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Essay Death Penalty
Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task that requires careful
consideration of various perspectives, ethical implications, legal frameworks, and societal
attitudes. The subject is inherently complex, involving a delicate balance between justice,
morality, and human rights. Crafting a well-rounded essay on the death penalty demands
extensive research to understand the historical context, legal precedents, and the evolving
societal discourse surrounding capital punishment.
The difficulty lies not only in presenting factual information but also in navigating the emotional
and ethical dimensions of the topic. Writers must grapple with the profound impact of the death
penalty on individuals, families, and communities, while also addressing the broader
implications for society. Constructing a coherent argument that considers both the proponents
and opponents of the death penalty requires a nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives.
Furthermore, the evolving nature of public opinion and legal stances on the death penalty adds
an additional layer of complexity. As attitudes change and new information emerges, writers
must remain vigilant in updating their essays to reflect the current state of the debate.
In conclusion, tackling the subject of the death penalty in an essay necessitates a comprehensive
approach that goes beyond mere factual presentation. It demands a keen awareness of the
ethical, emotional, and legal dimensions, making it a challenging but intellectually rewarding
For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including nuanced subjects like the
one mentioned above, a resource like can provide valuable support. Writers
and researchers at such services are often equipped to handle complex topics, ensuring that essays
are well-researched, properly structured, and meet the necessary academic standards.
Essay Death Penalty Essay Death Penalty
A Career in Speech and Language Pathology
A Career in Speech and Language PathologyWalking into school, a little boy is
scared to talk to his classmates because he stutters . He is not getting good grades
because he has trouble understanding information and communicating. His parents
want to help him ,but do not know how. That is when speech and language
pathologists come to the rescue. Speech and language pathologists help kids, teens,
and adults overcome their oral and mental difficulties. They specialize in the field
of helping the physically impaired, mentally impaired and behavioral disorders. The
main issues they deal with are stuttering, mispronunciation, troubles communicating
with others, troubles sharing thoughts, and troubles articulating (Connelly 44).
Speech pathologists are required to attend many years of school to receive their
Masters Degree and are paid a good amount, and their career gives them a
rewarding prize of being able to strengthen their students minds to help them
understand and learn better. Like all jobs there is a certain amount of education
that an employee must complete in order to get the job he or she is wishing to do.
Specifically, speech and language pathologists go through getting there bachelors
and masters degree ( Speech Language Pathologist Career Profile 1). Before even
entering the world of college people aspiring to practice this job should take english,
public speaking, physiology, social sciences, math, and biology classes ( Careers in
Speech Pathology 3).
Factors and Effects of Low Body Satisfaction
To understand how people feel about themselves, researchers have investigated body
image, body satisfaction and self esteem. In the scientific literature, adolescents body
image has received enormous attention, but research has focused predominantly on
girls and body dissatisfaction, rather than positive body image. Low body satisfaction
has been associated with the development of mental health conditions, both eating
related and global, hence focus on body dissatisfaction is warranted. Studies have
shown a low body satisfaction is associated with mild eating concerns, such as
frequent dieting and has further been reported to be predictive in the development of
eating disorders (Ackard, Croll Kearney Cooke, 2002). Increased depressive
symptoms, anxiety, low self esteemand an increase in risk taking behaviours
(Granner, Black Abood, 2002) such as alcohol use, substance abuse and tobacco use
also has association with low body dissatisfaction.
In Western culture, a major cause of body dissatisfaction among females is the
perceived pressure from society because an emphasis of the ideal body shape is
unrealistically thin, repeatedly portrayed through the media where females may
feel the need to conform (McCabe Ricciardelli, 2003). Males feel pressure to
follow the sociocultural ideal body form of a V shaped muscular build with broad
shoulders and a lean waste line (Raudenbush Zellner, 1997). These societal pressures
can be persuasive during adolescence and
Nature In John Dunbar s Dances With Wolves
In order to see nature for what it is one must be often to new ideas. Each of the
characters, Lt. John Dunbar from Dances with Wolves, Dr. Ethan Powell from
Instinct, and Captain John Smith from Pocahontas find a natural draw to nature that
put them in an environment to learn. A same motif that I have found throughout
the three movies is each character who freely offers to take in a venture. For
example, Lt. Dunbar in Dances with Wolves was an army soldier who requested to
be at the outer edge of civilization which in this case is the frontier with a deep draw
to something he knew would be destroyed by human creations. Dr. Ethan Powell in
Instinct, after a while he approaches and study about the gorillas, he finds himself
drawn to the wildlife of the... Show more content on ...
John Smith in Pocahontas is captain of a ship on an exploration to a new world who
had a draw to nature which drove him to explore the new land around him as the
others were busy undoing nature. These characters had a draw and the ability to see
nature has an intimate relationship to human life when many others around them are
blind to nature.
Each one of the characters had to overcoming fears found in nature to be able to see
nature for what it is. In the movie Dances with Wolves, despite the thread of nearby
Native American tribes Lt. Dunbar still decides to stay at the frontier and manned
the post himself. His first experiences with Native American are pretty unpleasant.
They attempt to steal his horse and later one act in a very aggressive manner
towards the Lieutenant. But over time, he overcomes his fear and tries to establish a
good relationship with them. Native Americans begin to accept and trust him after he
feeds them (almost literally) by helping them to find the buffalo. The Sioux warriors
and White soldier are also natural enemies and it is unusual to develop this
relationship. The most obvious symbols in Dances with Wolves are
Alien Existence Essay
Term Paper
Alien Existence?
screen name: thedigitalmatrix email:
Do Aliens Exist?
Just about 500 years ago people believed that the earth was still flat, 50 years ago
people doubted the existence of an alien life, 5 min ago the people of earth believe
that aliens existed. Many individuals around the world have reportedly been
contacted by extra terrestrial beings. They allege that Earth is currently being visited
by several different species of extra terrestrial. These individuals report that extra
terrestrials are visiting the Earth because they are interested in observing the
development of the human species. This alone is not the only reason we believe in
the existence of Extraterrestrial life and UFOs. ... Show more content on ...
The report concludes that the CIA was very interested in the UFO problem until the
early 1950s, but since has paid little attention to it. Over half of all UFO reports from
the late 1950 s through the 1960 s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance
flights (namely the U 2) over the United States. This led the Air Force to make
misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears and to
protect an extraordinarily sensitive national security project. While perhaps justified,
this deception added fuel to the later conspiracy theories and the cover up controversy
of the 1970s(
On July 4th 1947 a rancher named William Brazel found wreckage scattered over
his ranch 30 miles south of Corona. Brazel had found weather balloons on two
other occasions, but was unable to recognize the debris in his field. The next day
he took some of the wreckage and went into Roswell to show the local sheriff. He
met with George Wilcox, the local sheriff, who then contacted Roswell Army
AirField (RAAF) to report the strange debris. Major Jesse Marcel, the intelligence
officer of the 509th Bomber group, came to see the wreckage at the sheriff s office.
Major Marcel reported his findings to his commanding officer, Colonel William
Blanchard, who then ordered Marcel to go to the ranch and collect more of the
wreckage. On July 6th Major Marcel took one vehicle
Chemical Weapons are Dangerous
Since The First world War up to now, toxic gases died thousands of people. How
many people have been suffering from toxic gases? How many people have
permanent diseases because of toxic gases? Toxic gases have been using as
chemical weapons to attack people. Chemical weapons had been using in The First
World War and they had been using in Iraqagainst Iran and Kurdistan. Also, chemical
weapons have been using in Syria. Chemical weapons killed and injured thousands of
people. Therefore, chemical weapons can destroy our life, cause many permanent
diseases and attack our world.
Chemical weapons are toxic gases, which use in the wars such as World War 1.
Chemical weapons used in First World War and they killed a lot of people even
children. In addition, chemical weapons are unless color, so people can t see
them. Also, most of people who died through the First World War were civilians.
Therefore, who were responsible about them? In addition, people who survived had
dangerous and permanent diseases such as cancer, asthma ... etc. Even people s
genes effected by these toxic gases and they cause a lot of genetic problems that
appeared in a second generation. Even soldiers who were pushed to this war. Then,
they died or effected who were responsible about their families. In addition chemical
weapons burned a lot of trees and they changed plant characteristics. Also, these gases
can react with others to change air and weather characteristics. Therefore, chemical
weapons effect on our
Essay On Sonnet 129
Shame can kill you! Th expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action, and
till action, lust Is perjured, murd rous, bloody full of blame William Shakespeare,
Sonnet 129 Are some of us born more naked than others? Brought into the world
ready to take in every criticism, suggestion, or unkind remark as gospel, increasing
the shame and humiliation delivered along with the placenta? If so, maybe that
manner of coming into the world created my submissive nature or maybe my
submissive nature merely makes me comfortable with embarrassment and shame.
In the daily rush of getting through life, these are questions I don t need to answer.
However, I think understanding requires going all the way back to the beginning.
Firstborn, with three years of being the only child, I competed with careers, a
marital relationship less than a year old when I was born, and utterly incompatible
spouses who had no idea how to parent. I needed the attention every child needs, so
I learned to try harder, to try all the time, and to get used to disappointment and
failure. I didn t learn to love failure and disappointment, but I accepted that they
were and always would be part of my life. When my brother arrived, I became the
little mother at age three, seeing... Show more content on ...
The Dominant I serve wants to know everything; he requires the truth even when
the truth will be unpleasant or hurtful to him and/or to me; he will be the only one
in control of our relationship and of me, or he will remove himself from the
relationship. Wrapping my head around the reality, which is so far removed from
the fantasy perception I have had of all my past relationships; recognizing that I
always was in control in the past, has been a tough journey for me. It hasn t been
completed yet; I m not home free with an understanding and willingness to abandon
the behaviors and patterns of decades for flying on an emotional trapeze without a
net. But I am trying . . .
Using Security Measures For Dns
1.Introduction Over the years, the Domain Name System (DNS) has evolved as the
most important network service which connects networking resources to a private
network and the internet. But along with the rise in the importance of DNS, it has
also become a vulnerable link in the internet security as it is the internet s primary
directory service used for properly traversing through the present networking
infrastructure. Even though DNS is the core fabric of the today s network, there is
no standard security framework available for DNS. Every security professional
knows that the network security measures depends upon the following three
important factors [1]: Confidentiality: It is a set of rules used for limiting the access
and... Show more content on ...
The latest threats to DNS will be discussed here and counter measures will be
suggested. It will provide a theoretical as well as practical understanding of DNS
exploitation and security. 2. Project Overview 2.1 DNS Query There are various
types DNS queries made by the client. The most common is the mapping of Fully
Qualified domain name (FQDN) to the IP address of the FQDN. A resolver and a
name server play the important role in making queries and finding the results for
queries. Sometimes, we have either only a resolver or a resolver and a name serer
working together in a computer depending upon the system we are using. There
are many such combinations but the core logic remains the same and it is as
follows [2]: 1.When a command is inserted by the user, the hostname will be
needed to be translated to the IP address so that the user will be able to access the
resources at the destination site. 2.The particular application program will call the
resolver which is actually a set of library functions. (To be more specific, the
application will call gethostbyname or gethostbyaddr through API or library
routines to formulate a query for the name server.) 3.If it is a caching resolver, it
will look for the result within its cache. If the result cannot be found or if it is a stub
resolver, the resolver transfers the request to the local name server. 4.If it is not in
Filibuster Rule Analysis
The filibuster rule is indisputably constitutional in the U.S. Citing from Article I,
Section five of the Constitution: Individual houses may ascertain the rule of its
house proceedings. In addition, from the formation of the nation, the Senate was
planned to be a more premeditated body. Through James Madison Notes of
Debates in the Federal Convention, he stated that, for one to assess the form to be
handed to the Senate, it is appropriate to take an analysis of the both ends going to
be served. First the rule safeguards the public against their leaders: secondly it
safeguards the public against the transitory imprints into which they might be led
into. This is the reason why the four hundred and thirty five Members of the House
excluding one third of the Senate are facing election in every 2 years. Converse to
what the Left wingers have confidence in, the dawdling advancement of legislation in
the Senate is an element, not a bug of the Framers blueprint. Through his 1833
exposition on Constitution, the Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story stated that, an
upright law had better sporadically collapse, instead of bad laws being increased
with a neglectful and wicked frequency. For even reforms, to be prudent, they should
generally be slow. The primary effort to haste legislation via the Senate came,
obviously, from Liberal President... Show more content on ...
In this instance, the measure or any other subject that is under the filibustering will
not obtain chamber endorsement except if its opponents concede and permit the
Senate to cast their vote on it. Even if the cloture is passed, conversely, a filibuster
can considerably influence how, when, and whether the Senate accomplishes its
legislative and executive operations. Due to this logic, filibusters and the panorama
of filibusters controls more of the way in which the Senate performs its
Narrow Lace Essay
Want a softer, daintier look for your bedroom, but can t afford new drapes, bedspread
and accessories? Wish no more! Go get a couple yards of lace and you ll be well on
your way to having a prettier bedroom at a minimal cost. But, the overall look will
seem as though you ve spent a fortune. There are various types of lace which are
suitable for giving your bedrooma softer look. Lace on a bolt, or by the yard, is fine
for covering large areas, like an entire wall or section of a wall. Wide lace, found on a
spool or by the yard, is great for making a border to go around the top of the bedroom
wall. Narrow lace, also found on a spool, is a great way to add just a little lace to
things like lamps or other accessories. Lace comes in many different... Show more
content on ...
As part of the Atlanta Marietta Sandy Springs Metro area, it has access to the
MARTA rail transportation system, thus ensuring reliable transportation into Metro
Atlanta. Its 9 public schools and 12 well kept parks are just a few of the family
friendly amenities of this town. The city was only incorporated into a city in mid
2005, after a long battle with the state to resist annexation with Atlanta and a call for
a referendum. Today the city has a mayor and six Council members. The town
experienced serious growth in the 1950s when a housing boom began. Many of the
homes in newer neighborhoods evidence that period with ranch style and modern
traditional homes. This small city is one of metro Atlanta s most affluent residential
communities and in recent years has seen a trend in high rise luxury condominium
building. Medium income is among the highest in Georgia, with a household making
over $60,000 and a family income estimated at just above $80,000. With all this
affluence the area is flush with beautiful public buildings, and many national
companies locally headquartered here, which means more professional jobs are
being created. This is an expensive place to live with the median house value at
$345,200 in the year 2000. The dominant employment arenas for the population are in
professional, scientific and technical industries.
Springs Georgia.html Anyone thinking about buying in Sandy Springs would do
well to purchase an audio driving tour tape at the Heritage Sandy Springs
Administrative Office during regular business hours. It will provide an overview of
the city s history and cultural identity. This is a wonderful resource that also can be
used to tour the area and get a feel for the neighborhoods and see the civic buildings.
There are 74 homes listed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution from $150,000 to
Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero
Standing in front of his people, the SchindlerJuden , Oskar Schindler gave a
heartfelt farewell as a Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved
hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of business he was a man of money, but
even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler went from enemy spy to
savior and that s why to me he is an awe inspiring hero because he was seen as a
human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people.
Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria Hungary (now
Svitavy, Czech Republic). His father s name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm
equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was the homemaker. Schindler home
life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer.... Show more content
on ...
He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple
of days later, the twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ( Shindler s Jews ) were
freed by a lone Russian officer who rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler s
life after the war was similar to that before the war, which was marked by a string
of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and love affairs. In
1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however,
Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish
organization B nai B rith to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to
West Germany. He started a cement business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed
in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds provided by the Schindlerjuden as
well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement business, he was
invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with
him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every
spring for the rest of his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the
admiration of the Schindlerjuden and their offspring, whom he regarded with
great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler s fifty fourth birthday in
1962, he was officially declared a Righteous Gentile (non Jew) and invited to plant
a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem s Yad Vashem
Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted
his request to be buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his
funeral and watched as his body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount
Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler s life was turned into a movie based off the book
Schindler s List also called Schindler s
Essay On Snickers
How Snickers Are Made According to Wikipedia, the earliest candy bar was made in
1847 in the United Kingdom by a man called Joseph Fry (Candy bar). In the world
there are more than 70 types of candy bars (Wikipedia). M M s is in the 1st place,
and snickers comes in the 3rd place (Popcandy | top 50 candybars). Snickers are a
gooey, chewy candy barfill in for naught peanuts and caramel wrapped in chocolate
(Discovery Channel | How It s Made). Since 1930 snickers company makes people
feeling happy. In fact, people are spending two billion dollars on snickers.
Furthermore, in the United States 99 tonnes of peanuts go into making snickers
everyday, because that gives the candy barsa variety of texture and stronger peanuts
impact (How It s Made | Snickers). The way to make a snickers bar is simple and it is
done in seven steps.
The first two steps are show how to create a snicker. These steps are called
collecting, and mixing the ingredients. At the begging, the factory starts gathering
the basic needs to make a bar, such as fresh peanuts, and egg whites. The workers
start their day by receiving the fresh crops to make a fresh and delicious candy ...
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Making a bar requires the following steps: collecting the ingredients and mixing it,
preparing the bars for baking and freezing, and lastly is wrapping it to deliver the
bars to the stores for selling them. The first step is the longest step, because
choosing good and fresh ingredients take a lot of time and work. The second step is
easier than the first step, because most of the work depends on the machines. The
only thing the workers have to do is watching the huge instruments work. The third
move is the most exciting, because watching the chocolate waterfalls makes people
looking forward for it to finish. Snickers are ready now to go through a person s
mouth with the delicious taste to fill the stomach with a powerful
The Importance Of Gadils
The use of collagen, alginate, and chitin fibers have increased in medical and surgical
applications due to the promotion of healing (Pillai, Paul, Sharma, 2009). When
alginate fibers are used for wound contact layers, the reaction between the alginate
and the exuding wound forms a sodium calcium alginate gel (Horrocks Anand). The
gel is hydrophilic in nature, permeable to oxygen, and impermeable to bacteria, and
make a contribution to the creation of new tissue (Horrocks Anand). Gauze, lint, and
wadding the other textilematerials used for wound dressingapplications (Rajendran
Anand, 2002). Gauze is an open weave, absorbent fabric coated with paraffin wax
and mainly used for the treatments of burns and scalds. In... Show more content on ...
Compression bandages are designed to exert a required amount of compression on
the leg when applied at a constant tension. They are used for the treatment and
prevention of deep vein thrombosis, leg ulceration (Partsch et al., 2008) . They are
made of woven and contain cotton and elastomeric fiber yarns or warp and weft
knitted in both tubular and fully fashioned form (Partsch et al., 2008). Another kind
of bandages is called Orthopedic cushion bandages, mainly used under plaster casts
and compression bandages to provide padding, comfort (Rigby et al., 1997b).
Nonwoven orthopedic bandages are produced from polyurethene foams, polyester
fibers, or polypropylene fibers containing blend of natural and synthetic fibers (Rigby
et al., 1997b).
2. Extra corporeal devices:
Artificial kidney, liver, and lungs are the mechanical organs used for blood
purification. They are called extra corporeal devices and represent another category
of medical textiles (Peppas Langer, 1994). The artificial kidney is made of a bundle
of hollow regenerated cellulose fibers in the form of cellophane that contain the
unwanted waste materials (Hongu Phillips, 1997). Numerous layers of the artificial
kidney composed the multilayer filters that made of needle punched fabrics are
designed to extract the unwanted materials rapidly and
Martin Buber Research Paper
Martin Buber was a leader of the Zionist movement which is the belief that the only
solution to the growing anti Semitism in Europe was for there to be an independent
Jewish State.The events of World War 2 made the need for a Jewish State that much
greater. The original plan in 1947 was to divide the land equally between both
parties, but only the Jewsagreed to the plan. In 1917, the Balfour Declaration
promised a Jewish State in what was at the time Palestine. Contradicting a previous
declaration that the British made that promised the land to the Arabs.On May 14,
1948, David Ben Gurion declared Israelan independent Jewish State. This led to a
war between Israel and all of the surrounding Arab state. Buber wrote an article two
weeks after the creation of Israel.... Show more content on ...
Kant s Prolegomena and Nietzsche s Zarathustra are what inspired him to pursue
philosophy and Theodor Herzl s Zionism inspired Buber to become a Zionist
leader. Buber wrote a book about Jews and Arabs and it covers the topic of zionism
greatly it is called A Land of Two Peoples. In it he has is a culmination of his various
works, diaries, and other related excerpts that pertain to the Israel Palestine conflict.
He clarifies and addresses fundamental terms relating to the conflict such as Zionism ,
while providing further clarification of these terms. Buber supports Zionism, he
simultaneously respects the rights of the Palestinian in regards to their rights, culture
and history. Buber s work is significant as it ultimately advocates for peaceful
solutions over confrontation this is a clear representation on his political side of
philosophy because he rather have peace then create unneeded conflict among
Conscription In Canada Research Paper
It is a well known fact that through Canadian history, English and French Canadians
did not get along very well. French and English Canadians had many differences
throughout history, and as time got closer to the 21st century, situations between
these two groups of people got worse and worse. Their main differences, as seen in
the visual component of my CPT, were usually around times of war, when
conscription was a very big topic. However, we cannot forget the post World War II
situations that caused Canadato change forever. Therefore, the top three events that
really caused transformations in relations of French and English Canadians were the
conscription crisis of 1917, the Union Nationale of the 1930s, and the Official
Languages Act of... Show more content on ...
Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau decided to implement a solution to finally
stop the French Canadians and English Canadians from constantly fighting with
each other. Therefore, he developed and passed the Official Languages Act, which
was an act that would finally recognize the equal status of English and French
throughout the federal administration, and ensure that all federal institutions
provide their services in English or French at the customer s choice. This act
allowed for French Canadians to no longer be seen as a minority in Canada and to
finally be recognized for who they are. Having Prime Minister Trudeau work very
hard to pass this act showed French Canadians that the Federal Government had
finally recognized all the injustices directed towards them, and that there was no
longer any need for fighting between French and English Canadians. The
importance of this event is that finally, French Canadians were seen and identified
as actual Canadians , and this act is an apology from the Federal government
towards the French Canadians for all the injustice that had happened to them in the
past. The Official Languages Act was a way to show French Canadians that the
culture of the French was in no danger of disappearing (Patriquin, Canada s language
wars are over ), one of the
Lto Case Study Essay
The first LPO how ever, was imaged using the preset kVp and AEC with the
outcome of being underexposed with a DEI of 7.4, leading to setting a manual
technique by the technician for the repeat LPO and the RPO. The exposure index or
the DEI of 7.4 on the repeated image is within the excepted range but really close to
the limit. A possible reason for this DEI number would be that the body part being
imaged was not properly positioned over the ionization chambers causing the AEC to
terminate the exposer, producing an underexposed image. An underexposed image
would show evidence of low contrast, poor spatial resolution and quantum mottle. In
other words a bright, less than desirable degree of sharpness between structures, and
a grainy image. Two other procedural factors, one being patient preparation, which
there was, no preparation needed for the lumbar exam. The other being radiation
protection. The image receptor size was a 16x16 collimated to an 8x14 for each
image other than the L5 S1, which was approximately 7x7 and unfortunately
shielding was not placed on the patient.... Show more content on ...
The only possible artifact that came close was the imaging marker that was placed
slightly left from the midsagittal plane on the LPO projection. Not only was it the
wrong marker but also it came close to being imaged within the essential anatomy.
Some other artifact to take note of are: Image receptor artifact such as dirt, dust, pixel
issues, and ghost images. Software artifacts to include histograms, and pre and post
processing issues and object artifacts, which can include backscatter, patient
positioning and human error (Bushong, 2012, p
Canada s Role In Ww2
In the final two years of the Second World War, Canadian operations was astonishing
from the simple growth and expansion of the RCN, working alongside Britain to
engage in and manage convoy protection. Canada s naval contribution was essential
over U Boat attacks on shipping, and because of such undertakings, Canadian naval
officers conducted an ultimately successful campaign to have Canadas efforts in the
Battle of the Atlantic acknowledged by the creation of an independent Canadian
command in the northwest Atlantic. In December 1942, Canada successfully won an
administrative battle to gain responsibility for the distribution of all intelligence
concerning convoys under Canadian control, and because of complex additions to the
Enigma machines... Show more content on ...
Moving forward, it is also highly unlikely that Britain would have survived after
the Battle of Britain had the Royal Canadian Navy not been assisting merchant
convoys crossing the Atlantic from the US and Canada. The air effort presented
similar trends as the RCN in May 1945, there were 784 aircraft in Coastal
command, with 511 used against submarines and the rest for enemy attacks.
Approximately 153,000 flight personnel were trained out of a total of 239,761 that
were engaged in British and Commonwealth flying operations, a pivotal choice in
gaining air superiority victory over the sky would never have happened so quickly
without Canada s involvement. The RCAF famously worked with the RCN
throughout the Battle of Britain, the attempt by the German war machine to
destroy Britain s Royal Air Force (RAF) and prepare for invasion after already
conquering most of Europe, including France, which was one of Canada s first
campaigns during the first nine months or so of war. Founded in 1924, the RCAF
was the smallest of Canada s services when war broke out in 1939. Attempts to
expand and improve the force up until 1935 were futile, only growing from 569 to
1,031 personnel, just enough for the needs of war. The Second World War
undoubtedly established an aircraft industry and the progression of civil aviation
formed a reserve of skilled pilots from a developed training scheme established in
Canada. The inauguration of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP)
took place, a strategy conceived by Prime Minister King to train pilots and flight
personnel in Canada, so that the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) would remain a
safe distance away from the fighting in Europe and North Africa. This allowed for
contribution from the war effort on home
The Case Of Roe V. Wade
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court, on the case of Roe v Wade, ruled to
legalize abortion in all fifty US states. Forty two years after this decision,
approximately 56 million abortions have been performed in the US alone and this
number continues to climb drastically day to day. For some individuals, this number
is simply not enough. For example, in her article, It Is Time to Integrate Abortioninto
Primary Care, Susan Yanow argues the case that abortion is here to stay. With this
observation, she further believes that the procedure should be made more available
to all women, and likewise, any physician should be easily allowed to perform
abortions. Susan Yanow begins by advocating for the increased availability of
procuring abortions for all women no matter their income, location, or age. She offers
a complaint against the many barriers for woman to obtaining an abortion, State
restrictions... create almost insurmountable barriers to access, especially for rural,
young, and low income women. Yanow argues that women should not have to travel
long distances or deal with unnecessary requirements in order to get the reproductive
health care they need. She resolves this by insisting on integrating abortion into
primary care in such a way that family physicians at home be allowed to perform first
trimester abortions. As one continues through the article, Yanow s position becomes
increasingly clear. She points out that most primary care clinicians already have the
The Evolution Of The Pc And Microsoft Essay
The Evolution of the PC and Microsoft
Xerox, Apple, IBM, and Compaq all played major roles in the development of the
Personal Computer, or ВіPC,ВІ and the success of Microsoft. Though it may seem so,
the computer industry did not just pop up overnight. It took many years of
dedication, hard work, and most importantly, thievery to turn the personal computer
from a machine the size of a Buick, used only by zit faced Ві nerds,ВІ to the very
machine I am typing this report on.
Xerox started everything off by creating the first personal computer, the ALTO, in
1973. However, Xerox did not release the computer because they did not think that
was the direction the industry was ... Show more content on ...
So they developed a process called Віopen architecture.ВІ Open architecture meant
buying all the components separately, piecing them together, and then slapping the
IBM name on it. It was quite effective. Now all IBM needed was software. Enter Bill
Gates, along with buddy Paul Allen, had started a software company called
Microsoft. Gates was one of two major contenders for IBM. The other was a man
named Gary Kildall. IBM came to Kildall first, but he turned them away
(He has yet to stop kicking himself) and so they turned to Big Bad Bill Gates and
Microsoft would continue supplying IBM with software until IBM insisted
Microsoft develop Q/DOS, which was compatible only with IBM equipment.
Microsoft was also engineering Windows, their own separate software, but IBM
wanted Q/DOS.
By this time, PC clones were popping up all over. The most effective clone was the
Compaq. Compaq introduced the first BIOS (Basic Input Output
System) chip. The spearheaded a clone market that not only used DOS, but later
Windows as well, beginning the incredible success of Microsoft.
With all of these clones, Apple was in dire need of something new and spectacular.
So when Steve Jobs got invited to Xerox to check out some new
I Am A Friend, A Photographer And When I Was A Child
My father is a photographer and when I was a child I was his worst model, even
my little brother at four could pose better than me. Whenever my dad tried to get
me pose I would stomp my feet and scream how much I detested getting my picture
taken, or I would runaway and hide. Their are very few photo s of me that weren t
stage or was taken quickly before I could oppose. Even today, if you tried to take of
picture of me you will most likely see me put my hands over my face hoping you
didn t get a good shot. So, if you look on my Tumblr or Twitter you will very few
pictures of me, but tons of pictures of my family or my favorite bands. But, I truly
believe it is when I m behind that cameraand I hear that click and see that bright
flash, I find myself at peace. I love photographybecause it has given me a safe outlet
for my thoughts and feelings.
I never thought about photography it always seemed like something I couldn t do.
My father and sister both were photoghers and that was the main reason I didn t
want to take photos, because I feared I wouldn t live up to what they could create.
But, the first time I didn t care about expectations or what people might think was
the first time I really wanted to take pictures. It began in the 6th grade, I got my
first camera, it was baby blue and not very professional, but I loved it. Even though
it was a short love affair, I took some photo s that I still treasure today (which include
a sunset and orange blossoms).
Though I was
Iraq War 2003 Essay
Before the invasion to Iraq and during the war, many Americans were misinformed
about the Iraq issue. They played a significant role in building and maintaining the
support for this military operation. A study called Misperceptions, the Media and the
Iraq War by The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) showed that many
people held misperception about three main topics: involvement of the Iraqi
government in 9/11 and Al Qaeda, evidence of the weapons of mass destruction, and
favorable views of world public opinion. According to their polls, 57% of people
thought that Iraqwas directly involved in the 9/11 attacks or gave substantial
support to Al Qaeda. Moreover, 22% of respondents believed that weapons of mass
destruction were found in Iraq after the war and that Iraq actually used weapons of
mass destruction during the war, and one third thought that world public opinion has
approved of the US going to war with Iraq.
These misperceptions are one of the reasons, why Iraq war in 2003 became an
extensively discussed topic for many reasons and from many perspectives. One of
them is performance of the media before and during ... Show more content on ...
From their statements is clear that the mistakes were on the part of journalists as well
as, or maybe even more, on editors.
Christiane Amanpour from CNN said: I think the press was muzzled, and I think
the press self muzzled. I m sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a
certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot
soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self censorship,
in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did. The aspect of self
censorship of the media confirmed also a reporter of The Washington Post Walter
Pincus. Pincus had written many critical articles about the Bush administration and
they all ended up published in the back
A Brief Biography of E.B. White
I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to
enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. (White). Elwyn was a great and
always full of humor and that came out especially in his writings. All growing up I
read a lot of his books because they were books that were in the family for a long
time and every one of my siblings read them growing up. They were books that we
passed down because they were some of the best books for kids to read when they
were old enough to understand what they were about. E.B White always had a
sense of humor in his writings. It was something that could never be copied in the
same way that he would write. E.B White was born July 11, 1899 in Mount
Vernon, New York. He lived with his mother Jessie Hart and his father Samuel
Tilly White. His father was a piano manufacturer but it was never clear as to what
his mother had for a job. It could have been that she never a job considering the
time period that White grew up in. He was one of six kids having two brothers and
three sisters. Although having six children would make it pretty close to having a
full time job, so I would find it pretty hard to find a job of caring for the family. His
parents named him Elwyn Brooks White, but he was not the biggest fan of it. He
states that, I never liked that Elwyn. My mother just hung it on me because she d
run out of names, he told The New York Times in 1980 ( Elwyn Brooks White ). On
White s twelth birthday his
Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy
Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy Introduction Genetic research has
advanced in a dramatic fashion in the last decade or so, to the point where it has
now become possible to attempt therapeutic genetic modification, in a few cases of
human genes, where a defects exists which manifests itself in certain serious
diseases. This possibility, known as gene therapy, is only in its infancy. At present,
no one knows how effective it will prove to be, even in the few conditions on which
it is being tried whether it will only be of relatively limited application, or whether it
will open up many wider possibilities. It suffers both over optimistic claims from
some quarters and exaggerated dangers from others, over which the church needs to...
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Putting it in more scientific terms, we are far more than the sum of our DNA
complement. Moreover, human beings can be described in terms relationship first to
God who is himself a Trinity of persons, then to ourselves in a true self awareness in
the light who we are in relationship to God, thence to other human beings, and to the
rest of God s created order. Each of these relationships leads to moral precepts which
sets bounds to what we may do within such a relationship, which may be applied to
genetic technology. In scripture, the problems in which human beings find
themselves are expressed in terms of disobedience to God, arising from a broken
relationship with him. Failing to relate to God, and thus to our fellow humans, leads
to distortions of human behaviour with false precepts, and also to attempting to set
up alternative and substitute alliances with things which are non relational idolatry.
Hubris and Humanity In contemporary technological society, one manifestation is in
notions of endless human evolution and improvement the attitude that the sky s the
limit to human endeavour, which finds an echo in the Old Testament story of the
tower of Babel project. Some of the more extravagant claims for the potential of
genetics see the human genome project as a further step along the road of human
autonomy and mastery over nature. Another basic distortion is the tendency to
evaluate all things in a material and economic frame of reference, seeing the
KPMG Deferred Tax Issues
KPMG Deferred Tax Issues: Valuation Allowance
Issue 1: Conclude on the appropriateness of the engagement team s decision for
valuation allowance.
1. Clarify Issues Objectives
ASC 740 10 05 5 defines a deferred tax asset as:
A deferred tax asset is measured using the applicable enacted tax rate and provisions
of the enacted tax law. A deferred tax asset is reduced by a valuation allowance if,
based on the weight of evidence available, it is more likely than not that some portion
or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized.
ASC 740 10 05 5 also states the following:
There are two basic principles related to accounting for income taxes, each of which
considers uncertainty through the application of recognition and ... Show more
content on ...
Thus, a 5% increase in profit margin is not indicative of Riggers historical data and is
not a conservative estimate.
Riggers also projects 100% rig efficiency, which assumes the rig will endure
absolutely no issues, repairs, or maintenance for the next ten years. This assumption
seems highly unlikely. A more conservative assumption would take into account the
inevitable off days of the rig and thereby reduce the rig efficiency projection slightly.
Additionally, the engagement team s assessment of valuation allowance is based on
the assumption that the Brazil segment of operations will cease or lose profitability
after the fiscal year 2021. If, instead, we assume operations in Brazil will continue
and remain profitable until further notice, the deferred asset will eventually be used
to its entirety and no valuation allowance should be recognized. However, if the
given assumption of ceased operations in 2021 stands, a more fair and conservative
representation requires an adjustment for valuation allocation.
Given the slightly optimistic nature of the assumptions surrounding profit margin and
rig efficiency, reducing both percentage values would provide more conservative
estimates. If profit margin and rig efficiency were reduced to 11% and 98%,
respectively, a valuation allowance of approximately
Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper
In the play taming of the shrew and 10 things I hate about you, I believe relationships
are shown differently because in 10 things I hate about you relationships are shown
through just dating out of fun/ love instead of in taming of the shrew where it was
about money and kind of an agreement with the father and no choice for the women.
This is seen in the relationships of Katherine and Petruchio.
The difference between the relationship of Katherine and Petruchio in the play
Taming Of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You
. We recently read the play
Taming Of The Shrew where we met characters like Katherine and Petruchio who
were getting married and petruchio was basically in the relationship for her money. In
the movie on the other hand ... Show more content on ...
In the movie the relationship was started off based around money and he
eventually started to fall in love with her, she also had to fall for him where in the
play she didn t really have a choice she just had to marry him because her father
said. For I am he born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate
conformable as other household kates. This shows their relationship because of
the time period on how he was responsible for making her his woman and she
wouldn t really tame herself and she didn t have a choice. I think Petruchio really
did love her he just didn t know how to show it because of the time period. In the
movie he treated his women way better and actually took care of her when she was
drunk and cared for her way more than in the play where he basically hated her and
just wanted to marry her for her money. In the play petruchio wouldn t even stay at
their wedding and he wanted to leave but Kat wouldn t. Their relationship in the play
was very directed and structured around money where in the movie it was more
surrounded around there feelings and how they actually enjoyed being
A Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick
In this essay I will be exploring how the dystopian society in Stanley Kubrick s 1971
film adaptation of Anthony Burgess 1963 novel, A Clockwork Orange has been used
to explore contemporary anxieties. A Clockwork Orange takes place in an outlandish
and dreary vision of future Britain governed by an oppressive, totalitarian super
government. In this society, ordinary people have fallen into a dazed state of
complacency, unaware of the sinister growth of a rampant, violent youth culture.
Anthony Burgess wrote his short novel A Clockwork Orangein 1962 as a way of
coming to terms with the rape of his first wife. The dystopian journey of A
Clockwork Orange is told through the first person account of Alex, the fifteen year
old anti hero of the novel who narrates in a teenage jargon called nadsat , which
incorporates elements of Cockney English slang and Russian. Alex, together with
his band of droogs, Georgie, Pete and Dim, who fill themselves up with milk laced
with drugs at the Korova Milkbar prior to a night of committing crimes of murder,
rape, and theft. In one of their most atrocious crimes, Alex and his band of droogs
force their way into the home of a couple, where they rape the woman as her
husband is forced to watch. The turning action comes when they then head back to
the Korova, where they fight with each other. Alex, who loves classical music,
becomes angry at Dim when Dim mocks an opera that Alex adores. Alex punches
Dim in the face, which prompts the others to
The Colonization Of The Middle East
Many of the problems in the Middle East today are a direct result of actions
undertaken in the region s colonial past. I will argue that both imperialist ineptitude,
deliberate meddling and outright deceit by colonial powers have sown seeds of
distrust that linger in the Middle East today towards the West. I will claim that
artificial boundaries, government structures and societal schisms created in colonial
times have entrenched animosities and created internal structural instabilities in the
area that are still being resolved. The imposition of Israelinto Palestine, I will argue,
remains an unresolved product of colonial rule. I will discuss how the discovery of
oil and the regions importance as a trade route caused the World Powers to remain
engaged in the area and oppressive in their demeanour. Finally I will argue that
perhaps the greatest ongoing legacy of colonialismin the Middle eastis an imperialist
attitude by the west which continues to this day.
Different regions in the Middle East have different experienced different levels of
colonialism. Prior to the First World War some regions of the Ottoman Empire
were already under the influence of European countries (Owen 2006, p. 23).
Between the first and second world wars most of the empire was formally divided
between, and under the control of, Britain and France (Owen 2006, p. 25) and even
after the second world war European influence lingered. Cole and Kandiyoti describe
these periods as informal imperialism
Comparing The Man With No Name In Fistful Of Dollars
Conversely, the man with no name has clear motivations throughout the entirety of
Fistful of Dollars. The man with no name is a bounty hunter, his motivation is
money. Of course, the man with no name wants to kill everyone. If he kills both
gangs he gets paid a great deal of money. The Continental op is supposed to be
solving murders not committing them. It seems like he does not care about money
so he is not doing it for that. The money Elihu is paying him is going to the
detective agency and not in his pocket, but he certainly could have taken it if he
wanted to. The man with no name has a few other motivations besides money like
protecting the people in town. He saves Marisol and her family and all he got in
return for that was a beating from Ramone Rojo and his gang.... Show more content
on ...
(256) He also definitely did not do it for Dinah because she ended up dead anyway.
By the op s own words, he only started killing because he had let Personville get the
better of him. This damned burg s getting me. If I don t leave soon I ll be going
blood simple like the natives, (193). The truth is that the detective at the beginning
that sneered and called Personville Poisonville turned out to be just as bad if not
worse than the citizens in the end. That s one of the biggest differences between the
two main characters, the detective got caught up in the crime while the bounty
hunter remained cool and collected and just did his job. It is very interesting that
the two stories differ like that because you expect it be the opposite. Bounty Hunters
are supposed to be the ones that are the bloodthirsty villains and detectives are
typically cool headed and law abiding people that can remain objective to the
problem. Both stories flipped the script on a common
Archaeology Notes
1/4/2012| | Table of Contents Definition of Terms 3 Fossils in Geological Context 5
The Earth in the Cenozoic 11 Origins of Primates 17 The Basis for Human Evolution
23 Origins of the Genus Homo 28 Origins of Modern
32 Behavior and Evolution of Early
African Pre Historic Art.............
Definition of Terms Angular torus a thickened bony ridge on the back of the parietal
Biostratigraphy the use of biological organisms found in rocks to correlate... Show
more content on ...
HOW TO BECOME A FOSSIL In reality very few living things become fossils.
Not only does a minute fraction of living things become preserved as fossils, but
only an exceedingly small proportion of the fossils that are preserved end being
discovered, collected and studied. Not surprisingly, then that the fossil record is
not entirely representative of the composition of past biological communities (
Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980). Instead, fossil record preserves some organisms
more than others. Taphonomy which is the study of what happens to organism
from the time they die to their discovery is used. This approach may include both
the biological and geological processes. Death may come to the organism in a
number of ways including disease, injury and or predation among others. In some
cases, the agent of death such as predators may leave marks on the skeleton such as
bite marks. After death the carcass begins to decompose when living tissues are no
longer maintained by the organism, and numerous microbes such as bacteria and
insects accelerate the decomposition process. As the decomposition goes on,
scavenging animals such as hyenas may consume the soft tissues and in some cases
even chew on the bones. Eventually, only the most durable tissues such as dense
bones remain. However, in some cases even the dense bones may disappear due to
erosion and trampling. To become a fossil, part of the organism must be preserved by
burial, a natural process by which
Analysis Of Mill On The Floss By George Eliot
This research report reviews scholarly criticism on the much debated character
MAGGIE TULLIVER from the book Mill on the floss written by George Eliot.
The project I propose analyses Maggie s character as a whole. The report will
begin by discussing the critics point of view of various reasons responsible for the
death of Maggie Tulliver. The report then focuses on how society and how her
relationships lead to her downfall from the point of view of various critics. A part
of my report also critically analyses the death of Maggie Tulliver. Lastly my report
discusses about the inner conflicts of Maggie and how those conflicts eventually
lead to her fate. Maggie suppresses herself in the patriarchal system and struggles to
make a place for herself and to find an identity of her own. In her article Maggie
Tulliver s long suicide1974 Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth says that Maggie eventually
believes the lie, that she is inferior, or wrong, or not to be taken seriously. She
learned to collaborate in her own defeat . ELIZABETH ERMARTH also
comments on how society affects Maggie since she was shaped to be a child by the
family pieties, it is fitting that her life ends in a reversion to childhood where her
energies to be an adult, tragically, are unneeded. Moving on to her relationships,
Ermarth analyses that her relationships with Mr.Tulliver and her brother Tom
Tulliver play a very important role in her being a selfless person. In return of being
obedient Tom gives
Nt1330 Unit 3 Lab Report Sample
3.1. Petrographic Examination Petrographic thin sections were prepared and
optically analyzed using Leitz polarizing microscope. Optical microscopy was very
useful for identifying the mineral composition, different litho types and the exact
stratigraphy of the samples. It provided information on the decayed layers and their
size, color and texture. Additionally, the characteristics of minerals, cement
materials and textural and digenetic features of the samples were further examined.
3.2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM EDX) In order to identify their textural,
mineralogical changes and altered stone surfaces, images of crusts and salt samples
were analyzed using (SEM JEOL JSM5500LV). They were coated with gold and a
(10 KV) detector of (6587 model) was used.... Show more content on
X ray diffraction (XRD) Mineralogical composition for the bulk samples powder
were determined using X ray diffraction (Philips X ray diffraction equipment model
PW/171) with monochromator, Cu k ГЎ radiation (1.542 =Ч’Г…) at 40 kV and 35
mA at X ray diffraction lab, Physics Department, Assiut Faculty of Science, Egypt.
The patterns were recorded from 4 to 90В°2ГЁ. In addition, reflection peaks were
between 4 and 902СІ, of 0.06в—¦/min speed. Corresponding spacing (d,Г…) and the
relative intensities (I/IВ°) were also obtained [Moore and Reynolds,1997]. 3.4.
Determination of physical and mechanical properties of the sandstone: The
specimens used for physical and mechanical properties were cubic of 4 cm edges
and were estimated using (ASTM C97). Sandstones porosity was measured and was
18 25%. The bulk density of the temple s sandstone was 1.5 1.87gm/cm3. The
compressive strength of the sandstone was estimated for both dry and wet samples. It
was estimated on the smooth surface of 12 cubic samples (3.5Г—3 . 5Г—3.5 cm).
They varied from 20 25 kg/cm2 for the dry samples and 11 13 kg/cm2 for the wet
ones. but The (dry) strength was classified low strength to medium strength. 4.
Results 4.2. Petrographic
My True Love Has My Heart
Psallite Hodie! composed by Steve Kupferschmid and My True Love Has My
Heart words by Sir Phillip Sidney and music by Laura Farnell, are two different
choral arrangements. The two vary in composer, style, tempo, and key. However,
these two pieces of music are similar in part arrangement and generation composed.
Kupfershmid first began his music career as a trombonist. He later became a choral
editor and worked as such for many years. There is not much known about him, as he
is not an extremely famous composer.
The writer of the lyrics of My True Love Has My Heart was a poet. Sidney was
born on November 30 in 1554 at Penshurst in Kent, England, in the United
Kingdom. He serviced Queen Elizabeth I during the Renaissance as a Protestant
political liaison. He left court and began writing poems. He was against the queen s
marriage, which later let him to leave court and begun writing a long narrative poem
titled The Arcadia. The piece My True Love Has My Heart is from this poem.
My true love hath my heart and I have his,
By just exchange one for the other given:
I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss;
There never was a bargain better driven.
His heart in me keeps me and him in one;
My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides:
He loves my heart, for once it was his own;
I cherish his because in me it bides.
His heart his wound received from my sight;
My heart was wounded with his wounded heart;
For as from me on him his hurt did light,
So still, methought, in me his
The Link Between The Cerebellum And Autism
Exploring the Link between the Cerebellum and Autism With the rate of autism
being diagnosed on the rise, the amount of research and interest in the disorder has
risen as well. Some research suggests that over the past two decades the occurrence
of autism has increased from approximately 2 5 per 10,000 births to about 1 5 per
1,000 births (Acosta Pearl, 2004; Fatemi et al., 2012). Still others report that the
occurrence is as high as 1 in 150 kids (Amaral, Schumann, Nordhal, 2008). Even
though the spectrum of autistic disorders has been studied since 1943, there have
still not been any consistent nor persuasive causes or markers, either biological or
clinical, identified with autism and its range of disorders (Santangelo Tsatsanis,
2005). In fact, even with all of the advancements in genetic research technology
and the increasing interest in autism, researchers can still only account for
approximately 5 15% of autistic cases (Rogers et al., 2013). One of the reasons
why autism is so difficult to study is that it is a very heterogeneous disorder
(Acosta Pearl, 2004; Fatemi et al., 2012; Kates et al., 1998; Mitchell et al., 2009;
Rogers et al., 2013; Santangelo Tsatsanis, 2005). This means that the disorder has
a wide variety in both symptoms and severity. There is such a wide range because the
disorder can be caused by as few as 2 10 genes or by over 15 (Santangelo Tsatsanis,
2005). Making the pathology even more difficult to discover is the fact that in
The Importance Of Media Technology
I have always been near media technology ever since I was little. My mother would
play me music from her media player, but she didn t even know to download music
on it, so my sister had to help her. I used to watch a lot of tv when I was younger
because it was relaxing to me, I still do it now to help me with my school work
especially when I watch the animal planet channel or geographic channel. My mother
and sister would let me use their phones or computers. Now, I can help them do
anything person or informational on the computer. My personal experiences using
media have been very helpful so far, especially when I go on my social media sites
to be in touch with people. Media has helped me become in touch with what s
happening in the world... Show more content on ...
I help her mostly with electronics like her IPad, she s not from the technology age, so
she lets me help her or my sister does when It s too hard for me to do. My sister
majored in information technology, so she deals computers all the time at her job
and she is also on a lot of social media sites. She s always teaching me about
computers and what their functions are, so I can know what to do when my
computer breaks down so that I can figure out what the situation is and how I m
supposed to handle it all on my own.
I am a very antisocial person, so I rather use the internet to socialize instead of
talking to people in person. I mostly use the internet for information on reports or
shopping online on Amazon or Ebay, looking for good deals on items that I want.
When I was in high school, I would go on the computer a lot to help with my
homework more than I did in middle school, because I would get harder homework
which would require more information from the computer. I would go online to get
research for my biology reports or help for my math homework or even my English
My mother bought me a computer my freshman year of high school to do all my
reports on, and then four years later I had to get me a new one for college. My laptop
has all the programs I need for college, mostly Microsoft tools and a calculator for
math. I can also use my laptop as a tablet,
Mustang Descriptive Writing
Rumbling, the rumbling of a flowmasters FX exhaust echos through the streets.
From the source of this rumble sits an eighty six Ford Mustang GT Hatchback. The
Mustang is black as the night sky on a new moon. The rust over the rear quarter
panels display the age of the Mustang. The eighty six has a miniscule amount of
dents and dings in the body to flaunt its battle scars. The hood wields a small cowl
and six vent louvers to release excess heat and air induction. The Mustang sits still
as it idles in front an old cracked red brick building. The stance of the GT is as if
the car is taunting you, even daring you to drive it. The smell of gasoline and
exhaust fumes fill the air as you approach the Mustang. The aroma of methanol
begins to linger in as engine heats up. the... Show more content on ...
The aluminum Spectra Cold Air Intake System glistened as the sunlite beats down
on the tubing. The wind from the radiator fan beats against your face as the belt
rotates around the pulleys. The red and black engine sways left to right as the idle
of the mustang continues. the taste of bubble gum flavored alcohol begins to fill
your mouth as the direction of the wind changes. Inside the Mustang the red
instrument cluster is the first thing anyone notices. The sleek gloss black dash is
quickly in second place. The fabric bucket seats makes the GT seem as if it were
built to be raced. The heat off the small block 302 begins to fill the cab as the vents
open on the dash. the Flowmasters SoundFX mufflers thunder throughout the cab,
flaunting the power behind the Mustang. The cowl on the hood conceals the lower
two inches of the windshield as the heat flows from the metal great on the cowl. The
heat is flushed out as the Mustang roars when the gas pedal is slightly pushed. White
smoke and the smell of burning rubber arises in the cab when the Mustang goes to
Activism Using Social Media Activism
The two articles I read for ThinkCERCA were about activism using social media.
They highlighted one particular example, Wael Gonhim s Facebook page, Kullena
Khaled Said. Using social media, he was able to hear about a current event, and
make a difference. The question was Based on the evidence provided in these two
articles and the visual sources, how did social media affect the Arab Spring in
Tunisia and Egypt? When browsing Facebook Wael Ghonim saw a photograph of a
bloodied and disfigured face, its jaw broken, a young life taken away. That life, he
soon learned, had belonged to Khaled Mohamed Said, a 28 year old from
[Alexandria, who] had been beaten to death by the Egyptian police. Being a 29 year
old who was Egyptian born , Gonhim
What Is The Difference Between Ideology And Architecture
As the primary objective of the architect s job is to provide shelter and spatial needs
of people which cater to all groups of people in society by managing and creative
organization of materials, dealing with mass, space, form, texture, light, shadow,
structure and volume, also the pragmatic elements such as dealing with contractor,
client, authorities, cost, construction limitation and technology. All of former said
things in the end to achieve a functional, economical, pragmatic building with artistic
and aesthetic aspects which distinguishes architecture from engineering buildings.
Architecture is what I think is not just building buildings. We build because there is
a need to build for the people and because we have built we dwell in there. Also there
... Show more content on ...
It is a pragmatic approach of looking and analyzing various things in life.
Difference between Ideology and Philosophy
Philosophy refers to a pragmatic approach of looking and analyzing life. Ideology
refers to a set of beliefs and rules belonging to a particular group or set of people
(Kumar, 2011).
Philosophy aims at understand the world as it exists whereas ideology is born out of
a vision for the future and aims at changing the current state to that particular vision
(Kumar, 2011).
Philosophy is objective whereas ideology is dogmatic and refuses to participate in
any discussion that does not agree with that ideology (Kumar, 2011).
Philosophy does not have as much impact as an ideology would have on the world,
for ideology aims at spreading the beliefs and imposing them on the rest of the
society irrespective of its relevance (Kumar, 2011).
All ideologies have some underlying philosophy but it is not vice versa (Kumar,
Ideology, Philosophy in Architectural
Essay about The Heart of London Is Inspiring
Full of life, movement and noise heart of London which is inspiring already. Within
the Temple, The Round Church lies surrounded by the ancient buildings in a traffic
free, green place of calm bounded by the rather hazy River Thames and in between
the Fleet Street. The entrance through the gateways, possible to take either of the
Inner or the Middle Temple which was apparently designed by an amateur of
architecture, built in 1684 with brick and huge Ionic pilasters and a pediment. The
Inner Template Gateway was made out of timber, plaster and brick with a pleasant
looking room located over the gateway.
Where the tides of history have shifted, the place being demolished and rebuilt,
damaged then restored, reduced to ruin and again ... Show more content on ...
Which gives another interesting aspect to the Round Church; all the knights are on
their back but are otherwise positioned in different ways. The nave part also features
organ and beautiful wooden altar that design made Sir Christopher Wren. He
introduced an organ to the church for the first time and changed the interiors by
including an altar screen.
The Chancel The choir of the original church was pulled down and an enlarged
structure was created, that comprises a central aisle and the two side ones with
identical width. The Purbeck marble columns of the Chancel cracked although still
supported the vault, they were deemed unsound and replaced by replicas. The
original columns had a light outward lean which was duplicated in the replacement
In 1841 the church has been restored by Smirke and Burton. They have decorated
the walls and ceiling in the high Victorian Gothic. They were aiming and attempting
a restoration to bring its original appearance. Theirs work were destroyed during the
height of the Battle of Britain where German air raid bombed the roof of the round
church. However during the renovation, it was found that the renovations made by
Wren in the 17th Century were in storage and were replaced into the original
Nyame Pattersons Narrative
The cab pulled up just outside of the large apartment building. Nyame hit the
power button on her phone before looking up to hand the old cab driver a twenty.
Keep the change. There was no denying the excitement that she was feeling then,
but still she took her time getting out of the backseat. Nervously she adjusted her
jacket twice before her boots finally hit the street. There was a fresh chill in the air
when she stepped out onto the sidewalk. Snow was sprinkling down coating the
pavement in front of the building. She had to tug her hood just a little tighter as
she carefully made her way up the little entrance way. Nyame waited until the cab
driver was gone before entering the building. There was instant warmth as she
stepped inside. The security office looked up as she dusted off the bits of snow that
managed to cling to her heels. She gave him a light smile before introducing herself
as Nyame Patterson. That seemed to be enough of an explanation for him and he with
back to whatever he was doing on his computer.... Show more content on ...
Her face was dipped low and she was dabbing at her eyes with a white
handkerchief. Nyame couldn t really see her with her head hung low, but she did
notice that the girl had tears streaks on her face. When she finally did look up their
eyes locked on each other and Nyame instantly recognized her as Jill Alex s
assistant. She had met the girl multiple times when she visited Alex but any
interaction she had with her was always brief. Nyame stood there momentarily
shocked before she finally cleared her throat and managed a smile. Hello, Jill is
Women In 1800s
The 1800s served as a turning point for the role of women in society. Nearing the
end of the century, the idea that women should not work outside the home began to
be challenged, and women started to hold jobs of their own (Fischer et al., 2000).
Great opportunity was given to unmarried women, as they gained independence in
living apart from their families (Fischer et al., 2000). Women began to fight for their
independence, opposing the idea of only being known as a housewife. Kate Chopin
was among the individuals who challenged what the role of women in society was
during the late 1800s. Chopin shares her perspective in her two short stories, The
Story of an Hourand The Storm. In The Story of an Hour, the main... Show more
content on ...
Mrs. Mallard s heart trouble is symbolic of her broken relationship with her
husband, Brently. Of all the possible health issues that Mrs. Mallard could have
been battling, it is heart trouble that she if faced with. It is noted that Josephine
speaks in broken sentences; veiled hints (Chopin, The Story ), so that the news of
Brently s death is revealed to Mrs. Mallard as carefully as possible. However, the
news of her husband s death actually brings a new life to Mrs. Mallard: Her pulses
beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body
(Chopin, The Story ). Mrs. Mallard s marriage has confined her to her home and
has caused the loss of her freedom, which is represented by her heart trouble. Her
death is not caused by the joy of seeing her husband like the doctors thought, but
rather due to a loss of joy, as she loses her newly found independence upon seeing
Brently walk through the front door. Chopin shares: When the doctors came they
said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills ( The Story ). The window in Mrs.
Mallard s bedroom also serves as an important symbol in the story, representing Mrs.
Mallard s freedom. Upon seeing the beauty throughout the streets as she looks out
her window, Mrs. Mallard is finally able to realize that the rest of her life is full of
countless possibilities (Rosenblum,
The Sexual Aspect Of American Beauty
A minority of critics and movie analysts have attempted to pick at the sexual aspect
of American Beauty in hopes of uncovering a hidden meaning instead they are simply
over reaching. American Beauty is a satire that aims to shed some much needed light
on the hidden world that lives in the American suburban setting. Successfully
accomplished by Mendes through the exposure of certain topics and sexuality
undoubtably being one of them. Ricky s father Colonel Frank Fitts a military man
who brings his military world of discipline and order to the management of his family
is ironically a homophobe. The ironyis displayed at the last scene of the movie where
its revealed that the colonel himself is a homosexual man when he kisses Lester.
Likewise Lester and Jane s friend Angela s relationship is created upon aesthetic
desire from both parties; the sexual half part of the relationship never comes to life
but the relationship stirs much controversy nonetheless. Both examples provide room
for the minority argument although these examples only play a part in the mocking
and exposure of the hidden scandals that occur within the suburban setting and
neither make it to the final message that Mendes want his viewers to walk away with.
Critics believe these sexual interactions and relationships should be mentioned and
stamped with a negative connotation especially that of Lester and Angela since Only
2 of the 492 critics used the word pedophilia in their assessments of American Beauty
Greek Art
The history of art is one the most fascinating type of history there is. Reasons can
range from having the unique ability to tell the story of every artist putting their
own mark on art culture to simply being the story of how people were able to
create an outlet where they could express the way they were feeling about society
or changes within Earth itself, with beautiful and admirable artwork. But of all, the
artwork created a chance to be openly interpreted by anyone and be observed
differently and freely. It s like a secret message that is created in each work of art
that contains the story behind it or the reason why the artwork was created in the first
place. However they was also jealousy and pride that bloomed with creating art.
Inspiration to artists came from anything: nature, loved ones, experiences but most of
all other artists.... Show more content on ...
The Greeks who swore the Romans kept coping the way certain works made by
Greek artists, was one argument that till this day many are trying to unravel layers
of reasons behind certain Greek works could have sparked inspiration to make an
idea their own without giving credit where credit is due. One example would be
the marble sculpture of the Old Market Woman. She became a very well known
piece of artwork that further served as an expression of how women would dress
and look like during the Hellenistic Age period according to (https:/
/ Furthermore in this essay, the
analysis of the history of the uprising Hellenistic Age will show how pieces of
artwork including the Old Market Woman were greatly influenced by the spread of
different cultures and how the popularity of remaking new Greek inspired works
rooted from Romans admiring the wealthy and beauty of works of Greek art to the
point where they longed to make their own pieces of work with the foundation of past
Plant And Animal Cells Essay
Plant and Animal Cells
I. Introduction
All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more
cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main
features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more
cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third,
cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are
referred to as the cell theory.
All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types.
They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells
are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must
first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic
all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane,
cytoplasm, ... Show more content on ...
To complete this we had to make wet mount slides and
observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet mount
slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look
at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the
middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of
water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip
and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water.
Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no
air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting
specimens into wet mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy
instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet mount slide
can be cleaned and re used.
We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet
mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them
under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a
dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope.
Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the
onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount
of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because
when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more
clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet mount slide and also
with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet mount
slide, an edge of the coverslip
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nifedipines
Nifedipine is calcium channel blocker widely used clinically, in the treatment of
cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and angina pectoris.1. It has poor
aqueous solubility, resulting in variable dissolution rates and often irregular
bioavailability.2 The combination of low aqueous solubility and rapid absorption
from the gastrointestinal tract leads to its classification into class II of the
Biopharmaceutical Classification System3.
Pellets are agglomerates of fine powders or granules of bulk drugs and excipients
single most important factor responsible for the proliferation of pelletized products is
the popularity of controlled release technology in the delivery of drugs. When the
pellets containing active ingredient are administered in vivo in the form of
suspensions, capsules, or disintegrating tablets, they offer significant therapeutic
advantages over single unit dosage forms, since pellets ... Show more content on ...
When formulated as modified release dosage forms, pellets are less susceptible to
dose dumping than the reservoir type single unit formulations.4 Micropellets
technology delivers almost perfectly spherical particles exhibiting a very narrow
particle size distribution and excellent flow properties and these are characterized by
a smooth surface free of dust and thus provide optimal conditions for subsequent
film coating. Controlled release pellets are manufactured either to deliver the
bioactive agent at a specific site within the GIT or to sustain the action of drugs over
an extended period of time. While these results have been traditionally achieved
through the application of a functional coating material, at times the core pellets
themselves have been modified to provide the desired effect. This further enhances
the role of pellets in oral dosage form
World War One-Personal Narrative
I am private 1st class J.J. Roberts from 28th infantry division, and in 1942 my
sergeant told my buddies and I to go ahead and scout out the village. We were least
than 5 yards away went we hear the explosion. Then, my buddies drop to the
ground and was bleeding out, and I run and run until a blizzard came. I could feel
the cold wind swept across the field and it made my whole body shiver, I knew I
had to find shelter before the weather or the Nazi destroy me. I found an old barn
that wasn t destroyed by the war, and I stay there always altered and watching for
wild game to eat. I wait weeks eating rats and running lower on my water reservoir.
The whooshing sound the winds of the blizzard made make my body tired and I start
to drift away. I... Show more content on ...
I woke up to the sounds of explosion. I ran out the back door to the woods just before
the house explodes. I ran 35 miles in an abandon slaughter house and stay there for
the night. In the morning, I went hunting for some food and water because I was
low on rations. I trap a huge fat rabbit on my way to get water and I got some water
from the pond in the back yard. On my way back, I started to clean the rabbit and
keeping clover in case of Nazi planes and ground troops. When I got back, I start a
fire to cook my well urn meal and to purify the water from the pond. I don t known
day this is or the month, but I am sure the war is still going on around me. I hear
the grenades and landmines going off around me. I stay the up most of the night
listening to the bomb bursting in the air. I start to keep records of my daily day
life there in the war. The bombs stop exploding and all I hear are the peaceful
sound of rain drops hitting the roof. I was starting to drift away to the peaceful
sound of the rain hitting the roof. Then, lighting strike the roof of the abandon
slaughter house and it starts to go in flames. I woke up from the smell of the smoke
and the burned rotten meat. I bolted out of there faster than a Jackalope on the run,
and I went straight to the woods for
False Consensus Effect, Gender, And Adolescents
The project was designed to assess the false consensus effect, a theory describing the
unconscious, egocentric tendency to project one s belief onto others. Selected from
all four grades and both genders, participants were given survey that included four
real life dilemmas. They were asked about their decisions and their predictions of
others choices. The study approved the hypothesis that the majority of the students
would assume that others held the same opinions as they did. The results supported
that stronger bias existed among lowerclassmen, but the data was not significant
enough to prove that maleparticipants were more influenced by the false consensus
effect than female participants.
Keyword: False Consensus Effect, Gender, Adolescents, Egocentrism
The target population was high school students. To withdraw relatively equal sample
of students from every grade level, eighteen freshmen and twenty three sophomores
from two English classes were chosen. The upper class participants included twenty
six juniors and twenty four seniors from two AP Psychology classes. In total, the
sample size were 91 participants, with 42 female participants and 49 male
Materials and Procedures
To test students opinion and their estimation of others opinion, a survey of four real
life dilemmas ... Show more content on ...
The second scenario asked the students to choose between studying for a test and
going to a party. The third scenario asked the students to choose between going to a
family gathering and going to a friend s birthday party. The fourth scenario asked the
students to choose whether they will report their friends of cheating. After
completing the process of gathering surveys, the answers were imputed into the
computer. The percentages of male and female participants from each grade who
chose the opposite option were calculated individually and
Essay on Immigration Law Reform
Immigration reform has been making the news for many years since Arizona passed
SB1070 and Alabama passed HB56. In an attempt to curtail enactment of these laws,
the United States Department of Justice, United States Department of Homeland
Security, United States Department of State, and United States Department of
Education filed complaints against both states. Additionally, there are over 865 bills
and resolutions relating to immigrants and refugees in 45 state legislatures and the
District of Columbia during the first quarter of 2012 (2012 ImmigrationRelated Laws,
2012) with the exception five states who were not in session at the time of reporting.
Immigration laws in the United Statesstarted with the passage of the 1790... Show
more content on ...
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 delegated
federal authority to state and local enforcement to arrest, detain, investigate non
citizens for immigration, and collective evidence. In addition, transferred
enforcement to the Department of Homeland Security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks
(as cited in Huntington, 2008, p. 799 800) on behalf of the federal government.
Finally, the purpose of immigration laws is to determine status, rights, and
obligations associated with alien residency, naturalization and/or citizenship
(Immigration, n.d.). Furthermore, immigration law serves as a gatekeeper for the
nation s border, determining who may enter, how long they may stay, and when they
must leave. Congress has complete authority over immigration. States have limited
legislative authority regarding immigration (as cited in Immigration, n.d).
Arizona v. United States, ___ U. S. ___ (2012) is a pending court case regarding
Arizona s immigration statute. In 2010, Arizona enacted to immigration reform laws
after the federal government s failure to enforce current immigration reform laws.
Arizona state laws SB1070 and HB2162, enjoined since July 2010 following a
federal challenge, and currently under appeal to the United States
Bis 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with
BIS 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab
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week 2 quiz data analysis with spreadsheets with lab (TCO 2) In Excel, a relative cell
reference: (Points : 2)
Indicates a cell s specific location and the reference does not change when you copy
the formula.
Contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference
Indicates a cell s relative location from the cell containing the formula; the reference
changes when you copy the formula
Occurs when a formula directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula
(TCO 2) In Excel, an Argument would be best described by which of the following
statements? (Points : 2)
Calculates the total ... Show more content on ...
(Points : 2)
Contains another function embedded inside one or more of its arguments
Evaluates a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and a different
value if the condition is false
Evaluates true or false
Displays the current date and time
(TCO 2) The _____ number is the number of the column in the lookup table that
contains the return values. (Points : 2)
Lookup value
Column index
Lookup table
(TCO 2) To copy a formula, you may use the _____, which is found in the bottom
right hand corner of an active cell. (Points : 2)
Sizing handle
Fill handle
Insertion point
(TCO 2) One benefit of using range names in formulas is that _____ . (Points : 2)
It directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula
It contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference
It identifies the present value of the loan
If you copy the formula, you do not have to make the cell reference absolute
(TCO 2) The PMT function is best described by which of the following? (Points : 2)
It is the periodic interest rate, such as a monthly interest rate
It is the total number of payment periods
It is the present value of a loan
It calculates the periodic payment for a loan with a fixed interest rate and a fixed term
(TCO 2) In Excel, a function can be defined as a _____. (Points : 2)
Predefined formula that performs a calculation
Cell reference or a value
List of values and defined names as you enter
Analyse the Importance of Information and
Analyse the importance of information and communication technologies in the
process of international outsourcing.
Information and communication technologies are of paramount importance in the
process of international outsourcing primarily through the technological advancement
surge and demand in recent years. Through the rise of Information technology in
recent years, the importance of international outsourcing rose significantly.
Outsourcing is the contracting of the management and/or execution of a business
function to an outside third party contractor or subcontractor. Outsourcing typically
refers to the contracting of services to an offshore, rather than domestic, company.
While outsourcing has been an accepted business practice for ... Show more content
on ...
Software exports have grown a sevenfold during the past five years. In addition,
sales revenue of China s software industry increased from USD 7.16B in the year
2000 to USD 19.3B in 2003, while software exports increased from USD 0.25B to
USD 2B in the same period. In 2008, the domestic market of China s software and
information outsourcing industry reached US$633.2 billion. By 2010, total
outsourcing industry revenues in China had reached an estimated US$20 billion.
The potential growth of the Chinese information technology (IT) services market is
compelling it is expected to grow at an attractive range of better than 20% a year
during the next few years. China heritage providers are indigenous Chinese
companies that are tapping the outsourcing potential around the globe and in their
own country. There are currently some 13,000 Chinese IT services firms. Most are
small, with fewer than 1,000 employees. Fewer are mid tier, with 1,000 10,000
employees. A very few are achieving scale, with more than 10,000 employees. In
all, about 2.3 million people work for these companies and together earned about
US$20 billion in 2010. The average firm employs about 200 people and earns an
average of US$9,000 per employee. The major China heritage firms are present in
The Independece of the Blue Grass State Essay
Kentucky also known as The Bluegrass State has many aspects. It is a very beautiful
state and has many interesting historical sites. It lies between the North and South of
the United States. Its northern border is formed by the Ohio River, one of the
traditional boundaries between the Northern States and Southern States. Tobacco and
Champion race horses have long been symbols of Kentucky. Kentucky is also an
important center of agriculture and mining (Campbell 272). By the mid 1780 s a
movement had developed in Kentucky to separate it from Virginia. Ten political
conventions were held during 1784 1792 to plan for independence. The last
convention framed a constitution, and on June 1, 1792, the commonwealth of
Kentucky entered the union... Show more content on ...
Kentucky was caught in the middle of the epic battle that preserved the nation, and
touring these and other sites will reveal the important role that state played in this
historic conflict. Other facets of American history come alive when you visit
historic sites in Kentucky like Cumberland Gap, where Daniel Boone and others
blazed trails that allowed expansion of a young nation; Shaker Village, Kentucky in
Pleasant Hill, where a utopian community formed in the mid 19th century; and
Stearns Mining and Lumber Co. in the Daniel Boone National Forest, which
portrays life in the many towns that sprang up in Kentucky coal country to supply
the fuel that powered the nation s emergence as an industrial power (Kentucky
Department of Travel). Kentucky has more than 850 miles of Kentucky caves at
Mammoth Cave National Park, the longest cave system in the world. View exotic
animals and hundreds of aquatic creatures at zoos and aquariums. Feel the rush of
one of the top wooden roller coasters in the world. Visit the Kentucky Horse Park for
an up close and personal experience with championship thoroughbreds. As well as
soaking up all the amenities, nightlife, spas, theater and art of Kentucky s major cities
(Kentucky Unbridled
Downsizing at General Motors
Table of Contents Abstract1 Introduction2 Company Overview2 Restructuring
Change3 Change Challenges of Downsizing5 Images of Change6 Pressures to
Change6 Market Decline Pressure6 Fashion Pressures7 Mandated Pressures7 Result
of Change7 Conclusion8 References9
This paper explores the change that General Motors faced after the economic
recession and credit crisis that began in 2007. This pushed GM to request assistance
from the U.S. Treasury which resulted in the restructuring of their US operations. The
start of this restructuring change involved downsizing GM s operations in the US.
Along with the mandate imposed from the US government GM engaged in
downsizing to reduce costs, and to cope with the ... Show more content on ...
GM s structural change is an example of retrenchment, which is done by centralizing
/specializing a firm s operations to sustain or improve productivity (Palmer et al.,
Downsizing is generally regarded as midrange or second order change . A second
order change is transformational, radical, and fundamentally alters the organization at
its core. Second order change entails not developing but transforming the nature of
the organization (Palmer et al., 2009). Furthermore, GM s downsizing can be seen as
a type 2 transformation, which involves the revitalization of already established
companies... where the organization remains in the same market but focuses on how
to rebuild itself in order to operate more effectively (Palmer et al., 2009). GM
remained in the automotive industry but needed to restructure and downsize in order
to mitigate the effects of the economic recession.
In its restructuring, GM closed plants, cut its workforce, shed three brands, reduced
debt, introduced popular new vehicles, and implemented changes to reduce retiree
legacy costs, which had been a major financial drain (Canis Webel, 2013). Cuts
were made based on whether a person s position was deemed redundant, the level of
their subject matter expertise, and performance reviews (Smerd, 2009). As outlined
in Table 1 more than 2,000 dealerships were closed, as GM shed its
God s Speech On God Essay
God gave us the bible so that we can understand rational truths with our mind and
know what to believe. He teaches us how to Worship by painting a picture of the
world through his eyes. He teaches us about ourselves, eternity, why we are here on
Earth, and how to know right from wrong so we can Worship the greatness that is
him. Godhas given us many commands like in Matthew 22: 37 39 to follow but we
should take the teaching and understand the relationship that is presented between
us and the Worship of him. God wants us to experience him and his world. By
understanding God s invitation to know him better we learn not only more about
him, but more about ourselves. We learn what sins to avoid, what parts of our lives
need to be changed, how we can love others through him, and what are his plans
and purpose for our lives thorough him are. To Worship becomes lessons on how to
live a fulfilled life that we could never accomplish without him like in Psalm 19: 7 8;
and Corinthians 5:17.
Worship must be sincere and selfless. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but
the LORD made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before him: strength and
beauty are in his sanctuary . Psalms 96:5 6. This illustrates how we must not
worship God because of the wealth He possesses. We must worship him because
He is the Lord almighty. Worship is not sincere if it is done to only benefit your
personal wellbeing. It is having a selfless desire deep within ones soul to give up
everything to God,
Essay Death Penalty. Argument Against Death Penalty Essay
Essay Death Penalty. Argument Against Death Penalty Essay
Essay Death Penalty. Argument Against Death Penalty Essay
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Essay Death Penalty. Argument Against Death Penalty Essay

  • 1. Essay Death Penalty Writing an essay on the topic of the death penalty can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various perspectives, ethical implications, legal frameworks, and societal attitudes. The subject is inherently complex, involving a delicate balance between justice, morality, and human rights. Crafting a well-rounded essay on the death penalty demands extensive research to understand the historical context, legal precedents, and the evolving societal discourse surrounding capital punishment. The difficulty lies not only in presenting factual information but also in navigating the emotional and ethical dimensions of the topic. Writers must grapple with the profound impact of the death penalty on individuals, families, and communities, while also addressing the broader implications for society. Constructing a coherent argument that considers both the proponents and opponents of the death penalty requires a nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives. Furthermore, the evolving nature of public opinion and legal stances on the death penalty adds an additional layer of complexity. As attitudes change and new information emerges, writers must remain vigilant in updating their essays to reflect the current state of the debate. In conclusion, tackling the subject of the death penalty in an essay necessitates a comprehensive approach that goes beyond mere factual presentation. It demands a keen awareness of the ethical, emotional, and legal dimensions, making it a challenging but intellectually rewarding endeavor. For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including nuanced subjects like the one mentioned above, a resource like can provide valuable support. Writers and researchers at such services are often equipped to handle complex topics, ensuring that essays are well-researched, properly structured, and meet the necessary academic standards. Essay Death Penalty Essay Death Penalty
  • 2. A Career in Speech and Language Pathology A Career in Speech and Language PathologyWalking into school, a little boy is scared to talk to his classmates because he stutters . He is not getting good grades because he has trouble understanding information and communicating. His parents want to help him ,but do not know how. That is when speech and language pathologists come to the rescue. Speech and language pathologists help kids, teens, and adults overcome their oral and mental difficulties. They specialize in the field of helping the physically impaired, mentally impaired and behavioral disorders. The main issues they deal with are stuttering, mispronunciation, troubles communicating with others, troubles sharing thoughts, and troubles articulating (Connelly 44). Speech pathologists are required to attend many years of school to receive their Masters Degree and are paid a good amount, and their career gives them a rewarding prize of being able to strengthen their students minds to help them understand and learn better. Like all jobs there is a certain amount of education that an employee must complete in order to get the job he or she is wishing to do. Specifically, speech and language pathologists go through getting there bachelors and masters degree ( Speech Language Pathologist Career Profile 1). Before even entering the world of college people aspiring to practice this job should take english, public speaking, physiology, social sciences, math, and biology classes ( Careers in Speech Pathology 3).
  • 3. Factors and Effects of Low Body Satisfaction To understand how people feel about themselves, researchers have investigated body image, body satisfaction and self esteem. In the scientific literature, adolescents body image has received enormous attention, but research has focused predominantly on girls and body dissatisfaction, rather than positive body image. Low body satisfaction has been associated with the development of mental health conditions, both eating related and global, hence focus on body dissatisfaction is warranted. Studies have shown a low body satisfaction is associated with mild eating concerns, such as frequent dieting and has further been reported to be predictive in the development of eating disorders (Ackard, Croll Kearney Cooke, 2002). Increased depressive symptoms, anxiety, low self esteemand an increase in risk taking behaviours (Granner, Black Abood, 2002) such as alcohol use, substance abuse and tobacco use also has association with low body dissatisfaction. In Western culture, a major cause of body dissatisfaction among females is the perceived pressure from society because an emphasis of the ideal body shape is unrealistically thin, repeatedly portrayed through the media where females may feel the need to conform (McCabe Ricciardelli, 2003). Males feel pressure to follow the sociocultural ideal body form of a V shaped muscular build with broad shoulders and a lean waste line (Raudenbush Zellner, 1997). These societal pressures can be persuasive during adolescence and
  • 4. Nature In John Dunbar s Dances With Wolves In order to see nature for what it is one must be often to new ideas. Each of the characters, Lt. John Dunbar from Dances with Wolves, Dr. Ethan Powell from Instinct, and Captain John Smith from Pocahontas find a natural draw to nature that put them in an environment to learn. A same motif that I have found throughout the three movies is each character who freely offers to take in a venture. For example, Lt. Dunbar in Dances with Wolves was an army soldier who requested to be at the outer edge of civilization which in this case is the frontier with a deep draw to something he knew would be destroyed by human creations. Dr. Ethan Powell in Instinct, after a while he approaches and study about the gorillas, he finds himself drawn to the wildlife of the... Show more content on ... John Smith in Pocahontas is captain of a ship on an exploration to a new world who had a draw to nature which drove him to explore the new land around him as the others were busy undoing nature. These characters had a draw and the ability to see nature has an intimate relationship to human life when many others around them are blind to nature. Each one of the characters had to overcoming fears found in nature to be able to see nature for what it is. In the movie Dances with Wolves, despite the thread of nearby Native American tribes Lt. Dunbar still decides to stay at the frontier and manned the post himself. His first experiences with Native American are pretty unpleasant. They attempt to steal his horse and later one act in a very aggressive manner towards the Lieutenant. But over time, he overcomes his fear and tries to establish a good relationship with them. Native Americans begin to accept and trust him after he feeds them (almost literally) by helping them to find the buffalo. The Sioux warriors and White soldier are also natural enemies and it is unusual to develop this relationship. The most obvious symbols in Dances with Wolves are
  • 5. Alien Existence Essay Term Paper Alien Existence? screen name: thedigitalmatrix email: Do Aliens Exist? Just about 500 years ago people believed that the earth was still flat, 50 years ago people doubted the existence of an alien life, 5 min ago the people of earth believe that aliens existed. Many individuals around the world have reportedly been contacted by extra terrestrial beings. They allege that Earth is currently being visited by several different species of extra terrestrial. These individuals report that extra terrestrials are visiting the Earth because they are interested in observing the development of the human species. This alone is not the only reason we believe in the existence of Extraterrestrial life and UFOs. ... Show more content on ... The report concludes that the CIA was very interested in the UFO problem until the early 1950s, but since has paid little attention to it. Over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950 s through the 1960 s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights (namely the U 2) over the United States. This led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears and to protect an extraordinarily sensitive national security project. While perhaps justified, this deception added fuel to the later conspiracy theories and the cover up controversy of the 1970s( On July 4th 1947 a rancher named William Brazel found wreckage scattered over his ranch 30 miles south of Corona. Brazel had found weather balloons on two other occasions, but was unable to recognize the debris in his field. The next day he took some of the wreckage and went into Roswell to show the local sheriff. He met with George Wilcox, the local sheriff, who then contacted Roswell Army AirField (RAAF) to report the strange debris. Major Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomber group, came to see the wreckage at the sheriff s office. Major Marcel reported his findings to his commanding officer, Colonel William Blanchard, who then ordered Marcel to go to the ranch and collect more of the wreckage. On July 6th Major Marcel took one vehicle
  • 6. Chemical Weapons are Dangerous Since The First world War up to now, toxic gases died thousands of people. How many people have been suffering from toxic gases? How many people have permanent diseases because of toxic gases? Toxic gases have been using as chemical weapons to attack people. Chemical weapons had been using in The First World War and they had been using in Iraqagainst Iran and Kurdistan. Also, chemical weapons have been using in Syria. Chemical weapons killed and injured thousands of people. Therefore, chemical weapons can destroy our life, cause many permanent diseases and attack our world. Chemical weapons are toxic gases, which use in the wars such as World War 1. Chemical weapons used in First World War and they killed a lot of people even children. In addition, chemical weapons are unless color, so people can t see them. Also, most of people who died through the First World War were civilians. Therefore, who were responsible about them? In addition, people who survived had dangerous and permanent diseases such as cancer, asthma ... etc. Even people s genes effected by these toxic gases and they cause a lot of genetic problems that appeared in a second generation. Even soldiers who were pushed to this war. Then, they died or effected who were responsible about their families. In addition chemical weapons burned a lot of trees and they changed plant characteristics. Also, these gases can react with others to change air and weather characteristics. Therefore, chemical weapons effect on our
  • 7. Essay On Sonnet 129 Shame can kill you! Th expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action, and till action, lust Is perjured, murd rous, bloody full of blame William Shakespeare, Sonnet 129 Are some of us born more naked than others? Brought into the world ready to take in every criticism, suggestion, or unkind remark as gospel, increasing the shame and humiliation delivered along with the placenta? If so, maybe that manner of coming into the world created my submissive nature or maybe my submissive nature merely makes me comfortable with embarrassment and shame. In the daily rush of getting through life, these are questions I don t need to answer. However, I think understanding requires going all the way back to the beginning. Firstborn, with three years of being the only child, I competed with careers, a marital relationship less than a year old when I was born, and utterly incompatible spouses who had no idea how to parent. I needed the attention every child needs, so I learned to try harder, to try all the time, and to get used to disappointment and failure. I didn t learn to love failure and disappointment, but I accepted that they were and always would be part of my life. When my brother arrived, I became the little mother at age three, seeing... Show more content on ... The Dominant I serve wants to know everything; he requires the truth even when the truth will be unpleasant or hurtful to him and/or to me; he will be the only one in control of our relationship and of me, or he will remove himself from the relationship. Wrapping my head around the reality, which is so far removed from the fantasy perception I have had of all my past relationships; recognizing that I always was in control in the past, has been a tough journey for me. It hasn t been completed yet; I m not home free with an understanding and willingness to abandon the behaviors and patterns of decades for flying on an emotional trapeze without a net. But I am trying . . .
  • 8. Using Security Measures For Dns 1.Introduction Over the years, the Domain Name System (DNS) has evolved as the most important network service which connects networking resources to a private network and the internet. But along with the rise in the importance of DNS, it has also become a vulnerable link in the internet security as it is the internet s primary directory service used for properly traversing through the present networking infrastructure. Even though DNS is the core fabric of the today s network, there is no standard security framework available for DNS. Every security professional knows that the network security measures depends upon the following three important factors [1]: Confidentiality: It is a set of rules used for limiting the access and... Show more content on ... The latest threats to DNS will be discussed here and counter measures will be suggested. It will provide a theoretical as well as practical understanding of DNS exploitation and security. 2. Project Overview 2.1 DNS Query There are various types DNS queries made by the client. The most common is the mapping of Fully Qualified domain name (FQDN) to the IP address of the FQDN. A resolver and a name server play the important role in making queries and finding the results for queries. Sometimes, we have either only a resolver or a resolver and a name serer working together in a computer depending upon the system we are using. There are many such combinations but the core logic remains the same and it is as follows [2]: 1.When a command is inserted by the user, the hostname will be needed to be translated to the IP address so that the user will be able to access the resources at the destination site. 2.The particular application program will call the resolver which is actually a set of library functions. (To be more specific, the application will call gethostbyname or gethostbyaddr through API or library routines to formulate a query for the name server.) 3.If it is a caching resolver, it will look for the result within its cache. If the result cannot be found or if it is a stub resolver, the resolver transfers the request to the local name server. 4.If it is not in
  • 9. Filibuster Rule Analysis The filibuster rule is indisputably constitutional in the U.S. Citing from Article I, Section five of the Constitution: Individual houses may ascertain the rule of its house proceedings. In addition, from the formation of the nation, the Senate was planned to be a more premeditated body. Through James Madison Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention, he stated that, for one to assess the form to be handed to the Senate, it is appropriate to take an analysis of the both ends going to be served. First the rule safeguards the public against their leaders: secondly it safeguards the public against the transitory imprints into which they might be led into. This is the reason why the four hundred and thirty five Members of the House excluding one third of the Senate are facing election in every 2 years. Converse to what the Left wingers have confidence in, the dawdling advancement of legislation in the Senate is an element, not a bug of the Framers blueprint. Through his 1833 exposition on Constitution, the Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story stated that, an upright law had better sporadically collapse, instead of bad laws being increased with a neglectful and wicked frequency. For even reforms, to be prudent, they should generally be slow. The primary effort to haste legislation via the Senate came, obviously, from Liberal President... Show more content on ... In this instance, the measure or any other subject that is under the filibustering will not obtain chamber endorsement except if its opponents concede and permit the Senate to cast their vote on it. Even if the cloture is passed, conversely, a filibuster can considerably influence how, when, and whether the Senate accomplishes its legislative and executive operations. Due to this logic, filibusters and the panorama of filibusters controls more of the way in which the Senate performs its
  • 10. Narrow Lace Essay Want a softer, daintier look for your bedroom, but can t afford new drapes, bedspread and accessories? Wish no more! Go get a couple yards of lace and you ll be well on your way to having a prettier bedroom at a minimal cost. But, the overall look will seem as though you ve spent a fortune. There are various types of lace which are suitable for giving your bedrooma softer look. Lace on a bolt, or by the yard, is fine for covering large areas, like an entire wall or section of a wall. Wide lace, found on a spool or by the yard, is great for making a border to go around the top of the bedroom wall. Narrow lace, also found on a spool, is a great way to add just a little lace to things like lamps or other accessories. Lace comes in many different... Show more content on ... As part of the Atlanta Marietta Sandy Springs Metro area, it has access to the MARTA rail transportation system, thus ensuring reliable transportation into Metro Atlanta. Its 9 public schools and 12 well kept parks are just a few of the family friendly amenities of this town. The city was only incorporated into a city in mid 2005, after a long battle with the state to resist annexation with Atlanta and a call for a referendum. Today the city has a mayor and six Council members. The town experienced serious growth in the 1950s when a housing boom began. Many of the homes in newer neighborhoods evidence that period with ranch style and modern traditional homes. This small city is one of metro Atlanta s most affluent residential communities and in recent years has seen a trend in high rise luxury condominium building. Medium income is among the highest in Georgia, with a household making over $60,000 and a family income estimated at just above $80,000. With all this affluence the area is flush with beautiful public buildings, and many national companies locally headquartered here, which means more professional jobs are being created. This is an expensive place to live with the median house value at $345,200 in the year 2000. The dominant employment arenas for the population are in professional, scientific and technical industries. Springs Georgia.html Anyone thinking about buying in Sandy Springs would do well to purchase an audio driving tour tape at the Heritage Sandy Springs Administrative Office during regular business hours. It will provide an overview of the city s history and cultural identity. This is a wonderful resource that also can be used to tour the area and get a feel for the neighborhoods and see the civic buildings. There are 74 homes listed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution from $150,000 to
  • 11. Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero Standing in front of his people, the SchindlerJuden , Oskar Schindler gave a heartfelt farewell as a Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of business he was a man of money, but even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler went from enemy spy to savior and that s why to me he is an awe inspiring hero because he was seen as a human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people. Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria Hungary (now Svitavy, Czech Republic). His father s name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was the homemaker. Schindler home life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer.... Show more content on ... He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple of days later, the twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ( Shindler s Jews ) were freed by a lone Russian officer who rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler s life after the war was similar to that before the war, which was marked by a string of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and love affairs. In 1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however, Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish organization B nai B rith to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to West Germany. He started a cement business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds provided by the Schindlerjuden as well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement business, he was invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every spring for the rest of his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the admiration of the Schindlerjuden and their offspring, whom he regarded with great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler s fifty fourth birthday in 1962, he was officially declared a Righteous Gentile (non Jew) and invited to plant a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem s Yad Vashem Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted his request to be buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his funeral and watched as his body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler s life was turned into a movie based off the book Schindler s List also called Schindler s
  • 12. Essay On Snickers How Snickers Are Made According to Wikipedia, the earliest candy bar was made in 1847 in the United Kingdom by a man called Joseph Fry (Candy bar). In the world there are more than 70 types of candy bars (Wikipedia). M M s is in the 1st place, and snickers comes in the 3rd place (Popcandy | top 50 candybars). Snickers are a gooey, chewy candy barfill in for naught peanuts and caramel wrapped in chocolate (Discovery Channel | How It s Made). Since 1930 snickers company makes people feeling happy. In fact, people are spending two billion dollars on snickers. Furthermore, in the United States 99 tonnes of peanuts go into making snickers everyday, because that gives the candy barsa variety of texture and stronger peanuts impact (How It s Made | Snickers). The way to make a snickers bar is simple and it is done in seven steps. The first two steps are show how to create a snicker. These steps are called collecting, and mixing the ingredients. At the begging, the factory starts gathering the basic needs to make a bar, such as fresh peanuts, and egg whites. The workers start their day by receiving the fresh crops to make a fresh and delicious candy ... Show more content on ... Making a bar requires the following steps: collecting the ingredients and mixing it, preparing the bars for baking and freezing, and lastly is wrapping it to deliver the bars to the stores for selling them. The first step is the longest step, because choosing good and fresh ingredients take a lot of time and work. The second step is easier than the first step, because most of the work depends on the machines. The only thing the workers have to do is watching the huge instruments work. The third move is the most exciting, because watching the chocolate waterfalls makes people looking forward for it to finish. Snickers are ready now to go through a person s mouth with the delicious taste to fill the stomach with a powerful
  • 13. The Importance Of Gadils The use of collagen, alginate, and chitin fibers have increased in medical and surgical applications due to the promotion of healing (Pillai, Paul, Sharma, 2009). When alginate fibers are used for wound contact layers, the reaction between the alginate and the exuding wound forms a sodium calcium alginate gel (Horrocks Anand). The gel is hydrophilic in nature, permeable to oxygen, and impermeable to bacteria, and make a contribution to the creation of new tissue (Horrocks Anand). Gauze, lint, and wadding the other textilematerials used for wound dressingapplications (Rajendran Anand, 2002). Gauze is an open weave, absorbent fabric coated with paraffin wax and mainly used for the treatments of burns and scalds. In... Show more content on ... Compression bandages are designed to exert a required amount of compression on the leg when applied at a constant tension. They are used for the treatment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis, leg ulceration (Partsch et al., 2008) . They are made of woven and contain cotton and elastomeric fiber yarns or warp and weft knitted in both tubular and fully fashioned form (Partsch et al., 2008). Another kind of bandages is called Orthopedic cushion bandages, mainly used under plaster casts and compression bandages to provide padding, comfort (Rigby et al., 1997b). Nonwoven orthopedic bandages are produced from polyurethene foams, polyester fibers, or polypropylene fibers containing blend of natural and synthetic fibers (Rigby et al., 1997b). 2. Extra corporeal devices: Artificial kidney, liver, and lungs are the mechanical organs used for blood purification. They are called extra corporeal devices and represent another category of medical textiles (Peppas Langer, 1994). The artificial kidney is made of a bundle of hollow regenerated cellulose fibers in the form of cellophane that contain the unwanted waste materials (Hongu Phillips, 1997). Numerous layers of the artificial kidney composed the multilayer filters that made of needle punched fabrics are designed to extract the unwanted materials rapidly and
  • 14. Martin Buber Research Paper Martin Buber was a leader of the Zionist movement which is the belief that the only solution to the growing anti Semitism in Europe was for there to be an independent Jewish State.The events of World War 2 made the need for a Jewish State that much greater. The original plan in 1947 was to divide the land equally between both parties, but only the Jewsagreed to the plan. In 1917, the Balfour Declaration promised a Jewish State in what was at the time Palestine. Contradicting a previous declaration that the British made that promised the land to the Arabs.On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion declared Israelan independent Jewish State. This led to a war between Israel and all of the surrounding Arab state. Buber wrote an article two weeks after the creation of Israel.... Show more content on ... Kant s Prolegomena and Nietzsche s Zarathustra are what inspired him to pursue philosophy and Theodor Herzl s Zionism inspired Buber to become a Zionist leader. Buber wrote a book about Jews and Arabs and it covers the topic of zionism greatly it is called A Land of Two Peoples. In it he has is a culmination of his various works, diaries, and other related excerpts that pertain to the Israel Palestine conflict. He clarifies and addresses fundamental terms relating to the conflict such as Zionism , while providing further clarification of these terms. Buber supports Zionism, he simultaneously respects the rights of the Palestinian in regards to their rights, culture and history. Buber s work is significant as it ultimately advocates for peaceful solutions over confrontation this is a clear representation on his political side of philosophy because he rather have peace then create unneeded conflict among different
  • 15. Conscription In Canada Research Paper It is a well known fact that through Canadian history, English and French Canadians did not get along very well. French and English Canadians had many differences throughout history, and as time got closer to the 21st century, situations between these two groups of people got worse and worse. Their main differences, as seen in the visual component of my CPT, were usually around times of war, when conscription was a very big topic. However, we cannot forget the post World War II situations that caused Canadato change forever. Therefore, the top three events that really caused transformations in relations of French and English Canadians were the conscription crisis of 1917, the Union Nationale of the 1930s, and the Official Languages Act of... Show more content on ... Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau decided to implement a solution to finally stop the French Canadians and English Canadians from constantly fighting with each other. Therefore, he developed and passed the Official Languages Act, which was an act that would finally recognize the equal status of English and French throughout the federal administration, and ensure that all federal institutions provide their services in English or French at the customer s choice. This act allowed for French Canadians to no longer be seen as a minority in Canada and to finally be recognized for who they are. Having Prime Minister Trudeau work very hard to pass this act showed French Canadians that the Federal Government had finally recognized all the injustices directed towards them, and that there was no longer any need for fighting between French and English Canadians. The importance of this event is that finally, French Canadians were seen and identified as actual Canadians , and this act is an apology from the Federal government towards the French Canadians for all the injustice that had happened to them in the past. The Official Languages Act was a way to show French Canadians that the culture of the French was in no danger of disappearing (Patriquin, Canada s language wars are over ), one of the
  • 16. Lto Case Study Essay The first LPO how ever, was imaged using the preset kVp and AEC with the outcome of being underexposed with a DEI of 7.4, leading to setting a manual technique by the technician for the repeat LPO and the RPO. The exposure index or the DEI of 7.4 on the repeated image is within the excepted range but really close to the limit. A possible reason for this DEI number would be that the body part being imaged was not properly positioned over the ionization chambers causing the AEC to terminate the exposer, producing an underexposed image. An underexposed image would show evidence of low contrast, poor spatial resolution and quantum mottle. In other words a bright, less than desirable degree of sharpness between structures, and a grainy image. Two other procedural factors, one being patient preparation, which there was, no preparation needed for the lumbar exam. The other being radiation protection. The image receptor size was a 16x16 collimated to an 8x14 for each image other than the L5 S1, which was approximately 7x7 and unfortunately shielding was not placed on the patient.... Show more content on ... The only possible artifact that came close was the imaging marker that was placed slightly left from the midsagittal plane on the LPO projection. Not only was it the wrong marker but also it came close to being imaged within the essential anatomy. Some other artifact to take note of are: Image receptor artifact such as dirt, dust, pixel issues, and ghost images. Software artifacts to include histograms, and pre and post processing issues and object artifacts, which can include backscatter, patient positioning and human error (Bushong, 2012, p
  • 17. Canada s Role In Ww2 In the final two years of the Second World War, Canadian operations was astonishing from the simple growth and expansion of the RCN, working alongside Britain to engage in and manage convoy protection. Canada s naval contribution was essential over U Boat attacks on shipping, and because of such undertakings, Canadian naval officers conducted an ultimately successful campaign to have Canadas efforts in the Battle of the Atlantic acknowledged by the creation of an independent Canadian command in the northwest Atlantic. In December 1942, Canada successfully won an administrative battle to gain responsibility for the distribution of all intelligence concerning convoys under Canadian control, and because of complex additions to the Enigma machines... Show more content on ... Moving forward, it is also highly unlikely that Britain would have survived after the Battle of Britain had the Royal Canadian Navy not been assisting merchant convoys crossing the Atlantic from the US and Canada. The air effort presented similar trends as the RCN in May 1945, there were 784 aircraft in Coastal command, with 511 used against submarines and the rest for enemy attacks. Approximately 153,000 flight personnel were trained out of a total of 239,761 that were engaged in British and Commonwealth flying operations, a pivotal choice in gaining air superiority victory over the sky would never have happened so quickly without Canada s involvement. The RCAF famously worked with the RCN throughout the Battle of Britain, the attempt by the German war machine to destroy Britain s Royal Air Force (RAF) and prepare for invasion after already conquering most of Europe, including France, which was one of Canada s first campaigns during the first nine months or so of war. Founded in 1924, the RCAF was the smallest of Canada s services when war broke out in 1939. Attempts to expand and improve the force up until 1935 were futile, only growing from 569 to 1,031 personnel, just enough for the needs of war. The Second World War undoubtedly established an aircraft industry and the progression of civil aviation formed a reserve of skilled pilots from a developed training scheme established in Canada. The inauguration of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) took place, a strategy conceived by Prime Minister King to train pilots and flight personnel in Canada, so that the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) would remain a safe distance away from the fighting in Europe and North Africa. This allowed for contribution from the war effort on home
  • 18. The Case Of Roe V. Wade On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court, on the case of Roe v Wade, ruled to legalize abortion in all fifty US states. Forty two years after this decision, approximately 56 million abortions have been performed in the US alone and this number continues to climb drastically day to day. For some individuals, this number is simply not enough. For example, in her article, It Is Time to Integrate Abortioninto Primary Care, Susan Yanow argues the case that abortion is here to stay. With this observation, she further believes that the procedure should be made more available to all women, and likewise, any physician should be easily allowed to perform abortions. Susan Yanow begins by advocating for the increased availability of procuring abortions for all women no matter their income, location, or age. She offers a complaint against the many barriers for woman to obtaining an abortion, State restrictions... create almost insurmountable barriers to access, especially for rural, young, and low income women. Yanow argues that women should not have to travel long distances or deal with unnecessary requirements in order to get the reproductive health care they need. She resolves this by insisting on integrating abortion into primary care in such a way that family physicians at home be allowed to perform first trimester abortions. As one continues through the article, Yanow s position becomes increasingly clear. She points out that most primary care clinicians already have the
  • 19. The Evolution Of The Pc And Microsoft Essay The Evolution of the PC and Microsoft Xerox, Apple, IBM, and Compaq all played major roles in the development of the Personal Computer, or ВіPC,ВІ and the success of Microsoft. Though it may seem so, the computer industry did not just pop up overnight. It took many years of dedication, hard work, and most importantly, thievery to turn the personal computer from a machine the size of a Buick, used only by zit faced Ві nerds,ВІ to the very machine I am typing this report on. Xerox started everything off by creating the first personal computer, the ALTO, in 1973. However, Xerox did not release the computer because they did not think that was the direction the industry was ... Show more content on ... So they developed a process called Віopen architecture.ВІ Open architecture meant buying all the components separately, piecing them together, and then slapping the IBM name on it. It was quite effective. Now all IBM needed was software. Enter Bill Gates. Gates, along with buddy Paul Allen, had started a software company called Microsoft. Gates was one of two major contenders for IBM. The other was a man named Gary Kildall. IBM came to Kildall first, but he turned them away (He has yet to stop kicking himself) and so they turned to Big Bad Bill Gates and Microsoft. Microsoft would continue supplying IBM with software until IBM insisted Microsoft develop Q/DOS, which was compatible only with IBM equipment. Microsoft was also engineering Windows, their own separate software, but IBM wanted Q/DOS. By this time, PC clones were popping up all over. The most effective clone was the Compaq. Compaq introduced the first BIOS (Basic Input Output System) chip. The spearheaded a clone market that not only used DOS, but later Windows as well, beginning the incredible success of Microsoft. With all of these clones, Apple was in dire need of something new and spectacular. So when Steve Jobs got invited to Xerox to check out some new
  • 20. I Am A Friend, A Photographer And When I Was A Child My father is a photographer and when I was a child I was his worst model, even my little brother at four could pose better than me. Whenever my dad tried to get me pose I would stomp my feet and scream how much I detested getting my picture taken, or I would runaway and hide. Their are very few photo s of me that weren t stage or was taken quickly before I could oppose. Even today, if you tried to take of picture of me you will most likely see me put my hands over my face hoping you didn t get a good shot. So, if you look on my Tumblr or Twitter you will very few pictures of me, but tons of pictures of my family or my favorite bands. But, I truly believe it is when I m behind that cameraand I hear that click and see that bright flash, I find myself at peace. I love photographybecause it has given me a safe outlet for my thoughts and feelings. I never thought about photography it always seemed like something I couldn t do. My father and sister both were photoghers and that was the main reason I didn t want to take photos, because I feared I wouldn t live up to what they could create. But, the first time I didn t care about expectations or what people might think was the first time I really wanted to take pictures. It began in the 6th grade, I got my first camera, it was baby blue and not very professional, but I loved it. Even though it was a short love affair, I took some photo s that I still treasure today (which include a sunset and orange blossoms). Though I was
  • 21. Iraq War 2003 Essay Before the invasion to Iraq and during the war, many Americans were misinformed about the Iraq issue. They played a significant role in building and maintaining the support for this military operation. A study called Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War by The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) showed that many people held misperception about three main topics: involvement of the Iraqi government in 9/11 and Al Qaeda, evidence of the weapons of mass destruction, and favorable views of world public opinion. According to their polls, 57% of people thought that Iraqwas directly involved in the 9/11 attacks or gave substantial support to Al Qaeda. Moreover, 22% of respondents believed that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after the war and that Iraq actually used weapons of mass destruction during the war, and one third thought that world public opinion has approved of the US going to war with Iraq. These misperceptions are one of the reasons, why Iraq war in 2003 became an extensively discussed topic for many reasons and from many perspectives. One of them is performance of the media before and during ... Show more content on ... From their statements is clear that the mistakes were on the part of journalists as well as, or maybe even more, on editors. Christiane Amanpour from CNN said: I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self muzzled. I m sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did. The aspect of self censorship of the media confirmed also a reporter of The Washington Post Walter Pincus. Pincus had written many critical articles about the Bush administration and they all ended up published in the back
  • 22. A Brief Biography of E.B. White I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. (White). Elwyn was a great and always full of humor and that came out especially in his writings. All growing up I read a lot of his books because they were books that were in the family for a long time and every one of my siblings read them growing up. They were books that we passed down because they were some of the best books for kids to read when they were old enough to understand what they were about. E.B White always had a sense of humor in his writings. It was something that could never be copied in the same way that he would write. E.B White was born July 11, 1899 in Mount Vernon, New York. He lived with his mother Jessie Hart and his father Samuel Tilly White. His father was a piano manufacturer but it was never clear as to what his mother had for a job. It could have been that she never a job considering the time period that White grew up in. He was one of six kids having two brothers and three sisters. Although having six children would make it pretty close to having a full time job, so I would find it pretty hard to find a job of caring for the family. His parents named him Elwyn Brooks White, but he was not the biggest fan of it. He states that, I never liked that Elwyn. My mother just hung it on me because she d run out of names, he told The New York Times in 1980 ( Elwyn Brooks White ). On White s twelth birthday his
  • 23. Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy Introduction Genetic research has advanced in a dramatic fashion in the last decade or so, to the point where it has now become possible to attempt therapeutic genetic modification, in a few cases of human genes, where a defects exists which manifests itself in certain serious diseases. This possibility, known as gene therapy, is only in its infancy. At present, no one knows how effective it will prove to be, even in the few conditions on which it is being tried whether it will only be of relatively limited application, or whether it will open up many wider possibilities. It suffers both over optimistic claims from some quarters and exaggerated dangers from others, over which the church needs to... Show more content on ... Putting it in more scientific terms, we are far more than the sum of our DNA complement. Moreover, human beings can be described in terms relationship first to God who is himself a Trinity of persons, then to ourselves in a true self awareness in the light who we are in relationship to God, thence to other human beings, and to the rest of God s created order. Each of these relationships leads to moral precepts which sets bounds to what we may do within such a relationship, which may be applied to genetic technology. In scripture, the problems in which human beings find themselves are expressed in terms of disobedience to God, arising from a broken relationship with him. Failing to relate to God, and thus to our fellow humans, leads to distortions of human behaviour with false precepts, and also to attempting to set up alternative and substitute alliances with things which are non relational idolatry. Hubris and Humanity In contemporary technological society, one manifestation is in notions of endless human evolution and improvement the attitude that the sky s the limit to human endeavour, which finds an echo in the Old Testament story of the tower of Babel project. Some of the more extravagant claims for the potential of genetics see the human genome project as a further step along the road of human autonomy and mastery over nature. Another basic distortion is the tendency to evaluate all things in a material and economic frame of reference, seeing the
  • 24. KPMG Deferred Tax Issues KPMG Deferred Tax Issues: Valuation Allowance Issue 1: Conclude on the appropriateness of the engagement team s decision for valuation allowance. 1. Clarify Issues Objectives ASC 740 10 05 5 defines a deferred tax asset as: A deferred tax asset is measured using the applicable enacted tax rate and provisions of the enacted tax law. A deferred tax asset is reduced by a valuation allowance if, based on the weight of evidence available, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. ASC 740 10 05 5 also states the following: There are two basic principles related to accounting for income taxes, each of which considers uncertainty through the application of recognition and ... Show more content on ... Thus, a 5% increase in profit margin is not indicative of Riggers historical data and is not a conservative estimate. Riggers also projects 100% rig efficiency, which assumes the rig will endure absolutely no issues, repairs, or maintenance for the next ten years. This assumption seems highly unlikely. A more conservative assumption would take into account the inevitable off days of the rig and thereby reduce the rig efficiency projection slightly. Additionally, the engagement team s assessment of valuation allowance is based on the assumption that the Brazil segment of operations will cease or lose profitability after the fiscal year 2021. If, instead, we assume operations in Brazil will continue and remain profitable until further notice, the deferred asset will eventually be used to its entirety and no valuation allowance should be recognized. However, if the given assumption of ceased operations in 2021 stands, a more fair and conservative representation requires an adjustment for valuation allocation. Given the slightly optimistic nature of the assumptions surrounding profit margin and rig efficiency, reducing both percentage values would provide more conservative estimates. If profit margin and rig efficiency were reduced to 11% and 98%, respectively, a valuation allowance of approximately
  • 25. Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper In the play taming of the shrew and 10 things I hate about you, I believe relationships are shown differently because in 10 things I hate about you relationships are shown through just dating out of fun/ love instead of in taming of the shrew where it was about money and kind of an agreement with the father and no choice for the women. This is seen in the relationships of Katherine and Petruchio. The difference between the relationship of Katherine and Petruchio in the play Taming Of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You . We recently read the play Taming Of The Shrew where we met characters like Katherine and Petruchio who were getting married and petruchio was basically in the relationship for her money. In the movie on the other hand ... Show more content on ... In the movie the relationship was started off based around money and he eventually started to fall in love with her, she also had to fall for him where in the play she didn t really have a choice she just had to marry him because her father said. For I am he born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate conformable as other household kates. This shows their relationship because of the time period on how he was responsible for making her his woman and she wouldn t really tame herself and she didn t have a choice. I think Petruchio really did love her he just didn t know how to show it because of the time period. In the movie he treated his women way better and actually took care of her when she was drunk and cared for her way more than in the play where he basically hated her and just wanted to marry her for her money. In the play petruchio wouldn t even stay at their wedding and he wanted to leave but Kat wouldn t. Their relationship in the play was very directed and structured around money where in the movie it was more surrounded around there feelings and how they actually enjoyed being
  • 26. A Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick In this essay I will be exploring how the dystopian society in Stanley Kubrick s 1971 film adaptation of Anthony Burgess 1963 novel, A Clockwork Orange has been used to explore contemporary anxieties. A Clockwork Orange takes place in an outlandish and dreary vision of future Britain governed by an oppressive, totalitarian super government. In this society, ordinary people have fallen into a dazed state of complacency, unaware of the sinister growth of a rampant, violent youth culture. Anthony Burgess wrote his short novel A Clockwork Orangein 1962 as a way of coming to terms with the rape of his first wife. The dystopian journey of A Clockwork Orange is told through the first person account of Alex, the fifteen year old anti hero of the novel who narrates in a teenage jargon called nadsat , which incorporates elements of Cockney English slang and Russian. Alex, together with his band of droogs, Georgie, Pete and Dim, who fill themselves up with milk laced with drugs at the Korova Milkbar prior to a night of committing crimes of murder, rape, and theft. In one of their most atrocious crimes, Alex and his band of droogs force their way into the home of a couple, where they rape the woman as her husband is forced to watch. The turning action comes when they then head back to the Korova, where they fight with each other. Alex, who loves classical music, becomes angry at Dim when Dim mocks an opera that Alex adores. Alex punches Dim in the face, which prompts the others to
  • 27. The Colonization Of The Middle East Many of the problems in the Middle East today are a direct result of actions undertaken in the region s colonial past. I will argue that both imperialist ineptitude, deliberate meddling and outright deceit by colonial powers have sown seeds of distrust that linger in the Middle East today towards the West. I will claim that artificial boundaries, government structures and societal schisms created in colonial times have entrenched animosities and created internal structural instabilities in the area that are still being resolved. The imposition of Israelinto Palestine, I will argue, remains an unresolved product of colonial rule. I will discuss how the discovery of oil and the regions importance as a trade route caused the World Powers to remain engaged in the area and oppressive in their demeanour. Finally I will argue that perhaps the greatest ongoing legacy of colonialismin the Middle eastis an imperialist attitude by the west which continues to this day. Different regions in the Middle East have different experienced different levels of colonialism. Prior to the First World War some regions of the Ottoman Empire were already under the influence of European countries (Owen 2006, p. 23). Between the first and second world wars most of the empire was formally divided between, and under the control of, Britain and France (Owen 2006, p. 25) and even after the second world war European influence lingered. Cole and Kandiyoti describe these periods as informal imperialism
  • 28. Comparing The Man With No Name In Fistful Of Dollars Conversely, the man with no name has clear motivations throughout the entirety of Fistful of Dollars. The man with no name is a bounty hunter, his motivation is money. Of course, the man with no name wants to kill everyone. If he kills both gangs he gets paid a great deal of money. The Continental op is supposed to be solving murders not committing them. It seems like he does not care about money so he is not doing it for that. The money Elihu is paying him is going to the detective agency and not in his pocket, but he certainly could have taken it if he wanted to. The man with no name has a few other motivations besides money like protecting the people in town. He saves Marisol and her family and all he got in return for that was a beating from Ramone Rojo and his gang.... Show more content on ... (256) He also definitely did not do it for Dinah because she ended up dead anyway. By the op s own words, he only started killing because he had let Personville get the better of him. This damned burg s getting me. If I don t leave soon I ll be going blood simple like the natives, (193). The truth is that the detective at the beginning that sneered and called Personville Poisonville turned out to be just as bad if not worse than the citizens in the end. That s one of the biggest differences between the two main characters, the detective got caught up in the crime while the bounty hunter remained cool and collected and just did his job. It is very interesting that the two stories differ like that because you expect it be the opposite. Bounty Hunters are supposed to be the ones that are the bloodthirsty villains and detectives are typically cool headed and law abiding people that can remain objective to the problem. Both stories flipped the script on a common
  • 29. Archaeology Notes Kenyatta University | INSTITUTUTE OF OPEN LEARNING| AHT 202 EARLY AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY| | | W. KENNEDY GITU, L.K. NGARI, W.S. NDIIRI| 1/4/2012| | Table of Contents Definition of Terms 3 Fossils in Geological Context 5 The Earth in the Cenozoic 11 Origins of Primates 17 The Basis for Human Evolution 23 Origins of the Genus Homo 28 Origins of Modern Humans................................................................................................................................. 32 Behavior and Evolution of Early Hominines.........................................................................................................39 African Pre Historic Art............. ............................................................................................................................49 Definition of Terms Angular torus a thickened bony ridge on the back of the parietal Biostratigraphy the use of biological organisms found in rocks to correlate... Show more content on ... HOW TO BECOME A FOSSIL In reality very few living things become fossils. Not only does a minute fraction of living things become preserved as fossils, but only an exceedingly small proportion of the fossils that are preserved end being discovered, collected and studied. Not surprisingly, then that the fossil record is not entirely representative of the composition of past biological communities ( Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980). Instead, fossil record preserves some organisms more than others. Taphonomy which is the study of what happens to organism from the time they die to their discovery is used. This approach may include both the biological and geological processes. Death may come to the organism in a number of ways including disease, injury and or predation among others. In some cases, the agent of death such as predators may leave marks on the skeleton such as bite marks. After death the carcass begins to decompose when living tissues are no longer maintained by the organism, and numerous microbes such as bacteria and insects accelerate the decomposition process. As the decomposition goes on, scavenging animals such as hyenas may consume the soft tissues and in some cases even chew on the bones. Eventually, only the most durable tissues such as dense bones remain. However, in some cases even the dense bones may disappear due to erosion and trampling. To become a fossil, part of the organism must be preserved by burial, a natural process by which
  • 30. Analysis Of Mill On The Floss By George Eliot This research report reviews scholarly criticism on the much debated character MAGGIE TULLIVER from the book Mill on the floss written by George Eliot. The project I propose analyses Maggie s character as a whole. The report will begin by discussing the critics point of view of various reasons responsible for the death of Maggie Tulliver. The report then focuses on how society and how her relationships lead to her downfall from the point of view of various critics. A part of my report also critically analyses the death of Maggie Tulliver. Lastly my report discusses about the inner conflicts of Maggie and how those conflicts eventually lead to her fate. Maggie suppresses herself in the patriarchal system and struggles to make a place for herself and to find an identity of her own. In her article Maggie Tulliver s long suicide1974 Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth says that Maggie eventually believes the lie, that she is inferior, or wrong, or not to be taken seriously. She learned to collaborate in her own defeat . ELIZABETH ERMARTH also comments on how society affects Maggie since she was shaped to be a child by the family pieties, it is fitting that her life ends in a reversion to childhood where her energies to be an adult, tragically, are unneeded. Moving on to her relationships, Ermarth analyses that her relationships with Mr.Tulliver and her brother Tom Tulliver play a very important role in her being a selfless person. In return of being obedient Tom gives
  • 31. Nt1330 Unit 3 Lab Report Sample 3.1. Petrographic Examination Petrographic thin sections were prepared and optically analyzed using Leitz polarizing microscope. Optical microscopy was very useful for identifying the mineral composition, different litho types and the exact stratigraphy of the samples. It provided information on the decayed layers and their size, color and texture. Additionally, the characteristics of minerals, cement materials and textural and digenetic features of the samples were further examined. 3.2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM EDX) In order to identify their textural, mineralogical changes and altered stone surfaces, images of crusts and salt samples were analyzed using (SEM JEOL JSM5500LV). They were coated with gold and a (10 KV) detector of (6587 model) was used.... Show more content on ... X ray diffraction (XRD) Mineralogical composition for the bulk samples powder were determined using X ray diffraction (Philips X ray diffraction equipment model PW/171) with monochromator, Cu k ГЎ radiation (1.542 =Ч’Г…) at 40 kV and 35 mA at X ray diffraction lab, Physics Department, Assiut Faculty of Science, Egypt. The patterns were recorded from 4 to 90В°2ГЁ. In addition, reflection peaks were between 4 and 902СІ, of 0.06в—¦/min speed. Corresponding spacing (d,Г…) and the relative intensities (I/IВ°) were also obtained [Moore and Reynolds,1997]. 3.4. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of the sandstone: The specimens used for physical and mechanical properties were cubic of 4 cm edges and were estimated using (ASTM C97). Sandstones porosity was measured and was 18 25%. The bulk density of the temple s sandstone was 1.5 1.87gm/cm3. The compressive strength of the sandstone was estimated for both dry and wet samples. It was estimated on the smooth surface of 12 cubic samples (3.5Г—3 . 5Г—3.5 cm). They varied from 20 25 kg/cm2 for the dry samples and 11 13 kg/cm2 for the wet ones. but The (dry) strength was classified low strength to medium strength. 4. Results 4.2. Petrographic
  • 32. My True Love Has My Heart Psallite Hodie! composed by Steve Kupferschmid and My True Love Has My Heart words by Sir Phillip Sidney and music by Laura Farnell, are two different choral arrangements. The two vary in composer, style, tempo, and key. However, these two pieces of music are similar in part arrangement and generation composed. Kupfershmid first began his music career as a trombonist. He later became a choral editor and worked as such for many years. There is not much known about him, as he is not an extremely famous composer. The writer of the lyrics of My True Love Has My Heart was a poet. Sidney was born on November 30 in 1554 at Penshurst in Kent, England, in the United Kingdom. He serviced Queen Elizabeth I during the Renaissance as a Protestant political liaison. He left court and began writing poems. He was against the queen s marriage, which later let him to leave court and begun writing a long narrative poem titled The Arcadia. The piece My True Love Has My Heart is from this poem. My true love hath my heart and I have his, By just exchange one for the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss; There never was a bargain better driven. His heart in me keeps me and him in one; My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: He loves my heart, for once it was his own; I cherish his because in me it bides. His heart his wound received from my sight; My heart was wounded with his wounded heart; For as from me on him his hurt did light, So still, methought, in me his
  • 33. The Link Between The Cerebellum And Autism Exploring the Link between the Cerebellum and Autism With the rate of autism being diagnosed on the rise, the amount of research and interest in the disorder has risen as well. Some research suggests that over the past two decades the occurrence of autism has increased from approximately 2 5 per 10,000 births to about 1 5 per 1,000 births (Acosta Pearl, 2004; Fatemi et al., 2012). Still others report that the occurrence is as high as 1 in 150 kids (Amaral, Schumann, Nordhal, 2008). Even though the spectrum of autistic disorders has been studied since 1943, there have still not been any consistent nor persuasive causes or markers, either biological or clinical, identified with autism and its range of disorders (Santangelo Tsatsanis, 2005). In fact, even with all of the advancements in genetic research technology and the increasing interest in autism, researchers can still only account for approximately 5 15% of autistic cases (Rogers et al., 2013). One of the reasons why autism is so difficult to study is that it is a very heterogeneous disorder (Acosta Pearl, 2004; Fatemi et al., 2012; Kates et al., 1998; Mitchell et al., 2009; Rogers et al., 2013; Santangelo Tsatsanis, 2005). This means that the disorder has a wide variety in both symptoms and severity. There is such a wide range because the disorder can be caused by as few as 2 10 genes or by over 15 (Santangelo Tsatsanis, 2005). Making the pathology even more difficult to discover is the fact that in
  • 34. The Importance Of Media Technology I have always been near media technology ever since I was little. My mother would play me music from her media player, but she didn t even know to download music on it, so my sister had to help her. I used to watch a lot of tv when I was younger because it was relaxing to me, I still do it now to help me with my school work especially when I watch the animal planet channel or geographic channel. My mother and sister would let me use their phones or computers. Now, I can help them do anything person or informational on the computer. My personal experiences using media have been very helpful so far, especially when I go on my social media sites to be in touch with people. Media has helped me become in touch with what s happening in the world... Show more content on ... I help her mostly with electronics like her IPad, she s not from the technology age, so she lets me help her or my sister does when It s too hard for me to do. My sister majored in information technology, so she deals computers all the time at her job and she is also on a lot of social media sites. She s always teaching me about computers and what their functions are, so I can know what to do when my computer breaks down so that I can figure out what the situation is and how I m supposed to handle it all on my own. I am a very antisocial person, so I rather use the internet to socialize instead of talking to people in person. I mostly use the internet for information on reports or shopping online on Amazon or Ebay, looking for good deals on items that I want. When I was in high school, I would go on the computer a lot to help with my homework more than I did in middle school, because I would get harder homework which would require more information from the computer. I would go online to get research for my biology reports or help for my math homework or even my English reports. My mother bought me a computer my freshman year of high school to do all my reports on, and then four years later I had to get me a new one for college. My laptop has all the programs I need for college, mostly Microsoft tools and a calculator for math. I can also use my laptop as a tablet,
  • 35. Mustang Descriptive Writing Rumbling, the rumbling of a flowmasters FX exhaust echos through the streets. From the source of this rumble sits an eighty six Ford Mustang GT Hatchback. The Mustang is black as the night sky on a new moon. The rust over the rear quarter panels display the age of the Mustang. The eighty six has a miniscule amount of dents and dings in the body to flaunt its battle scars. The hood wields a small cowl and six vent louvers to release excess heat and air induction. The Mustang sits still as it idles in front an old cracked red brick building. The stance of the GT is as if the car is taunting you, even daring you to drive it. The smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes fill the air as you approach the Mustang. The aroma of methanol begins to linger in as engine heats up. the... Show more content on ... The aluminum Spectra Cold Air Intake System glistened as the sunlite beats down on the tubing. The wind from the radiator fan beats against your face as the belt rotates around the pulleys. The red and black engine sways left to right as the idle of the mustang continues. the taste of bubble gum flavored alcohol begins to fill your mouth as the direction of the wind changes. Inside the Mustang the red instrument cluster is the first thing anyone notices. The sleek gloss black dash is quickly in second place. The fabric bucket seats makes the GT seem as if it were built to be raced. The heat off the small block 302 begins to fill the cab as the vents open on the dash. the Flowmasters SoundFX mufflers thunder throughout the cab, flaunting the power behind the Mustang. The cowl on the hood conceals the lower two inches of the windshield as the heat flows from the metal great on the cowl. The heat is flushed out as the Mustang roars when the gas pedal is slightly pushed. White smoke and the smell of burning rubber arises in the cab when the Mustang goes to
  • 36. Activism Using Social Media Activism The two articles I read for ThinkCERCA were about activism using social media. They highlighted one particular example, Wael Gonhim s Facebook page, Kullena Khaled Said. Using social media, he was able to hear about a current event, and make a difference. The question was Based on the evidence provided in these two articles and the visual sources, how did social media affect the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt? When browsing Facebook Wael Ghonim saw a photograph of a bloodied and disfigured face, its jaw broken, a young life taken away. That life, he soon learned, had belonged to Khaled Mohamed Said, a 28 year old from [Alexandria, who] had been beaten to death by the Egyptian police. Being a 29 year old who was Egyptian born , Gonhim
  • 37. What Is The Difference Between Ideology And Architecture Introduction As the primary objective of the architect s job is to provide shelter and spatial needs of people which cater to all groups of people in society by managing and creative organization of materials, dealing with mass, space, form, texture, light, shadow, structure and volume, also the pragmatic elements such as dealing with contractor, client, authorities, cost, construction limitation and technology. All of former said things in the end to achieve a functional, economical, pragmatic building with artistic and aesthetic aspects which distinguishes architecture from engineering buildings. Architecture is what I think is not just building buildings. We build because there is a need to build for the people and because we have built we dwell in there. Also there ... Show more content on ... It is a pragmatic approach of looking and analyzing various things in life. Difference between Ideology and Philosophy Philosophy refers to a pragmatic approach of looking and analyzing life. Ideology refers to a set of beliefs and rules belonging to a particular group or set of people (Kumar, 2011). Philosophy aims at understand the world as it exists whereas ideology is born out of a vision for the future and aims at changing the current state to that particular vision (Kumar, 2011). Philosophy is objective whereas ideology is dogmatic and refuses to participate in any discussion that does not agree with that ideology (Kumar, 2011). Philosophy does not have as much impact as an ideology would have on the world, for ideology aims at spreading the beliefs and imposing them on the rest of the society irrespective of its relevance (Kumar, 2011). All ideologies have some underlying philosophy but it is not vice versa (Kumar, 2011). Ideology, Philosophy in Architectural
  • 38. Essay about The Heart of London Is Inspiring Full of life, movement and noise heart of London which is inspiring already. Within the Temple, The Round Church lies surrounded by the ancient buildings in a traffic free, green place of calm bounded by the rather hazy River Thames and in between the Fleet Street. The entrance through the gateways, possible to take either of the Inner or the Middle Temple which was apparently designed by an amateur of architecture, built in 1684 with brick and huge Ionic pilasters and a pediment. The Inner Template Gateway was made out of timber, plaster and brick with a pleasant looking room located over the gateway. Where the tides of history have shifted, the place being demolished and rebuilt, damaged then restored, reduced to ruin and again ... Show more content on ... Which gives another interesting aspect to the Round Church; all the knights are on their back but are otherwise positioned in different ways. The nave part also features organ and beautiful wooden altar that design made Sir Christopher Wren. He introduced an organ to the church for the first time and changed the interiors by including an altar screen. The Chancel The choir of the original church was pulled down and an enlarged structure was created, that comprises a central aisle and the two side ones with identical width. The Purbeck marble columns of the Chancel cracked although still supported the vault, they were deemed unsound and replaced by replicas. The original columns had a light outward lean which was duplicated in the replacement ones. In 1841 the church has been restored by Smirke and Burton. They have decorated the walls and ceiling in the high Victorian Gothic. They were aiming and attempting a restoration to bring its original appearance. Theirs work were destroyed during the height of the Battle of Britain where German air raid bombed the roof of the round church. However during the renovation, it was found that the renovations made by Wren in the 17th Century were in storage and were replaced into the original
  • 39. Nyame Pattersons Narrative The cab pulled up just outside of the large apartment building. Nyame hit the power button on her phone before looking up to hand the old cab driver a twenty. Keep the change. There was no denying the excitement that she was feeling then, but still she took her time getting out of the backseat. Nervously she adjusted her jacket twice before her boots finally hit the street. There was a fresh chill in the air when she stepped out onto the sidewalk. Snow was sprinkling down coating the pavement in front of the building. She had to tug her hood just a little tighter as she carefully made her way up the little entrance way. Nyame waited until the cab driver was gone before entering the building. There was instant warmth as she stepped inside. The security office looked up as she dusted off the bits of snow that managed to cling to her heels. She gave him a light smile before introducing herself as Nyame Patterson. That seemed to be enough of an explanation for him and he with back to whatever he was doing on his computer.... Show more content on ... Her face was dipped low and she was dabbing at her eyes with a white handkerchief. Nyame couldn t really see her with her head hung low, but she did notice that the girl had tears streaks on her face. When she finally did look up their eyes locked on each other and Nyame instantly recognized her as Jill Alex s assistant. She had met the girl multiple times when she visited Alex but any interaction she had with her was always brief. Nyame stood there momentarily shocked before she finally cleared her throat and managed a smile. Hello, Jill is
  • 40. Women In 1800s The 1800s served as a turning point for the role of women in society. Nearing the end of the century, the idea that women should not work outside the home began to be challenged, and women started to hold jobs of their own (Fischer et al., 2000). Great opportunity was given to unmarried women, as they gained independence in living apart from their families (Fischer et al., 2000). Women began to fight for their independence, opposing the idea of only being known as a housewife. Kate Chopin was among the individuals who challenged what the role of women in society was during the late 1800s. Chopin shares her perspective in her two short stories, The Story of an Hourand The Storm. In The Story of an Hour, the main... Show more content on ... Mrs. Mallard s heart trouble is symbolic of her broken relationship with her husband, Brently. Of all the possible health issues that Mrs. Mallard could have been battling, it is heart trouble that she if faced with. It is noted that Josephine speaks in broken sentences; veiled hints (Chopin, The Story ), so that the news of Brently s death is revealed to Mrs. Mallard as carefully as possible. However, the news of her husband s death actually brings a new life to Mrs. Mallard: Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body (Chopin, The Story ). Mrs. Mallard s marriage has confined her to her home and has caused the loss of her freedom, which is represented by her heart trouble. Her death is not caused by the joy of seeing her husband like the doctors thought, but rather due to a loss of joy, as she loses her newly found independence upon seeing Brently walk through the front door. Chopin shares: When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills ( The Story ). The window in Mrs. Mallard s bedroom also serves as an important symbol in the story, representing Mrs. Mallard s freedom. Upon seeing the beauty throughout the streets as she looks out her window, Mrs. Mallard is finally able to realize that the rest of her life is full of countless possibilities (Rosenblum,
  • 41. The Sexual Aspect Of American Beauty A minority of critics and movie analysts have attempted to pick at the sexual aspect of American Beauty in hopes of uncovering a hidden meaning instead they are simply over reaching. American Beauty is a satire that aims to shed some much needed light on the hidden world that lives in the American suburban setting. Successfully accomplished by Mendes through the exposure of certain topics and sexuality undoubtably being one of them. Ricky s father Colonel Frank Fitts a military man who brings his military world of discipline and order to the management of his family is ironically a homophobe. The ironyis displayed at the last scene of the movie where its revealed that the colonel himself is a homosexual man when he kisses Lester. Likewise Lester and Jane s friend Angela s relationship is created upon aesthetic desire from both parties; the sexual half part of the relationship never comes to life but the relationship stirs much controversy nonetheless. Both examples provide room for the minority argument although these examples only play a part in the mocking and exposure of the hidden scandals that occur within the suburban setting and neither make it to the final message that Mendes want his viewers to walk away with. Critics believe these sexual interactions and relationships should be mentioned and stamped with a negative connotation especially that of Lester and Angela since Only 2 of the 492 critics used the word pedophilia in their assessments of American Beauty
  • 42. Greek Art The history of art is one the most fascinating type of history there is. Reasons can range from having the unique ability to tell the story of every artist putting their own mark on art culture to simply being the story of how people were able to create an outlet where they could express the way they were feeling about society or changes within Earth itself, with beautiful and admirable artwork. But of all, the artwork created a chance to be openly interpreted by anyone and be observed differently and freely. It s like a secret message that is created in each work of art that contains the story behind it or the reason why the artwork was created in the first place. However they was also jealousy and pride that bloomed with creating art. Inspiration to artists came from anything: nature, loved ones, experiences but most of all other artists.... Show more content on ... The Greeks who swore the Romans kept coping the way certain works made by Greek artists, was one argument that till this day many are trying to unravel layers of reasons behind certain Greek works could have sparked inspiration to make an idea their own without giving credit where credit is due. One example would be the marble sculpture of the Old Market Woman. She became a very well known piece of artwork that further served as an expression of how women would dress and look like during the Hellenistic Age period according to (https:/ / Furthermore in this essay, the analysis of the history of the uprising Hellenistic Age will show how pieces of artwork including the Old Market Woman were greatly influenced by the spread of different cultures and how the popularity of remaking new Greek inspired works rooted from Romans admiring the wealthy and beauty of works of Greek art to the point where they longed to make their own pieces of work with the foundation of past
  • 43. Plant And Animal Cells Essay Plant and Animal Cells I. Introduction All organisms in life are composed of at least one or more cells. Cells are the basic units of life. There are three main features of a cell. First, all organisms consist of one or more cells. Second, cells are the smallest units of life and third, cells arise only from preexisting cells. These three facts are referred to as the cell theory. All cells can be categorized into two basic cell types. They are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. To distinguish where cells are placed in the two categories, what is inside the cell must first be looked at. Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, ... Show more content on ... To complete this we had to make wet mount slides and observe them under a light microscope. To prepare a wet mount slide you must first obtain your specimen you are going to look at. You then put the specimen on a clean glass slide in the middle. Next, you take a medicine dropper and place one drop of water on the specimen. After that, you hold a clean coverslip and place the bottom edge of the coverslip in the drop of water. Next, slowly lower the rest of the coverslip so that there are no air bubbles, onto the remaining part of the specimen. By putting
  • 44. specimens into wet mount slides it saves a lot of time and energy instead of putting them into set slides. Also, a wet mount slide can be cleaned and re used. We put onion cells, cheek cells, and Elodeo cells into wet mount slides. After we made slides for each one we observe them under the microscope. For some of the cells, we had to apply a dye to have make the cell more visible under the microscope. Methylene blue was applied to the cheek cells and iodine to the onion cells. To see the cheek cells, we had to reduce the amount of light coming into the microscope. We had to do this because when we reduced the amount of light, we could see the cells more clear. Elodeo cells were observed as a wet mount slide and also with salt water. To apply a die to a previously made wet mount slide, an edge of the coverslip
  • 45. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nifedipines INTRODUCTION1 4 Nifedipine is calcium channel blocker widely used clinically, in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and angina pectoris.1. It has poor aqueous solubility, resulting in variable dissolution rates and often irregular bioavailability.2 The combination of low aqueous solubility and rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract leads to its classification into class II of the Biopharmaceutical Classification System3. Pellets are agglomerates of fine powders or granules of bulk drugs and excipients single most important factor responsible for the proliferation of pelletized products is the popularity of controlled release technology in the delivery of drugs. When the pellets containing active ingredient are administered in vivo in the form of suspensions, capsules, or disintegrating tablets, they offer significant therapeutic advantages over single unit dosage forms, since pellets ... Show more content on ... When formulated as modified release dosage forms, pellets are less susceptible to dose dumping than the reservoir type single unit formulations.4 Micropellets technology delivers almost perfectly spherical particles exhibiting a very narrow particle size distribution and excellent flow properties and these are characterized by a smooth surface free of dust and thus provide optimal conditions for subsequent film coating. Controlled release pellets are manufactured either to deliver the bioactive agent at a specific site within the GIT or to sustain the action of drugs over an extended period of time. While these results have been traditionally achieved through the application of a functional coating material, at times the core pellets themselves have been modified to provide the desired effect. This further enhances the role of pellets in oral dosage form
  • 46. World War One-Personal Narrative I am private 1st class J.J. Roberts from 28th infantry division, and in 1942 my sergeant told my buddies and I to go ahead and scout out the village. We were least than 5 yards away went we hear the explosion. Then, my buddies drop to the ground and was bleeding out, and I run and run until a blizzard came. I could feel the cold wind swept across the field and it made my whole body shiver, I knew I had to find shelter before the weather or the Nazi destroy me. I found an old barn that wasn t destroyed by the war, and I stay there always altered and watching for wild game to eat. I wait weeks eating rats and running lower on my water reservoir. The whooshing sound the winds of the blizzard made make my body tired and I start to drift away. I... Show more content on ... I woke up to the sounds of explosion. I ran out the back door to the woods just before the house explodes. I ran 35 miles in an abandon slaughter house and stay there for the night. In the morning, I went hunting for some food and water because I was low on rations. I trap a huge fat rabbit on my way to get water and I got some water from the pond in the back yard. On my way back, I started to clean the rabbit and keeping clover in case of Nazi planes and ground troops. When I got back, I start a fire to cook my well urn meal and to purify the water from the pond. I don t known day this is or the month, but I am sure the war is still going on around me. I hear the grenades and landmines going off around me. I stay the up most of the night listening to the bomb bursting in the air. I start to keep records of my daily day life there in the war. The bombs stop exploding and all I hear are the peaceful sound of rain drops hitting the roof. I was starting to drift away to the peaceful sound of the rain hitting the roof. Then, lighting strike the roof of the abandon slaughter house and it starts to go in flames. I woke up from the smell of the smoke and the burned rotten meat. I bolted out of there faster than a Jackalope on the run, and I went straight to the woods for
  • 47. False Consensus Effect, Gender, And Adolescents The project was designed to assess the false consensus effect, a theory describing the unconscious, egocentric tendency to project one s belief onto others. Selected from all four grades and both genders, participants were given survey that included four real life dilemmas. They were asked about their decisions and their predictions of others choices. The study approved the hypothesis that the majority of the students would assume that others held the same opinions as they did. The results supported that stronger bias existed among lowerclassmen, but the data was not significant enough to prove that maleparticipants were more influenced by the false consensus effect than female participants. Keyword: False Consensus Effect, Gender, Adolescents, Egocentrism Method Participants The target population was high school students. To withdraw relatively equal sample of students from every grade level, eighteen freshmen and twenty three sophomores from two English classes were chosen. The upper class participants included twenty six juniors and twenty four seniors from two AP Psychology classes. In total, the sample size were 91 participants, with 42 female participants and 49 male participants. Materials and Procedures To test students opinion and their estimation of others opinion, a survey of four real life dilemmas ... Show more content on ... The second scenario asked the students to choose between studying for a test and going to a party. The third scenario asked the students to choose between going to a family gathering and going to a friend s birthday party. The fourth scenario asked the students to choose whether they will report their friends of cheating. After completing the process of gathering surveys, the answers were imputed into the computer. The percentages of male and female participants from each grade who chose the opposite option were calculated individually and
  • 48. Essay on Immigration Law Reform Immigration reform has been making the news for many years since Arizona passed SB1070 and Alabama passed HB56. In an attempt to curtail enactment of these laws, the United States Department of Justice, United States Department of Homeland Security, United States Department of State, and United States Department of Education filed complaints against both states. Additionally, there are over 865 bills and resolutions relating to immigrants and refugees in 45 state legislatures and the District of Columbia during the first quarter of 2012 (2012 ImmigrationRelated Laws, 2012) with the exception five states who were not in session at the time of reporting. Immigration laws in the United Statesstarted with the passage of the 1790... Show more content on ... The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 delegated federal authority to state and local enforcement to arrest, detain, investigate non citizens for immigration, and collective evidence. In addition, transferred enforcement to the Department of Homeland Security after the 9/11 terrorist attacks (as cited in Huntington, 2008, p. 799 800) on behalf of the federal government. Finally, the purpose of immigration laws is to determine status, rights, and obligations associated with alien residency, naturalization and/or citizenship (Immigration, n.d.). Furthermore, immigration law serves as a gatekeeper for the nation s border, determining who may enter, how long they may stay, and when they must leave. Congress has complete authority over immigration. States have limited legislative authority regarding immigration (as cited in Immigration, n.d). Arizona v. United States, ___ U. S. ___ (2012) is a pending court case regarding Arizona s immigration statute. In 2010, Arizona enacted to immigration reform laws after the federal government s failure to enforce current immigration reform laws. Arizona state laws SB1070 and HB2162, enjoined since July 2010 following a federal challenge, and currently under appeal to the United States
  • 49. Bis 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab BIS 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab To Buy This material Click below link 155/bis 155 week 2 quiz data analysis with spreadsheets with lab (TCO 2) In Excel, a relative cell reference: (Points : 2) Indicates a cell s specific location and the reference does not change when you copy the formula. Contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference Indicates a cell s relative location from the cell containing the formula; the reference changes when you copy the formula Occurs when a formula directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula (TCO 2) In Excel, an Argument would be best described by which of the following statements? (Points : 2) Calculates the total ... Show more content on ... (Points : 2) Contains another function embedded inside one or more of its arguments Evaluates a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and a different value if the condition is false Evaluates true or false Displays the current date and time (TCO 2) The _____ number is the number of the column in the lookup table that contains the return values. (Points : 2) Lookup value Column index Lookup table Random (TCO 2) To copy a formula, you may use the _____, which is found in the bottom right hand corner of an active cell. (Points : 2) Sizing handle Pointer Fill handle Insertion point (TCO 2) One benefit of using range names in formulas is that _____ . (Points : 2) It directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula It contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference It identifies the present value of the loan If you copy the formula, you do not have to make the cell reference absolute (TCO 2) The PMT function is best described by which of the following? (Points : 2) It is the periodic interest rate, such as a monthly interest rate It is the total number of payment periods It is the present value of a loan It calculates the periodic payment for a loan with a fixed interest rate and a fixed term (TCO 2) In Excel, a function can be defined as a _____. (Points : 2)
  • 50. Predefined formula that performs a calculation Cell reference or a value List of values and defined names as you enter
  • 51. Analyse the Importance of Information and Communication... Analyse the importance of information and communication technologies in the process of international outsourcing. Information and communication technologies are of paramount importance in the process of international outsourcing primarily through the technological advancement surge and demand in recent years. Through the rise of Information technology in recent years, the importance of international outsourcing rose significantly. Outsourcing is the contracting of the management and/or execution of a business function to an outside third party contractor or subcontractor. Outsourcing typically refers to the contracting of services to an offshore, rather than domestic, company. While outsourcing has been an accepted business practice for ... Show more content on ... Software exports have grown a sevenfold during the past five years. In addition, sales revenue of China s software industry increased from USD 7.16B in the year 2000 to USD 19.3B in 2003, while software exports increased from USD 0.25B to USD 2B in the same period. In 2008, the domestic market of China s software and information outsourcing industry reached US$633.2 billion. By 2010, total outsourcing industry revenues in China had reached an estimated US$20 billion. The potential growth of the Chinese information technology (IT) services market is compelling it is expected to grow at an attractive range of better than 20% a year during the next few years. China heritage providers are indigenous Chinese companies that are tapping the outsourcing potential around the globe and in their own country. There are currently some 13,000 Chinese IT services firms. Most are small, with fewer than 1,000 employees. Fewer are mid tier, with 1,000 10,000 employees. A very few are achieving scale, with more than 10,000 employees. In all, about 2.3 million people work for these companies and together earned about US$20 billion in 2010. The average firm employs about 200 people and earns an average of US$9,000 per employee. The major China heritage firms are present in
  • 52. The Independece of the Blue Grass State Essay Kentucky also known as The Bluegrass State has many aspects. It is a very beautiful state and has many interesting historical sites. It lies between the North and South of the United States. Its northern border is formed by the Ohio River, one of the traditional boundaries between the Northern States and Southern States. Tobacco and Champion race horses have long been symbols of Kentucky. Kentucky is also an important center of agriculture and mining (Campbell 272). By the mid 1780 s a movement had developed in Kentucky to separate it from Virginia. Ten political conventions were held during 1784 1792 to plan for independence. The last convention framed a constitution, and on June 1, 1792, the commonwealth of Kentucky entered the union... Show more content on ... Kentucky was caught in the middle of the epic battle that preserved the nation, and touring these and other sites will reveal the important role that state played in this historic conflict. Other facets of American history come alive when you visit historic sites in Kentucky like Cumberland Gap, where Daniel Boone and others blazed trails that allowed expansion of a young nation; Shaker Village, Kentucky in Pleasant Hill, where a utopian community formed in the mid 19th century; and Stearns Mining and Lumber Co. in the Daniel Boone National Forest, which portrays life in the many towns that sprang up in Kentucky coal country to supply the fuel that powered the nation s emergence as an industrial power (Kentucky Department of Travel). Kentucky has more than 850 miles of Kentucky caves at Mammoth Cave National Park, the longest cave system in the world. View exotic animals and hundreds of aquatic creatures at zoos and aquariums. Feel the rush of one of the top wooden roller coasters in the world. Visit the Kentucky Horse Park for an up close and personal experience with championship thoroughbreds. As well as soaking up all the amenities, nightlife, spas, theater and art of Kentucky s major cities (Kentucky Unbridled
  • 53. Downsizing at General Motors Table of Contents Abstract1 Introduction2 Company Overview2 Restructuring Change3 Change Challenges of Downsizing5 Images of Change6 Pressures to Change6 Market Decline Pressure6 Fashion Pressures7 Mandated Pressures7 Result of Change7 Conclusion8 References9 Abstract This paper explores the change that General Motors faced after the economic recession and credit crisis that began in 2007. This pushed GM to request assistance from the U.S. Treasury which resulted in the restructuring of their US operations. The start of this restructuring change involved downsizing GM s operations in the US. Along with the mandate imposed from the US government GM engaged in downsizing to reduce costs, and to cope with the ... Show more content on ... GM s structural change is an example of retrenchment, which is done by centralizing /specializing a firm s operations to sustain or improve productivity (Palmer et al., 2009). Downsizing is generally regarded as midrange or second order change . A second order change is transformational, radical, and fundamentally alters the organization at its core. Second order change entails not developing but transforming the nature of the organization (Palmer et al., 2009). Furthermore, GM s downsizing can be seen as a type 2 transformation, which involves the revitalization of already established companies... where the organization remains in the same market but focuses on how to rebuild itself in order to operate more effectively (Palmer et al., 2009). GM remained in the automotive industry but needed to restructure and downsize in order to mitigate the effects of the economic recession. In its restructuring, GM closed plants, cut its workforce, shed three brands, reduced debt, introduced popular new vehicles, and implemented changes to reduce retiree legacy costs, which had been a major financial drain (Canis Webel, 2013). Cuts were made based on whether a person s position was deemed redundant, the level of their subject matter expertise, and performance reviews (Smerd, 2009). As outlined in Table 1 more than 2,000 dealerships were closed, as GM shed its
  • 54. God s Speech On God Essay God gave us the bible so that we can understand rational truths with our mind and know what to believe. He teaches us how to Worship by painting a picture of the world through his eyes. He teaches us about ourselves, eternity, why we are here on Earth, and how to know right from wrong so we can Worship the greatness that is him. Godhas given us many commands like in Matthew 22: 37 39 to follow but we should take the teaching and understand the relationship that is presented between us and the Worship of him. God wants us to experience him and his world. By understanding God s invitation to know him better we learn not only more about him, but more about ourselves. We learn what sins to avoid, what parts of our lives need to be changed, how we can love others through him, and what are his plans and purpose for our lives thorough him are. To Worship becomes lessons on how to live a fulfilled life that we could never accomplish without him like in Psalm 19: 7 8; and Corinthians 5:17. Worship must be sincere and selfless. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary . Psalms 96:5 6. This illustrates how we must not worship God because of the wealth He possesses. We must worship him because He is the Lord almighty. Worship is not sincere if it is done to only benefit your personal wellbeing. It is having a selfless desire deep within ones soul to give up everything to God,