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A Guide
Communication is any way in which we, or any other
 intelligent life form, express our feelings, emotions,
 ideas or anything else to one another. This can be
 from any in any way, shape or form and changes
 from scenario to scenario. All communication is
 essential to achieving, progressing and helping.

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 Methods of Communication
 Barriers to Communication
 Record Keeping
Effective Record keeping
  Record keeping is the process of collecting,
  assessing, monitoring and maintaining of
  someone's or an organisations information, whether
  it be personal or financial.
 What makes effective record keeping and what
  happens when it isn’t
 Barriers to confidentiality and the need for information
What is effective record
Effective record keeping is;
 Secure where it is stored, how it is accessed. This means that places
   where information is kept (filing cabinets ect) have ample physical
   protection from locks and doors out of public view. And that computer
   equipment that keeps data has secure physical and technological locks
   and passwords.
 Accurate in what is put in, this is the most important factor. Everyone
   can make mistakes from time to time, but checking, checking and
   checking again can ensure that the information to do take down and
   store is fully accurate, and any other information about what was
   happening whilst you were recording (time, date, location). This helps in
   identifying the situation.
 Confidential. Follow this link
 Easily accessed but only by the right people to make the service more
   effective and easy for the service user. Information is not there to be
   taken, stored, filed away into a distant filing cabinet as an ornament. It
   must be able to be accessed by everyone that needs it, yet still having
   enough security to keep out anyone that has no business seeing it.
Effective record keeping
Effective record keeping is making sure that information
   acquired is acquired in the safest, clearest, most
   confidential way. But this is a very general sentence for a
   much bigger subject. For a more detailed page as to
   what is involved in Effective record keeping please click
   this link
If records are not kept properly then the standard of service
   will suffer. In a childcare scenario; if a parent fills in an
   allergy form incorrectly then the subsequent potential
   inevitability is that the child will be given said product.
   Professional places of work take record keeping very
   seriously. In this case (note internet connection is
   required)      A nurse was struck off because they were
   found to not provide adequate effective record keeping.
   In the case they administered the incorrect drug to the
   incorrect patient, yet logged it down into the records as
Confidentiality is something that is widely used in any
  situation where a patient or service user is involved, most
  notably for children. It is (as defined by the International
  Organisation for Standardisation {ISO}) ensuring that
  information is accessible only to those authorized to have
In Britain the data protection act helps to enforce this, with
  strict punishments for organisations, even government
  employees, who do not abide by it. The Data Protection
  Act Gives Individuals the right to know what information
  is held about them. It has 8 main principles.
Child protection and confidentiality come hand in hand with
  each other. Due to the Children's Act 2004 it is essential
  for people dealing with children to keep the information
  as secure and confidential as possible. If a breach occurs
  then cases such as         occur. Note internet connection is
Barriers to confidentiality and
need for information
There are two forces working against each other in the
 care sectors. One is the need to protect peoples
 information, for the individual, or for the organisation.
 And the need for organisations to be able to quickly
 and easily access this information for beneficial
The problem is that each works against the other. So a
 balance must be struck, or sacrifices made where
 the protection of the individual is of upmost concern,
 higher than that of giving a fast service, which can
 still have relatively easy access to the information
Data Protection Principles
 Fairly and lawfully processed
 Processed for limited purposes
 Adequate, relevant and not excessive
 Accurate and up to date
 Not kept For longer than is necessary
 Processed in line with your rights
 Secure
 Not transferred to other countries without adequate
Thanks to
English Dictionary online
The Guardian
Medical news today

Jo Kelvey

Created on Microsoft PowerPoint

The Funk Buttons – Lisbon Maru
Barriers to Communication
There are many different barriers to communication,
  changes or differences can be technological or social.
Different social factors can change how we interact with
  one another. This can be for the better, or even for the
  worse. Age, race, religion, sex or any other factor can
  change how we communicate.
Social Communication Barriers
Society plays a massive role in   These Differences can be for the better,
                                  such as sign language helping to
  how we interact with one
                                  communicate with deaf people. But it
  another. It can change with     can also be for the worse, such as
  just about any aspect of your   religious differences in extreme cases
  person.                         can cause wars.

 Religion          Gender            Social Standing      Age

 Political Views   Disability        Race                 Discriminations
Age can play an integral role in how we communicate,
  much like our social status, or ethnic origin, our age
  can set us widely apart from one another.
For example our idiolect can be changed by our age,
  new younger terms and descriptions can be altered or
  totally created, and accepted as our language. The
  word “gay” was once used to describe the feeling of
  happiness or being joyous. These days it is used in
  place of homosexual, it is a widely accepted term that
  also be used in a derogatory or offensive way.
This can create barriers because someone who is much
  older may not understand someone who is much
  younger than them, because of the terms used, or
  because of the fact they are from different eras that
  have different moral values and taboos.
Our race can be defined from the colour of our skin, our
  language we speak, what country we were born in, or
  what country we live in.
Different countries have different moral values and laws,
  even different signs, symbols, expression, what is right
  and wrong to do in public. The differences are vast, and
  this can create a lot of problems when dealing with
  each other, we may think we are being kind, but it could
  offend someone from a different country.
To overcome this we have developed over time
  international rapport with each other, we learn about
  each other, and it would be common courtesy to look
  up another country if you are to meet someone from it,
  or to at least re-assure them that you mean no offence
  by what you do, and you would expect them to do the
Discrimination Is a serious problem, it has caused the worlds
  greatest atrocities and tensions, even wars. Simply
  because people judge others by their race, religion, sex,
  sexual orientation, disabilities anything and everything.
  And may dislike them or think otherwise of them because
  of it.
We all judge, and try to see who people are and what they
  are about, it is in our nature. Tensions arise when people
  take action against this, be it something like the holocaust,
  or not employing someone because they are black, or a
  woman, or disabled.
The difference between judgement and discrimination is
  when you actively treat someone differently because of
  their differences. To treat them just like you would treat
  anyone else, and not distinguish them apart from them, for
  any reason, is the way of overcoming discriminations, no
  matter what your personal views are.
Political Views
Politics in any well developed country affects its
   inhabitants greatly. It changes laws, taxes, immigration,
   road laws, drinking age, smoking laws, anything within
   reason. Everyone has different political views, they
   define what we think is right and what we want to
Barriers in communication can occur when people
   develop a one sided view, that what they think is right,
   which can be productive for an effective political party,
   but not so effective when someone who has a certain
   political view in a work environment does or doesn't do
   something because of it. Tension can then occur.
It is perfectly ok for you to have your own views an
   opinions, but, especially in a care setting, it would be
   better to leave your views at home, specifically if they
Religion can play a massive role in how people
 communicate to each other. There is the spiritual
 communication that people believe they have with god,
 but also the physical, where communities are brought
 together through it, or torn apart, and can help people to
 understand each other better, which communicating
 plays a massive role in.
Men and women are different, we have similarities, but the way in
  which we communicate is something that can separate us.
Our very nature as a human being, more specifically our gender can
  affect how we communicate. This can go back as far as human
  history itself. Where men took on the dominant role, protecting,
  gathering and generally being the alpha. Women on the other hand
  took on the protecting, nurturing and caring side.
Whereas these attributes can cross over between each gender these
  days, as study by a book called Why Men Don't Listen and Women
  Can't Read Maps, shows that women still predominantly take on
  these characteristics, and men in general want to be the alpha, the
  bold and strong type. This can affect how we work in any
  environment, be it care setting, or a business setting.
Social Standing
Class divides affect the way we communicate, in a
  fundamentally discriminatory way. Our job, income,
  house size, car model, clothes, jewelry, area we live in or
  even background can divide people. Seen less and less
  these days class divides still happen, and it can affect
  how one person talks to another. Even your social
  standing can change how you talk, your accent        ,
 An accent is how your voice sounds when you
 naturally talk, this can change because of how you
 were brought up, your peers, or where you live.
 Idiolect as it is called can be something such as a
 London accent, or it can be because of your peers
 and music tastes. This can be hard for people to
 understand each other.
 Someone from a poorer background may be less
 educated, as is abhorrent in some societies. Thus
 they would have less of a vocabulary than someone
 from a rich background. But this is a generalization
 and can appear in any social situation. Just like
 accents, this can affect how we understand each
 Our disabilities can affect our communication dramatically in some
   cases. This can be something as small as a speech impediment,
   which can affect you, or it can be as large as losing your sight or
 Below are a few examples of what can affect your communication
Deaf Blind      Loss of speech    Physical or mental disabilities
   and how. or impediments

 Technology involved in disabilities
Disability Technology
 Computing aids. Such as roller ball mice for computers,
    large text or print on books or websites. Large button
    keyboards. These help people with severe physically
    impairing disabilities. Such as Cerebral Palsy.
   Medical breakthroughs. There is always research into new
    ways to deal with disabilities, mental, physical, sensory.
    Be it through new technology, or through the use of
   Hearing aids. These are a widely used aid to people with
    hearing problems, recently they have become smaller,
    lighter and less easy to spot.
   Simple glasses. Many people use glasses, a (relatively)
    simple technology to aid in sight. Technological
    advancement improves the quality of glasses greatly.
   Speech recognition technology has come a long way
    since its inception, it has been used in programs to help
    people who cannot type for any reason, such as some
    cases of dyslexia.
People who are blind have in some way lost their
  sight, whether they were born with it or not.
This can create major barriers both in their
  personal lives, and in dealing with people. The
  obvious is that people who cannot see are at risk
  of walking into dangers without realising, eating
  things that could harm them. Or not being able to
  read signs or menus. Or if they needed to sign a
  contract, they can be very helpless.
To combat this we have seeing eye dogs for the
  blind, Braille, or simply people who would read it
  out for them.
Speech Impediments
Speech impediments or loss of speech can be from
 a traumatic experience, an accident, poor
 development, anything. Speech as a form of
 communication can be essential in our day to day
 lives, we can get on and not talk to one another,
 but at some point talking to someone is essential.
 A lack of this ability can cause major problems. It
 can cause frustration with people who don't
 understand why they cant (or wont) talk, or the
 person themselves who want to express
 themselves but cannot do so.
Medical breakthroughs, psychological counselling,
 even simple written words, speech machines (e.g
 professor Hawking) all help to alleviate this
Physical or Mental
People who are physically disabled might have a
 perfectly working brain, and are perfectly aware of
 their surroundings and what is going on, so
 understand when you are trying to communicate.
 But their bodies may not let them express this,
 through one reason or another. This can cause
 problems because they know what they want to
 say, yet the person on the receiving end would not
 know what to make of this. Causing Frustration for
 both parties. Mentally disabled people however
 may be physically normal, but do not know of, or
 know how to express these emotions.
Recognising this at an early age with teaching and
 understanding or technological solutions can help
Being deaf or losing your hearing can drastically
 change your life, whether you were born with or
 without it, much of what we understand, learn and
 enjoy is through sound, it is an integral but not
 essential part of life. Overcoming this can be done in
 many different ways.
Methods of communication
 There are many methods to communication. 2 large categories they
 can be split into are, technological methods of communication, and
 methods of dealing with disabilities. There's also regular methods to
 communication, like speech, or ones that may not be used as
 regularly such as letters.

 Dealing with Disabilities
 Regular Methods
 Written communication these days is seen as a more
  formal affair, but can be very informal.
 Formal; Bank statement, letter of resignation, letter of
  complaint, letter to a business or client
 Informal; Post it note, thank you letter, birthday (or any
  holiday) card
Using the appropriate communication method in the right
  situation is in some cases common sense (You wouldn’t
  resign from a job with a post it note would you?), but
  formal written communication does take a certain level of
  knowledge in writing one.
   Bad Example of a formal letter
   What to watch out for when choosing written
Choosing Communication
If you are to choose a way to talk to someone you
   must assess a few factors.
 The recipient, are they a friend? do you know them?
   What is their “rank” compared to yours?
 The subject, is it serious news? Is it business news?
   Is it a joke? Is it a party invite?
 The urgency, does it need to get there now? Is it
   worth a formal letter taking 1 day or a less formal e-
   mail taking 2 minutes?
In most cases it will just come to you, and if you know
   the person it will be easy to choose, so long as it is
   effective in its message.
Bad formal letter
Deer Sir or Madam

I have wanted to you to work as a (space to insert the job
   title) from an early age as you are a big prestigious
   employer that lots of people want to work for and you
   offer high salaries. I also would like to work in another
   country and you are a global company.

  Hoping to hear from you shorty.
                     This has poor or no spelling or grammar.
  Regards,           As well being extremely short for a letter of
                     this subject. Would you employ this man?
Ancient Communication
 Some forms of communication we have used, and
  still use since we first started to talk, or to live
  together. These are things such as speech, body
  language, eye contact or touch. Or even old
  sometimes outdated methods that have been
  replaced by newer technologies that can render
  them useless. They are split into two categories.
 Non Verbal
None Verbal
 Body language – The way we hold ourselves, the
    way we move, talk, listen, look, breathe, anything our
    bodies do can give something off to the other person
    about what you are feeling or thinking. For example
    someone not looking whilst someone is talking to
    them shows that they are disinterested or feel
    uncomfortable with the subject.
   Eye movement
   Posture
   Breathing
   Active listening
 Verbal communication is anything where you speak
    to them, either directly or indirectly. The way we do
    this is also an indication of how we feel, what we
    think, whether we actually want to be saying this, or
    whether we are very interested in the conversation.
    This comes hand in hand with our body language.
   Tone of voice
   Accents
   Vocabulary
   Exclamation
Dealing with Disabilities
 There are many different types of technology
  available these days for dealing with disabilities.
  They can be age old methods that are so effective
  they need no replacement, or old technology that
  can be made more effective, smaller, cheaper,
  more useful to the user.
 This link takes you to the disabilities page
 Examples of technology that deals with disabilities
  There are many different types of terminology
   used today. Terminology, as defined by the
   English dictionary, is the system of terms
   belonging or peculiar to a science, art or
   specialized subject. Basically words that an
   organization uses in it own organization. In every
   section of Care in England there are literally
   100s of short hand, abbreviations and jargon
   terms. If you are to work with someone in that
   sector or working in the sector itself its almost
   essential to get some knowledge or training in
  Examples of Terminology or “jargon” as it is
Examples of terminology
 Police “jargon” can be any term that the police themselves use, and is
  specific to the police, it can be a slang term that is used to describe a
  scenario, or it can be a short hand or abbreviation of a word that they use.
  For example; they use the term “MOP” to as an abbreviation for member of
  public. This “MOP” can be referred to as a “100 yard hero”, who is someone
  that shouts abuse at a police officer from a considerable distance away.
 An EMI home is one that's classed as an elderly mentally infirm house. This
  means that the residents inside the home must receive certain care
  provisions to assist them in this.
 The CQC is a short hand term for the care quality commission, a very key
  organisation in any care setting.
 The PALS are an organisation who work in NHS hospitals and surgeries with
  the patient as a Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service. They are there to
  be the patients legal voice, filling out forms or taking part in legal
  proceedings on behalf of the patient.
Barriers They can create
 Terminology between partnerships or with the
 members of public can create barriers to
 communication. Whereas the terms can be to protect
 the information being discussed in the presence of
 people near them, or to make communicating
 between each other faster. It does mean that people
 who genuinely need to know the information cannot
 understand it, or that it means something else in
 their “jargon”. This can create problems with
How we use Technology
 Technology and communication, in the modern era,
   work hand in hand to create a more productive
   and efficient way for us to talk to each other, send
   each other information, and to generally make our
   lives easier, or more enjoyable. However, most
   technology has its barriers.

 Examples of technology
 Technology Dealing with Disabilities
Examples of technology
 Computers, can include; desktops, notebooks, laptops, tablets.
Computers are an integral part of modern life, enabling us to create things, and
  run programs, train, learn, have fun, all on one machine. These can be
 Phones, can include; landline, mobile, smart phone
The creation of the mobile telephone revolutionised telecommunications. They
  grow ever more clever and advanced as time goes on, being able to do
  more and more, smart phone for example are just like mini computers.
 There are also other forms such as; TV, Radio, projectors, DVD, internet
The Internet is a powerful tool, having access to millions upon millions of
  websites dedicated to anything and everything, with easy to use search tools
  such as Google, the information is right there in front of you in seconds.

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  • 2. Communication Communication is any way in which we, or any other intelligent life form, express our feelings, emotions, ideas or anything else to one another. This can be from any in any way, shape or form and changes from scenario to scenario. All communication is essential to achieving, progressing and helping. This icon takes you back These Buttons advance you This icon takes you back to the contents page
  • 3. Contents Methods of Communication Barriers to Communication Terminology Technology Record Keeping Credits
  • 4. Effective Record keeping  Record keeping is the process of collecting, assessing, monitoring and maintaining of someone's or an organisations information, whether it be personal or financial. What makes effective record keeping and what happens when it isn’t Confidentiality Barriers to confidentiality and the need for information
  • 5. What is effective record keeping? Effective record keeping is;  Secure where it is stored, how it is accessed. This means that places where information is kept (filing cabinets ect) have ample physical protection from locks and doors out of public view. And that computer equipment that keeps data has secure physical and technological locks and passwords.  Accurate in what is put in, this is the most important factor. Everyone can make mistakes from time to time, but checking, checking and checking again can ensure that the information to do take down and store is fully accurate, and any other information about what was happening whilst you were recording (time, date, location). This helps in identifying the situation.  Confidential. Follow this link  Easily accessed but only by the right people to make the service more effective and easy for the service user. Information is not there to be taken, stored, filed away into a distant filing cabinet as an ornament. It must be able to be accessed by everyone that needs it, yet still having enough security to keep out anyone that has no business seeing it.
  • 6. Effective record keeping Effective record keeping is making sure that information acquired is acquired in the safest, clearest, most confidential way. But this is a very general sentence for a much bigger subject. For a more detailed page as to what is involved in Effective record keeping please click this link If records are not kept properly then the standard of service will suffer. In a childcare scenario; if a parent fills in an allergy form incorrectly then the subsequent potential inevitability is that the child will be given said product. Professional places of work take record keeping very seriously. In this case (note internet connection is required) A nurse was struck off because they were found to not provide adequate effective record keeping. In the case they administered the incorrect drug to the incorrect patient, yet logged it down into the records as
  • 7. Confidentiality Confidentiality is something that is widely used in any situation where a patient or service user is involved, most notably for children. It is (as defined by the International Organisation for Standardisation {ISO}) ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. In Britain the data protection act helps to enforce this, with strict punishments for organisations, even government employees, who do not abide by it. The Data Protection Act Gives Individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It has 8 main principles. Child protection and confidentiality come hand in hand with each other. Due to the Children's Act 2004 it is essential for people dealing with children to keep the information as secure and confidential as possible. If a breach occurs then cases such as occur. Note internet connection is
  • 8. Barriers to confidentiality and need for information There are two forces working against each other in the care sectors. One is the need to protect peoples information, for the individual, or for the organisation. And the need for organisations to be able to quickly and easily access this information for beneficial purposes. The problem is that each works against the other. So a balance must be struck, or sacrifices made where the protection of the individual is of upmost concern, higher than that of giving a fast service, which can still have relatively easy access to the information needed.
  • 9. Data Protection Principles  Fairly and lawfully processed  Processed for limited purposes  Adequate, relevant and not excessive  Accurate and up to date  Not kept For longer than is necessary  Processed in line with your rights  Secure  Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection
  • 10. Thanks to English Dictionary online ISO The Guardian Medical news today Jo Kelvey Created on Microsoft PowerPoint The Funk Buttons – Lisbon Maru
  • 11. Barriers to Communication There are many different barriers to communication, changes or differences can be technological or social. Different social factors can change how we interact with one another. This can be for the better, or even for the worse. Age, race, religion, sex or any other factor can change how we communicate.
  • 12. Social Communication Barriers Society plays a massive role in These Differences can be for the better, such as sign language helping to how we interact with one communicate with deaf people. But it another. It can change with can also be for the worse, such as just about any aspect of your religious differences in extreme cases person. can cause wars. Religion Gender Social Standing Age Political Views Disability Race Discriminations
  • 13. Age Age can play an integral role in how we communicate, much like our social status, or ethnic origin, our age can set us widely apart from one another. For example our idiolect can be changed by our age, new younger terms and descriptions can be altered or totally created, and accepted as our language. The word “gay” was once used to describe the feeling of happiness or being joyous. These days it is used in place of homosexual, it is a widely accepted term that also be used in a derogatory or offensive way. This can create barriers because someone who is much older may not understand someone who is much younger than them, because of the terms used, or because of the fact they are from different eras that have different moral values and taboos.
  • 14. Race Our race can be defined from the colour of our skin, our language we speak, what country we were born in, or what country we live in. Different countries have different moral values and laws, even different signs, symbols, expression, what is right and wrong to do in public. The differences are vast, and this can create a lot of problems when dealing with each other, we may think we are being kind, but it could offend someone from a different country. To overcome this we have developed over time international rapport with each other, we learn about each other, and it would be common courtesy to look up another country if you are to meet someone from it, or to at least re-assure them that you mean no offence by what you do, and you would expect them to do the
  • 15. Discriminations Discrimination Is a serious problem, it has caused the worlds greatest atrocities and tensions, even wars. Simply because people judge others by their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities anything and everything. And may dislike them or think otherwise of them because of it. We all judge, and try to see who people are and what they are about, it is in our nature. Tensions arise when people take action against this, be it something like the holocaust, or not employing someone because they are black, or a woman, or disabled. The difference between judgement and discrimination is when you actively treat someone differently because of their differences. To treat them just like you would treat anyone else, and not distinguish them apart from them, for any reason, is the way of overcoming discriminations, no matter what your personal views are.
  • 16. Political Views Politics in any well developed country affects its inhabitants greatly. It changes laws, taxes, immigration, road laws, drinking age, smoking laws, anything within reason. Everyone has different political views, they define what we think is right and what we want to happen. Barriers in communication can occur when people develop a one sided view, that what they think is right, which can be productive for an effective political party, but not so effective when someone who has a certain political view in a work environment does or doesn't do something because of it. Tension can then occur. It is perfectly ok for you to have your own views an opinions, but, especially in a care setting, it would be better to leave your views at home, specifically if they
  • 17. Religion Religion can play a massive role in how people communicate to each other. There is the spiritual communication that people believe they have with god, but also the physical, where communities are brought together through it, or torn apart, and can help people to understand each other better, which communicating plays a massive role in.
  • 18. Gender Men and women are different, we have similarities, but the way in which we communicate is something that can separate us. Our very nature as a human being, more specifically our gender can affect how we communicate. This can go back as far as human history itself. Where men took on the dominant role, protecting, gathering and generally being the alpha. Women on the other hand took on the protecting, nurturing and caring side. Whereas these attributes can cross over between each gender these days, as study by a book called Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps, shows that women still predominantly take on these characteristics, and men in general want to be the alpha, the bold and strong type. This can affect how we work in any environment, be it care setting, or a business setting.
  • 19. Social Standing Class divides affect the way we communicate, in a fundamentally discriminatory way. Our job, income, house size, car model, clothes, jewelry, area we live in or even background can divide people. Seen less and less these days class divides still happen, and it can affect how one person talks to another. Even your social standing can change how you talk, your accent , vocabulary.
  • 20.  An accent is how your voice sounds when you naturally talk, this can change because of how you were brought up, your peers, or where you live. Idiolect as it is called can be something such as a London accent, or it can be because of your peers and music tastes. This can be hard for people to understand each other.
  • 21.  Someone from a poorer background may be less educated, as is abhorrent in some societies. Thus they would have less of a vocabulary than someone from a rich background. But this is a generalization and can appear in any social situation. Just like accents, this can affect how we understand each other.
  • 22. Disability Our disabilities can affect our communication dramatically in some cases. This can be something as small as a speech impediment, which can affect you, or it can be as large as losing your sight or hearing. Below are a few examples of what can affect your communication Deaf Blind Loss of speech Physical or mental disabilities and how. or impediments Technology involved in disabilities
  • 23. Disability Technology  Computing aids. Such as roller ball mice for computers, large text or print on books or websites. Large button keyboards. These help people with severe physically impairing disabilities. Such as Cerebral Palsy.  Medical breakthroughs. There is always research into new ways to deal with disabilities, mental, physical, sensory. Be it through new technology, or through the use of medication.  Hearing aids. These are a widely used aid to people with hearing problems, recently they have become smaller, lighter and less easy to spot.  Simple glasses. Many people use glasses, a (relatively) simple technology to aid in sight. Technological advancement improves the quality of glasses greatly.  Speech recognition technology has come a long way since its inception, it has been used in programs to help people who cannot type for any reason, such as some cases of dyslexia.
  • 24. Blind People who are blind have in some way lost their sight, whether they were born with it or not. This can create major barriers both in their personal lives, and in dealing with people. The obvious is that people who cannot see are at risk of walking into dangers without realising, eating things that could harm them. Or not being able to read signs or menus. Or if they needed to sign a contract, they can be very helpless. To combat this we have seeing eye dogs for the blind, Braille, or simply people who would read it out for them.
  • 25. Speech Impediments Speech impediments or loss of speech can be from a traumatic experience, an accident, poor development, anything. Speech as a form of communication can be essential in our day to day lives, we can get on and not talk to one another, but at some point talking to someone is essential. A lack of this ability can cause major problems. It can cause frustration with people who don't understand why they cant (or wont) talk, or the person themselves who want to express themselves but cannot do so. Medical breakthroughs, psychological counselling, even simple written words, speech machines (e.g professor Hawking) all help to alleviate this
  • 26. Physical or Mental Disabilities People who are physically disabled might have a perfectly working brain, and are perfectly aware of their surroundings and what is going on, so understand when you are trying to communicate. But their bodies may not let them express this, through one reason or another. This can cause problems because they know what they want to say, yet the person on the receiving end would not know what to make of this. Causing Frustration for both parties. Mentally disabled people however may be physically normal, but do not know of, or know how to express these emotions. Recognising this at an early age with teaching and understanding or technological solutions can help
  • 27. Deaf Being deaf or losing your hearing can drastically change your life, whether you were born with or without it, much of what we understand, learn and enjoy is through sound, it is an integral but not essential part of life. Overcoming this can be done in many different ways.
  • 28. Methods of communication There are many methods to communication. 2 large categories they can be split into are, technological methods of communication, and methods of dealing with disabilities. There's also regular methods to communication, like speech, or ones that may not be used as regularly such as letters. Technology Dealing with Disabilities Regular Methods Written
  • 29. Written  Written communication these days is seen as a more formal affair, but can be very informal.  Formal; Bank statement, letter of resignation, letter of complaint, letter to a business or client  Informal; Post it note, thank you letter, birthday (or any holiday) card Using the appropriate communication method in the right situation is in some cases common sense (You wouldn’t resign from a job with a post it note would you?), but formal written communication does take a certain level of knowledge in writing one. Bad Example of a formal letter What to watch out for when choosing written
  • 30. Choosing Communication If you are to choose a way to talk to someone you must assess a few factors.  The recipient, are they a friend? do you know them? What is their “rank” compared to yours?  The subject, is it serious news? Is it business news? Is it a joke? Is it a party invite?  The urgency, does it need to get there now? Is it worth a formal letter taking 1 day or a less formal e- mail taking 2 minutes? In most cases it will just come to you, and if you know the person it will be easy to choose, so long as it is effective in its message.
  • 31. Bad formal letter Deer Sir or Madam I have wanted to you to work as a (space to insert the job title) from an early age as you are a big prestigious employer that lots of people want to work for and you offer high salaries. I also would like to work in another country and you are a global company. Hoping to hear from you shorty. This has poor or no spelling or grammar. Regards, As well being extremely short for a letter of this subject. Would you employ this man? Frank
  • 32. Ancient Communication Some forms of communication we have used, and still use since we first started to talk, or to live together. These are things such as speech, body language, eye contact or touch. Or even old sometimes outdated methods that have been replaced by newer technologies that can render them useless. They are split into two categories. Verbal Non Verbal
  • 33. None Verbal  Body language – The way we hold ourselves, the way we move, talk, listen, look, breathe, anything our bodies do can give something off to the other person about what you are feeling or thinking. For example someone not looking whilst someone is talking to them shows that they are disinterested or feel uncomfortable with the subject.  Eye movement  Posture  Breathing  Active listening
  • 34. Verbal  Verbal communication is anything where you speak to them, either directly or indirectly. The way we do this is also an indication of how we feel, what we think, whether we actually want to be saying this, or whether we are very interested in the conversation. This comes hand in hand with our body language.  Tone of voice  Accents  Vocabulary  Exclamation
  • 35. Dealing with Disabilities There are many different types of technology available these days for dealing with disabilities. They can be age old methods that are so effective they need no replacement, or old technology that can be made more effective, smaller, cheaper, more useful to the user. This link takes you to the disabilities page Examples of technology that deals with disabilities
  • 36. Terminology There are many different types of terminology used today. Terminology, as defined by the English dictionary, is the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art or specialized subject. Basically words that an organization uses in it own organization. In every section of Care in England there are literally 100s of short hand, abbreviations and jargon terms. If you are to work with someone in that sector or working in the sector itself its almost essential to get some knowledge or training in terms. Examples of Terminology or “jargon” as it is
  • 37. Examples of terminology  Police “jargon” can be any term that the police themselves use, and is specific to the police, it can be a slang term that is used to describe a scenario, or it can be a short hand or abbreviation of a word that they use. For example; they use the term “MOP” to as an abbreviation for member of public. This “MOP” can be referred to as a “100 yard hero”, who is someone that shouts abuse at a police officer from a considerable distance away.  An EMI home is one that's classed as an elderly mentally infirm house. This means that the residents inside the home must receive certain care provisions to assist them in this.  The CQC is a short hand term for the care quality commission, a very key organisation in any care setting.  The PALS are an organisation who work in NHS hospitals and surgeries with the patient as a Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service. They are there to be the patients legal voice, filling out forms or taking part in legal proceedings on behalf of the patient.
  • 38. Barriers They can create  Terminology between partnerships or with the members of public can create barriers to communication. Whereas the terms can be to protect the information being discussed in the presence of people near them, or to make communicating between each other faster. It does mean that people who genuinely need to know the information cannot understand it, or that it means something else in their “jargon”. This can create problems with communication.
  • 39. How we use Technology Technology and communication, in the modern era, work hand in hand to create a more productive and efficient way for us to talk to each other, send each other information, and to generally make our lives easier, or more enjoyable. However, most technology has its barriers. Examples of technology Technology Dealing with Disabilities
  • 40. Examples of technology  Computers, can include; desktops, notebooks, laptops, tablets. Computers are an integral part of modern life, enabling us to create things, and run programs, train, learn, have fun, all on one machine. These can be portable.  Phones, can include; landline, mobile, smart phone The creation of the mobile telephone revolutionised telecommunications. They grow ever more clever and advanced as time goes on, being able to do more and more, smart phone for example are just like mini computers.  There are also other forms such as; TV, Radio, projectors, DVD, internet The Internet is a powerful tool, having access to millions upon millions of websites dedicated to anything and everything, with easy to use search tools such as Google, the information is right there in front of you in seconds.