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Welcome to this short presentation of the Alivemax Opportunity. Our mission is to give
people the power to take control of their own lives.

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Today we are going to cover the following very important points.

The truth about where you are right now.

The options you have personally to make a change.

How do you find the right product or products?

We will explain to you the income opportunity available.

We will show you exactly how to get started.

And lastly, show you what you need to do in order to generate not just a short term income,
but more importantly, how to build a stable long term business over time.

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Two important facts you either already know, or should know.

First, you are never going to get rich by working for someone else. If you become a Doctor or
top class Lawyer you may generate a great income, but you will always be tied to your job
which will require a lot of hours from you.

Second, it is true that most people go through life working hard to make a living, instead of
trying to make a life! Here at Alivemax, we want to help you change that so that you can start
making a life for yourself and your family.

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Providing you realize you want to make a change, you basically have 3 options. One option is
to buy a franchise like McDonalds, Subway etc.
Aside from the fact you will need a large investment to get started, you will also need to
employ a lot of people. Managing employees is stressful, not to mention all the hours you
will need to put in yourself.

More importantly, you will need at least 5 years to begin seeing a profit.

So, if this is the route you would like to go down, raise a small fortune and you could be on
your way.

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Your next option is to set up your own company. For this you just need to find a good
manufacturer, have them research and develop products. Then rent or purchase a warehouse.
Organize and distribute your products, employ a lot of people including sales people. Then
have shops ready to sell your products.

$1 million to get started is a conservative figure.

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You do have a much easier and less expensive option, become an Alivemax. Associate.

You can get started for under $60 and run your business for less than $33.00 a month in

We already have world class products people actually WANT!

Along with support and training you have an unlimited income potential.

There is no need for you to quit your job and risk everything you have as you can build your
business here with us with just a few hours each week.

Everything is in place for you to build over time a business to be proud of.

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So why Alivemax and what are your benefits?

Well first, we have quality top trending products that people WANT.

You can earn money fast with us and we will show you a “how to” example later on.

People purchase our products on a regular monthly basis, which is crucial to your success in
Our products are excellent with a strong emotional effect on people which means they
literally sell themselves.

Unlike your present job where your boss chooses who you work with, at Alivemax, YOU
have the power to choose your partners.

You can work anywhere you want, so if you have plans or would like to live somewhere else,
no problem!

Choose when you want to work. This is very important for some people especially single
parents who cannot find normal jobs because of looking after their children.

YOU decide how much money you want to earn. Just get together with your leaders and
formulate a plan so they can tell you what you need to do in order to achieve that.

Alivemax gives you total control of your life and income.

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We need to be honest and recognize that security really is a thing of the past. Over the last 18
months we have seen proof of that with huge corporate companies closing down and
government bail outs.

Personal debt is rising and will become the next major financial crisis. We have seen banks
asking for help to survive and endless amounts of bankruptcies worldwide!

So taking all that into account, how do we find the right company and the right products to
give us a chance of success?

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Well quite simply, we learn from history... and history shows us that people always buy what
they WANT, and not always what they need. It is important to understand that fact when you
start up in business.

Once you understand that, you need to find a group of people who you know will then buy
your products. Find a trend!

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Baby Boomers are still the largest group of consumers worldwide and will be for at least the
next 20 years.

Who are baby boomers? They are people that were born between 1946 and 1969. This means
basically anyone over the age of 40.
During the 50's, with millions of babies being born, some companies took advantage of that
and starting providing products that they wanted. Baby food!

During the 60's as millions of baby boomers became teenagers, we saw an explosion in the
music industry and it became the trend.

During the 70's as millions of baby boomers began to start families, we saw a massive growth
in Real Estate. Many of the world's richest people today took advantage of this huge trend
during the 70's.

During the 80's, we saw the computer chip take control. Computer games and then home PC's
began the rage. Baby boomers made computers the big trend during these years.

During the 90's we saw two trends. Personal investments became huge as baby boomers had
extra money they wanted to invest. Then we saw the cell phone explosion and just look at that
industry today!

For the last ten years, baby boomers have been bombarded with information on the
importance of keeping fit and nutrition. They have made health and wellness the big trend for
the last ten years.

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Ok, so knowing what we know, what is going to be the next BIG trend?

We know baby boomers are getting old! So, what is it that people WANT when they start
getting old?

They want to look and feel younger again. Regain their youthful looks!

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Therefore, we know the next HUGE trend is going to be Anti Aging.

We are at the forefront of this trend right now and it is going to last for at least 15 to 20 years!

By being at the start of this trend, you increase your chances of success by being ahead of the


You will be giving baby boomers what they WANT. Can you see the potential in that?
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Introducing Alivemax...

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To explain our world class products I am handing this over to my colleague...

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Spray Facts:
Now we are going to speak of some very interesting facts about sprays.

“Knowledge, (pause) in regards to the effectiveness of per-o-ral methods are not uncommon,
(Per-o-ral meaning through or by way of the mouth). In fact (pause) this knowledge was first
introduced in the field of medicine. The reason this method is so effective is due to the
so-called “First pass effect”.
Hmmm what exactly does this mean…? (Pause) It simply means … (Laugh with enlightened

The ingredients do not have to first “pass thru the organs of the body, in order for the
desired effect of the ingredients to take place”. Okay… that now known: (pause)

By means of tablets and capsules the straight away effectiveness naturally sinks … (pause)
because they first have to dissolve and pass thru many stages of unfolding, such as your
stomach, liver, kidneys etc. Simultaneously unfolding are all the additives that have been
used in order to make that tablet have that pretty color, or to form that perfectly oval shape
which a tablet has.

This however, IS NOT THE CASE using SPRAYS! The ingredients are almost instantly
absorbed into… (Pause) approx. 200 m² (square centimeters) of mucus membranes that
every human body has. Get this… 200 centimeters is about 79 inches, square that and you
have about 6 feet of mucus membranes in your body. Sprays do…Thaaaaaaaaat without
straining your organs or causing them to have to work harder to process unnatural
components such as binders, cellose or gums.

Now (pause) sprays are no secret to the medical world, you can find info on Nitrospray all
over the internet. But let’s just see what Alivemax has made of such vital knowledge, (pause)
for you and I! (This last part said in a “secret voice” building up curiosity.)
We will show you next, by means of pictorial what your body goes thru when administering
tablets into your body verses per-or-al.

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You can see in the left picture that the body goes thru seven stages while using tablets,
whereas Alivemax has cut the stress placed upon on your body nearly in two!
In the left picture you can also see when you place the tablet into your mouth, it has no
alternative to bypass the esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines. We are talking
about a minimum 7 stage process here, with tablets and capsules. Where as Per-or-al Spray
has 4 point effectiveness. Spray into your mouth, the fantastic ingredients reach the mucus
membranes, go into the bloodstream and are transported directly to the synopsis of the brain
and your body.

Now (pause) let’s take a closer look at what Alivemax has created for its customers… in
terms of products which use the per-or-al advantage.

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Anti-Aging Spray/Veratrol Plus.
A sensational ingredient called Res-ver-a-trol …has duly received attention from all over the
world within the last few years. Studies report that it slows down the aging process.

With just 7 sprays each day under your tongue your body receives a wholesome Burst of
targeted Anti-Aging ingredients. The Anti-Aging Spray has specifically selected ingredients
in a powerful combination such as Resveratrol, Mangosteen, Noni, Aloe Vera, Pomegranate,
Goji and much more. We tend to be more oriented to that which we see with our eyes;
however we age on the inside of our body’s just as well as on the outside. Alivemax with its
Anti-Aging Spray is assuring that the inside aging of your body receives a yield sign.

But what exactly is this Resveratrol?

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Resveratrol is a plant enzyme which reacts as an antioxidant within the body and can help
regulate the body’s genes, now…I’m not speaking of the jeans we wear on our body, in fact
Alivemax has another product, which you’ll find out about today, for that problem as well.
Never the less back to Anti-Aging.

Obviously when going back into the history of mankind, even in the scriptures of most
nations “grapes” play an important role in the lives of all. Well Res-ver-a-trol can be found in
the skin of blue grapes and obviously the great effects of this enzyme were already known in
bible times, BC as well as AD, as grapes were consumed during every phase of mankind’s
existence. That’s fact!
But let me tell you of another interesting fact. We spoke of Trends earlier.

In 2008 a large Pharmaceutical Company called GlaxoSmithKline purchased a Research
company called Sirtis for 720 Million US Dollars. What’s that got to do with Alivemax?
Essentially nothing as far as the 720 Million goes…But …Listen to this. GlaxoSmithKline
purchased Sirtis, a small research company; you guessed it, in charge of researching the
effects and creating Res-ver-a-trol like effects in future products. NOW THAT’S TAKING
With Alivemax you don’t have to pay even a fraction of 720 Million in order to get a piece of
both worlds. You will have your our own Anti-Aging product for personal use and a money
making opportunity utilizing the current Trend.

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A few seconds ago I spoke of genes; this next Alivemax product is in reference to jeans.
However the ones we wear on our body. SLIM. The Hunger Pang buster!

As in all Sprays from Alivemax just 7 Sprays under the tongue gives you the sought after

Hunger Pangs are the biggest problem in regards to attempting to shed off some extra kilos or
pounds. When you drink a tall cold glass of water followed by 7 sprays and hunger pangs
disappear. Here we are again speaking of a 98% quick absorption rate utilizing the mucus
membranes located within your mouth.

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Now I get a lot of questions in regards to hunger pangs, one being, what exactly is a hunger

We have to differentiate in two categories. There is a physical reason and a psychological

On the right side of the picture is a candidate who has a possible Physical Hunger pang. It’s
due to his steady consumption of Carbohydrates. A Carbohydrate is basically a lower class
synonym for sugar. While consuming Carbohydrates the blood sugar of the body skyrockets
and gives us false energy. Your pancreas produces more insulin. However just as quickly as
this energy soared to the moon, it can drop you just as quickly… then causing a physical
hunger pang.

On the left side of the picture, our candidate is unamusingly eating. When we deprive our
bodies of specific foods out of dietary or even health reasons, we send out an impulse to our
brain of “forbiddenness”. The body however requires a certain amount of natural sugars. The
result is our brain reacts with the signal of a hunger pang, which causes the person to go
overboard when attempting to comply.

That’s another thing which is so great about Alivemax SLIM. It takes care of the whole
ordeal, the physical as well as the mental. The mucus membranes receive, by means of the 98
% First Pass Effect, the ingredients needed to subdue the physical hunger pang. SLIM also
gets even with the nostril membranes which affect our psychological need for food, by taking
into consideration that the nose and the mouth are very much connected to each other. SLIM
uses the 2 senses taste and smell to satisfy this need.

I have been asked what exactly does SLIM taste like: I find it to be a very appealing taste
between Coffee, Cappuccino, Maple syrup and a slight nutty taste.
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DID you know that European Studies have shown that in the industrial countries nearly every
single human being is missing at least 1 Vitamin within their body? Well… AliveMax wants
to ensure that those Studies are soon proven to be incorrect.

This next ALIVEMAX product is called “Multi-Vitamin Spray” and “should be” part of every
household in the world. Since Alivemax is the trend setter in the Spray industry of
supplements, here too applies the 98 % absorption. 7 sprays under your tongue and you are set
for a Vitamin rich day.

This product is especially recommended for children as you and I both know tablets are not a
welcomed ritual with our little ones.

The spray on the other hand is interesting and fun for children. The Alivemax Sprays are
compact enough to put in a purse, a pants pocket or jacket pocket, simply convenient and
healthy. Children 4 to 15 do a half dosing of 4 sprays.

A Whole Food Based with Vitamins ranging from A to Z. You are surely going to enjoy
taking your vitamins and achieve more vibrancy in your cells.

Speaking of vibrancy… how about this next spray...

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Have you ever sat at a table full of people, at a meeting, a seminar or even in class and you
couldn’t help but “yawn because you simply felt tired and worn out”?

Alivemax has the answer to such a problem…


The name actually says it all. 7 sprays under the tongue and within a few minutes you have
reached a level of natural energy. This product is also a hormone balancer and high in
Adaptogens that help to balance stress in our bodies. Many consumer fans are being found in
sport studios, weightlifting, truck drivers, office personnel as well as students.

We are going to move right along to the very next sensation of this company.

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The exclusive Skin Care Series of AliveMax.

As we know the Trend in the area of Anti-Aging products is exploding.

Yet what if I told you Alivemax is going beyond the point of Anti-Aging and has
manufactured a series of Skin Care products which are not only ph balanced for your skin but
also anti-bacterial and purifying all in one!
Our first product you see is the 24 K Gold Anti-Aging Serum. Using the highest standards of
nature’s best ingredients, Alivemax combines the anti-aging factor with 24 K Gold. Your
skin receives the utmost chance at fighting against any bacterial elements which might be
keeping you from achieving a more youthful appearance.

This product is exactly what Baby Boomers are WANTING and looking for.
Alivemax doesn’t stop there though!

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Alivemax now offers a sensation which can be said to be the “Eighth Wonder of the World”.

A Facelift without expensive Surgery has never been so easily attained as using the HOT
NEW Revolution Instant Facelift. Look and feel younger after the first Lift.

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Takes just a few moments to apply onto your face, allow the Lift to dry 30 minutes and then
simply rinse your face with lukewarm water. It’s as easy as 1-2-3 and you will see the
difference. This product received its name Revolution as it truly is….. Revolutionary.

I have been asked several times, how does the Revolution Instant Face Lift work differently?

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Well here is the best way I can explain it to you. As you see in the picture, your arms and legs
are not the only parts of your body which have muscles… we have facial muscles as well.

The Derma over your face is completely blocked from any outside influences while the
Revolution Instant Face Lift is active, meaning that all nutrients of this outstanding product
can be absorbed without any interference.

Your skin is not flooded with “water” as many other products incorporate so to give you the
impression of a Face Lift… the Revolution actually “trains” your facial muscles, a real
workout for your face, without you really even noticing it.

The muscles are, as we know under the skin, and when the muscle develops, just as in any
training of the muscle of the body, your skin elastically expands and your wrinkle says “Bye
Bye”, as you can notice in these next pictorial examples.

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Aren’t these pictures amazing? Take a good comparison look at the bottom photo and then
slip up to the after picture. This product really needs no introduction; it sells itself and fits into
the Trend for Baby Boomers who are on a quest to look younger.
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Here, you see a second phenomenal example. Take a moment to simply compare the results.

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The Instant Facelift and the 24 K Gold are amazing products but Alivemax didn’t stop there.
They developed an Exfoliating cleanser and Toner. This cleanser not only prepares the skin
for the benefits of the Revolution Face Lift but also helps to clean the pores thus helping to
prevent common acne. How beneficial for teenagers in that tough stage of life as well as
Adults who suffer with problem skin. Splash the toner on the face following the face lift.

This is where you would apply the 24 K Gold Product, right before the moisturizer.

Alivemax also developed a luxurious Moisturizer to replenish the skin with moisture and
infuse it with incredible nutrients.

Just imagine the possibilities with such a fantastic assortment of products, which are not only
Trend setters but also fit into every lifestyle …

Now let’s take a look at how you can not only enhance your own health but also make money
using this opportunity….

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Ok, let’s talk about the Alivemax opportunity.

You have a choice of becoming a customer and paying full retail price or for $25.00
becoming an associate of Alivemax and purchasing your own products at wholesale.

When you fall in love with our products as you will, you then have the opportunity to make
money for referring others. Let’s go over the different ways you could earn extra income.

Unlike other companies who offer you limited ways to earn money, here with Alivemax, you
have SEVEN different streams of income.

By giving you options, it gives you the freedom to choose.

If you want to concentrate on selling the products retail, because you are more comfortable
with that, then you can do so.

This is designed to be a two team system. If you want to concentrate on building your teams
you can do so.

If you want to help others build their team, you can do so.

You have the choice to generate income in whatever way suits you best.
We will cover some income examples soon.

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Let's look at getting started. Once you decide to join Alivemax, you simply decide which of
our product packages suits you best. With different levels meeting everyone's needs, we
truly believe that anyone can get started regardless of their current situation.

It is very important not to stretch yourself. Do not put yourself under financial stress. If
money is tight right now, come in at the lower level and over time as you build your business
and income, you can always increase your product purchases and increase your earning

Alivemax wants you to have control!

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Many people ask us where they can find customers and potential partners.

Well the simple truth of the matter is this:
Anyone you meet or talk to
Anyone who notices a change in your appearance
Anyone who wants to start or has their own business
Anyone who wants to make a change in their life
Anyone who wants to invest 30 minutes to view an online presentation in the comfort of their

These are all potential customers or partners

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Once you have chosen your package, you then decide which income avenue is going to suit
you best. Here you see some examples. The lady on the left wants to do home parties. She
loves getting together with 5 or 10 friends, showing our products and making money from
retail sales, and finding good partners who will duplicate what she is doing.

The guy in the middle wants to concentrate on recruiting and begin generating those large
matching bonus checks.

The gentleman on the right wants to generate income by introducing our range of quality
products to Cosmetic studios and other retail outlets.

Which area do you think would best suit you?
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Ok, so now let us look at an income example and see exactly what you have to do to make
that big money with Alivemax.

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In this example, we are going to say it takes you 30 days to find 4 new partners.

We are also going to say that you and your partners all have a product BV of $200 each. We
are not suggesting you must have that, remember, this is only an example so you can get an
idea of how fast your income can grow if you choose!

With you and your 4 partners all having a $200 BV, your total group volume after 30 days is

Now instead of me going into great detail on our marketing plan and confusing you by doing
so, we know that providing you build your business as we instruct you to, you will earn
approx 10% of your group volume each month. Some months it may be a little less and some
a little more. But, to make this easy for you and people you know to understand, we will stick
with approx 10% of group volume.

Therefore, in the first 30 days you could earn in this example approx $100. Now I will be
honest and tell you that if you find 4 others in the first 30 days, you will actually earn more
than $100, but we want to keep this simple for people to understand.

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Now let us move this example on to 90 days. Just 3 months from here.

After your first 30 days, you find another 4 people yourself. You help all your people also
find 4 others. With everyone having a personal BV of $200, and with over 30 people in your
team, you can generate a monthly income of over $600.

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Let's now take it on another 60 days. Just 5 months from now!

In the next 60 days, everyone including you finds 4 other people. Again, let's say everyone
has a personal BV of $200.

With over 130 people in your team, you could be earning over $2500 a month in just FIVE
months from now!
Remember, this is extra money each month. We are not asking anyone to quit their jobs and
work with us full time. This is part time work but in truth after 5 months a full time income.

Ask yourself this, would an EXTRA $2500 a month make a difference in your life? If the
answer is yes, then would it make a difference in other people's lives?

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Ok, let's dream a little here. After all, Walt Disney once said
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them".

Let us say we continue this theme for another 60 days. Remember, we are now just 7 months
away from this!

If everyone found 4 people each, and everyone had a personal BV of $200, not only would
your group grow to over 500 people, your group volume would be over $100,000 which
means you have the potential to make over $10,000 per month!

Amazing! With just 500 people in your group, you have the potential to make a FIVE

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Now however, I want to bring you back down to earth.

The truth is this. Not everyone in your group is going to find 4 other people. A sad fact I
know, but we have to be honest here. Having said that, some people in your group are going
to find more than 4 others. You only need to look at our leaderboard and see people there who
have sponsored 20 people, 50 people, 100 people, and even a few who have sponsored over
400 people!

Imagine if someone like this was to enter your organization! It could explode your business!

We also know that not everyone is going to have a personal BV of $200.

However, if you had 500 people in your group and they only had a $100 BV, you still have
the potential to earn over $5000 EXTRA each month!

What if it took you 12 months to achieve this and not 7 months?

In fact, what if it took you 2 years?

Let me ask you this. Does your current job give you the possibility of making an extra $5000
a month two years from now?

If your boss came to you today and said he wants you to work an extra 5 to 10 hours a week
for two years. He can't pay you extra in that time, but in two years, he will add an extra
$60,000 a year to your salary.

The truth is, nearly all people would agree to that. The thought of an extra $60,000 a year
income is for most people a great motivation.

Well, we are offering you just that here with Alivemax. The only difference is we are not
saying you have to wait two years to get your money. You can generate an extra $60,000 on
your salary within two years, but we will also allow you to make money DURING the next
two years! That is a big difference.

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It is important you understand that this is just an example. Of course, you must take action
and doing nothing will result in nothing.

The control is in your hands, and this could happen if you make the decision to say "YES".

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We know that some people when they start out in business have concerns or worries about
what to do.

Please relax and understand that people really do WANT our products because they really do

Anyone over the age of 40 WANTS our products.

Make sure you use our products yourself so people can see the change in your appearance or
your health.

Show people our range of products and do not try to become a salesperson. People buy from
people they like; they do not like to be sold.

Slide 43

Another huge benefit you have with Alivemax is our powerful online marketing system. With
six ready made websites, many with videos and audios leading to a short powerful 2 minute
video, you have all the tools you need to begin building your business online as well as
offline. We even have a special Alivemax University to help you earn while you learn!
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So how do you get started?
We suggest you first speak to the person who introduced you to Alivemax.

Decide which product package is best for you right now. We do recommend the special $199
packages we have, to maximise your earning potential, and we will see why in just a second.

Invite people to our conference calls both online and by telephone.

Remember, by choosing our $199 package, you only need to find 3 and it is FREE!

What do I mean by that? Well let's take a look...

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This example shows exactly what you can earn by choosing one of our special $199 packages.

By finding 3 others who purchase this pack you will earn the following:-

3 X $30 Fast Start =$90
3 X $15 Bulk Order Bonus =$45
3 X $30 (doubling Fast Start 2010 promo) $90

That is a $225 return on your money immediately. You could do this in 1 month, 1 week or as
some are doing in just one day. As we pay weekly to our partners, we find many people are in
profit with Alivemax in less than two weeks from starting.

Imagine if those 3 you found also did the same. You then increase your earning power with
Dual Team Bonus checks, Matching Bonus checks and more. This is a great way to start your
business, and remember your people will generally do what you do. So, set an example to
your team and go for the $199 pack.

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To make everything legal here, please take a few seconds to read our income disclaimer.

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained is such a true statement.

Make sure you do not miss out on the next BIG TREND!
Stop letting your boss decide what house you live in, what car you drive, what vacations you

Take control of your life and make that change.

The time is now for you and Alivemax!

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  • 1. Slide 1 Nothing Slide 2 Welcome to this short presentation of the Alivemax Opportunity. Our mission is to give people the power to take control of their own lives. Slide 3 Today we are going to cover the following very important points. The truth about where you are right now. The options you have personally to make a change. How do you find the right product or products? We will explain to you the income opportunity available. We will show you exactly how to get started. And lastly, show you what you need to do in order to generate not just a short term income, but more importantly, how to build a stable long term business over time. Slide 4 Two important facts you either already know, or should know. First, you are never going to get rich by working for someone else. If you become a Doctor or top class Lawyer you may generate a great income, but you will always be tied to your job which will require a lot of hours from you. Second, it is true that most people go through life working hard to make a living, instead of trying to make a life! Here at Alivemax, we want to help you change that so that you can start making a life for yourself and your family. Slide 5 Providing you realize you want to make a change, you basically have 3 options. One option is to buy a franchise like McDonalds, Subway etc.
  • 2. Aside from the fact you will need a large investment to get started, you will also need to employ a lot of people. Managing employees is stressful, not to mention all the hours you will need to put in yourself. More importantly, you will need at least 5 years to begin seeing a profit. So, if this is the route you would like to go down, raise a small fortune and you could be on your way. Slide 6 Your next option is to set up your own company. For this you just need to find a good manufacturer, have them research and develop products. Then rent or purchase a warehouse. Organize and distribute your products, employ a lot of people including sales people. Then have shops ready to sell your products. $1 million to get started is a conservative figure. Slide 7 You do have a much easier and less expensive option, become an Alivemax. Associate. You can get started for under $60 and run your business for less than $33.00 a month in overhead! We already have world class products people actually WANT! Along with support and training you have an unlimited income potential. There is no need for you to quit your job and risk everything you have as you can build your business here with us with just a few hours each week. Everything is in place for you to build over time a business to be proud of. Slide 8 So why Alivemax and what are your benefits? Well first, we have quality top trending products that people WANT. You can earn money fast with us and we will show you a “how to” example later on. People purchase our products on a regular monthly basis, which is crucial to your success in business.
  • 3. Our products are excellent with a strong emotional effect on people which means they literally sell themselves. Unlike your present job where your boss chooses who you work with, at Alivemax, YOU have the power to choose your partners. You can work anywhere you want, so if you have plans or would like to live somewhere else, no problem! Choose when you want to work. This is very important for some people especially single parents who cannot find normal jobs because of looking after their children. YOU decide how much money you want to earn. Just get together with your leaders and formulate a plan so they can tell you what you need to do in order to achieve that. Alivemax gives you total control of your life and income. Slide 9 We need to be honest and recognize that security really is a thing of the past. Over the last 18 months we have seen proof of that with huge corporate companies closing down and government bail outs. Personal debt is rising and will become the next major financial crisis. We have seen banks asking for help to survive and endless amounts of bankruptcies worldwide! So taking all that into account, how do we find the right company and the right products to give us a chance of success? Slide 10 Well quite simply, we learn from history... and history shows us that people always buy what they WANT, and not always what they need. It is important to understand that fact when you start up in business. Once you understand that, you need to find a group of people who you know will then buy your products. Find a trend! Slide 11 Baby Boomers are still the largest group of consumers worldwide and will be for at least the next 20 years. Who are baby boomers? They are people that were born between 1946 and 1969. This means basically anyone over the age of 40.
  • 4. During the 50's, with millions of babies being born, some companies took advantage of that and starting providing products that they wanted. Baby food! During the 60's as millions of baby boomers became teenagers, we saw an explosion in the music industry and it became the trend. During the 70's as millions of baby boomers began to start families, we saw a massive growth in Real Estate. Many of the world's richest people today took advantage of this huge trend during the 70's. During the 80's, we saw the computer chip take control. Computer games and then home PC's began the rage. Baby boomers made computers the big trend during these years. During the 90's we saw two trends. Personal investments became huge as baby boomers had extra money they wanted to invest. Then we saw the cell phone explosion and just look at that industry today! For the last ten years, baby boomers have been bombarded with information on the importance of keeping fit and nutrition. They have made health and wellness the big trend for the last ten years. Slide 12 Ok, so knowing what we know, what is going to be the next BIG trend? We know baby boomers are getting old! So, what is it that people WANT when they start getting old? They want to look and feel younger again. Regain their youthful looks! Slide 13 Therefore, we know the next HUGE trend is going to be Anti Aging. We are at the forefront of this trend right now and it is going to last for at least 15 to 20 years! By being at the start of this trend, you increase your chances of success by being ahead of the competition. You will be giving baby boomers what they WANT. Can you see the potential in that?
  • 5. Slide 14 Introducing Alivemax... Slide 15 To explain our world class products I am handing this over to my colleague... Slide 16 Spray Facts: Now we are going to speak of some very interesting facts about sprays. “Knowledge, (pause) in regards to the effectiveness of per-o-ral methods are not uncommon, (Per-o-ral meaning through or by way of the mouth). In fact (pause) this knowledge was first introduced in the field of medicine. The reason this method is so effective is due to the so-called “First pass effect”. Hmmm what exactly does this mean…? (Pause) It simply means … (Laugh with enlightened voice) The ingredients do not have to first “pass thru the organs of the body, in order for the desired effect of the ingredients to take place”. Okay… that now known: (pause) By means of tablets and capsules the straight away effectiveness naturally sinks … (pause) because they first have to dissolve and pass thru many stages of unfolding, such as your stomach, liver, kidneys etc. Simultaneously unfolding are all the additives that have been used in order to make that tablet have that pretty color, or to form that perfectly oval shape which a tablet has. This however, IS NOT THE CASE using SPRAYS! The ingredients are almost instantly absorbed into… (Pause) approx. 200 m² (square centimeters) of mucus membranes that every human body has. Get this… 200 centimeters is about 79 inches, square that and you have about 6 feet of mucus membranes in your body. Sprays do…Thaaaaaaaaat without straining your organs or causing them to have to work harder to process unnatural components such as binders, cellose or gums. Now (pause) sprays are no secret to the medical world, you can find info on Nitrospray all over the internet. But let’s just see what Alivemax has made of such vital knowledge, (pause) for you and I! (This last part said in a “secret voice” building up curiosity.) We will show you next, by means of pictorial what your body goes thru when administering tablets into your body verses per-or-al. Slide 17 You can see in the left picture that the body goes thru seven stages while using tablets, whereas Alivemax has cut the stress placed upon on your body nearly in two!
  • 6. In the left picture you can also see when you place the tablet into your mouth, it has no alternative to bypass the esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines. We are talking about a minimum 7 stage process here, with tablets and capsules. Where as Per-or-al Spray has 4 point effectiveness. Spray into your mouth, the fantastic ingredients reach the mucus membranes, go into the bloodstream and are transported directly to the synopsis of the brain and your body. Now (pause) let’s take a closer look at what Alivemax has created for its customers… in terms of products which use the per-or-al advantage. Slide 18 Anti-Aging Spray/Veratrol Plus. A sensational ingredient called Res-ver-a-trol …has duly received attention from all over the world within the last few years. Studies report that it slows down the aging process. With just 7 sprays each day under your tongue your body receives a wholesome Burst of targeted Anti-Aging ingredients. The Anti-Aging Spray has specifically selected ingredients in a powerful combination such as Resveratrol, Mangosteen, Noni, Aloe Vera, Pomegranate, Goji and much more. We tend to be more oriented to that which we see with our eyes; however we age on the inside of our body’s just as well as on the outside. Alivemax with its Anti-Aging Spray is assuring that the inside aging of your body receives a yield sign. But what exactly is this Resveratrol? Slide 19 Resveratrol is a plant enzyme which reacts as an antioxidant within the body and can help regulate the body’s genes, now…I’m not speaking of the jeans we wear on our body, in fact Alivemax has another product, which you’ll find out about today, for that problem as well. Never the less back to Anti-Aging. Obviously when going back into the history of mankind, even in the scriptures of most nations “grapes” play an important role in the lives of all. Well Res-ver-a-trol can be found in the skin of blue grapes and obviously the great effects of this enzyme were already known in bible times, BC as well as AD, as grapes were consumed during every phase of mankind’s existence. That’s fact! But let me tell you of another interesting fact. We spoke of Trends earlier. In 2008 a large Pharmaceutical Company called GlaxoSmithKline purchased a Research company called Sirtis for 720 Million US Dollars. What’s that got to do with Alivemax? Essentially nothing as far as the 720 Million goes…But …Listen to this. GlaxoSmithKline purchased Sirtis, a small research company; you guessed it, in charge of researching the effects and creating Res-ver-a-trol like effects in future products. NOW THAT’S TAKING CHARGE OF AN UPCOMING TREND!
  • 7. With Alivemax you don’t have to pay even a fraction of 720 Million in order to get a piece of both worlds. You will have your our own Anti-Aging product for personal use and a money making opportunity utilizing the current Trend. Slide 20 A few seconds ago I spoke of genes; this next Alivemax product is in reference to jeans. However the ones we wear on our body. SLIM. The Hunger Pang buster! As in all Sprays from Alivemax just 7 Sprays under the tongue gives you the sought after effect. Hunger Pangs are the biggest problem in regards to attempting to shed off some extra kilos or pounds. When you drink a tall cold glass of water followed by 7 sprays and hunger pangs disappear. Here we are again speaking of a 98% quick absorption rate utilizing the mucus membranes located within your mouth. Slide 21 Now I get a lot of questions in regards to hunger pangs, one being, what exactly is a hunger pang? We have to differentiate in two categories. There is a physical reason and a psychological one. On the right side of the picture is a candidate who has a possible Physical Hunger pang. It’s due to his steady consumption of Carbohydrates. A Carbohydrate is basically a lower class synonym for sugar. While consuming Carbohydrates the blood sugar of the body skyrockets and gives us false energy. Your pancreas produces more insulin. However just as quickly as this energy soared to the moon, it can drop you just as quickly… then causing a physical hunger pang. On the left side of the picture, our candidate is unamusingly eating. When we deprive our bodies of specific foods out of dietary or even health reasons, we send out an impulse to our brain of “forbiddenness”. The body however requires a certain amount of natural sugars. The result is our brain reacts with the signal of a hunger pang, which causes the person to go overboard when attempting to comply. That’s another thing which is so great about Alivemax SLIM. It takes care of the whole ordeal, the physical as well as the mental. The mucus membranes receive, by means of the 98 % First Pass Effect, the ingredients needed to subdue the physical hunger pang. SLIM also gets even with the nostril membranes which affect our psychological need for food, by taking into consideration that the nose and the mouth are very much connected to each other. SLIM uses the 2 senses taste and smell to satisfy this need. I have been asked what exactly does SLIM taste like: I find it to be a very appealing taste between Coffee, Cappuccino, Maple syrup and a slight nutty taste.
  • 8. Slide 22 DID you know that European Studies have shown that in the industrial countries nearly every single human being is missing at least 1 Vitamin within their body? Well… AliveMax wants to ensure that those Studies are soon proven to be incorrect. This next ALIVEMAX product is called “Multi-Vitamin Spray” and “should be” part of every household in the world. Since Alivemax is the trend setter in the Spray industry of supplements, here too applies the 98 % absorption. 7 sprays under your tongue and you are set for a Vitamin rich day. This product is especially recommended for children as you and I both know tablets are not a welcomed ritual with our little ones. The spray on the other hand is interesting and fun for children. The Alivemax Sprays are compact enough to put in a purse, a pants pocket or jacket pocket, simply convenient and healthy. Children 4 to 15 do a half dosing of 4 sprays. A Whole Food Based with Vitamins ranging from A to Z. You are surely going to enjoy taking your vitamins and achieve more vibrancy in your cells. Speaking of vibrancy… how about this next spray... Slide 23 Have you ever sat at a table full of people, at a meeting, a seminar or even in class and you couldn’t help but “yawn because you simply felt tired and worn out”? Alivemax has the answer to such a problem… Vitality The name actually says it all. 7 sprays under the tongue and within a few minutes you have reached a level of natural energy. This product is also a hormone balancer and high in Adaptogens that help to balance stress in our bodies. Many consumer fans are being found in sport studios, weightlifting, truck drivers, office personnel as well as students. We are going to move right along to the very next sensation of this company. Slide 24 The exclusive Skin Care Series of AliveMax. As we know the Trend in the area of Anti-Aging products is exploding. Yet what if I told you Alivemax is going beyond the point of Anti-Aging and has manufactured a series of Skin Care products which are not only ph balanced for your skin but also anti-bacterial and purifying all in one!
  • 9. Our first product you see is the 24 K Gold Anti-Aging Serum. Using the highest standards of nature’s best ingredients, Alivemax combines the anti-aging factor with 24 K Gold. Your skin receives the utmost chance at fighting against any bacterial elements which might be keeping you from achieving a more youthful appearance. This product is exactly what Baby Boomers are WANTING and looking for. Alivemax doesn’t stop there though! Slide 25 Alivemax now offers a sensation which can be said to be the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. A Facelift without expensive Surgery has never been so easily attained as using the HOT NEW Revolution Instant Facelift. Look and feel younger after the first Lift. Slide 26 Takes just a few moments to apply onto your face, allow the Lift to dry 30 minutes and then simply rinse your face with lukewarm water. It’s as easy as 1-2-3 and you will see the difference. This product received its name Revolution as it truly is….. Revolutionary. I have been asked several times, how does the Revolution Instant Face Lift work differently? Slide 27 Well here is the best way I can explain it to you. As you see in the picture, your arms and legs are not the only parts of your body which have muscles… we have facial muscles as well. The Derma over your face is completely blocked from any outside influences while the Revolution Instant Face Lift is active, meaning that all nutrients of this outstanding product can be absorbed without any interference. Your skin is not flooded with “water” as many other products incorporate so to give you the impression of a Face Lift… the Revolution actually “trains” your facial muscles, a real workout for your face, without you really even noticing it. The muscles are, as we know under the skin, and when the muscle develops, just as in any training of the muscle of the body, your skin elastically expands and your wrinkle says “Bye Bye”, as you can notice in these next pictorial examples. Slide 28 Aren’t these pictures amazing? Take a good comparison look at the bottom photo and then slip up to the after picture. This product really needs no introduction; it sells itself and fits into the Trend for Baby Boomers who are on a quest to look younger.
  • 10. Slide 29 Here, you see a second phenomenal example. Take a moment to simply compare the results. Slide 30 The Instant Facelift and the 24 K Gold are amazing products but Alivemax didn’t stop there. They developed an Exfoliating cleanser and Toner. This cleanser not only prepares the skin for the benefits of the Revolution Face Lift but also helps to clean the pores thus helping to prevent common acne. How beneficial for teenagers in that tough stage of life as well as Adults who suffer with problem skin. Splash the toner on the face following the face lift. This is where you would apply the 24 K Gold Product, right before the moisturizer. Alivemax also developed a luxurious Moisturizer to replenish the skin with moisture and infuse it with incredible nutrients. Just imagine the possibilities with such a fantastic assortment of products, which are not only Trend setters but also fit into every lifestyle … Now let’s take a look at how you can not only enhance your own health but also make money using this opportunity…. Slide 31 Ok, let’s talk about the Alivemax opportunity. You have a choice of becoming a customer and paying full retail price or for $25.00 becoming an associate of Alivemax and purchasing your own products at wholesale. When you fall in love with our products as you will, you then have the opportunity to make money for referring others. Let’s go over the different ways you could earn extra income. Unlike other companies who offer you limited ways to earn money, here with Alivemax, you have SEVEN different streams of income. By giving you options, it gives you the freedom to choose. If you want to concentrate on selling the products retail, because you are more comfortable with that, then you can do so. This is designed to be a two team system. If you want to concentrate on building your teams you can do so. If you want to help others build their team, you can do so. You have the choice to generate income in whatever way suits you best.
  • 11. We will cover some income examples soon. Slide 32 Let's look at getting started. Once you decide to join Alivemax, you simply decide which of our product packages suits you best. With different levels meeting everyone's needs, we truly believe that anyone can get started regardless of their current situation. It is very important not to stretch yourself. Do not put yourself under financial stress. If money is tight right now, come in at the lower level and over time as you build your business and income, you can always increase your product purchases and increase your earning potential. Alivemax wants you to have control! Slide 33 Many people ask us where they can find customers and potential partners. Well the simple truth of the matter is this: Anyone you meet or talk to Anyone who notices a change in your appearance Anyone who wants to start or has their own business Anyone who wants to make a change in their life Anyone who wants to invest 30 minutes to view an online presentation in the comfort of their home These are all potential customers or partners Slide 34 Once you have chosen your package, you then decide which income avenue is going to suit you best. Here you see some examples. The lady on the left wants to do home parties. She loves getting together with 5 or 10 friends, showing our products and making money from retail sales, and finding good partners who will duplicate what she is doing. The guy in the middle wants to concentrate on recruiting and begin generating those large matching bonus checks. The gentleman on the right wants to generate income by introducing our range of quality products to Cosmetic studios and other retail outlets. Which area do you think would best suit you?
  • 12. Slide 35 Ok, so now let us look at an income example and see exactly what you have to do to make that big money with Alivemax. Slide 36 In this example, we are going to say it takes you 30 days to find 4 new partners. We are also going to say that you and your partners all have a product BV of $200 each. We are not suggesting you must have that, remember, this is only an example so you can get an idea of how fast your income can grow if you choose! With you and your 4 partners all having a $200 BV, your total group volume after 30 days is $1000. Now instead of me going into great detail on our marketing plan and confusing you by doing so, we know that providing you build your business as we instruct you to, you will earn approx 10% of your group volume each month. Some months it may be a little less and some a little more. But, to make this easy for you and people you know to understand, we will stick with approx 10% of group volume. Therefore, in the first 30 days you could earn in this example approx $100. Now I will be honest and tell you that if you find 4 others in the first 30 days, you will actually earn more than $100, but we want to keep this simple for people to understand. Slide 37 Now let us move this example on to 90 days. Just 3 months from here. After your first 30 days, you find another 4 people yourself. You help all your people also find 4 others. With everyone having a personal BV of $200, and with over 30 people in your team, you can generate a monthly income of over $600. Slide 38 Let's now take it on another 60 days. Just 5 months from now! In the next 60 days, everyone including you finds 4 other people. Again, let's say everyone has a personal BV of $200. With over 130 people in your team, you could be earning over $2500 a month in just FIVE months from now!
  • 13. Remember, this is extra money each month. We are not asking anyone to quit their jobs and work with us full time. This is part time work but in truth after 5 months a full time income. Ask yourself this, would an EXTRA $2500 a month make a difference in your life? If the answer is yes, then would it make a difference in other people's lives? Slide 39 Ok, let's dream a little here. After all, Walt Disney once said "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them". Let us say we continue this theme for another 60 days. Remember, we are now just 7 months away from this! If everyone found 4 people each, and everyone had a personal BV of $200, not only would your group grow to over 500 people, your group volume would be over $100,000 which means you have the potential to make over $10,000 per month! Amazing! With just 500 people in your group, you have the potential to make a FIVE FIGURE A MONTH INCOME! Slide 40 Now however, I want to bring you back down to earth. The truth is this. Not everyone in your group is going to find 4 other people. A sad fact I know, but we have to be honest here. Having said that, some people in your group are going to find more than 4 others. You only need to look at our leaderboard and see people there who have sponsored 20 people, 50 people, 100 people, and even a few who have sponsored over 400 people! Imagine if someone like this was to enter your organization! It could explode your business! We also know that not everyone is going to have a personal BV of $200. However, if you had 500 people in your group and they only had a $100 BV, you still have the potential to earn over $5000 EXTRA each month! What if it took you 12 months to achieve this and not 7 months? In fact, what if it took you 2 years? Let me ask you this. Does your current job give you the possibility of making an extra $5000 a month two years from now? If your boss came to you today and said he wants you to work an extra 5 to 10 hours a week for two years. He can't pay you extra in that time, but in two years, he will add an extra $60,000 a year to your salary.
  • 14. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? The truth is, nearly all people would agree to that. The thought of an extra $60,000 a year income is for most people a great motivation. Well, we are offering you just that here with Alivemax. The only difference is we are not saying you have to wait two years to get your money. You can generate an extra $60,000 on your salary within two years, but we will also allow you to make money DURING the next two years! That is a big difference. Slide 41 It is important you understand that this is just an example. Of course, you must take action and doing nothing will result in nothing. The control is in your hands, and this could happen if you make the decision to say "YES". Slide 42 We know that some people when they start out in business have concerns or worries about what to do. Please relax and understand that people really do WANT our products because they really do work. Anyone over the age of 40 WANTS our products. Make sure you use our products yourself so people can see the change in your appearance or your health. Show people our range of products and do not try to become a salesperson. People buy from people they like; they do not like to be sold. Slide 43 Another huge benefit you have with Alivemax is our powerful online marketing system. With six ready made websites, many with videos and audios leading to a short powerful 2 minute video, you have all the tools you need to begin building your business online as well as offline. We even have a special Alivemax University to help you earn while you learn!
  • 15. Slide 44 So how do you get started? We suggest you first speak to the person who introduced you to Alivemax. Decide which product package is best for you right now. We do recommend the special $199 packages we have, to maximise your earning potential, and we will see why in just a second. Invite people to our conference calls both online and by telephone. Remember, by choosing our $199 package, you only need to find 3 and it is FREE! What do I mean by that? Well let's take a look... Slide 45 This example shows exactly what you can earn by choosing one of our special $199 packages. By finding 3 others who purchase this pack you will earn the following:- 3 X $30 Fast Start =$90 3 X $15 Bulk Order Bonus =$45 3 X $30 (doubling Fast Start 2010 promo) $90 That is a $225 return on your money immediately. You could do this in 1 month, 1 week or as some are doing in just one day. As we pay weekly to our partners, we find many people are in profit with Alivemax in less than two weeks from starting. Imagine if those 3 you found also did the same. You then increase your earning power with Dual Team Bonus checks, Matching Bonus checks and more. This is a great way to start your business, and remember your people will generally do what you do. So, set an example to your team and go for the $199 pack. Slide 46 To make everything legal here, please take a few seconds to read our income disclaimer. Slide 47 Nothing ventured, nothing gained is such a true statement. Make sure you do not miss out on the next BIG TREND!
  • 16. Stop letting your boss decide what house you live in, what car you drive, what vacations you take. Take control of your life and make that change. The time is now for you and Alivemax!