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Essay On Hard Work Is The Only
Key To Success
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Essay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To SuccessEssay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To Success
Essay about Harry Potter and the Holy Grail
Two of the best things in the world, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Harry Potter, have a
good deal in common. Other than the vast amount of space reserved in my brain for storing quotes
and random facts from these two stories, both tales share many similar objects, plot devices,
character attributes, and themes. Even though Python s Holy Grailis an exact historical
representation of the Arthurian Grail legend, some might argue that the Harry Potter story is more
reflective of the actual ancient texts than the 1974 film. Harry has many things in common with
King Arthur. Both characters were orphans raised with their cousins, and mentored by wise men
with large beards. Neither knew of his importance until it was revealed... Show more content on ...
Sir Percival, for instance, was at first deemed unworthy of obtaining the Holy Grail due to his
lack of inquiry regarding the wounded Fisher King. (Mahoney, 205) The second rather
important cup in the fourth Harry Potter novel is the Triwizard Cup. This is the Holy Grail of
the Triwizard Tournament, and the object that all of the contestants are seeking. The Triwizard
Cup fits the more traditional, somewhat less educated views of the Holy Grail jeweled, flashy,
made of a precious metal, and quite obviously worth a lot of money. It is interesting to note that
when Harry and Cedric touch it, they are whisked away to the graveyard where Voldemort and
Wormtail are plotting their nefarious deeds. Galahad, after seeing the Holy Grail, is also
whisked away, except he goes to heaven, while Harry ends up getting tortured for a bit, and
barely escapes with his life. The Grail quest of Arthurian legend shares a few thematic similarities
with the quest for the Triwizard Cup. According to the Matthews book, The Grail Tradition, there
were three somewhat successful seekers of the Grail: Galahad, Percival, and Bors. This holds
nicely with the three wizards who are supposed to take part in the Triwizard Tournament. The first
task that Harry must complete consists of somehow thwarting a dragon s attempts to keep him from
stealing its golden egg.
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Moral Compos In A Man For All Seasons
In the play, A Man for All Season, Bolt does not use an omniscient narrator but rather express his
views through two narrators, Thomas More and The Common Man (Ehrenhaf, 2010:193). The
Preface of A Man for All Season, states that the play is not a straight forward narration though more
comparable to a poem that uses the beauty of authentic monologues form Sir Thomas Morehimself
to portray his view in the matters at hand (Bolt, 1960:xvii). Tomas More s view is supported by
The Common Man who paints More in a less harsh light than historicist sort out to do (Farrow,
The rest of the narration is governed by The Common Man who comments on the action and
characters in numerous asides as well as change costume on stage and indicate location ... Show
more content on ...
According to Tweg (2006:10), the play is mostly written in a modern dialect, yet Bolt
incorporated some of Sir Thomas More s own words in scenes like the trail. In contrast with More
s sophisticated language, is the language of the Common man who speaks more informal, plain
and subjective (Tweg, 2006:10). Bolt s choice for this alteration in language is to intensify the
crucial situation (Armstrong, 1961:186). The contrast in language may also be an indicator of the
educated or high class and the unschooled or lower class both conveying their
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The Launch of a Women’s Radio Station in the City of...
This case study looks at the launch of a women s radio station in the city of Herat, Afghanistan, in
the year 2003. It follows four Afghan women journalists struggles in balancing the demands of a
highly conservative culture on the one hand, and the objectives of their Canadian journalism
trainers on the other.
Kamal explains that Media development takes on many different forms in different areas of the
world. Rather than being a force for sustaining difference, the media is deliberately employed by
media development organisations as a vehicle for challenging unequal gender relations. Women s
rights and social justice are promoted in media content, and women s participation is often a
precondition for funding for media projects. She ... Show more content on ...
While the radio station had officially been granted a licence from the Ministry of Information and
Culture in Kabul, Ismail Khan s power base in the west was very strong, and the central
government had very little power to enforce its policies in Herat. As a result, during the process of
setting up the radio station, there was much concern when Ismail Khan chose not to offer any
written guarantee that the operation would receive his sanction.
He was, however, an advocate of women s education. By describing the women s radio station as a
tool for women s instruction and culture, and inviting the Canadian ambassador to Afghanistan to
the radio station s launch, Radio Sahar was able to receive Ismail Khan s last minute support.
Radio Sahar was launched in October 2003.
The women usually had very little time to prepare the shows; they would use the time available
to them during the playing of songs or pre packaged programmes to plan for the next day (and on
all too frequent bad days, for the next half hour) of radio broadcasts. The designated host would pre
script introductions to shows when she could, and practise excerpts of poetry to declaim on the air,
while the designated helpers would call and invite guests to lecture, or participate in occasional
roundtables. During their non stop eight hour
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology On Learning...
How does technology effect the way our generation learns and behaves?
Technology is, by definition The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
especially in industry. We use technology accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we
can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technologyto extend our
abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any technological system.
(Use of Technology, 2017) This report identifies how technology effects sleep, the prices and costs
of technology, the positive and negative effects technology has on younger people such as bullying
or learning more at school, the difference between past generations and their use of technology and
how/ if technology effects the brain and students learning and behaviour such as memory and
attention spans. A variety of sources including surveys and internet reports/ sites were used to
gather information to be used within this report.
A common statement typically heard is don t go on your phone at night you won t be able to
sleep and as we all know sleep is a really important part of our health. The reason being on our
phones or any other form of device at night prevents us from sleeping is due to the bright colours
and screen those then trick our brains into thinking it is still daylight so we don t feel as tired.
(Psychology Today, 2017) However, with little to no sleep can have a serious effecton not only our
mood and
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Genetic Modification Essay
Genetic modification is a subject that has been hotly debated in the past, and remains a topic of
controversy today. There are many critical discussions to be had with genetically modified (GM)
products, however, this paper will focus on corn crops that have been modified to incorporate
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) genes. Corn is the largest food crop in the world and Bt corn is one of
the largest crops in North America. Bt corn has several benefits, yet, there are also many potential
problems with the crop and its impacts on local ecosystems. Although environmental issues may
raise concerns, Bt crops have an immense upside with proper management of the Bt gene.
Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacteria species that can be used as a pesticide. ... Show more content on ...
He concludes, more investigation of the ecological and biological interactions involving the Bt
genes needs to be done before effective insect resistant management strategies can be crafted.
Increasing insect, bacterial, and viral resistances are some of the primary concerns with genetically
modified crops. Recently, there have been several new documented insect resistances to the Bt gene
that have raised major concerns in the scientific community about the future of genetic engineering
(Coates 2016). Ostrina nubilalis was the largest pest to corn crops prior to the introduction of Bt
crops, populations of O. nubilalis saw drastic decreases after the widespread implementation of Bt
crops. Once the Bt crops were employed, new insect resistant management strategies needed to be
adopted to stop insect resistances from forming too rapidly. Unfortunately, these strategies seem to
be an insufficient means in preventing resistances forming swiftly and negating the sustainability of
these B crops (Coates 2016). Currently, there is not enough information about the interactions
between the crops and their pests to develop effective insect resistant management strategies
(Coates 2016).
One of the major advantages of biological
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Breast Cancer Career Essay
This writer was born on May 14, 1966; however living on began on October 4, 2010, at 3:00 p.m.
No one ever asked me before October 10th; did I want to live or die. However, in looking back, it
is the most important question of anyone s lifetime. Breast Cancer strengthened my Christian
worldview and instilled new respect for time and living. Although, promise for the future as a
construction project manager was evident and possessing over twenty five years in the real estate
and construction industries. My routine was my life; I resisted change and new beginnings. Five
years later, change is the finest thing that can happen to anyone.
There were fulfillment and accomplishment as a project manager and depending on the project, ten
people and ... Show more content on ...
Strengthen employees skills so you can delegate more tasks to them and focus on more important
managerial responsibilities such as planning. Boost productivity by helping your employees work
smarter. Develop a deep bench of talent who can step into your shoes as you advance in the
company. Improve retention; employees are more loyal and motivated when their bosses take time
to help them improve their skills. Make more effective use of company resources; coaching costs
less than formal training (p. 1).
Incorporating day to day life coaching for employees is not only good management it is smart
leadership. This management style thereby creates harmonious office morale and adds competence
and professionalism to the business branding. Peoples Keys (2013) informs the benefits of life
coaching for employees. People Keys (2013) asserts:
Businesses that offer life coaching services to their employees have been shown to regain a 300%
return on investment. A Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 500 Companies found that
coaching resulted in a ROI of almost six times the program cost as well as a 77% improvement in
relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48%
improvement in quality (p. 1).
Lastly, writer William Arruda (2014) of Forbes in the article Why You Need to Hire a Coach in
2015 , offered another benefit of coaching. Arruda (2014)
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The Death Of Terminally Ill
As Americans, we are granted rights in this country and these rights, according to the Declaration
of Independence, grant us Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness . So tell me why someone
that is terminally ill cannot use these rights to end their life of pain and suffering. Some states
have rallied and given those who are terminally ill the right to die. However, some simply see this
means of ending a life, inhumane, unethical, immoral, and just plain wrong. As a citizen of the
United States where we simply have our rights, should we not be granted the right to die? A big
controversy on the news in the United States is having the right to die. People see this as something
wrong due to various cultural and religious beliefs. This means of having the right to die is simply
termed assisted suicide or human euthanasia. Only a few states have legalized assisted suicide by
means of the Deathwith Dignity Act. The four states that assisted suicide is legal in is: California,
Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. However, in order to take act in assisted suicide there are
terms and conditions by each state that must be met. A little history into the practice of euthanasia,
which started with the ancient Greeks, and is now something legal into few states today.
According to Hosseini (2012), euthanasia is actually a Greek word that literally means happy
death (p.203). Who doesn t want to die a happy death, free of sufferingand pain? The man we have
to thank for human
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Laser Hair Removal Case Study
Laser Hair removal: Usually this laser hair removal should be done under the supervision of a
dermatologist. Chicago IL Dermatologist knows what precautions to take to perform this
procedure safely and efficiently.. The process involves the area of the skin that is to be treated is
first cleansed and in some patients with sensitive skin the area is numbed using numbing gel. It
takes a half hour to an hour for the numbing gel to take it effect on the skin. A room specifically
set up for the lasertreatments is used. It is recommended that everyone in the room wear a
protective eye wear during this Laser procedure. For this procedure, the area of the skin that needs
the treatment is held taut and is treated with a laser. According to many people... Show more content
on ...
Side effects:
After the treatment, the area treated could appear red with some swelling which can be helped by
applying cool compress on the area which relieves the discomfort. The treatment does not require
any real downtime and the skin might be red with some swelling, but you can attend to everyday
activities. Some of the possible side effects include redness in the area, swelling with discomfort
which usually happens the first few days after the treatment. Other possible side effects include
infections, scarring, skin darkening or lightening, Herpes simplex outbreak(cold sores)and
The results can be seen almost immediately and it varies with each person and type of the skin
and the area of the skin treated. The color and thickness of the skin treated all affect the results.
After the first treatment, there is a noticeable 25% reduction of hair. For most people, 2 6 laser
treatments are needed to get rid of the hair and the hair will not regrow for several months or even
years. Even when they grow back it is lighter and less noticeable. Maintainance laser treatments are
necessary to prevent hair growth in the
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Analysis Of Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried All...
Kelsie Gorman
Mr. Kavo
Confrontation In America, 1
30 October, 2017
The Same Deep Water As You: Tim O Brien s Methods To Overcome Loss Throughout the
1980s, Dr. Terence M. Keane ran experiments on a new idea called exposure therapy. The case
studied how victims of trauma would react to being repeatedly shown places, imagines, and
stories that mirrored theirs. In the study was twenty four veterans of the Vietnam War, and at the
end of the study, they no longer had reactions classified as severe anxiety. Like the veterans in
this case study, soldiers in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried all experience the death of
their friend, Kiowa, which results in feelings of loss and trauma. In one way or another, all these
men try to ... Show more content on ...
Psychically, he cleanses himself in same water that sourced his loss. He does not keep these
feelings to himself, like he so easily could, but instead he accepts them. The further he gets into the
mucky water, the more his mindset begins to shift for the positive. The guilt lifts and the story he is
planning to tell changes narrative: Near the center of the field, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross
squatted in the muck, almost entirely submerged. In his head he was revising the letter to Kiowa s
father. Impersonal this time (176). Though the impersonalization of his thoughts seems like a
negative quality, it actually shows improvement. Jimmy is further into the water, and feeling less
responsible for the sudden death. He no longer thinks of his own opinions on Kiowa, just the
facts. He died. It was an accident. The order was from higher up, not even Jimmy. No one can be
blamed. No one should be haunted by the guilt. By being in the moment, and the setting, he is able
to clear his mind and come to realizations about it all. He sinks into the filth, and ironically,
becomes clean again. Eventually, he lets himself go into the water, ignoring everyone and
everything in that moment: But First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross wasn t listening. Eyes closed, he let
himself go deeper into the waste, just letting the field take him. [...] With his eyes still closed,
bobbing in the field, he let himself slip away. He was back home in
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My Future Speech
My future. My future will make everyone eat their words. They laugh now, but at the end they
will admire me. I wasn t placed in this world to be average. I am a fearless young man. I prove
others wrong and prove myself right. At the end of the day you gotta feel some way. So why not
feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it? The
Notorious Conor McGregor. Not only have I strengthened my confidence, but also I have paved
a clear road to my future because of my parents, soccer, and my inspirations. My parents
impacted my view on life. Since I can remember, they have always wanted nothing but the best
for me. For example, I always bring back the chats with my father after my soccer games. No
matter how well, or how many goals I had scored, my dad always had comments on what I could
ve done better in my game. His expressions made me wonder if he was ever proud of me;
however, looking back I just realized my father was my biggest fan and only wanted me to
perfect my skills. I am glad he was like that because now that is how I am with my little brother.
Also, my parents never raised me as a flashy or spoiled child, and I thank them so much for that.
As a kid you can question your parents ways of educating you, but when you grow up and analyze
everything you will truly understand why they did that. For example, I would always see my idols
on television with the most advanced and beautiful soccer cleats out there. Of course they are
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American Red Cross Essay
The purpose of this paper is to explore the Red Cross of America. The paper discusses the
historical background of the Red Cross along with the current status of the organization.
Nevertheless, the study intends to focus on the section 501 (c) (3). The section specifically
enlightens the prospects through which the tax exemption may be applied. International
Committee of Red Cross (commonly known as Red Cross) was established in 1863 as a non profit
social organization. Red Cross works under the head of The International Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement, which is the world s largest humanitarian network. Main objective of the Red
Cross is to protect life and health, assuage human suffering, and endorse human dignity. Red ...
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This provides provision to the Red Cross for enhancing the support level of the organization across
the globe, and fostering quick decision making and uniform policy development.
Thesis Statement
American Red Cross is a non profit organization that works for the betterment of human life by
providing food, shelter and assistance to the victims of several disasters; hence, the implication of
the section 501 (c) (3) has a significant impact on the services offered by American Red Cross as it
selects the organizations that qualify for tax exemption.
Information Sources
The information sources used in writing this paper includes an interview of the Secretary General
of the Red Cross, and it also includes the reference of an article and of different books which also
provides the required information for my paper and help in the key findings.
Red Cross has segmented its operations in five regions. These include American region, African
region, Europe and Central Asia region, Middle East region, and Asia and Pacific region. The
principles enunciated in the first Geneva Convention were subsequently revised and amended at
conferences held in 1906, 1929, and 1949 (Smith, 2000). Regional segmentation is followed by
segmenting the region in country divisions. Five Swiss citizens formed a committee, which later
became the ICRC, and issued a call for an international conference, which was held in Geneva in
October 1863 and was
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Rc-12 Guardrail Essay
The need for accurate and timely intelligence is essential to intelligence collection. The military
continues research to improve near real time intelligence platform. The end state is to minimize the
amount of time between collection and analysis. After the Vietnam War, the National Security
Agency found the need for a mobile communications intelligence(COMINT) platform . A platform
that could communicate with ground stations. RC 12 Guardrail (GR) would forever change how
the militarycollected COMINT.
GR was first employed in 1971 to monitor troop movements in East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Before 1971, the military used COMINT ground stations to collect signals intelligence and conduct
direction finding. Ground stations operated in hostile areas often putting Soldiers in harm s way.
Although airborne COMINT assets were available, they required a low altitude fly over target
areas to collect intelligence. ... Show more content on ...
In the near term, GR will continue to monitor the DMZ and provide collection in Operation
Resolute Support. As collection assets withdraw from Afghanistan, the Army will rely heavily on
GR to maintain situational awareness of the threats surrounding coalition forces. In the next 10
years, GR will remain the premier multi INT airborne platform for the Army. Northrupp will
most likely continue to develop GR to close the gap between near real time collection and
analysis. GR provides data to the Operational Ground System (OGS) along with 8 other airborne
ISR platforms. Because of the OGS capability, analyst now have access to the data faster than
before. As the complexities of the operational environment rise, the demand for real time
intelligence will continue to increase. Platforms such as GR will continue to make it possible for
intelligence professionals to provide commanders with an accurate picture of the
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The Role Of Autonomy In The Military
counterproductive to the mission of our war fighters and disastrous to the mental health and
stability of our warfighters. One of the components of conventional warfare is sustained assault,
and with the application of this ideal to our special warfare troopers comes unnecessary fatigue. In
conventional combat, troopers normally expect light to medium level engagements, all the while
being supported by a platoon or more and having an excellent supply chain. Currently a special
operator is expected to go into medium to extreme grade conflict normally with just a squad worth
of men with high quality but limited equipment. While this is going on the operators are also
required to constantly make morally and ethically difficult decisions at a... Show more content on ... need a massive intelligence and logistics infrastructure to accomplish complicated and
technical Special Operations missions, but it also leads to a bloated bureaucracy filled with
staff officers who have no real job other than to interject white noise into the decision making
process. However, I see the real problem in SOCOM being careerism and CYA risk aversion
before the real obstacle and not a simple matter of the numbers involved. SOCOM is still way
too top heavy with officers, though. It is so bad that it is to the point that entire new
bureaucracies were created overseas just so that officers could have jobs. One is the CJSOTF
which is not a doctrinal part of Special Forces operations. ODAs do JCETs all over the world
without a CJSOTF and seem to do just fine. The CJSOTF may be required for some logistical
resupply operations and unit deconfliction, but it has grown into a monster over time which has
created this inverse relationship in which Officers now see the CJSOTF as the maneuver element,
and ODAs as the supporting mechanism for this bureaucracy. Former Special Forces/75th Ranger
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Harriet Tubm The Moses Of Her People
Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People
On a cold night in the middle of winter, a weary slave ran across the field to the woods. There he
met Harriet Tubman, the conductor, and the rest of her sore footed but hopeful passengers who
were ready to start the long, treacherous journey to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Harriet
Tubman, later called Moses , was a runaway slave who came back to her people and helped over
300 of them gain freedom. Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland to her slave parents Harriet
Green and Ben Ross in 1822. Her mother worked as a cook for the Brodess family and her father
was a skilled woodsman who managed the timber work on the Thompson s plantation (Harriet
Tubman par. 2). Because her mother was so busy in the kitchen, Harriet cared for her younger
siblings, till she reached the age of six. When she was six, Brodess hired her out to be a nurse
maid to Miss Susan. She was told to watch the baby while it slept but when the baby woke up
and cried she was whipped. Her next job was to work for a planter named James Cook. She was
assigned to checking the musket traps, even after she contracted measles. Sadly, she got so ill she
was sent back to Brodess were her mother nursed her back to health.
When Harriet was 13 a slave tried to run away. The overseer threw a 2 pound metal weight at him
but Harriet stood in the way. The weight hit her in the skull and caused her to be unconscious for
days. Harriet never fully recovered and for the rest of her
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Phytophthora Ramorum Susceptibility As Measure Of Leaf Age...
Phytophthora ramorum Susceptibility as Measure of Leaf Age by Primary Reservoir Host
California Bay Laurel
Sudden Oak Death, a disease caused by the protist Phytophthora ramorum has contributed
significantly to the degradation of Oak Woodland communities from Oregon to California since its
invasion in 1995, yet many questions remain about their primary reservoir host Umbellularia
.Californica. U. Californica leaves resulted in an increased susceptibility with from first to past
years leaf growth while the water content within the leaf had no influence on the magnitude of
Sudden Oak Death, a disease caused by the protist Phytophthora ramorum, is sweeping through
California, dismantling Oak Woodland communities. First observed in Germany and the
Netherlands infecting species of Rhododendron and Viburnum, symptoms of the pathogen include;
the browning of leaves, large bleeding cankers, and mortality in several species (Harmon). In the
Central Coast of California, host species include, but are not limited to, the Quercus sp.,
Notholithocarpus sp., and Umbellularia sp. Quercus and Notholithocarpus being terminal host and
Umbellularia being a reservoir host (DiLeo).
Within the genus Phytophthora, species have different morphology, but several have been
associated with oak mortality. For example, in California, P. cinnimomi, P. cactorum, and P.
citricula can cause root and crown rot in oaks. Proliferation of these Phytophthora sp. were seen in
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Descriptive Essay On Cowboys Play
Don t be surprised if u see #57 flying around the field always around the ball making tackles on
Thursday. Wilson is a tackling machine who has a nose for the football. Backup behind Sean
Lee on Will linebacker spot. He s been compared to last year s fourth round pick Anthony
Hitchens, but a better version of Hitchens (which is no knock to Hitchens because he s a good
player.) Athletic and versatile player who uses his length extremely well to avoid blocks off his
body at certain angles that way he can flow towards the ball without getting hung up on blocks.
These are what you call run and chase linebackers. Terrific sure tackler. I m excited to watch him
play because I know how hard he will work to show the reason why Cowboys drafted him in the
fourth round. This kid is the real deal... Show more content on ...
Cowboys have thrown a lot at him in Training Camp. One play he s lineup at left cornerback, the
second play he s lined up at as the right cornerback, third play he s lined up as nickel cornerback,
fourth play he s lined up at free safety spot in base defense, and the fifth play he s lined up as a
linebacker who covers the tight end. Whew that s a lot for a rookie who s just now coming into
NFL yet alone hasn t played down of football in NFL yet. But to his credit he s so smart and
versatile that he s able to take whatever the coaching staff dishes out to him. Long arms
cornerback who has speed, athleticism, and quickness. Jones can cover athletic tight ends because
of his size, and speed as well as playing tight man coverage while being able to stay with his man.
What I will be looking for during game is how well he will be able to cover these NFL wide
receivers. If he gets beat on a play does he mail it in and continue to get beat? Or does he shake it
off and goes makes a play the next time he s targeted. If I was a betting man I would go with the
lateral on what Jones
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New Historicism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Hyperbolism In...
New Historicism analyzes literature using more than just the text; it uses information from the
author s time period as well as from the reader s time period to understand the text. Readers of
literature are hopelessly subjective interpreters of what [they] observe, according to this theory,
meaning that one has no choice when reading literature other than to interpret it within the
context of one s own era (Allen Brizee, et al). This school of literary theory has only recently
been developed but it is still widely used, though also widely criticized (J. Kelly, T. Kelly). Many
of Nathaniel Hawthorne s works were allegories, and he had a tendency to denounce the harsh
Puritanbeliefs present in his time; thus, The Minister s Black Veil can easily be viewed from a New
Historicist view, demonstrated in the way that Hawthorne caustically attacks the Puritan belief
system which he detests through hyperbolizing situations and contrasting light and dark. Nathaniel
Hawthorne s works were a product of his ancestors whom he despised. Hawthorne grew up in Salem
, Massachusetts, surrounded by the legacy of the Salem Witch Trials that had happened a little
over a century before his time. He despised Puritan tradition, particularly because one of his
ancestors was one of the harshest judges during the witch scare. Hawthorne even added a w to his
last name (from Hathorne) to distance his reputation from that of his ancestor s ( Nathaniel
Hawthorne ). Given this background, it is no
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State Judicial Structures
Assessing the Impact of State Judicial Structures on Citizens Litigiousness by Jeff Yates, Holley
Tankersley, and Paul Brace describes the structure of the state judicial courts with its dependence on
certain internal and external principles that will influence the overall participation of individual s
litigation cases. The authors main question explores the role that state legal institutions played in
explaining state variation in legal mobilization. (Yates, Tankersley, Brace, 2010, 796) The authors
postulate this question because they believe that differences in the elemental structure of the
judicial system affect the degree to which citizens involve the legal system for redress. (796) The
authors further elaborated on their question... Show more content on ...
When I usually think of the court, I usually think of it as a level headed branch that is unbiased
and can answer my question, my problems, and societal issues with any personal views. This
view of mine is broken with many facets influencing courts. Judicial selection and judicial
professionalism are key concepts that broke my previous views and towards a better
understanding the current process to litigations. I find it rather eye opening that if a judge were to
run either as a partisan or a nonpartisan judge that he or she will receive almost the same amount of
attention on them. In the other statements, I found myself reasonably agreeing with most of them.
Elected judges similar to elected politicians will try to hold their bastion of support by honoring
their voter intention and vote subtly along partisan lines as a form of certainty. In contrast,
appointed judges bring more uncertainty and more chances of change in society given their lack of
an ideological background. Judicial professionalism as stated previously make sense that their legal
background make a prominent stance in a courtroom with them making fewer decisive legal
rulings, having a robust legal team, and being paid a higher salary. In state political environment, it
never occurred to me that where you have the
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The Implementation Of Moving Freshman Students
Are you an Obstacle to Change? The change for the implementation of moving freshman students in
prior to the other students starting their freshman year.
Personal Capacity
Y1.Do I believe I have the personal capacity to figure out how to change the system or practice to
achieve the desired outcome?
I have the capacity to figure out how to change the system, but the barrier were the Cabinet not
approving the change. Since this was new to them, they didn t understand in some cases you do
need to target groups.
N2.Am I will to do the very hard work necessary to plan and implement the change?
I am not responsible for the work in this unit, and their deliverables and objectives may have other
priorities which would allow this ... Show more content on ...
Personal Risk
Y1.Can I predict what will happen to me if I promote the change (short and long term)?
May would have alienated some allies that I could have had in my corner for support.
Y2.If the new initiative is a failure, can I withstand the impact in my work environment?
If it would have been a failure we would have just removed it from the schedule, but the research
clearly shows how these types of program work and any assistance provide to those who are
disadvantage allows them to compete better.
N 1.Do I have the intestinal fortitude to work for the vision and slog through resistance and severe
Not that I couldn t fight the change, but when we really work with conscience and others do not
open their mind to changes at times it is hard to navigate through spaces. Sometimes individuals
have to learn the hard way and others suffer for it.
N1.Am I willing to weaken longstanding personal and professional relationships and reduce trust in
order to actualize the vision?
I wouldn t be weakening personal relationships because one thing that I will say is that I am able
to separate personal and business. I have had some heated discussions at time, to state things, and
after I have stated them we are done with the conversation. Sometimes I have been told that no one
wants to see me angry, but I see that also as a cop out not to have a healthy discussion. Is Your
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The Gentleman s Game
The gentleman s game What comes to your mind when I say the world s hardest sport? I m sure
many of you start picturing football, baseball, maybe even hockey, but how many of you would
ever consider golf to be the hardest sport? Unlike the three sports mentioned above in golf you
don t have any teammates to help you out if you re have a bad game. In golfyou have to be good at
all aspects of the game in order to be successful unlike in football, baseball, and hockey where you
can still be successful by only mastering one position. In football every football field measures
the same size, in baseball the pitcher is always the same distance away from the batter, and hockey
rinks are all the same size every time, however in golf ever course is different and you don t get a
home field advantage like you do in other sports you have to be prepared for everything. This is
why I consider golf to be the world s hardest sport because there are no teammates it s just up to
you and your caddy, you have to be great at every aspect of the game if you want to be successful
on the PGA tour, and finally ever course is different and you have to be able to make adjustments
from course to course in order to succeed. I believe I am able to make this claim because I have an
abundance of experience from playing nearly every sport in my childhood. I earned three varsity
letters in high school and competed at a varsity level for four years in golf, lacrosse, and cross
country. Out of
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Walt Whittman s Song Of Myself
Song of Myself writing In the poem Song Of Myself by Walt Whittman, he emphasizes that we
are all connected as individuals and everyone has their place in the universe, because we are all
made of atoms. The poet claims that For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you
(ll.3) Whittman is trying to describe how everyone in the universe is the same. Whittman saw
slavery with his own eyes and believed it was wrong as no one had the right to own another. This
reinforces his belief that we are all the same, no one can be above another, and we all have a right
to this world. Whittman continues that The smallest sprout shows there is really no death (ll.41)
Whittman is describing how death isn t really the end since we leave something
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Essay on Symbolism in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman
Symbolism in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller s play, Death of a Salesman is
wrought with symbolism from the opening scene. Many symbols illustrate the themes of success
and failure. They include the apartment buildings, the rubber hose, Willy s brother Ben, the tape
recorder, and the seeds for the garden. These symbols represent Willy s attempts to be successful
and his impending failure. When Willy and Linda purchased their home in Brooklyn, it seemed far
removed form the city. Willy was young and strong and he believed he had a future full of success.
He and his sons cut the tree limbs that threatened his home and put up a hammock that he would
enjoy with his children. The green fields... Show more content on ...
His wife Linda, who finds the hose, knows what he was going to do with it, as does Biff. When
confronted by Biff, Willy not only denies that he was going to use the hose, but also denies ever
seeing it before. Instead of being remembered as a successful businessman who died, Willy is
seen by his family as a failure who cannot even commit suicide or tell the truth. Willy s brother
Ben seems to symbolize all of Willy s dreams that have not borne fruit. Ben provides an example
of the type of success that Willy desires. Ben went into the jungle with nothing and became
extremely wealthy. Ben achieved in a few years what Willy has dreamed about his entire life.
Ben also provides additional evidence on the foolish behavior and poor decisions made by
Willy. Ben offers to take Willy with him and make him rich an offer that Willy declines. Another
important symbol is Howard s tape recorder. It represents the many material objects wealthy
businessmen could provide for their families and for themselves. Willy wanted this lifestyle; he
wanted something he could lay his hands on (Miller pg. ). It would not be enough to just be
successful; Willy wanted to be able to show people material representations of his success. The
tape recorder shows that Howard has reached this level of success. Yet while the recorder
symbolizes the wealth and power of Howard, it also represents Willy s discouragement and
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Tuck Everlasting Analysis
Winnie, in the story Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. Winnie is very lonely and wants to run
away. Winnie does not have any friends. The lesson in Tuck Everlasting is don t do something
you might regret. Winnie and Tuck talk about life and how she should not drink the water from
the spring. on page 63, We ain t part of the wheel not more dropped off, Winnie. In other words
the Tuck s can t grow any older than they are now. Another example, is on page 64, If I knew
how to Climb back on the wheel I d do it in a minute. This saying that he regrets drinking the
spring water. Winnie, after she helps the Tucks she thinks school will be better that year and she
will have friends. On page 130, Winnie says, The other kids wonder to look
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The Maiden Of A Clear Sunrise
That same unfamiliar maiden to the Egotistical Lord, who had shared the carriage with had
become friends, though mutual need, more through fate, and throughout the lands as special.
Like the light of the dawn of a clear sunrise did the fair maiden realize the egotistical Lord words
were told true and yet she had shown herself to be foolish to the one she had pledged her love,
spoke of his importance, and yet took his word as a jest and of little truth? The fair maiden anger
at her elder has begun for the breach he has caused. She no longer had her mistral, she no longer
had agreement to wed, and she could no longer be at his side for he now had wish that all
association with the fair maiden and her elder were no more. The elders continued to send
henchmen and spend coin for no other reason, but to use false words and misdeed in the hopes
to force the Egotistical Lord to bend to his will and call himself villain to save the elder from the
fair maiden s wrath. But, alas the fair maiden at her own peril did journey to the home of the
maiden who was friend most true of the Egotistical Lord and demand she write parchment for all
to see that she is to end his quest for her hand, and the elder who had traveled with her wish to
give her coin in great abundance for her to convince him to speak with the fair maiden that it was
his own wish to sever their bond. The maiden laughed at each and called them fools. Unknown to
them, the maiden was renown with the laws of many
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The Information Status Of The Information Technology...
The analysis will pose a good go ahead in the industry and it will eliminate the possibility of too
much theorization. The main aim of the paper is to avoid the problem of too much theory about
the fore mentioned ITIL. The data that will be used will be usable will be mainly from the survey
of the companies which are in the Nordic region. (Cartel, 2015)
The research focuses on the investigation of the implementation of the information status of the
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).This research poses an advantage of
investigating the implementation of the ITIL functions and processes and the impact it has on the
implementation in the real life situations.
Main Aims
Investigate how to implement the ITIL ... Show more content on ...
The only notable figures who have contributed greatly to this industry are Aileen steel who with her
colleagues has conducted an annual survey in Australia giving very distinct exceptions in this
industry. (J.Iden, 2016)
The software tools are based on the module programs most commonly each ITIL process is
assigned one module for efficiency and keeping track. The software is divided into three types
The above categorized types of software tools are divided on the basis of the height of the level
of their compliances to the ITIL functions and needs. The main achievement was that42 softwares
were licensed to operate and work to promote the services in the information technology world.
Based on the open software many companies are on a rise to develop their own software and this
is a positive step worthy acknowledging
Introduction of the implementation of ITIL involves more than just words to make it a success, so
many tools are involved besides the model itself, which include the software tool for ITIL and
management of the whole project as a whole. The main purpose of the software tool is to keep track
of the cases which are handled by different types of processes. They are also used for logging of the
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The History of Metallica Essay
The History of Metallica
As the nineteen seventies came to a close so did many of the musical styles of that decade.
While some faced what seemed to be extinction others went through a sort of evolutionary
process. The bands that were at the top of the heavy metal ladder during this time were such acts
as Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and Tygers of Pan Tang. These groups would be just some of what
the new crop of heavy metal bands would consider inspirational. This style, which is typically
referred to as The New Wave of British Heavy Metal, would fuel and empower many acts to
stardom. (Marshall 3) At around this time, almost halfway across the world, Lars Ulrich got his
first drum set in his home in Copenhagen, Denmark. He was ... Show more content on ...
After graduation James moved back to Downey and was offered a place to live by his friend
Ron McGovney. Ron s mother owned several houses, and the vacant one James would be
moving into was doubled as a rehearsal space since Ron was learning how to play the bass
guitar. (Doughton 15 16) As nineteen eighty one rolled around both James and Lars were
looking for musicians that shared the same taste in music they each had. Lars decided to place
an advertisement in a South California paper called The Recycler. The only other ad that came
close was James and so the two decided to meet. Their first practice together was anything but
smooth, considering the fact that Lars was still learning and could not even keep his drum set
upright. (Krgin 51) Even though Lars was clearly unprepared to make a career out of music he
had made some connections. He befriended a man named Brian Slagel, who was in the process
of forming his own record company named Metal Blade Records. Brian was in the middle of
doing a compilation project where his goal was to expose up and coming bands to the general
public. He pretty much guaranteed Lars a spot on his project if Lars could form a band. Lars got
the information back to James and so they decided to give it a try. James, Lars, Ron, and a friend,
guitarist Lloyd Grant went into a recording studio and recorded what would be Metallica s first
song, Hit The Lights. Slagel was clearly impressed and did not hesitate to place
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Examples Of Imperialism In Cry The Beloved Country
The most compelling story of fighting flagrant oppression and injustice occurred during the
twentieth century in South Africa. The symbol of Nelson Mandela being released from prison in
the late nineties after decades of confinement represents the roaring social prejudice, and on an even
more prominent scale, the economic discrimination of the native South African people during the
apartheid era. The social and economic hierarchy of South Africa, one which placed blacks at the
bottom, traces back to the colonization period of the country. As a time of warfare which
exacerbated a widely held sense of divine entitlement, the colonization era provided the Dutch and
English settlers with the power to claim South Africafor the country s location and resources in
order to assert their global dominance. The desire to remain an international influence resulted in
the settlers implementing several different systems of oppression, some of which still have lasting
effects in South Africa, even in the present day. The identity of South Africa eroded as the
Europeans remained in the country. Mainly through the Anglo Boer Wars, the sense of unity and
culture held by Africans was dismantled as Europeans continued to encroach onto South African
soil and separate themselves from black Africans to portray their culture as the international
In the novel Cry, The Beloved Country, the main character, Stephen Kumalo, alludes to a once
united tribe of African people before the
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Medical Procedures During The Nazi Rule
Medical Procedures During the Nazi Rule
During the Nazi Party s rise to power, it held a strong influence on not only the German people,
but as well as all of conquered Europe. It was able to coerce regular citizens into joining one of the
most destructive genocides recorded in history by turning them into antisemites, and, in some
regards, murderers. It is important to learn from history about the power a government has over the
influence of their citizens, particularly in the field of medicine. The main purpose of this paper is
to describe the Nazi party s role in the development and research German medicine, specifically on:
the physicians, that became loyal to the state rather than their patients; eugenics, in which the goal
was to spawn a master race ; human experimentation, which was done on whoever the state
deemed undesirable; and, finally, racial purification, the elimination of individuals that the state
believed lead a life unworthy of life .This paper does not note all of the experiments, victims,
perpetrators involved or the locations in which the medical atrocities were carried out. It will focus
mainly on the idea of racial purification, specifically in Auschwitz Birkenau, the main extermination
camp, providing the accounts of several victims that were subject to the medical experiments, and
addressing the medical community, specifically Dr. Josef Mengele, as perpetrators of the genocide
of millions of people.
The Nazi Party had the ability to
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Character Analysis Of Characters In Okay For Now
Okay for Now Answers
Q1. Doug has a difficult family life. His father behaves less like a parent and more like a bully,
but in Marysville, Doug meets other adults who show him kindness and compassion. Name a few
adult characters in Okay for Now who offer Doug guidance and instruction. What does Doug learn
from them?
Two adult characters in Okay For Now which offer Doug guidance and instruction are Mr. Powell
and Mr.Ferris. Throughout the novel Doug views art as something less, however Mr. Powell
teaches Doug how to sketch and paint birds from the Audubon book. This guidance jump starts
Doug s enthusiasm and passion for art. Art represents Doug s escape from reality, You know what
one thing Mr.Powell taught me? He taught me that sometimes, art can make you forget everything
else all around you. Pg 344. As the story progresses art truly opens up Doug s mind and allows him
see the world in a whole different perspective. ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Ferris offers guidance when he observes Doug s poor reading skills at school detention. Mr.
Ferris then confides in Mrs.Cowper. She educates Doug on the sounds certain letters make and
how to pronounce challenging words from the book, Jane Eyre. Mr. Ferris helps when he realizes
Doug is distracted with this family issues.. Mr. Ferris sits down with him and lets Doug vent about
what was going on in his life. Doug learns it is ok to be open about his problems. In conclusion,
Mr. Powell and Mr.Ferris are two important characters from the story that provide Doug with
guidance and
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The Film The Princess Bride
The film The Princess Bride can be associated with many different genres. The story expresses
many different genre elements, such as romance, action, and a comedy. Even though the movie
shows all of these characteristics, I believe the movie should be mainly characterized as a
fairytale. The film shares many characteristics with fairytale and fantasy movies, which I will list
and discuss. I will be taking a closer look at the movie, and show how it compares to other fantasy
and fairytale movies.
One of the most obvious example of the movie being the fairy tale, is the involvement of royalty in
the story. One of the main characters in the story, is Buttercup, who is a princess. Buttercup is a
princess all the way through the film, and almost becomes a queen. Another main character is
Prince Humperdinck, who is the prince of florin, the son of the king. Prince Humperdinck and
Buttercup are stereotypical fairy tale characters. Humperdinck is the main antagonist of the story, ...
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The main way magic is invoked is with Miracle Max, who used to work for the King. When
presented with the almost dead Westley, he brings him back from the point of death using magic.
This is one of the only times magic is used in the story. There are some other magic elements such
as giants, and witches.
The film s ending contains one that is familiar to many fairy tales. In the final battle, everyone
collides and battles it out. Indigo fights the man who killed his father in a long duel, and eventually
comes out victorious. Buttercup and Westley meet Prince Humperdinck in the castle, and Westley
defeats him. After Westley s victory, him and Buttercup decide to let Humperdinck go. After the
battle in the castle, the main conflicts in the story are solved. After the battle ends, they all meet up
and ride into the sunset. This ending is alike to fairy tales in numerous ways.
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SCI 207 Quiz Essay
SCI 207 Quiz Week 2 Quiz correct response is marked with asterisk (*) 1. Question: A decrease in
food miles will most likely increase the environmental impact of any given food. True False *
Question 2. Which of the following statements about ground water is not true, according to your
text? Underground aquifers hold approximately 99% of all the liquid fresh water. More than 75%
of underground water has a replenishment time of centuries or more, making it non renewable.
Increased water withdrawal from underground aquifers makes them more susceptible to droughts.
Depletion of ground water may lead to land compaction that in turn decreases its ability to store
water. All of the statements about ground water are true. *... Show more content on
True * False Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in Section 5.2 of your text.Question
8. What is the central theme of The first green revolution section in Chapter 3.1 of your text? The
green revolution resulted in increased crop production without any environmental concerns,
which generated a steep incline in human population growth. The green revolution allowed for a
rapid increase in high yield crops through the use of genetically modified seeds that allowed
developing nations to survive in the face of famine. The green revolution led to increases in crop
production and human population. However, it also created a number of environmental concerns
including the overuse of fertilizers and irrigation. * The green revolution allowed farmers to
increase crop yields and profits substantially over a short period of time. None of the above are the
central theme. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in Section 3.1 of your text.
Question 9. Which of the following is an environmental concern of genetically engineered crops
mentioned in your text? Genetically modified crops lead to larger applications of toxic herbicides
and insecticides. The genetic modification of crops increases soil erosion while decreasing soil
fertility. Genetic engineering is less precise than traditional methods of crossbreeding. Genes from
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Nancy Mairs Summary
While reading this story, we get to see what it is like to live with MS or Multiple Sclerosis.
Nancy Mairs in a way shows the negative effects of her condition which others do not always
experiences. Yet, she always follows up a paragraph about the negatives with the positives. You
see that while she has issues with being a cripple and this disease slowly taking over, she is still
loving her life to the fullest. She talks about this quote from George Orwell that says the
slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. she uses this quote to
elaborate on why she does not use certain terms and why she chose the term cripple. She believes
that everyone has the right to choose who they want to be. Which is difficult
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Validity Trustworthiness Rofle
In Validity, Trustworthiness, and Rigor, Rofle exemplifies how to analyze qualitative data in
regards to science reports. Rofle describes that the guidelines for analyzing the credibility and
information for qualitative research is not clear. Three positions have been made to induce how
qualitative data should be analyzed: they want qualitative researchto be evaluated as quantitative
research, a opposed set of rules should be present, and there should be standard already
predetermined. Rofle presumes to analyze the quality of qualitative researcheach individual
research paper should be inspected independently. I found the idea that there is not a criteria to
analyze qualitative research compelling. I feel that it is a bit easier to analyze
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The Character Flaws of Macbeth Essay
The Character Flaws of Macbeth Since The Tragedy of Macbeth was written there has been
speculation about the cause of Macbeth s downfall. Readers ponder whether Macbeth s fall was
caused by a flaw in his character, Lady Macbeth, or an outside force of evil. Although the witches
set a certain mood and Lady Macbeth exerts a certain influence on him, Macbeth s downfall is
caused by his own character. Macbeth s tragic flaw in character was the paradoxical pairing of his
ambition with his passivity. Throughout the play we see many examples of Macbeth s conflict
between his ambition to attain the crown and his passive attitude towards the actions that are
required to obtain it. Macbeth s ambition is first... Show more content on ...
This inner conflict between ambition and passivity, or unwillingness, is later illustrated during
his second encounter with the three witches. The witches apparitions cause Macbeth to be filled
with a new sense of ambition and urgency: From this moment The very firstlings of my heart
shall be The firstlings of my hand. And even now, To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought
and done; The castle of Macduff I will surprise; (IV, i,46 50) Only after learning that Macduff has
fulfilled the last of the witches prophecies does Macbeth s ambition again change to passivity and
unwillingness. Macduff s taunt ( Then yield thee, coward (V, viii, 23) is the only thing that
arouses the last of Macbeth s ambition before he agrees to fight to the death: I will not yield,/To
kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet,/And to be baited with the rabble s curse (27 29).
Macbeth s internal combination of ambition and passivity create his susceptibility to the witch s
prophecies and allow him to commit murderous deeds, but his unwillingness to take action and to
do evil create his internal conflict that ultimately leads to his downfall. Although Lady Macbeth
tries to goad Macbeth into action, it is Macbeth s character flaw that causes him to take action. At
first Macbeth is unwilling to murder Duncan, citing his loyalty to Duncan
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Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome
Excruciating jaw pain can be extremely hard to deal with on a daily basis. If you notice any pain,
clicking, or popping in your jaw when you talk, chew, or yawn, you may be suffering from
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, or TMJ. Gregory T. Grubba, DDS, understands how to treat
TMJ symptoms. Their highly trained staff in Anchorage, AK is committed to providing
comfortable, affordable dental care for their patients. Whether you re coming in for a filling or a
routine teethcleaning, you ll always receive the highest quality treatments for your teeth at their
Gregory T. Grubba, DDS, knows that teeth grinding, stress, and arthritis of the jaw joint can all
lead to the development of TMJ. Here are a few things you can do to treat these
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Aaron Fuerstein Research Paper
Wow, that s all I can say, what an amazing story of a business man who truly cares for humanity.
There is not many individuals who would have acted as the owner of Malden Mills, Aaron
Feuerstein. Malden Mills was a textile plant in Lawrence, Massachusetts which burned to the
ground one night after a devastating fire. The company employed a large amount of the
townspeople, the fire caused all of them to be out of a job. Aaron Feuersteinwent out of his way to
protect and ensure that the individual whom worked for him still be able to bringing in an income
and pay their bills. He felt extremely responsible for them, whilst he could have taken the insurance
money from the fire and retired with it. Instead he paid months worth of all the employee s
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Research Paper On Raynaud Phenomenon
Raynaud Phenomenon
Raynaud phenomenon is a condition that affects the blood vessels (arteries) that carry blood to
your fingers and toes. The arteries that supply blood to your ears, lips, nipples, or the tip of your
nose might also be affected. Raynaud phenomenon causes the arteries to become narrow
temporarily (spasm). As a result, the flow of blood to the affected areas is temporarily decreased.
This usually occurs in response to cold temperatures or stress. During an attack, the skin in the
affected areas turns white, then blue, and finally red. You may also feel tingling or numbness in
those areas.
Attacks usually last for only a brief period, and then the blood flow to the area returns to normal. In
most cases, Raynaud phenomenon does ... Show more content on ...
The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition:
Being 20 40 years old.
Being female.
Having a family history of Raynaud phenomenon.
Living in a cold climate.
Symptoms of this condition usually occur when you are exposed to cold temperatures or when
you have emotional stress. The symptoms may last for a few minutes or up to several hours. They
usually affect your fingers but may also affect your toes, nipples, lips, ears, or the tip of your nose.
Symptoms may include:
Changes in skin color. The skin in the affected areas will turn pale or white. The skin may then
change from white to bluish to red as normal blood flow returns to the area.
Numbness, tingling, or pain in the affected areas.
In severe cases, symptoms may include:
Skin sores.
Tissues decaying and dying (gangrene).
This condition may be diagnosed based on:
Your symptoms and medical history.
A physical exam. During the exam, you may be asked to put your hands in cold water to check for
a reaction to cold
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Mushroom Varieties And Their Uses
Mushroom Varieties and Their Uses By Sylvia Rieman | Submitted On February 06, 2011
Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this
article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article
on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on
Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Sylvia Rieman Mushrooms are a unique
source of food and come in infinite varieties. They are a type of living organism that has no
roots, leaves, flowers or seeds. Mushrooms are actually fungi and in many countries, that is what
they are called. There are countless varieties of Mushrooms that are edible and there are
probably just as many or more that are not edible. The mushrooms that are not edible can be
poisonous and can cause severe illness or worse, death. For that reason, wild mushrooms should
not be picked by anyone other than a trained mycologist. Mushrooms can be purchased dried,
canned or fresh. For a long time, even though there are over 590 species of Mushrooms found
growing in California, the only Mushrooms readily available in the United States for consumption
were Brown Mushrooms and White Mushrooms. Photos of some of the California Mushrooms can
be found on Myko Web, a site that specializes in California Mushrooms. Some mushrooms are so
amazingly beautiful that it is hard to believe that they can be poisonous. With the increasing
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Harold and Maude an analysis Essay examples
We are born into this world with the realization that life is hard and that life is like a box of
chocolates and it is hard to take it at face value. The majority of our time is spent trying to
answer an endless stream of questions only to find the answers to be a complex path of even
more questions. This film tells the story of Harold, a twenty year old lost in life and haunted by
answerless questions. Harold is infatuated with death until he meets a good role modelin Maude, an
eightyyear old woman that is obsessed with life and its avails. However, Maude does not answer
all of Harold s questions but she leads him to realize that there is a light at the end of everyone s
tunnel if you pursue it to utmost extremesby being whatever you... Show more content on ...
It seemed as if Harold never got past Erikson s stage of autonomy. The sense of autonomy
fostered in Harold at a young age was denied to him by his mother as she controlled him. In
contrast, Maude played a better role model to him than his mother. She acted wild and crazy and
continually demonstrated freedom. A freedom that his mother never gave Harold the
opportunity to indulge in. She philosophizes continuously about living life to utmost extremes,
about rebellion, individualism and spontaneity. Maude tells Harold that the world dearly loves a
cage and that humans should be as free as a bird. Maude gave the troubled young man a sense of
hope and life throughout as he was a team player not willing to come off the bench to play. She
introduced him to Glaucus who served as a message to Harold, one that he learns towards the
end of the movie. Glaucus days are a metaphor for the life span of a man. He is given a chance to
create beauty out of nothing, but is time is limited with which to do so as he works with a
medium that is hard to maintain. It was the carving of the ice that was important, not the ice itself.
Harold s success in life was not being pursued, it was to be attracted to the person he became
through her help. Nevertheless, she constantly instills in Harold that we are given the gift of life
and it is ours to enjoy and it is through her philosophies that Harold becomes a better man in the end
and making
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A Comparative Econometric Analysis Of Museum Attendance By...
looking for causes, how listeners make their decisions to attend and how they critique or respond to
performances. Secondly, their approach is correlational that to seek qualitative insight on the
experiences of the EJBF audiences. Lastly, they focus on attendances perceptions and observe
behavior by participating in the events and gaining first hand experiences. Broadly speaking, the
authors conduct qualitative researchalthough there are still small amounts of quantitative data of
showing ages of respondents and previous festival attendance.
In the paper, A Comparative Econometric Analysis of Museum Attendance by Locals and
Foreigners: The Case of Padua and Seville the researchers convey case studies which were the
Musei Civici degli Eremitani of Padua and the Museo de Bellas Artes of Seville. They handed out
questionnaires and conducted survey, analyzing a variety of socio demographic and economic
characteristics of visitors by using large quantities of data. Apart from using primary sources which
were demonstrated by their obtained data and statistics, the authors also examined the previous
study which gained from official statistics on attendance, courtesy of the museums management to
analyze visitors participation to EM in Padua and MBA in Seville from 1995 to 2005. Analyzing
two similar institutions located in different cities, Padua and Seville respectively, the authors
obviously used comparative research in this study. It is defined comparative
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Reinvention In The Rust Belt
Due to the continuous rise in unemployment throughout Midwest, communities are feeling the
grunt of the storm. According to Pete Buttigieg, the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana, keeping
the community together and making sure it remains one is an extremely difficult challenge (
Reinvention in the rust belt ). If members in communities throughout the Midwest or Rust Belt such
as South Bend continue to lose jobs, therefore, there will be fewer wages and less money
circulating, poverty and crime rates will continue to spike and there will eventually be no
community left at all. Currently in South Bend, ...Violent crime remains nearly twice the Indiana
average; 28% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line and 75% of children in public... Show
more content on ...
According to Bruce Katz, a member of the think tank, the Brookings Institution, ...industrial cities
must reinvent themselves to survive... return to fundamentals...use their geographical advantages...
( Reinvention in the rust belt ). While a solution such as this sounds basic, a city including Galena,
Illinois used its historical charm and beautiful geography to reinvent its image and has moved on
from a Rust Belt example ( Reinvention in the rust
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Preventing Violent Crimes In The United States
Violent crimes are unfortunately a routine occurrence among our present society. Violent crimes
are those in which an offender uses and/or threatens to use a weapon in order to accomplish their
crimes. A violent crime occurs in the United States every 27 seconds (Karmen 78). Violent crimes
can end fatally if the offender feels threatened. Many behaviors can be practiced in order to
successfully reduce the likelihood of these violent crimes from occurring.
1.The most fatal violent crime is the crime of murder. Murder can occur in many forms: first
degree murder, second degree murder, serial murder, spree murder, and mass murder to name a
few. The major difference between first and second degree murder includes an offender who
commits first degree murder has ultimately planned the murder, while second degree murder is
ultimately spontaneous. Additionally, serial murder includes killings of 3 or more people within
separate emotional events. On the other hand, spree murder and mass murder are singular
emotional events however spree murder is the killing of multiple people in a number of locations
while mass murder is the killing of multiple people in one singular location. Factors that may
increase the chance of a person becoming a victim includes the victim being male (Davis, Lurigio,
and Herman, 135). Living in the United States in general can greatly increase a person s chance of
becoming a murder victim due to the United States having murder rates that are double
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Band Discourse Community Roles
It is eighth hour on a Tuesday, this means I have band today. I walk into the band room, and I see
a handful of other students have already arrived and are watching a video that is being played up
on the starboard. They stand and watch as the Notre Dame marching band performs an intricate
routine during a college football game. A few others hustle around to get their instruments and get
to their seats before the three minute allowance is up. I hear random chit chat among friends and
people beginning to tune their instruments as I gather my things and get into my seat. After
everyone has settled into their seats we all watch the screen as the marching band forms into the
shapes of letters, logos, and even movie characters. Intrigued, we watch... Show more content on ...
As a senior, I am one of three people who have a responsibility to help the newcomers learn and
adapt to their new role. Even though we have a band instructor, whose job is also to help
newcomers learn, he cannot assist everyone at all times and it tasked with many other
responsibilities. More times than not, it is us seniors of the community that take the initiative to
help the freshmen to become more successful. If we did not do this job our community as a whole
would suffer. The shared goals of the community, to advance in learning new music, to play said
music successfully, and to entertain the audiences that attend our concerts, would not be
accomplished if the newcomers were left to fend for themselves. Our community would also not be
fulfilling its purpose of adding variation to the sound of the band if we did not advance the
newcomers in their
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Consciousness and Philosophers of the Mind
Consciousness and Philosophers of Mind
Consciousness is a word used by philosophers, to signify that immediate knowledge which we
have of our present thoughts and purposes, and, in general of all the operations of our mind...
[and] if I am asked to prove that I cannot be deceived by consciousness to prove that it is not a
fallacious sense I can find no proof... (Thomas Reid, referenced by Lehrer, 2008).
There are many features of consciousness that philosophers of the mind discuss and debate. Two
are found within the philosophy of Russ McBride; they are: a) ...a conscious creature or subject ;
and b) a conscious mental state (Manson, 2011, 100). Another philosophy professor, Michael
Antony, sees two features that are commonly debated and dissected by scholars in and out of the
field of philosophy. Those features are the conscious state and the conscious creature both of
which will be further developed in this paper. Are mental states always clearly conscious states ?
Or are they clearly not conscious? Antony argues that it is impossible to accept that there could be
any borderline cases or fuzzy boundaries for concepts of consciousness (Antony, 2008). Antony s
and other approaches to consciousness are reviewed and critiqued in this paper.
The Literature on Consciousness
The concept of consciousness is ambiguous and polysemic (having more than one meaning),
according to professor Neil Manson (King s College in London). The fact that
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The plague of the oceans has come back from the dead and...
The plague of the oceans has come back from the dead and is not showing mercy. With all the
pollution being brought on by human life, water is being contaminated which is causing some
substances to rise in population and is sickening al who come in contact with the poisonous
substance. Imagine just doing your job when you come in contact with the poisonous elements also
known as Lyngbya majuscula, or fireweed. Your skin breaks out in blisters and welts and no matter
how much you try it doesn t stop neither does the burning sensation that comes with it. You go to
shake this off your fishing nets only to have trouble breathing as the substance fills the air making
your throat close. Well this is what is happening to the fishermen of... Show more content on ...
Also the destruction of wetlands and overfishing have played a big role in letting this substance
get out of hand. With overfishing and the destruction of wetlands competing organisms that
usually keep the element from getting out of hand, are dying. And with less and less organisms
to keep it in check the growth only becomes faster. The effects of this are not only found in
Morenton Bay, Australia, but worldwide. During Swedish summers strands of the crynobacteria
wash up on shore as a yellow ish substance. Dead fish pop out along the coast and if the locals get
near it, their eyes burn and they can t breathe. On the southern coast of Mauii in Hawaii the high
tide brings in green algae so foul smelling that condominium owners hired tractor drivers to
scrape it off the beach each morning because of the smell. On the Gulf Coast of Florida residents
complain that harmful algae blooms are longer lasting, more frequent and bigger. This is killing
off many sea mammals and is flooding the Florida emergency rooms with patients suffering from
repertory diseases. North of Venice, Italy, a sticky mixture of algae and bacteria collects on the
Adriatic Sea in spring and summer. This white mucus washes ashore, fouling beaches, or congeals
into submerged blobs, some bigger than a person. On the Spanish coast jellyfish have become so
large that special nets have to be strung to protect
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Reducing The Amount Of Foreign Aid Essay
Since the Clinton era, the United States has experienced an unbalanced budget which has spiraled
out of control and left the government and its citizens in trillions of dollars in debt. Even with the
unfathomable amount of money owed, it is still possible for the United States to clear the debt, and
regain a surplus budget once again. Possible solutions to reduce the United Statesnational debt
include cutting foreign aid, reducing federal department spending, and eliminating taxbreaks for the
First, cutting foreign aid, not completely, and only by half will eliminate 17 billion in spending.
Reducing the amount of foreign aid does not necessarily mean depriving developing countries of
resources they are dependent on. The perceived obligation for the United States to provide foreign
aid may be reduced by greater donations from other countries, properly managing loans which are
granted as aid and enforcing tax regulations within countries receiving funds. Moreover, alternate
supporting countries could contribute a more desirable amount of their gross national income on
aid. If additional donor countries regulated merely four percent more of their gross national income
on foreign aid, the added bestowment would effectively alleviate the United States over a hundred
billion dollars, while still maintaining the status quo of what countries in need receive.
Alternatively, another option would be approving loans to developing countries. Loans are a tool
capable of
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Slaughterhouse Five Critical Analysis
The novel, Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut incorporates complex ideas such as the
destructiveness of war, the insignificance of time, and the morality of suffering through his first
hand experience of the cruelty of bloodshed in World War II. Desperation dictates the actions of
society as the desire of survival urges the importance of crucial decision making. The fictional
world of the Tralfamadorians, the struggle faced by patriotic war soldiers, and the uneasiness
among the civilians attempt to pursue the beautifulness of life within perplexing situations. The
absence of free willalleviates tormentful lives. Betrayal influences the trust held towards a person
s surroundings as the main character, Billy Pilgrim, encounters numerous situations that go against
his aspiration. As the character retains the capability of time traveling through his memories,
detailed scenes of his entire life flashes back several times; the continuous reminder of rejection
impairs his ability of acceptance. When Billy is a young boy, his father forcibly makes him learn
how to swim without any guidance, making the child terrified; however, the moment he discovers
the bottom of the pool, the place brings comfort to him. Although he evades death, Billy resent[s]
the rescuing of his life due to his termination of enjoyment (55). Because he was a naive,
immature child at the time, he perceives his own desires to be above any factors. The exposure to
denial at an early age makes
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Juxtaposition In Sula
Sula 1.Not the town, of course, but that part of town where Negroes lived, the part they called
the Bottom in spite of the fact that it was up in the hills. (4) Paradox: The Bottom is actually up
in hills, and is predominately where former slaves reside. Slave farmers tricked their former slaves
telling them that they would give them farm land, not wanting to give away any of the fertile land,
farmers gave them the barren land in the hills. They called this land the bottom because it s in the
hills and therefore at the bottom of Heavan. These lands made the people that resided there
unfruitful and unable to provide as much as the whites down in the valleys. 2.Is? My baby?
Burning? (48) Juxtaposition: Eva, while attempting to sound... Show more content on ...
She thought she liked the sootiness of sex and it s comedy; she laughed a great deal during the
raucous beginnings, and rejected those lovers who regarded sex as healthy or beautiful. (122)
Motif: Sex is the one thing that broke Nel and Sula up. Sula, being free spirited, believed that
there was nothing wrong with having multiple partners, while Nel thought of sex as a precious
thing that she shared with her husband. Nel is hurt that Sula slept with Jude, and is shocked by
Sula s answer of just because. From Sula s perspective, Nel and Sula were the best of friends
that could share anything, even men, while Nel believed if Sula really did care, why would she
hurt her like that? 8.At Eva s house there were four dead robins on the walk. Sula stopped and
with her toe pushed them into the bordering grass. (91) Symbolism: The four dead robins
symbolize the four people that died in Eva s house, Eva, Plum, Hannah, and Sula. The deaths of
all those characters were caused by one another. Sula caused Hannah s and Eva s, and Eva caused
Plum s. The four dead robins follow the plague of the robins, and represents the four that died.
Although two deaths had already taken place, the dead birds are still a bad omen of
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The Importance Of Firearms In Schools
Recent polls conducted across the United States surveying students about concealed weapon
carry laws show that almost eighty percent of students oppose the concealed carrying of firearms
on school campuses. Only five percent of students said they believe that carrying firearms on
campus would prevent school shootings or other violent acts relating to carrying guns on
campus (Book 22). Overall, the majority of American students oppose concealed carry laws and
are concerned about the safety of themselves and or others if they attend a school that allows
concealed carrying. Lately, the debate over whether or not concealed carry laws should be
allowed or not on school campuses has slowly been disappearing. If so many students across the
United States are concerned about firearms on their own school campus then, therefore, the rest
of the U.S. should be too. Currently, many states allow each school to choose if firearms should
be allowed on their campuses, however, firearms should not be allowed at all in schools across the
United States. There are more possibilities for firearms to have a bad impact rather than a good
impact on campuses including increases in crime and theft, concerns of safety, and the possibility
of firearms being stolen and used. The most important concern about allowing guns to be carried on
campuses is, of course, the safety of the students, teachers, administrators, and visitors. Firearms in
the hands of students or anyone else on campus endanger everyone
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Medical Terminology Case Study
The accumulation of blood within the cranium, due either to head trauma or flaws in the cerebral
Based on location of intra cerebral hemorrhage
в—‹ Extra axial hemorrhages occur outside of brain tissue
в–Ў Blood collects between arachnoid membrane and pia mater
в–Ў Blood collects between dura mater and the skull
в–Ў Blood collects between dura mater and brain
в—‹ Intra axial hemorrhages occur within brain tissue
Also referred to as intracerebral hemorrhages
в–Ў Blood collects in brain parenchyma
в–Ў Blood collects in the ventricular system of the brain
CLINICAL PRESENTATION... Show more content on ...
в—‹ Other risk factors/associations 4
Prior treatment with antithrombotics
Primary diagnostic tools
в—‹ History and physical examination is suggestive of disease by explicit clinical criteria (i.e.,
hypertension, sudden onset of seizure, neurologic deficits, coma)В·
в—‹ Confirmation of diagnosis is made by radiographic examination of the skull (i.e., MRI of the
в—‹ CBC
Increased WBC will indicate infection, or secondary to trauma (stress reaction); in rare cases may
signal hematologic disturbance (i.e., leukemia)
Diminished platelets indicates further risk of
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The Help of Shell in the Niger Delta Region Essay
The Help of Shell in the Niger Delta Region
Shell is a group of oil and petrol companies. The parent company is Royal Dutch Shell, based in
Britain, is a multinational corporation (MNC). The group of companies is active in countries all
over the world, including Nigeria. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is extremely rich in oil
resources. Rightly so, their business connection goes back over fifty years. Likewise, a Shell
company, the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC), is the largest oil and
gas operator in Nigeria.
Nigeria is a developing country; therefore Shell has been active in giving to the community. Over
the past decades, they have tried different strategies. The company ... Show more content on ...
Nigeria, The Niger Delta and the Nigerian Government
Nigeria might be rich in resources; its population lives in poverty. With a Multidimensional
Poverty Index (MPI) of .31, it was ranked number 157 out of the 186 United Nations (UN)
member states in 2012. Also, according to the World Bank, the poverty headcount ratio was 68%,
meaning this part of the population lived with less than $1.25 a day in 2010.
The Niger Delta is one of the nine states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It counts about 20
million people and around 70 000 kmВІ of land. The region is one of the most prominent wetlands
in the world. Oil has produced about $600 billion since the 1960 s.
Despite its wealth in resources, the majority of the people live under poor conditions. To counter
this poverty, the Nigerian government has set up several commissions in the past. The most
prominent are the Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC) and the
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).
The OMPADEC was established in 1993 and focused on the development of the Niger Delta
Region (NDR). It however failed due to factors as corruption, mismanagement and non sufficient
funding. Hereafter, the NDDC was to replace the OMPADEC. It would create socio economic
development in the NDR. The NDDC set up various projects in the region. However, due to the
poor structure of the organisation and inadequate funding the NDDC have
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Cadet Leadership Model
6.Is there anything that you would like to add?
вћўMost people provided suggestions in this area that they perceived would make the Academy run
The Dean of Faculty is looking for a more traditional schedule. I did not attend the academy;
however, the cadets have a very robust schedule, military and fitness. Of these areas military and
fitness is important. Let us minimize core classes, cadet are not allowed to use the restroom during
class, When cadet leadership plans events it is difficult to work with family. Cadets choices affect
PP life, Pull PP party in less directions and let us concentrate on taking care of the cadets, Capture
folks earlier and have them give feedback when they first get here, have an anonymous suggestion
... Show more content on ...
The computer they pay for should be issued and not paid for. We should model after other
universities. There should be separate living conditions by classes so that they can interact with
their class year and their developmental level. They all live together so there is no sense of
accountability. A merit based promotion should be implemented for promotion and rank. The
Personal Interpersonal Team Organizational Model refers to the class year, however, not because
you have made the next level it does not equate to responsibility. If a cadet wants to be a squadron
commander then the name should be thrown in the hat and the selection should be based on
accomplishment. The Superintendent s vision is ridiculous and it has taken two years to fix the
Terrazzo. It should not be acceptable in any state or institution. The living quarters should be
changed. Why can t the living facilities be changed? An airman has more responsibility than a
cadet, i.e. alcohol in the dorms. Cadets should be able to have sex in the dorm. They need to be
taught about gender relations. A lot of firsties have their own room and they do it because they can
t do it. Most
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Financial Crisis And Its Effects On The World Of Finance
COMPANY AND SITUATION According to many experts, this was one of the most severe
financial crises in our history since 1930. This crisis was so complex that was known throughout
the world under many names, such as the Great Recession , the financial crash of 2008 , the
Trouble Asset Relief Program bailout , and the Great Panic (Biegelman Bartow, 2012). Whatever its
name, this crisis undoubtedly disorder the world of finance dramatically. This financial chaos, now
turned into a recession, had the misfortune to expand and affect many organizations around the
planet. Everyone was affected in some way or another; it was like a domino effect that apparently
nobody saw it coming, and could not be stopped in time. Unfortunately many people lost their jobs
due to the meltdown; million of people were subject to wage cuts, and many companies had to go
out of business, because they just not endure the tremendous pressure on its shoulders. Apparently
all started with the collapse of the house prices that many called housing bubble . This phenomenon
caused that many financial institutions worldwide were sued. The great financial depression also
caused the questioning about the real liquidity of the banks as well as the reasons of why the
reduction in the credit lines at that time took place. Furthermore, this situation makes it possible
investors to lose confidence in the financial institutions, thereby a negative impact on global stock
markets. Although the situation of
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The Production Of Automobile Production
According to Amighini and Gorgoni (2014), Automobile production is one of the operations in the
manufacturing segment of production that is highly spatially disintegrated, characterized by
production activities that are broken down into different units and take place in various countries in
the world. The production processes are highly dispersed. Amighini and Gorgoni (2014) explain
reasons for the dispersed nature of the production system. The automobileindustry has been made to
implement modern sourcing techniques stemming from the growth in leading edge inputs in
contemporary cars, such as computer and electronic facilities, according to Amighini and Gorgoni
(2014). The varying level of technology advancements and innovation has... Show more content on ...
The automobile industry has experienced different progressions. Marukawa (2013) makes reference
to the World Motor Vehicle Statistics. According to the World Motor Vehicle Statistics, gathered by
the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, some countries that had a vast collection of
automobile corporations in 2010 were the United Kingdom, which had 21 automobile
manufacturers, and Malaysia, which had 26 automobile manufacturers. However, China had to a
greater extent the highest number of automobile manufacturers in the world, according to the World
Motor Vehicle Statistics. According to Marukawa (2013), an important characteristic of the Chinese
automobile industry is the magnitude of small scale producers. Marukawa (2013) discovered that
car and engine production are mostly vertically fragmented in China. Research by Marukawa
(2013) showed that firms that want to enter the industry could outsource production inputs such as
engines and design, which minimizes the entry restrictions for new firms in the industry. The
minimization of entry restrictions, and the rising demand for automobiles in China favored entry
into the automobile industry, according to Marukawa (2013).
Research by Marukawa (2013) discovered that in the 1990s, corporations that belonged to the
government had the ease of protecting domestic markets through governing the operations of the
domestic producers. However, households have now become the primary consumers of cars, and as
a result,
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The Environmental Crisis Of Kenya And The United Nations...
The environmental crisis is the biggest crisis of our time, climate change, scarcity of fresh water
and bio diversity loss are just a few of the problems caused by the environmental crisis. National and
international organizations try combat the dire effects of the environmental crisis like The Green
Belt Movement in Kenya and The United Nations framework on Environmental Change, they
create initiatives like sustainable developmentbut they have not succeeded. My essay will introduce
my interpretation of the environmental crisis, then follow with the relationship between poverty
and affluence discussed by scholars Deborah Sik in, Environmentand Development and Maggie
Black in, Enter Sustainability and propose, Deborah Sik s insights on propertyrights and
participatory approaches offer the best explanation for the environmental crisis but Maggie Black s
Resource Based Management for small communities gives better long lasting solutions for the
environmental crisis.
My interpretation of environmental crisis and why it has grown exponentially. The environmental
crisis is the most exigent matter of our time. This is evident by environmental changes today, for
example in Enter Sustainability, Maggie Black discusses the probability for water wars due to
over extraction and consumption of water (Black). This claim is corroborated by an article by The
Smithsonian suggesting that shrink water aquifers captured by NASA are partly to blame for the
war in
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Speech On Trust In Government
accountable to the community and there s still people who show up just ready to tear it down for
the sake of tearing it down. I would love to be able to turn around walking down those stairs and
know that people are more trusting and willing to understand and get to know their not only their
elected officials, but the process and feel like they love government. That s what I love about Mary
Parker that night after dinner in Denver she said if you wantgood government you needto elect
people who believe in good government. That stuck with me so much because my opponent
currently here and Manitou Springs does not believe in good government. Instead, it is here is
what s wrong with it and here s what needs to be different. I love it and I think the process works
and I just think it s a matter of people taking some time to learn and maybe the elected officials
doing more to connect and teach and educate their constituents on that we are working our butts
off and we re trying our best and we can do pretty much anything we want to, but it would be
helpful for people come to the table ready and optimistic versus pessimistic and ready to tear us
Dustin: Well that s awesome. Trust in government is a big idea something that really would make a
difference. Things like empowering local governments, having a little less talk and a lot more
action, and rebuilding trust in government. That s quite the legacy. If that is you leaving the capitol,
that s what is now present. What
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Essay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To Success

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Essay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To Success

  • 1. Essay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To Success 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To SuccessEssay On Hard Work Is The Only Key To Success
  • 2. Essay about Harry Potter and the Holy Grail Two of the best things in the world, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Harry Potter, have a good deal in common. Other than the vast amount of space reserved in my brain for storing quotes and random facts from these two stories, both tales share many similar objects, plot devices, character attributes, and themes. Even though Python s Holy Grailis an exact historical representation of the Arthurian Grail legend, some might argue that the Harry Potter story is more reflective of the actual ancient texts than the 1974 film. Harry has many things in common with King Arthur. Both characters were orphans raised with their cousins, and mentored by wise men with large beards. Neither knew of his importance until it was revealed... Show more content on ... Sir Percival, for instance, was at first deemed unworthy of obtaining the Holy Grail due to his lack of inquiry regarding the wounded Fisher King. (Mahoney, 205) The second rather important cup in the fourth Harry Potter novel is the Triwizard Cup. This is the Holy Grail of the Triwizard Tournament, and the object that all of the contestants are seeking. The Triwizard Cup fits the more traditional, somewhat less educated views of the Holy Grail jeweled, flashy, made of a precious metal, and quite obviously worth a lot of money. It is interesting to note that when Harry and Cedric touch it, they are whisked away to the graveyard where Voldemort and Wormtail are plotting their nefarious deeds. Galahad, after seeing the Holy Grail, is also whisked away, except he goes to heaven, while Harry ends up getting tortured for a bit, and barely escapes with his life. The Grail quest of Arthurian legend shares a few thematic similarities with the quest for the Triwizard Cup. According to the Matthews book, The Grail Tradition, there were three somewhat successful seekers of the Grail: Galahad, Percival, and Bors. This holds nicely with the three wizards who are supposed to take part in the Triwizard Tournament. The first task that Harry must complete consists of somehow thwarting a dragon s attempts to keep him from stealing its golden egg. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Moral Compos In A Man For All Seasons In the play, A Man for All Season, Bolt does not use an omniscient narrator but rather express his views through two narrators, Thomas More and The Common Man (Ehrenhaf, 2010:193). The Preface of A Man for All Season, states that the play is not a straight forward narration though more comparable to a poem that uses the beauty of authentic monologues form Sir Thomas Morehimself to portray his view in the matters at hand (Bolt, 1960:xvii). Tomas More s view is supported by The Common Man who paints More in a less harsh light than historicist sort out to do (Farrow, 2005). The rest of the narration is governed by The Common Man who comments on the action and characters in numerous asides as well as change costume on stage and indicate location ... Show more content on ... According to Tweg (2006:10), the play is mostly written in a modern dialect, yet Bolt incorporated some of Sir Thomas More s own words in scenes like the trail. In contrast with More s sophisticated language, is the language of the Common man who speaks more informal, plain and subjective (Tweg, 2006:10). Bolt s choice for this alteration in language is to intensify the crucial situation (Armstrong, 1961:186). The contrast in language may also be an indicator of the educated or high class and the unschooled or lower class both conveying their ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Launch of a Women’s Radio Station in the City of... This case study looks at the launch of a women s radio station in the city of Herat, Afghanistan, in the year 2003. It follows four Afghan women journalists struggles in balancing the demands of a highly conservative culture on the one hand, and the objectives of their Canadian journalism trainers on the other. Kamal explains that Media development takes on many different forms in different areas of the world. Rather than being a force for sustaining difference, the media is deliberately employed by media development organisations as a vehicle for challenging unequal gender relations. Women s rights and social justice are promoted in media content, and women s participation is often a precondition for funding for media projects. She ... Show more content on ... While the radio station had officially been granted a licence from the Ministry of Information and Culture in Kabul, Ismail Khan s power base in the west was very strong, and the central government had very little power to enforce its policies in Herat. As a result, during the process of setting up the radio station, there was much concern when Ismail Khan chose not to offer any written guarantee that the operation would receive his sanction. He was, however, an advocate of women s education. By describing the women s radio station as a tool for women s instruction and culture, and inviting the Canadian ambassador to Afghanistan to the radio station s launch, Radio Sahar was able to receive Ismail Khan s last minute support. Radio Sahar was launched in October 2003. The women usually had very little time to prepare the shows; they would use the time available to them during the playing of songs or pre packaged programmes to plan for the next day (and on all too frequent bad days, for the next half hour) of radio broadcasts. The designated host would pre script introductions to shows when she could, and practise excerpts of poetry to declaim on the air, while the designated helpers would call and invite guests to lecture, or participate in occasional roundtables. During their non stop eight hour ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology On Learning... Outcome How does technology effect the way our generation learns and behaves? Technology is, by definition The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. We use technology accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technologyto extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any technological system. (Use of Technology, 2017) This report identifies how technology effects sleep, the prices and costs of technology, the positive and negative effects technology has on younger people such as bullying or learning more at school, the difference between past generations and their use of technology and how/ if technology effects the brain and students learning and behaviour such as memory and attention spans. A variety of sources including surveys and internet reports/ sites were used to gather information to be used within this report. A common statement typically heard is don t go on your phone at night you won t be able to sleep and as we all know sleep is a really important part of our health. The reason being on our phones or any other form of device at night prevents us from sleeping is due to the bright colours and screen those then trick our brains into thinking it is still daylight so we don t feel as tired. (Psychology Today, 2017) However, with little to no sleep can have a serious effecton not only our mood and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Genetic Modification Essay Genetic modification is a subject that has been hotly debated in the past, and remains a topic of controversy today. There are many critical discussions to be had with genetically modified (GM) products, however, this paper will focus on corn crops that have been modified to incorporate Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) genes. Corn is the largest food crop in the world and Bt corn is one of the largest crops in North America. Bt corn has several benefits, yet, there are also many potential problems with the crop and its impacts on local ecosystems. Although environmental issues may raise concerns, Bt crops have an immense upside with proper management of the Bt gene. Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacteria species that can be used as a pesticide. ... Show more content on ... He concludes, more investigation of the ecological and biological interactions involving the Bt genes needs to be done before effective insect resistant management strategies can be crafted. Increasing insect, bacterial, and viral resistances are some of the primary concerns with genetically modified crops. Recently, there have been several new documented insect resistances to the Bt gene that have raised major concerns in the scientific community about the future of genetic engineering (Coates 2016). Ostrina nubilalis was the largest pest to corn crops prior to the introduction of Bt crops, populations of O. nubilalis saw drastic decreases after the widespread implementation of Bt crops. Once the Bt crops were employed, new insect resistant management strategies needed to be adopted to stop insect resistances from forming too rapidly. Unfortunately, these strategies seem to be an insufficient means in preventing resistances forming swiftly and negating the sustainability of these B crops (Coates 2016). Currently, there is not enough information about the interactions between the crops and their pests to develop effective insect resistant management strategies (Coates 2016). One of the major advantages of biological ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Breast Cancer Career Essay This writer was born on May 14, 1966; however living on began on October 4, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. No one ever asked me before October 10th; did I want to live or die. However, in looking back, it is the most important question of anyone s lifetime. Breast Cancer strengthened my Christian worldview and instilled new respect for time and living. Although, promise for the future as a construction project manager was evident and possessing over twenty five years in the real estate and construction industries. My routine was my life; I resisted change and new beginnings. Five years later, change is the finest thing that can happen to anyone. There were fulfillment and accomplishment as a project manager and depending on the project, ten people and ... Show more content on ... Strengthen employees skills so you can delegate more tasks to them and focus on more important managerial responsibilities such as planning. Boost productivity by helping your employees work smarter. Develop a deep bench of talent who can step into your shoes as you advance in the company. Improve retention; employees are more loyal and motivated when their bosses take time to help them improve their skills. Make more effective use of company resources; coaching costs less than formal training (p. 1). Incorporating day to day life coaching for employees is not only good management it is smart leadership. This management style thereby creates harmonious office morale and adds competence and professionalism to the business branding. Peoples Keys (2013) informs the benefits of life coaching for employees. People Keys (2013) asserts: Businesses that offer life coaching services to their employees have been shown to regain a 300% return on investment. A Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 500 Companies found that coaching resulted in a ROI of almost six times the program cost as well as a 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality (p. 1). Lastly, writer William Arruda (2014) of Forbes in the article Why You Need to Hire a Coach in 2015 , offered another benefit of coaching. Arruda (2014) ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Death Of Terminally Ill As Americans, we are granted rights in this country and these rights, according to the Declaration of Independence, grant us Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness . So tell me why someone that is terminally ill cannot use these rights to end their life of pain and suffering. Some states have rallied and given those who are terminally ill the right to die. However, some simply see this means of ending a life, inhumane, unethical, immoral, and just plain wrong. As a citizen of the United States where we simply have our rights, should we not be granted the right to die? A big controversy on the news in the United States is having the right to die. People see this as something wrong due to various cultural and religious beliefs. This means of having the right to die is simply termed assisted suicide or human euthanasia. Only a few states have legalized assisted suicide by means of the Deathwith Dignity Act. The four states that assisted suicide is legal in is: California, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. However, in order to take act in assisted suicide there are terms and conditions by each state that must be met. A little history into the practice of euthanasia, which started with the ancient Greeks, and is now something legal into few states today. According to Hosseini (2012), euthanasia is actually a Greek word that literally means happy death (p.203). Who doesn t want to die a happy death, free of sufferingand pain? The man we have to thank for human ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Laser Hair Removal Case Study Laser Hair removal: Usually this laser hair removal should be done under the supervision of a dermatologist. Chicago IL Dermatologist knows what precautions to take to perform this procedure safely and efficiently.. The process involves the area of the skin that is to be treated is first cleansed and in some patients with sensitive skin the area is numbed using numbing gel. It takes a half hour to an hour for the numbing gel to take it effect on the skin. A room specifically set up for the lasertreatments is used. It is recommended that everyone in the room wear a protective eye wear during this Laser procedure. For this procedure, the area of the skin that needs the treatment is held taut and is treated with a laser. According to many people... Show more content on ... Side effects: After the treatment, the area treated could appear red with some swelling which can be helped by applying cool compress on the area which relieves the discomfort. The treatment does not require any real downtime and the skin might be red with some swelling, but you can attend to everyday activities. Some of the possible side effects include redness in the area, swelling with discomfort which usually happens the first few days after the treatment. Other possible side effects include infections, scarring, skin darkening or lightening, Herpes simplex outbreak(cold sores)and blistering. The results can be seen almost immediately and it varies with each person and type of the skin and the area of the skin treated. The color and thickness of the skin treated all affect the results. After the first treatment, there is a noticeable 25% reduction of hair. For most people, 2 6 laser treatments are needed to get rid of the hair and the hair will not regrow for several months or even years. Even when they grow back it is lighter and less noticeable. Maintainance laser treatments are necessary to prevent hair growth in the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried All... Kelsie Gorman Mr. Kavo Confrontation In America, 1 30 October, 2017 The Same Deep Water As You: Tim O Brien s Methods To Overcome Loss Throughout the 1980s, Dr. Terence M. Keane ran experiments on a new idea called exposure therapy. The case studied how victims of trauma would react to being repeatedly shown places, imagines, and stories that mirrored theirs. In the study was twenty four veterans of the Vietnam War, and at the end of the study, they no longer had reactions classified as severe anxiety. Like the veterans in this case study, soldiers in Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried all experience the death of their friend, Kiowa, which results in feelings of loss and trauma. In one way or another, all these men try to ... Show more content on ... Psychically, he cleanses himself in same water that sourced his loss. He does not keep these feelings to himself, like he so easily could, but instead he accepts them. The further he gets into the mucky water, the more his mindset begins to shift for the positive. The guilt lifts and the story he is planning to tell changes narrative: Near the center of the field, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross squatted in the muck, almost entirely submerged. In his head he was revising the letter to Kiowa s father. Impersonal this time (176). Though the impersonalization of his thoughts seems like a negative quality, it actually shows improvement. Jimmy is further into the water, and feeling less responsible for the sudden death. He no longer thinks of his own opinions on Kiowa, just the facts. He died. It was an accident. The order was from higher up, not even Jimmy. No one can be blamed. No one should be haunted by the guilt. By being in the moment, and the setting, he is able to clear his mind and come to realizations about it all. He sinks into the filth, and ironically, becomes clean again. Eventually, he lets himself go into the water, ignoring everyone and everything in that moment: But First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross wasn t listening. Eyes closed, he let himself go deeper into the waste, just letting the field take him. [...] With his eyes still closed, bobbing in the field, he let himself slip away. He was back home in ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Future Speech My future. My future will make everyone eat their words. They laugh now, but at the end they will admire me. I wasn t placed in this world to be average. I am a fearless young man. I prove others wrong and prove myself right. At the end of the day you gotta feel some way. So why not feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it? The Notorious Conor McGregor. Not only have I strengthened my confidence, but also I have paved a clear road to my future because of my parents, soccer, and my inspirations. My parents impacted my view on life. Since I can remember, they have always wanted nothing but the best for me. For example, I always bring back the chats with my father after my soccer games. No matter how well, or how many goals I had scored, my dad always had comments on what I could ve done better in my game. His expressions made me wonder if he was ever proud of me; however, looking back I just realized my father was my biggest fan and only wanted me to perfect my skills. I am glad he was like that because now that is how I am with my little brother. Also, my parents never raised me as a flashy or spoiled child, and I thank them so much for that. As a kid you can question your parents ways of educating you, but when you grow up and analyze everything you will truly understand why they did that. For example, I would always see my idols on television with the most advanced and beautiful soccer cleats out there. Of course they are ... Get more on ...
  • 12. American Red Cross Essay Introduction The purpose of this paper is to explore the Red Cross of America. The paper discusses the historical background of the Red Cross along with the current status of the organization. Nevertheless, the study intends to focus on the section 501 (c) (3). The section specifically enlightens the prospects through which the tax exemption may be applied. International Committee of Red Cross (commonly known as Red Cross) was established in 1863 as a non profit social organization. Red Cross works under the head of The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is the world s largest humanitarian network. Main objective of the Red Cross is to protect life and health, assuage human suffering, and endorse human dignity. Red ... Show more content on ... This provides provision to the Red Cross for enhancing the support level of the organization across the globe, and fostering quick decision making and uniform policy development. Thesis Statement American Red Cross is a non profit organization that works for the betterment of human life by providing food, shelter and assistance to the victims of several disasters; hence, the implication of the section 501 (c) (3) has a significant impact on the services offered by American Red Cross as it selects the organizations that qualify for tax exemption. Information Sources The information sources used in writing this paper includes an interview of the Secretary General of the Red Cross, and it also includes the reference of an article and of different books which also provides the required information for my paper and help in the key findings. Findings History Red Cross has segmented its operations in five regions. These include American region, African region, Europe and Central Asia region, Middle East region, and Asia and Pacific region. The principles enunciated in the first Geneva Convention were subsequently revised and amended at conferences held in 1906, 1929, and 1949 (Smith, 2000). Regional segmentation is followed by segmenting the region in country divisions. Five Swiss citizens formed a committee, which later became the ICRC, and issued a call for an international conference, which was held in Geneva in October 1863 and was ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Rc-12 Guardrail Essay The need for accurate and timely intelligence is essential to intelligence collection. The military continues research to improve near real time intelligence platform. The end state is to minimize the amount of time between collection and analysis. After the Vietnam War, the National Security Agency found the need for a mobile communications intelligence(COMINT) platform . A platform that could communicate with ground stations. RC 12 Guardrail (GR) would forever change how the militarycollected COMINT. GR was first employed in 1971 to monitor troop movements in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Before 1971, the military used COMINT ground stations to collect signals intelligence and conduct direction finding. Ground stations operated in hostile areas often putting Soldiers in harm s way. Although airborne COMINT assets were available, they required a low altitude fly over target areas to collect intelligence. ... Show more content on ... In the near term, GR will continue to monitor the DMZ and provide collection in Operation Resolute Support. As collection assets withdraw from Afghanistan, the Army will rely heavily on GR to maintain situational awareness of the threats surrounding coalition forces. In the next 10 years, GR will remain the premier multi INT airborne platform for the Army. Northrupp will most likely continue to develop GR to close the gap between near real time collection and analysis. GR provides data to the Operational Ground System (OGS) along with 8 other airborne ISR platforms. Because of the OGS capability, analyst now have access to the data faster than before. As the complexities of the operational environment rise, the demand for real time intelligence will continue to increase. Platforms such as GR will continue to make it possible for intelligence professionals to provide commanders with an accurate picture of the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Role Of Autonomy In The Military counterproductive to the mission of our war fighters and disastrous to the mental health and stability of our warfighters. One of the components of conventional warfare is sustained assault, and with the application of this ideal to our special warfare troopers comes unnecessary fatigue. In conventional combat, troopers normally expect light to medium level engagements, all the while being supported by a platoon or more and having an excellent supply chain. Currently a special operator is expected to go into medium to extreme grade conflict normally with just a squad worth of men with high quality but limited equipment. While this is going on the operators are also required to constantly make morally and ethically difficult decisions at a... Show more content on ... need a massive intelligence and logistics infrastructure to accomplish complicated and technical Special Operations missions, but it also leads to a bloated bureaucracy filled with staff officers who have no real job other than to interject white noise into the decision making process. However, I see the real problem in SOCOM being careerism and CYA risk aversion before the real obstacle and not a simple matter of the numbers involved. SOCOM is still way too top heavy with officers, though. It is so bad that it is to the point that entire new bureaucracies were created overseas just so that officers could have jobs. One is the CJSOTF which is not a doctrinal part of Special Forces operations. ODAs do JCETs all over the world without a CJSOTF and seem to do just fine. The CJSOTF may be required for some logistical resupply operations and unit deconfliction, but it has grown into a monster over time which has created this inverse relationship in which Officers now see the CJSOTF as the maneuver element, and ODAs as the supporting mechanism for this bureaucracy. Former Special Forces/75th Ranger Jack ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Harriet Tubm The Moses Of Her People Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People On a cold night in the middle of winter, a weary slave ran across the field to the woods. There he met Harriet Tubman, the conductor, and the rest of her sore footed but hopeful passengers who were ready to start the long, treacherous journey to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman, later called Moses , was a runaway slave who came back to her people and helped over 300 of them gain freedom. Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland to her slave parents Harriet Green and Ben Ross in 1822. Her mother worked as a cook for the Brodess family and her father was a skilled woodsman who managed the timber work on the Thompson s plantation (Harriet Tubman par. 2). Because her mother was so busy in the kitchen, Harriet cared for her younger siblings, till she reached the age of six. When she was six, Brodess hired her out to be a nurse maid to Miss Susan. She was told to watch the baby while it slept but when the baby woke up and cried she was whipped. Her next job was to work for a planter named James Cook. She was assigned to checking the musket traps, even after she contracted measles. Sadly, she got so ill she was sent back to Brodess were her mother nursed her back to health. When Harriet was 13 a slave tried to run away. The overseer threw a 2 pound metal weight at him but Harriet stood in the way. The weight hit her in the skull and caused her to be unconscious for days. Harriet never fully recovered and for the rest of her ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Phytophthora Ramorum Susceptibility As Measure Of Leaf Age... Phytophthora ramorum Susceptibility as Measure of Leaf Age by Primary Reservoir Host California Bay Laurel Abstrct Sudden Oak Death, a disease caused by the protist Phytophthora ramorum has contributed significantly to the degradation of Oak Woodland communities from Oregon to California since its invasion in 1995, yet many questions remain about their primary reservoir host Umbellularia .Californica. U. Californica leaves resulted in an increased susceptibility with from first to past years leaf growth while the water content within the leaf had no influence on the magnitude of necrosis. Introduction Sudden Oak Death, a disease caused by the protist Phytophthora ramorum, is sweeping through California, dismantling Oak Woodland communities. First observed in Germany and the Netherlands infecting species of Rhododendron and Viburnum, symptoms of the pathogen include; the browning of leaves, large bleeding cankers, and mortality in several species (Harmon). In the Central Coast of California, host species include, but are not limited to, the Quercus sp., Notholithocarpus sp., and Umbellularia sp. Quercus and Notholithocarpus being terminal host and Umbellularia being a reservoir host (DiLeo). Within the genus Phytophthora, species have different morphology, but several have been associated with oak mortality. For example, in California, P. cinnimomi, P. cactorum, and P. citricula can cause root and crown rot in oaks. Proliferation of these Phytophthora sp. were seen in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Descriptive Essay On Cowboys Play Don t be surprised if u see #57 flying around the field always around the ball making tackles on Thursday. Wilson is a tackling machine who has a nose for the football. Backup behind Sean Lee on Will linebacker spot. He s been compared to last year s fourth round pick Anthony Hitchens, but a better version of Hitchens (which is no knock to Hitchens because he s a good player.) Athletic and versatile player who uses his length extremely well to avoid blocks off his body at certain angles that way he can flow towards the ball without getting hung up on blocks. These are what you call run and chase linebackers. Terrific sure tackler. I m excited to watch him play because I know how hard he will work to show the reason why Cowboys drafted him in the fourth round. This kid is the real deal... Show more content on ... Cowboys have thrown a lot at him in Training Camp. One play he s lineup at left cornerback, the second play he s lined up at as the right cornerback, third play he s lined up as nickel cornerback, fourth play he s lined up at free safety spot in base defense, and the fifth play he s lined up as a linebacker who covers the tight end. Whew that s a lot for a rookie who s just now coming into NFL yet alone hasn t played down of football in NFL yet. But to his credit he s so smart and versatile that he s able to take whatever the coaching staff dishes out to him. Long arms cornerback who has speed, athleticism, and quickness. Jones can cover athletic tight ends because of his size, and speed as well as playing tight man coverage while being able to stay with his man. What I will be looking for during game is how well he will be able to cover these NFL wide receivers. If he gets beat on a play does he mail it in and continue to get beat? Or does he shake it off and goes makes a play the next time he s targeted. If I was a betting man I would go with the lateral on what Jones ... Get more on ...
  • 18. New Historicism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Hyperbolism In... New Historicism analyzes literature using more than just the text; it uses information from the author s time period as well as from the reader s time period to understand the text. Readers of literature are hopelessly subjective interpreters of what [they] observe, according to this theory, meaning that one has no choice when reading literature other than to interpret it within the context of one s own era (Allen Brizee, et al). This school of literary theory has only recently been developed but it is still widely used, though also widely criticized (J. Kelly, T. Kelly). Many of Nathaniel Hawthorne s works were allegories, and he had a tendency to denounce the harsh Puritanbeliefs present in his time; thus, The Minister s Black Veil can easily be viewed from a New Historicist view, demonstrated in the way that Hawthorne caustically attacks the Puritan belief system which he detests through hyperbolizing situations and contrasting light and dark. Nathaniel Hawthorne s works were a product of his ancestors whom he despised. Hawthorne grew up in Salem , Massachusetts, surrounded by the legacy of the Salem Witch Trials that had happened a little over a century before his time. He despised Puritan tradition, particularly because one of his ancestors was one of the harshest judges during the witch scare. Hawthorne even added a w to his last name (from Hathorne) to distance his reputation from that of his ancestor s ( Nathaniel Hawthorne ). Given this background, it is no ... Get more on ...
  • 19. State Judicial Structures Assessing the Impact of State Judicial Structures on Citizens Litigiousness by Jeff Yates, Holley Tankersley, and Paul Brace describes the structure of the state judicial courts with its dependence on certain internal and external principles that will influence the overall participation of individual s litigation cases. The authors main question explores the role that state legal institutions played in explaining state variation in legal mobilization. (Yates, Tankersley, Brace, 2010, 796) The authors postulate this question because they believe that differences in the elemental structure of the judicial system affect the degree to which citizens involve the legal system for redress. (796) The authors further elaborated on their question... Show more content on ... When I usually think of the court, I usually think of it as a level headed branch that is unbiased and can answer my question, my problems, and societal issues with any personal views. This view of mine is broken with many facets influencing courts. Judicial selection and judicial professionalism are key concepts that broke my previous views and towards a better understanding the current process to litigations. I find it rather eye opening that if a judge were to run either as a partisan or a nonpartisan judge that he or she will receive almost the same amount of attention on them. In the other statements, I found myself reasonably agreeing with most of them. Elected judges similar to elected politicians will try to hold their bastion of support by honoring their voter intention and vote subtly along partisan lines as a form of certainty. In contrast, appointed judges bring more uncertainty and more chances of change in society given their lack of an ideological background. Judicial professionalism as stated previously make sense that their legal background make a prominent stance in a courtroom with them making fewer decisive legal rulings, having a robust legal team, and being paid a higher salary. In state political environment, it never occurred to me that where you have the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Implementation Of Moving Freshman Students Are you an Obstacle to Change? The change for the implementation of moving freshman students in prior to the other students starting their freshman year. Personal Capacity Y1.Do I believe I have the personal capacity to figure out how to change the system or practice to achieve the desired outcome? I have the capacity to figure out how to change the system, but the barrier were the Cabinet not approving the change. Since this was new to them, they didn t understand in some cases you do need to target groups. N2.Am I will to do the very hard work necessary to plan and implement the change? I am not responsible for the work in this unit, and their deliverables and objectives may have other priorities which would allow this ... Show more content on ... 2. Personal Risk Y1.Can I predict what will happen to me if I promote the change (short and long term)? May would have alienated some allies that I could have had in my corner for support. Y2.If the new initiative is a failure, can I withstand the impact in my work environment? If it would have been a failure we would have just removed it from the schedule, but the research clearly shows how these types of program work and any assistance provide to those who are disadvantage allows them to compete better. Emotional N 1.Do I have the intestinal fortitude to work for the vision and slog through resistance and severe criticism? Not that I couldn t fight the change, but when we really work with conscience and others do not open their mind to changes at times it is hard to navigate through spaces. Sometimes individuals have to learn the hard way and others suffer for it. Social N1.Am I willing to weaken longstanding personal and professional relationships and reduce trust in order to actualize the vision? I wouldn t be weakening personal relationships because one thing that I will say is that I am able to separate personal and business. I have had some heated discussions at time, to state things, and after I have stated them we are done with the conversation. Sometimes I have been told that no one wants to see me angry, but I see that also as a cop out not to have a healthy discussion. Is Your Board ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Gentleman s Game The gentleman s game What comes to your mind when I say the world s hardest sport? I m sure many of you start picturing football, baseball, maybe even hockey, but how many of you would ever consider golf to be the hardest sport? Unlike the three sports mentioned above in golf you don t have any teammates to help you out if you re have a bad game. In golfyou have to be good at all aspects of the game in order to be successful unlike in football, baseball, and hockey where you can still be successful by only mastering one position. In football every football field measures the same size, in baseball the pitcher is always the same distance away from the batter, and hockey rinks are all the same size every time, however in golf ever course is different and you don t get a home field advantage like you do in other sports you have to be prepared for everything. This is why I consider golf to be the world s hardest sport because there are no teammates it s just up to you and your caddy, you have to be great at every aspect of the game if you want to be successful on the PGA tour, and finally ever course is different and you have to be able to make adjustments from course to course in order to succeed. I believe I am able to make this claim because I have an abundance of experience from playing nearly every sport in my childhood. I earned three varsity letters in high school and competed at a varsity level for four years in golf, lacrosse, and cross country. Out of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Walt Whittman s Song Of Myself Song of Myself writing In the poem Song Of Myself by Walt Whittman, he emphasizes that we are all connected as individuals and everyone has their place in the universe, because we are all made of atoms. The poet claims that For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you (ll.3) Whittman is trying to describe how everyone in the universe is the same. Whittman saw slavery with his own eyes and believed it was wrong as no one had the right to own another. This reinforces his belief that we are all the same, no one can be above another, and we all have a right to this world. Whittman continues that The smallest sprout shows there is really no death (ll.41) Whittman is describing how death isn t really the end since we leave something ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on Symbolism in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman Symbolism in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller s play, Death of a Salesman is wrought with symbolism from the opening scene. Many symbols illustrate the themes of success and failure. They include the apartment buildings, the rubber hose, Willy s brother Ben, the tape recorder, and the seeds for the garden. These symbols represent Willy s attempts to be successful and his impending failure. When Willy and Linda purchased their home in Brooklyn, it seemed far removed form the city. Willy was young and strong and he believed he had a future full of success. He and his sons cut the tree limbs that threatened his home and put up a hammock that he would enjoy with his children. The green fields... Show more content on ... His wife Linda, who finds the hose, knows what he was going to do with it, as does Biff. When confronted by Biff, Willy not only denies that he was going to use the hose, but also denies ever seeing it before. Instead of being remembered as a successful businessman who died, Willy is seen by his family as a failure who cannot even commit suicide or tell the truth. Willy s brother Ben seems to symbolize all of Willy s dreams that have not borne fruit. Ben provides an example of the type of success that Willy desires. Ben went into the jungle with nothing and became extremely wealthy. Ben achieved in a few years what Willy has dreamed about his entire life. Ben also provides additional evidence on the foolish behavior and poor decisions made by Willy. Ben offers to take Willy with him and make him rich an offer that Willy declines. Another important symbol is Howard s tape recorder. It represents the many material objects wealthy businessmen could provide for their families and for themselves. Willy wanted this lifestyle; he wanted something he could lay his hands on (Miller pg. ). It would not be enough to just be successful; Willy wanted to be able to show people material representations of his success. The tape recorder shows that Howard has reached this level of success. Yet while the recorder symbolizes the wealth and power of Howard, it also represents Willy s discouragement and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Tuck Everlasting Analysis Winnie, in the story Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. Winnie is very lonely and wants to run away. Winnie does not have any friends. The lesson in Tuck Everlasting is don t do something you might regret. Winnie and Tuck talk about life and how she should not drink the water from the spring. on page 63, We ain t part of the wheel not more dropped off, Winnie. In other words the Tuck s can t grow any older than they are now. Another example, is on page 64, If I knew how to Climb back on the wheel I d do it in a minute. This saying that he regrets drinking the spring water. Winnie, after she helps the Tucks she thinks school will be better that year and she will have friends. On page 130, Winnie says, The other kids wonder to look ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Maiden Of A Clear Sunrise That same unfamiliar maiden to the Egotistical Lord, who had shared the carriage with had become friends, though mutual need, more through fate, and throughout the lands as special. Like the light of the dawn of a clear sunrise did the fair maiden realize the egotistical Lord words were told true and yet she had shown herself to be foolish to the one she had pledged her love, spoke of his importance, and yet took his word as a jest and of little truth? The fair maiden anger at her elder has begun for the breach he has caused. She no longer had her mistral, she no longer had agreement to wed, and she could no longer be at his side for he now had wish that all association with the fair maiden and her elder were no more. The elders continued to send henchmen and spend coin for no other reason, but to use false words and misdeed in the hopes to force the Egotistical Lord to bend to his will and call himself villain to save the elder from the fair maiden s wrath. But, alas the fair maiden at her own peril did journey to the home of the maiden who was friend most true of the Egotistical Lord and demand she write parchment for all to see that she is to end his quest for her hand, and the elder who had traveled with her wish to give her coin in great abundance for her to convince him to speak with the fair maiden that it was his own wish to sever their bond. The maiden laughed at each and called them fools. Unknown to them, the maiden was renown with the laws of many ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Information Status Of The Information Technology... Abstract The analysis will pose a good go ahead in the industry and it will eliminate the possibility of too much theorization. The main aim of the paper is to avoid the problem of too much theory about the fore mentioned ITIL. The data that will be used will be usable will be mainly from the survey of the companies which are in the Nordic region. (Cartel, 2015) The research focuses on the investigation of the implementation of the information status of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).This research poses an advantage of investigating the implementation of the ITIL functions and processes and the impact it has on the implementation in the real life situations. Main Aims Investigate how to implement the ITIL ... Show more content on ... The only notable figures who have contributed greatly to this industry are Aileen steel who with her colleagues has conducted an annual survey in Australia giving very distinct exceptions in this industry. (J.Iden, 2016) The software tools are based on the module programs most commonly each ITIL process is assigned one module for efficiency and keeping track. The software is divided into three types namely Gold Silver Bronze The above categorized types of software tools are divided on the basis of the height of the level of their compliances to the ITIL functions and needs. The main achievement was that42 softwares were licensed to operate and work to promote the services in the information technology world. Based on the open software many companies are on a rise to develop their own software and this is a positive step worthy acknowledging Introduction of the implementation of ITIL involves more than just words to make it a success, so many tools are involved besides the model itself, which include the software tool for ITIL and management of the whole project as a whole. The main purpose of the software tool is to keep track of the cases which are handled by different types of processes. They are also used for logging of the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The History of Metallica Essay The History of Metallica As the nineteen seventies came to a close so did many of the musical styles of that decade. While some faced what seemed to be extinction others went through a sort of evolutionary process. The bands that were at the top of the heavy metal ladder during this time were such acts as Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and Tygers of Pan Tang. These groups would be just some of what the new crop of heavy metal bands would consider inspirational. This style, which is typically referred to as The New Wave of British Heavy Metal, would fuel and empower many acts to stardom. (Marshall 3) At around this time, almost halfway across the world, Lars Ulrich got his first drum set in his home in Copenhagen, Denmark. He was ... Show more content on ... After graduation James moved back to Downey and was offered a place to live by his friend Ron McGovney. Ron s mother owned several houses, and the vacant one James would be moving into was doubled as a rehearsal space since Ron was learning how to play the bass guitar. (Doughton 15 16) As nineteen eighty one rolled around both James and Lars were looking for musicians that shared the same taste in music they each had. Lars decided to place an advertisement in a South California paper called The Recycler. The only other ad that came close was James and so the two decided to meet. Their first practice together was anything but smooth, considering the fact that Lars was still learning and could not even keep his drum set upright. (Krgin 51) Even though Lars was clearly unprepared to make a career out of music he had made some connections. He befriended a man named Brian Slagel, who was in the process of forming his own record company named Metal Blade Records. Brian was in the middle of doing a compilation project where his goal was to expose up and coming bands to the general public. He pretty much guaranteed Lars a spot on his project if Lars could form a band. Lars got the information back to James and so they decided to give it a try. James, Lars, Ron, and a friend, guitarist Lloyd Grant went into a recording studio and recorded what would be Metallica s first song, Hit The Lights. Slagel was clearly impressed and did not hesitate to place ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Examples Of Imperialism In Cry The Beloved Country The most compelling story of fighting flagrant oppression and injustice occurred during the twentieth century in South Africa. The symbol of Nelson Mandela being released from prison in the late nineties after decades of confinement represents the roaring social prejudice, and on an even more prominent scale, the economic discrimination of the native South African people during the apartheid era. The social and economic hierarchy of South Africa, one which placed blacks at the bottom, traces back to the colonization period of the country. As a time of warfare which exacerbated a widely held sense of divine entitlement, the colonization era provided the Dutch and English settlers with the power to claim South Africafor the country s location and resources in order to assert their global dominance. The desire to remain an international influence resulted in the settlers implementing several different systems of oppression, some of which still have lasting effects in South Africa, even in the present day. The identity of South Africa eroded as the Europeans remained in the country. Mainly through the Anglo Boer Wars, the sense of unity and culture held by Africans was dismantled as Europeans continued to encroach onto South African soil and separate themselves from black Africans to portray their culture as the international authority. In the novel Cry, The Beloved Country, the main character, Stephen Kumalo, alludes to a once united tribe of African people before the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Medical Procedures During The Nazi Rule Medical Procedures During the Nazi Rule During the Nazi Party s rise to power, it held a strong influence on not only the German people, but as well as all of conquered Europe. It was able to coerce regular citizens into joining one of the most destructive genocides recorded in history by turning them into antisemites, and, in some regards, murderers. It is important to learn from history about the power a government has over the influence of their citizens, particularly in the field of medicine. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the Nazi party s role in the development and research German medicine, specifically on: the physicians, that became loyal to the state rather than their patients; eugenics, in which the goal was to spawn a master race ; human experimentation, which was done on whoever the state deemed undesirable; and, finally, racial purification, the elimination of individuals that the state believed lead a life unworthy of life .This paper does not note all of the experiments, victims, perpetrators involved or the locations in which the medical atrocities were carried out. It will focus mainly on the idea of racial purification, specifically in Auschwitz Birkenau, the main extermination camp, providing the accounts of several victims that were subject to the medical experiments, and addressing the medical community, specifically Dr. Josef Mengele, as perpetrators of the genocide of millions of people. The Nazi Party had the ability to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Character Analysis Of Characters In Okay For Now Okay for Now Answers Q1. Doug has a difficult family life. His father behaves less like a parent and more like a bully, but in Marysville, Doug meets other adults who show him kindness and compassion. Name a few adult characters in Okay for Now who offer Doug guidance and instruction. What does Doug learn from them? Two adult characters in Okay For Now which offer Doug guidance and instruction are Mr. Powell and Mr.Ferris. Throughout the novel Doug views art as something less, however Mr. Powell teaches Doug how to sketch and paint birds from the Audubon book. This guidance jump starts Doug s enthusiasm and passion for art. Art represents Doug s escape from reality, You know what one thing Mr.Powell taught me? He taught me that sometimes, art can make you forget everything else all around you. Pg 344. As the story progresses art truly opens up Doug s mind and allows him see the world in a whole different perspective. ... Show more content on ... Mr. Ferris offers guidance when he observes Doug s poor reading skills at school detention. Mr. Ferris then confides in Mrs.Cowper. She educates Doug on the sounds certain letters make and how to pronounce challenging words from the book, Jane Eyre. Mr. Ferris helps when he realizes Doug is distracted with this family issues.. Mr. Ferris sits down with him and lets Doug vent about what was going on in his life. Doug learns it is ok to be open about his problems. In conclusion, Mr. Powell and Mr.Ferris are two important characters from the story that provide Doug with guidance and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Film The Princess Bride The film The Princess Bride can be associated with many different genres. The story expresses many different genre elements, such as romance, action, and a comedy. Even though the movie shows all of these characteristics, I believe the movie should be mainly characterized as a fairytale. The film shares many characteristics with fairytale and fantasy movies, which I will list and discuss. I will be taking a closer look at the movie, and show how it compares to other fantasy and fairytale movies. One of the most obvious example of the movie being the fairy tale, is the involvement of royalty in the story. One of the main characters in the story, is Buttercup, who is a princess. Buttercup is a princess all the way through the film, and almost becomes a queen. Another main character is Prince Humperdinck, who is the prince of florin, the son of the king. Prince Humperdinck and Buttercup are stereotypical fairy tale characters. Humperdinck is the main antagonist of the story, ... Show more content on ... The main way magic is invoked is with Miracle Max, who used to work for the King. When presented with the almost dead Westley, he brings him back from the point of death using magic. This is one of the only times magic is used in the story. There are some other magic elements such as giants, and witches. The film s ending contains one that is familiar to many fairy tales. In the final battle, everyone collides and battles it out. Indigo fights the man who killed his father in a long duel, and eventually comes out victorious. Buttercup and Westley meet Prince Humperdinck in the castle, and Westley defeats him. After Westley s victory, him and Buttercup decide to let Humperdinck go. After the battle in the castle, the main conflicts in the story are solved. After the battle ends, they all meet up and ride into the sunset. This ending is alike to fairy tales in numerous ways. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. SCI 207 Quiz Essay SCI 207 Quiz Week 2 Quiz correct response is marked with asterisk (*) 1. Question: A decrease in food miles will most likely increase the environmental impact of any given food. True False * Question 2. Which of the following statements about ground water is not true, according to your text? Underground aquifers hold approximately 99% of all the liquid fresh water. More than 75% of underground water has a replenishment time of centuries or more, making it non renewable. Increased water withdrawal from underground aquifers makes them more susceptible to droughts. Depletion of ground water may lead to land compaction that in turn decreases its ability to store water. All of the statements about ground water are true. *... Show more content on ... True * False Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in Section 5.2 of your text.Question 8. What is the central theme of The first green revolution section in Chapter 3.1 of your text? The green revolution resulted in increased crop production without any environmental concerns, which generated a steep incline in human population growth. The green revolution allowed for a rapid increase in high yield crops through the use of genetically modified seeds that allowed developing nations to survive in the face of famine. The green revolution led to increases in crop production and human population. However, it also created a number of environmental concerns including the overuse of fertilizers and irrigation. * The green revolution allowed farmers to increase crop yields and profits substantially over a short period of time. None of the above are the central theme. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in Section 3.1 of your text. Question 9. Which of the following is an environmental concern of genetically engineered crops mentioned in your text? Genetically modified crops lead to larger applications of toxic herbicides and insecticides. The genetic modification of crops increases soil erosion while decreasing soil fertility. Genetic engineering is less precise than traditional methods of crossbreeding. Genes from genetically ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Nancy Mairs Summary While reading this story, we get to see what it is like to live with MS or Multiple Sclerosis. Nancy Mairs in a way shows the negative effects of her condition which others do not always experiences. Yet, she always follows up a paragraph about the negatives with the positives. You see that while she has issues with being a cripple and this disease slowly taking over, she is still loving her life to the fullest. She talks about this quote from George Orwell that says the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. she uses this quote to elaborate on why she does not use certain terms and why she chose the term cripple. She believes that everyone has the right to choose who they want to be. Which is difficult ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Validity Trustworthiness Rofle In Validity, Trustworthiness, and Rigor, Rofle exemplifies how to analyze qualitative data in regards to science reports. Rofle describes that the guidelines for analyzing the credibility and information for qualitative research is not clear. Three positions have been made to induce how qualitative data should be analyzed: they want qualitative researchto be evaluated as quantitative research, a opposed set of rules should be present, and there should be standard already predetermined. Rofle presumes to analyze the quality of qualitative researcheach individual research paper should be inspected independently. I found the idea that there is not a criteria to analyze qualitative research compelling. I feel that it is a bit easier to analyze ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Character Flaws of Macbeth Essay The Character Flaws of Macbeth Since The Tragedy of Macbeth was written there has been speculation about the cause of Macbeth s downfall. Readers ponder whether Macbeth s fall was caused by a flaw in his character, Lady Macbeth, or an outside force of evil. Although the witches set a certain mood and Lady Macbeth exerts a certain influence on him, Macbeth s downfall is caused by his own character. Macbeth s tragic flaw in character was the paradoxical pairing of his ambition with his passivity. Throughout the play we see many examples of Macbeth s conflict between his ambition to attain the crown and his passive attitude towards the actions that are required to obtain it. Macbeth s ambition is first... Show more content on ... This inner conflict between ambition and passivity, or unwillingness, is later illustrated during his second encounter with the three witches. The witches apparitions cause Macbeth to be filled with a new sense of ambition and urgency: From this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand. And even now, To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done; The castle of Macduff I will surprise; (IV, i,46 50) Only after learning that Macduff has fulfilled the last of the witches prophecies does Macbeth s ambition again change to passivity and unwillingness. Macduff s taunt ( Then yield thee, coward (V, viii, 23) is the only thing that arouses the last of Macbeth s ambition before he agrees to fight to the death: I will not yield,/To kiss the ground before young Malcolm s feet,/And to be baited with the rabble s curse (27 29). Macbeth s internal combination of ambition and passivity create his susceptibility to the witch s prophecies and allow him to commit murderous deeds, but his unwillingness to take action and to do evil create his internal conflict that ultimately leads to his downfall. Although Lady Macbeth tries to goad Macbeth into action, it is Macbeth s character flaw that causes him to take action. At first Macbeth is unwilling to murder Duncan, citing his loyalty to Duncan ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome Excruciating jaw pain can be extremely hard to deal with on a daily basis. If you notice any pain, clicking, or popping in your jaw when you talk, chew, or yawn, you may be suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, or TMJ. Gregory T. Grubba, DDS, understands how to treat TMJ symptoms. Their highly trained staff in Anchorage, AK is committed to providing comfortable, affordable dental care for their patients. Whether you re coming in for a filling or a routine teethcleaning, you ll always receive the highest quality treatments for your teeth at their practice! Gregory T. Grubba, DDS, knows that teeth grinding, stress, and arthritis of the jaw joint can all lead to the development of TMJ. Here are a few things you can do to treat these ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Aaron Fuerstein Research Paper Wow, that s all I can say, what an amazing story of a business man who truly cares for humanity. There is not many individuals who would have acted as the owner of Malden Mills, Aaron Feuerstein. Malden Mills was a textile plant in Lawrence, Massachusetts which burned to the ground one night after a devastating fire. The company employed a large amount of the townspeople, the fire caused all of them to be out of a job. Aaron Feuersteinwent out of his way to protect and ensure that the individual whom worked for him still be able to bringing in an income and pay their bills. He felt extremely responsible for them, whilst he could have taken the insurance money from the fire and retired with it. Instead he paid months worth of all the employee s ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Research Paper On Raynaud Phenomenon Raynaud Phenomenon Raynaud phenomenon is a condition that affects the blood vessels (arteries) that carry blood to your fingers and toes. The arteries that supply blood to your ears, lips, nipples, or the tip of your nose might also be affected. Raynaud phenomenon causes the arteries to become narrow temporarily (spasm). As a result, the flow of blood to the affected areas is temporarily decreased. This usually occurs in response to cold temperatures or stress. During an attack, the skin in the affected areas turns white, then blue, and finally red. You may also feel tingling or numbness in those areas. Attacks usually last for only a brief period, and then the blood flow to the area returns to normal. In most cases, Raynaud phenomenon does ... Show more content on ... RISK FACTORS The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition: Being 20 40 years old. Being female. Having a family history of Raynaud phenomenon. Living in a cold climate. Smoking. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of this condition usually occur when you are exposed to cold temperatures or when you have emotional stress. The symptoms may last for a few minutes or up to several hours. They usually affect your fingers but may also affect your toes, nipples, lips, ears, or the tip of your nose. Symptoms may include: Changes in skin color. The skin in the affected areas will turn pale or white. The skin may then change from white to bluish to red as normal blood flow returns to the area. Numbness, tingling, or pain in the affected areas. In severe cases, symptoms may include: Skin sores. Tissues decaying and dying (gangrene). DIAGNOSIS This condition may be diagnosed based on: Your symptoms and medical history. A physical exam. During the exam, you may be asked to put your hands in cold water to check for a reaction to cold ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Mushroom Varieties And Their Uses Mushroom Varieties and Their Uses By Sylvia Rieman | Submitted On February 06, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Sylvia Rieman Mushrooms are a unique source of food and come in infinite varieties. They are a type of living organism that has no roots, leaves, flowers or seeds. Mushrooms are actually fungi and in many countries, that is what they are called. There are countless varieties of Mushrooms that are edible and there are probably just as many or more that are not edible. The mushrooms that are not edible can be poisonous and can cause severe illness or worse, death. For that reason, wild mushrooms should not be picked by anyone other than a trained mycologist. Mushrooms can be purchased dried, canned or fresh. For a long time, even though there are over 590 species of Mushrooms found growing in California, the only Mushrooms readily available in the United States for consumption were Brown Mushrooms and White Mushrooms. Photos of some of the California Mushrooms can be found on Myko Web, a site that specializes in California Mushrooms. Some mushrooms are so amazingly beautiful that it is hard to believe that they can be poisonous. With the increasing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Harold and Maude an analysis Essay examples We are born into this world with the realization that life is hard and that life is like a box of chocolates and it is hard to take it at face value. The majority of our time is spent trying to answer an endless stream of questions only to find the answers to be a complex path of even more questions. This film tells the story of Harold, a twenty year old lost in life and haunted by answerless questions. Harold is infatuated with death until he meets a good role modelin Maude, an eightyyear old woman that is obsessed with life and its avails. However, Maude does not answer all of Harold s questions but she leads him to realize that there is a light at the end of everyone s tunnel if you pursue it to utmost extremesby being whatever you... Show more content on ... It seemed as if Harold never got past Erikson s stage of autonomy. The sense of autonomy fostered in Harold at a young age was denied to him by his mother as she controlled him. In contrast, Maude played a better role model to him than his mother. She acted wild and crazy and continually demonstrated freedom. A freedom that his mother never gave Harold the opportunity to indulge in. She philosophizes continuously about living life to utmost extremes, about rebellion, individualism and spontaneity. Maude tells Harold that the world dearly loves a cage and that humans should be as free as a bird. Maude gave the troubled young man a sense of hope and life throughout as he was a team player not willing to come off the bench to play. She introduced him to Glaucus who served as a message to Harold, one that he learns towards the end of the movie. Glaucus days are a metaphor for the life span of a man. He is given a chance to create beauty out of nothing, but is time is limited with which to do so as he works with a medium that is hard to maintain. It was the carving of the ice that was important, not the ice itself. Harold s success in life was not being pursued, it was to be attracted to the person he became through her help. Nevertheless, she constantly instills in Harold that we are given the gift of life and it is ours to enjoy and it is through her philosophies that Harold becomes a better man in the end and making ... Get more on ...
  • 41. A Comparative Econometric Analysis Of Museum Attendance By... looking for causes, how listeners make their decisions to attend and how they critique or respond to performances. Secondly, their approach is correlational that to seek qualitative insight on the experiences of the EJBF audiences. Lastly, they focus on attendances perceptions and observe behavior by participating in the events and gaining first hand experiences. Broadly speaking, the authors conduct qualitative researchalthough there are still small amounts of quantitative data of showing ages of respondents and previous festival attendance. In the paper, A Comparative Econometric Analysis of Museum Attendance by Locals and Foreigners: The Case of Padua and Seville the researchers convey case studies which were the Musei Civici degli Eremitani of Padua and the Museo de Bellas Artes of Seville. They handed out questionnaires and conducted survey, analyzing a variety of socio demographic and economic characteristics of visitors by using large quantities of data. Apart from using primary sources which were demonstrated by their obtained data and statistics, the authors also examined the previous study which gained from official statistics on attendance, courtesy of the museums management to analyze visitors participation to EM in Padua and MBA in Seville from 1995 to 2005. Analyzing two similar institutions located in different cities, Padua and Seville respectively, the authors obviously used comparative research in this study. It is defined comparative ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Reinvention In The Rust Belt Due to the continuous rise in unemployment throughout Midwest, communities are feeling the grunt of the storm. According to Pete Buttigieg, the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana, keeping the community together and making sure it remains one is an extremely difficult challenge ( Reinvention in the rust belt ). If members in communities throughout the Midwest or Rust Belt such as South Bend continue to lose jobs, therefore, there will be fewer wages and less money circulating, poverty and crime rates will continue to spike and there will eventually be no community left at all. Currently in South Bend, ...Violent crime remains nearly twice the Indiana average; 28% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line and 75% of children in public... Show more content on ... According to Bruce Katz, a member of the think tank, the Brookings Institution, ...industrial cities must reinvent themselves to survive... return to fundamentals...use their geographical advantages... ( Reinvention in the rust belt ). While a solution such as this sounds basic, a city including Galena, Illinois used its historical charm and beautiful geography to reinvent its image and has moved on from a Rust Belt example ( Reinvention in the rust ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Preventing Violent Crimes In The United States Violent crimes are unfortunately a routine occurrence among our present society. Violent crimes are those in which an offender uses and/or threatens to use a weapon in order to accomplish their crimes. A violent crime occurs in the United States every 27 seconds (Karmen 78). Violent crimes can end fatally if the offender feels threatened. Many behaviors can be practiced in order to successfully reduce the likelihood of these violent crimes from occurring. 1.The most fatal violent crime is the crime of murder. Murder can occur in many forms: first degree murder, second degree murder, serial murder, spree murder, and mass murder to name a few. The major difference between first and second degree murder includes an offender who commits first degree murder has ultimately planned the murder, while second degree murder is ultimately spontaneous. Additionally, serial murder includes killings of 3 or more people within separate emotional events. On the other hand, spree murder and mass murder are singular emotional events however spree murder is the killing of multiple people in a number of locations while mass murder is the killing of multiple people in one singular location. Factors that may increase the chance of a person becoming a victim includes the victim being male (Davis, Lurigio, and Herman, 135). Living in the United States in general can greatly increase a person s chance of becoming a murder victim due to the United States having murder rates that are double ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Band Discourse Community Roles It is eighth hour on a Tuesday, this means I have band today. I walk into the band room, and I see a handful of other students have already arrived and are watching a video that is being played up on the starboard. They stand and watch as the Notre Dame marching band performs an intricate routine during a college football game. A few others hustle around to get their instruments and get to their seats before the three minute allowance is up. I hear random chit chat among friends and people beginning to tune their instruments as I gather my things and get into my seat. After everyone has settled into their seats we all watch the screen as the marching band forms into the shapes of letters, logos, and even movie characters. Intrigued, we watch... Show more content on ... As a senior, I am one of three people who have a responsibility to help the newcomers learn and adapt to their new role. Even though we have a band instructor, whose job is also to help newcomers learn, he cannot assist everyone at all times and it tasked with many other responsibilities. More times than not, it is us seniors of the community that take the initiative to help the freshmen to become more successful. If we did not do this job our community as a whole would suffer. The shared goals of the community, to advance in learning new music, to play said music successfully, and to entertain the audiences that attend our concerts, would not be accomplished if the newcomers were left to fend for themselves. Our community would also not be fulfilling its purpose of adding variation to the sound of the band if we did not advance the newcomers in their ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Consciousness and Philosophers of the Mind Consciousness and Philosophers of Mind Consciousness is a word used by philosophers, to signify that immediate knowledge which we have of our present thoughts and purposes, and, in general of all the operations of our mind... [and] if I am asked to prove that I cannot be deceived by consciousness to prove that it is not a fallacious sense I can find no proof... (Thomas Reid, referenced by Lehrer, 2008). Introduction There are many features of consciousness that philosophers of the mind discuss and debate. Two are found within the philosophy of Russ McBride; they are: a) ...a conscious creature or subject ; and b) a conscious mental state (Manson, 2011, 100). Another philosophy professor, Michael Antony, sees two features that are commonly debated and dissected by scholars in and out of the field of philosophy. Those features are the conscious state and the conscious creature both of which will be further developed in this paper. Are mental states always clearly conscious states ? Or are they clearly not conscious? Antony argues that it is impossible to accept that there could be any borderline cases or fuzzy boundaries for concepts of consciousness (Antony, 2008). Antony s and other approaches to consciousness are reviewed and critiqued in this paper. The Literature on Consciousness The concept of consciousness is ambiguous and polysemic (having more than one meaning), according to professor Neil Manson (King s College in London). The fact that ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The plague of the oceans has come back from the dead and... The plague of the oceans has come back from the dead and is not showing mercy. With all the pollution being brought on by human life, water is being contaminated which is causing some substances to rise in population and is sickening al who come in contact with the poisonous substance. Imagine just doing your job when you come in contact with the poisonous elements also known as Lyngbya majuscula, or fireweed. Your skin breaks out in blisters and welts and no matter how much you try it doesn t stop neither does the burning sensation that comes with it. You go to shake this off your fishing nets only to have trouble breathing as the substance fills the air making your throat close. Well this is what is happening to the fishermen of... Show more content on ... Also the destruction of wetlands and overfishing have played a big role in letting this substance get out of hand. With overfishing and the destruction of wetlands competing organisms that usually keep the element from getting out of hand, are dying. And with less and less organisms to keep it in check the growth only becomes faster. The effects of this are not only found in Morenton Bay, Australia, but worldwide. During Swedish summers strands of the crynobacteria wash up on shore as a yellow ish substance. Dead fish pop out along the coast and if the locals get near it, their eyes burn and they can t breathe. On the southern coast of Mauii in Hawaii the high tide brings in green algae so foul smelling that condominium owners hired tractor drivers to scrape it off the beach each morning because of the smell. On the Gulf Coast of Florida residents complain that harmful algae blooms are longer lasting, more frequent and bigger. This is killing off many sea mammals and is flooding the Florida emergency rooms with patients suffering from repertory diseases. North of Venice, Italy, a sticky mixture of algae and bacteria collects on the Adriatic Sea in spring and summer. This white mucus washes ashore, fouling beaches, or congeals into submerged blobs, some bigger than a person. On the Spanish coast jellyfish have become so large that special nets have to be strung to protect ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Reducing The Amount Of Foreign Aid Essay Since the Clinton era, the United States has experienced an unbalanced budget which has spiraled out of control and left the government and its citizens in trillions of dollars in debt. Even with the unfathomable amount of money owed, it is still possible for the United States to clear the debt, and regain a surplus budget once again. Possible solutions to reduce the United Statesnational debt include cutting foreign aid, reducing federal department spending, and eliminating taxbreaks for the wealthy. First, cutting foreign aid, not completely, and only by half will eliminate 17 billion in spending. Reducing the amount of foreign aid does not necessarily mean depriving developing countries of resources they are dependent on. The perceived obligation for the United States to provide foreign aid may be reduced by greater donations from other countries, properly managing loans which are granted as aid and enforcing tax regulations within countries receiving funds. Moreover, alternate supporting countries could contribute a more desirable amount of their gross national income on aid. If additional donor countries regulated merely four percent more of their gross national income on foreign aid, the added bestowment would effectively alleviate the United States over a hundred billion dollars, while still maintaining the status quo of what countries in need receive. Alternatively, another option would be approving loans to developing countries. Loans are a tool capable of ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Slaughterhouse Five Critical Analysis The novel, Slaughterhouse Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut incorporates complex ideas such as the destructiveness of war, the insignificance of time, and the morality of suffering through his first hand experience of the cruelty of bloodshed in World War II. Desperation dictates the actions of society as the desire of survival urges the importance of crucial decision making. The fictional world of the Tralfamadorians, the struggle faced by patriotic war soldiers, and the uneasiness among the civilians attempt to pursue the beautifulness of life within perplexing situations. The absence of free willalleviates tormentful lives. Betrayal influences the trust held towards a person s surroundings as the main character, Billy Pilgrim, encounters numerous situations that go against his aspiration. As the character retains the capability of time traveling through his memories, detailed scenes of his entire life flashes back several times; the continuous reminder of rejection impairs his ability of acceptance. When Billy is a young boy, his father forcibly makes him learn how to swim without any guidance, making the child terrified; however, the moment he discovers the bottom of the pool, the place brings comfort to him. Although he evades death, Billy resent[s] the rescuing of his life due to his termination of enjoyment (55). Because he was a naive, immature child at the time, he perceives his own desires to be above any factors. The exposure to denial at an early age makes ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Juxtaposition In Sula Sula 1.Not the town, of course, but that part of town where Negroes lived, the part they called the Bottom in spite of the fact that it was up in the hills. (4) Paradox: The Bottom is actually up in hills, and is predominately where former slaves reside. Slave farmers tricked their former slaves telling them that they would give them farm land, not wanting to give away any of the fertile land, farmers gave them the barren land in the hills. They called this land the bottom because it s in the hills and therefore at the bottom of Heavan. These lands made the people that resided there unfruitful and unable to provide as much as the whites down in the valleys. 2.Is? My baby? Burning? (48) Juxtaposition: Eva, while attempting to sound... Show more content on ... She thought she liked the sootiness of sex and it s comedy; she laughed a great deal during the raucous beginnings, and rejected those lovers who regarded sex as healthy or beautiful. (122) Motif: Sex is the one thing that broke Nel and Sula up. Sula, being free spirited, believed that there was nothing wrong with having multiple partners, while Nel thought of sex as a precious thing that she shared with her husband. Nel is hurt that Sula slept with Jude, and is shocked by Sula s answer of just because. From Sula s perspective, Nel and Sula were the best of friends that could share anything, even men, while Nel believed if Sula really did care, why would she hurt her like that? 8.At Eva s house there were four dead robins on the walk. Sula stopped and with her toe pushed them into the bordering grass. (91) Symbolism: The four dead robins symbolize the four people that died in Eva s house, Eva, Plum, Hannah, and Sula. The deaths of all those characters were caused by one another. Sula caused Hannah s and Eva s, and Eva caused Plum s. The four dead robins follow the plague of the robins, and represents the four that died. Although two deaths had already taken place, the dead birds are still a bad omen of ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Importance Of Firearms In Schools Recent polls conducted across the United States surveying students about concealed weapon carry laws show that almost eighty percent of students oppose the concealed carrying of firearms on school campuses. Only five percent of students said they believe that carrying firearms on campus would prevent school shootings or other violent acts relating to carrying guns on campus (Book 22). Overall, the majority of American students oppose concealed carry laws and are concerned about the safety of themselves and or others if they attend a school that allows concealed carrying. Lately, the debate over whether or not concealed carry laws should be allowed or not on school campuses has slowly been disappearing. If so many students across the United States are concerned about firearms on their own school campus then, therefore, the rest of the U.S. should be too. Currently, many states allow each school to choose if firearms should be allowed on their campuses, however, firearms should not be allowed at all in schools across the United States. There are more possibilities for firearms to have a bad impact rather than a good impact on campuses including increases in crime and theft, concerns of safety, and the possibility of firearms being stolen and used. The most important concern about allowing guns to be carried on campuses is, of course, the safety of the students, teachers, administrators, and visitors. Firearms in the hands of students or anyone else on campus endanger everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Medical Terminology Case Study TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION The accumulation of blood within the cranium, due either to head trauma or flaws in the cerebral vasculature CLASSIFICATION Based on location of intra cerebral hemorrhage в—‹ Extra axial hemorrhages occur outside of brain tissue Subarachnoid в–Ў Blood collects between arachnoid membrane and pia mater Epidural/Extradural в–Ў Blood collects between dura mater and the skull Subdural в–Ў Blood collects between dura mater and brain в—‹ Intra axial hemorrhages occur within brain tissue Also referred to as intracerebral hemorrhages Intraparenchymal в–Ў Blood collects in brain parenchyma Intraventricular в–Ў Blood collects in the ventricular system of the brain DIAGNOSIS CLINICAL PRESENTATION... Show more content on ... в—‹ Other risk factors/associations 4 Prior treatment with antithrombotics DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES Primary diagnostic tools в—‹ History and physical examination is suggestive of disease by explicit clinical criteria (i.e., hypertension, sudden onset of seizure, neurologic deficits, coma)В· в—‹ Confirmation of diagnosis is made by radiographic examination of the skull (i.e., MRI of the head) Laboratory в—‹ CBC Increased WBC will indicate infection, or secondary to trauma (stress reaction); in rare cases may signal hematologic disturbance (i.e., leukemia) Diminished platelets indicates further risk of ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Help of Shell in the Niger Delta Region Essay The Help of Shell in the Niger Delta Region TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction Shell is a group of oil and petrol companies. The parent company is Royal Dutch Shell, based in Britain, is a multinational corporation (MNC). The group of companies is active in countries all over the world, including Nigeria. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is extremely rich in oil resources. Rightly so, their business connection goes back over fifty years. Likewise, a Shell company, the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC), is the largest oil and gas operator in Nigeria. Nigeria is a developing country; therefore Shell has been active in giving to the community. Over the past decades, they have tried different strategies. The company ... Show more content on ... Nigeria, The Niger Delta and the Nigerian Government Nigeria might be rich in resources; its population lives in poverty. With a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) of .31, it was ranked number 157 out of the 186 United Nations (UN) member states in 2012. Also, according to the World Bank, the poverty headcount ratio was 68%, meaning this part of the population lived with less than $1.25 a day in 2010. The Niger Delta is one of the nine states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It counts about 20 million people and around 70 000 kmВІ of land. The region is one of the most prominent wetlands in the world. Oil has produced about $600 billion since the 1960 s. Despite its wealth in resources, the majority of the people live under poor conditions. To counter this poverty, the Nigerian government has set up several commissions in the past. The most prominent are the Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC) and the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). The OMPADEC was established in 1993 and focused on the development of the Niger Delta Region (NDR). It however failed due to factors as corruption, mismanagement and non sufficient funding. Hereafter, the NDDC was to replace the OMPADEC. It would create socio economic development in the NDR. The NDDC set up various projects in the region. However, due to the poor structure of the organisation and inadequate funding the NDDC have ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Cadet Leadership Model 6.Is there anything that you would like to add? вћўMost people provided suggestions in this area that they perceived would make the Academy run smoothly. The Dean of Faculty is looking for a more traditional schedule. I did not attend the academy; however, the cadets have a very robust schedule, military and fitness. Of these areas military and fitness is important. Let us minimize core classes, cadet are not allowed to use the restroom during class, When cadet leadership plans events it is difficult to work with family. Cadets choices affect PP life, Pull PP party in less directions and let us concentrate on taking care of the cadets, Capture folks earlier and have them give feedback when they first get here, have an anonymous suggestion ... Show more content on ... The computer they pay for should be issued and not paid for. We should model after other universities. There should be separate living conditions by classes so that they can interact with their class year and their developmental level. They all live together so there is no sense of accountability. A merit based promotion should be implemented for promotion and rank. The Personal Interpersonal Team Organizational Model refers to the class year, however, not because you have made the next level it does not equate to responsibility. If a cadet wants to be a squadron commander then the name should be thrown in the hat and the selection should be based on accomplishment. The Superintendent s vision is ridiculous and it has taken two years to fix the Terrazzo. It should not be acceptable in any state or institution. The living quarters should be changed. Why can t the living facilities be changed? An airman has more responsibility than a cadet, i.e. alcohol in the dorms. Cadets should be able to have sex in the dorm. They need to be taught about gender relations. A lot of firsties have their own room and they do it because they can t do it. Most ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Financial Crisis And Its Effects On The World Of Finance COMPANY AND SITUATION According to many experts, this was one of the most severe financial crises in our history since 1930. This crisis was so complex that was known throughout the world under many names, such as the Great Recession , the financial crash of 2008 , the Trouble Asset Relief Program bailout , and the Great Panic (Biegelman Bartow, 2012). Whatever its name, this crisis undoubtedly disorder the world of finance dramatically. This financial chaos, now turned into a recession, had the misfortune to expand and affect many organizations around the planet. Everyone was affected in some way or another; it was like a domino effect that apparently nobody saw it coming, and could not be stopped in time. Unfortunately many people lost their jobs due to the meltdown; million of people were subject to wage cuts, and many companies had to go out of business, because they just not endure the tremendous pressure on its shoulders. Apparently all started with the collapse of the house prices that many called housing bubble . This phenomenon caused that many financial institutions worldwide were sued. The great financial depression also caused the questioning about the real liquidity of the banks as well as the reasons of why the reduction in the credit lines at that time took place. Furthermore, this situation makes it possible investors to lose confidence in the financial institutions, thereby a negative impact on global stock markets. Although the situation of ... Get more on ...
  • 55. The Production Of Automobile Production According to Amighini and Gorgoni (2014), Automobile production is one of the operations in the manufacturing segment of production that is highly spatially disintegrated, characterized by production activities that are broken down into different units and take place in various countries in the world. The production processes are highly dispersed. Amighini and Gorgoni (2014) explain reasons for the dispersed nature of the production system. The automobileindustry has been made to implement modern sourcing techniques stemming from the growth in leading edge inputs in contemporary cars, such as computer and electronic facilities, according to Amighini and Gorgoni (2014). The varying level of technology advancements and innovation has... Show more content on ... The automobile industry has experienced different progressions. Marukawa (2013) makes reference to the World Motor Vehicle Statistics. According to the World Motor Vehicle Statistics, gathered by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, some countries that had a vast collection of automobile corporations in 2010 were the United Kingdom, which had 21 automobile manufacturers, and Malaysia, which had 26 automobile manufacturers. However, China had to a greater extent the highest number of automobile manufacturers in the world, according to the World Motor Vehicle Statistics. According to Marukawa (2013), an important characteristic of the Chinese automobile industry is the magnitude of small scale producers. Marukawa (2013) discovered that car and engine production are mostly vertically fragmented in China. Research by Marukawa (2013) showed that firms that want to enter the industry could outsource production inputs such as engines and design, which minimizes the entry restrictions for new firms in the industry. The minimization of entry restrictions, and the rising demand for automobiles in China favored entry into the automobile industry, according to Marukawa (2013). Research by Marukawa (2013) discovered that in the 1990s, corporations that belonged to the government had the ease of protecting domestic markets through governing the operations of the domestic producers. However, households have now become the primary consumers of cars, and as a result, ... Get more on ...
  • 56. The Environmental Crisis Of Kenya And The United Nations... The environmental crisis is the biggest crisis of our time, climate change, scarcity of fresh water and bio diversity loss are just a few of the problems caused by the environmental crisis. National and international organizations try combat the dire effects of the environmental crisis like The Green Belt Movement in Kenya and The United Nations framework on Environmental Change, they create initiatives like sustainable developmentbut they have not succeeded. My essay will introduce my interpretation of the environmental crisis, then follow with the relationship between poverty and affluence discussed by scholars Deborah Sik in, Environmentand Development and Maggie Black in, Enter Sustainability and propose, Deborah Sik s insights on propertyrights and participatory approaches offer the best explanation for the environmental crisis but Maggie Black s Resource Based Management for small communities gives better long lasting solutions for the environmental crisis. My interpretation of environmental crisis and why it has grown exponentially. The environmental crisis is the most exigent matter of our time. This is evident by environmental changes today, for example in Enter Sustainability, Maggie Black discusses the probability for water wars due to over extraction and consumption of water (Black). This claim is corroborated by an article by The Smithsonian suggesting that shrink water aquifers captured by NASA are partly to blame for the war in ... Get more on ...
  • 57. Speech On Trust In Government accountable to the community and there s still people who show up just ready to tear it down for the sake of tearing it down. I would love to be able to turn around walking down those stairs and know that people are more trusting and willing to understand and get to know their not only their elected officials, but the process and feel like they love government. That s what I love about Mary Parker that night after dinner in Denver she said if you wantgood government you needto elect people who believe in good government. That stuck with me so much because my opponent currently here and Manitou Springs does not believe in good government. Instead, it is here is what s wrong with it and here s what needs to be different. I love it and I think the process works and I just think it s a matter of people taking some time to learn and maybe the elected officials doing more to connect and teach and educate their constituents on that we are working our butts off and we re trying our best and we can do pretty much anything we want to, but it would be helpful for people come to the table ready and optimistic versus pessimistic and ready to tear us down. Dustin: Well that s awesome. Trust in government is a big idea something that really would make a difference. Things like empowering local governments, having a little less talk and a lot more action, and rebuilding trust in government. That s quite the legacy. If that is you leaving the capitol, that s what is now present. What ... Get more on ...