reputelligence dominique c. brack social media seef social engineering 404whylo security xing linkedin social media networks linkedin lion are u a genius? quiz linked influencer time wasters quizzle oversharing status ranking math quiz annoying practice information security cloud security alliance switzerland osint risk intensity levels governance hacking crisis management risk management green it sustainability reputation droneguard iot logo information technology alexander bahram verbal masking psychology encryption internet of things security awareness privacy cloud computing the problem lifecycle article google byod bring your own device noncooperative drones cooperative drones critical infrastructure cbrnne military wolfpack leadership payload hack in paris ransomware attack vectors baiting grc++ docendo - discimus maslow diesel phishing isms awareness cybersmart cloud csach honeymoon cloud security alliance chapter switzerland cloud project phases 404 whylo management wisdom strategy bitcoins humor fake pictures fake profiles tineye hack back edward snowden nsa nasa business continuity management speaker author kpi\'s responsibility greenwashing 140 risks police hospitals public sector events airports airspace safety countermeasures threats drohnen ethics threat radar swisscom drone injury rainbows fud rpas uav cyphys phycy noncooperative cooperative threatradar aerialdefence drones ethical charters ceo artificial intelligence ai alpha behaviour mba the alpha last is alone then come 5 strong ones first 3 are the old or sick maleficent uv light usb kill romance scam krytology ssl defence army quanten computer klaus gribi postcards shor algorithmus shor algorithm crypto quantum computing parís 2017 social egnieering vulnerability reporting pentesting alternative facts d#fu5e human-to-social-engineering interface deepsec 2016 advanced persistent threat (apt) wereables disruptive invention business fretzmen shoes red teaming new trend vibram aml malware disaster recovery fraud support group future spanish china ser mapping dumpster diving ciso ego eaves dropping interpersonal distance hashdays dc4131 zurich area41 micro expressions cyber engagement management method apt tailgating mice cialdini cisco industrial espionage shoulder surfing sharp turn nlp sociology volkswagen defeat device reputelligence lifecycle volkwagen thinking steps cyberspace human manipulation intesity levels open source defcon 22 secrets blackhat 2015 human intelligence riks management policies hack back series coins education web 2.0 teenagers data is asset asset hacker high school whitepaper biometric microsoft hello c2 certification windows security errors built in security orange book digital media forensic cloud secu technology cloud quota first lady training senior executive home run email hillary clinton vip fast & furious automotive basel afterwork event sigs teaser perspective team building butt lead dog personal development musher wheel dog growth team leader swing dog display message software ethics into code ethical code prezi change blindness sik subject-matter expert iouri podladtchikov olympic games processes health care yolo sotchi chicken run mt.gox dyson data spying black van self help facebook social networks failure the bci hackarazzi thn internet hacktivism lösungsansätze employees chancen risks security-podium dominique brack pmp certified pmi project management kpi's green washing basel action network e-waste cost savings consumerization mobility gen-y. presenter expert cyberwarfare digital bodyguard australia kpmg business case roi orang utangs 2011 search engine hacking conference security zone wife 4s iphone siri
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