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Soil and Water Management towards
Doubling Farmer’s Income
Submitted by
Medisetty Aravind kumar
Reg. No. 2017A/113M
Seminar Incharge
Dr. Syed Ismail
Head of Department
Dept. of SSAC
Research Guide
Dr. M.S.Deshmukh
Assistant Professor
Dept. of SSAC
PARBHANI - 431 402 (M.S)
Soil and Water Management towards Doubling
Farmer's Income
• Indian agriculture is passing through difficult times due to erractic weather
conditions, especially drought and excessive rainfall, there by resulting into wide
spread distress among farmers.
• The average income of an agricultural household during July 2012 to June 2013
was as low as Rs.6,426.
• As many as 22.50% of the farmers live below poverty line, the country also
witnessed a sharp increase in the number of farmers suicides due to losses from
farming and low farm income.
• Farming in India is becoming hard and unsuccessful due to several causes like
unexpected rainfalls,droughts, increased cost of cultivation due to pests and
diseases, decrease in productivity of land, unavailability of water etc..
• Farmers get very low income for their produce due to prevailing market prices that
are very unstable.
• Decline in Agriculture productivity and Income has a serious effect on rural house
holds, and other economic, social as well as sustainability indicators.
Doubling of Farmer’s Income
• “I wish to double the income of farmers by 2022 when India will celebrate
75 years of its Independence” -Prime Minister.
• “We are grateful to our farmers for being the backbone of the country’s
food security. We need to think beyond food security and give back to our
farmers a sense of income security, Government will, therefore, reorient its
interventions in the farm and non-farm sectors to double the income of the
farmers by 2022.”
-Finance Minister Budget Speech, February 29,2016.
7 Point Strategy Of Ministry Of Agriculture And Farmers
Welfare, Government Of India.
1. Improve water use efficiency – “more crop per drop ”
2. Quality based nutrient management
3. Distribution of soil health cards
4. Reduction of post harvest losses by providing support to warehouses and
cold chain infrastructure
5. Value addition of farmers’ produce
6. Creation of National agricultural market
7. Provide minimum premium and maximum security through new crop
insurance scheme “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana”
DFI is coupled with several schemes like
• Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana(PMKSY)
• Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
• Electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)
• Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
• Soil Health card scheme for improving farmers income.
• The goal of doubling farmers income by the year 2022 has been dubbed
as impossible and unrealistic by some experts.
• Some commentators have produced calculations that agriculture will
require annual growth rate of 14.86 percent per year to get farmers
income doubled and pointed out that this growth level hasn’t been
achieved even for one year in the history of Indian agriculture.
Source of farmer’s income
Major sources of growth in income operating within Agriculture sector are:
• Improvement in productivity
• Resource use efficiency or saving in cost of production
• Increase in cropping intensity
• Diversification towards high value crops
Sources outside agriculture are
• Providing markets,
• Stable market price
• Reducing post harvest losses.
Problems in Indian Agriculture
• Loss of productive soil is a concern ,where about 6000 to 12000 million tonnes
(Mt) of top soil is washed away every year which carry nearly 5.6 to 8.4 Mt of
nutrients mainly because of faulty management of soil and water resources.
• Increase in application of major nutrients has triggered wide spread deficiencies
of secondary and micronutrients like sulphur(41%),zinc(49%) and boron (33%)
with other micronutrients, eg.iron,copper,manganese,molybdenum deficiencies
are on the rise.
Soil management strategies for enhancing farm income
• Extensive research on soil management strategies for enhancing factor
productivity and net returns has been done in recent past.
• Most of the works emphasized the need for Integrated Nutrient
Management strategies, Conservation Agriculture, Mulching, use of bio
inoculants, using Biochar and precision farming were found more
effective soil management tools for enhancing farmers income.
• Conservation agriculture defined by FAO as a “Resource saving agricultural crop
production concept that strives to achieve high return along with sustainable
production level and with less environmental pollution”.
• Conservation Agriculture is a farming system that promotes maintenance of a
permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance (i.e. no tillage), and
diversification of plant species
• Some of components of CA are zero/reduced tillage, direct seeded rice, crop
residue management, raised bed planting, crop diversification, intercropping,
multi-tier cropping, green manuring etc…
Conservation Agriculture
Main principles of Conservation Agriculture are:
Practice of Direct seeding without Tillage
Zero-Tillage Surface Tillage
Source: Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2009)
Effect of different Tillage practices on soil compaction.
• Mulch is a surface layer of material applied to the soil or it is any material
used to cover the surface of cultivated soil to protect plant roots from heat,
cold or drought, and to control weeds.
• When the soil surface is covered with mulching material, it conserves soil
moisture, improving fertility and health of soil.
• Mulching materials include permanent(plastic sheeting) or
Temporary(organic) Mulching.
• Organic mulches include leaves, hay, straw, saw dust, wood chips.
Different types of Mulches
Jute mulch Plastic sheet mulch
Wood chips mulchStraw mulch
Table:1 Effect of Tillage and Mulching on grain yield of Maize (average of three years)
Grain yield of Maize (kg ha−1)
Tillage treatments
tillage (CT)
tillage (MT)
No tillage
Raised bed
No mulch (NM) 1370 1365 1246 1255 1308
Straw mulch (StM) 2020 1990 1776 1896 1920
Polythene mulch
2183 2137 1930 2007 2065
Soil mulch (SM) 1890 1860 1730 1851 1832
Mean 1865 1837 1670 1752
CD(p=0.05) M= 150 S = 180M at S = 160 S at M= 253
Source: Peeyush Sharma et al. Europe. J. Agronomy 34 (2011) 46–51.
Location: Dryland Research Sub Station, Dhiansar, Jammu, India.
4.4 4.6
4.54.7 4.6
Tillage Treatments
No Mulch
Straw Mulch
Plastic Mulch
Soil Mulch
Effect of different Tillage and Mulching treatments
Table:2Effect of Tillage and Mulching on grain yield of Wheat (average of three years)
Grain yield of wheat(kg ha−1)
Tillage treatments
Tillage (CT)
No Tillage
No mulch (NM) 1080 1063 930 1025 1024.5
Straw mulch
1410 1430 1210 1335 1346.25
mulch (PM)
1505 1510 1360 1450 1456.25
Soil mulch (SM) 1320 1360 1110 1265 1263.75
Mean 1328.7 1340 1152 1268.7
CD(p=0.05) M= 145 S = 193M at S = 301 S at M=NS
M= Tillage treatments; S =Mulching treatments, M at S = Interaction of tillage
on same level of Mulch; S at M= Interaction of Mulch on same level of Tillage.
• Increase in grain yield was 36.7% with the polythene mulch over no
• The results could be attributed due to change in soil physical
properties,high total porosity, better soil moisture conservation which
favoured root growth and nutrient uptake.
Comparing the energy requirements of different operations:
• Minimum Tillage required 34.3% less, No Tillage 31.1% less and RB 46.0% less
than the Conventional Tillage system.
• Minimum Tillage system saved 2.5 times energy in Tillage operation compared to
the CT system.
• Minimum tillage in combination with polythene mulch and straw mulch found
beneficial in terms of soil quality improvement, crop yield and economics of
maize–wheat cropping system.
Integrated Nutrient Management
 Integrated Nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and of
plant nutrient supply at an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity
through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic,
inorganic and biological components in an integrated manner.
 Integration of manures, crop residues and bio fertilizers etc., with inorganic
fertilizers could be a solution for managing soil health and sustainability which is
called Integrated Nutrient Management.
 Substituting Nitrogen requirement through FYM or green manures and use of
bio- fertilizers along with inorganic fertilizers not only improve the productivity
and soil health but also reduces the cost of nutrients.
• INM enhances the availability of applied as well as native soil nutrients.
• Synchronizes the nutrient demand of the crop with nutrient supply from
native and applied sources.
• Provides balanced nutrition to crops and minimizes the antagonistic
effects resulting from hidden deficiencies and nutrient imbalance.
• Improves and sustains the physical, chemical and biological
functioning of soil.
• Minimizes the deterioration of soil, water and ecosystem by promoting
carbon sequestration, reducing nutrient losses to ground and surface
water bodies and to atmosphere
List of treatments
• T1: 100% RDF(300N: 150 P2O5: 150 K2O gm / plant + 25 Kg FYM/ plant)
• T2 : 75 % RDF (225:112.5:112.5 NPK) + 250 g AM,
• T3 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter,
• T4 : 75 % RDF + 250 g AM + 100 g Azotobacter,
• T5 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM,
• T6 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB+ 250 g AM + 5 KgVermicompost,
• T7 : 75% RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM + 10KgVermicompost,
• T8 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM + 15KgVermicompost.
Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lalit
Source:Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356
Location: Department of Horticulture, Dr. PDKV, Akola.
Table:3 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Guava (Psidium guajava)
Treatment Plant
Mean plant
Leaf area
T1 2.38 7.08 2..32 30.34 54.44
T2 2.39 7.16 2..36 30.59 57.08
T3 2.42 7.21 2.50 30.66 58.48
T4 2.50 7.26 2.55 33.19 59.11
T5 2.57 7.30 2.60 35.34 59.66
T6 2.67 7.39 2.70 37.71 59.98
T7 2.77 7.66 2.79 38.20 60.36
75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g
PSB + 250 g AM +15KgVermicompost
2.96 7.89 2.87 40.57 62.59
‘F test Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig.
SE(m)± 0.013 0.038 0.047 0.468 0.312
CD at 5% 0.042 0.116 0.141 1.413 0.942
Source:Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356
Location: Department of Horticulture, Dr. PDKV, Akola.
• The highest parameters in treatment (T8) was due to better nutritional
environment because combined application of organic and inorganic
nutrients improved soil health and at the same time Bio-inoculants
enhanced the rate of Mineralization and availability of nutrients.
• Also due to the application of vermicompost leading to higher
availability of NPK and other nutrients.
Table:4 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on TSS, Ascorbic acid, Total
sugars, Titrable acidity and pectin contents Guava(Psidium guajava).
Treatment TSS(Brix) Ascorbic acid
Total sugar
T1 9.88 195.52 7.46 0.320 0.50
T2 10.10 197.83 7.53 0.281 0.54
T3 10.53 204.50 7.57 0.289 0.56
T4 10.81 213.90 7.94 0.285 0.58
T5 11.06 215.10 8.17 0.275 0.61
T6 11.30 219.30 8.20 0.266 0.65
T7 11.60 219.78 8.27 0.257 0.70
T8 12.47 223.88 8.62 0.48 0.71
‘F’test Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig.
SE(m)+ 0.152 3.408 0.100 0.006 0.021
CD at 5% 0.460 10.29 0.302 0.017 0.063
Source: Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356
Table:5 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on quality parameters of Soybean treatments
Treatments Yield
Oil (%)
in seed
Oil yield
content (%)
Protein yield
T1 : Control 17.61 18.35 3.23 39.68 6.99
T2 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5 ha-1 20.93 18.42 3.86 39.85 8.34
T3 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O ha-1 22.03 18.54 4.08 39.91 8.79
T4 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5+50 kg K2O ha-1 23.10 18.63 4.30 40.2 9.24
T5 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O + 2.5 t FYM ha-1 24.45 18.70 4.57 40.14 9.81
T6 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O + 5 t FYM ha-1 26.33 18.82 4.96 40.19 10.58
T7 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O + 2.5 t FYM ha-1 26.50 18.93 5.02 40.31 10.68
T8 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O + 5 t FYM ha-1 28.01 19.03 5.33 40.36 11.30
S.E. ± 0.94 0.12 0.17 0.62 0.62
C.D. (P=0.05) 2.88 NS 0.60 NS 1.80
Source: Gunjal et al,(2011) Internet. J. Forestry & Crop Improv.2:118-120
Location : Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule India
Table:6 Uptake of Nitrogen (kg ha-1) of Safflower at various stages of crop growth
as affected by Integrated Nitrogen Management.
Treatment 30 DAS 60 DAS Harvest
T1 N0 (Control) 5.59 19.37 28.14
T2 (N-100 % through inorganic fertilizer ) 9.78 32.67 47.10
T3 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through FYM) 9.75 35.02 49.15
T4 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through
10.76 36.39 54.55
T5 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through poultry
10.28 35.19 51.14
T6 (N-50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through FYM) 10.68 37.14 56.67
T7 N-(50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through
11.74 40.37 63.36
T8 N-(50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through poultry
11.37 38.33 58.91
S.ED± O.70 4.05 3.28
CD(P=0.05) 1.50 8.70 7.05
Raju et al.(2014) Directorate of oilseed reasearch,Hyderabad
Organic farming
• Organic farming is a production system, which avoids or largely
excludes the use of synthetic inorganic fertilizers, pesticides etc.
• Organic farming largely depends on crop rotations crop residues,
animal manures, green manures ,off farm organic wastes.
• Organic systems of production increase soil carbon through the use of
composted animal manures and cover crops.
• Use of oil cakes as a source of plant nutrient in Organic farming also
has potential for improving soil quality and decreasing the cost of
• In addition, higher organic matter content and more biomass in soils
make organic fields less prone to soil erosion.
• Also the higher demand of organic produce in global trade provides the
opportunity for greater income to farmers.
Oil-cakes Nutrient content (%)
N P2O5 K2O
Non edible oil-cakes
Castor cake 4.3 1.8 1.3
Cotton seed cake
3.9 1.8 1.6
Karanj cake 3.9 0.9 1.2
Mahua cake 2.5 0.8 1.2
Pongamia cake 4.7 0.2 0.7
Safflower cake (undecorticated) 4.9 1.4 1.2
Edible oil-cakes
Coconut cake 3.0 1.9 1.8
Groundnut cake 7.3 1.5 1.3
Linseed cake 4.9 1.4 1.3
Safflower cake (decorticated) 7.9 2.2 1.9
Sesamum cake 6.2 2.0 1.2
Reddy.S.R.2005. Principles of Agronomy
Oil seed cakes
Cotton Ground nutSafflower
JatropaPongamia Linseed
Table:7 Effect of oil cakes application on yield parameters of Maize
Length of
cob (cm)
Wt. of cobs
per plant (g)
Wt. of 100
grains (g)
No. of grains
per row
Grain yield
(t ha-1)
Stover yield
(t ha-1)
T1: RDF(100N: 50P2O5: 50K2O Kg ha-1) 24.80 120.86 30.03 39.00 5.84 14.77
T2:RD N through Castor cake 20.30 112.06 26.66 34.90 5.71 14.53
T3: RD N through Jatropha cake 21.40 113.23 26.00 34.30 5.75 14.58
T4:RD N through Pongamia cake 22.83 114.46 25.63 35.40 5.80 14.72
T5: 50% castor cake + 50% fertilizer 24.36 117.70 28.36 38.00 5.89 14.95
T6: 50% Jatropha cake + 50% fertilizer 23.63 116.70 26.93 37.60 5.86 14.81
T7: 50% Pongamia cake + 50% fertilizer 27.00(H) 122.86 31.33 39.50 5.93 14.99
T8: FYM 5 t ha-1 18.00(L) 92.60 25.30 24.00 4.07 10.09
SEm ± 0.389 1.92 0.65 0.22 0.009 0.021
CD (P = 0.05) 1.33 2.95 1.72 1.018 0.207 0.031
Udaya A.J.(2008) University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Balance of P and K for treatments T2, T3 and T4 were supplied through SSP and MOP.
Table:8 Effect of organic manures and fertilizers on soil properties after harvest of soybean–safflower
cropping sequence (2006-07 to 2010-11). Source:Shirale et al.(2014) An Asian J.Soil Sci.9 (1):130-136
No. Treatments
Available nitrogen
(kg ha-1)
Available phosphorus
(kg ha-1)
Available potassium
(kg ha-1)
2006-07 2010-11 Change 2006-07 2010-11 Change 2006-07 2010-11 Change
T1 50 % NPK(60:40:00) 212.0 215.88 -0.12 16.4 16.95 +0.95 766.80 779.20 +13.2
T2 100 % NPK 217.0 229.79 +13.79 16.8 18.05 +2.05 775.00 788.64 +22.64
T3 150 % NPK 225.0 249.16 +33.16 17.0 19.11 +3.11 786.0 812.16 +46.16
T4 100 % NPK+ 2Hand Weeding 214.0 227.92 +11.92 16.5 18.16 +2.16 792.60 785.00 +19.00
T5 100 % NPK + 25 kg ZnSO4 216.0 230.45 +14.45 16.7 17.91 +1.91 803.80 788.05 +22.05
T6 100 % NP 210.0 226.76 +10.76 16.4 17.27 +1.27 754.50 789.83 +23.83
T7 100 % N 205.0 224.30 +8.30 16.0 16.06 +0.06 770.20 764.93 -1.07
T8 100 % NPK + FYM@10Mgha-1 238.0 267.10 +51.10 17.4 19.30 +3.30 765.70 816.00 +50.00
T9 100 % NPK + Sulphur 221.0 226.68 +10.68 16.5 17.77 +1.77 734.38 783.14 +17.14
T10 Only FYM @ 10 Mg ha-1 230.0 231.55 +15.55 17.1 18.17 +2.17 812.48 811.52 +45.52
T11 Absolute control 208.0 193.94 -22.06 15.8 15.58 -0.42 793.74 743.23 -22.77
T12 Fallow 215.0 212.43 -3.57 16.1 16.03 +0.03 788.14 761.00 -5.00
Mean 217.6 228.00 -- 16.5 17.53 -- 776.11 785.22 --
S.E. ± 3.34 2.806 -- 0.149 0.059 -- 6.83 4.149 --
C.D. (P=0.05) 9.26 7.765 -- 0.414 0.165 -- 18.91 11.483 --
Initial 216.0 -- -- 16.0 -- -- 766.0 -- --
• The highest gain of Nitrogen was found only in FYM treated plots,
means magnitude of soil available N was always higher with balanced
nutrient application.
• The application of organic matter may have caused reduction in
potassium(K) fixation and consequently increased K content.
• Intercropping is a multiple cropping practice involving, growing of
two or more crops in proximity, there is a crop intensification in
both time and space dimensions.
• The most common goal of Intercropping is to produce a greater
yield on a given piece of land by making use of resources or
ecological processes that would otherwise not be utilized by a
single crop.
1. Intercropping gives higher income per unit area than sole
2. It acts as an insurance against failure of crop in abnormal year.
3. Intercrops maintain soil fertility as the nutrient uptake is made
from both layers.
4. Reduce soil runoff.
Flax and soybean Tomato and Marigold
Maize and pigeon pea Wheat and Cotton
Crops to be considered for intercropping.
A) Kharif crops:
1. Medium black soils:
a) Pearl millet + Red gram 2: 1
b) Pearl millet + Horse gram / Kidney bean / cow pea Inter row of pearl millet.
2. Soils up to 20 cm depth
a) Pearl millet + red gram (30 - 60 - 30 cm)
B) Rabi crops:
Safflower + Gram (2: 1)
In Rainfed areas of Maharashtra:
1. Sorghum / pearl millet / cotton + red gram / black gram or kidney bean or cowpea or
2. Groundnut + Sunflower.
Cotton + soybean.
Table:9 Grain and straw yield of legumes under different land-use
systems (mean value of 3 years)
Grain yield
Stalk yield
Cowpea Moth
Cowpea Moth
Sole 669 596 404 1321 1325 736
Aonla 304 278 191 763 752 405
Ber 399 391 269 864 1005 532
Pomegranate 315 302 205 707 771 414
SEm± 6.67 8.5 5.6 20.4 21.8 92
CD(P=0.05) 19.7 25.6 16.8 61.2 65.3 27.7
Source: Devi Dayal et al.(2015) Indian Journal of Agronomy 60 (2): 297-300
Location: ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Bhuj, Gujarat
• Intercropping of legumes in fruit orchard gave additional net returns of 1,613
to 5,655 /ha.
• The Intercrop of clusterbean with ber provided the maximum benefit: cost
• Clusterbean under Aonla gave a benefit: cost ratio of 1.49 and of 1.61 under
• It was concluded that growing arid fruits with different legumes was found
beneficial for improving productivity/unit area and profitability of farmers
apart from contributing to increased legume production
• Among the systems evaluated, Ber + Clusterbean were found to be promising.
• Zero Tillage farming is a way of growing crops or pasture from year to year
without disturbing the soil through tillage.
• It is an agricultural technique which increases the amount of water that
infiltrates into the soil, the soil's retention of organic matter and its cycling of
• In many agricultural regions, it can reduce or eliminate soil erosion.
• The most powerful benefit of Zero Tillage is improvement in soil biological
fertility, making soils more resilient.
• Zero-till farming has carbon sequestration potential through storage of soil
organic matter in the soil of crop fields.
Zero Tillage
Maize grown without TillageRice grown without Tillage
Table:10 Effect of different Tillage practices on soil properties in
Pigeon Pea-Wheat rotation
Bulk density(Mg/m³) Organic carbon
Infiltration rate
0-15cm 15-30cm
tillage 1.56 1.60 3.24 5.36
tillage 1.50 1.61 3.25 5.36
1.49 1.59 3.30 6.60
0.01 NS 0.04 0.07
Source: Singh et al.(2013) International Journal of Agriculture Sciences volume 10, Issue 2
Impact of conservation tillage under Organic mulches on the
Reproductive efficacy and yield of Quality Protein Maize.
Soil moisture content (weight%) at different days after sowing as influenced by different indigenous mulches
under Tillage (a) and Zero Tillage (b) conditions.
Diurnal fluctuation of soil temperature at 5 cm depth as influenced by Tillage and Zero-Tillage
conditions 80 DAS in Maize
Influence of Zero-Tillage on soil Temperature
Source: Khan et al. (2010) The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 5, no 2
Table:11 Effect of Tillage conditions and Indigenous mulches on reproductive characters of QPM
Days to Tasselling Days to Silking Days to maturity
Tillage 73.64 b 82.46 b 131.94 b
Zero Tillage 76.05 a 83.96 a 138.30 a
LSD(0.01) 0.88 0.67 1.23
Tillage × Mulches
Control 78.2 a 87.0 a 136.1 a
Ash 75.6 b 85.3 b 132.8 b
Rice husk 75.3 b 85.1 b 132.3 b
Rice straw 69.8 c 77.8 c 129.6 c
Water hyacinth 69.3 c 77.1 d 128.9 d
LSD(0.01) 0.85 0.67 0.60
Zero Tillage × Mulches
Control 81.28 a 92.10 a 144.1 a
Ash 80.35 a 91.28 ab 142.0 b
Rice husk 75.20 b 86.07 c 141.4 b
Rice straw 72.28 c 85.07 c 133.1 c
Water hyacinth 71.52 c 83.30 c 132.3 c
LSD(0.01) 0.97 0.68 1.05
Figures with same letter in a column are statistically similar at 1% level of significant
• The reproductive development in Mulched plants were advanced by about by
about 1 to 10 days.
• No. of days to Taselling and Silking of QPM was reduced possibly due to
their earlier emergence and favourable soil temperature.
• Grain yield of Mulched plants notably with water hyacinth was nearly
double(8.73 tonnha-1) than unmulched plants(4.93 tonnha-1).
• Water hyacinth and Rice straw appeared to be great suppressants of weed
• A Biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms
which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces or soil colonize the
Rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by
increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host
• Biofertilizers helps in reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers
and pesticides.
• Biofertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillium and Blue
green algae(BGA) have been in use from long time.
Table:12 Effect of Bio-fertilizers on yield and yield attributing characters of Groundnut
(Arachis hypogea) in Red and Laterite zones of West Bengal(Poooled over 3years data)
Treatment Pod
Shelling% Oil% HI%
T1:Rhizobium I(NRCG9) +
2477 2992 1736 15.1 70.1 42.1 45.2
T2:Rhizobium II (IGR6) +
2536 3145 1765 15.6 69.6 42.6 44.6
T3:PGPR 4 (BM6) +
2658 3189 1887 16.2 71.0 42.0 45.4
T4:RDF( 30 : 60: 40 kg ha-1
of N,P2O5 & K2O)
2213 2784 1509 13.7 68.2 42.8 44.2
T5:Control (no NPK and
no bio-fertilizer)
1225 1641 773 7.8 63.1 43.2 42.2
S.Em± 56.071 67.123 43.31 0.89 0.21 0.03 0.02
C.D. at 5% 143.54 171.83 110.87 2.28 0.54 NS NS al.(2014) Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,27 (2): (230-231)
Treatments Nodulation Economics
40DAS 80DAS Gross
No. of
Nodule dry
No. of
Nodule dry
T1:Rhi. 42 62.94 173 498.59 51063 31891 17037 2.99
T2:Rhi. 49 70.89 193 552.07 52293 33148 17037 3.07
T3:PGPR4 56 80.65 191 544.45 54755 35610 17037 3.21
T4:RDF 30 42.32 101 286.51 45081 28186 16895 2.66
T5:Control 21 29.81 78 220.21 25321 11406 13915 1.82
S.Em+ 0.648 0.983 0.761 1.783
C.D. at 5% 1.658 2.516 1.948 4.564
Table:13 Effect of bio-fertilizer on Nodulation and Economics of groundnut Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,27 (2): (230-231)
• The highest pod (2658 kg ha-1) and haulm (3189 kg ha-1) yield was obtained
with the bio-fertilizer treatment T3(PGPR 4 (BM6) + RDP & K).
• The pod yield increased with bio-fertilizer treatments from 10 to 17% over
the treatment RDF.
• The haulm yield and nodule dry weight increased with the application of
biofertilizer to groundnut over the control.
• The derived data on gross and net returns of groundnut were highest in the
bio-fertilizer treatment T3,similarly BCR was found maximum in the bio-
fertilizer treatment T3 (3.21).
Water management strategies for higher farm Income
Foremost concern facing the agriculture sector is the scarcity of water in light of
increasing demand for Industrial and drinking purposes which substantially reduces the
share of available water resources to agriculture sector.
Strategies for efficient management of water for Agricultural use, involves:
• Conservation of water
• Integrated water use
• Optimal allocation of water
• Using Drip and Sprinkler system of irrigation
• Enhancing water use efficiency crops
• Crop Diversification,Inter cropping etc..
These approaches could aid towards minimizing the cost of production and maximizing the
productivity and farm income.
Conservation of water
• In situ conservation of water can be achieved by reduction of run off loss
and enhancement of infiltrated water and reduction of water losses through
deep seepage and direct evaporation from soil.
• Runoff is reduced either by increasing the time or infiltrability of soil or
• Ex-situ conservation of water can be achieved through harvesting of excess
water in storage ponds for its reuse for irrigation purpose.
Table:14 Enhancing productivity of Rainfed farms by adopting horti- agri
(bael + cowpea) system strengthened with water conservation practices
Bael yield (q/ha) Total cowpea-green pod
equivalent yield(q/ha)
Cowpea plot No-cow pea Cowpea plot No Cowpea
Bael tree +
cowpea with
29.3 33.5 24.9 129.7 103.9
Bael tree +
cowpea with
(no trench)
25.3 18.6 16.7 80.4 75.1
Only cowpea
(no Bael tree,
no trench)
47.2 _ _ 47.2 _
Source: Susama Sudhishri et al. (2018). Indian Farming 68(02): 37–39
Location: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
• In Cowpea plots, 6-17% more soil water availability was observed in Trench
compared to no trench plot.
• Total gross return from Bael+ cowpea plot provided with trench for water
conservation was Rs.2,59,300/ha compared to no water conservation practice
i.e. Rs.1,60,700/ha.
• Combination of Bael and Cowpea yielded higher gross return than either of
the sole components.
• Such horti-agriculture systems can surely help the farmer to double their
rainfed farm income in the hot semiarid regions of India.
Trench in-situ,water conservation Bumper crop of cowpea under horti-agri system
Source: Susama Sudhishri et al. (2018). Indian Farming 68(02): 37–39
Rice Finger
Sorghum Wheat Maize Ground Nut
WUE of some important field crops in India
• Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water
and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above
the soil surface or buried below the surface.
• The goal is to place water directly into the root zone and minimize evaporation loss.
• Drip irrigation systems distribute water through a network of valves, pipes, tubing,
and emitters.
• Fertigation is the technique of application of Fertilizers through drip irrigation,
which reduces labour cost and over application of fertilizers.
Micro Irrigation
Drip irrigation Sprinkler system
Table:15 Quality parameters of Tomato as influenced by N & K Fertigation levels
Treatment Juice content TSS Ascorbic acid Titrable
(100% RD N & K through drip)
72.88 4.29 15.29 0.47
(75% RD N & K through drip)
69.14 4.28 12.45 0.57
(50% RD N & K through drip)
68.19 4.29 10.31 0.65
T4 (100% RDF NPK as
conventional soil application)
57.05 3.28 7.84 0.38
CD 0.05
1.02 0.01 0.44 0.02
source: Sachita, (2010) Indian J.Hort .67(1)
Treatment Crude protein Ascorbic acid Mucilage
content %
T1 200:100:100 kg NPK ha 15.18 13.33 1.27
T2 100%RDF NPK 18.37 19.65 1.85
T3 50% RDF NPK 15.37 14.13 1.32
T4 75% RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF) 15.75 15.24 1.48
T5 100% RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF) 18.00 16.01 1.78
T6 50% RDF(50%NPK+balance through drip WSF+LBF+HA) 16.00 16.82 1.61
T7 75% RDF RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF+LBF+HA) 16.93 17.45 1.72
T8 100% RDF(50%NPK+balance through drip
18.25 18.52 1.82
SEd± 0.40 0.65 0.06
CD (P=0.05) 0.84 1.36 0.14
Source: Mahandran ., 2009 TNAU
Table:16 Effect of Drip fertigation on quality parameter of Bhendi
Watershed management
• In a broad sense, it is an area having common drainage.
• The rainfall of the area within the ridge line can be harvested and drained
out to a common drainage point.
• Water availability can be improved through watershed technology.
• The implementation of the watershed development programme has
considerably increased the socio-economic status, land productivity and
annual income of the small and marginal farmers.
• It helps in increasing infiltration of rainwater, managing and utilizing the
runoff water for useful purpose.
Crop Diversification
• Agricultural crop diversification is an important stress relieving option
for economic growth of the farming community.
• The aim of crop diversification is to increase crop portfolio so that
farmers are not dependent on a single crop to generate their income
• It reduces the risk of total crop failure and also provides alternative
means of generating income by withstanding during price fluctuation.
• It helps in Improving fodder for livestock animals, conservation of
natural resources, minimising environmental pollution, reducing
dependence on off-farm inputs.
• Farming in India is becoming hard and unsuccessful due to several
causes like unexpected rainfalls, drought, increased cost of
cultivation due to pests and diseases, decrease in productivity of
land, unavailability of water etc..
• Farmers get very low income for their produce due to prevailing
market prices that are very unstable.
• In this context an initiative step is taken by the prime minister of
India Shri Narendra Modi to double the farmer’s income by 2022-
 Indian Institute of soil science(IISS),Bhopal has developed several
technologies like GIS based Soil Fertility Maps of different States,Online
Fertilization Recommendation System, Database of different sources of Plant
Nutrients, Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover Model which works in
coordination with local research stations in communicating information.
 IISS has also developed a mini mobile laboratory‘Mridaparikshak’that can
estimate 15 important soil parameters viz., pH, EC, organic carbon, available
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, copper,
gypsum requirement, lime requirement, and calcareousness.
 Farming systems like Zero budget natural farming(ZBNF),Organic Farming,
SRI systems should be adopted to decrease cost of cultivation and increase farm
 Minimum support price(MSP) should be increased for farmer’s produce
against the present rates.
 Soil management practices like Conservation Agriculture, Mulching,
INM, Precision Farming, Zero Tillage, Inter cropping, Organic fertilizers
application require low cost of cultivation and could benefit the Farmer
by low input cost.
 Water management practices like Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler system
multiple cropping systems, Watershed Management, crop Diversification
could Double the farmers income.
Thank you

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Soil and Water Management Strategies for Doubling Farmer's Income

  • 1. Soil and Water Management towards Doubling Farmer’s Income Submitted by Medisetty Aravind kumar Reg. No. 2017A/113M Seminar Incharge Dr. Syed Ismail Head of Department Dept. of SSAC Research Guide Dr. M.S.Deshmukh Assistant Professor Dept. of SSAC DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, V.N.M.K.V., PARBHANI - 431 402 (M.S) SEMINAR ON
  • 2. Soil and Water Management towards Doubling Farmer's Income
  • 3. Introduction • Indian agriculture is passing through difficult times due to erractic weather conditions, especially drought and excessive rainfall, there by resulting into wide spread distress among farmers. • The average income of an agricultural household during July 2012 to June 2013 was as low as Rs.6,426. • As many as 22.50% of the farmers live below poverty line, the country also witnessed a sharp increase in the number of farmers suicides due to losses from farming and low farm income.
  • 4. • Farming in India is becoming hard and unsuccessful due to several causes like unexpected rainfalls,droughts, increased cost of cultivation due to pests and diseases, decrease in productivity of land, unavailability of water etc.. • Farmers get very low income for their produce due to prevailing market prices that are very unstable. • Decline in Agriculture productivity and Income has a serious effect on rural house holds, and other economic, social as well as sustainability indicators. Cont…
  • 5. Doubling of Farmer’s Income • “I wish to double the income of farmers by 2022 when India will celebrate 75 years of its Independence” -Prime Minister. • “We are grateful to our farmers for being the backbone of the country’s food security. We need to think beyond food security and give back to our farmers a sense of income security, Government will, therefore, reorient its interventions in the farm and non-farm sectors to double the income of the farmers by 2022.” -Finance Minister Budget Speech, February 29,2016.
  • 6. 7 Point Strategy Of Ministry Of Agriculture And Farmers Welfare, Government Of India. 1. Improve water use efficiency – “more crop per drop ” 2. Quality based nutrient management 3. Distribution of soil health cards 4. Reduction of post harvest losses by providing support to warehouses and cold chain infrastructure 5. Value addition of farmers’ produce 6. Creation of National agricultural market 7. Provide minimum premium and maximum security through new crop insurance scheme “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana”
  • 7. DFI is coupled with several schemes like • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana(PMKSY) • Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) • Electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) • Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) • Soil Health card scheme for improving farmers income.
  • 8. • The goal of doubling farmers income by the year 2022 has been dubbed as impossible and unrealistic by some experts. • Some commentators have produced calculations that agriculture will require annual growth rate of 14.86 percent per year to get farmers income doubled and pointed out that this growth level hasn’t been achieved even for one year in the history of Indian agriculture.
  • 9. Source of farmer’s income Major sources of growth in income operating within Agriculture sector are: • Improvement in productivity • Resource use efficiency or saving in cost of production • Increase in cropping intensity • Diversification towards high value crops Sources outside agriculture are • Providing markets, • Stable market price • Reducing post harvest losses.
  • 10. Problems in Indian Agriculture • Loss of productive soil is a concern ,where about 6000 to 12000 million tonnes (Mt) of top soil is washed away every year which carry nearly 5.6 to 8.4 Mt of nutrients mainly because of faulty management of soil and water resources. • Increase in application of major nutrients has triggered wide spread deficiencies of secondary and micronutrients like sulphur(41%),zinc(49%) and boron (33%) with other micronutrients, eg.iron,copper,manganese,molybdenum deficiencies are on the rise.
  • 11. Soil management strategies for enhancing farm income • Extensive research on soil management strategies for enhancing factor productivity and net returns has been done in recent past. • Most of the works emphasized the need for Integrated Nutrient Management strategies, Conservation Agriculture, Mulching, use of bio inoculants, using Biochar and precision farming were found more effective soil management tools for enhancing farmers income.
  • 12. • Conservation agriculture defined by FAO as a “Resource saving agricultural crop production concept that strives to achieve high return along with sustainable production level and with less environmental pollution”. • Conservation Agriculture is a farming system that promotes maintenance of a permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance (i.e. no tillage), and diversification of plant species • Some of components of CA are zero/reduced tillage, direct seeded rice, crop residue management, raised bed planting, crop diversification, intercropping, multi-tier cropping, green manuring etc… Conservation Agriculture
  • 13. Main principles of Conservation Agriculture are:
  • 14. Practice of Direct seeding without Tillage
  • 15. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Conventional Tillage Zero-Tillage Surface Tillage SoilCompaction(kPa) Source: Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2009) Effect of different Tillage practices on soil compaction.
  • 16. Mulching • Mulch is a surface layer of material applied to the soil or it is any material used to cover the surface of cultivated soil to protect plant roots from heat, cold or drought, and to control weeds. • When the soil surface is covered with mulching material, it conserves soil moisture, improving fertility and health of soil. • Mulching materials include permanent(plastic sheeting) or Temporary(organic) Mulching. • Organic mulches include leaves, hay, straw, saw dust, wood chips.
  • 17. Different types of Mulches Jute mulch Plastic sheet mulch Wood chips mulchStraw mulch
  • 18. Table:1 Effect of Tillage and Mulching on grain yield of Maize (average of three years) Mulch management Grain yield of Maize (kg ha−1) Tillage treatments Conventional tillage (CT) Minimum tillage (MT) No tillage (NT) Raised bed (RB) Mean No mulch (NM) 1370 1365 1246 1255 1308 Straw mulch (StM) 2020 1990 1776 1896 1920 Polythene mulch (PM) 2183 2137 1930 2007 2065 Soil mulch (SM) 1890 1860 1730 1851 1832 Mean 1865 1837 1670 1752 CD(p=0.05) M= 150 S = 180M at S = 160 S at M= 253 Source: Peeyush Sharma et al. Europe. J. Agronomy 34 (2011) 46–51. Location: Dryland Research Sub Station, Dhiansar, Jammu, India.
  • 19. 3.3 4.2 4.5 4 4.4 4.6 5 4.54.7 4.6 5.1 4.7 4.2 4.5 4.8 4.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Moisture% Tillage Treatments No Mulch Straw Mulch Plastic Mulch Soil Mulch Effect of different Tillage and Mulching treatments
  • 20. Table:2Effect of Tillage and Mulching on grain yield of Wheat (average of three years) Mulch Management Grain yield of wheat(kg ha−1) Tillage treatments Conventional Tillage (CT) Minimum Tillage(MT) No Tillage (NT) Raised bed(RB) Mean No mulch (NM) 1080 1063 930 1025 1024.5 Straw mulch (StM) 1410 1430 1210 1335 1346.25 Polythene mulch (PM) 1505 1510 1360 1450 1456.25 Soil mulch (SM) 1320 1360 1110 1265 1263.75 Mean 1328.7 1340 1152 1268.7 CD(p=0.05) M= 145 S = 193M at S = 301 S at M=NS M= Tillage treatments; S =Mulching treatments, M at S = Interaction of tillage on same level of Mulch; S at M= Interaction of Mulch on same level of Tillage.
  • 21. Analysis • Increase in grain yield was 36.7% with the polythene mulch over no mulch • The results could be attributed due to change in soil physical properties,high total porosity, better soil moisture conservation which favoured root growth and nutrient uptake.
  • 22. Comparing the energy requirements of different operations: • Minimum Tillage required 34.3% less, No Tillage 31.1% less and RB 46.0% less than the Conventional Tillage system. • Minimum Tillage system saved 2.5 times energy in Tillage operation compared to the CT system. • Minimum tillage in combination with polythene mulch and straw mulch found beneficial in terms of soil quality improvement, crop yield and economics of maize–wheat cropping system.
  • 23. Integrated Nutrient Management  Integrated Nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and of plant nutrient supply at an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic, inorganic and biological components in an integrated manner.  Integration of manures, crop residues and bio fertilizers etc., with inorganic fertilizers could be a solution for managing soil health and sustainability which is called Integrated Nutrient Management.  Substituting Nitrogen requirement through FYM or green manures and use of bio- fertilizers along with inorganic fertilizers not only improve the productivity and soil health but also reduces the cost of nutrients.
  • 24. Contd… • INM enhances the availability of applied as well as native soil nutrients. • Synchronizes the nutrient demand of the crop with nutrient supply from native and applied sources. • Provides balanced nutrition to crops and minimizes the antagonistic effects resulting from hidden deficiencies and nutrient imbalance. • Improves and sustains the physical, chemical and biological functioning of soil. • Minimizes the deterioration of soil, water and ecosystem by promoting carbon sequestration, reducing nutrient losses to ground and surface water bodies and to atmosphere
  • 25. List of treatments • T1: 100% RDF(300N: 150 P2O5: 150 K2O gm / plant + 25 Kg FYM/ plant) • T2 : 75 % RDF (225:112.5:112.5 NPK) + 250 g AM, • T3 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter, • T4 : 75 % RDF + 250 g AM + 100 g Azotobacter, • T5 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM, • T6 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB+ 250 g AM + 5 KgVermicompost, • T7 : 75% RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM + 10KgVermicompost, • T8 : 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM + 15KgVermicompost. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lalit Source:Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356 Location: Department of Horticulture, Dr. PDKV, Akola.
  • 26. Table:3 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Guava (Psidium guajava) Treatment Plant height(m) Stem diameter(cm) Mean plant spread(m) Plant volume(m³) Leaf area (m²) T1 2.38 7.08 2..32 30.34 54.44 T2 2.39 7.16 2..36 30.59 57.08 T3 2.42 7.21 2.50 30.66 58.48 T4 2.50 7.26 2.55 33.19 59.11 T5 2.57 7.30 2.60 35.34 59.66 T6 2.67 7.39 2.70 37.71 59.98 T7 2.77 7.66 2.79 38.20 60.36 T8 75 % RDF + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 250 g AM +15KgVermicompost 2.96 7.89 2.87 40.57 62.59 ‘F test Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. SE(m)± 0.013 0.038 0.047 0.468 0.312 CD at 5% 0.042 0.116 0.141 1.413 0.942 Source:Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356 Location: Department of Horticulture, Dr. PDKV, Akola.
  • 27. Analysis • The highest parameters in treatment (T8) was due to better nutritional environment because combined application of organic and inorganic nutrients improved soil health and at the same time Bio-inoculants enhanced the rate of Mineralization and availability of nutrients. • Also due to the application of vermicompost leading to higher availability of NPK and other nutrients.
  • 28. Table:4 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on TSS, Ascorbic acid, Total sugars, Titrable acidity and pectin contents Guava(Psidium guajava). Treatment TSS(Brix) Ascorbic acid content (mg/100gm) Total sugar content(%) Titrable acidity(%) Pectin content(%) T1 9.88 195.52 7.46 0.320 0.50 T2 10.10 197.83 7.53 0.281 0.54 T3 10.53 204.50 7.57 0.289 0.56 T4 10.81 213.90 7.94 0.285 0.58 T5 11.06 215.10 8.17 0.275 0.61 T6 11.30 219.30 8.20 0.266 0.65 T7 11.60 219.78 8.27 0.257 0.70 T8 12.47 223.88 8.62 0.48 0.71 ‘F’test Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. SE(m)+ 0.152 3.408 0.100 0.006 0.021 CD at 5% 0.460 10.29 0.302 0.017 0.063 Source: Raut et al.(2016) BIOINFOLET 13 ( 2 B ) : 354 - 356
  • 29. Table:5 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on quality parameters of Soybean treatments Treatments Yield (q/ha) Oil (%) in seed Oil yield (kg/ha) Protein content (%) Protein yield (kg/ha) T1 : Control 17.61 18.35 3.23 39.68 6.99 T2 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5 ha-1 20.93 18.42 3.86 39.85 8.34 T3 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O ha-1 22.03 18.54 4.08 39.91 8.79 T4 : 50 kg N+ 75 kg P2O5+50 kg K2O ha-1 23.10 18.63 4.30 40.2 9.24 T5 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O + 2.5 t FYM ha-1 24.45 18.70 4.57 40.14 9.81 T6 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 25 kg K2O + 5 t FYM ha-1 26.33 18.82 4.96 40.19 10.58 T7 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O + 2.5 t FYM ha-1 26.50 18.93 5.02 40.31 10.68 T8 : 50 kg N + 75 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O + 5 t FYM ha-1 28.01 19.03 5.33 40.36 11.30 S.E. ± 0.94 0.12 0.17 0.62 0.62 C.D. (P=0.05) 2.88 NS 0.60 NS 1.80 Source: Gunjal et al,(2011) Internet. J. Forestry & Crop Improv.2:118-120 Location : Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule India
  • 30. Table:6 Uptake of Nitrogen (kg ha-1) of Safflower at various stages of crop growth as affected by Integrated Nitrogen Management. Treatment 30 DAS 60 DAS Harvest T1 N0 (Control) 5.59 19.37 28.14 T2 (N-100 % through inorganic fertilizer ) 9.78 32.67 47.10 T3 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through FYM) 9.75 35.02 49.15 T4 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through vermicompost) 10.76 36.39 54.55 T5 (N-75% through inorganic fertilizer + 25% through poultry manure) 10.28 35.19 51.14 T6 (N-50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through FYM) 10.68 37.14 56.67 T7 N-(50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through vermicompost) 11.74 40.37 63.36 T8 N-(50% through inorganic fertilizer + 50% through poultry manure) 11.37 38.33 58.91 S.ED± O.70 4.05 3.28 CD(P=0.05) 1.50 8.70 7.05 Raju et al.(2014) Directorate of oilseed reasearch,Hyderabad
  • 31. Organic farming • Organic farming is a production system, which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inorganic fertilizers, pesticides etc. • Organic farming largely depends on crop rotations crop residues, animal manures, green manures ,off farm organic wastes. • Organic systems of production increase soil carbon through the use of composted animal manures and cover crops.
  • 32. • Use of oil cakes as a source of plant nutrient in Organic farming also has potential for improving soil quality and decreasing the cost of nutrients. • In addition, higher organic matter content and more biomass in soils make organic fields less prone to soil erosion. • Also the higher demand of organic produce in global trade provides the opportunity for greater income to farmers.
  • 33. Oil-cakes Nutrient content (%) N P2O5 K2O Non edible oil-cakes Castor cake 4.3 1.8 1.3 Cotton seed cake (undecorticated) 3.9 1.8 1.6 Karanj cake 3.9 0.9 1.2 Mahua cake 2.5 0.8 1.2 Pongamia cake 4.7 0.2 0.7 Safflower cake (undecorticated) 4.9 1.4 1.2 Edible oil-cakes Coconut cake 3.0 1.9 1.8 Groundnut cake 7.3 1.5 1.3 Linseed cake 4.9 1.4 1.3 Safflower cake (decorticated) 7.9 2.2 1.9 Sesamum cake 6.2 2.0 1.2 Reddy.S.R.2005. Principles of Agronomy
  • 34. Oil seed cakes Cotton Ground nutSafflower JatropaPongamia Linseed
  • 35. Table:7 Effect of oil cakes application on yield parameters of Maize Treatments Length of cob (cm) Wt. of cobs per plant (g) Wt. of 100 grains (g) No. of grains per row Grain yield (t ha-1) Stover yield (t ha-1) T1: RDF(100N: 50P2O5: 50K2O Kg ha-1) 24.80 120.86 30.03 39.00 5.84 14.77 T2:RD N through Castor cake 20.30 112.06 26.66 34.90 5.71 14.53 T3: RD N through Jatropha cake 21.40 113.23 26.00 34.30 5.75 14.58 T4:RD N through Pongamia cake 22.83 114.46 25.63 35.40 5.80 14.72 T5: 50% castor cake + 50% fertilizer 24.36 117.70 28.36 38.00 5.89 14.95 T6: 50% Jatropha cake + 50% fertilizer 23.63 116.70 26.93 37.60 5.86 14.81 T7: 50% Pongamia cake + 50% fertilizer 27.00(H) 122.86 31.33 39.50 5.93 14.99 T8: FYM 5 t ha-1 18.00(L) 92.60 25.30 24.00 4.07 10.09 SEm ± 0.389 1.92 0.65 0.22 0.009 0.021 CD (P = 0.05) 1.33 2.95 1.72 1.018 0.207 0.031 Udaya A.J.(2008) University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore Balance of P and K for treatments T2, T3 and T4 were supplied through SSP and MOP.
  • 36. Table:8 Effect of organic manures and fertilizers on soil properties after harvest of soybean–safflower cropping sequence (2006-07 to 2010-11). Source:Shirale et al.(2014) An Asian J.Soil Sci.9 (1):130-136 No. Treatments Available nitrogen (kg ha-1) Available phosphorus (kg ha-1) Available potassium (kg ha-1) 2006-07 2010-11 Change 2006-07 2010-11 Change 2006-07 2010-11 Change T1 50 % NPK(60:40:00) 212.0 215.88 -0.12 16.4 16.95 +0.95 766.80 779.20 +13.2 T2 100 % NPK 217.0 229.79 +13.79 16.8 18.05 +2.05 775.00 788.64 +22.64 T3 150 % NPK 225.0 249.16 +33.16 17.0 19.11 +3.11 786.0 812.16 +46.16 T4 100 % NPK+ 2Hand Weeding 214.0 227.92 +11.92 16.5 18.16 +2.16 792.60 785.00 +19.00 T5 100 % NPK + 25 kg ZnSO4 216.0 230.45 +14.45 16.7 17.91 +1.91 803.80 788.05 +22.05 T6 100 % NP 210.0 226.76 +10.76 16.4 17.27 +1.27 754.50 789.83 +23.83 T7 100 % N 205.0 224.30 +8.30 16.0 16.06 +0.06 770.20 764.93 -1.07 T8 100 % NPK + FYM@10Mgha-1 238.0 267.10 +51.10 17.4 19.30 +3.30 765.70 816.00 +50.00 T9 100 % NPK + Sulphur 221.0 226.68 +10.68 16.5 17.77 +1.77 734.38 783.14 +17.14 T10 Only FYM @ 10 Mg ha-1 230.0 231.55 +15.55 17.1 18.17 +2.17 812.48 811.52 +45.52 T11 Absolute control 208.0 193.94 -22.06 15.8 15.58 -0.42 793.74 743.23 -22.77 T12 Fallow 215.0 212.43 -3.57 16.1 16.03 +0.03 788.14 761.00 -5.00 Mean 217.6 228.00 -- 16.5 17.53 -- 776.11 785.22 -- S.E. ± 3.34 2.806 -- 0.149 0.059 -- 6.83 4.149 -- C.D. (P=0.05) 9.26 7.765 -- 0.414 0.165 -- 18.91 11.483 -- Initial 216.0 -- -- 16.0 -- -- 766.0 -- --
  • 37. Analysis • The highest gain of Nitrogen was found only in FYM treated plots, means magnitude of soil available N was always higher with balanced nutrient application. • The application of organic matter may have caused reduction in potassium(K) fixation and consequently increased K content.
  • 38. Intercropping • Intercropping is a multiple cropping practice involving, growing of two or more crops in proximity, there is a crop intensification in both time and space dimensions. • The most common goal of Intercropping is to produce a greater yield on a given piece of land by making use of resources or ecological processes that would otherwise not be utilized by a single crop.
  • 39. Advantages: 1. Intercropping gives higher income per unit area than sole cropping. 2. It acts as an insurance against failure of crop in abnormal year. 3. Intercrops maintain soil fertility as the nutrient uptake is made from both layers. 4. Reduce soil runoff.
  • 40. Flax and soybean Tomato and Marigold Maize and pigeon pea Wheat and Cotton Intercropping
  • 41. Crops to be considered for intercropping. A) Kharif crops: 1. Medium black soils: a) Pearl millet + Red gram 2: 1 b) Pearl millet + Horse gram / Kidney bean / cow pea Inter row of pearl millet. 2. Soils up to 20 cm depth a) Pearl millet + red gram (30 - 60 - 30 cm) B) Rabi crops: Safflower + Gram (2: 1) In Rainfed areas of Maharashtra: 1. Sorghum / pearl millet / cotton + red gram / black gram or kidney bean or cowpea or groundnut. 2. Groundnut + Sunflower. Cotton + soybean.
  • 42. Table:9 Grain and straw yield of legumes under different land-use systems (mean value of 3 years) Treatment Grain yield (kg/ha Stalk yield (kg/ha) Cluster bean Cowpea Moth bean Cluster bean Cowpea Moth bean Sole 669 596 404 1321 1325 736 Aonla 304 278 191 763 752 405 Ber 399 391 269 864 1005 532 Pomegranate 315 302 205 707 771 414 SEm± 6.67 8.5 5.6 20.4 21.8 92 CD(P=0.05) 19.7 25.6 16.8 61.2 65.3 27.7 Source: Devi Dayal et al.(2015) Indian Journal of Agronomy 60 (2): 297-300 Location: ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Bhuj, Gujarat
  • 43. Analysis • Intercropping of legumes in fruit orchard gave additional net returns of 1,613 to 5,655 /ha. • The Intercrop of clusterbean with ber provided the maximum benefit: cost ratio. • Clusterbean under Aonla gave a benefit: cost ratio of 1.49 and of 1.61 under pomegranate. • It was concluded that growing arid fruits with different legumes was found beneficial for improving productivity/unit area and profitability of farmers apart from contributing to increased legume production • Among the systems evaluated, Ber + Clusterbean were found to be promising.
  • 44. ZeroTillage • Zero Tillage farming is a way of growing crops or pasture from year to year without disturbing the soil through tillage. • It is an agricultural technique which increases the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil, the soil's retention of organic matter and its cycling of nutrients. • In many agricultural regions, it can reduce or eliminate soil erosion. • The most powerful benefit of Zero Tillage is improvement in soil biological fertility, making soils more resilient. • Zero-till farming has carbon sequestration potential through storage of soil organic matter in the soil of crop fields.
  • 45. Zero Tillage Maize grown without TillageRice grown without Tillage
  • 46. Table:10 Effect of different Tillage practices on soil properties in Pigeon Pea-Wheat rotation Treatment Bulk density(Mg/m³) Organic carbon (g/kg) Infiltration rate (mm/ha) 0-15cm 15-30cm Conventional tillage 1.56 1.60 3.24 5.36 Minimum tillage 1.50 1.61 3.25 5.36 Zero-tillage 1.49 1.59 3.30 6.60 CD(P=0.05) 0.01 NS 0.04 0.07 Source: Singh et al.(2013) International Journal of Agriculture Sciences volume 10, Issue 2
  • 47. Impact of conservation tillage under Organic mulches on the Reproductive efficacy and yield of Quality Protein Maize. Soil moisture content (weight%) at different days after sowing as influenced by different indigenous mulches under Tillage (a) and Zero Tillage (b) conditions.
  • 48. Diurnal fluctuation of soil temperature at 5 cm depth as influenced by Tillage and Zero-Tillage conditions 80 DAS in Maize Influence of Zero-Tillage on soil Temperature Source: Khan et al. (2010) The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 5, no 2
  • 49. Table:11 Effect of Tillage conditions and Indigenous mulches on reproductive characters of QPM Days to Tasselling Days to Silking Days to maturity Tillage 73.64 b 82.46 b 131.94 b Zero Tillage 76.05 a 83.96 a 138.30 a LSD(0.01) 0.88 0.67 1.23 Tillage × Mulches Control 78.2 a 87.0 a 136.1 a Ash 75.6 b 85.3 b 132.8 b Rice husk 75.3 b 85.1 b 132.3 b Rice straw 69.8 c 77.8 c 129.6 c Water hyacinth 69.3 c 77.1 d 128.9 d LSD(0.01) 0.85 0.67 0.60 Zero Tillage × Mulches Control 81.28 a 92.10 a 144.1 a Ash 80.35 a 91.28 ab 142.0 b Rice husk 75.20 b 86.07 c 141.4 b Rice straw 72.28 c 85.07 c 133.1 c Water hyacinth 71.52 c 83.30 c 132.3 c LSD(0.01) 0.97 0.68 1.05 Figures with same letter in a column are statistically similar at 1% level of significant
  • 50. Analysis • The reproductive development in Mulched plants were advanced by about by about 1 to 10 days. • No. of days to Taselling and Silking of QPM was reduced possibly due to their earlier emergence and favourable soil temperature. • Grain yield of Mulched plants notably with water hyacinth was nearly double(8.73 tonnha-1) than unmulched plants(4.93 tonnha-1). • Water hyacinth and Rice straw appeared to be great suppressants of weed growth.
  • 51. Biofertilizers • A Biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces or soil colonize the Rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. • Biofertilizers helps in reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. • Biofertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillium and Blue green algae(BGA) have been in use from long time.
  • 52. Table:12 Effect of Bio-fertilizers on yield and yield attributing characters of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea) in Red and Laterite zones of West Bengal(Poooled over 3years data) Treatment Pod yield(Kg/ha) Haulm yield(Kg/ha) Kernal yield(Kg/ha) No.of pods/plant Shelling% Oil% HI% T1:Rhizobium I(NRCG9) + RDP & K 2477 2992 1736 15.1 70.1 42.1 45.2 T2:Rhizobium II (IGR6) + RDP & K 2536 3145 1765 15.6 69.6 42.6 44.6 T3:PGPR 4 (BM6) + RDP & K 2658 3189 1887 16.2 71.0 42.0 45.4 T4:RDF( 30 : 60: 40 kg ha-1 of N,P2O5 & K2O) 2213 2784 1509 13.7 68.2 42.8 44.2 T5:Control (no NPK and no bio-fertilizer) 1225 1641 773 7.8 63.1 43.2 42.2 S.Em± 56.071 67.123 43.31 0.89 0.21 0.03 0.02 C.D. at 5% 143.54 171.83 110.87 2.28 0.54 NS NS al.(2014) Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,27 (2): (230-231)
  • 53. Treatments Nodulation Economics 40DAS 80DAS Gross Returns(Rs/ha) Net Returns(Rs/ha) Total cost(Rs/ha) BCR No. of Nodules/plant Nodule dry Wt.(mg/plant) No. of Nodules/plant Nodule dry Wt.(mg/plant) T1:Rhi. 42 62.94 173 498.59 51063 31891 17037 2.99 T2:Rhi. 49 70.89 193 552.07 52293 33148 17037 3.07 T3:PGPR4 56 80.65 191 544.45 54755 35610 17037 3.21 T4:RDF 30 42.32 101 286.51 45081 28186 16895 2.66 T5:Control 21 29.81 78 220.21 25321 11406 13915 1.82 S.Em+ 0.648 0.983 0.761 1.783 C.D. at 5% 1.658 2.516 1.948 4.564 Table:13 Effect of bio-fertilizer on Nodulation and Economics of groundnut Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,27 (2): (230-231)
  • 54. Analysis • The highest pod (2658 kg ha-1) and haulm (3189 kg ha-1) yield was obtained with the bio-fertilizer treatment T3(PGPR 4 (BM6) + RDP & K). • The pod yield increased with bio-fertilizer treatments from 10 to 17% over the treatment RDF. • The haulm yield and nodule dry weight increased with the application of biofertilizer to groundnut over the control. • The derived data on gross and net returns of groundnut were highest in the bio-fertilizer treatment T3,similarly BCR was found maximum in the bio- fertilizer treatment T3 (3.21).
  • 55. Water management strategies for higher farm Income Foremost concern facing the agriculture sector is the scarcity of water in light of increasing demand for Industrial and drinking purposes which substantially reduces the share of available water resources to agriculture sector. Strategies for efficient management of water for Agricultural use, involves: • Conservation of water • Integrated water use • Optimal allocation of water • Using Drip and Sprinkler system of irrigation • Enhancing water use efficiency crops • Crop Diversification,Inter cropping etc.. These approaches could aid towards minimizing the cost of production and maximizing the productivity and farm income.
  • 56. Conservation of water • In situ conservation of water can be achieved by reduction of run off loss and enhancement of infiltrated water and reduction of water losses through deep seepage and direct evaporation from soil. • Runoff is reduced either by increasing the time or infiltrability of soil or both • Ex-situ conservation of water can be achieved through harvesting of excess water in storage ponds for its reuse for irrigation purpose.
  • 57. Table:14 Enhancing productivity of Rainfed farms by adopting horti- agri (bael + cowpea) system strengthened with water conservation practices Treatments Cowpea yield (q/ha) Bael yield (q/ha) Total cowpea-green pod equivalent yield(q/ha) Cowpea plot No-cow pea Cowpea plot No Cowpea Bael tree + cowpea with trench 29.3 33.5 24.9 129.7 103.9 Bael tree + cowpea with (no trench) 25.3 18.6 16.7 80.4 75.1 Only cowpea (no Bael tree, no trench) 47.2 _ _ 47.2 _ Source: Susama Sudhishri et al. (2018). Indian Farming 68(02): 37–39 Location: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
  • 58. Analysis • In Cowpea plots, 6-17% more soil water availability was observed in Trench compared to no trench plot. • Total gross return from Bael+ cowpea plot provided with trench for water conservation was Rs.2,59,300/ha compared to no water conservation practice i.e. Rs.1,60,700/ha. • Combination of Bael and Cowpea yielded higher gross return than either of the sole components. • Such horti-agriculture systems can surely help the farmer to double their rainfed farm income in the hot semiarid regions of India.
  • 59. Trench in-situ,water conservation Bumper crop of cowpea under horti-agri system Source: Susama Sudhishri et al. (2018). Indian Farming 68(02): 37–39
  • 60. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Rice Finger Millet Sorghum Wheat Maize Ground Nut WUE(Kg/ha/mm) crops WUE of some important field crops in India
  • 61. • Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface. • The goal is to place water directly into the root zone and minimize evaporation loss. • Drip irrigation systems distribute water through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters. • Fertigation is the technique of application of Fertilizers through drip irrigation, which reduces labour cost and over application of fertilizers. Micro Irrigation Drip irrigation Sprinkler system
  • 62. Table:15 Quality parameters of Tomato as influenced by N & K Fertigation levels Treatment Juice content TSS Ascorbic acid Titrable acidity T1 (100% RD N & K through drip) 72.88 4.29 15.29 0.47 T2 (75% RD N & K through drip) 69.14 4.28 12.45 0.57 T3 (50% RD N & K through drip) 68.19 4.29 10.31 0.65 T4 (100% RDF NPK as conventional soil application) 57.05 3.28 7.84 0.38 CD 0.05 1.02 0.01 0.44 0.02 source: Sachita, (2010) Indian J.Hort .67(1)
  • 63. Treatment Crude protein Ascorbic acid Mucilage content % T1 200:100:100 kg NPK ha 15.18 13.33 1.27 T2 100%RDF NPK 18.37 19.65 1.85 T3 50% RDF NPK 15.37 14.13 1.32 T4 75% RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF) 15.75 15.24 1.48 T5 100% RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF) 18.00 16.01 1.78 T6 50% RDF(50%NPK+balance through drip WSF+LBF+HA) 16.00 16.82 1.61 T7 75% RDF RDF (50%NPK+balance through drip WSF+LBF+HA) 16.93 17.45 1.72 T8 100% RDF(50%NPK+balance through drip WSF+LBF+HA) 18.25 18.52 1.82 SEd± 0.40 0.65 0.06 CD (P=0.05) 0.84 1.36 0.14 Source: Mahandran ., 2009 TNAU Table:16 Effect of Drip fertigation on quality parameter of Bhendi
  • 64. Watershed management • In a broad sense, it is an area having common drainage. • The rainfall of the area within the ridge line can be harvested and drained out to a common drainage point. • Water availability can be improved through watershed technology. • The implementation of the watershed development programme has considerably increased the socio-economic status, land productivity and annual income of the small and marginal farmers. • It helps in increasing infiltration of rainwater, managing and utilizing the runoff water for useful purpose.
  • 65. Crop Diversification • Agricultural crop diversification is an important stress relieving option for economic growth of the farming community. • The aim of crop diversification is to increase crop portfolio so that farmers are not dependent on a single crop to generate their income • It reduces the risk of total crop failure and also provides alternative means of generating income by withstanding during price fluctuation. • It helps in Improving fodder for livestock animals, conservation of natural resources, minimising environmental pollution, reducing dependence on off-farm inputs.
  • 66. Conclusion • Farming in India is becoming hard and unsuccessful due to several causes like unexpected rainfalls, drought, increased cost of cultivation due to pests and diseases, decrease in productivity of land, unavailability of water etc.. • Farmers get very low income for their produce due to prevailing market prices that are very unstable. • In this context an initiative step is taken by the prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi to double the farmer’s income by 2022- 2023.
  • 67.  Indian Institute of soil science(IISS),Bhopal has developed several technologies like GIS based Soil Fertility Maps of different States,Online Fertilization Recommendation System, Database of different sources of Plant Nutrients, Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover Model which works in coordination with local research stations in communicating information.  IISS has also developed a mini mobile laboratory‘Mridaparikshak’that can estimate 15 important soil parameters viz., pH, EC, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, copper, gypsum requirement, lime requirement, and calcareousness.  Farming systems like Zero budget natural farming(ZBNF),Organic Farming, SRI systems should be adopted to decrease cost of cultivation and increase farm Income. Cont..
  • 68.  Minimum support price(MSP) should be increased for farmer’s produce against the present rates.  Soil management practices like Conservation Agriculture, Mulching, INM, Precision Farming, Zero Tillage, Inter cropping, Organic fertilizers application require low cost of cultivation and could benefit the Farmer by low input cost.  Water management practices like Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler system multiple cropping systems, Watershed Management, crop Diversification could Double the farmers income. Cont…