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Cloud computing overview &
Running code on Google Cloud
Wesley Chun
Developer Advocate, Google
Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College
G Suite Dev Show
About the speaker
Developer Advocate, Google Cloud
● Mission: enable current and future
developers everywhere to be
successful using Google Cloud and
other Google developer tools & APIs
● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show
on YouTube
● Blogs: &
● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs,
Previous experience / background
● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years
● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers
● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books
● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since
1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python)
● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation
● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC
Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara
● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill
College (Silicon Valley)
Agenda and Why
● Not enough cloud computing in engineering curriculum
● Need to prep next-generation cloud-ready workforce
● Introduction to cloud computing
● Introduction to Google Cloud
● Run your code on Google Cloud serverless
● Build with all of Google Cloud (inspiration)
● Resources and summary
Introduction to cloud
All you need to know about the cloud
What is Cloud Computing?
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Cloud service levels/"pillars"
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Outsourcing of apps (SaaS)
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script, App Maker
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Outsourcing of hardware (IaaS)
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Outsourcing of logic-hosting (PaaS)
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
IaaS/PaaS gray area (DataB/S/P-aaS?)
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
SaaS/PaaS gray area
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google Apps Script, App Maker
Summary of responsibility
Software as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor
all you, no cloud
Imagine you’re hosting a party...
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
(Compute Engine)
(App Engine)
(Cloud Functions)
Pick theme
Plan party
Find space
On call
Pick theme
Plan party
Rent hall
On call
Pick theme
Plan party
Rent hall
Hire Caterer
Hire manager
Pick theme
Hire planner
Rent hall
Hire caterer
Hire manager
Theme -
Logistics -
Space -
Food -
Manage -
Design app
Provision HW
Build & Serve app
Manage app
(Cloud Launcher)
Pick theme
Plan party
Rent hall
Hire Caterer
On call
2 Introduction to
Google Cloud
GCP and G Suite
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Cloud Platform vs. G Suite
G Suite
REST API examples
Short Python code snippets using GCP & G Suite APIs
API key (public data) vs. OAuth2 access (private data)
Google APIs client
libraries for many
languages; demos in
List (first 100) files/folders in Google Drive
from __future__ import print_function
from apiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
store = file.Storage('storage.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
DRIVE ='drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
files = DRIVE.files().list().execute().get('files', [])
for f in files:
print(f['name'], f['mimeType'])
Listing your files
Automate photo albums
Import/Export: Customized reports, “database,” or both!
Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab:
Migrate SQL data to a Sheet
# read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it
FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code',
'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status')
cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite')
cur = cxn.cursor()
rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall()
rows.insert(0, FIELDS)
DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}}
SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA,
SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1',
body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute()
Migrate SQL data
to Sheets
BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words
TITLE = "The top 10 most common words in all of Shakespeare's works"
QUERY = '''
SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count
FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare]
rsp = BQ.query(body={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute()
print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE)
for col in rsp['schema']['fields']: # HEADERS
print(col['name'].upper(), end='t')
for row in rsp['rows']: # DATA
for col in row['f']:
print(col['v'], end='t')
Top 10 most common Shakespeare words
$ python
*** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works":
the 29801
and 27529
i 21029
to 20957
of 18514
a 15370
you 14010
my 12936
in 11722
that 11519
[simple API/API key sample]
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
data = {'type': 'PLAIN_TEXT', 'content': '''
Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android
phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in
his keynote that users love their new Android phones.'''
sentiment = NL.documents().analyzeSentiment(
body={'document': data}).execute().get('documentSentiment')
print('TEXT:', text)
print('nSENTIMENT: score (%s), magnitude (%s)' % (
sentiment['score'], sentiment['magnitude']))
categories = NL.documents().classifyText(
body={'document': data}).execute().get('categories')
for c in categories:
print ('* %s (%s)' % (c['name'][1:], c['confidence']))
Sentiment & classification analysis output
$ python
TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android
phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in
his keynote that users love their new Android phones.
SENTIMENT: score (0.3), magnitude (0.6)
* Internet & Telecom (0.76)
* Computers & Electronics (0.64)
* News (0.56)
What about Google Classroom?
● Originally announced May 2014
● LMS integrated with G Suite (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
● Helps teachers manage coursework, create classes, distribute
assignments, grade & send feedback, manage students &
guardians, manage discussion forums, give & grade quizzes
● Suitable for higher ed; more likely to be used in K-12
○ Higher ed generally already using dedicated LMS
● Resources
What about Google Course Kit?
● Originally announced Jul 2018
● More suitable in higher ed due to dedicated LMS
● Integrate your LMS with G Suite (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
○ Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, Sakai supported
○ Integrate w/your LMS at no cost
○ Compliant with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard
● Create assignments & manage coursework from within your LMS
● Built-in grading tool; manage feedback in one central place
● Resources
Run your code on
Google Cloud serverless
GCP: Google App Engine , Google Cloud Functions
G Suite: Google Apps Script , Google App Maker
Serverless: what & why
● What is serverless?
○ Misnomer: of course there's a server somewhere
○ You just don't have to worry about it!
○ Forbes (May 2018): Serverless... [helps] developers focus on writing code without having to
worry about infrastructure... servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the
user. [Developers] ... focused on solving business problems (e.g., faster app deployment)
● Why serverless?
○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per 2 analysts*:
■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023)
○ Unless focused on DevOps... VMs, networking, load balancing, web servers,
database servers, frontends/proxies, etc. less relevant for app-builders
○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend
○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. (No VMs to shutdown.)
* in USD; source: MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018)
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing
Google Apps Script, App Maker
Google App Engine
App-hosting in the cloud
Why does App Engine exist?
Hello World (3 files)
runtime: python37
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud app deploy
Access globally:
Popular App Engine Use Cases
● Mobile/Tablet
○ App backends
○ Cloud persistence
● Social/Mobile Games
○ Speed, scale
○ API integrations
○ Personals/dating
● Consumer Web Apps
○ Unpredictable traffic
○ Scale
● Apps in Academia
○ Any course where students
build web or mobile apps
○ Research projects
○ IT/Operational apps
● Business Apps
○ Enterprise
○ Java runtime
○ Web or Mobile
Google Cloud Functions
Function-hosting in the cloud
Google Cloud Functions
Languages Supported
● Node.js 6, 8 (JavaScript)
● Python 3.7
● Go 1.11
Deploying Cloud Functions
● Create locally then deploy on cmd-line OR
● Edit and deploy from developer web console
Triggering Cloud Functions (response to events)
● HTTP — via HTTP request
● Cloud Storage — bucket object/metadata CRUD
● Cloud Pub/Sub — new message
● Firebase (DB, Storage, Analytics, Auth)
To create a function
Create function code locally then deploy on cmd-line
1. Open GCP developer console @
2. Select a project (or create new one)
3. Choose Cloud Functions, then Create Function
4. Pick name, memory, trigger type, language, etc.
5. Write code in browser then click to deploy (and test)
"Hello World" Python (nearly-)MVP Cloud Function
def hello_world(request):
return 'Hello %s!' % request.args['value'] 
if hasattr(request, 'args') else 'World!'
$ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python37 --trigger-http
Access globally (curl):
curl -X POST https://[GCP_REGION]-[PROJECT_ID] 
-H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"value": "Guido"}'
Access globally (browser):
Google Apps Script (and App Maker)
Customized JS runtime for G Suite automation, extension, and integration
Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
Apps Script intro
Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
What can you do with this?
Accessing maps from
This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail
function sendMap() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue();
var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address);
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map',
'See below.', {attachments:[map]});
● Low-code assistive development
environment; Cloud SQL default
● Go from idea to app in minutes
● Drag-n-drop app building
● Many pre-made template apps
● Generates Apps Script code
● Requires at least G Suite Business
Google App Maker
4 All of Cloud (inspiration)
Build with both GCP tools and G Suite
Custom intelligence in Gmail
Analyze G Suite data with GCP
Gmail message processing with GCP
G Suite GCP
Inbox augmented with Cloud Function
Big data analysis to slide presentation
Access GCP tools from G Suite
Big data analysis
Store big data results
Visualize big data results
Ingest data from Sheets
Link to chart in Sheets
Supercharge G Suite with GCP
G Suite GCP
Apps Script
Slides Sheets
Big data
Online resources & summary
What's available for students & educators?5
Session Summary
● Why go cloud?
○ Cloud computing has taken the world by storm
○ You're behind if you're not already using it… it's not too late!
○ Help train the next generation cloud-ready workforce!
● Google Cloud and why serverless?
○ Many features: compute, storage, AI/ML, NW, data processing, etc.
○ Serverless lets users focus on just their logic (apps or functions)
○ Interesting possibilities using both platforms (GCP + G Suite)
● G Suite, Google Apps Script documentation & open source repos
● Google Cloud Platform (GCP) documentation & open source repos
○ Know AWS? Compare w/GCP at:
● Google APIs Client Libraries (G Suite & GCP) & Google Cloud SDK (GCP-only)
More references
● Relevant videos
○ (new Google APIs project setup)
○ (common Python OAuth2 boilerplate code review)
○ (APIs intro codelab [Drive API])
● Relevant codelabs
○ (Drive API)
● Inspirational apps
○ NEXT '19:
Learning resources
● Codelabs: self-paced, hands-on tutorials
○ Google codelabs: need a Gmail account, always free
○ Qwiklabs codelabs: don't need a Gmail acct; typically not free
■ (promo thru Mar 31) then
■ Individuals can request 200 more credits; 5000 credits for use in courses
● Official GCP docs:
○ Recommended: Getting Started, Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK, GCP Free Tier
(need a credit card), Community
● YouTube video series:
○ Recommended: Cloud Minute shorts & Cloud NEXT videos
○ G Suite Dev Show:
Resources for Higher Education
● Education grant program
○ Teaching grants (per-course basis)
■ $50USD for students
■ $100USD for faculty & TAs
■ You'll barely use any of it… KEY: no giving Google your credit card
○ Research grants
■ Larger amounts, granted for longer period of time
○ Turnaround time: 3-4 business days
● Teacher center
○ Apply here for education grants
○ Apply here for Qwiklabs credits
Career Readiness:
Associate Cloud
Engineer track
Get free access to “Architecting
with Google Cloud Platform”
specialization on-demand on
(100% discount: 6 courses, 4 months access)
Self-paced labs
Get free access to “Cloud
Architecture Quest” & other
self-paced labs on Qwiklabs.
(100% discount: 10+ labs)
Google Cloud Certified
Prepare to take the exam and
earn your Associate Cloud
Engineer Certification.
(100% discount for faculty, 50% discount for
students per adherence to timelines and
other criteria)
Prepare your students for
careers in a cloud-first world.
Apply now.
See Career Readiness tab
Invite me (or my team) to
your campus... it's our job!
● Faculty & grad students
● Researchers
● Undergrads
● University IT staff/CIO/CTO
● University entrepreneurship
centers/capstone project leads
Thank you! Questions?
Wesley Chun

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Cloud computing overview & running your code on Google Cloud

  • 1. Cloud computing overview & Running code on Google Cloud Wesley Chun Developer Advocate, Google Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College G Suite Dev Show About the speaker Developer Advocate, Google Cloud ● Mission: enable current and future developers everywhere to be successful using Google Cloud and other Google developer tools & APIs ● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show on YouTube ● Blogs: & ● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs, @GSuiteDevs Previous experience / background ● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years ● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers ● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books ( ● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since 1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python) ● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation ● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara ● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill College (Silicon Valley)
  • 2. Agenda and Why ● Not enough cloud computing in engineering curriculum ● Need to prep next-generation cloud-ready workforce ● Introduction to cloud computing ● Introduction to Google Cloud ● Run your code on Google Cloud serverless ● Build with all of Google Cloud (inspiration) ● Resources and summary Introduction to cloud computing All you need to know about the cloud 1
  • 3. pedagogy What is Cloud Computing? spar
  • 4. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Cloud service levels/"pillars" SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Outsourcing of apps (SaaS) SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
  • 5. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Outsourcing of hardware (IaaS) SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Outsourcing of logic-hosting (PaaS) SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
  • 6. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent IaaS/PaaS gray area (DataB/S/P-aaS?) SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS/PaaS gray area SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/
  • 7. Summary of responsibility SaaS Software as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking PaaS Platform as a Service Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking on-prem all you, no cloud Imagine you’re hosting a party... Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
  • 8. On-Prem (DIY) IaaS (Compute Engine) PaaS (App Engine) SaaS (Cloud Functions) Pick theme Plan party Find space Cook On call Pick theme Plan party Rent hall Cook On call Pick theme Plan party Rent hall Hire Caterer Hire manager Pick theme Hire planner Rent hall Hire caterer Hire manager Theme - Logistics - Space - Food - Manage - Spec/Reqs Design app Provision HW Build & Serve app Manage app IaaS++ (Cloud Launcher) Pick theme Plan party Rent hall Hire Caterer On call 2 Introduction to Google Cloud GCP and G Suite
  • 9. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Cloud Platform vs. G Suite G Suite APIs GCP APIs
  • 10. REST API examples Short Python code snippets using GCP & G Suite APIs API key (public data) vs. OAuth2 access (private data) Google APIs client libraries for many languages; demos in api-client-library
  • 11. List (first 100) files/folders in Google Drive from __future__ import print_function from apiclient import discovery from httplib2 import Http from oauth2client import file, client, tools SCOPES = '' store = file.Storage('storage.json') creds = store.get() if not creds or creds.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES) creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) DRIVE ='drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http())) files = DRIVE.files().list().execute().get('files', []) for f in files: print(f['name'], f['mimeType']) Listing your files Automate photo albums OR
  • 12. Import/Export: Customized reports, “database,” or both! Try our Node.js customized reporting tool codelab: Migrate SQL data to a Sheet # read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code', 'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status') cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite') cur = cxn.cursor() rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall() cxn.close() rows.insert(0, FIELDS) DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}} SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA, fields='spreadsheetId').execute().get('spreadsheetId') SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1', body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute() Migrate SQL data to Sheets
  • 13. BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words TITLE = "The top 10 most common words in all of Shakespeare's works" QUERY = ''' SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare] GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 ''' rsp = BQ.query(body={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute() print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE) for col in rsp['schema']['fields']: # HEADERS print(col['name'].upper(), end='t') print() for row in rsp['rows']: # DATA for col in row['f']: print(col['v'], end='t') print() Top 10 most common Shakespeare words $ python *** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works": WORD COUNT the 29801 and 27529 i 21029 to 20957 of 18514 a 15370 you 14010 my 12936 in 11722 that 11519
  • 14. [simple API/API key sample] Simple sentiment & classification analysis data = {'type': 'PLAIN_TEXT', 'content': ''' Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones.''' sentiment = NL.documents().analyzeSentiment( body={'document': data}).execute().get('documentSentiment') print('TEXT:', text) print('nSENTIMENT: score (%s), magnitude (%s)' % ( sentiment['score'], sentiment['magnitude'])) print('nCATEGORIES:') categories = NL.documents().classifyText( body={'document': data}).execute().get('categories') for c in categories: print ('* %s (%s)' % (c['name'][1:], c['confidence'])) PY Sentiment & classification analysis output $ python TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones. SENTIMENT: score (0.3), magnitude (0.6) CATEGORIES: * Internet & Telecom (0.76) * Computers & Electronics (0.64) * News (0.56)
  • 15. What about Google Classroom? ● Originally announced May 2014 ● LMS integrated with G Suite (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) ● Helps teachers manage coursework, create classes, distribute assignments, grade & send feedback, manage students & guardians, manage discussion forums, give & grade quizzes ● Suitable for higher ed; more likely to be used in K-12 ○ Higher ed generally already using dedicated LMS ● Resources ○ ○ ○ ○ What about Google Course Kit? ● Originally announced Jul 2018 ● More suitable in higher ed due to dedicated LMS ● Integrate your LMS with G Suite (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) ○ Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, Sakai supported ○ Integrate w/your LMS at no cost ○ Compliant with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard ● Create assignments & manage coursework from within your LMS ● Built-in grading tool; manage feedback in one central place ● Resources ○ ○ new-ways-collaborate-g-suite-your-lms-designed-higher-ed ○ ○
  • 16. 3 Run your code on Google Cloud serverless GCP: Google App Engine , Google Cloud Functions G Suite: Google Apps Script , Google App Maker Serverless: what & why ● What is serverless? ○ Misnomer: of course there's a server somewhere ○ You just don't have to worry about it! ○ Forbes (May 2018): Serverless... [helps] developers focus on writing code without having to worry about infrastructure... servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the user. [Developers] ... focused on solving business problems (e.g., faster app deployment) ● Why serverless? ○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per 2 analysts*: ■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023) ○ Unless focused on DevOps... VMs, networking, load balancing, web servers, database servers, frontends/proxies, etc. less relevant for app-builders ○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend ○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. (No VMs to shutdown.) * in USD; source: MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018)
  • 17. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ Google App Engine App-hosting in the cloud
  • 18. Why does App Engine exist? Hello World (3 files) app.yaml runtime: python37 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return 'Hello World!' requirements.txt Flask==1.0.2 Deploy: $ gcloud app deploy Access globally:
  • 19. Popular App Engine Use Cases ● Mobile/Tablet ○ App backends ○ Cloud persistence ● Social/Mobile Games ○ Speed, scale ○ API integrations ○ Personals/dating ● Consumer Web Apps ○ Unpredictable traffic ○ Scale ● Apps in Academia ○ Any course where students build web or mobile apps ○ Research projects ○ IT/Operational apps ● Business Apps ○ Enterprise ○ Java runtime ○ Web or Mobile Google Cloud Functions Function-hosting in the cloud
  • 20. Google Cloud Functions Languages Supported ● Node.js 6, 8 (JavaScript) ● Python 3.7 ● Go 1.11 Deploying Cloud Functions ● Create locally then deploy on cmd-line OR ● Edit and deploy from developer web console Triggering Cloud Functions (response to events) ● HTTP — via HTTP request ● Cloud Storage — bucket object/metadata CRUD ● Cloud Pub/Sub — new message ● Firebase (DB, Storage, Analytics, Auth) To create a function Create function code locally then deploy on cmd-line OR 1. Open GCP developer console @ 2. Select a project (or create new one) 3. Choose Cloud Functions, then Create Function 4. Pick name, memory, trigger type, language, etc. 5. Write code in browser then click to deploy (and test)
  • 21. "Hello World" Python (nearly-)MVP Cloud Function def hello_world(request): return 'Hello %s!' % request.args['value'] if hasattr(request, 'args') else 'World!' Deploy: $ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python37 --trigger-http Access globally (curl): curl -X POST https://[GCP_REGION]-[PROJECT_ID] -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"value": "Guido"}' Access globally (browser): https://[GCP_REGION]-[PROJECT_ID] Google Apps Script (and App Maker) Customized JS runtime for G Suite automation, extension, and integration
  • 22. Sheets-bound “Hello World!” Apps Script intro Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
  • 23. What can you do with this? Accessing maps from spreadsheets?!? This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail function sendMap() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue(); var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address); GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map', 'See below.', {attachments:[map]}); } JS
  • 24. ● Low-code assistive development environment; Cloud SQL default ● Go from idea to app in minutes ● Drag-n-drop app building ● Many pre-made template apps ● Generates Apps Script code ● Requires at least G Suite Business Google App Maker
  • 25. 4 All of Cloud (inspiration) Build with both GCP tools and G Suite Custom intelligence in Gmail Analyze G Suite data with GCP
  • 26. Gmail message processing with GCP Gmail Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Functions Cloud Vision G Suite GCP Star message Message notification Trigger function Extract images Categorize images
  • 27. Inbox augmented with Cloud Function Big data analysis to slide presentation Access GCP tools from G Suite
  • 29. Store big data results
  • 30. Visualize big data results Ingest data from Sheets
  • 31. Link to chart in Sheets
  • 32. Supercharge G Suite with GCP G Suite GCP BigQuery Apps Script Slides Sheets Application request Big data analytics Online resources & summary What's available for students & educators?5
  • 33. Session Summary ● Why go cloud? ○ Cloud computing has taken the world by storm ○ You're behind if you're not already using it… it's not too late! ○ Help train the next generation cloud-ready workforce! ● Google Cloud and why serverless? ○ Many features: compute, storage, AI/ML, NW, data processing, etc. ○ Serverless lets users focus on just their logic (apps or functions) ○ Interesting possibilities using both platforms (GCP + G Suite) References ● G Suite, Google Apps Script documentation & open source repos ○ ○ ○ ● Google Cloud Platform (GCP) documentation & open source repos ○ ○ ○{python,nodejs}-docs-samples ○ Know AWS? Compare w/GCP at: ● Google APIs Client Libraries (G Suite & GCP) & Google Cloud SDK (GCP-only) ○ ○
  • 34. More references ● Relevant videos ○ (new Google APIs project setup) ○ (common Python OAuth2 boilerplate code review) ○ (APIs intro codelab [Drive API]) ● Relevant codelabs ○ (Drive API) ○ ○ ● Inspirational apps ○ ○ adding-custom-intelligence-to-gmail-with-serverless-on-gcp ○ NEXT '19: Learning resources ● Codelabs: self-paced, hands-on tutorials ○ Google codelabs: need a Gmail account, always free ■ ○ Qwiklabs codelabs: don't need a Gmail acct; typically not free ■ (promo thru Mar 31) then ■ Individuals can request 200 more credits; 5000 credits for use in courses ● Official GCP docs: ○ Recommended: Getting Started, Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK, GCP Free Tier (need a credit card), Community ● YouTube video series: ○ Recommended: Cloud Minute shorts & Cloud NEXT videos ○ G Suite Dev Show:
  • 35. Resources for Higher Education ● Education grant program ○ Teaching grants (per-course basis) ■ $50USD for students ■ $100USD for faculty & TAs ■ You'll barely use any of it… KEY: no giving Google your credit card ○ Research grants ■ Larger amounts, granted for longer period of time ○ Turnaround time: 3-4 business days ● Teacher center ○ ○ Apply here for education grants ○ Apply here for Qwiklabs credits Career Readiness: Associate Cloud Engineer track On-demand Get free access to “Architecting with Google Cloud Platform” specialization on-demand on Coursera. (100% discount: 6 courses, 4 months access) Self-paced labs Get free access to “Cloud Architecture Quest” & other self-paced labs on Qwiklabs. (100% discount: 10+ labs) Google Cloud Certified Prepare to take the exam and earn your Associate Cloud Engineer Certification. (100% discount for faculty, 50% discount for students per adherence to timelines and other criteria) Prepare your students for careers in a cloud-first world. Apply now. See Career Readiness tab under
  • 36. Invite me (or my team) to your campus... it's our job! ● Faculty & grad students ● Researchers ● Undergrads ● University IT staff/CIO/CTO ● University entrepreneurship centers/capstone project leads Thank you! Questions? Wesley Chun @wescpy