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Learning Trends
                                    for 2013

Authored by Jean-François MESSIER
6 indisputable
trends in 2012
1       Instructor-led
     classroom training
         is not dead.

                                 Despite all the buzz about
                                 mobile technologies, classroom
                                 training still predominates.
                                 According to the ASTD report,
                                 classroom training still
                                 represents 60% of the market in
                                 the US.
Europe                   USA     And it's still 70% to 90% of the
                                 European market.

ILT (Instructor Lead Training)
                      There are more people talking
                      about it every day, than people
    Mobile-learning   who are actually doing it every
      is like sex.    day.
                      There's been a lot of talk about
                      the rise of mobile learning since
                      2009 (2009… it’s already been
                      four years?!!!! pffff – that makes
                      it obsolete, then ;-), but the PC
                      still holds a considerable lead,
                      and most businesses haven't
                      even started considering mobile
                      This year, we delivered iPad
                      applications to several
                      customers like Toyota, but they
                      are cutting-edge companies.
                      According to the ASTD's 2012
                      report, only 1.4% of respondents
                      said they used mobile platforms
                      for training.
                      That being said, we should be
                      prepared to see many more
                      companies using mobile devices
                      in the future.
3   Informal learning
    dominates formal
                        According to ASTD survey
                        respondents, the average office
                        worker gets little formal training
                        annually: only 31 hours on
                        average. That's 1.5% to 2% of
                        working time, depending on the
                        country and the job. That's
                        nothing! Imagine a 100-m
                        sprinter or a tennis player who
                        trained only one week a year!
                        On the other hand, people spend
                        a lot more time learning on their
                        own, informally, on the Internet.
                        Human resource departments do
                        not like to admit this, preferring
                        to bury their heads in the sand
                        because they have no control
                        over such training and its
                        content quality, suitability for
                        company needs and attendance.
4   Most elearning
    modules suck.

                     Companies always say they want
                     stimulating modules not too
                     heavy in content.
                     But most modules we see are
                     just the opposite: text next to a
                     small decorative photo and a
                     "next" button, with little that is
                     directly applicable to practice or
                     behaviour, and consequently
                     unlikely to influence
                     performance or results.
5   Most people hate
    learning online..
                        This includes many people hired
                        to design elearning modules.
                        And many managers who ask
                        their employees to do so.
                        This is doubtless a consequence
                        of the preceding point; people
                        hate it because most of the time
                        the modules are long and dull,
                        and you have to both listen to
                        someone talking at 100 words
                        per minute and read a text,
                        while the human eye can read at
                        400 words per minute. And this
                        isn’t learning anyway; it’s a
                        communication tool that allows
                        for LMS monitoring.
6    Companies spend a
     fortune on LMS for
          nothing.        Most companies do not take the
                          time to use the data available to
                          them in an LMS.
                          But they spend a fortune to
                          collect the data with an LMS
                          and to maintain and update the
                          LMS... because they think they
LMS data                  need it.
                          And the worst thing is that
                          under the pretext of using an
                          LMS to provide training,
                          companies deprive themselves
                          of everything that makes for
             Use          effective training but doesn't fit
                          into an LMS (e.g.: informal
                          learning, on-the-job training,
                          experience-sharing, etc.).
Ten learning
trends for 2013
1              The proliferation
               of digital tools in
              classroom training.
                                                While we've seen that classroom
                                                training isn't dead, teaching
                                                materials will change. Gone are
                                                the days when a PowerPoint
                                                presentation is simply projected
                                                onto a screen. The emphasis is
                                                on tools that enhance the
                                                learners’ experience and hold
Application controler    Digital sticky notes   their attention while reinforcing
                                                Here are four examples:

  Interactive pools     Business Simulations
1              The proliferation
               of digital tools in
              classroom training.
                                                Here are four examples:
                                                - Control of interactive apps on
                                                tablets: Participants access an
                                                interactive presentation, fully
                                                controlled by the instructor. The
                                                instructor can browse the
                                                content for them and promote
                                                sharing among participants.
                                                (E.g.: Nearpod for iPad).
                                                - Digital Post-it or Metaplan
                                                apps for tablets. The results are
                                                then shareable, can be sent via
                                                email to other sub-groups, and
Application controler    Digital sticky notes   so on (E.g.: iCardSort for iPad).
                                                - Polling: allows you to insert
                                                polls into PowerPoint that
                                                people respond to via mobile
                                                phone. (E.g.: Poll Everywhere).
                                                - Business simulations. (See
                                                Trend #10).

  Interactive pools     Business Simulations
2   Videos are becoming
    the standard media.
                          Ours is a culture that requires a
                          lot of stimulation through the
                          We prefer visuals to reading
                          We prefer a concise idea to
                          lengthy explanations.
                          Video meets all these
                          requirements. It therefore
                          makes good sense to increase
                          the video content in classroom
                          and online training materials.
3   Less PowerPoint, only
                            This is true for classroom
                            training, but even more so for
                            online material (for example,
                            PowerPoint materials are used
                            for classroom training but also
                            for rapid-learning online).
                            Gone are the days when a video
                            projector projected 100 words
                            per slide that were essentially
                            repeated by the instructor.
                            PowerPoint presentations full of
                            text and bullet points will
                            disappear or be rejected by
                            learners. This trend will increase
                            in this multimedia world, where
                            images and videos rule. Training
Before         After        materials must now contain
                            strong, emotional photos, wide,
                            high-impact, high-definition
                            images, short videos, visual
                            effects and computer graphics.
                           The use of mobiles in general,
    Mobile learning will   especially with social media, is
                           where we’re seeing strong
       grow, but…          growth. The numbers show an
                           explosion in the number of
                           devices, which accelerated in
                            Apple delivered 15 million
                             iPads in Q1 of 2012.
                            Apple sold 67 million iPads in
                             24 months. (It took 24 years
                             to sell as many computers,
                             and five years to sell as many
                            By 2015, there will be 7.4
                             billion mobile devices on the
                             market, even though the
                             current global population is
                             only 7 billion.
                           There is no doubt companies will
                           follow suite. Companies will also
                           look at new trends such as
                           "BYOD" (bring your own device)
                           and what is happening in
4              Mobile learning will                                But short term, in 2013 and the
                                                                   following years, two trends will
                   grow, but…                                      make mobile learning grow
                                                                   more slowly than we think.
              not as fast as we think!                             1. Companies who use mobiles
                                                                      today are more focused on
                                                                      supplying solutions to
                     349                    363                       clients than to employees.
                                                                   2. Mobile use is growing, but
   PC                                                                 still lags far behind PC use.
   Mobile Apps
   Mobile Web                                                         This is even more striking if
                                                                      one looks at time spent on
                                                                      mobiles versus PCs: mobile
                                                                      devices are used to access
                                      129                             and zap from one bit of
                                                                      information to another, but
                 59                                                   information is not learning.
                                                                      Information is insufficient
           23                      28                                 for learning.
                                                                   There are other reasons why
                 2011                2012                          mobile will not grow as fast as
Total minutes (billion) spent on Mobile and PC / month             we think. Click here to read ten
July 2011 vs 2012, in the US where use of mobile is ahead Europe   other reasons.
(Source Nielsen)
5   Fewer courses, more
     informal resources.   Companies realize that their
                           employees handle more and
                           more information, tools and
                           techniques, but they don't need
                           to remember everything forever.
                           They need to find information
                           when they need it. Traditional
                           elearning courses therefore no
                           longer meet the need.
                           Training programs should
                           contain less teaching and more
                           access to information, tools and
                           information-sharing capabilities,
                           so that learners can use them as
                           needed, at their discretion.
                           Sometimes these resources are
                           on social media, in which case
                           we refer to social learning,
                           which leads us to Trend # 6.
6   More social learning.   Twitter conversations or
                            searches, open online courses
                            (MOOCs), blogs devoted to very
                            specific topics, infomercials that
                            contain a wealth of initially-free
                            cutting-edge information, and
                            low-cost resources such as
                  , are all examples of
                            resources that allow people to
                            customize their learning topics.
                            With 31 hours per year of formal
                            training on average, it's clear
                            that employees will seize
                            learning opportunities offered by
                            the Internet and social
                            networks. And this is even more
                            true for Generation Y, who were
                            born after 1980 and have never
                            known a world without
                            computers, and who live and
                            breathe social media.
7    Fewer trainers, more
    community managers.
           Online courses
         Business Simulators
                                    As a consequence of Trend #6,
                                    training-program design calls for
                                    the integration of informal
                                    resources and management of a
                                    community of learners.
                                    This part of learning is even
              Trainer               more important than structuring
                                    everything you need to know and
                                    do into formal content.
              Blog Posts
           Curated Content          Today, there are many tools for
                                    creating and sharing content
        Games and Simulators        quickly, facilitating employees’
            Hosted chats            access to information, and
               J Aids
                ob                  helping and encouraging them
          Discussion boards         to locate and share content and
       Informal conversations       ideas with others. The skills of
                  Wiki              today's trainers must evolve to
                                    include learner community
    User results from simulations   management skills.
          Internal network
     Community Manager
8   Less teaching, more
                          Because of the economic crisis,
                          companies are reluctant to
                          invest in developing their people
                          (input) unless it generates an
                          increase in corporate
                          performance, sales or margin
                          (output). Our clients generally
                 ROI      ask that courses be limited to
                          very short, three-to-five-minute
                          segments. These courses are
                          increasingly designed as rapid
                          learning (see Trend #9).
                          The added value comes from
                          integrating these short modules
                          into an implementation process.
                          The module is followed by a
                          practical activity to ensure that
                          the training is used and put into
                          practice, an aspect that is then
                          also measured.
                                                 Rapid-learning software
           The growth of rapid                   simplifies content creation by
                                                 converting PowerPoint
                learning.                        documents into Flash. Many are
                                                 free – click here to see the free
                                                 top 25, and others, like
Traditional flash                                Camtesia, Articulate and
based module
                                10 000           Captivate, are inexpensive –click
                                                 here to see the top 7 authoring
Rapid Learning                                   tools for under €1,000.
based module
                                                 These will replace the complex
                    15                           authoring tools that can cost up
                                                 to €100,000/license and that,
                                                 like Mohive, allow more
                                                 interactivity. But without
                                                 training in technology-enhanced
                                                 learning and design, you can
                                                 spend endless time designing
                          5           2 500      modules that will never be as
                                                 “pro" as the modules outsourced
                                                 to professionals.
                                                 Most companies will prefer
                                                 outsourcing the design of
                                                 advanced modules, and only
                    Weeks         Euros          keep rapid learning in-house.
                    Designing   Digitalisation
                                             One billion people have played
                                             at least one serious game.
                                             According to the ITDE, this was
               Gamification.                 a €1.5 billion market in 2010,
                                             €2.3 billion in 2011 and up to
                                             €6 billion by 2015. Adopted by
                6                            the largest companies, serious
                                             games have three unbeatable
                                              Learners more easily gain an
                                               awareness of their
                                               weaknesses – a necessary
                                               condition for change.
                                              Simulation leads to “prior”
                                               understanding of the future
                                               consequences of decisions.
      2,3                                     Repetition allows for mastery
                                               and reflex-building.
1,5                                          Of all our training courses,
                                             business simulations are the
                                             ones that generate the most
                                             ROI: For an investment of
                                             €150,000, we have clients that
                                             show gains of over €10 million
2010 2011     2015    investment    ROI      in net profits or US$ 20 M to US
Serious Game Market   Business Simulations   $200 M in sales.
I’ve saved this section for the four
trends that just may have a tsunami
effect. The thing about a tsunami is
that it lays low for years, with one   4 learning trends
tectonic plate remaining jammed        for 2013 to 2018
while another pushes against it. The
jam leads to the build-up of huge
stresses, and when the plate finally
gives way, the energy released
causes a huge wave that threatens
our very existence.
There are two jammed plates:
Europe seems stuck at a 10% online
learning rate, and social and
informal learning is blocked by the
SCORM standard and existing LMSs.
These jams may well create waves
that could change the training
landscape in the coming years.
This was Learning Fact #1 in
                         2012: online learning
                         represented 40% of training in
                         the USA, and 10% in Europe. We
                         know that US trends affect
                         Europe within five years. There is
                         every reason to think that there
                         will be some catch-up, and that
                         elearning will increase from 10%
                         to 40% in Europe as well, not
                         only due to the economic crisis
                         and for cost reasons, but also
                         because contrary to popular
                         belief, online learning can be
                         more effective in some areas.
                         This means that training

                         companies that can't adapt
 The rise of elearning   could lose 40% of their sales,
      in Europe.         and those that are at 3% will
                         lose 37% of their sales. Some
                         will not survive the swell of
                         online learning, which promises
                         to be a tsunami that could upset
                         the European training market
12    The end of the
     SCORM standard.
                       There is no doubt that in the
                       future we'll see the SCORM
                       standard replaced by new
                       Short term, the Tin Can API
                       seems to be the best bet. This
                       API is simpler and gives a new
                       dimension to elearning: it takes
                       into account mobile learning,
                       virtual worlds, business
                       simulations, real-world learning,
                       social learning, offline learning
                       and collaborative learning.
                       It will take time for companies
                       who have invested large sums in
                       traditional LMSs to drop them
                       completely, but research by Tin
                       Can is already pushing clients to
                       tell their LMS suppliers that they
                       want a product that manages
                       Tin Can API.
In the last decade, LMS has
                     become a must-have for
                     organizations. There are more
                     than a hundred LMSs on the
                     However, few organizations
                     seem to really use the data
                     generated by their LMS.
                     Customers always ask for
                     SCORM-compatible content
                     without even knowing what
                     SCORM is, or why it was
                     The emergence of informal
                     learning and the use of mobile

                     devices and social media mean
                     that LMSs have become a
     Less focus on   problem and an obstacle, unable
                     to provide and monitor what
        LMSs.        employees actually do to learn.
                                       Google has just put Course
                                       Builder online.
           Free Google tools           1. Course Builder allows you to
           will outpace LMSs           create and distribute courses
                                       online. It also includes activities
                                       and exercises, and tests and
                                       assessments. This is an Open
                                       Source solution licensed under
                                       Apache 2.0 that allows you to
                                       create courses for 1 to 100,000
                                       2. It allows you to track learner
                                       involvement and engagement
                                       (by, for instance, analyzing web
                                       traffic using Google Analytics)
Tracking           Formal & informal   and assess effectiveness and
                                       performance (through studies
                                       and surveys).
                                       3. It can be supplemented by
                                       Google Hangouts for web-
                                       coaching, also free, which can
                                       be supplemented by Hangouts
                                       On Air for a wider target
                                       …and that's not all.
                 Web training
14          Free Google tools
            will outpace LMSs
                                        4. Course Builder can be
                                        combined with other free tools
                                        from Google (such as Google
                                        Groups, Google Moderator,
                                        Google+ pages, forums, Blogger,
                                        etc.) to create a community of
                                        learners: access informal
                                        content, share and post
                                        experiences, participation in
                                        discussions on specific topics,
                                        form a support group, manage a
                                        community FAQ, organize social
                                        events among group members,
                                        find like-minded members, have
 Tracking           Formal & informal   a messaging service for the
                                        community by email or the
                                        online interface or both, etc.
                                        We know that fostering such a
                                        community between instructor
                                        and students is an integral part
                                        of creating a successful online

Community         Web training
14          Free Google tools
            will outpace LMSs
                                        It’s free, and with its four
                                        functions, Course Builder already
                                        far surpasses a number of
                                        expensive LMSs, possibly yours
                                        even as you read these lines.
                                        Next to this, other freebies like
                                        Moodle look not just outpaced,
                                        but out of the race.
                                        Google already reports that big
                                        names are looking closely at how
                                        to adopt this technology for some
                                        of their elearning courses,
                                        including Stanford University,
 Tracking           Formal & informal   Indiana University, MIT, UC San
                                        Swiss Federal Institute of
                                        Technology in Lausanne (EPFL),
                                        and a group of Spanish
                                        universities led by Universia,
                                        CRUE and Banco Santander-

Community         Web training
The outcome: the 14 strategic
recommendations for your training dollars.
     Choose a partner who:
     1) Uses digital tools in classroom training
     2) Uses video for classroom and online training
     3) Uses visual PowerPoint materials
     4) Is starting to think mobile
     5) Incorporates informal resources
     6) Incorporates social learning,
     7) Where trainers are also community managers
     8) Thinks implementation, not teaching
     9) Offers custom rapid-learning modules for under €10,000
     10) Offers business simulations for under €35,000
     11) Is on its way to delivering 40% of its services online in the short term

     If you have your own LMS:
     12) Pay more attention to implementation than to the LMS.
     13) Look for a solution that manages informal and social learning.
     14) Look to new technologies, many of which are free.






Author: Jean-François MESSIER

               My job at Mercuri International is to supply the most
               updated technology to increase your sales productivity
               and improve your business results, including increasing
               your sales revenues, cutting your sales costs
               and maintaining your competitive advantage.

               Mercuri Website:
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               Follow me on Twitter:

               Voir cette présentation en français:

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14 learning trends for 2013

  • 1. Fourteen Learning Trends for 2013 Authored by Jean-François MESSIER
  • 3. 1 Instructor-led classroom training is not dead. Despite all the buzz about mobile technologies, classroom training still predominates. According to the ASTD report, classroom training still represents 60% of the market in the US. Europe USA And it's still 70% to 90% of the European market. ILT (Instructor Lead Training) Online
  • 4. 2 There are more people talking about it every day, than people Mobile-learning who are actually doing it every is like sex. day. There's been a lot of talk about the rise of mobile learning since 2009 (2009… it’s already been four years?!!!! pffff – that makes it obsolete, then ;-), but the PC still holds a considerable lead, and most businesses haven't even started considering mobile training. This year, we delivered iPad applications to several customers like Toyota, but they are cutting-edge companies. According to the ASTD's 2012 report, only 1.4% of respondents said they used mobile platforms for training. That being said, we should be prepared to see many more companies using mobile devices in the future.
  • 5. 3 Informal learning dominates formal learning. According to ASTD survey respondents, the average office worker gets little formal training annually: only 31 hours on average. That's 1.5% to 2% of working time, depending on the country and the job. That's nothing! Imagine a 100-m sprinter or a tennis player who trained only one week a year! On the other hand, people spend a lot more time learning on their own, informally, on the Internet. Human resource departments do not like to admit this, preferring to bury their heads in the sand because they have no control over such training and its content quality, suitability for company needs and attendance.
  • 6. 4 Most elearning modules suck. Companies always say they want stimulating modules not too heavy in content. But most modules we see are just the opposite: text next to a small decorative photo and a "next" button, with little that is directly applicable to practice or behaviour, and consequently unlikely to influence performance or results.
  • 7. 5 Most people hate learning online.. This includes many people hired to design elearning modules. And many managers who ask their employees to do so. This is doubtless a consequence of the preceding point; people hate it because most of the time the modules are long and dull, and you have to both listen to someone talking at 100 words per minute and read a text, while the human eye can read at 400 words per minute. And this isn’t learning anyway; it’s a communication tool that allows for LMS monitoring.
  • 8. 6 Companies spend a fortune on LMS for nothing. Most companies do not take the time to use the data available to them in an LMS. But they spend a fortune to collect the data with an LMS and to maintain and update the LMS... because they think they Investment LMS data need it. And the worst thing is that under the pretext of using an LMS to provide training, companies deprive themselves of everything that makes for Use effective training but doesn't fit into an LMS (e.g.: informal learning, on-the-job training, experience-sharing, etc.).
  • 10. 1 The proliferation of digital tools in classroom training. While we've seen that classroom training isn't dead, teaching materials will change. Gone are the days when a PowerPoint presentation is simply projected onto a screen. The emphasis is on tools that enhance the learners’ experience and hold Application controler Digital sticky notes their attention while reinforcing messages. Here are four examples: Interactive pools Business Simulations
  • 11. 1 The proliferation of digital tools in classroom training. Here are four examples: - Control of interactive apps on tablets: Participants access an interactive presentation, fully controlled by the instructor. The instructor can browse the content for them and promote sharing among participants. (E.g.: Nearpod for iPad). - Digital Post-it or Metaplan apps for tablets. The results are then shareable, can be sent via email to other sub-groups, and Application controler Digital sticky notes so on (E.g.: iCardSort for iPad). - Polling: allows you to insert polls into PowerPoint that people respond to via mobile phone. (E.g.: Poll Everywhere). - Business simulations. (See Trend #10). Interactive pools Business Simulations
  • 12. 2 Videos are becoming the standard media. Ours is a culture that requires a lot of stimulation through the media. We prefer visuals to reading text. We prefer a concise idea to lengthy explanations. Video meets all these requirements. It therefore makes good sense to increase the video content in classroom and online training materials.
  • 13. 3 Less PowerPoint, only better. This is true for classroom training, but even more so for online material (for example, PowerPoint materials are used for classroom training but also for rapid-learning online). Gone are the days when a video projector projected 100 words per slide that were essentially repeated by the instructor. PowerPoint presentations full of text and bullet points will disappear or be rejected by learners. This trend will increase in this multimedia world, where images and videos rule. Training Before After materials must now contain strong, emotional photos, wide, high-impact, high-definition images, short videos, visual effects and computer graphics.
  • 14. 4 The use of mobiles in general, Mobile learning will especially with social media, is where we’re seeing strong grow, but… growth. The numbers show an explosion in the number of devices, which accelerated in 2012:  Apple delivered 15 million iPads in Q1 of 2012.  Apple sold 67 million iPads in 24 months. (It took 24 years to sell as many computers, and five years to sell as many iPods).  By 2015, there will be 7.4 billion mobile devices on the market, even though the current global population is only 7 billion. There is no doubt companies will follow suite. Companies will also look at new trends such as "BYOD" (bring your own device) and what is happening in schools.
  • 15. 4 Mobile learning will But short term, in 2013 and the following years, two trends will grow, but… make mobile learning grow more slowly than we think. not as fast as we think! 1. Companies who use mobiles today are more focused on supplying solutions to 349 363 clients than to employees. 2. Mobile use is growing, but PC still lags far behind PC use. Mobile Apps Mobile Web This is even more striking if one looks at time spent on mobiles versus PCs: mobile devices are used to access 129 and zap from one bit of information to another, but 59 information is not learning. Information is insufficient 23 28 for learning. There are other reasons why 2011 2012 mobile will not grow as fast as Total minutes (billion) spent on Mobile and PC / month we think. Click here to read ten July 2011 vs 2012, in the US where use of mobile is ahead Europe other reasons. (Source Nielsen)
  • 16. 5 Fewer courses, more informal resources. Companies realize that their employees handle more and more information, tools and techniques, but they don't need to remember everything forever. They need to find information when they need it. Traditional elearning courses therefore no longer meet the need. Training programs should contain less teaching and more access to information, tools and information-sharing capabilities, so that learners can use them as needed, at their discretion. Sometimes these resources are on social media, in which case we refer to social learning, which leads us to Trend # 6.
  • 17. 6 More social learning. Twitter conversations or searches, open online courses (MOOCs), blogs devoted to very specific topics, infomercials that contain a wealth of initially-free cutting-edge information, and low-cost resources such as, are all examples of resources that allow people to customize their learning topics. With 31 hours per year of formal training on average, it's clear that employees will seize learning opportunities offered by the Internet and social networks. And this is even more true for Generation Y, who were born after 1980 and have never known a world without computers, and who live and breathe social media.
  • 18. 7 Fewer trainers, more community managers. ILT Online courses Business Simulators As a consequence of Trend #6, training-program design calls for the integration of informal resources and management of a community of learners. This part of learning is even Trainer more important than structuring everything you need to know and do into formal content. Blog Posts Curated Content Today, there are many tools for creating and sharing content Games and Simulators quickly, facilitating employees’ Hosted chats access to information, and J Aids ob helping and encouraging them Discussion boards to locate and share content and Informal conversations ideas with others. The skills of Wiki today's trainers must evolve to include learner community User results from simulations management skills. Internal network Twitter Community Manager
  • 19. 8 Less teaching, more implementation. Because of the economic crisis, companies are reluctant to invest in developing their people (input) unless it generates an increase in corporate performance, sales or margin (output). Our clients generally ROI ask that courses be limited to very short, three-to-five-minute segments. These courses are increasingly designed as rapid learning (see Trend #9). The added value comes from integrating these short modules into an implementation process. The module is followed by a practical activity to ensure that the training is used and put into practice, an aspect that is then also measured.
  • 20. 9 Rapid-learning software The growth of rapid simplifies content creation by converting PowerPoint learning. documents into Flash. Many are free – click here to see the free top 25, and others, like Traditional flash Camtesia, Articulate and based module 10 000 Captivate, are inexpensive –click here to see the top 7 authoring Rapid Learning tools for under €1,000. based module These will replace the complex 15 authoring tools that can cost up to €100,000/license and that, like Mohive, allow more interactivity. But without training in technology-enhanced learning and design, you can spend endless time designing 5 2 500 modules that will never be as “pro" as the modules outsourced to professionals. Most companies will prefer outsourcing the design of advanced modules, and only Weeks Euros keep rapid learning in-house. Designing Digitalisation
  • 21. 10 One billion people have played at least one serious game. According to the ITDE, this was Gamification. a €1.5 billion market in 2010, €2.3 billion in 2011 and up to €6 billion by 2015. Adopted by 6 the largest companies, serious games have three unbeatable features:  Learners more easily gain an awareness of their weaknesses – a necessary condition for change.  Simulation leads to “prior” understanding of the future consequences of decisions. 2,3  Repetition allows for mastery and reflex-building. 1,5 Of all our training courses, business simulations are the ones that generate the most ROI: For an investment of €150,000, we have clients that show gains of over €10 million 2010 2011 2015 investment ROI in net profits or US$ 20 M to US Serious Game Market Business Simulations $200 M in sales.
  • 22. I’ve saved this section for the four trends that just may have a tsunami effect. The thing about a tsunami is that it lays low for years, with one 4 learning trends tectonic plate remaining jammed for 2013 to 2018 while another pushes against it. The jam leads to the build-up of huge stresses, and when the plate finally gives way, the energy released causes a huge wave that threatens our very existence. There are two jammed plates: Europe seems stuck at a 10% online learning rate, and social and informal learning is blocked by the SCORM standard and existing LMSs. These jams may well create waves that could change the training landscape in the coming years.
  • 23. This was Learning Fact #1 in 2012: online learning represented 40% of training in the USA, and 10% in Europe. We know that US trends affect Europe within five years. There is every reason to think that there will be some catch-up, and that elearning will increase from 10% to 40% in Europe as well, not only due to the economic crisis and for cost reasons, but also because contrary to popular belief, online learning can be more effective in some areas. This means that training 11 companies that can't adapt The rise of elearning could lose 40% of their sales, in Europe. and those that are at 3% will lose 37% of their sales. Some will not survive the swell of online learning, which promises to be a tsunami that could upset the European training market landscape.
  • 24. 12 The end of the SCORM standard. There is no doubt that in the future we'll see the SCORM standard replaced by new standards. Short term, the Tin Can API seems to be the best bet. This API is simpler and gives a new dimension to elearning: it takes into account mobile learning, virtual worlds, business simulations, real-world learning, social learning, offline learning and collaborative learning. It will take time for companies who have invested large sums in traditional LMSs to drop them completely, but research by Tin Can is already pushing clients to tell their LMS suppliers that they want a product that manages Tin Can API.
  • 25. In the last decade, LMS has become a must-have for organizations. There are more than a hundred LMSs on the market. However, few organizations seem to really use the data generated by their LMS. Customers always ask for SCORM-compatible content without even knowing what SCORM is, or why it was created. The emergence of informal learning and the use of mobile 13 devices and social media mean that LMSs have become a Less focus on problem and an obstacle, unable to provide and monitor what LMSs. employees actually do to learn.
  • 26. 14 Google has just put Course Builder online. Free Google tools 1. Course Builder allows you to will outpace LMSs create and distribute courses online. It also includes activities and exercises, and tests and assessments. This is an Open Source solution licensed under Apache 2.0 that allows you to create courses for 1 to 100,000 people. 2. It allows you to track learner involvement and engagement (by, for instance, analyzing web traffic using Google Analytics) Tracking Formal & informal and assess effectiveness and performance (through studies and surveys). 3. It can be supplemented by Google Hangouts for web- coaching, also free, which can be supplemented by Hangouts On Air for a wider target audience. …and that's not all. Web training
  • 27. 14 Free Google tools will outpace LMSs 4. Course Builder can be combined with other free tools from Google (such as Google Groups, Google Moderator, Google+ pages, forums, Blogger, etc.) to create a community of learners: access informal content, share and post experiences, participation in discussions on specific topics, form a support group, manage a community FAQ, organize social events among group members, find like-minded members, have Tracking Formal & informal a messaging service for the community by email or the online interface or both, etc. We know that fostering such a community between instructor and students is an integral part of creating a successful online course. Community Web training
  • 28. 14 Free Google tools will outpace LMSs It’s free, and with its four functions, Course Builder already far surpasses a number of expensive LMSs, possibly yours even as you read these lines. Next to this, other freebies like Moodle look not just outpaced, but out of the race. Google already reports that big names are looking closely at how to adopt this technology for some of their elearning courses, including Stanford University, Tracking Formal & informal Indiana University, MIT, UC San Diego,,, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), and a group of Spanish universities led by Universia, CRUE and Banco Santander- Universidades. Community Web training
  • 29. The outcome: the 14 strategic recommendations for your training dollars. Choose a partner who: 1) Uses digital tools in classroom training 2) Uses video for classroom and online training 3) Uses visual PowerPoint materials 4) Is starting to think mobile 5) Incorporates informal resources 6) Incorporates social learning, 7) Where trainers are also community managers 8) Thinks implementation, not teaching 9) Offers custom rapid-learning modules for under €10,000 10) Offers business simulations for under €35,000 11) Is on its way to delivering 40% of its services online in the short term If you have your own LMS: 12) Pay more attention to implementation than to the LMS. 13) Look for a solution that manages informal and social learning. 14) Look to new technologies, many of which are free.
  • 30.         
  • 31. Author: Jean-François MESSIER My job at Mercuri International is to supply the most updated technology to increase your sales productivity and improve your business results, including increasing your sales revenues, cutting your sales costs and maintaining your competitive advantage. Mercuri Website: My blog: Follow me on Twitter: Linkedin: Voir cette présentation en français: Photo Credit All photos in this presentation were purchase on and Thinkstock. All logos or brand references are the copyright of their respective owners. Slides from this document may not be repurposed without express written consent. Send permission requests to