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Essay My First Work Experience
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Essay My First Work ExperienceEssay My First Work Experience
Commentary On Fear And Loathing By Hunter S. Thompson
Unit 5 Written Assignment
The article I read was called Fear and Loathing by Hunter S. Thompson. It was his response on
about the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 here in America. He explains how this
incident changed us. As Hunter S. Thompson said, We are At War now with somebody and we will
stay at war with that mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives. (Thompson, 2001, para. 6). His
main focus was that the Americans will always be at war because of this.
Americans still don t know who the actual enemy was, all they knew at the time was that someone
from the other side of the world started this. The source I chose which relates to the article I read
was called Silence to descend on America as 911 victims remembered.
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Comparing Akira Kurosawa s Yojimbo And Sergio Leone s A...
It is difficult to imagine that two nations as culturally distinct as the United States and Japan in
the 1960s, could find any common ground. However, the similarities between Akira Kurosawa s
Yojimbo and Sergio Leone s A Fistful of Dollars are undeniable and yet both films reached similar
levels of success in their respective nations. In fact, the films were found to be so analogous that
Kurosawa is known to have sued Leone for the unlicensed production of his film. All of this aside, it
is the differences between each of these films that reveal the most about the cultural nuances
between each nation at the time. Although A Fistful of Dollarsfollows Kurosawa s plot line almost
exactly, he fails to capture the humour and self reflexivity that is pervasive throughout Yojimbo.
Additionally, Leone was forced to adapt his plot line in order to better suit the predominant use of
firearms in his picture, which in turn bore a clear influence on other key elements of the film.
Moreover, his characterization of the female roles in the story leave much to be desired as they
present merely a shallow interpretation of Kurosawa s characters. Over all, Kurosawa makes
significantly bolder choices in his film making style, flirting with different reflexive techniques in
order to push the boundaries of cinema, while Leone follows a more traditional path. In their
respective introductory scenes, both films somewhat obscure the plot similarities that are later
revealed. Kurosawa presents
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Theory Of Conformity And Social Control Theories Of Crime
Theory of conformity outlines the ideals that an individual will change values or behavior in order
to fit in with a group. When it comes to the social control theory of crime, this is a central concept
in understanding why people deviate from legal regulations. When looking at individuals without
dependable relationships, a committed presence within their community and an upbringing with
specific beliefs, it can be found that people are more likely to follow a life of crimeif they do not
present the listed characteristics (Orcutt 2011:97). According to Travis Hirschi (1969) there are
four, more definitive, central elements that cause people to maintain social norms; emotional
attachment to family , engagement with goals and future aspirations,
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Philosophy Of Christian Education
All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2
Timothy 3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and
young adults the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service.
One of the ways we can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian
education. , I have formed a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research
from psychologyscholars like Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and
God s Word, I know the uniqueness of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents... Show
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God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These
commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are
blessed to be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace
the caregiver s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of
their child. I need to be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their
children. One way I can help the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom
and about what their child has accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they
need me. Open communication is one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this
communication could be through conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can
support the teacher by helping their student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is
happening at school, the child may be more excited. In addition parents can help by communicating
with the teacher anything about the child that may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more
about the student than the teacher will,
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The Negative Consequences Of Edward Snowden
One often finds that standing up and working in favor of the greater good usually results in
negative consequences. Edward Snowden encountered this crossroad while working for the NSA
and the CIA as a technical contractor. When he was working at the NSA s Hawaii office, Snowden
noticed various government methods that the NSA was using to spy on American citizens. The
NSA gathered information from American citizens phone calls and internet use, without their
consent. After three months of working for the NSA, Snowden began leaking the secret documents
showing the NSA s surveillance methods. The documents contained information such as the
invasion of privacyof millions of Americans from the NSA s various domestic programs such as
PRISM. Snowden had then fled to Russia to escape any trouble with the law after he leaked to
the newspaper companies which began printing the documents. Snowden didn t decide to be in
Russia, he was actually flying through Russia going to Latin America. Which is where he
intended to seek asylum, knowing the Obama administration would put him into prison for the
rest of his life. And being a rational person, he did not want to be in jail for the rest of his life for
being a whistleblower. The reason he could not get out of Russia was because on the plane from
Hong Kong to Russia, they revoked his passport and then told the Cubans if you let him through to
Latin America there will be all kinds of incriminations for you. ( The Truth About Edward
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Scott Fitzgerald s Accomplishments
Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American authors, whose works belong to the
Modernism period. His works are traced back in the early 20s and this period of time was
considered of big influence. At this time, America was going through many changes between the
two world wars. The country experienced a period of low economic growth, deep depression,
the rise of crime and bootlegging. Terms invented at that time such as The Jazz Age and The
Roaring Twenties suggest pleasure, dancing, and drinking, which were done by middle and upper
classes of the population. Directly or indirectly, a work of literature is indicated by the culture in
which it is produced, and a very good example of this is the novel The Great Gatsby , which... Show
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Bloom (2010) in his critical interpretation noted that The book has become part of what must be
called that American mythology, just as Fitzgerald himself now possesses mythological status,
like Hemingway, or, in a different sense, Norman Mailer (p.1). For many decades now, it is still
read and appreciated by people, and it can be a result of the circumstances in which the world is
today. The novel was translated in many languages by different authors such as in French
(Philippe Jaworski), Italian (Ferruccio Russo), German (Walter Schurenberg) and in Albanian
(Muntaz Shehu). Furthermore, there exist cinematographic productions of the novel, too. The
movie was recorded several times, and its first time was in 1926, whereas the last version was
done in 2013 under the direction of Baz Luhrmann, the well known Australian writer, director, and
producer. In addition, The Great Gatsby was adapted into ballet, opera and television production
(Tate, 2007). The Great Gatsby consists of so many elements that deserve to be elaborated, but I
chose to analyze it in the aesthetic aspect, more precisely the theme of American Dream, because
according to many readers and critics it is a predominant theme on this novel. The fact that the idea
of this big dream is presented through characters in different ways makes it even more
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Symbolism In The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven
Sherman Alexie s book The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven was written using a
multitude of literary devices to explain what it is like to be a native American. The novel Alexie
has written is a combination of vignettes to show the life of Native American people through
symbolism and other literary devices. In the vignette The Fun House Alexie uses various symbols
to present and describe things in this vignette. It is in this vignette where Alexie brings the creek
into the book. Alexie uses the Tshimakain creek as a symbol to express that you needto look within
yourself to find the strength to change.
The creek in a sense is the symbol for change itself. Alexie uses the character of the aunt, Nezzy,
to reveal how bad her life is on the reservation. Her husband is a drunk and has gotten into
reoccurring car accidents, as indicated on page 79, where am I The hospital Again? Yeah, again
. After she gave birth to her son, had her tubes tied unwillingly by the doctors, to prevent her
from having any more kids. They lied to her to get her to agree to have her tubes tied. They told
her it was to prove she was Indian, but in reality, it was a dishonest trick. Alexie shows that
Nezzy s husband and son are very demanding, for she says, you re just a couple of ungrateful
shits (Alexie 77). They take advantage of her. They just let her do everything and don t think
that they need to do anything to help her. Her husband and son also don t help her. She asks on
page 77 why the son didn t help her, and the son couldn t stop laughing. This is the point Nezzy
realizes that she needs change. The creek represents change. It represents the washing away of the
bad stuff and carrying it far away. Creeks never rest and they never stop changing. Creeks and
rivers change the scenery and the landscape around them, they do the likewise for people, washing
away the weights and the corrupt things of people to create something new.
Nezzy is ready for change, so she looks to herself to find the strength to do so. In one occurrence,
she is merely lying in the creek. She floated on the water like that for hours, until her skin
wrinkled and her ears filled with water. She kept her eyes closed and could barely hear when
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“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia-
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings :Gabriel Garcia Marquez story A Very Old Man with
Enormous Wings , written in 1955, is about a family harboring what is thought to be a fallen old
angel man , initially thought to be on his way to take their ailing child away. The angel must have
been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down (Marquez,
1955). The familynot knowing how to treat the situation embarks on a journey of mixed emotions
of whether the man is good or evil, strange creature or angel. We will journey down the road of
evaluation of the magical realism within this story.
Good and Evil Coexist: Good Wins
In the beginning of the story a father, mother and ailing child are all at home on a ... Show more
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3). Good and evil played a role in the fact that the family used the creature for greed, Elisenda
thought of the idea to build a fence and charge 5 cents admission to see it (Marquez, 1955, p. 3).
The rest of the world wanted to use the creature to help heal possible illnesses and that is selfish,
many traveled with the hopes to find health (Marquez, 1955, p. 3). I felt this was evil because they
lacked the creature up for the benefits of everyone not considering the creature s feelings. This how
some of the good and evil coexisted.
Angel or Not? This was at time hard to determine if the old man was an angel or a bird of some
origin I thought vulture at times, due to the description of buzzard like wings and that the he
nestled in a nest (Marquez, 1955). To further my thought of him being a bird, is that when they
tried to feed him what was thought the food of angels, mothballs, the man refused (Marquez,
1955). Nevertheless, if I had not paid attention to the wording used I might have gone with the old
man was a bird. However, the story uses a lot of language to define divine beings. Like when
Father Gonzaga had a providential end to his tribulations (Marquez, 1955 p. 4). This meant that the
Gonzaga had a define foresight or intervention, similar to use of celestial meaning form the heavens
or sky (
I believe that the man was an
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King George Dbq
King George King George lll was the king of Great Britain. King George III became king of
Great Britain and Ireland in October 25 1760 to January 1 1801.The acts that he created usually
made colonist upset like the Stamp Act, and The Townshend Acts. King George was the person
who taxed Colonists, and wanted the money for himself. He also sent many British troops to the 13
colonies during the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Lexington and Concord On the night of
April 18, 1775 hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord, the British
marched to Concord because they want to the colonists weapons. Paul Revere and other riders
sounded the alarm, and colonial militia men began attacking the Redcoat column. After that the
British marched back to Boston and colonists were hiding in the woods and started shooting at the
Redcoats all the way back to... Show more content on ...
They had different reasons for doing this. Some people had religious reasons for doing so. Other
people had jobs that relied on both. Yet others could not choose a side. October 1777 This was
one month that brought bad luck to the British. They had a defeat in Saratoga, New York. They
tried to divide the colonies. They sent an army from Canada. As you can imagine, it did not work
very well. Patriots Patriots were colonists fighting for freedom for their own country, and also
didn t wanted to be taxed on little simple things. That s when they started to fight. The first event
was the Lexington and Concord. When the British soldiers marched down to be Boston to destroy
colonial weapons, then was the Boston Massacre by getting shot while being attacked by a mob,
the next one was The Boston Tea Party, when the patriots dressed up as Mohawk Indians and
dumped over 342 crates of British tea into the Boston Harbor, and for their punishment the British
closed the Boston Harbor until the patriots have paid for the
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Sociological Perspectives Of Sociology And Its Impact On...
Sociology is an important part of today s society as it is all around us and is in everything we do.
Sociology is the study of, the behaviour of people within society. It helps us to understand how
society works and how the impact of relationships and interactions between people influence
society. Sociology is shown through relationships, cultures, class, religion, education and
Sociology has different sociological perspectives for example symbolic interactionism and
functionalism. Symbolic interactionism studies individuals and small groups within society and
how they behave, interact and believe about how society is what it is. Symbolic Interactionism
was created by Herbert Blumer. He based symbolic interactionism on three things which were that
people act on the meanings of things, social interactions build meanings and meanings depend and
are modified by people interacting with each other. Through communication and language,
symbols are provided to understand the world that we live in. Smoking is an example of
symbolic interactionism as teenagers believe it is cool to smoke, even though it Is bad for you and
could lead to killing you but they think it makes them look good in front of their friends.
Functionalism is the belief of everyone in society sharing the same norms and values that get
passed on through generations. Functionalists see society like a human body they believe that if
one thing stops working then everything else will slowing stop working
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Personal Narrative-Itachi
{It s fine. I was finishing up a worksheet. Sorry, I made this late.}
Ayako was slowing munching on a melon bread, as her right leg quickly dig the ends of her
sneaker onto the ground, pushing forward. Before putting her left leg back on her skateboard,
balancing herself on the skateboard. Having her headphones on, while looking straight in front of
her. Slowing seeing the school building appearing upon her view, as different groups of students
walking in. Once again, putting her right leg on the ground, and pushing herself forward. Passing
by the group of students, and turn a little to pass by fangirls group. Making her stop in front of the
stairs, before kicking the skateboard up as her grab on the tip of the skateboard, while grabbing at
the side. Running up the stairs, going through the doors, and scanning her ID at the front door
machine. Going through the scanners and all, before ... Show more content on ...
Stopping at his locker, having Shisui leading on a locker that is beside of his locker. Shisui
thought of something, before asking Itachi. Don t you like any girls in this school? Itachi?
Itachi stop at a moment, before taking out his textbook from his backpack. No, I don t. Where
did this question came from? Itachi glances over to him, before returning back to his locker.
Come on, there are a lot of beautiful girls who would kill to get a date with you. You don t have
any interest in any girl. There must be one girl who got your eye. You can tell me, I am your
almost like a best friend to you. Shisui exclaimed, adjusting his elbow against Itachi s shoulder,
and making Itachi smile softly. Shisui s eyes widen, before a little mischoivies smile apeared on
his lips. Who is it? He whispered. Her name is... Itachi motions him to come closer. None of your
business. Itachi closing his locker, before walking away to leave his cousin dumbfounded. Itachi,
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Description Of Social Anxiety Disorder ( Social Phobia )
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) is characterized by anxiety or fear of social situations in
which there is the possibility of embarrassing one s self under scrutiny by others (Robinson, 2010).
With the extreme symptoms affecting approximately 15 million American adults with a typical
onset age of 13 years old (ADAA, 2017). Those with Social Anxiety Disorder show greater delays
in seeking treatment, if at all, compared to those with other anxiety and mood disorders (Bruce,
Heimberg, Coles, 2012). As Social Anxiety Disorder is the third largest mental health problem in
the world, it is important that this disorder is addressed and not overlooked (Richards, 2017).
This essay will go into detail about Social Anxiety Disorder including the symptoms and factors that
onset the disorder, other anxiety disorders that can be associated with Social Anxiety Disorder, and
effective treatments.
Description of Social Anxiety Phobia (Social Phobia)
Social Anxiety Disorder is a common and serious condition characterized by excessive and
unrealistic fear of being judged or evaluated negatively and often begins in adolesces (Bandelow
Wedekind, 2014), with 36% of people reporting to have had symptoms for 10 years before
seeking help (ADAA, 2017). Social situations are often avoided or feared, albeit these feelings are
predominately out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the social situation itself (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 202). These
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Exploration of the Political Structure of the Roman Empire
Exploration of the Political Structure of the Roman Empire The public sphere of Rome, which
included religious norms, social settings, as well as some other cultural divides, has been known to
greatly affect the Roman political system throughout, from its inception to its fall. Our world has
seen many great empires and perhaps the most popular one by name is the Roman Empire. A great
number of books have been written on this subject, many movies have been made, and the Roman
Empire remains rich in our minds to this date. The Roman history involves some great moments as
it recounts such great leaders as Julius Caesar (see Picture 1)[1], the birth of Christ and his exploits,
and then the setting up of the Church and the Vatican by... Show more content on ...
One of the concepts that arose out of mathematics was economics and the Romans were able to
carry out trade on a better level. This gave a boost to the Roman Empire and the politicians were
able to use mathematics to their advantage. Many of the ideas of economics and politics that the
Western world follows toady have also been derived from Ancient Romans. The Roman s system
of the senate is still employed by many Western countries today. In addition, the Romans were the
first ones to introduce the ideas of interest in business and loans and we all know that the whole
economic arena of the world today works on the principles of interest. Many of the Greek/Roman
philosophers, such as Aristotle and Socrates, also played their role in Roman influence and we see
that many Western countries have their contemporaries who are always building upon the original
ideas and concepts. The Roman influence on art is phenomenal. We find that many of the artists of
the Renaissance and the Enlightenment era used to follow the art techniques of the Romans. Many
of the sculptures and murals painted by Michelangelo (See Illustration 2)[7] are evidence of the
fact that he was motivated and inspired by Roman art. These theories, aspirations, and ideas were
passed from the Greeks to the Romans and then to other
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Romeo And Juliet Tragedy Quotes
True Tragedy The parents sadly watch their children being carried into the family tomb. The
play, by William Shakespeare, displays the relationships of Romeo and Juliet. This drama takes
place in Verona, Italy, where the Capulets and Montagues are feuding. Poor relationships, deceit,
and poor advice leads to tragedy. The teenagers relationships with their families are soon tested.
Juliet, however, is resolute in her decision to die rather than enter into a false marriage: If all
else fail, myself have power to die (Shakespeare). This quote shows how young relationships are
more powerful than elders. Romeo and Juliet show how strong young relationships really are.
They ended many feuds and problems in their life because they don t have to worry about
anything. When you are young, you don t have bills to pay, a family to take care of, and most of
the time no job. Romeo and Juliet has nothing to worry about because they are young and free.
This means their life is easy and stress free, and elder relationships struggle sometimes because they
go in debt, care about themselves more than the other person, and they get tired of eachother. Friar
Lawrence... Show more content on ...
Juliet is lying to her parents about how she is going to make a confession, but she is going to get
advice about what she should do to get Romeo back in her life. Parents of this age in Verona and
also children deceit to each other everyday. Romeo is exiled and says he will never come back or
he would be killed. Romeo lies and comes back to Verona to see Juliet. Deceit is in everyday life
and it can change how people act, it changes Romeo and Juliets life because they want to see each
other. They lie to see each everyday but Romeo was exiled and life changed for both of them. Lies
can change people s life in a heartbeat. Friar Lawrence gives bad advice even when Romeo is
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Intestacy Notes
Topic: Introduction to the law of intestacy.
Students must be able to:
|LOS 1 |describe the evolution of the rules of intestacy. |
|LOS 2 |distinguish between total intestacy and partial intestacy. |
|LOS 3 |understand essential terms used in the law relating to testacy and intestacy. |
Distriution of Real Property before 1926 Rules of inheritance dictated that real property (realty)
passed to the heir at law who was the eldest son. If there were no surviving sons or their issue,
realty devolved equally on the daughters of the intestate. The ... Show more content on ...
|legatee predeceased the testator. |
| |causing the gift to fail |
|Deceased made a will but it was revoked. |Residuary gift has been revoked. |
|Deceased made a will which attempted but wholly failed|Residuary gift failed for uncertainty or
because the |
|to dispose of his property. |beneficiary witnessed the will. |
|Deceased made a will which containd no disposition of |Residuary gift lapsed under s. 18A of the
Wills Act. |
|his property: Re Skeats [1936]. | |
| |Residuary gift was subject to forfeiture. |
Quick Answer Question
D died leaving a will which did not deal with his residuary estate. He left a wife W and 2 sons S and
P. Advise as to the distribution of D s estate.
The surviving spouse A wife or husband who survives the other. Does not include a legally
separated or divorce person.
Issue Issue comprise the lineal descendants, male or female, of the intestate
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How Does Jane Austin Use Manners In Pride Of Prejudice
The author Jane Austin published a novel of manners called Pride of Prejudice in 1813. Jane Austin
uses specific vocabulary that deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and
marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency during the 19th century.
Jane Austin used the word caprice, which imply a sudden desire to identify the personality of Mr.
Bennet. Mr. Bennet was seen so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humor, reserve, and
caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife
understand his character (Chapter1, Pg. 5). She also utilized the word mien when she described
Bingley s best friend, Darcy, who drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall ... Show more
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By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed: that human nature is
particularly prone to it, and there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self
complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary that pride relates to more
than just opinion about oneself (Chapter 5, Pg. 18). Mary gives the reader a lens through which to
understand one of the novel s central conceits. On the surface, Mary offers simple definitions of
pride and vanity. Her speech also indicates that these attributes are very common. Therefore, she
implies that it is best to acknowledge one s tendency towards such behavior. However, at the
beginning of Pride and Prejudice, both Elizabeth and Darcy believe that they are above pride and
vanity. They think they can exist outside these cultural norms, but are ultimately forced to accept
that they do in fact exist in the context of greater society. They have responsibilities to others, and
should consider to some extent how their family and friends perceive
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Paul The Apostle Was A Very Godly Man One Of Many On Long
Paul the Apostle was a very godly man one of many on long list of godly people who spent their
lives serving God s purpose. Paul was the author of several epistles, writing out the words of God
to the people of the church. Have you ever wondered why Paul wrote out the epistle of Ephesians
and the effects that the letter had on the congregation in which he wrote too? In the book of
Ephesians, it is clearly shown that the Apostle Paul is the indeed the author of the Epistle of
Ephesians. Paul s epistles are intended for all of those who want to know Jesus Christ. The book of
Ephesians is surrounded with the information that shows the discipline in which to develop into a
true son and daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ. Studying the book of... Show more content on ...
Without doubt this was indeed meant for saints that are faithful in Jesus Christ. Paul has gone
on several missionary journeys, Paul first traveled to Ephesus for a short visit closer to the end
of his second missionary journey which was on the positioned on the southwest coast of modern
day turkey, one of the immense cities in that region of the world was Ephesus. The prosperous
commercial center and home for the praising of the goddess Diana is the Roman capital. Even
though Paul succulently studied at the local synagogue with the Jews and was offered to stay
for a longer period of time, he arranged plans to visit them after he traveled to Jerusalem. On Paul
s third missionary journey he returned to Ephesus for a longer time period, and extended stay of
three years. After Paul s earlier success with turning John s twelve disciples, he then spent around
three months in the local synagogues teaching. There was obstruction to Paul s doctrine that
forced him to depart from the synagogues, but for a period of about two years Paul was able to
remain teaching in the school of Tyrannus. The ending affect was the gospel eventually spread from
Ephesus throughout Asia Minor. Eventually with the continuation of some of the local idol maker s
disturbances forced Paul to leave Ephesus. As Paul neared the end of his third missionary journey,
he stopped at Miletus, meeting with the elders of the church of Ephesus. Paul has reminded the
elders of his
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The Glass Ceiling And Gender Analysis
The Glass Ceiling is the title given to an invisible barrier that is meant to limit women from
succeeding in top level jobs. They only judge based on their gender and do not take into account
women s education, experience, or job related skills. Some argue that the only people who have
put a limit to how far women can succeed in their career, are women themselves, but the Glass
Ceilingand genderdiscriminationin the workforce does exist and is a major problem that needs to
be addressed. Topics such as equal pay, discrimination, harassment, and misconceptions all play a
part in the limiting barrier placed over women in the working world. It not only puts a limit on what
women can achieve in their future profession, but also affects their... Show more content on ...
Even so, the percentage of women who decided to join the work force increased from 43 60%.
In fact because of the Great Recession in 2008 2009 impacted the male dominated industries the
most, but it helped the acceleration towards gender equality (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Now there
are approximately the same amount of women and men working in the labor force. Actually for
a brief time, women even exceeded men due to this economic crisis. Even though the US passed
title VII of the 1964 civil rights act, which declared it unlawful for employers to discriminate on
the basis of a person s race, nationality, creed, or sex , women faced harder predicaments that they
had to push through. Women have to deal with hard situations like harassment, a legal form of
discrimination , with things like dirty jokes, and sexual haggle, where they are threatened to
provide sexual favors or in turn would receive punishment (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Even nearly
40 years after the Equal Pay Act (1963) was passed, discrepancy between women and men
flourish in the working world. There was a study performed by the general accounting office in
2003 which found that women earned 79.7% of what men were earning. As such, if we were to
compare this finding to the findings in 1983 when women earned 80.3% we can clearly see that
this wage gap is in no way diminishing (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). There have been attempts
to rectify and fight the unequal pay based on gender inequality through legislation, regulation, and
litigation (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). The Equal Pay Act was based off of the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the process of rectification depends greatly on
trying to enforce these two lawsuits. Unfortunately despite many years of equal
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Foundationalism Analysis
Firstly, I shall introduce Foundationalism by its definition and how it pursues and supposes simple
but fundamental truths. It is necessary to consider components of Foundationalism separately from
the theory in order to understand the premises of the argument as justified. As well as
complications with the theory of belief it proposes, there are limitations of Foundationalism, which
can also be shown through the possibility of a better theory.
For Foundationalists, their belief stems from the conviction that simple and fundamental truths
exist. Considered epistemically justified because of its principle that there is a structure to our
knowledge through justified beliefs, the theory claims that foundational beliefs can be known.
These basic ... Show more content on ...
An adaptation of Foundationalism was presented through externalist versions. Exactly what the
internalism and externalism views are limited by is not decisively defined in epistemology.
Externalists contemplate profoundly distinctive views to persons of conventional Foundationalism;
the construction of knowledge as well as the rationalisation from theories remains often one of
Foundationalism s initial configurations. Goldman s reliabilism offers a perspective of externalist
persuasion. The principle notion of reliabilism seems simplistic; a belief is justified if it is
produced through reliable beliefs, making them likely to be true. Goldman does however determine
that justified beliefs can be sub divided into belief dependent or belief independent, the process of
belief distinguishing the difference. Those that are independently processed through stimuli that we
take as input beliefs, possibly a evolved conclusion associated with specific sensorial stimuli which
we reflect upon and thus form our conclusion about the external. These make them more likely to
be true, which belief dependent processes are generated from. Externalism may be attractive to
those who adopt Foundationalist beliefs because of their allowance when considering justified
belief in a fundamental
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In his work, Spiegelman is using animals mask to show the difference between the nationalities.
Mice for Hebrew, cats for Germans and pigs for Polish. I think that the author is using animals
heads for his characters because in this way the Germans can make much easier the difference
between Hebrew and Polish. If characters would only wear clothes with Nazi symbols or Star of
David I think it would be much harder to differentiate people. According to Spiegelman, Vladek
didn t know how the swastika is look like until late, after he was married It was the beginning of
1938 before the war hanging high in the center of town, it was a Nazi flag. Here was the first
time I saw with my eyes, the Swastika. (32). In the beginning of the war, maybe most of the
Hebrew didn t know what that sign means so they could be very easy captured.... Show more
content on ...
According to Hitler s statement The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human. , Jews
were considered a lower class, who do not deserve to live, so the Germans used the worst methods
to exterminate them. What is very interesting is that the Germans were not successful in their plan,
the Jews exist today, and as in the animals life, cat and mouse continue to exist despite the constant
struggle between them, so the nationalities that Germans tried with such great power to exterminate
them continue to exist
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Define The Two Standards Of School Lunches
The School Food Trust was commissioned in 2005 to give advice ministers on standards for food
in schools However, these standards will relate to school lunches as well as other food provided in
all local authority maintained schools in England. There are two sets of standards for school
lunches which are foodbased which will define the types of food that children and young people
should be offered in a schoollunchand the frequency with which they are offered and nutrient based
which will set out the proportions of nutrients that children and young people should receive from a
school lunch. The government has also decided that similar standards should apply to all school
food other than lunches as recommended by the SFT. This means that no
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The Social Organization of Singapore
Social Organization of Singapore
Kenneth Cline
ANT 101
Jo Macek
November 7, 2010
My research will be based on Political, Economic, and Social Organization of Singapore an
industrialist city state. Even though Singapore s history dates from the 11th century, the island was
little known to the West until the 19th century. Singapore is one of the World s largest ports,
because the city of Singapore has become a major port, with trade exceeding that of Malaya s,
Malacca and Penang combined. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of
steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expanded throughout
Southeast Asia (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore is a very... Show more
content on ...
This triangle would prove to be a good move for the three countries, but with free trade agreements
(FTAs) and close economic partnerships (CEPs) coming onto the scene, the growth triangles
introduced in the 80 s looked as if they may have competition in the economic realm, but GTs
continue to be at the tip of the spear due to the cooperation between the three are still very
productive for them all. With all three countries being relatively close together, costs are minimal.
Not to mention, this export oriented cooperation is still attractive to foreign trading (Heng, 2006,
pg. 1). The pioneering GT in Southeast Asia is that of the IMS GT, and its evolution is very much
tied to the economic development of the Singapore economy (Toh amp; Low, 1993, Kakazu,
1997). There are five GT s in existence and GT s are highly regarded by the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). There were two major happenings that temporarily effected
Singapore s economy between 2001 and 2003 the worldwide electronics slump and the outbreak of
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Both times, growth bounced back, by world demand
for electronics, pharmaceuticals, other manufactured goods, and financial services. The return was
mostly contributed to by the economies of its major trading partners the United States, the
European Union, Japan, and China, as well as expanding emerging markets such as India (Bureau
of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The next
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The Theory, Differential Association Theory And...
This paper examines the concepts of criminological theory, the history of criminological theory,
differential association theory, and the effectiveness of Boys Girls Club of America. The basis of
criminological theory is to provide an explanation for what causes crime and criminal behavior. The
differential association theory was a leading sociological crimetheory that was created by Edwin H.
Sutherland. This theory argues that delinquent behavior is learned through interactions and
communication with other peers. The purpose of this theory was to develop a theory that could
be applied universally among all crimes and criminal behaviors, including white collar crime.
Differential association argues that delinquent behavior is learned from an excess of definitions
favorable to law violation, and vice versa for nondelinquent behaviors. This theory has its fair
share of criticisms; the testability has been scrutinized for the inability to operationalize the
concepts of differential association. Specific mentoring programs, such as the Boys Girls Club of
America, were created to establish a positive environment for youth for development. The Boys
Girls Club s mission is to provide developmental guidance to youth to reach their full potential as
responsible citizens. Members have expressed that these clubs provide a caring, nurturing
environment, an atmosphere to learn positive behaviors, and assistance in developing diverse skills
and abilities. This
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Sn1 Sn2 Reactions
Experiment 15 amp; 16:Preparation of 1 bromobutane, an SN2 reaction Preparation of 2 chloro 2
methylbutane, an SN1 reaction Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize 1
bromobutane from 1 butanol and sodium bromide. In order for this reaction to reach completion
there are four major operations that need to be performed. The four major operations include
refluxing, simple distillation, separation, and drying. To begin, in order for the compounds to
react they will be dissolved in water and sulfuric acid will be added. The addition of sulfuric acid
will then generate hydrobromic acid, an important product in the reaction mixture. The
hydrobromic acid will react with the 1 butanol when heat is added to the flask... Show more content
on ...
At this point the flask was attached to a refluxing apparatus. This process of refluxing helps to
purify the mixture and keep the reaction at a constant temperature. Also, before the reaction
mixture began to boil the separation of a clear top layer and a cloudy bottom layer helped to
indicate that the reaction was working properly. The top layer was the alkyl bromide since the
other components of the aqueous layer have the greater density. After the 45 minute refluxing
process was complete, the apparatus was set up for simple distillation apparatus distillation
commenced. Distillation took place until no more drops of product were dripping from the
distillation head. The first drop of distillate occurred when the thermometer read 75В°C, the
actual temperature was probably a bit higher since the vapors might not have fully reached the
bulb of the thermometer. The final drop of distillate was collected at about 115В°C. Once the
distillate was collected, it was placed in a seperatory funnel and the reaction flask was rinsed
with 10 mL of water and added to the seperatory funnel. Rinsing the funnel ensured that all of the
distillate from the distillation process was removed from the reaction flask and no product was
left on the walls of the flask. After the water was added, two layers formed in the funnel. The top
layer was the water and the bottom layer was the 1 bromobutane since the density of 1 bromobutane
is higher than that of water.
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Egyptian Leadership Essay
A leader is defined as a person who rules, guides, or inspires others. A leader is a very important
part of state formation in any society, but particularly in Egypt. Without a leader, a state does not
grow and flourish as quickly or efficiently as states with leaders. Early Egyptian leaders allowed
Egyptto become a notable state through their communication, ideas, innovation, and will. Showing
how Egyptians rulers made a presence in the predynastic period, how they developed to be leaders,
and how they impacted a state are important when considering Egyptian state formation.
In early Egypt around 4000 B.C. rulers were not evident within the area. In this area there were
small hamlets about 1 kilometer apart. Within these hamlets there ... Show more content on ...
The rulers were now considered as holders of order, justice, and piety, and vanquishers of chaos.
They wore lavish clothing and a crown to symbolize there kingship. Before unification rulers
would rule only Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt. After the conquering of other Egyptian chiefdoms
the rulers became powerful in war and were seen as a living god on earth. During this time
period rulers were buried in brick lined tombs with many rooms. These rooms contained lavish
goods and an ample food supply for the ruler in the other world. By 3100 B.C., Upper and Lower
Egypt became unified. This was evident through a slab of slate known as the Narmer palette.
This palette shows Kings Narmer s victory over the delta. On one side of the palette he is
wearing a crown that is a combination of Upper and Lower Egypt. This signified the unification
of the two. The unification of Egypt allowed the Egyptian state to stronger and promoted growth
within the state. Narmer was thought to be the first pharaoh of unified Egypt. The word pharaoh
came into place during the New Kingdom, mean great house . For 400 years the pharaoh had the
task of consolidating towns along the river, to form a centralized state. By this time pharaohs were
hardly seen as they resided in their huge palaces protected by guards. Even their movement as
closely monitored. The pharaoh would make rare public appearances at important festivals or
occasions of
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The Fallibility of Partial DNA in Courts
DNA s certainty is dramatized in today s society, which gives lay people the impression that
DNA is infallible; however, in the case of Wayne Butler and others, the fallibility of DNA is
exposed. Wayne Butler was accused of sadistically murdering Natasha Douty who was found
beaten to death on Brampton Island in 1983. Wayne Butler was vacationing on Brampton Island
during the timeframe of the murder; however, claimed to be jogging during this time. After
submitting a blood test, Butler was eliminated as a suspect. However, Butler was arrested in 2001
for this murder because semen, which was found on the towel at the crime scene, was found to be a
match. The John Tonge Centre performed a DNAtest on the evidence on the towel. Butler was
found innocent after it was identified that the John Tonge Centre mislabeled the test tubes
containing the crime scene evidence. ( DNA Evidence ) This case proves that DNA testing may
not be as reliable as we think.
No two people, except identical twins, have identical DNA sequences, which makes DNA
testing appealing to law enforcement. Two types of DNA testing include short tandem repeat and
variable number tandem repeat. Short tandem repeat requires less DNA compared to variable
tandem repeat, which is useful when a sample has been degraded at the crime scene. ( DNA
Evidence ) Whilst DNA evidence is a useful weapon in solving crimes, it is not infallible;
therefore, it needs to be used with caution, especially with partial DNA profile,
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The Murder Of Simpson And Simpson
I want to put our family back together. I want our kids to grow up with their parents. I thought I
d be happy raising Sydney and Justin by myself since we didn t see too much of you anyway.
(Simpson). On June 13, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found
murdered outside Brown s Bundy Drive condo in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Evidence
found and collected at the scene led police to suspect that Simpson was the murderer. (Ferrell).
O.J. Simpson was as charming and deceiving as they come. A true famous figure in the public s
eye has to be calm and collective; however, O.J. s subconscious came out more throughout his
marriage with Nicole Brown Simpson. You beat me up, O.J. I won t live my life wondering where
the... Show more content on ...
(Bruce). Up until the age of five Simpson developed rickets, which is a disease in children
typically caused by vitamin D deficiency. This disease typically results in bow legs, and O.J. had
to wear braces on his legs. Later on in his teenage years he joined a street gang called the Persian
Warriors and was briefly incarcerated at the San Francisco Youth Guidance Center. (CNN). After
that he came back to attend high school in San Francisco and that s where his football career
began. Without a doubt something everybody knew about Simpson was that he could play
football with the best of them. He was an All American athlete among several other things. He
was named NFL Player of the Year in 1973 and played in six pro bowls. He later was inducted
into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. (Brennan). In the year of 1967 Simpson married his
first wife Marguerite L. Whitley, he was nineteen at the time. Together they had Arnelle L.
Simpson, Jason L. Simpson, and Aaren Lashone Simpson. In August 1979, five months after the
couple divorced, Aaren drowned in the family s swimming pool a month before her second
birthday. (St. Petersburg Times). The beginning of the very famous and mysterious love story
now begins to happen in the year 1977. O.J. met Nicole Brown waiting tables at a little nightclub
called The Daisy . While still being married to his wife Marguerite, he dated Nicole on the side
until their divorce was final. Six years later
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Dont Ask Dont Tell Outline Essay
Don t Ask Don t Tell Policy
Rachael Neff
General purpose:To inform
Specific purpose:To inform my audience of the Don t Ask Don t Tell policy and give a brief history
of events.
Central idea:According to my class survey the majority had little or no knowledge of the Don t
Ask Don t Tell policy, so I am going to explain how it came to be.
I.Fundamental beliefs
A.Military Service Workers
B. Service Members Turned Away
1.Openly gay
2.Ended careers of over 11,000 service members
II.By listening to a brief history of the Don t Ask Don t Tell policy you will gain further knowledge
of where we have come since the last 60 years
Transition:First, lets look at....
I.The Beginning ... Show more content on ...
C.Living quaters in our military service
1. Our service members wear the uniform to fight and win wars, not serve as liberal social policy
guinea pigs, says Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council. (Time
Magazine Feb 2010.)
2.Washington Examiner Feb. 2010 states that the military requires its members to live with all
sorts of people in close quarters and demanding conditions. A lot of recruits would be more leery of
bunking next to an ex con than a homosexual, but the military admits hundreds of felons each year,
including some violent ones.
D.Estimated Costs of the Policy
1.USA Today Feb 2006 stated that the Government Accountability Office released estimates on the
cost of the policy.
2.The GAO reported at least $95.4 million in recruiting costs and at least $95.1 million for training
replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003, while noting that the true
figures might be higher.
III.Lastly, let s look at...
A. Legal issues
1.Homosexuals should be able to freely express their feelings and the policy infringes their
constitutional right under the first amendment.
2.Infringes 5th amendment right of due process of being kicked out of the military due to your
sexual orientation without a fair trial.
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Gun Control Laws Are Protect Women From Domestic Abusers...
More gun control laws are needed to protect women from domestic abusers and stalkers. Five
women are killed with firearms consistently in the United States. A lady s danger of being killed
increments 500% if a weapon is available amid a local question. Amid the Iraq and Afghanistan
wars, 5,364 US warriors were murdered in real life between Oct. 7, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2015;
somewhere around 2001 and 2012 6,410 ladies were slaughtered with a firearmby a close
accomplice in the United States. A 2003 investigation of 23 crowded high pay nations found that
86% of ladies killed by guns were in the United States and American ladies are 11.4 times more
inclined to be the casualties of firearm crimes 57% of mass shootings included aggressive
behavior at home. For instance, the 2011 mass shooting at a Seal Beach, CA hair salon
supposedly started in view of the shooter s guardianship fight with his ex who was a hairdresser at
the salon. 31 states don t forbid indicted offense stalkers from owning weapons and 41 states don t
compel sentenced local abusers from surrendering firearmsthey as of now own.76% of ladies killed
and 85% of ladies who survived a murder endeavor by a private accomplice were stalked in the year
prior to the murder or murder endeavor.
Gun control laws, especially those that try to ban assault weapons, infringe upon the right to own
guns for hunting and sport. In 2011, there were 13.7 million seekers 16 years of age or more
seasoned in the United States, and
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The Heian Court In The Tale Of Genji
During the Heian period the Heian court had the highest power in Japan. This was a period
known for its art, literature, and culture. During the Heian period there was a lot of change going
on and the society cared less about foreign affairs and focused domestically. The religion was
changing from an elite Buddhism into religion for the people. Warriors started to become important
political figures during this time. Samurais were rising and gaining power and the court recognized
them and gave them power. The social, religious, and political structures during the Heian period
went through a vast amount of change and transitions that created new developments. In, The Tale
of Genji, the Heian Society is described as a large group of elite aristocrats... Show more content on ...
Many women would enter the court and offer their service to the empress as a lady in waiting or
become a concubine. Doing so would allow the women to freely search for love with a man of
the court. Genji frequently had interactions with ladies in waiting and concubines all vying for his
love and marriage. The women of the court had much more social interactions and they tried
exceptionally hard to get the attention of men. They wanted to gain the attention of the elite men
so they would do whatever it took. They all took pride in looking good and showing that they
were both sophisticated and well dressed. They all had long hair and wore extravagant kimonos
that were complex in design and colorful. Women did not travel often and lived lives that had a
significant amount of social interaction so keeping up appearances was routine.
The men were not interested in what a woman looked like, largely because so much of the
woman was covered at all times. Physically, the only part of a woman that mattered to a man was
her hair, which had to be thick, dark, and long. What mattered most to a man about a woman was
hear ability to write poetry and beautiful calligraphy. She also had to wear colorful kimonos that
had many layers. In Genji he had sent many letters back and forth with poetry to many women.
Anytime he would go to visit the ladies they would be hidden behind a
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William Paley s Argument From Design
Argument from Design In the Argument from Design article by William Paley, he begins the
argument by describing the mechanisms of a watch. These parts all combine in a certain way to
make the watch work, or even exist. If these parts were not combined in the exact order, the watch
would not do anything profound. Paley further describes how an observer could conceive the watch
in the mind. He would then reflect, in some sense, how the watch was made independently. It was
not brought into existence by other watches, but only by a creator combining different items
together. There is the idea of metallic nature, but assuming a law also assumes a lawgiver.
Therefore, there must be some sort of creator of the watch, even though the creator is unknown.
This same concept could be applied to the universe, stating that there must be a creator that made
these elaborate... Show more content on ...
Even if people were unaware of the person who made the watch, ignorance is not an excuse for
not giving credit to the artist. An objection to his argument is that some of the parts seem to have
no function, so they were not designed. Paley states there may be a function of these parts that
we are unable to see or understand. The design is evident from examining the rest of the watch.
The machine does not have to be perfect in order to understand the artist s design of the
mechanism. For example, a blueprint of a machine can show you the idea and purpose of the final
results, even though all the parts on the blueprint are not specifically described on why it exists.
The design could not be a fault of chance due to its complexity. The observer of the watch cannot
be driven out of his conclusion, even though he may know
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The Security Of Airport Security Screening
In the last thirteen years there have been major changes made in airport security. What brought the
changes and shook America to its core, is a day in history that no one will soon forget. Since 9/11,
five attempted terrorist attacks on U.S. airliners and airports have made airport security a continued
priority. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Aviation and Transportation Security
Act, which created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and put federal employees in
charge of airport securityscreening (Bajoria). The process for airport security screenings lacked
the ability to secure a plane which caused the terrorist to be able to board the plane with ease.
There are those that argue that the increase in security has cost the country too much money and
does more harm than good. The U.S. has spent more than a trillion dollars to increase the
security in all the airports across the nation. According to Paul Borowsky and Gregory Delone,
pilots were asked to complete surveys to what they believed needed to be changed. In his book,
the pilot wrote that policies were designed to enhance security, however, he believed that they didn
t take into consideration input from the pilots of the airliners that the policies were made to
protect. There is also the argument that the increased security was an invasion of privacy.
Passengers were having all their belongings placed on a table and gone through which allowed
other passengers to see
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A Bright Eyed And Brand New shit Bag E 4
Introduction A bright eyed and brand new shit bag E 4 (as my First Sergeant would joke because
of my college) SPC Thompson, fresh out of basic training, arrived in Italy to start my career as an
Paratrooper. It wasn t long before our unit Able Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd
Airborne, found ourselves on the eve of yet another deployment. We had trained for months for an
Iraq deployment and at the last minute we were slated to go to Afghanistan, in particular the Pech
River Valley in Afghanistan s Kunar Province. Most my leadership was experienced in combat from
their previous deployments, however their combat knowledge came from previous Iraq
deployments, and their last deployment to Afghanistan Operation Enduring Freedom... Show more
content on ...
Our squad consisted of 7 total Paratroopers, accompanied by a few of our 10th Mountain
counterparts we made our way to the OP to conduct the relief in place. After a seemingly day
long journey, we arrived to the OP, our home for the next 10 days. OP 2 was a small plot of land,
approximately 75 meters in width by 50 meters long, surrounded by triple strand Constantina wire,
three small structures (one made of stone the other wood and sand bags) and 5 Claymore Mines
positioned up the mountain and covering areas of dead space. One of the structures served as a
machine gun bunker and tactical operations command post with an M240B machine gun facing up
the mountain and an M2 .50 Caliber machine gun facing across the valley. The other two served as
sleeping areas for US forces, sleeping about 5 comfortably, and a small Afghanistan National Army
(ANA) contingent of 4 to 5 soldiers.
The 10th Mountain squad was haggard looking and wore cut off Army Combat Uniform shorts, t
shirts, sandals, ball caps and those who could grow them, had beards. Our initial reaction was that
this was a relaxed atmosphere and from what we gathered rarely made contact with the enemy. Our
mission was to simply provide a site where we could relay radio communications throughout the
valley should an element need help reaching our company command and provide an early warning
and deterrent
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Real Textile and Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Novel...
The microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an upsurging technology in the field of bio energy generation
along with wastewater treatment. The microbial fuel cell generates energy with the help of
microbes that makes it green future source of energy. In MFC, anaerobic microbes degrade
organic matter and produce hydrogen ions (H+) and electrons (e ) at the anode. H+ ion diffuses
through the proton exchange membrane (PEM); and e are transported through an electrode via an
external circuit to the cathode. At a cathode, e and H+ ions combine with oxygen to form water
(H2O), this results in power generation [1]. MFC has limited open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.14
V because of the standard redoxpotential of NADH/ NAD+ and O2/H2O of 0.32 V and +0.82 V...
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Generally treatment processes are classified as physical, chemical or biological. Physical treatment
process includes physical extraction of dyes by adsorption [8], membrane filtration [9] and ion
exchange. However, extracted dyes not be recovered, high cost and yet requirement of another
process to degrade dyes makes these processes unsustainable. Chemical methods as Chemical
Oxidation [10], Ozonization [11] and Electrochemical degradations are uneconomical and
unfavorable for the environment. Biological methods are based on anaerobiotic or aerobiotic,
microbial culture. But purely anaerobic digestion of azo dye produces carcinogenic aromatic amine
and aerobic deterioration alone is not able to degrade all dyes, also result in high amounts of
sludge [12 14]. Sequential application of anaerobic followed by aerobic degradation has been
providing a solution with the advantage of economic, reliable and ecological benefits [15,16].
Real textile wastewater (RTW) has low biological oxygen demand (BOD) to the chemical
oxygen demand (COD) ratio, which implies chemical treatment is required. RTW also has
greater color appearance; high total dissolved solid (TDS), suspended solids (SS), high
temperature and variable pH (from 5 to 9) depending on dye. On the other hand, domestic
wastewater has almost neutral pH, high BOD, normal temperature and high volume as well.
Gingell and Walker [17] proposed two step mechanism for degradation of azo dyes Step 1 is the
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Elizabeth I and the Spanish Armada Essay
Elizabeth I and the Spanish Armada
The cold, stormy night was all too familiar to the English. A devious plan by Spain s king, Philip
II, was being formed to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I of England and rid the world of the English
heretics. 1 It was a story of deception, false judgments, and poor planning. What was one king s
dream turned into his country s nightmare. While the Spanish had bad leaders, the English had
good ones. The Spanish had bigger, but slower ships, while the English had smaller and faster
ships. The English knew the weather conditions and how to prepare for them, while the Spanish
thought it would not be a problem. The English entered the battle in a calm manner, while the
Spanish were overconfident. All of these ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of her reign, she made the Church of England the official religion of England
and she fashioned her court after that of her fathers. For a woman during that era, Elizabeth was a
very daring and smart ruler. For example, she secretly encouraged sailors such as Francis Drake to
make raids on Spanish shipping and challenge their naval superiority. When she was a little girl,
she was well educated and was able to speak several languages, including French, Spanish, and
Latin. In addition, throughout Elizabeth s reign, there was always the threat of hostilities in some
form or another. Elizabeth kept the peace between rival leaders of different religions by
dominating her court so she could keep the balance of power.2 She was smart enough to come up
with a plan which kept the church at bay with their questions of marriage.3 She also calmed the
Spanish and the French by entertaining suitors of each respective country; Philip II of Spain and
Duke of Anjou of France, but she never married either of them and was therefore known as the
Virgin queen .4 Elizabeth was a Protestant queen who was not always on good terms with most
Catholic rulers of Europe. Because of that, there were several assassination plots against her so the
Catholics could put Mary, Queen of Scots, in her place. During the 1580 s, Elizabeth began to
bring her full weight onto the catholic rebels. Hundreds of Catholics died at the stake just as the
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Essay on The Russian Mob
The Russian Mob: Organized Crime in a Fledgling Democracy
Since the late 1980 s the Russian people have experienced one of the most drastic transitions seen in
the world to date, a transition from an attempt at communism to a workable capitalist system. As
one would expect, this transition has not been painless and has been the impetus of many
distressing problems for the Russian people. One such problem is organized crime. This paper will
explore how organized crime during Soviet rule and the Russian Federation has created obstacles in
this transition to a functioning market economy. It will illustrate how organized crime has done
this by analyzing its transition from the USSR to the Russian Federation, the reasons behind its ...
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This expansion was aided by perestroika s opening up of market opportunities. In Leningrad, as
much as 90% of the cooperatives produced by the liberal policies of perestroika were deeply
involved with organized crime (Anderson, 1995, 352). The extensiveness of organized crime in the
USSR is quite apparent when one examines such numbers, but the more important question is what
was inherent in the USSR that facilitated such crime and how this later affected organized crime in
the Russian Federation.
Two characteristics of the USSR were integral in the development of a powerful organized crime
syndicate. These were an excessive bureaucratic power and the presence of illegal markets
(Anderson, 1995, 347). This excessive bureaucratic power facilitated organized crime by
providing a basis for corruption, bribery, shakedowns, and extortion (Anderson, 1995, 346).
These were no small problems either. According to the All Union Research Institute of the Soviet
Interior Ministry in 1991, about half of the income of the average government employee
consisted of bribes (Sterling, 1994, 93). However, the presence of illegal markets was even more
essential to the existence of a mafia in the USSR. Everyone is aware that illegal markets such as
alcohol during the prohibition period or drugs today elicit organized crime, yet this association was
unique in the USSR. In the USSR, every form of economic transaction that did not involve the
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The Cherry Orchard Essay
The Cherry Orchard The Misunderstood Comedy When the first production of The Cherry Orchard
was performed on stage in Moscow, there was a significant difference of opinion between the
author and directors. Chekhov strongly faulted the directors interpretation that the play should be
preformed as a tragedy and insisted that what he had written was a comedy. The famous
philosopher Aristotle defined a comedy as quot;an imitation of characters of a lower type who are
not bad in themselves but whose faults possess something ludicrous in them. quot; The
misinterpretation of The Cherry Orchard could be mainly due to a misunderstanding of the comic
character. A quot;comic quot; character is generally supposed to... Show more content on ...
It is this that forms the ludicrous or comic essence of Lyubov s character. True, Lyubov s
character does have her tragic moments. At the end of act four, Ania refers to her mother as to
having been crying all morning. Lyubov also expresses a lot of stress from not having money,
even though her actions do not show it. The main theme of the play can be generally taken to be
the passing of the old order of Russian society, symbolized by the sale of the cherry orchard.
Since Chekhov did not belong to the ranks of the Ranevsky family, unlike other authors who had
written plays on the same theme, Chekhov wrote The Cherry Orchard without becoming
personally involved. He was able to see the the comedy of the whole situation and give it an
artistic form of a play full of comic characters. Nothing was further form Chekhov s thoughts then
that his characters should spread a feeling of gloom or depression on his audience. Therefore the
symbolism of the cherry orchard had nothing to do with it s sale. All it expresses is one of the
common reoccurring
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The Tempest Critical Analysis
The Tempest is about an ousted Duke of Milan ,Prospero, who has been living in exile on a
remote island for the past twelve years with his daughter Miranda. He is a powerful magician,
who happens to be the master of Ariel and Caliban, and a guy who really likes his books. When
Prospero s enemies wash up on shore, he uses his black magic to seek revenge and restore himself
to power. The Tempestbelongs to the genre of Elizabethan romance plays. It combines elements of
tragedy with those of romantic comedy, and like one of Shakespeare s playspreviously, it asks
deeper questions that are not completely resolved at the end. The tone that seeps into the play is
one of wonder, amazement, and admiration. Mystery is still present , but the magic performed is
not black and scary. The version that seems to grasp my attention more, would have to be the Utah
Valley University interpretation because it takes Shakespeare s main purpose and tone but shows
it in its own unique way. Furthermore, with its silly drunkards, the play has a certain lightness to
it and even the so called killers of the King tell hilarious jokes and are lighthearted. But there is
also the tone of revenge and reconciliation in the play. We feel a revenge burning in Prospero
while, at the same time, a wish for forgiveness and reconciliation with those who have wronged him.
The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone and is all caused by the effects the
director decided to use to help make the tone
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Analysis Of They Live
They Live: Timely or Timeless? John Carpenter s 1988 film They Live is cult classic steeped in
1980 s America milieu. The film follows protagonist John Nada, played by professional wrestler
Roddy Piper. Nada, a hobo of sorts, rides the rails westward in search of work. The first scene of
the film finds our vagabond main character disembarking from his heavily discounted travel
arrangements, and strutting nonchalantly by foot into a nearby metropolis. Nada travels light.
All he has to his name is his pack, and a few changes of clothes, which never stray from, fitted
jeans, flannel shirt, and work boots, which tell you a lot about his line of work. Moreover, if his
attire is not a dead giveaway as to his chosen profession then his stature is. Nada is built like a
truck from years of labor intensive work with his hands, mostly in construction. He is the
embodiment of the working poor with an eighties macho twist. That twist being, on top of being
a physical specimen, he is also armed with catchy one liners, sports breathtaking hair that flirts
on mullet dom, and is an expert on every firearm he comes across. They Live does not stop there;
it gives us even more of what we have come to love about eighties action flicks. Is there a scene
where the main character finds a reason to take off his shirt to show us how ripped he is? Yes. Is
there a female love interest who uses too much hair spray? Yes again. Does the film have
countless gunfights where the good guy is shot at a thousand times and is never hit by a single
bullet? Furthermore, does one of those firefights end with a henchman being shot followed by
him awkwardly falling off the roof he was perched upon? It is the eighties, you bet your sweet
neon jacket it does. So, if They Live is flooded with dated camp then why is it so beloved? Well
besides being a film that highlights eighties style and tropes, it also puts a magnifying glass on
eighties America as a society as well. The cultural climate of the United States in the eighties can be
attributed to many factors, but a majority of the responsibility usually falls on one person in this
country the president. The president for the majority of the eighties was Ronald Reagan, the most
famous of the
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Nt1310 Unit 9 Final Project
WordPress is an all in one packaged website software that allows even the novice of website site
designers the freedom to easily create a website of their own for free. The ease and accessibility
of this site allows for the user easily create a website on any device and software, weather that be
Windows, MAC, Linux ect... WordPress itself is an open source software which allows the creator
to obtain many components that can help create the best possible website. The community support
for this site is extensive allowing ease of information to be shared for each WordPress user. The
ease of use and minimal complexity will allow both myself as the developer and my client to easily
access and maintain the website and ensure that any changes that need... Show more content on ...
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How Does Mercury Affect The Body
Mercury, when one hears the word they man instantly think of fish or that old timey class
thermometer. Mercury is an element that is found within different regions of the world and can
be in inorganic forms such as metallics (Bernhoft 2011). Yet people seem to forget and realize
the true harm that come from the chemical itself. However there is one thing that people forget
when dealing with any type of metal, it can be a vapor, yes mercury can be vapor (Bernhoft
2011). Rather, in fact, that is another way that many people get sick from mercury because it is
in the air and can get into our systems in multiple different ways. However mercury can affect
people differently depending upon how much mercury goes into the system and how it goes in
(Bernhoft 2011). However the debate as to how the mercury truly affects the body is contervital, it
is known that it can cause major damage to many different organs, however it can cause the most
damage to the brain. While the amount of damage done depends upon the dosages, if there is a
large dosage it... Show more content on ...
Atmospheric exposures come from volcanic eruptions, coal burning, and through mining, then the
mercury goes through a cycle such as the nitrogen cycle and then settles into the ocean (Bernhoft
2011). As the mercury settles into the water the small creatures with the water, and people ingest
the fish containing mercury and can cause major damage to people and pregnant women (Bernhoft
2011). Although exposure usually occurs with the atmospheric reasoning, but there are other parts
of the human body that can be affected such as the kidneys, skin, breast etc. (Bernhoft 2011).
However there are many different ways that mercury can be taken out of a person s body, that being
through urination, and many large amounts come out through sweat and saliva (Bernhoft
... Get more on ...
Ethics And Ethics Of Ethics In Public Relations
My question is how have ethics evolved in public relation? I am asking this question because I
want to acquire knowledge and more detail about ethics in public relation. My major in
communication and this question is in association with my major. In my essay I will discuss about
ethics in public relation and the advertisingof some company. To answer this question I will look
for the information in internet and some books in library also I will do the survey.
The definition of ethics in the public relations is controlling the ethics which includes values such
as honesty, openness, loyalty, fair mindedness, respect, and forthright communication. The ethics in
public relation need to evolve also the advertising of some company need to be more ethical and
trustworthy when they are advertises their product in television or radio or newspaper. The Public
Relations are an essential element in the activities of the organizations and they need to impose on
... Show more content on ...
You should know that a sound basis in public relation is to be frank and not hide the facts of interest
to the masses. There are no secrets in institution with the exceptions of the special operation of
production secrets. This policy is necessary to eliminate the rumors that generate distrust and effect
production. Public relation must be based on ethical principles to strengthen trust between the
institution and the audiences also they must move away from all styles and forms of fraud,
(Johnston, 2016). They must provide facts for masses to gain their trust. The public relations and
marketing together constitute the two routes of communication within organizations, and constitute
a joint balanced and marketing. Ethics in public relations complement the role of advertising in
terms of its contribution to the founding of the product or service offered by the company s
... Get more on ...
Gertrude Stein s A Rose
A rose is a rose is a rose Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein who many consider her a major author, the
founder of a new literary style, the great apologist for Modernism, and the discoverer and promoter
of the French school of contemporary painting. She was the beginning of a new era, some looked
up to her while others thought she was an insignificant person (but how wrong they were). Gertrude
Stein influenced a new generation in the arts. She helped encourage new and old authors and
painters. Gertrude Stein enjoyed writing simple phrases that can be interpreted into masterpieces.
She was an activist, out of the box thinker and internationally known during the late 1800s and early
1900s. Gertrude Stein s monument is one out of the only... Show more content on ...
Gertrude Stein was born on February 3, 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania to Daniel and Amelia
Stein. Both parents were from the German Jewish descent. Gertrude Stein is one of five three
boys and two girls. From 1875 until 1878 her family moved and lived in Austria and France. But
in 1880, her family moved back to the United States and settled in Oakland, California. Daniel
Stein was a wealthy businessman and only expected the best for his family. Her parents were a
part of a synagogue, and she went to Sabbath day school, but was not a religious Jew.
Nevertheless, Stein grew up believing strongly that Jews shared certain personal traits, such as
superior intelligence, financial acumen, and loyalty to one another, she respected and
understood her background and roots. After her mother and father passed away, Stein s oldest
brother took over as head of family and moved to San Francisco. But then in 1892, Gertrude
Stein moved to Baltimore with her siblings to live with an aunt. The following year she entered
Harvard Annex and later worked under Hugo Munsterberg, in the Harvard Psychological
Laboratory. She studied there for four years and graduated with a degree. However, in 1897 she
entered Johns Hopkins Medical School only to flunk four courses and not receive a degree. It may
seem that this experience was her all time low. In 1903, Gertrude Stein decided to move to Paris
with her brother. There they began their start in the arts;
... Get more on ...

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Essay My First Work Experience

  • 1. Essay My First Work Experience 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay My First Work ExperienceEssay My First Work Experience
  • 2. Commentary On Fear And Loathing By Hunter S. Thompson Unit 5 Written Assignment The article I read was called Fear and Loathing by Hunter S. Thompson. It was his response on about the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 here in America. He explains how this incident changed us. As Hunter S. Thompson said, We are At War now with somebody and we will stay at war with that mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives. (Thompson, 2001, para. 6). His main focus was that the Americans will always be at war because of this. Americans still don t know who the actual enemy was, all they knew at the time was that someone from the other side of the world started this. The source I chose which relates to the article I read was called Silence to descend on America as 911 victims remembered. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Comparing Akira Kurosawa s Yojimbo And Sergio Leone s A... It is difficult to imagine that two nations as culturally distinct as the United States and Japan in the 1960s, could find any common ground. However, the similarities between Akira Kurosawa s Yojimbo and Sergio Leone s A Fistful of Dollars are undeniable and yet both films reached similar levels of success in their respective nations. In fact, the films were found to be so analogous that Kurosawa is known to have sued Leone for the unlicensed production of his film. All of this aside, it is the differences between each of these films that reveal the most about the cultural nuances between each nation at the time. Although A Fistful of Dollarsfollows Kurosawa s plot line almost exactly, he fails to capture the humour and self reflexivity that is pervasive throughout Yojimbo. Additionally, Leone was forced to adapt his plot line in order to better suit the predominant use of firearms in his picture, which in turn bore a clear influence on other key elements of the film. Moreover, his characterization of the female roles in the story leave much to be desired as they present merely a shallow interpretation of Kurosawa s characters. Over all, Kurosawa makes significantly bolder choices in his film making style, flirting with different reflexive techniques in order to push the boundaries of cinema, while Leone follows a more traditional path. In their respective introductory scenes, both films somewhat obscure the plot similarities that are later revealed. Kurosawa presents ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Theory Of Conformity And Social Control Theories Of Crime Theory of conformity outlines the ideals that an individual will change values or behavior in order to fit in with a group. When it comes to the social control theory of crime, this is a central concept in understanding why people deviate from legal regulations. When looking at individuals without dependable relationships, a committed presence within their community and an upbringing with specific beliefs, it can be found that people are more likely to follow a life of crimeif they do not present the listed characteristics (Orcutt 2011:97). According to Travis Hirschi (1969) there are four, more definitive, central elements that cause people to maintain social norms; emotional attachment to family , engagement with goals and future aspirations, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Philosophy Of Christian Education All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and young adults the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service. One of the ways we can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian education. , I have formed a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research from psychologyscholars like Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and God s Word, I know the uniqueness of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents... Show more content on ... God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are blessed to be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace the caregiver s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of their child. I need to be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their children. One way I can help the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom and about what their child has accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they need me. Open communication is one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this communication could be through conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can support the teacher by helping their student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is happening at school, the child may be more excited. In addition parents can help by communicating with the teacher anything about the child that may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more about the student than the teacher will, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Negative Consequences Of Edward Snowden One often finds that standing up and working in favor of the greater good usually results in negative consequences. Edward Snowden encountered this crossroad while working for the NSA and the CIA as a technical contractor. When he was working at the NSA s Hawaii office, Snowden noticed various government methods that the NSA was using to spy on American citizens. The NSA gathered information from American citizens phone calls and internet use, without their consent. After three months of working for the NSA, Snowden began leaking the secret documents showing the NSA s surveillance methods. The documents contained information such as the invasion of privacyof millions of Americans from the NSA s various domestic programs such as PRISM. Snowden had then fled to Russia to escape any trouble with the law after he leaked to the newspaper companies which began printing the documents. Snowden didn t decide to be in Russia, he was actually flying through Russia going to Latin America. Which is where he intended to seek asylum, knowing the Obama administration would put him into prison for the rest of his life. And being a rational person, he did not want to be in jail for the rest of his life for being a whistleblower. The reason he could not get out of Russia was because on the plane from Hong Kong to Russia, they revoked his passport and then told the Cubans if you let him through to Latin America there will be all kinds of incriminations for you. ( The Truth About Edward ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Scott Fitzgerald s Accomplishments Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American authors, whose works belong to the Modernism period. His works are traced back in the early 20s and this period of time was considered of big influence. At this time, America was going through many changes between the two world wars. The country experienced a period of low economic growth, deep depression, the rise of crime and bootlegging. Terms invented at that time such as The Jazz Age and The Roaring Twenties suggest pleasure, dancing, and drinking, which were done by middle and upper classes of the population. Directly or indirectly, a work of literature is indicated by the culture in which it is produced, and a very good example of this is the novel The Great Gatsby , which... Show more content on ... Bloom (2010) in his critical interpretation noted that The book has become part of what must be called that American mythology, just as Fitzgerald himself now possesses mythological status, like Hemingway, or, in a different sense, Norman Mailer (p.1). For many decades now, it is still read and appreciated by people, and it can be a result of the circumstances in which the world is today. The novel was translated in many languages by different authors such as in French (Philippe Jaworski), Italian (Ferruccio Russo), German (Walter Schurenberg) and in Albanian (Muntaz Shehu). Furthermore, there exist cinematographic productions of the novel, too. The movie was recorded several times, and its first time was in 1926, whereas the last version was done in 2013 under the direction of Baz Luhrmann, the well known Australian writer, director, and producer. In addition, The Great Gatsby was adapted into ballet, opera and television production (Tate, 2007). The Great Gatsby consists of so many elements that deserve to be elaborated, but I chose to analyze it in the aesthetic aspect, more precisely the theme of American Dream, because according to many readers and critics it is a predominant theme on this novel. The fact that the idea of this big dream is presented through characters in different ways makes it even more ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Symbolism In The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Sherman Alexie s book The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven was written using a multitude of literary devices to explain what it is like to be a native American. The novel Alexie has written is a combination of vignettes to show the life of Native American people through symbolism and other literary devices. In the vignette The Fun House Alexie uses various symbols to present and describe things in this vignette. It is in this vignette where Alexie brings the creek into the book. Alexie uses the Tshimakain creek as a symbol to express that you needto look within yourself to find the strength to change. The creek in a sense is the symbol for change itself. Alexie uses the character of the aunt, Nezzy, to reveal how bad her life is on the reservation. Her husband is a drunk and has gotten into reoccurring car accidents, as indicated on page 79, where am I The hospital Again? Yeah, again . After she gave birth to her son, had her tubes tied unwillingly by the doctors, to prevent her from having any more kids. They lied to her to get her to agree to have her tubes tied. They told her it was to prove she was Indian, but in reality, it was a dishonest trick. Alexie shows that Nezzy s husband and son are very demanding, for she says, you re just a couple of ungrateful shits (Alexie 77). They take advantage of her. They just let her do everything and don t think that they need to do anything to help her. Her husband and son also don t help her. She asks on page 77 why the son didn t help her, and the son couldn t stop laughing. This is the point Nezzy realizes that she needs change. The creek represents change. It represents the washing away of the bad stuff and carrying it far away. Creeks never rest and they never stop changing. Creeks and rivers change the scenery and the landscape around them, they do the likewise for people, washing away the weights and the corrupt things of people to create something new. Nezzy is ready for change, so she looks to herself to find the strength to do so. In one occurrence, she is merely lying in the creek. She floated on the water like that for hours, until her skin wrinkled and her ears filled with water. She kept her eyes closed and could barely hear when ... Get more on ...
  • 9. “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia- Marque A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings :Gabriel Garcia Marquez story A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings , written in 1955, is about a family harboring what is thought to be a fallen old angel man , initially thought to be on his way to take their ailing child away. The angel must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down (Marquez, 1955). The familynot knowing how to treat the situation embarks on a journey of mixed emotions of whether the man is good or evil, strange creature or angel. We will journey down the road of evaluation of the magical realism within this story. Good and Evil Coexist: Good Wins In the beginning of the story a father, mother and ailing child are all at home on a ... Show more content on ... 3). Good and evil played a role in the fact that the family used the creature for greed, Elisenda thought of the idea to build a fence and charge 5 cents admission to see it (Marquez, 1955, p. 3). The rest of the world wanted to use the creature to help heal possible illnesses and that is selfish, many traveled with the hopes to find health (Marquez, 1955, p. 3). I felt this was evil because they lacked the creature up for the benefits of everyone not considering the creature s feelings. This how some of the good and evil coexisted. Angel or Not? This was at time hard to determine if the old man was an angel or a bird of some origin I thought vulture at times, due to the description of buzzard like wings and that the he nestled in a nest (Marquez, 1955). To further my thought of him being a bird, is that when they tried to feed him what was thought the food of angels, mothballs, the man refused (Marquez, 1955). Nevertheless, if I had not paid attention to the wording used I might have gone with the old man was a bird. However, the story uses a lot of language to define divine beings. Like when Father Gonzaga had a providential end to his tribulations (Marquez, 1955 p. 4). This meant that the Gonzaga had a define foresight or intervention, similar to use of celestial meaning form the heavens or sky ( I believe that the man was an ... Get more on ...
  • 10. King George Dbq King George King George lll was the king of Great Britain. King George III became king of Great Britain and Ireland in October 25 1760 to January 1 1801.The acts that he created usually made colonist upset like the Stamp Act, and The Townshend Acts. King George was the person who taxed Colonists, and wanted the money for himself. He also sent many British troops to the 13 colonies during the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Lexington and Concord On the night of April 18, 1775 hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord, the British marched to Concord because they want to the colonists weapons. Paul Revere and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militia men began attacking the Redcoat column. After that the British marched back to Boston and colonists were hiding in the woods and started shooting at the Redcoats all the way back to... Show more content on ... They had different reasons for doing this. Some people had religious reasons for doing so. Other people had jobs that relied on both. Yet others could not choose a side. October 1777 This was one month that brought bad luck to the British. They had a defeat in Saratoga, New York. They tried to divide the colonies. They sent an army from Canada. As you can imagine, it did not work very well. Patriots Patriots were colonists fighting for freedom for their own country, and also didn t wanted to be taxed on little simple things. That s when they started to fight. The first event was the Lexington and Concord. When the British soldiers marched down to be Boston to destroy colonial weapons, then was the Boston Massacre by getting shot while being attacked by a mob, the next one was The Boston Tea Party, when the patriots dressed up as Mohawk Indians and dumped over 342 crates of British tea into the Boston Harbor, and for their punishment the British closed the Boston Harbor until the patriots have paid for the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sociological Perspectives Of Sociology And Its Impact On... Sociology is an important part of today s society as it is all around us and is in everything we do. Sociology is the study of, the behaviour of people within society. It helps us to understand how society works and how the impact of relationships and interactions between people influence society. Sociology is shown through relationships, cultures, class, religion, education and upbringing. Sociology has different sociological perspectives for example symbolic interactionism and functionalism. Symbolic interactionism studies individuals and small groups within society and how they behave, interact and believe about how society is what it is. Symbolic Interactionism was created by Herbert Blumer. He based symbolic interactionism on three things which were that people act on the meanings of things, social interactions build meanings and meanings depend and are modified by people interacting with each other. Through communication and language, symbols are provided to understand the world that we live in. Smoking is an example of symbolic interactionism as teenagers believe it is cool to smoke, even though it Is bad for you and could lead to killing you but they think it makes them look good in front of their friends. Functionalism is the belief of everyone in society sharing the same norms and values that get passed on through generations. Functionalists see society like a human body they believe that if one thing stops working then everything else will slowing stop working ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Personal Narrative-Itachi {It s fine. I was finishing up a worksheet. Sorry, I made this late.} Ayako was slowing munching on a melon bread, as her right leg quickly dig the ends of her sneaker onto the ground, pushing forward. Before putting her left leg back on her skateboard, balancing herself on the skateboard. Having her headphones on, while looking straight in front of her. Slowing seeing the school building appearing upon her view, as different groups of students walking in. Once again, putting her right leg on the ground, and pushing herself forward. Passing by the group of students, and turn a little to pass by fangirls group. Making her stop in front of the stairs, before kicking the skateboard up as her grab on the tip of the skateboard, while grabbing at the side. Running up the stairs, going through the doors, and scanning her ID at the front door machine. Going through the scanners and all, before ... Show more content on ... Stopping at his locker, having Shisui leading on a locker that is beside of his locker. Shisui thought of something, before asking Itachi. Don t you like any girls in this school? Itachi? Itachi stop at a moment, before taking out his textbook from his backpack. No, I don t. Where did this question came from? Itachi glances over to him, before returning back to his locker. Come on, there are a lot of beautiful girls who would kill to get a date with you. You don t have any interest in any girl. There must be one girl who got your eye. You can tell me, I am your almost like a best friend to you. Shisui exclaimed, adjusting his elbow against Itachi s shoulder, and making Itachi smile softly. Shisui s eyes widen, before a little mischoivies smile apeared on his lips. Who is it? He whispered. Her name is... Itachi motions him to come closer. None of your business. Itachi closing his locker, before walking away to leave his cousin dumbfounded. Itachi, Shisui ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Description Of Social Anxiety Disorder ( Social Phobia ) Introduction Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) is characterized by anxiety or fear of social situations in which there is the possibility of embarrassing one s self under scrutiny by others (Robinson, 2010). With the extreme symptoms affecting approximately 15 million American adults with a typical onset age of 13 years old (ADAA, 2017). Those with Social Anxiety Disorder show greater delays in seeking treatment, if at all, compared to those with other anxiety and mood disorders (Bruce, Heimberg, Coles, 2012). As Social Anxiety Disorder is the third largest mental health problem in the world, it is important that this disorder is addressed and not overlooked (Richards, 2017). This essay will go into detail about Social Anxiety Disorder including the symptoms and factors that onset the disorder, other anxiety disorders that can be associated with Social Anxiety Disorder, and effective treatments. Body Description of Social Anxiety Phobia (Social Phobia) Social Anxiety Disorder is a common and serious condition characterized by excessive and unrealistic fear of being judged or evaluated negatively and often begins in adolesces (Bandelow Wedekind, 2014), with 36% of people reporting to have had symptoms for 10 years before seeking help (ADAA, 2017). Social situations are often avoided or feared, albeit these feelings are predominately out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the social situation itself (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 202). These ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Exploration of the Political Structure of the Roman Empire Exploration of the Political Structure of the Roman Empire The public sphere of Rome, which included religious norms, social settings, as well as some other cultural divides, has been known to greatly affect the Roman political system throughout, from its inception to its fall. Our world has seen many great empires and perhaps the most popular one by name is the Roman Empire. A great number of books have been written on this subject, many movies have been made, and the Roman Empire remains rich in our minds to this date. The Roman history involves some great moments as it recounts such great leaders as Julius Caesar (see Picture 1)[1], the birth of Christ and his exploits, and then the setting up of the Church and the Vatican by... Show more content on ... One of the concepts that arose out of mathematics was economics and the Romans were able to carry out trade on a better level. This gave a boost to the Roman Empire and the politicians were able to use mathematics to their advantage. Many of the ideas of economics and politics that the Western world follows toady have also been derived from Ancient Romans. The Roman s system of the senate is still employed by many Western countries today. In addition, the Romans were the first ones to introduce the ideas of interest in business and loans and we all know that the whole economic arena of the world today works on the principles of interest. Many of the Greek/Roman philosophers, such as Aristotle and Socrates, also played their role in Roman influence and we see that many Western countries have their contemporaries who are always building upon the original ideas and concepts. The Roman influence on art is phenomenal. We find that many of the artists of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment era used to follow the art techniques of the Romans. Many of the sculptures and murals painted by Michelangelo (See Illustration 2)[7] are evidence of the fact that he was motivated and inspired by Roman art. These theories, aspirations, and ideas were passed from the Greeks to the Romans and then to other ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Romeo And Juliet Tragedy Quotes True Tragedy The parents sadly watch their children being carried into the family tomb. The play, by William Shakespeare, displays the relationships of Romeo and Juliet. This drama takes place in Verona, Italy, where the Capulets and Montagues are feuding. Poor relationships, deceit, and poor advice leads to tragedy. The teenagers relationships with their families are soon tested. Juliet, however, is resolute in her decision to die rather than enter into a false marriage: If all else fail, myself have power to die (Shakespeare). This quote shows how young relationships are more powerful than elders. Romeo and Juliet show how strong young relationships really are. They ended many feuds and problems in their life because they don t have to worry about anything. When you are young, you don t have bills to pay, a family to take care of, and most of the time no job. Romeo and Juliet has nothing to worry about because they are young and free. This means their life is easy and stress free, and elder relationships struggle sometimes because they go in debt, care about themselves more than the other person, and they get tired of eachother. Friar Lawrence... Show more content on ... Juliet is lying to her parents about how she is going to make a confession, but she is going to get advice about what she should do to get Romeo back in her life. Parents of this age in Verona and also children deceit to each other everyday. Romeo is exiled and says he will never come back or he would be killed. Romeo lies and comes back to Verona to see Juliet. Deceit is in everyday life and it can change how people act, it changes Romeo and Juliets life because they want to see each other. They lie to see each everyday but Romeo was exiled and life changed for both of them. Lies can change people s life in a heartbeat. Friar Lawrence gives bad advice even when Romeo is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Intestacy Notes Topic: Introduction to the law of intestacy. Students must be able to: |LOS 1 |describe the evolution of the rules of intestacy. | |LOS 2 |distinguish between total intestacy and partial intestacy. | |LOS 3 |understand essential terms used in the law relating to testacy and intestacy. | LOS 1 Distriution of Real Property before 1926 Rules of inheritance dictated that real property (realty) passed to the heir at law who was the eldest son. If there were no surviving sons or their issue, realty devolved equally on the daughters of the intestate. The ... Show more content on ... |legatee predeceased the testator. | | |causing the gift to fail | |Deceased made a will but it was revoked. |Residuary gift has been revoked. | |Deceased made a will which attempted but wholly failed|Residuary gift failed for uncertainty or because the | |to dispose of his property. |beneficiary witnessed the will. | |Deceased made a will which containd no disposition of |Residuary gift lapsed under s. 18A of the Wills Act. | |his property: Re Skeats [1936]. | | | |Residuary gift was subject to forfeiture. | Quick Answer Question D died leaving a will which did not deal with his residuary estate. He left a wife W and 2 sons S and P. Advise as to the distribution of D s estate. LOS 3 The surviving spouse A wife or husband who survives the other. Does not include a legally separated or divorce person. Issue Issue comprise the lineal descendants, male or female, of the intestate ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Does Jane Austin Use Manners In Pride Of Prejudice The author Jane Austin published a novel of manners called Pride of Prejudice in 1813. Jane Austin uses specific vocabulary that deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency during the 19th century. Jane Austin used the word caprice, which imply a sudden desire to identify the personality of Mr. Bennet. Mr. Bennet was seen so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humor, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character (Chapter1, Pg. 5). She also utilized the word mien when she described Bingley s best friend, Darcy, who drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall ... Show more content on ... By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed: that human nature is particularly prone to it, and there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary that pride relates to more than just opinion about oneself (Chapter 5, Pg. 18). Mary gives the reader a lens through which to understand one of the novel s central conceits. On the surface, Mary offers simple definitions of pride and vanity. Her speech also indicates that these attributes are very common. Therefore, she implies that it is best to acknowledge one s tendency towards such behavior. However, at the beginning of Pride and Prejudice, both Elizabeth and Darcy believe that they are above pride and vanity. They think they can exist outside these cultural norms, but are ultimately forced to accept that they do in fact exist in the context of greater society. They have responsibilities to others, and should consider to some extent how their family and friends perceive ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Paul The Apostle Was A Very Godly Man One Of Many On Long Paul the Apostle was a very godly man one of many on long list of godly people who spent their lives serving God s purpose. Paul was the author of several epistles, writing out the words of God to the people of the church. Have you ever wondered why Paul wrote out the epistle of Ephesians and the effects that the letter had on the congregation in which he wrote too? In the book of Ephesians, it is clearly shown that the Apostle Paul is the indeed the author of the Epistle of Ephesians. Paul s epistles are intended for all of those who want to know Jesus Christ. The book of Ephesians is surrounded with the information that shows the discipline in which to develop into a true son and daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ. Studying the book of... Show more content on ... Without doubt this was indeed meant for saints that are faithful in Jesus Christ. Paul has gone on several missionary journeys, Paul first traveled to Ephesus for a short visit closer to the end of his second missionary journey which was on the positioned on the southwest coast of modern day turkey, one of the immense cities in that region of the world was Ephesus. The prosperous commercial center and home for the praising of the goddess Diana is the Roman capital. Even though Paul succulently studied at the local synagogue with the Jews and was offered to stay for a longer period of time, he arranged plans to visit them after he traveled to Jerusalem. On Paul s third missionary journey he returned to Ephesus for a longer time period, and extended stay of three years. After Paul s earlier success with turning John s twelve disciples, he then spent around three months in the local synagogues teaching. There was obstruction to Paul s doctrine that forced him to depart from the synagogues, but for a period of about two years Paul was able to remain teaching in the school of Tyrannus. The ending affect was the gospel eventually spread from Ephesus throughout Asia Minor. Eventually with the continuation of some of the local idol maker s disturbances forced Paul to leave Ephesus. As Paul neared the end of his third missionary journey, he stopped at Miletus, meeting with the elders of the church of Ephesus. Paul has reminded the elders of his ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Glass Ceiling And Gender Analysis The Glass Ceiling is the title given to an invisible barrier that is meant to limit women from succeeding in top level jobs. They only judge based on their gender and do not take into account women s education, experience, or job related skills. Some argue that the only people who have put a limit to how far women can succeed in their career, are women themselves, but the Glass Ceilingand genderdiscriminationin the workforce does exist and is a major problem that needs to be addressed. Topics such as equal pay, discrimination, harassment, and misconceptions all play a part in the limiting barrier placed over women in the working world. It not only puts a limit on what women can achieve in their future profession, but also affects their... Show more content on ... Even so, the percentage of women who decided to join the work force increased from 43 60%. In fact because of the Great Recession in 2008 2009 impacted the male dominated industries the most, but it helped the acceleration towards gender equality (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Now there are approximately the same amount of women and men working in the labor force. Actually for a brief time, women even exceeded men due to this economic crisis. Even though the US passed title VII of the 1964 civil rights act, which declared it unlawful for employers to discriminate on the basis of a person s race, nationality, creed, or sex , women faced harder predicaments that they had to push through. Women have to deal with hard situations like harassment, a legal form of discrimination , with things like dirty jokes, and sexual haggle, where they are threatened to provide sexual favors or in turn would receive punishment (Conley, Dalton, 2013). Even nearly 40 years after the Equal Pay Act (1963) was passed, discrepancy between women and men flourish in the working world. There was a study performed by the general accounting office in 2003 which found that women earned 79.7% of what men were earning. As such, if we were to compare this finding to the findings in 1983 when women earned 80.3% we can clearly see that this wage gap is in no way diminishing (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). There have been attempts to rectify and fight the unequal pay based on gender inequality through legislation, regulation, and litigation (Alkadry, M.G., Tower, L.E., 1). The Equal Pay Act was based off of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the process of rectification depends greatly on trying to enforce these two lawsuits. Unfortunately despite many years of equal ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Foundationalism Analysis Firstly, I shall introduce Foundationalism by its definition and how it pursues and supposes simple but fundamental truths. It is necessary to consider components of Foundationalism separately from the theory in order to understand the premises of the argument as justified. As well as complications with the theory of belief it proposes, there are limitations of Foundationalism, which can also be shown through the possibility of a better theory. For Foundationalists, their belief stems from the conviction that simple and fundamental truths exist. Considered epistemically justified because of its principle that there is a structure to our knowledge through justified beliefs, the theory claims that foundational beliefs can be known. These basic ... Show more content on ... An adaptation of Foundationalism was presented through externalist versions. Exactly what the internalism and externalism views are limited by is not decisively defined in epistemology. Externalists contemplate profoundly distinctive views to persons of conventional Foundationalism; the construction of knowledge as well as the rationalisation from theories remains often one of Foundationalism s initial configurations. Goldman s reliabilism offers a perspective of externalist persuasion. The principle notion of reliabilism seems simplistic; a belief is justified if it is produced through reliable beliefs, making them likely to be true. Goldman does however determine that justified beliefs can be sub divided into belief dependent or belief independent, the process of belief distinguishing the difference. Those that are independently processed through stimuli that we take as input beliefs, possibly a evolved conclusion associated with specific sensorial stimuli which we reflect upon and thus form our conclusion about the external. These make them more likely to be true, which belief dependent processes are generated from. Externalism may be attractive to those who adopt Foundationalist beliefs because of their allowance when considering justified belief in a fundamental ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Swastika In his work, Spiegelman is using animals mask to show the difference between the nationalities. Mice for Hebrew, cats for Germans and pigs for Polish. I think that the author is using animals heads for his characters because in this way the Germans can make much easier the difference between Hebrew and Polish. If characters would only wear clothes with Nazi symbols or Star of David I think it would be much harder to differentiate people. According to Spiegelman, Vladek didn t know how the swastika is look like until late, after he was married It was the beginning of 1938 before the war hanging high in the center of town, it was a Nazi flag. Here was the first time I saw with my eyes, the Swastika. (32). In the beginning of the war, maybe most of the Hebrew didn t know what that sign means so they could be very easy captured.... Show more content on ... According to Hitler s statement The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human. , Jews were considered a lower class, who do not deserve to live, so the Germans used the worst methods to exterminate them. What is very interesting is that the Germans were not successful in their plan, the Jews exist today, and as in the animals life, cat and mouse continue to exist despite the constant struggle between them, so the nationalities that Germans tried with such great power to exterminate them continue to exist ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Define The Two Standards Of School Lunches The School Food Trust was commissioned in 2005 to give advice ministers on standards for food in schools However, these standards will relate to school lunches as well as other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England. There are two sets of standards for school lunches which are foodbased which will define the types of food that children and young people should be offered in a schoollunchand the frequency with which they are offered and nutrient based which will set out the proportions of nutrients that children and young people should receive from a school lunch. The government has also decided that similar standards should apply to all school food other than lunches as recommended by the SFT. This means that no ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Social Organization of Singapore Social Organization of Singapore Kenneth Cline ANT 101 Jo Macek November 7, 2010 My research will be based on Political, Economic, and Social Organization of Singapore an industrialist city state. Even though Singapore s history dates from the 11th century, the island was little known to the West until the 19th century. Singapore is one of the World s largest ports, because the city of Singapore has become a major port, with trade exceeding that of Malaya s, Malacca and Penang combined. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamships launched an era of prosperity for Singapore as transit trade expanded throughout Southeast Asia (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). Singapore is a very... Show more content on ... This triangle would prove to be a good move for the three countries, but with free trade agreements (FTAs) and close economic partnerships (CEPs) coming onto the scene, the growth triangles introduced in the 80 s looked as if they may have competition in the economic realm, but GTs continue to be at the tip of the spear due to the cooperation between the three are still very productive for them all. With all three countries being relatively close together, costs are minimal. Not to mention, this export oriented cooperation is still attractive to foreign trading (Heng, 2006, pg. 1). The pioneering GT in Southeast Asia is that of the IMS GT, and its evolution is very much tied to the economic development of the Singapore economy (Toh amp; Low, 1993, Kakazu, 1997). There are five GT s in existence and GT s are highly regarded by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). There were two major happenings that temporarily effected Singapore s economy between 2001 and 2003 the worldwide electronics slump and the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Both times, growth bounced back, by world demand for electronics, pharmaceuticals, other manufactured goods, and financial services. The return was mostly contributed to by the economies of its major trading partners the United States, the European Union, Japan, and China, as well as expanding emerging markets such as India (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2010). The next ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Theory, Differential Association Theory And... This paper examines the concepts of criminological theory, the history of criminological theory, differential association theory, and the effectiveness of Boys Girls Club of America. The basis of criminological theory is to provide an explanation for what causes crime and criminal behavior. The differential association theory was a leading sociological crimetheory that was created by Edwin H. Sutherland. This theory argues that delinquent behavior is learned through interactions and communication with other peers. The purpose of this theory was to develop a theory that could be applied universally among all crimes and criminal behaviors, including white collar crime. Differential association argues that delinquent behavior is learned from an excess of definitions favorable to law violation, and vice versa for nondelinquent behaviors. This theory has its fair share of criticisms; the testability has been scrutinized for the inability to operationalize the concepts of differential association. Specific mentoring programs, such as the Boys Girls Club of America, were created to establish a positive environment for youth for development. The Boys Girls Club s mission is to provide developmental guidance to youth to reach their full potential as responsible citizens. Members have expressed that these clubs provide a caring, nurturing environment, an atmosphere to learn positive behaviors, and assistance in developing diverse skills and abilities. This ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sn1 Sn2 Reactions Experiment 15 amp; 16:Preparation of 1 bromobutane, an SN2 reaction Preparation of 2 chloro 2 methylbutane, an SN1 reaction Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize 1 bromobutane from 1 butanol and sodium bromide. In order for this reaction to reach completion there are four major operations that need to be performed. The four major operations include refluxing, simple distillation, separation, and drying. To begin, in order for the compounds to react they will be dissolved in water and sulfuric acid will be added. The addition of sulfuric acid will then generate hydrobromic acid, an important product in the reaction mixture. The hydrobromic acid will react with the 1 butanol when heat is added to the flask... Show more content on ... At this point the flask was attached to a refluxing apparatus. This process of refluxing helps to purify the mixture and keep the reaction at a constant temperature. Also, before the reaction mixture began to boil the separation of a clear top layer and a cloudy bottom layer helped to indicate that the reaction was working properly. The top layer was the alkyl bromide since the other components of the aqueous layer have the greater density. After the 45 minute refluxing process was complete, the apparatus was set up for simple distillation apparatus distillation commenced. Distillation took place until no more drops of product were dripping from the distillation head. The first drop of distillate occurred when the thermometer read 75В°C, the actual temperature was probably a bit higher since the vapors might not have fully reached the bulb of the thermometer. The final drop of distillate was collected at about 115В°C. Once the distillate was collected, it was placed in a seperatory funnel and the reaction flask was rinsed with 10 mL of water and added to the seperatory funnel. Rinsing the funnel ensured that all of the distillate from the distillation process was removed from the reaction flask and no product was left on the walls of the flask. After the water was added, two layers formed in the funnel. The top layer was the water and the bottom layer was the 1 bromobutane since the density of 1 bromobutane is higher than that of water. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Egyptian Leadership Essay A leader is defined as a person who rules, guides, or inspires others. A leader is a very important part of state formation in any society, but particularly in Egypt. Without a leader, a state does not grow and flourish as quickly or efficiently as states with leaders. Early Egyptian leaders allowed Egyptto become a notable state through their communication, ideas, innovation, and will. Showing how Egyptians rulers made a presence in the predynastic period, how they developed to be leaders, and how they impacted a state are important when considering Egyptian state formation. In early Egypt around 4000 B.C. rulers were not evident within the area. In this area there were small hamlets about 1 kilometer apart. Within these hamlets there ... Show more content on ... The rulers were now considered as holders of order, justice, and piety, and vanquishers of chaos. They wore lavish clothing and a crown to symbolize there kingship. Before unification rulers would rule only Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt. After the conquering of other Egyptian chiefdoms the rulers became powerful in war and were seen as a living god on earth. During this time period rulers were buried in brick lined tombs with many rooms. These rooms contained lavish goods and an ample food supply for the ruler in the other world. By 3100 B.C., Upper and Lower Egypt became unified. This was evident through a slab of slate known as the Narmer palette. This palette shows Kings Narmer s victory over the delta. On one side of the palette he is wearing a crown that is a combination of Upper and Lower Egypt. This signified the unification of the two. The unification of Egypt allowed the Egyptian state to stronger and promoted growth within the state. Narmer was thought to be the first pharaoh of unified Egypt. The word pharaoh came into place during the New Kingdom, mean great house . For 400 years the pharaoh had the task of consolidating towns along the river, to form a centralized state. By this time pharaohs were hardly seen as they resided in their huge palaces protected by guards. Even their movement as closely monitored. The pharaoh would make rare public appearances at important festivals or occasions of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Fallibility of Partial DNA in Courts DNA s certainty is dramatized in today s society, which gives lay people the impression that DNA is infallible; however, in the case of Wayne Butler and others, the fallibility of DNA is exposed. Wayne Butler was accused of sadistically murdering Natasha Douty who was found beaten to death on Brampton Island in 1983. Wayne Butler was vacationing on Brampton Island during the timeframe of the murder; however, claimed to be jogging during this time. After submitting a blood test, Butler was eliminated as a suspect. However, Butler was arrested in 2001 for this murder because semen, which was found on the towel at the crime scene, was found to be a match. The John Tonge Centre performed a DNAtest on the evidence on the towel. Butler was found innocent after it was identified that the John Tonge Centre mislabeled the test tubes containing the crime scene evidence. ( DNA Evidence ) This case proves that DNA testing may not be as reliable as we think. No two people, except identical twins, have identical DNA sequences, which makes DNA testing appealing to law enforcement. Two types of DNA testing include short tandem repeat and variable number tandem repeat. Short tandem repeat requires less DNA compared to variable tandem repeat, which is useful when a sample has been degraded at the crime scene. ( DNA Evidence ) Whilst DNA evidence is a useful weapon in solving crimes, it is not infallible; therefore, it needs to be used with caution, especially with partial DNA profile, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Murder Of Simpson And Simpson I want to put our family back together. I want our kids to grow up with their parents. I thought I d be happy raising Sydney and Justin by myself since we didn t see too much of you anyway. (Simpson). On June 13, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found murdered outside Brown s Bundy Drive condo in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Evidence found and collected at the scene led police to suspect that Simpson was the murderer. (Ferrell). O.J. Simpson was as charming and deceiving as they come. A true famous figure in the public s eye has to be calm and collective; however, O.J. s subconscious came out more throughout his marriage with Nicole Brown Simpson. You beat me up, O.J. I won t live my life wondering where the... Show more content on ... (Bruce). Up until the age of five Simpson developed rickets, which is a disease in children typically caused by vitamin D deficiency. This disease typically results in bow legs, and O.J. had to wear braces on his legs. Later on in his teenage years he joined a street gang called the Persian Warriors and was briefly incarcerated at the San Francisco Youth Guidance Center. (CNN). After that he came back to attend high school in San Francisco and that s where his football career began. Without a doubt something everybody knew about Simpson was that he could play football with the best of them. He was an All American athlete among several other things. He was named NFL Player of the Year in 1973 and played in six pro bowls. He later was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. (Brennan). In the year of 1967 Simpson married his first wife Marguerite L. Whitley, he was nineteen at the time. Together they had Arnelle L. Simpson, Jason L. Simpson, and Aaren Lashone Simpson. In August 1979, five months after the couple divorced, Aaren drowned in the family s swimming pool a month before her second birthday. (St. Petersburg Times). The beginning of the very famous and mysterious love story now begins to happen in the year 1977. O.J. met Nicole Brown waiting tables at a little nightclub called The Daisy . While still being married to his wife Marguerite, he dated Nicole on the side until their divorce was final. Six years later ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Dont Ask Dont Tell Outline Essay Don t Ask Don t Tell Policy Rachael Neff General purpose:To inform Specific purpose:To inform my audience of the Don t Ask Don t Tell policy and give a brief history of events. Central idea:According to my class survey the majority had little or no knowledge of the Don t Ask Don t Tell policy, so I am going to explain how it came to be. Introduction I.Fundamental beliefs A.Military Service Workers 1.Honorable 2.Courageous B. Service Members Turned Away 1.Openly gay 2.Ended careers of over 11,000 service members II.By listening to a brief history of the Don t Ask Don t Tell policy you will gain further knowledge of where we have come since the last 60 years Transition:First, lets look at.... Body I.The Beginning ... Show more content on ... C.Living quaters in our military service 1. Our service members wear the uniform to fight and win wars, not serve as liberal social policy guinea pigs, says Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council. (Time Magazine Feb 2010.) 2.Washington Examiner Feb. 2010 states that the military requires its members to live with all sorts of people in close quarters and demanding conditions. A lot of recruits would be more leery of bunking next to an ex con than a homosexual, but the military admits hundreds of felons each year, including some violent ones. D.Estimated Costs of the Policy 1.USA Today Feb 2006 stated that the Government Accountability Office released estimates on the cost of the policy. 2.The GAO reported at least $95.4 million in recruiting costs and at least $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003, while noting that the true figures might be higher. III.Lastly, let s look at... A. Legal issues 1.Homosexuals should be able to freely express their feelings and the policy infringes their constitutional right under the first amendment. 2.Infringes 5th amendment right of due process of being kicked out of the military due to your
  • 30. sexual orientation without a fair trial. In ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Gun Control Laws Are Protect Women From Domestic Abusers... More gun control laws are needed to protect women from domestic abusers and stalkers. Five women are killed with firearms consistently in the United States. A lady s danger of being killed increments 500% if a weapon is available amid a local question. Amid the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 5,364 US warriors were murdered in real life between Oct. 7, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2015; somewhere around 2001 and 2012 6,410 ladies were slaughtered with a firearmby a close accomplice in the United States. A 2003 investigation of 23 crowded high pay nations found that 86% of ladies killed by guns were in the United States and American ladies are 11.4 times more inclined to be the casualties of firearm crimes 57% of mass shootings included aggressive behavior at home. For instance, the 2011 mass shooting at a Seal Beach, CA hair salon supposedly started in view of the shooter s guardianship fight with his ex who was a hairdresser at the salon. 31 states don t forbid indicted offense stalkers from owning weapons and 41 states don t compel sentenced local abusers from surrendering firearmsthey as of now own.76% of ladies killed and 85% of ladies who survived a murder endeavor by a private accomplice were stalked in the year prior to the murder or murder endeavor. Gun control laws, especially those that try to ban assault weapons, infringe upon the right to own guns for hunting and sport. In 2011, there were 13.7 million seekers 16 years of age or more seasoned in the United States, and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Heian Court In The Tale Of Genji During the Heian period the Heian court had the highest power in Japan. This was a period known for its art, literature, and culture. During the Heian period there was a lot of change going on and the society cared less about foreign affairs and focused domestically. The religion was changing from an elite Buddhism into religion for the people. Warriors started to become important political figures during this time. Samurais were rising and gaining power and the court recognized them and gave them power. The social, religious, and political structures during the Heian period went through a vast amount of change and transitions that created new developments. In, The Tale of Genji, the Heian Society is described as a large group of elite aristocrats... Show more content on ... Many women would enter the court and offer their service to the empress as a lady in waiting or become a concubine. Doing so would allow the women to freely search for love with a man of the court. Genji frequently had interactions with ladies in waiting and concubines all vying for his love and marriage. The women of the court had much more social interactions and they tried exceptionally hard to get the attention of men. They wanted to gain the attention of the elite men so they would do whatever it took. They all took pride in looking good and showing that they were both sophisticated and well dressed. They all had long hair and wore extravagant kimonos that were complex in design and colorful. Women did not travel often and lived lives that had a significant amount of social interaction so keeping up appearances was routine. The men were not interested in what a woman looked like, largely because so much of the woman was covered at all times. Physically, the only part of a woman that mattered to a man was her hair, which had to be thick, dark, and long. What mattered most to a man about a woman was hear ability to write poetry and beautiful calligraphy. She also had to wear colorful kimonos that had many layers. In Genji he had sent many letters back and forth with poetry to many women. Anytime he would go to visit the ladies they would be hidden behind a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. William Paley s Argument From Design Argument from Design In the Argument from Design article by William Paley, he begins the argument by describing the mechanisms of a watch. These parts all combine in a certain way to make the watch work, or even exist. If these parts were not combined in the exact order, the watch would not do anything profound. Paley further describes how an observer could conceive the watch in the mind. He would then reflect, in some sense, how the watch was made independently. It was not brought into existence by other watches, but only by a creator combining different items together. There is the idea of metallic nature, but assuming a law also assumes a lawgiver. Therefore, there must be some sort of creator of the watch, even though the creator is unknown. This same concept could be applied to the universe, stating that there must be a creator that made these elaborate... Show more content on ... Even if people were unaware of the person who made the watch, ignorance is not an excuse for not giving credit to the artist. An objection to his argument is that some of the parts seem to have no function, so they were not designed. Paley states there may be a function of these parts that we are unable to see or understand. The design is evident from examining the rest of the watch. The machine does not have to be perfect in order to understand the artist s design of the mechanism. For example, a blueprint of a machine can show you the idea and purpose of the final results, even though all the parts on the blueprint are not specifically described on why it exists. The design could not be a fault of chance due to its complexity. The observer of the watch cannot be driven out of his conclusion, even though he may know ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Security Of Airport Security Screening In the last thirteen years there have been major changes made in airport security. What brought the changes and shook America to its core, is a day in history that no one will soon forget. Since 9/11, five attempted terrorist attacks on U.S. airliners and airports have made airport security a continued priority. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and put federal employees in charge of airport securityscreening (Bajoria). The process for airport security screenings lacked the ability to secure a plane which caused the terrorist to be able to board the plane with ease. There are those that argue that the increase in security has cost the country too much money and does more harm than good. The U.S. has spent more than a trillion dollars to increase the security in all the airports across the nation. According to Paul Borowsky and Gregory Delone, pilots were asked to complete surveys to what they believed needed to be changed. In his book, the pilot wrote that policies were designed to enhance security, however, he believed that they didn t take into consideration input from the pilots of the airliners that the policies were made to protect. There is also the argument that the increased security was an invasion of privacy. Passengers were having all their belongings placed on a table and gone through which allowed other passengers to see ... Get more on ...
  • 35. A Bright Eyed And Brand New shit Bag E 4 Introduction A bright eyed and brand new shit bag E 4 (as my First Sergeant would joke because of my college) SPC Thompson, fresh out of basic training, arrived in Italy to start my career as an Paratrooper. It wasn t long before our unit Able Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne, found ourselves on the eve of yet another deployment. We had trained for months for an Iraq deployment and at the last minute we were slated to go to Afghanistan, in particular the Pech River Valley in Afghanistan s Kunar Province. Most my leadership was experienced in combat from their previous deployments, however their combat knowledge came from previous Iraq deployments, and their last deployment to Afghanistan Operation Enduring Freedom... Show more content on ... Our squad consisted of 7 total Paratroopers, accompanied by a few of our 10th Mountain counterparts we made our way to the OP to conduct the relief in place. After a seemingly day long journey, we arrived to the OP, our home for the next 10 days. OP 2 was a small plot of land, approximately 75 meters in width by 50 meters long, surrounded by triple strand Constantina wire, three small structures (one made of stone the other wood and sand bags) and 5 Claymore Mines positioned up the mountain and covering areas of dead space. One of the structures served as a machine gun bunker and tactical operations command post with an M240B machine gun facing up the mountain and an M2 .50 Caliber machine gun facing across the valley. The other two served as sleeping areas for US forces, sleeping about 5 comfortably, and a small Afghanistan National Army (ANA) contingent of 4 to 5 soldiers. The 10th Mountain squad was haggard looking and wore cut off Army Combat Uniform shorts, t shirts, sandals, ball caps and those who could grow them, had beards. Our initial reaction was that this was a relaxed atmosphere and from what we gathered rarely made contact with the enemy. Our mission was to simply provide a site where we could relay radio communications throughout the valley should an element need help reaching our company command and provide an early warning and deterrent ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Real Textile and Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Novel... The microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an upsurging technology in the field of bio energy generation along with wastewater treatment. The microbial fuel cell generates energy with the help of microbes that makes it green future source of energy. In MFC, anaerobic microbes degrade organic matter and produce hydrogen ions (H+) and electrons (e ) at the anode. H+ ion diffuses through the proton exchange membrane (PEM); and e are transported through an electrode via an external circuit to the cathode. At a cathode, e and H+ ions combine with oxygen to form water (H2O), this results in power generation [1]. MFC has limited open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.14 V because of the standard redoxpotential of NADH/ NAD+ and O2/H2O of 0.32 V and +0.82 V... Show more content on ... Generally treatment processes are classified as physical, chemical or biological. Physical treatment process includes physical extraction of dyes by adsorption [8], membrane filtration [9] and ion exchange. However, extracted dyes not be recovered, high cost and yet requirement of another process to degrade dyes makes these processes unsustainable. Chemical methods as Chemical Oxidation [10], Ozonization [11] and Electrochemical degradations are uneconomical and unfavorable for the environment. Biological methods are based on anaerobiotic or aerobiotic, microbial culture. But purely anaerobic digestion of azo dye produces carcinogenic aromatic amine and aerobic deterioration alone is not able to degrade all dyes, also result in high amounts of sludge [12 14]. Sequential application of anaerobic followed by aerobic degradation has been providing a solution with the advantage of economic, reliable and ecological benefits [15,16]. Real textile wastewater (RTW) has low biological oxygen demand (BOD) to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) ratio, which implies chemical treatment is required. RTW also has greater color appearance; high total dissolved solid (TDS), suspended solids (SS), high temperature and variable pH (from 5 to 9) depending on dye. On the other hand, domestic wastewater has almost neutral pH, high BOD, normal temperature and high volume as well. Gingell and Walker [17] proposed two step mechanism for degradation of azo dyes Step 1 is the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Elizabeth I and the Spanish Armada Essay Elizabeth I and the Spanish Armada The cold, stormy night was all too familiar to the English. A devious plan by Spain s king, Philip II, was being formed to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I of England and rid the world of the English heretics. 1 It was a story of deception, false judgments, and poor planning. What was one king s dream turned into his country s nightmare. While the Spanish had bad leaders, the English had good ones. The Spanish had bigger, but slower ships, while the English had smaller and faster ships. The English knew the weather conditions and how to prepare for them, while the Spanish thought it would not be a problem. The English entered the battle in a calm manner, while the Spanish were overconfident. All of these ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of her reign, she made the Church of England the official religion of England and she fashioned her court after that of her fathers. For a woman during that era, Elizabeth was a very daring and smart ruler. For example, she secretly encouraged sailors such as Francis Drake to make raids on Spanish shipping and challenge their naval superiority. When she was a little girl, she was well educated and was able to speak several languages, including French, Spanish, and Latin. In addition, throughout Elizabeth s reign, there was always the threat of hostilities in some form or another. Elizabeth kept the peace between rival leaders of different religions by dominating her court so she could keep the balance of power.2 She was smart enough to come up with a plan which kept the church at bay with their questions of marriage.3 She also calmed the Spanish and the French by entertaining suitors of each respective country; Philip II of Spain and Duke of Anjou of France, but she never married either of them and was therefore known as the Virgin queen .4 Elizabeth was a Protestant queen who was not always on good terms with most Catholic rulers of Europe. Because of that, there were several assassination plots against her so the Catholics could put Mary, Queen of Scots, in her place. During the 1580 s, Elizabeth began to bring her full weight onto the catholic rebels. Hundreds of Catholics died at the stake just as the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Essay on The Russian Mob The Russian Mob: Organized Crime in a Fledgling Democracy Since the late 1980 s the Russian people have experienced one of the most drastic transitions seen in the world to date, a transition from an attempt at communism to a workable capitalist system. As one would expect, this transition has not been painless and has been the impetus of many distressing problems for the Russian people. One such problem is organized crime. This paper will explore how organized crime during Soviet rule and the Russian Federation has created obstacles in this transition to a functioning market economy. It will illustrate how organized crime has done this by analyzing its transition from the USSR to the Russian Federation, the reasons behind its ... Show more content on ... This expansion was aided by perestroika s opening up of market opportunities. In Leningrad, as much as 90% of the cooperatives produced by the liberal policies of perestroika were deeply involved with organized crime (Anderson, 1995, 352). The extensiveness of organized crime in the USSR is quite apparent when one examines such numbers, but the more important question is what was inherent in the USSR that facilitated such crime and how this later affected organized crime in the Russian Federation. Two characteristics of the USSR were integral in the development of a powerful organized crime syndicate. These were an excessive bureaucratic power and the presence of illegal markets (Anderson, 1995, 347). This excessive bureaucratic power facilitated organized crime by providing a basis for corruption, bribery, shakedowns, and extortion (Anderson, 1995, 346). These were no small problems either. According to the All Union Research Institute of the Soviet Interior Ministry in 1991, about half of the income of the average government employee consisted of bribes (Sterling, 1994, 93). However, the presence of illegal markets was even more essential to the existence of a mafia in the USSR. Everyone is aware that illegal markets such as alcohol during the prohibition period or drugs today elicit organized crime, yet this association was unique in the USSR. In the USSR, every form of economic transaction that did not involve the government ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Cherry Orchard Essay The Cherry Orchard The Misunderstood Comedy When the first production of The Cherry Orchard was performed on stage in Moscow, there was a significant difference of opinion between the author and directors. Chekhov strongly faulted the directors interpretation that the play should be preformed as a tragedy and insisted that what he had written was a comedy. The famous philosopher Aristotle defined a comedy as quot;an imitation of characters of a lower type who are not bad in themselves but whose faults possess something ludicrous in them. quot; The misinterpretation of The Cherry Orchard could be mainly due to a misunderstanding of the comic character. A quot;comic quot; character is generally supposed to... Show more content on ... It is this that forms the ludicrous or comic essence of Lyubov s character. True, Lyubov s character does have her tragic moments. At the end of act four, Ania refers to her mother as to having been crying all morning. Lyubov also expresses a lot of stress from not having money, even though her actions do not show it. The main theme of the play can be generally taken to be the passing of the old order of Russian society, symbolized by the sale of the cherry orchard. Since Chekhov did not belong to the ranks of the Ranevsky family, unlike other authors who had written plays on the same theme, Chekhov wrote The Cherry Orchard without becoming personally involved. He was able to see the the comedy of the whole situation and give it an artistic form of a play full of comic characters. Nothing was further form Chekhov s thoughts then that his characters should spread a feeling of gloom or depression on his audience. Therefore the symbolism of the cherry orchard had nothing to do with it s sale. All it expresses is one of the common reoccurring ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Tempest Critical Analysis The Tempest is about an ousted Duke of Milan ,Prospero, who has been living in exile on a remote island for the past twelve years with his daughter Miranda. He is a powerful magician, who happens to be the master of Ariel and Caliban, and a guy who really likes his books. When Prospero s enemies wash up on shore, he uses his black magic to seek revenge and restore himself to power. The Tempestbelongs to the genre of Elizabethan romance plays. It combines elements of tragedy with those of romantic comedy, and like one of Shakespeare s playspreviously, it asks deeper questions that are not completely resolved at the end. The tone that seeps into the play is one of wonder, amazement, and admiration. Mystery is still present , but the magic performed is not black and scary. The version that seems to grasp my attention more, would have to be the Utah Valley University interpretation because it takes Shakespeare s main purpose and tone but shows it in its own unique way. Furthermore, with its silly drunkards, the play has a certain lightness to it and even the so called killers of the King tell hilarious jokes and are lighthearted. But there is also the tone of revenge and reconciliation in the play. We feel a revenge burning in Prospero while, at the same time, a wish for forgiveness and reconciliation with those who have wronged him. The Balinese production has a magical and mystical tone and is all caused by the effects the director decided to use to help make the tone ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Analysis Of They Live They Live: Timely or Timeless? John Carpenter s 1988 film They Live is cult classic steeped in 1980 s America milieu. The film follows protagonist John Nada, played by professional wrestler Roddy Piper. Nada, a hobo of sorts, rides the rails westward in search of work. The first scene of the film finds our vagabond main character disembarking from his heavily discounted travel arrangements, and strutting nonchalantly by foot into a nearby metropolis. Nada travels light. All he has to his name is his pack, and a few changes of clothes, which never stray from, fitted jeans, flannel shirt, and work boots, which tell you a lot about his line of work. Moreover, if his attire is not a dead giveaway as to his chosen profession then his stature is. Nada is built like a truck from years of labor intensive work with his hands, mostly in construction. He is the embodiment of the working poor with an eighties macho twist. That twist being, on top of being a physical specimen, he is also armed with catchy one liners, sports breathtaking hair that flirts on mullet dom, and is an expert on every firearm he comes across. They Live does not stop there; it gives us even more of what we have come to love about eighties action flicks. Is there a scene where the main character finds a reason to take off his shirt to show us how ripped he is? Yes. Is there a female love interest who uses too much hair spray? Yes again. Does the film have countless gunfights where the good guy is shot at a thousand times and is never hit by a single bullet? Furthermore, does one of those firefights end with a henchman being shot followed by him awkwardly falling off the roof he was perched upon? It is the eighties, you bet your sweet neon jacket it does. So, if They Live is flooded with dated camp then why is it so beloved? Well besides being a film that highlights eighties style and tropes, it also puts a magnifying glass on eighties America as a society as well. The cultural climate of the United States in the eighties can be attributed to many factors, but a majority of the responsibility usually falls on one person in this country the president. The president for the majority of the eighties was Ronald Reagan, the most famous of the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Nt1310 Unit 9 Final Project WordPress is an all in one packaged website software that allows even the novice of website site designers the freedom to easily create a website of their own for free. The ease and accessibility of this site allows for the user easily create a website on any device and software, weather that be Windows, MAC, Linux ect... WordPress itself is an open source software which allows the creator to obtain many components that can help create the best possible website. The community support for this site is extensive allowing ease of information to be shared for each WordPress user. The ease of use and minimal complexity will allow both myself as the developer and my client to easily access and maintain the website and ensure that any changes that need... Show more content on ... Several of Joomla s most popular extensions include: Akeeba Backup Breezing Forms Pro JEvents AcyMailing Starter Contact Enhanced Component These extensions allow for a greater interaction with sites visitors, security and data backup. Promotion of Search Engine Optimization Not only can Joomla extensions be used to improve the points listed above, but it can also help improve the sites search promotional activity. Joomla allows the user to be able to optimize the load time of the site, enable the inclusion of search friendly URL s, the ability to chose between a WWW address or a non WWW search, the removal of 404 errors and of course promotes the creation of quality content. Some of the many extensions available to optimize search engine availability include: Sh404SEF EFSEO (Easy Frontend SEO) JoomSEF Tag Meta SEO Simple Integrating Social Media Tools Joomla allows the use of social media extensions to help promote traffic to your site. While Joomla allows the installation of many extensions, it is best to use a select few to reduce clutter and load times. Some of the best extensions for social media promotion regarding Joomla ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Does Mercury Affect The Body Mercury, when one hears the word they man instantly think of fish or that old timey class thermometer. Mercury is an element that is found within different regions of the world and can be in inorganic forms such as metallics (Bernhoft 2011). Yet people seem to forget and realize the true harm that come from the chemical itself. However there is one thing that people forget when dealing with any type of metal, it can be a vapor, yes mercury can be vapor (Bernhoft 2011). Rather, in fact, that is another way that many people get sick from mercury because it is in the air and can get into our systems in multiple different ways. However mercury can affect people differently depending upon how much mercury goes into the system and how it goes in (Bernhoft 2011). However the debate as to how the mercury truly affects the body is contervital, it is known that it can cause major damage to many different organs, however it can cause the most damage to the brain. While the amount of damage done depends upon the dosages, if there is a large dosage it... Show more content on ... Atmospheric exposures come from volcanic eruptions, coal burning, and through mining, then the mercury goes through a cycle such as the nitrogen cycle and then settles into the ocean (Bernhoft 2011). As the mercury settles into the water the small creatures with the water, and people ingest the fish containing mercury and can cause major damage to people and pregnant women (Bernhoft 2011). Although exposure usually occurs with the atmospheric reasoning, but there are other parts of the human body that can be affected such as the kidneys, skin, breast etc. (Bernhoft 2011). However there are many different ways that mercury can be taken out of a person s body, that being through urination, and many large amounts come out through sweat and saliva (Bernhoft ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Ethics And Ethics Of Ethics In Public Relations My question is how have ethics evolved in public relation? I am asking this question because I want to acquire knowledge and more detail about ethics in public relation. My major in communication and this question is in association with my major. In my essay I will discuss about ethics in public relation and the advertisingof some company. To answer this question I will look for the information in internet and some books in library also I will do the survey. The definition of ethics in the public relations is controlling the ethics which includes values such as honesty, openness, loyalty, fair mindedness, respect, and forthright communication. The ethics in public relation need to evolve also the advertising of some company need to be more ethical and trustworthy when they are advertises their product in television or radio or newspaper. The Public Relations are an essential element in the activities of the organizations and they need to impose on ... Show more content on ... You should know that a sound basis in public relation is to be frank and not hide the facts of interest to the masses. There are no secrets in institution with the exceptions of the special operation of production secrets. This policy is necessary to eliminate the rumors that generate distrust and effect production. Public relation must be based on ethical principles to strengthen trust between the institution and the audiences also they must move away from all styles and forms of fraud, (Johnston, 2016). They must provide facts for masses to gain their trust. The public relations and marketing together constitute the two routes of communication within organizations, and constitute a joint balanced and marketing. Ethics in public relations complement the role of advertising in terms of its contribution to the founding of the product or service offered by the company s ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Gertrude Stein s A Rose A rose is a rose is a rose Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein who many consider her a major author, the founder of a new literary style, the great apologist for Modernism, and the discoverer and promoter of the French school of contemporary painting. She was the beginning of a new era, some looked up to her while others thought she was an insignificant person (but how wrong they were). Gertrude Stein influenced a new generation in the arts. She helped encourage new and old authors and painters. Gertrude Stein enjoyed writing simple phrases that can be interpreted into masterpieces. She was an activist, out of the box thinker and internationally known during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Gertrude Stein s monument is one out of the only... Show more content on ... Gertrude Stein was born on February 3, 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania to Daniel and Amelia Stein. Both parents were from the German Jewish descent. Gertrude Stein is one of five three boys and two girls. From 1875 until 1878 her family moved and lived in Austria and France. But in 1880, her family moved back to the United States and settled in Oakland, California. Daniel Stein was a wealthy businessman and only expected the best for his family. Her parents were a part of a synagogue, and she went to Sabbath day school, but was not a religious Jew. Nevertheless, Stein grew up believing strongly that Jews shared certain personal traits, such as superior intelligence, financial acumen, and loyalty to one another, she respected and understood her background and roots. After her mother and father passed away, Stein s oldest brother took over as head of family and moved to San Francisco. But then in 1892, Gertrude Stein moved to Baltimore with her siblings to live with an aunt. The following year she entered Harvard Annex and later worked under Hugo Munsterberg, in the Harvard Psychological Laboratory. She studied there for four years and graduated with a degree. However, in 1897 she entered Johns Hopkins Medical School only to flunk four courses and not receive a degree. It may seem that this experience was her all time low. In 1903, Gertrude Stein decided to move to Paris with her brother. There they began their start in the arts; ... Get more on ...