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An Essay About Life
Writing an essay on the topic "An Essay About Life" can be an intricate task, as it delves into the
vast and complex subject of life itself. Life is multifaceted, encompassing a myriad of
experiences, emotions, and perspectives, making it challenging to encapsulate its essence within
the confines of an essay.
The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between depth and breadth, to capture the
richness of life without overwhelming the reader. Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly
weaves together personal insights, philosophical reflections, and universal truths demands a
careful selection of words and thoughtful organization of ideas.
Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and trite expressions, as life is a topic that has
been explored and written about extensively. The task is to bring a fresh perspective, offering a
unique angle or interpretation that resonates with readers and encourages contemplation.
Furthermore, the subjective nature of the topic adds another layer of complexity. Each
individual's life journey is unique, and the essayist must navigate the delicate balance between
personal experiences and relatability. Connecting with a diverse audience requires skillful
storytelling and an empathetic understanding of the human experience.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of life demands not only a command of language
but also a profound understanding of the intricacies of human existence. It necessitates a
thoughtful and creative approach to explore the depth and breadth of this vast subject. For those
who find themselves daunted by the challenge, assistance in crafting similar essays and more can
be sought at
An Essay About Life An Essay About Life
Foreign Military During Control On The Street
Liana Arnot
Professor Dominguez
English 101
4 December 2015 Imagine stepping outside and there was a foreign military in
control on the street that you live on. Having one s home invaded by an unfamiliar
person is a scary and traumatizing experience. It encourages a person to take more
precautionary measures to ensure that their home is safe, but being watchful is not
always a guarantee of safety. This concept reflects what the people of Okinawa
experienced in the nineteen forties and still struggle with today. The beautiful
island of Okinawa is located south of Japan and is composed of several small
islands. Okinawa was its own Ryukyu Kingdom before it was annexed by the
Japanese in 1879 ( Today, the Japanese government itself does not truly
treat Okinawa as an equal to mainland Japan. In fact, many of the Okinawans do not
consider themselves to be Japanese and actively voice that their culture is starkly
different than that of the Japanese people. The Japanese government is placing these
bases on the Okinawan s home without consulting them. It is an unfair act upon the
locals because their home is being taken from and they can do nothing to stop it. The
bases are not only disliked by the locals but it is also harming their marine life and
polluting their environment. Mainland Japan is fully capable of housing the new
military bases but they would rather throw it on the nonviolent island of Okinawa.
The locals of Okinawa have not had a pleasant experience
What Role Should The Church Play In US Politics
Let s talk about something I m sure we ve all thought about at least once, our
political views. I m not talking about our political views as individuals but as the
body of Christ. Christians are meant to reflect the nature of Jesus Christ when he
walked this Earth, and to witness to all nations of his wonderful saving grace. So,
how do we do that, and still hold political views?
I m not here to discuss political parties, or their advantages/disadvantages. If you ve
seen our videos, you have probably come to your own conclusions of our political
beliefs. I want to talk about something far more complex. What role should the
Church take in U.S. politics? Should a Pastor/Priest ever endorse a candidate for
public office? Or, should an organization that represents Jesus Christ discuss their
views on hot button issues, or demonize those on the other side of the aisle? ... Show
more content on ...
Not once in the word of God, does it say anything about how we are supposed to
approach this specific issue. However, there are concepts that are found in the
Bible to help give us wisdom about how to approach this particular issue. We
should respect our leaders in the government because they are given their authority
by God. We should keep the state out of Church affairs. The Bible also tells us to
honor all people, and to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is what the Bible
says about the government and our role in
Diversity In The Workplace Essay
Workforce diversity addresses differences among people within an organization.
Workforce diversity means that organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous
mix of people from different categories. Diversity refers to the co existence of
employees from various socio cultural backgrounds within the company. Diversity
includes cultural factors such as race, gender, age, colour, physical ability, ethnicity,
education, language, lifestyle, beliefs, economic status, etc. Diversity requires a type
of organizational culture in which each employee can pursue his or her career
aspirations without being inhibited by gender, race, nationality, religion, or other
factors that are irrelevant to performance. Managing diversity means ... Show more
content on ...
And this in turn helps to promote fair opportunities in the field of employment and
vocational training. Another benefit is enrichment of organizational human capital;
managing a diverse workforce entails a minimization of cloning that is preventing the
production of an exact copy in selection and promotion. This leads to a wider range of
ideas and abilities, offering greater scope for innovation and competitive performance
in the future therefore enriching an organizations human capital.
Companies can succeed at diversity if the initiative to create, manage and value the
diverse workforce has the full support of the top management. The following are the
conditions which would make workforce diversity a success in any organisation:
1.The organization should assign this work to a senior manager. The organization
should link concerns for diversity to human resource management decisions around
recruitment, selection, placement, succession planning, performance management,
and rewards.
2.The organization should create such a working environment as will increase the
motivation, satisfaction, and commitment of diverse people.
3.Performance standards must be clearly and objectively established, effectively
communicated, and used on objective criteria without any bias. Identify desirable and
undesirable behaviors that must be based upon
By the UNCTAD Secretariat в€
Virtually all of the futures exchanges in the United States date from the late
nineteenth or early twentieth century. They all started as commodity exchanges, but
since the early 1980s trade in financial futures has become more and more important
for most of them. Until 1998, the Chicago Board of Trade used to be the world=s
largest futures exchange, but is now the second largest place with a volume of 255
million contracts in 1999 (11 per cent of total world volume). The Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, the world=s fourth largest, accounted for about 8.5 per cent of
world volume, while the New York Mercantile Exchange (former NYMEX and
COMEX), the world=s ... Show more content on ...
Most of the products traded are agricultural (with some processed products traded
in a few countries), but the Government of Colombia is looking at the possibility of
introducing a commodity exchange for emeralds. The trading possibilities offered
by the exchanges vary widely. Most provide a forum for the trade in physical
commodities, but some also enable forward trading; in Colombia, the exchange
also trades the Acredit@ part of warehouse receipts (in Latin America, warehouse
receipts consist of two parts, one which gives rights to the commodities, and one
which is used for credit purposes). The creation of a commodity futures exchange
was proposed by a major private sector group in Chile in the late 1980s; the
proposed exchange would trade in domestic food grains and in fishmeal, but plans
for it have not yet been finalised. In Paraguay, the Government considered the
possibilities for the introduction of an exchange. Progress towards the introduction
of an exchange is quite advanced in the Dominican Republic; it is planned to
introduce warehouse receipt trading for beans and coffee. In Venezuela, a group
already active in trading warehouse receipts over the counter is also working on the
creation of an exchange.
Europe is home to both some of the world=s oldest and some of the world=s newest
commodity exchanges. Two
The Happy Da Size Rv Identity Fraud Case
My folks moved to California when I was approx two years old. They moved to
various places in Rancho Cordova and Sacramento and then Folsom. Specific
addresses were 4036 Birch Grove Way, Rosemont Ca, and 1101 Avon Way, Folsom
Ca 95630.
The cash call and pizza issue with Sac county were the results of identity theft
which is what I filed with Folsom PD. The perp stole a box of check books from
my mail box and cashed them at several merchants around Folsom along with check
cashing establishments. Round table and cash call took it up in court which is why I
had to file the police report. The issues have since been resolved and moved from my
personal credit history as a result.
The Happy Daze RV is a situation which involved my father, Roger
The Frank Talent of Aretha Louise Franklin Essay
Aretha Louise Franklin was born on March 25, 1942 in Memphis, Tennessee (bio
1). She was one of five children born to Rev. Clarence L. Franklin and Barbara
(Siggers) Franklin (Moritz 132). Aretha was born into a very musical family. Her
mother, Barbara, was a gospel singer and her sisters, Erma and Carolyn, are both
vocalists, too (Glickman 1, Moritz 132). Her brothers took a different, unmusical
approach to their lives. Her brother, Cecil, is the Assistant Pastor at his father s
church and her other brother, Vaughn, is a career man in the United States (Moritz
132). When Aretha was two years old her father took her, and the rest of his family,
North (Moritz 132). Five years after they moved, they settled in Detroit, Michigan...
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Touring with her father gave her important performing experiences, but it was also
a very tough time for her (Moritz 132). Her brother told a Time Magazine
interviewer: Driving eight or ten hours trying to make a gig, and being hungry and
passing restaurants all along the road, and having to go off the highway into some
little city to find a place to eat because you re black that had its effect (Moritz 132).
Everyone knew Aretha was incredibly talented at a very young age. At twelve years
old, Aretha cut her first record on her first solo for Chess Records. After that she
went on tour with her father. In 1960, Aretha came to New York and took dancing
and vocal lessons (Moritz 132). She signed a five year contract with Columbia
Records one year later in 1961 (Moritz 132). While at Columbia Records, she
recorded nine long playing albums, only selling moderately (Moritz 132). Toward
the end of 1966 Aretha turned down an offered renewed contract by Columbia,
signing with Atlantic Records instead (Moritz 133). Aretha had a reputation of
being difficult to handle in the early part of her career according to Phyl Garland of
Ebony in 1967 (Moritz 133 134). She caused a small riot when she walked out of a
concert in Denver because she was only paid half of what she was promised (Moritz
134). Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, made beautiful, soulful music over the
years. She recorded her first single, I Never Loved a Man,
Regulate Gun Ownership
In a considerable amount of societies, gun ownership is considered to be a
fundamental citizen right while in the majority of others it s a highly restricted one.
As I see it, gun ownership should and must be highly restricted and regulated.
First and foremost, the mere presence of a gun will most likely than not make a
conflict more violent. If and when given the choice, the situation will more likely
turn sour if someone involves a gun. To be precise, a woman s risk of being
murdered increases 500% if a gun is present during a domestic dispute. Another key
thing to remember is that as a matter of fact guns are rarely used in self defence.
Not to mention that, statistically, not only armed civilians are unlikely to stop crimes,
but, what s more, are more likely to make a dangerous situation more deadly. With
gun regulation, gun homicide and suicide will certainly lower. ... Show more content
on ...
Costs such as court expenses, hospital bills and mental health care, law enforcement,
etc. On the occasion of gun control, all those expenses will be cut down and a great
amount of money will be saved. That money can be used for more important matters,
such as the education
How The Illness Experience Challenged Kayla s Identity
Imagine having a disease, but not know about it for years. This was the case of
Kayla, the individual that I interviewed for this research. Kayla has Familial
Mediterranean fever (FMF) also known as the Armenian disease since 1 in 5
Armenians possess the gene for this disease. Discovered in 1997, FMF is a
hereditary inflammatory disorder that produces physical pain in which affect
individuals differently (Fisher et al). In Kayla s case, she gets joint pain and has
abdominal inflammation that induces severe pain lasting three to four days. These
symptoms are not concurrent with one another, however they both have influence her
behavior and choices throughout life.
How the illness experience challenged Kayla s identity: ... Show more content on ...
Kayla refers to the sporadic pain as attacks. I would get attacks every week and it
would last 2 to 3 days. It got to the point where my teachers at school and in ballet
thought I was faking it. I prayed to God all the time for the pain to go away, but it
never happened. Her illness experience lead to hopeless especially since it made
pursuing her passion as a ballerina difficult. Her attacks would leave her bedridden
for days in which she lost crucial training time. This hopeless in not understanding
the reasons for her pain was also affecting her parents. My parents took me to nine
doctors in a span of 4 years and they couldn t find out what was wrong with me. I
was getting 6 tubes of blood drawn with each visit that came back with no results. I
remember that one of doctors even got frustrated with my mom because she was
pushing for answers. His response to the situation was to say I don t know what to
tell you lady, your daughter has cancer? My parents and I started to lose hope. Kayla
s illness experience during this phase illustrates chaos narrative because she thought
that she would never get better. She had no control over her attacks and had lost hope
after seeing nine doctors that could not provide answers. This resulted in emotional
battering which refers to the suffering of an individual being rejected socially and by
physicians (Whitehead:2006). Kayla s emotional battering stemmed from being
rejected by the doctors who could
A Defining Moment Essay
Many people influenced and events my reading and writing development throughout
my childhood from my mother, my elementary librarian, and Sesame Street, to
getting my first pair of glasses. We all have defining moments in our lives where we
can look back and say, That moment changed my life. This is the story of the
defining moment that changed the way I read and write, and I learned it from a whale!
It was the beginning of my seventh grade year. I was about twelve years old and, I
guess you could say a nerd. I did well in school so I was placed in the Gifted and
Talented program with other nerds in my class. As part of this program we were
required to read at a certain level or read a certain number of books each semester.
You... Show more content on ...
I thought to myself, hey, I like whales. I ve read stories about ships and pirates and
stuff before. This looks like something I might like. I can still smell the old paper
and threaded binding resonating in my mind as I opened the book and scrolled
through the pages, soaking in the vibrant illustrations of what would soon become my
obsession for the next six months.
Happy with my selection and feeling fairly proud of myself, I take the book to the
check out desk. The desk is occupied by the stereotypical librarian. She is an older
lady probably in her sixties with gray wiry hair and half square bi focal glasses that
sit on the end of her nose. As I place the book on the counter, she looks down her
nose and through her glasses at me with a look of skepticism. Frowning as she
speaks, she tells me that maybe I should choose something else. Undaunted, I refuse
and ask to check out the book. She gives a few other suggestions but again, I refuse.
She wishes me luck as she slides it back to me and I stuff the hefty book into my
I start reading the book and right away it is intimidating from the very first
paragraph. I am faced with language and sentence structure I do not understand,
what is a bedfellow and why does he carry a purse? Is he gay? Immediately I am
second guessing my decision but I am determined to get through this book. It takes
me the better part of a week to get through the first chapter. I
Business Law Mistake
In the Law of Contract the phrase mistake Misrepresentation is applied when one or
both parties of a contract act under a false or mistaken understanding.
Mistake can be defined by Pendleton , Vickery (1998), [1] as; вћў A
misunderstanding regarding a fact, causing one or more parties to hold disagreeing
beliefs about the foundation of a contract.
Mistakes can be made in the form of a contracts subject matter or as a mistake of
identity. There are 3 different types of mistake in Contract Law. вћў Common
Mistake (Subject) вћў Mutual Mistake (Subject) вћў Unilateral Mistake (Identity)
Common Mistake
Were both parities are in an agreement however they are both mistaken about an
important subject to the existence of ... Show more content on ...
вћў Voidable
On the other hand if the contract is deemed voidable due to misrepresentation the
contract still exists and the good title is passed from the first party to the crook
who then passes the good title on the an innocent third party (as long as the
innocent third party paid a reasonable price for the goods, if they did not pay a
reasonable price the court will find they did not have good faith and the contract is
therefore void). In a case like this the only thing the plaintiff can do is find the crook
and sue him for the amount lost.
There are two ways a court will decide if the contract is made void for mistake or not.
If the contract was made face to face or at a distance (eg. on the phone or by letter)
вћў At a distance
This was first applied in the case Cundy v Lindsay (1878)[10] where a crook had
pretended to be a regular customer of the company and ordered a substantial amount
of goods. Once in possession of the goods he sold them on to an innocent third party
who bought them at a reasonable price (good faith). The company then took action
against the innocent third party under the grounds of mistake. It was held in this case
that the plaintiff was mistaken as to the identity of the crook and the contract was
made void, on the grounds that the plaintiff thought they
History and Overview of the Boys and Girls Club of America
Boys and Girls Club of America Boys and Girls Club of America: Boys and Girls
Clubs of America (BGCA) is a countrywide organization of local subdivisions that
provide after school programs for young people. The purpose of BGCA is to
provide young people with a safe environment during weekends and after school.
As a non profit organization, Boys and Girls Clubs of America run after school
clubs that serves over 4 million children across 3,400 facilities throughout 50 states
and Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The organization also has 150 clubs located on
the Native American tribal lands as well as another 400 clubs located in military
bases that are spread across the globe. Since its inception, the organization and its
predecessors have been tackling juvenile delinquency for more than 100 years. In
order to accomplish this objective, BGCA opens the clubs on a daily basis after
school and during weekends. These clubs are managed by full time youth
development professionals who are supported by volunteers in the community.
Despite of its activities revolving around sports and recreational activities, BGCA
provide programs that focus on health and life skills, character and leadership
development, computer skills, and arts. History of Boys and Girls Club of America:
The Boys and Girls Club of America is an organization with a history that traces back
to 1860. The origin of the organization is attributed to the initiative by some civic
minded women begun a recreational
Trifle By Susan Glaspell Essay
Among every story there is always a hidden truth, and Trifle is no exception.
Written in 1916 by Susan Glaspell the play narrates the story of Minnie Foster and
the serious of events that led her to murdering her husband. Symbols such as the
house, a canary and a birdcage are applied to significantly emphasize Minnie Foster
isolation. The house is a major symbol. Even though the home is the closest to
town, it is located down in a hollow and can not been seen from the road. Trifles
focuses on the death of an oppressive husband at the hand of his emotionally abused
wife in an isolated and remote farm in the midwest. (Barlow 70 86) The seclusion of
the home constructs a lonely environment.Thus Minnie Foster is separated from the
world,... Show more content on ...
Mrs. Hale compres Minnie to a canary She was kind of like a bird herself real
sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and fluttery (Glaspell 1011) Birds are a symbol
of freedom. They are meant to fly and be in constant movement. Their spirits are
wild, and can not be contained. Their home is the endless skies and the comforts
of the clouds. The comparison is ironic since Minnie Foster s spirit is isolated and
has been contained in a unpleasant marriage. Glaspell paint quickly establishes
that the canary symbolizes the particular cheerful side of Mrs. Wright destroyed
by the oppression of her marriage. (Sutten 170 178) Canaries are full of life and
brightness. After her marriage the oppression of her husband has killed her
cheerful side and raped her of her life. The canary is known for its beautiful voice.
The bird s song is a replacement to the silence of a marriage without children.
Love, particularly maternal is associated with sound and in its absace with silence
( Makowsky 61) Minnie is a caretaker with no children to take care of. Beyond being
isolated she is lonely and deprived from her true desires. The bird just like herself
has been trapped and condemned to live in
Statewide Corporation
I. Background: Statewide Development Corporation has built a very large apartment
complex in Gainesville, Florida. As part of the student oriented marketing strategy
that has been developed, it is stated that if any problem with plumbing or air
conditioning are experienced, a maintenance personnel will begin working on the
problem within one hour. If a tenant must wait must more than one (1) hour for the
repair person to arrive, a $10 deduction from the monthly rent will be made for each
additional hour of time waiting. An answering machine will take the calls and record
the time of the call if the maintenance person is busy. Past experiences at other
complexes has shown that during the week when most occupants are at school, there
is... Show more content on ...
It takes approximately one (1) hour to drive to the supply house, pick up a part,
and return to the apartment complex. d) Past records indicate that, on
approximately 10% of all calls, a trip must be made to the supply house. e) Table
below shows the probability distribution of the time required to resolve a problem
if the part is available on site: |TIME FOR REPAIR (MINUTES) |PROBABILITY |
|30 |0.45 | |60 |0.30 | |90 |0.20 | |120 |0.05 | f) It takes approximately 30 minutes to
diagnose difficult problems for which parts are not on site. Once a part has been
obtained from a supply house, it takes approximately one hour to install the new
part. g) The cost of salary and benefits for a maintenance person is $20 per hour. IV.
Alternative approaches to solving the problem: Based on the given case and the
problems cited, the best approach to use is the Monte Carlo
The Modeling and Aero-Elastic Analysis Performed in
The modelling and aero elastic analysis of a laminated hybrid composite plate with
SMAs as an actuator is performed within MSc Nastran Finite Element Software. The
term aeroelasticity is the interaction of inertial, aerodynamic and elastic forces. The
interaction of at least two of these forces produces various aeroelastic phenomena
such as divergence, flutter, and control reversal, buffeting and dynamic stability.
However, for this paper is only concentrate on the flutter analysis and to investigate
the potential of SMAs for aeroelasticity improvement.
For acknowledgeable, a hybrid composite material is a combination of hybrid and
composite . The meaning of hybrid in hybrid composite material itself is the
hybridization in macroscopic structure in the metallographic scale. Researchers found
that there are three new categories of hybridization of materials, that is, hybrid
materials. The categorizations of hybrid materials are structurally hybridized
materials, materials hybridized in chemical bond, and functionally hybridized
materials. The composite wings require more advanced treatment that must be based
on a new methodology which handles the modelling complexity arising mainly from
the fibrous nature of anisotropic composites. The most popular hybrid composite is
carbon Kevlar hybrid composite and this is because hybridization of carbon fibre
reinforced composites with Kevlar fibre results in a significant positive hybrid
I Am Naturally An Anxious Person
I am naturally an anxious person. And not the kind of anxious that only appears
when running late for work, or seeing someone s penis for the first time. I mean the
kind of anxious that manifests itself in all areas of my life, and has done for many
years. For example, when I was young, my school used to hold mufti days. A
glorious time in which the constraints of green plaid would be lifted, and we would
be free to express our individuality through sparkly t shirts and patterned jeans. The
day would fill me with equal parts excitement and severe anxiety; excitement to dress
out of uniform during school hours, but anxiety if I got it wrong. As a result, every
mufti day involved my mum driving me to school and packing my school uniform
in the car just in case I d made a mistake. I would slouch down in the front seat so
no one could see me, and make my mum drive around the block until I spotted a few
other out of uniform children. Only then would I be able to go inside, my gold coin
donation jangling in my pocket.
While I ve grown a little since then, and no longer need my mum to drive me
around the corner before school, I am still plagued with anxiety and low moods,
which is not something that I am very good at letting others in on, and not
something that is good to experience alone. My anxiety has seen me get off public
transport on the way to a new job, unable to turn up and unable to go back, turn
down social events and spend a lot of time alone, spend hours nervously
Again And Whatever
Again and Whatever Visual Choices Jakob Vardy Again and Whatever is an
upcoming short film that was written by Jakob Vardy who will also direct. The
film is about a young woman named Melissa, who is part of a toxic relationship
with her boyfriend Jeff. Melissa is a college graduate who had high academic
achievements while Jeff is a high school dropout who works labour in a factory.
The couple have experienced events of violence in the past. The films plot follows
Melissa making a choice to leave Jeff, after a drunken violent outburst from him.
Melissa looks to her friend Sara for help with this decision. The film at its core is
about domestic abuse and the toll it takes on people. This is not a story about a
victim and a villain. Melissa does not hate Jeff and the goal of this film is not to
show him as a monster. Many domestic disturbances involve men who are capable of
making changes.... Show more content on ...
The setting will have a isolated visual tone. It won t be dark necessarily, but the
light will cast a lot of shadows and have a yellowish fluorescent feel to it. The
setting will feel gloomy and depressing just like the relationship of the two people
that occupy the setting. The scene at Lake Ontario will involve blue moonlight.
The sky should be fairly clear in the night of March and the moon may cooperate.
However, the use of portable lights with a blue color to it will be used to help the
audience see Melissa in the moonlight. This is not only natural for winter nights in
Toronto, but the film will visually show Melissa going from a depressing
environment to a place with just enough hope that things might get better. That is
why the scene takes place at night with light from the moon instead of taking place
during the day with complete brightness from the sun. Again and Whatever is being
filmed the week of March 14th 2016 in Etobicoke Ontario, starring Melissa Newman
as Melissa and Noah Hamilton as
Nt1310 Unit 2 Research Papers
There are those who are quick to get into the holiday spirit, and there are those who
blog angrily about how they saw candy canes on the Wal Mart shelves before
Halloween. To satisfy those in the former group, radio stations have been jumping on
the 24 hour holiday music train since the mid 1990s. To the disappointment of the
latter, the trend is gaining momentum and starting earlier than ever this year.
I have never seen a more successful, impactful and sustainable impact on ratings as all
Christmas music, said Dan Vallie, a consultant to New Jersey s WEZW FM and
other stations across the country. This year, WEZW, also known as Easy 93.1, was
the first radio station in the country to start airing 24 hour holiday tunes. They kicked
off their nonstop broadcasting two weeks before Halloween. ... Show more content on ...
They also point out that competition between broadcasters often leads to stations
turning earlier and earlier.
This year, Pandora is pushing over 35 holiday themed channels, and Sirius XM
boasts 8, with one that is nonstop year round. But the iHeartRadio Network has been
plotting their attack all year. President Darren Davis said their all holiday preparation
usually begins in August.
It s about more than just the songs, said Davis. When you walk into a Hallmark store
around the holidays, everything is Christmas the carpet is Christmas, the window
decorations are Christmas, it smells like Christmas candles and cookies. That s the
environment we try to create with our Christmas radio station.
While most radio stations are racing to be the first, one UK station hopes to be the
last. Starting today, Birmingham s Free Radio 80s aims to set a new record as the
first FM radio station to broadcast nonstop holiday tunes for 33 days
Aristotle Analysis
An examination of Aristotle s critique of the different claims to rule reveals that
because of our nature as political animals, living the good life is most practicable
under the regime of the polity. Therefore, by separating the utopian theory of a
regime and the practicable application, Aristotle shows that we can live in a state
where our virtuecontributes to the being of the city, and in the process, bring forth the
ultimate goal of the city: achieving happiness through the good life.
By laying out the case for a ruling oligarchy, Aristotleclaims the wealthy regard
justice in strictly monetary terms, saying, [oligarchs] think if they are superior in one
point, for example in wealth, they are superior in all (Aristotle 103). In other ... Show
more content on ...
In the ideal polity, the middle class is the binding glue of moderation among the
excess ( the very rich ) and the defect ( the very poor ). It is essential to understand
that by applying his ethics to his politics, Aristotle is claiming that we can find the
mean between the god like virtue of his perfect state through the more practical
application of moderation. True, the majority of men who rule in a polity will not
be of the most excellence, but they will be the second best excellence, which is
those in possession of much moderation. By acting as a voice of reason amidst the
excessive and defective, the middle can serve as a barrier against those who would
overstep the mean, and therefore act against virtue. This mean of moderation in
cities offers the best chance for the most people to live the good life, as Aristotle
reaffirms when he says, [in cities] moderation and the mean are always best (Aristotle
The Art of Akhenaten
The Art of Akhenaten A Formal Analysis of House Shrine and Akhenaten Making
The Art of Akhenaten A Formal Analysis of House Shrine and Akhenaten Making
Offerings One of the most enigmatic pharaohs of Egyptian history, Amenhotep IV,
had grown up in the most powerful family in ancient Egypt. Once he became pharaoh
and ruler of Egypt s empire in 1378 BCE, he changed his name to Akhenaten,
effective spirit of Aten , and was known to the people as the heretic king. Early in his
reign, Akhenaten encouraged ideas by using art as a way of emphasizing his political
and religious intentions of doing things differently; therefore, ... Show more content
on ...
This first act as king brought with him a shocking speculation and hostility between
his throne and the priesthood of Amun. Inside the temple was an entirely new style
of art, which was often described, as naturalistic in Akhenaten s portrayal of the
human body. No longer was the Pharaoh portrayed as half animal with the perfect
body fitted for the afterlife. Akhenaten and the royal family were shown with long
toes, massive hips, extremely long fingers, skinny torso, ample breasts, big buttocks,
and an elongated face. This exaggeration of the royal family s bodies altered classic
Egyptian art and became better known as Amarna Art.
Another astonishing act to this religious revolution was the Akhenaten s order of the
construction of a new capital, far to the north of Thebes known as Amarna, horizon
of the sun, claiming the sun god lead him there. A few years after, Akhenaten made
the decision to abandon Thebes and ordered his people to pack up and leave behind
the city built by his father to receive the blessings of Aten in the city of Amarna.
Shortly thereafter, he abolished traditional gods and goddesses, declaring one
monotheistic deity, Aten, and introduced in art as a more intimate worship in public
and personal settings of the royal family, receiving blessings from Aten, and showing
day to day life and activities.
A classic example of the radical transformation of Egyptian state religion is found on
How The Five Elements Of NAFSA Indigenous Food
The Hopi tribe of Arizona is located in the northeaster part of the state. The word
Hopi has meaning equivalent to peaceful ones (Weiser). Since the Hopi s beginning,
the tribe was an agricultural heavy tribe. They practiced many ceremonies around
the lunar calendar and have their own story of how they were place into the fourth
world ( Wildlife Ecosystems Management Program. ). They faced the first settler
colonialism in 1540 when the Spanish arrive to what is now known as the Americas.
Today, the Hopireservation is only 9% of their original land holdings (Weiser). In this
essay, I will be connecting five elements of NAFSA Indigenous Food Sovereignty to
the Hopi tribe and describe how they were implemented both traditionally and in
today s communities.
The first element of NAFSA Indigenous Food Sovereignty is Natural Resources,
Water and Land. Traditionally, the Hopi are farming people. The Hopi focus on dry
farming techniques and view farming as an act of faith for the Hopi that serves as a
religious focus as well as an economic activity ( About. ). Traditionally the men
harvest the food and the woman and daughters practice methods of storing the food.
In today s community, a Wildlife Ecosystems Management Program is in place to
monitor the tribe s natural resources and wildlife regulations. The Wildlife
Ecosystems Management Program focuses on protecting the environment as well as
the animals that inhibit the environment. They hold responsibility for all
Persuasive Essay On Privacy
These days cyber attacks are one of the top crimes in the world. We all connected
online in some way. I have personally been a victim of a cyber hack when my bank
card was stolen and sold on the dark web. In a matter of minutes my card made
multiple purchases in several different states. This has made me more aware of my
digital footprint. Based on my own actions and the actions of the institutes I choose to
occupy. Cyber security and surveillance has become a constant challenge for any
person, company, institution and country. Even our own governmenthas taken
measures to protect the nation s information.
I strongly believe every person should monitor their personal information. Each
person should be aware of the websites and devices they are putting their
information on. If the websites and device are unsecure each person is responsible
for monitoring there accounts and personal information. But most people do not
do this. They will order items online without checking if the website or vendor is
secure. The other side of this is what if the website in secure and trust worthy. Can
it be vulnerable to a cyber attack? If a company that is popular and operates with a
secure website is hacked, does it matter where your information is? In the case of
Facebook, when you buy items online through a Facebook post, does the Facebook
privacy mode protect your data? Facebook is a prime example of a person images
being semi private and semi protected (Perez). Cyber security is a growing business
for the consumer and for major companies.
Even the government has made strong arrangements to protect the nation
infrastructure. Some Americans feel like their privacy is being violated when the
government makes arrangements to use surveillance to monitor crimes and cyber
activity. In a recent interview with The New York Times a retired teacher from
Rochester, N.Y. said I don t have a problem with cameras as long as they are
public, but wiretapping without a warrant goes too far (Landler, Sussman). If the
government is watching you physically or just your cyber movements most people
feel a litter violated. Others feel like it is necessary in today s economy. Cyber
criminals have grown from the early 2000 where they use
How Did Josephine Baker Influence The Civil Rights
Why would someone return to a place where people mistreat them for their color?
Surprisingly, this happened to Josephine Baker. Josephine Baker made an important
and positive influence on the civil rights era. In the early 1900s, Baker moved to
France to dance and sing, but she faced racism when she returned to the United States
for a show ( 2). The racism she encountered during her performance
influenced Josephine Baker to become an activist. Baker started to adopt kids
around the world and called them the Rainbow Tribe (Trex 6). Baker created the
Rainbow Tribe to change how people view different races can live together in
harmony. This project of hers and much more made a positive influence during the
civil rights movement... Show more content on ...
Baker influenced Civil Rights for society in a positive way by paving the way for
African Americans performers to perform in the U.S. in front of a white crowd,
and she advocated for African Americans to be in the crowd with whites in the
theater. According to The Official Licensing Website of Josephine Baker, she
made these changes by enforcing in her contract that she would not perform at
theatres or venues that did not let all types of color patrons to pay to see her. When
Josephine Baker returned to the U.S. for a show, she performed at Carnegie Hall
in front of an interracial crowd and received an outstanding ovation (
1). This statement shows us if Baker did not put her morals before money, African
American would not be able to watch performances in the same room with
Caucasian people, and African Americans would not be able to perform in front of
Caucasians people without being afraid of their criticism. The author states, and
celebration of her as a weapon in the holy war against racism (p 215) (Boisseau
154). This quote shows Josephine s positive acts made many people see her as a
weapon against Jim Crow Laws. In addition, she influenced Civil Rights for society
in a positive way by encouraging other civil rights leaders to keep up their work. In a
letter written by Josephine Baker to Martin Luther King, she said, We cannot stop
now on the contrary, we must double our
Classic Knitwear, Inc. Essay
The company known as Classic Knitwear, Inc. operates in a $24.5 billion market of
non fashion casual knitwear. Casual knitwear are T shirts, sport shirts, sweatshirts,
fleeces, and so on. In 2005, the company reported revenues of $550 million. Of
this, 75% ($412,500) were to wholesalers and the remaining 25% ($137,500) was
sold as private label merchandise. The firm has low production cost due to a state
of the art offshore production hub in the Dominican Republic. This manufacturing
center, in combination with the economies of scale from high volume, low SKU
production runs result in lower operational expenses. Therefore, Classic Knitwear
currently enjoys a moderate cost advantage over other US producers. The Board of
Directors as well as CEO are seeking opportunities for growth. It was determined
that Classic s problem lies within their low gross margin, 18%, compared to the
competitions 30% to 40%. The company wants to increase their GM to 20% in
2006. In order to do so, Classic is deciding whether or not to partner with the
chemical firm Guardian, Inc. to produce a new insect repellentline of shirts.
Option 1: Partner with Guardian under their brand name. The opportunity to negotiate
a licensing partnership with Guardian would allow the firm to launch a line of insect
repellant shirts using their branding.. Guardian sees the potential partnership as an
opportunity to reach an untapped market that values the outdoors along with
convenience. Consumer research shows
Essay about Motives Of The Spanish American War
The Spanish American War started in 1898 and lasted about four months. Although
the war might have seemed focused on freeing Cuba from Spain and gaining
independence for Cuba and the Philippines, it was actually stimulated by nationalism
and commercialism. Commercialism was a major factor when declaring war
because the United States depended on Cuba and the Philippines for trade and
business with other countries, especially in Asia and Latin America. Another major
factor for the war was that the United States wanted to spread its Anglo Saxon
culture around the world and emerge as a world wide power. Other minor motives
for the war include the United States coming to the aid of the Cubans in their revolt
against Spain and the feeling that... Show more content on ...
Control of these raw materials was very important to trade in the US. Nationalism
was another major factor in declaring war against Spain. Nationalism emerged in
the United States and all of its people seemed to support the war. The yellow press
printed multiple stories of scandals, including the explosion of the Maine in the
Havana harbor. The yellow press printed that the Spanish were responsible for this
action, which led to the slogan Remember the Maine. Nationalism and pride surged
within the United States and war became imminent. The rough riders, who were
volunteers from the United States, invaded the Santiago harbor in order to drive
out Spanish ships. They paved the way for the American army and forced Spain to
sign an armistice. After the war was over and the Cubans were free, The Platt
Amendment was passed. It provided that Cuba had to state in its own constitution
that the US might intervene with troops in Cuba in order to restore order and to
provide mutual protection. It also promised to sell or lease naval stations to the US.
The doctrine of Manifest Destiny also played a major part in the war. The US
wanted to expand its country and spread its Anglo Saxon culture. Imperialism was
also part of this objective. What appeared to be an important motive in starting the
war was humanitarianism. Although it appeared to be a primary motive, it was not
equivalent to the other major factors. The United States went to war
The Memoir On Writing By Stephen King
In the memoir On Writing by Stephen King, there are several differences with the
structure when compared to fiction novels. First and foremost, considering the
memoir is about his writing techniques, King goes into detail about how he engages
the audience. He explains what he calls the toolbox , which contains the essential
resources every writer needs in order to improve their style. A few of his tips include
using basic vocabulary you know the audiencewill relate with, avoiding adverbs at
all costs, and avoiding a passive voice in narration. After going through the many
tips he had to offer, I realized the difference between the way his words flow
together versus other author s. A strategy King utilizes for engaging the reader is
remaining dominant and straight forward in his words. He mentions that the reader
is always the main concern, and making sure they will understand the point is
necessary. Another way King connects with the audience is by using his sense of
humor. This memoir doesn t have a formal tone, which is half of what makes it
enjoyable. There are several times where he is satirical, sarcastic, and making jokes
to keep the reader engaged. With that being said, the overall diction is a balanced
mixture between informative and humorous. An additional difference between King s
memoir and fiction novels is the way he is direct with the audience. Considering
fiction novels are generally telling stories to the reader, there isn t a connection with
the narrator.
Biography of Giuseppe Garibaldi Essay
Giuseppe Garibaldi never lacked admirers. In my eyes he is one of the best world
leaders because he was a great man and unified many places like Italy. For a period of
time he was the most widely known person in the world, as an Italian revolutionary
Garibaldi became a worldwide celebrity even before he succeeded in uniting Italy. He
was an Italian general and politician who played a large role during the creation of
Italy as the country we now know it to be. He helped free Italy from foreign rule.
Garibaldi is best known for his military leadership in the unification of Italy
(Giuseppe Garibaldi). Garibaldi was born on July 4 of 1807 in Nice, France. He is the
son of Domenico Garibaldi, a fishermen and coastal trader. His full name was... Show
more content on ...
Passing into the service of Uruguay, he was sent to Corrientes with a small flotilla
to oppose Rosa s forces, but was defeated by Admiral Brown. he couldn t fight no
more and had ran out of supplies. So then he retreated burned his ships and
escaped (Giuseppe Garibaldi NNDB). Returning to Montevideo, he formed the
Italian legion. In the next year,still in Uruguay, Garibaldi took leadership of a
newly formed Italian legion at Montevideo, the first of the Red shirts, with whom
his name became so closely associated. After he won the small but heroic
engagement at the battle of St. Antonio in 1846, his fame reached all the way to
Europe, and in Italy a sword of honor was proudly given to him (Denis Mack Smith
1). Now Giuseppe Garibaldi was in charge of the battle of Montevideo in 1847, but
only for a short time. He later came to the attention of Alexandre Dumas Pere.
Garibaldi also greatly impressed other foreign observers as an honest and capable
man. When he was in South Africa, he did not get any skills off the tactic of
warfare called guerrilla warfare. Which he later used as his tactic to defeat French
and Austrian armies. These first achievements in the cause of freedom cast him into
the person he was, an individualist who all his life continued to act as if life were a
unending battle for freedom (Denis Mack Smith 1). He prepared to return to Italy
upon receiving news of the incipient revolutionary movement. In
The Successful Treatment Of Malaria
The successful treatment of malaria infections solely dependent upon the use of the
most effective anti malaria drugs to eradicated the parasite from the individual s
blood. The treatments differ for complicated and uncomplicated infections. The
greatest obstacle healthcare workers face is the increased resistance of the
Plasmodium parasite to drug therapy. The Plasmodium falciform species has become
increasingly resistant in the regions affect by the strain (1).
In an effort to avoid drug resistance, the current recommendation of the World Health
Organization is the use of two more anti malaria drugs for the treatment of
uncomplicated P. falciform malaria infections. In order to achieve the desired effect
the drug combinations must have different modes of action. The formal name for this
form of therapy is artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT) (1). Artemisinin
defines the group of drugs that have the most rapid action in the treatment of P.
falciform malaria. The drug has been shown to eradicate both the resistant and
susceptible stains P. falciform (2). The idea is use an artemisinin along with a drug
from a different class to maximize the treatment outcomes (2).
In complicated malaria cases, the WHO recommends intramuscular injection of a
water soluble drug name artesunate. It is a synthetic derivative of the artemisinin that
is more biologically active. The drug is capable of stopping parasite development and
preventing the adherence of erythrocytes to other
What Does West Egg Symbolize In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is rich in symbolism which functions on several levels and in a
variety of ways. One of the most important qualities of Fitzgerald s symbolism is the
way it is fully integrated into the plot and structure, so that the symbols seems
naturally to grow out of the action rather than existing as mere abstractions.
I.Symbolism in settings 1.West Egg and East Egg People in the West Egg has no
social status,even they are rich,which symbol the youth,pure and sweet.While people
in the east have family money and prestige,symbol the old superstructure which
continue to rule the American society.The river between there symbol of American
social class differentiation and the contradiction between different classes. 2.The ...
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The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic.... The blue of his eyes
present a contrast to the dismal gray atmosphere of the Valley of Ashes; thus,
symbolizing a higher world from which God looks down upon the scene. The color
blue, in a sense, brings a window of hope into a land that is dead. Blue also
symbolizes the unhappy relationship of Tom and Daisy. The color blue has always
been known to represent a melancholy disposition or situation. Because it is based
on money instead of love, Tom and Daisy s relationship is undoubtedly blue. Blue
also represents fantasy and is a symbol of a different world. In [Gatsby s] blue
gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the
champagne and the stars. Gatsby s blue gardens and house provide places where
people can go to get away from reality. His parties are out of touch with the real
world and in an era of dreams and illusions.
Daisy s base color is white,generally as a symbol of purity,but for Daisy,with multiple
symbolic significance.on the surface,white present purity and beauty.In
fact,symbolizes the Daisy is stupid,her selfish and cruel unreservedly exposed in
front of the readers and that s the root of Gatsby s tragedy.
Absence Of Trust
The Effects of the Absence of Trust and how it affects a team In an ever changing
healthcare industry, team building is a key factor to success. When building a team
one of the most essential aspects among team members is trust. Trust is a
commitement to cooperate before there is any certainty about how the trusted will
react. One of the major reasons for lack of trust involves the fear of being venerable
with them. Past experiences and interactions affect trust, which usually takes a long
time to develop. The five dysfunctions of a teaminclude: absence of trust fear of
conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results.
The dysfunction I will be discussing is absence of trust. In general trust building
Analysis Of Maya Plisetskaya
The main purpose of this film is to tell the story of Russian ballerina Maya
Plisetskaya. In other words, the goal is to show her life during the period of time
from the start of her dancing career in 1934 until her death in 2015. One of the
biggest history aspects of the film will centralize on how WWII and post war
USSR have affected her career, individuality and personal life. Also, the film will
contain parts where people, who knew or worked with Maya Plisetskaya, will share
memories and their points of view on some of the events, shown in the film. Some of
the people are balletdancer and actor Mikhail Baryshnikov, Bolshoi Theatre director
Vladimir Urin and Plisetskaya s niece and ballet dancer Anna Plisetskaya.
The biopic about ... Show more content on ...
To global incredulity, she was refused permission to appear at Covent Garden on
the Bolshoi Ballet s Western debut tour in 1956. However, Khrushchev soon
realised that the charismatic dancer would be better used in Soviet service. Maya
Plisetskaya, he said, was not just the Soviet Union s best ballerina, but also the best
ballerina in the world. The next part is called Taking the World . This part will start
with a very interesting event that occurred in 1997. Suddenly it began to rain during
Plisetskaya s outdoor performance of The Dying Swan. However, the audience forgot
to open their umbrellas as they were fascinated by her show. Also, another
remarkable thing happened. A designer Pierre Cardin was a part of the audience
that day, and at the end of the show the ballerina and the designer were formally
introduced. After their meeting, Cardin created dance costumes and evening wear
for Plisetskaya. Maya Plisetskaya had taken the world. She was officially
recognized as one of the greatest ballerinas. One of the most significant awards she
has received was Premium Imperiale, informally considered a Nobel Prize for the
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Gettysburg Address
In a time in which the United States was facing one of its greatest crises, the
President at the time, Abraham Lincoln, delivered a speech that became one of his
most famous addresses of all time. His speech carried two primary purposes;
reunification and remembrance. The structure of the address was to remind people of
the past, get them to reflect on present events, and get them thinking about the future.
He filled his words with emotion, asking the people to take the sacrifices of brave
men to heart. Abraham Lincolns desire for the reunification of the country could not
have been expressed more clearly, and emotionally than during his Gettysburg
Address. The Gettysburg Address was a short piece of work that carried powerful
words throughout its entire structure. In the beginning, President Lincoln started his
address with those ever famous words, Four score and seven years ago... While these
words are famous, it is the rest of the opening ...our fathers brought forth, upon this
continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal (Lincoln) that carries the powerful message. He uses this
opening to remind those in attendance about the beginnings of their nation and their
government. He then moves on to speak about the present, speaking to the fact that
the nation is currently at war with itself. Doing this stacks on the first point, moving
his audience to focus on the present issues. Finally Abraham Lincoln goes
The End Of Law By John Locke
The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For
in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no
freedom according to John Locke in Second Treaties of Government. Law is a major
building block to a successful society; along with the need for law comes the need of
the proper authority to enforce it. This authority, the policeforce, can be found in
some form in almost every country in the world. Some operate as more of a
military force using fear and oppression to keep the population in check. In other
countries, such as the United States, the police force uses respect from the public to
do their jobs. While using fear and oppression as motivators does the job, respect as a
motivator is much more effective because people will obey the law and be content
with it rather than becoming increasingly discontent to the point that they try to
overthrow it; in the United States, however, respect is becoming harder to achieve
with the growing animosity towards the police because of the recent stories of police
brutality. While police brutality focuses mostly on physical and verbal attacks and
intimidation, police overstep their boundaries any time that they misuse their
authority, when, really, they are not above the laws anymore than anyone else.
While law enforcement can be traced back as far as the Middle Ages in the form of
knights who were hired to protect the land of wealthy lords, a lot of the credit
Network Visibility And Its Effect On The Environment
5.Expectations for a complete suit network visibility network visibility is critical in
taming breaches of security in businesses and organizations. Breaches such as those
witnessed in leading retail brands such as Target and Staples are happening because
most network security designs in use today have not adapted to the more forceful
dynamic access and threat environment. In addition, the reduction in network
visibility is what has curtailed the ability of retail brands to fully secure their
network assets. The shift to complete network visibility will benefit networking
vendors who are keen on providing complete network visibility requirements and
high compute capacity solutions. Viable Solutions to Networking Challenges Cloud
Cloud computing is already at the center of new data center evolution because large
amounts of information can be stored in cloud. It is actually estimated that 1/3 of all
data will go through cloud by 2020. This will lead to a rise in global cloud revenues
as well as the amount of money firms spend on cloud computing and innovation. The
development will also see many organizations come up with ways to enhance cloud
infrastructure to enhance compute density, ultra low latency and power density. The
most common networking attributes of cloud include; low latency, programmable
management, scalable, Open APIs and Self healing resilience. Cloud networking
scaling is achieved using topologies from wide ranging nodes that provide non
resistive fabric
Keurig Green Mountain And Its Operations
After reviewing the financial and performance information related to Keurig Green
Mountain and its operations, I would recommend holding the Keurig Green
Mountain stock. Keurig has a high degree of leverage and has the ability to take on
more debt to finance its expansion of operations. As Keurig Green Mountain
navigates managing strong sales in current markets and expanding into untapped
markets, it will also have to manage criticism about sustainability and face legal
consequences stemming from product recalls. Balancing the strong growth potential
with challenging strategic issues will help determine Keurig s unpredictable stock
Founded in 1981 in Waitsfield, Vermont, Green Mountain CoffeeRoasters invested in
Keurig, ... Show more content on ...
The lawsuits against Keurig are detrimental for its image and also represent the
possibility of lost earnings from more recalls and future settlements.
In February 2015, Keurig announced a contractual stock repurchase plan. Keurig
Green Mountain reached an agreement to repurchase over 5 million shares of
Keurig s common stock from Luigi Lavazza at a price of $119.18 per share. (The
purchase price represents a 3.0% discount off the closing price of Keurig common
stock on February 20, 2015). This repurchase will be financed through Keurig s
cash reserves and existing credit. Stock repurchase programs are often used by
companies as an efficient use of excess cash. Stock buyback programs are often
regarded as signal that shares are undervalued and are expected to rise in the future.
In March of 2015, Keurig acquired DS Services. Through the acquisition of DS
Services, Keurig will now be able to offer a new brand of beverages Javarama.
Keurig s deal with DS Services will allow Keurig to manufacture Javarama and other
gourmet roasts through the exclusive K Cup platform. This acquisition shows Keurig
s commitment to providing its customers with new, desirable products. Keurig Green
Mountain is a leader in the industry it operates in.
Keurig Green Mountain has experienced steady growth in
Essay On Syncope
Introduction: Orthostatic symptoms are common in children and adolescents such
that 15% experience syncope once in their teenage years.1 A comprehensive history,
physical examination, bedside orthostatic testing and an ECG are usually sufficient
for diagnosis combined with prevention measures for postural intolerance and
reassurance being sufficient in most cases.2 4 Many patients with orthostatic
intolerance(OI) have limitations of daily activities with reduced school attendance and
impaired quality of life.5
A subset of children with OI may have an underlying disorder (autoimmune condition,
mitochondrial insufficiency, diabetes mellitus etc.) and thus diagnosis can be elusive
and expensive.6 Syncope is obvious and readily recognized to the extent that patients
are frequently evaluated in an emergency room and office setting. Clinical
characteristics are described in children with syncope but literature is limited in
describing those many patients who present with symptoms other than syncope.7,8
We studied the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children and
adolescents with OI who had autonomic dysfunction based on head up tilt table test
Materials and methods
From November 2010 to June 2012, we obtained medical records of patients with
OI and HUTT. Our institutional review board approved this study. We collected
demographic and clinical data together with physiological data in Microsoft Excel
sheet (Microsoft Office 2010). Data also ... Show more content on ...
Fisher exact test compared the physiological data and utilized a non parametric Mann
Whitney test to compare continuous variables. We utilized the Mantel Haenszel for
adjusted three way contingency testing. Type I error rate of 5% was accepted as
being of statistical significance. STATA (v.12, College station) statistical software
performed all
The Egyptian World
Throughout the Egyptian world, embalmers worked to preserve the inner life force
that was thought to reside within the body after death. It was common belief that
by completing a seventy day process known as mummification, the Ka, this
spiritual entity, would be able to live on long after the person died. Because of this,
many people of the culture lived modest lives on Earth, saving immense amounts of
money and gold for intricate objects that could serve practical and decorative
purposes for their tombs. Every step of the preparations was handled with
meticulous care as it was believed that life on Earth was limited, while life in the
afterlife was eternal. This cultural ideology of eternal life after deathis emulated by
the statuary of the Egyptian world especially by the granite pair statueof Nefu and
Khemet setju from Giza, which was found in 1931 on the Harvard University
Museum of Fine Arts Expedition. During the Old Kingdom, artists worked to form
statues that could accompany the body within the tomb, and if necessary, serve as
alternative dwellings for the Ka.The pair statue, which was created between 2455
BC and 2350 BC in the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, was likely created for
this reason. One can identify the genderof the figures by recognizing how Egyptian
artists typically depicted males with darker skin than women. This common practice
along with the residual red paint on the body of the figure at the right, allows one to
conclude that the person on
Rfid Toll Road Payment System Essay
RFID Toll Road Payment systems have really helped a lot in reducing the heavy
congestion caused in the metropolitan cities of today. It is one of the easiest methods
used to organize the heavy flow of traffic. When the car moves through the toll gate
on any road, it is indicated on the RFID reader that it has crossed the clearing. The
need for Humen based toll based systems is completely reduced in this methods and
the tolling system works through RFID. The system thus installed is quite reducing
the time and cost of travelers since the tag can be deciphered from a distance. User
and developer, instead the RFID tag carried by their vehicle does every thing. A
commuter traveling through this medium gets to know how much amount has been
paid and how much money is left in the tag. It does not require the person to carry
cash with him to pay the toll tax all the time. The long queue waiting for their turn is
reduced, which in turn reduces the consumption of fuel. The RFID toll payment
systems are really used in preventing trespassing on borders. The software solution
developed can ensure a smooth
Here Basic idea is to develop the automatic challan system that can check for signal
break by any vehicle. The RFID Reader reads the information like vehicles no. and
automatically send a report to the owner of vehicles and simultaneously an
information is given on the site itself through LCD.
Baz Luhrmann s Production of Romeo and Juliet
Baz Luhrmann s Production of Romeo and Juliet
Romeo seems like a passionate, romantic and excitable young man. He seems to like
the idea of being in love, although I would suggest the feelings he has for Juliet begin
only as infatuation and grow throughout the balcony scene.
In the beginning of the scene Romeo is portrayed as determined, wary and possibly
a little frightened as he knocks over furniture and scrambles up the trellis. His eyes
are continuously darting around and you get a sense of desperation because he is
panting. When he climbs the trellis in the hope of seeing Juliet but discovers the
nurse instead, his facial expression turns from one of lust and longing, to one of utter
... Show more content on ...
Juliet is a very capable young lady who truly believes she is in love with Romeo;
during the scene she is portrayed as a shy, naГЇve and innocent child, but also appears
to be a very determined, sensible and practical young lady.
Karen Clark
27th October 2003
Romeo Juliet
Baz Luhrmann Production
1(ii) Dramatic Devices
In the beginning of the scene we see Romeo climbing the orchard wall in complete
darkness, but when he enters the swimming pool area the fairy lights illuminate the
immediate vicinity, coupled with the floral trellis this makes the setting quite
You get a sense of the era because the house is traditional in style, from the authentic
continental windows to the ageing balusters on the balcony. The size of the house,
together with the presence of a swimming pool gives the impression that Juliet comes
from a very affluent background.
The costumes seem appropriate for the period; Juliet wears a simple plain white
dress, possibly portraying virginity and virtuosity and Romeo wears the costume of a
knight, which could signify valour and gallantry. In contrast we see the security guard
sporting a very modern outfit complete with baseball cap, earpiece and headset.
The music used
The Uses Of Tube Feeding
The use of tube feeding is done when a patient is no longer or unable to feed
themselves orally. When tube feeding is required for just a short period of time an
enteral tube feeding can be placed nasally. Incidences that require NG tube feeding
would be prolonged bleeding, facial trauma, upper GI blockage and cancer. The
NG tube catheter tip normally resides inside the stomach or in the small intestine
past the pylorus. The number one complication involved with the use of NG tubal
feeding is incorrect placement. A nurse can inadvertently place an NG catheter into
the lungs, most notably when a patient has little to no gag reflex. As a result
testing for gastric contents, pH or performing a chest x ray are required once an
NG tube has been inserted. Another major complication when using NG tubal
feeding is aspiration within the lungs due to gastric contents enter the trachea and
into the bronchial spaces of the lungs. Keeping the head of the bed elevated greater
than 30 degrees will reduce aspiration at minimum . The use of a gastrostomy or
jejunostomy tube can used for enteral feedings when an NG tube cannot be tolerated
of interferes with therapy. The gastrostomy tube, PEG, tip is placed in the stomach
and exits the body through the left upper quadrant of the abdomen where a bumper
holds it into location. This can only be placed internally by a doctor during an
endoscopy, radiology or surgery. A jejunostomy tube can be placed while in surgery,
Essay about Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace
Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace
While reading Amazing Grace, one is unable to escape the seemingly endless tales of
hardship and pain. The setting behind this gripping story is the South Bronx of New
York City, with the main focus on the Mott Haven housing project and its surrounding
neighborhood. Here black and Hispanic families try to cope with the disparity that
surrounds them. Mott Haven is a place where children must place in the hallways of
the building, because playing outside is to much of a risk. The building is filled with
rats and cockroaches in the summer, and lacks heat and decent water in the winter.
This picture of the ghetto is not one of hope, but one of fear. Even the hospitals
servicing the neighborhoods ... Show more content on ...
But, it is only logical for a city to place such a incinerator only a block away from
the grade school. Like most of the children in this society, Cliffie is forced to
understand and deal with things that most adults can not cope with. Through the eyes
of the children these problems are described with such innocence, but with such
understanding and clarity it is alarming. It is as if by hanging on to their youthful
imagination s, they have the ammunition they need to face reality.
Mrs. Washington and her son life in the Mott Haven housing project. She is dying
of AIDS and her teenage son must tend to her health care plus his schooling. The
social services which processes and sends out her welfare money, is constantly
under reconstruction. Her payments are often late and numerous times she has
been evicted from her apartment. Not only is eviction a problem, but so is her
health care. ther have been times she has had to wait two days on a cot in the
hallway until a doctor could see her. These problems start to wear down her son.
As a result his school work is declining and he hardly ever smiles anymore. He is
afraid to sleep in case his mother might need him or she just dies in her sleep. The
Washington family is just one case from a pile of hundreds just like it. Program
cutbacks effects thousands of people just like the Washington s. Without the proper

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An Essay About Life

  • 1. An Essay About Life Writing an essay on the topic "An Essay About Life" can be an intricate task, as it delves into the vast and complex subject of life itself. Life is multifaceted, encompassing a myriad of experiences, emotions, and perspectives, making it challenging to encapsulate its essence within the confines of an essay. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between depth and breadth, to capture the richness of life without overwhelming the reader. Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly weaves together personal insights, philosophical reflections, and universal truths demands a careful selection of words and thoughtful organization of ideas. Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and trite expressions, as life is a topic that has been explored and written about extensively. The task is to bring a fresh perspective, offering a unique angle or interpretation that resonates with readers and encourages contemplation. Furthermore, the subjective nature of the topic adds another layer of complexity. Each individual's life journey is unique, and the essayist must navigate the delicate balance between personal experiences and relatability. Connecting with a diverse audience requires skillful storytelling and an empathetic understanding of the human experience. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of life demands not only a command of language but also a profound understanding of the intricacies of human existence. It necessitates a thoughtful and creative approach to explore the depth and breadth of this vast subject. For those who find themselves daunted by the challenge, assistance in crafting similar essays and more can be sought at An Essay About Life An Essay About Life
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  • 5. Cocoa UNCTAD COMMODITY EXCHANGES AROUND THE WORLD By the UNCTAD Secretariat в€ — Virtually all of the futures exchanges in the United States date from the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. They all started as commodity exchanges, but since the early 1980s trade in financial futures has become more and more important for most of them. Until 1998, the Chicago Board of Trade used to be the world=s largest futures exchange, but is now the second largest place with a volume of 255 million contracts in 1999 (11 per cent of total world volume). The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the world=s fourth largest, accounted for about 8.5 per cent of world volume, while the New York Mercantile Exchange (former NYMEX and COMEX), the world=s ... Show more content on ... Most of the products traded are agricultural (with some processed products traded in a few countries), but the Government of Colombia is looking at the possibility of introducing a commodity exchange for emeralds. The trading possibilities offered by the exchanges vary widely. Most provide a forum for the trade in physical commodities, but some also enable forward trading; in Colombia, the exchange also trades the Acredit@ part of warehouse receipts (in Latin America, warehouse receipts consist of two parts, one which gives rights to the commodities, and one which is used for credit purposes). The creation of a commodity futures exchange was proposed by a major private sector group in Chile in the late 1980s; the proposed exchange would trade in domestic food grains and in fishmeal, but plans for it have not yet been finalised. In Paraguay, the Government considered the possibilities for the introduction of an exchange. Progress towards the introduction of an exchange is quite advanced in the Dominican Republic; it is planned to introduce warehouse receipt trading for beans and coffee. In Venezuela, a group already active in trading warehouse receipts over the counter is also working on the creation of an exchange. 6 UNCTAD Europe is home to both some of the world=s oldest and some of the world=s newest commodity exchanges. Two
  • 6. The Happy Da Size Rv Identity Fraud Case My folks moved to California when I was approx two years old. They moved to various places in Rancho Cordova and Sacramento and then Folsom. Specific addresses were 4036 Birch Grove Way, Rosemont Ca, and 1101 Avon Way, Folsom Ca 95630. The cash call and pizza issue with Sac county were the results of identity theft which is what I filed with Folsom PD. The perp stole a box of check books from my mail box and cashed them at several merchants around Folsom along with check cashing establishments. Round table and cash call took it up in court which is why I had to file the police report. The issues have since been resolved and moved from my personal credit history as a result. The Happy Daze RV is a situation which involved my father, Roger
  • 7. The Frank Talent of Aretha Louise Franklin Essay Aretha Louise Franklin was born on March 25, 1942 in Memphis, Tennessee (bio 1). She was one of five children born to Rev. Clarence L. Franklin and Barbara (Siggers) Franklin (Moritz 132). Aretha was born into a very musical family. Her mother, Barbara, was a gospel singer and her sisters, Erma and Carolyn, are both vocalists, too (Glickman 1, Moritz 132). Her brothers took a different, unmusical approach to their lives. Her brother, Cecil, is the Assistant Pastor at his father s church and her other brother, Vaughn, is a career man in the United States (Moritz 132). When Aretha was two years old her father took her, and the rest of his family, North (Moritz 132). Five years after they moved, they settled in Detroit, Michigan... Show more content on ... Touring with her father gave her important performing experiences, but it was also a very tough time for her (Moritz 132). Her brother told a Time Magazine interviewer: Driving eight or ten hours trying to make a gig, and being hungry and passing restaurants all along the road, and having to go off the highway into some little city to find a place to eat because you re black that had its effect (Moritz 132). Everyone knew Aretha was incredibly talented at a very young age. At twelve years old, Aretha cut her first record on her first solo for Chess Records. After that she went on tour with her father. In 1960, Aretha came to New York and took dancing and vocal lessons (Moritz 132). She signed a five year contract with Columbia Records one year later in 1961 (Moritz 132). While at Columbia Records, she recorded nine long playing albums, only selling moderately (Moritz 132). Toward the end of 1966 Aretha turned down an offered renewed contract by Columbia, signing with Atlantic Records instead (Moritz 133). Aretha had a reputation of being difficult to handle in the early part of her career according to Phyl Garland of Ebony in 1967 (Moritz 133 134). She caused a small riot when she walked out of a concert in Denver because she was only paid half of what she was promised (Moritz 134). Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, made beautiful, soulful music over the years. She recorded her first single, I Never Loved a Man,
  • 8. Regulate Gun Ownership In a considerable amount of societies, gun ownership is considered to be a fundamental citizen right while in the majority of others it s a highly restricted one. As I see it, gun ownership should and must be highly restricted and regulated. First and foremost, the mere presence of a gun will most likely than not make a conflict more violent. If and when given the choice, the situation will more likely turn sour if someone involves a gun. To be precise, a woman s risk of being murdered increases 500% if a gun is present during a domestic dispute. Another key thing to remember is that as a matter of fact guns are rarely used in self defence. Not to mention that, statistically, not only armed civilians are unlikely to stop crimes, but, what s more, are more likely to make a dangerous situation more deadly. With gun regulation, gun homicide and suicide will certainly lower. ... Show more content on ... Costs such as court expenses, hospital bills and mental health care, law enforcement, etc. On the occasion of gun control, all those expenses will be cut down and a great amount of money will be saved. That money can be used for more important matters, such as the education
  • 9. How The Illness Experience Challenged Kayla s Identity Introduction: Imagine having a disease, but not know about it for years. This was the case of Kayla, the individual that I interviewed for this research. Kayla has Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) also known as the Armenian disease since 1 in 5 Armenians possess the gene for this disease. Discovered in 1997, FMF is a hereditary inflammatory disorder that produces physical pain in which affect individuals differently (Fisher et al). In Kayla s case, she gets joint pain and has abdominal inflammation that induces severe pain lasting three to four days. These symptoms are not concurrent with one another, however they both have influence her behavior and choices throughout life. How the illness experience challenged Kayla s identity: ... Show more content on ... Kayla refers to the sporadic pain as attacks. I would get attacks every week and it would last 2 to 3 days. It got to the point where my teachers at school and in ballet thought I was faking it. I prayed to God all the time for the pain to go away, but it never happened. Her illness experience lead to hopeless especially since it made pursuing her passion as a ballerina difficult. Her attacks would leave her bedridden for days in which she lost crucial training time. This hopeless in not understanding the reasons for her pain was also affecting her parents. My parents took me to nine doctors in a span of 4 years and they couldn t find out what was wrong with me. I was getting 6 tubes of blood drawn with each visit that came back with no results. I remember that one of doctors even got frustrated with my mom because she was pushing for answers. His response to the situation was to say I don t know what to tell you lady, your daughter has cancer? My parents and I started to lose hope. Kayla s illness experience during this phase illustrates chaos narrative because she thought that she would never get better. She had no control over her attacks and had lost hope after seeing nine doctors that could not provide answers. This resulted in emotional battering which refers to the suffering of an individual being rejected socially and by physicians (Whitehead:2006). Kayla s emotional battering stemmed from being rejected by the doctors who could
  • 10. A Defining Moment Essay Many people influenced and events my reading and writing development throughout my childhood from my mother, my elementary librarian, and Sesame Street, to getting my first pair of glasses. We all have defining moments in our lives where we can look back and say, That moment changed my life. This is the story of the defining moment that changed the way I read and write, and I learned it from a whale! It was the beginning of my seventh grade year. I was about twelve years old and, I guess you could say a nerd. I did well in school so I was placed in the Gifted and Talented program with other nerds in my class. As part of this program we were required to read at a certain level or read a certain number of books each semester. You... Show more content on ... I thought to myself, hey, I like whales. I ve read stories about ships and pirates and stuff before. This looks like something I might like. I can still smell the old paper and threaded binding resonating in my mind as I opened the book and scrolled through the pages, soaking in the vibrant illustrations of what would soon become my obsession for the next six months. Happy with my selection and feeling fairly proud of myself, I take the book to the check out desk. The desk is occupied by the stereotypical librarian. She is an older lady probably in her sixties with gray wiry hair and half square bi focal glasses that sit on the end of her nose. As I place the book on the counter, she looks down her nose and through her glasses at me with a look of skepticism. Frowning as she speaks, she tells me that maybe I should choose something else. Undaunted, I refuse and ask to check out the book. She gives a few other suggestions but again, I refuse. She wishes me luck as she slides it back to me and I stuff the hefty book into my backpack. I start reading the book and right away it is intimidating from the very first paragraph. I am faced with language and sentence structure I do not understand, what is a bedfellow and why does he carry a purse? Is he gay? Immediately I am second guessing my decision but I am determined to get through this book. It takes me the better part of a week to get through the first chapter. I
  • 11. Business Law Mistake Introduction In the Law of Contract the phrase mistake Misrepresentation is applied when one or both parties of a contract act under a false or mistaken understanding. Mistake can be defined by Pendleton , Vickery (1998), [1] as; вћў A misunderstanding regarding a fact, causing one or more parties to hold disagreeing beliefs about the foundation of a contract. Mistakes can be made in the form of a contracts subject matter or as a mistake of identity. There are 3 different types of mistake in Contract Law. вћў Common Mistake (Subject) вћў Mutual Mistake (Subject) вћў Unilateral Mistake (Identity) Common Mistake Were both parities are in an agreement however they are both mistaken about an important subject to the existence of ... Show more content on ... вћў Voidable On the other hand if the contract is deemed voidable due to misrepresentation the contract still exists and the good title is passed from the first party to the crook who then passes the good title on the an innocent third party (as long as the innocent third party paid a reasonable price for the goods, if they did not pay a reasonable price the court will find they did not have good faith and the contract is therefore void). In a case like this the only thing the plaintiff can do is find the crook and sue him for the amount lost. There are two ways a court will decide if the contract is made void for mistake or not. If the contract was made face to face or at a distance (eg. on the phone or by letter) вћў At a distance This was first applied in the case Cundy v Lindsay (1878)[10] where a crook had pretended to be a regular customer of the company and ordered a substantial amount of goods. Once in possession of the goods he sold them on to an innocent third party who bought them at a reasonable price (good faith). The company then took action against the innocent third party under the grounds of mistake. It was held in this case that the plaintiff was mistaken as to the identity of the crook and the contract was made void, on the grounds that the plaintiff thought they
  • 12. History and Overview of the Boys and Girls Club of America Boys and Girls Club of America Boys and Girls Club of America: Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a countrywide organization of local subdivisions that provide after school programs for young people. The purpose of BGCA is to provide young people with a safe environment during weekends and after school. As a non profit organization, Boys and Girls Clubs of America run after school clubs that serves over 4 million children across 3,400 facilities throughout 50 states and Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The organization also has 150 clubs located on the Native American tribal lands as well as another 400 clubs located in military bases that are spread across the globe. Since its inception, the organization and its predecessors have been tackling juvenile delinquency for more than 100 years. In order to accomplish this objective, BGCA opens the clubs on a daily basis after school and during weekends. These clubs are managed by full time youth development professionals who are supported by volunteers in the community. Despite of its activities revolving around sports and recreational activities, BGCA provide programs that focus on health and life skills, character and leadership development, computer skills, and arts. History of Boys and Girls Club of America: The Boys and Girls Club of America is an organization with a history that traces back to 1860. The origin of the organization is attributed to the initiative by some civic minded women begun a recreational
  • 13. Trifle By Susan Glaspell Essay Among every story there is always a hidden truth, and Trifle is no exception. Written in 1916 by Susan Glaspell the play narrates the story of Minnie Foster and the serious of events that led her to murdering her husband. Symbols such as the house, a canary and a birdcage are applied to significantly emphasize Minnie Foster isolation. The house is a major symbol. Even though the home is the closest to town, it is located down in a hollow and can not been seen from the road. Trifles focuses on the death of an oppressive husband at the hand of his emotionally abused wife in an isolated and remote farm in the midwest. (Barlow 70 86) The seclusion of the home constructs a lonely environment.Thus Minnie Foster is separated from the world,... Show more content on ... Mrs. Hale compres Minnie to a canary She was kind of like a bird herself real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and fluttery (Glaspell 1011) Birds are a symbol of freedom. They are meant to fly and be in constant movement. Their spirits are wild, and can not be contained. Their home is the endless skies and the comforts of the clouds. The comparison is ironic since Minnie Foster s spirit is isolated and has been contained in a unpleasant marriage. Glaspell paint quickly establishes that the canary symbolizes the particular cheerful side of Mrs. Wright destroyed by the oppression of her marriage. (Sutten 170 178) Canaries are full of life and brightness. After her marriage the oppression of her husband has killed her cheerful side and raped her of her life. The canary is known for its beautiful voice. The bird s song is a replacement to the silence of a marriage without children. Love, particularly maternal is associated with sound and in its absace with silence ( Makowsky 61) Minnie is a caretaker with no children to take care of. Beyond being isolated she is lonely and deprived from her true desires. The bird just like herself has been trapped and condemned to live in
  • 14. Statewide Corporation I. Background: Statewide Development Corporation has built a very large apartment complex in Gainesville, Florida. As part of the student oriented marketing strategy that has been developed, it is stated that if any problem with plumbing or air conditioning are experienced, a maintenance personnel will begin working on the problem within one hour. If a tenant must wait must more than one (1) hour for the repair person to arrive, a $10 deduction from the monthly rent will be made for each additional hour of time waiting. An answering machine will take the calls and record the time of the call if the maintenance person is busy. Past experiences at other complexes has shown that during the week when most occupants are at school, there is... Show more content on ... It takes approximately one (1) hour to drive to the supply house, pick up a part, and return to the apartment complex. d) Past records indicate that, on approximately 10% of all calls, a trip must be made to the supply house. e) Table below shows the probability distribution of the time required to resolve a problem if the part is available on site: |TIME FOR REPAIR (MINUTES) |PROBABILITY | |30 |0.45 | |60 |0.30 | |90 |0.20 | |120 |0.05 | f) It takes approximately 30 minutes to diagnose difficult problems for which parts are not on site. Once a part has been obtained from a supply house, it takes approximately one hour to install the new part. g) The cost of salary and benefits for a maintenance person is $20 per hour. IV. Alternative approaches to solving the problem: Based on the given case and the problems cited, the best approach to use is the Monte Carlo
  • 15. The Modeling and Aero-Elastic Analysis Performed in MSc... CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1Overview The modelling and aero elastic analysis of a laminated hybrid composite plate with SMAs as an actuator is performed within MSc Nastran Finite Element Software. The term aeroelasticity is the interaction of inertial, aerodynamic and elastic forces. The interaction of at least two of these forces produces various aeroelastic phenomena such as divergence, flutter, and control reversal, buffeting and dynamic stability. However, for this paper is only concentrate on the flutter analysis and to investigate the potential of SMAs for aeroelasticity improvement. For acknowledgeable, a hybrid composite material is a combination of hybrid and composite . The meaning of hybrid in hybrid composite material itself is the hybridization in macroscopic structure in the metallographic scale. Researchers found that there are three new categories of hybridization of materials, that is, hybrid materials. The categorizations of hybrid materials are structurally hybridized materials, materials hybridized in chemical bond, and functionally hybridized materials. The composite wings require more advanced treatment that must be based on a new methodology which handles the modelling complexity arising mainly from the fibrous nature of anisotropic composites. The most popular hybrid composite is carbon Kevlar hybrid composite and this is because hybridization of carbon fibre reinforced composites with Kevlar fibre results in a significant positive hybrid
  • 16. I Am Naturally An Anxious Person I am naturally an anxious person. And not the kind of anxious that only appears when running late for work, or seeing someone s penis for the first time. I mean the kind of anxious that manifests itself in all areas of my life, and has done for many years. For example, when I was young, my school used to hold mufti days. A glorious time in which the constraints of green plaid would be lifted, and we would be free to express our individuality through sparkly t shirts and patterned jeans. The day would fill me with equal parts excitement and severe anxiety; excitement to dress out of uniform during school hours, but anxiety if I got it wrong. As a result, every mufti day involved my mum driving me to school and packing my school uniform in the car just in case I d made a mistake. I would slouch down in the front seat so no one could see me, and make my mum drive around the block until I spotted a few other out of uniform children. Only then would I be able to go inside, my gold coin donation jangling in my pocket. While I ve grown a little since then, and no longer need my mum to drive me around the corner before school, I am still plagued with anxiety and low moods, which is not something that I am very good at letting others in on, and not something that is good to experience alone. My anxiety has seen me get off public transport on the way to a new job, unable to turn up and unable to go back, turn down social events and spend a lot of time alone, spend hours nervously
  • 17. Again And Whatever Again and Whatever Visual Choices Jakob Vardy Again and Whatever is an upcoming short film that was written by Jakob Vardy who will also direct. The film is about a young woman named Melissa, who is part of a toxic relationship with her boyfriend Jeff. Melissa is a college graduate who had high academic achievements while Jeff is a high school dropout who works labour in a factory. The couple have experienced events of violence in the past. The films plot follows Melissa making a choice to leave Jeff, after a drunken violent outburst from him. Melissa looks to her friend Sara for help with this decision. The film at its core is about domestic abuse and the toll it takes on people. This is not a story about a victim and a villain. Melissa does not hate Jeff and the goal of this film is not to show him as a monster. Many domestic disturbances involve men who are capable of making changes.... Show more content on ... The setting will have a isolated visual tone. It won t be dark necessarily, but the light will cast a lot of shadows and have a yellowish fluorescent feel to it. The setting will feel gloomy and depressing just like the relationship of the two people that occupy the setting. The scene at Lake Ontario will involve blue moonlight. The sky should be fairly clear in the night of March and the moon may cooperate. However, the use of portable lights with a blue color to it will be used to help the audience see Melissa in the moonlight. This is not only natural for winter nights in Toronto, but the film will visually show Melissa going from a depressing environment to a place with just enough hope that things might get better. That is why the scene takes place at night with light from the moon instead of taking place during the day with complete brightness from the sun. Again and Whatever is being filmed the week of March 14th 2016 in Etobicoke Ontario, starring Melissa Newman as Melissa and Noah Hamilton as
  • 18. Nt1310 Unit 2 Research Papers There are those who are quick to get into the holiday spirit, and there are those who blog angrily about how they saw candy canes on the Wal Mart shelves before Halloween. To satisfy those in the former group, radio stations have been jumping on the 24 hour holiday music train since the mid 1990s. To the disappointment of the latter, the trend is gaining momentum and starting earlier than ever this year. I have never seen a more successful, impactful and sustainable impact on ratings as all Christmas music, said Dan Vallie, a consultant to New Jersey s WEZW FM and other stations across the country. This year, WEZW, also known as Easy 93.1, was the first radio station in the country to start airing 24 hour holiday tunes. They kicked off their nonstop broadcasting two weeks before Halloween. ... Show more content on ... They also point out that competition between broadcasters often leads to stations turning earlier and earlier. This year, Pandora is pushing over 35 holiday themed channels, and Sirius XM boasts 8, with one that is nonstop year round. But the iHeartRadio Network has been plotting their attack all year. President Darren Davis said their all holiday preparation usually begins in August. It s about more than just the songs, said Davis. When you walk into a Hallmark store around the holidays, everything is Christmas the carpet is Christmas, the window decorations are Christmas, it smells like Christmas candles and cookies. That s the environment we try to create with our Christmas radio station. While most radio stations are racing to be the first, one UK station hopes to be the last. Starting today, Birmingham s Free Radio 80s aims to set a new record as the first FM radio station to broadcast nonstop holiday tunes for 33 days
  • 19. Aristotle Analysis An examination of Aristotle s critique of the different claims to rule reveals that because of our nature as political animals, living the good life is most practicable under the regime of the polity. Therefore, by separating the utopian theory of a regime and the practicable application, Aristotle shows that we can live in a state where our virtuecontributes to the being of the city, and in the process, bring forth the ultimate goal of the city: achieving happiness through the good life. By laying out the case for a ruling oligarchy, Aristotleclaims the wealthy regard justice in strictly monetary terms, saying, [oligarchs] think if they are superior in one point, for example in wealth, they are superior in all (Aristotle 103). In other ... Show more content on ... In the ideal polity, the middle class is the binding glue of moderation among the excess ( the very rich ) and the defect ( the very poor ). It is essential to understand that by applying his ethics to his politics, Aristotle is claiming that we can find the mean between the god like virtue of his perfect state through the more practical application of moderation. True, the majority of men who rule in a polity will not be of the most excellence, but they will be the second best excellence, which is those in possession of much moderation. By acting as a voice of reason amidst the excessive and defective, the middle can serve as a barrier against those who would overstep the mean, and therefore act against virtue. This mean of moderation in cities offers the best chance for the most people to live the good life, as Aristotle reaffirms when he says, [in cities] moderation and the mean are always best (Aristotle
  • 20. The Art of Akhenaten The Art of Akhenaten A Formal Analysis of House Shrine and Akhenaten Making Offerings The Art of Akhenaten A Formal Analysis of House Shrine and Akhenaten Making Offerings One of the most enigmatic pharaohs of Egyptian history, Amenhotep IV, had grown up in the most powerful family in ancient Egypt. Once he became pharaoh and ruler of Egypt s empire in 1378 BCE, he changed his name to Akhenaten, effective spirit of Aten , and was known to the people as the heretic king. Early in his reign, Akhenaten encouraged ideas by using art as a way of emphasizing his political and religious intentions of doing things differently; therefore, ... Show more content on ... This first act as king brought with him a shocking speculation and hostility between his throne and the priesthood of Amun. Inside the temple was an entirely new style of art, which was often described, as naturalistic in Akhenaten s portrayal of the human body. No longer was the Pharaoh portrayed as half animal with the perfect body fitted for the afterlife. Akhenaten and the royal family were shown with long toes, massive hips, extremely long fingers, skinny torso, ample breasts, big buttocks, and an elongated face. This exaggeration of the royal family s bodies altered classic Egyptian art and became better known as Amarna Art. Another astonishing act to this religious revolution was the Akhenaten s order of the construction of a new capital, far to the north of Thebes known as Amarna, horizon of the sun, claiming the sun god lead him there. A few years after, Akhenaten made the decision to abandon Thebes and ordered his people to pack up and leave behind the city built by his father to receive the blessings of Aten in the city of Amarna. Shortly thereafter, he abolished traditional gods and goddesses, declaring one monotheistic deity, Aten, and introduced in art as a more intimate worship in public and personal settings of the royal family, receiving blessings from Aten, and showing day to day life and activities. A classic example of the radical transformation of Egyptian state religion is found on the
  • 21. How The Five Elements Of NAFSA Indigenous Food Sovereignty... The Hopi tribe of Arizona is located in the northeaster part of the state. The word Hopi has meaning equivalent to peaceful ones (Weiser). Since the Hopi s beginning, the tribe was an agricultural heavy tribe. They practiced many ceremonies around the lunar calendar and have their own story of how they were place into the fourth world ( Wildlife Ecosystems Management Program. ). They faced the first settler colonialism in 1540 when the Spanish arrive to what is now known as the Americas. Today, the Hopireservation is only 9% of their original land holdings (Weiser). In this essay, I will be connecting five elements of NAFSA Indigenous Food Sovereignty to the Hopi tribe and describe how they were implemented both traditionally and in today s communities. The first element of NAFSA Indigenous Food Sovereignty is Natural Resources, Water and Land. Traditionally, the Hopi are farming people. The Hopi focus on dry farming techniques and view farming as an act of faith for the Hopi that serves as a religious focus as well as an economic activity ( About. ). Traditionally the men harvest the food and the woman and daughters practice methods of storing the food. In today s community, a Wildlife Ecosystems Management Program is in place to monitor the tribe s natural resources and wildlife regulations. The Wildlife Ecosystems Management Program focuses on protecting the environment as well as the animals that inhibit the environment. They hold responsibility for all
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On Privacy These days cyber attacks are one of the top crimes in the world. We all connected online in some way. I have personally been a victim of a cyber hack when my bank card was stolen and sold on the dark web. In a matter of minutes my card made multiple purchases in several different states. This has made me more aware of my digital footprint. Based on my own actions and the actions of the institutes I choose to occupy. Cyber security and surveillance has become a constant challenge for any person, company, institution and country. Even our own governmenthas taken measures to protect the nation s information. I strongly believe every person should monitor their personal information. Each person should be aware of the websites and devices they are putting their information on. If the websites and device are unsecure each person is responsible for monitoring there accounts and personal information. But most people do not do this. They will order items online without checking if the website or vendor is secure. The other side of this is what if the website in secure and trust worthy. Can it be vulnerable to a cyber attack? If a company that is popular and operates with a secure website is hacked, does it matter where your information is? In the case of Facebook, when you buy items online through a Facebook post, does the Facebook privacy mode protect your data? Facebook is a prime example of a person images being semi private and semi protected (Perez). Cyber security is a growing business for the consumer and for major companies. Even the government has made strong arrangements to protect the nation infrastructure. Some Americans feel like their privacy is being violated when the government makes arrangements to use surveillance to monitor crimes and cyber activity. In a recent interview with The New York Times a retired teacher from Rochester, N.Y. said I don t have a problem with cameras as long as they are public, but wiretapping without a warrant goes too far (Landler, Sussman). If the government is watching you physically or just your cyber movements most people feel a litter violated. Others feel like it is necessary in today s economy. Cyber criminals have grown from the early 2000 where they use
  • 23. How Did Josephine Baker Influence The Civil Rights Movement Why would someone return to a place where people mistreat them for their color? Surprisingly, this happened to Josephine Baker. Josephine Baker made an important and positive influence on the civil rights era. In the early 1900s, Baker moved to France to dance and sing, but she faced racism when she returned to the United States for a show ( 2). The racism she encountered during her performance influenced Josephine Baker to become an activist. Baker started to adopt kids around the world and called them the Rainbow Tribe (Trex 6). Baker created the Rainbow Tribe to change how people view different races can live together in harmony. This project of hers and much more made a positive influence during the civil rights movement... Show more content on ... Baker influenced Civil Rights for society in a positive way by paving the way for African Americans performers to perform in the U.S. in front of a white crowd, and she advocated for African Americans to be in the crowd with whites in the theater. According to The Official Licensing Website of Josephine Baker, she made these changes by enforcing in her contract that she would not perform at theatres or venues that did not let all types of color patrons to pay to see her. When Josephine Baker returned to the U.S. for a show, she performed at Carnegie Hall in front of an interracial crowd and received an outstanding ovation ( 1). This statement shows us if Baker did not put her morals before money, African American would not be able to watch performances in the same room with Caucasian people, and African Americans would not be able to perform in front of Caucasians people without being afraid of their criticism. The author states, and celebration of her as a weapon in the holy war against racism (p 215) (Boisseau 154). This quote shows Josephine s positive acts made many people see her as a weapon against Jim Crow Laws. In addition, she influenced Civil Rights for society in a positive way by encouraging other civil rights leaders to keep up their work. In a letter written by Josephine Baker to Martin Luther King, she said, We cannot stop now on the contrary, we must double our
  • 24. Classic Knitwear, Inc. Essay The company known as Classic Knitwear, Inc. operates in a $24.5 billion market of non fashion casual knitwear. Casual knitwear are T shirts, sport shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, and so on. In 2005, the company reported revenues of $550 million. Of this, 75% ($412,500) were to wholesalers and the remaining 25% ($137,500) was sold as private label merchandise. The firm has low production cost due to a state of the art offshore production hub in the Dominican Republic. This manufacturing center, in combination with the economies of scale from high volume, low SKU production runs result in lower operational expenses. Therefore, Classic Knitwear currently enjoys a moderate cost advantage over other US producers. The Board of Directors as well as CEO are seeking opportunities for growth. It was determined that Classic s problem lies within their low gross margin, 18%, compared to the competitions 30% to 40%. The company wants to increase their GM to 20% in 2006. In order to do so, Classic is deciding whether or not to partner with the chemical firm Guardian, Inc. to produce a new insect repellentline of shirts. Option 1: Partner with Guardian under their brand name. The opportunity to negotiate a licensing partnership with Guardian would allow the firm to launch a line of insect repellant shirts using their branding.. Guardian sees the potential partnership as an opportunity to reach an untapped market that values the outdoors along with convenience. Consumer research shows
  • 25. Essay about Motives Of The Spanish American War The Spanish American War started in 1898 and lasted about four months. Although the war might have seemed focused on freeing Cuba from Spain and gaining independence for Cuba and the Philippines, it was actually stimulated by nationalism and commercialism. Commercialism was a major factor when declaring war because the United States depended on Cuba and the Philippines for trade and business with other countries, especially in Asia and Latin America. Another major factor for the war was that the United States wanted to spread its Anglo Saxon culture around the world and emerge as a world wide power. Other minor motives for the war include the United States coming to the aid of the Cubans in their revolt against Spain and the feeling that... Show more content on ... Control of these raw materials was very important to trade in the US. Nationalism was another major factor in declaring war against Spain. Nationalism emerged in the United States and all of its people seemed to support the war. The yellow press printed multiple stories of scandals, including the explosion of the Maine in the Havana harbor. The yellow press printed that the Spanish were responsible for this action, which led to the slogan Remember the Maine. Nationalism and pride surged within the United States and war became imminent. The rough riders, who were volunteers from the United States, invaded the Santiago harbor in order to drive out Spanish ships. They paved the way for the American army and forced Spain to sign an armistice. After the war was over and the Cubans were free, The Platt Amendment was passed. It provided that Cuba had to state in its own constitution that the US might intervene with troops in Cuba in order to restore order and to provide mutual protection. It also promised to sell or lease naval stations to the US. The doctrine of Manifest Destiny also played a major part in the war. The US wanted to expand its country and spread its Anglo Saxon culture. Imperialism was also part of this objective. What appeared to be an important motive in starting the war was humanitarianism. Although it appeared to be a primary motive, it was not equivalent to the other major factors. The United States went to war
  • 26. The Memoir On Writing By Stephen King In the memoir On Writing by Stephen King, there are several differences with the structure when compared to fiction novels. First and foremost, considering the memoir is about his writing techniques, King goes into detail about how he engages the audience. He explains what he calls the toolbox , which contains the essential resources every writer needs in order to improve their style. A few of his tips include using basic vocabulary you know the audiencewill relate with, avoiding adverbs at all costs, and avoiding a passive voice in narration. After going through the many tips he had to offer, I realized the difference between the way his words flow together versus other author s. A strategy King utilizes for engaging the reader is remaining dominant and straight forward in his words. He mentions that the reader is always the main concern, and making sure they will understand the point is necessary. Another way King connects with the audience is by using his sense of humor. This memoir doesn t have a formal tone, which is half of what makes it enjoyable. There are several times where he is satirical, sarcastic, and making jokes to keep the reader engaged. With that being said, the overall diction is a balanced mixture between informative and humorous. An additional difference between King s memoir and fiction novels is the way he is direct with the audience. Considering fiction novels are generally telling stories to the reader, there isn t a connection with the narrator.
  • 27. Biography of Giuseppe Garibaldi Essay Giuseppe Garibaldi never lacked admirers. In my eyes he is one of the best world leaders because he was a great man and unified many places like Italy. For a period of time he was the most widely known person in the world, as an Italian revolutionary Garibaldi became a worldwide celebrity even before he succeeded in uniting Italy. He was an Italian general and politician who played a large role during the creation of Italy as the country we now know it to be. He helped free Italy from foreign rule. Garibaldi is best known for his military leadership in the unification of Italy (Giuseppe Garibaldi). Garibaldi was born on July 4 of 1807 in Nice, France. He is the son of Domenico Garibaldi, a fishermen and coastal trader. His full name was... Show more content on ... Passing into the service of Uruguay, he was sent to Corrientes with a small flotilla to oppose Rosa s forces, but was defeated by Admiral Brown. he couldn t fight no more and had ran out of supplies. So then he retreated burned his ships and escaped (Giuseppe Garibaldi NNDB). Returning to Montevideo, he formed the Italian legion. In the next year,still in Uruguay, Garibaldi took leadership of a newly formed Italian legion at Montevideo, the first of the Red shirts, with whom his name became so closely associated. After he won the small but heroic engagement at the battle of St. Antonio in 1846, his fame reached all the way to Europe, and in Italy a sword of honor was proudly given to him (Denis Mack Smith 1). Now Giuseppe Garibaldi was in charge of the battle of Montevideo in 1847, but only for a short time. He later came to the attention of Alexandre Dumas Pere. Garibaldi also greatly impressed other foreign observers as an honest and capable man. When he was in South Africa, he did not get any skills off the tactic of warfare called guerrilla warfare. Which he later used as his tactic to defeat French and Austrian armies. These first achievements in the cause of freedom cast him into the person he was, an individualist who all his life continued to act as if life were a unending battle for freedom (Denis Mack Smith 1). He prepared to return to Italy upon receiving news of the incipient revolutionary movement. In
  • 28. The Successful Treatment Of Malaria The successful treatment of malaria infections solely dependent upon the use of the most effective anti malaria drugs to eradicated the parasite from the individual s blood. The treatments differ for complicated and uncomplicated infections. The greatest obstacle healthcare workers face is the increased resistance of the Plasmodium parasite to drug therapy. The Plasmodium falciform species has become increasingly resistant in the regions affect by the strain (1). In an effort to avoid drug resistance, the current recommendation of the World Health Organization is the use of two more anti malaria drugs for the treatment of uncomplicated P. falciform malaria infections. In order to achieve the desired effect the drug combinations must have different modes of action. The formal name for this form of therapy is artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT) (1). Artemisinin defines the group of drugs that have the most rapid action in the treatment of P. falciform malaria. The drug has been shown to eradicate both the resistant and susceptible stains P. falciform (2). The idea is use an artemisinin along with a drug from a different class to maximize the treatment outcomes (2). In complicated malaria cases, the WHO recommends intramuscular injection of a water soluble drug name artesunate. It is a synthetic derivative of the artemisinin that is more biologically active. The drug is capable of stopping parasite development and preventing the adherence of erythrocytes to other
  • 29. What Does West Egg Symbolize In The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is rich in symbolism which functions on several levels and in a variety of ways. One of the most important qualities of Fitzgerald s symbolism is the way it is fully integrated into the plot and structure, so that the symbols seems naturally to grow out of the action rather than existing as mere abstractions. I.Symbolism in settings 1.West Egg and East Egg People in the West Egg has no social status,even they are rich,which symbol the youth,pure and sweet.While people in the east have family money and prestige,symbol the old superstructure which continue to rule the American society.The river between there symbol of American social class differentiation and the contradiction between different classes. 2.The ... Show more content on ... The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic.... The blue of his eyes present a contrast to the dismal gray atmosphere of the Valley of Ashes; thus, symbolizing a higher world from which God looks down upon the scene. The color blue, in a sense, brings a window of hope into a land that is dead. Blue also symbolizes the unhappy relationship of Tom and Daisy. The color blue has always been known to represent a melancholy disposition or situation. Because it is based on money instead of love, Tom and Daisy s relationship is undoubtedly blue. Blue also represents fantasy and is a symbol of a different world. In [Gatsby s] blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. Gatsby s blue gardens and house provide places where people can go to get away from reality. His parties are out of touch with the real world and in an era of dreams and illusions. 3.White Daisy s base color is white,generally as a symbol of purity,but for Daisy,with multiple symbolic significance.on the surface,white present purity and beauty.In fact,symbolizes the Daisy is stupid,her selfish and cruel unreservedly exposed in front of the readers and that s the root of Gatsby s tragedy.
  • 30. Absence Of Trust The Effects of the Absence of Trust and how it affects a team In an ever changing healthcare industry, team building is a key factor to success. When building a team one of the most essential aspects among team members is trust. Trust is a commitement to cooperate before there is any certainty about how the trusted will react. One of the major reasons for lack of trust involves the fear of being venerable with them. Past experiences and interactions affect trust, which usually takes a long time to develop. The five dysfunctions of a teaminclude: absence of trust fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results. The dysfunction I will be discussing is absence of trust. In general trust building
  • 31. Analysis Of Maya Plisetskaya The main purpose of this film is to tell the story of Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. In other words, the goal is to show her life during the period of time from the start of her dancing career in 1934 until her death in 2015. One of the biggest history aspects of the film will centralize on how WWII and post war USSR have affected her career, individuality and personal life. Also, the film will contain parts where people, who knew or worked with Maya Plisetskaya, will share memories and their points of view on some of the events, shown in the film. Some of the people are balletdancer and actor Mikhail Baryshnikov, Bolshoi Theatre director Vladimir Urin and Plisetskaya s niece and ballet dancer Anna Plisetskaya. Logline The biopic about ... Show more content on ... To global incredulity, she was refused permission to appear at Covent Garden on the Bolshoi Ballet s Western debut tour in 1956. However, Khrushchev soon realised that the charismatic dancer would be better used in Soviet service. Maya Plisetskaya, he said, was not just the Soviet Union s best ballerina, but also the best ballerina in the world. The next part is called Taking the World . This part will start with a very interesting event that occurred in 1997. Suddenly it began to rain during Plisetskaya s outdoor performance of The Dying Swan. However, the audience forgot to open their umbrellas as they were fascinated by her show. Also, another remarkable thing happened. A designer Pierre Cardin was a part of the audience that day, and at the end of the show the ballerina and the designer were formally introduced. After their meeting, Cardin created dance costumes and evening wear for Plisetskaya. Maya Plisetskaya had taken the world. She was officially recognized as one of the greatest ballerinas. One of the most significant awards she has received was Premium Imperiale, informally considered a Nobel Prize for the
  • 32. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Gettysburg Address In a time in which the United States was facing one of its greatest crises, the President at the time, Abraham Lincoln, delivered a speech that became one of his most famous addresses of all time. His speech carried two primary purposes; reunification and remembrance. The structure of the address was to remind people of the past, get them to reflect on present events, and get them thinking about the future. He filled his words with emotion, asking the people to take the sacrifices of brave men to heart. Abraham Lincolns desire for the reunification of the country could not have been expressed more clearly, and emotionally than during his Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was a short piece of work that carried powerful words throughout its entire structure. In the beginning, President Lincoln started his address with those ever famous words, Four score and seven years ago... While these words are famous, it is the rest of the opening ...our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal (Lincoln) that carries the powerful message. He uses this opening to remind those in attendance about the beginnings of their nation and their government. He then moves on to speak about the present, speaking to the fact that the nation is currently at war with itself. Doing this stacks on the first point, moving his audience to focus on the present issues. Finally Abraham Lincoln goes
  • 33. The End Of Law By John Locke The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom according to John Locke in Second Treaties of Government. Law is a major building block to a successful society; along with the need for law comes the need of the proper authority to enforce it. This authority, the policeforce, can be found in some form in almost every country in the world. Some operate as more of a military force using fear and oppression to keep the population in check. In other countries, such as the United States, the police force uses respect from the public to do their jobs. While using fear and oppression as motivators does the job, respect as a motivator is much more effective because people will obey the law and be content with it rather than becoming increasingly discontent to the point that they try to overthrow it; in the United States, however, respect is becoming harder to achieve with the growing animosity towards the police because of the recent stories of police brutality. While police brutality focuses mostly on physical and verbal attacks and intimidation, police overstep their boundaries any time that they misuse their authority, when, really, they are not above the laws anymore than anyone else. While law enforcement can be traced back as far as the Middle Ages in the form of knights who were hired to protect the land of wealthy lords, a lot of the credit
  • 34. Network Visibility And Its Effect On The Environment Essay 5.Expectations for a complete suit network visibility network visibility is critical in taming breaches of security in businesses and organizations. Breaches such as those witnessed in leading retail brands such as Target and Staples are happening because most network security designs in use today have not adapted to the more forceful dynamic access and threat environment. In addition, the reduction in network visibility is what has curtailed the ability of retail brands to fully secure their network assets. The shift to complete network visibility will benefit networking vendors who are keen on providing complete network visibility requirements and high compute capacity solutions. Viable Solutions to Networking Challenges Cloud Cloud computing is already at the center of new data center evolution because large amounts of information can be stored in cloud. It is actually estimated that 1/3 of all data will go through cloud by 2020. This will lead to a rise in global cloud revenues as well as the amount of money firms spend on cloud computing and innovation. The development will also see many organizations come up with ways to enhance cloud infrastructure to enhance compute density, ultra low latency and power density. The most common networking attributes of cloud include; low latency, programmable management, scalable, Open APIs and Self healing resilience. Cloud networking scaling is achieved using topologies from wide ranging nodes that provide non resistive fabric
  • 35. Keurig Green Mountain And Its Operations After reviewing the financial and performance information related to Keurig Green Mountain and its operations, I would recommend holding the Keurig Green Mountain stock. Keurig has a high degree of leverage and has the ability to take on more debt to finance its expansion of operations. As Keurig Green Mountain navigates managing strong sales in current markets and expanding into untapped markets, it will also have to manage criticism about sustainability and face legal consequences stemming from product recalls. Balancing the strong growth potential with challenging strategic issues will help determine Keurig s unpredictable stock price. Founded in 1981 in Waitsfield, Vermont, Green Mountain CoffeeRoasters invested in Keurig, ... Show more content on ... The lawsuits against Keurig are detrimental for its image and also represent the possibility of lost earnings from more recalls and future settlements. In February 2015, Keurig announced a contractual stock repurchase plan. Keurig Green Mountain reached an agreement to repurchase over 5 million shares of Keurig s common stock from Luigi Lavazza at a price of $119.18 per share. (The purchase price represents a 3.0% discount off the closing price of Keurig common stock on February 20, 2015). This repurchase will be financed through Keurig s cash reserves and existing credit. Stock repurchase programs are often used by companies as an efficient use of excess cash. Stock buyback programs are often regarded as signal that shares are undervalued and are expected to rise in the future. In March of 2015, Keurig acquired DS Services. Through the acquisition of DS Services, Keurig will now be able to offer a new brand of beverages Javarama. Keurig s deal with DS Services will allow Keurig to manufacture Javarama and other gourmet roasts through the exclusive K Cup platform. This acquisition shows Keurig s commitment to providing its customers with new, desirable products. Keurig Green Mountain is a leader in the industry it operates in. Keurig Green Mountain has experienced steady growth in
  • 36. Essay On Syncope Introduction: Orthostatic symptoms are common in children and adolescents such that 15% experience syncope once in their teenage years.1 A comprehensive history, physical examination, bedside orthostatic testing and an ECG are usually sufficient for diagnosis combined with prevention measures for postural intolerance and reassurance being sufficient in most cases.2 4 Many patients with orthostatic intolerance(OI) have limitations of daily activities with reduced school attendance and impaired quality of life.5 A subset of children with OI may have an underlying disorder (autoimmune condition, mitochondrial insufficiency, diabetes mellitus etc.) and thus diagnosis can be elusive and expensive.6 Syncope is obvious and readily recognized to the extent that patients are frequently evaluated in an emergency room and office setting. Clinical characteristics are described in children with syncope but literature is limited in describing those many patients who present with symptoms other than syncope.7,8 We studied the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with OI who had autonomic dysfunction based on head up tilt table test (HUTT). Materials and methods From November 2010 to June 2012, we obtained medical records of patients with OI and HUTT. Our institutional review board approved this study. We collected demographic and clinical data together with physiological data in Microsoft Excel sheet (Microsoft Office 2010). Data also ... Show more content on ... Fisher exact test compared the physiological data and utilized a non parametric Mann Whitney test to compare continuous variables. We utilized the Mantel Haenszel for adjusted three way contingency testing. Type I error rate of 5% was accepted as being of statistical significance. STATA (v.12, College station) statistical software performed all
  • 37. The Egyptian World Throughout the Egyptian world, embalmers worked to preserve the inner life force that was thought to reside within the body after death. It was common belief that by completing a seventy day process known as mummification, the Ka, this spiritual entity, would be able to live on long after the person died. Because of this, many people of the culture lived modest lives on Earth, saving immense amounts of money and gold for intricate objects that could serve practical and decorative purposes for their tombs. Every step of the preparations was handled with meticulous care as it was believed that life on Earth was limited, while life in the afterlife was eternal. This cultural ideology of eternal life after deathis emulated by the statuary of the Egyptian world especially by the granite pair statueof Nefu and Khemet setju from Giza, which was found in 1931 on the Harvard University Museum of Fine Arts Expedition. During the Old Kingdom, artists worked to form statues that could accompany the body within the tomb, and if necessary, serve as alternative dwellings for the Ka.The pair statue, which was created between 2455 BC and 2350 BC in the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, was likely created for this reason. One can identify the genderof the figures by recognizing how Egyptian artists typically depicted males with darker skin than women. This common practice along with the residual red paint on the body of the figure at the right, allows one to conclude that the person on
  • 38. Rfid Toll Road Payment System Essay CHEPTER 1 INTRODUCTION RFID Toll Road Payment systems have really helped a lot in reducing the heavy congestion caused in the metropolitan cities of today. It is one of the easiest methods used to organize the heavy flow of traffic. When the car moves through the toll gate on any road, it is indicated on the RFID reader that it has crossed the clearing. The need for Humen based toll based systems is completely reduced in this methods and the tolling system works through RFID. The system thus installed is quite reducing the time and cost of travelers since the tag can be deciphered from a distance. User and developer, instead the RFID tag carried by their vehicle does every thing. A commuter traveling through this medium gets to know how much amount has been paid and how much money is left in the tag. It does not require the person to carry cash with him to pay the toll tax all the time. The long queue waiting for their turn is reduced, which in turn reduces the consumption of fuel. The RFID toll payment systems are really used in preventing trespassing on borders. The software solution developed can ensure a smooth Here Basic idea is to develop the automatic challan system that can check for signal break by any vehicle. The RFID Reader reads the information like vehicles no. and automatically send a report to the owner of vehicles and simultaneously an information is given on the site itself through LCD. 1.1PROBLEM SUMMARY
  • 39. Baz Luhrmann s Production of Romeo and Juliet Baz Luhrmann s Production of Romeo and Juliet Romeo seems like a passionate, romantic and excitable young man. He seems to like the idea of being in love, although I would suggest the feelings he has for Juliet begin only as infatuation and grow throughout the balcony scene. In the beginning of the scene Romeo is portrayed as determined, wary and possibly a little frightened as he knocks over furniture and scrambles up the trellis. His eyes are continuously darting around and you get a sense of desperation because he is panting. When he climbs the trellis in the hope of seeing Juliet but discovers the nurse instead, his facial expression turns from one of lust and longing, to one of utter ... Show more content on ... Juliet is a very capable young lady who truly believes she is in love with Romeo; during the scene she is portrayed as a shy, naГЇve and innocent child, but also appears to be a very determined, sensible and practical young lady. Karen Clark 27th October 2003 Romeo Juliet Baz Luhrmann Production 1(ii) Dramatic Devices In the beginning of the scene we see Romeo climbing the orchard wall in complete darkness, but when he enters the swimming pool area the fairy lights illuminate the immediate vicinity, coupled with the floral trellis this makes the setting quite romantic. You get a sense of the era because the house is traditional in style, from the authentic continental windows to the ageing balusters on the balcony. The size of the house, together with the presence of a swimming pool gives the impression that Juliet comes from a very affluent background. The costumes seem appropriate for the period; Juliet wears a simple plain white dress, possibly portraying virginity and virtuosity and Romeo wears the costume of a knight, which could signify valour and gallantry. In contrast we see the security guard sporting a very modern outfit complete with baseball cap, earpiece and headset. The music used
  • 40. The Uses Of Tube Feeding The use of tube feeding is done when a patient is no longer or unable to feed themselves orally. When tube feeding is required for just a short period of time an enteral tube feeding can be placed nasally. Incidences that require NG tube feeding would be prolonged bleeding, facial trauma, upper GI blockage and cancer. The NG tube catheter tip normally resides inside the stomach or in the small intestine past the pylorus. The number one complication involved with the use of NG tubal feeding is incorrect placement. A nurse can inadvertently place an NG catheter into the lungs, most notably when a patient has little to no gag reflex. As a result testing for gastric contents, pH or performing a chest x ray are required once an NG tube has been inserted. Another major complication when using NG tubal feeding is aspiration within the lungs due to gastric contents enter the trachea and into the bronchial spaces of the lungs. Keeping the head of the bed elevated greater than 30 degrees will reduce aspiration at minimum . The use of a gastrostomy or jejunostomy tube can used for enteral feedings when an NG tube cannot be tolerated of interferes with therapy. The gastrostomy tube, PEG, tip is placed in the stomach and exits the body through the left upper quadrant of the abdomen where a bumper holds it into location. This can only be placed internally by a doctor during an endoscopy, radiology or surgery. A jejunostomy tube can be placed while in surgery, radiology
  • 41. Essay about Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace While reading Amazing Grace, one is unable to escape the seemingly endless tales of hardship and pain. The setting behind this gripping story is the South Bronx of New York City, with the main focus on the Mott Haven housing project and its surrounding neighborhood. Here black and Hispanic families try to cope with the disparity that surrounds them. Mott Haven is a place where children must place in the hallways of the building, because playing outside is to much of a risk. The building is filled with rats and cockroaches in the summer, and lacks heat and decent water in the winter. This picture of the ghetto is not one of hope, but one of fear. Even the hospitals servicing the neighborhoods ... Show more content on ... But, it is only logical for a city to place such a incinerator only a block away from the grade school. Like most of the children in this society, Cliffie is forced to understand and deal with things that most adults can not cope with. Through the eyes of the children these problems are described with such innocence, but with such understanding and clarity it is alarming. It is as if by hanging on to their youthful imagination s, they have the ammunition they need to face reality. Mrs. Washington and her son life in the Mott Haven housing project. She is dying of AIDS and her teenage son must tend to her health care plus his schooling. The social services which processes and sends out her welfare money, is constantly under reconstruction. Her payments are often late and numerous times she has been evicted from her apartment. Not only is eviction a problem, but so is her health care. ther have been times she has had to wait two days on a cot in the hallway until a doctor could see her. These problems start to wear down her son. As a result his school work is declining and he hardly ever smiles anymore. He is afraid to sleep in case his mother might need him or she just dies in her sleep. The Washington family is just one case from a pile of hundreds just like it. Program cutbacks effects thousands of people just like the Washington s. Without the proper