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Essay Critique Example
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Critique Example" can present a unique set of challenges.
The difficulty lies in the intricate balance required to effectively critique an essay while
providing constructive feedback. It demands a keen understanding of both the subject matter
and the nuances of academic writing.
One must navigate the fine line between being critical and being supportive, ensuring that the
critique is both insightful and respectful. Analyzing the structure, coherence, and argumentation
of the essay requires a discerning eye, as does evaluating the clarity of expression and adherence
to the chosen writing style. Additionally, providing suggestions for improvement without coming
across as overly prescriptive can be a delicate task.
Moreover, writing a critique requires a comprehensive grasp of the conventions and expectations
of the genre. It involves evaluating not only the content but also the methodology employed in
presenting the critique itself. The essay writer needs to be adept at expressing their thoughts
coherently, balancing their own perspective with a fair assessment of the work in question.
Furthermore, the difficulty may stem from the subjective nature of critique. Different readers
may have varying opinions on the same essay, making it challenging to craft an evaluation that is
universally accepted. The writer must be aware of potential biases and strive to maintain
objectivity throughout the critique.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Critique Example" demands a
sophisticated set of skills encompassing analytical thinking, effective communication, and a
nuanced understanding of the subject matter. It is a task that goes beyond mere summarization,
requiring the writer to engage critically with the text while offering constructive feedback.
Despite the challenges, mastering the art of essay critique is a valuable skill for academic and
professional growth.
If you find yourself struggling with such tasks or need assistance with essays and more, it's
worth exploring resources like, where similar essays and a variety of writing
services are available to provide support and guidance.
Essay Critique ExampleEssay Critique Example
Accomplishments During The Renaissance
The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European
history. It began in Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted
until about 1620. Furthermore, the renaissance is a historical event known as the
period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe. The name Renaissance
originates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century that used the term
rinascitГ ( rebirth or renaissance ) to describe their own age as one in which
learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages.
(The Columbia Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism.
The intellectual movement called humanism focused on human life and its
achievements. The humanists were fascinated by cultures of ancient Greece and
Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the
Renaissance, vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and
composers wrote music to enhance the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a
significant role in society during this period as it helped to shape, advance cultures
and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The new ideas in
Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on ...
Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid 15th century when
mechanical techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the
Renaissance printers who played an important role in the advance of printing were
also accomplished musicians, composers, and distributed music. This was the first
stages of music being made widely available to the public. Earlier, music had to be
copied out by hand which was a very labor intensive and time consuming process, so
it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve sacred music
for the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper
Oligodendrocytes Essay
Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of
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Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination
in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells
in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of
schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine
(PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ...
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Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic
imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin
dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich
myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an
insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in
conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of
myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome
wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated
mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic
patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro
imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes
have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and
Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may
involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003;
Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995).
Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
The Connection Between Shadow And Shadow
Rae closed her eyes. This connection with Shadow was starting to feel stronger than
a brotherly love. Shadow, have a Vampire and his Servant ever fought? Shadow
knew what she meant, however avoided it by explaining. It is not built into our
DNA, we never fight,... except when the... Rae could feel that what he would say, she
wouldn t like.
Shadow clarified. I can only say that it is not normal for a Servant to challenge his
Master nor is it a noble idea. If the Servant does this during the night hours the
Vampirewill surely kill the Servant. If the Servant does it during the daylight
hours he will have only days to find a new Master before he will be consumed by
death. When a Servant kills his Master, his Master s blood is bonded to the ... Show
more content on ...
It is my job to fill in the areas he may be lacking with the exception of the physical
part. I will be your confidant. We will share secrets like no others can. I will be a
shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with. However my Master has a sense of humor
that is quite refreshing.
Rae watched him with curiosity and affirmed. Yes I was pleased that he had a sense
of humor I could not picture my life without laughter, and now I have two men with
a sense of humor. You are the frosting that holds the layers of cake together? Rae
phrased the last portion as a question.
Shadow stood, walking to the dresser and started gathering items for her shower and
agreed. Yes Goddess, you may to have your cake and eat it too for the rest of your
life. They both laughed over the human clichГ©s.
Rae was feeling confused over why her family had been hiding for many centuries.
If life was to be good, what was the problem. Yeah! Okay, most people don t
consider being mated to a Vampire that great, however she couldn t find a down
side, yet. Shadow, I m confused why did my family feel the need to hide us if life is
magnificent with the Vampire and his Servant?
Shadow thought, oh boy it s that question again, he knew it was likely the transfer to
Fay that made them run. Trying to answer without giving her full details wouldn t be
easy however; he would say what he could, without lying. People were
Candle Color Lab
Does the color of a candle affect how quickly it burns?
I always look for candles to burn at dinner parties or to give a soft light into a room,
I always felt that my white candles burned much quicker than those that are colored.
I believe that the lighter color candles will burn quicker than the darker colored
candles. During this experiment I plan to compare the difference in candles and the
length of which they burn based on the color of the candle. Does the color of the
candle make it burn at a different rate? To conduct this experiment I picked five
different colored candles that were all the same brand, type, and length. (White,
yellow, red, maroon, and a forest green) I set a timer for one hour and thirty minutes.
With the help of friends,
Brandon Teen Driving In The Night
SUMMARY The film opens with Brandon Teena (Hilary Swank) driving in the
night. He is going with his cousin, Lonny (Matt McGrath), an older boy who is gay,
to a skating rink. Lonny warns Brandon against behaving dangerously. Brandon
ignores him and enters the rink, which seems magical to him. There Brandon
meets with a girl. Later, we see them kissing outside her home, and Brandon
chivalrously tells her he won t leave until he knows she is safely inside. But later,
Brandon is chased by a group of young men, one of whom is related to the girl, and
all of whom are yelling homosexual related insults and threats. Brandon seeks
protection in Lonny s trailer, and if the audience doesn t know it already, the
conversation reveals that Brandon is... Show more content on ...
They find a newspaper that talks about the arrest of Teena Brandon, and show it to
Lana s mother. Meanwhile, Brandon has written Lana to tell her that he s in jail.
She asks why Brandon is in the female section, and he lies: he tells her he was born
a hermaphrodite, but will soon receive a sex change operation to correct his
condition. Lana declares her love for Brandon, no matter what she is and the two
leave the jail joyously, and then have sex in her car. Nissen and Lotter are
extremely angered by the discovery that Brandon is really a girl in their opinion,
she is a lesbian. They are on a rampage looking for Brandon, whom they find at
Lana s mother s house, together with Lana. They force Brandon to strip off his
pants, to reveal to Lana his true identity. Lana only looks when forced to. Later,
Nissen and Lotter pursue Brandon and violently rape him in Nissen s car. They
return with Brandon to Nissen s house. Although injured, Brandon escapes from
Nissen s bathroom by climbing out the window. Lana convinces him to file a police
report, though Brandon had been warned by Nissen and Lotter to remain silent.
Brandon, in distress files a report. Later, in a drunken rage, Nissen and Lotter set out
to kill Brandon. They find Brandon hiding in a farm house with Candace and her
baby. Brandon and Candace are fatally shot, while Lana is screaming desperately.
Lana falls
The Breast Implants Produced By Poly Implant
PIP Implant Scandal
The breast implants produced by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) French company were
banned in the year of 2010. PIP which was founded in year 1991 and was once the
world s third largest supplier of silicone gel breast implants was eventually shut down
within the same year. This company had illegally produced and marketed the
implants using unauthorized industrial grade silicone gel that meant for use in
mattresses instead of approved and mandated medical grade silicone gel since year
2001. The implants were widely used across Europe, Britain and South America and
estimated about 400, 000 patients in 45 countries around the world with PIP
Implants. The scandal was surfaced in year 2009 due to medical device reports from
surgeons on the abnormally high rupture rates of the PIP implants than other
approved implants. France s drug and medical safety agency (AFSSAPS) recalled
the PIP implants and advised 30,000 women to have their implants removed due to
this scandal in subsequent year of 2010.
2.0Issues with PIP implants
A full recall of PIP implants by French Ministry of Health has sparked a worldwide
fear and alert. The implants with cheap and unapproved industrial grade silicone as
filler are believed to have higher rupturing rates, though the exact figure varies with
each health authority. According to SCENIHR , this filler could weaken the shell of
PIP implants with increased risk of gel leakage and rupture. The silicone gel filing can
How to Successfully Grow Peaches
Although growing peaches (Prunus persica) can be a rewarding venture, they re
susceptible to mold growth that, if neglected, can affect fruit development, tree
growth and ultimately your success. Peaches are hardy to U.S. Department of
Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8, and identifying the cause of the mold,
which might be a fungal disease or insect infestation, should be your first step to
eliminating the problem. (See References 1)
Brown Rot
If your peaches have small, round, powdery tan spots that gradually seem to spread
and get larger, and eventually, turn black, you might be dealing with brown rot. This
common stone fruit disease, which starts at bloom and often affects fruit that s stuck
together in clusters, is triggered by the fungus Monilinia fructicola. This fungus
overwinters in the yard in uncollected infected fruit and stems, and as soon as the
temperature reaches 40 degrees Fahrenheit, spores develop that are spread by wind
and rain to healthy tissue. Prevention and treatment of brown rot can include removal
of infected fruit and fungicide treatment before the infection occurs. (See References
2, 3 and 4)
Sooty Mold
When scales, aphids, and other sucking insect feed on your peaches, they secrete a
sticky liquid known as honeydew. Sooty mold, which is a name given to several
species of fungi, can develop on honeydew and is visible as a threadlike, dark layer
that covers the effected plant parts including the leaves and peaches. Although the
Finding Universal Beauty Despite Differences in Taste Essay
Taste is a matter of personal opinion and preference. An individual s taste may
differ greatly, even in close knit circles of individuals. While a person may have
similar backgrounds and educational experiences with a group of peers, his or her
taste will inevitably differ from them to some degree. In order to thoroughly
understand the taste of another person, an individualmust be willing to observe
carefully and avoid making assumptions based on individual impressions. In addition
to initial impressions, our understanding of language and the meaning that we
attribute to words will differ from others. What one person deems as beautiful is not
what another will decide is beautiful. Thoroughly analyzing and acknowledging
variances... Show more content on ...
While standards seem to exist within a society, when one s taste differs from what is
considered normal, his or her emotional interpretations are still correct. Sentiments or
emotional beliefs that influence taste are always correct because they are created
and defined by each individual. Still, despite variances in emotional definitions,
some commonly held beliefs become so widespread and accepted, the beauty, or lack
thereof, simply becomes an undisputable truth. Specific authors, visual artists, and
musicians become so esteemed and praised by the masses for generation after
generation that their work becomes a part of high culture, which is revered
regardless of personal interests and beliefs.
Regardless of how the public view works of art, it is important to recognize that
while these works may be considered beautiful and highly regarded, many of them
are created from false premises, hyperboles, or are simply metaphors for information.
The truth that society derives from art may or may not follow conventional rules. In
fact, the messages that are sent through these artworks may ignore conventional rules
such as structure, but that should not necessarily take away from the value we place
upon the work as a whole. Instead, we should carefully examine the artwork,
observing the connotative sentiments the artwork is projecting to society. Highly
regarded creators of art will
Raul Castro Research Paper
Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner and Raul Castro have some things in common.
One of those things are ; that they both are Latin American leaders . Later on you
will learn about their life and how they became leaders. You will also learn about the
differences and the things they have in common . Another thing that you will learn is
about their impact on their own country and how they changed the country into what
it is today . I will first speak about Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner and after her I
will speak about Raul Castro.
Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner was born on February 19, 1953 in La Plata, Buenos
Her father was a bus driver, he is of Spanish descent and her mother is German.She
studied law at the National University of La Plata during the 1970s .She met her
husband during her studies, and they moved to Santa Cruz to work as
lawyers.Cristina became ... Show more content on ...
Now I will be telling about Raul Castro s life. Raul Castro was born on June 3,1931
near Biran, Cuba. Raul has spent most of his life living in his older brother s
shadow, Fidel, Castro. Raul is one of the five children, from a Spanish
landowner,Raul grew up in his father s farm with his siblings. He used to go to
school temporarily before he got expelled.After from being expelled Raul went back
to work on his father s farm. When Raul was in his teens he joined a socialist group
and he attended a conference for communist youth in Vienna,
What Is Balance Sheet And Its Legal Form
Producing financial accounting statement is very crucial for business because it
should adequately provide a picture of the financial performance of a business. To
concern this issue businesses produce financial statements on regular basis adhering
to one common standard. On of these documents is the statement of financial
position, also known as a balance sheet. It basically shows business s assets or
resources that it holds against its obligations or claims to other parties (McLaney
and Atrill, 2014). Balance sheet analysis is useful for investors to verify the
profitability of investment for a business. Analysis can warn of potential problems
and, if done accurately determine what the business really worth . The aim of this
essay is to... Show more content on ...
If the information listed in the document matches this formula than the company is
liquid, i.e. it can pay debts timely. Each of the three sections has several accounts
within it to give an investor idea about what the company owns and owes. Total
assets on the balance sheet are grouped into two categories: current and non current,
referring to the time period that they are held. All assets should be measured in
monetary terms and controlled by the business. Also assets are divided into tangible
(machinery, plant, cars) and intangible assets (patent, brand). Equities and liabilities,
which constitute claims, should balance the assets (, 2015). It
is called the principle of double entry: for example, cash balance might decrease by
the amount of a purchase but capital will increase by the same amount. Liabilities
are also classified into current and non current to indicate the amount of obligations
that must be shortly met and long term raised finance. Figures of liabilities and
capital show how much finance the owners invest and how much is contributed by
the outside lenders. Potential investors can derive a lot of useful relationships from
the balance sheet figures, especially if comparison is made over time in dynamics.
Businesses usually prepare a statement of financial position on the last day of its
annual reporting period. In the UK companies are free to choose this period and it is
Most People In This World Have Gone Through Some Sort
Most people in this world have gone through some sort of journey or challenge to
help them grow as a human being. So, that is why in both Cathedral written by
Raymond Carver and The Island written by Caspian Tredwell Owen we see
character development and growth, because it is easy to relate to as a reader. While
there is some difference between Cathedral and The Island that are evident, the
similarities are pronounced by the journey and challenges to self discovery of the
characters and confronting the unknown. Even though the journey is different for the
narrator in Cathedral than Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta in The Island.
That journey created growth in these main characters to help them become better
versions of... Show more content on ...
Sometimes led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I
looked forward to. (Carver 200).
We realize that the narrator did not think much of Robert even before he has ever
met him. After meeting him and trying to draw the cathedral, he was told by Robert
to close his eyes and continue. At the end, we can see the growth of the narrator and
his feeling towards Robert and blind men in general. When he s told to open his eyes:
Well? he said. Are you looking?
My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn t feel like I was
inside anything.
It s really something, I said. (Craver 210)
Here we see the narrator starting to feel sympathetic in a way. Trying to put
himself in Roberts shoes, which has shown that he has come a long way in self
discovery since the start of the story. In the movie, The Island the characters Lincoln
Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta develop from very simple character thinking they are
going to an island. Instead they had to start learning about how to live in the real
world and learn why they were created. When we meet both Lincoln and Jordan
they think they are living in a world during an apocalypse and that there is a lottery
that sends them to an island. This island allegedly has not been affected by the
apocalypse. Once they find out that most of what they have been told their whole
life has been a lie, Lincoln looked to get out and bring Jordan with him. Once they
were able to leave the
Essay on Baudrillard and the Matrix
In 1999 Larry and Andy Wachowski wrote and directed an American science
fiction action film called The Matrix. The movie depicted a future where many
humans might perceive is real, is actually a simulated reality. The Wachowski
brothers made many explicit references in their film based on the work of French
sociologist Jean Baudrillard. In Jean Baudrillard s essay entitled Simulacra and
Simulations he mentions in his essay how society has replaced all reality and
meaning with representation of symbols and signs. Baudrillard starts off with an
example of Borges tale, cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that
it ends up exactly covering the territory (but where, with the decline of the Empire
this map becomes frayed... Show more content on ...
He tells Neo Welcome to the desert of the real, desert of the real is a quote from
Baudrillard s essay that explains after the simulation has been taken away, we are left
with our real reality, the reality that is decaying, leaving us with not much left.
The reality itself erodes to the point that it becomes a desert (Sparknotes). In this
scene they are in a simulated reality with nothing but a blank, white room, with a
sofa, and a television set. Morpheus has New York, as they perceive it, in the year
of 1999 displayed on the television. It is shown as a busy, bright, a vibrant city.
Then he switches the channel to how the world really is today, the year closer to
2199. How the world really is in the year 2199 is nothing but a depressing, broken
down, apocalyptic wasteland (The Film Journal). It would seem that the Wachowski
brother s aim to illustrate Baudrillard s concept in The Matrix was well put together.
They made it very clear that their portayal of The Matrix is a simulation that
derived from a real reality that is no longer rational. In otherwords, now that Neo has
awoken to the truth, he could no longer go back to what he thought is real and see it
the same as before.
Someone who feigns an illness can simply go to bed and pretend he is ill. Someone
who simulates an illness produces in himself some of the symptoms (Littre). Thus,
feigning or dissimulating leaves the reality principle intact: the difference
Environmental Factors And Causes Of Climate Change In
Climate change in today s world has become of great concern due to its effects on the
environment. Globally, climate change has significantly influenced ecosystems and
the existence of organisms. This is further extending its effects to regional areas such
as Kenya, whose ecosystem is not spared by the changing climate. Despite having
natural causes, Anthropogenic factors are widely increasing and causing climate
changeundisputed. Therefore, human activities are the primary contributors to
climate change leading to stress and ecosystemstrain, to continue providing for its
services. In this report, I discuss the summary of global climate change and regional
focus on causes of climate change in Kenya, its effects in ecosystem especially on the
natural ecosystems, current measures to curb the effects and the perception of the
future ecosystem of the country.
Climate change is defined as a change of climate that is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere, and
that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time
periods (UNFCC, 1992). (source(GoK, 2012). Which is understood as the average
change in weather patterns over an extended period, caused by both human activities
and natural factors. These factors include deforestation from increasing human
population and activities, industrialization, urbanization, volcanic eruptions, etc.
These events lead to excess carbon
Effects Of Fluoride On Human Health
The Harmful Effects of Fluoride on Human Health
Removing fluoride from consumer products benefits human health, prevent low IQ s,
and rids the notion that it helps cavities. Fluoride combines the element fluorine with
another substance, generally a metal ( Water 1). Once in the body, fluoride absorbs
into the blood through the digestive tract. They collectively accumulate where areas
high in calcium take place, such as bones and teeth ( Water 1). Over the years, since
inception, many people have questioned why fluoride continues to remain integrated
into the water and consumer products in general. Many toothpaste brands have
fluoride in it, and dentist claims it aids in preventing cavities, although there is
research that will explain that ... Show more content on ...
The pineal gland is the part of the brain that manages your circadian rhythm and from
a spiritual perspective, allows mutli dimensional perception. In the 1990 s, a British
scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates strikingly high levels
in the pineal gland ( Fluoride 1). This is not a good thing at all, and can cause more
effects on females than males, although it is not good for anyone. Melatonin, which is
produced in the pineal gland, maintains the body s circadian rhythm and also
regulates the onset puberty in females. This ties into the next finding, which is the
proven fact that melatonin levels are lower with high levels of fluoride in the
pineal gland, and affects more of the pineal gland normal functions ( Fluoride 1).
All of these facts can prove that with a reduced melatonin production, sleep hinders
and affects our daily lives. While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the
pineal gland are not fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in
the pineal gland are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes
and reduced melatonin production as well as impairments in the sleep wake cycle (
Fluoride 1). In the spiritual world, fluoridation can cause serious problems for the
third eye concept in the pineal gland ( Rinpoche ). It mentions that within the
calcified pineal gland, it can become increasingly difficult to activate the universal
perception that comes along with balancing the chakras ( Rinpoche ). There are
methods you can work with that can decalcify, and furthermore there are plenty of
conspiracies that state fluoridation is deliberately causing calcified pineal glands to
lower perceptions and
Aviation Company Karl Rapp
Initially starting as an aviation company set up by Karl Rapp which was established
in 1913 was the basis at which BMW began their long and illustrious tenor at the top
of the luxury brand Automotive industry. Although struggling initially due to poor
engine designs which suffered from severe vibration problems the company knows as
Rapp Motorenwerkebarely remained in business solely due to the Austro Daimler
being unable to keep up with the high demand of the V12 aircraft engines required
by the Austrian military. It was this inability to meet their demands that resulted in
the decision for the engines to be produced at Rapp Motorenwerke allowing them
to remain in business. Franz Josef Popp who was the lead supervising engineering
at Austro Daimler was sent to Munich to supervise the engine quality. Popp went
on to become actively involved in the running of the company and was behind the
hiring of Max Friz who was a young and talented aircraft engineer. It would be the
hiring of Friz that would change the course of the company. Within a few weeks of
his hiring Max Friz had designed a new aero engine far superior to any other
German aero engine currently being produced. Following the departure of Rapp
the company took on a large restructuring and BMW was first established as a
business entity in 1917. Large orders were being received for the BMW IIIa engine
designed by7 Max Friz and a high level of financial assistance were provided by
officials in relevant ministries under
A Brief Note On The Major Cloud Service Providers
Introduction For this assignment, I am comparing four major cloud service
providers. They are Amazon Web Services, AT T Private Cloud, Google cloud, and
CenturyLink cloud Amazon web services provides a highly reliable, scalable, low
cost infrastructure cloud that powers thousands of businesses in 190 countries
around the world, with data centers in US, Europe, Singapore, Japan, and Australia.
AWS offers both private and public cloud computing. AT T private cloud offer
private cloud services to meet your business needs. It offers storage, networking
and virtual desktop services. The storage services include remote backup as a
Service and Synaptic storage as a service. Network services include AT T NetBond,
and AT T private cloud and AT T Virtual Desktop Services. Google Cloud has one
of the largest and most advanced computer networks. Google s network has
thousands of miles fiber optic cable to deliver fast, consistent and scalable
performance. Google has data centers all over the world, and your data is
automatically mirrored across multi location storage devices. Google Cloud
Platform allows you to create anything from a simple website to complex
applications. It s a set of cloud based services that falls under Compute, Storage, Big
Data and Services. CenturyLink Cloud offer a set of modular services that fit any
enterprise. This allows you to concentrate on your business instead of maintaining
your infrastructure to your growing needs. They offer storage servers,
Virtual Private Network ( Vpn )
Introduction The Past:
Thirty years ago, there was no such need of privacy and data encryption as the
Internet age had not taken off. In the 90s, VPN technology was still a fairly new
technology but was predicted that it would be the next big thing in the early 2000s.
Only large companies could afford the price to use dedicated lines to connect to
remote locations. However, the disadvantages of the lease line are quite clear:
Although large companies have the capitals and needs for building private networks,
small and medium companies could rely on the less expensive, packet switched X.25
network. As the size of the Internet continued to grow, both small and large
companies began to connect their private network with the public network. This
brings a convenience but with one obvious problem privacy and security.
Virtual private network (VPN) was developed in 19XX by Stan Hanks, who build IP
VPN based on TCP/IP over X.25 stack for CSNET. Its goal was to ensure privacies
and data integrities of communication and information. Thanks to the helps of many
engineers and people such as XXX decided not to patent the XXXX technology
when he was in Microsoft, VPN technology was growing rapidly during the early
2000s. Over the year, its flexibilities make travelled businessmen able to connect
back to their companies networks, it also made employees work from home possible.
Although some may argue that this makes the line between home and work space
less clear, others claim that it
AT T Misconduct Essay
Yes, AT T made the right decision by dropping their sponsorship of the US
Gymnastics National Team. They as a company should not face repercussions for
things they had no knowledge of. They expected the US Gymnastics National Team
officials to handle any problems that arise, as they are giving them millions of
dollars to ensure their corporation name is being represented well by the team. AT T
should not receive further punishment. However, MSU should face further
punishments for their silence. Any program that knows about some form of
misconduct taking place under their school or brand, should and must speak of it. As
it was reported, at least 14 Michigan State University representatives received reports
of sexual misconduct by Nassar in... Show more content on ...
Did Michigan State Fail to Stop Larry Nassar like Penn State Did with Jerry
Sandusky? CNN, Cable News Network, 1 Feb. 2018,
/us/larry nassar michigan state sandusky penn/index.html. Gallagher, John. Larry
Nassar Scandal Could Cost Michigan State University Millions. Detroit Free
Press, Detroit Free Press, 28 Jan. 2018,
gallagher/2018/01/26/larry nassar victims michigan state/1062489001/. We as a
society must ensure that small people and small companies are comfortable to call
out large corporations on their mistakes and wrongdoings. For example, when
Epipens raised their price the public jumped on them and as a result generac
brands were created for cheaper prices. As a result, the company lost large sums of
money due to their stock price falling.1 The best punishment for a company or
corporation is to boycott them and stop buying their products until they change or
fix what they re doing wrong. As a precaution, a law should be put in place that
states that any company that hides corruption must face multiple fines, the prices of
the fines should be based off the company s worth, to ensure real damage is being
done. If guy cottages and heavy fines are threatened to companies that hide
corruption, many will think twice before silencing people and
Themes In The Poisonwood Bible
Many writers use setting to establish the theme of a literary work. In Barbara
Kingsolver s The Poisonwood Bible, the setting establishes three overall themes of the
work as the contrasting regions of the Congo and the United States, arrogant
dominance, and injustice. The Poisonwood Bible gives to readers all the gruesome
details of the most recent history of the Congo, the truth about living through it, and
the vast differences between two lifestyles: that of those who sat contently in their
pleasant, undemanding lives during the late 20th century, and that of those who
weren t so privileged, but were also content in their own ways. The former is easier
to imagine: a white, straight, cisgender, Christian man living in America who is so
egotistic... Show more content on ...
Power hungry military men and arrogant missionaries alike contributed to
difficulties such as this. During the 20th century, both sets of people viewed the
Congo as something to dominate, something to take for themselves. Nathan Price
trying to force his God on to the people of Kilanga represents the foreign arrogance
(especially Western), interfering with the very way of life in the Congo. The
Congolese experience brutal oppression from domineering white men, like Nathan,
who rejects their traditions and humanity, treats them not as equal beings, but as
idiotic vessels that will suffer in Hell him and his God to guide them. How he treats
the simple thing of the average Kilanga woman going topless is a good example.
That little deviation from his sacred norm triggers a terrifying outburst from Nathan,
and he must stomp out and crush that abnormality. It s similar to how he treats his
family, and how Belgian, Western, and general colonial powers try to rule the Congo
and Africa as a whole with condescending attitudes and violent superiority. Contempt,
fear, and hatred are the only outcomes of this kind of abuse and
Interview with a Social Worker Essay
Background Information Captain Rob Geis agreed to be interviewed and share his
experiences with the next generation of Social Workers. Native to Ohio, he
graduated High School in 1979, he continued his education at Ohio State University
from 1982 1986, completing his Masters in Social Work. For the past 24 years, he
has served as a Social Worker in the United States Army. In his current position he is
responsible for the Department of Social WorkServices. Previous positions have
included: two assignments as a Division Social Worker, Medical Inpatient Social
Worker, Chief of Social Work, Division Chief of Mental Health, Clinical Director of
Army Substance Abuse Program, Combat Operation Stress Control Commander, and
General Staff... Show more content on ...
Social Work Identity Working in a position and fulfilling your duties are not
always the same concept. During the interview Captain Geis emphasized several
times that the most important part of this job was the soldier who was supported
(2012). In this effect he embodied the NASW values of service, integrity, human
relationships, and worth of the person. These assignments gave him the
opportunity to care and direct soldiers, fulfilling both roles as a Social Worker and
Officer. As an Army Officer the lines between Social Worker and Officer may have
been blurred together but each were an important part of whom he is. A Social
Work Officer is not just a Social Worker or an Officer. It is the embodiment of a
leader and caregiver; an individual whose career is dedicated to the taking care of
soldiers, their families, and the Army itself. This concept may tear at the ideology
of the NASW, as several of the ethical guidelines may be skewed as the
requirements of the Army culture differ from the civilian counterpart (Tallant
Ryberg, 1999). Principally, a Social Worker strives to take care of the client at all
times (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). A major influence and
difference for Army Social Workers is the need to take care of the organization
primarily. A Social Work Officer will do everything they
Radiocarbon Dating Research Paper
Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon 14 dating) is a
method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the
properties of radiocarbon (14C), a radioactive isotope of carbon.
The method was developed by Willard Libby in the late 1940s and soon became a
standard tool for archaeologists. Libby received the Nobel Prize for his work in
1960. The radiocarbon dating method is based on the fact that radiocarbon is
constantly being created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with
atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric oxygen
to form radioactive carbon dioxide, which is incorporated into plants
byphotosynthesis; animals then acquire 14
C by eating the plants. When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon
with its environment, and from that point onwards the amount of 14
C it contains begins to decrease as the 14
C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the amount of 14
C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as a piece of wood or a fragment of
bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant
died. The older a sample is, the less 14
C there is to be detected, and because the half life of 14
C (the period of time ... Show more content on ...
The development of radiocarbon dating has had a profound impact on archaeology.
In addition to permitting more accurate dating within archaeological sites than
previous methods, it allows comparison of dates of events across great distances.
Histories of archaeology often refer to its impact as the radiocarbon revolution .
Radiocarbon dating has allowed key transitions in prehistory to be dated, such as the
end of the last ice age, and the beginning of the Neolithic andBronze Age in different
Impact Of Reconstruction During The Reconstruction
Unit 1 Paper The United States changed dramatically during the reconstruction
period. After the reconstruction period, the United Stated continued to adjust well as
we see it change economically and politically. Though the adjustment continued to go
well, the change that occurs after reconstruction is emphasized with industrialization
and the impact that industrialization has in certain regions of the U.S and on the
people. Along with the new economy came with complications that affected the
improvement of conditions in work and in life. During the Gilded Age, there is a
difference between the North and South economies. When industrialization started to
consume the United States, the North quickly adapted to the change as cities begin to
develop allowing citizens to move to industrial cities in search of new opportunities
such as employment. On page 592 it states the rapid expansion of factory production,
mining, and railroad construction in all parts of the country except the South
signaled the transition from Lincoln s America to a mature industrial society
demonstrating how the South failed to adapt to the new industrial society. The South
did not really adapt to industrialization as they stuck to their agricultural ways. The
new industrial society created the interest of the American West. The American West
begins to capture the attention of many people as it becomes an area of opportunity.
On page 602, Frederick Jackson Turner argued that on the Western frontier the
Compare And Contrast Lewis And Clark
Greatness is, the quality of being great, eminent, or distinguished. Lewis and
Clark, the leaders of the Corps of Discovery, can be described perfectly with the
word greatness. The Corps of Discovery was a unit made by the U.S Army and
tasked to explore and claim the land to the west. Fortunately, the Corps of
Discovery had mapped and discovered the new land they had acquired, but also
much more. President Jefferson ordered U.S. Captain Meriwether Lewis to be the
leader of this exploration. Lewis had selected William Clark as his partner. Once
they had been picked they had hired Sergeants, Privates, Corporals, and interpreters.
The Corps of Discovery s story has been taught and told to many people because the
things they did were so great.... Show more content on ...
expanded west and claimed land in the midwest for people to colonize. The Corps
of Discovery had befriended may indian tribes and had come to be able to trade with
them that they had words that they said yes i want to trade and no which helped
many settlers survive. In addition to trading with the indians, They knew they were
going to encounter the shoshone and they needed horses to cross the mountains and
they needed to negotiate with the shoshone for those horses. (Doc E). if not for the
trading they had learned they never would have made it across those mountains and
would have had to find another
The Effect Of Soft Tissue Constituent Materials
The goal of this thesis is to identify the effect of soft tissue constituent materials in
tissue classification for the application of breast cancer detection. Hyperelastic
parameters may be essential in estimating large deformation in tissue for the purpose
of surgical procedures such as breast brachytherapy. These properties of human soft
tissue play a significant role in diagnosis, screening, and monitoring of cancer(O
Hagan Samani,
2009). On the other hand, elastography is based mainly on the concept of tissue
reactions (linear and nonlinear) to an external source of load such as compression.
Moreover, in most breast examination methods, compression is applied to help detect
lesions. In CBE and BSE, the examiner applies a compressive load to the breast to
investigate stiff regions and must sometimes exert a large deformation to feel lesions
in depth. Mammography also uses compression to reduce breast thickness.
Additionally, compressive behavior of human breast biopsies obtained through
lumpectomy (the surgical procedure to remove a cancer or non cancer breast lump
with some surrounding tissues) is of interest to the cancer research agencies in order
to distinguish the mechanical nature of anomalies of the taken biopsy. Despite of the
importance of compressive loading and its contribution to hyperelastic
characterization of tissue in
applications of cancer detection, few studies have focused on the behavior of tissue
components in response to compression. The main
Mall Santa University Research Paper
Everyone 5 and up knows that although Saint Nicholas existed; thankfully, there isn
t a cheery fat guy with flying reindeer somehow slipping down your chimney to
deliver presents while also knowing whether or not you ve been naughty or nice.
Speaking of which, how can he deliver presents to 2.2 billion kids?! And another
thing; how can he survive in the Arctic? Being upon, if not the most, inhospitable
place on Earth, it s practically impossible for any human being to live that far up
north; not including global warming nor any of the other residents. For the scientific
logic behind Santa, click here. Image result for mall santa animation Anyway, it s
easy to assume that pretending to be Santa may seem like a simple job; but there is
reason behind why thousands of theses aged sugar plums wear the suit each year. Not
to accommodate the hundreds... Show more content on ...
Malls don t just accept any street bum looking for beers money; they look for
graduates of Santa University. Every Santa in training has to pass their
background check and real beards; bleached or otherwise. For those who passed go
to Santa University in Arvada where hundreds of girthy greats come to learn the
Santa basics like how to ho ho ho just right, what the reindeer s names are, where
the secret bathrooms at the mall are, what the trendiest new do dads are and more.
Image result for creepy santaThough there are some parents who actually want their
children to scream and kick in Santa s loving arms, all it takes is for that one kid to
fall off his knee; then Santa would pay hundreds of dollars in damages; even worse,
Heaven forbid, a place on his own Naughty list. That s why experienced
professionals always carry their own liability insurance. In fact, there s an
organization dedicated to these types of incidents; the International Brotherhood of
Real Bearded Santas. It s a real thing, and gives Santa a group rate on insurance
should an incident
Increase The Toughness Of Steels After Quenching Process
Tempering is an important heat treating process, which is used to increase the
toughness of steels after quenching process. Hollomon Jaffe equation
H=T(c+logвЃЎt ) is widely used to predict hardness with different tempering
temperature and tempering time. T is the tempering temperature, t is the tempering
time and c is the constant for the specific steel. The physical explanation of c constant
was not clear. In this paper, the hardness and c/a ratio of tempered martensite for AISI
4140 were measured by X Ray Diffraction and Rietveld refinement. The result reveals
that the c/a ratio decreases instantly within the first 60s tempering time. After analysis
based on the experiment results and derivation of Hollomon Jaffe equation, c, the
parameter in Hollomon Jaffe equation, is found to stand for the slope of carbon
hardness curve.
Key words: Tempering, martensite, X ray diffraction, Hollomon Jaffe equation
1. Introduction
All steels that are hardened are subjected to a subcritical heat treatment referred to as
tempering . Tempering improves the toughness of as quenched martensite (body
center tetragonal) but lowers strength and hardness 1, . The microstructure
transformation is very complex: Stage1: The formation of transition carbides and
lowering of the carbon content of the martensite to 0.25% (100 to 250в„ѓ) Stage2:
The transformation of retained austenite to ferrite and cementite (200 to 300в„ѓ)
Stage3: The replacement of transition carbides and low temperature
DSL or Cable Essay
DSL or Cable
Everyday there are millions of people connecting to the Internet. The Internet is made
up of networks of computers linked together around the world where people can chat,
shop, instant message, and e mail each other. With so many people connecting one
might wonder how all of these millions of people are connecting to the Internet.
There are many different options for people to use to connect to the Internet, such as
dial up, DSL, Cable, and Satellite. Dial up internet connection uses the telephone line;
this is the oldest connection that has been around since the 1990 s. The newest type
of connection would be the satellite connection, which is not very popular right now
because of the high cost. The two most popular ... Show more content on ...
There are other types of DSL such as Very high bit, symmetric, and rate adaptive
DSL. The very high bit rate is used for short distances, but is very fast. The
symmetric DSL does not let you use the Internet and the phone at the same time. So
for home users, symmetric is not the best choice for DSL. The rate adaptive DSL is
similar to asymmetric DSL, but can adjust the speed depending on the length of the
phone line. There are many different types of DSL that homes users can chose from,
but the best choice for home users is clearly asymmetric.
As the name Cable might suggest this connection uses a television cable to
connect to the Internet. As with asymmetric DSL, the Cable Internet connection
shares the coaxial line with the television signal. Cable TV works by giving each
TV station a 6 megahertz piece of the radio spectrum. The Radio signals travel
through the air at a speed very close to the speed of light. In a coaxial cable like the
one that brings CATV signals to your house, radio signals travel at about two thirds
the speed of light ( Cable Television offers 91 channels
that take up 550 MHZ of the bandwidth (radio spectrum). Many cable companies
today are using fiber optic cables to provide cable TV because it can serve 500
householders with just ONE optic fiber. Now that we know how both DSL and
Cable Internet works, you might be asking what devices do these
California s Obesity Problem
California s Obesity Problem According to the World Health Organization, obesity
kills over 2.8 million people worldwide each year. California has its share of
obesity rates. Almost everyone has a family or friend that is obese. Obesity is a
problem that will continue unless it is stopped. Obesity has increased as more and
more people eat out. Many campaigns have tried to get people aware of being
overweight, but majority of them have failed, because eating out provide a cheap
escape from cooking. Since eating fast foodis unavoidable for many people the best
solution is for fast food restaurants to offer healthier alternatives on their menus. This
could be enforced in America by the state department of health.
The History of Obesity Obesity has been around a long time, but only since the
1990s has obesity rates gone up. It has more than doubled and now affects more
than half of Americans. (Kazaks, 43) Obesity rates have grown as physical activity
levels have decreased and fast food consumption has increased. Obesity related
expenses cost the USA about 190 billion dollars every year. (Forbes) Obesity also
causes other health risks such as, heart disease, stroke, cancer, liver disease and
many others. Many states have high obesity rates, but California is the 11th least
obese state. (Fasinfat) Even though California is not as obese as other states, it has a
serious overweight problem. One of the major causes for this is the over consumption
of fast foods.
The History
The Pros And Cons Of The NFL As A Monopoly
The NFL is Definitely a Monopoly Although the NFL won t admit to it, the
National Football League is most definitely a monopoly. In order to become a
monopoly, you have to take control of the market are in, in this case, it is football.
Monopolies are characterized by high barriers to entry, and almost zero competition,
and great amounts of power. Monopolies are commodity controlled by one party, in
this case, the commodity is football and the party is the NFL.
Available Competition and Suitable Substitutes The National Football Leagueis the
highest level of professional American football in the United States and to most; it is
considered the top professional football league in the world. In order to become a
monopoly, you have to take control of the market you re in. The NFL was created
in the early 1900 s. In 1920 the APFL was created when representatives from many
leagues and teams came together. The APFA originally had 11 teams when they
merged with NFL they currently have 32 teams (Tuchner, 2012). The National
Football League is now the most attended domestic sports league in the world. Since
completion to the NFL is at a minimum some substitutes are two similar monopolies,
the NBA and MLB. But the NFL still is the most powerful out of all of them. (The
NFL, 2013)
The NFL S Power When it comes to monopolies you need to have a great amount of
power. The NFL uses its power in many ways one way is how they treat the players.
In the draft system, a player has to
The Handmaid s Tale And Brave New World
Although The Handmaid s Tale by Margret Atwood and Brave New World by
Aldous Huxley involve different stories, the societies portrayed in these two
dystopic novels lack the basic freedoms needed for a society to function properly.
These novels present an individual whose freedom has been stripped away by a
government that controls all aspects of their life knowledge, individuality,
relationships with others in order to maintain stability in a fragile society. The
Handmaid s Tale studies our human nature by showing an internal struggle in the
novels protagonist Offred. Whether she chose the adoption of the current social
norms or her battle for the sake of individual well being and humanity. In Huxley s
Brave New World, the protagonist John the Savage is the symbol of the old world
and morality. John lives his ideals out and rejects the society s values. Both these
protagonists appear isolated in their own thoughts, it is themselves against the rest
of society. This presentation of these characters leads to hopeless thoughts in the
reader and that they are in fact fighting an inevitable defeat. Throughout both novels
the author s use of conflict to show control of knowledge from the past society to
the present day makes it apparent that a dystopic society exists. In The Handmaids
Tale it is forbidden for the handmaids to read or write in order for the leaders to
control the understanding their citizens can develop and there are consequences if
the rules are disobeyed.
Types Of Business Organizations The Cardigans
There are three main types of business organizations the Cardigans can file their
home decor business as, one sole proprietorship, two partnerships and three
corporations. Sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business organization.
Usually in sole proprietorship one person has complete control of their
business;however, one assumes all liabilities. According to Miller (2013), The sole
proprietor is free to make any decision she or he wishes concerning the business
including whom to hire, when to take a vacation, and what kind of business to
pursue (Miller, 2013, p. 445). A major disadvantage of the sole proprietorship
concept is that a person has unlimited liability. Since sole proprietorship consist of
one person let s use Cora... Show more content on ...
Cora and Caley will have some disadvantageous if deciding to move into a general
partnership because partnerships can have unclear authority and instability. Findlaw
states, A partnership is dissolved as soon as one of the members dies, retires, resigns,
files for bankruptcy, or otherwise quits. This can mean a sudden and unexpected end
to a profitable business ( What Are the Disadvantages of Partnerships?, n.d.). Cora
and Caley can act with third parties on the behalf of the partnership which can hurt or
help their business because either can make an unhealthy decision on the behalf of
the home decor business. Findlaw states, The third parties, this means that all partners
act on behalf of the partnership, can enter into contracts, and by the same token, bind
the partnership into unwanted agreements ( What Are the Disadvantages of
Partnerships?, n.d.).
A corporation is owned by shareholders and these shareholders elect the members
of a board of directors to handle daily business operations. Shareholders are not
held liable for the companies debt and legal problems which means a corporation is
seen as a separate entity from its shareholders. According to Marnie Kunz (2015),
Corporations are required to pay state and national taxes, and shareholders must also
pay taxes on their salaries,
Children With Intellectual And Physical Disabilities
Many people in our world are born with intellectual and physical disabilities. These
people don t have any control over how they are born, but we as a nation have the
authority over how they are taken care of. From reading the fictional book Flowers
for Algernon, the nonfiction articles Disabled Couple Forced to Live Apart, and
Social Sensitivity. Many people with disabilities are not allowed jobs and/or
education. The percentage of unemployment for people with disabilities is 12.1.
There are numerous laws prohibiting people from discriminating against people
with disabilities, such as the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities
Act. Although these laws exist, each and every day people with disabilities are
faced with more problems, on top of the fact that they can t function like a normal
person. We should do more to accommodate intellectually disabled people in our
everyday life, so they are treated as equal as anyone is. America is based off of
equal rights for each and every citizen, and us denying people those rights is
setting us back, as a country, a several decades. In the article Social Sensitivity, we
are given a brief history of how of intellectually disabled laws have changed. One
of the first, but not well known acts initiated to help mentally disabled was in 1801
when Jean Marc Gaspard created principles and methods to help mentally ill people.
In 1855 the first facility for the criminally insane was created in New York. After this
pros and cons to having a purely cellular network vs....
By: Marvin Redd
You are an IT Network Specialist and are required to develop the design of the
company s telephone system for its new building which will begin construction in a
few months. In order to get a background which will help when developing the new
system, your supervisor asked you to research the current Plain Old Telephone
Service (POTS) currently used by the company. You must research the system
components and report back to your supervisor , the Telecommunications Manager,
within a week.
1. Describe a local land line phone system based on the following Landline Telephone
a. Local Loop
The local loop is the physical wiring that ... Show more content on ...
4G networks offer 10 or more times the data transmission rate of a 3G network. The
data rates available on a 4G network allow the cell phone to access information from
the Internet as fast as a land line connection.
b. Telephone Network Topology:
i. Demarcation Point
The demarcation point, also known as the Demarc, Network Interface Device (NID),
or Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE) serves several purposes: It is the point that
defines the end of the telephone company s wiring, and the beginning of your wiring.
It defines where the telephone company s responsibility for maintenance ends and
your responsibility begins.
It contains a surge suppressor to help protect the wiring and connected equipment in
your facility from damage It allows you to temporarily disconnect your wiring from
the telephone company s wiring for troubleshooting purposes.
Cables making up the core networks need to go very long distances across many
states within the country. They typically follow well defined routes such as
highways and railways.
Access Networks
An access network or outside plant refers to the series of wires, cables and equipment
lying between a consumer/business telephone termination point (the point at which a
telephone connection reaches the customer) and the local telephone exchange. iv.
Regional/ Metro Networks
c. Cable TV
i. Broadcast TV
Broadcast television systems are encoding or formatting standards for the
transmission and reception of
Marcus Aurelius Essay
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius was born on April 26th, 121 AD. He was born as Marcus Annius
Verus. His family was a very wealthy family who claimed that they were
descendants of Numa, The Second King of Rome. His father was Annius Verus and
his mother was Domitia Lucilla. During his childhood Marcus studied Stoic
Philosophy. Stoic Philosophy deals with the teachings of living simply and being
down to Earth and logical about situations. Marcus wrote about this philosophy in
his book Meditations. Also during his childhood Hadrian had appointed Marcus to
equestrian rank, at the age of six. Then at the age of eight he was appointed Priest
of Salian. During his youth he was called Verissimus , by Hadrian, which means
genuine or true. After the death of his father, Marcus Aurelius was adopted by his
grandfather,Annius Verus. His grandfather was a city prefect under Hadrian. This
required him to watch over the city , during the absence of the emperor. His
grandfather was also a consul three times.
He was later adopted by His uncle, Antoninus Pius. He was also Hadrian s
successor, but Hadrian s original successor was L. Ceionius Commodus, but he died
before he could succeed him. His uncle was married to his aunt, who was know as
Annia Galeria Faustina. Because Marcus was adopted by his uncle, this allowed him
... Show more content on ...
Than in 162 AD the Parthians invaded Syria, which was part of the Roman Empire.
He thought that due to the death of Pius, this would leave the empire vulnerable, and
weak. Lucius was sent to stop the envision, but when they got there he had left his
three generals in charge while he went to go enjoy himself at the headquarters located
in Antioch. The three generals where Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius
Verus, the most notable was Avidius Cassius. He was a well know politician and
military leader who was familiar with the syrian
Examples Of Deception In The Crucible
While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive. This clear
and concise quote was expressed by Sissela Bok, a Swedish American philosopher
and the daughter of two Nobel Prize winners. See deception is a concept that is
practically glorified lying to grasp an advantage upon something. In The Crucible we
see many depictions of deception. Nearly all coming from Abigail. Abigail is a
decisive teenager who seeks people s pain in order to get her way. Abigail seeks not
only power, but she also seeks the love and marriage of John Proctor. Abigail s
character nature consists of nearly total deception.
Our first example of decisiveness given from Abigail is her first lie. The lie took place
early in the novel and stated ... Show more content on ...
Abigail has the troop agree to carry on with the lie, despite the chaos they re
causing throughout the town of Salem. The girls seem to do whatever is needed to
gain power for themselves. An example would be when they re in the court and the
girls simultaneously speak and take part in actions. The girls make it look like one
woman is causing hem to do so, implying she is the witch that bewitched them.
Other examples would include the constant lies the girls displayed in order to
surpass links in the power chain . The girls gain absolute power when they reach
the ability to prosecute anyone who challenges them. Abigail and her troop attempt
to overthrow the court, and when they do they realize anyone who tries to stand in
their way can t impose even the slightest threat. Any refusal will find the citizen as a
culprit in the midst of the court. The girls found ways to corporate protesters with
witchcraft. This led the protester to find themselves hanging by a noose or thrown
behind bars. Once others realized the consequences, they gave up their efforts to
fight Abigail and her troop. Abigail s reign ends when she finally leaves town with
all of her Uncle s
Persuasive Essay On Tipping
The United States is one of the few counties in the world still using the old fashion
tipping system. During the late 19th century legislature rapidly abolishes the practice
of tipping when it is introduced by wealthy Americans. Eventually restauranteurs find
a way to prospect of passing labor costs to consumer, which convinced the American
to accept the practice of tipping. When many American don t understand the purpose
of tipping is for but somehow it is customer responsibility to pay the restaurant
employees based on their service. There are many reasons to argue about the tipping
system. But, most of them ignore the very basic problem with abolishing tipping in
America, the most difficult of which is our absurdly low minimum wage. The practice
is abhorrent from a historical perspective. Recently, New York City s Sushi Yasuda
owner Scott Rosenberg announced that he decided to eliminate tipping altogether.
Following the custom in Japan, he decided to pay his employees higher wages and
redistribute the cost to the customers by raising the prices on the menu. Is this a
good idea? Rosenberg, who abolished tipping at his restaurant, made a very
powerful statement against the Outdated of tipping practice. He penned what many
others believe is one of the most succinct and yet irrefutable way. The staff no
longer worry about making a lot of tip on weekend and penny on weekday.
Rosenberg quote The risk is that your prices appear to be high on the menu. But if
you have
The World War I And The Death Of The Adolf Hitler
Born in Austria in 1889, he rose to power in German politics as leader of the
National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party. He was
chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945.
His policies triggered World War II and oversaw fascist policies that resulted in
millions of deaths. Today we will discuss the early years, artistic dream, the role in
World War I, rise to power, the leadership of Der FГ
јhrer, and the death of the
infamous Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian border town of Braunau am
Inn. His birth place is located roughly 65 miles east of Munich, Germany and 30
miles north of Salzburg, Austria. He was the fourth of six children born ... Show more
content on ...
At the age of fifteen, Hitler dropped out of primary school to follow his dreams of
becoming an artist, and, at the age of 18, he moved to Vienna with money inherited
after his father s death in 1903, in order to pursue a career in art, as this was his best
subject at school. Werckmeister states that he went there intending to see operas and
study the famous picture gallery in the Court Museum. Instead, he found himself
fascinated by the city s beautiful architecture. Hitler put all his hope in the dream of
achieving greatness as an artist. He wished to attend the Vienna Academy of Fine
Arts. In October 1907, he took the two day entrance exam for the academy s school
of painting, but his test drawings were judged unsatisfactory. He was not admitted.
He was encouraged to consider the field of architecture. But without the required high
school diploma, he would not be accepted into architecture school either. Thus, Hitler
s dreams of becoming a professional artist came to a bitter end (Werckmeister.)
According to Klaus, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany in May 1913 in order to
avoid arrest for evasion of his military service obligation to Habsburg Austria. It was
financed by the last installment of his inheritance from his father. In Munich, he
continued to drift, supporting himself on his watercolors and sketches until World
War I gave his life new meaning. Klaus stated that Hitler was a brave soldier. He was
promoted to the rank of Corporal, was
How I Learned to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass
How I Learned to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass and Mother Tongue by
Amy Tan are essays that share a common theme. The theme is opposition and how
it is necessary to build strength. In the essay How I Learned to Read and Write ,
Frederick Douglass explains that he was born into slavery and faced his own
ignorance with a resolve to overcome this challenge. Faced with oppression by the
master and mistress of the house, a young Frederick Douglass used any means
necessary to defeat ignorance and open his mind up to great treasures of knowledge.
In contrast, Amy Tan, the writer of the essayMother Tongue, found opposition
residing in her own thoughts and impressions. Tan a first generation Asian American
reflects upon her love of writingand how living in a Chinese home influenced her use
and understanding of the English Language. Living with a mother who spoke
English in what Amy considered a less than perfect way, caused Amy to limit her
view of her mother. When Tan experienced this one sided thinking about her own
language abilities while in college it caused reason for reflection and a change of
heart in the author. Opposition in all things is a necessary step in the learning process
of this life. How I Learned to Read and Write and Mother Tongue contain contrasting
examples of opposition. Using the literary elements of point of view, setting, and
characterization will show their effectiveness in building strength thru opposition.
Born into
Foucault s Argument Essay
In sum, the existentialists wanted to keep the transcendental horizon sponged up
while limiting and focussing the lex orandi; lex credindi fallout to the individual. For
them, European nihilism becomes the springboard for the Superman. Life belongs to
those who take responsibility for human freedom or do not craven but relishes
existence awash in the Absurd. What both Sartre and Camus under appreciated,
however, was the systemic influences on the existential subject. As postwar Europa
drew lines in the sand settling into walls, a nervous calm ensued. International
economic and political networks fostered ever more open relations in the North
Atlantic world. Neocolonial capitalism divided nations into First, Second, and Third
worlds the first became, and still in many ways are, the voyeuristic playthings of the
first two. Even more, in the worlds carrying the arbitrary mark First, a coruscant
future aligning poetry and technology featured in glistening adverts and science
fictions became the... Show more content on ...
First, Foucault did not an advocate a particular power structure. Nor does he think
humans could live with no power structure. Any system which claims such
powerlessness, which claims no genealogy, is blatant ideology. Foucault s point is
more subtle. He wants to wake us from the illusion that we are self made humans.
Society disciplines and educates us all into the banal beatitudes of everyday being
(Foucault, ?:?). Such beatitudes prey and spotlight the hopes and fears formed,
internalised, and sustained by social powers. A second point, often missed by
Foucault s readers is he did not always advocate direct resistance. Foucault, on the
contrary, never committed to confrontational or non confrontational avenues of
resisting, and evaluating the powers which grip our lives (?:?). Thinkers should, if
anything, suppress the reactionary temptation. We should always take a reflective
moment as power dynamics change; doing otherwise is
Twelfth Night
If music be the food of love, play on (1.1 1) In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare shows
love in various different forms. Love is defined as a strong affection or liking for
someone, and we can see love being portrayed in different ways throughout the play.
Some of these forms of love include true love, self loveand a love for money. Twelfth
Nighthas many love triangles. Many of the characters are caught up in the web of
love and are blind to realize that their emotions toward other characters are
sometimes untrue. They deceived themselves and/or the characters that are around
them. There are certain characters in the play where their emotion of love is true,
and the two people feel very strongly toward one another. Viola s love for Orsino is a
great example of true love in... Show more content on ...
Even Though she pretended to be a man and is practically is a nobody in Illyria,
she desires to win Orsino s heart. In Act 1, Scene 4, Viola tells her true feelings for
Cesario by saying, yet a barful strife! Whoe er I woo, myself would be his wife
(1.440 42). This statement becomes correct when she reveals her true identity.
Cesario (Viola) and Orsino have a very good friendship, therefore, making the
switch from friend to a wife was easy. Shakespeare showed us that true love will
always succeed.Even Viola was caught up in another true love problem herself,
however, this time she was on the receiving end of this. While going to Olivia s
home for Orsino, Olivia had grown to love Cesario. Now, Viola was caught up in a
bad situation that there was only one way out. It s shocking that Olivia fell in love
with a woman dressed like a man. And because Viola knew what words women like
to hear, she won
Kantorek s All Quiet On The Western Front
The book, All Quiet on the Western Front, was narrated by a 19 year old German
soldier who fights at the French front with his comrades. The soldier s name was
Paul and throughout the story, Paul mentions the horrible and terrible things he and
his friends had to live throughout the war on the front. Most of his friends are the
same age as him and are from the same school Paul went to and they all voluntarily
joined the army after being influenced by their teacher, Kantorek, by listening to his
speeches. They later realize that the speeches Kantorek said were meaningless and
did not believe that being in the war or that the war itself at all was honorable or
glorious, it was just a brutal battlefield that brought physical and constant terror....
Show more content on ...
Before Kemmerich dies, he asks Paul to give his boots to Muller knowing that it
would be no use to him after he dies and that it would be better off with Muller then
thrown away. The story goes on with Paul and his friends struggling to survive
with small portions of food and the never ending war continuing on the front. Paul
and his friends survive many attacks and bombardments learning and understanding
different weapons the enemy is using and the different noises or sound that can
help them understand where a shell is hitting or where a gas grenade might have
been thrown. Paul also watches unexperienced rookies who gets taken over by the
terror of the war and also watches them fall one by one. Soon, Paul receives
seventeen days to go back home and realizes that his mother has cancer. He also
feels different and realizes that he might never be the same person as he was before
he joined the war. At his time at his hometown, he visits Kemmerich s mother and
does not tell her the truth about how her son really died. Instead of stating the truth,
he tells her that her son died an instant and painful
The Deterrence Theory Vs. Deterrence
Classic Deterrence Theory
A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a
crime and would more than likely to be deterred from violating the law they believed
the loss was greater than the gain according to the deterrence theory. The deterrence
theory is based on the belief that humans control their behavior based on the
perceived rewards and punishments that would result from such actions. Which has
led many theorists to believe that the proper to punish, a defiant act is by severe,
certain, and swift punishment was the key to deterrence. The deterrence theory relies
on three individual components: severity, certainty, and celerity. It is thought severe
penalties, will desist from criminal acts, which thus prevent crime. However, if the
sentence believed to be too harsh would be considered unjust. While, punishments not
severe enough will not deter criminals from committing crimes.
However, classical philosophers held the belief that certainty was more efficient in
preventing crimes than the severity of punishment. The philosophers believed the
primary purpose of punishment was deterrence, not vengeance. Thus, rejected capital
punishment as a practical method for punishing murderers and perpetrators of other
serious offenses.
Crime and Punishment Deterrence theory holds the assumption that people do not
commit crimes because they are afraid of getting caught, and further states that
people are less likely to committing a crime if

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Essay Critique Example. Article Critique Essay Request Information

  • 1. Essay Critique Example Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Critique Example" can present a unique set of challenges. The difficulty lies in the intricate balance required to effectively critique an essay while providing constructive feedback. It demands a keen understanding of both the subject matter and the nuances of academic writing. One must navigate the fine line between being critical and being supportive, ensuring that the critique is both insightful and respectful. Analyzing the structure, coherence, and argumentation of the essay requires a discerning eye, as does evaluating the clarity of expression and adherence to the chosen writing style. Additionally, providing suggestions for improvement without coming across as overly prescriptive can be a delicate task. Moreover, writing a critique requires a comprehensive grasp of the conventions and expectations of the genre. It involves evaluating not only the content but also the methodology employed in presenting the critique itself. The essay writer needs to be adept at expressing their thoughts coherently, balancing their own perspective with a fair assessment of the work in question. Furthermore, the difficulty may stem from the subjective nature of critique. Different readers may have varying opinions on the same essay, making it challenging to craft an evaluation that is universally accepted. The writer must be aware of potential biases and strive to maintain objectivity throughout the critique. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Critique Example" demands a sophisticated set of skills encompassing analytical thinking, effective communication, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. It is a task that goes beyond mere summarization, requiring the writer to engage critically with the text while offering constructive feedback. Despite the challenges, mastering the art of essay critique is a valuable skill for academic and professional growth. If you find yourself struggling with such tasks or need assistance with essays and more, it's worth exploring resources like, where similar essays and a variety of writing services are available to provide support and guidance. Essay Critique ExampleEssay Critique Example
  • 2. Accomplishments During The Renaissance The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European history. It began in Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted until about 1620. Furthermore, the renaissance is a historical event known as the period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe. The name Renaissance originates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century that used the term rinascitГ ( rebirth or renaissance ) to describe their own age as one in which learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages. (The Columbia Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism. The intellectual movement called humanism focused on human life and its achievements. The humanists were fascinated by cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the Renaissance, vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and composers wrote music to enhance the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a significant role in society during this period as it helped to shape, advance cultures and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The new ideas in Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on ... Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid 15th century when mechanical techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the Renaissance printers who played an important role in the advance of printing were also accomplished musicians, composers, and distributed music. This was the first stages of music being made widely available to the public. Earlier, music had to be copied out by hand which was a very labor intensive and time consuming process, so it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve sacred music for the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper
  • 3. Oligodendrocytes Essay Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia Author links open overlay panelRuiguoZhangab1JueHeb1ShenghuaZhubHandiZhangbHongxingWangbdAbulimitiAdiliji MinLiabc Show more rights and content Abstract Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine (PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ... Show more content on ... Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003; Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995). Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
  • 4. The Connection Between Shadow And Shadow Rae closed her eyes. This connection with Shadow was starting to feel stronger than a brotherly love. Shadow, have a Vampire and his Servant ever fought? Shadow knew what she meant, however avoided it by explaining. It is not built into our DNA, we never fight,... except when the... Rae could feel that what he would say, she wouldn t like. Shadow clarified. I can only say that it is not normal for a Servant to challenge his Master nor is it a noble idea. If the Servant does this during the night hours the Vampirewill surely kill the Servant. If the Servant does it during the daylight hours he will have only days to find a new Master before he will be consumed by death. When a Servant kills his Master, his Master s blood is bonded to the ... Show more content on ... It is my job to fill in the areas he may be lacking with the exception of the physical part. I will be your confidant. We will share secrets like no others can. I will be a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with. However my Master has a sense of humor that is quite refreshing. Rae watched him with curiosity and affirmed. Yes I was pleased that he had a sense of humor I could not picture my life without laughter, and now I have two men with a sense of humor. You are the frosting that holds the layers of cake together? Rae phrased the last portion as a question. Shadow stood, walking to the dresser and started gathering items for her shower and agreed. Yes Goddess, you may to have your cake and eat it too for the rest of your life. They both laughed over the human clichГ©s. Rae was feeling confused over why her family had been hiding for many centuries. If life was to be good, what was the problem. Yeah! Okay, most people don t consider being mated to a Vampire that great, however she couldn t find a down side, yet. Shadow, I m confused why did my family feel the need to hide us if life is magnificent with the Vampire and his Servant? Shadow thought, oh boy it s that question again, he knew it was likely the transfer to Fay that made them run. Trying to answer without giving her full details wouldn t be easy however; he would say what he could, without lying. People were
  • 5. Candle Color Lab Does the color of a candle affect how quickly it burns? I always look for candles to burn at dinner parties or to give a soft light into a room, I always felt that my white candles burned much quicker than those that are colored. I believe that the lighter color candles will burn quicker than the darker colored candles. During this experiment I plan to compare the difference in candles and the length of which they burn based on the color of the candle. Does the color of the candle make it burn at a different rate? To conduct this experiment I picked five different colored candles that were all the same brand, type, and length. (White, yellow, red, maroon, and a forest green) I set a timer for one hour and thirty minutes. With the help of friends,
  • 6. Brandon Teen Driving In The Night SUMMARY The film opens with Brandon Teena (Hilary Swank) driving in the night. He is going with his cousin, Lonny (Matt McGrath), an older boy who is gay, to a skating rink. Lonny warns Brandon against behaving dangerously. Brandon ignores him and enters the rink, which seems magical to him. There Brandon meets with a girl. Later, we see them kissing outside her home, and Brandon chivalrously tells her he won t leave until he knows she is safely inside. But later, Brandon is chased by a group of young men, one of whom is related to the girl, and all of whom are yelling homosexual related insults and threats. Brandon seeks protection in Lonny s trailer, and if the audience doesn t know it already, the conversation reveals that Brandon is... Show more content on ... They find a newspaper that talks about the arrest of Teena Brandon, and show it to Lana s mother. Meanwhile, Brandon has written Lana to tell her that he s in jail. She asks why Brandon is in the female section, and he lies: he tells her he was born a hermaphrodite, but will soon receive a sex change operation to correct his condition. Lana declares her love for Brandon, no matter what she is and the two leave the jail joyously, and then have sex in her car. Nissen and Lotter are extremely angered by the discovery that Brandon is really a girl in their opinion, she is a lesbian. They are on a rampage looking for Brandon, whom they find at Lana s mother s house, together with Lana. They force Brandon to strip off his pants, to reveal to Lana his true identity. Lana only looks when forced to. Later, Nissen and Lotter pursue Brandon and violently rape him in Nissen s car. They return with Brandon to Nissen s house. Although injured, Brandon escapes from Nissen s bathroom by climbing out the window. Lana convinces him to file a police report, though Brandon had been warned by Nissen and Lotter to remain silent. Brandon, in distress files a report. Later, in a drunken rage, Nissen and Lotter set out to kill Brandon. They find Brandon hiding in a farm house with Candace and her baby. Brandon and Candace are fatally shot, while Lana is screaming desperately. Lana falls
  • 7. The Breast Implants Produced By Poly Implant PIP Implant Scandal 1.0Background The breast implants produced by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) French company were banned in the year of 2010. PIP which was founded in year 1991 and was once the world s third largest supplier of silicone gel breast implants was eventually shut down within the same year. This company had illegally produced and marketed the implants using unauthorized industrial grade silicone gel that meant for use in mattresses instead of approved and mandated medical grade silicone gel since year 2001. The implants were widely used across Europe, Britain and South America and estimated about 400, 000 patients in 45 countries around the world with PIP Implants. The scandal was surfaced in year 2009 due to medical device reports from surgeons on the abnormally high rupture rates of the PIP implants than other approved implants. France s drug and medical safety agency (AFSSAPS) recalled the PIP implants and advised 30,000 women to have their implants removed due to this scandal in subsequent year of 2010. 2.0Issues with PIP implants A full recall of PIP implants by French Ministry of Health has sparked a worldwide fear and alert. The implants with cheap and unapproved industrial grade silicone as filler are believed to have higher rupturing rates, though the exact figure varies with each health authority. According to SCENIHR , this filler could weaken the shell of PIP implants with increased risk of gel leakage and rupture. The silicone gel filing can
  • 8. How to Successfully Grow Peaches Although growing peaches (Prunus persica) can be a rewarding venture, they re susceptible to mold growth that, if neglected, can affect fruit development, tree growth and ultimately your success. Peaches are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8, and identifying the cause of the mold, which might be a fungal disease or insect infestation, should be your first step to eliminating the problem. (See References 1) Brown Rot If your peaches have small, round, powdery tan spots that gradually seem to spread and get larger, and eventually, turn black, you might be dealing with brown rot. This common stone fruit disease, which starts at bloom and often affects fruit that s stuck together in clusters, is triggered by the fungus Monilinia fructicola. This fungus overwinters in the yard in uncollected infected fruit and stems, and as soon as the temperature reaches 40 degrees Fahrenheit, spores develop that are spread by wind and rain to healthy tissue. Prevention and treatment of brown rot can include removal of infected fruit and fungicide treatment before the infection occurs. (See References 2, 3 and 4) Sooty Mold When scales, aphids, and other sucking insect feed on your peaches, they secrete a sticky liquid known as honeydew. Sooty mold, which is a name given to several species of fungi, can develop on honeydew and is visible as a threadlike, dark layer that covers the effected plant parts including the leaves and peaches. Although the
  • 9. Finding Universal Beauty Despite Differences in Taste Essay Taste is a matter of personal opinion and preference. An individual s taste may differ greatly, even in close knit circles of individuals. While a person may have similar backgrounds and educational experiences with a group of peers, his or her taste will inevitably differ from them to some degree. In order to thoroughly understand the taste of another person, an individualmust be willing to observe carefully and avoid making assumptions based on individual impressions. In addition to initial impressions, our understanding of language and the meaning that we attribute to words will differ from others. What one person deems as beautiful is not what another will decide is beautiful. Thoroughly analyzing and acknowledging variances... Show more content on ... While standards seem to exist within a society, when one s taste differs from what is considered normal, his or her emotional interpretations are still correct. Sentiments or emotional beliefs that influence taste are always correct because they are created and defined by each individual. Still, despite variances in emotional definitions, some commonly held beliefs become so widespread and accepted, the beauty, or lack thereof, simply becomes an undisputable truth. Specific authors, visual artists, and musicians become so esteemed and praised by the masses for generation after generation that their work becomes a part of high culture, which is revered regardless of personal interests and beliefs. Regardless of how the public view works of art, it is important to recognize that while these works may be considered beautiful and highly regarded, many of them are created from false premises, hyperboles, or are simply metaphors for information. The truth that society derives from art may or may not follow conventional rules. In fact, the messages that are sent through these artworks may ignore conventional rules such as structure, but that should not necessarily take away from the value we place upon the work as a whole. Instead, we should carefully examine the artwork, observing the connotative sentiments the artwork is projecting to society. Highly regarded creators of art will
  • 10. Raul Castro Research Paper Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner and Raul Castro have some things in common. One of those things are ; that they both are Latin American leaders . Later on you will learn about their life and how they became leaders. You will also learn about the differences and the things they have in common . Another thing that you will learn is about their impact on their own country and how they changed the country into what it is today . I will first speak about Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner and after her I will speak about Raul Castro. Cristina FernГЎndez de Kirchner was born on February 19, 1953 in La Plata, Buenos Aires. Her father was a bus driver, he is of Spanish descent and her mother is German.She studied law at the National University of La Plata during the 1970s .She met her husband during her studies, and they moved to Santa Cruz to work as lawyers.Cristina became ... Show more content on ... Now I will be telling about Raul Castro s life. Raul Castro was born on June 3,1931 near Biran, Cuba. Raul has spent most of his life living in his older brother s shadow, Fidel, Castro. Raul is one of the five children, from a Spanish landowner,Raul grew up in his father s farm with his siblings. He used to go to school temporarily before he got expelled.After from being expelled Raul went back to work on his father s farm. When Raul was in his teens he joined a socialist group and he attended a conference for communist youth in Vienna,
  • 11. What Is Balance Sheet And Its Legal Form Producing financial accounting statement is very crucial for business because it should adequately provide a picture of the financial performance of a business. To concern this issue businesses produce financial statements on regular basis adhering to one common standard. On of these documents is the statement of financial position, also known as a balance sheet. It basically shows business s assets or resources that it holds against its obligations or claims to other parties (McLaney and Atrill, 2014). Balance sheet analysis is useful for investors to verify the profitability of investment for a business. Analysis can warn of potential problems and, if done accurately determine what the business really worth . The aim of this essay is to... Show more content on ... If the information listed in the document matches this formula than the company is liquid, i.e. it can pay debts timely. Each of the three sections has several accounts within it to give an investor idea about what the company owns and owes. Total assets on the balance sheet are grouped into two categories: current and non current, referring to the time period that they are held. All assets should be measured in monetary terms and controlled by the business. Also assets are divided into tangible (machinery, plant, cars) and intangible assets (patent, brand). Equities and liabilities, which constitute claims, should balance the assets (, 2015). It is called the principle of double entry: for example, cash balance might decrease by the amount of a purchase but capital will increase by the same amount. Liabilities are also classified into current and non current to indicate the amount of obligations that must be shortly met and long term raised finance. Figures of liabilities and capital show how much finance the owners invest and how much is contributed by the outside lenders. Potential investors can derive a lot of useful relationships from the balance sheet figures, especially if comparison is made over time in dynamics. Businesses usually prepare a statement of financial position on the last day of its annual reporting period. In the UK companies are free to choose this period and it is
  • 12. Most People In This World Have Gone Through Some Sort Of Most people in this world have gone through some sort of journey or challenge to help them grow as a human being. So, that is why in both Cathedral written by Raymond Carver and The Island written by Caspian Tredwell Owen we see character development and growth, because it is easy to relate to as a reader. While there is some difference between Cathedral and The Island that are evident, the similarities are pronounced by the journey and challenges to self discovery of the characters and confronting the unknown. Even though the journey is different for the narrator in Cathedral than Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta in The Island. That journey created growth in these main characters to help them become better versions of... Show more content on ... Sometimes led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to. (Carver 200). We realize that the narrator did not think much of Robert even before he has ever met him. After meeting him and trying to draw the cathedral, he was told by Robert to close his eyes and continue. At the end, we can see the growth of the narrator and his feeling towards Robert and blind men in general. When he s told to open his eyes: Well? he said. Are you looking? My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn t feel like I was inside anything. It s really something, I said. (Craver 210) Here we see the narrator starting to feel sympathetic in a way. Trying to put himself in Roberts shoes, which has shown that he has come a long way in self discovery since the start of the story. In the movie, The Island the characters Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta develop from very simple character thinking they are going to an island. Instead they had to start learning about how to live in the real world and learn why they were created. When we meet both Lincoln and Jordan they think they are living in a world during an apocalypse and that there is a lottery that sends them to an island. This island allegedly has not been affected by the apocalypse. Once they find out that most of what they have been told their whole life has been a lie, Lincoln looked to get out and bring Jordan with him. Once they were able to leave the
  • 13. Essay on Baudrillard and the Matrix In 1999 Larry and Andy Wachowski wrote and directed an American science fiction action film called The Matrix. The movie depicted a future where many humans might perceive is real, is actually a simulated reality. The Wachowski brothers made many explicit references in their film based on the work of French sociologist Jean Baudrillard. In Jean Baudrillard s essay entitled Simulacra and Simulations he mentions in his essay how society has replaced all reality and meaning with representation of symbols and signs. Baudrillard starts off with an example of Borges tale, cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that it ends up exactly covering the territory (but where, with the decline of the Empire this map becomes frayed... Show more content on ... He tells Neo Welcome to the desert of the real, desert of the real is a quote from Baudrillard s essay that explains after the simulation has been taken away, we are left with our real reality, the reality that is decaying, leaving us with not much left. The reality itself erodes to the point that it becomes a desert (Sparknotes). In this scene they are in a simulated reality with nothing but a blank, white room, with a sofa, and a television set. Morpheus has New York, as they perceive it, in the year of 1999 displayed on the television. It is shown as a busy, bright, a vibrant city. Then he switches the channel to how the world really is today, the year closer to 2199. How the world really is in the year 2199 is nothing but a depressing, broken down, apocalyptic wasteland (The Film Journal). It would seem that the Wachowski brother s aim to illustrate Baudrillard s concept in The Matrix was well put together. They made it very clear that their portayal of The Matrix is a simulation that derived from a real reality that is no longer rational. In otherwords, now that Neo has awoken to the truth, he could no longer go back to what he thought is real and see it the same as before. Someone who feigns an illness can simply go to bed and pretend he is ill. Someone who simulates an illness produces in himself some of the symptoms (Littre). Thus, feigning or dissimulating leaves the reality principle intact: the difference
  • 14. Environmental Factors And Causes Of Climate Change In Kenya Climate change in today s world has become of great concern due to its effects on the environment. Globally, climate change has significantly influenced ecosystems and the existence of organisms. This is further extending its effects to regional areas such as Kenya, whose ecosystem is not spared by the changing climate. Despite having natural causes, Anthropogenic factors are widely increasing and causing climate changeundisputed. Therefore, human activities are the primary contributors to climate change leading to stress and ecosystemstrain, to continue providing for its services. In this report, I discuss the summary of global climate change and regional focus on causes of climate change in Kenya, its effects in ecosystem especially on the natural ecosystems, current measures to curb the effects and the perception of the future ecosystem of the country. Introduction Climate change is defined as a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere, and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods (UNFCC, 1992). (source(GoK, 2012). Which is understood as the average change in weather patterns over an extended period, caused by both human activities and natural factors. These factors include deforestation from increasing human population and activities, industrialization, urbanization, volcanic eruptions, etc. These events lead to excess carbon
  • 15. Effects Of Fluoride On Human Health The Harmful Effects of Fluoride on Human Health Removing fluoride from consumer products benefits human health, prevent low IQ s, and rids the notion that it helps cavities. Fluoride combines the element fluorine with another substance, generally a metal ( Water 1). Once in the body, fluoride absorbs into the blood through the digestive tract. They collectively accumulate where areas high in calcium take place, such as bones and teeth ( Water 1). Over the years, since inception, many people have questioned why fluoride continues to remain integrated into the water and consumer products in general. Many toothpaste brands have fluoride in it, and dentist claims it aids in preventing cavities, although there is research that will explain that ... Show more content on ... The pineal gland is the part of the brain that manages your circadian rhythm and from a spiritual perspective, allows mutli dimensional perception. In the 1990 s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates strikingly high levels in the pineal gland ( Fluoride 1). This is not a good thing at all, and can cause more effects on females than males, although it is not good for anyone. Melatonin, which is produced in the pineal gland, maintains the body s circadian rhythm and also regulates the onset puberty in females. This ties into the next finding, which is the proven fact that melatonin levels are lower with high levels of fluoride in the pineal gland, and affects more of the pineal gland normal functions ( Fluoride 1). All of these facts can prove that with a reduced melatonin production, sleep hinders and affects our daily lives. While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal gland are not fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal gland are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production as well as impairments in the sleep wake cycle ( Fluoride 1). In the spiritual world, fluoridation can cause serious problems for the third eye concept in the pineal gland ( Rinpoche ). It mentions that within the calcified pineal gland, it can become increasingly difficult to activate the universal perception that comes along with balancing the chakras ( Rinpoche ). There are methods you can work with that can decalcify, and furthermore there are plenty of conspiracies that state fluoridation is deliberately causing calcified pineal glands to lower perceptions and
  • 16. Aviation Company Karl Rapp Initially starting as an aviation company set up by Karl Rapp which was established in 1913 was the basis at which BMW began their long and illustrious tenor at the top of the luxury brand Automotive industry. Although struggling initially due to poor engine designs which suffered from severe vibration problems the company knows as Rapp Motorenwerkebarely remained in business solely due to the Austro Daimler being unable to keep up with the high demand of the V12 aircraft engines required by the Austrian military. It was this inability to meet their demands that resulted in the decision for the engines to be produced at Rapp Motorenwerke allowing them to remain in business. Franz Josef Popp who was the lead supervising engineering at Austro Daimler was sent to Munich to supervise the engine quality. Popp went on to become actively involved in the running of the company and was behind the hiring of Max Friz who was a young and talented aircraft engineer. It would be the hiring of Friz that would change the course of the company. Within a few weeks of his hiring Max Friz had designed a new aero engine far superior to any other German aero engine currently being produced. Following the departure of Rapp the company took on a large restructuring and BMW was first established as a business entity in 1917. Large orders were being received for the BMW IIIa engine designed by7 Max Friz and a high level of financial assistance were provided by officials in relevant ministries under
  • 17. A Brief Note On The Major Cloud Service Providers Introduction For this assignment, I am comparing four major cloud service providers. They are Amazon Web Services, AT T Private Cloud, Google cloud, and CenturyLink cloud Amazon web services provides a highly reliable, scalable, low cost infrastructure cloud that powers thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world, with data centers in US, Europe, Singapore, Japan, and Australia. AWS offers both private and public cloud computing. AT T private cloud offer private cloud services to meet your business needs. It offers storage, networking and virtual desktop services. The storage services include remote backup as a Service and Synaptic storage as a service. Network services include AT T NetBond, and AT T private cloud and AT T Virtual Desktop Services. Google Cloud has one of the largest and most advanced computer networks. Google s network has thousands of miles fiber optic cable to deliver fast, consistent and scalable performance. Google has data centers all over the world, and your data is automatically mirrored across multi location storage devices. Google Cloud Platform allows you to create anything from a simple website to complex applications. It s a set of cloud based services that falls under Compute, Storage, Big Data and Services. CenturyLink Cloud offer a set of modular services that fit any enterprise. This allows you to concentrate on your business instead of maintaining your infrastructure to your growing needs. They offer storage servers,
  • 18. Virtual Private Network ( Vpn ) Introduction The Past: Thirty years ago, there was no such need of privacy and data encryption as the Internet age had not taken off. In the 90s, VPN technology was still a fairly new technology but was predicted that it would be the next big thing in the early 2000s. Only large companies could afford the price to use dedicated lines to connect to remote locations. However, the disadvantages of the lease line are quite clear: Although large companies have the capitals and needs for building private networks, small and medium companies could rely on the less expensive, packet switched X.25 network. As the size of the Internet continued to grow, both small and large companies began to connect their private network with the public network. This brings a convenience but with one obvious problem privacy and security. Virtual private network (VPN) was developed in 19XX by Stan Hanks, who build IP VPN based on TCP/IP over X.25 stack for CSNET. Its goal was to ensure privacies and data integrities of communication and information. Thanks to the helps of many engineers and people such as XXX decided not to patent the XXXX technology when he was in Microsoft, VPN technology was growing rapidly during the early 2000s. Over the year, its flexibilities make travelled businessmen able to connect back to their companies networks, it also made employees work from home possible. Although some may argue that this makes the line between home and work space less clear, others claim that it
  • 19. AT T Misconduct Essay Yes, AT T made the right decision by dropping their sponsorship of the US Gymnastics National Team. They as a company should not face repercussions for things they had no knowledge of. They expected the US Gymnastics National Team officials to handle any problems that arise, as they are giving them millions of dollars to ensure their corporation name is being represented well by the team. AT T should not receive further punishment. However, MSU should face further punishments for their silence. Any program that knows about some form of misconduct taking place under their school or brand, should and must speak of it. As it was reported, at least 14 Michigan State University representatives received reports of sexual misconduct by Nassar in... Show more content on ... Did Michigan State Fail to Stop Larry Nassar like Penn State Did with Jerry Sandusky? CNN, Cable News Network, 1 Feb. 2018, /us/larry nassar michigan state sandusky penn/index.html. Gallagher, John. Larry Nassar Scandal Could Cost Michigan State University Millions. Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press, 28 Jan. 2018, gallagher/2018/01/26/larry nassar victims michigan state/1062489001/. We as a society must ensure that small people and small companies are comfortable to call out large corporations on their mistakes and wrongdoings. For example, when Epipens raised their price the public jumped on them and as a result generac brands were created for cheaper prices. As a result, the company lost large sums of money due to their stock price falling.1 The best punishment for a company or corporation is to boycott them and stop buying their products until they change or fix what they re doing wrong. As a precaution, a law should be put in place that states that any company that hides corruption must face multiple fines, the prices of the fines should be based off the company s worth, to ensure real damage is being done. If guy cottages and heavy fines are threatened to companies that hide corruption, many will think twice before silencing people and
  • 20. Themes In The Poisonwood Bible Many writers use setting to establish the theme of a literary work. In Barbara Kingsolver s The Poisonwood Bible, the setting establishes three overall themes of the work as the contrasting regions of the Congo and the United States, arrogant dominance, and injustice. The Poisonwood Bible gives to readers all the gruesome details of the most recent history of the Congo, the truth about living through it, and the vast differences between two lifestyles: that of those who sat contently in their pleasant, undemanding lives during the late 20th century, and that of those who weren t so privileged, but were also content in their own ways. The former is easier to imagine: a white, straight, cisgender, Christian man living in America who is so egotistic... Show more content on ... Power hungry military men and arrogant missionaries alike contributed to difficulties such as this. During the 20th century, both sets of people viewed the Congo as something to dominate, something to take for themselves. Nathan Price trying to force his God on to the people of Kilanga represents the foreign arrogance (especially Western), interfering with the very way of life in the Congo. The Congolese experience brutal oppression from domineering white men, like Nathan, who rejects their traditions and humanity, treats them not as equal beings, but as idiotic vessels that will suffer in Hell him and his God to guide them. How he treats the simple thing of the average Kilanga woman going topless is a good example. That little deviation from his sacred norm triggers a terrifying outburst from Nathan, and he must stomp out and crush that abnormality. It s similar to how he treats his family, and how Belgian, Western, and general colonial powers try to rule the Congo and Africa as a whole with condescending attitudes and violent superiority. Contempt, fear, and hatred are the only outcomes of this kind of abuse and
  • 21. Interview with a Social Worker Essay Background Information Captain Rob Geis agreed to be interviewed and share his experiences with the next generation of Social Workers. Native to Ohio, he graduated High School in 1979, he continued his education at Ohio State University from 1982 1986, completing his Masters in Social Work. For the past 24 years, he has served as a Social Worker in the United States Army. In his current position he is responsible for the Department of Social WorkServices. Previous positions have included: two assignments as a Division Social Worker, Medical Inpatient Social Worker, Chief of Social Work, Division Chief of Mental Health, Clinical Director of Army Substance Abuse Program, Combat Operation Stress Control Commander, and General Staff... Show more content on ... Social Work Identity Working in a position and fulfilling your duties are not always the same concept. During the interview Captain Geis emphasized several times that the most important part of this job was the soldier who was supported (2012). In this effect he embodied the NASW values of service, integrity, human relationships, and worth of the person. These assignments gave him the opportunity to care and direct soldiers, fulfilling both roles as a Social Worker and Officer. As an Army Officer the lines between Social Worker and Officer may have been blurred together but each were an important part of whom he is. A Social Work Officer is not just a Social Worker or an Officer. It is the embodiment of a leader and caregiver; an individual whose career is dedicated to the taking care of soldiers, their families, and the Army itself. This concept may tear at the ideology of the NASW, as several of the ethical guidelines may be skewed as the requirements of the Army culture differ from the civilian counterpart (Tallant Ryberg, 1999). Principally, a Social Worker strives to take care of the client at all times (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). A major influence and difference for Army Social Workers is the need to take care of the organization primarily. A Social Work Officer will do everything they
  • 22. Radiocarbon Dating Research Paper Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon 14 dating) is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon (14C), a radioactive isotope of carbon. The method was developed by Willard Libby in the late 1940s and soon became a standard tool for archaeologists. Libby received the Nobel Prize for his work in 1960. The radiocarbon dating method is based on the fact that radiocarbon is constantly being created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric oxygen to form radioactive carbon dioxide, which is incorporated into plants byphotosynthesis; animals then acquire 14 C by eating the plants. When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon with its environment, and from that point onwards the amount of 14 C it contains begins to decrease as the 14 C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the amount of 14 C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as a piece of wood or a fragment of bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant died. The older a sample is, the less 14 C there is to be detected, and because the half life of 14 C (the period of time ... Show more content on ... The development of radiocarbon dating has had a profound impact on archaeology. In addition to permitting more accurate dating within archaeological sites than previous methods, it allows comparison of dates of events across great distances. Histories of archaeology often refer to its impact as the radiocarbon revolution . Radiocarbon dating has allowed key transitions in prehistory to be dated, such as the end of the last ice age, and the beginning of the Neolithic andBronze Age in different
  • 23. Impact Of Reconstruction During The Reconstruction Period Unit 1 Paper The United States changed dramatically during the reconstruction period. After the reconstruction period, the United Stated continued to adjust well as we see it change economically and politically. Though the adjustment continued to go well, the change that occurs after reconstruction is emphasized with industrialization and the impact that industrialization has in certain regions of the U.S and on the people. Along with the new economy came with complications that affected the improvement of conditions in work and in life. During the Gilded Age, there is a difference between the North and South economies. When industrialization started to consume the United States, the North quickly adapted to the change as cities begin to develop allowing citizens to move to industrial cities in search of new opportunities such as employment. On page 592 it states the rapid expansion of factory production, mining, and railroad construction in all parts of the country except the South signaled the transition from Lincoln s America to a mature industrial society demonstrating how the South failed to adapt to the new industrial society. The South did not really adapt to industrialization as they stuck to their agricultural ways. The new industrial society created the interest of the American West. The American West begins to capture the attention of many people as it becomes an area of opportunity. On page 602, Frederick Jackson Turner argued that on the Western frontier the
  • 24. Compare And Contrast Lewis And Clark Greatness is, the quality of being great, eminent, or distinguished. Lewis and Clark, the leaders of the Corps of Discovery, can be described perfectly with the word greatness. The Corps of Discovery was a unit made by the U.S Army and tasked to explore and claim the land to the west. Fortunately, the Corps of Discovery had mapped and discovered the new land they had acquired, but also much more. President Jefferson ordered U.S. Captain Meriwether Lewis to be the leader of this exploration. Lewis had selected William Clark as his partner. Once they had been picked they had hired Sergeants, Privates, Corporals, and interpreters. The Corps of Discovery s story has been taught and told to many people because the things they did were so great.... Show more content on ... expanded west and claimed land in the midwest for people to colonize. The Corps of Discovery had befriended may indian tribes and had come to be able to trade with them that they had words that they said yes i want to trade and no which helped many settlers survive. In addition to trading with the indians, They knew they were going to encounter the shoshone and they needed horses to cross the mountains and they needed to negotiate with the shoshone for those horses. (Doc E). if not for the trading they had learned they never would have made it across those mountains and would have had to find another
  • 25. The Effect Of Soft Tissue Constituent Materials The goal of this thesis is to identify the effect of soft tissue constituent materials in tissue classification for the application of breast cancer detection. Hyperelastic parameters may be essential in estimating large deformation in tissue for the purpose of surgical procedures such as breast brachytherapy. These properties of human soft tissue play a significant role in diagnosis, screening, and monitoring of cancer(O Hagan Samani, 2009). On the other hand, elastography is based mainly on the concept of tissue reactions (linear and nonlinear) to an external source of load such as compression. Moreover, in most breast examination methods, compression is applied to help detect lesions. In CBE and BSE, the examiner applies a compressive load to the breast to investigate stiff regions and must sometimes exert a large deformation to feel lesions in depth. Mammography also uses compression to reduce breast thickness. Additionally, compressive behavior of human breast biopsies obtained through lumpectomy (the surgical procedure to remove a cancer or non cancer breast lump with some surrounding tissues) is of interest to the cancer research agencies in order to distinguish the mechanical nature of anomalies of the taken biopsy. Despite of the importance of compressive loading and its contribution to hyperelastic characterization of tissue in 9 applications of cancer detection, few studies have focused on the behavior of tissue components in response to compression. The main
  • 26. Mall Santa University Research Paper Everyone 5 and up knows that although Saint Nicholas existed; thankfully, there isn t a cheery fat guy with flying reindeer somehow slipping down your chimney to deliver presents while also knowing whether or not you ve been naughty or nice. Speaking of which, how can he deliver presents to 2.2 billion kids?! And another thing; how can he survive in the Arctic? Being upon, if not the most, inhospitable place on Earth, it s practically impossible for any human being to live that far up north; not including global warming nor any of the other residents. For the scientific logic behind Santa, click here. Image result for mall santa animation Anyway, it s easy to assume that pretending to be Santa may seem like a simple job; but there is reason behind why thousands of theses aged sugar plums wear the suit each year. Not to accommodate the hundreds... Show more content on ... Malls don t just accept any street bum looking for beers money; they look for graduates of Santa University. Every Santa in training has to pass their background check and real beards; bleached or otherwise. For those who passed go to Santa University in Arvada where hundreds of girthy greats come to learn the Santa basics like how to ho ho ho just right, what the reindeer s names are, where the secret bathrooms at the mall are, what the trendiest new do dads are and more. Image result for creepy santaThough there are some parents who actually want their children to scream and kick in Santa s loving arms, all it takes is for that one kid to fall off his knee; then Santa would pay hundreds of dollars in damages; even worse, Heaven forbid, a place on his own Naughty list. That s why experienced professionals always carry their own liability insurance. In fact, there s an organization dedicated to these types of incidents; the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas. It s a real thing, and gives Santa a group rate on insurance should an incident
  • 27. Increase The Toughness Of Steels After Quenching Process Abstract: Tempering is an important heat treating process, which is used to increase the toughness of steels after quenching process. Hollomon Jaffe equation H=T(c+logвЃЎt ) is widely used to predict hardness with different tempering temperature and tempering time. T is the tempering temperature, t is the tempering time and c is the constant for the specific steel. The physical explanation of c constant was not clear. In this paper, the hardness and c/a ratio of tempered martensite for AISI 4140 were measured by X Ray Diffraction and Rietveld refinement. The result reveals that the c/a ratio decreases instantly within the first 60s tempering time. After analysis based on the experiment results and derivation of Hollomon Jaffe equation, c, the parameter in Hollomon Jaffe equation, is found to stand for the slope of carbon hardness curve. Key words: Tempering, martensite, X ray diffraction, Hollomon Jaffe equation 1. Introduction All steels that are hardened are subjected to a subcritical heat treatment referred to as tempering . Tempering improves the toughness of as quenched martensite (body center tetragonal) but lowers strength and hardness 1, . The microstructure transformation is very complex: Stage1: The formation of transition carbides and lowering of the carbon content of the martensite to 0.25% (100 to 250в„ѓ) Stage2: The transformation of retained austenite to ferrite and cementite (200 to 300в„ѓ) Stage3: The replacement of transition carbides and low temperature
  • 28. DSL or Cable Essay DSL or Cable Everyday there are millions of people connecting to the Internet. The Internet is made up of networks of computers linked together around the world where people can chat, shop, instant message, and e mail each other. With so many people connecting one might wonder how all of these millions of people are connecting to the Internet. There are many different options for people to use to connect to the Internet, such as dial up, DSL, Cable, and Satellite. Dial up internet connection uses the telephone line; this is the oldest connection that has been around since the 1990 s. The newest type of connection would be the satellite connection, which is not very popular right now because of the high cost. The two most popular ... Show more content on ... There are other types of DSL such as Very high bit, symmetric, and rate adaptive DSL. The very high bit rate is used for short distances, but is very fast. The symmetric DSL does not let you use the Internet and the phone at the same time. So for home users, symmetric is not the best choice for DSL. The rate adaptive DSL is similar to asymmetric DSL, but can adjust the speed depending on the length of the phone line. There are many different types of DSL that homes users can chose from, but the best choice for home users is clearly asymmetric. Cable As the name Cable might suggest this connection uses a television cable to connect to the Internet. As with asymmetric DSL, the Cable Internet connection shares the coaxial line with the television signal. Cable TV works by giving each TV station a 6 megahertz piece of the radio spectrum. The Radio signals travel through the air at a speed very close to the speed of light. In a coaxial cable like the one that brings CATV signals to your house, radio signals travel at about two thirds the speed of light ( Cable Television offers 91 channels that take up 550 MHZ of the bandwidth (radio spectrum). Many cable companies today are using fiber optic cables to provide cable TV because it can serve 500 householders with just ONE optic fiber. Now that we know how both DSL and Cable Internet works, you might be asking what devices do these
  • 29. California s Obesity Problem California s Obesity Problem According to the World Health Organization, obesity kills over 2.8 million people worldwide each year. California has its share of obesity rates. Almost everyone has a family or friend that is obese. Obesity is a problem that will continue unless it is stopped. Obesity has increased as more and more people eat out. Many campaigns have tried to get people aware of being overweight, but majority of them have failed, because eating out provide a cheap escape from cooking. Since eating fast foodis unavoidable for many people the best solution is for fast food restaurants to offer healthier alternatives on their menus. This could be enforced in America by the state department of health. The History of Obesity Obesity has been around a long time, but only since the 1990s has obesity rates gone up. It has more than doubled and now affects more than half of Americans. (Kazaks, 43) Obesity rates have grown as physical activity levels have decreased and fast food consumption has increased. Obesity related expenses cost the USA about 190 billion dollars every year. (Forbes) Obesity also causes other health risks such as, heart disease, stroke, cancer, liver disease and many others. Many states have high obesity rates, but California is the 11th least obese state. (Fasinfat) Even though California is not as obese as other states, it has a serious overweight problem. One of the major causes for this is the over consumption of fast foods. The History
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of The NFL As A Monopoly The NFL is Definitely a Monopoly Although the NFL won t admit to it, the National Football League is most definitely a monopoly. In order to become a monopoly, you have to take control of the market are in, in this case, it is football. Monopolies are characterized by high barriers to entry, and almost zero competition, and great amounts of power. Monopolies are commodity controlled by one party, in this case, the commodity is football and the party is the NFL. Available Competition and Suitable Substitutes The National Football Leagueis the highest level of professional American football in the United States and to most; it is considered the top professional football league in the world. In order to become a monopoly, you have to take control of the market you re in. The NFL was created in the early 1900 s. In 1920 the APFL was created when representatives from many leagues and teams came together. The APFA originally had 11 teams when they merged with NFL they currently have 32 teams (Tuchner, 2012). The National Football League is now the most attended domestic sports league in the world. Since completion to the NFL is at a minimum some substitutes are two similar monopolies, the NBA and MLB. But the NFL still is the most powerful out of all of them. (The NFL, 2013) The NFL S Power When it comes to monopolies you need to have a great amount of power. The NFL uses its power in many ways one way is how they treat the players. In the draft system, a player has to
  • 31. The Handmaid s Tale And Brave New World Although The Handmaid s Tale by Margret Atwood and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley involve different stories, the societies portrayed in these two dystopic novels lack the basic freedoms needed for a society to function properly. These novels present an individual whose freedom has been stripped away by a government that controls all aspects of their life knowledge, individuality, relationships with others in order to maintain stability in a fragile society. The Handmaid s Tale studies our human nature by showing an internal struggle in the novels protagonist Offred. Whether she chose the adoption of the current social norms or her battle for the sake of individual well being and humanity. In Huxley s Brave New World, the protagonist John the Savage is the symbol of the old world and morality. John lives his ideals out and rejects the society s values. Both these protagonists appear isolated in their own thoughts, it is themselves against the rest of society. This presentation of these characters leads to hopeless thoughts in the reader and that they are in fact fighting an inevitable defeat. Throughout both novels the author s use of conflict to show control of knowledge from the past society to the present day makes it apparent that a dystopic society exists. In The Handmaids Tale it is forbidden for the handmaids to read or write in order for the leaders to control the understanding their citizens can develop and there are consequences if the rules are disobeyed.
  • 32. Types Of Business Organizations The Cardigans There are three main types of business organizations the Cardigans can file their home decor business as, one sole proprietorship, two partnerships and three corporations. Sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business organization. Usually in sole proprietorship one person has complete control of their business;however, one assumes all liabilities. According to Miller (2013), The sole proprietor is free to make any decision she or he wishes concerning the business including whom to hire, when to take a vacation, and what kind of business to pursue (Miller, 2013, p. 445). A major disadvantage of the sole proprietorship concept is that a person has unlimited liability. Since sole proprietorship consist of one person let s use Cora... Show more content on ... Cora and Caley will have some disadvantageous if deciding to move into a general partnership because partnerships can have unclear authority and instability. Findlaw states, A partnership is dissolved as soon as one of the members dies, retires, resigns, files for bankruptcy, or otherwise quits. This can mean a sudden and unexpected end to a profitable business ( What Are the Disadvantages of Partnerships?, n.d.). Cora and Caley can act with third parties on the behalf of the partnership which can hurt or help their business because either can make an unhealthy decision on the behalf of the home decor business. Findlaw states, The third parties, this means that all partners act on behalf of the partnership, can enter into contracts, and by the same token, bind the partnership into unwanted agreements ( What Are the Disadvantages of Partnerships?, n.d.). A corporation is owned by shareholders and these shareholders elect the members of a board of directors to handle daily business operations. Shareholders are not held liable for the companies debt and legal problems which means a corporation is seen as a separate entity from its shareholders. According to Marnie Kunz (2015), Corporations are required to pay state and national taxes, and shareholders must also pay taxes on their salaries,
  • 33. Children With Intellectual And Physical Disabilities Many people in our world are born with intellectual and physical disabilities. These people don t have any control over how they are born, but we as a nation have the authority over how they are taken care of. From reading the fictional book Flowers for Algernon, the nonfiction articles Disabled Couple Forced to Live Apart, and Social Sensitivity. Many people with disabilities are not allowed jobs and/or education. The percentage of unemployment for people with disabilities is 12.1. There are numerous laws prohibiting people from discriminating against people with disabilities, such as the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Although these laws exist, each and every day people with disabilities are faced with more problems, on top of the fact that they can t function like a normal person. We should do more to accommodate intellectually disabled people in our everyday life, so they are treated as equal as anyone is. America is based off of equal rights for each and every citizen, and us denying people those rights is setting us back, as a country, a several decades. In the article Social Sensitivity, we are given a brief history of how of intellectually disabled laws have changed. One of the first, but not well known acts initiated to help mentally disabled was in 1801 when Jean Marc Gaspard created principles and methods to help mentally ill people. In 1855 the first facility for the criminally insane was created in New York. After this not
  • 34. pros and cons to having a purely cellular network vs.... NT1310 : Week 1 Telecommunications By: Marvin Redd You are an IT Network Specialist and are required to develop the design of the company s telephone system for its new building which will begin construction in a few months. In order to get a background which will help when developing the new system, your supervisor asked you to research the current Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) currently used by the company. You must research the system components and report back to your supervisor , the Telecommunications Manager, within a week. 1. Describe a local land line phone system based on the following Landline Telephone Components: a. Local Loop The local loop is the physical wiring that ... Show more content on ... 4G networks offer 10 or more times the data transmission rate of a 3G network. The data rates available on a 4G network allow the cell phone to access information from the Internet as fast as a land line connection. b. Telephone Network Topology: i. Demarcation Point The demarcation point, also known as the Demarc, Network Interface Device (NID), or Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE) serves several purposes: It is the point that defines the end of the telephone company s wiring, and the beginning of your wiring. It defines where the telephone company s responsibility for maintenance ends and your responsibility begins. It contains a surge suppressor to help protect the wiring and connected equipment in your facility from damage It allows you to temporarily disconnect your wiring from the telephone company s wiring for troubleshooting purposes. Equipment Cables making up the core networks need to go very long distances across many states within the country. They typically follow well deп¬Ѓned routes such as highways and railways. Access Networks An access network or outside plant refers to the series of wires, cables and equipment lying between a consumer/business telephone termination point (the point at which a telephone connection reaches the customer) and the local telephone exchange. iv. Regional/ Metro Networks c. Cable TV i. Broadcast TV
  • 35. Broadcast television systems are encoding or formatting standards for the transmission and reception of
  • 36. Marcus Aurelius Essay Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was born on April 26th, 121 AD. He was born as Marcus Annius Verus. His family was a very wealthy family who claimed that they were descendants of Numa, The Second King of Rome. His father was Annius Verus and his mother was Domitia Lucilla. During his childhood Marcus studied Stoic Philosophy. Stoic Philosophy deals with the teachings of living simply and being down to Earth and logical about situations. Marcus wrote about this philosophy in his book Meditations. Also during his childhood Hadrian had appointed Marcus to equestrian rank, at the age of six. Then at the age of eight he was appointed Priest of Salian. During his youth he was called Verissimus , by Hadrian, which means genuine or true. After the death of his father, Marcus Aurelius was adopted by his grandfather,Annius Verus. His grandfather was a city prefect under Hadrian. This required him to watch over the city , during the absence of the emperor. His grandfather was also a consul three times. He was later adopted by His uncle, Antoninus Pius. He was also Hadrian s successor, but Hadrian s original successor was L. Ceionius Commodus, but he died before he could succeed him. His uncle was married to his aunt, who was know as Annia Galeria Faustina. Because Marcus was adopted by his uncle, this allowed him ... Show more content on ... Than in 162 AD the Parthians invaded Syria, which was part of the Roman Empire. He thought that due to the death of Pius, this would leave the empire vulnerable, and weak. Lucius was sent to stop the envision, but when they got there he had left his three generals in charge while he went to go enjoy himself at the headquarters located in Antioch. The three generals where Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius Verus, the most notable was Avidius Cassius. He was a well know politician and military leader who was familiar with the syrian
  • 37. Examples Of Deception In The Crucible While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive. This clear and concise quote was expressed by Sissela Bok, a Swedish American philosopher and the daughter of two Nobel Prize winners. See deception is a concept that is practically glorified lying to grasp an advantage upon something. In The Crucible we see many depictions of deception. Nearly all coming from Abigail. Abigail is a decisive teenager who seeks people s pain in order to get her way. Abigail seeks not only power, but she also seeks the love and marriage of John Proctor. Abigail s character nature consists of nearly total deception. Our first example of decisiveness given from Abigail is her first lie. The lie took place early in the novel and stated ... Show more content on ... Abigail has the troop agree to carry on with the lie, despite the chaos they re causing throughout the town of Salem. The girls seem to do whatever is needed to gain power for themselves. An example would be when they re in the court and the girls simultaneously speak and take part in actions. The girls make it look like one woman is causing hem to do so, implying she is the witch that bewitched them. Other examples would include the constant lies the girls displayed in order to surpass links in the power chain . The girls gain absolute power when they reach the ability to prosecute anyone who challenges them. Abigail and her troop attempt to overthrow the court, and when they do they realize anyone who tries to stand in their way can t impose even the slightest threat. Any refusal will find the citizen as a culprit in the midst of the court. The girls found ways to corporate protesters with witchcraft. This led the protester to find themselves hanging by a noose or thrown behind bars. Once others realized the consequences, they gave up their efforts to fight Abigail and her troop. Abigail s reign ends when she finally leaves town with all of her Uncle s
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On Tipping The United States is one of the few counties in the world still using the old fashion tipping system. During the late 19th century legislature rapidly abolishes the practice of tipping when it is introduced by wealthy Americans. Eventually restauranteurs find a way to prospect of passing labor costs to consumer, which convinced the American to accept the practice of tipping. When many American don t understand the purpose of tipping is for but somehow it is customer responsibility to pay the restaurant employees based on their service. There are many reasons to argue about the tipping system. But, most of them ignore the very basic problem with abolishing tipping in America, the most difficult of which is our absurdly low minimum wage. The practice is abhorrent from a historical perspective. Recently, New York City s Sushi Yasuda owner Scott Rosenberg announced that he decided to eliminate tipping altogether. Following the custom in Japan, he decided to pay his employees higher wages and redistribute the cost to the customers by raising the prices on the menu. Is this a good idea? Rosenberg, who abolished tipping at his restaurant, made a very powerful statement against the Outdated of tipping practice. He penned what many others believe is one of the most succinct and yet irrefutable way. The staff no longer worry about making a lot of tip on weekend and penny on weekday. Rosenberg quote The risk is that your prices appear to be high on the menu. But if you have
  • 39. The World War I And The Death Of The Adolf Hitler Born in Austria in 1889, he rose to power in German politics as leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. His policies triggered World War II and oversaw fascist policies that resulted in millions of deaths. Today we will discuss the early years, artistic dream, the role in World War I, rise to power, the leadership of Der FГ јhrer, and the death of the infamous Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian border town of Braunau am Inn. His birth place is located roughly 65 miles east of Munich, Germany and 30 miles north of Salzburg, Austria. He was the fourth of six children born ... Show more content on ... At the age of fifteen, Hitler dropped out of primary school to follow his dreams of becoming an artist, and, at the age of 18, he moved to Vienna with money inherited after his father s death in 1903, in order to pursue a career in art, as this was his best subject at school. Werckmeister states that he went there intending to see operas and study the famous picture gallery in the Court Museum. Instead, he found himself fascinated by the city s beautiful architecture. Hitler put all his hope in the dream of achieving greatness as an artist. He wished to attend the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. In October 1907, he took the two day entrance exam for the academy s school of painting, but his test drawings were judged unsatisfactory. He was not admitted. He was encouraged to consider the field of architecture. But without the required high school diploma, he would not be accepted into architecture school either. Thus, Hitler s dreams of becoming a professional artist came to a bitter end (Werckmeister.) According to Klaus, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany in May 1913 in order to avoid arrest for evasion of his military service obligation to Habsburg Austria. It was financed by the last installment of his inheritance from his father. In Munich, he continued to drift, supporting himself on his watercolors and sketches until World War I gave his life new meaning. Klaus stated that Hitler was a brave soldier. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal, was
  • 40. How I Learned to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass and... How I Learned to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass and Mother Tongue by Amy Tan are essays that share a common theme. The theme is opposition and how it is necessary to build strength. In the essay How I Learned to Read and Write , Frederick Douglass explains that he was born into slavery and faced his own ignorance with a resolve to overcome this challenge. Faced with oppression by the master and mistress of the house, a young Frederick Douglass used any means necessary to defeat ignorance and open his mind up to great treasures of knowledge. In contrast, Amy Tan, the writer of the essayMother Tongue, found opposition residing in her own thoughts and impressions. Tan a first generation Asian American reflects upon her love of writingand how living in a Chinese home influenced her use and understanding of the English Language. Living with a mother who spoke English in what Amy considered a less than perfect way, caused Amy to limit her view of her mother. When Tan experienced this one sided thinking about her own language abilities while in college it caused reason for reflection and a change of heart in the author. Opposition in all things is a necessary step in the learning process of this life. How I Learned to Read and Write and Mother Tongue contain contrasting examples of opposition. Using the literary elements of point of view, setting, and characterization will show their effectiveness in building strength thru opposition. Born into
  • 41. Foucault s Argument Essay In sum, the existentialists wanted to keep the transcendental horizon sponged up while limiting and focussing the lex orandi; lex credindi fallout to the individual. For them, European nihilism becomes the springboard for the Superman. Life belongs to those who take responsibility for human freedom or do not craven but relishes existence awash in the Absurd. What both Sartre and Camus under appreciated, however, was the systemic influences on the existential subject. As postwar Europa drew lines in the sand settling into walls, a nervous calm ensued. International economic and political networks fostered ever more open relations in the North Atlantic world. Neocolonial capitalism divided nations into First, Second, and Third worlds the first became, and still in many ways are, the voyeuristic playthings of the first two. Even more, in the worlds carrying the arbitrary mark First, a coruscant future aligning poetry and technology featured in glistening adverts and science fictions became the... Show more content on ... First, Foucault did not an advocate a particular power structure. Nor does he think humans could live with no power structure. Any system which claims such powerlessness, which claims no genealogy, is blatant ideology. Foucault s point is more subtle. He wants to wake us from the illusion that we are self made humans. Society disciplines and educates us all into the banal beatitudes of everyday being (Foucault, ?:?). Such beatitudes prey and spotlight the hopes and fears formed, internalised, and sustained by social powers. A second point, often missed by Foucault s readers is he did not always advocate direct resistance. Foucault, on the contrary, never committed to confrontational or non confrontational avenues of resisting, and evaluating the powers which grip our lives (?:?). Thinkers should, if anything, suppress the reactionary temptation. We should always take a reflective moment as power dynamics change; doing otherwise is
  • 42. Twelfth Night If music be the food of love, play on (1.1 1) In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare shows love in various different forms. Love is defined as a strong affection or liking for someone, and we can see love being portrayed in different ways throughout the play. Some of these forms of love include true love, self loveand a love for money. Twelfth Nighthas many love triangles. Many of the characters are caught up in the web of love and are blind to realize that their emotions toward other characters are sometimes untrue. They deceived themselves and/or the characters that are around them. There are certain characters in the play where their emotion of love is true, and the two people feel very strongly toward one another. Viola s love for Orsino is a great example of true love in... Show more content on ... Even Though she pretended to be a man and is practically is a nobody in Illyria, she desires to win Orsino s heart. In Act 1, Scene 4, Viola tells her true feelings for Cesario by saying, yet a barful strife! Whoe er I woo, myself would be his wife (1.440 42). This statement becomes correct when she reveals her true identity. Cesario (Viola) and Orsino have a very good friendship, therefore, making the switch from friend to a wife was easy. Shakespeare showed us that true love will always succeed.Even Viola was caught up in another true love problem herself, however, this time she was on the receiving end of this. While going to Olivia s home for Orsino, Olivia had grown to love Cesario. Now, Viola was caught up in a bad situation that there was only one way out. It s shocking that Olivia fell in love with a woman dressed like a man. And because Viola knew what words women like to hear, she won
  • 43. Kantorek s All Quiet On The Western Front The book, All Quiet on the Western Front, was narrated by a 19 year old German soldier who fights at the French front with his comrades. The soldier s name was Paul and throughout the story, Paul mentions the horrible and terrible things he and his friends had to live throughout the war on the front. Most of his friends are the same age as him and are from the same school Paul went to and they all voluntarily joined the army after being influenced by their teacher, Kantorek, by listening to his speeches. They later realize that the speeches Kantorek said were meaningless and did not believe that being in the war or that the war itself at all was honorable or glorious, it was just a brutal battlefield that brought physical and constant terror.... Show more content on ... Before Kemmerich dies, he asks Paul to give his boots to Muller knowing that it would be no use to him after he dies and that it would be better off with Muller then thrown away. The story goes on with Paul and his friends struggling to survive with small portions of food and the never ending war continuing on the front. Paul and his friends survive many attacks and bombardments learning and understanding different weapons the enemy is using and the different noises or sound that can help them understand where a shell is hitting or where a gas grenade might have been thrown. Paul also watches unexperienced rookies who gets taken over by the terror of the war and also watches them fall one by one. Soon, Paul receives seventeen days to go back home and realizes that his mother has cancer. He also feels different and realizes that he might never be the same person as he was before he joined the war. At his time at his hometown, he visits Kemmerich s mother and does not tell her the truth about how her son really died. Instead of stating the truth, he tells her that her son died an instant and painful
  • 44. The Deterrence Theory Vs. Deterrence Classic Deterrence Theory A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a crime and would more than likely to be deterred from violating the law they believed the loss was greater than the gain according to the deterrence theory. The deterrence theory is based on the belief that humans control their behavior based on the perceived rewards and punishments that would result from such actions. Which has led many theorists to believe that the proper to punish, a defiant act is by severe, certain, and swift punishment was the key to deterrence. The deterrence theory relies on three individual components: severity, certainty, and celerity. It is thought severe penalties, will desist from criminal acts, which thus prevent crime. However, if the sentence believed to be too harsh would be considered unjust. While, punishments not severe enough will not deter criminals from committing crimes. However, classical philosophers held the belief that certainty was more efficient in preventing crimes than the severity of punishment. The philosophers believed the primary purpose of punishment was deterrence, not vengeance. Thus, rejected capital punishment as a practical method for punishing murderers and perpetrators of other serious offenses. Crime and Punishment Deterrence theory holds the assumption that people do not commit crimes because they are afraid of getting caught, and further states that people are less likely to committing a crime if