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Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
Commision (BTRC)-2021
c‡`i bvg: mnKvix cwiPvjK (KvwiMwi)
mgq: 1.30 N›Uv c~Y©gvb: 80 Exam Date:
cÖ_g Ask(GgwmwKD) b¤^i=(1*30=30) mgq: 30 wgwbU
Written part: Technical
1. What is 3dB ? How can you turn a converter
into an inverter.
2. Basic functions of GGSN and SGSN. Describe
LTE Radio Technology?
3. Possible threads to a computer systems and how
to provide security.
4. What is IC ? Advantages of IC over discrete
component circuit. Why do IC’s need small power
for their operation.
5. What is an access network? Briefly describe the
available access network.
6. What do you mean by two factor
authentication. Explain with example.
1. if 6/x=1/a+1/b, show that (x+3a)/(x-
3a)+(x+3b)/(x-3b)=2, a not equal to b.
2. Find the interest rate where difference between
the compound interest and simple interest
principle of tk 20000 for a 2 year period is tk 392.
3. write an essay on the rules of ICT in creating a
knowledge economy
4. Bangla to English Translation.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
Commision (BTRC)-2021
c‡`i bvg: Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK (KvwiMwi)
mgq: 1.30 N›Uv c~Y©gvb: 80 Exam Date:
cÖ_g Ask(GgwmwKD) b¤^i=(1*30=30) mgq: 30 wgwbU
1. ÔÔ‡h m‡e e‡½‡Z Rwb¥ wns‡m e½evbx/ †m me Kvn¨i Rb¥
wbY©q bÕ Rvwb|Ó KweZvswU Kvi iPbv?
A. AvjvIj B. Ave`yj nvwKg
C. PÛx`vm D.
2. Øvi eÜ K‡i ågvUv‡K iæwL, mZ¨ e‡j, Avwg †Kv_v w`‡q
XzwKÓ bxwZKweZvskwUi iPwqZv †K?
A. jvjb kvn B. gvB‡Kj ga~m~`b `Ë
C. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi D. K…ò P›`ª gÄyg`vi
3. “For good’ Gi Aby&&ev` †KvbwU?
A. fvji Rb¨ B. ÿYZ‡i
C. eoi Rb¨ D. wPiZ‡i
4. ÔÔ`nig gnigÕÕ Gi wecixZv_©K evN`viv †KvbwU?
A. AwnbKzj B. `y‡ai gvwQ
C. em‡šÍi †KvwKj C. wRjvcxi c¨vP
5. wj½všÍi nqbv, Ggb kã †KvbwU ?
A. mv‡ne B. ‡eqvB
C. m½x D. KweivR
6. Our Fates Seemed Intertwined. Which one is
similar to the underlined word?
A. Complicated B.
Destined C. Linked D.
7. Find the synonym of the word Morose.
A. Annoyed B. Gloomy
C. Moody D. Displeased
8. The antonym of the word Terrible is:
A. Soothing B. Frightening
C. Scaring D. Horrible
9. Find the correctly spelt word.
A. Abeyence B. Abayance
C. Abeyence D. Abeyance
10. A legal authorization of debtors to postphone
payment is known as:
A. Moratorium B. Deferment
C. Preemption D. Bed debt
11. 10 wU eB‡qi g‡a¨ 4wU eB KZ cÖKv‡i evQB Kiv hvq,
hv‡Z wbw`©ó `yBwU eB me©`v ev` _v‡K?
A. 210 B. 70
C. 45 D. 28
12. DIGITAL kãwU eY©¸wj‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq
hv‡Z ¯^iiY©¸wj GK‡Î _v‡K?
A. 320 B. 430
C. 210 D. 360
13. tanA=5/12 n‡j, sinA Gi gvb KZ?
A. 5
⁄ B. 3
C. 12
⁄ D. 5
14. SinA+CosA=SinB+CosB n‡j, A+B=?
A. 𝜋 B. 2𝜋
C. 𝜋/2 D. 𝜋/4
15. 3N I 4N gv‡bi `ywU ej j¤^fv‡e wµqv Ki‡j jw×i gvb
A. 2N B. 3N
C. 5N D. 7N
Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
16. wek^ †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb w`em K‡e cvwjZ nq?
A. 7 May B. 14 May
C. 17 May D. 21 May
17. evsjv‡`‡k †Kvb ZvwiL n‡Z AvbyôvwbK fv‡e †KvwfW-19
Gi wUK`vi Kg©m~Px Pvjy nq?
A. Rvbyqvix 7, 2021 B. Rvbyqvix 17,
2021 C. Rvbyqvix 27, 2021 D. Rvbyqvix 29,
18. ‡U÷ wµ‡KU evsjv‡`‡ki `yªZZg DB‡KU †mÂwiqvb
†evjvi †K?
A. mvwKe Avj nvmvb B. ‡gv¯ÍvwdRyi
ingvb C. ‡g‡nw` nvmvb wgivR D. ZvBRyj Bmjvg
19. GKwU ev‡j¦ 60W-220V †jLv _vK‡j Zvi †iv` KZ
A. 16.36 B. 160.67
C. 280.36 D. 806.67
20. 33Q resistor mvwK©‡U 2 amp ZworcÖevn PvwjZ n‡j
†iwR÷v‡ii †fv‡ëR KZ?
A. 33 V B. 66V
C. 80V D. 132V
21. eZ©bx‡Z Z¡wir cÖev‡n m„wó K‡i †KvbwU?
A. ‡cÖvU‡bi cÖevn B. wbDUª‡bi cÖevn
C. B‡jKUª‡bi cÖevnD. Zv‡ci cÖevn
22. 100 Iqv‡Ui GKwU ˆe`y¨wZK evwZ cÖwZwUb 7 N›Uv
R¦vj‡j 2020 mv‡ji †deªæqvix gv‡m KZ Zwir kw³ LiP
A. 20.3k Wh B. 203k Wh
C. 21.3k Wh D. 290k Wh
23. wb‡Pi †Kvb B‡jK‡Uªvwb· hš¿ AC †_‡K DC ‰Zwi
Ki‡Z cv‡i?
A. Diode B. Transistor
24. n-p-n UªvbwR÷‡i ÔP Õ AskwU Kx?
A. wbtmiK B. msMÖvnK
C. wfwË D. weea©K
25. GKwU †ZRw¯Œq †gŠ‡ji Aa©vqy 200 eQi| †gŠjwUi 75%
ÿq n‡Z KZ eQi jvM‡e?
A. 150 B. 300
C. 400 D. 450
26. UªvbwR÷‡ii mv‡_ WqvW ev †iwR÷i Ges K¨vcwmUi w`‡q
ˆZwi c~Y©½ mvwK©U‡K Kx e‡j?
A. Motherboard B. RAM
C. Processor D. IC
27. ‡Kvb ˆewk‡ó¨i Kvi‡Y RAM ¯’vqx ¯§„wZ-‡÷v‡iR wn‡m‡e
e¨envi Abyc‡hvMx?
A. Too Slow B. Unreliable
C. Volatility D. Too Bulky
28. In a memory-mapped I/O system, which one
is not present?
29. wmwjK‡bi mv‡_ †Kvb c`v_© †hvM Ki‡j Zv p-UvB‡c
cwiYZ nq?
A. dmdivm B. ‡evib
C. nvB‡Wªv‡Rb D. Kve©b
30. XvKv †eZvi †K›`ª wgwWqvg I‡q‡f 630Hz G Abyôvb
m¤úªPvi K‡i| †iwWI Zi‡½ †eM 3×108
n‡j Zi½ ‰`N©¨
KZ n‡e?
A. 476190m B. 476.19m
C. 476190cm D. 476.19cm
2q Ask: Written (1 N›Uv)
[mKj c«‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| c«kœmg~‡ni DËi Aek¨B
avivevwnKfv‡e wjL‡Z n‡e| eÜbx‡Z c«`wk©Z msL¨v c«‡kœi
c~Y©gvb ÁvcK| ‡Kv‡bv AwZwi³ DËicÎ mieivn Kiv n‡ebv|
DËic‡Îi mv‡_ c«kœcÎ I ‡diZ w`‡Z n‡e|]
Question No. 1: [7 Marks]
"mvgvwRK ‡hvMv‡hvM gva¨‡g AmZ¨, ¸Re I
ivó«we‡ivax wg_¨v Z_¨ c«Pvi ‡iv‡a wewUAviwmi f~wgKviæ Dci
evsjvq GKwU msw¶ß iPbv wjLyb|
Question No. 2: [8 Marks]
Write an eassy on the “Role of
telecommunications in supporting
economic and business activities during
thee Covid-19 pandemic situations.
Question No. 3: wb‡Pi MvwbwZK mgm¨v ¸wji mgvavb
Kiæb| [2*3=6 Marks]
(a) b`x‡Z ‡m«vZ bv _vK‡j GKRb mvuZviæ 100
wgUvi c«k¯Í GKUv b`x h_vµ‡g 4 I 5 wgwb‡U
‡mvRvmywR cvi n‡Z cv‡i| ‡m«v‡Zi ‡eM KZ?
(b) my‡`i nvi `kwgK 75 kZvsk üqvm cvIqv‡Z
GKRb AvgvbZKvixi Avgvb‡Zi Dci 4 eQ‡ii
ccviß Avq 750 UvKv K‡g hvq| Zvi Avgvb‡Zi
‡gvU cwigvY KZ?
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(c) GKwU eB‡qi ‰`N¨© 25 ‡mwg I c«¯’ 18 ‡mwg|
eBwUi c…ôv msL¨v 200 Ges c«wZ cvZvi cyiæZ¡ 0.1
wgwg n‡j eBwUi AvqZb KZ?
Question No. 4: [8 Marks]
RbevÜe ‡Uwj‡mev c«`v‡b wewUAviwm wKfv‡e
‡U‡jv‡hvMv‡hvM LvZ‡K wbqš¿Y I mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡i- GB
wel‡q GKwU cwi‡”Q` wjLyb|
Question No. 5: Answer the following
questions. [3*8=24 Marks]
(a) GKwU Acv‡ikbvj Amplifier c«avb c«avb ‰ewkó Kx Kx?
Gwm cvIqvi wKfv‡e wWwm cvIqv‡i iƒcvšÍwiZ nq?
(b) RLC mvwK©U Kx? ‰e`¨ywZK mvwK©‡U U«vbwR÷‡ii f~wgKv
(c) AwWI wd«Ky‡qwÝ I ‡iwWI wd«Ky‡qwÝi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjLyb| 10
In‡gi 10 wU U«vbwR÷i ‡Kvb wmwi‡R mshy³ n‡j Zv‡Z ‡iwR÷¨vÝ
KZ n‡e? [Page-78]
(d) TCSM Gi KvR Kx? VoIP cwiPvjbvq Kx Kx miÄv‡gi
c«‡qvRb nq?
(e) Kj W«c Kx? Gi KviY ¸‡jv D‡jøL Kiæb|
(f) LTE Kx? Gi GWfvÝW c«hyw³i bvg wjLyb|
(g) What is SDLC? List the Stages involved in
the SDLC process. Which
stages ensures the user acceptance of the
(h) OSI Model KvR Kx? Gi ‡jqvi mg~n Kx Kx?
BTRC (Assistant Director)
Exam Date:19-02-2021
MCQ: 30 Written: 50
[cÖ‡kœi DËi avivevwnK fv‡e Ki‡Z n‡e]
Non- Department
Question no 01: Translate the following
paragraph into Bengali.
An efficient system for collecting, analysing, and
storing migrant worker data in Bangladesh has
been needed for a long time. To that end, kudos
to the IOM for helping to develop the Returning
Migrants Management of Information System
(ReMiMiS), which is essentially a nationwide
returnee database intended to make a number of
processes easier. Sustainable reintegration of
returnees is a priority, and information stored in
this system will enable the authorities to do things
it could not do before. Targeted reintegration
support programs, for example, will now be
possible. The database will have skill profiles of
returning migrants, and this information will help
in an efficient allocation of labour to
communities and to sectors in demand. This will
boost our economy at home, but it will also give
returnee migrant workers the opportunities they
deserve after doing so much for us by sending
valuable remittance earnings back to the country.
Question no 02: Translate the following
paragraph into English.
‡`‡ki Aa¯Íb Av`vj‡Zi wePviKv‡R evsjv fvlv e¨envi n‡jI
D”P Av`vj‡Z nq bv ej‡jB P‡j| Bs‡iwR k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv
bv _vKvq D”P Av`vj‡Zi wePvicwZiv evsjvq ivq Ges Av‡`k
w`‡ZI ‡Zgb AvM«nx bb| mywc«g ‡Kv‡U©i K‡qKRb wePvicwZ
evsjvq ivq I Av‡`k w`‡jI Zv‡`i msL¨v ‡ewk bq|Ggb
‡c«¶vc‡U Bs‡iwR k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv c«Yq‡b ‡Rvi w`‡q‡Q
wePvi wefvM I miKvi| `xN© M‡elYvi ci c«qvZ RvZxq
Aa¨vcK Avwbmy¾vgvbmn we‡klÁ GKwU `‡ji ‡hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M
Bs‡iwR mv‡o Pvi nvRvi k‡ãi bZyb evsjv cwifvlvI wba©viY
K‡i‡Q AvBb Kwgkb| me wgwj‡q AvBb Kwgk‡bi D‡`¨v‡M `k
nvRv‡iiI ‡ewk evsjv cwifvlv wb‡q gyw`«Z n‡q‡Q 'AvBb-
kã‡Kvl|'e½eÜyi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡¶ RvwZi wcZv ‡kL
gywReyi ingv‡bi D‡Ï‡k DrmM© Kiv n‡q‡Q AvBb-kã‡Kvl|
fvlvi gvm ‡deªæqvwi‡Z evwYwR¨Kfv‡eI Gi wecYb ïiæ n‡q‡Q|
GKBfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z ivq I Av‡`k Abyev‡`i Rb¨ AvBb
gš¿Yvj‡qi mn‡hvwMZvq ‰Zwi n‡q‡Q 'evsjv A¨vc'|
Question no 03: Solve the following
mathematics problems?
a) Find the interest rate of an investment of
BDT 50000 for 2 years. Where the difference
between the amounts of compound interest
and single interest in BDT 720.
Ans: ( ( p(1+r)2
-p)-pnr=720 , r= 12%
b) 50 person can do a work in 12 days by
working 8 hours a day. Working how many
hours per day can 60 person finish the work
in 16 days?
Ans: (8*50*12)/(60*16)=5 hours per
Question no 04: Describe in Bengali or
English on the post-COVID-19 social
challenge that Bangladesh may can front end
the way ICT can support to overcome them.
Ans: wb‡R Kiæb.
Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call
Question no 05: Answer the following
a) Write the full form of the given
terminology ICX, IGW, and IIG. Write
the function of these terminologies?
b) Some of the factors determine the
performance of the computer system.
Cache memory on of them. Why cache
memory in our of the factor to determine
the performance of a computer system?
c) In solid-state drive data is saved to a pool of
NAND flash. NAND itself is made up of
what are called floating gate
transistors. How does floating gate
transistor store 0 and 1?
d) The primary function of the transmission
control protocol(TCP) is the terms of
unreliable network into a reliable network
to make a network more reliable. TCP
performs six basic function. What is the
basic function performed by TCP?
e) Now a days , core i3,i5,i7 and i9 CPUs are
available . the higher the number is . the
most powerful processor is?. What does 2
cores and 4 thread means? what is the hyper
threading technology?
f) How does laser diode differ from LED?
What are the function of diode?
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
Commision (BTRC)
Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2019
Exam Date: 05.04.2019
1. cwimsL¨v‡bi wewfbœ cwigvc wbY©‡qi Rb¨ wb‡Pi †KvbwU e¨eüZ
nq ?
A. MS Word B. MS Access C. MS
Excel D. MS Power Point
2. Kwc di‡gU Kivi kU©KvU †KvbwU?
A. Ctrl+C B. Shift+C
C. Ctrl+Shift+C D. Alt+Shift+C
3. DNA g¨vwcs Kivi Rb¨ †Kvb cÖhyw³ e¨envi Kiv nq?
A. ev‡qv‡gwUª B. ev‡qvBbdi‡gwU·
C. ‡ivewU D. ‡R‡bwU·
4. Number systems used in the computer is
known as:
A. Octal System B. Decimal
System C. Binary System D. Real
5. Consist of instructions that control the
A. Programs B. List C. Keyboard
D. File
6. Which typeof softwarecantranslate scanned text
into text thatone can edit?
7. Activematrix displays use _ technology.
8. To removea program from your computer, you can
_ it.
A. remove B. delete C. store
D. uninstall
9. Which one is anexampleof hybrid network?
10. The abbreviationofbps stands for
A. bytes per second B.bit per second C.
bandwidth per second D. baud rate per second
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. Which device converts thecomputer’s digitaldata
into analog signals?
A. ATM B. Router
C. Modem D. Packet
12. The voltagegain ofan OPamp is unity atthe
A. Cutoff frequency B. Unity-gain frequency
C. Generator frequency D. Power bandwidth
13. FTP sites areoften called.
A. channels B. archives
C. groups D. domain
14. An emailaddress has a user name,the @ symbol
and the_ computer’s name.
A. provider B. host
C. server D. client
15. Wi-Fi stands forthe wireless ……:
A. Fidelity B. Final C. Fidel
D. Field
16. You canconnect anelectronic instrumentto your
computervia the_ port.
17. Sockets and Winsock ‡Kvb ai‡bi md&UIq¨v‡ii
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18. ‡cv‡U©ej Kw¤úDUvi †Kvb ai‡bi gwbUi mPivPi e¨eüZ nq
A. CRT B. monochrome C. flat
panel display D. data projector
19. 19….…….are thetwo symbolspresent in the
binary number system.
A. 1 and 2 B. 0 and 1
C. 8 and 9 D. 5 and 6
20. ‡Kvb mv‡j wewUAviwm Gi AvbyôvwbK Kvh©µg ïiæ nq?
A. 2001 B. 2002 C. 2008
D. 2009
21. †Kvb m‡b evsjv‡`k ¯^qswµq wWwRUvj AvBwUG· mvwf©m ïiæ
A. 1972 B. 1975 C. 1981
D. 1983
22. meyR is‡qi AwWI †cvU© wK‡mi ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq?
A. gvB‡µv‡dvb B. w¯úKvi C. ‡÷vwiI
D. wMUvi
23. me©vwaK e¨eüZ Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †KvbwU?
A. Linux B. Windows
C. MAC OS D. Unix
Question No. 1
[2×5 = 10 Marks]
a) evwl©K eb‡fvRb Abyôvb Kivi Rb¨ †Kv‡bv GK mwgwZi m`m¨
1,38,000 UvKvi ev‡RU Ki‡jb Ges
wm×vন্ত wb‡jb cÖ‡Z¨K m`m¨ mgvb Puv`v w`‡eb| wKš‘ 5 Rb
m`m¨ AskMÖn‡Y AcviMZv cÖKvk Kivq Aewkó m`m¨i
gv_vwcQz 50 UvKv Puv`v e„w× †cj| H mwgwZ‡Z KZRb m`m¨
b) Simplify:
Question No. 2
[10+4= 14
a) An unloaded Zener regulator has a source
voltage of 24V, a series resistance of 470 V,
and Zener voltage of 15 V. What is the Zener
b) What do you understand by TV white space?
Discuss white space spectrum opportunities
and challenges for 5G.
c) What is FermiLevel? Differentiate between
insulatorand semiconductoronthe basis of band
d) evsjv‡`‡ki gv_vwcQz Mo Avq KZ Wjvi? G‡`‡ki
wRwWwci cÖe„w×i nvi KZ? G nv‡i cÖe„w× Ae¨nZ _vK‡j
KZ eQ‡i Avgv‡`i RvZxq Avq wظb n‡e?
Answer: wb‡R Kরুb ....
e) Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW mvwK©U (AvBwm) Kx? Gi wZbwU myweav I `ywU
Amyweav wjLyb|
f) What is thecathoderay oscilloscope (CRO)? How is
CRO superiorto ordinary measuring instruments?
g) Kw¤úDUv‡ii †eªBb ev মস্তিষ্ক †KvbwU? eZ©gv‡b †Kvb
cÖR‡b¥i Kw¤úDUvi evRv‡i cÖPwjZ Av‡Q? eZ©gv‡bi
Kw¤úUvi‡K wWwRUvj Kw¤úDUvi ejvi Kvib Kx?
h) Kw¤úDUv‡ii ¯’vqx ¯§„wZi Avavi †KvbwU? Kw¤úDUv‡ii MwZ
wbf©i K‡i wK‡mi Dci?
i) What is themain differencebetween verticaland
j) Write thebasicfunctionsofGGSN and SGSN.
Describe themajor LTE radio technologies.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
Commision (BTRC)
Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2019
Exam Date: 12.07.2019
[‡gvU 40wU cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ OMR Sheet G mwVK DËiwU Kv‡jv Kvwji Kjg
w`‡q mwVK wbq‡g e„Ë fivU Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb cÖKvi NlvgvRv wKsev
GKvwaK e„Ë fivU Ki‡j msশ্লিó cÖ‡kœi DËi evwZj e‡j MY¨ n‡e|]
1. The ration of number of successful calls to the
number of all call attempts is known as:
A. Call back rate (CBR) B. Call
completion rate (CCR) C. Busy
hour call rate (BHCR) D. Effective call rate
2. What is the acceptance value of dividing point
between the wonder & jitter?
A. 200 Hz B. 50 HzC. 20 Hz
D. 10 Hz
3. If the voice channel is free in PSTN then what
would be the maximum data rate supported
by 3.1 KHz bandwidth of voice channel?
A. 4000 bps B. 5000 bps
C. 6000 bps D. 8000 bps
4. Which one is an example of DBMS?
A. MS word B. MS Excel C. C++
D. MS Access
5. How many unique signs could be specified by
using ASCII-8?
Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call
A. 128 B. 256 C. 512
D. 65536
6. What is the distance between the line 8x+6y
=17 and 8x+6y-37= 0?
A. -2 B. 1 C. 2
D. 6
7. Which of the following converts the
documents written by HTML?
A. Browser B. FTP
C. HTPP D. Web
8. Which one transfers data at the highest
A. UTP B. STP C. co-
axial-cable D. Fiber optic cable
9. Which one acts as the backbone of global
A. Hardware B. Software
C. Networks and connectivity D.
10. It the vertical and horizontal component of
geomagnetic field in a place is 32 uT and 20
uT respectively how much is the dip?
A. 320
B. 380
C. 510
D. 570
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11. What is the power required by a pump to
draw 10 liters of water to a height of 10
meters, every second?
A. 980 J B. 100 kw
C. 900 w D. 960 kw
12. What kind of energy is stored in a stressed
A. Potential energy B. Kinetic energyC.
Chemical Energy D. thermal energy
13. Which time of the following properties of a
body cannot be changed with an applied
A. length B. mass C. shape
D. volume
14. How much force should be exerted on a steel
wire of cross-sectional area 1 x 10-4
order to double its length? (Y = 2x1011
A. 2 x 106
N B. 2 x 107
N C. 2 x
N D. 2 x 109
15. A wire resistance is 12 ohms. If it is divided
into two parts and the parts are then
connected in a parallel combination what will
be resistance?(R/n2
A. 3 ohm B. 6 ohm C. 12
ohm D. 24 ohm
16. Which one of thefollowing isequivalent
hexadecimalnumberof (734)8?
A. C1D B. D1C C. 1CD
D. 1DC
17. Fora transistor withβ =100 and1ε=10μAfind the
valueofemitter currentofthegiven transistor?
(Correct Answernotin theoptions).
A. 5.050 μA B. 50.50 μA C. 505.0 μA
D. 5050 μA
18. 18.When thereis no forbidden regionbetweenthe
conductanceband andvalenceband, the substance
is called.
A. semiconductor B. super conductor
C. conductor D. insulator
19. What is theangularmomentum ofthe election in
the lowest orbitof hydrogenatom?
A. h B. h/2 C. h/2 ℼ
d. 2 ℼ/h
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Question No. 1
i. If a+b = 5 and ab = 6, find the value of
ii. If the difference between compound profit
and simple profit of a principal amount in
2 years in taka = 8 rate of 4 percent profit
per annum, find the amount of principal.
iii. Show that (
× (
= 1
Question No.2
[10 Marks]
Write anessay onthe “RoleofTelecommunications
in Economic Growthand Development”
Question No.3
[5 Marks]
Translate into Bengali:
Software errors pose a constant threat to
information systems, causing untold losses in
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productivity and some endangering people who
use or depend on systems. Growing complexity
and size of software programs, coup with
demands for timely delivery to markets, have
contributed to an increase in software flaws or
vulnerability major problem with the software is
the presence of hidden bugs or program code
defects. Studies have showed is virtually
impossible to eliminate all bugs from large
programs. The main source of bugs is the
complexity of decision-making code.
Question No. 4
[Marks 3+2+2+2= 9]
a) State the major features of an Operational
Amplifier. Using an OA, draw a differential
circuit and functions
b) In a balance 3-wire Y connected system, a 3-
phase load has phase voltage of 240 V, a line
current 5A and lagging power factor 0.966,
draw the phasor diagram.
c) How are the AC powers converted to DC powers?
d) What is the difference between audio frequency and
radio frequency?
Question No. 5
[Marks 2+3+2+2= 9]
a) Classify lathe machines. Which factors are
considered in lathe specifications?.
b) Explain CAD-CAM technology used in design
and manufacturing sectors. Draw the flow
diagram ofa P cycleshowing CAD-CAM
Try Yourself
c) Write the “3E’s” of Thermodynamics.
Mention four applications of
d) A machine with 10 HP works for 30 minutes.
Find the value of work and efficiency of the
Question No. 6
[Marks 2x4 = 8]
a) What is channel hardening and what implications
does it have on the frequency allocation (in OF
DMA for example) [Page-78]
b) What is the functionality of TCSM?
c) What equipment is needed for VOIP?
d) What are the reasons for call drop?
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
Commision (BTRC)
Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2018,
mgq : 1 N›Uv 30 wgwbU c~Y©gvb : 100
1. cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI ?
a. GKwU AvqZvKvi Rwgi †ÿÎdj 12 †n±i Ges
K‡b©i ˆ`N¨© 500 wgUvi| H Rwgi ˆ`N¨© KI
cÖ‡¯’i m‡½ Aci GKwU Rwgi ˆ`N¨© I cÖ‡¯’i
AbycvZ 2 t 3 n‡j wØZxq RwgwUi cwimxgv
KZ wgUvi?
b. x+1/x=3 n‡j x5
Gi gvb KZ?
1) Write an easy on the “Need for
Information Security management in
Bangladesh”. (evsjv‡`‡ki Z_¨ e¨ve¯’vcbvi
wbivcËv m¤c‡K© GKwU cÖeÜ wjL)|
2) Translate into English:
eZ©gvb wek¦ Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wbf©i AvaywbK we‡k¦ cwiYZ
n‡q‡Q| DbœZ †`‡ki mgvR e¨ve¯’vq Z_¨ cÖhyw³
Afvebxq cwieZ©b G‡b‡Q| †m Abycv‡Z Dbœqbkxj
mgvR e¨ve¯’vq Gi cÖfve co‡jI e¨vcKZv jvf
K‡iwb| evsjv‡`k Dbœqb †`‡ki mvwi‡Z n‡q‡Q Ges
Z_¨ cÖhyw³i Av‡iv we¯Í…Z e¨env‡i †`‡ki A_©bxwZ
Av‡iv †eMevb Kiv m¤¢e|‡mB jÿ¨ mvg‡b †i‡L
eZ©gvb miKvi Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Lv‡Z me©vwaK ¸iæZ¡
w`‡”Q| Z_¨ cÖhyw³i †mev Av‡iv mnRZi Kiv Ges
Gi m‡e©v”P wbivcËvi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k
†UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †i¸‡jUvwi Kwgkb MwVb Kiv
3) B‡jKwUªK¨vj Askt
a) wWwm †gvU‡i †Kb e¨vK BGgGd e¨envi Kiv
nq?Gi Zvrch© eY©bv Ki?
b) BÛvKkb †gvU‡i †Kb ÷vi †Wëv ÷vU©vi
e¨envi Kiv nq?
c) BÛvKkb †gvU‡iii w¯¬c Kv‡K e‡j?
d) †÷cvi †gvUi wK? Gi e¨envi wjL|
4) B‡jKUªwbK Askt
a) Amplifier Gi †fv‡ëR †MB‡bi iæjm ¸‡jv
wK wK?
b) Calculate current through the Zener
diode for the load Resistance.
5) Kw¤cDUvi Askt
a) Kvh©Ki Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM wba©viY Kiv Dcvq
¸‡jv wjL?
b) Bbd«v‡qW †Kb wUwf/Gwm wi‡gv‡Ui Rb¨
c) 2G I 3G Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjL|
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d) †bvW dvskb ¸‡jv wjLyb(wPÎt 5-b) Gi|
6) Kw¤cDUvi Askt
a) Half Adder circuit diagram AsKb Ki?
b) (125)10=(?)2.
c) WvUv wcÖ cÖ‡mwms Gi avc ¸‡jv eY©bv Ai|
d) Flynn's Gi Kw¤cDUvi ¯’cwZi fvM eY©bv Ki|

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Bangladesh telecommunication regulatory commision

  • 1. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commision (BTRC)-2021 c‡`i bvg: mnKvix cwiPvjK (KvwiMwi) mgq: 1.30 N›Uv c~Y©gvb: 80 Exam Date: 19.02.2021 cÖ_g Ask(GgwmwKD) b¤^i=(1*30=30) mgq: 30 wgwbU Written part: Technical 1. What is 3dB ? How can you turn a converter into an inverter. 2. Basic functions of GGSN and SGSN. Describe LTE Radio Technology? 3. Possible threads to a computer systems and how to provide security. 4. What is IC ? Advantages of IC over discrete component circuit. Why do IC’s need small power for their operation. 5. What is an access network? Briefly describe the available access network. 6. What do you mean by two factor authentication. Explain with example. Math 1. if 6/x=1/a+1/b, show that (x+3a)/(x- 3a)+(x+3b)/(x-3b)=2, a not equal to b. 2. Find the interest rate where difference between the compound interest and simple interest principle of tk 20000 for a 2 year period is tk 392. 3. write an essay on the rules of ICT in creating a knowledge economy 4. Bangla to English Translation. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commision (BTRC)-2021 c‡`i bvg: Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK (KvwiMwi) mgq: 1.30 N›Uv c~Y©gvb: 80 Exam Date: 19.02.2021 cÖ_g Ask(GgwmwKD) b¤^i=(1*30=30) mgq: 30 wgwbU 1. ÔÔ‡h m‡e e‡½‡Z Rwb¥ wns‡m e½evbx/ †m me Kvn¨i Rb¥ wbY©q bÕ Rvwb|Ó KweZvswU Kvi iPbv? A. AvjvIj B. Ave`yj nvwKg C. PÛx`vm D. KvbvB`vm 2. Øvi eÜ K‡i ågvUv‡K iæwL, mZ¨ e‡j, Avwg †Kv_v w`‡q XzwKÓ bxwZKweZvskwUi iPwqZv †K? A. jvjb kvn B. gvB‡Kj ga~m~`b `Ë C. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi D. K…ò P›`ª gÄyg`vi 3. “For good’ Gi Aby&&ev` †KvbwU? A. fvji Rb¨ B. ÿYZ‡i C. eoi Rb¨ D. wPiZ‡i 4. ÔÔ`nig gnigÕÕ Gi wecixZv_©K evN`viv †KvbwU? A. AwnbKzj B. `y‡ai gvwQ C. em‡šÍi †KvwKj C. wRjvcxi c¨vP 5. wj½všÍi nqbv, Ggb kã †KvbwU ? A. mv‡ne B. ‡eqvB C. m½x D. KweivR 6. Our Fates Seemed Intertwined. Which one is similar to the underlined word? A. Complicated B. Destined C. Linked D. Complex 7. Find the synonym of the word Morose. A. Annoyed B. Gloomy C. Moody D. Displeased 8. The antonym of the word Terrible is: A. Soothing B. Frightening C. Scaring D. Horrible 9. Find the correctly spelt word. A. Abeyence B. Abayance C. Abeyence D. Abeyance 10. A legal authorization of debtors to postphone payment is known as: A. Moratorium B. Deferment C. Preemption D. Bed debt 11. 10 wU eB‡qi g‡a¨ 4wU eB KZ cÖKv‡i evQB Kiv hvq, hv‡Z wbw`©ó `yBwU eB me©`v ev` _v‡K? A. 210 B. 70 C. 45 D. 28 12. DIGITAL kãwU eY©¸wj‡K KZ cÖKv‡i mvRv‡bv hvq hv‡Z ¯^iiY©¸wj GK‡Î _v‡K? A. 320 B. 430 C. 210 D. 360 13. tanA=5/12 n‡j, sinA Gi gvb KZ? A. 5 13 ⁄ B. 3 4 ⁄ C. 12 13 ⁄ D. 5 12 ⁄ 14. SinA+CosA=SinB+CosB n‡j, A+B=? A. 𝜋 B. 2𝜋 C. 𝜋/2 D. 𝜋/4 15. 3N I 4N gv‡bi `ywU ej j¤^fv‡e wµqv Ki‡j jw×i gvb KZ? A. 2N B. 3N C. 5N D. 7N
  • 2. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 B C D A D A B A D A B D A C C 16. wek^ †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb w`em K‡e cvwjZ nq? A. 7 May B. 14 May C. 17 May D. 21 May 17. evsjv‡`‡k †Kvb ZvwiL n‡Z AvbyôvwbK fv‡e †KvwfW-19 Gi wUK`vi Kg©m~Px Pvjy nq? A. Rvbyqvix 7, 2021 B. Rvbyqvix 17, 2021 C. Rvbyqvix 27, 2021 D. Rvbyqvix 29, 2021 18. ‡U÷ wµ‡KU evsjv‡`‡ki `yªZZg DB‡KU †mÂwiqvb †evjvi †K? A. mvwKe Avj nvmvb B. ‡gv¯ÍvwdRyi ingvb C. ‡g‡nw` nvmvb wgivR D. ZvBRyj Bmjvg 19. GKwU ev‡j¦ 60W-220V †jLv _vK‡j Zvi †iv` KZ Ing? A. 16.36 B. 160.67 C. 280.36 D. 806.67 20. 33Q resistor mvwK©‡U 2 amp ZworcÖevn PvwjZ n‡j †iwR÷v‡ii †fv‡ëR KZ? A. 33 V B. 66V C. 80V D. 132V 21. eZ©bx‡Z Z¡wir cÖev‡n m„wó K‡i †KvbwU? A. ‡cÖvU‡bi cÖevn B. wbDUª‡bi cÖevn C. B‡jKUª‡bi cÖevnD. Zv‡ci cÖevn 22. 100 Iqv‡Ui GKwU ˆe`y¨wZK evwZ cÖwZwUb 7 N›Uv R¦vj‡j 2020 mv‡ji †deªæqvix gv‡m KZ Zwir kw³ LiP n‡e? A. 20.3k Wh B. 203k Wh C. 21.3k Wh D. 290k Wh 23. wb‡Pi †Kvb B‡jK‡Uªvwb· hš¿ AC †_‡K DC ‰Zwi Ki‡Z cv‡i? A. Diode B. Transistor C. JET D. FET 24. n-p-n UªvbwR÷‡i ÔP Õ AskwU Kx? A. wbtmiK B. msMÖvnK C. wfwË D. weea©K 25. GKwU †ZRw¯Œq †gŠ‡ji Aa©vqy 200 eQi| †gŠjwUi 75% ÿq n‡Z KZ eQi jvM‡e? A. 150 B. 300 C. 400 D. 450 26. UªvbwR÷‡ii mv‡_ WqvW ev †iwR÷i Ges K¨vcwmUi w`‡q ˆZwi c~Y©½ mvwK©U‡K Kx e‡j? A. Motherboard B. RAM C. Processor D. IC 27. ‡Kvb ˆewk‡ó¨i Kvi‡Y RAM ¯’vqx ¯§„wZ-‡÷v‡iR wn‡m‡e e¨envi Abyc‡hvMx? A. Too Slow B. Unreliable C. Volatility D. Too Bulky 28. In a memory-mapped I/O system, which one is not present? A. LDA B. IN C. ADD D. OUT 29. wmwjK‡bi mv‡_ †Kvb c`v_© †hvM Ki‡j Zv p-UvB‡c cwiYZ nq? A. dmdivm B. ‡evib C. nvB‡Wªv‡Rb D. Kve©b 30. XvKv †eZvi †K›`ª wgwWqvg I‡q‡f 630Hz G Abyôvb m¤úªPvi K‡i| †iwWI Zi‡½ †eM 3×108 ms-1 n‡j Zi½ ‰`N©¨ KZ n‡e? A. 476190m B. 476.19m C. 476190cm D. 476.19cm 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 C C C D B C A A C C D C A B A 2q Ask: Written (1 N›Uv) [mKj c«‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| c«kœmg~‡ni DËi Aek¨B avivevwnKfv‡e wjL‡Z n‡e| eÜbx‡Z c«`wk©Z msL¨v c«‡kœi c~Y©gvb ÁvcK| ‡Kv‡bv AwZwi³ DËicÎ mieivn Kiv n‡ebv| DËic‡Îi mv‡_ c«kœcÎ I ‡diZ w`‡Z n‡e|] Question No. 1: [7 Marks] "mvgvwRK ‡hvMv‡hvM gva¨‡g AmZ¨, ¸Re I ivó«we‡ivax wg_¨v Z_¨ c«Pvi ‡iv‡a wewUAviwmi f~wgKviæ Dci evsjvq GKwU msw¶ß iPbv wjLyb| Question No. 2: [8 Marks] Write an eassy on the “Role of telecommunications in supporting economic and business activities during thee Covid-19 pandemic situations. Question No. 3: wb‡Pi MvwbwZK mgm¨v ¸wji mgvavb Kiæb| [2*3=6 Marks] (a) b`x‡Z ‡m«vZ bv _vK‡j GKRb mvuZviæ 100 wgUvi c«k¯Í GKUv b`x h_vµ‡g 4 I 5 wgwb‡U ‡mvRvmywR cvi n‡Z cv‡i| ‡m«v‡Zi ‡eM KZ? (b) my‡`i nvi `kwgK 75 kZvsk üqvm cvIqv‡Z GKRb AvgvbZKvixi Avgvb‡Zi Dci 4 eQ‡ii ccviß Avq 750 UvKv K‡g hvq| Zvi Avgvb‡Zi ‡gvU cwigvY KZ?
  • 3. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 (c) GKwU eB‡qi ‰`N¨© 25 ‡mwg I c«¯’ 18 ‡mwg| eBwUi c…ôv msL¨v 200 Ges c«wZ cvZvi cyiæZ¡ 0.1 wgwg n‡j eBwUi AvqZb KZ? Question No. 4: [8 Marks] RbevÜe ‡Uwj‡mev c«`v‡b wewUAviwm wKfv‡e ‡U‡jv‡hvMv‡hvM LvZ‡K wbqš¿Y I mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡i- GB wel‡q GKwU cwi‡”Q` wjLyb| Question No. 5: Answer the following questions. [3*8=24 Marks] (a) GKwU Acv‡ikbvj Amplifier c«avb c«avb ‰ewkó Kx Kx? Gwm cvIqvi wKfv‡e wWwm cvIqv‡i iƒcvšÍwiZ nq? (b) RLC mvwK©U Kx? ‰e`¨ywZK mvwK©‡U U«vbwR÷‡ii f~wgKv Kx? (c) AwWI wd«Ky‡qwÝ I ‡iwWI wd«Ky‡qwÝi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjLyb| 10 In‡gi 10 wU U«vbwR÷i ‡Kvb wmwi‡R mshy³ n‡j Zv‡Z ‡iwR÷¨vÝ KZ n‡e? [Page-78] (d) TCSM Gi KvR Kx? VoIP cwiPvjbvq Kx Kx miÄv‡gi c«‡qvRb nq? (e) Kj W«c Kx? Gi KviY ¸‡jv D‡jøL Kiæb| (f) LTE Kx? Gi GWfvÝW c«hyw³i bvg wjLyb| (g) What is SDLC? List the Stages involved in the SDLC process. Which stages ensures the user acceptance of the system? (h) OSI Model KvR Kx? Gi ‡jqvi mg~n Kx Kx? BTRC (Assistant Director) Exam Date:19-02-2021 MCQ: 30 Written: 50 [cÖ‡kœi DËi avivevwnK fv‡e Ki‡Z n‡e] Non- Department Question no 01: Translate the following paragraph into Bengali. Mark:08 An efficient system for collecting, analysing, and storing migrant worker data in Bangladesh has been needed for a long time. To that end, kudos to the IOM for helping to develop the Returning Migrants Management of Information System (ReMiMiS), which is essentially a nationwide returnee database intended to make a number of processes easier. Sustainable reintegration of returnees is a priority, and information stored in this system will enable the authorities to do things it could not do before. Targeted reintegration support programs, for example, will now be possible. The database will have skill profiles of returning migrants, and this information will help in an efficient allocation of labour to communities and to sectors in demand. This will boost our economy at home, but it will also give returnee migrant workers the opportunities they deserve after doing so much for us by sending valuable remittance earnings back to the country. Question no 02: Translate the following paragraph into English. Mark:08 ‡`‡ki Aa¯Íb Av`vj‡Zi wePviKv‡R evsjv fvlv e¨envi n‡jI D”P Av`vj‡Z nq bv ej‡jB P‡j| Bs‡iwR k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv bv _vKvq D”P Av`vj‡Zi wePvicwZiv evsjvq ivq Ges Av‡`k w`‡ZI ‡Zgb AvM«nx bb| mywc«g ‡Kv‡U©i K‡qKRb wePvicwZ evsjvq ivq I Av‡`k w`‡jI Zv‡`i msL¨v ‡ewk bq|Ggb ‡c«¶vc‡U Bs‡iwR k‡ãi evsjv cwifvlv c«Yq‡b ‡Rvi w`‡q‡Q wePvi wefvM I miKvi| `xN© M‡elYvi ci c«qvZ RvZxq Aa¨vcK Avwbmy¾vgvbmn we‡klÁ GKwU `‡ji ‡hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M Bs‡iwR mv‡o Pvi nvRvi k‡ãi bZyb evsjv cwifvlvI wba©viY K‡i‡Q AvBb Kwgkb| me wgwj‡q AvBb Kwgk‡bi D‡`¨v‡M `k nvRv‡iiI ‡ewk evsjv cwifvlv wb‡q gyw`«Z n‡q‡Q 'AvBb- kã‡Kvl|'e½eÜyi Rb¥kZevwl©Kx Dcj‡¶ RvwZi wcZv ‡kL gywReyi ingv‡bi D‡Ï‡k DrmM© Kiv n‡q‡Q AvBb-kã‡Kvl| fvlvi gvm ‡deªæqvwi‡Z evwYwR¨Kfv‡eI Gi wecYb ïiæ n‡q‡Q| GKBfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z ivq I Av‡`k Abyev‡`i Rb¨ AvBb gš¿Yvj‡qi mn‡hvwMZvq ‰Zwi n‡q‡Q 'evsjv A¨vc'| Question no 03: Solve the following mathematics problems? Mark:5*2=10 a) Find the interest rate of an investment of BDT 50000 for 2 years. Where the difference between the amounts of compound interest and single interest in BDT 720. Ans: ( ( p(1+r)2 -p)-pnr=720 , r= 12% b) 50 person can do a work in 12 days by working 8 hours a day. Working how many hours per day can 60 person finish the work in 16 days? Ans: (8*50*12)/(60*16)=5 hours per days Question no 04: Describe in Bengali or English on the post-COVID-19 social challenge that Bangladesh may can front end the way ICT can support to overcome them. Ans: wb‡R Kiæb.
  • 4. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 Question no 05: Answer the following questions. Mark:6*4=24 a) Write the full form of the given terminology ICX, IGW, and IIG. Write the function of these terminologies? b) Some of the factors determine the performance of the computer system. Cache memory on of them. Why cache memory in our of the factor to determine the performance of a computer system? c) In solid-state drive data is saved to a pool of NAND flash. NAND itself is made up of what are called floating gate transistors. How does floating gate transistor store 0 and 1? d) The primary function of the transmission control protocol(TCP) is the terms of unreliable network into a reliable network to make a network more reliable. TCP performs six basic function. What is the basic function performed by TCP? e) Now a days , core i3,i5,i7 and i9 CPUs are available . the higher the number is . the most powerful processor is?. What does 2 cores and 4 thread means? what is the hyper threading technology? f) How does laser diode differ from LED? What are the function of diode? Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commision (BTRC) Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2019 Cancelled Exam Date: 05.04.2019 MCQ 1. cwimsL¨v‡bi wewfbœ cwigvc wbY©‡qi Rb¨ wb‡Pi †KvbwU e¨eüZ nq ? A. MS Word B. MS Access C. MS Excel D. MS Power Point 2. Kwc di‡gU Kivi kU©KvU †KvbwU? A. Ctrl+C B. Shift+C C. Ctrl+Shift+C D. Alt+Shift+C 3. DNA g¨vwcs Kivi Rb¨ †Kvb cÖhyw³ e¨envi Kiv nq? A. ev‡qv‡gwUª B. ev‡qvBbdi‡gwU· C. ‡ivewU D. ‡R‡bwU· 4. Number systems used in the computer is known as: A. Octal System B. Decimal System C. Binary System D. Real System 5. Consist of instructions that control the computers. A. Programs B. List C. Keyboard D. File 6. Which typeof softwarecantranslate scanned text into text thatone can edit? A. OCS B. ORC C. OCR D. ORS 7. Activematrix displays use _ technology. A. TGT B. TFT C. FTF D. TCT 8. To removea program from your computer, you can _ it. A. remove B. delete C. store D. uninstall 9. Which one is anexampleof hybrid network? A. LAN B. RAN C. WAN D. TAN 10. The abbreviationofbps stands for A. bytes per second B.bit per second C. bandwidth per second D. baud rate per second 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C C D C A C B D C B 11. Which device converts thecomputer’s digitaldata into analog signals? A. ATM B. Router C. Modem D. Packet 12. The voltagegain ofan OPamp is unity atthe A. Cutoff frequency B. Unity-gain frequency C. Generator frequency D. Power bandwidth 13. FTP sites areoften called. A. channels B. archives C. groups D. domain 14. An emailaddress has a user name,the @ symbol and the_ computer’s name. A. provider B. host C. server D. client 15. Wi-Fi stands forthe wireless ……: A. Fidelity B. Final C. Fidel D. Field 16. You canconnect anelectronic instrumentto your computervia the_ port. A. PS2 B. USB C. HDX D. MIDI 17. Sockets and Winsock ‡Kvb ai‡bi md&UIq¨v‡ii D`vnib?
  • 5. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 A. VCR B. DSL C. IPX D. API 18. ‡cv‡U©ej Kw¤úDUvi †Kvb ai‡bi gwbUi mPivPi e¨eüZ nq A. CRT B. monochrome C. flat panel display D. data projector 19. 19….…….are thetwo symbolspresent in the binary number system. A. 1 and 2 B. 0 and 1 C. 8 and 9 D. 5 and 6 20. ‡Kvb mv‡j wewUAviwm Gi AvbyôvwbK Kvh©µg ïiæ nq? A. 2001 B. 2002 C. 2008 D. 2009 21. †Kvb m‡b evsjv‡`k ¯^qswµq wWwRUvj AvBwUG· mvwf©m ïiæ K‡i? A. 1972 B. 1975 C. 1981 D. 1983 22. meyR is‡qi AwWI †cvU© wK‡mi ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq? A. gvB‡µv‡dvb B. w¯úKvi C. ‡÷vwiI D. wMUvi 23. me©vwaK e¨eüZ Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †KvbwU? A. Linux B. Windows C. MAC OS D. Unix 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 C A A C A D B C B C C B B Written Question No. 1 [2×5 = 10 Marks] a) evwl©K eb‡fvRb Abyôvb Kivi Rb¨ †Kv‡bv GK mwgwZi m`m¨ 1,38,000 UvKvi ev‡RU Ki‡jb Ges wm×vন্ত wb‡jb cÖ‡Z¨K m`m¨ mgvb Puv`v w`‡eb| wKš‘ 5 Rb m`m¨ AskMÖn‡Y AcviMZv cÖKvk Kivq Aewkó m`m¨i gv_vwcQz 50 UvKv Puv`v e„w× †cj| H mwgwZ‡Z KZRb m`m¨ wQ‡jb| b) Simplify: 𝒍𝒐𝒈√𝟐𝟕+𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟖−𝒍𝒐𝒈√𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏.𝟐 Question No. 2 [10+4= 14 Marks] a) An unloaded Zener regulator has a source voltage of 24V, a series resistance of 470 V, and Zener voltage of 15 V. What is the Zener current? b) What do you understand by TV white space? Discuss white space spectrum opportunities and challenges for 5G. c) What is FermiLevel? Differentiate between insulatorand semiconductoronthe basis of band gap. d) evsjv‡`‡ki gv_vwcQz Mo Avq KZ Wjvi? G‡`‡ki wRwWwci cÖe„w×i nvi KZ? G nv‡i cÖe„w× Ae¨nZ _vK‡j KZ eQ‡i Avgv‡`i RvZxq Avq wظb n‡e? Answer: wb‡R Kরুb .... e) Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW mvwK©U (AvBwm) Kx? Gi wZbwU myweav I `ywU Amyweav wjLyb| f) What is thecathoderay oscilloscope (CRO)? How is CRO superiorto ordinary measuring instruments? g) Kw¤úDUv‡ii †eªBb ev মস্তিষ্ক †KvbwU? eZ©gv‡b †Kvb cÖR‡b¥i Kw¤úDUvi evRv‡i cÖPwjZ Av‡Q? eZ©gv‡bi Kw¤úUvi‡K wWwRUvj Kw¤úDUvi ejvi Kvib Kx? h) Kw¤úDUv‡ii ¯’vqx ¯§„wZi Avavi †KvbwU? Kw¤úDUv‡ii MwZ wbf©i K‡i wK‡mi Dci? i) What is themain differencebetween verticaland horizontalmicroinstructions? j) Write thebasicfunctionsofGGSN and SGSN. Describe themajor LTE radio technologies. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commision (BTRC) Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2019 Exam Date: 12.07.2019 [‡gvU 40wU cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ OMR Sheet G mwVK DËiwU Kv‡jv Kvwji Kjg w`‡q mwVK wbq‡g e„Ë fivU Ki‡Z n‡e| †Kvb cÖKvi NlvgvRv wKsev GKvwaK e„Ë fivU Ki‡j msশ্লিó cÖ‡kœi DËi evwZj e‡j MY¨ n‡e|] MCQ 1. The ration of number of successful calls to the number of all call attempts is known as: A. Call back rate (CBR) B. Call completion rate (CCR) C. Busy hour call rate (BHCR) D. Effective call rate (ECR) 2. What is the acceptance value of dividing point between the wonder & jitter? A. 200 Hz B. 50 HzC. 20 Hz D. 10 Hz 3. If the voice channel is free in PSTN then what would be the maximum data rate supported by 3.1 KHz bandwidth of voice channel? A. 4000 bps B. 5000 bps C. 6000 bps D. 8000 bps 4. Which one is an example of DBMS? A. MS word B. MS Excel C. C++ D. MS Access 5. How many unique signs could be specified by using ASCII-8?
  • 6. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 A. 128 B. 256 C. 512 D. 65536 6. What is the distance between the line 8x+6y =17 and 8x+6y-37= 0? A. -2 B. 1 C. 2 D. 6 7. Which of the following converts the documents written by HTML? A. Browser B. FTP C. HTPP D. Web 8. Which one transfers data at the highest speed? A. UTP B. STP C. co- axial-cable D. Fiber optic cable 9. Which one acts as the backbone of global village? A. Hardware B. Software C. Networks and connectivity D. Data 10. It the vertical and horizontal component of geomagnetic field in a place is 32 uT and 20 uT respectively how much is the dip? A. 320 B. 380 C. 510 D. 570 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B D C D B C A D C 11. What is the power required by a pump to draw 10 liters of water to a height of 10 meters, every second? A. 980 J B. 100 kw C. 900 w D. 960 kw 12. What kind of energy is stored in a stressed spring? A. Potential energy B. Kinetic energyC. Chemical Energy D. thermal energy 13. Which time of the following properties of a body cannot be changed with an applied force? A. length B. mass C. shape D. volume 14. How much force should be exerted on a steel wire of cross-sectional area 1 x 10-4 m2 in order to double its length? (Y = 2x1011 N/m2 (Y=FL/AL) A. 2 x 106 N B. 2 x 107 N C. 2 x 108 N D. 2 x 109 N 15. A wire resistance is 12 ohms. If it is divided into two parts and the parts are then connected in a parallel combination what will be resistance?(R/n2 ) A. 3 ohm B. 6 ohm C. 12 ohm D. 24 ohm 16. Which one of thefollowing isequivalent hexadecimalnumberof (734)8? A. C1D B. D1C C. 1CD D. 1DC 17. Fora transistor withβ =100 and1ε=10μAfind the valueofemitter currentofthegiven transistor? (Correct Answernotin theoptions). A. 5.050 μA B. 50.50 μA C. 505.0 μA D. 5050 μA 18. 18.When thereis no forbidden regionbetweenthe conductanceband andvalenceband, the substance is called. A. semiconductor B. super conductor C. conductor D. insulator 19. What is theangularmomentum ofthe election in the lowest orbitof hydrogenatom? A. h B. h/2 C. h/2 ℼ d. 2 ℼ/h 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A A B B A D C C Written Question No. 1 [3+4+3=10Marks] i. If a+b = 5 and ab = 6, find the value of a3 +b3 +4(a-b)2 ii. If the difference between compound profit and simple profit of a principal amount in 2 years in taka = 8 rate of 4 percent profit per annum, find the amount of principal. iii. Show that ( 𝑷 𝑸 ) 𝒂𝟐+𝒂𝒃+𝒃𝟐 × ( 𝑸 𝑹 ) 𝒂𝟐+𝒃𝒄+𝒄𝟐 × ( 𝑹 𝑷 ) 𝒄𝟐+𝒄𝒂+𝒂𝟐 = 1 Question No.2 [10 Marks] Write anessay onthe “RoleofTelecommunications in Economic Growthand Development” Question No.3 [5 Marks] Translate into Bengali: Software errors pose a constant threat to information systems, causing untold losses in
  • 7. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 productivity and some endangering people who use or depend on systems. Growing complexity and size of software programs, coup with demands for timely delivery to markets, have contributed to an increase in software flaws or vulnerability major problem with the software is the presence of hidden bugs or program code defects. Studies have showed is virtually impossible to eliminate all bugs from large programs. The main source of bugs is the complexity of decision-making code. Question No. 4 [Marks 3+2+2+2= 9] a) State the major features of an Operational Amplifier. Using an OA, draw a differential circuit and functions b) In a balance 3-wire Y connected system, a 3- phase load has phase voltage of 240 V, a line current 5A and lagging power factor 0.966, draw the phasor diagram. c) How are the AC powers converted to DC powers? [Page-20] d) What is the difference between audio frequency and radio frequency? Question No. 5 [Marks 2+3+2+2= 9] a) Classify lathe machines. Which factors are considered in lathe specifications?. b) Explain CAD-CAM technology used in design and manufacturing sectors. Draw the flow diagram ofa P cycleshowing CAD-CAM applications. Try Yourself c) Write the “3E’s” of Thermodynamics. Mention four applications of Thermodynamics. d) A machine with 10 HP works for 30 minutes. Find the value of work and efficiency of the machine. Question No. 6 [Marks 2x4 = 8] a) What is channel hardening and what implications does it have on the frequency allocation (in OF DMA for example) [Page-78] b) What is the functionality of TCSM? c) What equipment is needed for VOIP? d) What are the reasons for call drop? Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commision (BTRC) Post: Sub-Assistant Director(Technical), 2018, mgq : 1 N›Uv 30 wgwbU c~Y©gvb : 100 1. cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI ? a. GKwU AvqZvKvi Rwgi †ÿÎdj 12 †n±i Ges K‡b©i ˆ`N¨© 500 wgUvi| H Rwgi ˆ`N¨© KI cÖ‡¯’i m‡½ Aci GKwU Rwgi ˆ`N¨© I cÖ‡¯’i AbycvZ 2 t 3 n‡j wØZxq RwgwUi cwimxgv KZ wgUvi? b. x+1/x=3 n‡j x5 +1/x5 Gi gvb KZ? 1) Write an easy on the “Need for Information Security management in Bangladesh”. (evsjv‡`‡ki Z_¨ e¨ve¯’vcbvi wbivcËv m¤c‡K© GKwU cÖeÜ wjL)| 2) Translate into English: eZ©gvb wek¦ Z_¨ cÖhyw³ wbf©i AvaywbK we‡k¦ cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| DbœZ †`‡ki mgvR e¨ve¯’vq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Afvebxq cwieZ©b G‡b‡Q| †m Abycv‡Z Dbœqbkxj mgvR e¨ve¯’vq Gi cÖfve co‡jI e¨vcKZv jvf K‡iwb| evsjv‡`k Dbœqb †`‡ki mvwi‡Z n‡q‡Q Ges Z_¨ cÖhyw³i Av‡iv we¯Í…Z e¨env‡i †`‡ki A_©bxwZ Av‡iv †eMevb Kiv m¤¢e|‡mB jÿ¨ mvg‡b †i‡L eZ©gvb miKvi Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Lv‡Z me©vwaK ¸iæZ¡ w`‡”Q| Z_¨ cÖhyw³i †mev Av‡iv mnRZi Kiv Ges Gi m‡e©v”P wbivcËvi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k †UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb †i¸‡jUvwi Kwgkb MwVb Kiv n‡q‡Q| 3) B‡jKwUªK¨vj Askt a) wWwm †gvU‡i †Kb e¨vK BGgGd e¨envi Kiv nq?Gi Zvrch© eY©bv Ki? b) BÛvKkb †gvU‡i †Kb ÷vi †Wëv ÷vU©vi e¨envi Kiv nq? c) BÛvKkb †gvU‡iii w¯¬c Kv‡K e‡j? d) †÷cvi †gvUi wK? Gi e¨envi wjL| 4) B‡jKUªwbK Askt a) Amplifier Gi †fv‡ëR †MB‡bi iæjm ¸‡jv wK wK? b) Calculate current through the Zener diode for the load Resistance. Rload=1. 5) Kw¤cDUvi Askt a) Kvh©Ki Z_¨ †hvMv‡hvM wba©viY Kiv Dcvq ¸‡jv wjL? b) Bbd«v‡qW †Kb wUwf/Gwm wi‡gv‡Ui Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx? c) 2G I 3G Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjL|
  • 8. Stack IT Job Solution, A pattern Based IT Job Solution | Order Now: or call 01812603406 d) †bvW dvskb ¸‡jv wjLyb(wPÎt 5-b) Gi| 6) Kw¤cDUvi Askt a) Half Adder circuit diagram AsKb Ki? b) (125)10=(?)2. c) WvUv wcÖ cÖ‡mwms Gi avc ¸‡jv eY©bv Ai| d) Flynn's Gi Kw¤cDUvi ¯’cwZi fvM eY©bv Ki|