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Education Importance Essay
Writing an essay on the importance of education can be both a challenging and rewarding task.
On one hand, the topic is broad and encompasses various aspects of the educational landscape,
making it necessary to carefully choose and organize the content. On the other hand, the
importance of education is undeniable, making it crucial to convey its significance effectively.
The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the
subject while avoiding the trap of becoming too generic. It requires a deep understanding of the
multifaceted nature of education, considering its social, economic, and personal dimensions.
Crafting a well-structured essay involves delving into the historical context, examining current
trends, and projecting the future implications of education.
Moreover, addressing the importance of education may involve discussing different educational
systems, philosophies, and policies. This complexity demands extensive research to support
arguments and present a well-rounded perspective. It's essential to avoid clichГ©s and provide
fresh insights that captivate the reader's attention.
Additionally, one must consider the diverse audience that may read the essay, ranging from
educators and policymakers to students and parents. Ensuring clarity and relevance to various
readers adds another layer of challenge. The tone should be informative yet engaging, striking a
balance between formality and accessibility.
Despite the challenges, exploring the importance of education allows for personal reflection and
growth as a writer. It offers an opportunity to contribute to ongoing discussions about education
and its transformative power in society.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of education requires navigating through a
complex landscape of ideas and perspectives. It demands thorough research, careful
consideration of the audience, and a creative approach to presenting information. However, the
process is not without its rewards, as it provides a chance to delve into a critical topic that
impacts individuals and societies alike.
For assistance with essays and more, various resources are available, and services like can provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Education Importance Essay Education Importance Essay
The Federalist Paper Fifty-One Analysis
The Federalist papers were written by John Jay, Alexandra Hamilton, and James
Madison. The Federalist papers were created to keep the public informed about
what was happening with the government. This was the first time that the country
would have to set up a government. Federalist paper fifty one is the system of
checks and balances. For our government to be different, we would have to have a
system that no one single group had complete control of. Madison agrees with the
system of checks and balances and talks about the best ways to make this system
work. Madison discusses that the people should have the power to elect all of the
officials. Federalist paper fifty one is an amazingly insightful paper. Federalist paper
fifty one is the system... Show more content on ...
I do agree with the fact that the system of checks and balances should be strong.
However, there are some downsides to the system Madison promoted. One of the
first problems is not just anyone can be elected to just any branch of government.
For example, the judicial branch has certain criteria for a member to be elected.
Any random person does not know what it takes to be a judge. They do not know
any of the responsibilities or anything that a judge would know. I also do not agree
with the fact that the people should be able to elect people into all branches of
government. I believe that as long as we are going to keep the parties that each
should have the same number of members. House and Senate should have an equal
number of both Democrats and Republicans. The speaker of the House should be
an individual party who is unbiased. If the people vote for whoever they wanted to
be in the different branches there would be no discipline. I think that each branch
should work individually but should keep the other from abusing their powers. The
whole point of checks and balances is that the branches of government would
balance each other out. The other reason is so that no one branch had all of the
power, they could check each other when they believed things were too much. The
problem with people is that if power or defense was not set up right people would
put their needs or wants above rights. As the Federalist paper
Whole Foods
Strategy for Whole Foods Market
Current Strategic Issues
1.How does Whole Foods sustain positive growth in sales?
2.How does Whole Foods cope with the downturn in the economy?
3.How does Whole Foods achieve sustainable competitive advantage?
Rationale for Issues
One of Whole Foods main strategic issues is how it should sustain positive growth
in sales. Sales growth in 2008 was 0.8%, compared to sales growth increase of
8.2% in 2007. However, much of these low sales growth figures were at the former
Wild Oats stores rather than the stores that Whole Foods Opened. This is definitely
a strategic issue because Whole Foods current strategic model is not showing
positive sales growth. From $203 million in 2006, it fell to ... Show more content on ...
I believe there is an unrealized market in central Canada and Europe that needs the
presence of Whole Foods. Of course, I would not increase debt greatly and just
expand anywhere in Canada and Europe. To enter foreign markets I intend to
create an international business department that will research the cultural
customs, tastes, trends, population growth, spending and eating habits etc. This
will tell Whole Foods what markets are most lucrative to penetrate. Then Whole
Foods would create a test site in the potential market, and if sales are sufficient to
justify expansion in the region then more stores will be opened. Whole Foods has
a great competitive advantage, as the population of the world is becoming better
educated about foods, nutrition, and good eating habits. Whole Foods has the
culture and the know how to accommodate this new population trend and it is just
a matter of where to put the stores to achieve a sense of monopoly where people
can only come to Whole Foods in order to buy the highest quality, most flavourful
and naturally preserved foods available. Once Whole Foods situates itself across
Canada and Europe, I believe this will be the best way to pay off its long term debt,
because sales will be at all time highs, therefore obtaining positive cash flows from
operations that will exceed capital expenditures for years to
Tyrion Lannister Quotes
A story to the extent time could remeber far in westeros , place where there is
seven kingdoms , the annals, wars and round of thrones appear to be the main
force. Martin plays with literary gadgets and his reader s suspicions depends on
literary discussions , in which an argument occurs between the Tyrion Lannister s
behavior and his house sigil which is a Lion. Tyrion isn t a dream character for the
readers: who would want to be Tyrion? Sure, he s got good qualities and some lucky
strokes, but being Tyrion isn t all that great. Despite everything he complies with lion
s behavior or character to leadership and quality, Tyrion lannister might need physical
stength because of his deformed, however he makes it up with his knowledge,
intelegence... Show more content on ...
In the Game Of Thrones , Tyrion Lannister utilizations his home s riches and he
relies on upon his intellegence more than he relies on upon himself physically.
Martin plays with artistic gadgets and our suppositions which depends on
scholarly conventions . tyrion lannister might repudiate the place of sigil which is
the lion ; anyway, he doesn t represent a lion in full . a lion represents stenght
physically and is a decent pioneer as well. On the other side. Tyrion lannister needs
physical force , so he cannot battle as a lion does and cant be a decent or capable
pioneer physically and join a war since He is a smaller person and dwarf , which is
brought on him issues and abuse. His size has driven him to being alluded to
insultingly by different names, for example, the Imp and The Halfman . This is
relieved by his judgment and his family s riches and influence. Tyrion Lannister s
conduct doesn t represesnt his home sigil , and he doesn t characterize the sigil
through his own particular ethics. For instance, Declining to have his destiny judged
Bertrand Russell Outline
How you ever thought about what it would be like with no wars, battles or overall
misconception between one another? Finding harmony within our world is
almost impossible and is a never ending uphill battle. As time goes on, more
hardships begin, and more fights outbreak, Bertrand Russell was someone that
was willing to act upon this and work towards a more logical approach. As we
grow older it seems as if the world is getting more and more corrupt and out of
hand. The difference between a decade ago and now is dramatic and quite
terrifying! Everybody just goes along with what is happening in today s age and
time, we tend to follow the mainstream trends and activities despite the fact of what it
even is. This has caused ignorance and disobedience... Show more content on ...
He split his works into three main ideas by which he governed his life by, which
were; the desire for love, the search for knowledge, and sorrow for the suffering of
mankind. Body I.Russell believe that love should come first because of the joy it
creates and it shadows out all the loneliness. A.)To know love you must come to
terms with all of love s dimensions. 1.) There are many emotions when someone is
reaching out for love, some good and some bad. All should be included in learning
true love. 2.) The usual bond of love is either purely contemplation or purely
benevolence. B.)Love is more fundamental then knowledge, since it will lead
intelligent people to seek knowledge, to benefit those that they love. 1.)Love and
knowledge are extensible and is what can make life better when working together.
2.)Exploring the bounds of love between one another can save the harm of someone
with genuine benevolence. II.Bertrand believed that knowledge is defined as the
most important and difficult of the three ideas he governs his life to. A.)Knowledge
is usually defined as belief backed up with the agreement of
Gerald Sandusky Case
After reviewing serval sources related to this case, it is clear that this was an
ongoing issue for many years and the scope may extend into the 1970 s if new
allegations are corroborated.
The case officially begins on November 4, 2011 when the Attorney General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania filed charges against Gerald Sandusky (Sandusky)
that included multiple counts of aggravated indecent assault, involuntary deviate
sexual intercourse, corruption of minors, unlawful contact with minors, and
endangering the welfare of minors. Several of the charges cover offenses that
occurred between 1998 and 2002 when Sandusky was either the Defensive
Coordinator for the Penn State University (PSU) football team or as a professor
Emeritus with unrestricted access to the football program s facilities (Freeh, ... Show
more content on ...
In November of 2012, then president of PSU was indicted for grand jury perjury,
obstruction of justice, child endangerment, failure to report child abuse and
conspiracy in connection with the scandal (Sokolove, 2014). Then Coach Joe Paterno
was not charged in relation to the Sandusky scandal, however, he died of cancer
shortly after Sandusky s arrest and his firing from PSU.
Aside from the allegations of child sexual abuse, the revelation of a cover up and
who actually knew of Sandusky s behavior appears to be just as shocking. Through
independent and Grand Jury investigations, a small circle of the most powerful
people at PSU knew, for almost a decade, of Sandusky s behavior and chose not to
take appropriate actions to protect children from a sexual predator and concealed
Sandusky s behavior from the University s Board of Trustees, the community and
Racial Tensions
Racial tensions are high in the United States currently. Donald Trump s campaign has
put Immigration policies on the hot seat. Some of the decisions the Obama
administration has made has come under attack by many media outlets for example,
Fox news. Known for its conservative bias, Fox news constantly releases articles that
contain very blatant attacks against immigrants in the U.S.. One such article, released
on October 3rd of this year by author Joseph J. Kolb, headlined US immigration
policies allow gangs to thrive in violence plagued NY community, say critics, is a
particularly good example of how harmful imaginative geographies are formed of the
immigration situation.
Before delving into the article, the concept of imaginative geographies
Empirical Evidence Bearing On Capital Asset Pricing
This study explores the (troubling) empirical evidence bearing on capital asset
pricing theories. General formulas for the coefficient on beta and it standard error
are derived, which show that the outcomes of cross sectional tests have no causal
relation to the pricing models. If a test refutes a model, this could be because the
model is misspecified or because poor proxies for true expected returns and betas
are used. Simulation and calibration results suggest that realized returns are a much
poorer proxy than estimated betas are. The noise in realized returns typically inflates
the estimated standard error, with drastic effects on the statistical power. Inferences
based on ex ante returns are more powerful but suffer from a serious size problem.
JEL: G12, C31, C52. I. Introduction One should hardly have to tell to financial
economists that the noise in the data they use is critically important: garbage in,
garbage out. And yet the information surprises in returns are the neglected child in
the house of empirical finance, a neglect described by Elton (1999, p.1218) in the
following terms: When I first entered the profession, anyone using realized returns as
expected returns made the argument that in the long run we should get what we
expect. Even this weak defense is no longer used and researchers generally treat
realized returns as expected returns in their tests without any qualifications. In this
paper, I shall argue that the information surprises in returns, along
Cheesecake Factory
Robert L. Jett
Identifying Your Competitive Advantage
Intro To Business
David Noland, PhD
Cheesecake Factory Inc was incorporated in Delaware on February 1992. The
Company operates
161 upscale, casual, full service dining restaurants under The Cheesecake Factory(r),
Grand Lux
Cafe(r) and RockSugar Pan Asian Kitchen(r) marks. It operates two bakery
production facilities hat produce baked desserts and other products for its restaurants
and for other foodservice operators, retailers and distributors. It also licenses two
bakery cafes under The Cheesecake
Factory Bakery Cafe(r) mark to another foodservice operator. The Company operates
in two business segments, restaurants and bakery. Restaurants consist of The... Show
more content on ...
I believe that one of the main reasons why this restaurant is so successful is the fact
that people who eat here enjoy the unique environment and want to come back. The
design at all Cheesecake Factories is very elegant and the architecture at each
restaurant is more developed and fancy. People often come back for more because,
even though they know the prices are slightly higher than at other restaurants, the
meal sizes are bigger and of a better quality. The Cheesecake Factorytakes pride in
being known for giving their customers large portions of food which is why many of
them take the leftovers back home with them all the time.
One of the strength is the common knowledge of cheesecakes. When people think of
Cheesecake Factory the number one thing that comes to their minds is the
cheesecake. There are so many different kinds of cheesecakes and with this amount of
varieties to choose from, it definitely is one of the most significant strengths that the
Cheesecake Factory has. I believe that
The Cheesecake Factory should take an advantage of this strength and start selling
all the kinds of cheesecake they make to stores around the country. This will be a
way to over come the weakness of advertising. If they sell in stores, and even other
places they will also be advertising at the same time. They have so many different
types to market for everyone. They can make an oven baked version
Symbolism In Simon Birch
Many films around the world use objects to symbolize a deeper meaning. In the
movie Simon Birch the armadillo and all three deers symbolized Simon and God s
will. In the movie Simon Birch the armadillo symbolizes Simon because just like
Simon, the armadillo is small but has a hard shell which can endure a lot. This is
equivalent to what Simon has since even though his whole town makes fun of him
and laughs at him, his shell protects him, and he continues to put a smile on his face.
Furthermore, the armadillo represents Simon because when Simon got in trouble for
questioning why a continental breakfast had to do with god, he was forced to
apologize or he couldn t leave but he continued to endure everything being thrown at
him because of... Show more content on ...
In addition, when the bus crashed into the lake, Simon still didn t panic or was
afraid of dying, he had a shell that defended him and made him endure more than
you would think. Moreover, when Simon killed Rebecca his shell was still very
strong but it had cracked a bit since it was a little bit too much. Lastly, the
armadillo symbolizes Simon because when he was underwater and continuing to
try to get the last kid out he went past his limits, which ended up with him
completely shattering his shell, killing him. The deer in the movie Simon Birch ,
symbolized God s will because when Joe s mother; Rebecca died, the deer was
watching him just like god. The deer then later unexpectedly jumped in front of the
bus causing it to crash which was a negative impact from God but God wanted this
because he did it because he wanted to use Simon to inspire people around him,
including his whole town and parents. At the very end, we see Joe swimming alone,
where him and Simon uses to swim at. The Deer and he make eye contact which was
telling Joe that everything is going to be
Empress Wu Zetian Quotes
She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned
her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu
Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many
fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian
had also been the first female to be crowned emperor.
Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan,
China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned
to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and
government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because
she would torture her enemies. Empress ... Show more content on ...
She helped out the poor, benefited the economy, and boosted a religion s popularity.
A quote by Shan Sa who wrote about Empress Wu states, I, the ordinary restless
child, the plain adolescent, the commoner who had been nun twice, would prove to
be a daughter of heaven.
She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned
her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu
Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many
fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu
Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor.
Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan,
China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she
learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature,
and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel
because she would torture her enemies. Empress Wu would also kill her people
and exile her own sons. Even though historians would consider her cruel, she was
considerate to her peasants. She cared for her peasants enough to lower their taxes.
She also employed lots of women and elevated their status. Her reign ended when
she died on December 16, 705
Dodd Hall Architectural Analysis
Florida State University s Dodd Hall an elaborate example of Gothic Revival
architecture. Dodd Hall is a representative significant piece of Florida State
University s historic fabric and academic history. The university s rich history is
illustrated in its construction from its main entrance to its series of custom stained
glass windows in the Werkmeister Humanities Reading Room. Architectural
influences of French Gothic period help to strengthen both the structure s interior and
exterior architectural integrity.
Built between 1925 and 1929, then later remodeled between the years of 1991 and
1993, Dodd Hall was constructed to establish excellence in architectural design that
would provide an aesthetic as well as serve functional to the campus. ... Show more
content on ...
Evidence of these structures influence are found in Dodd Hall s construction. The
Abbey Church of Saint Denis became the prototype for future buildings in the of
northern France. A large medieval abbey church in the commune of Saint Denis is
renowned for its Gothic architecture. Although built of stone as opposed to brick
like Dodd Hall, the dark Romanesque structure, with its thick walls and small
window openings, was built in what is now referred to as the French Gothic style. In
this style, wall area is reduced to an absolute minimum. As seen in The Heritage
Museum, nee Werkmeister Humanities Reading Room, solid masonry was is
replaced with vast window openings filled with brilliant stained glass. This element
allows for open, illuminated spaces in the
Difference Between Motown Vs. Stax
Motown vs. Stax
Emerging out of the turbulent civil rights period in the United States, the majority of
the black minority population finally found a means by which to express their voice
to the world through music. This movement stemmed from two extremely different
music studios located in opposite regions of the United States. One of these
companies arose out of the north, which very rigidly rigidly controlled their product
and polished young talent to fit an agenda. In contrast, its opposing studio began in
the deep south and was raw, unrestricted, as well as organic, choosing to let any
artist play regardless of who they were or how they performed. Together, these music
production studios helped break down the racial segregation of black and white
music, although they went about it in polar opposite ways.
Motown Record Company (briefly name Tamala Records), located in Detroit,
Michigan was birthed by Berry Gordy on January 12, 1959. His vision was for the
company to produce black artists to bridge the gap between white and black
segregated music markets and audiences. He dreamed about making an entity that
would appeal to both the wider white pop music audiences as well as the narrower
black Rhythm and Blues one. To obtain this objective, he began to make Black music
more palatable to white pop music consumers not only by the appealing, upbeat pop
music arrangements and
Victory Gin 1984
The main character, Winston, wakes up in his flat and the setting is somber. The
narrator describes the climate of London in general terms. There are telescreens
which are both a television and a security camera. Along these lines, the general
population are constantly under consistent reconnaissance. However, Winston has
figured out how to restrain their observation by holding his back to the telescreen.
Victory Gin is presented as a kind of medicine that lifts the spirits of the characters;
this is required since the whole place is described by need and disregard. Winston
sits in such a design, to the point that he can t be seen by the screen. Despite the fact
that he can in any case be listened, he remarks that the screen can t track his
developments.... Show more content on ...
He expresses his feelings and beliefs in it. He should disguise it since Party
individuals were illegal from frequenting common shops. The conceivable results of
being found with the journal make Winston feel anxious, yet in an insubordinate
demonstration he states April 4, 1984. He solidifies quickly as the result of his
activities settle in. He recollects an occurrence from prior that morning where he
was at the Two Minutes Hate. The screens indicated Emmanuel Goldstein, who was
the main foe of the Party. His nearness dependably brought on hullabaloo among the
onlookers. Goldstein s picture is in the long run supplanted with Big Brother and
the pack is moved into reverence. Amid this Hate session, Winston builds up an
unexplained disdain for a dull haired young lady sitting behind him and feels a
feeling of association with O Brien yet doesn t know what to make of
Human Rights Act
The Human Right Act 1998 is an act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which
received Royal Assent on 9 November 1998, and mostly came into force on 2
October 2000.It s aim is to give further effect in UK law to the right contained in the
European Convention on Human Right. The Act makes available in UK courts a
remedy for breach of a Convention right, without the need to go to the European
Court of Human Right in Strasbourg. It also totally abolished the death penalty in UK
law although this was not required by the Convention in force for the UK at that time.
In particular, the Act makes it unlawful for any public body to act in a way which is
incompatible with the Convention, unless the wording of an Act of Parliament
means they ... Show more content on ...
This is because section 6(1) of the Human Rights Act defines court and tribunals as
public bodies meaning their judgments must comply with human rights obligations
except in cases of declarations of compatibility. Therefore judges have a duty to act in
compatibility with the convention even when an action is a private one between two
Even thought the Act s interpretative instruction to interpret legislation as compatible
with Convention right as so far as is possible in section 3(1) applies only to statute
and not common law it has been argued that section 6 of the Act shows that the only
law which should not be subject to human rights obligations is incompatible
legislation. Therefore the common law could be developed in a way which in
compatible with the Convention in an incremental fashion.However,the Human
Rights Act cannot be used to create new courses of action in private law.
The Act provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in such a way as to
contravene convention rights. For those purpose public authority includes any other
person whose functions are functions of a public
Indentured Servants In England s North American Colonies
Slaves existed in the England s North American colonies throughout the 1600s.
However, indentured servitude was very common before the 1680s. For half a
century or so after 1620, most laborers were indentured servants; only a small
proportion were African slaves (Clark, Hewitt, Brown Jaffee, 2007 p64). Indentured
servants were people who signed an indenture, a contract by which they agreed to
work for a serval number of years in exchange for transportation to colonies; in
addition, they would get food, clothing, land, and freedom. The first Indentured
servants in British colonies were introduced by the Virginia Company in 1619. At that
time, there was no slave law; they had same opportunities for freedom with whites.
However, in 1641, Massachusetts... Show more content on ...
Between the 1620s and the 1650s, as the tobacco economy expanded, thousands of
English immigrants flocked to Virginia and Maryland (Clark, Hewitt, Brown
Jaffee, 2007 p73). Indentured servants were used at the beginning. However, with
more people came to American colonies, the prosperity of the colonial economy,
and freed servants demand of land. The colonists realized that the indentured
servants might not the best option, and they need more cheap labor. Tobacco was
the main source of income for most of the colonists. To grow tobacco plantations
needed a significant amount of land and work force. African slaves were a low
price. Slaves labor produced a large number of profits for the plantation owners. By
the early eighteenth century, the rice grown on these plantations because South
Carolina s chief export, and planters turned almost exclusively to imported African
slaves for their workforce (Clark, Hewitt, Brown Jaffee, 2007 p87). By 1690, rice
was growing successful in Carolina, and the rice cultivation spread to Georgia as
well. Some African slaves had some experience of grow rice in West Africa, and
the planters imported more African slaves to grow rice. As rice economy growth,
the number of white servants in Carolinas and Georgia fell, and the population of
slaves increased. That all Negroes and Indians, (free Indians in amity with this
government, and degrees, mulattoes, and mustizoes, who are now free, excepted,)
mulattoes or mustizoes who now are, or shall hereafter be, in this Province, and all
their issue and offspring, born or to be born, shall be, and they are hereby declared to
be, and remain forever hereafter, absolute slaves, and shall follow the condition of the
mother (Johnston 1840). Slaves were a cheaper option than indentured servants.
Indentured servants had a
A Christmas Carol Theme Essay
Spirit, hear me. I am not he man I was. I will not be the man I have been for so
many years. Why show me all of this if I am past all hope? Assure me that I yet
may change these shadows you have shown me. Let the boy live! I will honor
Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the
Present, and the Future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut
out the lessons that they teach. (Scrooge, p.140). A Christmas Carolby Charles
Dickensis an important story as it has a meaningful theme of change, as the quotes
states above. But that isn t the only theme that this beautiful story shows us. Many
different spirits encounter him to help him realize why Christmas is important (I m
pretty sure that is the meaning of the spirits). When the first spirit of the past
encounters him, he realizes what he has done, and regrets some of the things he did.
The second spirit helped Ebenezer Scroogerecognize how what he has been doing
has had an impact in other peoples life. When the frightening third spirit came and
showed him his future and others futures, he discovers about himself and how people
didn t care that he died. When we read A Christmas Carol, we learn that it can have
many different themes that can be a very important component to the story and even
our lives.
Everyone s past can have some bumps in the road that can result in misery, regret but
also happiness. But it can also play an important role
Three Types Of Cost When Quality Considerations Are
TO: John Smith, Supervisor
SUBJECT: Three types of cost when quality considerations are made
Given the highly competitive nature of today s markets we as a company must
provide high quality products to survive. Quality itself has become a major
competitive factor and in many ways is a contributing factor in success or failure.
The intent of this memo is to identify, explain and evaluate the three types of cost
associated with quality.
The three types of cost of quality are Prevention costs, Appraisal costs and Failure
cost (Both internal and External) (Stevenson, 2009 pg. 421) The first type of cost is
Prevention costs. Prevention refers to all costs associated with preventing the failure
or non conforming product or service ... Show more content on ...
However, if the cost of perfection is so expensive that the company cannot be
profitable, it is not realistic to spend too much on a zero defect mindset. Instead the
company must first identify what an acceptable percentage of defects is and where
the defect could have been prevented. Then the company can further quantify which
cost of quality is presenting the greatest risk and put procedures and policies in place
in an attempt to minimize defects. Since prevention costs many times are considered
the least expensive and can have the biggest affect on non conforming products most
companies will focus its initial and largest efforts into prevention. The next initiative
would be appraisal and last would be identifying
Comparing Poems Porphyria s Lover And My Last
In literature, when reading two or more poems for a poet, they often share some
similarities in terms of themes, feelings, or concepts that the poet tries to express
and deliver to the reader. The two poems Porphyria s Lover and My Last Duchess,
are written by Robert Browning in 1842. In Porphyria s Lover , the narrator sits
alone in his house in a cold and stormy night. Then, his lover, Porphyria, comes to
his house and make it warm by starting a fire. She starts to cuddle with him and puts
his head over her shoulder, the narrator feels her love towards him. At the end, he
kills her and then spends the night snuggling with her dead body. In My Last Duchess
, the Duke of Ferrara, the widowed narrator, discusses another marriage with... Show
more content on ...
This is extracted from the fact that she comes to the narrator s house from a feast,
which he is not invited to. On the other hand, the Duke is of a higher social class
than his women, but the way he express his narcissism makes him ironically seem
to be less powerful. He thinks that his wife dose not appreciates his priceless gift
and make it like anybody s gift: My gift of a nine hundred years old name/ With
anybody s gift... (Browning 33 34). The consistent bragging and narcissism
revealed in the quote and throughout the poem gives a sense to the reader that the
Duke actually lacks confidence. The lack of confidence makes him easily get
jealous of the way his wife treats other people, and lead him to think that she flirts
with them while her actions are normal to the reader. In addition, the Duke does
not seem to like the portrait of his last Duchess at first, and this is revealed through
the use of now at the end this line, I call that / piece a wonder, now (Browning 2 3).
This is might be because he thinks that the blush in his last Duchess face in portrait is
made by the presence of the painter, and not by him, which makes him
College Graduates Have Higher Employment Rates
College graduates have higher employment rates, better salaries, and more work
benefits than high school and none high school graduates. It is also said that college
graduates have better communication skills, live longer, have healthier lifestyles, and
prove to be determined. But is that really the case or was that how collegeused to be?
It can be argued that the contrary is happening now. That college students are not
learning the skills and values they were once learning. Not only are they not learning
but by the time they graduate they are in debt from all the loans they had to get to go
to school. Could it be that college is becoming unnecessary, or are students still
getting a quality education that helps them achieve a better... Show more content on ...
In this graph there is a strong relationship where if you acquire a higher degree the
less unemployment you will have. According to this graph if you didn t graduate
from high school and you are a woman you will have a 12% chance of being
unemployed and if you get a professional degree the chances of being unemployed
go down to about 2%. It also shows that if you are a man and did not graduate from
high school the chances of being unemployed are 10% and if they obtained a
professional degree the chances of being unemployed go down to 1.5%. The
second graph shows the relationship of how much money is earned on average
according to what degree you got from school (personal earnings). On the Y axis
you have the amount of money, and on the X axis you have the different degrees.
In this graph it can be seen that the higher degree obtained the more money you
will be able to earn. If you did not graduate from high school and you are a woman
you won on average 12.5 thousand dollars a year. If you are a woman and you got
a professional degree you would be earning on average about 60 thousand dollars a
year. On the other hand if you are a man and did not graduate from high school on
average you would be earning about 23 thousand dollars and if you got a
professional degree you would be earning about 110 thousand dollars a year. The
third graph shows the relationship between how much money you make on average
and the degree you get
Figley s Model Of The Compassion Fatigue Process
Lipchick (2002), describes the therapist client relationship as a structure coupling
between to unique human beings in complementary roles. In a healthcare context,
Sabo (2006) states that empathy and compassion are critical aspects involved in
understanding the clients needs to create a therapeutic relationship between client
and nurse. The integration of the concepts of compassion and empathycould become
a negative facilitator of the cost of caring for others later described as Compassion
Fatigue (CF) (Figley, 1995). The definition is contested, though; the first definition
was proposed by Joinson (1992) characterising CF as a unique form of burnout that
nurses experience because of exhaustion. Coetzee and Klopper (2010) explain that
CF is a concept established in relation to the burnout of nurses . Their duty to tend to
sick and traumatised patients exposes them to pain and sufferingdaily, and thus many
lose their ability to nurture. Supported by Pack and Roberts (2012), CF occurs when
individuals are unable to continue bearing the trauma of others, consequently leading
to a significant reduction in wellbeing and work capacity. Whilst CF has regularly
been observed in a healthcare environment, no such research has been conducted in a
sport and exercise context.
Figley s (2002) model of the Compassion Fatigue Process enables a further
understanding of the factors contributing to CF and some key terms surrounding it.
The model is based on assumptions that empathy and
Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is something that happens in every day society. In this paper you will
find the history of elder abuse, the different types of abuse, case studies, statistical
reports, and what can be done to improve the problem. Some may wonder why
elder abuse even exists in a world that is supposed to love others. As people grow
up they are taught to be kind and courteous to others, and to love one another.
When elder abuse was first discovered in 1975 it was called the granny battering
(Fulmer, 2005). Elder abuse was first researched in the 1980 s. According to Jeffels
(2010), granny battering was named by A.A. Baker. This was when elder abuse was
first recognized as a social problem. Some states in America began to deal with the...
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Neglect is defined as the refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person s
obligations or duties to an elder. Neglect may also include failure of a person who
has fiduciary responsibilities to provide care for an elder or the failure on the part
of an in home service provider to provide necessary care. Neglect typically means
the refusal or failure to provide an elderly person with such life necessities as food,
water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, comfort, personal safety, and
other essentials included in an implied or agreed upon responsibility to an elder
(AOA, nd). Abandonment is defined as the desertion of an elderly person by an
individual who has taken on the responsibility for providing care for an elder, or
by a person with physical custody of an elder(AOA, nd). Financial exploitation is
defined as the illegal or improper use of an elder s funds, property, or assets. Some
examples may include, cashing an elderly persons checks without authorization or
permission; forging an older persons signature; misusing or stealing an older persons
money or possessions; coercing or deceiving an older person into signing any
document; and the improper use of conservatorship, guardianship, or power of
attorney(AOA, nd). Self neglect is characterized as the behavior of an elderly person
that threatens his/her own health or safety. Self neglect
Modern Warfare
Modern warfare ranges from small to large campaigns with military fundamentals
shaping the battlefield. However, none has a more significant value as the Napoleonic
eras. Although France is no longer a dominant power, its military fundamentals
influence the United States (U.S.) military.
The U.S. military employs three Napoleonic era fundamentals of Command and
Control (C2), professional military, and nationalism. These fundamentals shape the
U.S. military during peace and war. Maintaining peace and winning wars are
important. To do that, large capable militaries are required with C2 and Napoleon
recognized this. Napoleon task organized the Army into Armies, Corps, Divisions,
and Brigades, centralizing C2.
Napoleon s Supreme Command ... Show more content on ...
CMTCs provided the foundation for CAM units deploying to a Full Spectrum of
Operations battlefield.
Although conflicts tailor training, training is the number one reason the U.S. Army
is successful. Training is not something we do. It is what we do! A professional
military is not successful as a nation of support. France experienced a revolution, one
that brought change from mass politics to mass warfare to Europe. Napoleon
recognized this and benefited from the transition from dynastic to national warfare.
The French revolution had realized the idea for the citizen Soldier, committed to the
cause of the people, for which he fought. Napoleon exploited nationalism on his own
troops, rallying them to success. National success depends on every citizen. As the
French Army mobilized, its citizens did, too. Young men will go to battle; married
men will forge arms and transport supplies; women will make tents, uniforms, and
serve in hospitals; children will pick rags; old men will have themselves carried to
public squares to inspire the courage of the warriors, and to preach hatred of kings
and the unity of the Republic. Nationalism brought change to the world, as
monarchies were overthrown and people governments formed. Although the U.S.
formed prior to the French Revolution, its Nationalism has been prevalent for over
200 years. National support defines U.S. military success, as it did for Napoleon.
When conflicts are imminent, the U.S. military mobilizes
George Catlin Thesis
Writer and Analyst; Kathryn Height; criticizes the work (more specifically the
paintings/drawings) of Artist George Catlin during the time of the 1830 s and its
parallel to the Indian Removal Act. Hight does so in the report Doomed to Perish :
George Catlin s Depictions of the Mandan . Hight highlights Catlin s work, describes
his subjects, and carefully provides evidence throughout her criticism report
convincing the audience that his paintings lead to the covered true history of the
Mandans (Native American tribe on the Mississippi River). Hight provides evidence
and states her ideas clearly up until final point of analysis, which reinstates her thesis.
It is here where she provides closure to her statements prior and proves herself and
her developed idea as true and as opinionated reasonable fact.Throughout the process
before the closure, however, Hight makes a compelling, and truly riveting argument
against artist George Catlin. Hight specifically counteracts... Show more content on ...
This being that Hight chooses her battle in a very specific manner. I believe
Heights argument is a broader argument That the removal of Indians in American
early vulture was negative and that it could have been stopped has cultural
references and tools of preservation were taken more carefully. I think more
specifically she blames this on the individual with a sense of power or even a way
into society. She chooses to talk about one person in history with this sort of
dynamic and concludes her point through observation and an analysis of his work
within the historical references and her main point. I d not mean to say her thesis if
any different but =rather that choosing one specific example to establish a broader
and very complicated and controversial idea is an effective way in demotracting a
criticism and
Conforming Tales
Kristina Mannes
Transforming Tales
Word Count: 1871
Transforming tales
European folktales, through their malleable nature, embody a dynamic role in
cultural history. These tales, and further their adaptions, provide insight into varying
time periods and spaces. The modifications of tales and the varying interpretations
surrounding them, provides much information in this. Several popular and enduring
fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, and Sleeping Beauty
will be examined in this essay. By tracking the changes of these tales the deeper
implications regarding differing societies and period can be gained.
The Little Red Riding Hood tale as it exists today remains quite different to the
original peasant tale. The original tale was marked by much more violence and
was not always subject to the same happy ending associated with the story today. In
fact, the happy ending which exists in the Grimm edition of the story exists only
because it was added by the storyteller, Jeanette Hassenpflug who borrowed it from
another popular German tale, the Wolf and the Kids (Darnton 11). Jack Zipes
describes how throughout the nineteenth century the Perrault version was generally
garnished and transformed into a tale with more delicacy and ornateness, primarily
for children of the upper class (45). In Perrault s tale the young girl falls victim to
the wolf. The change in the story, and shift away from the violence of the pre Grimm
Block 2 Analysis
Many people try to dissect the relationship of John the Baptist and Jesus as either
rivals or mentor. However, in the several passages found in Block 1, we see John
asking people to repent and seek the Lords grace. This presents John as a servant of
Jesus. In block 2, we see John completely humbled as Jesusasks him to baptize him.
He was so shocked that he asked Jesus if the positions should be reversed. We do not
grasp much of Jesus character as he says very little/nothing. However, we see
reassurance of God s presence over Jesus when he sends the dove. In block 3, we
experience Jesus as a teaching Jesus. He uses analogies in order to explain his
teachings. This is something that we don t see John do. In block 4, we read that
John s disciples approach... Show more content on ...
Rather, Jesus praises John and his faithfulness. For block 1, we see John as a
humble follower of God, spreading the word of the Lord. In Block 2 we see John
once again humbled as Jesus asked for him to baptize him. In block 3 we see Jesus
as a teacher. Finally, in block 4 we see John question Jesus. This is very different in
comparison to blocks 1 and 2. However we see Jesus praise John nevertheless,
which is in contrast to block 3 (teaching Jesus). We hear of Johns appearance in
block 1. In Matthew 3:1 6 we hear of the clothing that John wears (camel s hair,
leather belt). In all of the other blocks we don t get exact depictions of the clothing
worn by Jesus or John. In terms of fasting we see a contrast between Jesus disciples
and John s disciples. Where John s disciples fast, Jesus do not. Jesus explains this
by saying that his disciples do not yet have anything to fast for. From these
comparisons, we can conclude that Jesus and John have many differences. I believe
that they have more differences then similarities. Jesus and John are not equals,
rather John s mission is to serve and spread the new of Jesus. Jesus views John as a
Essay about A Brief Biography of William Blake
Have you ever heard of a guy name William Blake? No, if not I can tell you things
about him. William Blake was born over his father s modest history shop at Broad
Street, Golden Square, London. His dad name was James Blake and his mother
name was Catherin Wright Armitage Blake. Did Blake have any Brother and
Sisters? Yes he had four brothers and one sister their names are: John Blake, Richard
Blake, James Blake, John William, and Catherin Elizabeth (A1). William Blake
father was a prosperous hosier. He encouraged young Blake s artistic tastes and sent
him to drawing school. At the age of 14 Blake was apprenticed to James Basire,
Whom he stayed until 1778. After he left Royal Academy. In 1782 he married
Catherine Bouncher, Whom he taught to... Show more content on ...
Did Blake do his poetry in the ordinary way? No he did not use technology he used
his brother vision and designed them on copper in a liquid impervious to acid (E3).
Blake was profession was engraving, and his principal avocation was painting in
watercolurs. In his boyhood all he did was poet. 1780s he attended the literary and
artistic salons of the bluestocking Harriet Matthew (E4). Blake s last years. From
1818 to 1827, were comfortable and productive, Blake s woodcuts for a school text of
Virgil (1821) (E5).
Blake died in his cramped room in Fountain Court, the strand, London, on Aug.12,
Just before he died. His eyes got brightened and he burst out singing of the things
he saw in Heaven. He had a very beautiful funeral service of the Church of England
(E6). Thomas Merton mentioned Blake was stimulus for the conversion of Merton
to Catholicism. Blake has further clarified the sources of his amavalence towards
his own creativity (F1). Blake s had something wonderful engraving of the Hiding
of Moses it was remarkable for it decorations than for literary contents (G1). Blake
loved the world of sprit and abominated institutionalized religion. 1797 he wrote to
Bishop Watson s apology for the bible. He begin to work vigorously as a
independent engraving (H1). Blake published songs of experience and combined it
with his previous lyrics to
Paleolithic Food History
In this world we are blessed with so many things (paleo recipes) by The Almighty
God and one of the most precious blessings of God is the good health and the
secret to the good health. There are many things in this world created by Him to
keep us healthy and enjoy the life. Excellent health of our ancestors was due to the
use of natural foods like the wild plants and animals in their food and these foods
are now termed as the paleo recipes, paleo food, Stone Age or Paleolithic food. It is
up to us that how we use this food and live a healthy life. We are also living in an era
of fast automation and machine life where our eating routine has converted on fast
and junk food items.
By the robust increase in the population of the world and the ... Show more content on ...
Meat should contain lean beef with trimmed of visible fats like flank steak, extra
lean hamburger, chunk steak, lean veal, London broil and Top sirloin Steak. Lean
poultry is the white meat with skin removed and consists of chicken breast, turkey
breast and game hen breast.
Organ meats of beef, lamb and chicken, rabbit and Goat meat, eggs not more than
six in a week of Chicken (enriched source of Omega 3), Duck and Goose. The paleo
diet also contains fish as an ingredient in it. Fish meat can consist of Eel, Bas, Trout,
Mullet or any other available fish. Fish meat is a complete diet and contains all the
components needed for the excellent working of the human
Barry Callebaut Mission Statement
Introduction Barry Callebaut is one of the largest cocoa producers worldwide with an
average annual production estimated to be around 1.7 million tons of coca. In year
1996, the merging of Belgian chocolate producer Callebaut and French company
Cacao Barry took place. In the present the company s headquarter is in Zurich,
Switzerland. The company s mission statement is clear, which is to improve the life
conditions of their farmers and the community, through improved productivity and
helping in community development. In order to do so, they ensure that their farmers
are earning an equitable income, in addition caring for their health and the well being
of their families too. Since cocoa communities are mostly located in remote areas,
they often have limited infrastructure development. Barry Callebautis concerned with
this issue... Show more content on ...
They respect all rules and laws regarding food safety and they follow all regulations
at their plants and workplaces. Any threat to a product or even bad quality sold to
their customers, the company takes immediate action by reporting to their managers
and eliminating the problem immediately.
7 Community involvement and development
73,600 people reached the company because of their community activities. Barry
Callebaut works on community development through child protection and other
ways. They provide training for their farmers in order to help them increase their
capabilities. In addition, the company is engaged in raising awareness of child labor
issues, addressing basic education and health needs, and improves life conditions of
their employees.
Code of Conduct
Barry Callebaut follows principles and guidelines that reflect their reality in the
workforce. Major principles are:
Product safety and quality
Conflict in interest
Gifts, hospitality and entertainment
Fair competition
Corruption and
Logos In The Declaration Of Independence
What were Thomas Jefferson s, Alexander Hamilton s, John Jay s, and James
Madison s reasons behind the United States historical government documents? During
the time period of the founding father s the American colonies were barely starting to
form a government and it had its flaws and they still had to deal with gaining their
independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence written by
Thomas Jeffersonwas written to give reasons to why the American colonies are
going to separate from Great Britain. Hamilton, Jay, and Madison wrote the
Federalists Papers to try and convince the people of the American colonies to ratify
the new constitution. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson gives logical
reasoning and also emotional reasoning through the type of words he uses and in
the Federalists Papers they use logical reasoning and their credibity to convince the
people. When Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence he writes
it to explain why the American colonies will be separating from Great Britian. He
does that by using logos. An example of this from the Declaration of Independence
is when he writes about the king of Great Britain changing things. For taking away
our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the
Forms of our Governments: . This passage explains some of the reasons why they
separate from Great Britain, Jefferson uses actual facts so that Great Britain can t
deny it. Through out the entire declaration he uses logos to back up why the
American colonies leave. He doesn t want people to think they are leaving just for no
In the Federalists Papers No.10 James Madison explains all the things that the
Union promised, but how they never kept the promise. He explains this by using
logos. In the Federalists Papers No.10 he gives his knowledge on the situation of the
government and explains how even the people realize the government is messed up.
Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens,
equally the friends of public and private faith, and of public and personal liberty, that
our governments are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts
of rival parties, and that
Theories Of Masculinity
The term masculinity connotes certain attributes that are associated with men. In
today s postmodern world gender theorists prefer the more fluid term masculinities
because male attributes change throughout space and time (Reeser 2). Discourse
shows that masculinity is a fabrication or a construct of a given historical cultural
context (ibid.).
The first theory of masculinity as a personal identity was introduced by Sigmund
Freud (Roper 361) whereas in the Victorian and Edwardian periods the word
manliness was used. It had a fixed meaning, could not be amended to individual
properties of men and had to be achieved to be seen as a true man (cf. Whitehead 15).
Usually the meaning associated with manliness is dictated by those ... Show more
content on ...
Edwardian soldiers should leave behind the former image of ideal masculinity
which consisted of Christian virtues like straightforwardness, manly simplicity,
openness and transparent honesty (Newsome 195) and compassion, fairness, and
altruism (Roper 347) to a more aggressive identity which reflected the needs of the
army. Society believed to identify the perfect manly individual from his physical
appearance, gestures, and speech (Nye 420) rather than his inner qualities.
Ultimately, the Great War provided an opportunity to prove one s character (cf.
Roper 344). However, this failed because modern warfare imposed mass casualties
so that willpower and hardness could not help to comply to [heroic gender] roles
(Carden Coyne 111). New military tactics like chemical weaponry, aviation and heavy
artillery made close combat impossible (cf. ibid. 1). Under these circumstances many
men suffered from mental breakdowns, then known as shell shock (cf. Winter 9).
Doctors regarded the hysterical or neurotic male as an unpatriotic, welfare dependent,
and unmanly shirker (Crouthamel 62). Correspondingly, nervous complaints [were]
seen as
My Philosophy Of Education And Education
My Philosophy of Education
When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself
what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students
knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after
graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers
go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their
students learn, as well as, retain the information.
The type of method that I plan to use in the classroom would be the inquiry based
method. The reason I chose this type of method is because it is hands on, and I
myself learn this way. On the first day of class, I will do a survey with the students
to find out what types of learners they are. All students learn differently. For example:
VAK learning styles, which are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. In order for me to
have a mental note of how the students learn, I will seat them in groups based on
which type of learner they are. This way I can make sure I apply different learning
techniques in my teaching. When doing group work, I will mix the groups up with
the different learners, so that they can be introduced to the other ways of learning as
I believe in the Progressivism Philosophy, which considers that the views of nature
are ever changing. This type of philosophy helps the children to develop problem
solving abilities. When the students come across a challenge, they
Milwaukee Abandoned City
What would happen if Milwaukee was an abandoned city? Milwaukee is one of
Wisconsin s primary economic and cultural engines (Darling). Yes, it s true but
Milwaukee has more to offer. Milwaukee is known for its beers, brats, lakes,
cultural festival and happy days. Through recent years the city has been dealing
with re imaging itself. Despite all that, let s imagine if Milwaukee did end up being
an abandoned city where neighborhoods are torn down, poverty is seen, more
violence, and such others. Milwaukee lakes will possibly be scattered with trash,
possible unsanitized waters. The 600,000 population will reduce quickly. Summer
and cultural festivals will be forgotten. With personal perspective, every year the
Milwaukee Hmong New Year is held
Egypt And Nubia Similarities
Nubia and Egypt are two different civilizations, but deep down in the roots of their
government, environment, and agriculture, there are some similarities that can be
brought up. Along with these similarities are differences. Such as how they both
relied on the Nile River and both had Pharaohs, but Egyptwas more isolated than
Let s start off with the two nations government. Both Nubia and Egypt had Pharaohs,
but Egypt s government was a complex bureaucracy and Nubia s government was
more of a monarchy. Nubia had a head Although, Nubia s government was mostly a
replication of Egyptian government and even law codes. Nubia was just influenced
by Egypt.
Egypt s and Nubia s environments had similar and varying aspects. Egypt was pretty
Technological Advancements And Technology
Technology is intended to improve our lives and since the dawn of man progress
continues to take shape. We consider technological advances as modern
conveniences, and in many respects they improve our lives. The consideration is how
to use and integrate these advancements effectively into life. Consider the evolution
of the Smartphone and it unknown long term effects on society. For example, people
born after 1995 have virtually grown up with the Smartphone technology and they
are affecting an entire generation often referred to as the iGeneration. While progress
is good in many ways, the costs are revealed as time passes. Teenagers do not
understand a world without technology, in particular, smartphones and their effects
on their socialization, mental health, and physical health. Smartphones quite possibly
could be making the iGeneration less smart and less fulfilled. Take for example
social media and how it interfaces with our society. We post on various platforms to
show a sense of happiness with the social interactions in which we engage. Selfies
have become the norm. The cost of all the fascination of social media connections is
showing a negative trend among teens of the iGeneration. Facebook wipes away face
to face interactions. Instagram posts do not get enough instant likes. Snapchat can get
you into trouble in a snap. These technological advances are affecting the
socialization process of this generation. Most teens stay home more, communicate
through texts
Duty to Warn
Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals By Gregory Lee Baize, Sr.
Liberty University COUN 501 B17 Fall 2013 Summary Video presentation: The
video clip was quite interesting I found it to be very educational as to the legal
obligations of therapists in the mental health field. There were issues that were
brought up that were quite important, such as therapists need to understand
confidentiality, privileged information, and a therapists responsibility related to
reporting suspected child abuse, elder abuse, and/or suicidal ideations, and possibly
the most important of them all is a therapists duty to warn. The first case they were...
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To do that, the information from a treatment provider can be most helpful. So if
the information from a provider doesn t make its way to the court by way of direct
testimony, in defense to the confidentiality issues, it may do so through a guardian
or evaluators interview with the provider. But in most cases, one way or another
information from a counselor and his or her records will find its way to the judge
who needs it (Psychotherapy, 2008). These three characters in this vignette
brought up many good questions related to confidentiality, mandated reporting
privileged information, and the Therapists responsibility related to reporting
suspected child abuse, elder abuse and/or suicidal ideations, and the Therapists
responsibility to warn third parties if it is apparent that they are in imminent
danger. Constance states she believed the victim should be allowed to win in this
case as they failed to avoid an avoidable harm. In so saying it is obvious to me that
confidentiality cannot be an absolute, nor do we work in a perfect world. So as
one goes forward working as a therapist and the mental health field it is important to
understand the standards of our profession and how it is important for us to know
whether a victim is in peril and that we always have the duty to warn or protect
individuals in our care are affected by those that we provide mental health care for
College Candy Making Success That Much Sweeter Essay
As the saying goes, Desperate times call for desperate measures. American college
students of the 21st century have been forcefully subjected to highly competitive
environments due to a multitude of external factors. As of late, the prescription drug,
Adderall has become the drug of choice for ambitious college students, and has
earned the title of being today s college candy and academic steroid. First introduced
and approved by the U.S. FDA, Adderallbecame the common treatment for those
suffering from ADHD and narcolepsy. The drug is considered a schedule II
stimulant, falling in the same category as cocaine and codeine due to its addictive
nature (Tran). Nicknamed addy by college students, Adderall and its effects have
been proven... Show more content on ...
State budget cuts in California have resulted in class cuts at universities and
colleges, decreasing the amount of available enrollment space for students. As a
result, students are constantly struggling to register for classes, increasing their
chances of retaining for a fifth year. Post graduates are also further presented with
complications, particularly in the job market. Findings show that only half of post
graduates will attain job positions in which will actually utilize their earned
bachelor s degrees. Graduate school has thus become increasingly more necessary
than a high school diploma and bachelor s degree, whereas years ago both seemed
sufficient enough to maintain decent livings. As mentioned in the New York Times,
more than sixty percent of those who graduated in the last five years say they will
need more formal education to be successful (Rampell). Thus, college students in
California are constantly seeking a competitive edge over their peers in order to
keep up with such demands. Students, whom are the primary users, also hold
different opinions regarding the issue. Essentially, the majority acceptance or
disproval of such abusive behavior determines whether or not the issue is a big deal
or not on campus. Students are more prone to trying things with the support of their
So how may a student adapt to such overly competitive environments? Through
The Permian-Triassic Period
Mesozoic Era:
The dinosaurs and the mammals appeared during the triassic period,Roughly 225
million years ago. The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. The Mesozoic
Era lasted about 180 million years, and is divided into three periods, the Triassic, the
Jurassic, and the Cretaceous.
The Mesozoic Era is an interval of geological time from about 252 to 66 million
years ago. It is also called the Age of Reptiles, a phrase introduced by the 19th
century paleontologist Gideon Mantell .
The Permian Triassic boundary, at the start of the Mesozoic, is defined relative to a
particular section of sediment in Meishan, China, where a type of extinct, eel like
creature known as a conodont first appeared, according to the International
commission on stratigraphy. Life and climate The Mesozoic Era he Mesozoic Era
began roughly around the time of the end Permian extinction, which wiped out 96
percent of marine life and 70 percent of all terrestrial species on the planet. Life
slowly rebounded, eventually giving way to a flourishing diversity of animals, from
massive lizards to monstrous dinosaurs.
The Triassic period from 252 million to 200 million years ago, saw the rise of reptiles
and the first dinosaurs, the Jurassic period , from about 200 million to 145 million
years ago, ushered in birds and ... Show more content on ...
The current locations of the continents and their modern day inhabitants, including
humans, can be traced to this period. The era began on a big down note, catching the
tail end of the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event at the close of the Cretaceous
period that wiped out the remaining non avian dinosaurs. The global climate of the
early portion of the Cenozoic Period was much warmer than it is today, and the
overall climate of the Earth was much more consistent regardless of proximity to the
Traffic Congestion At Janta Crossing Essay
пѓ For last four year, We are known about traffic congestion at Janta crossing
which is at Vidhya nagar to GIDC road and NH 48 (ANAND SOJITRA HIGH WAY,
which connect to SAURASTA).
пѓ Reason behind it have many key features are there which are
1)Tirupati HP petrol pump
2)SBI bank (branch of GIDC)
3)ELECON group
4)Vegetable market
5)GIDC main entry road
6)AMAR Maruti car show room and service station
7)CNG gas station
8)Glossary and snack shops
9)Vidhyanagar railway station Therefore, Trafficproblems occur at this junction.
During peak hours many times traffic conjunction problem occurs. It has being
observed that time is getting wasted and people don t reach on time to their
destination to solve this problem we have selected this project.
Which cause many flow of vehicles in different direction at once.
пѓ Traffic congestion is no fun for anyone, but it s deadly for public transport. When
buses and trams are stuck in traffic jams they fall behind schedule and, because this
means that more people will be waiting at the next stops, they fall even further behind
schedule leading to bunching and compounding delays. Bunched buses and delays
make public transport unattractive for customers and increase operational costs, so
congestion impacts on public transport must be eliminated whenever possible.
пѓ Traffic Data Collection and projections thereof of traffic volumes are basic
requirements for planning of road development and management schemes.
пѓ Traffic Data forms an
The Influence Of The Lost Generation
The term Lost Generation came from Gertrude Stein, who heard a mechanic say to
his employee You are all a lost generation . They are, according to,
the generation of men and women who came of age during or immediately
following World War I: viewed, as a result of their war experiences and the social
upheaval of the time, as cynical,disillusioned, and without cultural or emotional
stability . World War Iwas the primary factor responsible for the change in the
significance of self indulgence and wealth in the Lost Generations writing.
World War 1 began on July 28, 1914. The conflict was started one month in
advance, when Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed the heir to the
Austro Hungarian Empire and his wife. American President, Woodrow Wilson
wanted to stay in a state of neutrality by continuing to trade with European countries
on both sides of the war, but Germany disagreed with this. They sunk all ships
coming into the British Isles, including neutral trade ships. This caused Wilson to
declare war on Germany on April 2, 1917. The war ended November 11, 1918, when
Germany called for a ceasefire due to limited resources.
War ended right before the turn of the decade, influencing a lot of 20 s culture. The
shift in culture was evident through clothing, gender roles, everyday life, wealth, self
indulgence, and writing style. Women dressed more flashy, in shorter dresses, which
were looked at as skanky before. Heels were more common now
Oregon Border Dispute Dbq
Imagine, you are a soldier for the United States military. You hear that the dispute
over the Oregon Territory has greatly escalated, and that you might have to go to
war, and be separated from your family again. You pray and pray that you won t
have to risk your life once again over another argument. Fortunately, many soldiers
were relieved when they didn t have to go to war over the dispute. Still, the argument
was extremely heated and impacted the history of many countries.The Oregon Border
Dispute, which occurred in approximately 1803 1846, was important to not only the
United States, but many other countries as well. The Oregon Border Dispute is
important to the theme because the U.S. and Britain eventually made a compromise
to settle... Show more content on ...
should expand their borders and claim the Oregon Territory. The Oregon Territory
includes present day Oregon, Washington, and almost all of British Columbia (Office
of the Historian). The Treaty of Oregon was signed by the British and the Americans
on June 15,1846. The Oregon Territory was present day Washington, Oregon, and
Not only was the southern border under dispute, the northern border between
Canada and the U.S. was under dispute as well. The Treaty of 1818 called for a
temporary solution joint occupation. James K. Polk was elected in 1844 and
claimed the entire Oregon Territory for himself. He wanted to claim the entire region
and go to war with the British. The Mexican American War helped us gain new states
for short amounts of time. The debate on slavery was also short term.
Spain and Russia had surrendered their claims to the region, but the United States
and Britain were active claimants in the 19th century s early years. The matter s
resolution was delayed by the Anglo American Convention of 1818, in which both
parties agreed to a temporary policy of joint occupation of the region. This
accommodation was extended in 1827 (The Oregon Treaty). The U.S. and the British
were in a fight for a long time about where they should permanently extend the
boundary to the north or to the south. The Oregon Trail weakened the British request
to extend the southern border, because many people were traveling to Oregon along
The Importance And Cons Of Voting Rights
The Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was established and
implemented proceeding the Civil War with a specific goal, voting rights. It
established the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It dealt with the denial of voting rights in
local and national elections because one s race or previous condition of servitude. It
prohibits states from engaging in racial discrimination when it came to voting rights.
Furthermore, the amendment grants congress to seek actions, appropriate legislation
if they do not comply with it. Lastly, it allows citizens to sue states in federal court if
they felt they were discriminated against during the election process. 3.The court has
structured several standards when addressing and reviewing civil rights and liberties
cases. This far part structure includes minimal scrutiny, heightened scrutiny, and strict
scrutiny. Moving on, Minimal scrutiny stands as the most lenient stage of scrutiny
which uses the rational basis test. In applying the rational basis test, the case herd
must be rational and relates to the governments interest. Intermediate scrutiny has
been seen in cases dealing with gender base discrimination under the equal protection
clause, this is also applied in cases dealing with the freedom of press and speech in
the first amendment. The challenged law must further an important government
interest by means that are substantially related to that interest. Lastly, strict scrutiny is
the applies taws that infringes on the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Exclusive Jurisdiction
Statutory exclusive jurisdiction is a form of the international jurisdiction, which is
always regulated by the mandatory norms of the law and which may not be
overridden by an agreement on jurisdiction by the defendant s voluntary submission
to the different forum. It has imperative character and stands on the fact that the
matters involved in the exclusive jurisdictionrules are closely linked to the state
sovereignty or the territory of the state and in these situations, the state interest
prevails over the private. This means that the state has a special interest to make its
courts hear the dispute despite other controversial circumstances (such as for instance
the agreement on the jurisdiction of a different court), exclude any possibility to
transfer the case and the most important, do not allow the recognition and
enforcement of foreign judgments, which are made with the violation of the
exclusive jurisdiction rules. This special state interest is legally justified and
admissible. Therefore, the provisions of the exclusive jurisdictions prescribe that, if
the subject matter of the dispute is one of the specifically indicated therein, only the
courts pointed there have jurisdiction to hear the dispute and settle it.
Statutory ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, it is reasonable and legally justified for the above mentioned purposes, to
have this matter in the norm of the exclusive jurisdiction. Herewith, the more
practical element of having to take into account is the need to make entries in land
registers located where the immovable property is

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Education Importance Essay. Why is Education So Important in Our Life -

  • 1. Education Importance Essay Writing an essay on the importance of education can be both a challenging and rewarding task. On one hand, the topic is broad and encompasses various aspects of the educational landscape, making it necessary to carefully choose and organize the content. On the other hand, the importance of education is undeniable, making it crucial to convey its significance effectively. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the subject while avoiding the trap of becoming too generic. It requires a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of education, considering its social, economic, and personal dimensions. Crafting a well-structured essay involves delving into the historical context, examining current trends, and projecting the future implications of education. Moreover, addressing the importance of education may involve discussing different educational systems, philosophies, and policies. This complexity demands extensive research to support arguments and present a well-rounded perspective. It's essential to avoid clichГ©s and provide fresh insights that captivate the reader's attention. Additionally, one must consider the diverse audience that may read the essay, ranging from educators and policymakers to students and parents. Ensuring clarity and relevance to various readers adds another layer of challenge. The tone should be informative yet engaging, striking a balance between formality and accessibility. Despite the challenges, exploring the importance of education allows for personal reflection and growth as a writer. It offers an opportunity to contribute to ongoing discussions about education and its transformative power in society. In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of education requires navigating through a complex landscape of ideas and perspectives. It demands thorough research, careful consideration of the audience, and a creative approach to presenting information. However, the process is not without its rewards, as it provides a chance to delve into a critical topic that impacts individuals and societies alike. For assistance with essays and more, various resources are available, and services like can provide support tailored to your specific needs. Education Importance Essay Education Importance Essay
  • 2. The Federalist Paper Fifty-One Analysis The Federalist papers were written by John Jay, Alexandra Hamilton, and James Madison. The Federalist papers were created to keep the public informed about what was happening with the government. This was the first time that the country would have to set up a government. Federalist paper fifty one is the system of checks and balances. For our government to be different, we would have to have a system that no one single group had complete control of. Madison agrees with the system of checks and balances and talks about the best ways to make this system work. Madison discusses that the people should have the power to elect all of the officials. Federalist paper fifty one is an amazingly insightful paper. Federalist paper fifty one is the system... Show more content on ... I do agree with the fact that the system of checks and balances should be strong. However, there are some downsides to the system Madison promoted. One of the first problems is not just anyone can be elected to just any branch of government. For example, the judicial branch has certain criteria for a member to be elected. Any random person does not know what it takes to be a judge. They do not know any of the responsibilities or anything that a judge would know. I also do not agree with the fact that the people should be able to elect people into all branches of government. I believe that as long as we are going to keep the parties that each should have the same number of members. House and Senate should have an equal number of both Democrats and Republicans. The speaker of the House should be an individual party who is unbiased. If the people vote for whoever they wanted to be in the different branches there would be no discipline. I think that each branch should work individually but should keep the other from abusing their powers. The whole point of checks and balances is that the branches of government would balance each other out. The other reason is so that no one branch had all of the power, they could check each other when they believed things were too much. The problem with people is that if power or defense was not set up right people would put their needs or wants above rights. As the Federalist paper
  • 3. Whole Foods Strategy for Whole Foods Market Current Strategic Issues 1.How does Whole Foods sustain positive growth in sales? 2.How does Whole Foods cope with the downturn in the economy? 3.How does Whole Foods achieve sustainable competitive advantage? Rationale for Issues One of Whole Foods main strategic issues is how it should sustain positive growth in sales. Sales growth in 2008 was 0.8%, compared to sales growth increase of 8.2% in 2007. However, much of these low sales growth figures were at the former Wild Oats stores rather than the stores that Whole Foods Opened. This is definitely a strategic issue because Whole Foods current strategic model is not showing positive sales growth. From $203 million in 2006, it fell to ... Show more content on ... I believe there is an unrealized market in central Canada and Europe that needs the presence of Whole Foods. Of course, I would not increase debt greatly and just expand anywhere in Canada and Europe. To enter foreign markets I intend to create an international business department that will research the cultural customs, tastes, trends, population growth, spending and eating habits etc. This will tell Whole Foods what markets are most lucrative to penetrate. Then Whole Foods would create a test site in the potential market, and if sales are sufficient to justify expansion in the region then more stores will be opened. Whole Foods has a great competitive advantage, as the population of the world is becoming better educated about foods, nutrition, and good eating habits. Whole Foods has the culture and the know how to accommodate this new population trend and it is just a matter of where to put the stores to achieve a sense of monopoly where people can only come to Whole Foods in order to buy the highest quality, most flavourful and naturally preserved foods available. Once Whole Foods situates itself across Canada and Europe, I believe this will be the best way to pay off its long term debt, because sales will be at all time highs, therefore obtaining positive cash flows from operations that will exceed capital expenditures for years to
  • 4. Tyrion Lannister Quotes A story to the extent time could remeber far in westeros , place where there is seven kingdoms , the annals, wars and round of thrones appear to be the main force. Martin plays with literary gadgets and his reader s suspicions depends on literary discussions , in which an argument occurs between the Tyrion Lannister s behavior and his house sigil which is a Lion. Tyrion isn t a dream character for the readers: who would want to be Tyrion? Sure, he s got good qualities and some lucky strokes, but being Tyrion isn t all that great. Despite everything he complies with lion s behavior or character to leadership and quality, Tyrion lannister might need physical stength because of his deformed, however he makes it up with his knowledge, intelegence... Show more content on ... In the Game Of Thrones , Tyrion Lannister utilizations his home s riches and he relies on upon his intellegence more than he relies on upon himself physically. Martin plays with artistic gadgets and our suppositions which depends on scholarly conventions . tyrion lannister might repudiate the place of sigil which is the lion ; anyway, he doesn t represent a lion in full . a lion represents stenght physically and is a decent pioneer as well. On the other side. Tyrion lannister needs physical force , so he cannot battle as a lion does and cant be a decent or capable pioneer physically and join a war since He is a smaller person and dwarf , which is brought on him issues and abuse. His size has driven him to being alluded to insultingly by different names, for example, the Imp and The Halfman . This is relieved by his judgment and his family s riches and influence. Tyrion Lannister s conduct doesn t represesnt his home sigil , and he doesn t characterize the sigil through his own particular ethics. For instance, Declining to have his destiny judged by
  • 5. Bertrand Russell Outline How you ever thought about what it would be like with no wars, battles or overall misconception between one another? Finding harmony within our world is almost impossible and is a never ending uphill battle. As time goes on, more hardships begin, and more fights outbreak, Bertrand Russell was someone that was willing to act upon this and work towards a more logical approach. As we grow older it seems as if the world is getting more and more corrupt and out of hand. The difference between a decade ago and now is dramatic and quite terrifying! Everybody just goes along with what is happening in today s age and time, we tend to follow the mainstream trends and activities despite the fact of what it even is. This has caused ignorance and disobedience... Show more content on ... He split his works into three main ideas by which he governed his life by, which were; the desire for love, the search for knowledge, and sorrow for the suffering of mankind. Body I.Russell believe that love should come first because of the joy it creates and it shadows out all the loneliness. A.)To know love you must come to terms with all of love s dimensions. 1.) There are many emotions when someone is reaching out for love, some good and some bad. All should be included in learning true love. 2.) The usual bond of love is either purely contemplation or purely benevolence. B.)Love is more fundamental then knowledge, since it will lead intelligent people to seek knowledge, to benefit those that they love. 1.)Love and knowledge are extensible and is what can make life better when working together. 2.)Exploring the bounds of love between one another can save the harm of someone with genuine benevolence. II.Bertrand believed that knowledge is defined as the most important and difficult of the three ideas he governs his life to. A.)Knowledge is usually defined as belief backed up with the agreement of
  • 6. Gerald Sandusky Case After reviewing serval sources related to this case, it is clear that this was an ongoing issue for many years and the scope may extend into the 1970 s if new allegations are corroborated. The case officially begins on November 4, 2011 when the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania filed charges against Gerald Sandusky (Sandusky) that included multiple counts of aggravated indecent assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, corruption of minors, unlawful contact with minors, and endangering the welfare of minors. Several of the charges cover offenses that occurred between 1998 and 2002 when Sandusky was either the Defensive Coordinator for the Penn State University (PSU) football team or as a professor Emeritus with unrestricted access to the football program s facilities (Freeh, ... Show more content on ... In November of 2012, then president of PSU was indicted for grand jury perjury, obstruction of justice, child endangerment, failure to report child abuse and conspiracy in connection with the scandal (Sokolove, 2014). Then Coach Joe Paterno was not charged in relation to the Sandusky scandal, however, he died of cancer shortly after Sandusky s arrest and his firing from PSU. Aside from the allegations of child sexual abuse, the revelation of a cover up and who actually knew of Sandusky s behavior appears to be just as shocking. Through independent and Grand Jury investigations, a small circle of the most powerful people at PSU knew, for almost a decade, of Sandusky s behavior and chose not to take appropriate actions to protect children from a sexual predator and concealed Sandusky s behavior from the University s Board of Trustees, the community and
  • 7. Racial Tensions Racial tensions are high in the United States currently. Donald Trump s campaign has put Immigration policies on the hot seat. Some of the decisions the Obama administration has made has come under attack by many media outlets for example, Fox news. Known for its conservative bias, Fox news constantly releases articles that contain very blatant attacks against immigrants in the U.S.. One such article, released on October 3rd of this year by author Joseph J. Kolb, headlined US immigration policies allow gangs to thrive in violence plagued NY community, say critics, is a particularly good example of how harmful imaginative geographies are formed of the immigration situation. Before delving into the article, the concept of imaginative geographies
  • 8. Empirical Evidence Bearing On Capital Asset Pricing Theories This study explores the (troubling) empirical evidence bearing on capital asset pricing theories. General formulas for the coefficient on beta and it standard error are derived, which show that the outcomes of cross sectional tests have no causal relation to the pricing models. If a test refutes a model, this could be because the model is misspecified or because poor proxies for true expected returns and betas are used. Simulation and calibration results suggest that realized returns are a much poorer proxy than estimated betas are. The noise in realized returns typically inflates the estimated standard error, with drastic effects on the statistical power. Inferences based on ex ante returns are more powerful but suffer from a serious size problem. JEL: G12, C31, C52. I. Introduction One should hardly have to tell to financial economists that the noise in the data they use is critically important: garbage in, garbage out. And yet the information surprises in returns are the neglected child in the house of empirical finance, a neglect described by Elton (1999, p.1218) in the following terms: When I first entered the profession, anyone using realized returns as expected returns made the argument that in the long run we should get what we expect. Even this weak defense is no longer used and researchers generally treat realized returns as expected returns in their tests without any qualifications. In this paper, I shall argue that the information surprises in returns, along
  • 9. Cheesecake Factory Robert L. Jett 7/21/2013 Identifying Your Competitive Advantage Intro To Business David Noland, PhD Cheesecake Factory Inc was incorporated in Delaware on February 1992. The Company operates 161 upscale, casual, full service dining restaurants under The Cheesecake Factory(r), Grand Lux Cafe(r) and RockSugar Pan Asian Kitchen(r) marks. It operates two bakery production facilities hat produce baked desserts and other products for its restaurants and for other foodservice operators, retailers and distributors. It also licenses two bakery cafes under The Cheesecake Factory Bakery Cafe(r) mark to another foodservice operator. The Company operates in two business segments, restaurants and bakery. Restaurants consist of The... Show more content on ... I believe that one of the main reasons why this restaurant is so successful is the fact that people who eat here enjoy the unique environment and want to come back. The design at all Cheesecake Factories is very elegant and the architecture at each restaurant is more developed and fancy. People often come back for more because, even though they know the prices are slightly higher than at other restaurants, the meal sizes are bigger and of a better quality. The Cheesecake Factorytakes pride in being known for giving their customers large portions of food which is why many of them take the leftovers back home with them all the time. One of the strength is the common knowledge of cheesecakes. When people think of Cheesecake Factory the number one thing that comes to their minds is the cheesecake. There are so many different kinds of cheesecakes and with this amount of varieties to choose from, it definitely is one of the most significant strengths that the Cheesecake Factory has. I believe that The Cheesecake Factory should take an advantage of this strength and start selling all the kinds of cheesecake they make to stores around the country. This will be a way to over come the weakness of advertising. If they sell in stores, and even other places they will also be advertising at the same time. They have so many different types to market for everyone. They can make an oven baked version
  • 10. Symbolism In Simon Birch Many films around the world use objects to symbolize a deeper meaning. In the movie Simon Birch the armadillo and all three deers symbolized Simon and God s will. In the movie Simon Birch the armadillo symbolizes Simon because just like Simon, the armadillo is small but has a hard shell which can endure a lot. This is equivalent to what Simon has since even though his whole town makes fun of him and laughs at him, his shell protects him, and he continues to put a smile on his face. Furthermore, the armadillo represents Simon because when Simon got in trouble for questioning why a continental breakfast had to do with god, he was forced to apologize or he couldn t leave but he continued to endure everything being thrown at him because of... Show more content on ... In addition, when the bus crashed into the lake, Simon still didn t panic or was afraid of dying, he had a shell that defended him and made him endure more than you would think. Moreover, when Simon killed Rebecca his shell was still very strong but it had cracked a bit since it was a little bit too much. Lastly, the armadillo symbolizes Simon because when he was underwater and continuing to try to get the last kid out he went past his limits, which ended up with him completely shattering his shell, killing him. The deer in the movie Simon Birch , symbolized God s will because when Joe s mother; Rebecca died, the deer was watching him just like god. The deer then later unexpectedly jumped in front of the bus causing it to crash which was a negative impact from God but God wanted this because he did it because he wanted to use Simon to inspire people around him, including his whole town and parents. At the very end, we see Joe swimming alone, where him and Simon uses to swim at. The Deer and he make eye contact which was telling Joe that everything is going to be
  • 11. Empress Wu Zetian Quotes She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor. Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan, China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because she would torture her enemies. Empress ... Show more content on ... She helped out the poor, benefited the economy, and boosted a religion s popularity. A quote by Shan Sa who wrote about Empress Wu states, I, the ordinary restless child, the plain adolescent, the commoner who had been nun twice, would prove to be a daughter of heaven. She killed her sisters, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, and poisoned her mother, is a quote written about Empress Wu in the chronicles. Empress Wu Zetian was a very interesting historical figure with amazing character traits and many fascinating achievements. She had made an impact on many lives. Empress Wu Zetian had also been the first female to be crowned emperor. Empress Wu was born on February 17, 624 A.D. She was born in Guangyuan, China. She was considered a very intelligent woman of her time because she learned to read, write, and play music. She also learned about politics, literature, and government affairs. Many historians would say that she could be very cruel because she would torture her enemies. Empress Wu would also kill her people and exile her own sons. Even though historians would consider her cruel, she was considerate to her peasants. She cared for her peasants enough to lower their taxes. She also employed lots of women and elevated their status. Her reign ended when she died on December 16, 705
  • 12. Dodd Hall Architectural Analysis Florida State University s Dodd Hall an elaborate example of Gothic Revival architecture. Dodd Hall is a representative significant piece of Florida State University s historic fabric and academic history. The university s rich history is illustrated in its construction from its main entrance to its series of custom stained glass windows in the Werkmeister Humanities Reading Room. Architectural influences of French Gothic period help to strengthen both the structure s interior and exterior architectural integrity. Built between 1925 and 1929, then later remodeled between the years of 1991 and 1993, Dodd Hall was constructed to establish excellence in architectural design that would provide an aesthetic as well as serve functional to the campus. ... Show more content on ... Evidence of these structures influence are found in Dodd Hall s construction. The Abbey Church of Saint Denis became the prototype for future buildings in the of northern France. A large medieval abbey church in the commune of Saint Denis is renowned for its Gothic architecture. Although built of stone as opposed to brick like Dodd Hall, the dark Romanesque structure, with its thick walls and small window openings, was built in what is now referred to as the French Gothic style. In this style, wall area is reduced to an absolute minimum. As seen in The Heritage Museum, nee Werkmeister Humanities Reading Room, solid masonry was is replaced with vast window openings filled with brilliant stained glass. This element allows for open, illuminated spaces in the
  • 13. Difference Between Motown Vs. Stax Motown vs. Stax Emerging out of the turbulent civil rights period in the United States, the majority of the black minority population finally found a means by which to express their voice to the world through music. This movement stemmed from two extremely different music studios located in opposite regions of the United States. One of these companies arose out of the north, which very rigidly rigidly controlled their product and polished young talent to fit an agenda. In contrast, its opposing studio began in the deep south and was raw, unrestricted, as well as organic, choosing to let any artist play regardless of who they were or how they performed. Together, these music production studios helped break down the racial segregation of black and white music, although they went about it in polar opposite ways. Motown Record Company (briefly name Tamala Records), located in Detroit, Michigan was birthed by Berry Gordy on January 12, 1959. His vision was for the company to produce black artists to bridge the gap between white and black segregated music markets and audiences. He dreamed about making an entity that would appeal to both the wider white pop music audiences as well as the narrower black Rhythm and Blues one. To obtain this objective, he began to make Black music more palatable to white pop music consumers not only by the appealing, upbeat pop music arrangements and
  • 14. Victory Gin 1984 The main character, Winston, wakes up in his flat and the setting is somber. The narrator describes the climate of London in general terms. There are telescreens which are both a television and a security camera. Along these lines, the general population are constantly under consistent reconnaissance. However, Winston has figured out how to restrain their observation by holding his back to the telescreen. Victory Gin is presented as a kind of medicine that lifts the spirits of the characters; this is required since the whole place is described by need and disregard. Winston sits in such a design, to the point that he can t be seen by the screen. Despite the fact that he can in any case be listened, he remarks that the screen can t track his developments.... Show more content on ... He expresses his feelings and beliefs in it. He should disguise it since Party individuals were illegal from frequenting common shops. The conceivable results of being found with the journal make Winston feel anxious, yet in an insubordinate demonstration he states April 4, 1984. He solidifies quickly as the result of his activities settle in. He recollects an occurrence from prior that morning where he was at the Two Minutes Hate. The screens indicated Emmanuel Goldstein, who was the main foe of the Party. His nearness dependably brought on hullabaloo among the onlookers. Goldstein s picture is in the long run supplanted with Big Brother and the pack is moved into reverence. Amid this Hate session, Winston builds up an unexplained disdain for a dull haired young lady sitting behind him and feels a feeling of association with O Brien yet doesn t know what to make of
  • 15. Human Rights Act The Human Right Act 1998 is an act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which received Royal Assent on 9 November 1998, and mostly came into force on 2 October 2000.It s aim is to give further effect in UK law to the right contained in the European Convention on Human Right. The Act makes available in UK courts a remedy for breach of a Convention right, without the need to go to the European Court of Human Right in Strasbourg. It also totally abolished the death penalty in UK law although this was not required by the Convention in force for the UK at that time. In particular, the Act makes it unlawful for any public body to act in a way which is incompatible with the Convention, unless the wording of an Act of Parliament means they ... Show more content on ... This is because section 6(1) of the Human Rights Act defines court and tribunals as public bodies meaning their judgments must comply with human rights obligations except in cases of declarations of compatibility. Therefore judges have a duty to act in compatibility with the convention even when an action is a private one between two citizens. Even thought the Act s interpretative instruction to interpret legislation as compatible with Convention right as so far as is possible in section 3(1) applies only to statute and not common law it has been argued that section 6 of the Act shows that the only law which should not be subject to human rights obligations is incompatible legislation. Therefore the common law could be developed in a way which in compatible with the Convention in an incremental fashion.However,the Human Rights Act cannot be used to create new courses of action in private law. The Act provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in such a way as to contravene convention rights. For those purpose public authority includes any other person whose functions are functions of a public
  • 16. Indentured Servants In England s North American Colonies Slaves existed in the England s North American colonies throughout the 1600s. However, indentured servitude was very common before the 1680s. For half a century or so after 1620, most laborers were indentured servants; only a small proportion were African slaves (Clark, Hewitt, Brown Jaffee, 2007 p64). Indentured servants were people who signed an indenture, a contract by which they agreed to work for a serval number of years in exchange for transportation to colonies; in addition, they would get food, clothing, land, and freedom. The first Indentured servants in British colonies were introduced by the Virginia Company in 1619. At that time, there was no slave law; they had same opportunities for freedom with whites. However, in 1641, Massachusetts... Show more content on ... Between the 1620s and the 1650s, as the tobacco economy expanded, thousands of English immigrants flocked to Virginia and Maryland (Clark, Hewitt, Brown Jaffee, 2007 p73). Indentured servants were used at the beginning. However, with more people came to American colonies, the prosperity of the colonial economy, and freed servants demand of land. The colonists realized that the indentured servants might not the best option, and they need more cheap labor. Tobacco was the main source of income for most of the colonists. To grow tobacco plantations needed a significant amount of land and work force. African slaves were a low price. Slaves labor produced a large number of profits for the plantation owners. By the early eighteenth century, the rice grown on these plantations because South Carolina s chief export, and planters turned almost exclusively to imported African slaves for their workforce (Clark, Hewitt, Brown Jaffee, 2007 p87). By 1690, rice was growing successful in Carolina, and the rice cultivation spread to Georgia as well. Some African slaves had some experience of grow rice in West Africa, and the planters imported more African slaves to grow rice. As rice economy growth, the number of white servants in Carolinas and Georgia fell, and the population of slaves increased. That all Negroes and Indians, (free Indians in amity with this government, and degrees, mulattoes, and mustizoes, who are now free, excepted,) mulattoes or mustizoes who now are, or shall hereafter be, in this Province, and all their issue and offspring, born or to be born, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, and remain forever hereafter, absolute slaves, and shall follow the condition of the mother (Johnston 1840). Slaves were a cheaper option than indentured servants. Indentured servants had a
  • 17. A Christmas Carol Theme Essay Spirit, hear me. I am not he man I was. I will not be the man I have been for so many years. Why show me all of this if I am past all hope? Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me. Let the boy live! I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. (Scrooge, p.140). A Christmas Carolby Charles Dickensis an important story as it has a meaningful theme of change, as the quotes states above. But that isn t the only theme that this beautiful story shows us. Many different spirits encounter him to help him realize why Christmas is important (I m pretty sure that is the meaning of the spirits). When the first spirit of the past encounters him, he realizes what he has done, and regrets some of the things he did. The second spirit helped Ebenezer Scroogerecognize how what he has been doing has had an impact in other peoples life. When the frightening third spirit came and showed him his future and others futures, he discovers about himself and how people didn t care that he died. When we read A Christmas Carol, we learn that it can have many different themes that can be a very important component to the story and even our lives. Everyone s past can have some bumps in the road that can result in misery, regret but also happiness. But it can also play an important role
  • 18. Three Types Of Cost When Quality Considerations Are Made TO: John Smith, Supervisor FROM: SUBJECT: Three types of cost when quality considerations are made Given the highly competitive nature of today s markets we as a company must provide high quality products to survive. Quality itself has become a major competitive factor and in many ways is a contributing factor in success or failure. The intent of this memo is to identify, explain and evaluate the three types of cost associated with quality. The three types of cost of quality are Prevention costs, Appraisal costs and Failure cost (Both internal and External) (Stevenson, 2009 pg. 421) The first type of cost is Prevention costs. Prevention refers to all costs associated with preventing the failure or non conforming product or service ... Show more content on ... However, if the cost of perfection is so expensive that the company cannot be profitable, it is not realistic to spend too much on a zero defect mindset. Instead the company must first identify what an acceptable percentage of defects is and where the defect could have been prevented. Then the company can further quantify which cost of quality is presenting the greatest risk and put procedures and policies in place in an attempt to minimize defects. Since prevention costs many times are considered the least expensive and can have the biggest affect on non conforming products most companies will focus its initial and largest efforts into prevention. The next initiative would be appraisal and last would be identifying
  • 19. Comparing Poems Porphyria s Lover And My Last In literature, when reading two or more poems for a poet, they often share some similarities in terms of themes, feelings, or concepts that the poet tries to express and deliver to the reader. The two poems Porphyria s Lover and My Last Duchess, are written by Robert Browning in 1842. In Porphyria s Lover , the narrator sits alone in his house in a cold and stormy night. Then, his lover, Porphyria, comes to his house and make it warm by starting a fire. She starts to cuddle with him and puts his head over her shoulder, the narrator feels her love towards him. At the end, he kills her and then spends the night snuggling with her dead body. In My Last Duchess , the Duke of Ferrara, the widowed narrator, discusses another marriage with... Show more content on ... This is extracted from the fact that she comes to the narrator s house from a feast, which he is not invited to. On the other hand, the Duke is of a higher social class than his women, but the way he express his narcissism makes him ironically seem to be less powerful. He thinks that his wife dose not appreciates his priceless gift and make it like anybody s gift: My gift of a nine hundred years old name/ With anybody s gift... (Browning 33 34). The consistent bragging and narcissism revealed in the quote and throughout the poem gives a sense to the reader that the Duke actually lacks confidence. The lack of confidence makes him easily get jealous of the way his wife treats other people, and lead him to think that she flirts with them while her actions are normal to the reader. In addition, the Duke does not seem to like the portrait of his last Duchess at first, and this is revealed through the use of now at the end this line, I call that / piece a wonder, now (Browning 2 3). This is might be because he thinks that the blush in his last Duchess face in portrait is made by the presence of the painter, and not by him, which makes him
  • 20. College Graduates Have Higher Employment Rates College graduates have higher employment rates, better salaries, and more work benefits than high school and none high school graduates. It is also said that college graduates have better communication skills, live longer, have healthier lifestyles, and prove to be determined. But is that really the case or was that how collegeused to be? It can be argued that the contrary is happening now. That college students are not learning the skills and values they were once learning. Not only are they not learning but by the time they graduate they are in debt from all the loans they had to get to go to school. Could it be that college is becoming unnecessary, or are students still getting a quality education that helps them achieve a better... Show more content on ... In this graph there is a strong relationship where if you acquire a higher degree the less unemployment you will have. According to this graph if you didn t graduate from high school and you are a woman you will have a 12% chance of being unemployed and if you get a professional degree the chances of being unemployed go down to about 2%. It also shows that if you are a man and did not graduate from high school the chances of being unemployed are 10% and if they obtained a professional degree the chances of being unemployed go down to 1.5%. The second graph shows the relationship of how much money is earned on average according to what degree you got from school (personal earnings). On the Y axis you have the amount of money, and on the X axis you have the different degrees. In this graph it can be seen that the higher degree obtained the more money you will be able to earn. If you did not graduate from high school and you are a woman you won on average 12.5 thousand dollars a year. If you are a woman and you got a professional degree you would be earning on average about 60 thousand dollars a year. On the other hand if you are a man and did not graduate from high school on average you would be earning about 23 thousand dollars and if you got a professional degree you would be earning about 110 thousand dollars a year. The third graph shows the relationship between how much money you make on average and the degree you get
  • 21. Figley s Model Of The Compassion Fatigue Process Lipchick (2002), describes the therapist client relationship as a structure coupling between to unique human beings in complementary roles. In a healthcare context, Sabo (2006) states that empathy and compassion are critical aspects involved in understanding the clients needs to create a therapeutic relationship between client and nurse. The integration of the concepts of compassion and empathycould become a negative facilitator of the cost of caring for others later described as Compassion Fatigue (CF) (Figley, 1995). The definition is contested, though; the first definition was proposed by Joinson (1992) characterising CF as a unique form of burnout that nurses experience because of exhaustion. Coetzee and Klopper (2010) explain that CF is a concept established in relation to the burnout of nurses . Their duty to tend to sick and traumatised patients exposes them to pain and sufferingdaily, and thus many lose their ability to nurture. Supported by Pack and Roberts (2012), CF occurs when individuals are unable to continue bearing the trauma of others, consequently leading to a significant reduction in wellbeing and work capacity. Whilst CF has regularly been observed in a healthcare environment, no such research has been conducted in a sport and exercise context. Figley s (2002) model of the Compassion Fatigue Process enables a further understanding of the factors contributing to CF and some key terms surrounding it. The model is based on assumptions that empathy and
  • 22. Elder Abuse Elder abuse is something that happens in every day society. In this paper you will find the history of elder abuse, the different types of abuse, case studies, statistical reports, and what can be done to improve the problem. Some may wonder why elder abuse even exists in a world that is supposed to love others. As people grow up they are taught to be kind and courteous to others, and to love one another. When elder abuse was first discovered in 1975 it was called the granny battering (Fulmer, 2005). Elder abuse was first researched in the 1980 s. According to Jeffels (2010), granny battering was named by A.A. Baker. This was when elder abuse was first recognized as a social problem. Some states in America began to deal with the... Show more content on ... Neglect is defined as the refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person s obligations or duties to an elder. Neglect may also include failure of a person who has fiduciary responsibilities to provide care for an elder or the failure on the part of an in home service provider to provide necessary care. Neglect typically means the refusal or failure to provide an elderly person with such life necessities as food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, comfort, personal safety, and other essentials included in an implied or agreed upon responsibility to an elder (AOA, nd). Abandonment is defined as the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has taken on the responsibility for providing care for an elder, or by a person with physical custody of an elder(AOA, nd). Financial exploitation is defined as the illegal or improper use of an elder s funds, property, or assets. Some examples may include, cashing an elderly persons checks without authorization or permission; forging an older persons signature; misusing or stealing an older persons money or possessions; coercing or deceiving an older person into signing any document; and the improper use of conservatorship, guardianship, or power of attorney(AOA, nd). Self neglect is characterized as the behavior of an elderly person that threatens his/her own health or safety. Self neglect
  • 23. Modern Warfare Modern warfare ranges from small to large campaigns with military fundamentals shaping the battlefield. However, none has a more significant value as the Napoleonic eras. Although France is no longer a dominant power, its military fundamentals influence the United States (U.S.) military. The U.S. military employs three Napoleonic era fundamentals of Command and Control (C2), professional military, and nationalism. These fundamentals shape the U.S. military during peace and war. Maintaining peace and winning wars are important. To do that, large capable militaries are required with C2 and Napoleon recognized this. Napoleon task organized the Army into Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Brigades, centralizing C2. Napoleon s Supreme Command ... Show more content on ... CMTCs provided the foundation for CAM units deploying to a Full Spectrum of Operations battlefield. Although conflicts tailor training, training is the number one reason the U.S. Army is successful. Training is not something we do. It is what we do! A professional military is not successful as a nation of support. France experienced a revolution, one that brought change from mass politics to mass warfare to Europe. Napoleon recognized this and benefited from the transition from dynastic to national warfare. The French revolution had realized the idea for the citizen Soldier, committed to the cause of the people, for which he fought. Napoleon exploited nationalism on his own troops, rallying them to success. National success depends on every citizen. As the French Army mobilized, its citizens did, too. Young men will go to battle; married men will forge arms and transport supplies; women will make tents, uniforms, and serve in hospitals; children will pick rags; old men will have themselves carried to public squares to inspire the courage of the warriors, and to preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic. Nationalism brought change to the world, as monarchies were overthrown and people governments formed. Although the U.S. formed prior to the French Revolution, its Nationalism has been prevalent for over 200 years. National support defines U.S. military success, as it did for Napoleon. When conflicts are imminent, the U.S. military mobilizes
  • 24. George Catlin Thesis Writer and Analyst; Kathryn Height; criticizes the work (more specifically the paintings/drawings) of Artist George Catlin during the time of the 1830 s and its parallel to the Indian Removal Act. Hight does so in the report Doomed to Perish : George Catlin s Depictions of the Mandan . Hight highlights Catlin s work, describes his subjects, and carefully provides evidence throughout her criticism report convincing the audience that his paintings lead to the covered true history of the Mandans (Native American tribe on the Mississippi River). Hight provides evidence and states her ideas clearly up until final point of analysis, which reinstates her thesis. It is here where she provides closure to her statements prior and proves herself and her developed idea as true and as opinionated reasonable fact.Throughout the process before the closure, however, Hight makes a compelling, and truly riveting argument against artist George Catlin. Hight specifically counteracts... Show more content on ... This being that Hight chooses her battle in a very specific manner. I believe Heights argument is a broader argument That the removal of Indians in American early vulture was negative and that it could have been stopped has cultural references and tools of preservation were taken more carefully. I think more specifically she blames this on the individual with a sense of power or even a way into society. She chooses to talk about one person in history with this sort of dynamic and concludes her point through observation and an analysis of his work within the historical references and her main point. I d not mean to say her thesis if any different but =rather that choosing one specific example to establish a broader and very complicated and controversial idea is an effective way in demotracting a criticism and
  • 25. Conforming Tales Kristina Mannes 6747017 Transforming Tales Word Count: 1871 Transforming tales European folktales, through their malleable nature, embody a dynamic role in cultural history. These tales, and further their adaptions, provide insight into varying time periods and spaces. The modifications of tales and the varying interpretations surrounding them, provides much information in this. Several popular and enduring fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, and Sleeping Beauty will be examined in this essay. By tracking the changes of these tales the deeper implications regarding differing societies and period can be gained. The Little Red Riding Hood tale as it exists today remains quite different to the original peasant tale. The original tale was marked by much more violence and was not always subject to the same happy ending associated with the story today. In fact, the happy ending which exists in the Grimm edition of the story exists only because it was added by the storyteller, Jeanette Hassenpflug who borrowed it from another popular German tale, the Wolf and the Kids (Darnton 11). Jack Zipes describes how throughout the nineteenth century the Perrault version was generally garnished and transformed into a tale with more delicacy and ornateness, primarily for children of the upper class (45). In Perrault s tale the young girl falls victim to the wolf. The change in the story, and shift away from the violence of the pre Grimm
  • 26. Block 2 Analysis Many people try to dissect the relationship of John the Baptist and Jesus as either rivals or mentor. However, in the several passages found in Block 1, we see John asking people to repent and seek the Lords grace. This presents John as a servant of Jesus. In block 2, we see John completely humbled as Jesusasks him to baptize him. He was so shocked that he asked Jesus if the positions should be reversed. We do not grasp much of Jesus character as he says very little/nothing. However, we see reassurance of God s presence over Jesus when he sends the dove. In block 3, we experience Jesus as a teaching Jesus. He uses analogies in order to explain his teachings. This is something that we don t see John do. In block 4, we read that John s disciples approach... Show more content on ... Rather, Jesus praises John and his faithfulness. For block 1, we see John as a humble follower of God, spreading the word of the Lord. In Block 2 we see John once again humbled as Jesus asked for him to baptize him. In block 3 we see Jesus as a teacher. Finally, in block 4 we see John question Jesus. This is very different in comparison to blocks 1 and 2. However we see Jesus praise John nevertheless, which is in contrast to block 3 (teaching Jesus). We hear of Johns appearance in block 1. In Matthew 3:1 6 we hear of the clothing that John wears (camel s hair, leather belt). In all of the other blocks we don t get exact depictions of the clothing worn by Jesus or John. In terms of fasting we see a contrast between Jesus disciples and John s disciples. Where John s disciples fast, Jesus do not. Jesus explains this by saying that his disciples do not yet have anything to fast for. From these comparisons, we can conclude that Jesus and John have many differences. I believe that they have more differences then similarities. Jesus and John are not equals, rather John s mission is to serve and spread the new of Jesus. Jesus views John as a close
  • 27. Essay about A Brief Biography of William Blake Have you ever heard of a guy name William Blake? No, if not I can tell you things about him. William Blake was born over his father s modest history shop at Broad Street, Golden Square, London. His dad name was James Blake and his mother name was Catherin Wright Armitage Blake. Did Blake have any Brother and Sisters? Yes he had four brothers and one sister their names are: John Blake, Richard Blake, James Blake, John William, and Catherin Elizabeth (A1). William Blake father was a prosperous hosier. He encouraged young Blake s artistic tastes and sent him to drawing school. At the age of 14 Blake was apprenticed to James Basire, Whom he stayed until 1778. After he left Royal Academy. In 1782 he married Catherine Bouncher, Whom he taught to... Show more content on ... Did Blake do his poetry in the ordinary way? No he did not use technology he used his brother vision and designed them on copper in a liquid impervious to acid (E3). Blake was profession was engraving, and his principal avocation was painting in watercolurs. In his boyhood all he did was poet. 1780s he attended the literary and artistic salons of the bluestocking Harriet Matthew (E4). Blake s last years. From 1818 to 1827, were comfortable and productive, Blake s woodcuts for a school text of Virgil (1821) (E5). Blake died in his cramped room in Fountain Court, the strand, London, on Aug.12, 1827 Just before he died. His eyes got brightened and he burst out singing of the things he saw in Heaven. He had a very beautiful funeral service of the Church of England (E6). Thomas Merton mentioned Blake was stimulus for the conversion of Merton to Catholicism. Blake has further clarified the sources of his amavalence towards his own creativity (F1). Blake s had something wonderful engraving of the Hiding of Moses it was remarkable for it decorations than for literary contents (G1). Blake loved the world of sprit and abominated institutionalized religion. 1797 he wrote to Bishop Watson s apology for the bible. He begin to work vigorously as a independent engraving (H1). Blake published songs of experience and combined it with his previous lyrics to
  • 28. Paleolithic Food History In this world we are blessed with so many things (paleo recipes) by The Almighty God and one of the most precious blessings of God is the good health and the secret to the good health. There are many things in this world created by Him to keep us healthy and enjoy the life. Excellent health of our ancestors was due to the use of natural foods like the wild plants and animals in their food and these foods are now termed as the paleo recipes, paleo food, Stone Age or Paleolithic food. It is up to us that how we use this food and live a healthy life. We are also living in an era of fast automation and machine life where our eating routine has converted on fast and junk food items. By the robust increase in the population of the world and the ... Show more content on ... Meat should contain lean beef with trimmed of visible fats like flank steak, extra lean hamburger, chunk steak, lean veal, London broil and Top sirloin Steak. Lean poultry is the white meat with skin removed and consists of chicken breast, turkey breast and game hen breast. Organ meats of beef, lamb and chicken, rabbit and Goat meat, eggs not more than six in a week of Chicken (enriched source of Omega 3), Duck and Goose. The paleo diet also contains fish as an ingredient in it. Fish meat can consist of Eel, Bas, Trout, Mullet or any other available fish. Fish meat is a complete diet and contains all the components needed for the excellent working of the human
  • 29. Barry Callebaut Mission Statement Introduction Barry Callebaut is one of the largest cocoa producers worldwide with an average annual production estimated to be around 1.7 million tons of coca. In year 1996, the merging of Belgian chocolate producer Callebaut and French company Cacao Barry took place. In the present the company s headquarter is in Zurich, Switzerland. The company s mission statement is clear, which is to improve the life conditions of their farmers and the community, through improved productivity and helping in community development. In order to do so, they ensure that their farmers are earning an equitable income, in addition caring for their health and the well being of their families too. Since cocoa communities are mostly located in remote areas, they often have limited infrastructure development. Barry Callebautis concerned with this issue... Show more content on ... They respect all rules and laws regarding food safety and they follow all regulations at their plants and workplaces. Any threat to a product or even bad quality sold to their customers, the company takes immediate action by reporting to their managers and eliminating the problem immediately. 7 Community involvement and development 73,600 people reached the company because of their community activities. Barry Callebaut works on community development through child protection and other ways. They provide training for their farmers in order to help them increase their capabilities. In addition, the company is engaged in raising awareness of child labor issues, addressing basic education and health needs, and improves life conditions of their employees. Code of Conduct Barry Callebaut follows principles and guidelines that reflect their reality in the workforce. Major principles are: Product safety and quality Conflict in interest Gifts, hospitality and entertainment Fair competition Corruption and
  • 30. Logos In The Declaration Of Independence What were Thomas Jefferson s, Alexander Hamilton s, John Jay s, and James Madison s reasons behind the United States historical government documents? During the time period of the founding father s the American colonies were barely starting to form a government and it had its flaws and they still had to deal with gaining their independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jeffersonwas written to give reasons to why the American colonies are going to separate from Great Britain. Hamilton, Jay, and Madison wrote the Federalists Papers to try and convince the people of the American colonies to ratify the new constitution. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson gives logical reasoning and also emotional reasoning through the type of words he uses and in the Federalists Papers they use logical reasoning and their credibity to convince the people. When Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence he writes it to explain why the American colonies will be separating from Great Britian. He does that by using logos. An example of this from the Declaration of Independence is when he writes about the king of Great Britain changing things. For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: . This passage explains some of the reasons why they separate from Great Britain, Jefferson uses actual facts so that Great Britain can t deny it. Through out the entire declaration he uses logos to back up why the American colonies leave. He doesn t want people to think they are leaving just for no reason. In the Federalists Papers No.10 James Madison explains all the things that the Union promised, but how they never kept the promise. He explains this by using logos. In the Federalists Papers No.10 he gives his knowledge on the situation of the government and explains how even the people realize the government is messed up. Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our governments are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and that
  • 31. Theories Of Masculinity The term masculinity connotes certain attributes that are associated with men. In today s postmodern world gender theorists prefer the more fluid term masculinities because male attributes change throughout space and time (Reeser 2). Discourse shows that masculinity is a fabrication or a construct of a given historical cultural context (ibid.). The first theory of masculinity as a personal identity was introduced by Sigmund Freud (Roper 361) whereas in the Victorian and Edwardian periods the word manliness was used. It had a fixed meaning, could not be amended to individual properties of men and had to be achieved to be seen as a true man (cf. Whitehead 15). Usually the meaning associated with manliness is dictated by those ... Show more content on ... Edwardian soldiers should leave behind the former image of ideal masculinity which consisted of Christian virtues like straightforwardness, manly simplicity, openness and transparent honesty (Newsome 195) and compassion, fairness, and altruism (Roper 347) to a more aggressive identity which reflected the needs of the army. Society believed to identify the perfect manly individual from his physical appearance, gestures, and speech (Nye 420) rather than his inner qualities. Ultimately, the Great War provided an opportunity to prove one s character (cf. Roper 344). However, this failed because modern warfare imposed mass casualties so that willpower and hardness could not help to comply to [heroic gender] roles (Carden Coyne 111). New military tactics like chemical weaponry, aviation and heavy artillery made close combat impossible (cf. ibid. 1). Under these circumstances many men suffered from mental breakdowns, then known as shell shock (cf. Winter 9). Doctors regarded the hysterical or neurotic male as an unpatriotic, welfare dependent, and unmanly shirker (Crouthamel 62). Correspondingly, nervous complaints [were] seen as
  • 32. My Philosophy Of Education And Education My Philosophy of Education When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their students learn, as well as, retain the information. The type of method that I plan to use in the classroom would be the inquiry based method. The reason I chose this type of method is because it is hands on, and I myself learn this way. On the first day of class, I will do a survey with the students to find out what types of learners they are. All students learn differently. For example: VAK learning styles, which are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. In order for me to have a mental note of how the students learn, I will seat them in groups based on which type of learner they are. This way I can make sure I apply different learning techniques in my teaching. When doing group work, I will mix the groups up with the different learners, so that they can be introduced to the other ways of learning as well. I believe in the Progressivism Philosophy, which considers that the views of nature are ever changing. This type of philosophy helps the children to develop problem solving abilities. When the students come across a challenge, they
  • 33. Milwaukee Abandoned City What would happen if Milwaukee was an abandoned city? Milwaukee is one of Wisconsin s primary economic and cultural engines (Darling). Yes, it s true but Milwaukee has more to offer. Milwaukee is known for its beers, brats, lakes, cultural festival and happy days. Through recent years the city has been dealing with re imaging itself. Despite all that, let s imagine if Milwaukee did end up being an abandoned city where neighborhoods are torn down, poverty is seen, more violence, and such others. Milwaukee lakes will possibly be scattered with trash, possible unsanitized waters. The 600,000 population will reduce quickly. Summer and cultural festivals will be forgotten. With personal perspective, every year the Milwaukee Hmong New Year is held
  • 34. Egypt And Nubia Similarities Nubia and Egypt are two different civilizations, but deep down in the roots of their government, environment, and agriculture, there are some similarities that can be brought up. Along with these similarities are differences. Such as how they both relied on the Nile River and both had Pharaohs, but Egyptwas more isolated than Nubia. Let s start off with the two nations government. Both Nubia and Egypt had Pharaohs, but Egypt s government was a complex bureaucracy and Nubia s government was more of a monarchy. Nubia had a head Although, Nubia s government was mostly a replication of Egyptian government and even law codes. Nubia was just influenced by Egypt. Egypt s and Nubia s environments had similar and varying aspects. Egypt was pretty
  • 35. Technological Advancements And Technology Technology is intended to improve our lives and since the dawn of man progress continues to take shape. We consider technological advances as modern conveniences, and in many respects they improve our lives. The consideration is how to use and integrate these advancements effectively into life. Consider the evolution of the Smartphone and it unknown long term effects on society. For example, people born after 1995 have virtually grown up with the Smartphone technology and they are affecting an entire generation often referred to as the iGeneration. While progress is good in many ways, the costs are revealed as time passes. Teenagers do not understand a world without technology, in particular, smartphones and their effects on their socialization, mental health, and physical health. Smartphones quite possibly could be making the iGeneration less smart and less fulfilled. Take for example social media and how it interfaces with our society. We post on various platforms to show a sense of happiness with the social interactions in which we engage. Selfies have become the norm. The cost of all the fascination of social media connections is showing a negative trend among teens of the iGeneration. Facebook wipes away face to face interactions. Instagram posts do not get enough instant likes. Snapchat can get you into trouble in a snap. These technological advances are affecting the socialization process of this generation. Most teens stay home more, communicate through texts
  • 36. Duty to Warn Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals By Gregory Lee Baize, Sr. Liberty University COUN 501 B17 Fall 2013 Summary Video presentation: The video clip was quite interesting I found it to be very educational as to the legal obligations of therapists in the mental health field. There were issues that were brought up that were quite important, such as therapists need to understand confidentiality, privileged information, and a therapists responsibility related to reporting suspected child abuse, elder abuse, and/or suicidal ideations, and possibly the most important of them all is a therapists duty to warn. The first case they were... Show more content on ... To do that, the information from a treatment provider can be most helpful. So if the information from a provider doesn t make its way to the court by way of direct testimony, in defense to the confidentiality issues, it may do so through a guardian or evaluators interview with the provider. But in most cases, one way or another information from a counselor and his or her records will find its way to the judge who needs it (Psychotherapy, 2008). These three characters in this vignette brought up many good questions related to confidentiality, mandated reporting privileged information, and the Therapists responsibility related to reporting suspected child abuse, elder abuse and/or suicidal ideations, and the Therapists responsibility to warn third parties if it is apparent that they are in imminent danger. Constance states she believed the victim should be allowed to win in this case as they failed to avoid an avoidable harm. In so saying it is obvious to me that confidentiality cannot be an absolute, nor do we work in a perfect world. So as one goes forward working as a therapist and the mental health field it is important to understand the standards of our profession and how it is important for us to know whether a victim is in peril and that we always have the duty to warn or protect individuals in our care are affected by those that we provide mental health care for
  • 37. College Candy Making Success That Much Sweeter Essay As the saying goes, Desperate times call for desperate measures. American college students of the 21st century have been forcefully subjected to highly competitive environments due to a multitude of external factors. As of late, the prescription drug, Adderall has become the drug of choice for ambitious college students, and has earned the title of being today s college candy and academic steroid. First introduced and approved by the U.S. FDA, Adderallbecame the common treatment for those suffering from ADHD and narcolepsy. The drug is considered a schedule II stimulant, falling in the same category as cocaine and codeine due to its addictive nature (Tran). Nicknamed addy by college students, Adderall and its effects have been proven... Show more content on ... State budget cuts in California have resulted in class cuts at universities and colleges, decreasing the amount of available enrollment space for students. As a result, students are constantly struggling to register for classes, increasing their chances of retaining for a fifth year. Post graduates are also further presented with complications, particularly in the job market. Findings show that only half of post graduates will attain job positions in which will actually utilize their earned bachelor s degrees. Graduate school has thus become increasingly more necessary than a high school diploma and bachelor s degree, whereas years ago both seemed sufficient enough to maintain decent livings. As mentioned in the New York Times, more than sixty percent of those who graduated in the last five years say they will need more formal education to be successful (Rampell). Thus, college students in California are constantly seeking a competitive edge over their peers in order to keep up with such demands. Students, whom are the primary users, also hold different opinions regarding the issue. Essentially, the majority acceptance or disproval of such abusive behavior determines whether or not the issue is a big deal or not on campus. Students are more prone to trying things with the support of their peers. So how may a student adapt to such overly competitive environments? Through
  • 38. The Permian-Triassic Period Mesozoic Era: The dinosaurs and the mammals appeared during the triassic period,Roughly 225 million years ago. The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. The Mesozoic Era lasted about 180 million years, and is divided into three periods, the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous. The Mesozoic Era is an interval of geological time from about 252 to 66 million years ago. It is also called the Age of Reptiles, a phrase introduced by the 19th century paleontologist Gideon Mantell . The Permian Triassic boundary, at the start of the Mesozoic, is defined relative to a particular section of sediment in Meishan, China, where a type of extinct, eel like creature known as a conodont first appeared, according to the International commission on stratigraphy. Life and climate The Mesozoic Era he Mesozoic Era began roughly around the time of the end Permian extinction, which wiped out 96 percent of marine life and 70 percent of all terrestrial species on the planet. Life slowly rebounded, eventually giving way to a flourishing diversity of animals, from massive lizards to monstrous dinosaurs. The Triassic period from 252 million to 200 million years ago, saw the rise of reptiles and the first dinosaurs, the Jurassic period , from about 200 million to 145 million years ago, ushered in birds and ... Show more content on ... The current locations of the continents and their modern day inhabitants, including humans, can be traced to this period. The era began on a big down note, catching the tail end of the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event at the close of the Cretaceous period that wiped out the remaining non avian dinosaurs. The global climate of the early portion of the Cenozoic Period was much warmer than it is today, and the overall climate of the Earth was much more consistent regardless of proximity to the
  • 39. Traffic Congestion At Janta Crossing Essay пѓ For last four year, We are known about traffic congestion at Janta crossing which is at Vidhya nagar to GIDC road and NH 48 (ANAND SOJITRA HIGH WAY, which connect to SAURASTA). пѓ Reason behind it have many key features are there which are 1)Tirupati HP petrol pump 2)SBI bank (branch of GIDC) 3)ELECON group 4)Vegetable market 5)GIDC main entry road 6)AMAR Maruti car show room and service station 7)CNG gas station 8)Glossary and snack shops 9)Vidhyanagar railway station Therefore, Trafficproblems occur at this junction. During peak hours many times traffic conjunction problem occurs. It has being observed that time is getting wasted and people don t reach on time to their destination to solve this problem we have selected this project. Which cause many flow of vehicles in different direction at once. пѓ Traffic congestion is no fun for anyone, but it s deadly for public transport. When buses and trams are stuck in traffic jams they fall behind schedule and, because this means that more people will be waiting at the next stops, they fall even further behind schedule leading to bunching and compounding delays. Bunched buses and delays make public transport unattractive for customers and increase operational costs, so congestion impacts on public transport must be eliminated whenever possible. пѓ Traffic Data Collection and projections thereof of traffic volumes are basic requirements for planning of road development and management schemes. пѓ Traffic Data forms an
  • 40. The Influence Of The Lost Generation The term Lost Generation came from Gertrude Stein, who heard a mechanic say to his employee You are all a lost generation . They are, according to, the generation of men and women who came of age during or immediately following World War I: viewed, as a result of their war experiences and the social upheaval of the time, as cynical,disillusioned, and without cultural or emotional stability . World War Iwas the primary factor responsible for the change in the significance of self indulgence and wealth in the Lost Generations writing. World War 1 began on July 28, 1914. The conflict was started one month in advance, when Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed the heir to the Austro Hungarian Empire and his wife. American President, Woodrow Wilson wanted to stay in a state of neutrality by continuing to trade with European countries on both sides of the war, but Germany disagreed with this. They sunk all ships coming into the British Isles, including neutral trade ships. This caused Wilson to declare war on Germany on April 2, 1917. The war ended November 11, 1918, when Germany called for a ceasefire due to limited resources. War ended right before the turn of the decade, influencing a lot of 20 s culture. The shift in culture was evident through clothing, gender roles, everyday life, wealth, self indulgence, and writing style. Women dressed more flashy, in shorter dresses, which were looked at as skanky before. Heels were more common now
  • 41. Oregon Border Dispute Dbq Imagine, you are a soldier for the United States military. You hear that the dispute over the Oregon Territory has greatly escalated, and that you might have to go to war, and be separated from your family again. You pray and pray that you won t have to risk your life once again over another argument. Fortunately, many soldiers were relieved when they didn t have to go to war over the dispute. Still, the argument was extremely heated and impacted the history of many countries.The Oregon Border Dispute, which occurred in approximately 1803 1846, was important to not only the United States, but many other countries as well. The Oregon Border Dispute is important to the theme because the U.S. and Britain eventually made a compromise to settle... Show more content on ... should expand their borders and claim the Oregon Territory. The Oregon Territory includes present day Oregon, Washington, and almost all of British Columbia (Office of the Historian). The Treaty of Oregon was signed by the British and the Americans on June 15,1846. The Oregon Territory was present day Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Not only was the southern border under dispute, the northern border between Canada and the U.S. was under dispute as well. The Treaty of 1818 called for a temporary solution joint occupation. James K. Polk was elected in 1844 and claimed the entire Oregon Territory for himself. He wanted to claim the entire region and go to war with the British. The Mexican American War helped us gain new states for short amounts of time. The debate on slavery was also short term. Spain and Russia had surrendered their claims to the region, but the United States and Britain were active claimants in the 19th century s early years. The matter s resolution was delayed by the Anglo American Convention of 1818, in which both parties agreed to a temporary policy of joint occupation of the region. This accommodation was extended in 1827 (The Oregon Treaty). The U.S. and the British were in a fight for a long time about where they should permanently extend the boundary to the north or to the south. The Oregon Trail weakened the British request to extend the southern border, because many people were traveling to Oregon along the
  • 42. The Importance And Cons Of Voting Rights The Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was established and implemented proceeding the Civil War with a specific goal, voting rights. It established the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It dealt with the denial of voting rights in local and national elections because one s race or previous condition of servitude. It prohibits states from engaging in racial discrimination when it came to voting rights. Furthermore, the amendment grants congress to seek actions, appropriate legislation if they do not comply with it. Lastly, it allows citizens to sue states in federal court if they felt they were discriminated against during the election process. 3.The court has structured several standards when addressing and reviewing civil rights and liberties cases. This far part structure includes minimal scrutiny, heightened scrutiny, and strict scrutiny. Moving on, Minimal scrutiny stands as the most lenient stage of scrutiny which uses the rational basis test. In applying the rational basis test, the case herd must be rational and relates to the governments interest. Intermediate scrutiny has been seen in cases dealing with gender base discrimination under the equal protection clause, this is also applied in cases dealing with the freedom of press and speech in the first amendment. The challenged law must further an important government interest by means that are substantially related to that interest. Lastly, strict scrutiny is the applies taws that infringes on the
  • 43. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Exclusive Jurisdiction Statutory exclusive jurisdiction is a form of the international jurisdiction, which is always regulated by the mandatory norms of the law and which may not be overridden by an agreement on jurisdiction by the defendant s voluntary submission to the different forum. It has imperative character and stands on the fact that the matters involved in the exclusive jurisdictionrules are closely linked to the state sovereignty or the territory of the state and in these situations, the state interest prevails over the private. This means that the state has a special interest to make its courts hear the dispute despite other controversial circumstances (such as for instance the agreement on the jurisdiction of a different court), exclude any possibility to transfer the case and the most important, do not allow the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, which are made with the violation of the exclusive jurisdiction rules. This special state interest is legally justified and admissible. Therefore, the provisions of the exclusive jurisdictions prescribe that, if the subject matter of the dispute is one of the specifically indicated therein, only the courts pointed there have jurisdiction to hear the dispute and settle it. 1.1Characteristics Statutory ... Show more content on ... Therefore, it is reasonable and legally justified for the above mentioned purposes, to have this matter in the norm of the exclusive jurisdiction. Herewith, the more practical element of having to take into account is the need to make entries in land registers located where the immovable property is