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Controversial History Essay Topics
Writing an essay on controversial history topics can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a
delicate balance between presenting different perspectives, maintaining objectivity, and
navigating the emotional and sensitive nature of historical events. The difficulty lies not only in
researching and understanding the historical context but also in addressing the controversies
surrounding the events.
Controversial history essay topics often involve complex and nuanced issues that have sparked
debates for years. As a writer, you must tread carefully to avoid biases and ensure that your
arguments are well-supported by credible sources. Striking the right tone is crucial, as discussing
controversial topics may evoke strong emotions in your readers.
Researching such essays requires a thorough exploration of various viewpoints, historical records,
and scholarly interpretations. It involves sifting through conflicting accounts, evaluating the
reliability of sources, and critically analyzing the evidence. This process demands time and
patience, as well as a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives.
Furthermore, crafting a coherent and persuasive argument while acknowledging the controversy
requires careful planning and organization. You must structure your essay in a way that allows
for a clear presentation of ideas, addressing counterarguments and demonstrating a nuanced
understanding of the topic.
In conclusion, tackling controversial history essay topics is a formidable task that demands a
combination of research skills, critical thinking, and empathy. It requires a writer to navigate the
complexities of historical controversies with sensitivity and objectivity. If you find yourself
struggling, remember that there are resources available to assist you in developing well-
researched and thought-provoking essays.
For additional support and assistance in writing essays on various topics, including controversial
history subjects, consider exploring, where you can find a wealth of resources
and expert assistance to enhance your academic writing endeavors.
Controversial History Essay TopicsControversial History Essay Topics
Essay on Factors Affecting Modern Business Values
Several studies commissioned to look into ways of modern business values, by values
the profit, and growth, which the companies strive to accomplish in all their
enterprises, meant. Business world is changing too fast. Technology, globalization,
markets, new competitors, new activities are all causing quicker modifications in our
corporate environments, which are the examples of new business values. Focusing on
the results mean that we have to define very clearly what is the modern business
values are, how sustainable growth is affected, and what is the influence on the
environmental well being, so that the outcome can be continuously measured against
these facts. We must assess where we are today in terms of modern business,
sustainable... Show more content on ...
Not only business world have influenced negatively, but also society affected
unfavorably, as evidence; genetically modified food, which damage health or
mobile phones, which cause to radiation. The second piece of factual proof is from
Business ethics, and values: individual, corporate and international perspectives
book, which is written by Fisher C. M. and Lovell A. (5, 2006). 20,000 people were
killed by a chemical leak from an American owned chemical works, which is called
Bhopal incident they mentioned. Furthermore, gaining access, and information is
become easy and this lead to data mining, workplace monitoring and privacy invasion,
which are ethical issues that arise from technology. Production of new materials, new
markets and application of new techniques of manufacturing contributes to growth,
change and expansion in the economy but also negative affects on people. According
to Moore, and Robson (2002), as companies increase their turnover, their social
performance worsens, or the obverse that as their social performance improves, their
turnover declines. It is not a clear contribution that the superb social performance that
increases profits.
Sustainable development may meet the requirements of now, without risking the
possibilities of satisfying the needs of future generations. Growth is centers on
national and international changes of society from a social, economic, political and
ecological point of view. Social relations have changed in ways
Pizza USA Term Paper
Pizza USA: An Exercise in Translating Customer Requirements into Process Design
xxxxxxxxxx University
This case involves Pizza USA, a small independent chain restaurant operation that
offers both dine in and carry out services for customers that has received feedback for
a potential change that will require the implementation of design process to add
services. Currently, customers have indicated that they are pleased with the food
offered by the restaurant but they would increase pizza purchases if a delivery service
was available. This dilemma ties into two separate issues. First, in order to remain
competitive within the industry, ... Show more content on ...
This would be critical in the business ability to survive in such a monopolistic type
market. Successful operation within a smaller independent chain restaurant faces
challenges that may not be as apparent to a larger and more established national
Pizza USA is a small chain operation that currently provides two services: dine in
and carry out options. Customers have commented that if delivery services were
added to the restaurant offerings, they would potentially buy more pizzas (Jacobs
Chase, 2011). Based on this information, it is apparent that the owner needs to
assess his business operations and consider a process design that would include
adding this service to current operations. The addition of delivery services would
potentially require additional capital to finance changes and may involve the hiring
of additional staff. However, revenue increases as a result of the added service would
off set the costs associated with these additions. Near and long term implications
would include survivability within such a competitive market.
As a customer, the primary focus of my satisfaction with this type of business relates
primarily to
Using Two Different Switching Switches And Hubs
In this lab, we have set up switched LAN using two different switching devices i.e
Switches and Hubs. Various performance metrics like throughput, collision count,
traffic received, traffic sent and delay are analysed by implementing the network with
and without switches. The network is then modified such that its maximum
performance and efficiency is achieved.
The main objective of this lab is to design a network with and without switches and
examine the network s parameters in both the scenarios. Two such scenarios were
created: 1) Only hub (where one hub is connected to 16 work stations) 2) Hub and
Switch (where 8 work stations are connected for two hubs and a switch connecting
them). Here, a hub is a device which ... Show more content on ...
The X and Y coordinates are set to 50. The name of Ethernet16_hub is set to Hub1.
Each work station is configured by changing its attributes to as shown in the image
below. This is done for all the sixteen work stations.
The next step is to Choose Individual DES statistics. For this project, various statistics
like Delay, Traffic received, Traffic sent and Collision count are selected.
The simulation is then run by selecting the duration to 2 minutes. The graph is as
The red curve represents Traffic received, green represents Traffic sent and blue
represents Delay. From the graph, it is clear that the delay is almost negligible when
it is compared with the traffic sent and traffic received.
Now the current scenario is duplicated and named as HubAndSwitch. In this scenario,
a hub which is Ethernet16_hub and a switch which is Ethernet16_switch are added
to the work place by selecting from the object palette. The names are set as Hub2 and
Switch respectively.
The network is then modified by placing the switch in between the two hubs and
connecting 8 work stations to each hub with 10Base T links. The network appears as
shown in this image below.
The DES statistics are same as that of the OnlyHub scenario. The results are obtained
by running the simulation and setting the duration to two minutes.
Serena Williams Overpower
Overpower. Overtake. Overcome. Serena Williams echoes her successful life back to
those three fundamental words which make her the successful female figure she is
today. However, you can take a positive or negative approach to her universal motto.
Examining the Shakespearean text Macbeth, women who use their strong willed
power negatively, they easily place themselves in a position where they are the root
cause of destruction. Evidently, in the play, Lady Macbeths character contradicts the
feminist approach as Shakespeare portrays her feminine behaviour negatively
resulting in the disruption of the Great Chain of Being . Women can take a negative
approach to Serena s universal motto initially by eliminating male dominance and
power. In... Show more content on ...
To bring things into perspective, females that want to get a hold of attributes that they
don t originally possess are just like apples that want to become oranges. This,
logically, scientifically and naturewise contradicts itself. In contrast, when Lady
Macbeth hears that King Duncan will come to her house, she instantly calls spirits to
take away everything that makes her a
Description Of An Seasonally Adjusted Data
Subject Code: ECON10003Subject Name: Introductory Macroeconomics
Student ID Number: 762224Student Name: Laura Walker
Assignment Name or Number: 1
TUTOR: Saqib Manzoor
TUTORIAL: Tuesday 8:00am 9:00am
Seasonally adjusted dataMarch quarter 2014 March quarter 2015December quarter
2014 March quarter 2015
United States2.9%0.14966% (≈0.150%)
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 2015)
There is a slight difference in growth change over the past year for the US and
Australia (by 0.6%). The difference between the respective levels of growth over the
December quarter 2014 March quarter 2015 is greater (0.89). ... Show more content
on ...
Department of Commerce, 2015) c.In the Australian National Accounts the largest
industry sector in the March quarter 2015 is mining (B) (total: $35 173 million
value added). The second largest is Financial and insurance services (K) (total: $34
842 million value added).
The Information media and telecommunications (J) industry sector experienced the
highest rate of growth in the twelve months March quarter 2014 March quarter 2015
at 11.1% change.
The Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment fell by 3.2% in July
from 95.3 in June to 92.2 in July. (Westpac Institutional Bank, 15 July 2015)
(Trading Economics, 2015)
Consumer confidence plays a major role in indicating the future performance of an
economy as it influences household consumer expenditure which for many countries
(including US and Australia) is the most significant proportion of GDP. Therefore,
changes in this variable will have an effect on GDP; and is likely to be a leading
indicator of growth (real GDP).
By falling 3.2% it suggests there is lesser confidence than previously in aspects such
as future employment prospects and consumers views on the
Paradise Of The Blind Literary Analysis
The War within Paradise of the Blind Paradise of the Blind is set in Vietnam where
communism has taken over the country after the Vietnam War. The whole war
changed the lives of the Vietnamese people; in which the story revolves around Hang
and her views of her family members. Aunt Tam and Que are two members that Hang
thinks dear of, even though they are beloved to her, Hang still views them very
differently since she has lived and experienced events with them. What Hang sees can
be represented as two systems of economic and political policies: capitalism and
communism. Hang is in between the two women causing her to represent Vietnam,
thus creating a miniature Vietnam War within the novel. The symbolism between the
women demonstrate a juxtaposition... Show more content on ...
Aunt Tam fought through the communist regime her whole life while living in
northern Vietnam. Even then her capitalist ideals persevered through it all
allowing her to move forward. Tam is capable of supporting herself by being able
to innovate with what she works with, After a week of experimenting, I invented a
machine that ground the duckweed by crank. I did everything, every step of it,
myself, and when I sold the noodles at the village market, I made quite a sum
(Huong 77). An entrepreneur is someone who can stride forward with all the
failures they have encountered to better themselves. Innovation is the key for Tam s
survival in communist Vietnam. Entrepreneurs work hard to start their business;
they must push forward no matter the consequences if they believe in their
business, I cleaned and scrubbed for three days straight. Then I set up noodle and
chip business. My help had all left me, so I worked alone. At the third dawn watch,
I was still up working (Huong 78). By her lonesome self, Tam became a hard worker
to gain more money. With her hard earned money, she then became a powerful ally
for the
Zzyz Creation Myth Summary
This changes things for Shane, and he now is more curious about the supernatural
more. Now, Daniel reveals the story of origins, Seth takes control of Zzyz legion,
and transforms earth into a mortal wasteland which he devises a plan to trick Zzyz s
creation into mortal bondage. But Zzyz is wise, and tricks Seth by giving the
humans immortality if they can return back to immortal lands. An immortal land
named the Garden of Ether, is in the center of Polus crossing four rivers. The battle
starts in a region named Thenn, near the outer rims of the ice wall and volcanic lands
bordering three dimensions: the underworld known as Zion, earth, and Polus. Seth
takes control of Zzyz legion, and transforms earth into a mortal wasteland which he
devises... Show more content on ...
Petra, located in Jordan, is where Israelites were forbidden to enter, if one did they
will die by the traps set by reptilians to protect their portal. Civilizations such as the
Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs worshipped the reptilians as gods. As grounds for
honor, civilizations built the Pyramids as places of human sacrifice and burial.
Daniel and Shane discuss whether to disturb the reptilian cave to find answers.
After seeing the LENNOX, Shane has no doubt to go forward with the plan. In a
flashback, Shane as an infant, had nightmarish vision of a blood bath and destruction
of the world. Unless something bigger is done, Seth legion will destroy the world
soon enough, whether Shane plan to reach the other dimension will succeed is
unknown. Shane and Daniel reach their destination at the Grand Canyon, enter the
cave, and believe they reached the portal to another dimension. But the cave turns
out to be a trap, but they find a map of the flat earth and mirror made of crystal.
Also, Shane discovers that the only working portal is located in Petra and Antarctica.
An earthquake occurs and the cave is closed shut, the cave becomes dark and musty.
The mirror begins to light up and a reptilian snatches Daniel. Shane manages to
escape the cave finding another exit but is now
Rhetorical Analysis Of All Life Matters By Michelle Malkin
As of 2012, 11.2 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States, making up
one third of the country s foreign born population (Krogstad, Passel). The majority
of the Republican Party, angered by the lack of security and enforcement required to
control the issue, wish to allot as much time and resources possible into restricting
access to those who fail to enter the country legally ( In her
recent work, blatant conservative blogger Michelle Malkin critiqued the government
s handling of the situation and vocalized her disapprobation towards the subject
when she asserted there are more urgent matters, such as terrorist threats, for the
country to address. She states, Capitol Hill and the White House have been far too
preoccupied with legalizing millions of illegal aliens in the name of homeland
security to follow up (Malkin).... Show more content on ...
Michelle Malkin frequently employs anecdotal evidence in her columns as a way to
incorporate personal experience and evoke sympathy from her audience in an
attempt at persuading and educating them further. For example, in her article, All
Life Matters: Jahi McMath s Journey, she presents the story of a young, comatose
teenage girl s continual fight for her life, despite various medical personnel insisting
she is brain dead. Much of the article centers around this story, allowing Malkin to
inform her audience about the controversy surrounding life support and persuade
them to remain hopeful in cases like these, for Jahi may be defying the odds with a
recovery underway. Her inclusion of this story emphasizes a well versed and
persuasive tone, as it allows her to demonstrate her knowledge of the controversy to
Americans, while simultaneously influencing their view on life support with the
Persuasive Speech About Crafting
When people think of crafting, they think of craft fairs in small towns, of mothers
and grandmothers manning booths with hand sewn clothing for American Girl dolls
and beeswax candles and hand knitted mittens and hats and they re not totally wrong.
But these days, everyone is crafting.
Thanks to the proliferation of do it yourself blogs on the internet and online interior
design magazines, crafting is bigger than ever. It s become something that s no
longer reserved for grandmothers who spend their days sewing quilts while they
watch episode after episode of General Hospital. In fact, many young people have
taken up crafting, having figured out that making great gifts and things for your
home is so much easier and better than buying them.
This year, instead of gifting store bought gifts, consider making things on your own.
When you ve crafted something that you give your friend or your family member, it s
made with love. You ve put time and effort into it, and that often means much more to
someone than something you bought at the local mall. Luckily, you can get all the
craft supplies you need online! Here are ... Show more content on ...
Most moms have cookie cutters galore, but did you know that you can also use
cookie cutters for crafting, not baking? Sure, you ll use them at Halloween, and
again at Christmas, and again at Valentine s Day and on Easter Sunday but why not
use them to help the kids learn their shapes? They can trace around the cookie
cutters, even use them to create made at home Christmas ornaments to hang on the
tree. Bone shaped cookie cutters can be used to make treats for your furry friends,
and any fun shape can be used as either the basis of an ornament for your tree or an
ornament itself simply add some paint and glitter! Many people think that cookie
cutters are limited to baking only, but that simply isn t the case. There s lots you can
do with cookie cutters the fun doesn t have to
Advantages Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language
Cihan Ећahin
What is the best way to teach English as a foreign language?
My English teachers were literally obsessed with grammar and vocabulary. The
lessons were about the things which I need to memorise rather than learning. Each
teacher came up with different rules, regulations, and directives that my friends and I
did not ever question or oppose, so it is not learning and inquiring indeed. Therefore,
I would try an inquiry based learning if I had a chance. My teachers probably forgot
that an average person only need English for speaking and listening. Because of that,
the media and the parents often accuse teachers and students with the statements like
The country where you still cannot speak English in a one decade language training.
... Show more content on ...
I had my first English lesson in fourth grade. My teacher changed in fifth grade.
Almost every year after the elementary school my teacher was someone else too.
They taught me the basic thing such as the numbers, alphabet, colours, days, months,
seasons, a brief introduction to the grammar, and introducing myself. My teachers
did not teach me the distinctive English sounds compared to my mother tongue,
which is unfortunate. The middle school was three years. I had English lessons in
every one of them. I had two different teachers. They started to teach me grammar
and how to fill in the blanks, not metaphorically. Although they taught me
something totally artificial, the real language has been alive for years and it will
be alive until it is extinct, which is unlikely in this case. I also had word lists that I
had to write each of them five times to my notebook with their Turkish translation.
My teachers would pronounce it like three times during the lesson. I still remember
how they used to say Repeat after me. The lesson would go on with the same rituals.
As a result, many examples of such practises did not get most of my classmates to
learn the
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple...
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple negative breast cancer is
subtype of breast cancer that lack estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors or large
amounts of HER2/neu proteins. It s commonly known as ER negative, PR negative
and HER2/neu negative breast cancer (1). Due to the aforementioned characteristic of
triple negative breast cancerit is insensitive to most of the effective therapies available
for breast cancer treatment including HER2 directed therapy such as trastuzumab (2).
Chemotherapy is the only systemic treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Even
though standard chemotherapy regimens can be effective for patients in the early
stages of triple negative breast cancer, but patients with... Show more content on ...
Second generation Antibody drug conjugate consider as a new approach for
treatments of TNBC. The main idea is to use an antibody and cytotoxic agents
together to produce a synergistic effect and to ensure delivery of the cytotoxic
agent to the target cell (6) Our main goal in this research is to develop a novel
antibody based therapy against LRP8. We hypothesis that an anti LRP8 antibody
conjugated to cytotoxic drug will lead toward effective therapy for TNBC. We will
perform experiments using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to prove that
LRP8 is suitable ADC target. Two main factors will contribute to whether it is
suitable target:
i.100,000 LPR8 receptors should be expressed on the surface of 18 20 cells line.
Our hypothesis is that will be more than 100,000 LPR8 receptors on the surface of
breast cancer cell line. ii. Internalization of antibody bound to LRP8 We hypothesis
that the antibody bind to the LRP8 have the ability to internalize and eventually
causes cell death or apoptosis.
Background and Preliminary Results: In February 2013, an anti HER2 antibody
trastuzumab was approved by the FDA following the positive outcome of the Phase
In this trial, Patients with HER2 (also known as ERBB2) positive metastatic breast
cancer had an improved median overall survival benefit compared to the combination
of lapatinib and capecitabine (6). This drug represents an
Chesapeake Energy Arena Case Study
While many people disapprove of publicly financing sports facilities, Chesapeake
Energy Arena is one scenario in which the construction of the stadium has time and
time again proved to be a sound public investment. Since the Thunder relocated from
Seattle to Oklahoma City, the franchise is widely viewed as a major component of
the citys resurgence. The construction of Chesapeake Energy Arena was part of a
large civic redevelopment that took more than 20 years to complete. Ballots tallied
from a vote taken on December 14, 1993 passed with 54 percent (Moser, 2013).
Since it was originally passed in 1993, Oklahoma City s Metropolitan Area Projects
(MAPS) plan has been renewed twice by voters (Moser, 2013). The arena, which was
financed with ... Show more content on ...
Additional improvements made to Chesapeake Energy Arena were completed in
2013 and were funded by a 15 month sales tax that that was approved by Oklahoma
City voters (Moser, 2013).
The total economic impact the Oklahoma City Thunder had on the community during
the shortened 2012 13 regular and post season was estimated to be $54.3 million. In
2013, Oklahoma City officials estimated the Thunder s economic impact to be $1.5
million per game. Destination Marketing Association International concluded that
each local attendee who travels within the metro area spends approximately $65.
However, each game attendee from outside the metro area spends roughly $216
(Lackmeyer, 2013).
While the Thunder s economic impact figure appears impressive, the estimate is
often criticized as being too conservative. Tom Anderson, special projects manager
for Oklahoma City, stated that it does not include arena employment or any restaurant
and hotel business due to home games. Also, the estimate fails to calculate the
millions of dollars worth of positive promotion received from people on a national
and international scale via television and print coverage (Lackmeyer,
It Better To Make The Spells And Potions Work Or Do The...
Listen up Harry Potter fans! Scientists from the University of Leicester have been
doing some research, trying to figure out whether or not the wizards in Harry potter
need magic to make the spells and potions work or do they have a scientific basis?
The first thing they put to test is Gillyweed if you do not recall Gillyweed is a
Mediterranean plant that Harry Potter used to help him win a challenge in The
Goblet of Fire. If you ate the plant you were able to grow gills so that you could
breathe underwater and have webbed feet and hands. The researchers decided to
find out if the gills would have worked the way they were portrayed in the movie.
Scientists Rowan Reynolds and Chris Ringrose first started their experiment by
estimating that the gills that appear in the movie have a surface area of about 60cm2.
They then took account of how much oxygen there was in the Black lake where the
tournament took place and how much gas Harry would have needed to breathe
underwater. ... Show more content on ...
Also if Harry would have wanted the gills to work in real life, he would have had
to open his mouth, to let the water in and out, like oxygen. However, for most of the
time, he was underwater he did not open his mouth. Scientists Reynolds and
Ringrose were led to the conclusion that if Harry were to open his mouth to allow
water into his throat and out through the gills, it may be plausible that he could
breathe underwater. However, without doing this, it is simply not plausible that he
could extract sufficient oxygen for survival. therefore if the Boy who lived wanted to
survive underwater, he would need to use
Reactions And Reactions Of Redox Reactions
Without the millions of chemical reactions that occur every day, life would be
completely different. An important class of common reactions includes those which
involve the simultaneous transfer of electrons between chemicals, commonly referred
to as redox reactions or oxidation reduction reactions. Redox reactions are whole
reactions composed of two different half reactions known as oxidation (where
electrons are lost) and reduction (where electrons are gained) (Chemguide, 2013).
When there is an increase in the oxidation state, the reaction is oxidation; when there
is a decrease, it is reduction. Oxidation cannot possibly occur without an affiliated
reduction, and vice versa. Redox reactions are notated as such:
Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+ + 2e
In the half reaction above, a copper ion (with a plus 2 charge) is formed from the
oxidation of solid copper (with no charge). The e in the equation is an electron which
is free to reduce other chemical atoms, such as in the half reaction:
2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s)
Two electrons are added to the two silver ions in this half reaction, in order to
produce a solid silver. These two half reactions can be combined to form a redox
equation as follows:
Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2e
2 Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s)
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2e
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
The Impact Of European History And Globalization Of
I believe the event that set Europe or the Western World, apart from the main powers
like China and the Ottoman Empire, is the Colonization of the Americas. This event
help put Europe at the forefront of all things to come like Industrialization,
Consolidation into Nation States, WW1 and WW2, and globalization of the world
today. The first main event in Europewas the Black Death, and it left a lot of change
in Europe included a major religious, social and economic upheavals, which had a
very big effects on the course of European history. The Black Death was one of the
most devastating disease in human history and it struck Europe the worst, with
more than half of the population of the whole of Europe being killed by the disease.
But it was thanks to the Black Death that many changes where brought to Europe
that changed its fate for the better over time, until we came to today where Europe is
now a global leader in the world.
Omar 2
The biggest effect of the Black Death was the depopulation of Europe. Due to the
population being hit hard the workforce was also hit hard and most of it being
nearly destroyed. With most of the people killed, the survives of the plague got the
lion share of what was remanding after the Black Death, so there was an increased
social mobility for everyone. Lords and knights saw more open land left for them to
take, merchants and artists saw their competitions all died from the plague so started
to monopolize and sell for higher their goods,
Safe Childbirth
Childbirth is oftentimes described as the miracle of life . It is typically a time of
immense pride and joy; many claim the birth of their offspring was the best day of
their lives. Unfortunately, however, this exuberant experience is not a memory to
be fond of for hundreds of thousands of women in developing countries. Liberia is a
prime example of how grim the reality truly is. According to Yulia Widiati from
Unicef, Liberias maternal mortality ratio is one of the highest in the world, with
1,072 maternal deaths for every 100,000 births (ADD CITATION). This doesn t even
include the hundreds of infantdeaths that take place every year as well, just the
mothers. These numbers are excessively high when considering how far modern
medicine and science has come.... Show more content on ...
The root of the problem lies in paucity of education and supplies. Young girls need
to be educated on safe sex practices, and women need to be sufficiently
knowledgeable on how to properly deliver and care for a baby. This means before,
after, and during the birth. In addition to this, it s almost impossible to create a safe
childbearing environment without specific medical supplies and equipment.
Thankfully, with new leadership in the country the numbers are gradually beginning
to decline. Be that as it may, the path to correct this issue is still long and rocky; they
need our help. In order to further mitigate the high numbers of maternal and infant
deaths in developing countries, we need to donate not only supplies, but our time as
well. We need to send volunteers with donations and plans to educate women and
young girls on pregnancy, delivery, and safe
Mr Marek Case Study
Mr. Marek is assigned as the Information Technology Specialist for ESD New York
supporting the largest operational field command on the East Coast, Sector New
York. Demonstrating outstanding technical expertise and professionalism, he
delivered superior Information Technology (IT) services for 1,495 customers in
ESD s area of responsibility consisting of 22 afloat and ashore units and eight
Rescue 21 Remote Fixed Facilities. Mr. Marek fills a vital role contributing to
Sector New York s operational success responding on average to 360 search and
rescue cases, 920 emergency distress calls, and saves approximately $5 million in
commercial and personal property. As ESD s IT technical representative, Mr. Marek
oversaw several operational critical re cabling enterprises. He exceptionally
integrated objectives and resources to provide sophisticated C4IT insight for Sector
New York s $418K Demarcation Relocation project. He partnered with the Coast
Guard s Facility Relocation Support Branch contributing high level guidance that
advocated improvements to Sector s telephony physical security. Complying with
rigid specifications and protocols, he aided contractors with developing a centralized
point of connectivity... Show more content on ...
Marek was a key member as Project Manager for renovations involving C4IT at
Sector New York s athletic and educational facility. Throughout this evolution he
provided first rate guidance on strict quality and control specifications, industry
standards, and safety protocols for eight technicians and one seaman who is
apprenticing under the ESD mentoring program. During the execution of this
project, over $7,000 was expended on equipment enrichments and supplies, with
approximately 1,000 feet of CAT3 and CAT5e cabling replaced, 100 feet of single
mode fiber installed, and 24 new voice and data connections upgraded. His actions
greatly improved network security measures, providing multiple physical barriers
exceeding Coast Guard controlled space
Cause And Effect Of Ethnicity In Nigeria
Cause and effect of different Ethnicity in Nigeria
Nigeria is known as the most populated nation in Africa it is the biggest nation when
it comes to population in the continent. The Nigerian people belong to many diverse
ethnic groups. This Ethnicity give the nation unlikely culture but they also face some
difficulty to the nation building. Ethnic conflict has been one of the nation old
problems since it gained independence in the year 1960. Formally known as Federal
Republic of Nigeria. Nigeria has a central form of government and is allocated into
36 states and a federal capital territory Abuja.
A state in the Southern part of the nation Lagos was formerly the old capital of
Nigeria Lagos is the financial and traditional center the majorly inhabited here are the
Yoruba speaking community. It is also the nation largest city in terms of the
population. in 1991 The authority moved from Lagos to Abuja in the hope of forming
a national capital where none of the nation ethnic groups would be dominant.
After the independence Nigeria have experienced regular revolutions and long times
of ... Show more content on ...
Now it is in this opinion that Cletus Umezinwa claimed that Nigeria is one of the
failed state supporting his view up with a number of issues that involved ethnic and
value corruption fragile civil structure poor management and common ethnicity crisis.
Fights and problems in nation most frequently connect with ethnicity and typically
deplored to resolve economic and governmental differences raising the development
of ethnic reservists like the Bakkasi Boys the Movement for Actualization of Self
governing nation of the Biafra. the Yandaba in the north Boko Haram and many
Assess The Experiences Of Women During The Process Of...
Associate Professor and Dr.V.Selvanayaki, Principal , Vinayaka Mission s
Annapoorana College of Nursing, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT Descriptive with cross sectional approach was carried out to assess the
experience of women during the process of child birth. A five... Show more content
on ...
Some women experience birth as a very sacred, spiritual, deeply healing, and
transforming experience in their life; while some women experience birth as
traumatic. Still, other women do not experience birth with any spiritual or emotional
significance. There are many reasons for these various experiences, which have been
covered extensively in other studies and articles. Some of those reasons are personal
beliefs about birth held by the woman due to religious and cultural influences, and
any personal experiences surrounding birth; the woman s support system during birth,
and the trust that the birthing woman and that of her birth team have in a woman s
body to birth, baby to know how to be born, and the birth process itself (Hatsun
2007). Women s experiences of childbirthhave changed significantly in the past few
years in the developing countries like India. Deliveries used to take place only in
home setups and anganwadis in olden days, but now it is occurring in private
specialist hospitals by experienced nurses in the field of obstetrics. So there arises a
increased alienation from the familiar environment and familiar persons (Swarna s,
Labour is described as the process by which the fetus, placenta and membranes are
expelled through the birth canal (Fraser and cooper 2003) Childbirth experience is
consistently described as a significant event of powerful psychological importance in
a women life. Childbirth can be a development task (or) a
The Right to Say I Do Essay
From the beginning of time, the human race has created a family circle to continue
to exist. While there are many points of view, as to why people oppose gay
marriage, it all comes down to the fact they think homosexuality is morally wrong.
This report will cover the laws dealing with gay marriage, the religious views, and
the debate concerning children. In addition, this report will give an explanation into
how a classical theory would resolve the issues surrounding the subject of gay
marriage. Dating back to its Puritan founders, the United States has an extensive
history of sexual ideology. They put into place a narrow outline of ethical and sexual
behaviors and principles. This outline prescribed the proper manner in which... Show
more content on ...
Gay couples have been seeking officially permitted marriages since the early 1970
s and not a word was uttered until legislative items were put on government
agendas. According to the website (, 2011), the first legally
documented same sex union was in Denmark in 1989 and the first legal gay
marriage was not until 2001, in the Netherlands. In view of that fact, several
countries have approved laws prohibiting the recognition of foreign gay marriages.
The funds of the religious right overshadow the funds of the lesbian and gay
movement due to many organizations having working budgets estimated to be in the
hundreds of millions. With radio, television, film, and print media outlets and vast
groups of member churches, they can simply release political communications or ask
for the support of the people who go to those churches. In addition, the religious right
has an influential group of very wealthy and politically formidable contributors who
have executive sway inside the Republican Party (Fetner, 2008).
When President Clinton started to exercise his executive freedom to repeal the
military s ban on homosexuals, the religious right was ready to rally their
congressional buddies to object to the president s idea and in the end, resulted in
maintaining the ban via the Don t Ask, Don t Tell, Don t Pursue negotiation. This
extensive depth and power eclipses the funds, contacts, and the foundation of the
lesbian and gay movement. Even so, this
Leading Cause Of Negativity In Society In Arthur Miller s...
Rumors are among the many dilemmas afflicting the human condition. They eat
away at society like a parasite, undermining morality and infecting good intentions
with malice or decay. Despite the fact that rumors are not always accurate, they still
spread like wildfires. Rumors are the leading cause of negativity in society. In Arthur
Miller s work, The Crucible, rumors spur mass hysteria in the colonial town of Salem
by changing people s views of a situation, undermining the self confidence of victims,
and inspiring fearamong friends and neighbors.
Likewise, a person s perception and viewpoint drastically change from rumors
whether they are true or not. People often tend to believe everything they hear,
which causes society to conclude that the rumor is true without knowing all the
facts. In The Crucible, a character named Parris illustrates this by saying, She may
be. And yet it has troubled me that you are now seven months out of their house, and
in all this time no other family has ever called for your service (Miller 1.1.26). In
addition to their assumptions, the gossip itself leads to the false accusations of Abigail.
No matter how much gossip gets into the people s heads who live in Salem, they
would never choose to talk to the person, just about them (Decter). Jumping to
conclusions causes people to judge others unfairly and without merit, causing
physical and emotional damage to anyone affected by the untruth of the rumor. This
is an identical struggle that
What Makes A Good Leader
What qualities make a good leader? You can ask a hundred different people, and
you will get a hundred different answers. A good leader is someone who
accomplishes the mission, has the respect of their subordinates, and makes the
difficult decisions when needed. For me, I believe that a great leader needs to have
a variety of qualities, but most importantly a sense of fairness, hard work/care, and
common consideration for others. Different experiences throughout my life and time
at West Point have lead me to believe that these three tenants are what are most
needed for a great leader. In terms of a leader s moral character, common
consideration has the greatest influence on the success of a leader, because without
common consideration, a... Show more content on ...
There are numerous occasions at West Point where I have seen individuals dole out
unequal shares of duties or rewards based on their personal feelings towards the
recipients. Fairness and impartiality are fundamental traits in good officers. If a
leader singles out an individual for either unfair rewards or punishments, it signals to
the unit that there are other necessary factors needed other than hard work to get
ahead, such as cozying up to the platoon leader to get the good assignments.
Soldiers need to know that assignments or tasks they are assigned are either given
through merit, or are given equally to all soldiers in the unit. Unfair treatment is a
quick way for soldiers to drift away from the task at hand and instead focus on
getting into the good graces of the leader, leaving the unit less cohesive and the
mission unaccomplished. I have witness firsthand here at West Point many unfair
decisions that were made solely out of how much someone liked or hated the person
they were dealing with. One such example that comes to mind is when one cadet was
given preferential treatment and allowed to get off morning workouts, while other
cadets had to continue. The physical development staff of my company forces any
cadet with an APFT score of less than 260 to show up to morning workouts on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. These cadets are given the
opportunity to stop attending workouts by scoring above a 270 on a diagnostic APFT
conducted once a month.
Essay On Auschwitz
In 1940 Auschwitz was established in the suburbs of Oswiecim. Oswiecim is a Polish
city that was annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis. Auschwitz was established
because there were too many Polish people in the local prisons. In 1942 Auschwitz
became a death camp and it was the largest known. (, n.d.) The
camp was expanded throughout its existence, this resulted in Auschwitz consisting of
three camps. The three camps were Main Camp, Birkenau, and Monowitz. Main
Camp was known as Auschwitz I, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II, and
Monowitz was known as Auschwitz III. (Preisler, n.d.) Auschwitz was liberated in
1945. Historians and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz
somewhere between 2.1 million... Show more content on ...
Carl Clauberg. Carl Clauberg was born in Wuppertal in 1898. During World War I
he participated as an infantryman. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) After he had studied
medicine and advanced to be a doctor in chief at the University gynecological clinic
in Kiel. In 1933 he entered the NSDAP. Also in 1933 he was appointed professor
for gynecology at Koenigsberg University. (Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1942 Carl
Clauberg went to work at Auschwitz. There he conducted mass sterilization
experiments. Professor Carl Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs
during his experiments. Thousands of Jewish and Gypsy women were subjected to
this treatment. They were sterilized by the injections, producing horrible pain,
inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in the stomach, and bleeding. The injections
seriously damaged the ovaries of the victims, which were then removed and sent to
Berlin. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1948 Clauberg was put to trail in the Soviet
Union. He was sentenced to twenty five years, but after seven years he was
pardoned. Survivor groups protested this and so he was arrested in 1955. Shortly
before his trial should have started he died in August 1957. (Carl Clauberg,
Why Did I Choose Ohio State University
6,570 days. 936 weeks. 216 months. 18 years. My whole life leading up to this point.
College is a new beginning. A fresh start at someplace new. College can be a very
drastic change from high school, or it can be like nothing has changed at all. It all
depends on where I go. Personally, I would like to go out and experience all that the
world has to offer. I want to see new sights and smell new smells. I don t see the point
is staying the same. I am excited for collegebecause I think the Ohio State University
or the University of Cincinnati are places where I could put this dream into a reality.
Although The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati are similar in
costs, I think that Ohio State is a better choice for me based... Show more content on ...
I think that The Ohio State University is a great place for me to do that. I could
meet new people on the large campus through activities and events. Also, Ohio State
is close enough to home. That way, I could still go home and see my current friends
from high school. Columbus is a great city and there is a lot to do there. Ohio State
University and University of Cincinnati are very similar in a lot of aspects. But
overall, even though the University of Cincinnati seems like a very promising option,
my heart is leaning towards The Ohio State
Essay on How the Great Depression Changed the Federal...
The period before the great depression, the 1920s, was known as the Roaring
Twenties or the Jazz age. This Era was marked by artistic movement such as the
creation of Jazz music and a rich supply of American writing. During this time the
federal government had been providing some aid to the states but leaving the bulk
of the power to the states, which is known as a dual federalism. It also marked the
end of modest social traditions and wave of materialism encouraged by increased
customer spending with the open use of a new concept called credit.
As the Great Depression rolled in, a cry for the involvement of government in matters
of the economy was sent out as the United States reached an all time low. When Wall
Street crashed, millions of ... Show more content on ...
Along with the New Deal came a lot of controversy about the expansion of the
government s part in American society.
Three days after taking office FDR established the Emergency Banking Act, that
closed all the banks. Once the banks were reopened they were put under close
supervision, also the treasury was authorized to issue more currency. After the
Emergency Banking act, during the rest of FDR s first 100 days in office, he
proposed, and Congress enacted, an abundance of legislative acts such as the
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), the
Civic Works Administration (CWA), the Homeowners Loan Act, and the National
Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). One of the most innovative New Deal Program
was the Tennessee Valley Authority act (TVA) which created an independent public
agency that oversaw the development of projects in the Tennessee River Valley.
While [the New Deal] did not end the Depression, [the] experimental programs
helped the American people immeasurably by taking care of their basic needs and
giving them the dignity of work and hope (Maxwell, 1952)
Grants in aids became a main mechanism of
Basic Physics Worksheet
Basic Physics
For this section, I included a test, a quiz, a homework assignment, a worksheet, a
book review, and a PowerPoint presentation. The physics 182 test was about the work
energy theorem and the impulse momentum theorem. I actually had fun taking this
test, really. As the first question indicates, I struggled at representing energygains and
losses, in a system, as bars in a graph. This method of representing energy gains and
loses is important because it is a visual representation of the energy interactions in a
system that losses energy through non conservative forces. I will work through
similar examples to be able to solve problems such as this one. My favorite dynamics
problem in the test was number thirteen because it was complex. I used the
conservation of mechanical energy equation the one involving gravitational potential
energy to solve one part of the problem ... Show more content on ...
Then I used the work energy theorem to calculate the energy lost as heat, the work,
as an object traveled a given distance on a sticky surface. Friction was a factor in that
part of the problem so I drew a free body diagram to indicate the net force acting on
the object (WA COMP 2009.SCI.1.1.3.H). Finally, I had to calculate the spring
constant using the mechanical energy equation one more time, but replacing the
gravitational potential energy equation with the spring potential energy equation to
determine the spring constant (WA COMP 2009.SCI.1.1.3.J). Problem eleven
required the use of one simple kinematic equation, after I applied the impulse
momentum theorem; once I determined the velocity of a skater, I used it to
determine the time it took him to travel a given distance (WA COMP
2009.SCI.1.1.3). Although I lost points on three multiple choice questions, they are
no longer a weakness because I reworked the problems and have become proficient
The African Of African Descent
The people that are one of the most oppressed and restricted throughout recent history,
if not the most, are considered to be the those of African descent. There was, and
arguably, still is institutionalized racism against people of African descent in the
Americas, with a prime example being the peculiar institution of slavery. This
institution was so peculiar that, in many countries, the long, entire process of
capturing, enslaving, and forcing of people to work, primarily those that were of
African descent, became so profitable and efficient that slavery became the backbone
of an entire country in terms of labor, such as the United States. Naturally, of course,
there was always a constant resistance to this oppression, no matter where the
enslaved people were, or under which circumstances they were subject to. The
Africans that were brought to the Americas as captives by Europeans would resist
against their captors in different ways, and so would their descendants, until they
were liberated. Understanding what slavery was commonly like is important, as it
allows one to gain information on the outstanding cruelties of slavery, as well as give
reason to the sometimes extreme resistances put up by the Africans and African
Americans. It is important to note that enslaved persons were fifty percent more
likely to die in their first fourteen years of life when compared to their white, free,
counterparts, largely due to an innutritious diet that more often than not consisted of
Sadistic Personality Disorder And Children
Sadistic Personality Disorder in ChildrenReview of literature indicates that Henry
from The Good Son (1993) exhibits sadistic behavior throughout the film. Abnormal
mental behavior of any kind in children is an important topic of study in psychology.
There are many different kinds of mental illnesses that some children can exhibit and
form into their adulthood (Hucker, 2012). Sadistic Personality Disorderis
unfortunately one of the illnesses. Henry from The Good Son (1993) is a prime
example of Sadistic Personality Disorder in children. Questions of Sadistic
Personality Disorder include,
1. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?;
2. What causes Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; and
3. What can be done about Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?
These are some of the questions that are asked and can be answered through a
review of literature. Children with these illnesses are studied to find the reasons of
the illness and to solve the problem. The cause of the illness is also identified when
study s take place.
What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? Sadistic Personality Disorder is
defined as an individual s pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating,
and demeaning behavior (Levesque, 2011). Henry from The Good Son (1993)
exhibits this behavior by killing, threatening, etc. This disorder begins in childhood
and is consistent thereafter (Hucker, 2012), as seen in Henry. This behavior
Clinton Impeachment
In 1999, for the second time in American history, the President of the United States
was impeached. For those who don t know, impeachment means to bring a
government official to trial over accusations of illegal or shameful activity. President
William Jefferson Clinton, more commonly known as Bill Clinton, took office in
1992 as a leader who had promised to bring a more honest and better government to
the American people. This Democratic politician would have his two terms in office
defined by self inflicted shameful events. Clinton s affair with Monica Lewinsky
would go down as one of the most talked about scandals known to man.
Monica Lewinsky, at the age of 21, began an internship at the White House, in July of
1995. After just four months ... Show more content on ...
The two articles Clinton was found guilty for were lying under oath to a grand jury
and obstructing justice. At the beginning of 1999 the trial began. The New York
Times released an article that said, From the start of the trial on January 7, the
Senate tried assiduously to avoid the partisan bitterness of the House (Mitchell
paragraph 34). The trial swung in favor of Clinton, and on February 12, 1999, the
verdict was read, with President Clinton found not guilty of the two articles he was
tried for.
As President Clinton s second term came to an end his time in office would be seen
as one of the most disgraceful and embarrassing presidencies in American history. For
only the second time in presidential history the United States of America had
impeached their president, and for the first time in history the president went to court
for sexual allegations. At the end of the trial Clinton had only one thing to say, I am
Essay on A South Korean Company that Operates in China
A South Korean Company that Operates in China
This report address s the requirements at hand to select a South Korean company that
has operations in China
Executive Summary:
In 1992, Samsung Electronics adopted the form of a wholly owned subsidiary as the
entry mode into China. It s entry into China was in order to maintain growth due to
the tough competition in Korea. China was selected in order to take advantage of
its low wages for the mass production of low to medium priced products. The initial
manufacturing ground was at Tianjin due to its costal location hence making it easy
to export abroad and to major locations in China. The original focus of producing
low cost products resulted in a cheap image of Samsung in ... Show more content on ...
After a decade of rapid economic growth, in 1997 many South East Asian countries
were subject to a catastrophic economic crisis. The problems endured involved both
immediate crisis management in unstable financial markets and the medium term
restructuring and repositioning of their economies in the face of intensified export
South Korea had a large current account deficit and the maintenance of pegged
exchange rates encouraged external borrowing and led to excessive exposure to
foreign exchange risk in both the financial and corporate sectors. Economists have
advanced the impact of Mainland
China on the real economy as a contributing factor to the crisis.
China had begun to compete effectively with other Asian exporters particularly in the
1990s after the implementation of a number of export oriented reforms. Western
importers sought cheaper manufacturers and found them, indeed, in China whose
currency was depreciated relative to the dollar. The report will address the corporate
re alignment by Samsung in order to ride out the economic filtering of the region in
which it was operating.
[1] Entry Mode and Rationale behind Choice
Pre 1997 Asian Economic Crisis:
Initially, in 1992 Samsung adopted the strategy of a wholly own subsidiary (WOS)
as the mode of entry into China. Samsung opted to expand its production of
consumer electronic good in China as a WOS
Assessment of the Economic Impact that the Natural...
Assessment of the Economic Impact that the Natural Disaster May Have on the
Countries of South East Asia
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea earthquake that occurred at
00:58:53 on December 26, 2004. The earthquake generated a tsunami that was among
the deadliest disasters in modern history. At magnitude of 9.0, it was the largest
earthquake since the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska in 1964, and
tied for fourth largest since 1900. In February 2005, new analysis suggested the
magnitude was underestimated, and one study estimates it at 9.3. It would change the
lives of many for ever. The earthquake originated in the Indian Oceanjust north of
Simeulue island, off the western ... Show more content on ...
In Indonesia in particular, 500 bodies a day were still being found in February 2005
and the count was expected to continue past June. The real death toll will never be
fully known due to bodies having been swept out to sea.
The economic impact is huge, the impact is felt most in coastal area s. Fishing
communities and fisherfolk, some of the poorest people in the region, have been
devastated with high losses of income as well as material damage, i.e. boats and
fishing gear. In Sri Lanka s coastal areas, for example, artisanal fishery is an
important source of fish for local markets and industrial fishery is the major
economic source of income, providing direct employment for about 250 000 people.
In recent years the fishery industry has emerged as a dynamic export oriented sector,
generating large sums of foreign exchange earnings. Preliminary estimates indicate
that 66 percent of the fishingfleet and industrial infrastructure in coastal regions have
been destroyed by the wave surges, which will have adverse economic effects both at
local and national levels .
But some economists believe that damage to the affected countries economies will be
minor because losses in the tourism and fishing industries are a relatively
The Mobile Telecommunications Industry
The mobile telecommunications industry in Ireland has always been a competitive
and rapidly changing industry. It has changed considerably from it s initial birth
with only one competitor, to it s liberalisation in 1998, all the way through to the
introduction of MVNO s in the 2000 s. Mobile penetration has increased from 42 %
in 2000 (Telecommunications and Internet Federation, 2005) to almost 97% of Irish
adults owning a mobile phone now in 2013. (, 2013) In order to
fully understand the rapid development of this industry and the future of it, we must
first look at its history in 1998. The Telecommunications Industry in Ireland in 1998
was a duopoly, meaning that there were only two service providers in the market....
Show more content on ...
Also the mobile network market was much more concentrated than the supplier
market, thus limiting supplier power. Despite both companies offering similar
services, the threat of substitution within this industry was low. Prices for the two
companies were similar, with both standing at 20p per min from 7am to 3pm on
weekdays and all day on weekends (, 1998).The buyers propensity to
substitute was further lowered by high switching costs. They were unwilling to
consider the substitute as the benefit they would receive from switching companies
would not outweigh the costs, they now therefore had a stronger incentive to remain
with their current provider (cite). Competiitive rivalry within the industry was high.
The two firms actively competed with each other in order to gain market share.
The service lacked differentiation between the two yet high switching costs
prevented them from stealing each others market base. They competed with each
other in order to gain more coverage in rural areas and thus increase market share.
They also engaged in price competition, with Esat Digifone trying to catch up with
the longer established Eircell, particularly around Christmas period. With the launch
of the pre paid service in 1998, Esat digifone aimed to provide lower peak rates than
Eircell and differentiated themselves by allowing customers receive incoming call for
6 months even if they had run out of credit and not topped up (, 1998) .
Capital costs
Aphorisms In The Picture Of Dorian Gray
The English language consists of a wide variety of figurative speech, and authors
often make use of this in order to embellish and enhance their works. Oscar Wilde,
one of the most daring writers of the nineteenth century, exemplifies this writing
approach. His most notable technique is the use of aphorisms a concise judgement
that contains a general truth throughout his pieces, particularly in The Importance of
Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray. The phrases are often thoughts or
dialogue from the characters, the majority of whom live in the English upper class
society during the Victorian era, and comment on a range of subjects concerning this
culture. Wilde s aphorisms can often be overlooked as shallow or simplistic, but in
reality,... Show more content on ...
The aphorism not only opens the discussion, but it also identifies the problem with
the society being addressed in the subsequent text. In this case, Wilde points out
that instead of mending the bothersome rules of the English, upper class society,
individuals choose instead to find ways to break these rules and escape the
consequences. Such ideas continue in the plot of The Picture of Dorian Gray,
which relies on Lord Henry s aphorism and Dorian Gray s response to it, Youth!
There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth! Dorian Gray listened, open
eyed and wondering... If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that
was to grow old!...I would give my soul for that! (The Picture of Dorian Gray 24,
28) to initiate the central plot. Lord Henry s aphorism, along with his subsequent
dialogue, affects Dorian so greatly that he sells his soul to stay young and beautiful
forever. The rest of the plot, instigated by this one simple phrase, exemplifies Wilde s
cynical views on the worship of youth with Dorian s demise at the conclusion of the
novel. Dorian s death and Jack and Algernon s Bunburying, although seemingly
disparate, both represent issues in the English upper class that Wilde begins to
address through an
Single Neuron Character Recognition Essay
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Character Recognition Single Neuron
WRCI 411 Assignment 1 RXXXXX XXXXXX 2100XXXX August 2013 RXXXXX
XXXXXX s2100XXXX WRCI 411 Assignment 1 August 2013 Contents List of
Figures and Tables
........................................................................................................................ 1 Figures
1 Tables
1 Theory... Show more content on ...
The output is based on a function, usually a step function or sigmoid function
(basically a rounded or differentiable step function). The neuron should output a 0
until it fires when it should output a 1. This allows it to be used as a logic function.
For this case the neuron should fire for only one letter/character (and an interfered
equivalent) and for all other possible cases it should not fire. The strength of a
neural network is that it can learn or be taught a pattern and recognise this pattern.
From this it should be able to make decisions for cases it has not seen before. There
are many methods for teaching a neuron, most relying on derivation to find the
slope of the so called weight space (some rely on brute force, but these are seldom
used). The basic Gradient Decent rule acts on the slope of the weight space and
will be used for this report. Method Teaching The code was written in m code and
implemented by MathWorks Matlab R2011a. The artificial neuron is taught by
manipulating the values of the elements in the weight matrix (W in the code) until
the error in the output matrix (from the dot product of the teaching set (X) and W)
is lower than a set number (0.005). This is achieved with a while loop. Within the
while loop is another while loop which loops another error checking loop though
each of the vectors of the X matrix. The code edits each of the elements of the W
matrix by using the equation: = в€’ О· в€’ в
ЂІ Represented in
Community Immersion Usc Essay examples
SOWK 543 Fall 2012
Assignment #1: Community Immersion
Joseph Gossner
Stephanie Carter
The purpose of this research paper is to compare and contrast two smaller sub
communities that are encompassed by the larger community of Santa Maria,
California. This paper will promote the beliefs and theories of modern Social
Workers, and address the resources and needs of the two communities in question.
The compilation of this paper was derived from research that was conducted through
interactions and exposure to the residents of these two communities, in conjunction
with, interviews and site visits to several community organizations, recreational
facilities, and areas of worship. Upon completion of this paper, the ... Show more
content on ...
The western boundary is comprised of agricultural farm fields, and the eastern border
consists of the main thoroughfare with the name of Broadway. North Park has a
geographical area of approximately six square miles, consisting of residential
housing, retail business and industrial areas. North Park is located seven miles from
the community of Orcutt.
The Orcutt area of Santa Maria is located on the southern end of Santa Maria. It is
surrounded by distinct boundaries. The northern boundary of Orcutt is McCoy Street
and the southern boundary is comprised of mountains and uninhabited land. The
western and eastern boundary of Orcutt is comprised of uninhabited farm land. Orcutt
encompasses a geographical area of approximately 6.5 square miles. The community
of Orcutt is comprised of residential housing, and retail businesses.
Brief history of communities. In 1901, William Orcutt leased over 70,000 acres
within a year for oil exploration. After a short period time, Santa Maria was the
leader in California for oil production. Santa Maria incorporated as a general law
city in 1905 (Bell 2012).The Santa Maria Valley throughout its history has remained
primarily oil production, and agricultural in its nature and economy. Both of the
focal systems developed in direct collaboration with the city of Santa Maria. The
North Park area of Santa Maria developed in support of the agricultural business, and
in turn, the Orcutt area was developed
Hybrid Thermal Compressed Air Energy Storage Essay
Global warming concerns, volatile oil costs, and government incentives are leading to
increased interest in the adoption of renewable energy sources. However, the
integration of renewable sources in our existing infrastructure is challenging, as
renewable generation is unstable and intermittent by nature. Energy storage
compensates for the inherent intermittency of renewable energysources, by storing
energy during surplus power production periods and discharging the stored energy
during low production periods. Compressed Air Energy Storage has received much
attention as a viable solution due to its economic feasibility, low environmental
impact, and large scale capability. However, conventional CAES systems rely on the
combustion of... Show more content on ...
It is shown that the efficiency of the HT CAES plant is not theoretically bound by
the Carnot efficiency and always higher than that of the Brayton cycle, except for
when the heat losses following compression rise above a critical level. The results of
this work demonstrate that the HT CAES system has the potential of increasing the
efficiency of a pure TES system, executed through a Brayton cycle, at the expense of
an air storage medium.
Subsequently, a realistic and irreversible hybrid configuration is presented that
incorporates two stages of heating through separate low temperature and high
temperature thermal energy storage units. A thermodynamic analysis of the HT
CAES system is presented along with parametric studies, which illustrate the
importance of the operating pressure and thermal storage temperature on the
performance of the storage system. Realistic isentropic component efficiencies and
throttling losses were considered. Additionally, two extreme cavern conditions were
analyzed and the cyclic behavior of an adiabatic cavern was investigated. An optimum
operating pressure resulting in maximum roundtrip storage efficiency of the hybrid
storage system is reported. Additionally, a modified hybrid design is investigated that
includes a turbocharger in the discharge process, which provides supplementary mass
flow rate alongside the air storage. This addition has the potential of drastically
reducing the necessary
Native American Poverty
Poverty Among Native Americans W.E.B Du Bois once stated to be a poor man is
hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships (qtd.
in Rodgers 1). The Native American culture is often overlooked by many people in
the United States today. What many people do not realize is that about twenty five
percent of Native Americans are living in poverty(Rodgers 1). A majority of the
poverty among Native Americans is due to the United Statesbreaking treaties that
promised funds for their tribes. When non Native Americans first began migrating to
North America, the Indians were slowly having their land stripped away from them,
and being pushed to live on small, poorly kept reservations. As well as taking... Show
more content on ...
Health care is one thing that should be offered to all no matter what their ethnicity
is. Many Native Americans are unaware of opportunities that are available due to
the isolation that they face on reservations. In 1992 only seventy eight percent of
Native Americans received a high school diploma. This makes Native Americans
the least likely of all minority groups, besides Hispanics, to obtain a high school
degree. One main reason for Native Americans being unable to obtain a high
school diploma is having to leave school to get a job. If a member of their family
faces an illness or disability that causes them to be unable to work, the younger
members of the family are going to need to help provide for the family. In many
cases there is not a disability or illness, Native Americans have very poor wages
and are unable to survive on only two incomes. Only eleven percent of Native
Americans continues on to college after high school and receives a degree. Being a
minority student automatically gives Native Americans a disadvantage. Parents of
minority youth tend to have lower levels of education, and this is directly linked to
what kind of performance their child will have in school (Donelan 4). In 1995 Native
Americans had an overwhelming rate of unemployment at thirty two percent. Since
Native Americans are likely to obtain lower levels of education
Court Room Procedures Research Paper
Many important rules and court room procedures have made a serious impact in the
US legal system. Some of these topics are but not limited to de minimus
communications, discovery process, the Brady rule, a motion to limine, and witness
sequestration rule. Not everyone can agree that these terms have either helped the
justice system, or hindered it, but personally I feel that any subject that shares
information with both parties and stops surprises on the day of the trial. Since
surprises are on the tip of my tongue we can start with one topic that has helped
everyone who has been in a court proceeding from showing up blind to court or
saved them from a curveball during the heat of the moment. The discovery process is
an agreement between
Mali Rise To Power Essay
During the thirteenth century in central Africa, an empire called Mali rose to power.
Throughout its time, outstanding ideas, people, and resources propelled the empire.
Under the rule of the Musas, Mali was a successful, gold centered empire. The
Empire of Mali thrived because of its location and, like other empires, rose to power
from military conquests. At its height, Maliexcelled because of strong leadership,
Trans Saharan trade, gold mining, and the spread of Islam.
The Empire of Mali was located in a vast, landlocked area along the Niger River. At
its largest, the empire covered 478,640 sq. mi., containing desert and semi desert
regions with scattered brush and grass. (Carson, 2017) The land near the Sahara
Desert had a dry climate ... Show more content on ...
Both imports and exports were taxed. Camel caravans carried people, ideas and
goods across the Saharan Desert to the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
Gold was exported and salt was imported along this trade route. Salt was needed by
the Malians to preserve food, and gold was used in the Mediterranean as a
currency. As trade continued, a barter system was established where one pound of
gold became equal to one pound of salt. (Fortified Towns of the Trans Sahara
Trading Routes, 2017) Towns were built outside the desert and were used as supply
and fueling stations to make the three month journey less treacherous. Ivory, slaves
and leather goods were some additional exports from
The Movie Franchise Star Wars
The movie franchise star wars has been around for over fifty years. It s a classic
drama series about dark and light forces trying to get the best of one another. The
Jedi and the Sith are both factions which use the essences of the universe in order to
obtain their special abilities that they use to their advantage. The force is split
between the Jediwho represent the light force, and the Sithwho represent the dark
force. So which of the two, light or dark, is the better as seen in the star wars
storylines. The Jedi seem to have the upper hand and here are some reasons why.
The Jedi and Sith both use Lightsabers(Short swords made with laser energy) when
fighting enemies or dueling with one another. They give them both huge advantages
in battle, because they can use the force to detect where things will be before they
happen. When they are attacked with a blaster or lightsaber, the laser it is deflected
off of the blade. This also makes for some really spectacular duels between the two.
So which of the two has the better lightsaber? Lightsabers are formed from special
crystals which the Jedi or Sith have to meditate on for weeks on end until it can form
a blade. The Sith made the their sabers with synthetic crystals that they had to put into
a furnace whereas the Jedi used a special natural growing crystal found on Dantooine,
Ilum, or the Adega System. When the blades are finally constructed, they have a
certain color which corresponds to their personality. The Sith
I Am A Liberal Conservative Is More Open Minded Than
I am a Liberal. A Liberal is more open minded than some other political ideologies.
They believe we should all be equal and have the same opportunities in life. The
government should help us so we can all be financially stable. Things like health
care and food stamps are important because the government should help all of us,
if we cannot do that for ourselves. Although liberals want help from the government
they don t believe they should control what we do in our personal lives. They are
very big advocators for women s rights for this reason. Focusing on actual
government, a big belief is that federal government should have more say over
citizens instead of letting state government have control over what we do. Along
with having laws they believe more laws will help us. It is a way to keep people in
line and provide equal opportunity for everyone. I identify as a liberalbut I don t hold
all the same beliefs as the typical liberals. I come from a big Hispanic Catholic
family; I am one of five children. Growing up I would stay with my grandmother
most weekends because my house was always so hectic. I obviously was taken to
church every Sunday with her, where we would meet with the rest of my family. I
would attend my Communion classes before we went to mass. I remember my
teachers always telling us how loving and accepting God is. We would sing and
color all through class, everything just seemed perfect. When the priest would preach
during mass he would say how forgiving
My Favorite Teacher
The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise ...
Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers. Said A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
I totally agree with him because teacher matters. Teachers can change someone s
feeling or thinking by the way they teach students. For example, I loving math is
caused by my math teacher when I was in middle school. Teaching is really hard
duty, so not everyone can be a good teacher. The teacher who influenced me is Mrs.
Suzan Pongratz because she is a creative teacher, encouraging students by offering
incentives them, and organizing in her class and that s made her class more
ambiguous and dissimilar than others. English was the regretful class until I met
Mrs. Suzan Pongratz and changed my mind. I am yenning to go to her class every
time without feeling bad or regret. She is a brilliant, clever, helpful, creative and fun
teacher. She achieved all the conditions that student need. She gave me the
confidence by making me feel and think positively all the time. Her encourage
insights make me rethink my work to make it better. If I want to thank her, it would
not be enough for working with me hardly to make me improve and finish the class
with best results. The way she is transferring the knowledge makes you interesting
and want to learn and know more about it. Challenges are the key to creative new
Mrs. Pongratz is the creative person by thinking in different. Creative is doing the
same thing everyone else do, but in different thoughts and ways. Like Einstein said,
Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has
thought. There was an article and has some information on it, so she collected them
and created a poetry to make the information easier for student to remember it in the
way they are interested. Also, she made a Kahoot game and made racing between
two groups. She does a challenge between students as well. These games helped me
to remember better than I only study. She spread her excitement like a virus in the
class with her surprises. She let the students focus by making them moving around
and encourage them.
Improvement is taking time, but you have to be patient and don t give up. Just because
Conductors Diary Entries
Journal #4: My Conductor has been with me and we are traveling north by night.
There is a group of us and we don t dare show our faces during the day. From
Virginia, we have moved into Maryland. Our destination is Pennsylvania, but I
won t be happy there. I want to be as north as possible. I heard that some slaves go
all the way to Canada, which is past New York. My conductor told me that I was
not unusual. May runaway slaves want to go to Canada to be safe from bounty
hunters and U.S. lawmen who could not cross the international border (Riggs). I
haven t seen any fighting between the North and the South, but our conductor says
the war is going well for the North. But we have a way to go before I see Canada.
Last night we were almost found out! A bounty hunter who knew he could get
money for me and some of the others spotted a sick black woman who was too
close to the road. He shot his gun in the air, but he did it to frighten us. He did not
want to kill us because they would get no reward money. We ran, and our conductor
told... Show more content on ...
Coffin talked about. I went to college and devoted myself to teaching others about
the evils of slavery. Once slavery was made illegal, I could speak about my
experiences without living in fear that I would be found and punished. I went into
elementary and high schools in the North to tell children about my journey out of
slavery to freedom. After I married and settled in Boston, I taught my own children
as well so they would never forget where they came from. I will make sure they
have a good education so they can have a bright future that I had only dreamed
about when I was their age. My hopes for them are that we never forget that all
human beings were created equal and all have the right to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. Now that my children are grown, I think I am going to look up
my old friend, Susan B. Anthony and get to work on granting those same rights to
Russian Culture Vs Cuban Culture
Russia is the largest country in the world with a population of 145.3 million people
(Bradford, n.d). Its culture is one that has changed with time but has kept its
traditions and values, the country is one of several others that has experienced both a
communist and a capitalist society. Russian culture puts a lot of emphasis in family
and friends (Bradford, n.d). During communist Russiafriends and family had to help
each other in order to survive the extreme poverty that they had to go through, during
those times collectivism was developed and eventually passed to younger generations
(Bradford, n.d). While is true that Russia today is very different from the days in
which Communism was present people tend to follow the tradition of their parent and
Russian culture is defined by its ethnic diversity, religion, music, arts, and literature
which are admired and respected all over the world. The country currently has close
190 ethnic groups composed of Tartar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chuvash, and Chechen
descent (Bradford, n.d). These ethnic groups have contributed their language to the
Russian society among other things. Religion can be considered one of the most
important ... Show more content on ...
Collectivism is somewhat present in both cultures, Cubans like Russians learned to
depend on family and friends in order to survive the poverty that communism
brought to their society. Collectivism in Russia while still present is not as strong as
before, but Cuba still lives under a communist regime which has only made the
collectivist behavior increase in strength. Cuba and Russia were really closed during
the time of the Soviet Union which created an exchange of art and literature that
enriched both cultures. If you go to a bookstore in Cuba you can still find novels
written by Tolstoy and traduced to Spanish. Also you could watch Russian cartoons
on Cuban TV when the Soviet Union was still
To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell s poem, To His Coy Mistress is an equally beautiful and
provocative piece of writing. Written in iambic form as a three part proposition
addressed to the coy mistress, the poem is permeated with literary devices such as
tone, alliteration, imagery, hyperbole, as well as similes and metaphors. Marvell s
speaker acknowledges the idea that mortality is of little to no value after death.
Through the speaker, Marvell is suggesting that one can avoid the regrets of not
participating in the adventurous aspects of life by seizing the day, thus supporting
the Carpe Diem philosophy. The three part proposition can be identified through
the change of the poem s tone as well as the change of pace. The first argument has
a sly and devious tone. Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady,
were no crime. (lines 1 2). The use of the punctuations, the commas and the period,
hinders the pace of the poem. In doing so, it shows the insignificance of time at
that moment. The insignificance of time at the moment is further emphasized when
the speaker tells his mistress that they would sit down, and think which way, To
walk, and pass [their] long love s day (lines 3 4). The use of alliteration creates a
carefree tone, as if the speaker was daydreaming and sighing as he was trying to woo
his mistress. Marvell uses delicate and sublime imagery to flatter the mistress with a
seemingly disingenuous exaggeration of her physical beauty. Because of the
unrealistic use
Nero Impact On The Roman Empire
Emperor Nero, who was infamously known as one of the worst emperors, had a huge
impact on the Roman Empire in many different ways throughout his lifetime. Nero
Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, but known by most people as Nero, was born
on December 15, 37 A.D. to Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina the
Younger. He was then adopted by his Uncle Claudius, who at that time was Emperor.
Nerodid have a couple obstacles in his way to becoming Emperor, though. Eventually,
Nero did gain the throne, and finally, it was his time to dominantly rule over Rome,
by being a cruel and oppressive tyrant, which established him just not only as one of
the worst emperors throughout history, but as the worst emperor throughout history.
The historical impact that came from Emperor Nero was through what his
accomplishments were throughout his rule.
As stated before, Nero had some troubles in becoming ... Show more content on ...
Due to his death, and the fact that there was no heir to receive the throne, many
generals began a Roman Civil War to determine who received the throne. His
persecution of Christians set on huge persecutions for other religions for many years
afterward. He left the Roman Empire falling to pieces. His impact, everything that
he did, amounted to a massive amount of oppression, criminal activity, cruelty,
slavery, and persecution. Nero was by far the worst emperor to ever control Rome.
Nero definitely had an impact on the Roman Empire, it just was not a good impact.
Nero s rise to power was a rocky road, which included his mother killing off
Emperor Claudius and his son, Britannicus; the two people in his way from the
throne. His mother soon meets that same fate when Nero became tired of her, which
was only one of the many evil actions that Nero took part in. These evil actions and
the impact that he left solidify him by far as the worst, most cruel, oppressive, and
tyrannical emperor the Roman Empire ever
Children In Colombia
We all know that children are the future of this world. Because of this, we have to put
serious attention into how we educate them and how we treat them. Many countries
have programs that help children with education and free meals at school so that
children can focus exclusively on their studies. However, such was not the case for
Colombian children during the past 5 years. Many Colombian children died during
this time due to problems with malnutrition.
According to In 2011 about 45% of the population of Colombia live
in poverty. The most affect victims of this situation are children. Many children end
up living on the street homeless without the protection of a adult or in some cases
children are force to quit school to help their parent earn money to support the
family. In the search for money children are very vulnerable to drung cartel or
became a child soldier(a human being ... Show more content on ...
The foundation have seven schools in the vulnerable communities about 4000
children and teens received free quality education and meals each day. They also
promote personal growth. The foundation not only work with children they work
with their parent as well More than 10.000 children and 67.000 young and adults have
been benefited.
Nowadays the Colombia situation has improved. There are more children going to
school. The seven new school had help lot with this positive change. shakira
believes than nutrition goes together with education that is why she serve free
meals in each of her schools. Just by going to school children have two meals a
day they don t have to quit school to find a job so they can have money to eat.
School offer help with some health problems for everyone so see a doctor often
takes about 11 days but with the organization is quickly than with a regular public

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Controversial History Essay Topics

  • 1. Controversial History Essay Topics Writing an essay on controversial history topics can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate balance between presenting different perspectives, maintaining objectivity, and navigating the emotional and sensitive nature of historical events. The difficulty lies not only in researching and understanding the historical context but also in addressing the controversies surrounding the events. Controversial history essay topics often involve complex and nuanced issues that have sparked debates for years. As a writer, you must tread carefully to avoid biases and ensure that your arguments are well-supported by credible sources. Striking the right tone is crucial, as discussing controversial topics may evoke strong emotions in your readers. Researching such essays requires a thorough exploration of various viewpoints, historical records, and scholarly interpretations. It involves sifting through conflicting accounts, evaluating the reliability of sources, and critically analyzing the evidence. This process demands time and patience, as well as a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives. Furthermore, crafting a coherent and persuasive argument while acknowledging the controversy requires careful planning and organization. You must structure your essay in a way that allows for a clear presentation of ideas, addressing counterarguments and demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the topic. In conclusion, tackling controversial history essay topics is a formidable task that demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and empathy. It requires a writer to navigate the complexities of historical controversies with sensitivity and objectivity. If you find yourself struggling, remember that there are resources available to assist you in developing well- researched and thought-provoking essays. For additional support and assistance in writing essays on various topics, including controversial history subjects, consider exploring, where you can find a wealth of resources and expert assistance to enhance your academic writing endeavors. Controversial History Essay TopicsControversial History Essay Topics
  • 2. Essay on Factors Affecting Modern Business Values Several studies commissioned to look into ways of modern business values, by values the profit, and growth, which the companies strive to accomplish in all their enterprises, meant. Business world is changing too fast. Technology, globalization, markets, new competitors, new activities are all causing quicker modifications in our corporate environments, which are the examples of new business values. Focusing on the results mean that we have to define very clearly what is the modern business values are, how sustainable growth is affected, and what is the influence on the environmental well being, so that the outcome can be continuously measured against these facts. We must assess where we are today in terms of modern business, sustainable... Show more content on ... Not only business world have influenced negatively, but also society affected unfavorably, as evidence; genetically modified food, which damage health or mobile phones, which cause to radiation. The second piece of factual proof is from Business ethics, and values: individual, corporate and international perspectives book, which is written by Fisher C. M. and Lovell A. (5, 2006). 20,000 people were killed by a chemical leak from an American owned chemical works, which is called Bhopal incident they mentioned. Furthermore, gaining access, and information is become easy and this lead to data mining, workplace monitoring and privacy invasion, which are ethical issues that arise from technology. Production of new materials, new markets and application of new techniques of manufacturing contributes to growth, change and expansion in the economy but also negative affects on people. According to Moore, and Robson (2002), as companies increase their turnover, their social performance worsens, or the obverse that as their social performance improves, their turnover declines. It is not a clear contribution that the superb social performance that increases profits. Sustainable development may meet the requirements of now, without risking the possibilities of satisfying the needs of future generations. Growth is centers on national and international changes of society from a social, economic, political and ecological point of view. Social relations have changed in ways
  • 3. Pizza USA Term Paper Pizza USA: An Exercise in Translating Customer Requirements into Process Design xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx University Abstract This case involves Pizza USA, a small independent chain restaurant operation that offers both dine in and carry out services for customers that has received feedback for a potential change that will require the implementation of design process to add services. Currently, customers have indicated that they are pleased with the food offered by the restaurant but they would increase pizza purchases if a delivery service was available. This dilemma ties into two separate issues. First, in order to remain competitive within the industry, ... Show more content on ... This would be critical in the business ability to survive in such a monopolistic type market. Successful operation within a smaller independent chain restaurant faces challenges that may not be as apparent to a larger and more established national chains. Pizza USA is a small chain operation that currently provides two services: dine in and carry out options. Customers have commented that if delivery services were added to the restaurant offerings, they would potentially buy more pizzas (Jacobs Chase, 2011). Based on this information, it is apparent that the owner needs to assess his business operations and consider a process design that would include adding this service to current operations. The addition of delivery services would potentially require additional capital to finance changes and may involve the hiring of additional staff. However, revenue increases as a result of the added service would off set the costs associated with these additions. Near and long term implications would include survivability within such a competitive market. As a customer, the primary focus of my satisfaction with this type of business relates primarily to
  • 4. Using Two Different Switching Switches And Hubs SUMMARY In this lab, we have set up switched LAN using two different switching devices i.e Switches and Hubs. Various performance metrics like throughput, collision count, traffic received, traffic sent and delay are analysed by implementing the network with and without switches. The network is then modified such that its maximum performance and efficiency is achieved. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this lab is to design a network with and without switches and examine the network s parameters in both the scenarios. Two such scenarios were created: 1) Only hub (where one hub is connected to 16 work stations) 2) Hub and Switch (where 8 work stations are connected for two hubs and a switch connecting them). Here, a hub is a device which ... Show more content on ... The X and Y coordinates are set to 50. The name of Ethernet16_hub is set to Hub1. Each work station is configured by changing its attributes to as shown in the image below. This is done for all the sixteen work stations. The next step is to Choose Individual DES statistics. For this project, various statistics like Delay, Traffic received, Traffic sent and Collision count are selected. The simulation is then run by selecting the duration to 2 minutes. The graph is as follows. The red curve represents Traffic received, green represents Traffic sent and blue represents Delay. From the graph, it is clear that the delay is almost negligible when it is compared with the traffic sent and traffic received. Now the current scenario is duplicated and named as HubAndSwitch. In this scenario, a hub which is Ethernet16_hub and a switch which is Ethernet16_switch are added to the work place by selecting from the object palette. The names are set as Hub2 and Switch respectively. The network is then modified by placing the switch in between the two hubs and connecting 8 work stations to each hub with 10Base T links. The network appears as shown in this image below. The DES statistics are same as that of the OnlyHub scenario. The results are obtained by running the simulation and setting the duration to two minutes.
  • 5. Serena Williams Overpower Overpower. Overtake. Overcome. Serena Williams echoes her successful life back to those three fundamental words which make her the successful female figure she is today. However, you can take a positive or negative approach to her universal motto. Examining the Shakespearean text Macbeth, women who use their strong willed power negatively, they easily place themselves in a position where they are the root cause of destruction. Evidently, in the play, Lady Macbeths character contradicts the feminist approach as Shakespeare portrays her feminine behaviour negatively resulting in the disruption of the Great Chain of Being . Women can take a negative approach to Serena s universal motto initially by eliminating male dominance and power. In... Show more content on ... To bring things into perspective, females that want to get a hold of attributes that they don t originally possess are just like apples that want to become oranges. This, logically, scientifically and naturewise contradicts itself. In contrast, when Lady Macbeth hears that King Duncan will come to her house, she instantly calls spirits to take away everything that makes her a
  • 6. Description Of An Seasonally Adjusted Data Subject Code: ECON10003Subject Name: Introductory Macroeconomics Student ID Number: 762224Student Name: Laura Walker Assignment Name or Number: 1 TUTOR: Saqib Manzoor TUTORIAL: Tuesday 8:00am 9:00am QUESTION ONE a. Seasonally adjusted dataMarch quarter 2014 March quarter 2015December quarter 2014 March quarter 2015 Australia2.3%0.9% United States2.9%0.14966% (≈0.150%) (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, 2015) There is a slight difference in growth change over the past year for the US and Australia (by 0.6%). The difference between the respective levels of growth over the December quarter 2014 March quarter 2015 is greater (0.89). ... Show more content on ... Department of Commerce, 2015) c.In the Australian National Accounts the largest industry sector in the March quarter 2015 is mining (B) (total: $35 173 million value added). The second largest is Financial and insurance services (K) (total: $34 842 million value added). The Information media and telecommunications (J) industry sector experienced the highest rate of growth in the twelve months March quarter 2014 March quarter 2015 at 11.1% change. QUESTION TWO Australia: CONSUMER SENTIMENT: The Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment fell by 3.2% in July from 95.3 in June to 92.2 in July. (Westpac Institutional Bank, 15 July 2015) (Trading Economics, 2015) Consumer confidence plays a major role in indicating the future performance of an economy as it influences household consumer expenditure which for many countries (including US and Australia) is the most significant proportion of GDP. Therefore, changes in this variable will have an effect on GDP; and is likely to be a leading indicator of growth (real GDP). By falling 3.2% it suggests there is lesser confidence than previously in aspects such
  • 7. as future employment prospects and consumers views on the
  • 8. Paradise Of The Blind Literary Analysis The War within Paradise of the Blind Paradise of the Blind is set in Vietnam where communism has taken over the country after the Vietnam War. The whole war changed the lives of the Vietnamese people; in which the story revolves around Hang and her views of her family members. Aunt Tam and Que are two members that Hang thinks dear of, even though they are beloved to her, Hang still views them very differently since she has lived and experienced events with them. What Hang sees can be represented as two systems of economic and political policies: capitalism and communism. Hang is in between the two women causing her to represent Vietnam, thus creating a miniature Vietnam War within the novel. The symbolism between the women demonstrate a juxtaposition... Show more content on ... Aunt Tam fought through the communist regime her whole life while living in northern Vietnam. Even then her capitalist ideals persevered through it all allowing her to move forward. Tam is capable of supporting herself by being able to innovate with what she works with, After a week of experimenting, I invented a machine that ground the duckweed by crank. I did everything, every step of it, myself, and when I sold the noodles at the village market, I made quite a sum (Huong 77). An entrepreneur is someone who can stride forward with all the failures they have encountered to better themselves. Innovation is the key for Tam s survival in communist Vietnam. Entrepreneurs work hard to start their business; they must push forward no matter the consequences if they believe in their business, I cleaned and scrubbed for three days straight. Then I set up noodle and chip business. My help had all left me, so I worked alone. At the third dawn watch, I was still up working (Huong 78). By her lonesome self, Tam became a hard worker to gain more money. With her hard earned money, she then became a powerful ally for the
  • 9. Zzyz Creation Myth Summary This changes things for Shane, and he now is more curious about the supernatural more. Now, Daniel reveals the story of origins, Seth takes control of Zzyz legion, and transforms earth into a mortal wasteland which he devises a plan to trick Zzyz s creation into mortal bondage. But Zzyz is wise, and tricks Seth by giving the humans immortality if they can return back to immortal lands. An immortal land named the Garden of Ether, is in the center of Polus crossing four rivers. The battle starts in a region named Thenn, near the outer rims of the ice wall and volcanic lands bordering three dimensions: the underworld known as Zion, earth, and Polus. Seth takes control of Zzyz legion, and transforms earth into a mortal wasteland which he devises... Show more content on ... Petra, located in Jordan, is where Israelites were forbidden to enter, if one did they will die by the traps set by reptilians to protect their portal. Civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs worshipped the reptilians as gods. As grounds for honor, civilizations built the Pyramids as places of human sacrifice and burial. Daniel and Shane discuss whether to disturb the reptilian cave to find answers. After seeing the LENNOX, Shane has no doubt to go forward with the plan. In a flashback, Shane as an infant, had nightmarish vision of a blood bath and destruction of the world. Unless something bigger is done, Seth legion will destroy the world soon enough, whether Shane plan to reach the other dimension will succeed is unknown. Shane and Daniel reach their destination at the Grand Canyon, enter the cave, and believe they reached the portal to another dimension. But the cave turns out to be a trap, but they find a map of the flat earth and mirror made of crystal. Also, Shane discovers that the only working portal is located in Petra and Antarctica. An earthquake occurs and the cave is closed shut, the cave becomes dark and musty. The mirror begins to light up and a reptilian snatches Daniel. Shane manages to escape the cave finding another exit but is now
  • 10. Rhetorical Analysis Of All Life Matters By Michelle Malkin As of 2012, 11.2 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States, making up one third of the country s foreign born population (Krogstad, Passel). The majority of the Republican Party, angered by the lack of security and enforcement required to control the issue, wish to allot as much time and resources possible into restricting access to those who fail to enter the country legally ( In her recent work, blatant conservative blogger Michelle Malkin critiqued the government s handling of the situation and vocalized her disapprobation towards the subject when she asserted there are more urgent matters, such as terrorist threats, for the country to address. She states, Capitol Hill and the White House have been far too preoccupied with legalizing millions of illegal aliens in the name of homeland security to follow up (Malkin).... Show more content on ... Michelle Malkin frequently employs anecdotal evidence in her columns as a way to incorporate personal experience and evoke sympathy from her audience in an attempt at persuading and educating them further. For example, in her article, All Life Matters: Jahi McMath s Journey, she presents the story of a young, comatose teenage girl s continual fight for her life, despite various medical personnel insisting she is brain dead. Much of the article centers around this story, allowing Malkin to inform her audience about the controversy surrounding life support and persuade them to remain hopeful in cases like these, for Jahi may be defying the odds with a recovery underway. Her inclusion of this story emphasizes a well versed and persuasive tone, as it allows her to demonstrate her knowledge of the controversy to Americans, while simultaneously influencing their view on life support with the
  • 11. Persuasive Speech About Crafting When people think of crafting, they think of craft fairs in small towns, of mothers and grandmothers manning booths with hand sewn clothing for American Girl dolls and beeswax candles and hand knitted mittens and hats and they re not totally wrong. But these days, everyone is crafting. Thanks to the proliferation of do it yourself blogs on the internet and online interior design magazines, crafting is bigger than ever. It s become something that s no longer reserved for grandmothers who spend their days sewing quilts while they watch episode after episode of General Hospital. In fact, many young people have taken up crafting, having figured out that making great gifts and things for your home is so much easier and better than buying them. This year, instead of gifting store bought gifts, consider making things on your own. When you ve crafted something that you give your friend or your family member, it s made with love. You ve put time and effort into it, and that often means much more to someone than something you bought at the local mall. Luckily, you can get all the craft supplies you need online! Here are ... Show more content on ... Most moms have cookie cutters galore, but did you know that you can also use cookie cutters for crafting, not baking? Sure, you ll use them at Halloween, and again at Christmas, and again at Valentine s Day and on Easter Sunday but why not use them to help the kids learn their shapes? They can trace around the cookie cutters, even use them to create made at home Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree. Bone shaped cookie cutters can be used to make treats for your furry friends, and any fun shape can be used as either the basis of an ornament for your tree or an ornament itself simply add some paint and glitter! Many people think that cookie cutters are limited to baking only, but that simply isn t the case. There s lots you can do with cookie cutters the fun doesn t have to
  • 12. Advantages Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language Cihan Ећahin What is the best way to teach English as a foreign language? My English teachers were literally obsessed with grammar and vocabulary. The lessons were about the things which I need to memorise rather than learning. Each teacher came up with different rules, regulations, and directives that my friends and I did not ever question or oppose, so it is not learning and inquiring indeed. Therefore, I would try an inquiry based learning if I had a chance. My teachers probably forgot that an average person only need English for speaking and listening. Because of that, the media and the parents often accuse teachers and students with the statements like The country where you still cannot speak English in a one decade language training. ... Show more content on ... I had my first English lesson in fourth grade. My teacher changed in fifth grade. Almost every year after the elementary school my teacher was someone else too. They taught me the basic thing such as the numbers, alphabet, colours, days, months, seasons, a brief introduction to the grammar, and introducing myself. My teachers did not teach me the distinctive English sounds compared to my mother tongue, which is unfortunate. The middle school was three years. I had English lessons in every one of them. I had two different teachers. They started to teach me grammar and how to fill in the blanks, not metaphorically. Although they taught me something totally artificial, the real language has been alive for years and it will be alive until it is extinct, which is unlikely in this case. I also had word lists that I had to write each of them five times to my notebook with their Turkish translation. My teachers would pronounce it like three times during the lesson. I still remember how they used to say Repeat after me. The lesson would go on with the same rituals. As a result, many examples of such practises did not get most of my classmates to learn the
  • 13. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple... According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) triple negative breast cancer is subtype of breast cancer that lack estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors or large amounts of HER2/neu proteins. It s commonly known as ER negative, PR negative and HER2/neu negative breast cancer (1). Due to the aforementioned characteristic of triple negative breast cancerit is insensitive to most of the effective therapies available for breast cancer treatment including HER2 directed therapy such as trastuzumab (2). Chemotherapy is the only systemic treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Even though standard chemotherapy regimens can be effective for patients in the early stages of triple negative breast cancer, but patients with... Show more content on ... Second generation Antibody drug conjugate consider as a new approach for treatments of TNBC. The main idea is to use an antibody and cytotoxic agents together to produce a synergistic effect and to ensure delivery of the cytotoxic agent to the target cell (6) Our main goal in this research is to develop a novel antibody based therapy against LRP8. We hypothesis that an anti LRP8 antibody conjugated to cytotoxic drug will lead toward effective therapy for TNBC. We will perform experiments using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to prove that LRP8 is suitable ADC target. Two main factors will contribute to whether it is suitable target: i.100,000 LPR8 receptors should be expressed on the surface of 18 20 cells line. Our hypothesis is that will be more than 100,000 LPR8 receptors on the surface of breast cancer cell line. ii. Internalization of antibody bound to LRP8 We hypothesis that the antibody bind to the LRP8 have the ability to internalize and eventually causes cell death or apoptosis. Background and Preliminary Results: In February 2013, an anti HER2 antibody trastuzumab was approved by the FDA following the positive outcome of the Phase III EMILIA trial. In this trial, Patients with HER2 (also known as ERBB2) positive metastatic breast cancer had an improved median overall survival benefit compared to the combination of lapatinib and capecitabine (6). This drug represents an
  • 14. Chesapeake Energy Arena Case Study While many people disapprove of publicly financing sports facilities, Chesapeake Energy Arena is one scenario in which the construction of the stadium has time and time again proved to be a sound public investment. Since the Thunder relocated from Seattle to Oklahoma City, the franchise is widely viewed as a major component of the citys resurgence. The construction of Chesapeake Energy Arena was part of a large civic redevelopment that took more than 20 years to complete. Ballots tallied from a vote taken on December 14, 1993 passed with 54 percent (Moser, 2013). Since it was originally passed in 1993, Oklahoma City s Metropolitan Area Projects (MAPS) plan has been renewed twice by voters (Moser, 2013). The arena, which was financed with ... Show more content on ... Additional improvements made to Chesapeake Energy Arena were completed in 2013 and were funded by a 15 month sales tax that that was approved by Oklahoma City voters (Moser, 2013). The total economic impact the Oklahoma City Thunder had on the community during the shortened 2012 13 regular and post season was estimated to be $54.3 million. In 2013, Oklahoma City officials estimated the Thunder s economic impact to be $1.5 million per game. Destination Marketing Association International concluded that each local attendee who travels within the metro area spends approximately $65. However, each game attendee from outside the metro area spends roughly $216 (Lackmeyer, 2013). While the Thunder s economic impact figure appears impressive, the estimate is often criticized as being too conservative. Tom Anderson, special projects manager for Oklahoma City, stated that it does not include arena employment or any restaurant and hotel business due to home games. Also, the estimate fails to calculate the millions of dollars worth of positive promotion received from people on a national and international scale via television and print coverage (Lackmeyer,
  • 15. It Better To Make The Spells And Potions Work Or Do The... Listen up Harry Potter fans! Scientists from the University of Leicester have been doing some research, trying to figure out whether or not the wizards in Harry potter need magic to make the spells and potions work or do they have a scientific basis? The first thing they put to test is Gillyweed if you do not recall Gillyweed is a Mediterranean plant that Harry Potter used to help him win a challenge in The Goblet of Fire. If you ate the plant you were able to grow gills so that you could breathe underwater and have webbed feet and hands. The researchers decided to find out if the gills would have worked the way they were portrayed in the movie. Scientists Rowan Reynolds and Chris Ringrose first started their experiment by estimating that the gills that appear in the movie have a surface area of about 60cm2. They then took account of how much oxygen there was in the Black lake where the tournament took place and how much gas Harry would have needed to breathe underwater. ... Show more content on ... Also if Harry would have wanted the gills to work in real life, he would have had to open his mouth, to let the water in and out, like oxygen. However, for most of the time, he was underwater he did not open his mouth. Scientists Reynolds and Ringrose were led to the conclusion that if Harry were to open his mouth to allow water into his throat and out through the gills, it may be plausible that he could breathe underwater. However, without doing this, it is simply not plausible that he could extract sufficient oxygen for survival. therefore if the Boy who lived wanted to survive underwater, he would need to use
  • 16. Reactions And Reactions Of Redox Reactions Introduction: Without the millions of chemical reactions that occur every day, life would be completely different. An important class of common reactions includes those which involve the simultaneous transfer of electrons between chemicals, commonly referred to as redox reactions or oxidation reduction reactions. Redox reactions are whole reactions composed of two different half reactions known as oxidation (where electrons are lost) and reduction (where electrons are gained) (Chemguide, 2013). When there is an increase in the oxidation state, the reaction is oxidation; when there is a decrease, it is reduction. Oxidation cannot possibly occur without an affiliated reduction, and vice versa. Redox reactions are notated as such: Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+ + 2e In the half reaction above, a copper ion (with a plus 2 charge) is formed from the oxidation of solid copper (with no charge). The e in the equation is an electron which is free to reduce other chemical atoms, such as in the half reaction: 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s) Two electrons are added to the two silver ions in this half reaction, in order to produce a solid silver. These two half reactions can be combined to form a redox equation as follows: Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2e 2 Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s) Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2e OR Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) A
  • 17. The Impact Of European History And Globalization Of Europe I believe the event that set Europe or the Western World, apart from the main powers like China and the Ottoman Empire, is the Colonization of the Americas. This event help put Europe at the forefront of all things to come like Industrialization, Consolidation into Nation States, WW1 and WW2, and globalization of the world today. The first main event in Europewas the Black Death, and it left a lot of change in Europe included a major religious, social and economic upheavals, which had a very big effects on the course of European history. The Black Death was one of the most devastating disease in human history and it struck Europe the worst, with more than half of the population of the whole of Europe being killed by the disease. But it was thanks to the Black Death that many changes where brought to Europe that changed its fate for the better over time, until we came to today where Europe is now a global leader in the world. Omar 2 The biggest effect of the Black Death was the depopulation of Europe. Due to the population being hit hard the workforce was also hit hard and most of it being nearly destroyed. With most of the people killed, the survives of the plague got the lion share of what was remanding after the Black Death, so there was an increased social mobility for everyone. Lords and knights saw more open land left for them to take, merchants and artists saw their competitions all died from the plague so started to monopolize and sell for higher their goods,
  • 18. Safe Childbirth Childbirth is oftentimes described as the miracle of life . It is typically a time of immense pride and joy; many claim the birth of their offspring was the best day of their lives. Unfortunately, however, this exuberant experience is not a memory to be fond of for hundreds of thousands of women in developing countries. Liberia is a prime example of how grim the reality truly is. According to Yulia Widiati from Unicef, Liberias maternal mortality ratio is one of the highest in the world, with 1,072 maternal deaths for every 100,000 births (ADD CITATION). This doesn t even include the hundreds of infantdeaths that take place every year as well, just the mothers. These numbers are excessively high when considering how far modern medicine and science has come.... Show more content on ... The root of the problem lies in paucity of education and supplies. Young girls need to be educated on safe sex practices, and women need to be sufficiently knowledgeable on how to properly deliver and care for a baby. This means before, after, and during the birth. In addition to this, it s almost impossible to create a safe childbearing environment without specific medical supplies and equipment. Thankfully, with new leadership in the country the numbers are gradually beginning to decline. Be that as it may, the path to correct this issue is still long and rocky; they need our help. In order to further mitigate the high numbers of maternal and infant deaths in developing countries, we need to donate not only supplies, but our time as well. We need to send volunteers with donations and plans to educate women and young girls on pregnancy, delivery, and safe
  • 19. Mr Marek Case Study Mr. Marek is assigned as the Information Technology Specialist for ESD New York supporting the largest operational field command on the East Coast, Sector New York. Demonstrating outstanding technical expertise and professionalism, he delivered superior Information Technology (IT) services for 1,495 customers in ESD s area of responsibility consisting of 22 afloat and ashore units and eight Rescue 21 Remote Fixed Facilities. Mr. Marek fills a vital role contributing to Sector New York s operational success responding on average to 360 search and rescue cases, 920 emergency distress calls, and saves approximately $5 million in commercial and personal property. As ESD s IT technical representative, Mr. Marek oversaw several operational critical re cabling enterprises. He exceptionally integrated objectives and resources to provide sophisticated C4IT insight for Sector New York s $418K Demarcation Relocation project. He partnered with the Coast Guard s Facility Relocation Support Branch contributing high level guidance that advocated improvements to Sector s telephony physical security. Complying with rigid specifications and protocols, he aided contractors with developing a centralized point of connectivity... Show more content on ... Marek was a key member as Project Manager for renovations involving C4IT at Sector New York s athletic and educational facility. Throughout this evolution he provided first rate guidance on strict quality and control specifications, industry standards, and safety protocols for eight technicians and one seaman who is apprenticing under the ESD mentoring program. During the execution of this project, over $7,000 was expended on equipment enrichments and supplies, with approximately 1,000 feet of CAT3 and CAT5e cabling replaced, 100 feet of single mode fiber installed, and 24 new voice and data connections upgraded. His actions greatly improved network security measures, providing multiple physical barriers exceeding Coast Guard controlled space
  • 20. Cause And Effect Of Ethnicity In Nigeria Cause and effect of different Ethnicity in Nigeria Nigeria is known as the most populated nation in Africa it is the biggest nation when it comes to population in the continent. The Nigerian people belong to many diverse ethnic groups. This Ethnicity give the nation unlikely culture but they also face some difficulty to the nation building. Ethnic conflict has been one of the nation old problems since it gained independence in the year 1960. Formally known as Federal Republic of Nigeria. Nigeria has a central form of government and is allocated into 36 states and a federal capital territory Abuja. A state in the Southern part of the nation Lagos was formerly the old capital of Nigeria Lagos is the financial and traditional center the majorly inhabited here are the Yoruba speaking community. It is also the nation largest city in terms of the population. in 1991 The authority moved from Lagos to Abuja in the hope of forming a national capital where none of the nation ethnic groups would be dominant. After the independence Nigeria have experienced regular revolutions and long times of ... Show more content on ... Now it is in this opinion that Cletus Umezinwa claimed that Nigeria is one of the failed state supporting his view up with a number of issues that involved ethnic and value corruption fragile civil structure poor management and common ethnicity crisis. Fights and problems in nation most frequently connect with ethnicity and typically deplored to resolve economic and governmental differences raising the development of ethnic reservists like the Bakkasi Boys the Movement for Actualization of Self governing nation of the Biafra. the Yandaba in the north Boko Haram and many
  • 21. Assess The Experiences Of Women During The Process Of... ASSESS THE EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN DURING THE PROCESS OF CHILD BIRTH IN A SELECTED PRIVATE HOSPITAL, SALEM. R. Naganandini, Associate Professor and Dr.V.Selvanayaki, Principal , Vinayaka Mission s Annapoorana College of Nursing, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT Descriptive with cross sectional approach was carried out to assess the experience of women during the process of child birth. A five... Show more content on ... Some women experience birth as a very sacred, spiritual, deeply healing, and transforming experience in their life; while some women experience birth as traumatic. Still, other women do not experience birth with any spiritual or emotional significance. There are many reasons for these various experiences, which have been covered extensively in other studies and articles. Some of those reasons are personal beliefs about birth held by the woman due to religious and cultural influences, and any personal experiences surrounding birth; the woman s support system during birth, and the trust that the birthing woman and that of her birth team have in a woman s body to birth, baby to know how to be born, and the birth process itself (Hatsun 2007). Women s experiences of childbirthhave changed significantly in the past few years in the developing countries like India. Deliveries used to take place only in home setups and anganwadis in olden days, but now it is occurring in private specialist hospitals by experienced nurses in the field of obstetrics. So there arises a increased alienation from the familiar environment and familiar persons (Swarna s, 2006) Labour is described as the process by which the fetus, placenta and membranes are expelled through the birth canal (Fraser and cooper 2003) Childbirth experience is consistently described as a significant event of powerful psychological importance in a women life. Childbirth can be a development task (or) a
  • 22. The Right to Say I Do Essay From the beginning of time, the human race has created a family circle to continue to exist. While there are many points of view, as to why people oppose gay marriage, it all comes down to the fact they think homosexuality is morally wrong. This report will cover the laws dealing with gay marriage, the religious views, and the debate concerning children. In addition, this report will give an explanation into how a classical theory would resolve the issues surrounding the subject of gay marriage. Dating back to its Puritan founders, the United States has an extensive history of sexual ideology. They put into place a narrow outline of ethical and sexual behaviors and principles. This outline prescribed the proper manner in which... Show more content on ... Gay couples have been seeking officially permitted marriages since the early 1970 s and not a word was uttered until legislative items were put on government agendas. According to the website (, 2011), the first legally documented same sex union was in Denmark in 1989 and the first legal gay marriage was not until 2001, in the Netherlands. In view of that fact, several countries have approved laws prohibiting the recognition of foreign gay marriages. The funds of the religious right overshadow the funds of the lesbian and gay movement due to many organizations having working budgets estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. With radio, television, film, and print media outlets and vast groups of member churches, they can simply release political communications or ask for the support of the people who go to those churches. In addition, the religious right has an influential group of very wealthy and politically formidable contributors who have executive sway inside the Republican Party (Fetner, 2008). When President Clinton started to exercise his executive freedom to repeal the military s ban on homosexuals, the religious right was ready to rally their congressional buddies to object to the president s idea and in the end, resulted in maintaining the ban via the Don t Ask, Don t Tell, Don t Pursue negotiation. This extensive depth and power eclipses the funds, contacts, and the foundation of the lesbian and gay movement. Even so, this
  • 23. Leading Cause Of Negativity In Society In Arthur Miller s... Rumors are among the many dilemmas afflicting the human condition. They eat away at society like a parasite, undermining morality and infecting good intentions with malice or decay. Despite the fact that rumors are not always accurate, they still spread like wildfires. Rumors are the leading cause of negativity in society. In Arthur Miller s work, The Crucible, rumors spur mass hysteria in the colonial town of Salem by changing people s views of a situation, undermining the self confidence of victims, and inspiring fearamong friends and neighbors. Likewise, a person s perception and viewpoint drastically change from rumors whether they are true or not. People often tend to believe everything they hear, which causes society to conclude that the rumor is true without knowing all the facts. In The Crucible, a character named Parris illustrates this by saying, She may be. And yet it has troubled me that you are now seven months out of their house, and in all this time no other family has ever called for your service (Miller 1.1.26). In addition to their assumptions, the gossip itself leads to the false accusations of Abigail. No matter how much gossip gets into the people s heads who live in Salem, they would never choose to talk to the person, just about them (Decter). Jumping to conclusions causes people to judge others unfairly and without merit, causing physical and emotional damage to anyone affected by the untruth of the rumor. This is an identical struggle that
  • 24. What Makes A Good Leader What qualities make a good leader? You can ask a hundred different people, and you will get a hundred different answers. A good leader is someone who accomplishes the mission, has the respect of their subordinates, and makes the difficult decisions when needed. For me, I believe that a great leader needs to have a variety of qualities, but most importantly a sense of fairness, hard work/care, and common consideration for others. Different experiences throughout my life and time at West Point have lead me to believe that these three tenants are what are most needed for a great leader. In terms of a leader s moral character, common consideration has the greatest influence on the success of a leader, because without common consideration, a... Show more content on ... There are numerous occasions at West Point where I have seen individuals dole out unequal shares of duties or rewards based on their personal feelings towards the recipients. Fairness and impartiality are fundamental traits in good officers. If a leader singles out an individual for either unfair rewards or punishments, it signals to the unit that there are other necessary factors needed other than hard work to get ahead, such as cozying up to the platoon leader to get the good assignments. Soldiers need to know that assignments or tasks they are assigned are either given through merit, or are given equally to all soldiers in the unit. Unfair treatment is a quick way for soldiers to drift away from the task at hand and instead focus on getting into the good graces of the leader, leaving the unit less cohesive and the mission unaccomplished. I have witness firsthand here at West Point many unfair decisions that were made solely out of how much someone liked or hated the person they were dealing with. One such example that comes to mind is when one cadet was given preferential treatment and allowed to get off morning workouts, while other cadets had to continue. The physical development staff of my company forces any cadet with an APFT score of less than 260 to show up to morning workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. These cadets are given the opportunity to stop attending workouts by scoring above a 270 on a diagnostic APFT conducted once a month.
  • 25. Essay On Auschwitz In 1940 Auschwitz was established in the suburbs of Oswiecim. Oswiecim is a Polish city that was annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis. Auschwitz was established because there were too many Polish people in the local prisons. In 1942 Auschwitz became a death camp and it was the largest known. (, n.d.) The camp was expanded throughout its existence, this resulted in Auschwitz consisting of three camps. The three camps were Main Camp, Birkenau, and Monowitz. Main Camp was known as Auschwitz I, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II, and Monowitz was known as Auschwitz III. (Preisler, n.d.) Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. Historians and analysts estimate the number of people murdered at Auschwitz somewhere between 2.1 million... Show more content on ... Carl Clauberg. Carl Clauberg was born in Wuppertal in 1898. During World War I he participated as an infantryman. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) After he had studied medicine and advanced to be a doctor in chief at the University gynecological clinic in Kiel. In 1933 he entered the NSDAP. Also in 1933 he was appointed professor for gynecology at Koenigsberg University. (Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1942 Carl Clauberg went to work at Auschwitz. There he conducted mass sterilization experiments. Professor Carl Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs during his experiments. Thousands of Jewish and Gypsy women were subjected to this treatment. They were sterilized by the injections, producing horrible pain, inflamed ovaries, bursting spasms in the stomach, and bleeding. The injections seriously damaged the ovaries of the victims, which were then removed and sent to Berlin. (Dr. Carl Clauberg, n.d.) In 1948 Clauberg was put to trail in the Soviet Union. He was sentenced to twenty five years, but after seven years he was pardoned. Survivor groups protested this and so he was arrested in 1955. Shortly before his trial should have started he died in August 1957. (Carl Clauberg,
  • 26. Why Did I Choose Ohio State University 6,570 days. 936 weeks. 216 months. 18 years. My whole life leading up to this point. College is a new beginning. A fresh start at someplace new. College can be a very drastic change from high school, or it can be like nothing has changed at all. It all depends on where I go. Personally, I would like to go out and experience all that the world has to offer. I want to see new sights and smell new smells. I don t see the point is staying the same. I am excited for collegebecause I think the Ohio State University or the University of Cincinnati are places where I could put this dream into a reality. Although The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati are similar in costs, I think that Ohio State is a better choice for me based... Show more content on ... I think that The Ohio State University is a great place for me to do that. I could meet new people on the large campus through activities and events. Also, Ohio State is close enough to home. That way, I could still go home and see my current friends from high school. Columbus is a great city and there is a lot to do there. Ohio State University and University of Cincinnati are very similar in a lot of aspects. But overall, even though the University of Cincinnati seems like a very promising option, my heart is leaning towards The Ohio State
  • 27. Essay on How the Great Depression Changed the Federal... The period before the great depression, the 1920s, was known as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz age. This Era was marked by artistic movement such as the creation of Jazz music and a rich supply of American writing. During this time the federal government had been providing some aid to the states but leaving the bulk of the power to the states, which is known as a dual federalism. It also marked the end of modest social traditions and wave of materialism encouraged by increased customer spending with the open use of a new concept called credit. As the Great Depression rolled in, a cry for the involvement of government in matters of the economy was sent out as the United States reached an all time low. When Wall Street crashed, millions of ... Show more content on ... Along with the New Deal came a lot of controversy about the expansion of the government s part in American society. Three days after taking office FDR established the Emergency Banking Act, that closed all the banks. Once the banks were reopened they were put under close supervision, also the treasury was authorized to issue more currency. After the Emergency Banking act, during the rest of FDR s first 100 days in office, he proposed, and Congress enacted, an abundance of legislative acts such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), the Civic Works Administration (CWA), the Homeowners Loan Act, and the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). One of the most innovative New Deal Program was the Tennessee Valley Authority act (TVA) which created an independent public agency that oversaw the development of projects in the Tennessee River Valley. While [the New Deal] did not end the Depression, [the] experimental programs helped the American people immeasurably by taking care of their basic needs and giving them the dignity of work and hope (Maxwell, 1952) Grants in aids became a main mechanism of
  • 28. Basic Physics Worksheet Basic Physics For this section, I included a test, a quiz, a homework assignment, a worksheet, a book review, and a PowerPoint presentation. The physics 182 test was about the work energy theorem and the impulse momentum theorem. I actually had fun taking this test, really. As the first question indicates, I struggled at representing energygains and losses, in a system, as bars in a graph. This method of representing energy gains and loses is important because it is a visual representation of the energy interactions in a system that losses energy through non conservative forces. I will work through similar examples to be able to solve problems such as this one. My favorite dynamics problem in the test was number thirteen because it was complex. I used the conservation of mechanical energy equation the one involving gravitational potential energy to solve one part of the problem ... Show more content on ... Then I used the work energy theorem to calculate the energy lost as heat, the work, as an object traveled a given distance on a sticky surface. Friction was a factor in that part of the problem so I drew a free body diagram to indicate the net force acting on the object (WA COMP 2009.SCI.1.1.3.H). Finally, I had to calculate the spring constant using the mechanical energy equation one more time, but replacing the gravitational potential energy equation with the spring potential energy equation to determine the spring constant (WA COMP 2009.SCI.1.1.3.J). Problem eleven required the use of one simple kinematic equation, after I applied the impulse momentum theorem; once I determined the velocity of a skater, I used it to determine the time it took him to travel a given distance (WA COMP 2009.SCI.1.1.3). Although I lost points on three multiple choice questions, they are no longer a weakness because I reworked the problems and have become proficient
  • 29. The African Of African Descent The people that are one of the most oppressed and restricted throughout recent history, if not the most, are considered to be the those of African descent. There was, and arguably, still is institutionalized racism against people of African descent in the Americas, with a prime example being the peculiar institution of slavery. This institution was so peculiar that, in many countries, the long, entire process of capturing, enslaving, and forcing of people to work, primarily those that were of African descent, became so profitable and efficient that slavery became the backbone of an entire country in terms of labor, such as the United States. Naturally, of course, there was always a constant resistance to this oppression, no matter where the enslaved people were, or under which circumstances they were subject to. The Africans that were brought to the Americas as captives by Europeans would resist against their captors in different ways, and so would their descendants, until they were liberated. Understanding what slavery was commonly like is important, as it allows one to gain information on the outstanding cruelties of slavery, as well as give reason to the sometimes extreme resistances put up by the Africans and African Americans. It is important to note that enslaved persons were fifty percent more likely to die in their first fourteen years of life when compared to their white, free, counterparts, largely due to an innutritious diet that more often than not consisted of
  • 30. Sadistic Personality Disorder And Children Sadistic Personality Disorder in ChildrenReview of literature indicates that Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits sadistic behavior throughout the film. Abnormal mental behavior of any kind in children is an important topic of study in psychology. There are many different kinds of mental illnesses that some children can exhibit and form into their adulthood (Hucker, 2012). Sadistic Personality Disorderis unfortunately one of the illnesses. Henry from The Good Son (1993) is a prime example of Sadistic Personality Disorder in children. Questions of Sadistic Personality Disorder include, 1. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; 2. What causes Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; and 3. What can be done about Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? These are some of the questions that are asked and can be answered through a review of literature. Children with these illnesses are studied to find the reasons of the illness and to solve the problem. The cause of the illness is also identified when study s take place. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? Sadistic Personality Disorder is defined as an individual s pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating, and demeaning behavior (Levesque, 2011). Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits this behavior by killing, threatening, etc. This disorder begins in childhood and is consistent thereafter (Hucker, 2012), as seen in Henry. This behavior
  • 31. Clinton Impeachment In 1999, for the second time in American history, the President of the United States was impeached. For those who don t know, impeachment means to bring a government official to trial over accusations of illegal or shameful activity. President William Jefferson Clinton, more commonly known as Bill Clinton, took office in 1992 as a leader who had promised to bring a more honest and better government to the American people. This Democratic politician would have his two terms in office defined by self inflicted shameful events. Clinton s affair with Monica Lewinsky would go down as one of the most talked about scandals known to man. Monica Lewinsky, at the age of 21, began an internship at the White House, in July of 1995. After just four months ... Show more content on ... The two articles Clinton was found guilty for were lying under oath to a grand jury and obstructing justice. At the beginning of 1999 the trial began. The New York Times released an article that said, From the start of the trial on January 7, the Senate tried assiduously to avoid the partisan bitterness of the House (Mitchell paragraph 34). The trial swung in favor of Clinton, and on February 12, 1999, the verdict was read, with President Clinton found not guilty of the two articles he was tried for. As President Clinton s second term came to an end his time in office would be seen as one of the most disgraceful and embarrassing presidencies in American history. For only the second time in presidential history the United States of America had impeached their president, and for the first time in history the president went to court for sexual allegations. At the end of the trial Clinton had only one thing to say, I am profoundly
  • 32. Essay on A South Korean Company that Operates in China A South Korean Company that Operates in China This report address s the requirements at hand to select a South Korean company that has operations in China Executive Summary: In 1992, Samsung Electronics adopted the form of a wholly owned subsidiary as the entry mode into China. It s entry into China was in order to maintain growth due to the tough competition in Korea. China was selected in order to take advantage of its low wages for the mass production of low to medium priced products. The initial manufacturing ground was at Tianjin due to its costal location hence making it easy to export abroad and to major locations in China. The original focus of producing low cost products resulted in a cheap image of Samsung in ... Show more content on ... After a decade of rapid economic growth, in 1997 many South East Asian countries were subject to a catastrophic economic crisis. The problems endured involved both immediate crisis management in unstable financial markets and the medium term restructuring and repositioning of their economies in the face of intensified export competition. South Korea had a large current account deficit and the maintenance of pegged exchange rates encouraged external borrowing and led to excessive exposure to foreign exchange risk in both the financial and corporate sectors. Economists have advanced the impact of Mainland China on the real economy as a contributing factor to the crisis. China had begun to compete effectively with other Asian exporters particularly in the 1990s after the implementation of a number of export oriented reforms. Western importers sought cheaper manufacturers and found them, indeed, in China whose currency was depreciated relative to the dollar. The report will address the corporate re alignment by Samsung in order to ride out the economic filtering of the region in which it was operating. [1] Entry Mode and Rationale behind Choice Pre 1997 Asian Economic Crisis: Initially, in 1992 Samsung adopted the strategy of a wholly own subsidiary (WOS) as the mode of entry into China. Samsung opted to expand its production of consumer electronic good in China as a WOS
  • 33. Assessment of the Economic Impact that the Natural... Assessment of the Economic Impact that the Natural Disaster May Have on the Countries of South East Asia The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 on December 26, 2004. The earthquake generated a tsunami that was among the deadliest disasters in modern history. At magnitude of 9.0, it was the largest earthquake since the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska in 1964, and tied for fourth largest since 1900. In February 2005, new analysis suggested the magnitude was underestimated, and one study estimates it at 9.3. It would change the lives of many for ever. The earthquake originated in the Indian Oceanjust north of Simeulue island, off the western ... Show more content on ... In Indonesia in particular, 500 bodies a day were still being found in February 2005 and the count was expected to continue past June. The real death toll will never be fully known due to bodies having been swept out to sea. The economic impact is huge, the impact is felt most in coastal area s. Fishing communities and fisherfolk, some of the poorest people in the region, have been devastated with high losses of income as well as material damage, i.e. boats and fishing gear. In Sri Lanka s coastal areas, for example, artisanal fishery is an important source of fish for local markets and industrial fishery is the major economic source of income, providing direct employment for about 250 000 people. In recent years the fishery industry has emerged as a dynamic export oriented sector, generating large sums of foreign exchange earnings. Preliminary estimates indicate that 66 percent of the fishingfleet and industrial infrastructure in coastal regions have been destroyed by the wave surges, which will have adverse economic effects both at local and national levels . But some economists believe that damage to the affected countries economies will be minor because losses in the tourism and fishing industries are a relatively
  • 34. The Mobile Telecommunications Industry The mobile telecommunications industry in Ireland has always been a competitive and rapidly changing industry. It has changed considerably from it s initial birth with only one competitor, to it s liberalisation in 1998, all the way through to the introduction of MVNO s in the 2000 s. Mobile penetration has increased from 42 % in 2000 (Telecommunications and Internet Federation, 2005) to almost 97% of Irish adults owning a mobile phone now in 2013. (, 2013) In order to fully understand the rapid development of this industry and the future of it, we must first look at its history in 1998. The Telecommunications Industry in Ireland in 1998 was a duopoly, meaning that there were only two service providers in the market.... Show more content on ... Also the mobile network market was much more concentrated than the supplier market, thus limiting supplier power. Despite both companies offering similar services, the threat of substitution within this industry was low. Prices for the two companies were similar, with both standing at 20p per min from 7am to 3pm on weekdays and all day on weekends (, 1998).The buyers propensity to substitute was further lowered by high switching costs. They were unwilling to consider the substitute as the benefit they would receive from switching companies would not outweigh the costs, they now therefore had a stronger incentive to remain with their current provider (cite). Competiitive rivalry within the industry was high. The two firms actively competed with each other in order to gain market share. The service lacked differentiation between the two yet high switching costs prevented them from stealing each others market base. They competed with each other in order to gain more coverage in rural areas and thus increase market share. They also engaged in price competition, with Esat Digifone trying to catch up with the longer established Eircell, particularly around Christmas period. With the launch of the pre paid service in 1998, Esat digifone aimed to provide lower peak rates than Eircell and differentiated themselves by allowing customers receive incoming call for 6 months even if they had run out of credit and not topped up (, 1998) . Capital costs
  • 35. Aphorisms In The Picture Of Dorian Gray The English language consists of a wide variety of figurative speech, and authors often make use of this in order to embellish and enhance their works. Oscar Wilde, one of the most daring writers of the nineteenth century, exemplifies this writing approach. His most notable technique is the use of aphorisms a concise judgement that contains a general truth throughout his pieces, particularly in The Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray. The phrases are often thoughts or dialogue from the characters, the majority of whom live in the English upper class society during the Victorian era, and comment on a range of subjects concerning this culture. Wilde s aphorisms can often be overlooked as shallow or simplistic, but in reality,... Show more content on ... The aphorism not only opens the discussion, but it also identifies the problem with the society being addressed in the subsequent text. In this case, Wilde points out that instead of mending the bothersome rules of the English, upper class society, individuals choose instead to find ways to break these rules and escape the consequences. Such ideas continue in the plot of The Picture of Dorian Gray, which relies on Lord Henry s aphorism and Dorian Gray s response to it, Youth! There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth! Dorian Gray listened, open eyed and wondering... If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old!...I would give my soul for that! (The Picture of Dorian Gray 24, 28) to initiate the central plot. Lord Henry s aphorism, along with his subsequent dialogue, affects Dorian so greatly that he sells his soul to stay young and beautiful forever. The rest of the plot, instigated by this one simple phrase, exemplifies Wilde s cynical views on the worship of youth with Dorian s demise at the conclusion of the novel. Dorian s death and Jack and Algernon s Bunburying, although seemingly disparate, both represent issues in the English upper class that Wilde begins to address through an
  • 36. Single Neuron Character Recognition Essay Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Character Recognition Single Neuron WRCI 411 Assignment 1 RXXXXX XXXXXX 2100XXXX August 2013 RXXXXX XXXXXX s2100XXXX WRCI 411 Assignment 1 August 2013 Contents List of Figures and Tables ........................................................................................................................ 1 Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Theory... Show more content on ... The output is based on a function, usually a step function or sigmoid function (basically a rounded or differentiable step function). The neuron should output a 0 until it fires when it should output a 1. This allows it to be used as a logic function. For this case the neuron should fire for only one letter/character (and an interfered equivalent) and for all other possible cases it should not fire. The strength of a neural network is that it can learn or be taught a pattern and recognise this pattern. From this it should be able to make decisions for cases it has not seen before. There are many methods for teaching a neuron, most relying on derivation to find the slope of the so called weight space (some rely on brute force, but these are seldom used). The basic Gradient Decent rule acts on the slope of the weight space and will be used for this report. Method Teaching The code was written in m code and implemented by MathWorks Matlab R2011a. The artificial neuron is taught by manipulating the values of the elements in the weight matrix (W in the code) until the error in the output matrix (from the dot product of the teaching set (X) and W) is lower than a set number (0.005). This is achieved with a while loop. Within the while loop is another while loop which loops another error checking loop though each of the vectors of the X matrix. The code edits each of the elements of the W matrix by using the equation: = в€’ О· в€’ в ЂІ Represented in
  • 37. Community Immersion Usc Essay examples SOWK 543 Fall 2012 Assignment #1: Community Immersion Joseph Gossner 9/25/12 Stephanie Carter Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to compare and contrast two smaller sub communities that are encompassed by the larger community of Santa Maria, California. This paper will promote the beliefs and theories of modern Social Workers, and address the resources and needs of the two communities in question. The compilation of this paper was derived from research that was conducted through interactions and exposure to the residents of these two communities, in conjunction with, interviews and site visits to several community organizations, recreational facilities, and areas of worship. Upon completion of this paper, the ... Show more content on ... The western boundary is comprised of agricultural farm fields, and the eastern border consists of the main thoroughfare with the name of Broadway. North Park has a geographical area of approximately six square miles, consisting of residential housing, retail business and industrial areas. North Park is located seven miles from the community of Orcutt. The Orcutt area of Santa Maria is located on the southern end of Santa Maria. It is surrounded by distinct boundaries. The northern boundary of Orcutt is McCoy Street and the southern boundary is comprised of mountains and uninhabited land. The western and eastern boundary of Orcutt is comprised of uninhabited farm land. Orcutt encompasses a geographical area of approximately 6.5 square miles. The community of Orcutt is comprised of residential housing, and retail businesses. Brief history of communities. In 1901, William Orcutt leased over 70,000 acres within a year for oil exploration. After a short period time, Santa Maria was the leader in California for oil production. Santa Maria incorporated as a general law city in 1905 (Bell 2012).The Santa Maria Valley throughout its history has remained primarily oil production, and agricultural in its nature and economy. Both of the focal systems developed in direct collaboration with the city of Santa Maria. The North Park area of Santa Maria developed in support of the agricultural business, and in turn, the Orcutt area was developed
  • 38. Hybrid Thermal Compressed Air Energy Storage Essay Global warming concerns, volatile oil costs, and government incentives are leading to increased interest in the adoption of renewable energy sources. However, the integration of renewable sources in our existing infrastructure is challenging, as renewable generation is unstable and intermittent by nature. Energy storage compensates for the inherent intermittency of renewable energysources, by storing energy during surplus power production periods and discharging the stored energy during low production periods. Compressed Air Energy Storage has received much attention as a viable solution due to its economic feasibility, low environmental impact, and large scale capability. However, conventional CAES systems rely on the combustion of... Show more content on ... It is shown that the efficiency of the HT CAES plant is not theoretically bound by the Carnot efficiency and always higher than that of the Brayton cycle, except for when the heat losses following compression rise above a critical level. The results of this work demonstrate that the HT CAES system has the potential of increasing the efficiency of a pure TES system, executed through a Brayton cycle, at the expense of an air storage medium. Subsequently, a realistic and irreversible hybrid configuration is presented that incorporates two stages of heating through separate low temperature and high temperature thermal energy storage units. A thermodynamic analysis of the HT CAES system is presented along with parametric studies, which illustrate the importance of the operating pressure and thermal storage temperature on the performance of the storage system. Realistic isentropic component efficiencies and throttling losses were considered. Additionally, two extreme cavern conditions were analyzed and the cyclic behavior of an adiabatic cavern was investigated. An optimum operating pressure resulting in maximum roundtrip storage efficiency of the hybrid storage system is reported. Additionally, a modified hybrid design is investigated that includes a turbocharger in the discharge process, which provides supplementary mass flow rate alongside the air storage. This addition has the potential of drastically reducing the necessary
  • 39. Native American Poverty Poverty Among Native Americans W.E.B Du Bois once stated to be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships (qtd. in Rodgers 1). The Native American culture is often overlooked by many people in the United States today. What many people do not realize is that about twenty five percent of Native Americans are living in poverty(Rodgers 1). A majority of the poverty among Native Americans is due to the United Statesbreaking treaties that promised funds for their tribes. When non Native Americans first began migrating to North America, the Indians were slowly having their land stripped away from them, and being pushed to live on small, poorly kept reservations. As well as taking... Show more content on ... Health care is one thing that should be offered to all no matter what their ethnicity is. Many Native Americans are unaware of opportunities that are available due to the isolation that they face on reservations. In 1992 only seventy eight percent of Native Americans received a high school diploma. This makes Native Americans the least likely of all minority groups, besides Hispanics, to obtain a high school degree. One main reason for Native Americans being unable to obtain a high school diploma is having to leave school to get a job. If a member of their family faces an illness or disability that causes them to be unable to work, the younger members of the family are going to need to help provide for the family. In many cases there is not a disability or illness, Native Americans have very poor wages and are unable to survive on only two incomes. Only eleven percent of Native Americans continues on to college after high school and receives a degree. Being a minority student automatically gives Native Americans a disadvantage. Parents of minority youth tend to have lower levels of education, and this is directly linked to what kind of performance their child will have in school (Donelan 4). In 1995 Native Americans had an overwhelming rate of unemployment at thirty two percent. Since Native Americans are likely to obtain lower levels of education
  • 40. Court Room Procedures Research Paper Many important rules and court room procedures have made a serious impact in the US legal system. Some of these topics are but not limited to de minimus communications, discovery process, the Brady rule, a motion to limine, and witness sequestration rule. Not everyone can agree that these terms have either helped the justice system, or hindered it, but personally I feel that any subject that shares information with both parties and stops surprises on the day of the trial. Since surprises are on the tip of my tongue we can start with one topic that has helped everyone who has been in a court proceeding from showing up blind to court or saved them from a curveball during the heat of the moment. The discovery process is an agreement between
  • 41. Mali Rise To Power Essay During the thirteenth century in central Africa, an empire called Mali rose to power. Throughout its time, outstanding ideas, people, and resources propelled the empire. Under the rule of the Musas, Mali was a successful, gold centered empire. The Empire of Mali thrived because of its location and, like other empires, rose to power from military conquests. At its height, Maliexcelled because of strong leadership, Trans Saharan trade, gold mining, and the spread of Islam. The Empire of Mali was located in a vast, landlocked area along the Niger River. At its largest, the empire covered 478,640 sq. mi., containing desert and semi desert regions with scattered brush and grass. (Carson, 2017) The land near the Sahara Desert had a dry climate ... Show more content on ... Both imports and exports were taxed. Camel caravans carried people, ideas and goods across the Saharan Desert to the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Gold was exported and salt was imported along this trade route. Salt was needed by the Malians to preserve food, and gold was used in the Mediterranean as a currency. As trade continued, a barter system was established where one pound of gold became equal to one pound of salt. (Fortified Towns of the Trans Sahara Trading Routes, 2017) Towns were built outside the desert and were used as supply and fueling stations to make the three month journey less treacherous. Ivory, slaves and leather goods were some additional exports from
  • 42. The Movie Franchise Star Wars The movie franchise star wars has been around for over fifty years. It s a classic drama series about dark and light forces trying to get the best of one another. The Jedi and the Sith are both factions which use the essences of the universe in order to obtain their special abilities that they use to their advantage. The force is split between the Jediwho represent the light force, and the Sithwho represent the dark force. So which of the two, light or dark, is the better as seen in the star wars storylines. The Jedi seem to have the upper hand and here are some reasons why. The Jedi and Sith both use Lightsabers(Short swords made with laser energy) when fighting enemies or dueling with one another. They give them both huge advantages in battle, because they can use the force to detect where things will be before they happen. When they are attacked with a blaster or lightsaber, the laser it is deflected off of the blade. This also makes for some really spectacular duels between the two. So which of the two has the better lightsaber? Lightsabers are formed from special crystals which the Jedi or Sith have to meditate on for weeks on end until it can form a blade. The Sith made the their sabers with synthetic crystals that they had to put into a furnace whereas the Jedi used a special natural growing crystal found on Dantooine, Ilum, or the Adega System. When the blades are finally constructed, they have a certain color which corresponds to their personality. The Sith
  • 43. I Am A Liberal Conservative Is More Open Minded Than Some... I am a Liberal. A Liberal is more open minded than some other political ideologies. They believe we should all be equal and have the same opportunities in life. The government should help us so we can all be financially stable. Things like health care and food stamps are important because the government should help all of us, if we cannot do that for ourselves. Although liberals want help from the government they don t believe they should control what we do in our personal lives. They are very big advocators for women s rights for this reason. Focusing on actual government, a big belief is that federal government should have more say over citizens instead of letting state government have control over what we do. Along with having laws they believe more laws will help us. It is a way to keep people in line and provide equal opportunity for everyone. I identify as a liberalbut I don t hold all the same beliefs as the typical liberals. I come from a big Hispanic Catholic family; I am one of five children. Growing up I would stay with my grandmother most weekends because my house was always so hectic. I obviously was taken to church every Sunday with her, where we would meet with the rest of my family. I would attend my Communion classes before we went to mass. I remember my teachers always telling us how loving and accepting God is. We would sing and color all through class, everything just seemed perfect. When the priest would preach during mass he would say how forgiving
  • 44. My Favorite Teacher The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise ... Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers. Said A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. I totally agree with him because teacher matters. Teachers can change someone s feeling or thinking by the way they teach students. For example, I loving math is caused by my math teacher when I was in middle school. Teaching is really hard duty, so not everyone can be a good teacher. The teacher who influenced me is Mrs. Suzan Pongratz because she is a creative teacher, encouraging students by offering incentives them, and organizing in her class and that s made her class more ambiguous and dissimilar than others. English was the regretful class until I met Mrs. Suzan Pongratz and changed my mind. I am yenning to go to her class every time without feeling bad or regret. She is a brilliant, clever, helpful, creative and fun teacher. She achieved all the conditions that student need. She gave me the confidence by making me feel and think positively all the time. Her encourage insights make me rethink my work to make it better. If I want to thank her, it would not be enough for working with me hardly to make me improve and finish the class with best results. The way she is transferring the knowledge makes you interesting and want to learn and know more about it. Challenges are the key to creative new things. Mrs. Pongratz is the creative person by thinking in different. Creative is doing the same thing everyone else do, but in different thoughts and ways. Like Einstein said, Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought. There was an article and has some information on it, so she collected them and created a poetry to make the information easier for student to remember it in the way they are interested. Also, she made a Kahoot game and made racing between two groups. She does a challenge between students as well. These games helped me to remember better than I only study. She spread her excitement like a virus in the class with her surprises. She let the students focus by making them moving around and encourage them. Improvement is taking time, but you have to be patient and don t give up. Just because
  • 45. Conductors Diary Entries Journal #4: My Conductor has been with me and we are traveling north by night. There is a group of us and we don t dare show our faces during the day. From Virginia, we have moved into Maryland. Our destination is Pennsylvania, but I won t be happy there. I want to be as north as possible. I heard that some slaves go all the way to Canada, which is past New York. My conductor told me that I was not unusual. May runaway slaves want to go to Canada to be safe from bounty hunters and U.S. lawmen who could not cross the international border (Riggs). I haven t seen any fighting between the North and the South, but our conductor says the war is going well for the North. But we have a way to go before I see Canada. Last night we were almost found out! A bounty hunter who knew he could get money for me and some of the others spotted a sick black woman who was too close to the road. He shot his gun in the air, but he did it to frighten us. He did not want to kill us because they would get no reward money. We ran, and our conductor told... Show more content on ... Coffin talked about. I went to college and devoted myself to teaching others about the evils of slavery. Once slavery was made illegal, I could speak about my experiences without living in fear that I would be found and punished. I went into elementary and high schools in the North to tell children about my journey out of slavery to freedom. After I married and settled in Boston, I taught my own children as well so they would never forget where they came from. I will make sure they have a good education so they can have a bright future that I had only dreamed about when I was their age. My hopes for them are that we never forget that all human beings were created equal and all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now that my children are grown, I think I am going to look up my old friend, Susan B. Anthony and get to work on granting those same rights to
  • 46. Russian Culture Vs Cuban Culture Russia is the largest country in the world with a population of 145.3 million people (Bradford, n.d). Its culture is one that has changed with time but has kept its traditions and values, the country is one of several others that has experienced both a communist and a capitalist society. Russian culture puts a lot of emphasis in family and friends (Bradford, n.d). During communist Russiafriends and family had to help each other in order to survive the extreme poverty that they had to go through, during those times collectivism was developed and eventually passed to younger generations (Bradford, n.d). While is true that Russia today is very different from the days in which Communism was present people tend to follow the tradition of their parent and grandparents. Russian culture is defined by its ethnic diversity, religion, music, arts, and literature which are admired and respected all over the world. The country currently has close 190 ethnic groups composed of Tartar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chuvash, and Chechen descent (Bradford, n.d). These ethnic groups have contributed their language to the Russian society among other things. Religion can be considered one of the most important ... Show more content on ... Collectivism is somewhat present in both cultures, Cubans like Russians learned to depend on family and friends in order to survive the poverty that communism brought to their society. Collectivism in Russia while still present is not as strong as before, but Cuba still lives under a communist regime which has only made the collectivist behavior increase in strength. Cuba and Russia were really closed during the time of the Soviet Union which created an exchange of art and literature that enriched both cultures. If you go to a bookstore in Cuba you can still find novels written by Tolstoy and traduced to Spanish. Also you could watch Russian cartoons on Cuban TV when the Soviet Union was still
  • 47. To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell s poem, To His Coy Mistress is an equally beautiful and provocative piece of writing. Written in iambic form as a three part proposition addressed to the coy mistress, the poem is permeated with literary devices such as tone, alliteration, imagery, hyperbole, as well as similes and metaphors. Marvell s speaker acknowledges the idea that mortality is of little to no value after death. Through the speaker, Marvell is suggesting that one can avoid the regrets of not participating in the adventurous aspects of life by seizing the day, thus supporting the Carpe Diem philosophy. The three part proposition can be identified through the change of the poem s tone as well as the change of pace. The first argument has a sly and devious tone. Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. (lines 1 2). The use of the punctuations, the commas and the period, hinders the pace of the poem. In doing so, it shows the insignificance of time at that moment. The insignificance of time at the moment is further emphasized when the speaker tells his mistress that they would sit down, and think which way, To walk, and pass [their] long love s day (lines 3 4). The use of alliteration creates a carefree tone, as if the speaker was daydreaming and sighing as he was trying to woo his mistress. Marvell uses delicate and sublime imagery to flatter the mistress with a seemingly disingenuous exaggeration of her physical beauty. Because of the unrealistic use
  • 48. Nero Impact On The Roman Empire Emperor Nero, who was infamously known as one of the worst emperors, had a huge impact on the Roman Empire in many different ways throughout his lifetime. Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, but known by most people as Nero, was born on December 15, 37 A.D. to Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina the Younger. He was then adopted by his Uncle Claudius, who at that time was Emperor. Nerodid have a couple obstacles in his way to becoming Emperor, though. Eventually, Nero did gain the throne, and finally, it was his time to dominantly rule over Rome, by being a cruel and oppressive tyrant, which established him just not only as one of the worst emperors throughout history, but as the worst emperor throughout history. The historical impact that came from Emperor Nero was through what his accomplishments were throughout his rule. As stated before, Nero had some troubles in becoming ... Show more content on ... Due to his death, and the fact that there was no heir to receive the throne, many generals began a Roman Civil War to determine who received the throne. His persecution of Christians set on huge persecutions for other religions for many years afterward. He left the Roman Empire falling to pieces. His impact, everything that he did, amounted to a massive amount of oppression, criminal activity, cruelty, slavery, and persecution. Nero was by far the worst emperor to ever control Rome. Nero definitely had an impact on the Roman Empire, it just was not a good impact. Nero s rise to power was a rocky road, which included his mother killing off Emperor Claudius and his son, Britannicus; the two people in his way from the throne. His mother soon meets that same fate when Nero became tired of her, which was only one of the many evil actions that Nero took part in. These evil actions and the impact that he left solidify him by far as the worst, most cruel, oppressive, and tyrannical emperor the Roman Empire ever
  • 49. Children In Colombia We all know that children are the future of this world. Because of this, we have to put serious attention into how we educate them and how we treat them. Many countries have programs that help children with education and free meals at school so that children can focus exclusively on their studies. However, such was not the case for Colombian children during the past 5 years. Many Colombian children died during this time due to problems with malnutrition. According to In 2011 about 45% of the population of Colombia live in poverty. The most affect victims of this situation are children. Many children end up living on the street homeless without the protection of a adult or in some cases children are force to quit school to help their parent earn money to support the family. In the search for money children are very vulnerable to drung cartel or became a child soldier(a human being ... Show more content on ... The foundation have seven schools in the vulnerable communities about 4000 children and teens received free quality education and meals each day. They also promote personal growth. The foundation not only work with children they work with their parent as well More than 10.000 children and 67.000 young and adults have been benefited. Nowadays the Colombia situation has improved. There are more children going to school. The seven new school had help lot with this positive change. shakira believes than nutrition goes together with education that is why she serve free meals in each of her schools. Just by going to school children have two meals a day they don t have to quit school to find a job so they can have money to eat. School offer help with some health problems for everyone so see a doctor often takes about 11 days but with the organization is quickly than with a regular public