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* @mainpage
* @anchor mainpage
* @brief
* @details
* @copyright Russell John Childs, PhD, 2017
* @author Russell John Childs, PhD
* @date 2017-03-20
* This file contains
* class: Call
* Functions: recursive_combinations, iterative_combinations,
* recursive_permutations, iterative_permutations
* Problem statement:
* You have a recursive routine that needs to be replaced with iteration.
* To avoid potential error, the class "Call" may be used to replace recursion
* with iteration whilst keeping the structure of the function intact. This is
* useful for problems that are more easily solved through recurrence relations,
* which makes recursion a more natural, but problematic approach in C++.
* The class "Call" allows for direct conversion to iteration by using
* std::stack instead of a call stack, as in the following example:
* @code
*void iterative_perms(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse)
* //Args to be pushed to stack
* struct Args{unsigned recurse; std::set<unsigned>::iterator* iter;
* unsigned i;};
* //Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence
* static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end());
* //Vector containing the permutation
* static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size());
* //Termination sequence
* static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend());
* auto iter = remaining.begin();
* //Iterate until recursion termination condition hit
* while (Call<Args>::done({ recurse }, [&]{return indices != term; }) )
* {
* // Create object to push and pop args for each iteration
* Call<Args> call;
* //Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation
* while ( iter != remaining.end() )
* {
* //Add next index to permutation
* unsigned i = *iter;
* indices[call().recurse] = i;
* //If complete permuation then print
* if (call().recurse == in.size() - 1)
* {
* for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " ";
* std::cout << std::endl;
* ++iter;
* }
* //If incomplete, recurse
* else
* {
* //Ctor is done at top of "recurse"
* auto ctor = [&](){ remaining.erase(call().i);
* (*call().iter) = remaining.begin();};
* //recurse
* call({ call().recurse + 1, &iter, i}, ctor);
* //Dtor is done after recurse returns
* call.dtor([&call](){*call().iter =
* remaining.insert(call().i).first; ++(*call().iter); });
* }
* }
* }
* @endcode
* Notes: The class "Call" has been partially tested using combinatorics. It is
* found to be significantly faster when iteration replaces recursion using
* "Call". There is an expected overhead and timings for a Release build show
* that using "Call" takes 50% longer than std::next_permutation for 9!
* permuations. This may be due to the overhead of using a stack or may be due
* to the algorithm I devised for generating permutations.
* Compiled and tested under Linux Mint, using g++ 4.8.
* g++ options: -O0 -g3 -Wall -O0 -fopenmp -mavx -m64 -g -Wall -c
* -fmessage-length=0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer --fast-math
* -std=c++11 -I/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/include/
* Linker options: -Wl,--no-as-needed -fopenmp
* -L/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/lib64/
* Cmd line options: -lpthread -latomic -littnotify -ldl
* Documentation: Doxygen comments for interfaces, normal for impl.
* @file iteration.cpp
* @see
* @ref mainpage
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
* addtogroup Recursion
* @{
namespace Recursion
/** Dummy function acting as ctor/dtor
void default_cdtor(void){}
* @tparam T - struct containing function arguments to be pushed to stack
* @tparam Ctor - a void(*)(void) func acting as ctor
* @tparam Dtor - a void(*)(void) func acting as dtor
template<typename T, typename Ctor = std::function<void(void)>,
typename Dtor = std::function<void(void)> >
struct Call
* Holds stack of function arguments, ctors, dtors used to implement:
* pre-code - executed in ctor
* recursive-call(args...) - pushed to std::stack
* post-code - executed in dtor
struct Func
* Default ctor
Func() :
* Dtor
* @return A stack of function arguments, ctors, dtors
static std::stack<std::unique_ptr<Func>>& stack( void )
static std::stack<std::unique_ptr<Func>> ret_val;
return ret_val;
T m_t;
Ctor m_ctor;
Dtor m_dtor;
* Default ctor
* Dtor
//Call dtor, pop "call" off stack
if (m_func.stack().empty() == false)
* @param ctor {Ctor} - stores ctor to stack
void ctor(Ctor ctor)
m_func.stack().top()->m_ctor = ctor;
* @param dtor {Dtor} - stores dtor to stack
void dtor(Dtor dtor)
m_func.stack().top()->m_dtor = dtor;
* Dummy termination condition
static bool default_done(){ return false; }
* @tparam Pred - bool(*)(...) condition for recursion termination
* @param t {const T&} - struct of function args to be pushed to stack
* @param pred {Pred} - condition for recursion termination
* @return bool - true iff recursion should terminate
template<typename Pred>
static bool done(const T& t, Pred pred)
//Push function args to stack
static bool init = true;
if (init == true)
Func::stack().push(std::unique_ptr<Func>(new Func));
Func::stack().top()->m_t = t;
//Return true iff recursion termination should occur
bool ret_val = (init == false && Func::stack().empty()==true) || pred();
init = false;
return ret_val;
* @param t {const T& } - function args to be pushed to stack
static bool done(const T& t)
return done(t, &default_done);
* @param t {T} - function args to be pushed to stack
* @param ctor {std::function<void(void)> } - ctor to be pushed to stack
void operator()(T t, std::function<void(void)> ctor = default_cdtor)
//Push "call" to stack and then execute ctor
m_func.stack().push(std::unique_ptr<Func>(new Func));
m_func.stack().top()->m_t = t;
m_func.stack().top()->m_ctor = ctor;
* @return - function args from top of stack
T& operator()()
return m_func.stack().top()->m_t;
* @return - true iff stack is empty
static bool empty()
return Func::stack().empty();
Func m_func;
* @}
* addtogroup Tests
* @{
namespace Tests
* @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices
* @param k {unsigned} - k in n choose k
* @param pos {unsigned} - length of sequence so far
* @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth
* Enumerates k out of n indices recursively. This code is O(k*n_choose_k).
void recursive_combinations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned k,
unsigned pos=0, unsigned recurse=0)
using namespace Recursion;
//Indices of combination & termination sequence
static std::vector<unsigned> indices(k);
static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.begin()+k, in.end());
//Loop from current length of sequence to end of input vector
for (unsigned i = pos; i < in.size()-(k-recurse-1); ++i)
//Add current index
indices[recurse] = i;
//If complete combination then print
if (recurse == k-1 || indices == term)
for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//If not complete then recurse
recursive_combinations(in, k, i + 1, recurse + 1);
* @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices
* @param k {unsigned} - k in n choose k
* @param pos {unsigned} - length of sequence so far
* @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth
* Enumerates k out of n indices iteratively. This code is O(k*n_choose_k).
void iterative_combinations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned k,
unsigned pos=0, unsigned recurse = 0)
using namespace Recursion;
//Function args that would normally be pushed to stack
struct Args{ unsigned k; unsigned pos; unsigned recurse; };
//Indices of combination
static std::vector<unsigned> indices(k);
//Loop while stack non-empty
while (Call<Args>::done({ k, pos, recurse }) == false)
//Create object to push args to stack and pop them at end of iteration
Call<Args> call;
//Loop from current length of sequence to end of input vector
for (unsigned i=call().pos; i < in.size()-(k - call().recurse - 1); ++i)
//Add current index
indices[call().recurse] = i;
//If complete combination then print
if (call().recurse == k - 1)
for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//If not complete then recurse
call({ k, ++call().pos, call().recurse + 1 });
* @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices
* @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth
* Enumerates all permutations recursively. This code is O(n*n!).
void recursive_permutations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse=0)
using namespace Recursion;
//Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence
static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end());
//Vector containing the permutation
static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size());
//Termination sequence
static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend());
//Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation
for (auto iter = remaining.begin(); iter != remaining.end(); ++iter)
//Add next index to permutation
unsigned i = *iter;
indices[recurse] = i;
//If complete permuation then print
if (recurse == in.size()-1 || indices == term)
for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//If incomplete, recurse
recursive_permutations(in, recurse + 1);
iter = remaining.insert(i).first;
* @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices
* @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth
* Enumerates all permutations iteratively. This code is O(n*n!).
void iterative_permutations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse=0)
using namespace Recursion;
//Args to be pushed to stack
struct Args{unsigned recurse; std::set<unsigned>::iterator* iter;
unsigned i;};
//Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence
static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end());
//Vector containing the permutation
static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size());
//Termination sequence
static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend());
auto iter = remaining.begin();
//Iterate until recursion termination condition hit
while (Call<Args>::done({ recurse }, [&]{return indices != term; }) )
// Create object to push and pop args for each iteration
Call<Args> call;
//Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation
while ( iter != remaining.end() )
//Add next index to permutation
unsigned i = *iter;
indices[call().recurse] = i;
//If complete permuation then print
if (call().recurse == in.size() - 1)
for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//If incomplete, recurse
//Ctor is done at top of "recurse"
auto ctor = [&](){ remaining.erase(call().i);
(*call().iter) = remaining.begin();};
call({ call().recurse + 1, &iter, i}, ctor);
//Dtor is done after recurse returns
call.dtor([&call](){*call().iter =
remaining.insert(call().i).first; ++(*call().iter); });
* @}
int main(void)
using namespace Tests;
using namespace std::chrono;
bool is_test_recursive = false;
std::vector<unsigned> in({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
unsigned k = 3;
std::cout << "Generating " << k << " out of " << in.size()
<< " combinations: " << std::endl;
is_test_recursive ? recursive_combinations(in,k) :
std::vector<unsigned> recursive({ 0, 1, 2, 3});
std::vector<unsigned> iterative({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
auto vec = is_test_recursive ? recursive : iterative;
std::cout << "Generating all permutations of " << vec.size()
<< " indices using class "Call": " << std::endl;
steady_clock::time_point begin, end;
is_test_recursive ? recursive_permutations(recursive) :
auto time_for_call = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - begin).count();
std::cout << "Class "Call" took: "
<< time_for_call << std::endl;
std::cout << "Generating all permutations of " << vec.size()
<< " indices using std::next_permuation: " << std::endl;
while(std::next_permutation(iterative.begin(), iterative.end()))
for(auto& i : iterative) std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Class "Call" took: "
<< time_for_call << std::endl;
auto next_perm = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - begin).count();
std::cout << "std::next_permuation took: "
<< next_perm<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Time for Class "Call" / time for std::next_permutation: "
<< (double)time_for_call/(double)next_perm << std::endl;
return 0;

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Recursion to iteration automation.

  • 1. /** * @mainpage * @anchor mainpage * @brief * @details * @copyright Russell John Childs, PhD, 2017 * @author Russell John Childs, PhD * @date 2017-03-20 * * This file contains * class: Call * * Functions: recursive_combinations, iterative_combinations, * recursive_permutations, iterative_permutations * * * Problem statement: * You have a recursive routine that needs to be replaced with iteration. * To avoid potential error, the class "Call" may be used to replace recursion * with iteration whilst keeping the structure of the function intact. This is * useful for problems that are more easily solved through recurrence relations, * which makes recursion a more natural, but problematic approach in C++. * The class "Call" allows for direct conversion to iteration by using * std::stack instead of a call stack, as in the following example: * * @code *void iterative_perms(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse) *{ * //Args to be pushed to stack * struct Args{unsigned recurse; std::set<unsigned>::iterator* iter; * unsigned i;}; * //Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence * static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end()); * //Vector containing the permutation * static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size()); * //Termination sequence * static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend()); * * auto iter = remaining.begin(); * //Iterate until recursion termination condition hit * while (Call<Args>::done({ recurse }, [&]{return indices != term; }) ) * { * // Create object to push and pop args for each iteration * Call<Args> call; * //Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation * while ( iter != remaining.end() ) * { * //Add next index to permutation * unsigned i = *iter; * indices[call().recurse] = i; * //If complete permuation then print * if (call().recurse == in.size() - 1) * { * for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " "; * std::cout << std::endl; * ++iter; * } * //If incomplete, recurse * else * { * //Ctor is done at top of "recurse" * auto ctor = [&](){ remaining.erase(call().i); * (*call().iter) = remaining.begin();}; * //recurse
  • 2. * call({ call().recurse + 1, &iter, i}, ctor); * //Dtor is done after recurse returns * call.dtor([&call](){*call().iter = * remaining.insert(call().i).first; ++(*call().iter); }); * } * } * } *} * @endcode * * Notes: The class "Call" has been partially tested using combinatorics. It is * found to be significantly faster when iteration replaces recursion using * "Call". There is an expected overhead and timings for a Release build show * that using "Call" takes 50% longer than std::next_permutation for 9! * permuations. This may be due to the overhead of using a stack or may be due * to the algorithm I devised for generating permutations. * * Compiled and tested under Linux Mint, using g++ 4.8. * * g++ options: -O0 -g3 -Wall -O0 -fopenmp -mavx -m64 -g -Wall -c * -fmessage-length=0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer --fast-math * -std=c++11 -I/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/include/ * * Linker options: -Wl,--no-as-needed -fopenmp * -L/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/lib64/ * * Cmd line options: -lpthread -latomic -littnotify -ldl * * Documentation: Doxygen comments for interfaces, normal for impl. * * @file iteration.cpp * @see * @ref mainpage */ #include <vector> #include <set> #include <stack> #include <memory> #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <chrono> #include <algorithm> /** * addtogroup Recursion * @{ */ namespace Recursion { /** Dummy function acting as ctor/dtor * */ void default_cdtor(void){} /** * @tparam T - struct containing function arguments to be pushed to stack * @tparam Ctor - a void(*)(void) func acting as ctor * @tparam Dtor - a void(*)(void) func acting as dtor */ template<typename T, typename Ctor = std::function<void(void)>, typename Dtor = std::function<void(void)> > struct Call {
  • 3. /** * Holds stack of function arguments, ctors, dtors used to implement: * * pre-code - executed in ctor * * recursive-call(args...) - pushed to std::stack * * post-code - executed in dtor */ struct Func { /** * Default ctor */ Func() : m_ctor(&default_cdtor), m_dtor(&default_cdtor) { } /** * Dtor */ ~Func() { } /** * @return A stack of function arguments, ctors, dtors */ static std::stack<std::unique_ptr<Func>>& stack( void ) { static std::stack<std::unique_ptr<Func>> ret_val; return ret_val; } T m_t; Ctor m_ctor; Dtor m_dtor; }; /** * Default ctor * */ Call() { } /** * Dtor */ ~Call() { //Call dtor, pop "call" off stack if (m_func.stack().empty() == false) { m_func.stack().top()->m_dtor(); m_func.stack().pop(); } } /** * @param ctor {Ctor} - stores ctor to stack
  • 4. */ void ctor(Ctor ctor) { m_func.stack().top()->m_ctor = ctor; } /** * @param dtor {Dtor} - stores dtor to stack */ void dtor(Dtor dtor) { m_func.stack().top()->m_dtor = dtor; } /** * Dummy termination condition */ static bool default_done(){ return false; } /** * @tparam Pred - bool(*)(...) condition for recursion termination * @param t {const T&} - struct of function args to be pushed to stack * @param pred {Pred} - condition for recursion termination * @return bool - true iff recursion should terminate */ template<typename Pred> static bool done(const T& t, Pred pred) { //Push function args to stack static bool init = true; if (init == true) { Func::stack().push(std::unique_ptr<Func>(new Func)); Func::stack().top()->m_t = t; } //Return true iff recursion termination should occur bool ret_val = (init == false && Func::stack().empty()==true) || pred(); init = false; return ret_val; } /** * @param t {const T& } - function args to be pushed to stack */ static bool done(const T& t) { return done(t, &default_done); } /** * @param t {T} - function args to be pushed to stack * @param ctor {std::function<void(void)> } - ctor to be pushed to stack */ void operator()(T t, std::function<void(void)> ctor = default_cdtor) { //Push "call" to stack and then execute ctor m_func.stack().push(std::unique_ptr<Func>(new Func)); m_func.stack().top()->m_t = t; m_func.stack().top()->m_ctor = ctor; ctor(); }
  • 5. /** * @return - function args from top of stack */ T& operator()() { return m_func.stack().top()->m_t; } /** * @return - true iff stack is empty */ static bool empty() { return Func::stack().empty(); } Func m_func; }; } /** * @} */ /** * addtogroup Tests * @{ */ namespace Tests { /** * @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices * @param k {unsigned} - k in n choose k * @param pos {unsigned} - length of sequence so far * @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth * * Enumerates k out of n indices recursively. This code is O(k*n_choose_k). */ void recursive_combinations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned k, unsigned pos=0, unsigned recurse=0) { using namespace Recursion; //Indices of combination & termination sequence static std::vector<unsigned> indices(k); static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.begin()+k, in.end()); //Loop from current length of sequence to end of input vector for (unsigned i = pos; i < in.size()-(k-recurse-1); ++i) { //Add current index indices[recurse] = i; //If complete combination then print if (recurse == k-1 || indices == term) { for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } //If not complete then recurse else { recursive_combinations(in, k, i + 1, recurse + 1); } } }
  • 6. /** * @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices * @param k {unsigned} - k in n choose k * @param pos {unsigned} - length of sequence so far * @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth * * Enumerates k out of n indices iteratively. This code is O(k*n_choose_k). */ void iterative_combinations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned k, unsigned pos=0, unsigned recurse = 0) { using namespace Recursion; //Function args that would normally be pushed to stack struct Args{ unsigned k; unsigned pos; unsigned recurse; }; //Indices of combination static std::vector<unsigned> indices(k); //Loop while stack non-empty while (Call<Args>::done({ k, pos, recurse }) == false) { //Create object to push args to stack and pop them at end of iteration Call<Args> call; //Loop from current length of sequence to end of input vector for (unsigned i=call().pos; i < in.size()-(k - call().recurse - 1); ++i) { //Add current index indices[call().recurse] = i; //If complete combination then print if (call().recurse == k - 1) { for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } //If not complete then recurse else { call({ k, ++call().pos, call().recurse + 1 }); } } } } /** * @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices * @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth * * Enumerates all permutations recursively. This code is O(n*n!). */ void recursive_permutations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse=0) { using namespace Recursion; //Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end()); //Vector containing the permutation static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size()); //Termination sequence static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend()); //Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation for (auto iter = remaining.begin(); iter != remaining.end(); ++iter) { //Add next index to permutation
  • 7. unsigned i = *iter; indices[recurse] = i; //If complete permuation then print if (recurse == in.size()-1 || indices == term) { for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } //If incomplete, recurse else { remaining.erase(i); recursive_permutations(in, recurse + 1); iter = remaining.insert(i).first; } } } /** * @param in {const std::vector<unsigned>&} - vectors of indices * @param recurse {unsigned} - recursion depth * * Enumerates all permutations iteratively. This code is O(n*n!). */ void iterative_permutations(const std::vector<unsigned>& in, unsigned recurse=0) { using namespace Recursion; //Args to be pushed to stack struct Args{unsigned recurse; std::set<unsigned>::iterator* iter; unsigned i;}; //Vector of indices not yet "used up" in permuation sequence static std::set<unsigned> remaining(in.begin(), in.end()); //Vector containing the permutation static std::vector<unsigned> indices(in.size()); //Termination sequence static std::vector<unsigned> term(in.rbegin(), in.rend()); auto iter = remaining.begin(); //Iterate until recursion termination condition hit while (Call<Args>::done({ recurse }, [&]{return indices != term; }) ) { // Create object to push and pop args for each iteration Call<Args> call; //Loop over all unused indices to generate next index in permutation while ( iter != remaining.end() ) { //Add next index to permutation unsigned i = *iter; indices[call().recurse] = i; //If complete permuation then print if (call().recurse == in.size() - 1) { for (auto index : indices) std::cout << index << " "; std::cout << std::endl; ++iter; } //If incomplete, recurse else { //Ctor is done at top of "recurse" auto ctor = [&](){ remaining.erase(call().i); (*call().iter) = remaining.begin();}; //recurse
  • 8. call({ call().recurse + 1, &iter, i}, ctor); //Dtor is done after recurse returns call.dtor([&call](){*call().iter = remaining.insert(call().i).first; ++(*call().iter); }); } } } } } /** * @} */ int main(void) { using namespace Tests; using namespace std::chrono; bool is_test_recursive = false; std::vector<unsigned> in({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); unsigned k = 3; std::cout << "Generating " << k << " out of " << in.size() << " combinations: " << std::endl; is_test_recursive ? recursive_combinations(in,k) : iterative_combinations(in,k); std::vector<unsigned> recursive({ 0, 1, 2, 3}); std::vector<unsigned> iterative({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }); auto vec = is_test_recursive ? recursive : iterative; std::cout << "Generating all permutations of " << vec.size() << " indices using class "Call": " << std::endl; steady_clock::time_point begin, end; begin=steady_clock::now(); is_test_recursive ? recursive_permutations(recursive) : iterative_permutations(iterative); end=steady_clock::now(); auto time_for_call = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - begin).count(); std::cout << "Class "Call" took: " << time_for_call << std::endl; std::cout << "Generating all permutations of " << vec.size() << " indices using std::next_permuation: " << std::endl; begin=steady_clock::now(); while(std::next_permutation(iterative.begin(), iterative.end())) { for(auto& i : iterative) std::cout << i << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } end=steady_clock::now(); std::cout << "Class "Call" took: " << time_for_call << std::endl; auto next_perm = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - begin).count(); std::cout << "std::next_permuation took: " << next_perm<< std::endl; std::cout << "Time for Class "Call" / time for std::next_permutation: " << (double)time_for_call/(double)next_perm << std::endl; return 0; }