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11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。
For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year.

A: Okay, let’s start it on this week as well!
K: Yes!
N: Yeah!
A:11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を 1 週ずつ振り返っておりま
A: For the Tokyo Dome concert on November 3rd,
A: We are looking back Perfume’s 10 years each week.

2008 年の Perfume を研究せよ。
Look back Perfume in 2008.

N:もう 2008 年ですか!?
N: Oh! Have we already reached 2008?
K: No kidding!
A: Yeah, it’s just 2 years ago from now.
N: That’s right.
K:そうだね、もう一昨年だ。2 年前だね、もう。
K: Yeah, 2 years has already passed since then.
N: Gosh! We’ve come so far.
K: Yeah, time flies.
A: Yup.
N:2008 年。
N: So, for 2008.
A: Yeah, What happened to Perfume was ・・・
N,K: Yeah.
A:シングルだと「Baby Cruising Love/マカロニ」両 A 面シングル、 Love the World」、
「Dream Fighter」と、リリースしていると。
A: For the single CD, we released a double A-side single “Baby Cruising Love/
A: We also released “Love the World” and “Dream Fighter”
K:3 枚もリリースしたんだ!?
K: Oh, did we release 3 singles?
N: I feel they were quite recent ones.
A:3 枚リリースしてます。で、シングルのチャートでは「Love the World」が 1 位と。
A: Yes, we did release 3 singles.
A: And “Love the World” ranked at 1st of the single chart.
K: Wow!
A:ほいで、アルバムの「GAME」では初のオリコンウィークリーチャート 1 位と。
A: Then with the album “GAME”,
A: We entered the 1st of the Oricon (*1) weekly album chart for the first time.
N: Oh yeah.
A: That’s quite amazing!
K:シングル 3 枚出して、アルバム 1 枚出してるとん?
K: Did we release 3 singles and 1 album?
A: Yes, we did.
K: And for further more?
A:ライブ DVD「GAME」がリリースされて、
A: We released a DVD of our live show “GAME”
N,K: Yeah.
A: And we also released a photo book.
K: Oh.
N: Yes, we did.
N: Is that the one we shot at Shanghai?
A: Yup.
N: Yeah, we went there!
A:何か 20 代になる前にみたいな。
A: We took those photos before we became 20’s.
K:そう、10 代最後の写真集、っていって出したやつだね。
K: Yeah, with a catch copy “The last photo album of our teenage”
N: Yes, we did!
A: We also held our first national tour concerts!
N: Yeah.
A: We appeared on several rock festivals for the first time.
N,K: Yup.
A:テレビ番組のレギュラーがスタート。Perfume Locks もスタート。
A: Our regular TV show had started. Perfume Locks had also started.
N:え~、どしたん!?凄いじゃん 2008 年!
N: Oh my, what’s wrong with us? We were doing too great in 2008!
K:え、何かこれ 3 年間くらいまとめた位の仕事やってるよ。
K: This sounds like we had done jobs for 3 years in 1 year.
A:そうですよ!2003 年に帰ってごらんなさい!言うことがなかったから!エピソードが。
A: That’s right! Just imagine going back to 2003!
A: There were no episodes to talk about!
N,K: LOL! Too true!
A:話すしかなかったのが、2008 年はこれを喋るだけでもう一杯ですよ。
A: So, we really had to think hard to come up with what to talk.
A: But for 2008, we will use all the time allowed just talking about these.
N: That’s amazing.
K: Just, wow!
A:そして 11 月 6 日、7 日の 2 Days Live「Budokaaan!」
A: And on 6th and 7th of November, we held 2 days live shows “Budokaaan!”
N: Wow! We even had live shows at Budokan.
N: We went as far as to hold Budokan concert.
A:ほいで 12 月 31 日は初の紅白歌合戦さんですよ。
A: Then, on the New year’s eve, Our first “Kou-haku Uta-gassen (*2)”
K: Hmm.
N: Wow, we’d done a lot.
A: Yeah, a bit too much. “Home tutor doing too much (*3)”
K: We were definitely on the run.
A: That’s great!
N: So amazing.
K: We worked like crazy.
A:2008 年の 4 月、「GAME」の時。ホントに毎日毎日取材と、毎日毎日衣装を着て。
A: On 2008 April, when we released “GAME”,
A: we had so many interviews so we had to wear costumes everyday.
K: That’s right.
A: It was really like that.
K:なんか、 Complete Best」
     「               っていうアルバムを出してたけど、
K: Even though we released an album “Complete Best”,
K: It was our first original album after we finally started to get recognized with
K: So we thought we had to tell them who we were properly on this timing.
K: To tell them that, we talked a lot. Maybe we talked most in our whole lives.
A: I think so.
N: We did talked a lot.
N:初めましてが多かったしね、 GAME」
              「      の時は。やっぱ「ポリリズム」で注目して貰って、
N: When we released “GAME”, there was a lot of “Nice to meet you”
N: We got many people’s attention with “Polyrhythm”
N: And we appeared on TV and got interviews with “GAME”
N: It was at that time those things happened a lot.
N: So, we worked a lot like giving some brief comments for Radio programs and so on.
A: Yeah, there were many.
K: That was extraordinary.
A:だってさ、その日に 80 本録らなきゃいけませんみたいなさ、そういうのあったよね。
A: Yeah, like “We have to record 80 comments in a day!”
N: Yeah, there was a day like that.
A: So, I was like “Ah・・・, eh・・・”
A: I’m not sure why it happened, but my voice became gravelly,
A: I don’t know whether it was because I ran short of Oxygen or had overbreathing.
                「曲で何を伝えたいかが分からんくなって来る。 って言
K: At that time we often said “We what we want to convey with the songs”
A: Yeah we said that.
A: Like when we tell them what we felt when we listened to the song for the first time,
A: As we didn’t want to say same things to every interview,
A: we tried to describe in a different way or talked about it from different angles.
A: But the more we did that, the less our stocks of variation became.
A: And we knew the tracks were extremely cool,
A: But as we listened to them and talked about them too much,
A: It became unclear for us whether those tracks were really good ones or not.
N: Yeah, even though we really liked them.
K: Well, it was more like “We have to talk about it!” rather than telling them how great
it was.
A: Yes. It was like that.
N: Yeah, we had so many things we’d never done before.
N: We learned every kind of job the one called singer usually works on.
A: Yeah, That’s true.
N: So, there were a lot of happy stuffs, but it was a tough year at the same time.
A: I think I was crying all the time this year. I really cried a lot.
N: Yeah! You said that. I remember you saying
N: “I had so many happy things, but I also had a lot of sad things.”
N: “So, I was crying all the time”
A: Yeah, I feel what I said was right.
A: I really remember being asked “How was this year?”
A: So I answered with that message, and that made me cry again.
K: That recalled your memories. LOL!
A:まぁちょっと色々やったから、一杯トピックがこの年はあると思うんですけど、1 人 1 つ
A: Yes, we did have a lot of activities on this year.
A: So because of that, I believe there should be a lot of topics to talk about.
A: So why don’t we announce the things which you can never forget?
N,K: Yes.
A: So you go first, Yuka-chan.
K: Well, Yuka-chan’s one is our first national tour concert.
A: Oh I see.
N: The tour concert!
室内の温度が 36℃になっちゃって、結露しちゃって酸欠になっちゃって、みたいな事件があ
前列の人とさ、1 メートル無かったよね?
K: We’d been dying to hold a tour concert, but we couldn’t.
K: But at that moment after releasing the album,
K: we could finally do that to meet our fans around Japan.
K: The room temperature rose up to 36 ℃ at Sendai,
K: And air started to build up condensation and people went short of oxygen.
K: Those kinds of things happened a lot, but I really enjoyed the tour.
K: I felt “The tour is awesome!” And I think that’s the most impressive thing.
K: The distance between us and fans at the front low was less than a meter, wasn’t it?
N: That’s right.
K: Yeah, definitely.
A: Yeah, for the Sendai concert, I think it was about this short.
K: As close as this table’s width.
N: Yeah, it was just about 1 meter or so.
K: In that short distance, we acted cool and danced “GAME” LOL!
N: Yeah, with that black sequined stuff. LOL!
A: In this distance! LOL!
K: We said things like “We’ve got to show some intimidating dance!”
K: But in fact that was really embarrassing. It was some good works we’d done.
A: The most important thing was not to make any eye contacts with audiences.
K: That’s true.
A: That was the point we had to work hardest.
K: We became aware of so many things in this tour.
A,N: Yes, we did.
A: So how about you, Nocchi?
N:のっちはそうだな~。やっぱりあのね~、オリコンのチャートで 1 位を取れたっていうの
が、やっぱりすっごく嬉しかったですね。あの、 GAME」
                     「      のリハ中?リハの最初の日かな、に
いなのを何か思って開けたら、GAME1 位おめでとう!って書いてあって、 人で号泣して。
N: The one for Nocchi is, well I think it’s about the topping the chart after all.
N: It was an extremely happy thing.
N: When we had rehearsals for the GAME tour, I guess it was the first day,
N: They came up with a mysterious cake we had no idea what it was for.
N: I wondered “What are they celebrating?” and opened the box.
N: Then the message was written on it saying “Congratulation for GAME topping the
N: We just burst into tears when we saw the message.
K: MIKIKO-sensei was crying, too.
1 人 1 人全部ブワーッと、あの人にも御礼が言いたい、あの人にもあの人にもって、凄いなん
N: Yes, she was. I was really, really impressed.
N: I flashed back every single person who supported us in my mind.
N: And I was like “Oh, I’d like to thank him, her, them and・・・”
N: My heart was filled with a full of gratitude.
N: That was my experience of topping the chart. I was so delightful.
A: That Music Station is also unforgettable for me.
N:「Love the World」のね。
N: Oh, the one we appeared with “Love the World”, right?
A:「Love the World」のミュージックステーション。ホントに嬉しかったな。
A: Yes, the Music Station where we sang “Love the World” That was a real happy
A:これもそうだし、あと aiko さんに出会ったのもこの年で、
A: Oh, and for me, it was on this year I met aiko-san (*4) for the first time.
K: Oh was it!?
N: That is a significant one. As A-chan is a very big fan of her.
K: It gave me goose bumps.
A:CD にね、サインまでして頂いて。凄い優しい方でね。
A: She even gave me an autograph on my CD. She was such a nice person.
K: そうだね。
K: Yes, she is nice.
A: When I first knew her, I liked her great personality very much.
A: Then I became fond of her songs because she sang them. And I also loved her voice.
A: For me, she was the one to look up to.
A: But when I met her, she was even nicer than I’d thought she would be.
A: By entering this business, It became possible for me to realize that,
A: Those people who have been loved for long time were different from ordinary people.
A: That was what I felt when I first met her.
A: And I also thought I wanted to be a person like that.
A: Maybe that’s all?
N: Yeah.
A:まぁ武道館はね、ホントに 3 人とも忘れられない出来事だったと思うけど。
A: Well of course, I believe the Budokan concert sure was an unforgettable event for all
of us.
N,K: Yeah, for sure.
A:そういうわけで、2008 年まで終わりましたが。
A: So by now, we have finished looking back our history to 2008.
N:来てしまいました。残り後 2 年しかないよ!?
N: Wow, we came this far. We only have 2 years left!?
A: Oh, no! It’ll pass by like a flash!
N:2 年と言うことはあと 2 週間!?
N: 2 year means we only have 2 weeks left!?
A: Wow! I’m looking forward to it! I really do!
K: Me too! We can finally meet our fans.
A: Yeah!
N: That is too true, my dear.
A: I really do.
N: LOL! I just sounded like a grandma!
A,N,K: LOL! That is too true, my dear.
N: I’m really looking forward to it, my dear.
A:来週は 2009 年。代々木 2 days ライブ“Disco Disco Disco”、3rd アルバム「⊿」 直角二等辺
A: So on next week, we’ll look back 2009.
A: We held a 2 days concert “Disco! Disco! Disco!” at Yoyogi, released our 3 rd album “⊿”
A: And we held a tour concert “Isosceles Right Triangle ⊿”
K: Yes.
A:えー 2009 年は、怒濤の年が 2 年続き、ちょっと考えた年ですね。
A: Well for 2009, after 2 busy years like a storm,
A: This is the year we thought a lot.
K: Oh, that’s right.
A: At the beginning of this year,
A: We said things like we would like to calm down a bit. LOL!
K: We said that! LOL!
N: We did. LOL!
A: Too optimistic!
N: We said things like we would like to take a walk,
N: But in fact, we ended up with dashing.
K: Yeah, when we look back, we were on the run.
A: So, what was in our minds? To be continued!
N: Oh, on next week, We’ll air our new track “Nee” for full.
A: So the Principal and the Vice-principal (*5)!
N: Please
A,N,K: Look forward to it!!
A: ・・・ Oh, that was a mess. LOL!

Oricon (*1)
A music chart run by Oricon Inc.
Believed to be the most authorized charts in Japanese music industry.

Kou-haku Uta-gassen (*2)
An annual music show on New Year's Eve produced by Japanese public broadcaster,

Home tutor doing too much (*3)
A famous porn video series in Japan. It’s unclear whether A-chan knew what those
words really meant or not, as this title is often used in TV programs by comedians.

a J-Pop singer-songwriter and vocalist.

The Principal and the Vice-principal (*5)
Because School of Lock is the radio program for teenage students, the main
personalities of the program are called as the Principal and the Vice-Principal.
The Principal・・・Daisuke Tohyama, comedian.
The Vice Principal・・・ Keisuke Yashiro, comedian.

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Perfume 2008

  • 1. 11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。 For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year. A:さぁ~!今週も来ました! A: Okay, let’s start it on this week as well! K:はい! K: Yes! N:よっ! N: Yeah! A:11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を 1 週ずつ振り返っておりま す。 A: For the Tokyo Dome concert on November 3rd, A: We are looking back Perfume’s 10 years each week. 2008 年の Perfume を研究せよ。 Look back Perfume in 2008. N:もう 2008 年ですか!? N: Oh! Have we already reached 2008? K:もう!? K: No kidding! A:もう、一昨年。 A: Yeah, it’s just 2 years ago from now. N:そうだね。 N: That’s right. K:そうだね、もう一昨年だ。2 年前だね、もう。 K: Yeah, 2 years has already passed since then. N:来ましたね。 N: Gosh! We’ve come so far. K:あっというまですね。 K: Yeah, time flies. A:う~ん。 A: Yup. N:2008 年。 N: So, for 2008. A:はい。Perfume、一体どんなことがあったかと言いますとね。
  • 2. A: Yeah, What happened to Perfume was ・・・ N,K:うん。 N,K: Yeah. A:シングルだと「Baby Cruising Love/マカロニ」両 A 面シングル、 Love the World」、 「 「Dream Fighter」と、リリースしていると。 A: For the single CD, we released a double A-side single “Baby Cruising Love/ Macaroni” A: We also released “Love the World” and “Dream Fighter” K:3 枚もリリースしたんだ!? K: Oh, did we release 3 singles? N:結構最近な感じ。 N: I feel they were quite recent ones. A:3 枚リリースしてます。で、シングルのチャートでは「Love the World」が 1 位と。 A: Yes, we did release 3 singles. A: And “Love the World” ranked at 1st of the single chart. K:おぉ。 K: Wow! A:ほいで、アルバムの「GAME」では初のオリコンウィークリーチャート 1 位と。 A: Then with the album “GAME”, A: We entered the 1st of the Oricon (*1) weekly album chart for the first time. N:ほぉ、はい。 N: Oh yeah. A:凄いね。 A: That’s quite amazing! K:シングル 3 枚出して、アルバム 1 枚出してるとん? K: Did we release 3 singles and 1 album? A:そおです。 A: Yes, we did. K:しかもさらに? K: And for further more? A:ライブ DVD「GAME」がリリースされて、 A: We released a DVD of our live show “GAME” N,K:はい。 N,K: Yeah. A:で、写真集もリリースと。 A: And we also released a photo book.
  • 3. K:ほぉ。 K: Oh. N:出したね~。上海のやつ? N: Yes, we did. N: Is that the one we shot at Shanghai? A:そう。 A: Yup. N:上海のやつ、行ったね~! N: Yeah, we went there! A:何か 20 代になる前にみたいな。 A: We took those photos before we became 20’s. K:そう、10 代最後の写真集、っていって出したやつだね。 K: Yeah, with a catch copy “The last photo album of our teenage” N:出したね! N: Yes, we did! A:そいで初の全国ツアー! A: We also held our first national tour concerts! N:うん。 N: Yeah. A:初めての会場となる夏フェスにも出演と。 A: We appeared on several rock festivals for the first time. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yup. A:テレビ番組のレギュラーがスタート。Perfume Locks もスタート。 A: Our regular TV show had started. Perfume Locks had also started. N:え~、どしたん!?凄いじゃん 2008 年! N: Oh my, what’s wrong with us? We were doing too great in 2008! K:え、何かこれ 3 年間くらいまとめた位の仕事やってるよ。 K: This sounds like we had done jobs for 3 years in 1 year. A:そうですよ!2003 年に帰ってごらんなさい!言うことがなかったから!エピソードが。 A: That’s right! Just imagine going back to 2003! A: There were no episodes to talk about! N,K:(笑)そうだね。 N,K: LOL! Too true! A:話すしかなかったのが、2008 年はこれを喋るだけでもう一杯ですよ。 A: So, we really had to think hard to come up with what to talk.
  • 4. A: But for 2008, we will use all the time allowed just talking about these. N:凄いわ。 N: That’s amazing. K:凄い。 K: Just, wow! A:そして 11 月 6 日、7 日の 2 Days Live「Budokaaan!」 A: And on 6th and 7th of November, we held 2 days live shows “Budokaaan!” N:武道館もやっちゃった。 N: Wow! We even had live shows at Budokan. K:武道館までやっちゃってる。 N: We went as far as to hold Budokan concert. A:ほいで 12 月 31 日は初の紅白歌合戦さんですよ。 A: Then, on the New year’s eve, Our first “Kou-haku Uta-gassen (*2)” N:ふふふ(笑) N: LOL! K:は~。 K: Hmm. N:も~、凄いね。 N: Wow, we’d done a lot. A:もう、やりすぎ家庭教師。 A: Yeah, a bit too much. “Home tutor doing too much (*3)” K:走ってますね。 K: We were definitely on the run. A:凄い! A: That’s great! N:凄いわ。 N: So amazing. K:ガンガンですね。 K: We worked like crazy. A:2008 年の 4 月、「GAME」の時。ホントに毎日毎日取材と、毎日毎日衣装を着て。 A: On 2008 April, when we released “GAME”, A: we had so many interviews so we had to wear costumes everyday. K:そうだね。 K: That’s right. A:やっていて。 A: It was really like that.
  • 5. K:なんか、 Complete Best」 「 っていうアルバムを出してたけど、 「ポリリズム」からやっと知 ってもらえて、色んなとこに聞いてもらえるようになってから出したオリジナルアルバム が初だったから、ここでちゃんとみんなに言っとかないと、って、多分今までで一番喋った 時だよね。 K: Even though we released an album “Complete Best”, K: It was our first original album after we finally started to get recognized with “Polyrhythm” K: So we thought we had to tell them who we were properly on this timing. K: To tell them that, we talked a lot. Maybe we talked most in our whole lives. A:そう。 A: I think so. N:喋った~。 N: We did talked a lot. N:初めましてが多かったしね、 GAME」 「 の時は。やっぱ「ポリリズム」で注目して貰って、 「GAME」のタイミングでテレビ出たりとか。取材して貰ったりとか。ホントそういうのが多 かったし、ラジオのちょっとしたコメントとかも滅茶苦茶やったしね。 N: When we released “GAME”, there was a lot of “Nice to meet you” N: We got many people’s attention with “Polyrhythm” N: And we appeared on TV and got interviews with “GAME” N: It was at that time those things happened a lot. N: So, we worked a lot like giving some brief comments for Radio programs and so on. A:すっごい多かったね。 A: Yeah, there were many. K:凄かったね。 K: That was extraordinary. A:だってさ、その日に 80 本録らなきゃいけませんみたいなさ、そういうのあったよね。 A: Yeah, like “We have to record 80 comments in a day!” N:あった。 N: Yeah, there was a day like that. A:もうだって、 「あっ、うっ」みたいな。声もガラガラになるし、何か酸素が足りんくなるんか、 酸素吸い過ぎとんかワカランけど、みたいな感じになって。 A: So, I was like “Ah・・・, eh・・・” A: I’m not sure why it happened, but my voice became gravelly, A: I don’t know whether it was because I ran short of Oxygen or had overbreathing. K:何かその時よく言っとったのが、 「曲で何を伝えたいかが分からんくなって来る。 って言 」 っとったよね。
  • 6. K: At that time we often said “We what we want to convey with the songs” A:あ~、そうそう。何か初見の感じた事とかが、言ってるとやっぱ同じ事言いたくないけぇ、 違う言い方でとか、違う方向からとか思うとどんどん言うことが無くなってきちゃうし、バ リエーションがやっぱり出来なくなってきちゃって、で曲も、すごい良い曲の筈なのに、何 か聞き過ぎて、その事を喋りすぎちゃって、なんかよく分かんなくなってくる、みたいなね。 A: Yeah we said that. A: Like when we tell them what we felt when we listened to the song for the first time, A: As we didn’t want to say same things to every interview, A: we tried to describe in a different way or talked about it from different angles. A: But the more we did that, the less our stocks of variation became. A: And we knew the tracks were extremely cool, A: But as we listened to them and talked about them too much, A: It became unclear for us whether those tracks were really good ones or not. N:ホントは好きなのにね。 N: Yeah, even though we really liked them. K:何か、良さを伝えると言うよりは、喋んなきゃみたいな方が優先されちゃってたよね。 K: Well, it was more like “We have to talk about it!” rather than telling them how great it was. A:うん、そんな感じだった。 A: Yes. It was like that. N:なんかやっぱり初めてのことが多かったし、こんなに、あぁ歌手の人ってこういう仕事す るんだ、とかそういうことを全部学んだ年だったし。 N: Yeah, we had so many things we’d never done before. N: We learned every kind of job the one called singer usually works on. A:そうだね。 A: Yeah, That’s true. N:凄い多分、嬉しいことも沢山あったけど、なんていうか、大変だったと思う。 N: So, there were a lot of happy stuffs, but it was a tough year at the same time. A:ずっと泣いとったと思う、多分。この年。めっちゃ泣いとった。 A: I think I was crying all the time this year. I really cried a lot. N:そうだ!言ってたね。嬉しいこともあったし、悲しいこともいっぱいあって、ずっと泣い てたって。あ~ちゃん言ってたの覚えてるわ。 N: Yeah! You said that. I remember you saying N: “I had so many happy things, but I also had a lot of sad things.” N: “So, I was crying all the time” A:そんな気がする。この時に、 「1年どうでしたか?」って言われたのが凄い覚えてて、それ
  • 7. を言いながらまた泣く、みたいな。 A: Yeah, I feel what I said was right. A: I really remember being asked “How was this year?” A: So I answered with that message, and that made me cry again. A,N,K:(笑) A,N,K: LOL! K:思い返して(笑) K: That recalled your memories. LOL! A:うん。くらいやっぱり忙しかった。ね~、この年はね。 A:まぁちょっと色々やったから、一杯トピックがこの年はあると思うんですけど、1 人 1 つ ずつ、ちょっと忘れられないこととか、ちょっと発表していきましょうか。 A: Yes, we did have a lot of activities on this year. A: So because of that, I believe there should be a lot of topics to talk about. A: So why don’t we announce the things which you can never forget? N,K:はい。 N,K: Yes. A:じゃあ、ゆかちゃんから。 A: So you go first, Yuka-chan. K:ゆかちゃんは、えーと、初の全国ツアーですね。 K: Well, Yuka-chan’s one is our first national tour concert. A:あ~。 A: Oh I see. N:ツアーね! N: The tour concert! K:ツアーがやりたいやりたいと思ってて、でも今までずっと出来なくて、でもここでやっと、 アルバムを出してからツアーをするって事が出来て、各地の人に会いに行ったり、仙台では 室内の温度が 36℃になっちゃって、結露しちゃって酸欠になっちゃって、みたいな事件があ ったりとか、凄い楽しかったなって、ツアーって素敵!って思った事が一番印象的かも。最 前列の人とさ、1 メートル無かったよね? K: We’d been dying to hold a tour concert, but we couldn’t. K: But at that moment after releasing the album, K: we could finally do that to meet our fans around Japan. K: The room temperature rose up to 36 ℃ at Sendai, K: And air started to build up condensation and people went short of oxygen. K: Those kinds of things happened a lot, but I really enjoyed the tour. K: I felt “The tour is awesome!” And I think that’s the most impressive thing.
  • 8. K: The distance between us and fans at the front low was less than a meter, wasn’t it? N:無かった! N: That’s right. K:ホント! K: Yeah, definitely. A:だからその仙台なんかはこのくらいだと思う。 A: Yeah, for the Sendai concert, I think it was about this short. K:机挟んだくらいの。 K: As close as this table’s width. N:ホントにもう1メートルあるか無いかぐらいの。 N: Yeah, it was just about 1 meter or so. K:そんな距離でカッコつけて「GAME」を踊るっていうね。(笑) K: In that short distance, we acted cool and danced “GAME” LOL! N:何か黒いスパンコールのヤツ着てね。(笑) N: Yeah, with that black sequined stuff. LOL! A:この距離で(笑) A: In this distance! LOL! K:威圧感出すみたいに言ったけど、めっちゃ恥ずかしかったよね。ようやっとったよ。 K: We said things like “We’ve got to show some intimidating dance!” K: But in fact that was really embarrassing. It was some good works we’d done. A:アレをどれだけ目を合わせんかっていうのが一番の A: The most important thing was not to make any eye contacts with audiences. K:そうだよね。 K: That’s true. A:頑張らにゃいけんとこだったし。 A: That was the point we had to work hardest. K:色々気付けたツアーでしたね。 K: We became aware of so many things in this tour. A,N:うん。 A,N: Yes, we did. A:じゃあのっち。 A: So how about you, Nocchi? N:のっちはそうだな~。やっぱりあのね~、オリコンのチャートで 1 位を取れたっていうの が、やっぱりすっごく嬉しかったですね。あの、 GAME」 「 のリハ中?リハの最初の日かな、に なんかよく分からん得体の知れないケーキが出てきて、「なんのお祝いなんじゃろ?」みた いなのを何か思って開けたら、GAME1 位おめでとう!って書いてあって、 人で号泣して。 3
  • 9. N: The one for Nocchi is, well I think it’s about the topping the chart after all. N: It was an extremely happy thing. N: When we had rehearsals for the GAME tour, I guess it was the first day, N: They came up with a mysterious cake we had no idea what it was for. N: I wondered “What are they celebrating?” and opened the box. N: Then the message was written on it saying “Congratulation for GAME topping the chart!” N: We just burst into tears when we saw the message. K:先生も泣いてたよね。 K: MIKIKO-sensei was crying, too. N:先生も泣いとった。ホントにアレは感動したっていうか、もう今までお世話になった人が 1 人 1 人全部ブワーッと、あの人にも御礼が言いたい、あの人にもあの人にもって、凄いなん か感謝の気持ちが沢山湧き上がってきた、1位体験。でしたね。ホントに嬉しかった。 N: Yes, she was. I was really, really impressed. N: I flashed back every single person who supported us in my mind. N: And I was like “Oh, I’d like to thank him, her, them and・・・” N: My heart was filled with a full of gratitude. N: That was my experience of topping the chart. I was so delightful. A:あのミュージックステーションも忘れられないな。 A: That Music Station is also unforgettable for me. N:「Love the World」のね。 N: Oh, the one we appeared with “Love the World”, right? A:「Love the World」のミュージックステーション。ホントに嬉しかったな。 A: Yes, the Music Station where we sang “Love the World” That was a real happy moment. A:これもそうだし、あと aiko さんに出会ったのもこの年で、 A: Oh, and for me, it was on this year I met aiko-san (*4) for the first time. K:そうなんだ!? K: Oh was it!? N:これは重要だね。結構、あ~ちゃんは大好きだから。 N: That is a significant one. As A-chan is a very big fan of her. K:鳥肌立っちゃった。今。 K: It gave me goose bumps. A:CD にね、サインまでして頂いて。凄い優しい方でね。 A: She even gave me an autograph on my CD. She was such a nice person. K: そうだね。
  • 10. K: Yes, she is nice. A:もともとやっぱり人柄が凄い好きで、その方が出してる音楽だから、やっぱりもの凄く好 きで、声も好きだし。尊敬って感じだったんだけど、会ったらもっといい人で、思ってる以上 にいい人で、みたいな。やっぱ愛されてる、長く愛されてる人って違うんだ、って凄く思った し、こういう業界に入って初めて知れたというか、初めて出会って感じたこと。自分もそう でありたいし、そういう風な人になりたいって改めて思ったし、かな? A: When I first knew her, I liked her great personality very much. A: Then I became fond of her songs because she sang them. And I also loved her voice. A: For me, she was the one to look up to. A: But when I met her, she was even nicer than I’d thought she would be. A: By entering this business, It became possible for me to realize that, A: Those people who have been loved for long time were different from ordinary people. A: That was what I felt when I first met her. A: And I also thought I wanted to be a person like that. A: Maybe that’s all? N:だね。 N: Yeah. A:まぁ武道館はね、ホントに 3 人とも忘れられない出来事だったと思うけど。 A: Well of course, I believe the Budokan concert sure was an unforgettable event for all of us. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yeah, for sure. A:そういうわけで、2008 年まで終わりましたが。 A: So by now, we have finished looking back our history to 2008. N:来てしまいました。残り後 2 年しかないよ!? N: Wow, we came this far. We only have 2 years left!? A:ヤバいね!もうあっという間ですよ。 A: Oh, no! It’ll pass by like a flash! N:2 年と言うことはあと 2 週間!? N: 2 year means we only have 2 weeks left!? A:楽しみ!凄い楽しみ! A: Wow! I’m looking forward to it! I really do! K:楽しみだね~!やっとみんなに会えるしね。 K: Me too! We can finally meet our fans. A:うん! A: Yeah!
  • 11. N:ホントだね~。 N: That is too true, my dear. A:ホント楽しみ。 A: I really do. N:(笑)おばあちゃんみたいになっちゃった! N: LOL! I just sounded like a grandma! A,N,K:(笑)ホントだね~。 A,N,K: LOL! That is too true, my dear. N:ホントに楽しみだね~。 N: I’m really looking forward to it, my dear. A:来週は 2009 年。代々木 2 days ライブ“Disco Disco Disco”、3rd アルバム「⊿」 直角二等辺 、 三角形ツアーと、続く訳なんですけれども。 A: So on next week, we’ll look back 2009. A: We held a 2 days concert “Disco! Disco! Disco!” at Yoyogi, released our 3 rd album “⊿” A: And we held a tour concert “Isosceles Right Triangle ⊿” K:うん。 K: Yes. A:えー 2009 年は、怒濤の年が 2 年続き、ちょっと考えた年ですね。 A: Well for 2009, after 2 busy years like a storm, A: This is the year we thought a lot. K:あー、そうですね。 K: Oh, that’s right. A:はい。この年の入りは、ちょっとゆっくり歩いていきたい、みたいなこと言ってましたね (笑) A: At the beginning of this year, A: We said things like we would like to calm down a bit. LOL! K:言ったね(笑) K: We said that! LOL! N:言ってた(笑) N: We did. LOL! A:甘い! A: Too optimistic! N:歩きたい、みたいなこと言ってたけど、結果もうダッシュをすることになった。 N: We said things like we would like to take a walk, N: But in fact, we ended up with dashing. K:振り返れば走ってたね。
  • 12. K: Yeah, when we look back, we were on the run. A:さぁ、みんなの心境はいかに?続く! A: So, what was in our minds? To be continued! N:あ、来週新曲の「ねぇ」フルオンエアしますよ~。 N: Oh, on next week, We’ll air our new track “Nee” for full. A:校長!教頭! A: So the Principal and the Vice-principal (*5)! N:楽しみにしてて N: Please A,N,K:下さいね~!! A,N,K: Look forward to it!! A:バラバラ(笑) A: ・・・ Oh, that was a mess. LOL! Oricon (*1) A music chart run by Oricon Inc. Believed to be the most authorized charts in Japanese music industry. Kou-haku Uta-gassen (*2) An annual music show on New Year's Eve produced by Japanese public broadcaster, NHK Home tutor doing too much (*3) A famous porn video series in Japan. It’s unclear whether A-chan knew what those words really meant or not, as this title is often used in TV programs by comedians. aiko(*4) a J-Pop singer-songwriter and vocalist. The Principal and the Vice-principal (*5) Because School of Lock is the radio program for teenage students, the main personalities of the program are called as the Principal and the Vice-Principal. The Principal・・・Daisuke Tohyama, comedian. The Vice Principal・・・ Keisuke Yashiro, comedian.