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Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon
Para Sa Akin Essay
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Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay
The Science Of The Earth
Everything that surrounds us, when we re young, we call nature. Over time, as our knowledge
progresses and we realize that our views expand far beyond our buildings, streets, our backyards,
city, continent ... Our planet is a speck of dust in the solar system. Depending on the development
of human society in different periods of human history, the way in which the universeis interpreted
was changing. It started from the interpretation of the Earthas a flat plate that floats on water, than
the hypothesis of the Big Bang, and about what will happen in the future we cannot even imagine.
Every human epoch had some idea of their universe, so it is today. For this assignment, we had to
gather at least three people outside the classroom, and... Show more content on ...
I knew that they do not have some special knowledge of astronomy, especially my parents.
However, I knew they were happy to help me with the assignment, and they will do it with
pleasure. So it was. When I told them that I need their help, they were happy they could help.
When it comes to school and good grades, parents will do anything to help me. My sister was
not so excited about the astronomy conversation, but she still helped and took part in the
conversation. Last weekend we had a brief conversation and preparation for next weekend, for a
real conversation. I have decided that the main topic would be about the stars and the planets. I
told them to feel free to do a research about the stars and planets. I also did some additional
research, I made notes. After taking this class, I was ready and confident to talk about stars and
planets. I have decided that we will also use the computer; with the pictures, it will just be more
interesting. The conversation took place in our living room on Sunday, November 2nd. It lasted
for about an hour. I found it very interesting to see my parents holding the notes, and waiting for
the conversation to begin. However, my sister still was not excited to be a part of this
conversation. Mom took care of sweets and drinks, and the conversation could begin. Although we
agreed about the topics of the conversation, my mother wanted to start with the religious aspect of
space. We allowed her to start on her way. I could have guessed
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Software Networks With Predictive Emptive Certificate
OLSR based key management in VANET networks with Predictive Preemptive Certificate
Chaima BENSAID1 , BOUKLI HACENE Sofiane2 , FAROUAN Kamel mohamed3 1 2 3
Computer science department, Djillali Liabes University at Sidi bel abbes , Sidi Bel Abbes ,
Algeria,, Abstract A VANET
network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle equipped
with communication resources (sensor). The optimal goal is that these networks will contribute
to safer roads and more effective in the future by providing timely information to drivers. They
are therefore vulnerable to many types of attacks. Many proposals have been proposed to secure
communication in VANETs. In this paper; we propose an approach to adopt a new method of
distributing certificates in VANET. In Our proposal the cluster head acts as a virtual CA and
issues certificates to cluster members. The main objective of our approach is to avoid making a
new certificate request in case a node passes from a cluster to another. This approach has been
evaluated by simulation study using the simulator network NS 2. Keywords PKI; VANET; CA;
OLSR I.INTRODUCTION A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile
node is an intelligent vehicle equipped with communication resources (sensor). In vehicular
networks, there are three modes of communication, communications Vehicle to vehicle (V2V),
communications Vehicle to Infrastructure
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Research Paper On Hypochondriasis
Somatoform disorders are characterized by psychiatric medical condition identified by multiple
medically unexplained physical symptoms. In other word, this is an illnesses that that occurs in the
body without any apparent physical cause. In order to qualify for the diagnosis, physical
complaints must be serious enough to interfere significantly with a person s ability to perform
important activities, such as work, school and responsibilities, or lead the person experiencing the
symptoms to seek medical treatment. Under the condition of somatoform disorder, some patients
identify themselves as having hypochondriasis. Hypochondriasis is a somatoform disorder
characterized by a medical illnesswhere individuals are preoccupied with the fear
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Revolution during the Swinging Sixties
The 1960s was a turning point in American history. Many remember the decade as the Swinging
Sixties, best remembered for the hippies and the Beatles, the Rolling stones and the Summer of
Love, drugs, flamboyant fashion, and the permissive society (Fisher 3). Socially, fashion was
making a 180 degree turn. The Beatles influenced fashion for many bands. As Garson stated in his
book, Out were the matching jackets, ties, and pompadours, in were jeans, vests, and longer hair
combed down in the style of the Beatles. (Garson 86). First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy influenced
women s fashion a great deal as well. Fashion both followed and predicated political action. (Rielly
75 77). She set the fashion standards for women, and introduced new trends, such as the pillbox hat.
Politically, an even that traumatized the American society was President John F. Kennedy
assassination. Lee Harvy Oswald assassinated him on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. One of
John F. Kennedy s goals for America was to help reduce poverty. After his murder, President
Lyndon B. Johnsonquickly jumped into office to help complete his work often known as the
Great Society. It was the largest reform since Roosevelt s New Deal. Two very important pieces
of legislation were passed. The Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign was passed into
law...Johnson also signed the omnibus Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. (Lyndon Johnson s 1).
But, his goal was made harder when America became more
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Status of Women in Colonial Society
Mariama Bessane Professor Perine James American History 1151 Essay #1 Jan 7th,2016 Status
of Women in Colonial Society Women were always considered inferior to men since day one.
That belief had been existing until the eighteen century. During that period, English Colonists
brought to America their ideologies with them. Women did not have the same rights as men did
during that time. Women were tied in a leash, kept in the dark, and controlled by society. Life
wasn t easy for them. They were not allowed to express their opinions, and if they did, they
would be called wicked or evil and be negatively judged by society. During the colonial era,
women played an important, if restricted role in work and religious life. During the... Show more
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Working in farmlands was not an easy task to do, but tobacco became the king of the lands and
every hand was useful in order to cultivate it. Women were needed to work the lands no matter
how fatiguing it was, and the only way they were able to make the journey through the colonies
was to be in a contract as indentured servants. The name derived from the indenture, or contract,
by which a person promised to work for a fixed number of years in return for transportation to
America (America 75.) Working the land in the sizzling sun caused many servants to die from
disease. Those who survived and completed their indentured contract could marry and even have
lands with their husbands. Despite the restrictions put on women, the insufficiency of work created
opportunities. Women in the city were able to have different lives from those living in farms. In the
city, women could socialize with other women. Outside their home, and family, they were allowed
to associate themselves with other women, and have their own women time without being bothered
by husbands or children. For example, in the city, women could work outside their home as tavern
hostesses, and shopkeepers and sometimes also worked as nurses, painters, printers, upholsterers,
silversmiths, and tanners. (America 71) Generally speaking, women in the city had a better life
than those who lived on the farms. Women were not only active in working lands and taking care of
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The Canada Goose
The Canada Goose
The Branta Canadensis, better known as the Canada Goose is a magnificent bird which can be
found all over North America. People from all over North
America look towards the sky when the Canada Geese go honking overhead in their trademark V
formation, and because they nest all over Canada and some of the
United States many people have a chance to witness the birds migration to the nesting grounds and
back to the wintering grounds. The Canada Goose is respected by so many of us because of it s
dignity and courage and refusal to give up. Over the years the Canada Goose has picked up many
slang names, some of these are: Canadian Goose, Canadian Honker, Honker, Honker Goose, Big
Old Honker, Boy Goose, Bernache ... Show more content on ...
The Canada Goose has ten vocalizations or calls which it uses to communicate with other Canada
Geese, honking, long distance call, greeting, alarm, short distance call of mate, short distance
call to goslings, special greeting for female, adult distress, gosling distress, and gosling contentment
call as well as a scream of pain when the bird is bitten (Wormer). It takes a female goose a day to a
day and half to lay an egg (Wormer).
Each goose lays and average of five to six eggs, sometimes only two and sometimes one goose may
lay eleven to twelve eggs (Wormer). With sixty percent of all eggs laid hatching tow Canada Geese
produce an average of three goslings per year (Wormer). Male to Female births are split down the
middle, 50 50
(Wormer). The eggs are dull white and 2.86 by 1.89 inches to 3.43 by 2.34 inches (Godfrey) and
weigh 3.5 to 7.5 ounces (Breen). The incubation period lasts twenty five to twenty eight days with
an average incubation temperature of
100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit (Wormer). Most of the
Canada Geese killed from hunting are twelve to twenty three years old (Wormer).
Canada Geese in captivity however live an aver age of twenty to thirty years and sometimes even
over forty (Wormer). The Canada Goose has a very rapid growth rate, in fact if an average human
baby were to grow as fast as a gosling it would weigh one hundred and
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Pat Skillington Research Paper
Living Biography Pat Skillington
1. My grandma s name is pat Skillington. She was born in August. 30,1952. The place she was
born in was St.Louis Missouri. She is my favorite grandma, she always likes to cook with me.
2.Her dad, William hershal dover, was born in November. 15, 1928. He also was born in St.louis
Missouri. And her mom, Margret dover, was also born in St. Louis Missouri. She was born
December. 10, 1926.
3. She had no brothers or sisters. She only had a lot of cousins. There would be a certain few
cousins that would get in a lot of trouble. There was also one cousin who always would bring wild
animals inside. She once kept an animal as a pet.
4. She had three dogs as a child. A collie was her first, it was also... Show more content on ...
She had a few after school activities like art club and she worked at her dads shop. She would
sweep the floors, restock the shelves and work the cash register. Her college training was art and
music. She went to the university of Missouri for 3 years from 1970 1973. Her church that she
goes to is Jerome christian church( went to Catholic Church when she was a little girl).
16. She had many jobs. She first worked at her dads scuba shop, a teachers aid, worked at a fabric
store foe a year, 2 insurance agencies, a substitute teacher for the elementary, a sewing teacher at the
store and at home, a reading volunteer at the elementary and worked in communication property
rating policy s.
17. Her first car was a 1970 red chevy vega. It also had black racing stripes. Her first car accident
was hitting a deer in the country. Her head lights were broken. She was 26 and pregnant with her
first daughter at the time. She had two kids the oldest, Jessica and the youngest, Jennifer.
18. She had lots of vacations. She went to bar harbor in Maine. She also visited the grand canyon,
Hawaii, Norway and saw pearl harbor in in Hawaii. She also went to Michigan and Florida on
vacations with her
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Examples Of Conformity In The Giver
We all know what it feels like, to go to a new school and the excitement that follows. Then you go
in the building and suddenly the mood changes, everyone is staring at you. The excitement is only
distant memories and it makes you uncomfortable and you might even hate the school on first sight.
If conformity is put into place, then everyone will be happier and safer. I think conformityhelps our
society by creating a more harmonized, safer, and a more balanced community.
Conformity is better than individualism as in the communities are safer. The novel The Giver by
Lois Lowry tells us about their conformitized community. Jonas, on page 63, says to the reader that
the community is extremely protective of every one in the community and that
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Mall And Beyond
In examining the article Around the Mall and Beyond , by Michael Kernan, the author seems to
make an argument illustrating the existence of artifacts, practically everywhere. In this article, I
concur with his position that there are likely artifacts and remains wherever one might go. This
is because we are not the first inhabitants of this land, as such, remains of humans, animals, tools
etc. could likely be found in any area if searched for in depth enough. The author makes a specific
reference to the National Historic Preservation Act, which I particularly agree with. The author
goes on to use several instances in history where history were discovered on sites which were
being considered for or in the process of being converted into
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My Music Redub Movie Interpretation
The Music Redub was an interesting project. At first it seemed straight forward and easy, but as I
began thinking about the the Film School movement and how the great directors used their film
history knowledge to format something new, I realized that great attention to detail, editing, and
music choice, all influence the final filmproduct. My Music Redub marries the ending scene of
Tommy Boy with Tommy in the sailboat saying goodbye to his father with the theme music to
Jaws. The twist of having the heavy Jaws theme paired with the lighthearted Tommy talking to his
father changes the whole feel of the scene. I chose to feature a clip from the B movie and cult
classic Tommy Boy in my Music Redub. Growing up in northwest Ohio, Tommy Boy (1995) was
the movie that everyone referenced and quoted because it featured the hometown of Sandusky,
Ohio. That s gonna leave a mark! was your instant... Show more content on ...
Dad s help is seen through the grass, trees, and wind moving the sailboat. In the Music Redub
version, Tommy asks for a little help, and then Jaw theme starts. The movement of the grass and
trees, paired with the music, makes the viewer anticipate something bad to happen. When Tommy
hits his head on the boom, it appears that it was an attack, rather than the wind moving the sail.
Music in a film creates the atmosphere and is very important in setting the mood of a scene. The
Music Redub helped me to learn more about the decisions that an editor must consider in the
movie making process. It was fun to create incoherence in the scene by changing the music. Both
Tommy Boy and Jaws are cult classics and B movies that were given the block buster treatment.
Both movies have survived through the years and are enjoyed by both all types of audiences.
Whenever I hear the Jaw theme music, I know that it is definitely going to leave a
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I Hear The Cry Of My Life
I hear the cry. Of course it is four thirty in the morning and my little boy is ready for his middle
of the night feeding. This is the everyday life of a mother of two. I wrap my bundle of joy up and
feed him. While this usually isn t a normal time for people to think about their hopes and dreams
it tends to be mine. At the age of sixteen, I moved with my husband to Norman and realized that
the best opportunities for my family s future would be to pursue a professional degree. My college
experience began the summer after I graduated a year early from high school. This definitely left
me clueless at answering the dreaded question, What are you going to do for the rest of your life?
But the one thing I had set in stone was being in the medical field. After picking the wrong major
over and over, I felt passionate and committed to follow a career in medical imaging.
When I think about a sonographer s job the first thing that comes to mind is a computer. Recently,
I had multiple ultrasounds during my second pregnancy. Every time I stepped into the perinatal
center I got excited. While I was thrilled to see my little boy swimming around I couldn t help but
be excited to see the ultrasound preformed. When we were let back into the room I couldn t resist
trying to read all the buttons on the computer and try to figure out how to work the machine. In
high school, I joined the bot ball team. Botball is a program that engages middle and high school
students in a team oriented
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Animals In Captivity Research Paper
Animals in Captivity
Zoos have been around for many years, the first one opening on July 1, 1987 in Philadelphia, USA.
Although the quality of zoos has changed and developed over the many years since then, some
people believe that the zoos shouldn t exist, including organisations that strive to close down zoos
and return the animals back to their natural habitat.
Even though some zoos have billions invested into them they will never really be able to compete
with an animal s natural habitat. Zoos attempt to replicate an animal s natural habitat but in reality
all they re doing is subjecting the animals to a life in captivity where they re unable to perform most
of their natural instincts, such as hunting, flying, foraging and even choosing their own partner.
Increasing numbers of zoos are using breeding programmes in an attempt to avoid the extinction of
various animals, but the problem behind this is that the animals who are being bred do not get to
choose their own mate and under some circumstances needed to be artificially inseminated. ... Show
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Zoochosis is where an animal, in captivity, begins to become stressed or uncomfortable with the
environment that they are subjected to. This can cause the animal to become unwell with
zoochosis; the symptoms of zoochosis can include bar biting, coprophagia which is where an
animal consumes and is playing with excrement, self mutilation such as the animals pulling their
own fur out, scratching themselves or causing themselves pain and injury, swaying, rocking and
pacing. These are some of the most common symptoms of zoochosis and this happens simply
because the animal is in captivity and they re unable to express themselves in the way they would
usually be able to, if they were in their natural
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Matleb
MATLAB is an efficient, user friendly and interactive software package, which is very effective
for solving engineering, mathematical and system problems. Two versions of MATLAB
commercially available are the professional and the student versions. The professional version
includes only the standard tool box and any other tool boxes must be purchased separately. The
size of the matrices is limited by the memory constrains and is expensive. The student version of
MATLAB includes the basic tool box, Simulink and symbolic tool box functions. The size of the
matrices is large but limited and inexpensive. Standard student packages are signal processing,
control systems and symbolic math. MATLAB is a high performance language for technical
computing.... Show more content on ...
Graphs are an important way to communicate and visualize trends and patterns that are otherwise
difficult to identify and gain valuable insight into a given relation or problem in this way.
Information when given in the form of tables can be easily graphed and be used to make
educated predictions and decisions. A graph, like an equation, is the language that best helps
recognize the relationship, which exists between the variables involved in a situation. Graphs, like
languages, have specific rules, some of which date back to ancient civilizations. It is believed that
the coordinate system was first used in ancient times for urban planning, surveying, and astronomy
in the old Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. For thousands of years, the rectangular
coordinate system was used, not exactly the way we know it today. It was not until the 1600s,
when it was rediscovered by the mathematicians of the time that geometric problems could be
solved by using algebraic equations and vice versa. Rene Descartes (1596 1650) and Pierre Fermat
(1601 1665) are credited with being the first mathematicians in taking such an approach. This
approach evolved over time into the Cartesian coordinate system, as it is known today.
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Comparing If We Must Die And The Lynching
During a time of rebirth for the African Americans in Harlem, writer Claude McKay embraced a
militant mindset that quickly became the basis for the Harlem Renaissance. Despite being born in
Jamaica, he came to the United States in 1912 and soon after published works that spread
throughout the Unites States and brought him fame. Frustrated by the racism present in the South,
McKay would denounce racism though his writing. His poem, If We Must Die, was published
during the Red Summer in 1919 and directly embodies his ardent and zealous spirit. The period of
racial violence called for such action, yet in his following poem, The Lynching, published less than
a year later in 1920, McKay s writing conveys a completely different message that questioning...
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Both make use of the sonnet form, an appeal from McKay to a higher level of white academics.
He aims to prove his worth and educated status using a form that would compare him to authors
like Shakespeare. By proving himself to a larger, white audience, his message is more easily
appreciated and understood. But through both, there is still mystery as to why there is a drastic
difference in tone. On one hand, it could be due to the time difference. His reaction to the Red
Summer in If We Must Die comes from a place of deep emotion. His mentality to challenge the
racial situation spread through the whole community, prompting numerous others to speak out
collectively with him. McKay inspired a class to emerge with radical ideals not previously
prominent. On the other hand, the emotion that is shown in his writing could express his change
of opinion from outcry and anger to hopeless and depressed. Between 1919 and 1920, McKay
was exposed to the reality of the racial situation that opposed his beliefs and core mission. When
his vision did not come to fruition, he realized the problem was deeply engrained and not easily
solved. Using this knowledge, his later work, The Lynching calls for self motivation and
recognition of the problem to face adversity. In both outlets, McKay proves successful in
expressing his hope for resilience and prosperity for the African Americancommunity. Claude
McKay was able to channel his acrimony towards lynching into his poetry to incite a generation of
individuals that fight back for innate human
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Comparing Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God...
Jonathan Edwards creates a more effective argument for the intended audience in Sinners in the
Hands of an Angry God than The Speech in the Virginia Convention written by Patrick Henry, by
utilizing various techniques. Patrick Henry makes a strong argument however in the end, Edwards
sermon grows to be more effective. Edwards creates the argument by strengthening the writing
through tone, structure, fallacies and knowledge of the congregation that became his audience.
Henry s piece uses methods of oratory persuasion but the actual topic of Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God has an advantage from the start by appealing to fear, a fallacyof logic. Even with the
strong basis The Speech in the Virginia Convention by Patrick... Show more content on ...
The tone appeals to several fallacies of logic such as, Bandwagon, Broad Generalization, Either Or
thinking, Appeal to Belief, Appeal to Emotion, Appeal to Popularity, Appeal to Fear, Appeal to
Consequences of a Belief, and Appeal to Tradition, all which impact the church congregation.
The use of tone that includes fallacies helps Edwards write a more convincing piece than Patrick
Henry s speech. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God becomes very effective for the intended
audience when knowledge of the customs and traditions that shape the impacted audience
Become taken into consideration. The typical colonist was usually a devout Christian and made
church a huge part of their lives. Jonathan Edwards believed that the colonists had begun to put
less emphasis on God and Christianity, as a result he preached this sermon to persuade the
congregation to bring God back to the focal point of their lives or risk the wrath of God and
possibly the eternal torments of Hell. Jonathan Edwards was believed by his audience of the
congregation without a doubt because of his position in society as a preacher. Patrick Henry s
intended audience was the president of the convention that he
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The Value Of College Sports
For the countless numbers of amateur athletes, college sporting events represent high quality
competition, education about the sport, and shear excitement from cheering on your favorite team.
Although TV networks pay dearly to film the games and observes invest extreme prices to watch,
college sporting events do not make hefty profits. According to this document, the Knight
Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, which has proposed a reform agenda for
collegesports, about 70 percent of major college programs now lose money. As shocking as that may
seem, expenses are accumulated by the search for revenues, which is extremely consumed with all
of the entertainment we are provided with today. With the minuscule number of high school
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Essay On Nazi Concentration Camp Auschwitz
During WWII, Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, located in Poland, was used for a holding
facility, work camp, and extermination camp for undesirables. The sad and horrible conclusion is
that no one cared that Jews were being murdered... This is the Jewish lesson of the Holocaust and
this is the lesson which Auschwitz taught us. Ariel Sharon
Auschwitz was a camp that people most likely did not want to be sent to. They would get beat,
tortured and murdered daily.
Auschwitz, the Nazi german concentration and extermination camp, is the most recognizable
symbol of the holocaust and place of genocide in the world.
During WWII, Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, located in Poland, was used for a holding
facility, work camp, and extermination ... Show more content on ...
They would starve them, torture them, and even murder prisoners in the camp. Auschwitz will
forever remain the black hole of the entire human history. Isaac Herzog
The gas chambers were used to kill Soviet POWs and Jews.
It evolved into a network of camps where Jewish people and other perceived enemies of the Nazi
state were exterminated often in gas chambers, or used as slave labor.
There was too many people in the camp so they had to kill some. They had ovens in the camp that
they used for burning dead bodies found in the camp. The Nazi concentration and extermination
camp, located in Poland, was used for different types of things such as Holding facilities, Work
camp, and Extermination camps.
The camp was used for holding prisoners until another camp had room. They would make them
work and torture them and even murder prisoners.
Moral/Significance of information: Sometimes they would make the prisoners line up outside and
stand there until the SS guards arrived. The weather was very cold even during the summer.
The guards would force the prisoners to squat for an hour with their hands above their heads, or
punishments such as beatings or detention for things like having a missing button or an improperly
cleaned food
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Grounded Theory And The Constructivist Theory
Research Design This research will be conducted using grounded theory methods and is intended to
be anchored in the constructivist epistemology. Grounded theory, an inductive qualitative research
method, was chosen for this study because, while many ideas may exist concerning how poor,
working class clients experiences of counseling may affect their perspectives of and style of
participation in individual counseling, specific factors have not been identified from existing
research. Hence it seems most effective to allow the data to reveal the factors that affect working
class clients expectations and perspectives about counselor interaction with them during the
counseling process. As counseling can be a unique and different experience... Show more content on ...
This process of constructing knowledge is not typically done individually; instead, human beings
are born into a culture of meaning and work with other humans to construct knowledge together
(Crotty, 1998). Consequently, the constructivist grounded theory researcher intends to fully
describe and understand the individual participant s knowledge and understanding of the studied
object or phenomenon (Charmaz, 2014). Researcher s Positioning This subjectivity statement is
presented to acknowledge the researcher s related perspectives and experiences. This statement is
intended to allow the reader to further consider the credibility of the study, while situating the
researcher and the study in a particular context. In the tradition of constructivist grounded theory,
the researcher s perspectives and experiences as relating to the topic under study are an important,
inextricable aspect of the research process (Charmaz, 2014). The purpose of this study is to
explore, by means of a series of personal interviews, how poor and working class clients describe
their experiences in individual counseling. Understanding what such clients report to be helpful or
unhelpful experiences about the counseling context will increase our ability to understand
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Social Skills Essay
Social skills are the skills or tools a person or people use to communicate and interact with one
another, both verbally or non verbally, through gestures, body language or personal appearance.
Although, human beings are sociable creatures and have developed many methods to communicate
our messages, thoughts and feelings with others. Developing social skills is about being aware of
how we communicate with each other. Characteristic of social skills at the workplace :
Social skills are goal directed.
Socially skilled behaviors are interrelated in the sense that one person may use more than one kind
of behavior at the same time, for the same goal.
Social skills should be appropriate to the situation of communication. ... Show more content on ...
People are more interested in likeable people as likeable people are (or at least appear to be) more
interested in them.
Most people know you cannot advance far in life without strong interpersonal relationships.
Focusing on relationships will help you get a job, get promoted and make new friends. Well
honed social skills can increase your happiness and satisfaction and give you a better outlook on
life. Also relationships can help to reduce the negative effects of stress and boost one s over all
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Case 2 Bucks Essay
ACTG 350 Case 2 Due: Tuesday, December 2nd (at the beginning of class). Required: Complete
the requirements outlined in the following case developed by the Deloitte Foundation. Your memo
should carefully develop arguments supporting your conclusions based on your interpretation of
ASC 230 10.Your memo should not exceed 3 pages and be formatted in a professional manner.
Please submit one case per group. To access ASC 230 10 please log into the FASB Accounting
Standards Codification website: Student Access Username
AAA51526 Password x43AYtX Buck s Dilemma: Gross or Net? Buck s Hunting Equipment Inc. (
Buck ) is a retailer of hunting equipment, hunting apparel, and outdoor accessories. Buck s... Show
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2. For each of the following scenarios, on the basis of the specific facts and circumstances,
determine whether Buck should present its borrowing and payment activity under the Facility
on a net or gross basis within the financing activities section of its statement of cash flows.
Scenario 1: The line of credit has a maximum borrowing capacity of $100 million, and under the
terms of the agreement, all draws are considered to be due on demand. On July 15, 2010, Buck
drew $60 million on the Facility. On August 30, 2010, Buck drew an additional $40 million on
the Facility. On September 30, 2010, Buck paid down the draws by $50 million. Assume the
volume of transactions is considered to be large. Scenario 2: The line of credit has a maximum
borrowing capacity of $100 million, and under the terms of the agreement, specific maturity
terms will be negotiated by Buck and the bank after each draw on the Facility. On June 15,
2010, Buck drew $60 million, and signed a note to repay the full amount borrowed by December
15, 2010. On September 30, 2010, Buck drew an additional $40 million, and signed a note to
repay the full amount borrowed by December 1, 2010. On December 1, 2010, Buck paid $40
million to the bank related to the second draw. On December 15, 2010, Buck paid $60 million to
the bank related to the first draw. Assume the volume of the transactions is considered to be large.
Scenario 3: The line
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Air And Test Evaluation Segment One
The organization chosen is Air and Test Evaluation Squadron One. The mission of this squadron is
to conduct operational test and evaluation of new acquired weapon systems, support systems, and
aircraft for the U.S. Navy. In interfacing with mission systems and fleet introduction, Air and Test
Evaluation Squadron One does it first.
In the acquisition phase, the navy has several initial and developmental test and evaluation
squadrons; however, these squadron use contract and government maintenance and flight personnel
to conduct primary and subsequent examination and analysis of newly acquired systems in a
controlled environment. After completion of initial and developmental test, the weapon systems,
support systems, and aircraft are forwarded for operational test and evaluation. In this role, the navy
tasks two squadrons with this mission. To further examine systems and aircraft, Air and Test
Evaluation Squadron One, in particular, has a staff of 400 sailors and these sailors (maintenance
technicians and aircrew ... Show more content on ...
In influencing others through my actions, scripture reminds me Do nothing out of selfish ambition
or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value other above yourselves, not looking to your own interest
but each of you to the interest of the others (Philippians 2:3 4, NIV). In serving others with
honesty and sincerity, I place the goals of the country, navy, squadron, and individuals before mine.
In addition, Proverbs 27:17 states As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (NIV). In
my daily walks around squadron spaces, I talk and engage with sailors to interact, relay information,
and assess situations. More importantly, this scripture reminds me to mentor sailors to promote
quality of life issues, personal and professional development, and maintain good order and
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Descriptive Essay About Mama Haoua
Every time I see my mother I have the benefit of taking in her beauty. My mother s light brown
eyes are bright and lovely so that the richness of her mind and soul there shines. They flash red
when right feels wrong with her. Those eyes also glow with warmth and tender lights of love.
Her abundant black curls fall softly on her beautiful face and feel softly upon my cheeks
whenever I hug her. She has loving hands that are so gentle, so kind, so soft that have toiled
smoothly through all the years. The three great smiles that she has are 1) a radiant smile that
spreads such joy and sunshine on all that share her happy heavenly life, 2) a smile that hides the
pain of heart and soul, and 3) a smile that lightens life s so bitter trials and brings such calm and
peace to heavy hearts. Her beautiful face has shown so pure and tranquil above my head through
all my life and dreams. The light brown eyes, the abundant curls, the smile, the silky smooth skin
all blend serenely to form a lovely face. A mother who loves adventure and independence, a mother
who generally leads and direct others and like to establishes their personal identity.
Haoua, a mother of seven, the love she holds for each of her children are buried within her heart
while the beauty of her eyes sparks like diamonds. Thesis statements; Mama Haoua s beauty, Mama
Haoua s Heartbreaks, Mama Haoua s cooking.
A mother who has been through heartbreaking since she was considered married, 1) heartbreak of
losing her youngest
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The Fight For Black Civil Rights
When any society says that I cannot marry a certain person, that society has cut off a segment of
my freedom. Martin Luther King Jr, 1958. This provocative statement, in reference to interracial
matrimony during the fight for black civil rights in America is unfortunately once again significant,
however this time in reference to marriageequality in Australia. The failure of the law to allow all
couples regardless of sex to marry, and furthermore refusal to acknowledge marriages conducted
overseas, is a disgrace to the nation supposedly know as accepting of difference and intolerant to
Among innumerable reasons why marriage equality should be legalized in Australia, a prominent
one is that restricting the option to marry any citizen is discriminatory and unconstitutional. This
sort of treatment not only deprives every day people of their dignity, creating a second class of
citizens, but also suggests that LGBTI+ people are somehow unworthy of participation in one of
the fundamental institutions of our society. A lack of opportunity to formalize same sex relations
implies that these relationships aren t of equal standard, exacerbating unjust prejudice and
intolerance. This impression is promoted through the lack of financial, medical and social rights
associated with marriage to individuals in a civil union, the supposed adequate equivalent for
marriage. Although the legalisation of marriage equality would have no impact on non LGBTI+
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Lab Report On Chemical Compounds
Abstract: In this lab report two unknown substances will be tested. The tests performed were
looking for the presence of the main biomolecules, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. The tests
used will be used in the Lab report are; The Benedicts test to test for sugars, the Iodine test for
coiled or non coiled carbs, The Grease spot test for lipids, and the Biuret test for proteins. Tests
show that both substances had different responses to the Benedicts test. Both substances shared the
same response to the Iodine test. In the Grease spot test both showed the same. In the Biuret test the
unknown substances resulted differently from each other. Introduction/ Discussion: Discussed in
Chapter 5 The Composition of... Show more content on ...
Unsaturated fats include items such as olive oil and soybean oil. Saturated fats are fats that are
become solid in room temperature; examples include lard, butter, and coconut oil. To test for
lipids the grease spot test can be implemented. In the grease spot test it is to be observed if the
spot is translucent, this indicates there are lipids. Proteins are components of tissue; proteins
themselves are composed of amino acids which serve as building blocks. To test for proteins the
Biuret test is used. Using a Biuret reagent the color of the solution will change depending on the
presence of proteins. The solution will turn from blue to violet if proteins are indeed present. In this
lab for testing the unknowns each test will be performed on unknown substances to test for the
appearance of the four main molecules. These tests are important because they show the presence
of these biomolecules which are in organisms. Materials and Methods: All materials and
experiment steps were provided by the test from Exploring Biology in the laboratory. (Pendarvis.
Carwley.) Two unknown solutions were tested. The first solution tested is B3. Using the Benedicts
test the test tube was labeled at the 0.5cm mark and 1.0cm mark. The same thing was done with the
A1 solution test tube. After filling
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The Protestant Ethic And Spirit Of Capitalism
Brayan MunanteSpring 2017
Sociology 101
The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber (1864 1920) considered seriously about
the emerging dilemmas from the socio cultural and political state of affairs in Germany and
criticised purely the historical materialistic concept of explanations. Within his book The Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , Weber instead depicts a more conceivable and pragmatic
explanation that the materialization of capitalism owed much to the specific patterns of religious
motivational explanations in Calvinism between various industrialists at that period. As these
people (Calvinists) believed that god s knowledge and astuteness was immeasurable to ... Show
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Additionally, Weber explains that the progress in administrative sphere can be directed only
through a guided reckoning, impartiality and competence. In the intellectual sphere, progress was
thought to be achieved by the aid of scientific methods, testing skills, experiential data collection
because theories that are imitative through scientific reasoning supersede to those that are
previously attributed to magical causes. However, this particular enlightenment ideology of motive
and self realisation is distinguishable with that of Marx s view of progress and is still qualified by
Weber by the rationalisation itself.
Compared to Marx perspective, the rationalisation and progress according to Weber involve the
positive features of effectiveness, manageability, uniformity, unavoidability and impartiality. These
positive aspects of rationalisation can result in enhanced capacity, the development of capacity and
power relations and thereby assists in attaining progress in each sphere depicted above. Unlike
Marx, rationalisation in economic perspective as witnessed in Western Capitalism was been
considered by Weber as the process of reasoning out unreasonable sentiments that hamper accrual
and estimation of profit, progress and sentiments like faith, thoughtfulness solidarity
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The Program Being Implemented Is A Mentoring Program Based...
Class Project The program being implemented is a mentoring program based off of the successful
model of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Using this mentoring approach to rehabilitative ends, allows for
the successful integration of many different key factors that need to change in order for success.
Mentoring has proven to be effective in treating crime and delinquency in multiple crime/offense
types. Add to that as well the promising results in regard to drugs and substance abuse, educational
improvements, and mental health and behavioral health involved with psychological functioning.
In all, this gives credence to a program based on mentoring and using it to treat at risk youth
between the ages of 6 and 18. Setting up this program requires a community partner in order to
implement the program fully and effectively. It is for this reason I have partnered with the Police
Athletic League. By engaging juveniles in the community, at a vulnerable time in their life, and
surrounded by many great peers, creates the environment needed for this program to move forward.
The Police Athletic League (PAL) is one of the oldest youth programs in the nation, catering to a
variety of different sports. PAL builds relationships between law enforcement and youth within the
community, and is based on the belief, that if tackled early enough, these youth can be aided in
building strong relationships, not only with the community, but with the police serving in it as well.
Studies have shown that if
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Revolutionary War A Just War Analysis
Have you ever wondered if the beginning of the United Sates was based off of a just war? Saint
Augustine, a renowned Christian theologian and philosopher, addressed the idea of a just war
during the time of the Roman Empire. Augustine is well known for his book City of God in
which he first introduces his standards of a just war. These standards must be met for a war to
be classified as just. This new concept that war could be approved by God and used for good
revolutionized the way Christians viewed war. Although written hundreds of years ago, these
standards have truly stood the test of time because they are still referred to today. Based on
Augustine s standards, The Revolutionary War can be argued as a just war because there was a just
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However, war has changed significantly over the past few decades. America should tighten their
standards of war so that we are only involved in wars hat directly threaten our national security. This
would result in America taking part in far fewer conflicts which would save money and resources,
reduce the number of unnecessary lives lost, and reduce the hatred of America in many countries.
Tightening the standards would insure that future wars are fought for the protection of our country,
but not for spreading democracy or nation building. America has continuously meddled in other
countries affairs, which has led to a growing anger and resentment of America in those countries.
Reducing anger towards America becomes even more important since our country now has a
relatively open immigration policy which has allowed immigrants from countries into America.
Without knowing who these immigrants are or what their intentions are, our country becomes more
susceptible to
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Essay Growing Up, Staying Young
Growing Up, Staying Young
I had trouble sleeping that night. The peaceful, rhythmic breathing of my younger sister across the
room could not calm me as I lay under the covers in the dark, listening for the heavy footsteps of an
elderly man sneaking through the downstairs floor of my house. With one hand firmly choking Red
Blankie, I reached with the other to turn the alarm clock on my bedstand toward me. The
fluorescent red digits whispered 12:03 in the still, black room. Perhaps he will come soon.
Delicate tingles danced up my arms, as I froze like a nervous cat, ears up, ready and alert. I
rehearsed the carefully planned sequence of events in my head. A suspicious and unfamiliar sound
from the living room would be my ... Show more content on ...
This world is but a canvas to our imagination, wrote Henry David Thoreau. As a young child, I
clung to this inspirational message and ran with it to millions of marvelous places in my mind. I
believed in everything, from my invisible collie Fluffy to Santa Claus, Rudolf, and the rest of the
reindeer. Everything I saw and heard and read sang to me, inspired me, and thrilled me.
When my mom wouldn t let me have a puppy, Fluffy came into my life. She was my imaginary
collie, every bit as real as the dogs I saw climbing against the scratched windows of the mall pet
shops. I took her for walks around my back yard, fed her juicy crimson mulberries from our tree,
and taught her to rescue children from burning buildings, like Lassie did on Nickelodeon. My time
with Fluffy was limited, however, when I found a job in the restaurant business. As the owner,
waiter, and cook, I spent many hours in the red and yellow playhouse in my basement taking orders
from hungry customers and preparing exotic foods for their culinary pleasure.
My best friend Jenny joined me in many of my childhood adventures. After reading Freckle Juice
by Judy Blume in second grade, she and I were convinced we could get rid of her horrible brown
freckles with a fantastic concoction of rainbow colored vitamins, brilliant blue bathroom cleanser,
delightful soap bubbles, hairspray mist, and two tablespoons of mouthwash. Unfortunately, Jenny
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Unsolvable Obstacles
If you think about it, life is full of not only a bunch of unsolvable mysteries, but also obstacles.
However, are those obstacles unsolvable? No. Just because there are obstacles in life doesn t
mean that you should give up and not care. Trying is what makes you the person you are, and it
brings out the real you. When something happens in life do you give up, or do you keep your
head up and try your best? As I approached my fifth grade year my brother and I received news
from our dad that he was going to iraq to work on the military base for construction. And at first I
did not really think about how much it would effect me personally besides just my dad going out
of town for a while. But as schoolcame around I found myself missing my father more and more
and not being able to focus in class and I just got distracted by the smallest things. However, I
knew that just because my dad was gone didn t mean that I could just not try in school, and that I
had to get my priorities straight. So with the help of my mom and my aunt, I pulled through with
somewhat decent grades at the end of the year. Of course my grades... Show more content on ...
With a two year gap between my older brother and I there was a lot of comparison between the two
of us. But naturally, I was compared to dakota (my older brother) more than he was compared to
me. I had push myself to be like him when in reality I was so focused on being like him, I never
really learned how to be myself until he went to college. And honestly I think that is what made
me who I am to day. With all of the people not necessarily wanting me to be like him, but just
thinking I would naturally grow up to be like him, it gave me a mind set that I didn t want to be
like him at all. That is not a bad thing though, as my own individual I learned to how my own
personality and it gave me the self confidence I
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Business Research Methodology
ASSIGNMENT Business Research Methodology How to write Research Purpose, Objectives and
Summary Syed Qasim MBA Question No. 1 State research purpose, objectives and summarize
each article with reference (i.e. literature review format). Case Study No 1 Human Resource
Management Practices: A Case Study of the Supply Chain Department of Square Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. Reseach Purpose : The purpose of this study is to ensure that at all times the business is
correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs.
Objective To analyze the HRM practices of an organization with a view to unlock the talent,
experience, wisdom and common sense of the staff within the organization by... Show more content
on ...
Summary 1.Organization commitment can be defined as affiliation of employees to the
organization and involvement in it. Emotional attachment to the objectives and values of an
organization is commitment Buchanan (1974). Organizational commitment is the aggregate
internalized normative demands to perform in a manner which meets organizational objectives
and interests (Wiener, 1982). In view of the literature available we can say that for university
teachers, organizational commitment can be considered as their belief in and acceptance of the
university goals and values, their desire to remain part of universities and act in way that is
beneficent for universities. Herzberg theorized job satisfaction as a function of motivators that
gives job satisfaction and hygiene which results in job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction as an
emotional situation related to the positive or negative judgment of job experiences Locke (1969).
The classic study of school teachers by Dan Lortie (1975) emphasized that there are three types of
rewards which teachers seek in their careers: extrinsic, ancillary, and psychic/intrinsic. An extrinsic
reward in this context means money income, prestige, and power. Weiss and Cropanzano (1996,
Thoms, Dose, and Scott, 2002), argued that job satisfaction is personal assessment of individual for
his/her job and work context. Teacher job satisfaction is determined by the degree to which the
individual perceives
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Investment Style Focused on Risk Diversification
Diversification, Schmiversification Steve Smith, 23, recently out of college, has just won $15
million in the lottery. After buying a few things, he realizes that he still has quite a bit of money,
and starts to look at the big picture and what he should do. After his girlfriend shoots down his
dreams of buying an island paradise where he could relax and golf all day, or buying his own
rocket ship, Steve is forced to think of more practical things to do with his newly acquired
fortune. Unable to find a way to spend it all, Steve decides to save and invest most of his
winnings. He begins searching financial magazines and the internet for the best way to build his
capital. Steve faces an issue that many investors today faceВ—not a... Show more content on ...
His lack of diversification is a strong contrast to that of the traditional method; however, this lack
of diversification has helped his personal portfolio to outperform market indexes, used as
benchmarks for returns on stock market investments, such as the Dow Jones Industrial, the
Nasdaq, and the Standard and Poor s 500 (S P 500) every year for the past 40 years. In his article
Warren Buffett: The World s Greatest Investor, financial journalist Maynard Patton presents some
quotes from Warren Buffett on his investment style. Buffett is attributed with saying conventional
diversification makes no sense for [a know something investor]. It is apt simply to hurt your
results and increase your risk. Buffett s rationale is that investors should not buy shares of a stock
unless they feel the company they are buying into will be around for a while. To make an
assumption that a particular company will still be a functioning body in the future would require
some knowledge of the company s financial situation and the industry in which it operates.
Essentially, Buffett believes that people should only invest in companies with which they are
familiar. Along these lines, one of his strongholds is that many people purchase stocks of
companies in industries with which they are not familiar for the sake of diversification. Making a
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I Am The Cheese Movie And Book Comparison
I Am The Cheese is a book written by Robert Cormier in 1977. It more than likely takes place in
the 1960 s to the early seventies. In 1983, a movie was made based off this book. Both the movie
and the book follow the same fundamental plotline but there are some differences. This includes
different characters, points of view, and a different ending. In I Am The Cheese, a boy named
Adam Farmer is being interrogated about his life by a man named Brint. There are three separate
plotlines in this story including the past, a bike ride, and the interrogation. Adam has many
hardships in his life and seems to be going crazy. He starts to become suspicious of his dad
because it seems like he is hiding something from him. Later on his dad reveals
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Analysis Of Raoul Peck s French Cinema
Diel Powell
Dr. Kirkpatrick
December 14th, 2016
National French Cinema
Raoul Peck
France is the birthplace of cinema and is responsible for many of its significant contributions to the
art form worldwide, including the filmmaking process itself. I ve learned about the greats but
haven t been introduced to a man quite as distinguished and relatable to myself as a young black
aspiring creator.
Early Life: Although not born in France, Raoul Peck has become a notable director and
screenwriter and has left a memorable impact in the film industry with his cinematic adaptations
of reality. From taxi driver, to Minister of culture, to honorary award winning director, Raoul
Peck has experienced the world in ways few will ever have the chance to. Just as he thought his
life would revolve around international affairs at the United Nations, he created a bigger platform
to spread the news about foreign relations. His documentaries and films have been about real
people and he believes film can try and save our histories, our memories whilst guiding society in a
better direction.
Peck had an unusual but interesting childhood upbringing. In 1953 he was born in Port au Prince,
Haiti however, at the age of 8, his family sought asylum in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC). Peck s tutelage spreads across 2 continents and the caribbean islands. He attended schools
in Kinshasa, DRC, (Brooklyn) New York, United States, OrlГ©ans, France, and Berlin, Germany.
Peck attended primary school
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Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets
| | | | |Brief | | |
|Learning | |Questions | |Exercises | |Do It! |
|Objectives | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|1A | |Determine ... Show more content on ...
| |Simple | |30 40 |
| | | | | | | |
|3B | |Compute depreciation under different methods. | |Moderate | |30 40 |
| | | | | | | |
|4B | |Calculate revisions to depreciation expense. | |Moderate | |20 30 |
| | | | | | | |
|5B | |Journalize a series of equipment transactions related to purchase, sale, retirement, | |Moderate |
|40 50 |
| | |and depreciation. | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|6B | |Record
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Game Theory Is The Study Of Decision Making Under Competition
Game Theory is the study of decision making under competition. More specially, Game Theory is
the study of optimal decision making under competition when one individual s decisions affect the
outcome of a situation for all other individuals involved.
Game Theory can be broadly classified into four main sub categories of study:
Classical Game Theory
Combinatorial Game Theory
Dynamic Game Theory
Other Topics in Game Theory
As a mathematical tool for the decision maker the strength of game theory is the methodology it
provides for structuring and analyzing problems of strategic choice. The process of formally
modeling a situation as a game requires the decision maker to enumerate explicitly the players and
their preferred moves, ... Show more content on ...
The techniques of solving games involving more than one strategies particularly in case of large
pay off matrix are very complicated.
All the situations cannot be analyzed with the help of game theory.
Classical Game Theory
Game theorists consider the axiomatization of the utility function in the case of uncertainty a major
contribution in von Neumann and Morgenstern. It paved the ground for the modeling of rational
decision making when a decision maker is faced by lotteries. Thereafter a utility function, ui(.),
which satisfies the expected utility hypothesis, i.e.
(1) ui([A,p;B,1 p]) = pui(A) + (1 p)ui(B) is called a von Neumann Morgenstern utility function.
Here A and B are events p is the probability that event A occurs while 1 p is the probability of B
occurring. Thus [A,p;B,1 p] is a lottery. It is a notational convention to write [A,p;B,1 p] = A if p =
1 and [A,p;B,1 p] = B if p =0.
The probability p can be related to a model of relative frequencies and are, in this sense, objective
and thus represent risk; or they can be subjective and thus represent uncertainty.
The utility values which the function ui(.) assigns to events are called payoffs. Because of eq.1
we do not have to distinguish between payoff and expected payoffs: if player X is indifferent
between the lottery [A,p;B,1 p] and the sure event C then ui([A,p;B,1 p]) = ui(C), i.e., the payoffs
are identical. If ui(.)
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The Tiananmen Square Massacre Greatly Impacted The World
The Tiananmen Square Massacre greatly impacted the way the rest of the world viewed the
Chinese government. Imagine not having the freedom of speech that we do today, or living in a
country that kills the innocent. In 1989, college students exercised their right to freedom of speech
while protesting their communist leaders, and the leaders of Communist China put the
demonstration down with military force resulting in possibly thousands killed. But, throughout
the last 25 years China has grown and developed into a much different country than it was during
the late 1980 s. Granted, the country still has a long way to go before it resembles the democracy
present in the United States today, but it seems to be headed in the right direction. The Tiananmen
Square is a large public area and its name, Tiananmen, translates ironically to Gate of Heavenly
Peace (CNN Library, 2015). It is located in Beijing, the capital of China (as seen in the map to the
right). The square was built during the early Ming dynasty and covered around one hundred
acres. During this time period it was the largest open area in the world. The Tiananmen Square
did not technically adopt its name until the PRC took power in 1949. In 958, the square was
enlarged into its present day size and it was also paved over. Located inside the square is the
Monument to the People s Heroes and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. China developed a
communist government in 1921 and Mao Zedong took control in 1927. This
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Priapism Research Paper
Priapism is an unwanted erection of the penis that usually develops without sexual stimulation or
desire. There are three types of priapism:
Recurrent acute priapism. With this type, erections are painful and last less than 3 hours. The
erections come and go.
Acute prolonged priapism. With this type, erections are painful and last hours to days. This type
can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Persistent priapism. With this type, erections are usually painless and can last weeks to years. The
penis gets erect but not rigid. This type can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Priapism affects males of all ages.
This condition develops either when blood has difficulty leaving the penis (low flow priapism) or
if too much blood ... Show more content on ...
Recurrent acute priapism is often managed at home. Acute prolonged priapism is usually treated at
a hospital. There treatment may involve:
Getting fluid and medicines for pain through an IV tube.
A blood transfusion.
A procedure to drain blood from the penis.
Surgery to make a passageway for blood to flow in the penis (surgical shunting).
No standard treatment exists for persistent priapism.
General Instructions
Avoid sexual stimulation and intercourse until your health care provider says it is okay.
Avoid drugs or alcohol if they caused the priapism. Avoiding them can help keep the condition from
coming back.
Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
Empty your bladder as much as possible.
Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
Do not take any medicines during an attack without getting approval from your health care provider.
Managing Recurrent Priapism
Try taking a warm bath or exercising.
Keep track of how long your erection lasts. If it does not get better in 3 hours, seek medical care.
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Who Is Benny Paret
Welterweight champion Benny Paret was renowned for his ability to receive a hit, and had
taken years of punishment in order to obtain his championship. Yet he proved, he was the
greatest every time he stepped in the ring. However, all good things will come to an end. In the
past two years, the fifteen round fights began to destroy his body. Eventually, it all would result
in a tragic end. As the story draws to a close, the genre and the theme unfold. It becomes clear the
author is emotionally invested, which allows for an in depth and personal view of the story. In
the end, we are able to relate more than one would simply assume, and the lesson we learn is we
are not the gods we all attempt to be. By the end of the journey, it is obvious the narrative is a
tragedy. The author has formed this safety blanket,... Show more content on ...
He creates an emotional connection; we have all tried and failed, and we can relate to Benny s
struggle. The fact of the matter is, time will catch up to us, and we can only play god for so
long. Benny would have stated he was indestructible, but reality hit him like a freight train. When
we place ourselves on the pedestal above the rest, it is only a matter of time before we are
knocked off the pedestal. One must remember, life is a fight, and resembling Benny; we can only
be champion for so long. In the end, this is a classic story of a man, who thought time could never
touch him. Benny thought he could withstand any punishment thrown at him, and he would still
walk away as the victor. Due to this, the author leads us to trust Benny would overcome the pain of
the thunderous hits and rally back to win. No longer is Benny only the protagonist, he is also now
the antagonist, which creates a perfect tragedy. Afterwards it becomes obvious the champion has
died on his feet, and the unmovable object had met the unstoppable force and
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Bone Cancer Body
There are a wide variety of cancers affecting people and their loved ones everyday such as breast,
lung, brain, and skin cancer just to name a few. Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer not talked
about quite as often, but it still affects a large number of people. It is important to learn about bone
cancerand its many manifestations in order to make quicker diagnoses and hopefully move closer
towards finding a cure. The first step in becoming familiar with bone cancer is to understand what
bones are and how they are formed within the body. Bones are very important because they make
up the structure of the human body, and provide protection for internal organs. They are a form of
connective tissue, and are considered the second hardest... Show more content on ...
It arises in the bone marrow of long bones causing localized pain and may be accompanied by a
tender, soft tissue mass (Eisenberg and Johnson, 2012, p. 125). The most common sites of
origination are the pelvis, ribs, femur, and humerus. Sometimes these tumors are deep seated
within the bone and may go undiagnosed long enough for the tumor to become very large,
resulting in a poorer prognosis for the patient. Those affected the most by ewing s sarcoma are
caucasians who are 20 or younger, with a peak of occurrence in 15 year olds. Although it is a
rarity for this type of tumor to develop in older individuals, there has been an increase in the
number of adults over 20 being diagnosed with it (Karosas,
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Florida Recruit Case Study
Florida Recruiting: Inaugural Early Signing Day Preview
Tomorrow marks the first early signing period for college football recruits. Prospects from around
the country will be shutting down their recruitment processes, signing, and early enrolling to their
program of choice.
Dan Mullen was introduced as the 27th head coach in Florida Gators history just three weeks prior
to the inaugural signing period.
Despite seven de commitments from the Gators 2018 recruiting class since the arrival of Mullen,
this staff have put themselves in a position to close out the early signing period with a profusion of
Florida has several prominent prospects that could find themselves in the #AllBite18 class on
Wednesday and Armchair examines the... Show more content on ...
The opportunity of playing time awaits Jones in Gainesville and many believe he will sign his letter
of intent to the Gators on Wednesday.
Prediction: Florida
DB Trey Dean (Hampton, Ga.) Dean is another big time prospect that seems to be eyeing the Gators
more than other programs.
Dean de committed from the Tennessee Volunteers two weeks ago, and ever since, the Gators have
made a pursuit at landing the nations 22nd ranked safety.
Dean (6 foot 2, 180 pounds) is a long, athletic defensive back that possesses tremendous football
IQ. His length at defensive back benefits him in jump ball situations, allowing him to make a play
on the ball at its highest point.
Following an official visit to the Gators this past weekend, I expect Florida to seal the deal with
Dean. Florida also recently hired the Volunteers defensive back coach from a season ago (Dean s
former coach he committed to), making the pitch to Dean much easier.
Dean would be the fourth safety prospect to sign for the Gators on Wednesday. The staff made this
unit a priority on the trail and it will pay off during the inaugural early signing
... Get more on ...
The Theme Of Flood Themes In The Gilgamesh Epic
[Title] The concept of ravaging waters destroying all of earth except one sole man and woman is
a constant theme across cultures. Almost all ethnic groups possess a story of a family surviving
a flood to repopulate the rest of the world. This idea is present in the Bible, in the Gilgamesh
epic, to even the Chinese. I will argue that mythological journeys across culture demonstrate a
reoccurring flood theme. The first flood myth recorded was in the Gilgamesh epic. Gilgamesh
was a demigod who sought after immortality after his best friend Enkidu dies. During this quest
he aims to find Utnapishtim, the one man that survived the great flood of the gods. According to
Moran, the flood was not a part of the original Gilgamesh epic (1995). The ancient Mediterranean
flood story states that Utnapishtim was chosen by the gods because mankind was intolerable. The
deity Ea warns Utnapishtim to build and ark and save the human race. Following the completion
of the ark, it begins to rain for 6 days and 6 nights. Concluding the rain, Utnapishtim s boat is
trapped on a mountain top for 7 additional days. At the end of his ordeal, Utnapishtim offers a
sacrifice to the gods, but Enlil is enraged that he escaped their efforts. Ea comes to Utnapishtim
rescue and convinces the gods that he escaped without any assistance. As a reward for his survival,
the gods grant Utnapishtim immortality. Moran argues that the story found it s way to be attributed
with the epic because it demonstrates that
... Get more on ...
Failure and Fast Track Project
Applied research technologies (ART) are one of the technology world s emerging giants consisting
of a portfolio of 60 business units. In 2006 the total corporate revenue was $11 billion.
One of its units is the filtration units which develop next generation of products and technologies.
But after two high profile new product failure, the unit had lost confidence. By 2006, it was losing
$6 million annually.
Peter Vyas, manager of filtration unit has to decide whether to support or reject the request for $2
million in funding for RIMOS (residential irrigation mini oxidation system) even after failing twice
on earlier ... Show more content on ...
* Wagner should off have complete data available when required by Jackson. * More time should
have been given for testing of earlier generation products. * There should have been more discipline
and interest in the market place.
This is the forecast for the next five years. As you can see the financial operating income is only
10% for your 2007 compared to the income in 2011. Therefore there is a 10% rise as per Wagner
s report. Jackson also expressed her concerns with the $2,000 retail price point and pushed Vyas to
clearly identify the risks associated with the plan. After further consideration, the team developed a
risk assessment and response matrix, which they included in the business plan. Therefore in case
the product fails a third time there could be a drop in operating income. Forecast Sales ( $
millions)| 2007$ 5.45| 2008$ 7.08| 2009$ 8.86| 2010$ 10.89| 2011$ 13.07| Forecast Operating
Income (%)| 10%| 15%| 20%| 20%| 20%| Risk| Level| Plan| May not gain market acceptance High
Ensure HVAC distribution support Highlight ART name Supplement marketing budget Product
design flaws Medium
... Get more on ...
Theme Of Carry In The Things They Carried
The idea of carrying in O Brien s The things they carried H.G. Wells once noted If we do not end
war war will end us . And indeed, the threat war poses is devastating physically or emotionally.
The Vietnam War is not an exception. O Brian s book, The Things They Carried, which is about
the Vietnam War, is a perfect example of description of the importance of carrying. One of the
passages in the book says that They (the characters of the book) carried the soldier s greatest
fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to.
...They died so as not to die of embarrassment . This is the paradigm of the concept of war and
emotions the soldiers carry. The book starts with a paragraph about Jimmy Cross keeping and
carrying letters from Martha; they are not loveletters, but they are very precious for Jimmy. He
reads and reads the letters imagining romantic meetings with Martha; He wants her to love him. By
keeping the letters, jimmy Cross tries to keep the memorable things and emotions that connects him
with Martha. However, besides their feelings, the soldiers carry all the necessary things they may
need when being far from home; the things dictated by the war and its conditions such as openers,
pocket knives,... Show more content on ...
Why has he written the book because he feels the weight of the necessary things or because he is
overwhelmed with those emotions and wants to share them? The most unbearable is to carry the
emotional weight caused by killing human beings. Physical pains stop sooner or later, but Tim O
Brien cannot forgive himself the killing. He has written the book to get free of his emotions, to
leave the Vietnam War and its terrible consequences behind. He knows that, unlike physical weight,
emotional weight of pain, burden and sense of guilt will never leave. He cannot reach the state of
unbearable lightness of
... Get more on ...
The Negative Consequences Of Smoking Marijuana
It isn t uncommon to turn on the radio or television to hear about one of the biggest and most
pressing threats descending over America. Marijuana is a recreational drug that is heavily
glamorized in today s pop culture, and is easily accessible from Metropolis s (and even smaller
cities. Way to keep it classy Alma.) all across the globe. But do the avid users of marijuana know
what the negative consequences of smoking are? Science and research shows that the negatives of
smoking cannabisoutweighs the short high one hundred times over. While smoking marijuana with
buddies after school may be cool , science is suggesting that people who smoke marijuana at least
once a week, are almost twice as likely to get certain infections, and even certain... Show more
content on ...
A study done by the United Kingdom shows the effects of long term marijuana use, and the
correlation with having a lack of motivation. The study followed nineteen marijuana users
(Group A), and nineteen non marijuana users(Group B) all with the same age and sex, to study
the chemicals in the brain that promote work ethic and reward driven behavior. Group A had
significantly lower amounts of the chemical in the brain called Dopamine. Dopamine is a feel
good chemical that is released when someone does something well or is complimented. Group B
had an average or above average amount of the dopamine chemical present in the brain. (Chow.)
This research is suggesting and is in the works of proving that marijuana is actually using the
chemical that makes people productive. In essence, Marijuana makes the body more susceptible
to getting serious infections, and deadly cancers. It also can bring one to infertility, or to the
brinks of it. In addition, it can lead to a severe lack of motivation. If someone who eventually
wants to have kids, and become a productive citizen, marijuana may be something to stay away
from. All it takes, is a simple no , and a little willpower. Don t forget, hugs not
... Get more on ...

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Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay

  • 1. Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay Ang Kahalagahan Ng Edukasyon Para Sa Akin Essay
  • 2. The Science Of The Earth Everything that surrounds us, when we re young, we call nature. Over time, as our knowledge progresses and we realize that our views expand far beyond our buildings, streets, our backyards, city, continent ... Our planet is a speck of dust in the solar system. Depending on the development of human society in different periods of human history, the way in which the universeis interpreted was changing. It started from the interpretation of the Earthas a flat plate that floats on water, than the hypothesis of the Big Bang, and about what will happen in the future we cannot even imagine. Every human epoch had some idea of their universe, so it is today. For this assignment, we had to gather at least three people outside the classroom, and... Show more content on ... I knew that they do not have some special knowledge of astronomy, especially my parents. However, I knew they were happy to help me with the assignment, and they will do it with pleasure. So it was. When I told them that I need their help, they were happy they could help. When it comes to school and good grades, parents will do anything to help me. My sister was not so excited about the astronomy conversation, but she still helped and took part in the conversation. Last weekend we had a brief conversation and preparation for next weekend, for a real conversation. I have decided that the main topic would be about the stars and the planets. I told them to feel free to do a research about the stars and planets. I also did some additional research, I made notes. After taking this class, I was ready and confident to talk about stars and planets. I have decided that we will also use the computer; with the pictures, it will just be more interesting. The conversation took place in our living room on Sunday, November 2nd. It lasted for about an hour. I found it very interesting to see my parents holding the notes, and waiting for the conversation to begin. However, my sister still was not excited to be a part of this conversation. Mom took care of sweets and drinks, and the conversation could begin. Although we agreed about the topics of the conversation, my mother wanted to start with the religious aspect of space. We allowed her to start on her way. I could have guessed ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Software Networks With Predictive Emptive Certificate OLSR based key management in VANET networks with Predictive Preemptive Certificate Chaima BENSAID1 , BOUKLI HACENE Sofiane2 , FAROUAN Kamel mohamed3 1 2 3 Computer science department, Djillali Liabes University at Sidi bel abbes , Sidi Bel Abbes , Algeria,, Abstract A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle equipped with communication resources (sensor). The optimal goal is that these networks will contribute to safer roads and more effective in the future by providing timely information to drivers. They are therefore vulnerable to many types of attacks. Many proposals have been proposed to secure communication in VANETs. In this paper; we propose an approach to adopt a new method of distributing certificates in VANET. In Our proposal the cluster head acts as a virtual CA and issues certificates to cluster members. The main objective of our approach is to avoid making a new certificate request in case a node passes from a cluster to another. This approach has been evaluated by simulation study using the simulator network NS 2. Keywords PKI; VANET; CA; OLSR I.INTRODUCTION A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle equipped with communication resources (sensor). In vehicular networks, there are three modes of communication, communications Vehicle to vehicle (V2V), communications Vehicle to Infrastructure ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Research Paper On Hypochondriasis Somatoform disorders are characterized by psychiatric medical condition identified by multiple medically unexplained physical symptoms. In other word, this is an illnesses that that occurs in the body without any apparent physical cause. In order to qualify for the diagnosis, physical complaints must be serious enough to interfere significantly with a person s ability to perform important activities, such as work, school and responsibilities, or lead the person experiencing the symptoms to seek medical treatment. Under the condition of somatoform disorder, some patients identify themselves as having hypochondriasis. Hypochondriasis is a somatoform disorder characterized by a medical illnesswhere individuals are preoccupied with the fear ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Revolution during the Swinging Sixties The 1960s was a turning point in American history. Many remember the decade as the Swinging Sixties, best remembered for the hippies and the Beatles, the Rolling stones and the Summer of Love, drugs, flamboyant fashion, and the permissive society (Fisher 3). Socially, fashion was making a 180 degree turn. The Beatles influenced fashion for many bands. As Garson stated in his book, Out were the matching jackets, ties, and pompadours, in were jeans, vests, and longer hair combed down in the style of the Beatles. (Garson 86). First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy influenced women s fashion a great deal as well. Fashion both followed and predicated political action. (Rielly 75 77). She set the fashion standards for women, and introduced new trends, such as the pillbox hat. Politically, an even that traumatized the American society was President John F. Kennedy s assassination. Lee Harvy Oswald assassinated him on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. One of John F. Kennedy s goals for America was to help reduce poverty. After his murder, President Lyndon B. Johnsonquickly jumped into office to help complete his work often known as the Great Society. It was the largest reform since Roosevelt s New Deal. Two very important pieces of legislation were passed. The Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign was passed into law...Johnson also signed the omnibus Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. (Lyndon Johnson s 1). But, his goal was made harder when America became more ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Status of Women in Colonial Society Mariama Bessane Professor Perine James American History 1151 Essay #1 Jan 7th,2016 Status of Women in Colonial Society Women were always considered inferior to men since day one. That belief had been existing until the eighteen century. During that period, English Colonists brought to America their ideologies with them. Women did not have the same rights as men did during that time. Women were tied in a leash, kept in the dark, and controlled by society. Life wasn t easy for them. They were not allowed to express their opinions, and if they did, they would be called wicked or evil and be negatively judged by society. During the colonial era, women played an important, if restricted role in work and religious life. During the... Show more content on ... Working in farmlands was not an easy task to do, but tobacco became the king of the lands and every hand was useful in order to cultivate it. Women were needed to work the lands no matter how fatiguing it was, and the only way they were able to make the journey through the colonies was to be in a contract as indentured servants. The name derived from the indenture, or contract, by which a person promised to work for a fixed number of years in return for transportation to America (America 75.) Working the land in the sizzling sun caused many servants to die from disease. Those who survived and completed their indentured contract could marry and even have lands with their husbands. Despite the restrictions put on women, the insufficiency of work created opportunities. Women in the city were able to have different lives from those living in farms. In the city, women could socialize with other women. Outside their home, and family, they were allowed to associate themselves with other women, and have their own women time without being bothered by husbands or children. For example, in the city, women could work outside their home as tavern hostesses, and shopkeepers and sometimes also worked as nurses, painters, printers, upholsterers, silversmiths, and tanners. (America 71) Generally speaking, women in the city had a better life than those who lived on the farms. Women were not only active in working lands and taking care of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Canada Goose The Canada Goose The Branta Canadensis, better known as the Canada Goose is a magnificent bird which can be found all over North America. People from all over North America look towards the sky when the Canada Geese go honking overhead in their trademark V formation, and because they nest all over Canada and some of the United States many people have a chance to witness the birds migration to the nesting grounds and back to the wintering grounds. The Canada Goose is respected by so many of us because of it s dignity and courage and refusal to give up. Over the years the Canada Goose has picked up many slang names, some of these are: Canadian Goose, Canadian Honker, Honker, Honker Goose, Big Honker, Old Honker, Boy Goose, Bernache ... Show more content on ... The Canada Goose has ten vocalizations or calls which it uses to communicate with other Canada Geese, honking, long distance call, greeting, alarm, short distance call of mate, short distance call to goslings, special greeting for female, adult distress, gosling distress, and gosling contentment call as well as a scream of pain when the bird is bitten (Wormer). It takes a female goose a day to a day and half to lay an egg (Wormer). Each goose lays and average of five to six eggs, sometimes only two and sometimes one goose may lay eleven to twelve eggs (Wormer). With sixty percent of all eggs laid hatching tow Canada Geese produce an average of three goslings per year (Wormer). Male to Female births are split down the middle, 50 50 (Wormer). The eggs are dull white and 2.86 by 1.89 inches to 3.43 by 2.34 inches (Godfrey) and weigh 3.5 to 7.5 ounces (Breen). The incubation period lasts twenty five to twenty eight days with an average incubation temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit (Wormer). Most of the Canada Geese killed from hunting are twelve to twenty three years old (Wormer). Canada Geese in captivity however live an aver age of twenty to thirty years and sometimes even over forty (Wormer). The Canada Goose has a very rapid growth rate, in fact if an average human baby were to grow as fast as a gosling it would weigh one hundred and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Pat Skillington Research Paper Living Biography Pat Skillington 1. My grandma s name is pat Skillington. She was born in August. 30,1952. The place she was born in was St.Louis Missouri. She is my favorite grandma, she always likes to cook with me. 2.Her dad, William hershal dover, was born in November. 15, 1928. He also was born in St.louis Missouri. And her mom, Margret dover, was also born in St. Louis Missouri. She was born December. 10, 1926. 3. She had no brothers or sisters. She only had a lot of cousins. There would be a certain few cousins that would get in a lot of trouble. There was also one cousin who always would bring wild animals inside. She once kept an animal as a pet. 4. She had three dogs as a child. A collie was her first, it was also... Show more content on ... She had a few after school activities like art club and she worked at her dads shop. She would sweep the floors, restock the shelves and work the cash register. Her college training was art and music. She went to the university of Missouri for 3 years from 1970 1973. Her church that she goes to is Jerome christian church( went to Catholic Church when she was a little girl). 16. She had many jobs. She first worked at her dads scuba shop, a teachers aid, worked at a fabric store foe a year, 2 insurance agencies, a substitute teacher for the elementary, a sewing teacher at the store and at home, a reading volunteer at the elementary and worked in communication property rating policy s. 17. Her first car was a 1970 red chevy vega. It also had black racing stripes. Her first car accident was hitting a deer in the country. Her head lights were broken. She was 26 and pregnant with her first daughter at the time. She had two kids the oldest, Jessica and the youngest, Jennifer. 18. She had lots of vacations. She went to bar harbor in Maine. She also visited the grand canyon, Hawaii, Norway and saw pearl harbor in in Hawaii. She also went to Michigan and Florida on vacations with her ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Examples Of Conformity In The Giver We all know what it feels like, to go to a new school and the excitement that follows. Then you go in the building and suddenly the mood changes, everyone is staring at you. The excitement is only distant memories and it makes you uncomfortable and you might even hate the school on first sight. If conformity is put into place, then everyone will be happier and safer. I think conformityhelps our society by creating a more harmonized, safer, and a more balanced community. Conformity is better than individualism as in the communities are safer. The novel The Giver by Lois Lowry tells us about their conformitized community. Jonas, on page 63, says to the reader that the community is extremely protective of every one in the community and that ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Mall And Beyond In examining the article Around the Mall and Beyond , by Michael Kernan, the author seems to make an argument illustrating the existence of artifacts, practically everywhere. In this article, I concur with his position that there are likely artifacts and remains wherever one might go. This is because we are not the first inhabitants of this land, as such, remains of humans, animals, tools etc. could likely be found in any area if searched for in depth enough. The author makes a specific reference to the National Historic Preservation Act, which I particularly agree with. The author goes on to use several instances in history where history were discovered on sites which were being considered for or in the process of being converted into ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Music Redub Movie Interpretation The Music Redub was an interesting project. At first it seemed straight forward and easy, but as I began thinking about the the Film School movement and how the great directors used their film history knowledge to format something new, I realized that great attention to detail, editing, and music choice, all influence the final filmproduct. My Music Redub marries the ending scene of Tommy Boy with Tommy in the sailboat saying goodbye to his father with the theme music to Jaws. The twist of having the heavy Jaws theme paired with the lighthearted Tommy talking to his father changes the whole feel of the scene. I chose to feature a clip from the B movie and cult classic Tommy Boy in my Music Redub. Growing up in northwest Ohio, Tommy Boy (1995) was the movie that everyone referenced and quoted because it featured the hometown of Sandusky, Ohio. That s gonna leave a mark! was your instant... Show more content on ... Dad s help is seen through the grass, trees, and wind moving the sailboat. In the Music Redub version, Tommy asks for a little help, and then Jaw theme starts. The movement of the grass and trees, paired with the music, makes the viewer anticipate something bad to happen. When Tommy hits his head on the boom, it appears that it was an attack, rather than the wind moving the sail. Music in a film creates the atmosphere and is very important in setting the mood of a scene. The Music Redub helped me to learn more about the decisions that an editor must consider in the movie making process. It was fun to create incoherence in the scene by changing the music. Both Tommy Boy and Jaws are cult classics and B movies that were given the block buster treatment. Both movies have survived through the years and are enjoyed by both all types of audiences. Whenever I hear the Jaw theme music, I know that it is definitely going to leave a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. I Hear The Cry Of My Life I hear the cry. Of course it is four thirty in the morning and my little boy is ready for his middle of the night feeding. This is the everyday life of a mother of two. I wrap my bundle of joy up and feed him. While this usually isn t a normal time for people to think about their hopes and dreams it tends to be mine. At the age of sixteen, I moved with my husband to Norman and realized that the best opportunities for my family s future would be to pursue a professional degree. My college experience began the summer after I graduated a year early from high school. This definitely left me clueless at answering the dreaded question, What are you going to do for the rest of your life? But the one thing I had set in stone was being in the medical field. After picking the wrong major over and over, I felt passionate and committed to follow a career in medical imaging. When I think about a sonographer s job the first thing that comes to mind is a computer. Recently, I had multiple ultrasounds during my second pregnancy. Every time I stepped into the perinatal center I got excited. While I was thrilled to see my little boy swimming around I couldn t help but be excited to see the ultrasound preformed. When we were let back into the room I couldn t resist trying to read all the buttons on the computer and try to figure out how to work the machine. In high school, I joined the bot ball team. Botball is a program that engages middle and high school students in a team oriented ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Animals In Captivity Research Paper Animals in Captivity Zoos have been around for many years, the first one opening on July 1, 1987 in Philadelphia, USA. Although the quality of zoos has changed and developed over the many years since then, some people believe that the zoos shouldn t exist, including organisations that strive to close down zoos and return the animals back to their natural habitat. Even though some zoos have billions invested into them they will never really be able to compete with an animal s natural habitat. Zoos attempt to replicate an animal s natural habitat but in reality all they re doing is subjecting the animals to a life in captivity where they re unable to perform most of their natural instincts, such as hunting, flying, foraging and even choosing their own partner. Increasing numbers of zoos are using breeding programmes in an attempt to avoid the extinction of various animals, but the problem behind this is that the animals who are being bred do not get to choose their own mate and under some circumstances needed to be artificially inseminated. ... Show more content on ... Zoochosis is where an animal, in captivity, begins to become stressed or uncomfortable with the environment that they are subjected to. This can cause the animal to become unwell with zoochosis; the symptoms of zoochosis can include bar biting, coprophagia which is where an animal consumes and is playing with excrement, self mutilation such as the animals pulling their own fur out, scratching themselves or causing themselves pain and injury, swaying, rocking and pacing. These are some of the most common symptoms of zoochosis and this happens simply because the animal is in captivity and they re unable to express themselves in the way they would usually be able to, if they were in their natural ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Matleb MATLAB is an efficient, user friendly and interactive software package, which is very effective for solving engineering, mathematical and system problems. Two versions of MATLAB commercially available are the professional and the student versions. The professional version includes only the standard tool box and any other tool boxes must be purchased separately. The size of the matrices is limited by the memory constrains and is expensive. The student version of MATLAB includes the basic tool box, Simulink and symbolic tool box functions. The size of the matrices is large but limited and inexpensive. Standard student packages are signal processing, control systems and symbolic math. MATLAB is a high performance language for technical computing.... Show more content on ... Graphs are an important way to communicate and visualize trends and patterns that are otherwise difficult to identify and gain valuable insight into a given relation or problem in this way. Information when given in the form of tables can be easily graphed and be used to make educated predictions and decisions. A graph, like an equation, is the language that best helps recognize the relationship, which exists between the variables involved in a situation. Graphs, like languages, have specific rules, some of which date back to ancient civilizations. It is believed that the coordinate system was first used in ancient times for urban planning, surveying, and astronomy in the old Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. For thousands of years, the rectangular coordinate system was used, not exactly the way we know it today. It was not until the 1600s, when it was rediscovered by the mathematicians of the time that geometric problems could be solved by using algebraic equations and vice versa. Rene Descartes (1596 1650) and Pierre Fermat (1601 1665) are credited with being the first mathematicians in taking such an approach. This approach evolved over time into the Cartesian coordinate system, as it is known today. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Comparing If We Must Die And The Lynching During a time of rebirth for the African Americans in Harlem, writer Claude McKay embraced a militant mindset that quickly became the basis for the Harlem Renaissance. Despite being born in Jamaica, he came to the United States in 1912 and soon after published works that spread throughout the Unites States and brought him fame. Frustrated by the racism present in the South, McKay would denounce racism though his writing. His poem, If We Must Die, was published during the Red Summer in 1919 and directly embodies his ardent and zealous spirit. The period of racial violence called for such action, yet in his following poem, The Lynching, published less than a year later in 1920, McKay s writing conveys a completely different message that questioning... Show more content on ... Both make use of the sonnet form, an appeal from McKay to a higher level of white academics. He aims to prove his worth and educated status using a form that would compare him to authors like Shakespeare. By proving himself to a larger, white audience, his message is more easily appreciated and understood. But through both, there is still mystery as to why there is a drastic difference in tone. On one hand, it could be due to the time difference. His reaction to the Red Summer in If We Must Die comes from a place of deep emotion. His mentality to challenge the racial situation spread through the whole community, prompting numerous others to speak out collectively with him. McKay inspired a class to emerge with radical ideals not previously prominent. On the other hand, the emotion that is shown in his writing could express his change of opinion from outcry and anger to hopeless and depressed. Between 1919 and 1920, McKay was exposed to the reality of the racial situation that opposed his beliefs and core mission. When his vision did not come to fruition, he realized the problem was deeply engrained and not easily solved. Using this knowledge, his later work, The Lynching calls for self motivation and recognition of the problem to face adversity. In both outlets, McKay proves successful in expressing his hope for resilience and prosperity for the African Americancommunity. Claude McKay was able to channel his acrimony towards lynching into his poetry to incite a generation of individuals that fight back for innate human ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Comparing Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God... Jonathan Edwards creates a more effective argument for the intended audience in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God than The Speech in the Virginia Convention written by Patrick Henry, by utilizing various techniques. Patrick Henry makes a strong argument however in the end, Edwards sermon grows to be more effective. Edwards creates the argument by strengthening the writing through tone, structure, fallacies and knowledge of the congregation that became his audience. Henry s piece uses methods of oratory persuasion but the actual topic of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God has an advantage from the start by appealing to fear, a fallacyof logic. Even with the strong basis The Speech in the Virginia Convention by Patrick... Show more content on ... The tone appeals to several fallacies of logic such as, Bandwagon, Broad Generalization, Either Or thinking, Appeal to Belief, Appeal to Emotion, Appeal to Popularity, Appeal to Fear, Appeal to Consequences of a Belief, and Appeal to Tradition, all which impact the church congregation. The use of tone that includes fallacies helps Edwards write a more convincing piece than Patrick Henry s speech. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God becomes very effective for the intended audience when knowledge of the customs and traditions that shape the impacted audience Become taken into consideration. The typical colonist was usually a devout Christian and made church a huge part of their lives. Jonathan Edwards believed that the colonists had begun to put less emphasis on God and Christianity, as a result he preached this sermon to persuade the congregation to bring God back to the focal point of their lives or risk the wrath of God and possibly the eternal torments of Hell. Jonathan Edwards was believed by his audience of the congregation without a doubt because of his position in society as a preacher. Patrick Henry s intended audience was the president of the convention that he ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Value Of College Sports For the countless numbers of amateur athletes, college sporting events represent high quality competition, education about the sport, and shear excitement from cheering on your favorite team. Although TV networks pay dearly to film the games and observes invest extreme prices to watch, college sporting events do not make hefty profits. According to this document, the Knight Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, which has proposed a reform agenda for collegesports, about 70 percent of major college programs now lose money. As shocking as that may seem, expenses are accumulated by the search for revenues, which is extremely consumed with all of the entertainment we are provided with today. With the minuscule number of high school ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay On Nazi Concentration Camp Auschwitz During WWII, Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, located in Poland, was used for a holding facility, work camp, and extermination camp for undesirables. The sad and horrible conclusion is that no one cared that Jews were being murdered... This is the Jewish lesson of the Holocaust and this is the lesson which Auschwitz taught us. Ariel Sharon Auschwitz was a camp that people most likely did not want to be sent to. They would get beat, tortured and murdered daily. Auschwitz, the Nazi german concentration and extermination camp, is the most recognizable symbol of the holocaust and place of genocide in the world. During WWII, Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, located in Poland, was used for a holding facility, work camp, and extermination ... Show more content on ... They would starve them, torture them, and even murder prisoners in the camp. Auschwitz will forever remain the black hole of the entire human history. Isaac Herzog The gas chambers were used to kill Soviet POWs and Jews. It evolved into a network of camps where Jewish people and other perceived enemies of the Nazi state were exterminated often in gas chambers, or used as slave labor. There was too many people in the camp so they had to kill some. They had ovens in the camp that they used for burning dead bodies found in the camp. The Nazi concentration and extermination camp, located in Poland, was used for different types of things such as Holding facilities, Work camp, and Extermination camps. The camp was used for holding prisoners until another camp had room. They would make them work and torture them and even murder prisoners. Moral/Significance of information: Sometimes they would make the prisoners line up outside and stand there until the SS guards arrived. The weather was very cold even during the summer. The guards would force the prisoners to squat for an hour with their hands above their heads, or punishments such as beatings or detention for things like having a missing button or an improperly cleaned food ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Grounded Theory And The Constructivist Theory Research Design This research will be conducted using grounded theory methods and is intended to be anchored in the constructivist epistemology. Grounded theory, an inductive qualitative research method, was chosen for this study because, while many ideas may exist concerning how poor, working class clients experiences of counseling may affect their perspectives of and style of participation in individual counseling, specific factors have not been identified from existing research. Hence it seems most effective to allow the data to reveal the factors that affect working class clients expectations and perspectives about counselor interaction with them during the counseling process. As counseling can be a unique and different experience... Show more content on ... This process of constructing knowledge is not typically done individually; instead, human beings are born into a culture of meaning and work with other humans to construct knowledge together (Crotty, 1998). Consequently, the constructivist grounded theory researcher intends to fully describe and understand the individual participant s knowledge and understanding of the studied object or phenomenon (Charmaz, 2014). Researcher s Positioning This subjectivity statement is presented to acknowledge the researcher s related perspectives and experiences. This statement is intended to allow the reader to further consider the credibility of the study, while situating the researcher and the study in a particular context. In the tradition of constructivist grounded theory, the researcher s perspectives and experiences as relating to the topic under study are an important, inextricable aspect of the research process (Charmaz, 2014). The purpose of this study is to explore, by means of a series of personal interviews, how poor and working class clients describe their experiences in individual counseling. Understanding what such clients report to be helpful or unhelpful experiences about the counseling context will increase our ability to understand ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Social Skills Essay Social skills are the skills or tools a person or people use to communicate and interact with one another, both verbally or non verbally, through gestures, body language or personal appearance. Although, human beings are sociable creatures and have developed many methods to communicate our messages, thoughts and feelings with others. Developing social skills is about being aware of how we communicate with each other. Characteristic of social skills at the workplace : Social skills are goal directed. Socially skilled behaviors are interrelated in the sense that one person may use more than one kind of behavior at the same time, for the same goal. Social skills should be appropriate to the situation of communication. ... Show more content on ... People are more interested in likeable people as likeable people are (or at least appear to be) more interested in them. Most people know you cannot advance far in life without strong interpersonal relationships. Focusing on relationships will help you get a job, get promoted and make new friends. Well honed social skills can increase your happiness and satisfaction and give you a better outlook on life. Also relationships can help to reduce the negative effects of stress and boost one s over all ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Case 2 Bucks Essay ACTG 350 Case 2 Due: Tuesday, December 2nd (at the beginning of class). Required: Complete the requirements outlined in the following case developed by the Deloitte Foundation. Your memo should carefully develop arguments supporting your conclusions based on your interpretation of ASC 230 10.Your memo should not exceed 3 pages and be formatted in a professional manner. Please submit one case per group. To access ASC 230 10 please log into the FASB Accounting Standards Codification website: Student Access Username AAA51526 Password x43AYtX Buck s Dilemma: Gross or Net? Buck s Hunting Equipment Inc. ( Buck ) is a retailer of hunting equipment, hunting apparel, and outdoor accessories. Buck s... Show more content on ... 2. For each of the following scenarios, on the basis of the specific facts and circumstances, determine whether Buck should present its borrowing and payment activity under the Facility on a net or gross basis within the financing activities section of its statement of cash flows. Scenario 1: The line of credit has a maximum borrowing capacity of $100 million, and under the terms of the agreement, all draws are considered to be due on demand. On July 15, 2010, Buck drew $60 million on the Facility. On August 30, 2010, Buck drew an additional $40 million on the Facility. On September 30, 2010, Buck paid down the draws by $50 million. Assume the volume of transactions is considered to be large. Scenario 2: The line of credit has a maximum borrowing capacity of $100 million, and under the terms of the agreement, specific maturity terms will be negotiated by Buck and the bank after each draw on the Facility. On June 15, 2010, Buck drew $60 million, and signed a note to repay the full amount borrowed by December 15, 2010. On September 30, 2010, Buck drew an additional $40 million, and signed a note to repay the full amount borrowed by December 1, 2010. On December 1, 2010, Buck paid $40 million to the bank related to the second draw. On December 15, 2010, Buck paid $60 million to the bank related to the first draw. Assume the volume of the transactions is considered to be large. Scenario 3: The line ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Air And Test Evaluation Segment One The organization chosen is Air and Test Evaluation Squadron One. The mission of this squadron is to conduct operational test and evaluation of new acquired weapon systems, support systems, and aircraft for the U.S. Navy. In interfacing with mission systems and fleet introduction, Air and Test Evaluation Squadron One does it first. In the acquisition phase, the navy has several initial and developmental test and evaluation squadrons; however, these squadron use contract and government maintenance and flight personnel to conduct primary and subsequent examination and analysis of newly acquired systems in a controlled environment. After completion of initial and developmental test, the weapon systems, support systems, and aircraft are forwarded for operational test and evaluation. In this role, the navy tasks two squadrons with this mission. To further examine systems and aircraft, Air and Test Evaluation Squadron One, in particular, has a staff of 400 sailors and these sailors (maintenance technicians and aircrew ... Show more content on ... In influencing others through my actions, scripture reminds me Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value other above yourselves, not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of the others (Philippians 2:3 4, NIV). In serving others with honesty and sincerity, I place the goals of the country, navy, squadron, and individuals before mine. In addition, Proverbs 27:17 states As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (NIV). In my daily walks around squadron spaces, I talk and engage with sailors to interact, relay information, and assess situations. More importantly, this scripture reminds me to mentor sailors to promote quality of life issues, personal and professional development, and maintain good order and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Descriptive Essay About Mama Haoua Every time I see my mother I have the benefit of taking in her beauty. My mother s light brown eyes are bright and lovely so that the richness of her mind and soul there shines. They flash red when right feels wrong with her. Those eyes also glow with warmth and tender lights of love. Her abundant black curls fall softly on her beautiful face and feel softly upon my cheeks whenever I hug her. She has loving hands that are so gentle, so kind, so soft that have toiled smoothly through all the years. The three great smiles that she has are 1) a radiant smile that spreads such joy and sunshine on all that share her happy heavenly life, 2) a smile that hides the pain of heart and soul, and 3) a smile that lightens life s so bitter trials and brings such calm and peace to heavy hearts. Her beautiful face has shown so pure and tranquil above my head through all my life and dreams. The light brown eyes, the abundant curls, the smile, the silky smooth skin all blend serenely to form a lovely face. A mother who loves adventure and independence, a mother who generally leads and direct others and like to establishes their personal identity. Haoua, a mother of seven, the love she holds for each of her children are buried within her heart while the beauty of her eyes sparks like diamonds. Thesis statements; Mama Haoua s beauty, Mama Haoua s Heartbreaks, Mama Haoua s cooking. A mother who has been through heartbreaking since she was considered married, 1) heartbreak of losing her youngest ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Fight For Black Civil Rights When any society says that I cannot marry a certain person, that society has cut off a segment of my freedom. Martin Luther King Jr, 1958. This provocative statement, in reference to interracial matrimony during the fight for black civil rights in America is unfortunately once again significant, however this time in reference to marriageequality in Australia. The failure of the law to allow all couples regardless of sex to marry, and furthermore refusal to acknowledge marriages conducted overseas, is a disgrace to the nation supposedly know as accepting of difference and intolerant to discrimination. Among innumerable reasons why marriage equality should be legalized in Australia, a prominent one is that restricting the option to marry any citizen is discriminatory and unconstitutional. This sort of treatment not only deprives every day people of their dignity, creating a second class of citizens, but also suggests that LGBTI+ people are somehow unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society. A lack of opportunity to formalize same sex relations implies that these relationships aren t of equal standard, exacerbating unjust prejudice and intolerance. This impression is promoted through the lack of financial, medical and social rights associated with marriage to individuals in a civil union, the supposed adequate equivalent for marriage. Although the legalisation of marriage equality would have no impact on non LGBTI+ communities, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Lab Report On Chemical Compounds Abstract: In this lab report two unknown substances will be tested. The tests performed were looking for the presence of the main biomolecules, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. The tests used will be used in the Lab report are; The Benedicts test to test for sugars, the Iodine test for coiled or non coiled carbs, The Grease spot test for lipids, and the Biuret test for proteins. Tests show that both substances had different responses to the Benedicts test. Both substances shared the same response to the Iodine test. In the Grease spot test both showed the same. In the Biuret test the unknown substances resulted differently from each other. Introduction/ Discussion: Discussed in Chapter 5 The Composition of... Show more content on ... Unsaturated fats include items such as olive oil and soybean oil. Saturated fats are fats that are become solid in room temperature; examples include lard, butter, and coconut oil. To test for lipids the grease spot test can be implemented. In the grease spot test it is to be observed if the spot is translucent, this indicates there are lipids. Proteins are components of tissue; proteins themselves are composed of amino acids which serve as building blocks. To test for proteins the Biuret test is used. Using a Biuret reagent the color of the solution will change depending on the presence of proteins. The solution will turn from blue to violet if proteins are indeed present. In this lab for testing the unknowns each test will be performed on unknown substances to test for the appearance of the four main molecules. These tests are important because they show the presence of these biomolecules which are in organisms. Materials and Methods: All materials and experiment steps were provided by the test from Exploring Biology in the laboratory. (Pendarvis. Carwley.) Two unknown solutions were tested. The first solution tested is B3. Using the Benedicts test the test tube was labeled at the 0.5cm mark and 1.0cm mark. The same thing was done with the A1 solution test tube. After filling ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Protestant Ethic And Spirit Of Capitalism Brayan MunanteSpring 2017 Prof. DeliaTERM PAPER Sociology 101 The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber (1864 1920) considered seriously about the emerging dilemmas from the socio cultural and political state of affairs in Germany and criticised purely the historical materialistic concept of explanations. Within his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , Weber instead depicts a more conceivable and pragmatic explanation that the materialization of capitalism owed much to the specific patterns of religious motivational explanations in Calvinism between various industrialists at that period. As these people (Calvinists) believed that god s knowledge and astuteness was immeasurable to ... Show more content on ... Additionally, Weber explains that the progress in administrative sphere can be directed only through a guided reckoning, impartiality and competence. In the intellectual sphere, progress was thought to be achieved by the aid of scientific methods, testing skills, experiential data collection because theories that are imitative through scientific reasoning supersede to those that are previously attributed to magical causes. However, this particular enlightenment ideology of motive and self realisation is distinguishable with that of Marx s view of progress and is still qualified by Weber by the rationalisation itself. Compared to Marx perspective, the rationalisation and progress according to Weber involve the positive features of effectiveness, manageability, uniformity, unavoidability and impartiality. These positive aspects of rationalisation can result in enhanced capacity, the development of capacity and power relations and thereby assists in attaining progress in each sphere depicted above. Unlike Marx, rationalisation in economic perspective as witnessed in Western Capitalism was been considered by Weber as the process of reasoning out unreasonable sentiments that hamper accrual and estimation of profit, progress and sentiments like faith, thoughtfulness solidarity ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Program Being Implemented Is A Mentoring Program Based... Class Project The program being implemented is a mentoring program based off of the successful model of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Using this mentoring approach to rehabilitative ends, allows for the successful integration of many different key factors that need to change in order for success. Mentoring has proven to be effective in treating crime and delinquency in multiple crime/offense types. Add to that as well the promising results in regard to drugs and substance abuse, educational improvements, and mental health and behavioral health involved with psychological functioning. In all, this gives credence to a program based on mentoring and using it to treat at risk youth between the ages of 6 and 18. Setting up this program requires a community partner in order to implement the program fully and effectively. It is for this reason I have partnered with the Police Athletic League. By engaging juveniles in the community, at a vulnerable time in their life, and surrounded by many great peers, creates the environment needed for this program to move forward. The Police Athletic League (PAL) is one of the oldest youth programs in the nation, catering to a variety of different sports. PAL builds relationships between law enforcement and youth within the community, and is based on the belief, that if tackled early enough, these youth can be aided in building strong relationships, not only with the community, but with the police serving in it as well. Studies have shown that if ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Revolutionary War A Just War Analysis Have you ever wondered if the beginning of the United Sates was based off of a just war? Saint Augustine, a renowned Christian theologian and philosopher, addressed the idea of a just war during the time of the Roman Empire. Augustine is well known for his book City of God in which he first introduces his standards of a just war. These standards must be met for a war to be classified as just. This new concept that war could be approved by God and used for good revolutionized the way Christians viewed war. Although written hundreds of years ago, these standards have truly stood the test of time because they are still referred to today. Based on Augustine s standards, The Revolutionary War can be argued as a just war because there was a just ... Show more content on ... However, war has changed significantly over the past few decades. America should tighten their standards of war so that we are only involved in wars hat directly threaten our national security. This would result in America taking part in far fewer conflicts which would save money and resources, reduce the number of unnecessary lives lost, and reduce the hatred of America in many countries. Tightening the standards would insure that future wars are fought for the protection of our country, but not for spreading democracy or nation building. America has continuously meddled in other countries affairs, which has led to a growing anger and resentment of America in those countries. Reducing anger towards America becomes even more important since our country now has a relatively open immigration policy which has allowed immigrants from countries into America. Without knowing who these immigrants are or what their intentions are, our country becomes more susceptible to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay Growing Up, Staying Young Growing Up, Staying Young I had trouble sleeping that night. The peaceful, rhythmic breathing of my younger sister across the room could not calm me as I lay under the covers in the dark, listening for the heavy footsteps of an elderly man sneaking through the downstairs floor of my house. With one hand firmly choking Red Blankie, I reached with the other to turn the alarm clock on my bedstand toward me. The fluorescent red digits whispered 12:03 in the still, black room. Perhaps he will come soon. Delicate tingles danced up my arms, as I froze like a nervous cat, ears up, ready and alert. I rehearsed the carefully planned sequence of events in my head. A suspicious and unfamiliar sound from the living room would be my ... Show more content on ... This world is but a canvas to our imagination, wrote Henry David Thoreau. As a young child, I clung to this inspirational message and ran with it to millions of marvelous places in my mind. I believed in everything, from my invisible collie Fluffy to Santa Claus, Rudolf, and the rest of the reindeer. Everything I saw and heard and read sang to me, inspired me, and thrilled me. When my mom wouldn t let me have a puppy, Fluffy came into my life. She was my imaginary collie, every bit as real as the dogs I saw climbing against the scratched windows of the mall pet shops. I took her for walks around my back yard, fed her juicy crimson mulberries from our tree, and taught her to rescue children from burning buildings, like Lassie did on Nickelodeon. My time with Fluffy was limited, however, when I found a job in the restaurant business. As the owner, waiter, and cook, I spent many hours in the red and yellow playhouse in my basement taking orders from hungry customers and preparing exotic foods for their culinary pleasure. My best friend Jenny joined me in many of my childhood adventures. After reading Freckle Juice by Judy Blume in second grade, she and I were convinced we could get rid of her horrible brown freckles with a fantastic concoction of rainbow colored vitamins, brilliant blue bathroom cleanser, delightful soap bubbles, hairspray mist, and two tablespoons of mouthwash. Unfortunately, Jenny ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Unsolvable Obstacles If you think about it, life is full of not only a bunch of unsolvable mysteries, but also obstacles. However, are those obstacles unsolvable? No. Just because there are obstacles in life doesn t mean that you should give up and not care. Trying is what makes you the person you are, and it brings out the real you. When something happens in life do you give up, or do you keep your head up and try your best? As I approached my fifth grade year my brother and I received news from our dad that he was going to iraq to work on the military base for construction. And at first I did not really think about how much it would effect me personally besides just my dad going out of town for a while. But as schoolcame around I found myself missing my father more and more and not being able to focus in class and I just got distracted by the smallest things. However, I knew that just because my dad was gone didn t mean that I could just not try in school, and that I had to get my priorities straight. So with the help of my mom and my aunt, I pulled through with somewhat decent grades at the end of the year. Of course my grades... Show more content on ... With a two year gap between my older brother and I there was a lot of comparison between the two of us. But naturally, I was compared to dakota (my older brother) more than he was compared to me. I had push myself to be like him when in reality I was so focused on being like him, I never really learned how to be myself until he went to college. And honestly I think that is what made me who I am to day. With all of the people not necessarily wanting me to be like him, but just thinking I would naturally grow up to be like him, it gave me a mind set that I didn t want to be like him at all. That is not a bad thing though, as my own individual I learned to how my own personality and it gave me the self confidence I ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Business Research Methodology ASSIGNMENT Business Research Methodology How to write Research Purpose, Objectives and Summary Syed Qasim MBA Question No. 1 State research purpose, objectives and summarize each article with reference (i.e. literature review format). Case Study No 1 Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study of the Supply Chain Department of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Reseach Purpose : The purpose of this study is to ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs. Objective To analyze the HRM practices of an organization with a view to unlock the talent, experience, wisdom and common sense of the staff within the organization by... Show more content on ... Summary 1.Organization commitment can be defined as affiliation of employees to the organization and involvement in it. Emotional attachment to the objectives and values of an organization is commitment Buchanan (1974). Organizational commitment is the aggregate internalized normative demands to perform in a manner which meets organizational objectives and interests (Wiener, 1982). In view of the literature available we can say that for university teachers, organizational commitment can be considered as their belief in and acceptance of the university goals and values, their desire to remain part of universities and act in way that is beneficent for universities. Herzberg theorized job satisfaction as a function of motivators that gives job satisfaction and hygiene which results in job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction as an emotional situation related to the positive or negative judgment of job experiences Locke (1969). The classic study of school teachers by Dan Lortie (1975) emphasized that there are three types of rewards which teachers seek in their careers: extrinsic, ancillary, and psychic/intrinsic. An extrinsic reward in this context means money income, prestige, and power. Weiss and Cropanzano (1996, Thoms, Dose, and Scott, 2002), argued that job satisfaction is personal assessment of individual for his/her job and work context. Teacher job satisfaction is determined by the degree to which the individual perceives ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Investment Style Focused on Risk Diversification Diversification, Schmiversification Steve Smith, 23, recently out of college, has just won $15 million in the lottery. After buying a few things, he realizes that he still has quite a bit of money, and starts to look at the big picture and what he should do. After his girlfriend shoots down his dreams of buying an island paradise where he could relax and golf all day, or buying his own rocket ship, Steve is forced to think of more practical things to do with his newly acquired fortune. Unable to find a way to spend it all, Steve decides to save and invest most of his winnings. He begins searching financial magazines and the internet for the best way to build his capital. Steve faces an issue that many investors today faceВ—not a... Show more content on ... His lack of diversification is a strong contrast to that of the traditional method; however, this lack of diversification has helped his personal portfolio to outperform market indexes, used as benchmarks for returns on stock market investments, such as the Dow Jones Industrial, the Nasdaq, and the Standard and Poor s 500 (S P 500) every year for the past 40 years. In his article Warren Buffett: The World s Greatest Investor, financial journalist Maynard Patton presents some quotes from Warren Buffett on his investment style. Buffett is attributed with saying conventional diversification makes no sense for [a know something investor]. It is apt simply to hurt your results and increase your risk. Buffett s rationale is that investors should not buy shares of a stock unless they feel the company they are buying into will be around for a while. To make an assumption that a particular company will still be a functioning body in the future would require some knowledge of the company s financial situation and the industry in which it operates. Essentially, Buffett believes that people should only invest in companies with which they are familiar. Along these lines, one of his strongholds is that many people purchase stocks of companies in industries with which they are not familiar for the sake of diversification. Making a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. I Am The Cheese Movie And Book Comparison I Am The Cheese is a book written by Robert Cormier in 1977. It more than likely takes place in the 1960 s to the early seventies. In 1983, a movie was made based off this book. Both the movie and the book follow the same fundamental plotline but there are some differences. This includes different characters, points of view, and a different ending. In I Am The Cheese, a boy named Adam Farmer is being interrogated about his life by a man named Brint. There are three separate plotlines in this story including the past, a bike ride, and the interrogation. Adam has many hardships in his life and seems to be going crazy. He starts to become suspicious of his dad because it seems like he is hiding something from him. Later on his dad reveals ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Analysis Of Raoul Peck s French Cinema Diel Powell Dr. Kirkpatrick December 14th, 2016 National French Cinema Raoul Peck France is the birthplace of cinema and is responsible for many of its significant contributions to the art form worldwide, including the filmmaking process itself. I ve learned about the greats but haven t been introduced to a man quite as distinguished and relatable to myself as a young black aspiring creator. Early Life: Although not born in France, Raoul Peck has become a notable director and screenwriter and has left a memorable impact in the film industry with his cinematic adaptations of reality. From taxi driver, to Minister of culture, to honorary award winning director, Raoul Peck has experienced the world in ways few will ever have the chance to. Just as he thought his life would revolve around international affairs at the United Nations, he created a bigger platform to spread the news about foreign relations. His documentaries and films have been about real people and he believes film can try and save our histories, our memories whilst guiding society in a better direction. Peck had an unusual but interesting childhood upbringing. In 1953 he was born in Port au Prince, Haiti however, at the age of 8, his family sought asylum in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Peck s tutelage spreads across 2 continents and the caribbean islands. He attended schools in Kinshasa, DRC, (Brooklyn) New York, United States, OrlГ©ans, France, and Berlin, Germany. Peck attended primary school ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Sylvia CHAPTER 9 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE | | | | |Brief | | | |Learning | |Questions | |Exercises | |Do It! | |Objectives | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1A | |Determine ... Show more content on ... | |Simple | |30 40 | | | | | | | | | |3B | |Compute depreciation under different methods. | |Moderate | |30 40 | | | | | | | | | |4B | |Calculate revisions to depreciation expense. | |Moderate | |20 30 | | | | | | | | | |5B | |Journalize a series of equipment transactions related to purchase, sale, retirement, | |Moderate | |40 50 | | | |and depreciation. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6B | |Record ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Game Theory Is The Study Of Decision Making Under Competition Game Theory is the study of decision making under competition. More specially, Game Theory is the study of optimal decision making under competition when one individual s decisions affect the outcome of a situation for all other individuals involved. Game Theory can be broadly classified into four main sub categories of study: Classical Game Theory Combinatorial Game Theory Dynamic Game Theory Other Topics in Game Theory As a mathematical tool for the decision maker the strength of game theory is the methodology it provides for structuring and analyzing problems of strategic choice. The process of formally modeling a situation as a game requires the decision maker to enumerate explicitly the players and their preferred moves, ... Show more content on ... The techniques of solving games involving more than one strategies particularly in case of large pay off matrix are very complicated. All the situations cannot be analyzed with the help of game theory. Classical Game Theory Game theorists consider the axiomatization of the utility function in the case of uncertainty a major contribution in von Neumann and Morgenstern. It paved the ground for the modeling of rational decision making when a decision maker is faced by lotteries. Thereafter a utility function, ui(.), which satisfies the expected utility hypothesis, i.e. (1) ui([A,p;B,1 p]) = pui(A) + (1 p)ui(B) is called a von Neumann Morgenstern utility function. Here A and B are events p is the probability that event A occurs while 1 p is the probability of B occurring. Thus [A,p;B,1 p] is a lottery. It is a notational convention to write [A,p;B,1 p] = A if p = 1 and [A,p;B,1 p] = B if p =0. The probability p can be related to a model of relative frequencies and are, in this sense, objective and thus represent risk; or they can be subjective and thus represent uncertainty. The utility values which the function ui(.) assigns to events are called payoffs. Because of eq.1 we do not have to distinguish between payoff and expected payoffs: if player X is indifferent between the lottery [A,p;B,1 p] and the sure event C then ui([A,p;B,1 p]) = ui(C), i.e., the payoffs are identical. If ui(.) ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Tiananmen Square Massacre Greatly Impacted The World The Tiananmen Square Massacre greatly impacted the way the rest of the world viewed the Chinese government. Imagine not having the freedom of speech that we do today, or living in a country that kills the innocent. In 1989, college students exercised their right to freedom of speech while protesting their communist leaders, and the leaders of Communist China put the demonstration down with military force resulting in possibly thousands killed. But, throughout the last 25 years China has grown and developed into a much different country than it was during the late 1980 s. Granted, the country still has a long way to go before it resembles the democracy present in the United States today, but it seems to be headed in the right direction. The Tiananmen Square is a large public area and its name, Tiananmen, translates ironically to Gate of Heavenly Peace (CNN Library, 2015). It is located in Beijing, the capital of China (as seen in the map to the right). The square was built during the early Ming dynasty and covered around one hundred acres. During this time period it was the largest open area in the world. The Tiananmen Square did not technically adopt its name until the PRC took power in 1949. In 958, the square was enlarged into its present day size and it was also paved over. Located inside the square is the Monument to the People s Heroes and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. China developed a communist government in 1921 and Mao Zedong took control in 1927. This ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Priapism Research Paper Priapism Priapism is an unwanted erection of the penis that usually develops without sexual stimulation or desire. There are three types of priapism: Recurrent acute priapism. With this type, erections are painful and last less than 3 hours. The erections come and go. Acute prolonged priapism. With this type, erections are painful and last hours to days. This type can lead to erectile dysfunction. Persistent priapism. With this type, erections are usually painless and can last weeks to years. The penis gets erect but not rigid. This type can lead to erectile dysfunction. Priapism affects males of all ages. CAUSES This condition develops either when blood has difficulty leaving the penis (low flow priapism) or if too much blood ... Show more content on ... Recurrent acute priapism is often managed at home. Acute prolonged priapism is usually treated at a hospital. There treatment may involve: Getting fluid and medicines for pain through an IV tube. A blood transfusion. A procedure to drain blood from the penis. Surgery to make a passageway for blood to flow in the penis (surgical shunting). No standard treatment exists for persistent priapism. HOME CARE INFORMATION General Instructions Avoid sexual stimulation and intercourse until your health care provider says it is okay. Avoid drugs or alcohol if they caused the priapism. Avoiding them can help keep the condition from coming back. Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
  • 39. Empty your bladder as much as possible. Take over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider. Do not take any medicines during an attack without getting approval from your health care provider. Managing Recurrent Priapism Try taking a warm bath or exercising. Keep track of how long your erection lasts. If it does not get better in 3 hours, seek medical care. SEEK MEDICAL CARE ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Who Is Benny Paret Welterweight champion Benny Paret was renowned for his ability to receive a hit, and had taken years of punishment in order to obtain his championship. Yet he proved, he was the greatest every time he stepped in the ring. However, all good things will come to an end. In the past two years, the fifteen round fights began to destroy his body. Eventually, it all would result in a tragic end. As the story draws to a close, the genre and the theme unfold. It becomes clear the author is emotionally invested, which allows for an in depth and personal view of the story. In the end, we are able to relate more than one would simply assume, and the lesson we learn is we are not the gods we all attempt to be. By the end of the journey, it is obvious the narrative is a tragedy. The author has formed this safety blanket,... Show more content on ... He creates an emotional connection; we have all tried and failed, and we can relate to Benny s struggle. The fact of the matter is, time will catch up to us, and we can only play god for so long. Benny would have stated he was indestructible, but reality hit him like a freight train. When we place ourselves on the pedestal above the rest, it is only a matter of time before we are knocked off the pedestal. One must remember, life is a fight, and resembling Benny; we can only be champion for so long. In the end, this is a classic story of a man, who thought time could never touch him. Benny thought he could withstand any punishment thrown at him, and he would still walk away as the victor. Due to this, the author leads us to trust Benny would overcome the pain of the thunderous hits and rally back to win. No longer is Benny only the protagonist, he is also now the antagonist, which creates a perfect tragedy. Afterwards it becomes obvious the champion has died on his feet, and the unmovable object had met the unstoppable force and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Bone Cancer Body There are a wide variety of cancers affecting people and their loved ones everyday such as breast, lung, brain, and skin cancer just to name a few. Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer not talked about quite as often, but it still affects a large number of people. It is important to learn about bone cancerand its many manifestations in order to make quicker diagnoses and hopefully move closer towards finding a cure. The first step in becoming familiar with bone cancer is to understand what bones are and how they are formed within the body. Bones are very important because they make up the structure of the human body, and provide protection for internal organs. They are a form of connective tissue, and are considered the second hardest... Show more content on ... It arises in the bone marrow of long bones causing localized pain and may be accompanied by a tender, soft tissue mass (Eisenberg and Johnson, 2012, p. 125). The most common sites of origination are the pelvis, ribs, femur, and humerus. Sometimes these tumors are deep seated within the bone and may go undiagnosed long enough for the tumor to become very large, resulting in a poorer prognosis for the patient. Those affected the most by ewing s sarcoma are caucasians who are 20 or younger, with a peak of occurrence in 15 year olds. Although it is a rarity for this type of tumor to develop in older individuals, there has been an increase in the number of adults over 20 being diagnosed with it (Karosas, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Florida Recruit Case Study Florida Recruiting: Inaugural Early Signing Day Preview Tomorrow marks the first early signing period for college football recruits. Prospects from around the country will be shutting down their recruitment processes, signing, and early enrolling to their program of choice. Dan Mullen was introduced as the 27th head coach in Florida Gators history just three weeks prior to the inaugural signing period. Despite seven de commitments from the Gators 2018 recruiting class since the arrival of Mullen, this staff have put themselves in a position to close out the early signing period with a profusion of momentum. Florida has several prominent prospects that could find themselves in the #AllBite18 class on Wednesday and Armchair examines the... Show more content on ... The opportunity of playing time awaits Jones in Gainesville and many believe he will sign his letter of intent to the Gators on Wednesday. Prediction: Florida DB Trey Dean (Hampton, Ga.) Dean is another big time prospect that seems to be eyeing the Gators more than other programs. Dean de committed from the Tennessee Volunteers two weeks ago, and ever since, the Gators have made a pursuit at landing the nations 22nd ranked safety. Dean (6 foot 2, 180 pounds) is a long, athletic defensive back that possesses tremendous football IQ. His length at defensive back benefits him in jump ball situations, allowing him to make a play on the ball at its highest point. Following an official visit to the Gators this past weekend, I expect Florida to seal the deal with Dean. Florida also recently hired the Volunteers defensive back coach from a season ago (Dean s former coach he committed to), making the pitch to Dean much easier. Dean would be the fourth safety prospect to sign for the Gators on Wednesday. The staff made this unit a priority on the trail and it will pay off during the inaugural early signing ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Theme Of Flood Themes In The Gilgamesh Epic [Title] The concept of ravaging waters destroying all of earth except one sole man and woman is a constant theme across cultures. Almost all ethnic groups possess a story of a family surviving a flood to repopulate the rest of the world. This idea is present in the Bible, in the Gilgamesh epic, to even the Chinese. I will argue that mythological journeys across culture demonstrate a reoccurring flood theme. The first flood myth recorded was in the Gilgamesh epic. Gilgamesh was a demigod who sought after immortality after his best friend Enkidu dies. During this quest he aims to find Utnapishtim, the one man that survived the great flood of the gods. According to Moran, the flood was not a part of the original Gilgamesh epic (1995). The ancient Mediterranean flood story states that Utnapishtim was chosen by the gods because mankind was intolerable. The deity Ea warns Utnapishtim to build and ark and save the human race. Following the completion of the ark, it begins to rain for 6 days and 6 nights. Concluding the rain, Utnapishtim s boat is trapped on a mountain top for 7 additional days. At the end of his ordeal, Utnapishtim offers a sacrifice to the gods, but Enlil is enraged that he escaped their efforts. Ea comes to Utnapishtim rescue and convinces the gods that he escaped without any assistance. As a reward for his survival, the gods grant Utnapishtim immortality. Moran argues that the story found it s way to be attributed with the epic because it demonstrates that ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Failure and Fast Track Project CHRISTOPHER A. BARTLETT HEATHER BECKHAM APPLIED RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES, INC.: GLOBAL INNOVATION`S CHALLENGES Applied research technologies (ART) are one of the technology world s emerging giants consisting of a portfolio of 60 business units. In 2006 the total corporate revenue was $11 billion. One of its units is the filtration units which develop next generation of products and technologies. But after two high profile new product failure, the unit had lost confidence. By 2006, it was losing $6 million annually. Peter Vyas, manager of filtration unit has to decide whether to support or reject the request for $2 million in funding for RIMOS (residential irrigation mini oxidation system) even after failing twice on earlier ... Show more content on ... * Wagner should off have complete data available when required by Jackson. * More time should have been given for testing of earlier generation products. * There should have been more discipline and interest in the market place. Analysis This is the forecast for the next five years. As you can see the financial operating income is only 10% for your 2007 compared to the income in 2011. Therefore there is a 10% rise as per Wagner s report. Jackson also expressed her concerns with the $2,000 retail price point and pushed Vyas to clearly identify the risks associated with the plan. After further consideration, the team developed a risk assessment and response matrix, which they included in the business plan. Therefore in case the product fails a third time there could be a drop in operating income. Forecast Sales ( $ millions)| 2007$ 5.45| 2008$ 7.08| 2009$ 8.86| 2010$ 10.89| 2011$ 13.07| Forecast Operating Income (%)| 10%| 15%| 20%| 20%| 20%| Risk| Level| Plan| May not gain market acceptance High Ensure HVAC distribution support Highlight ART name Supplement marketing budget Product design flaws Medium ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Theme Of Carry In The Things They Carried The idea of carrying in O Brien s The things they carried H.G. Wells once noted If we do not end war war will end us . And indeed, the threat war poses is devastating physically or emotionally. The Vietnam War is not an exception. O Brian s book, The Things They Carried, which is about the Vietnam War, is a perfect example of description of the importance of carrying. One of the passages in the book says that They (the characters of the book) carried the soldier s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to. ...They died so as not to die of embarrassment . This is the paradigm of the concept of war and emotions the soldiers carry. The book starts with a paragraph about Jimmy Cross keeping and carrying letters from Martha; they are not loveletters, but they are very precious for Jimmy. He reads and reads the letters imagining romantic meetings with Martha; He wants her to love him. By keeping the letters, jimmy Cross tries to keep the memorable things and emotions that connects him with Martha. However, besides their feelings, the soldiers carry all the necessary things they may need when being far from home; the things dictated by the war and its conditions such as openers, pocket knives,... Show more content on ... Why has he written the book because he feels the weight of the necessary things or because he is overwhelmed with those emotions and wants to share them? The most unbearable is to carry the emotional weight caused by killing human beings. Physical pains stop sooner or later, but Tim O Brien cannot forgive himself the killing. He has written the book to get free of his emotions, to leave the Vietnam War and its terrible consequences behind. He knows that, unlike physical weight, emotional weight of pain, burden and sense of guilt will never leave. He cannot reach the state of unbearable lightness of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Negative Consequences Of Smoking Marijuana It isn t uncommon to turn on the radio or television to hear about one of the biggest and most pressing threats descending over America. Marijuana is a recreational drug that is heavily glamorized in today s pop culture, and is easily accessible from Metropolis s (and even smaller cities. Way to keep it classy Alma.) all across the globe. But do the avid users of marijuana know what the negative consequences of smoking are? Science and research shows that the negatives of smoking cannabisoutweighs the short high one hundred times over. While smoking marijuana with buddies after school may be cool , science is suggesting that people who smoke marijuana at least once a week, are almost twice as likely to get certain infections, and even certain... Show more content on ... A study done by the United Kingdom shows the effects of long term marijuana use, and the correlation with having a lack of motivation. The study followed nineteen marijuana users (Group A), and nineteen non marijuana users(Group B) all with the same age and sex, to study the chemicals in the brain that promote work ethic and reward driven behavior. Group A had significantly lower amounts of the chemical in the brain called Dopamine. Dopamine is a feel good chemical that is released when someone does something well or is complimented. Group B had an average or above average amount of the dopamine chemical present in the brain. (Chow.) This research is suggesting and is in the works of proving that marijuana is actually using the chemical that makes people productive. In essence, Marijuana makes the body more susceptible to getting serious infections, and deadly cancers. It also can bring one to infertility, or to the brinks of it. In addition, it can lead to a severe lack of motivation. If someone who eventually wants to have kids, and become a productive citizen, marijuana may be something to stay away from. All it takes, is a simple no , and a little willpower. Don t forget, hugs not ... Get more on ...