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Describe A Place Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Describe A Place" may initially seem like a straightforward task,
but delving into the intricacies of capturing the essence of a location can prove to be a
challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in selecting the right words to convey the
atmosphere, sights, sounds, and emotions associated with the place but also in creating a vivid
and engaging narrative that resonates with the reader.
To begin with, you are tasked with the responsibility of selecting a place that holds personal
significance or one that can evoke a strong connection. This choice sets the tone for the entire
essay and demands careful consideration. Once the place is chosen, the challenge is to transport
the reader to that location through descriptive language. The task involves striking a delicate
balance between providing enough detail to paint a vivid picture without overwhelming the
reader with excessive information.
Moreover, the challenge extends to organizing the essay coherently. Describing a place involves
more than just a random listing of features; there needs to be a logical flow that guides the
reader through the physical and emotional landscape of the chosen location. This requires a keen
sense of narrative structure and an understanding of how to effectively build and sustain tension
or engagement throughout the essay.
Another layer of complexity is added when trying to infuse the essay with a personal touch. The
writer must navigate the fine line between objectivity and subjectivity, drawing on personal
experiences and emotions without veering into self-indulgence. Achieving this delicate balance
contributes to the authenticity of the essay, making it more relatable and compelling for the
In conclusion, writing a "Describe A Place" essay is a nuanced and challenging task that
demands careful consideration of language, organization, and personal connection. However, for
those seeking assistance or looking to alleviate the complexities of such a writing endeavor,
various resources are available. Similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be explored,
offering support and guidance for those navigating the intricate terrain of descriptive writing.
For more help with essays and related writing tasks, individuals may consider exploring options
Describe A Place EssayDescribe A Place Essay
Goals Of Woodrow Wilson
From the humblest beginnings, Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856
in Staunton, Virginia. Woodrow Wilson from a young age was an efficient and
diligent worker. Woodrow Wilson overcame dyslexia by constantly trying to obtain
academic excellence. He first started his prestigious education in Davidson College
than went on to study law in Princeton University. After moving on from Princeton,
Woodrow Wilsonreceived his doctorate in political science in John Hopkins
University. He than became the President of Princeton University in 1902. His
reputation of prestigious academics and leadership allowed him to gain notoriety
amongst other intellectuals. Woodrow Wilson than was elected the governor of New
Jerseystarting from 1911.As the Governor of New Jersey he quickly became a
social reformer and a man of the people. Now Woodrow Wilson wants to spread his
reform to the entire country with his platform of New Freedom. Woodrow Wilson s
goals for the future are progressive and impactful. He does not want create burdens
for the people like the Republicans did. Instead he will work to fix problems as a
united nation.
Woodrow Wilson will work towards lower taxes on goods, and let people thrive with
their hard earned money. Woodrow Wilson believes tariffs are meant to help the
government help the people. Republican tariff reforms simply are detrimental to the
American people especially farmers. With the McKinley Tariff, taxes were increased
on industrialized goods. This
Psychology And The Theory Of Psychology
Psychology in a continuously growing tree with its roots stemming from the study of
reality and knowledge known as philosophy first studied by ancient Greece (Wiley
8). It can be defined as the study of behaviours and mental processes in which
behaviours are observable activities, and mental processes include all internal
thoughts and emotions. Psychologists often have one (or more) of four goals in mind
when they conduct research: describing, explaining, predicting, or controlling (5 6).
Many great thinkers profoundly influenced psychologyincluding Carl Rogers,
Abraham Maslow, Sigmund Freudand many others (Vickers).Various people
throughout history contributed to different approaches and belief systems. A few
examples of these systems are: structuralism focusing on mental processes,
psychoanalysis focusing on the unconscious mind, behaviourism focusing on the
unconscious mind (Vickers). Although there are many belief systems, modern
psychologists share similar procedures and values known as the empirical method
(Vickers). Psychology is theory driven, seeks evidence, multi leveled, and contextual,
unlike philosophy which relies heavily on unproven beliefs, psychology aims to
discover scientific information. Psychologists approach ideas using the scientific
methodbased on Sir Francis Bacon s emphasis on minimizing bias (Wiley 29). They
create hypotheses which according to Karl Popper must establish observations that
could be refutable (30). Unfortunately,
Full Inclusion In Early Childhood Education
In early childhood, many five to eight year olds, are included in general education
classes for at least part of the day. School districts implement full inclusion. I could
not stress the enough. When I was younger in elementary school I had an IEP.
Having an IEP already made me feel like an outcast and having to go to a separate
room made that feeling even worse. I understand in some severe cases children
have to be separated. In my case I just need the teacher to go a little slower and
explain the concept a few times. The schoolshould have had teachers equip to handle
this situation. I did not need a separate room to learn the information I just need a
little help, which the teacher could have easily applied.
The book notes that Children
Leasing A SUV Essay
Leasing an SUV
Leasing a suv vehicle is an option for vehicle buyers. Some buyers will take a
buying option whereas others seem a better fit to select the leasing option. Know the
difference when making a major purchase. When buying an suv or any other vehicle,
the buyer takes ownership of the vehicle and pays the down payment, then pays
reoccurring notes every month until the balance is paid in full. If the lease option is
chosen then the buyer pays a lesser down payment in most cases, but the agreement
will have stipulations with the vehicle and the buyer will not own the vehicle.
The suv leasing terms for standard and luxury vehicles has general rules set in motion
that go along with the leasing agreement. The potential leasing individual will need to
abide by the rules. If the potential leasing individual does not follow the rules of the
agreement then the automotive ... Show more content on ...
Once the two to three years are up the buyer is able to trade for another vehicle that
suits their needs. The leasing option has the benefit of being able to change
vehicles every two to three years, the lease option keeps payment low, and you
have the luxury of driving a dream car rather than out right buying it. Of course, at
the end of the lease most buyers are given the option to purchase the vehicle. In
that case when the two to three year agreement has expired the purchaser is given
the chance to purchase the vehicle that they have been driving. Some individuals
fall in love with their suv, luxury car or truck and purchasing it would seem ideal
for them. Others simply would like a change. Maybe a luxury suv, car or truck
would seem intriguing to the purchaser. Economy may as have changed within the
years of being leased and the purchaser would like something better on fuel to save
money. In any case the purchaser is able to choose the vehicle that is within the price
range that the dealership or finance company
Lane Frost Research Papers
Lane Frost was born on October 12th, 1963 in LA junta, Co to Clyde and Elsie Frost.
He has two siblings Cody and Robin Frost. Bull riding was basically in Lanes blood,
his dad was a bull rider and was out on the rodeo circuit when he was born. Elsie said
that even as a baby Lane was fascinated by bull riding. Lane started his bull riding
career at just the age of 15 years old. One of his familyfriends Freckles Brown tough
him how to ride bulls and encouraged him all the way.
Lane won his first rodeo at the little buckaroos rodeo in Utah. He was also the
National high school rodeo runner up in.1980. Riding bulls wasn t just something to
do for Lane it was a way of life. Lane became of full member of the
PRCA(Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association) in 1983. He was never a member of
the PBR. . He won world champion at the age of 24 and rode red rock for the
challenge of the champions. Lane rode red rock 4 out of 7 times and he was the only
person to ever ride him for a full 8 seconds. In 1980, at a national high school Lane
meet two people he would know forever Kellie Kyle and Tuff Hedeman. ... Show
more content on ...
His mom thinks he got the first feather from a chicken hawk. Lane used turkey
feathers as well. He always changed the feathers over the years when he would find
one that was cool and unusual. Lane and Kellie got married in 1985, around the
same time he taught his first bull riding class. They got married in Quanah, Texas at
a United Methodist Church. Lane and Kellie separated in 1988 for a little while
because of his traveling schedule, not because of cheating like in the movie. They got
back together right before the challenge of the champions when Lane had the ride Red
Compare And Contrast A Good Man Is Hard To Find And
In comparing and contrasting Flannery O Connor s A Good Man is Hard to Find
and Joyce Carol Oates s Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been the stories
contain very different plots, but they both have similarities between the characters
Arnold Friend and Misfit. They appear to be mentally unstable and highly selfish by
only caring about their needs. For example, Where Are You Going, Where Have You
Been Arnold Friend shows his mentality and selfishness by harming the main
character Connie by being highly persistent. In A Good Man is Hard to Findthe Misfit
showed his mentality and selfishness by killing the grandmother when she was
trying to bring out faith and his good side when the situation escalated when the
car crashed. Regardless of these two completely different stories, there are several
similarities between the characters Arnold Friend and Misfit in their personalities.
In the story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Connie, the main
character, is already struggling with many things in life and sneaks her way to
date guys. There was also conflicting between her and her mother due to her mother
favoring her sister, June and describing her as someone who is a good example of
what she wants Connie to be. Her father is never at home due to work and when he
is home, the girls do not relate to him. Arnold Friend is described as a dangerous
figure with his pale complexion and his slick black hair looking like trouble by not
presenting himself in a pleasing way to Connie, by not walking properly. This was
an indication on how he was not in the right state of mind and how Arnold shouldn
t be near Connie. There was one scene in the story where Arnold Friend shows up,
uninvited, notifying Connie that he is not a friend, but has come to take her away
from her home to possibly kidnap her. Connie felt a wave of dizziness, rise in her at
this sight and she stared at him as if waiting for something to change the shock of the
moment, make it alright again . Connie feels safe in the house and does not come out
until Arnold convinces and demands her that she come out. Things took an
unpleasant twist when Arnold tells Connie not use the phone or he will break his
promise of not coming in the house
A Brief Note On Bill Heaps, Partner At W.e
MEMO: Deductibility for TPL Expenditures To Bill Heaps, Partner at W.E. Charge,
Often Much
The issue at hand is whether or not the repairs and maintenance to the wharf are
deductible under the Income Tax Act 2007 (ITA). Repairs and maintenance are
allowable deductions under section DA 1 ITA, however, the deductibility is reliant on
whether or not the fact situation meets a two stage test which the Inland Revenue
Department (IRD) has outlined in an Interpretation Statement: IS 12/03.
1.1 The First Stage
The first stage of the two stage test, as outlined by the IRD, is the identification of
the asset being worked on. Determining this asset is always a question of fact,
degree and impression . The courts have determined that what is necessary here is
a certain test, the entirety test , in which you must determine whether or not a
physical thing satisfies a particular function or use, as in Lindsay v FCT and
Auckland Gas Co v CIR. As such, you must ascertain whether or not the particular
asset being worked on is it s own distinct thing or whether it is a part of a larger
asset. The next thing to consider here is the meaning of a distinct asset .
Characteristics of a distinct asset which can be taken into consideration are things
like its location or whether it is physically separate from other things, as in the cases
of Case F67 or Hawkes Bay Power Distribution Ltd v CIR. Another helpful
consideration, as outlined in IS 12/03, is determining what the function
Quentin Tarantino s Pulp Fiction
Evaluation of Pulp Fiction
Film Director Quentin Tarantino s Pulp Fiction first debuted on October 14, 1994,
when people first viewed this iconic film they thought it would be the best Tarantino
film or the worst one. No matter which way the crowd was swayed this film was for
a sure a memorable one, anywhere from Samuel L. Jackson s misquoted bible verse
to the famous dancing scene with John Travolta and Uma Thurman. These scenes are
what made this film unique and so appealing to the public. Breaking records of being
the first independent film to gross over 200 million dollars Pulp Fiction is no doubt
the most outstanding film created by Quentin Tarantino. Amongst Tarantino s eight
films Pulp Fiction is the leading film, it is a masterpiece. ... Show more content on ...
His captivating characters strongly aided the popularity of this movie. Pulp Fiction
has three leading protagonists Vincent Vega (John Travolta), Jules Winnfield
(Samuel L. Jackson), and Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis). Each character had their
own enriching backstory. Vincent Vega an avid heroin user just returning from
Amsterdam to further his mafia career on the streets of Los Angeles. Next was
Jules Winnfield who was portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson. Jules Winnfield has
been a long time gangster who is always deep in thought and one for the theatrics.
Lastly was Butch Coolidge a prodigious boxer who is deeply in love with his
girlfriend along with his father s watch. This cast was a great contribution to why
Tarantino s best film is Pulp Fiction . This cast was perfectly created and allowed
the audience to root for them and fall in love with the characters. Every time I watch
this movie I become lost in the characters and root for them upon every
Essay Comparing A Clockwork Orange And American
Point #1
In both novels American Psycho and A Clockwork Orange, society creates monsters
by manipulating and taking away free will from the protagonists Patrick Bateman and
Alex. This may be in different ways but essentially both are separated away from
what seems to be the norm and are mentally segregated from human connection.
One way in which this can be seen in American Psycho is by isolating Patrick
Bateman, a high class, wealthy Manhattan businessman, from the ordinary. There are
several repeated miscommunications such as when Bateman is constantly telling his
friends that he works in murders and executions but this is interpreted as mergers
and acquisitions . Ironically combining together Bateman s monotonous day job with
his vicious night job. They are all so wrapped up in themselves that they don t hear
him or don t believe what he s saying.
In fact, what could really be going on in his head, Patrick Bateman might be trying
to communicate across how he feels and this may be his way of doing so. However,
everybody around him doesn t seem to understand what is really going on. Not one
character from American Psycho can see beneath the surface of ... Show more content
on ...
Patrick Bateman knows perfectly well there is something very incontinent about
his nature, he simply is not there . He is frantic that maybe he feels something
more towards her but at the same time feels the need to push her away as he doesn
t want to hurt her. He may have never felt love towards another before and in a way
wants to protect her from himself as he does not know what may happen if he lets
his mind love her totally out of his control. Perhaps, he will end up treating her like
the other girls and a likely possibility that he may eventually kill her. He s afraid to
love. He s afraid that he will get too attached and fall into the ordinary everyday
routine of being a husband and a
The Is The Rationalization Of The Store Of Department...
Mcdonaldization, according to George Ritzer, is the rationalization taken to its
extreme. I have the luxury of being employed by Sears, company which is a chain
of department stores across the country. At Sears, I am an appliances sales
consultant. A normal day in this position consist of arriving on time to get my
reports for the day. These reports are different customer information, complains,
and request that have to be dealt with by either me, or I have to find the
appropriate person to be able to help. Once that is taken care of, it is my job to catch
up on the appliances the Sears sells and formulation a salespitch that will
successfully persuade the customer to buy their appliances during their visit. This
consist of finding out the known problems, known questions, and solutions that
have worked for other people. After this is done, it is time to engage the customer.
Sears has what they call know your expert , in which a customer now has the ability
to shop online in a more efficient manner. Appliances, unlike other products, is
harder to shop online for because the customer wants to see and touch the product.
Know your expert allows the customer to go online, find products they are
interested in, fill out specific features they would like, and then go into to the store
and have an expert explain the product that is comparable to their selection. Of
course, my job is to do what is right for the company first, and if I can help the
customer while doing that,
Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumber Case Study
Salmonella contaminated cucumbers connected to death in Texas A Texas woman
has died as a result of consuming cucumber contaminated with the salmonella
poona bacteria. Her death marks the second fatality associated with the tainted
produce. The salmonella outbreak has resulted in 341 cases of infection across 30
states, including 18 in Texas. The cucumbers in question were distributed and sold
in the United States from August 1, 2015 to September 3, 2015, by Andrew
Williamson Fresh Produce out of California, and have since been voluntarily
recalled. A representative from HEB grocery stores confirmed that Austin area
stores received the cucumbers named in the recall, and that as soon as they were
notified of the recall, the product was pulled from stores and replaced with fresh
product. Local Walmart stores were also touched by the recall.... Show more content
on ...
As soon as we learned of Andrew Williamson Fresh Produce recall of their Limited
Edition Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumbers, we immediately notified our stores
to pull all affected product. We are aware that stores in Texas have received
impacted product. Customers who believe they still have affected Limited Edition
Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumbers product may return it to their local store for
a full refund, Walmart said in a statement provided by Walmart s National Media
Relations office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working
closely with the Texas Department of State Health Services, as well as agencies in
other states, to track infections. In doing so, they believe they have identified the
source of the salmonella contaminated cucumbers to a grower in Mexico. Every
effort has been taken to remove this product from the market and we have stopped
all harvesting and packing operations at the grower s facility, said Andrew
Williamson, according to the Los Angeles
Saudi Arabia In The Film Blood And Oil
The United States exchange of protection for oil with the Royal Family lead to
terrorism in the Middle East due to the American forces and presence that existed
in Saudi Arabia. In the film Blood and Oil , the United States agenda within the
Middle east became more than just protecting the Royal family for Oil, it became
that the US was protecting their income of oil. Ronald Reagan states in a clip,
Saudia Arabia provides the bulk of the energy that is needed to turn the wheels of
industry in the western world; There s no way we can stand by and see that taken
over by anyone who would shut off that oil . During the invasion of Iraqin Kuwait,
Dick Cheney went to Saudia Arabia to convince King Fahd that the Royal Family and
the country
On Nuclear Disarmament Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Our challenge is to reconcile, not after the carnage and the mass murder, but
instead of the carnage and the mass murder. Carl Sagan s speech On Nuclear
Disarmament is a powerful call to save humanity by putting an end to weapons of
mass destruction. Sagan claims that he does not know if we are ever going to
come to a complete peace, or if we will kill ourselves in the meantime. The claim
made throughout On Nuclear Disarmament is both compelling and thoroughly
expressed. Sagan presents his claim with rhetorical devices such as parallel
structure, hyperbole, and repetition drawing the listener to act upon his plea to
prevent senseless carnage. Carl Sagan s use of parallel structure illustrates that
without peace we will not survive as a species. He says, A house divided against
itself cannot stand. Let me vary it a little: A species divided against itself cannot
stand. A planet divided against itself cannot stand. This type of rhetorical device
moves the listener gradually from a house divided to a planet divided, demonstrating
the effect on every living person. When Sagan speaks of the inscription on the Eternal
Light Peace Memorial, A World United in the Search for Peace, I feel that more
attention should have been drawn to this point. He could have gone one step further
by emphasizing the hypocrisy of that statement when nuclear... Show more content on ...
This forces the listener to realize that accidents cannot be predicted and that promises
are often empty. The speech states, In the preceding year, confident assertions were
made by officials of both nations that no accidents of that sort could happen. We were
not to worry. The experts would not permit an accident to happen. Stating that an
accident would not be permitted is a contradiction. Carl Sagan is pointing out the
absolute promises that were made that could never be
English Source Doc.
Title: Dracula: Stoker s Response to the New Woman
Author(s): Carol A. Senf
Publication Details: Victorian Studies 26.1 (Autumn 1982): p33 49.
Source: Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel
Whitaker. Vol. 156. Detroit: Gale, 2006. From Literature Resource Center.
Document Type: Critical essay
Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning
Full Text:
[(essay date autumn 1982) In the following essay, Senf contends that, contrary to
popular belief, Bram Stoker s treatment of women in his novel stems not from his
animosity toward women in general, but rather from his negative reaction to some
attributes of the New Woman.]
Although Dracula,1 which was first published in ... Show more content on ...
In fact the first passage is neutral and suggests only that she is familiar with the New
Woman s insistence on greater freedom and physical activity, attributes which Gail
Cunningham mentions in her discussion:
It was pointed out that women were likely to remain the weaker sex as long as they
were encased in whalebone and confined their physical activity to the decorous
movements of the ballroom, and the new doctrine of hygiene as it was coyly termed
advocated sports for women and Rational Dress. Many young women pedalled their
way to undreamt of freedoms on the newly popular bicycle; petticoats and chaperons
were equally inappropriate accompaniments, and could be discarded in one go.8
Bicycle riding, bloomers, and badminton may have shocked more conservative people
in the 1890s, but they were probably not enough to worry Stoker or his heroine. Nor
was the fact that the New Woman was often a professional woman who chose
financial independence and personal fulfilment as alternatives to marriage and
motherhood. Cunningham adds that while these activities were important aspects of
emancipation, they are not, however, responsible for the New Woman s becoming a
symbol of all that was most challenging and dangerous in advanced thinking. The
crucial factor was, inevitably, sex (Cunningham, p. 2).
When it came to sex the New Woman was more frank and open than her
predecessors. She felt free to initiate sexual
Negotiation-Buying a House
SKILL 3.1:
Yes, this is definitely a distributive bargaining situation. Base on my opinion, when
it comes to purchasing a house, we would want to get a good property at an
inexpensive value and have a good home appreciation value so that we can invest in
a house property with no future worries. Buying a home need a thorough look as it
will most likely be a lifetime investment. We always wantto get the most value of
our hard earned money. Base on the case studies, let s say if they are not willing to
considered or negotiate the price of the house that I wanted to buy, I can always
walk away and find another house. Because in this situation we as the buyer wants
more goods form the seller, and ... Show more content on ...
This will also be found in the loan payment table; I may also obtain this from my
mortgage lender.
Step 5: Add my cash available for the down payment. This will give me a final
figure of the amount I can afford to pay for the house.
After completing the calculation in Step 5, I can now compare it to Step 1 and
see what the difference is. This will give me my negotiating range that I can use
when making my offer. If the amount in Step 1 is higher than Step 5, I may be able
to secure an offer by bidding a higher price than the seller is offering. If the amount in
Step 1 is lower than Step 5, I ll need to focus on bringing the final price down to a
more affordable range.
Calculating reservation price is an important part of the home buying process and
can help me negotiate the best possible deal for my situation and get the home that I
want. Consider using the above calculations for each home that I are considering so
I have the confidence to overbid or negotiate for a lower price with my budget in
My BATNA which stands for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
, if none of
this are working out according to plan I can always walk away and find another
house that meet my requirement. It is because now I still have a house to stay and I
need this to be perfect for my family.
SKILL 3.3:
The house that meets all of my needs is listed for $329,000. My target price is
$310,000. I should make an opening offer of $300,000. Of course it s not always
Analysis Of Ursula K. Leguin´s The Lathe Of Heaven
A utopia is a fascination, a wonder. The façade of a utopia revolves around an
individual s perception of what is right in the world. In The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula
K. LeGuin argues that humans must find balance by not tampering with knowledge
beyond our scope. Although she makes it clear that a utopia is unattainable, she
argues that a life of inaction will lead us to a calmer and more utopian society.
However, I disagree with this argument because it inhibits the possibilities of human
advancement and undermines human nature. The hope of human advancement is
what keeps people striving to make the next great breakthrough and to better
understand the complexities of the universe. Although LeGuin makes a salient point
that humans should not... Show more content on ...
Humans are born with an innate desire to learn and create. Throughout Lathe of
Heaven we see this instinctual desire to better understand their environment and
improve it in all characters. For example, George Orr questions what Haber is doing
to him but suppresses his curiosity. His passive nature undermines his curiosity and
leads him to become more anxious and unknowingly submit himself to Haber s
desires. It is not until he takes actions and seeks a legal advisor that he is more
informed and understands his environment better. His desire to learn is what helped
Orr better understand where Haber s priorities lie. This learning led him to take
action, and without it he would have continued to mindlessly be used by Haber. Here,
Orr illuminates that the phenomenon that is human curiosity is there for a greater
purpose, is a part of nature, and is not meant to be suppressed. The latter proves that
LeGuin s argument is paradoxical and therefore ineffective because she encourages
her audience to refrain from tampering with nature, yet human curiosity is a part of
nature and all the actions humanity has taken stem from human curiosity. To suppress
human curiosity is to defy nature. The fact that we are the most advanced species on
earth and have an innate curiosity is not a coincidence, these two combined equate to
our purpose and our inner desire; to take action and to interact with our environment.
Those who side with LeGuin may argue that this negatively disrupts the natural order
of the world, however, the natural way of things has made it so that humans are the
most advanced species; the only logical explanation for this is that humans are meant
to take action for the greater good of the human
Revolutionary War Dbq
The State of New York is famous for its amazing city (New York City), shops, and
monuments. However, it really should be famous for surviving the impact the
American Revolutionary War had upon itself. If it didn t, this popular state wouldn t
be what it is today. Prior to the American Revolutionary War, many taxes were placed
upon the 13 original colonies, which the State of New York once was, that were
unfair and unnecessary to many people. For example, The Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and
Tea Act were three acts, along with others, that sparked riots in New York City. While
the Patriots boycotted goods and stood up for their beliefs, the Loyalists, on the other
hand, believed, ...the British enacted legislation to tighten up the organizational...
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Shortages in food and basic materials to live affected New York greatly. For the
supplies that were available, the prices went up, causing many financial issues for
the people living there. Some people in New York couldn t even afford supplies to
live and desperately strived for a job to earn money. Also, inflation didn t just
affect the people living there. The Manufacturers had to pay more for raw
materials... consumers became increasingly unable to maintain their former
standard of living. (Purvis 116). Because of this, the issue of inflation not only
caused the rise of numerous, essential items, but also was creating massive poverty
amongst the citizens of New York. To conclude, the Loyalists invading, coupled
with the economic decline during the American Revolutionary War, negatively
affected New York. The Loyalists came into New York and made New York City a
safe haven for anyone who supported King George III. The declining economy also
negatively impacted the State of New York by causing its citizens to not have their
basic necessities for their everyday lives. This wellВappreciated state, that
The British North America Act Of 1867
The British North America Act of 1867 and the subsequent Indian Act of 1876 gave
the Canadian government, under prime minster John A. Macdonald, full control over
the nation s Aboriginal people. The government used this power to establish boarding
schools for Aboriginal children. An estimated 144 residential schools operated at
different times between the late 1800s and 1996 throughout Canada. These schools
were established with the purpose to enhance assimilation of Aboriginal children into
the Canadian culture of British and French heritage. However, despite these
misguided government attempts lasting more than a century, the Aboriginal culture
and civilization could not be eradicated, and the residential school system as
originally conceived proved to be a failure.
Residential schools were religious custodial schools established after 1880 by the
Canadian government in partnership with churches. Through next half century, a
system of residential schools stretching across country developed. The Roman
Catholic church ran 3/5 of residential schools, the Anglican church Вј, and the United
and Presbyterian churches controlled the rest. Under the BNA Act and Indian Acts,
the government was responsible for providing Aboriginals with an education as well
as integrating them into Canadian society. Aboriginal leaders also wanted Euro
Canadian schooling for their children so they could acquire the skills of the society
in order to help them transition into a world led by
Mexican Family Reflection Paper
I come from a very conservative Mexican household. That being said there were
certain guidelines or roles that each gender had to follow. I come from a family of
five, and we consist of 2 males and 3 females. Being a female, that meant that I was
expected to do the household chores, the cooking of the house, and care for
younger siblings. While we were expected to do that, my brothers didn t have an
obligation to do any of the responsibilities we were held accountable to. Although,
they were expected to have jobs at an early age to help and provide income for the
family. In the Mexican culture, males are preferred over females. For instance, my
father would prefer to bond with his sons rather than his daughters because he
wanted them to grow up confident and dominant. My brothers were allowed to
talk at the dinner at any time, but if any of the females want to comment they have
to wait until the men are done discussing. Other times, we were not allowed to
have input without being shamed by our father. Also, we were not allowed to
answer for man even if they could not answer at the moment. There was an
obvious difference of how lenient our parents were with my brothers compared to
how we were treated. My brothers were allowed to be with friends, and if they did
not meet curfew they weren t scolded for being late. On the other hand, if any of my
sisters and I were late just by one minute, we were not allowed to leave again because
we seemed to not be able to come back on
Essay on Adolescents in the TV Show Freaks and Geeks
The media portrays adolescents in television shows as being rebellious, sex crazed,
and unreasonable people. Freaks and Geeks, created by Paul Feig and produced by
Feig, himself, and Judd Apatow, is a one hour TV show that aired on NBC from
1999 2000. The show centers around the siblings, Sam and Lindsay Weir, and their
friends while they all attend McKinley High School. Freaks and Geeksis a show that
portray adolescents in a way that the media doesn t because of the lessons the
characters have to learn , the choices that they choose to take, and the struggles they
have to endure. Many adolescent have to learn many things from the events in their
lives. Freaks and Geeks show characters adapting to the changes in their life and learn
... Show more content on ...
Amy Campbell, in episode 17, tell his boyfriend, Ken Miller, that she was born
intersex. This causes Ken to question his sexuality, but later on to learn that Amy
was the perfect girl for him. This shows that Ken makes a decision to actually
show that adolescents make many choices that aren t just exaggerated out of
proportion but are life changing and confusing to one. Another character having to
make a hard choice is when Lindsay Weir, also in episode 17, had her question for
the Vice President declined. Lindsay in the end makes the choice of asking the
Vice President why he decline her question and what he is avoiding. This shows
that choice by adolescents are not all about relationships but of politics. This also
pushes away the stereotype of youth not being politically aware and have no view
on the government. This choices affect her life in a way where she can help her
make decisions in her future. Many adolescent have to endure many struggles that
may affect the person in a whole. Lindsay Weir in beginning of the TV series had
her grandmother die in which she starts to wear her dad s old army jacket and
hanging out with the freaks of McKinley High School. Lindsay enduring the event of
her grandmother s death because through the course of the show, she shown no
depression that her grandmother was gone or she have accepted the death of her
grandmother. This make the show different from other because many show doesn t
show death often because of the
Deutsche Bank Sustainability Essay
Who They Are
Deutsche Bank, as stated by Wikipedia s Deutsche Bank page, was founded in 1870
as a specialist bank for foreign trade in Berlin. They now are a global financial
service bank headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany with the investment bank division
head quartered in London, United Kingdom. DB is a leader in Europe and is
continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. They
currently have more than 100,000 employees in 73 countries
Deutsche Bank s mission statement is: We compete to be the leading global provider
of financial solutions, creating lasting value for our clients, our shareholders, our
people and the communities in which we operate ( Company, Deutsche Bank). They
do this by promoting ... Show more content on ...
The Institutional Asset Management sector of DB offers a full complement of
strategies in both traditional and alternative asset classes, which can be tailored to
meet the needs of institutional clients with flexible return targets, benchmarks and
other parameters. ( Institutional Asset Management, Deutsche Bank) Climate change
is becoming a large economic concern and change for the better will require a lot of
capital investment over decades. For this reason there are amazing new investment
opportunities available to combat the issues relating to climate change and global
warming. This is where DB comes in to offer institutional investors access to these
opportunities, as well as a wide range of investment strategies that incorporate their
responsible investment criteria.
Evidence of Environmental and Social Reporting
DB has established sustainability and social responsibility in all aspects of how the
bank is run They could do more to provide information on how the bank itself is
currently being sustainable as this information isn t readily available
Environmental Reporting
Environmental protection and
My Writing Skills Has Effectively Improved
I remember when I first came to the Wilkes University, one of my edifier (?)
(Friend, teacher, mother) told me Don t judge your class in the beginning, judge
your class at the end of course . In the beginning of my classes I was very nervous
about how to write an essay. However, I believe my writing skills has effectively
improved. To be honest, English 101 wasn t an easy class for me in the beginning.
College writingis entirely different from high school writing. I always have trouble
with grammar when I write English essays, and it s harder for me to learn and
improve my skills in a short amount of time.
I m a young woman who transferred from China to America and I m not that
familiar with how to utilize English compared to a young woman who s who is
from the United States of America. That has never stopped me from trying and I
will never give up. I like challenges and difficult tasks, it tests my will and helps to
achieve the goal I have set for myself. During this sixteenth week, my writing skill
improved dramatically compared to the beginning of the semester. That may not be
noticeable to others, but to me the improvement in my writing skill is very evident.
This course has helped me to understand the difference between college and high
school writing. When I was a high school student, I was very confident about my
writing skills. However, since I ve been attending Wilkes University, things have
changed dramatically. The number of skills I need to understand in
The Use Of Rubia In Aramaic
It s a tradition on Rosh Hashanah, to eat a variety of random foods as symbols for
the upcoming Jewish New Year.
Each food has a different meaning, weakly attributed to its name in Aramaic or
Hebrew. At any given time there is at least one food that you will find completely
revolting (fish head anyone?) and a couple others that you kind of like anyway.
But what you didn t know is that each food you like actually tells you everything you
need to know about your own personality and what type of neurosis awaits you in the
coming year.
What s your hang up? Take the poll to find out!
Beans are called Rubia in Aramaic, which sounds like the word for multiplicity, i.e.
you want your merits to multiply .
You re a people pleasing perfectionist.... Show more content on ...
I bet a lot of you would have picked date from this list. Well, guess what the word for
date in Hebrew is Tamar, as in may my enemies be finished (off) .
You and leek lover should get married. Have some nice Jewish babies together. At
least you re not as forceful about it he needs his enemies diced, you just want them
ended. So on the spectrum of 1 to 10, he s an 11 and you re an 8.
Good job. Keep being the voice of balance and reason in the world.
A timeless classic in the shtetls of Poland, the word for beet is Selek and it means
you want your enemies to be banished
Your sense of victimhood is so strong you are incapable of banishing your inner and
outer demons completely. At least Leek and Date have the strength of character to
seek total annihilation of their imaginary enemies. You prefer to banish them deeper
in your subconscious where they can continue to wreak havoc on your relationships
and health. Your recurring migraines? Yup.
You were waiting for this one, right? That s why I put it at the end. We dip apples
in honey in the hopes that we ll have a sweet new year . For some reason even
though it tastes great, Nestle hasn t packaged it as a yearlong snack
A Critical Examination Of System Theory, Everyday...
Adapt or Die: A Critical Examination of System Theory, Everyday Creativity, and
Ethics and Creativity
Who is a creative individual? What are the acceptable limits under which she or he
can exhibit and practice creativity? Is creativity a moral or amoral concept? A
creative individual is one who is able to adapt to everyday challenges through
ingenious ideas and focused actions. As a specie, we are where we are today because
of everyday creativity, not necessarily due to big ideas alone. Of the countless art
forms and practices that have been created, cuisines, fashions, architecture, healthcare,
medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fisheries etc., few were eminently created.
Everyday Joe Blow creates majority of art forms and practices that affects our day to
day living.
Csikszentmihalyi (1996) asserted that creativity is not merely new and valuable
ideas or actions. There has to be a form of sociocultural evaluation for new ideas
and actions to be deemed creative, and measured against acceptable standards with
the field (1996). I contend with Csikszentmihalyi assertion because it subjects the
works of the creative individual to peer review; more importantly to their approval.
Notwithstanding my reservation, one thing is clear sociocultural evaluation (or peer
review and approval), is important because it sets parameters or socially acceptable
limits for the practice of creativity.
Any creativity that falls outside prescribed social limits or standards
Drug Trafficking Papers
Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is the production of drugs done illegally that violate the drug
prohibition laws. Throughout the years, drug trafficking has been progressing and
expanding to the point to where it is now worldwide. Organizations involved in drug
trafficking have been improving their networks, constantly upgrading their
transportation and equipment, having new methods to transport the drugs and
communication throughout the system, and finding information on their employees
to use against them which makes it harder for law enforcement to keep up and take
action to reduce the problem of drug trafficking.
The illegal transportation of drugs started to become serious whenever the
Medellin Cartel began to dominate the cocaine business. The Medellin Cartel was
ran by the Ochoa Vazquez brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio; Pablo
Escobar, Carlos Lehder, George Jung, and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha. In
1975, the Colombian police found 600 kilos of cocaine stashed in a plane. Drug
traffickers responded to the police by killing 40 people in one weekend which is
known as the Medellin Massacre. The massacre led to the uprising of various
killings, assassinations, kidnappings, and the discovery of a hit list that contained
U.S. businessmen, embassy members, and their families. It was then when violence
was beginning to grow in Miami and drug traffickers were involved, that the Vice
President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and government officials
Reading Time Research Paper
As a child, reading was always something I loved to do. I started reading at an early
age. I went to preschool for two years, so I had an advantage when it came to
reading. Once I d gotten into elementary school, I excelled tremendously in that
area. Sitting in my kindergarten class, I d love to hear Mrs. Reed say, Alright my
shining stars get on the magic carpet for reading time. It was the highlight of my
day, every day. Who would ve known that something as simple as reading would be
so beneficial to me later in life? Reading became one of my saving graces, as I got
older. Life ,when you re in preschool,isn t that complicated. The most stressful thing
that I had to deal with was whether I had enough crayons or if I could color inside
of the lines. My mom died when I was about three. At that time, I could read, but
they were always simple books. It wasn t until later, about age ten, that reading
gave me hope. Once I was old enough to come to terms with what happened to my
mom, I started to grieve. When you re young and something traumatic happens, it
takes you a while to grieve. I started to find solace in books. They gave me the
answers I longed for from the world. I didn t want to ask anyone because I didn t want
... Show more content on ...
I had a hard time actually getting myself to sit down and read, but being put in so
many stressful situations, it has helped me read whenever I wasn t stressed. Now,
I read every day and I don t look at it as something I m forcing myself to do. I love
reading now, and it s starting to spread to everyone around me. When I come home
from school and I curl up with a book, my little brother has a tendency to go get
one of his books, sit with me in his bean bag chair, and read with me too. When I
go to work at a daycare, the kids always ask for reading time. They love doing their
reading logs, and they don t look at it as a requirement, they look at it as something
Mary Rowlandson s Captivity Narrative Essay
The Puritans played a large role in early American history and society. Most Puritans
escaped the tyrannical rule in England to gain religious freedom in America, which
helped create an early American society. Not only did the Puritans help form the
early American society and religion, they also contributed to the earliest stories and
narratives to help create a rich literary history for America. Puritanliterature has
helped many scholars and readers learn about early American history. One of the most
famous American narratives is from Mary Rowlandson, who was the wife of a Puritan
Minister. Mary Rowlandson s captivity narrativeis about her story of how she was
captured and treated by Native American captors. Throughout the... Show more
content on ...
The passage also shows that God, according to the Puritans, is a very strict God.
He does not tolerate evil acts, and requires that His followers obey His will, or they
will be cut off from his presence and blessings. God is so intolerant of sin and evil,
that Mary accepted that it was ok for God to take way her children and her
lifestyle. On the other hand, God, according to the Puritans, is also merciful to His
own people. At the end of the phrase, Mary stated that God showed mercy to her by
helping her through her afflictions. Also, Mary again stated how merciful her God
was in her following statement, Now hath God fulfilled that precious Scripture
which was such a comfort to me in my distressed condition (Derounian 12 51).
According to Mary, God is strict, demands righteousness among his followers, but is
also merciful towards His own people. These different principles line up with the
Puritan doctrine of the time as well.
Since God was not tolerant of sinners and evil acts, Mary recounted many different
acts that were considered evil or barbaric that the Native Americans did. For
example, when the Native Americans attacked Mary s town, she described the
aftermath as, a solemn sight to see so many Christians lying in their blood, some
here and some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves, (Derounian 12 51).
Mary separates the
Maketing plan for Sonic 1000 Essay
Sonic 1000 is a new multimedia, dual mode smartphone is prepared to launch by
Sonic in a mature market.
Specific segments target in consumer and business markets, taking advantage of the
growing interest in a single powerful but affordable device with extensive
communication, organization, and entertaiment benefit.
The primary marketing objective
в—¦ Achieve first year US market share of 1% with unit sales of 800,000.
The primary financial objectives
в—¦ Achive first year sales revenues of $200 million
в—¦ Keep first year losses to less than $40 million and break even early in the second
Sonic s market consists of consumers and business users who need to conveniently
store, ... Show more content on ...
Achievable objectives for the first and second years of market entry.
3.2 Target Markets Sonic s strategy is based on a positioning of product
пЃ¶Primary consumer target:
Middle income
Upper income
пЃ¶Secondary consumer Target:
High school
Graduate students
пѓЁ Primary
consumer target:
Full loaded deviceпѓЁ for busy schedule Connect with family/ colleagues
Entertained on the go
The Sonic 1000:
Mid to large sized corp. with
100 employees= (Managers and employees stay in touch input or access critical data
when out off the office
Upper income
Middle income
пѓЁ Secondary
consumer target:
(age 16 30) education status
 Social networking
 more extensive entertainment media consumption
The Sonic All media 2000:
 Small business owners
 Medical users
пѓЁ Most
versatile, convenient, value added model for personal and professional use
пѓЁ Focus on the value priced multiple communication, entertainment information
capabilities differentiating the Sonic 1000
пЃ¶ Sonic
100 with One year warranty
пЃ¶ Establish Sonic branch The branch
Logo will be displayed on products, packaging all marketing campaigns
пЃ¶ Sonic All Media 2000 for the following year Sonic
Piaget s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development
The Piaget s Theory
The Piaget s stage theory of cognitive development is also known as the stage theory.
It introduces that, in the expansion of our thinking, we act through an organized and
certain sequence of steps. However, the theory focuses not only on compassionate
how the children obtain knowledge, but likewise on the discernment of the substance
of intelligence. According to the Piaget s theory of cognitive development, there are
two stages in the thinking pattern of a 3 year old preschooler and 9 year old
student. They are the preoperational stage for the 2 to 7 year old and the concrete
operations stage for the 9 year old. The preoperational stage (three years old
preschooler), this is where a new child can intellectually perform and signify to the
objects and issues with the quarrel or the images, and they can act. The concrete
operations (nine year old student), where a child is at the stage and deliver the ability
to maintain, reserve their thinking, and analyze the objects in conditions of their
many parts. However, they can also assume logically and understand comparison, but
only about the concrete events. Firstly, the stage of pre operational, which lasts until
about age seven, in which the children have the ability of many feats that they could
not achieve prior. For instance, they commence to making to believe in play,
achieving simple routines, such as venturing to eat or get to kip. However, in order to
organize play, they must symbolize those
Emerging From The Restrictive Culture Of The 1950 S
Emerging from the restrictive culture of the 1950 s, the counterculture of the 1960s
challenged the prescribed norms, roles and expectations of the previous generations
that outcasted youth found restrictive and alienating. Baby Boomers retained the
abstract goals of mainstream society; they sought individual freedom and
opportunities for self determination. But their vision of the American dream widened
the traditional definitions of freedom to include bodily, psychological, and political
freedoms. 60 s counterculture disagreed with the capitalist, patriarchal, white
supremacist foundation of American life and turned against the traditional ideas of
american identity in rebellion, seeking freedom and coexistence in an increasingly
confined and competitive society.
The generation that originated the counterculture of the 60 s, the Baby Boomers,
grew up in a highly restrictive culture of uniformity and strict, Anglo Christian
morality. 1950 s America was thriving off of a post war economic boom, and
American exceptionalist mentality permeated social narratives, ever juxtaposing the
US against the faceless enemy of communism and fascism.
Still grappling with societal changes of WWII. Work in war industries had offered
higher quality jobs, once inhabited by men, to working women. This created
expectations of continued equal opportunities for women in the workforce. Women
did continue to work when soldiers returned, but in lower wage non union service
positions as they had
The Chesapeake Bay And The Bay
The Chesapeake Bay, which derives from the Algonquin word Chesepiooc
meaning great shellfish bay , has been around for a very long time. Approximately
35 million years ago, a rare bolide (a comet or asteroid like object) hit what is now
the lower tip of the Delmarva Peninsula, creating a 55 mile wide crater. The bolide
created what geologists call the Exmore Crater, which they believe was as large as
Rhode Island and as deep as the Grand Canyon. Although this bolide did not create
the Chesapeake Bay, it helped determine that a bay would eventually be located there.
Today, the Chesapeake Bay stretches from Havre de Grace, Marylandto Norfolk
Virginia. The Bay is approximately 200 miles long, up to 35 miles wide, and has an
average ... Show more content on ...
The Bay s salinity varies widely from season to season and from year to year,
depending on the amount of fresh water flowing from its rivers. The Bay tends to
be fresher in spring, when snow melts and heavy rainstorms frequently fall. During
the drier months, the Bay is usually saltier. Salinity also increases with depth. Fresh
water remains at the surface because it is less dense than salt water. The water on
the Bay s eastern shore tends to be saltier than the water on the western side. This is
due to two factors; most fresh water enters the Bay from its northern and western
tributaries, and The Coriolis Force, a phenomenon caused by the earth s rotation,
pushes flowing water in the Northern Hemisphere to the right, causing saltier water to
move up the Bay veers toward the eastern shore.
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. About half of the Bay
s water volume comes from salt water from the Atlantic Ocean. The other half drains
into the Bay from its enormous 64,000 square mile watershed. Estuaries are among
the most productive environments on earth, creating more organic matter each year
than similarly sized forests and agricultural areas. Estuaries also provide diverse
habitats for wildlife and aquatic life, protect our communities against flooding, reduce
pollution of waterways, and support local economies through commercial and
recreational activities. Thousands of species
Reflection On The Indian Boarding School Gathering
I was able to attend the Indian Boarding School Gathering conference at the Turtle
Mountain Community College. Listening to the stories, you could really feel the
affection and how it affected our elders. I was saddened to hear the many awful
stories about how our people survived this terrible event, let alone how the children
had to grow up. However, according to the stories, there was both good memories and
bad. As I recall Mrs. McCleave mentioning, the saying Kill the Indian and save the
man , was from the federal government. This was Pratt s motto. It was stressed that
civilizing the Indians by teaching them English, and then converting them to
Christianity and allowing them to trade. Pratt also trimmed Indians hair and
prohibited traditions such as clothing, dancing or religious ceremony.... Show more
content on ...
Even though I ve heard the brutal stories before, I never understood anything about
the Catholic Church. After this conference, I understand the emotional roller coaster
that comes along with the church. The beatings, rape, sexual assaults all liberally
come back to each survivor. All the feelings that they were feeling, the hurt they went
through, the loneliness, and the heartache. They can t just brush it under the rug.
Although they may feel broken, they are warriors for overcoming everything and
remaining strong. Children were not able to speak their native tongue, or wear their
clothing attire that they came with that was related to their Native culture. They
really wanted to make all native children white. Boarding schools have left a huge
impact on individuals, families, tribal communities, and tribal
Sir Ratan Naval Tata
Gita Piramal
Presented by,
Chinar Trivedi 03
Sandeep Yadav 15
Vishal Singh 20
Ashish Dhakal 28
Baqer Merchant 31
Ratan Naval Tata
The Tata family tree
Ratan Naval Tata
Born in Bombay, on 28th December 1937, to Soonoo and Naval Hormusji Tata.
He had 5 siblings: Jimmy, Noel, Shireen, Deanna and Geet.
He did his graduation from Cornell with a B.Sc. Degree in architecture with structural
engineering in 1962.
On 25th March 1991, he took over the position of Chairman of Tata Sons, from
Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy, J.R.D. Tata (1904 1993).
Close bonds
From childhood, Ratan was uneasy with the ostentatious display of wealth. He
prefers simple lifestyle till date!
His father ... Show more content on ...
He wants the group to shed it s lethargy and become more agile, modern, consumer
oriented and united.
His concept of what the Tata Groupshould be is clear.
In over legendary 50 years, Ratan Tata established unrivalled standards of probity and
professionalism in management.
Russi Mody As an outstanding man manager in his heyday with a hands on style
which earned him the Padma Bhushan, Moday had many precedents.
He was appointed as Tisco s Managing Director in 1974 and became the chairman in
He displayed a singular lack of finesse during his last few years with Tatas.
He was to officially retire on May 21 1993, but was sacked on April 19, 1993. Had he
behaved with greater decorum, he could ve had a much more graceful exit and
assured himself pride of place in Tata history.
Mody had accused Ratan Tata (Tisco s then deputy chairman) and Jamshed. J. Irani
(its managing director) of mismanaging Tisco s affairs and causing it s share prices
to crash.
He aslo threatened to launch a campaign to mobilize support for himself from
shareholders and financial institutions.
Since he refused to agree with the management policies, he was unanimously voted
out and was fired.
Mody wanted to move up Aditya Kashyap (corporate executive director), his protege
and Ishaat Hussain (executive director of finance) as Tisco s future chairman with
Hussain as his number two.
Adult Only Pool Case Study
Grey Oaks Adult Only Pool
Growing up, most summer days consisted of my mother waking up my brother and
me early so that we could be the first to arrive at the swimming pool in order to
secure our chairs for the day. However, most occasions we noticed that other people
had the same idea. Once we finally found an ideal spot for our family to lounge for
the day, my brother and I had to face the crowd of children splashing in the water.
Each day the chaotic scene reoccurred. My mom frequently told me that the Grey
Oaks Homes would be building a new pool any day, since a second pool was one of
the things my parents were promised when they moved in. The year my parents
built a new home in Grey Oaks, I was four years old. Now, I am seventeen and have
only seen the situation worsen. Each year, dozens of new homes are built in my
neighborhood, yet a singular pool remains. My proposal is that the Rodrock Homes
should build an Adult Only pool in the Grey Oaks neighborhood. ... Show more
content on ...
The resident, Stephanie Bidnick (resident for 12 years), manages a home daycare.
She reported that whenever she wants to take her daycare children swimming, she
cannot go to the Grey Oaks pool because of the overcrowding. She has tried taking
her daycare children to the neighborhood pool, only to encounter a terrible
experience because she had trouble keeping track of her kids among the huge crowd.
I also interviewed a friend and current Grey Oaks resident, Jordan Dean. When asked
about her experiences at the pool she said, Usually when I decide to go to the pool I
try to find a friends neighborhood pool to go to because I can never relax at our Grey
Oaks pool. Every time I want to get in, I am getting splashed or jumped on by a
Psychopathology and Individual Differences Essay
Individual differences Psychopathology Definitions of Abnormality 1.
DEVIATION FROM SOCIAL NORMS: Deviation refers to dominant behaviour
Behaviour which is considered undesirable by the majority For example; Talking
to yourself in public LIMITATIONS: The definition is susceptible to abuse:
Diagnosing someone with a mental illness could just be a way to exclude non
conformists from society For example, homosexuality was considered a mental
disorder in the USA until 1970s also anyone who disagreed with the state could be
regarded as insane in Russia in the 1960s Doesn t take into account context and
degree How badly does someone need to deviate from the norm to be considered
Abnormal For example, someone in a... Show more content on ...
Electric current passing through brain; resetting electrical circuits 2. Mental and
physical exam IV sedation Electrodes attached to temples Electric current passes
through 2 or 3 treatments over a couple of weeks (then monthly) 3. Used to treat
severe depression NEUROTRANSMITTER IMBALANCE: Chemicals carry
information around nervous system Too much or too little can lead to
psychopathy Schizophrenia too much dopamine, depression, little serotonin
POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION as there s sudden change in hormones
/neurochemistry PSYCHOSURGERY Lobotomy Lobotomy: patient put under
anaesthetic ice picks put through top of the eye and wiggles around Changes
structure of the brain GENETICS: Individuals may inherit a predisposition, or it s
carries in genes through DNA passing on generations EVALUATION OF
SZASZ Could be seen as a form of social control CHEMOTHERAPY Side effects of
sickness, weight loss or gain, dependency Symptoms can return WHO (2001) found
relapse rates were higher when a placebo was used (55%) compared to drugs (25%)
GOTTESMAN AND SHIELDS (1976) There isn t 100% concordance between twins
so abnormality is caused by other factors too ECT CROMER 60 70% of patients show
Riverdale Character Analysis
Riverdale is an American television program that is based primarily on the Archie
comics which were first released in the 1940 s. The comics focus largely on a love
triangle between the three main characters, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, and
Archie Andrews. Unlike the television show, Betty and Veronica see one another as
frenemies and are constantly at odds over Archie, who is never at fault for any of the
mishaps that happen. The Archie comicswere never big advocates of feminism and
instead focused primarily on Archie and the two female characters invented to fight
over him, cementing the idea that girls are only around to win boys affection. In
contrast, Riverdale the television show focuses on Betty and Veronica as friends
instead of frenemies and builds upon the idea that girls are smart, capable, and are
stronger when they work together. The new television spin on the original comics
brings together the old characters and main plot points and puts an innovative
feminist attitude towards them to mesh them with the beliefs and issues of today s
society. The characters in this show are much more than the typical jock, nerd, good,
bad stereotypes that are commonly depicted in teenage dramas viewed on the
television today. The women of Riverdale prove that for positive change to take
place, friendship must take precedent and sticking together as girls is the most
important aspect of driving forward social change. In the series premiere, the
audience is first introduced
Comfort Women In Ww2
World War II was a gruesome era filled with violence and death. Each country was in
a competition to find the deadliest weapons. War crimes were highly prevalent
throughout this time, such as the Holocaust, inhumane experimentations, and the
Japanese internment. One is often overlooked and barely spoken of: comfort women.
Comfort women were girls and women from Japanese territories coerce into sex
slavery for the Japanese military. The idea behind it was to prevent rape and to
reduce sexually transmitted diseases in the army; however, this came at the expense
of innocent women and girls. Women and girls were tricked or kidnapped to be
raped. They were forced into horrific living condition. While the living conditions
were horrible, the scars... Show more content on ...
In Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan s Sex Slaves, Liu
Mianhuan, a former comfort woman, recalls, Several military men raped me that
day. ... From that day on, the Japanese troops raped me every day. Each day at least
five to six men would come... (7 8). Not only did they have to experience rape, but
also torture, starved, and forced to do labor.
For the comfort women, the hardest thing to do from their experience was to learn
to cope with the trauma if they had survived. According to the United Nations, Only
about 25 per cent of these women are said to have survived these daily abuses (39).
They have to live their lives anguished and ashamed for something they could not
control. They would hide the truth from their families. Many of these women
developed mental disorders, like post traumatic stress disorder. Other experienced
infertility or had a physical disability. The worst part of the aftermath is the Japanese
government refusing to acknowledge this has ever occurred. De Brouwer, an author,
has written, Until 1992, the Japanese government has denied any responsibility for
the sexual slavery system during World War II... (8). It has been noted that it is rarely
mentioned in history books. Rebuffing atonement to the remaining comfort women,
this strains the relationship between the Japanese government, the surviving comfort
women and the South Korean
Unhealthy Food Ads Target Minorities
The government should most definitely intervene in situations that concern the
people who consume fast food on a daily basis and on food stamps. It is the
governments job to see the problems of the people and fix it in any means necessary.
In the article, Unhealthy Food Ads Target Minorities, Possibly Contributing To
Childhood Obesity states that A new study conducted by researchers from the
University of Connecticut found black and Hispanic youth are getting a double dose
of foodmarketing that promotes products high in sugar, saturated fat, and sodium . I
find it puzzling that many minorities are targeted with this problem, since a majority
of minorities do not have good health care or non at all. This is extremely unfair.
Feminist Interpretation In Charles Perrault s Bluebeard
There is perhaps nothing as terrifying as realizing that your dark suspicions about
someone ended up being correct. Actually, something more terrifying is having that
horrible realization and having no method of escape. Charles Perrault s Bluebeard is a
story of intuition and feminine curiosity, but the tale can also be read through a
feminist lens and taken as an examination of the oppressive attitude and potential
danger that men can pose to women. This can be seen through how the tale treats
women, how the story represents men, and through examining the actual events of
the story when compared to the supposed moral. Perrault s Bluebeardhas quite a bit to
say about gender relations, even though the views of the author may be distinctly
different from a more feminist interpretation. There are several female characters in
Bluebeard, though the one with the most potential for examination is the younger
sister who marries the titular character. His wifeis never given a name, and she, along
with her sister, is described only as perfect beauties (Perrault 144). She, at least at
first, and many other women are repulsed by Bluebeard. While he may be wealthy
and appears to be kind, he had the misfortune of having a blue beard, which made
him look so ugly and frightful that women and girls alike fled from the sight of him
(Perrault 144). The young bride is obviously someone who is focused on the
attractiveness of her partner, but she actually manages to overcome this and
A Midsummer Night s Dream Research Paper (with Cited)
The play, A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare, is about four
lovers and their dreamlike adventure through a fairy ruled forest. There are many
different characters in this play and they each play their own individual role in how
the play is performed and read. Three main characters that showed great
characteristics are: Puck, Tom Bottom, and Helena. The play, A Midsummer Nights
Dream by William Shakespeare, uses characters and their conflicts to give meaning to
this piece of literature.
A Midsummer Night s Dream was written in the early part of William Shakespeare s
life in 1596. It was written to be played at artistic carnivals and tried to please all
parts of society; the carpenters to please all the galleries, ... Show more content on ...
Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends.
Nick Bottom is another comical character that makes the audience laughs from his
overconfidence in him. He is one of the central figures in the subplot of the
production of the Pyamus and Thisbe story. He brings his comedy from his
extraordinary belief in his own abilities. Bottom thinks he is perfect at everything he
does, yet he is a horrible actor and frequently makes rhetorical and grammatical
mistakes in his speech. His humor stems from the fact that he s not aware of how
ridiculous he is.
Titania falls madly in love with Bottom after she was anointed with a love potion and
Bottom s head has been turned into that of an ass. He thinks nothing out of the
ordinary about a fairy queen that has fallen in deeply in love with him. His inability
to perceive the fact that his head had been transformed and a fairy queen has fallen
in love with him parallels how absurd he is.
Although Puck and Bottom may stand out as two of the main characters they aren t
involved in the main conflict. Helena, who is desperately in love with Demetrius,
may be the most drawn out character. Helena is he one lover who thinks more about
the nature of love than the actual thing. She is extremely unsure about herself and
thinks about her appearance a lot and
Ricin Essay
Many plants contain cytotoxins, which are considered the most deadly compounds
known. Ricin, a cytotoxin, is one of the most lethal toxins in the world. Ricin was
first synthesized in 1888 by the German scientist Peter Hermann Stillmark, this toxic
protein is naturally occurring in castor beans and easily purified. Purified ricin is
found as a white powder when extracted from the castor bean or it can be produced as
the waste product from the creation of castor oil. Ricin can enter the body through
ingestion, inhalation, or injection. Ingestion of this toxic can lead to dehydration by
vomiting and diarrhea or in extreme cases, hallucinations, liver and renal failure.
Severe poisoning by inhalation causes fluid accumulation in the lungs leading... Show
more content on ...
The A chain of ricin exhibits a large amount of secondary structure. This structure
consists of seven О± helices; these О± helices are comprised of 80 amino acid
residues, which equals to 30% of the protein is helical. A chain contains a five
stranded ОІ sheet composed of amino acid residues 67 116, and comprising 15% of
the protein. These residues, however, aren t directly involved in the sheet. The A
chain folds into three random domains. The first domain forms the bottom of the A
chain. This domain contains the amino terminal through 117 residues, which is
dominated by the ОІ sheet, making it appear as a flat domain. Five О± helices
dominate the second domain, but is comprised of amino acid residues 118 210. The
only free sulfhydoxyl group on the second О± helix resides in this domain, and is
bonded to the single methyl mercury of the isomorphous derivative. The second
domain sits over and to left of the first domain. The third domain exhibited by the A
chain forms a circular domain that strongly interacts with the B chain as mentioned
earlier. The third domain contains the 211 267 amino acid residues, and is quite
distinct from the second domain. This dis similarity is due to the amino acid residues
in the third domain are
Ar 670-1
Army Regulation 670 1
Uniforms and Insignia
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia
Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 3 February 2005
AR 670 1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia This rapid action
revision of 3 February 2005 o Updates figures throughout the regulation (throughout).
o Clarifies the definition of unauthorized tattoos while wearing the class A uniform
(chap 1). Identifies officials responsible for making initial entry determinations on
tattoos and brands (chap 1). Delegates the authority to MACOM commanders to
grant exceptions to policy or discharges on initial entry soldiers with tattoos (chap 1).
Clarifies the definition of a privately ... Show more content on ...
o Deletes the temporary wear of the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (chap 29). The
revision of 1 July, 2002 o Updates wear of religious items and jewelry; sets
grooming, hair, fingernail, and cosmetics policies; defines eyeglasses and sunglasses
standards; adds policies on tattoos, body piercing, and the carrying of civilian bags;
sets standards for contact lenses; authorizes pagers and cell phones; sets standards for
starching and creasing battle dress uniforms; and exempts males from wearing
headgear to evening events (chap 1). Updates responsibilities and administrative
information, prohibits seasonal wear dates, and adds requirements for ceremonial
units (chap 2).
o Updates the battle dress uniform and authorized accessories (chap 3). o Authorizes
personal hydration systems (chaps 3 6). o Adds wear of the Army black beret and
updates wear of maroon, tan (Ranger), and green berets (chaps 3 17).
o Updates the maternity work uniform (chap 4). o Updates the desert battle dress
uniform and authorizes sew on insignia (chap 5).
o Adds a new aircrew battle dress uniform (chap 6). o Updates the extended cold
weather clothing system (Gortex) parka and requires wear of nametape on the
Gortex parka (chap 7). o Updates the hospital duty and food service uniforms and
adds wear of white unisex cardigan (chaps 8 11). Updates the flight and combat
vehicle crewman uniforms and accessories (chaps 12 13).
Pride And Prejudice Character Analysis
The novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published
Jane Austen s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England.
Important settings are Longbourn: the Bennets estate, Netherfield Park: the estate of
Mr. Bingley; Rosings Park: the estate of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Pemberley:
Mr. Darcy s estate. Major characters in this comically toned romance include
Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is
the protagonist while the pride and prejudiceof social classes can be seen as the
antagonist. Mr. Darcy, aside from Elizabeth Bennet herself, undergoes one of the
most drastically dynamic character changes of the novel. The exposition of the novel
begins... Show more content on ...
Once Jane is recovered, the sisters return home, and the next day the Bennets
receive a visit from their cousin, Mr. Collins, who is set to inherit the estate. Shortly
after his arrival, Collins proposes to Elizabeth, who turns him down an exciting
climax within the plot. Once he is convinced of her denial, he turns to Charlotte
Lucas, a neighbor and friend of the Bennets. In the nearby town of Meryton, where
militia officers are stationed, the sisters meet the new officer, Wickham. When Mr.
Bingley and Mr. Darcy happen upon the group, Darcy and Wickham seem to
profusely detest each other, the perfect man vs. man conflict Elizabeth can t help but
notice. Elizabeth and Wickham become friends and he tells her Darcy is a horrible
man who cheated him out of his inheritance.
The Bingley party leaves Netherfield for the winter, and the Bennets start to believe
they will not return. Charlotte and Mr. Collins get married, and Elizabeth promises
to visit them at their parsonage in Rosings Park. Jane is upset over Bingley s
departure and goes to visit her aunt and uncle in London. That spring, Elizabeth visits
the Collinses and meets their patron, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is Darcy s
aunt. Furthering the rising action, Darcy arrives to call on his aunt during Elizabeth s
visit. He drops by the Collins home quite frequently, and during one of his visits,
when he catches Elizabeth alone, he makes a very insulting
The Voting Age
In the article Why We Should Lower the Voting Age to 16, Laurence Steinberg
asserts that teenagers deserve more than just a voice to make a change but a right to
vote (Steinberg). He elaborates on how teenagers are qualified to vote because their
minds are fully developed enough to make good choices. Steinberg believes that
teenagers have the responsibility to vote because currently the teens right now are
having a thoughtful, eloquent protest.
Steinberg insists that the federal voting age in the United States should be lowered
from 18 to 16 (Steinberg). Steinberg uses hypophora and logistical evidence to create
his empathetic tone. To start his claim, Steinberg uses an hypophora to to question if
young people [are] notoriously ... Show more content on ...
Because this question would be posed by skeptics and he later on validates his
answer to counteract those people, he strengthened his claim by removing doubt
from his claim. Steinberg is seen as understanding to the teens when he poses that
question which creates his empathetic tone. His tone and the hypophora combined
only bolsters his argument. Moreover, he switches to logistical evidence to back
up his hypophora. He states that Cold cognitive abilities are skills that lead people
to reason logically with facts and that they are firmly in place by [the age] 16
(Steinberg). Steinberg s incorporation of logic in his article not only made an
emphasis on that his claim his correct and supported by factual studies, but it also
adds to his empathetic tone because he can be seen as understanding of teenagers
by disregarding stereotypical information with statistics. In addition to, Steinberg
goes back to using hypophora in the final parts of his article to establish his point
once more and build his tone. Steinberg questions Why is higher turnout among 16
and 17 year olds so important? Because there is evidence that people who don t vote
the first time they are eligible are less likely to vote regularly in the
Examples Of Consumerism In The Invisible Man
Although the Invisible Man talks a lot about racial issues and the struggles of the
black community, to me the Death of a Salesman defies the concept of racial
determinism more effectively. The Invisible Man in a way reinforces the concept of
racial determinism through the novel. The idea that the protagonist has to accept
certain stereotypes just because of what his grandfather told him agree em to death
(432), portrays the idea that instead of fighting against these injustices they have to
learn to live with them. Is until the epilogue that there is a confrontation against
prejudice in general. Nevertheless, In the Death of a Salesman racial determinism is
defied from the very beginning when a white man founds himself struggling to reach
... Show more content on ...
When you install Microsoft in your computer every user has to read the contract
and check a box accepting the terms of license. Nevertheless, not many people
bother to read it. This license restrains the things you can do with your system and
the programs that are compatible with it. The translation is Microserfs states I must
use my computer true. This means that the user has to use their computers while
following the rules already imposed by these corporations. It can also mean that this
corporations not only control the things you do with their devices, but own the
information they gather about you as well. However, the consumer is not the only
one forced to follow the rules. The employees of this companies receive a poor
treatment from their employers. In the novel Microserfts, some of the characters
become depressed because of the slavery like system that dehumanize the employees.
Nevertheless, these corporation disguise their oppressive rulings as laws in order to
maintain the status quo and allow that those who are in power to remain in
How Did Cold Moo Ice Cream Get Its Unprofitable Costs
Week 2: Assignment from the Textbook
Ex. 20.1
Listed below are nine technical accounting terms introduced in this chapter:
Variable costs Relevant range Contribution margin
Break even point Fixed costs Semivariable costs
Economies of scale Sales mix Unit contribution margin
Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical
terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer None if
the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms.
a. The level of sales at which revenue exactly equals costs and expenses.
Break even point
b. Costs that remain unchanged despite changes in ... Show more content on ...
B. Ex. 22.9
The president of Cold Moo Ice Cream Company, a chain of ice cream stores in the
Midwest, was unhappy with the actual six month profit figures for the company
recently prepared by the CFO. The president asked the CFO for a profit
breakdown, by store, of the actual six month results. When the president received
the report, he was extremely upset and called the CFO into his office. The president
stated, These reports show that each store in the chain is profitable, but our
company results are unprofitable! How can this be? The CFO pointed out that each
store was allowed to set prices for ice cream based on its cost structure. However, the
stores cost structures did not include headquarters costs or the costs of advertising
and delivery of products.
What are the three characteristics for operating a successful responsibility accounting
Consider whether the accounting system at Cold Moo Ice Cream Company includes
the three characteristics of a successful responsibility accounting system. How could
the responsibility accounting system at Cold Moo be improved?
Three characteristics of the successful operation of a responsibility accounting system
include: Budgets are created for each responsibility center, measures the performance
of each responsibility center, and preparation of timely performance reports.
Love And Family Loss Of Love In Red River
Love is a powerful theme that is shown throughout Red River , by the family bonds
and the sadness of death. In my own life, I have encountered love from my family
when my grandmother passed away almost two years ago. July 16, 2016, was a
tough day for my family, but it brought us closer together than we had ever been
before. I remember waiting at the hospital with all of my familybefore my
grandmother was moved into the room the hospital called, The butterfly room .
This was the room that was designated for family members to say goodbye to their
loved ones. I remember all 20 of my family members squeezed into this tight
butterfly room waiting for the nurses to wheel my grandma in. When they brought
her in the room, she was still unconscious and barely living on life support. I hated
seeing her this way, it broke my heart. The room felt gloomy and depressing. I
looked at my grandmother s face and tears started to form in my eyes because I
knew today was her last day with us. The nurses took her off life support and gave
her morphine to ease her pain. Now, the entire family just waited together to be with
her until she passed. During this time is when I felt the most lovefrom my family
because we all came together to grieve. The hospital room was no longer sad, but
hopeful and loving. We all reminisced on memories of my Grandma and cried
together. My cousin led my grandmother s favorite songs and the rest of us joined in
and sung along with him. The last 30 minutes were
John F Kennedy Assassination Essay
On November 22, 1963, the world lost a leader, mentor, father, husband, and hero.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while driving through downtown
with his wife and security. While this is all many can tell you about John F. Kennedy,
he was so much more than a president who was assassinated . John F. Kennedywas an
incredible figure head who lead an important and impactful life and left a large
wound in not only our country, but the world as a whole. The 35th president of the
United Statesof America grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was born to a
wealthy family of eleven, which includes his parents and eight siblings. John F.
Kennedy, or Jack, was an intelligent young man with a bright future ahead of him. He
went to... Show more content on ...
Kennedy s political carreer had already taken off by 1946. That year Kennedy
decided to run for congress and had a majority of the votes in his favor. The
conservative democrat was able to win the election and entered the 80th Congress
in January 1947. Kennedy was reelected in 1948 and 1950 and was elected into
Senate in 1952. At the beginning of 1960 John F. Kennedy announced that he
would be running for president in January of 1960. His major opponent was the
Republican Richard Nixon, however, Kennedy was able to win and became the
thirty fifth president of the United States of America and the first ever Roman
Catholic president. In Kennedy s perhaps most recognizable speeches, his
inauguration speech, he states Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief
Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend
clergy, fellow citizens:... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we
pledge and more....In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the
final success or failure of our [country]. Since this country was founded, each
generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.
The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again not as a call to bear
Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Age of
Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Age of Enlightenment
ABSTRACT: There have been many interpretations of Bildung in the history of
German philosophy, from the Medieval mystics to the secularization of the
Enlightenment. Wilhelm von Humboldt s work at the end of the 18th century is a
good example. He placed the idea of Bildung at the center of his work because it
was rooted in a dynamic, transforming idea of the natural and human worlds while
also being oriented toward a model of balance and perfection. Von Humboldt s
interpretation of modernity is characterized by a strong emphasis on change as well
as the need to find criteria for guiding such a transformation that has no intrinsic or
predetermined end. Love of classical antiquity ... Show more content on ...
In this way, to render the semantic extent of the term, the meanings of forma and
formatio and imago and imitatio are involved as well; and the following two
concepts are implied: firstly the concept of production according to an order that
gives rise to a form (to something subsident on the basis of mutually congruent rules)
and secondly the conformation of the said act to an image given as assumption, as a
model endowed with an absolute value which this image must resemble or aim for.
The original meaning of bilden, as the Deutsches Wörterbuch by Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm states, is that of a plastic activity on the sensory level and means giving
shape, producing a certain object abiding to the rules which preside over the Art. In
this case bilden is a synonym for gestalten and formieren. But the relationship of
reproduction, and therefore of resemblance with respect to an image must be added
to this , and this addition to an Urbild pushes bilden well beyond the pure and simple
formation of an object and gives rise to the complex relationship between model and
copy, original and reproduction which implies a very different approach to the
Such a double meaning
The 1950 s And The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA)
Racing has been around for many years. People are addicted to the speed and the
configuration of racing. Racing has proven to be a great way to get people
together and race cars or according to the video even horses. Racing has come
extremely far, as it used to be illegal to do and now people are making a living off
of it. According to the video, the year of 1949 was the first organized drag race
ever. The racing environment was extremely different then than now. Back then,
there were no entry fees or safety precautions taken. Now there are huge entry fees
and may requirements that must be met for the race car and driver to ensure safety.
Racing exploded in the 1950 s and the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) was
created to ensure that there... Show more content on ...
This would ensure that the racing was protected, and it is still around today. The
NHRA helped gain respect for drag racing. I think that the NHRA was a great start
for racing. It helped organize races and make it more respectable to people who
may not understand the love and passion some have for racing. The NHRA used
their safety safari to go all over the country to hot rod races, teaching them
everything from selling tickets to the safety of racing the hot rods. I think that this
really helped racing take off. These people have now learned how to make the
sport safer and gain money in order to proceed with their passion for racing. This
also helped the racers gain sponsors such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Racing relies off
of sponsors now. There has been so many technological advancements in racing,
that not the average person can afford to go out and be competitive enough to win
without help. When I think about sponsors for racing, almost every single huge
corporation sponsors some sort of race car. The racers are helping the sponsors get
more business, while the sponsors support the race car driver so they can make it
to the track. My family has a deep history in open wheel dirt track racing, and they
would not have been able to compete for so long without the help of sponsors.
Racing had now become some people s way of making a living. They were able to
make enough money to support themselves, but still struggled trying to get to and
from each race. The NHRA toured to England to expand the racing dream to people
all over the world. I think this was a great move by the NHRA because the more
people that are interested the more money involved. This video only proves that
racing is advancing and becoming more enjoyed all over the
The Death of Reality and the Reality of Death
The Death of Reality and the Reality of Death
Death is never easy. Afterall it is the only sure thing anyone will ever do. Yet how
one dies is determined by how they live. One who lives their life to the fullest will
be content and open to death, while one whose life has been empty will fear it; but
what if the difference between full and empty was not so easily differentiated? What
if reality and falsehood were the same? This idea is contemplated in both Death of a
Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy. In the
world of the salesman, Willy Loman, who can not see who he is nor distinguish
reality from fantasy, and the world of Ivan Ilych, who can not see his life for what it
is nor find true happiness, ... Show more content on ...
So he decides to kill himself. He believes that he is worth more dead than alive and
refers to his plan as a diamond, rough and hard to the touch (Miller 126), something
attainable that makes up for all of the failures he has endured in the past. Willy
does not know who he is and this falsehood becomes his undoing. Similarly,
falsehood brings about Ivan Ilych s death. The biggest deceit for Ivan is his failure
to admit to his mortality, as well as his idea of what happiness is. Ivan has spent
his entire life trying to rise the corporate ladder in his two faced aristocratic world.
He loves playing bridge and presiding over the courts, his family life is in
shambles, yet he does not mind at all and still considers his life to be pleasant. Ivan
is totally concerned with only his career and appearances. He tries to look more
successful that he really is by making his middle class home look upper class, but
his house was so like the others that it would never have been noticed, but to him it
all seemed to be quite exceptional. (Tolstoy 530). It is while he is decorating this
house, climbing a ladder to hang drapes, that he injures his side, an injury that will
cause his death. Ivan s desire to climb the ladder of success, failure to recognize his
false sense of happiness, and his concern with appearances leads to his death.
However, Ivan recognizes
Breastfeeding Anthropology
Breastfeeding is an action that is bio cultural and biosocial in nature. Breastfeeding
is a biological process that involves a woman providing milk for an infant. Culturally
speaking, breastfeeding is not always an action by the biological mother. In some
cases, the mother needs to return to work not long after birth. Other times, it is just
the cultural norm that other women and children help in the care of a new baby.
Stereotypes and norms surrounding breastfeedingvary cross culturally as well.
Socially speaking, there is an expectation that mothers will breastfeed their offspring.
Some people biologically cannot breastfeed, others cannot breastfeed due to
medications, and some women just choose not to breastfeed.
Cross culturally speaking, ... Show more content on ...
There is no formal screening associated with being a milk donor, therefore,
transmission of disease and exposure to harmful toxins is possible. The American
Academy of Pediatrics only endorses the used of BDM that have been processed
through the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. 77% of women
are aware of the possibility of milk sharing and 25% considered the possibility of
sharing their milk. Only 4% actually shared milk with a friend, family member, or
donated to a milk bank. Milk sharing is growing in popularity due to the medical
benefits associated with breastmilk over formula, but the amount of people who
actually participate in milk sharing is unclear. There is much room for improvement
for the process of milk sharing through regulation of donors and how the breastmilk is
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Describe A Place Essay. ️ Descriptive essay on a place. How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph ...

  • 1. Describe A Place Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Describe A Place" may initially seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of capturing the essence of a location can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in selecting the right words to convey the atmosphere, sights, sounds, and emotions associated with the place but also in creating a vivid and engaging narrative that resonates with the reader. To begin with, you are tasked with the responsibility of selecting a place that holds personal significance or one that can evoke a strong connection. This choice sets the tone for the entire essay and demands careful consideration. Once the place is chosen, the challenge is to transport the reader to that location through descriptive language. The task involves striking a delicate balance between providing enough detail to paint a vivid picture without overwhelming the reader with excessive information. Moreover, the challenge extends to organizing the essay coherently. Describing a place involves more than just a random listing of features; there needs to be a logical flow that guides the reader through the physical and emotional landscape of the chosen location. This requires a keen sense of narrative structure and an understanding of how to effectively build and sustain tension or engagement throughout the essay. Another layer of complexity is added when trying to infuse the essay with a personal touch. The writer must navigate the fine line between objectivity and subjectivity, drawing on personal experiences and emotions without veering into self-indulgence. Achieving this delicate balance contributes to the authenticity of the essay, making it more relatable and compelling for the reader. In conclusion, writing a "Describe A Place" essay is a nuanced and challenging task that demands careful consideration of language, organization, and personal connection. However, for those seeking assistance or looking to alleviate the complexities of such a writing endeavor, various resources are available. Similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be explored, offering support and guidance for those navigating the intricate terrain of descriptive writing. For more help with essays and related writing tasks, individuals may consider exploring options like Describe A Place EssayDescribe A Place Essay
  • 2. Goals Of Woodrow Wilson From the humblest beginnings, Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856 in Staunton, Virginia. Woodrow Wilson from a young age was an efficient and diligent worker. Woodrow Wilson overcame dyslexia by constantly trying to obtain academic excellence. He first started his prestigious education in Davidson College than went on to study law in Princeton University. After moving on from Princeton, Woodrow Wilsonreceived his doctorate in political science in John Hopkins University. He than became the President of Princeton University in 1902. His reputation of prestigious academics and leadership allowed him to gain notoriety amongst other intellectuals. Woodrow Wilson than was elected the governor of New Jerseystarting from 1911.As the Governor of New Jersey he quickly became a social reformer and a man of the people. Now Woodrow Wilson wants to spread his reform to the entire country with his platform of New Freedom. Woodrow Wilson s goals for the future are progressive and impactful. He does not want create burdens for the people like the Republicans did. Instead he will work to fix problems as a united nation. Woodrow Wilson will work towards lower taxes on goods, and let people thrive with their hard earned money. Woodrow Wilson believes tariffs are meant to help the government help the people. Republican tariff reforms simply are detrimental to the American people especially farmers. With the McKinley Tariff, taxes were increased on industrialized goods. This
  • 3. Psychology And The Theory Of Psychology Psychology in a continuously growing tree with its roots stemming from the study of reality and knowledge known as philosophy first studied by ancient Greece (Wiley 8). It can be defined as the study of behaviours and mental processes in which behaviours are observable activities, and mental processes include all internal thoughts and emotions. Psychologists often have one (or more) of four goals in mind when they conduct research: describing, explaining, predicting, or controlling (5 6). Many great thinkers profoundly influenced psychologyincluding Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Sigmund Freudand many others (Vickers).Various people throughout history contributed to different approaches and belief systems. A few examples of these systems are: structuralism focusing on mental processes, psychoanalysis focusing on the unconscious mind, behaviourism focusing on the unconscious mind (Vickers). Although there are many belief systems, modern psychologists share similar procedures and values known as the empirical method (Vickers). Psychology is theory driven, seeks evidence, multi leveled, and contextual, unlike philosophy which relies heavily on unproven beliefs, psychology aims to discover scientific information. Psychologists approach ideas using the scientific methodbased on Sir Francis Bacon s emphasis on minimizing bias (Wiley 29). They create hypotheses which according to Karl Popper must establish observations that could be refutable (30). Unfortunately,
  • 4. Full Inclusion In Early Childhood Education In early childhood, many five to eight year olds, are included in general education classes for at least part of the day. School districts implement full inclusion. I could not stress the enough. When I was younger in elementary school I had an IEP. Having an IEP already made me feel like an outcast and having to go to a separate room made that feeling even worse. I understand in some severe cases children have to be separated. In my case I just need the teacher to go a little slower and explain the concept a few times. The schoolshould have had teachers equip to handle this situation. I did not need a separate room to learn the information I just need a little help, which the teacher could have easily applied. The book notes that Children
  • 5. Leasing A SUV Essay Leasing an SUV Leasing a suv vehicle is an option for vehicle buyers. Some buyers will take a buying option whereas others seem a better fit to select the leasing option. Know the difference when making a major purchase. When buying an suv or any other vehicle, the buyer takes ownership of the vehicle and pays the down payment, then pays reoccurring notes every month until the balance is paid in full. If the lease option is chosen then the buyer pays a lesser down payment in most cases, but the agreement will have stipulations with the vehicle and the buyer will not own the vehicle. The suv leasing terms for standard and luxury vehicles has general rules set in motion that go along with the leasing agreement. The potential leasing individual will need to abide by the rules. If the potential leasing individual does not follow the rules of the agreement then the automotive ... Show more content on ... Once the two to three years are up the buyer is able to trade for another vehicle that suits their needs. The leasing option has the benefit of being able to change vehicles every two to three years, the lease option keeps payment low, and you have the luxury of driving a dream car rather than out right buying it. Of course, at the end of the lease most buyers are given the option to purchase the vehicle. In that case when the two to three year agreement has expired the purchaser is given the chance to purchase the vehicle that they have been driving. Some individuals fall in love with their suv, luxury car or truck and purchasing it would seem ideal for them. Others simply would like a change. Maybe a luxury suv, car or truck would seem intriguing to the purchaser. Economy may as have changed within the years of being leased and the purchaser would like something better on fuel to save money. In any case the purchaser is able to choose the vehicle that is within the price range that the dealership or finance company
  • 6. Lane Frost Research Papers Lane Frost was born on October 12th, 1963 in LA junta, Co to Clyde and Elsie Frost. He has two siblings Cody and Robin Frost. Bull riding was basically in Lanes blood, his dad was a bull rider and was out on the rodeo circuit when he was born. Elsie said that even as a baby Lane was fascinated by bull riding. Lane started his bull riding career at just the age of 15 years old. One of his familyfriends Freckles Brown tough him how to ride bulls and encouraged him all the way. Lane won his first rodeo at the little buckaroos rodeo in Utah. He was also the National high school rodeo runner up in.1980. Riding bulls wasn t just something to do for Lane it was a way of life. Lane became of full member of the PRCA(Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association) in 1983. He was never a member of the PBR. . He won world champion at the age of 24 and rode red rock for the challenge of the champions. Lane rode red rock 4 out of 7 times and he was the only person to ever ride him for a full 8 seconds. In 1980, at a national high school Lane meet two people he would know forever Kellie Kyle and Tuff Hedeman. ... Show more content on ... His mom thinks he got the first feather from a chicken hawk. Lane used turkey feathers as well. He always changed the feathers over the years when he would find one that was cool and unusual. Lane and Kellie got married in 1985, around the same time he taught his first bull riding class. They got married in Quanah, Texas at a United Methodist Church. Lane and Kellie separated in 1988 for a little while because of his traveling schedule, not because of cheating like in the movie. They got back together right before the challenge of the champions when Lane had the ride Red
  • 7. Compare And Contrast A Good Man Is Hard To Find And Arnold... In comparing and contrasting Flannery O Connor s A Good Man is Hard to Find and Joyce Carol Oates s Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been the stories contain very different plots, but they both have similarities between the characters Arnold Friend and Misfit. They appear to be mentally unstable and highly selfish by only caring about their needs. For example, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Arnold Friend shows his mentality and selfishness by harming the main character Connie by being highly persistent. In A Good Man is Hard to Findthe Misfit showed his mentality and selfishness by killing the grandmother when she was trying to bring out faith and his good side when the situation escalated when the car crashed. Regardless of these two completely different stories, there are several similarities between the characters Arnold Friend and Misfit in their personalities. In the story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Connie, the main character, is already struggling with many things in life and sneaks her way to date guys. There was also conflicting between her and her mother due to her mother favoring her sister, June and describing her as someone who is a good example of what she wants Connie to be. Her father is never at home due to work and when he is home, the girls do not relate to him. Arnold Friend is described as a dangerous figure with his pale complexion and his slick black hair looking like trouble by not presenting himself in a pleasing way to Connie, by not walking properly. This was an indication on how he was not in the right state of mind and how Arnold shouldn t be near Connie. There was one scene in the story where Arnold Friend shows up, uninvited, notifying Connie that he is not a friend, but has come to take her away from her home to possibly kidnap her. Connie felt a wave of dizziness, rise in her at this sight and she stared at him as if waiting for something to change the shock of the moment, make it alright again . Connie feels safe in the house and does not come out until Arnold convinces and demands her that she come out. Things took an unpleasant twist when Arnold tells Connie not use the phone or he will break his promise of not coming in the house
  • 8. A Brief Note On Bill Heaps, Partner At W.e MEMO: Deductibility for TPL Expenditures To Bill Heaps, Partner at W.E. Charge, Often Much Wharf The issue at hand is whether or not the repairs and maintenance to the wharf are deductible under the Income Tax Act 2007 (ITA). Repairs and maintenance are allowable deductions under section DA 1 ITA, however, the deductibility is reliant on whether or not the fact situation meets a two stage test which the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has outlined in an Interpretation Statement: IS 12/03. 1.1 The First Stage The first stage of the two stage test, as outlined by the IRD, is the identification of the asset being worked on. Determining this asset is always a question of fact, degree and impression . The courts have determined that what is necessary here is a certain test, the entirety test , in which you must determine whether or not a physical thing satisfies a particular function or use, as in Lindsay v FCT and Auckland Gas Co v CIR. As such, you must ascertain whether or not the particular asset being worked on is it s own distinct thing or whether it is a part of a larger asset. The next thing to consider here is the meaning of a distinct asset . Characteristics of a distinct asset which can be taken into consideration are things like its location or whether it is physically separate from other things, as in the cases of Case F67 or Hawkes Bay Power Distribution Ltd v CIR. Another helpful consideration, as outlined in IS 12/03, is determining what the function
  • 9. Quentin Tarantino s Pulp Fiction Evaluation of Pulp Fiction Film Director Quentin Tarantino s Pulp Fiction first debuted on October 14, 1994, when people first viewed this iconic film they thought it would be the best Tarantino film or the worst one. No matter which way the crowd was swayed this film was for a sure a memorable one, anywhere from Samuel L. Jackson s misquoted bible verse to the famous dancing scene with John Travolta and Uma Thurman. These scenes are what made this film unique and so appealing to the public. Breaking records of being the first independent film to gross over 200 million dollars Pulp Fiction is no doubt the most outstanding film created by Quentin Tarantino. Amongst Tarantino s eight films Pulp Fiction is the leading film, it is a masterpiece. ... Show more content on ... His captivating characters strongly aided the popularity of this movie. Pulp Fiction has three leading protagonists Vincent Vega (John Travolta), Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson), and Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis). Each character had their own enriching backstory. Vincent Vega an avid heroin user just returning from Amsterdam to further his mafia career on the streets of Los Angeles. Next was Jules Winnfield who was portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson. Jules Winnfield has been a long time gangster who is always deep in thought and one for the theatrics. Lastly was Butch Coolidge a prodigious boxer who is deeply in love with his girlfriend along with his father s watch. This cast was a great contribution to why Tarantino s best film is Pulp Fiction . This cast was perfectly created and allowed the audience to root for them and fall in love with the characters. Every time I watch this movie I become lost in the characters and root for them upon every
  • 10. Essay Comparing A Clockwork Orange And American Psycho Point #1 In both novels American Psycho and A Clockwork Orange, society creates monsters by manipulating and taking away free will from the protagonists Patrick Bateman and Alex. This may be in different ways but essentially both are separated away from what seems to be the norm and are mentally segregated from human connection. One way in which this can be seen in American Psycho is by isolating Patrick Bateman, a high class, wealthy Manhattan businessman, from the ordinary. There are several repeated miscommunications such as when Bateman is constantly telling his friends that he works in murders and executions but this is interpreted as mergers and acquisitions . Ironically combining together Bateman s monotonous day job with his vicious night job. They are all so wrapped up in themselves that they don t hear him or don t believe what he s saying. In fact, what could really be going on in his head, Patrick Bateman might be trying to communicate across how he feels and this may be his way of doing so. However, everybody around him doesn t seem to understand what is really going on. Not one character from American Psycho can see beneath the surface of ... Show more content on ... Patrick Bateman knows perfectly well there is something very incontinent about his nature, he simply is not there . He is frantic that maybe he feels something more towards her but at the same time feels the need to push her away as he doesn t want to hurt her. He may have never felt love towards another before and in a way wants to protect her from himself as he does not know what may happen if he lets his mind love her totally out of his control. Perhaps, he will end up treating her like the other girls and a likely possibility that he may eventually kill her. He s afraid to love. He s afraid that he will get too attached and fall into the ordinary everyday routine of being a husband and a
  • 11. The Is The Rationalization Of The Store Of Department... Mcdonaldization, according to George Ritzer, is the rationalization taken to its extreme. I have the luxury of being employed by Sears, company which is a chain of department stores across the country. At Sears, I am an appliances sales consultant. A normal day in this position consist of arriving on time to get my reports for the day. These reports are different customer information, complains, and request that have to be dealt with by either me, or I have to find the appropriate person to be able to help. Once that is taken care of, it is my job to catch up on the appliances the Sears sells and formulation a salespitch that will successfully persuade the customer to buy their appliances during their visit. This consist of finding out the known problems, known questions, and solutions that have worked for other people. After this is done, it is time to engage the customer. Sears has what they call know your expert , in which a customer now has the ability to shop online in a more efficient manner. Appliances, unlike other products, is harder to shop online for because the customer wants to see and touch the product. Know your expert allows the customer to go online, find products they are interested in, fill out specific features they would like, and then go into to the store and have an expert explain the product that is comparable to their selection. Of course, my job is to do what is right for the company first, and if I can help the customer while doing that,
  • 12. Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumber Case Study Salmonella contaminated cucumbers connected to death in Texas A Texas woman has died as a result of consuming cucumber contaminated with the salmonella poona bacteria. Her death marks the second fatality associated with the tainted produce. The salmonella outbreak has resulted in 341 cases of infection across 30 states, including 18 in Texas. The cucumbers in question were distributed and sold in the United States from August 1, 2015 to September 3, 2015, by Andrew Williamson Fresh Produce out of California, and have since been voluntarily recalled. A representative from HEB grocery stores confirmed that Austin area stores received the cucumbers named in the recall, and that as soon as they were notified of the recall, the product was pulled from stores and replaced with fresh product. Local Walmart stores were also touched by the recall.... Show more content on ... As soon as we learned of Andrew Williamson Fresh Produce recall of their Limited Edition Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumbers, we immediately notified our stores to pull all affected product. We are aware that stores in Texas have received impacted product. Customers who believe they still have affected Limited Edition Brand Pole Grown Garden Cucumbers product may return it to their local store for a full refund, Walmart said in a statement provided by Walmart s National Media Relations office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working closely with the Texas Department of State Health Services, as well as agencies in other states, to track infections. In doing so, they believe they have identified the source of the salmonella contaminated cucumbers to a grower in Mexico. Every effort has been taken to remove this product from the market and we have stopped all harvesting and packing operations at the grower s facility, said Andrew Williamson, according to the Los Angeles
  • 13. Saudi Arabia In The Film Blood And Oil The United States exchange of protection for oil with the Royal Family lead to terrorism in the Middle East due to the American forces and presence that existed in Saudi Arabia. In the film Blood and Oil , the United States agenda within the Middle east became more than just protecting the Royal family for Oil, it became that the US was protecting their income of oil. Ronald Reagan states in a clip, Saudia Arabia provides the bulk of the energy that is needed to turn the wheels of industry in the western world; There s no way we can stand by and see that taken over by anyone who would shut off that oil . During the invasion of Iraqin Kuwait, Dick Cheney went to Saudia Arabia to convince King Fahd that the Royal Family and the country
  • 14. On Nuclear Disarmament Rhetorical Analysis Essay Our challenge is to reconcile, not after the carnage and the mass murder, but instead of the carnage and the mass murder. Carl Sagan s speech On Nuclear Disarmament is a powerful call to save humanity by putting an end to weapons of mass destruction. Sagan claims that he does not know if we are ever going to come to a complete peace, or if we will kill ourselves in the meantime. The claim made throughout On Nuclear Disarmament is both compelling and thoroughly expressed. Sagan presents his claim with rhetorical devices such as parallel structure, hyperbole, and repetition drawing the listener to act upon his plea to prevent senseless carnage. Carl Sagan s use of parallel structure illustrates that without peace we will not survive as a species. He says, A house divided against itself cannot stand. Let me vary it a little: A species divided against itself cannot stand. A planet divided against itself cannot stand. This type of rhetorical device moves the listener gradually from a house divided to a planet divided, demonstrating the effect on every living person. When Sagan speaks of the inscription on the Eternal Light Peace Memorial, A World United in the Search for Peace, I feel that more attention should have been drawn to this point. He could have gone one step further by emphasizing the hypocrisy of that statement when nuclear... Show more content on ... This forces the listener to realize that accidents cannot be predicted and that promises are often empty. The speech states, In the preceding year, confident assertions were made by officials of both nations that no accidents of that sort could happen. We were not to worry. The experts would not permit an accident to happen. Stating that an accident would not be permitted is a contradiction. Carl Sagan is pointing out the absolute promises that were made that could never be
  • 15. English Source Doc. Title: Dracula: Stoker s Response to the New Woman Author(s): Carol A. Senf Publication Details: Victorian Studies 26.1 (Autumn 1982): p33 49. Source: Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 156. Detroit: Gale, 2006. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Critical essay Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning Full Text: [(essay date autumn 1982) In the following essay, Senf contends that, contrary to popular belief, Bram Stoker s treatment of women in his novel stems not from his animosity toward women in general, but rather from his negative reaction to some attributes of the New Woman.] Although Dracula,1 which was first published in ... Show more content on ... In fact the first passage is neutral and suggests only that she is familiar with the New Woman s insistence on greater freedom and physical activity, attributes which Gail Cunningham mentions in her discussion: It was pointed out that women were likely to remain the weaker sex as long as they were encased in whalebone and confined their physical activity to the decorous movements of the ballroom, and the new doctrine of hygiene as it was coyly termed advocated sports for women and Rational Dress. Many young women pedalled their way to undreamt of freedoms on the newly popular bicycle; petticoats and chaperons were equally inappropriate accompaniments, and could be discarded in one go.8 Bicycle riding, bloomers, and badminton may have shocked more conservative people in the 1890s, but they were probably not enough to worry Stoker or his heroine. Nor was the fact that the New Woman was often a professional woman who chose financial independence and personal fulfilment as alternatives to marriage and motherhood. Cunningham adds that while these activities were important aspects of emancipation, they are not, however, responsible for the New Woman s becoming a symbol of all that was most challenging and dangerous in advanced thinking. The crucial factor was, inevitably, sex (Cunningham, p. 2). When it came to sex the New Woman was more frank and open than her predecessors. She felt free to initiate sexual
  • 16. Negotiation-Buying a House CHAPTER 2 LEARNING EXERCISE: BUYING A HOUSE SKILL 3.1: Yes, this is definitely a distributive bargaining situation. Base on my opinion, when it comes to purchasing a house, we would want to get a good property at an inexpensive value and have a good home appreciation value so that we can invest in a house property with no future worries. Buying a home need a thorough look as it will most likely be a lifetime investment. We always wantto get the most value of our hard earned money. Base on the case studies, let s say if they are not willing to considered or negotiate the price of the house that I wanted to buy, I can always walk away and find another house. Because in this situation we as the buyer wants more goods form the seller, and ... Show more content on ... This will also be found in the loan payment table; I may also obtain this from my mortgage lender. Step 5: Add my cash available for the down payment. This will give me a final figure of the amount I can afford to pay for the house. After completing the calculation in Step 5, I can now compare it to Step 1 and see what the difference is. This will give me my negotiating range that I can use when making my offer. If the amount in Step 1 is higher than Step 5, I may be able to secure an offer by bidding a higher price than the seller is offering. If the amount in Step 1 is lower than Step 5, I ll need to focus on bringing the final price down to a more affordable range. Calculating reservation price is an important part of the home buying process and can help me negotiate the best possible deal for my situation and get the home that I want. Consider using the above calculations for each home that I are considering so I have the confidence to overbid or negotiate for a lower price with my budget in mind. My BATNA which stands for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement , if none of this are working out according to plan I can always walk away and find another house that meet my requirement. It is because now I still have a house to stay and I need this to be perfect for my family. SKILL 3.3: The house that meets all of my needs is listed for $329,000. My target price is $310,000. I should make an opening offer of $300,000. Of course it s not always
  • 17. Analysis Of Ursula K. Leguin´s The Lathe Of Heaven A utopia is a fascination, a wonder. The faГ§ade of a utopia revolves around an individual s perception of what is right in the world. In The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula K. LeGuin argues that humans must find balance by not tampering with knowledge beyond our scope. Although she makes it clear that a utopia is unattainable, she argues that a life of inaction will lead us to a calmer and more utopian society. However, I disagree with this argument because it inhibits the possibilities of human advancement and undermines human nature. The hope of human advancement is what keeps people striving to make the next great breakthrough and to better understand the complexities of the universe. Although LeGuin makes a salient point that humans should not... Show more content on ... Humans are born with an innate desire to learn and create. Throughout Lathe of Heaven we see this instinctual desire to better understand their environment and improve it in all characters. For example, George Orr questions what Haber is doing to him but suppresses his curiosity. His passive nature undermines his curiosity and leads him to become more anxious and unknowingly submit himself to Haber s desires. It is not until he takes actions and seeks a legal advisor that he is more informed and understands his environment better. His desire to learn is what helped Orr better understand where Haber s priorities lie. This learning led him to take action, and without it he would have continued to mindlessly be used by Haber. Here, Orr illuminates that the phenomenon that is human curiosity is there for a greater purpose, is a part of nature, and is not meant to be suppressed. The latter proves that LeGuin s argument is paradoxical and therefore ineffective because she encourages her audience to refrain from tampering with nature, yet human curiosity is a part of nature and all the actions humanity has taken stem from human curiosity. To suppress human curiosity is to defy nature. The fact that we are the most advanced species on earth and have an innate curiosity is not a coincidence, these two combined equate to our purpose and our inner desire; to take action and to interact with our environment. Those who side with LeGuin may argue that this negatively disrupts the natural order of the world, however, the natural way of things has made it so that humans are the most advanced species; the only logical explanation for this is that humans are meant to take action for the greater good of the human
  • 18. Revolutionary War Dbq The State of New York is famous for its amazing city (New York City), shops, and monuments. However, it really should be famous for surviving the impact the American Revolutionary War had upon itself. If it didn t, this popular state wouldn t be what it is today. Prior to the American Revolutionary War, many taxes were placed upon the 13 original colonies, which the State of New York once was, that were unfair and unnecessary to many people. For example, The Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Tea Act were three acts, along with others, that sparked riots in New York City. While the Patriots boycotted goods and stood up for their beliefs, the Loyalists, on the other hand, believed, ...the British enacted legislation to tighten up the organizational... Show more content on ... Shortages in food and basic materials to live affected New York greatly. For the supplies that were available, the prices went up, causing many financial issues for the people living there. Some people in New York couldn t even afford supplies to live and desperately strived for a job to earn money. Also, inflation didn t just affect the people living there. The Manufacturers had to pay more for raw materials... consumers became increasingly unable to maintain their former standard of living. (Purvis 116). Because of this, the issue of inflation not only caused the rise of numerous, essential items, but also was creating massive poverty amongst the citizens of New York. To conclude, the Loyalists invading, coupled with the economic decline during the American Revolutionary War, negatively affected New York. The Loyalists came into New York and made New York City a safe haven for anyone who supported King George III. The declining economy also negatively impacted the State of New York by causing its citizens to not have their basic necessities for their everyday lives. This wellВappreciated state, that
  • 19. The British North America Act Of 1867 The British North America Act of 1867 and the subsequent Indian Act of 1876 gave the Canadian government, under prime minster John A. Macdonald, full control over the nation s Aboriginal people. The government used this power to establish boarding schools for Aboriginal children. An estimated 144 residential schools operated at different times between the late 1800s and 1996 throughout Canada. These schools were established with the purpose to enhance assimilation of Aboriginal children into the Canadian culture of British and French heritage. However, despite these misguided government attempts lasting more than a century, the Aboriginal culture and civilization could not be eradicated, and the residential school system as originally conceived proved to be a failure. Residential schools were religious custodial schools established after 1880 by the Canadian government in partnership with churches. Through next half century, a system of residential schools stretching across country developed. The Roman Catholic church ran 3/5 of residential schools, the Anglican church Вј, and the United and Presbyterian churches controlled the rest. Under the BNA Act and Indian Acts, the government was responsible for providing Aboriginals with an education as well as integrating them into Canadian society. Aboriginal leaders also wanted Euro Canadian schooling for their children so they could acquire the skills of the society in order to help them transition into a world led by
  • 20. Mexican Family Reflection Paper I come from a very conservative Mexican household. That being said there were certain guidelines or roles that each gender had to follow. I come from a family of five, and we consist of 2 males and 3 females. Being a female, that meant that I was expected to do the household chores, the cooking of the house, and care for younger siblings. While we were expected to do that, my brothers didn t have an obligation to do any of the responsibilities we were held accountable to. Although, they were expected to have jobs at an early age to help and provide income for the family. In the Mexican culture, males are preferred over females. For instance, my father would prefer to bond with his sons rather than his daughters because he wanted them to grow up confident and dominant. My brothers were allowed to talk at the dinner at any time, but if any of the females want to comment they have to wait until the men are done discussing. Other times, we were not allowed to have input without being shamed by our father. Also, we were not allowed to answer for man even if they could not answer at the moment. There was an obvious difference of how lenient our parents were with my brothers compared to how we were treated. My brothers were allowed to be with friends, and if they did not meet curfew they weren t scolded for being late. On the other hand, if any of my sisters and I were late just by one minute, we were not allowed to leave again because we seemed to not be able to come back on
  • 21. Essay on Adolescents in the TV Show Freaks and Geeks The media portrays adolescents in television shows as being rebellious, sex crazed, and unreasonable people. Freaks and Geeks, created by Paul Feig and produced by Feig, himself, and Judd Apatow, is a one hour TV show that aired on NBC from 1999 2000. The show centers around the siblings, Sam and Lindsay Weir, and their friends while they all attend McKinley High School. Freaks and Geeksis a show that portray adolescents in a way that the media doesn t because of the lessons the characters have to learn , the choices that they choose to take, and the struggles they have to endure. Many adolescent have to learn many things from the events in their lives. Freaks and Geeks show characters adapting to the changes in their life and learn ... Show more content on ... Amy Campbell, in episode 17, tell his boyfriend, Ken Miller, that she was born intersex. This causes Ken to question his sexuality, but later on to learn that Amy was the perfect girl for him. This shows that Ken makes a decision to actually show that adolescents make many choices that aren t just exaggerated out of proportion but are life changing and confusing to one. Another character having to make a hard choice is when Lindsay Weir, also in episode 17, had her question for the Vice President declined. Lindsay in the end makes the choice of asking the Vice President why he decline her question and what he is avoiding. This shows that choice by adolescents are not all about relationships but of politics. This also pushes away the stereotype of youth not being politically aware and have no view on the government. This choices affect her life in a way where she can help her make decisions in her future. Many adolescent have to endure many struggles that may affect the person in a whole. Lindsay Weir in beginning of the TV series had her grandmother die in which she starts to wear her dad s old army jacket and hanging out with the freaks of McKinley High School. Lindsay enduring the event of her grandmother s death because through the course of the show, she shown no depression that her grandmother was gone or she have accepted the death of her grandmother. This make the show different from other because many show doesn t show death often because of the
  • 22. Deutsche Bank Sustainability Essay Who They Are Deutsche Bank, as stated by Wikipedia s Deutsche Bank page, was founded in 1870 as a specialist bank for foreign trade in Berlin. They now are a global financial service bank headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany with the investment bank division head quartered in London, United Kingdom. DB is a leader in Europe and is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. They currently have more than 100,000 employees in 73 countries Deutsche Bank s mission statement is: We compete to be the leading global provider of financial solutions, creating lasting value for our clients, our shareholders, our people and the communities in which we operate ( Company, Deutsche Bank). They do this by promoting ... Show more content on ... The Institutional Asset Management sector of DB offers a full complement of strategies in both traditional and alternative asset classes, which can be tailored to meet the needs of institutional clients with flexible return targets, benchmarks and other parameters. ( Institutional Asset Management, Deutsche Bank) Climate change is becoming a large economic concern and change for the better will require a lot of capital investment over decades. For this reason there are amazing new investment opportunities available to combat the issues relating to climate change and global warming. This is where DB comes in to offer institutional investors access to these opportunities, as well as a wide range of investment strategies that incorporate their responsible investment criteria. Evidence of Environmental and Social Reporting DB has established sustainability and social responsibility in all aspects of how the bank is run They could do more to provide information on how the bank itself is currently being sustainable as this information isn t readily available Environmental Reporting Environmental protection and
  • 23. My Writing Skills Has Effectively Improved I remember when I first came to the Wilkes University, one of my edifier (?) (Friend, teacher, mother) told me Don t judge your class in the beginning, judge your class at the end of course . In the beginning of my classes I was very nervous about how to write an essay. However, I believe my writing skills has effectively improved. To be honest, English 101 wasn t an easy class for me in the beginning. College writingis entirely different from high school writing. I always have trouble with grammar when I write English essays, and it s harder for me to learn and improve my skills in a short amount of time. I m a young woman who transferred from China to America and I m not that familiar with how to utilize English compared to a young woman who s who is from the United States of America. That has never stopped me from trying and I will never give up. I like challenges and difficult tasks, it tests my will and helps to achieve the goal I have set for myself. During this sixteenth week, my writing skill improved dramatically compared to the beginning of the semester. That may not be noticeable to others, but to me the improvement in my writing skill is very evident. This course has helped me to understand the difference between college and high school writing. When I was a high school student, I was very confident about my writing skills. However, since I ve been attending Wilkes University, things have changed dramatically. The number of skills I need to understand in
  • 24. The Use Of Rubia In Aramaic It s a tradition on Rosh Hashanah, to eat a variety of random foods as symbols for the upcoming Jewish New Year. Each food has a different meaning, weakly attributed to its name in Aramaic or Hebrew. At any given time there is at least one food that you will find completely revolting (fish head anyone?) and a couple others that you kind of like anyway. But what you didn t know is that each food you like actually tells you everything you need to know about your own personality and what type of neurosis awaits you in the coming year. What s your hang up? Take the poll to find out! Beans are called Rubia in Aramaic, which sounds like the word for multiplicity, i.e. you want your merits to multiply . Interpretation You re a people pleasing perfectionist.... Show more content on ... I bet a lot of you would have picked date from this list. Well, guess what the word for date in Hebrew is Tamar, as in may my enemies be finished (off) . Interpretation You and leek lover should get married. Have some nice Jewish babies together. At least you re not as forceful about it he needs his enemies diced, you just want them ended. So on the spectrum of 1 to 10, he s an 11 and you re an 8. Good job. Keep being the voice of balance and reason in the world. A timeless classic in the shtetls of Poland, the word for beet is Selek and it means you want your enemies to be banished Interpretation Your sense of victimhood is so strong you are incapable of banishing your inner and outer demons completely. At least Leek and Date have the strength of character to seek total annihilation of their imaginary enemies. You prefer to banish them deeper in your subconscious where they can continue to wreak havoc on your relationships and health. Your recurring migraines? Yup. You were waiting for this one, right? That s why I put it at the end. We dip apples in honey in the hopes that we ll have a sweet new year . For some reason even though it tastes great, Nestle hasn t packaged it as a yearlong snack
  • 25. A Critical Examination Of System Theory, Everyday... Adapt or Die: A Critical Examination of System Theory, Everyday Creativity, and Ethics and Creativity Who is a creative individual? What are the acceptable limits under which she or he can exhibit and practice creativity? Is creativity a moral or amoral concept? A creative individual is one who is able to adapt to everyday challenges through ingenious ideas and focused actions. As a specie, we are where we are today because of everyday creativity, not necessarily due to big ideas alone. Of the countless art forms and practices that have been created, cuisines, fashions, architecture, healthcare, medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, fisheries etc., few were eminently created. Everyday Joe Blow creates majority of art forms and practices that affects our day to day living. Csikszentmihalyi (1996) asserted that creativity is not merely new and valuable ideas or actions. There has to be a form of sociocultural evaluation for new ideas and actions to be deemed creative, and measured against acceptable standards with the field (1996). I contend with Csikszentmihalyi assertion because it subjects the works of the creative individual to peer review; more importantly to their approval. Notwithstanding my reservation, one thing is clear sociocultural evaluation (or peer review and approval), is important because it sets parameters or socially acceptable limits for the practice of creativity. Any creativity that falls outside prescribed social limits or standards
  • 26. Drug Trafficking Papers Drug Trafficking Drug trafficking is the production of drugs done illegally that violate the drug prohibition laws. Throughout the years, drug trafficking has been progressing and expanding to the point to where it is now worldwide. Organizations involved in drug trafficking have been improving their networks, constantly upgrading their transportation and equipment, having new methods to transport the drugs and communication throughout the system, and finding information on their employees to use against them which makes it harder for law enforcement to keep up and take action to reduce the problem of drug trafficking. The illegal transportation of drugs started to become serious whenever the Medellin Cartel began to dominate the cocaine business. The Medellin Cartel was ran by the Ochoa Vazquez brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio; Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, George Jung, and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha. In 1975, the Colombian police found 600 kilos of cocaine stashed in a plane. Drug traffickers responded to the police by killing 40 people in one weekend which is known as the Medellin Massacre. The massacre led to the uprising of various killings, assassinations, kidnappings, and the discovery of a hit list that contained U.S. businessmen, embassy members, and their families. It was then when violence was beginning to grow in Miami and drug traffickers were involved, that the Vice President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and government officials
  • 27. Reading Time Research Paper As a child, reading was always something I loved to do. I started reading at an early age. I went to preschool for two years, so I had an advantage when it came to reading. Once I d gotten into elementary school, I excelled tremendously in that area. Sitting in my kindergarten class, I d love to hear Mrs. Reed say, Alright my shining stars get on the magic carpet for reading time. It was the highlight of my day, every day. Who would ve known that something as simple as reading would be so beneficial to me later in life? Reading became one of my saving graces, as I got older. Life ,when you re in preschool,isn t that complicated. The most stressful thing that I had to deal with was whether I had enough crayons or if I could color inside of the lines. My mom died when I was about three. At that time, I could read, but they were always simple books. It wasn t until later, about age ten, that reading gave me hope. Once I was old enough to come to terms with what happened to my mom, I started to grieve. When you re young and something traumatic happens, it takes you a while to grieve. I started to find solace in books. They gave me the answers I longed for from the world. I didn t want to ask anyone because I didn t want ... Show more content on ... I had a hard time actually getting myself to sit down and read, but being put in so many stressful situations, it has helped me read whenever I wasn t stressed. Now, I read every day and I don t look at it as something I m forcing myself to do. I love reading now, and it s starting to spread to everyone around me. When I come home from school and I curl up with a book, my little brother has a tendency to go get one of his books, sit with me in his bean bag chair, and read with me too. When I go to work at a daycare, the kids always ask for reading time. They love doing their reading logs, and they don t look at it as a requirement, they look at it as something they
  • 28. Mary Rowlandson s Captivity Narrative Essay The Puritans played a large role in early American history and society. Most Puritans escaped the tyrannical rule in England to gain religious freedom in America, which helped create an early American society. Not only did the Puritans help form the early American society and religion, they also contributed to the earliest stories and narratives to help create a rich literary history for America. Puritanliterature has helped many scholars and readers learn about early American history. One of the most famous American narratives is from Mary Rowlandson, who was the wife of a Puritan Minister. Mary Rowlandson s captivity narrativeis about her story of how she was captured and treated by Native American captors. Throughout the... Show more content on ... The passage also shows that God, according to the Puritans, is a very strict God. He does not tolerate evil acts, and requires that His followers obey His will, or they will be cut off from his presence and blessings. God is so intolerant of sin and evil, that Mary accepted that it was ok for God to take way her children and her lifestyle. On the other hand, God, according to the Puritans, is also merciful to His own people. At the end of the phrase, Mary stated that God showed mercy to her by helping her through her afflictions. Also, Mary again stated how merciful her God was in her following statement, Now hath God fulfilled that precious Scripture which was such a comfort to me in my distressed condition (Derounian 12 51). According to Mary, God is strict, demands righteousness among his followers, but is also merciful towards His own people. These different principles line up with the Puritan doctrine of the time as well. Since God was not tolerant of sinners and evil acts, Mary recounted many different acts that were considered evil or barbaric that the Native Americans did. For example, when the Native Americans attacked Mary s town, she described the aftermath as, a solemn sight to see so many Christians lying in their blood, some here and some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves, (Derounian 12 51). Mary separates the
  • 29. Maketing plan for Sonic 1000 Essay [Group 3] пЃЅ пЃЅ Sonic 1000 is a new multimedia, dual mode smartphone is prepared to launch by Sonic in a mature market. Specific segments target in consumer and business markets, taking advantage of the growing interest in a single powerful but affordable device with extensive communication, organization, and entertaiment benefit. пЃЅ The primary marketing objective в—¦ Achieve first year US market share of 1% with unit sales of 800,000. пЃЅ The primary financial objectives в—¦ Achive first year sales revenues of $200 million в—¦ Keep first year losses to less than $40 million and break even early in the second year. Sonic s market consists of consumers and business users who need to conveniently store, ... Show more content on ... Achievable objectives for the first and second years of market entry. 3.2 Target Markets Sonic s strategy is based on a positioning of product differentiation. пЃ¶Primary consumer target: Middle income Upper income пЃ¶Secondary consumer Target: High school College Graduate students пѓЁ Primary
  • 30. consumer target: Full loaded deviceпѓЁ for busy schedule Connect with family/ colleagues Entertained on the go The Sonic 1000: Mid to large sized corp. with 100 employees= (Managers and employees stay in touch input or access critical data when out off the office Upper income Middle income пѓЁ Secondary consumer target: (age 16 30) education status  Social networking  more extensive entertainment media consumption The Sonic All media 2000:  Small business owners  Medical users пѓЁ Most versatile, convenient, value added model for personal and professional use пѓЁ Focus on the value priced multiple communication, entertainment information capabilities differentiating the Sonic 1000 Product Marketing Communication Pricing Distribution пЃ¶ Sonic 100 with One year warranty пЃ¶ Establish Sonic branch The branch Logo will be displayed on products, packaging all marketing campaigns пЃ¶ Sonic All Media 2000 for the following year Sonic
  • 32. Piaget s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development The Piaget s Theory The Piaget s stage theory of cognitive development is also known as the stage theory. It introduces that, in the expansion of our thinking, we act through an organized and certain sequence of steps. However, the theory focuses not only on compassionate how the children obtain knowledge, but likewise on the discernment of the substance of intelligence. According to the Piaget s theory of cognitive development, there are two stages in the thinking pattern of a 3 year old preschooler and 9 year old student. They are the preoperational stage for the 2 to 7 year old and the concrete operations stage for the 9 year old. The preoperational stage (three years old preschooler), this is where a new child can intellectually perform and signify to the objects and issues with the quarrel or the images, and they can act. The concrete operations (nine year old student), where a child is at the stage and deliver the ability to maintain, reserve their thinking, and analyze the objects in conditions of their many parts. However, they can also assume logically and understand comparison, but only about the concrete events. Firstly, the stage of pre operational, which lasts until about age seven, in which the children have the ability of many feats that they could not achieve prior. For instance, they commence to making to believe in play, achieving simple routines, such as venturing to eat or get to kip. However, in order to organize play, they must symbolize those
  • 33. Emerging From The Restrictive Culture Of The 1950 S Essay Emerging from the restrictive culture of the 1950 s, the counterculture of the 1960s challenged the prescribed norms, roles and expectations of the previous generations that outcasted youth found restrictive and alienating. Baby Boomers retained the abstract goals of mainstream society; they sought individual freedom and opportunities for self determination. But their vision of the American dream widened the traditional definitions of freedom to include bodily, psychological, and political freedoms. 60 s counterculture disagreed with the capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacist foundation of American life and turned against the traditional ideas of american identity in rebellion, seeking freedom and coexistence in an increasingly confined and competitive society. The generation that originated the counterculture of the 60 s, the Baby Boomers, grew up in a highly restrictive culture of uniformity and strict, Anglo Christian morality. 1950 s America was thriving off of a post war economic boom, and American exceptionalist mentality permeated social narratives, ever juxtaposing the US against the faceless enemy of communism and fascism. Still grappling with societal changes of WWII. Work in war industries had offered higher quality jobs, once inhabited by men, to working women. This created expectations of continued equal opportunities for women in the workforce. Women did continue to work when soldiers returned, but in lower wage non union service positions as they had
  • 34. The Chesapeake Bay And The Bay The Chesapeake Bay, which derives from the Algonquin word Chesepiooc meaning great shellfish bay , has been around for a very long time. Approximately 35 million years ago, a rare bolide (a comet or asteroid like object) hit what is now the lower tip of the Delmarva Peninsula, creating a 55 mile wide crater. The bolide created what geologists call the Exmore Crater, which they believe was as large as Rhode Island and as deep as the Grand Canyon. Although this bolide did not create the Chesapeake Bay, it helped determine that a bay would eventually be located there. Today, the Chesapeake Bay stretches from Havre de Grace, Marylandto Norfolk Virginia. The Bay is approximately 200 miles long, up to 35 miles wide, and has an average ... Show more content on ... The Bay s salinity varies widely from season to season and from year to year, depending on the amount of fresh water flowing from its rivers. The Bay tends to be fresher in spring, when snow melts and heavy rainstorms frequently fall. During the drier months, the Bay is usually saltier. Salinity also increases with depth. Fresh water remains at the surface because it is less dense than salt water. The water on the Bay s eastern shore tends to be saltier than the water on the western side. This is due to two factors; most fresh water enters the Bay from its northern and western tributaries, and The Coriolis Force, a phenomenon caused by the earth s rotation, pushes flowing water in the Northern Hemisphere to the right, causing saltier water to move up the Bay veers toward the eastern shore. The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. About half of the Bay s water volume comes from salt water from the Atlantic Ocean. The other half drains into the Bay from its enormous 64,000 square mile watershed. Estuaries are among the most productive environments on earth, creating more organic matter each year than similarly sized forests and agricultural areas. Estuaries also provide diverse habitats for wildlife and aquatic life, protect our communities against flooding, reduce pollution of waterways, and support local economies through commercial and recreational activities. Thousands of species
  • 35. Reflection On The Indian Boarding School Gathering I was able to attend the Indian Boarding School Gathering conference at the Turtle Mountain Community College. Listening to the stories, you could really feel the affection and how it affected our elders. I was saddened to hear the many awful stories about how our people survived this terrible event, let alone how the children had to grow up. However, according to the stories, there was both good memories and bad. As I recall Mrs. McCleave mentioning, the saying Kill the Indian and save the man , was from the federal government. This was Pratt s motto. It was stressed that civilizing the Indians by teaching them English, and then converting them to Christianity and allowing them to trade. Pratt also trimmed Indians hair and prohibited traditions such as clothing, dancing or religious ceremony.... Show more content on ... Even though I ve heard the brutal stories before, I never understood anything about the Catholic Church. After this conference, I understand the emotional roller coaster that comes along with the church. The beatings, rape, sexual assaults all liberally come back to each survivor. All the feelings that they were feeling, the hurt they went through, the loneliness, and the heartache. They can t just brush it under the rug. Although they may feel broken, they are warriors for overcoming everything and remaining strong. Children were not able to speak their native tongue, or wear their clothing attire that they came with that was related to their Native culture. They really wanted to make all native children white. Boarding schools have left a huge impact on individuals, families, tribal communities, and tribal
  • 36. Sir Ratan Naval Tata BUSINESS MAHARAJAS Gita Piramal Presented by, Chinar Trivedi 03 Sandeep Yadav 15 Vishal Singh 20 Ashish Dhakal 28 Baqer Merchant 31 Ratan Naval Tata The Tata family tree Ratan Naval Tata Born in Bombay, on 28th December 1937, to Soonoo and Naval Hormusji Tata. He had 5 siblings: Jimmy, Noel, Shireen, Deanna and Geet. He did his graduation from Cornell with a B.Sc. Degree in architecture with structural engineering in 1962. On 25th March 1991, he took over the position of Chairman of Tata Sons, from Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy, J.R.D. Tata (1904 1993). Close bonds From childhood, Ratan was uneasy with the ostentatious display of wealth. He prefers simple lifestyle till date! His father ... Show more content on ... He wants the group to shed it s lethargy and become more agile, modern, consumer oriented and united. His concept of what the Tata Groupshould be is clear. In over legendary 50 years, Ratan Tata established unrivalled standards of probity and professionalism in management. Russi Mody As an outstanding man manager in his heyday with a hands on style which earned him the Padma Bhushan, Moday had many precedents. He was appointed as Tisco s Managing Director in 1974 and became the chairman in 1984. He displayed a singular lack of finesse during his last few years with Tatas. He was to officially retire on May 21 1993, but was sacked on April 19, 1993. Had he behaved with greater decorum, he could ve had a much more graceful exit and assured himself pride of place in Tata history. Mody had accused Ratan Tata (Tisco s then deputy chairman) and Jamshed. J. Irani (its managing director) of mismanaging Tisco s affairs and causing it s share prices to crash. He aslo threatened to launch a campaign to mobilize support for himself from shareholders and financial institutions.
  • 37. Since he refused to agree with the management policies, he was unanimously voted out and was fired. Mody wanted to move up Aditya Kashyap (corporate executive director), his protege and Ishaat Hussain (executive director of finance) as Tisco s future chairman with Hussain as his number two. In
  • 38. Adult Only Pool Case Study Grey Oaks Adult Only Pool Growing up, most summer days consisted of my mother waking up my brother and me early so that we could be the first to arrive at the swimming pool in order to secure our chairs for the day. However, most occasions we noticed that other people had the same idea. Once we finally found an ideal spot for our family to lounge for the day, my brother and I had to face the crowd of children splashing in the water. Each day the chaotic scene reoccurred. My mom frequently told me that the Grey Oaks Homes would be building a new pool any day, since a second pool was one of the things my parents were promised when they moved in. The year my parents built a new home in Grey Oaks, I was four years old. Now, I am seventeen and have only seen the situation worsen. Each year, dozens of new homes are built in my neighborhood, yet a singular pool remains. My proposal is that the Rodrock Homes should build an Adult Only pool in the Grey Oaks neighborhood. ... Show more content on ... The resident, Stephanie Bidnick (resident for 12 years), manages a home daycare. She reported that whenever she wants to take her daycare children swimming, she cannot go to the Grey Oaks pool because of the overcrowding. She has tried taking her daycare children to the neighborhood pool, only to encounter a terrible experience because she had trouble keeping track of her kids among the huge crowd. I also interviewed a friend and current Grey Oaks resident, Jordan Dean. When asked about her experiences at the pool she said, Usually when I decide to go to the pool I try to find a friends neighborhood pool to go to because I can never relax at our Grey Oaks pool. Every time I want to get in, I am getting splashed or jumped on by a younger
  • 39. Psychopathology and Individual Differences Essay Individual differences Psychopathology Definitions of Abnormality 1. DEVIATION FROM SOCIAL NORMS: Deviation refers to dominant behaviour Behaviour which is considered undesirable by the majority For example; Talking to yourself in public LIMITATIONS: The definition is susceptible to abuse: Diagnosing someone with a mental illness could just be a way to exclude non conformists from society For example, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder in the USA until 1970s also anyone who disagreed with the state could be regarded as insane in Russia in the 1960s Doesn t take into account context and degree How badly does someone need to deviate from the norm to be considered Abnormal For example, someone in a... Show more content on ... Electric current passing through brain; resetting electrical circuits 2. Mental and physical exam IV sedation Electrodes attached to temples Electric current passes through 2 or 3 treatments over a couple of weeks (then monthly) 3. Used to treat severe depression NEUROTRANSMITTER IMBALANCE: Chemicals carry information around nervous system Too much or too little can lead to psychopathy Schizophrenia too much dopamine, depression, little serotonin POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION as there s sudden change in hormones /neurochemistry PSYCHOSURGERY Lobotomy Lobotomy: patient put under anaesthetic ice picks put through top of the eye and wiggles around Changes structure of the brain GENETICS: Individuals may inherit a predisposition, or it s carries in genes through DNA passing on generations EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL APPROACH EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL THERAPIES SZASZ Could be seen as a form of social control CHEMOTHERAPY Side effects of sickness, weight loss or gain, dependency Symptoms can return WHO (2001) found relapse rates were higher when a placebo was used (55%) compared to drugs (25%) GOTTESMAN AND SHIELDS (1976) There isn t 100% concordance between twins so abnormality is caused by other factors too ECT CROMER 60 70% of patients show
  • 40. Riverdale Character Analysis Riverdale is an American television program that is based primarily on the Archie comics which were first released in the 1940 s. The comics focus largely on a love triangle between the three main characters, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, and Archie Andrews. Unlike the television show, Betty and Veronica see one another as frenemies and are constantly at odds over Archie, who is never at fault for any of the mishaps that happen. The Archie comicswere never big advocates of feminism and instead focused primarily on Archie and the two female characters invented to fight over him, cementing the idea that girls are only around to win boys affection. In contrast, Riverdale the television show focuses on Betty and Veronica as friends instead of frenemies and builds upon the idea that girls are smart, capable, and are stronger when they work together. The new television spin on the original comics brings together the old characters and main plot points and puts an innovative feminist attitude towards them to mesh them with the beliefs and issues of today s society. The characters in this show are much more than the typical jock, nerd, good, bad stereotypes that are commonly depicted in teenage dramas viewed on the television today. The women of Riverdale prove that for positive change to take place, friendship must take precedent and sticking together as girls is the most important aspect of driving forward social change. In the series premiere, the audience is first introduced
  • 41. Comfort Women In Ww2 World War II was a gruesome era filled with violence and death. Each country was in a competition to find the deadliest weapons. War crimes were highly prevalent throughout this time, such as the Holocaust, inhumane experimentations, and the Japanese internment. One is often overlooked and barely spoken of: comfort women. Comfort women were girls and women from Japanese territories coerce into sex slavery for the Japanese military. The idea behind it was to prevent rape and to reduce sexually transmitted diseases in the army; however, this came at the expense of innocent women and girls. Women and girls were tricked or kidnapped to be raped. They were forced into horrific living condition. While the living conditions were horrible, the scars... Show more content on ... In Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan s Sex Slaves, Liu Mianhuan, a former comfort woman, recalls, Several military men raped me that day. ... From that day on, the Japanese troops raped me every day. Each day at least five to six men would come... (7 8). Not only did they have to experience rape, but also torture, starved, and forced to do labor. For the comfort women, the hardest thing to do from their experience was to learn to cope with the trauma if they had survived. According to the United Nations, Only about 25 per cent of these women are said to have survived these daily abuses (39). They have to live their lives anguished and ashamed for something they could not control. They would hide the truth from their families. Many of these women developed mental disorders, like post traumatic stress disorder. Other experienced infertility or had a physical disability. The worst part of the aftermath is the Japanese government refusing to acknowledge this has ever occurred. De Brouwer, an author, has written, Until 1992, the Japanese government has denied any responsibility for the sexual slavery system during World War II... (8). It has been noted that it is rarely mentioned in history books. Rebuffing atonement to the remaining comfort women, this strains the relationship between the Japanese government, the surviving comfort women and the South Korean
  • 42. Unhealthy Food Ads Target Minorities The government should most definitely intervene in situations that concern the people who consume fast food on a daily basis and on food stamps. It is the governments job to see the problems of the people and fix it in any means necessary. In the article, Unhealthy Food Ads Target Minorities, Possibly Contributing To Childhood Obesity states that A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Connecticut found black and Hispanic youth are getting a double dose of foodmarketing that promotes products high in sugar, saturated fat, and sodium . I find it puzzling that many minorities are targeted with this problem, since a majority of minorities do not have good health care or non at all. This is extremely unfair. According
  • 43. Feminist Interpretation In Charles Perrault s Bluebeard There is perhaps nothing as terrifying as realizing that your dark suspicions about someone ended up being correct. Actually, something more terrifying is having that horrible realization and having no method of escape. Charles Perrault s Bluebeard is a story of intuition and feminine curiosity, but the tale can also be read through a feminist lens and taken as an examination of the oppressive attitude and potential danger that men can pose to women. This can be seen through how the tale treats women, how the story represents men, and through examining the actual events of the story when compared to the supposed moral. Perrault s Bluebeardhas quite a bit to say about gender relations, even though the views of the author may be distinctly different from a more feminist interpretation. There are several female characters in Bluebeard, though the one with the most potential for examination is the younger sister who marries the titular character. His wifeis never given a name, and she, along with her sister, is described only as perfect beauties (Perrault 144). She, at least at first, and many other women are repulsed by Bluebeard. While he may be wealthy and appears to be kind, he had the misfortune of having a blue beard, which made him look so ugly and frightful that women and girls alike fled from the sight of him (Perrault 144). The young bride is obviously someone who is focused on the attractiveness of her partner, but she actually manages to overcome this and
  • 44. A Midsummer Night s Dream Research Paper (with Cited) The play, A Midsummer Night s Dream by William Shakespeare, is about four lovers and their dreamlike adventure through a fairy ruled forest. There are many different characters in this play and they each play their own individual role in how the play is performed and read. Three main characters that showed great characteristics are: Puck, Tom Bottom, and Helena. The play, A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare, uses characters and their conflicts to give meaning to this piece of literature. A Midsummer Night s Dream was written in the early part of William Shakespeare s life in 1596. It was written to be played at artistic carnivals and tried to please all parts of society; the carpenters to please all the galleries, ... Show more content on ... Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends. Nick Bottom is another comical character that makes the audience laughs from his overconfidence in him. He is one of the central figures in the subplot of the production of the Pyamus and Thisbe story. He brings his comedy from his extraordinary belief in his own abilities. Bottom thinks he is perfect at everything he does, yet he is a horrible actor and frequently makes rhetorical and grammatical mistakes in his speech. His humor stems from the fact that he s not aware of how ridiculous he is. Titania falls madly in love with Bottom after she was anointed with a love potion and Bottom s head has been turned into that of an ass. He thinks nothing out of the ordinary about a fairy queen that has fallen in deeply in love with him. His inability to perceive the fact that his head had been transformed and a fairy queen has fallen in love with him parallels how absurd he is. Although Puck and Bottom may stand out as two of the main characters they aren t involved in the main conflict. Helena, who is desperately in love with Demetrius, may be the most drawn out character. Helena is he one lover who thinks more about the nature of love than the actual thing. She is extremely unsure about herself and thinks about her appearance a lot and
  • 45. Ricin Essay Many plants contain cytotoxins, which are considered the most deadly compounds known. Ricin, a cytotoxin, is one of the most lethal toxins in the world. Ricin was first synthesized in 1888 by the German scientist Peter Hermann Stillmark, this toxic protein is naturally occurring in castor beans and easily purified. Purified ricin is found as a white powder when extracted from the castor bean or it can be produced as the waste product from the creation of castor oil. Ricin can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or injection. Ingestion of this toxic can lead to dehydration by vomiting and diarrhea or in extreme cases, hallucinations, liver and renal failure. Severe poisoning by inhalation causes fluid accumulation in the lungs leading... Show more content on ... The A chain of ricin exhibits a large amount of secondary structure. This structure consists of seven О± helices; these О± helices are comprised of 80 amino acid residues, which equals to 30% of the protein is helical. A chain contains a five stranded ОІ sheet composed of amino acid residues 67 116, and comprising 15% of the protein. These residues, however, aren t directly involved in the sheet. The A chain folds into three random domains. The first domain forms the bottom of the A chain. This domain contains the amino terminal through 117 residues, which is dominated by the ОІ sheet, making it appear as a flat domain. Five О± helices dominate the second domain, but is comprised of amino acid residues 118 210. The only free sulfhydoxyl group on the second О± helix resides in this domain, and is bonded to the single methyl mercury of the isomorphous derivative. The second domain sits over and to left of the first domain. The third domain exhibited by the A chain forms a circular domain that strongly interacts with the B chain as mentioned earlier. The third domain contains the 211 267 amino acid residues, and is quite distinct from the second domain. This dis similarity is due to the amino acid residues in the third domain are
  • 46. Ar 670-1 Army Regulation 670 1 Uniforms and Insignia Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 3 February 2005 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 670 1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia This rapid action revision of 3 February 2005 o Updates figures throughout the regulation (throughout). o Clarifies the definition of unauthorized tattoos while wearing the class A uniform (chap 1). Identifies officials responsible for making initial entry determinations on tattoos and brands (chap 1). Delegates the authority to MACOM commanders to grant exceptions to policy or discharges on initial entry soldiers with tattoos (chap 1). Clarifies the definition of a privately ... Show more content on ... o Deletes the temporary wear of the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (chap 29). The revision of 1 July, 2002 o Updates wear of religious items and jewelry; sets grooming, hair, fingernail, and cosmetics policies; defines eyeglasses and sunglasses standards; adds policies on tattoos, body piercing, and the carrying of civilian bags; sets standards for contact lenses; authorizes pagers and cell phones; sets standards for starching and creasing battle dress uniforms; and exempts males from wearing headgear to evening events (chap 1). Updates responsibilities and administrative information, prohibits seasonal wear dates, and adds requirements for ceremonial units (chap 2). o o Updates the battle dress uniform and authorized accessories (chap 3). o Authorizes personal hydration systems (chaps 3 6). o Adds wear of the Army black beret and updates wear of maroon, tan (Ranger), and green berets (chaps 3 17). o Updates the maternity work uniform (chap 4). o Updates the desert battle dress uniform and authorizes sew on insignia (chap 5). o Adds a new aircrew battle dress uniform (chap 6). o Updates the extended cold weather clothing system (Gortex) parka and requires wear of nametape on the Gortex parka (chap 7). o Updates the hospital duty and food service uniforms and adds wear of white unisex cardigan (chaps 8 11). Updates the flight and combat vehicle crewman uniforms and accessories (chaps 12 13).
  • 47. Pride And Prejudice Character Analysis The novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813. Signet Classics published Jane Austen s book in 1980. The story takes place in early 19th century England. Important settings are Longbourn: the Bennets estate, Netherfield Park: the estate of Mr. Bingley; Rosings Park: the estate of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Pemberley: Mr. Darcy s estate. Major characters in this comically toned romance include Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is the protagonist while the pride and prejudiceof social classes can be seen as the antagonist. Mr. Darcy, aside from Elizabeth Bennet herself, undergoes one of the most drastically dynamic character changes of the novel. The exposition of the novel begins... Show more content on ... Once Jane is recovered, the sisters return home, and the next day the Bennets receive a visit from their cousin, Mr. Collins, who is set to inherit the estate. Shortly after his arrival, Collins proposes to Elizabeth, who turns him down an exciting climax within the plot. Once he is convinced of her denial, he turns to Charlotte Lucas, a neighbor and friend of the Bennets. In the nearby town of Meryton, where militia officers are stationed, the sisters meet the new officer, Wickham. When Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy happen upon the group, Darcy and Wickham seem to profusely detest each other, the perfect man vs. man conflict Elizabeth can t help but notice. Elizabeth and Wickham become friends and he tells her Darcy is a horrible man who cheated him out of his inheritance. The Bingley party leaves Netherfield for the winter, and the Bennets start to believe they will not return. Charlotte and Mr. Collins get married, and Elizabeth promises to visit them at their parsonage in Rosings Park. Jane is upset over Bingley s departure and goes to visit her aunt and uncle in London. That spring, Elizabeth visits the Collinses and meets their patron, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is Darcy s aunt. Furthering the rising action, Darcy arrives to call on his aunt during Elizabeth s visit. He drops by the Collins home quite frequently, and during one of his visits, when he catches Elizabeth alone, he makes a very insulting
  • 48. The Voting Age In the article Why We Should Lower the Voting Age to 16, Laurence Steinberg asserts that teenagers deserve more than just a voice to make a change but a right to vote (Steinberg). He elaborates on how teenagers are qualified to vote because their minds are fully developed enough to make good choices. Steinberg believes that teenagers have the responsibility to vote because currently the teens right now are having a thoughtful, eloquent protest. Steinberg insists that the federal voting age in the United States should be lowered from 18 to 16 (Steinberg). Steinberg uses hypophora and logistical evidence to create his empathetic tone. To start his claim, Steinberg uses an hypophora to to question if young people [are] notoriously ... Show more content on ... Because this question would be posed by skeptics and he later on validates his answer to counteract those people, he strengthened his claim by removing doubt from his claim. Steinberg is seen as understanding to the teens when he poses that question which creates his empathetic tone. His tone and the hypophora combined only bolsters his argument. Moreover, he switches to logistical evidence to back up his hypophora. He states that Cold cognitive abilities are skills that lead people to reason logically with facts and that they are firmly in place by [the age] 16 (Steinberg). Steinberg s incorporation of logic in his article not only made an emphasis on that his claim his correct and supported by factual studies, but it also adds to his empathetic tone because he can be seen as understanding of teenagers by disregarding stereotypical information with statistics. In addition to, Steinberg goes back to using hypophora in the final parts of his article to establish his point once more and build his tone. Steinberg questions Why is higher turnout among 16 and 17 year olds so important? Because there is evidence that people who don t vote the first time they are eligible are less likely to vote regularly in the
  • 49. Examples Of Consumerism In The Invisible Man Although the Invisible Man talks a lot about racial issues and the struggles of the black community, to me the Death of a Salesman defies the concept of racial determinism more effectively. The Invisible Man in a way reinforces the concept of racial determinism through the novel. The idea that the protagonist has to accept certain stereotypes just because of what his grandfather told him agree em to death (432), portrays the idea that instead of fighting against these injustices they have to learn to live with them. Is until the epilogue that there is a confrontation against prejudice in general. Nevertheless, In the Death of a Salesman racial determinism is defied from the very beginning when a white man founds himself struggling to reach ... Show more content on ... When you install Microsoft in your computer every user has to read the contract and check a box accepting the terms of license. Nevertheless, not many people bother to read it. This license restrains the things you can do with your system and the programs that are compatible with it. The translation is Microserfs states I must use my computer true. This means that the user has to use their computers while following the rules already imposed by these corporations. It can also mean that this corporations not only control the things you do with their devices, but own the information they gather about you as well. However, the consumer is not the only one forced to follow the rules. The employees of this companies receive a poor treatment from their employers. In the novel Microserfts, some of the characters become depressed because of the slavery like system that dehumanize the employees. Nevertheless, these corporation disguise their oppressive rulings as laws in order to maintain the status quo and allow that those who are in power to remain in
  • 50. How Did Cold Moo Ice Cream Get Its Unprofitable Costs Week 2: Assignment from the Textbook Ex. 20.1 Listed below are nine technical accounting terms introduced in this chapter: Variable costs Relevant range Contribution margin Break even point Fixed costs Semivariable costs Economies of scale Sales mix Unit contribution margin Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer None if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms. a. The level of sales at which revenue exactly equals costs and expenses. Break even point b. Costs that remain unchanged despite changes in ... Show more content on ... B. Ex. 22.9 The president of Cold Moo Ice Cream Company, a chain of ice cream stores in the Midwest, was unhappy with the actual six month profit figures for the company recently prepared by the CFO. The president asked the CFO for a profit breakdown, by store, of the actual six month results. When the president received the report, he was extremely upset and called the CFO into his office. The president stated, These reports show that each store in the chain is profitable, but our company results are unprofitable! How can this be? The CFO pointed out that each store was allowed to set prices for ice cream based on its cost structure. However, the stores cost structures did not include headquarters costs or the costs of advertising and delivery of products. What are the three characteristics for operating a successful responsibility accounting system? Consider whether the accounting system at Cold Moo Ice Cream Company includes the three characteristics of a successful responsibility accounting system. How could the responsibility accounting system at Cold Moo be improved? Three characteristics of the successful operation of a responsibility accounting system include: Budgets are created for each responsibility center, measures the performance of each responsibility center, and preparation of timely performance reports.
  • 51. Love And Family Loss Of Love In Red River Love is a powerful theme that is shown throughout Red River , by the family bonds and the sadness of death. In my own life, I have encountered love from my family when my grandmother passed away almost two years ago. July 16, 2016, was a tough day for my family, but it brought us closer together than we had ever been before. I remember waiting at the hospital with all of my familybefore my grandmother was moved into the room the hospital called, The butterfly room . This was the room that was designated for family members to say goodbye to their loved ones. I remember all 20 of my family members squeezed into this tight butterfly room waiting for the nurses to wheel my grandma in. When they brought her in the room, she was still unconscious and barely living on life support. I hated seeing her this way, it broke my heart. The room felt gloomy and depressing. I looked at my grandmother s face and tears started to form in my eyes because I knew today was her last day with us. The nurses took her off life support and gave her morphine to ease her pain. Now, the entire family just waited together to be with her until she passed. During this time is when I felt the most lovefrom my family because we all came together to grieve. The hospital room was no longer sad, but hopeful and loving. We all reminisced on memories of my Grandma and cried together. My cousin led my grandmother s favorite songs and the rest of us joined in and sung along with him. The last 30 minutes were
  • 52. John F Kennedy Assassination Essay On November 22, 1963, the world lost a leader, mentor, father, husband, and hero. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while driving through downtown with his wife and security. While this is all many can tell you about John F. Kennedy, he was so much more than a president who was assassinated . John F. Kennedywas an incredible figure head who lead an important and impactful life and left a large wound in not only our country, but the world as a whole. The 35th president of the United Statesof America grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was born to a wealthy family of eleven, which includes his parents and eight siblings. John F. Kennedy, or Jack, was an intelligent young man with a bright future ahead of him. He went to... Show more content on ... Kennedy s political carreer had already taken off by 1946. That year Kennedy decided to run for congress and had a majority of the votes in his favor. The conservative democrat was able to win the election and entered the 80th Congress in January 1947. Kennedy was reelected in 1948 and 1950 and was elected into Senate in 1952. At the beginning of 1960 John F. Kennedy announced that he would be running for president in January of 1960. His major opponent was the Republican Richard Nixon, however, Kennedy was able to win and became the thirty fifth president of the United States of America and the first ever Roman Catholic president. In Kennedy s perhaps most recognizable speeches, his inauguration speech, he states Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens:... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge and more....In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our [country]. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Now the trumpet summons us again not as a call to bear
  • 53. Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Age of Enlightenment... Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Age of Enlightenment ABSTRACT: There have been many interpretations of Bildung in the history of German philosophy, from the Medieval mystics to the secularization of the Enlightenment. Wilhelm von Humboldt s work at the end of the 18th century is a good example. He placed the idea of Bildung at the center of his work because it was rooted in a dynamic, transforming idea of the natural and human worlds while also being oriented toward a model of balance and perfection. Von Humboldt s interpretation of modernity is characterized by a strong emphasis on change as well as the need to find criteria for guiding such a transformation that has no intrinsic or predetermined end. Love of classical antiquity ... Show more content on ... In this way, to render the semantic extent of the term, the meanings of forma and formatio and imago and imitatio are involved as well; and the following two concepts are implied: firstly the concept of production according to an order that gives rise to a form (to something subsident on the basis of mutually congruent rules) and secondly the conformation of the said act to an image given as assumption, as a model endowed with an absolute value which this image must resemble or aim for. The original meaning of bilden, as the Deutsches WГ¶rterbuch by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm states, is that of a plastic activity on the sensory level and means giving shape, producing a certain object abiding to the rules which preside over the Art. In this case bilden is a synonym for gestalten and formieren. But the relationship of reproduction, and therefore of resemblance with respect to an image must be added to this , and this addition to an Urbild pushes bilden well beyond the pure and simple formation of an object and gives rise to the complex relationship between model and copy, original and reproduction which implies a very different approach to the question. Such a double meaning
  • 54. The 1950 s And The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) Racing has been around for many years. People are addicted to the speed and the configuration of racing. Racing has proven to be a great way to get people together and race cars or according to the video even horses. Racing has come extremely far, as it used to be illegal to do and now people are making a living off of it. According to the video, the year of 1949 was the first organized drag race ever. The racing environment was extremely different then than now. Back then, there were no entry fees or safety precautions taken. Now there are huge entry fees and may requirements that must be met for the race car and driver to ensure safety. Racing exploded in the 1950 s and the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) was created to ensure that there... Show more content on ... This would ensure that the racing was protected, and it is still around today. The NHRA helped gain respect for drag racing. I think that the NHRA was a great start for racing. It helped organize races and make it more respectable to people who may not understand the love and passion some have for racing. The NHRA used their safety safari to go all over the country to hot rod races, teaching them everything from selling tickets to the safety of racing the hot rods. I think that this really helped racing take off. These people have now learned how to make the sport safer and gain money in order to proceed with their passion for racing. This also helped the racers gain sponsors such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Racing relies off of sponsors now. There has been so many technological advancements in racing, that not the average person can afford to go out and be competitive enough to win without help. When I think about sponsors for racing, almost every single huge corporation sponsors some sort of race car. The racers are helping the sponsors get more business, while the sponsors support the race car driver so they can make it to the track. My family has a deep history in open wheel dirt track racing, and they would not have been able to compete for so long without the help of sponsors. Racing had now become some people s way of making a living. They were able to make enough money to support themselves, but still struggled trying to get to and from each race. The NHRA toured to England to expand the racing dream to people all over the world. I think this was a great move by the NHRA because the more people that are interested the more money involved. This video only proves that racing is advancing and becoming more enjoyed all over the
  • 55. The Death of Reality and the Reality of Death The Death of Reality and the Reality of Death Death is never easy. Afterall it is the only sure thing anyone will ever do. Yet how one dies is determined by how they live. One who lives their life to the fullest will be content and open to death, while one whose life has been empty will fear it; but what if the difference between full and empty was not so easily differentiated? What if reality and falsehood were the same? This idea is contemplated in both Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy. In the world of the salesman, Willy Loman, who can not see who he is nor distinguish reality from fantasy, and the world of Ivan Ilych, who can not see his life for what it is nor find true happiness, ... Show more content on ... So he decides to kill himself. He believes that he is worth more dead than alive and refers to his plan as a diamond, rough and hard to the touch (Miller 126), something attainable that makes up for all of the failures he has endured in the past. Willy does not know who he is and this falsehood becomes his undoing. Similarly, falsehood brings about Ivan Ilych s death. The biggest deceit for Ivan is his failure to admit to his mortality, as well as his idea of what happiness is. Ivan has spent his entire life trying to rise the corporate ladder in his two faced aristocratic world. He loves playing bridge and presiding over the courts, his family life is in shambles, yet he does not mind at all and still considers his life to be pleasant. Ivan is totally concerned with only his career and appearances. He tries to look more successful that he really is by making his middle class home look upper class, but his house was so like the others that it would never have been noticed, but to him it all seemed to be quite exceptional. (Tolstoy 530). It is while he is decorating this house, climbing a ladder to hang drapes, that he injures his side, an injury that will cause his death. Ivan s desire to climb the ladder of success, failure to recognize his false sense of happiness, and his concern with appearances leads to his death. However, Ivan recognizes
  • 56. Breastfeeding Anthropology Breastfeeding is an action that is bio cultural and biosocial in nature. Breastfeeding is a biological process that involves a woman providing milk for an infant. Culturally speaking, breastfeeding is not always an action by the biological mother. In some cases, the mother needs to return to work not long after birth. Other times, it is just the cultural norm that other women and children help in the care of a new baby. Stereotypes and norms surrounding breastfeedingvary cross culturally as well. Socially speaking, there is an expectation that mothers will breastfeed their offspring. Some people biologically cannot breastfeed, others cannot breastfeed due to medications, and some women just choose not to breastfeed. Cross culturally speaking, ... Show more content on ... There is no formal screening associated with being a milk donor, therefore, transmission of disease and exposure to harmful toxins is possible. The American Academy of Pediatrics only endorses the used of BDM that have been processed through the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. 77% of women are aware of the possibility of milk sharing and 25% considered the possibility of sharing their milk. Only 4% actually shared milk with a friend, family member, or donated to a milk bank. Milk sharing is growing in popularity due to the medical benefits associated with breastmilk over formula, but the amount of people who actually participate in milk sharing is unclear. There is much room for improvement for the process of milk sharing through regulation of donors and how the breastmilk is