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The Role of IT Management
Software in the Greening
of IT

Benjamin Scheerer

Sam Somashekar
Table of Contents

Executive Summary

SECTION 1:                                                                        2
The Increasing Demand for Energy
IT’s Role in Energy Usage, Cost and
Environmental Impact
IT Must Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

SECTION 2:                                                                        3
IT Management and Asset/Process
Green IT and IT Management Software

SECTION 3:                                                                        6
IT Management Software Enables Green
IT Goals
Key Green IT Software Capabilities

SECTION 4: CONCLUSIONS                                                            9

SECTION 5: REFERENCES                                                             9

SECTION 6: ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                     10

Copyright © 2009 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. This document is for your informational purposes only. To the extent permitted
by applicable law, CA provides this document “As Is” without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. In no event will CA be
liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this document, including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised of such damages.
Executive Summary
 The demands on information technology continue to rise at an increasing rate. To keep up
 with the demand, IT departments are increasing the use of computing and associated
 resources. The demand on energy is also reaching epic proportions, and power grids are
 showing signs that they are struggling to meet demand through higher consumer energy
 costs and power usage caps for corporations. As a major consumer of power, IT departments
 are being challenged to find innovative ways to reduce power consumption and reduce the
 company’s overall carbon footprint. IT is now facing overall economic and socioeconomic
 pressures to reduce costs and go green.

 As companies build and implement strategies for increased efficiencies in IT-related asset
 utilization and process orchestration, they can also begin to realize significant opportunities.
 These include cost savings and the reduced environmental impact from excessive power
 consumption. Well-executed strategies aligned with the proper IT management software
 solutions allow these companies to swiftly execute and accurately identify its benefits.
 Going green in IT does not necessarily require a substantial investment in new technology.
 Enterprise IT management software can leverage legacy and new technology investments
 to achieve greater efficiencies faster and at lower costs, while accurately measuring IT
 savings and impact on the environment.

 Many IT departments already have the tools for IT management in place. Leveraging those
 investments to implement more efficient computing practices benefits the business in two
 distinct ways: cost savings and support for Green IT initiatives. This includes support for
 pending environmental or green regulations and support for internal objectives (such as
 reducing energy usage and associated costs and driving better utilization of existing
 assets). The net result of implementing software solutions for Green IT is overall cost
 savings, reduced environmental impact and good corporate citizenship.

                                                                     WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 1

                                    The Increasing Demand for Energy
                                    IT’s Role in Energy Usage, Cost and Environmental Impact
                                    Today’s fragile economy presents many challenges to corporate IT departments to cut
                                    costs, reduce risk and increase efficiency. Energy costs are on the rise and the demand for
                                    IT-supported services continues to grow. As a result, many IT departments have taken a step
                                    back to reassess their delivery and support of IT-related services to the business.

                                    Along with the economic impact, there is also a socioeconomic challenge for businesses
                                    worldwide to embrace sustainability practices with an emphasis on IT, particularly in the area
                                    of data center operations. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), energy
                                    consumption from servers and data centers has doubled in the past five years and will continue
                                    to double again in the next 5 years.

                                    Green IT, by most accounts, is not a frontline initiative by corporate IT departments, but rather
                                    a positive side effect of what IT departments are already being tasked to do given current
                                    economic conditions. In fact, the slowdown in the economy and overall IT spending presents
                                    ideal conditions for moving towards more efficient use of technologies, which supports
                                    corporate Green IT initiatives.

                                    According to a recent study by Echo Research, Inc., IT plays a major role in corporate green
                                    initiatives, primarily when addressing energy consumption within the data center. Many new
                                    and improved hardware technologies have been introduced to address data center power
                                    inefficiencies. These include newer energy efficient server and networking hardware, advanced
                                    power-distribution units (PDUs), and intelligent HVAC equipment.

                                    Software technologies also further the Green IT movement by making IT more efficient through
                                    better use of new hardware technologies and existing investments. For example, virtualization
                                    management software enables Green IT initiatives through server consolidation onto more
                                    efficient platforms, which reduces power, space and cooling requirements. In this way, software
                                    technology allows for that efficiency to become part of normal service flows.

                                    Current economic conditions are forcing IT departments to become more creative when
                                    implementing strategies that increase IT efficiency. Software technology has been recognized
                                    as a more cost-effective option, as opposed to solely adopting newer hardware solutions that
                                    can prove more costly and more likely to present additional risk. Green IT must represent many
                                    facets of an IT management strategy to both enable and demonstrate consequential value.

                                    IT Must Reduce Its Carbon Footprint
                                    There is a dramatic energy side-effect of the ever-increasing demand for information
                                    technology that must be dealt with now. EPA findings report that data centers consumed about
                                    60 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2006, roughly 1.5 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption.
                                    That’s enough power to run over 24 million 42-inch plasma televisions for 3 years! The report
                                    also states that this number could nearly double again by 2011 to more than 100 billion kWh.

The increased demand for power by IT is placing additional stress upon the already overloaded
                                    power grids that support them, and that means less power given to those organizations that
                                    are in need. Also not to be forgotten is the further proliferation of harmful greenhouse gas
                                    emissions from fossil fuel power plants. IT is in a good position to do its part in controlling and
                                    reducing its growing need for energy. This includes protecting itself against potential roadblocks
                                    that may place physical limits on the amounts of power provided by the traditional grids. In
                                    addition, pending regulations such as the Kyoto Protocol and carbon trading programs will
                                    force IT to realize the issue and better manage their total carbon emissions. IT leaders must
                                    mandate identifiable and measurable green standards through existing and new project plans.
                                    This will validate and support an organization’s overall green efforts and goals. In turn, IT will
                                    help prepare the business for a sustainable future.

                                    SECTION 2

                                    IT Management and Asset/Process Optimization
FIGURE A                            GREEN IT MANAGEMENT
IT management maturity levels for
enabling efficiency.

                                    In the early stages of distributed computing, the focus on cost savings was primarily centered
                                    around hardware, with a much lower emphasis on the total cost of ownership across the entire
                                    lifecycle. This era produced a wave of over-provisioning of server and desktop hardware that
                                    resulted in vast complexities and inefficiencies, which significantly drove up overall costs. Today’s
                                    trends in IT management show undeniable proof of the benefits from server consolidation and
                                    optimization through the use of virtualized and automated environments, which include greater
                                    efficiency in overall server utilization. Furthermore, IT leadership is being tasked, and challenging
                                    their teams, to find innovative ways to stretch their budgets through increased efficiency.

                                                                                                          WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 3
Asset and process optimization is paramount to progressing data center efficiency, which in
                                    turn supports Green IT initiatives. But, many risks have come to light as a result of preparing
                                    the IT environment for becoming more efficient. To optimize IT assets through virtualization
                                    and consolidation, organizations must gain a thorough understanding of the current state of
                                    utilization and associated dependencies. This, in short, involves leveraging IT management
                                    tools to gather and report asset catalogs (through asset discovery) on both software and its
                                    supporting hardware infrastructure. Additionally, application dependencies must be accurately
                                    and dynamically mapped so that the impact of consolidation is both recognized and anticipated.
                                    Next, companies must apply change and configuration management approaches with the same
                                    rigor as their traditional physical infrastructure.

                                    Change must be carefully managed to ensure a smooth transition to virtualized machines, and
                                    checkpoints must be determined in the event that change needs to be reverted. If unapproved
                                    changes happen to occur, mechanisms need to be in place to automatically detect them and
                                    notify the appropriate management personnel based on a triggered instance. This allows
                                    companies to control potential risk and manage impact, such as what a change could
                                    potentially do to their energy and cooling footprint. Finally, implementing a thorough IT
                                    management strategy that utilizes new and existing investments is necessary to ensure
                                    optimal performance and delivery of IT services to the business. An optimal IT management
                                    strategy must provide extensive visibility across platforms and underlying infrastructure, both
                                    physical and virtual.

                                    Green IT and IT Management Software
                                    Hardware manufacturers continue to drive towards greater efficiency around power consumption
                                    and total heat output (which lowers cooling costs), and increased capacity within their server,
                                    network and device technologies. These advancements allow IT management software to play
                                    an even greater role in taking advantage of those achievements to increase IT efficiency and
                                    moreover measure progress against stated goals. However, IT management software can also
                                    make better use of existing equipment and reduce the need for purchasing new hardware.

                                    According to the EPA study, “…existing technologies and design strategies have been shown
                                    to reduce the energy use of a typical server by 25 percent or more. Even with existing IT
                                    equipment, implementing best energy-management practices in existing data centers and
                                    consolidating applications from many servers to one server could reduce current data center
                                    energy usage by around 20 percent.” Streamlining IT performance does not have to mean
                                    increasing energy consumption.

                                    According to Echo Research, companies are budgeting for changes to their IT infrastructure to
                                    manage energy consumption, with virtualization and consolidation leading the way. The Echo
                                    Research findings also confirm that software solutions are very important to energy efficiency
                                    for 80 percent of the U.S. respondents and 72 percent of the U.K. respondents. The emphasis
                                    on software to manage change and enable efficiency paves the way for more innovative
                                    thinking in the application of efficient practices throughout IT management software.

What changes to IT infrastructure have
organizations budgeted for?
                                              VIRTUALIZATION/CONSOLIDATING SERVERS

                                            VIRTUALIZATION & CONSOLIDATING STORAGE

                                                 IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF EXISTING ASSETS

                                                          CONSOLIDATING DATA CENTERS                                                US

                                                                 IT PROCESSES & METRICS                                             UK

                                         SOFTWARE APPLICATION CHANGE MANAGEMENT

                                          IMPLEMENT PC & SERVER POWER MANAGEMENT

                                                                                          0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%

                                         Two examples of how management software can help support Green IT initiatives are
                                         as follows:

                                         First, consider the holiday shopping season. Many online businesses count on the period
                                         that begins on Black Friday and continues through Cyber Monday and the end of the year. It is
                                         important for them to handle the increase in load effectively so that they can be profitable. In
                                         the past, servers were provisioned to meet the high watermark of requirements, but they also
                                         remained up and running for the entire fiscal year. This draws on energy requirements without
                                         the necessary increases in capacity usage and business support for those resources.

                                         IT management software today allows those very same resources to be brought online in a
                                         scheduled manner. They are provisioned to the specific application requirements needed to
                                         support the influx of demand for this period of time. These resources can either be physical or
                                         virtual. When the need has been satisfied, those resources can then be shut down and placed
                                         offline for future use. What’s more, for unplanned events, these very resources can also be
                                         brought online dynamically when predetermined consumption thresholds have been exceeded.
                                         Then, they can be shut down when the low utilization point is reached. This allows IT to
                                         intelligently respond to user demand in near real-time, and significantly reduce power
                                         consumption during non-peak periods.

                                         Effectively leveraging a pool of resources that can be dynamically provisioned to meet the
                                         specific needs of a particular functional group (such as order processing) saves energy. It can
                                         limit the number of physical machines that an organization needs to have up and running.
                                         From a virtualization context, this also aids in properly throttling capacity for those physical
                                         machines to match dynamic business needs. Pooling resources also enables companies to
                                         balance support for multiple functional groups and services, faster and with less physical

                                                                                                                 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 5
The second example involves client hardware such as laptops, desktops, and PDAs. With the
                                    low acquisition cost of PCs and laptops today, PC sprawl is a very real concern. The increase in
                                    the number of desktops dramatically increases the power load for an organization without the
                                    necessary business productivity gains. IT management software can dynamically discover and
                                    categorize client hardware to give companies a complete view of how these machines are
                                    being used throughout their business environment. Power-related configurations can then be
                                    enforced to save on overall energy costs and consumption. For those machines that do not
                                    seem to be supporting the business in any particular way, appropriate action can be taken to
                                    pull them offline and dispose of them according to proper guidelines. Perhaps some of those
                                    machines require upgrades based upon the applications that they need to run.

                                    With certain IT management software, organizations can specifically determine the client
                                    machines that require upgrades to control costs and hardware waste. Furthermore, client
                                    machines that are not really being used can effectively be repurposed based upon the roles
                                    within the organization. This involves determining if those client machines are not being used
                                    to their fullest capacity. All of this goes towards maximizing the use of existing hardware and
                                    avoiding new hardware purchases when possible to support employee productivity, cost
                                    savings and energy impact as it relates to the business.

                                    These examples show how IT management software improves efficient management of
                                    resources to reduce the effect that IT has on the environment.

                                    SECTION 3

                                    IT Management Software Enables Green IT Goals
                                    Key Green IT Software Capabilities
                                    When looking at software to support Green IT initiatives, there are three key goals that
                                    companies will want to achieve. These goals will have associated software capabilities that
                                    can enable fulfillment (as is shown in Figure C and described below).

                                    INCREASE EFFICIENCY Enabling Green IT initiatives are synonymous with implementing more
                                    efficient processes and practices within IT. Therefore, it is important to harness the benefits
                                    that IT management software provides:
                                    • Physical and Virtual Systems Management solutions allow for the identification of
                                      underutilized equipment and the correlation of power and cooling consumption with the
                                      servers that use them.
                                    • Data Center and Workload Automation solutions enable unified management and dynamic
                                      optimization of physical and virtual server resources. Those resources can be enabled when
                                      required and, more importantly, shut down when not needed. These solutions also increase
                                      management capability for virtualization to ensure physical machine capacity is properly
                                      controlled. They also allow for optimized workload placement and execution, taking
                                      advantage of peak and off-peak energy usage times and minimizing resource consumption.
                                    • IT Client Management solutions drive standardization of desktop power management
                                      settings to optimize energy efficiency. They correlate hardware upgrades with specific
                                      employee and business needs to reduce waste and increase optimization of existing

• IT Asset Management solutions keep track of IT assets and their relation to the applications
  that they run to optimize equipment upgrades and identify those assets which are not
  providing a business purpose. Those that are not needed can be properly disposed of to
  ensure compliance with internal standards and government regulations.

REDUCE RISK IT management software can help companies identify and mitigate environmental
risk. This includes compliance to environmental regulations such as the Kyoto Protocol and
cap-and-trade programs. The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is an international environmental treaty. The
treaty’s intent is to achieve "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere
at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."
Emissions trading (sometimes called cap-and-trade) provide economic incentives for achieving
reductions in pollutant emissions. IT management software capabilities to support this goal include:
• Change, Configuration and Release Management solutions track and implement general
  change management, configurations and settings to minimize energy consumption and
  reduce environmental risk.
• Service Level and Catalog Management solutions allow organizations to clearly define, price
  and publish a catalog of services to users. They can be used to automate and track
  sustainable behavior and distribute energy costs across the many departments involved
  within composite services. For example, a building pass service can grant hybrid car owners
  parking passes closer to the building.
• Green Governance solutions allow companies to use a systematic approach to environmental
  sustainability. These solutions incorporate a continuous improvement lifecycle and
  encompass business areas such as:
  – strategy
  – risk management
  – compliance management
  – idea management
  – portfolio management
  – project management
  – performance management
  – stakeholder reporting

MEASURE SUCCESS It is very important for organizations to understand where they are by
establishing a baseline before deciding upon and enacting change, and to continually measure
success towards their Green IT goals. Without measurement, it would be difficult to understand
any progress towards achievement of these goals, let alone be able to surmise the benefits that
Green IT software solutions provide. IT management software is ideal for this purpose:
• Operations Energy Management solutions allow companies to harness the abundance of
  power and cooling information available from a variety of simple to complex monitoring
  devices deployed throughout their IT infrastructure. That data can then be accurately
  provided to the many other IT management solutions for reporting and decision-making
  prowess. These solutions also enable facilities and IT to work better together, using the
  same information.

                                                                      WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 7
The Green Grid is a global consortium dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in data
                                        centers and business computing ecosystems. This association suggests that internal
                                        collaboration between IT and Facilities promotes propagation of planned and measurable
                                        data center efficiency. As stated in a white paper published by The Green Grid, “…not having
                                        strategic representation by Facilities will result in data centers not being properly provisioned
                                        and exhaustion of existing energy capacity early in the useful life of the data center.”
                                      • Project and Portfolio Management solutions allow for the organization and management of
                                        sustainability projects as a portfolio, and the incorporation of environmental variables into
                                        existing projects. This allows organizations to gain insight into how their portfolio of projects
                                        affects the environment and to track performance of those projects.
                                      • Green Governance solutions, in addition to helping reduce risk, also allow for the
                                        measurement and visualization of progress towards stated sustainability goals.

IT management software capabilities
aligned with Green IT goals.

                                      These essential IT management software capabilities contribute to efficient management,
                                      directly furthering Green IT goals. From increasing hardware utilization to decreasing equipment
                                      footprint and cooling costs, these IT management areas can be effectively managed with low
                                      risk by employing the proper management techniques.

                                      New and improved infrastructure alternatives such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Cloud
                                      Computing provide further innovation in efficient resource utilization. SaaS solutions allow the
                                      user to avoid the cost of infrastructure setup by renting the software on-demand for use as a
                                      service. Cloud Computing involves the use of computing resources as a service over the internet,
                                      relinquishing control of the infrastructure to the provider. On-demand use of pooled resources
                                      increases efficiency through just-in-time utilization, providing computing resources as needed
                                      without the necessary burden of changing local IT infrastructure. Use of SaaS solutions and
                                      Cloud Computing resources promote efficient management of IT infrastructure, which in turn
                                      reduces environmental effects.


Going green represents a company’s mission to support environmental sustainability. Whether
it’s socially inspired or economically driven — it simply makes good business sense.

In most cases the initial driver of a Green IT strategy is the cost savings that can be attained
through increased efficiencies in energy usage. Achieving sustainability benefits represents a
secondary, albeit positive by-product. While advancements in energy efficient IT hardware promote
this cause along with services to implement best practices, IT management software represents
a powerful yet cost-effective solution to implement unified and consistent Green IT goals.

IT management software enables comprehensive management, monitoring, and optimized
utilization of new and existing hardware investments. This includes the most effective use of
energy-efficient hardware while extending the life of existing hardware.

Finally, to demonstrate a company’s commitment to the environment and its progress towards
achieving stated goals, a system to measure progress must be in place. Whether from the
business perspective or support for environmental sustainability, Green IT must be managed
like any other project to realize its full potential. IT management software lets companies
execute on all of these mandates. It allows Green IT goals to be incorporated within existing
business processes and practices to prevent silo efforts around increasing general IT efficiency,
and helps to reduce integration complexity in the future. Additionally, in the process, companies
become better corporate citizens and help save the planet for tomorrow’s generations.


"Article 2", The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
(accessed February 11, 2009).

Echo Research, Inc., The Future of Green IT: Implications for Software Solutions, November 17, 2008. (accessed December 11, 2008).

The Green Grid, Addressing Organizational Behavior Issues to Optimize IT and Facilities Energy
Efficiency, July 30, 2008.
_Addressing_Organizational_Behavior_Issues_073008_v1.0_.pdf (accessed January 20, 2009).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report to Congress on Server Data Center Energy Efficiency
Public Law 109-431, August 2, 2007.
Report_Congress_Final1.pdf (accessed December 10, 2008).

                                                                      WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 9

                                     About the Authors
                                     Ben Scheerer is senior principal product marketing manager for CA, Inc. With more than 16
                                     years of industry experience, which has run the course of sales to pre-sales, consulting and
                                     product marketing, Ben’s experience with enterprise IT management has helped businesses
                                     better align their goals for improving service while reducing costs. Ben’s contributions outside
                                     of CA include numerous speaking engagements, published articles and white papers on IT
                                     management related topics. Ben holds a BBA in Marketing from Western Michigan University
                                     and a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Denver, and is
                                     ITIL V3 foundation certified.

                                     Sam Somashekar is an advisor of product management at CA, Inc. Sam has over 15 years of
                                     experience demonstrating success in enterprise software product management and development,
                                     business development, marketing, and market research. He has experience establishing,
                                     developing, and inspiring high-performance teams, providing product vision, and delivering the
                                     best value to customers. Sam’s current responsibilities include defining CA’s Enterprise IT
                                     Management strategy and vision around Data Center Automation and Green IT initiatives. Sam
                                     holds a BA in Computer Science and Biology from New York University, and is PMC certified in
                                     Product Management. He is also on the board of AFCOM’s Data Center Institute, and has
                                     several published articles and white papers on the subject of enterprise IT management.

CA (NASDAQ: CA), one of the world’s leading independent,
enterprise management software companies, unifies and
simplifies complex information technology (IT) management
across the enterprise for greater business results. With our
Enterprise IT Management vision, solutions and expertise,
we help customers effectively govern, manage and secure IT.


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The Role of IT Management Software in the Greening of IT

  • 1. WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT The Role of IT Management Software in the Greening of IT JANUARY 2009 Benjamin Scheerer S O LU T I O N S M A R K E T I N G Sam Somashekar S O LU T I O N S P RO D U CT M A N AG E M E N T
  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary SECTION 1: 2 The Increasing Demand for Energy IT’s Role in Energy Usage, Cost and Environmental Impact IT Must Reduce Its Carbon Footprint SECTION 2: 3 IT Management and Asset/Process Optimization Green IT and IT Management Software SECTION 3: 6 IT Management Software Enables Green IT Goals Key Green IT Software Capabilities SECTION 4: CONCLUSIONS 9 SECTION 5: REFERENCES 9 SECTION 6: ABOUT THE AUTHOR 10 Copyright © 2009 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. This document is for your informational purposes only. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this document “As Is” without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. In no event will CA be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this document, including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised of such damages.
  • 3. Executive Summary Challenge The demands on information technology continue to rise at an increasing rate. To keep up with the demand, IT departments are increasing the use of computing and associated resources. The demand on energy is also reaching epic proportions, and power grids are showing signs that they are struggling to meet demand through higher consumer energy costs and power usage caps for corporations. As a major consumer of power, IT departments are being challenged to find innovative ways to reduce power consumption and reduce the company’s overall carbon footprint. IT is now facing overall economic and socioeconomic pressures to reduce costs and go green. Opportunity As companies build and implement strategies for increased efficiencies in IT-related asset utilization and process orchestration, they can also begin to realize significant opportunities. These include cost savings and the reduced environmental impact from excessive power consumption. Well-executed strategies aligned with the proper IT management software solutions allow these companies to swiftly execute and accurately identify its benefits. Going green in IT does not necessarily require a substantial investment in new technology. Enterprise IT management software can leverage legacy and new technology investments to achieve greater efficiencies faster and at lower costs, while accurately measuring IT savings and impact on the environment. Benefits Many IT departments already have the tools for IT management in place. Leveraging those investments to implement more efficient computing practices benefits the business in two distinct ways: cost savings and support for Green IT initiatives. This includes support for pending environmental or green regulations and support for internal objectives (such as reducing energy usage and associated costs and driving better utilization of existing assets). The net result of implementing software solutions for Green IT is overall cost savings, reduced environmental impact and good corporate citizenship. WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 1
  • 4. SECTION 1 The Increasing Demand for Energy IT’s Role in Energy Usage, Cost and Environmental Impact Today’s fragile economy presents many challenges to corporate IT departments to cut costs, reduce risk and increase efficiency. Energy costs are on the rise and the demand for IT-supported services continues to grow. As a result, many IT departments have taken a step back to reassess their delivery and support of IT-related services to the business. Along with the economic impact, there is also a socioeconomic challenge for businesses worldwide to embrace sustainability practices with an emphasis on IT, particularly in the area of data center operations. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), energy consumption from servers and data centers has doubled in the past five years and will continue to double again in the next 5 years. Green IT, by most accounts, is not a frontline initiative by corporate IT departments, but rather a positive side effect of what IT departments are already being tasked to do given current economic conditions. In fact, the slowdown in the economy and overall IT spending presents ideal conditions for moving towards more efficient use of technologies, which supports corporate Green IT initiatives. According to a recent study by Echo Research, Inc., IT plays a major role in corporate green initiatives, primarily when addressing energy consumption within the data center. Many new and improved hardware technologies have been introduced to address data center power inefficiencies. These include newer energy efficient server and networking hardware, advanced power-distribution units (PDUs), and intelligent HVAC equipment. Software technologies also further the Green IT movement by making IT more efficient through better use of new hardware technologies and existing investments. For example, virtualization management software enables Green IT initiatives through server consolidation onto more efficient platforms, which reduces power, space and cooling requirements. In this way, software technology allows for that efficiency to become part of normal service flows. Current economic conditions are forcing IT departments to become more creative when implementing strategies that increase IT efficiency. Software technology has been recognized as a more cost-effective option, as opposed to solely adopting newer hardware solutions that can prove more costly and more likely to present additional risk. Green IT must represent many facets of an IT management strategy to both enable and demonstrate consequential value. IT Must Reduce Its Carbon Footprint There is a dramatic energy side-effect of the ever-increasing demand for information technology that must be dealt with now. EPA findings report that data centers consumed about 60 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2006, roughly 1.5 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption. That’s enough power to run over 24 million 42-inch plasma televisions for 3 years! The report also states that this number could nearly double again by 2011 to more than 100 billion kWh. 2 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT
  • 5. The increased demand for power by IT is placing additional stress upon the already overloaded power grids that support them, and that means less power given to those organizations that are in need. Also not to be forgotten is the further proliferation of harmful greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel power plants. IT is in a good position to do its part in controlling and reducing its growing need for energy. This includes protecting itself against potential roadblocks that may place physical limits on the amounts of power provided by the traditional grids. In addition, pending regulations such as the Kyoto Protocol and carbon trading programs will force IT to realize the issue and better manage their total carbon emissions. IT leaders must mandate identifiable and measurable green standards through existing and new project plans. This will validate and support an organization’s overall green efforts and goals. In turn, IT will help prepare the business for a sustainable future. SECTION 2 IT Management and Asset/Process Optimization FIGURE A GREEN IT MANAGEMENT IT management maturity levels for enabling efficiency. In the early stages of distributed computing, the focus on cost savings was primarily centered around hardware, with a much lower emphasis on the total cost of ownership across the entire lifecycle. This era produced a wave of over-provisioning of server and desktop hardware that resulted in vast complexities and inefficiencies, which significantly drove up overall costs. Today’s trends in IT management show undeniable proof of the benefits from server consolidation and optimization through the use of virtualized and automated environments, which include greater efficiency in overall server utilization. Furthermore, IT leadership is being tasked, and challenging their teams, to find innovative ways to stretch their budgets through increased efficiency. WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 3
  • 6. Asset and process optimization is paramount to progressing data center efficiency, which in turn supports Green IT initiatives. But, many risks have come to light as a result of preparing the IT environment for becoming more efficient. To optimize IT assets through virtualization and consolidation, organizations must gain a thorough understanding of the current state of utilization and associated dependencies. This, in short, involves leveraging IT management tools to gather and report asset catalogs (through asset discovery) on both software and its supporting hardware infrastructure. Additionally, application dependencies must be accurately and dynamically mapped so that the impact of consolidation is both recognized and anticipated. Next, companies must apply change and configuration management approaches with the same rigor as their traditional physical infrastructure. Change must be carefully managed to ensure a smooth transition to virtualized machines, and checkpoints must be determined in the event that change needs to be reverted. If unapproved changes happen to occur, mechanisms need to be in place to automatically detect them and notify the appropriate management personnel based on a triggered instance. This allows companies to control potential risk and manage impact, such as what a change could potentially do to their energy and cooling footprint. Finally, implementing a thorough IT management strategy that utilizes new and existing investments is necessary to ensure optimal performance and delivery of IT services to the business. An optimal IT management strategy must provide extensive visibility across platforms and underlying infrastructure, both physical and virtual. Green IT and IT Management Software Hardware manufacturers continue to drive towards greater efficiency around power consumption and total heat output (which lowers cooling costs), and increased capacity within their server, network and device technologies. These advancements allow IT management software to play an even greater role in taking advantage of those achievements to increase IT efficiency and moreover measure progress against stated goals. However, IT management software can also make better use of existing equipment and reduce the need for purchasing new hardware. According to the EPA study, “…existing technologies and design strategies have been shown to reduce the energy use of a typical server by 25 percent or more. Even with existing IT equipment, implementing best energy-management practices in existing data centers and consolidating applications from many servers to one server could reduce current data center energy usage by around 20 percent.” Streamlining IT performance does not have to mean increasing energy consumption. According to Echo Research, companies are budgeting for changes to their IT infrastructure to manage energy consumption, with virtualization and consolidation leading the way. The Echo Research findings also confirm that software solutions are very important to energy efficiency for 80 percent of the U.S. respondents and 72 percent of the U.K. respondents. The emphasis on software to manage change and enable efficiency paves the way for more innovative thinking in the application of efficient practices throughout IT management software. 4 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT
  • 7. FIGURE B ECHO RESEARCH FINDINGS ON SOFTWARE BUDGETING What changes to IT infrastructure have organizations budgeted for? VIRTUALIZATION/CONSOLIDATING SERVERS VIRTUALIZATION & CONSOLIDATING STORAGE IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF EXISTING ASSETS CONSOLIDATING DATA CENTERS US IT PROCESSES & METRICS UK SOFTWARE APPLICATION CHANGE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENT PC & SERVER POWER MANAGEMENT 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Two examples of how management software can help support Green IT initiatives are as follows: First, consider the holiday shopping season. Many online businesses count on the period that begins on Black Friday and continues through Cyber Monday and the end of the year. It is important for them to handle the increase in load effectively so that they can be profitable. In the past, servers were provisioned to meet the high watermark of requirements, but they also remained up and running for the entire fiscal year. This draws on energy requirements without the necessary increases in capacity usage and business support for those resources. IT management software today allows those very same resources to be brought online in a scheduled manner. They are provisioned to the specific application requirements needed to support the influx of demand for this period of time. These resources can either be physical or virtual. When the need has been satisfied, those resources can then be shut down and placed offline for future use. What’s more, for unplanned events, these very resources can also be brought online dynamically when predetermined consumption thresholds have been exceeded. Then, they can be shut down when the low utilization point is reached. This allows IT to intelligently respond to user demand in near real-time, and significantly reduce power consumption during non-peak periods. Effectively leveraging a pool of resources that can be dynamically provisioned to meet the specific needs of a particular functional group (such as order processing) saves energy. It can limit the number of physical machines that an organization needs to have up and running. From a virtualization context, this also aids in properly throttling capacity for those physical machines to match dynamic business needs. Pooling resources also enables companies to balance support for multiple functional groups and services, faster and with less physical infrastructure. WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 5
  • 8. The second example involves client hardware such as laptops, desktops, and PDAs. With the low acquisition cost of PCs and laptops today, PC sprawl is a very real concern. The increase in the number of desktops dramatically increases the power load for an organization without the necessary business productivity gains. IT management software can dynamically discover and categorize client hardware to give companies a complete view of how these machines are being used throughout their business environment. Power-related configurations can then be enforced to save on overall energy costs and consumption. For those machines that do not seem to be supporting the business in any particular way, appropriate action can be taken to pull them offline and dispose of them according to proper guidelines. Perhaps some of those machines require upgrades based upon the applications that they need to run. With certain IT management software, organizations can specifically determine the client machines that require upgrades to control costs and hardware waste. Furthermore, client machines that are not really being used can effectively be repurposed based upon the roles within the organization. This involves determining if those client machines are not being used to their fullest capacity. All of this goes towards maximizing the use of existing hardware and avoiding new hardware purchases when possible to support employee productivity, cost savings and energy impact as it relates to the business. These examples show how IT management software improves efficient management of resources to reduce the effect that IT has on the environment. SECTION 3 IT Management Software Enables Green IT Goals Key Green IT Software Capabilities When looking at software to support Green IT initiatives, there are three key goals that companies will want to achieve. These goals will have associated software capabilities that can enable fulfillment (as is shown in Figure C and described below). INCREASE EFFICIENCY Enabling Green IT initiatives are synonymous with implementing more efficient processes and practices within IT. Therefore, it is important to harness the benefits that IT management software provides: • Physical and Virtual Systems Management solutions allow for the identification of underutilized equipment and the correlation of power and cooling consumption with the servers that use them. • Data Center and Workload Automation solutions enable unified management and dynamic optimization of physical and virtual server resources. Those resources can be enabled when required and, more importantly, shut down when not needed. These solutions also increase management capability for virtualization to ensure physical machine capacity is properly controlled. They also allow for optimized workload placement and execution, taking advantage of peak and off-peak energy usage times and minimizing resource consumption. • IT Client Management solutions drive standardization of desktop power management settings to optimize energy efficiency. They correlate hardware upgrades with specific employee and business needs to reduce waste and increase optimization of existing hardware. 6 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT
  • 9. • IT Asset Management solutions keep track of IT assets and their relation to the applications that they run to optimize equipment upgrades and identify those assets which are not providing a business purpose. Those that are not needed can be properly disposed of to ensure compliance with internal standards and government regulations. REDUCE RISK IT management software can help companies identify and mitigate environmental risk. This includes compliance to environmental regulations such as the Kyoto Protocol and cap-and-trade programs. The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is an international environmental treaty. The treaty’s intent is to achieve "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system." Emissions trading (sometimes called cap-and-trade) provide economic incentives for achieving reductions in pollutant emissions. IT management software capabilities to support this goal include: • Change, Configuration and Release Management solutions track and implement general change management, configurations and settings to minimize energy consumption and reduce environmental risk. • Service Level and Catalog Management solutions allow organizations to clearly define, price and publish a catalog of services to users. They can be used to automate and track sustainable behavior and distribute energy costs across the many departments involved within composite services. For example, a building pass service can grant hybrid car owners parking passes closer to the building. • Green Governance solutions allow companies to use a systematic approach to environmental sustainability. These solutions incorporate a continuous improvement lifecycle and encompass business areas such as: – strategy – risk management – compliance management – idea management – portfolio management – project management – performance management – stakeholder reporting MEASURE SUCCESS It is very important for organizations to understand where they are by establishing a baseline before deciding upon and enacting change, and to continually measure success towards their Green IT goals. Without measurement, it would be difficult to understand any progress towards achievement of these goals, let alone be able to surmise the benefits that Green IT software solutions provide. IT management software is ideal for this purpose: • Operations Energy Management solutions allow companies to harness the abundance of power and cooling information available from a variety of simple to complex monitoring devices deployed throughout their IT infrastructure. That data can then be accurately provided to the many other IT management solutions for reporting and decision-making prowess. These solutions also enable facilities and IT to work better together, using the same information. WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 7
  • 10. The Green Grid is a global consortium dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in data centers and business computing ecosystems. This association suggests that internal collaboration between IT and Facilities promotes propagation of planned and measurable data center efficiency. As stated in a white paper published by The Green Grid, “…not having strategic representation by Facilities will result in data centers not being properly provisioned and exhaustion of existing energy capacity early in the useful life of the data center.” • Project and Portfolio Management solutions allow for the organization and management of sustainability projects as a portfolio, and the incorporation of environmental variables into existing projects. This allows organizations to gain insight into how their portfolio of projects affects the environment and to track performance of those projects. • Green Governance solutions, in addition to helping reduce risk, also allow for the measurement and visualization of progress towards stated sustainability goals. FIGURE C ESSENTIAL GREEN IT SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES IT management software capabilities aligned with Green IT goals. These essential IT management software capabilities contribute to efficient management, directly furthering Green IT goals. From increasing hardware utilization to decreasing equipment footprint and cooling costs, these IT management areas can be effectively managed with low risk by employing the proper management techniques. New and improved infrastructure alternatives such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Cloud Computing provide further innovation in efficient resource utilization. SaaS solutions allow the user to avoid the cost of infrastructure setup by renting the software on-demand for use as a service. Cloud Computing involves the use of computing resources as a service over the internet, relinquishing control of the infrastructure to the provider. On-demand use of pooled resources increases efficiency through just-in-time utilization, providing computing resources as needed without the necessary burden of changing local IT infrastructure. Use of SaaS solutions and Cloud Computing resources promote efficient management of IT infrastructure, which in turn reduces environmental effects. 8 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT
  • 11. SECTION 4 Conclusions Going green represents a company’s mission to support environmental sustainability. Whether it’s socially inspired or economically driven — it simply makes good business sense. In most cases the initial driver of a Green IT strategy is the cost savings that can be attained through increased efficiencies in energy usage. Achieving sustainability benefits represents a secondary, albeit positive by-product. While advancements in energy efficient IT hardware promote this cause along with services to implement best practices, IT management software represents a powerful yet cost-effective solution to implement unified and consistent Green IT goals. IT management software enables comprehensive management, monitoring, and optimized utilization of new and existing hardware investments. This includes the most effective use of energy-efficient hardware while extending the life of existing hardware. Finally, to demonstrate a company’s commitment to the environment and its progress towards achieving stated goals, a system to measure progress must be in place. Whether from the business perspective or support for environmental sustainability, Green IT must be managed like any other project to realize its full potential. IT management software lets companies execute on all of these mandates. It allows Green IT goals to be incorporated within existing business processes and practices to prevent silo efforts around increasing general IT efficiency, and helps to reduce integration complexity in the future. Additionally, in the process, companies become better corporate citizens and help save the planet for tomorrow’s generations. SECTION 5 References "Article 2", The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (accessed February 11, 2009). Echo Research, Inc., The Future of Green IT: Implications for Software Solutions, November 17, 2008. (accessed December 11, 2008). The Green Grid, Addressing Organizational Behavior Issues to Optimize IT and Facilities Energy Efficiency, July 30, 2008. _Addressing_Organizational_Behavior_Issues_073008_v1.0_.pdf (accessed January 20, 2009). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report to Congress on Server Data Center Energy Efficiency Public Law 109-431, August 2, 2007. Report_Congress_Final1.pdf (accessed December 10, 2008). WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT 9
  • 12. SECTION 6 About the Authors Ben Scheerer is senior principal product marketing manager for CA, Inc. With more than 16 years of industry experience, which has run the course of sales to pre-sales, consulting and product marketing, Ben’s experience with enterprise IT management has helped businesses better align their goals for improving service while reducing costs. Ben’s contributions outside of CA include numerous speaking engagements, published articles and white papers on IT management related topics. Ben holds a BBA in Marketing from Western Michigan University and a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Denver, and is ITIL V3 foundation certified. Sam Somashekar is an advisor of product management at CA, Inc. Sam has over 15 years of experience demonstrating success in enterprise software product management and development, business development, marketing, and market research. He has experience establishing, developing, and inspiring high-performance teams, providing product vision, and delivering the best value to customers. Sam’s current responsibilities include defining CA’s Enterprise IT Management strategy and vision around Data Center Automation and Green IT initiatives. Sam holds a BA in Computer Science and Biology from New York University, and is PMC certified in Product Management. He is also on the board of AFCOM’s Data Center Institute, and has several published articles and white papers on the subject of enterprise IT management. 10 WHITE PAPER: THE GREENING OF IT
  • 13. CA (NASDAQ: CA), one of the world’s leading independent, enterprise management software companies, unifies and simplifies complex information technology (IT) management across the enterprise for greater business results. With our Enterprise IT Management vision, solutions and expertise, we help customers effectively govern, manage and secure IT. MP335070209