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What is Web 2.0 ?
Roland Barcia
Senior Software Engineer
Track: Technical/Development
Session 4163A
Matthew Perrins
Senior Certified IT Specialist
 What does Web 2.0 mean to the enterprise
 What is Ajax
 Web 2.0 is more than Ajax
 Web Composites
So what is Web 2.0 and why is this
important ?
Introduction to Web 2.0
 Origin of the term was Tim O’Reilly’s article:
 It is about design patterns and business models
for the next generation of software
 Technology isn’t the point – in many ways, the
technologies involved are overly simplistic,
inefficient, and not new
 The key point of Web 2.0 is the social factor – it
is about how people and their actions make the
software better
The evolving Web platform
Web 2.0 is about connecting people,
and making technology efficient for people.
Web 1.0 was about connecting computers
and making technology more efficient
for computers.
Web 2.0 changes the way in
which businesses interact
with its customers
Web 2.0:
Is about communities and social networks
Builds contextual relationships and facilitates
knowledge sharing
Is about people and the way they collaborate
WEB 2.0 functionality has enabled new ways to use the web with quick
and simple “social tools.” As a result, many entities have been labeled
as WEB 2.0, all with different functionality, utility, and business impact.
Source: Forrester Research, Inc
O’Reilly’s view of Web 2.0 Core Competencies of Web 2.0
Services, not packaged software,
with cost-effective scalability
Control over unique, hard-to-
recreate data sources that get
richer as more people use them
Trusting users as co-developers
Harnessing collective intelligence
Leveraging the long tail through
customer self-service
Software above the level of a
single device
Lightweight user interfaces,
development models, AND
business models
Organizations adopting Web 2.0 capabilities will have new
business considerations to address which effect both front-
end functionality and backend architecture.
1. Embrace the Long Tail
Leverage customer self service to reach the
entire web not just the head
2. Data is your Competitive Advantage
Seek to own a unique, hard to recreate source
of data
Data is the new “INTEL INSIDE
3. Allow your users to “Add Value”
Key competitive advantage is the extent in
which users add their own data to your
platform. Don’t restrict your “ architecture”
of participation. Involve users implicitly and
explicitly in adding value to your
4. Network Effects by default
Set inclusive defaults for aggregating user data
as a side effect of their use of the
5. Some Rights Reserved
Limiting re-use prevents experimentation.
Benefits from Web 2.0 come from collective
adoption, not private restriction. Design for
Reliability and “ hack-ability”
6. The Perpetual Beta
Internet applications are no longer software
artifacts, they are ongoing services.
Engage users as real-time testers and user
their feedback as an instrument in
designing the service.
7. Cooperate, Don’t Control
Web 2.0 is a network of cooperating data
services. Offer web services interfaces and
syndication through lightweight
programming models
8. Software Above the Level of a Single
Integrate service across handheld device,
Desktop PC’s and internet servers
Web2.0 - Tim O’Reilly, 2005
Enabling Web 2.0 functionality requires additional resiliency
to existing enterprise infrastructure, and can be mitigated
by robust Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)
WEB 2.0
Componentized Interoperable
Modular Scaleable
• User-driven
• Value on demand
• Low cost of entry
• Public infrastructure
Software as a
not software
• Recommendations
• Social networking
• Tagging
• User comments
• Community rights
Users add
The three software patterns driving Web2.0
user interface
and data
• Responsive UIs (AJAX)
• Feeds (Atom, RSS)
• Simple extensions
• Mashups (REST APIs)
Easy to use,
easy to remix
Web 2.0 Themes
The Intelligent Web
Tools: RSS,
End of the
Software Release
SW above a
single device
Data is the
“intel Inside”
Standards: REST,
Mash-up, wiki,
tagging, blogging
Rich user
Web as a
Technology Attributes of Web 2.0
RSS/ATOM allows someone to link not just to a page, but to
subscribe to it, with notification every time that page changes.
Users must be treated as co-developers, in a reflection of open
source development practices. The open source dictum,
"release early and release often
"SQL is the new HTML." Database management is a core
competency of Web 2.0 companies.
XML or JSON data over HTTP, in a lightweight approach
sometimes referred to as REST (Representational State
Transfer) as an alternative to SOAP.
AJAX incorporating: XHTML and CSS, DOM, XML and XSLT;,
XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript allowing information to be
mashed up into new interactive portals."
Perpetual Beta
Rich User
Core Competencies of Web 2.0 Companies
Harnessing the power of the communities
Trusting users as co-developers
Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability
Leveraging the long tail through – Communities and Customer
self-service and ad hoc B2B
The Web is about content - HTML, forms, images, audio, …
Application interfaces and data surface through Web pages and feeds.
Mashups are an additional, personal approach to integration that builds
on content and complements WS-*.
WebSphere Focus – Web Composites
Bridging Web SOA and Enterprise SOA
Enterprise SOA
App Server
WAS, CE, Tomcat
WPS, ESB, Portal
Enterprises are exposing more services and feeds to the Web
Global SOA
“Bridging Web and Enterprise SOA”
Enterprise mashups
Composite Applications
…and consuming more services and feeds from the Web
eBay APIs – Driving volumes of transactions
• eBay Web Services supports some
2.5 billion API calls per month
• Approximately half of all listings on involve eBay Web
• 25,000 outside developers are
using the APIs
• Participating developers have
produced more than 1,600
What contributes to Web 2.0
 Asynchronous JavaScript + XML
–Jesse James Garrett, Adaptive Path
 Supports a rich client interaction model that is intuitive,
responsive, and timely.
– Comparable to desktop applications.
 Continuous user interaction with event driven server
processing and dynamic content refresh
– vs. interrupted interaction with request driven server
processing followed by static page refresh.
 The next presentation will explain Ajax in detail
The classic web interaction
The Ajax web interaction
True AJAX Clients Are (By Design), Server-Neutral
 A fundamental reason AJAX has
increased in popularity is that it’s
server-technology neutral through
the use of basic HTTP protocol
 Applications has more flexibility to
change out the back-end service
Browser Platform
• The nature of PHP makes it a
client in terms of enterprise
applications, but from an AJAX
client perspective it is always a
server technology
Defining principles of Ajax
 The browser hosts an application, not content
 The server delivers data, not content
 User interaction with the application can be fluid and continuous
 Ajax development is real coding and requires discipline
– The Ajax “application” must run without breaking, slowing
down, or generating memory leaks.
– Requires writing high-performance, maintainable code
following the same discipline applied to server resources
Ajax requests types ?
– An Architectural Style, Not a Standard.
– Client-Server: a pull-based interaction style: consuming components pull representations.
– Stateless: each request from client to server must contain all the information necessary to
understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server.
– Uniform interface: all resources are accessed with a generic interface (e.g., HTTP GET, POST,
– Named resources - the system is comprised of resources which are named using a URL.
– http://<host>/customer
– GET: Returns list of customers
– POST: Creates Customer Record
– http://<host>/customer/roland
– GET: Returns Roland customer record
– PUT: Updates Roland Record
– DELETE: Delete Roland Record
 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation )
 Raw XML
 Java Script Object Notation
var myJSONObject = {"bindings": [ {"ircEvent":
"PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex":
"^http://.*"}, {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method":
"deleteURI", "regex": "^delete.*"}, {"ircEvent":
"PRIVMSG", "method": "randomURI", "regex":
"^random.*"} ] };
 JavaScript equivalent of :
– XML, ValueObject, Cargo Beans
 JSON-RPC can be used to send Serialized JavaScript from Browser to
Ajax Toolkits
 There are a large number of toolkits available 65 and counting…
 Toolkits offer a defined JavaScript interface to the DHTML, CSS and DOM of
a browser
 There is no defined standard so choosing your toolkit may be important as
more code is developed to these toolkits.
 The toolkits are generally server neutral, meaning they can work with a
variety of server side programming frameworks, including :
– PHP, Ruby, WebSphere, .NET
 The main toolkits are :
– Dojo
– Zimbra
– Google Widget Library (GWT)
– Yahoo Widgets
– Backbase
– Microsoft Ajax Toolkit
 Microsoft have built an Ajax toolkit that is independent of ASP.NET , this
toolkit may gain traction with developers
Dojo Toolkit
 IBM is supporting the Dojo Toolkit
 Good News Ajax works with WebSphere and Portal Server Today
 IBM sees this as one of the most flexible of all the toolkits on the current market.
 They have evaluated its features :
– Dojo has lots of interesting features but lacks enterprise capabilities like security, NLS etc.
– IBM has successfully included developers as contributors to the project
– IBM will be investigating its inclusion in future product releases from WebSphere and Lotus brands
Dojo Browser Toolkit
 Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit
written in JavaScript. It builds on
several contributed code bases.
– Provides Rich Set of Widgets
– Web UI Framework
– Rich Event handling System
– General Purpose HTML Libraries
– Several other utilities
– Math, XML to JS parsing, etc…
More to Web 2.0 than Ajax
Web 2.0
• Not just about Ajax:
• Tagging
• Blogging
• Wikis
• Podcasts
Tagging, and the collection of tags that results, called a folksonomy, is about collaborative efforts to
organize information, in which users are encouraged to assign freely chosen keywords, called tags, to
identify Web sites in ways that are meaningful to themselves.
 Blog (a shortened form of the
term Web log) refers to a
personal journal that is shared
on the Web.
 Blogs are an excellent venue
for sharing information and
creating connections.
Companies that want to
improve innovation within their
own enterprise are discovering
the value of deploying a blog
server internally.
 Blogs are a great way
to share information
and create
 Companies who want
to improve their own
innovation could
benefit from deploying
a blog server internally
 This would be linked to
your profile and
 Wiki is as “a type of Web site that
allows users to easily add, remove, or
otherwise edit and change some
available content, sometimes without
the need for registration.
 This ease of interaction and
operation makes a wiki an effective
tool for collaborative authoring. The
term wiki can also refer to the
collaborative software itself (a wiki
engine) that facilitates the operation
of such a Web site, or to certain
specific wiki sites.”
Atom and RSS
 Atom and RSS enable
consumers to subscribe to
content instead of visiting a site
to acquire it, representing a
fundamental shift in how
consumers receive information.
 The use of Atom and RSS has
proliferated across major content
providers and corporations and is
the top emerging advertising
tactic among e-marketers.
However, feeds that contain ads
are often shunned by the Web
2.0 community.
 Podcasting is a method of publishing
multimedia files such as audio or music
video programs to the Internet, so that
users can subscribe to a feed and receive
new files automatically by subscription,
usually at no cost.
 Podcasting enables a user to subscribe to
content directly from sources such as IBM
developerWorks onto a computer or
portable multimedia player and listen to it
or view it whenever convenient.
Social Networks
 A social network, also referred to as a
virtual community, is an online network of
people with common interests. These
interests can be of any type, from people
who share a common health condition
(celiac, diabetic), to people who own
certain makes of antique vehicles
(Studebaker cars, J.C. Higgins bicycles),
to users of IBM products (DB2® 9,
Rational® Application Developer).
 Social networking tools such as LinkedIn
enable sharing information with friends
and with friends of friends. Social network
sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace,
Facebook, and Friendster can offer
features such as automatic address book
updates, viewable profiles, and the ability
to form new online social connections.
Social Bookmarking
 Employees tag and share links behind the firewall, without risk of publicly
revealing trends or topics being investigated
 Easy and effective way to identify experts on topics – just follow the tag cloud
 There is a strong incentive to contribute because the payback is high – you
get a lot of value from seeing other people’s bookmarks
These are Marty’s
shared bookmarks;
everybody in the
company can see them
From here we can
navigate to related
people and other topics
by clicking on names or
Social networks and location information
• Location information
creates many more
• Mashups to find where
people are, e.g.
Do I have any reps
currently in Belmont?
In case of emergency,
were are my people
Real-time communications
Use chat to get real work done!
• State-of-the-art chat client
• Unified communication services
• Integrate with applications & processes
• Blurred boundaries between work and
Adding Real-time Business Context
• This example shows a plugin
designed to run business
functions based on a keyword
entered in the chat window
• This example retrieves sales
information from a spreadsheet
• Other examples: search, retrieve
data from an application, post
information to a log, check
Social Networking and Wisdom of Crowds
Who are you?
Profiles: contact
and organization
To what communities
do you belong?
Groups of people with
a common interest or
work objective
What are you reading?
What do you find
Social bookmarking,
Combining communities with real-time
 Engage community
members in open
 Broadcast questions,
let experts volunteer to
 Take polls
Broadcast tools
 A member of a
community can
broadcast questions
to all other (online)
community members
 An invitation is
displayed in a slide-
out window, and
subscribers who are
interested can click a
button to join it
Composite Applications and
IBM Web 2.0 Technologies Current Focus Areas
 Web 2.0 Technologies
converging on a few key value
 Broad Collaboration
 Simplicity & rich(er) internet
 Remixability
– Enabling “applications”
that can be created by
– APIs based on open
(defacto) standards
 PHP On Forefront of
– It’s about instant results
– It’s about empowering
What is a Situational Application?
 A Situational Application is
– rapidly created (<5mins) to address an immediate need of an individual
or community
– typically but not necessarily short-lived (a just-in-time solution)
– informal (lacks product quality look and feel)
– just good enough
 A Mashup can be a form of a Situation Application that
– is comprised of 2 or more disparate components that are bound
together through content
– yields a new utility by seamlessly combining content from more than
one data source with behavior to form a new integrated experience
 A Mashboard can be a form of a Mashup that
– is typically personalized and unique for an individual yet configurable
– contains a collection of indicators that signal change when the status of
content items of personal interest change
How would we design
middleware if assume:
• business organizations & relationships
are continually changing - therefore
solutions need are situational
• LOB teams just enough IT savvy to
create their own services/solutions that
drive their part of the business
…applications are disposable
“Situational” Apps
• Built to solve an immediate, specific
business problem
• Blending externalities with business-
private content & services
• Manipulates static & increasingly
dynamic content ミinformation-centric
• Accelerated by community-based
Web 2.0 - Rethinking Application Assumptions
Mashup Assemblers
Mashup Enablers
IBM Mashup Maker - QEDwiki
Mashup Anatomy
Content Providers
Mashup Maker
Wire, Share
Don’t forget Lotus Expeditor, ST and Notes 8.0 are Rich Composite Clients
Web 2.0 Mashup Summary
 Web 2.0 Technologies enable Enterprise Mashups
 Situational Applications and Mashups
– Are not a new category of applications
– Describe a new area of focus for web application development
– Typically ignored under radar of IT departments
– IBM seeks to empower knowledge workers to assembler their own mashups
 Assemble
– Subject Matter experts who may not be programmers can
– create web applications to address just-in-time ad-hoc situational needs
– Integrate data and markup using widgets to create new utilities
 Wire
– Bind rich content from disparate sources to create new ways to view information
– Add behavior and relationships to disparate widgets to create a rich interactive
application experience
 Share
– Leverage QEDWiki to
– Quickly promote your mashup for use by others
– Enable multi-user collaboration on the development of a mashup
Software Group Products
Lotus Connections
Create, find, join, and work with communities of people who share a common
interest, responsibility, or area of expertise
Use a weblog to present your idea and get feedback from others; learn from the
expertise and experience of others who blog
Save, organize and share bookmarks; discover bookmarks that have been qualified by
others with similar interests & expertise
Organize your work, plan next steps, and easily tap your expanding professional
network to help execute your everyday deliverables, faster
Quickly find the people you need by searching across your organization using
keywords that help identify expertise, current projects and responsibilities
Portal - AJAX based Client Side Aggregation in the Web Browser
Atom / RSS Feeds
REST-accessible Markup Fragments
from WP Portlets or any other URL
WSRP Services
Web 2.0 Portal Architecture
WebSphere Portal Foundation
AJAX Fragment
AJAX Programming Model Extensions
(Dojo Framework & Widgets + AJAX.0 + REST accessor JS functions + Semantic Tags + Client Side Click-2-Action)
REST style Portal Services
(Persistence, User Profiles, Portlet Settings, Navigation, Pages, etc)
(from J2EE,.NET,PHP,
HTTP or other Server)
WebSphere Application Server
JSR 168
AJAX enabled
JSR 168
Competitive View RIA (Rich Internet Applications)
Extend HTML
Replace HTML Replace HTML
Open Standards
Proprietary Proprietary
Any Browser
Flash Plug-In Vista OS / XP?
Revolution Revolution
• Focused on next
• Generation
Web 2.0, Ajax
Web 2.0
Solution Designers
Java Programmers
Ajax, Dojo, Eclipse, OSGi
• Technology and Product
Focused across Industry
• Strong integration
skills into SOA
required, JMS, WS,
JDBC, etc,
Expeditor 6.1
Sametime 7.5
Notes 8.0
• Focused on solutions that
extend the Lotus Client
Desktop / Device
© IBM Corporation 2007. All Rights Reserved.
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4163A - What is Web 2.0.ppt

  • 1. What is Web 2.0 ? Roland Barcia Senior Software Engineer Track: Technical/Development Session 4163A Matthew Perrins Senior Certified IT Specialist
  • 2. 2 Agenda  What does Web 2.0 mean to the enterprise  What is Ajax  Web 2.0 is more than Ajax  Web Composites
  • 3. 3 So what is Web 2.0 and why is this important ?
  • 4. 4 Introduction to Web 2.0  Origin of the term was Tim O’Reilly’s article:  It is about design patterns and business models for the next generation of software  Technology isn’t the point – in many ways, the technologies involved are overly simplistic, inefficient, and not new  The key point of Web 2.0 is the social factor – it is about how people and their actions make the software better
  • 5. 5 The evolving Web platform Web 2.0 is about connecting people, and making technology efficient for people. Web 1.0 was about connecting computers and making technology more efficient for computers. Web 2.0 changes the way in which businesses interact with its customers Web 2.0: Is about communities and social networks Builds contextual relationships and facilitates knowledge sharing Is about people and the way they collaborate
  • 6. 6 WEB 2.0 functionality has enabled new ways to use the web with quick and simple “social tools.” As a result, many entities have been labeled as WEB 2.0, all with different functionality, utility, and business impact. Source: Forrester Research, Inc
  • 7. 7 O’Reilly’s view of Web 2.0 Core Competencies of Web 2.0 Companies Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability Control over unique, hard-to- recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them Trusting users as co-developers Harnessing collective intelligence Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service Software above the level of a single device Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models Source:
  • 8. 8 Organizations adopting Web 2.0 capabilities will have new business considerations to address which effect both front- end functionality and backend architecture. 1. Embrace the Long Tail Leverage customer self service to reach the entire web not just the head 2. Data is your Competitive Advantage Seek to own a unique, hard to recreate source of data Data is the new “INTEL INSIDE 3. Allow your users to “Add Value” Key competitive advantage is the extent in which users add their own data to your platform. Don’t restrict your “ architecture” of participation. Involve users implicitly and explicitly in adding value to your applications. 4. Network Effects by default Set inclusive defaults for aggregating user data as a side effect of their use of the application 5. Some Rights Reserved Limiting re-use prevents experimentation. Benefits from Web 2.0 come from collective adoption, not private restriction. Design for Reliability and “ hack-ability” 6. The Perpetual Beta Internet applications are no longer software artifacts, they are ongoing services. Engage users as real-time testers and user their feedback as an instrument in designing the service. 7. Cooperate, Don’t Control Web 2.0 is a network of cooperating data services. Offer web services interfaces and syndication through lightweight programming models 8. Software Above the Level of a Single Device Integrate service across handheld device, Desktop PC’s and internet servers Web2.0 - Tim O’Reilly, 2005
  • 9. 9 Enabling Web 2.0 functionality requires additional resiliency to existing enterprise infrastructure, and can be mitigated by robust Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) WEB 2.0 Componentized Interoperable Modular Scaleable
  • 10. 10 • User-driven adoption • Value on demand • Low cost of entry • Public infrastructure Software as a SERVICE Service, not software COMMUNITY mechanisms • Recommendations • Social networking features • Tagging • User comments • Community rights management Users add value The three software patterns driving Web2.0 SIMPLE user interface and data services • Responsive UIs (AJAX) • Feeds (Atom, RSS) • Simple extensions • Mashups (REST APIs) Easy to use, easy to remix Web2.0
  • 11. 11 Web 2.0 Themes The Intelligent Web Harnessing Collective Intelligence Tools: RSS, AJAX, PHP, Ruby, Lightweight Java End of the Software Release Cycle SW above a single device Data is the “intel Inside” Standards: REST, XHTML, CSS Techniques: Mash-up, wiki, tagging, blogging Rich user experiences Light-weight programming models Web as a Platform
  • 12. 12 Technology Attributes of Web 2.0 RSS/ATOM allows someone to link not just to a page, but to subscribe to it, with notification every time that page changes. Users must be treated as co-developers, in a reflection of open source development practices. The open source dictum, "release early and release often "SQL is the new HTML." Database management is a core competency of Web 2.0 companies. XML or JSON data over HTTP, in a lightweight approach sometimes referred to as REST (Representational State Transfer) as an alternative to SOAP. AJAX incorporating: XHTML and CSS, DOM, XML and XSLT;, XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript allowing information to be mashed up into new interactive portals." Feeds Perpetual Beta Info-ware Lightweight Programming Model Rich User Experience
  • 13. 13 Core Competencies of Web 2.0 Companies Harnessing the power of the communities Trusting users as co-developers Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability Leveraging the long tail through – Communities and Customer self-service and ad hoc B2B Collective intelligence Users Services Leveraging Long-Tail The Web is about content - HTML, forms, images, audio, … Application interfaces and data surface through Web pages and feeds. Mashups are an additional, personal approach to integration that builds on content and complements WS-*. Content
  • 14. 14 WebSphere Focus – Web Composites Bridging Web SOA and Enterprise SOA Enterprise SOA Web SOA RSS Web SOA Bridge ATOM JSON REST AJAX XML PHP Enterprise MASHUPS FEEDS .NET J2EE WSDL CICS WS-* MOM SOAP Ruby J2SE JDBC JMS
  • 15. 15 Web Enterprise REST JSON XML RSS ATOM DB2 Legacy CICS IMS J2EE App Server WAS, CE, Tomcat WPS, ESB, Portal Enterprises are exposing more services and feeds to the Web Global SOA SOAP WS-* JMS MOM “Bridging Web and Enterprise SOA” mashups Enterprise mashups Composite Applications …and consuming more services and feeds from the Web
  • 16. 16 eBay APIs – Driving volumes of transactions • eBay Web Services supports some 2.5 billion API calls per month • Approximately half of all listings on involve eBay Web Services • 25,000 outside developers are using the APIs • Participating developers have produced more than 1,600 applications
  • 18. 18 Ajax?  Asynchronous JavaScript + XML –Jesse James Garrett, Adaptive Path  Supports a rich client interaction model that is intuitive, responsive, and timely. – Comparable to desktop applications.  Continuous user interaction with event driven server processing and dynamic content refresh – vs. interrupted interaction with request driven server processing followed by static page refresh.  The next presentation will explain Ajax in detail
  • 19. 19 19 The classic web interaction
  • 20. 20 20 The Ajax web interaction
  • 21. 21 True AJAX Clients Are (By Design), Server-Neutral  A fundamental reason AJAX has increased in popularity is that it’s server-technology neutral through the use of basic HTTP protocol  Applications has more flexibility to change out the back-end service implementation Browser Platform (moz,ie,safari,opera…) Java PHP .NET J2EE Services Services Services Services Services Services Services Services HTTP “Client” “Server” • The nature of PHP makes it a client in terms of enterprise applications, but from an AJAX client perspective it is always a server technology
  • 22. 22 22 Defining principles of Ajax  The browser hosts an application, not content  The server delivers data, not content  User interaction with the application can be fluid and continuous  Ajax development is real coding and requires discipline – The Ajax “application” must run without breaking, slowing down, or generating memory leaks. – Requires writing high-performance, maintainable code following the same discipline applied to server resources
  • 23. 23 23 Ajax requests types ?  REST – An Architectural Style, Not a Standard. – Client-Server: a pull-based interaction style: consuming components pull representations. – Stateless: each request from client to server must contain all the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server. – Uniform interface: all resources are accessed with a generic interface (e.g., HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). – Named resources - the system is comprised of resources which are named using a URL. – http://<host>/customer – GET: Returns list of customers – POST: Creates Customer Record – http://<host>/customer/roland – GET: Returns Roland customer record – PUT: Updates Roland Record – DELETE: Delete Roland Record  JSON (JavaScript Object Notation )  Raw XML  SOAP
  • 24. 24 24 JSON  Java Script Object Notation var myJSONObject = {"bindings": [ {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*"}, {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "deleteURI", "regex": "^delete.*"}, {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "randomURI", "regex": "^random.*"} ] };  JavaScript equivalent of : – XML, ValueObject, Cargo Beans  JSON-RPC can be used to send Serialized JavaScript from Browser to Server.
  • 25. 25 25 Ajax Toolkits  There are a large number of toolkits available 65 and counting…  Toolkits offer a defined JavaScript interface to the DHTML, CSS and DOM of a browser  There is no defined standard so choosing your toolkit may be important as more code is developed to these toolkits.  The toolkits are generally server neutral, meaning they can work with a variety of server side programming frameworks, including : – PHP, Ruby, WebSphere, .NET  The main toolkits are : – Dojo – Zimbra – Google Widget Library (GWT) – Yahoo Widgets – Backbase – Microsoft Ajax Toolkit  Microsoft have built an Ajax toolkit that is independent of ASP.NET , this toolkit may gain traction with developers
  • 26. 26 Dojo Toolkit  IBM is supporting the Dojo Toolkit  Good News Ajax works with WebSphere and Portal Server Today  IBM sees this as one of the most flexible of all the toolkits on the current market.  They have evaluated its features : – Dojo has lots of interesting features but lacks enterprise capabilities like security, NLS etc. – IBM has successfully included developers as contributors to the project – IBM will be investigating its inclusion in future product releases from WebSphere and Lotus brands
  • 27. 27 Dojo Browser Toolkit 27  Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript. It builds on several contributed code bases. – Provides Rich Set of Widgets – Web UI Framework – Rich Event handling System – General Purpose HTML Libraries – Several other utilities – Math, XML to JS parsing, etc…
  • 28. 28 More to Web 2.0 than Ajax
  • 29. 29 Web 2.0 • Not just about Ajax: • Tagging • Blogging • Wikis • RSS • Podcasts
  • 30. 30 Tags Tagging, and the collection of tags that results, called a folksonomy, is about collaborative efforts to organize information, in which users are encouraged to assign freely chosen keywords, called tags, to identify Web sites in ways that are meaningful to themselves.
  • 31. 31 Blogs  Blog (a shortened form of the term Web log) refers to a personal journal that is shared on the Web.  Blogs are an excellent venue for sharing information and creating connections. Companies that want to improve innovation within their own enterprise are discovering the value of deploying a blog server internally.
  • 32. 32 Blogging  Blogs are a great way to share information and create connections  Companies who want to improve their own innovation could benefit from deploying a blog server internally  This would be linked to your profile and communities
  • 33. 33 Wikis  Wiki is as “a type of Web site that allows users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration.  This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring. The term wiki can also refer to the collaborative software itself (a wiki engine) that facilitates the operation of such a Web site, or to certain specific wiki sites.”
  • 34. 34 Atom and RSS  Atom and RSS enable consumers to subscribe to content instead of visiting a site to acquire it, representing a fundamental shift in how consumers receive information.   The use of Atom and RSS has proliferated across major content providers and corporations and is the top emerging advertising tactic among e-marketers. However, feeds that contain ads are often shunned by the Web 2.0 community.
  • 35. 35 Podcasts  Podcasting is a method of publishing multimedia files such as audio or music video programs to the Internet, so that users can subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost.  Podcasting enables a user to subscribe to content directly from sources such as IBM developerWorks onto a computer or portable multimedia player and listen to it or view it whenever convenient.
  • 36. 36 Social Networks  A social network, also referred to as a virtual community, is an online network of people with common interests. These interests can be of any type, from people who share a common health condition (celiac, diabetic), to people who own certain makes of antique vehicles (Studebaker cars, J.C. Higgins bicycles), to users of IBM products (DB2® 9, Rational® Application Developer).  Social networking tools such as LinkedIn enable sharing information with friends and with friends of friends. Social network sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook, and Friendster can offer features such as automatic address book updates, viewable profiles, and the ability to form new online social connections.
  • 37. 37 Social Bookmarking  Employees tag and share links behind the firewall, without risk of publicly revealing trends or topics being investigated  Easy and effective way to identify experts on topics – just follow the tag cloud  There is a strong incentive to contribute because the payback is high – you get a lot of value from seeing other people’s bookmarks These are Marty’s shared bookmarks; everybody in the company can see them From here we can navigate to related people and other topics by clicking on names or tags
  • 38. 38 Social networks and location information • Location information creates many more possibilities • Mashups to find where people are, e.g. Do I have any reps currently in Belmont? In case of emergency, were are my people now?
  • 39. 39 Real-time communications Use chat to get real work done! • State-of-the-art chat client • Unified communication services • Integrate with applications & processes • Blurred boundaries between work and home
  • 40. 40 Adding Real-time Business Context • This example shows a plugin designed to run business functions based on a keyword entered in the chat window • This example retrieves sales information from a spreadsheet • Other examples: search, retrieve data from an application, post information to a log, check status
  • 41. 41 Social Networking and Wisdom of Crowds Who are you? Profiles: contact and organization information To what communities do you belong? Groups of people with a common interest or work objective What are you reading? What do you find valuable? Social bookmarking, tagging,
  • 42. 42 Combining communities with real-time  Engage community members in open discussion  Broadcast questions, let experts volunteer to help  Take polls
  • 43. 43 Broadcast tools  A member of a community can broadcast questions to all other (online) community members  An invitation is displayed in a slide- out window, and subscribers who are interested can click a button to join it
  • 45. 45 45 IBM Web 2.0 Technologies Current Focus Areas  Web 2.0 Technologies converging on a few key value proposition  Broad Collaboration  Simplicity & rich(er) internet experiences  Remixability – Enabling “applications” that can be created by non-professional programmers – APIs based on open (defacto) standards  PHP On Forefront of Opportunities – It’s about instant results – It’s about empowering line-of-business professionals
  • 46. 46 46 What is a Situational Application?  A Situational Application is – rapidly created (<5mins) to address an immediate need of an individual or community – typically but not necessarily short-lived (a just-in-time solution) – informal (lacks product quality look and feel) – just good enough  A Mashup can be a form of a Situation Application that – is comprised of 2 or more disparate components that are bound together through content – yields a new utility by seamlessly combining content from more than one data source with behavior to form a new integrated experience  A Mashboard can be a form of a Mashup that – is typically personalized and unique for an individual yet configurable – contains a collection of indicators that signal change when the status of content items of personal interest change
  • 47. 47 47 How would we design middleware if assume: • business organizations & relationships are continually changing - therefore solutions need are situational • LOB teams just enough IT savvy to create their own services/solutions that drive their part of the business …applications are disposable “Situational” Apps • Built to solve an immediate, specific business problem • Blending externalities with business- private content & services • Manipulates static & increasingly dynamic content ミinformation-centric • Accelerated by community-based collaborations Web 2.0 - Rethinking Application Assumptions
  • 49. 49 49 Mashup Anatomy Content Providers Widgets Mashup Maker Consume Mashup Assemble, Wire, Share Contains
  • 50. 50 Don’t forget Lotus Expeditor, ST and Notes 8.0 are Rich Composite Clients
  • 51. 51 51 Web 2.0 Mashup Summary  Web 2.0 Technologies enable Enterprise Mashups  Situational Applications and Mashups – Are not a new category of applications – Describe a new area of focus for web application development – Typically ignored under radar of IT departments – IBM seeks to empower knowledge workers to assembler their own mashups  Assemble – Subject Matter experts who may not be programmers can – create web applications to address just-in-time ad-hoc situational needs – Integrate data and markup using widgets to create new utilities  Wire – Bind rich content from disparate sources to create new ways to view information – Add behavior and relationships to disparate widgets to create a rich interactive application experience  Share – Leverage QEDWiki to – Quickly promote your mashup for use by others – Enable multi-user collaboration on the development of a mashup
  • 53. 53 53 Lotus Connections Communities Create, find, join, and work with communities of people who share a common interest, responsibility, or area of expertise Blogs Use a weblog to present your idea and get feedback from others; learn from the expertise and experience of others who blog Dogear Save, organize and share bookmarks; discover bookmarks that have been qualified by others with similar interests & expertise Activities Organize your work, plan next steps, and easily tap your expanding professional network to help execute your everyday deliverables, faster Profiles Quickly find the people you need by searching across your organization using keywords that help identify expertise, current projects and responsibilities
  • 54. 54 Portal - AJAX based Client Side Aggregation in the Web Browser Gadgets Atom / RSS Feeds REST-accessible Markup Fragments from WP Portlets or any other URL WSRP Services
  • 55. 55 Web 2.0 Portal Architecture WebSphere Portal Foundation AJAX Feed Consumer AJAX Fragment Consumer AJAX Programming Model Extensions (Dojo Framework & Widgets + AJAX.0 + REST accessor JS functions + Semantic Tags + Client Side Click-2-Action) REST style Portal Services (Persistence, User Profiles, Portlet Settings, Navigation, Pages, etc) Feed Service HTML+Dojo+JS Fragments (from J2EE,.NET,PHP, HTTP or other Server) WebSphere Application Server Classic JSR 168 Portlets AJAX enabled JSR 168 Portlets WSRP Consumer WSRP Service
  • 56. 56 Competitive View RIA (Rich Internet Applications) Extend HTML Replace HTML Replace HTML Open Standards Proprietary Proprietary Any Browser Flash Plug-In Vista OS / XP? Evolution Revolution Revolution SilverLight WPF/E Apollo
  • 57. 57 • Focused on next • Generation Internet/Intranet applications WebSphere Web 2.0, Ajax Portal Web 2.0 focused Solutions Skills: Solution Designers Java Programmers Ajax, Dojo, Eclipse, OSGi • Technology and Product Focused across Industry Channels WebSphere SOA • Strong integration skills into SOA required, JMS, WS, JDBC, etc, Traditional WebSphere Skills Skills Lotus Expeditor 6.1 Sametime 7.5 Notes 8.0 • Focused on solutions that extend the Lotus Client family Desktop / Device Composites Composite Skills Integration Skills Composite Applications Integration Skills
  • 59. 59 © IBM Corporation 2007. All Rights Reserved. The workshops, sessions and materials have been prepared by IBM or the session speakers and reflect their own views. They are provided for informational purposes only, and are neither intended to, nor shall have the effect of being, legal or other guidance or advice to any participant. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this presentation, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this presentation or any other materials. Nothing contained in this presentation is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. All customer examples described are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics may vary by customer. The following are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. For a complete list of IBM trademarks, see AIX, CICS, CICSPlex, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, i5/OS, IBM, the IBM logo, IMS, iSeries, Lotus, OMEGAMON, OS/390, Parallel Sysplex, pureXML, Rational, RCAF, Redbooks, Sametime, System i, System i5, System z , Tivoli, WebSphere, and z/OS. Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.