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Democracy Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of democracy can be both challenging and rewarding. Democracy
is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses political, social, and cultural
dimensions. Crafting an essay on democracy requires a deep understanding of its historical
development, theoretical foundations, and practical implementations across various societies.
One of the difficulties lies in presenting a comprehensive overview of democracy while
maintaining focus and coherence in the essay. It's essential to delve into the origins of
democratic principles, explore different forms of democracy, and analyze the challenges and
controversies associated with its implementation in diverse contexts.
Moreover, discussing the contemporary relevance of democracy involves addressing current
events, political debates, and global perspectives. Keeping the essay up-to-date with the latest
developments in the political landscape adds an additional layer of complexity.
Balancing a nuanced exploration of democratic ideals with a critical analysis of their limitations
is another challenge. Acknowledging the complexities and contradictions within democratic
systems requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Additionally, addressing potential criticisms
and alternative viewpoints adds depth to the essay but also demands a thorough examination of
opposing arguments.
The research process can be time-consuming as well. To create a well-informed essay, one must
sift through a vast array of academic articles, historical documents, and political analyses. This
necessitates a keen ability to synthesize information and present it coherently in the essay.
Despite these challenges, writing an essay on democracy provides an opportunity for intellectual
growth and critical thinking. It encourages the writer to engage with fundamental political
concepts, grapple with real-world complexities, and contribute to the ongoing discourse on
democratic governance.
In conclusion, crafting a comprehensive and insightful essay on democracy demands a blend of
historical awareness, analytical skills, and a keen understanding of contemporary political
dynamics. It is an intellectually stimulating but challenging endeavor that requires dedication,
research, and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded perspective.
For those seeking assistance with essays or academic writing on various topics, including
democracy, professional services such as can provide valuable support. These
services offer a range of writing solutions and can be a resource for students and individuals
looking to enhance the quality of their academic work.
Democracy Essay Democracy Essay
Intercultural Mediation in a Postmodern World
This presentation will focus on mediation and the very notion of intercultural
mediator in a postmodern world. Mediation is the process of intercultural
transformation for all parties involved and also a learning resource in newly
constructed spaces of social interactions. Mediation refers to an intercultural
spatiality (the socially produced space (Lefebvre 1991), which is not static but
constitutive of social relations (Rick, 1997). Here it is useful to adopt Lefebvre s
unitary theory of space (1991), which brings together all its elements, namely i) the
physical (real/material) or perceived space, ii) the mental (imagined/conceptual) or
conceived space and iii) the social or lived space (Rick, 1997, pp. 10 12). The social
or lived space... Show more content on ...
Mediators are transformative learners who in fact maintain a multiple foci or
perspective of both their required skills as well as in the mediation process itself.
They engage in a journey of personal and cultural transformation in which they feel
they belong maintaining at the same time their professional impartiality. The
intercultural mediator s skills, sensitivity, awareness (of self and others) and patience
will be summoned to the forefront of this whirling space of conflicting behaviors,
substantive jousting, contesting statements and adversarial accusations (Townsend,
2002). Jon Townsend (2002) described the following five intercultural principles and
mediation practices, which create an operational interecultural space of mutual
understanding, empathy and collaborative ethos using culturally appropriate
behaviors. These principles are: 1.Flexibility; namely the mental elasticity that allows
mediators to be a part of and yet apart from the cultural milieu into which they have
entered . Attributes associated with this principle are wonder, awe or creativity.
2.Tolerance, namely the ability to resist the effects of prejudice in regards to the
views, beliefs and practices of others. Transparency, empathetic understanding and
ethnorelative valuing are some of the attributes associated with this principle. 3.Hope,
namely the ability to act as a positive role model providing pathways for the
Spanish Bullfighting Research Paper
If you are traveling, particularly in Spain s southern region of Andalusia, there are
few places that you can t find a bullring within a short drive. The Spaniards have
long been fascinated with the contest between the brave matador and the mad beast.
Every week during bullfighting season that lasts from March to October, thousands
of Spaniards watch a corrida de toros, bullfight. In fact, the first bullfight is traced
back to 711 A.D. when the sport was viewed in honor of the crowning of King
Alfonso VIII. At that time, nobles on horseback participated in the sport. However,
all of that was changed when King Felipe V ended this trend because he didn t think
it was right for men of such nobility to take part in violent contests. After that, the
commoners took it over as their game. Since they didn t have horses, they changed
the game from horseback to foot. There has been some return to riding on horseback
in bullfighting, but primarily the participants are on foot. While there has been and
continues to be some limited opposition to bullfighting, it has found its place as an
important part of Spanish history and culture. In fact, bullfighting in Spainis as
widespread as baseball in... Show more content on ...
After a parade, the bull enters the ring and the matador tests the bull with capes
and banderilleros. Through the use of a series of passes with capes, the matador
learns a great deal about how the bull will charge and also his level of fierceness.
Next, the matador uses the banderilleros, which are harpoon pointed colorful sticks
that he jabs into the bull s back. Then two picadores who are bullfighters on
horseback enter the ring armed with a vara. The horses the picadores ride are
heavily padded and blindfolded. The vara used by the picadores is a long lance that
is used to attack the muscle on the bull s neck. In this phase, with the blood loss, the
bull s charge is lessoned and his actions become more
History Of The Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky, breed of working dog, which originated many centuries ago in that
part of northeastern Siberia inhabited by a people known as the Chukchi. The
breed is used in Siberia as a sled dog, watchdog, and pet. In the first decade of the
20th century it was imported into Alaska, where it has since been used as a sled dog
and particularly in the sport of sled team racing; most of the present day records of
this sport in Canada and the U.S. were set by teams of Siberian huskies or by teams
led by dogs of this breed. The Siberian husky is a medium size dog. The male is 53 to
60 cm (21 to 23.5 in) high at the shoulders and weighs 20 to 27 kg (45 to 60 lb); the
female is 51 to 56 cm (20 to 22 in) high and weighs 16 to 23 kg (35 to 50 lb).
Poverty and the Prevalence of Heart Disease
Poverty and the Prevalence of Heart Disease
Throughout the history of the United States, two things have always afflicted this
great nation: inequality and disease. They have always had an effect on each other,
as diseases have affected those from lower classes differently from those from upper
classes. In our modern U.S. society, we face a specific disease, heart disease, which is
now the leading cause of death in the United States and is part of a complex system
of social problems (Center for Disease Control).
The main social problem is the higher prevalence of heart disease among the poor
than the non poor. This social problem has lead me to the following research
question: in the United States, how is poverty associated with the prevalence of heart
disease? To answer this question I will define heart disease, why it is an issue needing
our attention, and whom it specifically affects. I will then delve into the many social
mechanisms that facilitate this trend and show how they all work together to create
an environment in which the poor are more likely to deal with heart disease than the
non poor. The mechanisms involved are individual and institutional, meaning that
they operate and would have to be addressed at either the individual or institutional
level. The individual focused mechanisms include smoking, physical inactivity,
obesity, factors from early in life, and mental factors. The institution focused ones
include quality of healthcare and lack of access to
There Are No Children Here Essay examples
Alex Kotlowitz s book, There are No Children Here, is a story about two boys,
Pharaoh and Lafeyette Rivers growing in the late 1980 s in Henry Horner, a housing
project in Chicago. The boys try to retain their youth while they see constant gang
violence, death of close friends, their brother in jail and their dad struggling with a
drug addiction. In Horner, there are two gangsthat claim it as their turf, and the
Rivers family is constantly ducking from shots of gunfire there. They live in an
overcrowded apartment with leaky facets, heating problems and animal carcasses in
the basement. The boys mother, LaJoe, tries to keep them away from gangs and
violence since her eldest children fell to the harsh reality of the neighborhood.... Show
more content on ...
According to this theory, external forces can influence the development of emotions.
A child can mature a lot quicker when they are placed in an environment where they
have to take care of themselves to survive. When tragedy struck, Pharaoh didn t want
to know. He continued to tell his mother he was too young to comprehend it all, as if
he were trying to prolong his childhood (Kotlowitz 216). Both boys did recognized
at an early age that death occurs frequently in their neighborhood. They had several
friends die and they were reminded of this every time gunfire went off outside the
apartment. Pharaoh tried to maintain his childhood the best he could and excelled in
school as a coping mechanism. Lafeyette, at thirteen, acted as a parent to fill his
mother s role when she was out.
The government makes one of the biggest contributions to the welfare of the family
by providing financial safety. The problem is that the government fails to show any
concern for these families unless it is brought to their attention, and even then
nothing is changed. The lack of interest by the housing authorities leads to the
neglect of Horner for over fifteen years. The rotting carcasses explained the putrid
odor rising from the Riverses toilet. It wasn t aborted fetuses, as LaJoe had though. It
was dead animals, the stench of rotting flesh
Intangibility Case Analysis Of The American Express
Case Summary:
This week s case discusses gratifying millions and millions of consumers worldwide
along with the customer service adversities comprised meanwhile as annual profits
surpass $40 billion along with business operations amounting to 900 billion. The
American Express Company is an American multinational financial services. The
corporation is headquartered within the Three World Financial Center in New York
The company employs over 65,000 nationwide. For 167 years, American Express has
managed to remain operational. Although, the firm become famous for its business
with credit cards in the 1950 s. Throughout its years, the company have broaden its
amenities not only to business personnel, but to include small businesses partners and
corporate employees. American Express works diligently creating new avenues to
reach consumers. Lately, the company has increased their social media noise
surrounding Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Lastly, the corporation s
advertising produces many promotional opportunities as other competitors are
competing for consumers to become their cardholders daily.
Key Marketing Issues Intangibility This simple attribute sates that a service is nor
physical and cannot be observed by any of the physical senses. The problems
Intangibility potentially causes are as followed: The inability to protect the business
through patents, the impossibility of the store, pricing complications, and the
incompetence to exhibit
Character Analysis Of Moby Dick
Many have the desire to control the uncontrollable, or change the unchangeable.
This idea is shared through many novels and movies; one of those being Herman
Melville s Moby Dick a narrated voyage of a whaling ship, the Pequod, and its
captain, Ahab, whose one desire was to kill the great Sperm Whale, Moby Dick.
As his whaling journey continued, still unsuccessful, Ahab s character began to
change. Many adjectives could be used to describe Ahab s changing character, but
three specific ones are as follows: obsessive, conceited, and manipulative. Ahab s
one desire changes him from an obedient captain to a madman. While Ahab was
still the obedient captain he once was, he was one of the most successful and
higher rewarding captains. Unexpectedly, in the midst of a whaling, Ahab and his
crew encountered the whale he now refers to as Moby Dick or the white whale.
The crew initiated in capturing the whale, but this whale was different. Rather than
capturing the whale, the whale captured Ahab and though Ahab escaped, he did not
escape entirely. Moby Dick had dismembered and consumed half of one of Ahab s
legs. Ever since this incident, Ahab s one and only desire or, as stated in the text,
...his one unsleeping, ever pacing thought has been to kill Moby Dick; which soon
turns him obsessive (Melville). Ahab would not let anyone or anything stop him from
achieving his goal, ... I ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and
round the Norway Maelstrom, and round
Reflection About Pirates
Olivia. Gracie, Rylie, Faith, Myra, and I were in Social Studies watching a
documentary. The documentary was about pirates and their ships. The video was
showing a battle between another enemy s ship. How the cannons fired and
damaged the ship, was fascinating me. We re under attack! Gracie one of my crew
members yelled, looking up from the telescope. Get your cannons ready! I shouted
from the deck, to my crew. Olivia and Faith followed direct orders, while Rylie and
Myra got weapons such as swords, pistols, and shields. Everyone readied their
weapons and lit the cannons. Ready...Set...Fire! Olivia yelled from the crow s nest.
The cannons fired with a loud BOOM! The cannons made a big hole in the ship
across from us, which didn t settle well with the other ships. They came at us in
anger, with weapons swinging back and forth as they try to hit us. Why are so many
ships after us? Faith asked. Ya that s a good question. Myra added. They turned
toward me as we were fighting the pirate crew, Captain, is there anything you want
to tell us? Rylie asked suspiciously. Well, I may have stole the king s treasure and
my guess is that he hired pirates to retrieve the treasure. I said in a bored tone and
just shrugged it off.
Olivia!....Olivia!....Olivia! My friends had been yelling my name for a while now.
What? I asked but all they did was point at the clock. My eyes widened in
astonishment when I saw we were 5 minutes late. Well, what are we waiting for, we
got to
The Between Cressida And Troilus And Cressida Essay
PANDARUS [...] Have you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is not birth,
beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning, gentleness, virtue, youth, liberality,
and so forth the spice and salt that seasons a man?
CRESSIDA Ay, a minced man... (1.2.231 236)
This conversation between Cressida and Pandarus demonstrates the representation of
masculinity in both Coriolanus and Troilus and Cressida. Each of them is concerned
with ideas of honour and military prowess in relation to the male identity, drawing on
the masculine ideals of Roman antiquity a prominent notion during the early modern
period as is evident in Pandarus notions of what a man is . Shakespeare does not,
however, endorse these notions in the plays; his handling of the subject is
reminiscent more of Cressida s response in this passage, suggesting that the same
qualities which make a man can also effeminize him. This essay will examine how
this paradoxical nature of manhood and its arbitrary relations to honour and women
are exposed in the plays.
In the world of Coriolanus, violent and aggressive masculinity is set on a pedestal
by the people of Rome. This is evident in Volumnia s attitude towards raising children
applauding wounds Coriolanus has received in battle and even going as far as saying
The breasts of Hecuba,
When she did suckle Hector, looked not lovelier
Than Hector s forehead when it spit forth blood
At Grecian sword, contemning. (1.3.37 40)
Intimacy has no place in this violently
Robbin Case Study Essay
Case Study #2 Lenny Issues: The issues presented in this case study involves Sara
Olson, who is a veteran teacher, Lenny, a kindergarten student with characteristics of
a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Peggy, who is Lenny s
mother, and Jessica, who is a classmate of Lenny. The incident originated with Lenny
who bit Jessica on her arm during recess hours at the gym. Some of the factors that
contributed to this situation were the recess inside the gym due to weather
conditions, Lenny s characteristics of ADHD not being properly diagnosed, not
giving proper assistance to Lenny, and not having a well supervised setting during
recess. When the misadventure occurred, Sara was unprepared to deal with the
complexity... Show more content on ...
According to the text, Lenny was a hyperactive student whose actions were triggered
by loud noises, bright lights, and games. After examining Lenny, I would implement
different strategies and accommodations to decrease his hyperactivity.
Acknowledging the hyperactivity of the student, I would ask for assistance to provide
individual support to Lenny until his behaviors are well controlled. During difficult
circumstances, due to weather condition when students spend their recess inside the
gym, I would allow Lenny to walk around with supervision rather than forcing him to
stay still within his group because many of the factors mentioned that trigger his
behavior are exposed in that area. When reporting the incident to Lenny s parents, I
would have considered to properly introduce myself, state the positive actions Lenny
has made throughout that period of time, ask parents if they had seen similar
behavior at home, and then explain the incident. Knowledge: The information that
would have been beneficial to Sara includes, having communication with various
teacher and support staff and analyzing and assessing the ABC s of Lenny s behavior.
Also, taking in consideration the cultural background of the student may have
allowed Sara to take a different approach when contacting parents avoiding
American Sniper Film Essay
American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood immediately places the audience in
the middle of the war in Iraq. We see Chris Kyle on a rooftop looking through the
scope of his sniper. As he lays there, Chris notices two suspicious people
approaching a group of American soldiers. He quickly realises they are in
possession of a grenade which makes him instinctively aim his rifle towards them
and place his finger on the trigger. We transition to a point during Chris childhood
where he is hunting with his father. This scene uses multiple film techniques which
work together to help express specific and important messages . These include non
diegetic sound and cross cutting as well as dialogue and mise en scene. We as the
audience are introduced... Show more content on ...
Non diegetic sound and cross cutting are implemented in this sequence to build
tension as well as preparing the audience for the inevitable climax. We see the
action from three different perspectives through the use of cross cutting. These
scenes consist of the perspective of the child and mother as they stand in front of
an approaching tank, a close up shot of Chris aiming his rifle and a perspective
shot of the scope on Chris s rifle to show Chris point of view. As the scene builds to
its climax, additional shots are added. This includes a shot of Chris placing his
finger on the trigger of the rifle as he prepares to fire, which is followed up by a
tracking shot of the child running towards the tank with the grenade in his hand. Non
diegetic sound compliments the use of cross cutting in this scene to enhance the
sense of tension for not only Chris, but for the audience as well. As Chris begins to
concentrate on his target, the diegetic sound of war playing in the background
deadens, and is replaced with specific noises that sound familiar noises that can be
heard in war. What makes these
Interview With Men In Non-Traditional Roles Essay
Men In Non Traditional Roles
This paper takes a look into the lives of three males breaking out of their gender
stereotyped roles in society. These males avoid the boundaries traditional thinking has
tried to impose on them and embark on their own as what they like to call
quot;pioneers in the men s equality movement. quot;
Introduction: The Men
First off, this paper will introduce the three quot;pioneers quot;; changing only their
names for the sake of privacy per request. Subject 1 Arnold, is a househusband of
four years. He is raising 2 children, is responsible for housework and care giving, as
well as maintaining the overall balance of the ... Show more content on ...
Dale states that quot;teaching little boys to want to grow up to be masters of the
universe is a wrong and unattainable goal setting them up for failure and by
encouraging gender neutral behavior it will allow them a better pace to interact within
society. quot; Another interesting detail about Dale s life is that his girlfriend is a
construction worker, another person in a non traditional role.
Subject 3
The last subject, Howie, has dealt with the most adversity in achieving his goals of
working with children. He currently is in college to become a child therapist and
considers his involvement now as quot;an aid in future work quot;. However,
finding a job was of great difficulty for him. He revealed that many places were
quick to turn away males who wanted to be around young children; the mentality
behind that he says was quot;They are all afraid that there will be pedophilia
involved as it is not the norm for young males to want to be around young children.
quot; This is a harsh reminder of where society is today. Someone devoted to
children, their well being, and over all growth process has to be rejected because of
the stereotyped bias inflicted into the back of everyone s subconscious.
Bias And Role Ignorance
All three of these men have faced unnecessary ignorance from those around them. So
many people in society both women and men are quick to
The Role Of Textile In Early Civilization
2. In early civilization, it was normal for those who hunted to use the skins of
animals as a covering. As people began depending more upon agriculture, this
changed. Textiles were a needed product. Women spun the yarn by using a distaff
and spindle. She held the distaff which was a long rod that held the loose fibers,
along with the spindle, a little rod that revolved as she let it fall. This way of
spinning, twisted the yarnas it was wound. Women had simplified this process to
allow them to accomplish other tasks at the same time they spun the yarn. Once the
yarn was spun, both men and women would help weave the cloth for clothing. Many
peoples in early civilizations used the fleece of sheep and goats. Many raised their
sheep especially
Vigil In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter
A vigil is a period when one is awake when usually sleeping. The minister
Dimmesdale is out of his house and has decided to go to the scaffold where he
should have stood seven years ago. There he yells out and laughs and after nearly
being caught by Wilson and the governor, he is met there surprisingly by Hester
and pearl. In this vigil Pearl asks him to stand with them, which he refuses. Then a
symbol, from a meteorite, is seen in the sky and to the minister it looks like the
letter A, which upon seeing the symbol he notices Roger, who is terrifying him
with his grin. After the ministers vigil he gives a sermon, which was one of his
best, and is returned a glove to him from, the scaffold, as well as asked if he saw the
A in the sky,
Good Will Hunting Social Trap
Good Will Hunting is a movie about a man named Will Hunting who seems to be a
normal man but really has an extraordinary gift. It is discovered early on that Will
has the ability to solve math problems that even the most brilliant people cannot
solve. However, even with all of this talent he covers it up by pretending to be
average and getting himself in trouble with the law. But he can not help but using
his gift because in secret he begins solving impossible problems at the college he is
a janitor at. Once a professor finds this out, he is determined to find him and figure
out why he is not using his full potential. To achieve this the professor becomes Will
s probation officer and assigns him a therapist to figure out the problem.... Show more
content on ...
Sean used the technique of active listening to listen to what Will said and
madesure Will understood that he heard him. Since many people in Will s life did
not understand the real him or completely understand what he was going through.
But Sean was the first one to see where he was coming from and what he really
needed. Which was not a different job but for someone to hear him and tell him
everything was not his fault. Since he blamed what happened to him when he was
younger on himself instead of his foster dad, whose fault it really was. But by
having Sean there to make him see the light, that it was not his fault allowed him
to move on with his life. Sean on the other hand was shown through Will that it was
not good to swell on things from the past but instead to move on. For Sean that was
traveling so he could find himself again and stop grieving over his wife because it
had been several years since she died. By making the decision to leave his job and
begin again, Sean saw what he had been preaching but not living, so he made a
change and as a result started
Bidayuh Essay
Bidayuh, also classified as Dayak people. The word Bidayuh of the local group in
Sarawak actually was came from Dayak language. In addition, Bidayuh is a word that
brought out the meaning inhabitants of land. Inhabitants of land have the meaning
that the Bidayuh is the permanent resident of Sarawak.
Bidayuh is the second biggest ethnic group in Sarawak after Iban. Bidayuh are the
local group of Sarawak that the vast majority of them live outside the city of Kuching.
Originally, West Borneois the place that the Bidayuh came from and West Borneo is
a place such as Bau, Serian, and Kuching. The Bidayuh usually live in area around
Greater Kuching in the present. The examples of Greater Kuching are Siburan,
Lundu, Padawan, Bau, and Serian. ... Show more content on ...
The first instrument is Kiromboi or Krommoi. They are made from two giant snail
shells that attached to the ends of a split bamboo stick to slightly touch each other.
There is a small stick is passed quickly between the snail shells to produce a sound
that almost similar to the frogs. Kiromboi is used to summon rain when planting rice
paddies, also to call frogs after large rainfall. Kiromboi still can be found in the
longhouse even is not using anymore.
5) Language Language is a words and symbols that use to communicate with others.
Language is also includes body language, slang, and common phrases are unique to
certain groups of people. Language can also teach the children about their culture,
shaking hands, gestures, significance of the flag and others symbols.
Bidayuh is one of the several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak, Malaysia
. Bidayuh in Sarawak there are generally speak in this three main language which is
Biatah, Bau jagoi and Bukar Sadong. Bidayuh formerly known as Land Dayak ,
which literally means the people of the hinterland . Bidayuh language the sound is
quite similar like Malay. Here is the few examples:
English Melayu Bidayuh
The Effect Of Heart Rate On Exercise
The Effect of Heart Rate on Exercise
By: Danielle Dufault
Biology 122
October 10, 2016
Lab Partners:
Carlie Tammaro,
Emily Guay,
James Dawli
The effects of heart rate on differing durations of exercise were studied in this
experiment. For people, heart rate tends to increase as they perform physical
exercises. The amount of beats per minute gradually increases as people perform
physical activities. Heart rates taken before exercise are relatively low, and heart rates
taken one minute after exercise increase significantly. Heart rates slowly begin to
decrease after they are taken two minutes and three minutes after performing the step
test, which is to be expected. The rates of intensity throughout exercise relates with
changes in heart rate throughout the step test performed in the experiment (Karvonen
2012). The age of the participants affected the experiment, since the heart rate during
physical exercise, in this case the step test, is affected by age (Tulppo 1998).
The heart rates of participants was tested before the step test, one minute, two
minutes, and three minutes after the step test was performed in this experiment.
Since heart rate increases while someone is performing physical activity, it was
expected that heart rates of the students would be higher than before the step
Ffa Research Paper Topics
You are the most important thing this world has to offer. You make sure we don t
go hungry and we have clothes on our backs. You provide jobs for people across
the world. You provide so much and yet ask for so little in return. According to the
American Farm Bureau, In America, farmers and ranchers are 2.2% of the
population (Social). A small number with a big impact. To me though, you are so
much more than cows, sows and plows. You are blue corduroy jackets, tan and white
show clothes, and basically a baseline for everything I and many agriculturist stand
for. There are a lot different people and organizations that advocate for you and the
American FarmBureau (AFBF), is one of the largest. The mission they state is, AFBF
is the unified... Show more content on ...
Let s let that number soak in. That is a lot of people, but why am I writing to you
about it? That is how many high school students practically meet in your honor every
year. The National FFA Convention is held in October for the past one hundred
years. It started off with two hundred and seventeen people. I know you re probably
asking, how this relates to me, just hang in there. At this convention, FFA members
do Career Development Events, which are based around agriculture careers. Also FFA
members go to a huge Expo that has everything to tractors to dog grooming. Last,
we get rewarded for our work in agriculture, these are known as Proficiency
Awards. I got so much out of this this organization, I was the president of my
chapter, National Finalist for the Small Animal Care Proficiency, and was able to
compete at the National level in AgSales CDE. If it wasn t for you I would never
have these opportunities. Every time I think about a memory in high school, it was
based round the blue jackets that honored you. You are the god of the National
FFA Organization. There is so much to this convention and organization. These
students are the future of your well being. If it wasn t for you, we would not know
how to take care of you, provide for others and wear really awesome blue corduroy
jackets. Speaking on behalf all FFA member, we love and appreciate
Injustice In Angola Prison
In Angola prison on death row waiting to be executed was an innocent man convicted
of murdering twenty cult members. As he waited out the final hours of his life, he
furiously scribbled away on the wall with a sharpened toothbrush.
I leave this message here so the few that read it know that I was innocent of all the
crimes I have been convicted of. I know that no one believes me, but I feel that there
should be documentation of my side of the story somewhere. As I wait for the state to
murder me I have reflected on what has happened and have come to the conclusion
that I was royally screwed from the beginning. First by the incompetent legal aid
lawyer, secondly by the so called witnesses of my crimes, and finally by the twelve
peers who were
Benefits And Dilemmas Of Human Twin Studies
Name: Alimotu Tomiwa Sodiq
Write an essay evaluating the benefits and dilemmas in the use of human twin studies
to investigate the causes of variation.
Twin studies are a mainstay of the nature verse nurture debate because they allow
researchers to conduct natural experiments on human beings. When researchers try to
determine the relative importance of genetics and environment with regard to a
certain condition, they have a hard time because they cannot generally get people
with the same genes. This is where twin studies come in. Twins studies are part of the
method used in behaviour genetics, which includes all data that are genetically
informative. E.g. siblings, adoptees, pedigree data etc. Researchers use this method to
estimate the heritability of traits and to quantify the effect of a person s shared
environment (family) and unique environment (the individual events that shape a
life) on a trait.
Basically, we have two types of twins.
1)Monozygotic twins: Monozygotic twins are also known as identical twins. These
twins start their life as one egg which is fertilized by one sperm and latter splits into
two eggs much earlier in the gestational period. These are very rare and have no link
to heredity. But studies reveal that only one of four conceptions of twins is identical.
Therefore, it seems likely that any differences between twins will have to be caused
by environment rather than by genetics.
2)Dizygotic twins: Dizygotic twins are also known as fraternal
Personal Narrative-Gender Stereotypes
Well, obviously, as a teenage guy, the first thing I do on Monday morning, after I
ve finished those designated duties, is head upstairs to his bedroom and find porn
online. I ve never really considered sex with a man this is the conservative Midwest
but I dig into the straight material with vigor. A few hours later, I ve jerked off four
times, lying on his bed, scrolling through various websites, fast forwarding through
each video that catches my interest, my cock lubed up thanks to a big bottle of KY
from my nightstand drawer.
The next morning, as soon as my parents have left for work, is more of the same. one point, after I ve come, I start scrolling through one of the gay
videos. It feels weird. Wrong. Wrong but hot. Kinda hot, the thought of these men
with their muscular bodies, all alone, no pussy or tits to play with just cock and ass.
It is hot. And before I know it, I m wanking again, hard, and rapidly blowing another
load, my first to an all male fantasy. ... Show more content on ...
But that doesn t stop me, when I go back to his house that afternoon, I watch more
gay porn. I ve already seen so many of the straight ones, I tell myself. I need to at
least see more of what gay sex looks like, on video.
Oh, I like how it looks. Oh, it s so much hotter than I ever thought. I don t know
why it turns me on so much. I know I still like girls. But oh my god. Imagine: A
hard cock in my mouth. A big dick up my ass.
And so it comes to pass that, although I look at the straight porn too, I spend more
time than I ever imagined I would that week watching hot men kiss, suck, and fuck
each other. Late Thursday morning, on what will technically be my last full day
enjoy this paradise of pornography, because our neighbor is due home Friday
afternoon, I treat myself stripping naked, lubing up one of several butt plugs of his
I found in a box in the closet, pushing it into my hole, and going to work on my cock
while I watch three guys get it on
law of contract
THE INTERESTS PROTECTED Fuller and Perdue, The Reliance Interest in
Contract Damages There are three principle purposes in awarding contract damages:
restitution interest object is the prevention of unjust enrichment by the defaulting
promisor at the expense of the promisee reliance interest object is to put the
plaintiff in a good position as he was before the promise was made expectation
interest object is to put the plaintiff in as good a position as he would have been had
the defendant performed the promise Wertheim the ruling principle of awarding
monetary damages for breach of contract is to place the plaintiff in the same position
as he would have... Show more content on ...
when demand exceeds supply, only nominal damages are awarded for breach of
contract Loss of Chance Chaplin v. Hicks Facts: P was deprived opportunity to be
interviewed; beauty contest case . 4 criteria must be met to recover damages for a
lost chance: (1) Plaintiff must establish, on balance of probabilities, that but for
defendant s wrongful conduct, the plaintiff had a chance to obtain a benefit or
avoid a loss (on balance of probabilities) (2) Plaintiff must show that the chance lost
was sufficiently real and significant to rise above mere speculation (3) Plaintiff
must demonstrate that the outcome, that is, whether the plaintiff would have
avoided loss or made gain depended on someone or something other than the
plaintiff himself (4) Plaintiff must show that the lost chance had some practical
value P was awarded proportionate damages for her loss of chance Multi Malls v.
Tex Malls Facts: D s breach resulted in a 20% change of rezoning the land for
valuable use awarded damages for loss of chance, because lost an opportunity to
profit of 20% REMOTENESS B.C. Saw Mills Facts: P sued D, blacksmith, for
unskillful repair causing his late arrival to his marriage ceremony. parties should not
be held liable for damages that were not reasonably foreseeable, within the
contemplation of the parties at the time the contract was made Hadley v. Baxendale
Facts: P sent shaft to be repaired, but the delivery was delayed,
Why Sports Is A Sports Complex
Sports complex A sports complex is a group of sports facilities. For example, there
are track and field stadiums, football stadiums, baseball stadiums, swimming
pools, and gymnasiums. This area is a sports complex, for fitness. Olympic Park is
a kind of Sports complex. Examples of a sports complex are as bellows
IMPORTANCE and BENEFITS OF SPORTS Have you ever thought why people
do sports? Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many
people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these
people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and
importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive,
look smart. Unfortunately, these people can t consider other benefits of sports. In
my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider:
sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great
market for countries economies. The first advantage of sports for people is that they
help people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can t give up their
interest at their body. I belive that now many people love themselves no matter how
beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people s first aim should be healthy and fit with
the benefits of sports. Due to this fact that... Show more content on ...
Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people
who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these
people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and
importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive,
look smart. Unfortunately, these people can t consider other benefits of sports. In
my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider:
sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great
market for countries
Tapinambas In South American Religion
Immediately upon the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese onto South American
shores, Christian missionaries sought to convert the native populations and initiated a
spiritual conquest of the locals. However, local customs such as cannibalism
constituted a major hurdle to the natives conversion to Christianity. Multiple
European authors explore their cannibalistic culture, such as Jean de LГ©ry in
Histoire d un voyage en terre de BrГ©sil, Hans Staden in True Story and Description
of a Country of Wild, Naked, Grim, Man eating People in the New World, America,
and Michel de Montaigne in Essais. However, when faced with social practices so
drastically different from those of the Europeans, Montaigne analyses the
Tupinambas ethnographically through... Show more content on ...
Montaigne believes that the Amerindians are inherently savage, and
anthropologically, they live in a differently constructed civilization than that of the
Europeans: In plain truth, these men are very savage in comparison of us; of
necessity, they must either be absolutely so or else we are savages; for there is a vast
difference betwixt their manners and ours (Montaigne, 9). Hence, Montaigne is
aware of the inherent differences between these two cultures, and how the Tupis
divergent culture can cause other cultures to view them as barbaric. Contrarily,
Staden cannot envision there being a cultural rationale for the Tupis actions, therefore
he seeks divine government numerous times when the Tupinambas threatened to eat
him: I begged him therefore for God s sake, that he would tell them not to eat me
(Staden, 68). Therefore Staden finds divine solace to protect him from the Tupis
savage behavior and justify their irrational
Persuasive Essay On Tiny House
The elaboration on how much money living in a Tiny house saves on utilities, is
dampened by the fact that municipal utilities like water, waste, electricity, and trash
are not made available to illegal housing, so you will be required to find a way of
living off the grid. Tiny home dreamers may be less enthusiastic after actually
living in one. Hauling water in, wastes out, and scrimping on electrical appliances
or going without because small solar arrays are underpowered (Wyatt 40). Even
the task of getting your mail can be more difficult, if you are living off the grid you
will have to set up a post office box.The claim that you can save money because
you only need to buy a small plot of land, seems logical, but in many cases you see
Tiny Houses having to be put on large plots of land, in order to remain out of sight,
so they can fly under the radar of local code enforcement agencies.
The continued claim by Tiny house advocates, that you will save money on taxes is
not false, but if a Tiny house is kept on land where Zoning codes prohibit it being
there, then it has not been properly assessed, and the proper tax is not being charged.
If a Zoning violation is noted, additional cost may be incurred through back taxes and
Some Tiny Houses are built by professionals, but they are predominantly built by
unlicensed enthusiasts, as you can imagine there is going to be drastic variances in
quality. Bundle that with the ability of some Tiny Houses to be relocated to what
Election Methods In The South Robert Smalls Summary
Robert Smalls preludes his essay Election Methods in the South by stating how
important the right to vote is and how it is our given right by the Constitution to be
able to vote no matter perceived differences. Smalls goes into detail how the
government in South Carolina is corrupt in counting the ballot and in how there is
no free ballot. Elections since then have been carried by perjury and fraud two things
worshipped and adored by the South Carolina Democracy. Smalls shows us two
extremes polls not being open or being open but corrupt in counting for Republicans.
He shows us how much the African Americanpeople and their votes are needed to
make our government stronger as a whole.
I believe that the rights of all the citizens of this
Scarce Resources For Children And Families Within The...
Scarce Resources in South Memphis
Leads to Violence, Deaths, and Uneducated Youth My non profit organization s
purpose is to provide wraparound services for children and families within the
community. Opening a daycare, aftercare, and social services center, the organization
desires to foster positive socioeconomic results for individuals within the City of
Memphis, Tennessee. The organization will provide an assortment of youthand family
services in which patrons can access year round at minimal to no cost. The
organizations governance has researched and recognized a need for child care and
youth development programs within the underserved and impoverished communities
of Tennessee. Basing its efforts within the South Memphis area, the organization will
initially determine a facility to lease from an uninterested third party. The
organization hopes to acquire a facility in which will effectively house its
programming and community based services. Based on need, community members
can explore the organizations programming. Intake will consist of a general
information form and formal introduction of the patron to the organization as per its
directorship. At no cost, individuals may determine eligibility and opportunities
within the youth center, the help center the organizations social service programming.
After School Youth Community Center A man was beaten and robbed while driving
an ice cream truck. A woman who was a pizza delivery driver was robbed and
Biography Of Jim Maclaren And Emmanuel Yeboah
People with disabilities are capable of doing the same activity as a person who is
perfectly healthy. A physical deformity should never define the outlook of an
individual s life. Jim MacLaren, a man who became disabled at the age of twenty
two, learned to live with his disability. Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah was born disabled
and became successful. Jim MacLaren and Emmanuel Yeboah won many awards
and inspired change for disabled people. The two men have different disabilities, but
they both have made a positive impact on the world because of their disability.
Jim MacLaren was a perfectly healthy student athlete at Yale University. MacLaren
was studying drama and was playing on the football team at Yale University.
MacLaren was the typical college student until a tragic accident changed his life
forever. On a beautiful sunny day, Jim MacLaren was taking his new motorcycle
out for a joy ride (ESPY). He was riding his motorcycle through the busy streets
when a New York City Transit bus turned a sharp corner and made contact with
MacLaren s motorcycle (ESPY). The traumatic crash changed MacLaren from an
active athlete to a disabled patient. MacLaren s left leg was amputated by medical
doctors (ESPY).
MacLaren quickly recovered and began his journey to change disabled people s
life. He became and active athlete again by competing in triathlons (ESPY). He
proved that an athlete could be disabled and still win medals. MacLaren would soon
face another tragedy while he was doing the one
How Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Affected His Life
How Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Affected His Life The Cat, I remember, had been
hung in a garden adjacent to the house. Is a quote from Edgar Allen Poe s story,
The Black Cat. All of the stories/ poems he has written relate to his life in a lot of
ways. Examples of such could be love, alcohol, and madness. To start off, love is a
huge effect in Edgar Allen Poe s life. We loved with a love that was more than love
is a quote from his Poem, Annabel Lee. Annabel Lee had died of tuberculosis
which made Edgar very upset. Edgar would lay by her grave due to how much he
had missed her. Edgar had become very depressed after losing her. He believed their
love was very strong. Due to his depression and devastation, he started to drink
alcohol. Furthermore, Alcohol was a devastating factor of Poe s life. One night,
returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that
the cat avoided my presence. Is another line from his poem, The Black Cat. The
character in his story became abusive due to the alcohol, and caused much fright to
the cat/ narrator. Poe had much love for the cat, but due to the... Show more content
on ...
I cut off the head and the arms and the legs is a line from his story the Tell Tale
Heart. One example is he had wanted an eye from an old man, and so the character
suffocated the man, cut up his body, and hid him under the floorboards out of
anger and selfishness. His anger made him seem very abusive and very harsh. One
other example is in The Black Cat, when the character was about to kill another
one of his cats, his wife put her hand on the cat to stop him, and so he killed her
too. He put both of their bodies inside his wall, in which the police had figured out
due to hearing a cry from the cat in which was still alive. This Madness can relate
to his life because he went through madness when he lost his wife and so him killing
his wife was basically how it felt when he lost
Sledding Experience Research Paper
Guide To Have a Better Sledding Experience. By Jacob Ray
Do you like to sled on a snowy day? In winter I think sledding is a very fun activity.
This exciting endeavor involves different uses for snow for sledding, fun activities
to do with friends, your family and other people and the appropriate pieces of
clothing you should wear for sledding. In order to sled you need to know the uses
for snow to help you have a better sledding experience. For sledding you need
something to go down and that is a big and steep snowy hill with some ice on the
top layer to go faster. If while you are going down a random hill that you didn t
make and you go fast into a pile of snow you will go flying into the air and crashing
down hard onto the ground. The ... Show more content on ...
If you don t have the correct pieces you will feel very cold if fall of the sled in land
face first into your big hill of snow. In sledding there s the most protective thing on
your body to wear is the helmet . If you fall of your sled and hit something hard on
the way down your helmet will protect your head from big accidents that could
happen. In winter overall you need to wear lots of layers of clothing in winter and
while sledding it is very cold outside on a winter day having fun sledding. Gloves
are another helpful item to wear because if you don t wear them and it is below
about 20 degrees your fingers will get very numb and cold. Your clothing you wear in
winteris also another important item prior to sledding.
In sledding doing activities with other people is fun in many certain ways. One
thing you could do with your friends is race on your seep and snowy hill and have
huge amounts of fun. Another existing activity to do with family and friends is hang
out drink hot chocolate and have the time of your life. While you are racing you
might bump into each other and fly of your sled. Those are 3 fun and exciting ways
to have fun with your friends.
Sledding is so much fun on a snowy day. Working with snow is one of the most
important parts.if you have no cloths you will be frozen cold. Doing fun activities
with other people is a better way to enjoy a snowy day. There is nothing more fun on
a enjoyable winter
Colonial Period Research Paper
Colonial Period Essay
The colonial period in the United States all started when people starting immigrating
to Boston in the 1630s. With high articulation of Puritan cultural ideas, the New
England colonies have been regarded as the center of early American literature. In
class we only talked about a few of the writing throughout the period but in this
paper, I am going to tell you about the colonial period as a whole. This writing period
varied greatly in terms of quality and subject but in fact the literature in this period
can be classified into just ten genres. Number one: travel writing, most often written
by the explorers themselves to describe the land, indigenous peoples, and log the
exploration, starting with preparations for the journey, the voyage, arrival and
explorations in the territory and interactions with natives, and the return to Great
Britain, if one was made. Two: historical writing; historians have written in every age
since the Hebrews wrote the Old Testament; these consist of long essays or narratives
and relate tell a nonfiction account of what transpired; usually written in the third
person, and covering significant events of general interest. Three: religious writing,
usually written by clergy in the form of journals, sermons, or commentaries on ...
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My favorite assignment was the Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God because I got
to use my artistic ability and draw about what I thought the writing was about. I liked
that there was a couple of poems thrown into the mix and the uniqueness of every
piece we read. The colonial period was the start of American Literature in the United
States and has brought a lot of influences that we use still use today and writers and
as American people. Most of the authors and works we even study in our
The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events
Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within
that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had
various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on
10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the
dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research,
Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact
especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the
grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up
with his research and conclusions.
Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content
on ...
However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the
compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial
discrimination in sporting events.
The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions,
civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions
explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on
human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and
activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the
public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of
believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of
nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and
doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to
support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems.
Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed
racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert
stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also
accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs
after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to
have a
What Sense Is Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting An Art
1. In what sense is seventeenth century Dutch painting an art of describing?
Focusing on two works of your choice, consider the possible relationships between
artworks and contemporary forms of social behaviour and/or new knowledge. The
distinctive pictorial mode of 17th Century Dutch painting can broadly be
categorised as descriptive. Realism is employed in rendering scenes of everyday
life through various iterations of subject matter found in the real world. Distinct
from Renaissance art of the south, subject matter is predominately secular and
attention to ways of rendering the world is favoured over an overt narrative. The
further characterisation of the nature of Dutch painting is problematic. E. de Jongh
argued that works were not secular slices of daily life but didactic in nature,
imbued with symbolic iconography. Svetlana Alpers dismisses de Jonghs views as
simplistic, arguing that virtuosity and mastery of naturalism were not a means to
document or to make art for arts sake; but rather an intellectual exploration into
ways of seeing. Vermeer s The Milkmaid painted between 1657 1658 (fig. 1) and
Jan Steens The Card Players painted ca. 1660 (fig. 2) are genre paintings that when
contrasted appear to differ in subject and meaning. In analysing both paintings I will
identify their descriptive qualities and rationalise that the conflicting points of view
of De Jhong and Alpers are neither invalid nor mutually exclusive. The realism of
Dutch painting can be
The Data Warehouse Essays
A Data Warehouse is a database centric system of decision support technologies used
to consolidate business data from many disparate sources for use in reporting and
analysis (Data Warehouse). Data Warehouses and Data Warehouse systems are
primary used to server executives, senior management, and business analysts with
accurate, consolidated information from various internal and external sources to aid
in the process of making complex business decisions (Data WarehouseProcess).
The term Data Warehouse was first coined by Bill Inmon, who has been commonly
recognized as the father of data warehousing and is the lead proponent of the
normalized or sometimes referred to as the top down, approach to Data Warehouse
design (Reed, M.)(Data ... Show more content on ...
Kimball s approach also involves the building of business process specific data
marts that collect the transactional components of the original data and form them
into what are known as facts (the data that needs to be measured such as sales or
purchases) and links them to well defined dimensions (the data that facts are
measured against for instance, the customers that make the purchases, the employees
that make the sales, and the dates those transactions occurred). This results in a
logical structure commonly referred to as the star schema data mart. It derives its
name from the star like appearance of a central fact table sorrowed by multiple
dimension tables with each dimension table linked only to the fact table. The main
advantages of the dimensional model over the normalized model are greater
performance and quicker time to initial benefit. The dimensional model achieves this
performance via the simplified logical structure of the star schema data mart greatly
reducing response time when reacting to user requests as opposed to the spread
The Princess
In a land far away there was a queen and a king called Nicola and Dean she had just
given birth to a beautiful young princess called Chloe. There kingdom was holding a
carnival for the newly born Princess. Everyone had their fanciest clothes to attend the
The King and Queen had gotten Chloe into her new gown and when she got outside
to the carnival they were attacked by ninjas, and they took Chloe. It was later
figured out that the princess had special powers and that they could be used for good
or bad. The Queen went in to a massive panic and the King hid in his bedroom so
he didn t have to face the outside world because he was scared that he would be
taken out by ninjas as well.
The ninjas had taken Chloe to a deserted ... Show more content on ...
When they were all asleep she took all of their keys and went to the closed doors
but when she walked in she found a room that was full of pictures about the royal
family and there was stuff about all the powers that she had and how to work them
but her adopted family said that they didn t know anything about them so she didn t
know how to use them and at the end of the room there was a picture of her and
there was the plan of what happened at the kidnapping.
Chloe had made a plan to escape so when she went outside she ran off with a bag
and she got to the end off the island and found a boat. She didn t know how to drive
a boat but she was going to get off this pathetic island anyway. She had hated I ever
since she started walking, her adopted family had given her everything that she
wanted but all the time she had sent there she had never had any friends or proper
family and she didn t even know if her name was Chloe anymore.
When she had got into the boat into the water she tried to row it but then she found
out it was a fully equipped speed boat that was regularly used but she didn t know
who was using it so when she started the boat she found the ninja outfits and figured
out that they were all ninjas and they still were even since the kidnapping. She
absolutely infuriated with them she trusted them her whole life
Comparing Chocolate And Stropple s Plays
In the past when I have read play scripts I never looked into the creative side of
them. I just read the play and decided if it was good or not based on if it caught my
interest. When we first read through the four play scripts I did not look too deeply
into them as I should have. When talked about more though it made me go back and
read through them and I saw the difference. Each playhas creative elements and
technology that makes the script more enjoyable and has more of a purpose. The
play writers wrote these plays that way to get the overall message out. Each one has
its own creative message that people can really enjoy.
The first play that we read was Chocolate by Fredrick Stropple. Stropple wrote a play
about a woman, Mrs. Colby, ... Show more content on ...
Horowitz wrote a play about Adam and Eve and how they called upon God because
they are bored. God then decides to play a game with them so time will go by fast
for them. The technology was the curiosity of playing them. The creative elements
play through when Adam and Eve start to die. Once they do die descendants of
them come into their place to play the same game. When I first listened to this play
I did not think it would turn out the way it did. This play actually has the most
powerful message to me. I feel like the message is that everybody wants to know
what is going on in Gods mind and thousands play this game every day but nobody
will ever figure it out. You eventually end up dying never knowing and settle for you
cannot know the mind of God. If this was Horwitz s intended message for the
audience I feel like he hit that one right on the
Essay On Terri Shiavo
They were the subjects of public disputes with family members, court systems,
medical professionals, the media, and society at large. Terri Schiavo, Nancy Cruzan
and Karen Ann Quinlan; their names are synonymous with permanent vegetative
state (PVS). The amazing technological advancements in modern medicine has
been credited with keeping persons alive who in times past would have died,
therefore this is remarkable for countless families. In the cases of the Quinlan s, the
Cruzan s and many like them, families members find it unbearable to witness loved
ones who linger indefinitely in PVS with little or no chance for recovery. There are
many like Terri Schiavo s parents, who value the lives of their love ones no matter
how limited their... Show more content on ...
374, para. 3). According to John Collins Harvey, a senior research scholar and
professor emeritus of medicine at Georgetown University, feeding tubes should be
removed from patients in PVS because there is no hope for recovery. Harvey
explains that the cerebral cortex the area of the brain that controls conscious
thought, language, and sensory perception has been irreparably damaged by a
lack of oxygen (Harvey, 2004). However, recent studies on DOC have revealed the
difficulty of diagnosing PVS, especially because a few PVS patients recovered
consciousness and demonstrated awareness as a result of drug therapies and
functional imaging studies (Fisher Appelbaum, 2010). Obviously, these patients
were not in PVS, an irreversible condition. The awakening of persons after the
administration of specific medications brings attention to the possibility that VS is
often over diagnosed (Sara Pistoia, 2010). The differential diagnosis of disorders of
consciousness is challenging. The rate of misdiagnosis is approximately 40%, and
new methods are required to complement bedside testing, particularly if the patient s
capacity to show behavioral signs of awareness is diminished (Monti,
Vanhaudenhuyse, Coleman, Boly, 2010, para. 1). The Issue of Death The definition
of death is another issue paramount to this discussion. Robert Rakestraw, professor of
theology at Bethel Theological Seminary in his article on this very subject
Survival in solitude Essays
Survival in solitude After being stranded on an uninhabited island, Robinson Crusoe
manages to discover his natural abilities that serve as indicators of his true character.
At first glance the common adage, Necessity is the mother of all inventions, appears
to account for the character of Robinson Crusoe; however, further analysis suggests
that the intelligence, industriousness, and optimism are inherent to Crusoe s
personality. Sir Francis Baconso aptly stated, Prosperity doth best discovervice; but
adversity doth best discover virtue. From the moment that Crusoe was stranded on the
island until the day he was rescued he exhibits these qualities.
Crusoe s innate intelligence serves him well throughout his solitary life on ... Show
more content on ...
As he puts it in his journal:
I had never handled a tool in my life, and yet in time, by labor, application, and
contrivance, I found at last that I wanted nothing but I could have made it, especially
if I had tools...(488)
Through his narration it is evident that this inherent intelligence allows him to adapt
to his long and lonely life on the island. The format of the novel itself, that of a
journal, indicates that Crusoe is highly educated so that he is able to write and
express his thoughts clearly.
Furthermore, Crusoe s hard working nature forces him to do more than what is
strictly necessary in order to sustain himself. When unloading the cargo off the ship,
he works endlessly until the task is completed although he could have taken a
lighter approach to the job. Rather than being complacent about his comforts
Crusoe was industrious and salvages all that he could from the ship. He labors
hard to bring all the steel cables, tools, and any munitions that he could find, even
though he may not need some of the items immediately. Crusoe also gathers on his
twelfth and last trip little knickknacks like coins and razor blades. When he begins
using the cave as his shelter, he works hard in order to create shelves so that he can
organize his belongings. He fashions himself with a goatskin jacket, skirts, cap,
footwear, and pouches for his weaponry. If he is not inherently
Short Story Of Wasp Man
Wasps make a shield, said Wasp Man. Gun shots rang out through the harbor. Wasp
Man bent down and slowly moved across the brick wall turning the corner.
He s over here!! said a man with a pistol.
Wasp s attack said Wasps Man. The Wasps stung the man and it killed him
instantly. Now they had to move fast. He heard footsteps behind him and around
the corner. A black car pulled up in front of him blocking him as he was running.
He ran left to find more somali pirates. He looked right, he saw a small anyway but at
the end there was no where to go besides the a long fall to who knows what. He ran
taking a leap of faith.
Karl johnson aka Wasp Man was an everyday normal person. He went to work from
nine to five, five days a week. One day coming into work his bag fell into the grass
when he was walking in. It fell on a wasp. The wasp came up and stung him the arm.
Arghhh, stupid wasp He moaned. He went to work like any other day, But
throughout the day he realized that his arm hurt and he had a bad headache, he
almost threw up it hurt so bad. When he was coming out of work he though in the car.
I wish that a wasp nest would just fall in front of my car and I would run it over ,
killing all of them. On the way home he was singing his favorite song. When
Suddenly a wasp nest came crashing down in front of his car, and he ran over it.
He thought to himself What coincidence, He laughed saying Ahahah, Maybe I have
special powers or something The next day
Project Based Learning Essay
Projects based learning is designed to focus on the growth and development of the
children across the learning areas. The children are allowed to explore and
discover the subject of their choosing. They are allowed to use their cognitive skill
to discover how thing change and how they are created. Children build their motor
skills and their other skills as well. They are allowed to learn at their own pace and
using their own learningstyle. The children also learn from each other through peer
teaching, their build their language skills. One project based learning ideas is 50th
day of school. This project is designed to help children know how many days we
have been school. This would be for preschool age children that are learning how to
count. Each of the learning station would have items reflecting 50. We change the
sand and water table by placing 50 items in there... Show more content on ...
Seuss reading and math activities. We would design the rooms around some of
Dr. Seuss books and add the books to the areas. The children would be able to choose
form the books to read at their leaguer. Our main focus would be on One Fish Two
Fish and Fox in Socks. This project would also be for preschool student ages 3 4
years old. We would have the children to being in silly or different color socks and
we could place them in the manipulative area so that they could sort the socks by
size and by color. We could also place different type of fish in the sand and water
table so that the children could also sort them. In the art area we would make sure
that we have pictures that the children can color and also books that they will be able
to choose from to cut and paste different pictures of sock and fish. The dramatic play
area would be designed be like to book Fox in Socks. At the end of the project we
would allow the children to wear silly socks to school and reenact the book Fox in
Why Did People Communicate During The Shang Dynasty
1.What does China have that is the biggest in the world?
2.What are the temperatures like in the area around the Tibetan Plateau?
3.Which area of China protected them from invaders?
4.Why did people settle in Inner China rather than Outer China long ago?
5.Why were the Shang armies so powerful?
6.What were weapons made out of in the Shang dynasty?
7.What did the Shang king and his nobles do that weakened the economy?
8.Name three accomplishments of the Shang dynasty.
9.How did people communicate during the Shang dynasty?
10.List two reasons why the Zhou dynasty lasted as long as it did.
11.Put the four major dynasties we studied in order. List at least one major
accomplishment of each.
12.Describe the goal of each of the three
Comparing Levi s Essay On Democracy And Trust In
Trust is an important human connection that is inherent for connection. We have
trust from our earliest months that we are alive. However, politics is often seen as a
place where trust is carried on the winds. To quote Cesar, Et tu, Brute. In politics
having too much trust is a person or a system (such as a system with the Roman
Empire, or an authoritarian regime), will have you end up like Julius Cesar, dead
with the knives of you friends in your back. Many western nations have come a long
way from the Roman Empire, and there is both trust and distrust built into the
Trust in democracy is even more important. It is a tenant that there should be trust in
the government and trust in the people, as well as, trust in the other branches of
government. There is trust that the laws will be fulfilled. Margaret Levi s
discussion of political leaders of governments accept this underlying notion of the
rule of law and the ruled believe they have a right to be included in the system and
to be treated fairly within that system. They believe that their leaders should to be
held to that system as well. This flows Levi s discussion of the conditions necessary
for constituents to contribute to the tax contract under quasi voluntary compliance.
People have to trust the taxation scheme to be fair and that others are contributing to
it as well. They also have to trust that their leaders will uphold their end of the social
contract, and benefit in some way knowing if they get too
Last night, I attended a live performance by the team of six Maasai. They re from
Kenya and came to America to share knowledge about their traditions and style of
living. Their unique culture and traditions are still intact since ancient time.
Another biggest reason they re here is to help Kanye. The country is located in
east Africa and has 43 million people population. In some part of Kanye, there s no
water, food and other life essentials. Women s have to walk up to 25 miles to get
water. And it s not guaranteed the water their kids are drinking is clean. They bring
jewelry or crafts to self in the United Statesto help fundraise money. Kanye all of the
tribes have a unique cultural practices. This event was sponsored by the cultural affair
... Show more content on ...
They even dances with the audience which was pretty awesome. One of the dance
was the jumping dance. I looked up the name for this jumping dance which is
Aduma or Aigus. This dance is for young man to become a senior warrior and pick
their choice of wives. Two men would jump and compete for who would jump the
highest. The women also jump to impress, however last night they did not jump.
Because of their dresses they didn t jump. The singing would start off with a high
pitch and end with soft tone. Over all their performance and interaction with the
audience was worth
The Gay Liberation Movement Of Manhattan, New York
On June 28, 1969, the Gay Liberation Movement was sparked due to the Stonewall
Riot in Manhattan, New York City, ( Staff). The Stonewall was a gay
club located in New York City. It was often regulated and harassed by police
officers but one day the LGBT decided to stand up for themselves and fight back.
Although the police were legally justified in raiding the club, which was serving
liquor without a license among other violations, New York s gaycommunity had
grown weary of the police department targeting gay clubs, a majority of which had
already been closed. The crowd on the street watched quietly as Stonewall s
employees were arrested, but when three drag queens and a lesbian were forced
into the paddy wagon, the crowd began throwing bottles at the police. The officers
were forced to take shelter inside the establishment, and two policemen were slightly
injured before reinforcements arrived to disperse the mob. The protest, however,
spilled over into the neighboring streets, and order was not restored until the
deployment of New York s riot police. The raid on the Stonewall Inn lead to many
riots and created an uproar from the LGBTcommunity, (Teal).The Stonewall Riot
was followed by several days of demonstrations in New York and was the impetus for
the formation of the Gay LiberationFront as well as other gay, lesbian, and bisexual
civil rights organizations. It is also regarded by many as history s first major protest
on behalf of equal rights for
Yellow Sun Conflict
Throughout Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the narrator s
surroundings force her to evolve. The story begins with the country of Biafra
announcing their secession from Nigeria. Soon after, a civil war begins and Nigerian
soldiers advance on the narrator s home, forcing her family to evacuate. As a result,
the plot is mainly focused around the narrator adjusting to the unfamiliar feeling of
being a refugee. The narrator s personality and her interactions with those around her
dramatically change throughout the story. Due to the war between Biafra and Nigeria,
the narrator s hopeful outlook for her future gradually disintegrates and leaves her as
the despondent shell of the lively girl she once was.
In the beginning of Half ... Show more content on ...
The narrator learns to adapt to poverty and her new surroundings. When Nnamdi,
the narrator s fiance, comes back from fighting in the war, the narrator relishes the
attention he gives her. She wishes in a twisted way that the war would never end
so that [their sexual relationship] would always have this quality, like nutmeg, tart
and lasting (5).The reader can infer that her character is slightly immature and
childish. She values the addicting quality of recklessness. As the story goes on,
she begins to realize that she might never return home. However, she still
fantasizes about her old community. She remembers how strange it seemed to have
a crystal salt shaker back home. That [she d] even wasted salt (7). The narrator
slowly realizes how extravagant her life was back in Enugu. She took things for
granted back there, and now she is finally aware of the idea that she might not ever
have the luxury of salt again. Later, due to the lack of food and the creeping feeling
of helplessness, the narrator s and her mother s pent up anger unleashes itself after
they visit a priest who tells them of the suffering children who need help. Their boxed
in emotions turn into a shouting match, the narrator screaming, Why the hell did
Father Damian tell us about those dying children, anyway?
Compare And Contrast Tom Brady And Lebron James
Tom Brady and Lebron James both acheived success through hard work and
Tom brady and Lebron James were both average sports players who both failed time
and time again to make their high school sports teams.
Tom brady had a goal of becoming his high school football team s starting
quarterback, but lacked the talent to do so.
Also, Lebron James had the desire to make his high school basketball team, however,
he lacked the money to afford the bills that came with the sport of basketball.
Though they failed continously to achieve their goal, they never gave up and soon
acheived what many had perceived they couldn t do.
They gained success through hard work and their achievements, which luck had no
part in.
Tom Brady failed time
Anti Federalism Dbq Essay
Anti Federalist concerns raised during the ratification process lead to the creation of
the Bill of Rights. Without everyone on his side, Madison could not ratify the
constitution. So in order to gain support from the Anti Federalists he promised them
that he would enact a Bill of Rights that would eventually give them their freedom.
Anti Federalists, thought that the Constitution sided for power more than liberty and
they opposed its ratification. Most support for Anti Federalism was found in rural
areas that were populated by poor farmers who sought economic alleviation in the
1780 s. These people anticipated that the new government would be dominated by
merchants and others hostile to the concerns of average Americans. They thought that
A League Of Their Own Narrative Analysis
This section employs narrative analysis to the story A League of Their Own in
order to highlight the moral of the film that women have a choice over their future
and do not have to be stay at home mothers. Once again, a story needs a plot with a
beginning, middle, and end (Sellnow, 2014, p. 60). Dottie and Kit s story begins in
the small farm town where they work at the dairy and play ball for fun. During a
game, a recruiter takes notice of Dottie, then from there, Dottie and Kit s baseball
career takes off. Their upward progression proves that anything is possible. Tensions
run high between sisters Dottie and Kit. Kit hates how good Dottie is at baseball and
does not believe that Dottie wants to even be on the team. All the while, Dottie does
not understand Kit s frustration. Dottie tells Mr. Lowenstein she is leaving if she is
not put on another team. Instead, Kit gets put on another team.
The climax of the story is reached, Dottie and Kit have a critical conversation where
they share their true feelings with one another. It is at this moment that Dottie
realizes she really does not know why she is still in the league. In relevance to the
moral, Kit is expressive about her love for baseball, while Dottie seems to detach
herself. She knows that when her husband comes back from the Army, she must go
back to him because, sticking to the bandwagon, Dottie believes she should remain a
housewife. Meanwhile, Kit does trust this outlook on life and she accepts the view
that she can choose a different course for her life. During this confrontation, the
audience is able to see the split of ideals of what one s life should reflect. They can
see that Dottie is stuck in the mindset of staying home and raising children, while Kit
is up to date with modern society by understanding that there is so much more to her
life than what society says she should be.
In examination of the text, one of the first steps is to describe the setting (Sellnow,
2014, p. 55). The story takes place in a small farm town in Oregon where no one
really makes anything of themselves. Dottie and Kit leave this setting to demonstrate
that taking chances and following one s dreams can make their life great. Dottie and
Kit go against the norm of
Macbeth and Lady Macbeths Character
The play Macbeth was believed by scholars to have been written by William
Shakespeare sometime between 1603 and 1606. Shakespeare s date of birth is
unknown but he was baptised on 26th April 1564 and died on 23rd April 1616,
aged 52. He was an English poet and playwright with 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long
narrative poems, and several other poems which all consist of his surviving works.
His plays have been translated into every major language and are performed more
than any other playwrights around the world. Shakespeare was born and raised in
Stratford upon Avonand married Anne Hathawayat the age of 18. They had three
children and between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as a
writer and actor. Many speculations... Show more content on ...
He also realises how good Duncan has been to him and decides against the awful
plan. Lady Macbeth then enters to change his mind. When she hears Macbeth is
against the murder she is outraged and calls him a coward. She then emasculates
him by questioning his manhood, telling him When you durst do it, then you were
a man and questions him about his mental state considering him to be
metaphorically hung over. In the time that the play is set, Lady Macbeth talking to
Macbeth in the way she is would have been quite shocking because men were
considered very superior over women and it would have been very disrespectful.
Macbeth asks Lady Macbeth about the possibility of failure and she replies But
screw you courage to the sticking place and we ll not fail . Lady Macbeth is
evidently the main driving factor for the murder of Duncan so far in the play and
we can see Macbeth is reluctant to carry out the task. Lady Macbeth uses some
very powerful imagery in the scene when confronting Macbeth that may shock the
audience. She almost convinces Macbeth that she is fully behind the plan by
talking about brutally killing her baby if that were the case. She says Have pluck
d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash d the brains out, had i sworn as you
have done this. The reasons for Lady Macbeths cruel nature is unclear though we
are told I have given suck by Lady Macbeth but are not informed any more of this
baby so it is possible that we are
Low Battery Short Story
Low battery. Exactly the two words I didn t want to see right now. Totally not the
way I wanted to start this day off. I decided to try to shrug it off and get out of bed
and get ready for school. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair like
usual. As I was walking out of the bathroom, I noticed something strange. The house
was quiet; it was like no one was there.Standing there confused as ever, I decidedto
investigate. I checked the living room and no one was there, it was vacant. Well that
s odd. I thought to myself. Where d everyone go? I checked the whole house and
nothing. No one. Not a single other living being besides myself. I turned my head
and checked the clock; I noticed something very odd. I thought I had heard... Show
more content on ...
Watching me from afar. Who could be there? Behind me? The suspense was quickly
building up and so was my fear. The fear to turn around and face whatever it is
behind me. I only continued to get more and more filled with freight and the bad
possibilities. I just couldn t imagine the terror that awaited me once I turned around.
My curiosity begged me to turn around and see what it was. If I m going to die, I
might as well see the killer. I built up the courage to turn around. I slowly turned
around, and my heart completely stopped. The only thing I seen before getting
impaled was a mask. After that, everything went black. I can t believe my life is
already coming to an end. Why now? Why here? Why me? I can t just die now. I
haven t lived very long at all. I grabbed the weapon that impaled me and clenched my
grip as hard as I could and jabbed as hard and fast as I could at the killer. I tried my
best to defend myself and end this killers terror. I felt like the end was near. The
killer was dead or was dying; they weren t gonna bother me anymore, that s all I
knew. They were motionless on the floor. I quickly called 911 and tried my best to
save myself. After I made the call everything went
The Thematic Elements Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet
Nobility or shame
The thematic elements found throughout many of William Shakespeare s plays are
numerous. Such themes further develop the plot of the story and help explain a
universal purpose the story has. Imagination seeps through every crevice in the reader
s mind as to what a theme can be alluding to. Throughout many of Shakespeare s
written works, it can be noted that death, in particular suicide, is a relevant and
ongoing theme that Shakespeare gives way to. A prime example is that of the well
known tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare does not stop at the tragedy of the
star crossed lovers, but further goes on to write several more tragedies that deal with
suicide such as: Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Othello, and Hamlet. The ... Show more
content on ...
During the rise of the Renaissance era, the motto death before dishonor was
implanted in many courtly ideals. Many chose to die than to have dishonor upon
their name. It would be a burden that they would live with for the rest of their lives if
their name was put to shame. Suicide was given the bad shoulder during this time,
but many writers shined a light on it that further enhanced a work of literature.
Shakespeare was one of the many writers that shined a light within the theme of
suicide. Suicide in his works further enhanced the development of the story. This is
because suicide is a recurring theme that gives way to understand the cultural impact
that comes with being a mortal. Shakespeare opens the window to this developing
theme that is shunned upon by society. In order to understand why suicide is a key
theme that further develops a story, one has to understand the social repercussions
that suicide holds during that time. In Shakespeare s Hamlet it can be noted that even
though Hamlet did not go through with contemplated suicide, he still thought about
whether he should go through the difficulties of life and keep on suffering. For
instance, Shakespeare writes and by opposing end them (page.127, line 68). By
opposing the Christian moral views, he knows and values, Hamlet knows that
suicide will end all his troubles and he will be at peace. Hamlet decides not to
partake in such action. This further

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Democracy Essay. Democracy and Development - Free Essay Example

  • 1. Democracy Essay Writing an essay on the topic of democracy can be both challenging and rewarding. Democracy is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses political, social, and cultural dimensions. Crafting an essay on democracy requires a deep understanding of its historical development, theoretical foundations, and practical implementations across various societies. One of the difficulties lies in presenting a comprehensive overview of democracy while maintaining focus and coherence in the essay. It's essential to delve into the origins of democratic principles, explore different forms of democracy, and analyze the challenges and controversies associated with its implementation in diverse contexts. Moreover, discussing the contemporary relevance of democracy involves addressing current events, political debates, and global perspectives. Keeping the essay up-to-date with the latest developments in the political landscape adds an additional layer of complexity. Balancing a nuanced exploration of democratic ideals with a critical analysis of their limitations is another challenge. Acknowledging the complexities and contradictions within democratic systems requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Additionally, addressing potential criticisms and alternative viewpoints adds depth to the essay but also demands a thorough examination of opposing arguments. The research process can be time-consuming as well. To create a well-informed essay, one must sift through a vast array of academic articles, historical documents, and political analyses. This necessitates a keen ability to synthesize information and present it coherently in the essay. Despite these challenges, writing an essay on democracy provides an opportunity for intellectual growth and critical thinking. It encourages the writer to engage with fundamental political concepts, grapple with real-world complexities, and contribute to the ongoing discourse on democratic governance. In conclusion, crafting a comprehensive and insightful essay on democracy demands a blend of historical awareness, analytical skills, and a keen understanding of contemporary political dynamics. It is an intellectually stimulating but challenging endeavor that requires dedication, research, and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded perspective. For those seeking assistance with essays or academic writing on various topics, including democracy, professional services such as can provide valuable support. These services offer a range of writing solutions and can be a resource for students and individuals looking to enhance the quality of their academic work. Democracy Essay Democracy Essay
  • 2. Intercultural Mediation in a Postmodern World This presentation will focus on mediation and the very notion of intercultural mediator in a postmodern world. Mediation is the process of intercultural transformation for all parties involved and also a learning resource in newly constructed spaces of social interactions. Mediation refers to an intercultural spatiality (the socially produced space (Lefebvre 1991), which is not static but constitutive of social relations (Rick, 1997). Here it is useful to adopt Lefebvre s unitary theory of space (1991), which brings together all its elements, namely i) the physical (real/material) or perceived space, ii) the mental (imagined/conceptual) or conceived space and iii) the social or lived space (Rick, 1997, pp. 10 12). The social or lived space... Show more content on ... Mediators are transformative learners who in fact maintain a multiple foci or perspective of both their required skills as well as in the mediation process itself. They engage in a journey of personal and cultural transformation in which they feel they belong maintaining at the same time their professional impartiality. The intercultural mediator s skills, sensitivity, awareness (of self and others) and patience will be summoned to the forefront of this whirling space of conflicting behaviors, substantive jousting, contesting statements and adversarial accusations (Townsend, 2002). Jon Townsend (2002) described the following five intercultural principles and mediation practices, which create an operational interecultural space of mutual understanding, empathy and collaborative ethos using culturally appropriate behaviors. These principles are: 1.Flexibility; namely the mental elasticity that allows mediators to be a part of and yet apart from the cultural milieu into which they have entered . Attributes associated with this principle are wonder, awe or creativity. 2.Tolerance, namely the ability to resist the effects of prejudice in regards to the views, beliefs and practices of others. Transparency, empathetic understanding and ethnorelative valuing are some of the attributes associated with this principle. 3.Hope, namely the ability to act as a positive role model providing pathways for the
  • 3. Spanish Bullfighting Research Paper If you are traveling, particularly in Spain s southern region of Andalusia, there are few places that you can t find a bullring within a short drive. The Spaniards have long been fascinated with the contest between the brave matador and the mad beast. Every week during bullfighting season that lasts from March to October, thousands of Spaniards watch a corrida de toros, bullfight. In fact, the first bullfight is traced back to 711 A.D. when the sport was viewed in honor of the crowning of King Alfonso VIII. At that time, nobles on horseback participated in the sport. However, all of that was changed when King Felipe V ended this trend because he didn t think it was right for men of such nobility to take part in violent contests. After that, the commoners took it over as their game. Since they didn t have horses, they changed the game from horseback to foot. There has been some return to riding on horseback in bullfighting, but primarily the participants are on foot. While there has been and continues to be some limited opposition to bullfighting, it has found its place as an important part of Spanish history and culture. In fact, bullfighting in Spainis as widespread as baseball in... Show more content on ... After a parade, the bull enters the ring and the matador tests the bull with capes and banderilleros. Through the use of a series of passes with capes, the matador learns a great deal about how the bull will charge and also his level of fierceness. Next, the matador uses the banderilleros, which are harpoon pointed colorful sticks that he jabs into the bull s back. Then two picadores who are bullfighters on horseback enter the ring armed with a vara. The horses the picadores ride are heavily padded and blindfolded. The vara used by the picadores is a long lance that is used to attack the muscle on the bull s neck. In this phase, with the blood loss, the bull s charge is lessoned and his actions become more
  • 4. History Of The Siberian Husky Siberian Husky, breed of working dog, which originated many centuries ago in that part of northeastern Siberia inhabited by a people known as the Chukchi. The breed is used in Siberia as a sled dog, watchdog, and pet. In the first decade of the 20th century it was imported into Alaska, where it has since been used as a sled dog and particularly in the sport of sled team racing; most of the present day records of this sport in Canada and the U.S. were set by teams of Siberian huskies or by teams led by dogs of this breed. The Siberian husky is a medium size dog. The male is 53 to 60 cm (21 to 23.5 in) high at the shoulders and weighs 20 to 27 kg (45 to 60 lb); the female is 51 to 56 cm (20 to 22 in) high and weighs 16 to 23 kg (35 to 50 lb).
  • 5. Poverty and the Prevalence of Heart Disease Poverty and the Prevalence of Heart Disease Throughout the history of the United States, two things have always afflicted this great nation: inequality and disease. They have always had an effect on each other, as diseases have affected those from lower classes differently from those from upper classes. In our modern U.S. society, we face a specific disease, heart disease, which is now the leading cause of death in the United States and is part of a complex system of social problems (Center for Disease Control). The main social problem is the higher prevalence of heart disease among the poor than the non poor. This social problem has lead me to the following research question: in the United States, how is poverty associated with the prevalence of heart disease? To answer this question I will define heart disease, why it is an issue needing our attention, and whom it specifically affects. I will then delve into the many social mechanisms that facilitate this trend and show how they all work together to create an environment in which the poor are more likely to deal with heart disease than the non poor. The mechanisms involved are individual and institutional, meaning that they operate and would have to be addressed at either the individual or institutional level. The individual focused mechanisms include smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, factors from early in life, and mental factors. The institution focused ones include quality of healthcare and lack of access to
  • 6. There Are No Children Here Essay examples Alex Kotlowitz s book, There are No Children Here, is a story about two boys, Pharaoh and Lafeyette Rivers growing in the late 1980 s in Henry Horner, a housing project in Chicago. The boys try to retain their youth while they see constant gang violence, death of close friends, their brother in jail and their dad struggling with a drug addiction. In Horner, there are two gangsthat claim it as their turf, and the Rivers family is constantly ducking from shots of gunfire there. They live in an overcrowded apartment with leaky facets, heating problems and animal carcasses in the basement. The boys mother, LaJoe, tries to keep them away from gangs and violence since her eldest children fell to the harsh reality of the neighborhood.... Show more content on ... According to this theory, external forces can influence the development of emotions. A child can mature a lot quicker when they are placed in an environment where they have to take care of themselves to survive. When tragedy struck, Pharaoh didn t want to know. He continued to tell his mother he was too young to comprehend it all, as if he were trying to prolong his childhood (Kotlowitz 216). Both boys did recognized at an early age that death occurs frequently in their neighborhood. They had several friends die and they were reminded of this every time gunfire went off outside the apartment. Pharaoh tried to maintain his childhood the best he could and excelled in school as a coping mechanism. Lafeyette, at thirteen, acted as a parent to fill his mother s role when she was out. The government makes one of the biggest contributions to the welfare of the family by providing financial safety. The problem is that the government fails to show any concern for these families unless it is brought to their attention, and even then nothing is changed. The lack of interest by the housing authorities leads to the neglect of Horner for over fifteen years. The rotting carcasses explained the putrid odor rising from the Riverses toilet. It wasn t aborted fetuses, as LaJoe had though. It was dead animals, the stench of rotting flesh
  • 7. Intangibility Case Analysis Of The American Express Company Case Summary: This week s case discusses gratifying millions and millions of consumers worldwide along with the customer service adversities comprised meanwhile as annual profits surpass $40 billion along with business operations amounting to 900 billion. The American Express Company is an American multinational financial services. The corporation is headquartered within the Three World Financial Center in New York City. The company employs over 65,000 nationwide. For 167 years, American Express has managed to remain operational. Although, the firm become famous for its business with credit cards in the 1950 s. Throughout its years, the company have broaden its amenities not only to business personnel, but to include small businesses partners and corporate employees. American Express works diligently creating new avenues to reach consumers. Lately, the company has increased their social media noise surrounding Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. Lastly, the corporation s advertising produces many promotional opportunities as other competitors are competing for consumers to become their cardholders daily. Key Marketing Issues Intangibility This simple attribute sates that a service is nor physical and cannot be observed by any of the physical senses. The problems Intangibility potentially causes are as followed: The inability to protect the business through patents, the impossibility of the store, pricing complications, and the incompetence to exhibit
  • 8. Character Analysis Of Moby Dick Many have the desire to control the uncontrollable, or change the unchangeable. This idea is shared through many novels and movies; one of those being Herman Melville s Moby Dick a narrated voyage of a whaling ship, the Pequod, and its captain, Ahab, whose one desire was to kill the great Sperm Whale, Moby Dick. As his whaling journey continued, still unsuccessful, Ahab s character began to change. Many adjectives could be used to describe Ahab s changing character, but three specific ones are as follows: obsessive, conceited, and manipulative. Ahab s one desire changes him from an obedient captain to a madman. While Ahab was still the obedient captain he once was, he was one of the most successful and higher rewarding captains. Unexpectedly, in the midst of a whaling, Ahab and his crew encountered the whale he now refers to as Moby Dick or the white whale. The crew initiated in capturing the whale, but this whale was different. Rather than capturing the whale, the whale captured Ahab and though Ahab escaped, he did not escape entirely. Moby Dick had dismembered and consumed half of one of Ahab s legs. Ever since this incident, Ahab s one and only desire or, as stated in the text, ...his one unsleeping, ever pacing thought has been to kill Moby Dick; which soon turns him obsessive (Melville). Ahab would not let anyone or anything stop him from achieving his goal, ... I ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round
  • 9. Reflection About Pirates Olivia. Gracie, Rylie, Faith, Myra, and I were in Social Studies watching a documentary. The documentary was about pirates and their ships. The video was showing a battle between another enemy s ship. How the cannons fired and damaged the ship, was fascinating me. We re under attack! Gracie one of my crew members yelled, looking up from the telescope. Get your cannons ready! I shouted from the deck, to my crew. Olivia and Faith followed direct orders, while Rylie and Myra got weapons such as swords, pistols, and shields. Everyone readied their weapons and lit the cannons. Ready...Set...Fire! Olivia yelled from the crow s nest. The cannons fired with a loud BOOM! The cannons made a big hole in the ship across from us, which didn t settle well with the other ships. They came at us in anger, with weapons swinging back and forth as they try to hit us. Why are so many ships after us? Faith asked. Ya that s a good question. Myra added. They turned toward me as we were fighting the pirate crew, Captain, is there anything you want to tell us? Rylie asked suspiciously. Well, I may have stole the king s treasure and my guess is that he hired pirates to retrieve the treasure. I said in a bored tone and just shrugged it off. Olivia!....Olivia!....Olivia! My friends had been yelling my name for a while now. What? I asked but all they did was point at the clock. My eyes widened in astonishment when I saw we were 5 minutes late. Well, what are we waiting for, we got to
  • 10. The Between Cressida And Troilus And Cressida Essay PANDARUS [...] Have you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is not birth, beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning, gentleness, virtue, youth, liberality, and so forth the spice and salt that seasons a man? CRESSIDA Ay, a minced man... (1.2.231 236) This conversation between Cressida and Pandarus demonstrates the representation of masculinity in both Coriolanus and Troilus and Cressida. Each of them is concerned with ideas of honour and military prowess in relation to the male identity, drawing on the masculine ideals of Roman antiquity a prominent notion during the early modern period as is evident in Pandarus notions of what a man is . Shakespeare does not, however, endorse these notions in the plays; his handling of the subject is reminiscent more of Cressida s response in this passage, suggesting that the same qualities which make a man can also effeminize him. This essay will examine how this paradoxical nature of manhood and its arbitrary relations to honour and women are exposed in the plays. In the world of Coriolanus, violent and aggressive masculinity is set on a pedestal by the people of Rome. This is evident in Volumnia s attitude towards raising children applauding wounds Coriolanus has received in battle and even going as far as saying that The breasts of Hecuba, When she did suckle Hector, looked not lovelier Than Hector s forehead when it spit forth blood At Grecian sword, contemning. (1.3.37 40) Intimacy has no place in this violently
  • 11. Robbin Case Study Essay Case Study #2 Lenny Issues: The issues presented in this case study involves Sara Olson, who is a veteran teacher, Lenny, a kindergarten student with characteristics of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Peggy, who is Lenny s mother, and Jessica, who is a classmate of Lenny. The incident originated with Lenny who bit Jessica on her arm during recess hours at the gym. Some of the factors that contributed to this situation were the recess inside the gym due to weather conditions, Lenny s characteristics of ADHD not being properly diagnosed, not giving proper assistance to Lenny, and not having a well supervised setting during recess. When the misadventure occurred, Sara was unprepared to deal with the complexity... Show more content on ... According to the text, Lenny was a hyperactive student whose actions were triggered by loud noises, bright lights, and games. After examining Lenny, I would implement different strategies and accommodations to decrease his hyperactivity. Acknowledging the hyperactivity of the student, I would ask for assistance to provide individual support to Lenny until his behaviors are well controlled. During difficult circumstances, due to weather condition when students spend their recess inside the gym, I would allow Lenny to walk around with supervision rather than forcing him to stay still within his group because many of the factors mentioned that trigger his behavior are exposed in that area. When reporting the incident to Lenny s parents, I would have considered to properly introduce myself, state the positive actions Lenny has made throughout that period of time, ask parents if they had seen similar behavior at home, and then explain the incident. Knowledge: The information that would have been beneficial to Sara includes, having communication with various teacher and support staff and analyzing and assessing the ABC s of Lenny s behavior. Also, taking in consideration the cultural background of the student may have allowed Sara to take a different approach when contacting parents avoiding misunderstandings.
  • 12. American Sniper Film Essay American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood immediately places the audience in the middle of the war in Iraq. We see Chris Kyle on a rooftop looking through the scope of his sniper. As he lays there, Chris notices two suspicious people approaching a group of American soldiers. He quickly realises they are in possession of a grenade which makes him instinctively aim his rifle towards them and place his finger on the trigger. We transition to a point during Chris childhood where he is hunting with his father. This scene uses multiple film techniques which work together to help express specific and important messages . These include non diegetic sound and cross cutting as well as dialogue and mise en scene. We as the audience are introduced... Show more content on ... Non diegetic sound and cross cutting are implemented in this sequence to build tension as well as preparing the audience for the inevitable climax. We see the action from three different perspectives through the use of cross cutting. These scenes consist of the perspective of the child and mother as they stand in front of an approaching tank, a close up shot of Chris aiming his rifle and a perspective shot of the scope on Chris s rifle to show Chris point of view. As the scene builds to its climax, additional shots are added. This includes a shot of Chris placing his finger on the trigger of the rifle as he prepares to fire, which is followed up by a tracking shot of the child running towards the tank with the grenade in his hand. Non diegetic sound compliments the use of cross cutting in this scene to enhance the sense of tension for not only Chris, but for the audience as well. As Chris begins to concentrate on his target, the diegetic sound of war playing in the background deadens, and is replaced with specific noises that sound familiar noises that can be heard in war. What makes these
  • 13. Interview With Men In Non-Traditional Roles Essay Men In Non Traditional Roles This paper takes a look into the lives of three males breaking out of their gender stereotyped roles in society. These males avoid the boundaries traditional thinking has tried to impose on them and embark on their own as what they like to call quot;pioneers in the men s equality movement. quot; Introduction: The Men First off, this paper will introduce the three quot;pioneers quot;; changing only their names for the sake of privacy per request. Subject 1 Arnold, is a househusband of four years. He is raising 2 children, is responsible for housework and care giving, as well as maintaining the overall balance of the ... Show more content on ... Dale states that quot;teaching little boys to want to grow up to be masters of the universe is a wrong and unattainable goal setting them up for failure and by encouraging gender neutral behavior it will allow them a better pace to interact within society. quot; Another interesting detail about Dale s life is that his girlfriend is a construction worker, another person in a non traditional role. Subject 3 The last subject, Howie, has dealt with the most adversity in achieving his goals of working with children. He currently is in college to become a child therapist and considers his involvement now as quot;an aid in future work quot;. However, finding a job was of great difficulty for him. He revealed that many places were quick to turn away males who wanted to be around young children; the mentality behind that he says was quot;They are all afraid that there will be pedophilia involved as it is not the norm for young males to want to be around young children. quot; This is a harsh reminder of where society is today. Someone devoted to children, their well being, and over all growth process has to be rejected because of the stereotyped bias inflicted into the back of everyone s subconscious. Bias And Role Ignorance All three of these men have faced unnecessary ignorance from those around them. So many people in society both women and men are quick to
  • 14. The Role Of Textile In Early Civilization 2. In early civilization, it was normal for those who hunted to use the skins of animals as a covering. As people began depending more upon agriculture, this changed. Textiles were a needed product. Women spun the yarn by using a distaff and spindle. She held the distaff which was a long rod that held the loose fibers, along with the spindle, a little rod that revolved as she let it fall. This way of spinning, twisted the yarnas it was wound. Women had simplified this process to allow them to accomplish other tasks at the same time they spun the yarn. Once the yarn was spun, both men and women would help weave the cloth for clothing. Many peoples in early civilizations used the fleece of sheep and goats. Many raised their sheep especially
  • 15. Vigil In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter A vigil is a period when one is awake when usually sleeping. The minister Dimmesdale is out of his house and has decided to go to the scaffold where he should have stood seven years ago. There he yells out and laughs and after nearly being caught by Wilson and the governor, he is met there surprisingly by Hester and pearl. In this vigil Pearl asks him to stand with them, which he refuses. Then a symbol, from a meteorite, is seen in the sky and to the minister it looks like the letter A, which upon seeing the symbol he notices Roger, who is terrifying him with his grin. After the ministers vigil he gives a sermon, which was one of his best, and is returned a glove to him from, the scaffold, as well as asked if he saw the A in the sky,
  • 16. Good Will Hunting Social Trap Good Will Hunting is a movie about a man named Will Hunting who seems to be a normal man but really has an extraordinary gift. It is discovered early on that Will has the ability to solve math problems that even the most brilliant people cannot solve. However, even with all of this talent he covers it up by pretending to be average and getting himself in trouble with the law. But he can not help but using his gift because in secret he begins solving impossible problems at the college he is a janitor at. Once a professor finds this out, he is determined to find him and figure out why he is not using his full potential. To achieve this the professor becomes Will s probation officer and assigns him a therapist to figure out the problem.... Show more content on ... Sean used the technique of active listening to listen to what Will said and madesure Will understood that he heard him. Since many people in Will s life did not understand the real him or completely understand what he was going through. But Sean was the first one to see where he was coming from and what he really needed. Which was not a different job but for someone to hear him and tell him everything was not his fault. Since he blamed what happened to him when he was younger on himself instead of his foster dad, whose fault it really was. But by having Sean there to make him see the light, that it was not his fault allowed him to move on with his life. Sean on the other hand was shown through Will that it was not good to swell on things from the past but instead to move on. For Sean that was traveling so he could find himself again and stop grieving over his wife because it had been several years since she died. By making the decision to leave his job and begin again, Sean saw what he had been preaching but not living, so he made a change and as a result started
  • 17. Bidayuh Essay Bidayuh, also classified as Dayak people. The word Bidayuh of the local group in Sarawak actually was came from Dayak language. In addition, Bidayuh is a word that brought out the meaning inhabitants of land. Inhabitants of land have the meaning that the Bidayuh is the permanent resident of Sarawak. Bidayuh is the second biggest ethnic group in Sarawak after Iban. Bidayuh are the local group of Sarawak that the vast majority of them live outside the city of Kuching. Originally, West Borneois the place that the Bidayuh came from and West Borneo is a place such as Bau, Serian, and Kuching. The Bidayuh usually live in area around Greater Kuching in the present. The examples of Greater Kuching are Siburan, Lundu, Padawan, Bau, and Serian. ... Show more content on ... The first instrument is Kiromboi or Krommoi. They are made from two giant snail shells that attached to the ends of a split bamboo stick to slightly touch each other. There is a small stick is passed quickly between the snail shells to produce a sound that almost similar to the frogs. Kiromboi is used to summon rain when planting rice paddies, also to call frogs after large rainfall. Kiromboi still can be found in the longhouse even is not using anymore. 5) Language Language is a words and symbols that use to communicate with others. Language is also includes body language, slang, and common phrases are unique to certain groups of people. Language can also teach the children about their culture, shaking hands, gestures, significance of the flag and others symbols. Bidayuh is one of the several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak, Malaysia . Bidayuh in Sarawak there are generally speak in this three main language which is Biatah, Bau jagoi and Bukar Sadong. Bidayuh formerly known as Land Dayak , which literally means the people of the hinterland . Bidayuh language the sound is quite similar like Malay. Here is the few examples: English Melayu Bidayuh
  • 18. The Effect Of Heart Rate On Exercise The Effect of Heart Rate on Exercise By: Danielle Dufault Biology 122 October 10, 2016 Lab Partners: Carlie Tammaro, Emily Guay, James Dawli Introduction The effects of heart rate on differing durations of exercise were studied in this experiment. For people, heart rate tends to increase as they perform physical exercises. The amount of beats per minute gradually increases as people perform physical activities. Heart rates taken before exercise are relatively low, and heart rates taken one minute after exercise increase significantly. Heart rates slowly begin to decrease after they are taken two minutes and three minutes after performing the step test, which is to be expected. The rates of intensity throughout exercise relates with changes in heart rate throughout the step test performed in the experiment (Karvonen 2012). The age of the participants affected the experiment, since the heart rate during physical exercise, in this case the step test, is affected by age (Tulppo 1998). The heart rates of participants was tested before the step test, one minute, two minutes, and three minutes after the step test was performed in this experiment. Since heart rate increases while someone is performing physical activity, it was expected that heart rates of the students would be higher than before the step
  • 19. Ffa Research Paper Topics You are the most important thing this world has to offer. You make sure we don t go hungry and we have clothes on our backs. You provide jobs for people across the world. You provide so much and yet ask for so little in return. According to the American Farm Bureau, In America, farmers and ranchers are 2.2% of the population (Social). A small number with a big impact. To me though, you are so much more than cows, sows and plows. You are blue corduroy jackets, tan and white show clothes, and basically a baseline for everything I and many agriculturist stand for. There are a lot different people and organizations that advocate for you and the American FarmBureau (AFBF), is one of the largest. The mission they state is, AFBF is the unified... Show more content on ... Let s let that number soak in. That is a lot of people, but why am I writing to you about it? That is how many high school students practically meet in your honor every year. The National FFA Convention is held in October for the past one hundred years. It started off with two hundred and seventeen people. I know you re probably asking, how this relates to me, just hang in there. At this convention, FFA members do Career Development Events, which are based around agriculture careers. Also FFA members go to a huge Expo that has everything to tractors to dog grooming. Last, we get rewarded for our work in agriculture, these are known as Proficiency Awards. I got so much out of this this organization, I was the president of my chapter, National Finalist for the Small Animal Care Proficiency, and was able to compete at the National level in AgSales CDE. If it wasn t for you I would never have these opportunities. Every time I think about a memory in high school, it was based round the blue jackets that honored you. You are the god of the National FFA Organization. There is so much to this convention and organization. These students are the future of your well being. If it wasn t for you, we would not know how to take care of you, provide for others and wear really awesome blue corduroy jackets. Speaking on behalf all FFA member, we love and appreciate
  • 20. Injustice In Angola Prison In Angola prison on death row waiting to be executed was an innocent man convicted of murdering twenty cult members. As he waited out the final hours of his life, he furiously scribbled away on the wall with a sharpened toothbrush. I leave this message here so the few that read it know that I was innocent of all the crimes I have been convicted of. I know that no one believes me, but I feel that there should be documentation of my side of the story somewhere. As I wait for the state to murder me I have reflected on what has happened and have come to the conclusion that I was royally screwed from the beginning. First by the incompetent legal aid lawyer, secondly by the so called witnesses of my crimes, and finally by the twelve peers who were
  • 21. Benefits And Dilemmas Of Human Twin Studies Name: Alimotu Tomiwa Sodiq Write an essay evaluating the benefits and dilemmas in the use of human twin studies to investigate the causes of variation. Twin studies are a mainstay of the nature verse nurture debate because they allow researchers to conduct natural experiments on human beings. When researchers try to determine the relative importance of genetics and environment with regard to a certain condition, they have a hard time because they cannot generally get people with the same genes. This is where twin studies come in. Twins studies are part of the method used in behaviour genetics, which includes all data that are genetically informative. E.g. siblings, adoptees, pedigree data etc. Researchers use this method to estimate the heritability of traits and to quantify the effect of a person s shared environment (family) and unique environment (the individual events that shape a life) on a trait. Basically, we have two types of twins. 1)Monozygotic twins: Monozygotic twins are also known as identical twins. These twins start their life as one egg which is fertilized by one sperm and latter splits into two eggs much earlier in the gestational period. These are very rare and have no link to heredity. But studies reveal that only one of four conceptions of twins is identical. Therefore, it seems likely that any differences between twins will have to be caused by environment rather than by genetics. 2)Dizygotic twins: Dizygotic twins are also known as fraternal
  • 22. Personal Narrative-Gender Stereotypes Well, obviously, as a teenage guy, the first thing I do on Monday morning, after I ve finished those designated duties, is head upstairs to his bedroom and find porn online. I ve never really considered sex with a man this is the conservative Midwest but I dig into the straight material with vigor. A few hours later, I ve jerked off four times, lying on his bed, scrolling through various websites, fast forwarding through each video that catches my interest, my cock lubed up thanks to a big bottle of KY from my nightstand drawer. The next morning, as soon as my parents have left for work, is more of the same. one point, after I ve come, I start scrolling through one of the gay videos. It feels weird. Wrong. Wrong but hot. Kinda hot, the thought of these men with their muscular bodies, all alone, no pussy or tits to play with just cock and ass. It is hot. And before I know it, I m wanking again, hard, and rapidly blowing another load, my first to an all male fantasy. ... Show more content on ... But that doesn t stop me, when I go back to his house that afternoon, I watch more gay porn. I ve already seen so many of the straight ones, I tell myself. I need to at least see more of what gay sex looks like, on video. Oh, I like how it looks. Oh, it s so much hotter than I ever thought. I don t know why it turns me on so much. I know I still like girls. But oh my god. Imagine: A hard cock in my mouth. A big dick up my ass. And so it comes to pass that, although I look at the straight porn too, I spend more time than I ever imagined I would that week watching hot men kiss, suck, and fuck each other. Late Thursday morning, on what will technically be my last full day enjoy this paradise of pornography, because our neighbor is due home Friday afternoon, I treat myself stripping naked, lubing up one of several butt plugs of his I found in a box in the closet, pushing it into my hole, and going to work on my cock while I watch three guys get it on
  • 23. law of contract Contracts Summary DAMAGES REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT THE INTERESTS PROTECTED Fuller and Perdue, The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages There are three principle purposes in awarding contract damages: restitution interest object is the prevention of unjust enrichment by the defaulting promisor at the expense of the promisee reliance interest object is to put the plaintiff in a good position as he was before the promise was made expectation interest object is to put the plaintiff in as good a position as he would have been had the defendant performed the promise Wertheim the ruling principle of awarding monetary damages for breach of contract is to place the plaintiff in the same position as he would have... Show more content on ... when demand exceeds supply, only nominal damages are awarded for breach of contract Loss of Chance Chaplin v. Hicks Facts: P was deprived opportunity to be interviewed; beauty contest case . 4 criteria must be met to recover damages for a lost chance: (1) Plaintiff must establish, on balance of probabilities, that but for defendant s wrongful conduct, the plaintiff had a chance to obtain a benefit or avoid a loss (on balance of probabilities) (2) Plaintiff must show that the chance lost was sufficiently real and significant to rise above mere speculation (3) Plaintiff must demonstrate that the outcome, that is, whether the plaintiff would have avoided loss or made gain depended on someone or something other than the plaintiff himself (4) Plaintiff must show that the lost chance had some practical value P was awarded proportionate damages for her loss of chance Multi Malls v. Tex Malls Facts: D s breach resulted in a 20% change of rezoning the land for valuable use awarded damages for loss of chance, because lost an opportunity to profit of 20% REMOTENESS B.C. Saw Mills Facts: P sued D, blacksmith, for unskillful repair causing his late arrival to his marriage ceremony. parties should not be held liable for damages that were not reasonably foreseeable, within the contemplation of the parties at the time the contract was made Hadley v. Baxendale Facts: P sent shaft to be repaired, but the delivery was delayed,
  • 24. Why Sports Is A Sports Complex Sports complex A sports complex is a group of sports facilities. For example, there are track and field stadiums, football stadiums, baseball stadiums, swimming pools, and gymnasiums. This area is a sports complex, for fitness. Olympic Park is a kind of Sports complex. Examples of a sports complex are as bellows IMPORTANCE and BENEFITS OF SPORTS Have you ever thought why people do sports? Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can t consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries economies. The first advantage of sports for people is that they help people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can t give up their interest at their body. I belive that now many people love themselves no matter how beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people s first aim should be healthy and fit with the benefits of sports. Due to this fact that... Show more content on ... Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can t consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries
  • 25. Tapinambas In South American Religion Immediately upon the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese onto South American shores, Christian missionaries sought to convert the native populations and initiated a spiritual conquest of the locals. However, local customs such as cannibalism constituted a major hurdle to the natives conversion to Christianity. Multiple European authors explore their cannibalistic culture, such as Jean de LГ©ry in Histoire d un voyage en terre de BrГ©sil, Hans Staden in True Story and Description of a Country of Wild, Naked, Grim, Man eating People in the New World, America, and Michel de Montaigne in Essais. However, when faced with social practices so drastically different from those of the Europeans, Montaigne analyses the Tupinambas ethnographically through... Show more content on ... Montaigne believes that the Amerindians are inherently savage, and anthropologically, they live in a differently constructed civilization than that of the Europeans: In plain truth, these men are very savage in comparison of us; of necessity, they must either be absolutely so or else we are savages; for there is a vast difference betwixt their manners and ours (Montaigne, 9). Hence, Montaigne is aware of the inherent differences between these two cultures, and how the Tupis divergent culture can cause other cultures to view them as barbaric. Contrarily, Staden cannot envision there being a cultural rationale for the Tupis actions, therefore he seeks divine government numerous times when the Tupinambas threatened to eat him: I begged him therefore for God s sake, that he would tell them not to eat me (Staden, 68). Therefore Staden finds divine solace to protect him from the Tupis savage behavior and justify their irrational
  • 26. Persuasive Essay On Tiny House The elaboration on how much money living in a Tiny house saves on utilities, is dampened by the fact that municipal utilities like water, waste, electricity, and trash are not made available to illegal housing, so you will be required to find a way of living off the grid. Tiny home dreamers may be less enthusiastic after actually living in one. Hauling water in, wastes out, and scrimping on electrical appliances or going without because small solar arrays are underpowered (Wyatt 40). Even the task of getting your mail can be more difficult, if you are living off the grid you will have to set up a post office box.The claim that you can save money because you only need to buy a small plot of land, seems logical, but in many cases you see Tiny Houses having to be put on large plots of land, in order to remain out of sight, so they can fly under the radar of local code enforcement agencies. The continued claim by Tiny house advocates, that you will save money on taxes is not false, but if a Tiny house is kept on land where Zoning codes prohibit it being there, then it has not been properly assessed, and the proper tax is not being charged. If a Zoning violation is noted, additional cost may be incurred through back taxes and fines. Some Tiny Houses are built by professionals, but they are predominantly built by unlicensed enthusiasts, as you can imagine there is going to be drastic variances in quality. Bundle that with the ability of some Tiny Houses to be relocated to what
  • 27. Election Methods In The South Robert Smalls Summary Robert Smalls preludes his essay Election Methods in the South by stating how important the right to vote is and how it is our given right by the Constitution to be able to vote no matter perceived differences. Smalls goes into detail how the government in South Carolina is corrupt in counting the ballot and in how there is no free ballot. Elections since then have been carried by perjury and fraud two things worshipped and adored by the South Carolina Democracy. Smalls shows us two extremes polls not being open or being open but corrupt in counting for Republicans. He shows us how much the African Americanpeople and their votes are needed to make our government stronger as a whole. I believe that the rights of all the citizens of this
  • 28. Scarce Resources For Children And Families Within The... Scarce Resources in South Memphis Leads to Violence, Deaths, and Uneducated Youth My non profit organization s purpose is to provide wraparound services for children and families within the community. Opening a daycare, aftercare, and social services center, the organization desires to foster positive socioeconomic results for individuals within the City of Memphis, Tennessee. The organization will provide an assortment of youthand family services in which patrons can access year round at minimal to no cost. The organizations governance has researched and recognized a need for child care and youth development programs within the underserved and impoverished communities of Tennessee. Basing its efforts within the South Memphis area, the organization will initially determine a facility to lease from an uninterested third party. The organization hopes to acquire a facility in which will effectively house its programming and community based services. Based on need, community members can explore the organizations programming. Intake will consist of a general information form and formal introduction of the patron to the organization as per its directorship. At no cost, individuals may determine eligibility and opportunities within the youth center, the help center the organizations social service programming. After School Youth Community Center A man was beaten and robbed while driving an ice cream truck. A woman who was a pizza delivery driver was robbed and
  • 29. Biography Of Jim Maclaren And Emmanuel Yeboah People with disabilities are capable of doing the same activity as a person who is perfectly healthy. A physical deformity should never define the outlook of an individual s life. Jim MacLaren, a man who became disabled at the age of twenty two, learned to live with his disability. Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah was born disabled and became successful. Jim MacLaren and Emmanuel Yeboah won many awards and inspired change for disabled people. The two men have different disabilities, but they both have made a positive impact on the world because of their disability. Jim MacLaren was a perfectly healthy student athlete at Yale University. MacLaren was studying drama and was playing on the football team at Yale University. MacLaren was the typical college student until a tragic accident changed his life forever. On a beautiful sunny day, Jim MacLaren was taking his new motorcycle out for a joy ride (ESPY). He was riding his motorcycle through the busy streets when a New York City Transit bus turned a sharp corner and made contact with MacLaren s motorcycle (ESPY). The traumatic crash changed MacLaren from an active athlete to a disabled patient. MacLaren s left leg was amputated by medical doctors (ESPY). MacLaren quickly recovered and began his journey to change disabled people s life. He became and active athlete again by competing in triathlons (ESPY). He proved that an athlete could be disabled and still win medals. MacLaren would soon face another tragedy while he was doing the one
  • 30. How Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Affected His Life How Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Affected His Life The Cat, I remember, had been hung in a garden adjacent to the house. Is a quote from Edgar Allen Poe s story, The Black Cat. All of the stories/ poems he has written relate to his life in a lot of ways. Examples of such could be love, alcohol, and madness. To start off, love is a huge effect in Edgar Allen Poe s life. We loved with a love that was more than love is a quote from his Poem, Annabel Lee. Annabel Lee had died of tuberculosis which made Edgar very upset. Edgar would lay by her grave due to how much he had missed her. Edgar had become very depressed after losing her. He believed their love was very strong. Due to his depression and devastation, he started to drink alcohol. Furthermore, Alcohol was a devastating factor of Poe s life. One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence. Is another line from his poem, The Black Cat. The character in his story became abusive due to the alcohol, and caused much fright to the cat/ narrator. Poe had much love for the cat, but due to the... Show more content on ... I cut off the head and the arms and the legs is a line from his story the Tell Tale Heart. One example is he had wanted an eye from an old man, and so the character suffocated the man, cut up his body, and hid him under the floorboards out of anger and selfishness. His anger made him seem very abusive and very harsh. One other example is in The Black Cat, when the character was about to kill another one of his cats, his wife put her hand on the cat to stop him, and so he killed her too. He put both of their bodies inside his wall, in which the police had figured out due to hearing a cry from the cat in which was still alive. This Madness can relate to his life because he went through madness when he lost his wife and so him killing his wife was basically how it felt when he lost
  • 31. Sledding Experience Research Paper Guide To Have a Better Sledding Experience. By Jacob Ray Do you like to sled on a snowy day? In winter I think sledding is a very fun activity. This exciting endeavor involves different uses for snow for sledding, fun activities to do with friends, your family and other people and the appropriate pieces of clothing you should wear for sledding. In order to sled you need to know the uses for snow to help you have a better sledding experience. For sledding you need something to go down and that is a big and steep snowy hill with some ice on the top layer to go faster. If while you are going down a random hill that you didn t make and you go fast into a pile of snow you will go flying into the air and crashing down hard onto the ground. The ... Show more content on ... If you don t have the correct pieces you will feel very cold if fall of the sled in land face first into your big hill of snow. In sledding there s the most protective thing on your body to wear is the helmet . If you fall of your sled and hit something hard on the way down your helmet will protect your head from big accidents that could happen. In winter overall you need to wear lots of layers of clothing in winter and while sledding it is very cold outside on a winter day having fun sledding. Gloves are another helpful item to wear because if you don t wear them and it is below about 20 degrees your fingers will get very numb and cold. Your clothing you wear in winteris also another important item prior to sledding. In sledding doing activities with other people is fun in many certain ways. One thing you could do with your friends is race on your seep and snowy hill and have huge amounts of fun. Another existing activity to do with family and friends is hang out drink hot chocolate and have the time of your life. While you are racing you might bump into each other and fly of your sled. Those are 3 fun and exciting ways to have fun with your friends. Sledding is so much fun on a snowy day. Working with snow is one of the most important parts.if you have no cloths you will be frozen cold. Doing fun activities with other people is a better way to enjoy a snowy day. There is nothing more fun on a enjoyable winter
  • 32. Colonial Period Research Paper Colonial Period Essay The colonial period in the United States all started when people starting immigrating to Boston in the 1630s. With high articulation of Puritan cultural ideas, the New England colonies have been regarded as the center of early American literature. In class we only talked about a few of the writing throughout the period but in this paper, I am going to tell you about the colonial period as a whole. This writing period varied greatly in terms of quality and subject but in fact the literature in this period can be classified into just ten genres. Number one: travel writing, most often written by the explorers themselves to describe the land, indigenous peoples, and log the exploration, starting with preparations for the journey, the voyage, arrival and explorations in the territory and interactions with natives, and the return to Great Britain, if one was made. Two: historical writing; historians have written in every age since the Hebrews wrote the Old Testament; these consist of long essays or narratives and relate tell a nonfiction account of what transpired; usually written in the third person, and covering significant events of general interest. Three: religious writing, usually written by clergy in the form of journals, sermons, or commentaries on ... Show more content on ... My favorite assignment was the Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God because I got to use my artistic ability and draw about what I thought the writing was about. I liked that there was a couple of poems thrown into the mix and the uniqueness of every piece we read. The colonial period was the start of American Literature in the United States and has brought a lot of influences that we use still use today and writers and as American people. Most of the authors and works we even study in our
  • 33. The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on 10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research, Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up with his research and conclusions. Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content on ... However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial discrimination in sporting events. The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions, civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems. Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to have a
  • 34. What Sense Is Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting An Art Of... 1. In what sense is seventeenth century Dutch painting an art of describing? Focusing on two works of your choice, consider the possible relationships between artworks and contemporary forms of social behaviour and/or new knowledge. The distinctive pictorial mode of 17th Century Dutch painting can broadly be categorised as descriptive. Realism is employed in rendering scenes of everyday life through various iterations of subject matter found in the real world. Distinct from Renaissance art of the south, subject matter is predominately secular and attention to ways of rendering the world is favoured over an overt narrative. The further characterisation of the nature of Dutch painting is problematic. E. de Jongh argued that works were not secular slices of daily life but didactic in nature, imbued with symbolic iconography. Svetlana Alpers dismisses de Jonghs views as simplistic, arguing that virtuosity and mastery of naturalism were not a means to document or to make art for arts sake; but rather an intellectual exploration into ways of seeing. Vermeer s The Milkmaid painted between 1657 1658 (fig. 1) and Jan Steens The Card Players painted ca. 1660 (fig. 2) are genre paintings that when contrasted appear to differ in subject and meaning. In analysing both paintings I will identify their descriptive qualities and rationalise that the conflicting points of view of De Jhong and Alpers are neither invalid nor mutually exclusive. The realism of Dutch painting can be
  • 35. The Data Warehouse Essays A Data Warehouse is a database centric system of decision support technologies used to consolidate business data from many disparate sources for use in reporting and analysis (Data Warehouse). Data Warehouses and Data Warehouse systems are primary used to server executives, senior management, and business analysts with accurate, consolidated information from various internal and external sources to aid in the process of making complex business decisions (Data WarehouseProcess). The term Data Warehouse was first coined by Bill Inmon, who has been commonly recognized as the father of data warehousing and is the lead proponent of the normalized or sometimes referred to as the top down, approach to Data Warehouse design (Reed, M.)(Data ... Show more content on ... Kimball s approach also involves the building of business process specific data marts that collect the transactional components of the original data and form them into what are known as facts (the data that needs to be measured such as sales or purchases) and links them to well defined dimensions (the data that facts are measured against for instance, the customers that make the purchases, the employees that make the sales, and the dates those transactions occurred). This results in a logical structure commonly referred to as the star schema data mart. It derives its name from the star like appearance of a central fact table sorrowed by multiple dimension tables with each dimension table linked only to the fact table. The main advantages of the dimensional model over the normalized model are greater performance and quicker time to initial benefit. The dimensional model achieves this performance via the simplified logical structure of the star schema data mart greatly reducing response time when reacting to user requests as opposed to the spread
  • 36. The Princess In a land far away there was a queen and a king called Nicola and Dean she had just given birth to a beautiful young princess called Chloe. There kingdom was holding a carnival for the newly born Princess. Everyone had their fanciest clothes to attend the carnival. The King and Queen had gotten Chloe into her new gown and when she got outside to the carnival they were attacked by ninjas, and they took Chloe. It was later figured out that the princess had special powers and that they could be used for good or bad. The Queen went in to a massive panic and the King hid in his bedroom so he didn t have to face the outside world because he was scared that he would be taken out by ninjas as well. The ninjas had taken Chloe to a deserted ... Show more content on ... When they were all asleep she took all of their keys and went to the closed doors but when she walked in she found a room that was full of pictures about the royal family and there was stuff about all the powers that she had and how to work them but her adopted family said that they didn t know anything about them so she didn t know how to use them and at the end of the room there was a picture of her and there was the plan of what happened at the kidnapping. Chloe had made a plan to escape so when she went outside she ran off with a bag and she got to the end off the island and found a boat. She didn t know how to drive a boat but she was going to get off this pathetic island anyway. She had hated I ever since she started walking, her adopted family had given her everything that she wanted but all the time she had sent there she had never had any friends or proper family and she didn t even know if her name was Chloe anymore. When she had got into the boat into the water she tried to row it but then she found out it was a fully equipped speed boat that was regularly used but she didn t know who was using it so when she started the boat she found the ninja outfits and figured out that they were all ninjas and they still were even since the kidnapping. She absolutely infuriated with them she trusted them her whole life
  • 37. Comparing Chocolate And Stropple s Plays In the past when I have read play scripts I never looked into the creative side of them. I just read the play and decided if it was good or not based on if it caught my interest. When we first read through the four play scripts I did not look too deeply into them as I should have. When talked about more though it made me go back and read through them and I saw the difference. Each playhas creative elements and technology that makes the script more enjoyable and has more of a purpose. The play writers wrote these plays that way to get the overall message out. Each one has its own creative message that people can really enjoy. The first play that we read was Chocolate by Fredrick Stropple. Stropple wrote a play about a woman, Mrs. Colby, ... Show more content on ... Horowitz wrote a play about Adam and Eve and how they called upon God because they are bored. God then decides to play a game with them so time will go by fast for them. The technology was the curiosity of playing them. The creative elements play through when Adam and Eve start to die. Once they do die descendants of them come into their place to play the same game. When I first listened to this play I did not think it would turn out the way it did. This play actually has the most powerful message to me. I feel like the message is that everybody wants to know what is going on in Gods mind and thousands play this game every day but nobody will ever figure it out. You eventually end up dying never knowing and settle for you cannot know the mind of God. If this was Horwitz s intended message for the audience I feel like he hit that one right on the
  • 38. Essay On Terri Shiavo They were the subjects of public disputes with family members, court systems, medical professionals, the media, and society at large. Terri Schiavo, Nancy Cruzan and Karen Ann Quinlan; their names are synonymous with permanent vegetative state (PVS). The amazing technological advancements in modern medicine has been credited with keeping persons alive who in times past would have died, therefore this is remarkable for countless families. In the cases of the Quinlan s, the Cruzan s and many like them, families members find it unbearable to witness loved ones who linger indefinitely in PVS with little or no chance for recovery. There are many like Terri Schiavo s parents, who value the lives of their love ones no matter how limited their... Show more content on ... 374, para. 3). According to John Collins Harvey, a senior research scholar and professor emeritus of medicine at Georgetown University, feeding tubes should be removed from patients in PVS because there is no hope for recovery. Harvey explains that the cerebral cortex the area of the brain that controls conscious thought, language, and sensory perception has been irreparably damaged by a lack of oxygen (Harvey, 2004). However, recent studies on DOC have revealed the difficulty of diagnosing PVS, especially because a few PVS patients recovered consciousness and demonstrated awareness as a result of drug therapies and functional imaging studies (Fisher Appelbaum, 2010). Obviously, these patients were not in PVS, an irreversible condition. The awakening of persons after the administration of specific medications brings attention to the possibility that VS is often over diagnosed (Sara Pistoia, 2010). The differential diagnosis of disorders of consciousness is challenging. The rate of misdiagnosis is approximately 40%, and new methods are required to complement bedside testing, particularly if the patient s capacity to show behavioral signs of awareness is diminished (Monti, Vanhaudenhuyse, Coleman, Boly, 2010, para. 1). The Issue of Death The definition of death is another issue paramount to this discussion. Robert Rakestraw, professor of theology at Bethel Theological Seminary in his article on this very subject
  • 39. Survival in solitude Essays Survival in solitude After being stranded on an uninhabited island, Robinson Crusoe manages to discover his natural abilities that serve as indicators of his true character. At first glance the common adage, Necessity is the mother of all inventions, appears to account for the character of Robinson Crusoe; however, further analysis suggests that the intelligence, industriousness, and optimism are inherent to Crusoe s personality. Sir Francis Baconso aptly stated, Prosperity doth best discovervice; but adversity doth best discover virtue. From the moment that Crusoe was stranded on the island until the day he was rescued he exhibits these qualities. Crusoe s innate intelligence serves him well throughout his solitary life on ... Show more content on ... As he puts it in his journal: I had never handled a tool in my life, and yet in time, by labor, application, and contrivance, I found at last that I wanted nothing but I could have made it, especially if I had tools...(488) Through his narration it is evident that this inherent intelligence allows him to adapt to his long and lonely life on the island. The format of the novel itself, that of a journal, indicates that Crusoe is highly educated so that he is able to write and express his thoughts clearly. Furthermore, Crusoe s hard working nature forces him to do more than what is strictly necessary in order to sustain himself. When unloading the cargo off the ship, he works endlessly until the task is completed although he could have taken a lighter approach to the job. Rather than being complacent about his comforts Crusoe was industrious and salvages all that he could from the ship. He labors hard to bring all the steel cables, tools, and any munitions that he could find, even though he may not need some of the items immediately. Crusoe also gathers on his twelfth and last trip little knickknacks like coins and razor blades. When he begins using the cave as his shelter, he works hard in order to create shelves so that he can organize his belongings. He fashions himself with a goatskin jacket, skirts, cap, footwear, and pouches for his weaponry. If he is not inherently
  • 40. Short Story Of Wasp Man Wasps make a shield, said Wasp Man. Gun shots rang out through the harbor. Wasp Man bent down and slowly moved across the brick wall turning the corner. He s over here!! said a man with a pistol. Wasp s attack said Wasps Man. The Wasps stung the man and it killed him instantly. Now they had to move fast. He heard footsteps behind him and around the corner. A black car pulled up in front of him blocking him as he was running. He ran left to find more somali pirates. He looked right, he saw a small anyway but at the end there was no where to go besides the a long fall to who knows what. He ran taking a leap of faith. Karl johnson aka Wasp Man was an everyday normal person. He went to work from nine to five, five days a week. One day coming into work his bag fell into the grass when he was walking in. It fell on a wasp. The wasp came up and stung him the arm. Arghhh, stupid wasp He moaned. He went to work like any other day, But throughout the day he realized that his arm hurt and he had a bad headache, he almost threw up it hurt so bad. When he was coming out of work he though in the car. I wish that a wasp nest would just fall in front of my car and I would run it over , killing all of them. On the way home he was singing his favorite song. When Suddenly a wasp nest came crashing down in front of his car, and he ran over it. He thought to himself What coincidence, He laughed saying Ahahah, Maybe I have special powers or something The next day
  • 41. Project Based Learning Essay Projects based learning is designed to focus on the growth and development of the children across the learning areas. The children are allowed to explore and discover the subject of their choosing. They are allowed to use their cognitive skill to discover how thing change and how they are created. Children build their motor skills and their other skills as well. They are allowed to learn at their own pace and using their own learningstyle. The children also learn from each other through peer teaching, their build their language skills. One project based learning ideas is 50th day of school. This project is designed to help children know how many days we have been school. This would be for preschool age children that are learning how to count. Each of the learning station would have items reflecting 50. We change the sand and water table by placing 50 items in there... Show more content on ... Seuss reading and math activities. We would design the rooms around some of Dr. Seuss books and add the books to the areas. The children would be able to choose form the books to read at their leaguer. Our main focus would be on One Fish Two Fish and Fox in Socks. This project would also be for preschool student ages 3 4 years old. We would have the children to being in silly or different color socks and we could place them in the manipulative area so that they could sort the socks by size and by color. We could also place different type of fish in the sand and water table so that the children could also sort them. In the art area we would make sure that we have pictures that the children can color and also books that they will be able to choose from to cut and paste different pictures of sock and fish. The dramatic play area would be designed be like to book Fox in Socks. At the end of the project we would allow the children to wear silly socks to school and reenact the book Fox in Socks.
  • 42. Why Did People Communicate During The Shang Dynasty 1.What does China have that is the biggest in the world? 2.What are the temperatures like in the area around the Tibetan Plateau? 3.Which area of China protected them from invaders? 4.Why did people settle in Inner China rather than Outer China long ago? 5.Why were the Shang armies so powerful? 6.What were weapons made out of in the Shang dynasty? 7.What did the Shang king and his nobles do that weakened the economy? 8.Name three accomplishments of the Shang dynasty. 9.How did people communicate during the Shang dynasty? 10.List two reasons why the Zhou dynasty lasted as long as it did. 11.Put the four major dynasties we studied in order. List at least one major accomplishment of each. 12.Describe the goal of each of the three
  • 43. Comparing Levi s Essay On Democracy And Trust In Democracy Trust is an important human connection that is inherent for connection. We have trust from our earliest months that we are alive. However, politics is often seen as a place where trust is carried on the winds. To quote Cesar, Et tu, Brute. In politics having too much trust is a person or a system (such as a system with the Roman Empire, or an authoritarian regime), will have you end up like Julius Cesar, dead with the knives of you friends in your back. Many western nations have come a long way from the Roman Empire, and there is both trust and distrust built into the systems. Trust in democracy is even more important. It is a tenant that there should be trust in the government and trust in the people, as well as, trust in the other branches of government. There is trust that the laws will be fulfilled. Margaret Levi s discussion of political leaders of governments accept this underlying notion of the rule of law and the ruled believe they have a right to be included in the system and to be treated fairly within that system. They believe that their leaders should to be held to that system as well. This flows Levi s discussion of the conditions necessary for constituents to contribute to the tax contract under quasi voluntary compliance. People have to trust the taxation scheme to be fair and that others are contributing to it as well. They also have to trust that their leaders will uphold their end of the social contract, and benefit in some way knowing if they get too
  • 44. Maasai Last night, I attended a live performance by the team of six Maasai. They re from Kenya and came to America to share knowledge about their traditions and style of living. Their unique culture and traditions are still intact since ancient time. Another biggest reason they re here is to help Kanye. The country is located in east Africa and has 43 million people population. In some part of Kanye, there s no water, food and other life essentials. Women s have to walk up to 25 miles to get water. And it s not guaranteed the water their kids are drinking is clean. They bring jewelry or crafts to self in the United Statesto help fundraise money. Kanye all of the tribes have a unique cultural practices. This event was sponsored by the cultural affair ... Show more content on ... They even dances with the audience which was pretty awesome. One of the dance was the jumping dance. I looked up the name for this jumping dance which is Aduma or Aigus. This dance is for young man to become a senior warrior and pick their choice of wives. Two men would jump and compete for who would jump the highest. The women also jump to impress, however last night they did not jump. Because of their dresses they didn t jump. The singing would start off with a high pitch and end with soft tone. Over all their performance and interaction with the audience was worth
  • 45. The Gay Liberation Movement Of Manhattan, New York City On June 28, 1969, the Gay Liberation Movement was sparked due to the Stonewall Riot in Manhattan, New York City, ( Staff). The Stonewall was a gay club located in New York City. It was often regulated and harassed by police officers but one day the LGBT decided to stand up for themselves and fight back. Although the police were legally justified in raiding the club, which was serving liquor without a license among other violations, New York s gaycommunity had grown weary of the police department targeting gay clubs, a majority of which had already been closed. The crowd on the street watched quietly as Stonewall s employees were arrested, but when three drag queens and a lesbian were forced into the paddy wagon, the crowd began throwing bottles at the police. The officers were forced to take shelter inside the establishment, and two policemen were slightly injured before reinforcements arrived to disperse the mob. The protest, however, spilled over into the neighboring streets, and order was not restored until the deployment of New York s riot police. The raid on the Stonewall Inn lead to many riots and created an uproar from the LGBTcommunity, (Teal).The Stonewall Riot was followed by several days of demonstrations in New York and was the impetus for the formation of the Gay LiberationFront as well as other gay, lesbian, and bisexual civil rights organizations. It is also regarded by many as history s first major protest on behalf of equal rights for
  • 46. Yellow Sun Conflict Throughout Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the narrator s surroundings force her to evolve. The story begins with the country of Biafra announcing their secession from Nigeria. Soon after, a civil war begins and Nigerian soldiers advance on the narrator s home, forcing her family to evacuate. As a result, the plot is mainly focused around the narrator adjusting to the unfamiliar feeling of being a refugee. The narrator s personality and her interactions with those around her dramatically change throughout the story. Due to the war between Biafra and Nigeria, the narrator s hopeful outlook for her future gradually disintegrates and leaves her as the despondent shell of the lively girl she once was. In the beginning of Half ... Show more content on ... The narrator learns to adapt to poverty and her new surroundings. When Nnamdi, the narrator s fiance, comes back from fighting in the war, the narrator relishes the attention he gives her. She wishes in a twisted way that the war would never end so that [their sexual relationship] would always have this quality, like nutmeg, tart and lasting (5).The reader can infer that her character is slightly immature and childish. She values the addicting quality of recklessness. As the story goes on, she begins to realize that she might never return home. However, she still fantasizes about her old community. She remembers how strange it seemed to have a crystal salt shaker back home. That [she d] even wasted salt (7). The narrator slowly realizes how extravagant her life was back in Enugu. She took things for granted back there, and now she is finally aware of the idea that she might not ever have the luxury of salt again. Later, due to the lack of food and the creeping feeling of helplessness, the narrator s and her mother s pent up anger unleashes itself after they visit a priest who tells them of the suffering children who need help. Their boxed in emotions turn into a shouting match, the narrator screaming, Why the hell did Father Damian tell us about those dying children, anyway?
  • 47. Compare And Contrast Tom Brady And Lebron James Tom Brady and Lebron James both acheived success through hard work and determination. Tom brady and Lebron James were both average sports players who both failed time and time again to make their high school sports teams. Tom brady had a goal of becoming his high school football team s starting quarterback, but lacked the talent to do so. Also, Lebron James had the desire to make his high school basketball team, however, he lacked the money to afford the bills that came with the sport of basketball. Though they failed continously to achieve their goal, they never gave up and soon acheived what many had perceived they couldn t do. They gained success through hard work and their achievements, which luck had no part in. Tom Brady failed time
  • 48. Anti Federalism Dbq Essay Anti Federalist concerns raised during the ratification process lead to the creation of the Bill of Rights. Without everyone on his side, Madison could not ratify the constitution. So in order to gain support from the Anti Federalists he promised them that he would enact a Bill of Rights that would eventually give them their freedom. Anti Federalists, thought that the Constitution sided for power more than liberty and they opposed its ratification. Most support for Anti Federalism was found in rural areas that were populated by poor farmers who sought economic alleviation in the 1780 s. These people anticipated that the new government would be dominated by merchants and others hostile to the concerns of average Americans. They thought that
  • 49. A League Of Their Own Narrative Analysis This section employs narrative analysis to the story A League of Their Own in order to highlight the moral of the film that women have a choice over their future and do not have to be stay at home mothers. Once again, a story needs a plot with a beginning, middle, and end (Sellnow, 2014, p. 60). Dottie and Kit s story begins in the small farm town where they work at the dairy and play ball for fun. During a game, a recruiter takes notice of Dottie, then from there, Dottie and Kit s baseball career takes off. Their upward progression proves that anything is possible. Tensions run high between sisters Dottie and Kit. Kit hates how good Dottie is at baseball and does not believe that Dottie wants to even be on the team. All the while, Dottie does not understand Kit s frustration. Dottie tells Mr. Lowenstein she is leaving if she is not put on another team. Instead, Kit gets put on another team. The climax of the story is reached, Dottie and Kit have a critical conversation where they share their true feelings with one another. It is at this moment that Dottie realizes she really does not know why she is still in the league. In relevance to the moral, Kit is expressive about her love for baseball, while Dottie seems to detach herself. She knows that when her husband comes back from the Army, she must go back to him because, sticking to the bandwagon, Dottie believes she should remain a housewife. Meanwhile, Kit does trust this outlook on life and she accepts the view that she can choose a different course for her life. During this confrontation, the audience is able to see the split of ideals of what one s life should reflect. They can see that Dottie is stuck in the mindset of staying home and raising children, while Kit is up to date with modern society by understanding that there is so much more to her life than what society says she should be. In examination of the text, one of the first steps is to describe the setting (Sellnow, 2014, p. 55). The story takes place in a small farm town in Oregon where no one really makes anything of themselves. Dottie and Kit leave this setting to demonstrate that taking chances and following one s dreams can make their life great. Dottie and Kit go against the norm of
  • 50. Macbeth and Lady Macbeths Character The play Macbeth was believed by scholars to have been written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1603 and 1606. Shakespeare s date of birth is unknown but he was baptised on 26th April 1564 and died on 23rd April 1616, aged 52. He was an English poet and playwright with 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems, and several other poems which all consist of his surviving works. His plays have been translated into every major language and are performed more than any other playwrights around the world. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford upon Avonand married Anne Hathawayat the age of 18. They had three children and between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as a writer and actor. Many speculations... Show more content on ... He also realises how good Duncan has been to him and decides against the awful plan. Lady Macbeth then enters to change his mind. When she hears Macbeth is against the murder she is outraged and calls him a coward. She then emasculates him by questioning his manhood, telling him When you durst do it, then you were a man and questions him about his mental state considering him to be metaphorically hung over. In the time that the play is set, Lady Macbeth talking to Macbeth in the way she is would have been quite shocking because men were considered very superior over women and it would have been very disrespectful. Macbeth asks Lady Macbeth about the possibility of failure and she replies But screw you courage to the sticking place and we ll not fail . Lady Macbeth is evidently the main driving factor for the murder of Duncan so far in the play and we can see Macbeth is reluctant to carry out the task. Lady Macbeth uses some very powerful imagery in the scene when confronting Macbeth that may shock the audience. She almost convinces Macbeth that she is fully behind the plan by talking about brutally killing her baby if that were the case. She says Have pluck d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash d the brains out, had i sworn as you have done this. The reasons for Lady Macbeths cruel nature is unclear though we are told I have given suck by Lady Macbeth but are not informed any more of this baby so it is possible that we are
  • 51. Low Battery Short Story Low battery. Exactly the two words I didn t want to see right now. Totally not the way I wanted to start this day off. I decided to try to shrug it off and get out of bed and get ready for school. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair like usual. As I was walking out of the bathroom, I noticed something strange. The house was quiet; it was like no one was there.Standing there confused as ever, I decidedto investigate. I checked the living room and no one was there, it was vacant. Well that s odd. I thought to myself. Where d everyone go? I checked the whole house and nothing. No one. Not a single other living being besides myself. I turned my head and checked the clock; I noticed something very odd. I thought I had heard... Show more content on ... Watching me from afar. Who could be there? Behind me? The suspense was quickly building up and so was my fear. The fear to turn around and face whatever it is behind me. I only continued to get more and more filled with freight and the bad possibilities. I just couldn t imagine the terror that awaited me once I turned around. My curiosity begged me to turn around and see what it was. If I m going to die, I might as well see the killer. I built up the courage to turn around. I slowly turned around, and my heart completely stopped. The only thing I seen before getting impaled was a mask. After that, everything went black. I can t believe my life is already coming to an end. Why now? Why here? Why me? I can t just die now. I haven t lived very long at all. I grabbed the weapon that impaled me and clenched my grip as hard as I could and jabbed as hard and fast as I could at the killer. I tried my best to defend myself and end this killers terror. I felt like the end was near. The killer was dead or was dying; they weren t gonna bother me anymore, that s all I knew. They were motionless on the floor. I quickly called 911 and tried my best to save myself. After I made the call everything went
  • 52. The Thematic Elements Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet Nobility or shame The thematic elements found throughout many of William Shakespeare s plays are numerous. Such themes further develop the plot of the story and help explain a universal purpose the story has. Imagination seeps through every crevice in the reader s mind as to what a theme can be alluding to. Throughout many of Shakespeare s written works, it can be noted that death, in particular suicide, is a relevant and ongoing theme that Shakespeare gives way to. A prime example is that of the well known tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare does not stop at the tragedy of the star crossed lovers, but further goes on to write several more tragedies that deal with suicide such as: Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Othello, and Hamlet. The ... Show more content on ... During the rise of the Renaissance era, the motto death before dishonor was implanted in many courtly ideals. Many chose to die than to have dishonor upon their name. It would be a burden that they would live with for the rest of their lives if their name was put to shame. Suicide was given the bad shoulder during this time, but many writers shined a light on it that further enhanced a work of literature. Shakespeare was one of the many writers that shined a light within the theme of suicide. Suicide in his works further enhanced the development of the story. This is because suicide is a recurring theme that gives way to understand the cultural impact that comes with being a mortal. Shakespeare opens the window to this developing theme that is shunned upon by society. In order to understand why suicide is a key theme that further develops a story, one has to understand the social repercussions that suicide holds during that time. In Shakespeare s Hamlet it can be noted that even though Hamlet did not go through with contemplated suicide, he still thought about whether he should go through the difficulties of life and keep on suffering. For instance, Shakespeare writes and by opposing end them (page.127, line 68). By opposing the Christian moral views, he knows and values, Hamlet knows that suicide will end all his troubles and he will be at peace. Hamlet decides not to partake in such action. This further