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Essay Meaning Of Life
Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the profound and timeless theme of the meaning of
life is akin to navigating uncharted intellectual waters. This topic, laden with philosophical
complexities and subjective interpretations, poses a formidable challenge to any writer daring to
grapple with its intricacies. The inherent difficulty lies not only in the vastness of perspectives
one must consider but also in the elusive nature of the subject itself.
The concept of the meaning of life has been a perennial inquiry that has intrigued scholars,
thinkers, and writers throughout the ages. Tackling such a grandiose and ambiguous theme
requires delving into a myriad of philosophical, religious, existential, and cultural perspectives.
One must be prepared to confront questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries –
questions that do not readily yield to easy answers.
Moreover, attempting to encapsulate the diverse and often conflicting viewpoints on the meaning
of life within the confines of an essay demands a delicate balance between depth and brevity.
The writer must navigate through a labyrinth of existential musings, grappling with existentialist
notions, religious doctrines, and cultural paradigms, all while weaving a coherent narrative that
captures the essence of this profound quest.
The very essence of the topic necessitates introspection and invites the writer to confront their
own existential beliefs and worldview. This introspective journey, while intellectually
stimulating, can also be emotionally taxing. It requires a level of vulnerability and self-awareness
that adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the meaning of life demands more than just eloquence and
analytical prowess. It requires a willingness to confront the profound uncertainties that define the
human condition and an ability to synthesize diverse perspectives into a cohesive narrative. It is
an intellectual endeavor that beckons the writer to venture into the realms of philosophy,
theology, and cultural studies. The challenge lies not merely in the articulation of ideas but in the
navigation of the intricate tapestry of human thought and experience.
For those seeking assistance in navigating these intellectual waters, various resources are
available, including academic writing services like These platforms offer a
plethora of essays and academic support, catering to a wide range of topics and complexities.
Whether delving into the meaning of life or exploring other intricate subjects, these services can
provide valuable insights and assistance in the pursuit of academic excellence.
Essay Meaning Of Life Essay Meaning Of Life
The Influence of Brand Name and Desire Attributes of
Name is the foundation of the brand. A company s certain brand. Once in the
market, brand name will greatly determine its position in the fight for consumer. It
can distinguish the product in a competitive position when its brand name has
favourable associations which customers are looking for, or can be positioned in the
lower rank when it has negative associations and impressions. Some brands are
usually unknown to the customers in the market place while on the other hand some
brands show very high degree of awareness. The brands of high awareness have high
level of acceptability with customers do not refuse to buy such that as they enjoy the
brand performance. Companies are ... Show more content on ...
The success of a brand in customer satisfaction is quality. Companies conform to
requirements set by consumers. Quality is significant on the performance of a
product, the interaction of a product meeting or exceeding consumer expectations
based on its performance is how quality is evaluated. Product quality adds many
benefits for a company. Product quality allows companies to charge higher prices to
Price can serve as an indicator of quality for consumers. The higher the price of a
product, the more perceived risk a consumer incurs. In general, consumers often
associate a high priced retail product with higher quality than those of lower
pricing; however, some researchers believe that this quality and price relationship
is too simplistic. Prices are used by marketers in retail stores in order to appeal to
different consumers on different levels. The consumer uses comparative judgments
in order to evaluate a potential purchasing decision. The consumer utilizes reference
prices in order to make these comparisons. Reference pricing is a subjective price
level that is used by the consumers to determine if the product is at an acceptable
price for purchase.
Background of the study
Originally a manufacturer of pulp and paper, Nokia was founded as Nokia Company
in 1865 in a
What Is Socrates Claim That The Unexamined Life Is Not...
I have long been intrigued by the claim, attributed to Socrates, that the unexamined
life is not worth living . For a start, there is the absolute and uncompromising tone
of the language, not worth living . Why not set the bar lower and simply claim that
an examined life is better than the alternative or that it s useful to think about things
before acting? Perhaps the quotation was framed with a fair measure of rhetorical
flourish. On the other hand, what if the words were meant to be taken at face
value? What could lead a person to say that a certain type of life is not worth living?
I do not (and cannot) know precisely what the historical Socrates had mind. After all,
he is glimpsed but darkly through myriad competing lenses tinged by the... Show
more content on ...
This understanding is, unsurprisingly, unoriginal a bog standard , this worldly form
of humanism. Despite this, I still find it useful to discuss. Although it seems rather
obvious, I think that the key to understanding Socrates claim is to recognise it as
being addressed to those who participate in human Being (that form of Being that
is distinctive to humans). For Socrates (as for many others then and since) human
Being is marked by the capacity to transcend instinct and desire and to make
conscious, ethical choices. This is not to deny that instinct and desire have the
power to shape human behaviour (at least as powerfully as they do in the case of
other forms of being ant, cow, fish, etc.). However, while I think it highly unlikely
that any lion would not kill an antelope out of concern for the children of its prey, I
know that many human beings can and do act against the urgings of instinct and
desire simply because they think that to act would be wrong. There need be no
restraining hand, no accusing witness. Rather, a simple belief that some act is wrong
will regulate behavior even if
The Madina Collection of Islamic Art at the LACMA Essay
The Madina Collection of Islamic Art at the LACMA
Introduction The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announced recently
that it had acquired the remarkable Madina Collection of Islamic art. The collection
contains works of various media dating from the late 7th through 19th centuries from
the vast areas that comprise the Islamic world, from Southern Spain to Central Asia
(Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). While the museum already had quite an
extensive collection of Islamic art, this particular exhibit truly adds the collections as
a whole.
The Madina Collection of Islamic Art The first item to be examined is a bowl from
the 14th century, from either Egypt or Syria (Los Angeles County Museum ... Show
more content on ...
It is very rounded and almost appears as though it is to be only held, and never set
down. There is a design around the rim of the cup. The design is a repetitive design
and appears to be an almost universal type design that could be attributed to any
culture. It is something of a floral, or leaf design and looks to be gold rather than
silver as is the rest of the cup. It is a very balanced and beautifully simple piece. http:/
/ key=17763
There is a finial from the 14th century Northern Iran, perhaps from Mazanderan
(Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). This piece is intricately carved from
wood and possesses traces of paint (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). It
measures 14 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter at its widest point. It is wide at its
base and tapers off, not completely to a point, at the top. It is a very solid as well as
very patterned piece of art, or architecture. Like the previous items discussed or
examined, it seems to have a very symmetrical feel to it, as there is not necessarily
a picture to be seen, but a repetitive element that is seen throughout the piece, or all
around the piece in this case. The carving appears to be open carving in that there
are holes in the finial where there is no wood as part of the carved out design. This
piece can be viewed at the following website:
Three Public Defenders In Gideon s Military
Gideon s Army portrays the lives of three public defenders who fight to help other
people who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Brandy Alexander, Travis Williams,
and June Harwick are three public defenders working in the South. All of them are
fighting three different cases and trying hard to win the cases. Alexander is
representing a high school student who is accused of robbing a pizza store.
Williams is representing a man named Mullin, who is facing 10 years in prison for
a theft case. On the other hand, Hardwick has a different client. His client is already
in the prison and she has lost her house and job while in the prison. All of the clients
the defenders are helping are poor and are unable to hire a private attorney. While the
Romanticism in Music
Romanticism was an artistic movement that took place from the nineteenth to the
early twentieth century. Drastic changes in the arts took place over the course of this
time period. During this movement, much emphasis was placed on emotion and
imagination in the arts. Prior to the
Romantic Period, music had been seen more as recreation and njoyment than as an
integral part of culture. The term Romanticism was first used in England and
Germany in reference to a form of literature. It soon after spread to music and the
visual arts. Romanticism was largely a product of two important revolutions in
Europe. The new society that came about after the French Revolution emphasized the
importance of the individual. This brought ... Show more content on
This idea of interpretation and understanding of music was demonstrated in program
music. This was a type of music for which the composer would have prepared an
explanation to help the audience understand the meaning. There is no text in the
song, but there is a note, or program, to help explain. These programs were a way for
composers to connect their music to art, politics, or other aspects of the world around
them. An important difference between the Romantic Period and the Classical Period
which preceded it is the motivation and direction of the art. The spirit of the Classical
Period sought order, while that of the Romantic Period sought wonder and
strangeness. With Romantic music, the melody was marked by lyricism, and the
music was more emotional and expressive. Composers used more dissonance and
chromaticism in their works to help reinforce the idea of the original or the strange.
They expanded the classical music structure to lengthen the music, as they wanted
more time to express the particular emotion of a given piece. New terms, such as
Dolce (sweet), Cantabile (songful), and Con Amore (with love) were used to
emphasize these emotions. During the Classical
Period, the most important genre of orchestral music was the symphony, whereas in
Soundtrack Of My Life Song Analysis
Name Marquis Coleman
Soundtrack of My Life Title: Imma be Artist: The Black Eyed Peas
Intro This song is important to me because when I was 6 or 7 years old my mom
would put on the song and I would sing along with it. When me and my mom would
get in the car on long rides she would play the song and it never gets old I m 12 right
now so that has been my favorite song for 5 or 6 years. I was always eager to go
places with that song. I liked it so much my mom bought me a mp3 player and she
downloaded the song to it and I could listen to it wherever I go. It also uses
Figurative language I did not know about for example Rhyme Loan out billion I get a
trillion. Onomatopoeia
The lyrics
Betrayal In King Lear
Shakespeare s King Lear fabricated a world of its own, in which distinct virtues and
vices were personified by individuals with diverse points of view. With each conflict
in the play, the characters actions and decisions were parallel to the integrity of their
heart and mind, exhibiting the virtue or vice they represented. With this strategy,
Shakespeare shares that with trust should come discretion.
In these situations, the cast confronts instances of betrayal and eventually self
growth. The story initiates with King Lear s urgency for flattery, which drives him to
commit a decision that instigated the power hungry course of his daughters. The
betrayal of Goneril and Regan caused Lear to separate from his man made principles
and praise those of nature. Besides the change in Lear, the audience also observed
Gloucester s position concerning the legitimacy of his two sons. Societal views were
a detriment regarding the rights of illegitimate children, like Edmund. Seeing his
brother Edgar conquer all his father s treasures, Edmund left his praise of nature
behind and instead exploited the reliance of status and relationships in his royal family
to overcome the laws of society, forming a great deception against his own family.
Edmund s frustration at the treatment of illegitimate children was present from the
start of the play, as he exclaimed: Why bastard ?/ [..] When my mind as generous
and my shape as true / As honest madam s issue? (I ii 6 7). He considered himself an
Hebrew Teaching on Diligence and Follies
Hebrew Teaching on Diligence and Follies The two words, wisdom, and folly are
inseparable; they cannot be away from each other. Folly is the act of having the
knowledge of the benefits of making a good choice, but rather choosing the wrong
or foolish decision. Diligence is the act of being aware of something. Therefore,
one who often postpones activities and comes up with excuses is lazy (Hindson
Yates, 2012). The Hebrew wisdom books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs of
Songs, and Psalms covers teachings on diligence, folly, wisdom, and laziness.
Proverbs explains the differences between wisdom and folly as well as diligence
and laziness clearly. According to Proverbs, Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider
her ways, and be wise: Which... Show more content on ...
A child taught the values of discipline, and respect at a tender age will carry on the
teaching to adulthood. The opposite will result to a negative outcome. However,
this is not a promise; there is an exception, those with Godly upbringing might not
stand up to the values taught to them by their parents in the end (Hindson Yate,
2012). A diligent parent will adhere to the teaching of this verse, contrast to this,
sluggard parents will not adhere to these teachings. The diligent and wise one will
have his child upright while the lazy one will not give his child an upright
upbringing. In addition, Hindson Yate, (2012) describes wealth, poverty, and
ways of acquiring them according to the Hebrew wisdom book of proverbs. He
becomes poor who deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich
(Proverbs. 10:4). The verse teaches that a diligent person will make riches and
become wealthy; however, he with a slack hand will never make any riches.
Contrast to the Hebrew wisdom teaching, there are other ways of acquiring wealth
like corruption. In addition, poverty may result from injustice and not from laziness
and follies. The book of proverbs holds a balanced view of riches and poverty.
Some are rich due to corruption and greed while others are poor due to misfortune.
Nonetheless, the reality is that a diligent person will be wealthier than a
Understanding The Problems And Concerns Relative To
Understanding the problems and concerns relative to social work:The social work
profession is aimed towards helping individuals, families, groups and communities
reach their full potential, both collectively and individually. Through the experience I
gained through my internships, volunteer placements, and work positions, I had the
opportunity to witness first hand the many different environments that social
workers serve in. Social workers work in a variety of different environments as they
guide people through life s trials and challenges. They do this by identifying client s
unique skills and abilities as well as utilizing the resources offered throughout the
community. Social workers provide a voice for the people who need the... Show more
content on ...
I quickly learned that the deaf community is treated very differently that the rest of
the Jamaican population. Attitudes toward deaf and disabled people in Jamaica
are often negative. Hearing people in the community sometimes refer to deaf
people as dumb or stupid . Because of this negative stigma, deaf individuals may
challenges in life. They have a harder time pursuing higher education as well as
finding jobs. The way they are treated from a young age puts deaf individuals at a
greater risk for developing low self confidence. However, despite all this, it was on
this trip that I observed how beautiful (inside and out) the deaf community in Jamaica
truly is. From signing my name to simply sharing a smile, this trip taught me that
while each person on this Earth is different from one another, our differences should
not inhibit us from interacting with each other.
Personal Values: My personal values and beliefs align very well with those related to
social work and the NASW Code of Ethics. One of these values is services. I strive
to put the needs of others before my own wants and desires in every area of my
life. While I know the importance of self care in social work, I also know the great
need for service within society. Seeing others hurt or struggle throughout life really
pulls at my heart, reminding me not to take elements of my own life for granted. I
service and give back to my local community through organizations such as Women at
Solubility Lab
Solubility Lab Report The purpose of this lab was to demonstrate the solubility of
compounds created through reactions between certain dissolved substances. The
solubility or insolubility of these compounds creates a visual demonstration of
solubility rules. To obtain the data, the molar mass of each compound was
calculated, and divided by 100 to determine the mass (in grams) needed. The
compounds used in the lab include KNO3, Na2CO3, NH4Cl, NaOH, Pb(NO3)2,
K2CrO4, AgNO3, CoCl2, Ba(NO3)2, CuSO4, and NaI. Filter paper was placed on
a scale and tared, and the correct amount of salt was measured using a scoopula. The
salts were then poured into beakers and combined with 200mL of water to create
solutions. A table was created to record the results of each combination of substances.
... Show more content on ...
Compounds containing ammonium ions (NH4+) are also soluble, as are ions from
the Alkali metal family (such as K+ and Na+). The tendency of reactions with the
AgNO3 solution to produce white or milky precipitates leads to the conclusion that
compounds containing silver ions (Ag+) are insoluble, with the exception of
AgNO3. Hydroxide (OH ) compounds also seem to be insoluble unless they contain
an Alkali metal or ammonium, as reactions which produce an Alkali hydroxide (or
NH4OH) did not produce precipitates. Similarly, salts containing carbonate (CO3 2)
seem to be insoluble unless they contain an Alkali metal or ammonium. Chromate
salts seem to be highly insoluble unless they contain potassium or ammonium, as
nearly every combination that included K2CrO4 produced a precipitate.
Compounds containing halogen ions such as chloride (Cl ) and iodide (I ) are also
generally soluble. Finally, compounds containing sulfate (SO4 2) are soluble with a
few exceptions, as Ag2SO4, PbSO4, and BaSO4 were all
Touch Of Emphysema Analysis
RMRVictoria decided to make herself scarce, having finished eating and finished
consuming as much of the drama of the situation as she cared to devour.
I don t blame you, said Calvin as Victoria made her intentions clear.
As Victoria left the house, Dawn and the police woman were in conference in one of
the rooms. Seb seemed either inured or in ignorance of the situation, because he was
still eating dinner, watching a movie in the living room.
Denial was a mental sickness, a sickness that made Victoria sick to her stomach.
Victoria remembered her mother and her mother s denial about her own illness.
Victoria s mother Aphrodite smoked cigarettes all her life, at least until her sixties.
Then, Aphrodite and husband Louis Manga quit smoking ... Show more content on ...
But that s what friends are for, to be able to deal honestly and forthrightly with each
other, to be able to communicate freely and without worry. Still, it s a tough nut to
crack, admittedly, to be able to speak your mind while simultaneously trying not to
hurt someone s feelings. But, as in the case of the stinky jacket, something needed to
be said. Really.
The fact that Wanda was a former Playboy Bunny didn t bother Tony at all. He
married Wanda mostly for her looks and those curves, so her history didn t mean
jack shit to him. He had done a quick check on her background, without her knowing
it, and found out she was clean, no skeletons in the closet.
They d met while Tony was taking a vacation trip to Las Vegas, and Wanda
happened to be working there as a model. They met on the Strip, but thankfully didn t
get married in the city of Lost Wages.
They had a good time while there, and dated for a full week. At the end of it, Tony
proposed to Wanda, without ever having done more than kiss her. She wasn t
exactly chaste, but she wasn t a whore, at least in Tony s mind. She was alright.
While in Las Vega, Tony asked Wanda to marry him, back in New Jersey, and she said
Satellite Surveillance Essay
Satellite Surveillance
I. Preface
My interest in satellite surveillance did not really appear to after I saw the movie
Enemy of the State in 1998. The synopsis of the movie is: Robert Dean (Will Smith)
is a labor lawyer who is unknowingly in possession of evidence related to a serious
politically motivated crime. Government agents eager to hide their guilt believe that
Dean is on to them, and proceed to turn his life upside down, ruin his reputation, and
frame him for various incidents, thanks to the latest in high tech government
surveillance techniques. In an attempt to clear his name and reclaim his life, Dean
teams up with the reclusive Brill (Gene Hackman), a former federal employee who
has as much high tech equipment and ... Show more content on ...
The surveillance satellites are orbiting the earth and constantly sending information
back to the computers on the ground. After the Cold War, American military
surveillance satellites were not shut down and today they are probably used for
spying on the whole world. The network of the global positioning satellites has the
capability to locate and track persons, animals and objects carrying appropriate
devices on a global scale by sending signals to these devices. Satellites also monitor
other things on earth, like farm animals, etc. If you carry a cellular phone, a smart
card with a tiny transceiver or something else that is capable of receiving and/or
sending signals to who knows where, your movements can be tracked by a satellite.
We can see the implementation of these systems day after day, as the rights and the
freedom of the people are eroded step by step. Information technology and high tech
research, all these new inventions are all used to achieve this goal with satellites at
the heart of the system.
III. Satellite Surveillance
The launch of Sputnik I on October 4, 1957 was a scary prospect for the people in
the United States. The question of whether or not the Russians were looking down on
the United States frightened many Americans, particularly because of the Cold War.
Although the satellite did little in space, only orbiting the Earth for six months before
falling out of the sky, it did
Using Groen s Essay “Books Still Win” Tragic
Realism Is...
Reality is Quality There are many perspectives and definitions on art, an abstract
topic. In the world of books, nothing is considered art unless the novel can engage
the readers through the author s use of emotions and stylistic syntax. Using Groen s
essay Books Still Win tragic realism is seen in Joshua Ferris novelThen We Came to
the End. Tragic realism is evident in Ferris novel through the fact there is both good
and bad within a person, that life improves with struggles and that sadness is always
evident. An author s piece begins to impact the audience once connections are made
between the readers and characters of the novel. Rick Groen states that fictional
characters acquire more personality compared to those who... Show more content on ...
Genevieve slips out that the employees are accusing Joe of being an elitist Joe
responds I m not an elitist by the definition I just gave you, either, Genevieve, the
dictionary one, because I m not part of the group. I refuse to be part of any group.
(Ferris 257) Joe Pope is the middle line between Mason s position in the company
and the rest of the employees. Ferris portrays Pope as a loner and a person who
underestimates everyone else in the company due to the workers opinions. In the
passage following this quote, the readers see that Joe has led a horrible life he is
guilty of; he believes that being part of another group will lead him to make the
same decisions he did in the past. He unknowingly took part in bullying someone
and he did not do anything to prevent it, thus making him a bad person. This proves
that everyone has both good and bad within themselves. Because of these reasons,
he avoids any group work. However, Joe did not do any wrong to the employees,
yet they judge without a slight hesitation without knowing the full story. This is
what people do on a regular basis. Joe s past consists of bullying, harassment and
prison. There are many who can relate to Joe s personality and past life, which makes
this book a good example for tragic realism. Nothing comes easily to a person; one
has to work hard and struggle to
The Safety Laws Of Motorcycle Helmets
We have laws here in the United States requiring seat belts, air bags, child car seats,
smoke detectors, lights on bicycles operated at night, and a whole range of other
safety devices. So, it makes sense that there would be a safety law in place to
protect the motorcycle riders as well. When a motorcycle is a vehicle operated on
a public roadway, its rider and passenger is subject to the same rights and
obligations as other vehicle operators traveling on the same roads. If it is reasonable
to require car seats for children, airbags in vehicles and the use of car seatbelts,
requiring motorcyclehelmets is also reasonable. Starting in at least the 1920 s,
motorcycle racers were already using crash helmets. Motorcycle helmets became
more... Show more content on ...
The arguments stated the helmet laws violated the equal protection clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment, constituted an infringement on the motorcyclist s liberty
and an excessive use of the state s police power, violated the due process, equal
protection and right to privacy provisions of the federal constitution, and was
discriminatory against motorcyclists. (Bayer) Yet others put up the argument that
helmets would increase spinal cord injuries, make it harder for the riders to see or
hear as well and that the helmets were too hot to wear. (Knudson) In 1975,
following tremendous pressure, national lobbying and a hearing held in July by the
House Committee on Public Works and Transportation to discuss the National
Safety Act, representatives and senators began to support revisions to remove the
connection between federal highway construction funding and the state helmet
laws. (Knudson Bayer) On May 5, 1976 President Ford signed a bill making those
revisions a reality. (Bayer) In this aspect, the motorcyclists were in a way, following
the advice of Thoreau in Civil Disobedience when he said Cast your whole vote, not
a strip of paper merely, but your whole influence. A minority is powerless while it
conforms to the majority; it is not even a minority then; but it is irresistible when it
clogs by its whole weight. In this instance, that whole weight enacted the change they
were seeking. Over the next three
Comparing Humanity In The Matrix And Dark City
How do Lilly/Lana Wachowski and Alex Proyas analyse humanity in The Matrix and
Dark City respectively?
Both texts convey humans as different from one another, the Wachowski sisters show
that humans behave as machines more often than they think, Proyas shows humans
as more than just the sum of their memories.
Humans have evolved from animals millions of years ago but there is something
unmistakably different about them. The Matrix and Dark City both focus on the idea
of humanity but express opinions in different ways; the Wachowski sisters convey
that humans behave as machines more often than they think, while Proyas shows
humans as more than just the sum of their memories. The Matrix is a text about
humanity being trapped in a computer program ... Show more content on ...
The characters in The Matrix and Dark City are set apart from one another in terms
of how they interact with supporting characters and the antagonists. Characters all
each have a very specific identity in both films and this is used by the directors to
either push the plot forwards or to invest the audience in specific characters such
as Neo and Murdoch. The difference in motives of the characters often creates
conflict which the directors use to create problems which then have to be solved.
In The Matrix, Cipher s different ideologies and motives to look out for himself
cause him to betray Neo whereas in Dark City when Emma choses instead of
trusting her fugitive to turn to the police as that is the kind of character her
motives define her as. While both films show characters having separate
personalities and motives, Wachowski has the characters of his film all work
together for a few main goals. With the exception of a few outliers such as Cipher
who only seeks to look out for himself, there are two main groups forming with one
wanting to overthrow the Matrix and one wanting to preserve it, in this sense of
goals the characters of The Matrix are very one dimensional which Wachowski uses
to make the film easier to understand for a wider audience range. The characters of
Cricut Mill Research Paper
Are you thinking about buying a Cricut machine? These personal die cutters from
Provo Craft offer a wealth of crafting possibilities, but it can be very confusing
trying to decide which model to buy. The machines do share some features, but they
also are each unique from one another in various ways.
Before we discuss their differences, let s talk about how they are same. First, these
die cutters are considered cartridge based machines. They use artwork and fonts that
are available on cartridges. This means that all the machines, with the exception of the
Cricut Mini, can be used without a computer. Simply plug in the cartridge, select your
shape and size, and press cut.
In addition to the cartridges, all the electronic die cut machines from ... Show more
content on ...
In addition to the regular cartridges, it also uses Imagine cartridges, which contain
not only die cut shapes, but also patterns for making your own scrapbook papers. The
machine uses HP printer cartridges and can print 1200 dots per inch.
As of this writing, the Cricut Mini is the newest die cut machine from Provo Craft.
The Mini is unique in many ways. For one, although it has a cartridge port, it must
be connected to the computer and to the CraftRoom design tool in order to cut. It is
not yet compatible with the Gypsy, but this capability should be coming soon. It has
the smallest footprint compared to the other models, and it uses a uniquely sized
cutting mat of 8 1/2 x 12 .
Which Cricut machine is best? If you ask ten different people, you will likely get
ten different answers. To decide which one to buy, think about how you will use it.
Will you use it for only card making and scrapbooking? If so, the Create may be a
good option for you. Do you also plan to make home decor projects and three
dimensional paper crafts? In this case, you may want to consider the Expression or
the E2. Do you want to use your computer when designing die cuts? The E2 or the
new Mini may be your best
Don t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal
The article, Don t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal, was featured in
The Wall Street Journal, a center right publication, on 2/27/2017. R. James
Woolsey, is a democrat government official who served as the Director of the
CIA, and was once a senior advisor for President Trump (Rucker, 2017). Peter Pry
is a co author to the piece. Pry served in the CIA, and is the chief of staff of the
Congressional EMP Commission. (Woolsey Pry, 2017) Evaluating the piece with
the critical eye does not yield great results. Among the many elements of the critical
eye that raise red flags, accuracy is the weakest. The article begins with the title Don
t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal. That title is clearly an appeal to fear
... Show more content on ...
For one, North Korea first must miniaturize it. They have not done this. Second, the
missile would have to fly and be dependable. When the North Korean s launched the
latest missile, and this is true for many others, they did so at an angle and depth to
ensure that it would land in the water before it hit Japan. If they had been more
confident in their own missiles, they would have launched closer to the surface, and
at an angle that would allowed it to travel a distance of over 310 miles. Since it
traveled 310 miles with the high arc, it is probable that the latest test could have
flown closer to the 700 800 miles that has been estimated. The second page is where
the significant inaccuracies begin. The first paragraph on the second page states that
the first atomic bomb, which used enriched uranium, was never tested: Hiroshima
was the test. The second one, which used plutonium, was tested once and worked
perfectly at Trinity and on Nagasaki. (Woolsey Pry, 2017) Hiroshima was not the
first instance of the United States detonating an atomic bomb, Trinity was. Trinity
occurred on July 16th, 1945, and the bombing of Hiroshima occurred on August 6th,
1945. Trinity was also uranium 235, not plutonium. (Taylor, 2015) The authors also
mentioned that France s first nuclear test was a success. The first nuclear test
conducted by France exploded with a force of 70kilotons. The bomb that dropped on
Nagasaki was only 20kilotons. In that comparison, it could be
Philadelphia Convention Disputes
Because of different economic systems, Northern and Southern states had different
interests. These conflicting interests led to disagreements at the Philadelphia
Convention. Describe at least two disagreements between Northern and Southern
states at the convention. The biggest disagreement between the north and the south
was over states rights and slavery. The slavery had stopped completely in the north,
but in the south that s a different story. But when you just use your head and think
about when slavery had been here think about how the blacks had worked around
getting whipped and then treated like they were animals. Verses when blacks are not
slaves, they now can vote and they have some of the same equal rights. Although the
blacks may or may not have had the same equal rights they were treated as if they
were not a person in the world like the whites were. The slaves did not have the right
to vote. The tariffs on imports created a dependency on northern goods. The people in
the south depended on the north for manufactured goods. Northerners thought that
slavery should go no further than where... Show more content on ...
In the many respects the compromise reflected a victory in small states. But with
compared with congress, under the articles of confederation is clear that negotiation
produced something that both Big and Small states had wanted. Other major issues
still need to be solved. However, once again the compromise was required for all
states. One of the major things concerned elections themselves. Who would be
allowed to vote? The different states constitution had created different rules about
how much being popular was required for white men to vote. The delegates needed
to figure out a big solution that could satisfy people with many different ideas about
who could have the bigger
Essay About Rock
Our rock, Inez proclaimed. What I imagine you two probably didn t think at all
about was... what was truly going to happen to our rock when we fired the
magnetron. When the magnetron sent its microwaves into the rock, they actually
went through it, hitting the iron plates on the other side, and were then reflected
back our way where the Geiger Counter took a series of measurements of them.
Those measurements were then analyzed by my program and then given to us.
Inez hit another command on his keyboard bringing up a new screen. Before all
three of them now appeared what seemed like endless rows and columns of ones
and zeroes, each row in groups of eight numbers. What you re looking at is what s
called bytes, Inez stated. Each byte... Show more content on ...
And, it has to happen so fast on our end that there s nothing the volunteers can do
to stop it. So, we wait, then, Cassidy affirmed. We wait, for now, acceded Inez. This
sucks, Phillip sulked. Awe, man, don t get so down, Inez said. Good things come
to those who wait. We ll get all of this out there when the time is right and we ll
make everybody have to listen to us then. Yeah, I guess, you re right, Phillip agreed
reluctantly. Hey, man, do you want to see something else that s really cool? asked
Inez hoping shuffled the conversation to a brighter note. Yeah, what? Phillip asked,
sounding a bit eager. Well, if this experiment was anything like the first one I did
yesterday, then we should have one more result. What is it? asked Cassidy, Inez s
revelation having also recaptured her attention. Well, this is kind of freaky if it
happened, so be forewarned, Inez avowed. Come on, tell us, Cassidy pleaded.
Okay, Phillip, my man, why don t you go pick up your rock? said Inez with a
gesturing head nod. Okay, Phillip said assenting to the request somewhat tentative as
he looked over at Inez then glancing at Cassidy. Summing up the courage, he then
complied, making his way over to where the rock still sat atop Inez s computer desk.
Slowly, he reached out a timid hand, cautious to touch the stone. Then, making
contact, he ever so lightly glazed over it with his index finger searching for anything
unusual, any
Repeal The Affordable Care Act
Congress voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) today, May 5, 2017. This
means that HR 1628 will move to the Senate for a vote. If the Senate chooses to
repeal the ACA is well, which may be unlikely given its current text, it will then go
to President Trump for a signature. It is highly unlikely that President Trump will
veto the bill, as one of his campaign promises was to repeal the ACA. It is also
unlikely that the Supreme Court will accept a court case regarding the
Constitutionality of its repeal.
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act
As HR 1628 goes to the Senate, financial questions may arise regarding the impacts of
the change. The American Hospital Association created a document about the
potential impact of repealing the ... Show more content on ...
While the replacement bill is developed and lobbied, the value of these stocks may
drop due to uncertainty. The healthcare market is part of numerous markets,
including pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals are tied to chemicals, and chemicals are
tied to mining and energy.
Insurance Company Impact
Insurance companies will be influenced by the repeal of the ACA and the approval of
a replacement system. It is beneficial to understand the potential financial impact on
the insurance market. Additionally, uncertainty at this time may cause a general
decline in insurance stock values. For people with insurance through their employees
or who have chosen to purchase private insurance, the repeal of the ACA will also
have an effect.
Employers who were required to offer health insurance to part time workers may no
longer be required to do so. Because it is expensive for companies to offer health
insurance, they may choose to no longer provide this service to their part time
employees. Additionally, coverage for full time employees may be reduced to
become more expensive due to these changes. This may make it difficult for people
who have health insurance through their current employer to find new work, as
health insurance may be difficult to find.
Preexisting conditions may become a reason to prevent healthcare coverage.
However, this is a political point that the Senate may choose to alter. If the Senate
successfully continues
Star Life Cycle Research Paper
A star s life cycle is determined by its mass. The larger its mass, the shorter its life
cycle. A star s mass is determined by the amount of matter that is available in its
nebula, the giant cloud of gas and dust from which it was born. As the interstellar
mass condenses and loses gravitational potential energy, the temperature rises and the
material gains thermal energy which is known as protostar. It is now a main
sequence starand will remain in this stage, shining for millions to billions of years
to come. As in sequence star glows, hydrogen in a star s core is converted into
helium, the core begins to contract and heat up. The rapid release energy upsets the
pressure gravity force balance and causes the star to expand, cool down and enter
A Hunger Artist Analysis
Alex Camacho
September 16, 2016
Explication Essay A Hunger Artist The children stood opened mouthed, holding
each others hands for security (Pg. 353) Passion and desire for attention are at its
best what an artist live for. The hunger artist is a man who wanted to be so great at
his own craft that pain and suffering were a small price to pay in order for people to
give him recognition ultimately leading to his demise. The series of events that lead
to the hunger artist s death ultimately granted him the freedom to never have to feel
the urge to eat again and released him from the restraints that society put on his life.
First when he was receiving the attention society had given to him his life was well
and worth the pain. ... Show more content on ...
The hunger artist was a man who wanted to be so great at his own craft that pain
and suffering were a small price to pay in order for people to give him recognition
ultimately leading to his demise. The series of events that lead to the hunger artist
s death ultimately granted him the freedom to never have to feel the urge to eat
again and released him from the restraints that society put on his life. This story
parallels a lot of the problems that artist s entertainers and many others feel when
they are doing something to receive attention and a feeling of worth in the eyes of
society. If people can read this story and learn the meaning of self worth from this
story, then the hunger artist did not suffer and die in vein, instead he lives on as a
martyr for those who seek to do something like it in any sense and it should teach
people to be thankful for the little praise they may
Mental Dress And Mental Illness
We really do not know when mental patient starts to be classified as criminal. It might
been around the time the federal government and State started to cutting fund for
Mental illness The court did not have anywhere to send the mental patient and there
in up in the criminal system. A Crisis involving the mental illnesshas been considered
among the most dangerous in which a police office can respond. They are volatile
unpredictable, and many times involve individuals who have lost their ability to
think rationally. Handing cases involving mentally ill people can be a dangerous
endeavor both for the person with whom the police come in contract, and for the
police. According to official FBI Uniform Crime Report, during the period from
1997 to 2006 there were 1058 official assaulted in America and 13 feloniously
killed while responding to calls involving mentally illness people (Harmening,
2014). Many, if not most people suffering a mental illness will react negatively to the
presence of the police, and this reaction tends to cause a like reaction by the officers
involved as they resort to their training and take a defensive posture for self
protection. As soon as each reaction is apparent, which is oftentimes immediate, then
a tension builds that can cause the situation to escalate and become very volatile. The
police are neither accustomed to nor trained to; de escalate them in the midst of a
tense situation. Traditional police training makes no distinction between sanity
Migration Techniques Used By Birds
Homing and Migration Techniques used by Birds Bird use fine tuned homing and
migration techniques for a variety of different reasons. Migration and homing will
most often conjure ideas of birds that migrate thousands of miles on a seasonal
basis from their breeding grounds to their wintering areas. Almost half, over four
thousand of the world s ten thousand species of birds migrate on a regular basis.
They do this to find suitable habitat for breeding and wintering. The godwit bird
will travel from Alaska to Australia flying day and night over the Pacific Ocean
(Heinrich 70), raptors will travel thousands of miles during the day over land
along well established corridors (Bildstein 2) while thrushes travel at night over
land, typically taking off after sunset (Chu 53) . Homing also plays a very real role
in everyday living. Birds also use their homing instinct on a daily basis because of
their constant coming and going from their nest. Albatross will travel hundreds of
miles crisscrossing the ocean in search of a meal to bring back to their nest and
once finding it will fly straight back home (Heinrich xi) and Shearwaters will
never cross land spending all their time over water gathering food (67). Compared
to other areas of research about bird s lives most about how birds migrate is
unknown. There are over a million birds a year that are banded in just America to try
to understand how and where different species travel (Heinrich 67). What is
understood is that
Evaluate two models of one cognitive process
Cecilia Nguyen Evaluate two models of one cognitive process This essay will be
discussing one particular cognitive process: the memory by evaluating two models,
which are the Multi store model introduced by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and
the Working memory model by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974. The first model is the
multi store model. It was first proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and is a
typical example of the information processing approach. According to this model,
memory consists of three types of memory stores: sensory stores, short term store and
long term store. Sensory stores consist of the eyes, nose, fingers, tongue, etc and the
corresponding area of the brain. The sensory stores... Show more content on ...
The visuo spatial sketchpad when planned a spatial task and it saves memory
temporarily. The episodic buffer is the general store, it integrates info from the
central executive, the phonological loop and the visuo spatial sketchpad and forms
long term store. Research evidence for the working model of memory varies. Case
studies of brain damaged patients support this model a lot. The case study of KF a
brain damaged patient with no problem with long term learning but some aspects of
his immediate memory were impaired. This has proven that the working model of
memory was right when suggesting that short term store works independently of long
term store. In addition to evidence supporting this model, Baddeley and Hitch did a
research on making participants do two tasks using the same or different components.
Task one occupied the central executive, task two either involved the articulatory
loop or both the central executive and the articulatory loop. Speed on task one was
the same whether using the articulatory loop or no extra task. This shows that doing
two tasks that involve the same component causes difficulty. It also suggested that
when two different components are used, performance is not affected. Even though
the working model of memory is better than the multi store model, it still has some
weaknesses. For example the role of the central executive is vague and it needs more
research. Also there were problems with
Canadian Culture Research Paper
Canada has been known for, and has taken great pride in being a multicultural
nation to the point of making multiculturalism a law accompanied by a nationally
recognized holiday. Canada is, by the measure of many nations, the greatest nation
on the planet. This great land and people are known for the country s wide open
spaces, its varied geographical areas and its acceptance of all people, regardless of
race, cultureand religion. As such, Canadais widely known as one of the most
multicultural and accepting countries in the world. What remains to be seen is
whether Canada is truly multicultural or if this nation is just tolerant of other cultures
as a result of law or its Canadian character . The term itself can be interpreted in
several... Show more content on ...
prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Canada cites information from polls
conducted by Environomics for Focus Canada (a leader in analytics in Canada). It
states, In a study conducted in 2003, support for multiculturalism among Canadians
has increased over seven years: 85% of Canadians agreed that multiculturalism was
important to Canadian identity in 2003, compared to 74% in 1997 (http:/
/ state.pdf, pg 7 paragraph 5). This research
would indicate a national movement towards embedding multiculturalism in
Canadian culture. It would also indicate that although there are a majority of
Canadians who support multiculturalism; there is still a group, roughly half a million
people, who either do not care about multiculturalism or worse, who are opposed to
the concept. Advocates of Canada s multicultural identity cite census figures,
including those from the 2001 census, which state that of the approximately two
million immigrants arriving in Canada between 1991 and 2001, 58 percent were from
Asia, 20 percent from Europe, 11 percent from the Caribbean, Central and South
America, eight percent from Africa and three percent from the United States. These
figures show a
The Importance Of A Regional Bank May Experience
Switzerland is considered as among the best expat nations in the world due to its
very high standards of living and the fact that it has a multilingual and sophisticated
population. This has seen many large multinational organizations and companies set
up base in Switzerland in cities like Zurich. Due to this expansion strategies by large
organizations willingly to expand all over the world, many regional banks find it
necessary to open up offices in various countries such as Switzerland in order to offer
financial services for such companies and businesses that have expanded globally.
However, moving and setting up shop in Switzerland is not as easy as one may
think as it can be quite difficult and stressful if the right procedure is not followed
depending on various factors. According to Jordan (2012), recently, the earlier trend
where banks would turn a profit despite the financial situation in Switzerland has
disappeared. This assignment looks at issues that a regional bank may experience
while moving and setting an office in Switzerland.
Challenges faced in Switzerland by financial institutions
Cultural and Ethnic Characteristics
For regional banks moving from North America and Europe may not be particularly
very disadvantaged by the Swedish culture. Despite this, they may still find it
challenging when they set up an office in Zurich Switzerland together with other
regional banks from other parts of the world. Switzerland is a country with states
Parents Gay Parents
Introduction Recently, in most countries globally, rights that support homosexuality
have been passed. Due to this current situation, many researchers decided to find out
if it is true or not, whether parents who are gays influence the way their children
grow up in relation to their sexuality (Patterson, Charlotte and Rachel, p.121). This
subject has been a sensitive topic for quite a while and many people avoid in many
cases to discuss about it. Some researchers concluded that children who are under the
care of homosexual parents end up being gay in the future, while others in their
studies said that gay parents raise their kids normally as other heterosexual parents.
This argumentative paper debates on whether parents influence their kids sexuality. It
analyzes extensively both sides that is, the ones that agree that indeed it is affirmative
that gay parents raise gay children and those that refute that notion. Yes, I am
affirmative that gay parents raise homosexual children due to the studies conducted
by various scholars. Children especially at a tender age imitate what their parents do
(Tasker 173). Many of them view their guardians as their role models therefore, have
no option but to do exactly what goes on in their household. Several researchers have
interviewed children who were brought up in gay homes and their answers have
confirmed that their gay parents influenced their sexuality. Another issue that
confirms this argument is the fact that in gay homes, there
Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Power Plants
Despite the fact the countries continue to increase the production of nuclear energy,
my position is that new nuclear power plants should not continue to be built. The
current use of nuclear power should be carefully evaluated with a plan to slowly
decrease production throughout the world. The negative implications to the
environment and economy support my position. The production of nuclear energy is
not as safe and clean as some say that it is. The Oxford Research Group released a
report providing evidence that supports this point. It is clear that nuclear powerplants
do not produce a lot of carbon dioxide when they operate, but it is the mining of
uranium and the storing of waste that produces the carbon dioxide pollution.... Show
more content on ...
There is yet to be a full proof way to store this toxic material (
Disposal of the high level nuclear waste that comes from nuclear power plants
continues to be a big problem. It has been challenging and costly to find safe ways
to store this waste. According to a report from the U.S National Academy of
Sciences, it will take 3 million years for radioactive waste stored in the U.S. as of
1983 to decay to background levels ( Who wants this amount of
waste stored in the environment where they live? Currently in the U.S. nuclear
power plants produce 3,000 tons of this high level waste each year
( If nuclear power continues to be produced, this amount of waste
will only continue to increase, causing a bigger dilemma as to what to do with the
waste. As the waste is removed from the plant it still contains a high level of
radiation. Exposure to radiation whether it occurs in the moving process or leakage
from storage not only has a negative impact on the environment but also can pose a
major health threat to humans. Based on the level of exposure, symptoms to humans
can range from nausea and headaches to damage of nerve cells, loss of white blood
cells and even death (think .org). The potential risk of exposure is not worth human
The use of nuclear power can have several negative impacts on the economy. The
use of nuclear power can be costly. The building of the plants can cost between $12
Operation Salute Case Study
My organization is called Operation Salute. Operation Salute is an organization that
helps homeless veterans and veterans with PTSD. I want to help the veterans
because they do not get enough recognition for fighting for our country. In the US,
21 veterans commit suicide each day because of PTSD. 11% of homeless adults
are veterans. 70% of veterans have substance abuse problems. I can help them by
creating a care center for veterans who suffer from PTSD by giving them the care
and rehabilitation they need. Veterans with PTSD can come to the care center and get
the rehabilitation they need. If veterans do not want to come to the care center,
trained nurses can come to their houses periodically and help them. The homeless
veterans can come to this care center for shelter,... Show more content on ...
The homeless veterans can also come to the care center if they suffer from PTSD,
and need a place to stay.
Someone who inspired me to do this was Saint Martin of Tours. St. Martin of Tours
is the patron saint of the poor, soldiers, winemakers, and more. St. Martin s father
was a veteran, and St. Martin was forced to serve in the Army at the age of 15. It
was said that St. Martin lived more like a monk than a soldier. At the age of 23, he
refused a war bonus and told his commander, I have served you as a soldier; now
let me serve Christ. Give the bounty to those who are going to fight. But I am a
soldier of Christ and it is not lawful for me to fight. This inspired me because St.
Martin was not going to take the bonus because he said it should go to someone who
deserved it, someone who is fighting. St. Martin felt as if he was
Compare And Contrast Frankenstein And Pride And
Deep, gut wrenching horror and passionate, gripping love: these are what the novels
Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice, respectively, are chiefly remembered for. The
differences in their plotlines are striking. While Frankenstein tells the story of Victor
Frankenstein s creation of a monster and the havoc that the monster wreaks, Pride and
Prejudicerecounts the charming and colorful love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.
Darcy. However, despite the obvious differences in the novels subjects, the authors of
both works share a similar purpose. Both Shelley s Frankenstein and Austen s Pride
and Prejudicedepict the dangerous results of hubris with the purpose of warning
society to keep one s pride in check, lest devastating consequences ensue.... Show
more content on ...
Both authors caution against becoming too prideful, for excessive pride can be
disastrous. This message is extremely poignant when examining the historical context
of Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice. During the time period Frankenstein was
published, science was making extraordinary strides. The triumphs of the
Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution instilled a level of confidence in
scientists, and experiments became more and more ambitious. In the wake of this
exponential progress, Frankenstein serves as a reminder that pride should never
remain unchecked. Overconfidence mustn t be allowed to jeopardize one s
judgment, and careful considerations must be made as to the morality and
reasonability of one s actions before taking on a task. Frankenstein became caught
up in his passion and in his pride, and thus he was unable to foresee the
consequences of his actions. Though Frankenstein is by no means a censure of
scientific progress or experimentation, it is a cautionary tale that advocates that one
should always remember one s own infallibility, and not become caught up in the
quest for success and recognition. Analogously, Pride and Prejudice can be
examined through an analysis of the sociopolitical sentiment of Austen s time
period. In Austen s sphere, a desirable marriage was the ultimate goal for a young
lady. However, Elizabeth nearly jeopardizes her chance of securing just this, as her
pride prevents her from merely liking to Darcy. Though her near loss of Darcy may
not immediately appear comparable to Frankenstein s loss of his friends and family,
the particular emphasis placed on marriage as a means of social mobility in Austen s
Regency England would render the potential loss of a favorable marriage a most
devastating outcome. Thus, Elizabeth s ability to finally abandon her pride and
secure this match is particularly poignant. She finally achieves the
Racing Dirt Biking Persuasive Essay
Have you ever been in a very happy mood because you get to do something you
love? That happens to me when I race or ride dirt bikes. Dirt biking is a great sport
because it is physically challenging and takes lots of preparation, never gets old
because of all the different types of racing, and helps build lasting relationships.
Racing dirt biking is a physically and mentally challenging sport. You have to
show up ready to race. You have to block out everything that is in your mind and
focus on what you re doing or else you will crash and get hurt or not do well. You
have to push through all of the pain in your body at the end of the race and push
through being tired. For the physical side, imagine riding a bicycleor for an hour and
a half to two hours sometimes three hours without getting a break, that s what it is
like racing. It gets physically exhausting riding as fast as you can for thirty minutes,...
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I have many friends from the races that I have up to our house over the summer for
about a week, and because we spend so much time at the races, we build great
relationships. We enjoy trail riding with them on the weekend and race together
multiple times in a weekend, making racing very fun when you race with friends.
In a race, if your friend crashes and gets hurt, your race might be over to. We stop
and wait with our friends until someone gets over there, just to make sure they are
okay. It s great to have friendships, but as soon is they drop the flag or shoot the gun
that means go, you don t have any friends unless they are hurt. Rocky Mountain Atv
/Mc said, Motocross is popular enough that there are fans everywhere. However, it is
still small enough that the general population simply isn t very interested. Motocross
enthusiasts tend to forge friendships faster than followers of other sports because
there aren t as many children who share those same interests. (Rocky Mountain
Abnormal Behavior In The 18th Century
Understanding abnormal behaviour has not been a smooth nor uniform evolvement
over the centuries. There have been unusual, bizarre even views and beliefs which
have misguided theorists over the years (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2014). Throughout
history, three general categories of explanations of mental illness, fall into either
biological, psychological or supernatural (Hergenhahn, 2001). Supernatural
explanations began in primitive times when people believed ailments were caused by
mysterious forces entering the body. This prevailed until the first Greek physicians.
Until the 18th century however, supernatural explanations prevailed (Hergenhahn,
2001). Religion also played a part in choosing to not follow biological and
psychological models... Show more content on ...
In the eighteenth century, the biological model gained momentum as it assumed
that all disease could be caused by malfunctions of the body, such as the brain and
that these abnormalities can be inherited (Hergenhahn, 2001). Hippocrates, at a
much early stage, however also considered that interpersonal factors could also be
responsible (Austin, et al., 2015). There was better explanations for many physical
ailments and brain pathology played an important role in understand mental disease
(Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2014). Along the lines of Sigmund Freud, the
psychological model came to be, which proposes that psychological events can
cause abnormal behaviour, experiences such as grief and fear, frustration and
conflict may all be causes. Organised society and the stress that comes with such has
also been recognised as an explanation (Hergenhahn, 2001). The inner dynamics of
unconscious motives were discovered and over the last half century many have
revised Freud s theory to evolve into new perspectives of the psychodynamic model
(Butcher, Mineka, Hooley,
Bally Fitness
Obesity is a serious problem in America where, as of 2004, two out of every three
adults were classified as obese (Wells, 2006). In response to this alarming fact, the
US Surgeon General s office has voiced its concern about the effects of obesity. With
such a highly publicized campaign against obesity, Americans have become
increasingly health conscious, driving growth in a variety of industries including the
health club industry. During the ten year period from 1995 and including 2004, the
health club industry saw an increase of 113% in the number of clubs, and in 2004
alone, industry wide revenues totaled $ 14.1 billion (Wells 2006). Another key factor
that has led to this growth in this industry is the increase in ... Show more content on ...
On the demand side, benefits of scale do exist but to a lesser degree. Although
patrons may want to be part of a network, it is not the sole factor that influences
whether they join a health club or not. There are a multitude of factors that affect the
decision including facilities available at the club, cleanliness of the facilities,
friendliness of the staff, fees and the convenience of the club (Wells, 2006).
Therefore, customers are not necessarily discouraged from buying from a new entrant
if the new entrant meets their criteria. In addition, another barrier that does not
discourage new entrants from entering the health club industry is the relatively low
switching cost. These costs manifest themselves in the way of initiation fees with a
median of $150. With low switching costs, a competitor has the ability to enter the
market and take customers from other competitors.
As mentioned previously, new entrants do not necessarily have to invest a large
amount of capital in order to enter the health club market, and therefore, capital
requirements for entering the health club industry do not provide a barrier to the
entrance of new competitors. Incumbency, irrespective of size, does garner several
barriers to entry for new entrants into the health club industry. First and foremost,
incumbents already have an established client base, and some of these clients may be
locked into some type of
Permission Slip Analysis
In our childhoods, we have all done questionable, and perhaps stupid acts. What is
different from person to person, is whether the outcome was good, or not
worthwhile whatsoever. In my case, it was a little bit of both. For this entry, I am
going to talk about the time I forged my mom s signature. Have you ever had
something such as a permission slip that your parents just wouldn t sign? Now, in
this story, it wasn t exactly a permission slip , per se, but rather it was more of a
parental approval that you did what you did. In middle school, our English class had
an incentive, where if you read 10 books (obviously, within range of your reading
level) in a week, you would be rewarded with a free pizza coupon. As a kid, I was
starting to get
Van Gogh In The Yale Art Gallery
This painting depicts a regular cafГ© at night, with the dimensions of 72.4 x 92.1
cm (28 1/2 x 36 1/4 and an accession number of 1961.18.34 this panting stands out
amongst other paintings because of how the myriad of colors and hues mix that
causes a clash in contrast. In the Yale Art Gallery, this oil painting
was in the American
room among other American crafts. The thing that quickly caught my eye on this
painting was the way Van Gogh applied detail, creativity and the unorthodox use of
colors. The painting seemed to be dark and gloomy which was quite a unique
quality about the painting. Van Gogh is one of the most famous expressionist artists
that people know and love today. This oil painting on a canvas has been called one
of Van Gogh s... Show more content on ...
It s almost as if the waiter is staring directly at the viewer of the painting.
Subjectively, this painting stood out to me and even more when I had seen it.
This painting had a quite abnormal perspective in a way that the cafГ© floor
covers a large area of the canvas that Van Gogh painted on. It appeared as if the
artist that painted this piece achieved a high vantage point because it looks as if he
was suspended in the air while painting. Looking at the Clock in the CafГ© it was
almost 1am and this is why the gas lighting was on, and it allowed the cafe to stay
opened very late. As the viewer can observe from the painting, the whole
environment in the Night Cafe is not so happy and warm. The space itself seemed
so isolated and shadowy even the people in the painting had their heads hung almost
as if they were sad. Although Van Gogh used redwhich usually is a quite ecstatic
color the addition of red, dark green and dark orange just created an environment
that wasn t so welcoming. Also, the use of Van Gogh s brushstroke had also added
another dark feeling to the painting. In this painting, it is very noticeable that Van
Gogh used harshly exaggerated brush strokes around the lights of the Cafe and also
the use of very bright shades of red and green were purposefully overly planned to
portray his view of the night
Carl Rogers Humanistic Psychodynamic Approach
In the 1960 s a new momentum in counselling known as the third force spawned.
This force became known as the existential humanist approach developed by Carl
Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Like most psychologists of his era; Carl Rogers
trained psychodynamically (Prochaska Norcross 2010). However, he didn t stay
psychodynamic for long. Rogers disagreed with many of Freud s presumptions about
therapy and more fundamentally, about people. Along with Abraham Maslow, Rogers
pioneered the humanistic movement in psychology. The humanistic approach assumes
that people arrive with an inborn tendency to grow, otherwise known as self
actualisation and presumes that if a person s environment fosters it, self actualisation
... Show more content on ...
These theories have a spotlight on the emotional and inner experience and view the
client as the expert of their circumstances; they allow clients to express their cultural
and faith based beliefs in an empathetic, open and warm environment. The
prominence of distinctiveness, autonomy and self actualisation could disaffect clients
who may feel oppressed or who are from a society believing in the common good .
Additionally, clients who are accustomed to an indirect style of conversation may feel
awkward and troublesome; however, when thinking about adversity, death and
purpose, the existentialist theory can support clients to explore and expand their faith
and spirituality (Corey,
Analysis Of Some Current Dimensions Of Applied
Baer, D. M., Wofl, M. M., Risley, T. R. (2015, 11 5). Some Current Dimensions of
Applied Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from
/pmc/articles/PMC13109980/pdf/jaba00083 0089.pdf
Barrish, H. H., Saunders, M., Wolf, M. (2015, 11 6). Good Behavior Game: Effects
of Individual Contingencies for GroupConsequences On Disruptive Behavior In A
Classroom. Retrieved from
/PMC1311049/pdf/jaba0080 0043.pdf
Bruce A. Thyer, P. (n.d.). What Is Evidence Based Practice? Brief Treatment and
Crisis Intervention Vol. 4, No. 2, 167 176.
Cameron, J., Banko, K. M., Pierce, W. D. (2001). Pervasive Negative Effects of
Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: The Myth Continues. The Behavior Analysist , 1 44.
Casey, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., Everso, M. (2003). THE EFFECTS OF
Special Education, 66 72.
Christina M. Corsello, P. (2015, 10 13). Early Intervention in Autism. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/03/corsello_18_2.pdf
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sertraline, or a Combination in Childhood Anxiety.
(2015, 11 6). Retrieved from
/pmc/articles/PMC2702984/pdf/nihms 114481.pdf
Corrigan, P. W., Steiner, L., McCracken, S. G., Blaser, B.,
OSHA Compliance Report
Current events that surround safety and involvement in these unsafe related subjects
seen as oversight in the area personal protective equipment. In the OSHA news
release dated 02/24/2016 OSHA reported that the company OSHA cited Heritage
Thermal Services for failing to: Monitor work areas and evaluate the effectiveness of
respirators. Implement a decontamination procedure. Provide adequate personal
protective equipmentand ensure it was used by employees (OSHA, 2016). In the
article it is clear that this company has violated the General Duty Clause that
OSHA has prescribed as a mandate to follow. Based on this report OSHA goes on to
say that CLEVELAND Federal inspectors found toxic exposure to aniline that sent a
56 year old service
Exoplanet Research Paper
Definition of a planet
In its resolution in 2006, the IAU classified the solar system bodies into three distinct
(1) A planet is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient
mass for its self gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a
hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood
around its orbit;
(2) A dwarf planetis a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has
sufficient mass for its self gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a
hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, (c) has not cleared the neighborhood
around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite;
(3) Other objects except satellites orbiting the Sun are referred to collectively as ...
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It can either be revolving around a stellar remnant or brown dwarf. The planet can
also be a rogue planet (which do not orbit around a star) and can be considered as an
Exoplanet classification is facilitated by the fact that a distinction in mass between
planets and smaller bodies is not yet relevant. In contrast, nomenclature is
complicated by the problems of distinguishing planets from brown dwarfs. The IAU
2003 recommendation, by the working group on extrasolar planets (IAU, 2003) is:
(1) Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of
deuterium (currently calculated to be 13MJUPITER for objects of solar metallicity)
that orbit stars or stellar remnants are planets (no matter how they formed). The
minimum mass required for an extrasolar object to be considered a planet should be
the same as that used in the solar system;
(2) Sub stellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for thermonuclear
fusion of deuterium are brown dwarfs, no matter how they formed nor where they are
Advertisement Analysis Advertisement
Advertisement Analysis Smoking tobacco has been a part of American culture
since its very conception. Throughout our history, tobacco has been advertised as a
simple pleasure for those who seek it out. Whether you are sitting on the porch
with a couple of friends or in a dimly lit jazz club, tobacco ads give off a false sense
of comfort, power, and success. Until around the mid 1900 s, smokingcigarettes was
not considered unhealthy. It was only later that the public realize the detrimental
health consequences that came with smoking tobacco. To spread this information,
specific advertisements were aired to help inform the public of the dangers of
smoking. While these ads have changed over time, the same message and warning
still remains evident. The first advertisement, from 1967, was produced and aired
by the American Heart Association (see Link 1). This ad begins with a narrator
stating the lines, Like father, like son . These are the only words he says during
the duration of the actual commercial. I believe this is to emphasise the main
message of the advertisement. If those are the only words you hear, they will be
more ingrained in your memory. After the voiceover, we see a father and his son,
no more than 3 years old, enjoying time together as they go about painting their
house. As the father delivers steady, skilled brush strokes on the house, his young
boy looks lost and bewildered, obviously confused as to what he is supposed to do.
The scene then changes to
The Goals of Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
Popular Value? There are a number of eminent boons associated with the Junior
Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC), a program which is offered as an
elective at public high schools across the nation. However, many of these positives
do not directly correlate to academic achievement. An explanation of this fact
partially stems from the very nature of the program as an elective, it is limited in
the amount of educational value it can impart to students, which is certainly lesser
than that of the value afforded students via daily coursework offered in standard
classes. Importantly, the public funds of the JROTC make it a viable option for
students in light of regulations regarding federal and state regulations limitations
mandated by 1995 s Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Dilger and Bess, 2008, p. 1).
Yet a thorough analysis of this program, which includes the Navy JROTC as well as
that relating to the Army, Air Force and Marines, indicates that the positives
associated with this program include both tangible and intangible aspects, which
rewards America s high school students both during and after their postsecondary
careers. In order to determine the degree of efficacy the JROTC produces within the
lives of its students, it is first necessary to elucidate the history of this program,
which was implemented on a nationwide level in 1916 yet had individual
components as far back as the latter portion of the 19the century (Pema and Mehay,
2009, p. 533). The program
Dr. Steven Nickman s Losses In Adoption
Parents should indeed tell a child that they are adopted and they should do soon as
soon as possible. Parents should tell the child as early as they are able to understand,
that they are adopted. Adoption can definitely impact a child s life in various ways
and keeping the adoption a secret from the child could foster many emotions of
mistrust and negativity towards the adoptive parents. The word adoptionshould be
introduced as early as possible so that it becomes a comfortable part of the child s
vocabulary, according to Dr. Steven Nickman, author of Losses in
Adoption: The Need for Dialogue, makes the suggestion that the ideal time for telling
children about their adoption appears to be between the ages of 6 and 8. Nickman...
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Although it may hurt the adoptive parents to let the child know that he or she isn t
theirs biologically, a child should always know where they come from so that they
are able to establish their own identity whether it be the identity of the biological or
adoptive parents or even both. If the child knows at an early age that they are
adopted, it is likely they will be able to deal with it better once they reach the
adolescent age. In Adoption History: Telling , Ellen Herman gives the story of how
adoption was never disclosed to the child, but not at the sake of the child. Telling has
been a chronic dilemma in the history of adoption because it highlights the problem
of making adoptive kinship real while also acknowledging its distinctiveness. During
the twentieth century, adoption professional maintained a firm consensus that
children placed in infancy should be told of their adopted status early in life, but
adopted parents did not always agree, and anecdotal evidence suggests that many
children were told in adolescence, on the eve of marriage, or even later in life. The
reason adoptees were told had less to do with honesty than it did with emotional
inoculation against stigma. Parents would be wise to tell children about their
adoptions with kindness and love before they learned the truth from unfeeling
relatives, nosy neighbors, or cruel
How The Arturo Perez-Reverte Use Literary Techniques In...
Arturo Perez Reverte and Umberto Eco both use a number of other literary works and
styles throughout their novels to indirectly relate pursuing the solution of a mystery,
with pursuing truth through a postmodern view via intertextual references. Both of
their apparent use of intertextuality reveals how they feel about past works of
literature, and their postmodern beliefs that no text stands alone and is made up of
other writer s text, or symbols.
In The Club Dumas, Perez Reverte makes many allusions to other books that also
align with different parts of the storyline. For example, one of Lucas Corsos main
goals in the book is to authenticate a thought to be long lost partial draft of
Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers, and as Corso enters the journey, the
characters involved in The Club Dumas, are purposefully similar to the ones in The
Three Musketeers. Liana Taillefer imagines herself as Milady de Winter, a female
character from The Three ... Show more content on ...
William of Baskerville is a direct character allusion to William of Baskerville from
Conan Doyle s Hound of the Baskervilles. The relationship between Holmes and
Watson is also uncannily similar to the relationship between William and Adso,
showing the traditional aspects of the detective s abilities and of the novel itself. Jorge
from Burgos is also an almost exact acknowledgment of Jorge Luis Borges, an
Argentinian writer who had a lot of influence on Eco s writing style. Borges book
Death and the Compass, also influenced the ending of The Name in the Rose. In
Borges Death and the Compass, the suspect learns of the detective s proposed
theory and uses it to trap him, while Jorge in The Name of the Rose attempts to do
the same to William, but William ends up succeeding anyways. I think this allusion
is supposed to be a tribute to Borges and Doyle, but it is definitely an obvious way to
point out the postmodernist view of

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Essay Meaning Of Life

  • 1. Essay Meaning Of Life Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the profound and timeless theme of the meaning of life is akin to navigating uncharted intellectual waters. This topic, laden with philosophical complexities and subjective interpretations, poses a formidable challenge to any writer daring to grapple with its intricacies. The inherent difficulty lies not only in the vastness of perspectives one must consider but also in the elusive nature of the subject itself. The concept of the meaning of life has been a perennial inquiry that has intrigued scholars, thinkers, and writers throughout the ages. Tackling such a grandiose and ambiguous theme requires delving into a myriad of philosophical, religious, existential, and cultural perspectives. One must be prepared to confront questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries – questions that do not readily yield to easy answers. Moreover, attempting to encapsulate the diverse and often conflicting viewpoints on the meaning of life within the confines of an essay demands a delicate balance between depth and brevity. The writer must navigate through a labyrinth of existential musings, grappling with existentialist notions, religious doctrines, and cultural paradigms, all while weaving a coherent narrative that captures the essence of this profound quest. The very essence of the topic necessitates introspection and invites the writer to confront their own existential beliefs and worldview. This introspective journey, while intellectually stimulating, can also be emotionally taxing. It requires a level of vulnerability and self-awareness that adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the meaning of life demands more than just eloquence and analytical prowess. It requires a willingness to confront the profound uncertainties that define the human condition and an ability to synthesize diverse perspectives into a cohesive narrative. It is an intellectual endeavor that beckons the writer to venture into the realms of philosophy, theology, and cultural studies. The challenge lies not merely in the articulation of ideas but in the navigation of the intricate tapestry of human thought and experience. For those seeking assistance in navigating these intellectual waters, various resources are available, including academic writing services like These platforms offer a plethora of essays and academic support, catering to a wide range of topics and complexities. Whether delving into the meaning of life or exploring other intricate subjects, these services can provide valuable insights and assistance in the pursuit of academic excellence. Essay Meaning Of Life Essay Meaning Of Life
  • 2. The Influence of Brand Name and Desire Attributes of Nokia... CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Name is the foundation of the brand. A company s certain brand. Once in the market, brand name will greatly determine its position in the fight for consumer. It can distinguish the product in a competitive position when its brand name has favourable associations which customers are looking for, or can be positioned in the lower rank when it has negative associations and impressions. Some brands are usually unknown to the customers in the market place while on the other hand some brands show very high degree of awareness. The brands of high awareness have high level of acceptability with customers do not refuse to buy such that as they enjoy the brand performance. Companies are ... Show more content on ... The success of a brand in customer satisfaction is quality. Companies conform to requirements set by consumers. Quality is significant on the performance of a product, the interaction of a product meeting or exceeding consumer expectations based on its performance is how quality is evaluated. Product quality adds many benefits for a company. Product quality allows companies to charge higher prices to consumers. Price can serve as an indicator of quality for consumers. The higher the price of a product, the more perceived risk a consumer incurs. In general, consumers often associate a high priced retail product with higher quality than those of lower pricing; however, some researchers believe that this quality and price relationship is too simplistic. Prices are used by marketers in retail stores in order to appeal to different consumers on different levels. The consumer uses comparative judgments in order to evaluate a potential purchasing decision. The consumer utilizes reference prices in order to make these comparisons. Reference pricing is a subjective price level that is used by the consumers to determine if the product is at an acceptable price for purchase. Background of the study Originally a manufacturer of pulp and paper, Nokia was founded as Nokia Company in 1865 in a
  • 3. What Is Socrates Claim That The Unexamined Life Is Not... I have long been intrigued by the claim, attributed to Socrates, that the unexamined life is not worth living . For a start, there is the absolute and uncompromising tone of the language, not worth living . Why not set the bar lower and simply claim that an examined life is better than the alternative or that it s useful to think about things before acting? Perhaps the quotation was framed with a fair measure of rhetorical flourish. On the other hand, what if the words were meant to be taken at face value? What could lead a person to say that a certain type of life is not worth living? I do not (and cannot) know precisely what the historical Socrates had mind. After all, he is glimpsed but darkly through myriad competing lenses tinged by the... Show more content on ... This understanding is, unsurprisingly, unoriginal a bog standard , this worldly form of humanism. Despite this, I still find it useful to discuss. Although it seems rather obvious, I think that the key to understanding Socrates claim is to recognise it as being addressed to those who participate in human Being (that form of Being that is distinctive to humans). For Socrates (as for many others then and since) human Being is marked by the capacity to transcend instinct and desire and to make conscious, ethical choices. This is not to deny that instinct and desire have the power to shape human behaviour (at least as powerfully as they do in the case of other forms of being ant, cow, fish, etc.). However, while I think it highly unlikely that any lion would not kill an antelope out of concern for the children of its prey, I know that many human beings can and do act against the urgings of instinct and desire simply because they think that to act would be wrong. There need be no restraining hand, no accusing witness. Rather, a simple belief that some act is wrong will regulate behavior even if
  • 4. The Madina Collection of Islamic Art at the LACMA Essay The Madina Collection of Islamic Art at the LACMA Introduction The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announced recently that it had acquired the remarkable Madina Collection of Islamic art. The collection contains works of various media dating from the late 7th through 19th centuries from the vast areas that comprise the Islamic world, from Southern Spain to Central Asia (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). While the museum already had quite an extensive collection of Islamic art, this particular exhibit truly adds the collections as a whole. The Madina Collection of Islamic Art The first item to be examined is a bowl from the 14th century, from either Egypt or Syria (Los Angeles County Museum ... Show more content on ... It is very rounded and almost appears as though it is to be only held, and never set down. There is a design around the rim of the cup. The design is a repetitive design and appears to be an almost universal type design that could be attributed to any culture. It is something of a floral, or leaf design and looks to be gold rather than silver as is the rest of the cup. It is a very balanced and beautifully simple piece. http:/ / key=17763 There is a finial from the 14th century Northern Iran, perhaps from Mazanderan (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). This piece is intricately carved from wood and possesses traces of paint (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2005). It measures 14 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter at its widest point. It is wide at its base and tapers off, not completely to a point, at the top. It is a very solid as well as very patterned piece of art, or architecture. Like the previous items discussed or examined, it seems to have a very symmetrical feel to it, as there is not necessarily a picture to be seen, but a repetitive element that is seen throughout the piece, or all around the piece in this case. The carving appears to be open carving in that there are holes in the finial where there is no wood as part of the carved out design. This piece can be viewed at the following website:
  • 5. Three Public Defenders In Gideon s Military Gideon s Army portrays the lives of three public defenders who fight to help other people who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Brandy Alexander, Travis Williams, and June Harwick are three public defenders working in the South. All of them are fighting three different cases and trying hard to win the cases. Alexander is representing a high school student who is accused of robbing a pizza store. Williams is representing a man named Mullin, who is facing 10 years in prison for a theft case. On the other hand, Hardwick has a different client. His client is already in the prison and she has lost her house and job while in the prison. All of the clients the defenders are helping are poor and are unable to hire a private attorney. While the three
  • 6. Romanticism in Music Romanticism Romanticism was an artistic movement that took place from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century. Drastic changes in the arts took place over the course of this time period. During this movement, much emphasis was placed on emotion and imagination in the arts. Prior to the Romantic Period, music had been seen more as recreation and njoyment than as an integral part of culture. The term Romanticism was first used in England and Germany in reference to a form of literature. It soon after spread to music and the visual arts. Romanticism was largely a product of two important revolutions in Europe. The new society that came about after the French Revolution emphasized the importance of the individual. This brought ... Show more content on ... This idea of interpretation and understanding of music was demonstrated in program music. This was a type of music for which the composer would have prepared an explanation to help the audience understand the meaning. There is no text in the song, but there is a note, or program, to help explain. These programs were a way for composers to connect their music to art, politics, or other aspects of the world around them. An important difference between the Romantic Period and the Classical Period which preceded it is the motivation and direction of the art. The spirit of the Classical Period sought order, while that of the Romantic Period sought wonder and strangeness. With Romantic music, the melody was marked by lyricism, and the music was more emotional and expressive. Composers used more dissonance and chromaticism in their works to help reinforce the idea of the original or the strange. They expanded the classical music structure to lengthen the music, as they wanted more time to express the particular emotion of a given piece. New terms, such as Dolce (sweet), Cantabile (songful), and Con Amore (with love) were used to emphasize these emotions. During the Classical Period, the most important genre of orchestral music was the symphony, whereas in
  • 7. Soundtrack Of My Life Song Analysis Name Marquis Coleman Soundtrack of My Life Title: Imma be Artist: The Black Eyed Peas Intro This song is important to me because when I was 6 or 7 years old my mom would put on the song and I would sing along with it. When me and my mom would get in the car on long rides she would play the song and it never gets old I m 12 right now so that has been my favorite song for 5 or 6 years. I was always eager to go places with that song. I liked it so much my mom bought me a mp3 player and she downloaded the song to it and I could listen to it wherever I go. It also uses Figurative language I did not know about for example Rhyme Loan out billion I get a trillion. Onomatopoeia The lyrics
  • 8. Betrayal In King Lear Shakespeare s King Lear fabricated a world of its own, in which distinct virtues and vices were personified by individuals with diverse points of view. With each conflict in the play, the characters actions and decisions were parallel to the integrity of their heart and mind, exhibiting the virtue or vice they represented. With this strategy, Shakespeare shares that with trust should come discretion. In these situations, the cast confronts instances of betrayal and eventually self growth. The story initiates with King Lear s urgency for flattery, which drives him to commit a decision that instigated the power hungry course of his daughters. The betrayal of Goneril and Regan caused Lear to separate from his man made principles and praise those of nature. Besides the change in Lear, the audience also observed Gloucester s position concerning the legitimacy of his two sons. Societal views were a detriment regarding the rights of illegitimate children, like Edmund. Seeing his brother Edgar conquer all his father s treasures, Edmund left his praise of nature behind and instead exploited the reliance of status and relationships in his royal family to overcome the laws of society, forming a great deception against his own family. Edmund s frustration at the treatment of illegitimate children was present from the start of the play, as he exclaimed: Why bastard ?/ [..] When my mind as generous and my shape as true / As honest madam s issue? (I ii 6 7). He considered himself an
  • 9. Hebrew Teaching on Diligence and Follies Hebrew Teaching on Diligence and Follies The two words, wisdom, and folly are inseparable; they cannot be away from each other. Folly is the act of having the knowledge of the benefits of making a good choice, but rather choosing the wrong or foolish decision. Diligence is the act of being aware of something. Therefore, one who often postpones activities and comes up with excuses is lazy (Hindson Yates, 2012). The Hebrew wisdom books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songs of Songs, and Psalms covers teachings on diligence, folly, wisdom, and laziness. Proverbs explains the differences between wisdom and folly as well as diligence and laziness clearly. According to Proverbs, Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which... Show more content on ... A child taught the values of discipline, and respect at a tender age will carry on the teaching to adulthood. The opposite will result to a negative outcome. However, this is not a promise; there is an exception, those with Godly upbringing might not stand up to the values taught to them by their parents in the end (Hindson Yate, 2012). A diligent parent will adhere to the teaching of this verse, contrast to this, sluggard parents will not adhere to these teachings. The diligent and wise one will have his child upright while the lazy one will not give his child an upright upbringing. In addition, Hindson Yate, (2012) describes wealth, poverty, and ways of acquiring them according to the Hebrew wisdom book of proverbs. He becomes poor who deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich (Proverbs. 10:4). The verse teaches that a diligent person will make riches and become wealthy; however, he with a slack hand will never make any riches. Contrast to the Hebrew wisdom teaching, there are other ways of acquiring wealth like corruption. In addition, poverty may result from injustice and not from laziness and follies. The book of proverbs holds a balanced view of riches and poverty. Some are rich due to corruption and greed while others are poor due to misfortune. Nonetheless, the reality is that a diligent person will be wealthier than a
  • 10. Understanding The Problems And Concerns Relative To Social Understanding the problems and concerns relative to social work:The social work profession is aimed towards helping individuals, families, groups and communities reach their full potential, both collectively and individually. Through the experience I gained through my internships, volunteer placements, and work positions, I had the opportunity to witness first hand the many different environments that social workers serve in. Social workers work in a variety of different environments as they guide people through life s trials and challenges. They do this by identifying client s unique skills and abilities as well as utilizing the resources offered throughout the community. Social workers provide a voice for the people who need the... Show more content on ... I quickly learned that the deaf community is treated very differently that the rest of the Jamaican population. Attitudes toward deaf and disabled people in Jamaica are often negative. Hearing people in the community sometimes refer to deaf people as dumb or stupid . Because of this negative stigma, deaf individuals may challenges in life. They have a harder time pursuing higher education as well as finding jobs. The way they are treated from a young age puts deaf individuals at a greater risk for developing low self confidence. However, despite all this, it was on this trip that I observed how beautiful (inside and out) the deaf community in Jamaica truly is. From signing my name to simply sharing a smile, this trip taught me that while each person on this Earth is different from one another, our differences should not inhibit us from interacting with each other. Personal Values: My personal values and beliefs align very well with those related to social work and the NASW Code of Ethics. One of these values is services. I strive to put the needs of others before my own wants and desires in every area of my life. While I know the importance of self care in social work, I also know the great need for service within society. Seeing others hurt or struggle throughout life really pulls at my heart, reminding me not to take elements of my own life for granted. I service and give back to my local community through organizations such as Women at Risk,
  • 11. Solubility Lab Solubility Lab Report The purpose of this lab was to demonstrate the solubility of compounds created through reactions between certain dissolved substances. The solubility or insolubility of these compounds creates a visual demonstration of solubility rules. To obtain the data, the molar mass of each compound was calculated, and divided by 100 to determine the mass (in grams) needed. The compounds used in the lab include KNO3, Na2CO3, NH4Cl, NaOH, Pb(NO3)2, K2CrO4, AgNO3, CoCl2, Ba(NO3)2, CuSO4, and NaI. Filter paper was placed on a scale and tared, and the correct amount of salt was measured using a scoopula. The salts were then poured into beakers and combined with 200mL of water to create solutions. A table was created to record the results of each combination of substances. ... Show more content on ... Compounds containing ammonium ions (NH4+) are also soluble, as are ions from the Alkali metal family (such as K+ and Na+). The tendency of reactions with the AgNO3 solution to produce white or milky precipitates leads to the conclusion that compounds containing silver ions (Ag+) are insoluble, with the exception of AgNO3. Hydroxide (OH ) compounds also seem to be insoluble unless they contain an Alkali metal or ammonium, as reactions which produce an Alkali hydroxide (or NH4OH) did not produce precipitates. Similarly, salts containing carbonate (CO3 2) seem to be insoluble unless they contain an Alkali metal or ammonium. Chromate salts seem to be highly insoluble unless they contain potassium or ammonium, as nearly every combination that included K2CrO4 produced a precipitate. Compounds containing halogen ions such as chloride (Cl ) and iodide (I ) are also generally soluble. Finally, compounds containing sulfate (SO4 2) are soluble with a few exceptions, as Ag2SO4, PbSO4, and BaSO4 were all
  • 12. Touch Of Emphysema Analysis RMRVictoria decided to make herself scarce, having finished eating and finished consuming as much of the drama of the situation as she cared to devour. I don t blame you, said Calvin as Victoria made her intentions clear. As Victoria left the house, Dawn and the police woman were in conference in one of the rooms. Seb seemed either inured or in ignorance of the situation, because he was still eating dinner, watching a movie in the living room. Denial was a mental sickness, a sickness that made Victoria sick to her stomach. Victoria remembered her mother and her mother s denial about her own illness. Victoria s mother Aphrodite smoked cigarettes all her life, at least until her sixties. Then, Aphrodite and husband Louis Manga quit smoking ... Show more content on ... But that s what friends are for, to be able to deal honestly and forthrightly with each other, to be able to communicate freely and without worry. Still, it s a tough nut to crack, admittedly, to be able to speak your mind while simultaneously trying not to hurt someone s feelings. But, as in the case of the stinky jacket, something needed to be said. Really. The fact that Wanda was a former Playboy Bunny didn t bother Tony at all. He married Wanda mostly for her looks and those curves, so her history didn t mean jack shit to him. He had done a quick check on her background, without her knowing it, and found out she was clean, no skeletons in the closet. They d met while Tony was taking a vacation trip to Las Vegas, and Wanda happened to be working there as a model. They met on the Strip, but thankfully didn t get married in the city of Lost Wages. They had a good time while there, and dated for a full week. At the end of it, Tony proposed to Wanda, without ever having done more than kiss her. She wasn t exactly chaste, but she wasn t a whore, at least in Tony s mind. She was alright. While in Las Vega, Tony asked Wanda to marry him, back in New Jersey, and she said
  • 13. Satellite Surveillance Essay Satellite Surveillance I. Preface My interest in satellite surveillance did not really appear to after I saw the movie Enemy of the State in 1998. The synopsis of the movie is: Robert Dean (Will Smith) is a labor lawyer who is unknowingly in possession of evidence related to a serious politically motivated crime. Government agents eager to hide their guilt believe that Dean is on to them, and proceed to turn his life upside down, ruin his reputation, and frame him for various incidents, thanks to the latest in high tech government surveillance techniques. In an attempt to clear his name and reclaim his life, Dean teams up with the reclusive Brill (Gene Hackman), a former federal employee who has as much high tech equipment and ... Show more content on ... The surveillance satellites are orbiting the earth and constantly sending information back to the computers on the ground. After the Cold War, American military surveillance satellites were not shut down and today they are probably used for spying on the whole world. The network of the global positioning satellites has the capability to locate and track persons, animals and objects carrying appropriate devices on a global scale by sending signals to these devices. Satellites also monitor other things on earth, like farm animals, etc. If you carry a cellular phone, a smart card with a tiny transceiver or something else that is capable of receiving and/or sending signals to who knows where, your movements can be tracked by a satellite. We can see the implementation of these systems day after day, as the rights and the freedom of the people are eroded step by step. Information technology and high tech research, all these new inventions are all used to achieve this goal with satellites at the heart of the system. III. Satellite Surveillance The launch of Sputnik I on October 4, 1957 was a scary prospect for the people in the United States. The question of whether or not the Russians were looking down on the United States frightened many Americans, particularly because of the Cold War. Although the satellite did little in space, only orbiting the Earth for six months before falling out of the sky, it did
  • 14. Using Groen s Essay “Books Still Win” Tragic Realism Is... Reality is Quality There are many perspectives and definitions on art, an abstract topic. In the world of books, nothing is considered art unless the novel can engage the readers through the author s use of emotions and stylistic syntax. Using Groen s essay Books Still Win tragic realism is seen in Joshua Ferris novelThen We Came to the End. Tragic realism is evident in Ferris novel through the fact there is both good and bad within a person, that life improves with struggles and that sadness is always evident. An author s piece begins to impact the audience once connections are made between the readers and characters of the novel. Rick Groen states that fictional characters acquire more personality compared to those who... Show more content on ... Genevieve slips out that the employees are accusing Joe of being an elitist Joe responds I m not an elitist by the definition I just gave you, either, Genevieve, the dictionary one, because I m not part of the group. I refuse to be part of any group. (Ferris 257) Joe Pope is the middle line between Mason s position in the company and the rest of the employees. Ferris portrays Pope as a loner and a person who underestimates everyone else in the company due to the workers opinions. In the passage following this quote, the readers see that Joe has led a horrible life he is guilty of; he believes that being part of another group will lead him to make the same decisions he did in the past. He unknowingly took part in bullying someone and he did not do anything to prevent it, thus making him a bad person. This proves that everyone has both good and bad within themselves. Because of these reasons, he avoids any group work. However, Joe did not do any wrong to the employees, yet they judge without a slight hesitation without knowing the full story. This is what people do on a regular basis. Joe s past consists of bullying, harassment and prison. There are many who can relate to Joe s personality and past life, which makes this book a good example for tragic realism. Nothing comes easily to a person; one has to work hard and struggle to
  • 15. The Safety Laws Of Motorcycle Helmets We have laws here in the United States requiring seat belts, air bags, child car seats, smoke detectors, lights on bicycles operated at night, and a whole range of other safety devices. So, it makes sense that there would be a safety law in place to protect the motorcycle riders as well. When a motorcycle is a vehicle operated on a public roadway, its rider and passenger is subject to the same rights and obligations as other vehicle operators traveling on the same roads. If it is reasonable to require car seats for children, airbags in vehicles and the use of car seatbelts, requiring motorcyclehelmets is also reasonable. Starting in at least the 1920 s, motorcycle racers were already using crash helmets. Motorcycle helmets became more... Show more content on ... The arguments stated the helmet laws violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, constituted an infringement on the motorcyclist s liberty and an excessive use of the state s police power, violated the due process, equal protection and right to privacy provisions of the federal constitution, and was discriminatory against motorcyclists. (Bayer) Yet others put up the argument that helmets would increase spinal cord injuries, make it harder for the riders to see or hear as well and that the helmets were too hot to wear. (Knudson) In 1975, following tremendous pressure, national lobbying and a hearing held in July by the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation to discuss the National Safety Act, representatives and senators began to support revisions to remove the connection between federal highway construction funding and the state helmet laws. (Knudson Bayer) On May 5, 1976 President Ford signed a bill making those revisions a reality. (Bayer) In this aspect, the motorcyclists were in a way, following the advice of Thoreau in Civil Disobedience when he said Cast your whole vote, not a strip of paper merely, but your whole influence. A minority is powerless while it conforms to the majority; it is not even a minority then; but it is irresistible when it clogs by its whole weight. In this instance, that whole weight enacted the change they were seeking. Over the next three
  • 16. Comparing Humanity In The Matrix And Dark City How do Lilly/Lana Wachowski and Alex Proyas analyse humanity in The Matrix and Dark City respectively? Both texts convey humans as different from one another, the Wachowski sisters show that humans behave as machines more often than they think, Proyas shows humans as more than just the sum of their memories. Humans have evolved from animals millions of years ago but there is something unmistakably different about them. The Matrix and Dark City both focus on the idea of humanity but express opinions in different ways; the Wachowski sisters convey that humans behave as machines more often than they think, while Proyas shows humans as more than just the sum of their memories. The Matrix is a text about humanity being trapped in a computer program ... Show more content on ... The characters in The Matrix and Dark City are set apart from one another in terms of how they interact with supporting characters and the antagonists. Characters all each have a very specific identity in both films and this is used by the directors to either push the plot forwards or to invest the audience in specific characters such as Neo and Murdoch. The difference in motives of the characters often creates conflict which the directors use to create problems which then have to be solved. In The Matrix, Cipher s different ideologies and motives to look out for himself cause him to betray Neo whereas in Dark City when Emma choses instead of trusting her fugitive to turn to the police as that is the kind of character her motives define her as. While both films show characters having separate personalities and motives, Wachowski has the characters of his film all work together for a few main goals. With the exception of a few outliers such as Cipher who only seeks to look out for himself, there are two main groups forming with one wanting to overthrow the Matrix and one wanting to preserve it, in this sense of goals the characters of The Matrix are very one dimensional which Wachowski uses to make the film easier to understand for a wider audience range. The characters of
  • 17. Cricut Mill Research Paper Are you thinking about buying a Cricut machine? These personal die cutters from Provo Craft offer a wealth of crafting possibilities, but it can be very confusing trying to decide which model to buy. The machines do share some features, but they also are each unique from one another in various ways. Before we discuss their differences, let s talk about how they are same. First, these die cutters are considered cartridge based machines. They use artwork and fonts that are available on cartridges. This means that all the machines, with the exception of the Cricut Mini, can be used without a computer. Simply plug in the cartridge, select your shape and size, and press cut. In addition to the cartridges, all the electronic die cut machines from ... Show more content on ... In addition to the regular cartridges, it also uses Imagine cartridges, which contain not only die cut shapes, but also patterns for making your own scrapbook papers. The machine uses HP printer cartridges and can print 1200 dots per inch. As of this writing, the Cricut Mini is the newest die cut machine from Provo Craft. The Mini is unique in many ways. For one, although it has a cartridge port, it must be connected to the computer and to the CraftRoom design tool in order to cut. It is not yet compatible with the Gypsy, but this capability should be coming soon. It has the smallest footprint compared to the other models, and it uses a uniquely sized cutting mat of 8 1/2 x 12 . Which Cricut machine is best? If you ask ten different people, you will likely get ten different answers. To decide which one to buy, think about how you will use it. Will you use it for only card making and scrapbooking? If so, the Create may be a good option for you. Do you also plan to make home decor projects and three dimensional paper crafts? In this case, you may want to consider the Expression or the E2. Do you want to use your computer when designing die cuts? The E2 or the new Mini may be your best
  • 18. Don t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal The article, Don t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal, was featured in The Wall Street Journal, a center right publication, on 2/27/2017. R. James Woolsey, is a democrat government official who served as the Director of the CIA, and was once a senior advisor for President Trump (Rucker, 2017). Peter Pry is a co author to the piece. Pry served in the CIA, and is the chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission. (Woolsey Pry, 2017) Evaluating the piece with the critical eye does not yield great results. Among the many elements of the critical eye that raise red flags, accuracy is the weakest. The article begins with the title Don t Underestimate North Korea s Nuclear Arsenal. That title is clearly an appeal to fear ... Show more content on ... For one, North Korea first must miniaturize it. They have not done this. Second, the missile would have to fly and be dependable. When the North Korean s launched the latest missile, and this is true for many others, they did so at an angle and depth to ensure that it would land in the water before it hit Japan. If they had been more confident in their own missiles, they would have launched closer to the surface, and at an angle that would allowed it to travel a distance of over 310 miles. Since it traveled 310 miles with the high arc, it is probable that the latest test could have flown closer to the 700 800 miles that has been estimated. The second page is where the significant inaccuracies begin. The first paragraph on the second page states that the first atomic bomb, which used enriched uranium, was never tested: Hiroshima was the test. The second one, which used plutonium, was tested once and worked perfectly at Trinity and on Nagasaki. (Woolsey Pry, 2017) Hiroshima was not the first instance of the United States detonating an atomic bomb, Trinity was. Trinity occurred on July 16th, 1945, and the bombing of Hiroshima occurred on August 6th, 1945. Trinity was also uranium 235, not plutonium. (Taylor, 2015) The authors also mentioned that France s first nuclear test was a success. The first nuclear test conducted by France exploded with a force of 70kilotons. The bomb that dropped on Nagasaki was only 20kilotons. In that comparison, it could be
  • 19. Philadelphia Convention Disputes Because of different economic systems, Northern and Southern states had different interests. These conflicting interests led to disagreements at the Philadelphia Convention. Describe at least two disagreements between Northern and Southern states at the convention. The biggest disagreement between the north and the south was over states rights and slavery. The slavery had stopped completely in the north, but in the south that s a different story. But when you just use your head and think about when slavery had been here think about how the blacks had worked around getting whipped and then treated like they were animals. Verses when blacks are not slaves, they now can vote and they have some of the same equal rights. Although the blacks may or may not have had the same equal rights they were treated as if they were not a person in the world like the whites were. The slaves did not have the right to vote. The tariffs on imports created a dependency on northern goods. The people in the south depended on the north for manufactured goods. Northerners thought that slavery should go no further than where... Show more content on ... In the many respects the compromise reflected a victory in small states. But with compared with congress, under the articles of confederation is clear that negotiation produced something that both Big and Small states had wanted. Other major issues still need to be solved. However, once again the compromise was required for all states. One of the major things concerned elections themselves. Who would be allowed to vote? The different states constitution had created different rules about how much being popular was required for white men to vote. The delegates needed to figure out a big solution that could satisfy people with many different ideas about who could have the bigger
  • 20. Essay About Rock Our rock, Inez proclaimed. What I imagine you two probably didn t think at all about was... what was truly going to happen to our rock when we fired the magnetron. When the magnetron sent its microwaves into the rock, they actually went through it, hitting the iron plates on the other side, and were then reflected back our way where the Geiger Counter took a series of measurements of them. Those measurements were then analyzed by my program and then given to us. Inez hit another command on his keyboard bringing up a new screen. Before all three of them now appeared what seemed like endless rows and columns of ones and zeroes, each row in groups of eight numbers. What you re looking at is what s called bytes, Inez stated. Each byte... Show more content on ... And, it has to happen so fast on our end that there s nothing the volunteers can do to stop it. So, we wait, then, Cassidy affirmed. We wait, for now, acceded Inez. This sucks, Phillip sulked. Awe, man, don t get so down, Inez said. Good things come to those who wait. We ll get all of this out there when the time is right and we ll make everybody have to listen to us then. Yeah, I guess, you re right, Phillip agreed reluctantly. Hey, man, do you want to see something else that s really cool? asked Inez hoping shuffled the conversation to a brighter note. Yeah, what? Phillip asked, sounding a bit eager. Well, if this experiment was anything like the first one I did yesterday, then we should have one more result. What is it? asked Cassidy, Inez s revelation having also recaptured her attention. Well, this is kind of freaky if it happened, so be forewarned, Inez avowed. Come on, tell us, Cassidy pleaded. Okay, Phillip, my man, why don t you go pick up your rock? said Inez with a gesturing head nod. Okay, Phillip said assenting to the request somewhat tentative as he looked over at Inez then glancing at Cassidy. Summing up the courage, he then complied, making his way over to where the rock still sat atop Inez s computer desk. Slowly, he reached out a timid hand, cautious to touch the stone. Then, making contact, he ever so lightly glazed over it with his index finger searching for anything unusual, any
  • 21. Repeal The Affordable Care Act Congress voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) today, May 5, 2017. This means that HR 1628 will move to the Senate for a vote. If the Senate chooses to repeal the ACA is well, which may be unlikely given its current text, it will then go to President Trump for a signature. It is highly unlikely that President Trump will veto the bill, as one of his campaign promises was to repeal the ACA. It is also unlikely that the Supreme Court will accept a court case regarding the Constitutionality of its repeal. Repeal of the Affordable Care Act As HR 1628 goes to the Senate, financial questions may arise regarding the impacts of the change. The American Hospital Association created a document about the potential impact of repealing the ... Show more content on ... While the replacement bill is developed and lobbied, the value of these stocks may drop due to uncertainty. The healthcare market is part of numerous markets, including pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals are tied to chemicals, and chemicals are tied to mining and energy. Insurance Company Impact Insurance companies will be influenced by the repeal of the ACA and the approval of a replacement system. It is beneficial to understand the potential financial impact on the insurance market. Additionally, uncertainty at this time may cause a general decline in insurance stock values. For people with insurance through their employees or who have chosen to purchase private insurance, the repeal of the ACA will also have an effect. Employers who were required to offer health insurance to part time workers may no longer be required to do so. Because it is expensive for companies to offer health insurance, they may choose to no longer provide this service to their part time employees. Additionally, coverage for full time employees may be reduced to become more expensive due to these changes. This may make it difficult for people who have health insurance through their current employer to find new work, as health insurance may be difficult to find. Preexisting conditions may become a reason to prevent healthcare coverage. However, this is a political point that the Senate may choose to alter. If the Senate successfully continues
  • 22. Star Life Cycle Research Paper A star s life cycle is determined by its mass. The larger its mass, the shorter its life cycle. A star s mass is determined by the amount of matter that is available in its nebula, the giant cloud of gas and dust from which it was born. As the interstellar mass condenses and loses gravitational potential energy, the temperature rises and the material gains thermal energy which is known as protostar. It is now a main sequence starand will remain in this stage, shining for millions to billions of years to come. As in sequence star glows, hydrogen in a star s core is converted into helium, the core begins to contract and heat up. The rapid release energy upsets the pressure gravity force balance and causes the star to expand, cool down and enter
  • 23. A Hunger Artist Analysis Alex Camacho September 16, 2016 ENGL MWF 11am Explication Essay A Hunger Artist The children stood opened mouthed, holding each others hands for security (Pg. 353) Passion and desire for attention are at its best what an artist live for. The hunger artist is a man who wanted to be so great at his own craft that pain and suffering were a small price to pay in order for people to give him recognition ultimately leading to his demise. The series of events that lead to the hunger artist s death ultimately granted him the freedom to never have to feel the urge to eat again and released him from the restraints that society put on his life. First when he was receiving the attention society had given to him his life was well and worth the pain. ... Show more content on ... The hunger artist was a man who wanted to be so great at his own craft that pain and suffering were a small price to pay in order for people to give him recognition ultimately leading to his demise. The series of events that lead to the hunger artist s death ultimately granted him the freedom to never have to feel the urge to eat again and released him from the restraints that society put on his life. This story parallels a lot of the problems that artist s entertainers and many others feel when they are doing something to receive attention and a feeling of worth in the eyes of society. If people can read this story and learn the meaning of self worth from this story, then the hunger artist did not suffer and die in vein, instead he lives on as a martyr for those who seek to do something like it in any sense and it should teach people to be thankful for the little praise they may
  • 24. Mental Dress And Mental Illness We really do not know when mental patient starts to be classified as criminal. It might been around the time the federal government and State started to cutting fund for Mental illness The court did not have anywhere to send the mental patient and there in up in the criminal system. A Crisis involving the mental illnesshas been considered among the most dangerous in which a police office can respond. They are volatile unpredictable, and many times involve individuals who have lost their ability to think rationally. Handing cases involving mentally ill people can be a dangerous endeavor both for the person with whom the police come in contract, and for the police. According to official FBI Uniform Crime Report, during the period from 1997 to 2006 there were 1058 official assaulted in America and 13 feloniously killed while responding to calls involving mentally illness people (Harmening, 2014). Many, if not most people suffering a mental illness will react negatively to the presence of the police, and this reaction tends to cause a like reaction by the officers involved as they resort to their training and take a defensive posture for self protection. As soon as each reaction is apparent, which is oftentimes immediate, then a tension builds that can cause the situation to escalate and become very volatile. The police are neither accustomed to nor trained to; de escalate them in the midst of a tense situation. Traditional police training makes no distinction between sanity
  • 25. Migration Techniques Used By Birds Homing and Migration Techniques used by Birds Bird use fine tuned homing and migration techniques for a variety of different reasons. Migration and homing will most often conjure ideas of birds that migrate thousands of miles on a seasonal basis from their breeding grounds to their wintering areas. Almost half, over four thousand of the world s ten thousand species of birds migrate on a regular basis. They do this to find suitable habitat for breeding and wintering. The godwit bird will travel from Alaska to Australia flying day and night over the Pacific Ocean (Heinrich 70), raptors will travel thousands of miles during the day over land along well established corridors (Bildstein 2) while thrushes travel at night over land, typically taking off after sunset (Chu 53) . Homing also plays a very real role in everyday living. Birds also use their homing instinct on a daily basis because of their constant coming and going from their nest. Albatross will travel hundreds of miles crisscrossing the ocean in search of a meal to bring back to their nest and once finding it will fly straight back home (Heinrich xi) and Shearwaters will never cross land spending all their time over water gathering food (67). Compared to other areas of research about bird s lives most about how birds migrate is unknown. There are over a million birds a year that are banded in just America to try to understand how and where different species travel (Heinrich 67). What is understood is that
  • 26. Evaluate two models of one cognitive process Cecilia Nguyen Evaluate two models of one cognitive process This essay will be discussing one particular cognitive process: the memory by evaluating two models, which are the Multi store model introduced by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and the Working memory model by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974. The first model is the multi store model. It was first proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and is a typical example of the information processing approach. According to this model, memory consists of three types of memory stores: sensory stores, short term store and long term store. Sensory stores consist of the eyes, nose, fingers, tongue, etc and the corresponding area of the brain. The sensory stores... Show more content on ... The visuo spatial sketchpad when planned a spatial task and it saves memory temporarily. The episodic buffer is the general store, it integrates info from the central executive, the phonological loop and the visuo spatial sketchpad and forms long term store. Research evidence for the working model of memory varies. Case studies of brain damaged patients support this model a lot. The case study of KF a brain damaged patient with no problem with long term learning but some aspects of his immediate memory were impaired. This has proven that the working model of memory was right when suggesting that short term store works independently of long term store. In addition to evidence supporting this model, Baddeley and Hitch did a research on making participants do two tasks using the same or different components. Task one occupied the central executive, task two either involved the articulatory loop or both the central executive and the articulatory loop. Speed on task one was the same whether using the articulatory loop or no extra task. This shows that doing two tasks that involve the same component causes difficulty. It also suggested that when two different components are used, performance is not affected. Even though the working model of memory is better than the multi store model, it still has some weaknesses. For example the role of the central executive is vague and it needs more research. Also there were problems with
  • 27. Canadian Culture Research Paper Canada has been known for, and has taken great pride in being a multicultural nation to the point of making multiculturalism a law accompanied by a nationally recognized holiday. Canada is, by the measure of many nations, the greatest nation on the planet. This great land and people are known for the country s wide open spaces, its varied geographical areas and its acceptance of all people, regardless of race, cultureand religion. As such, Canadais widely known as one of the most multicultural and accepting countries in the world. What remains to be seen is whether Canada is truly multicultural or if this nation is just tolerant of other cultures as a result of law or its Canadian character . The term itself can be interpreted in several... Show more content on ... The report on THE CURRENT STATE OF MULTICULTURALISM IN CANADA AND RESEARCH THEMES ON CANADIAN MULTICULTURALISM 2008 2010 prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Canada cites information from polls conducted by Environomics for Focus Canada (a leader in analytics in Canada). It states, In a study conducted in 2003, support for multiculturalism among Canadians has increased over seven years: 85% of Canadians agreed that multiculturalism was important to Canadian identity in 2003, compared to 74% in 1997 (http:/ / state.pdf, pg 7 paragraph 5). This research would indicate a national movement towards embedding multiculturalism in Canadian culture. It would also indicate that although there are a majority of Canadians who support multiculturalism; there is still a group, roughly half a million people, who either do not care about multiculturalism or worse, who are opposed to the concept. Advocates of Canada s multicultural identity cite census figures, including those from the 2001 census, which state that of the approximately two million immigrants arriving in Canada between 1991 and 2001, 58 percent were from Asia, 20 percent from Europe, 11 percent from the Caribbean, Central and South America, eight percent from Africa and three percent from the United States. These figures show a
  • 28. The Importance Of A Regional Bank May Experience While... Introduction Switzerland is considered as among the best expat nations in the world due to its very high standards of living and the fact that it has a multilingual and sophisticated population. This has seen many large multinational organizations and companies set up base in Switzerland in cities like Zurich. Due to this expansion strategies by large organizations willingly to expand all over the world, many regional banks find it necessary to open up offices in various countries such as Switzerland in order to offer financial services for such companies and businesses that have expanded globally. However, moving and setting up shop in Switzerland is not as easy as one may think as it can be quite difficult and stressful if the right procedure is not followed depending on various factors. According to Jordan (2012), recently, the earlier trend where banks would turn a profit despite the financial situation in Switzerland has disappeared. This assignment looks at issues that a regional bank may experience while moving and setting an office in Switzerland. Challenges faced in Switzerland by financial institutions Cultural and Ethnic Characteristics For regional banks moving from North America and Europe may not be particularly very disadvantaged by the Swedish culture. Despite this, they may still find it challenging when they set up an office in Zurich Switzerland together with other regional banks from other parts of the world. Switzerland is a country with states referred
  • 29. Parents Gay Parents Introduction Recently, in most countries globally, rights that support homosexuality have been passed. Due to this current situation, many researchers decided to find out if it is true or not, whether parents who are gays influence the way their children grow up in relation to their sexuality (Patterson, Charlotte and Rachel, p.121). This subject has been a sensitive topic for quite a while and many people avoid in many cases to discuss about it. Some researchers concluded that children who are under the care of homosexual parents end up being gay in the future, while others in their studies said that gay parents raise their kids normally as other heterosexual parents. This argumentative paper debates on whether parents influence their kids sexuality. It analyzes extensively both sides that is, the ones that agree that indeed it is affirmative that gay parents raise gay children and those that refute that notion. Yes, I am affirmative that gay parents raise homosexual children due to the studies conducted by various scholars. Children especially at a tender age imitate what their parents do (Tasker 173). Many of them view their guardians as their role models therefore, have no option but to do exactly what goes on in their household. Several researchers have interviewed children who were brought up in gay homes and their answers have confirmed that their gay parents influenced their sexuality. Another issue that confirms this argument is the fact that in gay homes, there
  • 30. Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Power Plants Despite the fact the countries continue to increase the production of nuclear energy, my position is that new nuclear power plants should not continue to be built. The current use of nuclear power should be carefully evaluated with a plan to slowly decrease production throughout the world. The negative implications to the environment and economy support my position. The production of nuclear energy is not as safe and clean as some say that it is. The Oxford Research Group released a report providing evidence that supports this point. It is clear that nuclear powerplants do not produce a lot of carbon dioxide when they operate, but it is the mining of uranium and the storing of waste that produces the carbon dioxide pollution.... Show more content on ... There is yet to be a full proof way to store this toxic material ( Disposal of the high level nuclear waste that comes from nuclear power plants continues to be a big problem. It has been challenging and costly to find safe ways to store this waste. According to a report from the U.S National Academy of Sciences, it will take 3 million years for radioactive waste stored in the U.S. as of 1983 to decay to background levels ( Who wants this amount of waste stored in the environment where they live? Currently in the U.S. nuclear power plants produce 3,000 tons of this high level waste each year ( If nuclear power continues to be produced, this amount of waste will only continue to increase, causing a bigger dilemma as to what to do with the waste. As the waste is removed from the plant it still contains a high level of radiation. Exposure to radiation whether it occurs in the moving process or leakage from storage not only has a negative impact on the environment but also can pose a major health threat to humans. Based on the level of exposure, symptoms to humans can range from nausea and headaches to damage of nerve cells, loss of white blood cells and even death (think .org). The potential risk of exposure is not worth human life. The use of nuclear power can have several negative impacts on the economy. The use of nuclear power can be costly. The building of the plants can cost between $12 $18
  • 31. Operation Salute Case Study My organization is called Operation Salute. Operation Salute is an organization that helps homeless veterans and veterans with PTSD. I want to help the veterans because they do not get enough recognition for fighting for our country. In the US, 21 veterans commit suicide each day because of PTSD. 11% of homeless adults are veterans. 70% of veterans have substance abuse problems. I can help them by creating a care center for veterans who suffer from PTSD by giving them the care and rehabilitation they need. Veterans with PTSD can come to the care center and get the rehabilitation they need. If veterans do not want to come to the care center, trained nurses can come to their houses periodically and help them. The homeless veterans can come to this care center for shelter,... Show more content on ... The homeless veterans can also come to the care center if they suffer from PTSD, and need a place to stay. Someone who inspired me to do this was Saint Martin of Tours. St. Martin of Tours is the patron saint of the poor, soldiers, winemakers, and more. St. Martin s father was a veteran, and St. Martin was forced to serve in the Army at the age of 15. It was said that St. Martin lived more like a monk than a soldier. At the age of 23, he refused a war bonus and told his commander, I have served you as a soldier; now let me serve Christ. Give the bounty to those who are going to fight. But I am a soldier of Christ and it is not lawful for me to fight. This inspired me because St. Martin was not going to take the bonus because he said it should go to someone who deserved it, someone who is fighting. St. Martin felt as if he was
  • 32. Compare And Contrast Frankenstein And Pride And Prejudice Deep, gut wrenching horror and passionate, gripping love: these are what the novels Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice, respectively, are chiefly remembered for. The differences in their plotlines are striking. While Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein s creation of a monster and the havoc that the monster wreaks, Pride and Prejudicerecounts the charming and colorful love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. However, despite the obvious differences in the novels subjects, the authors of both works share a similar purpose. Both Shelley s Frankenstein and Austen s Pride and Prejudicedepict the dangerous results of hubris with the purpose of warning society to keep one s pride in check, lest devastating consequences ensue.... Show more content on ... Both authors caution against becoming too prideful, for excessive pride can be disastrous. This message is extremely poignant when examining the historical context of Frankenstein and Pride and Prejudice. During the time period Frankenstein was published, science was making extraordinary strides. The triumphs of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution instilled a level of confidence in scientists, and experiments became more and more ambitious. In the wake of this exponential progress, Frankenstein serves as a reminder that pride should never remain unchecked. Overconfidence mustn t be allowed to jeopardize one s judgment, and careful considerations must be made as to the morality and reasonability of one s actions before taking on a task. Frankenstein became caught up in his passion and in his pride, and thus he was unable to foresee the consequences of his actions. Though Frankenstein is by no means a censure of scientific progress or experimentation, it is a cautionary tale that advocates that one should always remember one s own infallibility, and not become caught up in the quest for success and recognition. Analogously, Pride and Prejudice can be examined through an analysis of the sociopolitical sentiment of Austen s time period. In Austen s sphere, a desirable marriage was the ultimate goal for a young lady. However, Elizabeth nearly jeopardizes her chance of securing just this, as her pride prevents her from merely liking to Darcy. Though her near loss of Darcy may not immediately appear comparable to Frankenstein s loss of his friends and family, the particular emphasis placed on marriage as a means of social mobility in Austen s Regency England would render the potential loss of a favorable marriage a most devastating outcome. Thus, Elizabeth s ability to finally abandon her pride and secure this match is particularly poignant. She finally achieves the
  • 33. Racing Dirt Biking Persuasive Essay Have you ever been in a very happy mood because you get to do something you love? That happens to me when I race or ride dirt bikes. Dirt biking is a great sport because it is physically challenging and takes lots of preparation, never gets old because of all the different types of racing, and helps build lasting relationships. Racing dirt biking is a physically and mentally challenging sport. You have to show up ready to race. You have to block out everything that is in your mind and focus on what you re doing or else you will crash and get hurt or not do well. You have to push through all of the pain in your body at the end of the race and push through being tired. For the physical side, imagine riding a bicycleor for an hour and a half to two hours sometimes three hours without getting a break, that s what it is like racing. It gets physically exhausting riding as fast as you can for thirty minutes,... Show more content on ... I have many friends from the races that I have up to our house over the summer for about a week, and because we spend so much time at the races, we build great relationships. We enjoy trail riding with them on the weekend and race together multiple times in a weekend, making racing very fun when you race with friends. In a race, if your friend crashes and gets hurt, your race might be over to. We stop and wait with our friends until someone gets over there, just to make sure they are okay. It s great to have friendships, but as soon is they drop the flag or shoot the gun that means go, you don t have any friends unless they are hurt. Rocky Mountain Atv /Mc said, Motocross is popular enough that there are fans everywhere. However, it is still small enough that the general population simply isn t very interested. Motocross enthusiasts tend to forge friendships faster than followers of other sports because there aren t as many children who share those same interests. (Rocky Mountain
  • 34. Abnormal Behavior In The 18th Century Understanding abnormal behaviour has not been a smooth nor uniform evolvement over the centuries. There have been unusual, bizarre even views and beliefs which have misguided theorists over the years (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2014). Throughout history, three general categories of explanations of mental illness, fall into either biological, psychological or supernatural (Hergenhahn, 2001). Supernatural explanations began in primitive times when people believed ailments were caused by mysterious forces entering the body. This prevailed until the first Greek physicians. Until the 18th century however, supernatural explanations prevailed (Hergenhahn, 2001). Religion also played a part in choosing to not follow biological and psychological models... Show more content on ... In the eighteenth century, the biological model gained momentum as it assumed that all disease could be caused by malfunctions of the body, such as the brain and that these abnormalities can be inherited (Hergenhahn, 2001). Hippocrates, at a much early stage, however also considered that interpersonal factors could also be responsible (Austin, et al., 2015). There was better explanations for many physical ailments and brain pathology played an important role in understand mental disease (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2014). Along the lines of Sigmund Freud, the psychological model came to be, which proposes that psychological events can cause abnormal behaviour, experiences such as grief and fear, frustration and conflict may all be causes. Organised society and the stress that comes with such has also been recognised as an explanation (Hergenhahn, 2001). The inner dynamics of unconscious motives were discovered and over the last half century many have revised Freud s theory to evolve into new perspectives of the psychodynamic model (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley,
  • 35. Bally Fitness OVERVIEW Obesity is a serious problem in America where, as of 2004, two out of every three adults were classified as obese (Wells, 2006). In response to this alarming fact, the US Surgeon General s office has voiced its concern about the effects of obesity. With such a highly publicized campaign against obesity, Americans have become increasingly health conscious, driving growth in a variety of industries including the health club industry. During the ten year period from 1995 and including 2004, the health club industry saw an increase of 113% in the number of clubs, and in 2004 alone, industry wide revenues totaled $ 14.1 billion (Wells 2006). Another key factor that has led to this growth in this industry is the increase in ... Show more content on ... On the demand side, benefits of scale do exist but to a lesser degree. Although patrons may want to be part of a network, it is not the sole factor that influences whether they join a health club or not. There are a multitude of factors that affect the decision including facilities available at the club, cleanliness of the facilities, friendliness of the staff, fees and the convenience of the club (Wells, 2006). Therefore, customers are not necessarily discouraged from buying from a new entrant if the new entrant meets their criteria. In addition, another barrier that does not discourage new entrants from entering the health club industry is the relatively low switching cost. These costs manifest themselves in the way of initiation fees with a median of $150. With low switching costs, a competitor has the ability to enter the market and take customers from other competitors. As mentioned previously, new entrants do not necessarily have to invest a large amount of capital in order to enter the health club market, and therefore, capital requirements for entering the health club industry do not provide a barrier to the entrance of new competitors. Incumbency, irrespective of size, does garner several barriers to entry for new entrants into the health club industry. First and foremost, incumbents already have an established client base, and some of these clients may be locked into some type of
  • 36. Permission Slip Analysis In our childhoods, we have all done questionable, and perhaps stupid acts. What is different from person to person, is whether the outcome was good, or not worthwhile whatsoever. In my case, it was a little bit of both. For this entry, I am going to talk about the time I forged my mom s signature. Have you ever had something such as a permission slip that your parents just wouldn t sign? Now, in this story, it wasn t exactly a permission slip , per se, but rather it was more of a parental approval that you did what you did. In middle school, our English class had an incentive, where if you read 10 books (obviously, within range of your reading level) in a week, you would be rewarded with a free pizza coupon. As a kid, I was starting to get
  • 37. Van Gogh In The Yale Art Gallery This painting depicts a regular cafГ© at night, with the dimensions of 72.4 x 92.1 cm (28 1/2 x 36 1/4 and an accession number of 1961.18.34 this panting stands out amongst other paintings because of how the myriad of colors and hues mix that causes a clash in contrast. In the Yale Art Gallery, this oil painting was in the American room among other American crafts. The thing that quickly caught my eye on this painting was the way Van Gogh applied detail, creativity and the unorthodox use of colors. The painting seemed to be dark and gloomy which was quite a unique quality about the painting. Van Gogh is one of the most famous expressionist artists that people know and love today. This oil painting on a canvas has been called one of Van Gogh s... Show more content on ... It s almost as if the waiter is staring directly at the viewer of the painting. Subjectively, this painting stood out to me and even more when I had seen it. This painting had a quite abnormal perspective in a way that the cafГ© floor covers a large area of the canvas that Van Gogh painted on. It appeared as if the artist that painted this piece achieved a high vantage point because it looks as if he was suspended in the air while painting. Looking at the Clock in the CafГ© it was almost 1am and this is why the gas lighting was on, and it allowed the cafe to stay opened very late. As the viewer can observe from the painting, the whole environment in the Night Cafe is not so happy and warm. The space itself seemed so isolated and shadowy even the people in the painting had their heads hung almost as if they were sad. Although Van Gogh used redwhich usually is a quite ecstatic color the addition of red, dark green and dark orange just created an environment that wasn t so welcoming. Also, the use of Van Gogh s brushstroke had also added another dark feeling to the painting. In this painting, it is very noticeable that Van Gogh used harshly exaggerated brush strokes around the lights of the Cafe and also the use of very bright shades of red and green were purposefully overly planned to portray his view of the night
  • 38. Carl Rogers Humanistic Psychodynamic Approach EXISTENTIAL HUMANISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY In the 1960 s a new momentum in counselling known as the third force spawned. This force became known as the existential humanist approach developed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Like most psychologists of his era; Carl Rogers trained psychodynamically (Prochaska Norcross 2010). However, he didn t stay psychodynamic for long. Rogers disagreed with many of Freud s presumptions about therapy and more fundamentally, about people. Along with Abraham Maslow, Rogers pioneered the humanistic movement in psychology. The humanistic approach assumes that people arrive with an inborn tendency to grow, otherwise known as self actualisation and presumes that if a person s environment fosters it, self actualisation ... Show more content on ... These theories have a spotlight on the emotional and inner experience and view the client as the expert of their circumstances; they allow clients to express their cultural and faith based beliefs in an empathetic, open and warm environment. The prominence of distinctiveness, autonomy and self actualisation could disaffect clients who may feel oppressed or who are from a society believing in the common good . Additionally, clients who are accustomed to an indirect style of conversation may feel awkward and troublesome; however, when thinking about adversity, death and purpose, the existentialist theory can support clients to explore and expand their faith and spirituality (Corey,
  • 39. Analysis Of Some Current Dimensions Of Applied Behavior... Baer, D. M., Wofl, M. M., Risley, T. R. (2015, 11 5). Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from /pmc/articles/PMC13109980/pdf/jaba00083 0089.pdf Barrish, H. H., Saunders, M., Wolf, M. (2015, 11 6). Good Behavior Game: Effects of Individual Contingencies for GroupConsequences On Disruptive Behavior In A Classroom. Retrieved from /PMC1311049/pdf/jaba0080 0043.pdf Bruce A. Thyer, P. (n.d.). What Is Evidence Based Practice? Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Vol. 4, No. 2, 167 176. Cameron, J., Banko, K. M., Pierce, W. D. (2001). Pervasive Negative Effects of Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: The Myth Continues. The Behavior Analysist , 1 44. Casey, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., Everso, M. (2003). THE EFFECTS OF FIVE MINUTE PRACTICE, UNLIMITED PRACTICE, WITH SAFMED CARDS ON CORRECT AND ERROR RATE IN MATH FACTS FOR TWO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIE. International Journal of Special Education, 66 72. Christina M. Corsello, P. (2015, 10 13). Early Intervention in Autism. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/03/corsello_18_2.pdf Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sertraline, or a Combination in Childhood Anxiety. (2015, 11 6). Retrieved from /pmc/articles/PMC2702984/pdf/nihms 114481.pdf Corrigan, P. W., Steiner, L., McCracken, S. G., Blaser, B.,
  • 40. OSHA Compliance Report Current events that surround safety and involvement in these unsafe related subjects seen as oversight in the area personal protective equipment. In the OSHA news release dated 02/24/2016 OSHA reported that the company OSHA cited Heritage Thermal Services for failing to: Monitor work areas and evaluate the effectiveness of respirators. Implement a decontamination procedure. Provide adequate personal protective equipmentand ensure it was used by employees (OSHA, 2016). In the article it is clear that this company has violated the General Duty Clause that OSHA has prescribed as a mandate to follow. Based on this report OSHA goes on to say that CLEVELAND Federal inspectors found toxic exposure to aniline that sent a 56 year old service
  • 41. Exoplanet Research Paper Definition of a planet In its resolution in 2006, the IAU classified the solar system bodies into three distinct categories: (1) A planet is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit; (2) A dwarf planetis a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, (c) has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite; (3) Other objects except satellites orbiting the Sun are referred to collectively as ... Show more content on ... It can either be revolving around a stellar remnant or brown dwarf. The planet can also be a rogue planet (which do not orbit around a star) and can be considered as an exoplanet. Exoplanet classification is facilitated by the fact that a distinction in mass between planets and smaller bodies is not yet relevant. In contrast, nomenclature is complicated by the problems of distinguishing planets from brown dwarfs. The IAU 2003 recommendation, by the working group on extrasolar planets (IAU, 2003) is: (1) Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13MJUPITER for objects of solar metallicity) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are planets (no matter how they formed). The minimum mass required for an extrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as that used in the solar system; (2) Sub stellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are brown dwarfs, no matter how they formed nor where they are
  • 42. Advertisement Analysis Advertisement Advertisement Analysis Smoking tobacco has been a part of American culture since its very conception. Throughout our history, tobacco has been advertised as a simple pleasure for those who seek it out. Whether you are sitting on the porch with a couple of friends or in a dimly lit jazz club, tobacco ads give off a false sense of comfort, power, and success. Until around the mid 1900 s, smokingcigarettes was not considered unhealthy. It was only later that the public realize the detrimental health consequences that came with smoking tobacco. To spread this information, specific advertisements were aired to help inform the public of the dangers of smoking. While these ads have changed over time, the same message and warning still remains evident. The first advertisement, from 1967, was produced and aired by the American Heart Association (see Link 1). This ad begins with a narrator stating the lines, Like father, like son . These are the only words he says during the duration of the actual commercial. I believe this is to emphasise the main message of the advertisement. If those are the only words you hear, they will be more ingrained in your memory. After the voiceover, we see a father and his son, no more than 3 years old, enjoying time together as they go about painting their house. As the father delivers steady, skilled brush strokes on the house, his young boy looks lost and bewildered, obviously confused as to what he is supposed to do. The scene then changes to
  • 43. The Goals of Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Popular Value? There are a number of eminent boons associated with the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC), a program which is offered as an elective at public high schools across the nation. However, many of these positives do not directly correlate to academic achievement. An explanation of this fact partially stems from the very nature of the program as an elective, it is limited in the amount of educational value it can impart to students, which is certainly lesser than that of the value afforded students via daily coursework offered in standard classes. Importantly, the public funds of the JROTC make it a viable option for students in light of regulations regarding federal and state regulations limitations mandated by 1995 s Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Dilger and Bess, 2008, p. 1). Yet a thorough analysis of this program, which includes the Navy JROTC as well as that relating to the Army, Air Force and Marines, indicates that the positives associated with this program include both tangible and intangible aspects, which rewards America s high school students both during and after their postsecondary careers. In order to determine the degree of efficacy the JROTC produces within the lives of its students, it is first necessary to elucidate the history of this program, which was implemented on a nationwide level in 1916 yet had individual components as far back as the latter portion of the 19the century (Pema and Mehay, 2009, p. 533). The program
  • 44. Dr. Steven Nickman s Losses In Adoption Parents should indeed tell a child that they are adopted and they should do soon as soon as possible. Parents should tell the child as early as they are able to understand, that they are adopted. Adoption can definitely impact a child s life in various ways and keeping the adoption a secret from the child could foster many emotions of mistrust and negativity towards the adoptive parents. The word adoptionshould be introduced as early as possible so that it becomes a comfortable part of the child s vocabulary, according to Dr. Steven Nickman, author of Losses in Adoption: The Need for Dialogue, makes the suggestion that the ideal time for telling children about their adoption appears to be between the ages of 6 and 8. Nickman... Show more content on ... Although it may hurt the adoptive parents to let the child know that he or she isn t theirs biologically, a child should always know where they come from so that they are able to establish their own identity whether it be the identity of the biological or adoptive parents or even both. If the child knows at an early age that they are adopted, it is likely they will be able to deal with it better once they reach the adolescent age. In Adoption History: Telling , Ellen Herman gives the story of how adoption was never disclosed to the child, but not at the sake of the child. Telling has been a chronic dilemma in the history of adoption because it highlights the problem of making adoptive kinship real while also acknowledging its distinctiveness. During the twentieth century, adoption professional maintained a firm consensus that children placed in infancy should be told of their adopted status early in life, but adopted parents did not always agree, and anecdotal evidence suggests that many children were told in adolescence, on the eve of marriage, or even later in life. The reason adoptees were told had less to do with honesty than it did with emotional inoculation against stigma. Parents would be wise to tell children about their adoptions with kindness and love before they learned the truth from unfeeling relatives, nosy neighbors, or cruel
  • 45. How The Arturo Perez-Reverte Use Literary Techniques In... Arturo Perez Reverte and Umberto Eco both use a number of other literary works and styles throughout their novels to indirectly relate pursuing the solution of a mystery, with pursuing truth through a postmodern view via intertextual references. Both of their apparent use of intertextuality reveals how they feel about past works of literature, and their postmodern beliefs that no text stands alone and is made up of other writer s text, or symbols. In The Club Dumas, Perez Reverte makes many allusions to other books that also align with different parts of the storyline. For example, one of Lucas Corsos main goals in the book is to authenticate a thought to be long lost partial draft of Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers, and as Corso enters the journey, the characters involved in The Club Dumas, are purposefully similar to the ones in The Three Musketeers. Liana Taillefer imagines herself as Milady de Winter, a female character from The Three ... Show more content on ... William of Baskerville is a direct character allusion to William of Baskerville from Conan Doyle s Hound of the Baskervilles. The relationship between Holmes and Watson is also uncannily similar to the relationship between William and Adso, showing the traditional aspects of the detective s abilities and of the novel itself. Jorge from Burgos is also an almost exact acknowledgment of Jorge Luis Borges, an Argentinian writer who had a lot of influence on Eco s writing style. Borges book Death and the Compass, also influenced the ending of The Name in the Rose. In Borges Death and the Compass, the suspect learns of the detective s proposed theory and uses it to trap him, while Jorge in The Name of the Rose attempts to do the same to William, but William ends up succeeding anyways. I think this allusion is supposed to be a tribute to Borges and Doyle, but it is definitely an obvious way to point out the postmodernist view of