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005 Being Leader Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus 005 Being Leader Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus
The Legacy of Afghanistan’s Civil War Essay
The Legacy of Afghanistan s Civil War
Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, President Bush declared, and subsequently launched an attack
on the axis of Evil . National, as well as international spotlight shifted to Afghanistan, where Osama
bin Laden, the presumed mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, was believed to be harbored. In
the following months, Afghanistan became embroiled, for the second time in a century, in yet another
major war.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, completely shocked and terrified Americans, many of
whom had previously felt themselves immune to such unthinkable acts of violence. It, too, had the
effect of raising questions, questions like: why America? Who were these ... Show more content on ...
The country of Afghanistan is small, rugged, and landlocked, situated between the present day
countries of Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iran. It is approximately 252,000
square miles (652,000 square kilometers) in area, roughly the equivalent to the state of Texas.[1]
Historically, Afghanistan s strategic location at the crossroads of Asia has made the country the focal
point of many imperialist ambitions and, throughout its history, the country has been subject to
recurrent invasion and outside occupation.[2]
The last century of Afghanistan s history, has, in fact, been characterized, and replete with occupation
by outside forces, all trying to wield their power within it. The country has become the arena where
incessant jockeying for a secure foothold in, and influence over the region has played itself out.
From the period beginning in the 1820s and ending in 1919, Afghanistan was the unfortunate victim of
the competing imperialist ambitions of Great Britain and Tsarist Russia.[3] Viewing Afghanistan as a
buffer state against Russian expansionism, the British invaded and occupied Afghanistan for close to a
century before finally being driven out in 1919, with the 3rd Afghan war.
The years from 1979 1988 marked the second period of outside occupation in the country s last
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Alliteration In The Wanderer And The Wife s Lament
Alliteration is defined as the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words
or syllables. It is a literary device that authors use to bring attention to certain important ideas or
concepts in stories. Alliterations allow the reader to bring their senses together to hear and feel what
they are reading by bring in sounds of the world around us into literate. This helps the reader visualize
the story, therefore helping the reader to remember it. It is used in many stories as a way to hide
metaphors and other subliminal messages. For example, alliterations with the s being the prominent
sound could be visualized as a snake slithering, making a character have a slyness about him.
Specifically in Anglo Saxon literature, alliteration is significant because it is how authors organized
their poems or stories, includes repetition which aids memorization, and emphasizes important parts of
the text that the author wants the audience to know. Alliteration in important in both The Wanderer
and The Wife s Lament because it helps evoke certain emotions and feelings by using the different
functions of alliterative language. In Anglo Saxon works of literature, alliterations are used with
stresses to organize poems and to create a certain flow. There are certain patterns that can be seen in
the lines of poems, often containing four stressed words with three of the word being alliterative and a
caesura separating the four stresses words in half. A simple example of this would be in line 94 of The
Wanderer stating, Alas bright beaker! Alas burnished warrior! The audience can almost feel the
rhythm of the poem as they read it or hear it told out loud. Having this structure in a poem also works
with the language and how it is spoken. It is hard to hear these patterns in translated versions due to
other language influences in the English we speak today. When I heard the original version of The
Wanderer spoken in Old English, the stressed words really stood out to me and the alliterative words
were clear. Listening to the mixture of the Old English language and the alliterative and stressed lines
I can feel the way the character in the stories feel. In the first few lines of The Wife s Lament
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A Conspiracy in Politics
Politics is much more than agendas these days. It is a game involving intricate strategies and
manoeuvres to outsmart the others. Big games are played in today s political arena and these big
games are limited to the big player only. No matter how loyally or how long a person serves, the game
plan is limited only to the highest tier of the parties or maybe even less. The best and the trickiest of
games are played with a lot of confidentiality to ensure its success.
Politics, mind you, is not a child s play. Politicians are extremely smart people. By using the word
smart, I don t put them into the category of Einstiens or Newtons. What I am trying to convey is that
they are very observant and capable of noticing the smallest of opportunities. They plan with vision
and over time it pays off.
In the light of the present situation, I may sound a complete fool for what I have just said. Had
politicians been so smart and so thoughtful in their strategies then why can t the Indian National
Congress see the very evident inefficiency of Mr. Rahul Gandhi? He has become a subject of
numerous jokes on the social media and his incompetency has come to the fore over the years. It is
very clear that Rahul has failed miserably to connect to the people. On the other hand, there is Modi, a
magnetic personality with great oration skills. More importantly he has Gujarat to show for his
achievements. Is the Congress so naive to neglect it and go about doing nothing at all?
It must have
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Smith And Reed Leadership
The article presented by Smith and Reed uniquely explored the topic of leadership research by
maintaining a focus on a regional subculture; Appalachia. The primary objective for this project was to
identify a correlation between women s leadership influence and factors such as education, gender
bias, family/work life issues, and family violence/abuse (Smith and Reed, 2010). Data was collected
through a convenience sampling of 347 graduate students with varying degrees of residence in
Appalachia, and leadership experience. More specifically, respondents utilized a 5 point Likert type
scale to assess items relating to each of the intended research topics. An analysis of this article will
demonstrate how Smith and Reed constructed arguments to ... Show more content on
88). Until recently, the majority of professions were male specific, causing the development of women
leaders to be overlooked. The research contributions made by O Neil and Bilimoria demonstrated that
women s careers and leadership development are impacted by social context (Smith Reed, 2010).
Furthermore, Smith and Reed (2010), highlighted that previous research on life events, such as
educational opportunities and family support, has demonstrated to impact women s careers. By
adopting a positive or negative event that is inconsistent with that part of a person s worldview as a
definition for critical life event, the team was able to highlight specific research sub topics that were
relevant to this cultural subgroup (Smith Reed, 2010,p .90)
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The Corpse Bride And Edward Scissorhands Analysis
We do not fear the unknown. We fear what we think about the unknown. Is a quote from Teal Swan.
This idea is incorporated into a lot of director s movies, however, Tim Burton, a creator of many
famous movies, would probably have one of the best understandings of this idea. This is through
Burton s constant use of ideas about the unknown in many of his films. Yet, these ideas of fearing the
unknown and curiosity of the unknown are especially prominent in Burton s films such as The Corpse
Bride and Edward Scissorhands. There are a great amount of techniques Burton uses to convey these
ideas of the unknown, but Burton typically uses techniques such as some sort of misfit protagonist that
is different than most people and a judgmental ... Show more content on ...
He then becomes more of an outcast than he already was and now has to face the ridicule of his
society. He then runs away to hide from everyone and is followed by Pegg s daughter, Kim. Kim ends
up making the neighborhood realize that Edward was innocent of stealing and only acted in self
defense when killing Jim. The neighborhood then realized they never should have feared Edward and
then left Edward alone to enjoy doing what he loves. Both of these examples showcase that these
misfit characters taught their own societies to never fear them or the unknown. Burton also tends to
have a judgmental society to showcase further that society wrongly teaches people to fear the
unknown. Such as in Edward Scissorhands, where the neighborhood was always too quick to judge
Edward and automatically assumed the worst in him. This is especially present when the
neighborhood assumed Edward had killed Jim for no reason and then tried to kill Edward themselves.
This shows that the neighborhood harshly judges those who act outside of their unspoken rules. This
also demonstrates that the neighborhood will only believe what they want to believe. In the end the
neighborhood really only thought of Edward as something new that should bring joy to their lives, but
then wrongly taught themselves to fear him. This technique is also evident in The Corpse Bride when
the townspeople is struck by fear when the dead enter their
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The Song Human From Her Head Or Heart Album
Is being human perfect without flaws or can we be a little imperfect? Are we humans not permitted to
show weakness? Do we need to act more like machines with no flaws in them? Christina Perri s song
Human from her Head or Heart album, is about being able to admit your defaults and accepting them
without changing yourself. The song Human by Christina Perri uses repetition, symbolism and
metaphor to reveal that we re human that have faults, we cannot be perfect without having faults and
we shouldn t change for anyone. The message of the song is we re human that have faults, we cannot
be perfect without faults and shouldn t try changing for others. The song s constant use of I can... is
saying that we can do anything, but then we hear; I m only human , which contradicts each other.
Because the lyrics saying you can do anything but at the same time its saying we have limits. I can do
it/But I m only human (11, 14). Christina repeats these two phrases through out her song to make us
understand that it s okay to not be perfect. We see that the singer makes herself believe that she cannot
be flawed, because then she won t find happiness. Then she goes and tells us that she s only human,
which we realize that us human are not perfect. Yet she says its fine being defected. The singer makes
us relate to what she is singing about by repeating; And I bleed when I fall down/I m only human/And
I crash and I break down/Your words in my head, knives in my heart/You build me up
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Syntax In Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address
In Abraham Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address, he addresses the nation. At the end of the Civil War,
both the North and South still had issues with each other. Lincoln s speech calls both the North and
South to put their problems aside that s preventing them from getting along. In this speech, Lincoln
uses tone, diction, and syntax to help reach the purpose of the speech. Lincoln s tone encourages the
Americans to finish the Civil War and the progress as becoming a nation. According to The Avalon
Project it says, let us strive on to finish the work we are in and to do all which may achieve and
cherish a just and lasting peace. Lincoln s tone, that he uses, is hopeful: he wished for the war to finish
and the issue of slavery to move on, ... Show more content on ...
According, to The Avalon Project it says, While the Inaugural Address was being delivered from this
place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to
destroy it without war, seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation and All dreaded
it all sought to avert it. The differentiation in the lengths of the sentences can show the difference
between the North and South, and Lincoln s tendency to combine them to make a strong country. This
syntax helps highlight Lincoln s purpose of joining a divided country by merging two different
sentence lengths to make a powerful speech, showing that the combination of the Confederacy and the
Union will make a strong country. Lastly, Lincoln uses syntax to make a call for a unified country,
mainly as he concludes. According, to the article The Avalon Project it says let us strive to finish the
work we are in, to bind up the country s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and
for his widow and his orphan. With this conclusion, Lincoln encourages the North, as winners, to no
longer make war, but to make peace, and should care about the people who have been wounded in the
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A Common Understanding Of Weather Menace
1. What is fog? A common understanding of this weather menace must be established before delving
into its dangers. Layman s terms suggest that fog is a low hovering cloud which limits the visibility at
ground level in a wide variety of intensity. From personal experience, fog may prevent you from
locating your own home, or may simply cause the air to feel moist. Fog forms when the difference
between air temperature and dew point is generally less than 4 °F. Fog begins to form when water
vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets suspended in the air, usually also clinging to pollutants
or naturally occurring particles (ex: dust, salt, etc.) Water vapor is added to the air by: wind
convergence into areas of upward direction, precipitation, daytime heating which evaporates water
from the surface of large bodies of water, oceans or wetlands; transpiration from plants, cool or dry air
moving over warmer water, and lifting air over mountains. Think of fog as a lower rendition of the
cloud form stratus; meaning it is a lower deck that occurs when a cool air mass is confined under a
warm air mass. 2. Different types of fogs? Foggiest place in the United States? Fog can form in many
ways dependent on what caused the cooling and how the condensation occurred. The most common
form of fog, Radiation fog, is fashioned by the cooling of terrain after sun down by thermal radiation
when wind conditions are relatively calm and cloud cover is at a minimum. The cooling ground
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Cloud Gate Research Paper
Cloud Gate is the first public outdoor installed in the United States and it sits on the top of AT T plaza.
It is located in the heart of downtown. This art object is one of the most famous symbol of Chicago
and one of the city s most visited tourist attractions. Kapoor was inspired by liquid mercury. Bean is a
reflection of your own as you walk near it and it also captures the skyline and sky around it. It has a
silver surface that makes it possible to have a reflection. It is a reflection with a beautiful skylines and
clouds. He used polished stainless steel plates for the reflection. Kapoor wanted to design something
that is unique for tourists. Cloud Gate s name was given because the Bean is a passage between the
viewer and the sky. He
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Theme Of Love In Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome was novel about a love story that could not be fulfilled, because the characters that are
having the secret love story are already married or about to be married. The theme that was shown the
most through the book was love. This theme was talked about a lot during the book with two of the
main characters. Between the three main characters one was the string through the whole novel and
that was Zeena. The way Ethan life turn out is because of the choices he has made he cause everything
that has happen to him. Everything can change with just one decision you make. The theme love was
shown when Ethan and the person, who lives in his house so she can help his sick wife with things she
needs to be done, falls in love with each other but they have to hide it from everybody. One day they
were walking home together and the book shows symbolism through what happens. In the book it
says, A dead cucumber vine dangled from the porch like the crape streamer tied to the door for a
death, and the thought flashed through Ethan s brain: If it was there for Zeena Then he had a distinct
sight of his wife lying in her bedroom asleep, her mouth slightly open, her false teeth in a tumbler by
the bed. (Wharton 21). The cucumber vine symbolised his wife being dead but she really was not dead
just sick. This helps with the theme because at first Ethan think him and Mattie can be together but
then realises his wife is still alive, The motif that help clarify the theme is
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Pet Mental Illnesses
Nearly any type of pet will have a very positive impact on people with mental illnesses. They are a
great source of support, comfort, and motivation for their owners. In many ways, a pet can help people
with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, live mentally healthier lives.
One of the most common mental illnesses is anxiety, and it affects over 40 million people around the
world. However, simply owning an animal can be life changing for them. A pet can surprisingly be
very powerful, they are capable of greatly reducing anxiousness in many ways. For example, research
shows that when you hold or stroke an animal such as a cat or a dog, it significantly lowers stress
levels, anxiousness and uneasiness, which helps someone struggling with
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Human Resource Management ( Hrm ) And Corporate Social...
The recent advent of Critical Management Studies has suggested inconsistency between management
in theory that was rather rational and technical as compared to management in practice which was
more complex (Cunliffe, 2014). This has led to a re evaluation of the methods used to conduct
management and its specialisms such as Human Resource Management.
Over the years, Human Resource Management (HRM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
have been seen as separate variables in both practice oriented as well as academic discourses.
(Schoemaker, Nijhof and Jonker, 2006) Hence, there is serious skepticism regarding the ability of
HRM to significantly contribute towards CSR within organizations. However, with priorities of a
business ... Show more content on ...
Following the efforts of management researchers to narrow the gap between management theory and
practice, a third variable has emerged: Human Value Management (HVM). Touted as the future of
HRM, it is a function that ensures a business is driven by both market orientation as well as social
responsibility. Employees desire to be identified with an organization that is aligned with its
commitment of taking accountability for its activities that may impact the society as well as bringing
about a sustainable change. It is thus essential that HRM develops processes that integrate CSR and
ethics practices into an organization s brand rather than make it a mere publicity strategy.
The prime focus is on the integration of HRM and CSR as a whole, rather than two different entities.
Data gathered from online research and academic literature shall be used to analyze the role of HRM
in promoting CSR in an organization. This idea can further be supported through the example of The
University of Manchester, the efforts invested by its Human Resource function to ensure that what the
university is teaching as part of its Human Resource Management module aligns with how people are
treated within the university itself as well as the programs initiated by the university to contribute
towards building a knowledgeable workforce in the society.
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How To Make Mardi Gras Persuasive Speech
Facebook Headline: Let us fatten up your Tuesday and every other day! Let the last best Mardi Gras
Deal Continue! We ve extended our Mardi Gras Deal Celebration!* Body: Mardi Gras is over but you
can still buy the Mardi Gras Party Box ! Sub copy: The Party Box includes 4 candles a guaranteed $25
ring plus 4 chances to enter to win a $5,000 ring. That s a $139.99 value for ONLY $39.99 ! Over 70%
Savings! Instagram Headline: Mardi Gras is over but you can still buy the Mardi Gras Party Box !
Copy: The Party Box includes 4 candles a guaranteed $25 ring plus 4 chances to enter to win a $5,000
ring. That s a $139.99 value for ONLY $39.99 ! Over 70% Savings! Yahoo Headline: Let us fatten up
your Tuesday and every other
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How Alcatraz Affected US Prison
When you think of Alcatraz do you think of a creepy prison with only the worst prisoners? But
Alcatraz wasn t really like that, in fact a lot of prisoners wanted to be transferred to Alcatraz because
of the benefits. But how has Alcatraz affected other U.S. prisons?
In 1850 Alcatraz was made to be a military fort and was the first West coast lighthouse. They started
keeping war prisoners there from the civil war. Then in 1909 they tore the fort down and made it into
the most high security prison in the state. It closed March 21, 1963 because it cost to much to
maintain. Why did they make it though and who made it a prison? In 1847 Millard Fillmore made it
for military use to guard the San Francisco bay. Even though it was native
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The Auditor and Fraud
The primary responsibility for fraud detection lies with management. This arises due to a contractual
duty of care. Directors are able to discharge their duty toward prevention and detection of fraud and
error in many ways, for example: * Complying with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance *
Developing a code of conduct, monitoring compliance and taking action against breaches *
Emphasising a strong commitment to fraud prevention. This involves establishing a culture of honesty
and ethical behaviour within the organisation with clearly communicated policies. * Establishing an
internal audit function ... Show more content on ...
Typical rationalisations include:
I am only borrowing the money and will pay it back
Nobody will get hurt (perception of fraud as victimless crime
The company treats me unfairly and owes me
Its only temporary until my financial position improves
Everybody s at it!!
The extent to which individuals appear to be motivated by greed. Again, a difficult characteristic to
assess but the individual s concern with money and consumer goods may provide some clues about
this. If someone starts turning up to work in a brand new Ferrari, they may have won the lottery, or
benefited from the demise of a loving relative, or they could be up to no good!!
The degree of loyalty exhibited by an individual. If the individual has been with one firm a long time,
this may indicate a certain level of satisfaction with their employment and perhaps reduce the
likelihood of them committing fraud. You should, however, also be aware that experienced employees,
because they are trusted, might have a greater opportunity to commit fraud. Ernst amp; Young Survey
(2000) found that nearly half of the employees who defrauded their firms had been employed for over
five years. Also bear in mind that opportunities to commit fraud can arise when an employee reaches a
level of trust in an organisation or when internal controls are weak or nonexistent. Then the employee
if he or she is so motivated will perceive that there is an opportunity to commit fraud, conceal it, and
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What Is The British Conservative Party
The British Conservative Party in 1935 s main concerns were peace and defense. They understood that
the League of Nations would play a huge role in both supporting and strengthening their goals in these
two subjects. The League of Nations was the center of British foreign policy and the first interest of
the citizens of Britain. The recent problems between Italy and Abyssinia only heightened the need for
the League of Nations. They did not want to repress back into their old system which resulted after the
Great War. The needs of national defense and the fulfillment of international obligations were the
measurements of the national armaments by the Covenant. The Commonwealth of the United
Kingdom and the British Empire played influential parts
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Pets In Human Life Essay
Pets, these animals that share their lives with us do much more than one normally thinks of. They wait
for us watching in the window, give one licks of joy, and give us unconditional love are some of the
common joys of having a family pet. In a short time they become member of the family. These are
many reasons one loves to share their space with a creator not of the same species as humans.
However, there are some other added benefits to having these members of the family. Sharing one s
life with pets help us to maintain a healthier physical, mental, and emotional aspect in life.
The first added benefit of having pet as part of the family is that pets help us to live and maintain a
healthy life style. One knows that these companions need exercise to stay in good health and since
they can t walk themselves, they motivate their human companions to take them for a walk. This is
one of the obvious ways that pets help one to live healthier lives. However, there are many other ways
that pets improves one s life. In research posted on the it states that, Exposure to 2
or more dogs or cats in the first year of life may reduce subsequent risk of allergic sensitization to
multiple allergens during childhood. By being exposed to these family pets at an early age can help to
reduce future allergy problems. These are good reason why to include a pet into the family. One might
think that by introducing animals into the household that it will introduce diseases and have
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The Lady Or The Tiger Essay
The Lady or The Tiger The lady or the tiger is a short story about a young man who had a passion for
the King s daughter. One day the King found out about this lovly relationship and didnt abrove of this
young man. In the village the King runs if you are caugh doing something bad or the king dosnt
abrove of the appropite behavior of the citizen then you go to jail. When you are in jail you get
sechuled a time to go in this big arena. In in this arena there are 2 doors that look exactly the same.
Behink one door is a big nasty tiger, and the other door has a lively little lady. The lovly lady behind
that door was a lady that the kings daught was very jelous about . This young man had been caught
and got scheduled his appearance in this arena. While he was in the arena he looked over at the kings
daughter and the King s daughter pointed and a door because she knew what was behind those doors.
The young man walked up to the door and that was the end of the story. The King s daughter cued the
Young man to the door with the lady. ... Show more content on ...
The King s daughter loved this young man to mutch to watch him die. The King s daughter really
wanted to see this young mans have a successful life. Even tho she didn t get the young man she
wanted she still didn t want to see him die if she really loved him. The man had to trust the King s
daughter as well. If the man cued for help he still showed trust and sympathy so it is more reasonable
for the King s daughter to cue him to the door with the lady in it. Just cause the the Kings daughter is
semi barbaric doesn t mean she want to see him die. She still might have showed compassion towards
him and didn t want to see a painful
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This is a team assignment to be prepared in groups of 3 4 students. Some, probably not all but this
depends on timing, may be asked to present your findings to the group. Presentations should be
scheduled for roughly 5 (at most 10) minutes.
Growth in international trade has increased the importance of logistics and international transportation
as strategic tools for achieving competitive advantage. One solution is to take advantage of the
services of a freight forwarder. The evaluation and selection of a freight forwarder is a critical
strategic decision for managers involved in international operations. In this Management Skill Builder,
we focus on a basic approach for evaluating freight ... Show more content on ...
8. What types of other services does the forwarder provide? Examples of these include customs
brokerage, logistics management, consulting on international shipments, and EDI services. For
example, using EDI, the exporter can transmit exporting documentation to the forwarder, and track the
location and status of international shipments.
Based on the information collected above, make a recommendation on which of the three freight
forwarders you believe your firm should employ. Be sure to justify your answer, by summarizing the
information gathered in response to the above questions.
When seeking a freight forwarder, the above questions address only some of the issues that you might
face in the real world of international business. In a real situation, you would likely seek answers to
other questions as well, depending on the firm s situation, regarding issues such as the type of product,
destination, size of shipment, and available exporter resources. Other issues to investigate include
product/service specialization, responsiveness and attention to exporter needs, financing capabilities,
financial position, and pricing, as well as the forwarder s efficiency and reliability. Many of the
evaluation criteria used in selection are subjective and therefore not easily quantifiable. It is critical to
evaluate potential freight forwarders in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
Suggested Resources for this Exercise IMPORTANT these
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Comparing Disney s A Thousand And One Arabian Nights
Many aspects color how exactly a translator interprets a text, allowing for a great deal of variation to
occur between different translator s versions of the same text. This holds true for the Middle Eastern
classic A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, as anyone can observe a multitude of differences
between the extensive numbers of English translations that have been released over the past three
centuries. Cultural beliefs and ideas play a large role in the variances, but do not account for all of the
discrepancies, especially in terms of maturity level. A translation s maturity level is based on more
than just the translator s cultural landscape. Though other factors influence translation as well, cultural
values still play a large role in ... Show more content on ...
The infamous Richard Burton comes from a similar cultural background to the aforementioned
Edward Lane, but his translation of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights is perhaps the most explicit
English translation to date. This is not because of radically different cultural values, but simply based
upon the intent of the translators. Burton s intent is also visible in his means of publication. British
conservatism was at its height during the time in which Burton was publishing his translation, making
it so he had to publish said translation privately in order to avoid violating laws such as the Obscene
Publications Act. As one can see via his blatant violation of the law, as well as Burton s general
demeanor, cultural values played an extraordinarily small role in the maturity level of his
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Hamlet Ghost Is Real Essay
Maybe he s real and maybe he s not, either way, the ghost certainly seems real to Hamlet. Throughout
Hamlet, both the reader and young Hamlet are in a dilemma as to whether or not the ghost of Hamlet s
father is a spirit sent to tempt and destroy Hamlet or if it is truly his father who has come to reveal the
tragedy of his death so that revenge can be sought. On the one hand, it is rather easy to believe that the
general Shakespearian attitudes and assumptions about apparitions are correct, that they are spirits
sent from hell to tempt and wreak havoc on the living. On the other hand, however, the reader, like
Hamlet, cannot help but feel compelled to listen to the ghost s tale about his death and his lack of
peace. Because of the verbal power ... Show more content on ...
So It is clearly possible that the ghost as a father might just be a figment of Hamlet s imagination, as
Hamlet is also the only one who has a dialogue with the ghost and he s the only one who sees or hears
it when the ghost shows up, for instance, in Gertrude s chamber to remind Hamlet to be nice to his
mom. Even before Hamlet finds out that the ghost has been appearing on the castle walls, he says to
Horatio My father methinks I see my father [...] in my mind s eye Has Hamlet been imagining his
conversations with the ghost the whole time? Creating the ghost out of his wild imagination could be
Hamlet s way of dealing with the loss of the father he loved and idolized. Regardless of whether or not
the ghost actually exists though, the spirit perhaps represents the way young Hamlet is haunted by his
father s memory. Even though Claudius insists Hamlet s deep grief is unmanly and Gertrude pushes
Hamlet constantly to just move one, the prince just mentally and emotionally
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Organizational Ethical Behavior Trends Essay
Organizational Ethical Behavior Trends
Value motivated ethical leadership is needed today. The world has such a diverse work force today,
and managers must develop and empower workers to achieve organizational goals. One develops his
or her ethics from his or her culture, ethnic background, and religious beliefs. This paper discusses the
importance of ethics and technology in the managerial decision making process and work related
The influence of ethics on decision making Ethics is about making choices with integrity. The future
will be different after a choice is made, sometimes dramatically different, and that is why ethical
decision making is so important. The more difficult the ethical choice one faces, the more ... Show
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People sense same ethical dilemmas differently, and even those with ethical sensitivity may feel or
understand the dilemma in different ways. For example, some may think reporting misconduct to
supervisors outside the chain of command is an unethical act because it is disrespectful to the
immediate superior. Some, however, believe that such an individual act, as long as benefiting the
general welfare of the group, is not in violation of a code of ethics (Fang, M., 2006). It is important to
understand an ethical dilemma before the actual decision making process begins. Once the dilemma
has been identified, individuals will start engaging in moral reasoning. However, a morally right
judgment will not necessarily lead to moral behavior. The decision making process involves many
other concerns, including self interests. For example, a person understands that giving out company
secrets to competitors is morally wrong but may still decide to do it out of self interest. The reason is
that he of she fails to establish a moral intent which shows his or her resolution to act on a moral
judgment. One may decide not to act on a decision that is perfectly ethical but on the decision that
may bring about an outcome that he or she prefers (Fang, M., 2006). One difference between an
average decision and an ethical one is that traditional rules may not apply and the decision maker must
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Boys and Girls by Alice Munro
Society tries to place many rules upon an individual as to what is acceptable and what is not . One
must decide for themselves whether to give in to these pressures and conform to society s projected
image, or rather to resist and maintain their own desired self image. In the story Boys and Girls by
Alice Munro, Munro suggests that this conflict is internal and external and a persons experiences in
life will determine which of these forces will conquer. In terms of the unnamed protagonist s
experiences in the story, it becomes clear just how strong the pressure of society to conform really is,
as it overcomes and replaces the girl s self image.
In order to better understand the conflict, first we must define what conformity and self ... Show more
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Although seemingly unimportant to the storyline, the presence of the foxes and horses play a major
role in the story, as they symbolize the sides of the conflict between conformity and self image. The
foxes represent conformity; they all live in the same routine, are controlled by others in their
environment, and are both literally and metaphorically locked in a cage. The narrator s environment is
much like the foxes, controlling. Her parent s subtle hints, whether it be her mother s comments or her
father s tasks, are slowly but surely enclosing on her like a cage, and will soon trap her.
The horses however, try as hard as they can, much like the narrator, to roam free for as long as
possible, seemingly unaware of the forces acting against them in an attempt to deny them their
freedom. For the horses, this force was the narrator s father, who felt that they had a purpose to be
served, in the narrator s case, it was her mother s thought that she had a place to be served as well;
inside the home. In the case of the foxes and horses, neither win, as they both die in the end, much like
people. However, although the horse s lives end much sooner, they get to experience something that
the foxes do not, and that is freedom. The protagonist s desire for freedom is clearly desirable as she
expresses her resistance to conform to societies ideals by continuing to do things against the norm,
thinking that by such measures [she] kept
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Abstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices
When people of today s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the window.
A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual innuendos in jokes
to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no doubt that sex education is
important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence spectrum. Preaching abstinence does
not teach students safe sex practices or a clear understanding of contraception. Abstinence only
programs have the best intentions, however they are flawed due to a biased perspective. In the year of
1996, the United States government passed a bill that funded states who offered abstinence only
programming in public schools. Ever since ... Show more content on ...
Schools receiving money from the government, in sponsorship of the program, must teach the students
to just say no to sex until legally married. The schools are also not permissible to teach students safe
sex and may not mention contraception except to point out failure rates of various methods (Brody).
There are a few states that have stood up to the government and refused funds, so the state has the
option to determine their own ways to teach sex education. However, 43 states still take part of the
program and promote it. Millions of dollars are pulled from the government each year for the program
and many schools support the abstinence only movement. The programs have encouraging titles, such
as Teens in Control and ReCapturing the Vision (Impacts). Students are greatly encouraged take
virginity vows until marriage, carry an ATM card (abstinence till marriage), and conceitedly wear
purity rings (Kelly). Programs, such as these, are used to develop a strong self worth and to teach
about the negative consequences that could occur from sexual activity, but there is a major flaw:
abstinence only programs are inefficient. Studies have shown abstinence only programming does not
reduce the sexual activity of young people. In 2007, the United States Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) released a study about the abstinence programs. The government funded study
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The Rise Of Pop Art
In the 1940s the United States and the allies were in the midst of a deadly war against their Nazi
German counterparts, World War II officially ended in 1945 and the Allies were victorious. In the
early 1950s the post war economic boom in both the United States of America and Great Britain, gave
the people optimism and money to spend as the super markets were filled with all kinds of consumer
goods . The economy was good and people were happy.
Capitalizing on the post war economic boom of the 1950s were advertisers. Advertising persuaded
many, it told people what was popular, what was good, and what to buy. Advertising and glossy
magazines were found everywhere, in the street, the highway, and even at the comfort of your own
house as you opened the newspaper. This mass marketing phenomenon was incorporated with the rise
of Pop Art. It paved the way for iconic artist such as Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns .
With the rise of this bona fide American phenomenon also brought critics. Critics asked and wondered
how a can of soup or a soft drink could be considered art. Pop artist, Andy Warhol responded by
stating, Art is what you can get away with. What made pop art popular? It was brash, transient, witty,
hostile, young, mass produced, and most importantly it was low cost .
Pop art was the new art movement of the 1950s and 1960s, it was the successor of the art movement
of a decade earlier. In the 1940s abstract expressionism was all the rage in the United States, it was
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Tom Stoppard s Rosencrantz Guildenstern Are Dead
In the play, Rosencrantz Guildenstern Are Dead, the author, Tom Stoppard conveys his worldview to
the readers. Throughout the play, readers are able to determine Stoppard s worldviews on the role of
the everyday man s role in society, and most noticeable, death. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are
presented as two characters who represent the everyday person. In the play, they are looking for
purpose and direction for their lives. Just like the character, Hamlet, in Shakespeare s Hamlet,
Guildenstern struggles with finding direction in his life because he tends to overthink things. This
overthinking does not help him with finding direction in his life and eventually, like Hamlet, leads to
his death. Rosencrantz on the other hand is the opposite of ... Show more content on
Stoppard reflects on the idea that while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seeking this direction and
purpose, they are not receiving. In the play, Stoppard includes the character of the Player. The player
is an ironic character because he is in control of the play that the players put on, he is the most honest.
The Players discusses that what [they] do on stage [is] the things that are supposed to happen off.
Unlike Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the players are able to become anyone other people or society
wants from them. This makes it so that whatever they encounter, they will be successful. As the play
concludes, the players and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern know the only certain direction that life will
take them is death. From the speech about death in a box, to the play of the Murder of Gonzago,
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern discover that while death is certain, they cannot change their fate.
While Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sailing to England, they embrace their fate because they learn
that they cannot change the direction that fate is bringing them
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Internal And External Conflicts In Hamlet
Conflict is indispensable to drama. Show that the inward conflicts are equally important as the
outward conflict in the play.
Hamlet faces both internal and external conflicts from the beginning of the play. In the play, the inner
and outer conflicts of Hamlet seem to arise from the death of his father, King Hamlet, by his uncle,
now King Claudius. Since Hamlets life pervades with conflicts as the confusion he faces essentially
becomes the main focus of the play. However, Hamlet contains a diverse set of conflicts, of which
Hamlet s inner conflicts are as prominent as his conflicts with other characters. As Hamlet deals with
dilemmas within himself, other individuals, and the supernatural figure of his father. Shakespeare
presents us ... Show more content on ...
The two characters are facing both internal and external conflicts throughout the play. Hamlet s
madness is portrayed through his thoughts as he is says he can kill Claudius at that moment. Hamlet s
innermost feelings towards Claudius is brought out in his sixth soliloquy. Hamlet s initial thought
being Now might I do it pat (3.3.73) displays his willingness to take action and commit the murder.
However, his conscience stop him from committing the murder as he comes to the realization that
Claudius sins will be exempted if he were to die while striving repentance. Hamlet s desire to punish
Claudius is shown as he wants to ensure the dead of his uncle lasts an eternity and not a moment. This
conflict between Hamlet and Claudius allows the development of the play as it is essentially revolves
around the dead of King Hamlet. The struggle between Hamlet and the forces of nature are brought
upon through the interaction with the Ghost. This is an external conflict as it is a struggle seen through
the communication amongst the Ghost and the protagonist, himself. Hamlet first encounters his father
s spirit and contemplates whether or not he is a demon pretending to be the former King of Dane. The
Ghost reveals his reason of death to be due to being poisoned and murdered by Claudius when he
states, but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy Fathers life, Now wears his crown.
This further leads to
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Neanderthal Evolution
The Neanderthal roamed the lands of Europe for tens of thousands of years. But about 30,000 years
ago, they became extinct, vanishing from the earth. (Homo Sapiens Versus Neanderthals). Only
15,000 years before, our ancestor Homo Sapien had expanded from Africa into Europe and Asia.
(Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win? : DNews.) There are many different theories on what
happened to Neanderthal, and how their interaction with Homo Sapien changed the Neanderthal
world. The Homo Sapiens were more advanced and adaptable, and they could use the resources better
than the Neanderthal. The Neanderthal also interbred with Homo Sapien who outnumbered them ten
to one. (Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win? : DNews.)But eventually the Neanderthal ...
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The Neanderthal lived isolated until about 45,000 years ago they were confronted with a new species,
Homo Sapien. (Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program.) Before
Homo Sapien arrived, the Neanderthal had been living off the land around them, and now Homo
Sapien was also using their resources. The Homo Sapien were more adaptable and more advanced
than the Neanderthal so they could better use the land. For example, the Homo Sapiens often lived on
hilltops or in higher places where they could look out over valley which would have allowed the
Homo Sapien to watch herd movement and plan hunting strategy. (Human Evolution by The
Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program) The Neanderthal lived in lower places and in
caves. Because of the Homo Sapien s advancement there wasn t as many resources left available to the
Neanderthal, so they either would have to move or adapt to the new ways.The Homo Sapien also had
more advanced tools like bone needles and knives, and an overall, more efficient way of living than
the Neanderthal.
The Neanderthal were also built much differently from Homo Sapien. The Neanderthal were much
stronger than the Homo Sapien, but the Homo Sapien were built for long distance running while the
Neanderthal who was shorter couldn t run as far. (Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win) The
Homo Sapiens were much better adapted for hunting in a warmer climate, and Europe was getting
warmer. This was yet another advantage that the Homo Sapien had over the
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Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary...
RELIGIOUS ASPECT OF PURITANISM In Mrs. Mary Rowlandson s Narrative of the Captivity and
Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, religious aspects of puritanism are evident in a number of
instances throughout the narrative. Puritanism in this case refers to the strong beliefs that are evident
in the narration pertaining to religion. The narrator, Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, has strong religious
beliefs. A good example of a religious aspect of puritanism is Mrs. Mary Rowlandson s belief in the
power of God to protect. She argues out that in every single happening, God is concerned and He is
the one who shields his people from any form of evil or danger. In the third remove, she says that the
Lord would gather his people and protect them from their
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School Superintendents Responsibilities
Each school district has a command chain and at the top is the Superintendent. Superintendents are
most commonly compared to as the CEO of a school district. The Superintendent is the key to success
in generating to the leadership of the schools responsibility for total success. This person is in charge
of creating a vision for the school. The Superintendent hires and supervises all administrators and
works to address all school challenges.
A Superintendent has the main responsibility of governing an entire school district. Great
Superintendents work with the board of trustees to set a clear vision with goals and objectives for the
district to achieve. They also serve as an educational leader. The most important part of the job is to
ensure the school district is giving all students an ... Show more content on ...
School support staff consists of administrative assistants, teacher s aides, paraprofessionals, nurses,
cooks, custodians and maintenance staff. These faculty members have a direct relationship on how the
school runs. Most often they manage and take care of daily tasks that get overlooked but are some of
the most important things to how a school can be run smoothly. At Packer, we have a strong group of
support staff. These members of the community help aid teachers, students and administrators in
ensuring we meet the need of our students.
As an educator who is always striving to expand myself professional, I do not see myself as a district
leader in the future. I am an active leader within the Packer community and I love teaching, coaching
and advising. Being a Superintendent takes you outside of the schools and more into a business
mindset. The key to why I love teaching is my direct interactions and relationships with my students,
players and advisees. Knowing that a Superintendent has to think about all schools across the district
and be more hands off is something that does not particular interest
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Theme Of Magic Realism In The Mistress Of Spices
In this present technologically superfast world, where the click of buttons is changing the way people
think, plan and execute their works and live their lives, virtual reality , surrealism , hyper reality are
the terms in vogue. They are so commonly used everywhere that they may not seem fanciful any
more. However, the excitement in superstitions, magic and mysticism still prevails. India has always
caught the imagination of foreigners as the land of hidden secrets it is viewed as a hub of cosmic
energy and emerging super power. The secret of Ayurvedas, the variety and depth in art forms like
dance and music are equally attractive as Kamasutra and Yoga. The co existence of various religions,
cultures, languages has always been a source of amazement. The festivities, the rituals and the
mythological significances keep the attraction alive. ... Show more content on ...
Magic realism is intermingling of reality with fantasy or imagination with the use of folk lore, fables,
and mythological stories in such a way which captures the sensation of the audience in spite of
knowing the truth. It is done to generate either a feeling of awe or wonder or merely to escape from
reality and find some freshness from monotony. The central character Tilottama (shortened as Tilo)
born as Nayan Tara, (star of the eye) also means Star seer was Destiny s child who could foresee the
future of her people in some remote village in India. She attracted attention of the pirates who re
christened as Bhagyavati, Bringer of Luck and took her away from her parents to use her powers for
their glory and fame. They plundered and looted and amassed riches with the powers of Bhagyavati,
the sorceress the pirate queen. She is frustrated when her powers are exploited by the pirates. The sea
snakes come to her rescue when she calls on one of the five elements Water. Then magically they
appear and take her
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It s It Of The Problem Essay
Actuality it of the problem. The given theme of the diploma paper is of current importance, because it
deals with the following interesting notions: why there is a language, why people speak in different
languages, though the speaker can meet various words from any language in his speech. These words
are called borrowings, and the present work will observe how they came into our language. When
speakers of different languages interact closely, it is typical for their languages to influence each other.
Languages normally develop by gradually accumulating internal differences until one parent language
splits into daughter languages. This is analogous to a sexual reproduction in biology. Change due to
language contact, in this analogy, is skin to the recombination that happens when separate organisms
exchange genetic material. We don t just borrow on occasion, English has pursued other languages
down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary Borrowing
words from other languages is characteristic of English throughout its history and more than two
thirds of the English vocabulary are borrowings. Mostly they are words of Romanic origin (Latin,
French, Italian and Spanish). Borrowed words are different from native ones by their phonetic
structure, by their morphological structure and also by their grammatical forms. It is also characteristic
of borrowings to be non motivated semantically. English history is very rich in different types of
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Review Of Google s Writing And Seo Blog
Review and SEO blog post Over the past several years, Google has made multiple changes to the way
we see search results. However, these changes are not always made so clear and could have a major
effect on companies or individuals looking to optimize your SEO efforts. When Google decides to
update its algorithms, these changes can vary in how major the updates are but each one of them has
the chance to crush your SEO optimization. In 2009, during their Searchology conference, Google
introduced one of their newest ideas which was rich snippets. Rich snippets are additional details
about regarding specific pages in the search results. Ever wonder why people started seeing reviews
for their products directly in the SERP? Well this is the exact reason why. A review is simply a person
s evaluation of something. For Google, this can apply to several things including a business s specific
domain or a certain product of theirs. Google displays two separate forms of reviews when it comes to
rich snippets. The two different types of reviews in Google s search results pages are critics reviews
and review snippets. Review snippets are generally an average of all of the combined rating scores
from reviewers. This allows you to gauge how your product or business is viewed within a larger
audience range. Not only will Google show you text to go along with the review, but it will also be
represented on a numerical scale such as 1 5 or 1 10. Review snippets are available for local
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Therapy Plan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
University, Online This paper will focus on the theoretical part of this case study that is how we can
help the 23yrear old girl overcome the disorder that she is suffering from. Additionally the paper will
incorporate the counseling knowledge gained in this course for example ways of dealing with patients
in terms of being patient with the victim since the recovery process does not happen over a day it is a
step by step process as the patient gains the ability to overcome the feeling and thought that make her
regurgitating food and deal with the fear she has of being overweight and her friends calling her fat as
the mother and friends explained. We will apply ... Show more content on ...
Later what comes up is the treatment phase that involves a 30 to 60 minutes discussion where the
specialist helps subdivide the problems into portion and in each session the specialist will help the
individual to change her negative thoughts and feelings and in our case thinking her friends are calling
her fat or her fear of being overweight into more positive schemas using prescribed procedure by the
specialist and over the week the patient will apply them and in their next meeting they will being by
discussing if the individual was successful in handling the problem or not ( Nemade, Staats Reiss,
Dombeck and 2007). Personality Theory Personality theories are theories that explain how various
characteristics of a person such as intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes and traits define
our uniqueness as human beings. Each person has his or her personality as characterized by the
mentioned traits, and this explain the diversity in character in human beings. When treating mental
illness, for example Anorexia Nervosa as a specialized counselor, it is important to consider a
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Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication...
When examining my own cultural identity it has occurred to me that many of the things that define my
own cultural identity are that of Majority groups, however it would seem that I have just as many if
not more Minority group identity factors shaping me ever so slightly within the majority boundaries.
For example at first look I am a Married male with a predominantly Anglo Saxon heritage. However
upon close inspection one can begin to notice the red hues within my complexion these are subtle
hints to a much less dominant cultural history.
Many members of one side of my family strongly identify with our Native American heritage; as a
result I spent many years as a young man learning that culture. Later in life when I was around 12 or
13 I ... Show more content on ...
Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication Challenges
My interviewee I chose was a man I initially met in the workplace and come to find out our kids
ended up going to school together. Our relationship had been an interesting one from the start when
we first met he decided to share some of his religious identity to me.
Our book defines religious identity as a sense of belonging to a religious group (Martin Nakayama,
2011). Oddly enough we were on lunch break at work and I was hungry that day he approached me
and commented on how my chicken smelt good. I had noticed over the past week or so he had not
eaten lunch at all so I offered him some of my chicken.
He politely declined and explained to me that he was practicing Ramadan and that he only at late at
night and early before the sun came up. At first being somewhat ignorant of religion I asked why he
explained it was something that followers of Islam do. In a business article it is explained that in
Dubai visitors are expected to practice in the same fasting ritual or face punishment including fines
and jail time (McGinley, 2011). While laws can vary by country there are some exemptions to the
fasting requirements and often include conditions such as menstruation, illness, older age, pregnancy,
and breast feeding (El Zibdeh, 2009).
While I know that fasting is common in many Native American cultures to obtain higher levels of
spirituality. I do not believe it was commonly
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Classic Daiquiri Research Paper
Aviation Cocktail
Originally created In New York during the 1900 s comes a beautiful cocktail that is blue like the
colour of the sky on a beautiful summers day. Contains Bombay Sapphire gin, freshly squeezed lemon
juice, maraschino liqueur and crème de violette.
Combining Citron Vodka, Cointreau, Cranberry and freshly squeezed Lime juice comes the
Cosmopolitan, a cultural touchstone because once upon a time Dale DeGroff got one of these into the
hands of Madonna and it became the drink to be seen with.
Classic Daiquiri
Using traditional methods this Rum based cocktail combines sweet Cuban Rum with fresh lime and a
splash of sugar.
Mexico City Margarita
Mamie Taylor
Combining flavours of blended scotch lime juice and spicy ... Show more content on
Add vodka, cointreau, cranberry, and lime, and shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish
with flamed orange or an orange twist.
Classic Daiquiri
45ml Havana Club 20ml Lime Juice 10ml sugar syrup
Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker, fill with ice, shake and strain into a cocktail glass, garnish
with a lime wedge or wheel.
Mamie Taylor
60 ml Johnnie Walker black label. ¾ oz lime juice Fentimans Ginger ale
pour the scotch and lime juice into a highball glass and fill with ginger ale, stir and garnish with a lime
Dark and Stormy
60 ml Xo Dark rum
Ginger beer 1 Dash Orange bitters
Pour rum into a highball glass, top with ice, add ginger beer and a dash of orange bitters and garnish
with a lime wheel.
Jack s Honey Lemonade
30ml Jack daniels honey liqueur 20m Tuaca 30ml Sour mix Lemon lime soda.
Build ingredients in a highball top with Lemon lime soda and garnish with a cherry.
30ml Old Tom 30ml Sweet Vermouth 30ml Campari Dash of orange
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The Time Series By Patricia March
SBA Task 3
Conclusive Research Essay
Chanelle Botha 12k
An investigation on the use of ink and charcoal as a medium, as well as movement over time, in the
Time Series by Patricia March.
The works of Patricia March are predominantly charcoal works, with smaller aspects of ink, whilst
portraying insight of character, as well as how the body moves over a period of time. March uses the
perception of a figure moving, portraying the figure on one picture plane; but moving, as if this were
over a period of time. Figures appear walking or picking up an object and this is portrayed as one
character becoming three. In each different movement the figure is in a different position, as if moving
like in a real life situation. This reinforces the name of her series, Time, as it literally perceives a
figure or a few figures and their movements over a period of time. March studied a master in
cinematography. She was interested in movement and time, so since, she tried to apply her vision
about cinema into drawings. The movement of the people drawn, reminds me her some way to
profundity of the human form ad how it ... Show more content on ...
The scope of the creative experience was influenced mainly by Patricia March as her ideas influenced
the idea of charcoal and ink drawings, as well as left hand techniques. Her works allowed the
exploration of new mediums and techniques, of which I had not used before. March also played a big
role in influencing visual diary work and the direction of which I took when researching other artists.
It is seen in resolution, that Patricia March, as well as her Time Series, created in 2011, have been a
great influence, when involving aspects such as similarities, differences, technique, medium, the depth
and scope pf creative process, on the creation of my own Self and Other year work
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George Orwell s Childhood And The Situations
In the laws of physics there can be no movement without an acting force. In the early twentieth
century many travesties went unnoticed due to idleness of the people. George Orwell was one of the
first writers to ever become fully involved in his writings and take action to discover the truth.
Through his actions as a writer Orwell started a chain of events and continue to inspire political
policies present today. The aim of this paper is to analyze how George Orwell s childhood and the
situations in which he placed himself during his life contributed to his writing skills while exposing
the truths of government issues, ultimately allowing him to become one of the most influential writers
of the twentieth century. George Orwell was ... Show more content on ...
Once his family had settled, Richard Blair returned to India alone to continue working, leaving Ida
and her three children in England (Rossi 9). Eric Blair was a troubled youth, often telling fibs and
playing with imaginary friends, making him unpopular during his schooling. This is the direct result of
him being the middle child of the three, with an age gap of five years between each child along with
the absence of his father (Orwell Why I Write 1).
At a young age Eric displayed aspirations of becoming a writer by writing poems and excelling in
school. Eric was a talented student, winning a scholarship to St. Cyprian s, a prestigious boarding
school located in southern England (Agathocleous 9). His time spent at this school was rather
unpleasant and Blair reflects on his time spent at St. Cyprian s in an essay called Such, Such Were the
Joy s, in which he describes the traumatizing disciplinary systems and the conditions that the young
boys lived in while attending preparatory school. His childhood experiences coupled with scarring
early school memories caused him to develop a strong hate for authority. Along with the harsh
conditions of the school came snobbery from wealthy kids who would single out the non wealthy kids
and bombard them with questions (Agathocleous 10), as Orwell later
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The Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History
The Confederate Flag Is the confederate flag a true symbol of Heritage or Hate ? Recently there has
been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag. Many states in America s south had
the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months.
This confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half,
which was ever since the start of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbol
of hatred and are willing to get rid of it by taking it down. On the other hand, some people see this flag
as a symbol of American history and want to keep this flag flying for heritage. The real question is
who is right and why? On July 10th, 2015 the confederate flag was finally taken down, along with the
pole it flew on. After one hundred and fifty four years this flag will forever be gone. Many people
were happy and glad to see the confederate flag go because it has lately been seen as a symbol of hate.
On June 17th, there was a shooting massacre in Charleston, South Carolina that was related to the
confederate flag. This was all the more reason to take down the flag and to keep people from egging
on hatred toward African American people. On July 8th, 2015 a debate was held to see if the people
wanted the flag to stay flying or to be taken down. By 6:30 p.m., the chamber was engaged in an
extended debate over a Pitts amendment that would remove the battle flag and
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Xaverian Values Analysis
The Xaverian values are an integral piece of the mission of Good Counsel and, ideally, of its students
as well. These values are: humility, simplicity, compassion, zeal, and trust. Throughout my service,
some which was completed to fulfill the school requirement and some which was not, and any
leadership opportunities I participated in, I was, at the time unknowingly, striving to fulfill these
values. To truly serve, or to truly lead, the understanding and application of these values is crucial. A
specific instance of leadership and service in which my demonstration of these values is evident was
my volunteer work with Easter Seals. I was a respite volunteer with Easter Seals. This meant that I
worked one on one with disabled children from ... Show more content on ...
I demonstrated this value while volunteering with Easter Seals by freeing the lives of the parents of
children who participated in the respite trips from a good deal of complexity. Through volunteering
with this organization, as a whole, we were able to alleviate complexity and simplify, if only for a
while, the lives of these parents so that they were able to accomplish other things or take a much
needed break. This opportunity to participate as a volunteer on respite trips led to think about and later
attempt to display the Xaverian value of humility. Being a part of an organization like this one
prompted me to consider that I had a part in it, but that I was by no means the most important part.
Realizing this led to the demonstration of this value by taking care to fulfill my responsibilities to the
best of my abilities while also keeping in mind that I was making a difference but I was not the
deciding factor and that that was okay. Compassion is a Xaverian value that I found fairly easy to
demonstrate in the context of Easter Seals. One of the reasons I decided to volunteer with this
organization was the fact that it helped people that I had a huge amount of sympathy for and that I
wanted to help. I was able to help make the lives of the families who participated in the respite trips
better and easier, for the kids on the trips by giving them the chance to experience things they might
not otherwise have had the chance to and for the parents by allowing them the time to accomplish
other things or some much needed time to recharge. This service also presented me with the
opportunity to display the Xaverian value of zeal. Easter Seals serves a cause that I believe in and
volunteering with them allows me to also serve this cause and to do so with fervor. This fervor is what
motivated me to continue to volunteer there and to make sure that every time I did, my responsibilities
were fulfilled to
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Essay on Bass Pro Shops Business Analysis
Primary Problems/Decisions to be made:
Bass Pro shop started as an 8 foot long display area in the back of a liquor store in 1971 and has
expanded into a Fortune 500 company that employs over 8,800 employees and has annual sales
estimating somewhere around $1.25 billion today. The question at hand is: should Bass Pro Shops
continue to expand, and if so at what rate should they? The primary problems they might face when
expanding are as follows. Could expansion hurt their brand image and if so how? The Competition
outside of Missouri is going to be much greater. They will not have the publicity and brand
recognition as they do in Missouri. Does Bass Pro have the financial resources in order to open new
stores, if not then what are some ... Show more content on ...
Bass Pros environment differentiates itself by offering a one of a kind experience due to their outdoor
environment, and offering hands on product trials so the costumer can experience the product before
they purchase it.
4. Customer service:
a. Expertise in their product line:
Employees are required to show proper use and maintenance of products.
3 years of retail service experience is required before consideration of employment. b. Customer
convenience: Customers are able to fill many needs because Bass Pro offers thousands of products
under one roof. Internet and catalog shopping offers services for consumers out of the comfort of their
own homes
1. Managing Multiple Stores:
a. New management could create new potential problems: Problems will occur much more frequently
with new stores due to lack of experience throughout the employment chain.
b. Staying consistent with other stores objectives: Being a chain, customers expect to have the same
experience Bass Pro prides its name on. If managers do not uphold company standards from store to
store, then one bad experience could lead to a negative image for Bass Pro Shops.
c. Higher payroll could hurt financially: A much higher overhead could lead to losses at the beginning
because they have to hire many new employees with each opening of a new store: therefore, this could
... Get more on ...
John Donne s quot;the Flea quot;, a Critical Analysis Essay
Since the beginning of time, one of the most captivating and yet elusive of all emotions has been love.
Back in the 17th century most male poets wrote about woman s beauty, while others romanticized
lustful inclinations in poetry. The clich #233; love at first sight, is too often idealized to be the epitome
of true love ; most poets will uphold to the prior statement such as John Donne and Andrew Marvell.
In John Donne s The Flea Donne expresses his love for a woman without having touched her. On the
other hand, Andrew Marvell in To My Coy Mistress, glorifies and adores the woman s beauty;
however there is a sense of urgency in his words and an underlying sexual current as well.
Nonetheless, both poets attempt to persuade their ... Show more content on ...
Donne cleverly asserts that no sin, nor shame was lost and her virginity and purity is still intact, nor
loss of maidenhead. And because of this, she should cherish the flea, which is the symbol of their
relationship. On the other hand, an insect does not make decisions as humans do and acts according to
its instincts; making its actions random. Wherein could this flea guilty be, / except in that drop it
sucked from thee? The random act of the flea sucking both Donne and his sweethearts blood happened
by coincidence. That coincidence Donne claims is the best way to share their love for each other when
he says, Just so much honor, when thou yield st to me, / Will waste, as this flea s death took life from
thee (lines 26 27). If the woman slept with Donne, then she would be dishonored, and he does not
want her wasted away. Whereas, if she kills the flea then the union of their lives their relationship will
die as well. Though Donne attempts to convince the woman of his love via the flea, Marvell s method
is more direct and less particular.
Marvell s method of persuading the woman is overly eager and immodest to the point of animalistic
copulation. He is solely attracted to her beauty, yet her modesty is a barrier for him to win her over
with time being his main enemy. That long preserved virginity, / And your quaint honor turn to dust/
And into ashes
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Analysis Of Cather s A Pair Of Silk Stockings
Cather and Chopin on Feminism Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we
venture out, we will fall off the edge. ~Andrea Dworkin. This quote shows how society has put this
idea into the heads of women in every new generation that a women has to play the certain household
role while men go out and work. It portrays that women can t venture past the expectations that an
earlier society put on women s shoulders. Throughout time, women have played the role of the quiet
house wife. Society enforces the expectations that women should follow society s demands over their
own desires. In Chopin s story A Pair of Silk Stockings the main character, Mrs. Sommers, wished to
escape the typical role of a busy housewife and wanted to live independently in the life of luxury.
These writings are relevant today since feminism hasn t prospered to the point that both men and
women are treated as equals. Some may say that men and women are now treated the same since both
are capable of the same duties; however, men can do the same duties but most chose not to due to
early women s roles. The fact that men and society form women into housewife roles even if they
have jobs is proven in the article, More Women are in the Workforce So Why are They Still Doing So
Many Chores?, when its states, data suggests that women in heterosexual partnerships may be
just as burdened with household chores as ever ( Hence, women with jobs are still
... Get more on ...
Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry
Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry
Tisha Smith
Axia College of UOP
ECO 305 Economic Theory
George Harris
March 18, 2007
Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry Introduction The airline industry is one that is both costly
and necessary to the economy. Costly because of the funding provided by the government, recent
layoffs; which has a hand in rising inflation, dealing with negative externalities and high security
risks; necessary because the ease and speed of air travel is needed to keep countries productive and
competitive. It is a key component to the economy. Many businesses rely on air transportation as well
as consumers and individuals employed within the ... Show more content on ...
This is because air travel is not the only means of transportation. A person would like the speed and
convenience of travel by air, but other transportation alternatives exist. Air travel is both a luxury and
a necessity depending on the purpose of its use. For the purpose of vacationing or visiting friends and
family, air travel could be considered a luxury, but for the individual or company who relies on the
speed of air travel to complete business transactions, it would be considered a necessity. The supply
and demand of air travel is impacted by several factors. Air travel is a normal good. The demand for
air travel can diminish slightly because there are other means of safer transportation available. The
demand can also decrease if it becomes too unaffordable. Consumers with a higher income are able to
spend more time vacationing with the use of air transportation. Air travel can be substituted with other
forms of transportation if the income of the consumer decreases. The price elasticity of supply for the
Airline industry however, is inelastic because even with the shifts in demand for air travel, which were
caused by events such as the 9/11 attacks and high gasoline prices, the rates and fares for air travel are
able to be set without being effected by those events. The airline industry provides a transportation
... Get more on ...
Structure Of Skeletal System Of The Human Body
Structure of Skeletal System
The human body is made up of 206 bones held together by ligaments, whilst joints provide mobility.
Ligaments are a band of tough, flexible connective tissue which connects two bones. The skeleton
forms a frame at which the internal organs rest and over which muscles and skin is layered over.
The bones of the human skeleton are divided into 2 groups: axial and appendicular skeletons. The
axial skeleton forms the axis of the body and it includes the bones of the skull, ribcage and the spine.
These bones are there to support, protect and carry other body. For example, the spine is a part of the
axial skeleton and it protects the spinal cord.
The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the upper and ... Show more content on ...
Flat bones Thin, flattened and slightly curved. They have 2 outer layers of compact bone with
cancellous tissue between them. The sternum and scapula are flat bones.
Irregular bones Complex shapes that fit none of the other categories of bone because of their odd
shape. The facial bone and vertebrae are some examples.
Sesamoid bones Specialised function: they make joint movement easy and resist friction. They are
covered with a layer of cartilage as they are found where bones articulate. Although they look small,
sesamoid bones vary in size. The largest is the patella.
Location of major bones
The human skeleton consists of groups that contain one or more major bones.
Skull the bony framework of the head consisting of facial and cranial bones which form the cranium.
The skull protects the brain.
Shoulder girdle This consists of 4 bones, two clavicles and two scapulae. The clavicle connects the
humerus to the torso. An end of the clavicle is connected to the sternum and the other end is connected
to the shoulder blade.
Chest The chest is made up by the ribs and sternum and it protects the heart and the lungs. The
sternum is a flat bone that is found in the middle of the chest. The ribs are thin and flat and there are
24 bones in total to make up the ribs (12 pairs). The first seven pairs are connected to the spine and the
sternum by cartilage. The next 3 pairs are attached to the
... Get more on ...
The Purpose Of Property And Casualty Insurance
Purpose of Property and Casualty Insurance
Our Red River Wealth Management firm wants to not only help protect your money but your tangible
assets and home as well. Property insurance helps lessen the burden of replacing these assets if they
were to be damaged or destroyed. Below are our recommendations for property and casualty insurance
in regards to your cars, home, jewelry, health, and disability.
Recommendations for Homeowners Insurance
Your current homeowner s insurance policy is below the adequate coverage. You are currently paying
$1,500 annually and receiving minimum coverage on a named peril basis. We recommend upgrading
your current coverage to an HO5 policy that includes all structures and belongings on an all peril
basis. An all peril basis means that you are covered for a larger number of risk exposures, where your
current policy only covers a certain number leaving you exposed to larger loss. This policy will be
around $5,200 annually on your current home and $5,900 for your future home. These policies have a
lower deductible of 1% ($3,500 on current home and $4,000 on future home), $200,000 in coverage,
and the umbrella minimum coverage. See the appendix for an in depth calculation of coverage for
your current and future home.
Recommendations for Liability Insurance
We recommend purchasing an umbrella policy worth $1,000,000. An umbrella or liability policy will
protect your assets from being taken in case of a lawsuit. A policy of this amount
... Get more on ...

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005 Being Leader Essay Example Thatsnotus

  • 1. 005 Being Leader Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 005 Being Leader Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus 005 Being Leader Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus
  • 2. The Legacy of Afghanistan’s Civil War Essay The Legacy of Afghanistan s Civil War Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, President Bush declared, and subsequently launched an attack on the axis of Evil . National, as well as international spotlight shifted to Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden, the presumed mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, was believed to be harbored. In the following months, Afghanistan became embroiled, for the second time in a century, in yet another major war. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, completely shocked and terrified Americans, many of whom had previously felt themselves immune to such unthinkable acts of violence. It, too, had the effect of raising questions, questions like: why America? Who were these ... Show more content on ... The country of Afghanistan is small, rugged, and landlocked, situated between the present day countries of Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iran. It is approximately 252,000 square miles (652,000 square kilometers) in area, roughly the equivalent to the state of Texas.[1] Historically, Afghanistan s strategic location at the crossroads of Asia has made the country the focal point of many imperialist ambitions and, throughout its history, the country has been subject to recurrent invasion and outside occupation.[2] The last century of Afghanistan s history, has, in fact, been characterized, and replete with occupation by outside forces, all trying to wield their power within it. The country has become the arena where incessant jockeying for a secure foothold in, and influence over the region has played itself out. From the period beginning in the 1820s and ending in 1919, Afghanistan was the unfortunate victim of the competing imperialist ambitions of Great Britain and Tsarist Russia.[3] Viewing Afghanistan as a buffer state against Russian expansionism, the British invaded and occupied Afghanistan for close to a century before finally being driven out in 1919, with the 3rd Afghan war. The years from 1979 1988 marked the second period of outside occupation in the country s last century ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Alliteration In The Wanderer And The Wife s Lament Alliteration is defined as the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables. It is a literary device that authors use to bring attention to certain important ideas or concepts in stories. Alliterations allow the reader to bring their senses together to hear and feel what they are reading by bring in sounds of the world around us into literate. This helps the reader visualize the story, therefore helping the reader to remember it. It is used in many stories as a way to hide metaphors and other subliminal messages. For example, alliterations with the s being the prominent sound could be visualized as a snake slithering, making a character have a slyness about him. Specifically in Anglo Saxon literature, alliteration is significant because it is how authors organized their poems or stories, includes repetition which aids memorization, and emphasizes important parts of the text that the author wants the audience to know. Alliteration in important in both The Wanderer and The Wife s Lament because it helps evoke certain emotions and feelings by using the different functions of alliterative language. In Anglo Saxon works of literature, alliterations are used with stresses to organize poems and to create a certain flow. There are certain patterns that can be seen in the lines of poems, often containing four stressed words with three of the word being alliterative and a caesura separating the four stresses words in half. A simple example of this would be in line 94 of The Wanderer stating, Alas bright beaker! Alas burnished warrior! The audience can almost feel the rhythm of the poem as they read it or hear it told out loud. Having this structure in a poem also works with the language and how it is spoken. It is hard to hear these patterns in translated versions due to other language influences in the English we speak today. When I heard the original version of The Wanderer spoken in Old English, the stressed words really stood out to me and the alliterative words were clear. Listening to the mixture of the Old English language and the alliterative and stressed lines I can feel the way the character in the stories feel. In the first few lines of The Wife s Lament ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A Conspiracy in Politics Politics is much more than agendas these days. It is a game involving intricate strategies and manoeuvres to outsmart the others. Big games are played in today s political arena and these big games are limited to the big player only. No matter how loyally or how long a person serves, the game plan is limited only to the highest tier of the parties or maybe even less. The best and the trickiest of games are played with a lot of confidentiality to ensure its success. Politics, mind you, is not a child s play. Politicians are extremely smart people. By using the word smart, I don t put them into the category of Einstiens or Newtons. What I am trying to convey is that they are very observant and capable of noticing the smallest of opportunities. They plan with vision and over time it pays off. In the light of the present situation, I may sound a complete fool for what I have just said. Had politicians been so smart and so thoughtful in their strategies then why can t the Indian National Congress see the very evident inefficiency of Mr. Rahul Gandhi? He has become a subject of numerous jokes on the social media and his incompetency has come to the fore over the years. It is very clear that Rahul has failed miserably to connect to the people. On the other hand, there is Modi, a magnetic personality with great oration skills. More importantly he has Gujarat to show for his achievements. Is the Congress so naive to neglect it and go about doing nothing at all? It must have ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Smith And Reed Leadership The article presented by Smith and Reed uniquely explored the topic of leadership research by maintaining a focus on a regional subculture; Appalachia. The primary objective for this project was to identify a correlation between women s leadership influence and factors such as education, gender bias, family/work life issues, and family violence/abuse (Smith and Reed, 2010). Data was collected through a convenience sampling of 347 graduate students with varying degrees of residence in Appalachia, and leadership experience. More specifically, respondents utilized a 5 point Likert type scale to assess items relating to each of the intended research topics. An analysis of this article will demonstrate how Smith and Reed constructed arguments to ... Show more content on ... 88). Until recently, the majority of professions were male specific, causing the development of women leaders to be overlooked. The research contributions made by O Neil and Bilimoria demonstrated that women s careers and leadership development are impacted by social context (Smith Reed, 2010). Furthermore, Smith and Reed (2010), highlighted that previous research on life events, such as educational opportunities and family support, has demonstrated to impact women s careers. By adopting a positive or negative event that is inconsistent with that part of a person s worldview as a definition for critical life event, the team was able to highlight specific research sub topics that were relevant to this cultural subgroup (Smith Reed, 2010,p .90) ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Corpse Bride And Edward Scissorhands Analysis We do not fear the unknown. We fear what we think about the unknown. Is a quote from Teal Swan. This idea is incorporated into a lot of director s movies, however, Tim Burton, a creator of many famous movies, would probably have one of the best understandings of this idea. This is through Burton s constant use of ideas about the unknown in many of his films. Yet, these ideas of fearing the unknown and curiosity of the unknown are especially prominent in Burton s films such as The Corpse Bride and Edward Scissorhands. There are a great amount of techniques Burton uses to convey these ideas of the unknown, but Burton typically uses techniques such as some sort of misfit protagonist that is different than most people and a judgmental ... Show more content on ... He then becomes more of an outcast than he already was and now has to face the ridicule of his society. He then runs away to hide from everyone and is followed by Pegg s daughter, Kim. Kim ends up making the neighborhood realize that Edward was innocent of stealing and only acted in self defense when killing Jim. The neighborhood then realized they never should have feared Edward and then left Edward alone to enjoy doing what he loves. Both of these examples showcase that these misfit characters taught their own societies to never fear them or the unknown. Burton also tends to have a judgmental society to showcase further that society wrongly teaches people to fear the unknown. Such as in Edward Scissorhands, where the neighborhood was always too quick to judge Edward and automatically assumed the worst in him. This is especially present when the neighborhood assumed Edward had killed Jim for no reason and then tried to kill Edward themselves. This shows that the neighborhood harshly judges those who act outside of their unspoken rules. This also demonstrates that the neighborhood will only believe what they want to believe. In the end the neighborhood really only thought of Edward as something new that should bring joy to their lives, but then wrongly taught themselves to fear him. This technique is also evident in The Corpse Bride when the townspeople is struck by fear when the dead enter their ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Song Human From Her Head Or Heart Album Is being human perfect without flaws or can we be a little imperfect? Are we humans not permitted to show weakness? Do we need to act more like machines with no flaws in them? Christina Perri s song Human from her Head or Heart album, is about being able to admit your defaults and accepting them without changing yourself. The song Human by Christina Perri uses repetition, symbolism and metaphor to reveal that we re human that have faults, we cannot be perfect without having faults and we shouldn t change for anyone. The message of the song is we re human that have faults, we cannot be perfect without faults and shouldn t try changing for others. The song s constant use of I can... is saying that we can do anything, but then we hear; I m only human , which contradicts each other. Because the lyrics saying you can do anything but at the same time its saying we have limits. I can do it/But I m only human (11, 14). Christina repeats these two phrases through out her song to make us understand that it s okay to not be perfect. We see that the singer makes herself believe that she cannot be flawed, because then she won t find happiness. Then she goes and tells us that she s only human, which we realize that us human are not perfect. Yet she says its fine being defected. The singer makes us relate to what she is singing about by repeating; And I bleed when I fall down/I m only human/And I crash and I break down/Your words in my head, knives in my heart/You build me up ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Syntax In Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address In Abraham Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address, he addresses the nation. At the end of the Civil War, both the North and South still had issues with each other. Lincoln s speech calls both the North and South to put their problems aside that s preventing them from getting along. In this speech, Lincoln uses tone, diction, and syntax to help reach the purpose of the speech. Lincoln s tone encourages the Americans to finish the Civil War and the progress as becoming a nation. According to The Avalon Project it says, let us strive on to finish the work we are in and to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace. Lincoln s tone, that he uses, is hopeful: he wished for the war to finish and the issue of slavery to move on, ... Show more content on ... According, to The Avalon Project it says, While the Inaugural Address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war, seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation and All dreaded it all sought to avert it. The differentiation in the lengths of the sentences can show the difference between the North and South, and Lincoln s tendency to combine them to make a strong country. This syntax helps highlight Lincoln s purpose of joining a divided country by merging two different sentence lengths to make a powerful speech, showing that the combination of the Confederacy and the Union will make a strong country. Lastly, Lincoln uses syntax to make a call for a unified country, mainly as he concludes. According, to the article The Avalon Project it says let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the country s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan. With this conclusion, Lincoln encourages the North, as winners, to no longer make war, but to make peace, and should care about the people who have been wounded in the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. A Common Understanding Of Weather Menace 1. What is fog? A common understanding of this weather menace must be established before delving into its dangers. Layman s terms suggest that fog is a low hovering cloud which limits the visibility at ground level in a wide variety of intensity. From personal experience, fog may prevent you from locating your own home, or may simply cause the air to feel moist. Fog forms when the difference between air temperature and dew point is generally less than 4 °F. Fog begins to form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets suspended in the air, usually also clinging to pollutants or naturally occurring particles (ex: dust, salt, etc.) Water vapor is added to the air by: wind convergence into areas of upward direction, precipitation, daytime heating which evaporates water from the surface of large bodies of water, oceans or wetlands; transpiration from plants, cool or dry air moving over warmer water, and lifting air over mountains. Think of fog as a lower rendition of the cloud form stratus; meaning it is a lower deck that occurs when a cool air mass is confined under a warm air mass. 2. Different types of fogs? Foggiest place in the United States? Fog can form in many ways dependent on what caused the cooling and how the condensation occurred. The most common form of fog, Radiation fog, is fashioned by the cooling of terrain after sun down by thermal radiation when wind conditions are relatively calm and cloud cover is at a minimum. The cooling ground produces ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cloud Gate Research Paper Cloud Gate is the first public outdoor installed in the United States and it sits on the top of AT T plaza. It is located in the heart of downtown. This art object is one of the most famous symbol of Chicago and one of the city s most visited tourist attractions. Kapoor was inspired by liquid mercury. Bean is a reflection of your own as you walk near it and it also captures the skyline and sky around it. It has a silver surface that makes it possible to have a reflection. It is a reflection with a beautiful skylines and clouds. He used polished stainless steel plates for the reflection. Kapoor wanted to design something that is unique for tourists. Cloud Gate s name was given because the Bean is a passage between the viewer and the sky. He ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Theme Of Love In Ethan Frome Ethan Frome was novel about a love story that could not be fulfilled, because the characters that are having the secret love story are already married or about to be married. The theme that was shown the most through the book was love. This theme was talked about a lot during the book with two of the main characters. Between the three main characters one was the string through the whole novel and that was Zeena. The way Ethan life turn out is because of the choices he has made he cause everything that has happen to him. Everything can change with just one decision you make. The theme love was shown when Ethan and the person, who lives in his house so she can help his sick wife with things she needs to be done, falls in love with each other but they have to hide it from everybody. One day they were walking home together and the book shows symbolism through what happens. In the book it says, A dead cucumber vine dangled from the porch like the crape streamer tied to the door for a death, and the thought flashed through Ethan s brain: If it was there for Zeena Then he had a distinct sight of his wife lying in her bedroom asleep, her mouth slightly open, her false teeth in a tumbler by the bed. (Wharton 21). The cucumber vine symbolised his wife being dead but she really was not dead just sick. This helps with the theme because at first Ethan think him and Mattie can be together but then realises his wife is still alive, The motif that help clarify the theme is ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Pet Mental Illnesses Nearly any type of pet will have a very positive impact on people with mental illnesses. They are a great source of support, comfort, and motivation for their owners. In many ways, a pet can help people with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, live mentally healthier lives. One of the most common mental illnesses is anxiety, and it affects over 40 million people around the world. However, simply owning an animal can be life changing for them. A pet can surprisingly be very powerful, they are capable of greatly reducing anxiousness in many ways. For example, research shows that when you hold or stroke an animal such as a cat or a dog, it significantly lowers stress levels, anxiousness and uneasiness, which helps someone struggling with ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Human Resource Management ( Hrm ) And Corporate Social... The recent advent of Critical Management Studies has suggested inconsistency between management in theory that was rather rational and technical as compared to management in practice which was more complex (Cunliffe, 2014). This has led to a re evaluation of the methods used to conduct management and its specialisms such as Human Resource Management. Over the years, Human Resource Management (HRM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have been seen as separate variables in both practice oriented as well as academic discourses. (Schoemaker, Nijhof and Jonker, 2006) Hence, there is serious skepticism regarding the ability of HRM to significantly contribute towards CSR within organizations. However, with priorities of a business ... Show more content on ... Following the efforts of management researchers to narrow the gap between management theory and practice, a third variable has emerged: Human Value Management (HVM). Touted as the future of HRM, it is a function that ensures a business is driven by both market orientation as well as social responsibility. Employees desire to be identified with an organization that is aligned with its commitment of taking accountability for its activities that may impact the society as well as bringing about a sustainable change. It is thus essential that HRM develops processes that integrate CSR and ethics practices into an organization s brand rather than make it a mere publicity strategy. The prime focus is on the integration of HRM and CSR as a whole, rather than two different entities. Data gathered from online research and academic literature shall be used to analyze the role of HRM in promoting CSR in an organization. This idea can further be supported through the example of The University of Manchester, the efforts invested by its Human Resource function to ensure that what the university is teaching as part of its Human Resource Management module aligns with how people are treated within the university itself as well as the programs initiated by the university to contribute towards building a knowledgeable workforce in the society. The ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How To Make Mardi Gras Persuasive Speech Facebook Headline: Let us fatten up your Tuesday and every other day! Let the last best Mardi Gras Deal Continue! We ve extended our Mardi Gras Deal Celebration!* Body: Mardi Gras is over but you can still buy the Mardi Gras Party Box ! Sub copy: The Party Box includes 4 candles a guaranteed $25 ring plus 4 chances to enter to win a $5,000 ring. That s a $139.99 value for ONLY $39.99 ! Over 70% Savings! Instagram Headline: Mardi Gras is over but you can still buy the Mardi Gras Party Box ! Copy: The Party Box includes 4 candles a guaranteed $25 ring plus 4 chances to enter to win a $5,000 ring. That s a $139.99 value for ONLY $39.99 ! Over 70% Savings! Yahoo Headline: Let us fatten up your Tuesday and every other ... Get more on ...
  • 15. How Alcatraz Affected US Prison When you think of Alcatraz do you think of a creepy prison with only the worst prisoners? But Alcatraz wasn t really like that, in fact a lot of prisoners wanted to be transferred to Alcatraz because of the benefits. But how has Alcatraz affected other U.S. prisons? In 1850 Alcatraz was made to be a military fort and was the first West coast lighthouse. They started keeping war prisoners there from the civil war. Then in 1909 they tore the fort down and made it into the most high security prison in the state. It closed March 21, 1963 because it cost to much to maintain. Why did they make it though and who made it a prison? In 1847 Millard Fillmore made it for military use to guard the San Francisco bay. Even though it was native ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Auditor and Fraud EXPLAIN THE RESPECTIVE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGEMENT AND AUDITORS IN THE PREVENTION AND DETECTION OF FRAUD. The primary responsibility for fraud detection lies with management. This arises due to a contractual duty of care. Directors are able to discharge their duty toward prevention and detection of fraud and error in many ways, for example: * Complying with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance * Developing a code of conduct, monitoring compliance and taking action against breaches * Emphasising a strong commitment to fraud prevention. This involves establishing a culture of honesty and ethical behaviour within the organisation with clearly communicated policies. * Establishing an internal audit function ... Show more content on ... Typical rationalisations include: I am only borrowing the money and will pay it back Nobody will get hurt (perception of fraud as victimless crime The company treats me unfairly and owes me Its only temporary until my financial position improves Everybody s at it!! The extent to which individuals appear to be motivated by greed. Again, a difficult characteristic to assess but the individual s concern with money and consumer goods may provide some clues about this. If someone starts turning up to work in a brand new Ferrari, they may have won the lottery, or benefited from the demise of a loving relative, or they could be up to no good!! The degree of loyalty exhibited by an individual. If the individual has been with one firm a long time, this may indicate a certain level of satisfaction with their employment and perhaps reduce the likelihood of them committing fraud. You should, however, also be aware that experienced employees, because they are trusted, might have a greater opportunity to commit fraud. Ernst amp; Young Survey (2000) found that nearly half of the employees who defrauded their firms had been employed for over five years. Also bear in mind that opportunities to commit fraud can arise when an employee reaches a level of trust in an organisation or when internal controls are weak or nonexistent. Then the employee if he or she is so motivated will perceive that there is an opportunity to commit fraud, conceal it, and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. What Is The British Conservative Party The British Conservative Party in 1935 s main concerns were peace and defense. They understood that the League of Nations would play a huge role in both supporting and strengthening their goals in these two subjects. The League of Nations was the center of British foreign policy and the first interest of the citizens of Britain. The recent problems between Italy and Abyssinia only heightened the need for the League of Nations. They did not want to repress back into their old system which resulted after the Great War. The needs of national defense and the fulfillment of international obligations were the measurements of the national armaments by the Covenant. The Commonwealth of the United Kingdom and the British Empire played influential parts ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Pets In Human Life Essay Pets, these animals that share their lives with us do much more than one normally thinks of. They wait for us watching in the window, give one licks of joy, and give us unconditional love are some of the common joys of having a family pet. In a short time they become member of the family. These are many reasons one loves to share their space with a creator not of the same species as humans. However, there are some other added benefits to having these members of the family. Sharing one s life with pets help us to maintain a healthier physical, mental, and emotional aspect in life. The first added benefit of having pet as part of the family is that pets help us to live and maintain a healthy life style. One knows that these companions need exercise to stay in good health and since they can t walk themselves, they motivate their human companions to take them for a walk. This is one of the obvious ways that pets help one to live healthier lives. However, there are many other ways that pets improves one s life. In research posted on the it states that, Exposure to 2 or more dogs or cats in the first year of life may reduce subsequent risk of allergic sensitization to multiple allergens during childhood. By being exposed to these family pets at an early age can help to reduce future allergy problems. These are good reason why to include a pet into the family. One might think that by introducing animals into the household that it will introduce diseases and have ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Lady Or The Tiger Essay The Lady or The Tiger The lady or the tiger is a short story about a young man who had a passion for the King s daughter. One day the King found out about this lovly relationship and didnt abrove of this young man. In the village the King runs if you are caugh doing something bad or the king dosnt abrove of the appropite behavior of the citizen then you go to jail. When you are in jail you get sechuled a time to go in this big arena. In in this arena there are 2 doors that look exactly the same. Behink one door is a big nasty tiger, and the other door has a lively little lady. The lovly lady behind that door was a lady that the kings daught was very jelous about . This young man had been caught and got scheduled his appearance in this arena. While he was in the arena he looked over at the kings daughter and the King s daughter pointed and a door because she knew what was behind those doors. The young man walked up to the door and that was the end of the story. The King s daughter cued the Young man to the door with the lady. ... Show more content on ... The King s daughter loved this young man to mutch to watch him die. The King s daughter really wanted to see this young mans have a successful life. Even tho she didn t get the young man she wanted she still didn t want to see him die if she really loved him. The man had to trust the King s daughter as well. If the man cued for help he still showed trust and sympathy so it is more reasonable for the King s daughter to cue him to the door with the lady in it. Just cause the the Kings daughter is semi barbaric doesn t mean she want to see him die. She still might have showed compassion towards him and didn t want to see a painful ... Get more on ...
  • 20. CASE FINDING AND EVALUATING FREIGHT FORWARDERS FINDING AND EVALUATING FREIGHT FORWARDERS This is a team assignment to be prepared in groups of 3 4 students. Some, probably not all but this depends on timing, may be asked to present your findings to the group. Presentations should be scheduled for roughly 5 (at most 10) minutes. Growth in international trade has increased the importance of logistics and international transportation as strategic tools for achieving competitive advantage. One solution is to take advantage of the services of a freight forwarder. The evaluation and selection of a freight forwarder is a critical strategic decision for managers involved in international operations. In this Management Skill Builder, we focus on a basic approach for evaluating freight ... Show more content on ... 8. What types of other services does the forwarder provide? Examples of these include customs brokerage, logistics management, consulting on international shipments, and EDI services. For example, using EDI, the exporter can transmit exporting documentation to the forwarder, and track the location and status of international shipments. Based on the information collected above, make a recommendation on which of the three freight forwarders you believe your firm should employ. Be sure to justify your answer, by summarizing the information gathered in response to the above questions. When seeking a freight forwarder, the above questions address only some of the issues that you might face in the real world of international business. In a real situation, you would likely seek answers to other questions as well, depending on the firm s situation, regarding issues such as the type of product, destination, size of shipment, and available exporter resources. Other issues to investigate include product/service specialization, responsiveness and attention to exporter needs, financing capabilities, financial position, and pricing, as well as the forwarder s efficiency and reliability. Many of the evaluation criteria used in selection are subjective and therefore not easily quantifiable. It is critical to evaluate potential freight forwarders in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Suggested Resources for this Exercise IMPORTANT these ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Comparing Disney s A Thousand And One Arabian Nights Many aspects color how exactly a translator interprets a text, allowing for a great deal of variation to occur between different translator s versions of the same text. This holds true for the Middle Eastern classic A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, as anyone can observe a multitude of differences between the extensive numbers of English translations that have been released over the past three centuries. Cultural beliefs and ideas play a large role in the variances, but do not account for all of the discrepancies, especially in terms of maturity level. A translation s maturity level is based on more than just the translator s cultural landscape. Though other factors influence translation as well, cultural values still play a large role in ... Show more content on ... The infamous Richard Burton comes from a similar cultural background to the aforementioned Edward Lane, but his translation of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights is perhaps the most explicit English translation to date. This is not because of radically different cultural values, but simply based upon the intent of the translators. Burton s intent is also visible in his means of publication. British conservatism was at its height during the time in which Burton was publishing his translation, making it so he had to publish said translation privately in order to avoid violating laws such as the Obscene Publications Act. As one can see via his blatant violation of the law, as well as Burton s general demeanor, cultural values played an extraordinarily small role in the maturity level of his ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Hamlet Ghost Is Real Essay Maybe he s real and maybe he s not, either way, the ghost certainly seems real to Hamlet. Throughout Hamlet, both the reader and young Hamlet are in a dilemma as to whether or not the ghost of Hamlet s father is a spirit sent to tempt and destroy Hamlet or if it is truly his father who has come to reveal the tragedy of his death so that revenge can be sought. On the one hand, it is rather easy to believe that the general Shakespearian attitudes and assumptions about apparitions are correct, that they are spirits sent from hell to tempt and wreak havoc on the living. On the other hand, however, the reader, like Hamlet, cannot help but feel compelled to listen to the ghost s tale about his death and his lack of peace. Because of the verbal power ... Show more content on ... So It is clearly possible that the ghost as a father might just be a figment of Hamlet s imagination, as Hamlet is also the only one who has a dialogue with the ghost and he s the only one who sees or hears it when the ghost shows up, for instance, in Gertrude s chamber to remind Hamlet to be nice to his mom. Even before Hamlet finds out that the ghost has been appearing on the castle walls, he says to Horatio My father methinks I see my father [...] in my mind s eye Has Hamlet been imagining his conversations with the ghost the whole time? Creating the ghost out of his wild imagination could be Hamlet s way of dealing with the loss of the father he loved and idolized. Regardless of whether or not the ghost actually exists though, the spirit perhaps represents the way young Hamlet is haunted by his father s memory. Even though Claudius insists Hamlet s deep grief is unmanly and Gertrude pushes Hamlet constantly to just move one, the prince just mentally and emotionally ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Organizational Ethical Behavior Trends Essay Organizational Ethical Behavior Trends Value motivated ethical leadership is needed today. The world has such a diverse work force today, and managers must develop and empower workers to achieve organizational goals. One develops his or her ethics from his or her culture, ethnic background, and religious beliefs. This paper discusses the importance of ethics and technology in the managerial decision making process and work related stress. The influence of ethics on decision making Ethics is about making choices with integrity. The future will be different after a choice is made, sometimes dramatically different, and that is why ethical decision making is so important. The more difficult the ethical choice one faces, the more ... Show more content on ... People sense same ethical dilemmas differently, and even those with ethical sensitivity may feel or understand the dilemma in different ways. For example, some may think reporting misconduct to supervisors outside the chain of command is an unethical act because it is disrespectful to the immediate superior. Some, however, believe that such an individual act, as long as benefiting the general welfare of the group, is not in violation of a code of ethics (Fang, M., 2006). It is important to understand an ethical dilemma before the actual decision making process begins. Once the dilemma has been identified, individuals will start engaging in moral reasoning. However, a morally right judgment will not necessarily lead to moral behavior. The decision making process involves many other concerns, including self interests. For example, a person understands that giving out company secrets to competitors is morally wrong but may still decide to do it out of self interest. The reason is that he of she fails to establish a moral intent which shows his or her resolution to act on a moral judgment. One may decide not to act on a decision that is perfectly ethical but on the decision that may bring about an outcome that he or she prefers (Fang, M., 2006). One difference between an average decision and an ethical one is that traditional rules may not apply and the decision maker must ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Boys and Girls by Alice Munro Society tries to place many rules upon an individual as to what is acceptable and what is not . One must decide for themselves whether to give in to these pressures and conform to society s projected image, or rather to resist and maintain their own desired self image. In the story Boys and Girls by Alice Munro, Munro suggests that this conflict is internal and external and a persons experiences in life will determine which of these forces will conquer. In terms of the unnamed protagonist s experiences in the story, it becomes clear just how strong the pressure of society to conform really is, as it overcomes and replaces the girl s self image. In order to better understand the conflict, first we must define what conformity and self ... Show more content on ... Although seemingly unimportant to the storyline, the presence of the foxes and horses play a major role in the story, as they symbolize the sides of the conflict between conformity and self image. The foxes represent conformity; they all live in the same routine, are controlled by others in their environment, and are both literally and metaphorically locked in a cage. The narrator s environment is much like the foxes, controlling. Her parent s subtle hints, whether it be her mother s comments or her father s tasks, are slowly but surely enclosing on her like a cage, and will soon trap her. The horses however, try as hard as they can, much like the narrator, to roam free for as long as possible, seemingly unaware of the forces acting against them in an attempt to deny them their freedom. For the horses, this force was the narrator s father, who felt that they had a purpose to be served, in the narrator s case, it was her mother s thought that she had a place to be served as well; inside the home. In the case of the foxes and horses, neither win, as they both die in the end, much like people. However, although the horse s lives end much sooner, they get to experience something that the foxes do not, and that is freedom. The protagonist s desire for freedom is clearly desirable as she expresses her resistance to conform to societies ideals by continuing to do things against the norm, thinking that by such measures [she] kept ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Abstinence Should Not Teach Students Safe Sex Practices When people of today s world turn on the television, it is easy to see why modesty is out the window. A good portion of the television shows aired have sexualized content, from sexual innuendos in jokes to portraying characters in the act. With this being a known fact, there is no doubt that sex education is important. However, schools are teaching more on the abstinence spectrum. Preaching abstinence does not teach students safe sex practices or a clear understanding of contraception. Abstinence only programs have the best intentions, however they are flawed due to a biased perspective. In the year of 1996, the United States government passed a bill that funded states who offered abstinence only programming in public schools. Ever since ... Show more content on ... Schools receiving money from the government, in sponsorship of the program, must teach the students to just say no to sex until legally married. The schools are also not permissible to teach students safe sex and may not mention contraception except to point out failure rates of various methods (Brody). There are a few states that have stood up to the government and refused funds, so the state has the option to determine their own ways to teach sex education. However, 43 states still take part of the program and promote it. Millions of dollars are pulled from the government each year for the program and many schools support the abstinence only movement. The programs have encouraging titles, such as Teens in Control and ReCapturing the Vision (Impacts). Students are greatly encouraged take virginity vows until marriage, carry an ATM card (abstinence till marriage), and conceitedly wear purity rings (Kelly). Programs, such as these, are used to develop a strong self worth and to teach about the negative consequences that could occur from sexual activity, but there is a major flaw: abstinence only programs are inefficient. Studies have shown abstinence only programming does not reduce the sexual activity of young people. In 2007, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a study about the abstinence programs. The government funded study ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Rise Of Pop Art In the 1940s the United States and the allies were in the midst of a deadly war against their Nazi German counterparts, World War II officially ended in 1945 and the Allies were victorious. In the early 1950s the post war economic boom in both the United States of America and Great Britain, gave the people optimism and money to spend as the super markets were filled with all kinds of consumer goods . The economy was good and people were happy. Capitalizing on the post war economic boom of the 1950s were advertisers. Advertising persuaded many, it told people what was popular, what was good, and what to buy. Advertising and glossy magazines were found everywhere, in the street, the highway, and even at the comfort of your own house as you opened the newspaper. This mass marketing phenomenon was incorporated with the rise of Pop Art. It paved the way for iconic artist such as Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns . With the rise of this bona fide American phenomenon also brought critics. Critics asked and wondered how a can of soup or a soft drink could be considered art. Pop artist, Andy Warhol responded by stating, Art is what you can get away with. What made pop art popular? It was brash, transient, witty, hostile, young, mass produced, and most importantly it was low cost . Pop art was the new art movement of the 1950s and 1960s, it was the successor of the art movement of a decade earlier. In the 1940s abstract expressionism was all the rage in the United States, it was ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Tom Stoppard s Rosencrantz Guildenstern Are Dead In the play, Rosencrantz Guildenstern Are Dead, the author, Tom Stoppard conveys his worldview to the readers. Throughout the play, readers are able to determine Stoppard s worldviews on the role of the everyday man s role in society, and most noticeable, death. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are presented as two characters who represent the everyday person. In the play, they are looking for purpose and direction for their lives. Just like the character, Hamlet, in Shakespeare s Hamlet, Guildenstern struggles with finding direction in his life because he tends to overthink things. This overthinking does not help him with finding direction in his life and eventually, like Hamlet, leads to his death. Rosencrantz on the other hand is the opposite of ... Show more content on ... Stoppard reflects on the idea that while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seeking this direction and purpose, they are not receiving. In the play, Stoppard includes the character of the Player. The player is an ironic character because he is in control of the play that the players put on, he is the most honest. The Players discusses that what [they] do on stage [is] the things that are supposed to happen off. Unlike Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the players are able to become anyone other people or society wants from them. This makes it so that whatever they encounter, they will be successful. As the play concludes, the players and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern know the only certain direction that life will take them is death. From the speech about death in a box, to the play of the Murder of Gonzago, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern discover that while death is certain, they cannot change their fate. While Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sailing to England, they embrace their fate because they learn that they cannot change the direction that fate is bringing them ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Internal And External Conflicts In Hamlet Conflict is indispensable to drama. Show that the inward conflicts are equally important as the outward conflict in the play. Hamlet faces both internal and external conflicts from the beginning of the play. In the play, the inner and outer conflicts of Hamlet seem to arise from the death of his father, King Hamlet, by his uncle, now King Claudius. Since Hamlets life pervades with conflicts as the confusion he faces essentially becomes the main focus of the play. However, Hamlet contains a diverse set of conflicts, of which Hamlet s inner conflicts are as prominent as his conflicts with other characters. As Hamlet deals with dilemmas within himself, other individuals, and the supernatural figure of his father. Shakespeare presents us ... Show more content on ... The two characters are facing both internal and external conflicts throughout the play. Hamlet s madness is portrayed through his thoughts as he is says he can kill Claudius at that moment. Hamlet s innermost feelings towards Claudius is brought out in his sixth soliloquy. Hamlet s initial thought being Now might I do it pat (3.3.73) displays his willingness to take action and commit the murder. However, his conscience stop him from committing the murder as he comes to the realization that Claudius sins will be exempted if he were to die while striving repentance. Hamlet s desire to punish Claudius is shown as he wants to ensure the dead of his uncle lasts an eternity and not a moment. This conflict between Hamlet and Claudius allows the development of the play as it is essentially revolves around the dead of King Hamlet. The struggle between Hamlet and the forces of nature are brought upon through the interaction with the Ghost. This is an external conflict as it is a struggle seen through the communication amongst the Ghost and the protagonist, himself. Hamlet first encounters his father s spirit and contemplates whether or not he is a demon pretending to be the former King of Dane. The Ghost reveals his reason of death to be due to being poisoned and murdered by Claudius when he states, but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy Fathers life, Now wears his crown. This further leads to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Neanderthal Evolution The Neanderthal roamed the lands of Europe for tens of thousands of years. But about 30,000 years ago, they became extinct, vanishing from the earth. (Homo Sapiens Versus Neanderthals). Only 15,000 years before, our ancestor Homo Sapien had expanded from Africa into Europe and Asia. (Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win? : DNews.) There are many different theories on what happened to Neanderthal, and how their interaction with Homo Sapien changed the Neanderthal world. The Homo Sapiens were more advanced and adaptable, and they could use the resources better than the Neanderthal. The Neanderthal also interbred with Homo Sapien who outnumbered them ten to one. (Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win? : DNews.)But eventually the Neanderthal ... Show more content on ... The Neanderthal lived isolated until about 45,000 years ago they were confronted with a new species, Homo Sapien. (Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program.) Before Homo Sapien arrived, the Neanderthal had been living off the land around them, and now Homo Sapien was also using their resources. The Homo Sapien were more adaptable and more advanced than the Neanderthal so they could better use the land. For example, the Homo Sapiens often lived on hilltops or in higher places where they could look out over valley which would have allowed the Homo Sapien to watch herd movement and plan hunting strategy. (Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution s Human Origins Program) The Neanderthal lived in lower places and in caves. Because of the Homo Sapien s advancement there wasn t as many resources left available to the Neanderthal, so they either would have to move or adapt to the new ways.The Homo Sapien also had more advanced tools like bone needles and knives, and an overall, more efficient way of living than the Neanderthal. The Neanderthal were also built much differently from Homo Sapien. The Neanderthal were much stronger than the Homo Sapien, but the Homo Sapien were built for long distance running while the Neanderthal who was shorter couldn t run as far. (Humans Vs. Neanderthals: How Did We Win) The Homo Sapiens were much better adapted for hunting in a warmer climate, and Europe was getting warmer. This was yet another advantage that the Homo Sapien had over the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary... RELIGIOUS ASPECT OF PURITANISM In Mrs. Mary Rowlandson s Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, religious aspects of puritanism are evident in a number of instances throughout the narrative. Puritanism in this case refers to the strong beliefs that are evident in the narration pertaining to religion. The narrator, Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, has strong religious beliefs. A good example of a religious aspect of puritanism is Mrs. Mary Rowlandson s belief in the power of God to protect. She argues out that in every single happening, God is concerned and He is the one who shields his people from any form of evil or danger. In the third remove, she says that the Lord would gather his people and protect them from their ... Get more on ...
  • 31. School Superintendents Responsibilities Each school district has a command chain and at the top is the Superintendent. Superintendents are most commonly compared to as the CEO of a school district. The Superintendent is the key to success in generating to the leadership of the schools responsibility for total success. This person is in charge of creating a vision for the school. The Superintendent hires and supervises all administrators and works to address all school challenges. A Superintendent has the main responsibility of governing an entire school district. Great Superintendents work with the board of trustees to set a clear vision with goals and objectives for the district to achieve. They also serve as an educational leader. The most important part of the job is to ensure the school district is giving all students an ... Show more content on ... School support staff consists of administrative assistants, teacher s aides, paraprofessionals, nurses, cooks, custodians and maintenance staff. These faculty members have a direct relationship on how the school runs. Most often they manage and take care of daily tasks that get overlooked but are some of the most important things to how a school can be run smoothly. At Packer, we have a strong group of support staff. These members of the community help aid teachers, students and administrators in ensuring we meet the need of our students. As an educator who is always striving to expand myself professional, I do not see myself as a district leader in the future. I am an active leader within the Packer community and I love teaching, coaching and advising. Being a Superintendent takes you outside of the schools and more into a business mindset. The key to why I love teaching is my direct interactions and relationships with my students, players and advisees. Knowing that a Superintendent has to think about all schools across the district and be more hands off is something that does not particular interest ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Theme Of Magic Realism In The Mistress Of Spices In this present technologically superfast world, where the click of buttons is changing the way people think, plan and execute their works and live their lives, virtual reality , surrealism , hyper reality are the terms in vogue. They are so commonly used everywhere that they may not seem fanciful any more. However, the excitement in superstitions, magic and mysticism still prevails. India has always caught the imagination of foreigners as the land of hidden secrets it is viewed as a hub of cosmic energy and emerging super power. The secret of Ayurvedas, the variety and depth in art forms like dance and music are equally attractive as Kamasutra and Yoga. The co existence of various religions, cultures, languages has always been a source of amazement. The festivities, the rituals and the mythological significances keep the attraction alive. ... Show more content on ... Magic realism is intermingling of reality with fantasy or imagination with the use of folk lore, fables, and mythological stories in such a way which captures the sensation of the audience in spite of knowing the truth. It is done to generate either a feeling of awe or wonder or merely to escape from reality and find some freshness from monotony. The central character Tilottama (shortened as Tilo) born as Nayan Tara, (star of the eye) also means Star seer was Destiny s child who could foresee the future of her people in some remote village in India. She attracted attention of the pirates who re christened as Bhagyavati, Bringer of Luck and took her away from her parents to use her powers for their glory and fame. They plundered and looted and amassed riches with the powers of Bhagyavati, the sorceress the pirate queen. She is frustrated when her powers are exploited by the pirates. The sea snakes come to her rescue when she calls on one of the five elements Water. Then magically they appear and take her ... Get more on ...
  • 33. It s It Of The Problem Essay Actuality it of the problem. The given theme of the diploma paper is of current importance, because it deals with the following interesting notions: why there is a language, why people speak in different languages, though the speaker can meet various words from any language in his speech. These words are called borrowings, and the present work will observe how they came into our language. When speakers of different languages interact closely, it is typical for their languages to influence each other. Languages normally develop by gradually accumulating internal differences until one parent language splits into daughter languages. This is analogous to a sexual reproduction in biology. Change due to language contact, in this analogy, is skin to the recombination that happens when separate organisms exchange genetic material. We don t just borrow on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary Borrowing words from other languages is characteristic of English throughout its history and more than two thirds of the English vocabulary are borrowings. Mostly they are words of Romanic origin (Latin, French, Italian and Spanish). Borrowed words are different from native ones by their phonetic structure, by their morphological structure and also by their grammatical forms. It is also characteristic of borrowings to be non motivated semantically. English history is very rich in different types of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Review Of Google s Writing And Seo Blog Review and SEO blog post Over the past several years, Google has made multiple changes to the way we see search results. However, these changes are not always made so clear and could have a major effect on companies or individuals looking to optimize your SEO efforts. When Google decides to update its algorithms, these changes can vary in how major the updates are but each one of them has the chance to crush your SEO optimization. In 2009, during their Searchology conference, Google introduced one of their newest ideas which was rich snippets. Rich snippets are additional details about regarding specific pages in the search results. Ever wonder why people started seeing reviews for their products directly in the SERP? Well this is the exact reason why. A review is simply a person s evaluation of something. For Google, this can apply to several things including a business s specific domain or a certain product of theirs. Google displays two separate forms of reviews when it comes to rich snippets. The two different types of reviews in Google s search results pages are critics reviews and review snippets. Review snippets are generally an average of all of the combined rating scores from reviewers. This allows you to gauge how your product or business is viewed within a larger audience range. Not only will Google show you text to go along with the review, but it will also be represented on a numerical scale such as 1 5 or 1 10. Review snippets are available for local ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Therapy Plan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy THERAPY PLAN COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Baron Jones Southern New Hampshire University, Online This paper will focus on the theoretical part of this case study that is how we can help the 23yrear old girl overcome the disorder that she is suffering from. Additionally the paper will incorporate the counseling knowledge gained in this course for example ways of dealing with patients in terms of being patient with the victim since the recovery process does not happen over a day it is a step by step process as the patient gains the ability to overcome the feeling and thought that make her regurgitating food and deal with the fear she has of being overweight and her friends calling her fat as the mother and friends explained. We will apply ... Show more content on ... Later what comes up is the treatment phase that involves a 30 to 60 minutes discussion where the specialist helps subdivide the problems into portion and in each session the specialist will help the individual to change her negative thoughts and feelings and in our case thinking her friends are calling her fat or her fear of being overweight into more positive schemas using prescribed procedure by the specialist and over the week the patient will apply them and in their next meeting they will being by discussing if the individual was successful in handling the problem or not ( Nemade, Staats Reiss, Dombeck and 2007). Personality Theory Personality theories are theories that explain how various characteristics of a person such as intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes and traits define our uniqueness as human beings. Each person has his or her personality as characterized by the mentioned traits, and this explain the diversity in character in human beings. When treating mental illness, for example Anorexia Nervosa as a specialized counselor, it is important to consider a ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication... When examining my own cultural identity it has occurred to me that many of the things that define my own cultural identity are that of Majority groups, however it would seem that I have just as many if not more Minority group identity factors shaping me ever so slightly within the majority boundaries. For example at first look I am a Married male with a predominantly Anglo Saxon heritage. However upon close inspection one can begin to notice the red hues within my complexion these are subtle hints to a much less dominant cultural history. Many members of one side of my family strongly identify with our Native American heritage; as a result I spent many years as a young man learning that culture. Later in life when I was around 12 or 13 I ... Show more content on ... Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication Challenges My interviewee I chose was a man I initially met in the workplace and come to find out our kids ended up going to school together. Our relationship had been an interesting one from the start when we first met he decided to share some of his religious identity to me. Our book defines religious identity as a sense of belonging to a religious group (Martin Nakayama, 2011). Oddly enough we were on lunch break at work and I was hungry that day he approached me and commented on how my chicken smelt good. I had noticed over the past week or so he had not eaten lunch at all so I offered him some of my chicken. He politely declined and explained to me that he was practicing Ramadan and that he only at late at night and early before the sun came up. At first being somewhat ignorant of religion I asked why he explained it was something that followers of Islam do. In a business article it is explained that in Dubai visitors are expected to practice in the same fasting ritual or face punishment including fines and jail time (McGinley, 2011). While laws can vary by country there are some exemptions to the fasting requirements and often include conditions such as menstruation, illness, older age, pregnancy, and breast feeding (El Zibdeh, 2009). While I know that fasting is common in many Native American cultures to obtain higher levels of spirituality. I do not believe it was commonly ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Classic Daiquiri Research Paper Aviation Cocktail Originally created In New York during the 1900 s comes a beautiful cocktail that is blue like the colour of the sky on a beautiful summers day. Contains Bombay Sapphire gin, freshly squeezed lemon juice, maraschino liqueur and crème de violette. Cosmopolitan Combining Citron Vodka, Cointreau, Cranberry and freshly squeezed Lime juice comes the Cosmopolitan, a cultural touchstone because once upon a time Dale DeGroff got one of these into the hands of Madonna and it became the drink to be seen with. Classic Daiquiri Using traditional methods this Rum based cocktail combines sweet Cuban Rum with fresh lime and a splash of sugar. Mexico City Margarita * Mamie Taylor Combining flavours of blended scotch lime juice and spicy ... Show more content on ... Add vodka, cointreau, cranberry, and lime, and shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with flamed orange or an orange twist. Classic Daiquiri 45ml Havana Club 20ml Lime Juice 10ml sugar syrup Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker, fill with ice, shake and strain into a cocktail glass, garnish with a lime wedge or wheel. Built Mamie Taylor 60 ml Johnnie Walker black label. ¾ oz lime juice Fentimans Ginger ale pour the scotch and lime juice into a highball glass and fill with ginger ale, stir and garnish with a lime wedge. Dark and Stormy 60 ml Xo Dark rum Ginger beer 1 Dash Orange bitters
  • 38. Pour rum into a highball glass, top with ice, add ginger beer and a dash of orange bitters and garnish with a lime wheel. Jack s Honey Lemonade 30ml Jack daniels honey liqueur 20m Tuaca 30ml Sour mix Lemon lime soda. Build ingredients in a highball top with Lemon lime soda and garnish with a cherry. Stired Negroni 30ml Old Tom 30ml Sweet Vermouth 30ml Campari Dash of orange ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Time Series By Patricia March SBA Task 3 Conclusive Research Essay Chanelle Botha 12k An investigation on the use of ink and charcoal as a medium, as well as movement over time, in the Time Series by Patricia March. The works of Patricia March are predominantly charcoal works, with smaller aspects of ink, whilst portraying insight of character, as well as how the body moves over a period of time. March uses the perception of a figure moving, portraying the figure on one picture plane; but moving, as if this were over a period of time. Figures appear walking or picking up an object and this is portrayed as one character becoming three. In each different movement the figure is in a different position, as if moving like in a real life situation. This reinforces the name of her series, Time, as it literally perceives a figure or a few figures and their movements over a period of time. March studied a master in cinematography. She was interested in movement and time, so since, she tried to apply her vision about cinema into drawings. The movement of the people drawn, reminds me her some way to profundity of the human form ad how it ... Show more content on ... The scope of the creative experience was influenced mainly by Patricia March as her ideas influenced the idea of charcoal and ink drawings, as well as left hand techniques. Her works allowed the exploration of new mediums and techniques, of which I had not used before. March also played a big role in influencing visual diary work and the direction of which I took when researching other artists. It is seen in resolution, that Patricia March, as well as her Time Series, created in 2011, have been a great influence, when involving aspects such as similarities, differences, technique, medium, the depth and scope pf creative process, on the creation of my own Self and Other year work ... Get more on ...
  • 40. George Orwell s Childhood And The Situations In the laws of physics there can be no movement without an acting force. In the early twentieth century many travesties went unnoticed due to idleness of the people. George Orwell was one of the first writers to ever become fully involved in his writings and take action to discover the truth. Through his actions as a writer Orwell started a chain of events and continue to inspire political policies present today. The aim of this paper is to analyze how George Orwell s childhood and the situations in which he placed himself during his life contributed to his writing skills while exposing the truths of government issues, ultimately allowing him to become one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. George Orwell was ... Show more content on ... Once his family had settled, Richard Blair returned to India alone to continue working, leaving Ida and her three children in England (Rossi 9). Eric Blair was a troubled youth, often telling fibs and playing with imaginary friends, making him unpopular during his schooling. This is the direct result of him being the middle child of the three, with an age gap of five years between each child along with the absence of his father (Orwell Why I Write 1). At a young age Eric displayed aspirations of becoming a writer by writing poems and excelling in school. Eric was a talented student, winning a scholarship to St. Cyprian s, a prestigious boarding school located in southern England (Agathocleous 9). His time spent at this school was rather unpleasant and Blair reflects on his time spent at St. Cyprian s in an essay called Such, Such Were the Joy s, in which he describes the traumatizing disciplinary systems and the conditions that the young boys lived in while attending preparatory school. His childhood experiences coupled with scarring early school memories caused him to develop a strong hate for authority. Along with the harsh conditions of the school came snobbery from wealthy kids who would single out the non wealthy kids and bombard them with questions (Agathocleous 10), as Orwell later ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History The Confederate Flag Is the confederate flag a true symbol of Heritage or Hate ? Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag. Many states in America s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. This confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since the start of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbol of hatred and are willing to get rid of it by taking it down. On the other hand, some people see this flag as a symbol of American history and want to keep this flag flying for heritage. The real question is who is right and why? On July 10th, 2015 the confederate flag was finally taken down, along with the pole it flew on. After one hundred and fifty four years this flag will forever be gone. Many people were happy and glad to see the confederate flag go because it has lately been seen as a symbol of hate. On June 17th, there was a shooting massacre in Charleston, South Carolina that was related to the confederate flag. This was all the more reason to take down the flag and to keep people from egging on hatred toward African American people. On July 8th, 2015 a debate was held to see if the people wanted the flag to stay flying or to be taken down. By 6:30 p.m., the chamber was engaged in an extended debate over a Pitts amendment that would remove the battle flag and ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Xaverian Values Analysis The Xaverian values are an integral piece of the mission of Good Counsel and, ideally, of its students as well. These values are: humility, simplicity, compassion, zeal, and trust. Throughout my service, some which was completed to fulfill the school requirement and some which was not, and any leadership opportunities I participated in, I was, at the time unknowingly, striving to fulfill these values. To truly serve, or to truly lead, the understanding and application of these values is crucial. A specific instance of leadership and service in which my demonstration of these values is evident was my volunteer work with Easter Seals. I was a respite volunteer with Easter Seals. This meant that I worked one on one with disabled children from ... Show more content on ... I demonstrated this value while volunteering with Easter Seals by freeing the lives of the parents of children who participated in the respite trips from a good deal of complexity. Through volunteering with this organization, as a whole, we were able to alleviate complexity and simplify, if only for a while, the lives of these parents so that they were able to accomplish other things or take a much needed break. This opportunity to participate as a volunteer on respite trips led to think about and later attempt to display the Xaverian value of humility. Being a part of an organization like this one prompted me to consider that I had a part in it, but that I was by no means the most important part. Realizing this led to the demonstration of this value by taking care to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my abilities while also keeping in mind that I was making a difference but I was not the deciding factor and that that was okay. Compassion is a Xaverian value that I found fairly easy to demonstrate in the context of Easter Seals. One of the reasons I decided to volunteer with this organization was the fact that it helped people that I had a huge amount of sympathy for and that I wanted to help. I was able to help make the lives of the families who participated in the respite trips better and easier, for the kids on the trips by giving them the chance to experience things they might not otherwise have had the chance to and for the parents by allowing them the time to accomplish other things or some much needed time to recharge. This service also presented me with the opportunity to display the Xaverian value of zeal. Easter Seals serves a cause that I believe in and volunteering with them allows me to also serve this cause and to do so with fervor. This fervor is what motivated me to continue to volunteer there and to make sure that every time I did, my responsibilities were fulfilled to ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Essay on Bass Pro Shops Business Analysis Primary Problems/Decisions to be made: Bass Pro shop started as an 8 foot long display area in the back of a liquor store in 1971 and has expanded into a Fortune 500 company that employs over 8,800 employees and has annual sales estimating somewhere around $1.25 billion today. The question at hand is: should Bass Pro Shops continue to expand, and if so at what rate should they? The primary problems they might face when expanding are as follows. Could expansion hurt their brand image and if so how? The Competition outside of Missouri is going to be much greater. They will not have the publicity and brand recognition as they do in Missouri. Does Bass Pro have the financial resources in order to open new stores, if not then what are some ... Show more content on ... Bass Pros environment differentiates itself by offering a one of a kind experience due to their outdoor environment, and offering hands on product trials so the costumer can experience the product before they purchase it. 4. Customer service: a. Expertise in their product line: Employees are required to show proper use and maintenance of products. 3 years of retail service experience is required before consideration of employment. b. Customer convenience: Customers are able to fill many needs because Bass Pro offers thousands of products under one roof. Internet and catalog shopping offers services for consumers out of the comfort of their own homes Weaknesses: 1. Managing Multiple Stores: a. New management could create new potential problems: Problems will occur much more frequently with new stores due to lack of experience throughout the employment chain. b. Staying consistent with other stores objectives: Being a chain, customers expect to have the same experience Bass Pro prides its name on. If managers do not uphold company standards from store to store, then one bad experience could lead to a negative image for Bass Pro Shops. c. Higher payroll could hurt financially: A much higher overhead could lead to losses at the beginning because they have to hire many new employees with each opening of a new store: therefore, this could ... Get more on ...
  • 44. John Donne s quot;the Flea quot;, a Critical Analysis Essay Since the beginning of time, one of the most captivating and yet elusive of all emotions has been love. Back in the 17th century most male poets wrote about woman s beauty, while others romanticized lustful inclinations in poetry. The clich #233; love at first sight, is too often idealized to be the epitome of true love ; most poets will uphold to the prior statement such as John Donne and Andrew Marvell. In John Donne s The Flea Donne expresses his love for a woman without having touched her. On the other hand, Andrew Marvell in To My Coy Mistress, glorifies and adores the woman s beauty; however there is a sense of urgency in his words and an underlying sexual current as well. Nonetheless, both poets attempt to persuade their ... Show more content on ... Donne cleverly asserts that no sin, nor shame was lost and her virginity and purity is still intact, nor loss of maidenhead. And because of this, she should cherish the flea, which is the symbol of their relationship. On the other hand, an insect does not make decisions as humans do and acts according to its instincts; making its actions random. Wherein could this flea guilty be, / except in that drop it sucked from thee? The random act of the flea sucking both Donne and his sweethearts blood happened by coincidence. That coincidence Donne claims is the best way to share their love for each other when he says, Just so much honor, when thou yield st to me, / Will waste, as this flea s death took life from thee (lines 26 27). If the woman slept with Donne, then she would be dishonored, and he does not want her wasted away. Whereas, if she kills the flea then the union of their lives their relationship will die as well. Though Donne attempts to convince the woman of his love via the flea, Marvell s method is more direct and less particular. Marvell s method of persuading the woman is overly eager and immodest to the point of animalistic copulation. He is solely attracted to her beauty, yet her modesty is a barrier for him to win her over with time being his main enemy. That long preserved virginity, / And your quaint honor turn to dust/ And into ashes ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Analysis Of Cather s A Pair Of Silk Stockings Cather and Chopin on Feminism Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall off the edge. ~Andrea Dworkin. This quote shows how society has put this idea into the heads of women in every new generation that a women has to play the certain household role while men go out and work. It portrays that women can t venture past the expectations that an earlier society put on women s shoulders. Throughout time, women have played the role of the quiet house wife. Society enforces the expectations that women should follow society s demands over their own desires. In Chopin s story A Pair of Silk Stockings the main character, Mrs. Sommers, wished to escape the typical role of a busy housewife and wanted to live independently in the life of luxury. These writings are relevant today since feminism hasn t prospered to the point that both men and women are treated as equals. Some may say that men and women are now treated the same since both are capable of the same duties; however, men can do the same duties but most chose not to due to early women s roles. The fact that men and society form women into housewife roles even if they have jobs is proven in the article, More Women are in the Workforce So Why are They Still Doing So Many Chores?, when its states, data suggests that women in heterosexual partnerships may be just as burdened with household chores as ever ( Hence, women with jobs are still ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry ec Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry Tisha Smith Axia College of UOP ECO 305 Economic Theory George Harris March 18, 2007 Economic Analysis of the Airline Industry Introduction The airline industry is one that is both costly and necessary to the economy. Costly because of the funding provided by the government, recent layoffs; which has a hand in rising inflation, dealing with negative externalities and high security risks; necessary because the ease and speed of air travel is needed to keep countries productive and competitive. It is a key component to the economy. Many businesses rely on air transportation as well as consumers and individuals employed within the ... Show more content on ... This is because air travel is not the only means of transportation. A person would like the speed and convenience of travel by air, but other transportation alternatives exist. Air travel is both a luxury and a necessity depending on the purpose of its use. For the purpose of vacationing or visiting friends and family, air travel could be considered a luxury, but for the individual or company who relies on the speed of air travel to complete business transactions, it would be considered a necessity. The supply and demand of air travel is impacted by several factors. Air travel is a normal good. The demand for air travel can diminish slightly because there are other means of safer transportation available. The demand can also decrease if it becomes too unaffordable. Consumers with a higher income are able to spend more time vacationing with the use of air transportation. Air travel can be substituted with other forms of transportation if the income of the consumer decreases. The price elasticity of supply for the Airline industry however, is inelastic because even with the shifts in demand for air travel, which were caused by events such as the 9/11 attacks and high gasoline prices, the rates and fares for air travel are able to be set without being effected by those events. The airline industry provides a transportation ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Structure Of Skeletal System Of The Human Body Structure of Skeletal System The human body is made up of 206 bones held together by ligaments, whilst joints provide mobility. Ligaments are a band of tough, flexible connective tissue which connects two bones. The skeleton forms a frame at which the internal organs rest and over which muscles and skin is layered over. The bones of the human skeleton are divided into 2 groups: axial and appendicular skeletons. The axial skeleton forms the axis of the body and it includes the bones of the skull, ribcage and the spine. These bones are there to support, protect and carry other body. For example, the spine is a part of the axial skeleton and it protects the spinal cord. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the upper and ... Show more content on ... Flat bones Thin, flattened and slightly curved. They have 2 outer layers of compact bone with cancellous tissue between them. The sternum and scapula are flat bones. Irregular bones Complex shapes that fit none of the other categories of bone because of their odd shape. The facial bone and vertebrae are some examples. Sesamoid bones Specialised function: they make joint movement easy and resist friction. They are covered with a layer of cartilage as they are found where bones articulate. Although they look small, sesamoid bones vary in size. The largest is the patella. Location of major bones The human skeleton consists of groups that contain one or more major bones. Skull the bony framework of the head consisting of facial and cranial bones which form the cranium. The skull protects the brain. Shoulder girdle This consists of 4 bones, two clavicles and two scapulae. The clavicle connects the humerus to the torso. An end of the clavicle is connected to the sternum and the other end is connected to the shoulder blade. Chest The chest is made up by the ribs and sternum and it protects the heart and the lungs. The sternum is a flat bone that is found in the middle of the chest. The ribs are thin and flat and there are 24 bones in total to make up the ribs (12 pairs). The first seven pairs are connected to the spine and the sternum by cartilage. The next 3 pairs are attached to the ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Purpose Of Property And Casualty Insurance Purpose of Property and Casualty Insurance Our Red River Wealth Management firm wants to not only help protect your money but your tangible assets and home as well. Property insurance helps lessen the burden of replacing these assets if they were to be damaged or destroyed. Below are our recommendations for property and casualty insurance in regards to your cars, home, jewelry, health, and disability. Recommendations for Homeowners Insurance Your current homeowner s insurance policy is below the adequate coverage. You are currently paying $1,500 annually and receiving minimum coverage on a named peril basis. We recommend upgrading your current coverage to an HO5 policy that includes all structures and belongings on an all peril basis. An all peril basis means that you are covered for a larger number of risk exposures, where your current policy only covers a certain number leaving you exposed to larger loss. This policy will be around $5,200 annually on your current home and $5,900 for your future home. These policies have a lower deductible of 1% ($3,500 on current home and $4,000 on future home), $200,000 in coverage, and the umbrella minimum coverage. See the appendix for an in depth calculation of coverage for your current and future home. Recommendations for Liability Insurance We recommend purchasing an umbrella policy worth $1,000,000. An umbrella or liability policy will protect your assets from being taken in case of a lawsuit. A policy of this amount ... Get more on ...