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Essay On Life Is Beautiful
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Life Is Beautiful" can be both a rewarding and challenging
endeavor. The difficulty lies in capturing the essence of such a broad and subjective theme. Life,
with all its intricacies and nuances, is a vast canvas that demands careful consideration and
thoughtful analysis.
To begin with, defining what makes life beautiful is a subjective task. Different individuals hold
varying perspectives on what constitutes beauty in life. The diversity of experiences, cultures,
and beliefs adds layers of complexity to the exploration of this topic. Balancing a universal
perspective while acknowledging individual subjectivity can be a delicate tightrope to walk.
Moreover, delving into the challenges and hardships that life presents is an essential aspect of
portraying its beauty. Discussing the contrasts between joy and sorrow, success and failure, and
love and loss requires a nuanced approach. It demands the ability to weave a narrative that
reflects the multifaceted nature of life, acknowledging its imperfections without diminishing its
The task becomes even more intricate when attempting to convey profound philosophical or
existential reflections on the meaning of life. Expressing complex ideas with clarity and
coherence is a formidable challenge. The writer must navigate through existential questions,
moral dilemmas, and philosophical inquiries, offering insights that resonate with readers without
oversimplifying the profound nature of the subject.
In addition, maintaining a balance between optimism and realism is crucial. While the essay aims
to highlight the beauty in life, it should not ignore the harsh realities that many individuals face.
Striking this delicate balance requires finesse, empathy, and a keen understanding of the human
In conclusion, writing an essay on the theme of "Life Is Beautiful" is a formidable task that
demands intellectual depth, emotional intelligence, and linguistic finesse. It involves navigating
the intricacies of human existence, acknowledging the diverse perspectives on beauty, and
weaving a narrative that captures the complexities of life. It's a challenge that can be both
enlightening and humbling for any writer.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various platforms,
including, offer professional writing services. These services can provide
support and guidance in tackling complex topics, ensuring that your ideas are eloquently
expressed and effectively communicated.
Essay On Life Is Beautiful Essay On Life Is Beautiful
Isabel Allende Feminism
Isabel Allende was born on August 2, 1942, in Lima, Peru, to TomГЎs and Francisca
Allende. Isabel Allende is the goddaughter of Salvador Allende, the first socialist
president of Chile who was her father s cousin. Allende s father was a diplomat and
deserted the family when Allende was just two years. Allende, her siblings, and
mother then moved in with her grandfather in Chile. Allende remembers herself as
a rebellious child during those years living with her grandfather. We lived in an
affluent house with no money, (Allende, 14). My grandfather would pay for what
was necessary but my mother did not even have the cash to buy us an ice cream. I
wanted to be like my grandfather because my mother had a terrible life and he had
all the privileges and the power and the freedom and the car I think that was the
moment I started to rebel against all male authority: the police, the church,
everything. (Allende 15). This empowering attitude that Allledne has is shown in
most of her literary work such as The Storys of Eva Luna, House of Spirits, and
Eva Luna. Allende grew up in an atmosphere where women were inferior to men
and this is why Allende writes stories where the woman is strong and independent.
To many readers, Allende comes across as a feminist and empowering author
because most of Allende s work is about how women can succeed without the need
of a man but don t get this wrong, Allende also is known for her romanticism in her
stories specially on a Gift for a SweetHeart. The Stories of Eva Luna by Isabel
Allendeis a compilation of many short stories focusing on universal themes centering
on human emotions. Gift for a Sweetheart is one of these stories which is about a
man named Horacio Fortunato who falls desperately in love with a married woman
named Patricia Zimmerman. Fortunato overcomes many defeats of both the
monetary and emotional kind and through perseverance, he finally gains an audience
by his true love. Perseverance eventually leads to the fulfillment of a goal. This
perseverance could be related to Alledes persseverance in life such as becoming a
journalist and author. Throughout the three Fortunato generations, there was the
desired result of a successful circus. The first
Descriptive Vacation
I was more than ready to enter Watiki Indoor Water Resort in Rapid City, South
Dakota on July 26, 2016 I set a towel down on the beach chair. I was so excited to
make the third day of vacation GREAT!!!! SPLASH! I threw myself into the water.
I came up, smiling. Can we do it again? I asked. Everybody, except for Mom glared
at me. Mom simply said, No, Isabel. I shrugged and went over to the beach lounge
chair things. Then I went to the pool. I tried a simple, fun obstacle course. At the third
obstacle, I tipped back in the pool s water! After a few backflips, I went back to see
my mom. I was as cold as ice as I skipped merrily over to the beach chairs. I settled
down in a chair with a towel covering me. I waved to my mom, who was sitting in
the chair next to me. Do you want to go on the water slide with me? It will be fun!
Please? Mom asked. I could sense the urge in her eyes, though it didn t match her
words or facial expression. I I screamed at the top of my lungs until I finally got to
my senses during the part that provided enjoyment. I realized it was making me
happy and relaxed!!!!!!!! Ten times as usual, actually! Happy as a humming
hummingbird, I told my mom about my HONEST opinion. Sorry I screamed. That
was awesome! I said. I decided to chill out in the hot tub for maybe 5 minutes. After
that, I was desperate to go on the slide over and over and over and over and over
again! Shortly
Fft s Attitude On A Health Promotion Approach
The Five Factor Theory (FFT) states that all differences in the personality of an
individual can be summed into five factors (McCrae Costa, 2008). They are,
Agreeableness (A), Openness (O), Neuroticism (N), Conscientiousness (C), and
Extraversion (E). According to the FFT, Neuroticism is related to negative attitudes,
Openness with willingness to try new things, Conscientiousness with technical facts,
Agreeableness with collaboration and Extraversion with an outgoing behavior. The
goal of the proposed project will be to check the anticipation of the FFT on attitudes
on a health promotion approach.
Health promotion is any attempt proposed to increase an individual s control over
their health (Johnson, 2011). Typically when approached with health promotion,
people perceive it to be health advertising (Pennay, 2007). The proposed project will
evaluate the attitudes to reducing sports injury. This health promotion approach and
awareness to reduce sports injury. ... Show more content on ...
Extraversion is in essence the trait, which comprises all the optimistic social
personality traits (Johnson, 2011). Conscientious individuals are highly organized.
They are looked upon as highly dedicated workers, which most of the time leads to
complete avoidance of pleasure activities (Johnson, 2011).
It is anticipated that in this proposed project, the Extraversion factor will produce
results in the negative direction and the Conscientiousness factor will produce results
in the positive
The Issue Of Substance Abuse Essay
It is well known that any form of substance use can be fatal, but so can a lot of
other things: choking, accidents, health issues, and sheer bad luck. However,
there is something special about substance abuse fatalities from substance use are
considered preventable. Take deaths associated with driving under the influence of
alcohol, lung cancer brought on by smoking, or heart attacks associated with
cocaine use. A person could die in a car crash, from lung cancer, or a heart attack
without ever touching alcohol, cigarettes, or cocaine respectively. However, there
is an increase in death associated with these items. The most curious part of this is
the legal versus illegal categorization of substances. According to the Center for
Disease Control, tobacco is considered the leading cause of preventable death
(CDC, 2016). Yet, not only is it legal, a person in the U.S. can purchase cigarettes as
young as 18, which is three years earlier than the legal age to drink alcohol. This
knowledge leads to questions about addictionand prevalence of substance use.
Besides being readily available and highly addictive, are there other factors in the
use and abuse of legal substances and are they good indicators of illicit drug use?
There is clear evidence to support that children, adolescents, and adults learn and
emulate what they see on television. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done
research and come to the conclusion that the causes of adolescent substance use are
Mean Girls, directed by Mark Waters
Today is a day unlike any you have experienced. You get yourself ready and arrive
in a territory you could never be fully prepared for. In this new arena, you gaze out
upon a vast variety of specimen. Each species holds closely to their kind to such an
extent that it is as if the food chain is sprawled out in front of you in perfect
balance. As your gaze ascends, it is abrasively obvious who hold the top of this
bionetwork. The dominant, carnivorous female stands proudly and walks through the
others with her team of hunters following closely behind. All other members of the
ecology you have been submerged in part as they walk through, half watch in awe
and all hope this leader is not hungry. Today is not your first day in the... Show more
content on ...
Teenagers tend to act with abrasive and juvenile behavior, which makes most adults
and educators generally ignore behavior issues, so as not to have to deal with them,
which only fuels the social jungle of high school. The principal and teachers of the
high school in Mean Girls seemed to be turned off to the social realm of their
school until a physical fight broke out forcing them to intervene. The knowledge of
girl world rules seemed to benefit Cady the most and be both directly and
indirectly encouraged by those around her. Knowing that she could only have her
hair in a ponytail once a week, could not repeat a tank top two days in a row, that
jeans and track pants were only allowed on Friday, and, most importantly, how to
properly manipulate everyone around her rose Cady to royalty status making
everything else obsolete. When only the nerds and art freaks would accept her
with academic success, the entire school would admire her for social success.
Social dominance truly seems greater than achieving scholastic achievements in
American high schools. Why be the smart gazelle when you can be the strong
lioness? Even the best gazelle, on its worst day, is lion food. The typical
stereotypes viewed in the American high school ecosystem are labeled and ranked,
from the best to the worst, in the movie Mean Girls in order to relate directly to the
movie s audience of teenaged females. On Cady s first day of school, Janis explains
to her that where
The Importance Of Health Care
In a study performed in 2015, four analyzers declared that Over the past three
decades the percent of American workers enrolled in conventional health insurance
plans has declined from 73 percent to less than 1 percent (Boddy, Dokko, Nantz,
Schanzenbach, 2015). Moreover, two professors examined data provided by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics to reveal a startling discovery: Data from the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) show that school district costs for teachers health insurance
rose at an average annual rate of 4 percent above inflation from 2004 to 2012. In
2004, health insurance costs tacked 11.4 percent onto teacher earnings; in 2012, they
added 15.5 percent. (Costrell Dean, 2013). These statistics emphasize how policies...
Show more content on ...
In current politics, the House of Representatives proposed a bill (H.R.277 115th
Congress) to attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act passed by President Barack
Obama in 2009. This proposal involves the revision of non security discretionary
spending limits from the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of
1985, the publication of Medicare claims and data by the Center of Medicaid and
Medicare Systems, and the variation of premiums in Healthcare plans (Roe, 2017).
Furthermore, another way in which people are attempting to reform Healthcare
policy is evident through the experiment provided by the American College of
Healthcare Executives. In their study, they compared and contrasted Retail clinics
and Urgent Care clinics to better understand what impact they had on the
development of the Hospital system for years to come. In doing so, they collected
data that suggested the Affordable Care Act compelled these convenient care models
to overshadow the Hospital system, leading the examiners to conclude that the
convenient care models are a disruptive innovation to Hospitals and Physician
Practices. The reason this example is significant to my civic engagement thought
process is because from the data they collected, they can begin to discover ways to
make the convenient care models and Hospitals more equal; thus, they can begin
reforming the Healthcare system as a whole
Summary Of On Seeing The 100 % Perfect Girl One
Looking at the title of Haruki Murakami s On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One
Beautiful April Morning , the reader would most likely assume that the story is
about love, which it is. Murakami writes a story inside another story of a man who
lets his perfect other walk right past him because he couldn t decide on the perfect
way to approach her. However, it is possible that, maybe, they walked right past
each other because they just weren t meant to be. The story is situated in a
fashionable neighborhood in Tokyo. On a narrow side street, the narrator walks
past the 100% perfect girl. He doesn t look at her for more than a moment, but he
knows immediately that she is his perfect match. The moment I see her, there s a
rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert (2). The narrator is very
certain of his feelings for her, even though she is not unusually eye catching, nor is
she very young. Rather, she is around the age of thirty and in a disheveled state.
But still, I know from fifty yards away: She s the 100% perfect girl for me (2). The
next day, the narrator recounts the event to another man, possibly a friend, but he is
unable to recall the exact features of the girl. All he can remember is the feelings that
were going through his chest at the time, which proves that a person doesn t fall in
lovewith the looks of a person but the heart.
The story goes on to relay the thoughts of the narrator in those few moments when
he was looking at the perfect girl. He wished he could talk to her, but he didn t
know how to approach her. He wished he could ask her out, but he was rendered
speechless. ...explain to her the complexities of fate that have led to our passing
each other on a side street... (15). It was fate that they should meet and realize that
they are perfect for each other. But how should he start up a conversation with her?
The narrator thinks of various ways to approach her, but none seem like the perfect
way to convey what he is feeling, so he rejects each thought. Then he considers just
telling her the truth that she is the perfect girl for him, but he is unable to gather the
courage for fear of rejection. No, she wouldn t believe it. Or even if she did, she
might not want to talk to
The Triple Bottom Line
no toxic substance while manufacturing the products.
b)People: people refers to human resource. Sustainable business ensures that fair
practices are practiced in the organization towards employees. This can be done by
providing fair wages to employees, providing job security, providing safe
environment to work etc.
c)Profit: every business main motto is to make profit. Company also should make
sure that profits are earned in compliance with people and planet. This would fetch
more profit for the company in long run.
Company is not only measured in the terms of profit but also measured
environmentally and socially. Triple bottom lineconcept is not just limited to
shareholders, it also gives importance to stakeholders or members of the organization.
Not only financial needs, triple bottom line concept also takes environmental and
social requirements into consideration. The old and traditional model just focuses
only on profit and benefits for the company but triple bottom line concept proves that
by just focusing on the profits company becomes unsustainable and gradually starts
losing its profits over the period of time. Therefore, triple bottom line concept justifies
that if the company aims at satisfying its customers and employees, it would
automatically fetch good profits for the company. ... Show more content on ...
(n.d.). The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work?) Captures the
essence of sustainability by measuring the impact of an organization s activities on
the world including both its profitability and shareholder value and its social, human
and environmental capital.
TBL can also be measured, it is measured in terms of index or in dollars but there is
no proper standards universally to measure sustainability. Few economic variables are
that included in triple bottom line concept are
Visual Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Visual Rhetorical Analysis
This is a visual Rhetorical analysis of the X men portrayal of a stereotype conveyed
via film. It is a fiction movie that implies a near future where humanity begins to see
a new race appear. The new race are mutants who are equipped with strange and
varied powers; these mutants are grouped into two categories: those who advocate the
integration and understanding with humanity, led by Dr. Charles Xavier and in the
other category those seeking confrontation with the human race as inferior and hates
them, directed by Magnus, best known as Magneto, a dangerous mutant with
extraordinary powers. However, I will be focusing on Rogue, a teenager mutant
whose power is on her skin. She absorbs powers or memory from other ... Show more
content on ...
An example of this is gay people who are being rejected just because they have a
different sexual orientation from others, and they are afraid that if their families find
out they will be pushed away.
In X men, mutants and non mutants are fighting between those who are trying to
help the human race and those who want to destroy them. Eventually, they started to
do many things to be acceptable to society like changing their appearances and their
opinions so they can live peacefully between non mutants. X men also show different
races that are at war between each other. Teenage mutants can be dangerous because
they do not know of their mutant powers, and they can be developed at any point of
their life time.
This movie, although it has a time frame that lasts two or three hours, it can be
recorded on DVD to be view later on, one story at a time. At a point of their life
mutants, have difficulties when their powers manifest without them expecting it.
Particularly, teenagers can be isolated from their loved ones. Rogue plans with his
boyfriend to set off an adventure prior to college. After she kissed him, her powers
started to manifest, causing her terror and eventually she left
Bishop And Roethke On The Contradictions Of Perception
Overwhelming Sensuousness: Bishop and Roethke on the Contradictions of
Perception My Papa s Waltz by Theodore Roethke and The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop
depict the seemingly disparate subjects of a rough, playful dance between a drunken
father and his son and a fish just pulled from the sea. Different in this way, the poems
share an intense desire to render the ambiguity of subjective experience. More
specifically, they show how embracing this ambiguity produces rich, potentially
ecstatic modes of perception. While My Papa s Waltz centers on the subjective
oscillation between what John McKenna calls love and fright; excitement and
concern, The Fish probes the dichotomy between life and death, the human and the
inhuman (38). Roethke s speaker seems to remain caught within the binary aspects
of his sensory perception, struck by its contradictory richness, but Bishop offers a
glimpse of how the oscillation gives way to epiphany, to what C.K. Doreski calls a
leap from perception to wisdom (112). By directing readers attention to the
importance of engaging subjective experience in a way that does not smooth over its
contradictory elements, both poems are able to powerfully render the heightened
modes of being that can emerge from an immersion in the sensuality of daily
existence. I will demonstrate this claim via a close examination of the poems
imagery, diction, tone, and autobiographical contexts. In order to approach the poems
on their own terms, to
Essay Mccarthyism and Its Effects on America
McCarthyism not only destroyed the lives and careers of many Americans but also
the innocent image of the country. Senator Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin was the
same as any man. But when he cried Communism the world seemed to listen. br br
Following the Cold War between Russia and the United States there came many
hardships, such as unemployment and high inflation. These hardships produced a
restless society. The society then looked for something or someone to blame (Fried,
39). They found someone to blame. Communists. Throughout the country there was a
witch hunt known as the Red Scare. A basic idea was formed: Communismwas evil.
Anyone who participated in such evil was considered illegitimate and were to be
excluded from such things as... Show more content on ...
Laws would hold no meaning and innocent people would be accused (Feuerlicht,
154). br br Communists were everywhere. But they were hard to identify because
Communism was a philosophy. There was no way a person could provide
supporting evidence that someone believed in something (Feuerlicht, 154).
According to McCarthy there were over 200 Communists in the State Department
(Feuerlicht, 55). And some 57 cases of people who fall into the category of card
carrying Communists, loyalist of the Communist Party, or risks to the nation
(Divine, 265). Despite the issue of Communists in America there was a bigger
issue, Communist spies. Though the truth of the matter is that all countries spy
and are spied on, even America. The shock felt by the nation was not lessened
(Feuerlicht, 54). Communist spies were the worst kind because they were not the
type that stole plans for new weapons they worked from within. They were the
people helping us build our policy (Divine, 265). These Communist spies were
also hard to find because very few made it easy and confessed to being a spy. One
such a person was a German named Klaus Fuchs. He confessed to spying for the
Russians while he worked on the development of the atom bomb (Fried, 120). br br
Many Americans lives and careers were lost due to McCarthy and his accusations.
Hollywood s leaders resisted allowing politicians to regulate their hiring practices, but
following the HUAC hearings the blacklists began in
Interpersonal Communication In The Movie As Good As It
Good morning, how are you today? I m doing great, How about you? These two
simple statements are one example of interpersonal communication that people
experience in daily life. Interpersonal communication is an indispensable part of
human life. People need to meeting and communicating with other people. However,
not every individual acquired effective interpersonal communicationskill. There will
always be people like Melvin Udall, the main character in the movie: As Good As It
Gets, who was absolutely a bad communicator. On the contrary, there are people like
Carol, another main character in the movie, who was good at communicating and
forming a healthy relationship with other people. In the beginning of the movie, the
communication elements
Biography Of William Edward Burghart Dubois Essay
Intro/Education/Work: William Edward Burghart DuBois, more commonly known
as W.E.B. DuBois, was born February 23, 1868. Raised in Great Barrington,
Massachusetts, he grew up in what was considered to be a moderately well integrated
and tolerant community. His mother s family was included in the miniscule
population of free black peoplebecause of this, he was certainly considered
privileged as opposed to people of color who were much less fortunate or who
lived in highly segregated communities. DuBois attended the town s local public
school, both elementary and high school levels, and excelled. His teachers
recognized his abilities and often encouraged him in his academic pursuits. DuBois
graduated at the top of his class in 1884, and he was determined to attend college as
well. DuBois was set on attending Harvard, however, he didn t have the funds
available to do so. With receiving donations of twenty five dollars a year from from
four different congregational churches in his hometown of Great Barrington, DuBois
was able to attend Fisk University instead. Fisk University is a historically black
college, located in Nashville, Tennessee. DuBois attended Fisk from 1885 to 1888.
Having traveled south to attend Fisk, DuBois had his first experience with southern
racism, which, at that time, included lynchings and intense bigotry, and many states
in the south were governed by Jim Crow laws. During the summer, he taught in
community schools and learned more
Inflation and Power Parity Level
Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting
EASY (definitional)
4.1 In its absolute version, purchasing power parity states that price levels worldwide
should be _______when expressed in a common currency.
a) equal
b) roughly equal
c) different
d) opportunities for arbitrage
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Easy
4.2 The theory of relative purchasing power parity states that, between two nations,
a) inflation rates are unrelated
b) exchange rate differential reflects the inflation rate differential
c) inflation rate is smaller in weaker currencies
d) the interest rate is greater than the inflation rate during depreciations
Section: Purchasing power parity ... Show more content on ...
a) because arbitrage opportunities exist
b) when the inflation controls are suspended in Brazil
c) it depends on whether these are nominal or real returns
d) regardless of nominal or real returns
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.14 On January 1, 1994, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and Italy were
expected to be 4% and 7%, respectively. If the current spot rate on that day was $1
= L2,000, then the expected spot rate for the lira in three years was
a) $.0004591
b) $.0011590
c) $.0009892
d) $.0005471
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.15 On January 1, 1985, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and France were
expected to be 4% and 6%, respectively. If the current spot rate that day was $.1250,
then the expected spot rate in two years was
a) $.1299
b) $.1150
c) $.1203
d) $.1335
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.16 Suppose five year deposit rates on Eurodollars and Euro marks are 12% and
8%, respectively. If the current spot rate for the mark is $0.50, then the spot rate for
the mark five years from now implied by these interest rates is
a) .5997
b) .4169
c) .5185
d) .4821
Section: The international fisher effect
Level: Medium
4.17 The direct spot quote for the Canadian dollar is $.76 and the 180 day forward
rate is $.74. The difference between the two rates is likely to mean that
a) inflation in the U.S. during the past year was
Explain What Was The Main Purpose Of The May 68
The May 68 uprising in Paris is known as the beginning of 1960s student movements
in the world. To answer the question Why did the May 68 uprising fail to spread and
transform into a full scale revolution, as many of the student organizers had hoped? ,
it is important to clarify what was the goal that student organizers set. This movement
started from students occupied the Sorbonne university, then developed student
marches and demonstrations and workers movement. The main purpose of the May
68 uprising was demanding for democracy. However, according to The general strike
and the student revolt in France , The governmentand media strive to portray the
street battles in the Latin Quarter as the work of radical groups and troublemakers
Thematic Analys in Andre Dubus’ Killings Essay
Analysis of Killings
The major theme of Andre Dubus Killings is how far someone would go for the
person they love. It is important to note the title of the story is killings and not
killers, for the reasoning that the story does not just focus on two deaths or two
murderers but rather the death of marriage, friendship, youth, and overall, trust.
Richard Strout was married to Mary Ann, who was most likely fed up with his hot
temperedness that always seemed to get him into fist fights. She separated from her
husband and while they were going through the process of divorce she started a new
relationship with Frank Fowler, killing all hope of reconciling her marriage with
Richard. In return he became enraged not only in losing his ... Show more content on ...
Both men tend to work late nights; Trottier was a bartender, so Fowler meeting
with him after hours was an easy alibi. The hardest part was getting Strout to a
secluded place, which they were able to do by conning him at first, saying they had
bought him a plane ticket and wanted him out of their lives so that everyone could
move on. After leaving Strout s car at an apartment building in Boston, they lead
Strout to a pre dug hole in a wooded area where Fowler kills him. The gun kicked in
Matt s hand, and the explosion of the shot surrounded him...Richard Strout, squirming
on his belly pushed himself towards the woods. Then Matt went to him and shot him
once in the back of the head (106).
In this story, Dubus invites the reader to mull over the disparity between people s
ethical responsibility to society and the primal urge to protect and avenge their
loved ones. At the end of the story, Matt tells Ruth what happened, but it is clear
that he feels deep remorse for the action he has taken. He, his wife and friend
Trottier will be forever scarred by the responsibility of keeping the secret of murder.
Nevertheless, Dubus does not judge Matt and label him either a hero or a sinner; he
simply presents the ethical problem to the reader.
The story begins while Matt Fowler is at his youngest son, Frank s, funeral where the
author uses the literary element of third person limited omniscient
International Parity Conditions
Prices, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in Equilibrium (International Parity
Table of Content
3.Findings and Analysis:
4.Conclusion Recommendations
Appendix A. Historical
Table of Figures
Figure 1. International Parity Conditions
Figure 2. Scatter Diagram for PPP
Figure 3. Time series data for inflation rates differential and exchange rate change
Figure 4. Regression Plot ... Show more content on ...
Michael H. Moffet, et al in Fundamentals of Multinational Finance say that the PPP is
not particularly helpful in determining what the spot rate is today, but that the relative
change in prices between countries over a period of time determines the change in
exchange rates. Moreover, if the spot rate between 2 countries starts in equilibrium,
any change in the differential rate of inflation between them tends to be offset over
the long run by an equal but opposite change in the spot rate.
As for empirical tests, they say that both relative and absolute purchasing power
parity show that for the most part, PPP tends to not be accurate in predicting future
exchange rates. Two general conclusions can be drawn from the tests:
В• PPP holds up well over the very long term but is poor for short term estimates
В• The theory holds better for countries with relatively high rates of inflation and
underdeveloped capital markets.
Georgios E. Chortareas and Rebecca L. Driver in PPP and the real exchange
rateВ–real interest rate differential puzzle revisited: evidence from non stationary
panel data state that the results show that there is little direct evidence to support
PPP, i.e. the proposition that the real exchange rate is constant, or at least mean
reverting, in the long run. This evidence is obtained by examining the stationarity of
the real exchange rate. The failure to find PPP
The Creation Of Israel By John F. Kennedy
Joey Dettore
Mrs. Whitney
Global Perspectives
The Creation of Israel Israel was not created in order to disappear Israel will
endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither
be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of
democracy and it honors the sword of freedom. These are John F. Kennedy s thoughts
and opinions upon the creation of Israel. In the time leading up to the creation of
Israel, the Jews had endured much suffering through the terrible acts of the
Holocaust. Jews have proven to rise from the despair and the suffering that they had
to endure and they ultimately created something stupendous: their own country.
There have been many obstacles in the way for the Jews to do this, the biggest
being the Arab Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians objected to the Arab Jews
forming a nation and if it were not for the help of the United States, Israel would
have never been able to overrule the power of the Arab Palestinians and take over the
land for themselves. With tremendous support from the United States, the creation of
Israel exemplifies the joyous and magnificent accomplishment that not only Arab
Jews accomplished, but all Jews. In the time leading up to the creation of Israel, the
Jews were motivated to establish their own country in the territory of Palestine with
the support of other countries around the world. There were many contributions that
lead to the creation of
Tom Sawyer Greed Quotes
Erich Fromm once said, Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an
endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. In Mark Twain
s Tom Sawyer, Tom wants to live a life dedicated to the pursuit of money and illegal
adventures. One of the themes that Mark Twain explores in The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer is greed. Three examples that support this theme are: Tom chases after a
murderer for money, Tom manipulates people into giving Tom treasure for doing his
work, and Tom wants to be a pirate or a robber and live a life on the run because
Tom likes to get money without working for it. Tom will go to great lengths to get
money. When Tom chases Injun Joe so that he could steal the treasure Injun found,
The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants
The debate of who should be allowed to enter the United States has been an issue for
many years, with the large number of people entering and living here illegally this
has become a significant talking point amongst the candidates in this presidential
election. But are their views something that should be shared and supported by
Christians today? There are definitely two opposing views from Christians on this
topic. I will present both views regarding illegal immigrants in the United States and
then I will present my own opinion on this topic.
There are two points of view on the issue of illegal immigrants. One side of the
argument says that illegal immigrants should be allowed into the country and should
be able to get help from the church to obtain legal documents. The other side states
that illegal immigrants should not be allowed into the country because it is illegal
and that goes against Biblical teachings.
This debate has been going on for many years and depending on the outcome of the
elections, the issue will be resolved one of the two ways.
Argument for Illegal Immigrants
The central argument for illegal immigration is the fact that as Christians we should
love our neighbor as ourselves and foreigners are no exception. Exodus 23:21 says,
Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt . One of the
problems that arises with illegal immigration is the fact that they are usually without
money and without a place to stay. The
Similarities Between Percy Jackson And The Lightning
The author of the book is Rick Riordan, it is published the 1. June in 2005. The
publisher of the book is Penguin group and it is in the genre action and fantasy.
Percy Jackson and the lightning thief is the first book of an action and fantasy series
with five books in total, all of the books are based the Greek mythology with gods
such as Zeus and Poseidon. The book was a hit, people seemed to love the action
and the story and therefore the book went straight up to New York s bestseller right
when it was published, and has also won quite a few prices.
Our main character in this book is Percy; he is twelve years old and is what in the
Greek mythology calls a demigod. He lives with his mother and a stepdad, but he
had never met his biological father before, Percy was told that his father disappeared
on a trip ... Show more content on ...
When he arrived the camp he could he fast understand that he camp were a camp
for demigods. In addition, to which cabin the demigods would live in had
something to do with who the parent was. Although there were three cabins empty
because it was the cabins of the big three, which meant the cabins of the three most
powerful gods, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon. These cabins were empty because Zeus
ordered that neither Poseidon, Hades nor Zeus could have any more kid because
the kid of the big three were just too powerful. However, it seemed that Poseidon
disobeyed Zeus and had another child, as that did not make Zeus angry enough;
Zeus master bolt was also stolen. In addition to Poseidon disobeying him, made
Zeus in believing that Percy was the lightning thief and for accusing that, Poseidon
and Zeus threaten each other with war if Percy did not bring back the lightning bolt.
This makes Percy to go on a quest with his friends Annabeth who is also a demigod
and his childhood friend Grover to find who the lightning thief
The Inside Out s Mise-En-Scene
The movie Inside Out directed by Pete Doctor and Ronnie del Carmen shows the
inner workings of a young girl named Riley s mind, depicting her emotions as
individual characters that use a control bored to control her emotions, thoughts,
and actions. The film starts at Riley s birth and we re initially introduced to Joy,
then Sadness, after which we meet Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Riley s life is filled
with happy memories and moments until her family packs up and moves from
Minnesota to San Fransisco. Not long after the move Joy and Sadness get sucked up
into the tube that takes memories to the long term memory bank and they have to
work to find their way back. And in the end when Joy and Sadness return back to
headquarters it is Sadness who ends up saving the day.... Show more content on ...
For instance, the name of the character which represents and provide joy is named
Joy, the same goes for Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Each emotion serves a
specific purpose inside of Riley s brain in order to keep her overall emotion balanced.
Mise en Scene is also reveals character through the color and facial expression of
each character/emotion. Joy, the first emotion that is met is glowing and has a
constant smile from ear to ear. Next is Sadness, she is short, blue, and looks like she
is on the verge of tears. Fear is purple, he wears a nervous smile. Anger is red. Anger
always has a scowl on his face and when made very angry his head shoots fire out of
it. And last is Disgust. She is green and always has an unimpressed and annoyed look
on her
Cinematic Language In The Help
The Help is a movie from a famous book published by Kathryn Stockett about a girl
name Eugenia Skeeter Phelan and her relationship with to African American maids
in the 1960 s during the Civil Rights era in Jackson, Mississippi. This film was
written by Tate Tayor, who written and directed other movies such as; Pretty Ugly
People (2008), and Winter Bones (2010). The fans general response to the movie The
Helpbudget in the Box office according to was at the estimate of 25
million dollars. This filmwas produced by DreamWorks Pictures.The celebrities that
started the movie was, Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas
Howard, and Jessica Chastain. Emma Stone had an opportunity to play at the role of
Eugenia Skeeter ... Show more content on ...
The way how the scenes of the movie looks in the eyes of the director, he wanted
his viewers to see how life was back in the 1960s. Kathryn Stockett vision of the
story is to show racism at its finest. Tate Taylor has to figure out how to make the
movie seems like the viewers are looking at the movie ask if they are reading the
book. The soundtrack of the movie is based off different songs that can relate to
the type of music most people will hear from the 1960s. A few artists that is
mentioned in the soundtracks are Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, and Mary J Blige.
The performance of the movie was outstanding. The thought of having Emma
Stone being the protagonist is a film, is a great fit for this type of character in the
movie. I believe that Emma Stone have certain way of showing a leadership role a
multiple of films that she starred in. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer did a
magnificent job playing as the role off the two maids. Both of these women have
probably experienced some sorts of racism in the lives, and can relate well to the
movie. Stone, Davis, Spencer have read The Help before, so playing the role of
Skeeter and the two maids was easy for them to get into, because of reasons this
story beforehand. There s a video on YouTube where Tate Taylor and Kathryn Stockett
had mention the fact that these women have read the story before, and enjoyed
Cepheid Synthesis Essay
In the early 1900s, Henrietta Leavitt was studying Cepheids in the Large Magellanic
Cloud (the small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way) and found a relationship between
their period and luminosity. This meant that, simply by measuring the period of a
more distant Cepheid, astronomers could immediately determine its luminosity and
hence, its distance.
How We Use Cepheids
Astronomers use Cepheid stars to measure distance. First, the period of a distant
Cepheid is measured. The period is the length of time between brightness peaks. Next,
they measure the peak luminosity of the star itself; this gives them the apparent
brightness. Then, assuming that all Cepheids of the same period have the same
absolute brightness, the distance is computed
Reader Response And A Grain Of Wheat Essay
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, The reason one writes isn t the fact he wants to say
something. He writes because he has something to say. This quote applies directly to
Ngugi Wa Thiong s novel A Grain of Wheat. One could infer from this quote that
some writers write not just for the enjoyment derived from it, but rather out of a
feeling of obligation to let readers hear what they may have to say. Ngugi s message
that he feels obligated to convey is delivered, however, he uses a very unusual writing
technique to arrive there. He wants the readers to understand the pain, suffering, and
confusion that took place during the Emergency. Through jumbled chronological
order, numerous characterand point of view changes, and a powerful... Show more
content on ...
When Part two begins with chapter four, the setting of the book has completely
changed. Within this chapter, the readers start out with another short history lesson
that is completely out of context from the previous reading. Ngugi then shifts to
Karanja and his multiple inner battles. The readers are now left pondering what time
period and which characters thoughts they are reading.
The fact that Ngugi begins this novel, and concludes it, after the Emergency without
maintaining chronological sequence is what begins to make this story so unique.
Although he is moving across a vast time period, the chronology is never consistent.
He manages to explore a sixty year time period while remaining focused on the six
days leading up to Uhuru. Basically, the readers are forced to become deadlocked
into the book and examine every minute detail that is thrown at them. If the readers
do not do this, then it is most likely that they will miss a key detail in the book and
be confused for the rest of the novel. During Ngugi s chronological jumps
throughout the book, he constantly switches the point of view along with which
character the story focuses on. This forces the readers to go into each chapter
reading without knowing who or what is going to come next. This also forces the
readers to pay close attention to every sentence of the book while maintaining their
sanity. This loss of sanity is due to the fact that the readers are
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Guis
The innovation is changing every day at the considerable pace it is essential to plan
the powerful graphical client interface or GUI, is a kind of interface that permits
clients to cooperate with electronic gadgets through graphical symbols and visual
markers, for example, optional documentation, instead of content based interfaces,
wrote order names or content route. GUIs were acquainted in response with the
apparent steep expectation to absorb information of order line interfaces (CLIs),
which oblige summons to be written on the console. The activities in a GUI are
typically performed through direct control of the graphical components.
Notwithstanding PCs, GUIs can be found close by held gadgets, for example, MP3
players, versatile media... Show more content on ...
Popularization GUIs were a hotly debated issue in the mid 1980s. The Apple Lisa
was discharged in 1983 and different windowing frameworks existed for MS DOS.
Singular applications for various stages introduced their own particular tackle the
GUI. In spite of the GUIs points of interest, numerous analysts scrutinized the
estimation of the whole idea, refering to equipment confinements and the trouble in
finding good programming. In 1984, Apple discharged a TV plug which presented
the Apple Macintosh amid the broadcast of Super Bowl XVIII by CBS, with
implications to George Orwell s prominent novel, Nineteen Eighty Four. The business
was gone for making individuals consider PCs, distinguishing the easy to understand
interface as a PC which left from past business situated frameworks, and turning into a
mark representation of Apple items Joined by a broad advertising effort, Windows 95
was a noteworthy accomplishment in the commercial center at dispatch and in a
matter of seconds turned into the most prominent desktop working
Japanese Gardens And The Garden
Japanese Gardens is a garden style that originated in Japan with a design elements that
in line with the Buddhist belief. Buddhist teaching is symbolized in the different
elements are make up the garden as a whole. Buddhism belief are used in the
inspiration of various element through the use of water, stone, and architectural
The specific element that will be focused on in this paper is water, stone, architectural
elements. The Japanese Garden that used to break down the broad scope of all the
different elements is a Japanese Garden. I chose to use this a Japanese Garden as my
primary garden since I have visited multiple times at the Dubuque Arboretum and
Botanical Garden here in town. In this garden all the key elements are ... Show more
content on ...
The waterfall in the garden of my primary text is a multi stage style of waterfall.
The waterfalls in the garden symbolize permanent impermanence (Shinn). The
analysis the symbolism of water as a whole in the Japanese Garden it symbolizes
the continuous flow of time and life change elements in the garden. One
understanding of the flow of time and life change is that life is always moving
forward at a fast pace and life is always changing. Along with life is always
changing that can be seen as nothing in life is ever permanent. The Buddhist belief
that reflects this idea is anatta: The theory that nothing is permanent entity of self
(Anatta). The second element of Japanese Garden is the use of stones in the
garden. According to the Ancient Japanese mythology, the mountains and stones
create the skeletons of the Earth and symbolize permanence and immutability, and
water is its blood, a symbol of the flow of life and change (5 Japanese Garden
Elements). In Japanese gardens the stone element are all throughout the gardens in
stone lantern and stone pagodas. First stone sculptural piece is the stone lanterns
as are known as toro in Japanese they re symbolic of shedding light for a night time
stroll (Fallow), while also described as being used to mark paths to tea rooms as
well as to punctuate locations of water basins and entry points (Shinn 32 37). They
are many various types of stone structures in a Japanese garden
Cloud Storage And Direct The Conversation Of Digital...
Digital preservation is key in enabling individuals to access, understand, and use
information (Meghini). There are many challenges facing digital preservation
including limited storage, policies, and cost. To meet these challenges, some have
proposed the incorporation of cloud storage in long term preservation plans; I
disagree. This essay seeks to highlight the weaknesses of cloud storage and direct the
conversation of digital preservation to more reliable means.
To begin with, the rate of creation of digital data far exceeds the storage available to
host it. Berman addresses this alarming trend by explaining that it is not possible to
store all of our digital data and that within the next decade, it is highly likely that as
more data ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, cloud storage provides the option to grant others access to your data for
viewing and editing, transforming your data into a group project. Cloud storage is
also beneficial in that it is a way to create backups of information. Should disaster
strike your computer system, the information you stored using cloud storage
would still survive off site. I can testify to the usefulness of cloud storage. While
working as a librarian assistant at a public library, I was introduced to the many
benefits of cloud computing and storage. It also comes in handy for the occasional
group project as a GSLIS student. How wonderful it is to easily access documents
and collaborative projects on the go, away from my desk, without need for
contacting my coworkers or fellow students for updates on what they each had
accomplished; it is all accessible wherever I have access to the Internet.
However, with the convenience of cloud storage come real risks. Cloud storage is
quite attractive, given the advantages previously stated, but there are still great
concerns, including reliability and security. Organizations relying on cloud
computing must ensure that the third party they ve entrusted to store their data can
guarantee that they can access their information at any time and that their information
is safe from the threat of hackers (Berman, 2008, p. ).
There are several
Beyonce s Pretty Hurts
The Beauty Within
The messages of Beyonce s Pretty Hurts and Christina Aguilera s Beautiful , were
both astonishing. The messages of the songs are often overlooked because of the
images the artists portray on society. The two songs contained an ample amount of
information to take away, and to use in everyday life. The two songs opened my
eyes to how people who are different feel, and how they can be beautiful in their
own way, even if it hurts them in the long run. The two messages should be able to
touch anybody, and inspire people to change, no matter what or who you are.
The two songs, Pretty Hurts by Beyonce Knowles, and Beautiful by Christina
Aguilera, both have alluring messages. The two artists helped me realize how people
who ... Show more content on ...
They feel empty, and feel as if they have no one to talk to. In Christina Aguilera s
Beautiful , she says To all your friends you re delirious, So consumed, In all your
doom, ooh, Trying hard to fill the emptiness . In Beyonce s Pretty Hurts she says,
Pretty Hurts, Shine the light on whatever s worse, Perfection is the disease of the
nation, Pretty Hurts, Shine the light on whatever s worse, Tryna fix something,
But you can t fix what you can t see, It s the soul that needs the surgery . I feel like
both of the artists are trying to say that when you try to alter yourself to be
someone you are not, you are making yourself more empty than you already feel
that you are. I also think that their tone is concerned, because they feel as if people
feel as if there is something wrong with them, when in all reality, they have the
same amount of beauty as anyone else, inside and out. I also think that the two
artists are trying to say that everyone has insecurities, and despite our insecurities
we are all still beautiful. I also think the message they are trying to convey is that no
matter what society says, never be afraid to be you. My text evidence is in Christina
Aguilera s Beautiful where
The Segregation Of South Afric An Outcome Of
The existing pattern of manipulated schooling in South Africa can be considered an
outcome of colonialism, segregation and apartheid. In the early 1800s, the arrival of
the British introduced the first system of education in Africa. The indigenous people
of Africa were exposed to schooling under the provision of British missionaries. At
this time, education was a means of spreading the British language, imposing their
religion and just a general mechanism for social control. Their strategy was to civilize
the black Africans and anglicize the white Afrikaners. And most of the school
establishments were mixed, serving whites coloreds and Africans. However, the
Afrikaners resisted European control in attempt to avoid becoming the lower... Show
more content on ...
Education s role can be molding a person for their prescribed field of work, and that
is exactly what the whites conducted. They systematically programmed the Africans
for work as cheap unskilled laborers and thus left the superior roles in society for
themselves to fill. Clear ethnic and class stratification developed, and the government
eventually adopted the view that Africans must fund their own education, which
continued throughout the apartheid. Between 1910 and 1948, per capita
expenditures on white education increased by 263% and African numbers in school
plummeted to about 30% (Johnson 1982). Once again, limiting education was a tool
to shape society for the benefit of one group the education of the White child
prepares him for life in a dominant society and the education of the black child for a
subordinate society (Johnson 1982). And in 1948, the AfrikanerNational Party rose
to power by an election victory, attaining further governmental policy control. The
aim of the National Party was to increase and rigidify the segregationism imposed in
the few years previous, and thus began the apartheid in South Africa. To facilitate the
separation of all ethnic groups the Bantu Education act was introduced in 1953. And
in combination with the National Education Policy Act of 1967, which stripped the
provinces of most of their control over white education and empowered the Minister
Brief Biography Of Marquis De Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette Marquis de Lafayette s full name is Marie Joseph Paul Yves
Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, it s very long. Lafayette was born September
6th 1757. Before Lafayette s second birthday his father a colonel of grenadiers was
killed at Minden. At the age of twelve his mother passed away and a few weeks he
lost his grandfather to death as well.He was left a very young wealthy orphan. On
April 9th 1771 at the age of fourteen Lafayette entered the royal army . when he was
sixteen Lafayette married Marie Adrienne Françoise de Nouilles allying himself
with one of the wealthiest families in France. Marie was related to the king. Marquis
real... Show more content on ...
When Lafayette learned of the struggle of Americans in their endeavor to secure
their independence he resolved to come to the colonies to aid them in their efforts as
a volunteer. He also persuaded several French officers to come with him later he
arrived by Charleston, SC, June 13,1777 when the leaders learned of his mission they
welcomed him very gracefully. In December,1777 Lafayette went with George
Washington and the army into winter quarters at Valley Forge. In the early days of
the camp several officers were interested in trying to have a sentiment developed
against Washington to have congress relieve him of the command of the
continental armies (Conway Cabal).However, they were unable to gain the support
they expected,They also tried to gain the cooperation of Lafayette, but failed,
Lafayette wrote a long letter to Washington in which he pledged his loyalty in a
letter which was marked by his sincere appreciation. General Gates who was only
lukewarm in his support of Washington had succeeded in convincing several
members of Congress to appoint a board of war in which Gates would have complete
control. He suggested that plans should be developed to invade
How To Visualize Laura In The Big Woods
One of the first times a reader can visualize Laura as a tomboy is in the book Little
House in the Big Woods. The scene is set that Laura, Mary and Pa are playing an
outdoor game. This particular game calls for the players to be rugged and
courageous. At this point, it is clear to a reader that Laura and Mary are a
representation of two different types of a female character. The game calls for a
chase to begin and with a wild leap and a scramble she went over the woodbox
dragging her sister, Mary, with her to safety. Wilder is clearing stating in her
narrative that Laura and Mary are afraid of their Pa just by seeing the look in his eyes
as they became so fierce that it all seemed real (BW 35). This is the section where
the personalities of Mary and Laura separate.... Show more content on
When they look into their Pa s eyes Mary is so frightened that she could not move
(35), whereas Laura is not afraid and quick on her feet. She is so rugged like a
tomboy that she is strong enough (even though she is younger and smaller than
Mary) to save the both of them in the game of Mad Dog . Laura s father reinforces
this tomboy persona with the declaration You re only a little half pint of cider half
drunk up, but by Jinks! you re as strong as a little French horse! (BW 35). This
particular scene might be the beginning of where Laura became son like to Pa. This
direct connection to being a tomboy is alluded to in the color of Laura s hair. The
two characters of Laura and Mary have different color hair; Laura s is brown whereas
Mary s is blond. Laura states Mary is rarely punished and says, Mary was a good little
girl who always kept her dress clean and neat and minded her manners. Mary had
lovely golden curls (BW 174 75). Laura is often punished for being mischievous and
when she slaps Mary because of her blond curls, Pa states, Well, Laura, my hair is
John Steinbeck Dbq
Sin is something that is beneath all people. No matter the race, gender, or age. It is
even in the most innocent families. In the Pearl, John Steinbeck uses similes,
symbolism, and characterization to show the reader that the obsession with money is
the biggest sin a family.
In the pearl, Steinbeck uses similes to develop the challenge the character faces.
This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us, (Steinbeck 50) Juana says this soon after
the interference with burglars. She sensed the power of the pearl then. It was gaining
power over Kino, in a sense that was now beyond the good he wanted to come out
of he pearl. That is why she compares the pearl to a sin, as she is getting weaker and
weaker to persuade Kino into letting go of the pearl. ... Show more content on ...
He shows that the pearl is corruptive by showing what it could do to a family. The
pearl is betrayed as evil. Not only did it break a family apart but also it caused for
death to arise. The pearl brought evil when bringing burglars, hoax, and fake
people. The priest and the Doc. both seemed to turn onto the good side with Kino
as soon as they found out he had the pearl of all time. People started breaking in,
messed Kino s canoe and even set Kino s house on fire. And worse, with everything
that was already being taken away, Kino s beloved son was shot and killed. And
then Kino s brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound the
keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone
mountain, the cry of death (86) All shortly happening after the finding of the pearl.
Leaving the pearl as the guilt for
Oresteia Compare And Contrast Essay
Peter Meineck s Oresteia and Thomas Kyd s The Spanish Tragedy incorporates
vengeance and revenge as a motif, which centralizes on the tragic deaths of
Clytemnestra and Hieronimo s children. The two protagonists act out because of a
deep and furious anguish over what they perceive as senseless murders of their
beloved children, Iphigenia and Horatio. Clytemnestra and Hieronimo view this
crime committed by the murderers as an act of betrayal. Thus, it encourages the two
protagonists to seek revenge for their own child s unlawful death. Both parents regard
their vindictive motives as justified acts, due to the grief and pain that has been
inflicted upon them. This essay examines the similarities and differences of the two
protagonists ... Show more content on ...
Clytemnestra s overwhelming hate for her husband deepens because Agamemnon
shows no feelings of remorse and believes that Iphigenia s sacrifice [is] for the best
(216 224). Aeschylus recalls the final moments of Iphigenia s sacrifice: her pleading,
her terrified cries of Father !/[...]/ Her eyes threw a last pitiful glace at her sacrificers,
/ but like a figure in a painting,/she could not call to them for help (228 242).
Consequently, Iphigenia s heartbreaking sacrifice motivates Clytemnestra s
unforgiving child avenging Rage (155) upon her husband, Agamemnon. Clytemnestra
s maternal instinct implores her to take revenge against Agamemnon for his
mistreatment of their daughter. Furthermore, Clytemnestra views Agamemnon s
sacrifice of Iphigenia as a betrayal of their marital love. Clytemnestra believes her
husband deserves the same fate as Iphigenia because Agamemnon [has] sacrificed
[their] own child, [Clytemnestra s] labour of love, to charm away the cruel storm
winds of Thrace (1417 1417). To Clytemnestra, Agamemnon must suffer, deed for
deed,/ for what he [has] [done] to [their] daughter,/Iphigenia, his own flesh and blood!
Johnny Got His Gun Essay
dignity because he could no longer interact with other humans. It was the author s
idea of the worst case scenario that could have occurred to a soldier who was injured.
The description of his injuries gave the reader a picture of what it would be like to
have lived with no legs, arms, or a face.
It was a gruesome thought that helped personalize the story by making the reader feel
bad for the main character. At this time many perceived fighting in a war to be noble
but for most of the soldiers it was anything but noble.
Many times television shows, movies, and books had glamorized war, but that was
not the truth. This book showed the harsh reality of war that most people didn t know
existed at the time. War is something that no ... Show more content on
Obviously this is not a good solution, which is why we must find other ways to solve
our disputes. This book changed my attitude towards war and the men who fight in
As evidenced from the past tense verb in the title of the novel, Johnny Got His Gun
takes as its focus the aftermath of war for a soldier, rather than the optimistic,
patriotic prewar time frame upon which other novels as well as the original song
quot;Johnny Get Your Gun quot; focus. Although the novel remains clear about
the fact that Johnny received his injuries from an exploding shell, Johnny does not
ever think back to combat warfare. The novel takes as its opponent not combat
warfare but rather the mentality of warfare and organization of modern warfare by
the moneyed classes. Joe s memories related to the war, such as the Lazarus story,
or the story of the man with a flap over his stomach, do not directly deal with
warfare. Instead, these various memories create a sense of the incomprehensible
decay, injury, and pain that result from war. Joe remembers the stories with a wry
tone that gives a sense of the absurdity of each of the situations such as the rumor
about the man who lost his face only to return home and die at his wife s hands. In
this sense, the use of the war in the text remains true to its use in the title of the
novel: the war exists as a precondition for senseless and grotesque injury and
Effects Of Prohibition In The 1920s
The 1920 s is no doubt a scandalous and unique time period in U.S. history.
Americans who lived during the early years of this decade adapted rather quickly
to the introduction of new ideas and innovations. Many of whom desired to fulfill
their own American Dream even if it was primarily out of greed. The nation was
too ignorant to realize they had dug a massive hole in the U.S. economy; the Great
Depression and left the economy at a historically low point, yet alcohol remained
alive in the face of Prohibition. Although the era of Prohibition was short lived, it
made a long lasting impact on both the 1920s and present day United States.
The ideas of Prohibition began as early as the 1820 s; nearly a century before it was
actually enforced in the United States. Massachusetts was the first state that had
established a Temperance law that limited the amount of liquor a person could buy at
one time, but the law vanished rather quickly. However, it it did have an impression
on other states such as Maine who passed the first ever state Prohibition law in
America. Soon enough, Prohibition spread across the nation like wildfire. The
Temperance movement was the fight to ban alcohol (History).
The American ... Show more content on ...
The citizens of the United States during the 1920 s closely resemble the Puritans in
the early 1600 s in that the Puritans fought to purify their colonies by conducting the
Salem witch trials and the American citizens sought Prohibition of alcohol as a
solution to end violence and try to solve social problems. Both cases ended terribly
and it was more harmful to the society than it was helpful. Ironically, organized crime,
criminal activity, and gang violence increased remarkably when Prohibition was
enforced, a major plot twist that left the United States in turmoil, but taught them a
Review of the Bail Bond System
Kevin Hudson
3 29 2011
Prof. Kuennen
Review of Bail Bond System To begin the process of bail, first there must be a
suspect, an arrest, a police report filled out, and charges filed against the suspect.
From here, there are five possible release options: own recognizance, property bond,
cash bond, surety bond, and citation release. In the following paragraphs, I will
present each of these topics and show how they are typically used. The most
commonly used form of release from jail, until the court date, is own recognizance
(O.R.) This program is used through the county or the specific law enforcement
managed pre trial program. In order to determine whether a suspect can be released
by the own recognizance, a staff member of the ... Show more content on ...
The arraignment will usually be help anywhere from two week to a month from
the date of the release. If the suspect were to remain in custody of the police at that
point he will be transported to the court by the county or city facility in which he or
she is being held. After Maurice Clemmons murdered four Lakewood Officers on a
cold night in November, it took just over two months, February 2nd, 2010, for
Governor Christine Gregoire to announce a review of the entire Washington State bail
bond system. A new policy has been suggested that will put legislator right into the
middle of the bail bonds war. With bail bond agencies undercutting each other, this
causes to a serious problem of inmates getting released for less than what is asked
of the state. In an article by OPB News, dated February 2nd, 2009, it was revealed
that bail bond agencies were trying to get the most customers and were indeed
stealing other agencies customers from them. This would happen through the mind
of undercutting the other agencies by taking less than was required to release a
suspect from their jail cell. In a particular case discussed by the newspaper article,
Maurice Clemmons was released on a $190,000 bail after paying less than five
percent, even with a required ten percent up front. With a different bail, Bad Boys
Bail Bonds
Volleyball as a Subculture
Does Society Dig Volleyball as a Subculture?
The individuality within diverse subcultures has given so much to society already.
Subcultures such as volleyball have been given a chance to grow in our society and
spread to other cultures connecting nations across the globe. It takes time for a
subculture to be accepted by our society today. Once it is accepted, membership in
subculture grows as more people feel comfortable joining a mainstream subculture
such as volleyball.
However, to be a part of this particular subculture there are a few guidelines and
some complicated jargon. Perhaps, since volleyball is not a subculture that greatly
defies social norms, it may not be stigmatized or critically stereotyped by ... Show
more content on ...
A set is done, as already mentioned, over the player s head with two hands slightly
spaced apart. Then, the players and opponents repeat the actions as such: bump, set,
I became of part of this subculture when I was in 3rd grade, but became a serious
member in 7th grade when I played with a competitive volleyball team. We would
meet to practice for about an hour everyday, and we would play other opponents
once a week.
The longer I was a part of this subculture, the more involved I became with it, and
the more serious I became about being a part of the group.
Subculture Analysis
As a leisure sport, volleyball is part of the middle class society, where most
Americans tend to consider themselves falling in the social class system. Volleyball
interests most middle school and high school girls, but little interest is shown by
boys of that age. I was personally a part of the subculture of volleyball involving
middle school and high school girls. Participating in this subculture proves
athleticism and strength.
Also, being a member of the subculture can give the individual a feeling of
responsibility and success, helping to gain confidence in themself.
Volleyball is part of the mainstream culture, mostly popular among girls. As many
schools only have women s teams, men are a minority in the subculture, even though
the game was designed originally for men. Also, because the subculture involves
physical activity
A Linguistic Term For Indo European And Indian History
Aryan is a linguistic term for Indo European (Robert Westad 2014a). The Aryans
brought to India no culture so advanced as that of Harappans (Robert Westad 2014a).
When the Aryans appear writing disappeared and does not come back until the
middle of the first millennium BCE. Cities were reinvented by the Aryans, which
lack the elaboration and order of the gridded pattern of Harappans (Robert Westad
2014a). When the Aryans migrated into the Indus Valley they brought with them a
culture that was very different from any other region (Breyer 2004). The invaders had
two contributions to Indian history; it s formal history and its social institutions
(Robert Westad 2014a). One of the biggest social institutions that the Aryans brought
to India was the unique social structure; in their system every class had a duty to
their society (Breyer 2004). Originally there were only three main classes or Varnas,
but this changed to fit the civilisation in which they controlled (Breyer 2004). As
religion and rituals were a major part of Indian life, it was only fitting that the
priests and scholars were the highest class (Beyer 2004). They were called the
Brahmans (Breyer 2004). Under the Brahmans were the ruling class or the
Kshatriyas; this also included nobles and warriors (Breyer 2004). The third class
was made up of the commoners they were called the Vaisyas. It was the fourth class
that the servants and peasants made up, called Sudras. It was later on where another
Analysis Of The Poem The Duchess
Chaucer s Book of the Duchess has been widely debated as to when it was written
as this influences the interpretation of which historical figures were fashioned after
characters in the poem. The poem was written as a memorial for the death of
Duchess Blanche of Lancaster, whose husband John of Gaunt was a patron of
Chaucer s. Knowing the date that Chaucer wrote this poem affects the way in which
readers and audience at the time interpreted the poem. The initial response is to read
the Black Knight figure as John of Gaunt, because the character is lamenting the loss
of his love that is named Lady White in the poem. The French translation of White
is Blanche, which makes it evident that the poem is a type of tribute for her death.
Therefore the poem can be interpreted as the love between John of Gaunt and
Duchess Blanche, as well as his grief for her now that she has passed. The narrator
is interpreted to be Chaucer, as his status in the poem appears to be lower than the
Black Knight, and the narrator himself is dealing with a grief of his own though it
does not explicitly say whom he mourns. Chaucer has carefully woven historical
context through The Book of the Duchess by subtly inferring real medieval figures
with characters in the poem, as well as the many classical and medieval figures
from prominent Greek and Roman Myths, as well as Greek philosophers and
academics. Chaucer uses the death of Duchess Blanche as a reason to write The
Book of the Duchess as a means to appeal
Analysis Of Andrew Sarris s Odyssey
Andrew Sarris, a renowned film critic, clarified the Auteur Theory to be the notion
that the way a film looks and moves should have some relationship to the way a
director thinks and feels, and that good directors express style and theme across
their body of work, (Stam 89; Sampson, Lecture 8.2). Although director Jonathan
Glazer has a diverse body of work, his personal themes and style are able to shine
through across all visual mediums, thus proving him to be a good director, according
to Andrew Sarriss interpretation of the Auteur Theory. In his Odyssey commercial for
Levi Strauss, his music video for Rabbit in Your Headlights by Unkle, and his film
Birth, the combination of his themes of persistenceand unclear identities, along with
his style of capturing people s faces and use of tracking shots reveals his worldview
that human beings are complex and strong entities. The theme of persistence is
prominent among the three mediums. The Rabbit in Your Headlights music video
portrays the persistence of a will to survive in a lone man who is walking on a busy
road. Cars keep hitting and knocking him down, but he gets back up every time.
Despite the hits and presumed physical pain, he persists and endures until finally, a
car hits him but he remains standing, and the car suffers more impact. The Levi
Strauss commercial portrays a similar persistence in that the runners, no matter how
many walls stand in their way, they break through them and continue to run. At the
Martin Scorsese s The Departed Essays
The Departed, a film written by William Monahan, Alan Mak, and Felix Chong,
directed by Martin Scorsese, was in my opinion a spectacular crime thriller
deserving of less criticism from overly sentimental viewers. Though this film is in
some scenes brutal and vicious, I praise Martin Scorsese s refusal to cower away
from the undeniable truth that organized crime in the United States is murderous in
nature just to satisfy certain viewers as critics advocated he should. Being a four
time Oscar winning film with sixty three other awards for numerous aspects in the
movie industry, I don t believe anyone can contradict that The Departed is profoundly
unforgettable to masses of moviegoers. The film takes place during the height of Irish
mob... Show more content on ...
All of the characters presented in the movie have a distinct personality, making the
viewer engage deeply in the heart pumping action and drama. But the actor is
nothing without the writer, and not by any means is The Departed lacking in
storyline. As you watch The Departed, Colin Sullivan (Damon) and Billy Costigan
s (DiCaprio) storylines become increasingly in depth and intertwined. Starting
when Colin Sullivan is just a child and his encounter with Frank Costello s
mentorship, the story then fast forwards to Costigan and Colin working their way
through police training and eventually amounting to Costigan undercover and
Colin as a detective. The side by side comparison of their lives adds to distinct
feelings about the characters. The two rats continually work against each other
and narrowly miss seeing each other s faces, even dating the same girl, Madolyn
(Verna Farmiga). This suspense draws watchers to the edge of their seats with
anticipation for the conclusion of the movie. Phenomenal Acting and a jaw
dropping storyline are the foremost reasons why The Departed is by all means a
spectacular movie. This film will go down as one of the best crime thrillers of the
21th century. Many viewers of this movie will find themselves astonished as the
storyline roller coaster s around making twists and turns never expected. Some may
question the vulgar language and intense violence but if you are a person who s
easily offended, simply do

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Essay On Life Is Beautiful

  • 1. Essay On Life Is Beautiful Crafting an essay on the topic of "Life Is Beautiful" can be both a rewarding and challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies in capturing the essence of such a broad and subjective theme. Life, with all its intricacies and nuances, is a vast canvas that demands careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. To begin with, defining what makes life beautiful is a subjective task. Different individuals hold varying perspectives on what constitutes beauty in life. The diversity of experiences, cultures, and beliefs adds layers of complexity to the exploration of this topic. Balancing a universal perspective while acknowledging individual subjectivity can be a delicate tightrope to walk. Moreover, delving into the challenges and hardships that life presents is an essential aspect of portraying its beauty. Discussing the contrasts between joy and sorrow, success and failure, and love and loss requires a nuanced approach. It demands the ability to weave a narrative that reflects the multifaceted nature of life, acknowledging its imperfections without diminishing its beauty. The task becomes even more intricate when attempting to convey profound philosophical or existential reflections on the meaning of life. Expressing complex ideas with clarity and coherence is a formidable challenge. The writer must navigate through existential questions, moral dilemmas, and philosophical inquiries, offering insights that resonate with readers without oversimplifying the profound nature of the subject. In addition, maintaining a balance between optimism and realism is crucial. While the essay aims to highlight the beauty in life, it should not ignore the harsh realities that many individuals face. Striking this delicate balance requires finesse, empathy, and a keen understanding of the human experience. In conclusion, writing an essay on the theme of "Life Is Beautiful" is a formidable task that demands intellectual depth, emotional intelligence, and linguistic finesse. It involves navigating the intricacies of human existence, acknowledging the diverse perspectives on beauty, and weaving a narrative that captures the complexities of life. It's a challenge that can be both enlightening and humbling for any writer. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various platforms, including, offer professional writing services. These services can provide support and guidance in tackling complex topics, ensuring that your ideas are eloquently expressed and effectively communicated. Essay On Life Is Beautiful Essay On Life Is Beautiful
  • 2. Isabel Allende Feminism Isabel Allende was born on August 2, 1942, in Lima, Peru, to TomГЎs and Francisca Allende. Isabel Allende is the goddaughter of Salvador Allende, the first socialist president of Chile who was her father s cousin. Allende s father was a diplomat and deserted the family when Allende was just two years. Allende, her siblings, and mother then moved in with her grandfather in Chile. Allende remembers herself as a rebellious child during those years living with her grandfather. We lived in an affluent house with no money, (Allende, 14). My grandfather would pay for what was necessary but my mother did not even have the cash to buy us an ice cream. I wanted to be like my grandfather because my mother had a terrible life and he had all the privileges and the power and the freedom and the car I think that was the moment I started to rebel against all male authority: the police, the church, everything. (Allende 15). This empowering attitude that Allledne has is shown in most of her literary work such as The Storys of Eva Luna, House of Spirits, and Eva Luna. Allende grew up in an atmosphere where women were inferior to men and this is why Allende writes stories where the woman is strong and independent. To many readers, Allende comes across as a feminist and empowering author because most of Allende s work is about how women can succeed without the need of a man but don t get this wrong, Allende also is known for her romanticism in her stories specially on a Gift for a SweetHeart. The Stories of Eva Luna by Isabel Allendeis a compilation of many short stories focusing on universal themes centering on human emotions. Gift for a Sweetheart is one of these stories which is about a man named Horacio Fortunato who falls desperately in love with a married woman named Patricia Zimmerman. Fortunato overcomes many defeats of both the monetary and emotional kind and through perseverance, he finally gains an audience by his true love. Perseverance eventually leads to the fulfillment of a goal. This perseverance could be related to Alledes persseverance in life such as becoming a journalist and author. Throughout the three Fortunato generations, there was the desired result of a successful circus. The first
  • 3. Descriptive Vacation I was more than ready to enter Watiki Indoor Water Resort in Rapid City, South Dakota on July 26, 2016 I set a towel down on the beach chair. I was so excited to make the third day of vacation GREAT!!!! SPLASH! I threw myself into the water. I came up, smiling. Can we do it again? I asked. Everybody, except for Mom glared at me. Mom simply said, No, Isabel. I shrugged and went over to the beach lounge chair things. Then I went to the pool. I tried a simple, fun obstacle course. At the third obstacle, I tipped back in the pool s water! After a few backflips, I went back to see my mom. I was as cold as ice as I skipped merrily over to the beach chairs. I settled down in a chair with a towel covering me. I waved to my mom, who was sitting in the chair next to me. Do you want to go on the water slide with me? It will be fun! Please? Mom asked. I could sense the urge in her eyes, though it didn t match her words or facial expression. I I screamed at the top of my lungs until I finally got to my senses during the part that provided enjoyment. I realized it was making me happy and relaxed!!!!!!!! Ten times as usual, actually! Happy as a humming hummingbird, I told my mom about my HONEST opinion. Sorry I screamed. That was awesome! I said. I decided to chill out in the hot tub for maybe 5 minutes. After that, I was desperate to go on the slide over and over and over and over and over again! Shortly
  • 4. Fft s Attitude On A Health Promotion Approach The Five Factor Theory (FFT) states that all differences in the personality of an individual can be summed into five factors (McCrae Costa, 2008). They are, Agreeableness (A), Openness (O), Neuroticism (N), Conscientiousness (C), and Extraversion (E). According to the FFT, Neuroticism is related to negative attitudes, Openness with willingness to try new things, Conscientiousness with technical facts, Agreeableness with collaboration and Extraversion with an outgoing behavior. The goal of the proposed project will be to check the anticipation of the FFT on attitudes on a health promotion approach. Health promotion is any attempt proposed to increase an individual s control over their health (Johnson, 2011). Typically when approached with health promotion, people perceive it to be health advertising (Pennay, 2007). The proposed project will evaluate the attitudes to reducing sports injury. This health promotion approach and awareness to reduce sports injury. ... Show more content on ... Extraversion is in essence the trait, which comprises all the optimistic social personality traits (Johnson, 2011). Conscientious individuals are highly organized. They are looked upon as highly dedicated workers, which most of the time leads to complete avoidance of pleasure activities (Johnson, 2011). It is anticipated that in this proposed project, the Extraversion factor will produce results in the negative direction and the Conscientiousness factor will produce results in the positive
  • 5. The Issue Of Substance Abuse Essay It is well known that any form of substance use can be fatal, but so can a lot of other things: choking, accidents, health issues, and sheer bad luck. However, there is something special about substance abuse fatalities from substance use are considered preventable. Take deaths associated with driving under the influence of alcohol, lung cancer brought on by smoking, or heart attacks associated with cocaine use. A person could die in a car crash, from lung cancer, or a heart attack without ever touching alcohol, cigarettes, or cocaine respectively. However, there is an increase in death associated with these items. The most curious part of this is the legal versus illegal categorization of substances. According to the Center for Disease Control, tobacco is considered the leading cause of preventable death (CDC, 2016). Yet, not only is it legal, a person in the U.S. can purchase cigarettes as young as 18, which is three years earlier than the legal age to drink alcohol. This knowledge leads to questions about addictionand prevalence of substance use. Besides being readily available and highly addictive, are there other factors in the use and abuse of legal substances and are they good indicators of illicit drug use? There is clear evidence to support that children, adolescents, and adults learn and emulate what they see on television. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done research and come to the conclusion that the causes of adolescent substance use are
  • 6. Mean Girls, directed by Mark Waters Today is a day unlike any you have experienced. You get yourself ready and arrive in a territory you could never be fully prepared for. In this new arena, you gaze out upon a vast variety of specimen. Each species holds closely to their kind to such an extent that it is as if the food chain is sprawled out in front of you in perfect balance. As your gaze ascends, it is abrasively obvious who hold the top of this bionetwork. The dominant, carnivorous female stands proudly and walks through the others with her team of hunters following closely behind. All other members of the ecology you have been submerged in part as they walk through, half watch in awe and all hope this leader is not hungry. Today is not your first day in the... Show more content on ... Teenagers tend to act with abrasive and juvenile behavior, which makes most adults and educators generally ignore behavior issues, so as not to have to deal with them, which only fuels the social jungle of high school. The principal and teachers of the high school in Mean Girls seemed to be turned off to the social realm of their school until a physical fight broke out forcing them to intervene. The knowledge of girl world rules seemed to benefit Cady the most and be both directly and indirectly encouraged by those around her. Knowing that she could only have her hair in a ponytail once a week, could not repeat a tank top two days in a row, that jeans and track pants were only allowed on Friday, and, most importantly, how to properly manipulate everyone around her rose Cady to royalty status making everything else obsolete. When only the nerds and art freaks would accept her with academic success, the entire school would admire her for social success. Social dominance truly seems greater than achieving scholastic achievements in American high schools. Why be the smart gazelle when you can be the strong lioness? Even the best gazelle, on its worst day, is lion food. The typical stereotypes viewed in the American high school ecosystem are labeled and ranked, from the best to the worst, in the movie Mean Girls in order to relate directly to the movie s audience of teenaged females. On Cady s first day of school, Janis explains to her that where
  • 7. The Importance Of Health Care In a study performed in 2015, four analyzers declared that Over the past three decades the percent of American workers enrolled in conventional health insurance plans has declined from 73 percent to less than 1 percent (Boddy, Dokko, Nantz, Schanzenbach, 2015). Moreover, two professors examined data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to reveal a startling discovery: Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that school district costs for teachers health insurance rose at an average annual rate of 4 percent above inflation from 2004 to 2012. In 2004, health insurance costs tacked 11.4 percent onto teacher earnings; in 2012, they added 15.5 percent. (Costrell Dean, 2013). These statistics emphasize how policies... Show more content on ... In current politics, the House of Representatives proposed a bill (H.R.277 115th Congress) to attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act passed by President Barack Obama in 2009. This proposal involves the revision of non security discretionary spending limits from the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, the publication of Medicare claims and data by the Center of Medicaid and Medicare Systems, and the variation of premiums in Healthcare plans (Roe, 2017). Furthermore, another way in which people are attempting to reform Healthcare policy is evident through the experiment provided by the American College of Healthcare Executives. In their study, they compared and contrasted Retail clinics and Urgent Care clinics to better understand what impact they had on the development of the Hospital system for years to come. In doing so, they collected data that suggested the Affordable Care Act compelled these convenient care models to overshadow the Hospital system, leading the examiners to conclude that the convenient care models are a disruptive innovation to Hospitals and Physician Practices. The reason this example is significant to my civic engagement thought process is because from the data they collected, they can begin to discover ways to make the convenient care models and Hospitals more equal; thus, they can begin reforming the Healthcare system as a whole
  • 8. Summary Of On Seeing The 100 % Perfect Girl One Beautiful... Looking at the title of Haruki Murakami s On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning , the reader would most likely assume that the story is about love, which it is. Murakami writes a story inside another story of a man who lets his perfect other walk right past him because he couldn t decide on the perfect way to approach her. However, it is possible that, maybe, they walked right past each other because they just weren t meant to be. The story is situated in a fashionable neighborhood in Tokyo. On a narrow side street, the narrator walks past the 100% perfect girl. He doesn t look at her for more than a moment, but he knows immediately that she is his perfect match. The moment I see her, there s a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert (2). The narrator is very certain of his feelings for her, even though she is not unusually eye catching, nor is she very young. Rather, she is around the age of thirty and in a disheveled state. But still, I know from fifty yards away: She s the 100% perfect girl for me (2). The next day, the narrator recounts the event to another man, possibly a friend, but he is unable to recall the exact features of the girl. All he can remember is the feelings that were going through his chest at the time, which proves that a person doesn t fall in lovewith the looks of a person but the heart. The story goes on to relay the thoughts of the narrator in those few moments when he was looking at the perfect girl. He wished he could talk to her, but he didn t know how to approach her. He wished he could ask her out, but he was rendered speechless. ...explain to her the complexities of fate that have led to our passing each other on a side street... (15). It was fate that they should meet and realize that they are perfect for each other. But how should he start up a conversation with her? The narrator thinks of various ways to approach her, but none seem like the perfect way to convey what he is feeling, so he rejects each thought. Then he considers just telling her the truth that she is the perfect girl for him, but he is unable to gather the courage for fear of rejection. No, she wouldn t believe it. Or even if she did, she might not want to talk to
  • 9. The Triple Bottom Line no toxic substance while manufacturing the products. b)People: people refers to human resource. Sustainable business ensures that fair practices are practiced in the organization towards employees. This can be done by providing fair wages to employees, providing job security, providing safe environment to work etc. c)Profit: every business main motto is to make profit. Company also should make sure that profits are earned in compliance with people and planet. This would fetch more profit for the company in long run. Company is not only measured in the terms of profit but also measured environmentally and socially. Triple bottom lineconcept is not just limited to shareholders, it also gives importance to stakeholders or members of the organization. Not only financial needs, triple bottom line concept also takes environmental and social requirements into consideration. The old and traditional model just focuses only on profit and benefits for the company but triple bottom line concept proves that by just focusing on the profits company becomes unsustainable and gradually starts losing its profits over the period of time. Therefore, triple bottom line concept justifies that if the company aims at satisfying its customers and employees, it would automatically fetch good profits for the company. ... Show more content on ... (n.d.). The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work?) Captures the essence of sustainability by measuring the impact of an organization s activities on the world including both its profitability and shareholder value and its social, human and environmental capital. TBL can also be measured, it is measured in terms of index or in dollars but there is no proper standards universally to measure sustainability. Few economic variables are that included in triple bottom line concept are monthly
  • 10. Visual Rhetorical Analysis Essay Visual Rhetorical Analysis This is a visual Rhetorical analysis of the X men portrayal of a stereotype conveyed via film. It is a fiction movie that implies a near future where humanity begins to see a new race appear. The new race are mutants who are equipped with strange and varied powers; these mutants are grouped into two categories: those who advocate the integration and understanding with humanity, led by Dr. Charles Xavier and in the other category those seeking confrontation with the human race as inferior and hates them, directed by Magnus, best known as Magneto, a dangerous mutant with extraordinary powers. However, I will be focusing on Rogue, a teenager mutant whose power is on her skin. She absorbs powers or memory from other ... Show more content on ... An example of this is gay people who are being rejected just because they have a different sexual orientation from others, and they are afraid that if their families find out they will be pushed away. In X men, mutants and non mutants are fighting between those who are trying to help the human race and those who want to destroy them. Eventually, they started to do many things to be acceptable to society like changing their appearances and their opinions so they can live peacefully between non mutants. X men also show different races that are at war between each other. Teenage mutants can be dangerous because they do not know of their mutant powers, and they can be developed at any point of their life time. This movie, although it has a time frame that lasts two or three hours, it can be recorded on DVD to be view later on, one story at a time. At a point of their life mutants, have difficulties when their powers manifest without them expecting it. Particularly, teenagers can be isolated from their loved ones. Rogue plans with his boyfriend to set off an adventure prior to college. After she kissed him, her powers started to manifest, causing her terror and eventually she left
  • 11. Bishop And Roethke On The Contradictions Of Perception Date Overwhelming Sensuousness: Bishop and Roethke on the Contradictions of Perception My Papa s Waltz by Theodore Roethke and The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop depict the seemingly disparate subjects of a rough, playful dance between a drunken father and his son and a fish just pulled from the sea. Different in this way, the poems share an intense desire to render the ambiguity of subjective experience. More specifically, they show how embracing this ambiguity produces rich, potentially ecstatic modes of perception. While My Papa s Waltz centers on the subjective oscillation between what John McKenna calls love and fright; excitement and concern, The Fish probes the dichotomy between life and death, the human and the inhuman (38). Roethke s speaker seems to remain caught within the binary aspects of his sensory perception, struck by its contradictory richness, but Bishop offers a glimpse of how the oscillation gives way to epiphany, to what C.K. Doreski calls a leap from perception to wisdom (112). By directing readers attention to the importance of engaging subjective experience in a way that does not smooth over its contradictory elements, both poems are able to powerfully render the heightened modes of being that can emerge from an immersion in the sensuality of daily existence. I will demonstrate this claim via a close examination of the poems imagery, diction, tone, and autobiographical contexts. In order to approach the poems on their own terms, to
  • 12. Essay Mccarthyism and Its Effects on America McCarthyism not only destroyed the lives and careers of many Americans but also the innocent image of the country. Senator Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin was the same as any man. But when he cried Communism the world seemed to listen. br br Following the Cold War between Russia and the United States there came many hardships, such as unemployment and high inflation. These hardships produced a restless society. The society then looked for something or someone to blame (Fried, 39). They found someone to blame. Communists. Throughout the country there was a witch hunt known as the Red Scare. A basic idea was formed: Communismwas evil. Anyone who participated in such evil was considered illegitimate and were to be excluded from such things as... Show more content on ... Laws would hold no meaning and innocent people would be accused (Feuerlicht, 154). br br Communists were everywhere. But they were hard to identify because Communism was a philosophy. There was no way a person could provide supporting evidence that someone believed in something (Feuerlicht, 154). According to McCarthy there were over 200 Communists in the State Department (Feuerlicht, 55). And some 57 cases of people who fall into the category of card carrying Communists, loyalist of the Communist Party, or risks to the nation (Divine, 265). Despite the issue of Communists in America there was a bigger issue, Communist spies. Though the truth of the matter is that all countries spy and are spied on, even America. The shock felt by the nation was not lessened (Feuerlicht, 54). Communist spies were the worst kind because they were not the type that stole plans for new weapons they worked from within. They were the people helping us build our policy (Divine, 265). These Communist spies were also hard to find because very few made it easy and confessed to being a spy. One such a person was a German named Klaus Fuchs. He confessed to spying for the Russians while he worked on the development of the atom bomb (Fried, 120). br br Many Americans lives and careers were lost due to McCarthy and his accusations. Hollywood s leaders resisted allowing politicians to regulate their hiring practices, but following the HUAC hearings the blacklists began in
  • 13. Interpersonal Communication In The Movie As Good As It Gets Good morning, how are you today? I m doing great, How about you? These two simple statements are one example of interpersonal communication that people experience in daily life. Interpersonal communication is an indispensable part of human life. People need to meeting and communicating with other people. However, not every individual acquired effective interpersonal communicationskill. There will always be people like Melvin Udall, the main character in the movie: As Good As It Gets, who was absolutely a bad communicator. On the contrary, there are people like Carol, another main character in the movie, who was good at communicating and forming a healthy relationship with other people. In the beginning of the movie, the communication elements
  • 14. Biography Of William Edward Burghart Dubois Essay Intro/Education/Work: William Edward Burghart DuBois, more commonly known as W.E.B. DuBois, was born February 23, 1868. Raised in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, he grew up in what was considered to be a moderately well integrated and tolerant community. His mother s family was included in the miniscule population of free black peoplebecause of this, he was certainly considered privileged as opposed to people of color who were much less fortunate or who lived in highly segregated communities. DuBois attended the town s local public school, both elementary and high school levels, and excelled. His teachers recognized his abilities and often encouraged him in his academic pursuits. DuBois graduated at the top of his class in 1884, and he was determined to attend college as well. DuBois was set on attending Harvard, however, he didn t have the funds available to do so. With receiving donations of twenty five dollars a year from from four different congregational churches in his hometown of Great Barrington, DuBois was able to attend Fisk University instead. Fisk University is a historically black college, located in Nashville, Tennessee. DuBois attended Fisk from 1885 to 1888. Having traveled south to attend Fisk, DuBois had his first experience with southern racism, which, at that time, included lynchings and intense bigotry, and many states in the south were governed by Jim Crow laws. During the summer, he taught in community schools and learned more
  • 15. Inflation and Power Parity Level CHAPTER 4 Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting EASY (definitional) 4.1 In its absolute version, purchasing power parity states that price levels worldwide should be _______when expressed in a common currency. a) equal b) roughly equal c) different d) opportunities for arbitrage Ans:a Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Easy 4.2 The theory of relative purchasing power parity states that, between two nations, the a) inflation rates are unrelated b) exchange rate differential reflects the inflation rate differential c) inflation rate is smaller in weaker currencies d) the interest rate is greater than the inflation rate during depreciations Ans:b Section: Purchasing power parity ... Show more content on ... a) because arbitrage opportunities exist b) when the inflation controls are suspended in Brazil c) it depends on whether these are nominal or real returns d) regardless of nominal or real returns Ans:c Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.14 On January 1, 1994, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and Italy were expected to be 4% and 7%, respectively. If the current spot rate on that day was $1 = L2,000, then the expected spot rate for the lira in three years was a) $.0004591 b) $.0011590 c) $.0009892 d) $.0005471 Ans:a
  • 16. Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.15 On January 1, 1985, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and France were expected to be 4% and 6%, respectively. If the current spot rate that day was $.1250, then the expected spot rate in two years was a) $.1299 b) $.1150 c) $.1203 d) $.1335 Ans:c Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.16 Suppose five year deposit rates on Eurodollars and Euro marks are 12% and 8%, respectively. If the current spot rate for the mark is $0.50, then the spot rate for the mark five years from now implied by these interest rates is a) .5997 b) .4169 c) .5185 d) .4821 Ans:a Section: The international fisher effect Level: Medium 4.17 The direct spot quote for the Canadian dollar is $.76 and the 180 day forward rate is $.74. The difference between the two rates is likely to mean that a) inflation in the U.S. during the past year was
  • 17. Explain What Was The Main Purpose Of The May 68 Uprising... The May 68 uprising in Paris is known as the beginning of 1960s student movements in the world. To answer the question Why did the May 68 uprising fail to spread and transform into a full scale revolution, as many of the student organizers had hoped? , it is important to clarify what was the goal that student organizers set. This movement started from students occupied the Sorbonne university, then developed student marches and demonstrations and workers movement. The main purpose of the May 68 uprising was demanding for democracy. However, according to The general strike and the student revolt in France , The governmentand media strive to portray the street battles in the Latin Quarter as the work of radical groups and troublemakers
  • 18. Thematic Analys in Andre Dubus’ Killings Essay Analysis of Killings The major theme of Andre Dubus Killings is how far someone would go for the person they love. It is important to note the title of the story is killings and not killers, for the reasoning that the story does not just focus on two deaths or two murderers but rather the death of marriage, friendship, youth, and overall, trust. Richard Strout was married to Mary Ann, who was most likely fed up with his hot temperedness that always seemed to get him into fist fights. She separated from her husband and while they were going through the process of divorce she started a new relationship with Frank Fowler, killing all hope of reconciling her marriage with Richard. In return he became enraged not only in losing his ... Show more content on ... Both men tend to work late nights; Trottier was a bartender, so Fowler meeting with him after hours was an easy alibi. The hardest part was getting Strout to a secluded place, which they were able to do by conning him at first, saying they had bought him a plane ticket and wanted him out of their lives so that everyone could move on. After leaving Strout s car at an apartment building in Boston, they lead Strout to a pre dug hole in a wooded area where Fowler kills him. The gun kicked in Matt s hand, and the explosion of the shot surrounded him...Richard Strout, squirming on his belly pushed himself towards the woods. Then Matt went to him and shot him once in the back of the head (106). In this story, Dubus invites the reader to mull over the disparity between people s ethical responsibility to society and the primal urge to protect and avenge their loved ones. At the end of the story, Matt tells Ruth what happened, but it is clear that he feels deep remorse for the action he has taken. He, his wife and friend Trottier will be forever scarred by the responsibility of keeping the secret of murder. Nevertheless, Dubus does not judge Matt and label him either a hero or a sinner; he simply presents the ethical problem to the reader. The story begins while Matt Fowler is at his youngest son, Frank s, funeral where the author uses the literary element of third person limited omniscient
  • 19. International Parity Conditions Prices, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in Equilibrium (International Parity Conditions) Table of Content Executive SummaryВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В 1.IntroductionВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В 2.Literature ReviewВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…6 3.Findings and Analysis: В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…10 a.PPPВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…..В…В…В… b.FEВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…..В…В…В…В…В c.IFEВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…..В…В…В…В…В…В 4.Conclusion Recommendations В…В…В…В…В….В…В…..В…В…В…В…В…В…16 BibliographyВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В… Appendix A. Historical DataВ…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…В…18 Table of Figures Figure 1. International Parity Conditions Figure 2. Scatter Diagram for PPP Figure 3. Time series data for inflation rates differential and exchange rate change Figure 4. Regression Plot ... Show more content on ... Michael H. Moffet, et al in Fundamentals of Multinational Finance say that the PPP is not particularly helpful in determining what the spot rate is today, but that the relative change in prices between countries over a period of time determines the change in exchange rates. Moreover, if the spot rate between 2 countries starts in equilibrium, any change in the differential rate of inflation between them tends to be offset over the long run by an equal but opposite change in the spot rate. As for empirical tests, they say that both relative and absolute purchasing power parity show that for the most part, PPP tends to not be accurate in predicting future exchange rates. Two general conclusions can be drawn from the tests: В• PPP holds up well over the very long term but is poor for short term estimates
  • 20. В• The theory holds better for countries with relatively high rates of inflation and underdeveloped capital markets. Georgios E. Chortareas and Rebecca L. Driver in PPP and the real exchange rateВ–real interest rate differential puzzle revisited: evidence from non stationary panel data state that the results show that there is little direct evidence to support PPP, i.e. the proposition that the real exchange rate is constant, or at least mean reverting, in the long run. This evidence is obtained by examining the stationarity of the real exchange rate. The failure to find PPP
  • 21. The Creation Of Israel By John F. Kennedy Joey Dettore Mrs. Whitney Global Perspectives 3/15/16 The Creation of Israel Israel was not created in order to disappear Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom. These are John F. Kennedy s thoughts and opinions upon the creation of Israel. In the time leading up to the creation of Israel, the Jews had endured much suffering through the terrible acts of the Holocaust. Jews have proven to rise from the despair and the suffering that they had to endure and they ultimately created something stupendous: their own country. There have been many obstacles in the way for the Jews to do this, the biggest being the Arab Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians objected to the Arab Jews forming a nation and if it were not for the help of the United States, Israel would have never been able to overrule the power of the Arab Palestinians and take over the land for themselves. With tremendous support from the United States, the creation of Israel exemplifies the joyous and magnificent accomplishment that not only Arab Jews accomplished, but all Jews. In the time leading up to the creation of Israel, the Jews were motivated to establish their own country in the territory of Palestine with the support of other countries around the world. There were many contributions that lead to the creation of
  • 22. Tom Sawyer Greed Quotes Erich Fromm once said, Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. In Mark Twain s Tom Sawyer, Tom wants to live a life dedicated to the pursuit of money and illegal adventures. One of the themes that Mark Twain explores in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is greed. Three examples that support this theme are: Tom chases after a murderer for money, Tom manipulates people into giving Tom treasure for doing his work, and Tom wants to be a pirate or a robber and live a life on the run because Tom likes to get money without working for it. Tom will go to great lengths to get money. When Tom chases Injun Joe so that he could steal the treasure Injun found, Injun,
  • 23. The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants Introduction The debate of who should be allowed to enter the United States has been an issue for many years, with the large number of people entering and living here illegally this has become a significant talking point amongst the candidates in this presidential election. But are their views something that should be shared and supported by Christians today? There are definitely two opposing views from Christians on this topic. I will present both views regarding illegal immigrants in the United States and then I will present my own opinion on this topic. There are two points of view on the issue of illegal immigrants. One side of the argument says that illegal immigrants should be allowed into the country and should be able to get help from the church to obtain legal documents. The other side states that illegal immigrants should not be allowed into the country because it is illegal and that goes against Biblical teachings. This debate has been going on for many years and depending on the outcome of the elections, the issue will be resolved one of the two ways. Argument for Illegal Immigrants The central argument for illegal immigration is the fact that as Christians we should love our neighbor as ourselves and foreigners are no exception. Exodus 23:21 says, Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt . One of the problems that arises with illegal immigration is the fact that they are usually without money and without a place to stay. The
  • 24. Similarities Between Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief The author of the book is Rick Riordan, it is published the 1. June in 2005. The publisher of the book is Penguin group and it is in the genre action and fantasy. Percy Jackson and the lightning thief is the first book of an action and fantasy series with five books in total, all of the books are based the Greek mythology with gods such as Zeus and Poseidon. The book was a hit, people seemed to love the action and the story and therefore the book went straight up to New York s bestseller right when it was published, and has also won quite a few prices. Our main character in this book is Percy; he is twelve years old and is what in the Greek mythology calls a demigod. He lives with his mother and a stepdad, but he had never met his biological father before, Percy was told that his father disappeared on a trip ... Show more content on ... When he arrived the camp he could he fast understand that he camp were a camp for demigods. In addition, to which cabin the demigods would live in had something to do with who the parent was. Although there were three cabins empty because it was the cabins of the big three, which meant the cabins of the three most powerful gods, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon. These cabins were empty because Zeus ordered that neither Poseidon, Hades nor Zeus could have any more kid because the kid of the big three were just too powerful. However, it seemed that Poseidon disobeyed Zeus and had another child, as that did not make Zeus angry enough; Zeus master bolt was also stolen. In addition to Poseidon disobeying him, made Zeus in believing that Percy was the lightning thief and for accusing that, Poseidon and Zeus threaten each other with war if Percy did not bring back the lightning bolt. This makes Percy to go on a quest with his friends Annabeth who is also a demigod and his childhood friend Grover to find who the lightning thief
  • 25. The Inside Out s Mise-En-Scene The movie Inside Out directed by Pete Doctor and Ronnie del Carmen shows the inner workings of a young girl named Riley s mind, depicting her emotions as individual characters that use a control bored to control her emotions, thoughts, and actions. The film starts at Riley s birth and we re initially introduced to Joy, then Sadness, after which we meet Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Riley s life is filled with happy memories and moments until her family packs up and moves from Minnesota to San Fransisco. Not long after the move Joy and Sadness get sucked up into the tube that takes memories to the long term memory bank and they have to work to find their way back. And in the end when Joy and Sadness return back to headquarters it is Sadness who ends up saving the day.... Show more content on ... For instance, the name of the character which represents and provide joy is named Joy, the same goes for Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Each emotion serves a specific purpose inside of Riley s brain in order to keep her overall emotion balanced. Mise en Scene is also reveals character through the color and facial expression of each character/emotion. Joy, the first emotion that is met is glowing and has a constant smile from ear to ear. Next is Sadness, she is short, blue, and looks like she is on the verge of tears. Fear is purple, he wears a nervous smile. Anger is red. Anger always has a scowl on his face and when made very angry his head shoots fire out of it. And last is Disgust. She is green and always has an unimpressed and annoyed look on her
  • 26. Cinematic Language In The Help The Help is a movie from a famous book published by Kathryn Stockett about a girl name Eugenia Skeeter Phelan and her relationship with to African American maids in the 1960 s during the Civil Rights era in Jackson, Mississippi. This film was written by Tate Tayor, who written and directed other movies such as; Pretty Ugly People (2008), and Winter Bones (2010). The fans general response to the movie The Helpbudget in the Box office according to was at the estimate of 25 million dollars. This filmwas produced by DreamWorks Pictures.The celebrities that started the movie was, Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jessica Chastain. Emma Stone had an opportunity to play at the role of Eugenia Skeeter ... Show more content on ... The way how the scenes of the movie looks in the eyes of the director, he wanted his viewers to see how life was back in the 1960s. Kathryn Stockett vision of the story is to show racism at its finest. Tate Taylor has to figure out how to make the movie seems like the viewers are looking at the movie ask if they are reading the book. The soundtrack of the movie is based off different songs that can relate to the type of music most people will hear from the 1960s. A few artists that is mentioned in the soundtracks are Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, and Mary J Blige. The performance of the movie was outstanding. The thought of having Emma Stone being the protagonist is a film, is a great fit for this type of character in the movie. I believe that Emma Stone have certain way of showing a leadership role a multiple of films that she starred in. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer did a magnificent job playing as the role off the two maids. Both of these women have probably experienced some sorts of racism in the lives, and can relate well to the movie. Stone, Davis, Spencer have read The Help before, so playing the role of Skeeter and the two maids was easy for them to get into, because of reasons this story beforehand. There s a video on YouTube where Tate Taylor and Kathryn Stockett had mention the fact that these women have read the story before, and enjoyed
  • 27. Cepheid Synthesis Essay In the early 1900s, Henrietta Leavitt was studying Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud (the small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way) and found a relationship between their period and luminosity. This meant that, simply by measuring the period of a more distant Cepheid, astronomers could immediately determine its luminosity and hence, its distance. How We Use Cepheids Astronomers use Cepheid stars to measure distance. First, the period of a distant Cepheid is measured. The period is the length of time between brightness peaks. Next, they measure the peak luminosity of the star itself; this gives them the apparent brightness. Then, assuming that all Cepheids of the same period have the same absolute brightness, the distance is computed
  • 28. Reader Response And A Grain Of Wheat Essay F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, The reason one writes isn t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say. This quote applies directly to Ngugi Wa Thiong s novel A Grain of Wheat. One could infer from this quote that some writers write not just for the enjoyment derived from it, but rather out of a feeling of obligation to let readers hear what they may have to say. Ngugi s message that he feels obligated to convey is delivered, however, he uses a very unusual writing technique to arrive there. He wants the readers to understand the pain, suffering, and confusion that took place during the Emergency. Through jumbled chronological order, numerous characterand point of view changes, and a powerful... Show more content on ... When Part two begins with chapter four, the setting of the book has completely changed. Within this chapter, the readers start out with another short history lesson that is completely out of context from the previous reading. Ngugi then shifts to Karanja and his multiple inner battles. The readers are now left pondering what time period and which characters thoughts they are reading. The fact that Ngugi begins this novel, and concludes it, after the Emergency without maintaining chronological sequence is what begins to make this story so unique. Although he is moving across a vast time period, the chronology is never consistent. He manages to explore a sixty year time period while remaining focused on the six days leading up to Uhuru. Basically, the readers are forced to become deadlocked into the book and examine every minute detail that is thrown at them. If the readers do not do this, then it is most likely that they will miss a key detail in the book and be confused for the rest of the novel. During Ngugi s chronological jumps throughout the book, he constantly switches the point of view along with which character the story focuses on. This forces the readers to go into each chapter reading without knowing who or what is going to come next. This also forces the readers to pay close attention to every sentence of the book while maintaining their sanity. This loss of sanity is due to the fact that the readers are
  • 29. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Guis The innovation is changing every day at the considerable pace it is essential to plan the powerful graphical client interface or GUI, is a kind of interface that permits clients to cooperate with electronic gadgets through graphical symbols and visual markers, for example, optional documentation, instead of content based interfaces, wrote order names or content route. GUIs were acquainted in response with the apparent steep expectation to absorb information of order line interfaces (CLIs), which oblige summons to be written on the console. The activities in a GUI are typically performed through direct control of the graphical components. Notwithstanding PCs, GUIs can be found close by held gadgets, for example, MP3 players, versatile media... Show more content on ... Popularization GUIs were a hotly debated issue in the mid 1980s. The Apple Lisa was discharged in 1983 and different windowing frameworks existed for MS DOS. Singular applications for various stages introduced their own particular tackle the GUI. In spite of the GUIs points of interest, numerous analysts scrutinized the estimation of the whole idea, refering to equipment confinements and the trouble in finding good programming. In 1984, Apple discharged a TV plug which presented the Apple Macintosh amid the broadcast of Super Bowl XVIII by CBS, with implications to George Orwell s prominent novel, Nineteen Eighty Four. The business was gone for making individuals consider PCs, distinguishing the easy to understand interface as a PC which left from past business situated frameworks, and turning into a mark representation of Apple items Joined by a broad advertising effort, Windows 95 was a noteworthy accomplishment in the commercial center at dispatch and in a matter of seconds turned into the most prominent desktop working
  • 30. Japanese Gardens And The Garden Japanese Gardens is a garden style that originated in Japan with a design elements that in line with the Buddhist belief. Buddhist teaching is symbolized in the different elements are make up the garden as a whole. Buddhism belief are used in the inspiration of various element through the use of water, stone, and architectural pieces. The specific element that will be focused on in this paper is water, stone, architectural elements. The Japanese Garden that used to break down the broad scope of all the different elements is a Japanese Garden. I chose to use this a Japanese Garden as my primary garden since I have visited multiple times at the Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Garden here in town. In this garden all the key elements are ... Show more content on ... The waterfall in the garden of my primary text is a multi stage style of waterfall. The waterfalls in the garden symbolize permanent impermanence (Shinn). The analysis the symbolism of water as a whole in the Japanese Garden it symbolizes the continuous flow of time and life change elements in the garden. One understanding of the flow of time and life change is that life is always moving forward at a fast pace and life is always changing. Along with life is always changing that can be seen as nothing in life is ever permanent. The Buddhist belief that reflects this idea is anatta: The theory that nothing is permanent entity of self (Anatta). The second element of Japanese Garden is the use of stones in the garden. According to the Ancient Japanese mythology, the mountains and stones create the skeletons of the Earth and symbolize permanence and immutability, and water is its blood, a symbol of the flow of life and change (5 Japanese Garden Elements). In Japanese gardens the stone element are all throughout the gardens in stone lantern and stone pagodas. First stone sculptural piece is the stone lanterns as are known as toro in Japanese they re symbolic of shedding light for a night time stroll (Fallow), while also described as being used to mark paths to tea rooms as well as to punctuate locations of water basins and entry points (Shinn 32 37). They are many various types of stone structures in a Japanese garden
  • 31. Cloud Storage And Direct The Conversation Of Digital... Digital preservation is key in enabling individuals to access, understand, and use information (Meghini). There are many challenges facing digital preservation including limited storage, policies, and cost. To meet these challenges, some have proposed the incorporation of cloud storage in long term preservation plans; I disagree. This essay seeks to highlight the weaknesses of cloud storage and direct the conversation of digital preservation to more reliable means. To begin with, the rate of creation of digital data far exceeds the storage available to host it. Berman addresses this alarming trend by explaining that it is not possible to store all of our digital data and that within the next decade, it is highly likely that as more data ... Show more content on ... Moreover, cloud storage provides the option to grant others access to your data for viewing and editing, transforming your data into a group project. Cloud storage is also beneficial in that it is a way to create backups of information. Should disaster strike your computer system, the information you stored using cloud storage would still survive off site. I can testify to the usefulness of cloud storage. While working as a librarian assistant at a public library, I was introduced to the many benefits of cloud computing and storage. It also comes in handy for the occasional group project as a GSLIS student. How wonderful it is to easily access documents and collaborative projects on the go, away from my desk, without need for contacting my coworkers or fellow students for updates on what they each had accomplished; it is all accessible wherever I have access to the Internet. However, with the convenience of cloud storage come real risks. Cloud storage is quite attractive, given the advantages previously stated, but there are still great concerns, including reliability and security. Organizations relying on cloud computing must ensure that the third party they ve entrusted to store their data can guarantee that they can access their information at any time and that their information is safe from the threat of hackers (Berman, 2008, p. ). There are several
  • 32. Beyonce s Pretty Hurts The Beauty Within The messages of Beyonce s Pretty Hurts and Christina Aguilera s Beautiful , were both astonishing. The messages of the songs are often overlooked because of the images the artists portray on society. The two songs contained an ample amount of information to take away, and to use in everyday life. The two songs opened my eyes to how people who are different feel, and how they can be beautiful in their own way, even if it hurts them in the long run. The two messages should be able to touch anybody, and inspire people to change, no matter what or who you are. The two songs, Pretty Hurts by Beyonce Knowles, and Beautiful by Christina Aguilera, both have alluring messages. The two artists helped me realize how people who ... Show more content on ... They feel empty, and feel as if they have no one to talk to. In Christina Aguilera s Beautiful , she says To all your friends you re delirious, So consumed, In all your doom, ooh, Trying hard to fill the emptiness . In Beyonce s Pretty Hurts she says, Pretty Hurts, Shine the light on whatever s worse, Perfection is the disease of the nation, Pretty Hurts, Shine the light on whatever s worse, Tryna fix something, But you can t fix what you can t see, It s the soul that needs the surgery . I feel like both of the artists are trying to say that when you try to alter yourself to be someone you are not, you are making yourself more empty than you already feel that you are. I also think that their tone is concerned, because they feel as if people feel as if there is something wrong with them, when in all reality, they have the same amount of beauty as anyone else, inside and out. I also think that the two artists are trying to say that everyone has insecurities, and despite our insecurities we are all still beautiful. I also think the message they are trying to convey is that no matter what society says, never be afraid to be you. My text evidence is in Christina Aguilera s Beautiful where
  • 33. The Segregation Of South Afric An Outcome Of Colonialism,... The existing pattern of manipulated schooling in South Africa can be considered an outcome of colonialism, segregation and apartheid. In the early 1800s, the arrival of the British introduced the first system of education in Africa. The indigenous people of Africa were exposed to schooling under the provision of British missionaries. At this time, education was a means of spreading the British language, imposing their religion and just a general mechanism for social control. Their strategy was to civilize the black Africans and anglicize the white Afrikaners. And most of the school establishments were mixed, serving whites coloreds and Africans. However, the Afrikaners resisted European control in attempt to avoid becoming the lower... Show more content on ... Education s role can be molding a person for their prescribed field of work, and that is exactly what the whites conducted. They systematically programmed the Africans for work as cheap unskilled laborers and thus left the superior roles in society for themselves to fill. Clear ethnic and class stratification developed, and the government eventually adopted the view that Africans must fund their own education, which continued throughout the apartheid. Between 1910 and 1948, per capita expenditures on white education increased by 263% and African numbers in school plummeted to about 30% (Johnson 1982). Once again, limiting education was a tool to shape society for the benefit of one group the education of the White child prepares him for life in a dominant society and the education of the black child for a subordinate society (Johnson 1982). And in 1948, the AfrikanerNational Party rose to power by an election victory, attaining further governmental policy control. The aim of the National Party was to increase and rigidify the segregationism imposed in the few years previous, and thus began the apartheid in South Africa. To facilitate the separation of all ethnic groups the Bantu Education act was introduced in 1953. And in combination with the National Education Policy Act of 1967, which stripped the provinces of most of their control over white education and empowered the Minister of
  • 34. Brief Biography Of Marquis De Lafayette Marquis de Lafayette Marquis de Lafayette s full name is Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, it s very long. Lafayette was born September 6th 1757. Before Lafayette s second birthday his father a colonel of grenadiers was killed at Minden. At the age of twelve his mother passed away and a few weeks he lost his grandfather to death as well.He was left a very young wealthy orphan. On April 9th 1771 at the age of fourteen Lafayette entered the royal army . when he was sixteen Lafayette married Marie Adrienne FranГ§oise de Nouilles allying himself with one of the wealthiest families in France. Marie was related to the king. Marquis real... Show more content on ... When Lafayette learned of the struggle of Americans in their endeavor to secure their independence he resolved to come to the colonies to aid them in their efforts as a volunteer. He also persuaded several French officers to come with him later he arrived by Charleston, SC, June 13,1777 when the leaders learned of his mission they welcomed him very gracefully. In December,1777 Lafayette went with George Washington and the army into winter quarters at Valley Forge. In the early days of the camp several officers were interested in trying to have a sentiment developed against Washington to have congress relieve him of the command of the continental armies (Conway Cabal).However, they were unable to gain the support they expected,They also tried to gain the cooperation of Lafayette, but failed, Lafayette wrote a long letter to Washington in which he pledged his loyalty in a letter which was marked by his sincere appreciation. General Gates who was only lukewarm in his support of Washington had succeeded in convincing several members of Congress to appoint a board of war in which Gates would have complete control. He suggested that plans should be developed to invade
  • 35. How To Visualize Laura In The Big Woods One of the first times a reader can visualize Laura as a tomboy is in the book Little House in the Big Woods. The scene is set that Laura, Mary and Pa are playing an outdoor game. This particular game calls for the players to be rugged and courageous. At this point, it is clear to a reader that Laura and Mary are a representation of two different types of a female character. The game calls for a chase to begin and with a wild leap and a scramble she went over the woodbox dragging her sister, Mary, with her to safety. Wilder is clearing stating in her narrative that Laura and Mary are afraid of their Pa just by seeing the look in his eyes as they became so fierce that it all seemed real (BW 35). This is the section where the personalities of Mary and Laura separate.... Show more content on ... When they look into their Pa s eyes Mary is so frightened that she could not move (35), whereas Laura is not afraid and quick on her feet. She is so rugged like a tomboy that she is strong enough (even though she is younger and smaller than Mary) to save the both of them in the game of Mad Dog . Laura s father reinforces this tomboy persona with the declaration You re only a little half pint of cider half drunk up, but by Jinks! you re as strong as a little French horse! (BW 35). This particular scene might be the beginning of where Laura became son like to Pa. This direct connection to being a tomboy is alluded to in the color of Laura s hair. The two characters of Laura and Mary have different color hair; Laura s is brown whereas Mary s is blond. Laura states Mary is rarely punished and says, Mary was a good little girl who always kept her dress clean and neat and minded her manners. Mary had lovely golden curls (BW 174 75). Laura is often punished for being mischievous and when she slaps Mary because of her blond curls, Pa states, Well, Laura, my hair is brown
  • 36. John Steinbeck Dbq Sin is something that is beneath all people. No matter the race, gender, or age. It is even in the most innocent families. In the Pearl, John Steinbeck uses similes, symbolism, and characterization to show the reader that the obsession with money is the biggest sin a family. In the pearl, Steinbeck uses similes to develop the challenge the character faces. This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us, (Steinbeck 50) Juana says this soon after the interference with burglars. She sensed the power of the pearl then. It was gaining power over Kino, in a sense that was now beyond the good he wanted to come out of he pearl. That is why she compares the pearl to a sin, as she is getting weaker and weaker to persuade Kino into letting go of the pearl. ... Show more content on ... He shows that the pearl is corruptive by showing what it could do to a family. The pearl is betrayed as evil. Not only did it break a family apart but also it caused for death to arise. The pearl brought evil when bringing burglars, hoax, and fake people. The priest and the Doc. both seemed to turn onto the good side with Kino as soon as they found out he had the pearl of all time. People started breaking in, messed Kino s canoe and even set Kino s house on fire. And worse, with everything that was already being taken away, Kino s beloved son was shot and killed. And then Kino s brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound the keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death (86) All shortly happening after the finding of the pearl. Leaving the pearl as the guilt for
  • 37. Oresteia Compare And Contrast Essay Peter Meineck s Oresteia and Thomas Kyd s The Spanish Tragedy incorporates vengeance and revenge as a motif, which centralizes on the tragic deaths of Clytemnestra and Hieronimo s children. The two protagonists act out because of a deep and furious anguish over what they perceive as senseless murders of their beloved children, Iphigenia and Horatio. Clytemnestra and Hieronimo view this crime committed by the murderers as an act of betrayal. Thus, it encourages the two protagonists to seek revenge for their own child s unlawful death. Both parents regard their vindictive motives as justified acts, due to the grief and pain that has been inflicted upon them. This essay examines the similarities and differences of the two protagonists ... Show more content on ... Clytemnestra s overwhelming hate for her husband deepens because Agamemnon shows no feelings of remorse and believes that Iphigenia s sacrifice [is] for the best (216 224). Aeschylus recalls the final moments of Iphigenia s sacrifice: her pleading, her terrified cries of Father !/[...]/ Her eyes threw a last pitiful glace at her sacrificers, / but like a figure in a painting,/she could not call to them for help (228 242). Consequently, Iphigenia s heartbreaking sacrifice motivates Clytemnestra s unforgiving child avenging Rage (155) upon her husband, Agamemnon. Clytemnestra s maternal instinct implores her to take revenge against Agamemnon for his mistreatment of their daughter. Furthermore, Clytemnestra views Agamemnon s sacrifice of Iphigenia as a betrayal of their marital love. Clytemnestra believes her husband deserves the same fate as Iphigenia because Agamemnon [has] sacrificed [their] own child, [Clytemnestra s] labour of love, to charm away the cruel storm winds of Thrace (1417 1417). To Clytemnestra, Agamemnon must suffer, deed for deed,/ for what he [has] [done] to [their] daughter,/Iphigenia, his own flesh and blood!
  • 38. Johnny Got His Gun Essay dignity because he could no longer interact with other humans. It was the author s idea of the worst case scenario that could have occurred to a soldier who was injured. The description of his injuries gave the reader a picture of what it would be like to have lived with no legs, arms, or a face. It was a gruesome thought that helped personalize the story by making the reader feel bad for the main character. At this time many perceived fighting in a war to be noble but for most of the soldiers it was anything but noble. Many times television shows, movies, and books had glamorized war, but that was not the truth. This book showed the harsh reality of war that most people didn t know existed at the time. War is something that no ... Show more content on ... Obviously this is not a good solution, which is why we must find other ways to solve our disputes. This book changed my attitude towards war and the men who fight in them. As evidenced from the past tense verb in the title of the novel, Johnny Got His Gun takes as its focus the aftermath of war for a soldier, rather than the optimistic, patriotic prewar time frame upon which other novels as well as the original song quot;Johnny Get Your Gun quot; focus. Although the novel remains clear about the fact that Johnny received his injuries from an exploding shell, Johnny does not ever think back to combat warfare. The novel takes as its opponent not combat warfare but rather the mentality of warfare and organization of modern warfare by the moneyed classes. Joe s memories related to the war, such as the Lazarus story, or the story of the man with a flap over his stomach, do not directly deal with warfare. Instead, these various memories create a sense of the incomprehensible decay, injury, and pain that result from war. Joe remembers the stories with a wry tone that gives a sense of the absurdity of each of the situations such as the rumor about the man who lost his face only to return home and die at his wife s hands. In this sense, the use of the war in the text remains true to its use in the title of the novel: the war exists as a precondition for senseless and grotesque injury and
  • 39. Effects Of Prohibition In The 1920s Prohibition The 1920 s is no doubt a scandalous and unique time period in U.S. history. Americans who lived during the early years of this decade adapted rather quickly to the introduction of new ideas and innovations. Many of whom desired to fulfill their own American Dream even if it was primarily out of greed. The nation was too ignorant to realize they had dug a massive hole in the U.S. economy; the Great Depression and left the economy at a historically low point, yet alcohol remained alive in the face of Prohibition. Although the era of Prohibition was short lived, it made a long lasting impact on both the 1920s and present day United States. The ideas of Prohibition began as early as the 1820 s; nearly a century before it was actually enforced in the United States. Massachusetts was the first state that had established a Temperance law that limited the amount of liquor a person could buy at one time, but the law vanished rather quickly. However, it it did have an impression on other states such as Maine who passed the first ever state Prohibition law in America. Soon enough, Prohibition spread across the nation like wildfire. The Temperance movement was the fight to ban alcohol (History). The American ... Show more content on ... The citizens of the United States during the 1920 s closely resemble the Puritans in the early 1600 s in that the Puritans fought to purify their colonies by conducting the Salem witch trials and the American citizens sought Prohibition of alcohol as a solution to end violence and try to solve social problems. Both cases ended terribly and it was more harmful to the society than it was helpful. Ironically, organized crime, criminal activity, and gang violence increased remarkably when Prohibition was enforced, a major plot twist that left the United States in turmoil, but taught them a valuable
  • 40. Review of the Bail Bond System Kevin Hudson 3 29 2011 Prof. Kuennen Review of Bail Bond System To begin the process of bail, first there must be a suspect, an arrest, a police report filled out, and charges filed against the suspect. From here, there are five possible release options: own recognizance, property bond, cash bond, surety bond, and citation release. In the following paragraphs, I will present each of these topics and show how they are typically used. The most commonly used form of release from jail, until the court date, is own recognizance (O.R.) This program is used through the county or the specific law enforcement managed pre trial program. In order to determine whether a suspect can be released by the own recognizance, a staff member of the ... Show more content on ... The arraignment will usually be help anywhere from two week to a month from the date of the release. If the suspect were to remain in custody of the police at that point he will be transported to the court by the county or city facility in which he or she is being held. After Maurice Clemmons murdered four Lakewood Officers on a cold night in November, it took just over two months, February 2nd, 2010, for Governor Christine Gregoire to announce a review of the entire Washington State bail bond system. A new policy has been suggested that will put legislator right into the middle of the bail bonds war. With bail bond agencies undercutting each other, this causes to a serious problem of inmates getting released for less than what is asked of the state. In an article by OPB News, dated February 2nd, 2009, it was revealed that bail bond agencies were trying to get the most customers and were indeed stealing other agencies customers from them. This would happen through the mind of undercutting the other agencies by taking less than was required to release a suspect from their jail cell. In a particular case discussed by the newspaper article, Maurice Clemmons was released on a $190,000 bail after paying less than five percent, even with a required ten percent up front. With a different bail, Bad Boys Bail Bonds
  • 41. Volleyball as a Subculture Does Society Dig Volleyball as a Subculture? I. Introduction The individuality within diverse subcultures has given so much to society already. Subcultures such as volleyball have been given a chance to grow in our society and spread to other cultures connecting nations across the globe. It takes time for a subculture to be accepted by our society today. Once it is accepted, membership in subculture grows as more people feel comfortable joining a mainstream subculture such as volleyball. However, to be a part of this particular subculture there are a few guidelines and some complicated jargon. Perhaps, since volleyball is not a subculture that greatly defies social norms, it may not be stigmatized or critically stereotyped by ... Show more content on ... A set is done, as already mentioned, over the player s head with two hands slightly spaced apart. Then, the players and opponents repeat the actions as such: bump, set, spike. I became of part of this subculture when I was in 3rd grade, but became a serious member in 7th grade when I played with a competitive volleyball team. We would meet to practice for about an hour everyday, and we would play other opponents once a week. The longer I was a part of this subculture, the more involved I became with it, and the more serious I became about being a part of the group. III. Subculture Analysis As a leisure sport, volleyball is part of the middle class society, where most Americans tend to consider themselves falling in the social class system. Volleyball interests most middle school and high school girls, but little interest is shown by boys of that age. I was personally a part of the subculture of volleyball involving middle school and high school girls. Participating in this subculture proves athleticism and strength. Also, being a member of the subculture can give the individual a feeling of responsibility and success, helping to gain confidence in themself. Volleyball is part of the mainstream culture, mostly popular among girls. As many schools only have women s teams, men are a minority in the subculture, even though the game was designed originally for men. Also, because the subculture involves physical activity
  • 42. A Linguistic Term For Indo European And Indian History ARYANS Aryan is a linguistic term for Indo European (Robert Westad 2014a). The Aryans brought to India no culture so advanced as that of Harappans (Robert Westad 2014a). When the Aryans appear writing disappeared and does not come back until the middle of the first millennium BCE. Cities were reinvented by the Aryans, which lack the elaboration and order of the gridded pattern of Harappans (Robert Westad 2014a). When the Aryans migrated into the Indus Valley they brought with them a culture that was very different from any other region (Breyer 2004). The invaders had two contributions to Indian history; it s formal history and its social institutions (Robert Westad 2014a). One of the biggest social institutions that the Aryans brought to India was the unique social structure; in their system every class had a duty to their society (Breyer 2004). Originally there were only three main classes or Varnas, but this changed to fit the civilisation in which they controlled (Breyer 2004). As religion and rituals were a major part of Indian life, it was only fitting that the priests and scholars were the highest class (Beyer 2004). They were called the Brahmans (Breyer 2004). Under the Brahmans were the ruling class or the Kshatriyas; this also included nobles and warriors (Breyer 2004). The third class was made up of the commoners they were called the Vaisyas. It was the fourth class that the servants and peasants made up, called Sudras. It was later on where another
  • 43. Analysis Of The Poem The Duchess Chaucer s Book of the Duchess has been widely debated as to when it was written as this influences the interpretation of which historical figures were fashioned after characters in the poem. The poem was written as a memorial for the death of Duchess Blanche of Lancaster, whose husband John of Gaunt was a patron of Chaucer s. Knowing the date that Chaucer wrote this poem affects the way in which readers and audience at the time interpreted the poem. The initial response is to read the Black Knight figure as John of Gaunt, because the character is lamenting the loss of his love that is named Lady White in the poem. The French translation of White is Blanche, which makes it evident that the poem is a type of tribute for her death. Therefore the poem can be interpreted as the love between John of Gaunt and Duchess Blanche, as well as his grief for her now that she has passed. The narrator is interpreted to be Chaucer, as his status in the poem appears to be lower than the Black Knight, and the narrator himself is dealing with a grief of his own though it does not explicitly say whom he mourns. Chaucer has carefully woven historical context through The Book of the Duchess by subtly inferring real medieval figures with characters in the poem, as well as the many classical and medieval figures from prominent Greek and Roman Myths, as well as Greek philosophers and academics. Chaucer uses the death of Duchess Blanche as a reason to write The Book of the Duchess as a means to appeal
  • 44. Analysis Of Andrew Sarris s Odyssey Andrew Sarris, a renowned film critic, clarified the Auteur Theory to be the notion that the way a film looks and moves should have some relationship to the way a director thinks and feels, and that good directors express style and theme across their body of work, (Stam 89; Sampson, Lecture 8.2). Although director Jonathan Glazer has a diverse body of work, his personal themes and style are able to shine through across all visual mediums, thus proving him to be a good director, according to Andrew Sarriss interpretation of the Auteur Theory. In his Odyssey commercial for Levi Strauss, his music video for Rabbit in Your Headlights by Unkle, and his film Birth, the combination of his themes of persistenceand unclear identities, along with his style of capturing people s faces and use of tracking shots reveals his worldview that human beings are complex and strong entities. The theme of persistence is prominent among the three mediums. The Rabbit in Your Headlights music video portrays the persistence of a will to survive in a lone man who is walking on a busy road. Cars keep hitting and knocking him down, but he gets back up every time. Despite the hits and presumed physical pain, he persists and endures until finally, a car hits him but he remains standing, and the car suffers more impact. The Levi Strauss commercial portrays a similar persistence in that the runners, no matter how many walls stand in their way, they break through them and continue to run. At the
  • 45. Martin Scorsese s The Departed Essays The Departed, a film written by William Monahan, Alan Mak, and Felix Chong, directed by Martin Scorsese, was in my opinion a spectacular crime thriller deserving of less criticism from overly sentimental viewers. Though this film is in some scenes brutal and vicious, I praise Martin Scorsese s refusal to cower away from the undeniable truth that organized crime in the United States is murderous in nature just to satisfy certain viewers as critics advocated he should. Being a four time Oscar winning film with sixty three other awards for numerous aspects in the movie industry, I don t believe anyone can contradict that The Departed is profoundly unforgettable to masses of moviegoers. The film takes place during the height of Irish mob... Show more content on ... All of the characters presented in the movie have a distinct personality, making the viewer engage deeply in the heart pumping action and drama. But the actor is nothing without the writer, and not by any means is The Departed lacking in storyline. As you watch The Departed, Colin Sullivan (Damon) and Billy Costigan s (DiCaprio) storylines become increasingly in depth and intertwined. Starting when Colin Sullivan is just a child and his encounter with Frank Costello s mentorship, the story then fast forwards to Costigan and Colin working their way through police training and eventually amounting to Costigan undercover and Colin as a detective. The side by side comparison of their lives adds to distinct feelings about the characters. The two rats continually work against each other and narrowly miss seeing each other s faces, even dating the same girl, Madolyn (Verna Farmiga). This suspense draws watchers to the edge of their seats with anticipation for the conclusion of the movie. Phenomenal Acting and a jaw dropping storyline are the foremost reasons why The Departed is by all means a spectacular movie. This film will go down as one of the best crime thrillers of the 21th century. Many viewers of this movie will find themselves astonished as the storyline roller coaster s around making twists and turns never expected. Some may question the vulgar language and intense violence but if you are a person who s easily offended, simply do