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Essay Of Reading Books
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Of Reading Books" presents a peculiar challenge. On
the surface, it might seem straightforward; after all, reading is a fundamental activity, and
discussing its benefits or nuances shouldn't be too daunting. However, delving deeper reveals a
complex labyrinth of considerations.
Firstly, there's the sheer breadth of the topic. Reading encompasses a vast array of genres, styles,
and purposes, each deserving its own exploration. Narrowing down the focus becomes a
daunting task. Should the essay delve into the psychological benefits of reading fiction? Or
perhaps it should dissect the historical significance of certain literary movements? The
possibilities seem endless, and each avenue promises a rich tapestry of content.
Then there's the challenge of balancing personal experience with broader research. While
anecdotes and personal reflections can add depth and authenticity to the essay, they must be
supplemented with scholarly evidence and critical analysis. Striking the right balance between
the subjective and the objective can be tricky, requiring careful navigation through a sea of
conflicting perspectives and theories.
Furthermore, there's the ever-present danger of clichГ©. The topic of reading books has been
explored ad nauseam, leading to a saturation of trite arguments and recycled ideas. Crafting an
essay that feels fresh and original amidst this cacophony of voices demands creativity and
And let's not forget the pressure of expectations. Essays are meant to inform, persuade, or
entertain, and achieving any of these objectives requires finesse and eloquence. Every word must
be carefully chosen, every argument meticulously constructed. The fear of falling short, of failing
to do justice to such a venerable subject, looms large.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Of Reading Books" is no easy feat. It requires
grappling with a multitude of complexities, from the vastness of the subject matter to the
challenge of originality and the weight of expectations. Yet, despite these hurdles, the endeavor
is undoubtedly worthwhile, for in exploring the world of books, one inevitably discovers new
horizons of knowledge, insight, and imagination.
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Essay Of Reading Books Essay Of Reading Books
Britain Vs New England Colonies
New Portugal differed from New England in both society and economy. In the 13th
century the Portuguese government wanted to be the first one to complete the Volta
around the world while the New England Colonies were very different from others
and the dissimilar in their economics basics and social structures were unalike from
each other s. Both Portugaland England wanted advancements in a way of
mercantilism and both empires did there s differently.
Kinga Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted to do something different for economy
of their society so they fancied the voyage for Columbus, they wanted to undercut
the Italians dominance of the world trade. They wanted to take everything for
themselves so they can better their economy. Portuguese were the first to find a
way to trade ways around the Vinicio control. They did not find much that was
useful in Africa, if Columbus mapped out to the Atlantic in the other direction he
would have ended up in the spice islands which would have helped there society
out. When Columbus tried and sail back it was hard go back home. Early in the
1520 s society, sugar became the mainstay of the Brazilian export economy, because
of their experiences with plantations in Portugal and on the Atlantic islands, the
Portuguese knew how to produce sugar. Slave trade between Africa and Brazil
abolished Indian slavery in the societies, then after that sugar production increased
rapidly and the first mill opened and produced tons of sugar for export.
Perfectionism As A Multidimensional Personality...
Trait Definition To be perfect is impossible. But the ability to achieve the impossible
is the temptress. Perfectionism has been described as a multidimensional personality
disposition. Indicating that the multiple dimensions can show either different or
opposite correlations with maladaptive or adaptive psychological processes
(Stoeber, Corr, Smith, Saklofske, 2016). It is a personality disposition that can be
characterized by a striving for flawlessness and setting exceedingly high standards
for oneself. These standards can pertain to performances that are subsequently
accompanied by self critical evaluations and the perception that others expect one to
be perfect (Stoeber, 2016; Stoeber, Edbrooke Childs, Damian, 2016). Perfectionism is
a disposition that pervades all areas of life including but not limited to work, school,
personal appearance, and social relationships (Stoeber, Edbrooke Childs, Damian,
2016). Some define perfectionism into two categories, perfectionistic strivings, and
perfectionistic concerns. Perfectionistic strivings reflect perfectionistic personal
standards and a self oriented strive for perfection. Perfectionistic concerns on the
other hand, reflect concerns over mistakes, fear of judgment from others, and doubt
about actions (Stoeber, 2016). Clinical psychologists regard perfectionism as a
personality disposition associated with psychopathology and mental health problems
(Stoeber, 2016). With that being said, perfectionism is defined as
Fireman Swot Analysis
Strengths Progress made towards previous goals: Goal 1: Alex will improve his
play skills by demonstrating a pretend action on an object/toy given a variety of
different activities (i.e., push the buttons on the microwave, pound nails with a
hammer, talk on the phone, etc). We will know he has new skills when he engages
in pretend actions on objects in at least three different centers in 3 out of 4
recorded occurrences over the course of 6 weeks. Progress Made: Alex continues
to make progress on this goal and at his next IEP meeting this goal will no longer
be appropriate. Alex can play in dramatic play and pretend with some adult
guidance. He was able to pretend to be a fireman, and also to drive the pretend train.
His preference is to interact
Ocean Surface Current Simulation
OSCURS, or the Ocean Surface Current Simulator, created by Jim Ingraham to
improve and cut down the time needed to calculate and compile necessary data for
the ocean currents. The original thought behind the simulation was to track down
varies salmon species and their spawn locations at the North Pacifics. Fisheries
needed more data and analysis to track down the salmons, and the best ways are by
water salinity and temperature. By compiling the data of how the salmons swim
along the ocean currents, it was a job for OSCURS to predict the locations.
OSCURS allow oceanographycalculations to be done with speed and high accuracy,
which enable more advanced level of techniques of observing the ocean currents.
OSCURS wasn t only useful for the snarks... Show more content on ...
Ebbesmeyer raises questions include understanding how do all sorts of drifters
ended up separated by the same categories at different beaches. By now,
Ebbesmeyer has a good understanding about OSCURS and know that it will be the
go to program whenever a drifter related question comes up. By recognizing that
each drifter is varies by sizes, the wind that blows upon the drifter, the deflection
angle of the drifter can contribute heavily to where it possibly can end up or the
amount of time it will require for the drifter to land. The hockey glove spill in 1994
is a great example of why wind factors and deflection angle matters. OSCURS can
only be so accurate when the programs runs on the controllable data such as
weather, direction of currents, and locations of spillage, but uncontrollable factors
like wind and the drifter floating angles can create small differences in the
calculation that leads to errors as well. Because of the glove floatation with fingers
floating upward, they travel 20 percent quicker than flotsams like shoes or sneakers,
as well as left or right sided gloves can drift separately on different currents, ending
up on different locations. From this spillage, OSCURS showed Ebbesmeyer an
interesting result of how same drifter can still be vary and sort by the ocean currents
even at the slightest matter such as
Teacher Is A Science Teacher
Hmm, he is the one who marks my work, not you!
Why does that matter?
Because we are to respect our teachers, when I am taught macroevolution, I take on
board what my teacher teaches, when I am given homework on that subject I would
describe the processes my teacher has taught me, I am simply regurgitating this fairy
story that I need to get as accurate as possible, after all how could I criticise
something I did not understand the concept of, in fact I use the words proposed, theory
, dogma, ideology more than I use the word macroevolution, why? Simply because
his job as a science teacher is different than say a maths teacher, one teacher teaches
facts the other theories, theories are open to ideology and error, not just related to the
natural ... Show more content on ...
I m betting you think that is how science works. It s not...п»ї
Ok this is what I am taught by my philosophy teacher science does not exist only
scientists exist, I carried this forward and got a B and said scientists do not exist
only men exist and those men are prone to practice science that relates to their
My science teacher said science works by a process of continually running into
brick walls, the brick walls are there to alert them that they are on the wrong path, my
addition to this some prefer to create ladders to sit on the wall rather than turn back,
his response? Yes that s true.
So do be careful in your thinking, I notice that you start from your worldview and
make things fit that, I once did that too. So you are right to question everything,
however, you are not, you are not questioning your worldview.
So in closing
Would you expect a 13 year old schoolgirl to take seriously someone she has never
met and that someone, diagnoses her with schizophrenic tendencies, informs her she
is closed minded and only communicates in rants, while he gives the air of being
rational and
Fahrenheit 451 Book Report
I thought of this book as an exaggerated foreshadow and review of America s
outlook on life. Fahrenheit 451 is a thrilling novel with the theme being, a change
of heart is never too late. An interesting aspect of the book is the setup of the plot.
Most of the book is background information, then discovery for the main character,
after that the thrilling change for the main character. Montage is the main character
who s career is to burn books in a twisted society where learning is done by the
government and the point of life is to have fun with no worries. First Montage is
fine with burning books and lives like any other person, unhappy and under satisfied.
Another important character was Clariss, who opened Montage s eyes to see how his
Gender Differences Through Touch
This study begins with the assumption based on previous research that touch is a
gendered part of the way we communicate. The purpose is to discover differences
in the ways different genders communicate different emotions through touch. The
experiment was set up with two strangers in a room with a barrier between them.
One participant had his or her hand and forearm on the other side of curtain. One
person would be given the task of conveying a certain emotion to the other person
through touching their hand and forearm. The researchers made hypotheses based
on other research backed up by empirical data. Other studies have shown women to
be more expressive of emotions and better at perceiving what other people are
feeling. Females are also more likely to show and feel sympathy and happiness.
Males are more likely to enter confrontational situations as well as show and feel
anger. Males are also more likely to initiate physical contact and the more they think
touch from a femalestranger is sexual, the more they view it as welcoming. However,
females who receive touch from a... Show more content on ...
The study was set up with groups called dyads. The dyads were classified as female
female, male male, female male, and male female. The person giving the touch
signals was the encoder and the person receiving the signals was the decoder and the
roles were randomly given to the participants. The participants could not see or talk
to each other and were not told the other person s gender. The encoder was given
twelve emotion words in a random order and told to communicate that emotion by
touching the person s arm. The decoder was given a sheet of the twelve emotions
and a none of these terms are correct option and asked to choose one after each
touch. They were also asked at the end of the study whether they thought the encoder
was male or
Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies Analysis
For centuries philosophers have debated the question of whether man is innately
evil. William Golding poses this question in his realistic novel Lord of the Flies. Set
on a tropical island during World War II, the novel begins when schoolboys from
Britain are being flown to safety and their plane is shot down. No adults survive, and
the boys are left to govern themselves and get rescued. William Golding uses
symbolism in the form of the conch to represents the concept of society. The boys
evolving relationship with the conch illustrates Golding s theme that humans, when
removed form the pressures of civilized authority, will become evil.
In the beginning, the boys view the conch as an important symbol that unites them
and gives them the power to deal with their difficult situation. When the conch is
first found and blown, it brings everyone together: Ralph found his breath and
blew a series of short blasts. Piggy exclaimed, There s one! (Golding 16). Here
Piggy observes one boy emerging from the jungle but soon boys conform all
around. Each comes for his own reason: some for plain curiosity, other for the
prospect of rescue. They all form the first assembly thanks to the conch. The first
job of this assembly is to unite even further and choose a leader or chief. Once again
the conch plays an important part. It is Ralph who is chosen to be chief, and the
main reason for this is because he holds the conch.
When it is put to a vote, the boys exclaim, Him with the
A Summary OfLetters From The Corrugated Castle
In Letters from the Corrugated Castle, a 13 year old girl named Eldora writes a
series a letters describing everything that is going on in her life. She had believed
for years that her mother had passed away when she was quite young. Eldora lived
with a very nice couple who had been very kind and taken Eldora in as their own.
Eldora called them Aunt and Uncle. At the beginning of the story, Aunt, Uncle, and
Eldora all packed up their belongings from their home in New Bedford,
Massachusetts and left for a new life in the chaotic city of San Francisco, California.
One day, Eldora received a letter from her mother explaining a lot of unanswered
questions. Eldora was thrilled to know that her mother was not dead, and was
alive and quite well. Eldora s mother said that she would soon come by to pay
Eldora a visit and to tell her why she had been unable to care for her the past few
years. However every time she was due to visit, she would have something come
up and not be able to visit. Until after about the 3rd reschedule, when she was
finally able to come into the city for a visit. Eldora was scintillating with happiness
and very eager to see her mother for the first time in what felt like forever. When
she saw her mother and she immediately began to look for every similarity, such as
eyes, voice, hair, even the way that she walked.
Aunt seemed to have quite a few questions about why and how everything had
happened. So mother then told a story of how she
Survival In Auschwitz By Primo Levi And Night By Elie
Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi and Night by Elie Wiesel are two tragic
stories about the experience of these Holocaust survivors during the horrors of the
second world war. In the 1940 s it was a very difficult time for Jews who were
victimized by the German Nazis and sent to concentration camps, such as
Auschwitz, where conditions were worse than imaginable. Elie first entered a
concentration camp when he was 12, along with his father, mother, and three
sisters. Levi, an Italian jew, was 24 when he was sent to the camps for
participating in a resistance group, but unlike Wiesel, did not have his family by
his side. Levi, despite his bitter character, acquires hope from the humanity and
compassion of others while Wiesel, even with his strong relationship with his
father, can t maintain his desire to hope for survival or alliances. As the world
around the authors begins to collapse, they are faced with evil and the uncertainty
of whether to face the events with optimism or pessimism. Levi begins his
experience on a more negative note as he describes what it s like to be on the
bottom. I have learnt that I am haftling. My number is 174517, (page 27). Levi has
lost hope in his own identity. He isn t optimistic or pessimistic, he is indifferent
because he feels he is no longer a man, but a property of the Nazis. Levi also
demonstrates negativity during his stay at Ka Be. As he sits and watches the Jews do
their usual morning ritual and march he describes how the Germans
Division Of Labor In The 1800s
A country with wealth is considered to be the regions that have abundant resources,
specifically in the production and consumption of goods and services. That s why it
is important for the nation to maintain the economy. As time goes on many changes
will occur, whether it is changes in policy, order of command, and or economic
operations. The major changes that we can easily detect are the corporation in the
economy. Corporation in the early 1800s was known as the Classic Corporation ,
which involved very limited liabilities, focused on serving the public and narrow
mandate. Once it reached the 1900s, the corporation transit into a more modern
economic phase. Modern corporations became very broad and flexible. The
flexibility and freedom... Show more content on ...
According to Smith, the fierce competition in the market economy can subdue some
negativity of self interest. Market economy is full of competition and every
individual with self interest would have to put their greed in check in order to
compete. For example, if there are two stores that sell the exact same items but
one store s prices are higher than the other, consumers will opt to buy the item at
the lesser price store. If you are the owner of the higher price store, it is within your
own self interest that you reduce the prices or be out of a business. Even if you are
the only store in town and your quality of services or goods is terrible, there will be
other individual with their own self interest to most likely compete against you. As
you can see because of the competition in the market you can t let your own self
interest get out of hand, if you do you ll end up with
Chris Hall Miss Dennis English 1301.099 November 9, 2013 Albert Einstein Albert
Einstein was born in Ulm, WГјrttemberg, Germany in 1879. His notable
contributions included helping to develop the special and general theories of
relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the
photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of
the 20th century. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1905
Einstein published a paper that described experimental data from the photoelectric
effect as being the result of light energy being carried in discrete quantized packets.
This led to the quantum revolution and later earned him his Nobel Prize. In the
1920s, he... Show more content on ...
I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice. Bohr in response told
Einstein to Stop telling God what He must do! Bohr could disprove every criticism
that Einstein had on the Copenhagen interpretation. In 1924, Einstein received a
short paper from a young Indian physicist named Satyendra Nath Bose. This paper
described light as a gas of photons and was based on a counting method that
assumed that light could be understood as a gas of indistinguishable particles. Bose
requested that Einstein assist in getting the paper published. Upon reading the paper
Einstein realized that the same statistics could be applied to atoms. He then went on
to publish an article in German, which described Bose s model and explained its
allegations. Today, Bose Einstein statistics describe any assembly of these
indistinguishable particles known as bosons. The Bose Einstein condensate
phenomenon was predicted in the 1920s by Bose and Einstein, based on Bose s
work on the statistical mechanics of photons, which was then formalized and
generalized by Einstein. In 1926 Einstein and former student LeГі SzilГЎrd co
invented a unique type of refrigerator called the Einstein refrigerator. On November
11, 1930, U.S. Patent 1,781,541 was presented to Albert Einstein and LeГі SzilГЎrd.
The refrigerator was a single pressure absorption refrigerator. The refrigeration cycle
uses ammonia
Conception Of Photography
An unknown author once said, [T]he question is not whether photography is fine art
per se neither painting not sculpture can make that claim but whether it is capable of
artistic expression; whether in the hands of a true artist its productions become
works of art. This quote, published in 1862, in the Photographic Journal; although
quoted over 150 years ago, during a time when artistry was taking different forms
and evolving, this statement is no less true today. During these early years,
photographers were in the infant stage; first crawling, experimenting with the camera,
film, and subject matter, followed by the teenage grouping. Seen by groups of artist
who followed similar paths and doubts, What would the finished piece look like...
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They were highly posed and not seen as art but a way create and save the memory.
Clerk Maxwell, in the 1860 s, brings into the fold, color photography involving
photographs taken through filters of red, green, and blue. Nevertheless; in each of the
improvements of film development, there is still the eye behind the lens. This is
when photography began its evolution to a finer art form; fine style, form, and
expression into the finished piece. Clementina Hawarden, one of the first female
photographers, found beauty in the lens as seen in Clementina and Florence
Elizabeth Maude, 1863 64. I find Julia Margaret Cameron, Mrs. Herbert Duckworth,
1867, similar to the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, whereas form, grace, and light
are used. Louis Figuier and my thoughts on photography as fine art are summed best
when one identified photography in this manner; until photography the artist s tools
were limited to brush, pencil and the burin; however, through the photographic lens
and the mind behind it, a new instrument is born. Although, the technique is
somewhat similar to engraving or drawing; in the end it is a feeling, not the process
marking the
Use Of Cell Phones While Driving
Americans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are
used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and
performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur
while a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have
occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone
while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers
believe they can safely drive a motor vehicle while using their cell phones. The
United States government must put an end to the use of the cell phones while
operating a motor vehicle by taking action with laws prohibiting the use of these
devices while operating a motor vehicle. There are three main points which
supports the banning of cell phones while driving. First of all, by using the cell
phone while driving, the driver will experience visual distraction which takes the
driver s eyes off the road onto the cell phone. Secondly, the driver will experience a
physical distraction by having to release the steering wheel to attend to the cell
phone. Lastly, the driver will experience a mental distraction which takes the driver s
mind away from their full concentration on the road. By banning the complete use of
cell phones while driving a motor vehicle, our government would undoubtedly save
lives. Background Prior to cell phones, Americans never had to deal with the negative
effects caused
The Occupational Hazard Of The Coal Mining Industry
A research study provided by Harvard concluded that individuals who did not have
access to an adequate health insurance policy had a forty percent higher risk of
death than there more financially inept counter parts. According to this study an
average of one American dies every thirty minutes due to lack of adequate health
care due to financial ineligibility. The work force also known as middle class
americans are truly the ones who are directly affected by the intelligibility to afford
decent health care. Consequently working class americans are the ones who
traditionally are the unhealthiest due to the nature of many of the individuals
careers. For example, black lung is known occupational hazard in the coal mining
industry. Starting in 1968, there have been 75,000 death contributed to black lung.
It was not until 1978 that the coal miners were compensated for sickness and death
contributed to black lung disease. The debate on whether or not health care is an
inalienable right has been discussed since the late 1800 s. During the reformer and
progressive era the federal government took little to know interest in reforming the
health regime in America. The choice was given to the individual states to decide on
what the best method would be. This is when the states ultimately left the health care
side of politics to private and voluntary programs. Up until 1915 health care was not
a discussion worth while to the federal government. Theodore Roosevelt believed
Import Usage Of Import Importation
import re import sys from sys import stdin x = 0 stringList = [] nameMaster = []
streetDictionary = {} def intersection_check(seg1, seg2): xseg1d = seg1[0][0]
seg1[1][0] xseg2d = seg2[0][0] seg2[1][0] xd = (xseg1d, xseg2d) yseg1d = seg1[0][1]
seg1[1][1] yseg2d = seg2[0][1] seg2[1][1] yd = (yseg1d, yseg2d) def newdet(e, f):
return (e[0] * f[1]) (e[1] * f[0]) division = newdet(xd, yd) if division == 0: return No
Intersection else: dcheck = (newdet(*seg1), newdet(*seg2)) xintersec =
newdet(dcheck, xd) / division yintersec = newdet(dcheck, yd) / division if ((xintersec
seg1[0][0] and xintersec seg1[1][0]) or (xintersec seg2[0][0] and xintersec
seg2[1][0])) or ((xintersecseg1[0][1] and yintersec seg1[1][1]) or (yintersec
seg2[0][1] and yintersec seg2[1][1])): return No Intersection else: return
round(xintersec, 2), round(yintersec, 2) def on_seg(p1, p2, c): vecprod = (c[1] p1[1])
* (p2[0] p1[0]) (c[0] p1[0]) * (p2[1] p1[1]) if abs(vecprod) !=0 : return False #
scalprod = (c[0] p1[0]) * (p2[0] p1[0]) + (c[1] p1[1])*(p2[1] p1[1]) if scalprod 0 :
return False length2 = (p2[0] p1[0])*(p2[0] p1[0]) + (p2[1] p1[1])*(p2[1] p1[1]) if
scalprod length2: return False return True def point_on_seg(coor1, coor2, vertex1,
vertex2): if on_seg(vertex1, vertex2, coor1) and
Destroying Arnold Analysis
Bet made an understandable decision in institutionalizing Arnold, but it can be
seen that the consequences of giving Arnold up may sometimes outweigh the
benefits. At age 9, Arnold s autism was becoming too difficult for Bet to manage.
When Bet had to put his jacket on to leave, he started moaning and rocking and
shaking his head . As a single mom, she had to spend her day taking care of Arnold,
and at the same time, she worked long hours to support him and herself financially.
Despite her vast efforts she wasn t able to make enough money to care for him.
Even getting him necessities such as a winter jacket has set her back half a week s
salary. She barely had enough money to support Arnold in the simplest of needs, so it
s understandable... Show more content on ...
He didn t like being the father of an autistic child, he viewed Arnold as too much
for him to handle. Avery found just the fact that he had an autistic child as a
burden. Even Arnold s strange single wail haunted him, which drove him towards
leaving. Bet was left to take care of him Arnold all alone. Bet had somewhat of a
type of backbone when her husband was around, but as soon as he left, the only
person that could help her, was herself. This made it really difficult to raise an
autistic child. However, not only did Arnold s father leave, but now his own mother
is also abandoning him at an institution. He can t even see his mother for the first
six months. These events will cause Arnold to have a fear of abandonment in his
future life, and cause him to not be able to trust his mother. It ll be hard for him to
trust other people in general too. He didn t have any support anymore. At the
institution the worker showed no emotional connection towards Arnold, which is one
of the main foundations necessary for an autistic child. Bet wanted to give Arnold
his special blanket. Her unassuring response was, Oh, fine...we ll see that he gets it.
Her tone implies that she doesn t care about this special
Hurricane Katrina Essay example
The Katrina Breakdown Case Study Questions ADM 624 Public Governance
The Katrina Breakdown Case Study Questions August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina
hits the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. A plan of action was created only hours ahead of
time. One can say the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina and the poor execution is a
lesson learned for all officials who are the head of Natural Disaster Preparedness.
Unfortunately 1200 lives were lost and the deadliest hurricane to hit the United States
in over 75 years. With the state of Louisiana already lying below sea level and being
warned by experts for years, hurricane Katrina is a vas lesson that came with a deadly
... Show more content on ...
Not even having detailed specific amounts of personnel and supplies just a number
she pulled out of her head, (40,000 troops). Governor Blanco said, We Need
Everything You ve Got (Starling, 2010, p. 153). Governor Blanco who had the power
to ask earlier when Mayor Nagin was requesting failed and also failed her city.
CASE STUDY 3.1 QUESTION 2 During a National catastrophe and short amount
of time for properness the federal government should take control regardless of the
situation and work with local officials who would know the area better. When a
city declares state of emergency is should be mandatory that the federal
government can now have more power to execute a plan and available funds to
provide. Local city officials should see the federal government not as a threat or as
if they cannot handle the situation but more of an extra relief. Seeing hurricane
Katrina was the biggest hurricane since 1975 everyday planning for this big of a
natural disaster is not expected. In the past ten years it seems more and more natural
disasters are taking the lives of thousand and costing states to fall. With proper
technology giving local state officials a better outlook on time and planning is the
first step in saving their communities. Executing and working with federal
government showing them their local plan can give the federal government a better
perspective on the scenario as well. By working together and having boundaries set
will only save
Functionalist Perspective
1.Compare and contrast the conflict and the functionalist perspective relative to the
political system in the United States. Select one current issue such as healthcare,
immigration, or one of your choosing and discuss the issue from both perspectives.
Functionalist perspective humanity as a structure of solid amount of functioning
together to make a tuneful established society. However, family, church, education,
economics, adds to the balance of the entire classification. Inside this functionalist
social system there may also be dysfunction. conflict perspective opposes the
functionalist perspective in that it describes society as a system wherein different
sectors compete for power and resources, with one set of groups and interests
dominating ... Show more content on ...
Even if they are mad or having issues with each other the still find a way to pull
through, educated and sport one another. The fact that my family is big there are
more conflict than anything due to they have similar ways. Symbolic interactionist in
my family is something that is strong when it comes to my family belief and how
everyone was raised they have a firm connection on how they were bought up.
3.What are the sociological characteristics of religion in the United States? Build an
argument that religion is likely to remain a strong feature of life in the United States
or why religion may not remain a strong feature in the lives of Americans.
Belief is a form of principle, created through a mutual worldview that pulls together
individuals who recognize with it, Education views as public creations of social
beings. Public group of religious conviction. I believe that religion will always
continue strong in the life of the United State people. Because most people lived
their belief and religion and teach their kids how important it is to keep their
religion alive and going. When bad things turn into crises most humans turn to their
religion to have peace or find answers. Humans based their life on their religion
therefore I know religion would remain a strong feature in the lives of the
My Millionaire Mentor Research Paper
With the correct tool and adequate knowledge, the internet offers tremendous
financial potential to everyone. Did you know that the internet is one of the most
reliable ways in which you can get wealthy over a very short period of time?
Although online trading carries a substantial amount of risk, it is one of the few
modern business types that can elevate you to a wealthy level within the shortest time
possible. After all, is it not a fact that the riskiest businesses are also the ones with the
highest returns?
Not only have I heard stories of people who made millions of profits online, but I
have also witnessed a good number of individuals make tremendous fortunes through
different legitimate ways on the Web over the past few years.
Although ... Show more content on ...
Since its launch about 2 years ago, this infamous scam system has fleeced lots of
amateur web entrepreneurs of their hard earned cash. Many have lost millions to this
groundbreaking scam over the past few years.
I want to put a spot light on this fake product today to help you stay safe from a
bunch of unscrupulous individuals out there. Read My Millionaire Mentor review
below to know everything about this bogus product and avoid getting duped.
What Really Is My Millionaire Mentor?
My Millionaire Mentor is marketed as a digital coaching program that offers you
one on one guidance on how to make money online with traffic generation. To gain
access to the false income generation coaching program, you first need to sign up to
the My Million Mentor website and become a member.
Ryan Mathews (owner name of product), gives his audience the impression that only
a few slots remain to be filled currently and urges everyone to hurry while the few
slots still left last.
My Millionaire Mentor is marketed as a free course that teaches members how to
generate income by selling traffic. Among a few other things, the system comprises a
traffic generator, which Mathews (product owner name) claims to have a tremendous
potential to generate
Criminal Justice And Drug Rehabilitation Essay
The criminal justice system revolves around a three tier system, law enforcement, the
judicial system, and the correctional system. The groundwork of this system revolves
around ethics, it is a moral compass that dictates our lives and grants our culture the
ability to see unlawful activity and accordingly the consideration of acceptable
punishment. What statistically could force a nation to use this system and what are
the ethical problems faced. An examination of criminal s, state that most criminals
started their offenses when they were a youth and in more cases, a majority would
come from poverty. Still, even with this demographic most of the youths incarcerated
are for juvenile crimes running away, breaking curfew, etc. ethically what... Show
more content on ...
How does a nation combat the war on drugs? Many low level drug dealers use the
drugs they deal. Does focusing sentencing on drug rehabilitation for the criminal
eliminate the drug issue or decriminalize the drugs? In the end, the current laws
have led to a high incarceration rate. As of the last available data, 2 million people
were incarcerated for crimes in the U.S. and almost 7 million people were under
supervision. (Gruber, 5 Challenges Facing Criminal Justice Professionals Right Now,
2017) Many theories have concluded that it is corporate greed since economics have
a factor since billions are spent in correctional efforts. This issue has impacted on
communities and state legislation. Most States use a Three Strikes System when
dealing with drug issues or other offenses. This is an outdated system since
statistically most offenders who repeat the crime decline to repeat the offense as they
get older. Alternate sentencing should be evaluated (Gruber, 5 Challenges Facing
Criminal Justice Professionals Right Now, 2017) With the Criminal aspect and laws
identified, the next step is to view the code of ethics that Criminal justice personnel
are asked to uphold. Like religion, ethics revolving around Criminal Justice are
translated subjectively by individuals. These outcomes often lead to disputed
conduct, brutality, corruption and off duty behavior is a part of these challenges.
Identifying which organization has the most impact on the Criminal Justice
The Mermaids Singing
For this project, I have chosen to pick one of our recent studies on the film I ve
Heard the Mermaids Singing directed by Patricia Rozema. Not only did I go
through several challenges and obstacles in picking my topic, there are definitely
challenges I know I will encounter during the actual process on issues of notability
when implementing such important information on a website used world wide, as
well as navigating my way through the sandbox. Due to the fact that many of my
interest related to feminist theatre have already an extensive amount of information
written on Wikipedia, I had to think of possible solutions and new topics which
forced me to change my topic for the better. Many critics of this film admit that a
discourse with feminism
The Causes Of Valley Forge
Imagine living under brutal conditions in a rundown, secluded fort, far away from
home and knowing that you could die at any minute. What would you do? During
the winter of 1777 to 1778, George Washington s Continental Army set up their
post at Valley Forge, a military camp 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia. It was not
big enough to be called a village it only had a few fieldstone houses and a mill for
forging iron. The Quaker farms in the area offered good food and support for
Washington s men, so they accepted. However, as the days went by, they realized that
maybe that hadn t been such a good idea. The soldiers in the Continental Armyshould
have left Valley Forgebecause of deathand illness, living conditions in camp (lack of
food and clothing), and resentment towards Congress. Although Thomas Paine s
words of encouragement in the American Crisis were inspirational, this didn t
change the fact that the soldiers were suffering due to the extreme conditions in
the camp. To begin, the soldiers should have left Valley Forge because there were
many soldiers who began dying of death and illnesses that spread across camp. Noel
F. Busch states that, by February 1, 1778, 3,989 out of 8,000 soldiers were sick ,
which was approximately 50% of the total population (Busch, 1974). According to
researchers, the low estimate of soldiers who were dying in that year (1778) was
1,800 out of 8,000 people, which was roughly 1 person dead for every 2 soldiers
(10%). Finally, at the end
Meaning Of Langston Hughes Poem Cross
Different meanings of Langston Hughes poem titled Cross Langston Hughes poem
title Cross has a couple of different denotations and a few alternate connotations of
them. Denotations and connotations Cross provide a deeper look into the mind, soul
and psyche of the poet and also helps better understand the issues faced in America
by Hughes. Cross reveals the many layers of thought and confusion going on in the
mind of the Langston Hughes as well.
Denotations of the word cross vary; it means to be angry, annoyed, irate in one sense
of the word. Cross also to be formed by two intersecting lines or the cross in which
people were crucified such as Jesus. Cross also means to delete an incorrect or
inappropriate word or number, the word mean to go or ... Show more content on ...
The cross connotation suggests also of Hughes having his own cross to bear as
not knowing how he fits into society and feeling unwanted by white society and
black society. Being neither white nor black (Hughes 11). The feeling of being
highly intelligent and still not accepted by white s and seeming to be too
intelligent and better than those in black society by some. Being of mixed white
and black race Hughes is a cross breed that is unwanted by his father and his family.
His family and white society, along with black society gives Hughes a feeling that
they want him crossed off the earth because he is an error or inappropriate creation
deserving to be crossed off the list of life. Being a cross breed is his cross to bear
while he crosses path with individuals white and black in society which causes him
to feel cross or angry with the life born into thanks to his mother and father.
Hughes father dies in a big house and his mother dies in shack (9 10), shows the
intersecting cross of their lives of his mother and father that are completely different
from the other. Hughes sees this as unfair and a contrast of their two lives, that they
once spent
Comparing Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men
Stephen King once said, Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They are
both fruit, but taste completely different. The superiority of a film adaptation
compared to its original novel is a highly contested topic. Although it is stereotypical
to say that a book is always better than its movie; that is not always the case. The
1992 MGM filmadaptation directed by Gary Sinise of the 1937 novelOf Mice and
Men, by John Steinbeck, is among the few adaptations that can compete against the
book. Both the novel and the adaptation tell the lives of Lennie and George s lives on
a ranch during the Great Depression, and their efforts in trying to achieve the
American dream of owning their own farm. The adaptation has certain key elements
that... Show more content on ...
For example, in the beginning of the film, a scene is added where a girl in a red
dress runs across a field, screaming for help, followed by a scene with George and
Lennie hiding from ranch workers (Sinise). Beginning the film with this scene, in
a way, is a reference for the results later in the film. Whereas the novel s
representation of this is only through dialogue between George and Slim, the film
presents the audience with an actual scene, acting as both a reference and a way to
get the attention of the audience. By including additional scenes like this, the
adaptation makes itself more intriguing, which enhances the audience s experience.
Another example of how the film enhances the experience is with on Lennie s first
day at the ranch. When George and Lennie are at the field working, Lennie is
tasked with loading the wagons with bags of wheat. Lennie s strength enables him
to carry the bags faster and more efficiently, making the men in the wagon unable to
keep up with him. It takes two ranch workers struggling to lift a wheat bag, where
Lennie can easily carry one (Sinise). Seeing the two men struggling, and their facial
expressions, lightens the mood, as some find it humorous. With this additional scene,
Lennie s strength is once again further implied, but it also adds a bit of humor into
the story, in contrast to its otherwise dark mood. The film better enhances a viewer s
experience by including additional scenes, which conveys the story better, due to the
audience having a deeper sense of
Identity and Women Issues in Pour it up by Rihanna
No matter how much people may talk about its artistic merit, it nonetheless
objectifies and therefore demeans women by casting them in the mould of whore.
(Cox) The present statement is what Laura Cox, journalist at the Daily Mail,
summarizes of Pour it up , the music video released in 2013 by Rihanna to launch
her new song ( The video is
constructed on an extreme usage of female s bodies and it poorly represents the
image of women expressed today by mainstream media channels. Moreover, the
singer fluctuates her body; she portrays pole dancers, strippers and some dance
moves including twerking , a particular alluring hip style of dancing. (Cox) Currently,
the music videohas been watched by millions of people and it questioned whether
Rihanna could still be considered a role model to her millions of young and
impressionable fans. In this paper, I will carefully analyze the video s content by
correlating the messages sent by the images to some media theories starting from
the cultural industry concept and the idea of the commodity feticism by Adorno
and Hockheimer. Then, I will comment on the reactions given by the public and
various media outlets. Firstly, Rihanna is a Barbadian singer of twenty five years
old and she is the nation s first artist to win a Grammy Award. When she was
sixteen, she moved to the United States and she made her debut in 2005. The official
music video for Pour It Up was
Significance Of Shake Hands With The Devil
Shake Hands with the Devil The movie Shake Hands with the Devil is a true story
about the brutal history of the Rwandan genocide. It is originally a book that was
written by Romeo Dallaire; who is a Canadian humanitarian, and retired senator, that
served as a force commander of UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for
Rwanda). The movie shows tragic scenes of how the feud between the Hutus and
Tutsis affected their way of living harshly. Overall, the validity of the film is quite
high, however, it contains some additional incorrect facts. Therefore, the accuracy of
most of the information in Shake Hands with the Devil is reliable.
The basic plot of the movie is that RomГ©o Dallaire was called on to serve as
commander of the UN Assistance ... Show more content on ...
I usually dislike historical movies because I simply do not understand some of
them very well to have a clear opinion of what happened in a certain place, or I find
them quite boring to watch. However, since I know about what happened in the
Rwandan genocide, I found this movie interesting and have a lot of opinions to share
or analyze. I think the film displays the brutality that is in some people s hearts
perfectly. I also think I can relate the history of the genocide to current situations
around the world like in Syria, or Yemen. These two countries do not have the same
history as the Rwandan genocide, however the fact that there are many
fundamentalists involved in the killing of numerous people in the three countries
relates them ideally. Therefore, I enjoyed watching Shake Hands with the Devil ,
because of the relation it had to current events happening in the
Leopard Seal Research Paper
The Leopard seal has all of the characteristics of a phocid, such as being earless
seals (Hamilton, 1993). A neat fact about leopard seals is they are the largest of the
true Antarctic seals (Siniff, 1991). The common name Leopard seal comes from its
black spotted coat, a defining characteristic of the Leopard seal (Siniff, 1991). They
relatively easy to identify with a very large head, a wide jaw opening and extremely
teeth. Like in some other marine mammal species such as Mysticetes, females are
larger than males. Males on average can be about 2.8 meters in length, while females
will average being 3.0 meters in length and can reach lengths up to 3.5 meters
1967). Males typically weigh around ... Show more content on ...
At times, Leopard seals
can be mistaken for Weddell seals because they are spotted as well.
Foraging and Diving
Leopard seals are not too picky when it comes to their diet, as they will eat just
about anything. They are the only pinnipeds known to eat warm blooded animals
Aspland, 2004). They have been seen feeding on penguins, any types of fish,
squid, and even other seals (Hiruki, 1999). Smaller Leopard seals will mostly feed on
smaller organisms like krill or fish, while the larger ones primarily feed on several
of penguins (Hall Aspland, 2004). Leopard seals are known as aquatic specialists .
They eat wherever they are, usually in the Antarctic, where they primarily reside
et al. 2009). They will forage in the water for krill or fish, but larger Leopard seals
wait underwater near an ice shelf for a penguin to jump in before they snag it and
tear it
apart with their sharp teeth (Hiruki, 1999). They are known to hunt only in shallow
waters, despite being able to dive for up to half an hour in the water (Rogers, 2005).
in certain areas are Leopard seals known to migrate to areas of more ice during
Christine Ha Research Paper
Cooking is an ordinary task that every single one of us have done at least once. But
have you ever imagined cooking relying just on your sense of smell and taste instead
of vision? It might sound impossible but a certain individual has not only just cooked
but has also excelled herself in the culinary world without her eyesight. And that,
everyone, is the winner of Masterchef US season 3, Christine Ha.
Christine experienced losing her eyesight between 1999 and 2007, as she was
diagnosed with Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), resulting in her current blindness. As
she went along the way of rediscovering herself and her purposes after turning blind,
Christine found her motivations in cooking and began her culinary journey by
applying for Masterchef, ... Show more content on ...
When she enlisted in Masterchef season 3, an US culinary competition with over
30,000 homecooks competing for the title, Christine raised a phenomenon by being
the first ever blind contestant in the history of Masterchef. She has inspired
thousands of viewers, hundreds of her fellow contestants and even the judges
themselves. Christine received fan mails that she never even expected, saying : You
ve inspired me to try out for the high school soccer team. It is fair to say that
Christine s success has brought the light of opportunities and hopes to the vision
impaired, the disabled and even those who are just afraid to try something
Examples Of Nonfiction Book Written In Bone
In my opinion the nonfiction book Written in Bone s subject is science. I say this
because throughout the book you will find, maps, diagrams, pictures and Sally M.
Walker (the author) along with other scientists and archeologists explain the reasons
behind their discoveries.
A prime example of science in Written in Bone is nearly all of Chapter 2 is science
related. On page 23 there is a diagram of the human skeleton that labels all of the
major bones in our skeletons, this helps the reader understand topics written about the
human body and its bones. Also on page 22 23 it explains how after death bacteria
eats away tissues which explains why there is only bone left with a skeleton. Quote
After death microbes such as bacteria feed on these tissues along with other parts of
the body, causing them to decay. Along with this scientific explanation and many
others there is also a complementing photo of the bacteria that helps the tissue to
decay. Science is also present in Written in Bone when archeologists are trying to
figure out what ancestry the skeleton is, Quote The narrow nasal opening, the
narrow face, and the shape of the bones on the roof of his mouth were like those of
English people of the seventeenth century. Using these criteria, Owsley determined
that the teenager inside James Fort was European. These are a few small examples
of the massive role science plays in the book Written in Bone. ... Show more content
on ...
The scientists, archeologists, and historians must use science to reveal all of the
answers. If it weren t for science many mysteries would still remain about the
findings at the historical sites visited in this book. Written in Bone was an enjoyable
read hidden with science sprinkled on every
Evergreen Building
Erika Betancourt
Professor Behler
June 3rd, 2016
Final Research Pick five (5) of the topics covered in the class: paintings, photography,
literature, dance, find examples in your city. Photograph, interview, and review what
makes the city in which you live diverse.
9. Evergreen Building Vancouver B.C.
The Evergreen Building in Vancouver Canada was built by Arthur Erickson. He
utilizes a step configuration and by using offset zigzags, floor areas he emphasizes
complex geometry. This building is a mixture of nature and architecture in which he
uses concrete, glass and terraced gardens.
8. Butchart Gardens Victoria B.C.
In 1904 Robert and Jenny Butchart built a cement plant where they also established
their family home in a near abandoned ... Show more content on ...
It is a 50,000 square foot facility that includes: a ballroom, an exhibition hall, 14
meeting rooms and full catering capabilities. It also includes a plaza and fountain
which provide outdoor space. This facility provides an arena for large groups of
people to hold meetings and training opportunities as well as the exchange of theories
and ideas.
4. PED by Kevin Petelle
The PED is a large bronze foot on the Wenatchee/East Wenatchee Loop Trail. The
foot is placed horizontally to the flow of the Columbia River. Mr. Petelle did an
incredible job when creating this sculpture. The texture of the toe nails, veins, and
creases is quite realistic. The sculpture is also quite metaphorically placed on the
loop: Since most people walk or jog on the loop, it could represent the walking
amongst people on the trail.
3. Legislative Building in
Yield Line Theory Is A Productive Method For Deciding
Yield line theory is a productive method for deciding the breakdown heap of
strengthened concrete slabs. The yield line hypothesis is an adaptable outline
strategy, particularly when orthotropic and inhomogeneous properties, gaps and
unique bolster conditions, must be considered. In the 1960s yield line hypothesiswas
the subject of extensive enthusiasm for the UK, as prove by a whirlwind of papers
and monographs, including an uncommon distribution issued by Magazine of
Concrete Research. In the event that the tomahawks of turn for two slab parts are not
at the same profundity measured from the section surface, the relative relocation
intermittence is no more opposite to the yield line. One disputable and minimal
comprehended part of Johansen s yield line hypothesis is the idea of nodal forces. It
uses Yield Line Theoryto investigate failure mechanisms at the ultimate limit state.
Thus, work done in yield lines rotating means work done in loads moving. Yield
Line Design leads to slabs that are quick and easy to design, and are quick and easy
to construct.
Key words: Yield line, design, slab, concrete structures.
Yield line theory is a productive method for deciding the breakdown heap of
strengthened concrete slabs, and it pre dates limit examination. The term yield line
(in Danish: brudlinie , truly signifying line of crack ) was authored in 1921 by
Ingerslev to depict lines in the slabs along which the twisting minute is steady [1]. In
1931 K W
Felicia Crump Job Interview
I had the pleasure of interviewing Felicia Crump who is the Chief of Staff at
Harlem RBI. Her upbeat and welcoming attitude made talking to her very easy.
From growing up in central New Jersey to attending school in New York and then
UConn, Crump has been able to open many doors in her professional career.
Though she was not always interested in Sport Management, sport was always a
big part of her life, as she was a starter for Hobart and William s women s soccer
team in upstate New York. While playing collegiate soccer, Crump was studying art
history and graduated in 2002. She spoke about how there wasn t a huge demand
for jobs in art history and there were even less when she graduated. While trying to
look for jobs she landed a position at... Show more content on ...
She told me that taking a year off was very important because she was, able to have
the beginning of a professional career , as well as establish a good network of
people. She then went on to earn a graduate degree at UConn, here she was part of
a graduate assistant program working as the academic counselor for the men s
basketball team. I asked Crump why she decided not to do a graduate assistance
program with Husky Sport, since their mission is closely tied with that of Harlem
RBI; she said that she, wanted a new experience during graduate school . During her
first and second year of graduate school, she also worked on special projects with
the MLB. She landed this internship in community affairs through her connections
at MLB, as MLB is a sponsor for Harlem RBI. Once she graduated with a master in
Sport Management, Crump landed her first full time job with the MLB; here she
helped with community affairs, as well as coordinating youth baseball games such
as the all stars game . I was interested if Crump had any personal connection to
baseball and softball due to her involvement with Harlem RBI and the MLB, she told
me that, baseball is not even in my top three favorite sports, but I love all the things
about sports, teamwork, and having a team with like minded
Dbq Populist Movement
The Populist movement was the most distinguished reform movement of the late
nineteenth century, totalling more than one million popular votes during the election
of 1892. The Populist movement was a product of a social movement that was
created in response to the changes in the American economy and society during the
1890s. Despite the fact that they died out that same century, some of their ideas
lived on with the Progressives of the early twentieth century. These two movements
both were based on the people s dissatisfaction with government and its failure to
deal effectively with the problems of the day. While the Progressives went beyond
the original ideas of the Populist by advocating for social reform, they still succeeded
in achieving gains for economic, industrial, and... Show more content on ...
Document 4 represents how citizens felt against the monopolies, small and unable to
fight back. The Populist felt that railroad tycoons were in total control of the
government, and used their grasp to reduce competition and treat their workers
poorly. The Populist responded to the monopolies by passing the Sherman Antitrust
Act. However, the Sherman Antitrust Act failed and instead was used to break up
labor unions and labor strikes such as the one in Document 6. Progressives had a
similar problem with trust and in response, they passed the Clayton Antitrust Act,
which strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Populist also directed their
attention to bribed legislators, they believed that the cure for the problems of a
democracy was more democracy, thus they campaigned for the directed elections of
Senators; however, they did not achieve this. The Progressives got the direct election
of Senators passed under the 17th Amendment, 1913, nevertheless. They Progressive
also increased democracy by passing the right of the initiative, referendum, and the
Essay about William Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom!
William Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom! When asked by his Canadian roommate,
Shreve, to [t]ell about the South. What s it like there. What do they do there. Why
do they live there. Why do they live at all , Quentin Compson chose to tell the story
of Colonel Thomas Sutpen (142).The previous summer, Quentin had been
summoned by Miss Rosa Coldfield, the sister of Sutpen s wife, to hear the story of
how Sutpen destroyed her family and his own. In Miss Rosa s home, he sat
listening, having to listen, to one of the ghosts which had refused to lie still even
longer than most had, telling him about old ghost times (4). Over the course of that
summer, before his arrival at Harvard, Quentin was drawn deep into the story of this
fiend... Show more content on ...
The conflict arose after the Christmas of 1860 when Sutpen informed his son
Henry that Charles Bon, one of Henry s classmates, was his half brother and of
mixed racial background. Under these circumstances, Sutpen contended that Judith,
his daughter, could not marry Charles Bon. Henry refused to believe this
information about the classmate he idolized and, in turn, renounced his father, his
family, and the very roof under which he had been born (10). He promptly fled
Sutpen s Hundred alongside his half brother and headed for Bon s home in New
Orleans. Shortly afterwards, the South renounced the Union and seceded, forming an
independent sovereignty and starting the Civil War. During the war, Sutpen s
Hundred, like the rest of the South, experienced devastation. The land was torn up
because most of the battles were fought on Southern soil and the region, primarily
agrarian, struggled to support itself without the help of the industrial North. Sutpen
s wife, Ellen, and his daughters, Clytie and Judith, spent the four years of the war
scrounging for food and wearing rags. Judith now rode into town in the made over
dress which all Southern women now wore, in the carriage still but drawn now by a
mule, a plow mule, soon the plow mule, and no coachman to drive it either to tend to
the wounded soldiers in the improvised hospital in Jefferson (99). Further, Wash
Jones, a man
Conformity In 1960s America
In the words of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Yesterday is not ours to recover, but
tomorrow is ours to win or lose. The connotation of this statement implies the strong
sentiment of the 60s that defines the transition from a traditionalist society to one of
free expression. Conformity shaped the American society of the 50s and continued to
influence the early years of the 1960s. The 50s created a sense of false stability and
unity in the United Statespost WWII. Economically, the country was prosperous due
to the levels of wartime production, and the population was at no shortage of citizens
thanks to the baby boom. However, the evident threat of communism during the Cold
Warat home during the Red Scare and the growing numbers of Americans... Show
more content on ...
These movements were popular influences for artists and sculptors alike and
helped to spread positive sentiment towards the affected minorities of the 60s
society. Judy Chicago was one of the main female pioneers for women in the arts
for her sculptures that promoted a sense of attention and recognition for women of
the feminist movement. Her pieces of art celebrated the experiences and
accomplishments of women through time and focused on the uniqueness and
differences that a woman had in comparison to man. Chicago also used materials
that would have been considered women s homestay activities, including
needlework and ceramic decoration, in order to show that a woman s art is
comparable to a man s and is capable of having its own story and content. Domes is
a selected piece of art that consists of three domed figures laid out in a triangular
formation that represents a symbol of feminism in its softer appearance and layout.
Transitively, the feminist art movement was also related to the art that was created
by African Americans during the 60s. Both groups were advocating for improved
rights, and both took the opportunity to utilize art to expand upon the ideas and
accomplishments of the movements they were a part of. Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett
and photographer Moneta Sleet Jr. were both influenced by the civil rights
movements, Sleet being closely associated with Martin Luther King Jr. and his
peace marches. Catlett had a hand in both the feminist and African American art
realms. Her wooden or clay sculptures represented the strength and power of both
African and Mexican women who ranged from laborers to mothers, and through this
art she established her position as an advocate for women of all races and the
African American race. Sleet was directly affiliated with Martin Luther King Jr. from
the day he was sent to record the boycott in
Soon Fly Now Film Analysis
The purpose of the Training for Big Fight montage in the film Rocky is to
showcase the progression of strength the protagonist needs in order to face the
enemy he is set to face in the ring. Juxtaposing sound against image and allowing
for clear action and music to ramp up together, Rocky s development as a fighter
and his struggle to reach the top is distinctly shown. Further, the use of sound,
outside of music, in the montage is placed strategically in order highlight the
physical impacts of Rocky s punches. The music used is Gonna Fly Now by Bill
Conti and was released and composed for the film Rocky. This makes sense, as the
music in not subtle in any way with repeated lines like Getting stronger and Won t be
long now. The journey Rocky goes on in the film is summed up by this historic
montage in American pop culture and film history.... Show more content on ...
While fades and dissolves are often used in montages Rocky chooses not to use
such effects and opts to keep up with the action, cutting quickly and not losing a
beat. No voice over narration can be heard throughout the sequence, though a
couple of pieces of sound can be heard through the music. Most of the montage
features only the music, but in the butcher s shop and portions of the gym one can
hear loud impacts. In the butcher s shop, ribs can be heard breaking and cracking
as Rocky drives home forceful punches into the hanging carcasses. Secondly, in the
gym one can hear amazingly fast impacts from the speed bag Rocky is using which
also keeps to the beat of the music. Lastly, Rocky is training his core by letting his
trainers launch impacts on his abdomen. It is very easy to understand that this is
grueling work with Rocky s grunts and the trainer s quick impacts. While sound isn t
exceedingly used within this montage, it adds great effect to the overall
Why Is John Wesley s Heartwarming Experience At
As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me
is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11 NASV)
One of the places, perhaps The place I wanted to see on our Wesley Heritage tour
was Aldersgate Street, and in particular the place where Wesley had his heart
strangely warmed . I mean, let s face it, if you re from a Wesleyan Heritage that s
the spot isn t it? The true birth place of the Methodist movement began truly when
John Wesley had his heart warmed and realized he was loved by God.
Sadly it s not there. Well Aldersgate Street is still there but the room in which Wesley
had that encounter with eh Holy Spirit no ... Show more content on ...
It burns and turns things to ash. When something is touched by a fire there is an
actual chemical change that happens inside. When someone is set a blaze with the
Holy Spirit there will be change. Our old way of viewing the world changes. Sin
loses it s grip on our lives. hope and joy spring from our hearts. Fire hurts. While
getting warmed by a fire is pleasant, falling into the fire is painful. Jesus came not
to get us close to the fire, but to Baptize us in it. Our spiritual formation is not
always intended to be a pain free experience. Having the chaff in our lives burned
away causes us to make decisions and live in a way the world may not understand.
This can be painful. The Fire of the Holy Spirit reveals the image of Christ within
us. And the more we look like Jesus, the more the world treats us like Jesus.
Fire spreads. When I was in early High School one of the praise songs we snag was
Pass It On . It s now in the hymnal. You know yu are getting older when your praise
songs find there way into the hymnal. But the song begins it only takes a spark to
get a fire going . When a heart is set on fire with the Holy Spirit it spreads. People
notice a fire and are drawn to it. Renewal and revival will not come to our churches
through a program. God has never changed lives by a program. But when God s
people are willing to be set on fire? When the Holy Spirit touches the dry tinder of
the hearts of this world? God touched the hearts of
Taxi Driver Movie Analysis
Taxi Driver (1976) follows Travis Bickle s life in New York after being honorably
discharged. The film is a psychological thriller that deals with Travis Bickle s
mental instability and desire to do something meaningful with his life. The
narrative centers around Travis loneliness and disconnect from society. The
inciting incident occurs when Travis notices Betsy for the first time. Travis
becomes obsessed with Betsy, who works in a presidential campaign office for
Charles Palantine. His pursuit for Betsy comes to a halt when he takes her out to a
pornographic film, and Betsy understandably feels very uncomfortable. Betsy
starts to ignore Travis calls after this mishap, leading him to march into the
campaign office and have a public falling out with her. The falling out finishes off
act one and spirals Travis into planning an assassination on Palantine. Before Travis
attempts the assassination, he meets and underage prostitute, Iris, who is the twist
/midpoint. Travis sees innocence in Iris, and tries to lead her away from her pimp,
Sport. Travis assassination attempt on Palantine is foiled when he is caught
reaching for his firearm. This act two crisis pushes him in a new direction, to go
after Sport instead. Travis shout out at Sport s brothel is the climax of the film.
The dГ©nouement follows, with Travis being heralded as a hero in newspapers
and Iris parents thanking Travis for saving Iris. Later, Betsy gets in Travis taxi, he
drops her off and rides off looking
Explaining The Message
Suppose we want to send the message m = (5, 3, 2, 6), and we wish to do this so that
we have the ability to detect and correct 1 error if it were to occur. We can use the
QRT and send our message as encoded q relations as well as additional redundant q
relations. If our message contains 2r q relations and we send 2(r + s) q relations, then
the QRT can correct up to s errors. Thus, we need to send 2 more pieces of redundant
data in order to ensure we can correct s = 1 error. We will do this by calculating the q
relations for our original message using the QRT Weave over F7[x] and then using
the transform to include two redundant q relations. 11 Let R = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x
в€’ 1),(2, x в€’ 5),(6, x в€’ 3)}. Using the QRT Weave provided in Section
... Show
more content on ...
3. If we find that the q relations in R0 (О±) do not match those in c 0 for only one
ˆα ∈ Qˆ then the four q relations we selected to calculate ˙ hR0i are
correct and R0 (Q) is our original message. For example, if we select R0 = {(5,
xв€’2),(3, xв€’1),(2, xв€’5),(5, xв€’3)} then we obtain Л™ hR0i = x 3 + 2x.
Performing the QRT on this value, we get R 0 (Q) = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x в€’ 1),(2, x
в€’ 5),(5, x в€’ 3)(2, x в€’ 4),(4, x в€’ 6)}. Notice that the q relations in R0 (Q) do not
match those in c 0 for 3 q relations. Hence, there is an error in one of the q relations
selected in R0 . 12 Now, suppose we select R0 = {(5, xв€’2),(3, xв€’1),(2, xв€’5),(6,
xв€’6)}. We obtain Л™ hR0i = 6x 3 + 2x 2 + 3x + 6 and performing the QRT on this
value, we get R 0 (Q) = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x в€’ 1),(2, x в€’ 5),(6, x в€’ 3)(0, x в€’ 4),(6,
x в€’ 6)}. Since the q relations in R0 (Q) are not the same as those in c 0 for only one
q relation, we can conclude that there is an error in one of the q relations not
selected to calculate Л™ hR0i. This tells us the Л™ hR0i = Л™ hRi and so the q
relations in R0 (Q) form c. We have recovered the original message. In reality, we
do not need to preform the entire QRT Weave for every subset of q relations.
Because of the iterative nature of how RВЇ is calculated, there is a method of
swapping these relations for more efficient computation. This technique is outlined in
The Importance Of A Student s Grade Point Average Essay
There has been much research done on if a student s grade point average (GPA) is
influenced in anyway based on their sociability. For this study the operational
definition for sociability is if someone goes more then three days a week and is
involved in extra curricular activities more then three days is considered sociable.
From looking at past research there are also other factors that could influence a
students GPA, such as popularity, aggression, sleepiness, etc. Many would say that a
student with a high GPA, 3.0 or higher are likely to be less sociable then students
with a lower GPA of a 2.9 or lower. This is an important topic to study because it
will allow researchers to find out how much time students should really spend
being social without it effecting their overall grade in a negative way. For students
this is useful information for when it comes time on deciding how many hours
they should put into their work rather then going out to be with friends. There is a
lot of past research that has been conducted for this study. Predicators of popularity
and social acceptance can influence academic engagement. In a sample of 342
adolescents in a public school whose average age was fourteen were followed for
four consecutive semesters by researchers who looked at the relationship between
popularity, aggression and grade point average. (Schwartz, Gorman, Nakamoto,
McKay, 2006). At the end of the study it was found that adolescents who were highly
aggressive had an
The Use Of Religion In The Novela Pedro Paramo By Juan
In the novela Pedro Paramo, Juan Rulfo uses religion as a symbol that contradicts
with the characters lack of morals and lack of faith. The town people of Comala are
obsessed with the thought of afterlife, pray and attending church regularly, but these
habits that have lost their true meaning. Rulfo uses these symbolic activities to make
the characters nihilistic and initialism natures more apparent. Father Renteria plays
the Godlike figure, being that he is the only priest in the novel allowing him to be
the mediator between life on earth and the afterlife. It is noticed in the ways people
come to him to receive forgiveness for their sins and wrong doings. At the scene of
Miguel Paramo s funeral, Father Renteria left without offering the final benediction
to the people who filled the church (25). The reasoning behind this was that Miguel
Paramo killed Father Renteria s brother and raped his niece, Ana. This left the people
of the service having the corpse weigh heavily on the soul of everyone present (25).
Father Renteria s occupation demands integrity, purity, and the power to believe his
own teachings. Father Renteria may have had those attributes, but it changed in his
time in Comala. The realization and consequences of his own change make him
question himself leading to the town to question not only him, but also their afterlife
future, givibg a perspective light on Comala s religious and psychological condition.
Pedro Paramo tells Father Renteria to Weigh him
Cadillac Records
The film Cadillac Records is a biopic that retells the story of a few major R B
artists during the 1950s and 1960s. The film mainly focuses on the characters
Muddy Waters and the Leonard Chess. The film later includes other famous artists
such as Chuck Berry, Etta James, and Little Walter. It also briefly shows Mick
Jagger, from The Rolling Stones near the end of the film, and occasionally Howlin
Wolf and Hubert Sumlin make an appearance. The movie first introduces the main
characters. Leonard Chess is portrayed to audience as an ambitious young man. His
parents were polish immigrants, and he dreams of being successful and rich. As the
movie progresses and he is shown to be a competent businessman; and he also seems
to care for the... Show more content on ...
It was especially difficult for African American women musicians. Women were not
seen as equals to men, they needed men to help them even get into the music
industry and they needed men to help them get their music recorded and heard. One
scene, toward the middle of the movie was very interesting to watch. The scene
showed both African Americans and White Americans enjoying one of Chuck Berry
s performances where he plays his most famous song Maybellene . However, at first
the two groups were divided by rope. At one point in the show, the audience broke
through the rope and were dancing together. This scene showed that even though
African American musicians had a more difficult time in the music industry, their
music was popular and enjoyed by everyone. While the movie was about the lives of
the people involved with Chess Records, mostly Leonard Chess, Muddy Waters, and a
few other artists, it was narrated by Willie Dixon. Willie Dixon wrote a famous song
sung by Muddy Waters featured in the film called Hoochie Coochie Man . While
Willie Dixon was a famous musician, he was more involved with the business side
of Chess Records, which gave him a better perspective of what was going on in both
the business side of the industry and in the music. The way the biopic is told shows
the ups and downs of the artists lives. While it does show their triumphs, it shows
more of the struggles they faced.
Healthy Gourma Research Paper
Most at home cooks are familiar with fresh herbs. They are nature s natural
seasonings that can infuse your cooking with flavor and freshness. Healthy Gourmet
hosts chef Ezra Title and nutritionist Julie Daniluk, informs us that some culinary
herbs have the ability to do more than flavor foods they can also help detox your body.
In an episode of Healthy Gourmet, Julie helps local firefighters revamp a starch and
fat heavy meal by replacing some of the salt and other seasonings with fresh herbs.
Anything in the onion family is incredibly important for firefighters, she tells one
fireman, because the sulphur in these plants help detoxify the environmental
chemicals you are going through. Herbs that taste great and help purge your body of
... Show more content on ...
This popular culinary herb is part of the Lamiaceae (mint) family. Basil is
delicious in marinara and pesto, but it s also a powder liver detoxifier. The herb
also reduces inflammation, regulates blood sugar and improves circulation. If you
are feeling like your later dinner with friends is making you feel a bit blah the next
morning, make a simple infused basil water to help purge your body of toxins. You ll
feel like a million bucks!
Peppermint, spearmint or sweet mint no matter which of the three you fancy the
most, it s all great for your body. All types of mint are in the, you guess it,
Lamiaceae family. Mint is known to help ease upset stomachs and cramping. It
also effectively helps digestion by improving the flow of bile from the liver, to the
gallbladder, to the small intestine, where it breaks down dietary fats. Mint is
delicious in savory, as well as, sweet dishes. Add a few sprigs to a tall glass of water
for a refreshing drink.
Grilled Steaks Lettuce Wraps
Chef Erza uses fresh parsley, mint, basil and chives, along with sheep s milk feta
for his rustic herb salad. The herbs are served in a lettuce leaf cups , along with
thin slices of grilled flank steak and caramelized onions. The lettuce cups are perfect
for portion control, as well as, a source of added fiber. Both Julie and Erza are in
agreement with taste and nutrition with this
Initial And Market Entry P
Implementation 7.1.1Initial and Market Entry P ases Technical Development and
Market En try Having concluded the initial (trialing phase the DA project), The
three MEs are for ming a new CLIMAWIN company to field enquiries from
potential customers around Europe (and later other) markets as well as for other
mutual purposes. All Climawin components are now available for production at
batch scale and, with s cale increasing as orders multiply, their costs will become
cheaper. Brand development was carried out during the DA project phase and the
Climawin b rand is now more known than at the outset as is the concept of and term
ventilation window. Further brand development will be pursued ion the next phases
with the... Show more content on ...
These would be distributed across Europe and addr ess local markets and
conditions so increasing penetration and accelerating sales. This second activity is
la rgely a mass production and reselling of stock activity commanding a much
higher profit margin than the first. It is envisaged that tightly controlled licencing
agreements made with these LPPs ac ross Europe, will ensure continued growth in
revenues (though increasingly from technology rath profit margins. r than wind
ows and thus higher Further expansion after additional investment, whether by a
large investor or by IPO, may be considered later. The option at this point of
partnering with a larger manufacturer who has broader routes to larger markets will
also be considered at this time. 7.1.3Revenue and Profits Sales and margins
(profits) are projected as follows: 20172018Year 1Year 2Year 4Year 6Ye ar 8Year
10 Revenue€400,000€120,000€2,500,000€6,300,000€1
0,050,000€15,250,000 Costs€325,000€86,7000€1,750,000€4,095,000€
6,231,000€4,575,000 CW
Sales€400,000€120,000€1,900,000€4,500,000€6 ,250,000€7,000,000
Component Sales (LPPs)€ 600,000€1,800,000€ 3,800,000€8,250,000
Gross Profits€75,000€33,300€ 750,000€2,205,000€3
,819,000€10,675,000 Jobs2810203044 The above table illustrates the sales, costs
and gross profits in years 1 t 10. It illustrrates the gradual shift from an emphasis on
sales of (lower profit) CWs in the early years to (higher
Essay On Blackfish
Blackfish was released on the 19th of July 2013 in New York. Gabriela
Cowperthwaite s award winning documentary is about a captive killer whale that
has taken the lives of several people. This documentary explores the different
stories of Tilikum s attacks and the reasons for why these accidents are occurring in
the sea park industry. The documentary starts off with a violent attack in 2010 on the
parks most experienced trainer Dawn Brancheau, Dawn was dragged into the water,
mauled by the 5000 kilogram orca Tilikum. Dawn s story was the called premise of
the documentary, that is the scenario and question that drives the action of the
documentary. The question is, why would a highly intelligent animal bite the hand
that feeds it? The rest of the documentary explores different situations of Orca
attacks in the sea park industry as it attempts to determine why these attacks are
more frequently becoming a regular occurrence throughout today s day and age.
They explore this through researching on what the orca s life was like before... Show
more content on ...
They are an animal that possess great spiritual power, something that shouldn t be
messed with Throughout the documentary Gabriela Cowperthwaite s is asking
why we as humans do this to our animals, why we take them away from their
family s and home s, lock them up in small room, force them to preform day after
day in front of people paying for them to be tortured. A powerful message that
should be endorsed and further taken seriously by all civilians. Blackfish is an
extraordinary documentary, being ranked alongside Bowling for Columbine the
documentaries shed light on real world issues. Blackfish gives the audience an
insight into what we knew was happening but never knew to what extent and should
be watched by people across the globe. The moral of the documentary is Never
capture what you can t

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Essay Of Reading Books

  • 1. Essay Of Reading Books Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Of Reading Books" presents a peculiar challenge. On the surface, it might seem straightforward; after all, reading is a fundamental activity, and discussing its benefits or nuances shouldn't be too daunting. However, delving deeper reveals a complex labyrinth of considerations. Firstly, there's the sheer breadth of the topic. Reading encompasses a vast array of genres, styles, and purposes, each deserving its own exploration. Narrowing down the focus becomes a daunting task. Should the essay delve into the psychological benefits of reading fiction? Or perhaps it should dissect the historical significance of certain literary movements? The possibilities seem endless, and each avenue promises a rich tapestry of content. Then there's the challenge of balancing personal experience with broader research. While anecdotes and personal reflections can add depth and authenticity to the essay, they must be supplemented with scholarly evidence and critical analysis. Striking the right balance between the subjective and the objective can be tricky, requiring careful navigation through a sea of conflicting perspectives and theories. Furthermore, there's the ever-present danger of clichГ©. The topic of reading books has been explored ad nauseam, leading to a saturation of trite arguments and recycled ideas. Crafting an essay that feels fresh and original amidst this cacophony of voices demands creativity and ingenuity. And let's not forget the pressure of expectations. Essays are meant to inform, persuade, or entertain, and achieving any of these objectives requires finesse and eloquence. Every word must be carefully chosen, every argument meticulously constructed. The fear of falling short, of failing to do justice to such a venerable subject, looms large. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Of Reading Books" is no easy feat. It requires grappling with a multitude of complexities, from the vastness of the subject matter to the challenge of originality and the weight of expectations. Yet, despite these hurdles, the endeavor is undoubtedly worthwhile, for in exploring the world of books, one inevitably discovers new horizons of knowledge, insight, and imagination. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay Of Reading Books Essay Of Reading Books
  • 2. Britain Vs New England Colonies New Portugal differed from New England in both society and economy. In the 13th century the Portuguese government wanted to be the first one to complete the Volta around the world while the New England Colonies were very different from others and the dissimilar in their economics basics and social structures were unalike from each other s. Both Portugaland England wanted advancements in a way of mercantilism and both empires did there s differently. Kinga Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted to do something different for economy of their society so they fancied the voyage for Columbus, they wanted to undercut the Italians dominance of the world trade. They wanted to take everything for themselves so they can better their economy. Portuguese were the first to find a way to trade ways around the Vinicio control. They did not find much that was useful in Africa, if Columbus mapped out to the Atlantic in the other direction he would have ended up in the spice islands which would have helped there society out. When Columbus tried and sail back it was hard go back home. Early in the 1520 s society, sugar became the mainstay of the Brazilian export economy, because of their experiences with plantations in Portugal and on the Atlantic islands, the Portuguese knew how to produce sugar. Slave trade between Africa and Brazil abolished Indian slavery in the societies, then after that sugar production increased rapidly and the first mill opened and produced tons of sugar for export. In
  • 3. Perfectionism As A Multidimensional Personality... Trait Definition To be perfect is impossible. But the ability to achieve the impossible is the temptress. Perfectionism has been described as a multidimensional personality disposition. Indicating that the multiple dimensions can show either different or opposite correlations with maladaptive or adaptive psychological processes (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, Saklofske, 2016). It is a personality disposition that can be characterized by a striving for flawlessness and setting exceedingly high standards for oneself. These standards can pertain to performances that are subsequently accompanied by self critical evaluations and the perception that others expect one to be perfect (Stoeber, 2016; Stoeber, Edbrooke Childs, Damian, 2016). Perfectionism is a disposition that pervades all areas of life including but not limited to work, school, personal appearance, and social relationships (Stoeber, Edbrooke Childs, Damian, 2016). Some define perfectionism into two categories, perfectionistic strivings, and perfectionistic concerns. Perfectionistic strivings reflect perfectionistic personal standards and a self oriented strive for perfection. Perfectionistic concerns on the other hand, reflect concerns over mistakes, fear of judgment from others, and doubt about actions (Stoeber, 2016). Clinical psychologists regard perfectionism as a personality disposition associated with psychopathology and mental health problems (Stoeber, 2016). With that being said, perfectionism is defined as
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  • 5. Ocean Surface Current Simulation OSCURS, or the Ocean Surface Current Simulator, created by Jim Ingraham to improve and cut down the time needed to calculate and compile necessary data for the ocean currents. The original thought behind the simulation was to track down varies salmon species and their spawn locations at the North Pacifics. Fisheries needed more data and analysis to track down the salmons, and the best ways are by water salinity and temperature. By compiling the data of how the salmons swim along the ocean currents, it was a job for OSCURS to predict the locations. OSCURS allow oceanographycalculations to be done with speed and high accuracy, which enable more advanced level of techniques of observing the ocean currents. OSCURS wasn t only useful for the snarks... Show more content on ... Ebbesmeyer raises questions include understanding how do all sorts of drifters ended up separated by the same categories at different beaches. By now, Ebbesmeyer has a good understanding about OSCURS and know that it will be the go to program whenever a drifter related question comes up. By recognizing that each drifter is varies by sizes, the wind that blows upon the drifter, the deflection angle of the drifter can contribute heavily to where it possibly can end up or the amount of time it will require for the drifter to land. The hockey glove spill in 1994 is a great example of why wind factors and deflection angle matters. OSCURS can only be so accurate when the programs runs on the controllable data such as weather, direction of currents, and locations of spillage, but uncontrollable factors like wind and the drifter floating angles can create small differences in the calculation that leads to errors as well. Because of the glove floatation with fingers floating upward, they travel 20 percent quicker than flotsams like shoes or sneakers, as well as left or right sided gloves can drift separately on different currents, ending up on different locations. From this spillage, OSCURS showed Ebbesmeyer an interesting result of how same drifter can still be vary and sort by the ocean currents even at the slightest matter such as
  • 6. Teacher Is A Science Teacher Hmm, he is the one who marks my work, not you! Why does that matter? Because we are to respect our teachers, when I am taught macroevolution, I take on board what my teacher teaches, when I am given homework on that subject I would describe the processes my teacher has taught me, I am simply regurgitating this fairy story that I need to get as accurate as possible, after all how could I criticise something I did not understand the concept of, in fact I use the words proposed, theory , dogma, ideology more than I use the word macroevolution, why? Simply because his job as a science teacher is different than say a maths teacher, one teacher teaches facts the other theories, theories are open to ideology and error, not just related to the natural ... Show more content on ... I m betting you think that is how science works. It s not...п»ї Ok this is what I am taught by my philosophy teacher science does not exist only scientists exist, I carried this forward and got a B and said scientists do not exist only men exist and those men are prone to practice science that relates to their worldview. My science teacher said science works by a process of continually running into brick walls, the brick walls are there to alert them that they are on the wrong path, my addition to this some prefer to create ladders to sit on the wall rather than turn back, his response? Yes that s true. So do be careful in your thinking, I notice that you start from your worldview and make things fit that, I once did that too. So you are right to question everything, however, you are not, you are not questioning your worldview. So in closing Would you expect a 13 year old schoolgirl to take seriously someone she has never met and that someone, diagnoses her with schizophrenic tendencies, informs her she is closed minded and only communicates in rants, while he gives the air of being rational and
  • 7. Fahrenheit 451 Book Report I thought of this book as an exaggerated foreshadow and review of America s outlook on life. Fahrenheit 451 is a thrilling novel with the theme being, a change of heart is never too late. An interesting aspect of the book is the setup of the plot. Most of the book is background information, then discovery for the main character, after that the thrilling change for the main character. Montage is the main character who s career is to burn books in a twisted society where learning is done by the government and the point of life is to have fun with no worries. First Montage is fine with burning books and lives like any other person, unhappy and under satisfied. Another important character was Clariss, who opened Montage s eyes to see how his
  • 8. Gender Differences Through Touch This study begins with the assumption based on previous research that touch is a gendered part of the way we communicate. The purpose is to discover differences in the ways different genders communicate different emotions through touch. The experiment was set up with two strangers in a room with a barrier between them. One participant had his or her hand and forearm on the other side of curtain. One person would be given the task of conveying a certain emotion to the other person through touching their hand and forearm. The researchers made hypotheses based on other research backed up by empirical data. Other studies have shown women to be more expressive of emotions and better at perceiving what other people are feeling. Females are also more likely to show and feel sympathy and happiness. Males are more likely to enter confrontational situations as well as show and feel anger. Males are also more likely to initiate physical contact and the more they think touch from a femalestranger is sexual, the more they view it as welcoming. However, females who receive touch from a... Show more content on ... The study was set up with groups called dyads. The dyads were classified as female female, male male, female male, and male female. The person giving the touch signals was the encoder and the person receiving the signals was the decoder and the roles were randomly given to the participants. The participants could not see or talk to each other and were not told the other person s gender. The encoder was given twelve emotion words in a random order and told to communicate that emotion by touching the person s arm. The decoder was given a sheet of the twelve emotions and a none of these terms are correct option and asked to choose one after each touch. They were also asked at the end of the study whether they thought the encoder was male or
  • 9. Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies Analysis For centuries philosophers have debated the question of whether man is innately evil. William Golding poses this question in his realistic novel Lord of the Flies. Set on a tropical island during World War II, the novel begins when schoolboys from Great Britain are being flown to safety and their plane is shot down. No adults survive, and the boys are left to govern themselves and get rescued. William Golding uses symbolism in the form of the conch to represents the concept of society. The boys evolving relationship with the conch illustrates Golding s theme that humans, when removed form the pressures of civilized authority, will become evil. In the beginning, the boys view the conch as an important symbol that unites them and gives them the power to deal with their difficult situation. When the conch is first found and blown, it brings everyone together: Ralph found his breath and blew a series of short blasts. Piggy exclaimed, There s one! (Golding 16). Here Piggy observes one boy emerging from the jungle but soon boys conform all around. Each comes for his own reason: some for plain curiosity, other for the prospect of rescue. They all form the first assembly thanks to the conch. The first job of this assembly is to unite even further and choose a leader or chief. Once again the conch plays an important part. It is Ralph who is chosen to be chief, and the main reason for this is because he holds the conch. When it is put to a vote, the boys exclaim, Him with the
  • 10. A Summary OfLetters From The Corrugated Castle In Letters from the Corrugated Castle, a 13 year old girl named Eldora writes a series a letters describing everything that is going on in her life. She had believed for years that her mother had passed away when she was quite young. Eldora lived with a very nice couple who had been very kind and taken Eldora in as their own. Eldora called them Aunt and Uncle. At the beginning of the story, Aunt, Uncle, and Eldora all packed up their belongings from their home in New Bedford, Massachusetts and left for a new life in the chaotic city of San Francisco, California. One day, Eldora received a letter from her mother explaining a lot of unanswered questions. Eldora was thrilled to know that her mother was not dead, and was alive and quite well. Eldora s mother said that she would soon come by to pay Eldora a visit and to tell her why she had been unable to care for her the past few years. However every time she was due to visit, she would have something come up and not be able to visit. Until after about the 3rd reschedule, when she was finally able to come into the city for a visit. Eldora was scintillating with happiness and very eager to see her mother for the first time in what felt like forever. When she saw her mother and she immediately began to look for every similarity, such as eyes, voice, hair, even the way that she walked. Aunt seemed to have quite a few questions about why and how everything had happened. So mother then told a story of how she
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  • 12. Division Of Labor In The 1800s A country with wealth is considered to be the regions that have abundant resources, specifically in the production and consumption of goods and services. That s why it is important for the nation to maintain the economy. As time goes on many changes will occur, whether it is changes in policy, order of command, and or economic operations. The major changes that we can easily detect are the corporation in the economy. Corporation in the early 1800s was known as the Classic Corporation , which involved very limited liabilities, focused on serving the public and narrow mandate. Once it reached the 1900s, the corporation transit into a more modern economic phase. Modern corporations became very broad and flexible. The flexibility and freedom... Show more content on ... According to Smith, the fierce competition in the market economy can subdue some negativity of self interest. Market economy is full of competition and every individual with self interest would have to put their greed in check in order to compete. For example, if there are two stores that sell the exact same items but one store s prices are higher than the other, consumers will opt to buy the item at the lesser price store. If you are the owner of the higher price store, it is within your own self interest that you reduce the prices or be out of a business. Even if you are the only store in town and your quality of services or goods is terrible, there will be other individual with their own self interest to most likely compete against you. As you can see because of the competition in the market you can t let your own self interest get out of hand, if you do you ll end up with
  • 13. Einstein Chris Hall Miss Dennis English 1301.099 November 9, 2013 Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, WГјrttemberg, Germany in 1879. His notable contributions included helping to develop the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1905 Einstein published a paper that described experimental data from the photoelectric effect as being the result of light energy being carried in discrete quantized packets. This led to the quantum revolution and later earned him his Nobel Prize. In the 1920s, he... Show more content on ... I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice. Bohr in response told Einstein to Stop telling God what He must do! Bohr could disprove every criticism that Einstein had on the Copenhagen interpretation. In 1924, Einstein received a short paper from a young Indian physicist named Satyendra Nath Bose. This paper described light as a gas of photons and was based on a counting method that assumed that light could be understood as a gas of indistinguishable particles. Bose requested that Einstein assist in getting the paper published. Upon reading the paper Einstein realized that the same statistics could be applied to atoms. He then went on to publish an article in German, which described Bose s model and explained its allegations. Today, Bose Einstein statistics describe any assembly of these indistinguishable particles known as bosons. The Bose Einstein condensate phenomenon was predicted in the 1920s by Bose and Einstein, based on Bose s work on the statistical mechanics of photons, which was then formalized and generalized by Einstein. In 1926 Einstein and former student LeГі SzilГЎrd co invented a unique type of refrigerator called the Einstein refrigerator. On November 11, 1930, U.S. Patent 1,781,541 was presented to Albert Einstein and LeГі SzilГЎrd. The refrigerator was a single pressure absorption refrigerator. The refrigeration cycle uses ammonia
  • 14. Conception Of Photography An unknown author once said, [T]he question is not whether photography is fine art per se neither painting not sculpture can make that claim but whether it is capable of artistic expression; whether in the hands of a true artist its productions become works of art. This quote, published in 1862, in the Photographic Journal; although quoted over 150 years ago, during a time when artistry was taking different forms and evolving, this statement is no less true today. During these early years, photographers were in the infant stage; first crawling, experimenting with the camera, film, and subject matter, followed by the teenage grouping. Seen by groups of artist who followed similar paths and doubts, What would the finished piece look like... Show more content on ... They were highly posed and not seen as art but a way create and save the memory. Clerk Maxwell, in the 1860 s, brings into the fold, color photography involving photographs taken through filters of red, green, and blue. Nevertheless; in each of the improvements of film development, there is still the eye behind the lens. This is when photography began its evolution to a finer art form; fine style, form, and expression into the finished piece. Clementina Hawarden, one of the first female photographers, found beauty in the lens as seen in Clementina and Florence Elizabeth Maude, 1863 64. I find Julia Margaret Cameron, Mrs. Herbert Duckworth, 1867, similar to the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, whereas form, grace, and light are used. Louis Figuier and my thoughts on photography as fine art are summed best when one identified photography in this manner; until photography the artist s tools were limited to brush, pencil and the burin; however, through the photographic lens and the mind behind it, a new instrument is born. Although, the technique is somewhat similar to engraving or drawing; in the end it is a feeling, not the process marking the
  • 15. Use Of Cell Phones While Driving Americans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur while a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers believe they can safely drive a motor vehicle while using their cell phones. The United States government must put an end to the use of the cell phones while operating a motor vehicle by taking action with laws prohibiting the use of these devices while operating a motor vehicle. There are three main points which supports the banning of cell phones while driving. First of all, by using the cell phone while driving, the driver will experience visual distraction which takes the driver s eyes off the road onto the cell phone. Secondly, the driver will experience a physical distraction by having to release the steering wheel to attend to the cell phone. Lastly, the driver will experience a mental distraction which takes the driver s mind away from their full concentration on the road. By banning the complete use of cell phones while driving a motor vehicle, our government would undoubtedly save lives. Background Prior to cell phones, Americans never had to deal with the negative effects caused
  • 16. The Occupational Hazard Of The Coal Mining Industry A research study provided by Harvard concluded that individuals who did not have access to an adequate health insurance policy had a forty percent higher risk of death than there more financially inept counter parts. According to this study an average of one American dies every thirty minutes due to lack of adequate health care due to financial ineligibility. The work force also known as middle class americans are truly the ones who are directly affected by the intelligibility to afford decent health care. Consequently working class americans are the ones who traditionally are the unhealthiest due to the nature of many of the individuals careers. For example, black lung is known occupational hazard in the coal mining industry. Starting in 1968, there have been 75,000 death contributed to black lung. It was not until 1978 that the coal miners were compensated for sickness and death contributed to black lung disease. The debate on whether or not health care is an inalienable right has been discussed since the late 1800 s. During the reformer and progressive era the federal government took little to know interest in reforming the health regime in America. The choice was given to the individual states to decide on what the best method would be. This is when the states ultimately left the health care side of politics to private and voluntary programs. Up until 1915 health care was not a discussion worth while to the federal government. Theodore Roosevelt believed every
  • 17. Import Usage Of Import Importation import re import sys from sys import stdin x = 0 stringList = [] nameMaster = [] streetDictionary = {} def intersection_check(seg1, seg2): xseg1d = seg1[0][0] seg1[1][0] xseg2d = seg2[0][0] seg2[1][0] xd = (xseg1d, xseg2d) yseg1d = seg1[0][1] seg1[1][1] yseg2d = seg2[0][1] seg2[1][1] yd = (yseg1d, yseg2d) def newdet(e, f): return (e[0] * f[1]) (e[1] * f[0]) division = newdet(xd, yd) if division == 0: return No Intersection else: dcheck = (newdet(*seg1), newdet(*seg2)) xintersec = newdet(dcheck, xd) / division yintersec = newdet(dcheck, yd) / division if ((xintersec seg1[0][0] and xintersec seg1[1][0]) or (xintersec seg2[0][0] and xintersec seg2[1][0])) or ((xintersecseg1[0][1] and yintersec seg1[1][1]) or (yintersec seg2[0][1] and yintersec seg2[1][1])): return No Intersection else: return round(xintersec, 2), round(yintersec, 2) def on_seg(p1, p2, c): vecprod = (c[1] p1[1]) * (p2[0] p1[0]) (c[0] p1[0]) * (p2[1] p1[1]) if abs(vecprod) !=0 : return False # scalprod = (c[0] p1[0]) * (p2[0] p1[0]) + (c[1] p1[1])*(p2[1] p1[1]) if scalprod 0 : return False length2 = (p2[0] p1[0])*(p2[0] p1[0]) + (p2[1] p1[1])*(p2[1] p1[1]) if scalprod length2: return False return True def point_on_seg(coor1, coor2, vertex1, vertex2): if on_seg(vertex1, vertex2, coor1) and
  • 18. Destroying Arnold Analysis Bet made an understandable decision in institutionalizing Arnold, but it can be seen that the consequences of giving Arnold up may sometimes outweigh the benefits. At age 9, Arnold s autism was becoming too difficult for Bet to manage. When Bet had to put his jacket on to leave, he started moaning and rocking and shaking his head . As a single mom, she had to spend her day taking care of Arnold, and at the same time, she worked long hours to support him and herself financially. Despite her vast efforts she wasn t able to make enough money to care for him. Even getting him necessities such as a winter jacket has set her back half a week s salary. She barely had enough money to support Arnold in the simplest of needs, so it s understandable... Show more content on ... He didn t like being the father of an autistic child, he viewed Arnold as too much for him to handle. Avery found just the fact that he had an autistic child as a burden. Even Arnold s strange single wail haunted him, which drove him towards leaving. Bet was left to take care of him Arnold all alone. Bet had somewhat of a type of backbone when her husband was around, but as soon as he left, the only person that could help her, was herself. This made it really difficult to raise an autistic child. However, not only did Arnold s father leave, but now his own mother is also abandoning him at an institution. He can t even see his mother for the first six months. These events will cause Arnold to have a fear of abandonment in his future life, and cause him to not be able to trust his mother. It ll be hard for him to trust other people in general too. He didn t have any support anymore. At the institution the worker showed no emotional connection towards Arnold, which is one of the main foundations necessary for an autistic child. Bet wanted to give Arnold his special blanket. Her unassuring response was, Oh, fine...we ll see that he gets it. Her tone implies that she doesn t care about this special
  • 19. Hurricane Katrina Essay example Running head: THE KATRINA BREAKDOWN CASE STUDY QUESTIONS The Katrina Breakdown Case Study Questions ADM 624 Public Governance 11/13/12 The Katrina Breakdown Case Study Questions August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. A plan of action was created only hours ahead of time. One can say the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina and the poor execution is a lesson learned for all officials who are the head of Natural Disaster Preparedness. Unfortunately 1200 lives were lost and the deadliest hurricane to hit the United States in over 75 years. With the state of Louisiana already lying below sea level and being warned by experts for years, hurricane Katrina is a vas lesson that came with a deadly ... Show more content on ... Not even having detailed specific amounts of personnel and supplies just a number she pulled out of her head, (40,000 troops). Governor Blanco said, We Need Everything You ve Got (Starling, 2010, p. 153). Governor Blanco who had the power to ask earlier when Mayor Nagin was requesting failed and also failed her city. CASE STUDY 3.1 QUESTION 2 During a National catastrophe and short amount of time for properness the federal government should take control regardless of the situation and work with local officials who would know the area better. When a city declares state of emergency is should be mandatory that the federal government can now have more power to execute a plan and available funds to provide. Local city officials should see the federal government not as a threat or as if they cannot handle the situation but more of an extra relief. Seeing hurricane Katrina was the biggest hurricane since 1975 everyday planning for this big of a natural disaster is not expected. In the past ten years it seems more and more natural disasters are taking the lives of thousand and costing states to fall. With proper technology giving local state officials a better outlook on time and planning is the first step in saving their communities. Executing and working with federal government showing them their local plan can give the federal government a better perspective on the scenario as well. By working together and having boundaries set will only save
  • 20. Functionalist Perspective 1.Compare and contrast the conflict and the functionalist perspective relative to the political system in the United States. Select one current issue such as healthcare, immigration, or one of your choosing and discuss the issue from both perspectives. Functionalist perspective humanity as a structure of solid amount of functioning together to make a tuneful established society. However, family, church, education, economics, adds to the balance of the entire classification. Inside this functionalist social system there may also be dysfunction. conflict perspective opposes the functionalist perspective in that it describes society as a system wherein different sectors compete for power and resources, with one set of groups and interests dominating ... Show more content on ... Even if they are mad or having issues with each other the still find a way to pull through, educated and sport one another. The fact that my family is big there are more conflict than anything due to they have similar ways. Symbolic interactionist in my family is something that is strong when it comes to my family belief and how everyone was raised they have a firm connection on how they were bought up. 3.What are the sociological characteristics of religion in the United States? Build an argument that religion is likely to remain a strong feature of life in the United States or why religion may not remain a strong feature in the lives of Americans. Belief is a form of principle, created through a mutual worldview that pulls together individuals who recognize with it, Education views as public creations of social beings. Public group of religious conviction. I believe that religion will always continue strong in the life of the United State people. Because most people lived their belief and religion and teach their kids how important it is to keep their religion alive and going. When bad things turn into crises most humans turn to their religion to have peace or find answers. Humans based their life on their religion therefore I know religion would remain a strong feature in the lives of the
  • 21. My Millionaire Mentor Research Paper With the correct tool and adequate knowledge, the internet offers tremendous financial potential to everyone. Did you know that the internet is one of the most reliable ways in which you can get wealthy over a very short period of time? Although online trading carries a substantial amount of risk, it is one of the few modern business types that can elevate you to a wealthy level within the shortest time possible. After all, is it not a fact that the riskiest businesses are also the ones with the highest returns? Not only have I heard stories of people who made millions of profits online, but I have also witnessed a good number of individuals make tremendous fortunes through different legitimate ways on the Web over the past few years. Although ... Show more content on ... Since its launch about 2 years ago, this infamous scam system has fleeced lots of amateur web entrepreneurs of their hard earned cash. Many have lost millions to this groundbreaking scam over the past few years. I want to put a spot light on this fake product today to help you stay safe from a bunch of unscrupulous individuals out there. Read My Millionaire Mentor review below to know everything about this bogus product and avoid getting duped. What Really Is My Millionaire Mentor? My Millionaire Mentor is marketed as a digital coaching program that offers you one on one guidance on how to make money online with traffic generation. To gain access to the false income generation coaching program, you first need to sign up to the My Million Mentor website and become a member. Ryan Mathews (owner name of product), gives his audience the impression that only a few slots remain to be filled currently and urges everyone to hurry while the few slots still left last. My Millionaire Mentor is marketed as a free course that teaches members how to generate income by selling traffic. Among a few other things, the system comprises a traffic generator, which Mathews (product owner name) claims to have a tremendous potential to generate
  • 22. Criminal Justice And Drug Rehabilitation Essay The criminal justice system revolves around a three tier system, law enforcement, the judicial system, and the correctional system. The groundwork of this system revolves around ethics, it is a moral compass that dictates our lives and grants our culture the ability to see unlawful activity and accordingly the consideration of acceptable punishment. What statistically could force a nation to use this system and what are the ethical problems faced. An examination of criminal s, state that most criminals started their offenses when they were a youth and in more cases, a majority would come from poverty. Still, even with this demographic most of the youths incarcerated are for juvenile crimes running away, breaking curfew, etc. ethically what... Show more content on ... How does a nation combat the war on drugs? Many low level drug dealers use the drugs they deal. Does focusing sentencing on drug rehabilitation for the criminal eliminate the drug issue or decriminalize the drugs? In the end, the current laws have led to a high incarceration rate. As of the last available data, 2 million people were incarcerated for crimes in the U.S. and almost 7 million people were under supervision. (Gruber, 5 Challenges Facing Criminal Justice Professionals Right Now, 2017) Many theories have concluded that it is corporate greed since economics have a factor since billions are spent in correctional efforts. This issue has impacted on communities and state legislation. Most States use a Three Strikes System when dealing with drug issues or other offenses. This is an outdated system since statistically most offenders who repeat the crime decline to repeat the offense as they get older. Alternate sentencing should be evaluated (Gruber, 5 Challenges Facing Criminal Justice Professionals Right Now, 2017) With the Criminal aspect and laws identified, the next step is to view the code of ethics that Criminal justice personnel are asked to uphold. Like religion, ethics revolving around Criminal Justice are translated subjectively by individuals. These outcomes often lead to disputed conduct, brutality, corruption and off duty behavior is a part of these challenges. Identifying which organization has the most impact on the Criminal Justice
  • 23. The Mermaids Singing For this project, I have chosen to pick one of our recent studies on the film I ve Heard the Mermaids Singing directed by Patricia Rozema. Not only did I go through several challenges and obstacles in picking my topic, there are definitely challenges I know I will encounter during the actual process on issues of notability when implementing such important information on a website used world wide, as well as navigating my way through the sandbox. Due to the fact that many of my interest related to feminist theatre have already an extensive amount of information written on Wikipedia, I had to think of possible solutions and new topics which forced me to change my topic for the better. Many critics of this film admit that a discourse with feminism
  • 24. The Causes Of Valley Forge Imagine living under brutal conditions in a rundown, secluded fort, far away from home and knowing that you could die at any minute. What would you do? During the winter of 1777 to 1778, George Washington s Continental Army set up their post at Valley Forge, a military camp 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia. It was not big enough to be called a village it only had a few fieldstone houses and a mill for forging iron. The Quaker farms in the area offered good food and support for Washington s men, so they accepted. However, as the days went by, they realized that maybe that hadn t been such a good idea. The soldiers in the Continental Armyshould have left Valley Forgebecause of deathand illness, living conditions in camp (lack of food and clothing), and resentment towards Congress. Although Thomas Paine s words of encouragement in the American Crisis were inspirational, this didn t change the fact that the soldiers were suffering due to the extreme conditions in the camp. To begin, the soldiers should have left Valley Forge because there were many soldiers who began dying of death and illnesses that spread across camp. Noel F. Busch states that, by February 1, 1778, 3,989 out of 8,000 soldiers were sick , which was approximately 50% of the total population (Busch, 1974). According to researchers, the low estimate of soldiers who were dying in that year (1778) was 1,800 out of 8,000 people, which was roughly 1 person dead for every 2 soldiers (10%). Finally, at the end
  • 25. Meaning Of Langston Hughes Poem Cross Different meanings of Langston Hughes poem titled Cross Langston Hughes poem title Cross has a couple of different denotations and a few alternate connotations of them. Denotations and connotations Cross provide a deeper look into the mind, soul and psyche of the poet and also helps better understand the issues faced in America by Hughes. Cross reveals the many layers of thought and confusion going on in the mind of the Langston Hughes as well. Denotations of the word cross vary; it means to be angry, annoyed, irate in one sense of the word. Cross also to be formed by two intersecting lines or the cross in which people were crucified such as Jesus. Cross also means to delete an incorrect or inappropriate word or number, the word mean to go or ... Show more content on ... The cross connotation suggests also of Hughes having his own cross to bear as not knowing how he fits into society and feeling unwanted by white society and black society. Being neither white nor black (Hughes 11). The feeling of being highly intelligent and still not accepted by white s and seeming to be too intelligent and better than those in black society by some. Being of mixed white and black race Hughes is a cross breed that is unwanted by his father and his family. His family and white society, along with black society gives Hughes a feeling that they want him crossed off the earth because he is an error or inappropriate creation deserving to be crossed off the list of life. Being a cross breed is his cross to bear while he crosses path with individuals white and black in society which causes him to feel cross or angry with the life born into thanks to his mother and father. Hughes father dies in a big house and his mother dies in shack (9 10), shows the intersecting cross of their lives of his mother and father that are completely different from the other. Hughes sees this as unfair and a contrast of their two lives, that they once spent
  • 26. Comparing Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men Stephen King once said, Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They are both fruit, but taste completely different. The superiority of a film adaptation compared to its original novel is a highly contested topic. Although it is stereotypical to say that a book is always better than its movie; that is not always the case. The 1992 MGM filmadaptation directed by Gary Sinise of the 1937 novelOf Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is among the few adaptations that can compete against the book. Both the novel and the adaptation tell the lives of Lennie and George s lives on a ranch during the Great Depression, and their efforts in trying to achieve the American dream of owning their own farm. The adaptation has certain key elements that... Show more content on ... For example, in the beginning of the film, a scene is added where a girl in a red dress runs across a field, screaming for help, followed by a scene with George and Lennie hiding from ranch workers (Sinise). Beginning the film with this scene, in a way, is a reference for the results later in the film. Whereas the novel s representation of this is only through dialogue between George and Slim, the film presents the audience with an actual scene, acting as both a reference and a way to get the attention of the audience. By including additional scenes like this, the adaptation makes itself more intriguing, which enhances the audience s experience. Another example of how the film enhances the experience is with on Lennie s first day at the ranch. When George and Lennie are at the field working, Lennie is tasked with loading the wagons with bags of wheat. Lennie s strength enables him to carry the bags faster and more efficiently, making the men in the wagon unable to keep up with him. It takes two ranch workers struggling to lift a wheat bag, where Lennie can easily carry one (Sinise). Seeing the two men struggling, and their facial expressions, lightens the mood, as some find it humorous. With this additional scene, Lennie s strength is once again further implied, but it also adds a bit of humor into the story, in contrast to its otherwise dark mood. The film better enhances a viewer s experience by including additional scenes, which conveys the story better, due to the audience having a deeper sense of
  • 27. Identity and Women Issues in Pour it up by Rihanna No matter how much people may talk about its artistic merit, it nonetheless objectifies and therefore demeans women by casting them in the mould of whore. (Cox) The present statement is what Laura Cox, journalist at the Daily Mail, summarizes of Pour it up , the music video released in 2013 by Rihanna to launch her new song ( The video is constructed on an extreme usage of female s bodies and it poorly represents the image of women expressed today by mainstream media channels. Moreover, the singer fluctuates her body; she portrays pole dancers, strippers and some dance moves including twerking , a particular alluring hip style of dancing. (Cox) Currently, the music videohas been watched by millions of people and it questioned whether Rihanna could still be considered a role model to her millions of young and impressionable fans. In this paper, I will carefully analyze the video s content by correlating the messages sent by the images to some media theories starting from the cultural industry concept and the idea of the commodity feticism by Adorno and Hockheimer. Then, I will comment on the reactions given by the public and various media outlets. Firstly, Rihanna is a Barbadian singer of twenty five years old and she is the nation s first artist to win a Grammy Award. When she was sixteen, she moved to the United States and she made her debut in 2005. The official music video for Pour It Up was
  • 28. Significance Of Shake Hands With The Devil Shake Hands with the Devil The movie Shake Hands with the Devil is a true story about the brutal history of the Rwandan genocide. It is originally a book that was written by Romeo Dallaire; who is a Canadian humanitarian, and retired senator, that served as a force commander of UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda). The movie shows tragic scenes of how the feud between the Hutus and Tutsis affected their way of living harshly. Overall, the validity of the film is quite high, however, it contains some additional incorrect facts. Therefore, the accuracy of most of the information in Shake Hands with the Devil is reliable. The basic plot of the movie is that RomГ©o Dallaire was called on to serve as commander of the UN Assistance ... Show more content on ... I usually dislike historical movies because I simply do not understand some of them very well to have a clear opinion of what happened in a certain place, or I find them quite boring to watch. However, since I know about what happened in the Rwandan genocide, I found this movie interesting and have a lot of opinions to share or analyze. I think the film displays the brutality that is in some people s hearts perfectly. I also think I can relate the history of the genocide to current situations around the world like in Syria, or Yemen. These two countries do not have the same history as the Rwandan genocide, however the fact that there are many fundamentalists involved in the killing of numerous people in the three countries relates them ideally. Therefore, I enjoyed watching Shake Hands with the Devil , because of the relation it had to current events happening in the
  • 29. Leopard Seal Research Paper The Leopard seal has all of the characteristics of a phocid, such as being earless seals (Hamilton, 1993). A neat fact about leopard seals is they are the largest of the true Antarctic seals (Siniff, 1991). The common name Leopard seal comes from its black spotted coat, a defining characteristic of the Leopard seal (Siniff, 1991). They are relatively easy to identify with a very large head, a wide jaw opening and extremely sharp teeth. Like in some other marine mammal species such as Mysticetes, females are slightly larger than males. Males on average can be about 2.8 meters in length, while females will average being 3.0 meters in length and can reach lengths up to 3.5 meters (Scheffer, 1967). Males typically weigh around ... Show more content on ... At times, Leopard seals can be mistaken for Weddell seals because they are spotted as well. Foraging and Diving Leopard seals are not too picky when it comes to their diet, as they will eat just about anything. They are the only pinnipeds known to eat warm blooded animals (Hall Aspland, 2004). They have been seen feeding on penguins, any types of fish, crustaceans, squid, and even other seals (Hiruki, 1999). Smaller Leopard seals will mostly feed on smaller organisms like krill or fish, while the larger ones primarily feed on several types of penguins (Hall Aspland, 2004). Leopard seals are known as aquatic specialists . They eat wherever they are, usually in the Antarctic, where they primarily reside (Casaux
  • 30. et al. 2009). They will forage in the water for krill or fish, but larger Leopard seals will wait underwater near an ice shelf for a penguin to jump in before they snag it and tear it apart with their sharp teeth (Hiruki, 1999). They are known to hunt only in shallow waters, despite being able to dive for up to half an hour in the water (Rogers, 2005). Only in certain areas are Leopard seals known to migrate to areas of more ice during
  • 31. Christine Ha Research Paper Cooking is an ordinary task that every single one of us have done at least once. But have you ever imagined cooking relying just on your sense of smell and taste instead of vision? It might sound impossible but a certain individual has not only just cooked but has also excelled herself in the culinary world without her eyesight. And that, everyone, is the winner of Masterchef US season 3, Christine Ha. Christine experienced losing her eyesight between 1999 and 2007, as she was diagnosed with Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), resulting in her current blindness. As she went along the way of rediscovering herself and her purposes after turning blind, Christine found her motivations in cooking and began her culinary journey by applying for Masterchef, ... Show more content on ... When she enlisted in Masterchef season 3, an US culinary competition with over 30,000 homecooks competing for the title, Christine raised a phenomenon by being the first ever blind contestant in the history of Masterchef. She has inspired thousands of viewers, hundreds of her fellow contestants and even the judges themselves. Christine received fan mails that she never even expected, saying : You ve inspired me to try out for the high school soccer team. It is fair to say that Christine s success has brought the light of opportunities and hopes to the vision impaired, the disabled and even those who are just afraid to try something
  • 32. Examples Of Nonfiction Book Written In Bone In my opinion the nonfiction book Written in Bone s subject is science. I say this because throughout the book you will find, maps, diagrams, pictures and Sally M. Walker (the author) along with other scientists and archeologists explain the reasons behind their discoveries. A prime example of science in Written in Bone is nearly all of Chapter 2 is science related. On page 23 there is a diagram of the human skeleton that labels all of the major bones in our skeletons, this helps the reader understand topics written about the human body and its bones. Also on page 22 23 it explains how after death bacteria eats away tissues which explains why there is only bone left with a skeleton. Quote After death microbes such as bacteria feed on these tissues along with other parts of the body, causing them to decay. Along with this scientific explanation and many others there is also a complementing photo of the bacteria that helps the tissue to decay. Science is also present in Written in Bone when archeologists are trying to figure out what ancestry the skeleton is, Quote The narrow nasal opening, the narrow face, and the shape of the bones on the roof of his mouth were like those of English people of the seventeenth century. Using these criteria, Owsley determined that the teenager inside James Fort was European. These are a few small examples of the massive role science plays in the book Written in Bone. ... Show more content on ... The scientists, archeologists, and historians must use science to reveal all of the answers. If it weren t for science many mysteries would still remain about the findings at the historical sites visited in this book. Written in Bone was an enjoyable read hidden with science sprinkled on every
  • 33. Evergreen Building Erika Betancourt Professor Behler June 3rd, 2016 Final Research Pick five (5) of the topics covered in the class: paintings, photography, literature, dance, find examples in your city. Photograph, interview, and review what makes the city in which you live diverse. 9. Evergreen Building Vancouver B.C. The Evergreen Building in Vancouver Canada was built by Arthur Erickson. He utilizes a step configuration and by using offset zigzags, floor areas he emphasizes complex geometry. This building is a mixture of nature and architecture in which he uses concrete, glass and terraced gardens. 8. Butchart Gardens Victoria B.C. In 1904 Robert and Jenny Butchart built a cement plant where they also established their family home in a near abandoned ... Show more content on ... It is a 50,000 square foot facility that includes: a ballroom, an exhibition hall, 14 meeting rooms and full catering capabilities. It also includes a plaza and fountain which provide outdoor space. This facility provides an arena for large groups of people to hold meetings and training opportunities as well as the exchange of theories and ideas. 4. PED by Kevin Petelle The PED is a large bronze foot on the Wenatchee/East Wenatchee Loop Trail. The foot is placed horizontally to the flow of the Columbia River. Mr. Petelle did an incredible job when creating this sculpture. The texture of the toe nails, veins, and creases is quite realistic. The sculpture is also quite metaphorically placed on the loop: Since most people walk or jog on the loop, it could represent the walking amongst people on the trail. 3. Legislative Building in
  • 34. Yield Line Theory Is A Productive Method For Deciding The... Yield line theory is a productive method for deciding the breakdown heap of strengthened concrete slabs. The yield line hypothesis is an adaptable outline strategy, particularly when orthotropic and inhomogeneous properties, gaps and unique bolster conditions, must be considered. In the 1960s yield line hypothesiswas the subject of extensive enthusiasm for the UK, as prove by a whirlwind of papers and monographs, including an uncommon distribution issued by Magazine of Concrete Research. In the event that the tomahawks of turn for two slab parts are not at the same profundity measured from the section surface, the relative relocation intermittence is no more opposite to the yield line. One disputable and minimal comprehended part of Johansen s yield line hypothesis is the idea of nodal forces. It uses Yield Line Theoryto investigate failure mechanisms at the ultimate limit state. Thus, work done in yield lines rotating means work done in loads moving. Yield Line Design leads to slabs that are quick and easy to design, and are quick and easy to construct. Key words: Yield line, design, slab, concrete structures. Introduction: Yield line theory is a productive method for deciding the breakdown heap of strengthened concrete slabs, and it pre dates limit examination. The term yield line (in Danish: brudlinie , truly signifying line of crack ) was authored in 1921 by Ingerslev to depict lines in the slabs along which the twisting minute is steady [1]. In 1931 K W
  • 35. Felicia Crump Job Interview I had the pleasure of interviewing Felicia Crump who is the Chief of Staff at Harlem RBI. Her upbeat and welcoming attitude made talking to her very easy. From growing up in central New Jersey to attending school in New York and then UConn, Crump has been able to open many doors in her professional career. Though she was not always interested in Sport Management, sport was always a big part of her life, as she was a starter for Hobart and William s women s soccer team in upstate New York. While playing collegiate soccer, Crump was studying art history and graduated in 2002. She spoke about how there wasn t a huge demand for jobs in art history and there were even less when she graduated. While trying to look for jobs she landed a position at... Show more content on ... She told me that taking a year off was very important because she was, able to have the beginning of a professional career , as well as establish a good network of people. She then went on to earn a graduate degree at UConn, here she was part of a graduate assistant program working as the academic counselor for the men s basketball team. I asked Crump why she decided not to do a graduate assistance program with Husky Sport, since their mission is closely tied with that of Harlem RBI; she said that she, wanted a new experience during graduate school . During her first and second year of graduate school, she also worked on special projects with the MLB. She landed this internship in community affairs through her connections at MLB, as MLB is a sponsor for Harlem RBI. Once she graduated with a master in Sport Management, Crump landed her first full time job with the MLB; here she helped with community affairs, as well as coordinating youth baseball games such as the all stars game . I was interested if Crump had any personal connection to baseball and softball due to her involvement with Harlem RBI and the MLB, she told me that, baseball is not even in my top three favorite sports, but I love all the things about sports, teamwork, and having a team with like minded
  • 36. Dbq Populist Movement The Populist movement was the most distinguished reform movement of the late nineteenth century, totalling more than one million popular votes during the election of 1892. The Populist movement was a product of a social movement that was created in response to the changes in the American economy and society during the 1890s. Despite the fact that they died out that same century, some of their ideas lived on with the Progressives of the early twentieth century. These two movements both were based on the people s dissatisfaction with government and its failure to deal effectively with the problems of the day. While the Progressives went beyond the original ideas of the Populist by advocating for social reform, they still succeeded in achieving gains for economic, industrial, and... Show more content on ... Document 4 represents how citizens felt against the monopolies, small and unable to fight back. The Populist felt that railroad tycoons were in total control of the government, and used their grasp to reduce competition and treat their workers poorly. The Populist responded to the monopolies by passing the Sherman Antitrust Act. However, the Sherman Antitrust Act failed and instead was used to break up labor unions and labor strikes such as the one in Document 6. Progressives had a similar problem with trust and in response, they passed the Clayton Antitrust Act, which strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Populist also directed their attention to bribed legislators, they believed that the cure for the problems of a democracy was more democracy, thus they campaigned for the directed elections of Senators; however, they did not achieve this. The Progressives got the direct election of Senators passed under the 17th Amendment, 1913, nevertheless. They Progressive also increased democracy by passing the right of the initiative, referendum, and the
  • 37. Essay about William Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner s Absalom, Absalom! When asked by his Canadian roommate, Shreve, to [t]ell about the South. What s it like there. What do they do there. Why do they live there. Why do they live at all , Quentin Compson chose to tell the story of Colonel Thomas Sutpen (142).The previous summer, Quentin had been summoned by Miss Rosa Coldfield, the sister of Sutpen s wife, to hear the story of how Sutpen destroyed her family and his own. In Miss Rosa s home, he sat listening, having to listen, to one of the ghosts which had refused to lie still even longer than most had, telling him about old ghost times (4). Over the course of that summer, before his arrival at Harvard, Quentin was drawn deep into the story of this fiend... Show more content on ... The conflict arose after the Christmas of 1860 when Sutpen informed his son Henry that Charles Bon, one of Henry s classmates, was his half brother and of mixed racial background. Under these circumstances, Sutpen contended that Judith, his daughter, could not marry Charles Bon. Henry refused to believe this information about the classmate he idolized and, in turn, renounced his father, his family, and the very roof under which he had been born (10). He promptly fled Sutpen s Hundred alongside his half brother and headed for Bon s home in New Orleans. Shortly afterwards, the South renounced the Union and seceded, forming an independent sovereignty and starting the Civil War. During the war, Sutpen s Hundred, like the rest of the South, experienced devastation. The land was torn up because most of the battles were fought on Southern soil and the region, primarily agrarian, struggled to support itself without the help of the industrial North. Sutpen s wife, Ellen, and his daughters, Clytie and Judith, spent the four years of the war scrounging for food and wearing rags. Judith now rode into town in the made over dress which all Southern women now wore, in the carriage still but drawn now by a mule, a plow mule, soon the plow mule, and no coachman to drive it either to tend to the wounded soldiers in the improvised hospital in Jefferson (99). Further, Wash Jones, a man
  • 38. Conformity In 1960s America In the words of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. The connotation of this statement implies the strong sentiment of the 60s that defines the transition from a traditionalist society to one of free expression. Conformity shaped the American society of the 50s and continued to influence the early years of the 1960s. The 50s created a sense of false stability and unity in the United Statespost WWII. Economically, the country was prosperous due to the levels of wartime production, and the population was at no shortage of citizens thanks to the baby boom. However, the evident threat of communism during the Cold Warat home during the Red Scare and the growing numbers of Americans... Show more content on ... These movements were popular influences for artists and sculptors alike and helped to spread positive sentiment towards the affected minorities of the 60s society. Judy Chicago was one of the main female pioneers for women in the arts for her sculptures that promoted a sense of attention and recognition for women of the feminist movement. Her pieces of art celebrated the experiences and accomplishments of women through time and focused on the uniqueness and differences that a woman had in comparison to man. Chicago also used materials that would have been considered women s homestay activities, including needlework and ceramic decoration, in order to show that a woman s art is comparable to a man s and is capable of having its own story and content. Domes is a selected piece of art that consists of three domed figures laid out in a triangular formation that represents a symbol of feminism in its softer appearance and layout. Transitively, the feminist art movement was also related to the art that was created by African Americans during the 60s. Both groups were advocating for improved rights, and both took the opportunity to utilize art to expand upon the ideas and accomplishments of the movements they were a part of. Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett and photographer Moneta Sleet Jr. were both influenced by the civil rights movements, Sleet being closely associated with Martin Luther King Jr. and his peace marches. Catlett had a hand in both the feminist and African American art realms. Her wooden or clay sculptures represented the strength and power of both African and Mexican women who ranged from laborers to mothers, and through this art she established her position as an advocate for women of all races and the African American race. Sleet was directly affiliated with Martin Luther King Jr. from the day he was sent to record the boycott in
  • 39. Soon Fly Now Film Analysis The purpose of the Training for Big Fight montage in the film Rocky is to showcase the progression of strength the protagonist needs in order to face the enemy he is set to face in the ring. Juxtaposing sound against image and allowing for clear action and music to ramp up together, Rocky s development as a fighter and his struggle to reach the top is distinctly shown. Further, the use of sound, outside of music, in the montage is placed strategically in order highlight the physical impacts of Rocky s punches. The music used is Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti and was released and composed for the film Rocky. This makes sense, as the music in not subtle in any way with repeated lines like Getting stronger and Won t be long now. The journey Rocky goes on in the film is summed up by this historic montage in American pop culture and film history.... Show more content on ... While fades and dissolves are often used in montages Rocky chooses not to use such effects and opts to keep up with the action, cutting quickly and not losing a beat. No voice over narration can be heard throughout the sequence, though a couple of pieces of sound can be heard through the music. Most of the montage features only the music, but in the butcher s shop and portions of the gym one can hear loud impacts. In the butcher s shop, ribs can be heard breaking and cracking as Rocky drives home forceful punches into the hanging carcasses. Secondly, in the gym one can hear amazingly fast impacts from the speed bag Rocky is using which also keeps to the beat of the music. Lastly, Rocky is training his core by letting his trainers launch impacts on his abdomen. It is very easy to understand that this is grueling work with Rocky s grunts and the trainer s quick impacts. While sound isn t exceedingly used within this montage, it adds great effect to the overall
  • 40. Why Is John Wesley s Heartwarming Experience At Aldersgate... As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11 NASV) One of the places, perhaps The place I wanted to see on our Wesley Heritage tour was Aldersgate Street, and in particular the place where Wesley had his heart strangely warmed . I mean, let s face it, if you re from a Wesleyan Heritage that s the spot isn t it? The true birth place of the Methodist movement began truly when John Wesley had his heart warmed and realized he was loved by God. Sadly it s not there. Well Aldersgate Street is still there but the room in which Wesley had that encounter with eh Holy Spirit no ... Show more content on ... It burns and turns things to ash. When something is touched by a fire there is an actual chemical change that happens inside. When someone is set a blaze with the Holy Spirit there will be change. Our old way of viewing the world changes. Sin loses it s grip on our lives. hope and joy spring from our hearts. Fire hurts. While getting warmed by a fire is pleasant, falling into the fire is painful. Jesus came not to get us close to the fire, but to Baptize us in it. Our spiritual formation is not always intended to be a pain free experience. Having the chaff in our lives burned away causes us to make decisions and live in a way the world may not understand. This can be painful. The Fire of the Holy Spirit reveals the image of Christ within us. And the more we look like Jesus, the more the world treats us like Jesus. Fire spreads. When I was in early High School one of the praise songs we snag was Pass It On . It s now in the hymnal. You know yu are getting older when your praise songs find there way into the hymnal. But the song begins it only takes a spark to get a fire going . When a heart is set on fire with the Holy Spirit it spreads. People notice a fire and are drawn to it. Renewal and revival will not come to our churches through a program. God has never changed lives by a program. But when God s people are willing to be set on fire? When the Holy Spirit touches the dry tinder of the hearts of this world? God touched the hearts of
  • 41. Taxi Driver Movie Analysis Taxi Driver (1976) follows Travis Bickle s life in New York after being honorably discharged. The film is a psychological thriller that deals with Travis Bickle s mental instability and desire to do something meaningful with his life. The narrative centers around Travis loneliness and disconnect from society. The inciting incident occurs when Travis notices Betsy for the first time. Travis becomes obsessed with Betsy, who works in a presidential campaign office for Charles Palantine. His pursuit for Betsy comes to a halt when he takes her out to a pornographic film, and Betsy understandably feels very uncomfortable. Betsy starts to ignore Travis calls after this mishap, leading him to march into the campaign office and have a public falling out with her. The falling out finishes off act one and spirals Travis into planning an assassination on Palantine. Before Travis attempts the assassination, he meets and underage prostitute, Iris, who is the twist /midpoint. Travis sees innocence in Iris, and tries to lead her away from her pimp, Sport. Travis assassination attempt on Palantine is foiled when he is caught reaching for his firearm. This act two crisis pushes him in a new direction, to go after Sport instead. Travis shout out at Sport s brothel is the climax of the film. The dГ©nouement follows, with Travis being heralded as a hero in newspapers and Iris parents thanking Travis for saving Iris. Later, Betsy gets in Travis taxi, he drops her off and rides off looking
  • 42. Explaining The Message Suppose we want to send the message m = (5, 3, 2, 6), and we wish to do this so that we have the ability to detect and correct 1 error if it were to occur. We can use the QRT and send our message as encoded q relations as well as additional redundant q relations. If our message contains 2r q relations and we send 2(r + s) q relations, then the QRT can correct up to s errors. Thus, we need to send 2 more pieces of redundant data in order to ensure we can correct s = 1 error. We will do this by calculating the q relations for our original message using the QRT Weave over F7[x] and then using the transform to include two redundant q relations. 11 Let R = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x в€’ 1),(2, x в€’ 5),(6, x в€’ 3)}. Using the QRT Weave provided in Section ... Show more content on ... 3. If we find that the q relations in R0 (О±) do not match those in c 0 for only one Л†О± в€€ QЛ† then the four q relations we selected to calculate Л™ hR0i are correct and R0 (Q) is our original message. For example, if we select R0 = {(5, xв€’2),(3, xв€’1),(2, xв€’5),(5, xв€’3)} then we obtain Л™ hR0i = x 3 + 2x. Performing the QRT on this value, we get R 0 (Q) = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x в€’ 1),(2, x в€’ 5),(5, x в€’ 3)(2, x в€’ 4),(4, x в€’ 6)}. Notice that the q relations in R0 (Q) do not match those in c 0 for 3 q relations. Hence, there is an error in one of the q relations selected in R0 . 12 Now, suppose we select R0 = {(5, xв€’2),(3, xв€’1),(2, xв€’5),(6, xв€’6)}. We obtain Л™ hR0i = 6x 3 + 2x 2 + 3x + 6 and performing the QRT on this value, we get R 0 (Q) = {(5, x в€’ 2),(3, x в€’ 1),(2, x в€’ 5),(6, x в€’ 3)(0, x в€’ 4),(6, x в€’ 6)}. Since the q relations in R0 (Q) are not the same as those in c 0 for only one q relation, we can conclude that there is an error in one of the q relations not selected to calculate Л™ hR0i. This tells us the Л™ hR0i = Л™ hRi and so the q relations in R0 (Q) form c. We have recovered the original message. In reality, we do not need to preform the entire QRT Weave for every subset of q relations. Because of the iterative nature of how RВЇ is calculated, there is a method of swapping these relations for more efficient computation. This technique is outlined in
  • 43. The Importance Of A Student s Grade Point Average Essay There has been much research done on if a student s grade point average (GPA) is influenced in anyway based on their sociability. For this study the operational definition for sociability is if someone goes more then three days a week and is involved in extra curricular activities more then three days is considered sociable. From looking at past research there are also other factors that could influence a students GPA, such as popularity, aggression, sleepiness, etc. Many would say that a student with a high GPA, 3.0 or higher are likely to be less sociable then students with a lower GPA of a 2.9 or lower. This is an important topic to study because it will allow researchers to find out how much time students should really spend being social without it effecting their overall grade in a negative way. For students this is useful information for when it comes time on deciding how many hours they should put into their work rather then going out to be with friends. There is a lot of past research that has been conducted for this study. Predicators of popularity and social acceptance can influence academic engagement. In a sample of 342 adolescents in a public school whose average age was fourteen were followed for four consecutive semesters by researchers who looked at the relationship between popularity, aggression and grade point average. (Schwartz, Gorman, Nakamoto, McKay, 2006). At the end of the study it was found that adolescents who were highly aggressive had an
  • 44. The Use Of Religion In The Novela Pedro Paramo By Juan Rulfo In the novela Pedro Paramo, Juan Rulfo uses religion as a symbol that contradicts with the characters lack of morals and lack of faith. The town people of Comala are obsessed with the thought of afterlife, pray and attending church regularly, but these habits that have lost their true meaning. Rulfo uses these symbolic activities to make the characters nihilistic and initialism natures more apparent. Father Renteria plays the Godlike figure, being that he is the only priest in the novel allowing him to be the mediator between life on earth and the afterlife. It is noticed in the ways people come to him to receive forgiveness for their sins and wrong doings. At the scene of Miguel Paramo s funeral, Father Renteria left without offering the final benediction to the people who filled the church (25). The reasoning behind this was that Miguel Paramo killed Father Renteria s brother and raped his niece, Ana. This left the people of the service having the corpse weigh heavily on the soul of everyone present (25). Father Renteria s occupation demands integrity, purity, and the power to believe his own teachings. Father Renteria may have had those attributes, but it changed in his time in Comala. The realization and consequences of his own change make him question himself leading to the town to question not only him, but also their afterlife future, givibg a perspective light on Comala s religious and psychological condition. Pedro Paramo tells Father Renteria to Weigh him
  • 45. Cadillac Records The film Cadillac Records is a biopic that retells the story of a few major R B artists during the 1950s and 1960s. The film mainly focuses on the characters Muddy Waters and the Leonard Chess. The film later includes other famous artists such as Chuck Berry, Etta James, and Little Walter. It also briefly shows Mick Jagger, from The Rolling Stones near the end of the film, and occasionally Howlin Wolf and Hubert Sumlin make an appearance. The movie first introduces the main characters. Leonard Chess is portrayed to audience as an ambitious young man. His parents were polish immigrants, and he dreams of being successful and rich. As the movie progresses and he is shown to be a competent businessman; and he also seems to care for the... Show more content on ... It was especially difficult for African American women musicians. Women were not seen as equals to men, they needed men to help them even get into the music industry and they needed men to help them get their music recorded and heard. One scene, toward the middle of the movie was very interesting to watch. The scene showed both African Americans and White Americans enjoying one of Chuck Berry s performances where he plays his most famous song Maybellene . However, at first the two groups were divided by rope. At one point in the show, the audience broke through the rope and were dancing together. This scene showed that even though African American musicians had a more difficult time in the music industry, their music was popular and enjoyed by everyone. While the movie was about the lives of the people involved with Chess Records, mostly Leonard Chess, Muddy Waters, and a few other artists, it was narrated by Willie Dixon. Willie Dixon wrote a famous song sung by Muddy Waters featured in the film called Hoochie Coochie Man . While Willie Dixon was a famous musician, he was more involved with the business side of Chess Records, which gave him a better perspective of what was going on in both the business side of the industry and in the music. The way the biopic is told shows the ups and downs of the artists lives. While it does show their triumphs, it shows more of the struggles they faced.
  • 46. Healthy Gourma Research Paper Most at home cooks are familiar with fresh herbs. They are nature s natural seasonings that can infuse your cooking with flavor and freshness. Healthy Gourmet hosts chef Ezra Title and nutritionist Julie Daniluk, informs us that some culinary herbs have the ability to do more than flavor foods they can also help detox your body. In an episode of Healthy Gourmet, Julie helps local firefighters revamp a starch and fat heavy meal by replacing some of the salt and other seasonings with fresh herbs. Anything in the onion family is incredibly important for firefighters, she tells one fireman, because the sulphur in these plants help detoxify the environmental chemicals you are going through. Herbs that taste great and help purge your body of ... Show more content on ... This popular culinary herb is part of the Lamiaceae (mint) family. Basil is delicious in marinara and pesto, but it s also a powder liver detoxifier. The herb also reduces inflammation, regulates blood sugar and improves circulation. If you are feeling like your later dinner with friends is making you feel a bit blah the next morning, make a simple infused basil water to help purge your body of toxins. You ll feel like a million bucks! Mint Peppermint, spearmint or sweet mint no matter which of the three you fancy the most, it s all great for your body. All types of mint are in the, you guess it, Lamiaceae family. Mint is known to help ease upset stomachs and cramping. It also effectively helps digestion by improving the flow of bile from the liver, to the gallbladder, to the small intestine, where it breaks down dietary fats. Mint is delicious in savory, as well as, sweet dishes. Add a few sprigs to a tall glass of water for a refreshing drink. Grilled Steaks Lettuce Wraps Chef Erza uses fresh parsley, mint, basil and chives, along with sheep s milk feta for his rustic herb salad. The herbs are served in a lettuce leaf cups , along with thin slices of grilled flank steak and caramelized onions. The lettuce cups are perfect for portion control, as well as, a source of added fiber. Both Julie and Erza are in agreement with taste and nutrition with this
  • 47. Initial And Market Entry P Implementation 7.1.1Initial and Market Entry P ases Technical Development and Market En try Having concluded the initial (trialing phase the DA project), The three MEs are for ming a new CLIMAWIN company to field enquiries from potential customers around Europe (and later other) markets as well as for other mutual purposes. All Climawin components are now available for production at batch scale and, with s cale increasing as orders multiply, their costs will become cheaper. Brand development was carried out during the DA project phase and the Climawin b rand is now more known than at the outset as is the concept of and term ventilation window. Further brand development will be pursued ion the next phases with the... Show more content on ... These would be distributed across Europe and addr ess local markets and conditions so increasing penetration and accelerating sales. This second activity is la rgely a mass production and reselling of stock activity commanding a much higher profit margin than the first. It is envisaged that tightly controlled licencing agreements made with these LPPs ac ross Europe, will ensure continued growth in revenues (though increasingly from technology rath profit margins. r than wind ows and thus higher Further expansion after additional investment, whether by a large investor or by IPO, may be considered later. The option at this point of partnering with a larger manufacturer who has broader routes to larger markets will also be considered at this time. 7.1.3Revenue and Profits Sales and margins (profits) are projected as follows: 20172018Year 1Year 2Year 4Year 6Ye ar 8Year 10 Revenue€400,000€120,000€2,500,000€6,300,000€1 0,050,000€15,250,000 Costs€325,000€86,7000€1,750,000€4,095,000€ 6,231,000€4,575,000 CW Sales€400,000€120,000€1,900,000€4,500,000€6 ,250,000€7,000,000 Component Sales (LPPs)€ 600,000€1,800,000€ 3,800,000€8,250,000 Gross Profits€75,000€33,300€ 750,000€2,205,000€3 ,819,000€10,675,000 Jobs2810203044 The above table illustrates the sales, costs and gross profits in years 1 t 10. It illustrrates the gradual shift from an emphasis on sales of (lower profit) CWs in the early years to (higher
  • 48. Essay On Blackfish Blackfish was released on the 19th of July 2013 in New York. Gabriela Cowperthwaite s award winning documentary is about a captive killer whale that has taken the lives of several people. This documentary explores the different stories of Tilikum s attacks and the reasons for why these accidents are occurring in the sea park industry. The documentary starts off with a violent attack in 2010 on the parks most experienced trainer Dawn Brancheau, Dawn was dragged into the water, mauled by the 5000 kilogram orca Tilikum. Dawn s story was the called premise of the documentary, that is the scenario and question that drives the action of the documentary. The question is, why would a highly intelligent animal bite the hand that feeds it? The rest of the documentary explores different situations of Orca attacks in the sea park industry as it attempts to determine why these attacks are more frequently becoming a regular occurrence throughout today s day and age. They explore this through researching on what the orca s life was like before... Show more content on ... They are an animal that possess great spiritual power, something that shouldn t be messed with Throughout the documentary Gabriela Cowperthwaite s is asking why we as humans do this to our animals, why we take them away from their family s and home s, lock them up in small room, force them to preform day after day in front of people paying for them to be tortured. A powerful message that should be endorsed and further taken seriously by all civilians. Blackfish is an extraordinary documentary, being ranked alongside Bowling for Columbine the documentaries shed light on real world issues. Blackfish gives the audience an insight into what we knew was happening but never knew to what extent and should be watched by people across the globe. The moral of the documentary is Never capture what you can t