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Essay On Education
Crafting an essay on the broad and multifaceted topic of education is no easy feat. Education
encompasses a vast array of subtopics, ranging from historical perspectives to contemporary
issues, pedagogical methods, and societal impacts. The challenge lies not only in addressing
these diverse aspects but also in providing a coherent and insightful analysis that captures the
essence of education.
One must navigate through the intricate web of educational theories, policies, and practices,
carefully selecting relevant information to build a comprehensive argument. Balancing the
historical context with current trends, and exploring the global nuances of education adds
another layer of complexity. Additionally, delving into the socio-economic factors, cultural
influences, and technological advancements that shape the educational landscape requires
meticulous research and a keen understanding of interdisciplinary connections.
Furthermore, the essay should not merely be a regurgitation of facts but a thoughtful exploration
of different perspectives and potential solutions to the challenges faced by educational systems
worldwide. This demands critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize
information cohesively. Crafting a well-structured essay that flows logically, engages the reader,
and effectively conveys the writer's message is a task that requires both creativity and precision.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of the education field, with ongoing reforms and evolving
paradigms, adds an extra layer of difficulty. Staying updated on the latest developments and
incorporating them into the essay requires constant vigilance.
In conclusion, writing an essay on education is a challenging endeavor that demands a thorough
understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas
effectively. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much
more can be ordered on, providing a solution for those looking to navigate the
complexities of educational discourse.
Essay On Education Essay On Education
Major City Recycling Initiatives
Shelly cashman word 2010
chapter 2: In The Lab 1b
Preparing a Short Research Paper
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Do not insert a space before or after the hyphen in the page number reference.
Type the third body paragraph of the research paper by entering the text shown in
Figure 6.
FIGURE 6Text to enter for third body paragraph
At the end of the third sentence in the third body paragraph after the phrase three
billion units per year (and before the period), type a space, and then insert a citation
by adding a new source, the Chang bibliographical source shown in Figure 7.
FIGURE 7 Chang bibliographical source * *
Edit the Chang citation in the third paragraph to display pages 40 51 at the end of
the citation. Do not insert a space before or after the hyphen in the page number
reference. * * The three body paragraphs you typed so far, and the citations you
inserted and edited, should look like Figure 8.
FIGURE 8First three body paragraphs after inserted and edited citations
Conner citation
Conner citation
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Chang citation
Bloom citation
Bloom citation *
Type the fourth body paragraph of the research paper by entering the text shown in
Figure 9. FIGURE 9Text to enter for fourth body paragraph * * *
After the fourth body paragraph, press the ENTER key and then insert a manual
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Comparing Two Time Periods
The two things that I will compare and contrast are two time periods in my life.
The first time period will be my 7th grade year to my 10th grade year, this would
be a short time from middle to high school. The second time period that I will be
comparing and contrasting to that will be from my 11th grade year till now. My
7th grade year to my 10th grade years of schooling, I was not in the best mental
state. I felt very alone and I had several insecurities about myself, and I would take
that out on myself. Self harm was the only result I saw at that time to relieve all
the emotions I felt. It was overwhelming for me at that time. I would starve myself
and not eat for a day or two. The crazy part was in 8th grade, I was only 80 pounds!
I don t know why I would think like that. I went to counseling for it but that did not
help at all. Many people that were close to me did not understand why I would do
this to myself, which I didn t expect them to because they were one of the reasons.
Also during my 10th grade year, I met someone who hurt me in a big way... Show
more content on ...
Once I removed myself from one BIG issue that was the cause of 95.5% of all of
my problems, In a way I found a peace of mind. No, I am not 100% okay and I
doubt I will be but it is better than before. In conclusion I do still have and
experience some things that I went through my 7th grade to 10th grade years. Yet I
still see growth as person for myself, some people may not see much from reading
or hearing about everything when I talk about things like this but as long as I see
growth in myself I think that is the most important. I can not stress enough when I
stated that when I was able to remove myself from the main source of what was
wrong, it helped so much. I think that these two different times in my life say a lot
about me and I am not
Biblical Allusion In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis is a novel written in 1912 by Franz Kafka. It takes place in
Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. This novel involves a man named
Gregor who lives with his sister and parents. Gregor is the only one that has a job;
therefore he is the only one that has a steady income. He provides everything for
his family, and they take him for granted. One morning Gregor wakes up from his
slumber to realize he has turned into a gigantic bug. Once his family discovers he
is a revolting vermin they seem to disown him except for his sister Grete. By the
end of the novel Grete s perspective toward Gregor changes and she decides it is
time to get rid of him. At the end Gregor dies, but his family does not mourn his
death; if anything they rejoice that he is gone. Throughout the novel Kafka slips in
Biblical allusionhere and there such as the apple that is lodged into Gregor s back,
also the comparisons made between Grete and Judas, and Gregor s sacrifice and the
betrayal of his family. All these allusions help develop a deeper meaning and
construct Gregor into a Christ like being. Probably the most noticeable biblical
allusion Kafka uses in The Metamorphosisis the apple that is forced into Gregor s
back by his father. At one point in the novel Gregor finds himself in the living
room when his father comes home from work. His father, in an act to get Gregor
back into his room, proceeds to firing multiple apples at him. One of the apples
forces its way into Gregor s
The Day After The Boston Marathon Attack
After the Boston marathon attack in 2013, there was people who were very
mournful of what had happened, and who were very fearful of what was to come.
Media at the time were being very desolate and grieving those who had died.
Stephen Colbert, the host of The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert, decided to
take a different approach. In the introduction to his show the day after the attack, he
addresses what had happened to ease the minds of his audience in an ironic
humorous way. He was very serious about the situation but, he decided that adding
comedywas suitable. By using Pathos, in paradoxical way, he could lift spirits and
hide sorrow underneath comedy in a very effective way.
Stephen Colbert always opens his show by yelling, tonight, and then playing an
introduction video. However, on this occasion after yelling tonight, the video does
not play and he catches his viewer off guard. He the leans into the camera and says
in a very soft spoken way, hey look, before we begin I just want to take a moment to
talk about the attack in Boston yesterday. By the way he says this line in a very
serious tone, it leads his audience to believe that they are going to hear the same,
beat to death, mournful lines that they have heard since the attack. He then says, now
obviously, our thoughts and our prays are with everyone there, and this line is very
special because he gives foreshadowing that this is not going to be the typical news
When he reaches the seventeen second
U.s. Washington Consensus And The Beijing Consensus
As the modern day economy continues to grow, more and more discussion are
emerging revolving around what are the factors that led to the successful economic
growth in some countries and one country that has been gaining researcher s interest
is China and the development of Beijing from a third world country in the to a
developed and Newly industrialized country today.
The report examines two major economic consensus frameworks that is closely
related to economic growth in the world. They are namely the Washington Consensus
and the Beijing Consensus. The former is looking at industries in the western context
whereas the latter is looking the Asian context mainly China. The later part of the
report will discuss and compare the two consensus such as identifying their
differences as well as pros and cons of using each model. The last part of the report
will discuss weather is Beijing consensus dominating the once popular Washington
2.Main Content
2.1.Washington Consensus
Washington Consensus (WC) was first discovered post World War II in 1989 by
John Williamson (Williamson, A Short History of the Washington Consensus, 2004).
WC believes in promoting free trade, floating exchange rate, free markets and
macroeconomic stability to help economies grow and recover after the world war.
This non liberal view of globalization has saw supporters from World known
economist and organizations such as IMF, World Bank
, EU US.
WC suggests a set of 10
Emerson s Nature Using Figurative Language Analysis
Nature expresses Emerson s belief that individuals must develop a personal
understanding of the universe. In the introduction, Emerson explains the significance
of accepting the knowledge and traditions of the past, instead of experiencing nature
and God directly. The question about the order of the universe(relationship between
God, man and nature) is answered through the experience of life. Nature in fact is an
expression of the understanding. Emerson portrays an attitude towards nature using
figurative language, comparison and contrasting.
In the essay, he expresses the philosophy that the universe is composed of nature and
through this unity man obtains knowledge. It is necessary, according to Emerson,
that man awakens the connection ... Show more content on ...
Although it goes to say that not everyone sees the reverence awakened by the stars
it is always present, they are inaccessible not To speak truly, few adult persons can
see nature but to those that can t see nature. As well as Nature always wears the
colors of the spirit indicating that nature and man together can produce the ability to
see the delight. However, it is only possible through man or through nature and man
to see delight. It is important to see with temperance and that is why nature always
wears the colors of the
Papers On Anne Frank
Anne Frank
I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in
anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great support and comfort for to me (
Frank). Anne Frank, short for Anneliese Marie Frank, was born in 1929, and died
around 1945. Her father, Otto Frank, was born in 1889 and died in 1980, and was a
prosperous businessman. On January 30, 1933, Hitler had taken over Germany. Anne
and her family were Jewish, and they were forced to move to a new place for a new
life. Anne Frank was a victim of the holocaust, and she would later use her experience
before, during, and after WWII to illustrate through her writing, the thought of a
teenager during a time war.
Before WW2, Anne attend two school s; Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam and Jewish
Lyceum. Anne was born on June 12,1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. She was the child
of Otto and Edith Frank. Anne was their second daughter, after her older sister
Margot. In 1935, the Franks moved to Amsterdam due to Hitler taking over Germany.
Anne never really paid much attention to what was happening with the jews, but one
thing she did notice was the racism that was showed in school. On May 10, 1940, ...
Show more content on ...
Otto returned to Amsterdam and gos to Meip house, Mr. Otto believe that his
family would still be alive. Otto Frank knew that Anne wanted to become an
author or journalist, and had hoped her wartime writings would one day be
published. Later on Mr.Otto help to publish the Diary of Anne. Diary Letters from
June 14, 1942 to August 1, 1944 was published on June 25, 1947. The diary was
published in America in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl. The diary provides a
vivid and poignant glimpse into the world of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi
occupied Holland. Anne diary want all around the world, he later says about this
moment: If she had been here, Anne would have been so proud. May 3,1960 The
Annex became a museum, to show the people how they
The Population Of Hidalgo County
Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be
815,996, an increase of 9,444 (2%) over the 2012 estimated population. The county
seat is located in the City of Edinburg. The governing body of Hidalgo County is the
Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is comprised of the County Judge,
who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from one of the County
s four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is elected
to a four year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly
granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the
most important duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of
the County. Among other things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates,
approves contracts in the name of the County, determines whether indebtedness
should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain County officials. The
Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the close of
the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County s
financial planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general
fund, certain special revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The
budget is prepared by fund, function, department, and object codes. Transfer of
appropriations between departments requires the approval of Commissioners Court.
The County provides a full
Enduring Love Wickham In Pride And Prejudice
Cowans 4 why he disliked Wickham and how he took advantage of his sister.
Elizabeth still wasn t convinced. Elizabeth had lost trust in Darcy and he would
have to earn her trust again. Elizabeth and Jane returned home after all this had
happened. Upon returning home they find out that their younger sister was trying
to leave with Colonel Forster and his wife. Elizabeth warned her father that this
would be a bad idea to left Lydia go. Mr. Bennet decided to let Lydia go any way.
Austen really made it seem like these people were running from or to their problems
because they were constantly taking trips. Elizabeth took a trip with the Gardiners.
Pemberley which was Mr. Darcy s estate was one of the stops on this trip. Almost
everyone in this novel seemed to have so mental issues. Why... Show more content on ...
Wickham. Once Darcy learned of this news from Elizabeth, he felt somewhat
responsible because he didn t tell anyone about Wickham evil behavior. The Gardiner
took Elizabeth back to Longbourn to be with her family. Mrs. Bennet was being crazy
as usual and then they learned that Wickham had gambling debts. None of this
news was good. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gardiner were looking for Lydia and
Wickham, but after no luck Mr. Bennet returned home. Mr. Gardiner continued to
look and found them. Wickham said he would marry Lydia but there is a price. He
wants her father to give her equal shares of his wealth. Mr. Bennet was still confused
about who paid Wickham debts. He thought that maybe Mr. Gardiner did it. Even
though Lydia married a crook, her mother was still excited that one of her daughter
was married. Mrs. Bennet was only focused on getting her daughter married and not
their well being. Lydia and Wickham came back to visit and Lydia told Elizabeth
that Darcy was at her wedding to Wickham. At issue are assumptions about the
selfishness and instability of men s love. When Elizabeth discovers that
The Death Of The Weimar Republic
For now, I m going to leave the Reichstag wrapped up, and move onto Libeskind s
Jewish museum. Over history it could be argued that the Jews have been the most
persecuted religion. This is of course true in Germany. In German history the Jews
have being accused of poisoning wells and causing the black death, despite the
Jews suffering equally from the disease! The Jews were also accused for the loss
of the First World War, despite the Jews having the largest proportional of any
religious group to fight in the war. The German military high command even
produced a censes to show how the Jews didn t pull their weight, however the
findings showed quite the opposite, so of course it was not published. Things
however started to look up for the Jews under the Weimar republic. During the
Weimar Republic, many Jews played influential roles in the government, and in
stabilising Germanys economy following the war. However, after the markets
crashed, once again the German s wanted someone to blame, and once again the
Jews fell victim of persecution. With the rise of Hitler things only got worse. Hitler
s anti sematic death camps eradicated most of Europe s Jewish population. After
World War II, only 8000 Jews remained in Berlin(Gilman, L. 2007). Over the cold war
period, the Jewish community was relatively stagnant in growth.
In 1988 the Senate decided to build a new Jewish museum, exactly half a century
before the Gestapo closed the original museum. 165 architects entered the
Rhetorical Analysis For Youtube Selection
What rank are you applying for?:
What is your age?:
Whats your IGN?:
Are you a Boy or Girl?:
What country do you live in?:
United States
Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?:
/UC_i4kysCMJTl_HmDmRcxtDA Do you have a microphone/headset?:
Why do you want this rank?:
I want this rank because I feel like OPCraft needs somebody like me on their team.
I want to help out the server as much as I possibly can. I wan t to keep the server
and community away from any trouble makers, and rule breakers. I would like to
join your team to make sure this server is clean, and running smoothly. I understand
lots of people apply for this position, although I think I stand out from the rest
because unlike ... Show more content on ...
Staff Impersonation:This is if somone changes there name to like JulianTheBae or
IceyTv First i would /tempmute name 5mins Staff Impersonation because i would go
strait to /tempmute because i think impersonating the staff is bad that will go up to
20mins then i would tell a higher staff to mute them
Leaking Staff Information: I would probally tell a higher staff because
I would be only helper
Hacking: This is when somone uses a Client / blacklisted mod I will get my
recording software and record 1v1ing you and when im done i will /tempban user
48hours (name of hacks) and I will upload video of them hacking and tell higher
staff members and see if it results in a perm ban
Advertising:this is when somone puts ips in chat I would instantly /ban user
Advertising and /cc to clear chat
Indirect Advertising: this is when somone puts there yt or a link not realated to
opcraft I would /mute name Indirect Advdertising and screen shot proof
Mute Evasion: If i mute somone or tempmute and they start talking on an alt i would
mute that alt and if they start putting stuff in ah like f u staff member I d /tempban
user 15hours Mute Evasion and then contact higher staff member
First I would /warn user
Conspiracy Theories Of The Rugrats
Jezabel Hernandez
Thursday: 8am 12noon
Conspiracy theory
Midterm Paper
Rugrats The topic I chose for my paper is about the conspiracy theory about the
show in 90s called Rugrats. The Rugrats premiered on August 11, 1991 and it ended
in June 4, 2004. The names of the creators of Rugrats are Arlene Klasky, and Gabor
Csupo. In the show of the Rugrat s, one of the babies in show named Tommy.
Tommy has parents named Didi and Stu Pickles are based on the creators.
Personally I think its really interesting the creator s made Rugrats based on there
lives as parents.The Pickles house in Rugrats are based on original address of klasky
s Csupo animation production studio in California. The 1258 north highland, Los
Angeles is the original address ... Show more content on ...
When it came down to Character Chuckie or Tommy best friend in the show its said
to be similar to Composer Mark Mothersbaugh. In the show there a bully known as
Angelica, she based on memory of Paul s the producer of Rugrats, of his childhood
bully. Each person that made a impact on there lives have such influence on them,
they made characters that are based on there actions. Angelica is a bully, yet you
come to understand her crazy ideas and outcomes toward the other characters in
Rugrats. With these characters in Rugrats in mind, you can t help but feel a
connection to them.
The conspiracy theory I found is darker twist in realm of Rugrats. In this theory is
based on character Angelica imaginations. Apparently Angelica was not only
having all Rugrats in her head but she is a paranoid schizophrenic(loses based of
reality). Chuckie died along with his mother, that the reason why chuckie s father
Chaz is a wreak and tends breakdown with his nerves over whelming him. Then
there is Tommy he is actual a stillborn, or son that didn t get to be born. Due to the
fact of Tommy, his father Stu pickles he couldn t help be depressed and obsessed
on making toys in basement where for son he will never have. When it came down
to Deville s known as friends to pickles, they had a abortion, since Angelica found
about it, she did not know the gender of the baby, so she thought of about the twins
Phil and lil. Angelica get into the
The Future Of The Us Dollar
The Future of the US Dollar in the International Market A society based on trade
was established as early as 4000 B.C.E. (Hunt 6). However, the end of the Cold War
marked the beginning of a new stage, an economy fully supported by globalization
(Gilpin 10 12). This new beginning for the economy made the international markets
the central focus of the economy. Since the gold standard had crushed, the US dollar
became the official exchange standard and also the most used currency in the world.
Currently, its status of international currency remains the same, but the international
market has changed so much that there are factors that leave its future uncertain. The
role of the US dollar as an international currency is at risk because of the... Show
more content on ...
This decrease can be due to the economic problems that the United States faced
during the decade of the 2000 s, the Financial Market Crisis, and is still battling to
recover from, or due to the increase of power and popularity of other countries and
their currencies, such as the countries that make up the European Union
(Goldberg). The concept of the world money is organically linked to an
understanding of the world market as the fundamental framework of global
capitalism where profit rates are equalized and an average world market rate of
profit is established (Ivanova 51 52). The world market became the main focus of
the world s super power countries as well as developing countries. As Karl Marx s
theory of money establishes, money is not only a measure of value or a medium of
change, when it becomes world money, it becomes the absolute social
materialization of wealth as such (universal wealth) (qtd. in Ivanova 51). One of the
main characteristics of world money that applies to the US dollar today is that it is a
dominant currency in international financial markets that is also used hand to hand
in foreign countries (Auboin). Bitcoin was created in 2009 as an international
currency to make digital transactions easier and faster(Yellin). This computerized
money exists only as strings of digital code ( A New Specie ). This currency is used
without intermediaries
Emotional Intelligence And Social Pressures
Emotional intelligence exposes an individual s ability to regulate their emotions, in
an attempt to acknowledge their partner s perspective and convey intimacy and
commitment in their relationship. In the framework of marriage, I do agree with the
author that emotional intelligence may exist as the glue that holds a marriage
together, as individuals must retain an aptitude to illustrate compassion and empathy
with their partner. According to the text, evidence of a steady erosion of social
pressures the stigma surrounding divorce, or the economic dependence on wives on
their husbands that used to keep couples together in even the most miserable of
matches surfaces (Goleman, 2005, p. 129). Due to societal deviations, couples no
longer uncover themselves in an obligation to continue their marriages when
confronting undesirable situations. Because obligations no longer keep couples
together, emotional intelligenceimportance amplified. The general challenge with
marital emotional intelligence subsists as genderdifferences. In fact, emotional
differences, while they may be partly biological, also can be traced back to
childhood, and to the separate emotional worlds boys and girls inhabit while growing
up (Goleman, 2005, p. 130). Due to the dissimilarity in childhood worlds, I agree with
the author that we need to make a point of talking to boys, in particular, about
emotional intelligence. Originating in elementary school, society articulates that
males must conceal
Rhino Poaching Essay
Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry
In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN
(International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are
in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has
nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and
killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines
(Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are
being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the
authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ...
One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of
daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70 s and 80 s in Yamen
(Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now
use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more
expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated
at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about
$48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is
estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason
being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations
Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the
IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed
across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row
(Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique,
South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe
Jimmy Hendrix Research Paper
Nothing beats a great guitar solo. The world s greatest guitarists are at their best
when they get to showcase talent and pour their heart and soul into the solo.
Here are ten of our favourite guitar solos.
All Along the Watchtower Jimmy Hendrix
The well deserving king of guitar solos has to be Jimmy Hendrix. The legendary
player has done some amazing tricks with the guitar and All Along the Watchtower
has a superb solo to listen to.
In fact, the song features four distinct guitar solos. The varied and characteristic solos
show Hendrix visionary and unique style.
Eruption Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halenis another great guitarist you should look up to. His guitar solos
have speed, precision and fun licks that guarantee you ll always learn something new
from his solos.
Eruption is among the ... Show more content on ...
It s a great solo with all the core building blocks of a good solo. It doesn t add
anything that isn t necessary but it also doesn t sound too naked either!
If you want to learn more about Mick Moody s guitar style and master some of the
greatest Whitesnake hits, then check out Moody s lessons at our website.
One Kirk Hammett
If you love guitar solos with plenty of speed, then Metallica s One is definitely a
song you ll love. Kirk Hammett s guitar playing is fantastic and you probably don t
want to try this at home unless you are a seasoned pro!
Free Bird Allen Collins, Gary Rossington
The Lynyrd Skynyrd classic features a stunning guitar solo by Allen Collins and
Gary Rossington. Quite surprisingly, the song is the first song the band wrote
together, despite the solo sounding like something only seasoned pros would be able
to do.
Crossroads Eric Clapton
Clapton is a massive guitar virtuoso with tons of amazing solos to pick from. But
Crossroads is definitely one of the bests, especially as the guitar solo is reportedly
played in the wrong
Sst1 Task 2
ADD? 1 Are children too hastily being diagnosed with ADD? Holly R. Lusby
Western Governors University SST TASK 2: ARE CHILDREN TOO HASTILY
BEING DIAGNOSED WITH ADD? A1 Twenty years ago children being
diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder was not as common as it is today. Are
children too hastily diagnosed with ADD? Most children diagnosed are being
treated and even medicated. Children should not be medicated unless the symptoms
cause a significant strain on their life or ability to learn. Significant adverse 2 side
effects have been shown in children who are medicated for ADD, but the positive
effects sometimes outway the side effects in true cases of ADD. Some... Show more
content on ...
What is the common environment of children being diagnosed with ADD? Do
most children being diagnosed with ADD come from a home or attend school in a
strict and structured environment? Are they just being kids when they are
daydreaming or fidgeting or do they really have a problem that warrants treatment
or medication? Many of the children being diagnosed are from the upper class or
live in the suburbs so it seems that the 3 parents and teachers just want a cookie cut
out kid . They want the child to always be on his best behavior. Children develop
differently and some just need a little more time to mature. If ADD symptoms occur
at home and school the child s temperament needs to be taken into account. The child
may be younger therefore more immature than his classmates and this may cause the
teacher to think he needs to be tested (Michigan State University, 2010). If the child s
daily life is negatively affected it may be more than temperament, but it may not be
ADD. Who has input in diagnosing children with ADD? Specialists must rely on
parents and teachers to give information about the children s symptoms, but are the
children just being unmanageable and unruly or do they truly have a problem? The
specialist is given a list of the symptoms, but this is purely subjective. The parents
have the most input since they are the ones mostly spending time with the kids, but
teachers are also asked for input. Parents sometimes are manipulated by the
Relapse Formulae In Anthropology
Personal identification using anthropology deals with estimation of sex, age, stature
etc. by studying skeletal featured of bone. Mostly the sex estimation is finished by
looking at the morphological features of Pelvis which because of conceptive
necessities shows unmistakable characteristic elements which serve as trademark; or
Stature is in common language the standing tallness of a living person. With regards
to legal human sciences, it constructs part of the natural profile of a person in the
discriminating proof affair.
A scope of techniques have been created to decide stature from human stays to
various degrees of fulfilment and protection. The Fully technique, also called
anatomical strategy, requires the nearness of every single skeletal component that add
to stature to recreate the standing body. Numerical techniques, then again, extrapolate
stature from the extent of a solitary bone or body part utilizing relapse formulae. This
is most dependable ... Show more content on ...
This is especially the case for relapse strategies, which force a straightforward
relationship between the measure of a particular bone and stature. There are diverse
arrangement of formulae for different gatherings and populace.
Forensic anthropologists use a number of methods to estimate the age at death for
skeletal remains. In general, the methods are based largely upon the morphology of
the skeletal elements, that is, the presence of non metric traits or specific
morphological features on each of the bones of the skeleton. These characteristics for
example also include the degree of fusion of the proximal and distal epiphyses, fusion
of the cranial sutures, dental eruption patterns etc.
Generally the sex estimation is done by examining the morphological features of
Pelvis or cranium, but this is possible only when these parts are recovered.
What about instances when only a hand or leg is provided for
R22 Feon Research Paper
R22 Freon Phase Out
Most people depend on their air conditioners. It is the only way to stay cool when
you are inside of your home or office and the temperatures are soaring into the 90s
and beyond as it often does in Fort Meyers and other areas of south Florida. The
thing is, most older air conditioning units are not able to keep up with the heat as
well as most people want for them to. Also, many people are now having to deal
with the R22 Freon phase out that is taking place and it is causing a lot of people to
suffer in misery. What is R22?
R 22 is a type of propellant or refrigerant that is a colorless gas. It is a hydro
chlorofluorocarbon that, until recently, was the primary gas used in air
conditioners both inside a vehicle and homes. It is a gas that causes very little
damage to the ozone, and was at one time considered very safe to use. However,
when you consider how many people are now using air conditioners, it is still
causing a problem according to some research. ... Show more content on ...
Freon is a gas that is added to the compressor of an air conditioning unit. It is then
added to a closed loop system that ensures there is a constant recycling process that it
goes through. The way it works from there is when you turn on your air conditioner
the compressor compresses the Freon. This makes it become hot and then it travels
through coils that are inside of your unit. As the Freon liquid flows through, it
evaporates and becomes cold. The now cold gas will continue through the air
conditioners coils to absorb heat and then push cooler air into the building or
Eloi Vs Morlocks
The Time machine by H.G Wells imagines what it might be like to travel into the
future. Wells presents two creatures in the text that has evolved during the time.
These creatures are the Eloi and the Morlocks. Even though the Eloi and the Morlocks
both have human traits, the text suggests that the Eloiare more human than the
Morlocks because of their body form and thinking.
Wells proposes the Eloi are the upper class society and that the Morlocks are weird
looking creatures. The time traveler has arrived in the future where he has lost his
time machine. While trying to locate the machine he discovers a civilization known
as the Eloi. Wells points out that the Eloi like to spend all their time in playing gently,
in bathing in the river, ... Show more content on ...
The body form of an Eloi and their lifestyle is viewed very differently compared to
the Morlocks. The Eloi are little people, they are beautiful and fragile. Wells
suggests that the Eloi have more human traits than the Morlocks. He goes on to
explain the living conditions of an Eloi. They have several big palaces, great
dining halls and sleeping apartments (Wells 51). Similar to how humans live, this
passage suggests that although the place is falling apart, it is still a home to the
Eloi. The text gives us the sense that the Eloi is living in a utopian society where
their existence is similar to human traits. Humans do live in apartments, eat at the
dining places and have big cities. The comparison between the Morlocks form and
lifestyle is that the Morlocks do not wear clothing, which is very noticeable in
human society, also the text suggest that the Morlocks looks like apes. The text
also suggests that the Morlocks are savages in which they serve the Eloi, but in
return, they eat them. The text even goes on to suggest that the Morlocks are like
little monster who are attracted to darkness instead of light. Wells provides us with
a better description the Morlocks suggesting they are dull white, and had strange
large greyish red eyes; also that there was flayen hair on its head and down its back
Halloween Persuasive Speech
There are some annual events that are just too good to confine to a single day of
the year. Birthdays, Christmas and Easter are all obvious examples, but what
about Halloween? Seriously is there any other day of the year that brings the world
so much fun, transcends pretty much to all boundaries of age and lets us all take
on a new persona just for the sheer hell of it? Of course not that s why it s about
time the fun of Halloween was tapped into all throughout the year. A New You,
Anytime! It never fails to take folk by surprise just how big of a transformation a
new look can make. It s not like we spend our lives dreaming of being some king of
hellish imp or vampire, but at the same time we all wonder what it might be like to
step into... Show more content on ...
Wondered what it might be like to live as a princess for the day? There s a costume
for that! Always fancied yourself as a swashbuckling pirate? Consider it done!
You can literally go as far as your imagination will take you, or perhaps see what s
on offer and go for something that couldn t be less you there s no better way of
finding out just how much a costume can change you! Everyday Events Made
Magical One of the very best things about Halloween is that classic party where
every single person in attendance comes in a creative, compelling and often
downright hilarious costume. It brings the most amazing dynamic to the party and
there s no disputing the fact that when it comes to fun, Halloween parties are on
another level. So if it really does all come down to the costumes, why not bring
fancy dress to more everyday events throughout the year? From birthdays to
anniversaries and right through to a simple celebration of the end of the working
work, ask everyone to turn up in fancy dress and it s impossible not to have a truly
spectacular time. If you want your parties to be remembered for all the right reasons,
don t assume fancy dress is restricted only the
Big Boss Research Paper
Personality: Big Boss is a military man at heart usually using his Tactics to set traps
at key points for his foes to fall into. He is excellent at stealth and takes every
mission seriously. In his past he was loyal to his country until the events that led to
The Boss death. His dream is to one day create a nation for soldiers. He never holds
ill will towards those that believe in peace and can be quite forgiving of his
enemies. But sometimes that isn t a good thing. Like Solid Snake He has the habit of
smoking. He mainly Smokes Cigars.
History: John,also known as Jack. Through the years he has been known by many
code names such as Naked Snake, Punished Snake, Venom Snake, Or just Snake,
Before finally becoming known as the Big Boss after The Peace Keeper incident.
During his Military Career, he met The Boss. The Boss trained him in many things
before he later joined the FOX unit which was commanded by Major Zero.
After that there were many key missions The Big Boss was a part of. Operation
Snake Eater where he ultimately had no choice but to kill his Mentor, The Boss.
He was givien the title Big Boss but continued to use the name Naked Snake. He
felt he didn t deserve the title. The Peace Walker Incident in which he stopped Peace
Walker Who s A.I. was based on The Boss from starting... Show more content on ...
Big Boss had believed she had survived. And he was right... One year Later Paz had
been located. A prisoner in Camp Omega. A boy Chico who Big Boss saved along
with his Older sister during the Peace Walker incident had tried to save her but
ended up being Captured himself. Big Boss Infiltrated Camp Omega and found
Chico but had to carry him all the way to the extraction point due to his legs being
damaged. After putting Chico on the Chopper, Big Boss with the help of Chico s
cassete tape traveled further into the base and found Paz. She was severely hurt from
the torturing she received but she was
The Society of New France
The 16th century is often referred to as The Rise of The West by modern day
historians due to the colonization and Imperial expansion of the Western world by
European powers. Expeditions appointed by European monarchs to discover routes
to the abundant resources in China and the Indies brought some of the first European
explorers to the shores of present day Canada. French explorer Jacques Cartierwas
delegated the task of finding a western passage to the East and when he crossed the
Atlantic and landed on the shores of present day Newfoundland in 1534 he thought
he had found Asia. When Cartier inserted a cross in the soil in the GaspГ©
Peninsula declaring it for France he unknownly fabricated the first colony of New
France. Cartier, escorted by several ships searched the Eastern coast of North
America for precious goods to transport back to King François I of France to
solidify backing for future expeditions. Between 1534 and 1541 Cartier made three
voyages to North America each time bringing captives and furs back to France in an
attempt to illustrate the wealth of these new found lands. After failed attempts to
secure a permanent settlement near Stadacona (present day Quebec City) and further
failed attempts to colonize lands further south the French turned the attention to their
own lands where a religious civil war was waging. It was not until over sixty years
later that the French returned to North America with a new approach in mind.
After many vain
Usf Case Labeling
Standard operating procedures are built around detailed actions and functions within
any operation. Although USF has a documented standard operating procedure, it is an
injustice to both the membership and the company when employees are not trained in
the detailed methodologies for which they are to perform.
During the week of the audit, many order selectors were observed performing tasks
above and beyond those stated in the company s documented preferred methods.
For example,
Order Selection While conducting studies, employees were not following the
documented methodology of labeling cases during each obtain. Case labeling is to be
performed as an internal motion while the selector approaches each selection location
and handles it ... Show more content on ...
The true cause of one s substandard performance must be identified and researched
as to the effect of any system errors which may have occurred during the
production week, and to ensure all down time has been allocated for the employee
throughout the time period in question. Employees may be at no fault when put into
a working environment for which they have no control, especially if placed into a
situation where the work load is not reflective of the conditions the standard was
meant to represent. Members that are performing tasks that are not a part of their
regular bid positions are most susceptible, and are more likely to be hindered by
these working conditions. There is a very high probability that if one is put into these
conditions that the delay allowance especially during the summer months could in fact
be much greater than the frequencies and allowances are meant to represent for that
period of time. Members and Local 104 should request all documentation and validate
the information in reference to any discipline
How Did Robert Owen Teach Poor Children
Based on our discussions in class, our readings, video clips and the readings that
discuss about the education provided in nineteenth century England for poor
children and orphans who normally wouldn t be able to afford it, there seems to be
two sides to the story. One side you have a document by Robert Owen describing
the importance of teaching poor children good morale habits and the interest of
knowledge and a clip showing how Styal Mill Schoolwas teaching kids with
multiple useful tools and even how to cure sickness and were even provided good
beds . However on the other hand there s plentiful of novels film adaptations such as
the excerpts from Hard Times and Nicholas Nickleby both by Charles Dickenswhich
both showcase the tough and... Show more content on ...
There are still some similarities to be made here, similar to the Robert Owen s paper
previously shown, The Report of the Finance Committee of the institution written in
May 11, 1811 shows that In presenting the following Report of the Royal Lancasterian
Institution for promoting the education of the poor, the Finance Committee trust that
the subscribers will view with pleasure the success which now attends this most
important undertaking. . Both sources similarly talking about the importance of
education for the poor children in England and by teaching these children rational
thought and providing work they could potentially show loyalty as well to their
Reap What You Sow in Silas Marner by George Eliot Essay
The definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person s control. It is
regarded as something determined by a supernatural power, but I believe otherwise.
In fact, I believe the exact opposite. I believe that people do in fact have the power
to manipulate their fate; Based on the good or bad choices they ve made in the past.
The novelSilas Marnerby George Eliot, helps to explain this. Through the actions of
three major characters Dunstan Cass, Godfrey Cass, and Silas Marner. These
characters were chosen because they all made good or bad choices throughout the
novel with a clear punishment or reward; Or in other words these characters show
how they control their fate based on previous actions or choices. To begin with,...
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If he never made the choice of robbing Silas, he never would ve fell into the pit.
This is only what he deserves for being selfish and full of spite. Dunstan clearly
shows that you can control your fate based on the good or bad choices you make.
Obviously, Godfrey s choices determined his fate. Godfrey had the choice to tell
the truth. He was given this opportunity during breakfast with his father. Instead of
telling his father the real reason why he gave the rent money to Dunstan, he says, I
wouldn t have spent the money myself, but Dunsey bothered me, and I was a fool
and let him have it (69). He could ve told the truth and relieve himself of Dunstan.
Next, Godfrey had the choice to admit that Eppie is his child. This chance arrived
at Silas s cottage when he took a look at Molly Farrens body. The right thing to do
there was to take Eppie from Silas like a good father would ve. Instead, he says to
Silas, Let me give you something towards finding it clothes (120). Godfrey was
thinking only of getting Eppie out of the way, so that he could continue courting
Nancy Lammeter. He put himself over his own daughter just to get what he wants.
All of the sudden, 16 years later, Godfrey goes to ask Eppie to live with him. Eppie
declined his request with all due respect. As she says, Thank you, ma am thank you,
sir for your offers they re very great, and far above my wish. For I should have no
delight i life any more if I was forced to go
Pablo Picasso s Guernic Close Visual Analysis
Utilising, The Study Diamond: effects, techniques, context and meaning (The Open
University, 2013, p. 76), this essay will argue through close visual analysis from an
art history point of view that Picasso s Guernica is a form of protest. The essay will
also argue that Guernica s meaning has changed to include becoming a symbol of
peace and continues to fulfil its purpose as a form of protest.
A large mural, Guernica is an example of Synthetic Cubism painted by Pablo Picasso
(1881 1973). Created using the medium of oil paint on canvas with a narrow palette
consisting of the neutral hues: white, grey and black; the formalist qualities of
Guernica can have harrowing effects on the spectator, But to see it in real life, in its
full size, is an even stronger emotional experience. Some people have said they
experienced an instant rush of many powerful, fearful emotions (The Open
University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.2).
Stark colour value distribution in Guernica s figures creates the effect of palpable
tension. Correspondingly, light grey contrasts with a dark grey or black
background. A feature of Synthetic Cubism, There ... colours are muted, often
virtually monochromatic greys or browns. Clarke (cited in The Open University,
2016, Block 3, 2.2.4). The doorway at the centre of Guernica depicts a figure
carrying a lamp illuminating a scene of carnage within. This distinct contrast of
colour enhances the effect of Guernica s dark corners and can evoke feelings of
impending doom.
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Communication, Teamwork,
I have some weaknesses and strengths in regards to communication, teamwork, and
social intelligence. I am weak at;
Supporting others with their needs
Active listening
Being sympathetic towards others situations
Not interrupting others
Some of my strengths are;
I can analyze and understand other people s emotions very easily
I have a high social and emotional intelligence
I can control my actions to the point of being great at poker
I can communicate easily through the written language
I can put my thoughts in a logical sequence when writing
I m very natural at leading people and drawing out peoples opinions
I m good at public speaking and enjoy drawing peoples into what I m talking about.
My plan of action in order to work on my weaknesses is first and foremost practice
my active listening. I am very easily distracted (literally ADD), so for me listening
is a very hard task to do especially if I m not that interested in what the other person
has to say. I need to practice active listening more. I believe my biggest weakness
for active listening is I always try to put my two cents in. Sometimes people just
want to be heard. I m very opinionated so it s hard for me to understand that people
don t want my opinion. My next big weakness for active listening is not paying
attention or discarding what people have to say. In a group work environment not
paying attention to what others say is one of the worst things that you can do. I think
that even
The Autonomic Nervous System
Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual
s mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep
research focusing on sleep wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep
deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well
(Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep
has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic,
taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National
Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American
lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results... Show more
content on ...
Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic
nervous system. HRV is a non invasive index of the neural control of the heart
(Acharya, Sing, Ping Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular
standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical
range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval
between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR
reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a
combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non
autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in
the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot
of the portion of a signal s power or energy per unit time, falling within given
frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high
frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak
typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to
0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated
with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated
with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity
Network Equipment That Supports Interconnecting
1.Network equipment that supports interconnecting within Mission s remote
locations as well as to FTOC hubs will be considered a part of the DGITT s wide area
network infrastructure.
2.To establish wide area network connectivity to the FTOC Hub, the field missions
and offices must order a service request to FTOC.
3.Any network device or link connectives intended to be connected with FTOC Hubs
must be informed and have communicated with the FTOC Network Managers prior
any hardware or contract service acquisitions.
4.The Leased Lines and MPLS service connectivity to FTOC Hubs must be complied
with the access port types and other technical capabilities offered by the FTOC
infrastructure, and the technical specifications must be acquired ... Show more content
on ...
7.FTOC Network Managers are responsible to plan, design, and review, approve, or
deny changes to the entire DFS Wide Area Networkinfrastructure for the reliable and
efficient enterprise voice, video, and data communications throughout DFS. All
planned, scheduled changes to the DFS Hub s Wide Area Networks shall be
performed by FTOC Network Engineering group and must be authorized by FTOC
Network Managers.
8.FTOC Network Engineering Group is responsible for the implementation,
operations, optimization, and configuration management and support of the WAN
infrastructure connecting to FTOC Hubs from DFS Field Missions and Offices. The
FTOC Network Engineering Group responsibilities are including but not limited to
Secured and optimized network configuration of the mission border router
connectivity to FTOC; Unified Communication, Call Admission Control, and Voice
trunk connectivity from the mission border router to FTOC; Quality of Service
configurations for the Voice, Video, and Enterprise Applications; Load sharing and
load balancing of the wide area network connectivity; and Wan Optimization
appliances and solutions throughout the DGITT s Wide Area Networks.
9.FTOC Remote Mission Support Section (RMSS) is responsible for the
implementation, operations, optimization, and
Final Report ENGL 221 O Connor
An Investment Analysis of Southwest Airlines for Embry Investment Group Kenneth
O Connor Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide Table of Contents
Tables and Figures3 Abstract3 Introduction3 Why this Analysis was Done3 The
Limitations of this Report4 Background Information on Southwest Airlines4 Analysis
Methodology4 Short Conclusion5 Supporting details and data5 The Financial
Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines5 An Assessment of Southwest Airlines Past
Performance5 2013 Financial Statistics6 An Assessment of Southwest Airlines Future
Performance7 The Numbers7 The Logical Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines8
Aircrew8 Ground crew8 Aircraft maintenance9 Business administration9 A short...
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In 2013, Southwest repaid $611 million to Shareholders through repurchasing $540
million (roughly 38 million shares) in stock. LUV was nominated as Southwest s
stock exchange symbol to represent its home at Dallas Love Field (KDAL), as
well as the theme of Southwest s relationship with their customers ( Southwest
Corporate Fact Sheet Southwest Airlines Newsroom, n.d.). An Assessment of
Southwest Airlines Future Performance Now would be the best time to make an
investment in Southwest Airlines, since they are coming out of the financial
depression that all airlines went into during 2009 to 2013. Since the biggining of
2013(1/2/13), Southwest s stock has climbed from a low of $10.47 to a high of
$33.57 on 9/30/14. This shows that Southwest Airlines is indeed comiing out of
the depression. The Numbers Currently, the top Share Holder of LUV stock is
Primecap Management Company. As of 6/30/2014, Primecap Management
Company holds 78.49 million shares or 11.46% worth 2.1 billion ( LUV Major
Holders | Southwest Airlines Company Comm Stock Yahoo! Finance, 2014). In
order to have a majority stake in a company, you need to own the greatest % of
stock; EIG would need to buy 78.6 million shares at the current price of $30.57,
which is equal to 2.4 billion. The Logical Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines New logo (Lippincott, n.d.). Southwest Airlines operates the
Overpopulation Of Crickets Essay
Apple was most chosen over bread, as the crickets went to the apple more in each
trial. Though the crickets did not fight one another over the apple. The hypotheses
was supported by the experimental data, with the hypothesis stating that apple would
be the most chosen as crickets prefer fruit and vegetables over bread/wheat due to the
fruit and vegetable food source being more nutritious for crickets.. The behaviour the
crickets showed in this experiment was that they all dashed to get to the apple
before one another. In the wild they would show this behaviour for survival. By
displaying aggressive behaviour to compete for food against one another.
Aggressive behaviour will be displayed especially when there is an overpopulation
of crickets. In this situation the crickets will feel the need to fight one another for
the food source before more crickets come and take the food source. If they don t
find any food or if food is limited they will eat start to eat and prey on the weakened
crickets. This aggressive behaviour is showed particularly in males. With males biting
and chasing other crickets and becoming quite agitated. Male... Show more content on ...
The cricket will generally know where there food is by using there sense of smell
and sight from there antenna. If many food sources are available the cricket would
eat as much food as they can as there may not be enough food next time they need
to eat and they may have to travel for food which may cause starvation. This will
once again lead to destructive behaviour between each other. It will cause the cricket
to over eat its food source and food won t be left for other crickets. This is a vicious
cycle for the survival of crickets. Many types of organisms display this type of
behaviour when locating food for survival. Though this type behaviour will not be
displayed in captivity as the cricket will always have access to a food
Arguments For Self Identification
A different argument for self identification comes from an old social norm
developed during the era of slavery known as the one drop rule. This rule states that
a multiracial person is assigned to the race with the lowest social standing among
the races represented. Going off of previous history and other social norms, the
hierarchy would be as follows: non Hispanic white, Asian, Latinos, and lastly
black. When forcing a youth to choose between one of their multiple races, those
with some black or Latino heritage are far more likely to report being black or
Latino than those with white or Asian heritage are to report being white or Asian
(Herman 2009). Herman s study in 2009 examines the difference in grades between
students of mixed races. Her ultimate conclusion is that self identification is the main
indicating factor in academic achievement. Students possessing black or Latino
ancestry are associated with decreased grades whereas students with white or Asian
ancestry tend to do better. However, she also looked at the difference in grades
between students of the same biracial category who self identify differently. Those
who identify as Asian or white do significantly better in school than those who
identify as black or Latino. An interesting conclusion from the study shows that where
there is a difference between those who identify as Asian and those who identify as
white, there is almost no difference in if the student identifies as black or Latino. In
an attempt to
Fashion Trends And The Fashion Industry
According to, the fashion industry generates an average of $20
billion each year. Fashion designers are the heart of the fashion world. The fashion
industry has grown to popularity by dominating the worldwide economy, media,
workplace, and everyday life. Clothing trends have changed over the last century due
to historical events and the evolution of technology. With the gift of creativity and
skill of constructing clothing, fashiondesigners complete a degree in designing,
research past trends, predict future trends, sketch ideas, and oversee production of
their designs. Fashion designers translate their ideas into clothing to sell. The first
step of designing is researching current fashion trends and predicting future trends.
Trends determine the success of the fashion industry. Designers normally choose a
speciality to design, such as swimwear, bridal wear, children s clothing, footwear,
and men s wear. Sketching the original design is the next important step of the
design process. Computer Aided Designs are the modern method of sketching. Next,
fabric and embellishments are chosen to correspond with the designer s vision.
Creating custom printed fabric and custom dyeing fabric is common for designers.
Most designers work for large companies which provide the designer with a sewing
team. Large apparel companies usually consist of a team of designers headed by a
creative manager. Communicating ideas to the sewing team and giving them specific
Special Interest Groups Influence The Government
Special interests groups which are also referred to pressure groups or interest groups
are an organization of individuals who come together with a common concern, and
they are usually formally organized with an aim to influence the public policy in their
favor. The main objective of people who form special interest groups is to influence
the governmentto make policies which are beneficial to them (Almond Coleman,
2015). These groups may either be fighting for a single section in the society like
subsidies for farmers or a common cause which affects the society like reducing
global warming. They usually use the tactic of lobbying so that the government or
the policy makers can make a policy which they need. The special groups are
beneficial... Show more content on ...
In these countries, there is also a belief that the special interest groups represented
their interests instead of that of the general public. In the countries which have
authoritarian regimes, the operations of the special interest groups are limited and in
other places they are even banned (Berry, 2015). The political cultures differ from
country to country, and so do the special interest groups. However in some countries
such as Sweden, the government supports the special interest groups through funding
and also involves them in policy making. In other communist countries, the special
interest groups operate under fear of facing legal action from the government because
they are not given the right to operate (Gilens Page, 2014). The ruling parties in all
the countries influence the importance of the special interest
The s Philosophy
Epictetus was born in 55 AD in Hierapolis, Phrygia and he died in 135 AD in
Nicopolis, Achaea. He was born to the life of a slave and died as a great roman
philosopher. As a slave he studied Stoic philosophy due to his owner recognizing his
intellectual potential. He studied under the Musonius Rufus. He was granted freedom
after Emperor Nero s death. After some time Epictetushad gained his freedom and
opened up his own school of philosophy where he taught up until he was exiled from
Rome. After being banished Epictetus relocated to Nicopolis in Greece where he
opened another school and taught there up until his death. Epictetus main school of
philosophy was that of Stoicismwhich teaches that philosophy is more so a way of
life as opposed to something one takes up in their free time. Stoicism also teaches
about the ways to live a perfect life through means of clear judgment, inner calm, and
freedom from suffering which is attained by letting go of worldly pleasures.
Epictetus was born into slavery from his mother who was also a slave. He was
granted his freedom sometime after the death of Emperor Nero in the year 68 AD
by Epaphroditus who had also been a slave and was freed by Nero for revealing a
coup against the Emperor. Tacitus calls Epaproditus Nero s Freedman and reports he
was with Nero when the Emperor committed suicide, and offered to help him do so.
It should not be viewed as strange that Epaphroditus, having been a slave, should own
slaves once he, himself,
Smart Grid Essay
Survey Paper Assignment Introduction In the traditional distribution network, the
systems are designed and controlled autonomously. Hence a fault at a system will
have serious problem and need immediate rectification. But, rectification of these
problems is very difficult. More due to the increase in prices of fossil fuel which are
the main cause for generating electricity. Thus, centralized control and integrating
their functions is a crucial problem faced in the traditional distribution network. To
overcome these issues, there comes Information and communication Technology
(ICT) to integrate all the important elements in a distribution system. This develops
an environment at distribution level, which is controlled and integrated called smart
grid which bring up to the date where the electricity generated is transported,
distributed by optimizing the system s economy and the improving the system s
capability to spring back into shape. Modernization of smart grid brings into
important concepts as dynamic pricing, Time of Use, distributed generation and
demand management. The benefits from techniques driven from smart grid are
emission reduction, and reduction of operational expenditure and also enhancing
energy savings. Hence energy efficient communications approaches are made by the
smart grid driven techniques along with the interaction between smart grids and the
data centers or ICT s. We know, Information and communication Infrastructures are
major power consumers
QUESTION PRESENTED Can obtaining a surety bond constitute negligence to
provide financial responsibility under the New Mexico Mandatory Financial
Responsibility Act section 66 5 218 (1988). STATEMENT OF THE CASE The
defendant Sage Rent A Car leased a vehicle to defendant Jeffery Calkin. However,
Mr. Calkin failed to stop at a stop sign, and collided with the plaintiff Jane White. The
plaintiff then filed a suit against both defendants due to failure to carry insurance
under the New Mexico Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act. Nevertheless, when
the defendant Sage Rent A Car incorporated, it filed for a surety bond with the
superintendent of insurance and is self insured under... Show more content on ...
In the case against Sage Rent A Car the defendant filed a surety bond with the
superintendent of insurance when it incorporated. Therefore, the court should
dismiss the suit against Sage Rent A Car for failing to state a claim under rule
NMRA 1 012B(6). Also under section 66 5 207(E) (1988) of the New Mexico
Financial Responsibility Act states, a motor vehicle approved as a self insured by
the superintendent of insurance is exempt from the act. Therefore, the defendant
is not liable for any damages due to filing a surety bond with the New Mexico
superintendent and for being self insured. Lastly, under New Mexico case law Las
Lumarias of the N.M Council v. Isengard, 92 N.M 297, 300 301 (Ct. App. 1978)
the court held a motion to dismiss due to the plaintiff not being able to recover or
be entitled to relief under any state of facts provided under the claim. As one can see
under the statutes provided and case law the defendant Sage Rent A Car is not liable
for damages per the New Mexico Financial Responsibility Act not constituting
negligence due to Sage s actions when
Compare And Contrast Socrates And Augustine
The most interesting historical figures that have ever existed are Socrates and St.
Augustine that were in the center of the spiritual life in ancient time. They wanted
people to examine their lives, to find the right path, and to believe that the grace of
Christ was indispensable to human freedom. The philosophers dedicated their lives to
seeking individual wisdom and goodness for the betterment of themselves and their
society, and that they encouraged others by teaching and by example to do the same.
Certainly, other people including Christians had expressed these things before, but
Augustine and Socrates brought an intellectual account and body of reasoned
arguments to ground these ideas. At that time, it was kind of a philosophical
revolution.... Show more content on ...
He believes that the transfer of the knowledge from one person to another is
impossible and unnecessary. True knowledge is contained in a hidden form in the
human soul and everyone should bring them to the light of consciousness.
Likewise, the man, in Augustine s view, created by God, who has given him body,
soul, mind and free will. The main duty of human is to follow God s
commandments and to be like Christ. He says Therefore we must return to thee in
humble piety and let thee purge us from our evil ways and be merciful to those who
confess their sins to thee, and hear the groanings of the prisoners and loosen us from
those fetters which we have forged for ourselves. According to Augustine, the main
virtues are how to overcome selfishness and learn how to love your
Compare And Contrast The Sea Of Monsters By Jacky
In Rick Riordan s second book of the Percy Jackson series, Sea of Monsters, is
about three teenagers in a world of ancient gods trying to find the Golden Fleece.
The Golden Fleece is known to heal anything which is why Percy, Annabeth, and
Tyson need it. To save Camp Half blood, these teens go on a quest to find the
Golden Fleece and return it to camp. And in James Patterson s book, Max, is about
a teenager girl that can fly, and also has a group of friends that can fly too. They
are known as the flock. In Max, Max s mom gets kidnapped. Because of this, Max
and the flock go on a quest to find and get her mom back. In these two books, there
were differences in the kinds of themes that the authors used along with different craft
moves used to achieve the same thing. But there were similarities with the archetypal
characters that both authors used.
One thing that is different with the two books, Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan, and
Max by James Patterson is the different themes that the authors used. An example
of this is, In Sea of Monsters there is the theme of war. And in Max there is a theme
of love. I think that Rick Riordan s story doesn t have the theme of love because
Percy is still new to the half blood life, and is still making friends. Because of this, I
think that the author is trying to focus at the theme of friendship instead. I think that
there is war in the story because Percy is trying to prevent the war from getting
stronger and more dangerous. James Patterson
Essay on Overview of Crohn s Disease
Description Crohn s disease is chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines
however affects the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the anus otherwise
known as the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract) [1]. Individuals affected by the
disease are often young adults and adolescents aged 15 35 [7]. Crohn s Disease is
one of the two types of Inflammatory Bowel Disorders (IBD), the other being
ulcerative colitis[3] and is usually located in the lower part of the small intestines
and the upper end of the colon. There is no exact cause of this disease however
various stimuli can cause the disease such as bacteria, genetics or Paneth cells [4].
Paneth cells are one of the four main specialised cell types found in the small intestine
[6]... Show more content on ...
This will actually allow doctors to see any abnormalities of the intestines such as
narrowing, ulcerations, and sometimes fistulae of the bowel [8] and even how much
of the GI tract the disease is affecting [2]. Along, with the many benefits of this
imaging test, there are some risks that are associated with this diagnostic such as
radiation. Radiation is a large factor in which can affect overall health and with
overexposure to radiation can cause mutations in cells developing cancers [2].
Symptoms would often appear in young adults and can either develop slowly or have
a sudden onset [9]. They often vary depending on the person and location of the
disease; for instance, some may experience more of one symptom than another. Many
common symptoms include, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, rectal
bleeding, anal leakage, weight loss, abscesses (a localized infection), fistulas
(abnormal tube connecting two hollow organs such as the vagina and the colon),
anxiety and depression. Many less common symptoms that would affect 1 in 3
people would be joint, skin and eye inflammations [1]. This disease may also lead
to other related illnesses such as perianal disease, as 25% of those who have Crohn
s disease may develop it [4]. However, one in three patients will experience other
conditions with the anal area such as swelling of tissue of the anal sphincter [2]. With
many of these symptoms this
Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down
American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in
life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are
your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect
China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen.
Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the
most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt
down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories
follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and
the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the
Deathly... Show more content on ...
Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and
it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states
that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no
matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the
hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly
Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he
states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him
with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay
there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees
all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in
some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone
when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone
upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain
with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come
where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be
avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The
reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
My Life Of Juana
Juana was forced to leave Mexico by her parents because they wanted a superior
life for her which left her heartbroken. Many migrate to the U.S for a better life, but
for Juana, this was her biggest fear. She loved the country she was born in, and the
city that build her. However, she realized how amazing it is to face a new world
and the mysteries you can discover. She was living in a world filled with joy,
laughter, and peace. Her childhood was her favorite memorable moment in
Mexico. I remember during the summer; the flowers would bloom and together
with my friends would create a different design with each flower we found. said
Juana. The smell of tortillas was her favorite smell of the entire world, so every time
she smelled a tortilla she felt right at home. She lived in a ranch close to a city called
Dolores Hidalgo. The ranch that Juana was from were a lot of trees covered in dust,
and there was a stream where they would wash their clothes and they would take
showers. The ranch was about 4 acres, she lived with 2 older brothers. The house
they lived in was a simple house made of adobe. Dolores Hidalgo was the nearest
city to their home. The city that s filled with beautiful trees and music. Juana would
of never imagine of leaving her best loved city.
Juana s parents didn t want her to have a rough life even if she felt like she was in
the right place to live. At the age of 21 Juana was told she was going to face a new
life and she immediately poured tears. The immigration security guard glared at Juana
and asked, Why are you coming to the Unites States? Juana looked at him with
innocence and spoke, My parents are going to visit some family members. The guard
looked at her parents and said, Okay, let me see your visas in a vociferous voice.
Juana stared at the guard and her heartbeat began to increase, not from running but
from the anxiousness. The guard looked at Juana in the eyes and spoke with
confidence, I m so sorry but you and your parents can t leave the country , Juana
immediately grinned. Juana s parents were told they needed more documents, so
Juana was still at risk on leaving her country. She ran and told everyone the news,
Juana was happier than ever. 2 Years went by and
Personal Statement For Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is always fascinating because I have a wish to apply
scientific theories to the real world problems such as nuclear waste problem. Today
chemical engineering plays a vital role from pharmaceuticals to petrochemical. You
can give to the society in technological innovation and there is a wide range of career
path in the field of chemical engineering. While opting for chemical engineeringthe
concern towards the industrial world is essential. My attentiveness in the chemical
engineering field that has inspired and self motivated me by the chemical engineers
and my plan is to pursue my career in the field of chemical engineering.
As to pursue a career in chemical engineering; my personal skills are abilities for
entering in the field and professional skill is revolutions in the field of chemical
engineering. I have applied in this university as to gain knowledge and theoretical
understanding in this field with a greater maturity to acquire knowledge and skill
in this field because my aim is to achieve personal and professional skills and my
desire is to invent new things in the field of chemical engineering. My plans are to
re take math s modules as I have performed way below my potential. My last year s
exams were my first attempt so I took them again after getting to the UK. I feel that
my performance will be remarkably very well. Even though I have engaged myself
with better study methods and have made adjustments to cope with the system.
My aim is to
Causes Of Teen Suicide
What is the only way to not feel bad is to stop feel anything at all, forever? Thirteen
Reasons Why, Hannah Baker. This show is very well taught out about teens feeling
to commit suicide. As a community we can look at the statics of suicide, the leading
cause, the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent suicide. Suicide is one if the
leading causes of death in the United States, taking the lives of approximately
43,000 Americans each year. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US.
Each year 44,193 Americans die by suicide. For every suicide 25 are attempt.
Suicide costs the US $51 Billion annually. The annual age adjusted suicide rate is
13.26 per 100,000 individuals. Men die by suicide 3.5x more often than women. On
average, there are 121 suicides per day. Firearms account for almost 50 percent of all
suicides. The next common methods were suffocation at 26.8 percent and poisoning
at 15.4 percent. (Suicide Statistics).
There is no single reason why someone may try to take their own life, but certain
factors can increase the risk. Someone may be more likely to attempt suicide if they
have a mental health disorder. About 90 percent of people who commit suicide have
a mental illness at the time of their death. Depression is the top risk factor, but there
are various other mental health disorders that contribute to suicide, including bipolar
disorder and schizophrenia.
(Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors).
Aside from mental health disorders there are several
Tenrikyo Is A Religion Of The World
Tenrikyo is a religion that emphasizes on how the joyous state of mind can greatly
influence in what will be going through in our lives by satisfying god s desires by
making a good use of our body. In this paper, I am going to argue that Tenrikyo is
one of the fastest growing religions in the world due to its rapid expansion that leads
to an emerging new religionbut does not interfere with other religions at the same
time. Tenrikyo is based on a religion established by a Japanese lady named
Nakayama Miki during the 19th century. Tenrikyo is a monotheistic religion that
followers believe in the existence of this one particular God, as known as God the
Parent. It was said that Nakayama Miki had received a calling by god, sent her to
save all mankind from sufferings because god is the creator of mankind and it is
his job to make sure that we are all in a joyous state. God showed great mercy
towards mankind, he came down and revealed himself as Nakayama Miki, taking
her as mediatrix and his elected shrine. (van Straelen 8) It was said that she had a
revelation at 1838, God the Parent replaced her mind and thus her words are the
words of god. According to Eliade, He argued that all religions originate to serve
the sacred, and stay in contact with them. This is because according to his theory,
religions are man made and it exists because it was meant to be a response to the
sacred. From what happened to Nakayama Miki, a myth might be established because
the sacred has
The Pest Analysis Of IKEA
1. Introduction
IKEA is an international home products retailer that sells home products and
accessories in their retail stores around the world. This company, which pioneered
flat pack design furniture at affordable prices, is now the world s largest furniture
retailer. It was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden, since then, the IKEA
group has grown into a global brand with 127,000 workers in 41 countries. IKEA
holds a mission to create a better everyday life at home for the many people and
remains respectful towards the environment, resource and people by supporting
various social causes. The following analysis would be based on the Singapore
2. PESTEL Analysis
2.1 Political
The political situation is stable and the political ... Show more content on ...
Singapore has been facing constant challenges for housing space due to limited land
area and high population density. The decreasing land resource will inevitably
contribute to smaller living conditions for future public houses. As such, IKEA
should look into incorporating more space saving concepts in their product designs.
Adapting to the market trends not only satisfies the market demand, IKEA can
continue to maintain their competiveness in its industry. Most importantly, being a
successful pioneer will differentiate IKEA from its competitors, allowing them to
achieve higher profits and maintain if not achieve better brand

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Essay On Education

  • 1. Essay On Education Crafting an essay on the broad and multifaceted topic of education is no easy feat. Education encompasses a vast array of subtopics, ranging from historical perspectives to contemporary issues, pedagogical methods, and societal impacts. The challenge lies not only in addressing these diverse aspects but also in providing a coherent and insightful analysis that captures the essence of education. One must navigate through the intricate web of educational theories, policies, and practices, carefully selecting relevant information to build a comprehensive argument. Balancing the historical context with current trends, and exploring the global nuances of education adds another layer of complexity. Additionally, delving into the socio-economic factors, cultural influences, and technological advancements that shape the educational landscape requires meticulous research and a keen understanding of interdisciplinary connections. Furthermore, the essay should not merely be a regurgitation of facts but a thoughtful exploration of different perspectives and potential solutions to the challenges faced by educational systems worldwide. This demands critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize information cohesively. Crafting a well-structured essay that flows logically, engages the reader, and effectively conveys the writer's message is a task that requires both creativity and precision. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the education field, with ongoing reforms and evolving paradigms, adds an extra layer of difficulty. Staying updated on the latest developments and incorporating them into the essay requires constant vigilance. In conclusion, writing an essay on education is a challenging endeavor that demands a thorough understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a solution for those looking to navigate the complexities of educational discourse. Essay On Education Essay On Education
  • 2. Major City Recycling Initiatives Shelly cashman word 2010 chapter 2: In The Lab 1b Preparing a Short Research Paper Skills Save a document with a new filename Modify a style Adjust line spacing Modify paragraph spacing Create a document header Right align a paragraph Insert page numbers Insert text Center a paragraph Left align a paragraph Indent the first line of a paragraph Change the bibliography style Insert a citation Create a source Edit a citation Insert a page break Insert a bibliography Convert a field to regular text Italicize text ... Show more content on ... Do not insert a space before or after the hyphen in the page number reference. Type the third body paragraph of the research paper by entering the text shown in Figure 6. FIGURE 6Text to enter for third body paragraph At the end of the third sentence in the third body paragraph after the phrase three billion units per year (and before the period), type a space, and then insert a citation by adding a new source, the Chang bibliographical source shown in Figure 7. FIGURE 7 Chang bibliographical source * * Edit the Chang citation in the third paragraph to display pages 40 51 at the end of the citation. Do not insert a space before or after the hyphen in the page number
  • 3. reference. * * The three body paragraphs you typed so far, and the citations you inserted and edited, should look like Figure 8. FIGURE 8First three body paragraphs after inserted and edited citations Conner citation Conner citation Chang citation Chang citation Bloom citation Bloom citation * * Type the fourth body paragraph of the research paper by entering the text shown in Figure 9. FIGURE 9Text to enter for fourth body paragraph * * * After the fourth body paragraph, press the ENTER key and then insert a manual page break to begin a new page.
  • 4. Comparing Two Time Periods The two things that I will compare and contrast are two time periods in my life. The first time period will be my 7th grade year to my 10th grade year, this would be a short time from middle to high school. The second time period that I will be comparing and contrasting to that will be from my 11th grade year till now. My 7th grade year to my 10th grade years of schooling, I was not in the best mental state. I felt very alone and I had several insecurities about myself, and I would take that out on myself. Self harm was the only result I saw at that time to relieve all the emotions I felt. It was overwhelming for me at that time. I would starve myself and not eat for a day or two. The crazy part was in 8th grade, I was only 80 pounds! I don t know why I would think like that. I went to counseling for it but that did not help at all. Many people that were close to me did not understand why I would do this to myself, which I didn t expect them to because they were one of the reasons. Also during my 10th grade year, I met someone who hurt me in a big way... Show more content on ... Once I removed myself from one BIG issue that was the cause of 95.5% of all of my problems, In a way I found a peace of mind. No, I am not 100% okay and I doubt I will be but it is better than before. In conclusion I do still have and experience some things that I went through my 7th grade to 10th grade years. Yet I still see growth as person for myself, some people may not see much from reading or hearing about everything when I talk about things like this but as long as I see growth in myself I think that is the most important. I can not stress enough when I stated that when I was able to remove myself from the main source of what was wrong, it helped so much. I think that these two different times in my life say a lot about me and I am not
  • 5. Biblical Allusion In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis is a novel written in 1912 by Franz Kafka. It takes place in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. This novel involves a man named Gregor who lives with his sister and parents. Gregor is the only one that has a job; therefore he is the only one that has a steady income. He provides everything for his family, and they take him for granted. One morning Gregor wakes up from his slumber to realize he has turned into a gigantic bug. Once his family discovers he is a revolting vermin they seem to disown him except for his sister Grete. By the end of the novel Grete s perspective toward Gregor changes and she decides it is time to get rid of him. At the end Gregor dies, but his family does not mourn his death; if anything they rejoice that he is gone. Throughout the novel Kafka slips in Biblical allusionhere and there such as the apple that is lodged into Gregor s back, also the comparisons made between Grete and Judas, and Gregor s sacrifice and the betrayal of his family. All these allusions help develop a deeper meaning and construct Gregor into a Christ like being. Probably the most noticeable biblical allusion Kafka uses in The Metamorphosisis the apple that is forced into Gregor s back by his father. At one point in the novel Gregor finds himself in the living room when his father comes home from work. His father, in an act to get Gregor back into his room, proceeds to firing multiple apples at him. One of the apples forces its way into Gregor s
  • 6. The Day After The Boston Marathon Attack After the Boston marathon attack in 2013, there was people who were very mournful of what had happened, and who were very fearful of what was to come. Media at the time were being very desolate and grieving those who had died. Stephen Colbert, the host of The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert, decided to take a different approach. In the introduction to his show the day after the attack, he addresses what had happened to ease the minds of his audience in an ironic humorous way. He was very serious about the situation but, he decided that adding comedywas suitable. By using Pathos, in paradoxical way, he could lift spirits and hide sorrow underneath comedy in a very effective way. Stephen Colbert always opens his show by yelling, tonight, and then playing an introduction video. However, on this occasion after yelling tonight, the video does not play and he catches his viewer off guard. He the leans into the camera and says in a very soft spoken way, hey look, before we begin I just want to take a moment to talk about the attack in Boston yesterday. By the way he says this line in a very serious tone, it leads his audience to believe that they are going to hear the same, beat to death, mournful lines that they have heard since the attack. He then says, now obviously, our thoughts and our prays are with everyone there, and this line is very special because he gives foreshadowing that this is not going to be the typical news cast. When he reaches the seventeen second
  • 7. U.s. Washington Consensus And The Beijing Consensus 1.Introduction As the modern day economy continues to grow, more and more discussion are emerging revolving around what are the factors that led to the successful economic growth in some countries and one country that has been gaining researcher s interest is China and the development of Beijing from a third world country in the to a developed and Newly industrialized country today. The report examines two major economic consensus frameworks that is closely related to economic growth in the world. They are namely the Washington Consensus and the Beijing Consensus. The former is looking at industries in the western context whereas the latter is looking the Asian context mainly China. The later part of the report will discuss and compare the two consensus such as identifying their differences as well as pros and cons of using each model. The last part of the report will discuss weather is Beijing consensus dominating the once popular Washington consensus. 2.Main Content 2.1.Washington Consensus Washington Consensus (WC) was first discovered post World War II in 1989 by John Williamson (Williamson, A Short History of the Washington Consensus, 2004). WC believes in promoting free trade, floating exchange rate, free markets and macroeconomic stability to help economies grow and recover after the world war. This non liberal view of globalization has saw supporters from World known economist and organizations such as IMF, World Bank , EU US. WC suggests a set of 10
  • 8. Emerson s Nature Using Figurative Language Analysis Nature expresses Emerson s belief that individuals must develop a personal understanding of the universe. In the introduction, Emerson explains the significance of accepting the knowledge and traditions of the past, instead of experiencing nature and God directly. The question about the order of the universe(relationship between God, man and nature) is answered through the experience of life. Nature in fact is an expression of the understanding. Emerson portrays an attitude towards nature using figurative language, comparison and contrasting. In the essay, he expresses the philosophy that the universe is composed of nature and through this unity man obtains knowledge. It is necessary, according to Emerson, that man awakens the connection ... Show more content on ... Although it goes to say that not everyone sees the reverence awakened by the stars it is always present, they are inaccessible not To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature but to those that can t see nature. As well as Nature always wears the colors of the spirit indicating that nature and man together can produce the ability to see the delight. However, it is only possible through man or through nature and man to see delight. It is important to see with temperance and that is why nature always wears the colors of the
  • 9. Papers On Anne Frank Anne Frank I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great support and comfort for to me ( Frank). Anne Frank, short for Anneliese Marie Frank, was born in 1929, and died around 1945. Her father, Otto Frank, was born in 1889 and died in 1980, and was a prosperous businessman. On January 30, 1933, Hitler had taken over Germany. Anne and her family were Jewish, and they were forced to move to a new place for a new life. Anne Frank was a victim of the holocaust, and she would later use her experience before, during, and after WWII to illustrate through her writing, the thought of a teenager during a time war. Before WW2, Anne attend two school s; Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam and Jewish Lyceum. Anne was born on June 12,1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. She was the child of Otto and Edith Frank. Anne was their second daughter, after her older sister Margot. In 1935, the Franks moved to Amsterdam due to Hitler taking over Germany. Anne never really paid much attention to what was happening with the jews, but one thing she did notice was the racism that was showed in school. On May 10, 1940, ... Show more content on ... Otto returned to Amsterdam and gos to Meip house, Mr. Otto believe that his family would still be alive. Otto Frank knew that Anne wanted to become an author or journalist, and had hoped her wartime writings would one day be published. Later on Mr.Otto help to publish the Diary of Anne. Diary Letters from June 14, 1942 to August 1, 1944 was published on June 25, 1947. The diary was published in America in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl. The diary provides a vivid and poignant glimpse into the world of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi occupied Holland. Anne diary want all around the world, he later says about this moment: If she had been here, Anne would have been so proud. May 3,1960 The Annex became a museum, to show the people how they
  • 10. The Population Of Hidalgo County Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be 815,996, an increase of 9,444 (2%) over the 2012 estimated population. The county seat is located in the City of Edinburg. The governing body of Hidalgo County is the Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is comprised of the County Judge, who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from one of the County s four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is elected to a four year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the most important duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of the County. Among other things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates, approves contracts in the name of the County, determines whether indebtedness should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain County officials. The Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the close of the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County s financial planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general fund, certain special revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The budget is prepared by fund, function, department, and object codes. Transfer of appropriations between departments requires the approval of Commissioners Court. The County provides a full
  • 11. Enduring Love Wickham In Pride And Prejudice Cowans 4 why he disliked Wickham and how he took advantage of his sister. Elizabeth still wasn t convinced. Elizabeth had lost trust in Darcy and he would have to earn her trust again. Elizabeth and Jane returned home after all this had happened. Upon returning home they find out that their younger sister was trying to leave with Colonel Forster and his wife. Elizabeth warned her father that this would be a bad idea to left Lydia go. Mr. Bennet decided to let Lydia go any way. Austen really made it seem like these people were running from or to their problems because they were constantly taking trips. Elizabeth took a trip with the Gardiners. Pemberley which was Mr. Darcy s estate was one of the stops on this trip. Almost everyone in this novel seemed to have so mental issues. Why... Show more content on ... Wickham. Once Darcy learned of this news from Elizabeth, he felt somewhat responsible because he didn t tell anyone about Wickham evil behavior. The Gardiner took Elizabeth back to Longbourn to be with her family. Mrs. Bennet was being crazy as usual and then they learned that Wickham had gambling debts. None of this news was good. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Gardiner were looking for Lydia and Wickham, but after no luck Mr. Bennet returned home. Mr. Gardiner continued to look and found them. Wickham said he would marry Lydia but there is a price. He wants her father to give her equal shares of his wealth. Mr. Bennet was still confused about who paid Wickham debts. He thought that maybe Mr. Gardiner did it. Even though Lydia married a crook, her mother was still excited that one of her daughter was married. Mrs. Bennet was only focused on getting her daughter married and not their well being. Lydia and Wickham came back to visit and Lydia told Elizabeth that Darcy was at her wedding to Wickham. At issue are assumptions about the selfishness and instability of men s love. When Elizabeth discovers that
  • 12. The Death Of The Weimar Republic For now, I m going to leave the Reichstag wrapped up, and move onto Libeskind s Jewish museum. Over history it could be argued that the Jews have been the most persecuted religion. This is of course true in Germany. In German history the Jews have being accused of poisoning wells and causing the black death, despite the Jews suffering equally from the disease! The Jews were also accused for the loss of the First World War, despite the Jews having the largest proportional of any religious group to fight in the war. The German military high command even produced a censes to show how the Jews didn t pull their weight, however the findings showed quite the opposite, so of course it was not published. Things however started to look up for the Jews under the Weimar republic. During the Weimar Republic, many Jews played influential roles in the government, and in stabilising Germanys economy following the war. However, after the markets crashed, once again the German s wanted someone to blame, and once again the Jews fell victim of persecution. With the rise of Hitler things only got worse. Hitler s anti sematic death camps eradicated most of Europe s Jewish population. After World War II, only 8000 Jews remained in Berlin(Gilman, L. 2007). Over the cold war period, the Jewish community was relatively stagnant in growth. In 1988 the Senate decided to build a new Jewish museum, exactly half a century before the Gestapo closed the original museum. 165 architects entered the
  • 13. Rhetorical Analysis For Youtube Selection What rank are you applying for?: Helper What is your age?: 13 Whats your IGN?: WeniHutJr Are you a Boy or Girl?: Boy What country do you live in?: United States Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?: /UC_i4kysCMJTl_HmDmRcxtDA Do you have a microphone/headset?: Yes Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because I feel like OPCraft needs somebody like me on their team. I want to help out the server as much as I possibly can. I wan t to keep the server and community away from any trouble makers, and rule breakers. I would like to join your team to make sure this server is clean, and running smoothly. I understand lots of people apply for this position, although I think I stand out from the rest because unlike ... Show more content on ... Staff Impersonation:This is if somone changes there name to like JulianTheBae or IceyTv First i would /tempmute name 5mins Staff Impersonation because i would go strait to /tempmute because i think impersonating the staff is bad that will go up to 20mins then i would tell a higher staff to mute them Leaking Staff Information: I would probally tell a higher staff because I would be only helper Hacking: This is when somone uses a Client / blacklisted mod I will get my recording software and record 1v1ing you and when im done i will /tempban user 48hours (name of hacks) and I will upload video of them hacking and tell higher staff members and see if it results in a perm ban Advertising:this is when somone puts ips in chat I would instantly /ban user Advertising and /cc to clear chat Indirect Advertising: this is when somone puts there yt or a link not realated to opcraft I would /mute name Indirect Advdertising and screen shot proof
  • 14. Mute Evasion: If i mute somone or tempmute and they start talking on an alt i would mute that alt and if they start putting stuff in ah like f u staff member I d /tempban user 15hours Mute Evasion and then contact higher staff member Racism: First I would /warn user
  • 15. Conspiracy Theories Of The Rugrats Jezabel Hernandez Thursday: 8am 12noon Conspiracy theory Midterm Paper Rugrats The topic I chose for my paper is about the conspiracy theory about the show in 90s called Rugrats. The Rugrats premiered on August 11, 1991 and it ended in June 4, 2004. The names of the creators of Rugrats are Arlene Klasky, and Gabor Csupo. In the show of the Rugrat s, one of the babies in show named Tommy. Tommy has parents named Didi and Stu Pickles are based on the creators. Personally I think its really interesting the creator s made Rugrats based on there lives as parents.The Pickles house in Rugrats are based on original address of klasky s Csupo animation production studio in California. The 1258 north highland, Los Angeles is the original address ... Show more content on ... When it came down to Character Chuckie or Tommy best friend in the show its said to be similar to Composer Mark Mothersbaugh. In the show there a bully known as Angelica, she based on memory of Paul s the producer of Rugrats, of his childhood bully. Each person that made a impact on there lives have such influence on them, they made characters that are based on there actions. Angelica is a bully, yet you come to understand her crazy ideas and outcomes toward the other characters in Rugrats. With these characters in Rugrats in mind, you can t help but feel a connection to them. The conspiracy theory I found is darker twist in realm of Rugrats. In this theory is based on character Angelica imaginations. Apparently Angelica was not only having all Rugrats in her head but she is a paranoid schizophrenic(loses based of reality). Chuckie died along with his mother, that the reason why chuckie s father Chaz is a wreak and tends breakdown with his nerves over whelming him. Then there is Tommy he is actual a stillborn, or son that didn t get to be born. Due to the fact of Tommy, his father Stu pickles he couldn t help be depressed and obsessed on making toys in basement where for son he will never have. When it came down to Deville s known as friends to pickles, they had a abortion, since Angelica found about it, she did not know the gender of the baby, so she thought of about the twins Phil and lil. Angelica get into the
  • 16. The Future Of The Us Dollar The Future of the US Dollar in the International Market A society based on trade was established as early as 4000 B.C.E. (Hunt 6). However, the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a new stage, an economy fully supported by globalization (Gilpin 10 12). This new beginning for the economy made the international markets the central focus of the economy. Since the gold standard had crushed, the US dollar became the official exchange standard and also the most used currency in the world. Currently, its status of international currency remains the same, but the international market has changed so much that there are factors that leave its future uncertain. The role of the US dollar as an international currency is at risk because of the... Show more content on ... This decrease can be due to the economic problems that the United States faced during the decade of the 2000 s, the Financial Market Crisis, and is still battling to recover from, or due to the increase of power and popularity of other countries and their currencies, such as the countries that make up the European Union (Goldberg). The concept of the world money is organically linked to an understanding of the world market as the fundamental framework of global capitalism where profit rates are equalized and an average world market rate of profit is established (Ivanova 51 52). The world market became the main focus of the world s super power countries as well as developing countries. As Karl Marx s theory of money establishes, money is not only a measure of value or a medium of change, when it becomes world money, it becomes the absolute social materialization of wealth as such (universal wealth) (qtd. in Ivanova 51). One of the main characteristics of world money that applies to the US dollar today is that it is a dominant currency in international financial markets that is also used hand to hand in foreign countries (Auboin). Bitcoin was created in 2009 as an international currency to make digital transactions easier and faster(Yellin). This computerized money exists only as strings of digital code ( A New Specie ). This currency is used without intermediaries
  • 17. Emotional Intelligence And Social Pressures Emotional intelligence exposes an individual s ability to regulate their emotions, in an attempt to acknowledge their partner s perspective and convey intimacy and commitment in their relationship. In the framework of marriage, I do agree with the author that emotional intelligence may exist as the glue that holds a marriage together, as individuals must retain an aptitude to illustrate compassion and empathy with their partner. According to the text, evidence of a steady erosion of social pressures the stigma surrounding divorce, or the economic dependence on wives on their husbands that used to keep couples together in even the most miserable of matches surfaces (Goleman, 2005, p. 129). Due to societal deviations, couples no longer uncover themselves in an obligation to continue their marriages when confronting undesirable situations. Because obligations no longer keep couples together, emotional intelligenceimportance amplified. The general challenge with marital emotional intelligence subsists as genderdifferences. In fact, emotional differences, while they may be partly biological, also can be traced back to childhood, and to the separate emotional worlds boys and girls inhabit while growing up (Goleman, 2005, p. 130). Due to the dissimilarity in childhood worlds, I agree with the author that we need to make a point of talking to boys, in particular, about emotional intelligence. Originating in elementary school, society articulates that males must conceal
  • 18. Rhino Poaching Essay Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ... One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70 s and 80 s in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations (Shivamber). Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe
  • 19. Jimmy Hendrix Research Paper Nothing beats a great guitar solo. The world s greatest guitarists are at their best when they get to showcase talent and pour their heart and soul into the solo. Here are ten of our favourite guitar solos. All Along the Watchtower Jimmy Hendrix The well deserving king of guitar solos has to be Jimmy Hendrix. The legendary player has done some amazing tricks with the guitar and All Along the Watchtower has a superb solo to listen to. In fact, the song features four distinct guitar solos. The varied and characteristic solos show Hendrix visionary and unique style. Eruption Eddie Van Halen Eddie Van Halenis another great guitarist you should look up to. His guitar solos have speed, precision and fun licks that guarantee you ll always learn something new from his solos. Eruption is among the ... Show more content on ... It s a great solo with all the core building blocks of a good solo. It doesn t add anything that isn t necessary but it also doesn t sound too naked either! If you want to learn more about Mick Moody s guitar style and master some of the greatest Whitesnake hits, then check out Moody s lessons at our website. One Kirk Hammett If you love guitar solos with plenty of speed, then Metallica s One is definitely a song you ll love. Kirk Hammett s guitar playing is fantastic and you probably don t want to try this at home unless you are a seasoned pro! Free Bird Allen Collins, Gary Rossington The Lynyrd Skynyrd classic features a stunning guitar solo by Allen Collins and Gary Rossington. Quite surprisingly, the song is the first song the band wrote together, despite the solo sounding like something only seasoned pros would be able to do. Crossroads Eric Clapton Clapton is a massive guitar virtuoso with tons of amazing solos to pick from. But Crossroads is definitely one of the bests, especially as the guitar solo is reportedly
  • 20. played in the wrong
  • 21. Sst1 Task 2 SST TASK 2: ARE CHILDREN TOO HASTILY BEING DIAGNOSED WITH ADD? 1 Are children too hastily being diagnosed with ADD? Holly R. Lusby Western Governors University SST TASK 2: ARE CHILDREN TOO HASTILY BEING DIAGNOSED WITH ADD? A1 Twenty years ago children being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder was not as common as it is today. Are children too hastily diagnosed with ADD? Most children diagnosed are being treated and even medicated. Children should not be medicated unless the symptoms cause a significant strain on their life or ability to learn. Significant adverse 2 side effects have been shown in children who are medicated for ADD, but the positive effects sometimes outway the side effects in true cases of ADD. Some... Show more content on ... What is the common environment of children being diagnosed with ADD? Do most children being diagnosed with ADD come from a home or attend school in a strict and structured environment? Are they just being kids when they are daydreaming or fidgeting or do they really have a problem that warrants treatment or medication? Many of the children being diagnosed are from the upper class or live in the suburbs so it seems that the 3 parents and teachers just want a cookie cut out kid . They want the child to always be on his best behavior. Children develop differently and some just need a little more time to mature. If ADD symptoms occur at home and school the child s temperament needs to be taken into account. The child may be younger therefore more immature than his classmates and this may cause the teacher to think he needs to be tested (Michigan State University, 2010). If the child s daily life is negatively affected it may be more than temperament, but it may not be ADD. Who has input in diagnosing children with ADD? Specialists must rely on parents and teachers to give information about the children s symptoms, but are the children just being unmanageable and unruly or do they truly have a problem? The specialist is given a list of the symptoms, but this is purely subjective. The parents have the most input since they are the ones mostly spending time with the kids, but teachers are also asked for input. Parents sometimes are manipulated by the
  • 22. Relapse Formulae In Anthropology Personal identification using anthropology deals with estimation of sex, age, stature etc. by studying skeletal featured of bone. Mostly the sex estimation is finished by looking at the morphological features of Pelvis which because of conceptive necessities shows unmistakable characteristic elements which serve as trademark; or cranium. Stature is in common language the standing tallness of a living person. With regards to legal human sciences, it constructs part of the natural profile of a person in the discriminating proof affair. A scope of techniques have been created to decide stature from human stays to various degrees of fulfilment and protection. The Fully technique, also called anatomical strategy, requires the nearness of every single skeletal component that add to stature to recreate the standing body. Numerical techniques, then again, extrapolate stature from the extent of a solitary bone or body part utilizing relapse formulae. This is most dependable ... Show more content on ... This is especially the case for relapse strategies, which force a straightforward relationship between the measure of a particular bone and stature. There are diverse arrangement of formulae for different gatherings and populace. Forensic anthropologists use a number of methods to estimate the age at death for skeletal remains. In general, the methods are based largely upon the morphology of the skeletal elements, that is, the presence of non metric traits or specific morphological features on each of the bones of the skeleton. These characteristics for example also include the degree of fusion of the proximal and distal epiphyses, fusion of the cranial sutures, dental eruption patterns etc. Generally the sex estimation is done by examining the morphological features of Pelvis or cranium, but this is possible only when these parts are recovered. What about instances when only a hand or leg is provided for
  • 23. R22 Feon Research Paper R22 Freon Phase Out Most people depend on their air conditioners. It is the only way to stay cool when you are inside of your home or office and the temperatures are soaring into the 90s and beyond as it often does in Fort Meyers and other areas of south Florida. The thing is, most older air conditioning units are not able to keep up with the heat as well as most people want for them to. Also, many people are now having to deal with the R22 Freon phase out that is taking place and it is causing a lot of people to suffer in misery. What is R22? R 22 is a type of propellant or refrigerant that is a colorless gas. It is a hydro chlorofluorocarbon that, until recently, was the primary gas used in air conditioners both inside a vehicle and homes. It is a gas that causes very little damage to the ozone, and was at one time considered very safe to use. However, when you consider how many people are now using air conditioners, it is still causing a problem according to some research. ... Show more content on ... Freon is a gas that is added to the compressor of an air conditioning unit. It is then added to a closed loop system that ensures there is a constant recycling process that it goes through. The way it works from there is when you turn on your air conditioner the compressor compresses the Freon. This makes it become hot and then it travels through coils that are inside of your unit. As the Freon liquid flows through, it evaporates and becomes cold. The now cold gas will continue through the air conditioners coils to absorb heat and then push cooler air into the building or
  • 24. Eloi Vs Morlocks The Time machine by H.G Wells imagines what it might be like to travel into the future. Wells presents two creatures in the text that has evolved during the time. These creatures are the Eloi and the Morlocks. Even though the Eloi and the Morlocks both have human traits, the text suggests that the Eloiare more human than the Morlocks because of their body form and thinking. Wells proposes the Eloi are the upper class society and that the Morlocks are weird looking creatures. The time traveler has arrived in the future where he has lost his time machine. While trying to locate the machine he discovers a civilization known as the Eloi. Wells points out that the Eloi like to spend all their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, ... Show more content on ... The body form of an Eloi and their lifestyle is viewed very differently compared to the Morlocks. The Eloi are little people, they are beautiful and fragile. Wells suggests that the Eloi have more human traits than the Morlocks. He goes on to explain the living conditions of an Eloi. They have several big palaces, great dining halls and sleeping apartments (Wells 51). Similar to how humans live, this passage suggests that although the place is falling apart, it is still a home to the Eloi. The text gives us the sense that the Eloi is living in a utopian society where their existence is similar to human traits. Humans do live in apartments, eat at the dining places and have big cities. The comparison between the Morlocks form and lifestyle is that the Morlocks do not wear clothing, which is very noticeable in human society, also the text suggest that the Morlocks looks like apes. The text also suggests that the Morlocks are savages in which they serve the Eloi, but in return, they eat them. The text even goes on to suggest that the Morlocks are like little monster who are attracted to darkness instead of light. Wells provides us with a better description the Morlocks suggesting they are dull white, and had strange large greyish red eyes; also that there was flayen hair on its head and down its back
  • 25. Halloween Persuasive Speech There are some annual events that are just too good to confine to a single day of the year. Birthdays, Christmas and Easter are all obvious examples, but what about Halloween? Seriously is there any other day of the year that brings the world so much fun, transcends pretty much to all boundaries of age and lets us all take on a new persona just for the sheer hell of it? Of course not that s why it s about time the fun of Halloween was tapped into all throughout the year. A New You, Anytime! It never fails to take folk by surprise just how big of a transformation a new look can make. It s not like we spend our lives dreaming of being some king of hellish imp or vampire, but at the same time we all wonder what it might be like to step into... Show more content on ... Wondered what it might be like to live as a princess for the day? There s a costume for that! Always fancied yourself as a swashbuckling pirate? Consider it done! You can literally go as far as your imagination will take you, or perhaps see what s on offer and go for something that couldn t be less you there s no better way of finding out just how much a costume can change you! Everyday Events Made Magical One of the very best things about Halloween is that classic party where every single person in attendance comes in a creative, compelling and often downright hilarious costume. It brings the most amazing dynamic to the party and there s no disputing the fact that when it comes to fun, Halloween parties are on another level. So if it really does all come down to the costumes, why not bring fancy dress to more everyday events throughout the year? From birthdays to anniversaries and right through to a simple celebration of the end of the working work, ask everyone to turn up in fancy dress and it s impossible not to have a truly spectacular time. If you want your parties to be remembered for all the right reasons, don t assume fancy dress is restricted only the
  • 26. Big Boss Research Paper Personality: Big Boss is a military man at heart usually using his Tactics to set traps at key points for his foes to fall into. He is excellent at stealth and takes every mission seriously. In his past he was loyal to his country until the events that led to The Boss death. His dream is to one day create a nation for soldiers. He never holds ill will towards those that believe in peace and can be quite forgiving of his enemies. But sometimes that isn t a good thing. Like Solid Snake He has the habit of smoking. He mainly Smokes Cigars. History: John,also known as Jack. Through the years he has been known by many code names such as Naked Snake, Punished Snake, Venom Snake, Or just Snake, Before finally becoming known as the Big Boss after The Peace Keeper incident. During his Military Career, he met The Boss. The Boss trained him in many things before he later joined the FOX unit which was commanded by Major Zero. After that there were many key missions The Big Boss was a part of. Operation Snake Eater where he ultimately had no choice but to kill his Mentor, The Boss. He was givien the title Big Boss but continued to use the name Naked Snake. He felt he didn t deserve the title. The Peace Walker Incident in which he stopped Peace Walker Who s A.I. was based on The Boss from starting... Show more content on ... Big Boss had believed she had survived. And he was right... One year Later Paz had been located. A prisoner in Camp Omega. A boy Chico who Big Boss saved along with his Older sister during the Peace Walker incident had tried to save her but ended up being Captured himself. Big Boss Infiltrated Camp Omega and found Chico but had to carry him all the way to the extraction point due to his legs being damaged. After putting Chico on the Chopper, Big Boss with the help of Chico s cassete tape traveled further into the base and found Paz. She was severely hurt from the torturing she received but she was
  • 27. The Society of New France The 16th century is often referred to as The Rise of The West by modern day historians due to the colonization and Imperial expansion of the Western world by European powers. Expeditions appointed by European monarchs to discover routes to the abundant resources in China and the Indies brought some of the first European explorers to the shores of present day Canada. French explorer Jacques Cartierwas delegated the task of finding a western passage to the East and when he crossed the Atlantic and landed on the shores of present day Newfoundland in 1534 he thought he had found Asia. When Cartier inserted a cross in the soil in the GaspГ© Peninsula declaring it for France he unknownly fabricated the first colony of New France. Cartier, escorted by several ships searched the Eastern coast of North America for precious goods to transport back to King FranГ§ois I of France to solidify backing for future expeditions. Between 1534 and 1541 Cartier made three voyages to North America each time bringing captives and furs back to France in an attempt to illustrate the wealth of these new found lands. After failed attempts to secure a permanent settlement near Stadacona (present day Quebec City) and further failed attempts to colonize lands further south the French turned the attention to their own lands where a religious civil war was waging. It was not until over sixty years later that the French returned to North America with a new approach in mind. After many vain
  • 28. Usf Case Labeling Standard operating procedures are built around detailed actions and functions within any operation. Although USF has a documented standard operating procedure, it is an injustice to both the membership and the company when employees are not trained in the detailed methodologies for which they are to perform. During the week of the audit, many order selectors were observed performing tasks above and beyond those stated in the company s documented preferred methods. For example, Order Selection While conducting studies, employees were not following the documented methodology of labeling cases during each obtain. Case labeling is to be performed as an internal motion while the selector approaches each selection location and handles it ... Show more content on ... The true cause of one s substandard performance must be identified and researched as to the effect of any system errors which may have occurred during the production week, and to ensure all down time has been allocated for the employee throughout the time period in question. Employees may be at no fault when put into a working environment for which they have no control, especially if placed into a situation where the work load is not reflective of the conditions the standard was meant to represent. Members that are performing tasks that are not a part of their regular bid positions are most susceptible, and are more likely to be hindered by these working conditions. There is a very high probability that if one is put into these conditions that the delay allowance especially during the summer months could in fact be much greater than the frequencies and allowances are meant to represent for that period of time. Members and Local 104 should request all documentation and validate the information in reference to any discipline
  • 29. How Did Robert Owen Teach Poor Children Based on our discussions in class, our readings, video clips and the readings that discuss about the education provided in nineteenth century England for poor children and orphans who normally wouldn t be able to afford it, there seems to be two sides to the story. One side you have a document by Robert Owen describing the importance of teaching poor children good morale habits and the interest of knowledge and a clip showing how Styal Mill Schoolwas teaching kids with multiple useful tools and even how to cure sickness and were even provided good beds . However on the other hand there s plentiful of novels film adaptations such as the excerpts from Hard Times and Nicholas Nickleby both by Charles Dickenswhich both showcase the tough and... Show more content on ... There are still some similarities to be made here, similar to the Robert Owen s paper previously shown, The Report of the Finance Committee of the institution written in May 11, 1811 shows that In presenting the following Report of the Royal Lancasterian Institution for promoting the education of the poor, the Finance Committee trust that the subscribers will view with pleasure the success which now attends this most important undertaking. . Both sources similarly talking about the importance of education for the poor children in England and by teaching these children rational thought and providing work they could potentially show loyalty as well to their
  • 30. Reap What You Sow in Silas Marner by George Eliot Essay The definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person s control. It is regarded as something determined by a supernatural power, but I believe otherwise. In fact, I believe the exact opposite. I believe that people do in fact have the power to manipulate their fate; Based on the good or bad choices they ve made in the past. The novelSilas Marnerby George Eliot, helps to explain this. Through the actions of three major characters Dunstan Cass, Godfrey Cass, and Silas Marner. These characters were chosen because they all made good or bad choices throughout the novel with a clear punishment or reward; Or in other words these characters show how they control their fate based on previous actions or choices. To begin with,... Show more content on ... If he never made the choice of robbing Silas, he never would ve fell into the pit. This is only what he deserves for being selfish and full of spite. Dunstan clearly shows that you can control your fate based on the good or bad choices you make. Obviously, Godfrey s choices determined his fate. Godfrey had the choice to tell the truth. He was given this opportunity during breakfast with his father. Instead of telling his father the real reason why he gave the rent money to Dunstan, he says, I wouldn t have spent the money myself, but Dunsey bothered me, and I was a fool and let him have it (69). He could ve told the truth and relieve himself of Dunstan. Next, Godfrey had the choice to admit that Eppie is his child. This chance arrived at Silas s cottage when he took a look at Molly Farrens body. The right thing to do there was to take Eppie from Silas like a good father would ve. Instead, he says to Silas, Let me give you something towards finding it clothes (120). Godfrey was thinking only of getting Eppie out of the way, so that he could continue courting Nancy Lammeter. He put himself over his own daughter just to get what he wants. All of the sudden, 16 years later, Godfrey goes to ask Eppie to live with him. Eppie declined his request with all due respect. As she says, Thank you, ma am thank you, sir for your offers they re very great, and far above my wish. For I should have no delight i life any more if I was forced to go
  • 31. Pablo Picasso s Guernic Close Visual Analysis Utilising, The Study Diamond: effects, techniques, context and meaning (The Open University, 2013, p. 76), this essay will argue through close visual analysis from an art history point of view that Picasso s Guernica is a form of protest. The essay will also argue that Guernica s meaning has changed to include becoming a symbol of peace and continues to fulfil its purpose as a form of protest. A large mural, Guernica is an example of Synthetic Cubism painted by Pablo Picasso (1881 1973). Created using the medium of oil paint on canvas with a narrow palette consisting of the neutral hues: white, grey and black; the formalist qualities of Guernica can have harrowing effects on the spectator, But to see it in real life, in its full size, is an even stronger emotional experience. Some people have said they experienced an instant rush of many powerful, fearful emotions (The Open University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.2). Stark colour value distribution in Guernica s figures creates the effect of palpable tension. Correspondingly, light grey contrasts with a dark grey or black background. A feature of Synthetic Cubism, There ... colours are muted, often virtually monochromatic greys or browns. Clarke (cited in The Open University, 2016, Block 3, 2.2.4). The doorway at the centre of Guernica depicts a figure carrying a lamp illuminating a scene of carnage within. This distinct contrast of colour enhances the effect of Guernica s dark corners and can evoke feelings of impending doom.
  • 32. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Communication, Teamwork, And... I have some weaknesses and strengths in regards to communication, teamwork, and social intelligence. I am weak at; Supporting others with their needs Active listening Being sympathetic towards others situations Not interrupting others Some of my strengths are; I can analyze and understand other people s emotions very easily I have a high social and emotional intelligence I can control my actions to the point of being great at poker I can communicate easily through the written language I can put my thoughts in a logical sequence when writing I m very natural at leading people and drawing out peoples opinions I m good at public speaking and enjoy drawing peoples into what I m talking about. My plan of action in order to work on my weaknesses is first and foremost practice my active listening. I am very easily distracted (literally ADD), so for me listening is a very hard task to do especially if I m not that interested in what the other person has to say. I need to practice active listening more. I believe my biggest weakness for active listening is I always try to put my two cents in. Sometimes people just want to be heard. I m very opinionated so it s hard for me to understand that people don t want my opinion. My next big weakness for active listening is not paying attention or discarding what people have to say. In a group work environment not paying attention to what others say is one of the worst things that you can do. I think that even
  • 33. The Autonomic Nervous System Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual s mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on sleep wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results... Show more content on ... Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is a non invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal s power or energy per unit time, falling within given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity
  • 34. Network Equipment That Supports Interconnecting Within... 1.Network equipment that supports interconnecting within Mission s remote locations as well as to FTOC hubs will be considered a part of the DGITT s wide area network infrastructure. 2.To establish wide area network connectivity to the FTOC Hub, the field missions and offices must order a service request to FTOC. 3.Any network device or link connectives intended to be connected with FTOC Hubs must be informed and have communicated with the FTOC Network Managers prior any hardware or contract service acquisitions. 4.The Leased Lines and MPLS service connectivity to FTOC Hubs must be complied with the access port types and other technical capabilities offered by the FTOC infrastructure, and the technical specifications must be acquired ... Show more content on ... 7.FTOC Network Managers are responsible to plan, design, and review, approve, or deny changes to the entire DFS Wide Area Networkinfrastructure for the reliable and efficient enterprise voice, video, and data communications throughout DFS. All planned, scheduled changes to the DFS Hub s Wide Area Networks shall be performed by FTOC Network Engineering group and must be authorized by FTOC Network Managers. 8.FTOC Network Engineering Group is responsible for the implementation, operations, optimization, and configuration management and support of the WAN infrastructure connecting to FTOC Hubs from DFS Field Missions and Offices. The FTOC Network Engineering Group responsibilities are including but not limited to Secured and optimized network configuration of the mission border router connectivity to FTOC; Unified Communication, Call Admission Control, and Voice trunk connectivity from the mission border router to FTOC; Quality of Service configurations for the Voice, Video, and Enterprise Applications; Load sharing and load balancing of the wide area network connectivity; and Wan Optimization appliances and solutions throughout the DGITT s Wide Area Networks. 9.FTOC Remote Mission Support Section (RMSS) is responsible for the implementation, operations, optimization, and
  • 35. Final Report ENGL 221 O Connor An Investment Analysis of Southwest Airlines for Embry Investment Group Kenneth O Connor Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide Table of Contents Tables and Figures3 Abstract3 Introduction3 Why this Analysis was Done3 The Limitations of this Report4 Background Information on Southwest Airlines4 Analysis Methodology4 Short Conclusion5 Supporting details and data5 The Financial Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines5 An Assessment of Southwest Airlines Past Performance5 2013 Financial Statistics6 An Assessment of Southwest Airlines Future Performance7 The Numbers7 The Logical Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines8 Aircrew8 Ground crew8 Aircraft maintenance9 Business administration9 A short... Show more content on ... In 2013, Southwest repaid $611 million to Shareholders through repurchasing $540 million (roughly 38 million shares) in stock. LUV was nominated as Southwest s stock exchange symbol to represent its home at Dallas Love Field (KDAL), as well as the theme of Southwest s relationship with their customers ( Southwest Corporate Fact Sheet Southwest Airlines Newsroom, n.d.). An Assessment of Southwest Airlines Future Performance Now would be the best time to make an investment in Southwest Airlines, since they are coming out of the financial depression that all airlines went into during 2009 to 2013. Since the biggining of 2013(1/2/13), Southwest s stock has climbed from a low of $10.47 to a high of $33.57 on 9/30/14. This shows that Southwest Airlines is indeed comiing out of the depression. The Numbers Currently, the top Share Holder of LUV stock is Primecap Management Company. As of 6/30/2014, Primecap Management Company holds 78.49 million shares or 11.46% worth 2.1 billion ( LUV Major Holders | Southwest Airlines Company Comm Stock Yahoo! Finance, 2014). In order to have a majority stake in a company, you need to own the greatest % of stock; EIG would need to buy 78.6 million shares at the current price of $30.57, which is equal to 2.4 billion. The Logical Reasons to Invest in Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines New logo (Lippincott, n.d.). Southwest Airlines operates the
  • 36. Overpopulation Of Crickets Essay Apple was most chosen over bread, as the crickets went to the apple more in each trial. Though the crickets did not fight one another over the apple. The hypotheses was supported by the experimental data, with the hypothesis stating that apple would be the most chosen as crickets prefer fruit and vegetables over bread/wheat due to the fruit and vegetable food source being more nutritious for crickets.. The behaviour the crickets showed in this experiment was that they all dashed to get to the apple before one another. In the wild they would show this behaviour for survival. By displaying aggressive behaviour to compete for food against one another. Aggressive behaviour will be displayed especially when there is an overpopulation of crickets. In this situation the crickets will feel the need to fight one another for the food source before more crickets come and take the food source. If they don t find any food or if food is limited they will eat start to eat and prey on the weakened crickets. This aggressive behaviour is showed particularly in males. With males biting and chasing other crickets and becoming quite agitated. Male... Show more content on ... The cricket will generally know where there food is by using there sense of smell and sight from there antenna. If many food sources are available the cricket would eat as much food as they can as there may not be enough food next time they need to eat and they may have to travel for food which may cause starvation. This will once again lead to destructive behaviour between each other. It will cause the cricket to over eat its food source and food won t be left for other crickets. This is a vicious cycle for the survival of crickets. Many types of organisms display this type of behaviour when locating food for survival. Though this type behaviour will not be displayed in captivity as the cricket will always have access to a food
  • 37. Arguments For Self Identification A different argument for self identification comes from an old social norm developed during the era of slavery known as the one drop rule. This rule states that a multiracial person is assigned to the race with the lowest social standing among the races represented. Going off of previous history and other social norms, the hierarchy would be as follows: non Hispanic white, Asian, Latinos, and lastly black. When forcing a youth to choose between one of their multiple races, those with some black or Latino heritage are far more likely to report being black or Latino than those with white or Asian heritage are to report being white or Asian (Herman 2009). Herman s study in 2009 examines the difference in grades between students of mixed races. Her ultimate conclusion is that self identification is the main indicating factor in academic achievement. Students possessing black or Latino ancestry are associated with decreased grades whereas students with white or Asian ancestry tend to do better. However, she also looked at the difference in grades between students of the same biracial category who self identify differently. Those who identify as Asian or white do significantly better in school than those who identify as black or Latino. An interesting conclusion from the study shows that where there is a difference between those who identify as Asian and those who identify as white, there is almost no difference in if the student identifies as black or Latino. In an attempt to
  • 38. Fashion Trends And The Fashion Industry According to, the fashion industry generates an average of $20 billion each year. Fashion designers are the heart of the fashion world. The fashion industry has grown to popularity by dominating the worldwide economy, media, workplace, and everyday life. Clothing trends have changed over the last century due to historical events and the evolution of technology. With the gift of creativity and skill of constructing clothing, fashiondesigners complete a degree in designing, research past trends, predict future trends, sketch ideas, and oversee production of their designs. Fashion designers translate their ideas into clothing to sell. The first step of designing is researching current fashion trends and predicting future trends. Trends determine the success of the fashion industry. Designers normally choose a speciality to design, such as swimwear, bridal wear, children s clothing, footwear, and men s wear. Sketching the original design is the next important step of the design process. Computer Aided Designs are the modern method of sketching. Next, fabric and embellishments are chosen to correspond with the designer s vision. Creating custom printed fabric and custom dyeing fabric is common for designers. Most designers work for large companies which provide the designer with a sewing team. Large apparel companies usually consist of a team of designers headed by a creative manager. Communicating ideas to the sewing team and giving them specific instructions
  • 39. Special Interest Groups Influence The Government Special interests groups which are also referred to pressure groups or interest groups are an organization of individuals who come together with a common concern, and they are usually formally organized with an aim to influence the public policy in their favor. The main objective of people who form special interest groups is to influence the governmentto make policies which are beneficial to them (Almond Coleman, 2015). These groups may either be fighting for a single section in the society like subsidies for farmers or a common cause which affects the society like reducing global warming. They usually use the tactic of lobbying so that the government or the policy makers can make a policy which they need. The special groups are beneficial... Show more content on ... In these countries, there is also a belief that the special interest groups represented their interests instead of that of the general public. In the countries which have authoritarian regimes, the operations of the special interest groups are limited and in other places they are even banned (Berry, 2015). The political cultures differ from country to country, and so do the special interest groups. However in some countries such as Sweden, the government supports the special interest groups through funding and also involves them in policy making. In other communist countries, the special interest groups operate under fear of facing legal action from the government because they are not given the right to operate (Gilens Page, 2014). The ruling parties in all the countries influence the importance of the special interest
  • 40. The s Philosophy Epictetus was born in 55 AD in Hierapolis, Phrygia and he died in 135 AD in Nicopolis, Achaea. He was born to the life of a slave and died as a great roman philosopher. As a slave he studied Stoic philosophy due to his owner recognizing his intellectual potential. He studied under the Musonius Rufus. He was granted freedom after Emperor Nero s death. After some time Epictetushad gained his freedom and opened up his own school of philosophy where he taught up until he was exiled from Rome. After being banished Epictetus relocated to Nicopolis in Greece where he opened another school and taught there up until his death. Epictetus main school of philosophy was that of Stoicismwhich teaches that philosophy is more so a way of life as opposed to something one takes up in their free time. Stoicism also teaches about the ways to live a perfect life through means of clear judgment, inner calm, and freedom from suffering which is attained by letting go of worldly pleasures. Epictetus was born into slavery from his mother who was also a slave. He was granted his freedom sometime after the death of Emperor Nero in the year 68 AD by Epaphroditus who had also been a slave and was freed by Nero for revealing a coup against the Emperor. Tacitus calls Epaproditus Nero s Freedman and reports he was with Nero when the Emperor committed suicide, and offered to help him do so. It should not be viewed as strange that Epaphroditus, having been a slave, should own slaves once he, himself,
  • 41. Smart Grid Essay Survey Paper Assignment Introduction In the traditional distribution network, the systems are designed and controlled autonomously. Hence a fault at a system will have serious problem and need immediate rectification. But, rectification of these problems is very difficult. More due to the increase in prices of fossil fuel which are the main cause for generating electricity. Thus, centralized control and integrating their functions is a crucial problem faced in the traditional distribution network. To overcome these issues, there comes Information and communication Technology (ICT) to integrate all the important elements in a distribution system. This develops an environment at distribution level, which is controlled and integrated called smart grid which bring up to the date where the electricity generated is transported, distributed by optimizing the system s economy and the improving the system s capability to spring back into shape. Modernization of smart grid brings into important concepts as dynamic pricing, Time of Use, distributed generation and demand management. The benefits from techniques driven from smart grid are emission reduction, and reduction of operational expenditure and also enhancing energy savings. Hence energy efficient communications approaches are made by the smart grid driven techniques along with the interaction between smart grids and the data centers or ICT s. We know, Information and communication Infrastructures are major power consumers
  • 42. Rent-A-Car DEFENDANT S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM QUESTION PRESENTED Can obtaining a surety bond constitute negligence to provide financial responsibility under the New Mexico Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act section 66 5 218 (1988). STATEMENT OF THE CASE The defendant Sage Rent A Car leased a vehicle to defendant Jeffery Calkin. However, Mr. Calkin failed to stop at a stop sign, and collided with the plaintiff Jane White. The plaintiff then filed a suit against both defendants due to failure to carry insurance under the New Mexico Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act. Nevertheless, when the defendant Sage Rent A Car incorporated, it filed for a surety bond with the superintendent of insurance and is self insured under... Show more content on ... In the case against Sage Rent A Car the defendant filed a surety bond with the superintendent of insurance when it incorporated. Therefore, the court should dismiss the suit against Sage Rent A Car for failing to state a claim under rule NMRA 1 012B(6). Also under section 66 5 207(E) (1988) of the New Mexico Financial Responsibility Act states, a motor vehicle approved as a self insured by the superintendent of insurance is exempt from the act. Therefore, the defendant is not liable for any damages due to filing a surety bond with the New Mexico superintendent and for being self insured. Lastly, under New Mexico case law Las Lumarias of the N.M Council v. Isengard, 92 N.M 297, 300 301 (Ct. App. 1978) the court held a motion to dismiss due to the plaintiff not being able to recover or be entitled to relief under any state of facts provided under the claim. As one can see under the statutes provided and case law the defendant Sage Rent A Car is not liable for damages per the New Mexico Financial Responsibility Act not constituting negligence due to Sage s actions when
  • 43. Compare And Contrast Socrates And Augustine The most interesting historical figures that have ever existed are Socrates and St. Augustine that were in the center of the spiritual life in ancient time. They wanted people to examine their lives, to find the right path, and to believe that the grace of Christ was indispensable to human freedom. The philosophers dedicated their lives to seeking individual wisdom and goodness for the betterment of themselves and their society, and that they encouraged others by teaching and by example to do the same. Certainly, other people including Christians had expressed these things before, but Augustine and Socrates brought an intellectual account and body of reasoned arguments to ground these ideas. At that time, it was kind of a philosophical revolution.... Show more content on ... He believes that the transfer of the knowledge from one person to another is impossible and unnecessary. True knowledge is contained in a hidden form in the human soul and everyone should bring them to the light of consciousness. Likewise, the man, in Augustine s view, created by God, who has given him body, soul, mind and free will. The main duty of human is to follow God s commandments and to be like Christ. He says Therefore we must return to thee in humble piety and let thee purge us from our evil ways and be merciful to those who confess their sins to thee, and hear the groanings of the prisoners and loosen us from those fetters which we have forged for ourselves. According to Augustine, the main virtues are how to overcome selfishness and learn how to love your
  • 44. Compare And Contrast The Sea Of Monsters By Jacky Jackson In Rick Riordan s second book of the Percy Jackson series, Sea of Monsters, is about three teenagers in a world of ancient gods trying to find the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece is known to heal anything which is why Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson need it. To save Camp Half blood, these teens go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece and return it to camp. And in James Patterson s book, Max, is about a teenager girl that can fly, and also has a group of friends that can fly too. They are known as the flock. In Max, Max s mom gets kidnapped. Because of this, Max and the flock go on a quest to find and get her mom back. In these two books, there were differences in the kinds of themes that the authors used along with different craft moves used to achieve the same thing. But there were similarities with the archetypal characters that both authors used. One thing that is different with the two books, Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan, and Max by James Patterson is the different themes that the authors used. An example of this is, In Sea of Monsters there is the theme of war. And in Max there is a theme of love. I think that Rick Riordan s story doesn t have the theme of love because Percy is still new to the half blood life, and is still making friends. Because of this, I think that the author is trying to focus at the theme of friendship instead. I think that there is war in the story because Percy is trying to prevent the war from getting stronger and more dangerous. James Patterson
  • 45. Essay on Overview of Crohn s Disease Description Crohn s disease is chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines however affects the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the anus otherwise known as the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract) [1]. Individuals affected by the disease are often young adults and adolescents aged 15 35 [7]. Crohn s Disease is one of the two types of Inflammatory Bowel Disorders (IBD), the other being ulcerative colitis[3] and is usually located in the lower part of the small intestines and the upper end of the colon. There is no exact cause of this disease however various stimuli can cause the disease such as bacteria, genetics or Paneth cells [4]. Paneth cells are one of the four main specialised cell types found in the small intestine [6]... Show more content on ... This will actually allow doctors to see any abnormalities of the intestines such as narrowing, ulcerations, and sometimes fistulae of the bowel [8] and even how much of the GI tract the disease is affecting [2]. Along, with the many benefits of this imaging test, there are some risks that are associated with this diagnostic such as radiation. Radiation is a large factor in which can affect overall health and with overexposure to radiation can cause mutations in cells developing cancers [2]. Symptoms Symptoms would often appear in young adults and can either develop slowly or have a sudden onset [9]. They often vary depending on the person and location of the disease; for instance, some may experience more of one symptom than another. Many common symptoms include, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, rectal bleeding, anal leakage, weight loss, abscesses (a localized infection), fistulas (abnormal tube connecting two hollow organs such as the vagina and the colon), anxiety and depression. Many less common symptoms that would affect 1 in 3 people would be joint, skin and eye inflammations [1]. This disease may also lead to other related illnesses such as perianal disease, as 25% of those who have Crohn s disease may develop it [4]. However, one in three patients will experience other conditions with the anal area such as swelling of tissue of the anal sphincter [2]. With many of these symptoms this
  • 46. Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down The... American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen. Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the Deathly... Show more content on ... Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
  • 47. My Life Of Juana Juana was forced to leave Mexico by her parents because they wanted a superior life for her which left her heartbroken. Many migrate to the U.S for a better life, but for Juana, this was her biggest fear. She loved the country she was born in, and the city that build her. However, she realized how amazing it is to face a new world and the mysteries you can discover. She was living in a world filled with joy, laughter, and peace. Her childhood was her favorite memorable moment in Mexico. I remember during the summer; the flowers would bloom and together with my friends would create a different design with each flower we found. said Juana. The smell of tortillas was her favorite smell of the entire world, so every time she smelled a tortilla she felt right at home. She lived in a ranch close to a city called Dolores Hidalgo. The ranch that Juana was from were a lot of trees covered in dust, and there was a stream where they would wash their clothes and they would take showers. The ranch was about 4 acres, she lived with 2 older brothers. The house they lived in was a simple house made of adobe. Dolores Hidalgo was the nearest city to their home. The city that s filled with beautiful trees and music. Juana would of never imagine of leaving her best loved city. Juana s parents didn t want her to have a rough life even if she felt like she was in the right place to live. At the age of 21 Juana was told she was going to face a new life and she immediately poured tears. The immigration security guard glared at Juana and asked, Why are you coming to the Unites States? Juana looked at him with innocence and spoke, My parents are going to visit some family members. The guard looked at her parents and said, Okay, let me see your visas in a vociferous voice. Juana stared at the guard and her heartbeat began to increase, not from running but from the anxiousness. The guard looked at Juana in the eyes and spoke with confidence, I m so sorry but you and your parents can t leave the country , Juana immediately grinned. Juana s parents were told they needed more documents, so Juana was still at risk on leaving her country. She ran and told everyone the news, Juana was happier than ever. 2 Years went by and
  • 48. Personal Statement For Chemical Engineering Chemical engineering is always fascinating because I have a wish to apply scientific theories to the real world problems such as nuclear waste problem. Today chemical engineering plays a vital role from pharmaceuticals to petrochemical. You can give to the society in technological innovation and there is a wide range of career path in the field of chemical engineering. While opting for chemical engineeringthe concern towards the industrial world is essential. My attentiveness in the chemical engineering field that has inspired and self motivated me by the chemical engineers and my plan is to pursue my career in the field of chemical engineering. As to pursue a career in chemical engineering; my personal skills are abilities for entering in the field and professional skill is revolutions in the field of chemical engineering. I have applied in this university as to gain knowledge and theoretical understanding in this field with a greater maturity to acquire knowledge and skill in this field because my aim is to achieve personal and professional skills and my desire is to invent new things in the field of chemical engineering. My plans are to re take math s modules as I have performed way below my potential. My last year s exams were my first attempt so I took them again after getting to the UK. I feel that my performance will be remarkably very well. Even though I have engaged myself with better study methods and have made adjustments to cope with the system. My aim is to
  • 49. Causes Of Teen Suicide What is the only way to not feel bad is to stop feel anything at all, forever? Thirteen Reasons Why, Hannah Baker. This show is very well taught out about teens feeling to commit suicide. As a community we can look at the statics of suicide, the leading cause, the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent suicide. Suicide is one if the leading causes of death in the United States, taking the lives of approximately 43,000 Americans each year. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. Each year 44,193 Americans die by suicide. For every suicide 25 are attempt. Suicide costs the US $51 Billion annually. The annual age adjusted suicide rate is 13.26 per 100,000 individuals. Men die by suicide 3.5x more often than women. On average, there are 121 suicides per day. Firearms account for almost 50 percent of all suicides. The next common methods were suffocation at 26.8 percent and poisoning at 15.4 percent. (Suicide Statistics). There is no single reason why someone may try to take their own life, but certain factors can increase the risk. Someone may be more likely to attempt suicide if they have a mental health disorder. About 90 percent of people who commit suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death. Depression is the top risk factor, but there are various other mental health disorders that contribute to suicide, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. (Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors). Aside from mental health disorders there are several
  • 50. Tenrikyo Is A Religion Of The World Tenrikyo is a religion that emphasizes on how the joyous state of mind can greatly influence in what will be going through in our lives by satisfying god s desires by making a good use of our body. In this paper, I am going to argue that Tenrikyo is one of the fastest growing religions in the world due to its rapid expansion that leads to an emerging new religionbut does not interfere with other religions at the same time. Tenrikyo is based on a religion established by a Japanese lady named Nakayama Miki during the 19th century. Tenrikyo is a monotheistic religion that followers believe in the existence of this one particular God, as known as God the Parent. It was said that Nakayama Miki had received a calling by god, sent her to save all mankind from sufferings because god is the creator of mankind and it is his job to make sure that we are all in a joyous state. God showed great mercy towards mankind, he came down and revealed himself as Nakayama Miki, taking her as mediatrix and his elected shrine. (van Straelen 8) It was said that she had a revelation at 1838, God the Parent replaced her mind and thus her words are the words of god. According to Eliade, He argued that all religions originate to serve the sacred, and stay in contact with them. This is because according to his theory, religions are man made and it exists because it was meant to be a response to the sacred. From what happened to Nakayama Miki, a myth might be established because the sacred has
  • 51. The Pest Analysis Of IKEA 1. Introduction IKEA is an international home products retailer that sells home products and accessories in their retail stores around the world. This company, which pioneered flat pack design furniture at affordable prices, is now the world s largest furniture retailer. It was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden, since then, the IKEA group has grown into a global brand with 127,000 workers in 41 countries. IKEA holds a mission to create a better everyday life at home for the many people and remains respectful towards the environment, resource and people by supporting various social causes. The following analysis would be based on the Singapore context. 2. PESTEL Analysis 2.1 Political The political situation is stable and the political ... Show more content on ... Singapore has been facing constant challenges for housing space due to limited land area and high population density. The decreasing land resource will inevitably contribute to smaller living conditions for future public houses. As such, IKEA should look into incorporating more space saving concepts in their product designs. Adapting to the market trends not only satisfies the market demand, IKEA can continue to maintain their competiveness in its industry. Most importantly, being a successful pioneer will differentiate IKEA from its competitors, allowing them to achieve higher profits and maintain if not achieve better brand