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Cesar Chavez Essay Example
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Cesar Chavez Essay ExampleCesar Chavez Essay Example
How Did Thomson Contribute To Chemistry
One of J.J. Thomson s most significant contributions to science, and thus to the study of atomic
theory, was his discovery of the electron. Before the discovery of the electron, the atom was
already associated with having electric charges both positive and negative but the idea of an
electron existing as its own particle was unheard of. It was in 1897 when Thomson first conducted
the beginning of his now famous experiment, in which he used a cathode ray tube to aid in his
findings. A cathode ray tube, is a vacuum tube in which cathode rays, negatively charged particles,
are produced at the cathode and travel through the vacuum, which is created when gas is extracted
from the tube. J.J. Thomson discovered that in order to determine
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The Achievements Of The Roman Republic
The key feature of almost all lasting, successful military establishments is a professional base of
soldiery. Having this in place is the gateway to repeatable military triumph. The first state to
universally construct a professional military was the Roman Republic, beginning in 107 BC. Gaius
Marius, Praetor and later Consul of the Republic, was the main figure in bringing about these
changes. He, among other reformations, eliminated the requirement of land ownership as a
prerequisite of army service, along with large scale standardization of equipment. These were some
of the ways that Marius was able to establish one of the best and longest lasting militaryforces in all
history. As the professional soldiery of the Roman Republic grew, so too did the ease with which it
subjugated and conquered its neighbors.
Part of current understanding of the Roman Army, especially during the Republic and before, can
be concluded from a study of Roman political history. Rome began as a city founded by Romulus
after he killed his brother Remus, both descended from Aeneas, who escaped the Sack of Troy
of Illiad fame, or so the legend goes. The young city spent the better part of 200 years under the
yoke of the Etruscan League, a confederation of Latin Tribes primarily to the east and north of
Rome in Central Italy. The Etruscans were in turn fond of trading with the Greeks, not just for
wealth, but also for ideas. Until c. 550 BC the Romans did not normally use a state controlled army,
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Corporate And Business Strategy Analysis
The Corporate and Business Strategy
Before we can talk about the Strategy Hudson Bay uses we must first answer the the question of
what a Corporate and Business Strategy is and how The Bay inaugurates this into their company;
A Corporate Strategy in its simplest form is the the drive of the company as this has the goal
/goals a company is trying to achieve and at what level it wishes to compete. Keeping this in
mind we can now talk about the Hudson Bays corporate strategy. The Hudson Bay s mission
statement is a vision for growth and is committed to bringing Canadians the products and services
they want . The Hudson Bay is the oldest commercial company in North America, and as such
expects to be at the forefront competing at the highest level in its industry, In addition they have a
goal to make $1.5 billion in incremental sales and revenue. Now that we have identified the
corporate strategy of Hudson bay we must identify how they plan to achieve these goals this is
known as the business strategy.
A business strategy is how a company intends to accomplish the corporate level strategy it does this
by highlighting key objectives and appointing these objective to different divisions in the company,
now that we understand what a business strategy is we can examine how Hudson bay inaugurates
this into their business strategy. They prioritize accommodating the demands of Canadians and
providing quality service to their customers. In addition, they put great importance on
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The Positive And Negative Effects Of Clean Water In The World
The United States CWA, as previously explained, has many positive and negative effects. When
thinking ethically and environmentally, supporting the CWA and encouragement for the
spread worldwide comes rather simply. Aldo Leopold once said, A thing is right when it tends
to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends
to otherwise (Maus, 2017) This land ethic approach helps prove that the CWA is a good thing
for this world. Some may argue that it is causing harm and is bad because all of the problems,
but according to the land ethic, it is good because it trying to preserve the quality of our water
and in return the quality of our lives and the world (Maus, 2017). Furthermore, supporters of the
CWA are taking the precautionary principle into consideration. The precautionary principle is
basically preparing for the worst and taking action to prevent a harmful event from taking place.
We can all agree that water is a necessity for life, and that it is very important to make sure that
necessity never vanishes. Everyone and everything in this world needs clean water, and this
causes the CWA to have many stakeholders; the CWA is so controversial because it has an impact
in everyone s life. Clean water is taken for granite in the United States, and the CWA has had a
positive impact in helping prevent water degradation and improve the overall water quality and
ecosystem. The controversial part is that the purpose of the CWA gets
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Nabokov Point Of View
Nabokov discusses the three points of view he believes an author can write from: the storyteller,
the teacher, and the enchanter. In his last three paragraphs he describes each point of view; he
starts with storyteller. In the second to last paragraph, Nabokov begins expressing his storyteller;
he believes the storyteller remains simple. Readers appreciate the magical little world the author
sets up; this type of point of view only amuses the audience with minimal emotional involvement.
Children s books are a great example of a storyteller approach; it is simplistic and may have
meaning to its story. Because children do not necessarily need major life lessons, they appreciate
more of the whimsical aspect of fictional books. Next is the teacher;
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Essay about Polar Bears and their Retreating Habitat
Some of the risk factors that contribute to its registration on the Species At Risk Public Registry are
hunting, reduction of availability of their prey, the reduction of their melting sea ice, and pollution,
but mainly human actions. Polar bears were hunted more commonly in the past, since they have
been considered at risk, they have been given regulations and laws to ensure their species survives,
thus taking precautions such as putting a limit to hunting and killing the bears, whether they bring
a threat when entering a community or village. There are still procedures that the officials have to
follow before killing the bear, such procedures could include relocating the bear far away from the
community. The... Show more content on ...
This then creates shorter life span for the polar bear species. The more that humans interact with the
polar bears habitat and damage their own surroundings affect the polar bears natural way of life,
more at risk they are. By just the way humans burn so much fuel affects the polar bears from miles
away. The burning of fossil fuels is most of the cause to climate change, humans can affect them
directly with weapons, entering their habitats, and polluting their surroundings, or they can also
affect the polar bears indirectly with the burning of greenhouse gases, polluting the waters, and
decreasing their habitat range. Another risk factor is climate change, changing temperatures and
changing their habitat, polar bears are being forced on to landmasses and entering into communities
to obtain food for their survival. The polar bears are being seen more prominently in communities
usually trying to find food, because of the drastic changes in their habitat.
What did you learn about your species at Science North that you did not know before? Explain (A
second visit may be helpful)
Science North provided me with a lot more than a few points, I learned that male polar bears are
very aggressive and have been known to turn on their own kind, usually eat polar bear cubs if they
encounter them during
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Tattoos And Its Effects On Society
In the past to get a tattoo you would have to go to a shady shack in the bad side of town where
you would be greeted by a dark smoky room and a man that looks like he is about to stab you.
After proving your worth by not bursting into tears you would haggle a price you want to pay and
he would begin tattooingyou while smoking a cigarette and ashing all over your open wound. Today
getting a tattoois a much more enjoyable thing to do you go to a clean shop and everything is
sterile. I have been in some tattoo shops that are cleaner than hospitals. Around the same time that
tattoos were very dangerous you could have as many as you wanted and join the military. There is a
long history of tattoos in the military, Sailors would get certain tattoos that signified where they
were stationed. Soldiers in the army would get tattoos representing their units, and the most
sacred of all military tattoos when they have lost a brother in combat. I believe that the
government should let soldiers have tattoos below their elbows and below their knees because,
tattoos are very mainstream, they are trained killers, most of the military has tattoos that would
make them ineligible for reenlistment, it is one of the last ways soldiers can show self expression
in the military, and tattoos have such a rich history in the military. I don t see why soldiers having
tattoos above the wrist and below the neck would be off limits. Every day men and women cycle
through basic training where they are
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Homer Hickam s October Sky
Everyone is told at a very young age that they can be whatever they want to be. But is this really
true? In our day and age, with technology advancing daily, many young people find that it isn t as
easy to follow one s dreams as is portrayed in fairy tales. October Sky is like these books, as it
shows boys following their dreams by creating homemade rockets. But what makes this seemingly
unrealistic book stand out from the rest is its ability to inspire. This book intrigues the reader and
draws them in as it shows the characters as they learn. As a true story, the author Homer Hickam
writes about himself as the main character in the story of his life. He writes about his group of
friends as they come together and decide to create rockets.
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Censorship from Obscene Material
Censorship From Obscene Material
Today, in the 1990 s, citizens in our society are being bombarded with obscene material from
every direction. From the hate lyrics of Gun s N Roses to the satanic lyrics of Montley Crue and
Marilyn Manson to the sexually explicit graphical content of today s movies, the issue is how
much society is going to permit and where we, as a society, should we draw the line. The freedom
of speech has always been considered a right, but that doesn t mean that you can shout, Fire! in a
crowded movie theater. The real question is whether such material is harmful or dangerous to our
society. Many people are asking whether or not we should censor offensive material. They believe
that some material is too ... Show more content on ...
The critics of this point of view think that private sector censorship will not be enough. They
believe that the entertainment industry will not be able to control itself. Private sector
restrictions do not have the authority of the law, therefore they cannot successfully draw the line
between what can and cannot be said in public. The third and final possible solution is no
censorship at all. While many Americans are troubled by what they feel is offensive speech, and
feel that it should be restricted by law, advocates of the third solution disagree. They feel that
there is more harm in restricting free speech than by the offensive speech itself. In the bill of
rights, the first amendment says, Congress shall make no long abridging the freedom of speech.
The first amendment was intended to protect the minorities from the tyranny of the majorities. The
advocates of this view feel that the minority has a right to express themselves regardless of the
opinion of the majority. Free speech matters because it encourages creativity. Without the freedom
of speech, America would probably be dull and drab like a communist country such as the former
USSR. For example, the comedy of Andrew Dice Clay, considered offensive by some, shouldn t be
censored from those who find him
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Philadelphia Art Museum
My trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art was really knowledgeable, joyful and informative. This
Museum of Art is the largest museum in the United States. When I arrived at the front of the
museum I was surprised and amazed how beautiful was the front entrance. The unique design
and the gigantic pillared building attracted me. The entrance had a huge statue of a lady with a
bow and arrow in her hand at the top of the Museum s Great Stair Hall known as Diana (1892
1893) by Augustus Saint Gaudens. Diana is made up with copper sheets with the height of 14 feet
6 inches. I was fascinated with many of the exhibits they had set up. There were rooms with
different groups of art according to their type, year and location they were made. All of the art in
the art museum were interesting to look at and interpret.
There were many paintings in the museum which caught my attraction. One of the painting I ...
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Picasso was born on October 25 1881, Nationality: Spanish and the movement of his artwork
were Cubism, and Surrealism. Art is an artist s individual interpretation of the subject. Female
nude is a piece of art which makes the viewer think what is the artist trying to express by his
painting. I was really confused at first when I looked at the art work and it took me a while to
figure out what the art really means to its viewer. In general, the visual elements present in the art
work like color, shape, lines, curves, and the subject itself are most remarkable visual features.
While viewing this piece of art one thing you will notice is the color shade and the sharpen lines
of the artwork attracts the viewers and hold you up for a while. Deep color combination of the
background and the bright color frame work makes the piece look more vivid and attractive. I am
still not quite sure about what is the artist trying to express from this painting but all in all I really
liked this piece of
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Theories Of Occupational Therapy
A unique perspective of Occupational Therapy (OT) is defined as A profession concerned with
promoting health and well being through Occupation (Charles, 2010, p.362). The difference
between OT and Occupational Health (OH) is that OT is the profession and OH concerns how
occupations affect your health. This essay will first discuss the relationship between OH and well
being. Secondly it will describe alternative views of disability models. While some doctors believe
in medicineas a treatment, for disability, practitioners of OT believe that social background and
environment should be taken into consideration. Thirdly this essay will discuss the underpinning
theory of OT relating to MOHO and how a social and physical questionnaire can get... Show more
content on ...
The purpose of Goal setting is to operationally define the specific desired outcomes and describe
the factors involved in achieving the outcome (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010,
p.100). Goals can be split up into two different types. A Short term goal is the pathway leading up
to the long term goal (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010, p.100). Long term goals have
been described as the destination of therapy (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010, p.100).
For therapists the long term goal is how far the client wants to improve; if it is being fully
independent, being able to do the cleaning, the long term goal would be set to get them to that
place. However, if the client is not reaching their goals, this is when grading comes to place.
Grading is the modification of an activity to support the client s performance (Bridgett,2011, OT
A Z: G is for Grading). Grading is all about adjusting the goal to make it easier or harder for the
client. If the client was about to do their goal very quickly you would change their goal to make it
harder for them; thus they can work towards a new goal. The occupation performance model looks
at what makes the person be able to do or not do the task. With this the therapist will write down
what is preventing the client from reaching their
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Symbolism In Siddhartha
Peace begins with a smile. That was once remarked by Mother Teresa, who has won a nobel
peace prize. Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, is about a boy named Siddhartha who leaves home
when he is in his teenage years, so that he can go out and seek nirvana and find enlightenment. One
of the symbols in Siddhartha is a smile. A smile is used in the book to show characters that have
been enlightened. In Siddhartha, Hermann Hesseuses the smile as a symbol to show enlightenment
which is shown through Vasudeva, Gotama, and Siddhartha.
One of the few characters in the novel that are enlightened is Vasudeva. Vasudeva was a ferryman
who was always learning and listening to the river. On one ferry ride with Siddhartha, the two
talked about their lives. During the talk, Vasudeva smiled: The rower smiled, swaying gently (102).
One of the ways to show enlightenment is a ... Show more content on ...
To reach nirvana, one must find enlightenment. Siddhartha, at the end of his journey, does reach
enlightenment, which is shown by him smiling, He smiled peacefully and gently, perhaps very
graciously, perhaps very mockingly, exactly as the Illustrious One had smiled (151). The smile
reveals that he has become enlightened. A quote that also tells how he has become enlightened
shares that his loyal friend, Govinda, compares Siddhartha s smile Gotama s smile, And Govinda
saw that this mask like smile of simultaneousness over the thousands of births and deaths this smile
of Siddhartha was exactly the same as the calm, delicate, impenetrable, perhaps gracious, perhaps
mocking, wise, thousand fold smile of Gotama... (151). Comparing Siddhartha s smile with Gotama
s smile shows that Siddhartha is similar to the illustrious one, who is enlightened. Siddhartha s
journey to becoming enlightened definitely did not end badly for the lad, who in the end, definitely
did become
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The Sharia Law And Islamic Law
The Sharia law is the build of Islamic law. It help Islamic law become what people know of it
today. Many people live under this legal system that is based on Islam which some private parts
of life are controlled. The Islamic law is the sacred legal system prevailing the members of the
Islamic belief. This one is resulting from the religious principles of Islam, mainly the Quran and the
Hadith. However, Sharialaw is the law of Islam, This law is originally based on the actions and
words of Muhammad, which are named Sunnah, and the Quran, that he wrote (2016). The Sharia
law covers numerous of topics while some others may deal with public behavior, private
behavior and private beliefs. Out of all the legal systems throughout the world currently, Islam s
Sharia law is the utmost disturbing and firm, particularly contrary to women. For example,
according to the law a man can beat his wife for disobedience, a woman cannot speak alone to a
man who is not her relative of husband, and a female heir inherits half of what a male heir
inherits and other laws against them. These laws that have been made really shows no fairness to
the rights women. Islamic law signifies one and only of the world s great legal systems. As an
illustration, the Judaic law influenced western legal systems, Islamic law made as a significant part
of the religion. The term Sharia is an Arabic term meaning the right path and discusses the
traditional Islamic law (2016). Subsequently the Sharia
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The Museum Of Ancient Egyptian Art
The Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art collections, including artifacts and objects relating to the
different periods of ancient Egyptian history, starting from the prehistoric period until the Greek
roman period. The museum maintains an information system consisting of all the records
pertaining to the museums collection. The principle components of this system are as following:
1.Board of Trustees Records:
The Board of Trustees Records reflect the activities of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art Board.
The records basically are pertaining to the several Broad Presidents and the Broad Members
Corporate documents such as the museum bylaws, leases, and agreements.
Documents which contain the museum s financial information.
Correspondence which contains the communications to and from the board of Trustees other than
the president.
Minutes from the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, Senior Board, and various committees. They
include resolutions, votes, correspondence, memos, and amendments to the museum s bylaws.
Trustee Manuals which contain copies of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art s mission, code of
ethics, bylaws, collection policy, accession and deaccession policy, Museum s acquisition policy,
and strategic plan, as well as lists of museum s staff, trustees, trustee committees.
The director s annual reports presented by the director of the Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art
to the Board of Trustees outlining the various activities of the different
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Wgu Corporate Governance
through the proper channels (Cascarino, Richard E., 2012, pg. 10). Most company s experience an
issue with fraud at one point in its operations. It is very unusual to find an entity that has never had
to handle fraud in any aspect. Regulatory challenges in controlling fraud goes beyond giving the
appearance of attacking the issue by combating with some of the fundamental causes (Cascarino,
2012, pg. 130). It is very important to try and have controls set to deter fraudto the very minimal
amount, however it is imperative to continue theses controls well into the future to ward of any
other fraudulent attacks (Cascarino, 2012, pg. 130).
By having proper equipment and competent employees to combat the possibility of sensitive
information being ... Show more content on ...
It is just a fact that fraud cannot be eliminated, but simply deterred instead. It is recommended to
have a response action plan in case of an assault. This will provide confirmation for investors that
the company is reliable and has proper protection where it concerns its sensitive information. By
being able to provide shareholders that there are industry meeting controls and a response plan in
case of a possible compromisation with the companies information, shareholders will be more
willing to invest with the entity.
As society grows in knowledge and fraudsters become just as educated in how to perform criminal
acts against individuals and financial institutions companies control should increase its awareness
as well. This will attempt to decrease the number of fraud cases that get reported every year.
Progressing with time, with application and urgency targeted toward company control, there
should be a visible decrease in corporate fraud. The best strategy taken to decrease the occurrences
of fraudulent cases being reported is to become insupportable of these types of
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How Can Help Change Our Perspective On Life
Gifts come in all ways, shapes and forms. Sometimes you don t even recognize that something or
someone has been giving you a gift, you only know that it makes you feel happy. Happiness in
itself is a gift that many different objects, people or places can give to someone. There are many
different things that give me happiness within one day, that is for certain. But there are
irreplaceable continuous gifts that live with us every single day, our animals. Whether you have a
dog, cat, horse, fish, ferret (the list goes on) everyone has felt some sort of happiness or
thankfulness for their animals. Not only do animals give back to us every day, but we also give
back to the animalswhich can help change our perspective on life and become a little bit more
selfless. This new creature solely relies on you to feed it, nurture it, shelter it, and love it for the
rest of its life. That alone can change someone to be more selfless and responsible because they
have to make sure that their animalcomes first in all that they do so that it is as happy as possible.
Knowing that you have to take care of this animal can make you more compassionate too, it
could open up a soft spot you may not have had before, especially if it was your first animal. This
is your gift to the animal, giving it the best life you possibly can. Animals can help people become
more responsible because they have something else they have to stay clean for, clean up after, and
take care of. We become more
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Analysis Of The Book The Hardy Boys
The Hardy Boys series written by various authors, all under the pseudonym Franklin W. Dixon
has been around for a very long time. Their first appearance was in 1927, and they have survived
numerous reboots and reprints since then. Part of their charm, especially for kids, is that, unlike
Sherlock Holmes and other popular detectives, they are teenagers. Like their readers, they have
school, chores, and church on Sunday. This essay will focus, as far as plot is concerned on the
first book The Tower Treasure, the differences between the Hardy Boysand typical detective fiction,
as well as on the cultural impact of the books. The Tower Treasure begins with the sons of private
detective Fenton Hardy running an errand for their father. The errand and their lives are almost cut
short, however by a speeding car that nearly runs them off the road. They survive the incident, and
continue on, completing their errand successfully. They then detour to the farm of Chet Morton, a
school chum of the Hardy boys [who] lived on a farm about a mile out of Bayport (Dixon 14).
On the way to Chet s they discover the car that almost killed them overturned. They examine the
wreck to find that it has been abandoned. Upon arriving at Chet s, they discover that his jalopy,
the Queen has been stolen. They drive into their hometown of Bayport, where they run into Callie
Shaw. Callie accuses Chet of lending his car to someone who then hit her and ruined a cake she
was carrying for a neighbor. They
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The Film Industry Of Crisis By Frank O Hara
A a result of my keen interest in my Media Studies Course I have chosen to look for a poem that
highlights the positive and negative viewpoints on different issues surrounding the film industry.
The poem I have found, The Film Industry In Crisis by Frank O Hara in 1957, comments on the
choice audiences must make between Glorious Silver Screen or to the American LEgion or the
Catholic church. O Hara also makes a brief reference to give credit where it s due , which has lead
me to look further into the impacts of Illegal streaming of film. I also wonder about how the viewing
experience has been affected by external factors throughout history and what the impacts of
developing technology have been on the film industry as a whole.
How have changes to technology, including legal streaming sites, influenced the consumption of
The way films are being made has significantly affected the way films are consumed with the
introduction of full colour viewing to the increase in resolution and frame rate of film as a result
of digitalisation of film in the early 2000 s.
Access to entertainment has also changed with audiences shifting from traditional cinema to
smaller more readily accessible methods. Through the early 1900 s cinema ticket sales in the US
remained steady, around 80 90 million sales annually (CyberCollege ). After the introduction of
television in 1929, ticket sales began dropping and by the time the 1950 s arrived ticket sales had
dropped to
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Understanding Operating Systems Chapter 3 Essay
Topic A Operating System: Windows 8.0 Open Computer. Click properties. In the the left pane
click on Advanced system settings Under performance Click Settings Click the Advanced tab.
Under Virtual Memory you can change the Virtual Memory. On my computer the minimum size
is 16MB and the maximum recommended size is 3313 MB. Topic B Cache memory is on the
main chip, it can be accessed much more quickly than RAM, which is restricted by the BUS
speed. Data is held in the Processor cache memory, where it is close to the processor, thus speeding
up the operation of the processor. The implementations of cache memory on multi core chips do
vary from one manufacturer to another but have to adhere to a certain code. Schauer, Bryan.... Show
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Step 15: Page F is moved into the third available page frame.* The fail rate is 4/11 or 36% and the
success ratio is 7/11 or 64% B) Now with four page frames. Step 1: Page A is moved into the first
available page frame. Step 2: Page C is moved into the second available page frame. Step 3: Page A
is already available. Step 4: Page B is moved into the third available page frame. Step 5: Page A is
already available. Step 6: Page D is moved into the fourth available page frame Step 7: Page A is
already available. Step 8: Page C is already available. Step 9: Page D is already available. Step 10:
Page B is swapped into secondary storage. Step 11: Page E is moved into the third available page
frame* Step 12: Page A is swapped into secondary storage. Step 13: Page F is moved into the first
available page frame.* The fail ratio is 2/11 or 18% and the success ratio is 9/11 or 82% C) From
these examples I can make a general statement that the more page frames available the higher the
success ratio is and the least page frames available the higher fail ratio. Exercise 6 A)Only three
page frames. a, c, b, d, a, c, e, a, c, b, d, e Step 1: Page A is moved into the first available page
frame. Step 2: Page C is moved into the second available page frame. Step 3: Page B is moved into
the third available page frame. Step 4: Page A is swapped into secondary
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Sweatshop, By Karl Marx
Exam 2: Marx
In this short essay I will apply the concepts of exploitation, alienation and labour theory of value
from Karl Marx s theory to analyze the practice of sweatshops and the actors involved. Marx s
theory about exploitation in application to the practice of sweatshops directs us to think about the
downfalls of an capitalist system that oppresses the poor working class. Furthermore, Marx s
theory regarding the alienation of workers from nature and the product directs us to think about
the implications of a system in which mass production jobs are specialized, and its directed
impact on an individual s mental state as well as it s limitation of social mobility. Finally, Marx s
labour theory of value directs us to think about the mass ... Show more content on ...
One of the bigger issues of capitalism is the class conflict it creates, which is demonstrated through
the exploitative practices of the poor working class by the Bourgeoisie. The impact of capitalism is
having an effects on a global scale. In a capitalist society, wealth is not distributed equally and in the
process of aiding the rich to get richer, in both countries that outsource this work as well as in
countries that employ sweatshops, the working class are suffering. In the simplest economic terms,
the more we consume, the more demand it creates, which only increase the quotas for sweatshops.
Another issue within the formulation of sweatshops is the mass consumption of products by
individuals in western and developed countries. The products that are sold on the market are often
inexpensive to an individual that is protected by minimum wage and social regulations, which
allows for leisure time, usually spent purchasing commodities and products. However, the
individuals in these sweatshops are not provided the same protection, and often find themselves
unable to afford the products they
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What Are The Differences Between The Patricians And...
The Patricians were a privileged class of Roman citizens, membership in the Patrician class was
hereditary and was only ever achieved by birth. On the other hand, the Plebeians were all of the
citizens of Rome whom weren t Patricians. Plebeians were average working citizens of Rome
farmers, bakers, builders or craftsmen who worked hard to support their families and pay their
taxes. Romans were in fact able to tell whether you were a Patricianor a Plebeian simply by hearing
your second name, this had a major impact on both the Plebeians and Patricians... Show more
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There began to be a lot of clashes between the people, the way the Patricians ruled began to
irritate the Plebeians, bringing them to the edge of revolt. Lucius Sicinius Vellutus advised the
plebeians to secede en masse to the Mons Sacer (The Sacred Mount), a hill outside of Rome. The
senate was panicked by this and dispatched Agrippa Menenius Lanatus, a former consul who was
liked by the Plebeians, they saw him as one of their own. Menenius was well received and told
them the fable of the belly and the limbs, comparing the people to the limbs who chose not to
support the belly and thus starved themselves, just as the belly and the limbs, the city could not
survive without the Patricians and Plebeians working together in unison. Plebeians negotiated for
their return to the city under one condition. They wanted tribunes to be appointed to represent the
Plebeians and to protect them from the consuls power. Over two decades later, another tribune,
Lucius Genucius, had a law passed requiring
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Importance Of Self Assessment
The Importance of Self Assessment Self assessment is an important aspect of teaching, as it allows
the teacher to reflect upon the successfulness of the content of the lesson and the communication,
along with the delivery of instruction and if each student s learning was successful. Looking at
each of these individually, there are specific components that a teacher should look reflect on and
assess. When broken down, there is a better chance of determining where changes to a lesson, or to
teaching, might be needed to make it more successful for learning. The first area of teaching to
assess is the subject matter, which is one of the most important aspects to reflect on, as this has to
be developmentally appropriate much more. Reflecting on the specific subject content of a lesson
is important for many reasons. Some of the most important things to consider are if it is
developmentally appropriate, that the objectives are sound and measurable, and that it is related to
the student s experiences or knowledge. Determining if a lesson is developmentally appropriate is
important as if it is not it can either leave students bored, too below standards, or confused, too
above standards. This also leads to ensuring that objectives are sound and measurable, as measuring
objectives will help to indicate if the lesson was successful and if students learned the content or
skill, which indicates the appropriateness of it. The last important aspect to touch on is relating
learning to the
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Douglasian Cultural Model in Indian Context
Comment Form for Assessed Work
Introduction Today s world is being dominated by daily innovations in technology and increasing
globalization which helps organizations to spread and to operate globally in a successful way.
Every organisation operating at a global level is trying to improve their financial profits. The
success of such organizations greatly depends on their workforce and their decision making
capabilities. Many times the ethicality of such decisions have been questioned because of the profit
driven strategies of these organizations. As Nobel Prize winner economist Milton Friedman quotes,
An executive s responsibility generally will be to make as much money as possible while
conforming to their basic ... Show more content on ...
Also the article studies the ethical practices of different types of companies and business entities to
understand the business ethics beyond large private corporations with respect to all the four
solidarities of CT. The article debates about the dynamicity of ethical decision making by citing the
examples of all the solidarities existing in different Indian corporations. Also it talks over about the
historical and philosophical background for the adoption of different ethical strategies by different
Weaknesses The article explains the process of ethical decision making in business from a
Douglasian Cultural Theory perspective only. The article does not identify many other factors
beyond culture that may account for differences in work behaviour across nations. Scholars like
Parboteeah and Cullen (2003) have suggested the need to include noncultural factors to isolate the
influence of culture on ethical behaviour. Also many scholars have talked about the other personal
characteristics like education, age, gender and religion that affect the ethical decision making but
they have not put any light on this part in the article. According to Kracher, Chatterjee and
Lundquist, education plays an important and positive role in one s ethical decision making. Also
Singhapakdi et al.: JBE (1996) talk about the relationship between ethical sensitivity and age being
significantly positive. Ameen, et al., (1996) suggests that ethical
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Summer Of My German Soldier Book Report
Book #2 Summary Title:Summer of My German Soldier Author:Bette Greene Time Period:1941
1945, Modern America and the World Wars Major Theme:Gathering and interactions of peoples,
cultures, and ideas. Summary: This story takes place in the small town of Jenkinsville, Arkansas,
during World War II. The main character of the story is Patty Bergen. Patty is a 12 year old girl
with tomboyish characteristics. It is summer time, and all of her friends are away at church camp,
while Patty is on her own. Patty s family is the only Jewish family in town, which makes her often
feel alone. Her parents do not provide a nurturing environment for Patty; they are cold and distant.
Her mother often criticizes her for her appearance to her face... Show more content on ...
This is where she keeps her favorite things and reads. Anton figures out a way to escape the
prisoner of war camp, and is on the run as Patty sees him. Patty takes him to her secret room to
hide him. Patty and Anton slowly build their friendship, and she finally begins to feel appreciated
and loved. Anton needs a new shirt, so Patty gives him one of the shirts she bought her dad that he
carelessly tossed aside. Anton proves his loyalty, when one night he sees Patty s father beating her
in anger and he runs out of hiding to attempt to help her. At the last minute he turns back, only to
have Ruth see him. Ruth helps take care of him, but her concern is for Patty and her family. It is
decided that Anton must leave. Anton gives his father s ring to Patty as a gift to represent their
friendship, then he is gone. It will be the shirt and the ring that help the authorities tie the two of
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The Trinity Research Paper
The Trinity is the basis of the gospel, and the gospel is the declaration of the Trinity in action. (J I
Packer, The Trinity consists of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, yet they make up one God. It is the simple philosophy of the 3 in 1 or three persons, one
essence first brought up by Tertullian. It is this philosophy that allows Christianityto be a
monotheism. The definition of the Trinityaccording to the Merriam Webster dictionary is the unity
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma.
The basis of the Trinity is that there is God the Father, Jesusthe Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are
three separate parts, yet they make up one. While this is confusing to the naked ear, it actually
makes logical sense on a deeper level. Scholars and philosophers struggled for years to give a valid
explanation of the Trinity. It was not until Tertullian in the 2nd or 3rd century AD that a satisfactory
explanation was given. Tertullian came up with the Trinitarian Doctrine, which basically... Show
more content on ...
In fact, some people go as far as to say the Trinity does not exist at all. However, in Genesis 1:26
it says Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness... . Take note that
he says us and our , implying that he is talking to someone else. He could not be talking to the
humans because they were not created yet. If he was talking to the animals then humans would
look more like a bird, or fish, or wolf and humans clearly do not. So what or who was he talking
to? It is clear he was talking to the Trinity and if he was talking to the Trinity and it says nowhere
in Genesis that God created the Trinity, then the Trinity must have existed with God before the
creation of the world. Therefore the Trinity and God are
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Helicobacter Pylori Research Paper
Helicobacter Pylori at Tight Junctions
Prior to the isolation of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori} by Robin Warren and Barry Marshall in
1982, it was theorized that peptic ulceration, an ailment first described in 1857 by William Brinton,
stemmed from poor diet, tobacco use, and stress due to the failure to definitively identify a
causative agent as well as the belief that the inhospitable environment within the human stomach
resulted in its sterility (Tanenbaum 2005). Because physicians were ignorant to the existence of
H. pylori, individuals suffering from peptic ulcerations underwent ineffective treatments for
over a century. The successful isolation of H. pylori and identification of its role in gastric
diseases earned Warren and Marshall a joint Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005
(The Nobel Prize 2005). Despite the passage of thirty two years, modern medicine has been
unable to definitively eradicate H. pylori, but research continues in hopes of developing a more
permanent cure as well as effective methods of preventing initial peptic ulceration, as occurrence is
linked to an increased risk of developing gastric carcinomas.
Introduction to Helicobacter pylori at Tight Junctions
According to Stein, Ruggiero, Rappuoli, and Bagnoli (2013), H. pylori is present in the gastric
mucosae of more than half of the human population. H. pylori ... Show more content on ...
This results not only in the abnormal assembly of tight junctions in areas colonized by H. pylori,
but also alters the composition and function of the apical junctional complex (OMIM SOURCE
YEAR). Prolonged exposure to CagA results in dysplasia and prevents the epithelial barrier from
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The Opening Of Japan And China Essay
Jonah Noel
December 3, 2016
The opening of Japan and China; A love story
Throughout history, dozens of countries have adopted isolationist policies on countless different
occasions. For example, in the United States in the 1930 s, many Americans felt that amidst the
Great Depression, the government should focus its efforts on solving problems at home before
intervening in international affairs. Furthermore, today, totalitarian dictators often isolate their
countries in order to consolidate their power, as is the case in North Korea and Eritrea. Yet while
isolationism itself was not unique to the 19th century, the manner in which both China and Japan
departed from isolationist policies under imperialist pressures was unique.
When Japan and China enacted isolationist policies in the 16th century, Japan and China were
among the most advanced countries in the world. Both nations felt that they did not need to nor
desired to interact with the rest of the world, or intervene in disputes between barbarians (Aizawa
348.) As a consequence, throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, neither country advanced much
technologically. On the other hand, over that same period the west experienced and reaped the
benefits of an industrial revolution that saw dramatic advances in mathematics, science, and
technology. The west subsequently experienced significant economic growth, and western powers
then began building empires in pursuit of further growth. As a result, when western powers
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30 Year Mortgage
Making the choice to apply for a mortgage is a huge decision. However, there is no scarcity of
decisions to be made when applying for one. You must decide which lender you are going to pick
and determine whether a fixed or an adjustable rate will suit you best. And then you are compelled
to make the biggest decision of all. Paying a 30 year mortgage loanis quintessential, however, this
standard mortgagelength is not written in stone. You can choose to pay off your mortgage sooner
with a 15 year loan.
Choosing a 15 year mortgage loan over a 30 year mortgage loan has several benefits. One benefit of
choosing a 15 year term is being able to pay off your home loan quickly. This option is perfect for
those who do not want to pay a mortgage for ... Show more content on ...
By paying an extra $100 each month, you can reduce the amount of interest you pay by $22,816.95
leaving the lifetime of the loan at $114,799.44 in interest.
That being said, if you wanted to make extra payments on the 30 year mortgage loan and pay it
off like a 15 year loan, you would have to do it diligently because the interest rates are higher and
you could mess it up if you don t pay the difference religiously. However, if money gets tight, then
you don t have to make that extra payment if you cannot afford it. Compared to the 15 year loan,
you must always pay a higher monthly payment whether you want to or not, but your interest rates
are lower.
In conclusion, making the decision between a 15 year mortgage and a 30 year mortgage is a
major decision that will have long lasting effect on your financial situation. Going over your
finances before choosing a term is crucial. If you are wanting to pay off your mortgage before
retiring, it would be wise to go over your finances to see if your income can support higher
payments. If you are a first time home buyer, looking at every aspect such as how much of
disposable income and personal savings you have should be taken into consideration. Having a 15
year mortgage can take a significant chunk of your income and if you do not have the means to
support that, it is likely in your best interest to skip the faster route and stick with the 30 year
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Albert Nobbs Women
Not all crossdressers are created equal and each has their reasons for deciding to don the
opposite gender s clothing, other than desire, survival is huge underlying factor as to why
woman are driven to cross dress. Women placed at a disadvantage from birth has to work double
and face hurdles in attaining their professional and educational goals at times. In two films in the
chapter Albert Nobbs and Yentl, chronicle the hardship and deceit that these women had to
undergo in order to survive in their environments. These women s livelihood was rooted in
falsehood out of necessity and changing their destinies by choosing male garb. The 2011 film
Albert Nobbs starring Glenn Close as the long time butler at the Morrison Hotel in Dublin, Ireland
in the 19th century. Albert has stealthily lived 30 years as a man even though she is biologically
female. Albert... Show more content on ...
Recently unemployed Joe Mackins (Aaron Taylor Johnson) stumbles in the hotel and takes on
the positon of boiler man. The young and coquettish maid Helen Dawes (Mia Wasikowska) is
drawn to him instantly and soon enough the two are in a courtship. However, Joe s true colors
show him to be an alcoholic tormenter and Helen decides to break the courtship. Hubert Page
(Janet McTeer) is assigned to paint the hotel and discovers Albert s secret once they are forced to
share living quarters. The following day, Hubert divulges that he is keeping the same secret as
well. Hubert and Albert are both two women trying to navigate the harsh reality of 19th century
Ireland in a time when men s work was more lucrative and offer a more comfortable life for them.
Albert pays a visit to Hubert s home and encounters the warm and friendly Cathleen (Bronagh
Gallagher), who live harmoniously and covertly as husband and wife. Albert recounts Hubert the
tear jerking
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The Landscape Of Escort Advertising
The landscape of escort ads in Vegas is unlike any other in the country due to the staggering
number of annual tourists we welcome every year. First time visitors are normally surprised at the
level of attention grabbing advertisements populating Las Vegas Boulevard. From moving
billboards, to the infamous handbills, or escort cards, being peddled on the Strip, escortsads are
everywhere, and there is no denying they are as tempting as they are plentiful. Is this the first
time you have visited, and you find yourself wondering just how common hiring an escort, or
private stripper, is? The plethora of escort ads are indicative of how common it is for gentlemen
and couples to hire Vegas escorts to perform private strip shows behind closed... Show more content
on ...
Though there are many stunning women in this thriving metropolis, there are essentially two main
ways to meet escorts in Vegas. The first of them is through an agency, such as Bunnies of Las Vegas
Escorts. With an agency, you meet performers who have been vetted by the company to ensure
they are licensed, which means they are of the legal working age of 18 and above. The peace of
mind that comes with this is unmatched, but keep in mind that not all agencies are created equal.
There are many escort services in Vegas, but few of them go to the lengths we do to provide the
upper echelon of female companionship. When you insist on a playmate who is the total
package, you must align with an entity that only refers captivating dames who offer charming
wit along with smoldering sexuality. Especially if you extend your date to include a social
outing, you must invite someone who is more of a flirty conversationalist than a wet blanket.
Awkward first dates are the worst, and if you find yourself sitting next to a woman lacking in
personality, your **Vegas GFE** will be akin to the most uncomfortable of first dates. When you
count on us to be your connection to an impassioned plus one, you will not be left feeling bored
or uninspired. Companions found here can be your afternoon date at a popular Vegas party pool,
or your elegant accessory at a high brow function. The date is yours to design
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Male Sexual Enhancement Research Paper
Male sexual enhancement products are oftentimes confused with products of penis enlargement.
Due to this mistake, loads of skepticism exists regarding whether the male enhancement products
practically work.
Supplements for sexual improvement have a greater effect compared to penis enlargement since
they can refine everything regarding male sexual performance not penis size. Anyways, throughout
erections, it is the penis s corpora cavernosa that gets filled up with blood. Blood amount that this
membrane accepts and the amount of time it accepts it will determine how tough an erection will
be and how long it will last. Now pay attention please. Men get left with weak erections that lack in
performance, for loads of age.
The corpora cavernosa could virtually lose its overall force to absorb this blood influx. Unusual
supplements for male however, enhancement as well as come with ingredients such as leaf extract
of Epimedium that can refine any erectile function. The corpora cavernosa can then enhance its
capacity and over and over again get the grip to deal with improved blood flow for harder erections
that usually teenagers tend to get ... Show more content on ...
Of course harder erections can be obtained that last longer and stabilize your libido and sexual
stamina at the same time, provided you discover the ideal usual supplement for male sexual
enhancement for you. Click Here Now to start feeling fortunate about harder and longer lasting
erections that will drive your partner wild. This leading male enhancement product will refine
nearly all aspects of your sexual performance, improved, to stamina, from size and to recovery
libido. Consequently, click Here Now to Transform your Sex Life
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Use Of Primary And Secondary Sources
At first glance this book may seemed like just a collection of letters, songs, and inventory lists, but
shortly after entering the first chapter it was abundantly clear that the title is very misleading.
Laundry list s and love songs are but a minuscule, compared to the ample supply of translations that
the author Andrea McDowell has implemented into this collection. Village Life in Ancient Egypt
was published in 1999 by Oxford University Press, A well known source of educational
publications. McDowell uses a small variety, but by no means lacking in quantity, of primary and
secondary sources, the majority of which consisted of translations from either unearthed ostraca,
or the less common papyrus. This Review will discuss the structure of the book, McDowell s use
of primary and secondary sources, and how she gets her argument across. This text contains an
abundance of information regarding, roughly every aspect of village life during the New Kingdom
(1570 1070 B.C) in ancient Egypt. The book is arranged into six chapters including an introduction
and an Epilogue. The chapters are: family and friends; daily life; religion; education, learning, and
literature; law and work on the royal tomb. Each Chapter is introduced with a brief description of its
contents and how the aged texts were implemented. Within each chapter are sub headers that
describe itself along with its relation to the chapter. Within each sub header are the translated
Egyptian texts. Each translated piece
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Case Analysis Of Group1 Automotive
1.Internal performance
Houston based Group1 Automotive Inc. is an international fortune 500 automotive retailer, it is the
leader in the automotive retailing industry. It is the third largest dealership group in the United
States and also extended to the UK and Brazil.
Company s strategy: Group 1 Automotive strategies are totally based on the regional structure.
Strategy are formed and executed according to local or regional situation. This type of strategy in
practice used to achieve the operating efficiency, industry leading customerservice, disciplined
acquisition growth and diversity. Their strategies are focused on the customer, leveraging its scale,
successful acquisition. So that decision can be effectively to remain close to market and deliver best.
Mission: Mission of the Group 1 Automotive is to provide the customer satisfaction by the world
class facility and trained staff. Providing all the information about the company offering on the go,
any one can check the all the deals available in it s all the show rooms. Its mission is to provide
the transparent and integral solution of any problem related to their services and offering.
Vision: Vision of the Group 1... Show more content on ...
Stakeholders can construct visions of, and pathways to, sustainable futures that reflect their
experiences, views and concerns (Whitmarsh, Swartling, Jäger, 2009). So Group one strategy,
mission and vision are based on the performance and factor of all the stakeholders. Let s say one
of its supplier Toyota is claiming that it is the best in industry car in its price segment then all the
marketing and sales strategy for this particular car will be depend on the statement give by the
Toyota, it this Toyota statement falsify the then its strategy can be hampered. So for the business all
stakeholders are the equal
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Stevie Wonder Biography
Stevland Hardaway Morris is an American award winning musician known all over the world by
the name Stevie Wonder. Wonder was born on May 13, 1950, in a small city in Michigan state
where he lived his first four years of his life before moving to Detroit. Wonder endured a harsh
childhood. Blind since birth, he overcame difficult family situations such as poverty and an abusive
father, but that did not stop him. Instead, it encouraged him, to develop his natural gifts and create
the most renown and expressive music of the twentieth century. Artistically, Wonder is recognized
and awarded; he has made more than 30 U.S. top 10 hits, won 25 Grammy awards the most
Grammys ever given to a solo artist, and received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
Personally, Wonder s disability, early hardships, and cultural background have shaped his
philanthropic mindset by merging his talent with social justice initiatives.... Show more content on ...
This is seen in his financial commitments to improve the lives of African Americans, of children
in need, of those with health concerns, and of those with artistic dreams. Consequently, his
financial contributions to The Jackie Robinson Foundation, Children in Need, Stand up to
Cancer, Special Olympics, and MusiCares proves not only that he knows what it feels like to
need support but also that his definition of charity includes putting his money where his thoughts
are. Almost all of the proof that he has dedicated a huge amount of money towards these charities
is how they treat him in return. All of these charities and foundations have given him an award
for what he has done for w all of them, for example, the JFK Robie Pioneer Award, MusiCares
Person Of The Year, and those are only some examples of the many recognitions he got for his
strive to
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“When People In The United States Think Of Children S Rights
When people in the United States think of children s rights they usually think of children in
third world countries who are victims of abusive child labor practices or insurmountable poverty
(Wilson 1). However, in reality it is not just in third world countries, it is also in the United
States. From the American colonial period till the mid nineteenth century, child labor has been
an important issue. It has taken many years to come to an agreement of the definition of child
labor. One way to define child labor is: All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as
the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, and forced or compulsory labor,
including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in... Show more content on ...
Even though it was expected of children to work, some parents did not want to send their
children to work. Parents really only sent their children to work for an extra income to help the
family out of poverty. Poverty is the main reason that children are sent to work. The following is
the definition of poverty, Poverty is the inability, through lack of income or wealth, to provide
decent housing, clothing, health care, nutrition, or education for oneself or one s family. (Riggs
1). Because parents were desperate for money they would take their children s names off of the
school list when education became required (Carson 1). Parents would also feel obligated to
give their children permission to work and bring in a small amount of money, but much needed
funds. It was also an expectation that children could provide a profitable benefit for their
families. When the nation began to industrialize, the types of jobs shifted from farm work to
factory work. The jobs that children held would change as they became older and more difficult
so that in the end they would have more skills. At that time, many believed that children should
work because it helped them develop a strong work ethic. Many employers took advantage of
children; parents found it difficult to keep their kids away from hard labor because the additional
income was crucial to the family s survival (Benson 2). This was a real challenge for parents as the
income was critical to the
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Philosophies In Teaching American History
As a two semester course, designed to provide students with an understanding of America s past the
course will examine a survey of American History from English Colonization to the end of the Cold
War. During both semesters, the course will challenge students to engage in though provoking
questions when approaching the history of America. Several of these questions will introduce
thematic elements to the students, which are common throughout America s history. Such
examples include freedom, the struggle for equal rights, cultural transformations, and manifest
destiny. While teaching the course the instructor will examine several distinct philosophies used
when teaching American History. The course will implement a chronological approach to to
studying cultural history. To acknowledge the importance of culture throughout the history of
American History the course will investigate primary sources. Primary sources offer students with
an insight... Show more content on ...
The five required monographs reflect the chronological and cultural approach that the class will
take in teaching history. The monographs will chronologically examine how American society
transformed because of inventions, politics, and of cultural movements like westward expansion.
Additionally, I would employee several other texts to help shape the class lectures. One example of
the use of additional texts is in the lecture on World War II. The lecture will engage students in the
debate over the use of the atomic bomb with the use of Gar Alperovitz and Robert Maddox s books.
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth and Weapons for
Victory: The Hiroshima Decision will introduce students to the multiple perspectives held on
history. In conclusion, the point of American History courses is to familiarize students with an
understanding of the nation s
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The Fate of Women in The Birthmark Essay
The Fate of Women in The Birthmark
Wilson Sullivan in Nathaniel Hawthorne in New England Men of Letters states that Nathaniel
Hawthorne s tale, The Birthmark, depicts the efforts of a deranged scientist to obtain total
perfection in his wife by removal of a facial blemish. In this story the scientist operates on the
superficial level of the physical world, while the woman, the truly heroic woman, functions on the
level of the heart and soul, the more significant level. She it is who in her virtue provides for the
reader an example to live by, even though she loses her life in the process. This essay hopes to
explore the status, role, attitude toward women and other such issues.
Alfred Kazin in the ... Show more content on ...
The wife s virtue leads her onward and upward; the husband s lack thereof and inability to
appreciate virtue in his Georgiana leads him downward and downward.
Even after Aylmer has persuaded a beautiful woman to become his wife, he is not capable of
loving her properly, unselfishly, because he had devoted himself, however, too unreservedly to
scientific studies ever to be weaned from them by any second passion. The narrator seeks to
justify this error or lack in Aylmer by explaining that it was not unusual for the love of science to
rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy. Already at the outset of the tale, the
reader perceives that Georgiana is going to be shortchanged in this marriage. She is exposed to
the problem initially when her husband asks whether it never occurred to you that the mark upon
your cheek might be removed? Aylmer is in quest of physical perfection in his wife; unfortunately
he discounts her inner, spiritual value so clearly manifested in her comment: ``To tell you the truth
it has been so often called a charm that I was simple enough to imagine it might be so. In using the
word simple she is being honest and not sarcastic; she is being humble and respectful of others
(parents?) evaluation of herself. The reply comes from a virtuous woman. Hawthorne himself was
preoccupied with . . .the
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Difference Between Presupposition And Entailment
Presupposition and entailment are two phenomenons in the field of semantics in which speakers
assume that particular information is already known by their listeners. Presupposition defined in
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language is,
The information that a speaker assumes to be already known.
Presuppositions are therefore implicit assumptions about the background beliefs and scenarios
made by the speaker to be mutually known by the addressee. For example,
The World War has ended.
This utterance implies two things. Firstly, there was a World War. Secondly, it has now ended.
Have you stopped playing piano?
This example presupposes that the person referred to in the question once played the piano.
Types of presupposition: ... Show more content on ...
In counterfactual it is not only a false or non factive statement but it is also far from the reality. Or
it s only a wish or dream that may never come true. Example,
If I was rich I would have booked a room in Burj khalifa.
It presupposes that the subject wishes to be rich and then be able to book a room in Burj Khalifa.
Difference between Entailment and Presupposition:
Entailment and Presupposition are two very closely related terms however there is a very distinct
difference between them. Entailment is a relationship between two sentences, where the truth of
one implies the truth of the other. The difference between the two terms can be suggested as such
that, negation of a sentence does not change its presuppositions whereas, the negation of a sentence
changes the entailment. For example,
I want to take a dance class again.
I don t want to take a dance class again.
Presupposition: Both the sentences presuppose that the subject has already taken a dance class
Entailment: First sentence entails that the subject is willing again to take a dance class. While the
second sentence entails that now the subject has taken it before he/she does not want to take it
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Extremity Amputation
Extremity Amputation and Quality of Life As the number of service members grows, more
veterans are experiencing limb losses because of combat related injuries. Even though these injured
soldiers receive prescriptions for an artificial limb replacement, many of them choose not to wear
their prosthetic devices as they are unreliable, uncomfortable, or painful to wear. Poorly fitted
prosthetics, limited flexibility, and lack of ability to replicate sensations are some of the factors
negatively affecting adaptation to and subsequent use of prostheses (Martino, 2014). Many veterans
with limb amputations suffer from neuropathic pain which often stops them from wearing
prosthetics as they do not want to feel additional pain (Karcz, 2016). Some veterans
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Examples Of Exceptionality In Tangled, The Incredibles,...
Throughout my paper I will discuss how the exceptionality of certain individuals is presented in
Tangled, The Incredibles, and Spirited Away, and also how their exceptionality relates to society.
The exceptional characters in these movies are positively different from the average ones, and the
differences are presented by giving these characters special abilities. In Tangled, Rapunzel is able
to heal people, control aging, agility, adaptability, and magic tears. In The Incredibles, Bob Parr/Mr.
Incredible has super strength, Helen Parr/Elastigirl is able to super stretch her body, Violet Parr
can become invisible and generate impact resistant force shields, Dash Parr has super speed, and
Jack Jack Parrhas a rage of powers. In Spirited Away,... Show more content on ...
The story illustrates that exceptionality is innate within all of us, but sometimes as we get older
we lose our abilities. Chihiro is considered an exceptional character because she can see and
communicate with the spirit world. Her parents have lost touch with their ability to notice
things outside of human world and they suffer because of this. Chihiro is able to go on a
journey that saves her and her parents, and because she succeeds in the end it is implied that it
is important to hold on to your exceptionality even as you grow old. In Spirited Away, the only
characters able to react to Chihiro s presence in the spirit world are the spirits. The spirits that
work in the bath house aren t pleased that there is a human in their presence, they blame things
on her, and make her do the dirty jobs. Towards the end of the movie these spirits get over their
prejudices and begin to love Chihiro. In the beginning she is seen as simply a freak that doesn t
belong, but by the end she proves herself and everyone has learned from her. Chihiro s
exceptionality is the only reason she was able to be the hero of her story; her parents lost touch
with their culture and almost got themselves
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The Three Branches
The plan to divide the government into three branches was proposed by James Madison, at the
Constitutional Convention of 1787. He modeled the division from who he referred to as the Perfect
Governor, as he read Isaiah 33:22; For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is
our king; He will save us. The founding
fathers of the American Constitution divided the government up into the following three branches
to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist; legislative, judicial, and executive. The three
braches were created by the Constitution: Article 1, Legislative branch made up of the House and
the Senate, collectively known as Congress; Article 2, Executive... Show more content on ...
Constitution, and appoints federal judges by advice and consent of the Senate (SITE, p.). The
judicial branch is comprised of the Federal, District, and Appeals Courts, which judge cases
concerning federal law, but the Supreme Court decides if the law agrees with the U.S.
Constitution. Each of
the three branches is controlled by the other two in several ways. The president can veto a law
which was passed by Congress, yet Congress can override the veto with a two thirds vote of both
houses. Members of the Supreme Court, which are appointed by the president and approved by
Congress, can declare a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution, Article
1 Section 1, states that the legislative branch be created from two separate bodies: a House of
Representatives and a Senate, together is known as Congress. Legislative Branch The Legislative
branch has the power to pass federal laws, establish federal courts, override a Presidential veto, and
impeach the President. The size of the House of Representatives resulted out of the Great
Compromise. The number of Representatives is determined by Congress based on the state
population. At minimum each state would have one representative, with larger states having more.
When the House was created there was one representative for every thirty thousand people, yet
currently we have one
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Cause Of Titanic Research Paper
The Titanic event was a disaster and tragedy, but it could ve been prevented somehow. That s
why someone caused this horrible thing to happen. So if someone caused who? Well, here s
who I think could ve done it. Captain Smith is the first person I thought could ve caused the
Titanic to sink. Captain Smith planned a special dinner for some first class people. If he didn t
plan it that night he could ve stopped the Titanic from sinking. But also he was not concerned
about the warnings they got about the icebergs. Either he thought it would blow over as they go
and there wouldn t be any icebergs in their way or he heard about the icebergs himself. The other
people I thought did it were Jack Phillips and Harold Bride they were the ones who
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Mary Wollstonecraft and Education for Women Essay
Mary Wollstonecraft was a participant in and observer of a significant range of social changes;
firstly was the Enlightenment thought which regarded institutions as out dated, and in need of
review, along with changes in religious beliefs, educational theory and domestic structure. A
Vindication of the Rights of Woman closely associates itself with the Enlightenment thought which
aimed to give reason behind identity and rights, by giving reason to these essential human rights
society begin to think differently about their existence. Women during the 18th century and 19th
centuryfound themselves separated from the ideology that provided the lifeblood of society, this
meant women were more like observers than participants, which fuelled... Show more content on ...
Many of the character s in Austen s Mansfield Park are overly interested in the idea of improving
themselves, and through this Austen gives the reader an insight into each characters wealth and
estate. By doing this Austen is allowing the reader an understanding of her characters social
position and therefore an assumption into their ideas. The patriarchal structure of society
allocates a distinct relationship between the inequality prevalent between male and females,
placing women in a secondary and submissive position within society allows men to remain
dominant and in control of the very society women exist in. an example of this in Austen s
Mansfield park can be seen in the character of Sir Thomas as the head of the family he is
responsible for guiding and protecting his family, this role which he plays is portrayed within the
novel as a necessity. His position within the family allows him to form the female members in a
way in which he believes to be proper, virtuous and morally correct. By placing this character in
her novel Austen is alluding to Wollstonecraft s idea of women being reared t suit the needs and
attitudes of the society around them, in order for them to gain a comfortable place in society
through the prospect of marriage.
When Sir Thomas Bertram is absent from the domestic home it soon becomes clear that Austen has
calculated this absence to highlight the reliance upon men within society in general.
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Narrative Essay About Becoming A Family
Becoming a Family It was the first day of high school, a new school, and a new town. The only
class I was looking forward to was band. I knew band was the same no matter where I was. Little
did I know that I was not just joining a band I was joining a family.
The first couple of days I got to know a lot of my classmates, started making friends, and really
got to know my director. Most of the kids had him since they were in grade school, so I was out
of the loop with current events in his life. After the first month or so I found out that his wife had
had cancer and she had just been diagnosed with it again. So just as every high school band, the first
semester was marching band. With marching band, you have competitions. It was not long before
we were all on board helping him through this rough time. At the first competition we all had
pinned white cancer ribbons on our uniforms before we get on the field. I remember looking at
him when he saw us and just him tearing up and telling us how much he loved us. So, we
decided on red hearts to be sown on the uniforms permanently. I also remember before a home
football game we had a prayer circle for them because it had gotten worse, and little did we know
one of the moms had taken a video of us and sent it to him. After that he knew that he could lean on
all of us to help him.
A couple months after marching band and Christmas was over, she passed away. It was hard for all
of us because we all loved and cared about him, and we
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With an estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the...
With an estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today, immigration reform has been a
volatile issue that hasn t been adequately addressed throughout the 21st century. With the last major
overhaul occurring in 1986, when over 3 million immigrants were granted U.S. citizenship,
politicians are saying another major overhaul is needed to address the newer generation of illegal
immigrants. Legislations including the Border Protection, Anti terrorism, and Illegal Immigration
Control Act of 2005, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, and the DREAM act
of 2012 have all tried to address the depressing need for immigration reform but have failed due to
lack of bipartisan support. Still, political leaders urge for... Show more content on ...
The main reasons include the close proximity between the two countries and the vast difference in
the quality of life. For most, getting a job at minimum wage provides a much higher standard of
living from what they came from. They are just looking for better jobs and economics opportunities
to support their families that they cannot find in their home country. The average wage in Mexico
is about $4.15 with those in the agricultural industries making even less. 40% of the Mexican
population is under the poverty line, and 25% of workers are underemployed. With such disastrous
numbers, many Mexicans find the U.S. to be extremely attractive.
Flight attendants instruct passengers, in the event of a loss of cabin pressure, to put an oxygen
mask on yourself before you try to help your children or other passengers. The same goes for the
U.S. and illegal immigrants. With massive amounts of poverty, unemployment, and debt in the
U.S., the U.S. must deal with its own problems before it helps others. The federal government has
spent $186.8 billion on immigration enforcement since 1986 that has not helped keep illegal
immigrants out of the U.S. Illegal immigration continues to be a burden on taxpayers through direct
benefits, public education, and population based services. In 2010 alone, the average unlawful
immigrant household received $24,721 in government
... Get more on ...
Culture In The Blind Side
Culture and Communication: The Blind Side The movie, The Blind Side, has a culture group
which created a diversion between races, religion, and group membership. Michael Ohear, a star
football player in the film, has overcome the life of reality during this time, and has an
upbringing story behind it. He knows how to be persistent, heroic, and gentle throughout the
movie no matter what situation he is put in. Michael starts as a foster child for many years, and
then becoming someone who everyone looks up to. Nothing ever stopped Michael from reaching
his goals to become what he wanted to be, and he worked for the possessions he desired in life. To
start, Michael is an African American who came from a town that wasn t the best living style...
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Every night when dinner was served, the family prayed together, and held hands around the
table. During the film, Michael was looking around at everyone confused on what was
happening. He has never prayed before, but he knew they were giving him a big gift, so he
needed show respect. He fit in well with this family. This was Michaels high point of his life,
and never wanted to lose it. He was terrified of messing up, and disappointing his family. He
cherished every moment he had with them, and gave them love in return. He took care of Leigh s
kids whenever she needed help. Michael was a good older brother, who had a big
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A Student At The College Of William And Mary
I am writing to you today as a student at the College of William and Mary. I am in an International
Security class and recently we studied the events occurring in Syria. As you are well aware, the
situation in Syria has been dramatically deteriorating in recent months with the rise of the Islamic
State of Iraqand the Levant (ISIL) and the recent entrance of Russia into the conflict. Syria,
meanwhile, has been in the midst of a ravaging civil war since the early spring of 2011.
Currently, the government of Syria is led by President Bashar al Assad, a member of the Syrian
Ba ath Party, a branch of the same Ba ath Party that Saddam Hussein was also a member of. This
similarity may lead some to think that Syria will end up like Iraq, with a... Show more content on ...
This led to various sectarian strifes among the countries in the Middle East. Since Russia started
bombing, they have mostly targeted anti Assad rebels, rather than ISIL which they stated they were
bombing. I propose to include Russia in the current coalition, led by the United States, which also
include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom. There will have to be negotiations in order to get Russia to
cooperate so they do not go rogue and bomb targets that are supported by the West and other
countries in the coalition. By having Russia in the coalition and working with the United States,
there will be a greater oversight of their operations and more transparency among the nations.
This will help with making strategic attacks so ISIL can be degraded and destroyed and also so
the Assad regime will finally relinquish power to a democratic government. There also must be
targeted strikes upon ISIL s main sources of income: oil reserves. Although this may harm
potential future capabilities of Syria or Iraq to drill for oil, it will severely disrupt the income of
ISIL so that they will not be able to buy the resources necessary to fight against the governments
and to maintain the territory which it has already conquered. Next, in order to quell
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Essay on The Indoor Air Quality of Natatoriums
The indoor air quality of natatoriums has become a significant health hazard, particularly regarding
competitive swimmers. The lack of regulations and legislature has made this situation worse.
HVAC systems, Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning, are designed to control the air temperature.
They have many different uses, for example, regulating the humidity and fresh air turnover rate.
However, they do not clean the air . As said in the USA Swimming article The Air Quality Issue,
...air quality is directly affected by the water quality, i.e. bad water = bad air! This bad air they
speak of stems from the chloramines within the water. Chloramines are chlorinecompound that
unlike the traditional chlorine, they cannot burn off in the... Show more content on
Some of the physical symptoms attributed to disinfection byproducts include coughing, eye and
nose irritation, anemia, stomach discomfort, damaged hair and skin. Severe symptoms include
wheezing or aggravating asthma. It has also been found that the routine breathing of irritants may
increased sensitivity to other types of irritants such as fungi and bacteria. Improperly balanced
chlorinated pools can actually cause severe asthma. These findings may explain why swimmers are
more prone to exercise induced asthma than athletes in other sports. Results show that nitrogen
trichloride or trichloramine is a cause of occupational asthma in swimming pool workers like
lifeguards and swim instructors, says Dr. K. Thickett of the Occupational Lung Diseases Unit at the
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. In Dr. Thickett s study, his subjects either stopped taking inhaled
corticosteroids altogether, or their asthma symptoms decreased significantly once they were placed
in an environment away from the swimming pools. Dr. Thickett s study has been supported by
research from other European and Australian sources. Outdoor aquatic facilities have plenty of
fresh air and UV light, which means they are not as susceptible to the chloramine problem.
Chloramine formation can be accelerated by a wide variety of aquatic activities.
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Attrition and Its Effects
Table of Contents What is attrition?3 What are signs of attrition?3 Calculation of Attrition Rates3
Attrition rates in India4 The highlights of the study in question are as follows: 4 Costs of Attrition7
Causes of Attrition9 Survey details and insights11 What can organizations do to retain employees16
Short term Actions16 Long term Actions17 Retaining the Game Changers 18 References20
ATTRITION CAUSE AND EFFECT What is attrition? Attrition is the reduction in workforce by
means of resignations, retirements and death. It is also known as total turnover or wastage rate.
Turnover is defined as a change in the workforce due to accessions, quits, discharges, and layoffs.
The difference between the two is that... Show more content on ...
* Expansion in the retail sector has led to creation of jobs which has raised attrition levels to up
to 50 %. As a means of retaining employees and cutting down the costs incurred due to attrition,
companies have resorted to signing bonds as they are imparting them the necessary training and
specialized knowledge of retail functions. * Growth in construction activities in the economy has
led to a surge in demand for engineers, resulting in an increase in their movement across
companies at the rate of 25 %. The engineering companies are starting to pay hikes and growth
assurance, to curtail attrition levels. * The manufacturing sector remains most consistent
among all sectors with a consistent attrition rate of 20% across the years. * Loss of intellectual
property is one of the most challenging problems faced by the companies as an upshot of
attrition. Hospitality, IT, hospitals, engineering sectors are the worst affected sectors in terms
of intellectual property loss especially in the absence of any laws to protect the interest of an
organization. * The study has found that the most attrition is taking place among the employees
who are in the age group of 26 to 30 years and experience level of 2 to 4 years while the most stable
chunk of employees are those in the age group of 39 to 45 years. * Women employees are less
prone to frequent job changes than their male counterparts. For every 10 male employees quitting
their jobs, there were only 2
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The Red Black by Stendhal
Introduction I was taken aback as I read the lead story of The Red Black, the University of
Georgia s student run newspaper. It was a story about hate speech that had been posted on the
Facebook pages of two University groups. Why can t you dumb dirty n****s stop stinking up
the place? Let UGA be RIGHT for good WHITE Christian students. This had been posted onto
The Black Affairs Council Facebook page. Burn in hell f****s was posted on the Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center s Facebook page. It brought back memories of my
very first year at UGA as a student back in 1997. I d been exposed to this hatred before even
though it was much more subtle. It was my first semester and second class of the day. Before
class started, we were having polite conversation about SAT scores and GPAs. I said mine and a
guy behind me said, There s no way that black girl scored higher than any of us on the SAT. She
s only here because of affirmative action, taking the place of people who actually deserve to be
here. I knew then that my presence was tolerated but not accepted. I was shell shocked then and
now. Even coming from south Georgia, I d still never directly experienced any intolerance or
hatred. Yet here it was and is still at my higher education institution of choice. Background The
University of Georgia was incorporated on January 27, 1785. The university was actually
established in 1801 when a site was selected and graduated its first class in 1804. The
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Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection Analysis
Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection is a cornerstone of the Art Institute of Chicago s
distinguished holdings of Post Impressionist and modern art. Assembled by Frederic and Helen
Bartlett in the early 1920s, it was presented to the museum and placed on permanent display in
1926 at a time when works by Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and even Georges Seurat were still
considered too radical for the collections of most American institutions. Today the Helen Birch
Bartlett Memorial Collection comprises some of the most important and iconic paintings of the late
19th and early 20th centuries.
Art Institute of Chicago: The Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection
The Art Institute of Chicago is a Museum and art school located ... Show more content on ...
The imposing modern wing exhibits collections of modern art, contemporary art, photography,
architecture, and design more complete that has ever seen. The Department of Contemporary Art
presents international art from 1945 to the present. It consists of more than 1,000 works that
include painting, sculpture, installation, and new media. It show works by Willem de Kooning,
Eva Hesse, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Joan Mitchell, Bruce Nauman, Jackson Pollock,
Gerhard Richter and Cy Twombly, among some of the presentations more remarkable. It is
considered to be one of the finest and most comprehensive in the world. This extraordinary
collection of modern art from the Art Institute showcases some of the icons of the period,
including Bathing in the River of Matisse; The Bird of Gold of Brancusi; The time punching by
Magritte; Black Cross, New Mexico from O Keeffe; Shoe of Orozco; Picture of Dorian Gray of
Ivan Albright; and Woman standing of
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The Mind of Monsters
I can kill a man, dismember his body, and be home in time for Letterman. But knowing what to
say when my girlfriend s feeling insecure... I m totally lost Dexter Morgan (Hall, 2007). Dexter
Morgan is a fictional serial killer from Showtime s series Dexter , but the writers and actors have
portrayed a real life serial killer. Manuel Prado is the real Dexter Morgan. Prado was a Miami cop
who started with smaller crime and worked his way up to becoming a serial killer. Prosecutor
David Waksman told the Miami Herald: He was very cold. He was doing robberies and went
home and slept like a baby. He was proud of what he did. (International, 2012) Real life serial
killers do not have any empathy. They kill their victims and then return to... Show more content on ...
Once that is all clean, he must dispose of the body. Common places to dump a body are rivers,
woods or lakes. But in extreme and rare cases serial killers eat their victims.
The mind of a serial killer is not right and is considered a psychopath. This can be caused by
brain damage. After Henry Lee Lucas was convicted, he underwent numerous neurological tests
that revealed fairly extensive brain damage. Small contusions indicated a frontal lobe injury, and
there was damage to his temporal lobe and pools of spinal fluid at the base of his brain (Vronsky,
2005). Lucas s brain damage is just one cause. Another common reason is that the serial killer
would of had an abusive childhood. Traditionally, the answer has been a horrific upbringing.
Most serial killers were abused as children, many hideously so. (Sandi, n.d) This can have a
range of different abusive activities. One example would be an abusive mother. The killer s
mother would have abused him therefore making him hate women. That would be an example
of how a man killing female serial killer would relate. He would physically abuse the women just
like his mother abused him. Another form of abuse is an alcoholic parent. The serial killer would
wait outside of a bar and look to see of his potential victims were under the influence. If they were
then they would most likely kill the person. A serial killer can also have a euphoric moment. He
could see his
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Orbital Cellulitis Essay
Suppurative inflammation of adipose and soft tissues of orbit is termed as orbital cellulitis. It
occurs more frequently in children than adults. Orbital cellulitis and preseptal cellulitis are the
major infections of the ocular adnexal and orbital tissues. Orbital cellulitis is an infection of the soft
tissues of the orbit posterior to the orbital septum, differentiating it from preseptal cellulitis, which
is an infection of the soft tissue of the eyelids and periocular region anterior to the orbital septum.
Orbital cellulitis can be caused by
1.Bacterial pathogens like Streptococcus and staphylococcus
2.Certain types of insect or spider bites also can transmit the bacteria that start the infection. ...
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5. For anaerobic infections Inj. Metronidazole 500 mg IV infusion 8 hourly, shifted to oral dose of
400 mg 8 hourly based on the clinical response for 2 weeks.
6. Oxymetazoline 0.05% nasal drops 2 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day, in children: 0.025%.
7. Symptomatic therapy for pain: antipyretics and analgesics in usual doses.
8. Lubricating eyedrops/artificial tears: 1 2 hourly or antibiotic eye ointment 5 times a day to
prevent exposure keratopathy.
Surgical treatment
Surgical drainage is indicated, if orbital abscess forms, based on clinical features, USG and CT
scan findings; poor response or no response to the IV antibiotic therapy, or if there is a threat to
ocular function. It includes procedures like
1.Tarsorrhaphy or Frost suture to prevent exposure keratopathy.
2.Sinusotomy/craniotomy for pus in paranasal sinus or brain abscess respectively.
3.All the patients must be carefully monitored for vision, fundus, corneal exposure, ocular motility,
pupillary reaction, corneal sensations, proptosis, systemic status including CNS function.
1.Warm compresses help in managing painful
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The Dalai Lama, Before, During And After The Chinese Invasion
The universally recognized 14th Dalai Lama has tirelessly fought for the freedom for Tibet, during
and after the unlawful occupation of the Chinese. His non violence and political involvement for
Tibet had brought acknowledgment and respect from the rest of the world.
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, was born in 1934 in Eastern Tibet. He was hailed his
predecessor s incarnation at the age of two, and was enthroned in 1940. Traditionally, the role of
the Dalai Lama is the spiritual guide and leader of Tibet, creating a symbol of security and peace.
Dalai Lama s are rarely ever politically involved in Tibet.
His holiness fulfilled this traditional role up until 1949, when he assumed full power, as the threat
of a Chinese invasion ... Show more content on ...
The Dalai Lama continued to send delegations to both neighboring counties and also countries of
significant power, but all of the Dalai Lama s attempts went ignored, as China was at the time, of
great power and consequence, and an important contribution to trade. Therefore powerful countries
did not get involved with Tibet, in the fear of provoking influential China.
While the Dalai Lama remained in Tibet, his life was at stake. Tibet slowly went into a cataclysmic
effect of destruction and disorder. The freedom of speech was now lost to the Tibetan people,
freedom marches and movements were banned, the result in not complying with this unjust system
was death or brutal imprisonment for years at a time. Even though these protests were violently
suppressed by the Communist government and martial law was imposed in 1989, demonstrations
against Chinese rule have nevertheless continued.
Following Tibet s Liberation, Mao Zedong immediately established the Seventeen Point System,
which totally eliminated Tibet s past independence. Since then, almost one and a half million
people in Tibet have been slain, and over six thousand religious buildings have been demolished.
These horrific figures have shocked the world and brought about a great sense of remorse and
compassion towards the Tibetan people and the Dalai Lama, as they continue to resist the Chinese
through the means of
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How Does Hector Change Throughout The Iliad
This passage from the epic poem The Iliad takes place near the end of book six. This book starts
off with Hector, son of the Trojan King Priam, entering Troy after being in battle. He stands out as
he enters due to the city being full of women and children, as all the men are out in battle. He walks
around the city, first meeting with his mother, Hecuba, then meeting with his brother, Paris, and
then finally meeting with his wife and son, Andromache and Astyanax. Hectorthen proceeds to talk
with his wife and play with his son, before finally returning to battle.
This passage re enforces the theme of following the heroic code, and choosing glory of family.
Even though in this passage Hector plays with is son and have fun, he still returns
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  • 2. How Did Thomson Contribute To Chemistry One of J.J. Thomson s most significant contributions to science, and thus to the study of atomic theory, was his discovery of the electron. Before the discovery of the electron, the atom was already associated with having electric charges both positive and negative but the idea of an electron existing as its own particle was unheard of. It was in 1897 when Thomson first conducted the beginning of his now famous experiment, in which he used a cathode ray tube to aid in his findings. A cathode ray tube, is a vacuum tube in which cathode rays, negatively charged particles, are produced at the cathode and travel through the vacuum, which is created when gas is extracted from the tube. J.J. Thomson discovered that in order to determine ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Achievements Of The Roman Republic The key feature of almost all lasting, successful military establishments is a professional base of soldiery. Having this in place is the gateway to repeatable military triumph. The first state to universally construct a professional military was the Roman Republic, beginning in 107 BC. Gaius Marius, Praetor and later Consul of the Republic, was the main figure in bringing about these changes. He, among other reformations, eliminated the requirement of land ownership as a prerequisite of army service, along with large scale standardization of equipment. These were some of the ways that Marius was able to establish one of the best and longest lasting militaryforces in all history. As the professional soldiery of the Roman Republic grew, so too did the ease with which it subjugated and conquered its neighbors. Part of current understanding of the Roman Army, especially during the Republic and before, can be concluded from a study of Roman political history. Rome began as a city founded by Romulus after he killed his brother Remus, both descended from Aeneas, who escaped the Sack of Troy of Illiad fame, or so the legend goes. The young city spent the better part of 200 years under the yoke of the Etruscan League, a confederation of Latin Tribes primarily to the east and north of Rome in Central Italy. The Etruscans were in turn fond of trading with the Greeks, not just for wealth, but also for ideas. Until c. 550 BC the Romans did not normally use a state controlled army, but ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Corporate And Business Strategy Analysis The Corporate and Business Strategy Before we can talk about the Strategy Hudson Bay uses we must first answer the the question of what a Corporate and Business Strategy is and how The Bay inaugurates this into their company; A Corporate Strategy in its simplest form is the the drive of the company as this has the goal /goals a company is trying to achieve and at what level it wishes to compete. Keeping this in mind we can now talk about the Hudson Bays corporate strategy. The Hudson Bay s mission statement is a vision for growth and is committed to bringing Canadians the products and services they want . The Hudson Bay is the oldest commercial company in North America, and as such expects to be at the forefront competing at the highest level in its industry, In addition they have a goal to make $1.5 billion in incremental sales and revenue. Now that we have identified the corporate strategy of Hudson bay we must identify how they plan to achieve these goals this is known as the business strategy. A business strategy is how a company intends to accomplish the corporate level strategy it does this by highlighting key objectives and appointing these objective to different divisions in the company, now that we understand what a business strategy is we can examine how Hudson bay inaugurates this into their business strategy. They prioritize accommodating the demands of Canadians and providing quality service to their customers. In addition, they put great importance on ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Positive And Negative Effects Of Clean Water In The World The United States CWA, as previously explained, has many positive and negative effects. When thinking ethically and environmentally, supporting the CWA and encouragement for the spread worldwide comes rather simply. Aldo Leopold once said, A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends to otherwise (Maus, 2017) This land ethic approach helps prove that the CWA is a good thing for this world. Some may argue that it is causing harm and is bad because all of the problems, but according to the land ethic, it is good because it trying to preserve the quality of our water and in return the quality of our lives and the world (Maus, 2017). Furthermore, supporters of the CWA are taking the precautionary principle into consideration. The precautionary principle is basically preparing for the worst and taking action to prevent a harmful event from taking place. We can all agree that water is a necessity for life, and that it is very important to make sure that necessity never vanishes. Everyone and everything in this world needs clean water, and this causes the CWA to have many stakeholders; the CWA is so controversial because it has an impact in everyone s life. Clean water is taken for granite in the United States, and the CWA has had a positive impact in helping prevent water degradation and improve the overall water quality and ecosystem. The controversial part is that the purpose of the CWA gets ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Nabokov Point Of View Nabokov discusses the three points of view he believes an author can write from: the storyteller, the teacher, and the enchanter. In his last three paragraphs he describes each point of view; he starts with storyteller. In the second to last paragraph, Nabokov begins expressing his storyteller; he believes the storyteller remains simple. Readers appreciate the magical little world the author sets up; this type of point of view only amuses the audience with minimal emotional involvement. Children s books are a great example of a storyteller approach; it is simplistic and may have meaning to its story. Because children do not necessarily need major life lessons, they appreciate more of the whimsical aspect of fictional books. Next is the teacher; ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Polar Bears and their Retreating Habitat Some of the risk factors that contribute to its registration on the Species At Risk Public Registry are hunting, reduction of availability of their prey, the reduction of their melting sea ice, and pollution, but mainly human actions. Polar bears were hunted more commonly in the past, since they have been considered at risk, they have been given regulations and laws to ensure their species survives, thus taking precautions such as putting a limit to hunting and killing the bears, whether they bring a threat when entering a community or village. There are still procedures that the officials have to follow before killing the bear, such procedures could include relocating the bear far away from the community. The... Show more content on ... This then creates shorter life span for the polar bear species. The more that humans interact with the polar bears habitat and damage their own surroundings affect the polar bears natural way of life, more at risk they are. By just the way humans burn so much fuel affects the polar bears from miles away. The burning of fossil fuels is most of the cause to climate change, humans can affect them directly with weapons, entering their habitats, and polluting their surroundings, or they can also affect the polar bears indirectly with the burning of greenhouse gases, polluting the waters, and decreasing their habitat range. Another risk factor is climate change, changing temperatures and changing their habitat, polar bears are being forced on to landmasses and entering into communities to obtain food for their survival. The polar bears are being seen more prominently in communities usually trying to find food, because of the drastic changes in their habitat. What did you learn about your species at Science North that you did not know before? Explain (A second visit may be helpful) Science North provided me with a lot more than a few points, I learned that male polar bears are very aggressive and have been known to turn on their own kind, usually eat polar bear cubs if they encounter them during ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Tattoos And Its Effects On Society In the past to get a tattoo you would have to go to a shady shack in the bad side of town where you would be greeted by a dark smoky room and a man that looks like he is about to stab you. After proving your worth by not bursting into tears you would haggle a price you want to pay and he would begin tattooingyou while smoking a cigarette and ashing all over your open wound. Today getting a tattoois a much more enjoyable thing to do you go to a clean shop and everything is sterile. I have been in some tattoo shops that are cleaner than hospitals. Around the same time that tattoos were very dangerous you could have as many as you wanted and join the military. There is a long history of tattoos in the military, Sailors would get certain tattoos that signified where they were stationed. Soldiers in the army would get tattoos representing their units, and the most sacred of all military tattoos when they have lost a brother in combat. I believe that the government should let soldiers have tattoos below their elbows and below their knees because, tattoos are very mainstream, they are trained killers, most of the military has tattoos that would make them ineligible for reenlistment, it is one of the last ways soldiers can show self expression in the military, and tattoos have such a rich history in the military. I don t see why soldiers having tattoos above the wrist and below the neck would be off limits. Every day men and women cycle through basic training where they are ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Homer Hickam s October Sky Everyone is told at a very young age that they can be whatever they want to be. But is this really true? In our day and age, with technology advancing daily, many young people find that it isn t as easy to follow one s dreams as is portrayed in fairy tales. October Sky is like these books, as it shows boys following their dreams by creating homemade rockets. But what makes this seemingly unrealistic book stand out from the rest is its ability to inspire. This book intrigues the reader and draws them in as it shows the characters as they learn. As a true story, the author Homer Hickam writes about himself as the main character in the story of his life. He writes about his group of friends as they come together and decide to create rockets. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Censorship from Obscene Material Censorship From Obscene Material Today, in the 1990 s, citizens in our society are being bombarded with obscene material from every direction. From the hate lyrics of Gun s N Roses to the satanic lyrics of Montley Crue and Marilyn Manson to the sexually explicit graphical content of today s movies, the issue is how much society is going to permit and where we, as a society, should we draw the line. The freedom of speech has always been considered a right, but that doesn t mean that you can shout, Fire! in a crowded movie theater. The real question is whether such material is harmful or dangerous to our society. Many people are asking whether or not we should censor offensive material. They believe that some material is too ... Show more content on ... The critics of this point of view think that private sector censorship will not be enough. They believe that the entertainment industry will not be able to control itself. Private sector restrictions do not have the authority of the law, therefore they cannot successfully draw the line between what can and cannot be said in public. The third and final possible solution is no censorship at all. While many Americans are troubled by what they feel is offensive speech, and feel that it should be restricted by law, advocates of the third solution disagree. They feel that there is more harm in restricting free speech than by the offensive speech itself. In the bill of rights, the first amendment says, Congress shall make no long abridging the freedom of speech. The first amendment was intended to protect the minorities from the tyranny of the majorities. The advocates of this view feel that the minority has a right to express themselves regardless of the opinion of the majority. Free speech matters because it encourages creativity. Without the freedom of speech, America would probably be dull and drab like a communist country such as the former USSR. For example, the comedy of Andrew Dice Clay, considered offensive by some, shouldn t be censored from those who find him humorous ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Philadelphia Art Museum My trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art was really knowledgeable, joyful and informative. This Museum of Art is the largest museum in the United States. When I arrived at the front of the museum I was surprised and amazed how beautiful was the front entrance. The unique design and the gigantic pillared building attracted me. The entrance had a huge statue of a lady with a bow and arrow in her hand at the top of the Museum s Great Stair Hall known as Diana (1892 1893) by Augustus Saint Gaudens. Diana is made up with copper sheets with the height of 14 feet 6 inches. I was fascinated with many of the exhibits they had set up. There were rooms with different groups of art according to their type, year and location they were made. All of the art in the art museum were interesting to look at and interpret. There were many paintings in the museum which caught my attraction. One of the painting I ... Show more content on ... Picasso was born on October 25 1881, Nationality: Spanish and the movement of his artwork were Cubism, and Surrealism. Art is an artist s individual interpretation of the subject. Female nude is a piece of art which makes the viewer think what is the artist trying to express by his painting. I was really confused at first when I looked at the art work and it took me a while to figure out what the art really means to its viewer. In general, the visual elements present in the art work like color, shape, lines, curves, and the subject itself are most remarkable visual features. While viewing this piece of art one thing you will notice is the color shade and the sharpen lines of the artwork attracts the viewers and hold you up for a while. Deep color combination of the background and the bright color frame work makes the piece look more vivid and attractive. I am still not quite sure about what is the artist trying to express from this painting but all in all I really liked this piece of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Theories Of Occupational Therapy A unique perspective of Occupational Therapy (OT) is defined as A profession concerned with promoting health and well being through Occupation (Charles, 2010, p.362). The difference between OT and Occupational Health (OH) is that OT is the profession and OH concerns how occupations affect your health. This essay will first discuss the relationship between OH and well being. Secondly it will describe alternative views of disability models. While some doctors believe in medicineas a treatment, for disability, practitioners of OT believe that social background and environment should be taken into consideration. Thirdly this essay will discuss the underpinning theory of OT relating to MOHO and how a social and physical questionnaire can get... Show more content on ... The purpose of Goal setting is to operationally define the specific desired outcomes and describe the factors involved in achieving the outcome (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010, p.100). Goals can be split up into two different types. A Short term goal is the pathway leading up to the long term goal (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010, p.100). Long term goals have been described as the destination of therapy (Julia Bowman and Lise. L. Mogensen, 2010, p.100). For therapists the long term goal is how far the client wants to improve; if it is being fully independent, being able to do the cleaning, the long term goal would be set to get them to that place. However, if the client is not reaching their goals, this is when grading comes to place. Grading is the modification of an activity to support the client s performance (Bridgett,2011, OT A Z: G is for Grading). Grading is all about adjusting the goal to make it easier or harder for the client. If the client was about to do their goal very quickly you would change their goal to make it harder for them; thus they can work towards a new goal. The occupation performance model looks at what makes the person be able to do or not do the task. With this the therapist will write down what is preventing the client from reaching their ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Symbolism In Siddhartha Peace begins with a smile. That was once remarked by Mother Teresa, who has won a nobel peace prize. Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, is about a boy named Siddhartha who leaves home when he is in his teenage years, so that he can go out and seek nirvana and find enlightenment. One of the symbols in Siddhartha is a smile. A smile is used in the book to show characters that have been enlightened. In Siddhartha, Hermann Hesseuses the smile as a symbol to show enlightenment which is shown through Vasudeva, Gotama, and Siddhartha. One of the few characters in the novel that are enlightened is Vasudeva. Vasudeva was a ferryman who was always learning and listening to the river. On one ferry ride with Siddhartha, the two talked about their lives. During the talk, Vasudeva smiled: The rower smiled, swaying gently (102). One of the ways to show enlightenment is a ... Show more content on ... To reach nirvana, one must find enlightenment. Siddhartha, at the end of his journey, does reach enlightenment, which is shown by him smiling, He smiled peacefully and gently, perhaps very graciously, perhaps very mockingly, exactly as the Illustrious One had smiled (151). The smile reveals that he has become enlightened. A quote that also tells how he has become enlightened shares that his loyal friend, Govinda, compares Siddhartha s smile Gotama s smile, And Govinda saw that this mask like smile of simultaneousness over the thousands of births and deaths this smile of Siddhartha was exactly the same as the calm, delicate, impenetrable, perhaps gracious, perhaps mocking, wise, thousand fold smile of Gotama... (151). Comparing Siddhartha s smile with Gotama s smile shows that Siddhartha is similar to the illustrious one, who is enlightened. Siddhartha s journey to becoming enlightened definitely did not end badly for the lad, who in the end, definitely did become ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Sharia Law And Islamic Law The Sharia law is the build of Islamic law. It help Islamic law become what people know of it today. Many people live under this legal system that is based on Islam which some private parts of life are controlled. The Islamic law is the sacred legal system prevailing the members of the Islamic belief. This one is resulting from the religious principles of Islam, mainly the Quran and the Hadith. However, Sharialaw is the law of Islam, This law is originally based on the actions and words of Muhammad, which are named Sunnah, and the Quran, that he wrote (2016). The Sharia law covers numerous of topics while some others may deal with public behavior, private behavior and private beliefs. Out of all the legal systems throughout the world currently, Islam s Sharia law is the utmost disturbing and firm, particularly contrary to women. For example, according to the law a man can beat his wife for disobedience, a woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her relative of husband, and a female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits and other laws against them. These laws that have been made really shows no fairness to the rights women. Islamic law signifies one and only of the world s great legal systems. As an illustration, the Judaic law influenced western legal systems, Islamic law made as a significant part of the religion. The term Sharia is an Arabic term meaning the right path and discusses the traditional Islamic law (2016). Subsequently the Sharia ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Museum Of Ancient Egyptian Art The Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art collections, including artifacts and objects relating to the different periods of ancient Egyptian history, starting from the prehistoric period until the Greek roman period. The museum maintains an information system consisting of all the records pertaining to the museums collection. The principle components of this system are as following: 1.Board of Trustees Records: The Board of Trustees Records reflect the activities of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art Board. The records basically are pertaining to the several Broad Presidents and the Broad Members Corporate documents such as the museum bylaws, leases, and agreements. Documents which contain the museum s financial information. Correspondence which contains the communications to and from the board of Trustees other than the president. Minutes from the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, Senior Board, and various committees. They include resolutions, votes, correspondence, memos, and amendments to the museum s bylaws. Trustee Manuals which contain copies of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art s mission, code of ethics, bylaws, collection policy, accession and deaccession policy, Museum s acquisition policy, and strategic plan, as well as lists of museum s staff, trustees, trustee committees. The director s annual reports presented by the director of the Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art to the Board of Trustees outlining the various activities of the different ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Wgu Corporate Governance through the proper channels (Cascarino, Richard E., 2012, pg. 10). Most company s experience an issue with fraud at one point in its operations. It is very unusual to find an entity that has never had to handle fraud in any aspect. Regulatory challenges in controlling fraud goes beyond giving the appearance of attacking the issue by combating with some of the fundamental causes (Cascarino, 2012, pg. 130). It is very important to try and have controls set to deter fraudto the very minimal amount, however it is imperative to continue theses controls well into the future to ward of any other fraudulent attacks (Cascarino, 2012, pg. 130). By having proper equipment and competent employees to combat the possibility of sensitive information being ... Show more content on ... It is just a fact that fraud cannot be eliminated, but simply deterred instead. It is recommended to have a response action plan in case of an assault. This will provide confirmation for investors that the company is reliable and has proper protection where it concerns its sensitive information. By being able to provide shareholders that there are industry meeting controls and a response plan in case of a possible compromisation with the companies information, shareholders will be more willing to invest with the entity. As society grows in knowledge and fraudsters become just as educated in how to perform criminal acts against individuals and financial institutions companies control should increase its awareness as well. This will attempt to decrease the number of fraud cases that get reported every year. Progressing with time, with application and urgency targeted toward company control, there should be a visible decrease in corporate fraud. The best strategy taken to decrease the occurrences of fraudulent cases being reported is to become insupportable of these types of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Can Help Change Our Perspective On Life Gifts come in all ways, shapes and forms. Sometimes you don t even recognize that something or someone has been giving you a gift, you only know that it makes you feel happy. Happiness in itself is a gift that many different objects, people or places can give to someone. There are many different things that give me happiness within one day, that is for certain. But there are irreplaceable continuous gifts that live with us every single day, our animals. Whether you have a dog, cat, horse, fish, ferret (the list goes on) everyone has felt some sort of happiness or thankfulness for their animals. Not only do animals give back to us every day, but we also give back to the animalswhich can help change our perspective on life and become a little bit more selfless. This new creature solely relies on you to feed it, nurture it, shelter it, and love it for the rest of its life. That alone can change someone to be more selfless and responsible because they have to make sure that their animalcomes first in all that they do so that it is as happy as possible. Knowing that you have to take care of this animal can make you more compassionate too, it could open up a soft spot you may not have had before, especially if it was your first animal. This is your gift to the animal, giving it the best life you possibly can. Animals can help people become more responsible because they have something else they have to stay clean for, clean up after, and take care of. We become more ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of The Book The Hardy Boys The Hardy Boys series written by various authors, all under the pseudonym Franklin W. Dixon has been around for a very long time. Their first appearance was in 1927, and they have survived numerous reboots and reprints since then. Part of their charm, especially for kids, is that, unlike Sherlock Holmes and other popular detectives, they are teenagers. Like their readers, they have school, chores, and church on Sunday. This essay will focus, as far as plot is concerned on the first book The Tower Treasure, the differences between the Hardy Boysand typical detective fiction, as well as on the cultural impact of the books. The Tower Treasure begins with the sons of private detective Fenton Hardy running an errand for their father. The errand and their lives are almost cut short, however by a speeding car that nearly runs them off the road. They survive the incident, and continue on, completing their errand successfully. They then detour to the farm of Chet Morton, a school chum of the Hardy boys [who] lived on a farm about a mile out of Bayport (Dixon 14). On the way to Chet s they discover the car that almost killed them overturned. They examine the wreck to find that it has been abandoned. Upon arriving at Chet s, they discover that his jalopy, the Queen has been stolen. They drive into their hometown of Bayport, where they run into Callie Shaw. Callie accuses Chet of lending his car to someone who then hit her and ruined a cake she was carrying for a neighbor. They ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Film Industry Of Crisis By Frank O Hara Introduction A a result of my keen interest in my Media Studies Course I have chosen to look for a poem that highlights the positive and negative viewpoints on different issues surrounding the film industry. The poem I have found, The Film Industry In Crisis by Frank O Hara in 1957, comments on the choice audiences must make between Glorious Silver Screen or to the American LEgion or the Catholic church. O Hara also makes a brief reference to give credit where it s due , which has lead me to look further into the impacts of Illegal streaming of film. I also wonder about how the viewing experience has been affected by external factors throughout history and what the impacts of developing technology have been on the film industry as a whole. How have changes to technology, including legal streaming sites, influenced the consumption of films? The way films are being made has significantly affected the way films are consumed with the introduction of full colour viewing to the increase in resolution and frame rate of film as a result of digitalisation of film in the early 2000 s. Access to entertainment has also changed with audiences shifting from traditional cinema to smaller more readily accessible methods. Through the early 1900 s cinema ticket sales in the US remained steady, around 80 90 million sales annually (CyberCollege ). After the introduction of television in 1929, ticket sales began dropping and by the time the 1950 s arrived ticket sales had dropped to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Understanding Operating Systems Chapter 3 Essay Topic A Operating System: Windows 8.0 Open Computer. Click properties. In the the left pane click on Advanced system settings Under performance Click Settings Click the Advanced tab. Under Virtual Memory you can change the Virtual Memory. On my computer the minimum size is 16MB and the maximum recommended size is 3313 MB. Topic B Cache memory is on the main chip, it can be accessed much more quickly than RAM, which is restricted by the BUS speed. Data is held in the Processor cache memory, where it is close to the processor, thus speeding up the operation of the processor. The implementations of cache memory on multi core chips do vary from one manufacturer to another but have to adhere to a certain code. Schauer, Bryan.... Show more content on ... Step 15: Page F is moved into the third available page frame.* The fail rate is 4/11 or 36% and the success ratio is 7/11 or 64% B) Now with four page frames. Step 1: Page A is moved into the first available page frame. Step 2: Page C is moved into the second available page frame. Step 3: Page A is already available. Step 4: Page B is moved into the third available page frame. Step 5: Page A is already available. Step 6: Page D is moved into the fourth available page frame Step 7: Page A is already available. Step 8: Page C is already available. Step 9: Page D is already available. Step 10: Page B is swapped into secondary storage. Step 11: Page E is moved into the third available page frame* Step 12: Page A is swapped into secondary storage. Step 13: Page F is moved into the first available page frame.* The fail ratio is 2/11 or 18% and the success ratio is 9/11 or 82% C) From these examples I can make a general statement that the more page frames available the higher the success ratio is and the least page frames available the higher fail ratio. Exercise 6 A)Only three page frames. a, c, b, d, a, c, e, a, c, b, d, e Step 1: Page A is moved into the first available page frame. Step 2: Page C is moved into the second available page frame. Step 3: Page B is moved into the third available page frame. Step 4: Page A is swapped into secondary ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Sweatshop, By Karl Marx Exam 2: Marx In this short essay I will apply the concepts of exploitation, alienation and labour theory of value from Karl Marx s theory to analyze the practice of sweatshops and the actors involved. Marx s theory about exploitation in application to the practice of sweatshops directs us to think about the downfalls of an capitalist system that oppresses the poor working class. Furthermore, Marx s theory regarding the alienation of workers from nature and the product directs us to think about the implications of a system in which mass production jobs are specialized, and its directed impact on an individual s mental state as well as it s limitation of social mobility. Finally, Marx s labour theory of value directs us to think about the mass ... Show more content on ... One of the bigger issues of capitalism is the class conflict it creates, which is demonstrated through the exploitative practices of the poor working class by the Bourgeoisie. The impact of capitalism is having an effects on a global scale. In a capitalist society, wealth is not distributed equally and in the process of aiding the rich to get richer, in both countries that outsource this work as well as in countries that employ sweatshops, the working class are suffering. In the simplest economic terms, the more we consume, the more demand it creates, which only increase the quotas for sweatshops. Another issue within the formulation of sweatshops is the mass consumption of products by individuals in western and developed countries. The products that are sold on the market are often inexpensive to an individual that is protected by minimum wage and social regulations, which allows for leisure time, usually spent purchasing commodities and products. However, the individuals in these sweatshops are not provided the same protection, and often find themselves unable to afford the products they ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Are The Differences Between The Patricians And... The Patricians were a privileged class of Roman citizens, membership in the Patrician class was hereditary and was only ever achieved by birth. On the other hand, the Plebeians were all of the citizens of Rome whom weren t Patricians. Plebeians were average working citizens of Rome farmers, bakers, builders or craftsmen who worked hard to support their families and pay their taxes. Romans were in fact able to tell whether you were a Patricianor a Plebeian simply by hearing your second name, this had a major impact on both the Plebeians and Patricians... Show more content on ... There began to be a lot of clashes between the people, the way the Patricians ruled began to irritate the Plebeians, bringing them to the edge of revolt. Lucius Sicinius Vellutus advised the plebeians to secede en masse to the Mons Sacer (The Sacred Mount), a hill outside of Rome. The senate was panicked by this and dispatched Agrippa Menenius Lanatus, a former consul who was liked by the Plebeians, they saw him as one of their own. Menenius was well received and told them the fable of the belly and the limbs, comparing the people to the limbs who chose not to support the belly and thus starved themselves, just as the belly and the limbs, the city could not survive without the Patricians and Plebeians working together in unison. Plebeians negotiated for their return to the city under one condition. They wanted tribunes to be appointed to represent the Plebeians and to protect them from the consuls power. Over two decades later, another tribune, Lucius Genucius, had a law passed requiring ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Importance Of Self Assessment The Importance of Self Assessment Self assessment is an important aspect of teaching, as it allows the teacher to reflect upon the successfulness of the content of the lesson and the communication, along with the delivery of instruction and if each student s learning was successful. Looking at each of these individually, there are specific components that a teacher should look reflect on and assess. When broken down, there is a better chance of determining where changes to a lesson, or to teaching, might be needed to make it more successful for learning. The first area of teaching to assess is the subject matter, which is one of the most important aspects to reflect on, as this has to be developmentally appropriate much more. Reflecting on the specific subject content of a lesson is important for many reasons. Some of the most important things to consider are if it is developmentally appropriate, that the objectives are sound and measurable, and that it is related to the student s experiences or knowledge. Determining if a lesson is developmentally appropriate is important as if it is not it can either leave students bored, too below standards, or confused, too above standards. This also leads to ensuring that objectives are sound and measurable, as measuring objectives will help to indicate if the lesson was successful and if students learned the content or skill, which indicates the appropriateness of it. The last important aspect to touch on is relating learning to the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Douglasian Cultural Model in Indian Context Comment Form for Assessed Work Introduction Today s world is being dominated by daily innovations in technology and increasing globalization which helps organizations to spread and to operate globally in a successful way. Every organisation operating at a global level is trying to improve their financial profits. The success of such organizations greatly depends on their workforce and their decision making capabilities. Many times the ethicality of such decisions have been questioned because of the profit driven strategies of these organizations. As Nobel Prize winner economist Milton Friedman quotes, An executive s responsibility generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to their basic ... Show more content on ... Also the article studies the ethical practices of different types of companies and business entities to understand the business ethics beyond large private corporations with respect to all the four solidarities of CT. The article debates about the dynamicity of ethical decision making by citing the examples of all the solidarities existing in different Indian corporations. Also it talks over about the historical and philosophical background for the adoption of different ethical strategies by different corporations. Weaknesses The article explains the process of ethical decision making in business from a Douglasian Cultural Theory perspective only. The article does not identify many other factors beyond culture that may account for differences in work behaviour across nations. Scholars like Parboteeah and Cullen (2003) have suggested the need to include noncultural factors to isolate the influence of culture on ethical behaviour. Also many scholars have talked about the other personal characteristics like education, age, gender and religion that affect the ethical decision making but they have not put any light on this part in the article. According to Kracher, Chatterjee and Lundquist, education plays an important and positive role in one s ethical decision making. Also Singhapakdi et al.: JBE (1996) talk about the relationship between ethical sensitivity and age being significantly positive. Ameen, et al., (1996) suggests that ethical ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Summer Of My German Soldier Book Report Book #2 Summary Title:Summer of My German Soldier Author:Bette Greene Time Period:1941 1945, Modern America and the World Wars Major Theme:Gathering and interactions of peoples, cultures, and ideas. Summary: This story takes place in the small town of Jenkinsville, Arkansas, during World War II. The main character of the story is Patty Bergen. Patty is a 12 year old girl with tomboyish characteristics. It is summer time, and all of her friends are away at church camp, while Patty is on her own. Patty s family is the only Jewish family in town, which makes her often feel alone. Her parents do not provide a nurturing environment for Patty; they are cold and distant. Her mother often criticizes her for her appearance to her face... Show more content on ... This is where she keeps her favorite things and reads. Anton figures out a way to escape the prisoner of war camp, and is on the run as Patty sees him. Patty takes him to her secret room to hide him. Patty and Anton slowly build their friendship, and she finally begins to feel appreciated and loved. Anton needs a new shirt, so Patty gives him one of the shirts she bought her dad that he carelessly tossed aside. Anton proves his loyalty, when one night he sees Patty s father beating her in anger and he runs out of hiding to attempt to help her. At the last minute he turns back, only to have Ruth see him. Ruth helps take care of him, but her concern is for Patty and her family. It is decided that Anton must leave. Anton gives his father s ring to Patty as a gift to represent their friendship, then he is gone. It will be the shirt and the ring that help the authorities tie the two of them ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Trinity Research Paper The Trinity is the basis of the gospel, and the gospel is the declaration of the Trinity in action. (J I Packer, The Trinity consists of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, yet they make up one God. It is the simple philosophy of the 3 in 1 or three persons, one essence first brought up by Tertullian. It is this philosophy that allows Christianityto be a monotheism. The definition of the Trinityaccording to the Merriam Webster dictionary is the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma. The basis of the Trinity is that there is God the Father, Jesusthe Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are three separate parts, yet they make up one. While this is confusing to the naked ear, it actually makes logical sense on a deeper level. Scholars and philosophers struggled for years to give a valid explanation of the Trinity. It was not until Tertullian in the 2nd or 3rd century AD that a satisfactory explanation was given. Tertullian came up with the Trinitarian Doctrine, which basically... Show more content on ... In fact, some people go as far as to say the Trinity does not exist at all. However, in Genesis 1:26 it says Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness... . Take note that he says us and our , implying that he is talking to someone else. He could not be talking to the humans because they were not created yet. If he was talking to the animals then humans would look more like a bird, or fish, or wolf and humans clearly do not. So what or who was he talking to? It is clear he was talking to the Trinity and if he was talking to the Trinity and it says nowhere in Genesis that God created the Trinity, then the Trinity must have existed with God before the creation of the world. Therefore the Trinity and God are ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Helicobacter Pylori Research Paper Helicobacter Pylori at Tight Junctions Prior to the isolation of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori} by Robin Warren and Barry Marshall in 1982, it was theorized that peptic ulceration, an ailment first described in 1857 by William Brinton, stemmed from poor diet, tobacco use, and stress due to the failure to definitively identify a causative agent as well as the belief that the inhospitable environment within the human stomach resulted in its sterility (Tanenbaum 2005). Because physicians were ignorant to the existence of H. pylori, individuals suffering from peptic ulcerations underwent ineffective treatments for over a century. The successful isolation of H. pylori and identification of its role in gastric diseases earned Warren and Marshall a joint Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005 (The Nobel Prize 2005). Despite the passage of thirty two years, modern medicine has been unable to definitively eradicate H. pylori, but research continues in hopes of developing a more permanent cure as well as effective methods of preventing initial peptic ulceration, as occurrence is linked to an increased risk of developing gastric carcinomas. Introduction to Helicobacter pylori at Tight Junctions According to Stein, Ruggiero, Rappuoli, and Bagnoli (2013), H. pylori is present in the gastric mucosae of more than half of the human population. H. pylori ... Show more content on ... This results not only in the abnormal assembly of tight junctions in areas colonized by H. pylori, but also alters the composition and function of the apical junctional complex (OMIM SOURCE YEAR). Prolonged exposure to CagA results in dysplasia and prevents the epithelial barrier from functioning ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Opening Of Japan And China Essay Jonah Noel December 3, 2016 The opening of Japan and China; A love story Throughout history, dozens of countries have adopted isolationist policies on countless different occasions. For example, in the United States in the 1930 s, many Americans felt that amidst the Great Depression, the government should focus its efforts on solving problems at home before intervening in international affairs. Furthermore, today, totalitarian dictators often isolate their countries in order to consolidate their power, as is the case in North Korea and Eritrea. Yet while isolationism itself was not unique to the 19th century, the manner in which both China and Japan departed from isolationist policies under imperialist pressures was unique. When Japan and China enacted isolationist policies in the 16th century, Japan and China were among the most advanced countries in the world. Both nations felt that they did not need to nor desired to interact with the rest of the world, or intervene in disputes between barbarians (Aizawa 348.) As a consequence, throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, neither country advanced much technologically. On the other hand, over that same period the west experienced and reaped the benefits of an industrial revolution that saw dramatic advances in mathematics, science, and technology. The west subsequently experienced significant economic growth, and western powers then began building empires in pursuit of further growth. As a result, when western powers ... Get more on ...
  • 29. 30 Year Mortgage Making the choice to apply for a mortgage is a huge decision. However, there is no scarcity of decisions to be made when applying for one. You must decide which lender you are going to pick and determine whether a fixed or an adjustable rate will suit you best. And then you are compelled to make the biggest decision of all. Paying a 30 year mortgage loanis quintessential, however, this standard mortgagelength is not written in stone. You can choose to pay off your mortgage sooner with a 15 year loan. Choosing a 15 year mortgage loan over a 30 year mortgage loan has several benefits. One benefit of choosing a 15 year term is being able to pay off your home loan quickly. This option is perfect for those who do not want to pay a mortgage for ... Show more content on ... By paying an extra $100 each month, you can reduce the amount of interest you pay by $22,816.95 leaving the lifetime of the loan at $114,799.44 in interest. That being said, if you wanted to make extra payments on the 30 year mortgage loan and pay it off like a 15 year loan, you would have to do it diligently because the interest rates are higher and you could mess it up if you don t pay the difference religiously. However, if money gets tight, then you don t have to make that extra payment if you cannot afford it. Compared to the 15 year loan, you must always pay a higher monthly payment whether you want to or not, but your interest rates are lower. In conclusion, making the decision between a 15 year mortgage and a 30 year mortgage is a major decision that will have long lasting effect on your financial situation. Going over your finances before choosing a term is crucial. If you are wanting to pay off your mortgage before retiring, it would be wise to go over your finances to see if your income can support higher payments. If you are a first time home buyer, looking at every aspect such as how much of disposable income and personal savings you have should be taken into consideration. Having a 15 year mortgage can take a significant chunk of your income and if you do not have the means to support that, it is likely in your best interest to skip the faster route and stick with the 30 year ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Albert Nobbs Women Not all crossdressers are created equal and each has their reasons for deciding to don the opposite gender s clothing, other than desire, survival is huge underlying factor as to why woman are driven to cross dress. Women placed at a disadvantage from birth has to work double and face hurdles in attaining their professional and educational goals at times. In two films in the chapter Albert Nobbs and Yentl, chronicle the hardship and deceit that these women had to undergo in order to survive in their environments. These women s livelihood was rooted in falsehood out of necessity and changing their destinies by choosing male garb. The 2011 film Albert Nobbs starring Glenn Close as the long time butler at the Morrison Hotel in Dublin, Ireland in the 19th century. Albert has stealthily lived 30 years as a man even though she is biologically female. Albert... Show more content on ... Recently unemployed Joe Mackins (Aaron Taylor Johnson) stumbles in the hotel and takes on the positon of boiler man. The young and coquettish maid Helen Dawes (Mia Wasikowska) is drawn to him instantly and soon enough the two are in a courtship. However, Joe s true colors show him to be an alcoholic tormenter and Helen decides to break the courtship. Hubert Page (Janet McTeer) is assigned to paint the hotel and discovers Albert s secret once they are forced to share living quarters. The following day, Hubert divulges that he is keeping the same secret as well. Hubert and Albert are both two women trying to navigate the harsh reality of 19th century Ireland in a time when men s work was more lucrative and offer a more comfortable life for them. Albert pays a visit to Hubert s home and encounters the warm and friendly Cathleen (Bronagh Gallagher), who live harmoniously and covertly as husband and wife. Albert recounts Hubert the tear jerking ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Landscape Of Escort Advertising The landscape of escort ads in Vegas is unlike any other in the country due to the staggering number of annual tourists we welcome every year. First time visitors are normally surprised at the level of attention grabbing advertisements populating Las Vegas Boulevard. From moving billboards, to the infamous handbills, or escort cards, being peddled on the Strip, escortsads are everywhere, and there is no denying they are as tempting as they are plentiful. Is this the first time you have visited, and you find yourself wondering just how common hiring an escort, or private stripper, is? The plethora of escort ads are indicative of how common it is for gentlemen and couples to hire Vegas escorts to perform private strip shows behind closed... Show more content on ... Though there are many stunning women in this thriving metropolis, there are essentially two main ways to meet escorts in Vegas. The first of them is through an agency, such as Bunnies of Las Vegas Escorts. With an agency, you meet performers who have been vetted by the company to ensure they are licensed, which means they are of the legal working age of 18 and above. The peace of mind that comes with this is unmatched, but keep in mind that not all agencies are created equal. There are many escort services in Vegas, but few of them go to the lengths we do to provide the upper echelon of female companionship. When you insist on a playmate who is the total package, you must align with an entity that only refers captivating dames who offer charming wit along with smoldering sexuality. Especially if you extend your date to include a social outing, you must invite someone who is more of a flirty conversationalist than a wet blanket. Awkward first dates are the worst, and if you find yourself sitting next to a woman lacking in personality, your **Vegas GFE** will be akin to the most uncomfortable of first dates. When you count on us to be your connection to an impassioned plus one, you will not be left feeling bored or uninspired. Companions found here can be your afternoon date at a popular Vegas party pool, or your elegant accessory at a high brow function. The date is yours to design ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Male Sexual Enhancement Research Paper Male sexual enhancement products are oftentimes confused with products of penis enlargement. Due to this mistake, loads of skepticism exists regarding whether the male enhancement products practically work. Supplements for sexual improvement have a greater effect compared to penis enlargement since they can refine everything regarding male sexual performance not penis size. Anyways, throughout erections, it is the penis s corpora cavernosa that gets filled up with blood. Blood amount that this membrane accepts and the amount of time it accepts it will determine how tough an erection will be and how long it will last. Now pay attention please. Men get left with weak erections that lack in performance, for loads of age. The corpora cavernosa could virtually lose its overall force to absorb this blood influx. Unusual supplements for male however, enhancement as well as come with ingredients such as leaf extract of Epimedium that can refine any erectile function. The corpora cavernosa can then enhance its capacity and over and over again get the grip to deal with improved blood flow for harder erections that usually teenagers tend to get ... Show more content on ... Of course harder erections can be obtained that last longer and stabilize your libido and sexual stamina at the same time, provided you discover the ideal usual supplement for male sexual enhancement for you. Click Here Now to start feeling fortunate about harder and longer lasting erections that will drive your partner wild. This leading male enhancement product will refine nearly all aspects of your sexual performance, improved, to stamina, from size and to recovery libido. Consequently, click Here Now to Transform your Sex Life ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Use Of Primary And Secondary Sources At first glance this book may seemed like just a collection of letters, songs, and inventory lists, but shortly after entering the first chapter it was abundantly clear that the title is very misleading. Laundry list s and love songs are but a minuscule, compared to the ample supply of translations that the author Andrea McDowell has implemented into this collection. Village Life in Ancient Egypt was published in 1999 by Oxford University Press, A well known source of educational publications. McDowell uses a small variety, but by no means lacking in quantity, of primary and secondary sources, the majority of which consisted of translations from either unearthed ostraca, or the less common papyrus. This Review will discuss the structure of the book, McDowell s use of primary and secondary sources, and how she gets her argument across. This text contains an abundance of information regarding, roughly every aspect of village life during the New Kingdom (1570 1070 B.C) in ancient Egypt. The book is arranged into six chapters including an introduction and an Epilogue. The chapters are: family and friends; daily life; religion; education, learning, and literature; law and work on the royal tomb. Each Chapter is introduced with a brief description of its contents and how the aged texts were implemented. Within each chapter are sub headers that describe itself along with its relation to the chapter. Within each sub header are the translated Egyptian texts. Each translated piece ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Case Analysis Of Group1 Automotive 1.Internal performance Houston based Group1 Automotive Inc. is an international fortune 500 automotive retailer, it is the leader in the automotive retailing industry. It is the third largest dealership group in the United States and also extended to the UK and Brazil. Company s strategy: Group 1 Automotive strategies are totally based on the regional structure. Strategy are formed and executed according to local or regional situation. This type of strategy in practice used to achieve the operating efficiency, industry leading customerservice, disciplined acquisition growth and diversity. Their strategies are focused on the customer, leveraging its scale, successful acquisition. So that decision can be effectively to remain close to market and deliver best. Mission: Mission of the Group 1 Automotive is to provide the customer satisfaction by the world class facility and trained staff. Providing all the information about the company offering on the go, any one can check the all the deals available in it s all the show rooms. Its mission is to provide the transparent and integral solution of any problem related to their services and offering. Vision: Vision of the Group 1... Show more content on ... Stakeholders can construct visions of, and pathways to, sustainable futures that reflect their experiences, views and concerns (Whitmarsh, Swartling, JГ¤ger, 2009). So Group one strategy, mission and vision are based on the performance and factor of all the stakeholders. Let s say one of its supplier Toyota is claiming that it is the best in industry car in its price segment then all the marketing and sales strategy for this particular car will be depend on the statement give by the Toyota, it this Toyota statement falsify the then its strategy can be hampered. So for the business all stakeholders are the equal ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Stevie Wonder Biography Stevland Hardaway Morris is an American award winning musician known all over the world by the name Stevie Wonder. Wonder was born on May 13, 1950, in a small city in Michigan state where he lived his first four years of his life before moving to Detroit. Wonder endured a harsh childhood. Blind since birth, he overcame difficult family situations such as poverty and an abusive father, but that did not stop him. Instead, it encouraged him, to develop his natural gifts and create the most renown and expressive music of the twentieth century. Artistically, Wonder is recognized and awarded; he has made more than 30 U.S. top 10 hits, won 25 Grammy awards the most Grammys ever given to a solo artist, and received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Personally, Wonder s disability, early hardships, and cultural background have shaped his philanthropic mindset by merging his talent with social justice initiatives.... Show more content on ... This is seen in his financial commitments to improve the lives of African Americans, of children in need, of those with health concerns, and of those with artistic dreams. Consequently, his financial contributions to The Jackie Robinson Foundation, Children in Need, Stand up to Cancer, Special Olympics, and MusiCares proves not only that he knows what it feels like to need support but also that his definition of charity includes putting his money where his thoughts are. Almost all of the proof that he has dedicated a huge amount of money towards these charities is how they treat him in return. All of these charities and foundations have given him an award for what he has done for w all of them, for example, the JFK Robie Pioneer Award, MusiCares Person Of The Year, and those are only some examples of the many recognitions he got for his strive to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. “When People In The United States Think Of Children S Rights When people in the United States think of children s rights they usually think of children in third world countries who are victims of abusive child labor practices or insurmountable poverty (Wilson 1). However, in reality it is not just in third world countries, it is also in the United States. From the American colonial period till the mid nineteenth century, child labor has been an important issue. It has taken many years to come to an agreement of the definition of child labor. One way to define child labor is: All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, and forced or compulsory labor, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in... Show more content on ... Even though it was expected of children to work, some parents did not want to send their children to work. Parents really only sent their children to work for an extra income to help the family out of poverty. Poverty is the main reason that children are sent to work. The following is the definition of poverty, Poverty is the inability, through lack of income or wealth, to provide decent housing, clothing, health care, nutrition, or education for oneself or one s family. (Riggs 1). Because parents were desperate for money they would take their children s names off of the school list when education became required (Carson 1). Parents would also feel obligated to give their children permission to work and bring in a small amount of money, but much needed funds. It was also an expectation that children could provide a profitable benefit for their families. When the nation began to industrialize, the types of jobs shifted from farm work to factory work. The jobs that children held would change as they became older and more difficult so that in the end they would have more skills. At that time, many believed that children should work because it helped them develop a strong work ethic. Many employers took advantage of children; parents found it difficult to keep their kids away from hard labor because the additional income was crucial to the family s survival (Benson 2). This was a real challenge for parents as the income was critical to the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Philosophies In Teaching American History As a two semester course, designed to provide students with an understanding of America s past the course will examine a survey of American History from English Colonization to the end of the Cold War. During both semesters, the course will challenge students to engage in though provoking questions when approaching the history of America. Several of these questions will introduce thematic elements to the students, which are common throughout America s history. Such examples include freedom, the struggle for equal rights, cultural transformations, and manifest destiny. While teaching the course the instructor will examine several distinct philosophies used when teaching American History. The course will implement a chronological approach to to studying cultural history. To acknowledge the importance of culture throughout the history of American History the course will investigate primary sources. Primary sources offer students with an insight... Show more content on ... The five required monographs reflect the chronological and cultural approach that the class will take in teaching history. The monographs will chronologically examine how American society transformed because of inventions, politics, and of cultural movements like westward expansion. Additionally, I would employee several other texts to help shape the class lectures. One example of the use of additional texts is in the lecture on World War II. The lecture will engage students in the debate over the use of the atomic bomb with the use of Gar Alperovitz and Robert Maddox s books. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth and Weapons for Victory: The Hiroshima Decision will introduce students to the multiple perspectives held on history. In conclusion, the point of American History courses is to familiarize students with an understanding of the nation s ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Fate of Women in The Birthmark Essay The Fate of Women in The Birthmark Wilson Sullivan in Nathaniel Hawthorne in New England Men of Letters states that Nathaniel Hawthorne s tale, The Birthmark, depicts the efforts of a deranged scientist to obtain total perfection in his wife by removal of a facial blemish. In this story the scientist operates on the superficial level of the physical world, while the woman, the truly heroic woman, functions on the level of the heart and soul, the more significant level. She it is who in her virtue provides for the reader an example to live by, even though she loses her life in the process. This essay hopes to explore the status, role, attitude toward women and other such issues. Alfred Kazin in the ... Show more content on ... The wife s virtue leads her onward and upward; the husband s lack thereof and inability to appreciate virtue in his Georgiana leads him downward and downward. Even after Aylmer has persuaded a beautiful woman to become his wife, he is not capable of loving her properly, unselfishly, because he had devoted himself, however, too unreservedly to scientific studies ever to be weaned from them by any second passion. The narrator seeks to justify this error or lack in Aylmer by explaining that it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy. Already at the outset of the tale, the reader perceives that Georgiana is going to be shortchanged in this marriage. She is exposed to the problem initially when her husband asks whether it never occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be removed? Aylmer is in quest of physical perfection in his wife; unfortunately he discounts her inner, spiritual value so clearly manifested in her comment: ``To tell you the truth it has been so often called a charm that I was simple enough to imagine it might be so. In using the word simple she is being honest and not sarcastic; she is being humble and respectful of others (parents?) evaluation of herself. The reply comes from a virtuous woman. Hawthorne himself was preoccupied with . . .the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Difference Between Presupposition And Entailment Introduction: Presupposition and entailment are two phenomenons in the field of semantics in which speakers assume that particular information is already known by their listeners. Presupposition defined in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language is, The information that a speaker assumes to be already known. Presuppositions are therefore implicit assumptions about the background beliefs and scenarios made by the speaker to be mutually known by the addressee. For example, The World War has ended. This utterance implies two things. Firstly, there was a World War. Secondly, it has now ended. Have you stopped playing piano? This example presupposes that the person referred to in the question once played the piano. Types of presupposition: ... Show more content on ... In counterfactual it is not only a false or non factive statement but it is also far from the reality. Or it s only a wish or dream that may never come true. Example, If I was rich I would have booked a room in Burj khalifa. It presupposes that the subject wishes to be rich and then be able to book a room in Burj Khalifa. Difference between Entailment and Presupposition: Entailment and Presupposition are two very closely related terms however there is a very distinct difference between them. Entailment is a relationship between two sentences, where the truth of one implies the truth of the other. The difference between the two terms can be suggested as such that, negation of a sentence does not change its presuppositions whereas, the negation of a sentence changes the entailment. For example, I want to take a dance class again. I don t want to take a dance class again. Presupposition: Both the sentences presuppose that the subject has already taken a dance class before. Entailment: First sentence entails that the subject is willing again to take a dance class. While the second sentence entails that now the subject has taken it before he/she does not want to take it ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Extremity Amputation Extremity Amputation and Quality of Life As the number of service members grows, more veterans are experiencing limb losses because of combat related injuries. Even though these injured soldiers receive prescriptions for an artificial limb replacement, many of them choose not to wear their prosthetic devices as they are unreliable, uncomfortable, or painful to wear. Poorly fitted prosthetics, limited flexibility, and lack of ability to replicate sensations are some of the factors negatively affecting adaptation to and subsequent use of prostheses (Martino, 2014). Many veterans with limb amputations suffer from neuropathic pain which often stops them from wearing prosthetics as they do not want to feel additional pain (Karcz, 2016). Some veterans ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Examples Of Exceptionality In Tangled, The Incredibles,... Throughout my paper I will discuss how the exceptionality of certain individuals is presented in Tangled, The Incredibles, and Spirited Away, and also how their exceptionality relates to society. The exceptional characters in these movies are positively different from the average ones, and the differences are presented by giving these characters special abilities. In Tangled, Rapunzel is able to heal people, control aging, agility, adaptability, and magic tears. In The Incredibles, Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible has super strength, Helen Parr/Elastigirl is able to super stretch her body, Violet Parr can become invisible and generate impact resistant force shields, Dash Parr has super speed, and Jack Jack Parrhas a rage of powers. In Spirited Away,... Show more content on ... The story illustrates that exceptionality is innate within all of us, but sometimes as we get older we lose our abilities. Chihiro is considered an exceptional character because she can see and communicate with the spirit world. Her parents have lost touch with their ability to notice things outside of human world and they suffer because of this. Chihiro is able to go on a journey that saves her and her parents, and because she succeeds in the end it is implied that it is important to hold on to your exceptionality even as you grow old. In Spirited Away, the only characters able to react to Chihiro s presence in the spirit world are the spirits. The spirits that work in the bath house aren t pleased that there is a human in their presence, they blame things on her, and make her do the dirty jobs. Towards the end of the movie these spirits get over their prejudices and begin to love Chihiro. In the beginning she is seen as simply a freak that doesn t belong, but by the end she proves herself and everyone has learned from her. Chihiro s exceptionality is the only reason she was able to be the hero of her story; her parents lost touch with their culture and almost got themselves ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Three Branches The plan to divide the government into three branches was proposed by James Madison, at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. He modeled the division from who he referred to as the Perfect Governor, as he read Isaiah 33:22; For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us. The founding fathers of the American Constitution divided the government up into the following three branches to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist; legislative, judicial, and executive. The three braches were created by the Constitution: Article 1, Legislative branch made up of the House and the Senate, collectively known as Congress; Article 2, Executive... Show more content on ... Constitution, and appoints federal judges by advice and consent of the Senate (SITE, p.). The judicial branch is comprised of the Federal, District, and Appeals Courts, which judge cases concerning federal law, but the Supreme Court decides if the law agrees with the U.S. Constitution. Each of the three branches is controlled by the other two in several ways. The president can veto a law which was passed by Congress, yet Congress can override the veto with a two thirds vote of both houses. Members of the Supreme Court, which are appointed by the president and approved by Congress, can declare a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 1, states that the legislative branch be created from two separate bodies: a House of Representatives and a Senate, together is known as Congress. Legislative Branch The Legislative branch has the power to pass federal laws, establish federal courts, override a Presidential veto, and impeach the President. The size of the House of Representatives resulted out of the Great Compromise. The number of Representatives is determined by Congress based on the state population. At minimum each state would have one representative, with larger states having more. When the House was created there was one representative for every thirty thousand people, yet currently we have one ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cause Of Titanic Research Paper The Titanic event was a disaster and tragedy, but it could ve been prevented somehow. That s why someone caused this horrible thing to happen. So if someone caused who? Well, here s who I think could ve done it. Captain Smith is the first person I thought could ve caused the Titanic to sink. Captain Smith planned a special dinner for some first class people. If he didn t plan it that night he could ve stopped the Titanic from sinking. But also he was not concerned about the warnings they got about the icebergs. Either he thought it would blow over as they go and there wouldn t be any icebergs in their way or he heard about the icebergs himself. The other people I thought did it were Jack Phillips and Harold Bride they were the ones who ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Mary Wollstonecraft and Education for Women Essay Mary Wollstonecraft was a participant in and observer of a significant range of social changes; firstly was the Enlightenment thought which regarded institutions as out dated, and in need of review, along with changes in religious beliefs, educational theory and domestic structure. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman closely associates itself with the Enlightenment thought which aimed to give reason behind identity and rights, by giving reason to these essential human rights society begin to think differently about their existence. Women during the 18th century and 19th centuryfound themselves separated from the ideology that provided the lifeblood of society, this meant women were more like observers than participants, which fuelled... Show more content on ... Many of the character s in Austen s Mansfield Park are overly interested in the idea of improving themselves, and through this Austen gives the reader an insight into each characters wealth and estate. By doing this Austen is allowing the reader an understanding of her characters social position and therefore an assumption into their ideas. The patriarchal structure of society allocates a distinct relationship between the inequality prevalent between male and females, placing women in a secondary and submissive position within society allows men to remain dominant and in control of the very society women exist in. an example of this in Austen s Mansfield park can be seen in the character of Sir Thomas as the head of the family he is responsible for guiding and protecting his family, this role which he plays is portrayed within the novel as a necessity. His position within the family allows him to form the female members in a way in which he believes to be proper, virtuous and morally correct. By placing this character in her novel Austen is alluding to Wollstonecraft s idea of women being reared t suit the needs and attitudes of the society around them, in order for them to gain a comfortable place in society through the prospect of marriage. When Sir Thomas Bertram is absent from the domestic home it soon becomes clear that Austen has calculated this absence to highlight the reliance upon men within society in general. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Narrative Essay About Becoming A Family Becoming a Family It was the first day of high school, a new school, and a new town. The only class I was looking forward to was band. I knew band was the same no matter where I was. Little did I know that I was not just joining a band I was joining a family. The first couple of days I got to know a lot of my classmates, started making friends, and really got to know my director. Most of the kids had him since they were in grade school, so I was out of the loop with current events in his life. After the first month or so I found out that his wife had had cancer and she had just been diagnosed with it again. So just as every high school band, the first semester was marching band. With marching band, you have competitions. It was not long before we were all on board helping him through this rough time. At the first competition we all had pinned white cancer ribbons on our uniforms before we get on the field. I remember looking at him when he saw us and just him tearing up and telling us how much he loved us. So, we decided on red hearts to be sown on the uniforms permanently. I also remember before a home football game we had a prayer circle for them because it had gotten worse, and little did we know one of the moms had taken a video of us and sent it to him. After that he knew that he could lean on all of us to help him. A couple months after marching band and Christmas was over, she passed away. It was hard for all of us because we all loved and cared about him, and we ... Get more on ...
  • 46. With an estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the... With an estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today, immigration reform has been a volatile issue that hasn t been adequately addressed throughout the 21st century. With the last major overhaul occurring in 1986, when over 3 million immigrants were granted U.S. citizenship, politicians are saying another major overhaul is needed to address the newer generation of illegal immigrants. Legislations including the Border Protection, Anti terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, and the DREAM act of 2012 have all tried to address the depressing need for immigration reform but have failed due to lack of bipartisan support. Still, political leaders urge for... Show more content on ... The main reasons include the close proximity between the two countries and the vast difference in the quality of life. For most, getting a job at minimum wage provides a much higher standard of living from what they came from. They are just looking for better jobs and economics opportunities to support their families that they cannot find in their home country. The average wage in Mexico is about $4.15 with those in the agricultural industries making even less. 40% of the Mexican population is under the poverty line, and 25% of workers are underemployed. With such disastrous numbers, many Mexicans find the U.S. to be extremely attractive. Flight attendants instruct passengers, in the event of a loss of cabin pressure, to put an oxygen mask on yourself before you try to help your children or other passengers. The same goes for the U.S. and illegal immigrants. With massive amounts of poverty, unemployment, and debt in the U.S., the U.S. must deal with its own problems before it helps others. The federal government has spent $186.8 billion on immigration enforcement since 1986 that has not helped keep illegal immigrants out of the U.S. Illegal immigration continues to be a burden on taxpayers through direct benefits, public education, and population based services. In 2010 alone, the average unlawful immigrant household received $24,721 in government ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Culture In The Blind Side Culture and Communication: The Blind Side The movie, The Blind Side, has a culture group which created a diversion between races, religion, and group membership. Michael Ohear, a star football player in the film, has overcome the life of reality during this time, and has an upbringing story behind it. He knows how to be persistent, heroic, and gentle throughout the movie no matter what situation he is put in. Michael starts as a foster child for many years, and then becoming someone who everyone looks up to. Nothing ever stopped Michael from reaching his goals to become what he wanted to be, and he worked for the possessions he desired in life. To start, Michael is an African American who came from a town that wasn t the best living style... Show more content on ... Every night when dinner was served, the family prayed together, and held hands around the table. During the film, Michael was looking around at everyone confused on what was happening. He has never prayed before, but he knew they were giving him a big gift, so he needed show respect. He fit in well with this family. This was Michaels high point of his life, and never wanted to lose it. He was terrified of messing up, and disappointing his family. He cherished every moment he had with them, and gave them love in return. He took care of Leigh s kids whenever she needed help. Michael was a good older brother, who had a big ... Get more on ...
  • 48. A Student At The College Of William And Mary I am writing to you today as a student at the College of William and Mary. I am in an International Security class and recently we studied the events occurring in Syria. As you are well aware, the situation in Syria has been dramatically deteriorating in recent months with the rise of the Islamic State of Iraqand the Levant (ISIL) and the recent entrance of Russia into the conflict. Syria, meanwhile, has been in the midst of a ravaging civil war since the early spring of 2011. Currently, the government of Syria is led by President Bashar al Assad, a member of the Syrian Ba ath Party, a branch of the same Ba ath Party that Saddam Hussein was also a member of. This similarity may lead some to think that Syria will end up like Iraq, with a... Show more content on ... This led to various sectarian strifes among the countries in the Middle East. Since Russia started bombing, they have mostly targeted anti Assad rebels, rather than ISIL which they stated they were bombing. I propose to include Russia in the current coalition, led by the United States, which also include Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom. There will have to be negotiations in order to get Russia to cooperate so they do not go rogue and bomb targets that are supported by the West and other countries in the coalition. By having Russia in the coalition and working with the United States, there will be a greater oversight of their operations and more transparency among the nations. This will help with making strategic attacks so ISIL can be degraded and destroyed and also so the Assad regime will finally relinquish power to a democratic government. There also must be targeted strikes upon ISIL s main sources of income: oil reserves. Although this may harm potential future capabilities of Syria or Iraq to drill for oil, it will severely disrupt the income of ISIL so that they will not be able to buy the resources necessary to fight against the governments and to maintain the territory which it has already conquered. Next, in order to quell ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Essay on The Indoor Air Quality of Natatoriums The indoor air quality of natatoriums has become a significant health hazard, particularly regarding competitive swimmers. The lack of regulations and legislature has made this situation worse. HVAC systems, Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning, are designed to control the air temperature. They have many different uses, for example, regulating the humidity and fresh air turnover rate. However, they do not clean the air . As said in the USA Swimming article The Air Quality Issue, ...air quality is directly affected by the water quality, i.e. bad water = bad air! This bad air they speak of stems from the chloramines within the water. Chloramines are chlorinecompound that unlike the traditional chlorine, they cannot burn off in the... Show more content on ... Some of the physical symptoms attributed to disinfection byproducts include coughing, eye and nose irritation, anemia, stomach discomfort, damaged hair and skin. Severe symptoms include wheezing or aggravating asthma. It has also been found that the routine breathing of irritants may increased sensitivity to other types of irritants such as fungi and bacteria. Improperly balanced chlorinated pools can actually cause severe asthma. These findings may explain why swimmers are more prone to exercise induced asthma than athletes in other sports. Results show that nitrogen trichloride or trichloramine is a cause of occupational asthma in swimming pool workers like lifeguards and swim instructors, says Dr. K. Thickett of the Occupational Lung Diseases Unit at the Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. In Dr. Thickett s study, his subjects either stopped taking inhaled corticosteroids altogether, or their asthma symptoms decreased significantly once they were placed in an environment away from the swimming pools. Dr. Thickett s study has been supported by research from other European and Australian sources. Outdoor aquatic facilities have plenty of fresh air and UV light, which means they are not as susceptible to the chloramine problem. Chloramine formation can be accelerated by a wide variety of aquatic activities. ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Attrition and Its Effects Table of Contents What is attrition?3 What are signs of attrition?3 Calculation of Attrition Rates3 Attrition rates in India4 The highlights of the study in question are as follows: 4 Costs of Attrition7 Causes of Attrition9 Survey details and insights11 What can organizations do to retain employees16 Short term Actions16 Long term Actions17 Retaining the Game Changers 18 References20 ATTRITION CAUSE AND EFFECT What is attrition? Attrition is the reduction in workforce by means of resignations, retirements and death. It is also known as total turnover or wastage rate. Turnover is defined as a change in the workforce due to accessions, quits, discharges, and layoffs. The difference between the two is that... Show more content on ... * Expansion in the retail sector has led to creation of jobs which has raised attrition levels to up to 50 %. As a means of retaining employees and cutting down the costs incurred due to attrition, companies have resorted to signing bonds as they are imparting them the necessary training and specialized knowledge of retail functions. * Growth in construction activities in the economy has led to a surge in demand for engineers, resulting in an increase in their movement across companies at the rate of 25 %. The engineering companies are starting to pay hikes and growth assurance, to curtail attrition levels. * The manufacturing sector remains most consistent among all sectors with a consistent attrition rate of 20% across the years. * Loss of intellectual property is one of the most challenging problems faced by the companies as an upshot of attrition. Hospitality, IT, hospitals, engineering sectors are the worst affected sectors in terms of intellectual property loss especially in the absence of any laws to protect the interest of an organization. * The study has found that the most attrition is taking place among the employees who are in the age group of 26 to 30 years and experience level of 2 to 4 years while the most stable chunk of employees are those in the age group of 39 to 45 years. * Women employees are less prone to frequent job changes than their male counterparts. For every 10 male employees quitting their jobs, there were only 2 ... Get more on ...
  • 51. The Red Black by Stendhal Introduction I was taken aback as I read the lead story of The Red Black, the University of Georgia s student run newspaper. It was a story about hate speech that had been posted on the Facebook pages of two University groups. Why can t you dumb dirty n****s stop stinking up the place? Let UGA be RIGHT for good WHITE Christian students. This had been posted onto The Black Affairs Council Facebook page. Burn in hell f****s was posted on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center s Facebook page. It brought back memories of my very first year at UGA as a student back in 1997. I d been exposed to this hatred before even though it was much more subtle. It was my first semester and second class of the day. Before class started, we were having polite conversation about SAT scores and GPAs. I said mine and a guy behind me said, There s no way that black girl scored higher than any of us on the SAT. She s only here because of affirmative action, taking the place of people who actually deserve to be here. I knew then that my presence was tolerated but not accepted. I was shell shocked then and now. Even coming from south Georgia, I d still never directly experienced any intolerance or hatred. Yet here it was and is still at my higher education institution of choice. Background The University of Georgia was incorporated on January 27, 1785. The university was actually established in 1801 when a site was selected and graduated its first class in 1804. The ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection Analysis Abstract Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection is a cornerstone of the Art Institute of Chicago s distinguished holdings of Post Impressionist and modern art. Assembled by Frederic and Helen Bartlett in the early 1920s, it was presented to the museum and placed on permanent display in 1926 at a time when works by Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and even Georges Seurat were still considered too radical for the collections of most American institutions. Today the Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection comprises some of the most important and iconic paintings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Art Institute of Chicago: The Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection The Art Institute of Chicago is a Museum and art school located ... Show more content on ... The imposing modern wing exhibits collections of modern art, contemporary art, photography, architecture, and design more complete that has ever seen. The Department of Contemporary Art presents international art from 1945 to the present. It consists of more than 1,000 works that include painting, sculpture, installation, and new media. It show works by Willem de Kooning, Eva Hesse, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Joan Mitchell, Bruce Nauman, Jackson Pollock, Gerhard Richter and Cy Twombly, among some of the presentations more remarkable. It is considered to be one of the finest and most comprehensive in the world. This extraordinary collection of modern art from the Art Institute showcases some of the icons of the period, including Bathing in the River of Matisse; The Bird of Gold of Brancusi; The time punching by Magritte; Black Cross, New Mexico from O Keeffe; Shoe of Orozco; Picture of Dorian Gray of Ivan Albright; and Woman standing of ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Mind of Monsters I can kill a man, dismember his body, and be home in time for Letterman. But knowing what to say when my girlfriend s feeling insecure... I m totally lost Dexter Morgan (Hall, 2007). Dexter Morgan is a fictional serial killer from Showtime s series Dexter , but the writers and actors have portrayed a real life serial killer. Manuel Prado is the real Dexter Morgan. Prado was a Miami cop who started with smaller crime and worked his way up to becoming a serial killer. Prosecutor David Waksman told the Miami Herald: He was very cold. He was doing robberies and went home and slept like a baby. He was proud of what he did. (International, 2012) Real life serial killers do not have any empathy. They kill their victims and then return to... Show more content on ... Once that is all clean, he must dispose of the body. Common places to dump a body are rivers, woods or lakes. But in extreme and rare cases serial killers eat their victims. The mind of a serial killer is not right and is considered a psychopath. This can be caused by brain damage. After Henry Lee Lucas was convicted, he underwent numerous neurological tests that revealed fairly extensive brain damage. Small contusions indicated a frontal lobe injury, and there was damage to his temporal lobe and pools of spinal fluid at the base of his brain (Vronsky, 2005). Lucas s brain damage is just one cause. Another common reason is that the serial killer would of had an abusive childhood. Traditionally, the answer has been a horrific upbringing. Most serial killers were abused as children, many hideously so. (Sandi, n.d) This can have a range of different abusive activities. One example would be an abusive mother. The killer s mother would have abused him therefore making him hate women. That would be an example of how a man killing female serial killer would relate. He would physically abuse the women just like his mother abused him. Another form of abuse is an alcoholic parent. The serial killer would wait outside of a bar and look to see of his potential victims were under the influence. If they were then they would most likely kill the person. A serial killer can also have a euphoric moment. He could see his ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Orbital Cellulitis Essay ORBITAL CELLULITIS Description Suppurative inflammation of adipose and soft tissues of orbit is termed as orbital cellulitis. It occurs more frequently in children than adults. Orbital cellulitis and preseptal cellulitis are the major infections of the ocular adnexal and orbital tissues. Orbital cellulitis is an infection of the soft tissues of the orbit posterior to the orbital septum, differentiating it from preseptal cellulitis, which is an infection of the soft tissue of the eyelids and periocular region anterior to the orbital septum. CAUSES Orbital cellulitis can be caused by 1.Bacterial pathogens like Streptococcus and staphylococcus 2.Certain types of insect or spider bites also can transmit the bacteria that start the infection. ... Show more content on ... 5. For anaerobic infections Inj. Metronidazole 500 mg IV infusion 8 hourly, shifted to oral dose of 400 mg 8 hourly based on the clinical response for 2 weeks. 6. Oxymetazoline 0.05% nasal drops 2 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day, in children: 0.025%. 7. Symptomatic therapy for pain: antipyretics and analgesics in usual doses. 8. Lubricating eyedrops/artificial tears: 1 2 hourly or antibiotic eye ointment 5 times a day to prevent exposure keratopathy. Surgical treatment Surgical drainage is indicated, if orbital abscess forms, based on clinical features, USG and CT scan findings; poor response or no response to the IV antibiotic therapy, or if there is a threat to ocular function. It includes procedures like 1.Tarsorrhaphy or Frost suture to prevent exposure keratopathy. 2.Sinusotomy/craniotomy for pus in paranasal sinus or brain abscess respectively. 3.All the patients must be carefully monitored for vision, fundus, corneal exposure, ocular motility, pupillary reaction, corneal sensations, proptosis, systemic status including CNS function. Management 1.Warm compresses help in managing painful ... Get more on ...
  • 55. The Dalai Lama, Before, During And After The Chinese Invasion The universally recognized 14th Dalai Lama has tirelessly fought for the freedom for Tibet, during and after the unlawful occupation of the Chinese. His non violence and political involvement for Tibet had brought acknowledgment and respect from the rest of the world. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, was born in 1934 in Eastern Tibet. He was hailed his predecessor s incarnation at the age of two, and was enthroned in 1940. Traditionally, the role of the Dalai Lama is the spiritual guide and leader of Tibet, creating a symbol of security and peace. Dalai Lama s are rarely ever politically involved in Tibet. His holiness fulfilled this traditional role up until 1949, when he assumed full power, as the threat of a Chinese invasion ... Show more content on ... The Dalai Lama continued to send delegations to both neighboring counties and also countries of significant power, but all of the Dalai Lama s attempts went ignored, as China was at the time, of great power and consequence, and an important contribution to trade. Therefore powerful countries did not get involved with Tibet, in the fear of provoking influential China. While the Dalai Lama remained in Tibet, his life was at stake. Tibet slowly went into a cataclysmic effect of destruction and disorder. The freedom of speech was now lost to the Tibetan people, freedom marches and movements were banned, the result in not complying with this unjust system was death or brutal imprisonment for years at a time. Even though these protests were violently suppressed by the Communist government and martial law was imposed in 1989, demonstrations against Chinese rule have nevertheless continued. Following Tibet s Liberation, Mao Zedong immediately established the Seventeen Point System, which totally eliminated Tibet s past independence. Since then, almost one and a half million people in Tibet have been slain, and over six thousand religious buildings have been demolished. These horrific figures have shocked the world and brought about a great sense of remorse and compassion towards the Tibetan people and the Dalai Lama, as they continue to resist the Chinese through the means of ... Get more on ...
  • 56. How Does Hector Change Throughout The Iliad This passage from the epic poem The Iliad takes place near the end of book six. This book starts off with Hector, son of the Trojan King Priam, entering Troy after being in battle. He stands out as he enters due to the city being full of women and children, as all the men are out in battle. He walks around the city, first meeting with his mother, Hecuba, then meeting with his brother, Paris, and then finally meeting with his wife and son, Andromache and Astyanax. Hectorthen proceeds to talk with his wife and play with his son, before finally returning to battle. This passage re enforces the theme of following the heroic code, and choosing glory of family. Even though in this passage Hector plays with is son and have fun, he still returns ... Get more on ...