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American History Essay
Crafting an essay on American history can be a formidable task, requiring a delicate balance of
research, analysis, and effective communication. The subject matter itself is vast and
multifaceted, spanning centuries of events, diverse cultures, and complex socio-political
dynamics. Navigating through this extensive historical landscape demands a comprehensive
understanding of key events, figures, and their interconnections.
One of the challenges lies in the sheer volume of information available, making it necessary to
sift through numerous sources to discern relevant and credible material. Ensuring accuracy and
avoiding historical inaccuracies is paramount, as misinterpretations can distort the narrative and
compromise the integrity of the essay. This demands meticulous fact-checking and scrutiny of
primary and secondary sources.
Furthermore, the task involves weaving a coherent and compelling narrative that not only
presents historical facts but also provides insightful analysis and interpretation. It requires a
nuanced understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships that shaped American history, as
well as an ability to convey the significance of events within their historical context.
The complexity of the topic is also evident in the diversity of perspectives and interpretations
among historians. Crafting an essay that reflects a balanced and objective viewpoint while
acknowledging differing opinions adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
Moreover, the essay must adhere to the conventions of academic writing, including proper
citation of sources, adherence to a specific formatting style, and the development of a clear and
logical structure. These technical aspects demand attention to detail and a commitment to
upholding scholarly standards.
In conclusion, writing an essay on American history is no small feat. It requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Navigating the intricate web of
historical events and presenting a nuanced perspective demands both time and dedication.
However, for those seeking assistance, a variety of resources are available. Similar essays and
more can be ordered on platforms like, offering support and expertise in
tackling complex historical subjects.
American History Essay American History Essay
Joey-Personal Narrative
The Joey s response was quick as his wit. He explained that he was dressed for
winter everywhere else, so why would his feet be cold. I recalled all the instances I
have said the same thing to others. I was officially intrigued. A warm sensation
reached my stomach which had been achy, damp, and cold since Mr. Wonderful
disappearance. I didn t recognize it at first; since the day my car had
malfunctioned, I had not been out for an evening anything like this one. In the space
of only one high desert winter evening, I had danced, been around children, eaten a
meal in the presence of others, and felt the warmth of the fire and the kind company
of nice people. At this moment, I had Galaxy in my lap, and the warmth of the fire,
and a man I had just... Show more content on ...
I was sitting on the couch with my bunny Galaxy when he came in the door and I
only looked in his direction long enough to be polite since Galaxy had peed on me.
The Joey revealed his geographical knowledge of the odd urban layout of our high
desert. He drove on the back road off the highway that is familiar to locals. I told
him to let me know when he needed me to direct him. He only needed help with the
last few turns. When we reached my house, he pulled into my driveway behind my
broken car. He turned the car off and paused a moment until I asked Can you help me
carry a few things to my door
Oh, of course he responded as if he felt he should have offered to help without my
asking. I held Galaxy as he carried blankets and a diaper bag to the door.
You can just put that here, I will take care of it
Still holding Galaxy wrapped in a blanket I faced him as he said, I am sure I will see
you and Galaxy again. His sentence has a subtle hint of a question. I reached out to
hug him and we embraced sideways around Galaxy who was nestled in my right
Pubmed Reflective Essay
The first word that comes to mind when I think of searching for answers to a PICO
question related to the physical therapy that I use in my clinic is frustration . This
week we were to use PubMed to search for research that pertained to two of our
PICO questions. We explored PubMed in the foundations class last semester. The
only previous use of PubMed may have been through articles found in Google
Scholar. Finding keywords was not difficult and my schedule allowed enough time
for the search. Filters beyond full text human and review led to zero articles found.
One to three filters brought up one to twelve articles and at the most seventy. This
may be because from evaluating the PubMed researchit appeared more common to
pair exercise with fibromyalgia or ankylosing spondylitis than manual or craniosacral
The frustration came in finding articles that fit the keywords craniosacral and
manual therapy. I noticed that if a study wanted to prove the efficacy of using one
drug, one piece of equipment over another, or if the intervention was a tried and true
modality for physical therapy, the studies were published. It seemed that researchers
are more likely to publish multiple ... Show more content on ...
When physical therapy or physiotherapy was chosen as the keyword, research
studies of exercise appeared. I felt as if the researchers believe that physical therapy
only encompasses exercise. We as a profession work in diverse specialties and use
numerous treatment methods. Maher et al.(2004) states that there are publication
biases in the research community. Registries that choose what studies are published
prefer large studies, ones that show significant effects and those that have positive
outcomes. Unfortunately, this can sway the public to believe that a certain outcome
is invalid not because it is false but because a study was not chosen to be
Differences Between Federalist And Democratic Republicans
Political philosophies amongst Federalist and Democratic Republicans have been
much conflicted throughout the years. The Federalist who was led by Alexander
Hamilton were seeking to increase the power of the central government then there
was the Republicans who were led by Thomas Jefferson whom were seeking to
decrease the power of the central government. The Federalists advocated the
importance of a strong central government to protect the republic from the
imprudence of democracy leading the country forward, while the Democratic
Republicans promoted increasing the common man s role in government. Although
both political parties had good intentions for the future of the United States, the
Federalist Party was much more effective at uniting... Show more content on ...
About 20 to 30 years prior they won their independence from Britain but the feeling of
failure still stood amongst the people. The Federalist Party were at large to destroy
the threat of failure by fortifying the United States central government. In Hamilton s
mind, the outcome in strengthening the central government would allow freedom of
speech and self freedom thus uniting American citizens. Hamilton had witnessed
firsthand the political and economic confusion caused by states conflicting interests
and corrupt taxation policies under the Articles of Confederation. He saw that the
Federalists must take control of the political and economic decision making for the
Union to still stand a chance to survive. In order for the Federalist government to take
control of conflicts before getting worse jeopardizing the United states future they
adopted the philosophy of loose construction which allowed a flexible interpretation
of the United States Constitution that granted the Federal government implied
powers , powers that were not specifically granted to them by the Constitution.
Hamilton believed that allowing the Federal government such freedoms was
important to the well being of the country because this allowed the government to act
in whatever manner would best serve the country s interests, even if the actions
stretched the limits of power set in the Constitution or even at times violated. Even
though the Democratic Republicans opposed, Alexander Hamilton asked congress to
charter the Bank of the United States which would be jointly owned by private stock
holders and the National government. The Bank stored excess printed paper money
that was valuable. This excess money allowed cash to circulate to prompt American
businesses by making loans to merchants, handling government funds, and issuing
bills of credit. The National Bank was largely beneficial to the American people, and
yet it was
Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved Essay
Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved
Toni Morrison s novel Beloved is a slave narrative, but it encompasses much more
than slavery. Unlike many slave narratives that focus on the male perception of
slavery, Morrison s novel portrays slavery from a feminine point of view. The main
characters are Sethe, her daughter, Denver, and the mysterious Beloved. In the
beginning of the novel, Sethe and her daughter live alone in 124, a house that is
haunted by the ghost of Sethe s first daughter. Sethe s two older boys, Howard and
Buglar, had run away by the time they were thirteen years old. Soon after the sons
have fled, Baby Suggs, Denver s grandmother, dies. The novel centers on Sethe s
past, in particular, the death of her ... Show more content on ...
She describes what little of a relationship she had with her mother, saying that she
was gone before Sethe woke up and when she was not working, she was sleeping.
She describes a particularly saddening moment when her mother showed her how to
identify her; she opened up her dress front and lifted her breast and pointed under it.
Right on her rib was a circle and a cross burnt right into the skin (Morrison 57). The
young Sethe, confused about the situation, receives a slap from her mother when she
says that she wants a mark too. The reader recognizes the lack of humanity in slavery.
Like a cow, she is branded and her brand is the only way to recognize her as an
individual. It is a terrible realization, one Sethe makes later on. It was Sethe s
experience as a slave child and a slave mother that caused her to commit the act that
is every parent s worst nightmare. Another event that seemed to change Sethe forever
was the brutal attack committed upon her by schoolteacher s nephews.
Schoolteacher came to take care of the plantation when Mr. Garner, the original
owner, died. She was still nursing her first daughter when it happened. When she is
relating the story, her attitude reveals the sense of violation and humility she felt
when this vicious act was committed; those boys came in there and took my milk.
That s what they came in there for. Held me down and took it (Morrison 16). She
described this horrible
Comparing Star-Crossed Lovers In Zeffirelli s Romeo And...
For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo Romeo and
Juliet, the tragedy in which star crossed lovers meet their fate and endure a terrible
ending. Though many different movies and other authors tried to copy the famous
Shakespearian play, most do not succeed in capturing all the details and emotions
the original script offers. The spin offs and even movies fail to include different
famous lines and acting scenes. One of which is the 1968 version of Romeo and
Juliet directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Although many similarities occur throughout the
story of the star crossed lovers in the movie, a few minor and major differences also
appear. The first obvious difference between the play and the movie happens in the
first act. In the play version, Romeo reads a party invitation for the Capulet servant.
He knows of the Capulet party because he reads the letter. In the movie, the Capulet
servant does not appear, Romeo just shows up at the party. Even though act one of the
play features some minor differences, most details are the same. Both start out with
the feuding families fighting in the street. In addition,... Show more content on ...
Just as described in the play, the movie version pictures Juliet arriving at Friar
Lawrence s cell as Paris talks to the Friar about the wedding. However, in the play
version, Juliet has a polite conversation with Paris, and almost seems as if she is
happy to marry Paris. In contrast, the movie shows Juliet hiding behind the Friar
and begs Paris to leave. Other discrepancies in act four include the movie not
describing the wedding day getting pushed up, Juliet takes the potion she receives
from the Friar in her night clothes, and Romeo does not visit the apothecary to
purchase the deadly poison. The story line of the movie encompasses the same details
as the play version, but variations do make the movie noticingly different from the
Skinner s Behaviourist Approach
Skinner successfully developed a behaviourist approach that allows him to explain
and treat someone with OCD. Using the systematic desensitisation to gradually
introduce someone to their phobia that results in them having OCD. However,
Skinner does not consider the thoughts that might be involved in psychological
problems. Cognitive theory takes this into consideration thus attempting to change
these thoughts. Furthermore, another limitation in behaviourist approach is the
beliefs in determinism which suggests neglecting of free will. (2) The behaviourist
approach states human behaviour is caused by conditioning within the environment,
thus meaning we cant chose how we behave. cognitive theory focuses on how people
with OCD misinterpret... Show more content on ...
Adler disagrees with Freud. He believes it occurs at an unconscious level thus
meaning they re really concerned with keeping clean and tidy. The child establishes
a domain where they can actually exert control.This theory suggests they learn to
avoid the things they fear. This pattern of fear and avoidance may begin when
people are under emotional stress, such as starting a new job or ending a
relationship. Skinner, Found that people who develop OCD make associations
between behaviours and reinforces. This leads them to repeat the behaviours. If the
behaviour reduces anxiety it becomes reinforced.Freud did not carry out controlled
experiments, which is the most powerful tool in the modern psychologist s methods.
Freud assumed that case studies could establish whether theories are true or false. In
addition, parts of Freuds theory are too generalised and fail to leave room for
exceptions to the general
Inside Out And Back Again Analysis
In Inside Out and Back Again, Ha faces many challenges. These challenges made
her stronger and helped her better adapt to her life in Vietnam and Alabama. They
applied to many aspects of her life. By examining specific challenges and their
outcomes we can learn what her challenges were and how they made her stronger.
One of her first challenges was the oppression of her gender in their Vietnamese
tradition. On page 2 3 in the poem 1975: Year of the Cat, it states, I pouted when
my mother insisted one of my brothers must rise first because only male feet can
bring luck. To stand up to this challenge, the text stated, I decided to wake before
dawn and tap my big toe to the tile floor first. This means that Ha stood up to her
mother by blessing the house. This challenge made her stronger because it gave her a
new confidence that she... Show more content on ...
It is the challenge of people not seeing her as smart. The text says, Pink Boy stands
at the board. He can t multiply 18 by 42. I go to the board, chalk the answer in five
moves. My cheekbones lift to the ceiling. This shows how Ha helped defeat that
challenge. She proved to everyone that she is smart. That she does deserve respect.
It made her stronger because she was determined for people to see her as smart. It
inspired her to try more. This challenge includes the themes Emotions,
Communication and Coming of Age. Lastly, a challenge there was that
strengthened Ha is not having things from Vietnam in Alabama. This is on page
119 121 in the poem American Chicken The book says, Brother Quang forces a
swallow before explaining we are used to fresh killed chicken that roamed the yard
snacking on grains and worms. This challenged strengthened Ha because it forced her
to realize that she was in America. It helped her adjust to her life by not having so
many reminders of Vietnam. This challenge included the themes Food, Emotions, and
The Outsiders Movie And Book Comparison
Outsiders Movie/Book Comparison Have you ever read the book The Outsiders ?
Have you ever seen the movie? Both these are good stories and there are many
many similarities. In fact the movie is praised for how much it is like the book.
Although there are many similarities, there are differences as well. What are these
differences? Let s find out First up is the similarities. The first similarity is that all
the characters are exactly the same in the book and the movie. Darry is still older
than Pony and works all the time, Soda is still the middleman in a war between
Darry and Ponyboy, Pony is still the youngest and hates Dally most of the time,
Dallas is still a punk, etc. The next similarity is that all major plot points are still
The Origin Of The Lolita Subcultures
Finding out what to wear in the morning is a part of everyone s morning routine,
but when it comes to fashion trends what you wear appears to become more
important. Reading magazines and watching celebrates on the red carpet are a
few ways in which people find out what is popular to dress in something that is
will make them fit in and be up to date with the fashion of the time. In the other
hand there are people who do exactly the opposite, more specifically those within
the Lolita subculture. The Lolita subculture is a Japanese fashion subculture
known for its Victorian period clothing style corsets, petticoats, and lace. What
makes this fashion style unique is its similarities with 19th century girl and doll
dresses (AdГЁle Hardy Bernal, 2011, p. 20), but Lolitas were not dressing up in
Victorian clothes without a reason. The origins of the Lolita subculture can be
traced back to as far as the late 1980 s. Similar to the start of the British Punk
subculture, in the 1980 s Japan went through a drastic economic change referred to
as the Bubble Burst or the burst of the Bubble Economy. During the time of the
Bubble Burst several people were laid off from their jobs, women became stay at
home mothers, and overall the youth lost hope for a successful future in Japan. The
state of the economy caused anger, disappointment. The youth in Japan began to care
less about the traditional Japanese values such as dedication to your job, and the
respect of elders. People all over
Essay On Criminal Relapse
In the Criminal Justice system, there are many arguments for areas of improvement,
but the focus of this paper is on the revitalization of prisoners and the way our
system can assist. Numerous studies have shown that criminals tend to come out of
prison worse than how they were when they came in, they may get involved in illegal
activities or gangs inside the prisonand they will likely be back in jail within the
next three years as statistics show in Langan and Levin s (2002) article on criminal
relapse stated. The goal of this paper is to inform the reader of the benefits of
helping to incorporate programs into prisons and create jobs inside and outside of
prisons for released and current convicts.
Those in the field of criminal justice are there to make society a better place and
make people feel safe. A big way that they do this is by sending criminals to... Show
more content on ...
He found that providing inmates with drug treatments in prison is an effective way
to keep these people from reentering the criminal justice system from drugs or other
like charges. It has been found that the most vulnerable time for a relapse is within
the first and second month after their release from prison. Having these drug
treatment programs inside the prison help to educate the prisoners on the harms of
drug use and help them resist any urges. It is also found that they are much more
likely to enter community based treatment once on parole, which helps to teach and
reinforce relapse prevention techniques. Experts Lurigio and Swartz (1999) (as cited
in Olson and Lurigio, 2014) stated, that the relationship between drugs and crime is
extremely multifaceted. Drug addiction can cause harm to a person s brain and alter
their judgment. Therefore, drug treatment programs can help to turn these criminals
around into law abiding
Lil Wayne s Rhetorical Techniques Used In Advertising
2016 was the year that Samsung introduced one of their latest smartphones to their
lineup of products, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Samsung was most proud of the
water resistance ability of their new flagship phone, and what better way to
showcase that ability, than too have one of the most popular living rappers, Lil
Wayne, to appear in a commercial to prove it. Samsung s Galaxy S7 commercial not
only aired on TV, but also went viral on social media sites, such as; YouTube,
Facebook, etc. Michelle Castillo, wrote in her article on the CNBC website that, Marc
Mathieu, Samsung s chief marketingofficer, mentioned that Samsung s ad agency,
Wieden+Kennedy, came up with the idea for the new ad campaign with Lil Wayne in
mind as the spokesperson,... Show more content on ...
This method can either stir up positive or negative emotions in the reader, but
either way its intent is to sell an idea, belief, a product, or to convince the reader to
pick a side. This commercial uses pathos in a couple different ways. Humor is the
most obvious way pathos is being used, it is the setting of the entire commercial.
When Wayne, Max, and his friend on the phone, Kenny, are saying, Whaaaaaat! , it
is meant to be silly and fun. It is even funny just watching them pour champagne on
their smartphones. Humor promotes laughter, and laughter releases endorphins in
our brain that trigger the happy feels, and puts us in a good mood. It is well
known, that if you can get the customer to laugh, then you are more likely to sell to
that customer because laughter helps them drop whatever guard they are putting
up. Another way this ad uses pathos, is by appealing to the fear of dropping our
phone in water and damaging it. We all can relate to this type of accident, and we
are always trying to prevent it, so we don t have to worry about forking out the big
bucks to repair or replace our beloved smartphone. In the commercial, Max pouring
champagne on his phone and it shorting out, is a perfect example of pathos, by
showing us that if you get your phone wet, it will damage it, unless you get the new
Galaxy S7
Bill Gates Research Outline
Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline
Your Name Here
Critical Thinking COLL148
October 3, 2013
Julie Henning
DeVry University
[Technology to shape Office Efficiencies] Outline
I. Introduction
A. Getting in trouble as a teenager, led this innovative mind to reshape technological
advances to better suit Business needs as society sees it today. B. Any Idea can be
great; implementation of that idea takes careful planning and a smooth technological
framework to seamlessly pull it off. C. Choosing to eschew the established ways
most seek out their lives, Bill Gates chose to cultivate his interests, even by getting in
trouble with a corporation at a young age while capitalizing ... Show more content on ...
It would be at this point that Gates would not return to Harvard to finish his degree,
instead he partnered with Paul Allen and named their partnership Micro Soft. The
team would later drop the hyphen, and then three years later moved back home to
Washington and established corporation paperwork in Bellevue, where Microsoft and
Bill Gates would become the leader, and powerhouse of software development.
Wikipedia 2013* 2. As Co Founder, and Chairman of Microsoft, Currently Bill
Gates is regarded as the single most successful business person in the PC industry
for all his contributions to consumer ready personal computer products. Wikipedia
documents that Time Magazine named Gates one of the 100 people who most
influenced the 20th Century, as well as one of the 100 most influential people of
2004, 2005 and 2006 (Wikipedia 2013)* B. Your reasons for selecting this person
1. Bill Gates is a pioneer of technological office products which forever changes how
businesses are able streamline efficient technologies. Bill s quest for knowledge of
how things worked, and how they could be improved started in his formative years
while attending the Lakeside School in Seattle Washington, where he took an interest
in programming the new computer system the school had recently purchased.
The Fall Of Caesar s Angel
The Fall Of Caesar s Angel
As Caesar dies, he gasps, Et tu, Brute? (III. i. 77). To betray a close friend for the
better of the country only to have it end all in vain is a tragedy in its own. For
Brutus, this is his journey in Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.
Although the play is named after Caesar, it is evident that Brutus is the tragic hero as
the audience watches the events of the play unfold. Brutus s characteristics and
actions line up perfectly with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero which states that
the tragic hero must be admirable and of noble birth, possess hamartia, undergo
peripeteia as well as anagnorisis, and force the audience to experience catharsis in
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. First of all, Brutus high rank and
admirable qualities coincide with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero. In the play,
Brutus is a highly regarded senator whom has everyone s trust including Caesar s.
By the cause of his honorable stature, Brutus is loved and admired by everyone in
Rome. Although his honor leads him into poor judgement, many people still have
trust in him and follow him all the way through the play. Even after he has conspired
against his friend Caesar, and dies at the end of the play, his enemies still see him as
a noble Roman. After coming upon Brutus body, Antony laments, This was the
noblest Roman of them all/...His life was gentle, and the elements/ So mixed in him
that Nature might stand up/ And say to all
The Medieval Proposal
Medieval romance survives in many forms of modern day entertainment. Books,
movies, poetry, they all draw upon the elements of chivalry and heroic people in
some way. The movie in question here, The Proposal , is one such demonstration.
The Proposal shows all the characteristics needed to create an engaging, fully realized
medieval romance. A full analysis of The Proposal shows exactly how deeply these
resemblances run.
The focus of many medieval romances is the Hero, and the quest he takes on for the
Woman he loves. Andrew is the hero of this story, and he displays all the
characteristics of a proper medieval hero. Andrew has shown, through three years of
hard work for Margaret, that he is determined, intelligent, and dedicated to his ...
Show more content on ...
Women rule this movie, from Margaret as the editor of a major publishing
company, to the Matriarchs of Andrews family. Margaret is greatly feared and
respected in her position, even convincing an author that hadn t done in interview
in twenty years to come onto Oprah. Andrew s mother easily cows his strong
willed father, showing the influence the women in the family have. Not to mention
that Andrew s grandmother can make anyone do what she wants, simply by saying
Before I die? . All these women are loved and obeyed, whether the men realize it or
not. Plus, of course, it s because of Gammy that we experience the fairytale setting
of the movie at all. Sitka, Alaska. The town itself is the dream of a classic
American small town, complete with an internet cafГ©, hardware store, postal
office, and bar, all within a few feet of each other. The Paxton home in Alaska is
basically a mansion, complete with a personal fireplace in the bedroom, balconies
overlooking the ocean, remote control blinds, and a set of massive living rooms.
This is the fairytale castle in this medieval romance, complete with a dragon in the
form of Kevin, the white American Eskimo puppy. In short, the idyllic land of this
small Alaskan town is the perfect set up for this story, and for the respected women
who rule
Taking a Look at Prohibition
In December of 1917, Congress tested the 18th Amendment by sending it to all of
the states. A year after the ratification, in January 1919, the sale, making and
transportation of alcohol was banned. In 1919 the Volstead Act made all drinks
containing more than 0.5 percent alcohol illegal once the 18th amendment went
into use in 1920. Prohibition in America between 1920 and 1933 was made a law
to reduce crime and corruption, solve social issues, and improve the health of
Americans. The effects of prohibition on Americans depended on the reduced
amount of alcohol being drunk. For a while consumption levels of alcohol
decreased but then soon increased after the long absence of alcohol. People that
were not interested in alcohol before prohibition started to think of alcohol as a
glamorous and fun lifestyle. The amount of crime began to increase and became
organized in the form of gangs. Due to the amount of crime, prisons became
overcrowded. Many officers of the court and the public became corrupt. Since there
was no tax for alcohol now, the government had a lot more money to spend on
whatever they wanted. With the absence of alcohol, many previous drinkers turned to
drugs such as marijuana and even more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, opium,
heroin and many other prescription drugs. The amount of money spent on alcohol
had slowly begun to drop before the banishment of alcohol and began to slowly rise
after the banishment of alcohol. Alcohol distributors called bootleggers
Multilingualism And Language Shift
A language shift occurs when the people in a particular culture or sub culture change
the primary language that they use for communication (wiseGEEK, n.d). According
to Ravindranath (2009), language shift is the process by which a speech community
in a contact situation that is consisting of bilingual speakers increasingly stops using
one of its two languages prefers by other. Tsitsipis (n.d.) states that when a language is
shifting its structural phases do not remain together even though this holds also true
for normal language change. From a purely linguistic of view, one has to find out
which particular changes are due to the influence of the dominant language and
which could be explain. Furthermore, the kind and amount of structural... Show more
content on ...
Bhatia (2013), states that bilingualism and multilingualism is an interdisciplinary and
complex field . As is self evident from the prefixes (bi and multi ), bilingualism and
multilingualism phenomena are devoted to the study of production, processing, and
comprehension of two or more languages, respectively.Bilingualism is a specific case
of multilingualism, which has no ceiling on the number of languages a speaker may
dominate. The timing and sequence in which one learns each of the languages has
led to other distinctions between kinds of multilingualism. Much of the linguistics
literature, for example, identifies native language or mother tongue as a first language
, ignoring the possibility or diminishing the value of having more than one native
language or mother tongue. Such a person is often referred to as a simultaneous
bilingual, while someone who acquires the second language after the first one is
often referred to as a sequential bilingual ( early if between early childhood and
puberty, and late if after puberty). The context of language acquisition leads naturally
to distinguishing between informal bilinguals, who acquire their languages outside of
formal settings like schools, imitating the natural processes of acquiring the mother
tongue, and formal bilinguals, who generally learn the language in schools or similar
settings. When these terms apply to groups, one speaks of bilingual or multilingual
communities or nations. The aggregate enumeration of the speakers in these groups
(also referred to as language diversity or demography) will often profile the number
of monolingual and bilingual speakers of each language. For example, there may be
a multilingual community in which speakers are monolingual in each of three
languages. This would be rare, and the language groups would probably be isolated
from each other. More often than
Civil Procedure and Advise Employee Issue Essay
htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї htnksdf SDFGfdgfdga ADVISE EMPLOYEE
htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї
htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї
SolutionQuestion 1.1
Personal service o R6.02 An originating process shall be served personally on each
defendant o R6.03 Personal service is effected by leaving a copy of the writ with
the Defendant or putting it down in their presence if they do not accept a copy o
Personal service is not effective in this way because the plaintiff has failed to fulfill
this requirement
HOWEVER Common Law Pino v Prosser o Rules states that a document can be left
with a spouse on the ... Show more content on ...
It is unlikely that the courts will find that the VSC is a clearly inappropriate court.
However, the defendant must also show that determination in the VSC would be
oppressive and vexatious (Oceanic Sun Line v Fay and Voth)
Question 1.2
Issues with statement of claim
Format of the document o In the Supreme court of Victoria should be on one line
and at Melbourne should be below on another line o The addresses of each party
should be omitted o The document number should be written 89473/09 o It should
say and instead of v between the parties names o There needs to be tram tracks
outlining date of document and who the document is filed on behalf of
Details of the claim o Need to be numbered o There needs to be particulars
describing the details of the event o There should be no mention of witnesses or any
other evidence o The plaintiff has raised something that should be mentioned by the
Defendant as a defence o The plaintiff has raised a matter which they should talk
about it the reply
Question 1.3
Under r23.03 Summary judgment for the defendan can be given by the court at any
time if the defendant has a good defence on the merits o This rule only applies when
Plaintiffs case absolutely
Three Strategies That You Can Use as a Clinical Research...
Describe three strategies that you can use as a clinical research coordinator that
will significantly reduce the error in data that you collect. Error is inevitable. How
many times have you made a dish from a recipe something has not been deviated.
Maybe you were low on flour and had to substitute cornstarch or you did not have
almond abstract and had to use lemon. The result may have looked like the picture
but I m sure the taste varied. In research we take limited samples of the population to
make it paint a picture of the whole. A site could recruit 100 heart patients and use the
information gathered to try to aid the population of 500,000 heart patients worldwide.
Is the information true information of the whole or just a... Show more content on ...
Go by the worksheet to fill in all needed data then review the data with the subject
before they leave. This will cut down on misremembering information. In regards
to mis recording data get someone to review your information or review it yourself
the next day. When writing down lab values I can record it and then get someone
to call out the lab values while I double check them. Our after getting rest I can
look at the information with fresh eyes and double check myself. I believe that
this is a major error. One number being off can skew the results drastically. By
improving upon this error, I believe statistical information will be better. The
second major error made is made up information. We should never infer any
information gathered about a patient based on their age, sex, ethnicity, or gender.
Just recently, I recruited a patient for a study who was pleasant but very stubborn
and did not realize he would have to come in for surgery. Everything in his case
happened so fast that he really did not have a chance to process anything. Another
research staff member goes to get blood samples and follow up with the patient. The
patient is really cranky and agitated. When the research personnel comes back
upstairs she is telling everyone that the patient suffers from dementia and inferring
how this could affect other parts of the protocol. Well I asked her point blank, How
do you know that patient has dementia? Did his wife fail to disclose this
Advantages And Definitions Of A Database Management
Fundamentals of Database Management System
Before we talk about Fundamentals of database management system, we need to
know what is a Data . Data is a something which has an implicit meaning and that can
be deduced to new facts which can be recorded too.
Then we have to know what is a Database . Database is known as organized,
structured and centralized set of data collection which are stored in a computer
system. That can be managed, updated and accessed.
Now we have to know what is Database Management System . Database Management
System is a software package for store, manipulate, retrieve, update, maintain and data
analyze in database. Database Management System s are communicating with users
and other software applications. MYSQL, Microsoft ... Show more content on ...
Advantages Limitations Data independence. Lacks structural independence. Database
security. Difficult to manage because of Less redundant data. Many relationships.
Efficient searching. Complex implementation.
Network data model
It was a first attempt of using data into databases, same time as the hierarchical data
model were developing. In the network data model data is represented as
collections of records and relationships are represented by sets. The most popular
network DBMS is computer associates IDMS/R. network data model were used for
large databases. In network model files are related as owners and members like in
hierarchical model. But member file can have more than one owner in network data
model. So it was very complex. Lets see a example diagram for network data model.
Relational model based
David Slavitt
The Wrong Version of Titanic David K. Slavitt s poem Titanic explains the way
most of the people look at the tragic event occurred in April 14, 1912. The poem
uses a lot of sarcasm to portray its message describing how people would ve bought
the tickets for the ship even if they would ve known that it was going to sink. With
this poem, Slavitt s work not only focuses on the sinking of the Titanic, but also on
the impact it had on people and makes the reader think about the way most of the
people look at the event based on movies and stories, which don t show things as
they happened. Titanic uses irony and symbolism in the poem to make the readers
imagine they have the chance to be part of the story by describing the enthusiasm and
... Show more content on ...
But its real heroes were often among the crew, none more stirring than Second
Officer Herbert Lightoller, who had survived one shipwreck and a cyclone before
getting his position on the Titanic. He had gone off watch when the ship struck the
iceberg but was the most energetic and resourceful in getting as many women and
children as he could into the boats, which he knew very well would only have
room for around half of the passengers and crew even when fully loaded (and many
weren t). Told at the end to get in one himself, his reply, without irony, was not on
your life. Attempting to make the last collapsible lifeboat usable, the rush of water
swept him away. The force of an engine explosion brought him back to the surface,
where he managed to struggle to the capsized collapsible to which 30 men were
desperately hanging. Such was the brutal frigidity of the water 28 degrees Fahrenheit
that hypothermia did half of them in during the night. Eventually transferred to
another lifeboat, Lightoller was the very last of the survivors to board the Carpathia.
He went on to serve in the First World War and took his converted yacht Sundowner
to Dunkirk, where he got 130 off the doomed
Caravaggio In The Calling Of St. Matthew
Caravaggio was born as Michelangelo Merisi in Italy around 1571. He was left
alone at age 11 and apprenticed with an artist in Milan. He moved to Rome, where
his effort became prevalent for the tenebrism method he used, which used shadow to
highlight brighter areas. His profession, however, was short lived. Caravaggio
murdered a man during a brawl and fled Rome. He died not long after, on July 18,
1610. Even though Caravaggio was rejected after his death, he finally came to be
recognized as one of the founding fathers of current painting. The Calling of St.
Matthew was painted from 1597 to 1601 by Michelangelo Merisi (Caravaggio)
through oil on canvas ( Editors).
Additionally, Caravaggio transports this canvas to life with bright colors; bold
contrasts of reds, golds and greens and many surfaces of velvets and soft fur. He also
contrasts gestures and expressions and used the contrast principle to differentiate the
bright from the dark, which creates interest in the characters portrayed. He intends to
tell us that the atmospheric perspective used in this painting is to create depth, like
the window behind the individuals. Additionally, the painting is mostly organic
forms, but the window can be classified as an organic form. This painting, along
with two others of St. Matthew by Caravaggio, was specially made for the Contarelli
chapel situated in San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome ( Editors).
Saint Matthew was one of the twelve apostles and he was a
Coriolanus And Julius Caesar Research Paper
The Roman People in Coriolanus and Julius Caesar
Shakespeare`s Roman plays amplify the wavering balance between two pulsing
political organs in the body of Roman government: the unstable mob and the
tyrannical leader or the leader assumed to have the capacity for tyranny. Caius
Marcius Coriolanus and Julius Caesar, two titular Shakespearean characters with
opposing dispositions, meet their fates in nearly identical ways as tragic Roman
heroes in like worlds of deception, rhetoric, and post truth politics. In these worlds, the
opinions of the Roman people, though easily swayed, are ultimately more resonant
and powerful than any one person s in the Roman government alone. Both Coriolanus
and Julius Caesar are excavations of rudimentary human
Essay on The Washington Monument
The Washington Monument
The most stunning monument in our capital is the Washington Monument. At 555
feet high, it is the tallest such monument in the world. It is an obelisk by shape, yet
not a true obelisk because it is not carved out of a single stone. The monument was
built at intervals between 1848 and 1885. It memorializes George Washingtons
achievements and his devotion to principles and to his country.
The Washington Monument has an interesting history. The idea of a monument
celebrating George Washington was first considered by the Continental Congressin
1783. However, the next three decades brought neglect by Congress to take action.
Finally, in 1833 the Washington National Monument Society was organized to
forward the ... Show more content on ...
History of the Obelisk
The design of the Washington Monument is a common obelisk and can be found
around the world. Its history begins in Egypt. There were a great many obelisks in
Egypt, 13 were originally in Karnak where now only 5 stand. Possibly the best known
obelisk in Egypt is at the Temple of Luxor in Thebe. This obelisk was raised by
Ramses II. He is credited with raising over fourteen obelisks at Tanis alone. The
obelisk at the Temple of Luxor was originally one of a pair of obelisks. This missing
obelisks was later removed and brought to Paris where it stands in the Place de la
Many of the obelisks that were originally in Egypt are now in different parts of the
world. It appears that these obelisks were the focus of conquerors of Egypt. For
example, the Persian leader Cambyses dragged many of these obelisks to the ground
and mutilated them. He especially targeted those obelisks which bore the inscriptions
of cruel deeds that were performed against the Persians. The destruction of these
obelisks by conquerors suggests that these enormous structures represented the power
of Egyptian leaders and were very important to the Egyptians.
Later conquerors removed many of these obelisks as souvenirs. Two great obelisks,
which stood in Egypt for a millennium and a half, were brought to Rome to
commemorate Julius Caesar. These became known as Cleopatra s needles. Ironically,
one is now in London and
Medieval Religious Iconography
Approximately two centuries after the death of Jesus Christ religious iconography
began. During the Medieval period art iconography related to the texts found in the
Bible. This paper will analyze two arts containing Christian iconography that
illustrate the return of naturalism. This paper will analyze the iconography of two
medieval works from the early medieval period (500 1200) and one from the late
medieval period (1200 1400). Both works of art depict the crucifixion of JesusChrist
(John 19:17 37). According to the Bible, Jesus was loathed by the Jewish leaders
because he preached of God and people listened, believed, and followed him. For this
reason the Jewish leaders ordered him to be killed. Jesus was taken to Pilate and
placed... Show more content on ...
This artwork is a Bohemian design painting. The artist shows the impact of
naturalism through visual art by painting human figures and expressing a dramatic
event . The painting shows Jesus hanging on the cross, with the two thieves on both
sides. Above Jesus and the two thieves are two angels hovering. Below Jesus stands
Roman captain Longinus rendering orderings for Jesus to be stabbed to death with
daggers or spears. On the other side of him is the good captain bearing out that
Christ is the Son of God. Accompanying him is John and Mary, and Mary Magdalene.
In the front shows henchmen competing for the ownership of Jesus robe. Examining
the Christian iconography (symbolism) in this artwork I discovered several Christian
images. The first Christian symbol is the cross. In the Christian belief the cross
signifies Christianity. The second Christian symbol is Jesus body hanging on the
cross. This represents the crucifixion, sacrifice, death of Jesus Christ. The third
Christian symbol is the marks on Jesus body. This religious symbolism is called
stigmata. According to the Macmillan Dictionary stigmata is defined as the marks
on Jesus Christ body where he was attached to the cross, or marks on the skin of
some religious people that are similar to these injuries. The fourth Christian symbol
was the angels, which refers to the Holy Trinity
Three Horned Demon Research Paper
The three horned demon is an interesting creature. Their is only one of them in the
world he is the rarest and most endangered species and the only one left in the
world. He has three big black horns that he uses to kill his prey and orange stripe
which re posinous that keep him safe from predators. His big reed legs and arms
are always smothered in blood because of his prey that he eats which also keep his
scales moist when he does not have any water near him. He might not look like it
but he is also a water crature he loves the water that where he catches amost of his
food such as frogs other fish and lizards. He also has very big red eyes that help his
sight because where he lives in the Amazon Forest their different animals that would
Stereotypes Of The China Doll
I. Introduction
The China Doll stereotype is a kind of stereotype wherein the west portrays the
East Asian girls as a sexual object. Being diminutive, permissive, and coy are three
main things the west sees in eastern women. This stereotype is not new, for it has
been going on for 200 years. It began when Marco Polo began his journey. Aside
from that, in 1839, in the opium war, these women were exported to the west. In the
late 1800 s, French naval officer Pierre Loti loved writing about his trips.
In 1888, during his trip to Japan, he met a woman that became his temporary wife.
He described her diminutive doll like appearance. He, then wrote a book about it
called Madame Chrysamtheme and has become famous and was printed for more
than a hundred times. However, that story did not stop there. Another American opera
was ... Show more content on ...
Also, it is needed that Asian women take the initiative to be able to portray
themselves and bring about their perspective culture and not allow Western influence
to tamper with it. Slowly, it is through talent of Asian women that recognition is
gained and culture is promoted, and so long as that continues to progress will it be
possible to completely eradicate the objectification of Asian women suffering through
the racial generalization that is the China doll stereotype.
VII. Sources
Uchida, Aki. (1998) The Orientalization of Asian Woman In America. In Women s
International Forum. (Vol 21, No. 2. P. 161 174). USA; Elsevier Science Ltd.
Said, E. (1979). Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books.
McLeod, J. (2000). Beginning postcolonialism. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester
University Press. Cristen (2015) Stereotypology: Submissive China Dolls. Youtube:.
Stuff Mom Never Told You
Dracula, Gothic And Epistolary Novels Of Dracula And
Vampires are not completely fictional. In the late 1890s Bram Stoker takes
historical information and old European folktales to create famous Gothic novels
like Dracula; Before writing Dracula, he studied for eight years stories of vampires.
The title of Stoker s story has historical significance to Vlad Dracul the 3rd, a
Wallachian ruler who impaled his victims on stakes. Bram Stokeralso was influenced
by his lifetime, before the publication of Dracula, Gothic and Epistolary novels were
on the rise hence why Dracula is classified as both. Stoker s life as a Victorian can be
seen in his views on social and political reforms and ideals in his novels. The threats
of female sexuality also plagued Victorian anxieties, morals were being... Show more
content on ...
The Count being damaged by the crucifix helps the reader and Jonathan realize
everything is not what it seems in this new world they are entering and sets up for
other vampire superstitions in the story. These superstitions may seem familiar to
readers now because of how many modern adaptations of Stoker s vampire there
are. This may even be seen in Thomas Fosters How to read literature like a
professor: a lively and entertaining guide to reading between the lines states Writers
use prior texts quite consciously and purposely (Foster 25). Writers rely on
previous information the reader has. Stoker uses previous information readers
have about vampires to Dracula the dramatic irony people have with the book
today. Another example of Bram Stoker creating the now widely accepted vampire
is how they used to look, Stoker s original vampire does not glitter in the sun like
vampires from the Stephen Meyers Twilight series. The vampire in Dracula is
more repelling and even disgusting. Dracula is one of the seminal Gothic novels of
the Victorian ages. Indicting why Stoker Describes how Jonathan feels about
Dracula as, The Count leaned over me and his hands touched me... a horrible feeling
of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal (Stoker 20).
Vampires now were not supposed to be alluring and ideal but hermitlike and
repulsive; In Stephen Meyers
Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate And Sodium Carbonate
Based on the mass of the products in the beaker after the decomposition reaction
which was 1.98g, the correct decomposition reaction is when the sodium hydrogen
carbonate decomposed into sodium carbonate, water vapor, and carbon dioxide
gas. Since the water vapor and carbon dioxide would have escaped the beaker
during the reaction, sodium carbonate would have been the only remaining product
in the beaker. Sodium carbonate is the product remaining in the beaker because the
theoretical yield of the sodium carbonate is the closest to that of the actual yield of
all of the possible products produced. The sodium carbonate produced from this
reaction had a mass of 1.98g, compared to the theoretical yield of 1.84g which gave
this reaction a percent yield of 107.7%. Although the percent yield is higher than
100% this may have been caused by an incomplete reaction since the temperature the
sodium hydrogen carbonate was to be heated to was unknown along with the time
that it should be heated. The reaction where the sodium hydrogen carbonate
decomposed into sodium, water vapor, carbonmonoxide and oxygengas was not a
likely reaction to occur in this experiment. This is because sodium hydrogen
carbonate is used for baking purposes which it would not be used for if the
decomposition of the compound resulted in the creation of carbon monoxide a
poisonous gas. If cobalt chlorinewas used to test if water vapor was given off in an
experiment and it changed in colour it would suggest
Marketing Strategies For Titan Watches Under The
Formulating marketing strategies for Titan watches under the current market scenario
The company has successfully grabbed significant share of the pie by capturing
important market segments and being in sync with the changing fashion trends since
its inception. There is an aggressive growth plan on the cards which Titan is aiming
for and this project aims to formulate strategies to leverage upon the current prevalent
situation in order to achieve fulfil the company s ambition and achieve a high growth
The focus of our project aims towards formulating strategies with an aim to meet
customer needs and developing long term and profitable relationships with those
customers through the company s products and services. The process followed while
taking up this project was following the conventional methodology wherein the initial
research was done to figure out the internal and external factors well to gain a clear
understanding of the current situation by using various marketing frameworks. The
information so obtained and consolidated was duly evaluated and analysed to figure
out what marketing strategies would be best suited to the needs of the company in
the current scenario.
The various aspects that were taken into account and were subsequently analysed
The prevalent market situation
Here, the evaluation of various aspects of Titan s market was done externally and
internally. The
Schindlers List
The movie Schindler s list is a compelling, real life depiction of the events that
occurred during the 1940 s. It illustrates the persecution and horrific killings of the
Jewish people. It also exemplifies the hope and will of the Jewish people, which
undoubtedly is a factor in the survival of their race. The most important factor
however is because of the willingness of one man, Oskar Schindler, to stand out and
make a difference.
The movie starts out in a Jewish home, where a Jewish family is celebrating the
Sabbath. Candles are lit while songs are sung, and when the Jews leave the house, the
candles slowly burn out. The German forces have just defeated the ... Show more
content on ...
He is upset because he has no workers to run his factory. He is allowed to take most
of his workers, who had not been killed, back to his factory.
Days after everyone returns to work, the sick Jews are separated from the healthy
ones. Women pricked their fingers and rubbed blood on their faces in order to be
healthier looking. The weak and old Jews are killed to make room for new
shipments of Jewish workers. The children are placed on trucks and sent away.
The next scene in the film is Schindler s birthday. A few workers from the factory
bring Schindler a birthday present and in turn he kisses one of the young Jewish
girls, which broke the Race and Resettlement Act. Goeth and Oskar discuss what
happened at the party and Schindler apologizes.
In April 1944, Goeth receives orders to unearth and burn more than 10,000 Jews
that were killed at Plaszow and Krakow. The living Jews are forced to do this.
Another order is received to move all of the Jews to a new camp to avoid the
Russians. Schindler creates a plan; he digs deep into his ever decreasing finances
and builds a new factory. He bargains with Goeth, and buys all of the Jewish
workers he needs to run his factory. He draws up a list, later to be known as
Schindler s List , which includes more than 1,100 men, women, and children. Despite
a mix up, in which the train transporting the women are delayed at Auschwitz rather
then Schindler s factory, all of the people arrive safely.
Now that the war is over,
Benefits Of Electronic Medical Records
There are many reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to
use electronic medical records. First let s talk about, what is an electronic medical
record. An (EMR) Electronic Medical Record consist of standard medical and
clinical data gathered in the provider s office which include a more in debt patient
history. EHRs are created to hold and distribute information from all providers
dealing with patient care. EHR data can be created, managed, and advised by
authorized providers and staff from across more than one health care organization.
EHRs is another name for digital paper chart that hold all of the patient s medical
history from one practice. While expanding daily, electronic medical records are
becoming extremely popular. Research shows that some healthcare organizations
continue to be reluctant to purchase electronic record programs. The pressure on
hospitals, clinics, systems, physicians and other providers to get with the program is
outstanding. Cost is a major concern for single practitioners, which are least likely
among physicians to adopt EHRs. EHR systems are not cheap by any means.
Physicians have to weigh the cost of not only creating, but supporting their own IT
structure and applications as well. The option to decide to use external vendors to
provide the services is given also. Consideration of cost include purchase price,
coordination cost, monitoring cost, and negotiating cost along with upgrade costs,
and governance cost.
Pacific Ocean Waste Management
In the Pacific Ocean, there is an island made completely out of garbage. It is so big
that it is called the Great Pacific Ocean Patch. Scientists even found that nine percent
of the island is made up of dead fish. The patch weighs about seven million tons,
which means that there are 630,000 tons of fishon that one island of garbage.
Scientists also say that the patch could possibly double within the next ten years.
The patch is estimated to be the size of Texas to twice the size of the continental
United States (Moore). This issue needs to be resolved quickly and efficiently. One
way to resolve it is to improve the level of wastemanagement used across the world.
Waste management is a solution to all kinds of pollution. The level of waste
management in the United States and around the world is unacceptably low. Many
people think that waste management is just a garbage and recycling company.
Although, Waste management is the handling of discarded materials, also known
as waste or garbage ( Waste Management ). Waste management is not just a
company, it is a global crisis. Waste management is a process leading to less
pollution in the oceans and many other places. It can be the igniter for people in the
world to go green and preserve the environment and the animals in it. The Barents
and Greenland Seas are north of the United States and Europe. These seas are
hotspots for plastic pileups. Plastic has been gathering in the Barents and Greenland
Seas (Johnston). Due to
Renaissance Festival And Its Effect On American Culture
Life must have been irrational back in early Europe. Slap happy, drunken, and
crazed people were all there was back then. The only rational people were the King
and Queen, and any other royalty. A lot of stuff has changed since the medieval times
in Europe, and the experience was extraordinary. At some point timeI had learned
about the medieval times and what the time period was like, but never really had the
experience. What exactly is the RenaissanceFestival? I found this to be a recurring
thought on the opening day as my family and I arrived at the Festival. The
Renaissance Festival is a unique festival that takes place in the United States of
America. Most of the time they are non permanent set ups that are only around for a
period of... Show more content on ...
We got there and the guy running had a very loud and obnoxious voice. He gave us
a few tips of the trade as he would say, and then he let us throw. I am and going to be
completely honest, I never let my Brother beat me in anything, so when he stuck
more knives in the target than me I was astonished. I
7 Deadly Sins Research Paper
According to traditional Orthodox Christian history, the 7 deadly sins were
created in the 4th Century by Evagrius Ponticus. Originally his list of sins was
drawn up as a form of education in Christianity. The list of sins included gluttony,
envy, lust, wrath, greed, sloth and pride. Whatever their historical setting and
evolvement as major signs of human weakness and fallibility, these sins have
remained well known to this day. The vice of lust is still very prevalent in modern
society. Lust is manifested in social media. In the context of social media, lust is
be defined as an intense desire for fame and popularity. This desire can manifest
itself in terms of over broadcasting company views or content. Social media is a
two way communication platform, more like a telephone than a megaphone. One
example of lust in social media is Kim Kardashian s basically nude selfies. Kim
Kardashian took so many selfies that she decided to publish an entire book of them,
titled Selfish. The new volume of voluptuous selfies, cleavies, nudies and belfies
documents her eight years in the spotlight (Pesce) Mrs. Kardashian actually earned
her fame in 2007, after beginning a relationship with a new man on the end of an old
marriage, a sex tape of was leaked. It was released without her consent and distributed
by Vivid Entertainment, entitled Kim... Show more content on ...
The show is an annual fashion show sponsored by and featuring Victoria s Secret,
a brand of lingerie and sleepwear. Victoria s Secret uses the show to promote and
market its goods in high profile settings. One critic from The New York Times
described the initial 20th century webcast experience as having felt like he was
watching a striptease through a keyhole . (Rothstein, 8) The Victoria s Secret
company knows that sex sells and they are milking their opportunity like no other
from racy lingerie commercials to daily itty bitty bikini posts on
Ivory Coast Produces the Most Cocao Beans and
Chocolate industry has brought over 80 billion pounds of revenue to the economy.
Western countries are the main consumer in terms of chocolate consumption, and
Ivory Coast is the biggest cocoa producer supplying 60% of world s cocoa beans.
More than 10 million people rely on the cocoa beans productions in Ivory Coast,
however there are uses of child trafficking and force them into slave labour. Children
are malnutrition and they are working under very poor conditions and environment,
using hazardous equipment such as machete without proper safety regulation. The
use of child labour violates the definition of fair trade according to world fair trade
organization: fair trade is a fair partnership designed to aid producers in developing
countries; helps contribute to sustainability by offering better trading conditions and
securing rights of workers. In my opinion this issue is very serious and should be
taken action internationally, children are ignored and have to work in horrendous
conditions which defy the Catholic Principles of Social Justice human dignity, active
involvement, rights to work and the common good. Social justice is ignored in this
video, especially human dignity. The Catholic Principle of Social Justice states that
principle of human dignity every person has the right to have their primary needs
fulfilled: food, shelter, clothing, education and work. In the video, the trafficked
children are living in poor condition with no access to electricity, clean
Tendai Kaihogyo Practice
In contemporary Tendai Kaihogyo tradition, one can reach enlightenment by helping
others. Before doing so, however, one must improve himself or herself. The
thousand day kaihogyo involves improving oneself for the first seven hundred days
and then commence upon... practice conducted for the purpose of leading all beings,
along with oneself, to enlightenment (Reader 318). The ratio of 70% to 30%
corresponds to stages of buddhahood. The practitioner has to master many
meditational practices, which is aided by paying respect and reciting mantras to
different entities along the pilgrimage path around Mt. Hiei, before helping others.
During this time the practitioner s senses are sharpened as he endures great
emotional, spiritual, and physical pain, all of which allow him to become one with
Fudo Myo o and use his energy. Thus, the kaihogyo practice is not focused on simply
imitating aspects of esoteric Buddhism. By completing the first seven hundred days,
the practitioner dies to his old egocentric self and is reborn as a bodhisattva who
works for the salvation of all beings (Reader 318). Tendai... Show more content on ...
Do iri austerities are a part of the process that allows the practitioner to be
Hamlet Soliloquies In Hamlet
To be or not to be that is the question. An exceptionally recognized phrase amid
many centuries, cultures, places, and people. This short excerpt derives from the
Shakespearean play, Hamlet: The Tragedy of the Prince of Denmark. Originally, this
passage was displayed in one of the soliloquies of the play. Defined as an act of
speaking one s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers,
especially by a characterin a play , a soliloquy is crucial to furthering the plot and
connecting the audience with the speaker. William Shakespearereveals the true desires
and intentions of Hamlet, the main character of Hamlet: The Tragedy of the Prince of
Denmark, within the protagonists soliloquies. Even Hamlet, one of the most
complex characters in literary history, can be simplified through the use of a
soliloquy. William Shakespeare employs the use of soliloquies for a variety of
reason, essentially revealing the characteristics of a protagonist through the use of
soliloquies. The scholarly article, publicized by the Hutchinson Encyclopedia,
explains a soliloquy is employed as a means of conveying information about a
character s intentions, motives, and general state of mind. It is a way of revealing
a character s innermost thoughts on stage (1). A soliloquy allows the audience to
see a more personal side of the protagonist. By explaining personally from the
thoughts of the protagonist, this personal monologue allows characters to reveal a
more personal side of the story. From the perspective of a character, a soliloquy is
the most involved a... Show more content on ...
Consistently, Hamlet reveals his innermost thoughts and devising of plans in order to
lead up a decision. Hamlet includes the audience through soliloquies of the intricacy
and complexity of each of his
Drinking Water Qualty and Water Pollution Essay
Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these
are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between drinking water quality,
global health, and climate change. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.
Ron Fleischli Water Program Director
When we think about life on earth, what is the main component that other planets do
not have in order to sustain life? Although there are many differences between earth
and the other planets in the solar system, it is the presence of water on the earth s
surface that makes life possible. It has come to knowledge that water is one part of
the building blocks of existence on earth. Mankind has discovered that water has ...
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With an already incredibly small percentage of water available to drink (about 1%),
the issue of water quality came into focus. In the 1970 s, a Green Revolution raised
concerns about the possible pollution of the drinking water supply. In 1972, the
federal government adopted the Clean Water Actwith its main goals being to
eliminate the discharge of pollutants, maintain the policy that protects the public
from cancer causing pollutants and other toxic poisons, maintain the concept that
industry must use the best available technology to control pollution, and to provide
an adequate funding for publicly owned treatment plans (EPA). These goals were
established for the sole purpose of keeping a close eye on the quality of America s
water. This Act was the first major step towards controlling the nation s pollution
problems with reference to water. The EPA set up 4 standards to water quality. They
are as follows: Designated uses of the water body, such as recreation, water supply,
etc, water quality criteria to protect designated uses, an anti degradation policy to
maintain and protect existing uses and high quality waters, and general policies
addressing implementation issues such as variances (EPA). These standards are in
place throughout the country, and the better they are enforced, the likelihood that
water ways will not suffer from pollution
The Performance Of Leonardo Dicaprio And Jonah Hill
If you haven t seen The Wolf Of Wall street, a movie that hit fame in 2013, you
should. The performance of Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill was incredible and
original. Not only was it a great movie for all people (of a responsible age). It was a
great movie for marketers. As I watched it I learned so much about marketingand
getting your name out there. I also noticed during the entire duration of the film,
they stated benefits of anything and everything it offers. The infamous Sell me
this Pen , scene said it all. So that is what I am going to do today, I am going to sell
you a pen. Well, I am not actually going to sell you a pen. I am going to sell you, me.
First lets look at marketing in general. Marketing and advertising is the ... Show more
content on ...
Like the Sell this pen question has been around way before The Wolf of Wallstreet
was around.
No one wants to here the features of a product of service, those are the things that
you can mention but not promote. We don t care how shiny or great the pen is, or if
it is the top of the line pen. Those things do not provoke an emotion. The features
provoke nothing.
As marketers we need to gather information, respond to information well, deliver it
and how you close it.
In order to sell something as simple as a pen you have to show those skills I listed
Gather information about the last time they used a pen, or if they use a pen and
what kind. Make sure they understand the importance of how they needed that pen
in their life. Sell something bigger than a pen. Sell them a life without a pen. How
would they sign important memorable documents without a pen? Close them; ask
for them to buy it. Once you create urgency in a product or service, they will buy it.
Just like in The Wolf of Wall street, Leo says, sell me this pen . The other man says,
Hand me the pen Do me a favor, write your name down on the napkin. Leo says, I
can t I don t have a pen. The man says, Supply and demand.
Leo needed the pen, the man had it. Hook, line and sinker. It is a simple process to
understand. It is also simple to utilize. I am not going to sit here and talk about Leo
and The Wolf of Wallstreet the entire time. Everyone has probably tried to
Buster Walth Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive and excessive need
to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior (APA, 2013, p.
675). This description aptly defines the personality of Buster Bluth from the
television show Arrested Development. Buster has difficulty making everyday
decisions, has issues with expressing disagreement, seeks out another close
relationship once one goes awry, goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurture, has
anxiety when faced with difficult decisions, and his social relationships are limited.
All these traits are symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder(APA, 2013, p. 675).
Based on this, Buster Bluth should be diagnosed with Dependent Personality
Disorder. The first symptom... Show more content on ...
These include anxiety when faced with decisions and limited social relations ().
Buster is not often asked to decide things or to take sides but when he is, he has an
anxiety attack. The family needs Buster s skills as a cartographer to help them
navigate a boat and with everyone relying on him to say where to family needs to
go, he has a panic attack (). He even went as far as putting himself into a coma just
to avoid testifying against his father (). These types of behavior severely hinder his
everyday functioning and decision making. In addition to this, Buster has a very
small social circle. His only true friend is his mother and he sometimes associates
with his other family members. The only person with whom Buster has a relationship
outside of the family is Lucille two (). These associated features help to strengthen
the cause for diagnosis of Buster
Research Paper On Haiti Earthquake
Haiti Earthquake
Have you ever heard of an earthquake so big that hundreds of thousands of people
lost their lives, more than three hundred thousand people were injured, and 1.5
million people became homeless? If not, let me introduce you to the Haiti Earthquake.
This enormous earthquake destroyed many lives. It was believed to have been caused
by the shifting of tectonic plates in the Earth. But, is this the truth?
In 2010, an earthquake broke out in Haiti. The city was left in ruins, 1.5 million
people lost their homes, and hundreds of thousands of people were either killed or
injured. Scientists claim that the cause of this earthquake was because of slippage
along the conservative plate boundary that runs through Haiti. But, some conspiracy
... Show more content on ...
But, conspiracy theorists think HAARP s purpose is far more sinister than meets
the eye, says Stephanie Pappas, reporter for NBC news. HAARP is believed to use
their resources for weather warfare, which also plays into the role of the thought of
HAARP causing the earthquake in Haiti. Some reasoning that causes this theory is
as follows: Just a few hundred miles away from Haiti is a HAARP array; The
earthquake did not occur on a big fault line. This earthquake happened quite farther
south of the North American plate and Caribbean plate. It is rare that a quake is to
occur here, which makes room for conspiracies that HAARP caused it. These are just
two of the many reasons that stem from HAARP s involvement with the Haiti
So how did HAARP cause the earthquake? HAARP has heaters in the Ionosphere.
From these heaters comes ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves. These waves
are powerful enough, at the right frequency, to cause vibrations in the Earth, which
can lead to an earthquake. One reason as to why HAARP would want to cause an
earthquake is because of the idea that Haiti is an unguarded, unwanted, low
protection country that could make a good place to test an earthquake. It also seems
odd that, since this earthquake was deep in Earth s surface, it only affected
Music Education And Emotional Intelligence
A great musician can successfully realize two critical aspects of music while
performing, the physical and abstract. While the technical requirements of such an
endeavor can be aided through direct musical instruction, in earlier stages of musical
growth the emotional demands require guidance by a teacher and self exploration
from the participant. Once success in this area becomes apparent, musical benefits
emerge and the journey the individual undertook also helps shape their emotional
intelligence. By answering the question of how music education affects an individual
s emotional knowledge of music and themselves, it will become possible to see the
benefits of teaching music students with an emphasize on emotional learning. The
first task requires the establishing of a relationship between music education and
emotional intelligence, then different pedagogical techniques can be explored and
gauged for their success in producing the desired effects, all which will help draw
the connections between both ideas. Here are the parameters that will be used to
guide the following discussion. The term music education is the teaching and
learning of music (Colwell). The term emotional intelligence , also know as EI or
EQ, was introduced by Daniel Goleman and colleagues and is defined as a person s
ability to recognize emotions, make a choice as to what emotions are appropriate for
given circumstances, and then be able to effectively communicate those emotions
(Wood 168). In terms
Non Violence In The Civil Rights Movement
A voice has more power than a fist. During the civil rights movement of the nineteen
fifties and nineteen sixties, African Americans were discriminated against for having
a darker completion. This segregation took place predominantly in the South, and
strict laws prevented most African Americans from living a normal life. Though
discriminated against, black Americans started a movement that mostly involved a
non violence approach for the situation. Education and respect from white Americans
were the basis of the movement. Peaceful resistance to laws positively impact a free
society, which is demonstrated through Martin Luther King Jr. and other fellow
leaders during the civil rights movement. Education was the base of protesting. As...
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In the early days of SNNC nonviolent action was strictly enforced, particularly for
public demonstrations, as it was key to the movement s success (ibiblio). Using peace
instead of violence, members took remarks from white Americans. Taking its
inspiration from the Greensboro sit ins, SNCC members conducted numerous other
sit ins throughout the South to get their point spread (pbs). Even though some
students turned to Black Nationalism, due to violence that occurred in private
towards black people. Even the movement was short lived, it created the attention in
the media that Africans Americans wanted. It allowed them to be heard, with
showing their non violent approach. This movement from young African Americans
shows that they did not need to use violence to have their power be seen. Peaceful
resistance proved that Black Americans could rebel against the government without
using violence.Though not everyone agreed with these principles, it helped kick start
the civil rights movement showing that African Americans were not going to let
racist remarks tear them down. Our national government needs to focus on peaceful
protest, instead of using media to only focus on violence. There is continuing
problems with racism in the United States, and a peaceful resistance benefits the
cause to rebel. Using voices instead of fits to resist the flaws in the government is the
basis of
Emerson s Essay On Truth And Lies In A Non-Moral Sense
Ralph Waldo Emerson s essay, Nature further examines the ideas of truth and
concepts introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche in On Truth and Lies in a Non Moral
Sense. Nietzsche interpretations of the truths of the universe and the language we use
to enforce those truths were wrong. Nietzsche, like Emerson, believed we had to
conceive our own knowledgeand truthin the universe, however, he did not introduce
how to go about doing so. Emerson, furthers Nietzsche s theory on truth and
concepts into his own theory on Nature and proposes knowledge on how to go
about seeking these truths for yourself. Nietzsche s theory of truth states that truth
in itself is a metaphor. Nietzsche was the opposite of Emerson because he had an
existentialist view on the world. Whereas, Emerson believed there was a god and
that he performed great miracles, giving him a transcendentalist view on the
world. Nietzsche titles his essay, On Truth and Lies in a Non moral Sense, because
we receive our morals from our religious beliefs, but since he did not believe in a
god, that highlights even further his dismay with truths in our language. We are
told these concepts that we tell ourselves and convince ourselves are true, just to
develop a logical sense of truth in our society. He believed we all formed these
concepts or categories in where we group individual objects together to make sense
of them. Nietzsche states in, On Truth and Lies in a Non moral Sense, Just as it is
certain that one leaf is never
Essay on Expand Ukraine’s Political Ambitions
The month of November in Ukraine was interesting, to say the least. Politically, the
Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych attempts to reform amending bills, while
also socially ignoring the decline in press freedom. However, a major noteworthy
article appeared on the stands: Ukraine goes offshore. This article is probably one of
the most important events that occurred in November, which discusses revenue lost
on offshore taxschemes. As an attempt to electronically expand Ukraine s political
ambitions, Viktor Yanukovychpassed a recent bill early in November that will allow
votes in the Parliament to be conducted by an electronic card (Ukrainian). Although
not technically monumental, the bill will allow members of Parliament an easier...
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He even goes as far as to say, the written press is as it was before (AFP). The
information associated with Google s article, President denies problem with
Ukraine press freedom , discusses the television networks across Ukraine as
experiencing horrendous mishaps, such as the censoring of broadcasts and the
removal of episodes that go against the regulations transpired by the president. If
Yanukovych does not approve of the media associated with the press, he opposes
the spreading of the ideas. Unfortunately, Yanukovych seems to acknowledge the
fact that he will only allow production of news, journals, pictures, etc., if they
portray the truth. The truth, in fact, is quite limited by the strict regulations
Yanukovych orders Ukraine s networking companies to follow. As this issue is
heightened by Yanukovych s disapproval and lack of understanding, I definitely
am worried for the social state of the nation. As someone living in a free nation, I
understand the social liberties that are given to a nation, and how it allows people
to globalize their social understandings. Once Ukraine becomes socially deteriorated
by Yanukovych s policies, Ukraine will suffer with various downfalls in freedom. I
am a strong opponent to this ordeal for these reasons. I feel that Yanukoyvch
continues to fear opposition and removal from office, so he eliminates all possible
enemies. By exterminating the social
Breast Augmentation Recovery Research Paper
Heading: Breast Augmentation Recovery: Ways to Spend Your Downtime
Page Title: Tips to Spend Your Breast Augmentation Recovery Productively | Dr. Lee
Meta Description: Breast augmentation surgery requires weeks of downtime. Check
out some ideas that will help you spend your recovery period productively.
As they say, No pain, no gain. Before you can enjoy your new breasts, you need to go
through the final stage of your breast augmentation journey, the recovery stage.
Typically, it takes 24 to 48 hours to recover from surgery and a few more days of
less strenuous activities. This means there s nothing much you can do except laze
around the house until you re fit enough to return to work or your daily routines.
The thought of not being able to do anything probably bores ... Show more content on ...
A blog is a great way to free your mind of thoughts that run inside your head as you
go through your breast augmentation process. This will not only help calm your
mind, but you can also offer a unique perspective to readers who plan to get breast
Create a Meal Plan
If your diet consists of unhealthy fats and carbs, your recovery is a great time to
overhaul your diet. Collect healthy recipes that you can make once you re ready to
cook, and add them to your meal time. When you plan your next meal, there s a good
chance that you stick to a healthy diet.
Meditation can help improve your breathing and calm your mind. Additionally, it s a
peaceful way to evaluate your life and discover ways to make your life more
It usually takes six weeks before you can resume normal physical activities. It s short,
but the length can feel like forever with restricted activities. Dr. Lee understands this,
so he ll provide instructions to help you recover quickly, safely, and productively. For
more information about breast augmentation, consult Dr. Lee
Disneyland Research Paper
I have a general love for animals, but I specifically have an interest in cats. Their
agility, grace, and independence is very captivating and beautiful. So, at seven
years old, I believed I was ready to own some cats! My mother was a bit hesitant,
and she told me that cats were a big responsibility, and I understood that. However, I
was willing to take that challenge just to have two little furballs in our home. A
month after the talk, I saw an ad in a paper talking about this animal shelter that had
just opened up at Fashion Fair mall. Being small, emotional, and a catlover, you can
imagine my determination of having a cat after the ad read Many kittens and cats
looking for a forever home. Adopt one today! I took the newspaper and stomped...
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My mom and I love theme parks, and what theme park is better than Disneyland! I
ve been to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Universal Studios constantly, but it s been
awhile since I ve been to Dinseyland. There was a time when I even believed I hadn
t gone at all. The thought of me going seemed so rare and extraordinary because,
well Disneyland costs a lot, but I was constantly told I had gone. I was only three
then, we d gone with my grandparents, and there was even pictures to prove it! So I
finally gave in, admitting I d gone, but I still wasn t satisfied. So what I d gone! I
obviously didn t remember that time! I deserved to go again! I was a good student,
a good daughter, and I believed I really deserved a trip, no matter the expense or the
distance! I waited it out though, suffering through the commercials and never
missing a beat in telling my mom about the discounts on Disneyland tickets.
Suddenly, on my ninth birthday, all my waiting was going to pay off. All my
begging was finally going to cease. It was a colorful birthday, a few weeks before
the actual date, and all my friends had come of course! My grandparents were
there, and my aunt visited for a while before having to leave to an appointment.
But it was odd, because before she left, she laid a piece of paper on the present pile
and my mom was quick to swoop it up. So, throughout the party, I waited in
anxious anticipation to open my gifts, not knowing that today was the day I was
waiting for. Finally it was time for presents, and my whole body tensed, waiting for
the paper. However, as I tore through wrapper after wrapper, I just couldn t find my
aunt s gift! Where was the paper!! After unwrapping the final present, I stood up to
hug all my friends, but my mother s shout to wait instantly made me sit down. I
blinked at her, how big she smiled and how excited
The Interpreter of Maladies
Hi, I m Dilsher Brar and today I ll be talking about Jhumpa Lahiri s use of structure
in the Interpreter Of Maladies to create unconventional stories from common
situations. I have chosen four texts to aid me in my presentation. These texts are
Sexy, Interpreter Of Maladies, Temporary Matter and This Blessed House. My main
reason for choosing these texts is the fact that all of them revolve around similar
issues mainly marital issues and adultery. These situations are very common now
days and I believe that most people will be able to relate to them. Another reason for
choosing these stories is that they all have a few things common in terms of structure.
All these stories are like having a quick look into the lives of the characters without
knowing much about their background. The exposition of these stories starts off by
showing the characters than by actually providing us with any details about these
characters. The climaxof these stories too is right at the end and fails to provide us
with a bona fide resolution. In my presentation today, I would first talk about the
structural portions of the stories and will then move on to talking about the
commonalities between them.
Now, I would like to answer the question What is story structure? Story structure
refers to a way in which characters, events, reactions and outcomes of a story are
organized in order to create a solid plot in astory. The first part of a story structure is
the exposition, which refers to the
The University Of Albany Is State University Which Is
The University of Albany is State University which is located in Albany, New York.
This university offers many different majors and programs. The University has
many sports for both men and women besides the sports there are clubs anyone from
the school can join. It offers a big campus where most of its activities and events. In
this Essay I will discuss information about Albanyand why I choose it as my college.
The Universityof Albany founded on1844, as a normal school . It trained teachers to
increase the population of teachers. It offered a two year education to students
across the state for 50 years. In 1890 the school had to do some improving and it
added a four year education program, new curricula, new faculty, and new standards
... Show more content on ...
The University wants everyone to be united and experience new programs and to
gain experience. Experience doesn t just come from career goals but from the
environment, someone is nurtured in. The University of Albany wants to give the
students a chance to get involved with others students. The university is home to
200 clubs and organizations, 19 division 1 athletics teams which students can
participate or be a part of. The clubs offered ranges from political and government
clubs to cultural or religious affiliated organizations, as well as an on campus radio
station. The office of Campus Recreation makes sure that the students stay active
and are involved. The University of Albany wants to provide the students the best
and safest place to be educated. So Albany has on and off campus housing which
can be set up once the student has been fully signed p and ready to attend. On
campus housing allows for students to room with others while being on the
university grounds it makes it convenient for students to get to classes faster.
Freshman who are joining get set up either on the Indian Quad or State Quad. The
Indian Quad is the eight building surrounding the tower which provide a traditional
residence hall environment and the State Quad is the residence halls where are all
suite style housing, which consists of 1 to 3 bedrooms that share a suite and a
bathroom. Living on campus for the

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  • 1. American History Essay Crafting an essay on American history can be a formidable task, requiring a delicate balance of research, analysis, and effective communication. The subject matter itself is vast and multifaceted, spanning centuries of events, diverse cultures, and complex socio-political dynamics. Navigating through this extensive historical landscape demands a comprehensive understanding of key events, figures, and their interconnections. One of the challenges lies in the sheer volume of information available, making it necessary to sift through numerous sources to discern relevant and credible material. Ensuring accuracy and avoiding historical inaccuracies is paramount, as misinterpretations can distort the narrative and compromise the integrity of the essay. This demands meticulous fact-checking and scrutiny of primary and secondary sources. Furthermore, the task involves weaving a coherent and compelling narrative that not only presents historical facts but also provides insightful analysis and interpretation. It requires a nuanced understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships that shaped American history, as well as an ability to convey the significance of events within their historical context. The complexity of the topic is also evident in the diversity of perspectives and interpretations among historians. Crafting an essay that reflects a balanced and objective viewpoint while acknowledging differing opinions adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Moreover, the essay must adhere to the conventions of academic writing, including proper citation of sources, adherence to a specific formatting style, and the development of a clear and logical structure. These technical aspects demand attention to detail and a commitment to upholding scholarly standards. In conclusion, writing an essay on American history is no small feat. It requires extensive research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Navigating the intricate web of historical events and presenting a nuanced perspective demands both time and dedication. However, for those seeking assistance, a variety of resources are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, offering support and expertise in tackling complex historical subjects. American History Essay American History Essay
  • 2. Joey-Personal Narrative The Joey s response was quick as his wit. He explained that he was dressed for winter everywhere else, so why would his feet be cold. I recalled all the instances I have said the same thing to others. I was officially intrigued. A warm sensation reached my stomach which had been achy, damp, and cold since Mr. Wonderful disappearance. I didn t recognize it at first; since the day my car had malfunctioned, I had not been out for an evening anything like this one. In the space of only one high desert winter evening, I had danced, been around children, eaten a meal in the presence of others, and felt the warmth of the fire and the kind company of nice people. At this moment, I had Galaxy in my lap, and the warmth of the fire, and a man I had just... Show more content on ... I was sitting on the couch with my bunny Galaxy when he came in the door and I only looked in his direction long enough to be polite since Galaxy had peed on me. The Joey revealed his geographical knowledge of the odd urban layout of our high desert. He drove on the back road off the highway that is familiar to locals. I told him to let me know when he needed me to direct him. He only needed help with the last few turns. When we reached my house, he pulled into my driveway behind my broken car. He turned the car off and paused a moment until I asked Can you help me carry a few things to my door Oh, of course he responded as if he felt he should have offered to help without my asking. I held Galaxy as he carried blankets and a diaper bag to the door. You can just put that here, I will take care of it Still holding Galaxy wrapped in a blanket I faced him as he said, I am sure I will see you and Galaxy again. His sentence has a subtle hint of a question. I reached out to hug him and we embraced sideways around Galaxy who was nestled in my right
  • 3. Pubmed Reflective Essay The first word that comes to mind when I think of searching for answers to a PICO question related to the physical therapy that I use in my clinic is frustration . This week we were to use PubMed to search for research that pertained to two of our PICO questions. We explored PubMed in the foundations class last semester. The only previous use of PubMed may have been through articles found in Google Scholar. Finding keywords was not difficult and my schedule allowed enough time for the search. Filters beyond full text human and review led to zero articles found. One to three filters brought up one to twelve articles and at the most seventy. This may be because from evaluating the PubMed researchit appeared more common to pair exercise with fibromyalgia or ankylosing spondylitis than manual or craniosacral therapy. The frustration came in finding articles that fit the keywords craniosacral and manual therapy. I noticed that if a study wanted to prove the efficacy of using one drug, one piece of equipment over another, or if the intervention was a tried and true modality for physical therapy, the studies were published. It seemed that researchers are more likely to publish multiple ... Show more content on ... When physical therapy or physiotherapy was chosen as the keyword, research studies of exercise appeared. I felt as if the researchers believe that physical therapy only encompasses exercise. We as a profession work in diverse specialties and use numerous treatment methods. Maher et al.(2004) states that there are publication biases in the research community. Registries that choose what studies are published prefer large studies, ones that show significant effects and those that have positive outcomes. Unfortunately, this can sway the public to believe that a certain outcome is invalid not because it is false but because a study was not chosen to be
  • 4. Differences Between Federalist And Democratic Republicans Political philosophies amongst Federalist and Democratic Republicans have been much conflicted throughout the years. The Federalist who was led by Alexander Hamilton were seeking to increase the power of the central government then there was the Republicans who were led by Thomas Jefferson whom were seeking to decrease the power of the central government. The Federalists advocated the importance of a strong central government to protect the republic from the imprudence of democracy leading the country forward, while the Democratic Republicans promoted increasing the common man s role in government. Although both political parties had good intentions for the future of the United States, the Federalist Party was much more effective at uniting... Show more content on ... About 20 to 30 years prior they won their independence from Britain but the feeling of failure still stood amongst the people. The Federalist Party were at large to destroy the threat of failure by fortifying the United States central government. In Hamilton s mind, the outcome in strengthening the central government would allow freedom of speech and self freedom thus uniting American citizens. Hamilton had witnessed firsthand the political and economic confusion caused by states conflicting interests and corrupt taxation policies under the Articles of Confederation. He saw that the Federalists must take control of the political and economic decision making for the Union to still stand a chance to survive. In order for the Federalist government to take control of conflicts before getting worse jeopardizing the United states future they adopted the philosophy of loose construction which allowed a flexible interpretation of the United States Constitution that granted the Federal government implied powers , powers that were not specifically granted to them by the Constitution. Hamilton believed that allowing the Federal government such freedoms was important to the well being of the country because this allowed the government to act in whatever manner would best serve the country s interests, even if the actions stretched the limits of power set in the Constitution or even at times violated. Even though the Democratic Republicans opposed, Alexander Hamilton asked congress to charter the Bank of the United States which would be jointly owned by private stock holders and the National government. The Bank stored excess printed paper money that was valuable. This excess money allowed cash to circulate to prompt American businesses by making loans to merchants, handling government funds, and issuing bills of credit. The National Bank was largely beneficial to the American people, and yet it was
  • 5. Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved Essay Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved Toni Morrison s novel Beloved is a slave narrative, but it encompasses much more than slavery. Unlike many slave narratives that focus on the male perception of slavery, Morrison s novel portrays slavery from a feminine point of view. The main characters are Sethe, her daughter, Denver, and the mysterious Beloved. In the beginning of the novel, Sethe and her daughter live alone in 124, a house that is haunted by the ghost of Sethe s first daughter. Sethe s two older boys, Howard and Buglar, had run away by the time they were thirteen years old. Soon after the sons have fled, Baby Suggs, Denver s grandmother, dies. The novel centers on Sethe s past, in particular, the death of her ... Show more content on ... She describes what little of a relationship she had with her mother, saying that she was gone before Sethe woke up and when she was not working, she was sleeping. She describes a particularly saddening moment when her mother showed her how to identify her; she opened up her dress front and lifted her breast and pointed under it. Right on her rib was a circle and a cross burnt right into the skin (Morrison 57). The young Sethe, confused about the situation, receives a slap from her mother when she says that she wants a mark too. The reader recognizes the lack of humanity in slavery. Like a cow, she is branded and her brand is the only way to recognize her as an individual. It is a terrible realization, one Sethe makes later on. It was Sethe s experience as a slave child and a slave mother that caused her to commit the act that is every parent s worst nightmare. Another event that seemed to change Sethe forever was the brutal attack committed upon her by schoolteacher s nephews. Schoolteacher came to take care of the plantation when Mr. Garner, the original owner, died. She was still nursing her first daughter when it happened. When she is relating the story, her attitude reveals the sense of violation and humility she felt when this vicious act was committed; those boys came in there and took my milk. That s what they came in there for. Held me down and took it (Morrison 16). She described this horrible
  • 6. Comparing Star-Crossed Lovers In Zeffirelli s Romeo And... For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo Romeo and Juliet, the tragedy in which star crossed lovers meet their fate and endure a terrible ending. Though many different movies and other authors tried to copy the famous Shakespearian play, most do not succeed in capturing all the details and emotions the original script offers. The spin offs and even movies fail to include different famous lines and acting scenes. One of which is the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Although many similarities occur throughout the story of the star crossed lovers in the movie, a few minor and major differences also appear. The first obvious difference between the play and the movie happens in the first act. In the play version, Romeo reads a party invitation for the Capulet servant. He knows of the Capulet party because he reads the letter. In the movie, the Capulet servant does not appear, Romeo just shows up at the party. Even though act one of the play features some minor differences, most details are the same. Both start out with the feuding families fighting in the street. In addition,... Show more content on ... Just as described in the play, the movie version pictures Juliet arriving at Friar Lawrence s cell as Paris talks to the Friar about the wedding. However, in the play version, Juliet has a polite conversation with Paris, and almost seems as if she is happy to marry Paris. In contrast, the movie shows Juliet hiding behind the Friar and begs Paris to leave. Other discrepancies in act four include the movie not describing the wedding day getting pushed up, Juliet takes the potion she receives from the Friar in her night clothes, and Romeo does not visit the apothecary to purchase the deadly poison. The story line of the movie encompasses the same details as the play version, but variations do make the movie noticingly different from the
  • 7. Skinner s Behaviourist Approach Skinner successfully developed a behaviourist approach that allows him to explain and treat someone with OCD. Using the systematic desensitisation to gradually introduce someone to their phobia that results in them having OCD. However, Skinner does not consider the thoughts that might be involved in psychological problems. Cognitive theory takes this into consideration thus attempting to change these thoughts. Furthermore, another limitation in behaviourist approach is the beliefs in determinism which suggests neglecting of free will. (2) The behaviourist approach states human behaviour is caused by conditioning within the environment, thus meaning we cant chose how we behave. cognitive theory focuses on how people with OCD misinterpret... Show more content on ... Adler disagrees with Freud. He believes it occurs at an unconscious level thus meaning they re really concerned with keeping clean and tidy. The child establishes a domain where they can actually exert control.This theory suggests they learn to avoid the things they fear. This pattern of fear and avoidance may begin when people are under emotional stress, such as starting a new job or ending a relationship. Skinner, Found that people who develop OCD make associations between behaviours and reinforces. This leads them to repeat the behaviours. If the behaviour reduces anxiety it becomes reinforced.Freud did not carry out controlled experiments, which is the most powerful tool in the modern psychologist s methods. Freud assumed that case studies could establish whether theories are true or false. In addition, parts of Freuds theory are too generalised and fail to leave room for exceptions to the general
  • 8. Inside Out And Back Again Analysis In Inside Out and Back Again, Ha faces many challenges. These challenges made her stronger and helped her better adapt to her life in Vietnam and Alabama. They applied to many aspects of her life. By examining specific challenges and their outcomes we can learn what her challenges were and how they made her stronger. One of her first challenges was the oppression of her gender in their Vietnamese tradition. On page 2 3 in the poem 1975: Year of the Cat, it states, I pouted when my mother insisted one of my brothers must rise first because only male feet can bring luck. To stand up to this challenge, the text stated, I decided to wake before dawn and tap my big toe to the tile floor first. This means that Ha stood up to her mother by blessing the house. This challenge made her stronger because it gave her a new confidence that she... Show more content on ... It is the challenge of people not seeing her as smart. The text says, Pink Boy stands at the board. He can t multiply 18 by 42. I go to the board, chalk the answer in five moves. My cheekbones lift to the ceiling. This shows how Ha helped defeat that challenge. She proved to everyone that she is smart. That she does deserve respect. It made her stronger because she was determined for people to see her as smart. It inspired her to try more. This challenge includes the themes Emotions, Communication and Coming of Age. Lastly, a challenge there was that strengthened Ha is not having things from Vietnam in Alabama. This is on page 119 121 in the poem American Chicken The book says, Brother Quang forces a swallow before explaining we are used to fresh killed chicken that roamed the yard snacking on grains and worms. This challenged strengthened Ha because it forced her to realize that she was in America. It helped her adjust to her life by not having so many reminders of Vietnam. This challenge included the themes Food, Emotions, and
  • 9. The Outsiders Movie And Book Comparison Outsiders Movie/Book Comparison Have you ever read the book The Outsiders ? Have you ever seen the movie? Both these are good stories and there are many many similarities. In fact the movie is praised for how much it is like the book. Although there are many similarities, there are differences as well. What are these differences? Let s find out First up is the similarities. The first similarity is that all the characters are exactly the same in the book and the movie. Darry is still older than Pony and works all the time, Soda is still the middleman in a war between Darry and Ponyboy, Pony is still the youngest and hates Dally most of the time, Dallas is still a punk, etc. The next similarity is that all major plot points are still
  • 10. The Origin Of The Lolita Subcultures Finding out what to wear in the morning is a part of everyone s morning routine, but when it comes to fashion trends what you wear appears to become more important. Reading magazines and watching celebrates on the red carpet are a few ways in which people find out what is popular to dress in something that is will make them fit in and be up to date with the fashion of the time. In the other hand there are people who do exactly the opposite, more specifically those within the Lolita subculture. The Lolita subculture is a Japanese fashion subculture known for its Victorian period clothing style corsets, petticoats, and lace. What makes this fashion style unique is its similarities with 19th century girl and doll dresses (AdГЁle Hardy Bernal, 2011, p. 20), but Lolitas were not dressing up in Victorian clothes without a reason. The origins of the Lolita subculture can be traced back to as far as the late 1980 s. Similar to the start of the British Punk subculture, in the 1980 s Japan went through a drastic economic change referred to as the Bubble Burst or the burst of the Bubble Economy. During the time of the Bubble Burst several people were laid off from their jobs, women became stay at home mothers, and overall the youth lost hope for a successful future in Japan. The state of the economy caused anger, disappointment. The youth in Japan began to care less about the traditional Japanese values such as dedication to your job, and the respect of elders. People all over
  • 11. Essay On Criminal Relapse In the Criminal Justice system, there are many arguments for areas of improvement, but the focus of this paper is on the revitalization of prisoners and the way our system can assist. Numerous studies have shown that criminals tend to come out of prison worse than how they were when they came in, they may get involved in illegal activities or gangs inside the prisonand they will likely be back in jail within the next three years as statistics show in Langan and Levin s (2002) article on criminal relapse stated. The goal of this paper is to inform the reader of the benefits of helping to incorporate programs into prisons and create jobs inside and outside of prisons for released and current convicts. Those in the field of criminal justice are there to make society a better place and make people feel safe. A big way that they do this is by sending criminals to... Show more content on ... He found that providing inmates with drug treatments in prison is an effective way to keep these people from reentering the criminal justice system from drugs or other like charges. It has been found that the most vulnerable time for a relapse is within the first and second month after their release from prison. Having these drug treatment programs inside the prison help to educate the prisoners on the harms of drug use and help them resist any urges. It is also found that they are much more likely to enter community based treatment once on parole, which helps to teach and reinforce relapse prevention techniques. Experts Lurigio and Swartz (1999) (as cited in Olson and Lurigio, 2014) stated, that the relationship between drugs and crime is extremely multifaceted. Drug addiction can cause harm to a person s brain and alter their judgment. Therefore, drug treatment programs can help to turn these criminals around into law abiding
  • 12. Lil Wayne s Rhetorical Techniques Used In Advertising 2016 was the year that Samsung introduced one of their latest smartphones to their lineup of products, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Samsung was most proud of the water resistance ability of their new flagship phone, and what better way to showcase that ability, than too have one of the most popular living rappers, Lil Wayne, to appear in a commercial to prove it. Samsung s Galaxy S7 commercial not only aired on TV, but also went viral on social media sites, such as; YouTube, Facebook, etc. Michelle Castillo, wrote in her article on the CNBC website that, Marc Mathieu, Samsung s chief marketingofficer, mentioned that Samsung s ad agency, Wieden+Kennedy, came up with the idea for the new ad campaign with Lil Wayne in mind as the spokesperson,... Show more content on ... This method can either stir up positive or negative emotions in the reader, but either way its intent is to sell an idea, belief, a product, or to convince the reader to pick a side. This commercial uses pathos in a couple different ways. Humor is the most obvious way pathos is being used, it is the setting of the entire commercial. When Wayne, Max, and his friend on the phone, Kenny, are saying, Whaaaaaat! , it is meant to be silly and fun. It is even funny just watching them pour champagne on their smartphones. Humor promotes laughter, and laughter releases endorphins in our brain that trigger the happy feels, and puts us in a good mood. It is well known, that if you can get the customer to laugh, then you are more likely to sell to that customer because laughter helps them drop whatever guard they are putting up. Another way this ad uses pathos, is by appealing to the fear of dropping our phone in water and damaging it. We all can relate to this type of accident, and we are always trying to prevent it, so we don t have to worry about forking out the big bucks to repair or replace our beloved smartphone. In the commercial, Max pouring champagne on his phone and it shorting out, is a perfect example of pathos, by showing us that if you get your phone wet, it will damage it, unless you get the new Galaxy S7
  • 13. Bill Gates Research Outline Challenging the Status Quo of Technology in Business Outline Your Name Here Critical Thinking COLL148 October 3, 2013 Julie Henning DeVry University [Technology to shape Office Efficiencies] Outline I. Introduction A. Getting in trouble as a teenager, led this innovative mind to reshape technological advances to better suit Business needs as society sees it today. B. Any Idea can be great; implementation of that idea takes careful planning and a smooth technological framework to seamlessly pull it off. C. Choosing to eschew the established ways most seek out their lives, Bill Gates chose to cultivate his interests, even by getting in trouble with a corporation at a young age while capitalizing ... Show more content on ... It would be at this point that Gates would not return to Harvard to finish his degree, instead he partnered with Paul Allen and named their partnership Micro Soft. The team would later drop the hyphen, and then three years later moved back home to Washington and established corporation paperwork in Bellevue, where Microsoft and Bill Gates would become the leader, and powerhouse of software development. Wikipedia 2013* 2. As Co Founder, and Chairman of Microsoft, Currently Bill Gates is regarded as the single most successful business person in the PC industry for all his contributions to consumer ready personal computer products. Wikipedia documents that Time Magazine named Gates one of the 100 people who most influenced the 20th Century, as well as one of the 100 most influential people of 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Wikipedia 2013)* B. Your reasons for selecting this person 1. Bill Gates is a pioneer of technological office products which forever changes how businesses are able streamline efficient technologies. Bill s quest for knowledge of how things worked, and how they could be improved started in his formative years while attending the Lakeside School in Seattle Washington, where he took an interest in programming the new computer system the school had recently purchased.
  • 14. The Fall Of Caesar s Angel The Fall Of Caesar s Angel As Caesar dies, he gasps, Et tu, Brute? (III. i. 77). To betray a close friend for the better of the country only to have it end all in vain is a tragedy in its own. For Brutus, this is his journey in Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Although the play is named after Caesar, it is evident that Brutus is the tragic hero as the audience watches the events of the play unfold. Brutus s characteristics and actions line up perfectly with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero which states that the tragic hero must be admirable and of noble birth, possess hamartia, undergo peripeteia as well as anagnorisis, and force the audience to experience catharsis in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. First of all, Brutus high rank and admirable qualities coincide with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero. In the play, Brutus is a highly regarded senator whom has everyone s trust including Caesar s. By the cause of his honorable stature, Brutus is loved and admired by everyone in Rome. Although his honor leads him into poor judgement, many people still have trust in him and follow him all the way through the play. Even after he has conspired against his friend Caesar, and dies at the end of the play, his enemies still see him as a noble Roman. After coming upon Brutus body, Antony laments, This was the noblest Roman of them all/...His life was gentle, and the elements/ So mixed in him that Nature might stand up/ And say to all
  • 15. The Medieval Proposal Medieval romance survives in many forms of modern day entertainment. Books, movies, poetry, they all draw upon the elements of chivalry and heroic people in some way. The movie in question here, The Proposal , is one such demonstration. The Proposal shows all the characteristics needed to create an engaging, fully realized medieval romance. A full analysis of The Proposal shows exactly how deeply these resemblances run. The focus of many medieval romances is the Hero, and the quest he takes on for the Woman he loves. Andrew is the hero of this story, and he displays all the characteristics of a proper medieval hero. Andrew has shown, through three years of hard work for Margaret, that he is determined, intelligent, and dedicated to his ... Show more content on ... Women rule this movie, from Margaret as the editor of a major publishing company, to the Matriarchs of Andrews family. Margaret is greatly feared and respected in her position, even convincing an author that hadn t done in interview in twenty years to come onto Oprah. Andrew s mother easily cows his strong willed father, showing the influence the women in the family have. Not to mention that Andrew s grandmother can make anyone do what she wants, simply by saying Before I die? . All these women are loved and obeyed, whether the men realize it or not. Plus, of course, it s because of Gammy that we experience the fairytale setting of the movie at all. Sitka, Alaska. The town itself is the dream of a classic American small town, complete with an internet cafГ©, hardware store, postal office, and bar, all within a few feet of each other. The Paxton home in Alaska is basically a mansion, complete with a personal fireplace in the bedroom, balconies overlooking the ocean, remote control blinds, and a set of massive living rooms. This is the fairytale castle in this medieval romance, complete with a dragon in the form of Kevin, the white American Eskimo puppy. In short, the idyllic land of this small Alaskan town is the perfect set up for this story, and for the respected women who rule
  • 16. Taking a Look at Prohibition In December of 1917, Congress tested the 18th Amendment by sending it to all of the states. A year after the ratification, in January 1919, the sale, making and transportation of alcohol was banned. In 1919 the Volstead Act made all drinks containing more than 0.5 percent alcohol illegal once the 18th amendment went into use in 1920. Prohibition in America between 1920 and 1933 was made a law to reduce crime and corruption, solve social issues, and improve the health of Americans. The effects of prohibition on Americans depended on the reduced amount of alcohol being drunk. For a while consumption levels of alcohol decreased but then soon increased after the long absence of alcohol. People that were not interested in alcohol before prohibition started to think of alcohol as a glamorous and fun lifestyle. The amount of crime began to increase and became organized in the form of gangs. Due to the amount of crime, prisons became overcrowded. Many officers of the court and the public became corrupt. Since there was no tax for alcohol now, the government had a lot more money to spend on whatever they wanted. With the absence of alcohol, many previous drinkers turned to drugs such as marijuana and even more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, opium, heroin and many other prescription drugs. The amount of money spent on alcohol had slowly begun to drop before the banishment of alcohol and began to slowly rise after the banishment of alcohol. Alcohol distributors called bootleggers
  • 17. Multilingualism And Language Shift A language shift occurs when the people in a particular culture or sub culture change the primary language that they use for communication (wiseGEEK, n.d). According to Ravindranath (2009), language shift is the process by which a speech community in a contact situation that is consisting of bilingual speakers increasingly stops using one of its two languages prefers by other. Tsitsipis (n.d.) states that when a language is shifting its structural phases do not remain together even though this holds also true for normal language change. From a purely linguistic of view, one has to find out which particular changes are due to the influence of the dominant language and which could be explain. Furthermore, the kind and amount of structural... Show more content on ... Bhatia (2013), states that bilingualism and multilingualism is an interdisciplinary and complex field . As is self evident from the prefixes (bi and multi ), bilingualism and multilingualism phenomena are devoted to the study of production, processing, and comprehension of two or more languages, respectively.Bilingualism is a specific case of multilingualism, which has no ceiling on the number of languages a speaker may dominate. The timing and sequence in which one learns each of the languages has led to other distinctions between kinds of multilingualism. Much of the linguistics literature, for example, identifies native language or mother tongue as a first language , ignoring the possibility or diminishing the value of having more than one native language or mother tongue. Such a person is often referred to as a simultaneous bilingual, while someone who acquires the second language after the first one is often referred to as a sequential bilingual ( early if between early childhood and puberty, and late if after puberty). The context of language acquisition leads naturally to distinguishing between informal bilinguals, who acquire their languages outside of formal settings like schools, imitating the natural processes of acquiring the mother tongue, and formal bilinguals, who generally learn the language in schools or similar settings. When these terms apply to groups, one speaks of bilingual or multilingual communities or nations. The aggregate enumeration of the speakers in these groups (also referred to as language diversity or demography) will often profile the number of monolingual and bilingual speakers of each language. For example, there may be a multilingual community in which speakers are monolingual in each of three languages. This would be rare, and the language groups would probably be isolated from each other. More often than
  • 18. Civil Procedure and Advise Employee Issue Essay htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї htnksdf SDFGfdgfdga ADVISE EMPLOYEE Issue Solution htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї ADVISE EMPLOYEE Issue Solution htnksdf SDFGfdgfdgaп»ї ADVISE EMPLOYEE Issue SolutionQuestion 1.1 SERVICE Personal service o R6.02 An originating process shall be served personally on each defendant o R6.03 Personal service is effected by leaving a copy of the writ with the Defendant or putting it down in their presence if they do not accept a copy o Personal service is not effective in this way because the plaintiff has failed to fulfill this requirement HOWEVER Common Law Pino v Prosser o Rules states that a document can be left with a spouse on the ... Show more content on ... It is unlikely that the courts will find that the VSC is a clearly inappropriate court. However, the defendant must also show that determination in the VSC would be oppressive and vexatious (Oceanic Sun Line v Fay and Voth) Question 1.2 Issues with statement of claim Format of the document o In the Supreme court of Victoria should be on one line and at Melbourne should be below on another line o The addresses of each party should be omitted o The document number should be written 89473/09 o It should say and instead of v between the parties names o There needs to be tram tracks outlining date of document and who the document is filed on behalf of Details of the claim o Need to be numbered o There needs to be particulars describing the details of the event o There should be no mention of witnesses or any other evidence o The plaintiff has raised something that should be mentioned by the Defendant as a defence o The plaintiff has raised a matter which they should talk
  • 19. about it the reply Question 1.3 Under r23.03 Summary judgment for the defendan can be given by the court at any time if the defendant has a good defence on the merits o This rule only applies when Plaintiffs case absolutely
  • 20. Three Strategies That You Can Use as a Clinical Research... Describe three strategies that you can use as a clinical research coordinator that will significantly reduce the error in data that you collect. Error is inevitable. How many times have you made a dish from a recipe something has not been deviated. Maybe you were low on flour and had to substitute cornstarch or you did not have almond abstract and had to use lemon. The result may have looked like the picture but I m sure the taste varied. In research we take limited samples of the population to make it paint a picture of the whole. A site could recruit 100 heart patients and use the information gathered to try to aid the population of 500,000 heart patients worldwide. Is the information true information of the whole or just a... Show more content on ... Go by the worksheet to fill in all needed data then review the data with the subject before they leave. This will cut down on misremembering information. In regards to mis recording data get someone to review your information or review it yourself the next day. When writing down lab values I can record it and then get someone to call out the lab values while I double check them. Our after getting rest I can look at the information with fresh eyes and double check myself. I believe that this is a major error. One number being off can skew the results drastically. By improving upon this error, I believe statistical information will be better. The second major error made is made up information. We should never infer any information gathered about a patient based on their age, sex, ethnicity, or gender. Just recently, I recruited a patient for a study who was pleasant but very stubborn and did not realize he would have to come in for surgery. Everything in his case happened so fast that he really did not have a chance to process anything. Another research staff member goes to get blood samples and follow up with the patient. The patient is really cranky and agitated. When the research personnel comes back upstairs she is telling everyone that the patient suffers from dementia and inferring how this could affect other parts of the protocol. Well I asked her point blank, How do you know that patient has dementia? Did his wife fail to disclose this
  • 21. Advantages And Definitions Of A Database Management System Fundamentals of Database Management System Before we talk about Fundamentals of database management system, we need to know what is a Data . Data is a something which has an implicit meaning and that can be deduced to new facts which can be recorded too. Then we have to know what is a Database . Database is known as organized, structured and centralized set of data collection which are stored in a computer system. That can be managed, updated and accessed. Now we have to know what is Database Management System . Database Management System is a software package for store, manipulate, retrieve, update, maintain and data analyze in database. Database Management System s are communicating with users and other software applications. MYSQL, Microsoft ... Show more content on ... Advantages Limitations Data independence. Lacks structural independence. Database security. Difficult to manage because of Less redundant data. Many relationships. Efficient searching. Complex implementation. Network data model It was a first attempt of using data into databases, same time as the hierarchical data model were developing. In the network data model data is represented as collections of records and relationships are represented by sets. The most popular network DBMS is computer associates IDMS/R. network data model were used for large databases. In network model files are related as owners and members like in hierarchical model. But member file can have more than one owner in network data model. So it was very complex. Lets see a example diagram for network data model. Relational model based
  • 22. David Slavitt The Wrong Version of Titanic David K. Slavitt s poem Titanic explains the way most of the people look at the tragic event occurred in April 14, 1912. The poem uses a lot of sarcasm to portray its message describing how people would ve bought the tickets for the ship even if they would ve known that it was going to sink. With this poem, Slavitt s work not only focuses on the sinking of the Titanic, but also on the impact it had on people and makes the reader think about the way most of the people look at the event based on movies and stories, which don t show things as they happened. Titanic uses irony and symbolism in the poem to make the readers imagine they have the chance to be part of the story by describing the enthusiasm and ... Show more content on ... But its real heroes were often among the crew, none more stirring than Second Officer Herbert Lightoller, who had survived one shipwreck and a cyclone before getting his position on the Titanic. He had gone off watch when the ship struck the iceberg but was the most energetic and resourceful in getting as many women and children as he could into the boats, which he knew very well would only have room for around half of the passengers and crew even when fully loaded (and many weren t). Told at the end to get in one himself, his reply, without irony, was not on your life. Attempting to make the last collapsible lifeboat usable, the rush of water swept him away. The force of an engine explosion brought him back to the surface, where he managed to struggle to the capsized collapsible to which 30 men were desperately hanging. Such was the brutal frigidity of the water 28 degrees Fahrenheit that hypothermia did half of them in during the night. Eventually transferred to another lifeboat, Lightoller was the very last of the survivors to board the Carpathia. He went on to serve in the First World War and took his converted yacht Sundowner to Dunkirk, where he got 130 off the doomed
  • 23. Caravaggio In The Calling Of St. Matthew Caravaggio was born as Michelangelo Merisi in Italy around 1571. He was left alone at age 11 and apprenticed with an artist in Milan. He moved to Rome, where his effort became prevalent for the tenebrism method he used, which used shadow to highlight brighter areas. His profession, however, was short lived. Caravaggio murdered a man during a brawl and fled Rome. He died not long after, on July 18, 1610. Even though Caravaggio was rejected after his death, he finally came to be recognized as one of the founding fathers of current painting. The Calling of St. Matthew was painted from 1597 to 1601 by Michelangelo Merisi (Caravaggio) through oil on canvas ( Editors). Additionally, Caravaggio transports this canvas to life with bright colors; bold contrasts of reds, golds and greens and many surfaces of velvets and soft fur. He also contrasts gestures and expressions and used the contrast principle to differentiate the bright from the dark, which creates interest in the characters portrayed. He intends to tell us that the atmospheric perspective used in this painting is to create depth, like the window behind the individuals. Additionally, the painting is mostly organic forms, but the window can be classified as an organic form. This painting, along with two others of St. Matthew by Caravaggio, was specially made for the Contarelli chapel situated in San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome ( Editors). Saint Matthew was one of the twelve apostles and he was a
  • 24. Coriolanus And Julius Caesar Research Paper The Roman People in Coriolanus and Julius Caesar Shakespeare`s Roman plays amplify the wavering balance between two pulsing political organs in the body of Roman government: the unstable mob and the tyrannical leader or the leader assumed to have the capacity for tyranny. Caius Marcius Coriolanus and Julius Caesar, two titular Shakespearean characters with opposing dispositions, meet their fates in nearly identical ways as tragic Roman heroes in like worlds of deception, rhetoric, and post truth politics. In these worlds, the opinions of the Roman people, though easily swayed, are ultimately more resonant and powerful than any one person s in the Roman government alone. Both Coriolanus and Julius Caesar are excavations of rudimentary human
  • 25. Essay on The Washington Monument The Washington Monument The most stunning monument in our capital is the Washington Monument. At 555 feet high, it is the tallest such monument in the world. It is an obelisk by shape, yet not a true obelisk because it is not carved out of a single stone. The monument was built at intervals between 1848 and 1885. It memorializes George Washingtons achievements and his devotion to principles and to his country. The Washington Monument has an interesting history. The idea of a monument celebrating George Washington was first considered by the Continental Congressin 1783. However, the next three decades brought neglect by Congress to take action. Finally, in 1833 the Washington National Monument Society was organized to forward the ... Show more content on ... History of the Obelisk The design of the Washington Monument is a common obelisk and can be found around the world. Its history begins in Egypt. There were a great many obelisks in Egypt, 13 were originally in Karnak where now only 5 stand. Possibly the best known obelisk in Egypt is at the Temple of Luxor in Thebe. This obelisk was raised by Ramses II. He is credited with raising over fourteen obelisks at Tanis alone. The obelisk at the Temple of Luxor was originally one of a pair of obelisks. This missing obelisks was later removed and brought to Paris where it stands in the Place de la Concorde. Many of the obelisks that were originally in Egypt are now in different parts of the world. It appears that these obelisks were the focus of conquerors of Egypt. For example, the Persian leader Cambyses dragged many of these obelisks to the ground and mutilated them. He especially targeted those obelisks which bore the inscriptions of cruel deeds that were performed against the Persians. The destruction of these obelisks by conquerors suggests that these enormous structures represented the power of Egyptian leaders and were very important to the Egyptians. Later conquerors removed many of these obelisks as souvenirs. Two great obelisks, which stood in Egypt for a millennium and a half, were brought to Rome to commemorate Julius Caesar. These became known as Cleopatra s needles. Ironically, one is now in London and
  • 26. Medieval Religious Iconography Approximately two centuries after the death of Jesus Christ religious iconography began. During the Medieval period art iconography related to the texts found in the Bible. This paper will analyze two arts containing Christian iconography that illustrate the return of naturalism. This paper will analyze the iconography of two medieval works from the early medieval period (500 1200) and one from the late medieval period (1200 1400). Both works of art depict the crucifixion of JesusChrist (John 19:17 37). According to the Bible, Jesus was loathed by the Jewish leaders because he preached of God and people listened, believed, and followed him. For this reason the Jewish leaders ordered him to be killed. Jesus was taken to Pilate and placed... Show more content on ... This artwork is a Bohemian design painting. The artist shows the impact of naturalism through visual art by painting human figures and expressing a dramatic event . The painting shows Jesus hanging on the cross, with the two thieves on both sides. Above Jesus and the two thieves are two angels hovering. Below Jesus stands Roman captain Longinus rendering orderings for Jesus to be stabbed to death with daggers or spears. On the other side of him is the good captain bearing out that Christ is the Son of God. Accompanying him is John and Mary, and Mary Magdalene. In the front shows henchmen competing for the ownership of Jesus robe. Examining the Christian iconography (symbolism) in this artwork I discovered several Christian images. The first Christian symbol is the cross. In the Christian belief the cross signifies Christianity. The second Christian symbol is Jesus body hanging on the cross. This represents the crucifixion, sacrifice, death of Jesus Christ. The third Christian symbol is the marks on Jesus body. This religious symbolism is called stigmata. According to the Macmillan Dictionary stigmata is defined as the marks on Jesus Christ body where he was attached to the cross, or marks on the skin of some religious people that are similar to these injuries. The fourth Christian symbol was the angels, which refers to the Holy Trinity
  • 27. Three Horned Demon Research Paper The three horned demon is an interesting creature. Their is only one of them in the world he is the rarest and most endangered species and the only one left in the world. He has three big black horns that he uses to kill his prey and orange stripe which re posinous that keep him safe from predators. His big reed legs and arms are always smothered in blood because of his prey that he eats which also keep his scales moist when he does not have any water near him. He might not look like it but he is also a water crature he loves the water that where he catches amost of his food such as frogs other fish and lizards. He also has very big red eyes that help his sight because where he lives in the Amazon Forest their different animals that would like
  • 28. Stereotypes Of The China Doll I. Introduction The China Doll stereotype is a kind of stereotype wherein the west portrays the East Asian girls as a sexual object. Being diminutive, permissive, and coy are three main things the west sees in eastern women. This stereotype is not new, for it has been going on for 200 years. It began when Marco Polo began his journey. Aside from that, in 1839, in the opium war, these women were exported to the west. In the late 1800 s, French naval officer Pierre Loti loved writing about his trips. In 1888, during his trip to Japan, he met a woman that became his temporary wife. He described her diminutive doll like appearance. He, then wrote a book about it called Madame Chrysamtheme and has become famous and was printed for more than a hundred times. However, that story did not stop there. Another American opera was ... Show more content on ... Also, it is needed that Asian women take the initiative to be able to portray themselves and bring about their perspective culture and not allow Western influence to tamper with it. Slowly, it is through talent of Asian women that recognition is gained and culture is promoted, and so long as that continues to progress will it be possible to completely eradicate the objectification of Asian women suffering through the racial generalization that is the China doll stereotype. VII. Sources Uchida, Aki. (1998) The Orientalization of Asian Woman In America. In Women s Studies International Forum. (Vol 21, No. 2. P. 161 174). USA; Elsevier Science Ltd. Said, E. (1979). Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books. McLeod, J. (2000). Beginning postcolonialism. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press. Cristen (2015) Stereotypology: Submissive China Dolls. Youtube:. Stuff Mom Never Told You
  • 29. Dracula, Gothic And Epistolary Novels Of Dracula And Bram... Vampires are not completely fictional. In the late 1890s Bram Stoker takes historical information and old European folktales to create famous Gothic novels like Dracula; Before writing Dracula, he studied for eight years stories of vampires. The title of Stoker s story has historical significance to Vlad Dracul the 3rd, a Wallachian ruler who impaled his victims on stakes. Bram Stokeralso was influenced by his lifetime, before the publication of Dracula, Gothic and Epistolary novels were on the rise hence why Dracula is classified as both. Stoker s life as a Victorian can be seen in his views on social and political reforms and ideals in his novels. The threats of female sexuality also plagued Victorian anxieties, morals were being... Show more content on ... The Count being damaged by the crucifix helps the reader and Jonathan realize everything is not what it seems in this new world they are entering and sets up for other vampire superstitions in the story. These superstitions may seem familiar to readers now because of how many modern adaptations of Stoker s vampire there are. This may even be seen in Thomas Fosters How to read literature like a professor: a lively and entertaining guide to reading between the lines states Writers use prior texts quite consciously and purposely (Foster 25). Writers rely on previous information the reader has. Stoker uses previous information readers have about vampires to Dracula the dramatic irony people have with the book today. Another example of Bram Stoker creating the now widely accepted vampire is how they used to look, Stoker s original vampire does not glitter in the sun like vampires from the Stephen Meyers Twilight series. The vampire in Dracula is more repelling and even disgusting. Dracula is one of the seminal Gothic novels of the Victorian ages. Indicting why Stoker Describes how Jonathan feels about Dracula as, The Count leaned over me and his hands touched me... a horrible feeling of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal (Stoker 20). Vampires now were not supposed to be alluring and ideal but hermitlike and repulsive; In Stephen Meyers
  • 30. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate And Sodium Carbonate Based on the mass of the products in the beaker after the decomposition reaction which was 1.98g, the correct decomposition reaction is when the sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposed into sodium carbonate, water vapor, and carbon dioxide gas. Since the water vapor and carbon dioxide would have escaped the beaker during the reaction, sodium carbonate would have been the only remaining product in the beaker. Sodium carbonate is the product remaining in the beaker because the theoretical yield of the sodium carbonate is the closest to that of the actual yield of all of the possible products produced. The sodium carbonate produced from this reaction had a mass of 1.98g, compared to the theoretical yield of 1.84g which gave this reaction a percent yield of 107.7%. Although the percent yield is higher than 100% this may have been caused by an incomplete reaction since the temperature the sodium hydrogen carbonate was to be heated to was unknown along with the time that it should be heated. The reaction where the sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposed into sodium, water vapor, carbonmonoxide and oxygengas was not a likely reaction to occur in this experiment. This is because sodium hydrogen carbonate is used for baking purposes which it would not be used for if the decomposition of the compound resulted in the creation of carbon monoxide a poisonous gas. If cobalt chlorinewas used to test if water vapor was given off in an experiment and it changed in colour it would suggest
  • 31. Marketing Strategies For Titan Watches Under The Current... THE MARKETING DECISION PROBLEM Formulating marketing strategies for Titan watches under the current market scenario The company has successfully grabbed significant share of the pie by capturing important market segments and being in sync with the changing fashion trends since its inception. There is an aggressive growth plan on the cards which Titan is aiming for and this project aims to formulate strategies to leverage upon the current prevalent situation in order to achieve fulfil the company s ambition and achieve a high growth target. PROCESS TOWARDS ADDRESSING THE PROBLEM The focus of our project aims towards formulating strategies with an aim to meet customer needs and developing long term and profitable relationships with those customers through the company s products and services. The process followed while taking up this project was following the conventional methodology wherein the initial research was done to figure out the internal and external factors well to gain a clear understanding of the current situation by using various marketing frameworks. The information so obtained and consolidated was duly evaluated and analysed to figure out what marketing strategies would be best suited to the needs of the company in the current scenario. The various aspects that were taken into account and were subsequently analysed were: The prevalent market situation Here, the evaluation of various aspects of Titan s market was done externally and internally. The
  • 32. Schindlers List PLOT SUMMARY The movie Schindler s list is a compelling, real life depiction of the events that occurred during the 1940 s. It illustrates the persecution and horrific killings of the Jewish people. It also exemplifies the hope and will of the Jewish people, which undoubtedly is a factor in the survival of their race. The most important factor however is because of the willingness of one man, Oskar Schindler, to stand out and make a difference. The movie starts out in a Jewish home, where a Jewish family is celebrating the Sabbath. Candles are lit while songs are sung, and when the Jews leave the house, the candles slowly burn out. The German forces have just defeated the ... Show more content on ... He is upset because he has no workers to run his factory. He is allowed to take most of his workers, who had not been killed, back to his factory. Days after everyone returns to work, the sick Jews are separated from the healthy ones. Women pricked their fingers and rubbed blood on their faces in order to be healthier looking. The weak and old Jews are killed to make room for new shipments of Jewish workers. The children are placed on trucks and sent away. The next scene in the film is Schindler s birthday. A few workers from the factory bring Schindler a birthday present and in turn he kisses one of the young Jewish girls, which broke the Race and Resettlement Act. Goeth and Oskar discuss what happened at the party and Schindler apologizes. In April 1944, Goeth receives orders to unearth and burn more than 10,000 Jews that were killed at Plaszow and Krakow. The living Jews are forced to do this. Another order is received to move all of the Jews to a new camp to avoid the Russians. Schindler creates a plan; he digs deep into his ever decreasing finances and builds a new factory. He bargains with Goeth, and buys all of the Jewish workers he needs to run his factory. He draws up a list, later to be known as Schindler s List , which includes more than 1,100 men, women, and children. Despite a mix up, in which the train transporting the women are delayed at Auschwitz rather then Schindler s factory, all of the people arrive safely. Now that the war is over,
  • 33. Benefits Of Electronic Medical Records There are many reasons why some health care organizations have been reluctant to use electronic medical records. First let s talk about, what is an electronic medical record. An (EMR) Electronic Medical Record consist of standard medical and clinical data gathered in the provider s office which include a more in debt patient history. EHRs are created to hold and distribute information from all providers dealing with patient care. EHR data can be created, managed, and advised by authorized providers and staff from across more than one health care organization. EHRs is another name for digital paper chart that hold all of the patient s medical history from one practice. While expanding daily, electronic medical records are becoming extremely popular. Research shows that some healthcare organizations continue to be reluctant to purchase electronic record programs. The pressure on hospitals, clinics, systems, physicians and other providers to get with the program is outstanding. Cost is a major concern for single practitioners, which are least likely among physicians to adopt EHRs. EHR systems are not cheap by any means. Physicians have to weigh the cost of not only creating, but supporting their own IT structure and applications as well. The option to decide to use external vendors to provide the services is given also. Consideration of cost include purchase price, coordination cost, monitoring cost, and negotiating cost along with upgrade costs, and governance cost.
  • 34. Pacific Ocean Waste Management In the Pacific Ocean, there is an island made completely out of garbage. It is so big that it is called the Great Pacific Ocean Patch. Scientists even found that nine percent of the island is made up of dead fish. The patch weighs about seven million tons, which means that there are 630,000 tons of fishon that one island of garbage. Scientists also say that the patch could possibly double within the next ten years. The patch is estimated to be the size of Texas to twice the size of the continental United States (Moore). This issue needs to be resolved quickly and efficiently. One way to resolve it is to improve the level of wastemanagement used across the world. Waste management is a solution to all kinds of pollution. The level of waste management in the United States and around the world is unacceptably low. Many people think that waste management is just a garbage and recycling company. Although, Waste management is the handling of discarded materials, also known as waste or garbage ( Waste Management ). Waste management is not just a company, it is a global crisis. Waste management is a process leading to less pollution in the oceans and many other places. It can be the igniter for people in the world to go green and preserve the environment and the animals in it. The Barents and Greenland Seas are north of the United States and Europe. These seas are hotspots for plastic pileups. Plastic has been gathering in the Barents and Greenland Seas (Johnston). Due to
  • 35. Renaissance Festival And Its Effect On American Culture Life must have been irrational back in early Europe. Slap happy, drunken, and crazed people were all there was back then. The only rational people were the King and Queen, and any other royalty. A lot of stuff has changed since the medieval times in Europe, and the experience was extraordinary. At some point timeI had learned about the medieval times and what the time period was like, but never really had the experience. What exactly is the RenaissanceFestival? I found this to be a recurring thought on the opening day as my family and I arrived at the Festival. The Renaissance Festival is a unique festival that takes place in the United States of America. Most of the time they are non permanent set ups that are only around for a period of... Show more content on ... We got there and the guy running had a very loud and obnoxious voice. He gave us a few tips of the trade as he would say, and then he let us throw. I am and going to be completely honest, I never let my Brother beat me in anything, so when he stuck more knives in the target than me I was astonished. I
  • 36. 7 Deadly Sins Research Paper According to traditional Orthodox Christian history, the 7 deadly sins were created in the 4th Century by Evagrius Ponticus. Originally his list of sins was drawn up as a form of education in Christianity. The list of sins included gluttony, envy, lust, wrath, greed, sloth and pride. Whatever their historical setting and evolvement as major signs of human weakness and fallibility, these sins have remained well known to this day. The vice of lust is still very prevalent in modern society. Lust is manifested in social media. In the context of social media, lust is be defined as an intense desire for fame and popularity. This desire can manifest itself in terms of over broadcasting company views or content. Social media is a two way communication platform, more like a telephone than a megaphone. One example of lust in social media is Kim Kardashian s basically nude selfies. Kim Kardashian took so many selfies that she decided to publish an entire book of them, titled Selfish. The new volume of voluptuous selfies, cleavies, nudies and belfies documents her eight years in the spotlight (Pesce) Mrs. Kardashian actually earned her fame in 2007, after beginning a relationship with a new man on the end of an old marriage, a sex tape of was leaked. It was released without her consent and distributed by Vivid Entertainment, entitled Kim... Show more content on ... The show is an annual fashion show sponsored by and featuring Victoria s Secret, a brand of lingerie and sleepwear. Victoria s Secret uses the show to promote and market its goods in high profile settings. One critic from The New York Times described the initial 20th century webcast experience as having felt like he was watching a striptease through a keyhole . (Rothstein, 8) The Victoria s Secret company knows that sex sells and they are milking their opportunity like no other from racy lingerie commercials to daily itty bitty bikini posts on
  • 37. Ivory Coast Produces the Most Cocao Beans and Trafficking... Chocolate industry has brought over 80 billion pounds of revenue to the economy. Western countries are the main consumer in terms of chocolate consumption, and Ivory Coast is the biggest cocoa producer supplying 60% of world s cocoa beans. More than 10 million people rely on the cocoa beans productions in Ivory Coast, however there are uses of child trafficking and force them into slave labour. Children are malnutrition and they are working under very poor conditions and environment, using hazardous equipment such as machete without proper safety regulation. The use of child labour violates the definition of fair trade according to world fair trade organization: fair trade is a fair partnership designed to aid producers in developing countries; helps contribute to sustainability by offering better trading conditions and securing rights of workers. In my opinion this issue is very serious and should be taken action internationally, children are ignored and have to work in horrendous conditions which defy the Catholic Principles of Social Justice human dignity, active involvement, rights to work and the common good. Social justice is ignored in this video, especially human dignity. The Catholic Principle of Social Justice states that principle of human dignity every person has the right to have their primary needs fulfilled: food, shelter, clothing, education and work. In the video, the trafficked children are living in poor condition with no access to electricity, clean
  • 38. Tendai Kaihogyo Practice In contemporary Tendai Kaihogyo tradition, one can reach enlightenment by helping others. Before doing so, however, one must improve himself or herself. The thousand day kaihogyo involves improving oneself for the first seven hundred days and then commence upon... practice conducted for the purpose of leading all beings, along with oneself, to enlightenment (Reader 318). The ratio of 70% to 30% corresponds to stages of buddhahood. The practitioner has to master many meditational practices, which is aided by paying respect and reciting mantras to different entities along the pilgrimage path around Mt. Hiei, before helping others. During this time the practitioner s senses are sharpened as he endures great emotional, spiritual, and physical pain, all of which allow him to become one with Fudo Myo o and use his energy. Thus, the kaihogyo practice is not focused on simply imitating aspects of esoteric Buddhism. By completing the first seven hundred days, the practitioner dies to his old egocentric self and is reborn as a bodhisattva who works for the salvation of all beings (Reader 318). Tendai... Show more content on ... Do iri austerities are a part of the process that allows the practitioner to be
  • 39. Hamlet Soliloquies In Hamlet To be or not to be that is the question. An exceptionally recognized phrase amid many centuries, cultures, places, and people. This short excerpt derives from the Shakespearean play, Hamlet: The Tragedy of the Prince of Denmark. Originally, this passage was displayed in one of the soliloquies of the play. Defined as an act of speaking one s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a characterin a play , a soliloquy is crucial to furthering the plot and connecting the audience with the speaker. William Shakespearereveals the true desires and intentions of Hamlet, the main character of Hamlet: The Tragedy of the Prince of Denmark, within the protagonists soliloquies. Even Hamlet, one of the most complex characters in literary history, can be simplified through the use of a soliloquy. William Shakespeare employs the use of soliloquies for a variety of reason, essentially revealing the characteristics of a protagonist through the use of soliloquies. The scholarly article, publicized by the Hutchinson Encyclopedia, explains a soliloquy is employed as a means of conveying information about a character s intentions, motives, and general state of mind. It is a way of revealing a character s innermost thoughts on stage (1). A soliloquy allows the audience to see a more personal side of the protagonist. By explaining personally from the thoughts of the protagonist, this personal monologue allows characters to reveal a more personal side of the story. From the perspective of a character, a soliloquy is the most involved a... Show more content on ... Consistently, Hamlet reveals his innermost thoughts and devising of plans in order to lead up a decision. Hamlet includes the audience through soliloquies of the intricacy and complexity of each of his
  • 40. Drinking Water Qualty and Water Pollution Essay Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between drinking water quality, global health, and climate change. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all. Ron Fleischli Water Program Director When we think about life on earth, what is the main component that other planets do not have in order to sustain life? Although there are many differences between earth and the other planets in the solar system, it is the presence of water on the earth s surface that makes life possible. It has come to knowledge that water is one part of the building blocks of existence on earth. Mankind has discovered that water has ... Show more content on ... With an already incredibly small percentage of water available to drink (about 1%), the issue of water quality came into focus. In the 1970 s, a Green Revolution raised concerns about the possible pollution of the drinking water supply. In 1972, the federal government adopted the Clean Water Actwith its main goals being to eliminate the discharge of pollutants, maintain the policy that protects the public from cancer causing pollutants and other toxic poisons, maintain the concept that industry must use the best available technology to control pollution, and to provide an adequate funding for publicly owned treatment plans (EPA). These goals were established for the sole purpose of keeping a close eye on the quality of America s water. This Act was the first major step towards controlling the nation s pollution problems with reference to water. The EPA set up 4 standards to water quality. They are as follows: Designated uses of the water body, such as recreation, water supply, etc, water quality criteria to protect designated uses, an anti degradation policy to maintain and protect existing uses and high quality waters, and general policies addressing implementation issues such as variances (EPA). These standards are in place throughout the country, and the better they are enforced, the likelihood that water ways will not suffer from pollution
  • 41. The Performance Of Leonardo Dicaprio And Jonah Hill If you haven t seen The Wolf Of Wall street, a movie that hit fame in 2013, you should. The performance of Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill was incredible and original. Not only was it a great movie for all people (of a responsible age). It was a great movie for marketers. As I watched it I learned so much about marketingand getting your name out there. I also noticed during the entire duration of the film, they stated benefits of anything and everything it offers. The infamous Sell me this Pen , scene said it all. So that is what I am going to do today, I am going to sell you a pen. Well, I am not actually going to sell you a pen. I am going to sell you, me. First lets look at marketing in general. Marketing and advertising is the ... Show more content on ... Like the Sell this pen question has been around way before The Wolf of Wallstreet was around. No one wants to here the features of a product of service, those are the things that you can mention but not promote. We don t care how shiny or great the pen is, or if it is the top of the line pen. Those things do not provoke an emotion. The features provoke nothing. As marketers we need to gather information, respond to information well, deliver it and how you close it. In order to sell something as simple as a pen you have to show those skills I listed above. Gather information about the last time they used a pen, or if they use a pen and what kind. Make sure they understand the importance of how they needed that pen in their life. Sell something bigger than a pen. Sell them a life without a pen. How would they sign important memorable documents without a pen? Close them; ask for them to buy it. Once you create urgency in a product or service, they will buy it. Just like in The Wolf of Wall street, Leo says, sell me this pen . The other man says, Hand me the pen Do me a favor, write your name down on the napkin. Leo says, I can t I don t have a pen. The man says, Supply and demand. Leo needed the pen, the man had it. Hook, line and sinker. It is a simple process to understand. It is also simple to utilize. I am not going to sit here and talk about Leo and The Wolf of Wallstreet the entire time. Everyone has probably tried to
  • 42. Buster Walth Dependent Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior (APA, 2013, p. 675). This description aptly defines the personality of Buster Bluth from the television show Arrested Development. Buster has difficulty making everyday decisions, has issues with expressing disagreement, seeks out another close relationship once one goes awry, goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurture, has anxiety when faced with difficult decisions, and his social relationships are limited. All these traits are symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder(APA, 2013, p. 675). Based on this, Buster Bluth should be diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder. The first symptom... Show more content on ... These include anxiety when faced with decisions and limited social relations (). Buster is not often asked to decide things or to take sides but when he is, he has an anxiety attack. The family needs Buster s skills as a cartographer to help them navigate a boat and with everyone relying on him to say where to family needs to go, he has a panic attack (). He even went as far as putting himself into a coma just to avoid testifying against his father (). These types of behavior severely hinder his everyday functioning and decision making. In addition to this, Buster has a very small social circle. His only true friend is his mother and he sometimes associates with his other family members. The only person with whom Buster has a relationship outside of the family is Lucille two (). These associated features help to strengthen the cause for diagnosis of Buster
  • 43. Research Paper On Haiti Earthquake Haiti Earthquake Have you ever heard of an earthquake so big that hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, more than three hundred thousand people were injured, and 1.5 million people became homeless? If not, let me introduce you to the Haiti Earthquake. This enormous earthquake destroyed many lives. It was believed to have been caused by the shifting of tectonic plates in the Earth. But, is this the truth? In 2010, an earthquake broke out in Haiti. The city was left in ruins, 1.5 million people lost their homes, and hundreds of thousands of people were either killed or injured. Scientists claim that the cause of this earthquake was because of slippage along the conservative plate boundary that runs through Haiti. But, some conspiracy ... Show more content on ... But, conspiracy theorists think HAARP s purpose is far more sinister than meets the eye, says Stephanie Pappas, reporter for NBC news. HAARP is believed to use their resources for weather warfare, which also plays into the role of the thought of HAARP causing the earthquake in Haiti. Some reasoning that causes this theory is as follows: Just a few hundred miles away from Haiti is a HAARP array; The earthquake did not occur on a big fault line. This earthquake happened quite farther south of the North American plate and Caribbean plate. It is rare that a quake is to occur here, which makes room for conspiracies that HAARP caused it. These are just two of the many reasons that stem from HAARP s involvement with the Haiti Earthquake. So how did HAARP cause the earthquake? HAARP has heaters in the Ionosphere. From these heaters comes ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves. These waves are powerful enough, at the right frequency, to cause vibrations in the Earth, which can lead to an earthquake. One reason as to why HAARP would want to cause an earthquake is because of the idea that Haiti is an unguarded, unwanted, low protection country that could make a good place to test an earthquake. It also seems odd that, since this earthquake was deep in Earth s surface, it only affected
  • 44. Music Education And Emotional Intelligence A great musician can successfully realize two critical aspects of music while performing, the physical and abstract. While the technical requirements of such an endeavor can be aided through direct musical instruction, in earlier stages of musical growth the emotional demands require guidance by a teacher and self exploration from the participant. Once success in this area becomes apparent, musical benefits emerge and the journey the individual undertook also helps shape their emotional intelligence. By answering the question of how music education affects an individual s emotional knowledge of music and themselves, it will become possible to see the benefits of teaching music students with an emphasize on emotional learning. The first task requires the establishing of a relationship between music education and emotional intelligence, then different pedagogical techniques can be explored and gauged for their success in producing the desired effects, all which will help draw the connections between both ideas. Here are the parameters that will be used to guide the following discussion. The term music education is the teaching and learning of music (Colwell). The term emotional intelligence , also know as EI or EQ, was introduced by Daniel Goleman and colleagues and is defined as a person s ability to recognize emotions, make a choice as to what emotions are appropriate for given circumstances, and then be able to effectively communicate those emotions (Wood 168). In terms
  • 45. Non Violence In The Civil Rights Movement A voice has more power than a fist. During the civil rights movement of the nineteen fifties and nineteen sixties, African Americans were discriminated against for having a darker completion. This segregation took place predominantly in the South, and strict laws prevented most African Americans from living a normal life. Though discriminated against, black Americans started a movement that mostly involved a non violence approach for the situation. Education and respect from white Americans were the basis of the movement. Peaceful resistance to laws positively impact a free society, which is demonstrated through Martin Luther King Jr. and other fellow leaders during the civil rights movement. Education was the base of protesting. As... Show more content on ... In the early days of SNNC nonviolent action was strictly enforced, particularly for public demonstrations, as it was key to the movement s success (ibiblio). Using peace instead of violence, members took remarks from white Americans. Taking its inspiration from the Greensboro sit ins, SNCC members conducted numerous other sit ins throughout the South to get their point spread (pbs). Even though some students turned to Black Nationalism, due to violence that occurred in private towards black people. Even the movement was short lived, it created the attention in the media that Africans Americans wanted. It allowed them to be heard, with showing their non violent approach. This movement from young African Americans shows that they did not need to use violence to have their power be seen. Peaceful resistance proved that Black Americans could rebel against the government without using violence.Though not everyone agreed with these principles, it helped kick start the civil rights movement showing that African Americans were not going to let racist remarks tear them down. Our national government needs to focus on peaceful protest, instead of using media to only focus on violence. There is continuing problems with racism in the United States, and a peaceful resistance benefits the cause to rebel. Using voices instead of fits to resist the flaws in the government is the basis of
  • 46. Emerson s Essay On Truth And Lies In A Non-Moral Sense Ralph Waldo Emerson s essay, Nature further examines the ideas of truth and concepts introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche in On Truth and Lies in a Non Moral Sense. Nietzsche interpretations of the truths of the universe and the language we use to enforce those truths were wrong. Nietzsche, like Emerson, believed we had to conceive our own knowledgeand truthin the universe, however, he did not introduce how to go about doing so. Emerson, furthers Nietzsche s theory on truth and concepts into his own theory on Nature and proposes knowledge on how to go about seeking these truths for yourself. Nietzsche s theory of truth states that truth in itself is a metaphor. Nietzsche was the opposite of Emerson because he had an existentialist view on the world. Whereas, Emerson believed there was a god and that he performed great miracles, giving him a transcendentalist view on the world. Nietzsche titles his essay, On Truth and Lies in a Non moral Sense, because we receive our morals from our religious beliefs, but since he did not believe in a god, that highlights even further his dismay with truths in our language. We are told these concepts that we tell ourselves and convince ourselves are true, just to develop a logical sense of truth in our society. He believed we all formed these concepts or categories in where we group individual objects together to make sense of them. Nietzsche states in, On Truth and Lies in a Non moral Sense, Just as it is certain that one leaf is never
  • 47. Essay on Expand Ukraine’s Political Ambitions The month of November in Ukraine was interesting, to say the least. Politically, the Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych attempts to reform amending bills, while also socially ignoring the decline in press freedom. However, a major noteworthy article appeared on the stands: Ukraine goes offshore. This article is probably one of the most important events that occurred in November, which discusses revenue lost on offshore taxschemes. As an attempt to electronically expand Ukraine s political ambitions, Viktor Yanukovychpassed a recent bill early in November that will allow votes in the Parliament to be conducted by an electronic card (Ukrainian). Although not technically monumental, the bill will allow members of Parliament an easier... Show more content on ... He even goes as far as to say, the written press is as it was before (AFP). The information associated with Google s article, President denies problem with Ukraine press freedom , discusses the television networks across Ukraine as experiencing horrendous mishaps, such as the censoring of broadcasts and the removal of episodes that go against the regulations transpired by the president. If Yanukovych does not approve of the media associated with the press, he opposes the spreading of the ideas. Unfortunately, Yanukovych seems to acknowledge the fact that he will only allow production of news, journals, pictures, etc., if they portray the truth. The truth, in fact, is quite limited by the strict regulations Yanukovych orders Ukraine s networking companies to follow. As this issue is heightened by Yanukovych s disapproval and lack of understanding, I definitely am worried for the social state of the nation. As someone living in a free nation, I understand the social liberties that are given to a nation, and how it allows people to globalize their social understandings. Once Ukraine becomes socially deteriorated by Yanukovych s policies, Ukraine will suffer with various downfalls in freedom. I am a strong opponent to this ordeal for these reasons. I feel that Yanukoyvch continues to fear opposition and removal from office, so he eliminates all possible enemies. By exterminating the social
  • 48. Breast Augmentation Recovery Research Paper Heading: Breast Augmentation Recovery: Ways to Spend Your Downtime Productively Page Title: Tips to Spend Your Breast Augmentation Recovery Productively | Dr. Lee Meta Description: Breast augmentation surgery requires weeks of downtime. Check out some ideas that will help you spend your recovery period productively. As they say, No pain, no gain. Before you can enjoy your new breasts, you need to go through the final stage of your breast augmentation journey, the recovery stage. Typically, it takes 24 to 48 hours to recover from surgery and a few more days of less strenuous activities. This means there s nothing much you can do except laze around the house until you re fit enough to return to work or your daily routines. The thought of not being able to do anything probably bores ... Show more content on ... A blog is a great way to free your mind of thoughts that run inside your head as you go through your breast augmentation process. This will not only help calm your mind, but you can also offer a unique perspective to readers who plan to get breast implants. Create a Meal Plan If your diet consists of unhealthy fats and carbs, your recovery is a great time to overhaul your diet. Collect healthy recipes that you can make once you re ready to cook, and add them to your meal time. When you plan your next meal, there s a good chance that you stick to a healthy diet. Meditate Meditation can help improve your breathing and calm your mind. Additionally, it s a peaceful way to evaluate your life and discover ways to make your life more meaningful. It usually takes six weeks before you can resume normal physical activities. It s short, but the length can feel like forever with restricted activities. Dr. Lee understands this, so he ll provide instructions to help you recover quickly, safely, and productively. For more information about breast augmentation, consult Dr. Lee
  • 49. Disneyland Research Paper I have a general love for animals, but I specifically have an interest in cats. Their agility, grace, and independence is very captivating and beautiful. So, at seven years old, I believed I was ready to own some cats! My mother was a bit hesitant, and she told me that cats were a big responsibility, and I understood that. However, I was willing to take that challenge just to have two little furballs in our home. A month after the talk, I saw an ad in a paper talking about this animal shelter that had just opened up at Fashion Fair mall. Being small, emotional, and a catlover, you can imagine my determination of having a cat after the ad read Many kittens and cats looking for a forever home. Adopt one today! I took the newspaper and stomped... Show more content on ... My mom and I love theme parks, and what theme park is better than Disneyland! I ve been to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Universal Studios constantly, but it s been awhile since I ve been to Dinseyland. There was a time when I even believed I hadn t gone at all. The thought of me going seemed so rare and extraordinary because, well Disneyland costs a lot, but I was constantly told I had gone. I was only three then, we d gone with my grandparents, and there was even pictures to prove it! So I finally gave in, admitting I d gone, but I still wasn t satisfied. So what I d gone! I obviously didn t remember that time! I deserved to go again! I was a good student, a good daughter, and I believed I really deserved a trip, no matter the expense or the distance! I waited it out though, suffering through the commercials and never missing a beat in telling my mom about the discounts on Disneyland tickets. Suddenly, on my ninth birthday, all my waiting was going to pay off. All my begging was finally going to cease. It was a colorful birthday, a few weeks before the actual date, and all my friends had come of course! My grandparents were there, and my aunt visited for a while before having to leave to an appointment. But it was odd, because before she left, she laid a piece of paper on the present pile and my mom was quick to swoop it up. So, throughout the party, I waited in anxious anticipation to open my gifts, not knowing that today was the day I was waiting for. Finally it was time for presents, and my whole body tensed, waiting for the paper. However, as I tore through wrapper after wrapper, I just couldn t find my aunt s gift! Where was the paper!! After unwrapping the final present, I stood up to hug all my friends, but my mother s shout to wait instantly made me sit down. I blinked at her, how big she smiled and how excited
  • 50. The Interpreter of Maladies Hi, I m Dilsher Brar and today I ll be talking about Jhumpa Lahiri s use of structure in the Interpreter Of Maladies to create unconventional stories from common situations. I have chosen four texts to aid me in my presentation. These texts are Sexy, Interpreter Of Maladies, Temporary Matter and This Blessed House. My main reason for choosing these texts is the fact that all of them revolve around similar issues mainly marital issues and adultery. These situations are very common now days and I believe that most people will be able to relate to them. Another reason for choosing these stories is that they all have a few things common in terms of structure. All these stories are like having a quick look into the lives of the characters without knowing much about their background. The exposition of these stories starts off by showing the characters than by actually providing us with any details about these characters. The climaxof these stories too is right at the end and fails to provide us with a bona fide resolution. In my presentation today, I would first talk about the structural portions of the stories and will then move on to talking about the commonalities between them. Now, I would like to answer the question What is story structure? Story structure refers to a way in which characters, events, reactions and outcomes of a story are organized in order to create a solid plot in astory. The first part of a story structure is the exposition, which refers to the
  • 51. The University Of Albany Is State University Which Is Located The University of Albany is State University which is located in Albany, New York. This university offers many different majors and programs. The University has many sports for both men and women besides the sports there are clubs anyone from the school can join. It offers a big campus where most of its activities and events. In this Essay I will discuss information about Albanyand why I choose it as my college. The Universityof Albany founded on1844, as a normal school . It trained teachers to increase the population of teachers. It offered a two year education to students across the state for 50 years. In 1890 the school had to do some improving and it added a four year education program, new curricula, new faculty, and new standards ... Show more content on ... The University wants everyone to be united and experience new programs and to gain experience. Experience doesn t just come from career goals but from the environment, someone is nurtured in. The University of Albany wants to give the students a chance to get involved with others students. The university is home to 200 clubs and organizations, 19 division 1 athletics teams which students can participate or be a part of. The clubs offered ranges from political and government clubs to cultural or religious affiliated organizations, as well as an on campus radio station. The office of Campus Recreation makes sure that the students stay active and are involved. The University of Albany wants to provide the students the best and safest place to be educated. So Albany has on and off campus housing which can be set up once the student has been fully signed p and ready to attend. On campus housing allows for students to room with others while being on the university grounds it makes it convenient for students to get to classes faster. Freshman who are joining get set up either on the Indian Quad or State Quad. The Indian Quad is the eight building surrounding the tower which provide a traditional residence hall environment and the State Quad is the residence halls where are all suite style housing, which consists of 1 to 3 bedrooms that share a suite and a bathroom. Living on campus for the