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Argumentative Essay On
Condoms In Schools
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Argumentative Essay On Condoms In Schools Argumentative Essay On Condoms In Schools
Organization Function of Management
Organizing Function of Management
University of Phoenix
MGT 330 Peggy Terrasi
Learning Team C
Team Members: John Champagne, Malka Feast, Jason Fruge, David Rampolla, Tom Tumminelli,
Derrell Beck, Vinton Morgan
Organizing Function of Management
The four functions of management: planning, organizing, controlling and performing are all crucial
to managers and corporations across the world. After the planning function of management from the
top executives down to all management staff, organizing the resources of the organization is a key
element to provide the necessary action into place. Specifically, organizing physical assets, human
resources, knowledge management, and technology are key elements to organize. Physical assets are
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From an information technology standpoint, advantages available are the ability to communicate
with the customers in real time for self service, the ability to pull up information from different
servers and databases and the introduction of a process to produce and support paperless electronic
transmissions for various transactions. Alternatives that may be provided for the human resources
division include hiring a third party or consultant that will aid in lowering costs, staying current
with practices and the justification of highly specialized field expert employees whom services are
necessary to the survival of the organization.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization s
intellectual resources fully use the intellects of the organization s people. Knowledge management
is about finding, unlocking, sharing, and altogether capitalizing on the most precious resources of
an organization: people s expertise, skills, wisdom, and relationships (Bateman, 2009). Knowledge
management allows more employees to be involved in the decision making process of the company.
In the roofing and sheet metal industry knowledge management is very important in the success of
the organization.
An employee s experience in the
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The Bourgeoisie Essay
Karl Marx describes Society as a whole [as being] more and more [split] up into two great hostile
camps, into two great classes directly facing each other bourgeoisie and proletariat (Marx 124).
As Marx made his distinction between upper class, bourgeoisie, and lower class, proletariats, it
is important to keep in mind the societal structure at the time. To understand how classes were
created and the disparity between the rich and poor, or, bourgeoisie and proletariat, it is
necessary to examine how people came to be rich and poor. Exploring a time before money
existed will help us to process and understand reasons why the binary between rich and poor exists
and how it is reflective of low and high art distinctions.... Show more content on ...
With the commodification of natural resources, there becomes a dependency between those
who control the resources and all those who need to use them. At this stage of society people are
no longer self sufficient, but rely upon the network of society to provide food, shelter and jobs
(Rousseau). At this level of society, the founders most often control the resources and begin to
live in excess compared to the rest of the populace. Rousseau s final stage 4) is the state of war,
which is triggered when the rich deceive the poor, and the poor begin to rebel. This state of war
is rooted in the transition from a free, independent mode of living to a regulated lifestyle within
the constraints of society. Someone has to establish any society and as a result, those who
establish society through control of the natural resources will monopolize power (Rousseau). As
we see, art does not arrive until all physiological needs or the basic needs are met as is evident by
the happy savage stage. Art arrives with the improvement of manual labor and hunter gatherer
techniques in the division of labor. The division of labor in turn creates divisions within society,
and we can see that evidence in the French colonial enslavement of native peoples and African slave
trade throughout history. The rich and poor binary can
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Transportation Security Administration
Transportation Security Administration has important top class advanced imaging and
selecting To check a passenger s ful body to hide the full scanners that include technology (AITs)
Weapons, explosives, and other contraband system detacted. AITs mainly the threat of terrorism
acts By an IED downing for a commercial airliner to prevent dedicated (Improvised Explosive
Devices Device) smuggled on board by a passenger. The cost of this technology will reach $ 1.2
billion per Year by 2013 to 2014. System prepared for the traveler AITs preliminary cost benefit
analysis Screening at U.S amd Canadian airport working this time. In this section, sevice
frequent flyer programs are more and more travelers have different prices as own country to the
point to where the above is free. And Or discounted tickets for in service of customer Recently,
airlines have expanded the number of increase fees on routes schedules. For the transport of
goods and other services charge for air travel and provide Execllent services for passenger. Threat
to homeland security needs assessment and cost benefit Programs , and supported by the
Department of Homeland Security In particular, force , government , industry, and many examples
( social is made by U.S. National Research Council After a 15 month study period , the main
recommendations DHS , and Their main conclusion was: The committee did not find any DHS risk
analysis Buy DHS capabilities are sufficient to support the judgment and
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Cultural Criticism Of Griselda Pollock
In this essay I will be discussing and critically evaluating Griselda Pollock s comment while
referencing gender and/or body in the broad spectrum while referencing two works of art.
Pollock s comment I will be evaluating is Deconstructing discursive formation leads to the
production of radical knowledges which contaminate the seemingly ungendered domains of art
history by insisting that sex is everywhere. The canon becomes visible as an enunciation of Western
masculinity, itself saturated by its own traumatised sexual formation... In the same gesture we
confirm that the sexual difference structures women s social positions, cultural practices, and
representation, we also sexualise, hence de universalise, the masculine, demanding that the ... Show
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This painting was known as Cassatt s strongest and wittiest feminist scene during the latter part
of 1880 (. Even though in this point of history, woman has more freedom and were allowed to go
the Opera, they had to be escorted. One of the main parts of the opera was women being put on
display, they would dress up and wear lots of jewelry and show off the appropriate amount of
skin. While on the other hand men wore black suits to do the opposite, they wanted to blend in
within the loge so they wouldn t be seen. Cassatt s painting took a different take of the
stereotypical representation of women in the loge. The painting shows a woman in the
foreground of the picture watching the opera intently, which is out of sight with her binoculars,
unaccompanied. She is shown holding a fan in her left hand, the fan is a symbol of her
femininity, the fan is a female instrument and it was used as feminine language which was shown
to be more refined than actually speaking, but we can see that she holds sternly rather than
graceful and feminine. She is holding the fan almost like a weapon, thus letting people know that
she wants to be left alone. In the background we can see a male figure watching her instead of the
opera. She is not receptive to, or perhaps even conscious of, this male gaze. She thus conveys the
sense of herself as an actively engaged woman who exists independently of men and their
objectifying gaze; she is
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The Human Mark On The Environment
Sedentism and domestication represent not just a technological change but also a change in
worldview. Land was no longer a free good, available to anyone, with resources scattered
randomly across the landscape; it was transformed into particular territories, collectively or
individually owned, on which people raised crops and flocks. Thus, sedentism and a high level
of resource extraction (whether by complex foraging or farming) led to concepts of property that
were rare in previous foraging societies. Graves, grave goods, permanent housing, grain
processing equipment, as well as the fields and herds, connected people to places. The human
mark on the environment was larger and more obvious following sedentization and the rise of
farming; people transformed the landscape in more dramatic ways building terraces or walls to
hold back floods.
One of the more dramatic effects of settling down was the change in female fertility and the rise in
population. A number of different effects together caused the population to grow.Among modern
foragers, a woman s pregnancies tend to be spaced three to four years apart because of the
extended period of breastfeeding characteristic of these societies. Extended means not just that
children are weaned at three to four years of age but that they still nurse whenever they feel like it,
as frequently as several times an hour (Shostak 1981, 67). This nursing stimulus triggers the
secretion of a hormone that suppresses ovulation (Henry
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First Bank of the United States
The First Bank of the United States
The Bank of the United States was designed to make money and build an economy. It was
designed by men like Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris, but did not benefit the common
citizen as much as wealthy investors. Why did a fledgling government need to borrow millions
from overseas in order to invest in a national bank, to turn around and then borrow the same money
back and pay interest on it? The banking system developed by Alexander Hamilton and Robert
Morris was prime pickings for speculators, and laid the groundwork for a history of unscrupulous
activity regarding our nation s money supply that continues to this day. The signatures on the
Constitution were barely dry before corruption and ... Show more content on ...
Men thus enriched by the dexterity of a leader, would follow of course the chief who was leading
them to fortune, and become the zealous instruments of all his enterprises.
Jefferson commented on these events long after his passions over them had cooled. Indeed, by
1818 the first Bank of the United States had come and gone. He felt that the actions of the
speculators for the sole purpose of personal greed were reprehensible, and that the architect of the
situation (Hamilton) was very much responsible for the fleecing of the public.
At this time the government was funding its debt through private banks such as the Bank of North
America and the Bank of New York. Not satisfied with the structure of American banking,
Hamilton reported to Congress the need to establish a National Bank in December of 1790. The
Senate created a committee to study Hamilton s proposal. On the committee were men who shared
Hamilton s ideas in fiscal matters, and that of a strong federal government. One of the members,
General Schuyler, was Hamilton s father in law. It was of no surprise that a bill arose out of the
committee supporting Hamilton s plan to incorporate a Bank of the United States.
Objection to the bill was strenuous. Opponents argued that the incorporation of a national bank
might have deleterious effects on the economy, and wondered whether or
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The Improvised Explosive Device ( Ied ) Essay
Winston Churchill said, You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they
have tried everything else .1 Three years after field commanders requested Mine Resistant
Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles the Pentagon approved the request and asked Congress to
pay the bill.2 The defeat of Saddam Hussein by Coalition Forces created a growing insurgency in
Iraq from the summer of 2003 through the surge of U.S. Forces in 2008. The improvised
explosive device (IED), the insurgent s choice weapon, was responsible for 50 80% of U.S.
deaths from 2005 through 2008.3 A CNN poll conducted in March 2003 showed 72% of
Americans supported the war in Iraq and 3 years later only half that number, 36%, of Americans
supported the war in Iraq.4 Public support for the war diminished as deaths increased while U.S.
Forces conducted non kinetic operations focused on rebuilding Iraq. Also during this time,
Congress began to ask the Pentagonwhy they could not defeat the IED threat.
Despite mounting Congressional pressure, the Pentagon was not prepared to procure MRAPs
under a normal acquisition process. Ultimately, Secretary Gates made the rapid acquisition of the
MRAP his number one priority.5 This essay will highlight three factors that made the MRAP
acquisition program different from a normal acquisition. First, Congress and Secretary Gates, called
for immediate MRAP procurement. Next, MRAP procurement was unexpected as the Pentagon
planned to be in and out of Iraq quickly.
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The Most Incomprehensible Thing About The World
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. Albert Einstein.
Universe is a mysterious world that is incomprehensible to clarify. However, through intelligence,
intuition and ingenuity, it affected Humans to perceive the uncharted world they live in and make
it comprehensible. After the tremendous explosion, hundreds of billions of stars were swirling
and interacting with each other by gravity, constituting a galaxy. In the midst of chaos, there was
the Milky Way galaxy, our galactic home. Unlike a regular spiral, the Milky Way galaxy is a
barred spiral that was comprised with two minor arms and spurs. One of the spurs, Onion Arm,
contains the sun and the solar system. There are eight planets in our solar system and they are all
unique. Yet, out of all the planets, Saturn, perplexed many astronomers with its discoveries. First
and Foremost, the chemical compounds in its upper atmosphere color, its cloud bands in subtle
shades of ivory and broad, lacy rings that encircle Saturn , captivated the astronomers with its
charm. Although, ancient Greeks were able to detect Saturn thousand years ago, no one conceded
that Saturn had its rings, until Galileo perceived them with his telescope in 1610. Indeed, the
discovery of Saturn left its mark on the history, where astronomers had an abysmal quarrel whether
it was heliocentric or geocentric.
II.Historical Context In fact, the oldest written records validating Saturn was attributed to Assyrians.
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Research Paper On Mermaids
The ocean is explored less than five percent and ninety five percent of this realm remains
unexplored and primarily mysterious. For the most part, we clearly do not have enough data and an
indication of numerous odd occurrences beneath the ocean. Though, many people have witnessed
many peculiar creatures in the ocean. By that, I mean the Mermaids, Merman, the Loch Ness
Monster, Sea Serpents, Sirens and many more. Various people matter of factly claimed to have seen
one, but others believe that it s just a myth, or they have claimed that it was a figment of one s
imagination. Mermaids, in general, are unique and mysterious creatures and with their beguiling
personalities, fascinating history and origin. They are well known throughout several
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Summary Of Written By Roger House Essay
FOREWORD BY ROGER HOUSE My wife woke up one Monday morning and was making her
way to the bathroom when she noticed a trail of blood. She was twelve weeks pregnant and now
she was hemorrhaging. We called the doctor and were told we had lost our baby and needed to
get to the hospital as soon as possible for surgery. All I could do was fall to the floor and cry. The
next thing I did was call as many friends and churches as possible to ask them to pray. We made
our way to the hospital, were put in an examination room and left there. No one checked on us.
No one examined my wife. Finally, after nine hours of waiting, a doctor peeked in the room to
see why we were still there. We told him our story and he put his fetal stethoscope on and started
listening to my wife s belly. He then told us news we were not expecting. He said, Your baby is
fine and her heartbeat is strong, and then he ordered an ultrasound. Turns out we did not
miscarry and today we have a 29 year old daughter who is the apple of her daddy s eyes. But until
that day I never understood how devastating a miscarriage could be. I learned a valuable lesson
that day, a lesson that has changed me to this day. I truly will never be the same and will never
look at life the same way. Problems come and go and while they aren t usually planned, they can
cause us to be genuinely changed. But the storms in life can be a totally different story. Storms in
life usually jump out and grab you and will cause you pain and
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The Longest-Personal Narrative
With my heart pounding I stepped forward. As the other competitors are doing everything to stay
loose and ready, I simply could not stop shaking. To my left and right stood two seniors, the
fastest half mile runner in the state and my biggest rival of that year. I felt very out of place,
only a sophomore that season. In Montana, the 800m race at the state meet had been dominated
by seniors for decades. The echoing silence filled the arena after the starter yelled, set!. If I were
to recall the longest is second in my life, undoubtedly it would be that moment. Many times I
have been asked to provide one word that describes myself. My peers would describe me as smart,
athletic, and personable. However, I do not believe that any of those words
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The Film A Man For All Seasons
The film A Man for All Seasons is an absolute masterpiece. It really is a cinematic tour de
force. Directed by the legendary Fred Zinnemann, well known for High Noon, and starring
incredibly talented and powerful actors as Paul Scofield, who plays the wonderful Thomas
Moore, Orson Welles, and John Hurt. This won six academy awards in 1966. The film uses the
historical story of Sir Thomas Moore to explore one of Zinnemann s favorite themes
martyrdom a person standing up even to death for their personal beliefs. Not only that, this film
also wrestles with several themes that deal with legal issues such as hot to deal with
conscientious objectors, natural law versus positive law, consequentialism versus deontology and
the history of legal safeguards in the Common Law Tradition.
The character of Sir Thomas Moore, a devout Catholic who sat on the Kings Council and
eventually became Lord Chancellor, is a jurist who is devoted to the law of England. He
performs his duties diligently and with care. He turns down attempts at bribery and ruling with a
leaned hand of justice. Moore and King Henry the VIII, played by Robert Shaw, are very close
friends. The King seeks a divorce from his barren wife so that he can wed his mistress and
hopefully have an air to his throne. The church rejects King Henry s request and in turn, King
Henry declares himself that head of the Church and puts pressure on the clergy to accept his
divorce and his new wife. Moore s
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Types Of Diplomacy And Combat Terrorism
5 types of diplomacy to combat terrorism
The ever changing nature of terrorism threats have led many states to devise collaborative methods
to fight terrorist organizations by adapting regular security assessments and taking counterterrorism
measures in order to overcome them. Through diplomacy, many states are searching for advanced
support, methods, structures, and tools to combat internal threats and win war against terrorism
(Phillips, Neal Webb, 2011). Diplomacy is an instrument of power that can build political will and
foster international cooperation. Through diplomatic support, nations can promote counterterrorism
assistance that serves mutual interests. In addition, diplomacy can help nations to fight against
terrorists by controlling resources that terrorists need. The five common types of diplomacy
counterterrorism strategies adopted by the U.S. include trainings, finance control programs,
research, terrorist interdiction program, and foreign emergency support program.
In training diplomacy, the aim is to train and equip foreign states to fight terrorists within and
around their borders. Through these trainings, many states have established effective
communication systems and have improved their border monitoring abilities (Peterson, 2012). In
regard to the finance control diplomacy, the U.S. has established a program to help other nations to
interrupt and control the flow of funds going to support terrorists operations and to reinforce the
financial and
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The Changing Boundaries Of Nursing Essay
Qualitative Critique
The title of the article critiqued is, The changing boundaries of nursing: a qualitative study of the
transition to a new nursing care delivery model . While researching articles this title drew interest
to this nurse due to the frequent changes in the field of nursing today. From policies for
reimbursement for hospitals, to changing care from theory based practice (TBP) to evidence
based practices (EBP). The methods used in this study are revealed through the title of the article:
a qualitative study . The authors of this study are all professionals in the field of nursing. Ann
Rheaume, PhD, RN a professor at Ecole de science infirmiere, University de Moncton. Sophie
Dionne, RN, MScN, clinical resource nurse in a surgery department, CHU Dr L. Dumont. Denise
Gaudet, RN, MScN, consultant of DMG Initiatives Inc., Dieppe. Monique Allain, RN, BN, nurse
manager in the emergency department at CHU Dr. L. Dumont. Estelle Belliveau, RN, BN, medical
educator, Services Canada, Moncton. Laurraine Boudreau, RN, BN, a nurse manager in oncology
center at CHU Dr. Georges L. Dumont. Laurianne Brown, RN, BN, Public health nurse at
Provincial Public Health services. As one can see, the positions held by the listed authors , are of
importance to this study, by reason of the exposure of the changes seen in the new health care
delivery models in all fields of nursing including the above authors designated fields of nursing.
While reviewing the
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Hamlet s Existential Crisis
When looking at Hamlet, one could say that William Shakespeare put the play together as a very
cathartic tragedy. The emotional result of dealing with so many deaths brings on a plethora of
emotions which are not usually felt in a typical play. Hamlet begins not with the normal
prosperity and good fortune as do most tragedies, but with a more stifling and depressing sort of
mood (Tekany 115). However, something else could be said about this play as well. The play
centers on Hamletand his existential characteristics, such as angst, isolation and his confrontations
with nothingness. The exhibition of these characteristics proves Hamlet to be an existential
character. The idea of Hamlet s father s (King Hamlet of Denmark) passing is what begins the cycle
of existential thoughts and feelings within him. From the conflict raging inside Hamlet, stemming
from the loss of his father, blooms the beginnings of a bigger, overall existential conflict that soon
leads to his cathartic downfall. He visits places filled with nothingness and abhorrence with a sense
of frailty and pulsating frustration. Hamlet s existential crisis begins with the death of his father
and the remarrying of his mother. At this point, for Hamlet, the questions start pouring in; to be or
not to be (Hamlet 3.1.57), and so on. From questioning his existence and fighting with himself
about the purpose of his life begins to show the beginnings of the existential crisis that is soon to
consume him. Also, this
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Complications Of Compensation
In a cross country analysis by Tessema, Ready Embaye, (2013), they presented statistics on the
effects of employee recognition, pay, and benefits on job satisfaction to employees in USA,
Malaysi, and Vietnam. While there are significant differences statistically between the four
variables of the study, all groups concurred that pay, benefits, and recognition are vital in
improving job satisfaction of employees. The results solidify the hypothesis that pay is integral to
job satisfaction in all of the three countries despite varying cultures. It is important to take note that
this study also revealed that non monetary benefits also play a big part in an employee s job
satisfaction. Hence, it is concluded that pay, benefits and... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, the overall conclusion supported the positive relationship of pay to job satisfaction
(Judge et al, 2010). The overall analysis of the literatures and findings presented above prove that
compensation is a factor in improving employee job satisfaction. To be able to study the
relationship of compensation and profitability, the next discussion will analyse the effect of job
satisfaction to productivity and, hence, profitability which is essential in answering the research
There had been literatures and arguments that express the importance of improving employee
satisfaction as it increases service quality and, in turn, improve customer loyalty and profitability. In
a study about the relationship between and among employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and
financial performance, the proponents cited the work of Rucci, Kirn, Quinn (1998) in which
discussed and analysed the case of Sears and used the Service Profit Chain. The report revealed
that by improving employee satisfaction by 5 points customer satisfaction and sales increased by
1.3 points and 0.5% respectively. One of the literatures presented in the study explained that the
reason why employee satisfaction has a direct impact on customer satisfaction (and in
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Sartre No Exit Essay
Decisions, Decisions In Jean Paul Sartre s play No Exit, three different characters, Joseph Garcin,
Inez Serrano and Estelle Rigault are portrayed together in hell. Although in hell for different
reasons, the common thread that binds them is the fact that they all chose to make undeniably
terrible decisions in their past lives. These characters unequivocally believed that the decisions they
made while they were living, should not constitute their being sent to hell. They believed that the
punishments that they received, hell, was inappropriate and not where they were supposed to be
and at the very least, if in fact in hell, then they should be tormented in a proper manner, torture
chamber style. However, based off of Sartre s portrayal of these character s life choices, how one
lives their life and the decisions that they make, influence their destination, also known as
existentialism, and further suggests that... Show more content on ...
Existentialism, according to, is, A philosophical attitude associated especially
with Heidegger, Jaspers, Marcel, and Sartre, and opposed to rationalism and empiricism, that
stresses the individual s unique position as a self determining agent responsible for the authenticity
of his or her choices. Sartre emphasis this philosophy of thinking, and living, explicitly and
throughout his work, No Exit. The three different characters were responsible for their own choices
in their lives which we saw. They believed they were in control of their own destination, and in fact
on some level they were, and their actions did dictate their eternally reminder of their past, their
forever and eternal present, and the unchanging future. This is hell and like most people, denial
settles in and one justifies that their actions weren t all that bad. These characters many times tried
to convince themselves, and those around them, that they were good people and that what they did
was not that
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Research Paper On Iron Man
Iron Man is the story of billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). A genius
inventor and CEO of Stark Industries, the largest weapons contractor of the US Government,
Tony has become famous for decades to protect US interests worldwide. The carefree lifestyle of
Tony changes dramatically when his convoy is under attack after a test that monitors arms
personally, and he finds himself the prisoner of a group of insurgents. Wounded by a piece of
shrapnel, which is housed near his already weakened heart and endangers your life, Tony is forced
to build a devastating weapon for Raza (Faran Tahir), the mysterious leader of the insurgents. Tony
ignores the demands of their captors and uses his intellect and ingenuity to build a suit
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Kerbstone In Pompeii
In the summer of 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius erupted, earning its infamy by destroying Pompeii and
many surrounding Roman towns in southern Italy. This volcanic disaster, considered one of the
worst in history, buried the ancient Roman city of Pompeii under a carpet of volcanic ash. When
archeologists and explorers rediscovered the site, they found that under the ruins, dust, and debris,
Pompeiiwas fairly intact. The remains of the buildings, artifacts, and skeletons led researchers to
piece together what daily life would have been like prior to the eruption. Author Robert Harris and
director Paul Anderson both attempt to recreate this catastrophic event through their novel and
movie, respectively, both given the title Pompeii. Harris and Anderson... Show more content on ...
To ensure the correct layout, a helicopter was flown over the ruins to capture aerial views to use
in the film INSERT FOOTNOTE. During the movie, it was noted that the cobblestone roads and
street vendors alongside were identical to what was expected to be seen during the time. Eric
Poehler discusses the purpose of kerbstones and stepping stones in his article The Circulation of
Traffic in Pompeii s Region VI , explaining how kerbstones were raised higher than the roads
because of flooding, and stepping stones were placed throughout streets so that people could
cross without getting dirty because of the lack of a proper sewage system INSERT FOOTNOTE.
In the film, Anderson included shots of many people crossing these stepping stones. Additionally,
Anderson accurately depicted the street life during the day. Towards the beginning of the movie,
the streets were shown crowded with townspeople, many of whom were purchasing goods from
bakeries or walking to and from work. Kellum supports this representation in her article Spectacle
of the Street INSERT FOOTNOTE. Lastly, the construction of the houses, villas, and temples,
resembled those described in literary sources. For example, the villa of the heroine, Cassia,
accurately reflects her family s wealth by the design of the interior. The peristyle was extravagant,
filled with lush greenery and ornately decorated columns.
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Ibn Taymiyyah s The Song Of Roland
Ibn Taymiyyah a scholar from the medieval age once said, What really counts are good endings not
flawed beginnings. In the poem The Song Of Roland the main character, Roland struggles with his
pride and bitterness towards the man who married his mother. The story starts with Roland sending
his stepfather off to what they thought would be death, this bitterness ultimately sent hundreds of
soldiers to their deaths. The stepfather, Ganelon, betrayed Charlemagne and Rolandand sided with
the enemy swearing to get back at Roland for his bad deed. The Song Of Rolandstarts with a bitter
beginning and a revival of character in the end, like Ibn Taymiyyah said. The book shows the
character of Roland in many different ways, bitter, prideful, and heroic, but none of these save him
or his men.
Firstly, some could argue Roland s bitterness in his character acted as the major flaw and the
possible cause of his death. As an example, My noble knights, said the Emperor Charles, choose
me one man: a baron from my march, to bring my message to King Marsilion. And Roland said:
Ganelon, my stepfather. Roland in this part of the epic expecting like many others ... Show more
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Among his flaws Roland was still definitely a fighter, he fought well to the end. As an example
from the text, Had you seen him, cutting the pagans limb from limb, casting one corpse down on
another, you would remember a brave man keep his faith. Nothing could stop them, a small
collection of brave warriors. After everyone passed away Roland was the only one left, despaired
and his health diminishing. The epic says, Then God sent him his angle Cherubin and Saint
Michael, angel of the sea s Peril; and with these two there came Saint Gabriel: they bear Count
Roland s soul to paradise. Even through his failures, he had earned his share to enter
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Advantages Of Sweatshops Essay
Lageju Krischal 1 Ashley Garcia Casas ESL 400 October 27, 2017 Final draft Sweatshops:
worth the price? A sweatshop is the place that has a poor working condition, where workers are
paid very low wage thought they work for longer hours. A sweatshop is defined by the US
department of Labor as a factory that violates 2 or more labor laws. Sweatshops are common in
poor and developing countries. Basically, they possess three major characteristics long hours, low
pay and unsafe or unhealthy working conditions. On the other hands it has been one... Show more
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Sweatshops also helps in developing the infrastructure of the country. Besides raising the life
standard of the workers, it also helps in raising the economy of the country. One of the good
things is that companies need to pay taxes to the government which directly help to boost the
economy of the country. Furthermore, a successful investment in poor countries will send
message to other potential investors that there is a stable environment for investment, leading in
more investment, job opportunities and prosperity in the country. This have standardized the
global economy. Many technologies are introduced by the sweatshops in the country. Besides it
also helps in developing the infrastructure. As these factories need proper transportation,
communication, digital technologies, etc., it helps in developing it. I also agree that
sweatshops are not good all the time. Obviously, there are some bad sides of sweatshops. The
first thing is that people need to work in the horrific condition putting their life in risk.
Sometimes it s like your worst nightmare. They are a curse for human rights. They do not care
about the workers they are working for side workers are allowed to work for longer hours
without any food and break. They have always been criticized for their violation against child
labor and human rights. There are many cases where workers are abused. They are accused verbally,
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Banning Books Should Be Banned
Throughout history many books have been banned, for many reasons. I believe that banning
books is a dangerous power to give the government or people in authority. Banning book is not
only morally unjust but also I believe that some of the reasons are also illegal. I will explain my
opinion in the following. Banning books can be a dangerous power because banning restricts
authors. Today, people are praised for individuality and uniqueness, and banning books contradicts
that. Many authors write about things that have happened in their lives or they express their way of
living and banning a bookthat doesn t fit in with what societies way of life is, is wrong. Society
may believe in one thing but not all people do. I also believe that banning books is a form of
bullying. Banning is like telling the author, you don t fit in with everyone else so you can t have
books published. I guess, a authors are supposed to put their beliefs on the back burner in order to
make money from published books. In history some authors were exiled because they wrote about
social corruption.... Show more content on ...
Many books have been written about government corruption and the government has used banning
so that the corruption is kept a secret. Authority uses banning as a way to hide the truth about what
s going on in the world. The book The Autobiography of Malcom X, 1965 was banned because it
was a how to manual for crime and it contained anti white statements . In reality Malcom X was a
human s right activist and has been called the most influential American in recent history. The black
community was upsets about the banning because the book represented life as they lived it. The
government didn t want the truth to get out about how blacks were treated and how they felt about
it, so they banned the
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Norman Rockwell s See America First
Norman Rockwell s painting, See America First, features a Native American man wrapped in a red
blanket standing by his mailbox. In his hand is a flyer that reads, See AMERICA FIRST, a popular
slogan in the early twentieth century intended to encourage Americans to spend their money on
tourist attractions within the United Statesrather than traveling to Europe and investing in their
culture. Discarded by the man s feet is the envelope in which the flyer came, indicating that,
excited to have received mail, the man opened the envelope immediately. This excitement,
however, was short lived. The man s frown and raised, drawn together eyebrows suggest he is
disappointed with the contents of the envelope. His closed off body language indicates a sort of
fragility that elicits the audience s sympathy. Standing next to his worn down mailbox, the man s
weary eyes stare almost accusingly at the audience. The Native American man s piercing gaze
sends a clear message: Native Americans are left behind by American nationalism. Rockwell s
ironic tone in See America First and use of color symbolism and perspective serve to express the
plight of Native Americans and their lack of identity as a result of modern American nationalism....
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The quality of the Native American man s mailbox and shoes, however, suggests that he does not
have the money necessary to travel anyway. The irony of sending this advertisement to someone
who has no use for it illustrates the ignorance of the American public to the impoverished state of
many other citizens. Also ironic is the fact that this man s ancestors actually did see America first in
the literal sense. This brings up the contrast between to original Americas, the one Native
Americans called home, and modern
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Malcolm X In The 1960s
In history, Malcolm X has been one of the figures that gives historian to research and write about.
Many biographies and documents have been published to audience with many interpretations of
Malcolm X s life and legacy. Since his early life, Malcolm had encountered racism and death to
African Americans. Malcolm Xborn as Malcolm Little, grew up to become a leader and a hero for
Civil rights movement in the 1960s. Despite how Malcolm X had become a Civil Right leader,
his intentions were to exhort African Americans to cast off the chains of racism. In the 1960s, the
Civil Rights movement was out spreading by Civil Rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr,
Medgar Evers, James Farmer, and Rosa Parks...etc. These leaders had different approaches to
promote... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, In the 1960s, America was rebuilding the economy from a great depression and
reestablishing the country s society wealth status. Some Politician candidates used America s
issues to build a strong campaign to run for the presidency. Political leaders like JFK and BLJ
were leaders that wanted to make a positive change in America s society through jobs, education
and policy making to regain the trust of society. The problem with these policies and the positive
change is that America was divided by Civil Rights issues and racism. Some southerner s States
were not supporting the Civil Rights for African Americans. In the 1960s, it was a tough year for
African Americans to advocate their rights. Malcolm X did not have any problem promoting and
shared his thoughts about the injustice treatments toward African Americans. Hence, how did
America s society and the press interprets Malcolm X message during the 1960s? What did
Malcolm X do in the 1960s to be considered a Civil Right leader? What does Malcolm X s legacy
entails? Malcolm X background can illustrate the meaning of his ideology message toward white
people (Political leaders, and communities) and his motive to defending
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The St. Francis Xavier Secondary School Deca
The St. Francis Xavier Secondary School DECA Chapter advocated and fundraised for the leading
cause for over 3 million child deaths annually: malnutrition. The campaign, entitled
Mission4Malnutrition (M4M) , is a not for profit campaign which is dedicated to eliminating
hunger within impoverished communities internationally. It strives to bring awareness to
malnutrition, which can be defined as the lack of sufficient nutrients which are normally obtained
through food. There are countless consequences of malnourishment, including deteriorating
immunity, susceptibility to rare illnesses, as well as the physical inability to attend school. In order
to eradicate malnutrition as well as its detrimental effects, M4M has partnered with two charities:
Sharelife Canada and ACF International.
ACF International is a global organization which is devoted to eliminating world hunger and
providing lifesaving treatment, especially for amongst children. This charity is currently executing
a not for profit campaign, entitled Action Against Hunger . This campaign provides impoverished
communities with RUTF (ready to use therapeutic foods), as well as lifesaving treatment to
alleviate the detrimental effects of malnourishment. Through donations and sponsors, their main
project, Action Against Hunger, has been able to provide:
пѓ Children and adults across the globe with RUTF (ready to use therapeutic foods)
пѓ Access to clean water that is readily available
пѓ Communities with sufficient
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walden Current Trends in Accounting ACCT6140Standards Essay
Delineating Related Intel Pentium Accounting Research Questions
Sami Mansour
Walden University
Current Trends in Accounting ACCT6140Standards
May 17, 2015
Delineating Related Intel Pentium Accounting Research Questions
The purpose of this paper is to define research questions (below) relating to Accounting for the Intel
Pentium Chip Flaw (Hawkins, Miller Narayanan, 2009). The questions are as follows; (A3.1) If you
were an accountant for Intel, what specifically would be the relevant accounting research question
with respect to the Intel Pentium chip flaw? (A3.2) What constrains Intel s decisions about how to
account for the Pentium chip flaw? (A3.3) What do you need to know, estimate, and assume to
answer the ... Show more content on ...
They ignored to claim the default to avoid the financial effect The accounting constraint of
materiality would indicate that this item could be recorded as an expense (more expedient) since it
is not material enough to influence the decision of a reasonably prudent creditor or
investor(Weygand, 2009). Intel is always constrained by agreements/ contracts with their lenders to
pay from retained earnings. Dividend is usually distributed to the owners in term profits. Intel may
be constrained by the requirements of other obligations of generally accepted accounting principles
Estimations and Assumptions to the Research Question
Accountants need to estimate the magnitude of the problem. Intel should use the management
function such as planning, controlling and directing the solution toward the problem. It is a
quantities analysis that needs measurement, facts, and common sense. The accountant always
suggests mathematical models based on statistics such as confident level, mean, variance, and
correlation ration R square (Weygandt, 2009). Intel might consider contingent theory to estimate a
certain event of error. It is probability of occurrence.
The FAS 5; accounting for contingencies is defined as an existing event/situation or group/set of
events involving some kind of uncertainty which may result in a gain or loss. This will be resolved
when future circumstances/event fail to take place/occur. Resolution may result in loss of an asset
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Essay on How Stigma and Discrimination Effect Mental Illness
Mental illness is a term which is used when a persons mind is affected in some way by a group
of illnesses (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2012). People with mental health issues have been viewed
and treated in a variety of ways within western society throughout time. Historically if an individual
displayed behaviours which disrupted their function in society and defied social norms they were
viewed as lunatics, insane or even cursed (Cowan, 2008; Elder Evans Nizette, 2009). It is from
these past issues that many people still have unreasonable thoughts about mental illness; their
misconceptions have created unreasonable fears and negative attitudes toward those who
experience it. This negativity brings for many the barriers of not only... Show more content on ...
The effects of self stigma can lead to a lack of self esteem, lack of confidence, isolation and the
increased likelihood of avoiding professional help for their illness. This then has an over all
affect on quality of life and where one sees themselves fitting within society (Barney, Griffiths,
Jorm Christensen, 2005; Griffiths Christensen, 2004; Newell Gournay, 2000). Legislation in New
Zealand such as The Human Rights Act 1993, section 21 and the Employment Rights Act 1997
are in place to prohibit the discrimination on the grounds of mental illness in areas such as
housing, training, education and employment. The incidence of stigma and discrimination in these
areas is however still continuing to be an issue for those with a mental illness. It has become
apparent through large amounts of research that most incidences of stigma and discrimination are
usually reported through research studies and surveys (Peterson Barnes Duncan 2008; Newell
Gournay, 2000). El Badri Mellsop (2007) suggest that most research on stigma tends to center on
attitudes and beliefs of the public and how they view those with a mental illness. Much less
emphasis on research has involved the personal experience, self stigma and quality of life of the
person with the illness and how they fit within the community. Badri Mellsop s (2007) study
Stigma and quality of life as experienced by
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Parmigiano s Pizzeria And Deli Menu Analysis
I am pleased with my graphical outcome for the menu designed for Parmigiano s Pizzeria and
Deli and I believe I have made a significant improvement from the Longboards poster. The menu
captured the brief through the use of bright colours, layout, effective pictures and a simple but
interesting logo. The brief stated that Papa Parmigiano wanted to be included in the logo, so I
made him the hero. I placed him holding a pizza with the background of Italian colours to represent
his heritage and link to the restaurant theme. I could of improved my logo by making my own type
and possibly make it more detailed and interesting. The background complimented the type because
it included the bright colours that stimulate appetite and relate to the food
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Social Anxiety Chemical Imbalances Summary
The article Social Anxiety, Chemical Imbalances, and Brain Neural Pathways and Associations
addresses various mental/ cognitive causes of anxiety. Although this source focuses mainly on
social anxiety, the statements that are addressed are similar to numerous other subtypes of anxiety.
This source states Chemical imbalances exist because the neural pathways systems of the brain
sometimes lead to emotional pain [anxiety] and irrational conclusions (Social Anxiety, Chemical
Imbalances, and Brain Neural Pathways and Associations 1). A simplified definition of a neural
pathway is what connects the brain to our nervous system. This means that anxieties are caused by
neural pathway systems improperly functioning, which leads to chemical imbalances
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Compromise For The Compromise Of 1850
Compromise that means to come to an agreement, a settlement that brings peace, but not without
some discomfort for both sides. This compromise is hopefully long lasting and satisfying to both
sides and brings with it a rest. The Compromise of 1850 sounds like exactly that, but there is more
to this compromise. This compromise came when there was much dispute about the future of the
western lands recently acquired from the Mexican government California, Utah, and New Mexico.
The Southerners of America wanted the states entered into the union as slave states, while the
Northerners wanted them entered as free states. When this issue became more heated and continued
to escalate, The Great Compromiser, Mr. Henry Clay himself, came out of retirement to do his
thing and create a compromise. He proposed that California would enter the union as a Slave State
and Utah and New Mexico would enter as neutral, being neither a slave nor free state. Parts of both
the North and the South hated and liked this plan. Some misanthropists in the South threatened to
secede from the union and while the majority knew that to be rubbish at the time, it did eventually
come true with the start of the Civil War. The North wanted to see slavery come to an end and were
fighting tooth and nail to see that through. After months of debating and changes made to Clay s
compromise it was eventually put into action. There was still unrest in both the North and South,
and the compromise only
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Analyzing The Article The Science Of Good Deeds
Kindness can alter everything. Kindness can change everything. In the article The Science of
Good Deeds one of the quotes says Two large studies found that older adults who volunteered
reaped benefits in their health and well being. This influences people that are aged. It can help
older people with their health. It also can help the people getting helped. Additionally in the article
Doing good Does You Good one of the quotes states. When you help others, it promotes positive
physiological changes in the brain associated with happiness. Helping other people out can benefit
you for the reason that it can help you become more happy. It also can make you feel better. It can
benefit other people for the reason that they get helped. It
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Desminds Staffing and Technical Solutions
EMPLOYER SERVICES Overview At Dexminds Staffing and Technical solutions, we believe the
mantra behind a successful organization is recognizing and identifying the market gaps. Markets
are constantly changing and with changing times, there are whole new sets of gaps which have
created new avenues of opportunities. We, as a Staffing service provider and an IT recruitment
company in the USA have come out a long way to recognize the industry needs. The demand for
the right talent is on a rise. Companies are competing in a tight market place where finding the
right talent is not just important but a vital potion for success. Most Start ups and organisations
working on a stringent budget usually hire talent based on their project needs in order to reduce
operational costs. Thus, this has opened up a wide market demand for skilled contract and
temporary workers. Being in the IT talent management and staffing services we understand how
time and resource consuming recruitments can be. Thus we provide our customers with temporary
services in finding the right talent for both contract and permanent job requirements. While you
keep your attention folded in the operational aspects of your company, we provide you with the
best staffing and services at the most reasonable costs. . No matter what the size of your company
is or perhaps you are planning to start one. We have staffing solutions for all. Our team consists of
the most experienced and the best people in the staffing
... Get more on ...
What Is Abraham Lincoln Family Farm
Abraham Lincoln grew up in a farming family that lived on a small farm in Kentucky. That farm
was too small and pathetic to be called such. His family lived in the Western plains of the United
States. This agricultural background would help once he gained his presidency. The farm he grew
up on was around 30 acres, but only around half of this could be used as farmland. His family then
moved to Indiana, than Illinois, growing their family farm more and more. After the move to
Illinois, Abraham moved away from the family to begin life on his own. Lincoln attended the
Wisconsin State Agricultural Society fair in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He made a statement saying
that these kind of fairs only benefited and helped to expand the agricultural
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Minimum Driving Age Should Not Be Raised To 18 Essay
The big one six is an age kids look forward to their whole lives. A new found freedom teens gain
when turning sixteen is driving. Driving is a privilege and an incentive for teens, and driving opens
up a world of opportunities to young adults. Some people think teens are too immature to drive and
should wait until adulthood, however the minimum drivingage should not be raised from sixteen to
eighteen. Sixteen should be the age to drive because parents cannot run teens everywhere,
eighteen is a very busy age, and not all teens are immature. Moms and dads have a very busy
schedule. When teens reach the legal driving age a little of the stress parents have on their
shoulders is lifted off. Teens can drive to and from school, practice, extracurricular... Show more
content on ...
The false assumptions people have about teens is unfair to the teens who are actually
responsible. I as a teen understand how dangerous driving is and how I am responsible for my
passengers lives while at the wheel. Why should the driving privilege given to teens at sixteen
be changed because of a few bad kids? People need not to have a bad outlook on teens just
because some teens are infact immature, but some adults are not very mature either. Teens just
need to not be stereotypes then teenagers would not have any excuse to act up if people expected
more out of them. Sixteen year olds are perfectly capable of driving, and the new found
responsibility could even make teens act more mature. Busy parents, a busy young adult life, and
mature teens are why the legal driving age should not be raised to the minimum age of eighteen.
Sixteen is a traditional milestone in a teens life, why would one want to take that tradition away?
All the opportunities sixteen year olds receive driving would be ruined if the driving age is
changes to eighteen, which could also ruin a teens future. Driving is an American rite of passage
and the system for it is fine just the way it is. Let s keep the age sixteen sweet and leave the legal
driving age
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Albert Fish Case Study
Gabriela Jimenez
Dr. Erin Williams
PSY 372 Psychology of Criminal Behavior
May 2, 2017
Albert Fish Christened Hamilton Fish but referred to himself as Albert Fish, the name of a dead
brother. A prolific American serial killer in the early 1900 s. Albert Fish lived a disturbing and
traumatic past which would lead him to commit heinous acts of crime victimizing children. The
most known crime, due to evidence, included the abduction, strangulation, and cannibalization of
12 year old Grace Budd in 1928 (Bardsley, 2012; Ramsland McGrain, 2010; Vronsky, 2004).
Events leading to his capture and execution included a letter he had sent to Grace s mother six
years after the death of Grace. The letter graphically depicted, in detail, the methods used ... Show
more content on ...
on May 19, 1870 to a 75 year old father and 32 year old Scot Irish American mother, the case of
Albert Fish has been notorious for the aspect and studies on nature vs. nurture (Bardsley, 2012;
Reitwiesner, n.d). His father was an old Potomac River boat captain, and his mother suffered
from auditory and visual hallucinations, and had reportedly 5 children (Bardsley, 2012;
Schechter, 1990). Albert was the youngest. His family had a strong background of mental illness
and two of them allegedly died in asylums (Schechter, 2012). After the death of his father, Fish s
mother placed him in an orphanage where he was regularly abused and according to Fish, that s
where he got started wrong because he began to enjoy the physical pain that the whippings
brought (Bardsley, 2012; Wilson, 2004). Fish stated: We were unmercifully whipped. I saw boys
doing many things they should not have done (Wilson, 2004). Researchers have settled that the
abuse received by his teacher in the orphanage was a severe form shame punishment and influenced
Albert Fish s claims that he had always wanted to inflict pain on to himself and others (Schechter,
2003). It was in St. John s Orphanage that Fish would discover that feeling pain and witnessing
others being caused pain would sexually arouse him (Wilson Seaman, 2004). Learning to enjoy
watching his peers in pain could have contributed to his attraction to picquerism, and to castrating,
sodomizing, and raping his victims
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Comparing The Chimney Sweep And Songs Of Innocence And...
William Blake s The Chimney Sweep and Songs of Innocence and Experience
In this essay I will attempt to analyse, compare and contrast the poems The Chimney Sweep from
both Songs of Experience and Songs of Innocence which were both written by William Blake in
1790 92 and 1789 respectively. These two poems were amalgamated in 1794 to create a new
collection called Songs of Innocence and Experience .
I will be looking at what Blake says and hints at concerning the two contrary states of the human
soul in the two poems as well as looking at the message Blake is trying to convey to the reader. As
the poems are written regarding the same subject, that is a chimney sweep, I will be looking at how
they differ in their ... Show more content on ...
This was because of the huge power the rich and wealthy possessed; they could pay people less
and lay workers off without the fear of them taking mass industrial action because people were
so desperate for the money and would not have even have thought have taking such action. Over
the years life got harder for the working class year by year and was basically a constant battle to
stay alive, which many were losing. Due to the fact that people were so poor, the burden of
contributing to the family income was placed on children even earlier and this quite often meant
working as a chimney sweep from the age of four, a topic explored in Blake s two poems. Life
expectancy was short and if you were unfortunate enough to be a chimney sweep you were seen
to be doing well if you got past the age of ten. Money generally means power and at that time in
the world it was especially true and actually to a greater degree and so the more money you had
the more power and authority you had and if you were rich enough you could not only have an
influence on the area of the country you lived in but also be influential in the running of the
country. Consequently due to the totally disproportionate spread of power within the country,
people who were very poor had absolutely no say in the
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Compare Eddie Carbone A Tragic Hero
I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were.
(Arthur Miller)
To what extent can Eddie Carbone (A View from the Bridge) and Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
be considered Tragic Heroes? What evidence is there in form, language and structure to support
your view?
In Greek tragedies, a tragic hero is traditionally characterised by several components, a notable one
being that the hero must possess a noble status. This was emphasised by Aristotle in Poetics when
he specified the tragic hero as one of those who stand out in great repute and prosperity. This
quality has been shared among other tragedy writers such as William Shakespeare. However the
eighteenth century saw the beginning of a Bourgeois ... Show more content on ...
We find out that during Act two, Eddie has revealed to the authorities that Beatrice s are cousins
in the country illegally and is now loathed by both cousins, Marco and Rodolpho. We can also
see that Catherine is no longer dependant on him and his own wife, Beatrice, remains faithful but
at the same time has lost any respect she had for him. Eddie is alone and pitiable; this point is
intensified by the stage direction where we learn that his companions, those who admired him,
have gradually deserted him: Lipari and wife exit ... Eddie calls after Louis and Mike. Eddie is
even disgusted by himself as earlier in the play when he was telling the tale of Vinny Bolanzo,
the boy who betrayed his parents, he condemningly questions How s he gonna show his face?
Then comes the hero s demise. Carbone s death leaves no doubt as to whether Miller has
fulfilled this particular criterion of the tragic hero.Although this is a tragic fall from grace there
is still an argument that no ordinary man can have a fall that can scale up to the fall of a
monarch. It is arguable that the degradation of nobility, seen in traditional tragedies, uncovers
Carbone s decline as merely unimportant as he has so much less to lose than King like Oedipus.
Nonetheless, the most important reaction to the fall of a hero is the reaction of the closest to
the subject of defamation. So, although Oedipus may feel shame from the reactions of the
people of his Kingdom, it is the reaction of his family and friends that cause the audience to
wince on behalf of him. Gatsby s physical fall starts near the end of novel however, his spiritual
fall arguably begins before even meeting him. We hear about Gatsby s past and how he was a
poor average man but was honest and as the novel progresses you hear about his relationship with
Daisy and how it ended because
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The Mayans Essay
The Mayan civilization was a bountiful society that flourished from around 300 BCE and ended
around 900 CE, their most ~~ time known as the Classic Period. During their time, they not only
~, but invented many ~~ that some are even used today. They are well known for creating the first
writing system, cuneiform, the concept of zero, calendars, mathematics, the length of the solar
year at about 365.242 days, and ball courts for sports. The Mayan people were the direct
descendants from another group of people called the Olmecs, who lived from around 1200 BCE to
400 BCE. Though their original name is unknown, researchers have dubbed them the Olmecs ,
meaning the rubber people , taken after the indigenous rubber trees found in the area in which...
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The Mayans, as mentioned before, were never unified, and constantly warred with each other.
With rapidly growing amounts of people and already existing tensions, there is a very fair
possibility that large wars may have started breaking down the society, leaving them open for
invaders as well. The government holding the areas together may have begun to diminish and
eventually the whole structure of the civilization would have been destroyed. As religion was
such an immensely dominating part of the Maya society, tensions would have also affected priests
who dealt with the main religious practices, including the use of traditional rituals, ceremonies, or
worshiping their gods. This could ve caused lack of faith, or ~), adding to the strain of the society
and making everything chaotic. There is also evidence of tensions arising from changing trade
routes, once from land to going across the sea, probably another effect of the shifting climate.
Researchers discovered in a
Yet another theory of the Mayan s fall is that conflict from within their civilization didn t destroy
the people, but rather it might ve been destroyed from the outside, possibly by invaders from their
close neighbors Mexico who may have invaded for ~~and either (massacred everyone?) or caused
everyone to flee? The last Mayan civilizations were
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Quentin Tarantino An Auteur
Quentin Tarantino is a 52 year old Caucasian male from Knoxville, Tennessee. He is credited for
writing 23 films, acting in 34, producing 21, and directing 17. Quentin Tarantino is considered an
auteur because the roles he plays in the making of every single film he is involved in. The Oxford
Dictionary defines an auteur as a film directorwho influences their films so much that they rank as
their author. Every filmby Quentin Tarantinois permeated by his unique and recognizable style from
start to finish. Tarantino is an auteur that is notorious for his use of violence, remarkable dialogue,
and his manipulative use of different camera angles and shots. Quentin Tarantino movies are
infamous for their use of violence. The violence in his... Show more content on ...
A few of his favorites are mirror shots, corpse point of view shot, and bird s eye POV shot. A
few examples of mirror shots in his films are in Inglorious Bastards there is a reflection of
Soshanna in the window, in Pulp Fiction when Vincent is in the bathroom trying to straighten
himself out, and in Django Unchained there is a mirror shot of Django when he kills the three
wanted brothers. These shots are used to reflect a character s intimate time alone or to give
another point of view within a scene. The corpse POV shots are more common in his older
movies such as Four Rooms, Pulp Fiction, and Jackie Brown. These shots are used to indicate
what the corpse would be seeing. Some examples of these shots are in Inglorious Bastards when
Donny Donowitz and Lt. Aldo Raine are threatening someone while looking down on them or in
Pulp Fiction when Marsellus wakes up after being hit by Butch s car. The bird s POV shot (also
known as God s POV shot) is seen in Jackie Brown when Jackie is hiding money in her bag in the
bathroom at the airport or in Kill Bill: Volume 1 when the Bride is following Sofie Fatale into the
House of Blue Leave s bathroom. The bird s POV shot is used to convey something bigger than the
characters is watching and what they are doing. Tarantino s frequent uses of these shots are one of
the many things that make his movies uniquely
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Pharmacy At Rainer s Pharmacy
As a pharmacy technician at Rainer s Pharmacy, in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. I have learned what
types of people visit a pharmacy. At the pharmacy, we deliver medication and groceries within two
hours of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is made up of three sections: retail, hospice, and the
laboratory. I work in the retail and hospice section; I have met the diabetic hero, the storytellers,
and the narc eater. The diabetic hero is the scariest. From in the pharmacyyou can hear him pull into
the parking lot;his car is rusted from the back left wheel to the front right wheel. The car sounds
like it has not been inspected for years. It clanks and bangs and leaves a trail of smoke behind it.
He puts the car in park then comes in and out before anyone... Show more content on ...
There is two types within the pharmacy:the retail and the hospice. The retail narc eater are mean
and usually have an egotistic attitude. She always has a scowl on her face. Her look is distinct
she has on dirty sweatpants and a t shirt with holes in the armpit or around the neck. She comes
in screaming you shorted me pills, where the fuck is the rest of my medicine That is very
unlikely, because each c2 and c3 narcotics get placed in a bubble sheet with the set amount of
pills counted out for the dosage. If she is not complaining about not having enough medicine, she
wants to fill the prescription too early and she doesn t understand why the pharmacy can not fill
it. Her insurance will not cover it unless she follows the correct dosage. She tries to pay for the
prescription without insurance but the price can be a few hundred and she responds with, you can
shove the money up your ass. The hospice narc eaters are worse than the retail. These patients are
terminally ill and they still want to get that high or they want to sell their narcotics. For example,
patient Sara Lee gets daily narcotics with only one day s worth, because her children will take her
medicine and sell it. This causes that no one else can sign the manifest saying that the patient
received the medication. This can only help so much. The pharmacy gets multiple calls saying that
patient s children is selling the medication right off the front porch.
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Organization Function of Management Organizing Function of Management University of Phoenix MGT 330 Peggy Terrasi Learning Team C Team Members: John Champagne, Malka Feast, Jason Fruge, David Rampolla, Tom Tumminelli, Derrell Beck, Vinton Morgan Organizing Function of Management The four functions of management: planning, organizing, controlling and performing are all crucial to managers and corporations across the world. After the planning function of management from the top executives down to all management staff, organizing the resources of the organization is a key element to provide the necessary action into place. Specifically, organizing physical assets, human resources, knowledge management, and technology are key elements to organize. Physical assets are ... Show more content on ... From an information technology standpoint, advantages available are the ability to communicate with the customers in real time for self service, the ability to pull up information from different servers and databases and the introduction of a process to produce and support paperless electronic transmissions for various transactions. Alternatives that may be provided for the human resources division include hiring a third party or consultant that will aid in lowering costs, staying current with practices and the justification of highly specialized field expert employees whom services are necessary to the survival of the organization. Knowledge Management Knowledge management is set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization s intellectual resources fully use the intellects of the organization s people. Knowledge management is about finding, unlocking, sharing, and altogether capitalizing on the most precious resources of an organization: people s expertise, skills, wisdom, and relationships (Bateman, 2009). Knowledge management allows more employees to be involved in the decision making process of the company. In the roofing and sheet metal industry knowledge management is very important in the success of the organization. An employee s experience in the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Bourgeoisie Essay Karl Marx describes Society as a whole [as being] more and more [split] up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other bourgeoisie and proletariat (Marx 124). As Marx made his distinction between upper class, bourgeoisie, and lower class, proletariats, it is important to keep in mind the societal structure at the time. To understand how classes were created and the disparity between the rich and poor, or, bourgeoisie and proletariat, it is necessary to examine how people came to be rich and poor. Exploring a time before money existed will help us to process and understand reasons why the binary between rich and poor exists and how it is reflective of low and high art distinctions.... Show more content on ... With the commodification of natural resources, there becomes a dependency between those who control the resources and all those who need to use them. At this stage of society people are no longer self sufficient, but rely upon the network of society to provide food, shelter and jobs (Rousseau). At this level of society, the founders most often control the resources and begin to live in excess compared to the rest of the populace. Rousseau s final stage 4) is the state of war, which is triggered when the rich deceive the poor, and the poor begin to rebel. This state of war is rooted in the transition from a free, independent mode of living to a regulated lifestyle within the constraints of society. Someone has to establish any society and as a result, those who establish society through control of the natural resources will monopolize power (Rousseau). As we see, art does not arrive until all physiological needs or the basic needs are met as is evident by the happy savage stage. Art arrives with the improvement of manual labor and hunter gatherer techniques in the division of labor. The division of labor in turn creates divisions within society, and we can see that evidence in the French colonial enslavement of native peoples and African slave trade throughout history. The rich and poor binary can ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Transportation Security Administration Transportation Security Administration has important top class advanced imaging and selecting To check a passenger s ful body to hide the full scanners that include technology (AITs) Weapons, explosives, and other contraband system detacted. AITs mainly the threat of terrorism acts By an IED downing for a commercial airliner to prevent dedicated (Improvised Explosive Devices Device) smuggled on board by a passenger. The cost of this technology will reach $ 1.2 billion per Year by 2013 to 2014. System prepared for the traveler AITs preliminary cost benefit analysis Screening at U.S amd Canadian airport working this time. In this section, sevice frequent flyer programs are more and more travelers have different prices as own country to the point to where the above is free. And Or discounted tickets for in service of customer Recently, airlines have expanded the number of increase fees on routes schedules. For the transport of goods and other services charge for air travel and provide Execllent services for passenger. Threat to homeland security needs assessment and cost benefit Programs , and supported by the Department of Homeland Security In particular, force , government , industry, and many examples ( social is made by U.S. National Research Council After a 15 month study period , the main recommendations DHS , and Their main conclusion was: The committee did not find any DHS risk analysis Buy DHS capabilities are sufficient to support the judgment and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Cultural Criticism Of Griselda Pollock In this essay I will be discussing and critically evaluating Griselda Pollock s comment while referencing gender and/or body in the broad spectrum while referencing two works of art. Pollock s comment I will be evaluating is Deconstructing discursive formation leads to the production of radical knowledges which contaminate the seemingly ungendered domains of art history by insisting that sex is everywhere. The canon becomes visible as an enunciation of Western masculinity, itself saturated by its own traumatised sexual formation... In the same gesture we confirm that the sexual difference structures women s social positions, cultural practices, and representation, we also sexualise, hence de universalise, the masculine, demanding that the ... Show more content on ... This painting was known as Cassatt s strongest and wittiest feminist scene during the latter part of 1880 (. Even though in this point of history, woman has more freedom and were allowed to go the Opera, they had to be escorted. One of the main parts of the opera was women being put on display, they would dress up and wear lots of jewelry and show off the appropriate amount of skin. While on the other hand men wore black suits to do the opposite, they wanted to blend in within the loge so they wouldn t be seen. Cassatt s painting took a different take of the stereotypical representation of women in the loge. The painting shows a woman in the foreground of the picture watching the opera intently, which is out of sight with her binoculars, unaccompanied. She is shown holding a fan in her left hand, the fan is a symbol of her femininity, the fan is a female instrument and it was used as feminine language which was shown to be more refined than actually speaking, but we can see that she holds sternly rather than graceful and feminine. She is holding the fan almost like a weapon, thus letting people know that she wants to be left alone. In the background we can see a male figure watching her instead of the opera. She is not receptive to, or perhaps even conscious of, this male gaze. She thus conveys the sense of herself as an actively engaged woman who exists independently of men and their objectifying gaze; she is ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Human Mark On The Environment Sedentism and domestication represent not just a technological change but also a change in worldview. Land was no longer a free good, available to anyone, with resources scattered randomly across the landscape; it was transformed into particular territories, collectively or individually owned, on which people raised crops and flocks. Thus, sedentism and a high level of resource extraction (whether by complex foraging or farming) led to concepts of property that were rare in previous foraging societies. Graves, grave goods, permanent housing, grain processing equipment, as well as the fields and herds, connected people to places. The human mark on the environment was larger and more obvious following sedentization and the rise of farming; people transformed the landscape in more dramatic ways building terraces or walls to hold back floods. One of the more dramatic effects of settling down was the change in female fertility and the rise in population. A number of different effects together caused the population to grow.Among modern foragers, a woman s pregnancies tend to be spaced three to four years apart because of the extended period of breastfeeding characteristic of these societies. Extended means not just that children are weaned at three to four years of age but that they still nurse whenever they feel like it, as frequently as several times an hour (Shostak 1981, 67). This nursing stimulus triggers the secretion of a hormone that suppresses ovulation (Henry ... Get more on ...
  • 7. First Bank of the United States The First Bank of the United States The Bank of the United States was designed to make money and build an economy. It was designed by men like Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris, but did not benefit the common citizen as much as wealthy investors. Why did a fledgling government need to borrow millions from overseas in order to invest in a national bank, to turn around and then borrow the same money back and pay interest on it? The banking system developed by Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris was prime pickings for speculators, and laid the groundwork for a history of unscrupulous activity regarding our nation s money supply that continues to this day. The signatures on the Constitution were barely dry before corruption and ... Show more content on ... Men thus enriched by the dexterity of a leader, would follow of course the chief who was leading them to fortune, and become the zealous instruments of all his enterprises. Jefferson commented on these events long after his passions over them had cooled. Indeed, by 1818 the first Bank of the United States had come and gone. He felt that the actions of the speculators for the sole purpose of personal greed were reprehensible, and that the architect of the situation (Hamilton) was very much responsible for the fleecing of the public. At this time the government was funding its debt through private banks such as the Bank of North America and the Bank of New York. Not satisfied with the structure of American banking, Hamilton reported to Congress the need to establish a National Bank in December of 1790. The Senate created a committee to study Hamilton s proposal. On the committee were men who shared Hamilton s ideas in fiscal matters, and that of a strong federal government. One of the members, General Schuyler, was Hamilton s father in law. It was of no surprise that a bill arose out of the committee supporting Hamilton s plan to incorporate a Bank of the United States. Objection to the bill was strenuous. Opponents argued that the incorporation of a national bank might have deleterious effects on the economy, and wondered whether or ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Improvised Explosive Device ( Ied ) Essay Winston Churchill said, You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else .1 Three years after field commanders requested Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles the Pentagon approved the request and asked Congress to pay the bill.2 The defeat of Saddam Hussein by Coalition Forces created a growing insurgency in Iraq from the summer of 2003 through the surge of U.S. Forces in 2008. The improvised explosive device (IED), the insurgent s choice weapon, was responsible for 50 80% of U.S. deaths from 2005 through 2008.3 A CNN poll conducted in March 2003 showed 72% of Americans supported the war in Iraq and 3 years later only half that number, 36%, of Americans supported the war in Iraq.4 Public support for the war diminished as deaths increased while U.S. Forces conducted non kinetic operations focused on rebuilding Iraq. Also during this time, Congress began to ask the Pentagonwhy they could not defeat the IED threat. Despite mounting Congressional pressure, the Pentagon was not prepared to procure MRAPs under a normal acquisition process. Ultimately, Secretary Gates made the rapid acquisition of the MRAP his number one priority.5 This essay will highlight three factors that made the MRAP acquisition program different from a normal acquisition. First, Congress and Secretary Gates, called for immediate MRAP procurement. Next, MRAP procurement was unexpected as the Pentagon planned to be in and out of Iraq quickly. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Most Incomprehensible Thing About The World The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. Albert Einstein. Universe is a mysterious world that is incomprehensible to clarify. However, through intelligence, intuition and ingenuity, it affected Humans to perceive the uncharted world they live in and make it comprehensible. After the tremendous explosion, hundreds of billions of stars were swirling and interacting with each other by gravity, constituting a galaxy. In the midst of chaos, there was the Milky Way galaxy, our galactic home. Unlike a regular spiral, the Milky Way galaxy is a barred spiral that was comprised with two minor arms and spurs. One of the spurs, Onion Arm, contains the sun and the solar system. There are eight planets in our solar system and they are all unique. Yet, out of all the planets, Saturn, perplexed many astronomers with its discoveries. First and Foremost, the chemical compounds in its upper atmosphere color, its cloud bands in subtle shades of ivory and broad, lacy rings that encircle Saturn , captivated the astronomers with its charm. Although, ancient Greeks were able to detect Saturn thousand years ago, no one conceded that Saturn had its rings, until Galileo perceived them with his telescope in 1610. Indeed, the discovery of Saturn left its mark on the history, where astronomers had an abysmal quarrel whether it was heliocentric or geocentric. II.Historical Context In fact, the oldest written records validating Saturn was attributed to Assyrians. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Research Paper On Mermaids The ocean is explored less than five percent and ninety five percent of this realm remains unexplored and primarily mysterious. For the most part, we clearly do not have enough data and an indication of numerous odd occurrences beneath the ocean. Though, many people have witnessed many peculiar creatures in the ocean. By that, I mean the Mermaids, Merman, the Loch Ness Monster, Sea Serpents, Sirens and many more. Various people matter of factly claimed to have seen one, but others believe that it s just a myth, or they have claimed that it was a figment of one s imagination. Mermaids, in general, are unique and mysterious creatures and with their beguiling personalities, fascinating history and origin. They are well known throughout several ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Summary Of Written By Roger House Essay FOREWORD BY ROGER HOUSE My wife woke up one Monday morning and was making her way to the bathroom when she noticed a trail of blood. She was twelve weeks pregnant and now she was hemorrhaging. We called the doctor and were told we had lost our baby and needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible for surgery. All I could do was fall to the floor and cry. The next thing I did was call as many friends and churches as possible to ask them to pray. We made our way to the hospital, were put in an examination room and left there. No one checked on us. No one examined my wife. Finally, after nine hours of waiting, a doctor peeked in the room to see why we were still there. We told him our story and he put his fetal stethoscope on and started listening to my wife s belly. He then told us news we were not expecting. He said, Your baby is fine and her heartbeat is strong, and then he ordered an ultrasound. Turns out we did not miscarry and today we have a 29 year old daughter who is the apple of her daddy s eyes. But until that day I never understood how devastating a miscarriage could be. I learned a valuable lesson that day, a lesson that has changed me to this day. I truly will never be the same and will never look at life the same way. Problems come and go and while they aren t usually planned, they can cause us to be genuinely changed. But the storms in life can be a totally different story. Storms in life usually jump out and grab you and will cause you pain and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Longest-Personal Narrative With my heart pounding I stepped forward. As the other competitors are doing everything to stay loose and ready, I simply could not stop shaking. To my left and right stood two seniors, the fastest half mile runner in the state and my biggest rival of that year. I felt very out of place, only a sophomore that season. In Montana, the 800m race at the state meet had been dominated by seniors for decades. The echoing silence filled the arena after the starter yelled, set!. If I were to recall the longest is second in my life, undoubtedly it would be that moment. Many times I have been asked to provide one word that describes myself. My peers would describe me as smart, athletic, and personable. However, I do not believe that any of those words ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Film A Man For All Seasons The film A Man for All Seasons is an absolute masterpiece. It really is a cinematic tour de force. Directed by the legendary Fred Zinnemann, well known for High Noon, and starring incredibly talented and powerful actors as Paul Scofield, who plays the wonderful Thomas Moore, Orson Welles, and John Hurt. This won six academy awards in 1966. The film uses the historical story of Sir Thomas Moore to explore one of Zinnemann s favorite themes martyrdom a person standing up even to death for their personal beliefs. Not only that, this film also wrestles with several themes that deal with legal issues such as hot to deal with conscientious objectors, natural law versus positive law, consequentialism versus deontology and the history of legal safeguards in the Common Law Tradition. The character of Sir Thomas Moore, a devout Catholic who sat on the Kings Council and eventually became Lord Chancellor, is a jurist who is devoted to the law of England. He performs his duties diligently and with care. He turns down attempts at bribery and ruling with a leaned hand of justice. Moore and King Henry the VIII, played by Robert Shaw, are very close friends. The King seeks a divorce from his barren wife so that he can wed his mistress and hopefully have an air to his throne. The church rejects King Henry s request and in turn, King Henry declares himself that head of the Church and puts pressure on the clergy to accept his divorce and his new wife. Moore s ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Types Of Diplomacy And Combat Terrorism 5 types of diplomacy to combat terrorism The ever changing nature of terrorism threats have led many states to devise collaborative methods to fight terrorist organizations by adapting regular security assessments and taking counterterrorism measures in order to overcome them. Through diplomacy, many states are searching for advanced support, methods, structures, and tools to combat internal threats and win war against terrorism (Phillips, Neal Webb, 2011). Diplomacy is an instrument of power that can build political will and foster international cooperation. Through diplomatic support, nations can promote counterterrorism assistance that serves mutual interests. In addition, diplomacy can help nations to fight against terrorists by controlling resources that terrorists need. The five common types of diplomacy counterterrorism strategies adopted by the U.S. include trainings, finance control programs, research, terrorist interdiction program, and foreign emergency support program. In training diplomacy, the aim is to train and equip foreign states to fight terrorists within and around their borders. Through these trainings, many states have established effective communication systems and have improved their border monitoring abilities (Peterson, 2012). In regard to the finance control diplomacy, the U.S. has established a program to help other nations to interrupt and control the flow of funds going to support terrorists operations and to reinforce the financial and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Changing Boundaries Of Nursing Essay Qualitative Critique Title The title of the article critiqued is, The changing boundaries of nursing: a qualitative study of the transition to a new nursing care delivery model . While researching articles this title drew interest to this nurse due to the frequent changes in the field of nursing today. From policies for reimbursement for hospitals, to changing care from theory based practice (TBP) to evidence based practices (EBP). The methods used in this study are revealed through the title of the article: a qualitative study . The authors of this study are all professionals in the field of nursing. Ann Rheaume, PhD, RN a professor at Ecole de science infirmiere, University de Moncton. Sophie Dionne, RN, MScN, clinical resource nurse in a surgery department, CHU Dr L. Dumont. Denise Gaudet, RN, MScN, consultant of DMG Initiatives Inc., Dieppe. Monique Allain, RN, BN, nurse manager in the emergency department at CHU Dr. L. Dumont. Estelle Belliveau, RN, BN, medical educator, Services Canada, Moncton. Laurraine Boudreau, RN, BN, a nurse manager in oncology center at CHU Dr. Georges L. Dumont. Laurianne Brown, RN, BN, Public health nurse at Provincial Public Health services. As one can see, the positions held by the listed authors , are of importance to this study, by reason of the exposure of the changes seen in the new health care delivery models in all fields of nursing including the above authors designated fields of nursing. Abstract While reviewing the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Hamlet s Existential Crisis When looking at Hamlet, one could say that William Shakespeare put the play together as a very cathartic tragedy. The emotional result of dealing with so many deaths brings on a plethora of emotions which are not usually felt in a typical play. Hamlet begins not with the normal prosperity and good fortune as do most tragedies, but with a more stifling and depressing sort of mood (Tekany 115). However, something else could be said about this play as well. The play centers on Hamletand his existential characteristics, such as angst, isolation and his confrontations with nothingness. The exhibition of these characteristics proves Hamlet to be an existential character. The idea of Hamlet s father s (King Hamlet of Denmark) passing is what begins the cycle of existential thoughts and feelings within him. From the conflict raging inside Hamlet, stemming from the loss of his father, blooms the beginnings of a bigger, overall existential conflict that soon leads to his cathartic downfall. He visits places filled with nothingness and abhorrence with a sense of frailty and pulsating frustration. Hamlet s existential crisis begins with the death of his father and the remarrying of his mother. At this point, for Hamlet, the questions start pouring in; to be or not to be (Hamlet 3.1.57), and so on. From questioning his existence and fighting with himself about the purpose of his life begins to show the beginnings of the existential crisis that is soon to consume him. Also, this ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Complications Of Compensation In a cross country analysis by Tessema, Ready Embaye, (2013), they presented statistics on the effects of employee recognition, pay, and benefits on job satisfaction to employees in USA, Malaysi, and Vietnam. While there are significant differences statistically between the four variables of the study, all groups concurred that pay, benefits, and recognition are vital in improving job satisfaction of employees. The results solidify the hypothesis that pay is integral to job satisfaction in all of the three countries despite varying cultures. It is important to take note that this study also revealed that non monetary benefits also play a big part in an employee s job satisfaction. Hence, it is concluded that pay, benefits and... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, the overall conclusion supported the positive relationship of pay to job satisfaction (Judge et al, 2010). The overall analysis of the literatures and findings presented above prove that compensation is a factor in improving employee job satisfaction. To be able to study the relationship of compensation and profitability, the next discussion will analyse the effect of job satisfaction to productivity and, hence, profitability which is essential in answering the research questions. EFFECT OF JOB SATISFACTION TO PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFITABILITY There had been literatures and arguments that express the importance of improving employee satisfaction as it increases service quality and, in turn, improve customer loyalty and profitability. In a study about the relationship between and among employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance, the proponents cited the work of Rucci, Kirn, Quinn (1998) in which discussed and analysed the case of Sears and used the Service Profit Chain. The report revealed that by improving employee satisfaction by 5 points customer satisfaction and sales increased by 1.3 points and 0.5% respectively. One of the literatures presented in the study explained that the reason why employee satisfaction has a direct impact on customer satisfaction (and in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Sartre No Exit Essay Decisions, Decisions In Jean Paul Sartre s play No Exit, three different characters, Joseph Garcin, Inez Serrano and Estelle Rigault are portrayed together in hell. Although in hell for different reasons, the common thread that binds them is the fact that they all chose to make undeniably terrible decisions in their past lives. These characters unequivocally believed that the decisions they made while they were living, should not constitute their being sent to hell. They believed that the punishments that they received, hell, was inappropriate and not where they were supposed to be and at the very least, if in fact in hell, then they should be tormented in a proper manner, torture chamber style. However, based off of Sartre s portrayal of these character s life choices, how one lives their life and the decisions that they make, influence their destination, also known as existentialism, and further suggests that... Show more content on ... Existentialism, according to, is, A philosophical attitude associated especially with Heidegger, Jaspers, Marcel, and Sartre, and opposed to rationalism and empiricism, that stresses the individual s unique position as a self determining agent responsible for the authenticity of his or her choices. Sartre emphasis this philosophy of thinking, and living, explicitly and throughout his work, No Exit. The three different characters were responsible for their own choices in their lives which we saw. They believed they were in control of their own destination, and in fact on some level they were, and their actions did dictate their eternally reminder of their past, their forever and eternal present, and the unchanging future. This is hell and like most people, denial settles in and one justifies that their actions weren t all that bad. These characters many times tried to convince themselves, and those around them, that they were good people and that what they did was not that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Research Paper On Iron Man Iron Man is the story of billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). A genius inventor and CEO of Stark Industries, the largest weapons contractor of the US Government, Tony has become famous for decades to protect US interests worldwide. The carefree lifestyle of Tony changes dramatically when his convoy is under attack after a test that monitors arms personally, and he finds himself the prisoner of a group of insurgents. Wounded by a piece of shrapnel, which is housed near his already weakened heart and endangers your life, Tony is forced to build a devastating weapon for Raza (Faran Tahir), the mysterious leader of the insurgents. Tony ignores the demands of their captors and uses his intellect and ingenuity to build a suit ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Kerbstone In Pompeii In the summer of 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius erupted, earning its infamy by destroying Pompeii and many surrounding Roman towns in southern Italy. This volcanic disaster, considered one of the worst in history, buried the ancient Roman city of Pompeii under a carpet of volcanic ash. When archeologists and explorers rediscovered the site, they found that under the ruins, dust, and debris, Pompeiiwas fairly intact. The remains of the buildings, artifacts, and skeletons led researchers to piece together what daily life would have been like prior to the eruption. Author Robert Harris and director Paul Anderson both attempt to recreate this catastrophic event through their novel and movie, respectively, both given the title Pompeii. Harris and Anderson... Show more content on ... To ensure the correct layout, a helicopter was flown over the ruins to capture aerial views to use in the film INSERT FOOTNOTE. During the movie, it was noted that the cobblestone roads and street vendors alongside were identical to what was expected to be seen during the time. Eric Poehler discusses the purpose of kerbstones and stepping stones in his article The Circulation of Traffic in Pompeii s Region VI , explaining how kerbstones were raised higher than the roads because of flooding, and stepping stones were placed throughout streets so that people could cross without getting dirty because of the lack of a proper sewage system INSERT FOOTNOTE. In the film, Anderson included shots of many people crossing these stepping stones. Additionally, Anderson accurately depicted the street life during the day. Towards the beginning of the movie, the streets were shown crowded with townspeople, many of whom were purchasing goods from bakeries or walking to and from work. Kellum supports this representation in her article Spectacle of the Street INSERT FOOTNOTE. Lastly, the construction of the houses, villas, and temples, resembled those described in literary sources. For example, the villa of the heroine, Cassia, accurately reflects her family s wealth by the design of the interior. The peristyle was extravagant, filled with lush greenery and ornately decorated columns. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ibn Taymiyyah s The Song Of Roland Ibn Taymiyyah a scholar from the medieval age once said, What really counts are good endings not flawed beginnings. In the poem The Song Of Roland the main character, Roland struggles with his pride and bitterness towards the man who married his mother. The story starts with Roland sending his stepfather off to what they thought would be death, this bitterness ultimately sent hundreds of soldiers to their deaths. The stepfather, Ganelon, betrayed Charlemagne and Rolandand sided with the enemy swearing to get back at Roland for his bad deed. The Song Of Rolandstarts with a bitter beginning and a revival of character in the end, like Ibn Taymiyyah said. The book shows the character of Roland in many different ways, bitter, prideful, and heroic, but none of these save him or his men. Firstly, some could argue Roland s bitterness in his character acted as the major flaw and the possible cause of his death. As an example, My noble knights, said the Emperor Charles, choose me one man: a baron from my march, to bring my message to King Marsilion. And Roland said: Ganelon, my stepfather. Roland in this part of the epic expecting like many others ... Show more content on ... Among his flaws Roland was still definitely a fighter, he fought well to the end. As an example from the text, Had you seen him, cutting the pagans limb from limb, casting one corpse down on another, you would remember a brave man keep his faith. Nothing could stop them, a small collection of brave warriors. After everyone passed away Roland was the only one left, despaired and his health diminishing. The epic says, Then God sent him his angle Cherubin and Saint Michael, angel of the sea s Peril; and with these two there came Saint Gabriel: they bear Count Roland s soul to paradise. Even through his failures, he had earned his share to enter ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Advantages Of Sweatshops Essay Lageju Krischal 1 Ashley Garcia Casas ESL 400 October 27, 2017 Final draft Sweatshops: worth the price? A sweatshop is the place that has a poor working condition, where workers are paid very low wage thought they work for longer hours. A sweatshop is defined by the US department of Labor as a factory that violates 2 or more labor laws. Sweatshops are common in poor and developing countries. Basically, they possess three major characteristics long hours, low pay and unsafe or unhealthy working conditions. On the other hands it has been one... Show more content on ... Sweatshops also helps in developing the infrastructure of the country. Besides raising the life standard of the workers, it also helps in raising the economy of the country. One of the good things is that companies need to pay taxes to the government which directly help to boost the economy of the country. Furthermore, a successful investment in poor countries will send message to other potential investors that there is a stable environment for investment, leading in more investment, job opportunities and prosperity in the country. This have standardized the global economy. Many technologies are introduced by the sweatshops in the country. Besides it also helps in developing the infrastructure. As these factories need proper transportation, communication, digital technologies, etc., it helps in developing it. I also agree that sweatshops are not good all the time. Obviously, there are some bad sides of sweatshops. The first thing is that people need to work in the horrific condition putting their life in risk. Sometimes it s like your worst nightmare. They are a curse for human rights. They do not care about the workers they are working for side workers are allowed to work for longer hours without any food and break. They have always been criticized for their violation against child labor and human rights. There are many cases where workers are abused. They are accused verbally, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Banning Books Should Be Banned Throughout history many books have been banned, for many reasons. I believe that banning books is a dangerous power to give the government or people in authority. Banning book is not only morally unjust but also I believe that some of the reasons are also illegal. I will explain my opinion in the following. Banning books can be a dangerous power because banning restricts authors. Today, people are praised for individuality and uniqueness, and banning books contradicts that. Many authors write about things that have happened in their lives or they express their way of living and banning a bookthat doesn t fit in with what societies way of life is, is wrong. Society may believe in one thing but not all people do. I also believe that banning books is a form of bullying. Banning is like telling the author, you don t fit in with everyone else so you can t have books published. I guess, a authors are supposed to put their beliefs on the back burner in order to make money from published books. In history some authors were exiled because they wrote about social corruption.... Show more content on ... Many books have been written about government corruption and the government has used banning so that the corruption is kept a secret. Authority uses banning as a way to hide the truth about what s going on in the world. The book The Autobiography of Malcom X, 1965 was banned because it was a how to manual for crime and it contained anti white statements . In reality Malcom X was a human s right activist and has been called the most influential American in recent history. The black community was upsets about the banning because the book represented life as they lived it. The government didn t want the truth to get out about how blacks were treated and how they felt about it, so they banned the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Norman Rockwell s See America First Norman Rockwell s painting, See America First, features a Native American man wrapped in a red blanket standing by his mailbox. In his hand is a flyer that reads, See AMERICA FIRST, a popular slogan in the early twentieth century intended to encourage Americans to spend their money on tourist attractions within the United Statesrather than traveling to Europe and investing in their culture. Discarded by the man s feet is the envelope in which the flyer came, indicating that, excited to have received mail, the man opened the envelope immediately. This excitement, however, was short lived. The man s frown and raised, drawn together eyebrows suggest he is disappointed with the contents of the envelope. His closed off body language indicates a sort of fragility that elicits the audience s sympathy. Standing next to his worn down mailbox, the man s weary eyes stare almost accusingly at the audience. The Native American man s piercing gaze sends a clear message: Native Americans are left behind by American nationalism. Rockwell s ironic tone in See America First and use of color symbolism and perspective serve to express the plight of Native Americans and their lack of identity as a result of modern American nationalism.... Show more content on ... The quality of the Native American man s mailbox and shoes, however, suggests that he does not have the money necessary to travel anyway. The irony of sending this advertisement to someone who has no use for it illustrates the ignorance of the American public to the impoverished state of many other citizens. Also ironic is the fact that this man s ancestors actually did see America first in the literal sense. This brings up the contrast between to original Americas, the one Native Americans called home, and modern ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Malcolm X In The 1960s In history, Malcolm X has been one of the figures that gives historian to research and write about. Many biographies and documents have been published to audience with many interpretations of Malcolm X s life and legacy. Since his early life, Malcolm had encountered racism and death to African Americans. Malcolm Xborn as Malcolm Little, grew up to become a leader and a hero for Civil rights movement in the 1960s. Despite how Malcolm X had become a Civil Right leader, his intentions were to exhort African Americans to cast off the chains of racism. In the 1960s, the Civil Rights movement was out spreading by Civil Rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr, Medgar Evers, James Farmer, and Rosa Parks...etc. These leaders had different approaches to promote... Show more content on ... Furthermore, In the 1960s, America was rebuilding the economy from a great depression and reestablishing the country s society wealth status. Some Politician candidates used America s issues to build a strong campaign to run for the presidency. Political leaders like JFK and BLJ were leaders that wanted to make a positive change in America s society through jobs, education and policy making to regain the trust of society. The problem with these policies and the positive change is that America was divided by Civil Rights issues and racism. Some southerner s States were not supporting the Civil Rights for African Americans. In the 1960s, it was a tough year for African Americans to advocate their rights. Malcolm X did not have any problem promoting and shared his thoughts about the injustice treatments toward African Americans. Hence, how did America s society and the press interprets Malcolm X message during the 1960s? What did Malcolm X do in the 1960s to be considered a Civil Right leader? What does Malcolm X s legacy entails? Malcolm X background can illustrate the meaning of his ideology message toward white people (Political leaders, and communities) and his motive to defending ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The St. Francis Xavier Secondary School Deca The St. Francis Xavier Secondary School DECA Chapter advocated and fundraised for the leading cause for over 3 million child deaths annually: malnutrition. The campaign, entitled Mission4Malnutrition (M4M) , is a not for profit campaign which is dedicated to eliminating hunger within impoverished communities internationally. It strives to bring awareness to malnutrition, which can be defined as the lack of sufficient nutrients which are normally obtained through food. There are countless consequences of malnourishment, including deteriorating immunity, susceptibility to rare illnesses, as well as the physical inability to attend school. In order to eradicate malnutrition as well as its detrimental effects, M4M has partnered with two charities: Sharelife Canada and ACF International. ACF International is a global organization which is devoted to eliminating world hunger and providing lifesaving treatment, especially for amongst children. This charity is currently executing a not for profit campaign, entitled Action Against Hunger . This campaign provides impoverished communities with RUTF (ready to use therapeutic foods), as well as lifesaving treatment to alleviate the detrimental effects of malnourishment. Through donations and sponsors, their main project, Action Against Hunger, has been able to provide: пѓ Children and adults across the globe with RUTF (ready to use therapeutic foods) пѓ Access to clean water that is readily available пѓ Communities with sufficient ... Get more on ...
  • 27. walden Current Trends in Accounting ACCT6140Standards Essay Delineating Related Intel Pentium Accounting Research Questions Sami Mansour Walden University Current Trends in Accounting ACCT6140Standards May 17, 2015 Delineating Related Intel Pentium Accounting Research Questions Introduction The purpose of this paper is to define research questions (below) relating to Accounting for the Intel Pentium Chip Flaw (Hawkins, Miller Narayanan, 2009). The questions are as follows; (A3.1) If you were an accountant for Intel, what specifically would be the relevant accounting research question with respect to the Intel Pentium chip flaw? (A3.2) What constrains Intel s decisions about how to account for the Pentium chip flaw? (A3.3) What do you need to know, estimate, and assume to answer the ... Show more content on ... They ignored to claim the default to avoid the financial effect The accounting constraint of materiality would indicate that this item could be recorded as an expense (more expedient) since it is not material enough to influence the decision of a reasonably prudent creditor or investor(Weygand, 2009). Intel is always constrained by agreements/ contracts with their lenders to pay from retained earnings. Dividend is usually distributed to the owners in term profits. Intel may be constrained by the requirements of other obligations of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Estimations and Assumptions to the Research Question Accountants need to estimate the magnitude of the problem. Intel should use the management function such as planning, controlling and directing the solution toward the problem. It is a quantities analysis that needs measurement, facts, and common sense. The accountant always suggests mathematical models based on statistics such as confident level, mean, variance, and correlation ration R square (Weygandt, 2009). Intel might consider contingent theory to estimate a certain event of error. It is probability of occurrence. The FAS 5; accounting for contingencies is defined as an existing event/situation or group/set of events involving some kind of uncertainty which may result in a gain or loss. This will be resolved when future circumstances/event fail to take place/occur. Resolution may result in loss of an asset (Financial ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on How Stigma and Discrimination Effect Mental Illness Mental illness is a term which is used when a persons mind is affected in some way by a group of illnesses (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2012). People with mental health issues have been viewed and treated in a variety of ways within western society throughout time. Historically if an individual displayed behaviours which disrupted their function in society and defied social norms they were viewed as lunatics, insane or even cursed (Cowan, 2008; Elder Evans Nizette, 2009). It is from these past issues that many people still have unreasonable thoughts about mental illness; their misconceptions have created unreasonable fears and negative attitudes toward those who experience it. This negativity brings for many the barriers of not only... Show more content on ... The effects of self stigma can lead to a lack of self esteem, lack of confidence, isolation and the increased likelihood of avoiding professional help for their illness. This then has an over all affect on quality of life and where one sees themselves fitting within society (Barney, Griffiths, Jorm Christensen, 2005; Griffiths Christensen, 2004; Newell Gournay, 2000). Legislation in New Zealand such as The Human Rights Act 1993, section 21 and the Employment Rights Act 1997 are in place to prohibit the discrimination on the grounds of mental illness in areas such as housing, training, education and employment. The incidence of stigma and discrimination in these areas is however still continuing to be an issue for those with a mental illness. It has become apparent through large amounts of research that most incidences of stigma and discrimination are usually reported through research studies and surveys (Peterson Barnes Duncan 2008; Newell Gournay, 2000). El Badri Mellsop (2007) suggest that most research on stigma tends to center on attitudes and beliefs of the public and how they view those with a mental illness. Much less emphasis on research has involved the personal experience, self stigma and quality of life of the person with the illness and how they fit within the community. Badri Mellsop s (2007) study Stigma and quality of life as experienced by ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Parmigiano s Pizzeria And Deli Menu Analysis I am pleased with my graphical outcome for the menu designed for Parmigiano s Pizzeria and Deli and I believe I have made a significant improvement from the Longboards poster. The menu captured the brief through the use of bright colours, layout, effective pictures and a simple but interesting logo. The brief stated that Papa Parmigiano wanted to be included in the logo, so I made him the hero. I placed him holding a pizza with the background of Italian colours to represent his heritage and link to the restaurant theme. I could of improved my logo by making my own type and possibly make it more detailed and interesting. The background complimented the type because it included the bright colours that stimulate appetite and relate to the food ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Social Anxiety Chemical Imbalances Summary The article Social Anxiety, Chemical Imbalances, and Brain Neural Pathways and Associations addresses various mental/ cognitive causes of anxiety. Although this source focuses mainly on social anxiety, the statements that are addressed are similar to numerous other subtypes of anxiety. This source states Chemical imbalances exist because the neural pathways systems of the brain sometimes lead to emotional pain [anxiety] and irrational conclusions (Social Anxiety, Chemical Imbalances, and Brain Neural Pathways and Associations 1). A simplified definition of a neural pathway is what connects the brain to our nervous system. This means that anxieties are caused by neural pathway systems improperly functioning, which leads to chemical imbalances ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Compromise For The Compromise Of 1850 Compromise that means to come to an agreement, a settlement that brings peace, but not without some discomfort for both sides. This compromise is hopefully long lasting and satisfying to both sides and brings with it a rest. The Compromise of 1850 sounds like exactly that, but there is more to this compromise. This compromise came when there was much dispute about the future of the western lands recently acquired from the Mexican government California, Utah, and New Mexico. The Southerners of America wanted the states entered into the union as slave states, while the Northerners wanted them entered as free states. When this issue became more heated and continued to escalate, The Great Compromiser, Mr. Henry Clay himself, came out of retirement to do his thing and create a compromise. He proposed that California would enter the union as a Slave State and Utah and New Mexico would enter as neutral, being neither a slave nor free state. Parts of both the North and the South hated and liked this plan. Some misanthropists in the South threatened to secede from the union and while the majority knew that to be rubbish at the time, it did eventually come true with the start of the Civil War. The North wanted to see slavery come to an end and were fighting tooth and nail to see that through. After months of debating and changes made to Clay s compromise it was eventually put into action. There was still unrest in both the North and South, and the compromise only ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Analyzing The Article The Science Of Good Deeds Kindness can alter everything. Kindness can change everything. In the article The Science of Good Deeds one of the quotes says Two large studies found that older adults who volunteered reaped benefits in their health and well being. This influences people that are aged. It can help older people with their health. It also can help the people getting helped. Additionally in the article Doing good Does You Good one of the quotes states. When you help others, it promotes positive physiological changes in the brain associated with happiness. Helping other people out can benefit you for the reason that it can help you become more happy. It also can make you feel better. It can benefit other people for the reason that they get helped. It ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Desminds Staffing and Technical Solutions EMPLOYER SERVICES Overview At Dexminds Staffing and Technical solutions, we believe the mantra behind a successful organization is recognizing and identifying the market gaps. Markets are constantly changing and with changing times, there are whole new sets of gaps which have created new avenues of opportunities. We, as a Staffing service provider and an IT recruitment company in the USA have come out a long way to recognize the industry needs. The demand for the right talent is on a rise. Companies are competing in a tight market place where finding the right talent is not just important but a vital potion for success. Most Start ups and organisations working on a stringent budget usually hire talent based on their project needs in order to reduce operational costs. Thus, this has opened up a wide market demand for skilled contract and temporary workers. Being in the IT talent management and staffing services we understand how time and resource consuming recruitments can be. Thus we provide our customers with temporary services in finding the right talent for both contract and permanent job requirements. While you keep your attention folded in the operational aspects of your company, we provide you with the best staffing and services at the most reasonable costs. . No matter what the size of your company is or perhaps you are planning to start one. We have staffing solutions for all. Our team consists of the most experienced and the best people in the staffing ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Is Abraham Lincoln Family Farm Abraham Lincoln grew up in a farming family that lived on a small farm in Kentucky. That farm was too small and pathetic to be called such. His family lived in the Western plains of the United States. This agricultural background would help once he gained his presidency. The farm he grew up on was around 30 acres, but only around half of this could be used as farmland. His family then moved to Indiana, than Illinois, growing their family farm more and more. After the move to Illinois, Abraham moved away from the family to begin life on his own. Lincoln attended the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society fair in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He made a statement saying that these kind of fairs only benefited and helped to expand the agricultural ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Minimum Driving Age Should Not Be Raised To 18 Essay The big one six is an age kids look forward to their whole lives. A new found freedom teens gain when turning sixteen is driving. Driving is a privilege and an incentive for teens, and driving opens up a world of opportunities to young adults. Some people think teens are too immature to drive and should wait until adulthood, however the minimum drivingage should not be raised from sixteen to eighteen. Sixteen should be the age to drive because parents cannot run teens everywhere, eighteen is a very busy age, and not all teens are immature. Moms and dads have a very busy schedule. When teens reach the legal driving age a little of the stress parents have on their shoulders is lifted off. Teens can drive to and from school, practice, extracurricular... Show more content on ... The false assumptions people have about teens is unfair to the teens who are actually responsible. I as a teen understand how dangerous driving is and how I am responsible for my passengers lives while at the wheel. Why should the driving privilege given to teens at sixteen be changed because of a few bad kids? People need not to have a bad outlook on teens just because some teens are infact immature, but some adults are not very mature either. Teens just need to not be stereotypes then teenagers would not have any excuse to act up if people expected more out of them. Sixteen year olds are perfectly capable of driving, and the new found responsibility could even make teens act more mature. Busy parents, a busy young adult life, and mature teens are why the legal driving age should not be raised to the minimum age of eighteen. Sixteen is a traditional milestone in a teens life, why would one want to take that tradition away? All the opportunities sixteen year olds receive driving would be ruined if the driving age is changes to eighteen, which could also ruin a teens future. Driving is an American rite of passage and the system for it is fine just the way it is. Let s keep the age sixteen sweet and leave the legal driving age ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Albert Fish Case Study Gabriela Jimenez Dr. Erin Williams PSY 372 Psychology of Criminal Behavior May 2, 2017 Albert Fish Christened Hamilton Fish but referred to himself as Albert Fish, the name of a dead brother. A prolific American serial killer in the early 1900 s. Albert Fish lived a disturbing and traumatic past which would lead him to commit heinous acts of crime victimizing children. The most known crime, due to evidence, included the abduction, strangulation, and cannibalization of 12 year old Grace Budd in 1928 (Bardsley, 2012; Ramsland McGrain, 2010; Vronsky, 2004). Events leading to his capture and execution included a letter he had sent to Grace s mother six years after the death of Grace. The letter graphically depicted, in detail, the methods used ... Show more content on ... on May 19, 1870 to a 75 year old father and 32 year old Scot Irish American mother, the case of Albert Fish has been notorious for the aspect and studies on nature vs. nurture (Bardsley, 2012; Reitwiesner, n.d). His father was an old Potomac River boat captain, and his mother suffered from auditory and visual hallucinations, and had reportedly 5 children (Bardsley, 2012; Schechter, 1990). Albert was the youngest. His family had a strong background of mental illness and two of them allegedly died in asylums (Schechter, 2012). After the death of his father, Fish s mother placed him in an orphanage where he was regularly abused and according to Fish, that s where he got started wrong because he began to enjoy the physical pain that the whippings brought (Bardsley, 2012; Wilson, 2004). Fish stated: We were unmercifully whipped. I saw boys doing many things they should not have done (Wilson, 2004). Researchers have settled that the abuse received by his teacher in the orphanage was a severe form shame punishment and influenced Albert Fish s claims that he had always wanted to inflict pain on to himself and others (Schechter, 2003). It was in St. John s Orphanage that Fish would discover that feeling pain and witnessing others being caused pain would sexually arouse him (Wilson Seaman, 2004). Learning to enjoy watching his peers in pain could have contributed to his attraction to picquerism, and to castrating, sodomizing, and raping his victims ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Comparing The Chimney Sweep And Songs Of Innocence And... William Blake s The Chimney Sweep and Songs of Innocence and Experience In this essay I will attempt to analyse, compare and contrast the poems The Chimney Sweep from both Songs of Experience and Songs of Innocence which were both written by William Blake in 1790 92 and 1789 respectively. These two poems were amalgamated in 1794 to create a new collection called Songs of Innocence and Experience . I will be looking at what Blake says and hints at concerning the two contrary states of the human soul in the two poems as well as looking at the message Blake is trying to convey to the reader. As the poems are written regarding the same subject, that is a chimney sweep, I will be looking at how they differ in their ... Show more content on ... This was because of the huge power the rich and wealthy possessed; they could pay people less and lay workers off without the fear of them taking mass industrial action because people were so desperate for the money and would not have even have thought have taking such action. Over the years life got harder for the working class year by year and was basically a constant battle to stay alive, which many were losing. Due to the fact that people were so poor, the burden of contributing to the family income was placed on children even earlier and this quite often meant working as a chimney sweep from the age of four, a topic explored in Blake s two poems. Life expectancy was short and if you were unfortunate enough to be a chimney sweep you were seen to be doing well if you got past the age of ten. Money generally means power and at that time in the world it was especially true and actually to a greater degree and so the more money you had the more power and authority you had and if you were rich enough you could not only have an influence on the area of the country you lived in but also be influential in the running of the country. Consequently due to the totally disproportionate spread of power within the country, people who were very poor had absolutely no say in the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Compare Eddie Carbone A Tragic Hero I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were. (Arthur Miller) To what extent can Eddie Carbone (A View from the Bridge) and Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby) be considered Tragic Heroes? What evidence is there in form, language and structure to support your view? In Greek tragedies, a tragic hero is traditionally characterised by several components, a notable one being that the hero must possess a noble status. This was emphasised by Aristotle in Poetics when he specified the tragic hero as one of those who stand out in great repute and prosperity. This quality has been shared among other tragedy writers such as William Shakespeare. However the eighteenth century saw the beginning of a Bourgeois ... Show more content on ... We find out that during Act two, Eddie has revealed to the authorities that Beatrice s are cousins in the country illegally and is now loathed by both cousins, Marco and Rodolpho. We can also see that Catherine is no longer dependant on him and his own wife, Beatrice, remains faithful but at the same time has lost any respect she had for him. Eddie is alone and pitiable; this point is intensified by the stage direction where we learn that his companions, those who admired him, have gradually deserted him: Lipari and wife exit ... Eddie calls after Louis and Mike. Eddie is even disgusted by himself as earlier in the play when he was telling the tale of Vinny Bolanzo, the boy who betrayed his parents, he condemningly questions How s he gonna show his face? Then comes the hero s demise. Carbone s death leaves no doubt as to whether Miller has fulfilled this particular criterion of the tragic hero.Although this is a tragic fall from grace there is still an argument that no ordinary man can have a fall that can scale up to the fall of a monarch. It is arguable that the degradation of nobility, seen in traditional tragedies, uncovers Carbone s decline as merely unimportant as he has so much less to lose than King like Oedipus. Nonetheless, the most important reaction to the fall of a hero is the reaction of the closest to the subject of defamation. So, although Oedipus may feel shame from the reactions of the people of his Kingdom, it is the reaction of his family and friends that cause the audience to wince on behalf of him. Gatsby s physical fall starts near the end of novel however, his spiritual fall arguably begins before even meeting him. We hear about Gatsby s past and how he was a poor average man but was honest and as the novel progresses you hear about his relationship with Daisy and how it ended because ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Mayans Essay The Mayan civilization was a bountiful society that flourished from around 300 BCE and ended around 900 CE, their most ~~ time known as the Classic Period. During their time, they not only ~, but invented many ~~ that some are even used today. They are well known for creating the first writing system, cuneiform, the concept of zero, calendars, mathematics, the length of the solar year at about 365.242 days, and ball courts for sports. The Mayan people were the direct descendants from another group of people called the Olmecs, who lived from around 1200 BCE to 400 BCE. Though their original name is unknown, researchers have dubbed them the Olmecs , meaning the rubber people , taken after the indigenous rubber trees found in the area in which... Show more content on ... The Mayans, as mentioned before, were never unified, and constantly warred with each other. With rapidly growing amounts of people and already existing tensions, there is a very fair possibility that large wars may have started breaking down the society, leaving them open for invaders as well. The government holding the areas together may have begun to diminish and eventually the whole structure of the civilization would have been destroyed. As religion was such an immensely dominating part of the Maya society, tensions would have also affected priests who dealt with the main religious practices, including the use of traditional rituals, ceremonies, or worshiping their gods. This could ve caused lack of faith, or ~), adding to the strain of the society and making everything chaotic. There is also evidence of tensions arising from changing trade routes, once from land to going across the sea, probably another effect of the shifting climate. Researchers discovered in a Yet another theory of the Mayan s fall is that conflict from within their civilization didn t destroy the people, but rather it might ve been destroyed from the outside, possibly by invaders from their close neighbors Mexico who may have invaded for ~~and either (massacred everyone?) or caused everyone to flee? The last Mayan civilizations were ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Quentin Tarantino An Auteur Quentin Tarantino is a 52 year old Caucasian male from Knoxville, Tennessee. He is credited for writing 23 films, acting in 34, producing 21, and directing 17. Quentin Tarantino is considered an auteur because the roles he plays in the making of every single film he is involved in. The Oxford Dictionary defines an auteur as a film directorwho influences their films so much that they rank as their author. Every filmby Quentin Tarantinois permeated by his unique and recognizable style from start to finish. Tarantino is an auteur that is notorious for his use of violence, remarkable dialogue, and his manipulative use of different camera angles and shots. Quentin Tarantino movies are infamous for their use of violence. The violence in his... Show more content on ... A few of his favorites are mirror shots, corpse point of view shot, and bird s eye POV shot. A few examples of mirror shots in his films are in Inglorious Bastards there is a reflection of Soshanna in the window, in Pulp Fiction when Vincent is in the bathroom trying to straighten himself out, and in Django Unchained there is a mirror shot of Django when he kills the three wanted brothers. These shots are used to reflect a character s intimate time alone or to give another point of view within a scene. The corpse POV shots are more common in his older movies such as Four Rooms, Pulp Fiction, and Jackie Brown. These shots are used to indicate what the corpse would be seeing. Some examples of these shots are in Inglorious Bastards when Donny Donowitz and Lt. Aldo Raine are threatening someone while looking down on them or in Pulp Fiction when Marsellus wakes up after being hit by Butch s car. The bird s POV shot (also known as God s POV shot) is seen in Jackie Brown when Jackie is hiding money in her bag in the bathroom at the airport or in Kill Bill: Volume 1 when the Bride is following Sofie Fatale into the House of Blue Leave s bathroom. The bird s POV shot is used to convey something bigger than the characters is watching and what they are doing. Tarantino s frequent uses of these shots are one of the many things that make his movies uniquely ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Pharmacy At Rainer s Pharmacy As a pharmacy technician at Rainer s Pharmacy, in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. I have learned what types of people visit a pharmacy. At the pharmacy, we deliver medication and groceries within two hours of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is made up of three sections: retail, hospice, and the laboratory. I work in the retail and hospice section; I have met the diabetic hero, the storytellers, and the narc eater. The diabetic hero is the scariest. From in the pharmacyyou can hear him pull into the parking lot;his car is rusted from the back left wheel to the front right wheel. The car sounds like it has not been inspected for years. It clanks and bangs and leaves a trail of smoke behind it. He puts the car in park then comes in and out before anyone... Show more content on ... There is two types within the pharmacy:the retail and the hospice. The retail narc eater are mean and usually have an egotistic attitude. She always has a scowl on her face. Her look is distinct she has on dirty sweatpants and a t shirt with holes in the armpit or around the neck. She comes in screaming you shorted me pills, where the fuck is the rest of my medicine That is very unlikely, because each c2 and c3 narcotics get placed in a bubble sheet with the set amount of pills counted out for the dosage. If she is not complaining about not having enough medicine, she wants to fill the prescription too early and she doesn t understand why the pharmacy can not fill it. Her insurance will not cover it unless she follows the correct dosage. She tries to pay for the prescription without insurance but the price can be a few hundred and she responds with, you can shove the money up your ass. The hospice narc eaters are worse than the retail. These patients are terminally ill and they still want to get that high or they want to sell their narcotics. For example, patient Sara Lee gets daily narcotics with only one day s worth, because her children will take her medicine and sell it. This causes that no one else can sign the manifest saying that the patient received the medication. This can only help so much. The pharmacy gets multiple calls saying that patient s children is selling the medication right off the front porch. ... Get more on ...