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Argument Essay On Death Penalty
Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task, as it involves
navigating through complex ethical, moral, legal, and social issues. The subject is highly
controversial, with strong opinions on both sides of the argument. Crafting a compelling
argument essay requires thorough research to understand the historical context, legal frameworks,
and societal implications surrounding capital punishment.
One difficulty lies in presenting a balanced perspective while acknowledging the emotional and
ethical aspects associated with the death penalty. Addressing the moral implications of taking a
human life as a form of punishment requires careful consideration and sensitivity. Furthermore,
interpreting legal precedents and understanding the evolving nature of the judicial system adds
another layer of complexity to the essay.
Constructing a coherent and logical argument that supports or opposes the death penalty
necessitates the ability to synthesize information from various sources. The essay should
incorporate statistical data, case studies, and expert opinions to reinforce the presented
arguments. Organizing these diverse elements into a cohesive narrative requires skillful writing
and a clear structure.
Additionally, engaging with counterarguments and effectively refuting them is crucial to
strengthen the overall persuasiveness of the essay. Anticipating and addressing opposing
viewpoints demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter and adds credibility to the
In conclusion, writing an essay on the death penalty demands a nuanced approach, involving
extensive research, thoughtful analysis, and the ability to communicate complex ideas
effectively. It is essential to navigate through the intricacies of the topic while maintaining a
balanced and persuasive tone. For those seeking assistance or more essays on various subjects,
resources like can offer valuable support.
Argument Essay On Death Penalty Argument Essay On Death Penalty
Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley
The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a
church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question
and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her
mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And
march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends
with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses
literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring
up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute
to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form
between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s
ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas
are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the
freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her
that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In
these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a
wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When
the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle
her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you
may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young
child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the
question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns,
hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8)
This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such
a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this
section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no,
you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church
instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and
Motion Graphics and Compositing Video
UNIT 64 Motion Graphics and Compositing Video Review/Reflection Write a
reflective self evaluation review covering the strengths and weakness of your
How did I develop my initial visual ideas?
I thought about remaking the opening title sequence of my favourite movie
(JILLA). Sir R. T. Neason is an Indian film director who is well known in the
industry for is capability of making fantastic mind blowing effects movies. Jilla was
initially released in January, 2014 and it was appreciated by the audience.
To make my opening title sequence I watched the movie several times. Each time I
watched it, I critically look at the way the text, effects, sounds, and actions were set
I started to take note, and create my storyboard. I research the original movie but I
wanted my idea to be unique and purely my imagination. It wasn t very difficult for
me as I have completed a movie project before.
How did I create the appropriate movie composition sequence?
To make sure that I have created an appropriate movie composition sequence I have
made a check list. I continually tick boxes till I had everything completed. My check
list included frame rate, resolution or safe areas of my title sequence.
Width: 1280px; Height: 720px; Frame rate: 24; Duration: 00.30.00 seconds
This is the size for the footage I am going to use:
Name: Jilla Agarwal.Mp4; Length: 1280 x 720 (1.00); File format: H.264; Frame
rate: 24.00fps
My technical, creative,
The Negative Effect Of Year-Round Schooling
Do you like your summer i love my. Year round schooling has it good thing and
bad things that come with it .like there no summer gap to forget things. But with
no summer there no summer jobs.they is still many thing to talk about. in my first
paragraph i will talk about the bad effect that year round schooling has from a
parental point of view. One of the first effect from year round schooling is
childcare. It hard to find someone to watch my kid for two weeks then have a
break for 2 months, the second effect is that older kids cant go get a summer
they will always have to ask for money from their parents. This are the good effect
that come from year round school. The first one is that they no summer gap. So kids
don t forget every
The Habits Of The Polar Bear
The polar bear is a large bear that lives in the north. They are the second largest bear
in the bear family, and they have a unique white fur that differentiates them from the
rest of the bears. This white fur is not only their unique characteristic, but also an
amazing tool that God has given them so that they can survive in the wild. In order to
better understand polar bear, one must understand their habits, their characteristics,
and the dangers they are facing.
First of all it s a question that everyone has, what do they eat? Their diet depends
on high fat content in seal fat, this is one of the few stuff that can provide them
enough calories to maintain their survival and to pass down their genes. They
usually eat seals. Ringed seals are eaten by the females and little ones, and the
males hunt the bearded seals, which are bigger than the ringed seals. In the good
times when they have access to much food, they may eat only the bladder and the
skin of the seal because that s the fattest part. However, when times are not that
good, they will also eat other stuff if it is available. They will hunt whales if they
are trapped, they will also accept small animals and any carcass within their reach.
Unlike some bears, they don t have the habit of storing food. After they finish eating,
they will leave the rest of the body for scavengers. Sometimes the scavengers might
be other polar bears that failed their hunt. It is also very common for them to share
food. Once, a scientist
Salmon Farming Problems
Salmon farming is becoming more and more popular as salmon population
increases. Currently, over half the salmon sold globally is farm raised in Northern
Europe, Chile, Canada, and the United States, and the annual global production of
farmed salmon has risen from 24,000 to over 1 million metric tons during the past
two decades (Hites, pg. 226). Because salmonfarms are so widespread, salmon from
farms in northern Europe, North America, and Chile are now available widely year
round at relatively low prices (Hites, pg. 226). The problems that occur from salmon
farming, mostly come from how they are contained. Most salmon farm use open net
cages in the ocean which helps the salmon move around freely. Complications arise
with these types of containments
Role of Nurses During the Hurricane Sandy Disaster
In April 2012, the United States of America experienced Sandy, known as one of the
deadliest and costliest hurricanes in the American history. It is estimated that the
hurricane caused damage of about $75 million. Besides numerous causalities along
its path, the deadly hurricane left many cities without electricity, communication
system, infrastructure and even shelter in many cases. Within the United States, New
Jersey and New, both major socio economic hubs and highly populated regions,
remained the worst hit area of the storm.
Disaster Management
Effective disaster management is highly important when it comes to assisting in
rescue and relief to affected. This does not only include post disaster rescue efforts
but these disaster management activities should be proactive. They start right from
taking preventive measures before the disaster actually occurs and goes on till the
effected people are resettled back in their lives. This disaster management pertaining
to human life is not only associated with physical well being but also focuses on
psychological, emotional, and spiritual rehabilitation.
Role of Nursing in Disaster Management
Nursing revolves, not merely about looking after patients, but creating awareness in
the society about self care nursing and prevention strategies and to communicate with
their patients in a holistic manner, so as to satisfy their physical, mental and spiritual
health needs. Various nursing theorists have repeatedly
I Learned A Valuable Lesson From Suffering An Accident
There came a point in my life when I learned a valuable lesson from suffering an
accident that could have made me a disable person today. Ever since I was little I
loved to play with my older brother. Since, it was impossible for me to play with
my younger sister because she was small I tended to follow my brother in
everything he did. My brother played with older friends and as a result they would
get into trouble a lot. Since I grew up around boys I would play the way they did.
If they would jump, run, and climb trees so would I. Being a girl came with some
difficulties because sometimes my brother would not want me to play with them
just because I was a girl, they taught I was weak, and fragile. My brother had
constantly reminded me not to play with his friends because they played tough.
Being five years old I would not listen to what my elder told me to follow. I thought
that mom hated me because she did not want me to play with guys. My mom told
me that she did not want me to play with my brother friends because she was just
protecting me. I did not listen to what my mother told me and I still went to play
with my brother and his friends. That day my brother and his friends played a new
game that I did not know. It was a game that consisted of two persons per group.
My brother was mad at me because he told me not to play with them. Since the
game required a partner I asked my brother to be my partner and he was not happy
but he did not refuse. My brother told me the
Consumer Credit Protection Act Case Summary
Consumer Credit Protection Act
Also known as Regulation B, the consumer credit protection act was created in 1968
to guarantee fair and honest credit practices to consumers. This Act ensures that all
lenders follow the same set of regulations. This law protects employees from
discharge from their employers due to wages being garnished for any one debt.
Furthermore, it limits the amount of earnings that can be garnished in one week.
(About SHRM, 2015).
Gallman vs Home Improvement Contractor
A case that exemplifies the consumer credit protection act is the Gallman Case. The
Gallman s signed a blank judgment note for a home improvement contract. They
were told that the project s total cost would be $600. The contractor then proceeded
to fill ... Show more content on ...
The Jesionski s were refinancing their home on February 23, 2007 by borrowing
$611M from Countrywide. Countrywide provided them with a Truth in Lending
Act disclosure and a notice of a right to cancel which provided them until 12pm on
February 27, 2007 to cancel. The Jesinoskis did not cancel and they use that money
they received to pay off other debt. On February 23, 2010 the Jesinoskis tried to
rescind the loan and attempted to argue that they did not receive a sufficient amount
of copies of the TILA disclosure. Their attempt was denied by Countrywide.
Countrywide sought a judgement and argued that the Jensionskis did not file their
suit within the 3 year allowed period per TILA; The Jensionskis argued that they did.
The District Court voted in favor of Countrywide; US Court of Appeals affirmed.
Good Teaching Is an Art as Well as a Science
Good teaching is a skillful blend of artistic and scientific elements. Teaching as an
art involves beliefs, emotions, values and flexibility, while teaching as a science
utilizes instructional practices that are proven by research to improve student
achievement (Snowman and Biehler, 2006). According to (Peters, R.) teaching can
involve formal methods of instruction as well as informal ways of organizing things
so that children will be led to discover things for themselves. According to (Manning,
H. 2003, p. 11) A teacher is the one to impart knowledgeto students in different ways
to assist learning. Teaching factors are considered if something must be accomplished.
It is practically stating that teaching is what is being taught, who... Show more content
on ...
Positive skills and knowledge can also be gained. This is so as it prepares students to
live in a changing world.
According to William, C. (2007) good teaching is so much more than directing
instruction. Students are being academically challenged and are performing at a
higher standard. Their self esteem is increasing and this is because of the teaching
curriculum and the teacher. Flexibility is crucial for a teacher to become successful
in the classroom. It is essential for teachers to utilize varying methods of teaching as
this will encourage greater success of the children learning. The teacher may find
that a certain class is full of visual learners whereas another is full of auditory
learners. The art is adjusting the lesson to accommodate each respective group.
When Wasserman states that teaching is not a matter of clear cut answers, she is
urging teachers to be flexible. Flexibility allows the teacher the ability to improvise
or the feeling of doing the right thing at a particular point in time. It is all well and
good to have your lessons planned out but an expert teacher must be able to analyze a
situation quickly and work to suit. It allows the willingness and resourcefulness to
work around impediments. Teaching does not allows occur under ideal
circumstances, and teachers must sometimes cope with inadequate facilities,
Optic Neuropathy Essay
Leber s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: A Genetic Disease that Affects Metabolism In
1971, Theodor Leber, a German ophthalmologist, first described distinctive
symptoms of central vision loss in a group of patients. Leber s hereditary optic
neuropathy (LHON) was later named in his honor. With the discovery of
mitochondrial DNAcame the ability to identify the genetic cause of this disease. It is
a maternally inherited mitochondrial disease that most commonly affects young men
aged 15 to 30 years old. Its painless symptoms usually leave patients with significant,
permanent blindness due to optic nerve damage in both eyes. There have been some
reports of neurologic abnormalities such as tremors and cardiac arrhythmias. An
ophthalmologist will examine the patients eyes and perform various... Show more
content on ...
It is a mitochondrial disorder inherited only from mothers because mitochondria are
passed on to the developing embryo from egg cells ( Genetics Home Reference,
2013). Mitochondria are important structures inside the cells to generate ATP, a form
of energy that can be used in our body. Since our eyes require large amounts of
energy, any dysfunction of the mitochondria can have a dramatic effect in vision. The
majority of patients diagnosed with LHON have genetic mutations in mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA). Approximately 90% of patients with LHON have one of three
mtDNA mutations: m.11778G A (the most common), m.3460G A, or m.14484T C (
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, n.d., Causes section, para. 3). These mutated
genes disrupt the proteins in the mitochondrial enzyme complex that help convert
oxygen, fats, and simple sugars to energy which cause optic nerve cell damage (
Genetics Home Reference, 2013). It is important to note that even though an
individual may be a carrier of one the gene mutations, does not mean they will
develop the disease. Scientists have been unable to find out why it affects more males
Personal Reflection Of Gender And Language
I first got my start in linguistics by accident. I did not foresee that one introductory
linguistics class taken on a whim would change my life. What caught my attention
the most was our unit on pragmatics and semantics. From that class, I ve gone on to
major in linguistics and even conduct my own research in the field. I was given the
opportunity to participate on a research team analyzing children s acquisition of
resultative adjectives. Our team ended up presenting at Eastern Michigan University
s Undergraduate Symposium. We also submitted an application to the 11th Annual
Cornell University Undergraduate Linguistic Colloquium, and were accepted to do
an oral presentation. Since I am working on a senior thesis at the moment, I have
also been conducting research of my own. I am studying the usage of the
construction yeah, no and no, yeah. Though the process, I have learned a lot about
how to conduct research and also how to write an academic thesis.
My plans for graduate study are heavily influenced by the classes I have taken during
my time in undergrad. As I mentioned before, I fell in love with pragmatics and
semantics. Along with that, I found a passion for sociolinguistics. There are two
classes in particular that have sparked my interest. The first was a class about women
and language. Though it was titled women, it was really about the relationship
between gender and language. We talked about linguistic stereotypes based on a
person s gender and how they are
My Semester Of Learning For Msmit Degree At Sul Livan...
Courses I Am Taking This Quarter
I am Pavan Nidamanuru. This is my first semester of learning for MSMIT degree at
Sul livan University. I have enrolled in two courses this Semester. First course is
CSC560X Elec tronic Commerce and Intranet Development , which is a fully online
course being taught by Professor Dr. Emmanuel Amadi. This course mainly teaches
about how businesses can be done over internet or online. Second course is
MGT510Z Managerial Communication Skills , which is a hybrid course being taught
by Professor Dr. Mohamed Abualhaija. This course re quires in class presence 3 times
during the semester. This course mainly teaches different strategies to enhance the
communication skills of an individual. Hynes (2005) stated effective business
communication is the key to planning, leading, organizing, and controlling the re
sources of the organizations to achieve objectives, and may be formal or informal in
Applying Learning from Course #1 to My Workplace
Some of the ideas and techniques I learnt from CSC560X Electronic Commerce and
Intranet Development were applied to my Company Kaagaz . I would like to share
one example here.
I own a corporate gifting company by name Kaagaz which is a startup, located in
Bangalore city of India. It is a very small company which was known only to few
locals 3 months back. As I started learning E commerce course, I understood how
important a website is for marketing a company. It is stated that the two main
Biopure Marketing Analysis Essay
BIZ2120: Marketing
Case analysis #1: Biopure Corporation
Submitted by MARCO TARANTA ID: 2013843468 SEMESTER: Fall 2013 1.
What is the potential market size for each of Oxyglobin and Hemopure? The
veterinary market is valued at $638,550,000. Since the expected market share for
Biopure is 100% and assuming that the total U.S. veterinary practices (15,000)
remains the same, we can state that the potential market size for Oxyglobin is
$638.550.000. The main segments in the veterinary market are Primary Care and
Emergency Care . The veterinary practices are approximately 15,000, 95% of which
... Show more content on ...
The market of human blood transfusions is broken down into different uses:
Elective Surgery, Emergency Surgery and Trauma. However, Hemopure seems to
be suitable only for trauma cases due to its characteristics and, again, high price. To
understand the reason, it is important to notice that, actually, only 10% of the
500,000 trauma victims receives RBCs in the field or at the site of accident, and
the remaining 95% of these people does not receive transfusions until they arrive at
the hospital. This delay was often cited as a major factor to the 20,000 trauma
deaths. Therefore, since the expected market share for Biopure is 25% and
assuming that the total blood transfusions remain stable, the potential market size for
Hemopure is approximately $350,000,000. This size is based on an average price of
$700 multiplied by 2,000,000 units (around 4 blood units are needed for each Trauma
case). Comparing these potential market size, we can easily observe that Oxyglobin
is roughly two times as profitable as Hemopure. Accordingly, Biopure should take
these data into account to evaluate whether or not to launch Oxyglobin immediately.
On the other hand, this revenue expectation is not so realistic. In fact, it is almost
impossible that the company will capture the whole potential markets because of its
small production capacity. This latter represents the main obstacle to a potential
success of Biopure in both animal and human
Mystikal Net Worth Research Paper
Mystikal Net Worth Introduction: Michael Lawrence Tyler is an American rapper
and actor. His professional name is Mystikal. His estimated net worth is $3
million. His life is very controversial so far. We went to prison for being guilty. His
last studio album is Tarantula. His career started in the early 90s. Biography and
wiki: When Mystikal was very young, his family moved to New Orleans. His dad
used to run a small store. He died when Mystical was just seven. From early ages,
he was very fond of breakdancing and used to do rapping and rhyming. He used to
call himself Mystikal Mike . He went to Cohen High School, Though was an average
student, he loved to study astronomy and science. After the graduation, he joined the
United States... Show more content on ...
He performed raps in many NCO clubs. After his discharge from the army, he
returned home and he started to work as a security guard in a shopping center.
Through his performance in Theme Center of Not That Nigga , he succeeded in
getting the attention of the of Big Boy Records. After the show, he signed a
contract. Career: In 1994 Big Boy Records release his first album Mystikal .It was
one of the most successful albums of the record label and it was the major success
for the artist also. Mystikal was having rivalry with U.N.L.V, The B.Gz, and Lil
Wayne, who signed with another record label in New Orleans. After the death of
his sister with whom he was very much attached and who collaborated in the song
Not That Nigga , he was having a hard time. After that Lil Wayne and he decided to
become collaborators. He signed a contract with Jive Records and released his
album Mind of Mystikal . The next year he signed to another label No Limit
Records and he released Unpredictable in November. His last album with the label
was Ghetto Fabulous, release in 1998. His next album Let s Get Ready reached the
number one position in Billboard 200 Top Album chart. He went to jail because he
was found guilty of the extortion charge and sexual battery charges. In 2010 after
his release he was registered as a sex offender. Awards and
The Game Red Dead Redemption
Have you ever wanted to experience what is like being a cowboy in the Wild
West? Experiencing first hand a gritty frontier town, vast unexplored territory, and
the endless possibility for adventure. The gaming company Rockstar created the
game Red Dead Redemption in order for gamers to see what it was to a dying breed
in modernizing world. The game Red Dead Redemption depicts what life was like in
the American frontierin the early nineteen hundreds.
The game Red Dead Redemption is an open world western created by Rockstar
Games. Rockstar games decided to take a new approach on open world game such a
Grand Theft Auto to offer a completely different perspective in a time in history.
Rather then committing crimes in down LA, you are ... Show more content on ...
This was a time period during the industrial era where machines have become more
prominent. The east coast of the United States had been becoming very
modernized while the west was slowly catching up. The game Red Dead
Redemption shows how historically accurate life was like back in the early
nineteen hundreds. The year is nineteen eleven and you are first introduced to
rough and rugged protagonist john Marston a former outlaw who escaped his
gang and is trying to hunt down his former gang in order to live his life with
family. Although John Marston is trying to hunt down his former gang, he finds
out that he is going to embark in a great adventure that takes him in to the unsettled
territory of the American Frontier. John will face many trials and tribulations when
he goes head first into the Wild West. The game starts off of John Marston in a
train leaving a city known as Black water. The town of Black water is portrayed as
the most developed and civilized city in the game. The buildings are well
constructed, the people are well dressed and polite, and there is law and order in
the city. But after you get on train headed west you end up in a small town know as
Armadillo. As soon as you get of the train John has to avoid a drunken person who
stumbled out of the saloon (Gamespot, 2017). As the player in the game you quickly
pick up the difference between the city of Black water and the frontier town of
Armadillo. The own of Armadillo is some what developed.
Essay On Jazz And Blues Music
Karley Dodd
History 1301
5 February 2018
The Beginning of Jazz and Blues Music Jazz was born in New Orleans nearly one
hundred years ago. It s roots can be found in the musical traditions of Africa and
Europe. In fact, some people say that jazz is the perfect combination of African and
European music. From African music, jazz got its: rhythm and feel , blues quality,
some even say it originated from the Deep South of the United States at the end of the
19th century from slaves spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and
rhymes simple narrative ballads. From European music, jazz got its: harmony that is,
the chords that accompany the tunes, jazz harmony is similar to classical music s
harmony, instruments ... Show more content on ...
Mamie Smith, the first blues vocalist to attain popularity through recordings,
employed jazz tenor sax pioneer Coleman Hawkins in her group. Bessie Smith, the
greatest of the early blues artists, featured a young Louis Armstrong on some of her
finest recordings. Count Basie, who once defined jazz as nothing more than
swinging the blues, featured blues shouter Jimmy Rushing in his first band, and
received a major boost in his comeback 20 years later from the more contemporary
blues stylings of Joe Williams. Lionel Hampton s big band of the 1940s introduced
blues great Dinah Washington and made hit records including Hamp s Boogie
Woogie and Hey! Ba Ba Re Bop that helped launch rhythm and blues. R B then
begat rock and roll, which ultimately fed the fusion movement in jazz, just as the
soulful jazz of modernists such as Horace Silver and Bobby Timmons had its
impact via funk on more contemporary blues OurVLE gives a great summary of
Jazz and Blues music: Jazz and the Blues have occupied a significant place in the
cultural history of the Americas for over a century. This dual music genre is
universally recognized as an important contribution, from an enslaved people no less,
to the cultural inventory of the planet, and is acknowledged for its distinctive impact
on other music genres and art forms
Jp Morgan Chase Annual Report
JPMorgan and Chase 2011 Financial Analysis Abbiton Mumba , Bomboma Douti,
Thuy Doan, Tracy Nguyen [Type the company address] General Information:
JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) is one of the oldest financial institutions in the United
States with a history dating back over 200 years. JPMorgan and Chase is basically
included Chase the U.S. consumer and commercial banking businesses serve
customers under the Chase brand. The consumer businesses include: Branch, ATM,
telephone and online banking, Credit cards, Small business, Home finance and home
equity loans, Auto finance, Education finance, Retirement amp; Investing, Retail
Checking. The commercial banking businesses include: Middle Market, Corporate
Client Banking,... Show more content on ...
That reason makes Growth in profit during the current year increased by 9.2458%.
Common size Analysis: | Current Year| Previous Year| Revenue| 100%| 100%| Non
interest Expense| 64.70%| 59.59%| Interest Expense| 13.99%| 12.45%| Income Tax
Expense| 7.99%| 7.29%| Income from continuing operations| 27.51%| 24.21%| Net
Income| 19.52%| 16.91%| In general chase s total non interest expenses in 2011
rose 5.11% higher than the total non interest expense in 2010. The net income in
2010 seems lower than 2011 due to less operating and investment activities in 2010.
Apart the item labeled other expenses and amortization of intangibles; all the other
expenses were slightly higher. The increase in non interest expense was driven
largely by higher compensation expense reflecting headcount. The operating cost as
part of the non interest expense was definitely higher compared to 2010.The higher
headcount visibly explains this increase. The provision for credit lost was 8.41%
lower than the 2010 provision. This was due to the amelioration of collection from
customers. Consumer business modestly improved and mortgage net charge offs and
delinquencies improved. It is probably included in the item other expenses which
were lower than 2010 but 6.38% higher than 2009. Tax Burden: The total revenue in
2011 was 5.62% lower than the revenue in 2011 but the bottom line was a lot higher
Organisational Structure Impacts on Other Areas of the...
1.1 Briefly define different types of organizational culture. How would you describe
the culture at Greescape? Under the different types of culture, what type of culture,
do you think is evident in Greenscape? Organizational Culture the idea became
recognized with the notion of organizational (corporate) climate in the 60s and 70s.
Different researchers had developed several models and methods to describe them. 4
general categories: * Compete (Market) Culture Goal orientated, highly driven and
motivated by winning teams/individuals. High risk taking, fast paced and demanding
environment, unlimited working hours. Concentrating on immediate, accountable
results. Highly competitive, stressful but rewarding for the employees... Show more
content on ...
The norms and systems were adjusted to the people in the company. As the
business evolves It had become the owners habit, to prioritise her employees and
treat them as family. Lita and all employees were direct, honest and involved with
each other, played softball together; therefore at Greenscape we can identify
Collaborate type of culture. 1.2How does the relationship between structure and
culture impact the performance at Greenscape? Greenscape started as a sole trader
and over 10 years grew to a company of 20 employees. There was not much
evidence of any appropriate structure. It was a simple arrangement of people,
divided in six to eight working crews. The owner was arranging work schedules
around personal lives of her employees. The only person who remained in full power
of the company became detached from the organization. There was no focus on the
future of the company and none of the bureaucracy methods had been implemented to
ensure a smooth running business. Lita Ong didn t recognize the need to change and
adjust her business to its growing needs. Like not noticing growing out of your own
shoes! She needed to implement new departments, like HR, sales, research. Select
managers, supervisors and team leaders. Allocate tasks to created departments so she
is easily able to coordinate her demanding business. The organizational culture of the
company remain collaborate, friendly and informal as
The Right to Say I Do Essay
From the beginning of time, the human race has created a family circle to continue
to exist. While there are many points of view, as to why people oppose gay
marriage, it all comes down to the fact they think homosexuality is morally wrong.
This report will cover the laws dealing with gay marriage, the religious views, and
the debate concerning children. In addition, this report will give an explanation into
how a classical theory would resolve the issues surrounding the subject of gay
marriage. Dating back to its Puritan founders, the United States has an extensive
history of sexual ideology. They put into place a narrow outline of ethical and sexual
behaviors and principles. This outline prescribed the proper manner in which... Show
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Gay couples have been seeking officially permitted marriages since the early 1970
s and not a word was uttered until legislative items were put on government
agendas. According to the website (, 2011), the first legally
documented same sex union was in Denmark in 1989 and the first legal gay
marriage was not until 2001, in the Netherlands. In view of that fact, several
countries have approved laws prohibiting the recognition of foreign gay marriages.
The funds of the religious right overshadow the funds of the lesbian and gay
movement due to many organizations having working budgets estimated to be in the
hundreds of millions. With radio, television, film, and print media outlets and vast
groups of member churches, they can simply release political communications or ask
for the support of the people who go to those churches. In addition, the religious right
has an influential group of very wealthy and politically formidable contributors who
have executive sway inside the Republican Party (Fetner, 2008).
When President Clinton started to exercise his executive freedom to repeal the
military s ban on homosexuals, the religious right was ready to rally their
congressional buddies to object to the president s idea and in the end, resulted in
maintaining the ban via the Don t Ask, Don t Tell, Don t Pursue negotiation. This
extensive depth and power eclipses the funds, contacts, and the foundation of the
lesbian and gay movement. Even so, this
Sp10 Melting Point
Lab 1: Melting Points
March 15, 2018
Tina He Lab Partner: Gian Izquierdo
SCC 251.275B Instructor Professor Olga Lavinda
This experiment was performed to determine the melting point ranges of standard
substances, urea cinnamic acid mixtures, and unknown substances. The melting
point ranges were measured by observing the temperatures in which the substances
began and completed liquefying in the Stuart SMP10 Melting Point Apparatus.
The melting points ranges of pure naphthalene, urea, cinnamic acid, sulfanilamide,
4 toluic acid, and anthracene were 82 82, 132 133, 134 135, 164 166,183 184, and
216 219В°C. Melting points were obtained for urea cinnamic acid mixtures. The
melting point ranges of 1:4. 1:1, and 4:1 mixtures of urea cinnamic acid by mass
were 103 113, 103 104, and 107 127В°C respectively. Finally, the melting point
ranges for unknown substance A were around 134 136В°C and the ranges for
unknown substance B were around 135 139В°C. Based on the melting points, the
unknown substances were identified as urea and cinnamic acid. Overall, the results of
the experiments ... Show more content on ...
This is attributed to the imprecision of the melting point apparatus and to inaccurate
visual observations about when substances melted. Despite some limitations in the
Violence in Contact Sports Essay
THESIS: Contact sports have been here since the medieval times. Soccer was also
already being put into sport use by china in the dynasties. Implied, players on both
teams have agreed to be hit, pushed, shoved, and possibly fought. What can be used
for considering when or where a player crosses the line? Using examples from
previous court cases, we will examine how players in the NHL could be charged
when excessive force against other players in the opposite team come into play.
Having hockey being used for an example, we will examine and look at the rules of
the NHL, as well as how Todd Bertuzzi from the Vancouver Canucks
stepped over the
line, and was charged with assault.
The National Hockey League (NHL for short) was founded on ... Show more content
on ...
Penalty calls on the other hand, calls for more serious infractions, like putting the
player in the box , and creating power plays for example. The 2004 05 lockouts of
the NHL (lasting 310 days, this was originally the 88th season of the NHL)
changed some rules of the league with the offense. It started with the minor
offense: offside . The offside pass or two line pass rule was removed; requiring a
stoppage in play if a pass originating from the defensive team was completed on the
offensive side of the center line. Reinstating the tag up offside, this advantage
allows an attacking player to get back onside by returning to the neutral zone.
Changes to the offside rule were intended to increase overall scoring. Another
minor offense is the icing call. A linesman gets stopped in play if a defending
player (other than the goalie himself) touches the puck before an attacking player
does. As a result, when a team is called on the offense of icing, they are not allowed
to make a line change before the following faceoff. Fighting (doesn t happen often),
is called in penalties as well, both players have the duration of five minutes. Usually,
a penalized team cannot replace a player that is penalized on the ice shorthanded for
the duration of the penalty. But, if the penalties are coincidental, when two players
fight for example, both teams remain at full strength. Unlike minor penalties, major
penalties must be
Examples Of Doublethink In 1984 By George Orwell
Throughout the novel, Orwell makes it clear that The Party needs doublethink to
abstain the amount of power they have. Doublethink is where one believes in two
contradictory beliefs or opinions. The way the Party fulfills their need of the people
using doublethink is with constant propaganda and sayings. The slogan Ignorance
is Strength is especially controlling. If the people are kept ignorant, the Party
remains it s strength. Another example of doublethink and propaganda would be
the slogan Freedom is Slavery . The people believe they are free, but in reality, they
are slaves to the Party; they do as they are told or consequences are present. As long
as people use doublethink, the Party will remain intact. While Winston is being
Gospel Music Influence
Influence of Gospel Music on its listeners
The following ethnography will examine how gospel music is expressed and
influences the listeners and audience in a Gospel Concert. My personal insight will
be via interviewing the artist, and some members of the band as well as participant
observation. This concert was held at Mount Zion Baptist church located in
Greensboro, North Carolina. This report is to evaluate the influences of gospel music
on the people of the church and general audience. Emphasis will be placed on how
the music seems to affect the audience during the concert and how the audience
reacted to the songs played. I do recollect growing up, I was expected to be involved
in church because it was a family custom and tradition. My parents and I were in
church ... Show more content on ...
This entrance caused the audience to jump and shout amidst clapping of hands.
They joined into the performance with choruses of Amen! and Yes, Lord! as the
band continued with their song. After a few moments as the artist came to the front
of the stage, some people rose to their feet and began raising their hands high into
the air. People seemed overcome with emotion. There were several songs sung
during the concert and each song had the audience just as vocal and physical as the
one before it. People would shout and raise their hands in the air, shaking them or
waving them around. In a way, it reminded me of the Tarab music of the Middle East
that seem to feel its audience with ecstasy and enchant them. The gospel music
evoked strong emotions in the audience and people sang along with the artist as they
clapped their hands in time with each other. Not only was the background vocals and
the musicians in tune with one another. Everyone singing and clapping in the
audience was in tune as well. I found myself clapping my hands along with them and
trying to remember the words to songs I d long forgotten. It was around these times
that the audience
I Am Sam Psychology
I Am Sam is a touching film that incorporates psychology into modern day society
into terms that the common person could empathize with. Sam Dawson, played by
Sean Penn is a mentally challenged man raising his beloved daughter Lucy
(Dakota Fanning) in the heart of Los Angeles. As a single father, Sam has support
from many of his mentally challenged friends to raise Lucy. Sam works at the local
Starbucks where his job is to bus the tables and clean up after customers. His
neighbor Annie who experiences agoraphobia and will not leave her
apartment,agrees to babysit and care for Lucy while teaching Sam the basics to
parenting. As Lucy progresses in age, she fears being smarter than her father, Lucy s
increasing academic ability becomes an issue... Show more content on ...
According to an Oxford journal about autism, affected children or adults almost
always show evidence of restricted imagination and predilection for rigid routines
(O Callaghan, 2002).The need for a set routine is demonstrated when Sam
becomes extremely upset when Lucy suggests they go to Big Boy instead of
IHOP; Afterwards when he agrees to go, he starts screaming and acting out
because the restaurant did not have the same pancakes as IHOP. Also Sam and his
friends have a set weekly schedule of Wednesday at IHOP, Thursdays are movie
night, and Friday is Karaoke. When one of the plans is changed it causes high
anxiety and angst among the group. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental
disorder that affects a persons ability to socialize and communication with others
(NAMI, 2011). The difficulty with communication is shown throughout the movie.
In one scene, Sam was helping Lucy with her schoolwork and he came across
problem could not solve he mentally shut down and changed the subject. The
absence of social normalities is shown when baby Lucy accidentally makes a woman
spill her drink, Sam then try to help the woman by picking up ice that dropped in the
woman cleavage. The unawareness of the social limitations and personal boundaries
is absent, which reinforces the diagnosis for autism. Research by the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes concluded that people with autism
The Secret Life of Frogs (Poetry by Gwen Harwood) Essay
The Secret Life of Frogs is a poem that delves into the childhood perception of war, in
particular World War I, and the experiences of their fathers. The Secret Life of Frogs
deals with the idea of misunderstandings incurred when children attempt to
understand adult concepts. This is evident through the use of punning. The term Frog,
which is frequently used throughout the poem adds amusement to the text because to
the readers, it not only translates literally to a frog, but also represents the rival
French peoplein the war through a negative light. However, the narrator, who is also
one of the children in the poem, does not understand this other meaning attached to
the term frog . This can clearly be seen in the final sentence... Show more content on ...
The use of the metaphor Dad the Impaler , accentuates the idea that children saw this
term in a very positive manner when in actual fact it has negative connotations. This
highlights the brutality of war, and the negative influence of war on children because
the children in the poem used Dad the Impaler in a heroic manner.
The use of simile in the last stanza matchstick hands as pale as the violet stems they
lived among is used to compare a frog to violet flowers, which are very delicate and
easily broken. The innocence of childhood is painted through this visual technique as
the narrator only sees the frogs being very delicate, but to the readers the simile also
creates a vivid image of the condition of the Frogs / the French. The use of first
person helps to create a reminiscent tone about the narrator s experiences, and further
helps to stress the ideas of childhood innocence and the influence of war on children
because the poem is written from a child s perspective. The use of enjambment
generates a conversational and personal tone, emphasizing to the readers the reality of
the themes discussed throughout the poem. The use of symbolism of frogs as pets
and also representing the French highlights the idea that adults saw Frogs as
insignificant or unworthy to speak about, whereas the children could not understand
this adult thought, and they placed exemplary regard to the wellbeing of the
Compare And Contrast The Actions And Behaviors Of The...
The actions and behavior of the crusaders were guided more by secular reasons than
religious. While the crusades have been remembered as a purely religious struggle
between Latin Christendom and the Muslims of the middle east the actions made by
the crusaders were only partly caused by religion. In addition although there were
many members of the First Crusadewho were genuinely motivated by religious
devotion there were many who were not. The actions of crusaders like Bohemond of
Taranto and Baldwin of Boulogne seem to have been motivated mainly by self
interest and a desire to better themselves. Not only do their circumstances before the
crusadesindicate that their motivations might have been more secular, but the actions
they took indicate... Show more content on ...
After the relief army under Kerbigha arrived it tried and failed to destroy the
crusaders quickly. He then decided to lay siege to Antioch and starve its new
occupiers into submission. Some of the crusaders deserted and told the Byzantines
that all of the crusaders had been killed which convinced them to turn away from
Antioch. Not long afterwards those still in the city found what they assumed to be
the holy lance which helped to raise morale. The crusaders then tried to negotiate
although whether they asked to be allowed to leave or demanded that the Muslim
army under Kerbogha leave is unknown. Several days after negotiations failed the
crusaders attacked and defeated the Muslim army. Surprisingly the crusaders then
stayed in Antioch for over a year while they argued over what to do with the city.
Bohemond argued that he should be given control of the city, however Raymond
disagreed with him. Some historians including Anna Commenca compare Raymond
favorably to Bohemond in large part because of this argument. However it is
Ming Dynasty Soldiers
Consisting of 112 men the Ming Dynasty was the Chinese military. The soldiers of
Ming Dynasty were chosen at birth and it was an inherited job. The motivation for
the soldiers was survival.
The soldiers of Ming Dynasty had very little to no protection. Some archers would
ride on horses or lancers. Lancers were soldiers of cavalry regiment armed with
lances and a lance was a long weapon for thrusting, having a wooden shaft and a
pointed a steel head, formerly used by horseman in charging. The archers would
have shields to protect them while riding the horses. That tactic had only worked for
a certain amount of time before enemies started to get better strategies. Sabers
would be carried by cavalry but were never used. Horse archers as
The Greenpeace Ship, The Rainbow Warrior
On the 10th of July 1985, the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior was anchored at
Marsden wharf in Auckland New Zealand. Ready to confront French nuclear testing
in the Moruroa atoll.
In an attempt to counteract the protests and campaigning of the flagship that
represented New Zealand s movement against nuclear testing in the Pacific, France
bombed and sunk the Greenpeace vessel the Rainbow Warrior. The bombing simply
done to prolong threats against France s nuclear testing in the pacific, and to allow
for their nuclear testing to run smoothly without protest. Without Greenpeace protest,
attention to France s nuclear testing would be minimised and allow for them to
continue without dispute.
Operation Satanique, code name for the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, used by the
french foreign intelligence services, was the first state terrorism act on New Zealand
By arriving to New Zealand on yacht, the Ouvea crew were able to illegally bring
into New Zealand the two limpet mines used to sink the Rainbow Warrior. In diving
gear two of the DSGE agents (Directorate General for External Security), just
minutes before midnight attached two separate bombs to the The two explosives
were placed deliberately on the hull of the ship, just below water line to inflict as
much damage possible to the 40 metre long ship.
Both bombs were detonated ten minutes apart. The first bomb went off at 11:38 pm,
the first explosion was intended to encourage any on board to evacuate to safety.
How An Accelerometer Works, One Must First Understand
To understand how an accelerometer works, one must first understand the concept of
vibration. One example of vibration is sound. When an object vibrates and creates a
disturbance in a medium, it creates a sound wave. The sound wave travels in
sinusoidal form with certain frequencies. This affect was observed in this experiment
with a guitar string, a motor, and a cell phone. The vibration of these systems can be
measured with an accelerometer. The accelerometer converts mechanical acceleration
to an electric signal.
To record the data measured by the accelerometer, the DAQ system LabVIEW was
used. LabVIEW collected the time and frequency data from the plucked guitar string.
An important aspect of the DAQ system is the sample rate, or the number of
measurements it can make in a certain amount of time. It is an important parameter
because without a high enough sample rate, highly dynamic behavior may not be
recorded. Another problem with using an insufficient sampling rate is aliasing which
is the misinterpretation of high frequency signals as lower frequency components. To
prevent this, the sample frequency must be twice the highest frequency. Any signal in
the system that is above the Nyquist frequency, which is half the sampling frequency,
is subject to aliasing, or false frequency measurement. This means that the data is
only reliable up to half of the sampling frequency. However, a sample rate that is too
high leads to difficult data processing and noise
Why Did The United States Become A World Power In The...
By the early 1900 s the United States had become a world power. After the
annexation of Hawaii to the US, there was a strong naval base for protection and
they got valuable sugar cane. The Panama Canal helped trade to become easier. The
Spanish American War gave the Americans more territories like Guam and Puerto
Rico. The annexation of Hawaiiled to the United Statesbecoming a world power.
Hawaii had a lot more sugar cane than the Americans. The American planters did not
want Hawaii to get all the profits, so the Americans created a tariff to protect their
sugar sales. Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii was concerned that the Americans were
interfering with them. Later, she got overthrown by the American government. After
the annexation, the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii grew and allowed the
US to get stronger by having ships in the Pacific. If anyone tries to intrude farther in
the Pacific, the naval base would slow them down and alert the US that they were
coming.... Show more content on ...
Jose Marti led the Cuba libre movement and smuggled weapons to help the Cuban
revolution. Teddy Roosevelt, the US president, led the Rough Riders in the battle
of San Juan Hill to the Spanish artillery and took control of the high ground. It was
a major turning point in the war. During the battle of Guantanamo Bay, the US
captured it from the Spanish and made a base there. The USS was a battleship that
exploded and sunk. The US thought the Spanish did it, which let to increased
tensions. Some of the territories the US gained from the war were Guam, Puerto
Rico and the Phillipines, Teddy Roosevelt wrote a letter saying that the war was a
Splendid Little War because we got so many resources and land from it and US was
Essay about The Importance of Respect in John Steinbeck
The Importance of Respect in John Steinbeck s Cannery Row
Cannery Row is a novel John Steinbeck wrote after World War I. At first, the novel
almost seems like a humorous book, written in a style commonly used by Steinbeck.
The book has its main plot, but also has side chapters that periodically interrupt the
main idea, which adds to the story. One would think that these side chapters are there
to universalize the book, but in fact that is not true. The side chapters tell their own
story, and they have a message that Steinbeck was clearly trying to show through his
book. The novel has a main point about respect. In Cannery Row , Steinbeck is trying
to say that respectability is the destructive force that preys on the world. Steinbeck ...
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This man is very mysterious in the book and is meant to represent loneliness and
aging. A young boyin chapter four makes fun of the old china man. He felt that he
should make fun of him to keep his self respect (19). Both of these incidents
illustrate that a person may be driven to uncomfortable, frightening and even suicidal
lengths to keep up a front. These two characters were made fun of, laughed at and
branded as different. They were not respected in any way, which Steinbeck clearly
The plot of the novel begins to become clear in the next few chapters. This is where
Mack and his gang of friends are introduced. Mack and the boys were homeless;
until one day when an abandoned fish food storage house was given to them. They
loved the house for its protection from the weather. The boys put furniture, posters,
beds, a stove and even some flowers in and around their house. Their house gave
them a since of pride. In their minds they sneered at unsettled people who had no
house to go to (34). They now felt more respect and pride in society.
Doc is also introduced in these chapters. Doc is one of the most respected people
in town. He runs a laboratory called Western Biological and through the years he
had became the fountain of philosophy, science and art in Cannery row. Doc would
listen to any kind of nonsense and change it for you to a kind of wisdom. His mind
had no horizon and his sympathy had no warp . . . Everyone who thought of him
Analysis Of The Virgin Suicides
The Virgin Suicides narrates the story of the Lisbon family and the multiple crises
they face, particularly acute suicidal risk of all five daughters. The family consists of
the father, Ronald, the mother, and five sisters, Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, and
Therese. The family experiences both major and minor crisis event throughout the
film, ultimately ending with all five daughters completing suicide. While there were
numerous individuals experiencing crisis, the neighborhood boys, the entire Lisbon
family, and several other minor characters, this review will focus specifically on
crisis incidents that surround the mother and two daughters, Cecilia and Lux. This
analysis will utilize the Double ABC X model.
Cecilia is the youngest of the Lisbon daughters, being only thirteen. She is slight,
thin and plain. She is quirky, as evident by her wearing the same wedding style
dress throughout her entire appearance in the film, as well as precocious and
introverted. She is an environmentalist, as evident by her reaction to the
condemning of tree in her front yard, her grief about the fact that a species of frog
was added to the endangered species list, and her overall fascination with nature
discussed in her diary. Cecilia appears alienated from her family, perhaps
misunderstood. In regards to Cecilia s initial crisis that led to her suicide attempt, by
means of exsanguination through wrist cutting, it is unclear as to what the stressor
event may have been or what her
The Controversy Of Banning Nuclear Weapons
I think one country with nuclear weapons is one country too many. This quote by
Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, shows that nuclear weapons are not a bright idea for the future of
humanity, even though many people debate on this topic. Nuclear weapons are
dangerous, menacing arsenals to Earth. In 1942, the U.S. created the Manhattan
Project to develop the first nuclear arms. During World War II, the U.S. dropped
two atomic bombs on Japan. This was the start to the controversy of these types of
weapons. It started the ban on nuclear weaponry, but also the start of the production
of these weapons. Many people globally believe that nuclear weapons should be
abolished worldwide. Some of the main... Show more content on ...
If all countries remove their weapons, the world would be a safer place and relieve
the mistrust and fear from other countries without the weapons. Nine countries, the
United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, Israel, and North Korea,
have at least 15,375 nuclear weapons altogether. The U.S. and Russia have 93% of
the weapons. These two countries and the United Kingdom have been decreasing
their amount of arms. The amount of nuclear arms has already drastically decreased
by about 55,000 from 1986. If this movement keeps going, the world will be safer. In
contrast, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea have been increasing their stock of
nuclear weapons. The infinite possibilities of danger from the countries with nuclear
weapons prove that they should never be used again, and all production of nuclear
arms should be stopped
Million Dollar Baby Tragedy
Sami Robbins
Tragedy essay
March 5, 2012
Mrs. Knight
In a tragedy, the main character is usually dignified and courageous. The characters
downfall may be caused by a character flaw, or it may result from forces beyond his
or hers control. The tragic hero or heroine usually wins some knowledge and wisdom,
even though he or she suffers defeat and often death.
Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond
hope there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love From Million Dollar
Baby. Million Dollar Baby directed by Clint Eastwood is a story about a girl, Maggie
who wants desperately to be a fighter, but she only wants to be trained by the best
trainer around, Frankie. She succeeds in ... Show more content on ...
She worked hard enough and was able to get an incredible trainer to train her.
Maggie is in the hospital after her downfall, getting punched after the bell and now
being paralyzed, she is going to lose her legs, has to breathe out of a breathing tube
and will never fight again. Maggie says to Frankie, I can t be like this, Frankie.
Not after what I ve done. I ve seen the world. People chanted my name. Well, not
my name... some damn name you gave me. I was in magazines. You think I ever
dreamed of that d happen? In this quote Maggie exhibits that she is ready to die,
she has achieved more then she could ever dream of. Maggie learns that she can do
anything if she puts her mind to it. Since Maggie is courageous and dignified, has
a human characteristic which amplifies her downfall and learns she can achieve
more than she knows; Million Dollar Baby is a tragedy. Being an excellent fighter,
Maggie was so thankful for the life she and Frankie made for her. Maggie clearly
displays that working hard pays off and anyone can do the impossible, who would
have thought a 37 year old, who has had zero training, would train less for a year and
be a world champion contender? Like Eddie Dupris, the narrator of million dollar
baby says It s the magic of risking everything for a dream nobody can see but
Golden Age Of Democracy
Pericles to a large extent contributed to the Golden Age of Athens as the most
influential citizen, is agreed by all ancient and modern historians such as Plutarch,
Ehrenburg and Burn.
The Golden Age of Democracy was able to be achieved by Pericles through his
democratic reforms and policies which gave the power to the demos and completed
the steps to democracy. The Golden Age of Culture was accomplished as Pericles, the
Patron of the Arts promoted this flourishment of art and architecture through the
Building Program and more. Lastly the Golden Age of Empire and economy yet
again could only be attained through Pericles influence in the transformation of the
Delian League into the Athenian Empire and economic growth. The development of
these ... Show more content on ...
Agreeably, Kagan states his first appearance as a distinct figure was through the
interaction with the arts by sponsoring the play Persians by Aeschylus as a choregus,
which gained Pericles popularity and won first prize. Throughout his career he was
known as the Patron of the Arts by promoting art and architecture through his second
democratic reform (461) which passed an allowance for Athenians to attend public
festivals and subsidizing theatre admission for poorer classes to watch plays;
validates the importance of art by allowing all classes to participate and Pericles
efforts in establishing the Golden Age of culture. Through his support of the Arts,
tragic dramas would reach the culmination of popularity and appeal to mass
audiences, also maintained the tradition in which theatre served as moral and
intellectual education for the people, depicting legends, wars and real life events.
However, the most significant initiative by Pericles was the Building Program
likewise both ancient and modern historians (Williams, Ehrenburg and Plutarch)
collectively agree to its symbolism of Athens glory and the pinnacle of Athens
culture, the grandeur of buildings was unprecedented and brought Athens much
admiration and prestige in the Greek world, (Williams) asserts Pericles role in the
formation of Athens Golden Age of Culture. One of highest acclaim would be the
Parthenon (as described by Kagan) on the Acropolis embodies the perfection and
innovation of Classical Period Art; built on a 4:9 ratio made entirely of Pentelic
marble and features no straight lines but curved forms to combat optical distortion.
Plutarch adds the buildings untouched by time had a soul of unfading youth credits
only Pericles in leaving a legacy in Athenian Golden Age of Culture and the world.
Challenges Facing The International Community Essay
Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way wrote Leo Tolstoy in the opening
page of Anna Karenina. Similarly it can be said that each so called fragile state is
fragile in its own way. Fragile states pose a distinct security risk for the international
community. According to OECD report on fragile states (2015),by failing in their
responsibility to provide basic services to their people, they cause mass migration and
act as havens for terrorism and illicit trade. According to the same report statebuilding
interventions in fragile states are undertaken because, without addressing state
fragility, poverty reduction is not achievable and that state fragility will have a major
impact on global poverty.
In the following analysis, I will try to explore the challenges the international
community, led by the US, face in its state building efforts in Afghanistan. Standing at
the border between central and south asia, Afghanistan has a chequered and violent
recent history. Acting as a buffer zone between British and Russian colonialism in
the 18th and 19th century (Marsden 2009, p 72), Afghanistan became completely
independent from British rule in the 1920s. During the reign of Zahir Shah ( 1933
1973), the country enjoyed relative peace and a process of modernization was under
way in the kemalist model (Rashid 2000, p 76). However, in the 1970s Afghanistan
saw military coup, communist takeover and a Soviet invasion. In the late 1970s, the
People s Democratic
Key Aspects Of Operations ( Possibilities, Facilities,...
Operations Plan
Key aspects of operations (possibilities include facilities, production process,
equipment, labor force utilization). My Parlor will have a store where products will
be served with the capacity to serve 90 customers per day based on information
that is available for on frozen yogurt industry. The intention is to have three
employees for a start, one manager, and two associates. Every organization utilizes
diverse human resources to accomplish company goals and objectives. To
accomplish company goals and objectives, My Parlor will need to add the
following positions in the future: Accountant and Marketing Manager. At first, we
will invest in buy two self service yogurts dispenser, which will give customers the
option of choosing what types off flavor they desire. My Parlor will also buy two cash
registers with customer interaction capability. Customers dispense the quality of
yogurt they want and add any topping they desire, they will then place the cup on the
cash register that will weight it and then tell them the cost of the yogurt. They can
then pay with their credit cards. The store will be rented in Southlake, Texas and the
annual rent will be in the range of $36,000 per year. With regards to maintaining our
equipment, cleaning will be done every day at closing and there will be a service
agreement signed with the manufacturer to come for equipment service every 6
Cost and Time Efficiencies: For guaranteeing operational achievement,
Of Mice and Men Crooks
Of Mice and Men Chapter Four Crooks Essay Crooks is a literate black man who
tends horses on the ranch. He has long been the victim of oppressive violence and
prejudice and has retired behind a facade of aloofness and reserve, his natural
personality deadened and suppressed by years of antagonism. Crooks is the only
black man in the novel. He has a cynical intelligence and a contemptuous demeanor
that he uses to prevent others from inevitably excluding him because of his race.
This sign of intelligence is conveyed when Steinbeck describes Crook s bunkhouse:
And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California
civil code for 1905 pg. 76 This illustrates the irony that Crooks is more intelligent
than the... Show more content on ...
Lennie disarms Crooks initial hostility with his simplicity which results in Crooks
becoming softened by Lennie s smile. Due to the fact he has been discriminated
against and been isolated for so long, Crooks torments Lennie by suggesting
George may not come back from town. His cynical behaviour isn t deliberate but I
think Crooks feels like Lennie has invaded his personal space to insult or bully
him. I believe that Crooks is most similar to Candy as in the social hierarchy of the
ranch, both suffer from a disability that places them in the lowest rank. As
mentioned, Crooks is lonely and isolated from the others due to the colour of his
skin, yet Candy is lonely because he s not as abled as the other workers. Because
he is handicapped, he cannot do the work that the other men do, so when they go
off to do work, Candy is left behind. The theme of loneliness is conveyed
throughout the novel. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation.
He uses sexism, racism and ageism to get his message across. When George talks
to Candy and his antiquated dog, Candy states to the inarticulate George: Give the
Stable Buck hell?... Ya see the stable buck s a nigger pg. 22 As black people were
seen as inferior to white people, they were separated, which
Calfee And CAFE Standards
CAFE is an acronym for Corporate Average Fuel Economy. As stated in, Will
Corporate Average Fuel Economy Help, CAFÉ standards became prevalent by
Congress in 1975 after the oil crisis of the 1970 s. These standards were proposed in
order to help the United States depend less on foreign oil (Sen et al. 2017, p. 279).
The idea of CAFÉ standards does not only help us rely less on foreign oil, but it
also reduces greenhouse gasemissions. Below general information about CAFÉ
and the CAFÉ standards that are current today will be described. As described
above, CAFÉ was first introduced after the 1973 oil crisis. Congress needed to
find solutions to reduce our reliance on oil imported from other countries. CAFÉ
requires car and light truck... Show more content on ...
Today, lightweight cars are not seen as an issue because of the advancements we
have made in technology. However, during the mid 1970 s to 1980 s, consumers were
correlating that the rise in automobile fatalities was correlated to CAFÉ s
standards with fuel efficiency. During this time of concern, it was concluded that
better fuel efficiency could be accomplished by technologies that were available at
the time and these technologies would not change the weight of the automobile
(Schmidt 2002, pg.468). Technology is always advancing. During the time of safety
concerns, people did not necessarily realize that improved technology would be
launched in the years to come (Bezdek and Wendling 2003, p. 409).
How have CAFÉ standards progressed and what are the requirements for new car
models? Starting in May of 2010, former President Barack Obama, the National
Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), all administered Final Rules for automobiles built in
2017 through 2021 (United States Department of Transportation 2014). The
regulations were aimed towards CAFÉ and Greenhouse Gas emissions for cars
and light trucks. Along with cars and light trucks, there were also regulations set in
place for medium and heavy duty trucks. The only difference is that the heavier
trucks are years 2014 to 2018. Cars and light trucks will have to have an average,
Research Paper On Acetonitrile
A number of physicochemical properties must be considered while choosing a
solvent for electrochemical work [35] like being in a liquid state at room
temperature, capable of dissolving electro active species of interests, having a large
potential window and having required acid base properties. The dielectric constant is
the most important parameter for a solvent.
The cheapest solvent is water, which possesses many physico chemical properties. It
can dissolve ionic components and form highly conducting solutions. Water,
deionized and repeatedly distilled with alkaline KMnO4, is usually considered as
pure. The purity is checked by conductivity measurements. The volatile and organic
impurities [36] are removed by passing the distilled water vapour through a column
containing Pt catalyst at about 800п‚°C over which oxygen also simultaneously
Acetonitrile is perhaps a solvent with inert electrochemical ... Show more content on ...
Refluxing with anhydrous copper sulphate, alumina, aluminum chloride, P2O5 etc.,
and distilling under reduced pressure many times and collecting the proper fraction
usually remove this. Vacuum lines are employed during purification, storage and
dehydrating agent such as anhydrous alumina is added as an internal addition [44].
1.7. Supporting Electrolytes All ionic salts or ionizable compounds in a solvent are
defined as the supporting electrolytes. It is very important to realize that they can
influence the electrochemical processes in a number of ways.
i.These electrolytes impart conductivity to the solvent and hence enable the
continuous current flow in solution. ii. They must remain electro inactive in the
potential region of interest, if any useful Voltammetric study is to be conducted. iii. If
the concentration of the supporting electrolyte should be very high, they canform a
space charge near the surface and the space charge potential can influencethe charge
Swot Analysis Of Kingfisher Airlines
Kingfisher Airline is a private airline based in Bangalore,India. The airlines owned
by Vijay Mallya of United BeveragesGroup. Kingfisher Airlines started its operations
on May 9, 2005 witha fleet of 4 Airbus A320 aircrafts. The airline currently operates
ondomestic routes. The destinations covered by Kingfisher Airlines areBangalore,
Mumbai, Delhi, Goa, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad,Cochin, Guwahati, Kolkata,
Pune, Agartala, Dibrugarh, Mangalore and Jaipur. In a short span of time
Kingfisher Airline has carved a niche for itself. The airline offers several unique
services to its customers. These include: personal valet at the airport to assist in
baggage handling and boarding, accompanied with refreshments and music atthe
airport, audio and video on demand, with extra wide personalizedscreens in the
aircraft and three course gourmet cuisine. Kingfisher is one of only 6 airlines in the
world to have a 5star rating from Sky tax, along with Asian Airlines, Malaysia
Airlines,Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways. In ashort
span of time Kingfisher Airline has carved a niche for itself. Theairline offers several
unique services to its customers. These includepersonal valet at the airport to assist in
baggage handling andboarding, exclusive lounges with private space, accompanied
withrefreshments and music at the airport, audio and video on demand,with extra
wide personalized screens in the aircraft, sleeper seats withextendable footrests, and
three course gourmet cuisine
HISTORY:... Show more content on ...
It is owned by the Bengaluru based United Breweries Group. The airline started
commercial operations in 9 May 2005 with a fleet of four new Airbus A320 200s
operating a flight from Mumbai to Delhi.[7] It started its international operations on 3
September 2008 by connecting Bengaluru with
Garth Brooks Research Paper
Imagine yourself standing above thousands of people singing the lyrics of your
song back to you. How does it feel? Growing up in the backwoods of Oklahoma, he
only had a dream for his reality. Through his hard work and dedication to his music,
Garth Brooks, one of the top selling solo artists and ranked among the biggest stars
of his generation, will leave a legacy people only dream to achieve. From the time
Garth Brookswas born to present day, he has always been a real family man. Troyal
Garth Brooks, born 7 February 1962, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the son of Troyal
Brooks and Colleen Carroll, a Capitol Records recording artist of the 1950 s ( Brooks,
Garth ). Brooks, the youngest of six, has one sister and four brothers ( Garth Brooks
). Brooks, who was... Show more content on ...
Not only did he retire to raise his daughters, but his life was chaotic. His mother
died from cancer, he divorced Sandy, and he realized, Someone else was raising
her, as his oldest daughter mimicked her nanny (Bill). Finally, after fourteen years
of retirement, he was back and bigger than ever. More than four million people
have seen him on his comeback tour, which started in 2014 (Gamboa). He proved
that there were no limits to what a country artist could achieve. With more than ten
Entertainer of the Year awards, including the one he just received in 2016, and over
134 million sales, Garth Brooks is to leave one of the biggest legacies in country
music and crossovers (Gamboa; Brooks, Garth ). Brooks, seen as a regular Okie
until 1989, accomplished more than he ever dreamed of achieving. Just like most
artists, he faced a few crossroads. Even though he failed a few times and got turned
down here and there his dedication never died. Garth is not just a family man, an
OSU alumni, or Entertainer of the Year, he is known as one of the best solo artists,
and will go down in history as a country
The United States Involvement
Since the early 1900s the United States has been embroiled in Iranian affairs,
something that would have great effects both in 1979 and now. The United States
interest in Iran was originally spurred by the discovery of oil, but due to the Cold
War U.S. interest in Iran grew even more for strategic reasons. To continue to exert
their influence in Iran, the United States, through the CIA, installed shah Pahlavi as
ruler. The shah was a cruel and strict dictator and was eventually overthrown and
exiled. In place of the shah, an Islamic Republic came to power under the rule of
Ayatollah Khomeini.
Amidst the tumult of revolution and fueled by a hatred for the United States and
their support of the brutal shah, a group of Iranian students ... Show more content on ...
The weak image that Carter portrayed eventually lead to his loss of the 1980
presidential election against Ronald Reagan.
Finally, 444 days later on January 21, 1980, the crisis was resolved and the hostages
were released. The capture of the U.S. embassy in Tehran was a glimpse of
something new and bewildering. It was the first battle in America s war against
militant Islam, a conflict that would eventually engage much of the world.
At the time of the hostage crisis, Jay Mower was 27 years old and attending
Brigham Young University. Mower grew up on the Avenues of Salt Lake City, in
a house his father was able to purchase under the G.I. bill, after his service in World
War II. Jay grew up as the third of five children in what he describes as a typical
middle class family. While Jay was growing up he remembers news playing an
important role in the family s day to day life. The family would often gather
together around the television to watch the nightly news, and Jay remembers his
father being a dedicated reader of the newspaper. Although the family was up to
date on the happenings of the world, there was not a lot of political debating, but
Jay remarked that, It was important to be informed. A hardworking mother and
father raised Jay and carefully saved to be able to send all of five of their children to
college. Mower himself graduated from Brigham
What Is Multi Modal Approach
People with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) in conjunction with mental
illness (MI) are referred to as having a dual diagnosis. Individuals with an IDD are
up to four times more likely to have some kind of psychiatric disorder than the
general population. With as many as 40 percent experiencing symptoms associated
with behavioral, mental and personality disorders. In the United States, more than 1
million persons are considered to have both an IDD and mental illness.
Challenges Related to Delivering Service to Individuals with a Dual Diagnosis
Individuals with a dual diagnosis have multifaceted needs; thus, presenting service
challenges to the systems and professionals dedicated to providing them with support
services and treatment. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, NADD certification is portable; therefore, should a specialist move to
another region, the specialist does not have to reapply for NADD certification.
Unless requested otherwise, the NADD Certified Dual Diagnosis Specialist s name
and contact information is posted on the NADD website. Individuals who are
interested in learning more about attaining NADD Dual Diagnosis Certification for
Specialists can find information by visiting the NADD website and/or by watching
their online
Strategies In Eric Larson s Devil In The White City
Eric Larson in his novel the Devil in the White City masterfully exercises several
rhetorical devices and storytelling strategies. The story itself centers on the Chicago
world fair and the two greatly influential men who roamed Chicago at this time.
The intrepid architect who pulled it all together and against all odds puts on a
fantastical fair the likes of which will never be seen again. The other a prolific
serial killer who used the chaos of the fair to catch, kill, and dispose of victims with
great facility. To tell these stories Larson employs a varieties of techniques to convey
his tales in the way he envisioned. In particular he seems to draw heavily on
nonlinear narrativetechniques. Larson routinely jumps from the present, to the past, to
Larson s present, and back to present. He exercises these techniques as a means of
engaging his audience and to entertain his readers.
Larson manipulates nonlinear narrative techniques to keep readers engaged
throughout the novel. The whole prologue of the novel is an excellent example of
the use of nonlinear narrative structure to hook the reader and have them continue the
novel. The prologue, as it becomes evident in the epilogue, describes Burnham s boat
ride on the Olympia after all the events of the novel have transpired (Larson, 5). In
this fragment of future events, Burnham summarizes the triumphs and trials of
putting on the fair. He also delves on the Holmes storyline and relays the information
emerging from the
What is Confict Transformation
Conflict transformation explains that rather then getting rid of the conflict
(expression or disagreement), it seeks to work at the problem from the inside out
(Lederach, 1995). In this conflict stated above the root of the conflict was when the
customer did not retain her information and software due to the suggestion given of
performing a factory reset her computer. This problem could have been resolved
when the customer first came in the store and inquired about this issue. The sale
representative could/should have told the customer to backup her data and then
suggested a reset, even better the salesrepresentative could have done it for the
customer. In saying this HP should have also informed the customer that such things
can occur when factory resetting a device.
Conflict Transformation is also reliant on a moral decision that are made on the
spot and understanding that not all conflicts are going to be all right and that faith
may played a major role in the end result (Lederach, 1995). We can see that the first
impression that the customer received and was directed to HP was an incorrect
moral decision that was made on the spot. Due to this decision it lead to frustration
and a lengthy process to resolve for all parties. This gave the customer a wrong
impression of what both companies are like and may never shop with us again.
Another conflict resolution method that could have been used to handle this conflict
is the interest based relational (IBR) approach
Social Justice And Its Entire Entity
Social Justice in its entire entity: The Final Countdown to Defining Social Justice
Kaylie Ines
ID 201: Social Justice
Dr. Jorsch Dr. Van Tassel Fear and cruelty are the weapons of animals, not humanity,
and social injustices derive from fear the masked ego of one who has sustained
through power: white power. It is only fair to continue to talk about social injustice
by defining what is social justice. Social justice embodies a framework (and certainly
not limited to) a community, a united nation, equitable in standing together in belief
and acceptance of diversity; equality; freedom; and equal opportunity to income
and its privileges. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of
America proclaims that a house divided cannot stand. I believe President Lincoln
is correct with his statement, if the house is not endowed in a universal cause and
foundation, then the infrastructure is faulty and will collapse. Here is how this
connects to social justice, if that same house is not socially just, separation will
impel and will cause dilapidation within the foundation. This paper will implement
foci on Michelle Alexander s (The New Jim Crow) approach of the social issue of a
new Jim Crow system of mass incarceration in a colorblind society, and Barbara
Ehrenreich s (Nickle and Dimed) notion to the social injustice that derives from a
capitalistic driven society that undermines the working lower class men and women.
With the forth
Disadvantages Of Meritocracy
Meritocracy is crediting a person based on his/her achievements and merit. The
opposite of meritocracy is patronage or padrino system, which is assigning of
positions or work based on relationship with the people on top. Moreover, it is also
common for people in government to be related to one another, or friends of someone
within, also known as nepotism. This is problematic, as the appointments especially
in the government are expected to have the competencies and personal attributes to
effectively drive performance by ensuring integrity, transparency and accountability at
all time. These appointees are meant to make significant and rational decisions that
impact on our economy, be it social and cultural well being and to ensure effective
and efficient delivery of critical services such as education, health care, policing,
workers protection, public utilities and so on.
Patronage appointment is not a new concept. Originated in Italy, patrons were
exhibiting power and control in making appointment and the appointees were getting
prestige and public recognition through the association with that patron. In 1881 the
US President James Garfield was assassinated because he failed to give his assassin a
patronage appointment. Arguably, Philippine patronage system is very interesting
and complicated organizational issue as the practice is embedded, and accepted, in
the culture and society. The Philippine practice of patronage dates back during the
Spanish colonization in 1400s, when Filipinos had to build strong connections with
their colonizers to keep their positions or businesses. This practice has been passed
from one generation to the other until the present day. Business or organizational
management are passed down within family or close friends. In addition, the tight
knit family culture encourages the system, mostly in businesses, because owners
believe that their family members understand the business more, therefore should be
in good hands. The idea of family loyalty also makes a case for patronage. An owner
believes that, compared to an outsider, family members would want the best for the
business, since the business is seen as a family treasure.
In the Philippines, patronage system might have made
Stigma Of Online Dating
Internet matchmaking and dating have become a big business because of the
negative stigma of online dating decreasing. Society previously viewed online
dating as the most obscure way to date and it was seen as the most desperate way
to find a companion. But now according to an article found online,the 21 percent of
internet users that agreed with the statement people who use online dating sites are
desperate , has shown an 8point drop from last poll in 2005. In the clip, it was
shown that, a thriving dating website, charges their members a $25
dollar monthly fee from over 12 million users. So the quote ...there s money to be
made in love and romance , speaks volumes. Furthermore, some people think of
Internet dating as a Meet Market because you have so many options to choose from.
Just like... Show more content on ...
And at a meat market, you know what you are looking for and you have a variety
of options. I also want to include the scernio in the clip in which Kate Starlings
started off looking for a friend on but she ended up finding love, just
like if you were going to the grocery store to pickup biscuits, and you may also
leave with orange juice. In addition to this information, although love and romance
can be found on these dating websites in some cases lies and hidden truths can also
be identified. The disadvantages of meeting someone online would be that they lie
about their age, height, and even their profile picture. It may be easy toile about your
height, age or appearance, but the science to this matchmaking is far from easy. A
look inside s matchmaking team and technology an individual can
analyze the mathematics and research put into matchmaking. They base their website
off of compatibility and also do follow up research which
Wendell s Short Story
One afternoon in the quiet town of Williamsburg, William. There was a boy named
Willy. Willy was just preparing for Spring Break, and really he had nothing to do.
Then he thought of pranking his best friend Wendell. Wendell was one of the
meanest guys ever to exist! He always would beat people up, steal lunch money, and
make super mean jokes about someone behind their back.
Which brings a question of why would Willy be friends with someone like him?
You see Willy was the complete opposite of Wendell. The only reason why he would
hang out with Wendell is because he was sometimes funny, but not the funny that
brings a smile to your face. Nor the funny a crowd of people would laugh at. Not
even a funny that even a loving mother could smile ... Show more content on ...
You see it was Spring time and that means it s April Fool s time. April Fools time
was usually Wendells time, but he had no idea that today was April Fools. You
may ask how does a guy like Wendell not know it s April Fools day? Well that s a
story for another day. Anyhow after they started kicking dirt. Willy had a good
prank for April Fools Day, and this prank would really rock him.
As they were kicking the dirt, a cop started rolling up the block. Hey boys anything
going on here? asked the cop to the boys. The officer got no response and started to
leave, but just before he left. Willy yelled, My friend Wendell here would loveto go
to jail, because he slapped someone so hard
He s lying don t listen to him at all, Wendell interrupted, he s just crazy
Like you? said the officer returning. Willy winked at the Officer, but he didn t wink
back. The officer soon arrested Wendell, and Wendell was placed in jail
immediately. After a while Wendell started to plead he didn t belong there, but no
cared. They tortured Wendell like Wendell tortured all the other people, and he cried.
He cried so much that sound didn t even come out from his mouth anymore. That s
when Willy decided to visit
Coca Cola Strategic Business Unit
Strategic business unit (SBU):
Basically SBU is part of portfolio technique (in which company operates multiple
products), SBU plans itself and operate itself to separate some product or unit to
stand alone but it remains in the company or boundaries of the company also
separates business mission statement or objectives that can be planned separately
from other company businesses. They themselves are responsible for their profit and
loss also for their objectives. They plan strategies for achieving their goals.
LG Electronics and Intel entered into a plan to reach a goal welcoming industry to
produce Intel Wireless Display (WiDi)technology. Intel WiDi will be set into next
year s LG Movies 3D Smart TVs, building them the first in the TV production to spot
Intel WiDi ... Show more content on ...
Coke provides beloved brands all around the world and its supply plan follows
FMCG(fast moving consumer goods model). As we all know the products of coke is
available everywhere in urban as well as in rural areas. Worth of coca cola brand is as
its products are easily accessible at any corner shops or dhabas.
4. Promotion:
Coca cola used different promotional and advertising tactics to build bigger demand
in market associating with everyday life and actions and primarily focusing on worth
based advertizing. You are more probable to see Coke Ad for particular event. It
recruits both drive policy through promotions and drag policy through advertising
and campaigns.
Views or opinion on marketing mix of Coca Cola:
As the Coca Cola company has come a long way from advertising a few servings
of sparkling drinks in a pharmacy, to a worldwide business. Coca Cola s loyalty to
remain at the front of the shifting public values in increasing their promotion tactics
has confirmed to their plus. Without any confusion The Coca Cola Company has
developed all the basics necessary to run a multimillion, worldwide venture and it
refreshes all the people that come in contact their
The Ethics Of The United States
The organization by which I work was organized over two hundred years ago. As
one of the largest law firms within the borders of the United States, the
responsibility of my organization extends to both criminal and civil matters. The
stakeholders represented by my organization are not the typical investors
according to the rules of business. Those dependent upon our services are those
who are warranted by justice to be made whole: society at large. The Firm was
created by a Judiciary Act to serve as the nation s primary source of litigative
actions. The Firm has been divided into nearly 100 individual Districts. Each District
is tasked with three primary responsibilities: to prosecute criminal cases, to prosecute
and defend civil cases,... Show more content on ...
The outcome of each assessment or evaluation process tends to directly and
indirectly hinge on the handling and processing of each of these elements. The
District is divided into two primary areas and each area is assigned specific foci to
center resources and efforts. Both areas are tasked with supporting the District by
sharing resources, energy, and information. Therefore, the framework or outline of
District as well as the organization as a whole can be analyzed from the perspective
of an open system. An open system as Harrison and Shirom (1999) explains is
product by which a whole entity operates based on individually functioning parts
simultaneously in order to achieve the system s goals. According to Katz and Kahn
(1971), there are essentially nine working components of an open system. These nine
characteristics are typically common to various types of open systems and can be
thusly applicable to my current organization as follows.
Importation of Energy: Based on the potential energy theory, the idea of importation
of energy recognizes that energy is delivered into the system through other sources or
stimuli. Katz and Kahn (1971) argued that no social structure is self sufficient or self
contained (p. 21). Since the primary foci of my organization stems to right wrong
doings by bringing individuals and organization to the justice system in order to
rectify the situation,
Becoming An Honor High School Student
. After two years, I was able to find my way and becoming an honor high school
student; I was able to qualify honor classes and A.P classes. Due to my efforts, I
also got the high school business award for 2008. I persuaded for a better education
by challenging myself with heavier work and difficult tasks. I was able to pass the
state exams and graduate from high schoolwith a 3.6 GPA. This first achievement
showed me that I could do anything I wanted as long I had the desire, motivation and
commitment to give the best of me. This mentality helped to overcome many
obstacles during college; I was able to graduate from DeVry Universityin December
2012, with a degree in technical management and a minor in business information
systems. Also,
Why I Want To Pursue A Medical Science Degree
As a young woman filled with hopes and dreams, I have many things that I would
like to accomplish even though there are things I am still figuring out and deciding
on. I am currently enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Science program at the
University of Alaska Anchorage in which I am seeking a Bachelor of Science
Degree as well as a minor in nutrition. I discovered that I wanted to major in
something belonging in the healthcare field because medicineis such a noble and
fascinating field of study. Realizing my passion for medicine, my future plans after
graduating include going to medical school and teaching. I want to keep moving
forward in my professional career and gaining knowledge through even higher
education. Attending medical school was something that I... Show more content on ...
I plan to work with families to prevent disease and improve health for a strong
foundation in their children s lives at a critical age of growth by having direct
contact with the patient but also helping out in the laboratory. Earning a doctorate
degree would also allow me to become a professor and teach science and nutrition
classes along with the labs. Another important service I want to offer after I
graduate is to travel the world with medical organizations to provide care for
people and communities that are in need and less fortunate. It would be an amazing
experience to volunteer in projects that bring attention to people that seem to be
forgotten. At this moment I am planning on becoming a certified phlebotomist
because I believe it will start getting me into the field and gaining some experience
with patient interaction as well as moving into the laboratory field for after I
graduate. What I am absolutely sure of is that I want to belong to a team of
healthcare providers where I could implement my values and knowledge to help,
serve, and cure many
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Argument Essay On Death Penalty

  • 1. Argument Essay On Death Penalty Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task, as it involves navigating through complex ethical, moral, legal, and social issues. The subject is highly controversial, with strong opinions on both sides of the argument. Crafting a compelling argument essay requires thorough research to understand the historical context, legal frameworks, and societal implications surrounding capital punishment. One difficulty lies in presenting a balanced perspective while acknowledging the emotional and ethical aspects associated with the death penalty. Addressing the moral implications of taking a human life as a form of punishment requires careful consideration and sensitivity. Furthermore, interpreting legal precedents and understanding the evolving nature of the judicial system adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Constructing a coherent and logical argument that supports or opposes the death penalty necessitates the ability to synthesize information from various sources. The essay should incorporate statistical data, case studies, and expert opinions to reinforce the presented arguments. Organizing these diverse elements into a cohesive narrative requires skillful writing and a clear structure. Additionally, engaging with counterarguments and effectively refuting them is crucial to strengthen the overall persuasiveness of the essay. Anticipating and addressing opposing viewpoints demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter and adds credibility to the argument. In conclusion, writing an essay on the death penalty demands a nuanced approach, involving extensive research, thoughtful analysis, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. It is essential to navigate through the intricacies of the topic while maintaining a balanced and persuasive tone. For those seeking assistance or more essays on various subjects, resources like can offer valuable support. Argument Essay On Death Penalty Argument Essay On Death Penalty
  • 2. Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley Randall The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns, hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8) This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no, you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and foreshadowing
  • 3. Motion Graphics and Compositing Video UNIT 64 Motion Graphics and Compositing Video Review/Reflection Write a reflective self evaluation review covering the strengths and weakness of your production. How did I develop my initial visual ideas? I thought about remaking the opening title sequence of my favourite movie (JILLA). Sir R. T. Neason is an Indian film director who is well known in the industry for is capability of making fantastic mind blowing effects movies. Jilla was initially released in January, 2014 and it was appreciated by the audience. To make my opening title sequence I watched the movie several times. Each time I watched it, I critically look at the way the text, effects, sounds, and actions were set up. I started to take note, and create my storyboard. I research the original movie but I wanted my idea to be unique and purely my imagination. It wasn t very difficult for me as I have completed a movie project before. How did I create the appropriate movie composition sequence? To make sure that I have created an appropriate movie composition sequence I have made a check list. I continually tick boxes till I had everything completed. My check list included frame rate, resolution or safe areas of my title sequence. RESOLUTION Width: 1280px; Height: 720px; Frame rate: 24; Duration: 00.30.00 seconds This is the size for the footage I am going to use: Name: Jilla Agarwal.Mp4; Length: 1280 x 720 (1.00); File format: H.264; Frame rate: 24.00fps My technical, creative,
  • 4. The Negative Effect Of Year-Round Schooling Do you like your summer i love my. Year round schooling has it good thing and bad things that come with it .like there no summer gap to forget things. But with no summer there no summer jobs.they is still many thing to talk about. in my first paragraph i will talk about the bad effect that year round schooling has from a parental point of view. One of the first effect from year round schooling is childcare. It hard to find someone to watch my kid for two weeks then have a break for 2 months, the second effect is that older kids cant go get a summer they will always have to ask for money from their parents. This are the good effect that come from year round school. The first one is that they no summer gap. So kids don t forget every
  • 5. The Habits Of The Polar Bear The polar bear is a large bear that lives in the north. They are the second largest bear in the bear family, and they have a unique white fur that differentiates them from the rest of the bears. This white fur is not only their unique characteristic, but also an amazing tool that God has given them so that they can survive in the wild. In order to better understand polar bear, one must understand their habits, their characteristics, and the dangers they are facing. First of all it s a question that everyone has, what do they eat? Their diet depends on high fat content in seal fat, this is one of the few stuff that can provide them enough calories to maintain their survival and to pass down their genes. They usually eat seals. Ringed seals are eaten by the females and little ones, and the males hunt the bearded seals, which are bigger than the ringed seals. In the good times when they have access to much food, they may eat only the bladder and the skin of the seal because that s the fattest part. However, when times are not that good, they will also eat other stuff if it is available. They will hunt whales if they are trapped, they will also accept small animals and any carcass within their reach. Unlike some bears, they don t have the habit of storing food. After they finish eating, they will leave the rest of the body for scavengers. Sometimes the scavengers might be other polar bears that failed their hunt. It is also very common for them to share food. Once, a scientist
  • 6. Salmon Farming Problems Salmon farming is becoming more and more popular as salmon population increases. Currently, over half the salmon sold globally is farm raised in Northern Europe, Chile, Canada, and the United States, and the annual global production of farmed salmon has risen from 24,000 to over 1 million metric tons during the past two decades (Hites, pg. 226). Because salmonfarms are so widespread, salmon from farms in northern Europe, North America, and Chile are now available widely year round at relatively low prices (Hites, pg. 226). The problems that occur from salmon farming, mostly come from how they are contained. Most salmon farm use open net cages in the ocean which helps the salmon move around freely. Complications arise with these types of containments
  • 7. Role of Nurses During the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Introduction In April 2012, the United States of America experienced Sandy, known as one of the deadliest and costliest hurricanes in the American history. It is estimated that the hurricane caused damage of about $75 million. Besides numerous causalities along its path, the deadly hurricane left many cities without electricity, communication system, infrastructure and even shelter in many cases. Within the United States, New Jersey and New, both major socio economic hubs and highly populated regions, remained the worst hit area of the storm. Disaster Management Effective disaster management is highly important when it comes to assisting in rescue and relief to affected. This does not only include post disaster rescue efforts but these disaster management activities should be proactive. They start right from taking preventive measures before the disaster actually occurs and goes on till the effected people are resettled back in their lives. This disaster management pertaining to human life is not only associated with physical well being but also focuses on psychological, emotional, and spiritual rehabilitation. Role of Nursing in Disaster Management Nursing revolves, not merely about looking after patients, but creating awareness in the society about self care nursing and prevention strategies and to communicate with their patients in a holistic manner, so as to satisfy their physical, mental and spiritual health needs. Various nursing theorists have repeatedly
  • 8. I Learned A Valuable Lesson From Suffering An Accident There came a point in my life when I learned a valuable lesson from suffering an accident that could have made me a disable person today. Ever since I was little I loved to play with my older brother. Since, it was impossible for me to play with my younger sister because she was small I tended to follow my brother in everything he did. My brother played with older friends and as a result they would get into trouble a lot. Since I grew up around boys I would play the way they did. If they would jump, run, and climb trees so would I. Being a girl came with some difficulties because sometimes my brother would not want me to play with them just because I was a girl, they taught I was weak, and fragile. My brother had constantly reminded me not to play with his friends because they played tough. Being five years old I would not listen to what my elder told me to follow. I thought that mom hated me because she did not want me to play with guys. My mom told me that she did not want me to play with my brother friends because she was just protecting me. I did not listen to what my mother told me and I still went to play with my brother and his friends. That day my brother and his friends played a new game that I did not know. It was a game that consisted of two persons per group. My brother was mad at me because he told me not to play with them. Since the game required a partner I asked my brother to be my partner and he was not happy but he did not refuse. My brother told me the
  • 9. Consumer Credit Protection Act Case Summary Consumer Credit Protection Act Also known as Regulation B, the consumer credit protection act was created in 1968 to guarantee fair and honest credit practices to consumers. This Act ensures that all lenders follow the same set of regulations. This law protects employees from discharge from their employers due to wages being garnished for any one debt. Furthermore, it limits the amount of earnings that can be garnished in one week. (About SHRM, 2015). Gallman vs Home Improvement Contractor A case that exemplifies the consumer credit protection act is the Gallman Case. The Gallman s signed a blank judgment note for a home improvement contract. They were told that the project s total cost would be $600. The contractor then proceeded to fill ... Show more content on ... The Jesionski s were refinancing their home on February 23, 2007 by borrowing $611M from Countrywide. Countrywide provided them with a Truth in Lending Act disclosure and a notice of a right to cancel which provided them until 12pm on February 27, 2007 to cancel. The Jesinoskis did not cancel and they use that money they received to pay off other debt. On February 23, 2010 the Jesinoskis tried to rescind the loan and attempted to argue that they did not receive a sufficient amount of copies of the TILA disclosure. Their attempt was denied by Countrywide. Countrywide sought a judgement and argued that the Jensionskis did not file their suit within the 3 year allowed period per TILA; The Jensionskis argued that they did. The District Court voted in favor of Countrywide; US Court of Appeals affirmed. (Jesionski,
  • 10. Good Teaching Is an Art as Well as a Science Good teaching is a skillful blend of artistic and scientific elements. Teaching as an art involves beliefs, emotions, values and flexibility, while teaching as a science utilizes instructional practices that are proven by research to improve student achievement (Snowman and Biehler, 2006). According to (Peters, R.) teaching can involve formal methods of instruction as well as informal ways of organizing things so that children will be led to discover things for themselves. According to (Manning, H. 2003, p. 11) A teacher is the one to impart knowledgeto students in different ways to assist learning. Teaching factors are considered if something must be accomplished. It is practically stating that teaching is what is being taught, who... Show more content on ... Positive skills and knowledge can also be gained. This is so as it prepares students to live in a changing world. According to William, C. (2007) good teaching is so much more than directing instruction. Students are being academically challenged and are performing at a higher standard. Their self esteem is increasing and this is because of the teaching curriculum and the teacher. Flexibility is crucial for a teacher to become successful in the classroom. It is essential for teachers to utilize varying methods of teaching as this will encourage greater success of the children learning. The teacher may find that a certain class is full of visual learners whereas another is full of auditory learners. The art is adjusting the lesson to accommodate each respective group. When Wasserman states that teaching is not a matter of clear cut answers, she is urging teachers to be flexible. Flexibility allows the teacher the ability to improvise or the feeling of doing the right thing at a particular point in time. It is all well and good to have your lessons planned out but an expert teacher must be able to analyze a situation quickly and work to suit. It allows the willingness and resourcefulness to work around impediments. Teaching does not allows occur under ideal circumstances, and teachers must sometimes cope with inadequate facilities, insufficient
  • 11. Optic Neuropathy Essay Leber s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: A Genetic Disease that Affects Metabolism In 1971, Theodor Leber, a German ophthalmologist, first described distinctive symptoms of central vision loss in a group of patients. Leber s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was later named in his honor. With the discovery of mitochondrial DNAcame the ability to identify the genetic cause of this disease. It is a maternally inherited mitochondrial disease that most commonly affects young men aged 15 to 30 years old. Its painless symptoms usually leave patients with significant, permanent blindness due to optic nerve damage in both eyes. There have been some reports of neurologic abnormalities such as tremors and cardiac arrhythmias. An ophthalmologist will examine the patients eyes and perform various... Show more content on ... It is a mitochondrial disorder inherited only from mothers because mitochondria are passed on to the developing embryo from egg cells ( Genetics Home Reference, 2013). Mitochondria are important structures inside the cells to generate ATP, a form of energy that can be used in our body. Since our eyes require large amounts of energy, any dysfunction of the mitochondria can have a dramatic effect in vision. The majority of patients diagnosed with LHON have genetic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Approximately 90% of patients with LHON have one of three mtDNA mutations: m.11778G A (the most common), m.3460G A, or m.14484T C ( Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, n.d., Causes section, para. 3). These mutated genes disrupt the proteins in the mitochondrial enzyme complex that help convert oxygen, fats, and simple sugars to energy which cause optic nerve cell damage ( Genetics Home Reference, 2013). It is important to note that even though an individual may be a carrier of one the gene mutations, does not mean they will develop the disease. Scientists have been unable to find out why it affects more males than
  • 12. Personal Reflection Of Gender And Language I first got my start in linguistics by accident. I did not foresee that one introductory linguistics class taken on a whim would change my life. What caught my attention the most was our unit on pragmatics and semantics. From that class, I ve gone on to major in linguistics and even conduct my own research in the field. I was given the opportunity to participate on a research team analyzing children s acquisition of resultative adjectives. Our team ended up presenting at Eastern Michigan University s Undergraduate Symposium. We also submitted an application to the 11th Annual Cornell University Undergraduate Linguistic Colloquium, and were accepted to do an oral presentation. Since I am working on a senior thesis at the moment, I have also been conducting research of my own. I am studying the usage of the construction yeah, no and no, yeah. Though the process, I have learned a lot about how to conduct research and also how to write an academic thesis. My plans for graduate study are heavily influenced by the classes I have taken during my time in undergrad. As I mentioned before, I fell in love with pragmatics and semantics. Along with that, I found a passion for sociolinguistics. There are two classes in particular that have sparked my interest. The first was a class about women and language. Though it was titled women, it was really about the relationship between gender and language. We talked about linguistic stereotypes based on a person s gender and how they are
  • 13. My Semester Of Learning For Msmit Degree At Sul Livan... Courses I Am Taking This Quarter I am Pavan Nidamanuru. This is my first semester of learning for MSMIT degree at Sul livan University. I have enrolled in two courses this Semester. First course is CSC560X Elec tronic Commerce and Intranet Development , which is a fully online course being taught by Professor Dr. Emmanuel Amadi. This course mainly teaches about how businesses can be done over internet or online. Second course is MGT510Z Managerial Communication Skills , which is a hybrid course being taught by Professor Dr. Mohamed Abualhaija. This course re quires in class presence 3 times during the semester. This course mainly teaches different strategies to enhance the communication skills of an individual. Hynes (2005) stated effective business communication is the key to planning, leading, organizing, and controlling the re sources of the organizations to achieve objectives, and may be formal or informal in nature. Applying Learning from Course #1 to My Workplace Some of the ideas and techniques I learnt from CSC560X Electronic Commerce and Intranet Development were applied to my Company Kaagaz . I would like to share one example here. I own a corporate gifting company by name Kaagaz which is a startup, located in Bangalore city of India. It is a very small company which was known only to few locals 3 months back. As I started learning E commerce course, I understood how important a website is for marketing a company. It is stated that the two main objectives
  • 14. Biopure Marketing Analysis Essay BIZ2120: Marketing Case analysis #1: Biopure Corporation Submitted by MARCO TARANTA ID: 2013843468 SEMESTER: Fall 2013 1. What is the potential market size for each of Oxyglobin and Hemopure? The veterinary market is valued at $638,550,000. Since the expected market share for Biopure is 100% and assuming that the total U.S. veterinary practices (15,000) remains the same, we can state that the potential market size for Oxyglobin is $638.550.000. The main segments in the veterinary market are Primary Care and Emergency Care . The veterinary practices are approximately 15,000, 95% of which ... Show more content on ... The market of human blood transfusions is broken down into different uses: Elective Surgery, Emergency Surgery and Trauma. However, Hemopure seems to be suitable only for trauma cases due to its characteristics and, again, high price. To understand the reason, it is important to notice that, actually, only 10% of the 500,000 trauma victims receives RBCs in the field or at the site of accident, and the remaining 95% of these people does not receive transfusions until they arrive at the hospital. This delay was often cited as a major factor to the 20,000 trauma deaths. Therefore, since the expected market share for Biopure is 25% and assuming that the total blood transfusions remain stable, the potential market size for Hemopure is approximately $350,000,000. This size is based on an average price of $700 multiplied by 2,000,000 units (around 4 blood units are needed for each Trauma case). Comparing these potential market size, we can easily observe that Oxyglobin is roughly two times as profitable as Hemopure. Accordingly, Biopure should take these data into account to evaluate whether or not to launch Oxyglobin immediately. On the other hand, this revenue expectation is not so realistic. In fact, it is almost impossible that the company will capture the whole potential markets because of its small production capacity. This latter represents the main obstacle to a potential success of Biopure in both animal and human
  • 15. Mystikal Net Worth Research Paper Mystikal Net Worth Introduction: Michael Lawrence Tyler is an American rapper and actor. His professional name is Mystikal. His estimated net worth is $3 million. His life is very controversial so far. We went to prison for being guilty. His last studio album is Tarantula. His career started in the early 90s. Biography and wiki: When Mystikal was very young, his family moved to New Orleans. His dad used to run a small store. He died when Mystical was just seven. From early ages, he was very fond of breakdancing and used to do rapping and rhyming. He used to call himself Mystikal Mike . He went to Cohen High School, Though was an average student, he loved to study astronomy and science. After the graduation, he joined the United States... Show more content on ... He performed raps in many NCO clubs. After his discharge from the army, he returned home and he started to work as a security guard in a shopping center. Through his performance in Theme Center of Not That Nigga , he succeeded in getting the attention of the of Big Boy Records. After the show, he signed a contract. Career: In 1994 Big Boy Records release his first album Mystikal .It was one of the most successful albums of the record label and it was the major success for the artist also. Mystikal was having rivalry with U.N.L.V, The B.Gz, and Lil Wayne, who signed with another record label in New Orleans. After the death of his sister with whom he was very much attached and who collaborated in the song Not That Nigga , he was having a hard time. After that Lil Wayne and he decided to become collaborators. He signed a contract with Jive Records and released his album Mind of Mystikal . The next year he signed to another label No Limit Records and he released Unpredictable in November. His last album with the label was Ghetto Fabulous, release in 1998. His next album Let s Get Ready reached the number one position in Billboard 200 Top Album chart. He went to jail because he was found guilty of the extortion charge and sexual battery charges. In 2010 after his release he was registered as a sex offender. Awards and
  • 16. The Game Red Dead Redemption Have you ever wanted to experience what is like being a cowboy in the Wild West? Experiencing first hand a gritty frontier town, vast unexplored territory, and the endless possibility for adventure. The gaming company Rockstar created the game Red Dead Redemption in order for gamers to see what it was to a dying breed in modernizing world. The game Red Dead Redemption depicts what life was like in the American frontierin the early nineteen hundreds. The game Red Dead Redemption is an open world western created by Rockstar Games. Rockstar games decided to take a new approach on open world game such a Grand Theft Auto to offer a completely different perspective in a time in history. Rather then committing crimes in down LA, you are ... Show more content on ... This was a time period during the industrial era where machines have become more prominent. The east coast of the United States had been becoming very modernized while the west was slowly catching up. The game Red Dead Redemption shows how historically accurate life was like back in the early nineteen hundreds. The year is nineteen eleven and you are first introduced to rough and rugged protagonist john Marston a former outlaw who escaped his gang and is trying to hunt down his former gang in order to live his life with family. Although John Marston is trying to hunt down his former gang, he finds out that he is going to embark in a great adventure that takes him in to the unsettled territory of the American Frontier. John will face many trials and tribulations when he goes head first into the Wild West. The game starts off of John Marston in a train leaving a city known as Black water. The town of Black water is portrayed as the most developed and civilized city in the game. The buildings are well constructed, the people are well dressed and polite, and there is law and order in the city. But after you get on train headed west you end up in a small town know as Armadillo. As soon as you get of the train John has to avoid a drunken person who stumbled out of the saloon (Gamespot, 2017). As the player in the game you quickly pick up the difference between the city of Black water and the frontier town of Armadillo. The own of Armadillo is some what developed.
  • 17. Essay On Jazz And Blues Music Karley Dodd N.Tolbert History 1301 5 February 2018 The Beginning of Jazz and Blues Music Jazz was born in New Orleans nearly one hundred years ago. It s roots can be found in the musical traditions of Africa and Europe. In fact, some people say that jazz is the perfect combination of African and European music. From African music, jazz got its: rhythm and feel , blues quality, some even say it originated from the Deep South of the United States at the end of the 19th century from slaves spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and rhymes simple narrative ballads. From European music, jazz got its: harmony that is, the chords that accompany the tunes, jazz harmony is similar to classical music s harmony, instruments ... Show more content on ... Mamie Smith, the first blues vocalist to attain popularity through recordings, employed jazz tenor sax pioneer Coleman Hawkins in her group. Bessie Smith, the greatest of the early blues artists, featured a young Louis Armstrong on some of her finest recordings. Count Basie, who once defined jazz as nothing more than swinging the blues, featured blues shouter Jimmy Rushing in his first band, and received a major boost in his comeback 20 years later from the more contemporary blues stylings of Joe Williams. Lionel Hampton s big band of the 1940s introduced blues great Dinah Washington and made hit records including Hamp s Boogie Woogie and Hey! Ba Ba Re Bop that helped launch rhythm and blues. R B then begat rock and roll, which ultimately fed the fusion movement in jazz, just as the soulful jazz of modernists such as Horace Silver and Bobby Timmons had its impact via funk on more contemporary blues OurVLE gives a great summary of Jazz and Blues music: Jazz and the Blues have occupied a significant place in the cultural history of the Americas for over a century. This dual music genre is universally recognized as an important contribution, from an enslaved people no less, to the cultural inventory of the planet, and is acknowledged for its distinctive impact on other music genres and art forms
  • 18. Jp Morgan Chase Annual Report JPMorgan and Chase 2011 Financial Analysis Abbiton Mumba , Bomboma Douti, Thuy Doan, Tracy Nguyen [Type the company address] General Information: JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) is one of the oldest financial institutions in the United States with a history dating back over 200 years. JPMorgan and Chase is basically included Chase the U.S. consumer and commercial banking businesses serve customers under the Chase brand. The consumer businesses include: Branch, ATM, telephone and online banking, Credit cards, Small business, Home finance and home equity loans, Auto finance, Education finance, Retirement amp; Investing, Retail Checking. The commercial banking businesses include: Middle Market, Corporate Client Banking,... Show more content on ... That reason makes Growth in profit during the current year increased by 9.2458%. Common size Analysis: | Current Year| Previous Year| Revenue| 100%| 100%| Non interest Expense| 64.70%| 59.59%| Interest Expense| 13.99%| 12.45%| Income Tax Expense| 7.99%| 7.29%| Income from continuing operations| 27.51%| 24.21%| Net Income| 19.52%| 16.91%| In general chase s total non interest expenses in 2011 rose 5.11% higher than the total non interest expense in 2010. The net income in 2010 seems lower than 2011 due to less operating and investment activities in 2010. Apart the item labeled other expenses and amortization of intangibles; all the other expenses were slightly higher. The increase in non interest expense was driven largely by higher compensation expense reflecting headcount. The operating cost as part of the non interest expense was definitely higher compared to 2010.The higher headcount visibly explains this increase. The provision for credit lost was 8.41% lower than the 2010 provision. This was due to the amelioration of collection from customers. Consumer business modestly improved and mortgage net charge offs and delinquencies improved. It is probably included in the item other expenses which were lower than 2010 but 6.38% higher than 2009. Tax Burden: The total revenue in 2011 was 5.62% lower than the revenue in 2011 but the bottom line was a lot higher
  • 19. Organisational Structure Impacts on Other Areas of the... 1.1 Briefly define different types of organizational culture. How would you describe the culture at Greescape? Under the different types of culture, what type of culture, do you think is evident in Greenscape? Organizational Culture the idea became recognized with the notion of organizational (corporate) climate in the 60s and 70s. Different researchers had developed several models and methods to describe them. 4 general categories: * Compete (Market) Culture Goal orientated, highly driven and motivated by winning teams/individuals. High risk taking, fast paced and demanding environment, unlimited working hours. Concentrating on immediate, accountable results. Highly competitive, stressful but rewarding for the employees... Show more content on ... The norms and systems were adjusted to the people in the company. As the business evolves It had become the owners habit, to prioritise her employees and treat them as family. Lita and all employees were direct, honest and involved with each other, played softball together; therefore at Greenscape we can identify Collaborate type of culture. 1.2How does the relationship between structure and culture impact the performance at Greenscape? Greenscape started as a sole trader and over 10 years grew to a company of 20 employees. There was not much evidence of any appropriate structure. It was a simple arrangement of people, divided in six to eight working crews. The owner was arranging work schedules around personal lives of her employees. The only person who remained in full power of the company became detached from the organization. There was no focus on the future of the company and none of the bureaucracy methods had been implemented to ensure a smooth running business. Lita Ong didn t recognize the need to change and adjust her business to its growing needs. Like not noticing growing out of your own shoes! She needed to implement new departments, like HR, sales, research. Select managers, supervisors and team leaders. Allocate tasks to created departments so she is easily able to coordinate her demanding business. The organizational culture of the company remain collaborate, friendly and informal as
  • 20. The Right to Say I Do Essay From the beginning of time, the human race has created a family circle to continue to exist. While there are many points of view, as to why people oppose gay marriage, it all comes down to the fact they think homosexuality is morally wrong. This report will cover the laws dealing with gay marriage, the religious views, and the debate concerning children. In addition, this report will give an explanation into how a classical theory would resolve the issues surrounding the subject of gay marriage. Dating back to its Puritan founders, the United States has an extensive history of sexual ideology. They put into place a narrow outline of ethical and sexual behaviors and principles. This outline prescribed the proper manner in which... Show more content on ... Gay couples have been seeking officially permitted marriages since the early 1970 s and not a word was uttered until legislative items were put on government agendas. According to the website (, 2011), the first legally documented same sex union was in Denmark in 1989 and the first legal gay marriage was not until 2001, in the Netherlands. In view of that fact, several countries have approved laws prohibiting the recognition of foreign gay marriages. The funds of the religious right overshadow the funds of the lesbian and gay movement due to many organizations having working budgets estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. With radio, television, film, and print media outlets and vast groups of member churches, they can simply release political communications or ask for the support of the people who go to those churches. In addition, the religious right has an influential group of very wealthy and politically formidable contributors who have executive sway inside the Republican Party (Fetner, 2008). When President Clinton started to exercise his executive freedom to repeal the military s ban on homosexuals, the religious right was ready to rally their congressional buddies to object to the president s idea and in the end, resulted in maintaining the ban via the Don t Ask, Don t Tell, Don t Pursue negotiation. This extensive depth and power eclipses the funds, contacts, and the foundation of the lesbian and gay movement. Even so, this
  • 21. Sp10 Melting Point Lab 1: Melting Points March 15, 2018 Tina He Lab Partner: Gian Izquierdo SCC 251.275B Instructor Professor Olga Lavinda Abstract This experiment was performed to determine the melting point ranges of standard substances, urea cinnamic acid mixtures, and unknown substances. The melting point ranges were measured by observing the temperatures in which the substances began and completed liquefying in the Stuart SMP10 Melting Point Apparatus. The melting points ranges of pure naphthalene, urea, cinnamic acid, sulfanilamide, 4 toluic acid, and anthracene were 82 82, 132 133, 134 135, 164 166,183 184, and 216 219В°C. Melting points were obtained for urea cinnamic acid mixtures. The melting point ranges of 1:4. 1:1, and 4:1 mixtures of urea cinnamic acid by mass were 103 113, 103 104, and 107 127В°C respectively. Finally, the melting point ranges for unknown substance A were around 134 136В°C and the ranges for unknown substance B were around 135 139В°C. Based on the melting points, the unknown substances were identified as urea and cinnamic acid. Overall, the results of the experiments ... Show more content on ... This is attributed to the imprecision of the melting point apparatus and to inaccurate visual observations about when substances melted. Despite some limitations in the measurement
  • 22. Violence in Contact Sports Essay THESIS: Contact sports have been here since the medieval times. Soccer was also already being put into sport use by china in the dynasties. Implied, players on both teams have agreed to be hit, pushed, shoved, and possibly fought. What can be used for considering when or where a player crosses the line? Using examples from previous court cases, we will examine how players in the NHL could be charged when excessive force against other players in the opposite team come into play. Having hockey being used for an example, we will examine and look at the rules of the NHL, as well as how Todd Bertuzzi from the Vancouver Canucks stepped over the line, and was charged with assault. The National Hockey League (NHL for short) was founded on ... Show more content on ... Penalty calls on the other hand, calls for more serious infractions, like putting the player in the box , and creating power plays for example. The 2004 05 lockouts of the NHL (lasting 310 days, this was originally the 88th season of the NHL) changed some rules of the league with the offense. It started with the minor offense: offside . The offside pass or two line pass rule was removed; requiring a stoppage in play if a pass originating from the defensive team was completed on the offensive side of the center line. Reinstating the tag up offside, this advantage allows an attacking player to get back onside by returning to the neutral zone. Changes to the offside rule were intended to increase overall scoring. Another minor offense is the icing call. A linesman gets stopped in play if a defending player (other than the goalie himself) touches the puck before an attacking player does. As a result, when a team is called on the offense of icing, they are not allowed to make a line change before the following faceoff. Fighting (doesn t happen often), is called in penalties as well, both players have the duration of five minutes. Usually, a penalized team cannot replace a player that is penalized on the ice shorthanded for the duration of the penalty. But, if the penalties are coincidental, when two players fight for example, both teams remain at full strength. Unlike minor penalties, major penalties must be
  • 23. Examples Of Doublethink In 1984 By George Orwell Throughout the novel, Orwell makes it clear that The Party needs doublethink to abstain the amount of power they have. Doublethink is where one believes in two contradictory beliefs or opinions. The way the Party fulfills their need of the people using doublethink is with constant propaganda and sayings. The slogan Ignorance is Strength is especially controlling. If the people are kept ignorant, the Party remains it s strength. Another example of doublethink and propaganda would be the slogan Freedom is Slavery . The people believe they are free, but in reality, they are slaves to the Party; they do as they are told or consequences are present. As long as people use doublethink, the Party will remain intact. While Winston is being tortured,
  • 24. Gospel Music Influence Influence of Gospel Music on its listeners The following ethnography will examine how gospel music is expressed and influences the listeners and audience in a Gospel Concert. My personal insight will be via interviewing the artist, and some members of the band as well as participant observation. This concert was held at Mount Zion Baptist church located in Greensboro, North Carolina. This report is to evaluate the influences of gospel music on the people of the church and general audience. Emphasis will be placed on how the music seems to affect the audience during the concert and how the audience reacted to the songs played. I do recollect growing up, I was expected to be involved in church because it was a family custom and tradition. My parents and I were in church ... Show more content on ... This entrance caused the audience to jump and shout amidst clapping of hands. They joined into the performance with choruses of Amen! and Yes, Lord! as the band continued with their song. After a few moments as the artist came to the front of the stage, some people rose to their feet and began raising their hands high into the air. People seemed overcome with emotion. There were several songs sung during the concert and each song had the audience just as vocal and physical as the one before it. People would shout and raise their hands in the air, shaking them or waving them around. In a way, it reminded me of the Tarab music of the Middle East that seem to feel its audience with ecstasy and enchant them. The gospel music evoked strong emotions in the audience and people sang along with the artist as they clapped their hands in time with each other. Not only was the background vocals and the musicians in tune with one another. Everyone singing and clapping in the audience was in tune as well. I found myself clapping my hands along with them and trying to remember the words to songs I d long forgotten. It was around these times that the audience
  • 25. I Am Sam Psychology I Am Sam is a touching film that incorporates psychology into modern day society into terms that the common person could empathize with. Sam Dawson, played by Sean Penn is a mentally challenged man raising his beloved daughter Lucy (Dakota Fanning) in the heart of Los Angeles. As a single father, Sam has support from many of his mentally challenged friends to raise Lucy. Sam works at the local Starbucks where his job is to bus the tables and clean up after customers. His neighbor Annie who experiences agoraphobia and will not leave her apartment,agrees to babysit and care for Lucy while teaching Sam the basics to parenting. As Lucy progresses in age, she fears being smarter than her father, Lucy s increasing academic ability becomes an issue... Show more content on ... According to an Oxford journal about autism, affected children or adults almost always show evidence of restricted imagination and predilection for rigid routines (O Callaghan, 2002).The need for a set routine is demonstrated when Sam becomes extremely upset when Lucy suggests they go to Big Boy instead of IHOP; Afterwards when he agrees to go, he starts screaming and acting out because the restaurant did not have the same pancakes as IHOP. Also Sam and his friends have a set weekly schedule of Wednesday at IHOP, Thursdays are movie night, and Friday is Karaoke. When one of the plans is changed it causes high anxiety and angst among the group. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects a persons ability to socialize and communication with others (NAMI, 2011). The difficulty with communication is shown throughout the movie. In one scene, Sam was helping Lucy with her schoolwork and he came across problem could not solve he mentally shut down and changed the subject. The absence of social normalities is shown when baby Lucy accidentally makes a woman spill her drink, Sam then try to help the woman by picking up ice that dropped in the woman cleavage. The unawareness of the social limitations and personal boundaries is absent, which reinforces the diagnosis for autism. Research by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes concluded that people with autism
  • 26. The Secret Life of Frogs (Poetry by Gwen Harwood) Essay The Secret Life of Frogs is a poem that delves into the childhood perception of war, in particular World War I, and the experiences of their fathers. The Secret Life of Frogs deals with the idea of misunderstandings incurred when children attempt to understand adult concepts. This is evident through the use of punning. The term Frog, which is frequently used throughout the poem adds amusement to the text because to the readers, it not only translates literally to a frog, but also represents the rival French peoplein the war through a negative light. However, the narrator, who is also one of the children in the poem, does not understand this other meaning attached to the term frog . This can clearly be seen in the final sentence... Show more content on ... The use of the metaphor Dad the Impaler , accentuates the idea that children saw this term in a very positive manner when in actual fact it has negative connotations. This highlights the brutality of war, and the negative influence of war on children because the children in the poem used Dad the Impaler in a heroic manner. The use of simile in the last stanza matchstick hands as pale as the violet stems they lived among is used to compare a frog to violet flowers, which are very delicate and easily broken. The innocence of childhood is painted through this visual technique as the narrator only sees the frogs being very delicate, but to the readers the simile also creates a vivid image of the condition of the Frogs / the French. The use of first person helps to create a reminiscent tone about the narrator s experiences, and further helps to stress the ideas of childhood innocence and the influence of war on children because the poem is written from a child s perspective. The use of enjambment generates a conversational and personal tone, emphasizing to the readers the reality of the themes discussed throughout the poem. The use of symbolism of frogs as pets and also representing the French highlights the idea that adults saw Frogs as insignificant or unworthy to speak about, whereas the children could not understand this adult thought, and they placed exemplary regard to the wellbeing of the
  • 27. Compare And Contrast The Actions And Behaviors Of The... The actions and behavior of the crusaders were guided more by secular reasons than religious. While the crusades have been remembered as a purely religious struggle between Latin Christendom and the Muslims of the middle east the actions made by the crusaders were only partly caused by religion. In addition although there were many members of the First Crusadewho were genuinely motivated by religious devotion there were many who were not. The actions of crusaders like Bohemond of Taranto and Baldwin of Boulogne seem to have been motivated mainly by self interest and a desire to better themselves. Not only do their circumstances before the crusadesindicate that their motivations might have been more secular, but the actions they took indicate... Show more content on ... After the relief army under Kerbigha arrived it tried and failed to destroy the crusaders quickly. He then decided to lay siege to Antioch and starve its new occupiers into submission. Some of the crusaders deserted and told the Byzantines that all of the crusaders had been killed which convinced them to turn away from Antioch. Not long afterwards those still in the city found what they assumed to be the holy lance which helped to raise morale. The crusaders then tried to negotiate although whether they asked to be allowed to leave or demanded that the Muslim army under Kerbogha leave is unknown. Several days after negotiations failed the crusaders attacked and defeated the Muslim army. Surprisingly the crusaders then stayed in Antioch for over a year while they argued over what to do with the city. Bohemond argued that he should be given control of the city, however Raymond disagreed with him. Some historians including Anna Commenca compare Raymond favorably to Bohemond in large part because of this argument. However it is
  • 28. Ming Dynasty Soldiers Consisting of 112 men the Ming Dynasty was the Chinese military. The soldiers of Ming Dynasty were chosen at birth and it was an inherited job. The motivation for the soldiers was survival. The soldiers of Ming Dynasty had very little to no protection. Some archers would ride on horses or lancers. Lancers were soldiers of cavalry regiment armed with lances and a lance was a long weapon for thrusting, having a wooden shaft and a pointed a steel head, formerly used by horseman in charging. The archers would have shields to protect them while riding the horses. That tactic had only worked for a certain amount of time before enemies started to get better strategies. Sabers would be carried by cavalry but were never used. Horse archers as
  • 29. The Greenpeace Ship, The Rainbow Warrior On the 10th of July 1985, the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior was anchored at Marsden wharf in Auckland New Zealand. Ready to confront French nuclear testing in the Moruroa atoll. In an attempt to counteract the protests and campaigning of the flagship that represented New Zealand s movement against nuclear testing in the Pacific, France bombed and sunk the Greenpeace vessel the Rainbow Warrior. The bombing simply done to prolong threats against France s nuclear testing in the pacific, and to allow for their nuclear testing to run smoothly without protest. Without Greenpeace protest, attention to France s nuclear testing would be minimised and allow for them to continue without dispute. Operation Satanique, code name for the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, used by the french foreign intelligence services, was the first state terrorism act on New Zealand soils. By arriving to New Zealand on yacht, the Ouvea crew were able to illegally bring into New Zealand the two limpet mines used to sink the Rainbow Warrior. In diving gear two of the DSGE agents (Directorate General for External Security), just minutes before midnight attached two separate bombs to the The two explosives were placed deliberately on the hull of the ship, just below water line to inflict as much damage possible to the 40 metre long ship. Both bombs were detonated ten minutes apart. The first bomb went off at 11:38 pm, the first explosion was intended to encourage any on board to evacuate to safety.
  • 30. How An Accelerometer Works, One Must First Understand The... Introduction To understand how an accelerometer works, one must first understand the concept of vibration. One example of vibration is sound. When an object vibrates and creates a disturbance in a medium, it creates a sound wave. The sound wave travels in sinusoidal form with certain frequencies. This affect was observed in this experiment with a guitar string, a motor, and a cell phone. The vibration of these systems can be measured with an accelerometer. The accelerometer converts mechanical acceleration to an electric signal. To record the data measured by the accelerometer, the DAQ system LabVIEW was used. LabVIEW collected the time and frequency data from the plucked guitar string. An important aspect of the DAQ system is the sample rate, or the number of measurements it can make in a certain amount of time. It is an important parameter because without a high enough sample rate, highly dynamic behavior may not be recorded. Another problem with using an insufficient sampling rate is aliasing which is the misinterpretation of high frequency signals as lower frequency components. To prevent this, the sample frequency must be twice the highest frequency. Any signal in the system that is above the Nyquist frequency, which is half the sampling frequency, is subject to aliasing, or false frequency measurement. This means that the data is only reliable up to half of the sampling frequency. However, a sample rate that is too high leads to difficult data processing and noise
  • 31. Why Did The United States Become A World Power In The... By the early 1900 s the United States had become a world power. After the annexation of Hawaii to the US, there was a strong naval base for protection and they got valuable sugar cane. The Panama Canal helped trade to become easier. The Spanish American War gave the Americans more territories like Guam and Puerto Rico. The annexation of Hawaiiled to the United Statesbecoming a world power. Hawaii had a lot more sugar cane than the Americans. The American planters did not want Hawaii to get all the profits, so the Americans created a tariff to protect their sugar sales. Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii was concerned that the Americans were interfering with them. Later, she got overthrown by the American government. After the annexation, the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii grew and allowed the US to get stronger by having ships in the Pacific. If anyone tries to intrude farther in the Pacific, the naval base would slow them down and alert the US that they were coming.... Show more content on ... Jose Marti led the Cuba libre movement and smuggled weapons to help the Cuban revolution. Teddy Roosevelt, the US president, led the Rough Riders in the battle of San Juan Hill to the Spanish artillery and took control of the high ground. It was a major turning point in the war. During the battle of Guantanamo Bay, the US captured it from the Spanish and made a base there. The USS was a battleship that exploded and sunk. The US thought the Spanish did it, which let to increased tensions. Some of the territories the US gained from the war were Guam, Puerto Rico and the Phillipines, Teddy Roosevelt wrote a letter saying that the war was a Splendid Little War because we got so many resources and land from it and US was somewhat
  • 32. Essay about The Importance of Respect in John Steinbeck s... The Importance of Respect in John Steinbeck s Cannery Row Cannery Row is a novel John Steinbeck wrote after World War I. At first, the novel almost seems like a humorous book, written in a style commonly used by Steinbeck. The book has its main plot, but also has side chapters that periodically interrupt the main idea, which adds to the story. One would think that these side chapters are there to universalize the book, but in fact that is not true. The side chapters tell their own story, and they have a message that Steinbeck was clearly trying to show through his book. The novel has a main point about respect. In Cannery Row , Steinbeck is trying to say that respectability is the destructive force that preys on the world. Steinbeck ... Show more content on ... This man is very mysterious in the book and is meant to represent loneliness and aging. A young boyin chapter four makes fun of the old china man. He felt that he should make fun of him to keep his self respect (19). Both of these incidents illustrate that a person may be driven to uncomfortable, frightening and even suicidal lengths to keep up a front. These two characters were made fun of, laughed at and branded as different. They were not respected in any way, which Steinbeck clearly shows. The plot of the novel begins to become clear in the next few chapters. This is where Mack and his gang of friends are introduced. Mack and the boys were homeless; until one day when an abandoned fish food storage house was given to them. They loved the house for its protection from the weather. The boys put furniture, posters, beds, a stove and even some flowers in and around their house. Their house gave them a since of pride. In their minds they sneered at unsettled people who had no house to go to (34). They now felt more respect and pride in society. Doc is also introduced in these chapters. Doc is one of the most respected people in town. He runs a laboratory called Western Biological and through the years he had became the fountain of philosophy, science and art in Cannery row. Doc would listen to any kind of nonsense and change it for you to a kind of wisdom. His mind had no horizon and his sympathy had no warp . . . Everyone who thought of him
  • 33. Analysis Of The Virgin Suicides The Virgin Suicides narrates the story of the Lisbon family and the multiple crises they face, particularly acute suicidal risk of all five daughters. The family consists of the father, Ronald, the mother, and five sisters, Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, and Therese. The family experiences both major and minor crisis event throughout the film, ultimately ending with all five daughters completing suicide. While there were numerous individuals experiencing crisis, the neighborhood boys, the entire Lisbon family, and several other minor characters, this review will focus specifically on crisis incidents that surround the mother and two daughters, Cecilia and Lux. This analysis will utilize the Double ABC X model. Cecilia Cecilia is the youngest of the Lisbon daughters, being only thirteen. She is slight, thin and plain. She is quirky, as evident by her wearing the same wedding style dress throughout her entire appearance in the film, as well as precocious and introverted. She is an environmentalist, as evident by her reaction to the condemning of tree in her front yard, her grief about the fact that a species of frog was added to the endangered species list, and her overall fascination with nature discussed in her diary. Cecilia appears alienated from her family, perhaps misunderstood. In regards to Cecilia s initial crisis that led to her suicide attempt, by means of exsanguination through wrist cutting, it is unclear as to what the stressor event may have been or what her
  • 34. The Controversy Of Banning Nuclear Weapons I think one country with nuclear weapons is one country too many. This quote by Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, shows that nuclear weapons are not a bright idea for the future of humanity, even though many people debate on this topic. Nuclear weapons are dangerous, menacing arsenals to Earth. In 1942, the U.S. created the Manhattan Project to develop the first nuclear arms. During World War II, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. This was the start to the controversy of these types of weapons. It started the ban on nuclear weaponry, but also the start of the production of these weapons. Many people globally believe that nuclear weapons should be abolished worldwide. Some of the main... Show more content on ... If all countries remove their weapons, the world would be a safer place and relieve the mistrust and fear from other countries without the weapons. Nine countries, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, Israel, and North Korea, have at least 15,375 nuclear weapons altogether. The U.S. and Russia have 93% of the weapons. These two countries and the United Kingdom have been decreasing their amount of arms. The amount of nuclear arms has already drastically decreased by about 55,000 from 1986. If this movement keeps going, the world will be safer. In contrast, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea have been increasing their stock of nuclear weapons. The infinite possibilities of danger from the countries with nuclear weapons prove that they should never be used again, and all production of nuclear arms should be stopped
  • 35. Million Dollar Baby Tragedy Sami Robbins Tragedy essay March 5, 2012 Mrs. Knight In a tragedy, the main character is usually dignified and courageous. The characters downfall may be caused by a character flaw, or it may result from forces beyond his or hers control. The tragic hero or heroine usually wins some knowledge and wisdom, even though he or she suffers defeat and often death. Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond hope there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love From Million Dollar Baby. Million Dollar Baby directed by Clint Eastwood is a story about a girl, Maggie who wants desperately to be a fighter, but she only wants to be trained by the best trainer around, Frankie. She succeeds in ... Show more content on ... She worked hard enough and was able to get an incredible trainer to train her. Maggie is in the hospital after her downfall, getting punched after the bell and now being paralyzed, she is going to lose her legs, has to breathe out of a breathing tube and will never fight again. Maggie says to Frankie, I can t be like this, Frankie. Not after what I ve done. I ve seen the world. People chanted my name. Well, not my name... some damn name you gave me. I was in magazines. You think I ever dreamed of that d happen? In this quote Maggie exhibits that she is ready to die, she has achieved more then she could ever dream of. Maggie learns that she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. Since Maggie is courageous and dignified, has a human characteristic which amplifies her downfall and learns she can achieve more than she knows; Million Dollar Baby is a tragedy. Being an excellent fighter, Maggie was so thankful for the life she and Frankie made for her. Maggie clearly displays that working hard pays off and anyone can do the impossible, who would have thought a 37 year old, who has had zero training, would train less for a year and be a world champion contender? Like Eddie Dupris, the narrator of million dollar baby says It s the magic of risking everything for a dream nobody can see but
  • 36. Golden Age Of Democracy Pericles to a large extent contributed to the Golden Age of Athens as the most influential citizen, is agreed by all ancient and modern historians such as Plutarch, Ehrenburg and Burn. The Golden Age of Democracy was able to be achieved by Pericles through his democratic reforms and policies which gave the power to the demos and completed the steps to democracy. The Golden Age of Culture was accomplished as Pericles, the Patron of the Arts promoted this flourishment of art and architecture through the Building Program and more. Lastly the Golden Age of Empire and economy yet again could only be attained through Pericles influence in the transformation of the Delian League into the Athenian Empire and economic growth. The development of these ... Show more content on ... Agreeably, Kagan states his first appearance as a distinct figure was through the interaction with the arts by sponsoring the play Persians by Aeschylus as a choregus, which gained Pericles popularity and won first prize. Throughout his career he was known as the Patron of the Arts by promoting art and architecture through his second democratic reform (461) which passed an allowance for Athenians to attend public festivals and subsidizing theatre admission for poorer classes to watch plays; validates the importance of art by allowing all classes to participate and Pericles efforts in establishing the Golden Age of culture. Through his support of the Arts, tragic dramas would reach the culmination of popularity and appeal to mass audiences, also maintained the tradition in which theatre served as moral and intellectual education for the people, depicting legends, wars and real life events. However, the most significant initiative by Pericles was the Building Program likewise both ancient and modern historians (Williams, Ehrenburg and Plutarch) collectively agree to its symbolism of Athens glory and the pinnacle of Athens culture, the grandeur of buildings was unprecedented and brought Athens much admiration and prestige in the Greek world, (Williams) asserts Pericles role in the formation of Athens Golden Age of Culture. One of highest acclaim would be the Parthenon (as described by Kagan) on the Acropolis embodies the perfection and innovation of Classical Period Art; built on a 4:9 ratio made entirely of Pentelic marble and features no straight lines but curved forms to combat optical distortion. Plutarch adds the buildings untouched by time had a soul of unfading youth credits only Pericles in leaving a legacy in Athenian Golden Age of Culture and the world.
  • 37. Challenges Facing The International Community Essay Introduction Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way wrote Leo Tolstoy in the opening page of Anna Karenina. Similarly it can be said that each so called fragile state is fragile in its own way. Fragile states pose a distinct security risk for the international community. According to OECD report on fragile states (2015),by failing in their responsibility to provide basic services to their people, they cause mass migration and act as havens for terrorism and illicit trade. According to the same report statebuilding interventions in fragile states are undertaken because, without addressing state fragility, poverty reduction is not achievable and that state fragility will have a major impact on global poverty. In the following analysis, I will try to explore the challenges the international community, led by the US, face in its state building efforts in Afghanistan. Standing at the border between central and south asia, Afghanistan has a chequered and violent recent history. Acting as a buffer zone between British and Russian colonialism in the 18th and 19th century (Marsden 2009, p 72), Afghanistan became completely independent from British rule in the 1920s. During the reign of Zahir Shah ( 1933 1973), the country enjoyed relative peace and a process of modernization was under way in the kemalist model (Rashid 2000, p 76). However, in the 1970s Afghanistan saw military coup, communist takeover and a Soviet invasion. In the late 1970s, the People s Democratic
  • 38. Key Aspects Of Operations ( Possibilities, Facilities,... Operations Plan Key aspects of operations (possibilities include facilities, production process, equipment, labor force utilization). My Parlor will have a store where products will be served with the capacity to serve 90 customers per day based on information that is available for on frozen yogurt industry. The intention is to have three employees for a start, one manager, and two associates. Every organization utilizes diverse human resources to accomplish company goals and objectives. To accomplish company goals and objectives, My Parlor will need to add the following positions in the future: Accountant and Marketing Manager. At first, we will invest in buy two self service yogurts dispenser, which will give customers the option of choosing what types off flavor they desire. My Parlor will also buy two cash registers with customer interaction capability. Customers dispense the quality of yogurt they want and add any topping they desire, they will then place the cup on the cash register that will weight it and then tell them the cost of the yogurt. They can then pay with their credit cards. The store will be rented in Southlake, Texas and the annual rent will be in the range of $36,000 per year. With regards to maintaining our equipment, cleaning will be done every day at closing and there will be a service agreement signed with the manufacturer to come for equipment service every 6 months. Cost and Time Efficiencies: For guaranteeing operational achievement,
  • 39. Of Mice and Men Crooks Of Mice and Men Chapter Four Crooks Essay Crooks is a literate black man who tends horses on the ranch. He has long been the victim of oppressive violence and prejudice and has retired behind a facade of aloofness and reserve, his natural personality deadened and suppressed by years of antagonism. Crooks is the only black man in the novel. He has a cynical intelligence and a contemptuous demeanor that he uses to prevent others from inevitably excluding him because of his race. This sign of intelligence is conveyed when Steinbeck describes Crook s bunkhouse: And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905 pg. 76 This illustrates the irony that Crooks is more intelligent than the... Show more content on ... Lennie disarms Crooks initial hostility with his simplicity which results in Crooks becoming softened by Lennie s smile. Due to the fact he has been discriminated against and been isolated for so long, Crooks torments Lennie by suggesting George may not come back from town. His cynical behaviour isn t deliberate but I think Crooks feels like Lennie has invaded his personal space to insult or bully him. I believe that Crooks is most similar to Candy as in the social hierarchy of the ranch, both suffer from a disability that places them in the lowest rank. As mentioned, Crooks is lonely and isolated from the others due to the colour of his skin, yet Candy is lonely because he s not as abled as the other workers. Because he is handicapped, he cannot do the work that the other men do, so when they go off to do work, Candy is left behind. The theme of loneliness is conveyed throughout the novel. Steinbeck also portrays loneliness through characterisation. He uses sexism, racism and ageism to get his message across. When George talks to Candy and his antiquated dog, Candy states to the inarticulate George: Give the Stable Buck hell?... Ya see the stable buck s a nigger pg. 22 As black people were seen as inferior to white people, they were separated, which
  • 40. Calfee And CAFE Standards CAFE is an acronym for Corporate Average Fuel Economy. As stated in, Will Corporate Average Fuel Economy Help, CAFГ‰ standards became prevalent by Congress in 1975 after the oil crisis of the 1970 s. These standards were proposed in order to help the United States depend less on foreign oil (Sen et al. 2017, p. 279). The idea of CAFГ‰ standards does not only help us rely less on foreign oil, but it also reduces greenhouse gasemissions. Below general information about CAFГ‰ and the CAFГ‰ standards that are current today will be described. As described above, CAFГ‰ was first introduced after the 1973 oil crisis. Congress needed to find solutions to reduce our reliance on oil imported from other countries. CAFГ‰ requires car and light truck... Show more content on ... Today, lightweight cars are not seen as an issue because of the advancements we have made in technology. However, during the mid 1970 s to 1980 s, consumers were correlating that the rise in automobile fatalities was correlated to CAFГ‰ s standards with fuel efficiency. During this time of concern, it was concluded that better fuel efficiency could be accomplished by technologies that were available at the time and these technologies would not change the weight of the automobile (Schmidt 2002, pg.468). Technology is always advancing. During the time of safety concerns, people did not necessarily realize that improved technology would be launched in the years to come (Bezdek and Wendling 2003, p. 409). How have CAFГ‰ standards progressed and what are the requirements for new car models? Starting in May of 2010, former President Barack Obama, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), all administered Final Rules for automobiles built in 2017 through 2021 (United States Department of Transportation 2014). The regulations were aimed towards CAFГ‰ and Greenhouse Gas emissions for cars and light trucks. Along with cars and light trucks, there were also regulations set in place for medium and heavy duty trucks. The only difference is that the heavier trucks are years 2014 to 2018. Cars and light trucks will have to have an average,
  • 41. Research Paper On Acetonitrile A number of physicochemical properties must be considered while choosing a solvent for electrochemical work [35] like being in a liquid state at room temperature, capable of dissolving electro active species of interests, having a large potential window and having required acid base properties. The dielectric constant is the most important parameter for a solvent. The cheapest solvent is water, which possesses many physico chemical properties. It can dissolve ionic components and form highly conducting solutions. Water, deionized and repeatedly distilled with alkaline KMnO4, is usually considered as pure. The purity is checked by conductivity measurements. The volatile and organic impurities [36] are removed by passing the distilled water vapour through a column containing Pt catalyst at about 800п‚°C over which oxygen also simultaneously passed. Acetonitrile is perhaps a solvent with inert electrochemical ... Show more content on ... Refluxing with anhydrous copper sulphate, alumina, aluminum chloride, P2O5 etc., and distilling under reduced pressure many times and collecting the proper fraction usually remove this. Vacuum lines are employed during purification, storage and dehydrating agent such as anhydrous alumina is added as an internal addition [44]. 1.7. Supporting Electrolytes All ionic salts or ionizable compounds in a solvent are defined as the supporting electrolytes. It is very important to realize that they can influence the electrochemical processes in a number of ways. i.These electrolytes impart conductivity to the solvent and hence enable the continuous current flow in solution. ii. They must remain electro inactive in the potential region of interest, if any useful Voltammetric study is to be conducted. iii. If the concentration of the supporting electrolyte should be very high, they canform a space charge near the surface and the space charge potential can influencethe charge transfer
  • 42. Swot Analysis Of Kingfisher Airlines INTRODUCTION: Kingfisher Airline is a private airline based in Bangalore,India. The airlines owned by Vijay Mallya of United BeveragesGroup. Kingfisher Airlines started its operations on May 9, 2005 witha fleet of 4 Airbus A320 aircrafts. The airline currently operates ondomestic routes. The destinations covered by Kingfisher Airlines areBangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Goa, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad,Cochin, Guwahati, Kolkata, Pune, Agartala, Dibrugarh, Mangalore and Jaipur. In a short span of time Kingfisher Airline has carved a niche for itself. The airline offers several unique services to its customers. These include: personal valet at the airport to assist in baggage handling and boarding, accompanied with refreshments and music atthe airport, audio and video on demand, with extra wide personalizedscreens in the aircraft and three course gourmet cuisine. Kingfisher is one of only 6 airlines in the world to have a 5star rating from Sky tax, along with Asian Airlines, Malaysia Airlines,Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways. In ashort span of time Kingfisher Airline has carved a niche for itself. Theairline offers several unique services to its customers. These includepersonal valet at the airport to assist in baggage handling andboarding, exclusive lounges with private space, accompanied withrefreshments and music at the airport, audio and video on demand,with extra wide personalized screens in the aircraft, sleeper seats withextendable footrests, and three course gourmet cuisine HISTORY:... Show more content on ... It is owned by the Bengaluru based United Breweries Group. The airline started commercial operations in 9 May 2005 with a fleet of four new Airbus A320 200s operating a flight from Mumbai to Delhi.[7] It started its international operations on 3 September 2008 by connecting Bengaluru with
  • 43. Garth Brooks Research Paper Imagine yourself standing above thousands of people singing the lyrics of your song back to you. How does it feel? Growing up in the backwoods of Oklahoma, he only had a dream for his reality. Through his hard work and dedication to his music, Garth Brooks, one of the top selling solo artists and ranked among the biggest stars of his generation, will leave a legacy people only dream to achieve. From the time Garth Brookswas born to present day, he has always been a real family man. Troyal Garth Brooks, born 7 February 1962, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the son of Troyal Brooks and Colleen Carroll, a Capitol Records recording artist of the 1950 s ( Brooks, Garth ). Brooks, the youngest of six, has one sister and four brothers ( Garth Brooks ). Brooks, who was... Show more content on ... Not only did he retire to raise his daughters, but his life was chaotic. His mother died from cancer, he divorced Sandy, and he realized, Someone else was raising her, as his oldest daughter mimicked her nanny (Bill). Finally, after fourteen years of retirement, he was back and bigger than ever. More than four million people have seen him on his comeback tour, which started in 2014 (Gamboa). He proved that there were no limits to what a country artist could achieve. With more than ten Entertainer of the Year awards, including the one he just received in 2016, and over 134 million sales, Garth Brooks is to leave one of the biggest legacies in country music and crossovers (Gamboa; Brooks, Garth ). Brooks, seen as a regular Okie until 1989, accomplished more than he ever dreamed of achieving. Just like most artists, he faced a few crossroads. Even though he failed a few times and got turned down here and there his dedication never died. Garth is not just a family man, an OSU alumni, or Entertainer of the Year, he is known as one of the best solo artists, and will go down in history as a country
  • 44. The United States Involvement Since the early 1900s the United States has been embroiled in Iranian affairs, something that would have great effects both in 1979 and now. The United States interest in Iran was originally spurred by the discovery of oil, but due to the Cold War U.S. interest in Iran grew even more for strategic reasons. To continue to exert their influence in Iran, the United States, through the CIA, installed shah Pahlavi as ruler. The shah was a cruel and strict dictator and was eventually overthrown and exiled. In place of the shah, an Islamic Republic came to power under the rule of Ayatollah Khomeini. Amidst the tumult of revolution and fueled by a hatred for the United States and their support of the brutal shah, a group of Iranian students ... Show more content on ... The weak image that Carter portrayed eventually lead to his loss of the 1980 presidential election against Ronald Reagan. Finally, 444 days later on January 21, 1980, the crisis was resolved and the hostages were released. The capture of the U.S. embassy in Tehran was a glimpse of something new and bewildering. It was the first battle in America s war against militant Islam, a conflict that would eventually engage much of the world. At the time of the hostage crisis, Jay Mower was 27 years old and attending Brigham Young University. Mower grew up on the Avenues of Salt Lake City, in a house his father was able to purchase under the G.I. bill, after his service in World War II. Jay grew up as the third of five children in what he describes as a typical middle class family. While Jay was growing up he remembers news playing an important role in the family s day to day life. The family would often gather together around the television to watch the nightly news, and Jay remembers his father being a dedicated reader of the newspaper. Although the family was up to date on the happenings of the world, there was not a lot of political debating, but Jay remarked that, It was important to be informed. A hardworking mother and father raised Jay and carefully saved to be able to send all of five of their children to college. Mower himself graduated from Brigham
  • 45. What Is Multi Modal Approach People with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) in conjunction with mental illness (MI) are referred to as having a dual diagnosis. Individuals with an IDD are up to four times more likely to have some kind of psychiatric disorder than the general population. With as many as 40 percent experiencing symptoms associated with behavioral, mental and personality disorders. In the United States, more than 1 million persons are considered to have both an IDD and mental illness. Challenges Related to Delivering Service to Individuals with a Dual Diagnosis Individuals with a dual diagnosis have multifaceted needs; thus, presenting service challenges to the systems and professionals dedicated to providing them with support services and treatment. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, NADD certification is portable; therefore, should a specialist move to another region, the specialist does not have to reapply for NADD certification. Unless requested otherwise, the NADD Certified Dual Diagnosis Specialist s name and contact information is posted on the NADD website. Individuals who are interested in learning more about attaining NADD Dual Diagnosis Certification for Specialists can find information by visiting the NADD website and/or by watching their online
  • 46. Strategies In Eric Larson s Devil In The White City Eric Larson in his novel the Devil in the White City masterfully exercises several rhetorical devices and storytelling strategies. The story itself centers on the Chicago world fair and the two greatly influential men who roamed Chicago at this time. The intrepid architect who pulled it all together and against all odds puts on a fantastical fair the likes of which will never be seen again. The other a prolific serial killer who used the chaos of the fair to catch, kill, and dispose of victims with great facility. To tell these stories Larson employs a varieties of techniques to convey his tales in the way he envisioned. In particular he seems to draw heavily on nonlinear narrativetechniques. Larson routinely jumps from the present, to the past, to Larson s present, and back to present. He exercises these techniques as a means of engaging his audience and to entertain his readers. Larson manipulates nonlinear narrative techniques to keep readers engaged throughout the novel. The whole prologue of the novel is an excellent example of the use of nonlinear narrative structure to hook the reader and have them continue the novel. The prologue, as it becomes evident in the epilogue, describes Burnham s boat ride on the Olympia after all the events of the novel have transpired (Larson, 5). In this fragment of future events, Burnham summarizes the triumphs and trials of putting on the fair. He also delves on the Holmes storyline and relays the information emerging from the
  • 47. What is Confict Transformation Conflict transformation explains that rather then getting rid of the conflict (expression or disagreement), it seeks to work at the problem from the inside out (Lederach, 1995). In this conflict stated above the root of the conflict was when the customer did not retain her information and software due to the suggestion given of performing a factory reset her computer. This problem could have been resolved when the customer first came in the store and inquired about this issue. The sale representative could/should have told the customer to backup her data and then suggested a reset, even better the salesrepresentative could have done it for the customer. In saying this HP should have also informed the customer that such things can occur when factory resetting a device. Conflict Transformation is also reliant on a moral decision that are made on the spot and understanding that not all conflicts are going to be all right and that faith may played a major role in the end result (Lederach, 1995). We can see that the first impression that the customer received and was directed to HP was an incorrect moral decision that was made on the spot. Due to this decision it lead to frustration and a lengthy process to resolve for all parties. This gave the customer a wrong impression of what both companies are like and may never shop with us again. Another conflict resolution method that could have been used to handle this conflict is the interest based relational (IBR) approach
  • 48. Social Justice And Its Entire Entity Social Justice in its entire entity: The Final Countdown to Defining Social Justice Kaylie Ines ID 201: Social Justice Dr. Jorsch Dr. Van Tassel Fear and cruelty are the weapons of animals, not humanity, and social injustices derive from fear the masked ego of one who has sustained through power: white power. It is only fair to continue to talk about social injustice by defining what is social justice. Social justice embodies a framework (and certainly not limited to) a community, a united nation, equitable in standing together in belief and acceptance of diversity; equality; freedom; and equal opportunity to income and its privileges. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America proclaims that a house divided cannot stand. I believe President Lincoln is correct with his statement, if the house is not endowed in a universal cause and foundation, then the infrastructure is faulty and will collapse. Here is how this connects to social justice, if that same house is not socially just, separation will impel and will cause dilapidation within the foundation. This paper will implement foci on Michelle Alexander s (The New Jim Crow) approach of the social issue of a new Jim Crow system of mass incarceration in a colorblind society, and Barbara Ehrenreich s (Nickle and Dimed) notion to the social injustice that derives from a capitalistic driven society that undermines the working lower class men and women. With the forth
  • 49. Disadvantages Of Meritocracy Meritocracy is crediting a person based on his/her achievements and merit. The opposite of meritocracy is patronage or padrino system, which is assigning of positions or work based on relationship with the people on top. Moreover, it is also common for people in government to be related to one another, or friends of someone within, also known as nepotism. This is problematic, as the appointments especially in the government are expected to have the competencies and personal attributes to effectively drive performance by ensuring integrity, transparency and accountability at all time. These appointees are meant to make significant and rational decisions that impact on our economy, be it social and cultural well being and to ensure effective and efficient delivery of critical services such as education, health care, policing, workers protection, public utilities and so on. Patronage appointment is not a new concept. Originated in Italy, patrons were exhibiting power and control in making appointment and the appointees were getting prestige and public recognition through the association with that patron. In 1881 the US President James Garfield was assassinated because he failed to give his assassin a patronage appointment. Arguably, Philippine patronage system is very interesting and complicated organizational issue as the practice is embedded, and accepted, in the culture and society. The Philippine practice of patronage dates back during the Spanish colonization in 1400s, when Filipinos had to build strong connections with their colonizers to keep their positions or businesses. This practice has been passed from one generation to the other until the present day. Business or organizational management are passed down within family or close friends. In addition, the tight knit family culture encourages the system, mostly in businesses, because owners believe that their family members understand the business more, therefore should be in good hands. The idea of family loyalty also makes a case for patronage. An owner believes that, compared to an outsider, family members would want the best for the business, since the business is seen as a family treasure. In the Philippines, patronage system might have made
  • 50. Stigma Of Online Dating Internet matchmaking and dating have become a big business because of the negative stigma of online dating decreasing. Society previously viewed online dating as the most obscure way to date and it was seen as the most desperate way to find a companion. But now according to an article found online,the 21 percent of internet users that agreed with the statement people who use online dating sites are desperate , has shown an 8point drop from last poll in 2005. In the clip, it was shown that, a thriving dating website, charges their members a $25 dollar monthly fee from over 12 million users. So the quote ...there s money to be made in love and romance , speaks volumes. Furthermore, some people think of Internet dating as a Meet Market because you have so many options to choose from. Just like... Show more content on ... And at a meat market, you know what you are looking for and you have a variety of options. I also want to include the scernio in the clip in which Kate Starlings started off looking for a friend on but she ended up finding love, just like if you were going to the grocery store to pickup biscuits, and you may also leave with orange juice. In addition to this information, although love and romance can be found on these dating websites in some cases lies and hidden truths can also be identified. The disadvantages of meeting someone online would be that they lie about their age, height, and even their profile picture. It may be easy toile about your height, age or appearance, but the science to this matchmaking is far from easy. A look inside s matchmaking team and technology an individual can analyze the mathematics and research put into matchmaking. They base their website off of compatibility and also do follow up research which
  • 51. Wendell s Short Story One afternoon in the quiet town of Williamsburg, William. There was a boy named Willy. Willy was just preparing for Spring Break, and really he had nothing to do. Then he thought of pranking his best friend Wendell. Wendell was one of the meanest guys ever to exist! He always would beat people up, steal lunch money, and make super mean jokes about someone behind their back. Which brings a question of why would Willy be friends with someone like him? You see Willy was the complete opposite of Wendell. The only reason why he would hang out with Wendell is because he was sometimes funny, but not the funny that brings a smile to your face. Nor the funny a crowd of people would laugh at. Not even a funny that even a loving mother could smile ... Show more content on ... You see it was Spring time and that means it s April Fool s time. April Fools time was usually Wendells time, but he had no idea that today was April Fools. You may ask how does a guy like Wendell not know it s April Fools day? Well that s a story for another day. Anyhow after they started kicking dirt. Willy had a good prank for April Fools Day, and this prank would really rock him. As they were kicking the dirt, a cop started rolling up the block. Hey boys anything going on here? asked the cop to the boys. The officer got no response and started to leave, but just before he left. Willy yelled, My friend Wendell here would loveto go to jail, because he slapped someone so hard He s lying don t listen to him at all, Wendell interrupted, he s just crazy Like you? said the officer returning. Willy winked at the Officer, but he didn t wink back. The officer soon arrested Wendell, and Wendell was placed in jail immediately. After a while Wendell started to plead he didn t belong there, but no cared. They tortured Wendell like Wendell tortured all the other people, and he cried. He cried so much that sound didn t even come out from his mouth anymore. That s when Willy decided to visit
  • 52. Coca Cola Strategic Business Unit Strategic business unit (SBU): Basically SBU is part of portfolio technique (in which company operates multiple products), SBU plans itself and operate itself to separate some product or unit to stand alone but it remains in the company or boundaries of the company also separates business mission statement or objectives that can be planned separately from other company businesses. They themselves are responsible for their profit and loss also for their objectives. They plan strategies for achieving their goals. Example: LG Electronics and Intel entered into a plan to reach a goal welcoming industry to produce Intel Wireless Display (WiDi)technology. Intel WiDi will be set into next year s LG Movies 3D Smart TVs, building them the first in the TV production to spot Intel WiDi ... Show more content on ... Place: Coke provides beloved brands all around the world and its supply plan follows FMCG(fast moving consumer goods model). As we all know the products of coke is available everywhere in urban as well as in rural areas. Worth of coca cola brand is as its products are easily accessible at any corner shops or dhabas. 4. Promotion: Coca cola used different promotional and advertising tactics to build bigger demand in market associating with everyday life and actions and primarily focusing on worth based advertizing. You are more probable to see Coke Ad for particular event. It recruits both drive policy through promotions and drag policy through advertising and campaigns. Views or opinion on marketing mix of Coca Cola: As the Coca Cola company has come a long way from advertising a few servings of sparkling drinks in a pharmacy, to a worldwide business. Coca Cola s loyalty to remain at the front of the shifting public values in increasing their promotion tactics has confirmed to their plus. Without any confusion The Coca Cola Company has developed all the basics necessary to run a multimillion, worldwide venture and it refreshes all the people that come in contact their
  • 53. The Ethics Of The United States The organization by which I work was organized over two hundred years ago. As one of the largest law firms within the borders of the United States, the responsibility of my organization extends to both criminal and civil matters. The stakeholders represented by my organization are not the typical investors according to the rules of business. Those dependent upon our services are those who are warranted by justice to be made whole: society at large. The Firm was created by a Judiciary Act to serve as the nation s primary source of litigative actions. The Firm has been divided into nearly 100 individual Districts. Each District is tasked with three primary responsibilities: to prosecute criminal cases, to prosecute and defend civil cases,... Show more content on ... The outcome of each assessment or evaluation process tends to directly and indirectly hinge on the handling and processing of each of these elements. The District is divided into two primary areas and each area is assigned specific foci to center resources and efforts. Both areas are tasked with supporting the District by sharing resources, energy, and information. Therefore, the framework or outline of District as well as the organization as a whole can be analyzed from the perspective of an open system. An open system as Harrison and Shirom (1999) explains is product by which a whole entity operates based on individually functioning parts simultaneously in order to achieve the system s goals. According to Katz and Kahn (1971), there are essentially nine working components of an open system. These nine characteristics are typically common to various types of open systems and can be thusly applicable to my current organization as follows. Importation of Energy: Based on the potential energy theory, the idea of importation of energy recognizes that energy is delivered into the system through other sources or stimuli. Katz and Kahn (1971) argued that no social structure is self sufficient or self contained (p. 21). Since the primary foci of my organization stems to right wrong doings by bringing individuals and organization to the justice system in order to rectify the situation,
  • 54. Becoming An Honor High School Student . After two years, I was able to find my way and becoming an honor high school student; I was able to qualify honor classes and A.P classes. Due to my efforts, I also got the high school business award for 2008. I persuaded for a better education by challenging myself with heavier work and difficult tasks. I was able to pass the state exams and graduate from high schoolwith a 3.6 GPA. This first achievement showed me that I could do anything I wanted as long I had the desire, motivation and commitment to give the best of me. This mentality helped to overcome many obstacles during college; I was able to graduate from DeVry Universityin December 2012, with a degree in technical management and a minor in business information systems. Also,
  • 55. Why I Want To Pursue A Medical Science Degree As a young woman filled with hopes and dreams, I have many things that I would like to accomplish even though there are things I am still figuring out and deciding on. I am currently enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Science program at the University of Alaska Anchorage in which I am seeking a Bachelor of Science Degree as well as a minor in nutrition. I discovered that I wanted to major in something belonging in the healthcare field because medicineis such a noble and fascinating field of study. Realizing my passion for medicine, my future plans after graduating include going to medical school and teaching. I want to keep moving forward in my professional career and gaining knowledge through even higher education. Attending medical school was something that I... Show more content on ... I plan to work with families to prevent disease and improve health for a strong foundation in their children s lives at a critical age of growth by having direct contact with the patient but also helping out in the laboratory. Earning a doctorate degree would also allow me to become a professor and teach science and nutrition classes along with the labs. Another important service I want to offer after I graduate is to travel the world with medical organizations to provide care for people and communities that are in need and less fortunate. It would be an amazing experience to volunteer in projects that bring attention to people that seem to be forgotten. At this moment I am planning on becoming a certified phlebotomist because I believe it will start getting me into the field and gaining some experience with patient interaction as well as moving into the laboratory field for after I graduate. What I am absolutely sure of is that I want to belong to a team of healthcare providers where I could implement my values and knowledge to help, serve, and cure many