX ● This isn’t a sitcom quiz ● This is a largely MELA-ish Gen quiz with a lot of TV questions, but also with questions on non-TV and tangential topics such as ads/video games etc. ● There are some anime questions too ● 18 Qs for prelims ● 8 teams qualify ● 16 + Written + 16 + connect in mains
  • 3. Prelim - Q1 On the next slide we have some female characters of great plot importance in one of the worst reviewed TV shows of all time. Russian newspapers called it an unmitigated disaster, a mangling of a great work. Nevertheless, even after this, there was enough interest in the author to try starting a series in 2007, several years later. The series grew, and eventually, they released their latest element recently with a focus on the same women you see on the next slide, which was a hit that you may have heard of. A generic answer will do.
  • 4.
  • 5. Prelims - Q2 - 2 points On the next slide, you will see the cover art of _______ ____, one of the greatest pieces of literature written by a black author - Ralph Ellison, that coincidentally shares its name with an older, more well known novel. The author chose this name after feeling that American liberals and Marxists seldom paid any heed to him or his community, and thus went with this title. Recently, this was not-so-subtly referenced as the cover art of a fictional novel within TV. Just like Ellison, this fictional writer within TV came from a lower-class background and felt forced and ignored by a similar community. 2 points, one each.
  • 6.
  • 7. Prelims - Q3 Simply ID the source.
  • 8. Prelims - Q4 This practice was probably not in use till the 1800s, when the first recorded cases of this begin to appear. In Roman times, this was somewhat more hardcore, and in very rare cases, snakes were used to carry it out. Sometimes, far-left or far-right parties will adopt the _____ as a symbol, to signify that something is quite Hamlet-like. Specific phrase, 2 words.
  • 9. Prelims - Q5 Listen carefully and ID the song being sampled. (Artist will fetch half a point)
  • 10. Prelims - Q6 Though better known as a singer, X is one of the best icons for farming and working class Americans alive and helped boost Bernie Sanders’ popularity amongst the same. He’s performed at Farm Aid since 1985, and is among the founding members. X says the inspirations for Farm Aid came from his own album naming choices, and were spurred by the comments of Bob Dylan. Written in 1972, X composed _______ amidst the farmlands of California, and has always felt that it was his most popular album amongst farmers and blue-collar workers.
  • 11. Prelims Q7 The following is “Molitva”, the winning entry of Eurovision 2007. The song was hugely popular in Serbia and all other Slavic countries, including Russia. However, in several of them, the translation of the song had to be altered very slightly to suit local tastes. Simply explain ( funda will do, nothing specific here )
  • 12. Prelims Q8 - 2 points Tower of the hand - the premier site for ASOIAF discussion - has run several polls on the _________ ________ option, even before it was forced. The possibility was considered as early as 2010, even before Game of Thrones had begun airing, based on the empirical rates earlier and the speculation only grew as Brandon Sanderson was tasked to write A Memory of Light. Explain the discussion ( one point ) and FITB ( specific, one more point )
  • 13. Prelims Q9 _____ hunting is one of the British Conservative Party’s biggest obsessions , and a constant tussling point between the Tories and Labour. The tradition occupation of the nobility, this has already been banned in several countries in Europe, and thus this activity was a hot topic in the recent May-Corbyn campaign. None of this, however, was on the mind of the guys who chose the name - they just wanted something that sounded “Weird and English” to fit with the aesthetic and make their band appear fancier than it was.
  • 14. Prelims Q10 /b/ describes this as “the ideal video meme template. Quick cuts. Quick photos. Surreal imagery. Avant garde. For the truly patrician pepes.” There are many video meme templates, but this is perhaps the most famous one. It will usually involve 90 seconds with various frames and facial closeups with random text in between. Specific answer only pls.
  • 15. Prelims Q11 - 2 points. When working on the set of Xena : The Warrior Princess in 1995, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn fell off a horse and broke her kneecap. Unable to find any acting work thereafter, she took on a directing job some years later, on a product then freshly imported to America. This would go on to define the genre and be held up as a masterpiece. At the time, however, she felt that it would fail - and rightly so. The work was under- produced, ran with a low budget and had all the makings of a disaster, and no one expected it to be any good, since generally work of this category was considered inferior - and still is. However, this particular example is held as the finest of this category, even by people who look down on it.
  • 16. Prelims Q12 Though the 2006 film is what propelled him to fame, this character’s origins lie in TV. In a short, two-episode series, he appears in various locations in the UK. The actions in the UK were far tamer and more measured than the ones in the USA. Mostly, however, the method remains the same. _____ goes around Cambridge and Oxford, asking students and professors if they think women and “Pakis” should be able to study there. He also tries to learn a sport, but derails it by ranting about jews. Simply name the character/explain the 2006 rise to fame.
  • 17. Prelims Q13 What practical reason is very commonly cited by the creators and actors of Silicon Valley to keep their show light-hearted and comedic instead of gradually shifting into drama ?
  • 18. Prelims Q14 - 2 points It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has simultaneously managed to be one of the best comedy shows on TV, and also the least awarded. As a snub towards the Emmies, it decided to hold an “award episode”. IASIP revolves around people running a pub, so in this episode, they compete for a fictional “best bar award” and fail to win. In the process, they try to attract black customers to improve diversity, but worry too many black customers may make them a black bar, which don’t win awards ( a parody on the “diverse” casts and token minorities in modern sitcoms ) . They also wonder if their location is causing problems, but then realize “that bar down the street” has been winning awards, whereas they haven’t. This is a nod to the fact that IASIP airs on FX, which is somewhat of a small channel. 1) Who appear in this episode as the black customers ? 2) Which “bar down the street” show on FX is IASIP angry about ?
  • 19. Prelims Q15 A X’s Y represents an increase of roughly 8.3% over an usual Y. This allows a nice pun with the title - the narrator is a X telling a X’s Y worth of stories instead of Y. The author of the book stated that initially, the surname was going to be different, but the opportunity to make the pun caused the name change. Give both. Half each.
  • 20. Prelims Q16 Some of the more unexpected elements on this list include : ● Phineas and Ferb, episode “Mission Marvel” ● The Simpsons - in Comic Book Guy’s store ● The Big Bang Theory - “The Excelsior Acquisition” These elements stand out in that they are from TV shows that do not focus on this area. I had to cherrypick the list significantly to get them, if that gives you a clue. What is being described ? This phenomenon is more well-known in movies, and may end soon.
  • 21. Prelim - Q17 In 1996, one of the strangest political sights to grace American history occurred in the Democratic National Congress. Banking on the dancing skills of Bill and Hillary ( who were, to be fair, more attractive back then ) the democratic party put on the _____ and danced for four very weird minutes to project - in their words - a “...hip, energetic, multi-culti image of the Democratic Party on national TV...” and to increase minority outreach. As bizarre as this sounds now, back then, the song and the dance was a democratic party anthem - reaching Al Gore as well. Observe the next slide to get an idea of what this may be.
  • 22.
  • 23. Q18 - A series of scenes from Better Call Saul.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. FITB.
  • 27.
  • 29. Q1 - Ciri and Yennefer, the Witcher
  • 30. Q2
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 34. Q4 This practice was probably not in use till the 1800s, when the first recorded cases of this begin to appear. In Roman times, this was somewhat more hardcore, and in very rare cases, snakes were used to carry it out. Sometimes, far-left or far-right parties will adopt the _____ as a symbol, to signify that something is quite Hamlet-like. Specific phrase, 2 words.
  • 35. Ans : Rotten Tomatoes
  • 36. Prelims - Q5 Listen carefully and ID the song being sampled. (Artist will fetch half a point)
  • 38. Prelims - Q6 Though better known as a singer, X is one of the best icons for farming and working class Americans alive and helped boost Bernie Sanders’ popularity amongst the same. He’s performed at Farm Aid since 1985, and is among the founding members. X says the inspirations for Farm Aid came from his own album naming choices, and were spurred by the comments of Bob Dylan. Written in 1972, X composed _______ amidst the farmlands of California, and has always felt that it was his most popular album amongst farmers and blue-collar workers.
  • 39.
  • 40. Prelims Q7 The following is “Molitva”, the winning entry of Eurovision 2007. The song was hugely popular in Serbia and all other Slavic countries, including Russia. However, in several of them, the translation of the song had to be altered very slightly to suit local tastes. Simply explain ( funda will do, nothing specific here )
  • 41. Gender change in pronouns Marija serifovic is gay, which doesn’t go over very well in Russia
  • 42. Prelims Q8 - 2 points Tower of the hand - the premier site for ASOIAF discussion - has run several polls on the _________ ________ option, even before it was forced. The possibility was considered as early as 2010, even before Game of Thrones had begun airing, based on the empirical rates earlier and the speculation only grew as Brandon Sanderson was tasked to write A Memory of Light. Explain the discussion ( one point ) and FITB ( specific, one more point )
  • 44. Prelims Q9 _____ hunting is one of the British Conservative Party’s biggest obsessions , and a constant tussling point between the Tories and Labour. The tradition occupation of the nobility, this has already been banned in several countries in Europe, and thus this activity was a hot topic in the recent May-Corbyn campaign. None of this, however, was on the mind of the guys who chose the name - they just wanted something that sounded “Weird and English” to fit with the aesthetic.
  • 45.
  • 46. Prelims Q10 /b/ describes this as “the ideal video meme template. Quick cuts. Quick photos. Surreal imagery. Avant garde. For the truly patrician pepes.” There are many video meme templates, but this is perhaps the most famous one. It will usually involve 90 seconds with various frames and facial closeups with random text in between. Specific answer only pls.
  • 47.
  • 48. Prelims Q11 - 2 points. When working on the set of Xena : The Warrior Princess in 1995, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn fell off a horse and broke her kneecap. Unable to find any acting work thereafter, she took on a directing job some years later, on a product then freshly imported to America. This would go on to define the genre and be held up as a masterpiece. At the time, however, she felt that it would fail - and rightly so. The work was under- produced, ran with a low budget and had all the makings of a disaster, and no one expected it to be any good, since generally work of this category was considered inferior - and still is. However, this particular example is held as the finest of this category, even by people who look down on it.
  • 49.
  • 50. Prelims Q12 Though the 2006 film is what propelled him to fame, this character’s origins lie in TV. In a short, two-episode series, he appears in various locations in the UK. The actions in the UK were far tamer and more measured than the ones in the USA. Mostly, however, the method remains the same. _____ goes around Cambridge and Oxford, asking students and professors if they think women and “Pakis” should be able to study there. He also tries to learn a sport, but derails it by ranting about jews. Simply name the character/explain the 2006 rise to fame.
  • 51.
  • 52. Prelims Q13 What practical reason is very commonly cited by the creators and actors of Silicon Valley to keep their show light-hearted and comedic instead of gradually shifting into drama ?
  • 54. Prelims Q14 - 2 points It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has simultaneously managed to be one of the best comedy shows on TV, and also the least awarded. As a snub towards the Emmies, it decided to hold an “award episode”. IASIP revolves around people running a pub, so in this episode, they compete for a fictional “best bar award” and fail to win. In the process, they try to attract black customers to improve diversity, but worry too many black customers may make them a black bar, which don’t win awards ( a parody on the “diverse” casts and token minorities in modern sitcoms ) . They also wonder if their location is causing problems, but then realize “that bar down the street” has been winning awards, whereas they haven’t. This is a nod to the fact that IASIP airs on FX, which is somewhat of a small channel. 1) Who appear in this episode as the black customers ? 2) Which “bar down the street” show on FX is IASIP angry about ?
  • 56. Prelims Q15 A X’s Y represents an increase of roughly 8.3% over an usual Y. This allows a nice pun with the title - the narrator is a X telling a X’s Y worth of stories instead of Y. The author of the book stated that initially, the surname was going to be different, but the opportunity to make the pun caused the name change. Give both. Half each.
  • 57. Baker’s Dozen, 13 reasons why
  • 58. Prelims Q16 Some of the more unexpected elements on this list include : ● Phineas and Ferb, episode “Mission Marvel” ● The Simpsons - in Comic Book Guy’s store ● The Big Bang Theory - “The Excelsior Acquisition” These elements stand out in that they are from TV shows that do not focus on this area. I had to cherrypick the list significantly to get them, if that gives you a clue. What is being described ? This phenomenon is more well-known in movies, and may end soon.
  • 60. Prelim - Q17 In 1996, one of the strangest political sights to grace American history occurred in the Democratic National Congress. Banking on the dancing skills of Bill and Hillary ( who were, to be fair, more attractive back then ) the democratic party put on the _____ and danced for four very weird minutes to project - in their words - a “...hip, energetic, multi-culti image of the Democratic Party on national TV...” and to increase minority outreach. As bizarre as this sounds now, back then, the song and the dance was a democratic party anthem - reaching Al Gore as well. Observe the next slide to get an idea of what this may be.
  • 62. Q18 - A series of scenes from Better Call Saul.
  • 63. First rule of Fight Club
  • 65. Q1 If this came before their fame… What came afterwards ? Pictured : Four fine southern gents, sometime and somewhere near the border of Texas and Louisiana
  • 66.
  • 67. You thought this was only classy TV ?
  • 68. Q2 Some choice quotations about this three word phrase from various critics : “... synonymous with a specific brand of ….. comedy...” “....The mating call…. of the hacky, incompetent stand up comic...” And finally, one from Urban Dictionary that chooses to be ironic and provides the literal definition : “...a way of asking someone what is going on. usually used when asking what someone is doing that evening.“ Provide both phrase and show. Phrase is practically synonymous with the show, though it actually occurs rarely within it.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. Q3 “Training Day”, a 2001 film, depicts the relationship of Ethan Hawke playing a young, white police officer assigned to work with a senior, corrupt black cop. The black cop, played by Denzel Washington, works with the gangsters of Harlem and is ruthless to the Black community. His ways disgust Ethan Hawke’s character, and eventually, he dies. The movie features Denzel’s character roughing up suspects, planting evidence, and dealing with gangsters - all aspects that would be replicated, with a healthy addition of Trump campaign motifs, in what ? Note : Looking for a specific answer.
  • 72.
  • 74. Q4 Assuming we have Wifi while conducting……. What was the above based on ?
  • 75.
  • 76. The chicken dance, Arrested Development
  • 77. Q5 The following is a popular fan theory for the show - which, unlike its name, had its most iconic scenes shot in Canada - based on the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Season 1 stars ____ as Disease - a horseman who spreads lies and corrupts the innocent, weak-willed primary protagonist into evil. He rides into small towns, and leaves them corrupted. Season 2 is about War - the conflict between rival families. This season is by far the bloodiest, with organized gang-fighting between equal forces. Season 3 draws strong parallels between ____ and Famine - difficulties with food and the relentless hunger for wealth.
  • 78.
  • 80. Q6 The following slide contains a painting depicting King Agamemnon, preparing to carry something out in order to win the Trojan War. What is he doing ? And why would this be noted - by the Atlantic, the Slate, and elsewhere - to be a TV influence ?
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter, Iphigenia A myth that later influenced the scene of Stannis burning Shireen Baratheon
  • 84. Q7 The term derives from the fact that these would commonly take place on Star Trek when the crew ran out of budget, thus, it would feature no planets and occur entirely on the ship, as a ship in a _____ . An important subversion of this case happens when a writer chooses to go against this rule just to show off his skills. In this case, a writer may write a script for a ____ _____ to demonstrate his powers. The most famous example is ___ ______ __________, which was rejected at first and pushed through to become a classic episode, making the show famous in the first place.
  • 85.
  • 86. Bottle Episode The Chinese Restaurant, Seinfeld
  • 87. Q8 Though the song naming makes no sense, the band confirms that this is, indeed, a reference to the book. However, in their typical fashion, this is just a random choice that happens to sound cool and “has nothing to do with mass murder”. Picture on next slide may help.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. In Cold Blood - Alt-J, Daljeet Dhaliwal
  • 91. Q9 This organization sponsored a parody of Game of Thrones with a new advisor who takes the place of Eddard Stark. ID the group based on the screenshots that follow.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. Reason + Libertarian Party USA
  • 98. Q10 What exactly is the literary comparison being drawn here, based on the similar names and narrative arcs - the other example substituting three men of great power and ambition for dragons ?
  • 99.
  • 100. Dagny Taggart, Atlas Shrugged Francisco d'Anconia, John Galt, Ragnar Danneskjöld being the three heads
  • 101. Q11 The place is supposed to be closest in terms of inspiration to the “Cult of the ____ altar”, which itself derives from Lovecraft’s Dreams in the Witch House. The song is intimately partnered with another song on the same album. ______ _______ describes the two songs as being one of a pair - both depressing, but while ____ is “a personal song of nihilism, suicide, giving up” the other is an “apocalyptic orgy of the mellotron..a song for the end of the human race…” in his “classics review” segment. Name both. For a bonus of +10, who describes these songs ?
  • 102.
  • 103. Epitaph, In the Court of the Crimson King
  • 104. Q12 Apart from being known for his most famous series of books (one of them originally written to be an episode), the person whose name will get you full points was a minor yet extremely popular contributor to Doctor Who. The author independently wrote The Pirate Planet and co-wrote City of Death under the pseudonym-David Agnew, both of which appeared in Season 17 (1979-1980) of the cult show. Apart from these two, a third episode titled ‘Shada’ was also written by him but remained unreleased due the rampant inflation and union strikes in England during the time. However, efforts from the fans and producers have succeeded in restoring the episode which will be available for a digital download on November 24 and has brought joy to the fans of the TV show and the author alike. Identify the writer of these three episodes
  • 105.
  • 107. Q13 Given on the next few slides are a couple of paintings by Margaret Keane, on whose life the film ‘Big Eyes’ was based, as a matter of fact. The animators of a certain show X named her as one of their major influences. One of the characters in the show, that of a kindergarten teacher, was also named after her. Identify X
  • 108.
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 112. Q14 Shown below is Polina Gagarina ( who somehow randomly collaborated with Eminem ) performing one of her better known songs. The video contains a nod to a 2011 video game, which later became well known in other forms instead. Polina was very tangentially involved - being a Russian neighbour, after all - and thus the fan theory goes that she put those in as a nod to the will of _____ _____.
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115. Q15 - Quizzers of IITK, what do they know ?
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119. Q16 To the right : a cover for The Shape of Water ( a new movie by Del Toro ) . Look at it carefully and give me a sci-fi book. ( Cover art and imagery matters here )
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122. Discworld written Round Trying my hand at winner-takes-it-all : ● Award yourself 2*n^2, n = number of answers correct ● You only need to ID the reference. No discworld knowledge required. ● The max-value looks high, but hopefully there’ll be stumps.
  • 123. Q1 Twoflower in Discworld comes from the far-off Eastern half of the world, standing in for China. He introduces a foreign concept to the city of Ankh-Morpork which he calls, in his strange fashion, the reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits for better spice and silk trading with the city. Although it seems like no one understands him, Ankh-Morpork does seem to benefit from the introduction. One of Terry’s most subtle puns, this may take a while to crack. Think simple.
  • 124. Q2 - ID the reference. The book is Pyramids "Go, tell the Ephebians — " he began. The soldiers waited. "What?" said Autocue after a while. "Go and tell them what?" The sergeant relaxed, like air being let out of a balloon. "Go and tell them, what kept you?" he said. On the near horizon another column of dust was advancing. This was more like it. If there was going to be a massacre, then it ought to be shared by both sides.
  • 126. Q4 In soul music, the story follows the introduction of rock and roll to a medieval world. The dean of the local magical university becomes a huge fan - he dresses up in new styles and decides to fight against all his superiors by making random statements. This grows more and more frequent throughout the book, to the point where by the end, all the dialogues by the Dean are written as “mumblemumble….” and occur extremely frequently. As a result, he is termed a ____ ____ _ ______.
  • 127. Q5 - Finally, Night Watch
  • 129. Q1 Twoflower in Discworld comes from the far-off Eastern half of the world, standing in for China. He introduces a foreign concept to the city of Ankh-Morpork which he calls, in his strange fashion, the reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits for better spice and silk trading with the city. Although it seems like no one understands him, Ankh-Morpork does seem to benefit from the introduction. One of Terry’s most subtle puns, this may take a while to crack. Think simple.
  • 131. Q2 - ID the reference. The book is Pyramids "Go, tell the Ephebians — " he began. The soldiers waited. "What?" said Autocue after a while. "Go and tell them what?" The sergeant relaxed, like air being let out of a balloon. "Go and tell them, what kept you?" he said. On the near horizon another column of dust was advancing. This was more like it. If there was going to be a massacre, then it ought to be shared by both sides.
  • 132.
  • 134.
  • 135. Q4 In soul music, the story follows the introduction of rock and roll to a medieval world. The dean of the local magical university becomes a huge fan - he dresses up in new styles and decides to fight against all his superiors by making random statements. This grows more and more frequent throughout the book, to the point where by the end, all the dialogues by the Dean are written as “mumblemumble….” and occur extremely frequently. As a result, he is termed a ____ ____ _ ______.
  • 136. Rebel without a pause
  • 137. Q5 - Finally, Night Watch
  • 138.
  • 139. Q17 After immense pressure, fans got Hideo Kojima to do something - a feat in itself given that Kojima does whatever the hell he wants. He decided to give it a try, and ended up liking it a lot. What is it ? Why did the fans desire this ?
  • 140.
  • 141. Playtest - Black Mirror
  • 142. Q18 When bored - as he was often - he would often lend his voice to the recording of audiobooks. This program, called the Blind Project led to his voice narrating iconic works such as Flowers in the Attic ( V.C. Andrews ) and even Star Wars. These audiobooks are now seeing a surge in popularity. Explain why - who is this narrator ?
  • 143.
  • 144.
  • 145. Q19 This event was traditionally held for 45 days for a duration of over 500 years. This was one of the greatest marketplaces in the middle ages, and attracted merchants from as far off as Turkey. There is no indication, however, that the exact elements associated with this event could be purchased here. Today, a small imitation is still held, acting as a major source of tourism for this city in Yorkshire, England. However, the audience is now somewhat trashy and tourist attendance is on a decline.
  • 146.
  • 148. Q20 What group of people ( assuming that they are physically fit - something that is rarely true ) are selectively recruited by the air forces of South Korea and China, and to a lesser extent Japan and Philippines ? This activity is usually streamed on live television thanks to Samsung sponsorship in the countries in question, and military ads are run concurrently.
  • 149.
  • 151. Q21 On the next slide, we see an image from one of the most critically acclaimed episodes of The Good Place, a sitcom set in Heaven. In this episode, God is tasked with teaching the humans in his control a little about decision making under pressure. How does he do this ? Take a closer look..and just name the episode.
  • 152.
  • 153.
  • 155. Q22 On the next slide, you see the poster for Bloodborne. The console’s answer to the iconic Dark Souls trilogy, this game heavily draws from the anime/manga series ________ in terms of choice of weapon and plot twists. The level of violence is also commensurate - Bloodborne is, as its name indicates, bloody. _______ is violent enough to make “Attack on Titan look like Disney”. One of the strangest plot twists occur if the player chooses to romance Arianna. In this case, the Moon is cast over in a demonic event that causes Arianna to bear - and miscarry - a demonic child, in what is an explicit nod to this series.
  • 156.
  • 157.
  • 159. Q23 The casting requirements for the actor imply that he should be of a very special ethnic combination , with great skill in the usage of the sword he carries. As a result, even though Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities of the world, Amazon’s casting calls for this TV show continue to be fruitless. His antagonist is equally ethnically specific, and has proven just as hard to cast. ID the source material, which went on to inspire contemporary classics such as Blindsight, Neuromancer, Serial Experiments Lain amongst others.
  • 160.
  • 161.
  • 162.
  • 163. Q24 Shown here on “Veep” we have one of the greatest influencers on politics in the recent era - played by an actor who intentionally acts like an asshole for the role. Yet he runs for no elections, has no wealth and certainly not much charisma - in the show, he is called a “moon-faced hobbit”. Who is this secretive individual, who had been called by the NYT as the world’s unlikeliest media star ?
  • 164.
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167. Q25 William F. Buckley’s show “Firing Line” marked the high point in conservative TV, as it does now. This is the standard that “.....conservative publications such as Commentary and National Review forever aspire to….and Fox News fails to reach.” With that in mind, ID Buckley’s most famous guest and debate partner from this exchange below : X : Sometimes I lose my temper debating the Vietnam war...but maybe not tonight. Buckley : No, not tonight...if you did, I’d smash you in the face.
  • 168.
  • 169.
  • 170. Q26 Submission/Soumission is a controversial French novel by Michel Houllebecq. It imagines a future in which an Islamic party allies with the left and wins the 2022 French election. The central thesis of Soumission is the name : humans like to submit, either to a strong religion like Islam, or in a larger sense to civilization itself. The book attracted intense controversy upon release. However, it has gradually become recognized as a fairly innovative work. In a recent interview with Der Spiegel, X stated that “Despite all that...I find Houllebecq to be amongst the finest of our times. Political heroism is solely lacking in our generation, and I feel like it needs a revival...along with noblesse oblige.” Why did the book attract the controversy ? And who is this admirer ?
  • 171.
  • 172. Charlie Hebdo shooting day, Emmanuel Macron
  • 173. Q27 This is a clip from “Sing Street”, mirroring the 80’s formation of a famous rock group. The two primary boys in the video above are dressed in the manner of the two primary members, and in the movie, they even meet the way those two met in real life - the first found the second after hearing of his amazing instrumental skills. In the clip, they play along the early style of this band, which was significantly different and softer from what came after. Give me both + band ( order not important )
  • 174.
  • 175. Steven Patrick Morrissey, Johnny Marr, The Smiths
  • 176. Q28
  • 177.
  • 179. Q29 On the next slide, we have a portrait of Max Stirner ( born Johann Kaspar Schmidt ) based on the caricature drawn by Friedrich Engels. Engels, Marx and Stirner were roommates, and exchanged ideas quite often. Stirner is considered the godfather of modern anarchism, with his own work : The Ego and Its Own. Yet, none of that is relevant. Take a look at the caricature and name the iconic character whose pose he inspired.
  • 180.
  • 181.
  • 182.
  • 183. Q30
  • 184.
  • 187.
  • 188.
  • 189. Q32
  • 190.
  • 191.
  • 192. This is a generic MELA connect ● It is quite specific ● It may not be exhaustive