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Essay Education
Writing an essay on the topic of education can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty
lies not only in the vastness of the subject matter but also in the need to approach it from various
perspectives. Education encompasses a wide range of themes, from historical developments and
philosophical underpinnings to contemporary issues and future trends. Crafting a comprehensive
and insightful essay requires a deep understanding of the subject, meticulous research, and the
ability to synthesize information coherently.
One challenge is the need to strike a balance between breadth and depth. The topic of education
is multifaceted, and one can easily get lost in the abundance of information available. The essay
must navigate through this complexity, providing a holistic view without becoming too
superficial or overly detailed. Additionally, addressing the diverse aspects of education—from
formal institutions to informal learning, from traditional methods to technological
advancements—adds another layer of complexity.
Furthermore, an effective essay on education should be thought-provoking and contribute to the
ongoing conversation about educational practices. This requires critical thinking and the ability
to articulate nuanced arguments. The writer must be able to analyze current issues, evaluate
different perspectives, and propose well-founded solutions or insights.
Research plays a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. Accessing a variety of sources,
including scholarly articles, books, and educational reports, is essential for developing a well-
informed perspective. However, the abundance of information can also be overwhelming,
making it necessary to sift through and select the most relevant and credible sources.
In conclusion, writing an essay on education is a demanding task that requires a combination of
research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging
manner. Despite the challenges, it is an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to discussions
about one of the most important facets of human development.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available. Websites like offer services to help with academic writing needs,
providing support for tasks ranging from essays to research papers.
Essay Education Essay Education
##s And Weaknesses And Strengths Of Rudy Giuliani
Like all famous leaders, Rudy Giuliani had his fair share of strengths and
weaknesses. Giuliani showed the country and the world what true leadership was in
the wake of 9/11. During a time of crisis, he demonstrated courageousness, dedication
and composure. Even though Giuliani is mostly remembered for his strengths, his
weaknesses are usually overlooked. He was criticized for being unfaithful and
allowing lust to break up his marriage. Another weakness of Giuliani was his
inconsistency to reprimand his policeforce. Giuliani was a man of positivity. No
matter the situation, Giuliani always looked at the positive side of things and didn t
allow his emotions to get the best of him. This strength of his leadership style
stemmed from the core values his father taught him. In an interview with Barbara
Walters, Giuliani talked about what his father taught him. Giuliani explained that his
father had taught him how to act during a crisis: When there is a crisis going on,
the most important thing is to be calmer. If everybody s getting very upset and very
emotional, the best way to figure out your way through it is to actually become
calmer and relax more. He understood that when in a time of uncertainty, being calm
was the key. Another key strength of Giuliani was how he was a natural born leader.
NYPD Commissioner William Bratton commented on Giuliani s natural born
leadership. I ve seen the mayor in many instances during the time I worked with him
as police commissioner
Literary Naturalism And The Open Boat
Literary naturalism was a movement that began in the late 1800s to the mid 1900s
that used detailed realism to show the readers that the human character is shaped by
many things that are outside of human control. This movement tried to depict
everyday reality where the characters would receive symbolic, idealistic, or
supernatural treatment. Literary realism was a prominent movement in the mid
1800s in Europe, and naturalismwas derived from this movement; the writers were
influenced largely by Darwin s theories on evolution. Many writers believed that a
person s character was determined by social status and heredity, and they try to
determine any and all underlying forces that may influence the characters actions.
Naturalist writers often write about taboo subjects, such as sexuality, but also many
other subjects, such as Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie, which is about a young
country girl who moves to the big city to follow her dream of making it big. Stephen
Cranes The Open Boat is another example. His story is an autobiographical story
about how he and three crew members survived a shipwreck. Other subjects often
written about by naturalists are poverty, racism, violence, prejudice, disease,
corruption, prostitution, and filth. Due to the topic they wrote about, critics often
targeted naturalist writers for focusing too much on the darker side of human life.
Literary naturalism is where the effect the environment has on the human characters
is emphasized. The
Peter Singer the Ethics of Internet Piracy
Proposition: Peter Singer suggests based on the article that it may be morally
right to pirate under certain circumstances. Evidence: One such circumstance is
that people can no longer purchase out certain print works, as presented within the
article One marvel of the Internet is that some of my older works, long out of
print, are now far more widely available than they ever were before in pirated
versions . This shows that it could be beneficial to have works online for others to
use when they are no longer available in print. Another circumstance is presented
when Singer claims that by reading the pirated copy of a book sent from his
colleague, no one was worse off due to the fact that it was not for sale in digital form.
... Show more content on ...
He suggests that if there was a low user fee, there would be less incentive to pirate.
Therefore, there is a solution to the argument he s presenting. Potential Objections:
Authors will argue against Singer s argument that pirated books are not entirely
morally wrong because for many authors their work is not paying off. Many might
object and say that they are entirely wrong because it hurts them. Some authors lose
earnings when their books are pirated because that s all they have. Many do not
have other ways of earning money and if someone else is making money using
their work it s even worse for them. Such is the case with Kim Dotcom who was
making money using other people s work. He wasn t just sharing different works, he
was earning money using works that didn t belong to him. Assumptions: Singer
argues that if legislation stopping piracy does not happen most creative people will
need to earn a living doing something else, and we will all be the losers. He s
assuming that without legislation, publishers/artists/authors etc. will continue to lose
money from pirating of their works but he has no real proof that this is true. He also
makes the assumption that if there were a cheap enough user fee, the incentive to use
pirated copies would diminish, be he has no actual way of knowing this. He only
assumes this based on what he thinks it s the best solution. Information about the
context: Singer shares in his article that internet
Psalms In The Hebrew Bible
Looking at the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms fall into the Ketuvim, or Writings. The
Hebrew Bible has Psalms listed as tehillГў; a derivative of hДЃlal. This root connotes
being sincerely and deeply thankful for and/or satisfied in the lauding a superior
quality(ies) or great, great act(s) of an object. The book of Psalmsrenders itself to
speak into every situation a person could have; in times of sadness, happiness,
when looking for some wisdom, or just feeling thankful for who he is and all he
has done in your life. Dr. Cartledge stated in his lecture on Psalms that the central
overriding theme of Psalms is the presence or absence of God. In the Jewish
tradition, there are descriptions at the beginning of the psalms that will tell either
who wrote it, who it is written to, or the song tune. When reading this scriptural
passage, the first thing I asked myself was,... Show more content on ...
In Ernest Nicholson s review of The Sons of the Korah by Michael Goulder he found
information that dates it to the pre exilic times.
Goulder s thesis is that these psalms originated in northern Israel at the sanctuary
of Dan where they were related to the liturgy of the annual Festival of Tabernacles
in the month. Such evidence as they now contain of a setting in Jerusalem is
because they were transferred there and edited after the fall of the Northern
Kingdom in 722 BC. Two phases in the history of the collection in northern Israel
are discerned. In a first stage (ninth century) Ps. 84 (a pilgrim psalm) marked the
arrival of worshippers, and Ps. 85 (a national lament) marked the first day, 14th
Tivo 2002
| Business School |
|TiVo in 2002 |
|Case Analysis |
| Emanuele Grazioli, |
|5/20/2010 |
1. Point of View
2. Marketing Objectives and Relevant Case Facts
3. Problem/Opportunity Statement
4. Alternative Courses of Action
5. Evaluation of Alternatives ... Show more content on ...
This implies using the social factor of family influence in consumer behavior.
1. Shift marketing research focus
TiVo s market research efforts were put on understanding current clients while it was
not clear the total number of still available clients in the market as well as other
important factors regarding buying behavior were not being considered.
We cannot assume that everyone with a TV enjoys it as much as current clients do
and feel the necessity to record their TV shows. The focus in current clients behavior
and the lack of information about the rest of the market considering client s cultural,
social and personal factors does not allow us to clearly see the potential for this
product and more effort must be put on that rather than simple sales effort.
Furthermore, it should be noticed that the results of the marketing research carried
out by TiVo could be influenced by a set of other biases: non response bias; web
users bias; reward bias; questionnaire length bias and formulation bias (the bi annual
survey asks directly about satisfaction , which makes respondents typically score
2. Influence problem recognition
From these learnings we can see that there was an important element in promoting the
product which is referral and trial. This demonstrates that many clients would only
recognize a need once they were shown the benefits of using TiVo.
3. Leverage satisfaction as a social
Minor In Possession Laws
You can make your own decisions in life. It s up to you how you let your decisions
either hurt you or help you. Have influence on yourself is what can help you make
the right decisions. Some of the decisions I make help me and some hurt me. I strive
every day to make the right decisions in life to help me in my future. Being around
certain people and certain situation can hurt those chances of you making the right
Minor in possession laws (sometimes called underage drinking laws) target sales of
alcohol to minors and public possession of alcohol by minors. Since the passage in
1984 of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act(23 U.S.C.A. В§ 158), all states
have had to raise their minimum drinking age to 21. States that did not risked
lowering the amount of highway funds they receive under the Federal Highway Act.
All states presently comply with the Drinking Age Act.
Alcohol is one of the nations biggest controversies. The Law states you will not be
in possession of alcohol until you are the age of 21. Yet so many people under the
age of 21 possess and consume it. Some believe we should have the right to do
whatever we want. Some ... Show more content on ...
It applies to anyone under the age of 21. In order to be convicted of possession of
alcohol by a minor the State must show that you are under 21 and that you had
physical control or possession over an alcoholic beverage. Physical control means
that you had the ability to access the alcohol immediately. You can not get out of a
possession of alcohol charge by setting the can down on the ground and saying that
you are not holding or possessing it. That does not work. You are capable of
picking it back up off of the ground. So you have physical control over the alcohol.
This is what got me in trouble. I was just hanging around at a party and I got in
trouble for the situation. This could have cause a messed up in my career if I had
gotten into more trouble than I
The two peaces of poetry I have studied by Seamus Heaney...
The two peaces of poetry I have studied by Seamus Heaney include
Follower and The Early Purges.
Heaney s poems both relate back to his younger, adolescent life. In the poem Early
purges , he describes young kittens being drowned on the farm. His maturity is
shown when he says with perception, And now, when shrill pups are prodded to
drown, I just shrug, Bloody pups . But we are shown that he is still careless now,
as well in a casual way by saying I just shrug . He is also unsympathetic, and
justifies his actions like Dan. He is now older, looking back and changed. The
language used by Heaney also expresses the fact that little was thought of these so
called nuisances. He says they are slung and Dan
Taggart ... Show more content on ...
But the fear came back . In this particular occasion, the full stop emphasises a space
of time where Dan had no regret of what he had done with no disgust, but suddenly
the opposite is true over a moment in time. A couple of vicious verbs used in this
same stanza, are sickening tug , which shows that Dan was sickened by things that he
had done with his violent actions.
I think that the up until the final two verses, Heaney s outlook is that of a young boy,
who doesn t understand why something so cruel should happen. Heaney then shows
his maturity again by showing his understanding that the kittens, or pests , did
actually have to be removed. In the final stanza, a feeling of regret still takes place
where he is trying to convince himself that he did the right thing and that the kittens
are better off dead than alive.
Overall in this poem, it is made up of 3 simple line stanzas, where the first and third
lines rhyme.
In the poem Follower ,the voice is of the son. He is speaking about his father who
he looks up to and admires. The poem starts with the lines My father worked with a
horse plough, his shoulders globed like a full sail strung . The image given to us
immediately is of a large piece of machinery controlled by a large a powerful man.
We are told his shoulders are like a full sail strung , so straight away I think of a large
yacht sailing at great speed and nothing can stop it. I
Exponential Growth Lab Report
The bacterial curve results in diauxic growth curve .which shows two different kinds
of active growth. In the first phase of exponential growth, we are able to see that
bacteria get its energy from glucose until all the glucose has been exhausted. In
secondary lag phase, lactose is utilized at second stage of the growth exponential.
During the glucosephase, lactose cannot be utilized because cells are unable to
transport and break the disaccharide lactose. Lactose operon can be repressed even in
the presence of lactose (inducer) .enzymeof lactose utilization are being synthesis
after the glucose has been exhausted. the secondary lag phase show how much time
was actually required to complete the induction of lac operon and synthesis for
Absurdity In Waiting For Godot
Samuel Beckett uses some techniques to portray the idea of modern life being
absurd in Waiting For Godot , these techniques include symbolism and metaphor,
also he uses a special form that is anti play that is a feature of Theatre of the absurd
in the drama. Waiting For Godot is a classical theatre of the absurd.
We can know why is theatre of the Absurdfrom some way that is arena, characters,
props, and dialogue. Because theatre of the Absurd is use of fragmented arena,
incoherent dialogue, chaotic idea and strange props in the play, all of these features
express the ugly and horrible in reality and life s pain and despair, and then achieve
an abstract result of absurd. Waiting For Godotreveals the human live in an absurd
environment, and show the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, also
include something can make people excited from the poverty spirit, also in these
drama we can see God existence. Form these way portray the idea of modern life is ...
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It reflects a lot of people in modern society, they spiritually lost and depressed and
confused reality. Waiting of the play is a nothingness waiting, and repeated trivial
actions of daily; that symbolize the illusory hope; also can represent the absurdity
life, empty life and meaningless life, Samuel Beckett uses this symbol to reveal the
modern people living condition. We can see the modern people suffer after lost
themselves and despair. In the drama, Godot do not come to meet them, but they
just waiting for no reason, this is useless and absurd; they do not do anything, do
not have effort, just waiting saved by someone, so their waiting is hopeless that is
inevitable. Deeply reveals to the audience the truth of life to live is waiting. When a
person s living environment is worse, the absurdity of life will be exposed. Even
then, human also must
Essay On Islam In America
Islam has been around for over a thousand years. The religion has spread across a
few continents including America. A recent study demonstrates that there are around
7 million Muslims in the U.S. That compares to around 2.3% of the populace.
Despite the fact that the number is not large, it has been increasing in spite of the
attack of September 11, 2001. On that day, a lot changed for the Islamic individuals
living in the United States. Though the American Muslims had nothing to do with the
terroristic attack that happened on that day, their lifestyle was bound to change. The
change that happened was not in their religion, or the way they rehearsed it; it
occurred in the attitude of the non Islamic populace. An accusing finger was pointed
on the Muslims because the attacks were said to be conducted by Muslim radicals.
Generally, the media was the main place Americans would get detailed information
about the Muslims, and they were not depicting them positively.... Show more content
on ...
They expected to enhance their image to shield themselves from the developing
number of individuals that were against Islam. Consequently, they had to do it while
remaining consistent with themselves and their religion. In 2005, the Fiqh Council
of North America issued a fatwa saying that the utilization of force against innocent
lives was prohibited under the Islamic Law. This fatwa additionally urged Muslims
to help in the enforcement of the law in order to prevent the acts of violence against
them. This kind of treatment shows how the Muslims in American were worried
about what they look like to people in general. The Islamic law might indeed keep
some extremists from taking part in terrorist acts. Likewise, this built up public
position for Muslims. It demonstrated that Islam, in general, does not overlook
terrorist acts of any
Property in Second Treatise of Civil Government and...
Property in Second Treatise of Civil Government and Robinson Crusoe
Both John Locke s Second Treatise of Civil Government and Daniel Defoe s
Robinson Crusoe deal with the question of property. In these two texts, the
following questions arise: when does common property become an individual s
property; and what factors make the appropriation of property justifiable or not?
These questions may be answered by looking at each author s political views,
followed by how they are incorporated in their work. Locke outlines the procedures
for the transition of property to private ownership, while Defoe details the way Crusoe
appropriates property (i.e., food, accommodations, and slaves) during the course of
his stay on the ... Show more content on ...
But even though the topic came up incidentally, Locke had much to say about it. He
dedicated an entire chapter in his Treatise to discussing property and its importance in
the laws of nature and government.
Throughout Chapter V of his Second Treatise,
Locke uses the term property connote that something is one s own, either
inclusively or exclusively. That is, anything which is in any sense one s own is one s
property. This seems to be the conventional seventeenth century use of the term (Tully
Locke argues that natural reason...tells us, that men, being once born, have a right to
their preservation (Locke 352). After establishing this principle, Locke continues to
surmise that God has given the mankind in common. But this being
supposed, it seems to some a very great difficulty how any one should ever come to
have a property in any thing (Locke 353). This puzzling question may have different
answers that all seem relative. Nonetheless, says Locke, every man is his own
property and this nobody has a right to but himself (Locke 353). But, beyond this
view, where else does private property originate?
According to Locke, common property becomes individual property the moment one
adds his or her labor to it. As Locke argues,
The labour of his [the
Masquerade Concert, Halloween Spooktacular, Arranged
Out of the three pieces that the Artiste Orchestra prepared to the Masquerade
Concert, Halloween Spooktacular, arranged by Bob Phillips, was definitely the
hardest piece. Not only was it long, but it was fast and had passages with difficult
fingerings. By no means have I perfected this piece, but I used several different
practice techniques to help me master the fast tempoand difficult fingerings. The
technique that I used the most was probably using a metronome. I would start by
playing a passage very slowly, probably around 80 100 beats per minute depending
on the passage. Then, once I had mastered the passage at that speed, I would increase
the tempo by 10 beats per minute and practice the passage at that speed until I had
mastered it. Then, I would increase the tempo another 10 beats per minute and repeat
the same process. I would continue this same process until I had mastered that section
at tempo. It was at these slower speeds that I could really focus on the little things,
such as intonation, rhythm, dynamics and articulation because by focusing on these
elements as slow speeds, it would be easier to bring them into the piece at faster
speeds. Another practice technique I attempted to use to practice Halloween
Spooktacular was playing along with a recorded version of the piece. This is a
technique I used for several pieces last year because I find it helpful to hear all the
parts of a piece, not just my own. Unfortunately, after one or two attempts to play
Mature Play Essay
Mature make believe play is an important and unique context, providing opportunities
to learn not afforded by other classroom activities. It should not be considered
something extra that can be cut to accommodate more time for academic skills, nor
should it be used as a means of adding entertainment value for inherently boring and
decontextualized drills. Instead, play should be preserved and nurtured as one of the
uniquely preschool activities that provide the most beneficial context for children s
development. Mature play, as researchers provide, say that childdevelop social skills,
mathematical ability, mastery of early literacy concepts, and self regulation. In order
to enhance play to mature play teachers must follow Vygostkian s approach of
scaffolding play into PRoPELS approach of critical elements of children s play in the
classroom. For some children, early childhoodis the only setting that children have
the opportunity to learn how to play the proper and mature way with the
PRoPELS. Since children are almost always segregated by age and have to
interact with play partners who are as inexperience as they are without getting the
playground play of elder interactions; hinders children s ways of maturing make
believe play, which is when teachers need to come in allow improvement and
growth with play. Playtime in today s early childhood classroom is limited and
rarely exceeds one or two hours, which means that in order to achieve progress in the
quality of play,
Essay The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic...
The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.
Early Sunday morning, people shuffle in through the mahogany doors as the smell
of Frankincense and Myrrh tickle the nose. Rays of sunlight beam through the
stained glass windows, making rainbow images on the red velvet carpet. What
sounds like the voices of angels singing praise to the lord harmoniously circulates
in the air. A mighty voice roars from the altar, Now, let us bow our heads in prayer.
This is a majestic place where one can find peace, confess sins and thank the lord for
all of the blessings he has bestowed upon them.
In May of 1992, all of this would change, as Catholicism would be thrust to its knees.
A story concerning a Catholic Priest sparked the ... Show more content on ...
Lawyers for the victims have obtained a 69 page document outlining sexual abuse
protocol. This document written in 1962, possessing the seal of Pope John XXIII,
blatantly states the church should be protected at any cost and those who choose to
ignore the secret of the Holy Office are in jeopardy of excommunication. There are
also questions concerning poor judgment applied at the Diocese level:
During a deposition, Bishop Thomas L. Dupre stated that he reassigned Rev.
Richard Meehan to administrative duties following his removal from a local
parish after abusing a child. He not only had access to sexual abuse files but also
destroyed confidential files pertaining to sexual abuse cases that were kept in a
secured area. Furthermore, Rev. James J. Scahill insists that he was present in a
meeting where Bishop Dupre stated his parish was not only safe but also fortunate
because the late Bishop Christopher J. Weldon had destroyed many files implicating
priests of child sexual abuse, before he died in 1982 ( Spotlight Investigation ).
After the unsealing of church records, it was found that the Catholic Church was well
aware of the dark history surrounding some of its priests. In addition, a vast number
of child sexual abuse complaints were found, implicating several hundred Catholic
Senior Leadership Responsibility
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Senior Leadership Responsibility is to
Ensure that Ethical Decisions are Made to Develop Good Organizational Climate
Ethics in business is defined as the principles to distinguish right from wrong and to
choose ethical actions. It is the standard governance to all concerned to practice
mutual respect and to establish morality in order for the entire organization to benefit.
This leads to the development of code conduct that must be followed by the
organization. It is highly important that the top senior management and leaders must
set the standard attitudes and behavior in the entire organization to press ethical
concerns. Because of the consequences of ethics in different organizations, senior
leadership s responsibility is to provide ethics because of their authority and
responsibility; this has evolved significantly as a primary influence to change (Ciulla,
Ethics exemplifies the practical distinction of the company before this can lead to
ethical dilemmas that can put the company at risks. Although it is often debated at
the heart of leadership to take into account several factors including the personality,
experience, trustworthiness, belief and other factors especially the character and
values of the leader. ... Show more content on ...
This report will provide examination to several studies and research findings from
different sources including books, journals and other media to prove that senior
leaders are not necessarily taking their roles and responsibilities to enhance the ethics
and social responsibility of the entire organization but their actions are closely made
not just to develop good organizational climate but also to establish value based
advantage, higher revenue and
A Market Analysis Will Be On Nike, Inc.
This market analysis will be on Nike, Inc. using the Porter s Five Forces designed
by Porter, (2008): 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry, 2) Bargaining Power
of Suppliers, 3) Bargaining Power of Customers, 4) Threat of New Entrants, and 5)
Threat of Substitute Products. Nike was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman a track
coach at the University of Oregon who developed lightweight, durable running shoes
along with Phil Knight one of his runners and a student of business at the University.
Almost from the onset of this company factories overseas were utilized to produce
the products starting in Japan and later spreading to many other countries with
inexpensive labor forces. Nikeafter years of growth went from a $1 million in sales...
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1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry Extremely High
The level of competition in the sector of athletic shoes, apparel and equipment is
extremely high between two primary businesses in this category and that is Adidas
and Nike. Other shoe businesses also are fighting to take a pieces of the market with
new products and promotions these companies include for athletic shoes brands such
as Reebok, Puma, Under Armour, Converse, Vans, New Balance, Fila, Asics, Keds,
Geox, Rockport, Ecko and for clothing brands new competitors such as Tommy
Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Nautica and the Gap. All of these emerging brands with some
of them having their own customer bases or brand loyalty do threaten Nike s control
of the largest segment of the market. It is not so much the price of the shoes but the
branding that drives the market. So if the brand is popular than that is what the
customer is looking for more than price. Much of this threat to Nikes branding is
from changing customer preferences for what brand of sports shoes that they want.
To compete within this market a constant string of creative new invention using
newer technology to appeal to the consumer has to take place. Nike fortunately has
such brand recognition and customer loyalty along with numerous patents on
materials and designs that they can continue to hold onto the lead and seem to
continue to grow into other market segments using brand line extensions as well. They
Erving Goffman Stage Theory
In this essay, I will be explaining Erving Goffman s social concept called
dramaturgy, primarily focusing on the element of stage theory. I will also
incorporate Peter Borger s social construction of reality within the essay as it also
relates to stage theory. I will be describing what these concepts mean it my own
words, based off experiences in my own life, research that I have done, as well as
using the information that we gathered in class. Then we will be looking at college
students as a case study group, where we will go into greater detail to better
explain the stage theory concept and how the behavior of college students is
significantly dependent upon the stage and location they are in, as well as how
they are impacted deeply by society. Some of the information that I will be
gathering will come from a non academic source, which gives a brief descriptive
summary of college students and why they make a perfect fit for this stage theory
example. Lastly will be an analysis process of the information that I gathered about
the stage theory. This process also includes a summary of an academic source that
applies a variation of stranger theory and social construction of reality to a similar
case study.
The sociological concept called dramaturgy is very interesting and Erving Goffman s
idea is worth looking into on a deeper level to better understand it. I had previously
heard about the stage theory before this sociological theory class, but did not really
have a grasp as
Why Do Nutrition Be A Marathoner Essay
Nutrition form a Marathoner s Book
I ve seen many people showing willingness to run but they grapple with the fear of
unknown, may be the thought of stepping onto the treadmill or road and running
distances make them uncomfortable. I always tell people, it s a mind game , put
yourself in runner s shoe, looking at the horizon with the resolve to see yourself as a
seasoned runner in couple of years running along the elites. That will make the
At the outset let me confess, few years back, I myself was uncomfortable even
walking 40mts,always looking for vehicle to carry me around. And you know, the day
I thought of pursuing running, I registered straight for full marathon (42km)пЃЉ .
Not boosting myself, fact was there was no other slot ... Show more content on ...
High intensity, prolonged exercises increases oxidation of amino acids for fuelling
our body and protein is used as an energy. Protein makes a greater contribution to total
energy production during endurance exercise when muscle glycogen levels are low.
Heavy duty marathon training can lead to muscle tissue loss. Eating sufficient
calories, carbohydrates and protein will help stave off this wasting. Endurance
training pushes protein needs to 25% to 50% more than of Daily Value. You can meet
this requirement with regular servings of fish, beans, cooked grains, poultry and other
lean meats.
Re energize after you run
No matter what time you run but what you eat post your run may determine the
quality of your next workout and your energy level for the rest of the day. Studies
suggest that a combination of carbohydrate and protein , 30 minutes after hard
running can rebuild glycogen stores better than carbohydrates alone. This combo also
speed muscle recovery.
Based on these studies, you should consume 80 100 gms of carbs 15 to 40 gms of
protein after exercising.
Strengthen your
Real Estate Development in Singapore
1 About South Beach Residences South Beach is a unique integrated development in
the centre of one of the liveliest of Singapore s districts. The development will
include both residential and business premises in a luxury condominium with
apartments, penthouses, first class office spaces and retail outlets. South Beach will
also have a hotel, an exclusive members club and countless recreation amenities and
opportunities. A City Developments LTD and IOI group development, South Beach
is next to The Esplanade and City Hall MRTs within Singapore s Downtown central
core. Its location and the ambience of its setting cannot be bettered. South Beach will
include four historic buildings, which are already subject to conservation protection
because they are historically and culturally significant to the Singaporean people.
Here two towers will grow from the ground, they will be technologically advanced
but built to look beautiful, and in an environmentally friendly manner. South Beach
offers everything; picture postcard views of Marina Bay, the Orchard Road shopping
district or Downtown Singapore, 360 degree views from apartments and penthouses,
and a delightful lifestyle under one huge roof. Other such developments cannot even
come close to the South Beach offer. South Beach s environmentally friendly designs
and many features take its residents towards the green life and its two green mark
platinum awards recognize this fact. The large baldachin, which will cover the towers,
How Important Was The Privy Council
How important was the Privy Council
It could be argued that the monarch was an important member of government
however some may disagree and put forward the idea that the Privy Council was
more important. This is for several reasons the first reason (for the monarch) was the
fact that she could decide who could become a member of the Privy Council this is
because it meant that she had total power over those who that would help run the
country. However this did not mean that the monarch was the most important figure
as it could be argued that the monarch did in fact have a Back Seat with regards to
running the country as historians could argue that it was the privy council, as
opposed to the queen, that did the main portion of running the ... Show more content
on ...
This also differed it from the Privy Council as despite the Privy Council creating
the laws in the first place they had very little in the act of actually enforcing them;
this is where they relied on local governments in order to ensure these laws where
being enacted. This does give some leeway to the idea that the P.C was not in fact as
important as they needed the local governments in order to enforce anything.
Despite the local council
Why Did Shakespeare Use Comedic Relief In Hamlet
Gavin Amundsen
May 9, 2017
Comedy In Hamlet
In William Shakespeare s Hamlet, comedy is used in quite a few occasions.
Instead of using it as a tool to add more drama and tension to the play, he uses it as
a relief and a break from all of the craziness in the play. Comic relief usually means
a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in
the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama. The use of comedic relief in this
play allows for an emotional connection to the play from the audience since it
shows that it doesn t have to always be taken so seriously, and it s ok to laugh
every now and then. One of the first well known people to start using comedic
relief in their plays is actually Shakespeare. Which is also why Hamlet is such a
perfect example of the use of this because it was one of the original plays that
shakespeare used to introduce comedic relief. ... Show more content on ...
When one of the players delivers a heart wrenching speech about Priam s death,
Polonius interrupts to say, This is too long , which shows a connection to the
audience because some of them are probably thinking the exact same thing.
Shakespeare uses examples like this to really connect with some of the audience
members who are not big fans of going to plays and find the average dramatic play
boring. Polonius ends up getting stabbed by Hamlet and dies. I ll lug the guts into
the neighbor room. Hamlet uses humor towards the bloody corpse of Polonius
although he just stabbed Polonius, Hamlet uses humor to ease the tension of the
tragic scene by treating the body as if it were just trash. Hamlet s unhealthy sense of
humor Acts to increase the tragic factor of the overall
Suprematist Painting By Malevich
Modern Art is NOT Art
Art is a process of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the
senses or emotions. With that being said, is modern art really art? The answer is
no it is not. Many people in this day and age would argue that it is in fact art, but
society has clearly lost the understanding of what true art really is. Having the
ability to look at a piece of art and have some concept of what it is or feeling of
emotion is what makes it art. Though many are willing to pay millions for the
modernized art of today s culture, it is not and never will be the truest essence of art
that man has known and been fascinated by for centuries.
Art, no matter the form, should have the ability to resonate in some way with the
viewer. Many of the modern art pieces do not portray true emotion, as real art
should. The piece Suprematist Painting by Malevich is composed of eight red
rectangles. Showing the lack of skill, this painting, like many others of its kind, in no
way show meaning nor does it convey emotion. Art used to show just how much
effort was ... Show more content on ...
The effort that has so obviously been put into it is what strikes people. Art has
always been such a fascinating thing because some people are blessed with artistic
abilities while the majority are not. Modern art has little, if any, effort put into it.
So many of these masterpieces could be easily done by the common person.
Michaelangelo and picasso are two of the greatest artists of all time. Thinking about
the art they created is legendary compared to today s. Michelangelo created lifesize,
detailed, and elaborate sculptures that have been famous for thousands of years.
Picasso created The Weeping Woman in 1937 which was sold for 1.6 million dollars.
This painting portrayed exactly what the title says. It shows a woman crying which is
an emotion anyone could see which resonates with the audience when
Essay On Dorm
Of the eighteen freshman dorms I have chosen Canaday as my primary place of
study. Canaday is centrally located in Harvard`s Oak Yard in which it shares with
Thayer. It is the newest dorm built by Harvard and its students enjoy its central
location next to Annenberg and the Science Center. Canaday is divided into seven
vertical entryways which have a variety of different suites available. Canaday is
actually three separate buildings which create a courtyard in the center. My
particular room of study was located on the fourth floor of C hall. The room
dimension is eight feet by ten feet. The reason for excavating this dorm room was to
find out more about the life of a college student at Harvard by non intrusively
excavating ... Show more content on ...
Still to the right of the rug was a pink textured round trash can which was about
one and one half feet tall by one feet wide. The contents of the trash can included
an empty kettle corn bag of popcorn, several pieces of gum, a diabetes sensor, soft
textured face pads, a few scrap pieces of paper and a mango bar wrapper.
Immediately to the right of the trash can was the laundry bag. Inside of the laundry
bag there was several dirty shirts, unisuits, and pants. On the right of the laundry
bag there was a large brown wooden desk. Around the perimeter of the desk there
were white string origami lights which were shut off. At the base there was an eight
hole power strip which had the lights, a personal laptop computer plugged into it,
two notebooks, a pencil case (with pencils), six novel sized books, a half eaten
chocolate bar and a lamp.
Live in Dorm Student
The dorm student whose room I had the pleasure of excavating is eighteen years of
age, female gendered, caucasian descent, and seemingly in the middle class. I have
arrived at the conclusion of middle class based on the decorations present in the
room. These include nice light strings, tapestry, desk lamp light, mini tree by the
window, and bedspread. The other identifications of race, gender, and age I came to
the conclusion of through a conversation with the subject.
In conclusion I have gained several insights from this excavation not only on my live
in dorm
The For The Assets Of Stock Material And Leasehold Essay
The inclusion of the assets of stock material and leasehold have to be added Clause
1, that describes Assets, or could be added to an attached Schedule that describes all
the assets that are to be transferred to the Buyer.
Clause 2.1 has to be amended to include further sub clauses that reflect the addition
of all the Assets. Clause 3 has to be also amended to mention the addition of each
Asset and the apportioned amount of that Asset.
Stock of Raw Materials Salmon would want to limit the amount of stock of raw
material it is obliged to purchase. This is to ensure that Heating does not reduce
stock to a level that would make it hard for Salmon to meet order. It is also
important for the parties to agree a valuation method for the stocks that will be
Salmon will want to seek warranties from Heating in regard to satisfactory quality,
and that the stock items are not obsolete or unmarketable. Salmon would also want to
protect itself from any omissions in the assets that would be needed to carry on their
business and thus should choose to include a clause stating that all equipment used in
the business are to be transferred. The amendment should allow Salmon to bring
claims against Heating for any disputes arising from the stock s valuation.
The implications of the amendments, allow for additional Assets to be transferred to
Salmon. Salmon would have to pay a greater amount of consideration. Due to the
warranties being sought, a breach of warranties,
Pros And Cons Of Inclusion In Special Education
Inclusion in the Classroom Inclusion is the act of having students with disabilities
and abled body students in the same classroom. In concept this has many benefits
not only for the students but it also saves time and money for the school, however
in practice I do not think inclusion works the way it was hoped to. Inclusion in
theory will put light strain on the classroom because of safe guards such as helper
teachers are in place to help out. In my experience these teachers are in the way most
of the time when students are trying to learn, and students feel cheated when the
special needs students are handed a supplemented test making the students feel bad.
Lastly that the pros of inclusion in the classroom are set in perfect conditions with
good teachers on both sides special education and general education, however most
of the time that is not the case. Cons of Inclusion There are obvious disadvantages
such as the lack of training, general education teacher will have in dealing with
disabled students. A teacher trained specifically in special education could and would
provide a much better service to the students that need it. Another issue is depending
on the nature of a child s disability, it can affect the way that a student behaves.
According to the ERIC article, that pupil s misbehavior and disrespect can be so
intense that it disrupts the learning environment (Koolbreeze, 2017). This type of
misbehavior could also be expressed in students without disabilities,
Job Outlook Report
25 October 2011
Case Study of Elton Mayo George Elton Mayo was born on Boxing Day
(December 26), 1880, in Adelaide, Australia and lived until 1949. (
Mayo was the oldest son of George Gibbs Mayo and Henrietta may. He has an
extensive list of schools where he received education, starting with the Queen s
School and Collegiate School of St. Peter. Following that Mayo, attended the
University of Adelaide and Universities in Edinburgh and London where he lost his
interest in pursuing a career in medicine. Starting in 1903 he moved back and forth
between London and Adelaide where he held jobs as a writer, English teacher, and
became a partner in a printing company. Then in 1907, still not finding his calling in
life he went ... Show more content on ...
A large number of employees were selected and they were first asked direct
questions that were important to managers about their working conditions, opinions
of work, and supervision. From this they saw that the answers given to each
question was guarded so they began to use an indirect approach by merely listening
to what the employee had to say and confirmed the theory of social factors playing a
major role in boosting moral motivation and workers productivity. Explain the results
of the Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment. What conclusions can be drawn? It was
comprised of fourteen workers and was used to develop a new method of observation
and obtaining more information about social groups in a company and trying to find
causes that restrict output. What they saw was that each individual worker had the
ability to restrict output and the group developed its own standards of production that
fell short of management goals. Also that individual output remained constant over a
period of time and informal groups play an important role in the working
organization. Elaborate on the 7 summary points at the end of the case. What can we
learn from these and how are they used in business management today? Mayo
summed up his experiments by saying business organization is basically a social
system and economic incentives are not the best motivating tool because the
employee can be motivated by
Basketball Is A Sport For The Campus Of Eastern
Basketball is a sport that requires a lot of time and effort to be good at. It s a sport
that keeps some people in shape, some people involved with a community, and gives
others an opportunity to meet new people. The recreation basketball community I am
looking into is the one on the campus of Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Every
day there is a multitude of people playing basketballin either the Recreation Center
(REC) or on the courts outside of the student center. The people that make up this
community are very diverse and most come from different backgrounds. Because I
know the recreational basketball community is very diverse and interactive, I
wonder what brings people together and why basketball is such an enticing sport.
The purpose of this study is to see who plays basketball at the REC and then ask
them why. People are playing basketball in the community every day so I could
gather a plethora of information. I am sure to find interesting results and answers
to the questions I will be asking the recreational basketball players at EMU. I have
already met a lot of new people and made multiple new friends because of this
community and that is a reason that I want to study it and find out if other people
view this community just like I do. To study this community I will have to do some
research online and also get information from primary sources like recreational
basketball players that I see on the courts every day. Over the course of a few weeks I
What Makes Michael Jackson A Succesful Person
Most Succesful Person In my opinion, Michael Jackson is the most successful
person in the history of this world. From starting of his career at an early age,
going solo, endorsement deals, face surgery, and allegations; Michael Jackson
made his way to the top. His hard work and dedication allowed him to go far in his
music career as well as having family support. There are many successful people in
the history of this world, but he happens to be at the top of my list. On August 29,
1958, Michael Joseph Jackson came into this world ( Michael JacksonBiography 1).
He was born in Gary, Indiana where he grew up with his four older brothers. Their
father saw potential in them so he decided to start the group, Jackson 5. The boys
played at gigs, became popular, and caught the attention of many people and record...
Show more content on ...
He was badly injured while filming a commercial for the soda giant in 1984,
suffering burns to his face and scalp. In 1993, allegations of child molestation
against Jackson emerged as well as others, but Jackson maintained his innocence. (
Michael Jackson Biography 3 4). Jackson continued to make headlines on bad
incidents that occurred, but what celebrity has not experienced that. Although his
career started going downhill, everyone still kept in mind that he was an amazing
singer. On June 25, 2009, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest in his Los Angeles home
and passed away later that morning ( Michael Jackson Biography 6). To conclude,
I feel that Michael Jackson is the most successful person in the history of this
world. He went through a lot to become successful. I was moved when I saw how
much hard work and effort he put into his music career and family. There are many
other successful people in the history of this world, but Michael Jackson is at the top
of my
Similarities Between Ophelia And Gertrude
Shakespeare s tragic Hamlet depicts a society ruled by a patriarchal power structure
with a strong influence on female norms. Both Ophelia and Queen Gertrude reject
their established and internalized norms of the society they live in, creating chaos for
both as individuals and society as a whole. Their ability to create such upheaval
within their society relates in accordance to the amount of power they each hold
within their traditional power structure; in a traditional reading of Hamlet, Ophelia
and Gertrudelack such power as persons who find protection within the established
system. However, Shakespeare is ultimately sympathetic to the women of the play,
depicting their downfalls as a direct result of the men in the play. Ophelia is
characterized as the embodiment of cherished femininity in Shakespeare s Hamlet;
she thrives within the protective walls of a system that protects her, yet challenges
the power structure through her own agency. In Hamlet s society, the ideal female
is cherished for her youth, beauty, and purity. These qualities are appreciated as
internalized social mores in such socialization that creates boundaries to protect
Ophelia. She is praised in their society for her compliance, beauty, and purity by
even the other female character in the play, Gertrude, when she says, Ophelia, I do
wish that your good beauties be the happy cause of Hamlet s wildness/ so shall I
hope your virtues will bring him to his wonted ways again , (III.i.39 43). In such a
Essay On Western Meditation
The purpose of ER #12 is to illustrate the true purpose of meditation and the ways in
which one can achieve this true purpose, however, when this purpose is juxtaposed
against the modern, Western interpretation of the art of meditation, one thing is clear;
these are not the same. The popular, western meditation, at its heart, attempts to reach
the same things that the Buddhist meditation tries to reach: peace, tranquility, and
happiness, but those that reach their goals in western meditation practices are not
reaching the same goals as those who practice Buddhist meditation. Buddhist
meditation at its heart is an attempt to reach nirvana, while those who practice western
meditation are reaching a relaxed state that helps to promote peace, tranquility, and
The peace that is reached in western meditation is something that is fleeting, as the
stressors of everyday life remove this peaceful feeling and replace it with the chaos
that is everyday. To reach a true trance state requires the mindfulness and active
thought of sГЎmatha, a western cannot reach what those who have practiced
meditation their whole lives can. The meditation that is done in the popularized
version is only a small shell of what Buddhist monks truly practice. The concentration
required to reach the peaceful state of the trance is one that many western ... Show
more content on ...
Their happiness comes from the relaxed state they will find themselves in, while the
Buddhist will find their state in nirvana, which they may be lucky to find in this life,
or the next. Happiness in terms of these two different philosophies is quite different.
To remove stress in the western manner, is happiness, but to achieve happiness in the
Buddhist sense is a road of eradicating suffering and desire, a task that may never be
complete; the gratification of the western practice is immediate, while their s is only
delayed gratification in the Buddhist
Game Theory For The Quality Of Service
While the Quality of Service (Qos) offered to clients may be improved through
innovative conventions and new technologies, future patterns ought to consider the
efficiency of resource allocation and system/terminal participation also. Game theory
techniques have broadly been applied to various engineering design issues in which
the activity of one component has affect on (and maybe conflicts with) that of some
other component.
Along these lines, game formulation definitions are utilized, and a stable results or
solution for the players is deduced through the concept of equilibrium. This review
gathers applications of game theory in wireless networking systems administration
and presents them in a layered point of view, accentuating on which fields game
theory could be viably connected. To this end, a few amusements are displayed and
their key features are exposed.
1. Introduction
Game theory is an order directing to model circumstances in which decision makers
need to make particular activities that have shared perhaps conflicting results [1]. It
has been utilized basically as a part of economics, so as to model competition
between organizations. In the setting of wireless networks, game theory may be
utilized as an instrument for framing participation schemes among elements, such as
nodes, terminals or network providers. Amid the most recent years, game theory has
likewise been applied to networking, as a resort to take care of routing and resource
How Do Simulated Violence Games Affect Teens
For many teens, simulated violence games are apart of their daily lives. Research has
shown that teens who participate in simulated violence games are more likely to
experience problems in the future. Simulated violence games are highly problematic
and push teens to be more aggressive and more mean than those who choose not to
participate in these games. Simulated violencegames should be avoided because the
games could potentially teach these teens that violence is normal and killing isn t a
bad thing. The games could distract them from school assignments, and could teach
teens that using negative emotions is okay. Simulated violence games could also
teach teens to be too aware of the world around them. According to Guy Martin, he
states on page two of his article, High Jinks: Shoot Out , In the end, the protell
Lowther team won, with twenty one kills. They celebrated with a spaghetti dinner .
This evidence shows us that these particularly harmful games, are teaching teens that
the idea of killing or assassinating is essentially okay. These ideas could potentially
cause these kids to carry over the skills, to use later on in their lives, that will
negatively affect them. Some argue that... Show more content on ...
Compared to people in the real world who are gentle and compassionate, teens
playing these games seem to be more hurtful. This evidence shows us that these kids
could potentially become too aware of things, and not have any caution to what s
going to happen in the future. This could lead to being cocky and overconfident that
may affect job interviews, relationships, etc. Although desensitizing young people
may help you in the future as well, but in a positive way, which could turn into not
being afraid of things in the future. This could lead to not being prepared and ready
for the things to
Harriet Tubman Qualities
Leader. A term we use to define a person who has perseverance, persuasive
qualities, and passion. Only a few select people can be considered leaders, and
Harriet Tubman was one of them. Harriet Tubman is considered an impactful leader
in history because of her perseverance, passion, and persuasive actions towards the
liberation of slaves. Harriet Tubman, was the very *embodiment* of many
extraordinary qualities and talents. An exceptional example of one of her qualities,
were her travels to the south. Her excursions encompassed her persevering qualities.
During her travels to the south, she led over 19 covert missions and rescued 300
slaves, which displayed her perseverance and determined spirit. Not only was
Tubman persevering, she was also
Ramayana Essay
Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author,
Valmiki, does not calls Rama the perfect man in his well known tale of Ramayana
for no reason. For this story has been a legendary epic that many generations of the
Hindu culture have been modeling their society after, for over two thousand years. It
has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages because of its
simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood
most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the
morals, ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more
content on ...
He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his
stepmother, I gladly obey father s command ...Why, I would go even if you
ordered it. . By doing this, he shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and
the lack of desire to be a powerful and authoritative rich ruler, all while knowing that
he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the kingdom since he is the oldest of the
four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into exile forest infested with
evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in most of the
Eastern world, this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no
matter what one is commanded to do) is very important in one s faith ; and the fact
that one successfully wards off evil, gives him/her the title of a cultural model hero,
just as seen in Rama s case. Rama s casual attitude about going off into the forest for
fourteen years also shows his asceticism the will to give up his material, emotional
and physical attachments. His peaceful and patient attitude towards his life is vivid
due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the material and physical world
Ab Wheel Essay
Top 10 best ab wheel
What is an ab wheel? An ab wheel is an exercise tool that is very simple but has a
high impact on the person that is using it. It is one of the most important fitness tool
that is very affordable and you can use at home. It will strengthen your abdominal
muscle and will improve your flexibility at the same time. For beginners, it is a very
challenging tool for you will need to workout your core stability. But it is safe to say
that using ab wheels have positive results. All you need to do is to find a perfect ab
wheel and start on a flat surface.
The following are the top 10 best ab wheel that is recommended for a fitness buff
like you:
10.Milliard roller wheel it is a very effective but simple tool to use. It strengthens
and tones your muscles such as back, shoulder, arms and most especially the abs.
This ab wheel allows you to have the most ... Show more content on
SKLZ core wheels this core wheels enhances the plank and push ups exercises than
it ever has before. The wheels on each side causes your torso, shoulders and hips to
move harder compared before. It is sturdy and therefore trusted by professionals and
gym instructors. It is colorful and affordable that combines the look with
performance. It is one of the most in demand exercise tool in the market today.
06. Lifeline wheel this is often called as the ultimate core trainer. It has designs and
functions that is best for beginners and professionals alike. It is very sturdy and
strong, made of high quality materials that secures the safety of the user. It is best for
strengthening and toning the muscles of your arms, shoulder and back.
05. Yes4all dual ab wheel if you are looking for something that is worth your
money, then this is the best choice for you. It has a dual wheel that ensures stability
and balance. It is easy and quick to assemble. It strengthens your shoulder and back
but most especially it helps to develop your abs. You can carry it anywhere you go
because this is very
America Needs Change, But Why Not Start With The...
America needs change, but why not start with the Canadians?
It was a few years ago, and I had gone grocery shopping with my mother. I d always
shop with her just so I could get out of the house, walk around, and pick out food
that I wouldn t have thought of for the grocery list. My mother was a conservative
person. She had grown up on a farm in a small town where change would least
occur. She was a spiteful person whose insecurities led her judgments. Despite her
animosity to most things, she would tell me stories to inform me on matters she
finds important, like how much money I should save for a car, or how she earned
a high credit score. On our way home from the grocery store, she decided to tell me a
story she heard from her coworker. My coworker, she has a pool in her backyard,
and one day she found the black neighbor s kids swimming in her pool. She told
them that they should ask to use her pool and told their mom, but their mom said,
and my mother used her best, yet ear aching impression of a black woman and
belted: you ain t using no pool! We can use it all we want! She decided to follow her
story with also, I m going to refer to black people as Canadians. That way no one
complains about it. Nobody cares what the actual Canadians, so my coworker found
Canadians in her pool.
I nodded silently because I had always found her racism distasteful. I had been quite
used to her prejudice, so it was natural for me to passively await her to stop. At the
time, I
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Spinal Cord Injury with Complication of Autonomic Dysreflexia
Ashley Audette, Shelby LeBel, and Jocelyn Neufeld
Nurs 361 Nursing of Adults
Sandra Fritz and JoDee Wentzel
March 14, 2014
Autonomic dysreflexia is a complication of spinal cord injuries. It is a massive,
uncompensated cardiovascular reaction mediated by the sympathetic nervous system
(Lewis, 2014, p.1784). There are many factors that need to be explored in relation to
the complication of autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injuries. These factors
include etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, and
collaborative care.
Lewis (2014) states spinal cord injuries are generally the direct ... Show more content
on ...
Pathophysiology Dunn (2004) gives a good physiological explanation as to how
AD presents itself in the body. Starting with a stimulus, a sensory input is carried
by undamaged sensory peripheral nerves to the spinal cord. Next the impulses
travel up the spinal cord where sympathetic reflexes are stimulated. Upon these
nerves being stimulated this causes vasoconstriction in the peripheral arteries. This
vasoconstriction causes a sudden increase in blood pressure where the
baroreceptors, which are located in the carotids and aortic arch, send the increased
blood pressure information to the brain stem. These baroreceptors are triggered due
to the increase in blood pressure and try to act as a buffer to the vasoconstriction by
dilating the vascular bed above the injury (Krassioukov et al, 2007). The brain stem
then tries to decrease the blood pressure by slowing the heart rate. Inhibitory
sympathetic messages are attempted to be sent down the spinal cord (Dunn, 2004).
These messages will not be successful in decreasing the blood pressure due to the
spinal cord injury occurring at or above T6 (Dunn, 2004). Efferent impulses cannot
pass through the spinal cord lesion, which in result the peripheral and visceral vessels
do not dilate, resulting
ACC 3010 Essay
ACC 3010
Project 2
Fall 2013
DUE Friday November 1, 2013 This project is due on November 1st before 4:00
pm and is to be submitted in the Accounting Lab room 200 in the Rands House.
The hours for submission of and help with the project will be posted on the class
Blackboard site. You will sign your project in to create a record of its being
submitted. Be sure your name and the name of your TA are on the front page of the
This project is a continuation of Project 1, FRM Consulting Inc. An additional 11
months have passed since Project 1 (we are now at June 30, 2013 the company s
yearend). The friends have expanded the shop to include sales of electronic tablets.
The new company name is FRM Consulting Sales Inc. ... Show more content on ...
Prepare the adjusting journal entry(s) necessary for uncollectible accounts expense
using the aging of accounts receivable of accounting for bad debts as computed on
the worksheet (these must be handwritten).The entry must be included with your
other journal entries to receive credit.
5. Prepare any necessary adjusting entries to reflect the Inventory count at year end.
These must be hand written.
6. Prepare the necessary closing entries (these must be handwritten).
7. Prepare the 3 financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2013 (multi step
income statement, classified balance sheet, and statement of retained earnings). Even
though you are preparing a multi step income statement, you still need to list the
various expenses individually on the income statement for consideration of full credit.
These 3 statements must be typed. Also you must include appropriate dollar signs
and appropriate underlines and correct formatting for the statements to receive full
8. REQUIRED TO TURN IN (in this order): Typed multi step income statement,
Typed statement of retained earnings, Typed classified balance sheet, Typed Perpetual
Inventory cards, Handwritten worksheet for uncollectible accounts expense
calculations, and Handwritten June Journal Entries, the additional adjusting entries
and all necessary closing entries. Be sure your name is on all pages.
Inventory Information
Inventory on hand at the beginning of June:
Cost /
Case Study Three Men And A Lady
A Case Study of Interstate Business College Three Men and A lady 1. Based on the
information you have gathered during your first task, what discrepancies
/irregularities exist in Shawn Davidson s file? * Signatures on Enrollment
Agreement do not seem to be the same (pg. 507) * 1st Enrollment Agreement Total
should equal $9995.00 (508) Total Tuition 8750.00 Textbooks (approx.)970.00
Application Fee0.00 Lab Fee200.00 General Fee75.00 TOTAL DUE9,995.00 (not
the listed 10,020.00) The amount listed is the enrollment agreement was 10,020.00
which gives a difference of : 10,020.00 9995.00 =25 * 2nd Enrollment Agreement
Total should equal $12075.00 (508) Total Tuition... Show more content on ...
What discrepancies/irregularities can you identify in Lisa Morrison s file? Show
your calculations. Do you have any other concerns in regards to Lisa s file? *
Photocopies of fronts of two checks payable to Lisa (for $61.00 and 478.29) but the
canceled checks were not able to be located or find evidence that it cleared IBC s
bank account. (508) * Dropped class was not reflected in Detail Ledger. (508,513) *
Detail Ledger tuition $5000.00 2nd Enrollment Agreement tuition 4000.00 *
Payments made to Lisa s account12072.99 Student Stipend(5750.00) Detail Ledger
Charges (5783.70) Difference(amount of checks)539.29 Again no reflection of
tuition adjustment Additional charge of Medical Associate Fee for $50.00 3. What
discrepancies/irregularities can you identify in Stephanie Baker s file? What
additional documentation would you like to have? Do you have any additional
concerns regarding Stephanie s file? * Medical Association Fee of
Paranthropus Illustus Analysis
This article talks about Paranthropus robustus fossils that were from the Pleistocene
time period. These fossils were found in Swartkrans, South Africa. Williams talked
about how the dental features looked the way they did because of the excessive
grinding of hard objects. The main purpose of this study was to look at three different
specimens of Paranthropusrobustus that had not been examined before. They wanted
to compare how the enamel characteristic have evolved over time in southern
African during the early Pleistocene. They look at the extant primate taxa by using a
dental micro wear texture analysis to see how the enamel had evolved. In order to
understand how and why the enamel, molars, and premolars have changed they had
to look
Langston Hughes And How His Style Of Writing
This paper examines the perspective of Langston Hughes and how his style of
writing is. It looks at how several interrelated themes run through the poetry of
Langston Hughes, all of which have to do with being black in America and
surviving in spite of immense difficulties. Langston Hughes is one of the most
influential writers because his style of work not only captured the situation of
African Americans; it also grabbed the attention of other races with the use of
literary elements and other stylistic qualities. Langston Hughes became well
known for his way of interpreting music into his work of writing, which readers
love and enjoy today. Langston Hughes remains known as the most impressive,
durable Negro writer in America. His tone of voice is as sure, and the manner he
speaks with is original. During the twenties when most American poets were
turning inward, writing obscure and esoteric poetry, Hughes was turning outward
using language and themes, attitudes, and ideas familiar to anyone who had the
ability simply to read. He often employs dialect distinctive of the black urban
dweller or the rural black peasant. Throughout Langston Hughes career, he was
aware of injustice and oppression, and used his poetry as a means of opposing
them. James D. Tyms says, Hughes writes lyric poems. But his lyric persona is
often able to copy this social convention of the Negro Folk. Their use of the method
of the ballad, to tell others how they feel (191). Hughes lived as an
Why Did Robert Hooke Grow Up In Fish
Cell Biologist Essay
Robert hooke grow up in the town of freshwater. Robert parents was john hooke
and cecily hooke who served as a curate for a local church. Hooke was a quick
learner he was interested in painting and making mechanical toys. After hooks
father died in 1648 hooke at the age 13 hooke was sent to london to apprentice
under painter peter lely. He study under peter for a very short time. After leaving
peter he instead study at london westminster school. Then in 1653 he enrolled in
Oxford christ church college. Robert became a scientist at the college then in 1665
he made one of the most amazing discoveries. Robert hooke most amazing discovery
is the cell. He discovered the cell on january 1 1665 using a microscope. Robert
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Blogging can be for leisure and also for business. Many bloggers use their blog as a
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bloggers making thousands of dollars in a year. The first step to making money from
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Midwestern Contemporary Art Case Study
Many situations present the important synchronization of internal versus external
negotiations. Many individuals have studied how each side in the negotiation is
able to manage the internal opposition to agreements being negotiated. This can
also be known as on the table , or what exactly is on the line in a heated argument.
Each individual involve in an argument has a particular position to be managed, and
often times own personal interests are widely expressed. This paper will expand
upon the case of Fischer collecting needed funds from Smith with proposals and ideas
for a manageable negotiation.
Original goals in negotiation The Midwestern contemporary art case study revolves
around the current MCA board chair ... Show more content on ...
Simply put resting at a conclusion after a negotiation may not necessarily be the ideal
outcome unless cooperative is achieved by both parties. Bargaining in general could
involve parents, friends, teachers, spouses, employers, and so on (Anderson, 2013).
Likewise companies also negotiation contracts with one another or individuals
involved within the companies. In the instance of Fischer and Smith, a formal
negotiation was never made between them personally, but as a whole Smith agreed to
make pledges to Midwest Contemporary Art years and years beforehand. Pledges
would be made on a consistent basis once started, but since pledges after the initial
$10,000 one were never initiated the Contemporary Art facility is struggling. In the
original location which was much smaller than the renovated one the museum
perhaps would have had no troubles staying afloat with or without the pledge of Mr.
and Mrs. Smith. After the renovations of a new facility the value of the museums
success rested on contributions initially promised by Mr. Smith.
Interests in the case Coming from a stand point of pretending to be Mrs. Fischer
personal interests in the case are a matter of whether or not employment at the
museum will occur in the future for one. Secondly, the future of the museum is
resting on one stubborn person that finally has answered several phone calls. Mrs.
Fischer is a hard

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Essay Education. Amazing High School Essay Thatsnotus

  • 1. Essay Education Writing an essay on the topic of education can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject matter but also in the need to approach it from various perspectives. Education encompasses a wide range of themes, from historical developments and philosophical underpinnings to contemporary issues and future trends. Crafting a comprehensive and insightful essay requires a deep understanding of the subject, meticulous research, and the ability to synthesize information coherently. One challenge is the need to strike a balance between breadth and depth. The topic of education is multifaceted, and one can easily get lost in the abundance of information available. The essay must navigate through this complexity, providing a holistic view without becoming too superficial or overly detailed. Additionally, addressing the diverse aspects of education—from formal institutions to informal learning, from traditional methods to technological advancements—adds another layer of complexity. Furthermore, an effective essay on education should be thought-provoking and contribute to the ongoing conversation about educational practices. This requires critical thinking and the ability to articulate nuanced arguments. The writer must be able to analyze current issues, evaluate different perspectives, and propose well-founded solutions or insights. Research plays a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. Accessing a variety of sources, including scholarly articles, books, and educational reports, is essential for developing a well- informed perspective. However, the abundance of information can also be overwhelming, making it necessary to sift through and select the most relevant and credible sources. In conclusion, writing an essay on education is a demanding task that requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Despite the challenges, it is an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to discussions about one of the most important facets of human development. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are available. Websites like offer services to help with academic writing needs, providing support for tasks ranging from essays to research papers. Essay Education Essay Education
  • 2. ##s And Weaknesses And Strengths Of Rudy Giuliani Like all famous leaders, Rudy Giuliani had his fair share of strengths and weaknesses. Giuliani showed the country and the world what true leadership was in the wake of 9/11. During a time of crisis, he demonstrated courageousness, dedication and composure. Even though Giuliani is mostly remembered for his strengths, his weaknesses are usually overlooked. He was criticized for being unfaithful and allowing lust to break up his marriage. Another weakness of Giuliani was his inconsistency to reprimand his policeforce. Giuliani was a man of positivity. No matter the situation, Giuliani always looked at the positive side of things and didn t allow his emotions to get the best of him. This strength of his leadership style stemmed from the core values his father taught him. In an interview with Barbara Walters, Giuliani talked about what his father taught him. Giuliani explained that his father had taught him how to act during a crisis: When there is a crisis going on, the most important thing is to be calmer. If everybody s getting very upset and very emotional, the best way to figure out your way through it is to actually become calmer and relax more. He understood that when in a time of uncertainty, being calm was the key. Another key strength of Giuliani was how he was a natural born leader. NYPD Commissioner William Bratton commented on Giuliani s natural born leadership. I ve seen the mayor in many instances during the time I worked with him as police commissioner
  • 3. Literary Naturalism And The Open Boat Literary naturalism was a movement that began in the late 1800s to the mid 1900s that used detailed realism to show the readers that the human character is shaped by many things that are outside of human control. This movement tried to depict everyday reality where the characters would receive symbolic, idealistic, or supernatural treatment. Literary realism was a prominent movement in the mid 1800s in Europe, and naturalismwas derived from this movement; the writers were influenced largely by Darwin s theories on evolution. Many writers believed that a person s character was determined by social status and heredity, and they try to determine any and all underlying forces that may influence the characters actions. Naturalist writers often write about taboo subjects, such as sexuality, but also many other subjects, such as Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie, which is about a young country girl who moves to the big city to follow her dream of making it big. Stephen Cranes The Open Boat is another example. His story is an autobiographical story about how he and three crew members survived a shipwreck. Other subjects often written about by naturalists are poverty, racism, violence, prejudice, disease, corruption, prostitution, and filth. Due to the topic they wrote about, critics often targeted naturalist writers for focusing too much on the darker side of human life. Literary naturalism is where the effect the environment has on the human characters is emphasized. The
  • 4. Peter Singer the Ethics of Internet Piracy Proposition: Peter Singer suggests based on the article that it may be morally right to pirate under certain circumstances. Evidence: One such circumstance is that people can no longer purchase out certain print works, as presented within the article One marvel of the Internet is that some of my older works, long out of print, are now far more widely available than they ever were before in pirated versions . This shows that it could be beneficial to have works online for others to use when they are no longer available in print. Another circumstance is presented when Singer claims that by reading the pirated copy of a book sent from his colleague, no one was worse off due to the fact that it was not for sale in digital form. ... Show more content on ... He suggests that if there was a low user fee, there would be less incentive to pirate. Therefore, there is a solution to the argument he s presenting. Potential Objections: Authors will argue against Singer s argument that pirated books are not entirely morally wrong because for many authors their work is not paying off. Many might object and say that they are entirely wrong because it hurts them. Some authors lose earnings when their books are pirated because that s all they have. Many do not have other ways of earning money and if someone else is making money using their work it s even worse for them. Such is the case with Kim Dotcom who was making money using other people s work. He wasn t just sharing different works, he was earning money using works that didn t belong to him. Assumptions: Singer argues that if legislation stopping piracy does not happen most creative people will need to earn a living doing something else, and we will all be the losers. He s assuming that without legislation, publishers/artists/authors etc. will continue to lose money from pirating of their works but he has no real proof that this is true. He also makes the assumption that if there were a cheap enough user fee, the incentive to use pirated copies would diminish, be he has no actual way of knowing this. He only assumes this based on what he thinks it s the best solution. Information about the context: Singer shares in his article that internet
  • 5. Psalms In The Hebrew Bible Looking at the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms fall into the Ketuvim, or Writings. The Hebrew Bible has Psalms listed as tehillГў; a derivative of hДЃlal. This root connotes being sincerely and deeply thankful for and/or satisfied in the lauding a superior quality(ies) or great, great act(s) of an object. The book of Psalmsrenders itself to speak into every situation a person could have; in times of sadness, happiness, when looking for some wisdom, or just feeling thankful for who he is and all he has done in your life. Dr. Cartledge stated in his lecture on Psalms that the central overriding theme of Psalms is the presence or absence of God. In the Jewish tradition, there are descriptions at the beginning of the psalms that will tell either who wrote it, who it is written to, or the song tune. When reading this scriptural passage, the first thing I asked myself was,... Show more content on ... In Ernest Nicholson s review of The Sons of the Korah by Michael Goulder he found information that dates it to the pre exilic times. Goulder s thesis is that these psalms originated in northern Israel at the sanctuary of Dan where they were related to the liturgy of the annual Festival of Tabernacles in the month. Such evidence as they now contain of a setting in Jerusalem is because they were transferred there and edited after the fall of the Northern Kingdom in 722 BC. Two phases in the history of the collection in northern Israel are discerned. In a first stage (ninth century) Ps. 84 (a pilgrim psalm) marked the arrival of worshippers, and Ps. 85 (a national lament) marked the first day, 14th
  • 6. Tivo 2002 | Business School | |TiVo in 2002 | |Case Analysis | | Emanuele Grazioli, | |5/20/2010 | CONTENTS 1. Point of View 2. Marketing Objectives and Relevant Case Facts 3. Problem/Opportunity Statement 4. Alternative Courses of Action 5. Evaluation of Alternatives ... Show more content on ... This implies using the social factor of family influence in consumer behavior. 1. Shift marketing research focus TiVo s market research efforts were put on understanding current clients while it was not clear the total number of still available clients in the market as well as other important factors regarding buying behavior were not being considered. We cannot assume that everyone with a TV enjoys it as much as current clients do and feel the necessity to record their TV shows. The focus in current clients behavior and the lack of information about the rest of the market considering client s cultural, social and personal factors does not allow us to clearly see the potential for this product and more effort must be put on that rather than simple sales effort. Furthermore, it should be noticed that the results of the marketing research carried out by TiVo could be influenced by a set of other biases: non response bias; web users bias; reward bias; questionnaire length bias and formulation bias (the bi annual survey asks directly about satisfaction , which makes respondents typically score high). 2. Influence problem recognition From these learnings we can see that there was an important element in promoting the product which is referral and trial. This demonstrates that many clients would only recognize a need once they were shown the benefits of using TiVo. 3. Leverage satisfaction as a social
  • 7. Minor In Possession Laws You can make your own decisions in life. It s up to you how you let your decisions either hurt you or help you. Have influence on yourself is what can help you make the right decisions. Some of the decisions I make help me and some hurt me. I strive every day to make the right decisions in life to help me in my future. Being around certain people and certain situation can hurt those chances of you making the right decisions. Minor in possession laws (sometimes called underage drinking laws) target sales of alcohol to minors and public possession of alcohol by minors. Since the passage in 1984 of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act(23 U.S.C.A. В§ 158), all states have had to raise their minimum drinking age to 21. States that did not risked lowering the amount of highway funds they receive under the Federal Highway Act. All states presently comply with the Drinking Age Act. Alcohol is one of the nations biggest controversies. The Law states you will not be in possession of alcohol until you are the age of 21. Yet so many people under the age of 21 possess and consume it. Some believe we should have the right to do whatever we want. Some ... Show more content on ... It applies to anyone under the age of 21. In order to be convicted of possession of alcohol by a minor the State must show that you are under 21 and that you had physical control or possession over an alcoholic beverage. Physical control means that you had the ability to access the alcohol immediately. You can not get out of a possession of alcohol charge by setting the can down on the ground and saying that you are not holding or possessing it. That does not work. You are capable of picking it back up off of the ground. So you have physical control over the alcohol. This is what got me in trouble. I was just hanging around at a party and I got in trouble for the situation. This could have cause a messed up in my career if I had gotten into more trouble than I
  • 8. The two peaces of poetry I have studied by Seamus Heaney... The two peaces of poetry I have studied by Seamus Heaney include Follower and The Early Purges. Heaney s poems both relate back to his younger, adolescent life. In the poem Early purges , he describes young kittens being drowned on the farm. His maturity is shown when he says with perception, And now, when shrill pups are prodded to drown, I just shrug, Bloody pups . But we are shown that he is still careless now, as well in a casual way by saying I just shrug . He is also unsympathetic, and justifies his actions like Dan. He is now older, looking back and changed. The language used by Heaney also expresses the fact that little was thought of these so called nuisances. He says they are slung and Dan Taggart ... Show more content on ... But the fear came back . In this particular occasion, the full stop emphasises a space of time where Dan had no regret of what he had done with no disgust, but suddenly the opposite is true over a moment in time. A couple of vicious verbs used in this same stanza, are sickening tug , which shows that Dan was sickened by things that he had done with his violent actions. I think that the up until the final two verses, Heaney s outlook is that of a young boy, who doesn t understand why something so cruel should happen. Heaney then shows his maturity again by showing his understanding that the kittens, or pests , did actually have to be removed. In the final stanza, a feeling of regret still takes place where he is trying to convince himself that he did the right thing and that the kittens are better off dead than alive. Overall in this poem, it is made up of 3 simple line stanzas, where the first and third lines rhyme. In the poem Follower ,the voice is of the son. He is speaking about his father who he looks up to and admires. The poem starts with the lines My father worked with a horse plough, his shoulders globed like a full sail strung . The image given to us immediately is of a large piece of machinery controlled by a large a powerful man. We are told his shoulders are like a full sail strung , so straight away I think of a large yacht sailing at great speed and nothing can stop it. I think
  • 9. Exponential Growth Lab Report The bacterial curve results in diauxic growth curve .which shows two different kinds of active growth. In the first phase of exponential growth, we are able to see that bacteria get its energy from glucose until all the glucose has been exhausted. In secondary lag phase, lactose is utilized at second stage of the growth exponential. During the glucosephase, lactose cannot be utilized because cells are unable to transport and break the disaccharide lactose. Lactose operon can be repressed even in the presence of lactose (inducer) .enzymeof lactose utilization are being synthesis after the glucose has been exhausted. the secondary lag phase show how much time was actually required to complete the induction of lac operon and synthesis for enzyme
  • 10. Absurdity In Waiting For Godot Samuel Beckett uses some techniques to portray the idea of modern life being absurd in Waiting For Godot , these techniques include symbolism and metaphor, also he uses a special form that is anti play that is a feature of Theatre of the absurd in the drama. Waiting For Godot is a classical theatre of the absurd. We can know why is theatre of the Absurdfrom some way that is arena, characters, props, and dialogue. Because theatre of the Absurd is use of fragmented arena, incoherent dialogue, chaotic idea and strange props in the play, all of these features express the ugly and horrible in reality and life s pain and despair, and then achieve an abstract result of absurd. Waiting For Godotreveals the human live in an absurd environment, and show the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, also include something can make people excited from the poverty spirit, also in these drama we can see God existence. Form these way portray the idea of modern life is ... Show more content on ... It reflects a lot of people in modern society, they spiritually lost and depressed and confused reality. Waiting of the play is a nothingness waiting, and repeated trivial actions of daily; that symbolize the illusory hope; also can represent the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, Samuel Beckett uses this symbol to reveal the modern people living condition. We can see the modern people suffer after lost themselves and despair. In the drama, Godot do not come to meet them, but they just waiting for no reason, this is useless and absurd; they do not do anything, do not have effort, just waiting saved by someone, so their waiting is hopeless that is inevitable. Deeply reveals to the audience the truth of life to live is waiting. When a person s living environment is worse, the absurdity of life will be exposed. Even then, human also must
  • 11. Essay On Islam In America Islam has been around for over a thousand years. The religion has spread across a few continents including America. A recent study demonstrates that there are around 7 million Muslims in the U.S. That compares to around 2.3% of the populace. Despite the fact that the number is not large, it has been increasing in spite of the attack of September 11, 2001. On that day, a lot changed for the Islamic individuals living in the United States. Though the American Muslims had nothing to do with the terroristic attack that happened on that day, their lifestyle was bound to change. The change that happened was not in their religion, or the way they rehearsed it; it occurred in the attitude of the non Islamic populace. An accusing finger was pointed on the Muslims because the attacks were said to be conducted by Muslim radicals. Generally, the media was the main place Americans would get detailed information about the Muslims, and they were not depicting them positively.... Show more content on ... They expected to enhance their image to shield themselves from the developing number of individuals that were against Islam. Consequently, they had to do it while remaining consistent with themselves and their religion. In 2005, the Fiqh Council of North America issued a fatwa saying that the utilization of force against innocent lives was prohibited under the Islamic Law. This fatwa additionally urged Muslims to help in the enforcement of the law in order to prevent the acts of violence against them. This kind of treatment shows how the Muslims in American were worried about what they look like to people in general. The Islamic law might indeed keep some extremists from taking part in terrorist acts. Likewise, this built up public position for Muslims. It demonstrated that Islam, in general, does not overlook terrorist acts of any
  • 12. Property in Second Treatise of Civil Government and... Property in Second Treatise of Civil Government and Robinson Crusoe Both John Locke s Second Treatise of Civil Government and Daniel Defoe s Robinson Crusoe deal with the question of property. In these two texts, the following questions arise: when does common property become an individual s property; and what factors make the appropriation of property justifiable or not? These questions may be answered by looking at each author s political views, followed by how they are incorporated in their work. Locke outlines the procedures for the transition of property to private ownership, while Defoe details the way Crusoe appropriates property (i.e., food, accommodations, and slaves) during the course of his stay on the ... Show more content on ... But even though the topic came up incidentally, Locke had much to say about it. He dedicated an entire chapter in his Treatise to discussing property and its importance in the laws of nature and government. Throughout Chapter V of his Second Treatise, Locke uses the term property connote that something is one s own, either inclusively or exclusively. That is, anything which is in any sense one s own is one s property. This seems to be the conventional seventeenth century use of the term (Tully 112). Locke argues that natural reason...tells us, that men, being once born, have a right to their preservation (Locke 352). After establishing this principle, Locke continues to surmise that God has given the mankind in common. But this being supposed, it seems to some a very great difficulty how any one should ever come to have a property in any thing (Locke 353). This puzzling question may have different answers that all seem relative. Nonetheless, says Locke, every man is his own property and this nobody has a right to but himself (Locke 353). But, beyond this view, where else does private property originate? According to Locke, common property becomes individual property the moment one adds his or her labor to it. As Locke argues, The labour of his [the
  • 13. Masquerade Concert, Halloween Spooktacular, Arranged By... Out of the three pieces that the Artiste Orchestra prepared to the Masquerade Concert, Halloween Spooktacular, arranged by Bob Phillips, was definitely the hardest piece. Not only was it long, but it was fast and had passages with difficult fingerings. By no means have I perfected this piece, but I used several different practice techniques to help me master the fast tempoand difficult fingerings. The technique that I used the most was probably using a metronome. I would start by playing a passage very slowly, probably around 80 100 beats per minute depending on the passage. Then, once I had mastered the passage at that speed, I would increase the tempo by 10 beats per minute and practice the passage at that speed until I had mastered it. Then, I would increase the tempo another 10 beats per minute and repeat the same process. I would continue this same process until I had mastered that section at tempo. It was at these slower speeds that I could really focus on the little things, such as intonation, rhythm, dynamics and articulation because by focusing on these elements as slow speeds, it would be easier to bring them into the piece at faster speeds. Another practice technique I attempted to use to practice Halloween Spooktacular was playing along with a recorded version of the piece. This is a technique I used for several pieces last year because I find it helpful to hear all the parts of a piece, not just my own. Unfortunately, after one or two attempts to play along
  • 14. Mature Play Essay Mature make believe play is an important and unique context, providing opportunities to learn not afforded by other classroom activities. It should not be considered something extra that can be cut to accommodate more time for academic skills, nor should it be used as a means of adding entertainment value for inherently boring and decontextualized drills. Instead, play should be preserved and nurtured as one of the uniquely preschool activities that provide the most beneficial context for children s development. Mature play, as researchers provide, say that childdevelop social skills, mathematical ability, mastery of early literacy concepts, and self regulation. In order to enhance play to mature play teachers must follow Vygostkian s approach of scaffolding play into PRoPELS approach of critical elements of children s play in the classroom. For some children, early childhoodis the only setting that children have the opportunity to learn how to play the proper and mature way with the PRoPELS. Since children are almost always segregated by age and have to interact with play partners who are as inexperience as they are without getting the playground play of elder interactions; hinders children s ways of maturing make believe play, which is when teachers need to come in allow improvement and growth with play. Playtime in today s early childhood classroom is limited and rarely exceeds one or two hours, which means that in order to achieve progress in the quality of play,
  • 15. Essay The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic... The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church. Early Sunday morning, people shuffle in through the mahogany doors as the smell of Frankincense and Myrrh tickle the nose. Rays of sunlight beam through the stained glass windows, making rainbow images on the red velvet carpet. What sounds like the voices of angels singing praise to the lord harmoniously circulates in the air. A mighty voice roars from the altar, Now, let us bow our heads in prayer. This is a majestic place where one can find peace, confess sins and thank the lord for all of the blessings he has bestowed upon them. In May of 1992, all of this would change, as Catholicism would be thrust to its knees. A story concerning a Catholic Priest sparked the ... Show more content on ... Lawyers for the victims have obtained a 69 page document outlining sexual abuse protocol. This document written in 1962, possessing the seal of Pope John XXIII, blatantly states the church should be protected at any cost and those who choose to ignore the secret of the Holy Office are in jeopardy of excommunication. There are also questions concerning poor judgment applied at the Diocese level: During a deposition, Bishop Thomas L. Dupre stated that he reassigned Rev. Richard Meehan to administrative duties following his removal from a local parish after abusing a child. He not only had access to sexual abuse files but also destroyed confidential files pertaining to sexual abuse cases that were kept in a secured area. Furthermore, Rev. James J. Scahill insists that he was present in a meeting where Bishop Dupre stated his parish was not only safe but also fortunate because the late Bishop Christopher J. Weldon had destroyed many files implicating priests of child sexual abuse, before he died in 1982 ( Spotlight Investigation ). After the unsealing of church records, it was found that the Catholic Church was well aware of the dark history surrounding some of its priests. In addition, a vast number of child sexual abuse complaints were found, implicating several hundred Catholic priests.
  • 16. Senior Leadership Responsibility Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Senior Leadership Responsibility is to Ensure that Ethical Decisions are Made to Develop Good Organizational Climate Introduction Ethics in business is defined as the principles to distinguish right from wrong and to choose ethical actions. It is the standard governance to all concerned to practice mutual respect and to establish morality in order for the entire organization to benefit. This leads to the development of code conduct that must be followed by the organization. It is highly important that the top senior management and leaders must set the standard attitudes and behavior in the entire organization to press ethical concerns. Because of the consequences of ethics in different organizations, senior leadership s responsibility is to provide ethics because of their authority and responsibility; this has evolved significantly as a primary influence to change (Ciulla, 2004). Ethics exemplifies the practical distinction of the company before this can lead to ethical dilemmas that can put the company at risks. Although it is often debated at the heart of leadership to take into account several factors including the personality, experience, trustworthiness, belief and other factors especially the character and values of the leader. ... Show more content on ... This report will provide examination to several studies and research findings from different sources including books, journals and other media to prove that senior leaders are not necessarily taking their roles and responsibilities to enhance the ethics and social responsibility of the entire organization but their actions are closely made not just to develop good organizational climate but also to establish value based advantage, higher revenue and
  • 17. A Market Analysis Will Be On Nike, Inc. This market analysis will be on Nike, Inc. using the Porter s Five Forces designed by Porter, (2008): 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry, 2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers, 3) Bargaining Power of Customers, 4) Threat of New Entrants, and 5) Threat of Substitute Products. Nike was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman a track coach at the University of Oregon who developed lightweight, durable running shoes along with Phil Knight one of his runners and a student of business at the University. Almost from the onset of this company factories overseas were utilized to produce the products starting in Japan and later spreading to many other countries with inexpensive labor forces. Nikeafter years of growth went from a $1 million in sales... Show more content on ... 1) Competitive Rivalry within the Industry Extremely High The level of competition in the sector of athletic shoes, apparel and equipment is extremely high between two primary businesses in this category and that is Adidas and Nike. Other shoe businesses also are fighting to take a pieces of the market with new products and promotions these companies include for athletic shoes brands such as Reebok, Puma, Under Armour, Converse, Vans, New Balance, Fila, Asics, Keds, Geox, Rockport, Ecko and for clothing brands new competitors such as Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Nautica and the Gap. All of these emerging brands with some of them having their own customer bases or brand loyalty do threaten Nike s control of the largest segment of the market. It is not so much the price of the shoes but the branding that drives the market. So if the brand is popular than that is what the customer is looking for more than price. Much of this threat to Nikes branding is from changing customer preferences for what brand of sports shoes that they want. To compete within this market a constant string of creative new invention using newer technology to appeal to the consumer has to take place. Nike fortunately has such brand recognition and customer loyalty along with numerous patents on materials and designs that they can continue to hold onto the lead and seem to continue to grow into other market segments using brand line extensions as well. They
  • 18. Erving Goffman Stage Theory In this essay, I will be explaining Erving Goffman s social concept called dramaturgy, primarily focusing on the element of stage theory. I will also incorporate Peter Borger s social construction of reality within the essay as it also relates to stage theory. I will be describing what these concepts mean it my own words, based off experiences in my own life, research that I have done, as well as using the information that we gathered in class. Then we will be looking at college students as a case study group, where we will go into greater detail to better explain the stage theory concept and how the behavior of college students is significantly dependent upon the stage and location they are in, as well as how they are impacted deeply by society. Some of the information that I will be gathering will come from a non academic source, which gives a brief descriptive summary of college students and why they make a perfect fit for this stage theory example. Lastly will be an analysis process of the information that I gathered about the stage theory. This process also includes a summary of an academic source that applies a variation of stranger theory and social construction of reality to a similar case study. The sociological concept called dramaturgy is very interesting and Erving Goffman s idea is worth looking into on a deeper level to better understand it. I had previously heard about the stage theory before this sociological theory class, but did not really have a grasp as
  • 19. Why Do Nutrition Be A Marathoner Essay Nutrition form a Marathoner s Book I ve seen many people showing willingness to run but they grapple with the fear of unknown, may be the thought of stepping onto the treadmill or road and running distances make them uncomfortable. I always tell people, it s a mind game , put yourself in runner s shoe, looking at the horizon with the resolve to see yourself as a seasoned runner in couple of years running along the elites. That will make the difference. At the outset let me confess, few years back, I myself was uncomfortable even walking 40mts,always looking for vehicle to carry me around. And you know, the day I thought of pursuing running, I registered straight for full marathon (42km)пЃЉ . Not boosting myself, fact was there was no other slot ... Show more content on ... High intensity, prolonged exercises increases oxidation of amino acids for fuelling our body and protein is used as an energy. Protein makes a greater contribution to total energy production during endurance exercise when muscle glycogen levels are low. Heavy duty marathon training can lead to muscle tissue loss. Eating sufficient calories, carbohydrates and protein will help stave off this wasting. Endurance training pushes protein needs to 25% to 50% more than of Daily Value. You can meet this requirement with regular servings of fish, beans, cooked grains, poultry and other lean meats. Re energize after you run No matter what time you run but what you eat post your run may determine the quality of your next workout and your energy level for the rest of the day. Studies suggest that a combination of carbohydrate and protein , 30 minutes after hard running can rebuild glycogen stores better than carbohydrates alone. This combo also speed muscle recovery. Based on these studies, you should consume 80 100 gms of carbs 15 to 40 gms of protein after exercising. Strengthen your
  • 20. Real Estate Development in Singapore 1 About South Beach Residences South Beach is a unique integrated development in the centre of one of the liveliest of Singapore s districts. The development will include both residential and business premises in a luxury condominium with apartments, penthouses, first class office spaces and retail outlets. South Beach will also have a hotel, an exclusive members club and countless recreation amenities and opportunities. A City Developments LTD and IOI group development, South Beach is next to The Esplanade and City Hall MRTs within Singapore s Downtown central core. Its location and the ambience of its setting cannot be bettered. South Beach will include four historic buildings, which are already subject to conservation protection because they are historically and culturally significant to the Singaporean people. Here two towers will grow from the ground, they will be technologically advanced but built to look beautiful, and in an environmentally friendly manner. South Beach offers everything; picture postcard views of Marina Bay, the Orchard Road shopping district or Downtown Singapore, 360 degree views from apartments and penthouses, and a delightful lifestyle under one huge roof. Other such developments cannot even come close to the South Beach offer. South Beach s environmentally friendly designs and many features take its residents towards the green life and its two green mark platinum awards recognize this fact. The large baldachin, which will cover the towers,
  • 21. How Important Was The Privy Council How important was the Privy Council It could be argued that the monarch was an important member of government however some may disagree and put forward the idea that the Privy Council was more important. This is for several reasons the first reason (for the monarch) was the fact that she could decide who could become a member of the Privy Council this is because it meant that she had total power over those who that would help run the country. However this did not mean that the monarch was the most important figure as it could be argued that the monarch did in fact have a Back Seat with regards to running the country as historians could argue that it was the privy council, as opposed to the queen, that did the main portion of running the ... Show more content on ... This also differed it from the Privy Council as despite the Privy Council creating the laws in the first place they had very little in the act of actually enforcing them; this is where they relied on local governments in order to ensure these laws where being enacted. This does give some leeway to the idea that the P.C was not in fact as important as they needed the local governments in order to enforce anything. Despite the local council
  • 22. Why Did Shakespeare Use Comedic Relief In Hamlet Gavin Amundsen May 9, 2017 English Miller Comedy In Hamlet In William Shakespeare s Hamlet, comedy is used in quite a few occasions. Instead of using it as a tool to add more drama and tension to the play, he uses it as a relief and a break from all of the craziness in the play. Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama. The use of comedic relief in this play allows for an emotional connection to the play from the audience since it shows that it doesn t have to always be taken so seriously, and it s ok to laugh every now and then. One of the first well known people to start using comedic relief in their plays is actually Shakespeare. Which is also why Hamlet is such a perfect example of the use of this because it was one of the original plays that shakespeare used to introduce comedic relief. ... Show more content on ... When one of the players delivers a heart wrenching speech about Priam s death, Polonius interrupts to say, This is too long , which shows a connection to the audience because some of them are probably thinking the exact same thing. Shakespeare uses examples like this to really connect with some of the audience members who are not big fans of going to plays and find the average dramatic play boring. Polonius ends up getting stabbed by Hamlet and dies. I ll lug the guts into the neighbor room. Hamlet uses humor towards the bloody corpse of Polonius although he just stabbed Polonius, Hamlet uses humor to ease the tension of the tragic scene by treating the body as if it were just trash. Hamlet s unhealthy sense of humor Acts to increase the tragic factor of the overall
  • 23. Suprematist Painting By Malevich Modern Art is NOT Art Art is a process of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. With that being said, is modern art really art? The answer is no it is not. Many people in this day and age would argue that it is in fact art, but society has clearly lost the understanding of what true art really is. Having the ability to look at a piece of art and have some concept of what it is or feeling of emotion is what makes it art. Though many are willing to pay millions for the modernized art of today s culture, it is not and never will be the truest essence of art that man has known and been fascinated by for centuries. Art, no matter the form, should have the ability to resonate in some way with the viewer. Many of the modern art pieces do not portray true emotion, as real art should. The piece Suprematist Painting by Malevich is composed of eight red rectangles. Showing the lack of skill, this painting, like many others of its kind, in no way show meaning nor does it convey emotion. Art used to show just how much effort was ... Show more content on ... The effort that has so obviously been put into it is what strikes people. Art has always been such a fascinating thing because some people are blessed with artistic abilities while the majority are not. Modern art has little, if any, effort put into it. So many of these masterpieces could be easily done by the common person. Michaelangelo and picasso are two of the greatest artists of all time. Thinking about the art they created is legendary compared to today s. Michelangelo created lifesize, detailed, and elaborate sculptures that have been famous for thousands of years. Picasso created The Weeping Woman in 1937 which was sold for 1.6 million dollars. This painting portrayed exactly what the title says. It shows a woman crying which is an emotion anyone could see which resonates with the audience when
  • 24. Essay On Dorm Introduction Of the eighteen freshman dorms I have chosen Canaday as my primary place of study. Canaday is centrally located in Harvard`s Oak Yard in which it shares with Thayer. It is the newest dorm built by Harvard and its students enjoy its central location next to Annenberg and the Science Center. Canaday is divided into seven vertical entryways which have a variety of different suites available. Canaday is actually three separate buildings which create a courtyard in the center. My particular room of study was located on the fourth floor of C hall. The room dimension is eight feet by ten feet. The reason for excavating this dorm room was to find out more about the life of a college student at Harvard by non intrusively excavating ... Show more content on ... Still to the right of the rug was a pink textured round trash can which was about one and one half feet tall by one feet wide. The contents of the trash can included an empty kettle corn bag of popcorn, several pieces of gum, a diabetes sensor, soft textured face pads, a few scrap pieces of paper and a mango bar wrapper. Immediately to the right of the trash can was the laundry bag. Inside of the laundry bag there was several dirty shirts, unisuits, and pants. On the right of the laundry bag there was a large brown wooden desk. Around the perimeter of the desk there were white string origami lights which were shut off. At the base there was an eight hole power strip which had the lights, a personal laptop computer plugged into it, two notebooks, a pencil case (with pencils), six novel sized books, a half eaten chocolate bar and a lamp. Live in Dorm Student The dorm student whose room I had the pleasure of excavating is eighteen years of age, female gendered, caucasian descent, and seemingly in the middle class. I have arrived at the conclusion of middle class based on the decorations present in the room. These include nice light strings, tapestry, desk lamp light, mini tree by the window, and bedspread. The other identifications of race, gender, and age I came to the conclusion of through a conversation with the subject. Conclusion In conclusion I have gained several insights from this excavation not only on my live in dorm
  • 25. The For The Assets Of Stock Material And Leasehold Essay The inclusion of the assets of stock material and leasehold have to be added Clause 1, that describes Assets, or could be added to an attached Schedule that describes all the assets that are to be transferred to the Buyer. Clause 2.1 has to be amended to include further sub clauses that reflect the addition of all the Assets. Clause 3 has to be also amended to mention the addition of each Asset and the apportioned amount of that Asset. Stock of Raw Materials Salmon would want to limit the amount of stock of raw material it is obliged to purchase. This is to ensure that Heating does not reduce stock to a level that would make it hard for Salmon to meet order. It is also important for the parties to agree a valuation method for the stocks that will be transferred. Salmon will want to seek warranties from Heating in regard to satisfactory quality, and that the stock items are not obsolete or unmarketable. Salmon would also want to protect itself from any omissions in the assets that would be needed to carry on their business and thus should choose to include a clause stating that all equipment used in the business are to be transferred. The amendment should allow Salmon to bring claims against Heating for any disputes arising from the stock s valuation. The implications of the amendments, allow for additional Assets to be transferred to Salmon. Salmon would have to pay a greater amount of consideration. Due to the warranties being sought, a breach of warranties,
  • 26. Pros And Cons Of Inclusion In Special Education Inclusion in the Classroom Inclusion is the act of having students with disabilities and abled body students in the same classroom. In concept this has many benefits not only for the students but it also saves time and money for the school, however in practice I do not think inclusion works the way it was hoped to. Inclusion in theory will put light strain on the classroom because of safe guards such as helper teachers are in place to help out. In my experience these teachers are in the way most of the time when students are trying to learn, and students feel cheated when the special needs students are handed a supplemented test making the students feel bad. Lastly that the pros of inclusion in the classroom are set in perfect conditions with good teachers on both sides special education and general education, however most of the time that is not the case. Cons of Inclusion There are obvious disadvantages such as the lack of training, general education teacher will have in dealing with disabled students. A teacher trained specifically in special education could and would provide a much better service to the students that need it. Another issue is depending on the nature of a child s disability, it can affect the way that a student behaves. According to the ERIC article, that pupil s misbehavior and disrespect can be so intense that it disrupts the learning environment (Koolbreeze, 2017). This type of misbehavior could also be expressed in students without disabilities,
  • 27. Job Outlook Report 25 October 2011 Case Study of Elton Mayo George Elton Mayo was born on Boxing Day (December 26), 1880, in Adelaide, Australia and lived until 1949. ( Mayo was the oldest son of George Gibbs Mayo and Henrietta may. He has an extensive list of schools where he received education, starting with the Queen s School and Collegiate School of St. Peter. Following that Mayo, attended the University of Adelaide and Universities in Edinburgh and London where he lost his interest in pursuing a career in medicine. Starting in 1903 he moved back and forth between London and Adelaide where he held jobs as a writer, English teacher, and became a partner in a printing company. Then in 1907, still not finding his calling in life he went ... Show more content on ... A large number of employees were selected and they were first asked direct questions that were important to managers about their working conditions, opinions of work, and supervision. From this they saw that the answers given to each question was guarded so they began to use an indirect approach by merely listening to what the employee had to say and confirmed the theory of social factors playing a major role in boosting moral motivation and workers productivity. Explain the results of the Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment. What conclusions can be drawn? It was comprised of fourteen workers and was used to develop a new method of observation and obtaining more information about social groups in a company and trying to find causes that restrict output. What they saw was that each individual worker had the ability to restrict output and the group developed its own standards of production that fell short of management goals. Also that individual output remained constant over a period of time and informal groups play an important role in the working organization. Elaborate on the 7 summary points at the end of the case. What can we learn from these and how are they used in business management today? Mayo summed up his experiments by saying business organization is basically a social system and economic incentives are not the best motivating tool because the employee can be motivated by
  • 28. Basketball Is A Sport For The Campus Of Eastern Michigan... Basketball is a sport that requires a lot of time and effort to be good at. It s a sport that keeps some people in shape, some people involved with a community, and gives others an opportunity to meet new people. The recreation basketball community I am looking into is the one on the campus of Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Every day there is a multitude of people playing basketballin either the Recreation Center (REC) or on the courts outside of the student center. The people that make up this community are very diverse and most come from different backgrounds. Because I know the recreational basketball community is very diverse and interactive, I wonder what brings people together and why basketball is such an enticing sport. The purpose of this study is to see who plays basketball at the REC and then ask them why. People are playing basketball in the community every day so I could gather a plethora of information. I am sure to find interesting results and answers to the questions I will be asking the recreational basketball players at EMU. I have already met a lot of new people and made multiple new friends because of this community and that is a reason that I want to study it and find out if other people view this community just like I do. To study this community I will have to do some research online and also get information from primary sources like recreational basketball players that I see on the courts every day. Over the course of a few weeks I am
  • 29. What Makes Michael Jackson A Succesful Person Most Succesful Person In my opinion, Michael Jackson is the most successful person in the history of this world. From starting of his career at an early age, going solo, endorsement deals, face surgery, and allegations; Michael Jackson made his way to the top. His hard work and dedication allowed him to go far in his music career as well as having family support. There are many successful people in the history of this world, but he happens to be at the top of my list. On August 29, 1958, Michael Joseph Jackson came into this world ( Michael JacksonBiography 1). He was born in Gary, Indiana where he grew up with his four older brothers. Their father saw potential in them so he decided to start the group, Jackson 5. The boys played at gigs, became popular, and caught the attention of many people and record... Show more content on ... He was badly injured while filming a commercial for the soda giant in 1984, suffering burns to his face and scalp. In 1993, allegations of child molestation against Jackson emerged as well as others, but Jackson maintained his innocence. ( Michael Jackson Biography 3 4). Jackson continued to make headlines on bad incidents that occurred, but what celebrity has not experienced that. Although his career started going downhill, everyone still kept in mind that he was an amazing singer. On June 25, 2009, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest in his Los Angeles home and passed away later that morning ( Michael Jackson Biography 6). To conclude, I feel that Michael Jackson is the most successful person in the history of this world. He went through a lot to become successful. I was moved when I saw how much hard work and effort he put into his music career and family. There are many other successful people in the history of this world, but Michael Jackson is at the top of my
  • 30. Similarities Between Ophelia And Gertrude Shakespeare s tragic Hamlet depicts a society ruled by a patriarchal power structure with a strong influence on female norms. Both Ophelia and Queen Gertrude reject their established and internalized norms of the society they live in, creating chaos for both as individuals and society as a whole. Their ability to create such upheaval within their society relates in accordance to the amount of power they each hold within their traditional power structure; in a traditional reading of Hamlet, Ophelia and Gertrudelack such power as persons who find protection within the established system. However, Shakespeare is ultimately sympathetic to the women of the play, depicting their downfalls as a direct result of the men in the play. Ophelia is characterized as the embodiment of cherished femininity in Shakespeare s Hamlet; she thrives within the protective walls of a system that protects her, yet challenges the power structure through her own agency. In Hamlet s society, the ideal female is cherished for her youth, beauty, and purity. These qualities are appreciated as internalized social mores in such socialization that creates boundaries to protect Ophelia. She is praised in their society for her compliance, beauty, and purity by even the other female character in the play, Gertrude, when she says, Ophelia, I do wish that your good beauties be the happy cause of Hamlet s wildness/ so shall I hope your virtues will bring him to his wonted ways again , (III.i.39 43). In such a
  • 31. Essay On Western Meditation The purpose of ER #12 is to illustrate the true purpose of meditation and the ways in which one can achieve this true purpose, however, when this purpose is juxtaposed against the modern, Western interpretation of the art of meditation, one thing is clear; these are not the same. The popular, western meditation, at its heart, attempts to reach the same things that the Buddhist meditation tries to reach: peace, tranquility, and happiness, but those that reach their goals in western meditation practices are not reaching the same goals as those who practice Buddhist meditation. Buddhist meditation at its heart is an attempt to reach nirvana, while those who practice western meditation are reaching a relaxed state that helps to promote peace, tranquility, and happiness. The peace that is reached in western meditation is something that is fleeting, as the stressors of everyday life remove this peaceful feeling and replace it with the chaos that is everyday. To reach a true trance state requires the mindfulness and active thought of sГЎmatha, a western cannot reach what those who have practiced meditation their whole lives can. The meditation that is done in the popularized version is only a small shell of what Buddhist monks truly practice. The concentration required to reach the peaceful state of the trance is one that many western ... Show more content on ... Their happiness comes from the relaxed state they will find themselves in, while the Buddhist will find their state in nirvana, which they may be lucky to find in this life, or the next. Happiness in terms of these two different philosophies is quite different. To remove stress in the western manner, is happiness, but to achieve happiness in the Buddhist sense is a road of eradicating suffering and desire, a task that may never be complete; the gratification of the western practice is immediate, while their s is only delayed gratification in the Buddhist
  • 32. Game Theory For The Quality Of Service ABSTRACT While the Quality of Service (Qos) offered to clients may be improved through innovative conventions and new technologies, future patterns ought to consider the efficiency of resource allocation and system/terminal participation also. Game theory techniques have broadly been applied to various engineering design issues in which the activity of one component has affect on (and maybe conflicts with) that of some other component. Along these lines, game formulation definitions are utilized, and a stable results or solution for the players is deduced through the concept of equilibrium. This review gathers applications of game theory in wireless networking systems administration and presents them in a layered point of view, accentuating on which fields game theory could be viably connected. To this end, a few amusements are displayed and their key features are exposed. 1. Introduction Game theory is an order directing to model circumstances in which decision makers need to make particular activities that have shared perhaps conflicting results [1]. It has been utilized basically as a part of economics, so as to model competition between organizations. In the setting of wireless networks, game theory may be utilized as an instrument for framing participation schemes among elements, such as nodes, terminals or network providers. Amid the most recent years, game theory has likewise been applied to networking, as a resort to take care of routing and resource
  • 33. How Do Simulated Violence Games Affect Teens For many teens, simulated violence games are apart of their daily lives. Research has shown that teens who participate in simulated violence games are more likely to experience problems in the future. Simulated violence games are highly problematic and push teens to be more aggressive and more mean than those who choose not to participate in these games. Simulated violencegames should be avoided because the games could potentially teach these teens that violence is normal and killing isn t a bad thing. The games could distract them from school assignments, and could teach teens that using negative emotions is okay. Simulated violence games could also teach teens to be too aware of the world around them. According to Guy Martin, he states on page two of his article, High Jinks: Shoot Out , In the end, the protell Lowther team won, with twenty one kills. They celebrated with a spaghetti dinner . This evidence shows us that these particularly harmful games, are teaching teens that the idea of killing or assassinating is essentially okay. These ideas could potentially cause these kids to carry over the skills, to use later on in their lives, that will negatively affect them. Some argue that... Show more content on ... Compared to people in the real world who are gentle and compassionate, teens playing these games seem to be more hurtful. This evidence shows us that these kids could potentially become too aware of things, and not have any caution to what s going to happen in the future. This could lead to being cocky and overconfident that may affect job interviews, relationships, etc. Although desensitizing young people may help you in the future as well, but in a positive way, which could turn into not being afraid of things in the future. This could lead to not being prepared and ready for the things to
  • 34. Harriet Tubman Qualities Leader. A term we use to define a person who has perseverance, persuasive qualities, and passion. Only a few select people can be considered leaders, and Harriet Tubman was one of them. Harriet Tubman is considered an impactful leader in history because of her perseverance, passion, and persuasive actions towards the liberation of slaves. Harriet Tubman, was the very *embodiment* of many extraordinary qualities and talents. An exceptional example of one of her qualities, were her travels to the south. Her excursions encompassed her persevering qualities. During her travels to the south, she led over 19 covert missions and rescued 300 slaves, which displayed her perseverance and determined spirit. Not only was Tubman persevering, she was also
  • 35. Ramayana Essay Ramayana Ramayana and some of the Hindu virtues derived from it The poetic author, Valmiki, does not calls Rama the perfect man in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has been a legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society after, for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals, ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind ... Show more content on ... He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, I gladly obey father s command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it. . By doing this, he shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and authoritative rich ruler, all while knowing that he is giving up his righteous turn to rule the kingdom since he is the oldest of the four sons of the king. Instead, he willingly goes off into exile forest infested with evil spirits whom he battles with the power of good and defeats. As in most of the Eastern world, this example of respect being paid to elders, parents, authorities (no matter what one is commanded to do) is very important in one s faith ; and the fact that one successfully wards off evil, gives him/her the title of a cultural model hero, just as seen in Rama s case. Rama s casual attitude about going off into the forest for fourteen years also shows his asceticism the will to give up his material, emotional and physical attachments. His peaceful and patient attitude towards his life is vivid due to his enduring wisdom. For he goes beyond the material and physical world
  • 36. Ab Wheel Essay Top 10 best ab wheel What is an ab wheel? An ab wheel is an exercise tool that is very simple but has a high impact on the person that is using it. It is one of the most important fitness tool that is very affordable and you can use at home. It will strengthen your abdominal muscle and will improve your flexibility at the same time. For beginners, it is a very challenging tool for you will need to workout your core stability. But it is safe to say that using ab wheels have positive results. All you need to do is to find a perfect ab wheel and start on a flat surface. The following are the top 10 best ab wheel that is recommended for a fitness buff like you: 10.Milliard roller wheel it is a very effective but simple tool to use. It strengthens and tones your muscles such as back, shoulder, arms and most especially the abs. This ab wheel allows you to have the most ... Show more content on ... SKLZ core wheels this core wheels enhances the plank and push ups exercises than it ever has before. The wheels on each side causes your torso, shoulders and hips to move harder compared before. It is sturdy and therefore trusted by professionals and gym instructors. It is colorful and affordable that combines the look with performance. It is one of the most in demand exercise tool in the market today. 06. Lifeline wheel this is often called as the ultimate core trainer. It has designs and functions that is best for beginners and professionals alike. It is very sturdy and strong, made of high quality materials that secures the safety of the user. It is best for strengthening and toning the muscles of your arms, shoulder and back. 05. Yes4all dual ab wheel if you are looking for something that is worth your money, then this is the best choice for you. It has a dual wheel that ensures stability and balance. It is easy and quick to assemble. It strengthens your shoulder and back but most especially it helps to develop your abs. You can carry it anywhere you go because this is very
  • 37. America Needs Change, But Why Not Start With The... America needs change, but why not start with the Canadians? It was a few years ago, and I had gone grocery shopping with my mother. I d always shop with her just so I could get out of the house, walk around, and pick out food that I wouldn t have thought of for the grocery list. My mother was a conservative person. She had grown up on a farm in a small town where change would least occur. She was a spiteful person whose insecurities led her judgments. Despite her animosity to most things, she would tell me stories to inform me on matters she finds important, like how much money I should save for a car, or how she earned a high credit score. On our way home from the grocery store, she decided to tell me a story she heard from her coworker. My coworker, she has a pool in her backyard, and one day she found the black neighbor s kids swimming in her pool. She told them that they should ask to use her pool and told their mom, but their mom said, and my mother used her best, yet ear aching impression of a black woman and belted: you ain t using no pool! We can use it all we want! She decided to follow her story with also, I m going to refer to black people as Canadians. That way no one complains about it. Nobody cares what the actual Canadians, so my coworker found Canadians in her pool. I nodded silently because I had always found her racism distasteful. I had been quite used to her prejudice, so it was natural for me to passively await her to stop. At the time, I
  • 38. Autonomic Dysreflexia Spinal Cord Injury with Complication of Autonomic Dysreflexia Ashley Audette, Shelby LeBel, and Jocelyn Neufeld Nurs 361 Nursing of Adults Sandra Fritz and JoDee Wentzel March 14, 2014 Autonomic dysreflexia is a complication of spinal cord injuries. It is a massive, uncompensated cardiovascular reaction mediated by the sympathetic nervous system (Lewis, 2014, p.1784). There are many factors that need to be explored in relation to the complication of autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injuries. These factors include etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, and collaborative care. Lewis (2014) states spinal cord injuries are generally the direct ... Show more content on ... Pathophysiology Dunn (2004) gives a good physiological explanation as to how AD presents itself in the body. Starting with a stimulus, a sensory input is carried by undamaged sensory peripheral nerves to the spinal cord. Next the impulses travel up the spinal cord where sympathetic reflexes are stimulated. Upon these nerves being stimulated this causes vasoconstriction in the peripheral arteries. This vasoconstriction causes a sudden increase in blood pressure where the baroreceptors, which are located in the carotids and aortic arch, send the increased blood pressure information to the brain stem. These baroreceptors are triggered due to the increase in blood pressure and try to act as a buffer to the vasoconstriction by dilating the vascular bed above the injury (Krassioukov et al, 2007). The brain stem then tries to decrease the blood pressure by slowing the heart rate. Inhibitory sympathetic messages are attempted to be sent down the spinal cord (Dunn, 2004). These messages will not be successful in decreasing the blood pressure due to the spinal cord injury occurring at or above T6 (Dunn, 2004). Efferent impulses cannot pass through the spinal cord lesion, which in result the peripheral and visceral vessels do not dilate, resulting
  • 39. ACC 3010 Essay ACC 3010 Project 2 Fall 2013 DUE Friday November 1, 2013 This project is due on November 1st before 4:00 pm and is to be submitted in the Accounting Lab room 200 in the Rands House. The hours for submission of and help with the project will be posted on the class Blackboard site. You will sign your project in to create a record of its being submitted. Be sure your name and the name of your TA are on the front page of the project. This project is a continuation of Project 1, FRM Consulting Inc. An additional 11 months have passed since Project 1 (we are now at June 30, 2013 the company s yearend). The friends have expanded the shop to include sales of electronic tablets. The new company name is FRM Consulting Sales Inc. ... Show more content on ... Prepare the adjusting journal entry(s) necessary for uncollectible accounts expense using the aging of accounts receivable of accounting for bad debts as computed on the worksheet (these must be handwritten).The entry must be included with your other journal entries to receive credit. 5. Prepare any necessary adjusting entries to reflect the Inventory count at year end. These must be hand written. 6. Prepare the necessary closing entries (these must be handwritten). 7. Prepare the 3 financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2013 (multi step income statement, classified balance sheet, and statement of retained earnings). Even though you are preparing a multi step income statement, you still need to list the various expenses individually on the income statement for consideration of full credit. These 3 statements must be typed. Also you must include appropriate dollar signs and appropriate underlines and correct formatting for the statements to receive full credit. 8. REQUIRED TO TURN IN (in this order): Typed multi step income statement, Typed statement of retained earnings, Typed classified balance sheet, Typed Perpetual Inventory cards, Handwritten worksheet for uncollectible accounts expense calculations, and Handwritten June Journal Entries, the additional adjusting entries and all necessary closing entries. Be sure your name is on all pages. Inventory Information Inventory on hand at the beginning of June:
  • 41. Case Study Three Men And A Lady A Case Study of Interstate Business College Three Men and A lady 1. Based on the information you have gathered during your first task, what discrepancies /irregularities exist in Shawn Davidson s file? * Signatures on Enrollment Agreement do not seem to be the same (pg. 507) * 1st Enrollment Agreement Total should equal $9995.00 (508) Total Tuition 8750.00 Textbooks (approx.)970.00 Application Fee0.00 Lab Fee200.00 General Fee75.00 TOTAL DUE9,995.00 (not the listed 10,020.00) The amount listed is the enrollment agreement was 10,020.00 which gives a difference of : 10,020.00 9995.00 =25 * 2nd Enrollment Agreement Total should equal $12075.00 (508) Total Tuition... Show more content on ... What discrepancies/irregularities can you identify in Lisa Morrison s file? Show your calculations. Do you have any other concerns in regards to Lisa s file? * Photocopies of fronts of two checks payable to Lisa (for $61.00 and 478.29) but the canceled checks were not able to be located or find evidence that it cleared IBC s bank account. (508) * Dropped class was not reflected in Detail Ledger. (508,513) * Detail Ledger tuition $5000.00 2nd Enrollment Agreement tuition 4000.00 * Payments made to Lisa s account12072.99 Student Stipend(5750.00) Detail Ledger Charges (5783.70) Difference(amount of checks)539.29 Again no reflection of tuition adjustment Additional charge of Medical Associate Fee for $50.00 3. What discrepancies/irregularities can you identify in Stephanie Baker s file? What additional documentation would you like to have? Do you have any additional concerns regarding Stephanie s file? * Medical Association Fee of
  • 42. Paranthropus Illustus Analysis This article talks about Paranthropus robustus fossils that were from the Pleistocene time period. These fossils were found in Swartkrans, South Africa. Williams talked about how the dental features looked the way they did because of the excessive grinding of hard objects. The main purpose of this study was to look at three different specimens of Paranthropusrobustus that had not been examined before. They wanted to compare how the enamel characteristic have evolved over time in southern African during the early Pleistocene. They look at the extant primate taxa by using a dental micro wear texture analysis to see how the enamel had evolved. In order to understand how and why the enamel, molars, and premolars have changed they had to look
  • 43. Langston Hughes And How His Style Of Writing This paper examines the perspective of Langston Hughes and how his style of writing is. It looks at how several interrelated themes run through the poetry of Langston Hughes, all of which have to do with being black in America and surviving in spite of immense difficulties. Langston Hughes is one of the most influential writers because his style of work not only captured the situation of African Americans; it also grabbed the attention of other races with the use of literary elements and other stylistic qualities. Langston Hughes became well known for his way of interpreting music into his work of writing, which readers love and enjoy today. Langston Hughes remains known as the most impressive, durable Negro writer in America. His tone of voice is as sure, and the manner he speaks with is original. During the twenties when most American poets were turning inward, writing obscure and esoteric poetry, Hughes was turning outward using language and themes, attitudes, and ideas familiar to anyone who had the ability simply to read. He often employs dialect distinctive of the black urban dweller or the rural black peasant. Throughout Langston Hughes career, he was aware of injustice and oppression, and used his poetry as a means of opposing them. James D. Tyms says, Hughes writes lyric poems. But his lyric persona is often able to copy this social convention of the Negro Folk. Their use of the method of the ballad, to tell others how they feel (191). Hughes lived as an
  • 44. Why Did Robert Hooke Grow Up In Fish Cell Biologist Essay Robert hooke grow up in the town of freshwater. Robert parents was john hooke and cecily hooke who served as a curate for a local church. Hooke was a quick learner he was interested in painting and making mechanical toys. After hooks father died in 1648 hooke at the age 13 hooke was sent to london to apprentice under painter peter lely. He study under peter for a very short time. After leaving peter he instead study at london westminster school. Then in 1653 he enrolled in Oxford christ church college. Robert became a scientist at the college then in 1665 he made one of the most amazing discoveries. Robert hooke most amazing discovery is the cell. He discovered the cell on january 1 1665 using a microscope. Robert Hooke
  • 45. Blogging Can Be For Leisure And Also For Business Blogging can be for leisure and also for business. Many bloggers use their blog as a means to making money and supporting that blog and some even are full time bloggers making thousands of dollars in a year. The first step to making money from blogging is to start blogging on a consistent basis. Once this is established, advertise the blogto the audience it is aimed towards. This will increase viewership in preparation for the next step. Once there are viewers and blogging has become a routine, it is time to look at what companies pay bloggers. Google AdSense Google is the king of advertising on the internet. Almost any website that plans to make any money has a Google Ad on it somewhere. This Google Ad is created by the owner of the website using Google AdSense. The coding for the ad is placed in the blog html so that is appears on the sidebar, top, or bottom of a page. Many bloggers are also putting ads in the actual posts of their blog. The amazing thing about Google AdSense is that is automatically determines what types of ads to place on the website or blog by what type of content is already being published on the website or blog. This makes making money much simpler as the owner makes money by how often the ads are clicked on. It is important to have a strong viewership when using Google AdSense. Swagbucks Many recent articles have trashed Swagbucks for being an inefficient way of making money online. The easiest way to make money through Swagbucks is through
  • 46. Midwestern Contemporary Art Case Study Many situations present the important synchronization of internal versus external negotiations. Many individuals have studied how each side in the negotiation is able to manage the internal opposition to agreements being negotiated. This can also be known as on the table , or what exactly is on the line in a heated argument. Each individual involve in an argument has a particular position to be managed, and often times own personal interests are widely expressed. This paper will expand upon the case of Fischer collecting needed funds from Smith with proposals and ideas for a manageable negotiation. Original goals in negotiation The Midwestern contemporary art case study revolves around the current MCA board chair ... Show more content on ... Simply put resting at a conclusion after a negotiation may not necessarily be the ideal outcome unless cooperative is achieved by both parties. Bargaining in general could involve parents, friends, teachers, spouses, employers, and so on (Anderson, 2013). Likewise companies also negotiation contracts with one another or individuals involved within the companies. In the instance of Fischer and Smith, a formal negotiation was never made between them personally, but as a whole Smith agreed to make pledges to Midwest Contemporary Art years and years beforehand. Pledges would be made on a consistent basis once started, but since pledges after the initial $10,000 one were never initiated the Contemporary Art facility is struggling. In the original location which was much smaller than the renovated one the museum perhaps would have had no troubles staying afloat with or without the pledge of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. After the renovations of a new facility the value of the museums success rested on contributions initially promised by Mr. Smith. Interests in the case Coming from a stand point of pretending to be Mrs. Fischer personal interests in the case are a matter of whether or not employment at the museum will occur in the future for one. Secondly, the future of the museum is resting on one stubborn person that finally has answered several phone calls. Mrs. Fischer is a hard