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Analytical Essay Introduction
Writing an essay on the topic of "Analytical Essay Introduction" can be a challenging task that
requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. The difficulty lies in crafting an introduction that
not only grabs the reader's attention but also sets the stage for the analytical exploration that
follows. This type of essay introduction demands a clear understanding of the subject matter, a
strong thesis statement, and a well-organized structure.
One of the challenges is striking the right balance between providing enough context for the
reader to understand the topic and avoiding unnecessary details that might overwhelm them. The
analytical aspect adds another layer of complexity, as it requires the writer to delve into critical
analysis, breaking down the subject into its components and examining them in a coherent and
persuasive manner.
Moreover, crafting a compelling analytical essay introduction necessitates a thorough
understanding of the target audience. Writers must anticipate the reader's expectations and tailor
the introduction accordingly, making it engaging and relevant to the audience's interests.
Additionally, ensuring the introduction seamlessly transitions into the body of the essay is
crucial. The flow of ideas should be smooth, and each sentence should contribute to the overall
coherence and persuasiveness of the introduction.
In conclusion, writing an analytical essay introduction can be a formidable task, requiring a
combination of research, critical thinking, and writing skills. However, with careful planning and
attention to detail, one can overcome these challenges and create an introduction that captivates
the reader. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks,
resources like offer valuable support and guidance.
Analytical Essay Introduction Analytical Essay Introduction
Epilogue To The Mcalister
McAlister explained to the girl, Well, it wasn t supposed to, for your information.
He continued reading it, before continuing with his talk with Brenda. Apparently,
judging from his cryptic speech, he says that...oh my... Is there something wrong?
wondered Siegfried, puzzled by what shocked the Nightingale as he was reading
the notes. ...I m afraid so, answered McAlister, And if I am reading this right, the
FYC seeks to evangelize Ryanites of this state, convincing to commit apostasy, and
show scorn toward the Catholic faith. Judging from what they have in mind, it s
not good, if that s what you re wondering. After reading it, he told Siegfried and
Brenda, Look, I know we ve only met each other in just a short period of time, but
you two don t mind if I take this with me, and hand this over to my fellow Ryanites
on the East Coast? I d be careful as to who I give this information to, if I were you,
McAlister, replied Siegfried, That sort of information does not come easy, especially
in these parts. Whatever you do, just don t tell anyone where you got that information
from, Brenda warned Marcus McAlister, pointing her finger at him, Because we
seriously don t want in... Show more content on ...
The recent rise to power on the part of other factions, who would also play their own
parts in both the RGA and the Underground s Brotzmanskrieg and the Plaid
Prohibition, greatly disturbed the leaders of the RGA. With most of their efforts all
tied up in competing against the Underground, they knew they needed to formulate
better relations with the non Ryanites in the other school systems, in addition to the
Volksryanischen, if they was any hope for the RGA to continue its existence outside
of the Greater American Catholic School System, where it exists underneath the
Romance Essay
Romance is something that should never end. Romance brings love, happiness, and
a joyful life. One of the true definitions of romance is, an emotional attraction or
aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity (Romance, n.d.).
However, when someone thinks of romance they can see how much of a concept it
is. It could be different for everyone because not everyone s definition of romanceor
romantic activity is the same. For a man named Jim, it could be him offering his
arm to a woman when they are walking. Yet, on the other hand, for a random girl
named Emily, it could be having the man walk on the streetside of the sidewalk so he
could protect her. Romancestarted centuries ago and is not going to end anytime soon.
... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, the idea of romance did not just pop up like a jack in the box. The
origins of the modern celebration lie in the 18th century with the rise of romantic
marriages. Writer, Elizabeth L. Maurer (2017), from Nationals Women s History
Museum had stated that During the 18th century, society encouraged young people
to select their marriage partners based on their romantic attachments. This was a
decided change from past practice when marriages had been arranged...between
families or clans. So the young people at that point had to figure out what they liked
and what they did not like in a spouse, it was all left up to them. Maurer (2017), also
discussed how romance had fit in on this new practice:
Prospective lovers needed to find one another and then determine the extent of mutual
attraction. Courtship became a distinctive phase of partner selection, and familiar
rituals evolved. Young women, perhaps more than young men, often enjoyed the
process of courtship as it represented a time of freedom and choice.
The men really had to come with the best of the best because the women now had the
option to reject them. The men had to think of ways to show their interest, bringing
them flowers from the garden, taking them out to dinner on a Friday night, or even
taking off their hat when they were talking to the lady. They either had to teach
themselves based on what the woman they were trying to pursue, or their father
Katy Perry Song Firework
Firework, by Katy Perry, is a song written about being yourself and not being afraid
to show people who you really are. It is about being like being like a firework and
letting your true colours show. The theme of the song is shinning bright, and letting
your light shine.she repeatedly used words including, shine, bright, ignite, lightand
other words to do with shining your personal light.
Katy Perry wrote firework to tell her listeners to be themselves and stay true to
there self, Firework was written to show people that different isn t bad. The targeted
audience for firework is young, because it teaches them that they don t have to
conform to society and they can make their own path. Katy Perry gets her message
across by singing from her
The Creative Decision Making in a Documentary Production
This journal inspects the importance of creative decision making in various aspects of
documentary production, examines whether those decisions help to make the film an
engaging cinematic piece, and explores the influences it might have on the society,
the cinema and the subject, in relation to my own experience in producing a 15min
documentary filmHackney Pirates, and my understandings of relevant practice from
the contemporary cinema.
Films about education for children in critical situations have been seen in cinema
since the 1990s. For example, Zhang Yimou s 1999 film Not One Less tells a story
about a teenage girl Wei Minzhi who volunteers to teach in a one room primary
school and her relationships with the pupils. And ... Show more content on ...
Slightly frustrated at first, we realised that the interviews are actually not as
necessary as in ГЉtre et Avoir on a second thought, in that the theme of ГЉtre et
Avoir also includes the teacher s devotion to his pupils, while Hackney Pirates is
purely about the children s learning experience, which satisfies the objectives of
Hackney Pirates; moreover, the volunteer training session facilitated by one of the
founders as part of the narrative structure we ve planned can provide essential
information of the organisation.
The opening
ГЉtre et Avoir opens with a scene of tough labour work and living conditions in a
rural farm, followed by a montage sequence of a classroom with warm and cheerful
dГ©cor. The warm interior in contrast to the cold exterior emphasizes on the light and
positive tone of the film, which consequently helps to attract the viewers attention
and keeps them engaged in the following sequences.
Inspired by the opening sequence of ГЉtre et Avoir, we wanted to open the film with
a train passing by city landscape and finally arriving at Haggerston Overground
station where Hackney Pirates is based.
At first, the director was not sure about what exactly she was expecting from the
shot, whether just the train passing by city landscape would be enough as an
introduction or we have to let it come to a stop i.e. Haggerston in order to provide
extra geographic information. We travelled many times on the train between
Windows versus Linux
Windows, and Linux are very different operating systems that are also very similar
in multiple ways. Windows was first sold on November 20, 1985 under the name
Windows 1.0. It was revolutionary for it s time. People had been used to using
command line interface to type out there commands. Windows 1.0 allowed for them
to just point and click on what they wanted. Then, along came Linuxa few years later.
Linux was revolutionary because it was Unix like and it was open source. Open
source meant that anyone could access the source code to tailor it to their liking.
This has allowed multiple different versions of Linux to be produced since then
including one called Lindows. Lindows is exactly what you would expect from the
name. It is a version... Show more content on ...
Linux also started with a command line interface like Windows. There are many
similarities between the two. Whether or not someone selects to use it is all based
on preference. A detailed evaluation will often reveal that Windows has more
features, and is easier to sue than Linux. When I took a survey of my peers it
revealed that ninety percent of end users preferred to use Windows over Linux. I
asked these people why they preferred Windows to be given multiple reasons.
Some said that they preferred to use an operating system that was native to them
since they had grown up using Windows. Others said that they liked the features
better, and liked the innovations. When I asked about Lindows they said that it
would just not be the same especially considering that Linux in it s native form can
not run .exe applications which has become a major part of the typical end users
daily application usage. Truth be told however if someone was just going to
browse the internet to check e mail, and perform other miscellaneous tasks there is
no distinction based on operating system. The major problem comes in when a
user needs to use specific applications or software made for Windows. Linux is a
valuable asset if you are looking to host a server but do not want to purchase
Microsoft server which is the Windows equivalency. It is easy to use, maintain, and
valuable to any network that requires a server. When it comes down to it both
operating systems can do the same thing,
Health Information System
Health Information System: A Repository Bank for Modelling and Simulating Health
Outcomes for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Over the years, much advancement in different spheres of life has been achieved
using information technology. Man has been able to go to the moon, heavy objects
have been able to fly and go deep into the oceans without sinking, communication
across the planets has been made possible and the world has become a global village
where everything seems in the reach of everyone.
In health and medicine, the advancement that has been accomplished in recent years
with the benefit of information technology is highly significant. The growing
influence of ICT in health has also led to the development of vibrant and robust
health information systems and their management. As time, distance and place are
becoming less relevant among individuals and institutions , having a robust health
information system is a crucial part of a modern healthcare system and facilitates the
discovery and sharing of enormous amount of data for different people, places events
and conditions. Among several conditions for which health information system data
can and have been shared is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease
which affects an estimated 15% of New Zealand people who are above 45yrs old.[1]
In an environment like New Zealand that is prone to natural disasters such as
earthquakes; where construction, rebuilding and
Physician Career Goals
During an online personality test to match careers I was matched to numerous
career fields based on my score. I chose the career path of a Preventive Medicine
Physician because it seemed to match a lot of the personality traits I already have
rather than what the test scored me to have. Preventive Medicine Physicians promote
healthcare to communities, aid in the prevention or reduction of risk of disease,
injury, disability, or death. I will need to be knowledge able in medicineand dentistry,
therapy and counseling and know laws and information about the government
regarding health care. Being in this profession I will need to be able to
communicate well as well as listening to understand what people say, be able to
make general rules or come up... Show more content on ...
With these credentials I would be able to stay up to date on things that are going
on within my career to better serve my patients and clients. My goal is to learn new
things as they are available so that I am up to date with patients and clients needs to
help them live better lives through prevention of disease and illnesses as well as
injury. My objective is to inform my patients, clients and community with
information regarding health related issues and concerns they would be worried
with as well as ways to prevent them. I would have information readily available to
them to implement a prevention practice for them and their families of injury, disease
and illnesses. I want to learn the techniques that will make me a great physician as
well as stay current in any certifications that I obtain. I hope to attend seminars and
workshops as well as give them to help others gain the same knowledge that I have.
My goal is to be a great leader in the Preventive Medicine Physician career and help
others reach their potential while in their
St. Andrews And The Royal And Ancient Golf Course
The next day left the hotel and drove about 15 miles to St. Andrews and The Royal
and Ancient golf course. Compared to the all the other places where we stayed on
the trip, the hotel where we stayed just outside of St. Andrews could at best be
described as so so. It was sort of like an older motel in the USA, but it was clean
and reasonably comfortable and the dinner that night and breakfast the next morning
were good. Well, I should preface the latter comment and say I tried the Scottish
traditional breakfast of haggis , and I could not swallow the first bite. No one told
me it was made primarily with lamb, and I will not eat lamb under any circumstances.
After breakfast, we headed out to St. Andrews and the Royal and Ancient Club the
Mecca of golf. When we arrived at the clubhouse, we found out they were having a
board meeting that day and we would not be able to play on the Old course, but we
could go to the New course and not have any problem getting on at that course. The
first thing we had to do was rent some clubs because neither brought clubs on the
trip. So, we went to a small shop not far from the course and rented some clubs.
Playing golf in Scotland is a little different from playing golf in America. The
noticeable differences are the height of the rough and the depth of the sand bunkers.
The rough is almost knee high and sand traps and bunkers are about 6 or 7 feet deep
and reinforced with a brick retaining wall. Well, we got to the club, the
Air Conditioning Unit Design
Physical structure of the air conditioner Design considerations
1. Location of outside air intake and building exhausts.
2. Proportion of outside air.
3. Air filter selection.
4. Duct construction and leakage test
5. Air distribution
6. Building pressure control
7. Energy conservation measures
8. Air conditioner system maintenance
Variations and types of air conditioner
1. Window Air Conditioner
Window air conditioner is the most commonly used air conditioner for single
rooms. In this air conditioner all the components, namely the compressor,
condenser, expansion valve or coil, evaporator and cooling coil are enclosed in a
single box. This unit is fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room, or more
commonly a window sill.
2. Split Air Conditioner
The split air conditioner comprises of two parts: the outdoor unit and the indoor unit.
The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, houses components like the compressor,
condenser and expansion valve. The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling
coil and the cooling fan. For this unit you don t have to make any slot in the wall of
the room. Further, present day split units have aesthetic appeal and do not take up as
much space as a window unit.
3. Packaged Air Conditioner
There are two possible arrangements with the package unit. In the first one, all the
components, namely the compressor, condenser
The Importance Of Teacher Student Relationships And
Lauren Liberante, author of The importance of teacher student relationships, as
explored through the lens of the NSW Quality Teaching Model article, is a Bachelor
of Primary Education (second year), at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
When this article was published online in February of 2012, Liberante articulated the
effective importance of student teacher relationship, utilizing the Quality Teaching
Model. In the article, Liberante explored the effectiveness of teacher student
relationship through the three elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model;
Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance. In this paper, I
summarized the article and offered comments about the selected features, and
proposed areas where additional discoveries would assist in regards of the issues
being raised.
Article Summary
Liberante discovered three elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model;
Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance to address the
effectiveness on student teacher relationship, and how such relationship enhances
students success in classrooms. She argued that gender plays the most effective mode
on the teacher student relationship, as well as the impact that this relationship has on
student academic outcomes and behavior. She states that the teacher student
relationship is one of the most powerful elements within the learning environment,
and is solely based upon gender (Liberante). It has been known that gender plays
Initial Public Offering Paper
The focus of this paper is to examine and research the financing issues that an
organization must face when going public. The team has selected Chipotle Mexican
Grill, Inc. as the organization which has had an initial public offering in the last three
years. The learning team will address registration, disclosure, and compliance issues
and cost of issuance. In addition, the team will examine the impact on ownership
control and return as well as the source and application of funds.
Financing Issues that an Organization Faces When Going PublicAn Initial Public
Offering (IPO), is extremely expensive for organizations. It is common for a small
business to pay between $50,000 and $250,000 to organize and publicize an offering.
According to ... Show more content on ...
(Disclosure ,2008) In Chipotle s SEC filing they disclosed the prospectus
statement, financial data, and future plans. Through there prospectus statement
Chipotle makes it clear that they are set apart from other chains by serving Food
with Integrity . However, there are risks involved in investing, they are as follows:
the number of new stores rapidly being established, lack of independent operating
history, ability to continue to grow and profit, and health and safety concerns
regarding the ingredients used among others. Although the risk factors are in
place, Chipotle s financial data provides more assurance of returned profit on
investment. In their Rapidly Improving Financial Performance section of the SEC
filing they state a 130% increase in revenue in 2004 of 470.7 million up from 2002
and 49% up from 2003. And, average sales in new restaurants after 90 trading days
increased 24.9% a total of $303,390. From 2002 2004 Chipotle opened a total of
237 stores. Their increased financial growth is attributed to word of mouth sales
and quicker implementation of Chipotle culture in the area of the new restaurant.
Also, more people are aware of Chipotle, thus increasing average opening sales.(
Form S 1/A ,2005) The future plans of Chipotle is to expand operations and sales by
opening new stores. They forecast opening a total of 75 stores in 2005 of which 58
were already opened at the time of the SEC filing. In order to expand sales they plan
The Negative Consequences Of Edward Snowden
One often finds that standing up and working in favor of the greater good usually
results in negative consequences. Edward Snowden encountered this crossroad while
working for the NSA and the CIA as a technical contractor. When he was working at
the NSA s Hawaii office, Snowden noticed various government methods that the NSA
was using to spy on American citizens. The NSA gathered information from
American citizens phone calls and internet use, without their consent. After three
months of working for the NSA, Snowden began leaking the secret documents
showing the NSA s surveillance methods. The documents contained information such
as the invasion of privacyof millions of Americans from the NSA s various
domestic programs such as PRISM. Snowden had then fled to Russia to escape
any trouble with the law after he leaked to the newspaper companies which began
printing the documents. Snowden didn t decide to be in Russia, he was actually
flying through Russia going to Latin America. Which is where he intended to seek
asylum, knowing the Obama administration would put him into prison for the rest
of his life. And being a rational person, he did not want to be in jail for the rest of
his life for being a whistleblower. The reason he could not get out of Russia was
because on the plane from Hong Kong to Russia, they revoked his passport and then
told the Cubans if you let him through to Latin America there will be all kinds of
incriminations for you. ( The Truth About Edward
Pop Culture And Its Effect On Society
Popular culture has manifested itself in a number of ways. Currently, the most
commonly used method of spreading and exchanging opinions, ideas, art, and
other concepts is through the internet. Never before has it been so easy to shed
light on a person or an idea, giving it levels of popularity that were considered
inconceivable in ages past. In many circumstances the way people are portrayed
through pop culture is most likely how they were perceived by the bulk of people.
Pop/culture serves as a way to connect people; help them relate to one another over
shared opinions and interests. It was and is the representative of the majority. But
what of the times before the internet? How was pop culture expressed in a time when
people did not have the ability to express their thoughts and opinions with millions at
a time almost instantaneously? Theatre is one of the most time honored means of
entertainment. Before television and computers and the internet, actors would don a
costume and tell act for masses of people. It was a form of storytelling that was not
limited to the literate or rich or the scholars, but could be enjoyed by anyone form
any economic background. Through it we can see our history and opinions in the
form of characters, plots, and settings. We can observe the changing of mainstream
opinions through the common themes and recurring motifs in the most popular plays.
This is particularity true in regards to females in theatre. Throughout the years we
Future Shop Vs Best Buy Essay
fluctuate during the change period and after when Future Shop employees are let
go or if they are rehired to fill greater demand in the larger company. Any time a
firm restructures, they are going to run into problems with acceptance so you must
take into affect the employees and attempt to keep them always informed so that
the restructuring doesn t affect them negatively. Legal Aspects In regards to the
legal aspects of terminating any Future Shop employees, you need to consider the
differences between the standards in the United States (US) and in Canada. In the
US, an employer may be able to terminate its employee at will . In contrast, in
Canada, unless there is a legal justification for the employee s termination (or the
employee has a written employment agreement specifying a termination package),
the employer is obligated to provide reasonable notice or pay in lieu of notice.
Although Best Buy USA owns Best Buy Canada, you need to abide by Canadian
laws when it comes to termination of employees. A general rule of thumb in Canada
is that terminated employees must receive three to four weeks of severance pay for...
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First of all, the survivors won t like the procedural justice since the procedure wasn t
fair due to them not having any input in the decision. Second, they may be bothered
by the interpersonal justice since they may feel mistreated due to the cold
termination, as they had no warning. This lack of communication leads to a poor
informational justice perceived by the survivors where they feel like things are not
being explained to them. Finally, there s the issue of ethics, where the survivors will
think that from an ethical perspective, the company should have paid those that were
terminated a premium for the trauma and stress related to termination. These negative
effects will
Ethiopian And Soviet Immigration And Their Impacts On...
Ethiopian and Soviet Immigration and Their Impacts on Israeli Society
Israel is a state complete with a multitude of ethnicities. As Jews began to immigrate
to the newly formed state, they brought with them distinctive cultural values and
traditions that shifted Israel from a more homogenized community into a definite
melting pot . Significant waves of Jews came from Europe, the Middle East, Asia,
Africa and even North America. The impact each of these groups had on Israeli
society differed from group to group. Two of the most recent waves of immigrants to
Israel came from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. Both groups changed the
dynamic of Israeli society in ways previous groups had not.
In Israel today there are 125,500 Ethiopian Jews. This constitutes 1.75% of the total
population and makes Israel home to the largest Ethiopian Jewish community. This
group lived predominantly in the North and Northwestern parts of Ethiopia and can
trace its origins back to biblical times, when many Jews migrated to Ethiopia
following the exile of Jews in Egypt. According to tradition, in the 4th century CE
this group was pressured to convert to Christianity and refused. They became known
by the term Beta Israel , meaning house of Israel .
In modern times, they have lived among Christian and Muslim communities in
Ethiopia. In the 20th century, Beta Israel renewed contracts with other Jewish
communities. Because of the instability and violence that
Analysis Of RFP For ATM Monitoring
A judgement call that I made which did not allow for analysis or information
gathering due to time constraints was when a large Southern Financial institution
that I was leading Distributed Service Delivery for put out a large RFP for ATM
monitoring; they had approximately 3600 ATMs all being serviced and monitored
by Diebold, as the Program Manager over this account all RFPs ran through me. I
pulled in what experts we had on ATM monitoring to provide a thorough response
document, it was assumed throughout my company that we were likely being used
solely for leverage with Diebold more so than having a chance at this business. We
were told within a couple weeks that Diebold was being awarded the bid so I stopped
our internal evaluations on... Show more content on ...
I had a Team responsible for Monitoring and Managementof thousands of endpoint
network devices for this customer in an offsite location with desks available.
Connectivity to the ATMs was quickly available due to already having connectivity
within the customers network, I just needed resources and training. I had daily scrum
type calls with Recruiting to track progress, make sure interviews could get quickly
setup, and knock down any blockers slowing them down.
Recruiting stepped up and sourced 5 of the 7 resources within three weeks and my
RIMM Team with the addition of these 5 resources and the shadowing from the
customers tier 3 engineers were able to successfully come up to speed and deliver on
this new service. I had a complete team of 7 resources before the end of the first 30
This became a great win for Pomeroy and for the Customer. For the Customer, we
were offering a tier 2 level Service at a tier 3 three price point, well under their
original T1 provider in this space. We were able to deliver through my Team the
quality and speed that they wanted in responding to alerts and issues, with an
expanded Team being able to share the work across my full RIMM Team and over the
Georgetown University Application Essay
Though I am currently undecided in my major, I know that regardless of what I
choose, Georgetown University will offer me the opportunities, support, and
teaching excellence to succeed. What first drew me to Georgetown University was
the focus on academic excellence; not only will I be able to learn in depth about
my chosen area of study from prominent and engaged professors, but I will also be
able to nourish my mind across the disciplines. One of my goals is to be able to
not only study in my chosen field, but to learn how to think differently, to solve
problems creatively and efficiently, and to be able to challenge myself on a daily
basis. I know that when I decide on a major it will be because Georgetown University
provided me with the... Show more content on ...
Washington, D.C. is a city of endless opportunities and ways to be involved. Each
time I travel down there, I discover something new to love. Georgetown University
will provide me with a college campus feel, something I desire, while still being in
an urban setting. The possibilities of Washington, D.C. are endless. If I decide to
study history, a subject I find deeply engaging, I will have countless museums to visit
to learn first hand about what I m studying, along with numerous monuments and
other historical sights to engage first hand with our nation s history. No where else
will I able be able to feed my mind and take learning beyond the classroom like I can
at Georgetown University. It s one thing to simply write about the Declaration of
Independence, and another to be able to do so while sitting under the words
themselves, inscribed into the walls of the Jefferson Memorial. However, if I
choose to pursue a different route, such as biology, another interest of mine, I will
similarly be able to find endless opportunities related to my studies. Whether it be
interning at one of the numerous hospitals or doing research in a laboratory or with
a renowned professor, I know that Georgetown University will offer me the
experiences and support to become an interdisciplinary thinker, creative problem
solver, and expert in the area that I choose to study. I want to be able to study a
subject that I am passionate
Kim Han Research Paper
I, Kim Han Kyung , was born on September 3rd, 1933 , at 186 Yondong Ni, Koryung
myun, Yunghung County, South Hamgyong Province (е’ёйЏЎеЌ—йЃ“ ж°ёи€€й
古寧面 蓮洞里 186), North Korea (See Figure 1: Map of North Korea), of
Kim Jung Mo (金жЈжЁЎ, 1917 1998), a son of a farmer and Yoon Ok Hwhan
(е°№зЋ‰з’°, 1914 1966), a daughter of a doctor in the oriental medicine. When I
was born, Korea was under the Japanese rule (1910 to 1945). We have been forced
to speak, read, and write in Japanese language in schools or work places but Korean
language was usually used in homes in this period. Figure 3: My Father and Mother
in 1964. My First Generation Ancestor at Yondong Ni Yondong Ni (蓮ж
where I was born had about one hundred households and all of the residents were the
same descendants of an army general and the Governor of the Pyongyang Province,
Kim Ui (金義, 1328 1398?), Who had served both the Koryo Dynasty
(й« йє—зЋ‹жњќ, 918 1392) and the Chosun Dynasty (жњќй®®зЋ‹жњќ, 1392
1897). General Kim Ui and his family had to live in exile and settle at the Yondong
Ni, no man s land, after he had been politically purged from the Chosun Dynasty on
the old account of the killing of a haughty and arrogant Ming Dynasty (Chinese)
diplomat at the Korea China border when he was a young army officer in the Koryo
Dynasty. Consequently, all of the Yondong ni residents carry the same last name of
Kim (with Gyeongju Kims family clan 慶州金氏). So, I was told I would be
the 21st generation of General Kim Ui.... Show more content on ...
The house was built by my paternal great grandfather, Kim Joon Chul (金俊哲,
1846 1926?). He was a farmer, a hemp rope manufacturer, and merchant. However,
the house had been seized by the court order for the failure to fulfill my grandfather,
Kim Kyo Hoon s (金敎薰, 1869 1939) collateral obligation incurred by someone
else s business
Nathaniel Hathorne Research Paper
Conceived July 4, 1804, Nathaniel Hathorne was the main child of Captain Nathaniel
Hathorne and Elizabeth Clarke Manning Hathorne. (Hawthorne included the w to his
name after he moved on from school.) Following the passing of Captain Hathorne in
1808, Nathaniel, his mom, and his two sisters were compelled to move in with Mrs.
Hawthorne s relatives, the Mannings. Here Nathaniel Hawthorneexperienced
childhood in the organization of ladies without a solid male good example; this
environment may represent what biographers call his timidity and withdrawn identity.
This time of Hawthorne s life was blended with the delights of perusing and the
disdain of budgetary reliance. While he learned at an early age with Joseph E.
Worcester, an outstanding etymologist, he was not especially enamored with school.
A damage permitted him to remain home for a year when he was nine, and his initial
companions were books by Shakespeare, Spenser, Bunyan, and eighteenth century
Amid this time Mrs. Hathorne moved her family to arrive possessed by the Mannings
close Raymond, Maine. Nathaniel s fondest recollections of ... Show more content on ...
The introduction of their first youngster, Una, made Hawthorne at the end of the
day look for a fiscally secure occupation. With the assistance of his old companions,
Hawthorne was selected a surveyor for the port of Salem. His child, Julian, was
conceived in 1846. Despite the fact that the new occupation facilitated the budgetary
issues for the family, Hawthorne again discovered little time to seek after his written
work. By the by, amid this time, he was at that point shaping thoughts for a novel in
view of his Puritan family line and presented by a prelude about the Custom House
where he worked. At the point when the Whigs won the 1848 race, Hawthorne lost
his position. It was a money related stun to the family, however it serendipitously
furnished him with time to compose The Scarlet
Dental Implant Maintenance
Implant Maintenance
Dental providers are seeing more patients with implant supported prostheses during
maintenance therapy. This trend is only going to increase in the future as more
dentists are offering implant therapies in their practices and more patients are keen to
accept implant therapy than a conventional fixed partial denture or removable partial
denture. Routine maintenance therapy is crucial for preserving the peri implant
health. Anatomy of dental implant supported prostheses (Diagram from Steve) How
are implants different from teeth? Lack of periodontal ligament Circular gingival
fibers around implants as opposed to perpendicular gingival fibers around teeth
Evaluation of implant health Parameters Presence of plaque and/or calculus ... Show
more content on ...
If an infection or an inflammation is present, the providers will have to develop a
treatment plan. The treatment plan may include non surgical therapy, possible
antibiotics, shortening recare intervals, and a referral for a specialist evaluation.
Current protocol for probing around the implant has been somewhat controversial but
the consensus seems to be that it is safe to probe the implant without disrupting the
perimucosal seal. An experienced practitioner should be able to probe dental implants
without continual perforation of the weak seal. Inflammation is a critical factor that
determines whether an intervention will be required. Although many etiological
factors exist, the most common cause of inflammation around dental implants is
excess cement that was not removed during crown cementation. Cement may create
inflammation even after dormant for many months. Merticulous attempts to remove
excess cement need to be practiced. Another source of the peri implant inflammation
is ill fitting supra structures.
Signs of a healthy
Effects Of The Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was established by U.S. president James Monroe and the U.S.
secretary of state John Quincy Adams. Their plan of the Monroe Doctrine
represented a solid line where the Americans will no longer tolerate interference from
European powers in any way shape or form. For the most part, America was minding
its own business until Imperialism started booming in the late 1800 s. Latin America
was less developed and America saw South and Central America as perfect
candidates to extract resources and sell U.S. goods. The culture of capitalism was on
the rise. The start of Manifest Destinybegan to construct U.S. foreign policy which
led to America reaching towards the Caribbean and Latin America to expand.
Firstly, If God and mission was the road to Manifest Destiny, Imperialism was the
light that shined bright to lead the way (Lubragge). America started off by investing
in businesses and land all around Latin America. Imperialism led to the U.S. taking
over the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico via the Spanish American War
(Lubragge). America was under the impression they were safeguarding the world
from Spanish oppression and began sculpting expansionist policies. The Spanish
American War put an end to Spain s colonial empire in the region and gave the
United States complete control of the Pacific. The U.S. victory led to a peace treaty
between the U.S. and Spain, which gave all claims of Cuba to the United States,
while ceding sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico,
Herpes Zoster Research Paper
What is Herpes Zoster? Herpes zoster is a common disease now now in days. It is
also known as shingles is a cutaneous viral infection caused by the reactivation of
varicella zoster virus which is a herpesvirus that is the cause of chickenpox. Herpes
zoster is more predictable with the characteristics of rashes and sometimes patients
can have typical pain in a dermatomal distribution. It s all based on how the rash
looks like. Some of the symptoms and signs usually begin with pain along the
affected dermatome which takes two to three days by a vesicular eruption that is
usually treatable. Herpes Zostercan cause itchiness,burning, and deep pain. In this
research i m going to show what are some treatments and methods of diagnosis, how
it impacts the body homeostasis, and how how it affects the human population. What
are some treatments for herpes zoster? There is many antiviral medication that can
be taken for pain or helping the rashes with blisters. For example, acyclovir or
valacyclovir ,but there is also a inflammatory and nerve pain medication. How can
you prevent from having herpes? There are some treatments for avoiding herpes is to
get the chickenpoxvaccine when you are a child or you can also take the shingles
vaccine as an adult so you won t... Show more content on ...
Let s say that your body temperature is high the signals are sent from the
hypothalamus to make sure the body cools off by sweating.With herpes, It blocks
the nerve signals that sends to the brain and your body won t cool because the
messages will not reach the brain. Also, the skin helps keeping out viruses by using
its melanocytes. Let s say that your skin is already broken the inflammatory
response will be triggered to start fighting . The inflammatory response will be
delayed because of the lack of messages being transferred to the brain about the virus
Marquis Color Test Paper
As chemist with forensic case work and field experience, I know low cost and low
tech methods of analysis are in demand. While such methods are typically
presumptive in nature, they play a vital role in both lab and field analysis.
Presumptive tests allow users to triage samples for confirmatory analysis, saving
time and expense. Whether a crime scene, combat zone, or natural disaster site,
presumptive assays influence command decisions. In technology deficient areas,
presumptive assays may be the totality of the analysis available. Most presumptive
tests are color tests, providing a visual cue to the user as to the presence of a
particular compound (1 2). While color tests have their benefits, a big drawback is
the false positive (3), i.e. the erroneous compound is here . My research focuses on
minimizing false positives, false negatives, and generally improving the selectivity of
color tests without sacrificing their ease of use and low cost.... Show more content on ...
This test is routinely employed in the field, usually as an all inclusive kit like
Safariland s NarcoPouch shown in Figure 1 (4). A positive result is obtained for
morphine (DEA Schedule II), codeine (DEA Schedule II/III), heroin(DEA Schedule
I), and over the counter (OTC) aspirin. The OTC result is a false positive, as a true
positive is a scheduled opiate. Colors noted by users to describe each compound s
test include pink, pink to purple, red purple, and magenta. Given that the accepted
reaction mechanism involves the dimerization of opiates (5), it is conceivable that
each of these compound s test results are a different tint or shade of red (i.e. different
pinks) as they correspond to different structures. The challenge for users in
discriminating between compounds are the similarity of resulting colors and limits of
the user s color acuity. Different
Energy Conservation at Home
What is energy ? Where does it come from? And how do we pay for it? When you
learn the answers to these questions, you can also learn how to live more efficiently
in your home. In this article, we ll discuss how to be smart about how you use
energy, how to know when to turn electrical power on and off, and how to use
natural gas, propane, and fuel oil in the most effective way.
Basic Concepts of Energy Efficiency
You can make a lot of progress toward improving the energy efficiency in your
home by simply plugging the many places through which air can get in or get out.
Plugging your home is called air sealing, and it is one of the most important first
steps to take when weatherizing your house to increase its energy efficiency.... Show
more content on ...
His line of reasoning was that, by reducing the temperature in our homes, we could
conserve heating fuel.
President Carter s words of nearly 30 years ago still ring true today: The best way to
conserve energy is to not use so much of it. And one of the best ways of reducing the
use of heating fuel in the home is to simply turn down the thermostat.
Because space heating constitutes the largest energy expenditure in many homes,
even a little conservation of heating fuel goes a long way toward achieving a lower
utility bill. Dialing down the thermostat one degree during the winter can result in
about 1 to 3 percent less fuel use, and a similar reduction in your heating bill.
A furnace or boiler has to maintain a differential in temperature between the inside
of the house and the outdoors in order for the house to feel comfortable. On cold
days that difference can be as much as 50 to 60 degrees (say, 20 outside and 70
inside). Any time the differential can be reduced, even by a degree or two, the
heating system comes on less often, less fuel is burned, and savings result. The
downside of turning down a thermostat, of course, is that the house is cooler. But
Carter had a solution for that simply slip on a sweater. That makes sense, too. Instead
of turning up the heat to increase the overall warmth in the huge volume of space
inside the house, you can simply increase your personal insulation to help retain
The Life And Stylings Of Johnny Cash
The Life And Stylings of Johnny Cash
By Cole Halter
9 March 2016
Mrs. Poole
English 11
Dear reader,
Mrs. Poole
English 11
9 March 2016
Johnny Cash: The Research Paper!
First off let me start off by saying Johnny Cash is one of the biggest legends ever.
His music has spanned Decades and has inspired many artist all over the country, and
let s be honest, not many artists can reach these standards. He has made a huge
impact on Country, Rock and Roll, blues, and many more genres of music. But he has
also influenced the American culture through the use of his own works, thus creating
both a mixture of controversy and envy in his vast amounts of those who have heard
the tunes that belong to Cash. You may... Show more content on ...
Despite Cash s heavy Drinking and devastating addiction to amphetamines, this
frantic lapse of behavior led to some of his best hits including many singles and
various hits. Cash the Self proclaimed, Man in black Stood for something, he stood
for the less fortunate. Something he took pride in, something that could be applied to
the public s understanding of his Iconic status in America and just another great
reason as to why Cash achieves legendary.
Cash s final years really shined for him. Through the last breath of his creative
works he was able to release an amazing work of art, the album, American
Recordings , produced by the also Iconic Rick Rubin who has worked with various
artists including Tom Petty, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. With the final years he
was able to produce such records as Hurt a cover of the Nine Inch Nails hit single,
Lead singer Trent Rayznor stated that after cash had covered the initial hit it really
wasn t even his song anymore. Sadly, shortly after his final works were released
Cash passed away at the age of 73 on September 9th, 2003. Cash displayed a great
amount of genius in his final years that really show why he is still remembered today.
However with the passing of Johnny Cash, A legacy shadowed what was an amazing
life of an american icon. His rebellious image has cast an influence for many artist
and has even been payed tribute by many artist as well. Many things have happened
since his death relating to him. One
Social Stratification In The United States
A society is made up of different classifications of people, and the way they are
classified is based on the resources they own. What sociologists call this is social
stratification. According to the book, society ranks individuals into socioeconomic
stratums based on their income, wealth, education, and race. Individuals are put into
a specific social classthat describes the way they live. The way social stratification
divides and categories people vary from each society. Social stratification also
implies that resources are often unevenly distributed. In which case results in a class
system. In the United States there are three class distinctions: upper, middle, and
lower class. There are additional subcategories that pertain to each class. For example
the middle classcan be divided into the upper middle class and the lower middle
class. The difference between the two is that people who belong in the upper middle
class tend to have more comfortable incomes, while the lower middle class has a
harder time maintaining their decent lifestyle. Furthermore, the... Show more content
on ...
When doing a job interview, the one seeking a job has to dress appropriately; there
is a dress code individuals must follow to be perceived as professional. The same
concept can be applied when we talk about social classes. We can manipulate how
others see us not just by the way we act, but by what we own too. I m talking about
materialistic objects such as cars, houses, clothes and shoes. Even jewelry and
handbags. If an individual only has expensive world known brands, then we
assume they have the money to purchase those materials. If I, for example, was
born into a low social class, and want to show others that I have moved into the
upper class, I can shop at retail stores that sell known brands. It doesn t necessarily
have to be a lie. People have managed to move up the social ladder. The upper
Verizon Communication Swot Analysis
A business must analyze their general environment and their industries competitive
environment in order for the business to understand their environment. (Dess,
Lumpkin, Eisner, McNamara 2014.) This comes by doing a SWOT Analysis which
is a basic technique. By doing a SWOT Analysis, the company can identify its
strengths and weaknesses which are the internal forces. The analysis also identifies
the external forces which are the opportunities and threats in the industry. Verizon
Communications is the company that will be reviewed.
Verizon SWOT Analysis
Strong reputation of network coverage
Brand recognition and Global Goodwill
Largest wireless carrier in the US
High customer ... Show more content on ...
Some of the biggest threats for Verizon is their competition. In the telecom industry
there are some new growing competitors. (Olsen,2015) Sprint and T Mobile seems
to the fastest growing ones, neither of them have as many locations as Verizon
although they are still a threat because they are expanding. Sprint and T Mobile are
both working to provide service at a lesser price and they are probably one of the
biggest threats with their major presence across the globe and multiple locations.
(Olsen,2015) This means that Verizon must adapt to any new technologies by
offering ease of access for our customers. They must also keep up on competitive
advantage to remain a leading company in the Telecom industry.
Conclusion It is important for companies to perform such things as a SWOT analysis
to evaluate their positions with internal and external factors. They help managers to
see how they are performing and where they should focus their efforts to stay in
competitive advantage with their
Essay On Building A New Home
Building a New Home? 10 Can t Live Without Features In today s home building
market, the design choices you make as a homeowner should fit your household s
lifestyle and locale. Increasingly, those choices are becoming environmentally
friendly, which is a good thing for our planet and wallets. Regardless of whether
you re considering building a new Florida home, or are about to begin the process,
lend us your attention. We ve compiled a cheat sheet of some of the top features we
re seeing throughout the industry and from our own customers. Here are 10 can t
live without features you should consider for your new home. Whole House Choices
The systems that function invisibly behind your drywall and internal forest of 2 X 4
studs... Show more content on ...
That s cool. We get it. But, you d still like to be as energy efficient as possible. The
answer is a water re circulator. This system heats the water already idling in your
plumbing. pipes You get near instant hot water, which is far more efficient than
waiting on hot water to arrive at the kitchen faucet from the conventional water
heater all while standing at the sink as cold water runs wastefully down the drain.
Serious Insulation If you re new to Florida from a colder climate, you know how
important insulation can be to a home s comfort, particularly in winter. That s true
even in the Sunshine State. Here, you ll spend far more time in air conditioning.
But proper insulation also buttresses your house from summer heat. And yes,
depending where you live in Florida, you ll experience occasional cool snaps. So
focus on maintaining consistent interior comfort year around. The best way to do
that is to be sure your new Florida home boasts the maximum amount of good
quality insulation all over the house. You ll see fewer spikes in your power bill, and
make fewer tweaks to your thermostat. Whole House Vacuuming It s the best thing
since sliced bread! We re only half kidding. This is for those of you who despise
lugging upright vacuum cleaners, or heavy canister cleaners all over the house. A
whole house vacuuming system simplifies an onerous chore.
Atlanta Research Paper
Have you ever been to Atlanta it is known as A town? Atlanta is very well known
city it is the 4th most visited city in the U.S.A. History The history of Atlanta dates
back 1836 when Georgia decide to build a railroad to the United States Midwest
named line Timinus. In 1839, homes and stores were built. 1845 1254 railroads
arrived in 4 different places. In 1837 all of Atlantawas founded in the intersection of
two railroads / the city had uncovered after all that done happened in the Civil War
the city risen up from ashes. Climate, location Atlanta rotates on all 4 seasons, the
city elevation and relative closeness to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean
(summer heat) that makes Atlanta very tropical. The area is 132 square miles since
2000 the elevation 1,010 feet above sea level the temperature on January is 40.5,
July 79.1 the average is 64.4 precipitation is 50.77 inches. Atlanta sits on the seat of
Fulton County and a small portion of the city extends eastward into DeKalb County.
... Show more content on ...
The religion of Atlanta is protestant Christianity Korean; Baptist Methodist and
presbyter churches. Over 1,000 places worship many different thing in Atlanta. The
most common language in Atlanta is non English spoken in Atlanta, Ga was Spanish
4.09 overall most people speak native Spanish. Chinese people speak 0.74% and 0.65
Member Of The Wedding Symbolism
Frankie feels she does not fit in with the people around her and feels she needs to
change herself in order to fit in. She makes many changes to her life but in reality
she only changes how she sees herself. Frankie feels like an outcast when her
brother gets married and moves away. Frankie s need to belong does not change
who she really is, just the way she sees herself. Frankie believes that by changing
her name she can move with her brother and avoid being apart of the misfits. She
wants to leave the life she has for a better life but realizes that she is who she is. It
is explained, The Member of the Wedding charts one young white girl s struggle to
find a place in, or escape, the stable, if oppressive, racial and gender norms of a
small Southern community (Thurschwell). Frankie s need to belong, changes her
actions and decisions but her true self is still seen by others around her. Frankie s
older brother gets married and leaves home, leaving Frankie feeling alone. It
concerns Frankie Addams, an adolescent girl in a small Southern town who feels
acutely isolated from other people (Harris). Frankie feels... Show more content on ...
Winter symbolizes where Frankie wants to go and who she wants to be, but her
lack of reference to autumn suggests she is uncertain how to get there from where
she is (Bussey). Frankie tries to change her life and tries to get out of town but
everything has to wait till the wedding. Although F. Jasmine had thought out her
plan, she still holds onto things and people she had loved in her other life. the old
Frankie had always loved them, and now she was dying to tell her plans and let
them know about the wedding (McCullers). If F.Jasmine was really changing her
life and moving on she would make changes to every part of her life not just her
appearance. She is holding on to certain aspects of her old life making it impossible
to change her true
Allan Grey
Allan Grey JQ Excelsior Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Kazan s film
adaptation shared not only the same characters, but also the same themes, reactions
and other literary techniques Williams had created throughout his play. However,
for Elia Kazan to have produced the film, some scenes were eliminated or changed
to fit what was known as the Hay s Code. One of the scenes that was not so much
vital to the play, was when Blanche DuBois explains to Mitch about her ex husband.
Allan Grey, Blanche s ex husband, was found in bed with another man and by no
other than his wife, Blanche herself. In the play both Blanche and Allan pretended
that nothing happened after that night. Allan was probably being tortured and was
already... Show more content on ...
So this would not be so surprising as Blanche hides almost everything about
herself. While talking to Mitch, she instead says, At night I pretended to sleep, and
I heard him crying, whereas in the play she talks about the discovery of Allan s
homosexuality. But for those of age or rather those who could understand and
knew about sexuality in depth, they could pin point what Blanche meant by lost all
respect for him . Allan s homosexuality was one of the demands that had to be met.
Homosexuality was most likely a taboo subject that people would not bring up, but
producers had to find out what was okay and what was not okay to put in films.
There was no official censorship to undergo of any movie being released at the
time of Kazan s film adaptation. However, the producers had volunteered for
investigation by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and CLD
(Catholic Legion of Decency). CLD however strictly forbid showing such content
like Allan s sexual preference in action. MPAA had been known as the Hays
Office. The name Hays comes from the first president of the office in 1922. When a
couple years later, J. Breen was president (1934), he had enforced demands that
prohibited sexual, violent, and swearword actions. After several cuts to the film to
maintain a positive and high audience, eventually demands were met and the film
was accepted. Even though this was one of the few changes made in
Comparison Of Greed In Elle Woods s Legally Blonde
Despite physical beauty, greed can create an ugly personality that affects
relationships with others. Elle Woods, worked her way up from nothing more than
living as a pretty girl to get into Harvard, in the movie Legally Blonde. While
Glinda, of Wicked, used her high social status to remain in power by tromping down
others. Glinda the Good is known as the epitome of goodness but she stepped on
other to work her way up. Elle Woodshowever, was ambitious and worked hard to
better herself and built her way up to prevail as powerful. Both of these women may
seem nothing more than beautiful, but they arose above what people thought they
could become to ensue as powerful, although in extremely different ways. Glinda s
greed left her well liked, but also isolated, depressed and alone, while Elle Woods s
ambition gave her a happier future and more successful life.
At the beginning of Legally Blonde, Elle Woods loses the man she loves to a
different girl, which makes her very upset. Vivian, the girl Elle s ex ended up
going out with after Elle and her boyfriend broke up, was extremely mean to Elle,
but she didn t let it get the best of her. When asked how her first day continued after
meeting Vivian, Elle describes it as, good, except for this horrible preppy girl..who
made me look bad in front of the professor. But no biggie (SergeiK). Despite being
bullied by Vivian for the remainder of the movie, Elle chooses to put their
differences aside in the end and try to comfort
Corporate Censorship In Public Schools
Ever since the United States experienced the economic crash in the early 2000s,
schools all over the country have suffered budget cuts. As a result, schools are finding
themselves very short staffed, shutting down different classes, and sometimes on the
verge of closing their doors. Whether they are elementary, middle school, high school,
or even colleges, they are all under the same risks. Due to this being the case,
colleges began the rise of corporate sponsorships. Following in several universities
footsteps, high schools and middle schools also began to accept corporate
sponsorships. The result of commercialism has become present in the everyday life
of children and young adults. The names of courses, posters, scoreboards, or even
vending machines are just a few forms of corporate sponsorships. Corporate
sponsorship in the last couple of decades has become widespread and a... Show more
content on ...
Throughout these last few decades, corporations have been entering schools and
creating a pressure for the students to become life long consumers for them.
Companies do not really care for the education of the students; rather they care only
about how they profit off of the children and young adults. Though there are different
types of commercialism present in school campuses, a good percentage of the schools
are receiving a majority of their sponsorships from soda and candy companies, which
in turn is actually undermining the nutrition. Since there are a grand amount of
advertisements being hung around the schools, students are being discouraged from
critically thinking about brands, messages, or even the topics companies are
conveying. Essentially, the freedoms of students are slowly being taken away
because they are being brain washed into becoming consumers of the different
corporations from such an early
Essay On Thin Layer Chromatography
The procedure shown demonstrated how to determine the composition of unknown
compounds, based off of information that s known from given analgesics, by using
thin layer chromatography (TLC)2. With some silica gel, a coated plate, and
developmental solvent, it was possible to distinguish unique measurements and
characteristics of each unknown compound3. This was all possible due to chemistry
and the bonds that exist within the different compounds and materials. Polarity and
non polarity played a big part in how the results were achieved, as well as the
chemical structure and shape of the compounds1. The chemical structures of each
compound are what allows for them to be either polar or non polar. Within the
experiment, depending on the polarity... Show more content on ...
While the iodine composition wasn t equal, caffeine was the closest to unknown
one. Unknown two was found to be most similar to Aspirin due to the low Rf values
and and lack of appearance underneath an UV light. Neither of them presented any
color or distinction under the lights and aspirin only lightly showed any trace of
iodine components. Unknown three seemed most similar to Acetaminophen and
caffeine. This is because of the similarities in distance, Rf value, dark green or gray
color, and the strong presence under UV lights in the second spotting Lastly, the
fourth unknown once again seemed very similar to acetaminophen, and additionally
caffeine as well. The distance, Rf value, and the darkness of the second spot matches
with acetaminophen. The first spot seems to match up the most to caffeine, once
again due to Rf values, distance in cm, and basic color schemes. The most polar
seems to be the Aspirin and the Salicylamide, this was indicated by their lack of
movement during the experiment. The most non polar seemed to be the
Acetaminophen and caffeine, you can tell by noting how far the distances were
compared to the other
The Form and Tonal Structure of Beethoven’s Piano
The Form and Tonal Structure of Beethoven s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op.
13, II. Adagio cantabile
March 19, 2013
Form and Analysis
Many consider Ludwig Von Beethoven s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 as
his first major musical accomplishment, more commonly known as Sonata
Pathetique. Written at the age of 27 in 1798, the young composer had gained instant
fame and his work was published only a year later. Beethoven, being one of the first
significant musicians to work for them selves, is said to have given it the title. This
composition consists of three movements of which we will further examine
movement II, Adagio Cantabile. This movement is placed in high contrast with the
other two, particularly in tempo. ... Show more content on ...
The Cв™=Bв™® and Eв™= Dв™Ї and E=Fв™, which is в™^6 of Aв™ ultimately
acting as the enharmonic pivot into the flattened submediant with a PAC in m. 44
establishing the key of E major. The section carries on with a V I confirmation of the
new tonic until m. 48 where the home key of Aв™ is brought back in through the use
of secondary dominants and tension that ends the section with a HC at m. 50 and is
released with the MT into the final A section. Section A (mm. 51 65) repeats the MT
with variation mostly in rhythmic changes leading up to the PAC in Aв™major at
m. 66 where the coda (m. 66 73) begins. The coda essentially acts as a tonic
expansion with some added 9ths to the dominant as seen in m. 67 and m.69. The
piece works the V I in a decrescendo to the final PAC in Aв™major in m. 73. Out of
all of Beethoven s works, this one arguably stands as one of his most famous. Some
say it is because of the heart that was introduced by a musician that was working only
for himself, others claim he simply modified Mozart themes. Either way, the form is
executed perfectly in a beautiful musical
The Evolution Of Barbers
Barbers of the past and the future. When we look at designs that we put on
ourselves now days, we mostly think of Louis Vuitton clothes or bags, or those
new pair of Jordan s that cost about $250. However, there are other things that can
be classified as designs that we have on our body. In this case, haircuts. We all cut
our hairs, and when we do this, we do not always cut it the same. There are
hundreds of kinds of natural hair and comes with it hundreds of kinds of hair
styles. The thing is, we never think any of haircuts when we get them. We never ask
ourselves about how haircuts started in the first place. How they have evolved or
even how they affect us. There are not a whole lot of people that do not mess with
their hair. When we look... Show more content on ...
While these premises might sometimes be true, they are not the absolute definition
of barbering. Speaking of which, we first have to ask ourselves, What is
barbering? or in other forms What is a barber? When we look this definition up in
the Oxford dictionary, it gives us a definition of A person who cuts hair, especially
men s and shaves or trims beards as an occupation . This is all said and done if we
only want to now the CURRENT meaning of barber. The work Barber and Barbering
has changed throughout the years. The work itself has
The River Runs Through It Essay
Paul and Norman grew up in the same household, with the same values, but from
their fishing styles, to their jobs and educations, to their social lives, their differences
amount to those of night and day. While boys, young in age and mindsets, Paul and
Norman learned to fish from Mr. Maclean. This factor had vast significance because,
in this preacher s family, a clear line between fishing and religion had no presence.
Mr. Maclean taught his sons the conventional four count.
As Paul matured, he converted, from using the common four count, to something a
bit more innovative, shadow casting. The technique wasn t the only thing he altered.
He also caught fish for quality, which leaked with palpability when he told Norman
he aspired to ... Show more content on ...
As far as his gambling goes, I never, even once saw Norman gamble. He didn t
drink very often either. Once, he went to see Paul at his office and seemed
disappointed in his brother s drinking early in the morning. This Norman s traditional
side, once again.
I have pondered the question, How can two people, who grew up with the same
parents, at the same time turn out so differently? I m not exactly sure as to why, but
I speculate it has to do with not just one, single, factor. I believe the answer lies in a
combination of birth order, looks, and the fact that separate people will act separately.
Whether it s in the way they fish, to the jobs they choose, to the friends and activities
they surround themselves with, different people will behave differently. Since
watching this movie, I have noticed that, as Americans, we look down on uniqueness,
yet embrace independence and freedom. I almost think this movie was made in order
to show the viewers the importance of
Reserve Police Battalion 101 Essay
Motivations of the Mass Murders Throughout Hitler s reign over Germany there
was an agenda that existed which led to murders of a great number of innocent
people. The agenda was the extermination of Jews from Germany so that Germany
could become a pure country in terms of ethnicity. It was Hitler s idea but he only
gave the orders while the SS and the Order Police carried out the orders. One group
of people that helped carry out this idea of judenfrei or Jew free Germany was the
Reserve Police Battalion 101. The men who made up this group were regular men
that had come from a variety of careers. Most the men volunteered because the
immunity that they would receive from conscription into the army once the
volunteers had become part of... Show more content on ...
Browning, in his book Ordinary men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final
solution in Poland, most of the interviewees seem to have a mindset that the
killings were wrong but they needed to follow orders. Their attitude was that it was
necessary to carry out the orders even though the orders may not have seemed
morally or ethically right. The reason the battalion obeyed the orders is because it
came from the authorities who had instilled the fear of repercussions in the
Reserves and took advantage of the men s obedience to authority. A quote from
Trapp sums up the mindset perfectly when he said, man... such jobs don t suit me
but orders are orders. If not out of obedience then what else motivated the men to
carry out the orders which led to them becoming mass murderers? Conformity was
another motivation for the men of Battalion 101 to commit the mass murders.
Before the first mission General Trapp gave the men the option to step forward if
they didn t want to partake in the killings. However, at first only one man stepped
forward and then some ten or twelve men quickly followed him. When given the
option why did so few men step forward and refuse to kill unarmed people? The
reason is that the men had the strong urge not to separate themselves from the group
because they were scared of how their comrades would have viewed them had they
stepped forward. Stepping forward was seen as leaving one s comrades and admitting
that one was
Ethnocentrism In Walla
In my observation of Walla Walla University I have seen ethnocentrism being a
prominent part of the campus s culture. Ethnocentrism is a commonly used word in
circles where ethnicity, inter ethnic relations, and similar social issues are of concern.
The definition of ethnocentrism is the belief that one s cultureand way of life are
superior of other groups. This causes judging among different groups and
assumptions that there are inferior groups to your own. The roots of the word are
ethnic and centrism, ethnic means cultural heritage and, centrism means to the
central starting point. Put them together and ethnocentrismbasically refers to judging
other groups from our own cultural point of view. It s true we reject those outside our
group, our customs, our food, our traditions, our music, our religion, our beliefs and
values. We think that our lifestyle is somehow much better than those of other
societies. The questions I found out through my observation of WWU was why do
people do this. I asked some people if they thought they were ethnocentric and the
results showed that most people think that they are not ethnocentric, but are rather
open minded to other cultures. As I will explain in my writing that this their response
isn t true at all and that everyone is ethnocentric. There is no way not to be
ethnocentric and it cannot be avoided. In my project I will cover examples of
ethnocentrism in the Walla Walla University campus, describe the functions and
The Crime And Crime Prevention
In the world there are many social problems and most of them affect each and every
one of us, such as cancer or Ebola. One that stands out is the rise in crime in
America. Crime is huge in America although law enforcement say they are doing
something about and have it handled, the truth is it is out of control. Stated in
America.Net in an article online Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Project
Safe Neighborhoods annual conference in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 13, 2010
and endorsed three crimecontrol strategies. Law enforcement through cooperative
efforts between police, community and prosecutors to reduce violent crime, and
the incarceration of high risk offenders. Project Safe Neighborhoods. Crime
prevention by addressing underlying social issues. Reentry programs to assist
offenders returning from prison. If these programs are being put in place then
there should be a decreased incidence of crime in America. People can t even leave
their homes without having to worry if something is going to happen to them. This
is a growing concern in America, but what is America doing to prevent this from
happening? There are many organizations working on the issue of crime to reduce
the number of incidences. There is one main contributing factor lead increases the
likelihood of crime and that is poverty. However, it is ironic that although poverty is
a not so pleasant thing, it is needed to prevent communism and the risk of taking our
freedom away as stated as a
Analysis Of We Real Cool
We Real Cool Analysis Mob mentality, also known as herd mentality is how people
are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. In reality, people in the group
developed one lifestyle, one purpose, and one mind. This mentality is slightly shown
in something as innocent as school cliques. But often, this mob mentality can have
negative consequences. Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool is a cautionary tale of 7
pool players living fast and dying young together. The poem uses symbolism, diction,
and sound devices such as alliteration, rhythm, and repetition to emphasize the theme
of identity and mortality. Brooks use of repetition and alliteration shines light on
themes such as death and identity. The word we is used... Show more content on ...
We Left School paints the picture of the boys neglecting their education as teenagers
leading them down the wrong path and inevitably to death. We Die Soon is a
break from the poem s flow. The phrase overall shows mortality and at the result of
the actions said previous to this line. The diction of these phrases are short and
simple words. It is slang that is grammatically incorrect showing that the teenagers
neglected their education, contributing to their image of being rebellious.
Additionally, Brooks uses We rather than They for the purpose of the reader to see
their sense of unity. Spondee is also present all through the poem. Every syllable is
stressed meaning that each word said is important. It is a mantra that the 7 pool
players are adamant about me are all in agreement on. This adds on to the theme of
being one collective, sharing one purpose. Brooks also ties together rhythm and
diction like rap music to relate to the reader and the youth in the poem. We acts as
the grace note in the poem. Symbolism contributes to many aspects of We Real
Cool. The subtitle The Pool Players. Seven at the Golden Shovel differs from the 4
stanza couplets in the rest of the poem. The Pool Players are the only non
symbolic phrase in the subtitle. The subjects are actual pool players. Seven is the
number of boys but also is a number known for being lucky like in gambling or
seven deadly sins. The Golden Shovel is the name of the pool hall they go to but
Divergent, By Veronica Roth
Divergent , by Veronica Roth is a compelling adventure/dramatic novel. Published
in 2011, Divergent is one out of a series of three books. It shines a light on Beatrice
Prior s life, and the decisions she makes throughout the story. I thoroughly enjoyed
this novel and ended up reading it twice. Divergent would be a great choice for
someone who enjoys adventurous stories with many plot twists. The main characters
are an important part of the story, as the book revolves around the decisions they
make. Beatrice Prior, better known as Tris, is the main characterof the story. Stuck
between two very difficult decisions, she makes a choice that tears her and her family
Tobias Eaton, who only goes by Four, is another main... Show more content on ...
The initiates can then follow what the test reveals or choose their own. Once
organized and ready, the time comes for the young adults to determine their future.
Called out one by one, they make their way to the five metal bowls (each representing
a different faction), then use a ceremonial knife to cut open their hand and let their
blood drip into the bowl of the faction they want to continue life in. Each new initiate
then stands in an area near the faction they decided on. Immediately shocked by her
results from her aptitude test, Tris finds that she is actually Divergent, a faction
shunned out from society for being unpredictable and dangerous. Petrified of losing
reputation, family, and everything she has worked for, she chooses Dauntless as her
faction. In this faction, Tris meets another Divergent concealed as a Dauntless and
they work together. Jeanine Matthews, the despicable leader of the Erudite faction,
uses a serum that forwards every member of the Dauntless faction into a simulation.
This stimulation allows the members to be aware of their surroundings but not able
to control themselves or their actions. The stimulation forces the Dauntless army of
uncontrolled slaves to enter the Abnegation faction, and they proceed to kill all the
members. Jeanine Matthews master plan was to kill every faction and have Erudite
rule the government. As Tris and Four are concealed Divergents, the serum fails to
work on them and they continue to go along with the
Danish Physician Hans Christian Gram Stain, Escherichia...
Gram Staining: Micrococcus leteus, Escherichia coli, and Unknown Colony
Ethan Hinkle
Microbiology Lab 3051, Section 001
Instructor: Harrison Taylor
February 9, 2015
This report represents my individual effort. I did not receive or offer aid to anyone
when performing this assignment, nor did I plagiarize any material. Signed:
In 1884, Danish Physician Hans Christian Gram was in the process of developing a
staining procedure that would potentially differentiate prokaryotic (mainly bacterial
cells) and eukaryotic nuclei in tissue samples. However, Gram was not effective in
developing the differential tissue stain, his derived work would serve as the most
valuable differential stain in bacteriology, the Gram stain (1). Moreover, it soon
became clear that most bacteria could be catorgorized into two major groups based
upon their response to the Gram staining procedure. Gram positive bacteria stained
purple, whereas Gram negative bacteria stained a pink red (2).
Complete structures of Gram positive and Gram negative cells were not differentiable
until the development of the transmission electron microscope. Gram positive
bacteria comprise of a singular, 20 80nm thick homogenous layer of peptidoglycan
just outside the plasma membrane. In comparison, Gram negative have two apparent
layers: a 2 7nm thick peptidoglycan layer incased in a 7 8nm thick outer membrane.
The most distinct
Walking And The Suburbanized Psyche, By Rebecca Solnit
In the anecdote, Walking and the Suburbanized Psyche , by Rebecca Solnit, she
implies, if walking continues to devalue, our society s relationship between body,
world, and imagination will be lost. I personally do not find walking to be a cultural
activity or pleasure of getting around. Instead, walkingis a hassle when the American
suburbs are built with a diffuseness that the unenhanced human body is inadequate
to cope with . Furthermore, instead of making us feel guilty or attempting to
persuade us to travel on foot; we should acknowledge that we now perceive: value,
time, space and our own bodies in a drastically different way than older times. I
utterly disagree with Solnit s ideology, Otherwise the individual s imagination will
be bulldozed over to the chain store outlets of consumers appetite, true crime,
titillation, and celebrity crisis . The one way I d relish taking a walk would be
with pleasant company. If you re hand in hand with your partner appreciating the
scenery together that changes the ambiance of the walk. Yet what changes actual
the mood of it is the person you re with and not the actual walk because you can be
doing anything else but instead you re with pleasant company therefore it doesn t
matter what you re doing. Likewise, when people voice they will only be pleased
when they reach a certain point in their life; what if you never get to that point? Does
that mean you ll never be satisfied? Solnit classifies walking the same

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Analytical Essay Introduction. Examples on Writing an Analytical Essay PDF Examples - Analytical ...

  • 1. Analytical Essay Introduction Writing an essay on the topic of "Analytical Essay Introduction" can be a challenging task that requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. The difficulty lies in crafting an introduction that not only grabs the reader's attention but also sets the stage for the analytical exploration that follows. This type of essay introduction demands a clear understanding of the subject matter, a strong thesis statement, and a well-organized structure. One of the challenges is striking the right balance between providing enough context for the reader to understand the topic and avoiding unnecessary details that might overwhelm them. The analytical aspect adds another layer of complexity, as it requires the writer to delve into critical analysis, breaking down the subject into its components and examining them in a coherent and persuasive manner. Moreover, crafting a compelling analytical essay introduction necessitates a thorough understanding of the target audience. Writers must anticipate the reader's expectations and tailor the introduction accordingly, making it engaging and relevant to the audience's interests. Additionally, ensuring the introduction seamlessly transitions into the body of the essay is crucial. The flow of ideas should be smooth, and each sentence should contribute to the overall coherence and persuasiveness of the introduction. In conclusion, writing an analytical essay introduction can be a formidable task, requiring a combination of research, critical thinking, and writing skills. However, with careful planning and attention to detail, one can overcome these challenges and create an introduction that captivates the reader. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, resources like offer valuable support and guidance. Analytical Essay Introduction Analytical Essay Introduction
  • 2. Epilogue To The Mcalister McAlister explained to the girl, Well, it wasn t supposed to, for your information. He continued reading it, before continuing with his talk with Brenda. Apparently, judging from his cryptic speech, he says that...oh my... Is there something wrong? wondered Siegfried, puzzled by what shocked the Nightingale as he was reading the notes. ...I m afraid so, answered McAlister, And if I am reading this right, the FYC seeks to evangelize Ryanites of this state, convincing to commit apostasy, and show scorn toward the Catholic faith. Judging from what they have in mind, it s not good, if that s what you re wondering. After reading it, he told Siegfried and Brenda, Look, I know we ve only met each other in just a short period of time, but you two don t mind if I take this with me, and hand this over to my fellow Ryanites on the East Coast? I d be careful as to who I give this information to, if I were you, McAlister, replied Siegfried, That sort of information does not come easy, especially in these parts. Whatever you do, just don t tell anyone where you got that information from, Brenda warned Marcus McAlister, pointing her finger at him, Because we seriously don t want in... Show more content on ... The recent rise to power on the part of other factions, who would also play their own parts in both the RGA and the Underground s Brotzmanskrieg and the Plaid Prohibition, greatly disturbed the leaders of the RGA. With most of their efforts all tied up in competing against the Underground, they knew they needed to formulate better relations with the non Ryanites in the other school systems, in addition to the Volksryanischen, if they was any hope for the RGA to continue its existence outside of the Greater American Catholic School System, where it exists underneath the
  • 3. Romance Essay Romance is something that should never end. Romance brings love, happiness, and a joyful life. One of the true definitions of romance is, an emotional attraction or aura belonging to an especially heroic era, adventure, or activity (Romance, n.d.). However, when someone thinks of romance they can see how much of a concept it is. It could be different for everyone because not everyone s definition of romanceor romantic activity is the same. For a man named Jim, it could be him offering his arm to a woman when they are walking. Yet, on the other hand, for a random girl named Emily, it could be having the man walk on the streetside of the sidewalk so he could protect her. Romancestarted centuries ago and is not going to end anytime soon. ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, the idea of romance did not just pop up like a jack in the box. The origins of the modern celebration lie in the 18th century with the rise of romantic marriages. Writer, Elizabeth L. Maurer (2017), from Nationals Women s History Museum had stated that During the 18th century, society encouraged young people to select their marriage partners based on their romantic attachments. This was a decided change from past practice when marriages had been arranged...between families or clans. So the young people at that point had to figure out what they liked and what they did not like in a spouse, it was all left up to them. Maurer (2017), also discussed how romance had fit in on this new practice: Prospective lovers needed to find one another and then determine the extent of mutual attraction. Courtship became a distinctive phase of partner selection, and familiar rituals evolved. Young women, perhaps more than young men, often enjoyed the process of courtship as it represented a time of freedom and choice. The men really had to come with the best of the best because the women now had the option to reject them. The men had to think of ways to show their interest, bringing them flowers from the garden, taking them out to dinner on a Friday night, or even taking off their hat when they were talking to the lady. They either had to teach themselves based on what the woman they were trying to pursue, or their father
  • 4. Katy Perry Song Firework Firework, by Katy Perry, is a song written about being yourself and not being afraid to show people who you really are. It is about being like being like a firework and letting your true colours show. The theme of the song is shinning bright, and letting your light shine.she repeatedly used words including, shine, bright, ignite, lightand other words to do with shining your personal light. Katy Perry wrote firework to tell her listeners to be themselves and stay true to there self, Firework was written to show people that different isn t bad. The targeted audience for firework is young, because it teaches them that they don t have to conform to society and they can make their own path. Katy Perry gets her message across by singing from her
  • 5. The Creative Decision Making in a Documentary Production This journal inspects the importance of creative decision making in various aspects of documentary production, examines whether those decisions help to make the film an engaging cinematic piece, and explores the influences it might have on the society, the cinema and the subject, in relation to my own experience in producing a 15min documentary filmHackney Pirates, and my understandings of relevant practice from the contemporary cinema. Introduction Films about education for children in critical situations have been seen in cinema since the 1990s. For example, Zhang Yimou s 1999 film Not One Less tells a story about a teenage girl Wei Minzhi who volunteers to teach in a one room primary school and her relationships with the pupils. And ... Show more content on ... Slightly frustrated at first, we realised that the interviews are actually not as necessary as in ГЉtre et Avoir on a second thought, in that the theme of ГЉtre et Avoir also includes the teacher s devotion to his pupils, while Hackney Pirates is purely about the children s learning experience, which satisfies the objectives of Hackney Pirates; moreover, the volunteer training session facilitated by one of the founders as part of the narrative structure we ve planned can provide essential information of the organisation. The opening ГЉtre et Avoir opens with a scene of tough labour work and living conditions in a rural farm, followed by a montage sequence of a classroom with warm and cheerful dГ©cor. The warm interior in contrast to the cold exterior emphasizes on the light and positive tone of the film, which consequently helps to attract the viewers attention and keeps them engaged in the following sequences. Inspired by the opening sequence of ГЉtre et Avoir, we wanted to open the film with a train passing by city landscape and finally arriving at Haggerston Overground station where Hackney Pirates is based. At first, the director was not sure about what exactly she was expecting from the shot, whether just the train passing by city landscape would be enough as an introduction or we have to let it come to a stop i.e. Haggerston in order to provide extra geographic information. We travelled many times on the train between Shoreditch
  • 6. Windows versus Linux Windows, and Linux are very different operating systems that are also very similar in multiple ways. Windows was first sold on November 20, 1985 under the name Windows 1.0. It was revolutionary for it s time. People had been used to using command line interface to type out there commands. Windows 1.0 allowed for them to just point and click on what they wanted. Then, along came Linuxa few years later. Linux was revolutionary because it was Unix like and it was open source. Open source meant that anyone could access the source code to tailor it to their liking. This has allowed multiple different versions of Linux to be produced since then including one called Lindows. Lindows is exactly what you would expect from the name. It is a version... Show more content on ... Linux also started with a command line interface like Windows. There are many similarities between the two. Whether or not someone selects to use it is all based on preference. A detailed evaluation will often reveal that Windows has more features, and is easier to sue than Linux. When I took a survey of my peers it revealed that ninety percent of end users preferred to use Windows over Linux. I asked these people why they preferred Windows to be given multiple reasons. Some said that they preferred to use an operating system that was native to them since they had grown up using Windows. Others said that they liked the features better, and liked the innovations. When I asked about Lindows they said that it would just not be the same especially considering that Linux in it s native form can not run .exe applications which has become a major part of the typical end users daily application usage. Truth be told however if someone was just going to browse the internet to check e mail, and perform other miscellaneous tasks there is no distinction based on operating system. The major problem comes in when a user needs to use specific applications or software made for Windows. Linux is a valuable asset if you are looking to host a server but do not want to purchase Microsoft server which is the Windows equivalency. It is easy to use, maintain, and valuable to any network that requires a server. When it comes down to it both operating systems can do the same thing,
  • 7. Health Information System PRPOSED WORKING TITLE Health Information System: A Repository Bank for Modelling and Simulating Health Outcomes for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Rationale Over the years, much advancement in different spheres of life has been achieved using information technology. Man has been able to go to the moon, heavy objects have been able to fly and go deep into the oceans without sinking, communication across the planets has been made possible and the world has become a global village where everything seems in the reach of everyone. In health and medicine, the advancement that has been accomplished in recent years with the benefit of information technology is highly significant. The growing influence of ICT in health has also led to the development of vibrant and robust health information systems and their management. As time, distance and place are becoming less relevant among individuals and institutions , having a robust health information system is a crucial part of a modern healthcare system and facilitates the discovery and sharing of enormous amount of data for different people, places events and conditions. Among several conditions for which health information system data can and have been shared is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease which affects an estimated 15% of New Zealand people who are above 45yrs old.[1] In an environment like New Zealand that is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes; where construction, rebuilding and
  • 8. Physician Career Goals During an online personality test to match careers I was matched to numerous career fields based on my score. I chose the career path of a Preventive Medicine Physician because it seemed to match a lot of the personality traits I already have rather than what the test scored me to have. Preventive Medicine Physicians promote healthcare to communities, aid in the prevention or reduction of risk of disease, injury, disability, or death. I will need to be knowledge able in medicineand dentistry, therapy and counseling and know laws and information about the government regarding health care. Being in this profession I will need to be able to communicate well as well as listening to understand what people say, be able to make general rules or come up... Show more content on ... With these credentials I would be able to stay up to date on things that are going on within my career to better serve my patients and clients. My goal is to learn new things as they are available so that I am up to date with patients and clients needs to help them live better lives through prevention of disease and illnesses as well as injury. My objective is to inform my patients, clients and community with information regarding health related issues and concerns they would be worried with as well as ways to prevent them. I would have information readily available to them to implement a prevention practice for them and their families of injury, disease and illnesses. I want to learn the techniques that will make me a great physician as well as stay current in any certifications that I obtain. I hope to attend seminars and workshops as well as give them to help others gain the same knowledge that I have. My goal is to be a great leader in the Preventive Medicine Physician career and help others reach their potential while in their
  • 9. St. Andrews And The Royal And Ancient Golf Course The next day left the hotel and drove about 15 miles to St. Andrews and The Royal and Ancient golf course. Compared to the all the other places where we stayed on the trip, the hotel where we stayed just outside of St. Andrews could at best be described as so so. It was sort of like an older motel in the USA, but it was clean and reasonably comfortable and the dinner that night and breakfast the next morning were good. Well, I should preface the latter comment and say I tried the Scottish traditional breakfast of haggis , and I could not swallow the first bite. No one told me it was made primarily with lamb, and I will not eat lamb under any circumstances. After breakfast, we headed out to St. Andrews and the Royal and Ancient Club the Mecca of golf. When we arrived at the clubhouse, we found out they were having a board meeting that day and we would not be able to play on the Old course, but we could go to the New course and not have any problem getting on at that course. The first thing we had to do was rent some clubs because neither brought clubs on the trip. So, we went to a small shop not far from the course and rented some clubs. Playing golf in Scotland is a little different from playing golf in America. The noticeable differences are the height of the rough and the depth of the sand bunkers. The rough is almost knee high and sand traps and bunkers are about 6 or 7 feet deep and reinforced with a brick retaining wall. Well, we got to the club, the
  • 10. Air Conditioning Unit Design FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND GREEN TECHNOLOGY 1. DESIGN Physical structure of the air conditioner Design considerations 1. Location of outside air intake and building exhausts. 2. Proportion of outside air. 3. Air filter selection. 4. Duct construction and leakage test 5. Air distribution 6. Building pressure control 7. Energy conservation measures 8. Air conditioner system maintenance Variations and types of air conditioner 1. Window Air Conditioner Window air conditioner is the most commonly used air conditioner for single rooms. In this air conditioner all the components, namely the compressor, condenser, expansion valve or coil, evaporator and cooling coil are enclosed in a single box. This unit is fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room, or more commonly a window sill. 2. Split Air Conditioner The split air conditioner comprises of two parts: the outdoor unit and the indoor unit. The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, houses components like the compressor, condenser and expansion valve. The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling coil and the cooling fan. For this unit you don t have to make any slot in the wall of the room. Further, present day split units have aesthetic appeal and do not take up as much space as a window unit. 3. Packaged Air Conditioner There are two possible arrangements with the package unit. In the first one, all the components, namely the compressor, condenser
  • 11. The Importance Of Teacher Student Relationships And The... Lauren Liberante, author of The importance of teacher student relationships, as explored through the lens of the NSW Quality Teaching Model article, is a Bachelor of Primary Education (second year), at the University of Wollongong, Australia. When this article was published online in February of 2012, Liberante articulated the effective importance of student teacher relationship, utilizing the Quality Teaching Model. In the article, Liberante explored the effectiveness of teacher student relationship through the three elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model; Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance. In this paper, I summarized the article and offered comments about the selected features, and proposed areas where additional discoveries would assist in regards of the issues being raised. Article Summary Liberante discovered three elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model; Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance to address the effectiveness on student teacher relationship, and how such relationship enhances students success in classrooms. She argued that gender plays the most effective mode on the teacher student relationship, as well as the impact that this relationship has on student academic outcomes and behavior. She states that the teacher student relationship is one of the most powerful elements within the learning environment, and is solely based upon gender (Liberante). It has been known that gender plays
  • 12. Initial Public Offering Paper The focus of this paper is to examine and research the financing issues that an organization must face when going public. The team has selected Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. as the organization which has had an initial public offering in the last three years. The learning team will address registration, disclosure, and compliance issues and cost of issuance. In addition, the team will examine the impact on ownership control and return as well as the source and application of funds. Financing Issues that an Organization Faces When Going PublicAn Initial Public Offering (IPO), is extremely expensive for organizations. It is common for a small business to pay between $50,000 and $250,000 to organize and publicize an offering. According to ... Show more content on ... (Disclosure ,2008) In Chipotle s SEC filing they disclosed the prospectus statement, financial data, and future plans. Through there prospectus statement Chipotle makes it clear that they are set apart from other chains by serving Food with Integrity . However, there are risks involved in investing, they are as follows: the number of new stores rapidly being established, lack of independent operating history, ability to continue to grow and profit, and health and safety concerns regarding the ingredients used among others. Although the risk factors are in place, Chipotle s financial data provides more assurance of returned profit on investment. In their Rapidly Improving Financial Performance section of the SEC filing they state a 130% increase in revenue in 2004 of 470.7 million up from 2002 and 49% up from 2003. And, average sales in new restaurants after 90 trading days increased 24.9% a total of $303,390. From 2002 2004 Chipotle opened a total of 237 stores. Their increased financial growth is attributed to word of mouth sales and quicker implementation of Chipotle culture in the area of the new restaurant. Also, more people are aware of Chipotle, thus increasing average opening sales.( Form S 1/A ,2005) The future plans of Chipotle is to expand operations and sales by opening new stores. They forecast opening a total of 75 stores in 2005 of which 58 were already opened at the time of the SEC filing. In order to expand sales they plan to
  • 13. The Negative Consequences Of Edward Snowden One often finds that standing up and working in favor of the greater good usually results in negative consequences. Edward Snowden encountered this crossroad while working for the NSA and the CIA as a technical contractor. When he was working at the NSA s Hawaii office, Snowden noticed various government methods that the NSA was using to spy on American citizens. The NSA gathered information from American citizens phone calls and internet use, without their consent. After three months of working for the NSA, Snowden began leaking the secret documents showing the NSA s surveillance methods. The documents contained information such as the invasion of privacyof millions of Americans from the NSA s various domestic programs such as PRISM. Snowden had then fled to Russia to escape any trouble with the law after he leaked to the newspaper companies which began printing the documents. Snowden didn t decide to be in Russia, he was actually flying through Russia going to Latin America. Which is where he intended to seek asylum, knowing the Obama administration would put him into prison for the rest of his life. And being a rational person, he did not want to be in jail for the rest of his life for being a whistleblower. The reason he could not get out of Russia was because on the plane from Hong Kong to Russia, they revoked his passport and then told the Cubans if you let him through to Latin America there will be all kinds of incriminations for you. ( The Truth About Edward
  • 14. Pop Culture And Its Effect On Society Introduction Popular culture has manifested itself in a number of ways. Currently, the most commonly used method of spreading and exchanging opinions, ideas, art, and other concepts is through the internet. Never before has it been so easy to shed light on a person or an idea, giving it levels of popularity that were considered inconceivable in ages past. In many circumstances the way people are portrayed through pop culture is most likely how they were perceived by the bulk of people. Pop/culture serves as a way to connect people; help them relate to one another over shared opinions and interests. It was and is the representative of the majority. But what of the times before the internet? How was pop culture expressed in a time when people did not have the ability to express their thoughts and opinions with millions at a time almost instantaneously? Theatre is one of the most time honored means of entertainment. Before television and computers and the internet, actors would don a costume and tell act for masses of people. It was a form of storytelling that was not limited to the literate or rich or the scholars, but could be enjoyed by anyone form any economic background. Through it we can see our history and opinions in the form of characters, plots, and settings. We can observe the changing of mainstream opinions through the common themes and recurring motifs in the most popular plays. This is particularity true in regards to females in theatre. Throughout the years we
  • 15. Future Shop Vs Best Buy Essay fluctuate during the change period and after when Future Shop employees are let go or if they are rehired to fill greater demand in the larger company. Any time a firm restructures, they are going to run into problems with acceptance so you must take into affect the employees and attempt to keep them always informed so that the restructuring doesn t affect them negatively. Legal Aspects In regards to the legal aspects of terminating any Future Shop employees, you need to consider the differences between the standards in the United States (US) and in Canada. In the US, an employer may be able to terminate its employee at will . In contrast, in Canada, unless there is a legal justification for the employee s termination (or the employee has a written employment agreement specifying a termination package), the employer is obligated to provide reasonable notice or pay in lieu of notice. Although Best Buy USA owns Best Buy Canada, you need to abide by Canadian laws when it comes to termination of employees. A general rule of thumb in Canada is that terminated employees must receive three to four weeks of severance pay for... Show more content on ... First of all, the survivors won t like the procedural justice since the procedure wasn t fair due to them not having any input in the decision. Second, they may be bothered by the interpersonal justice since they may feel mistreated due to the cold termination, as they had no warning. This lack of communication leads to a poor informational justice perceived by the survivors where they feel like things are not being explained to them. Finally, there s the issue of ethics, where the survivors will think that from an ethical perspective, the company should have paid those that were terminated a premium for the trauma and stress related to termination. These negative effects will
  • 16. Ethiopian And Soviet Immigration And Their Impacts On... Ethiopian and Soviet Immigration and Their Impacts on Israeli Society Israel is a state complete with a multitude of ethnicities. As Jews began to immigrate to the newly formed state, they brought with them distinctive cultural values and traditions that shifted Israel from a more homogenized community into a definite melting pot . Significant waves of Jews came from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and even North America. The impact each of these groups had on Israeli society differed from group to group. Two of the most recent waves of immigrants to Israel came from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. Both groups changed the dynamic of Israeli society in ways previous groups had not. In Israel today there are 125,500 Ethiopian Jews. This constitutes 1.75% of the total population and makes Israel home to the largest Ethiopian Jewish community. This group lived predominantly in the North and Northwestern parts of Ethiopia and can trace its origins back to biblical times, when many Jews migrated to Ethiopia following the exile of Jews in Egypt. According to tradition, in the 4th century CE this group was pressured to convert to Christianity and refused. They became known by the term Beta Israel , meaning house of Israel . In modern times, they have lived among Christian and Muslim communities in Ethiopia. In the 20th century, Beta Israel renewed contracts with other Jewish communities. Because of the instability and violence that
  • 17. Analysis Of RFP For ATM Monitoring A judgement call that I made which did not allow for analysis or information gathering due to time constraints was when a large Southern Financial institution that I was leading Distributed Service Delivery for put out a large RFP for ATM monitoring; they had approximately 3600 ATMs all being serviced and monitored by Diebold, as the Program Manager over this account all RFPs ran through me. I pulled in what experts we had on ATM monitoring to provide a thorough response document, it was assumed throughout my company that we were likely being used solely for leverage with Diebold more so than having a chance at this business. We were told within a couple weeks that Diebold was being awarded the bid so I stopped our internal evaluations on... Show more content on ... I had a Team responsible for Monitoring and Managementof thousands of endpoint network devices for this customer in an offsite location with desks available. Connectivity to the ATMs was quickly available due to already having connectivity within the customers network, I just needed resources and training. I had daily scrum type calls with Recruiting to track progress, make sure interviews could get quickly setup, and knock down any blockers slowing them down. Recruiting stepped up and sourced 5 of the 7 resources within three weeks and my RIMM Team with the addition of these 5 resources and the shadowing from the customers tier 3 engineers were able to successfully come up to speed and deliver on this new service. I had a complete team of 7 resources before the end of the first 30 days. This became a great win for Pomeroy and for the Customer. For the Customer, we were offering a tier 2 level Service at a tier 3 three price point, well under their original T1 provider in this space. We were able to deliver through my Team the quality and speed that they wanted in responding to alerts and issues, with an expanded Team being able to share the work across my full RIMM Team and over the
  • 18. Georgetown University Application Essay Though I am currently undecided in my major, I know that regardless of what I choose, Georgetown University will offer me the opportunities, support, and teaching excellence to succeed. What first drew me to Georgetown University was the focus on academic excellence; not only will I be able to learn in depth about my chosen area of study from prominent and engaged professors, but I will also be able to nourish my mind across the disciplines. One of my goals is to be able to not only study in my chosen field, but to learn how to think differently, to solve problems creatively and efficiently, and to be able to challenge myself on a daily basis. I know that when I decide on a major it will be because Georgetown University provided me with the... Show more content on ... Washington, D.C. is a city of endless opportunities and ways to be involved. Each time I travel down there, I discover something new to love. Georgetown University will provide me with a college campus feel, something I desire, while still being in an urban setting. The possibilities of Washington, D.C. are endless. If I decide to study history, a subject I find deeply engaging, I will have countless museums to visit to learn first hand about what I m studying, along with numerous monuments and other historical sights to engage first hand with our nation s history. No where else will I able be able to feed my mind and take learning beyond the classroom like I can at Georgetown University. It s one thing to simply write about the Declaration of Independence, and another to be able to do so while sitting under the words themselves, inscribed into the walls of the Jefferson Memorial. However, if I choose to pursue a different route, such as biology, another interest of mine, I will similarly be able to find endless opportunities related to my studies. Whether it be interning at one of the numerous hospitals or doing research in a laboratory or with a renowned professor, I know that Georgetown University will offer me the experiences and support to become an interdisciplinary thinker, creative problem solver, and expert in the area that I choose to study. I want to be able to study a subject that I am passionate
  • 19. Kim Han Research Paper I, Kim Han Kyung , was born on September 3rd, 1933 , at 186 Yondong Ni, Koryung myun, Yunghung County, South Hamgyong Province (е’ёйЏЎеЌ—йЃ“ ж°ёи€€й ѓЎ 古寧面 蓮洞里 186), North Korea (See Figure 1: Map of North Korea), of Kim Jung Mo (金жЈжЁЎ, 1917 1998), a son of a farmer and Yoon Ok Hwhan (е°№зЋ‰з’°, 1914 1966), a daughter of a doctor in the oriental medicine. When I was born, Korea was under the Japanese rule (1910 to 1945). We have been forced to speak, read, and write in Japanese language in schools or work places but Korean language was usually used in homes in this period. Figure 3: My Father and Mother in 1964. My First Generation Ancestor at Yondong Ni Yondong Ni (п¦™ж ґћй‡Њ) where I was born had about one hundred households and all of the residents were the same descendants of an army general and the Governor of the Pyongyang Province, Kim Ui (金義, 1328 1398?), Who had served both the Koryo Dynasty (й« йє—зЋ‹жњќ, 918 1392) and the Chosun Dynasty (жњќй®®зЋ‹жњќ, 1392 1897). General Kim Ui and his family had to live in exile and settle at the Yondong Ni, no man s land, after he had been politically purged from the Chosun Dynasty on the old account of the killing of a haughty and arrogant Ming Dynasty (Chinese) diplomat at the Korea China border when he was a young army officer in the Koryo Dynasty. Consequently, all of the Yondong ni residents carry the same last name of Kim (with Gyeongju Kims family clan 慶州金氏). So, I was told I would be the 21st generation of General Kim Ui.... Show more content on ... The house was built by my paternal great grandfather, Kim Joon Chul (金俊哲, 1846 1926?). He was a farmer, a hemp rope manufacturer, and merchant. However, the house had been seized by the court order for the failure to fulfill my grandfather, Kim Kyo Hoon s (金敎薰, 1869 1939) collateral obligation incurred by someone else s business
  • 20. Nathaniel Hathorne Research Paper Conceived July 4, 1804, Nathaniel Hathorne was the main child of Captain Nathaniel Hathorne and Elizabeth Clarke Manning Hathorne. (Hawthorne included the w to his name after he moved on from school.) Following the passing of Captain Hathorne in 1808, Nathaniel, his mom, and his two sisters were compelled to move in with Mrs. Hawthorne s relatives, the Mannings. Here Nathaniel Hawthorneexperienced childhood in the organization of ladies without a solid male good example; this environment may represent what biographers call his timidity and withdrawn identity. This time of Hawthorne s life was blended with the delights of perusing and the disdain of budgetary reliance. While he learned at an early age with Joseph E. Worcester, an outstanding etymologist, he was not especially enamored with school. A damage permitted him to remain home for a year when he was nine, and his initial companions were books by Shakespeare, Spenser, Bunyan, and eighteenth century writers. Amid this time Mrs. Hathorne moved her family to arrive possessed by the Mannings close Raymond, Maine. Nathaniel s fondest recollections of ... Show more content on ... The introduction of their first youngster, Una, made Hawthorne at the end of the day look for a fiscally secure occupation. With the assistance of his old companions, Hawthorne was selected a surveyor for the port of Salem. His child, Julian, was conceived in 1846. Despite the fact that the new occupation facilitated the budgetary issues for the family, Hawthorne again discovered little time to seek after his written work. By the by, amid this time, he was at that point shaping thoughts for a novel in view of his Puritan family line and presented by a prelude about the Custom House where he worked. At the point when the Whigs won the 1848 race, Hawthorne lost his position. It was a money related stun to the family, however it serendipitously furnished him with time to compose The Scarlet
  • 21. Dental Implant Maintenance Implant Maintenance Dental providers are seeing more patients with implant supported prostheses during maintenance therapy. This trend is only going to increase in the future as more dentists are offering implant therapies in their practices and more patients are keen to accept implant therapy than a conventional fixed partial denture or removable partial denture. Routine maintenance therapy is crucial for preserving the peri implant health. Anatomy of dental implant supported prostheses (Diagram from Steve) How are implants different from teeth? Lack of periodontal ligament Circular gingival fibers around implants as opposed to perpendicular gingival fibers around teeth Evaluation of implant health Parameters Presence of plaque and/or calculus ... Show more content on ... If an infection or an inflammation is present, the providers will have to develop a treatment plan. The treatment plan may include non surgical therapy, possible antibiotics, shortening recare intervals, and a referral for a specialist evaluation. Current protocol for probing around the implant has been somewhat controversial but the consensus seems to be that it is safe to probe the implant without disrupting the perimucosal seal. An experienced practitioner should be able to probe dental implants without continual perforation of the weak seal. Inflammation is a critical factor that determines whether an intervention will be required. Although many etiological factors exist, the most common cause of inflammation around dental implants is excess cement that was not removed during crown cementation. Cement may create inflammation even after dormant for many months. Merticulous attempts to remove excess cement need to be practiced. Another source of the peri implant inflammation is ill fitting supra structures. Signs of a healthy
  • 22. Effects Of The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was established by U.S. president James Monroe and the U.S. secretary of state John Quincy Adams. Their plan of the Monroe Doctrine represented a solid line where the Americans will no longer tolerate interference from European powers in any way shape or form. For the most part, America was minding its own business until Imperialism started booming in the late 1800 s. Latin America was less developed and America saw South and Central America as perfect candidates to extract resources and sell U.S. goods. The culture of capitalism was on the rise. The start of Manifest Destinybegan to construct U.S. foreign policy which led to America reaching towards the Caribbean and Latin America to expand. Firstly, If God and mission was the road to Manifest Destiny, Imperialism was the light that shined bright to lead the way (Lubragge). America started off by investing in businesses and land all around Latin America. Imperialism led to the U.S. taking over the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico via the Spanish American War (Lubragge). America was under the impression they were safeguarding the world from Spanish oppression and began sculpting expansionist policies. The Spanish American War put an end to Spain s colonial empire in the region and gave the United States complete control of the Pacific. The U.S. victory led to a peace treaty between the U.S. and Spain, which gave all claims of Cuba to the United States, while ceding sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico,
  • 23. Herpes Zoster Research Paper What is Herpes Zoster? Herpes zoster is a common disease now now in days. It is also known as shingles is a cutaneous viral infection caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus which is a herpesvirus that is the cause of chickenpox. Herpes zoster is more predictable with the characteristics of rashes and sometimes patients can have typical pain in a dermatomal distribution. It s all based on how the rash looks like. Some of the symptoms and signs usually begin with pain along the affected dermatome which takes two to three days by a vesicular eruption that is usually treatable. Herpes Zostercan cause itchiness,burning, and deep pain. In this research i m going to show what are some treatments and methods of diagnosis, how it impacts the body homeostasis, and how how it affects the human population. What are some treatments for herpes zoster? There is many antiviral medication that can be taken for pain or helping the rashes with blisters. For example, acyclovir or valacyclovir ,but there is also a inflammatory and nerve pain medication. How can you prevent from having herpes? There are some treatments for avoiding herpes is to get the chickenpoxvaccine when you are a child or you can also take the shingles vaccine as an adult so you won t... Show more content on ... Let s say that your body temperature is high the signals are sent from the hypothalamus to make sure the body cools off by sweating.With herpes, It blocks the nerve signals that sends to the brain and your body won t cool because the messages will not reach the brain. Also, the skin helps keeping out viruses by using its melanocytes. Let s say that your skin is already broken the inflammatory response will be triggered to start fighting . The inflammatory response will be delayed because of the lack of messages being transferred to the brain about the virus
  • 24. Marquis Color Test Paper As chemist with forensic case work and field experience, I know low cost and low tech methods of analysis are in demand. While such methods are typically presumptive in nature, they play a vital role in both lab and field analysis. Presumptive tests allow users to triage samples for confirmatory analysis, saving time and expense. Whether a crime scene, combat zone, or natural disaster site, presumptive assays influence command decisions. In technology deficient areas, presumptive assays may be the totality of the analysis available. Most presumptive tests are color tests, providing a visual cue to the user as to the presence of a particular compound (1 2). While color tests have their benefits, a big drawback is the false positive (3), i.e. the erroneous compound is here . My research focuses on minimizing false positives, false negatives, and generally improving the selectivity of color tests without sacrificing their ease of use and low cost.... Show more content on ... This test is routinely employed in the field, usually as an all inclusive kit like Safariland s NarcoPouch shown in Figure 1 (4). A positive result is obtained for morphine (DEA Schedule II), codeine (DEA Schedule II/III), heroin(DEA Schedule I), and over the counter (OTC) aspirin. The OTC result is a false positive, as a true positive is a scheduled opiate. Colors noted by users to describe each compound s test include pink, pink to purple, red purple, and magenta. Given that the accepted reaction mechanism involves the dimerization of opiates (5), it is conceivable that each of these compound s test results are a different tint or shade of red (i.e. different pinks) as they correspond to different structures. The challenge for users in discriminating between compounds are the similarity of resulting colors and limits of the user s color acuity. Different
  • 25. Energy Conservation at Home What is energy ? Where does it come from? And how do we pay for it? When you learn the answers to these questions, you can also learn how to live more efficiently in your home. In this article, we ll discuss how to be smart about how you use energy, how to know when to turn electrical power on and off, and how to use natural gas, propane, and fuel oil in the most effective way. Basic Concepts of Energy Efficiency You can make a lot of progress toward improving the energy efficiency in your home by simply plugging the many places through which air can get in or get out. Plugging your home is called air sealing, and it is one of the most important first steps to take when weatherizing your house to increase its energy efficiency.... Show more content on ... His line of reasoning was that, by reducing the temperature in our homes, we could conserve heating fuel. President Carter s words of nearly 30 years ago still ring true today: The best way to conserve energy is to not use so much of it. And one of the best ways of reducing the use of heating fuel in the home is to simply turn down the thermostat. Because space heating constitutes the largest energy expenditure in many homes, even a little conservation of heating fuel goes a long way toward achieving a lower utility bill. Dialing down the thermostat one degree during the winter can result in about 1 to 3 percent less fuel use, and a similar reduction in your heating bill. A furnace or boiler has to maintain a differential in temperature between the inside of the house and the outdoors in order for the house to feel comfortable. On cold days that difference can be as much as 50 to 60 degrees (say, 20 outside and 70 inside). Any time the differential can be reduced, even by a degree or two, the heating system comes on less often, less fuel is burned, and savings result. The downside of turning down a thermostat, of course, is that the house is cooler. But Carter had a solution for that simply slip on a sweater. That makes sense, too. Instead of turning up the heat to increase the overall warmth in the huge volume of space inside the house, you can simply increase your personal insulation to help retain
  • 26. The Life And Stylings Of Johnny Cash The Life And Stylings of Johnny Cash By Cole Halter 9 March 2016 Mrs. Poole English 11 Dear reader, Mrs. Poole English 11 9 March 2016 Johnny Cash: The Research Paper! First off let me start off by saying Johnny Cash is one of the biggest legends ever. His music has spanned Decades and has inspired many artist all over the country, and let s be honest, not many artists can reach these standards. He has made a huge impact on Country, Rock and Roll, blues, and many more genres of music. But he has also influenced the American culture through the use of his own works, thus creating both a mixture of controversy and envy in his vast amounts of those who have heard the tunes that belong to Cash. You may... Show more content on ... Despite Cash s heavy Drinking and devastating addiction to amphetamines, this frantic lapse of behavior led to some of his best hits including many singles and various hits. Cash the Self proclaimed, Man in black Stood for something, he stood for the less fortunate. Something he took pride in, something that could be applied to the public s understanding of his Iconic status in America and just another great reason as to why Cash achieves legendary. Cash s final years really shined for him. Through the last breath of his creative works he was able to release an amazing work of art, the album, American Recordings , produced by the also Iconic Rick Rubin who has worked with various artists including Tom Petty, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. With the final years he was able to produce such records as Hurt a cover of the Nine Inch Nails hit single, Lead singer Trent Rayznor stated that after cash had covered the initial hit it really wasn t even his song anymore. Sadly, shortly after his final works were released Cash passed away at the age of 73 on September 9th, 2003. Cash displayed a great amount of genius in his final years that really show why he is still remembered today. However with the passing of Johnny Cash, A legacy shadowed what was an amazing life of an american icon. His rebellious image has cast an influence for many artist and has even been payed tribute by many artist as well. Many things have happened since his death relating to him. One
  • 27. Social Stratification In The United States A society is made up of different classifications of people, and the way they are classified is based on the resources they own. What sociologists call this is social stratification. According to the book, society ranks individuals into socioeconomic stratums based on their income, wealth, education, and race. Individuals are put into a specific social classthat describes the way they live. The way social stratification divides and categories people vary from each society. Social stratification also implies that resources are often unevenly distributed. In which case results in a class system. In the United States there are three class distinctions: upper, middle, and lower class. There are additional subcategories that pertain to each class. For example the middle classcan be divided into the upper middle class and the lower middle class. The difference between the two is that people who belong in the upper middle class tend to have more comfortable incomes, while the lower middle class has a harder time maintaining their decent lifestyle. Furthermore, the... Show more content on ... When doing a job interview, the one seeking a job has to dress appropriately; there is a dress code individuals must follow to be perceived as professional. The same concept can be applied when we talk about social classes. We can manipulate how others see us not just by the way we act, but by what we own too. I m talking about materialistic objects such as cars, houses, clothes and shoes. Even jewelry and handbags. If an individual only has expensive world known brands, then we assume they have the money to purchase those materials. If I, for example, was born into a low social class, and want to show others that I have moved into the upper class, I can shop at retail stores that sell known brands. It doesn t necessarily have to be a lie. People have managed to move up the social ladder. The upper
  • 28. Verizon Communication Swot Analysis SWOT ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION. A business must analyze their general environment and their industries competitive environment in order for the business to understand their environment. (Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, McNamara 2014.) This comes by doing a SWOT Analysis which is a basic technique. By doing a SWOT Analysis, the company can identify its strengths and weaknesses which are the internal forces. The analysis also identifies the external forces which are the opportunities and threats in the industry. Verizon Communications is the company that will be reviewed. Verizon SWOT Analysis StrengthsOpportunities Strong reputation of network coverage Brand recognition and Global Goodwill Largest wireless carrier in the US High customer ... Show more content on ... Threats Some of the biggest threats for Verizon is their competition. In the telecom industry there are some new growing competitors. (Olsen,2015) Sprint and T Mobile seems to the fastest growing ones, neither of them have as many locations as Verizon although they are still a threat because they are expanding. Sprint and T Mobile are both working to provide service at a lesser price and they are probably one of the biggest threats with their major presence across the globe and multiple locations. (Olsen,2015) This means that Verizon must adapt to any new technologies by offering ease of access for our customers. They must also keep up on competitive advantage to remain a leading company in the Telecom industry. Conclusion It is important for companies to perform such things as a SWOT analysis to evaluate their positions with internal and external factors. They help managers to see how they are performing and where they should focus their efforts to stay in competitive advantage with their
  • 29. Essay On Building A New Home Building a New Home? 10 Can t Live Without Features In today s home building market, the design choices you make as a homeowner should fit your household s lifestyle and locale. Increasingly, those choices are becoming environmentally friendly, which is a good thing for our planet and wallets. Regardless of whether you re considering building a new Florida home, or are about to begin the process, lend us your attention. We ve compiled a cheat sheet of some of the top features we re seeing throughout the industry and from our own customers. Here are 10 can t live without features you should consider for your new home. Whole House Choices The systems that function invisibly behind your drywall and internal forest of 2 X 4 studs... Show more content on ... That s cool. We get it. But, you d still like to be as energy efficient as possible. The answer is a water re circulator. This system heats the water already idling in your plumbing. pipes You get near instant hot water, which is far more efficient than waiting on hot water to arrive at the kitchen faucet from the conventional water heater all while standing at the sink as cold water runs wastefully down the drain. Serious Insulation If you re new to Florida from a colder climate, you know how important insulation can be to a home s comfort, particularly in winter. That s true even in the Sunshine State. Here, you ll spend far more time in air conditioning. But proper insulation also buttresses your house from summer heat. And yes, depending where you live in Florida, you ll experience occasional cool snaps. So focus on maintaining consistent interior comfort year around. The best way to do that is to be sure your new Florida home boasts the maximum amount of good quality insulation all over the house. You ll see fewer spikes in your power bill, and make fewer tweaks to your thermostat. Whole House Vacuuming It s the best thing since sliced bread! We re only half kidding. This is for those of you who despise lugging upright vacuum cleaners, or heavy canister cleaners all over the house. A whole house vacuuming system simplifies an onerous chore.
  • 30. Atlanta Research Paper Have you ever been to Atlanta it is known as A town? Atlanta is very well known city it is the 4th most visited city in the U.S.A. History The history of Atlanta dates back 1836 when Georgia decide to build a railroad to the United States Midwest named line Timinus. In 1839, homes and stores were built. 1845 1254 railroads arrived in 4 different places. In 1837 all of Atlantawas founded in the intersection of two railroads / the city had uncovered after all that done happened in the Civil War the city risen up from ashes. Climate, location Atlanta rotates on all 4 seasons, the city elevation and relative closeness to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean (summer heat) that makes Atlanta very tropical. The area is 132 square miles since 2000 the elevation 1,010 feet above sea level the temperature on January is 40.5, July 79.1 the average is 64.4 precipitation is 50.77 inches. Atlanta sits on the seat of Fulton County and a small portion of the city extends eastward into DeKalb County. ... Show more content on ... The religion of Atlanta is protestant Christianity Korean; Baptist Methodist and presbyter churches. Over 1,000 places worship many different thing in Atlanta. The most common language in Atlanta is non English spoken in Atlanta, Ga was Spanish 4.09 overall most people speak native Spanish. Chinese people speak 0.74% and 0.65 speak
  • 31. Member Of The Wedding Symbolism Frankie feels she does not fit in with the people around her and feels she needs to change herself in order to fit in. She makes many changes to her life but in reality she only changes how she sees herself. Frankie feels like an outcast when her brother gets married and moves away. Frankie s need to belong does not change who she really is, just the way she sees herself. Frankie believes that by changing her name she can move with her brother and avoid being apart of the misfits. She wants to leave the life she has for a better life but realizes that she is who she is. It is explained, The Member of the Wedding charts one young white girl s struggle to find a place in, or escape, the stable, if oppressive, racial and gender norms of a small Southern community (Thurschwell). Frankie s need to belong, changes her actions and decisions but her true self is still seen by others around her. Frankie s older brother gets married and leaves home, leaving Frankie feeling alone. It concerns Frankie Addams, an adolescent girl in a small Southern town who feels acutely isolated from other people (Harris). Frankie feels... Show more content on ... Winter symbolizes where Frankie wants to go and who she wants to be, but her lack of reference to autumn suggests she is uncertain how to get there from where she is (Bussey). Frankie tries to change her life and tries to get out of town but everything has to wait till the wedding. Although F. Jasmine had thought out her plan, she still holds onto things and people she had loved in her other life. the old Frankie had always loved them, and now she was dying to tell her plans and let them know about the wedding (McCullers). If F.Jasmine was really changing her life and moving on she would make changes to every part of her life not just her appearance. She is holding on to certain aspects of her old life making it impossible to change her true
  • 32. Allan Grey Allan Grey JQ Excelsior Williams A Streetcar Named Desire and Kazan s film adaptation shared not only the same characters, but also the same themes, reactions and other literary techniques Williams had created throughout his play. However, for Elia Kazan to have produced the film, some scenes were eliminated or changed to fit what was known as the Hay s Code. One of the scenes that was not so much vital to the play, was when Blanche DuBois explains to Mitch about her ex husband. Allan Grey, Blanche s ex husband, was found in bed with another man and by no other than his wife, Blanche herself. In the play both Blanche and Allan pretended that nothing happened after that night. Allan was probably being tortured and was already... Show more content on ... So this would not be so surprising as Blanche hides almost everything about herself. While talking to Mitch, she instead says, At night I pretended to sleep, and I heard him crying, whereas in the play she talks about the discovery of Allan s homosexuality. But for those of age or rather those who could understand and knew about sexuality in depth, they could pin point what Blanche meant by lost all respect for him . Allan s homosexuality was one of the demands that had to be met. Homosexuality was most likely a taboo subject that people would not bring up, but producers had to find out what was okay and what was not okay to put in films. There was no official censorship to undergo of any movie being released at the time of Kazan s film adaptation. However, the producers had volunteered for investigation by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and CLD (Catholic Legion of Decency). CLD however strictly forbid showing such content like Allan s sexual preference in action. MPAA had been known as the Hays Office. The name Hays comes from the first president of the office in 1922. When a couple years later, J. Breen was president (1934), he had enforced demands that prohibited sexual, violent, and swearword actions. After several cuts to the film to maintain a positive and high audience, eventually demands were met and the film was accepted. Even though this was one of the few changes made in
  • 33. Comparison Of Greed In Elle Woods s Legally Blonde Despite physical beauty, greed can create an ugly personality that affects relationships with others. Elle Woods, worked her way up from nothing more than living as a pretty girl to get into Harvard, in the movie Legally Blonde. While Glinda, of Wicked, used her high social status to remain in power by tromping down others. Glinda the Good is known as the epitome of goodness but she stepped on other to work her way up. Elle Woodshowever, was ambitious and worked hard to better herself and built her way up to prevail as powerful. Both of these women may seem nothing more than beautiful, but they arose above what people thought they could become to ensue as powerful, although in extremely different ways. Glinda s greed left her well liked, but also isolated, depressed and alone, while Elle Woods s ambition gave her a happier future and more successful life. At the beginning of Legally Blonde, Elle Woods loses the man she loves to a different girl, which makes her very upset. Vivian, the girl Elle s ex ended up going out with after Elle and her boyfriend broke up, was extremely mean to Elle, but she didn t let it get the best of her. When asked how her first day continued after meeting Vivian, Elle describes it as, good, except for this horrible preppy girl..who made me look bad in front of the professor. But no biggie (SergeiK). Despite being bullied by Vivian for the remainder of the movie, Elle chooses to put their differences aside in the end and try to comfort
  • 34. Corporate Censorship In Public Schools Ever since the United States experienced the economic crash in the early 2000s, schools all over the country have suffered budget cuts. As a result, schools are finding themselves very short staffed, shutting down different classes, and sometimes on the verge of closing their doors. Whether they are elementary, middle school, high school, or even colleges, they are all under the same risks. Due to this being the case, colleges began the rise of corporate sponsorships. Following in several universities footsteps, high schools and middle schools also began to accept corporate sponsorships. The result of commercialism has become present in the everyday life of children and young adults. The names of courses, posters, scoreboards, or even vending machines are just a few forms of corporate sponsorships. Corporate sponsorship in the last couple of decades has become widespread and a... Show more content on ... Throughout these last few decades, corporations have been entering schools and creating a pressure for the students to become life long consumers for them. Companies do not really care for the education of the students; rather they care only about how they profit off of the children and young adults. Though there are different types of commercialism present in school campuses, a good percentage of the schools are receiving a majority of their sponsorships from soda and candy companies, which in turn is actually undermining the nutrition. Since there are a grand amount of advertisements being hung around the schools, students are being discouraged from critically thinking about brands, messages, or even the topics companies are conveying. Essentially, the freedoms of students are slowly being taken away because they are being brain washed into becoming consumers of the different corporations from such an early
  • 35. Essay On Thin Layer Chromatography The procedure shown demonstrated how to determine the composition of unknown compounds, based off of information that s known from given analgesics, by using thin layer chromatography (TLC)2. With some silica gel, a coated plate, and developmental solvent, it was possible to distinguish unique measurements and characteristics of each unknown compound3. This was all possible due to chemistry and the bonds that exist within the different compounds and materials. Polarity and non polarity played a big part in how the results were achieved, as well as the chemical structure and shape of the compounds1. The chemical structures of each compound are what allows for them to be either polar or non polar. Within the experiment, depending on the polarity... Show more content on ... While the iodine composition wasn t equal, caffeine was the closest to unknown one. Unknown two was found to be most similar to Aspirin due to the low Rf values and and lack of appearance underneath an UV light. Neither of them presented any color or distinction under the lights and aspirin only lightly showed any trace of iodine components. Unknown three seemed most similar to Acetaminophen and caffeine. This is because of the similarities in distance, Rf value, dark green or gray color, and the strong presence under UV lights in the second spotting Lastly, the fourth unknown once again seemed very similar to acetaminophen, and additionally caffeine as well. The distance, Rf value, and the darkness of the second spot matches with acetaminophen. The first spot seems to match up the most to caffeine, once again due to Rf values, distance in cm, and basic color schemes. The most polar seems to be the Aspirin and the Salicylamide, this was indicated by their lack of movement during the experiment. The most non polar seemed to be the Acetaminophen and caffeine, you can tell by noting how far the distances were compared to the other
  • 36. The Form and Tonal Structure of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata... The Form and Tonal Structure of Beethoven s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13, II. Adagio cantabile March 19, 2013 Form and Analysis Many consider Ludwig Von Beethoven s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 as his first major musical accomplishment, more commonly known as Sonata Pathetique. Written at the age of 27 in 1798, the young composer had gained instant fame and his work was published only a year later. Beethoven, being one of the first significant musicians to work for them selves, is said to have given it the title. This composition consists of three movements of which we will further examine movement II, Adagio Cantabile. This movement is placed in high contrast with the other two, particularly in tempo. ... Show more content on ... The Cв™=Bв™® and Eв™= Dв™Ї and E=Fв™, which is в™^6 of Aв™ ultimately acting as the enharmonic pivot into the flattened submediant with a PAC in m. 44 establishing the key of E major. The section carries on with a V I confirmation of the new tonic until m. 48 where the home key of Aв™ is brought back in through the use of secondary dominants and tension that ends the section with a HC at m. 50 and is released with the MT into the final A section. Section A (mm. 51 65) repeats the MT with variation mostly in rhythmic changes leading up to the PAC in Aв™major at m. 66 where the coda (m. 66 73) begins. The coda essentially acts as a tonic expansion with some added 9ths to the dominant as seen in m. 67 and m.69. The piece works the V I in a decrescendo to the final PAC in Aв™major in m. 73. Out of all of Beethoven s works, this one arguably stands as one of his most famous. Some say it is because of the heart that was introduced by a musician that was working only for himself, others claim he simply modified Mozart themes. Either way, the form is executed perfectly in a beautiful musical
  • 37. The Evolution Of Barbers Barbers of the past and the future. When we look at designs that we put on ourselves now days, we mostly think of Louis Vuitton clothes or bags, or those new pair of Jordan s that cost about $250. However, there are other things that can be classified as designs that we have on our body. In this case, haircuts. We all cut our hairs, and when we do this, we do not always cut it the same. There are hundreds of kinds of natural hair and comes with it hundreds of kinds of hair styles. The thing is, we never think any of haircuts when we get them. We never ask ourselves about how haircuts started in the first place. How they have evolved or even how they affect us. There are not a whole lot of people that do not mess with their hair. When we look... Show more content on ... While these premises might sometimes be true, they are not the absolute definition of barbering. Speaking of which, we first have to ask ourselves, What is barbering? or in other forms What is a barber? When we look this definition up in the Oxford dictionary, it gives us a definition of A person who cuts hair, especially men s and shaves or trims beards as an occupation . This is all said and done if we only want to now the CURRENT meaning of barber. The work Barber and Barbering has changed throughout the years. The work itself has
  • 38. The River Runs Through It Essay Paul and Norman grew up in the same household, with the same values, but from their fishing styles, to their jobs and educations, to their social lives, their differences amount to those of night and day. While boys, young in age and mindsets, Paul and Norman learned to fish from Mr. Maclean. This factor had vast significance because, in this preacher s family, a clear line between fishing and religion had no presence. Mr. Maclean taught his sons the conventional four count. As Paul matured, he converted, from using the common four count, to something a bit more innovative, shadow casting. The technique wasn t the only thing he altered. He also caught fish for quality, which leaked with palpability when he told Norman he aspired to ... Show more content on ... As far as his gambling goes, I never, even once saw Norman gamble. He didn t drink very often either. Once, he went to see Paul at his office and seemed disappointed in his brother s drinking early in the morning. This Norman s traditional side, once again. I have pondered the question, How can two people, who grew up with the same parents, at the same time turn out so differently? I m not exactly sure as to why, but I speculate it has to do with not just one, single, factor. I believe the answer lies in a combination of birth order, looks, and the fact that separate people will act separately. Whether it s in the way they fish, to the jobs they choose, to the friends and activities they surround themselves with, different people will behave differently. Since watching this movie, I have noticed that, as Americans, we look down on uniqueness, yet embrace independence and freedom. I almost think this movie was made in order to show the viewers the importance of
  • 39. Reserve Police Battalion 101 Essay Motivations of the Mass Murders Throughout Hitler s reign over Germany there was an agenda that existed which led to murders of a great number of innocent people. The agenda was the extermination of Jews from Germany so that Germany could become a pure country in terms of ethnicity. It was Hitler s idea but he only gave the orders while the SS and the Order Police carried out the orders. One group of people that helped carry out this idea of judenfrei or Jew free Germany was the Reserve Police Battalion 101. The men who made up this group were regular men that had come from a variety of careers. Most the men volunteered because the immunity that they would receive from conscription into the army once the volunteers had become part of... Show more content on ... Browning, in his book Ordinary men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland, most of the interviewees seem to have a mindset that the killings were wrong but they needed to follow orders. Their attitude was that it was necessary to carry out the orders even though the orders may not have seemed morally or ethically right. The reason the battalion obeyed the orders is because it came from the authorities who had instilled the fear of repercussions in the Reserves and took advantage of the men s obedience to authority. A quote from Trapp sums up the mindset perfectly when he said, man... such jobs don t suit me but orders are orders. If not out of obedience then what else motivated the men to carry out the orders which led to them becoming mass murderers? Conformity was another motivation for the men of Battalion 101 to commit the mass murders. Before the first mission General Trapp gave the men the option to step forward if they didn t want to partake in the killings. However, at first only one man stepped forward and then some ten or twelve men quickly followed him. When given the option why did so few men step forward and refuse to kill unarmed people? The reason is that the men had the strong urge not to separate themselves from the group because they were scared of how their comrades would have viewed them had they stepped forward. Stepping forward was seen as leaving one s comrades and admitting that one was
  • 40. Ethnocentrism In Walla In my observation of Walla Walla University I have seen ethnocentrism being a prominent part of the campus s culture. Ethnocentrism is a commonly used word in circles where ethnicity, inter ethnic relations, and similar social issues are of concern. The definition of ethnocentrism is the belief that one s cultureand way of life are superior of other groups. This causes judging among different groups and assumptions that there are inferior groups to your own. The roots of the word are ethnic and centrism, ethnic means cultural heritage and, centrism means to the central starting point. Put them together and ethnocentrismbasically refers to judging other groups from our own cultural point of view. It s true we reject those outside our group, our customs, our food, our traditions, our music, our religion, our beliefs and values. We think that our lifestyle is somehow much better than those of other societies. The questions I found out through my observation of WWU was why do people do this. I asked some people if they thought they were ethnocentric and the results showed that most people think that they are not ethnocentric, but are rather open minded to other cultures. As I will explain in my writing that this their response isn t true at all and that everyone is ethnocentric. There is no way not to be ethnocentric and it cannot be avoided. In my project I will cover examples of ethnocentrism in the Walla Walla University campus, describe the functions and dysfunctions
  • 41. The Crime And Crime Prevention In the world there are many social problems and most of them affect each and every one of us, such as cancer or Ebola. One that stands out is the rise in crime in America. Crime is huge in America although law enforcement say they are doing something about and have it handled, the truth is it is out of control. Stated in America.Net in an article online Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Project Safe Neighborhoods annual conference in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 and endorsed three crimecontrol strategies. Law enforcement through cooperative efforts between police, community and prosecutors to reduce violent crime, and the incarceration of high risk offenders. Project Safe Neighborhoods. Crime prevention by addressing underlying social issues. Reentry programs to assist offenders returning from prison. If these programs are being put in place then there should be a decreased incidence of crime in America. People can t even leave their homes without having to worry if something is going to happen to them. This is a growing concern in America, but what is America doing to prevent this from happening? There are many organizations working on the issue of crime to reduce the number of incidences. There is one main contributing factor lead increases the likelihood of crime and that is poverty. However, it is ironic that although poverty is a not so pleasant thing, it is needed to prevent communism and the risk of taking our freedom away as stated as a
  • 42. Analysis Of We Real Cool We Real Cool Analysis Mob mentality, also known as herd mentality is how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. In reality, people in the group developed one lifestyle, one purpose, and one mind. This mentality is slightly shown in something as innocent as school cliques. But often, this mob mentality can have negative consequences. Gwendolyn Brooks We Real Cool is a cautionary tale of 7 pool players living fast and dying young together. The poem uses symbolism, diction, and sound devices such as alliteration, rhythm, and repetition to emphasize the theme of identity and mortality. Brooks use of repetition and alliteration shines light on themes such as death and identity. The word we is used... Show more content on ... We Left School paints the picture of the boys neglecting their education as teenagers leading them down the wrong path and inevitably to death. We Die Soon is a break from the poem s flow. The phrase overall shows mortality and at the result of the actions said previous to this line. The diction of these phrases are short and simple words. It is slang that is grammatically incorrect showing that the teenagers neglected their education, contributing to their image of being rebellious. Additionally, Brooks uses We rather than They for the purpose of the reader to see their sense of unity. Spondee is also present all through the poem. Every syllable is stressed meaning that each word said is important. It is a mantra that the 7 pool players are adamant about me are all in agreement on. This adds on to the theme of being one collective, sharing one purpose. Brooks also ties together rhythm and diction like rap music to relate to the reader and the youth in the poem. We acts as the grace note in the poem. Symbolism contributes to many aspects of We Real Cool. The subtitle The Pool Players. Seven at the Golden Shovel differs from the 4 stanza couplets in the rest of the poem. The Pool Players are the only non symbolic phrase in the subtitle. The subjects are actual pool players. Seven is the number of boys but also is a number known for being lucky like in gambling or seven deadly sins. The Golden Shovel is the name of the pool hall they go to but
  • 43. Divergent, By Veronica Roth Divergent , by Veronica Roth is a compelling adventure/dramatic novel. Published in 2011, Divergent is one out of a series of three books. It shines a light on Beatrice Prior s life, and the decisions she makes throughout the story. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and ended up reading it twice. Divergent would be a great choice for someone who enjoys adventurous stories with many plot twists. The main characters are an important part of the story, as the book revolves around the decisions they make. Beatrice Prior, better known as Tris, is the main characterof the story. Stuck between two very difficult decisions, she makes a choice that tears her and her family apart. Tobias Eaton, who only goes by Four, is another main... Show more content on ... The initiates can then follow what the test reveals or choose their own. Once organized and ready, the time comes for the young adults to determine their future. Called out one by one, they make their way to the five metal bowls (each representing a different faction), then use a ceremonial knife to cut open their hand and let their blood drip into the bowl of the faction they want to continue life in. Each new initiate then stands in an area near the faction they decided on. Immediately shocked by her results from her aptitude test, Tris finds that she is actually Divergent, a faction shunned out from society for being unpredictable and dangerous. Petrified of losing reputation, family, and everything she has worked for, she chooses Dauntless as her faction. In this faction, Tris meets another Divergent concealed as a Dauntless and they work together. Jeanine Matthews, the despicable leader of the Erudite faction, uses a serum that forwards every member of the Dauntless faction into a simulation. This stimulation allows the members to be aware of their surroundings but not able to control themselves or their actions. The stimulation forces the Dauntless army of uncontrolled slaves to enter the Abnegation faction, and they proceed to kill all the members. Jeanine Matthews master plan was to kill every faction and have Erudite rule the government. As Tris and Four are concealed Divergents, the serum fails to work on them and they continue to go along with the
  • 44. Danish Physician Hans Christian Gram Stain, Escherichia... Gram Staining: Micrococcus leteus, Escherichia coli, and Unknown Colony Ethan Hinkle Microbiology Lab 3051, Section 001 Instructor: Harrison Taylor February 9, 2015 This report represents my individual effort. I did not receive or offer aid to anyone when performing this assignment, nor did I plagiarize any material. Signed: __________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION In 1884, Danish Physician Hans Christian Gram was in the process of developing a staining procedure that would potentially differentiate prokaryotic (mainly bacterial cells) and eukaryotic nuclei in tissue samples. However, Gram was not effective in developing the differential tissue stain, his derived work would serve as the most valuable differential stain in bacteriology, the Gram stain (1). Moreover, it soon became clear that most bacteria could be catorgorized into two major groups based upon their response to the Gram staining procedure. Gram positive bacteria stained purple, whereas Gram negative bacteria stained a pink red (2). Complete structures of Gram positive and Gram negative cells were not differentiable until the development of the transmission electron microscope. Gram positive bacteria comprise of a singular, 20 80nm thick homogenous layer of peptidoglycan just outside the plasma membrane. In comparison, Gram negative have two apparent layers: a 2 7nm thick peptidoglycan layer incased in a 7 8nm thick outer membrane. The most distinct
  • 45. Walking And The Suburbanized Psyche, By Rebecca Solnit In the anecdote, Walking and the Suburbanized Psyche , by Rebecca Solnit, she implies, if walking continues to devalue, our society s relationship between body, world, and imagination will be lost. I personally do not find walking to be a cultural activity or pleasure of getting around. Instead, walkingis a hassle when the American suburbs are built with a diffuseness that the unenhanced human body is inadequate to cope with . Furthermore, instead of making us feel guilty or attempting to persuade us to travel on foot; we should acknowledge that we now perceive: value, time, space and our own bodies in a drastically different way than older times. I utterly disagree with Solnit s ideology, Otherwise the individual s imagination will be bulldozed over to the chain store outlets of consumers appetite, true crime, titillation, and celebrity crisis . The one way I d relish taking a walk would be with pleasant company. If you re hand in hand with your partner appreciating the scenery together that changes the ambiance of the walk. Yet what changes actual the mood of it is the person you re with and not the actual walk because you can be doing anything else but instead you re with pleasant company therefore it doesn t matter what you re doing. Likewise, when people voice they will only be pleased when they reach a certain point in their life; what if you never get to that point? Does that mean you ll never be satisfied? Solnit classifies walking the same