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Brilliant How To Write A Good
Conclusion With Examples Revie
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Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With Examples Revie Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With
Examples Revie
Summary Of What The Best College Students Do
In the first half of chapter three of What the Best College Students do, Bain expressed peoples
thinking about their thinking. He stated that a human being can understand what they are thinking and
therefore they can control what they are or who they will become. Bain agreed that people s abilities
can improve as people understand and learn how their minds work. It is unbelievable that one can be a
prisoner of their own thoughts; according to Bain, this is because we have not known anything else.
The only way we can escape our mental jail would be exactly those thoughts. Bain suggests that when
we were babies we did something fascinating; we learned patterns and built models of how the world
works around us. As we grew older we become more
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Was Genocide Committed against the Armenian People in the...
In some countries, it is highly forbidden to mention the Armenian Genocide, which took place during
the First World War with an approximate number of one and a half million Armenians exterminated.
Currently around the world, there are still arguments whether genocide took place in the Ottoman
Empire, targeting the Armenians. However, Turkey continues to firmly deny the fact that there was
genocide, conceding that only deaths occurred on both Turkish and Armenian sides during the World
War I and that the Armenians mainly died to the poor condition during the War. Even though Turkey
reject that there were no such thing as genocide, many sources point to the sheer scale that genocide
occurred, such as the relationship between the Ottoman Turks and the Armenians before the First
World War, the death march, and the fact that only one specific race had been purposely destructed.
These points give an evident conclusion that the Ottoman Turks had a systematic and organized plan
in order to eliminate the Armenians. Thus, genocide was committed against the Armenian people in
the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
Before the First World War broke out, the Ottoman Turks and the Armenians had serious conflicts
with each other. In 1908, a group of young Turks forced the Sultan out and took control of the
government and at first, they talked about bringing new freedoms to the Armenian people.
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Modernism In A Soldier s Home
Modernist literature began between 1915 1935, writers mainly wrote fiction this is because they
started to question what the future was going to bring since they were living through both World War.
Modernists wrote their stories in first person which made their stories seem like a stream of
consciousness, irony and satires. This type of literature was mainly written in English and became
well known due to the increase of globalization, which was more about how the people felt about the
events going on and how the people were affected in other words it spoke from the inner self of the
writer. Many famous writers including Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, and F. Scott Fitzgerald
believed that the increase in new technology was leading to the decrease in civilization which was
making individuals lonely. ... Show more content on ...
This story is an example of modernism because the theme Hemingway created was that of loneliness,
isolation and alienation this is because Krebs was suffering with post war trauma and depression this
is because the soldier is having problems adapting to his new life after war. Hemingway stated that By
the time Krebs returned to his home town in Oklahoma the greeting of heroes was over. He came back
much too late. The townspeople have already celebrated the soldiers safe trip back home they didn t
celebrate Krebs because the townspeople thought it was ridiculous he was back years after the war had
ended. This an example of modernism because he explains the struggle of a soldier who tried to make
a life after serving in the
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Summary Of Joseph Ellis Founding Brothers
1. The idea that the United States was once a struggling and fragile nation is very challenging to grasp.
The notion is tricky to understand because of how powerful the country has been for years and years.
The founding fathers could never see just how prosperous and advanced the country would become
years later. Joseph Ellis succeeds in transporting all who read his novel, Founding Brothers, as it
realistically portrays how risky the creation of the nation was in its early years. The book truly throws
readers into the difficult conflictions of the times through Ellis writing.
2. Ironically, Joseph Ellis, the author of Founding Brothers, declares that readers cannot create a
realistic vision of the founding fathers, yet Ellis is successful ... Show more content on ...
Many hold an idea that the nation was built on honesty and loyalty. It would surprise many to find out
how much Jefferson lied. Ellis is able to present Jefferson many times with bad qualities or
characteristics in his novel Founding Brothers. For instance, Jefferson would boost his image by
having a journalist write nasty articles about Adams. Shockingly enough sometimes he forgot about
the nation, and only worked for his own rise and the fall of Adams. Jefferson wrote a lot in the
Declaration of Independence on slave rights, yet he never truly took a stance on it. Ellis proves
Jefferson is not really the righteous founding father he is believed to
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The Dangers Of Human Diseases
Ask veterinarians anyplace in North America and they ll likely concur: If you inoculate for only that,
at any rate immunize for lockjaw and rabies. The two maladies have much in like manner. They re
endemic: meaning you or any creature could be presented to the causative living beings at whenever,
anyplace in his condition. They re impeccably excruciating, have no cure, and are in all likelihood
deadly. What s more, it s totally pointless for you to experience the ill effects of these sicknesses since
the immunizations accessible to secure against them are modest, greatly compelling, and are a piece of
each specialist s arsenal. Let s take a gander at every infection in more detail. Clostridium tetani, the
living being that causes lockjaw, ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, there s next to no peril of response, and no hazard at all of getting the malady from
accepting the infusion in light of the fact that the lockjaw antibody is a toxoid, planned from proteins
in the poison as opposed to from the microscopic organisms itself. Since there are no live parts in the
detailing, and just chose proteins from the poison (enough to fortify the insusceptible framework to
remember it as remote and assault it, yet insufficient to cause ailment), the immunization is one of the
most secure accessible, with a reputation decades long. Why a toxoid rather than an eliminated
microbe s antibody? Once immunized with lockjaw, the microorganisms tend to remain in the injury
where they at first grab hold; the poison flows in the stallion s framework. In this manner, it s the
poison the insusceptible framework needs to perceive and assault, especially in light of the fact that it
can wait in the framework even after you murder the living being itself. Incidentally, despite the fact
that the ailment isn t transmissible amongst people and stallions, our two species are considered
among the most defenseless against its belongings, so on the off chance that you work around an
outbuilding, you should ensure your own lockjaw insurance is up and coming and additionally your
horse s! Counsel your doctor for a human affirmed immunization. In the event that lockjaw sounds
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Electronic Product Code Project Essay
Electronic Product Code Project
Table of Contents
Executive Overview..............................................................................3
Stage 1: Determination of Scope and Objectives..............................................4
Stage 2 Systems Investigation and Feasibility..............................................4
Stage 3 Systems Analysis......................................................................7
UPC DFD (Legacy System)......................................................................9
Stage 4 System Design.........................................................................9
Stage 5 Detail System Design................................................................10
EPC DFD (New System)........................................................................14
Stage 6 Implementation....................................................................... 14
Stage 7 Changeover............................................................................15
Stage 8 Evaluation and Maintenance.........................................................17
Appendix A Cost Benefit Analysis Chart...................................................19 ... Show more content on ...
We believe that by working with the EPC consortium we can implement this technology cost
effectively. To be competitive, increase our revenue, and maintain a high return on that revenue we
must pursue this project
Stage 1 Determination of Scope and Objectives
The general goal of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of and outline design requirements for
replacing the current Universal Product Barcode (UPC) system with a next generation Electronic
Product Code (EPC) system for a small chain of grocery stores. The EPC system uses new industry
standards and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to track inventory and gather information by
embedding chips into merchandise. We will be addressing the business objectives, overview of current
process (UPC), project constraints, functional requirements, new business process model, design
requirements, and cost/benefit analysis. This project which is the implementation of the EPC/RFID
(Electronic Product Code / Radio Frequency Identification) technology will create a leaner and more
efficient process for managing our inventory, as well as, allow us to become an early adaptor of a new
process that we believe will provide a competitive advantage in the very near future. The challenge for
all stakeholders in this project will be to migrate from the current industry standard UPC system to the
next generation EPC system.
Stage 2 Systems Investigation and Feasibility
During the investigation we ve
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Voter Participation
Voter Participation/turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. Which
varies by country based on sex, race, and religion. Also, age and citizenship are usually one the
Campaign finances are referred as all the funds that are raised in order to endorse their candidacy.
Campaign finances are public funding to help pay for expenses of their political campaigns in both the
primary and general elections.
Legitimacy is Elections are universally accepted as a fair and free method of selecting political
leaders. A widely held belief that a given democratic government was elected freely and fairly.
As for financing elections millions of dollars are being used for political views I think it s too much
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Improving the Guest Experience at the Walt Disney World...
Meeting the New Standard
Improving the Guest Experience at the Walt Disney World Resort
Strategic Consulting
Josh Buchanan
Matthew Covarrubias
James Gillis
T.J. Lovejoy
Craig Wuollet
December 3, 2007
Executive Summary 3
Disney s Guest Expectations 4
The Cast as a Core Competency 4
The New Cast Member Standard 5
Disney s Cast Basics 5
Determining the Drivers of the New Standard 5
Do Cast Members feel valued? 5 Is Management creating an environment that has a positive affect on
Cast performance? 6 Do Managers have the tools necessary to be Effective? 6 Treat Cast Members
how you want them to treat guests 7
Achieving the New Cast Member Standard 7
Operational Areas 7 ... Show more content on ...
Feedback tools need to be developed to increase the effectiveness of management and increase
management s accountability for their team s performance. Lastly, managers should remember the
golden rule in that they should treat Cast Members how they would want them to treat Guests. In
doing so, Disney will be striving to create a magical experience not only for its valued guests, but also
for the people that make it happen, the Cast.
Disney s Guest Expectations
Part of the Disney success is our ability to create a believable world of dreams that appeals to all age
groups. Walt Disney
Much of what differentiates Disney Theme Parks from their competitors is their ability to fully
immerse guests into a magical reality where the thoughts and concerns of the outside world are pushed
to the wayside. The core to the success of Disney Theme Parks is an outstanding commitment to guest
service and the Cast Member s ability and freedom to do whatever possible to make sure the guest s
stay is a positive and memorable one. This has become the expectation of Disney guests, as well as the
expectation of the organization as a whole. This expectation is difficult to maintain, especially
considering the high expectations of every individual guest that visits the parks. Even one bad
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Americ Central American Gangs
Cody Hilton
October 1, 2016
Professor Liu
World Politics
Central American Gangs
The topic I chose to write about is Central American Gangs. Most of these gangs or problems that we
face with these gangs come from the Northern Triangle. The Northern Triangle is made up of three
countries, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Guatemala and Honduras currently being the most
dangerous out of the three. Many Countries have tried to intervene or help these countries but attempts
have proven to be of little use or no help.
The U.S. involvement with these countries began in 1951. Jacobo Árbenz was a military officer who
used his military forces to suppress laborers and take what he wanted. Hearing about this the current
U.S. President Eisenhower sent weapons to guerrilla groups in order to help over throw Árbenz. Fast
forward a few years and the Cuban revolution happens and results in Cuba becoming a communist
government. Around this time many of the guerrilla groups started disappearing but still remained
intact. Most people who have an opinion on the matter agree that supplying arms and providing aid to
these extremist groups was the starting point to forming the current gangs in Central America. We
made policy decisions that put short term prioritization of winning battles against insurgents and
people we considered communists over the long term stability of those countries, they are now living
the results. (Katel p.7). This quote sums up the idea the U.S had with their
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An Analysis Of Christopher Wallace s Suicidal Thoughts
At this point in time various artists will release controversial works that draw attention to issues the
world faces. For example, in the final track of Christopher Wallace s, also known as The Notorious
B.I.G or Biggie, debut album Ready to Die titled as Suicidal Thoughts ; the fans of Biggie get a taste
of how wealth and fame do not make you the most joyful human on the planet. On the contrary,
Biggie faces his demons brought on by his troubled upbringing surrounded by drug abuse as well as
street violence. He reflects this into his music without a doubt. Fans were shocked when they heard
the track Suicidal Thoughts at the end of the album. To quickly summarize the track Suicidal Thoughts
, Biggie is on the phone venting to his best
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Great Man Theory Vs. Democratic Leadership Style
The Great Man theory was established in the 1840s, one of the very early leadership theory. The
founder of it was Thomas Carlye, who was a writer and a teacher.
Great leaders are God gift, not made made . During the 19th century, the Great man theory was very
popular. People believed that whoever is intelligent, inspiring is the right leader . This theory sees the
leader as natural born. Thomas Carlyle was deeply involved with this Great Man Theory of
Leadership. He believed that effective leaders were a package of Godly motivation .
Some of the early research shows that leadership looks at people who were already is a successful
leader. These people often are aristocratic rulers, who already have a high position through birth.
People that are lower or lesser social position had fewer opportunities to become leaders. Thus it
makes sense why do people in 19th have the idea that ... Show more content on ...
Participative leadership is similar to Democratic Leadership Style, large involvements of the leader are
highly required for this style. Important goals can be easily developed and produces by using this
method. Many leaders prefer this style because it involves an active participation of every team
members, which makes them demonstrate their creativity, abilities, and talents.
Rensis Likert s personal leadership are also similar to participate in leadership. He tends to
communicate with the followers and he often concerned about the. He also gave them critics when
they produce good quality of works. Willing to listen to them and instead of making his own decision
are the key to being a leader.
Participative leadership style contains people that are patient enough. They need to be the one that
knowing everything and helping everyone. So with this time consuming leadership style doesn t fit in
a lot of people. In might sounds effective but it can be difficult for the
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Challenges of Teaching Students with Ebd
Challenges of Teaching Students with EBD
Laura Shupe
Grand Canyon University: SPE 558
January 23, 2013
Education is an important factor of life that is a foundation of intellectual development and
intelligence that shapes the futures of all students. There are students with disorders and disabilities
who display hardships and delays in education that require different approaches and special teaching
strategies. Students with emotional and behavioral disorders are a group of students that require such
modification or accommodation approaches. EBD student s exhibit challenging behaviors, emotional
instability, and are opposed to change. Therefore, once a ... Show more content on ...
Parents acquire the most information about the heart of their child s disorder. Next, parents should be
included in any early intervention to assist in the students classroom placement decisions otherwise it
has been determined that it could be destructive for the EBD student. It has been noted that family and
parent problems tend to be the main cause of emotional and behavioral disorders. Therefore, SPED
teams can help to get to the main problem thus special educators and the administration can unravel
home problems. The school administrator is a vital member to the SPED team because they have
useful information and knowledge about the school policy formation. Students with EBD often feel
discriminated against because of the ambiguous and zero tolerance rules regarding behavior from the
school. The zero tolerance rules for behavior in school can threaten the behavioral and emotional
stability of students with EBD. The administration can educate the educators on the IDEA rules and
regulations and handle relevant assessments and design and develop special education programming.
There are some concerns that make it difficult for school administrators and special education
educators and can be very complicated because they want to make sure they meet the needs of
students with EBD. One of the concerns is the uncertainty and stigmas towards the definition of
educational and behavioral disorders and the need of
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Secondary Employment Police Officers
Secondary employment for police officers should work fine if done properly. Usually, some officers
tend to overextend themselves and the top staff members are a concern if officers are suffering from
fatigue, however, there are positive and negative things from secondary employment. However, a
career path in law enforcement is known to be financially lacking for some city government to provide
for their officers, and secondary employment may be used as a recruiting tool to gain new officers.
Normally, officers need a second job such as the typical citizens do, for expenses, reduce debt, and
simply make ends meet (Brunet, J., 2008). Also, the idea of having more law enforcement officers
throughout the community and shopping mall produces a positive effect, such as deterring shoplifters.
Nonetheless, having secondary employment funds coming in on the regular will discourage police
corruption for some. Police officers working off duty jobs as security officers in some schools has help
ease parent s mind and placing their marked vehicles inconspicuous areas to deter criminal activity
around schools (Caine, R. D. Burlingame, M., Arney, L., 1998). ... Show more content on ...
Normally, the tax withholding is not removed, therefore problems with the IRS arises. Also, conflict of
interest can be an issue. Police officers sometimes find it hard to distinguish between off duty and on
duty and the reason the officers has that secondary employment is that they are police officers (Brunet,
J., 2008). Nevertheless, police business always supersedes any and all off duty employment
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Prescribed Pasture Burning
Fire! Most people are alarmed with that word. But fire is a major factor in allowing the grasslands to
exist. Native Americans used to burn prairies to get rid of all of the dead grass and allow the new grass
to grow for the bison to eat. Burning off grasslands in the spring permits the grass to grow without
being restricted by the old, dead grass. Fire also kills the parasites and flies that bother the cattle in the
summer. Invasive cedar trees overtake grasses and starve out good native grasses. Other methods can
be used to combat them but fire is the quickest and most efficient. While pasture burning may seem
harmful to some, it s an essential way to keep our grasslands and prairies in working order. Native
Americans used fire to
(invasive species, old/dead grass)
Our government enforces prescribed burning on land enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program
(CRP). Landowners who participated in this program are required to burn this native grass at least
once every three years.
Grass needs to be burned fairly often by humans or nature may take its course and possibly get out of
control and be disastrous. For example, consider the recent wildfires in California and Colorado.
These areas were devastated by fire because nature was left unchecked. Trees and brush growth were
allowed to grow at will, providing a perfect tinderbox. Many lives were lost. Homes were destroyed
and wildlife died. These areas would have benefitted
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Board Of Directors Essay
The board of directors is also highly influential to a corporation and should therefore also be held
accountable for supporting a corporation s ethical code of conduct. The board of directors is
responsible for looking out for the best interests of shareholders (Cross Miller, 2012). The board of
directors was designed to monitor executives, however in practice this is not always the case (Cross
Miller). Obviously this is monitoring is a necessary duty. A proposed change to ensure that the board
of directors is monitoring the corporation s top executives is to require that the board submit quarterly
a report on the financial information of the corporation as provided to the board by the CEO and CFO.
If this information does not ... Show more content on ...
Therefore a policy proposed is that auditing firms not be paid by corporations but rather by tax payers.
This will place additional burdens on taxpayers, but rather than experience another bailout, this easy to
fall into conflict of interest relationship needs to be prevented from ever occurring. Board of directors
can create a conflict of interest on their own by accepting large stock options from the corporations
they serve (PBS, 2002). These large incentives to serve can actually work to blind corporate board
members to unethical acts being carried out by corporate officials.
Shareholders are a key component to the ethical quality of a corporation. One may argue this is not the
case since they are not directly involved in the day to day operations of the corporation. However,
shareholders are investing their funds voluntarily in a corporation. Shareholders have a huge
responsibility to support companies that are positive ethical examples. Shareholders should spend time
researching a company before investing in the company so that they can be sure the company is truly
an ethical company. It can be easy to be distracted by the performance of a business, Enron investors
thought they were investing in a highly innovative energy company (Serving History, 2011).
Shareholders have
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Tension in the Twenties Essay
Tension in the Twenties
All major societies throughout our world s history have experienced periods of major change. Tension
inevitably arises as a result of the new environments in which the people live. Our country is no
exception, especially through the era known as the Roaring Twenties. Just being another decade on the
timeline was not good enough for the 1920s. When its brief turn came, it had to be the biggest, the
loudest, and the brightest. A calamity gave it birth, and a calamity ended it. As a result of World War I,
major economic, social, and political alterations were born; yet more importantly, the tension that
arouse due to these results would change America forever. One of the most important factors that led
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Many of the new creations had become so common, that it became rare not to have them. This idea is
expressed in Sinclair Lewis s Babbitt, in which he writes, These standard advertised wares
toothpastes, socks, tires, cameras, instantaneous hot water heaters #8212;were his symbols and proofs
of excellence #8230;
[DOC A]. It is shown here that people also became ranked on not only how much money they had, but
their attitude towards these advancements.
Tension between the old and new not only occurred on an economic level, but as well as a religious
level. As people began to turn more and more towards science to answer their questions, unbelievable
amounts of strain arouse. One of these great conflicts was the Scopes Monkey Trial, also known as
The World s Most Famous Trial. There were basically two conflicts present within this trial: that of the
fundamentalists and the Darwinists, and that between the accepted beliefs of the time, and the new
ones that challenged them. The standard belief was to accept what society and the Bible dictated. The
difference in mentalities between the prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan and the defense attorney,
Clarence Darrow, is seen when Bryan states that he himself believe[s] everything in the Bible should
be accepted as it is given there, and that some of the Bible is given illustratively [DOC C]. Another
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Literature Research Paper Example
Literature Search Paper 1 Running head: LITERATURE SEARCH PAPER Literature Search Paper
Misty S. Davis The University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of Nursing Literature Search Paper
2 Literature Search Paper Research allows an individual to investigate a subject in order to discover
facts and theories. The facts learned from the research are applied to his or her everyday use. There are
various databases found that assists with research, however not all provide researched and scientific
data. As a baccalaureateprepared nurse, it is critical to use a database that provides scientific data in
means of articles and journals. The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Applied Health (CINAHL) is a
comprehensive database search ... Show more content on ...
The search results were somehow limited. It was apparent that my search was not providing me with
relevant data, so I then changed my keyword to handwashing where I found 3,087 Literature Search
Paper 3 articles. Again, the search was very limited. Realizing the need to narrow the search, I then
used the CINAHL Subject Headings as a component for my search. Subject Heading Search Keeping
note that the keyword retrieval left me with 3,087 articles, I then used CINAHL Headings for my
search. The CINAHL Heading search allows the search of literature with certain terms desired in the
references. By typing hand washing under the CINAHL Heading and browsed, I was given terms that
were related to hand washing. The terms were ranked based on the relevancy of importance related to
the subject. Handwashing was the first term found and by clicking on its link, I was taken to a term
detailed screen. Listed was handwashing under the Tree View terms, which are hierarchy groupings of
subject headings. The subheadings were also found here. I chose handwashing and infection control.
By clicking on the subheadings and the Explode link, I then gained access to articles that contained
terms about handwashing or infection control. The Explode link is thought of as an operators of OR .
It is used to find articles containing the keyword or other words as chosen. Once I exploded
handwashing with infection control, I found myself with 1,626 articles
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The Characteristics Of Morality In Shakespeare s Hamlet
He that can have patience can have what he will. (Franklin). Patience is a skill revolved around
accepting or tolerating delay. The play, Hamlet, written from the late 1500s to the early 1600s, is one
of the most famous works of William Shakespeare. In the play, the protagonist, Prince Hamlet of
Denmark, has mastered such skill. There are several theories about why Prince Hamlet delayed killing
his uncle. First of all, Hamlet does not want to send Claudius to heaven by killing him at prayer.
Additionally, Hamlet feels the need to publicize what happened and consequently waits to murder
Claudius until the truth is revealed. Lastly, Hamlet suffered from an Oedipal Complex and displayed
various characteristics of the Oedipus Complex. This term describes a child s feelings of affection for
their opposite sex parent. These points illustrate that Hamlet was self composed enough to wait to end
the life of King Claudius for many different reasons.
In the world, there are many people who have incredible tolerance. Hamlet is an example of one of
these people. Hamlet was probably the most forebearent person in all of Denmark. He was able to wait
for an idealistic moment to end the life of Claudius while having obstacles in his way. Hamlet even
pretended to be insane, which causes his mother to think that her son was incurable, just so his plan
would not fail. The first time Hamlet comes across a moment to kill his uncle was when he sees him
allegedly asking God to forgive his sins.
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The Importance Of Dracula In Bram Stoker s Dracula
Dracula: The Victorian Vampire When you think of Dracula, do you think of the bloodstained creature
or the sophisticated stalker of the night that symbolizes the Victorian era? Dracula was a gothic novel
heavily influenced by the folklore of vampires of the past and Vlad the Impaler, a strict ruler of
Wallachia, leading to Dracula s cruel mannerisms. Another large contributor to Dracula was also the
stern Victorian era standards, the era in which Bram Stoker composed the classic. Therefore, the
women needed to be proper and well mannered while the men had a more important place in society.
People looked down upon those who disobeyed the laws at the time like anyone who was scantily
clad. Victorian ideas leaked their way into the literature. Writers disguised ideas and themes that
would not be classy, like sexual acts, by alluding to them with more appropriate actions.
Consequently, these influences led Stoker to insert many characteristics of the Victorian era into the
novel s setting of London. Since the Victorian ideas were put into the story, many fears that were
instilled in the people of the time were characterized in the novel. In Bram Stoker s seminal novel
Dracula, the anxieties felt by the Victorian people are shown by both the human characters and
Dracula himself. First off, Jonathan is introduced as an average solicitor going to Castle Transylvania
and when he is trapped inside, a secret side to him is revealed. After Jonathan is trapped by Dracula,
he begins to deteriorate mentally after realizing that he might never be freed from his imprisonment.
After Dracula warns him to not sleep elsewhere except his bedroom, Jonathan disobeys him and
explores the castle, stumbling into an ancient, abandoned room. After dozing off, he is awakened by
three voluptuous that emanate a dreadful aura. While still being in an exhausted mood, he describes
the scene as There was something about the m that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same
time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those
red lips (Stoker 39). Jonathan hints at a hidden desire for the women and wants for them to have their
way with him. This scene shows that Jonathan has deep repressed
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Liberal Arts Education Should Be Implemented Into A New...
For centuries, a liberal arts education was a sign of a well rounded, creative individual. However, in an
ever changing era, a liberal arts education is nothing more than an example of how little people enjoy
change. Nowadays, numerous jobs require basic to intermediate computer skills, literacy in basic
business and economic concepts, and a remedial understanding of geography, social customs, and
current events. The core curriculum of a liberal arts education, which includes history, math, art,
science, English, literature, and a variety of social sciences, needs to be expanded to encompass the
subjects people encounter every day in the 21st century. This paper is directed towards a general
audience dedicated to improving centers of ... Show more content on ...
Natural sciences entail subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics, whereas formal sciences
include mathematics. Although the subjects which teach computer skills, business skills, and world
awareness are offered at most universities, they are not required classes, even though they are quickly
becoming necessary skills in the world. The liberal arts standard curriculum needs to be adjusted to
overcome the gap which exists between what students are expected to know and understand and what
they are actually taught. The goal of a liberal arts education is to create a well rounded, educated
individual. Expanding and adjusting a liberal arts education to meet the requirements of an ever
changing society does in no way hinder this goal. In all actuality, expanding a liberal arts education to
require new subjects would simply create more well rounded individuals. Furthermore, changing the
liberal arts curriculum is nothing new. The original curriculum developed by the Greeks only included
grammar, rhetoric, and logic and was soon expanded during the medieval times to include four new
topics (Haidar). Changing the curriculum becomes necessary when new skill sets are required in
society. Since the last time the liberal arts curriculum was adapted, technology has expanded and with
it new skills are required of employees. With the gap that exists between what skills are necessary and
what is
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The Importance Of A Study Of Today s Business Market
In this essay is will be detailing the importance of a study of today s business market. A market survey
is key both before and after the release of a product or a business idea to strengthen it. You have an
idea of business that seem irresistible. Or you simply think to launch a new product, you ve found a
super location for your new business and want it, yes or Yes. Any of these actions requires money and
effort. For this reason it is necessary that we have all the data that ensures the viability of a project. A
good analysis and good planning will depend on that we devote resources to the areas that interest us
and which minimize the risks. Body
Market research helps us to understand the response of our potential customers (our target) and
suppliers and analyze our product, price and distribution, in short, all the factors to analyze a business
marketing plan. Every company should know, that often overlooked and issues that help us make the
best decisions. A correct compilation and analysis of this information we will be valuable not only
during the initial set up a business. Also our company is running, to get to know, for example, what
perception have of our brand and what notoriety has or if our product meets their needs. A market
study is something live, updatable and evolution. Quantitative, qualitative, techniques of observation
and documentary analysis are used for the development of a market study. From polls to the research
of trends in social networking or
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Successful Law Enforcement Career
I have been asked many times during my career, what I thought it took to excel in a Law Enforcement
career and what I have done or learned during my career. Below I have listed what was important to
me, but also understanding this may not be how everyone else in this profession feels. I do believe
though that many of the traits I have noted have to be used in some sort to truly have a successful Law
Enforcement Career. In my opinion you have to have a passion for service to excel in this career. This
passion comes from you, you either have it or you don t. You cannot learn or teach passion. This trait
to want to help others is more than just getting a pay check, wearing a uniform, and being a part of a
brotherhood, it is a true desire to make your community and the people in it better and to protect the
people who cannot protect themselves. What a Deputy sees in his/her career will take a toll on their
physical and emotional wellbeing and if you do not have a true passion you cannot survive a whole
successful career in this field. In addition to passion you have to have balance. You need to have
balance, with your family, your faith, and yourself. The law enforcement OurOur divorce rate is high
and one of the main reasons is because of there is no balance. If you spend all of your time with your
Cop Buddies ... Show more content on ...
These are not just words on paper, again you have to live them. Always try and do more than is
expected, always strive to make the right choice, and always treat everyone with respect, don t judge,
remember we are the Executive Branch not the Judicial branch of government. Most importantly take
time to develop those relationships. These relationships , they will help you in time of need and will
make your job so much
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Juvenile Justice System And The Juvenile Court System
The juvenile justice system varies from the adult justice system in many ways. For more than a
century, the states have believed that the juvenile justice system was a means to ensuring public safety,
by establishing and implementing a system that responds to children as they are maturing into
adulthood. Today s youths, however, are increasingly committing more serious crimes that in turn are
raising the public s criticism concerning the modern juvenile justice system. There are those who are
in support of keeping every juvenile I juvenile court system and then there are the others who argue if
juveniles were held to stricter standards they would not become repeat offender in the system and
eventual end up in the adult corrections system. ... Show more content on ...
The Department of Justice confirms juveniles are entitled to Fifth Amendment protection under the
Constitution, against self incrimination in juvenile proceedings. This is despite the nature of the crime
whether it is of criminal or non criminal nature of those proceedings. (In re Gault, 1967) Substance,
not form, controls in determining the relevance of the Fifth Amendment to proceedings not labeled
criminal. Therefor since a juvenile defendant s liberty is at stake, the Fifth Amendment would apply.
The next question that then arises is does the juvenile have the mental capacity to understand their
Fifth Amendment rights, that was explained to them when the officer first read them their Miranda
Admonishment. Under California law, prosecutors who allege that a minor under the age of 14 has
committed a criminal act, the courts must establish that the child can distinguish between right and
wrong. The minor must also know what it means to break the law or commit a crime. (In re Gladys R.,
Juveniles are not necessarily given every right afforded to adult criminal defendants. Let s take a look
at the right to a trial by jury . Juveniles do not have the right to a jury trial instead a Judge decides the
juvenile cases. (McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, 1971) Taking into account that this is a worst case
scenario, a minor adjudicated in juvenile court can face being sentenced to the
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Learning Goals Using STAR-Method Case Study
5. Learning goals using STARR Method
5.1 Functional Key Area
In my time at Assenagon, I had to learn first the basics, how different things like booking corporate
actions with the right taxation or recalculating bond interest for different funds. At the end, I received
the chance to see how internal made funds from Asseangon has to be maintained by daily work.
Especially the trade with option papers is to mention due to Assenagon has bought option papers for
basic indices papers of different companies from stocks like the Dax or MDax.
Situation: Processing option papers, deciding on the best way for Assenagon.
Task: Within the internal Assenagon funds, some of them has used different types of stocks. In my
case, I had to monitor option papers ... Show more content on ...
To become an effective and worthful part, I needed to understand the company structures, the daily
processes and how transactions have booked. At the moment, it can be said that I am more detailed
involved than at the start, because at the start I haven´t understand everything, therefore it wasn´t easy
for me to understand the things were the others was talking about. Furthermore, by the daily work it is
important to be able to talk in English.
My specific goal by the end of my internship: Because I am responsible for the mandate funds by
Assenagon, my goal is to see, how the internal funds of Assenagon work, how the daily trading works
and which requirements are there, which my colleagues have to meet. At the end, I will have a depth
knowledge of funds in general on the one side, on the other side, I will know how funds company
deals with internal funds and external funds as investment manager.
Situation: Understanding trade reconciliations for different types of stocks and knowing different
types of specific financial vocabulary and
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sphere critique Essay
Sphere is an interesting story about a group of scientists from different disciplines who are brought to
a super secret underwater site where the U. S. Navy has discovered a mysterious, glowing sphere.
Although the movie was very interesting, a lot of scientific facts, it was just too long and there were
parts of the film where I found myself yawning. I give the movie a thumb up for being the movie my
teacher chose to show the class. Although the movie was directed by Barry Levinson and starred
Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, and Samuel L. Jackson it would not be a movie I would pick off the
shelf and rent for my own interest.
Psychologist Norman Goodman is summoned to the ... Show more content on ...
The team consists of a psychologist (Norman Goodman), biochemist (Beth Halpren), mathematician
(Harry Adams), and an astrophysicist (Ted). According to the Goodman report a biochemist is needed
to assess the physiology of the unknown life form. A mathematician is needed because math would be
the common language. An astrophysicist is needed to locate the place in the cosmos. This elite team
will be staying in a habitat 1000 feet beneath the ocean. The habitat is handled by two navy personal.
The contact team finds a large sphere in the spacecraft that reflects everything but humans. According
to Ted if they were to put a micrometer around the sphere it would be perfect to the millionth of an
inch. Then when the crew loses contact with the surface because of a storm overhead the team is
forced to stay in the habitat. When a few crew members are killed the crew is forced to find out the
mysteries of the sphere while dealing with distrust between each other.
The movie contained some good scientific information. It mentioned the concept of the black hole, a
collapsed dead star that has so much gravity it acts like a huge vacuum cleaner sucking everything
(dust, light, and time). It also demonstrated that a liquid hydrogen bomb would send a shock wave
under water and after the shockwave passes everything would be pulled back in toward the source.
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Emotion and Story Essay
A Bag of Oranges
The story A Bag of Oranges by Spiro Athanas tells about a poor family lived in the rotting slum and
the boy in this family became a mature person from a childish kid. Because the boy s father needs to
pay his responsibility to his family and the people who he loved, so his rude behavior and act makes
his son hate him for a short time. After the boy notice his family s financial situation, then he realize it
s not easy be an adult to making life run in the society, and you would lose some important things
while you are paying responsibility to your family, so he begin understand his father. When the boy
know his father hit by a car, all his emotion spew out and make his act like an adult in the end of the ...
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Like many child, the boy just sit with his father and listen to them without thinking. As the story point
out, The boy enjoyed the talk and sometimes felt he was allowed to hear all the secrets of the world,
and was only mildly frustrated by the mysteries he could not understand. (p.218) That means, the boy
feel he is an adult when he sit with his father and listen to their conversation about women and some
adult jokes. As it mentions, he can t understand everything they talked because he doesn t interested
on the topics that they he is still immaturity at that time because he doesn t interest on that and
has no idea about the meaning of the conversation. But he can understand the conversation like that is
only for adult.
Let s move on to the incident of the story, the boy was very childish after the incident happened and
his act and thought was really a kid. As the story says, He felt the shadow and weight of his father
behind him, placid and unashamed. Oh how he hated him and his smug, foreign stupidity! Why did he
have to be his father (p.220)? We can know the boy was really childish after the incident happened.
Although his father s behavior was rude or not good, he is so emotional and doesn t give his father
respect. His father grab the orange form a young man who seemed wants to give help. The boy couldn
t judge his father like that way because he doesn t know these oranges are for their family and
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Hayden Groth Case Study
Dear school board, I, Hayden Groth think that police officers have the right to come to the school and
make occasional, unannounced visits to the high schools to search for drugs, guns or things that can
put people in danger. when they make an appearance to schools they search the whole property of the
school, including student lockers and the parking lot. People may think that their unannounced visits,
may not like them because they could have something on the property that maybe they forgot that was
in their locker or car. For me I think that their visits are 100% fine because if they were to announce
that they are coming then they more than likely not find anything because students would then have
time to get rid of anything that would
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Player Recruitment Process In Michael Lewis s Moneyball
Michael Lewis s Moneyball highlights the management of the baseball team Oakland A s by Billy
Beane as the team pushes through its 2002 season. Moneyball is an underdog story as shown by the A
s tight budget and the struggle to keep up with other teams whose player budget was much higher than
that of the A s.
Lewis begins his book by stating that the A s were winning a lot more games than expected with their
tight budget. Lewis found that the A s manager, Billy Beane, used a method of recruiting undervalued
players that analyzed statistics that other teams typically overlooked. Beane s method of player
recruitment would set the standard of recruiting in the future.
After showing that Billy Beane revolutionized the player recruitment process, Lewis delves into how
Beane went about doing so. Beane referenced largely to what were known as sabermetrics, which was
a fan made statistics system that determined a player s abilities to succeed that had not yet been
accepted by the Major Leagues. In Beane s studies of sabermetrics, he honed in on a sabermetrician by
the name of Bill James, who aids him in his recruitment process. ... Show more content on ...
Before Billy Beane, baseball teams used subjective methods of recruiting new players that looked at
statistics such as the ability to hit, run, and throw. Beane broke this orthodox by taking on an objective
style of recruitment in which he broadened his horizons past the typically examined stats and hyped
up players. By doing so, Beane was able to gather together a group of ragtag baseball players that
became more successful than
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Unemployment Rate Of The United States
Since the early 2000 s the unemployment rates of the United States have been constantly changing.
For most of this time unemployment rates were increasing at a quick pace as the country was dealing
with internal financial issues of its own. When people are out of work the rates of depression and
crime seem to skyrocket. This is due to the lack of funds coming into a home which result in some less
than admirable acts being committed. There are many causes of unemployment and many effects that
unemployment can have on not only our economy, but our personal lives as well. There are three
different kinds of unemployment that affect our economy: frictional, cyclical and structural. Frictional
unemployment occurs when there is a time laps between being employed and looking for work. This
term can also be referred to as search employment because it is the time spent searching for a place of
employment. One example of this would be a student taking time off of work to finish college and get
a 4 year degree. Usually, it takes a lot of time and dedication to finish the last years of school, so some
students tend to go to school full time and work part time or not at all. This type of unemployment is
also classified as voluntary unemployment because this period of unemployment is at the discretion of
the person to some small degree. Secondly, there is cyclical unemployment which changes depending
on the business need; for example, workers are laid off when business is bad then
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The Evil in Fairytales
The Evil in Fairytales These stories are suffused with the same purity that makes children appear so
marvelous and blessed. Wilhelm Grimm, preface to Nursery and Household Tales Many adults are
hardly prepared for the graphic descriptions of murder, mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide, and incest
that fill the pages of these bedtime stories for children. Maria M. Tatar, The Hard Facts about the
Grimm s Fairy Tales Introduction Children all over the world listen to fairytales every night at bedtime
and hear colorful stories about evil witches, goblins, hobgoblins and other terrible creatures of the
night. Indeed, the some of the most famous fairytales by the Brothers Grimm are filled with evil
creatures that are out to do humankind harm. Moreover, many of the stories in fairytales do not
contain the watered down version of evil that is depicted by many Disney type productions in modern
media but rather describe the real thing where people can suffer and even die as a result of their
contact with the evil creatures in fairytales. Some authorities even argue that fairytales can be
disturbing for young readers, but most seem to agree that the good triumphs over evil themes in
fairytales make them timeless and appropriate for everyone. To gain some fresh insights in this area,
this paper provides a review of the relevant peer reviewed and scholarly literature concerning the evil
in fairytales, including examples, followed by a summary of the research and important
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The Model Validation Purpose, Particulate Solid Research,...
For model validation purpose, Particulate Solid Research Inc. (PSRI) and National Energy Technology
Laboratory (NETL) organized the modeling competitions in the form of third Challenge Problem [].
By providing the geometry of a circulating bed and operating parameters for different conditions, the
organizers asked modelers to predict the hydrodynamic characteristics without prior knowledge of test
results. In third Challenge Problem, the CFD models did better than their performance in first and
second challenge problems organized by PSRI. One of the issues in model mismatch was the high
computational time required to reach the steady state of the fluid bed process. Other mismatch was
partly due to modeling only the riser section rather ... Show more content on ...
The cycle repeats thus creating a continuous circulation of solid around the loop.
The miniCFB was made out of clear acrylic pieces. Operators can clearly see the dynamics of gas
particle mixing throughout the riser. They can visually record the height of moving solids or bed
height in the standpipe. The particles swirl indicating rotational dynamics inside the cyclone is clearly
visible during gas solid separation. Researchers may take image of gas solid interactions at any section
of the rig, be it at the interface of the L valve and riser entrance or at the riser exit and crossover. For
instance, a high speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) using a shadowing technique counted accurate
number of falling particles in the lean region of standpipe. The shadowing method gives improved
depth of focus enhancing accurate measurement of solid circulation rate at steady state.
The solid circulation rate connects the dynamics of a CFB riser and its return loop. The parameter
strongly affects heat and mass transfer between particles and gas, and between particles and particles.
It greatly influences the mixing and reaction times, residence time distribution, performance and
hydrodynamics of the overall system. The full loop simulation of the DEM model produces the solid
circulation rate as the output rather than requiring it as an input. Later case arises when CFD models
simulate only a riser portion of the CFB. The precise model of a full
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Open Book Midterm Exam ( Weight 110 Points ) Name
EC301 Open Book Midterm Exam (Weight 110 points) NAME: Washington, Ron
Submit your answers in the Dropbox or fax them. You may discuss concepts in the Q A thread and
where to find answers but do not give specific answers to specific questions.
1. (7 points) How are presidential election outcomes related to the performance of the economy?
Usually when the economy is doing well the incumbent party will win the election, due to low
unemployment and higher wage increases. The electorate cares about not spending tax dollars on
frivolous projects that don t enhance human lives or the environment in which they live in. An
exception would be the 2001 election when the economy was doing well with the current party, but
decided to elect the opposing party candidate.
2. (7 points) Discuss the difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
Macroeconomics is the field of economics that studies the behavior of the economy as a whole not
certain parts. Gross National Product (GDP) the economy s total output; how it is affected by changes
in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, and price levels. Macroeconomics encompasses an
increase or a decrease in net exports would affect a nation s capital account. Government s role in
macroeconomics is to keep the economy in equilibrium; taxes and government spending augment the
balance to achieve equilibrium in the economy
Microeconomics focuses on individuals and business decisions with limited resources and limited
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Summary Of Characters In The Golden Compass
Alex de Castro Three years ago, my family adopted a dog. I ended up being the one who was most
reluctant toward the idea and still was even after he had entered our family. I was the one who thought
of all the negatives of we don t need a dog. For the first few weeks he was in the house, I did not like
him. He knew it too. Over time, I started to relate and bond with this dog and saw how he was
different, he did not act like a normal dog of his breed, he was different from the rest. I find the same
thing with myself in my family, not like the others most of the time, but both of us are included and
loved. Now, this dog and I are closer than any of my other family members are with him. In the novel
The Golden Compass, the author Philip Pullman develops a similar type of relationship for each of his
characters called daemons. These companions reflect a certain person s identity, soul, and changes in
feeling through their different forms, usually as animals. I am being considered for Mr. Pullman s next
novel and he has asked me to develop daemons of my own for the next book in his series. After a few
days of thinking I have decided on three animals that would be a great representation of me in daemon
form, an owl, a lemur, and a butterfly. Throughout my academic career, I have tended to be a good
student who got excellent in elementary school and straight A s in middle school. So what better
daemon to have than owl to represent this side of me. I tend to understand
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The Effects Of Dyslexia On Children With Dyslexia
There is no doubt that reading and writing are vital in today s society. Without basic comprehension
skills you simply cannot become educated let alone survive. It was a common belief that anyone who
wanted to read, or to learn to read, would be able to, right? With Dyslexia, that is not the case.
Dyslexia is described as the difficulty to comprehend language through reading and writing, despite a
normal level of intelligence. Dyslexia is not only the most common learning disability, but is also
highly recognized. There are three proposed distinctions within dyslexia that includes auditory, visual,
and attentional. Understanding dyslexia would help the educational community as long as the medical
community. Although the scientific community has extensive research on Dyslexia, there are still
neurological aspects to consider and to learn about. Dyslexia is a complex disability that has interested
physicians for centuries. Students with dyslexia should not be overlooked and deserve equal
opportunities in the classroom. Dyslexia was distinguished in the late 19th century by an
ophthalmologist. He coined the term because a child showed much impairment while trying to learn to
read, even with normal physical and intelligence. It was first known as congenital word blindness by
British physicians. They were confused when a child came to them and was a very smart among his
classmates, yet did not know how to read. It was further concluded by Castles and Coltheart that there
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The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
Non verbal communication has been a major factor contributing towards our day to day lives. In terms
of design and workplace as well as cultural variations non verbal communication plays an important
role in these places. It includes the usage of the human s subconscious mind to construct a series of
facial expressions, hand gestures as well as the usage of the human s vocal tones which indeed causes
a form of effective communication if used in the right manner. For example, when parents use non
verbal communication to infant children who are not yet familiar with verbal communication itself
when effective this might create a form of assurance to those infants who may in turn respond to the
message in a much positive manner. ... Show more content on ...
Meanwhile, Interpersonal communication deals with an exchange of communication between two or
more individuals. Non verbal communication is classified into three languages sign, action, and object
languages. (Wang,2009) And these languages can cause a greater effect on interpersonal if utilized in
both ways. The zoning of individuals also do affect the form of interpersonal communication used for
example intimate, personal, social and public zones. These form of distance based can be of much
significance. According to Wang s research the nearer the person the more open the person is in terms
of communication such as his ability to transfer secret messages are much improved if he s close to
another individual or a group of people than of he s on a much longer distance. Interpersonal
communication plays a great deal in our lives especially when it comes to workforce planning
therefore it is important for us to assume that if humans are more expert in the field of non verbal
communication we would actually get better results especially with interpersonal communication.
Communication has been a major player in our lives that it somehow became a globalized
phenomenon. An effective communication leads to better results when talking with people colleagues
and therefore this change of communication is leading the world to change their way of thinking. In
my opinion, I
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How Assumptions of Consensus Undermine Decision Making
Cover Letter People are always trying to come to a consensus that they know something or someone
before they get the true in depth details. This more often than not leads them to making false
assumptions. False assumptions are a misuse of statistics and occurs when a statistical argument
asserts a falsehood. At the end of the day these false assumptions lead us to looking stopid in the end
as we were proven wrong. What I want to know is what always proppels us to want to jump to
conclusion before we get to know someone or something. In my essay I will explain why people jump
to conclusion and what ways we can help ourselves not make these false assumptions. Jumping to
conclusion We always think we know something or someone better than we actually do. More times
than not these assumptions or educated guesses what many people call them are more often wrong the
majority of the times. We always try to go with our gut feeling on something that propels us to jump
the gun and make a false assumption which makes us look like a fool at the end of the day. In my last
two essays I proved the point how we make false assumptions that propel us to jump to conclusion
and how more times than not our conclusion that we make is false. After doing an extensive amount of
research im writing to figure out why we make these false assumptions that propel us to jump to
conclusion. The personal assumptions that undermine people s decisions making are unconscious. In
how assumptions of
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Critique Of The Movie Blood Diamond, By Edward Zwick
Blood Diamond is a 2006 film. Directed and co produced by Edward Zwick, starring Leonardo
DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. The movie is about diamonds mined in war zones
and sold to finance conflicts, and thereby profit warlords and diamond companies across the world.
Blood Diamond is an adventure, drama and thriller type of movie. The movie is not based on book but
is based on the real life happenings in Sierra Leone. Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Charles
Leavitt and C. Gaby Mitchell are the writers of the movie and is directed by Edward Zwick.
The main actors of the movie are Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou, David
Harewood, and Arnold Vosloo. Leonardo DiCaprio has done a lot of movies. He is an American actor
who started his career performing as a child on television. Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, The Great Gatsby,
and Inception are some movies that Leonardo has been in. Jennifer Connelly is an American film
actress who began her career as ... Show more content on ...
Also the audiences are nervous about Archer and Solomon s security; they hope that they may survive.
The movie was set in Sierra Leone and is filled with known Hollywood actors. This movie tells the
interesting lives of Danny Archer, an Anglo ex mercenary from Zimbabwe, Solomon Vandy, a
fisherman from Sierra Leone, and Maddy Bowen, an American reporter. This action packed
Hollywood film with the star Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for five Academy Awards, and has
brought the issue of blood diamonds to much wider audience across the world. This movie is not
suitable for children because it is filled with coarse language, sex, violence, and disturbing content. I
admire how the realistic the effects are. The music in the movie is very helpful to set the mood of the
audience. In fact James Newton Howard, the one who manage the film scores, is known for several
award winning
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A Decade of Change for Women
Intricate female heroines set in a futuristic dystopia, battling for their lives and struggling to build a
better world are components of the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and the Divergent series by
Veronica Roth. Beatrice Prior is a strong willed, daring protagonist of the Divergent Series. Her life
changes when she discovers that she is Divergent. Meaning that she has an unusual mindset that
cannot be constricted to one way of reasoning. The government leaders view Beatrice, or Tris as a
threat to society because of this. Comparable to Tris, Katniss Everdeen is the leading character of the
Hunger Games. She proved to be bold and selfless when she put her life at risk for her younger sister
Primrose. In both the Hunger Games and Divergent, the mighty female heroines are giving way to a
new role for young women rather than the traditional damsel in distress. These two novels give
women a voice, and express the importance of thinking for one s self. Katniss from the Hunger Games
rejects the gender roles of her society. She is not a healer or a seamstress. She is a hunter, a role
usually reserved for men. Katniss started providing for her family at the early age of twelve, after her
father passed away. She declares that she doesn t want to get married or have children. According to
Linda Lowen, If even the smallest fraction of readers get the female empowerment message that
intelligence, resilience and loyalty trump beauty, popularity and wealth, we have Katniss Everdeen
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Improve Current Practice Essay
1. How does your project improve a current practice How is this proposed change in practice new or
different from current practice? This study will focus on improving existing communication patterns
between residents and staff through increased awareness. By engaging staff in a collaboration to
understand positive communication, it will provide alternatives for verbal interactions with residents.
This will allow staff to improve their ability to effectively meet the needs of residents through the use
of positive communication patterns. The intent of this study is to help staff develop positive
communication patterns and reduce elderspeak which is based on the work by (Williams, 2001, 2006)
and Williams et al. (2003). This awareness should increase staff use of empowering communication
with residents. Study findings will be used to provide information and collaborate with staff on
positive communication patterns to improve the quality of life for all residents by communicating
empowerment through positive interaction and a reduction in the use of ... Show more content on ...
Williams (2001) found that educating health care workers about positive communications and
elderspeak, improved residents overall sense of wellbeing. This study will focus on collaborating with
staff to increase positive communication patterns. The study will result in a deeper understanding of
positive, effective communication with residents which can be shared and used by the facility.
Reducing the use of elderspeak in the nursing home could increase positive messages and empower
residents to have a voice in their care. Helping staff understand and develop positive communication
will be the focus of the study. Understanding positive patterns of communication could result in an
improved sense of self determination for
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Roles Of A Grand Son
Roles are the parts that individuals play in society. Every single human being on earth has their own
unique set of roles. There are two kinds of roles, Ascribed, and achieved. An ascribed role, is a role
that people are born into, examples include the role of a grand son, or a Canadian. Achieved roles, are
roles that a person has to work to acquire, examples include; a teacher, or a politician. Two roles that I
currently possess are a university student, and a daughter. Being a daughter is an important role that I
play. The role of a daughter is an ascribed role, I know this because I did not have to work for it. I was
simply born into the role. As a daughter, I have plenty of important responsibilities. These
responsibilities are; loving and caring for my parents, helping as much around the house as I can while
I live there, and making sure I stay in contact with my parents when I am no longer living with them.
Along with the list of responsibilities I have when it comes to being a daughter, the role also comes
with a set of rights. These rights include love and protection, help with learning about the world
around me, and a house, and food until I am at least 18. The role of being a daughter plays a key role
in socialization and social belonging. My parents were my source of early attachment. Most
importantly, my parents were my primary agents of socialization. They taught me the language I
speak, my values, and norms. As a daughter, my parents culture was
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Casablanca And The Movie Casablanca
Many believe that as a society, cultural norms and morals have changed with the times. However, it
can be argued that although many new innovations have brought mankind into the 21st century, the
same values have remained. Humans cling to things that throughout the generations have influenced
our everyday lives. As an audience in 1942 to today s audience, three things have remained the same;
the love of a good romance, war time issues, and loyalties. This essay will compare what the audience
in 1942 saw in these cultural norms to the audience today within the movie Casablanca. Love is
patient, love is kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is found in everyday situations
whether it be in relationships, work, or a hobby. ... Show more content on ...
This was the case is Casablanca, when refugees gathered in Casablanca waiting to receive an exit visa
bound for America. Although the audience in 1942 were aware of the situation at the time because
they were living it, today s audience can also relate since the war on terrorism is in full swing. Another
issue that adds on to the war issue is that of corruption. As in the film, when Captain Louis Renault is
caught between that of the German Nazi s and helping someone who were trying to help those who
oppose German rule. Although it is a despicable act, corruption is found in every avenue when it
comes to war. Many would say it is only to better the outcome of the side they are fighting for,
however, it is still found within the two cultures. Also, the decision of right and wrong is found to be a
norm that is been present since the beginning of time and has stayed constant. This is shown when
Rick as to decide whether to stay neutral as he always has or to help the woman he loves as well as her
husband flee the country. Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple. Dr.
Seuss (Bright Drop). Throughout life, Loyalties are tested, whether it be a friend or a loved one. When
put to the test, some rise to the occasion while others fall flat and prove where their loyalties lie. At
times, it is even asked of one to prove where their loyalties lie within themselves to prove one s
values. In many cases within the film, loyalties are
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Sexual Offenders And The Modus Operandi Of Fenders
Your Voice:
Child sex abuse is an increasingly contemporary social problem. It is relatively neglected due to many
alleged offences being reported, long after they occurred or not being disclosed at all. I was
immediately interested in this article as I am very fascinated by the psychological and theoretical
explanations behind sexual offenders and the modus operandi of the offenders. This study produces
quantitative data which gives a comprehensive view about the subject. Not only does it research into
interfamilial offenders but also into extrafamilial, mid type and deniers. Thus generating an extensive
range of different types of criminals within the same topic. I found this article engaging to read as the
facts and figures gave a clear understanding to how many offences of child abuse are actually
prosecuted. It was frightening to read that the majority of the participants were interfamilial offenders,
suggesting an ultimate betrayal between the offender and the victim, plus the victims family. This
deeper level of scrutiny instantly made the article become more interesting. I am particularly keen to
discover how the offender selects the specific victim and how he/she fits the required needs of their
characteristics. Both Smallbone and Wortley note this study is shorthand of a much more detailed in
depth version.
The authors, Dr Smallbone and Dr Wortley believed that this study was necessary to conduct as the
development of early intervention programs are
... Get more on ...
Dbm 380 Week 4 Huffington
Huffman Trucking Company DBM/380 July 16, 2012 Gaya P. Agrawal Introduction During World
War II it was imperative that the United States government find a way to transport products to and
from different parts of the United States. Huffman Trucking Company was one of the first companies
commissioned by the United States used to assist in this effort. Established in Cleveland Ohio K.
Huffman started the company with one tractor trailer and thanks to the help of the United States
government, grew to 16 tractors and 36 trailers by 1945. Today, Huffman Trucking Company has 800
road tractors and 2100 45 foot trailers at its disposal. Although Huffman has been extremely
successful, the need to remain competitive by use of information ... Show more content on ...
By filling the database with test data, we can begin to determine if the tables are normalized correctly,
need changes to the keys and foreign keys, or new bridge tables are needed to correctly output the
data. It is also at this point that we test to ensure that data types match and all entities are of the proper
format. Although Change Request No. 3 seems fairly simple, it will bring to light any issues that
might have been encountered while interpreting the tables from the ERD Diagram. It is not
uncommon for changes to be needed to the database after it has been created from the ERD.
Moreover, now is the best time to catch these issues before the system is fully functioning making it
much more difficult to make certain changes. Creating ERDs According to Kroenke and Auer (2010)
there is an ERD standard, albeit very loosely practiced. The diagrams use combinations of rectangles
and diamonds. Entity classes are shown using rectangles, relationships are shown using diamonds, the
maximum cardinality of the relationship is shown inside the diamond, and the minimum cardinality is
shown by the oval or hash mark next to the entity. The name of the entity is shown inside the rectangle
and the name of the relationship is shown near the diamond. As said in the earlier section, Process of
Using Entities and Attributes, the process for using the entities and attributes for the fleet truck
... Get more on ...
Skok Freedom Speech
Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our
lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master. The First Amendment to the Unites
States Constitution has been under much scrutiny and had much heat of late. Returning to its pure
roots, National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie describes how the U. S. Government
must allow freedom speech, even if it is evil, to protect the democracy. When the National Socialist
Party of America (NSPA), a professed Nazi group, applied for a permit to demonstrate in the highly
Jewish city of Skokie, the town refused to grant the permit. NSPA took their case to the county court
which granted them the ability to peacefully protest ... Show more content on ...
This case points back to the purpose of government. Dwight D. Eisenhower as did many Unites States
presidents, stated countless times that a democracy can only stand with virtuous people as its citizens.
If evil people fill the country, only a dictatorship can bring order. This case demonstrates that America
is built upon allowing the free speech of controversial and opposing views. Limiting the rights of the
NSPA would pave the way for other types of speech to be limited. My initial view was of course that
anyone promoting Nazis views should not be allowed to march, especially considering the town s
Jewish population. After further consideration, I realized that if the government has the ability to
restrict Nazis protests, they have the ability to silence me if I am trying to share my faith with a Nazi
and it offends them. If we give this power of limiting free speech to the government, they will
basically be able to limit it however they so choose. If we allow the government to specifically certain
types of speech, that power will invariably grow and power that is once tasted is not given back. We
would most definitely loose freedom in other areas of speech. The speech, though I m sure it caused
emotional distress, did not physically harm the citizens of the town. I do think that the banning of the
swastika was appropriate. At popularly agreed times, it is not appropriate to demonstrate with the
Confederate Flag or other symbols that can inferred with extreme
... Get more on ...
The Existence Of God And Theism
There have been many discussions on how the world has been created and whether there is a true
designer of the universe or rather it happened through a big bang. H.J. McCloskey on being an Atheist
argues throughout his article that theism is not a belief that is rational, but a is something that should
not exist, just as God he believes does not. Throughout this paper will be the discussion of the
Cosmological, teleological, design arguments, and how he refutes these arguments to invalidate the
existence of God and theism. McCloskey throughout his article refers to cosmological, teleological,
and design arguments as proofs. Stated from Merriam Webster a proof is, Something which shows that
something else is true or correct . This goes to show that McCloskey is arguing the existence of God
and is giving these three arguments the basis that they are correct. Although as stated in Approaching
the Question of God s Existence presentation? States, I do not think that is what these arguments do, I
do not think they give 100% proof of God s existence And if that is what you re thinking about the
arguments, then that may be why you don t think the arguments work . This goes to show that
McCloskey is basing almost everything on these arguments and is not looking at all the resources at a
whole. As foremen also explains to use for these arguments is the Best explanation approach
(Foreman). Through this it is able to use these arguments to best explain the reasons as to why
... Get more on ...
Karl Brandt Essay
Doctors of the Holocaust Holocaust the mass murder of Jews under German Nazi regime during the
period 1941 45. Many death were from Nazi experiments performed by different doctors. Each doctor
had their own ambitions and why they committed these experiments and war crimes. These are five
reason these doctors put effort to their research. Josef Mengele was known as Angle of death for his
inhumane experiments on the prisoners on the concentration camps. Josef Mengele earned a Ph.D. in
1935 for anthropology he joined the Nazi party in 1937 he slowly climbed the ranks until he became a
chief camp of Auschwitz. He would be present at the selection area when train loads of new selection
area when trainload of new prisoners, searching for twins. ... Show more content on ...
Professor Carl clauberg was able to achieve this by introducing a specially prepared chemical which
starts inflammation in the fallopian tubes making them grow together obstructing reproduction ( Carl
Clauberg. ) Because he did not use proper sterilization, his patient had complication frequently. His
patients often suffered from peritonitis and hemorrhages. After these complication the patients would
suffer organ failure and death. ( Carl
... Get more on ...
Personal Narrative-The Mice And The Dressmaker
The Mice and The Dressmaker
I woke up hearing her alarm indicating that it was time for school. Why are the weekends over so
quick, it s Monday already, I groaned to myself.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, passing the door that led to our little clothing store, G B , G for
my name and B for my father s name. After taking a shower I got dressed into a red shirt and some
jeans and then proceeded to the kitchen, the smell of toast greeted me when I walked in.
I sat down on the old wooden chair that was in the middle of the kitchen, everything was quite
cramped together but we didn t mind. He put a plate down in front of me and then plopped two pieces
of toast on it. I thanked him and then hastily ate my food. I checked the clock on ... Show more
content on ...
Of course not, she was Miss Popularity. I remember walking into the bathroom on my first day, seeing
her shout at a girl with red hair, May. She was shouting at May because she got a question incorrect on
a test after she copied off of her. May looked terrified so I defended her. Ever since then, she s hated
Where d you find your shoes? The dumpster. , her friends laughed, and I thought your old shoes were
bad. , she said.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk away.
By the way, I heard that that McDonalds you worked at was getting shut down and replaced with
Starbucks. Isn t that great? , I heard her state before I walked away.
Oh no, I worked at McDonalds so I could get extra money to buy materials, I have no idea where I
could work at while its shut down. Hopefully Bella s wrong, I ll have to check after school.
School passed quickly, I was in my last period now, Science, my worst subject. We were getting our
test results.
Genora Choon, D , please try harder next time. , The teacher said while passing me my test.
Great, another extremely low mark. I remember I couldn t study because I was working extra hours
because we needed more
... Get more on ...

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MASS MEDIA STUDIES-835-CLASS XI Resource Material.pdf
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Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With Examples Revie

  • 1. Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With Examples Revie 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With Examples Revie Brilliant How To Write A Good Conclusion With Examples Revie
  • 2. Summary Of What The Best College Students Do In the first half of chapter three of What the Best College Students do, Bain expressed peoples thinking about their thinking. He stated that a human being can understand what they are thinking and therefore they can control what they are or who they will become. Bain agreed that people s abilities can improve as people understand and learn how their minds work. It is unbelievable that one can be a prisoner of their own thoughts; according to Bain, this is because we have not known anything else. The only way we can escape our mental jail would be exactly those thoughts. Bain suggests that when we were babies we did something fascinating; we learned patterns and built models of how the world works around us. As we grew older we become more ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Was Genocide Committed against the Armenian People in the... WAS GENOCIDE COMMITTED AGAINST THE ARMENIAN PEOPLE IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE DURING WORLD WAR I? In some countries, it is highly forbidden to mention the Armenian Genocide, which took place during the First World War with an approximate number of one and a half million Armenians exterminated. Currently around the world, there are still arguments whether genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire, targeting the Armenians. However, Turkey continues to firmly deny the fact that there was genocide, conceding that only deaths occurred on both Turkish and Armenian sides during the World War I and that the Armenians mainly died to the poor condition during the War. Even though Turkey reject that there were no such thing as genocide, many sources point to the sheer scale that genocide occurred, such as the relationship between the Ottoman Turks and the Armenians before the First World War, the death march, and the fact that only one specific race had been purposely destructed. These points give an evident conclusion that the Ottoman Turks had a systematic and organized plan in order to eliminate the Armenians. Thus, genocide was committed against the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Before the First World War broke out, the Ottoman Turks and the Armenians had serious conflicts with each other. In 1908, a group of young Turks forced the Sultan out and took control of the government and at first, they talked about bringing new freedoms to the Armenian people. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Modernism In A Soldier s Home Modernist literature began between 1915 1935, writers mainly wrote fiction this is because they started to question what the future was going to bring since they were living through both World War. Modernists wrote their stories in first person which made their stories seem like a stream of consciousness, irony and satires. This type of literature was mainly written in English and became well known due to the increase of globalization, which was more about how the people felt about the events going on and how the people were affected in other words it spoke from the inner self of the writer. Many famous writers including Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, and F. Scott Fitzgerald believed that the increase in new technology was leading to the decrease in civilization which was making individuals lonely. ... Show more content on ... This story is an example of modernism because the theme Hemingway created was that of loneliness, isolation and alienation this is because Krebs was suffering with post war trauma and depression this is because the soldier is having problems adapting to his new life after war. Hemingway stated that By the time Krebs returned to his home town in Oklahoma the greeting of heroes was over. He came back much too late. The townspeople have already celebrated the soldiers safe trip back home they didn t celebrate Krebs because the townspeople thought it was ridiculous he was back years after the war had ended. This an example of modernism because he explains the struggle of a soldier who tried to make a life after serving in the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Summary Of Joseph Ellis Founding Brothers 1. The idea that the United States was once a struggling and fragile nation is very challenging to grasp. The notion is tricky to understand because of how powerful the country has been for years and years. The founding fathers could never see just how prosperous and advanced the country would become years later. Joseph Ellis succeeds in transporting all who read his novel, Founding Brothers, as it realistically portrays how risky the creation of the nation was in its early years. The book truly throws readers into the difficult conflictions of the times through Ellis writing. 2. Ironically, Joseph Ellis, the author of Founding Brothers, declares that readers cannot create a realistic vision of the founding fathers, yet Ellis is successful ... Show more content on ... Many hold an idea that the nation was built on honesty and loyalty. It would surprise many to find out how much Jefferson lied. Ellis is able to present Jefferson many times with bad qualities or characteristics in his novel Founding Brothers. For instance, Jefferson would boost his image by having a journalist write nasty articles about Adams. Shockingly enough sometimes he forgot about the nation, and only worked for his own rise and the fall of Adams. Jefferson wrote a lot in the Declaration of Independence on slave rights, yet he never truly took a stance on it. Ellis proves Jefferson is not really the righteous founding father he is believed to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Dangers Of Human Diseases Ask veterinarians anyplace in North America and they ll likely concur: If you inoculate for only that, at any rate immunize for lockjaw and rabies. The two maladies have much in like manner. They re endemic: meaning you or any creature could be presented to the causative living beings at whenever, anyplace in his condition. They re impeccably excruciating, have no cure, and are in all likelihood deadly. What s more, it s totally pointless for you to experience the ill effects of these sicknesses since the immunizations accessible to secure against them are modest, greatly compelling, and are a piece of each specialist s arsenal. Let s take a gander at every infection in more detail. Clostridium tetani, the living being that causes lockjaw, ... Show more content on ... Moreover, there s next to no peril of response, and no hazard at all of getting the malady from accepting the infusion in light of the fact that the lockjaw antibody is a toxoid, planned from proteins in the poison as opposed to from the microscopic organisms itself. Since there are no live parts in the detailing, and just chose proteins from the poison (enough to fortify the insusceptible framework to remember it as remote and assault it, yet insufficient to cause ailment), the immunization is one of the most secure accessible, with a reputation decades long. Why a toxoid rather than an eliminated microbe s antibody? Once immunized with lockjaw, the microorganisms tend to remain in the injury where they at first grab hold; the poison flows in the stallion s framework. In this manner, it s the poison the insusceptible framework needs to perceive and assault, especially in light of the fact that it can wait in the framework even after you murder the living being itself. Incidentally, despite the fact that the ailment isn t transmissible amongst people and stallions, our two species are considered among the most defenseless against its belongings, so on the off chance that you work around an outbuilding, you should ensure your own lockjaw insurance is up and coming and additionally your horse s! Counsel your doctor for a human affirmed immunization. In the event that lockjaw sounds like ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Electronic Product Code Project Essay Electronic Product Code Project Table of Contents Executive Overview..............................................................................3 Stage 1: Determination of Scope and Objectives..............................................4 Stage 2 Systems Investigation and Feasibility..............................................4 Stage 3 Systems Analysis......................................................................7 UPC DFD (Legacy System)......................................................................9 Stage 4 System Design.........................................................................9 Stage 5 Detail System Design................................................................10 EPC DFD (New System)........................................................................14 Stage 6 Implementation....................................................................... 14 Stage 7 Changeover............................................................................15 Stage 8 Evaluation and Maintenance.........................................................17 Appendix A Cost Benefit Analysis Chart...................................................19 ... Show more content on ... We believe that by working with the EPC consortium we can implement this technology cost effectively. To be competitive, increase our revenue, and maintain a high return on that revenue we must pursue this project Stage 1 Determination of Scope and Objectives The general goal of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of and outline design requirements for replacing the current Universal Product Barcode (UPC) system with a next generation Electronic Product Code (EPC) system for a small chain of grocery stores. The EPC system uses new industry standards and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to track inventory and gather information by embedding chips into merchandise. We will be addressing the business objectives, overview of current process (UPC), project constraints, functional requirements, new business process model, design requirements, and cost/benefit analysis. This project which is the implementation of the EPC/RFID (Electronic Product Code / Radio Frequency Identification) technology will create a leaner and more efficient process for managing our inventory, as well as, allow us to become an early adaptor of a new process that we believe will provide a competitive advantage in the very near future. The challenge for all stakeholders in this project will be to migrate from the current industry standard UPC system to the next generation EPC system. Stage 2 Systems Investigation and Feasibility During the investigation we ve ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Voter Participation Voter Participation/turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. Which varies by country based on sex, race, and religion. Also, age and citizenship are usually one the principles. Campaign finances are referred as all the funds that are raised in order to endorse their candidacy. Campaign finances are public funding to help pay for expenses of their political campaigns in both the primary and general elections. Legitimacy is Elections are universally accepted as a fair and free method of selecting political leaders. A widely held belief that a given democratic government was elected freely and fairly. As for financing elections millions of dollars are being used for political views I think it s too much money ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Improving the Guest Experience at the Walt Disney World... Meeting the New Standard Improving the Guest Experience at the Walt Disney World Resort Strategic Consulting Josh Buchanan Matthew Covarrubias James Gillis T.J. Lovejoy Craig Wuollet December 3, 2007 Executive Summary 3 Disney s Guest Expectations 4 The Cast as a Core Competency 4 The New Cast Member Standard 5 Disney s Cast Basics 5 Determining the Drivers of the New Standard 5 Do Cast Members feel valued? 5 Is Management creating an environment that has a positive affect on Cast performance? 6 Do Managers have the tools necessary to be Effective? 6 Treat Cast Members how you want them to treat guests 7 Achieving the New Cast Member Standard 7 Operational Areas 7 ... Show more content on ... Feedback tools need to be developed to increase the effectiveness of management and increase management s accountability for their team s performance. Lastly, managers should remember the golden rule in that they should treat Cast Members how they would want them to treat Guests. In doing so, Disney will be striving to create a magical experience not only for its valued guests, but also for the people that make it happen, the Cast.
  • 10. Disney s Guest Expectations Part of the Disney success is our ability to create a believable world of dreams that appeals to all age groups. Walt Disney Much of what differentiates Disney Theme Parks from their competitors is their ability to fully immerse guests into a magical reality where the thoughts and concerns of the outside world are pushed to the wayside. The core to the success of Disney Theme Parks is an outstanding commitment to guest service and the Cast Member s ability and freedom to do whatever possible to make sure the guest s stay is a positive and memorable one. This has become the expectation of Disney guests, as well as the expectation of the organization as a whole. This expectation is difficult to maintain, especially considering the high expectations of every individual guest that visits the parks. Even one bad encounter ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Americ Central American Gangs Cody Hilton October 1, 2016 Professor Liu World Politics Central American Gangs The topic I chose to write about is Central American Gangs. Most of these gangs or problems that we face with these gangs come from the Northern Triangle. The Northern Triangle is made up of three countries, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Guatemala and Honduras currently being the most dangerous out of the three. Many Countries have tried to intervene or help these countries but attempts have proven to be of little use or no help. The U.S. involvement with these countries began in 1951. Jacobo Árbenz was a military officer who used his military forces to suppress laborers and take what he wanted. Hearing about this the current U.S. President Eisenhower sent weapons to guerrilla groups in order to help over throw Árbenz. Fast forward a few years and the Cuban revolution happens and results in Cuba becoming a communist government. Around this time many of the guerrilla groups started disappearing but still remained intact. Most people who have an opinion on the matter agree that supplying arms and providing aid to these extremist groups was the starting point to forming the current gangs in Central America. We made policy decisions that put short term prioritization of winning battles against insurgents and people we considered communists over the long term stability of those countries, they are now living the results. (Katel p.7). This quote sums up the idea the U.S had with their ... Get more on ...
  • 12. An Analysis Of Christopher Wallace s Suicidal Thoughts At this point in time various artists will release controversial works that draw attention to issues the world faces. For example, in the final track of Christopher Wallace s, also known as The Notorious B.I.G or Biggie, debut album Ready to Die titled as Suicidal Thoughts ; the fans of Biggie get a taste of how wealth and fame do not make you the most joyful human on the planet. On the contrary, Biggie faces his demons brought on by his troubled upbringing surrounded by drug abuse as well as street violence. He reflects this into his music without a doubt. Fans were shocked when they heard the track Suicidal Thoughts at the end of the album. To quickly summarize the track Suicidal Thoughts , Biggie is on the phone venting to his best ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Great Man Theory Vs. Democratic Leadership Style The Great Man theory was established in the 1840s, one of the very early leadership theory. The founder of it was Thomas Carlye, who was a writer and a teacher. Great leaders are God gift, not made made . During the 19th century, the Great man theory was very popular. People believed that whoever is intelligent, inspiring is the right leader . This theory sees the leader as natural born. Thomas Carlyle was deeply involved with this Great Man Theory of Leadership. He believed that effective leaders were a package of Godly motivation . Some of the early research shows that leadership looks at people who were already is a successful leader. These people often are aristocratic rulers, who already have a high position through birth. People that are lower or lesser social position had fewer opportunities to become leaders. Thus it makes sense why do people in 19th have the idea that ... Show more content on ... Participative leadership is similar to Democratic Leadership Style, large involvements of the leader are highly required for this style. Important goals can be easily developed and produces by using this method. Many leaders prefer this style because it involves an active participation of every team members, which makes them demonstrate their creativity, abilities, and talents. Rensis Likert s personal leadership are also similar to participate in leadership. He tends to communicate with the followers and he often concerned about the. He also gave them critics when they produce good quality of works. Willing to listen to them and instead of making his own decision are the key to being a leader. Participative leadership style contains people that are patient enough. They need to be the one that knowing everything and helping everyone. So with this time consuming leadership style doesn t fit in a lot of people. In might sounds effective but it can be difficult for the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Challenges of Teaching Students with Ebd Running head: CHALLENGES OF TEACHING STUDENTS WITH EBD Challenges of Teaching Students with EBD Laura Shupe Grand Canyon University: SPE 558 January 23, 2013 Education is an important factor of life that is a foundation of intellectual development and intelligence that shapes the futures of all students. There are students with disorders and disabilities who display hardships and delays in education that require different approaches and special teaching strategies. Students with emotional and behavioral disorders are a group of students that require such modification or accommodation approaches. EBD student s exhibit challenging behaviors, emotional instability, and are opposed to change. Therefore, once a ... Show more content on ... Parents acquire the most information about the heart of their child s disorder. Next, parents should be included in any early intervention to assist in the students classroom placement decisions otherwise it has been determined that it could be destructive for the EBD student. It has been noted that family and parent problems tend to be the main cause of emotional and behavioral disorders. Therefore, SPED teams can help to get to the main problem thus special educators and the administration can unravel home problems. The school administrator is a vital member to the SPED team because they have useful information and knowledge about the school policy formation. Students with EBD often feel discriminated against because of the ambiguous and zero tolerance rules regarding behavior from the school. The zero tolerance rules for behavior in school can threaten the behavioral and emotional stability of students with EBD. The administration can educate the educators on the IDEA rules and regulations and handle relevant assessments and design and develop special education programming. There are some concerns that make it difficult for school administrators and special education educators and can be very complicated because they want to make sure they meet the needs of students with EBD. One of the concerns is the uncertainty and stigmas towards the definition of educational and behavioral disorders and the need of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Secondary Employment Police Officers Secondary employment for police officers should work fine if done properly. Usually, some officers tend to overextend themselves and the top staff members are a concern if officers are suffering from fatigue, however, there are positive and negative things from secondary employment. However, a career path in law enforcement is known to be financially lacking for some city government to provide for their officers, and secondary employment may be used as a recruiting tool to gain new officers. Normally, officers need a second job such as the typical citizens do, for expenses, reduce debt, and simply make ends meet (Brunet, J., 2008). Also, the idea of having more law enforcement officers throughout the community and shopping mall produces a positive effect, such as deterring shoplifters. Nonetheless, having secondary employment funds coming in on the regular will discourage police corruption for some. Police officers working off duty jobs as security officers in some schools has help ease parent s mind and placing their marked vehicles inconspicuous areas to deter criminal activity around schools (Caine, R. D. Burlingame, M., Arney, L., 1998). ... Show more content on ... Normally, the tax withholding is not removed, therefore problems with the IRS arises. Also, conflict of interest can be an issue. Police officers sometimes find it hard to distinguish between off duty and on duty and the reason the officers has that secondary employment is that they are police officers (Brunet, J., 2008). Nevertheless, police business always supersedes any and all off duty employment ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Prescribed Pasture Burning Fire! Most people are alarmed with that word. But fire is a major factor in allowing the grasslands to exist. Native Americans used to burn prairies to get rid of all of the dead grass and allow the new grass to grow for the bison to eat. Burning off grasslands in the spring permits the grass to grow without being restricted by the old, dead grass. Fire also kills the parasites and flies that bother the cattle in the summer. Invasive cedar trees overtake grasses and starve out good native grasses. Other methods can be used to combat them but fire is the quickest and most efficient. While pasture burning may seem harmful to some, it s an essential way to keep our grasslands and prairies in working order. Native Americans used fire to (invasive species, old/dead grass) Our government enforces prescribed burning on land enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Landowners who participated in this program are required to burn this native grass at least once every three years. Grass needs to be burned fairly often by humans or nature may take its course and possibly get out of control and be disastrous. For example, consider the recent wildfires in California and Colorado. These areas were devastated by fire because nature was left unchecked. Trees and brush growth were allowed to grow at will, providing a perfect tinderbox. Many lives were lost. Homes were destroyed and wildlife died. These areas would have benefitted ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Board Of Directors Essay The board of directors is also highly influential to a corporation and should therefore also be held accountable for supporting a corporation s ethical code of conduct. The board of directors is responsible for looking out for the best interests of shareholders (Cross Miller, 2012). The board of directors was designed to monitor executives, however in practice this is not always the case (Cross Miller). Obviously this is monitoring is a necessary duty. A proposed change to ensure that the board of directors is monitoring the corporation s top executives is to require that the board submit quarterly a report on the financial information of the corporation as provided to the board by the CEO and CFO. If this information does not ... Show more content on ... Therefore a policy proposed is that auditing firms not be paid by corporations but rather by tax payers. This will place additional burdens on taxpayers, but rather than experience another bailout, this easy to fall into conflict of interest relationship needs to be prevented from ever occurring. Board of directors can create a conflict of interest on their own by accepting large stock options from the corporations they serve (PBS, 2002). These large incentives to serve can actually work to blind corporate board members to unethical acts being carried out by corporate officials. Shareholders Shareholders are a key component to the ethical quality of a corporation. One may argue this is not the case since they are not directly involved in the day to day operations of the corporation. However, shareholders are investing their funds voluntarily in a corporation. Shareholders have a huge responsibility to support companies that are positive ethical examples. Shareholders should spend time researching a company before investing in the company so that they can be sure the company is truly an ethical company. It can be easy to be distracted by the performance of a business, Enron investors thought they were investing in a highly innovative energy company (Serving History, 2011). Shareholders have ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Tension in the Twenties Essay Tension in the Twenties All major societies throughout our world s history have experienced periods of major change. Tension inevitably arises as a result of the new environments in which the people live. Our country is no exception, especially through the era known as the Roaring Twenties. Just being another decade on the timeline was not good enough for the 1920s. When its brief turn came, it had to be the biggest, the loudest, and the brightest. A calamity gave it birth, and a calamity ended it. As a result of World War I, major economic, social, and political alterations were born; yet more importantly, the tension that arouse due to these results would change America forever. One of the most important factors that led ... Show more content on ... Many of the new creations had become so common, that it became rare not to have them. This idea is expressed in Sinclair Lewis s Babbitt, in which he writes, These standard advertised wares toothpastes, socks, tires, cameras, instantaneous hot water heaters #8212;were his symbols and proofs of excellence #8230; [DOC A]. It is shown here that people also became ranked on not only how much money they had, but their attitude towards these advancements. Tension between the old and new not only occurred on an economic level, but as well as a religious level. As people began to turn more and more towards science to answer their questions, unbelievable amounts of strain arouse. One of these great conflicts was the Scopes Monkey Trial, also known as The World s Most Famous Trial. There were basically two conflicts present within this trial: that of the fundamentalists and the Darwinists, and that between the accepted beliefs of the time, and the new ones that challenged them. The standard belief was to accept what society and the Bible dictated. The difference in mentalities between the prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan and the defense attorney, Clarence Darrow, is seen when Bryan states that he himself believe[s] everything in the Bible should be accepted as it is given there, and that some of the Bible is given illustratively [DOC C]. Another important ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Literature Research Paper Example Literature Search Paper 1 Running head: LITERATURE SEARCH PAPER Literature Search Paper Misty S. Davis The University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of Nursing Literature Search Paper 2 Literature Search Paper Research allows an individual to investigate a subject in order to discover facts and theories. The facts learned from the research are applied to his or her everyday use. There are various databases found that assists with research, however not all provide researched and scientific data. As a baccalaureateprepared nurse, it is critical to use a database that provides scientific data in means of articles and journals. The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Applied Health (CINAHL) is a comprehensive database search ... Show more content on ... The search results were somehow limited. It was apparent that my search was not providing me with relevant data, so I then changed my keyword to handwashing where I found 3,087 Literature Search Paper 3 articles. Again, the search was very limited. Realizing the need to narrow the search, I then used the CINAHL Subject Headings as a component for my search. Subject Heading Search Keeping note that the keyword retrieval left me with 3,087 articles, I then used CINAHL Headings for my search. The CINAHL Heading search allows the search of literature with certain terms desired in the references. By typing hand washing under the CINAHL Heading and browsed, I was given terms that were related to hand washing. The terms were ranked based on the relevancy of importance related to the subject. Handwashing was the first term found and by clicking on its link, I was taken to a term detailed screen. Listed was handwashing under the Tree View terms, which are hierarchy groupings of subject headings. The subheadings were also found here. I chose handwashing and infection control. By clicking on the subheadings and the Explode link, I then gained access to articles that contained terms about handwashing or infection control. The Explode link is thought of as an operators of OR . It is used to find articles containing the keyword or other words as chosen. Once I exploded handwashing with infection control, I found myself with 1,626 articles ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Characteristics Of Morality In Shakespeare s Hamlet He that can have patience can have what he will. (Franklin). Patience is a skill revolved around accepting or tolerating delay. The play, Hamlet, written from the late 1500s to the early 1600s, is one of the most famous works of William Shakespeare. In the play, the protagonist, Prince Hamlet of Denmark, has mastered such skill. There are several theories about why Prince Hamlet delayed killing his uncle. First of all, Hamlet does not want to send Claudius to heaven by killing him at prayer. Additionally, Hamlet feels the need to publicize what happened and consequently waits to murder Claudius until the truth is revealed. Lastly, Hamlet suffered from an Oedipal Complex and displayed various characteristics of the Oedipus Complex. This term describes a child s feelings of affection for their opposite sex parent. These points illustrate that Hamlet was self composed enough to wait to end the life of King Claudius for many different reasons. In the world, there are many people who have incredible tolerance. Hamlet is an example of one of these people. Hamlet was probably the most forebearent person in all of Denmark. He was able to wait for an idealistic moment to end the life of Claudius while having obstacles in his way. Hamlet even pretended to be insane, which causes his mother to think that her son was incurable, just so his plan would not fail. The first time Hamlet comes across a moment to kill his uncle was when he sees him allegedly asking God to forgive his sins. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Dracula In Bram Stoker s Dracula Dracula: The Victorian Vampire When you think of Dracula, do you think of the bloodstained creature or the sophisticated stalker of the night that symbolizes the Victorian era? Dracula was a gothic novel heavily influenced by the folklore of vampires of the past and Vlad the Impaler, a strict ruler of Wallachia, leading to Dracula s cruel mannerisms. Another large contributor to Dracula was also the stern Victorian era standards, the era in which Bram Stoker composed the classic. Therefore, the women needed to be proper and well mannered while the men had a more important place in society. People looked down upon those who disobeyed the laws at the time like anyone who was scantily clad. Victorian ideas leaked their way into the literature. Writers disguised ideas and themes that would not be classy, like sexual acts, by alluding to them with more appropriate actions. Consequently, these influences led Stoker to insert many characteristics of the Victorian era into the novel s setting of London. Since the Victorian ideas were put into the story, many fears that were instilled in the people of the time were characterized in the novel. In Bram Stoker s seminal novel Dracula, the anxieties felt by the Victorian people are shown by both the human characters and Dracula himself. First off, Jonathan is introduced as an average solicitor going to Castle Transylvania and when he is trapped inside, a secret side to him is revealed. After Jonathan is trapped by Dracula, he begins to deteriorate mentally after realizing that he might never be freed from his imprisonment. After Dracula warns him to not sleep elsewhere except his bedroom, Jonathan disobeys him and explores the castle, stumbling into an ancient, abandoned room. After dozing off, he is awakened by three voluptuous that emanate a dreadful aura. While still being in an exhausted mood, he describes the scene as There was something about the m that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips (Stoker 39). Jonathan hints at a hidden desire for the women and wants for them to have their way with him. This scene shows that Jonathan has deep repressed ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Liberal Arts Education Should Be Implemented Into A New... For centuries, a liberal arts education was a sign of a well rounded, creative individual. However, in an ever changing era, a liberal arts education is nothing more than an example of how little people enjoy change. Nowadays, numerous jobs require basic to intermediate computer skills, literacy in basic business and economic concepts, and a remedial understanding of geography, social customs, and current events. The core curriculum of a liberal arts education, which includes history, math, art, science, English, literature, and a variety of social sciences, needs to be expanded to encompass the subjects people encounter every day in the 21st century. This paper is directed towards a general audience dedicated to improving centers of ... Show more content on ... Natural sciences entail subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics, whereas formal sciences include mathematics. Although the subjects which teach computer skills, business skills, and world awareness are offered at most universities, they are not required classes, even though they are quickly becoming necessary skills in the world. The liberal arts standard curriculum needs to be adjusted to overcome the gap which exists between what students are expected to know and understand and what they are actually taught. The goal of a liberal arts education is to create a well rounded, educated individual. Expanding and adjusting a liberal arts education to meet the requirements of an ever changing society does in no way hinder this goal. In all actuality, expanding a liberal arts education to require new subjects would simply create more well rounded individuals. Furthermore, changing the liberal arts curriculum is nothing new. The original curriculum developed by the Greeks only included grammar, rhetoric, and logic and was soon expanded during the medieval times to include four new topics (Haidar). Changing the curriculum becomes necessary when new skill sets are required in society. Since the last time the liberal arts curriculum was adapted, technology has expanded and with it new skills are required of employees. With the gap that exists between what skills are necessary and what is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Importance Of A Study Of Today s Business Market In this essay is will be detailing the importance of a study of today s business market. A market survey is key both before and after the release of a product or a business idea to strengthen it. You have an idea of business that seem irresistible. Or you simply think to launch a new product, you ve found a super location for your new business and want it, yes or Yes. Any of these actions requires money and effort. For this reason it is necessary that we have all the data that ensures the viability of a project. A good analysis and good planning will depend on that we devote resources to the areas that interest us and which minimize the risks. Body Market research helps us to understand the response of our potential customers (our target) and suppliers and analyze our product, price and distribution, in short, all the factors to analyze a business marketing plan. Every company should know, that often overlooked and issues that help us make the best decisions. A correct compilation and analysis of this information we will be valuable not only during the initial set up a business. Also our company is running, to get to know, for example, what perception have of our brand and what notoriety has or if our product meets their needs. A market study is something live, updatable and evolution. Quantitative, qualitative, techniques of observation and documentary analysis are used for the development of a market study. From polls to the research of trends in social networking or ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Successful Law Enforcement Career I have been asked many times during my career, what I thought it took to excel in a Law Enforcement career and what I have done or learned during my career. Below I have listed what was important to me, but also understanding this may not be how everyone else in this profession feels. I do believe though that many of the traits I have noted have to be used in some sort to truly have a successful Law Enforcement Career. In my opinion you have to have a passion for service to excel in this career. This passion comes from you, you either have it or you don t. You cannot learn or teach passion. This trait to want to help others is more than just getting a pay check, wearing a uniform, and being a part of a brotherhood, it is a true desire to make your community and the people in it better and to protect the people who cannot protect themselves. What a Deputy sees in his/her career will take a toll on their physical and emotional wellbeing and if you do not have a true passion you cannot survive a whole successful career in this field. In addition to passion you have to have balance. You need to have balance, with your family, your faith, and yourself. The law enforcement OurOur divorce rate is high and one of the main reasons is because of there is no balance. If you spend all of your time with your Cop Buddies ... Show more content on ... These are not just words on paper, again you have to live them. Always try and do more than is expected, always strive to make the right choice, and always treat everyone with respect, don t judge, remember we are the Executive Branch not the Judicial branch of government. Most importantly take time to develop those relationships. These relationships , they will help you in time of need and will make your job so much ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Juvenile Justice System And The Juvenile Court System The juvenile justice system varies from the adult justice system in many ways. For more than a century, the states have believed that the juvenile justice system was a means to ensuring public safety, by establishing and implementing a system that responds to children as they are maturing into adulthood. Today s youths, however, are increasingly committing more serious crimes that in turn are raising the public s criticism concerning the modern juvenile justice system. There are those who are in support of keeping every juvenile I juvenile court system and then there are the others who argue if juveniles were held to stricter standards they would not become repeat offender in the system and eventual end up in the adult corrections system. ... Show more content on ... The Department of Justice confirms juveniles are entitled to Fifth Amendment protection under the Constitution, against self incrimination in juvenile proceedings. This is despite the nature of the crime whether it is of criminal or non criminal nature of those proceedings. (In re Gault, 1967) Substance, not form, controls in determining the relevance of the Fifth Amendment to proceedings not labeled criminal. Therefor since a juvenile defendant s liberty is at stake, the Fifth Amendment would apply. The next question that then arises is does the juvenile have the mental capacity to understand their Fifth Amendment rights, that was explained to them when the officer first read them their Miranda Admonishment. Under California law, prosecutors who allege that a minor under the age of 14 has committed a criminal act, the courts must establish that the child can distinguish between right and wrong. The minor must also know what it means to break the law or commit a crime. (In re Gladys R., 1970) Juveniles are not necessarily given every right afforded to adult criminal defendants. Let s take a look at the right to a trial by jury . Juveniles do not have the right to a jury trial instead a Judge decides the juvenile cases. (McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, 1971) Taking into account that this is a worst case scenario, a minor adjudicated in juvenile court can face being sentenced to the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Learning Goals Using STAR-Method Case Study 5. Learning goals using STARR Method 5.1 Functional Key Area In my time at Assenagon, I had to learn first the basics, how different things like booking corporate actions with the right taxation or recalculating bond interest for different funds. At the end, I received the chance to see how internal made funds from Asseangon has to be maintained by daily work. Especially the trade with option papers is to mention due to Assenagon has bought option papers for basic indices papers of different companies from stocks like the Dax or MDax. Situation: Processing option papers, deciding on the best way for Assenagon. Task: Within the internal Assenagon funds, some of them has used different types of stocks. In my case, I had to monitor option papers ... Show more content on ... To become an effective and worthful part, I needed to understand the company structures, the daily processes and how transactions have booked. At the moment, it can be said that I am more detailed involved than at the start, because at the start I haven´t understand everything, therefore it wasn´t easy for me to understand the things were the others was talking about. Furthermore, by the daily work it is important to be able to talk in English. My specific goal by the end of my internship: Because I am responsible for the mandate funds by Assenagon, my goal is to see, how the internal funds of Assenagon work, how the daily trading works and which requirements are there, which my colleagues have to meet. At the end, I will have a depth knowledge of funds in general on the one side, on the other side, I will know how funds company deals with internal funds and external funds as investment manager. Situation: Understanding trade reconciliations for different types of stocks and knowing different types of specific financial vocabulary and ... Get more on ...
  • 27. sphere critique Essay Sphere Sphere is an interesting story about a group of scientists from different disciplines who are brought to a super secret underwater site where the U. S. Navy has discovered a mysterious, glowing sphere. Although the movie was very interesting, a lot of scientific facts, it was just too long and there were parts of the film where I found myself yawning. I give the movie a thumb up for being the movie my teacher chose to show the class. Although the movie was directed by Barry Levinson and starred Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, and Samuel L. Jackson it would not be a movie I would pick off the shelf and rent for my own interest. Psychologist Norman Goodman is summoned to the ... Show more content on ... The team consists of a psychologist (Norman Goodman), biochemist (Beth Halpren), mathematician (Harry Adams), and an astrophysicist (Ted). According to the Goodman report a biochemist is needed to assess the physiology of the unknown life form. A mathematician is needed because math would be the common language. An astrophysicist is needed to locate the place in the cosmos. This elite team will be staying in a habitat 1000 feet beneath the ocean. The habitat is handled by two navy personal. The contact team finds a large sphere in the spacecraft that reflects everything but humans. According to Ted if they were to put a micrometer around the sphere it would be perfect to the millionth of an inch. Then when the crew loses contact with the surface because of a storm overhead the team is forced to stay in the habitat. When a few crew members are killed the crew is forced to find out the mysteries of the sphere while dealing with distrust between each other. The movie contained some good scientific information. It mentioned the concept of the black hole, a collapsed dead star that has so much gravity it acts like a huge vacuum cleaner sucking everything (dust, light, and time). It also demonstrated that a liquid hydrogen bomb would send a shock wave under water and after the shockwave passes everything would be pulled back in toward the source. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Emotion and Story Essay A Bag of Oranges NAME: NICK The story A Bag of Oranges by Spiro Athanas tells about a poor family lived in the rotting slum and the boy in this family became a mature person from a childish kid. Because the boy s father needs to pay his responsibility to his family and the people who he loved, so his rude behavior and act makes his son hate him for a short time. After the boy notice his family s financial situation, then he realize it s not easy be an adult to making life run in the society, and you would lose some important things while you are paying responsibility to your family, so he begin understand his father. When the boy know his father hit by a car, all his emotion spew out and make his act like an adult in the end of the ... Show more content on ... Like many child, the boy just sit with his father and listen to them without thinking. As the story point out, The boy enjoyed the talk and sometimes felt he was allowed to hear all the secrets of the world, and was only mildly frustrated by the mysteries he could not understand. (p.218) That means, the boy feel he is an adult when he sit with his father and listen to their conversation about women and some adult jokes. As it mentions, he can t understand everything they talked because he doesn t interested on the topics that they he is still immaturity at that time because he doesn t interest on that and has no idea about the meaning of the conversation. But he can understand the conversation like that is only for adult. Let s move on to the incident of the story, the boy was very childish after the incident happened and his act and thought was really a kid. As the story says, He felt the shadow and weight of his father behind him, placid and unashamed. Oh how he hated him and his smug, foreign stupidity! Why did he have to be his father (p.220)? We can know the boy was really childish after the incident happened. Although his father s behavior was rude or not good, he is so emotional and doesn t give his father respect. His father grab the orange form a young man who seemed wants to give help. The boy couldn t judge his father like that way because he doesn t know these oranges are for their family and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Hayden Groth Case Study Dear school board, I, Hayden Groth think that police officers have the right to come to the school and make occasional, unannounced visits to the high schools to search for drugs, guns or things that can put people in danger. when they make an appearance to schools they search the whole property of the school, including student lockers and the parking lot. People may think that their unannounced visits, may not like them because they could have something on the property that maybe they forgot that was in their locker or car. For me I think that their visits are 100% fine because if they were to announce that they are coming then they more than likely not find anything because students would then have time to get rid of anything that would ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Player Recruitment Process In Michael Lewis s Moneyball Michael Lewis s Moneyball highlights the management of the baseball team Oakland A s by Billy Beane as the team pushes through its 2002 season. Moneyball is an underdog story as shown by the A s tight budget and the struggle to keep up with other teams whose player budget was much higher than that of the A s. Lewis begins his book by stating that the A s were winning a lot more games than expected with their tight budget. Lewis found that the A s manager, Billy Beane, used a method of recruiting undervalued players that analyzed statistics that other teams typically overlooked. Beane s method of player recruitment would set the standard of recruiting in the future. After showing that Billy Beane revolutionized the player recruitment process, Lewis delves into how Beane went about doing so. Beane referenced largely to what were known as sabermetrics, which was a fan made statistics system that determined a player s abilities to succeed that had not yet been accepted by the Major Leagues. In Beane s studies of sabermetrics, he honed in on a sabermetrician by the name of Bill James, who aids him in his recruitment process. ... Show more content on ... Before Billy Beane, baseball teams used subjective methods of recruiting new players that looked at statistics such as the ability to hit, run, and throw. Beane broke this orthodox by taking on an objective style of recruitment in which he broadened his horizons past the typically examined stats and hyped up players. By doing so, Beane was able to gather together a group of ragtag baseball players that became more successful than ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Unemployment Rate Of The United States Since the early 2000 s the unemployment rates of the United States have been constantly changing. For most of this time unemployment rates were increasing at a quick pace as the country was dealing with internal financial issues of its own. When people are out of work the rates of depression and crime seem to skyrocket. This is due to the lack of funds coming into a home which result in some less than admirable acts being committed. There are many causes of unemployment and many effects that unemployment can have on not only our economy, but our personal lives as well. There are three different kinds of unemployment that affect our economy: frictional, cyclical and structural. Frictional unemployment occurs when there is a time laps between being employed and looking for work. This term can also be referred to as search employment because it is the time spent searching for a place of employment. One example of this would be a student taking time off of work to finish college and get a 4 year degree. Usually, it takes a lot of time and dedication to finish the last years of school, so some students tend to go to school full time and work part time or not at all. This type of unemployment is also classified as voluntary unemployment because this period of unemployment is at the discretion of the person to some small degree. Secondly, there is cyclical unemployment which changes depending on the business need; for example, workers are laid off when business is bad then ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Evil in Fairytales The Evil in Fairytales These stories are suffused with the same purity that makes children appear so marvelous and blessed. Wilhelm Grimm, preface to Nursery and Household Tales Many adults are hardly prepared for the graphic descriptions of murder, mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide, and incest that fill the pages of these bedtime stories for children. Maria M. Tatar, The Hard Facts about the Grimm s Fairy Tales Introduction Children all over the world listen to fairytales every night at bedtime and hear colorful stories about evil witches, goblins, hobgoblins and other terrible creatures of the night. Indeed, the some of the most famous fairytales by the Brothers Grimm are filled with evil creatures that are out to do humankind harm. Moreover, many of the stories in fairytales do not contain the watered down version of evil that is depicted by many Disney type productions in modern media but rather describe the real thing where people can suffer and even die as a result of their contact with the evil creatures in fairytales. Some authorities even argue that fairytales can be disturbing for young readers, but most seem to agree that the good triumphs over evil themes in fairytales make them timeless and appropriate for everyone. To gain some fresh insights in this area, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer reviewed and scholarly literature concerning the evil in fairytales, including examples, followed by a summary of the research and important ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Model Validation Purpose, Particulate Solid Research,... For model validation purpose, Particulate Solid Research Inc. (PSRI) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) organized the modeling competitions in the form of third Challenge Problem []. By providing the geometry of a circulating bed and operating parameters for different conditions, the organizers asked modelers to predict the hydrodynamic characteristics without prior knowledge of test results. In third Challenge Problem, the CFD models did better than their performance in first and second challenge problems organized by PSRI. One of the issues in model mismatch was the high computational time required to reach the steady state of the fluid bed process. Other mismatch was partly due to modeling only the riser section rather ... Show more content on ... The cycle repeats thus creating a continuous circulation of solid around the loop. The miniCFB was made out of clear acrylic pieces. Operators can clearly see the dynamics of gas particle mixing throughout the riser. They can visually record the height of moving solids or bed height in the standpipe. The particles swirl indicating rotational dynamics inside the cyclone is clearly visible during gas solid separation. Researchers may take image of gas solid interactions at any section of the rig, be it at the interface of the L valve and riser entrance or at the riser exit and crossover. For instance, a high speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) using a shadowing technique counted accurate number of falling particles in the lean region of standpipe. The shadowing method gives improved depth of focus enhancing accurate measurement of solid circulation rate at steady state. The solid circulation rate connects the dynamics of a CFB riser and its return loop. The parameter strongly affects heat and mass transfer between particles and gas, and between particles and particles. It greatly influences the mixing and reaction times, residence time distribution, performance and hydrodynamics of the overall system. The full loop simulation of the DEM model produces the solid circulation rate as the output rather than requiring it as an input. Later case arises when CFD models simulate only a riser portion of the CFB. The precise model of a full ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Open Book Midterm Exam ( Weight 110 Points ) Name EC301 Open Book Midterm Exam (Weight 110 points) NAME: Washington, Ron Submit your answers in the Dropbox or fax them. You may discuss concepts in the Q A thread and where to find answers but do not give specific answers to specific questions. 1. (7 points) How are presidential election outcomes related to the performance of the economy? Usually when the economy is doing well the incumbent party will win the election, due to low unemployment and higher wage increases. The electorate cares about not spending tax dollars on frivolous projects that don t enhance human lives or the environment in which they live in. An exception would be the 2001 election when the economy was doing well with the current party, but decided to elect the opposing party candidate. 2. (7 points) Discuss the difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is the field of economics that studies the behavior of the economy as a whole not certain parts. Gross National Product (GDP) the economy s total output; how it is affected by changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, and price levels. Macroeconomics encompasses an increase or a decrease in net exports would affect a nation s capital account. Government s role in macroeconomics is to keep the economy in equilibrium; taxes and government spending augment the balance to achieve equilibrium in the economy Microeconomics focuses on individuals and business decisions with limited resources and limited ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Summary Of Characters In The Golden Compass Alex de Castro Three years ago, my family adopted a dog. I ended up being the one who was most reluctant toward the idea and still was even after he had entered our family. I was the one who thought of all the negatives of we don t need a dog. For the first few weeks he was in the house, I did not like him. He knew it too. Over time, I started to relate and bond with this dog and saw how he was different, he did not act like a normal dog of his breed, he was different from the rest. I find the same thing with myself in my family, not like the others most of the time, but both of us are included and loved. Now, this dog and I are closer than any of my other family members are with him. In the novel The Golden Compass, the author Philip Pullman develops a similar type of relationship for each of his characters called daemons. These companions reflect a certain person s identity, soul, and changes in feeling through their different forms, usually as animals. I am being considered for Mr. Pullman s next novel and he has asked me to develop daemons of my own for the next book in his series. After a few days of thinking I have decided on three animals that would be a great representation of me in daemon form, an owl, a lemur, and a butterfly. Throughout my academic career, I have tended to be a good student who got excellent in elementary school and straight A s in middle school. So what better daemon to have than owl to represent this side of me. I tend to understand ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Effects Of Dyslexia On Children With Dyslexia There is no doubt that reading and writing are vital in today s society. Without basic comprehension skills you simply cannot become educated let alone survive. It was a common belief that anyone who wanted to read, or to learn to read, would be able to, right? With Dyslexia, that is not the case. Dyslexia is described as the difficulty to comprehend language through reading and writing, despite a normal level of intelligence. Dyslexia is not only the most common learning disability, but is also highly recognized. There are three proposed distinctions within dyslexia that includes auditory, visual, and attentional. Understanding dyslexia would help the educational community as long as the medical community. Although the scientific community has extensive research on Dyslexia, there are still neurological aspects to consider and to learn about. Dyslexia is a complex disability that has interested physicians for centuries. Students with dyslexia should not be overlooked and deserve equal opportunities in the classroom. Dyslexia was distinguished in the late 19th century by an ophthalmologist. He coined the term because a child showed much impairment while trying to learn to read, even with normal physical and intelligence. It was first known as congenital word blindness by British physicians. They were confused when a child came to them and was a very smart among his classmates, yet did not know how to read. It was further concluded by Castles and Coltheart that there are ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication Introduction Non verbal communication has been a major factor contributing towards our day to day lives. In terms of design and workplace as well as cultural variations non verbal communication plays an important role in these places. It includes the usage of the human s subconscious mind to construct a series of facial expressions, hand gestures as well as the usage of the human s vocal tones which indeed causes a form of effective communication if used in the right manner. For example, when parents use non verbal communication to infant children who are not yet familiar with verbal communication itself when effective this might create a form of assurance to those infants who may in turn respond to the message in a much positive manner. ... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, Interpersonal communication deals with an exchange of communication between two or more individuals. Non verbal communication is classified into three languages sign, action, and object languages. (Wang,2009) And these languages can cause a greater effect on interpersonal if utilized in both ways. The zoning of individuals also do affect the form of interpersonal communication used for example intimate, personal, social and public zones. These form of distance based can be of much significance. According to Wang s research the nearer the person the more open the person is in terms of communication such as his ability to transfer secret messages are much improved if he s close to another individual or a group of people than of he s on a much longer distance. Interpersonal communication plays a great deal in our lives especially when it comes to workforce planning therefore it is important for us to assume that if humans are more expert in the field of non verbal communication we would actually get better results especially with interpersonal communication. Conclusion Communication has been a major player in our lives that it somehow became a globalized phenomenon. An effective communication leads to better results when talking with people colleagues and therefore this change of communication is leading the world to change their way of thinking. In my opinion, I ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Assumptions of Consensus Undermine Decision Making Cover Letter People are always trying to come to a consensus that they know something or someone before they get the true in depth details. This more often than not leads them to making false assumptions. False assumptions are a misuse of statistics and occurs when a statistical argument asserts a falsehood. At the end of the day these false assumptions lead us to looking stopid in the end as we were proven wrong. What I want to know is what always proppels us to want to jump to conclusion before we get to know someone or something. In my essay I will explain why people jump to conclusion and what ways we can help ourselves not make these false assumptions. Jumping to conclusion We always think we know something or someone better than we actually do. More times than not these assumptions or educated guesses what many people call them are more often wrong the majority of the times. We always try to go with our gut feeling on something that propels us to jump the gun and make a false assumption which makes us look like a fool at the end of the day. In my last two essays I proved the point how we make false assumptions that propel us to jump to conclusion and how more times than not our conclusion that we make is false. After doing an extensive amount of research im writing to figure out why we make these false assumptions that propel us to jump to conclusion. The personal assumptions that undermine people s decisions making are unconscious. In how assumptions of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Critique Of The Movie Blood Diamond, By Edward Zwick Blood Diamond is a 2006 film. Directed and co produced by Edward Zwick, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. The movie is about diamonds mined in war zones and sold to finance conflicts, and thereby profit warlords and diamond companies across the world. Blood Diamond is an adventure, drama and thriller type of movie. The movie is not based on book but is based on the real life happenings in Sierra Leone. Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Charles Leavitt and C. Gaby Mitchell are the writers of the movie and is directed by Edward Zwick. The main actors of the movie are Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou, David Harewood, and Arnold Vosloo. Leonardo DiCaprio has done a lot of movies. He is an American actor who started his career performing as a child on television. Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, The Great Gatsby, and Inception are some movies that Leonardo has been in. Jennifer Connelly is an American film actress who began her career as ... Show more content on ... Also the audiences are nervous about Archer and Solomon s security; they hope that they may survive. The movie was set in Sierra Leone and is filled with known Hollywood actors. This movie tells the interesting lives of Danny Archer, an Anglo ex mercenary from Zimbabwe, Solomon Vandy, a fisherman from Sierra Leone, and Maddy Bowen, an American reporter. This action packed Hollywood film with the star Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for five Academy Awards, and has brought the issue of blood diamonds to much wider audience across the world. This movie is not suitable for children because it is filled with coarse language, sex, violence, and disturbing content. I admire how the realistic the effects are. The music in the movie is very helpful to set the mood of the audience. In fact James Newton Howard, the one who manage the film scores, is known for several award winning ... Get more on ...
  • 40. A Decade of Change for Women Intricate female heroines set in a futuristic dystopia, battling for their lives and struggling to build a better world are components of the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. Beatrice Prior is a strong willed, daring protagonist of the Divergent Series. Her life changes when she discovers that she is Divergent. Meaning that she has an unusual mindset that cannot be constricted to one way of reasoning. The government leaders view Beatrice, or Tris as a threat to society because of this. Comparable to Tris, Katniss Everdeen is the leading character of the Hunger Games. She proved to be bold and selfless when she put her life at risk for her younger sister Primrose. In both the Hunger Games and Divergent, the mighty female heroines are giving way to a new role for young women rather than the traditional damsel in distress. These two novels give women a voice, and express the importance of thinking for one s self. Katniss from the Hunger Games rejects the gender roles of her society. She is not a healer or a seamstress. She is a hunter, a role usually reserved for men. Katniss started providing for her family at the early age of twelve, after her father passed away. She declares that she doesn t want to get married or have children. According to Linda Lowen, If even the smallest fraction of readers get the female empowerment message that intelligence, resilience and loyalty trump beauty, popularity and wealth, we have Katniss Everdeen ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Improve Current Practice Essay 1. How does your project improve a current practice How is this proposed change in practice new or different from current practice? This study will focus on improving existing communication patterns between residents and staff through increased awareness. By engaging staff in a collaboration to understand positive communication, it will provide alternatives for verbal interactions with residents. This will allow staff to improve their ability to effectively meet the needs of residents through the use of positive communication patterns. The intent of this study is to help staff develop positive communication patterns and reduce elderspeak which is based on the work by (Williams, 2001, 2006) and Williams et al. (2003). This awareness should increase staff use of empowering communication with residents. Study findings will be used to provide information and collaborate with staff on positive communication patterns to improve the quality of life for all residents by communicating empowerment through positive interaction and a reduction in the use of ... Show more content on ... Williams (2001) found that educating health care workers about positive communications and elderspeak, improved residents overall sense of wellbeing. This study will focus on collaborating with staff to increase positive communication patterns. The study will result in a deeper understanding of positive, effective communication with residents which can be shared and used by the facility. Reducing the use of elderspeak in the nursing home could increase positive messages and empower residents to have a voice in their care. Helping staff understand and develop positive communication will be the focus of the study. Understanding positive patterns of communication could result in an improved sense of self determination for ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Roles Of A Grand Son Roles are the parts that individuals play in society. Every single human being on earth has their own unique set of roles. There are two kinds of roles, Ascribed, and achieved. An ascribed role, is a role that people are born into, examples include the role of a grand son, or a Canadian. Achieved roles, are roles that a person has to work to acquire, examples include; a teacher, or a politician. Two roles that I currently possess are a university student, and a daughter. Being a daughter is an important role that I play. The role of a daughter is an ascribed role, I know this because I did not have to work for it. I was simply born into the role. As a daughter, I have plenty of important responsibilities. These responsibilities are; loving and caring for my parents, helping as much around the house as I can while I live there, and making sure I stay in contact with my parents when I am no longer living with them. Along with the list of responsibilities I have when it comes to being a daughter, the role also comes with a set of rights. These rights include love and protection, help with learning about the world around me, and a house, and food until I am at least 18. The role of being a daughter plays a key role in socialization and social belonging. My parents were my source of early attachment. Most importantly, my parents were my primary agents of socialization. They taught me the language I speak, my values, and norms. As a daughter, my parents culture was ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Casablanca And The Movie Casablanca Many believe that as a society, cultural norms and morals have changed with the times. However, it can be argued that although many new innovations have brought mankind into the 21st century, the same values have remained. Humans cling to things that throughout the generations have influenced our everyday lives. As an audience in 1942 to today s audience, three things have remained the same; the love of a good romance, war time issues, and loyalties. This essay will compare what the audience in 1942 saw in these cultural norms to the audience today within the movie Casablanca. Love is patient, love is kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is found in everyday situations whether it be in relationships, work, or a hobby. ... Show more content on ... This was the case is Casablanca, when refugees gathered in Casablanca waiting to receive an exit visa bound for America. Although the audience in 1942 were aware of the situation at the time because they were living it, today s audience can also relate since the war on terrorism is in full swing. Another issue that adds on to the war issue is that of corruption. As in the film, when Captain Louis Renault is caught between that of the German Nazi s and helping someone who were trying to help those who oppose German rule. Although it is a despicable act, corruption is found in every avenue when it comes to war. Many would say it is only to better the outcome of the side they are fighting for, however, it is still found within the two cultures. Also, the decision of right and wrong is found to be a norm that is been present since the beginning of time and has stayed constant. This is shown when Rick as to decide whether to stay neutral as he always has or to help the woman he loves as well as her husband flee the country. Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple. Dr. Seuss (Bright Drop). Throughout life, Loyalties are tested, whether it be a friend or a loved one. When put to the test, some rise to the occasion while others fall flat and prove where their loyalties lie. At times, it is even asked of one to prove where their loyalties lie within themselves to prove one s values. In many cases within the film, loyalties are ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Sexual Offenders And The Modus Operandi Of Fenders Your Voice: Child sex abuse is an increasingly contemporary social problem. It is relatively neglected due to many alleged offences being reported, long after they occurred or not being disclosed at all. I was immediately interested in this article as I am very fascinated by the psychological and theoretical explanations behind sexual offenders and the modus operandi of the offenders. This study produces quantitative data which gives a comprehensive view about the subject. Not only does it research into interfamilial offenders but also into extrafamilial, mid type and deniers. Thus generating an extensive range of different types of criminals within the same topic. I found this article engaging to read as the facts and figures gave a clear understanding to how many offences of child abuse are actually prosecuted. It was frightening to read that the majority of the participants were interfamilial offenders, suggesting an ultimate betrayal between the offender and the victim, plus the victims family. This deeper level of scrutiny instantly made the article become more interesting. I am particularly keen to discover how the offender selects the specific victim and how he/she fits the required needs of their characteristics. Both Smallbone and Wortley note this study is shorthand of a much more detailed in depth version. Background: The authors, Dr Smallbone and Dr Wortley believed that this study was necessary to conduct as the development of early intervention programs are ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Dbm 380 Week 4 Huffington Huffman Trucking Company DBM/380 July 16, 2012 Gaya P. Agrawal Introduction During World War II it was imperative that the United States government find a way to transport products to and from different parts of the United States. Huffman Trucking Company was one of the first companies commissioned by the United States used to assist in this effort. Established in Cleveland Ohio K. Huffman started the company with one tractor trailer and thanks to the help of the United States government, grew to 16 tractors and 36 trailers by 1945. Today, Huffman Trucking Company has 800 road tractors and 2100 45 foot trailers at its disposal. Although Huffman has been extremely successful, the need to remain competitive by use of information ... Show more content on ... By filling the database with test data, we can begin to determine if the tables are normalized correctly, need changes to the keys and foreign keys, or new bridge tables are needed to correctly output the data. It is also at this point that we test to ensure that data types match and all entities are of the proper format. Although Change Request No. 3 seems fairly simple, it will bring to light any issues that might have been encountered while interpreting the tables from the ERD Diagram. It is not uncommon for changes to be needed to the database after it has been created from the ERD. Moreover, now is the best time to catch these issues before the system is fully functioning making it much more difficult to make certain changes. Creating ERDs According to Kroenke and Auer (2010) there is an ERD standard, albeit very loosely practiced. The diagrams use combinations of rectangles and diamonds. Entity classes are shown using rectangles, relationships are shown using diamonds, the maximum cardinality of the relationship is shown inside the diamond, and the minimum cardinality is shown by the oval or hash mark next to the entity. The name of the entity is shown inside the rectangle and the name of the relationship is shown near the diamond. As said in the earlier section, Process of Using Entities and Attributes, the process for using the entities and attributes for the fleet truck maintenance ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Skok Freedom Speech Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master. The First Amendment to the Unites States Constitution has been under much scrutiny and had much heat of late. Returning to its pure roots, National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie describes how the U. S. Government must allow freedom speech, even if it is evil, to protect the democracy. When the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA), a professed Nazi group, applied for a permit to demonstrate in the highly Jewish city of Skokie, the town refused to grant the permit. NSPA took their case to the county court which granted them the ability to peacefully protest ... Show more content on ... This case points back to the purpose of government. Dwight D. Eisenhower as did many Unites States presidents, stated countless times that a democracy can only stand with virtuous people as its citizens. If evil people fill the country, only a dictatorship can bring order. This case demonstrates that America is built upon allowing the free speech of controversial and opposing views. Limiting the rights of the NSPA would pave the way for other types of speech to be limited. My initial view was of course that anyone promoting Nazis views should not be allowed to march, especially considering the town s Jewish population. After further consideration, I realized that if the government has the ability to restrict Nazis protests, they have the ability to silence me if I am trying to share my faith with a Nazi and it offends them. If we give this power of limiting free speech to the government, they will basically be able to limit it however they so choose. If we allow the government to specifically certain types of speech, that power will invariably grow and power that is once tasted is not given back. We would most definitely loose freedom in other areas of speech. The speech, though I m sure it caused emotional distress, did not physically harm the citizens of the town. I do think that the banning of the swastika was appropriate. At popularly agreed times, it is not appropriate to demonstrate with the Confederate Flag or other symbols that can inferred with extreme ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Existence Of God And Theism There have been many discussions on how the world has been created and whether there is a true designer of the universe or rather it happened through a big bang. H.J. McCloskey on being an Atheist argues throughout his article that theism is not a belief that is rational, but a is something that should not exist, just as God he believes does not. Throughout this paper will be the discussion of the Cosmological, teleological, design arguments, and how he refutes these arguments to invalidate the existence of God and theism. McCloskey throughout his article refers to cosmological, teleological, and design arguments as proofs. Stated from Merriam Webster a proof is, Something which shows that something else is true or correct . This goes to show that McCloskey is arguing the existence of God and is giving these three arguments the basis that they are correct. Although as stated in Approaching the Question of God s Existence presentation? States, I do not think that is what these arguments do, I do not think they give 100% proof of God s existence And if that is what you re thinking about the arguments, then that may be why you don t think the arguments work . This goes to show that McCloskey is basing almost everything on these arguments and is not looking at all the resources at a whole. As foremen also explains to use for these arguments is the Best explanation approach (Foreman). Through this it is able to use these arguments to best explain the reasons as to why ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Karl Brandt Essay Doctors of the Holocaust Holocaust the mass murder of Jews under German Nazi regime during the period 1941 45. Many death were from Nazi experiments performed by different doctors. Each doctor had their own ambitions and why they committed these experiments and war crimes. These are five reason these doctors put effort to their research. Josef Mengele was known as Angle of death for his inhumane experiments on the prisoners on the concentration camps. Josef Mengele earned a Ph.D. in 1935 for anthropology he joined the Nazi party in 1937 he slowly climbed the ranks until he became a chief camp of Auschwitz. He would be present at the selection area when train loads of new selection area when trainload of new prisoners, searching for twins. ... Show more content on ... Professor Carl clauberg was able to achieve this by introducing a specially prepared chemical which starts inflammation in the fallopian tubes making them grow together obstructing reproduction ( Carl Clauberg. ) Because he did not use proper sterilization, his patient had complication frequently. His patients often suffered from peritonitis and hemorrhages. After these complication the patients would suffer organ failure and death. ( Carl ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Personal Narrative-The Mice And The Dressmaker The Mice and The Dressmaker I woke up hearing her alarm indicating that it was time for school. Why are the weekends over so quick, it s Monday already, I groaned to myself. I got up and walked to the bathroom, passing the door that led to our little clothing store, G B , G for my name and B for my father s name. After taking a shower I got dressed into a red shirt and some jeans and then proceeded to the kitchen, the smell of toast greeted me when I walked in. I sat down on the old wooden chair that was in the middle of the kitchen, everything was quite cramped together but we didn t mind. He put a plate down in front of me and then plopped two pieces of toast on it. I thanked him and then hastily ate my food. I checked the clock on ... Show more content on ... Of course not, she was Miss Popularity. I remember walking into the bathroom on my first day, seeing her shout at a girl with red hair, May. She was shouting at May because she got a question incorrect on a test after she copied off of her. May looked terrified so I defended her. Ever since then, she s hated me. Where d you find your shoes? The dumpster. , her friends laughed, and I thought your old shoes were bad. , she said. I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk away. By the way, I heard that that McDonalds you worked at was getting shut down and replaced with Starbucks. Isn t that great? , I heard her state before I walked away. Oh no, I worked at McDonalds so I could get extra money to buy materials, I have no idea where I could work at while its shut down. Hopefully Bella s wrong, I ll have to check after school. School passed quickly, I was in my last period now, Science, my worst subject. We were getting our test results. Genora Choon, D , please try harder next time. , The teacher said while passing me my test. Great, another extremely low mark. I remember I couldn t study because I was working extra hours because we needed more ... Get more on ...