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PSY 362 All Assignments (2 Set) NEW
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PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities
Nelson Mandela
PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities
Abraham Lincoin
PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2
PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development
Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a
Personality Carl Jung (2 Papers)
PSY 362 All Assignments (2 Set) NEW
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PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 PoliticalPersonalities Nelson Mandela
PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 PoliticalPersonalities Abraham Lincoin
PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a Personality CarlJung (2 Papers)
PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection Recent
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PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection NEW
PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection
PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural
Competence in Understanding Behavior Recent
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PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural Competence in
Understanding Behavior NEW
PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural Competence in
Understanding Behavior
PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural
Competency in Behavior Recent
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PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural
Competency in Behavior NEW
PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural
Competency in Behavior
PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities
Abraham Lincoln NEW
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As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic
and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and
success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships
of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that
childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal
childhood events were the development of rickets which kept
him from walking until the age of four and contracting a near-
fatal case of pneumonia at age five. These events served to
inculcate a lifelong ambition which centered around his
becoming a physician in order to focus on the curing of deadly
According to Alfred Adler, all people have moments when they
feel inferior. For many, such moments will lead them to strive
to compensate for that weakness. When this happens, it leads
to what he calls “superiority striving,” in which the person is
motivated by his or her feelings of inferiority to overcome and
strive for betterment, achievement, and perfection.
It is important to note that superiority striving is different from
simply striving for power. Adler considered this an unhealthy
desire because the sole goal is power. The way that someone
strives to meet his or her goals from an Adlerian point of view
is referred to as a style of life.
Adler is also known for his study of birth order and its impact
on personality.
Research Adler’s theory using your textbook, the Internet, and
the University online library resources. Based on your
research, respond to the following:
· Choose a social or political leader (current or past) to
examine through an Adlerian framework of superiority
striving and style of life.
· Superiority Striving
· What might be the motivation behind this
leader’s career choice, according to Adler’s theory?
What was this person’s perceived inferiority or
weakness? How did this person obtain his or her high
level of superiority striving? For example, Franklin
Roosevelt's bout with polio may have been
responsible for some of his motivation.
· Style of Life
· What was his/her goal and unique style of life
that could be used to achieve this goal? What steps
did this person take to overcome their perceived
· Did this leader act out of social interest or for
personal gain? What was the long-term outcome of
his/her striving?
· Birth Order
· How would you apply Adler’s theory of birth
order to this personality?
Format your paper so it is double-spaced, in 12-point Times
New Roman font, and with normal one-inch margins. Include a
title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference
page. Do this for all the papers for this course
PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities Nelson
Mandela NEW
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As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic
and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and
success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships
of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that
childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal
childhood events were the development of rickets which kept
him from walking until the age of four and contracting a near-
fatal case of pneumonia at age five. These events served to
inculcate a lifelong ambition which centered around his
becoming a physician in order to focus on the curing of deadly
According to Alfred Adler, all people have moments when they
feel inferior. For many, such moments will lead them to strive
to compensate for that weakness. When this happens, it leads
to what he calls “superiority striving,” in which the person is
motivated by his or her feelings of inferiority to overcome and
strive for betterment, achievement, and perfection.
It is important to note that superiority striving is different from
simply striving for power. Adler considered this an unhealthy
desire because the sole goal is power. The way that someone
strives to meet his or her goals from an Adlerian point of view
is referred to as a style of life.
Adler is also known for his study of birth order and its impact
on personality.
Research Adler’s theory using your textbook, the Internet, and
the University online library resources. Based on your
research, respond to the following:
· Choose a social or political leader (current or past) to
examine through an Adlerian framework of superiority
striving and style of life.
· Superiority Striving
· What might be the motivation behind this
leader’s career choice, according to Adler’s theory?
What was this person’s perceived inferiority or
weakness? How did this person obtain his or her high
level of superiority striving? For example, Franklin
Roosevelt's bout with polio may have been
responsible for some of his motivation.
· Style of Life
· What was his/her goal and unique style of life
that could be used to achieve this goal? What steps
did this person take to overcome their perceived
· Did this leader act out of social interest or for
personal gain? What was the long-term outcome of
his/her striving?
· Birth Order
· How would you apply Adler’s theory of birth
order to this personality?
Format your paper so it is double-spaced, in 12-point Times
New Roman font, and with normal one-inch margins. Include a
title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference
page. Do this for all the papers for this course.
PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2 Papers) NEW
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One of the very first cases that caught Freud’s attention when
he was starting to develop his psychoanalytic theory was that of
Anna O, a patient of fellow psychiatrist Josef Breuer. Although
Freud did not directly treat her, he did thoroughly analyze her
case as he was fascinated by the fact that her hysteria was
“cured” by Breuer. It is her case that he believes was the
beginning of the psychoanalytic approach.
Through your analysis of this case, you will not only look
deeper into Freud’s psychoanalytic theory but also see how
Jung’s neo-psychoanalytic theory compares and contrasts with
Freud’s theory.
Review the following:
The Case of Anna O.
One of the first cases that inspired Freud in the development of
what would eventually become the Psychoanalytic Theory was
the case of Anna O. Anna O. was actually a patient of one of
Freud’s colleagues Josef Breuer. Using Breuer’s case notes,
Freud was able to analyze the key facts of Anna O’s case.
Anna O. first developed her symptoms while she was taking
care of her very ill father with whom she was extremely close.
Some of her initial symptoms were loss of appetite to the extent
of not eating, weakness, anemia, and development a severe
nervous cough. Eventually she developed a severe optic
headache and lost the ability to move her head, which then
progressed into paralysis of both arms. Her symptoms were not
solely physical as she would vacillate between a normal, mental
state and a manic-type state in which she would become
extremely agitated. There was even a notation of a time for
which she hallucinated that the ribbons in her hair were
Toward the end of her father’s life she stopped speaking her
native language of German and instead only spoke in English. A
little over a year after she began taking care of her father he
passed away. After his passing her symptoms grew to affect her
vision, a loss of ability to focus her attention, more extreme
hallucinations, and a number of suicidal attempts (Hurst,
1982).Both Freud and Jung would acknowledge that
unconscious processes are at work in this woman's problems.
However, they would come to different conclusions about the
origin of these problems and the method by which she should
be treated.
Research Freud’s and Jung’s theories of personality using your
textbook, the Internet, and the University online library
resources. Based on your research, respond to the following:
• Compare and contrast Freud's view of the unconscious with
Jung's view and apply this case example in your explanations.
• On what specific points would they agree and disagree
regarding the purpose and manifestation of the unconscious in
the case of Anna?
• How might they each approach the treatment of Anna? What
might be those specific interventions? How might Anna
experience these interventions considering her history?
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards
to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development
Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers) NEW
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Erikson and Freud are two of the few theorists who have
developed a lifespan approach to development. Freud’s
approach to development was psychosexual while Erikson’s
was psychosocial. Even though Freud’s theory is better known,
Erikson’s theory remains a leading and very much applied
model in personality and developmental psychology today.
When considering these two stage-oriented theories, you can
directly compare the majority of their stages. These are
matched in the following table:
Approximate Age Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development
Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial development
Infancy (Birth to 1 year) Oral stage Trust versus mistrust
Early childhood (1–3 years) Anal stage Autonomy versus doubt
Preschool (3–6 years) Phallic stage Initiative versus guilt
School age (7–11 years) Latent period Industry versus
Adolescence (12–18 years) Genital stage Identity versus role
Young adulthood (19–40 years) Intimacy versus isolation
Middle adulthood (40–65 years) Generativity versus
Older adulthood (65–death) Integrity versus despair
When considering Erikson's eight stages of development, the
way a person moves through each stage directly affects their
success in the next stage. Their personality is being built and
shaped with each stage. At each stage, there is a turning point,
called a crisis by Erikson, which a person must confront.
In this assignment, you will observe or interview two different
people, each at a different stage of development. For a third
observation, take a look at yourself and the stage that you are
in (this stage must be different from your other two
• Record your three observations in a template. Include the
following information:
• Name
• Age
• Gender
• Current developmental stage
• Status within the stage (i.e., identity achievement or role
• Events that have lead to this status
Download a Development Template from the Doc Sharing area
to record your observations.
• Summarize what you have learned about psychosocial
development through these observations/interviews.
• Summarize the trends you see in your
observations/interviews regarding psychosocial development.
• How does movement through Erikson's stages influence
personality development? Again, be specific.
• How do Erikson's stages of development compare to Freud’s
stages? How are they similar? How are they different?
• Between these two theories, which one do you feel best
explains your own personality development? Justify your
answers with specific examples.
Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Insert your chart at the
end of your paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Use the following file naming convention:
PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (2
Papers) NEW
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Over the years, trait theory has been increasingly used by
corporations in hiring and in career counseling. Research has
shown that certain combinations of personality traits fit well
with different career paths. Thus, personality trait tests for
specific jobs can be predictive of both success and satisfaction.
Understanding your own personality-trait combinations can
give you great insight into your own strengths and weaknesses.
With this understanding, you can work to grow your strengths
and minimize your weaknesses.
In this assignment, you will explore your personality using a
personality test and then analyze the results.
Part 1
First, explore your personality preferences by completing
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI). The full version of the test
can only be administered by a trained professional; however,
there are many online informal versions of the test which you
can find on the Internet. You can search for the test using any
one of the following keywords:
• Personality test + Myers-Briggs typology
• Myers-Briggs test
Record your four-lettered personality type after completion of
the test and use the Internet to interpret your personality type.
Part 2
In this part of the assignment, you will write a research paper
that analyses your results. Do the following:
• Mention your four-letter type and the URL of the Web site
where you took the test.
• Discuss whether this type accurately represents what you
know about yourself. Examine the four spectrums and explain
your answer thoroughly. Substantiate your agreement or
disagreement with real-life behavioral examples.
• Analyze what you consider the strengths and the weaknesses
or challenges of this type. List three strengths and three
weaknesses and provide a rationale for each.
• Evaluate why this test could be a valuable tool for an
• Analyze how a clinician may use this test as a tool for
promoting meaningful interventions in treatment.
• Summarize what you have learned about yourself through
this exercise.
Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards
to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a
Personality Carl Jung (2 Papers) NEW
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For this assignment, you will have a chance to put into practice
all you have been learning throughout this course. You will
analyze the personality development of one of the theorists
studied in this course from three different theoretical
Choose one of the theorists you have studied this term. Use
your textbook, the Internet, and the University online library
resources to research the life history of the theorist.
Do the following:
1. Describe the major life events of the theorist that you feel
influenced his or her personality development.
2. Describe the cultural influences that had an influence on the
chosen theorist’s personality development.
3. Analyze this person from Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective.
4. Analyze this person from two other theoretical perspectives
studied in this course, except for the trait perspective.
5. Summarize and present your critical opinion about how well
(or not) these theories explain the person.
Write a 5–7-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards
to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis Recent
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PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis NEW
PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis
PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior
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PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior NEW
PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior
PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men Recent
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PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men NEW
PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men
PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and
Social Self Recent
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PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and Social Self
PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and Social Self
PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile Recent
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PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile NEW
PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile
PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice Recent
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PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice NEW
PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice

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PSY 362 Entire Course NEW

  • 1. PSY 362 All Assignments (2 Set) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignments-2-set-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities Nelson Mandela PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities Abraham Lincoin PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a Personality Carl Jung (2 Papers)
  • 2. PSY 362 All Assignments (2 Set) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at set-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 PoliticalPersonalities Nelson Mandela PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 PoliticalPersonalities Abraham Lincoin PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (2 Papers) PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a Personality CarlJung (2 Papers)
  • 3. PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-research-reflection-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection NEW PSY 362 Assignment Research Reflection
  • 4. PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural Competence in Understanding Behavior Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-the-role-of-social-and-cultural-competence-in- understanding-behavior-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural Competence in Understanding Behavior NEW PSY 362 Assignment The Role of Social and Cultural Competence in Understanding Behavior
  • 5. PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural Competency in Behavior Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at benchmark-the-importance-of-social-and-cultural-competency-in- behavior-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural Competency in Behavior NEW PSY 362 Benchmark The Importance of Social and Cultural Competency in Behavior
  • 6. PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities Abraham Lincoln NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-3-political-personalities-abraham-lincoln-recent For more classes visit As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal childhood events were the development of rickets which kept him from walking until the age of four and contracting a near- fatal case of pneumonia at age five. These events served to inculcate a lifelong ambition which centered around his becoming a physician in order to focus on the curing of deadly diseases.
  • 7. According to Alfred Adler, all people have moments when they feel inferior. For many, such moments will lead them to strive to compensate for that weakness. When this happens, it leads to what he calls “superiority striving,” in which the person is motivated by his or her feelings of inferiority to overcome and strive for betterment, achievement, and perfection. It is important to note that superiority striving is different from simply striving for power. Adler considered this an unhealthy desire because the sole goal is power. The way that someone strives to meet his or her goals from an Adlerian point of view is referred to as a style of life. Adler is also known for his study of birth order and its impact on personality. Research Adler’s theory using your textbook, the Internet, and the University online library resources. Based on your research, respond to the following: · Choose a social or political leader (current or past) to examine through an Adlerian framework of superiority striving and style of life. · Superiority Striving · What might be the motivation behind this leader’s career choice, according to Adler’s theory? What was this person’s perceived inferiority or weakness? How did this person obtain his or her high level of superiority striving? For example, Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio may have been responsible for some of his motivation. · Style of Life
  • 8. · What was his/her goal and unique style of life that could be used to achieve this goal? What steps did this person take to overcome their perceived inferiority? · Did this leader act out of social interest or for personal gain? What was the long-term outcome of his/her striving? · Birth Order · How would you apply Adler’s theory of birth order to this personality? Format your paper so it is double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and with normal one-inch margins. Include a title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference page. Do this for all the papers for this course
  • 9. PSY 362 Module 1 Assignment 3 Political Personalities Nelson Mandela NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-3-political-personalities-nelson-mandela-recent For more classes visit As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal childhood events were the development of rickets which kept him from walking until the age of four and contracting a near- fatal case of pneumonia at age five. These events served to inculcate a lifelong ambition which centered around his
  • 10. becoming a physician in order to focus on the curing of deadly diseases. According to Alfred Adler, all people have moments when they feel inferior. For many, such moments will lead them to strive to compensate for that weakness. When this happens, it leads to what he calls “superiority striving,” in which the person is motivated by his or her feelings of inferiority to overcome and strive for betterment, achievement, and perfection. It is important to note that superiority striving is different from simply striving for power. Adler considered this an unhealthy desire because the sole goal is power. The way that someone strives to meet his or her goals from an Adlerian point of view is referred to as a style of life. Adler is also known for his study of birth order and its impact on personality. Research Adler’s theory using your textbook, the Internet, and the University online library resources. Based on your research, respond to the following: · Choose a social or political leader (current or past) to examine through an Adlerian framework of superiority striving and style of life. · Superiority Striving · What might be the motivation behind this leader’s career choice, according to Adler’s theory? What was this person’s perceived inferiority or weakness? How did this person obtain his or her high level of superiority striving? For example, Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio may have been responsible for some of his motivation.
  • 11. · Style of Life · What was his/her goal and unique style of life that could be used to achieve this goal? What steps did this person take to overcome their perceived inferiority? · Did this leader act out of social interest or for personal gain? What was the long-term outcome of his/her striving? · Birth Order · How would you apply Adler’s theory of birth order to this personality? Format your paper so it is double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and with normal one-inch margins. Include a title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference page. Do this for all the papers for this course.
  • 12. PSY 362 Module 2 Assignment 2 Case of Anna O (2 Papers) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-2-case-of-anna-o-2-papers-recent For more classes visit One of the very first cases that caught Freud’s attention when he was starting to develop his psychoanalytic theory was that of Anna O, a patient of fellow psychiatrist Josef Breuer. Although Freud did not directly treat her, he did thoroughly analyze her case as he was fascinated by the fact that her hysteria was “cured” by Breuer. It is her case that he believes was the beginning of the psychoanalytic approach. Through your analysis of this case, you will not only look deeper into Freud’s psychoanalytic theory but also see how Jung’s neo-psychoanalytic theory compares and contrasts with Freud’s theory. Review the following: The Case of Anna O.
  • 13. One of the first cases that inspired Freud in the development of what would eventually become the Psychoanalytic Theory was the case of Anna O. Anna O. was actually a patient of one of Freud’s colleagues Josef Breuer. Using Breuer’s case notes, Freud was able to analyze the key facts of Anna O’s case. Anna O. first developed her symptoms while she was taking care of her very ill father with whom she was extremely close. Some of her initial symptoms were loss of appetite to the extent of not eating, weakness, anemia, and development a severe nervous cough. Eventually she developed a severe optic headache and lost the ability to move her head, which then progressed into paralysis of both arms. Her symptoms were not solely physical as she would vacillate between a normal, mental state and a manic-type state in which she would become extremely agitated. There was even a notation of a time for which she hallucinated that the ribbons in her hair were snakes. Toward the end of her father’s life she stopped speaking her native language of German and instead only spoke in English. A little over a year after she began taking care of her father he passed away. After his passing her symptoms grew to affect her vision, a loss of ability to focus her attention, more extreme hallucinations, and a number of suicidal attempts (Hurst, 1982).Both Freud and Jung would acknowledge that unconscious processes are at work in this woman's problems. However, they would come to different conclusions about the origin of these problems and the method by which she should be treated. Research Freud’s and Jung’s theories of personality using your textbook, the Internet, and the University online library resources. Based on your research, respond to the following: • Compare and contrast Freud's view of the unconscious with Jung's view and apply this case example in your explanations.
  • 14. • On what specific points would they agree and disagree regarding the purpose and manifestation of the unconscious in the case of Anna? • How might they each approach the treatment of Anna? What might be those specific interventions? How might Anna experience these interventions considering her history? Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A3.doc.
  • 15. PSY 362 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Development Throughout the Lifespan (2 Papers) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-2-lasa-1-development-throughout-the-lifespan--2- papers-recent For more classes visit Erikson and Freud are two of the few theorists who have developed a lifespan approach to development. Freud’s approach to development was psychosexual while Erikson’s was psychosocial. Even though Freud’s theory is better known, Erikson’s theory remains a leading and very much applied model in personality and developmental psychology today. When considering these two stage-oriented theories, you can directly compare the majority of their stages. These are matched in the following table: Approximate Age Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial development Infancy (Birth to 1 year) Oral stage Trust versus mistrust Early childhood (1–3 years) Anal stage Autonomy versus doubt
  • 16. Preschool (3–6 years) Phallic stage Initiative versus guilt School age (7–11 years) Latent period Industry versus inferiority Adolescence (12–18 years) Genital stage Identity versus role confusion Young adulthood (19–40 years) Intimacy versus isolation Middle adulthood (40–65 years) Generativity versus stagnation Older adulthood (65–death) Integrity versus despair When considering Erikson's eight stages of development, the way a person moves through each stage directly affects their success in the next stage. Their personality is being built and shaped with each stage. At each stage, there is a turning point, called a crisis by Erikson, which a person must confront. In this assignment, you will observe or interview two different people, each at a different stage of development. For a third observation, take a look at yourself and the stage that you are in (this stage must be different from your other two observations). • Record your three observations in a template. Include the following information: • Name • Age • Gender • Current developmental stage • Status within the stage (i.e., identity achievement or role confusion) • Events that have lead to this status Download a Development Template from the Doc Sharing area to record your observations. • Summarize what you have learned about psychosocial development through these observations/interviews. • Summarize the trends you see in your observations/interviews regarding psychosocial development.
  • 17. • How does movement through Erikson's stages influence personality development? Again, be specific. • How do Erikson's stages of development compare to Freud’s stages? How are they similar? How are they different? • Between these two theories, which one do you feel best explains your own personality development? Justify your answers with specific examples. Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Insert your chart at the end of your paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc
  • 18. PSY 362 Module 4 Assignment 2 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (2 Papers) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-2-myers-briggs-type-indicator-2-papers-recent For more classes visit Over the years, trait theory has been increasingly used by corporations in hiring and in career counseling. Research has shown that certain combinations of personality traits fit well with different career paths. Thus, personality trait tests for specific jobs can be predictive of both success and satisfaction. Understanding your own personality-trait combinations can give you great insight into your own strengths and weaknesses. With this understanding, you can work to grow your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
  • 19. In this assignment, you will explore your personality using a personality test and then analyze the results. Part 1 First, explore your personality preferences by completing Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI). The full version of the test can only be administered by a trained professional; however, there are many online informal versions of the test which you can find on the Internet. You can search for the test using any one of the following keywords: • Personality test + Myers-Briggs typology • Myers-Briggs test Record your four-lettered personality type after completion of the test and use the Internet to interpret your personality type. Part 2 In this part of the assignment, you will write a research paper that analyses your results. Do the following: • Mention your four-letter type and the URL of the Web site where you took the test. • Discuss whether this type accurately represents what you know about yourself. Examine the four spectrums and explain your answer thoroughly. Substantiate your agreement or disagreement with real-life behavioral examples. • Analyze what you consider the strengths and the weaknesses or challenges of this type. List three strengths and three weaknesses and provide a rationale for each. • Evaluate why this test could be a valuable tool for an employer. • Analyze how a clinician may use this test as a tool for promoting meaningful interventions in treatment. • Summarize what you have learned about yourself through this exercise. Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.
  • 20. PSY 362 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Analysis of a Personality Carl Jung (2 Papers) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-1-lasa-2-analysis-of-a-personality-carl-jung-recent For more classes visit For this assignment, you will have a chance to put into practice all you have been learning throughout this course. You will analyze the personality development of one of the theorists studied in this course from three different theoretical perspectives. Choose one of the theorists you have studied this term. Use your textbook, the Internet, and the University online library resources to research the life history of the theorist. Do the following: 1. Describe the major life events of the theorist that you feel influenced his or her personality development.
  • 21. 2. Describe the cultural influences that had an influence on the chosen theorist’s personality development. 3. Analyze this person from Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective. 4. Analyze this person from two other theoretical perspectives studied in this course, except for the trait perspective. 5. Summarize and present your critical opinion about how well (or not) these theories explain the person. Write a 5–7-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.
  • 22. PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at implicit-association-test-iat-analysis-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis NEW PSY 362 The Implicit Association Test (IAT) Analysis
  • 23. PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at altruism-and-cooperation-prosocial-behavior-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior NEW PSY 362 Topic 8 Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior
  • 24. PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at groups-and-aggression-12-angry-men-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men NEW PSY 362 Topic Groups and Aggression 12 Angry Men
  • 25. PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and Social Self Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at benchmark-assignment-social-media-and-social-self-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and Social Self NEW PSY 362 Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Social Media and Social Self
  • 26. PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at online-dating-profile-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile NEW PSY 362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile
  • 27. PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice Recent Check this A+ tutorial guideline at assignment-implicit-prejudice-recent For more classes visit PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice NEW PSY 362 Week 6 Assignment Implicit Prejudice