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Acca Professional Ethics Module
Morality is a set of rules concerning right and wrong behaviour. Ethics is the branch of philosophy
that attempts to provide clear arguments about which moral rules are best and how those rules ought
to be interpreted.
There are several different ethical theories or frameworks for ethical decision–making, each of
which has been advocated by prominent moral philosophers. Some philosophers, for example,
advocate thinking about ethics entirely in terms of consequences: what action will produce the best
outcomes overall? Others have argued in favour of thinking solely in terms of duties, and absolute
principles of behaviour – such as 'Always tell the truth' – that could be adhered to by all. Still others
have advocated thinking about ethics ... Show more content on ...
Judgement should not be based on what is in your own personal interest, or in the interests of those
who have power or influence over you. professional competence and due care
What the rulebook says
You 'have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to
ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current
developments in practice, legislation and techniques.'
'Members should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional
standards when providing professional services.'
In other words
Only perform work if you are competent to do so. Keep up to date with accounting matters. Do not
forget that as an ACCA member, you will have continuing professional development (CPD)
responsibilities – and you must ensure that you are keeping up to date. confidentiality What the
rulebook says
You 'should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and
business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper
and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.'
'Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not
be used for the personal advantage of
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Professional Ethics In Pescanova
To all of this must be added the inability or blindness by the BDO auditor to detect or publish the
irregularities committed, falling into a lack of professional ethics in the duty to carry out an
exhaustive control of the accounts and not merely testimonial as they have done.
The continuous failures and the delays in the payments did not get the attention of the banks, which
are considered to have made in many cases the "blind eye" for being Pescanova, or that accustomed
to these actions went through them as habitual, relaxing due diligence.
Ethical spillovers
Seen also in cases such as Enron or Madoff, in Pescanova this ethical culture was infected and
inherited; employees of the subsidiaries learned from the time they landed to duplicate invoices or
directly ... Show more content on ...
The president's threats to journalists who asked too much, or to employees who doubted the ethics /
legality of their actions were assimilated internally; the initiatives putting in doubt the management
of the company were considered an attack against all those that conformed it.
It is public the case of an employee of an external consultant who was fired because his wife was a
reporter for the newspaper Expansión, whose articles about the company the president of Pescanova
did not like. He pressured the company to fire the employee, under threat of losing projects.
Motivated Blindness
The attitude of the directors of the subsidiaries in the use of their resources to falsify invoices (with
the consequent increase in turnover); the attitude of the auditor, in order to maintain a large
recurring client (more than 10 years); the attitude of the directors of Pescanova to the behavior of its
president or other directors so that they could maintain their succulent emoluments, are clear
examples of Motivated
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The professional Ethics
Professional Ethics There is general recognition of the fact that journalists have responsibilities not
only vis–à–vis their own convictions but also towards the public. Summarily, four kinds of
responsibility may be defined: contractual responsibility in relation to the media and their internal
organisation, a social responsibility entailing obligations towards public opinion and society as a
whole, responsibility or liability deriving from the obligation to comply with the law and
responsibility towards the international community, relating to respect of universal values. These
four types of responsibilities may in certain respects be contradictory or even conflicting. The
international commission for the study of communication problems appointed by UNESCO pointed
out that professional ethical norm first began to be codified in all regions of the world. They vary
considerably both in their form and scope. In some countries, different codes govern the press,
broadcasting and the cinema. These codes are formulated and adopted voluntarily by the
professionals and their associations, in other cases; however, they are imposed by the law.
Moreover, principles such as objectivity, impartiality, truthfulness and freedom of information are
frequently formulated in rather vague and ambiguous terms. Most codes refer to such important
concepts as safeguarding freedom of information, freedom of access to information sources,
objectivity, accuracy, truthfulness, or the non–
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Ethics Paper : Professional Certifications
Ethics paper
Professional Certifications
In the physical therapy field, it is very important to continue education to better understand the need
to be effective in restore mobility, relieve pain and reduce the need for surgery and prescription
drugs. Being knowledgeable increases marketability. The great thing about physical therapy is that it
is needed in hospitals, private practices, outpatient clinics, home health agencies, schools, sports and
fitness facilities, work settings, and nursing homes. Because physical therapy is needed, technology
continues to allow professions to provide different ways to improve the quality of life for patients.
The results of stay up to date usually have a big impact on how big your clientele will get just
because you have certain certifications that other physical therapist or personal trainers may not
have. A lot of clients look at things at the different types of certifications a trainer has just so they
can have trust that you as a trainer know exact what he/she is doing. Also certifications Is just have
knowledge of the particular job you are doing but it also helps practice to decide if they would
consider hiring you to help other which is a very big risk if you do not have the certain type of
certifications which could put that practice liable for any wrong doing you as a professional makes,
therefore any practices that a trainer tries work will require certain certification in order for them to
cover themselves in case
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Ethics Code Of Professional Ethics
Abstract. The article reviewed was Possible Ethical Issues and Their Impact on The Firm:
Perceptions Held by Public Accountants. The abstract demonstrates the importance of AICPA'
"Code of Professional Ethics" and its components, and the influence of management perceptions on
firms' ethical environment (p. 919).
Introduction. The authors study business ethics, compliance with ethics code, ethical issues, and
ethical behavior of company management. The researchers concern with ethical believes of
company employees and executives, and growing number of legal proceedings due to ethical issues.
The ethics code help professionals maintaining independence and great performance. The research
aims to examine the impact of ethical dilemmas and unethical behavior on company operations (p.
919). The study is important because it analyzes the influence of accountants' perceptions and their
unprincipled behavior on business performance. The authors consider two problems: implications of
unethical behavior and why the ethics is criticized.
Literature Review. The authors use a systematic review of literature in the research. The researchers
examine studies of Frankel (1989), Backof and Martin (1991), and Beets (1991) to review the
history of the progression of ethics in accounting industry. The accounting as other professions has
its own ethics framework. The history of accounting profession demonstrates that competence,
integrity, and independence always were essential to have a
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Professional Values And Ethics Paper
Professional Values and Ethics Paper
Rhonda Beron, Andrea De Los Santos,
Emilie Goodman, and LaToya Sims
August 16, 2010
Andrea Lara
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics,
and career success. A person's personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and
ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the
workplace will help foster a successful career. This paper will cover professional values and ethics
and how they can influence the success of a career. Also discussed is how professional values and
ethics are based on the foundations of personal values, professional and academic ... Show more
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The two should come together to create mutual understanding of the goals required to achieve
Sources of professional values and ethics Professional values and ethics are based on the
foundations of personal values, professional and, academic integrity. Integrity is the act of doing
what is right even if there is no one is around. Personal values are comprised of an individual's
integrity, morals, and ethics, the standards in which, an individual holds him or herself to. One must
exercise personal values which in turn become the foundation professional values. "Professional
integrity derives its substance from the fundamental goals or mission of the profession" (Wakin,
1996, para. 15). Meaning to say, individuals seek for a professional's valued and ethical advice to
which the professional holds their responsibility to maintain and exceeds the level of their expertise.
For example, a general practitioner will treat a variety of patients, from all different walks of life
with a plethora of different problems. It is their duty to diagnose and treat the patient to the best of
their professional ability without prejudice. Another aspect of their duties is the principle of patient
confidentiality. Medical professionals are legally bound to not divulge any information provided to
them by their patients. Academic integrity can be summarized as the pursuance of higher education
in a scholarly fashion and the value of learning without
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Aicpa Code Of Professional Ethics Essay
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Provisions
Identify 1 of the 6 principles from the AICPA principles section of the Code of Professional Conduct
The discussion board attempts to evaluate the Code of Professional Conduct Provisions as indicated
in the AICPA principles section. One of the six principles of the code of professional conduct stated
in the AICPA principles section is the public interest principle. A main characteristic of
professionalism is to accept the overall responsibility to the topic. Thus, the public interest principle
call for people to focus on the collective welfare of the community of the people and institutions in
which they provide their professional services.
While conducting their professional roles and responsibilities, the members usually faces conflicting
pressures from different stakeholders. In dealing the conflicts, the professional members are
expected to act with integrity, guided by the perception that they have a responsibility to fulfill the
interests of the public, clients, and the employers. For instance, they are expected to offer quality
services, agree into suitable fee arrangements and provide a range of services in a manner that
indicates a higher level of ... Show more content on ...
The Christian worldview is mainly concerned about a principle, which improves accountability and
transparency in the society. Thus, the public interest principle meets the needs of the Christians by
encouraging the members to act responsibly. Since, the Christian worldview is dependent on
following God's commandments. The two perspectives are different, as the Christian worldview is
more specific unlike the deontological ethics perspective that does not encourage on extreme ethical
measures. Therefore, the public interest principle sufficiently serves the interest of the
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Sample Resume : Professional Ethics Essay
MANUKAU INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Engineering & Trades
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (NZDE)
Essay on Professional Ethics
Se Zhang
Ethics by definition are defined as a set of moral rules of conduct that are accepted by general public
and should be obeyed by everyone. Ethics are essential to the architecture of a modern dynamic
society and play a vital part in engineering or any other businesses. Ethics provide guidance to
humans to pursue a course of action correctively in specific situations, and prevent us from the ones
that would have negative or drastic consequences. Ethics clarifies what is good and bad on the basis
of moral principle or values. Regardless of which particular field the engineer is in (e.g. civil,
electrical or mechanical), their main liability and responsibility are to ensure the health, safety, and
general welfare of the public are protected to the highest level possible. Since almost the work done
by engineers can have great impact on almost all aspects of our daily life, any design schemes or
implementations that are made by engineers must meet the highest standard to ensure that no
damages or potential damages to any resource, people, organization or environment will exist. Many
organizations, like the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of
Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) have established a set of code of ethics to
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Duty Ethics And The Professional Military Ethic
Even with all our magic technology and deep knowledge of the physical world, human beings still
face the same crucial existential questions that concerned our ancestors thousands of years ago.
Among these, is the question of what is good and what is bad. While many in the modern era prefer
to bypass this issue, believing instead that everything is relative, most of us struggle with the
concepts of good and bad every day. This extends into the field of moral philosophy, where three
major and distinct ethical theories have come to dominate the contemporary debate: outcome ethics
(or consequentialism), duty ethics (or deontology) and virtue ethics. Passing under criticism these
three concepts allows evaluating my own philosophy and comparing its compliance to the
professional military ethic.
Duty ethics or deontology assesses all actions based on a series of rules. This concept views the
morality of any action from one angle, the respect of rules. On other words, duty ethics is the set of
rules governing a group, the conduct of those who form it based on the rights and obligations
defined by law or fundamental texts. This type of ethics, called also non–consequential ethics,
presents a clear way to behave within a society. However, it limits initiative and creativity, and in
other cases, it could create conflict with moral values. A good example is the situation of a prisoner
of war who lies to protect professional secret by. In sum, duty ethics is more concerned about rules
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The Definition Of Professional Ethics
The definition of professional ethics is a group of values and principles that directs the behaviour of
a professional or an organisation in relation to what is right and what is wrong. There are many
general aspects regarding professional ethics such as, honesty, accountability, respectfulness, loyalty,
confidentiality and obedience to the law. Corporate social responsibility is a form of social ethics.
The definition of this responsibility is that it is management's duty to 'make choices and take actions
that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the organisation' (Samson and
Daft, 2015, pp. 176). When it comes to a manager's capability to make these ethical choices, there
are a variety of factors that can influence this. This is due to the range of personality traits that
individuals bring to their professions. The factors that make an influence on their moral decision–
making are, religious backgrounds, family up bringing and their personal values and beliefs.
To ensure that a company's standards on ethics are being reached, they establish a code of conduct,
which is free for their customers or clients to view. Business professionals should always maintain
their ethical morals in regards to their clients and organisation in order to gain their respect and
loyalty. Managers within a company are generally active in motivating their employees to reflect
and express ethical values. Employees are guided through training to implement ethics into
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Professional ANZASW Code Of Ethics
The Code of Ethics are guidelines that sat acceptable conduct or behaviour for the profession
(Dolgoff, R., Harrington, D., & Loewenberg, F. M., 2011., p. 41). They outlined the mission and
values of the profession, the ethical principles based on the professions core values, how
professionals are supposed to approach ethical problems and the standards to which the professional
person is held. Understanding the Code of Ethics is very important because it is one of the
mechanism that a Social Worker can draw to in maintaining their ethical practice. A Code of Ethics
cannot also guarantee ethical behaviour as it does not prescribe a set of rules for behaviour (National
Association of Social Workers, 2017, p. 4). Ethical behaviour comes from a ... Show more content
on ...
It's about balancing right versus right. If there's a dilemma, it's because each option or choice must
have right to it or else it wouldn't be a dilemma. Whenever we make ethical decisions, we base these
decisions on our personal values, our judgement and the case of our practice, knowledge of our
professional obligations. An example of this is receiving gifts. Clients who have received assistance
sometimes like to reciprocate. Although giving a gift can be a nice thought, it can also cause
difficulty. If the gift is accepted, it changes the atmosphere of the worker and the client, if the gift if
declined, it may hurt the client's feelings. According to ANZASW Code of Ethics (n.d), as a Social
Worker, it is critical to have knowledge of our professional obligations include knowing the laws
that apply to our professional roles by being aware of the policies and procedures of our
organisation and having an understanding of our professional standards (p.
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Professional Ethics, Trust, And Acm Code Of Ethics Essay
How does professional ethic play a role in the IT industry? How does the ACM code of ethics help
set out the expectations of the professional's behavior? Is a whistle–blowing morally permissible in
some cases even if trust has been violated? In answering these questions, the paper will dive deeply
into the definitions of professional ethics, trust, and ACM code of Ethics. Next, is the examination
of De George's model and how it applies to professional ethics and the analysis of a recent case
involving Edward Snowden, an ex–NSA employee, who intentionally leaked sensitive US–
government information.
Professional Ethics
When working in an organization, it is usually important to establish professional ethics while
following consistent ethical principles. Professional ethics are personal and corporate standards of
behavior that are set by businesses, associations, and organization. It creates an institution that
reflects our own values and make us feel more confident about what is an acceptable behavior and
what is not. This type of ethic could vary depending on the various types of situations, professions,
and personal values. Many professionals that are trusted by the public like doctors, accountants,
engineers and even an information technologist all have a Code of Ethics, which sets out
expectations of the member's behavior and how they operate internally and externally.
Within the IT profession, is the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Code of Ethics which
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Professional Ethics And Public Administration
Generally, the issue of ethics especially in the business world is very complicated. Accordingly,
many scholars have tried to explain the rationale behind being ethical. For instance, early scholars
such as Milton Freidman and Adam Smith explains this issue by exploring on the social
responsibilities of corporates, as well as in the theory of incentives whereby the rationale is driven
by the needs of either the firm or an individual who is profit maximization and maximization of
utility by households. This paper critiques two articles on professional ethics in public
administration. The first article under critique is Professional Ethics and Public Administration in
the United States authored by Moataz Fattah. In his introduction, Fattah (2011) defines the
importance of professional ethics by arguing that the lack of ethical workplaces across the world has
partly contributed to skepticism and a widespread lack of confidence in public officials and
institutions among the citizenship. According to the author, this diminished confidence in public
institutions ultimate results to the phenomenon of decline state capacity, weak or soft states or even
failed states. In essence, no development and progress can occur if public institutions lack credibility
and are regarded as unethical are corrupt. To provide a solution, Fattah suggests looking at several
nations that have been able to control corruption and maintain strict ethical monitoring such as the
United States.
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My Personal And Professional Ethics Essay
As I enter my junior year in college I can see my career right ahead of me. I am attending Grand
Valley State University to become a Physician Assistant. This makes me think about my
involvement in people 's health. This also makes me think about the responsibilities I have my
patients and their well being. To be prepared for all of the challenges I will need to focus my
attention on biomedical ethics. There are morals that have been engrained into my character. These
include what is right or wrong and how I will behave in certain situations. I will compare my
personal and professional ethics in order to be ready for my healthcare career. My personal ethics
are deeply implemented into my professional ethics. This could make conflicts arise between my
professional workplace and personal ethical view because of differing perspectives on issues. My
personal ethics govern how I behave and help me to navigate through ethical dilemmas. My
professional ethics could be restricted however, because of a code of conduct put in place by my
employer. A code of conduct states principles expressing responsibility, and defines rules expressing
duties of professionals to whom they apply. (Pozgar, 2016) I rely on ethical theories including virtue
ethics, utilitarian ethics and principles of ethics to make my judgements.
My personal ethics are based on virtue ethics and values. I believe that character is based off the
decisions and behaviors displayed in everyday life. An important facet
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Essay On Professional Ethics And Responsibility
Professional Ethics and Responsibility SUBMISSION Firstly let us know what an intellectual
property means? The property which an individual has is his inventions and creations and these his
intellectual intellectual property is creation of mind let it be a symbol or a design or
an artistic, literary work.... These properties can be categorized as; Industrial properties like patents,
trademarks. Copyrights which mean the right to copy and use the literacy.artistic, musical works. It
is necessary to protect ones own individual ideas and everyone has a right to intellectual properties.
So intellectual property rights are protected under the law and if any one feels that their patent or
their ... Show more content on ...
The Indian government invoked a trade rule of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to issue the
first compulsory licence to allow generic production of a patented drug to make it affordable to
Indian patients. The Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (Trips) agreement under the WTO
allows a government to grant compulsory licence to a domestic company to produce a generic
version of a patented drug in "public interest". The patent office had asked Hyderabad–based Natco
Pharma to make available Nexavar to cancer patients a monthly dose of 120 tablets for Rs 8,800
rupees (USD 176) compared to Rs 2,80,000 rupees (USD 5,500) charged by Bayer. QUESTIONS: *
How many patent offices available in India? * How become good Intellectual property professional?
* Evergreening of a patent by making new modifications of a drug is possible in USa and is not
possible in India. Is this statement right? Isn't such evergreening unfair to the consumer? * Do
Physical properties contribute to drug activity ? THANK YOU Bibliography *–kompella/blog/ipr *
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Code Of Ethics Summary : Professional Ethics And Computer...
It is important we distinguish what professional ethics and computer security is. Professionally
accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values and guiding principles. Codes of
professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in
performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles. In current times,
most if not all organizations have some sort of code of ethics that its employees are supposed to
follow. Violating the code of ethics usually results in severe consequences from the organization.
Computer security has become one of the most important issues in organizations in fear of any kind
of data lost. The ever–changing web, it has become a priority to secure information from loss as
there it lingers a constant vision of malice to disrupt the web world security. The need for cyber
security is at a crucial more than ever as the web is growing more and more. Having a resilient
digital infrastructure is becoming more and more important. Cyber–security is very important for
companies due to the ongoing digital changes and the increasing connections to the critical
infrastructure. Cyber breach results in the disruption of critical infrastructures within a company.
Code of Ethics Summary:
1. Support the implementation of, and encourage compliance with, appropriate standards and
procedures for the effective governance and management of enterprise information systems and
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Professional Code of Ethics
Personal Code of Ethics
Personal Code of Ethics
I believe that my personal code of ethics compares to the professional code of ethics very similar. I
believe that no matter what profession a person is in that they should always be honest and
trustworthy as well as have good morals and ethics. My code of ethics is very similar to the
professional code of ethics. One of the differences between my code of ethics and the professional
code of ethics is that I would not do anything for the profession that would ruin or tarnish my
reputation. I have somewhat high standards and I do not like to be thought of in a wrong manner. I
have good strong morals to support my ethical thinking.
For the most part I believe my personal code of ethics is ... Show more content on ...
Forensic accountants need to possess strong written and oral communication skills. In this
profession it is imperative to have a strong accounting background; a thorough knowledge of
auditing, risk assessment, and control and fraud detention; and a basic understanding of the legal
system. It is important for forensic accountants to possess the ability to interview and effectively
elicit information from people who may not be willing to give truthful answers. Therefore, it is
important for forensic accountants to be skeptical of those people that they deal with. Knowledge
and experience in financial planning and management techniques, as well as advanced computer
skills, including an ability to understand and apply various information technology and accounting
systems, are also key characteristics of forensic accountants" (Crumbley, 2003)
One of the most common issues that forensic accountants face is misstatements of a company's
financial position. Some areas of expertise that forensic accountants have are: mortgage banking,
securities trading, and insurance fraud just to name a few. After the scandal with the company
Enron, there are many companies out there that want to protect themselves and hire forensic
accountants to investigate or even prevent fraud in their company. Forensic accountants have
liability claims involving ethical
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Professional Standards and Codes of Ethics in Nursing
As the nursing profession progresses throughout the years, its nature becomes more complex in
meeting the professional standards and codes of ethics that are required by all nurses. The American
Nurses Association has a specific code of ethics that each nurse should follow and adopt as their
own beliefs. The public and the patients should be the priority when providing care in the healthcare
setting. The knowledge and education that nurses' gain is valuable and allows them to encourage
health, avoid illness, restore health, and aid in coping for those who are all ill. (LeMone, pp.192)
Given that the code of ethics is put into place, there are many registered nurses who violate these
codes in various situations. The following will discuss ... Show more content on ...
It is clear that the nurses in the evening shift violated 1.5 under provision 1 of the ANA Code of
Ethics, Relationships with colleagues and others. (Nursing World, 2012) All nurses should commit
to the fair treatment of individuals with other colleagues as well as patients and their0020family
members. It was clear that the patients were getting unfair treatment from the nurses in the evening
versus the nurses during the day. All nurses should work together so that miscommunication does
not affect the well being of the patient.
On that same day, the patient's wife stated that her neighbor phoned the hospital to get information
on her husband and information was given out. It is clear that the nurse who gave out information
regarding the patient was in violation of 3.1, privacy and 3.2, confidentiality of provision 3 of the
ANA Code of Ethics. It is the nurse's duty to maintain all confidentiality and privacy of all patient
information. (Nursing World, 2012) Information regarding a patient should only be given out to
those who are dealing with the direct care of the patient. It is important for nurses to be aware of
those who are not involved with the care of the patient.
Above all nurses play an important role in the recovery of their patients. The actions and decisions
of a nurse are manifestations of the true character that a nurse holds. (Lachman, 2008) Those who
become nurses are not only expected to adhere to the norms of the profession but rather to
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Code Of Ethics And Professional Conduct
Review of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of BIP
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) has been formulated on the basis of article
44, 45, 46, 47 of BIP constitution, to secure the rights and benefits of the Planners community in
Bangladesh. CEPC not only provide guidance and support to the members of BIP on their lead in
the professional field but also offers assurance to the client who avails the services of Planners.
Members have the opportunity to express their opinion about professional affairs and CEPC; the
Executive Committee will pay attention for definite valid reason. The CEPC is not rigid it may be
amended for professionalism according to the bylaws of the Institute constitution.
The whole CEPC is separated into three parts. The first part is about Principles and Responsibilities,
second part is Financial Matters for Trade and Service and the final part is about Procedure of
Inquiry & Disciplinary Action.
Principles and Responsibilities
Principles and responsibilities are also categorized into four different aspects like responsibility to
the public, responsibility to clients and employers, responsibility to the profession and colleagues
and obligation to colleagues.
In the section of responsibility to the public said that 'Planners' obligation is to serve the public
interest achieve high standards of professional integrity, proficiency, and knowledge.' Planner should
always concern about rights of others, provide accurate
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Professional Ethics Paper
Professional Ethics Paper
Barbara Morrissey
January 23, 2012
Ann–Marie Peckham
Professional Ethics Paper
Medical professionals have a responsibility to their clients to deliver safe, quality care with regard
for patients' individuality, needs, and desires. Patients seek out professional health care with their
own goals in mind. Their goals may not match ours, but we as health care providers have a duty to
inform and treat our clients with competence and afford them the utmost dignity and respect. In
short, we must be ethical in our practice.
We have an equal obligation to uphold the law. But law and ethics are not always synchronous.
What may be legal in practice may be unethical; and what may seem the ethical ... Show more
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This is also known as a consequentialist theory because an action is judged ethical based on its
consequences. However, teleologists disagree on which actions are deemed right and which are
wrong (Guido, 2010). Utilitarianism, a common type of consequential theory, states that the ethical
action is one that does the most good for the most people (Hughs, 2002).
Hughs (2002) states ethical theories are only useful when applied in conjunction with the four
primary ethical principles of health care: Respect for autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, and
justice. Ethical Principles
These ethical principles are useful in health care when applied to the clinical decision–making
Respect for autonomy Autonomy speaks to personal freedom and self–determination. Essentially, it
is affording patients the right to make their own decision regarding treatments affecting their body,
health, and life, even if the health care providers do not agree with those decisions. Respecting
patients' right to autonomy communicates that we as health care professionals give them the
freedom to choose a course of treatment that best serves their chosen lifestyle.
Informed consent exemplifies this principle. The medical team gives patients the facts concerning
treatment options and allows them to decide for themselves whether or not to proceed, not based on
what is 'best' for them as deemed by the medical staff but what they feel is best for themselves.
Beneficence and
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Professional Collaboration : The Ethics Committee
Intra–Professional Collaboration: The Ethics Committee
Ethics Committees are formed to help hospital and medical personnel resolve ethical issues that
arise in their facility. The ethics committee members are a mix of hospital personnel, including
physicians, nurses, administration, social work, chaplains and others. This intra–professionals team
works together to assure quality patient care in their facility. To achieve their goal the members must
work together with open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision making. I will discuss
three points related to the ethics committee, 1) the development, structure, importance and goals of
the ethics committee; 2) the importance of intra–professional collaboration, including the role ...
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The structure and size of an Ethics committee varies based on the size of the institution but always
includes various intra–professional members and a chairman or chairmen. It is important to the
success of the committee that its membership be multidisciplinary. These providers could be
physicians, social workers, nurses, chaplains, legal representatives and others who work in the
institution. The current trend is to include patients as the community member. In an article by
McCabe (2015) "there has been a movement to include patients as the community members. The
inclusion of this group of individuals adds the patient voice to the discussion and keeps the
committee focused on a patient–centered approach to its work" (p. 481). In this intra–professional
mix, it is certain that that there will be an assortment of diverse ethical views. According to an
article by Caitlin (2014) "a well–functioning ethics committee has no hierarchy and all members
have equal voice" (p. 400). She also states, "ethics committee functions follow standards set by the
professional organization for ethicists, the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH).
Guidelines for consultations are delineated in the ASBH Manual for Core Competencies" (p. 398).
Although clinicians have always faced complex ethical decisions, the need
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Professional Ethics and Values
Professional Values and Ethics
University of Phoenix
Professional Values and Ethics
What is the difference between values and ethics? Values are rules by which people make decisions
about what is right versus wrong; good versus bad and what one should or should not do. The
definition of values according to is "the ideals, customs, institutions, etc., of a
society toward which the people of the group have an affective regard. These values may be
positive, as cleanliness, freedom, or education, or negative, as cruelty, crime, or blasphemy" (The
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 2009). ... Show more content on ...
In today's society so many cases of people who have chosen to ignore ethics and values in the
pursuit of success or financial gain only end in their demise. A closer examination of professional
values and ethics in America certainly reveal that companies or organizations that adhere to a well
defined set of professional values and ethics will stand the test of time. Many of America's oldest
and financially sound companies are strong today because they followed a well defined code of
business values and ethics. Ford Motor Company is one example, Henry Ford believed so strongly
in his company's code of ethics that he doubled the pay of employs who complied with his code of
conduct, which was based upon his personal religious beliefs – regular church attendance, no
alcohol, no late hours, and no frivolous spending. J.C. Penney is another company that is a prime
example of a successful company that was built on professional values and ethics. Penney took a
stand against the unfair business practices of his time; he developed a code of ethics which is
considered one of the first general codes for ethics in business. His business partners were required
to pledge honesty, integrity, and moral leadership; they were required to follow a code of ethics
which can arguably be attributed to the success of many American businesses.
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Career Ethics : Professional Ethics
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional ethics in aviation isn't something that is thought about
every day. Ethics affects all of us and the choices that we make. Ethics in our careers and even in
our personal lives depends on you to make better choices by considering the rights and well–being
of others you work with and live with that may be affected by our decisions. From time to time
people do the wrong thing, it's our human nature to commit a mistake. Some mistakes are
unintentional but human error occurs regardless of our best efforts to do the right thing. Other times
the misconduct is intentional whether out of anger, frustration or for any other reason. Depending on
the rules that are broken and who committed the violations, misconduct can hurt other people. In the
world today, according to the Business Dictionary professional ethics is, "professionally accepted
standards of personal and business behavior, value and guiding principles. Code of professional
ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in performing their
job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles." (Business Dictionary, n/d)
Professional ethics are standards or codes of conduct set by the people of a certain profession. It is
basically the expectations and behaviors the employees should follow. Honesty and respect are the
two main components of professional ethics. If an employee is following the code of conduct, being
honest and respectful, to
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Army Professional Ethic
What it means to be a Profession
Professionalism is very essential to any profession to include the military. The involvement in wars
around the world is the most challenging issue that our Army is facing which requires discipline,
dedication, and skill. Professionals must be able to produce effective and expert work. Professionals
must conduct themselves ethically to earn the public trust, for example the concept of U.S. Army's
professional Ethic was created based on trust of the American people and civilian leaders.
In 19th century Army leaders strategically professionalized the Army for the purposes of the keeping
the military balance. According to Army White Paper (2010), leaders involved in the balancing plan
were in the rank of Sergeant
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Ethics And Professional Codes Of Conduct
Ethics and Professional Codes of Conduct (Unit 10),
Trump won the president in this month. After two months, Donald Trump will be the official
president. However, the concerns about his ethics is upcoming to everyone's mind.
As we known, The Trump Organization runs a lot of business all around the US. When Donald
Trump moves into the White House, he 'll be the most controversial president in America history.
After Trump is the president, his business interest is related to the politic. But there is no law and
rules that asks a president to split his financial interests before he takes the president position. In
past few period, presidents got away from the business to avoid the conflicts. Trump has no way to
put his real estate empire aside. Obvious, he would involve his business into the future politic
Democrats aware this conflicts of the interest. But they can't call official hearings. But they will
keep the eyes on him. Also, if necessary, they can do investigations to avoid the conflicts of the
In addition, Trump is expressing an interest in a major infrastructure plan, equal pay for women, and
closing the interest tax rate. These acts could give him a benefits, but they are good for the country.
The infrastructure plan, such as highway, could improve the people life. Tax plan keeps the money
in our own pocket.
Another issue is–election–day/how–would–president–trump–manage–his–
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Legal Professional Personal Values And Ethics
What is ethics, and what does it have to do with personal and professional points of view? This
paper will address how one's personal and/or professional point of view influence ethical decisions
in the work place and the leadership traits that are necessary to make those decision. Also provided
in this paper will be several examples of cases where individual personal point of view caused them
to make professional decisions that had an adverse reaction on those they serve.
Ethics Defined
Black law dictionary defines ethics as; 1. A system of moral tenets or principles; the collective
doctrines relating to the ideals of human conduct and character. 2. The study of behavior as judged
by moral right and wrong, including ... Show more content on ...
The second condition for ethical dilemma is that there must be different courses of action to choose
from. Tyler has to decide whether to refuse to work on the case, because it goes against his values,
but prevents him from fulfilling his professional responsibilitiy or working on the case ,and
compromising his personal values for his professional responsibility. Third, in an ethical dilemma,
no matter what course of action is taken, some ethical principle is compromised. In other words,
there is no perfect solution. Either decision bares consequences for the individual making them,
consequences that they alone must endure.
Brown et al, propose that leaders become attractive, credible, and legitimate as ethical role models
in part by engaging in ongoing behaviors that are evaluated by followers as normatively appropriate,
and that suggest altruistic (rather than selfish) motivation (2005, p. 120).
The following court cases offers a view of individuals in positions of leadership who stood by their
convictions, and chose to live with the consequence of those decisions.
Personal views v. Professional views
In the summer of 2015, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit.
David ERMOLD and David Moore, Plaintiffs–Appellants, v. Kim DAVIS, Individually and in her
Official Capacity as Rowan County Clerk, Defendant–Appellee.
No. 16–6412 Decided: May 02, 2017 Kim Davis, the County Clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky,
generated national and international
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The Codes Of Professional Ethics In Business
Professional ethics for business
Professional ethics for business is a Professionally acknowledged standard of individual and
business conduct, values and directing standards. Codes of professional ethics are frequently settled
by professional associations to help control individuals in playing out their activity capacities as
indicated by sound and predictable moral standards. Ethics is about standards, qualities and
convictions which impact judgment and conduct. It goes past obeying laws, principles and
directions – it is tied in with making the best decision in the conditions. Ethics is crucial to building
up trust. The presence of trust is basic to business and society. It upgrades the constancy of
connections, encourages exchanges ... Show more content on ...
The underlying ethical issue
As needs be, environmental ethics incorporates such inquiries as:
Why look after itself when just individuals matter?
Whenever species or scenes or wild regions are pulverized, what, of significant worth, is lost to
Will future ages miss what we have 'taken from them'?
Does arrive proprietorship bode well, or is it an ethically ridiculous and offensive idea in Western
culture intended to deny Indigenous people groups of their standard land?
Do individuals have a requirement for nature that infers a commitment to save it?
Would it be a good idea for us to keep on clearing cut woodlands for human utilization?
For what reason would it be a good idea for us to keep on propagating our species, and life itself?
Would it be a good idea for us to keep on making fuel controlled vehicles?
What environmental commitments do we have to keep for who and what is to come?
Is it appropriate for people to purposely cause the elimination of an animal groups for the comfort of
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Ethics And Professional Responsibilities Applied
Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Applied to
Baker Tilly & China North East Petroleum Holdings Limited
Jingyi Zhang
Arkansas State University
Business ethics has developed since the 1960s in the United States. Ethical dilemmas have changed
according to the economic environment. During the 2000s, financial failures happened more
frequently because of unprecedented economic growth. Nowadays, ethical dilemmas such as
financial mismanagement, international corruption, and companies' promotional purpose are the
main reasons that some high profile companies such as Enron and Lehman Brothers collapsed. Due
to the allure of huge benefits, management is facing bigger ethical challenges than ever before when
making business decisions. Over the last two decades, business ethics has been troubled by a lack of
direction and has become entangled in its own logic (Donaldson, Dunfee, 1994, p.1). Business
ethics as self–regulation helps us to distinguish between two things. What exactly we think firms'
ethical obligations are, above and beyond complying with laws, and what it would be favorable for
them to choose to do when they are not obliged to do so (Norman, 2011, p.1). When fraud happens,
companies collapse more rapidly than its growth. Collapse resulting from the fraud not only
destroys the companies, but also may results the shareholders investments impossible to recover.
Many stakeholders will also suffer from the loss due to the fraudulent
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Professional Ethics : My Professional Ethical Model
My Professional Ethical Model
Heather Youngs
Eastern Washington University
My Professional Ethical Model
I have reviewed a few ethical models in formulating my own for my professional counseling
practice. I first checked the American Counseling Association (ACA) Ethical Model, as well as the
American Mental Health Counselor's Association. I found the ACA's model to be very helpful in
determining what facets and perspectives a counselor would utilize to examine an ethical dilemma
with potential to turn into an ethical issue. The ACA model states:
(1) Identify the problem, (2) Apply the ACA Code of Ethics, (3)Determine the nature and
dimensions of the dilemma, (4) Generate potential courses of action, (5) Consider the potential
consequences of all options, choose a course of action, (6) Evaluate the selected course of action. (7)
Implement the course of action. (Forester–Miller, 1996)
While I was pleased with it, I felt there were more steps that could be utilized for the model to be
more thorough and comprehensive. I found the AMHCA model to be helpful in determining where a
counselor's priorities fit when presented with an ethical dilemma. I also examined ethical constructs
such as The Utilitarian Approach, the Rights Approach, and the Common Good Approach
(Velasquez, Moberg, Meyer, Shanks, McLean, DeCosse, Andre, Hanson, 2009). I felt the utilitarian
approach was the most helpful in the sense it aligns well with one of the fundamental principles of
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The Ethics Of Ethics For Healthcare Quality Professionals
Ethical Self–Assessment Paper
Jennifer M. Press
September 15, 2014
Dr. Ruth Bundy
Ethical Self–Assessment Ethical behavior is virtuous and beneficial for business in any type of
organization. In healthcare, the outcomes are improved patient care, dedicated staff and healthcare
providers, and amplified market share. It obliges leaders, managers, directors, and supervisors to
have a comprehensive interpretation of the role of ethical decision making (Winkler, 2005). Ethical
health care organizations have incorporated and combined ethical practices and values, continuing
education on ethics for everyone involved, successful ethics substructure, and morally spirited and
dauntless leaders (Winkler, 2005). These organizations have a vision and statements that directs
behavior and decision making. The Code of Ethics furnishes a definitive model of conduct. The
standard of conduct is entrenched in associations, affiliations, confidentiality, and commitment with
health care professionals. The Code of Ethics for healthcare quality professionals is dedicated to
routine enhancement and preserving integrity by identifying individual accountability and ethical
obligation to patients, medical providers, employees, health care organizations, and the community
(Oddo, 2011). Ethics are not voluntary in the health care field. They are a vital and central part of
medicine. Ethical codes form and assemble moral atmosphere and allotting the ethical
accountability and
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Personal And Professional Ethics : My Personal Code Of Ethics
Personal and professional ethics
My personal code of ethics
There are a lot of things I value in life. My religion is the most important of all for me. I might not
go to church every Sunday, or abide by all the Bible rules but I pray and believe in the almighty
God. I get happiness and hope from my religion and I feel like those two are what everyone wants in
their life. The second important thing that I value in my life is my family. My family gives me
courage, strength, hope, and a lots of support. I wouldn't be the person I am today with–out them.
They teach me and encourage me to be a better person. They give me good advice and help me
when I make a mistake. Third on my value list is education. Education helps me improve the way I
look at the world. It gives me a different perspective. Education helps me to achieve what I want to
be in life. The fourth thing that I value the most is my profession. I am studying to become a
forensic scientist. My profession gives me a reason to wake up every day and have something to
look forward too. It helps me to make my dreams come true and make a difference in the world.
This field is interesting and also makes me think about my morals and ethics every day. I believe I
have a really good moral character. I was born and raised in a third world country. We didn't have
much growing up but I had everything I needed and the love and support of my family and
community. This taught me to see the beauty in small day to day things. I
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The Standards Of Professional Ethics Essay
Introduction Legal practitioners are subject to among the highest standards of professional ethics
seen in any career due to the often sensitive work they are involved in and also on a more principled
and perhaps idealistic level as lawyers are the individuals who hold the responsibility of
representing the law to society. Both solicitors and barristers must adhere to their own set of
professional conduct rules for otherwise the prospect of legal, professional, or perhaps even personal
ramifications exists. The individuals and boards who enforce these rules do so with the upmost
gravity in order to preserve the integrity of the legal profession, however despite this lawyers have
become regarded as one of the most distrusted groups in society and have become synonymous with
unscrupulousness and greed even though they are subject to such stringent regulations. Such distrust
could be described as irrational fear mongering but as numerous sets of studies and statistics have
shown, lawyers indeed violate their professional conduct rules far more often than other professions
subject to similar terms of employment. In this essay, the notion that the existing measures in place
to ensure the ethical practice of the law are insufficient will be evaluated and it will be argued that
indeed it appears that current methods are proving ineffective at deterring unethical behaviour of
lawyers based on empirical evidence. There are countless reasons why lawyers may breach their
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AICPA Self-Study Professional Ethics
Choosing to become a CPA in Virginia requires some time and forethought. In order to sit for the
CPA exam in the Commonwealth of Virginia, an individual must have at least a Bachelor's degree
with a minimum of 150 credit hours, and have the degree with a focus on accounting. While being
an accounting major is ideal, a minimum of 24 credit hours of accounting courses as well as 24
hours of business courses is a requirement within the required one hundred and fifty credit hours.
("18VAC5–22–70. Education.", 2017) The accounting courses are to include auditing, taxation,
financial and management accounting. There is an initial nonrefundable $120 application fee to take
the CPA exam. The candidate is reviewed and will receive information regarding the testing upon
approval. Remember, you must have the degree, credit hours, and required courses to get approved.
The testing is in four parts and each is separate in cost and is taken separately. All four parts to not
have to be schedule at the same time. You can schedule based on your scheduling capabilities. Each
of the four parts cost is $193.45 for a total of $743 to sit for the entire test. The testing breakdown is
auditing, financial accounting and reporting, regulation and
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The Professional Codes Of Ethics
The helping profession is a wonderful thing. Through the human experience, we experience a
different range of emotions. Some good and some bad. Sometimes we hurt, and that hurt can be
unbearable. Thank God, for the helping professions that can help walk us through the pain and the
issues of our lives. According to "Chapter 1" in the professional codes of ethics section, there are
different helping profession and each one has their guidelines of ethics to follow. It's a good thing to
want to help people and to work in the helping profession, but to help minimize the damage that
could occur there are professional codes of ethics and laws put in place.
The focus of "Chapter 1" consisted of helping practitioners learn professional ethics which was
pointed out on the first page of the chapter. This chapter explained the difference between (a) law
and ethics, (b) aspirational ethics and mandatory ethics, (c) values, ethics, and morality, and (d)
principle ethics and virtue ethics. The chapter explored the evolution of ethics codes, professional
monitoring of practice, and ethical decision making. The chapter talked about autonomy,
beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity which are the principles of moral
decision making. Chapter 1 also gave a case illustration of virtue ethics with a commentary.
Personal Impact Number seven on the self–assessment brought to my attention my shortcoming in
the area of multicultural knowledge. It opened
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Ethics In Professional Accountancy
Ethics is perhaps one of the most significant disciplines that should always be evident in every
profession. Just like in the field of Accountancy where adherence to the Professional Code of Ethics
is an utmost importance. It serves as the foundation for the practice of one's own profession and it
helps ensure the highest quality of service to the public (Ballada, 2015). Moreover, knowledge on
ethics enables an individual to make a more reasoned judgement regarding what is morally right
from wrong when faced with ethical dilemmas.
However, with the increasing number of incidents of fraud and other related unethical practices like
bribery and funds embezzlement, ethics seems to be the most neglected. Many professional
accountants give in to pressure from the management. Though this may bring a more favourable
effect on the company and on them, the benefits obtained are only short–term and an accountant
may be subject to punishment once the authority discovered the fraudulent transaction. They tend to
be driven by their personal motives and greed in exchange for wealth, prestige ... Show more
content on ...
This will influence them to incorporate ethics in their decision making. This would also serve as a
powerful tool needed to broaden their own ethical perspectives and heighten their awareness on the
importance of ethics in their chosen field of study. In addition, the Faculty and School
Administrators are also expected to benefit from this study. This would help them provide means
that would aid the Accountancy students to have a higher degree of awareness and understanding
with regards to ethics. This would enable the students to build a strong foundation on ethics. And
lastly, this would also be a great help for the researchers in obtaining a substantial learning
experience and a comprehensive understanding on the importance of a higher degree of awareness
on ethics in decision
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The Problems And Dilemmas Of Professional Ethics
The problems and dilemmas of professional ethics have always existed and have been a complicated
subject of discussions. It should be pointed out that relationships between a counselor and a client in
some cases can cause ethical issues. The first situation covers the problem of both platonic and
sexual relationships between the counselor and his client. The second situation reflects the question
of sexual relationships between the counselor and client's relatives.
Regarding the first situation, it should be stressed out that ABA has recognized the sexual
relationships between a counselor and a client as a serious ethical problem. Sexual counselor– client
relationships with current clients, their romantic partners, or their family members ... Show more
content on ...
The sexual relationship can cause abuse of the lawyer's powers as they can consider their clients as
dependable on them. They tend to break their basic ethical duty not to use the trust of the client to
the client's damage. It should be emphasized that such moral and ethical obligations are the vital and
integral part of each lawyer. In addition, such a relationship may be dangerous because of the
lawyer's involvement on an emotional level. It means that the lawyer will not be able to represent
the client's interests without any abuses, independently and professionally cause their feelings to the
client are not only professional but personal. Moreover, a figurative boundary between the
professional and personal relationships may make it more difficult to predict how the attorney will
protect the client's interests, would it be possible to do it without any privileges.
Also, the ABA 's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility addressed this issue
in 1992 by issuing a formal opinion (no. 92–364). Although the opinion acknowledged that the
Model Rules of Professional Conduct do not precisely point out the issue of sex between attorney
and client, it argued that an attorney 's sexual relationship with a current client "may cause
disproportional abuse of the lawyer 's fiduciary position and reflects an important danger that the
attorney 's ability to represent the client professionally
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Professional Ethics In The Military
Professionals are not professionals simply because they say they are. Their clients, society as a
whole, have to accept their claims and trust the professions with jurisdiction over important areas of
human endeavor. –Colonel Matthew Moten
To begin with, the profession of the Arms requires four key attributable codes of ethics; expertise,
trust, development, values and service. With these key professional ethics, a Soldier will be prepared
to discharge his duties through the use of the skills, trust, and character to the general public as a
servant of the Nation. That is why an American Professional Soldier is a specialist, a volunteer
guaranteed in the Profession of Arms, reinforced with confidants or comrades in a common
personality and ... Show more content on ...
The Human Resource (HR) Sergeant secures the rights and interests of the American People by
leading military operations in the administration of government strategy in a way that regards the
fundamental human privileges of others. This is the foundational obligation of the Army it is the
reason the Us Army battle.
"The preeminent military task, and what separates the military profession from all other
occupations, is that soldiers are routinely prepared to addition to killing and preparing to kill,
the soldier has two other principal duties some soldiers die and, when they are not dying, they must
be preparing to die." – James H. Toner
The Profession of Arms calling is unique because of the lethality of our weapons and operations day
to day. We as Soldiers are tasked to do many things but the core purpose and reason the Army exist
is to apply lethal force. The moral implications of being a professional Soldier could not be greater
and compel us to be diligent in our examination of what it means to be a profession, and a
professional Soldier. Some believe that only officers were professional but while rebuilding the
"hollow" Army, professional status was extended beyond the officer corps and was earned through
the professional development by Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) and Army
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Code Of Ethics : Professional Counselor
In the presentation "Whose Notes?" the client stated she did not think the counselor was very helpful
to her and requested to receive counseling services from a different professional counselor. She also,
requested all records, the clinical case notes written by the counselor during her counseling sessions,
and the clinical case notes her current counselor received from her previous counselors. The
counselor breached code B.6.e ACA Code of Ethics because she refused to give the client a copy of
the clinical case notes recorded during her therapy sessions. The counselor stated, "The notes I've
written will not be very helpful to you". This code informs us the professional counselor must
provide reasonable access to records and copies of records when requested by competent clients.
Counselors limit the access of clients to their records, or portions of their records, only when there is
compelling evidence that such access would cause harm to the client. Counselors document the
request of clients and the rationale for withholding some of all of the records in the files of the
clients. In situations involving multiple clients, counselors provide individual clients with only those
parts of records that relate directly to them and do not include confidential information related to
any other client (ACA, 2014). According to, T. Remley and B. Herliky clients have a legal right to
review the clinical case notes recorded during their therapy sessions, obtain copies of them and
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Professional Ethics Paper Hcs 478
Professional Ethics Paper
Carolyn Smith
August 15, 2011
Ann–Marie Peckham
Professional Ethics Paper
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and legal
issues. A person's personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the
workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will
help foster a successful career. This paper will cover relationships between legal and ethical issues
as well as personal values and professional ethics.
Relationships between Legal and Ethical Issues
According to Wacker–Guido & Watson (2010), there are eight ethical principles that nurses
encounter when making ... Show more content on ...
Alerting professional bodies or to structures internal to an organization about poor practice or other
issues of concern, is wholly acceptable. Nurses have a moral obligation and must recognize and
challenge medical authority if it is the best thing to do for the patient (Chiarella & McInnes,
According to Wacker and Watson, (nd. pg. 70) legal concepts are equally important as ethics
concepts in forming a framework for practice in health care settings. A general definition of law is
that it concerns rules and regulations by which a society is governed. These rules and regulations are
made by individuals and are capable of being changed or modified. Legal issues differ from ethical
issues in that laws are external to the individual because they entail the rules and regulations of
society as a whole, and laws are concerned with one's conduct and actions as opposed to the motives
and values of the individual. The question asked is "What did the person do or fail to do?" rather
than "Why did the person act as he did?" Finally, the enforcement of laws is much stronger that
enforcement of ethics; laws are enforced through courts of law, statutes, and state boards of nursing.
The law recognizes that a competent individual must
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Acca Professional Ethics Module

  • 1. Acca Professional Ethics Module Morality is a set of rules concerning right and wrong behaviour. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that attempts to provide clear arguments about which moral rules are best and how those rules ought to be interpreted. There are several different ethical theories or frameworks for ethical decision–making, each of which has been advocated by prominent moral philosophers. Some philosophers, for example, advocate thinking about ethics entirely in terms of consequences: what action will produce the best outcomes overall? Others have argued in favour of thinking solely in terms of duties, and absolute principles of behaviour – such as 'Always tell the truth' – that could be adhered to by all. Still others have advocated thinking about ethics ... Show more content on ... Judgement should not be based on what is in your own personal interest, or in the interests of those who have power or influence over you. professional competence and due care What the rulebook says You 'have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques.' and 'Members should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services.' In other words Only perform work if you are competent to do so. Keep up to date with accounting matters. Do not forget that as an ACCA member, you will have continuing professional development (CPD) responsibilities – and you must ensure that you are keeping up to date. confidentiality What the rulebook says You 'should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.' and
  • 2. 'Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal advantage of ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Professional Ethics In Pescanova To all of this must be added the inability or blindness by the BDO auditor to detect or publish the irregularities committed, falling into a lack of professional ethics in the duty to carry out an exhaustive control of the accounts and not merely testimonial as they have done. The continuous failures and the delays in the payments did not get the attention of the banks, which are considered to have made in many cases the "blind eye" for being Pescanova, or that accustomed to these actions went through them as habitual, relaxing due diligence. Ethical spillovers Seen also in cases such as Enron or Madoff, in Pescanova this ethical culture was infected and inherited; employees of the subsidiaries learned from the time they landed to duplicate invoices or directly ... Show more content on ... The president's threats to journalists who asked too much, or to employees who doubted the ethics / legality of their actions were assimilated internally; the initiatives putting in doubt the management of the company were considered an attack against all those that conformed it. It is public the case of an employee of an external consultant who was fired because his wife was a reporter for the newspaper Expansión, whose articles about the company the president of Pescanova did not like. He pressured the company to fire the employee, under threat of losing projects. Motivated Blindness The attitude of the directors of the subsidiaries in the use of their resources to falsify invoices (with the consequent increase in turnover); the attitude of the auditor, in order to maintain a large recurring client (more than 10 years); the attitude of the directors of Pescanova to the behavior of its president or other directors so that they could maintain their succulent emoluments, are clear examples of Motivated ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. The professional Ethics Professional Ethics There is general recognition of the fact that journalists have responsibilities not only vis–à–vis their own convictions but also towards the public. Summarily, four kinds of responsibility may be defined: contractual responsibility in relation to the media and their internal organisation, a social responsibility entailing obligations towards public opinion and society as a whole, responsibility or liability deriving from the obligation to comply with the law and responsibility towards the international community, relating to respect of universal values. These four types of responsibilities may in certain respects be contradictory or even conflicting. The international commission for the study of communication problems appointed by UNESCO pointed out that professional ethical norm first began to be codified in all regions of the world. They vary considerably both in their form and scope. In some countries, different codes govern the press, broadcasting and the cinema. These codes are formulated and adopted voluntarily by the professionals and their associations, in other cases; however, they are imposed by the law. Moreover, principles such as objectivity, impartiality, truthfulness and freedom of information are frequently formulated in rather vague and ambiguous terms. Most codes refer to such important concepts as safeguarding freedom of information, freedom of access to information sources, objectivity, accuracy, truthfulness, or the non– ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Ethics Paper : Professional Certifications Ethics paper Professional Certifications In the physical therapy field, it is very important to continue education to better understand the need to be effective in restore mobility, relieve pain and reduce the need for surgery and prescription drugs. Being knowledgeable increases marketability. The great thing about physical therapy is that it is needed in hospitals, private practices, outpatient clinics, home health agencies, schools, sports and fitness facilities, work settings, and nursing homes. Because physical therapy is needed, technology continues to allow professions to provide different ways to improve the quality of life for patients. The results of stay up to date usually have a big impact on how big your clientele will get just because you have certain certifications that other physical therapist or personal trainers may not have. A lot of clients look at things at the different types of certifications a trainer has just so they can have trust that you as a trainer know exact what he/she is doing. Also certifications Is just have knowledge of the particular job you are doing but it also helps practice to decide if they would consider hiring you to help other which is a very big risk if you do not have the certain type of certifications which could put that practice liable for any wrong doing you as a professional makes, therefore any practices that a trainer tries work will require certain certification in order for them to cover themselves in case ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Ethics Code Of Professional Ethics Abstract. The article reviewed was Possible Ethical Issues and Their Impact on The Firm: Perceptions Held by Public Accountants. The abstract demonstrates the importance of AICPA' "Code of Professional Ethics" and its components, and the influence of management perceptions on firms' ethical environment (p. 919). Introduction. The authors study business ethics, compliance with ethics code, ethical issues, and ethical behavior of company management. The researchers concern with ethical believes of company employees and executives, and growing number of legal proceedings due to ethical issues. The ethics code help professionals maintaining independence and great performance. The research aims to examine the impact of ethical dilemmas and unethical behavior on company operations (p. 919). The study is important because it analyzes the influence of accountants' perceptions and their unprincipled behavior on business performance. The authors consider two problems: implications of unethical behavior and why the ethics is criticized. Literature Review. The authors use a systematic review of literature in the research. The researchers examine studies of Frankel (1989), Backof and Martin (1991), and Beets (1991) to review the history of the progression of ethics in accounting industry. The accounting as other professions has its own ethics framework. The history of accounting profession demonstrates that competence, integrity, and independence always were essential to have a ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. Professional Values And Ethics Paper –1 Professional Values and Ethics Paper Rhonda Beron, Andrea De Los Santos, Emilie Goodman, and LaToya Sims GEN/200 August 16, 2010 Andrea Lara Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and career success. A person's personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will help foster a successful career. This paper will cover professional values and ethics and how they can influence the success of a career. Also discussed is how professional values and ethics are based on the foundations of personal values, professional and academic ... Show more content on ... The two should come together to create mutual understanding of the goals required to achieve success. Sources of professional values and ethics Professional values and ethics are based on the foundations of personal values, professional and, academic integrity. Integrity is the act of doing what is right even if there is no one is around. Personal values are comprised of an individual's integrity, morals, and ethics, the standards in which, an individual holds him or herself to. One must exercise personal values which in turn become the foundation professional values. "Professional integrity derives its substance from the fundamental goals or mission of the profession" (Wakin, 1996, para. 15). Meaning to say, individuals seek for a professional's valued and ethical advice to which the professional holds their responsibility to maintain and exceeds the level of their expertise. For example, a general practitioner will treat a variety of patients, from all different walks of life with a plethora of different problems. It is their duty to diagnose and treat the patient to the best of their professional ability without prejudice. Another aspect of their duties is the principle of patient confidentiality. Medical professionals are legally bound to not divulge any information provided to them by their patients. Academic integrity can be summarized as the pursuance of higher education in a scholarly fashion and the value of learning without ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Aicpa Code Of Professional Ethics Essay AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Provisions Identify 1 of the 6 principles from the AICPA principles section of the Code of Professional Conduct Provisions. The discussion board attempts to evaluate the Code of Professional Conduct Provisions as indicated in the AICPA principles section. One of the six principles of the code of professional conduct stated in the AICPA principles section is the public interest principle. A main characteristic of professionalism is to accept the overall responsibility to the topic. Thus, the public interest principle call for people to focus on the collective welfare of the community of the people and institutions in which they provide their professional services. While conducting their professional roles and responsibilities, the members usually faces conflicting pressures from different stakeholders. In dealing the conflicts, the professional members are expected to act with integrity, guided by the perception that they have a responsibility to fulfill the interests of the public, clients, and the employers. For instance, they are expected to offer quality services, agree into suitable fee arrangements and provide a range of services in a manner that indicates a higher level of ... Show more content on ... The Christian worldview is mainly concerned about a principle, which improves accountability and transparency in the society. Thus, the public interest principle meets the needs of the Christians by encouraging the members to act responsibly. Since, the Christian worldview is dependent on following God's commandments. The two perspectives are different, as the Christian worldview is more specific unlike the deontological ethics perspective that does not encourage on extreme ethical measures. Therefore, the public interest principle sufficiently serves the interest of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Sample Resume : Professional Ethics Essay MANUKAU INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Engineering & Trades New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (NZDE) 115.610 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Essay on Professional Ethics By Se Zhang 130012461 Introduction Ethics by definition are defined as a set of moral rules of conduct that are accepted by general public and should be obeyed by everyone. Ethics are essential to the architecture of a modern dynamic society and play a vital part in engineering or any other businesses. Ethics provide guidance to humans to pursue a course of action correctively in specific situations, and prevent us from the ones that would have negative or drastic consequences. Ethics clarifies what is good and bad on the basis of moral principle or values. Regardless of which particular field the engineer is in (e.g. civil, electrical or mechanical), their main liability and responsibility are to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of the public are protected to the highest level possible. Since almost the work done by engineers can have great impact on almost all aspects of our daily life, any design schemes or implementations that are made by engineers must meet the highest standard to ensure that no damages or potential damages to any resource, people, organization or environment will exist. Many organizations, like the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) have established a set of code of ethics to ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Duty Ethics And The Professional Military Ethic Even with all our magic technology and deep knowledge of the physical world, human beings still face the same crucial existential questions that concerned our ancestors thousands of years ago. Among these, is the question of what is good and what is bad. While many in the modern era prefer to bypass this issue, believing instead that everything is relative, most of us struggle with the concepts of good and bad every day. This extends into the field of moral philosophy, where three major and distinct ethical theories have come to dominate the contemporary debate: outcome ethics (or consequentialism), duty ethics (or deontology) and virtue ethics. Passing under criticism these three concepts allows evaluating my own philosophy and comparing its compliance to the professional military ethic. Duty ethics or deontology assesses all actions based on a series of rules. This concept views the morality of any action from one angle, the respect of rules. On other words, duty ethics is the set of rules governing a group, the conduct of those who form it based on the rights and obligations defined by law or fundamental texts. This type of ethics, called also non–consequential ethics, presents a clear way to behave within a society. However, it limits initiative and creativity, and in other cases, it could create conflict with moral values. A good example is the situation of a prisoner of war who lies to protect professional secret by. In sum, duty ethics is more concerned about rules ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Definition Of Professional Ethics The definition of professional ethics is a group of values and principles that directs the behaviour of a professional or an organisation in relation to what is right and what is wrong. There are many general aspects regarding professional ethics such as, honesty, accountability, respectfulness, loyalty, confidentiality and obedience to the law. Corporate social responsibility is a form of social ethics. The definition of this responsibility is that it is management's duty to 'make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the organisation' (Samson and Daft, 2015, pp. 176). When it comes to a manager's capability to make these ethical choices, there are a variety of factors that can influence this. This is due to the range of personality traits that individuals bring to their professions. The factors that make an influence on their moral decision– making are, religious backgrounds, family up bringing and their personal values and beliefs. To ensure that a company's standards on ethics are being reached, they establish a code of conduct, which is free for their customers or clients to view. Business professionals should always maintain their ethical morals in regards to their clients and organisation in order to gain their respect and loyalty. Managers within a company are generally active in motivating their employees to reflect and express ethical values. Employees are guided through training to implement ethics into ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Professional ANZASW Code Of Ethics The Code of Ethics are guidelines that sat acceptable conduct or behaviour for the profession (Dolgoff, R., Harrington, D., & Loewenberg, F. M., 2011., p. 41). They outlined the mission and values of the profession, the ethical principles based on the professions core values, how professionals are supposed to approach ethical problems and the standards to which the professional person is held. Understanding the Code of Ethics is very important because it is one of the mechanism that a Social Worker can draw to in maintaining their ethical practice. A Code of Ethics cannot also guarantee ethical behaviour as it does not prescribe a set of rules for behaviour (National Association of Social Workers, 2017, p. 4). Ethical behaviour comes from a ... Show more content on ... It's about balancing right versus right. If there's a dilemma, it's because each option or choice must have right to it or else it wouldn't be a dilemma. Whenever we make ethical decisions, we base these decisions on our personal values, our judgement and the case of our practice, knowledge of our professional obligations. An example of this is receiving gifts. Clients who have received assistance sometimes like to reciprocate. Although giving a gift can be a nice thought, it can also cause difficulty. If the gift is accepted, it changes the atmosphere of the worker and the client, if the gift if declined, it may hurt the client's feelings. According to ANZASW Code of Ethics (n.d), as a Social Worker, it is critical to have knowledge of our professional obligations include knowing the laws that apply to our professional roles by being aware of the policies and procedures of our organisation and having an understanding of our professional standards (p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Professional Ethics, Trust, And Acm Code Of Ethics Essay How does professional ethic play a role in the IT industry? How does the ACM code of ethics help set out the expectations of the professional's behavior? Is a whistle–blowing morally permissible in some cases even if trust has been violated? In answering these questions, the paper will dive deeply into the definitions of professional ethics, trust, and ACM code of Ethics. Next, is the examination of De George's model and how it applies to professional ethics and the analysis of a recent case involving Edward Snowden, an ex–NSA employee, who intentionally leaked sensitive US– government information. Professional Ethics When working in an organization, it is usually important to establish professional ethics while following consistent ethical principles. Professional ethics are personal and corporate standards of behavior that are set by businesses, associations, and organization. It creates an institution that reflects our own values and make us feel more confident about what is an acceptable behavior and what is not. This type of ethic could vary depending on the various types of situations, professions, and personal values. Many professionals that are trusted by the public like doctors, accountants, engineers and even an information technologist all have a Code of Ethics, which sets out expectations of the member's behavior and how they operate internally and externally. Within the IT profession, is the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Code of Ethics which is ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Professional Ethics And Public Administration Generally, the issue of ethics especially in the business world is very complicated. Accordingly, many scholars have tried to explain the rationale behind being ethical. For instance, early scholars such as Milton Freidman and Adam Smith explains this issue by exploring on the social responsibilities of corporates, as well as in the theory of incentives whereby the rationale is driven by the needs of either the firm or an individual who is profit maximization and maximization of utility by households. This paper critiques two articles on professional ethics in public administration. The first article under critique is Professional Ethics and Public Administration in the United States authored by Moataz Fattah. In his introduction, Fattah (2011) defines the importance of professional ethics by arguing that the lack of ethical workplaces across the world has partly contributed to skepticism and a widespread lack of confidence in public officials and institutions among the citizenship. According to the author, this diminished confidence in public institutions ultimate results to the phenomenon of decline state capacity, weak or soft states or even failed states. In essence, no development and progress can occur if public institutions lack credibility and are regarded as unethical are corrupt. To provide a solution, Fattah suggests looking at several nations that have been able to control corruption and maintain strict ethical monitoring such as the United States. ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. My Personal And Professional Ethics Essay As I enter my junior year in college I can see my career right ahead of me. I am attending Grand Valley State University to become a Physician Assistant. This makes me think about my involvement in people 's health. This also makes me think about the responsibilities I have my patients and their well being. To be prepared for all of the challenges I will need to focus my attention on biomedical ethics. There are morals that have been engrained into my character. These include what is right or wrong and how I will behave in certain situations. I will compare my personal and professional ethics in order to be ready for my healthcare career. My personal ethics are deeply implemented into my professional ethics. This could make conflicts arise between my professional workplace and personal ethical view because of differing perspectives on issues. My personal ethics govern how I behave and help me to navigate through ethical dilemmas. My professional ethics could be restricted however, because of a code of conduct put in place by my employer. A code of conduct states principles expressing responsibility, and defines rules expressing duties of professionals to whom they apply. (Pozgar, 2016) I rely on ethical theories including virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics and principles of ethics to make my judgements. My personal ethics are based on virtue ethics and values. I believe that character is based off the decisions and behaviors displayed in everyday life. An important facet ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Essay On Professional Ethics And Responsibility Professional Ethics and Responsibility SUBMISSION Firstly let us know what an intellectual property means? The property which an individual has is his inventions and creations and these his intellectual intellectual property is creation of mind let it be a symbol or a design or an artistic, literary work.... These properties can be categorized as; Industrial properties like patents, trademarks. Copyrights which mean the right to copy and use the literacy.artistic, musical works. It is necessary to protect ones own individual ideas and everyone has a right to intellectual properties. So intellectual property rights are protected under the law and if any one feels that their patent or their ... Show more content on ... The Indian government invoked a trade rule of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to issue the first compulsory licence to allow generic production of a patented drug to make it affordable to Indian patients. The Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (Trips) agreement under the WTO allows a government to grant compulsory licence to a domestic company to produce a generic version of a patented drug in "public interest". The patent office had asked Hyderabad–based Natco Pharma to make available Nexavar to cancer patients a monthly dose of 120 tablets for Rs 8,800 rupees (USD 176) compared to Rs 2,80,000 rupees (USD 5,500) charged by Bayer. QUESTIONS: * How many patent offices available in India? * How become good Intellectual property professional? * Evergreening of a patent by making new modifications of a drug is possible in USa and is not possible in India. Is this statement right? Isn't such evergreening unfair to the consumer? * Do Physical properties contribute to drug activity ? THANK YOU Bibliography *–kompella/blog/ipr * ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Code Of Ethics Summary : Professional Ethics And Computer... Introduction: It is important we distinguish what professional ethics and computer security is. Professionally accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values and guiding principles. Codes of professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles. In current times, most if not all organizations have some sort of code of ethics that its employees are supposed to follow. Violating the code of ethics usually results in severe consequences from the organization. Computer security has become one of the most important issues in organizations in fear of any kind of data lost. The ever–changing web, it has become a priority to secure information from loss as there it lingers a constant vision of malice to disrupt the web world security. The need for cyber security is at a crucial more than ever as the web is growing more and more. Having a resilient digital infrastructure is becoming more and more important. Cyber–security is very important for companies due to the ongoing digital changes and the increasing connections to the critical infrastructure. Cyber breach results in the disruption of critical infrastructures within a company. Code of Ethics Summary: 1. Support the implementation of, and encourage compliance with, appropriate standards and procedures for the effective governance and management of enterprise information systems and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Professional Code of Ethics Personal Code of Ethics Personal Code of Ethics I believe that my personal code of ethics compares to the professional code of ethics very similar. I believe that no matter what profession a person is in that they should always be honest and trustworthy as well as have good morals and ethics. My code of ethics is very similar to the professional code of ethics. One of the differences between my code of ethics and the professional code of ethics is that I would not do anything for the profession that would ruin or tarnish my reputation. I have somewhat high standards and I do not like to be thought of in a wrong manner. I have good strong morals to support my ethical thinking. For the most part I believe my personal code of ethics is ... Show more content on ... Forensic accountants need to possess strong written and oral communication skills. In this profession it is imperative to have a strong accounting background; a thorough knowledge of auditing, risk assessment, and control and fraud detention; and a basic understanding of the legal system. It is important for forensic accountants to possess the ability to interview and effectively elicit information from people who may not be willing to give truthful answers. Therefore, it is important for forensic accountants to be skeptical of those people that they deal with. Knowledge and experience in financial planning and management techniques, as well as advanced computer skills, including an ability to understand and apply various information technology and accounting systems, are also key characteristics of forensic accountants" (Crumbley, 2003) One of the most common issues that forensic accountants face is misstatements of a company's financial position. Some areas of expertise that forensic accountants have are: mortgage banking, securities trading, and insurance fraud just to name a few. After the scandal with the company Enron, there are many companies out there that want to protect themselves and hire forensic accountants to investigate or even prevent fraud in their company. Forensic accountants have liability claims involving ethical ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Professional Standards and Codes of Ethics in Nursing As the nursing profession progresses throughout the years, its nature becomes more complex in meeting the professional standards and codes of ethics that are required by all nurses. The American Nurses Association has a specific code of ethics that each nurse should follow and adopt as their own beliefs. The public and the patients should be the priority when providing care in the healthcare setting. The knowledge and education that nurses' gain is valuable and allows them to encourage health, avoid illness, restore health, and aid in coping for those who are all ill. (LeMone, pp.192) Given that the code of ethics is put into place, there are many registered nurses who violate these codes in various situations. The following will discuss ... Show more content on ... It is clear that the nurses in the evening shift violated 1.5 under provision 1 of the ANA Code of Ethics, Relationships with colleagues and others. (Nursing World, 2012) All nurses should commit to the fair treatment of individuals with other colleagues as well as patients and their0020family members. It was clear that the patients were getting unfair treatment from the nurses in the evening versus the nurses during the day. All nurses should work together so that miscommunication does not affect the well being of the patient. On that same day, the patient's wife stated that her neighbor phoned the hospital to get information on her husband and information was given out. It is clear that the nurse who gave out information regarding the patient was in violation of 3.1, privacy and 3.2, confidentiality of provision 3 of the ANA Code of Ethics. It is the nurse's duty to maintain all confidentiality and privacy of all patient information. (Nursing World, 2012) Information regarding a patient should only be given out to those who are dealing with the direct care of the patient. It is important for nurses to be aware of those who are not involved with the care of the patient. Above all nurses play an important role in the recovery of their patients. The actions and decisions of a nurse are manifestations of the true character that a nurse holds. (Lachman, 2008) Those who become nurses are not only expected to adhere to the norms of the profession but rather to ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Code Of Ethics And Professional Conduct Review of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of BIP The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) has been formulated on the basis of article 44, 45, 46, 47 of BIP constitution, to secure the rights and benefits of the Planners community in Bangladesh. CEPC not only provide guidance and support to the members of BIP on their lead in the professional field but also offers assurance to the client who avails the services of Planners. Members have the opportunity to express their opinion about professional affairs and CEPC; the Executive Committee will pay attention for definite valid reason. The CEPC is not rigid it may be amended for professionalism according to the bylaws of the Institute constitution. The whole CEPC is separated into three parts. The first part is about Principles and Responsibilities, second part is Financial Matters for Trade and Service and the final part is about Procedure of Inquiry & Disciplinary Action. Principles and Responsibilities Principles and responsibilities are also categorized into four different aspects like responsibility to the public, responsibility to clients and employers, responsibility to the profession and colleagues and obligation to colleagues. In the section of responsibility to the public said that 'Planners' obligation is to serve the public interest achieve high standards of professional integrity, proficiency, and knowledge.' Planner should always concern about rights of others, provide accurate ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Professional Ethics Paper Professional Ethics Paper Barbara Morrissey HCS/478 January 23, 2012 Ann–Marie Peckham Professional Ethics Paper Medical professionals have a responsibility to their clients to deliver safe, quality care with regard for patients' individuality, needs, and desires. Patients seek out professional health care with their own goals in mind. Their goals may not match ours, but we as health care providers have a duty to inform and treat our clients with competence and afford them the utmost dignity and respect. In short, we must be ethical in our practice. We have an equal obligation to uphold the law. But law and ethics are not always synchronous. What may be legal in practice may be unethical; and what may seem the ethical ... Show more content on ... This is also known as a consequentialist theory because an action is judged ethical based on its consequences. However, teleologists disagree on which actions are deemed right and which are wrong (Guido, 2010). Utilitarianism, a common type of consequential theory, states that the ethical action is one that does the most good for the most people (Hughs, 2002). Hughs (2002) states ethical theories are only useful when applied in conjunction with the four primary ethical principles of health care: Respect for autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, and justice. Ethical Principles These ethical principles are useful in health care when applied to the clinical decision–making process. Respect for autonomy Autonomy speaks to personal freedom and self–determination. Essentially, it is affording patients the right to make their own decision regarding treatments affecting their body, health, and life, even if the health care providers do not agree with those decisions. Respecting patients' right to autonomy communicates that we as health care professionals give them the freedom to choose a course of treatment that best serves their chosen lifestyle. Informed consent exemplifies this principle. The medical team gives patients the facts concerning treatment options and allows them to decide for themselves whether or not to proceed, not based on what is 'best' for them as deemed by the medical staff but what they feel is best for themselves. Beneficence and ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Professional Collaboration : The Ethics Committee Intra–Professional Collaboration: The Ethics Committee Ethics Committees are formed to help hospital and medical personnel resolve ethical issues that arise in their facility. The ethics committee members are a mix of hospital personnel, including physicians, nurses, administration, social work, chaplains and others. This intra–professionals team works together to assure quality patient care in their facility. To achieve their goal the members must work together with open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision making. I will discuss three points related to the ethics committee, 1) the development, structure, importance and goals of the ethics committee; 2) the importance of intra–professional collaboration, including the role ... Show more content on ... 481). The structure and size of an Ethics committee varies based on the size of the institution but always includes various intra–professional members and a chairman or chairmen. It is important to the success of the committee that its membership be multidisciplinary. These providers could be physicians, social workers, nurses, chaplains, legal representatives and others who work in the institution. The current trend is to include patients as the community member. In an article by McCabe (2015) "there has been a movement to include patients as the community members. The inclusion of this group of individuals adds the patient voice to the discussion and keeps the committee focused on a patient–centered approach to its work" (p. 481). In this intra–professional mix, it is certain that that there will be an assortment of diverse ethical views. According to an article by Caitlin (2014) "a well–functioning ethics committee has no hierarchy and all members have equal voice" (p. 400). She also states, "ethics committee functions follow standards set by the professional organization for ethicists, the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH). Guidelines for consultations are delineated in the ASBH Manual for Core Competencies" (p. 398). Although clinicians have always faced complex ethical decisions, the need ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Professional Ethics and Values Running head: PROFESSIONAL VALUES AND ETHICS Professional Values and Ethics University of Phoenix Professional Values and Ethics What is the difference between values and ethics? Values are rules by which people make decisions about what is right versus wrong; good versus bad and what one should or should not do. The definition of values according to is "the ideals, customs, institutions, etc., of a society toward which the people of the group have an affective regard. These values may be positive, as cleanliness, freedom, or education, or negative, as cruelty, crime, or blasphemy" (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 2009). ... Show more content on ... In today's society so many cases of people who have chosen to ignore ethics and values in the pursuit of success or financial gain only end in their demise. A closer examination of professional values and ethics in America certainly reveal that companies or organizations that adhere to a well defined set of professional values and ethics will stand the test of time. Many of America's oldest and financially sound companies are strong today because they followed a well defined code of business values and ethics. Ford Motor Company is one example, Henry Ford believed so strongly in his company's code of ethics that he doubled the pay of employs who complied with his code of conduct, which was based upon his personal religious beliefs – regular church attendance, no alcohol, no late hours, and no frivolous spending. J.C. Penney is another company that is a prime example of a successful company that was built on professional values and ethics. Penney took a stand against the unfair business practices of his time; he developed a code of ethics which is considered one of the first general codes for ethics in business. His business partners were required to pledge honesty, integrity, and moral leadership; they were required to follow a code of ethics which can arguably be attributed to the success of many American businesses. ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Career Ethics : Professional Ethics PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional ethics in aviation isn't something that is thought about every day. Ethics affects all of us and the choices that we make. Ethics in our careers and even in our personal lives depends on you to make better choices by considering the rights and well–being of others you work with and live with that may be affected by our decisions. From time to time people do the wrong thing, it's our human nature to commit a mistake. Some mistakes are unintentional but human error occurs regardless of our best efforts to do the right thing. Other times the misconduct is intentional whether out of anger, frustration or for any other reason. Depending on the rules that are broken and who committed the violations, misconduct can hurt other people. In the world today, according to the Business Dictionary professional ethics is, "professionally accepted standards of personal and business behavior, value and guiding principles. Code of professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles." (Business Dictionary, n/d) Professional ethics are standards or codes of conduct set by the people of a certain profession. It is basically the expectations and behaviors the employees should follow. Honesty and respect are the two main components of professional ethics. If an employee is following the code of conduct, being honest and respectful, to ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Army Professional Ethic What it means to be a Profession Professionalism is very essential to any profession to include the military. The involvement in wars around the world is the most challenging issue that our Army is facing which requires discipline, dedication, and skill. Professionals must be able to produce effective and expert work. Professionals must conduct themselves ethically to earn the public trust, for example the concept of U.S. Army's professional Ethic was created based on trust of the American people and civilian leaders. In 19th century Army leaders strategically professionalized the Army for the purposes of the keeping the military balance. According to Army White Paper (2010), leaders involved in the balancing plan were in the rank of Sergeant ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Ethics And Professional Codes Of Conduct Ethics and Professional Codes of Conduct (Unit 10), Trump won the president in this month. After two months, Donald Trump will be the official president. However, the concerns about his ethics is upcoming to everyone's mind. As we known, The Trump Organization runs a lot of business all around the US. When Donald Trump moves into the White House, he 'll be the most controversial president in America history. After Trump is the president, his business interest is related to the politic. But there is no law and rules that asks a president to split his financial interests before he takes the president position. In past few period, presidents got away from the business to avoid the conflicts. Trump has no way to put his real estate empire aside. Obvious, he would involve his business into the future politic policy. Democrats aware this conflicts of the interest. But they can't call official hearings. But they will keep the eyes on him. Also, if necessary, they can do investigations to avoid the conflicts of the interest. In addition, Trump is expressing an interest in a major infrastructure plan, equal pay for women, and closing the interest tax rate. These acts could give him a benefits, but they are good for the country. The infrastructure plan, such as highway, could improve the people life. Tax plan keeps the money in our own pocket. Another issue is–election–day/how–would–president–trump–manage–his– business–empire–n649611 ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Legal Professional Personal Values And Ethics Ethics Introduction What is ethics, and what does it have to do with personal and professional points of view? This paper will address how one's personal and/or professional point of view influence ethical decisions in the work place and the leadership traits that are necessary to make those decision. Also provided in this paper will be several examples of cases where individual personal point of view caused them to make professional decisions that had an adverse reaction on those they serve. Ethics Defined Black law dictionary defines ethics as; 1. A system of moral tenets or principles; the collective doctrines relating to the ideals of human conduct and character. 2. The study of behavior as judged by moral right and wrong, including ... Show more content on ... The second condition for ethical dilemma is that there must be different courses of action to choose from. Tyler has to decide whether to refuse to work on the case, because it goes against his values, but prevents him from fulfilling his professional responsibilitiy or working on the case ,and compromising his personal values for his professional responsibility. Third, in an ethical dilemma, no matter what course of action is taken, some ethical principle is compromised. In other words, there is no perfect solution. Either decision bares consequences for the individual making them, consequences that they alone must endure. Brown et al, propose that leaders become attractive, credible, and legitimate as ethical role models in part by engaging in ongoing behaviors that are evaluated by followers as normatively appropriate, and that suggest altruistic (rather than selfish) motivation (2005, p. 120). The following court cases offers a view of individuals in positions of leadership who stood by their convictions, and chose to live with the consequence of those decisions. Ethics Personal views v. Professional views In the summer of 2015, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit. David ERMOLD and David Moore, Plaintiffs–Appellants, v. Kim DAVIS, Individually and in her Official Capacity as Rowan County Clerk, Defendant–Appellee. No. 16–6412 Decided: May 02, 2017 Kim Davis, the County Clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, generated national and international ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Codes Of Professional Ethics In Business Professional ethics for business Introduction Professional ethics for business is a Professionally acknowledged standard of individual and business conduct, values and directing standards. Codes of professional ethics are frequently settled by professional associations to help control individuals in playing out their activity capacities as indicated by sound and predictable moral standards. Ethics is about standards, qualities and convictions which impact judgment and conduct. It goes past obeying laws, principles and directions – it is tied in with making the best decision in the conditions. Ethics is crucial to building up trust. The presence of trust is basic to business and society. It upgrades the constancy of connections, encourages exchanges ... Show more content on ... The underlying ethical issue As needs be, environmental ethics incorporates such inquiries as: Why look after itself when just individuals matter? Whenever species or scenes or wild regions are pulverized, what, of significant worth, is lost to humankind? Will future ages miss what we have 'taken from them'? Does arrive proprietorship bode well, or is it an ethically ridiculous and offensive idea in Western culture intended to deny Indigenous people groups of their standard land? Do individuals have a requirement for nature that infers a commitment to save it? Would it be a good idea for us to keep on clearing cut woodlands for human utilization? For what reason would it be a good idea for us to keep on propagating our species, and life itself? Would it be a good idea for us to keep on making fuel controlled vehicles? What environmental commitments do we have to keep for who and what is to come? Is it appropriate for people to purposely cause the elimination of an animal groups for the comfort of
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  • 57. Ethics And Professional Responsibilities Applied Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Applied to Baker Tilly & China North East Petroleum Holdings Limited Jingyi Zhang Arkansas State University Introduction Business ethics has developed since the 1960s in the United States. Ethical dilemmas have changed according to the economic environment. During the 2000s, financial failures happened more frequently because of unprecedented economic growth. Nowadays, ethical dilemmas such as financial mismanagement, international corruption, and companies' promotional purpose are the main reasons that some high profile companies such as Enron and Lehman Brothers collapsed. Due to the allure of huge benefits, management is facing bigger ethical challenges than ever before when making business decisions. Over the last two decades, business ethics has been troubled by a lack of direction and has become entangled in its own logic (Donaldson, Dunfee, 1994, p.1). Business ethics as self–regulation helps us to distinguish between two things. What exactly we think firms' ethical obligations are, above and beyond complying with laws, and what it would be favorable for them to choose to do when they are not obliged to do so (Norman, 2011, p.1). When fraud happens, companies collapse more rapidly than its growth. Collapse resulting from the fraud not only destroys the companies, but also may results the shareholders investments impossible to recover. Many stakeholders will also suffer from the loss due to the fraudulent ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Professional Ethics : My Professional Ethical Model My Professional Ethical Model Heather Youngs Eastern Washington University My Professional Ethical Model I have reviewed a few ethical models in formulating my own for my professional counseling practice. I first checked the American Counseling Association (ACA) Ethical Model, as well as the American Mental Health Counselor's Association. I found the ACA's model to be very helpful in determining what facets and perspectives a counselor would utilize to examine an ethical dilemma with potential to turn into an ethical issue. The ACA model states: (1) Identify the problem, (2) Apply the ACA Code of Ethics, (3)Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma, (4) Generate potential courses of action, (5) Consider the potential consequences of all options, choose a course of action, (6) Evaluate the selected course of action. (7) Implement the course of action. (Forester–Miller, 1996) While I was pleased with it, I felt there were more steps that could be utilized for the model to be more thorough and comprehensive. I found the AMHCA model to be helpful in determining where a counselor's priorities fit when presented with an ethical dilemma. I also examined ethical constructs such as The Utilitarian Approach, the Rights Approach, and the Common Good Approach (Velasquez, Moberg, Meyer, Shanks, McLean, DeCosse, Andre, Hanson, 2009). I felt the utilitarian approach was the most helpful in the sense it aligns well with one of the fundamental principles of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Ethics Of Ethics For Healthcare Quality Professionals Ethical Self–Assessment Paper Jennifer M. Press HCS/545 September 15, 2014 Dr. Ruth Bundy Ethical Self–Assessment Ethical behavior is virtuous and beneficial for business in any type of organization. In healthcare, the outcomes are improved patient care, dedicated staff and healthcare providers, and amplified market share. It obliges leaders, managers, directors, and supervisors to have a comprehensive interpretation of the role of ethical decision making (Winkler, 2005). Ethical health care organizations have incorporated and combined ethical practices and values, continuing education on ethics for everyone involved, successful ethics substructure, and morally spirited and dauntless leaders (Winkler, 2005). These organizations have a vision and statements that directs behavior and decision making. The Code of Ethics furnishes a definitive model of conduct. The standard of conduct is entrenched in associations, affiliations, confidentiality, and commitment with health care professionals. The Code of Ethics for healthcare quality professionals is dedicated to routine enhancement and preserving integrity by identifying individual accountability and ethical obligation to patients, medical providers, employees, health care organizations, and the community (Oddo, 2011). Ethics are not voluntary in the health care field. They are a vital and central part of medicine. Ethical codes form and assemble moral atmosphere and allotting the ethical accountability and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Personal And Professional Ethics : My Personal Code Of Ethics Personal and professional ethics My personal code of ethics There are a lot of things I value in life. My religion is the most important of all for me. I might not go to church every Sunday, or abide by all the Bible rules but I pray and believe in the almighty God. I get happiness and hope from my religion and I feel like those two are what everyone wants in their life. The second important thing that I value in my life is my family. My family gives me courage, strength, hope, and a lots of support. I wouldn't be the person I am today with–out them. They teach me and encourage me to be a better person. They give me good advice and help me when I make a mistake. Third on my value list is education. Education helps me improve the way I look at the world. It gives me a different perspective. Education helps me to achieve what I want to be in life. The fourth thing that I value the most is my profession. I am studying to become a forensic scientist. My profession gives me a reason to wake up every day and have something to look forward too. It helps me to make my dreams come true and make a difference in the world. This field is interesting and also makes me think about my morals and ethics every day. I believe I have a really good moral character. I was born and raised in a third world country. We didn't have much growing up but I had everything I needed and the love and support of my family and community. This taught me to see the beauty in small day to day things. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Standards Of Professional Ethics Essay Introduction Legal practitioners are subject to among the highest standards of professional ethics seen in any career due to the often sensitive work they are involved in and also on a more principled and perhaps idealistic level as lawyers are the individuals who hold the responsibility of representing the law to society. Both solicitors and barristers must adhere to their own set of professional conduct rules for otherwise the prospect of legal, professional, or perhaps even personal ramifications exists. The individuals and boards who enforce these rules do so with the upmost gravity in order to preserve the integrity of the legal profession, however despite this lawyers have become regarded as one of the most distrusted groups in society and have become synonymous with unscrupulousness and greed even though they are subject to such stringent regulations. Such distrust could be described as irrational fear mongering but as numerous sets of studies and statistics have shown, lawyers indeed violate their professional conduct rules far more often than other professions subject to similar terms of employment. In this essay, the notion that the existing measures in place to ensure the ethical practice of the law are insufficient will be evaluated and it will be argued that indeed it appears that current methods are proving ineffective at deterring unethical behaviour of lawyers based on empirical evidence. There are countless reasons why lawyers may breach their conduct ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. AICPA Self-Study Professional Ethics Choosing to become a CPA in Virginia requires some time and forethought. In order to sit for the CPA exam in the Commonwealth of Virginia, an individual must have at least a Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 150 credit hours, and have the degree with a focus on accounting. While being an accounting major is ideal, a minimum of 24 credit hours of accounting courses as well as 24 hours of business courses is a requirement within the required one hundred and fifty credit hours. ("18VAC5–22–70. Education.", 2017) The accounting courses are to include auditing, taxation, financial and management accounting. There is an initial nonrefundable $120 application fee to take the CPA exam. The candidate is reviewed and will receive information regarding the testing upon approval. Remember, you must have the degree, credit hours, and required courses to get approved. The testing is in four parts and each is separate in cost and is taken separately. All four parts to not have to be schedule at the same time. You can schedule based on your scheduling capabilities. Each of the four parts cost is $193.45 for a total of $743 to sit for the entire test. The testing breakdown is auditing, financial accounting and reporting, regulation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Professional Codes Of Ethics The helping profession is a wonderful thing. Through the human experience, we experience a different range of emotions. Some good and some bad. Sometimes we hurt, and that hurt can be unbearable. Thank God, for the helping professions that can help walk us through the pain and the issues of our lives. According to "Chapter 1" in the professional codes of ethics section, there are different helping profession and each one has their guidelines of ethics to follow. It's a good thing to want to help people and to work in the helping profession, but to help minimize the damage that could occur there are professional codes of ethics and laws put in place. Summary The focus of "Chapter 1" consisted of helping practitioners learn professional ethics which was pointed out on the first page of the chapter. This chapter explained the difference between (a) law and ethics, (b) aspirational ethics and mandatory ethics, (c) values, ethics, and morality, and (d) principle ethics and virtue ethics. The chapter explored the evolution of ethics codes, professional monitoring of practice, and ethical decision making. The chapter talked about autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity which are the principles of moral decision making. Chapter 1 also gave a case illustration of virtue ethics with a commentary. Personal Impact Number seven on the self–assessment brought to my attention my shortcoming in the area of multicultural knowledge. It opened ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Ethics In Professional Accountancy Ethics is perhaps one of the most significant disciplines that should always be evident in every profession. Just like in the field of Accountancy where adherence to the Professional Code of Ethics is an utmost importance. It serves as the foundation for the practice of one's own profession and it helps ensure the highest quality of service to the public (Ballada, 2015). Moreover, knowledge on ethics enables an individual to make a more reasoned judgement regarding what is morally right from wrong when faced with ethical dilemmas. However, with the increasing number of incidents of fraud and other related unethical practices like bribery and funds embezzlement, ethics seems to be the most neglected. Many professional accountants give in to pressure from the management. Though this may bring a more favourable effect on the company and on them, the benefits obtained are only short–term and an accountant may be subject to punishment once the authority discovered the fraudulent transaction. They tend to be driven by their personal motives and greed in exchange for wealth, prestige ... Show more content on ... This will influence them to incorporate ethics in their decision making. This would also serve as a powerful tool needed to broaden their own ethical perspectives and heighten their awareness on the importance of ethics in their chosen field of study. In addition, the Faculty and School Administrators are also expected to benefit from this study. This would help them provide means that would aid the Accountancy students to have a higher degree of awareness and understanding with regards to ethics. This would enable the students to build a strong foundation on ethics. And lastly, this would also be a great help for the researchers in obtaining a substantial learning experience and a comprehensive understanding on the importance of a higher degree of awareness on ethics in decision ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Problems And Dilemmas Of Professional Ethics The problems and dilemmas of professional ethics have always existed and have been a complicated subject of discussions. It should be pointed out that relationships between a counselor and a client in some cases can cause ethical issues. The first situation covers the problem of both platonic and sexual relationships between the counselor and his client. The second situation reflects the question of sexual relationships between the counselor and client's relatives. Regarding the first situation, it should be stressed out that ABA has recognized the sexual relationships between a counselor and a client as a serious ethical problem. Sexual counselor– client relationships with current clients, their romantic partners, or their family members ... Show more content on ... The sexual relationship can cause abuse of the lawyer's powers as they can consider their clients as dependable on them. They tend to break their basic ethical duty not to use the trust of the client to the client's damage. It should be emphasized that such moral and ethical obligations are the vital and integral part of each lawyer. In addition, such a relationship may be dangerous because of the lawyer's involvement on an emotional level. It means that the lawyer will not be able to represent the client's interests without any abuses, independently and professionally cause their feelings to the client are not only professional but personal. Moreover, a figurative boundary between the professional and personal relationships may make it more difficult to predict how the attorney will protect the client's interests, would it be possible to do it without any privileges. Also, the ABA 's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility addressed this issue in 1992 by issuing a formal opinion (no. 92–364). Although the opinion acknowledged that the Model Rules of Professional Conduct do not precisely point out the issue of sex between attorney and client, it argued that an attorney 's sexual relationship with a current client "may cause disproportional abuse of the lawyer 's fiduciary position and reflects an important danger that the attorney 's ability to represent the client professionally ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Professional Ethics In The Military Professionals are not professionals simply because they say they are. Their clients, society as a whole, have to accept their claims and trust the professions with jurisdiction over important areas of human endeavor. –Colonel Matthew Moten To begin with, the profession of the Arms requires four key attributable codes of ethics; expertise, trust, development, values and service. With these key professional ethics, a Soldier will be prepared to discharge his duties through the use of the skills, trust, and character to the general public as a servant of the Nation. That is why an American Professional Soldier is a specialist, a volunteer guaranteed in the Profession of Arms, reinforced with confidants or comrades in a common personality and ... Show more content on ... The Human Resource (HR) Sergeant secures the rights and interests of the American People by leading military operations in the administration of government strategy in a way that regards the fundamental human privileges of others. This is the foundational obligation of the Army it is the reason the Us Army battle. "The preeminent military task, and what separates the military profession from all other occupations, is that soldiers are routinely prepared to addition to killing and preparing to kill, the soldier has two other principal duties some soldiers die and, when they are not dying, they must be preparing to die." – James H. Toner The Profession of Arms calling is unique because of the lethality of our weapons and operations day to day. We as Soldiers are tasked to do many things but the core purpose and reason the Army exist is to apply lethal force. The moral implications of being a professional Soldier could not be greater and compel us to be diligent in our examination of what it means to be a profession, and a professional Soldier. Some believe that only officers were professional but while rebuilding the "hollow" Army, professional status was extended beyond the officer corps and was earned through the professional development by Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) and Army ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Code Of Ethics : Professional Counselor In the presentation "Whose Notes?" the client stated she did not think the counselor was very helpful to her and requested to receive counseling services from a different professional counselor. She also, requested all records, the clinical case notes written by the counselor during her counseling sessions, and the clinical case notes her current counselor received from her previous counselors. The counselor breached code B.6.e ACA Code of Ethics because she refused to give the client a copy of the clinical case notes recorded during her therapy sessions. The counselor stated, "The notes I've written will not be very helpful to you". This code informs us the professional counselor must provide reasonable access to records and copies of records when requested by competent clients. Counselors limit the access of clients to their records, or portions of their records, only when there is compelling evidence that such access would cause harm to the client. Counselors document the request of clients and the rationale for withholding some of all of the records in the files of the clients. In situations involving multiple clients, counselors provide individual clients with only those parts of records that relate directly to them and do not include confidential information related to any other client (ACA, 2014). According to, T. Remley and B. Herliky clients have a legal right to review the clinical case notes recorded during their therapy sessions, obtain copies of them and demand ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Professional Ethics Paper Hcs 478 Professional Ethics Paper Carolyn Smith HCS/478 August 15, 2011 Ann–Marie Peckham Professional Ethics Paper The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and legal issues. A person's personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will help foster a successful career. This paper will cover relationships between legal and ethical issues as well as personal values and professional ethics. Relationships between Legal and Ethical Issues According to Wacker–Guido & Watson (2010), there are eight ethical principles that nurses encounter when making ... Show more content on ... Alerting professional bodies or to structures internal to an organization about poor practice or other issues of concern, is wholly acceptable. Nurses have a moral obligation and must recognize and challenge medical authority if it is the best thing to do for the patient (Chiarella & McInnes, 2008). According to Wacker and Watson, (nd. pg. 70) legal concepts are equally important as ethics concepts in forming a framework for practice in health care settings. A general definition of law is that it concerns rules and regulations by which a society is governed. These rules and regulations are made by individuals and are capable of being changed or modified. Legal issues differ from ethical issues in that laws are external to the individual because they entail the rules and regulations of society as a whole, and laws are concerned with one's conduct and actions as opposed to the motives and values of the individual. The question asked is "What did the person do or fail to do?" rather than "Why did the person act as he did?" Finally, the enforcement of laws is much stronger that enforcement of ethics; laws are enforced through courts of law, statutes, and state boards of nursing. The law recognizes that a competent individual must ... Get more on ...