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Essay On Medical Marijuana
Crafting an essay on the subject of medical marijuana poses a unique set of challenges that
demand a nuanced approach. Firstly, it requires a thorough understanding of the contentious
nature of the topic, as it involves both medical and societal dimensions. Striking the right balance
between scientific evidence and ethical considerations is a delicate task.
The complexity is heightened by the evolving legal landscape surrounding marijuana, with
different regions having disparate regulations. Navigating through these legal intricacies
demands meticulous research to provide an accurate and up-to-date portrayal of the subject
Furthermore, the polarized views on medical marijuana necessitate a comprehensive analysis of
both sides of the argument. The writer must present a fair and balanced assessment of the
potential benefits and drawbacks, taking into account various perspectives from medical
professionals, policymakers, and the general public.
Addressing the medical aspect involves delving into scientific studies, clinical trials, and expert
opinions. This requires a solid grasp of medical terminology and an ability to translate complex
information into a digestible format for a diverse audience.
Simultaneously, the essay must explore the social implications of medical marijuana, considering
its impact on public health, law enforcement, and societal attitudes. This involves delving into
cultural, historical, and ethical aspects, adding another layer of complexity to the writing process.
Crafting a compelling essay on medical marijuana requires not only strong analytical and research
skills but also a keen awareness of the sensitivities surrounding the topic. The writer must tread
carefully to avoid falling into the trap of bias and should be adept at presenting a well-reasoned
argument that respects the diversity of opinions.
In conclusion, writing an essay on medical marijuana is a challenging task that demands a
multifaceted approach, encompassing legal, medical, and social considerations. Successfully
navigating these complexities requires skillful research, analytical thinking, and the ability to
communicate effectively. If you find yourself grappling with such challenges, assistance is
available, and similar essays and much more can be ordered on
Essay On Medical MarijuanaEssay On Medical Marijuana
Employee Turnover Rate Affects A Business
Turnover refers to the number of employees who leave a company in a particular
period of time. (Westover 2014 16) Throughout my entire college career I have
tried to focus and narrow down on the topic of employee turnover rates. I have
researched it, I have studied it, and I have really gone and try to analyze every
possibility of cause and effect when it comes to employee turnover rates. There are
many aspects to an HRM role within a companyand one of those is being able to look
at employee turnover rates due to the impact that it can have on a company s cost. I
have chosen to interview two HR managers, Ben Wood with Graphtec INC. and Bill
Schlenker with Pierce Accounting, about employee turnover rates for this assignment
to have a deeper look into their thoughts, goals, and ideas about employee turnover
rates. The first questionI asked was, How do you feel employee turnover rate can
affect a business? The question allowed me to see different thoughts and ideas from
individuals that had been working with this directly. Ben Wood, an HRM for 5
years, stated, I feel that turnover rates directly affect customer experience, support
levels, and how much development and improvement can be provided to a staff. It
can also affect employee morale. (Wood 2016) The effects on employee morale are an
idea that I had never thought of previously. The thought that one person leaving
might have an effect on others is a though that seems almost strange; however, with
The Accomplishment Of One s Goal
Success is something people want but don t know how to achieve.Success is the
accomplishment of one s goal. Certain habits however need to be developed in life
that help insure success. Many of the three stated as habits to be successful in life
are resilience, self motivation and setting goals. In order to be successful the
habits that can be encounter are resilience which turn your greatness into success
after a difficult experience, which we need to be self motivated which helps to
embrace the pain that can be a part of the success and allows us to set goals for
ourself. Resilience is the key to success that enables people to move through
hardship and become better. No one escapes pain, fear and suffering. Yet from pain
can come wisdom, from fear can come courage, from suffering can come strength.
A lot of people misunderstand It s not about bouncing back. Resilient people do not
bounce back from hardship. We cannot bounce back because we cannot go back in
time.You will not be the same person after having an difficult situtation. Resilient
people are able to integrate hard experiences into their lives in a way that makes them
better.Don t fear failure. Instead redefine it as feedback and as a natural part of a
successful life. As Michael Jordan said: I ve missed more than 9000 shots in my
career. I ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I ve been trusted to take the game
winning shot and missed. I ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And
that is why I
Nature In Frankenstein
Through literary history, it is evident that nature is often used as a symbolic
representation of the speaker s or characters personal issues present in a text. For
instance, Macbeth, William Shakespeare s tragic play penned during the Elizabethan
time period, employs use of this literary technique in reflecting the mood and human
emotion of the story through naturerelated events. Likewise, Mary Shelley s Gothic
Romanticist movement novel Frankenstein, uses the natural setting as a reflective
depiction of her protagonist s mental state. Similarly, nature as a symbol for hidden
emotions is reflected in the post modernist poetical work of Sylvia Plath.
Specifically, in Sylvia Plath s I Am Vertical, the author s unconscious anxieties are
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Primarily, flowers embody Plath s yearning for the attention which comes as a
result of being physically attractive, symbolized as she cries Nor am I the beauty of
a garden bed/Attracting my shares of Ahs and spectacularly painted (Plath 6).
Clearly, Plath does not feel that her appearance characterizes traditional beauty, yet
she wishes she fit such a characterization so that she could attract attention and
praise, as does a garden bed. Likewise, Plath s wish for beauty, and consequent
attention, leads into her second line concerning flowers where she writes And a
flower head not tall, but more startling (Plath 9). Here, she again reveals her desire
for physical beauty and the attention such characteristics would bring, as she
suggests that she is not astonishing or stunning as is a flower head. Finally, Plath s
want for the confidence that would come as a result of garnering attention for her
beauty is directly acknowledged with her clear statement desiring the audacity of a
flower. She confesses clearly ...I want the...other s [the flower s] daring (Plath 10). In
longing for the fearlessness and adventurous characteristics of a flower, Plath
ultimately reveals her want for self confidence; a confidence she
How Did Mother Teresa Influence The Missionaries Of
When I think of great people who have helped others worldwide, many people come
into my thoughts. However, one person stands out from the rest for me: Mother
Teresa. Mother Teresa was a very influential person who went above her call of duty
by helping people and forming the Missionaries of Charity.
The Catholic Church has helped many people who are in need that would have died
if they did not help. In general, millions of Christians and Catholics all around the
world help many people who need help in many things. Catholic communities
worldwide help people almost everywhere, making the Catholic Church s influence
in people s lives very large. The Catholic Church, in general, will always go outside
the normal boundaries to help those in need. Catholic saints, such as St. Francis of
Assisi, St. Vincent de Paul, and most recently, St. Mother Teresaof Calcutta, are great
examples of this. Mother Teresa s love for the poor and those in need makes her one
of the best ... Show more content on ...
On September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa received what she termed the call within a
call . It said to start the Missionaries of Charity. The Missionaries of Charity was
founded on October 7, 1950. It was a new congregation that she founded and that
started in India but eventually spread across the globe, mostly in Europe and
Africa. People everywhere sent donations to the Missionaries of Charity, therefore
allowing them to expand and most importantly, build schools, homes, charity
centers, and clinics. Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity are also a
proud defender of unborn children s rights. She worked to stop abortion by sending
a clear message that abortion is an evil act and should be condemned in multiple
ways. She died on September 5, 1997, in Calcutta, due to her poor state of health. The
Missionaries of Charity eventually became an international organization and still
continues to spread hope today, even after Mother Teresa s
Getting into a Fraternity or Sorority
College is something everyone dreams about while in high school. It may seem
fun and exciting, but there is a tremendous number of mistakes that can happen.
For instance, imagine someone has just been accepted into college, and it is her
first day. She thought it was a dream to be in a sorority, but in reality it was a
nightmare. After a week, she knows Hell Week is coming, but she wants shake
everything off, and think everything is going well and the other members will
accept her with no hesitation. Today is a lazy day, and she is just sitting in her
dorm watching television, and out of nowhere, she was blindfolded and thrown into
a car. Her fellow frat members start to beat her with random objects, and they say
harsh words to break her... Show more content on ...
(Laws). Have you ever wondered why they do not have hazing laws? No one truly
knows why they do not have the laws. As some people think, hazing is a great thing,
and it puts people through a great experience to go through. Since hazing can
endanger the physical safety of a person, and produces mental, physical discomfort,
and causes dismay, humiliation, and dehumanizes an individual, society needs to
learn about hazing and stop it from happening. We know that people consider it a
tradition that has been going on for ages, but it s an appalling experience to go
through. Everywhere around the world hazing is happening and not one person
can do a thing about it. The earliest recorded event of hazing occurred in eighteen
thirty eight. The first recorded death happened in eighteen forty eight. (Hank). So
you can see why some may consider it a tradition. Many hazing incidents do not
just involve members of a certain group, but sometimes it can also include the
coach or who is in charge of the group. Twenty two percent of coaches or advisors
are involved in hazing towards the athlete or student. Many of the coaches and
advisors even help perform the hazing incidents! (Coaches). A person who you would
think would be a role model to their players involve themselves in these involuntary
acts.Next time someone thinks that they have the best coach a team can have, always
remember someone can be
Understanding Machine Hours And Its Effect On The Cost
Understanding Machine Hours At its core, a cost driver is any factor that is literally
driving or influencing the cost of something. Over the past century, there has been a
shift from single cost drivers to companies now reviewing several cost drivers. The
combination of more sophistication in manufacturing and growth in customers needs
and demands means that direct labor can no longer be the central cost driver.
Overhead costshave increased drastically and have had a dramatic effect on the profit
and competitiveness of manufacturing organizations. They account for a large
percentage of a company s total value and as a result, they have forced management
to recognize its effects. Manufacturing overhead, which includes all manufacturing
costs other than direct materials and direct labor, has increased significantly due to
automation, productdiversity and product complexity (p. 14 18,). When accounting
for these costs, a machinehour is defined as the operation of one machine for one
hour used as a basis for cost finding and for determining operating effectiveness
*Merriam Webster. A company that employs the use of machines extensively, such as
a manufacturing company, would be best served by using machine hours to analyze
Schemes, Machine Hours and ABC
Should ABC opt to utilize machine hours as a cost driver, they would be operating
under the most well known classification schemes, known as the manufacturing cost
hierarchy. The manufacturing cost
Eulogy for My Father Essay
My father died a week ago today. He had a profound impact on the life I live today
and on the person I became. The relationship between a son and a father can often
be quite complicated. Not so, for me. I was blessed to have a rather simple, yet
powerful and loving, relationship with my dad. And because I believe that at Fast
Company we have created a community of friends, not mere readers with little
connection to our magazine, I want to share the eulogy I delivered at his funeral on
My father was a hard man to dislike. I know it s common at a funeral to only
remember the good things, to omit the things that would embarrass someone. In my
father s case, the most remarkable thing that can be said is that there is no bad.
So ... Show more content on ...
He didn t allow this handicap to hold him back.
He met the woman Valeriewho would become his wife at his sister Isabell s wedding.
Valerie worked in a coat factory. He married her in 1970. Three years later, in 1973,
he had his only child. After working in a dye house for many years, he became a
postal clerk, a job he had for 20 years until he retired. He died 17 years later.
It s the simple bio of a simple and modest man.
But you don t measure the life of a man by simple facts, simply told.
It s been said that you measure it in the truths he learned, or in the times he cried, in
the bridges he burned, or the way that he died.
In his 79 years, my father learned much, rarely if ever cried, never burned a bridge,
and pretty much knew when he wanted to make his exit.
Here s what he learned:
He learned that you should fill your life with music. My father was an accordion
player. He taught himself to play the piano and could play everything from Chopin
to the Chattanooga Choo Choo. He played boogie woogie, Polish polkas, Italian
dance numbers, Broadway classics, and Beatles tunes. Some of the happiest hours
of his life were spent squeezing the squeezebox, stomping a foot on the floor, his
fingers flying across the keyboard on everything from Roll Out the Barrel to the
Tarantella. It was a rare party when my father failed to bring out the accordion to play.
He learned to be generous with
Review Of Environmental Impacts Of The Biofuel Industry
Review of Environmental Impacts of the Biofuel Industry
Allen Liu ENVM7104
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction3
1.1 What is biofuel?3
1.2 Why biofuel for Australia?4
1.2.1 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions4
1.2.2 Fuel security4
1.2.3 Economic stimulation5
1.2.4 Reduction of air pollution5
1.3 Biofuel production and consumption in Australia5
2.0 How is biofuel produced?7
2.1 First generation7
2.2 Second generation8
2.3 Third generation8
2.4 Fourth generation8
3.0 Environmental issues associated with the Biofuel Industry8
3.1 Land use change9
3.2 Reduced biodiversity9
3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emission9
3.5 Water footprint10
4.0 Current management associated environmental issues11
5.0 Biofuel: Future trends of sustainable production and consumption12
6.0 Conclusion12
1.0 Introduction
The majority of world s economies prosper on the availability and affordability of
fossil fuels such as petroleum to drive machineries and cars. The utilisation of high
density carbon fuel has accelerated the productivity of the human race since the
industrial revolution. However, the dependence on a finite energy resource has led to
the development of the peak oil theory and the ongoing debate of whether the oil
industry has reached the production peak. As the oil production dwindles, looking for
an energy source that will drive the prosperity of the human race in the future became
one of the highest priorities.
The growing
Marijuana Legalization And Harmful Effects
The effect of marijuana legalization haves their good and harmful effect. The
negative effect of marijuana is it can affect impairments in learning and memory
loss. Adolescence who uses marijuana can worsen their brain development. Such as,
decreasing their cognitive function and having a poor academic performance.
According to Patrick Condron, Adolescence who use marijuana perform worse on
tests of problem solving; with problems, also in areas of attention, memory and
learning. (Condron, 2017). However, Marijuana is mostly used for medical
purposes. Many people use marijuana to reduce the discomfort caused by cancer or
other long term diseases. But this doesn t change the fact that marijuana is a bad use
of drug. Still, it can change people s
China s Growth And Its Impact On The United States
For the past century, Chinese society has felt a compulsive desire to develop at
breakneck speeds. In pursuing development, China s primary goal has been to display
its sophistication to the world, rather than to directly aid the welfare of its citizens.
Following this hierarchy of objectives, China has continued to relentlessly modernize
despite enormous negative consequences; the development powered through famine
during the Great Leap Forward, violence during the Cultural Revolution, and
economic dislocation during liberalization, accepting negative consequences as
bearable burdens on the path to global renown. Ignoring these issues, Chinahas proven
itself more responsive to international views of modernity than to immediate national
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Physical calls for a solution accompanied Lu Xun s literary complaint. Students took
to the streets during the May 4th movement, a popular effort to right the course of
Chinese society. The movement was an attempt to redefine China s culture as a valid
part of the modern world. The protestors proposed great societal changes in order to
achieve modernization, urging citizens to attack against reactionary or irrelevant old
ways, cultivate interest in Western art and culture, and develop a sophisticated
awareness of the achievements of Western science. While the reform suggestions
varied, they shared a central patriotic ground: they wished for a rejuvenated, unified
China. Thus, the protestors requested that China to strive to fulfill Western ideals for
what makes a state modern. This desire informed the next century of Chinese
decision making: More spiritual victories were intolerable, as the Chinese demanded
that their country prove its by developing at all costs. Leaders therefore, became
primarily concerned with projecting an image of
Historical Analysis Of The Zoot Suit, By Luiz Valdez
Zoot Suit was written by Luiz Valdez and published in 1978. The story is based on
the Sleepy Lagoon murder trials of the 1940s and follows protagonist Henry
Reyna. This play deals with the intercultural conflicts between Henry s generation
and his parent s, as well as those between Mexican Americans and white
Americans. Mexican and American culture is effortlessly blended to show the
transcultural influences on Henry and his group of friends. In this historical
analysis, I will not only be looking at what historical events influenced this play
and the author, but how this play uses those historical influences to showcase the
battle of cultural expression in 1940s Los Angeles. Los Angeles was undergoing
severe demographic changes in the early 1940 s. Mexican refugees were escaping
the Mexican Revolution, farmers were fleeing the Dust bowl, and American
servicemen rushed to Los Angeles because of World War II ( People Events ). The
economy was booming from the war as American production increased and the youth
was appreciating jazz culture and began wearing zoot suits, just like in the play.
Because of the Sleepy Lagoon murders, the zoot suitwas associated with Mexican
violence. Eventually, fights escalated between the rebelling Mexican American youth
and Marines because the racial tensions. This led to the Zoot Suit Riotsof 1943 that
left hundreds injured. As stated by the citizens committee investigating the riots,
racism was the central cause of the riots ( People
Theseus And The Minotaur Literary Analysis
Fighting to the death in a near hopeless situation. This is a common theme between
the Hunger Games and the greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. In the
Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sisters place to fight to the
death in an Arena with only one victor. With help from Peeta Mellark, they survive
the Hunger Games and go back home to their families. In Theseus and the Minotaur,
King Minosdeclares that 14 people must be sent to him every 9 years, from the city
of Athens. They would be released into a labyrinthto fight the Minotaur, half man half
bull monster. With the help of the king s daughter, Theseus defeats the Minotaur and
sails home. Though both stories may seem different, there are similar in many ways.
Unnecessary cruelty, fake love, and volunteering to fight are all elements that are
connect the stories... Show more content on ...
In Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus could have been fed to the minotaur and the
story ends there. Instead they put him in the labyrinth with the minotaur. The same
thing happens in the Hunger Games. They could have killed the tributes. Instead,
they put them in the Arena to fight each other to the death. The Arena is supposed to
be another version of the unbeatable labyrinth in Theseus and the Minotaur. The
unnecessary cruelty is supposed to represent how evil the human nature is. It gives
the victims false hope because it makes them think that they have a chance to survive.
In the Hunger Games, it is that there is one victor who survives. In Theseus and the
Minotaur, the victims have the hope that they can escape the Labyrinth and survive.
In reality, none of them have a chance to
The Effects Of Folk Music On American History
Odetta After reading the articles about folk music as well as articles about the
famous folk singer, Odetta Holmes, I have learned that, folk music is music with
lyrics that contain social issues, economic issues, hardships as well as relationship
difficulties. Folk music is traditionally played with no more than a acoustic guitar or
banjo. I have also learned that folk musichas been around for a very long time and
is, perhaps, the very first genre of music that started all around the world. Folk
music is basically the roots of the particular society that it is being played and sang
at. Folk music has been around in many countries such as, Ireland, England,
America, and many other European Countries. Folk music significantly plays a huge
part in U.S. history. Folk music is significant to American history because, it
discuses a vast amount of different problems and historical events that have
happened throughout U.S. history. An example of this is, singing about wars was a
popular topic, along with political issues, economic issues, labor issues, relationship
issues, as well as many others throughout the years of American history. These vast
amount of topics and hardships in these songs not only show how these people felt
at the time, but can also show an actual timeline of events that happened in U.S.
history. I will be discussing one of these famous and important folk singers, Odetta
Holmes. I will be analyzing and discussing her life and success in her
Freetown s Contributions
In 1787, British philanthropists founded and set up trading posts at modern day
Freetown, initially kenned as the Province of Freedom. (3) After the American
Revolution, a colony was established which became a base for the suppression of
the slave trade. (3) By 1792, over 1,200 liberated slaves from Nova Scotia settled
in, a long side with slaves from Jamaica who later traveled to Freetown in 1800. (1)
Of those 1,200 people, one tenth were ill, and passed away with a fever that
devastated many others in Nova Scotia. (2). With the help of several men, Thomas
Clarkson, William Wilberforce, and Granville Sharpe formed an administration in
1806, which was crucial in the British Empires abolition of the Trans Atlantic slave
trade. This caused
Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince
Machiavelli s, The Prince, a book written by NiccolГІ Machiavelli, is a read that most
people wouldn t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings
out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. It is
known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513,
the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli
s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime ( The novel was
written during a time of political turbulence as a practical guide to help Lorenzo
de Medici stay in power. As well with the following themes, the book contains
suspenseful moments as well as action packed pages. The whole book itself is set
during the backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, a period of intense activity in art,
literature and science. It is also an analysis of how to acquire and obtain political
power. The author of the book is Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat who is
known the best for writing The Prince. Niccolo was born in Florence, Italy on May
3, 1469. There he was a diplomat for fourteen years. Once the Medici family
returned from exile, Machiavelli was thrown into jail where he there wrote The
Prince. As well as being thrown in jail, Machiavelli was also banned from any form
of politics in his village. However, his time away from any form of role in politics
gave him time to write The Prince by reading Roman history. The purpose of the
book was for it
The Patent Of Patent And Its General Applications
Patent is an exclusive rights that uses to protect intellectual property rights. In recent
years, with the development of electronic technology and the widespread use of
electronic platforms, software patents has become a hot topic that frequently
discussed by the public. To a certain extent, the patent brought many exclusive
economic rights to the product inventors; the inventors can get a lot of additional
economic benefits with their product patent, especially in terms of software patent.
However, on the other hand, the negative effects of patents also should not be
underestimated, such as it might obstruct creativity, and it might cause an
unnecessary litigation in order to compete the patent. Compared to the positive
effects of the patent, the negative effects of the patent seems to be more prominent.
This essay will discuss the usefulness and the harmfulness of patent from three parts.
In the first part, the essay will briefly discuss the concept of the patent and its general
applications. Then, it will analyze the disadvantages of patent. Finally, the essay will
explore the effective solution for the vicious competition of patent.
The patent is a very fuzzy concept. In general, it can be understood as an exclusive
economic rights; the inventors obtain substantial economic benefits from their
invention patent. However, more people would think of patents as a part of
intellectual property; they would think of patents as an important mean of
The Swatch Company Lead By Nicolas G
This case begins with highlighting the success that had now gripped the Swatch
Company lead by Nicolas G. Hayek. Due to strong numbers from 2010 the company
set the goal to make 10 billion. This was only made possible by their multiple
different brands across multiple different segments, innovative technology, and
coming out of a brief period of difficulty with their most profitable flagship watch,
Omega. The company now sets its sight on a new goal, surpassing the long
established brand, Rolex. In order to try and tackle this giant, the company and CEO
debate how to best attract potential customers through advertising, overall message,
and through possible overseas ventures in the United States.
As I said before Swatch wasn t always this successful. In fact, according to the case, in
the 1960 s their market share fell about 41% due to competition from the then popular
inexpensive watches. Throughout this time period it is interesting to see how their
strategies evolved in regards to their competition, product placement, and brand
management. First, they opted try to combat the inexpensive watches by making an
inexpensive quartz watch which they later discarded. Another watchmaking group
took their idea which forced the company to move to the more high end market and
as a result they saw their sales drop. I don t have all the details regarding their
decision of course, but it appears that they seemed almost indecisive on how to
handle the low cost alternative. It would be
Stereotypes In The Kindred
White skinned people ruled. Color skinned people worked. In the novel, The Kindred
by Octavia E. Butler, Dana continually switched between time periods to save her
ancestor, Rufus Weylin, as without him, she will not be alive in her present. In Rufus
time period, she noticed how numerous characters in the 1800 s experienced the
troubles of being a slave including herself. Firstly, the patrollers thought it was
enjoyable to bother the slaves for their entertainment from time to time. Furthermore,
Margaret, Rufus mother, had emotionally abused Dana for several reasons. Finally,
Rufus, himself, tried to commit the illegal crime of rape. Butler has focused greatly
upon acts of physical, emotional, psychological and sexual violence, which were
commonly seen in the 1800 s due to abundant racism/slavery.
There were patrollers, groups of young whites who ostensibly maintained ... Show
more content on ...
As Rufus became older, his arrogance worsened; therefore, violence became his
primary approach when he failed to get his way. This lead to more problematic
situations for Dana. For example, Rufus was greatly depending on Dana to save
his father, Tom Weylin, when he was dying of a heart attack and when she failed
to save him, Rufus took his anger out by shifting to violence and punishing Dana.
She could not have done anything about his father s death. Although, Rufus still
had to be violent as he failed to get his way; therefore, her punishment was to work
in the fields, where she constantly fell to [her] knees and doubled over in a blaze of
pain. Tears ran down [her] face. (212). Rufus servant had tortured Dana by whipping
her over and over again to a point where she could not bear it anymore. In summary,
Rufus was unsure of how to deal situations, where he did not get what he wanted,
without demonstrating some act of
Why Is Lying Acceptable
Is Lying Acceptable? Is honesty always the best policy? There is a great split
between people when it comes to the topic of lying. Some say lying is utterly
wrong, no matter what; however, other individuals say lying is justified. There are
many beliefs about the justification of lying, including the belief that the position of
the liar determines if lying is okay. Lying can be allowable because sometimes there
is a need to protect others. Lying is not completely wrong, especially when it comes
to the sentiments of others. For example, it is, OK to liein certain situations, like
protecting someone s feelings (Life on, July 11, 2006). As things
go, there are instances in which telling the truthwould distress others, while a lie
could save another person from grief. Furthermore, telling someone a lie to help
someone emotionally is morally right. Thus, telling a lie can be the correct thing to
do when trying to protect someone from mental, emotional, and physical harm. It is
possible, that one may find... Show more content on ...
In Sissela Bok s article about Immanuel Kant, she states, Truthfulness in statements
which cannot be avoided is the formal duty of an individual to everyone, however
great may be the disadvantage (Rejecting All Lies: Immanuel Kant, Bok). This is
disproved because, Anne Frank survived as long as she did because those sheltering
her lied to the Nazis. The French Resistance...could not have operated without
deception. Military and intelligence officials will as a matter of routine lie to
protect secret plans or agents at risk (Gray, 1992). This shows that lying
protected real life individuals in real life danger. A lie changed the entire outcome if
many of the affairs. For the most part, many believe the truth to be more important
than anything else, but a lie can be the difference between life and
Foreshadowing In The Photographer By Ernest Hemingway
Although Ernest Hemingway incurred a public image of a carefree veteran of
war turned writer, he was a man suffering under the sickness of having been present
in the face of death; in the photograph of Hemingway, the set of his shoulders,
position of his knees, and the gun in front of his eye all reveal that despite his
misnomered facade, he was a sick person. At first glance, one can see Hemingway
holding a gun in front of his face, with his shoulders closed off to the photographer.
A person usually scrunches their shoulders up when they are uncomfortable or
feeling cautionary of that which is front of him; this entirely reveals how
Hemingway felt wary of what was in front of him, be it the future or necessity to trust
other people he had
Swaziland Research Paper
Front Cover (right)
Mountains, Trees, Plants, and Flowers of Swaziland
Mary Kay Worth
Page 1 (right)
Mountains, Trees, Plants, and Flowers of Swaziland
Mary Kay Worth
Africa is beautiful. Swaziland is very small. May is fall there. This is about the land.
Page 2 (left)
Some places you can see very far.
Page 3 (right)
Eucalyptus Trees
This kind of tree grows very tall. The bark sheds, making the trees look white.
Page 4 (left)
Execution Rock
This tall mountain is where Swazis were marched off the top for their crimes. They
do not do this anymore.
Page 5 (right)
Lebombo Mountains
The mountains are rugged. The leaves are off because it is fall. Flowers bloom here
when it is cooler and it has rained.
Page 6 (left)
Savanna Acatia ... Show more content on ...
Pampus grass
Page 20 (left)
Think About It
What other countries would you like to visit? Why?
Which have you eaten: pineapple, maize, avocado, marula, sugarcane?
What did you learn new about Swaziland, Africa?
Pick something interesting to do your own Swaziland research. What did you
choose? Why?
Back cover (left)
This is book 3 of a text set about Africa, the science and geography book. Book 1,
HEY ELEPHANT! WHERE ARE YOU? is a fiction inspired by safaris in Africa.
Book 2, Banele, the Girl from Swaziland is non fiction about the day I shared with
Banele and her family.
About the Author
Child of God, Grandma, Mother, Daughter, Sister
Teacher, Principal, Superintendent, Professor
Traveler, Storyteller, Photographer, Actor, Musician, and Author
In addition to original text, most often inspired by true stories, the photos in all her
books are her own. Technology has added the ability to design and bring a vision to
life. Mary Kay s dream includes inspiring educators and students to tell stories, write,
illustrate, design and SHARE!
Mary Kay is also the author of Dear Deer, The Truth About Santa, and Three
Fedex Express At The Fedex Corporation
In 1978, the FedEx Corporation sent out its annual report noting that Federal
deregulation, recapitalization, and public offering were credited as the impetus for
record sales and earnings (FedEx Corporation, 1978). At the close of the report, the
chairman of the board credited the employees as the most important factor in such
favorable outcomes. Nearly 40 years later, the message and tone of the FedEx
Corporation (2015a) Annual Report was again boasting a transformative year, and
crediting its employees. But the success of FedEx Corporation, and specifically its
air cargoand freight services (known as FedEx Express), does not rely solely on the
hard work of people. Instead, success is the result of a vision, philosophy, approach,
and perhaps simply some good fortune; all of which can be found in closer look at
the making of FedEx Express.
A Brief History of FedEx Express
In 1965, while attending Yale University as undergraduate student, a young Fred
Smith submitted a term paper detailing his vision of how the economic and
logistical challenges facing delivery of time sensitive shipments could be resolved
using a simple, yet revolutionary, approach (Reichert, 2000). At the time, air freight
was primarily transported via air passenger flights. The thesis was that the problem
was air freight service being an add on to air passenger service, and the solution was
to create an air freight industry (Reichert, 2000). Although it was 50 years ago that
Fred Smith received
Financial Analyst India And The Functional Controller
Furthermore, to ensure that the new employee does not encounter any difficulties,
the work instruction for this process was developed, which can be found in the
appendix 12.
In an ideal reporting process, there are some changes have been made as follow
The work is transferred to Financial Analyst of AkzoNobel India. Hence, the
financial analyst India and the functional controller HSE and RD I in Netherlands
will be the back up employee for each other.
The approval step is done by the Functional Controller HSE and RD I
The shared folder has been made. In this to be process, the final report is posted in
the shared folder. The shared folder can only be accessed by the audiences.
The financial analyst in India needs to update the list of recipients as well as an
action log on shared folder
The process workflow should be evaluated frequently to improve the process
The standard process description based on the requirements of the literature has been
made for the client. An example of the standard process description can be found
later in this report in Appendix 4.
1.2 Update the template and recipients list
This step now includes one more activity, which is updating the recipients list. Due to
the fact that the number of stakeholders might change, the recipients list needs to be
updated frequently to avoid any miscommunication. The change in the recipients list
can be done only when the Indian Financial Analyst is informed by the
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention And Support
Literature Review
Schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports is a systems approach to
effectively managing student behavior. The review of literature will discuss the
critical elements to a systems approach for schoolwide behavior management and the
proposed implementation. I will also focus on describing the barrier and enablers for
successful implementation of PBIS. Finally, I will discuss the literature on
sustainability of PBIS.
School wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Dr. George Sugai of the
University of Connecticut has collaborated with many researchers to develop the
framework behind School wide Positive Behaviors Intervention and Support
(SWPBIS). SWPBIS is a set of interventions practices ... Show more content on ...
The three tiers within SWPBIS are primary prevention (often referred to as universal
supports or Tier I), secondary prevention (targeted interventions or Tier II), and
tertiary prevention (intensive supports or Tier III) (Horner, Sugai, and Anderson,
2010, p. 4). Primary preventions provides the framework for establishing behavioral
expectations for the whole school. All staff, including administrators, teachers,
support personnel, paraprofessionals, custodians, lunch aides, bus drivers, etc. and
students are instructed on a set of core expectations. (For example: Make the effort,
Have respect and integrity, Help others, Stay Safe.) The expectations are then
operationalize with positive statements for the expected behaviors for every area of
the school: classrooms, lunchroom, hallways, bathrooms, buses, etc. The expectations
are explicitly taught in every setting and
Childbirth Vs Midwife
Midwifes give the expecting mother a choice. Evidence shows that women who are
choosing to seek care from a midwife do it not only for the reasons of wanting to
approach childbirth in a natural way, but also because midwives let you take control
of the situation with limitations obviously. Having choice and control over your
pregnancyis empowering and will usually give you a wonderful birthing experience.
When a mother has a good birthing experience it will allow the mother and child to
have a better relationship and will allow her to look forward to her next pregnancy.
In comparisons to a doctor, a midwife allows the expecting mother to have informed
choice, flexibility and choice. When a woman gets pregnant they create a birthing
The Buying Process Through Fashion Blogs
Firstly, I would like to point that the ten young women who were interviewed were
extremely helpful for this research. The answers given during the interviews helped
to support the theory developed for the research.
Thanks to this research and after the answers analyze, we can say that at the
beginning stages of the buying process, some consumers read fashion blogs because
they are looking for inspiration and new ideas for shopping, so they do a lot of
information research. They already have the shopping motivation and this motivation
is using fashion blogs for being satisfied. I think this is half of the sales road for
companies: they already have thousands of motivated customers looking for some
products which can satisfy their needs. This is the moment when companies have to
be present on blogs. Here, the potential customer has no need for just one specific
product, but he might be inspired by the products displayed in the blog, which can
lead to purchasing that would not have occurred otherwise. This is the sales power of
On the other hand, many consumers said they use fashion blogs when they want to
find some products reviews. This reason and the previous one show us consumers
use fashion blogs an information research tool. According to this last reason, looking
for product reviews, we have to keep in mind that in these cases, the desire for the
product is strong, eliminating so called impulse purchases. They know what they
want. This is a really important
Bis 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with
BIS 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab
To Buy This material Click below link 155/bis 155
week 2 quiz data analysis with spreadsheets with lab (TCO 2) In Excel, a relative cell
reference: (Points : 2)
Indicates a cell s specific location and the reference does not change when you copy
the formula.
Contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference
Indicates a cell s relative location from the cell containing the formula; the reference
changes when you copy the formula
Occurs when a formula directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula
(TCO 2) In Excel, an Argument would be best described by which of the following
statements? (Points : 2)
Calculates the total ... Show more content on ...
(Points : 2)
Contains another function embedded inside one or more of its arguments
Evaluates a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and a different
value if the condition is false
Evaluates true or false
Displays the current date and time
(TCO 2) The _____ number is the number of the column in the lookup table that
contains the return values. (Points : 2)
Lookup value
Column index
Lookup table
(TCO 2) To copy a formula, you may use the _____, which is found in the bottom
right hand corner of an active cell. (Points : 2)
Sizing handle
Fill handle
Insertion point
(TCO 2) One benefit of using range names in formulas is that _____ . (Points : 2)
It directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula
It contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference
It identifies the present value of the loan
If you copy the formula, you do not have to make the cell reference absolute
(TCO 2) The PMT function is best described by which of the following? (Points : 2)
It is the periodic interest rate, such as a monthly interest rate
It is the total number of payment periods
It is the present value of a loan
It calculates the periodic payment for a loan with a fixed interest rate and a fixed term
(TCO 2) In Excel, a function can be defined as a _____. (Points : 2)
Predefined formula that performs a calculation
Cell reference or a value
List of values and defined names as you enter
The Cost Of Computers And Television s Impact On Society
Computers have been around for what seem like decades, it s a way of life if
nothing else we rely on it so much in our daily life. It wasn t always like this our
computer technology has been advancing astronomical. When once computers were
seen as a simple calculator for simple calculations. We valued them as they were
specialized machines for each person and each person could have a different
experience with the computer, recently computers have skyrocketed with
improvement in the early 20th century due to new discoveries in technology. Which
has changed society in a drastic way.
The availability of these computer and TV s have a huge impact on the society as
well. In later years not too many people owned a computer as they were only used ...
Show more content on ...
Some people think that this is just a simple matter of getting off the computer, it s
much more than that. I can become a disorder or an addiction, so you can expected
someone to just get of the computer it takes time and help. The Computer effect on
children is also another study that should be looked over as the exposure to
computer can have effects on our children s health. A Study in 2000 saw that
people from the age of 2 through 17 were only on the TV /Computer for an average
of 34 min a day. Not too bad you would think yet the answer lies where when the
children have access to those technologies, those children spend an average of 5
hours a day watching a screen. (Behrman) This has been linked to obesity as well
the study found. Showing that with more hours of the day sucked into watching a
screen kids are less active. No activity mean that kids eat and don t burn the
necessary calories they need to burn to grow properly. To help the harmful side
effects that the computer can do to a child s young mind the government as well as
some other agencies have issued media exposure limits to show parents how much
time to limit on their child s time watching TV and being on the computer. This
limit was set at only 2 hours a day on the basis that parents could influence kids to
go outside and play to get the exercise and other activities like games and sports.
As it happened to me I thought that it must have happened
Fifth Business Dunstan Ramsay Character Analysis
In Fifth Business, Dunstan Ramsay s mother, Fiona Ramsay, greatly impacted who
he became. Fiona Ramsay was a clean, strict and controlling parent. She was greatly
praised by the community around her as she seemed to be the perfect housewife.
She participated in her community, did good for the community and donated to
charity. However, what the community does not realize was the dualistic nature of
Fiona Ramsay. Even though she seemed to be a good person by donating to charity,
she did so not out of sincerity, but for her own reputation. While she was a kind and
loving person in public, at him, she became this strict and controlling figure with her
family. One night Dunstan stole an egg from the kitchen in order to practice magic.
When Fiona
Tooth Replacement Research Paper
Tooth Replacement Options | Nashua, NH
Are you missing one, some, or all of your natural teeth? We can help. Our team is
specially trained to offer you a variety of tooth replacement options. Depending on
your specific situation and needs, we can help you determine which of these options
is best for you. Read on to learn more, or contact our office with any questions you
may have. We will be happy to help.
All on 4 Dental Implants
Dental implants are a great way to get replacement teeth that look and act just like
your natural teeth. Our All on 4 solution lets us place an entire arch of replacement
teeth on just four strategically placed implants. These implants are positioned to offer
the most strength while also keeping healing time to ... Show more content on ...
If you are missing some or all of your natural teeth, we can help. Below you will
find short explanations of some of the types of dentures we offer and how they can
help you look and feel better. Improve your quality of life and maintain your youthful
appearance by getting dentures. If you have any questions about dentures, feel free to
contact our office.
Traditional Removable Dentures
If you are living without teeth or have been recently informed of your upcoming
extraction procedure dentures may be for you. Our traditional removable dentures
are designed to completely replace an entire arch of teeth, or in many cases, an entire
mouth. We craft beautiful, lifelike crowns that are set into a plastic, gum colored
mold. This mold sits directly over your gums and is designed to fit comfortably and
securely. Our traditional dentures are a time tested tooth replacement solution.
Partial Removable Dentures
We also offer dentures to replace only some of your natural teeth. If you need a
reliable tooth replacement option for just a few teeth, consider our partial dentures.
Like traditional full dentures, these are removable for easy cleaning and
maintenance. They also fit comfortably in your mouth, and use clasps to secure them
to the surrounding teeth. Talk to one of our doctors to see if this option is right for
The Characteristics Of A Detective Fiction
Detective Fiction Essay
A detective fiction is a literary genre in form of a short story or novel that deals with
crimes, usually murder and detectives are involved to seek out justice for the victims.
The detectives involved in detective fictions can either be private, amateur, or police
detectives. There are also other characters like the suspects and the side kicks. An
amateur detective is a detective who has no license to operate as a private
investigator neither is he/she a member of the police force. These detectives have a
different profession, but are not trained in criminal investigation. They have a
passion in crime and delivering justice to the society. On the other hand, a private
detective also known as hard boiled is a male or female detective trained in criminal
investigation. Dealing with crime is his/her profession, therefore, has good physical
attributes and uses the gun efficiently. The two detectives differ in two ways; first,
they differ in financial status, secondly they differ on how they use violence in their
The first difference between an amateur detective and a private detective is their
financial statuses. An amateur detective is an individual who has another job or
rather a ... Show more content on ...
In addition, most of them are always poor. A good example is in the Simple Art of
Murder by Raymond Chandler. Raymond writes that, He is a relatively poor man,
or he would not be a detective at all. He is a common man or he could not go
among common people, (219). Another example is the short story Trouble is My
Business by Phillip Marlowe. This story presents a needy private detective. When
he is hired, he confesses that, I started to get up from my chair, then remembered
that business had been bad for a month and that I needed the money (Marlowe 255).
This is an example of a hard boiled detective and how they struggle to make a
Principles Of A Group Dynamics
G.6.a. Approach to principles of a group dynamics, group process, development stage
philosophies, group members roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group.
Through the use of Textbooks , this CACPRE standard (2009) helped me to
comprehend the process of all items that are basic to the unfolding of group from the
beginning to end. For example, group norms, generating trust, how conflict emerges
in a group, patterns of resistance, and shared goals that characterize a particular social
group. Furthermore, I understand that group dynamics can provide an empirical
validation for pre screening, the forming, storming, norming, performing, and
adjourning phases (Corey, Corey, and Corey, 2014). In addition, tools for assessing,
the use of a Likert, Zung Depression Questionnaire and Suicide Behaviors
Questionnaire Revise (SBQR), can help build an organized and well balanced group.
G.6.b. Group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches, plus characteristics of
various categories of group leaders and leadership styles.
The use of Textbooks ASGW code of ethics, in class experience and discussions. I
have learned that each leader should talk about their theoretical orientations and how
one perceives group work (Thomas, Pender, 2008). In addition, are the leaders
experienced in leading a group? In other words, discuss each other s cultural and
ethnic backgrounds; be honest about their values are utmost important. Hence, one
point that can be overlooked is
Michelle Dellatorre Financial Case
Examination One Assume that you recently graduated with a degree in finance
and have just reported to work as an investment advisor at the brokerage firm of
Balik and Kiefer Inc. One of the firm s clients is Michelle Dellatorre, a professional
tennis player who has just come to the United States from Chile. Dellatorre is a
highly ranked tennis player who would like to start a company to produce and
market apparel that she designs. She also expects to invest substantial amounts of
money through Balik and Kiefer. Dellatorre is also very bright, and, therefore, she
would like to understand, in general terms, what will happen to her money. Your boss
has developed the following set of questions which you must ask and answer to
explain... Show more content on ...
C. (2) Is stock price maximization good or bad for society? The same actions that
maximize stock prices also benefit society. Stock price maximization requires
efficient, low cost operations that produce high quality goods and services at the
lowest possible cost. Stock price maximization requires the development of
products and services that consumers want and need, so the profit motive leads to
new technology, to new products, and to new jobs. Also, stock price maximization
necessitates efficient and courteous service, adequate stocks of merchandise, and
well located business establishments factors that are all necessary to make sales,
which are necessary for profits. C. (3) Should firms behave ethically? Yes. Results
of a recent study indicate that the executives of most major firms in the United
States believe that firms do try to maintain high ethical standards in all of their
business dealings. Furthermore, most executives believe that there is a positive
correlation between ethics and long run profitability. Conflicts often arise between
profits and ethics. Companies must deal with these conflicts on a regular basis, and
a failure to handle the situation properly can lead to huge product liability suits and
even to bankruptcy. There is no room for unethical behavior in the business world.
D. What factors affect stock prices? The price of a firms stock depend on
Difference Between Cat And Dogs
There are numerous pet lovers in the United States and world. Many have heard the
question about either being a dog or a cat person. Cat and dog owners are all over
the globe. The argument which dogs are better than cats or cats are better than dogs
has been an argument which has been going on forever and ever. The catand dog
rivalry has been going on for years, decades, or possibly more than a century. Out of
the two animals, one has to be superior to the other. Most Americans would prefer to
own a dog over a cat, and only a few would rather have a cat as a petthan a dog. Not
too many citizens would have both cat and dogs as pets or none at all as pets.
Approximately 80 million people own pets, close to 37% own a dog and roughly
30% are owners of a cat. Depending on whether someone is a dog owner or a cat
owner, personality types differ. There are plenty of reasons why a dog is a better
pet than a cat. Having a dog is similar to having another caring person around.
Being a dog owner is better than being a cat owner. Being a dog owner is better
because having a dog as a pet comes with many benefits. Generally having a dog as
a pet is an abundance of fun for several individuals. People who have fun tend to be
more positive in life, and a dog can bring out the positive side in almost every
individual. A dog can help others in multiple ways that people may not know about.
Owning a dog can help a person to stay in shape. McGrill points out, There are
physical, mental and
Mexico American Culture
Being a Mexican American can be really tiresome. Having to uphold the
expectation of being in touch with my Mexican culture, and at the same time, my
American culture can be frustrating. Both cultures have made me who I am, the
brown girl with long curly hair and indigenous facial features of a Mexican, and
the Bohemian style with a nose piercing, dyed hair and circular glasses as an
American. Growing up with two mindsets can create someone with diverse ideas
as one cultured person. Waking up on weekends to loud Mexican music, such as
Marc Antonio Solis, meaning it s 7 am and it s time to wake up and start cleaning.
To waking up on school days, to get on a yellow bus and learn about the Civil
Rights Movement in history class. In 2017 society, we have to fit into both cultures
at the same time, deciding which holidays you should celebrate when you get older
to deciding which religion you actually want to practice. To begin with, I m the first
generation in my household that happens to be born in America, however, my
parents were both born in Mexico. I grew up in a very Hispanic populated region
when I first commenced school. Being around by Spanish speaking kids made me
feel rather pleasant. Around Winter, I ve always chatted about the favorable things
that my mom would do around this time with my friends, including the traditions we
all might share as Spanish speaking children. We ve talked about how our parents
would make mouthwatering meals while walking around the
New And Improved Philadelphi The City Of Philadelphia
New and Improved Philadelphia Philadelphia is a place that is making enormous
number of changes to make it a more diverse, innovative and safer place for people to
live. Many people have helped this innovation and modernization happen with new
restaurants, new buildings and safer living communities. People tend to think that
Philadelphiais not as good as other cities like Boston or New York. Many people that
have influenced Philadelphia are people that demonstrate a strong passion and have a
personal attachment to this city. Stephen Starr, John Fry, Jim Kenney and Bart
Blatstein illustrate and channel some individual visions and evolve the city of
Philadelphia. The city of Philadelphia due to multiculturalism, innovation,
modernization... Show more content on ...
Stephen Starr is a strong advocate for the city and when he wants something to be
done he knows how to get it done by this mentality it makes him an asset to the city
and makes South Street a place that no one thought it could change into. Stephen
Starr in multiple cities have created many different multicultural dining options to
choose from Pod to Butcher and Singer. Stephen Starr in the beginning had
complications with people thinking he stole ideas but in reality Stephen Starr created
a massive repertoire of a diverse restaurants and many unique restaurant atmospheres.
Stephen Starr demonstrates an influential person on the city and greatly influences
the community with the strong economy. In creating many diverse restaurants, it
creates places for people to eat creating a better economy and jobs. Stephen Starr is
someone who diversified restaurants and helped transform the city like John Fry. The
innovation and modernization in Philadelphia is making major transitions and
improvements to West Philadelphia. John Fry is making living communities that
promote safety, cultivating the community and improving the economy. John Fry has
been a symbol of prosperity and made neighborhoods to be prim and prosperous
looking, and have become so kid friendly, contributing to making Philadelphia more
recognizable and promotes young citizens to explore the magnificent city (John Fry).
John Fry helps facilitate younger citizens who are moving into the city where it is
Greek Alphabet
Many scholars have yet to prove the origin of Greek alphabet. However, one fact is
for certain: the origin of Greek alphabet does not mean the origin of the writing
system to the Greek language. Not a completely new invention, the Greek alphabet is
undoubtedly from a script that the Semitic peoples of Levantine coast used.
Originally fashioned by ethnic Phoenician groups, the source alphabet is connected
to the Ugaritic groups of writing systems that developed around the city of Ugarit
(Powell 2009: 230). Nevertheless, the source alphabet and the Greek alphabetwork
differently as the Greek alphabet had specific signs for vowels that Phoenicians did
not. Hence, regarding such differences and the adaptations of the original source...
Show more content on ...
However, due to the earliest alphabetic inscription from Gabii being dated to 775 and
no other inscriptions yet discovered before the eighth century, such argument to push
the date is diminishing, though not completely eliminated (Powell 2009: 236). In
historical terms, with contacts between the Aegean and the outside world growing
during the eighth century and evidence for Phoenician settlers in the Aegean and
Greeks in northern Syria, it is most probable that the origin of Greek alphabet is from
the early eighth century BC.
In addition to the how, where, and when of this alphabet s origin, the reason for its
invention is also vague. Moreover, according to Wilson, this question of why the
Greeks adopted and adapted the north west Semitic script has received relatively little
scholarly attention (Wilson 2009: 548). Though theories of mercantile and poetic
origins exist, these theories still pose problems and other explanations such as for
ownership denotation have been offered that need to be further studied. Hence, this
research project intends to undertake the step to investigate the ownership theory as
an explanation for why the Greeks adopted and adapted the alphabet of the
Hence, it is essential to understand the problems that the existing knowledge of the
reason the monetary and poetic origins generates. The monetary origin begins
Children With Intellectual Disabilities
In the US around 4.6 million people are identified as having an intellectual disability
and 25 to 33 % children are born with mental disabilities. Resch J, Benz M, Elliott T.
(2012). Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in
both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday
social and practical skills. This disabilityoriginates before the age of 18. In order to
determine if a child has intellectual disabilities the child will take a series of test
such as an IQ test if the child score below a 70 he/she would be categorize a
limitation in intellectual functioning. Beside the IQ test Conceptual skills, social
skills, practical skills. Some common types of intellectual... Show more content on ...
These helpless feelings may be cause depression. Olsson Hwang, (2001). In their
studies they found that mothers of children with intellectual and developmental
disabilities experiences greater level of stress. Olsson Hwang, (2001).
Overall it can be concluding that caring for children with intellectual disabilities
present many challenges that can cause psychological problems on the caregivers.
Special education is very important for the students. It is also important for the
caregivers to take care of themselves by participating in support groups or seek
counseling if needed. If the caregiver if depressed, frustrated the care they give will
be reflected on the children. s (ID) face financial difficulties. Caring for a child with
Autism cost more than then children who do not have autism because many of them
require special education that cost more. Also child care for children with ASD cost
more. Caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders may exhibit a greater
number of health and psychosocial problems. Amaral DG, Schumann CM, Nordahl
Greek Mythology Myth
Mythology is the beliefs and thoughts of the early humans. It shows how the first
men thought about the world itself and how it was created. The myths show how
much man has accomplished in society, such as; evolving from wild men into
sophisticated beings. The Greeks made their gods in their image and mostly as
human. They thought if they did, this would make the gods seem more friendly and
peaceful. At first, the Greeks had feared the gods, but as time went by different
stories changed their aspects of the gods. Such as Zeus, he used to be a scary
powerful god if angered shot his thunderous light bolt at one. Then stories about Zeus
changed him into an irresponsible god who fell in love with many women. Humans,
now we re not scared of... Show more content on ...
They each demonstrated skill, bravery, and determination in every task or quest
they were given. The heroes represented how the Greeks wanted the men in society
to be like. For example, Perseus was intelligent and used his wits with the help of
the gods, Athena and Hermes, to slay the Gorgon Medusa. Theseus was the bravest
of heroes and had a high intellect. He defeated the Minotaur in the Labyrinth and
made Athens into a very prosperous city. Theseus showed that even though he was
a hero, he could also be a real leader. Hercules showed great strength and confidence
which helped slay all the terrible monsters he faced and showed determination
during the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Atlanta showed bravery and proved that
women could do things just as well as men. She defeated the Calydonian Boar with
the help of Meleager. Without magnificent heroes in our world we are helpless, so
we should be thankful that we have people like this to save the weak, and bring faith
to the rough times. The Trojan Warwas about one woman, Helen, the most beautiful
woman on Earth. At a wedding, the God Eris decides to cause discord because she
was not invited. She throws a golden apple labeled For the Fairest and all goddesses
start to argue over the golden apple. The gods decide that Athena, Aphrodite, and
Hera are the fairest. Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, judged them.
Ideas And Inspirations For Dining Rooms
Ideas and inspirations for dining rooms
A delectable dining room decor is essential for a satisfying dining experience. Even
deliciously cooked meals may turn out to be unpalatable in shabbily decorated and
unhygienic dining spaces. It is important for the health and well being of the family
as well as for the guests who frequent this space.
In her essay A Room of One s Own published in 1929, Virginia Woolf commented,
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. Without
taking adequate care of your dining room design you cannot expect to dine well either.
Dining room inspiration
For dining room inspiration suitable for your home, you may look back upon the
past and design your dining parlour according to the classical styles. Famous dining
room images of Giambattista Tiepolo, Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Victors among
others show the elegant dining spaces of a bygone era. You may visit classical
houses and decorative arts museums for a dining room inspiration as well.
If you live in a modern home, you will certainly like to model your dining area
according to the present time. Contemporary interiors tend to shun all kinds of
ostentation and furniture with florid styles. Minimalist design is in vogue and dining
rooms are not immune to the latest trends. Decorating a space this way may help to
create a more expansive looking dining parlour in a relatively smaller home.
You may opt for an industrial dining room as well, which is an offshoot of
Historical Book Justice
Throughout much of the historical writings of the Bible, ranging from the book of
Joshua to the book of Esther, the central narrations depict the formation of kingship
that leads Israel. This can be further broken into three sections. First being the
Theocracy, covering the period when Israel was ruled by God. Second, is the
Monarchy which traces Israel Kings from the good to the bad leading to the nation
s destruction. Third, is the restoration describing Israel s remnant after the seventy
years of captivity. For the sake of limitation, an example from each section will be
analyzed. In the historical books justice is prevalent because it is an ideal that
closely associates with government or an avenue in which justice is easily issued. In...
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As noted in previous sections, the state of the world was far from shalom and God
was on a mission to restore this. However, it also seemed Israel was not going to be
the source of redemption as they only held the desire to be like the nations, lacking
a manner of justice. Yet, in this last category one can note of the beginning process
of restoration until the time of Jesus. In this section, there is one important verse
to pay attention to. In Ezra 10:14 the idea of justice is reinstated but not in a way
that is simply justice put into action, but in the intent to regather the people of
God; to bring all back into a community of love. This is one step closer to restoring
shalom. The verse prior to this example is key in understanding this (Ez. 10:9 14).
Ezra the priest is calling the people of Israel to rid of their sin and draw back into a
state that is founded in God s will (justice acted in love, love, generosity, and service)
Western Washington University Research Paper
First, one college I ve researched is the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. At
about $49,000 in tuition, books, transportation, and other expenses, it is a pretty
costly school. It is an out of state school which makes it almost double most in state
schools, which is unfortunate. I ve always liked Oregon because its vibes are similar
to Washington s in terms of the typical type of person and the atmosphere, but I have
never been to Eugene or seen the universitycampus in person. Eugene s population
is obviously heavily influenced by the University of Oregon because 20,000
students go there each year. It is only about four and a half hours away from
Auburn, so it wouldn t be too hard to make some weekend trips to see you either.
The University of Oregon also offers a lively greek chapter, exciting Division I
football, basketball, and soccer games, intramural sports like hockey and... Show
more content on ...
It is an in state school so all expenses total to be only about $22,000 which is
significantly cheaper than most out of state schools. Western is located in
Bellingham, Washington, which is about a two hour car ride from home. My
grandparents live in Bellingham, so I would always have family close, even if you
are not. Western is also near mountains to snowboard, lakes to jet ski, and the
Canadian border so weekend trips out of the country would be easy and fun. The
weather in Bellingham is typical Washington, where it rains one third of the year
and is gray and overcast two thirds of the year. Only about 14,000 students attend
Western Washington each year, but it still offers every club imaginable from the
brony club to the entrepreneurial changemakers club. They also offer numerous club
sports that really interest me including soccer and basketball. I meet the grade and
test score requirements to get into Western so it is a realistic choice of school for
Fringe Within The Hippie Movement
Fringe is a trend that has been present in several decades, as early as the Native
Americans. With its rich history and it reoccurrence in several decades, there will
be more focus on fringe within the Hippie Movement. Fringe first appeared within
the Native American culture, and was used as a functional detail to allow the
garment to shed rain and dry faster, as well as for the jackets warmth and durability.
These jackets were known as buckskins and made from buckskin, which is soft suede
leather from the hide of deer. They would occasionally decorate it with beads to make
it more pleasing to the eye, and individual. Cowboys began to wear buckskins as
well, thanks to their practicality. Cowboys would also be able to rip off a piece of
suede... Show more content on ...
These decades are renown for the Hippie Movement , a counter cultural movement
that rejected many mainstream American mores. They generated from the Beat
Movement, which when died down and the generation gradually drifted from New
York, reassembling in San Francisco many youngsters wanted to be like these open
minded people The word Hippie originates from the word Hip , which is what the
older Beat Generation called these youngsters which were trying to impersonate
them and trying to be hip . Hippies then became the bigger movement and fought
for several political issues. They had a massive opposition the United States
involvement in the Vietnam War which started in 1955 and ended in 1975. It was a
war which South Vietnam was fighting for its independence from North Vietnam.
Other Communist countries such as the Soviet Union and China supported the
North whereas the US and other anti communist countries supported the South.
This led to a big Draft of men which was done by birthdates in a lottery type way.
Most men drafted were men from poor and working class families. In fact,
American forces included twenty five percent poor and fifty five percent working
class. 2, 709, 918 Americans served in uniform in Vietnam, about 7,500 of these
were women. 61% of those killed were under the age of 21. The Hippies fought
against America s involvement; creating the famous anti war slogan, Make love, not
war . They would
John The Baptist
John the Baptist: The First and Most Important of Jesus Followers
Throughout the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke Jesus is established as the
Messiah and the most prominent holy figure of the faith the Son of God. Yet Jesus
started out as a regular boy who practiced the Jewish faith much the same as every
other Jew around him and admired the priests as righteous men that would help the
Jews follow the word of Yahweh and the Laws of Moses. One such man is John the
Baptist, a priest and prophet that had a significant following, and prophesized the
coming of a Messiah figure. In this paper I will argue that John the Baptist is a
prominent and necessary figure in the Synoptic gospels, a precursor to Jesus who
proceeded to establish Jesus as ... Show more content on ...
Only after John baptized Jesus in the Jordan did God ultimately claim Jesus directly
as His son, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased
(Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11). Therefore John the Baptist is established as a necessary
catalyst that establishes Jesus as a Messiah and starts him on the path to being the
most essential figure in the New Testament, and later
Development of the Theater High Altitude Area Defense
The United States Army has been developing and implementing systems in order to
protect our nation s national security. One of the systems the Army has added to its
arsenal is the Theater High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD). During the
Persian Gulf War, the Army identified a need for a system that would be able to
counter a theater ballistic missileattack. THAAD is designed to cover the upper tier
of the Army s two tiered theater ballistic missile defenseplan (DOD Inspector
General, 1995) and is a mobile ground based theater missile defense (TMD) system
that can protect military forces that are deployed at home or abroad, population
centers, and civilian assets from Theater Ballistic Missile (TBM) attacks. THAAD
engages incoming ballistic missiles and is capable of intercepting them at high
altitudes. The prime contractor selected for the project was Lockheed Martin
Missiles and Space. The project would encompass the design and materials of radars,
battle management command, control, communications, mobile launchers,
interceptors and ground support equipment. The launching system would be on a
palletized loading system fitted on existing vehicles the Army has in their inventory.
THAAD s first inception was in 1992 and it would take many years for the project
to be successful. On June 28th, 2010, the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade from the
U.S. Army and the Missile Defense Agencywas successful in conducting an intercept
test (THAAD System Intercept, 2010). THAAD
The Effect Of Self Esteem
Effects of self esteem
What is self esteem?
Self esteem is confidence in one s own worth or abilities and self respect. Self
esteem is how a person feels about his or herself. A person s self esteem can be high,
low, or in between. Someone with high self esteem might be more confident in
seeking out new friendships. However, someone with low self esteem may not even
try to have a social life because they tend to feel worthless. If a person self esteem
is in between they are very observant to everything. Self esteem can affect ones
mood, health, relationships, comfort zones, and low resilience. Importance of
valuing yourself According to person to person the self can be broken down into
physical self, mental self, emotional self, and social self. Physical self is more than
just your appearance. People who neglect their own needs and forget to nurture
themselves are at danger of deeper levels of unhappiness, low self esteem, and
feelings of resentment. Also, sometimes people who spend their time only taking
care of others can be at risk for getting burned out on all the giving, which makes it
more difficult to care for others or themselves. Taking time to care for yourself
regularly can make you a better caretaker for others. Mental health is a level of
psychological wellbeing, or an absence of mental illness. It is the psychological state
of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral
adjustment . Mental self is performed
Dog Food Disposal
The dog food recall was a big eye opener for a lot of dog owners. Even if you did not
own a dog at that time you probably heard about it. The threat of harming your dog
by not knowing what you are feeding it creates an important question, what is the
best type of dog food?
There are many types of food to choose from and it can be confusing. Here is some
basic information to help you know which is right for your puppy. We will look at
which foods to avoid and several other types to consider, from organic foods to
making your own dog food. Before beginning always remember to read the labels so
you know what kind of nutrition your puppy is getting.
Foods To Avoid
Even though dogs love the canned food it is not the best source of nutrition.
Hiring Staff with a Passion for Helping People
Staff When preparing to hire staff for this program I would look to hire social
workers and case managers that have a passion for helping people. I would make it
known that if you are a person without patience then this is not a program for you
to be. I want people that are going to actually show compassion and concern when
they are helping the people. I want to hire counselors that actually good at helping
people and they have that drive and passion to help others and they have a friendly
but helpful attitude. I want the entire staff to feel like a family and have a
trustworthy atmosphere. We should all have each other s backs and pick up the
pieces to where someone else left off if they need help assisting someone. All
employees will be expected to be respectful and courteous to one another as well as
to the clients. New Beginnings will have a very important and dynamic code of
ethics and it will be required that they are adhered to at all times no matter the
circumstances. Each and every employee will at all times be responsible for
following each and every one of these codes of ethics: 1. Confidentiality 2. Ethics 3.
Quality assurance 4. Professional conduct 5. Equality and discrimination 6. Public
Knowledge. 1.Confidentiality At New Beginnings we are fully committed to
maintaining a very high degree of integrity in all of our dealings with any of our
current, potential, and past clients, both in terms of normal commercial
confidentiality and also the protection

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Essay On Medical Marijuana. Medical Marijuana for People - Free Essay Example

  • 1. Essay On Medical Marijuana Crafting an essay on the subject of medical marijuana poses a unique set of challenges that demand a nuanced approach. Firstly, it requires a thorough understanding of the contentious nature of the topic, as it involves both medical and societal dimensions. Striking the right balance between scientific evidence and ethical considerations is a delicate task. The complexity is heightened by the evolving legal landscape surrounding marijuana, with different regions having disparate regulations. Navigating through these legal intricacies demands meticulous research to provide an accurate and up-to-date portrayal of the subject matter. Furthermore, the polarized views on medical marijuana necessitate a comprehensive analysis of both sides of the argument. The writer must present a fair and balanced assessment of the potential benefits and drawbacks, taking into account various perspectives from medical professionals, policymakers, and the general public. Addressing the medical aspect involves delving into scientific studies, clinical trials, and expert opinions. This requires a solid grasp of medical terminology and an ability to translate complex information into a digestible format for a diverse audience. Simultaneously, the essay must explore the social implications of medical marijuana, considering its impact on public health, law enforcement, and societal attitudes. This involves delving into cultural, historical, and ethical aspects, adding another layer of complexity to the writing process. Crafting a compelling essay on medical marijuana requires not only strong analytical and research skills but also a keen awareness of the sensitivities surrounding the topic. The writer must tread carefully to avoid falling into the trap of bias and should be adept at presenting a well-reasoned argument that respects the diversity of opinions. In conclusion, writing an essay on medical marijuana is a challenging task that demands a multifaceted approach, encompassing legal, medical, and social considerations. Successfully navigating these complexities requires skillful research, analytical thinking, and the ability to communicate effectively. If you find yourself grappling with such challenges, assistance is available, and similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Medical MarijuanaEssay On Medical Marijuana
  • 2. Employee Turnover Rate Affects A Business Turnover refers to the number of employees who leave a company in a particular period of time. (Westover 2014 16) Throughout my entire college career I have tried to focus and narrow down on the topic of employee turnover rates. I have researched it, I have studied it, and I have really gone and try to analyze every possibility of cause and effect when it comes to employee turnover rates. There are many aspects to an HRM role within a companyand one of those is being able to look at employee turnover rates due to the impact that it can have on a company s cost. I have chosen to interview two HR managers, Ben Wood with Graphtec INC. and Bill Schlenker with Pierce Accounting, about employee turnover rates for this assignment to have a deeper look into their thoughts, goals, and ideas about employee turnover rates. The first questionI asked was, How do you feel employee turnover rate can affect a business? The question allowed me to see different thoughts and ideas from individuals that had been working with this directly. Ben Wood, an HRM for 5 years, stated, I feel that turnover rates directly affect customer experience, support levels, and how much development and improvement can be provided to a staff. It can also affect employee morale. (Wood 2016) The effects on employee morale are an idea that I had never thought of previously. The thought that one person leaving might have an effect on others is a though that seems almost strange; however, with the
  • 3. The Accomplishment Of One s Goal Success is something people want but don t know how to achieve.Success is the accomplishment of one s goal. Certain habits however need to be developed in life that help insure success. Many of the three stated as habits to be successful in life are resilience, self motivation and setting goals. In order to be successful the habits that can be encounter are resilience which turn your greatness into success after a difficult experience, which we need to be self motivated which helps to embrace the pain that can be a part of the success and allows us to set goals for ourself. Resilience is the key to success that enables people to move through hardship and become better. No one escapes pain, fear and suffering. Yet from pain can come wisdom, from fear can come courage, from suffering can come strength. A lot of people misunderstand It s not about bouncing back. Resilient people do not bounce back from hardship. We cannot bounce back because we cannot go back in time.You will not be the same person after having an difficult situtation. Resilient people are able to integrate hard experiences into their lives in a way that makes them better.Don t fear failure. Instead redefine it as feedback and as a natural part of a successful life. As Michael Jordan said: I ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I
  • 4. Nature In Frankenstein Through literary history, it is evident that nature is often used as a symbolic representation of the speaker s or characters personal issues present in a text. For instance, Macbeth, William Shakespeare s tragic play penned during the Elizabethan time period, employs use of this literary technique in reflecting the mood and human emotion of the story through naturerelated events. Likewise, Mary Shelley s Gothic Romanticist movement novel Frankenstein, uses the natural setting as a reflective depiction of her protagonist s mental state. Similarly, nature as a symbol for hidden emotions is reflected in the post modernist poetical work of Sylvia Plath. Specifically, in Sylvia Plath s I Am Vertical, the author s unconscious anxieties are ... Show more content on ... Primarily, flowers embody Plath s yearning for the attention which comes as a result of being physically attractive, symbolized as she cries Nor am I the beauty of a garden bed/Attracting my shares of Ahs and spectacularly painted (Plath 6). Clearly, Plath does not feel that her appearance characterizes traditional beauty, yet she wishes she fit such a characterization so that she could attract attention and praise, as does a garden bed. Likewise, Plath s wish for beauty, and consequent attention, leads into her second line concerning flowers where she writes And a flower head not tall, but more startling (Plath 9). Here, she again reveals her desire for physical beauty and the attention such characteristics would bring, as she suggests that she is not astonishing or stunning as is a flower head. Finally, Plath s want for the confidence that would come as a result of garnering attention for her beauty is directly acknowledged with her clear statement desiring the audacity of a flower. She confesses clearly ...I want the...other s [the flower s] daring (Plath 10). In longing for the fearlessness and adventurous characteristics of a flower, Plath ultimately reveals her want for self confidence; a confidence she
  • 5. How Did Mother Teresa Influence The Missionaries Of Charity When I think of great people who have helped others worldwide, many people come into my thoughts. However, one person stands out from the rest for me: Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a very influential person who went above her call of duty by helping people and forming the Missionaries of Charity. The Catholic Church has helped many people who are in need that would have died if they did not help. In general, millions of Christians and Catholics all around the world help many people who need help in many things. Catholic communities worldwide help people almost everywhere, making the Catholic Church s influence in people s lives very large. The Catholic Church, in general, will always go outside the normal boundaries to help those in need. Catholic saints, such as St. Francis of Assisi, St. Vincent de Paul, and most recently, St. Mother Teresaof Calcutta, are great examples of this. Mother Teresa s love for the poor and those in need makes her one of the best ... Show more content on ... On September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa received what she termed the call within a call . It said to start the Missionaries of Charity. The Missionaries of Charity was founded on October 7, 1950. It was a new congregation that she founded and that started in India but eventually spread across the globe, mostly in Europe and Africa. People everywhere sent donations to the Missionaries of Charity, therefore allowing them to expand and most importantly, build schools, homes, charity centers, and clinics. Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity are also a proud defender of unborn children s rights. She worked to stop abortion by sending a clear message that abortion is an evil act and should be condemned in multiple ways. She died on September 5, 1997, in Calcutta, due to her poor state of health. The Missionaries of Charity eventually became an international organization and still continues to spread hope today, even after Mother Teresa s
  • 6. Getting into a Fraternity or Sorority College is something everyone dreams about while in high school. It may seem fun and exciting, but there is a tremendous number of mistakes that can happen. For instance, imagine someone has just been accepted into college, and it is her first day. She thought it was a dream to be in a sorority, but in reality it was a nightmare. After a week, she knows Hell Week is coming, but she wants shake everything off, and think everything is going well and the other members will accept her with no hesitation. Today is a lazy day, and she is just sitting in her dorm watching television, and out of nowhere, she was blindfolded and thrown into a car. Her fellow frat members start to beat her with random objects, and they say harsh words to break her... Show more content on ... (Laws). Have you ever wondered why they do not have hazing laws? No one truly knows why they do not have the laws. As some people think, hazing is a great thing, and it puts people through a great experience to go through. Since hazing can endanger the physical safety of a person, and produces mental, physical discomfort, and causes dismay, humiliation, and dehumanizes an individual, society needs to learn about hazing and stop it from happening. We know that people consider it a tradition that has been going on for ages, but it s an appalling experience to go through. Everywhere around the world hazing is happening and not one person can do a thing about it. The earliest recorded event of hazing occurred in eighteen thirty eight. The first recorded death happened in eighteen forty eight. (Hank). So you can see why some may consider it a tradition. Many hazing incidents do not just involve members of a certain group, but sometimes it can also include the coach or who is in charge of the group. Twenty two percent of coaches or advisors are involved in hazing towards the athlete or student. Many of the coaches and advisors even help perform the hazing incidents! (Coaches). A person who you would think would be a role model to their players involve themselves in these involuntary acts.Next time someone thinks that they have the best coach a team can have, always remember someone can be
  • 7. Understanding Machine Hours And Its Effect On The Cost Of... Understanding Machine Hours At its core, a cost driver is any factor that is literally driving or influencing the cost of something. Over the past century, there has been a shift from single cost drivers to companies now reviewing several cost drivers. The combination of more sophistication in manufacturing and growth in customers needs and demands means that direct labor can no longer be the central cost driver. Overhead costshave increased drastically and have had a dramatic effect on the profit and competitiveness of manufacturing organizations. They account for a large percentage of a company s total value and as a result, they have forced management to recognize its effects. Manufacturing overhead, which includes all manufacturing costs other than direct materials and direct labor, has increased significantly due to automation, productdiversity and product complexity (p. 14 18,). When accounting for these costs, a machinehour is defined as the operation of one machine for one hour used as a basis for cost finding and for determining operating effectiveness *Merriam Webster. A company that employs the use of machines extensively, such as a manufacturing company, would be best served by using machine hours to analyze costs. Schemes, Machine Hours and ABC Should ABC opt to utilize machine hours as a cost driver, they would be operating under the most well known classification schemes, known as the manufacturing cost hierarchy. The manufacturing cost
  • 8. Eulogy for My Father Essay My father died a week ago today. He had a profound impact on the life I live today and on the person I became. The relationship between a son and a father can often be quite complicated. Not so, for me. I was blessed to have a rather simple, yet powerful and loving, relationship with my dad. And because I believe that at Fast Company we have created a community of friends, not mere readers with little connection to our magazine, I want to share the eulogy I delivered at his funeral on Saturday. My father was a hard man to dislike. I know it s common at a funeral to only remember the good things, to omit the things that would embarrass someone. In my father s case, the most remarkable thing that can be said is that there is no bad. So ... Show more content on ... He didn t allow this handicap to hold him back. He met the woman Valeriewho would become his wife at his sister Isabell s wedding. Valerie worked in a coat factory. He married her in 1970. Three years later, in 1973, he had his only child. After working in a dye house for many years, he became a postal clerk, a job he had for 20 years until he retired. He died 17 years later. It s the simple bio of a simple and modest man. But you don t measure the life of a man by simple facts, simply told. It s been said that you measure it in the truths he learned, or in the times he cried, in the bridges he burned, or the way that he died. In his 79 years, my father learned much, rarely if ever cried, never burned a bridge, and pretty much knew when he wanted to make his exit. Here s what he learned: He learned that you should fill your life with music. My father was an accordion player. He taught himself to play the piano and could play everything from Chopin to the Chattanooga Choo Choo. He played boogie woogie, Polish polkas, Italian dance numbers, Broadway classics, and Beatles tunes. Some of the happiest hours of his life were spent squeezing the squeezebox, stomping a foot on the floor, his fingers flying across the keyboard on everything from Roll Out the Barrel to the Tarantella. It was a rare party when my father failed to bring out the accordion to play. He learned to be generous with
  • 9. Review Of Environmental Impacts Of The Biofuel Industry Review of Environmental Impacts of the Biofuel Industry Allen Liu ENVM7104 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction3 1.1 What is biofuel?3 1.2 Why biofuel for Australia?4 1.2.1 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions4 1.2.2 Fuel security4 1.2.3 Economic stimulation5 1.2.4 Reduction of air pollution5 1.3 Biofuel production and consumption in Australia5 2.0 How is biofuel produced?7 2.1 First generation7 2.2 Second generation8 2.3 Third generation8 2.4 Fourth generation8 3.0 Environmental issues associated with the Biofuel Industry8 3.1 Land use change9 3.2 Reduced biodiversity9 3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emission9 3.5 Water footprint10 4.0 Current management associated environmental issues11 5.0 Biofuel: Future trends of sustainable production and consumption12 6.0 Conclusion12 References13 1.0 Introduction The majority of world s economies prosper on the availability and affordability of fossil fuels such as petroleum to drive machineries and cars. The utilisation of high density carbon fuel has accelerated the productivity of the human race since the industrial revolution. However, the dependence on a finite energy resource has led to the development of the peak oil theory and the ongoing debate of whether the oil industry has reached the production peak. As the oil production dwindles, looking for an energy source that will drive the prosperity of the human race in the future became one of the highest priorities. The growing
  • 10. Marijuana Legalization And Harmful Effects The effect of marijuana legalization haves their good and harmful effect. The negative effect of marijuana is it can affect impairments in learning and memory loss. Adolescence who uses marijuana can worsen their brain development. Such as, decreasing their cognitive function and having a poor academic performance. According to Patrick Condron, Adolescence who use marijuana perform worse on tests of problem solving; with problems, also in areas of attention, memory and learning. (Condron, 2017). However, Marijuana is mostly used for medical purposes. Many people use marijuana to reduce the discomfort caused by cancer or other long term diseases. But this doesn t change the fact that marijuana is a bad use of drug. Still, it can change people s
  • 11. China s Growth And Its Impact On The United States For the past century, Chinese society has felt a compulsive desire to develop at breakneck speeds. In pursuing development, China s primary goal has been to display its sophistication to the world, rather than to directly aid the welfare of its citizens. Following this hierarchy of objectives, China has continued to relentlessly modernize despite enormous negative consequences; the development powered through famine during the Great Leap Forward, violence during the Cultural Revolution, and economic dislocation during liberalization, accepting negative consequences as bearable burdens on the path to global renown. Ignoring these issues, Chinahas proven itself more responsive to international views of modernity than to immediate national ... Show more content on ... Physical calls for a solution accompanied Lu Xun s literary complaint. Students took to the streets during the May 4th movement, a popular effort to right the course of Chinese society. The movement was an attempt to redefine China s culture as a valid part of the modern world. The protestors proposed great societal changes in order to achieve modernization, urging citizens to attack against reactionary or irrelevant old ways, cultivate interest in Western art and culture, and develop a sophisticated awareness of the achievements of Western science. While the reform suggestions varied, they shared a central patriotic ground: they wished for a rejuvenated, unified China. Thus, the protestors requested that China to strive to fulfill Western ideals for what makes a state modern. This desire informed the next century of Chinese decision making: More spiritual victories were intolerable, as the Chinese demanded that their country prove its by developing at all costs. Leaders therefore, became primarily concerned with projecting an image of
  • 12. Historical Analysis Of The Zoot Suit, By Luiz Valdez Zoot Suit was written by Luiz Valdez and published in 1978. The story is based on the Sleepy Lagoon murder trials of the 1940s and follows protagonist Henry Reyna. This play deals with the intercultural conflicts between Henry s generation and his parent s, as well as those between Mexican Americans and white Americans. Mexican and American culture is effortlessly blended to show the transcultural influences on Henry and his group of friends. In this historical analysis, I will not only be looking at what historical events influenced this play and the author, but how this play uses those historical influences to showcase the battle of cultural expression in 1940s Los Angeles. Los Angeles was undergoing severe demographic changes in the early 1940 s. Mexican refugees were escaping the Mexican Revolution, farmers were fleeing the Dust bowl, and American servicemen rushed to Los Angeles because of World War II ( People Events ). The economy was booming from the war as American production increased and the youth was appreciating jazz culture and began wearing zoot suits, just like in the play. Because of the Sleepy Lagoon murders, the zoot suitwas associated with Mexican violence. Eventually, fights escalated between the rebelling Mexican American youth and Marines because the racial tensions. This led to the Zoot Suit Riotsof 1943 that left hundreds injured. As stated by the citizens committee investigating the riots, racism was the central cause of the riots ( People
  • 13. Theseus And The Minotaur Literary Analysis Fighting to the death in a near hopeless situation. This is a common theme between the Hunger Games and the greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. In the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sisters place to fight to the death in an Arena with only one victor. With help from Peeta Mellark, they survive the Hunger Games and go back home to their families. In Theseus and the Minotaur, King Minosdeclares that 14 people must be sent to him every 9 years, from the city of Athens. They would be released into a labyrinthto fight the Minotaur, half man half bull monster. With the help of the king s daughter, Theseus defeats the Minotaur and sails home. Though both stories may seem different, there are similar in many ways. Unnecessary cruelty, fake love, and volunteering to fight are all elements that are connect the stories... Show more content on ... In Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus could have been fed to the minotaur and the story ends there. Instead they put him in the labyrinth with the minotaur. The same thing happens in the Hunger Games. They could have killed the tributes. Instead, they put them in the Arena to fight each other to the death. The Arena is supposed to be another version of the unbeatable labyrinth in Theseus and the Minotaur. The unnecessary cruelty is supposed to represent how evil the human nature is. It gives the victims false hope because it makes them think that they have a chance to survive. In the Hunger Games, it is that there is one victor who survives. In Theseus and the Minotaur, the victims have the hope that they can escape the Labyrinth and survive. In reality, none of them have a chance to
  • 14. The Effects Of Folk Music On American History Odetta After reading the articles about folk music as well as articles about the famous folk singer, Odetta Holmes, I have learned that, folk music is music with lyrics that contain social issues, economic issues, hardships as well as relationship difficulties. Folk music is traditionally played with no more than a acoustic guitar or banjo. I have also learned that folk musichas been around for a very long time and is, perhaps, the very first genre of music that started all around the world. Folk music is basically the roots of the particular society that it is being played and sang at. Folk music has been around in many countries such as, Ireland, England, America, and many other European Countries. Folk music significantly plays a huge part in U.S. history. Folk music is significant to American history because, it discuses a vast amount of different problems and historical events that have happened throughout U.S. history. An example of this is, singing about wars was a popular topic, along with political issues, economic issues, labor issues, relationship issues, as well as many others throughout the years of American history. These vast amount of topics and hardships in these songs not only show how these people felt at the time, but can also show an actual timeline of events that happened in U.S. history. I will be discussing one of these famous and important folk singers, Odetta Holmes. I will be analyzing and discussing her life and success in her
  • 15. Freetown s Contributions In 1787, British philanthropists founded and set up trading posts at modern day Freetown, initially kenned as the Province of Freedom. (3) After the American Revolution, a colony was established which became a base for the suppression of the slave trade. (3) By 1792, over 1,200 liberated slaves from Nova Scotia settled in, a long side with slaves from Jamaica who later traveled to Freetown in 1800. (1) Of those 1,200 people, one tenth were ill, and passed away with a fever that devastated many others in Nova Scotia. (2). With the help of several men, Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce, and Granville Sharpe formed an administration in 1806, which was crucial in the British Empires abolition of the Trans Atlantic slave trade. This caused
  • 16. Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince Machiavelli s, The Prince, a book written by NiccolГІ Machiavelli, is a read that most people wouldn t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. It is known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513, the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime ( The novel was written during a time of political turbulence as a practical guide to help Lorenzo de Medici stay in power. As well with the following themes, the book contains suspenseful moments as well as action packed pages. The whole book itself is set during the backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, a period of intense activity in art, literature and science. It is also an analysis of how to acquire and obtain political power. The author of the book is Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat who is known the best for writing The Prince. Niccolo was born in Florence, Italy on May 3, 1469. There he was a diplomat for fourteen years. Once the Medici family returned from exile, Machiavelli was thrown into jail where he there wrote The Prince. As well as being thrown in jail, Machiavelli was also banned from any form of politics in his village. However, his time away from any form of role in politics gave him time to write The Prince by reading Roman history. The purpose of the book was for it
  • 17. The Patent Of Patent And Its General Applications Patent is an exclusive rights that uses to protect intellectual property rights. In recent years, with the development of electronic technology and the widespread use of electronic platforms, software patents has become a hot topic that frequently discussed by the public. To a certain extent, the patent brought many exclusive economic rights to the product inventors; the inventors can get a lot of additional economic benefits with their product patent, especially in terms of software patent. However, on the other hand, the negative effects of patents also should not be underestimated, such as it might obstruct creativity, and it might cause an unnecessary litigation in order to compete the patent. Compared to the positive effects of the patent, the negative effects of the patent seems to be more prominent. This essay will discuss the usefulness and the harmfulness of patent from three parts. In the first part, the essay will briefly discuss the concept of the patent and its general applications. Then, it will analyze the disadvantages of patent. Finally, the essay will explore the effective solution for the vicious competition of patent. DEFINITION AND EXAMPLE The patent is a very fuzzy concept. In general, it can be understood as an exclusive economic rights; the inventors obtain substantial economic benefits from their invention patent. However, more people would think of patents as a part of intellectual property; they would think of patents as an important mean of
  • 18. The Swatch Company Lead By Nicolas G This case begins with highlighting the success that had now gripped the Swatch Company lead by Nicolas G. Hayek. Due to strong numbers from 2010 the company set the goal to make 10 billion. This was only made possible by their multiple different brands across multiple different segments, innovative technology, and coming out of a brief period of difficulty with their most profitable flagship watch, Omega. The company now sets its sight on a new goal, surpassing the long established brand, Rolex. In order to try and tackle this giant, the company and CEO debate how to best attract potential customers through advertising, overall message, and through possible overseas ventures in the United States. As I said before Swatch wasn t always this successful. In fact, according to the case, in the 1960 s their market share fell about 41% due to competition from the then popular inexpensive watches. Throughout this time period it is interesting to see how their strategies evolved in regards to their competition, product placement, and brand management. First, they opted try to combat the inexpensive watches by making an inexpensive quartz watch which they later discarded. Another watchmaking group took their idea which forced the company to move to the more high end market and as a result they saw their sales drop. I don t have all the details regarding their decision of course, but it appears that they seemed almost indecisive on how to handle the low cost alternative. It would be
  • 19. Stereotypes In The Kindred White skinned people ruled. Color skinned people worked. In the novel, The Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, Dana continually switched between time periods to save her ancestor, Rufus Weylin, as without him, she will not be alive in her present. In Rufus time period, she noticed how numerous characters in the 1800 s experienced the troubles of being a slave including herself. Firstly, the patrollers thought it was enjoyable to bother the slaves for their entertainment from time to time. Furthermore, Margaret, Rufus mother, had emotionally abused Dana for several reasons. Finally, Rufus, himself, tried to commit the illegal crime of rape. Butler has focused greatly upon acts of physical, emotional, psychological and sexual violence, which were commonly seen in the 1800 s due to abundant racism/slavery. There were patrollers, groups of young whites who ostensibly maintained ... Show more content on ... As Rufus became older, his arrogance worsened; therefore, violence became his primary approach when he failed to get his way. This lead to more problematic situations for Dana. For example, Rufus was greatly depending on Dana to save his father, Tom Weylin, when he was dying of a heart attack and when she failed to save him, Rufus took his anger out by shifting to violence and punishing Dana. She could not have done anything about his father s death. Although, Rufus still had to be violent as he failed to get his way; therefore, her punishment was to work in the fields, where she constantly fell to [her] knees and doubled over in a blaze of pain. Tears ran down [her] face. (212). Rufus servant had tortured Dana by whipping her over and over again to a point where she could not bear it anymore. In summary, Rufus was unsure of how to deal situations, where he did not get what he wanted, without demonstrating some act of
  • 20. Why Is Lying Acceptable Is Lying Acceptable? Is honesty always the best policy? There is a great split between people when it comes to the topic of lying. Some say lying is utterly wrong, no matter what; however, other individuals say lying is justified. There are many beliefs about the justification of lying, including the belief that the position of the liar determines if lying is okay. Lying can be allowable because sometimes there is a need to protect others. Lying is not completely wrong, especially when it comes to the sentiments of others. For example, it is, OK to liein certain situations, like protecting someone s feelings (Life on, July 11, 2006). As things go, there are instances in which telling the truthwould distress others, while a lie could save another person from grief. Furthermore, telling someone a lie to help someone emotionally is morally right. Thus, telling a lie can be the correct thing to do when trying to protect someone from mental, emotional, and physical harm. It is possible, that one may find... Show more content on ... In Sissela Bok s article about Immanuel Kant, she states, Truthfulness in statements which cannot be avoided is the formal duty of an individual to everyone, however great may be the disadvantage (Rejecting All Lies: Immanuel Kant, Bok). This is disproved because, Anne Frank survived as long as she did because those sheltering her lied to the Nazis. The French Resistance...could not have operated without deception. Military and intelligence officials will as a matter of routine lie to protect secret plans or agents at risk (Gray, 1992). This shows that lying protected real life individuals in real life danger. A lie changed the entire outcome if many of the affairs. For the most part, many believe the truth to be more important than anything else, but a lie can be the difference between life and
  • 21. Foreshadowing In The Photographer By Ernest Hemingway Although Ernest Hemingway incurred a public image of a carefree veteran of war turned writer, he was a man suffering under the sickness of having been present in the face of death; in the photograph of Hemingway, the set of his shoulders, position of his knees, and the gun in front of his eye all reveal that despite his misnomered facade, he was a sick person. At first glance, one can see Hemingway holding a gun in front of his face, with his shoulders closed off to the photographer. A person usually scrunches their shoulders up when they are uncomfortable or feeling cautionary of that which is front of him; this entirely reveals how Hemingway felt wary of what was in front of him, be it the future or necessity to trust other people he had
  • 22. Swaziland Research Paper Front Cover (right) Mountains, Trees, Plants, and Flowers of Swaziland Mary Kay Worth Page 1 (right) Mountains, Trees, Plants, and Flowers of Swaziland Mary Kay Worth Africa is beautiful. Swaziland is very small. May is fall there. This is about the land. Page 2 (left) Mountains Some places you can see very far. Page 3 (right) Eucalyptus Trees This kind of tree grows very tall. The bark sheds, making the trees look white. Page 4 (left) Execution Rock This tall mountain is where Swazis were marched off the top for their crimes. They do not do this anymore. Page 5 (right) Lebombo Mountains The mountains are rugged. The leaves are off because it is fall. Flowers bloom here when it is cooler and it has rained. Page 6 (left) Savanna Acatia ... Show more content on ... Pampus grass Page 20 (left) Think About It What other countries would you like to visit? Why? Which have you eaten: pineapple, maize, avocado, marula, sugarcane? What did you learn new about Swaziland, Africa? Pick something interesting to do your own Swaziland research. What did you choose? Why? Back cover (left) This is book 3 of a text set about Africa, the science and geography book. Book 1, HEY ELEPHANT! WHERE ARE YOU? is a fiction inspired by safaris in Africa. Book 2, Banele, the Girl from Swaziland is non fiction about the day I shared with Banele and her family. About the Author Child of God, Grandma, Mother, Daughter, Sister Teacher, Principal, Superintendent, Professor
  • 23. Traveler, Storyteller, Photographer, Actor, Musician, and Author In addition to original text, most often inspired by true stories, the photos in all her books are her own. Technology has added the ability to design and bring a vision to life. Mary Kay s dream includes inspiring educators and students to tell stories, write, illustrate, design and SHARE! Mary Kay is also the author of Dear Deer, The Truth About Santa, and Three Christmas
  • 24. Fedex Express At The Fedex Corporation In 1978, the FedEx Corporation sent out its annual report noting that Federal deregulation, recapitalization, and public offering were credited as the impetus for record sales and earnings (FedEx Corporation, 1978). At the close of the report, the chairman of the board credited the employees as the most important factor in such favorable outcomes. Nearly 40 years later, the message and tone of the FedEx Corporation (2015a) Annual Report was again boasting a transformative year, and crediting its employees. But the success of FedEx Corporation, and specifically its air cargoand freight services (known as FedEx Express), does not rely solely on the hard work of people. Instead, success is the result of a vision, philosophy, approach, and perhaps simply some good fortune; all of which can be found in closer look at the making of FedEx Express. A Brief History of FedEx Express In 1965, while attending Yale University as undergraduate student, a young Fred Smith submitted a term paper detailing his vision of how the economic and logistical challenges facing delivery of time sensitive shipments could be resolved using a simple, yet revolutionary, approach (Reichert, 2000). At the time, air freight was primarily transported via air passenger flights. The thesis was that the problem was air freight service being an add on to air passenger service, and the solution was to create an air freight industry (Reichert, 2000). Although it was 50 years ago that Fred Smith received
  • 25. Financial Analyst India And The Functional Controller Hse... Furthermore, to ensure that the new employee does not encounter any difficulties, the work instruction for this process was developed, which can be found in the appendix 12. In an ideal reporting process, there are some changes have been made as follow The work is transferred to Financial Analyst of AkzoNobel India. Hence, the financial analyst India and the functional controller HSE and RD I in Netherlands will be the back up employee for each other. The approval step is done by the Functional Controller HSE and RD I The shared folder has been made. In this to be process, the final report is posted in the shared folder. The shared folder can only be accessed by the audiences. The financial analyst in India needs to update the list of recipients as well as an action log on shared folder The process workflow should be evaluated frequently to improve the process continuously. The standard process description based on the requirements of the literature has been made for the client. An example of the standard process description can be found later in this report in Appendix 4. Explanation 1.2 Update the template and recipients list This step now includes one more activity, which is updating the recipients list. Due to the fact that the number of stakeholders might change, the recipients list needs to be updated frequently to avoid any miscommunication. The change in the recipients list can be done only when the Indian Financial Analyst is informed by the
  • 26. Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention And Support Literature Review Schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports is a systems approach to effectively managing student behavior. The review of literature will discuss the critical elements to a systems approach for schoolwide behavior management and the proposed implementation. I will also focus on describing the barrier and enablers for successful implementation of PBIS. Finally, I will discuss the literature on sustainability of PBIS. School wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Dr. George Sugai of the University of Connecticut has collaborated with many researchers to develop the framework behind School wide Positive Behaviors Intervention and Support (SWPBIS). SWPBIS is a set of interventions practices ... Show more content on ... The three tiers within SWPBIS are primary prevention (often referred to as universal supports or Tier I), secondary prevention (targeted interventions or Tier II), and tertiary prevention (intensive supports or Tier III) (Horner, Sugai, and Anderson, 2010, p. 4). Primary preventions provides the framework for establishing behavioral expectations for the whole school. All staff, including administrators, teachers, support personnel, paraprofessionals, custodians, lunch aides, bus drivers, etc. and students are instructed on a set of core expectations. (For example: Make the effort, Have respect and integrity, Help others, Stay Safe.) The expectations are then operationalize with positive statements for the expected behaviors for every area of the school: classrooms, lunchroom, hallways, bathrooms, buses, etc. The expectations are explicitly taught in every setting and
  • 27. Childbirth Vs Midwife Midwifes give the expecting mother a choice. Evidence shows that women who are choosing to seek care from a midwife do it not only for the reasons of wanting to approach childbirth in a natural way, but also because midwives let you take control of the situation with limitations obviously. Having choice and control over your pregnancyis empowering and will usually give you a wonderful birthing experience. When a mother has a good birthing experience it will allow the mother and child to have a better relationship and will allow her to look forward to her next pregnancy. In comparisons to a doctor, a midwife allows the expecting mother to have informed choice, flexibility and choice. When a woman gets pregnant they create a birthing plan,
  • 28. The Buying Process Through Fashion Blogs Firstly, I would like to point that the ten young women who were interviewed were extremely helpful for this research. The answers given during the interviews helped to support the theory developed for the research. Thanks to this research and after the answers analyze, we can say that at the beginning stages of the buying process, some consumers read fashion blogs because they are looking for inspiration and new ideas for shopping, so they do a lot of information research. They already have the shopping motivation and this motivation is using fashion blogs for being satisfied. I think this is half of the sales road for companies: they already have thousands of motivated customers looking for some products which can satisfy their needs. This is the moment when companies have to be present on blogs. Here, the potential customer has no need for just one specific product, but he might be inspired by the products displayed in the blog, which can lead to purchasing that would not have occurred otherwise. This is the sales power of blogs. On the other hand, many consumers said they use fashion blogs when they want to find some products reviews. This reason and the previous one show us consumers use fashion blogs an information research tool. According to this last reason, looking for product reviews, we have to keep in mind that in these cases, the desire for the product is strong, eliminating so called impulse purchases. They know what they want. This is a really important
  • 29. Bis 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab BIS 155 Week 2 Quiz Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab To Buy This material Click below link 155/bis 155 week 2 quiz data analysis with spreadsheets with lab (TCO 2) In Excel, a relative cell reference: (Points : 2) Indicates a cell s specific location and the reference does not change when you copy the formula. Contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference Indicates a cell s relative location from the cell containing the formula; the reference changes when you copy the formula Occurs when a formula directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula (TCO 2) In Excel, an Argument would be best described by which of the following statements? (Points : 2) Calculates the total ... Show more content on ... (Points : 2) Contains another function embedded inside one or more of its arguments Evaluates a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and a different value if the condition is false Evaluates true or false Displays the current date and time (TCO 2) The _____ number is the number of the column in the lookup table that contains the return values. (Points : 2) Lookup value Column index Lookup table Random (TCO 2) To copy a formula, you may use the _____, which is found in the bottom right hand corner of an active cell. (Points : 2) Sizing handle Pointer Fill handle Insertion point (TCO 2) One benefit of using range names in formulas is that _____ . (Points : 2) It directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula It contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference It identifies the present value of the loan If you copy the formula, you do not have to make the cell reference absolute (TCO 2) The PMT function is best described by which of the following? (Points : 2) It is the periodic interest rate, such as a monthly interest rate It is the total number of payment periods It is the present value of a loan It calculates the periodic payment for a loan with a fixed interest rate and a fixed term (TCO 2) In Excel, a function can be defined as a _____. (Points : 2)
  • 30. Predefined formula that performs a calculation Cell reference or a value List of values and defined names as you enter
  • 31. The Cost Of Computers And Television s Impact On Society Computers have been around for what seem like decades, it s a way of life if nothing else we rely on it so much in our daily life. It wasn t always like this our computer technology has been advancing astronomical. When once computers were seen as a simple calculator for simple calculations. We valued them as they were specialized machines for each person and each person could have a different experience with the computer, recently computers have skyrocketed with improvement in the early 20th century due to new discoveries in technology. Which has changed society in a drastic way. The availability of these computer and TV s have a huge impact on the society as well. In later years not too many people owned a computer as they were only used ... Show more content on ... Some people think that this is just a simple matter of getting off the computer, it s much more than that. I can become a disorder or an addiction, so you can expected someone to just get of the computer it takes time and help. The Computer effect on children is also another study that should be looked over as the exposure to computer can have effects on our children s health. A Study in 2000 saw that people from the age of 2 through 17 were only on the TV /Computer for an average of 34 min a day. Not too bad you would think yet the answer lies where when the children have access to those technologies, those children spend an average of 5 hours a day watching a screen. (Behrman) This has been linked to obesity as well the study found. Showing that with more hours of the day sucked into watching a screen kids are less active. No activity mean that kids eat and don t burn the necessary calories they need to burn to grow properly. To help the harmful side effects that the computer can do to a child s young mind the government as well as some other agencies have issued media exposure limits to show parents how much time to limit on their child s time watching TV and being on the computer. This limit was set at only 2 hours a day on the basis that parents could influence kids to go outside and play to get the exercise and other activities like games and sports. As it happened to me I thought that it must have happened
  • 32. Fifth Business Dunstan Ramsay Character Analysis In Fifth Business, Dunstan Ramsay s mother, Fiona Ramsay, greatly impacted who he became. Fiona Ramsay was a clean, strict and controlling parent. She was greatly praised by the community around her as she seemed to be the perfect housewife. She participated in her community, did good for the community and donated to charity. However, what the community does not realize was the dualistic nature of Fiona Ramsay. Even though she seemed to be a good person by donating to charity, she did so not out of sincerity, but for her own reputation. While she was a kind and loving person in public, at him, she became this strict and controlling figure with her family. One night Dunstan stole an egg from the kitchen in order to practice magic. When Fiona
  • 33. Tooth Replacement Research Paper Tooth Replacement Options | Nashua, NH Are you missing one, some, or all of your natural teeth? We can help. Our team is specially trained to offer you a variety of tooth replacement options. Depending on your specific situation and needs, we can help you determine which of these options is best for you. Read on to learn more, or contact our office with any questions you may have. We will be happy to help. All on 4 Dental Implants Dental implants are a great way to get replacement teeth that look and act just like your natural teeth. Our All on 4 solution lets us place an entire arch of replacement teeth on just four strategically placed implants. These implants are positioned to offer the most strength while also keeping healing time to ... Show more content on ... If you are missing some or all of your natural teeth, we can help. Below you will find short explanations of some of the types of dentures we offer and how they can help you look and feel better. Improve your quality of life and maintain your youthful appearance by getting dentures. If you have any questions about dentures, feel free to contact our office. Traditional Removable Dentures If you are living without teeth or have been recently informed of your upcoming extraction procedure dentures may be for you. Our traditional removable dentures are designed to completely replace an entire arch of teeth, or in many cases, an entire mouth. We craft beautiful, lifelike crowns that are set into a plastic, gum colored mold. This mold sits directly over your gums and is designed to fit comfortably and securely. Our traditional dentures are a time tested tooth replacement solution. Partial Removable Dentures We also offer dentures to replace only some of your natural teeth. If you need a reliable tooth replacement option for just a few teeth, consider our partial dentures. Like traditional full dentures, these are removable for easy cleaning and maintenance. They also fit comfortably in your mouth, and use clasps to secure them to the surrounding teeth. Talk to one of our doctors to see if this option is right for
  • 34. The Characteristics Of A Detective Fiction Detective Fiction Essay A detective fiction is a literary genre in form of a short story or novel that deals with crimes, usually murder and detectives are involved to seek out justice for the victims. The detectives involved in detective fictions can either be private, amateur, or police detectives. There are also other characters like the suspects and the side kicks. An amateur detective is a detective who has no license to operate as a private investigator neither is he/she a member of the police force. These detectives have a different profession, but are not trained in criminal investigation. They have a passion in crime and delivering justice to the society. On the other hand, a private detective also known as hard boiled is a male or female detective trained in criminal investigation. Dealing with crime is his/her profession, therefore, has good physical attributes and uses the gun efficiently. The two detectives differ in two ways; first, they differ in financial status, secondly they differ on how they use violence in their investigations. The first difference between an amateur detective and a private detective is their financial statuses. An amateur detective is an individual who has another job or rather a ... Show more content on ... In addition, most of them are always poor. A good example is in the Simple Art of Murder by Raymond Chandler. Raymond writes that, He is a relatively poor man, or he would not be a detective at all. He is a common man or he could not go among common people, (219). Another example is the short story Trouble is My Business by Phillip Marlowe. This story presents a needy private detective. When he is hired, he confesses that, I started to get up from my chair, then remembered that business had been bad for a month and that I needed the money (Marlowe 255). This is an example of a hard boiled detective and how they struggle to make a
  • 35. Principles Of A Group Dynamics G.6.a. Approach to principles of a group dynamics, group process, development stage philosophies, group members roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group. Through the use of Textbooks , this CACPRE standard (2009) helped me to comprehend the process of all items that are basic to the unfolding of group from the beginning to end. For example, group norms, generating trust, how conflict emerges in a group, patterns of resistance, and shared goals that characterize a particular social group. Furthermore, I understand that group dynamics can provide an empirical validation for pre screening, the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning phases (Corey, Corey, and Corey, 2014). In addition, tools for assessing, the use of a Likert, Zung Depression Questionnaire and Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire Revise (SBQR), can help build an organized and well balanced group. G.6.b. Group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches, plus characteristics of various categories of group leaders and leadership styles. The use of Textbooks ASGW code of ethics, in class experience and discussions. I have learned that each leader should talk about their theoretical orientations and how one perceives group work (Thomas, Pender, 2008). In addition, are the leaders experienced in leading a group? In other words, discuss each other s cultural and ethnic backgrounds; be honest about their values are utmost important. Hence, one point that can be overlooked is
  • 36. Michelle Dellatorre Financial Case Examination One Assume that you recently graduated with a degree in finance and have just reported to work as an investment advisor at the brokerage firm of Balik and Kiefer Inc. One of the firm s clients is Michelle Dellatorre, a professional tennis player who has just come to the United States from Chile. Dellatorre is a highly ranked tennis player who would like to start a company to produce and market apparel that she designs. She also expects to invest substantial amounts of money through Balik and Kiefer. Dellatorre is also very bright, and, therefore, she would like to understand, in general terms, what will happen to her money. Your boss has developed the following set of questions which you must ask and answer to explain... Show more content on ... C. (2) Is stock price maximization good or bad for society? The same actions that maximize stock prices also benefit society. Stock price maximization requires efficient, low cost operations that produce high quality goods and services at the lowest possible cost. Stock price maximization requires the development of products and services that consumers want and need, so the profit motive leads to new technology, to new products, and to new jobs. Also, stock price maximization necessitates efficient and courteous service, adequate stocks of merchandise, and well located business establishments factors that are all necessary to make sales, which are necessary for profits. C. (3) Should firms behave ethically? Yes. Results of a recent study indicate that the executives of most major firms in the United States believe that firms do try to maintain high ethical standards in all of their business dealings. Furthermore, most executives believe that there is a positive correlation between ethics and long run profitability. Conflicts often arise between profits and ethics. Companies must deal with these conflicts on a regular basis, and a failure to handle the situation properly can lead to huge product liability suits and even to bankruptcy. There is no room for unethical behavior in the business world. D. What factors affect stock prices? The price of a firms stock depend on
  • 37. Difference Between Cat And Dogs There are numerous pet lovers in the United States and world. Many have heard the question about either being a dog or a cat person. Cat and dog owners are all over the globe. The argument which dogs are better than cats or cats are better than dogs has been an argument which has been going on forever and ever. The catand dog rivalry has been going on for years, decades, or possibly more than a century. Out of the two animals, one has to be superior to the other. Most Americans would prefer to own a dog over a cat, and only a few would rather have a cat as a petthan a dog. Not too many citizens would have both cat and dogs as pets or none at all as pets. Approximately 80 million people own pets, close to 37% own a dog and roughly 30% are owners of a cat. Depending on whether someone is a dog owner or a cat owner, personality types differ. There are plenty of reasons why a dog is a better pet than a cat. Having a dog is similar to having another caring person around. Being a dog owner is better than being a cat owner. Being a dog owner is better because having a dog as a pet comes with many benefits. Generally having a dog as a pet is an abundance of fun for several individuals. People who have fun tend to be more positive in life, and a dog can bring out the positive side in almost every individual. A dog can help others in multiple ways that people may not know about. Owning a dog can help a person to stay in shape. McGrill points out, There are physical, mental and
  • 38. Mexico American Culture Being a Mexican American can be really tiresome. Having to uphold the expectation of being in touch with my Mexican culture, and at the same time, my American culture can be frustrating. Both cultures have made me who I am, the brown girl with long curly hair and indigenous facial features of a Mexican, and the Bohemian style with a nose piercing, dyed hair and circular glasses as an American. Growing up with two mindsets can create someone with diverse ideas as one cultured person. Waking up on weekends to loud Mexican music, such as Marc Antonio Solis, meaning it s 7 am and it s time to wake up and start cleaning. To waking up on school days, to get on a yellow bus and learn about the Civil Rights Movement in history class. In 2017 society, we have to fit into both cultures at the same time, deciding which holidays you should celebrate when you get older to deciding which religion you actually want to practice. To begin with, I m the first generation in my household that happens to be born in America, however, my parents were both born in Mexico. I grew up in a very Hispanic populated region when I first commenced school. Being around by Spanish speaking kids made me feel rather pleasant. Around Winter, I ve always chatted about the favorable things that my mom would do around this time with my friends, including the traditions we all might share as Spanish speaking children. We ve talked about how our parents would make mouthwatering meals while walking around the
  • 39. New And Improved Philadelphi The City Of Philadelphia New and Improved Philadelphia Philadelphia is a place that is making enormous number of changes to make it a more diverse, innovative and safer place for people to live. Many people have helped this innovation and modernization happen with new restaurants, new buildings and safer living communities. People tend to think that Philadelphiais not as good as other cities like Boston or New York. Many people that have influenced Philadelphia are people that demonstrate a strong passion and have a personal attachment to this city. Stephen Starr, John Fry, Jim Kenney and Bart Blatstein illustrate and channel some individual visions and evolve the city of Philadelphia. The city of Philadelphia due to multiculturalism, innovation, modernization... Show more content on ... Stephen Starr is a strong advocate for the city and when he wants something to be done he knows how to get it done by this mentality it makes him an asset to the city and makes South Street a place that no one thought it could change into. Stephen Starr in multiple cities have created many different multicultural dining options to choose from Pod to Butcher and Singer. Stephen Starr in the beginning had complications with people thinking he stole ideas but in reality Stephen Starr created a massive repertoire of a diverse restaurants and many unique restaurant atmospheres. Stephen Starr demonstrates an influential person on the city and greatly influences the community with the strong economy. In creating many diverse restaurants, it creates places for people to eat creating a better economy and jobs. Stephen Starr is someone who diversified restaurants and helped transform the city like John Fry. The innovation and modernization in Philadelphia is making major transitions and improvements to West Philadelphia. John Fry is making living communities that promote safety, cultivating the community and improving the economy. John Fry has been a symbol of prosperity and made neighborhoods to be prim and prosperous looking, and have become so kid friendly, contributing to making Philadelphia more recognizable and promotes young citizens to explore the magnificent city (John Fry). John Fry helps facilitate younger citizens who are moving into the city where it is
  • 40. Greek Alphabet Many scholars have yet to prove the origin of Greek alphabet. However, one fact is for certain: the origin of Greek alphabet does not mean the origin of the writing system to the Greek language. Not a completely new invention, the Greek alphabet is undoubtedly from a script that the Semitic peoples of Levantine coast used. Originally fashioned by ethnic Phoenician groups, the source alphabet is connected to the Ugaritic groups of writing systems that developed around the city of Ugarit (Powell 2009: 230). Nevertheless, the source alphabet and the Greek alphabetwork differently as the Greek alphabet had specific signs for vowels that Phoenicians did not. Hence, regarding such differences and the adaptations of the original source... Show more content on ... However, due to the earliest alphabetic inscription from Gabii being dated to 775 and no other inscriptions yet discovered before the eighth century, such argument to push the date is diminishing, though not completely eliminated (Powell 2009: 236). In historical terms, with contacts between the Aegean and the outside world growing during the eighth century and evidence for Phoenician settlers in the Aegean and Greeks in northern Syria, it is most probable that the origin of Greek alphabet is from the early eighth century BC. In addition to the how, where, and when of this alphabet s origin, the reason for its invention is also vague. Moreover, according to Wilson, this question of why the Greeks adopted and adapted the north west Semitic script has received relatively little scholarly attention (Wilson 2009: 548). Though theories of mercantile and poetic origins exist, these theories still pose problems and other explanations such as for ownership denotation have been offered that need to be further studied. Hence, this research project intends to undertake the step to investigate the ownership theory as an explanation for why the Greeks adopted and adapted the alphabet of the Phoenicians. Hence, it is essential to understand the problems that the existing knowledge of the reason the monetary and poetic origins generates. The monetary origin begins
  • 41. Children With Intellectual Disabilities In the US around 4.6 million people are identified as having an intellectual disability and 25 to 33 % children are born with mental disabilities. Resch J, Benz M, Elliott T. (2012). Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. This disabilityoriginates before the age of 18. In order to determine if a child has intellectual disabilities the child will take a series of test such as an IQ test if the child score below a 70 he/she would be categorize a limitation in intellectual functioning. Beside the IQ test Conceptual skills, social skills, practical skills. Some common types of intellectual... Show more content on ... These helpless feelings may be cause depression. Olsson Hwang, (2001). In their studies they found that mothers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities experiences greater level of stress. Olsson Hwang, (2001). Overall it can be concluding that caring for children with intellectual disabilities present many challenges that can cause psychological problems on the caregivers. Special education is very important for the students. It is also important for the caregivers to take care of themselves by participating in support groups or seek counseling if needed. If the caregiver if depressed, frustrated the care they give will be reflected on the children. s (ID) face financial difficulties. Caring for a child with Autism cost more than then children who do not have autism because many of them require special education that cost more. Also child care for children with ASD cost more. Caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders may exhibit a greater number of health and psychosocial problems. Amaral DG, Schumann CM, Nordahl CW
  • 42. Greek Mythology Myth Mythology is the beliefs and thoughts of the early humans. It shows how the first men thought about the world itself and how it was created. The myths show how much man has accomplished in society, such as; evolving from wild men into sophisticated beings. The Greeks made their gods in their image and mostly as human. They thought if they did, this would make the gods seem more friendly and peaceful. At first, the Greeks had feared the gods, but as time went by different stories changed their aspects of the gods. Such as Zeus, he used to be a scary powerful god if angered shot his thunderous light bolt at one. Then stories about Zeus changed him into an irresponsible god who fell in love with many women. Humans, now we re not scared of... Show more content on ... They each demonstrated skill, bravery, and determination in every task or quest they were given. The heroes represented how the Greeks wanted the men in society to be like. For example, Perseus was intelligent and used his wits with the help of the gods, Athena and Hermes, to slay the Gorgon Medusa. Theseus was the bravest of heroes and had a high intellect. He defeated the Minotaur in the Labyrinth and made Athens into a very prosperous city. Theseus showed that even though he was a hero, he could also be a real leader. Hercules showed great strength and confidence which helped slay all the terrible monsters he faced and showed determination during the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Atlanta showed bravery and proved that women could do things just as well as men. She defeated the Calydonian Boar with the help of Meleager. Without magnificent heroes in our world we are helpless, so we should be thankful that we have people like this to save the weak, and bring faith to the rough times. The Trojan Warwas about one woman, Helen, the most beautiful woman on Earth. At a wedding, the God Eris decides to cause discord because she was not invited. She throws a golden apple labeled For the Fairest and all goddesses start to argue over the golden apple. The gods decide that Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera are the fairest. Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, judged them.
  • 43. Ideas And Inspirations For Dining Rooms Ideas and inspirations for dining rooms A delectable dining room decor is essential for a satisfying dining experience. Even deliciously cooked meals may turn out to be unpalatable in shabbily decorated and unhygienic dining spaces. It is important for the health and well being of the family as well as for the guests who frequent this space. In her essay A Room of One s Own published in 1929, Virginia Woolf commented, One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. Without taking adequate care of your dining room design you cannot expect to dine well either. Dining room inspiration For dining room inspiration suitable for your home, you may look back upon the past and design your dining parlour according to the classical styles. Famous dining room images of Giambattista Tiepolo, Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Victors among others show the elegant dining spaces of a bygone era. You may visit classical houses and decorative arts museums for a dining room inspiration as well. If you live in a modern home, you will certainly like to model your dining area according to the present time. Contemporary interiors tend to shun all kinds of ostentation and furniture with florid styles. Minimalist design is in vogue and dining rooms are not immune to the latest trends. Decorating a space this way may help to create a more expansive looking dining parlour in a relatively smaller home. You may opt for an industrial dining room as well, which is an offshoot of
  • 44. Historical Book Justice Throughout much of the historical writings of the Bible, ranging from the book of Joshua to the book of Esther, the central narrations depict the formation of kingship that leads Israel. This can be further broken into three sections. First being the Theocracy, covering the period when Israel was ruled by God. Second, is the Monarchy which traces Israel Kings from the good to the bad leading to the nation s destruction. Third, is the restoration describing Israel s remnant after the seventy years of captivity. For the sake of limitation, an example from each section will be analyzed. In the historical books justice is prevalent because it is an ideal that closely associates with government or an avenue in which justice is easily issued. In... Show more content on ... As noted in previous sections, the state of the world was far from shalom and God was on a mission to restore this. However, it also seemed Israel was not going to be the source of redemption as they only held the desire to be like the nations, lacking a manner of justice. Yet, in this last category one can note of the beginning process of restoration until the time of Jesus. In this section, there is one important verse to pay attention to. In Ezra 10:14 the idea of justice is reinstated but not in a way that is simply justice put into action, but in the intent to regather the people of God; to bring all back into a community of love. This is one step closer to restoring shalom. The verse prior to this example is key in understanding this (Ez. 10:9 14). Ezra the priest is calling the people of Israel to rid of their sin and draw back into a state that is founded in God s will (justice acted in love, love, generosity, and service) (Oswalt
  • 45. Western Washington University Research Paper First, one college I ve researched is the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. At about $49,000 in tuition, books, transportation, and other expenses, it is a pretty costly school. It is an out of state school which makes it almost double most in state schools, which is unfortunate. I ve always liked Oregon because its vibes are similar to Washington s in terms of the typical type of person and the atmosphere, but I have never been to Eugene or seen the universitycampus in person. Eugene s population is obviously heavily influenced by the University of Oregon because 20,000 students go there each year. It is only about four and a half hours away from Auburn, so it wouldn t be too hard to make some weekend trips to see you either. The University of Oregon also offers a lively greek chapter, exciting Division I football, basketball, and soccer games, intramural sports like hockey and... Show more content on ... It is an in state school so all expenses total to be only about $22,000 which is significantly cheaper than most out of state schools. Western is located in Bellingham, Washington, which is about a two hour car ride from home. My grandparents live in Bellingham, so I would always have family close, even if you are not. Western is also near mountains to snowboard, lakes to jet ski, and the Canadian border so weekend trips out of the country would be easy and fun. The weather in Bellingham is typical Washington, where it rains one third of the year and is gray and overcast two thirds of the year. Only about 14,000 students attend Western Washington each year, but it still offers every club imaginable from the brony club to the entrepreneurial changemakers club. They also offer numerous club sports that really interest me including soccer and basketball. I meet the grade and test score requirements to get into Western so it is a realistic choice of school for
  • 46. Fringe Within The Hippie Movement Fringe is a trend that has been present in several decades, as early as the Native Americans. With its rich history and it reoccurrence in several decades, there will be more focus on fringe within the Hippie Movement. Fringe first appeared within the Native American culture, and was used as a functional detail to allow the garment to shed rain and dry faster, as well as for the jackets warmth and durability. These jackets were known as buckskins and made from buckskin, which is soft suede leather from the hide of deer. They would occasionally decorate it with beads to make it more pleasing to the eye, and individual. Cowboys began to wear buckskins as well, thanks to their practicality. Cowboys would also be able to rip off a piece of suede... Show more content on ... These decades are renown for the Hippie Movement , a counter cultural movement that rejected many mainstream American mores. They generated from the Beat Movement, which when died down and the generation gradually drifted from New York, reassembling in San Francisco many youngsters wanted to be like these open minded people The word Hippie originates from the word Hip , which is what the older Beat Generation called these youngsters which were trying to impersonate them and trying to be hip . Hippies then became the bigger movement and fought for several political issues. They had a massive opposition the United States involvement in the Vietnam War which started in 1955 and ended in 1975. It was a war which South Vietnam was fighting for its independence from North Vietnam. Other Communist countries such as the Soviet Union and China supported the North whereas the US and other anti communist countries supported the South. This led to a big Draft of men which was done by birthdates in a lottery type way. Most men drafted were men from poor and working class families. In fact, American forces included twenty five percent poor and fifty five percent working class. 2, 709, 918 Americans served in uniform in Vietnam, about 7,500 of these were women. 61% of those killed were under the age of 21. The Hippies fought against America s involvement; creating the famous anti war slogan, Make love, not war . They would
  • 47. John The Baptist John the Baptist: The First and Most Important of Jesus Followers Throughout the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke Jesus is established as the Messiah and the most prominent holy figure of the faith the Son of God. Yet Jesus started out as a regular boy who practiced the Jewish faith much the same as every other Jew around him and admired the priests as righteous men that would help the Jews follow the word of Yahweh and the Laws of Moses. One such man is John the Baptist, a priest and prophet that had a significant following, and prophesized the coming of a Messiah figure. In this paper I will argue that John the Baptist is a prominent and necessary figure in the Synoptic gospels, a precursor to Jesus who proceeded to establish Jesus as ... Show more content on ... Only after John baptized Jesus in the Jordan did God ultimately claim Jesus directly as His son, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased (Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11). Therefore John the Baptist is established as a necessary catalyst that establishes Jesus as a Messiah and starts him on the path to being the most essential figure in the New Testament, and later
  • 48. Development of the Theater High Altitude Area Defense System The United States Army has been developing and implementing systems in order to protect our nation s national security. One of the systems the Army has added to its arsenal is the Theater High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD). During the Persian Gulf War, the Army identified a need for a system that would be able to counter a theater ballistic missileattack. THAAD is designed to cover the upper tier of the Army s two tiered theater ballistic missile defenseplan (DOD Inspector General, 1995) and is a mobile ground based theater missile defense (TMD) system that can protect military forces that are deployed at home or abroad, population centers, and civilian assets from Theater Ballistic Missile (TBM) attacks. THAAD engages incoming ballistic missiles and is capable of intercepting them at high altitudes. The prime contractor selected for the project was Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space. The project would encompass the design and materials of radars, battle management command, control, communications, mobile launchers, interceptors and ground support equipment. The launching system would be on a palletized loading system fitted on existing vehicles the Army has in their inventory. THAAD s first inception was in 1992 and it would take many years for the project to be successful. On June 28th, 2010, the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade from the U.S. Army and the Missile Defense Agencywas successful in conducting an intercept test (THAAD System Intercept, 2010). THAAD
  • 49. The Effect Of Self Esteem Effects of self esteem What is self esteem? Self esteem is confidence in one s own worth or abilities and self respect. Self esteem is how a person feels about his or herself. A person s self esteem can be high, low, or in between. Someone with high self esteem might be more confident in seeking out new friendships. However, someone with low self esteem may not even try to have a social life because they tend to feel worthless. If a person self esteem is in between they are very observant to everything. Self esteem can affect ones mood, health, relationships, comfort zones, and low resilience. Importance of valuing yourself According to person to person the self can be broken down into physical self, mental self, emotional self, and social self. Physical self is more than just your appearance. People who neglect their own needs and forget to nurture themselves are at danger of deeper levels of unhappiness, low self esteem, and feelings of resentment. Also, sometimes people who spend their time only taking care of others can be at risk for getting burned out on all the giving, which makes it more difficult to care for others or themselves. Taking time to care for yourself regularly can make you a better caretaker for others. Mental health is a level of psychological wellbeing, or an absence of mental illness. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment . Mental self is performed
  • 50. Dog Food Disposal The dog food recall was a big eye opener for a lot of dog owners. Even if you did not own a dog at that time you probably heard about it. The threat of harming your dog by not knowing what you are feeding it creates an important question, what is the best type of dog food? There are many types of food to choose from and it can be confusing. Here is some basic information to help you know which is right for your puppy. We will look at which foods to avoid and several other types to consider, from organic foods to making your own dog food. Before beginning always remember to read the labels so you know what kind of nutrition your puppy is getting. Foods To Avoid Even though dogs love the canned food it is not the best source of nutrition.
  • 51. Hiring Staff with a Passion for Helping People Staff When preparing to hire staff for this program I would look to hire social workers and case managers that have a passion for helping people. I would make it known that if you are a person without patience then this is not a program for you to be. I want people that are going to actually show compassion and concern when they are helping the people. I want to hire counselors that actually good at helping people and they have that drive and passion to help others and they have a friendly but helpful attitude. I want the entire staff to feel like a family and have a trustworthy atmosphere. We should all have each other s backs and pick up the pieces to where someone else left off if they need help assisting someone. All employees will be expected to be respectful and courteous to one another as well as to the clients. New Beginnings will have a very important and dynamic code of ethics and it will be required that they are adhered to at all times no matter the circumstances. Each and every employee will at all times be responsible for following each and every one of these codes of ethics: 1. Confidentiality 2. Ethics 3. Quality assurance 4. Professional conduct 5. Equality and discrimination 6. Public Knowledge. 1.Confidentiality At New Beginnings we are fully committed to maintaining a very high degree of integrity in all of our dealings with any of our current, potential, and past clients, both in terms of normal commercial confidentiality and also the protection