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Essay On Neighbourhood
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Neighbourhood" can be a challenging yet rewarding
endeavor. The complexity arises not from the lack of information but from the multifaceted
nature of the topic. Neighbourhoods are intricate microcosms of society, encompassing a
plethora of elements such as cultural diversity, social dynamics, and environmental factors.
Firstly, delving into the cultural tapestry of a neighbourhood requires a nuanced approach.
Understanding the customs, traditions, and beliefs that shape the identity of a community
demands thorough research and sensitivity. One must navigate through the intricate web of
multiculturalism, acknowledging the various perspectives that contribute to the unique flavor of
each neighbourhood.
Social dynamics within a neighbourhood are another intricate layer to explore. The relationships
between neighbors, the sense of community, and the challenges faced in maintaining social
cohesion are essential aspects to consider. Addressing issues such as communication
breakdowns, conflicts, or the development of a strong sense of camaraderie requires a delicate
balance of analysis and empathy.
Furthermore, the environmental aspects of a neighbourhood, including its physical layout,
infrastructure, and amenities, add another layer of complexity. Discussing the impact of these
elements on the overall well-being and quality of life of residents demands a keen understanding
of urban planning, architecture, and community development.
Organizing these multifaceted components into a coherent and engaging essay poses its own set
of challenges. Striking the right balance between depth and conciseness, weaving together a
compelling narrative, and ensuring a logical flow of ideas are crucial tasks in the essay-writing
process. Additionally, crafting a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay
can be a formidable task in itself.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Neighbourhood" requires an intricate
exploration of cultural, social, and environmental dimensions. The complexity arises not only
from the vastness of the subject matter but also from the need to synthesize diverse elements
into a cohesive and meaningful narrative.
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Essay On Neighbourhood Essay On Neighbourhood
University Lecturing Essay
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction1
1.1 Authorisation1
1.2 Limitations1
1.3 Scope and Methodology1
2.0 Outline of Public Speaking and the link to university lecturing1
3.0 Preparation1
3.1 Explanation of the preparation stage1
3.2 Analyse Benefits2
4.0 Visual aids2
4.1 Explanation of visual aids2
4.2 Analyse Benefits2
5.0 Nonverbal3
5.1 Explanation of nonverbal communication3
5.2 Analyse Benefits3
6.0 Challenges to incorporating preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills in
university lecturing3
Reference List3
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Authorisation
This report is authorised by Dr Gregory Nash, COR109 Lecturer and Course
Coordinator at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. The
purpose of this report was to make recommendations for incorporating specific public
speaking skills into university lecturing.
1.2 Limitations
This report is limited to the field of university lecturing, the communication topic of
public speaking and the sub topics of preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills.
1.3 Scope and Methodology
This report identifies and assesses the importance of effective presentations in the
field of education and more specifically university lecturing. Public speaking is
defined and the benefits and challenges of the sub topics preparation, visual aids and
nonverbal skills are systematically analysed. Peer reviewed academic sources have
been used to provide verified experimental data
Theory Of Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers In life, there is nothing more important than knowing oneself. Carl
Rogers, a famous psychologist in the 1900s, compiled a theory that went past the
Freudian and behaviorist approaches and delved into the secrets of the individual.
Relatively, Rogers explored the importance of taking a humanistic approach to
understanding personality and with regard parents may seek the most proficient way
to guide their children. In his theory, Rogers stressed on the concept of
phenomenology. Derived from the Greek word phainomenon, meaning that which
appears or shows itself, Phenomenology refers to the psychological term of and an
individual being aware and perceptive of oneself. He elaborates that although often
one comes to accept the perception of others as the correct attitude, in actuality each
individual possesses his own perception of the environment. Therefore, in reality, only
the individual can fully comprehend one s own personality. Since experiences of one
are only susceptible by their expressions or communications, it is hard to understand
their internal perceptions. Nevertheless, using those expressions and
communications, one may attempt to understand another and comprehend
personality processes. Throughout a lifespan, individual s behaviors persist to meet
their goals in order to which they perceive them in a study that Rogers referred to as
actualization. This theory is in contrast to all learning theorists who claim that
behaviors are mainly responses
Informative Speech on Swimming Essay
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the history and
development of swim along with its applications.
Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our
generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think.
Method of Organization: Topical
I. (Gain attention and interest) I remember joining the high school swim team back in
my sophomore year. I remember struggling to catch a breath in between every stroke
while simultaneously trying not to breath in any water. To be honest, swimming
scared me, but drowning scared me more.
III. (Establish credibility) Even though the risk of drowning may seem daunting, ...
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In 1873, this hybrid stroke became known as the Trudgen stroke.
4.Trudgen effectively changed England s swimming styles from endurance based to
more speed based. iv. Another swimming pioneer, Fredrick Cavill , helped further
develop Trudgen s stroke into an even faster stroke known as the front crawl
1.He was an Englishman and a notable swimmer who emigrated to Australia.
2.Like Arthur Trudgen, Cavill observed the natives of the Solomon Islands and found
that Trudgen s stroke would have been significantly faster if he would have
incorporated the native s kicking action.
3.Cavill refined the native s stroke and taught it to his sons, one of which would later
use the stroke in a competition in England.
4.Since England was still using the Trudgen stoke, Cavill s son Richard, destroyed his
competition with the more efficient stroke, which he described as, crawling through
the water ( Hence, the name front crawl.
2.As I previously mentioned, I will describe the four basic strokes that swimming
consists of, such as the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly
A.The Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the governing body for
international competitive swimming, regulates everything swim related.
i.FINA, states that, the four official strokes, breast, back, free and fly, comprise all
the events in national and international competition ( ii. Each stroke is an
individual event in swimming
Transcontinental Railroad Dbq Essay
Fifteen thousand men. One thousand two hundred dead. Twenty thousand pounds of
bones. One thousand, seven hundred and fifty six miles of railways. The creation of
the transcontinental railroad began in 1863. It originated in the northern states and
made its way to the west. Nobody knew that one day this new technology would lead
to the future that we live today. During the time that the railroad was in the process of
being created, many things were escalating in the US, all for the best. The
Transcontinental Railroad transformed the United Statesmore economically by
creating new opportunities, improving transportation, and boosting imports and
The Transcontinental Railroad helped states increase in population by providing
many job opportunities. Lovelock, Nevada, is most known for its great mining,
thriving agriculture and retail center. During the 1860 s, the major population of
Lovelock consisted of the Chinese which were working on the Transcontinental
Railroad at the time (Doc. D). This meaning that the population of the city increased
rapidly in addition to many job opportunities for the dangerous job and the tasks that
came with them. Overall, the transcontinental railroad, provided jobs for the Chinese,
lead to future industrialization, in his case mining, opened new markets, and also
increased the population of cities and ... Show more content on ...
When the railway had not yet existed the majority of transportation took place by
wagon. It is said that traveling by wagon actually costs approximately twenty times
more than traveling by rail (Doc E). As stated in Document E, traveling by rail cost
less than a tenth... than it would by wagon. Therefore, a more efficient transportation
route was created; this meaning that the railway was less costly, much more agile,
and also safer than the traditional, inconvenient
The United Kingdom s War Essay
Section One: The United Kingdom s war memorials in the twentieth century
Memorials show an interesting aspect of the political and cultural memory of war in
the United Kingdom over the course of the twentieth century is because there was a
drastic change in what memorials looked like, who funded them, and the inscriptions
carved in them. Each of these changes illustrates how the individual need and desire
to mourn overtook the political desire to show the triumph of the state.
The First and Second World wars as well as the Gulf War were chosen because of
the impact each war had on the United Kingdom and because each war happens at a
very different point in British history. At the time of World War One, the United
Kingdom was facing a potential civil war, making nationalism, and unity a top
priority for the British government. Around 8.7 million men in the British Empire
served in World War One with over 900,000 men dying. This greatly impacted the
United Kingdom, as the generation of men who were of fighting age were later
known as the Lost Generation . The United Kingdom was still trying to recover
from the First World War twenty years later when it found itself pushed into
another conflict in Europe. The Second World War left Europe in a worse state than
the First World War, with millions of people dead across the globe and major
infrastructure destroying, the United Kingdom was deeply affected after the end of
the war. Nearly 500,000 British people died in the war,
The Legalization Of Medical Marijuana
Introduction In recent years across the United States and in many other nations as
well, drug policy and the rationale behind these policies have started to undergo a
tremendous shift. This change in public policy is visible to most through the
ongoing legislation across America regarding the legalization of medical marijuana
in 23 states, and recreational cannabis use becoming legal in 4 states as well
(Hanson, 2015). This shift in public policy marks a significant turning point in the
view of drugs and drugculture in the United States and reflects increased public
knowledge of the less than desirable affects of the drug war mentality. Government
spending on drug control in the United States totals $35 billion per year, and
almost half a million dealers and users are currently in prisons and jails on drug
charges and yet despite this massive investment of tax dollars and government
authority, the United States still has the worst drug problem among Western
nations (Boyum Reuter, 2005). The implications of the current failings of U.S.
policy with regards to drug related offenses as well as the changes in ideology in
recent years with regards to drugs and drug users will likely lead to a shift in how
North America as a culture chooses to handle the problems and woes of drug culture.
The number of drug offenders under incarceration in America grew tenfold from
1980 to 2005 (Boyum Reuter, 2005). In the face of this fact there is strikingly little
evidence that
Formalist Approach By Laurence Sterne
Formalism approaches applied on Laurence Sterne s
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Chap.1 2)
Literature is an autonomous verbal art, independent from the context. A novel is a
fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity,portraying characters
and usually presenting a sequential organizationof action and scenes.
( By using Mikhail Bakhtin s concepts from The Prehistory and
Novelistic Discourse , I will analyse Sterne s novel from a formalist point of view in
order to be better understood. I will be using as critical tools, Bakhtin s theories
regarding the novelistic discourse. The critic describes five approaches to novelistic
discourse which cannot help us understand the ... Show more content on ...
Cried my father and aslo the public, as a new character: Pray, what was your father
saying? Heteroglossia, a diversity of voices, styles of discourse, or points of view
in a literary work and especially in a novel (Merriam Webster) is also used by
Sterne in his novel. He combines the first person with the third one, creating a
diversity. That concepts is also found in Bakhtin s novelistic discourse. The direct
discourse is a very effective way of expressing one s ideas and thoughts in a clear
manner and the same time it is one of the most effective mean from the point of
view of rhetoric . (Mikhail Bakhtin) Sterne uses it often in his text as a way of
describing his own emotions, ideas, thoughts. Another observations about the form
of the text is that the author uses very long sentences. There is no period at the end
of ideas and that can show a very alert rhythm, like the narrator has to many to say
that we won t stop writing ideas all over again and he won t let you get a word in.
There are ideas interconnected with
Therapeutic Hypothermia Benefits
The evidence surrounding the topic of therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest is
one lathered in potentially advantageous benefits, as well as harmful side effects.
Although this procedure has potentially lifesaving and neurologically preserving
implications, it does come with various side effects which can be dangerous in
general or if left untreated. This paper will first address the many benefits, some of
which include prolongation of life, retention of neurological function. It will then
shed light upon some of the subsequent risks and harmful effects that are associated
with therapeutic hypothermia. Lastly the paper will discuss why or why not the
overall benefits outweigh the aggravating factors. Thus, being a topic of much
controversy... Show more content on ...
Therapeutic hypothermia can save lives, as well as maintain neurological
proficiency. The risks however are ever present. The possibility of developing a
cardiac arrhythmia is very possible. The fact is however that the majority of cardiac
arrhythmias do not present immediate or life threatening dangers. It is possible, yet
uncommon, for the arrhythmia to pose serious effects on the circulatory system, and
therefore seeing as this is the most common problem that s caused by the use of
therapeutic hypothermia, when weighed against the possibility of preserving
neurological function and or saving a life, the benefits can potentially often outweigh
the risks. Though there are other, more serious problems that can arise due to the use
of this treatment, they are far less common, and or
Manus X Machina Research Paper
Taylor Swift has just been announced as the new host of 2016 s Met Gala AKA the
fashion party everyone wants an invite to, alongside actor Idris Elba, Jonathan Ive
and editor Anna Wintour. Honorary Chairs include Nicolas GhesquiГЁre, Karl
Lagerfeld, and Miuccia Prada.
The event will take place on May 2 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume
Institute in New York. The theme has been revealed to be Manus x Machina: Fashion
in and Age of Technology, with all attendees expected to adhere to a strict dress code
specified by the organisers and in an interview with Vogue, Costume Institute curator
Andrew Bolton explained the theme.
Traditionally, the distinction between the haute couture and prГЄt Г porter was
based on the handmade and the machine made,
The Benefits Of A Registered Nurse
Runny nose, sore throat, and coughing, a shot will be beneficial, and I have always
wanted to be that helpful person. Nursing has always been hooked on my brain for
my future since I can remember. Considering this, I have always known a good bit
about nursing, but of course not everything. I knew a nursehad to have to good social
skills, enjoy hands on activities, and cannot have a weak stomach. Registered
nurses have to give shots, take blood pressure, and do lots of paper work
(MSChoices). When a person goes to the doctor, he or she will always see a nurse
at some point during the visit. They re the most common workers at hospitals or
clinical settings. They usually do whatever the doctor order, which in some cases are
very stressful... Show more content on ...
Surprisingly, I found out that in Mississippi the average yearly salary met close to
$56,560 and the average hourly pay is $27.19. The National pay outlook for a year
is $69,790, and hourly is $35.55. I found it very interesting that in Hawaii and
Tennessee had higher salaries than Mississippi, most likely due to having larger
hospitals, and higher living expenses. Also, depending on the education
experience, that could cause a change in the salary. Considering that, I think the
pay for a nurse is decent, but depending on everything they do, any less would be
unacceptable. Nurses do many things ranging from taking blood pressure, weight,
and temperature, to giving shots changing diapers, and giving medicines. Nursing
school is very challenging to get accepted in because it is such a broad opening to
many other doors. To become a registered nurse, one must have a high school
diploma, then further academics to college. An associate s degree is available for
becoming a RN, but another year; one can achieve a bachelor in science for
nursing. I plan to get my bachelors in science due to being more in depth than just
an associate degree. Once those steps are withheld, licenses board test is passed,
what you have worked for so long now is put into action. Registered nursing is one
in a million when it comes to everything they do, but other options similar to this
occupation are, a nurse practitioner. They provide a tad more care to patients than a
general RN. A critical care nurse is another job similar to a RN. They do not see as
many patients as a regular nurse would, but know the same basics as a registered
nurse. Many jobs similar to a RN are RN s who have specialized in a certain health
care area (MSChoices). I have always hoped to become a nurse anesthetist, which you
can specialize after you have worked as an RN for two years in a critical care
Ronda Rousey Research Paper
Women s bantamweight champion, Ronda Rousey, will defend her belt against
Holly Holm in the main event of UFC 195. Rousey made the announcement during
her appearance on Good Morning America on Friday. She also noted the date for
the fight as January 2nd. In addition, it has been confirmed that the showdown is
going to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM Grand Garden Center. The
fight is also the only one on the UFC 195 card thus far. The announcement shocked
many in the MMA community who thought the third installment of Ronda Rousey
v. Meisha Tate was a foregone conclusion. Rousey did say however that she
considers Holm her best competition yet. Beating Bethe Corriea improved Rousey s
record as a professional record to 12 0 and 6 0, in her career with the UFC. Since
coming into the UFC, Ronda has destroyed everyone in her path. Finishing many
competitors in the first minute, and... Show more content on ...
Rousey is, however, taking a a different kind of opponent in Holm and it will be
interesting to see how she tackles this new challenge. Ronda will no doubt be the
favorite, but this fight has a different dynamic. Meanwhile, Holly Holm, a relative
newcomer to the sport, began taking MMA fights in 2011 and wasn t even in the
UFC until 2014. Holm posted an impressive boxing career before moving her focus
to MMA, with a record of 33 2 3 in the ring. She has an undefeated 9 0 record in
MMA and is just 2 0 in the UFC. Holm will hope to use her punches from her
experience in boxing to keep Rousey at bay long enough for her endurance to make
an impact. At one point, Holm was seen as the potential biggest threat to Ronda
Rousey, because of her excellent striking abilities. However, after failing to live up to
that potential in her first two fights in the UFC, expectations have seen a steady
What Is The Strange Dichotomy
The strange dichotomy is a problem of organizational design where in which one
needs to establish how to change the structure of government in order to allow for
the efficient delivery of public goods. The Second Generation Theory (SGT)
suggests that decentralization occurs in order to enforce the alignment of perverse
incentives. The foundation upon which the Second Generation Theory rests, stems
from the application of industrial organization, to the greater public sphere. There is
a trade off between local accountability and the coordination of policies (Oates,
2005). In addition, the rational for decentralization of the public sector has no
relation to the preference revelation problem. Instead, in terms of the political sphere
there is a political accountability problem. In order to solve this organizational design
issue, one can draw on the theory of Tiebout, where in which he emphasizes the idea
of treating the state as if it were a market. As mentioned above, this will result in
competition amongst jurisdictions as well as enforces a sense of public mobility,
where if the economic agent finds itself dissatisfied with the service received by their
current jurisdiction, they are entitled, under such circumstances, to relocate to
another jurisdiction. In terms of competitive federalism, as outlined by Qian Weingast
... Show more content on ...
The paper provided two solutions that contradict the strange dichotomy. The solutions
provide reasons as to why central government intervention is not required to
establish preferences at a local level. The first solution is a competitive decentralized
government as proposed by Oates. The second solution provides insight into
unconditional grants that are made use of to solve preferences that are not known, ex
ante, once decentralization has occurred in order to align perverse
Protein Adsorption Using Fluorescently Tagged Rh Fgn
For this laboratory, we are studying protein adsorption using fluorescently tagged Rh
FGN. To prepare for this study, model sutures of a specific length have been coated
in albumin, which allows us to compare the difference between a coated suture and
an uncoated suture in regards to sticky protein adsorption. Based on the effects of
surface energy (Оі) on protein adsorption, the uncoated nylon model suture will
yield higher protein adsorption then coated suture, since the coated suture should
have higher surface energy. Thus at a 0.05 assurance level (О± = 0.05) our null
hypothesis is as follows: there is not a difference in protein adsorption between
uncoated and coated nylon model sutures when exposed to a fibrinogen solution.
Our alternative hypothesis (Ha) is as follows: there is a difference in protein
adsorption between uncoated and coated nylon model sutures when exposed to
fibrinogen solution at a 0.05 assurance level (О± = 0.05).
When designing new state of the art biomedical devices, the reaction between the
biomaterials placed in the body and the body itself is highly important and widely
studied. The compatibility of biomaterials governs their effectiveness; therefore,
understanding the mechanisms of these interactions and the thermodynamics behind
them is essential for creating and improving these devices. When determining the
materials necessary for these devices, protein adsorption must be addressed, due to
the fact that
Babe Ruth Research Paper
Babe Ruth s real name was George Herman Ruth, his family called him little
George. He was born on February 6, 1895. Babe was born in Baltimore,Maryland.
He lived in a town called Pigtown, but then he was sent to a school called St.Mary
s. Babe had a family and their apartment was on top of his father s bar. Babe was
the oldest of eight children. his father owned a bar and his mother was a house mom.
Since his familywas poor, only Babe and his sister Mamie lived to adulthood. The
other children passed away from sicknesses. Babe enjoyed doing many things, but
baseballwas his favorite hobby. He use to play in the streets with his pals. Babe spent
his free time playing baseball. Babe was a professional Baseball league player when
he got older.
The Clay Marble By Minfong Ho
Written by Minfong Ho, The Clay Marble introduces a relatively new topic to
today s teenagers the lives of Cambodia during wartime in the 1970s. In 154 pages
and eighteen chapters, The Clay Marble follows the life of the protagonist, Dara, a
twelve year old Cambodian girl, seeking a home for the remnants of familyduring
Cambodian s civil war. The novel is historical fiction, presenting the story of Dara in
her own first person perspective.
With a war going on between the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese government, the
supposedly safest and richest (with food/supply) and populated place was Nong
Chan, a refugee camp on the Thailand border. That was the destination of Dara, her
mother, and her brother, Sarun coming from a village known ... Show more content on ...
At first, Dara heavily relied on Jantu s magic clay marble, needing its magic, its
luck, and a lot more values that are not muscles. Back then, it was reasonable Dara
didn t make anything back then, because back then, Dara only had remnants of
confidence in herself. As the novel goes on, Dara learns to become more and more
confident within herself.
The Clay Marble, although short and sweet, introduced me to Asian life in
Cambodia during its civil war. In chapter seven of the book, I could make a
connection between the Cherokee s Trail of Tears and the long grueling walk the
many refugee families had to take to reach safety. The Cherokees were walking
away from the harsh greedy whites, while the refugees were walking away from the
nearing fighting of the civil war.
I really appreciate Dara and Jantu s view on life. In the novel, when Dara was
persuading Sarun to quit being a soldier at the end, she made wonderful arguments.
The most memorable argument was when Dara said that it took more courage to
stay peaceful in their own village, rather than to fight in war, which was nothing else
than a game of destroying and breaking. I never thought of bravery that kind of way,
and I am glad Minfong Ho introduced me to this new concept through her
Essay on Bernard Williams and Utilitarianism
The utilitarian faces many problems because he loses any ability to live a personal
life. By this is meant that in making decisions the utilitarian must consider the steps
which lead to the highest level of goodness in society. The utilitarian reaches for the
greatest good for the greatest number of people. Two main aspects dominate the light
of utilitarian beliefs. The consequentialist principle explains that in determining the
rightness or wrongness of an act one must examine the results that will follow. The
utility principle is that you can only deem something to be good if it in itself will
bring upon a specific desired state, such as happiness or fulfillment. There are two
types of utilitarians: Act utilitarians and Rule... Show more content on
If he does not take the job, it is decidedly worse for the general good as he would be
giving up the job to someone with high aspirations to develop the field of chemical
and biological warfare. This is a danger to society. In taking the job, George is
providing his family with a healthier living and also, as a result of his lack of
enthusiasm, he is slowing down the progress of chemical and biological warfare
projects. In this way, utilitarianism is showing that integrity is meaningless. These
similar ideas are expressed in Williams second example.
A man ends up in a South American town in front of a group of 20 inhabitants who
had protested against the government and were about to be killed as punishment
and to serve as warning. Understanding that the man, Jim, had ended up in the town
by accident, they decide to honor him as a visitor and give him the privilege of
killing one of the Indians. As a result, the other 19 will be set free. The utilitarian
response to this is that Jim should kill the one man. The utilitarian must again forget
his integrity and act for the greater good. Although his best benefit may be to not kill
one man, he must consider the complete picture; he is saving the lives of 19 people.
Williams has a recurring gripe with the ideas of utilitarianism. He believes that in
making a utilitarian decision one must forget his integrity, for in making his decision,
it is not his personal reputation which takes priority.
A Comparison Of Uniform Crime Reports
The Uniform Crime Reports verses The National Incident Based Reporting System
The purpose of this abstract is to critically review the primary data sources used in
the criminological research. The two key factors that measures crime are
distinguished: official crime statistics, which are based on the compile data records
of offenders and offenses processed by the police, courts, and corrections agencies;
and unofficial crime statistics, which are produced by people and agencies outside
the criminal justice system whom can add value to the data source (Regoli, Robert
M., and Hewitt, John D., 2008, p 62). This abstract will discuss the strengths,
weaknesses and differences of both data sources using arrests and self reports to
calculate the prevalence of crime in the United States.
The two primary data sources discuss in this abstract will be the Uniform Crime
Reports (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). These
data sources are reporting mechanism that tracks criminal activities in the United
States and foreign countries. To articulate why crime exists and the extent of a
crime, criminologists use records that are collected, compiled, and analyzed by
government agencies such as the federal government s Bureau of Justice Statistics
(Siegel, Larry J., 2006, p 31). The official data is used to focus on the social forces
that affect crime in regards to the relationship between crime and poverty,
criminologist uses the data which provides
The Impact Of Social Media On The Fashion Industry
This report s aim is to attempt to investigate the impact of social media on the
fashion industry as the social media users has been growing and the society today
has been really around it. Businesses are also getting involved and are using social
media as a promotional tool. Fashion industry, has evolved and it s come to the point
where a lot of changes are happening and where fashion trends occur frequently,
social media is the easiest way they showcase this and communicate.
Social media has changed the fashion industry but has its impact been positive?
There are different opinions and debates online wether social media has changed
fashion for better or for worse. With the evolution of technology, the ways of
communication and work as completely changed. The development of social media
has changed the way the society works, by bringing people closer. From the last few
years, social media has become a marketing tool, not only has it created a new way
of marketing, but social media Marketing has created an opportunity for brands to
have a conversation with their consumers and build relationships, to gain peoples
perspectives and opinions. From blogs, post s, to social shopping, a range of
different of opinions is stated through social media. In this era, fashion bloggers,
consumers, have a massive role in the industry, where they are the voice of the
industry where the companies listens to them. The brands rely on fashion bloggers,
where their feedback on
California Floristic Province
1. The biodiversity hotspot I choose to write about is the California Floristic Province.
2. The California Floristic Province is located in United States, mainly, in the state of
California, reaching Oregon and northern Mexico (BBC, 2004).
3. One important species the live in the California Floristic Province is the Aloe
adigratana (it has no common name). According to circumstantial evidence, it has
been used as medicine. Another use of this plant is as a boundary fence. (Weber
Demissew, 2013)
Another important species that live in the California Floristic Province is the
weeping myall (Acacia pendula). It is a tree that can grow up to 12 m high. It is an
important tree due to its hard, close grain, dark colour and heavy weight wood,
An Evaluation of Security Acts and Models Essay
Information security acts have been established with the intent to protect the rights of
all citizens. Specifically to enhance privacy and confidentiality, models have been
developed to aid organizations in securing citizens private information to attain
assurance and security of their information. Legislation must be continuously updated
to adapt to the growing use of technology and its effects of storing and using personal
information. Public and private sector organizations must abide by government
mandated legislation regarding information securityand risk management.
Guiding Principles
Several statues have been enacted in order to uphold the fundamental rights to the
privacy of an individual s information. In particular, these ... Show more content on ...
(p. 36)
To ensure that the security of citizens private information is effectively protected,
information risk legislation and models have been ordained in order to mitigate cyber
threats and security risks.
Effectiveness of Legislation
The various acts that have been sanctioned often focus on addressing how the PII of
individuals should be handled and what security measures should be implemented to
ensure the safekeeping of such private data. Some of the most well known, not to
mention the expansive impact, of such legislation includes the Federal Information
Security Management Act (FISMA), the Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Sarbanes
Oxley Act (SOX). In addition to these acts, several framework models and proven
metrics have been developed to assist organizations in complying with these federal
mandates. Such models include the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
(PCI DSS), Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), and
the International Organization for Standards (ISO) 27002.
FISMA was enacted to significantly increase the state of security pertaining to
electronic information and the computing systems that store and transmit such data.
The act provides a broad structure for agencies to follow in order to safeguard
Merger And Acquisitions ( M S
2. Literature Review
2.1. Merger and Acquisitions (M A)
M A are often conducted for the strategic advantages that it entails such as
improvements in efficiency, performance as well as synergistic gains (Junior et al,
2013). The potential source of synergies motivates firms to engage in M A where
they believe the value generated from this strategic combination exceeds the
respective individual firm value if they were to operate independently (Duksaite and
Tamosiuniene, 2009).
Synergies are derived from different sources to include revenue enhancement, cost
reduction and tax gains. Revenue enhancement occurs as the combined firm is
collectively able to generate larger revenues compared to their ability as separate,
independent firms (Hillier et al, 2013).
Hou et al (2015) stated that the ultimate aim of M A is to gain stronger market power
and hence enhanced competitive position through the elimination of rivals This in
effect increases control over market conditions such as supply and price. Nguyen et al
(2012) supported this by highlighting that increased market power is one of the
considerations taken when conducting synergistic acquisitions.
2.1.1. M A Wave
Hou et al (2015) expressed that M A activities rarely occur in isolation, but rather a
small number of M A activities often instigates a surge in M A volume, which
eventually subsides to a number of smaller activities; a pattern resembling features of
a wave . Consistent empirical evidence supports the
Standard Picture Encryption And Decryption
Yong Feng et al, in 2009,the author proposed a new invertible two dimensional chart,
shouted Line chart, for picture encryption and decryption. It charts a picture to an
array of pixels and next, charts it back from the array to alike sized image. A Line
chart consists of two submaps: the left Line chart and the right Line chart that are
utilized for picture encryption and decryption. In order to vanquish the shortcoming
of standard picture encryption ways established on two dimensional (2 D) charts that
can be utilized merely for permutation, this paper presents a novel picture encryption
way established on the Line charts, that can present two procedures of picture
encryption simultaneously, permutation and substitution, employing the alike maps.
The counseled picture encryption does not have data loss. Supplementary gains
contain that it is fast and there is no check on the length of protection keythat is
desirable for disparate protection requirements. Simulation aftermath display the
effectiveness of the new picture encryption scheme. [20]
Xiaoqiang Zhang et al, in 2010, the author introduced Safeguard transmission of
confidential digital pictures has come to be a public attention in both scrutiny and
applications. As shown in their preceding studies, Varied Picture Agent (MIE)
encryption algorithm is a new and enthusing picture encryption algorithm, though, its
protection is altered by the unreasonable choice of camouflaged images. To examine
this factor, the
Elon University Student Analysis
Throughout my college search, I have been looking for a school that possesses the
qualities that are of utmost importance to me. I want a medium sized school that
acts as a tight knit community with excellent academics and limitless opportunities.
Upon entering Elon University for the first time, I felt as if I were home even
though I was miles away from Uxbridge, Massachusetts. During my tour, I saw all
those qualities in Elon and I was able to envision myself growing as a studentand
professional. I have never been able to conceptualized myself anywhere else as
strongly as I did here. The acorn tradition at Elon Universitytruly captured the essence
that the campus exudes. The idea of being presented with an acorn as a freshman then
... Show more content on ...
The many clubs and organizations I could be a part of would give me the
capability to expand my leadership skills and would help me become a pioneer in
innovative thinking. At Elon, I would be viewed as a person, not a number.
Because of small class sizes and the emphasis on the individual student, I am
reassured that my professors will be there for me throughout my academic
successes and failures. I felt valued and encouraged to broaden my horizons while
I was exploring the campus on the tour. It is not easy for me to partake and
contribute in classroom discussions, which has caused me to struggle throughout
my academic career. Upon meeting the faculty with whom I could potentially be
engaging with, I knew I could exceed my knowledge, grasp the ideology within the
classroom by relating it to the outside world, and grow as a student and
professional. Elon University is the university for me, which is why I am applying
for Early Decision. I cannot see myself elsewhere and if given the opportunity, I
could improve myself in many different aspects of my life. I knew I was home at
Elon University and I know Elon will assist me in the developmental process of my
Strategic Information Systems
citemExplain the use of Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) and Executive
Support Systems (ESS) in an organisation of your choice. Also explain the role of IS
led change in successful adoption of such systems. Please provide examples and
illustration where required.
The science of today is the Technology of tomorrow.
(Edward Teller, American Physicist and Author)
The 21st century has witnessed an age for Organisations to follow the flow of the
technological pragmatic shift from manual to automation of their business processes,
procedures and activities. As a result, organisations are being driven towards the
technological frontier in the opportunity to acquire more new customers and attain a
competitive advantage over their ... Show more content on ...
ESS are defined as learning support software tools that provides direct on line access
to relevant summarised information in a useful and navigable format for the
organisation as a whole (Kelly 1994 Tech 2008).
The primary purpose of ESS at Sony is to support managerial learning about business
activities, its work processes, and its interaction with the external environment in the
form of a user friendly graphical interface. Informed managers can then ask better
questions and make better decisions. ESS are the most powerful managerial systems
developed at Sony from the rest of their systems and are hard to maintain (Fig.5).
ESS are easy to use usually touchpad and mouse driven but complex to develop
(Tech 2008). They are a benefit to Sony, especially tailoring to executives
information needs with relevant information, providing them with access to a broad
range of internal and external data including yearly aggregate and timely comparison
reports which aid in exploring the root causes of failures and problems at Sony. But
still there are issues of organizational behaviour and culture, perhaps the most deadly
barriers to effective Executive Information Systems. Because EIS is typically
positioned at the top management level of Sony, it can lead to drastic changes in
organizational direction. This in
Jewish Space
The main focus of this essay is what makes KKBE a jewish space. Many people
would think that it s a jewish space because it s a synagogue one of the most
important parts of jewish live. Others would say it is jewish just because it is a
place of worship just like how we know a church is christian since those are the
people who worship there. I believe that it is much deeper than that. A theorist
Abraham Joshua Heschelhas a theory that spaces are not important because they are
spaces, but because of the moments that are lived through and I agree with him.
KKBE has a large history in Charleston as it was the Second oldest Synagogue to
be built in the US and the oldest one still in use. The KKBE is a synagogue which is
the place where jewish people go for religious worship. The building itself looks
Somewhat historic on the outside, but on the inside majority of the... Show more
content on ...
Then this is even backed up by the religion, KKBE itself, and the bible itself. Like it
was previously stated Judaism is functioned around time with all of its holidays and
celebrations being centered around the importance of its time. Just like how those
events would lose jewish importance without its connections to the times that have
made them what they are the same can be said about KKBE Synagogue. Then you
can see evidence in KKBE itself with all the historical items and plaques of all the
older members that you can see all over the grounds and interior of the Synagogue.
Then finally probably one of the most important pieces of evidence is the quote
from the bible stating how God did not even place an object at the center of focus,
but rather a place in time. With all of this evidence it is easy to see that KKBE is a
jewish place because of the events of jewish history and jewish connections that were
formed there
Vacuum Changed The World
The Way the Vacuum Changed the World The 1900s and on was a time of great
inventions coming to be. People wanted to make their world a better place so they
started to invent things. One of the inventions that came to be was the vacuum
cleaner. The idea first came to be in around 1869 but it was a little different. The
vacuumwe know about now didn t come to be until 1901, and we owe it all to
Hubert Booth (Bells). The vacuum cleanerimpacted the world in many ways. It
improved our health, to a certain extent. It also provided more time for families to
come together and have more quality time. The vacuum cleaner had some negative
impacts on the environment, small problems but nevertheless there were problems.
Not only did the invention of... Show more content on ...
One of the most common is the Pack It Compression Sac Set. It uses the idea of a
vacuum sucking up dust and dirt but instead it takes out the air in a bag making it
small and compact. Another invention that came through the vacuum technology is
found in airships. There is a vacuum tube which is an electron tube containing a
near vacuum that allows the free passage of electric current. In 1990 Arthur De
Bausset attempted to bring this idea to Congress, but the public was unsure about
his idea. The main principle of the airship is to fill it up with air like a balloon and
then it would fly. This made way for the hot air balloon (Noel). Although did
invention doesn t really have anything to do with the vacuum cleaner, the technology
behind it is being put to use all around the
Ethical Relativism Moral Or Immoral
Brittany Haskell Mr. Legge CLN 4U Due: December 19, 2014 Ethical Relativism
Moral or Immoral Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is
relative to the norms of one s culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong
depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. Moral or ethical
relativism is the idea that what is considered moral or immoral depends on the
accepted behaviors within the society in which the determination is made.
Therefore, what is considered moral or ethical in one society may be considered
immoral or unethical in another, but each society is equally correct. For this reason
the question remains, if and action is considered to be moral does that mean that the
action is also normal? Although something may seem right to someone living in a
different community, people living in a society like ours today may feel differently.
Ethical Relativism can be looked at are moral or immoral in many different ways.
Looking at the articles Guarding The Boundaries, A Defense of Ethical Relativism
and Butterflies and Wheels, it is clearly shown that although ethnical relativism may
seem immoral, but really in many ways is moral. In the article Guarding The
Boundaries, by Anthony Daniels. The philosopher states that men can no more avoid
making moral and aesthetic judgments than they can avoid eating. In our society it is
clearly shown that abuse is incorrect and immoral, but looking at in in a different
perspective can
Essay on Saint Augustine of Hippo
As one of the most prominent figures of the early church, Saint Augustine is not only
recognized for his leadership but also for his knowledge and influence on the thinking
and doctrine of the Christian Church. As a priest, he was an important leader of the
early African Church; as a philosopher, he brought a new approach to Church
Doctrine through the ideas of pagan philosophy (TeSelle 892). These
accomplishments put him among the ranks of Thomas Aquinas and other great
Church philosophers whose ideas revolutionized the Church. Because of his
accomplishments and influence, Augustine was named a Doctor of the Church.
Aurilius Augustine was born in Tagaste in 354 A.D. to a pagan father and a saintly
mother. His father, although poor and... Show more content on ...
This duelist sect believed in the Devine God who was the embodiment of everything
good and an equal evil power. They also believed that the flesh was inherently evil. In
the next few years after settling his beliefs with Manechaeism and realizing its faults,
Augustine would fall into believing in several other non Christian movements
(Brown 31). After being encouraged to do so by many of his friends, he read many of
the writings of the Greek philosophers known as neoplatonists. Along with the
sermons of Saint Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, these writings convinced Augustine
to contemplate his return to the Christian faith. Eventually he overcame his numerous
encounters with heresy, and was baptized into the Catholic Church in the year 387
(Brown 43). From this point on, Augustine became a great leader in the Church,
eventually becoming bishop o Hippo. After the death of his mother, Monica,
Augustine moved back to his Africa where he entered the monastic life and started a
monastery (TeSelle 892). He soon joined the priesthood, and after only four years the
people of Hippo elected him to be their bishop (Brown 78). At this point in his life,
Augustine is recognized for doing many things for the Church as a priest, author, and
defender of faith. As an author he wrote Confessions, his spiritual autobiography, and
City of God, his great work describing the Christian philosophy throughout history. In
this magnificent work,
Every day social media and news outlets bombard you with the details of individuals
being arrested for alcohol or drug related incidents. Without knowing the individuals
or their circumstances, images from the movies or television provide you with the
idea of the person. Your immediate reaction, send them to jail.
Now consider this image, an individual who has been working long hard hours,
begins drinking to relieve the anxieties of the job. He has home, family, friends, a
degree, and investments for the future. Starting on weekends, he drinks to relieve
old memories of fun college times. During the week, he stops by for local happy
hours specials. He does not realize the effects of alcohol on his mind and body. He is
slowly becoming an addict. How is jail going to help him?
On a daily basis, people enter correctional facilities for a variety ... Show more
content on ...
The steps to recovery are not the easy way out But the outcome provides the
individual with coping mechanisms and support for the addiction.
Without Treatment
When jail replaces treatment, the individual does not receive the necessary medical
treatment to help combat the disease. The addict will continue using, allowing for
impair judgment to make decisions. An individual may begin to experiment with
other forms of drugs as a means to coping with daily life. Criminal behavior may
follow. Eventually, the person will be back in front of a judge with another arrest for
a treatable addiction.
Rehabilitation is the best option for stopping the addiction/criminal offender cycle.
Repeat offenders waste time and money with court hearings and incarcerations.
Providing individuals with resources to end the addiction process is the better choice.
Often people just need help.
If you are currently facing criminal charges due to drugs or alcohol, schedule a free
consultation with Thiessen Law
Analysis Of Disgrace By J. M. Coetzee
The three literary qualities, namely the test of time, its availability and impact on
life as well as the ability to gain understanding of the era in which the book is
written, will be identified in the three preselected works in order to determine
whether these can be considered as literature. Firstly, the novel Disgrace is
evaluated according to the three literary qualities. The novel Disgrace by J.M.
Coetzee is written in 1999. This means that the most important quality, the test of
time, is not yet valid for Disgrace . The novel is written 16 years ago and does not
comply to Dr Johnson s thought that a book has passed the test of time when the
book is still read after a hundred years.
Even though, the book is written recently, the book has made an impact on the social,
cultural and academic factors in South Africa. The book deals with the issues of the
post apartheid era in South Africa which started, after the change of the government
in 1994. These issues are often related to the social, cultural and academic factors
which people have experienced after the apartheid era has ended. Moreover, the
context in which the novel is written, as ... Show more content on ...
Based on the South African history, Disgrace is classified as post apartheid literature,
according to Fai (2014:155). The main characteristic of post apartheid literature is the
focus on a specific theme, such as ...poverty, assault, rape, bloodshed, xenophobia,
homosexuality and the AIDS epidemic amongst others. Other themes which have
been identified by Fai (2014:157) is violence and theft. Some of the characteristics
of post apartheid literature are evident in the novel, namely rape, assault, violence
and theft. These themes are manifested in Lucy s life as well as in David Lurie s
life when he visits Lucy at the farm. Each one of the themes will be discussed and
how it is manifested in the
Evolution Of Dependency Analysis
Dependency as an English word evolved in its usage and the implications associated
with it since first introduced. This is the topic of an article, A Genealogy of
Dependency: Tracing a Keyword of the US Welfare State by Nancy Fraser and Linda
Gordon. The article traces the changing meaning and connotations of the word
dependency from four registers: economic, sociolegal, political, and psychological.
Although the definition of word dependent has not directly changed throughout
history, the implications of its meaning have evolved from a positive pre industrial
interpretation to a negative post industrial implication. Fraser and Gordon effectively
argue the transition in meaning of dependency the four different registers from pre to
post industrialization... Show more content on ...
The negative connotations come from the judgment of these individuals as being
unable or unwilling to be self supporting from an economic and or psychological
perspective, hence, the negative connotation associated with dependency.
Independence is the norm of today. The issue with this norm is that no one is truly
independent. Independence today typically refers to a wage earner. But, wage
earners are dependent on others. Wage earners are dependent on those who pay
their wages, as well as others for social interactions, and personal caregiving needs.
Fraser and Gordon conclude people are dependent on caregivers as a part of a dual
dependent relationship and dependency within a society is beneficial to all. They
state that only when interdependency is an accepted norm, that poverty will
appropriately be addressed. I agree, with this philosophy due to my belief that while
individualism is important for motivation, individuals working together can
accomplish more. Hence, my belief in the statement that the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts, and society as a whole can achieve more as a group than individuals
can accomplish on their own
The Cultural Elements Of Kaffir Boy By Mark Mathabane
The Cultural Elements of Kaffir Boy Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane is an incredibly
complex novel detailing the author s childhood and coming of age in a South Africa
gripped by apartheid. It also describes his steadfast pursuit of tennis as a means of
escaping the aforementioned system that legalized and even encouraged racism.
Though the autobiography captures copious personal struggles and internal conflicts,
the elements of the text that truly stand out are the cultural ones these being the
elements of society, religion, and politics. The most prevalent of these cultural
elements, and the first one introduced to the reader, is the social element. On the very
first page of chapter one, Mathabane states that, The white man of South Africa
certainly does not know me. He certainly does not know the conditions under
which I was born and had to live for eighteen years. So my story is intended to
show him with words a world he would otherwise not see because of a sign and a
conscience racked with guilt and to make him feel what I felt when he
contemptuously called me a Kaffir boy. (Mathabane 3). Issues of race and racism
are the more frequently described types of social element in Kaffir Boy , however,
the power struggle between Mathabane s mother and father is also discussed. When
Mathabane s father is arrested or away for a long period of time, his mother seizes
control of the household. She brings in the food and the money. Upon the return of
his father, she is
The Role Of Sports Coach A Good Leader
An important role of a sports coach is to be a motivator. A motivator is someone
who encourages and creates an incentive for someone, such as a performer, to do
well. A motivator may prompt a performer by emphasising their progress in a
positive way such as praising them on a good performance therefore inspiring them
to want to do well again. An example of a motivator would be Kelly Holmes. Not
only has she achieved gold in both the 1400m and the 800m in the 2004 Athens
Olympics but she has set up the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust which engages with more
than 3,000 vulnerable young people aged between 16 and 25 and provide them with a
stepping stone into community sport.
Another important role is to be a good leader. A leader is... Show more content on ...
In the picture to the right it shows ex white sox bullpen coach and pitching coach,
Juan Nieves for the red sox, fist bump in a friendly manor.
Management and planning:
A coach has a lot of aspect to manage and plan, from equipment and the facility to
transport and competitions.
Many sport accidents occur as a result of activities taking place in unsafe or
inappropriate facilities. Learning to recognize potentially dangerous situations is
therefore an important responsibility for any coach. Prior to the start of the season
the coach should ensure that the facility meets minimum safety standards and also
plan that the facility should be inspected regularly and maintained in safe condition.
A coach should also undertake an accurate equipment inventory at the start of the
season to establish the status of equipment and ensure that the correct amount of
protective equipment is available and that the equipment fits their participants.
A coach should be also able to find appropriate competitions for participants and
arrange transport to and from sports events. Without organising to go to competitions
participants wouldn t be put to their sporting limit and tested to see where they need
to improve to succeed. Also without planning to compete in competitions the
performers may become bored as they don t have a
Essay On Aoi No Ue
Research Investigation
Research question:
To what extent do traditional Noh masks express the personality of the lead
characters such as Lady Aoi, Hikaru and Jasko in the play Aoi No Ue?
The NOH theatre
Noh theatre is derived form Japanese language as a word for skill or talent, so the
full translation on English is a talented theatre . Noh is a Japanese form of theatrical
art that has been transferred through the generations and it also has been marked as
one of the oldest theatre arts in Japan , and even the world. Unesco has designated
the Noh theatre as an Intangible Cultural Heritage . Noh is an art form, which has
some elements of drama, music and dancing. While NOH theatre is compared to
western opera, the differences can be quite immense. Due to the use of masks in Noh
plays, one can call Noh theatre a mask theatre .
Aoi no Ue
Aoi no Ue is a famous Noh play, and the meaning of the phrase Aoi no Ue is Lady
Aoi. She is a formal wife of Hikaru Genji and the lady Aoi is a daughter of the
Sadaijin who is a minister in Japan. Lady Aoi has been possessed by a demon and
after this the daughter of a minister got seriously ill. Although her ... Show more
content on ...
The name of the mask is Koomote 1. The word Ko represents cuteness, youth and
beauty. Omote means face. The mask represents a very young woman. It is one of
the well known female masks in the NOH theatre company. The nurse character is
not as important for the play as her mask is for the NOH theatre, as it is one of the
most demanded in the Noh theatre. However the audience needs to see the pretty
nurse, as the stage direction in the dialogue between Hikaru and the nurse, when she
speaks about the patient dreams in the hospital we may see that she is young and
beautiful too. Pause. Silence of the young nurse comes in inexplicable
Gluten Free Shoppers
According to a survey of understanding gluten free shoppers , 55% of the customers
who prefer gluten free diet spend 33% of their total monthly income in purchasing
food items with gluten free ingredients. Furthermore, 77% of the consumers stated
that finding tasty gluten free dishes are hard to find. For these consumers,
convenience, low price and product selection are the three most important factors.
Approximately 68% of the customers visit, on monthly basis, 3 or more grocery
shops in order to look for item with gluten free ingredients. It is predicted that gluten
free market of US is expected to hit the sales of $66 billion by 2017 (Schultz, 2013).
Additionally, consumers are getting more inclined towards eating gluten free
products. As per a research 5% prefer gluten free products to treat celiac disease,
while 6% for alleviate asthma, 9% for depression, 10% for cleansing their digestive
system, 12 for stress reduction, 13 for improving their mental functioning and
concentration, while 25% for shedding weight, 33% due to the nutritional value and
39% for their digestive heath (Sutton. 2014). ... Show more content on ...
Shape the purchaser s state of mind towards the latest trend of home made meals, food
delivery services, and shopping for food benefits by making it a one stop look for
Advertise more natural, beneficial recipes with new intergradient gluten free home
cooked meals and recipes while making it available and simple to the buyer with
allergies to specific food items.
The marketing and development of meals and recipes that are gluten free would, in
this manner, need to change later on to reflect changing buyer ways of life, and
guarantee that these recipes are designed keeping in mind the needs and desires of
the end buyer.
Communication Objectives
Stimulation of sample purchases will help in increasing the number of
Marine Biology Personal Statement
I have always admired and respected marine life, and the career field seems to be
exciting to do. I ve had a few childhood memories with my family that gave me a
strong interest in the coastal region since I was around five and six years old.
Studying marine biology at University of North Carolina at Wilmington will allow
me to eventually have a profession in the marine life that interest me the most. The
reason I have chosen marine biologyas my major is because it combines my passion
of animals, the coastal environment all in one.
First, what is a marine biology? Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their
behaviors and interactions with the environment. It consists of studies of biological
and geological oceanography, and the ... Show more content on ...
The goal intended in the mission is applying for students to get hands on
experience into the studying of all fields of marine science. I believe getting the
hands on experience in this major would be such an important thing for me as a
student because it will provide me the sense of interpretation of what I m going to be
doing once I graduate and get my career
A Raisin In The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry
The chasing of a mirage is a futile quest where an individual chases an imaginary
image that he or she wants to capture. The goal of this impossible quest is in sight,
but it is unattainable. Even with the knowledge that failure is inevitable, people
still dream of catching a mirage. There is a fine line that separates those who are
oblivious to this fact, and to those who are aware and accept this knowledge. The
people who are oblivious represent those who are ignorant of the fact that their
dream will be deferred. This denial is the core of the concept used in A Raisin in the
Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The perception of the American Dream is one that is
highly subjective, but every individual dream ends in its own deferment. During the...
Show more content on ...
Struggling like a woman trenching through thick brown mud, Lena is still
adamant in her quest to attain a higher existence in this world (Hansberry 139). As
her trek to their inescapable fate continues, Mama s dreams dry up in the heat of
realization. Mama is not the only character that is intricately characterized in the
book. Beneatha, Lena s daughter, is also put together to represent the inevitability
of living like one of the lower class. She says that, George looks good he s got a
beautiful car and takes me to nice places.. (Hansberry 49) While this quote defines
Beneatha s acceptance of George s privileged life, it is said with a shadow of
jealousy. According to Freydberg, a writer and author, this establishes the class
differences between the Youngers and the Murchisons. This new fine line that
separates the upper and lower class creates individual characteristics that define each
class. Darwin Turner, an honored African American who taught at the University of
Iowa, asserted that even though the blacks and whites have similar character traits
and similar values, they are ambivalent about social interrelationships. These two
races are truly self defining, and the inequality between these two ethnicities proves
it. With Beneatha s apparent jealousy for the life of the upper class, the text
Why A Monument Is Important Essay
Everyone can learn from the world s history, but we don t always remember its
history. This is where monuments come in handy. Monuments are made in
remembrance of an event that people feel strongly about. Monuments are not just
randomly thrown together, or at least shouldn t be. When making a monument there
are a few things that cannot be overlooked or discarded, like the fact s that people can
and will become attached to some monuments, and that the history behind where the
monumentis built and its name are extremely important, and that all monuments must
be created with respectand respected once made. To start things off we will discuss
how and why the attachment that can occur between a monument and a person can
not to be overlooked. As I said before, monuments are built in remembrance of
something that people feel strongly about. One of the many reasons people can feel
strongly about a monument or an event is because, that person may have been there
for the event. They could have had a loved one involved in the event, or they could
just feel strongly about what occurred during the event. For many, monuments are
places that they can remember a loved one that has been lost in a tragic event and
pay respects to. This causes some... Show more content on ...
A good example of this was in Maine when a fisherman modeled with a lobster for
an artist for the New York s World Fair, however the artist being in such a hurry
ended up doing a ill quality job on the statue. It was passed around for quite a while
and no one seemed to want the man and his lobster (Source F) and it ended up in a
storage place eaten by rats before finally being found and restored to its former glory.
This is not what monuments are created for. They are created for remembrance and
should be treated with the utmost respect, so if respect cannot be shown to a
monument, then it should not be
Deafness And Hearing Loss Essay
One of the most effective ways to learn about oneself is by taking seriously the
cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which
differentiate them from you. (Hall, E. 2015) Deafness is the complete inability to
hear sound, hearing loss is the reduce of ability to hear. Deafness and hearing loss
can occur at any age and have many causes. The aim of this essay is to give sub
types of deafness and hearing loss, causes of deafness and hearing loss,
characteristics, needs and implications, support services, overall impression of the
school in terms of the resourcefulness and availability to learners and differences in
teaching between mainstream and special schools
Sub types of deafness and hearing loss.
Landsberg. E et al (2011: 385) Conductive hearing loss when hearing loss is due to
problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its little bones (the malleus,
incus, and stapes). When hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also
known as nerve related hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss refers to a combination of
conductive and sensor neural hearing loss. This means that there may be damage in
the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear (cochlea) or ... Show more content on ...
2003:1) The description of hearing loss that this author has given is similar to one I
found to the learners I was assigned to. I also noticed that although they have
hearing loss some of them also have mental health. Referrals for hearing loss are
best directed to audiologist, otolaryngologist or both. Audiologist has expertise in
hearing testing, use of assertive listening devices and the selection and fitting of
hearing aids. (Yueh et al. 2003: 7) I find it more important to have one or both of
these, from the school I was assigned to they have speech therapist and audiologist
that helps in hearing
Analysis Of Better Than Hum Why Robots Will-And Must-
Claude Elwood Shannon once said: I visualize a time when we will be to robots
what dogs are to humans. And I am rooting for the machines . A lot has changed in
our world since Shannon passed away in 2001, and the world of robotics has
become more important than ever. In His article Better than Human: Why Robots
Will and Must Take Our Jobs , Kevin Kelly discusses how robots and machines have
been taking over our jobs and how this will only become more common in our
everyday lives. He believes it is a good and necessary thing that AI take over our jobs,
because it will improve our society and increase productivity. Kelly s essay is an
accurate depiction of the future of technology and how it will impact our lives.
Kelly introduces his essay with a some statistics. Two hundred years ago, 70
percent of American workers lived and worked on a farm. Today, however,
machines and robots have taken over all but 1 percent of those jobs. He speaks
about the fact those jobs have been replaced by newer jobs, such as the actual
making of robots and AI machines. Other jobs have surfaced as well: photographer,
graphic designer, appliance repairman, food chemist, and more. These jobs have been
able to ... Show more content on ...
One of the points he made was that robots can do the jobs humans are used to doing
better. For example, humans can weave cotton cloth with great effort, but technology
can do it with virtually no error. Another example are the recently introduced self
driving cars. Of course, there have been recent fatalities on the news, but they make
far less mistakes than a human does. Plus, in one of the accidents, the woman ran
right in front of the car on a pitch black highway. It was an accident that absolutely
no human could have avoided, and if somehow they could have, they would have
gone into the other lane and possibly killed themselves or someone
Cause And Effects Of The Age Of Exploration
The Age of Exploration, or sometimes known as the Age of discovery, began in the
1400s and continued throughout the 1700s. These expeditions took a great deal
of man power, money, and technology. Many ships were only able to cover about
one hundred miles a day, making the duration of these voyages long, taking years
to complete. During this period Europeans began to explore various parts of the
world via sea. Most of the men did not join these voyages willingly, they were
forced into service and worked around the clock minding the ships they were on.
The typical diet of a sailor consisted of wine or hard liquor, pork or beef which
sometimes they used fat to mix with flour when meat portions were low, biscuits,
peas, and rice. Due to... Show more content on ...
He was interested in rare items such as: exotic specimens, jewels, mineral
substances, and many other goods as well. To successfully complete seven
voyages, the Chinese had many different methods as to how they would tackle
each voyage. The Chinese had a lot of power in the ocean, they gained this power
because piracy was sponsored so heavily. Chinese were led by enlightened despot.
They believed that each place should be under china as mandated by heaven. The
Chinese were in favor of those who supported the idea and those who did not agree
face consequences. The Ming navy consisted of 3,500 ships which exceeded any
navy in the world. Their ships came equipped with an overwhelming amount of
gunpower which symbolized military power. China also aimed to achieve a
greater structure within their government. They were also interested in the Treaty
of Tordesillas which was done by the pope. The treaty was put in place to help
Spain and Portugal resolve their conflicts over newly discovered lands and goods.
The Chinese became mongols in trade so much so that their foreign trade became a
state monopoly. Although they were successful in trade and known for being so
powerful these voyages had consequences. China ended up with a large expense for
going into the Indian ocean. Their expenses came from having about 28,000 soldiers
to tend to and feed in order their ships be manned. Even though China monopolized
trading by having ports in various areas,
A Comparison Of France And The French
America is by far the most hated country in the World. The reason why everyone
else hates us, is that we are different and optimistic whereas others are not. The
French wrote saying that there was nothing special in America, which really
surprises me. The minister of France once said, The purpose of language is not to
communicate thought, but to conceal thought . Now I realize the French really do
not like us from this lecture and how he describes in detail in what each class thinks.
The French think that we are sloppy, bostrious, optimistic, and incurious. They
surprisingly don t hate us for our faults as in murder, rape, and stealing, but more
towards the side of letting women have an abundant amount of rights. We also
A Research Study On Leaf Disease Detection By Using
Abstract In research of area of agriculture, automatic plant disease recognition is
important research topic. It may prove aids in monitoring huge arenas of crops, and
thus unsurprisingly detect symptoms of disease as soon as they appear on plant
leaves, stem. The term disease is usually used only for ruin of live plants. This
research provides different methods used to study of leaf disease detection by using
image processingtechnique.
Index Terms Mobile cellular networks, Internet, image processing, traits, water
resources, wireless sensor networks.
In 19th century, in the irrigation system, the sprinkler are used to irrigate the field,
but there are certain limitations of this system like the field is not properly
irrigated. Because the water which will be sprinkled is not properly captivated by
field. In this method the proportion of water, essential pesticides fertilizer is much
more than they required. So it is not actually worthy method by considering the low
water resources. There are lots of confines in our traditional system viz,
1.Water is not appropriately scattered on field. In some case it deliver in large
amount and in some cases in low amount.
2.Fertilizers given to plants are not in proportion and well proficient.
The area of agriculture uses 83% of existing freshwater resources globally, and this
percentage will continue to be dominant in water consumption because of population
growth and increased food demand. There is
Necrotizing Fasciitis Research Paper
Necrotizing Fasciitis is a medical infection which requires emergency professional
help as soon as it is indicated. The break down of this name can create an idea of
the common symptoms relating to the bacteria. For example it is means
inflammation describing how the skin gets due to the dead skin tissue. This
requires medical diagnosis before being able to be treated. Lab tests and/or imaging
are always required. This can be short term or long term eventually being deadly.
Fewer than 20,000 cases in the United States occur per year. Necrotizing Fasciitisis a
bacterial infection which causes the tissue under the skin to be destroyed. This
flesh eating infection is caused by more than one type of bacteria making it rare in
many cases. Once the bacteria enter the body, it can quickly spread causing it to be
deadly. The fascia, which is the connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels,
nerves, fat, and muscles is infected making the body weak and lack support. In order
to acquire this infection the skin needs to be broken such as getting a cut, scrape, or
wound. With small injuries... Show more content on ...
Signs of inflammation may not be visible within the early stages making it more
risky and have a larger fatality rate. Symptoms will appear after 3 to 4 days. It will
start with a fever and the feeling of being unwell. Unfortunately it will make the
skin red and hot with blisters and intense pain in the areas. Some patients have
experienced confusion, dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. Once they are in a bad
stage, the affected area of tissue will turn black as a sign of it starting to die. As fast
as 5 days, the patient is considered extremely ill. At this time, the infection has now
entered the bloodstream causing them to have high temperature and low blood
pressure. Sometimes the pain of the skin will come to an end due to the nerves being
Case Study Of Sukuk Defaults
Methodology used in this report is explanatory research case study and qualitative
research method where data regarding the sukuk defaults and shariah issues in
Sukuk Asset Based and Sukuk Asset Backed are being collected. From these data
collection, the development of theory can be focused through an approach of case
studies and this method can relate to the growing issues of sukuk defaults.
(Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 1994). An explanatory method is used among other
qualitative approaches in conducting a research because it can prove the real default
cases that happened in Sukuk through the reasons behind it. Besides, it also can give
more meaning to this research report. Qualitative method is easier method to be used
because data regarding... Show more content on ...
Wa ad which is the promise to repurchase the underlying asset at par in substance is a
guarantee of principal without the actual performance. The Wa ad is totally
acceptable Islamic financial instrument if used by its own but status from Amanah
based will change to debt security when comingled with other credit enhancements.
Whether in the case of the venture is beneficial or not, the borrower (originator) has
to pay that this situation can create an injustice. AAOIFI also state in its Sukuk
standard that there shouldn t be any axiom that depicts the stipulation of bounding
the originator to repay at par or he must pay predetermined and an uninterrupted
return erstwhile than negligence is proven. (Hidayat,
Thoughts on Austen s Persuasion
Faith Bianchi
Thomas Edison State College | March 2013
Dr. Christine Hansen
One Writer s Vision ENG 393 | Written Assignment 3
April 17, 2013
Admiral Croft who was among the nouveau rich, had the financial means to rent
Kellnych from Sir Walter, one of the so called landed gentry. How does Jane Austens
treatment of class and social mobility reveal about these men and their women such
as Anne Elliot and Mrs. Smith? Which group fares better and why?
Class in Persuasion Jane Austen s Persuasion challenges the notion that one s social
class determines one s happiness. In the novel there is the upper class, which includes
Sir Walter Elliot and his family; the nouveau rich, such as Admiral Croft and Captain
Wentworth; and the poor ... Show more content on ...
They are often seen arm in arm, enjoying nature or exploring the grounds at Kellynch
Hall. Perhaps a somewhat unconventional couple, Admiral Croft allows his wife to
take the reins in a carriage (Austen 62) and go with him on his naval journeys. When
they visit Bath, they have no shortage of acquaintances who are delighted to see them
(Austen 111). Genuinely lovely and loving, the Crofts, though not the main characters
in the novel, outshine the others as the picture of true happiness.
Anne Elliot, the protagonist, is unlike the rest of her family. While she does not
completely disregard social class (for example, in thinking Mrs. Clay below her
father and not suitable as a marriage partner), she does not allow class to dictate her
acquaintances. At age nineteen, she falls in love with Captain Wentworth. This love
does not wax or wane based on the amount of money he possesses.
In Bath, Anne renews a schoolgirl friendship with Mrs. Smith, who is now a poor,
crippled, helpless widow (Austen 101) that lives in the humble Westgate Buildings.
At one point in the novel, Anne passes up spending time with her cousin of royalty,
Lady Dalrymple, in order to honor a prior engagement with Mrs. Smith (Austen 103).
While life has not been kind to Mrs. Smith, Anne observes that she is not bitter, but
...Anne had reason to believe that she had moments only of languor and depression,
to hours of occupation and enjoyment. How could it be? She watched observed
reflected and
Persuasive Essay Friends
Pre Test Persuasive Essay Friends is a hit television (tv) show, and has been since
1994 when it first came out. The television show follows the lives of six friends
throughout the course of 10 years. Friends is a good tv show despite some people s
opinions. The show was at the top of the charts for the years that it ran, and even
more after that. The theme song itself was number 1 for 8 weeks, and after that was
still within the top numbers (Billboard Staff, 2015). Even though the show is aimed
for a mature audience, it captures the qualities a hit tv show needs. Friendsis a good tv
show due to the fact that it is a comedy, includes lots of plot twists, and follows one
basic storyline.
To begin, the genre of Friends is comedy. This is the ideal genre for this show
because comedies keep people in a good mood while they watch it. Even on a bad
day, a comedy can amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment, (AMC Filmsite,
2017). Also, comedy is one of the most popular choices within adult audiences.
52% of adults watch comedy tv shows, with the only category having a higher
percentage being movies at 58% (Scarborough, 2013). As well as, comedy can
mean more than one thing. Multiple types of comedy exist, as there are many ways
to make someone laugh. Friends does a very good job of touching on many different
kinds of comedy. Friends is one of the most popular genres of television, and includes
elements that draw people s interest.
Not only is Friends a comedy, it includes multiple plot twists. One of these plot
twists is when Monica and Chandler start to date. Throughout the show up until
this point, Monica spends time to tell Chandler that she is not interested which is
especially outlined in an episode set at the beach, where Chandler tries to find any
way to make Monica say she d date him. An example of this is that he says Okay,
there s an apocalypse and we are the last two people on Earth... and Monica still
responds with eh. This is what caused the decision for them to start dating to be a
shock to everyone watching. Another plot twist was when Rachel got pregnant. This
was clever writing because the show had been more focused on Monica and Chandler
at that point, and when the pregnancy test was
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Grid Computing
This paper gives an overview about Grid Computing and the various key issues
related to that.Today we are in the Internet world and everyone prefers to get fast
access to the Internet. The growth of the internet with various resources and high
speed networks changes the society enormously. We can improve the speed of the
computer using Grid. This paper presents clearly the vision of the grid computingand
the architecture of grid computing.The advantages and the disadvantages of the grid
computing has also been discussed.
The grid vision is the computational power such as resources, power, data are
readily available as electric power1.Grid allows the user to use these resources
efficiently and securely. Grid computing is an ... Show more content on ...
The main services provided through utility grids are software and special
equipments. For instance, the applications can be run on one machine and all the
users can send their data to be processed to that machine and receive the result
back.Grid Computing will not come in reality unless it provides a core of services
,reliability and enough usability1.
III. Advantages and Disadvantages
There is no need to have large number of SMP servers. It efficiently uses the idle
resources. If there is any failure in one grid ,the grid environment automatically
uses the other resources. Easy to scalable. Jobs can be executed in parallel and
increase the speed of the computation. Grid computing consists of some
disadvantages too. Some applications need to be modified in order to use this
application in grid computing. The applications which are not designed to use an
MPI (Message Passing Interface) will have to revert to an SMP (Symmetric Multi
Processing). Grid computing requires an advanced infrastructure like small servers,
fast connections between the servers and the use of quality tools, software and
skilled technicians to manage the grid.This grid computing is also costly and security
issues also need to be
Essay on Health and Social Care Level 3
Unit Title: Unit sector reference: Level: Credit value: Guided learning hours: Unit
expiry date: Unit accreditation number:
Facilitate person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review HSC 3020
Three 6 45 30/04/2015 H/601/8049
Unit purpose and aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner
with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate person centred assessment,
planning, implementation and review. Learning Outcomes The learner will: 1
Understand the principles of person centred assessment and care planning
Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic
approach to assessment and planning of care or support 1.2 Describe ways of
supporting ... Show more content on ...
This unit is competence based. This means that it is linked to the candidate s ability
to competently perform a range of tasks connected with their work. This unit may be
assessed using any method, or combination of methods, which clearly demonstrates
that the learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been met. This unit requires
workplace assessment of occupational competence. Assessment decisions for
competence based learning outcomes (eg those beginning with Be able to ) must be
made in a real work environment by an occupationally competent assessor. Any
knowledge evidence integral to these learning outcomes may be generated outside of
the work environment but the final assessment decision must be within the real work
environment. Competence based assessment must include direct observation as the
main source of evidence. For this unit, learning outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 must be
assessed in a real work environment.
Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements
OCR does not stipulate the mode of delivery for the teaching of the content of this
unit. Centres are free to deliver this unit using any mode of delivery that meets the
needs of their candidates. Centres should consider the candidates complete learning
experience when
Kepler Space Telescope Essay
Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star outside of our own solar system. However,
over the past two decades, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered (Howell,
2015). NASA s Kepler space telescope, in particular, is responsible for most of
these discoveries. Since its launch in March 2009, the Kepler space telescope has
discovered over a thousand alien planets more than half of all known exoplanets to
date (Wall, 2015, para. 1). According to the Planetary Society (n.d.), planets only
possess, a fraction of the mass of a star, and as a result the nuclear fusion reaction
that makes stars burn does not take place ( Exoplanets , para. 1). Without the burn ,
these planets are essentially very dark and small compared to stars, which in itself
would make... Show more content on ...
However, NASA s Kepler space telescope is capable of detecting a planetsized object
orbiting a star, from dozens of lightyears away ( Search for Exoplanets , n.d., para.
2).The discoveries made with the Kepler space telescope reveal that most of these
solar systems resemble our own ( Extrasolar Planets , para. 2). In fact, the Kepler
space telescope has had recent success in discovering Kepler 186f, an Earth sized
planet orbiting a star (2015, para. 1). On April 17, 2014, the discovery of Kepler
186f (also known as Earth s cousin ) reveals that the planet orbits a star within the
habitable zone . According to NASA (2015), a habitable zone refers to, the range of
distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting
planet (para. 1). Bolmont et al. discuss that the extent of this habitable zone naturally
depends on the atmospheric conditions, geological activity, and the dynamical
environment of the planetary system ( Formation , 2014, para. 5). Given the former,
if Kepler 186f has an Earth like atmosphere and some liquid water at its surface, and
is of a suitable climate in comparison to Earth, then the planet is likely a habitable
environment (Quintana et al., 2014,
Identity In Night By Elie Wiesel
Sometimes in life we are faced with challenges that threaten our identities. In the
book Night by Elie Wiesel his challenge was the holocaust, and every aspect of his
identity changed. He lost his faith, his appearance changed dramatically, and his lost
his ability to care about things he loved most.
Elie starts out in pretty good physical condition but that changes throughout the
course of Night. In the book Elie is afraid of failing the second examination after he
had been in the work camp so long. (Wiesel pg.71) It s proof his condition must
have been worsened because in the beginning he passed with no problem. Him
showing this fear proves he was weakened from starvation and the abuse he faced,
so he might not be able to work much longer. No work meant the ultimate liberation
from the bleak and dismal life that was the concentration camps. In the end of the
book after the allied forces liberates Elie he is in a hospital and he looks in the mirror
and says a corpse was looking back contemplating me. (wiesel pg 115) It provides the
fact the he changed enough that he ... Show more content on ...
In the story Elie was whipped savagely by the Kapo, and all he can think about is
his father. Later in the new camp Elie s father is giving up on life and Elie tries to
make him move. There is an allied air raid and for the first time Elie leave his
father.(wiesel pg. 106) This proves he finally gave up on his father. He started off
in the story really caring about his father sacrificing his own safety just so he
could stay close to him. After his father was struck ill in the new camp he gave up
on him. In the story Elie wanted to keep his shoes even if that meant he would get
tormented even more. This show he has a very strong will and loves things that give
him a glimmer of hope. At the end when his father died he stopped caring and lost all
hope in surviving the
Communication Management Challenges in Construction...
Go Up to Table of Contents| | Go To Chapter 2
(Organizing for Project Management)| The Owners Perspective Introduction The
Project Life Cycle Major Types of Construction Selection of Professional Services
Construction Contractors Financing of Constructed Facilities Legal and Regulatory
Requirements The Changing Environment of the Construction Industry The Role of
Project Managers References Footnotes| | |
1. The Owners Perspective
1.1 Introduction
Like the five blind men encountering different parts of an elephant, each of the
numerous participants in the process of planning, designing, financing, constructing
and operating physical facilities has a different ... Show more content on ...
From the viewpoint of project management, the terms owner and sponsor are
synonymous because both have the ultimate authority to make all important
decisions. Since an owner is essentially acquiring a facility on a promise in some
form of agreement, it will be wise for any owner to have a clear understanding of the
acquisition process in order to maintain firm control of the quality, timeliness and cost
of the completed facility.
From the perspective of an owner, the project life cycle for a constructed facility
may be illustrated schematically in Figure 1 1. Essentially, a project is conceived
to meet market demands or needs in a timely fashion. Various possibilities may be
considered in the conceptual planning stage, and the technological and economic
feasibility of each alternative will be assessed and compared in order to select the
best possible project. The financing schemes for the proposed alternatives must also
be examined, and the project will be programmed with respect to the timing for its
completion and for available cash flows. After the scope of the project is clearly
defined, detailed engineering design will provide the blueprint for construction, and
the definitive cost estimate will serve as the baseline for cost control. In the
procurement and construction stage, the
The Legend Of Jack The Ripper
England has always been known for their elevated culture and afternoons fit for tea,
but in the small town of Whitechapel, London around 1888 this was not the case.
Poverty played a big role during this time period and mothers of small families had
to prostitutes themselves in order to provide meals for their families. Between
August and November of 1888, a notorious murderer rose to the surface, slaughtering
at least five women escorts. The legend of Jack the Ripperis one of the most famous,
yet unsolved mysteries of English crime.
I.Suspected Murder Victims August 31, 1888, was the first killing, Mary Ann
Nichols was found dead on the side of a street at four o clock in the morning. She
had been dead for approximately 20 minutes, her throat had been slit, her abdomen
mutilated with one deep jagged wound, several incisions across the abdomen, and
three or four similar cuts on the right side caused by the same knife at least 6 8
inches long used violently and downwards. There seemed to be surprise at the small
amount of blood at the crime scene, about enough to fill two large wine glasses, or
half a pint at the most (Llewellyn). This comment led to the suspicion that Nichols
was not killed where her body was found, but the blood from her wounds had soaked
into her clothes and hair, and there was little doubt that she had been killed at the
crime scene by a swift slash to the throat. Death would have been instantaneous, and
the abdominal injuries, which would have
Comparing The Consolidated Statement Of Earning Or
The consolidated Statement of Earning or income statement, tells the user about the
sales and expensed applied by the Home Deport during the fiscal year. An analysis
of income statements shows a company with strong sales figures and the worth of
up to $71 billion sales per year. Nevertheless, the one thing that is very noticeable is
the substantial drop in sales from to Fiscal 2008 compared to previous years. Home
DepotВґs net sales in Fiscal have dropped from 25,997 to 23,990 (in the millions). In
addition to the drop in sales, Home Depot had reported higher expenses throughout
Fiscal 2008. The statements provides through information that is very helpful
throughout the decision making process of the company. For example, upper
management may determine that a struggling economy is the possible cause of the
decrease in sales and it may not be the best time to introduce any new projects. Also,
the company may decide to increase their credit programs for consumers with the
intention to increase sales. In general, the company is strong, however the drop in
sales and net earnings cannot warrant some cautions until the economy shows signs
of improvement and the sales and net earnings continue to drop. The drop in sales
and net earnings shows that even the strong companies are affected when the
economy is not doing so well.
The balance sheet is one of the major and critical financial statements that show the
financial position of the company. The balance sheets tell the user of the
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Essay On Neighbourhood

  • 1. Essay On Neighbourhood Crafting an essay on the theme of "Neighbourhood" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The complexity arises not from the lack of information but from the multifaceted nature of the topic. Neighbourhoods are intricate microcosms of society, encompassing a plethora of elements such as cultural diversity, social dynamics, and environmental factors. Firstly, delving into the cultural tapestry of a neighbourhood requires a nuanced approach. Understanding the customs, traditions, and beliefs that shape the identity of a community demands thorough research and sensitivity. One must navigate through the intricate web of multiculturalism, acknowledging the various perspectives that contribute to the unique flavor of each neighbourhood. Social dynamics within a neighbourhood are another intricate layer to explore. The relationships between neighbors, the sense of community, and the challenges faced in maintaining social cohesion are essential aspects to consider. Addressing issues such as communication breakdowns, conflicts, or the development of a strong sense of camaraderie requires a delicate balance of analysis and empathy. Furthermore, the environmental aspects of a neighbourhood, including its physical layout, infrastructure, and amenities, add another layer of complexity. Discussing the impact of these elements on the overall well-being and quality of life of residents demands a keen understanding of urban planning, architecture, and community development. Organizing these multifaceted components into a coherent and engaging essay poses its own set of challenges. Striking the right balance between depth and conciseness, weaving together a compelling narrative, and ensuring a logical flow of ideas are crucial tasks in the essay-writing process. Additionally, crafting a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay can be a formidable task in itself. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Neighbourhood" requires an intricate exploration of cultural, social, and environmental dimensions. The complexity arises not only from the vastness of the subject matter but also from the need to synthesize diverse elements into a cohesive and meaningful narrative. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, resources like provide a platform to explore professional writing services. Expert writers can aid in navigating the complexities of various topics, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful final product. Essay On Neighbourhood Essay On Neighbourhood
  • 2. University Lecturing Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction1 1.1 Authorisation1 1.2 Limitations1 1.3 Scope and Methodology1 2.0 Outline of Public Speaking and the link to university lecturing1 3.0 Preparation1 3.1 Explanation of the preparation stage1 3.2 Analyse Benefits2 4.0 Visual aids2 4.1 Explanation of visual aids2 4.2 Analyse Benefits2 5.0 Nonverbal3 5.1 Explanation of nonverbal communication3 5.2 Analyse Benefits3 6.0 Challenges to incorporating preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills in university lecturing3 Reference List3 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Authorisation This report is authorised by Dr Gregory Nash, COR109 Lecturer and Course Coordinator at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. The purpose of this report was to make recommendations for incorporating specific public speaking skills into university lecturing. 1.2 Limitations This report is limited to the field of university lecturing, the communication topic of public speaking and the sub topics of preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills. 1.3 Scope and Methodology This report identifies and assesses the importance of effective presentations in the field of education and more specifically university lecturing. Public speaking is defined and the benefits and challenges of the sub topics preparation, visual aids and nonverbal skills are systematically analysed. Peer reviewed academic sources have been used to provide verified experimental data
  • 3. Theory Of Carl Rogers Carl Rogers In life, there is nothing more important than knowing oneself. Carl Rogers, a famous psychologist in the 1900s, compiled a theory that went past the Freudian and behaviorist approaches and delved into the secrets of the individual. Relatively, Rogers explored the importance of taking a humanistic approach to understanding personality and with regard parents may seek the most proficient way to guide their children. In his theory, Rogers stressed on the concept of phenomenology. Derived from the Greek word phainomenon, meaning that which appears or shows itself, Phenomenology refers to the psychological term of and an individual being aware and perceptive of oneself. He elaborates that although often one comes to accept the perception of others as the correct attitude, in actuality each individual possesses his own perception of the environment. Therefore, in reality, only the individual can fully comprehend one s own personality. Since experiences of one are only susceptible by their expressions or communications, it is hard to understand their internal perceptions. Nevertheless, using those expressions and communications, one may attempt to understand another and comprehend personality processes. Throughout a lifespan, individual s behaviors persist to meet their goals in order to which they perceive them in a study that Rogers referred to as actualization. This theory is in contrast to all learning theorists who claim that behaviors are mainly responses
  • 4. Informative Speech on Swimming Essay Swimming General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the history and development of swim along with its applications. Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think. Method of Organization: Topical Introduction I. (Gain attention and interest) I remember joining the high school swim team back in my sophomore year. I remember struggling to catch a breath in between every stroke while simultaneously trying not to breath in any water. To be honest, swimming scared me, but drowning scared me more. III. (Establish credibility) Even though the risk of drowning may seem daunting, ... Show more content on ... In 1873, this hybrid stroke became known as the Trudgen stroke. 4.Trudgen effectively changed England s swimming styles from endurance based to more speed based. iv. Another swimming pioneer, Fredrick Cavill , helped further develop Trudgen s stroke into an even faster stroke known as the front crawl ( 1.He was an Englishman and a notable swimmer who emigrated to Australia. 2.Like Arthur Trudgen, Cavill observed the natives of the Solomon Islands and found that Trudgen s stroke would have been significantly faster if he would have incorporated the native s kicking action. 3.Cavill refined the native s stroke and taught it to his sons, one of which would later use the stroke in a competition in England. 4.Since England was still using the Trudgen stoke, Cavill s son Richard, destroyed his competition with the more efficient stroke, which he described as, crawling through the water ( Hence, the name front crawl. 2.As I previously mentioned, I will describe the four basic strokes that swimming consists of, such as the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly A.The Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the governing body for international competitive swimming, regulates everything swim related. i.FINA, states that, the four official strokes, breast, back, free and fly, comprise all the events in national and international competition ( ii. Each stroke is an individual event in swimming
  • 5. Transcontinental Railroad Dbq Essay Fifteen thousand men. One thousand two hundred dead. Twenty thousand pounds of bones. One thousand, seven hundred and fifty six miles of railways. The creation of the transcontinental railroad began in 1863. It originated in the northern states and made its way to the west. Nobody knew that one day this new technology would lead to the future that we live today. During the time that the railroad was in the process of being created, many things were escalating in the US, all for the best. The Transcontinental Railroad transformed the United Statesmore economically by creating new opportunities, improving transportation, and boosting imports and exports. The Transcontinental Railroad helped states increase in population by providing many job opportunities. Lovelock, Nevada, is most known for its great mining, thriving agriculture and retail center. During the 1860 s, the major population of Lovelock consisted of the Chinese which were working on the Transcontinental Railroad at the time (Doc. D). This meaning that the population of the city increased rapidly in addition to many job opportunities for the dangerous job and the tasks that came with them. Overall, the transcontinental railroad, provided jobs for the Chinese, lead to future industrialization, in his case mining, opened new markets, and also increased the population of cities and ... Show more content on ... When the railway had not yet existed the majority of transportation took place by wagon. It is said that traveling by wagon actually costs approximately twenty times more than traveling by rail (Doc E). As stated in Document E, traveling by rail cost less than a tenth... than it would by wagon. Therefore, a more efficient transportation route was created; this meaning that the railway was less costly, much more agile, and also safer than the traditional, inconvenient
  • 6. The United Kingdom s War Essay Section One: The United Kingdom s war memorials in the twentieth century Memorials show an interesting aspect of the political and cultural memory of war in the United Kingdom over the course of the twentieth century is because there was a drastic change in what memorials looked like, who funded them, and the inscriptions carved in them. Each of these changes illustrates how the individual need and desire to mourn overtook the political desire to show the triumph of the state. The First and Second World wars as well as the Gulf War were chosen because of the impact each war had on the United Kingdom and because each war happens at a very different point in British history. At the time of World War One, the United Kingdom was facing a potential civil war, making nationalism, and unity a top priority for the British government. Around 8.7 million men in the British Empire served in World War One with over 900,000 men dying. This greatly impacted the United Kingdom, as the generation of men who were of fighting age were later known as the Lost Generation . The United Kingdom was still trying to recover from the First World War twenty years later when it found itself pushed into another conflict in Europe. The Second World War left Europe in a worse state than the First World War, with millions of people dead across the globe and major infrastructure destroying, the United Kingdom was deeply affected after the end of the war. Nearly 500,000 British people died in the war,
  • 7. The Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Introduction In recent years across the United States and in many other nations as well, drug policy and the rationale behind these policies have started to undergo a tremendous shift. This change in public policy is visible to most through the ongoing legislation across America regarding the legalization of medical marijuana in 23 states, and recreational cannabis use becoming legal in 4 states as well (Hanson, 2015). This shift in public policy marks a significant turning point in the view of drugs and drugculture in the United States and reflects increased public knowledge of the less than desirable affects of the drug war mentality. Government spending on drug control in the United States totals $35 billion per year, and almost half a million dealers and users are currently in prisons and jails on drug charges and yet despite this massive investment of tax dollars and government authority, the United States still has the worst drug problem among Western nations (Boyum Reuter, 2005). The implications of the current failings of U.S. policy with regards to drug related offenses as well as the changes in ideology in recent years with regards to drugs and drug users will likely lead to a shift in how North America as a culture chooses to handle the problems and woes of drug culture. The number of drug offenders under incarceration in America grew tenfold from 1980 to 2005 (Boyum Reuter, 2005). In the face of this fact there is strikingly little evidence that
  • 8. Formalist Approach By Laurence Sterne Formalism approaches applied on Laurence Sterne s The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Chap.1 2) Literature is an autonomous verbal art, independent from the context. A novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity,portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organizationof action and scenes. ( By using Mikhail Bakhtin s concepts from The Prehistory and Novelistic Discourse , I will analyse Sterne s novel from a formalist point of view in order to be better understood. I will be using as critical tools, Bakhtin s theories regarding the novelistic discourse. The critic describes five approaches to novelistic discourse which cannot help us understand the ... Show more content on ... Cried my father and aslo the public, as a new character: Pray, what was your father saying? Heteroglossia, a diversity of voices, styles of discourse, or points of view in a literary work and especially in a novel (Merriam Webster) is also used by Sterne in his novel. He combines the first person with the third one, creating a diversity. That concepts is also found in Bakhtin s novelistic discourse. The direct discourse is a very effective way of expressing one s ideas and thoughts in a clear manner and the same time it is one of the most effective mean from the point of view of rhetoric . (Mikhail Bakhtin) Sterne uses it often in his text as a way of describing his own emotions, ideas, thoughts. Another observations about the form of the text is that the author uses very long sentences. There is no period at the end of ideas and that can show a very alert rhythm, like the narrator has to many to say that we won t stop writing ideas all over again and he won t let you get a word in. There are ideas interconnected with
  • 9. Therapeutic Hypothermia Benefits The evidence surrounding the topic of therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest is one lathered in potentially advantageous benefits, as well as harmful side effects. Although this procedure has potentially lifesaving and neurologically preserving implications, it does come with various side effects which can be dangerous in general or if left untreated. This paper will first address the many benefits, some of which include prolongation of life, retention of neurological function. It will then shed light upon some of the subsequent risks and harmful effects that are associated with therapeutic hypothermia. Lastly the paper will discuss why or why not the overall benefits outweigh the aggravating factors. Thus, being a topic of much controversy... Show more content on ... Therapeutic hypothermia can save lives, as well as maintain neurological proficiency. The risks however are ever present. The possibility of developing a cardiac arrhythmia is very possible. The fact is however that the majority of cardiac arrhythmias do not present immediate or life threatening dangers. It is possible, yet uncommon, for the arrhythmia to pose serious effects on the circulatory system, and therefore seeing as this is the most common problem that s caused by the use of therapeutic hypothermia, when weighed against the possibility of preserving neurological function and or saving a life, the benefits can potentially often outweigh the risks. Though there are other, more serious problems that can arise due to the use of this treatment, they are far less common, and or
  • 10. Manus X Machina Research Paper Taylor Swift has just been announced as the new host of 2016 s Met Gala AKA the fashion party everyone wants an invite to, alongside actor Idris Elba, Jonathan Ive and editor Anna Wintour. Honorary Chairs include Nicolas GhesquiГЁre, Karl Lagerfeld, and Miuccia Prada. The event will take place on May 2 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute in New York. The theme has been revealed to be Manus x Machina: Fashion in and Age of Technology, with all attendees expected to adhere to a strict dress code specified by the organisers and in an interview with Vogue, Costume Institute curator Andrew Bolton explained the theme. Traditionally, the distinction between the haute couture and prГЄt Г porter was based on the handmade and the machine made,
  • 11. The Benefits Of A Registered Nurse Runny nose, sore throat, and coughing, a shot will be beneficial, and I have always wanted to be that helpful person. Nursing has always been hooked on my brain for my future since I can remember. Considering this, I have always known a good bit about nursing, but of course not everything. I knew a nursehad to have to good social skills, enjoy hands on activities, and cannot have a weak stomach. Registered nurses have to give shots, take blood pressure, and do lots of paper work (MSChoices). When a person goes to the doctor, he or she will always see a nurse at some point during the visit. They re the most common workers at hospitals or clinical settings. They usually do whatever the doctor order, which in some cases are very stressful... Show more content on ... Surprisingly, I found out that in Mississippi the average yearly salary met close to $56,560 and the average hourly pay is $27.19. The National pay outlook for a year is $69,790, and hourly is $35.55. I found it very interesting that in Hawaii and Tennessee had higher salaries than Mississippi, most likely due to having larger hospitals, and higher living expenses. Also, depending on the education experience, that could cause a change in the salary. Considering that, I think the pay for a nurse is decent, but depending on everything they do, any less would be unacceptable. Nurses do many things ranging from taking blood pressure, weight, and temperature, to giving shots changing diapers, and giving medicines. Nursing school is very challenging to get accepted in because it is such a broad opening to many other doors. To become a registered nurse, one must have a high school diploma, then further academics to college. An associate s degree is available for becoming a RN, but another year; one can achieve a bachelor in science for nursing. I plan to get my bachelors in science due to being more in depth than just an associate degree. Once those steps are withheld, licenses board test is passed, what you have worked for so long now is put into action. Registered nursing is one in a million when it comes to everything they do, but other options similar to this occupation are, a nurse practitioner. They provide a tad more care to patients than a general RN. A critical care nurse is another job similar to a RN. They do not see as many patients as a regular nurse would, but know the same basics as a registered nurse. Many jobs similar to a RN are RN s who have specialized in a certain health care area (MSChoices). I have always hoped to become a nurse anesthetist, which you can specialize after you have worked as an RN for two years in a critical care
  • 12. Ronda Rousey Research Paper Women s bantamweight champion, Ronda Rousey, will defend her belt against Holly Holm in the main event of UFC 195. Rousey made the announcement during her appearance on Good Morning America on Friday. She also noted the date for the fight as January 2nd. In addition, it has been confirmed that the showdown is going to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM Grand Garden Center. The fight is also the only one on the UFC 195 card thus far. The announcement shocked many in the MMA community who thought the third installment of Ronda Rousey v. Meisha Tate was a foregone conclusion. Rousey did say however that she considers Holm her best competition yet. Beating Bethe Corriea improved Rousey s record as a professional record to 12 0 and 6 0, in her career with the UFC. Since coming into the UFC, Ronda has destroyed everyone in her path. Finishing many competitors in the first minute, and... Show more content on ... Rousey is, however, taking a a different kind of opponent in Holm and it will be interesting to see how she tackles this new challenge. Ronda will no doubt be the favorite, but this fight has a different dynamic. Meanwhile, Holly Holm, a relative newcomer to the sport, began taking MMA fights in 2011 and wasn t even in the UFC until 2014. Holm posted an impressive boxing career before moving her focus to MMA, with a record of 33 2 3 in the ring. She has an undefeated 9 0 record in MMA and is just 2 0 in the UFC. Holm will hope to use her punches from her experience in boxing to keep Rousey at bay long enough for her endurance to make an impact. At one point, Holm was seen as the potential biggest threat to Ronda Rousey, because of her excellent striking abilities. However, after failing to live up to that potential in her first two fights in the UFC, expectations have seen a steady
  • 13. What Is The Strange Dichotomy The strange dichotomy is a problem of organizational design where in which one needs to establish how to change the structure of government in order to allow for the efficient delivery of public goods. The Second Generation Theory (SGT) suggests that decentralization occurs in order to enforce the alignment of perverse incentives. The foundation upon which the Second Generation Theory rests, stems from the application of industrial organization, to the greater public sphere. There is a trade off between local accountability and the coordination of policies (Oates, 2005). In addition, the rational for decentralization of the public sector has no relation to the preference revelation problem. Instead, in terms of the political sphere there is a political accountability problem. In order to solve this organizational design issue, one can draw on the theory of Tiebout, where in which he emphasizes the idea of treating the state as if it were a market. As mentioned above, this will result in competition amongst jurisdictions as well as enforces a sense of public mobility, where if the economic agent finds itself dissatisfied with the service received by their current jurisdiction, they are entitled, under such circumstances, to relocate to another jurisdiction. In terms of competitive federalism, as outlined by Qian Weingast ... Show more content on ... The paper provided two solutions that contradict the strange dichotomy. The solutions provide reasons as to why central government intervention is not required to establish preferences at a local level. The first solution is a competitive decentralized government as proposed by Oates. The second solution provides insight into unconditional grants that are made use of to solve preferences that are not known, ex ante, once decentralization has occurred in order to align perverse
  • 14. Protein Adsorption Using Fluorescently Tagged Rh Fgn Introduction: For this laboratory, we are studying protein adsorption using fluorescently tagged Rh FGN. To prepare for this study, model sutures of a specific length have been coated in albumin, which allows us to compare the difference between a coated suture and an uncoated suture in regards to sticky protein adsorption. Based on the effects of surface energy (Оі) on protein adsorption, the uncoated nylon model suture will yield higher protein adsorption then coated suture, since the coated suture should have higher surface energy. Thus at a 0.05 assurance level (О± = 0.05) our null hypothesis is as follows: there is not a difference in protein adsorption between uncoated and coated nylon model sutures when exposed to a fibrinogen solution. Our alternative hypothesis (Ha) is as follows: there is a difference in protein adsorption between uncoated and coated nylon model sutures when exposed to fibrinogen solution at a 0.05 assurance level (О± = 0.05). Background: When designing new state of the art biomedical devices, the reaction between the biomaterials placed in the body and the body itself is highly important and widely studied. The compatibility of biomaterials governs their effectiveness; therefore, understanding the mechanisms of these interactions and the thermodynamics behind them is essential for creating and improving these devices. When determining the materials necessary for these devices, protein adsorption must be addressed, due to the fact that
  • 15. Babe Ruth Research Paper Babe Ruth s real name was George Herman Ruth, his family called him little George. He was born on February 6, 1895. Babe was born in Baltimore,Maryland. He lived in a town called Pigtown, but then he was sent to a school called St.Mary s. Babe had a family and their apartment was on top of his father s bar. Babe was the oldest of eight children. his father owned a bar and his mother was a house mom. Since his familywas poor, only Babe and his sister Mamie lived to adulthood. The other children passed away from sicknesses. Babe enjoyed doing many things, but baseballwas his favorite hobby. He use to play in the streets with his pals. Babe spent his free time playing baseball. Babe was a professional Baseball league player when he got older.
  • 16. The Clay Marble By Minfong Ho Written by Minfong Ho, The Clay Marble introduces a relatively new topic to today s teenagers the lives of Cambodia during wartime in the 1970s. In 154 pages and eighteen chapters, The Clay Marble follows the life of the protagonist, Dara, a twelve year old Cambodian girl, seeking a home for the remnants of familyduring Cambodian s civil war. The novel is historical fiction, presenting the story of Dara in her own first person perspective. Summary With a war going on between the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese government, the supposedly safest and richest (with food/supply) and populated place was Nong Chan, a refugee camp on the Thailand border. That was the destination of Dara, her mother, and her brother, Sarun coming from a village known ... Show more content on ... At first, Dara heavily relied on Jantu s magic clay marble, needing its magic, its luck, and a lot more values that are not muscles. Back then, it was reasonable Dara didn t make anything back then, because back then, Dara only had remnants of confidence in herself. As the novel goes on, Dara learns to become more and more confident within herself. The Clay Marble, although short and sweet, introduced me to Asian life in Cambodia during its civil war. In chapter seven of the book, I could make a connection between the Cherokee s Trail of Tears and the long grueling walk the many refugee families had to take to reach safety. The Cherokees were walking away from the harsh greedy whites, while the refugees were walking away from the nearing fighting of the civil war. I really appreciate Dara and Jantu s view on life. In the novel, when Dara was persuading Sarun to quit being a soldier at the end, she made wonderful arguments. The most memorable argument was when Dara said that it took more courage to stay peaceful in their own village, rather than to fight in war, which was nothing else than a game of destroying and breaking. I never thought of bravery that kind of way, and I am glad Minfong Ho introduced me to this new concept through her
  • 17. Essay on Bernard Williams and Utilitarianism The utilitarian faces many problems because he loses any ability to live a personal life. By this is meant that in making decisions the utilitarian must consider the steps which lead to the highest level of goodness in society. The utilitarian reaches for the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Two main aspects dominate the light of utilitarian beliefs. The consequentialist principle explains that in determining the rightness or wrongness of an act one must examine the results that will follow. The utility principle is that you can only deem something to be good if it in itself will bring upon a specific desired state, such as happiness or fulfillment. There are two types of utilitarians: Act utilitarians and Rule... Show more content on ... If he does not take the job, it is decidedly worse for the general good as he would be giving up the job to someone with high aspirations to develop the field of chemical and biological warfare. This is a danger to society. In taking the job, George is providing his family with a healthier living and also, as a result of his lack of enthusiasm, he is slowing down the progress of chemical and biological warfare projects. In this way, utilitarianism is showing that integrity is meaningless. These similar ideas are expressed in Williams second example. A man ends up in a South American town in front of a group of 20 inhabitants who had protested against the government and were about to be killed as punishment and to serve as warning. Understanding that the man, Jim, had ended up in the town by accident, they decide to honor him as a visitor and give him the privilege of killing one of the Indians. As a result, the other 19 will be set free. The utilitarian response to this is that Jim should kill the one man. The utilitarian must again forget his integrity and act for the greater good. Although his best benefit may be to not kill one man, he must consider the complete picture; he is saving the lives of 19 people. Williams has a recurring gripe with the ideas of utilitarianism. He believes that in making a utilitarian decision one must forget his integrity, for in making his decision, it is not his personal reputation which takes priority.
  • 18. A Comparison Of Uniform Crime Reports The Uniform Crime Reports verses The National Incident Based Reporting System The purpose of this abstract is to critically review the primary data sources used in the criminological research. The two key factors that measures crime are distinguished: official crime statistics, which are based on the compile data records of offenders and offenses processed by the police, courts, and corrections agencies; and unofficial crime statistics, which are produced by people and agencies outside the criminal justice system whom can add value to the data source (Regoli, Robert M., and Hewitt, John D., 2008, p 62). This abstract will discuss the strengths, weaknesses and differences of both data sources using arrests and self reports to calculate the prevalence of crime in the United States. The two primary data sources discuss in this abstract will be the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). These data sources are reporting mechanism that tracks criminal activities in the United States and foreign countries. To articulate why crime exists and the extent of a crime, criminologists use records that are collected, compiled, and analyzed by government agencies such as the federal government s Bureau of Justice Statistics (Siegel, Larry J., 2006, p 31). The official data is used to focus on the social forces that affect crime in regards to the relationship between crime and poverty, criminologist uses the data which provides
  • 19. The Impact Of Social Media On The Fashion Industry Introduction This report s aim is to attempt to investigate the impact of social media on the fashion industry as the social media users has been growing and the society today has been really around it. Businesses are also getting involved and are using social media as a promotional tool. Fashion industry, has evolved and it s come to the point where a lot of changes are happening and where fashion trends occur frequently, social media is the easiest way they showcase this and communicate. Social media has changed the fashion industry but has its impact been positive? There are different opinions and debates online wether social media has changed fashion for better or for worse. With the evolution of technology, the ways of communication and work as completely changed. The development of social media has changed the way the society works, by bringing people closer. From the last few years, social media has become a marketing tool, not only has it created a new way of marketing, but social media Marketing has created an opportunity for brands to have a conversation with their consumers and build relationships, to gain peoples perspectives and opinions. From blogs, post s, to social shopping, a range of different of opinions is stated through social media. In this era, fashion bloggers, consumers, have a massive role in the industry, where they are the voice of the industry where the companies listens to them. The brands rely on fashion bloggers, where their feedback on
  • 20. California Floristic Province 1. The biodiversity hotspot I choose to write about is the California Floristic Province. 2. The California Floristic Province is located in United States, mainly, in the state of California, reaching Oregon and northern Mexico (BBC, 2004). 3. One important species the live in the California Floristic Province is the Aloe adigratana (it has no common name). According to circumstantial evidence, it has been used as medicine. Another use of this plant is as a boundary fence. (Weber Demissew, 2013) Another important species that live in the California Floristic Province is the weeping myall (Acacia pendula). It is a tree that can grow up to 12 m high. It is an important tree due to its hard, close grain, dark colour and heavy weight wood,
  • 21. An Evaluation of Security Acts and Models Essay Information security acts have been established with the intent to protect the rights of all citizens. Specifically to enhance privacy and confidentiality, models have been developed to aid organizations in securing citizens private information to attain assurance and security of their information. Legislation must be continuously updated to adapt to the growing use of technology and its effects of storing and using personal information. Public and private sector organizations must abide by government mandated legislation regarding information securityand risk management. Guiding Principles Several statues have been enacted in order to uphold the fundamental rights to the privacy of an individual s information. In particular, these ... Show more content on ... (p. 36) To ensure that the security of citizens private information is effectively protected, information risk legislation and models have been ordained in order to mitigate cyber threats and security risks. Effectiveness of Legislation The various acts that have been sanctioned often focus on addressing how the PII of individuals should be handled and what security measures should be implemented to ensure the safekeeping of such private data. Some of the most well known, not to mention the expansive impact, of such legislation includes the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), the Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). In addition to these acts, several framework models and proven metrics have been developed to assist organizations in complying with these federal mandates. Such models include the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), and the International Organization for Standards (ISO) 27002. FISMA was enacted to significantly increase the state of security pertaining to electronic information and the computing systems that store and transmit such data. The act provides a broad structure for agencies to follow in order to safeguard
  • 22. Merger And Acquisitions ( M S 2. Literature Review 2.1. Merger and Acquisitions (M A) M A are often conducted for the strategic advantages that it entails such as improvements in efficiency, performance as well as synergistic gains (Junior et al, 2013). The potential source of synergies motivates firms to engage in M A where they believe the value generated from this strategic combination exceeds the respective individual firm value if they were to operate independently (Duksaite and Tamosiuniene, 2009). Synergies are derived from different sources to include revenue enhancement, cost reduction and tax gains. Revenue enhancement occurs as the combined firm is collectively able to generate larger revenues compared to their ability as separate, independent firms (Hillier et al, 2013). Hou et al (2015) stated that the ultimate aim of M A is to gain stronger market power and hence enhanced competitive position through the elimination of rivals This in effect increases control over market conditions such as supply and price. Nguyen et al (2012) supported this by highlighting that increased market power is one of the considerations taken when conducting synergistic acquisitions. 2.1.1. M A Wave Hou et al (2015) expressed that M A activities rarely occur in isolation, but rather a small number of M A activities often instigates a surge in M A volume, which eventually subsides to a number of smaller activities; a pattern resembling features of a wave . Consistent empirical evidence supports the
  • 23. Standard Picture Encryption And Decryption Yong Feng et al, in 2009,the author proposed a new invertible two dimensional chart, shouted Line chart, for picture encryption and decryption. It charts a picture to an array of pixels and next, charts it back from the array to alike sized image. A Line chart consists of two submaps: the left Line chart and the right Line chart that are utilized for picture encryption and decryption. In order to vanquish the shortcoming of standard picture encryption ways established on two dimensional (2 D) charts that can be utilized merely for permutation, this paper presents a novel picture encryption way established on the Line charts, that can present two procedures of picture encryption simultaneously, permutation and substitution, employing the alike maps. The counseled picture encryption does not have data loss. Supplementary gains contain that it is fast and there is no check on the length of protection keythat is desirable for disparate protection requirements. Simulation aftermath display the effectiveness of the new picture encryption scheme. [20] Xiaoqiang Zhang et al, in 2010, the author introduced Safeguard transmission of confidential digital pictures has come to be a public attention in both scrutiny and applications. As shown in their preceding studies, Varied Picture Agent (MIE) encryption algorithm is a new and enthusing picture encryption algorithm, though, its protection is altered by the unreasonable choice of camouflaged images. To examine this factor, the
  • 24. Elon University Student Analysis Throughout my college search, I have been looking for a school that possesses the qualities that are of utmost importance to me. I want a medium sized school that acts as a tight knit community with excellent academics and limitless opportunities. Upon entering Elon University for the first time, I felt as if I were home even though I was miles away from Uxbridge, Massachusetts. During my tour, I saw all those qualities in Elon and I was able to envision myself growing as a studentand professional. I have never been able to conceptualized myself anywhere else as strongly as I did here. The acorn tradition at Elon Universitytruly captured the essence that the campus exudes. The idea of being presented with an acorn as a freshman then ... Show more content on ... The many clubs and organizations I could be a part of would give me the capability to expand my leadership skills and would help me become a pioneer in innovative thinking. At Elon, I would be viewed as a person, not a number. Because of small class sizes and the emphasis on the individual student, I am reassured that my professors will be there for me throughout my academic successes and failures. I felt valued and encouraged to broaden my horizons while I was exploring the campus on the tour. It is not easy for me to partake and contribute in classroom discussions, which has caused me to struggle throughout my academic career. Upon meeting the faculty with whom I could potentially be engaging with, I knew I could exceed my knowledge, grasp the ideology within the classroom by relating it to the outside world, and grow as a student and professional. Elon University is the university for me, which is why I am applying for Early Decision. I cannot see myself elsewhere and if given the opportunity, I could improve myself in many different aspects of my life. I knew I was home at Elon University and I know Elon will assist me in the developmental process of my future
  • 25. Strategic Information Systems citemExplain the use of Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) and Executive Support Systems (ESS) in an organisation of your choice. Also explain the role of IS led change in successful adoption of such systems. Please provide examples and illustration where required. The science of today is the Technology of tomorrow. (Edward Teller, American Physicist and Author) The 21st century has witnessed an age for Organisations to follow the flow of the technological pragmatic shift from manual to automation of their business processes, procedures and activities. As a result, organisations are being driven towards the technological frontier in the opportunity to acquire more new customers and attain a competitive advantage over their ... Show more content on ... ESS are defined as learning support software tools that provides direct on line access to relevant summarised information in a useful and navigable format for the organisation as a whole (Kelly 1994 Tech 2008). The primary purpose of ESS at Sony is to support managerial learning about business activities, its work processes, and its interaction with the external environment in the form of a user friendly graphical interface. Informed managers can then ask better questions and make better decisions. ESS are the most powerful managerial systems developed at Sony from the rest of their systems and are hard to maintain (Fig.5). ESS are easy to use usually touchpad and mouse driven but complex to develop (Tech 2008). They are a benefit to Sony, especially tailoring to executives information needs with relevant information, providing them with access to a broad range of internal and external data including yearly aggregate and timely comparison reports which aid in exploring the root causes of failures and problems at Sony. But still there are issues of organizational behaviour and culture, perhaps the most deadly barriers to effective Executive Information Systems. Because EIS is typically positioned at the top management level of Sony, it can lead to drastic changes in organizational direction. This in
  • 26. Jewish Space The main focus of this essay is what makes KKBE a jewish space. Many people would think that it s a jewish space because it s a synagogue one of the most important parts of jewish live. Others would say it is jewish just because it is a place of worship just like how we know a church is christian since those are the people who worship there. I believe that it is much deeper than that. A theorist Abraham Joshua Heschelhas a theory that spaces are not important because they are spaces, but because of the moments that are lived through and I agree with him. KKBE has a large history in Charleston as it was the Second oldest Synagogue to be built in the US and the oldest one still in use. The KKBE is a synagogue which is the place where jewish people go for religious worship. The building itself looks Somewhat historic on the outside, but on the inside majority of the... Show more content on ... Then this is even backed up by the religion, KKBE itself, and the bible itself. Like it was previously stated Judaism is functioned around time with all of its holidays and celebrations being centered around the importance of its time. Just like how those events would lose jewish importance without its connections to the times that have made them what they are the same can be said about KKBE Synagogue. Then you can see evidence in KKBE itself with all the historical items and plaques of all the older members that you can see all over the grounds and interior of the Synagogue. Then finally probably one of the most important pieces of evidence is the quote from the bible stating how God did not even place an object at the center of focus, but rather a place in time. With all of this evidence it is easy to see that KKBE is a jewish place because of the events of jewish history and jewish connections that were formed there
  • 27. Vacuum Changed The World The Way the Vacuum Changed the World The 1900s and on was a time of great inventions coming to be. People wanted to make their world a better place so they started to invent things. One of the inventions that came to be was the vacuum cleaner. The idea first came to be in around 1869 but it was a little different. The vacuumwe know about now didn t come to be until 1901, and we owe it all to Hubert Booth (Bells). The vacuum cleanerimpacted the world in many ways. It improved our health, to a certain extent. It also provided more time for families to come together and have more quality time. The vacuum cleaner had some negative impacts on the environment, small problems but nevertheless there were problems. Not only did the invention of... Show more content on ... One of the most common is the Pack It Compression Sac Set. It uses the idea of a vacuum sucking up dust and dirt but instead it takes out the air in a bag making it small and compact. Another invention that came through the vacuum technology is found in airships. There is a vacuum tube which is an electron tube containing a near vacuum that allows the free passage of electric current. In 1990 Arthur De Bausset attempted to bring this idea to Congress, but the public was unsure about his idea. The main principle of the airship is to fill it up with air like a balloon and then it would fly. This made way for the hot air balloon (Noel). Although did invention doesn t really have anything to do with the vacuum cleaner, the technology behind it is being put to use all around the
  • 28. Ethical Relativism Moral Or Immoral Brittany Haskell Mr. Legge CLN 4U Due: December 19, 2014 Ethical Relativism Moral or Immoral Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one s culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. Moral or ethical relativism is the idea that what is considered moral or immoral depends on the accepted behaviors within the society in which the determination is made. Therefore, what is considered moral or ethical in one society may be considered immoral or unethical in another, but each society is equally correct. For this reason the question remains, if and action is considered to be moral does that mean that the action is also normal? Although something may seem right to someone living in a different community, people living in a society like ours today may feel differently. Ethical Relativism can be looked at are moral or immoral in many different ways. Looking at the articles Guarding The Boundaries, A Defense of Ethical Relativism and Butterflies and Wheels, it is clearly shown that although ethnical relativism may seem immoral, but really in many ways is moral. In the article Guarding The Boundaries, by Anthony Daniels. The philosopher states that men can no more avoid making moral and aesthetic judgments than they can avoid eating. In our society it is clearly shown that abuse is incorrect and immoral, but looking at in in a different perspective can
  • 29. Essay on Saint Augustine of Hippo As one of the most prominent figures of the early church, Saint Augustine is not only recognized for his leadership but also for his knowledge and influence on the thinking and doctrine of the Christian Church. As a priest, he was an important leader of the early African Church; as a philosopher, he brought a new approach to Church Doctrine through the ideas of pagan philosophy (TeSelle 892). These accomplishments put him among the ranks of Thomas Aquinas and other great Church philosophers whose ideas revolutionized the Church. Because of his accomplishments and influence, Augustine was named a Doctor of the Church. Aurilius Augustine was born in Tagaste in 354 A.D. to a pagan father and a saintly mother. His father, although poor and... Show more content on ... This duelist sect believed in the Devine God who was the embodiment of everything good and an equal evil power. They also believed that the flesh was inherently evil. In the next few years after settling his beliefs with Manechaeism and realizing its faults, Augustine would fall into believing in several other non Christian movements (Brown 31). After being encouraged to do so by many of his friends, he read many of the writings of the Greek philosophers known as neoplatonists. Along with the sermons of Saint Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, these writings convinced Augustine to contemplate his return to the Christian faith. Eventually he overcame his numerous encounters with heresy, and was baptized into the Catholic Church in the year 387 (Brown 43). From this point on, Augustine became a great leader in the Church, eventually becoming bishop o Hippo. After the death of his mother, Monica, Augustine moved back to his Africa where he entered the monastic life and started a monastery (TeSelle 892). He soon joined the priesthood, and after only four years the people of Hippo elected him to be their bishop (Brown 78). At this point in his life, Augustine is recognized for doing many things for the Church as a priest, author, and defender of faith. As an author he wrote Confessions, his spiritual autobiography, and City of God, his great work describing the Christian philosophy throughout history. In this magnificent work,
  • 30. Rehabilitation Every day social media and news outlets bombard you with the details of individuals being arrested for alcohol or drug related incidents. Without knowing the individuals or their circumstances, images from the movies or television provide you with the idea of the person. Your immediate reaction, send them to jail. Now consider this image, an individual who has been working long hard hours, begins drinking to relieve the anxieties of the job. He has home, family, friends, a degree, and investments for the future. Starting on weekends, he drinks to relieve old memories of fun college times. During the week, he stops by for local happy hours specials. He does not realize the effects of alcohol on his mind and body. He is slowly becoming an addict. How is jail going to help him? On a daily basis, people enter correctional facilities for a variety ... Show more content on ... The steps to recovery are not the easy way out But the outcome provides the individual with coping mechanisms and support for the addiction. Without Treatment When jail replaces treatment, the individual does not receive the necessary medical treatment to help combat the disease. The addict will continue using, allowing for impair judgment to make decisions. An individual may begin to experiment with other forms of drugs as a means to coping with daily life. Criminal behavior may follow. Eventually, the person will be back in front of a judge with another arrest for a treatable addiction. Rehabilitation is the best option for stopping the addiction/criminal offender cycle. Repeat offenders waste time and money with court hearings and incarcerations. Providing individuals with resources to end the addiction process is the better choice. Often people just need help. If you are currently facing criminal charges due to drugs or alcohol, schedule a free consultation with Thiessen Law
  • 31. Analysis Of Disgrace By J. M. Coetzee The three literary qualities, namely the test of time, its availability and impact on life as well as the ability to gain understanding of the era in which the book is written, will be identified in the three preselected works in order to determine whether these can be considered as literature. Firstly, the novel Disgrace is evaluated according to the three literary qualities. The novel Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee is written in 1999. This means that the most important quality, the test of time, is not yet valid for Disgrace . The novel is written 16 years ago and does not comply to Dr Johnson s thought that a book has passed the test of time when the book is still read after a hundred years. Even though, the book is written recently, the book has made an impact on the social, cultural and academic factors in South Africa. The book deals with the issues of the post apartheid era in South Africa which started, after the change of the government in 1994. These issues are often related to the social, cultural and academic factors which people have experienced after the apartheid era has ended. Moreover, the context in which the novel is written, as ... Show more content on ... Based on the South African history, Disgrace is classified as post apartheid literature, according to Fai (2014:155). The main characteristic of post apartheid literature is the focus on a specific theme, such as ...poverty, assault, rape, bloodshed, xenophobia, homosexuality and the AIDS epidemic amongst others. Other themes which have been identified by Fai (2014:157) is violence and theft. Some of the characteristics of post apartheid literature are evident in the novel, namely rape, assault, violence and theft. These themes are manifested in Lucy s life as well as in David Lurie s life when he visits Lucy at the farm. Each one of the themes will be discussed and how it is manifested in the
  • 32. Evolution Of Dependency Analysis Dependency as an English word evolved in its usage and the implications associated with it since first introduced. This is the topic of an article, A Genealogy of Dependency: Tracing a Keyword of the US Welfare State by Nancy Fraser and Linda Gordon. The article traces the changing meaning and connotations of the word dependency from four registers: economic, sociolegal, political, and psychological. Although the definition of word dependent has not directly changed throughout history, the implications of its meaning have evolved from a positive pre industrial interpretation to a negative post industrial implication. Fraser and Gordon effectively argue the transition in meaning of dependency the four different registers from pre to post industrialization... Show more content on ... The negative connotations come from the judgment of these individuals as being unable or unwilling to be self supporting from an economic and or psychological perspective, hence, the negative connotation associated with dependency. Independence is the norm of today. The issue with this norm is that no one is truly independent. Independence today typically refers to a wage earner. But, wage earners are dependent on others. Wage earners are dependent on those who pay their wages, as well as others for social interactions, and personal caregiving needs. Fraser and Gordon conclude people are dependent on caregivers as a part of a dual dependent relationship and dependency within a society is beneficial to all. They state that only when interdependency is an accepted norm, that poverty will appropriately be addressed. I agree, with this philosophy due to my belief that while individualism is important for motivation, individuals working together can accomplish more. Hence, my belief in the statement that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and society as a whole can achieve more as a group than individuals can accomplish on their own
  • 33. The Cultural Elements Of Kaffir Boy By Mark Mathabane The Cultural Elements of Kaffir Boy Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane is an incredibly complex novel detailing the author s childhood and coming of age in a South Africa gripped by apartheid. It also describes his steadfast pursuit of tennis as a means of escaping the aforementioned system that legalized and even encouraged racism. Though the autobiography captures copious personal struggles and internal conflicts, the elements of the text that truly stand out are the cultural ones these being the elements of society, religion, and politics. The most prevalent of these cultural elements, and the first one introduced to the reader, is the social element. On the very first page of chapter one, Mathabane states that, The white man of South Africa certainly does not know me. He certainly does not know the conditions under which I was born and had to live for eighteen years. So my story is intended to show him with words a world he would otherwise not see because of a sign and a conscience racked with guilt and to make him feel what I felt when he contemptuously called me a Kaffir boy. (Mathabane 3). Issues of race and racism are the more frequently described types of social element in Kaffir Boy , however, the power struggle between Mathabane s mother and father is also discussed. When Mathabane s father is arrested or away for a long period of time, his mother seizes control of the household. She brings in the food and the money. Upon the return of his father, she is
  • 34. The Role Of Sports Coach A Good Leader An important role of a sports coach is to be a motivator. A motivator is someone who encourages and creates an incentive for someone, such as a performer, to do well. A motivator may prompt a performer by emphasising their progress in a positive way such as praising them on a good performance therefore inspiring them to want to do well again. An example of a motivator would be Kelly Holmes. Not only has she achieved gold in both the 1400m and the 800m in the 2004 Athens Olympics but she has set up the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust which engages with more than 3,000 vulnerable young people aged between 16 and 25 and provide them with a stepping stone into community sport. Leader: Another important role is to be a good leader. A leader is... Show more content on ... In the picture to the right it shows ex white sox bullpen coach and pitching coach, Juan Nieves for the red sox, fist bump in a friendly manor. Responsibilities Management and planning: A coach has a lot of aspect to manage and plan, from equipment and the facility to transport and competitions. Many sport accidents occur as a result of activities taking place in unsafe or inappropriate facilities. Learning to recognize potentially dangerous situations is therefore an important responsibility for any coach. Prior to the start of the season the coach should ensure that the facility meets minimum safety standards and also plan that the facility should be inspected regularly and maintained in safe condition. A coach should also undertake an accurate equipment inventory at the start of the season to establish the status of equipment and ensure that the correct amount of protective equipment is available and that the equipment fits their participants. A coach should be also able to find appropriate competitions for participants and arrange transport to and from sports events. Without organising to go to competitions participants wouldn t be put to their sporting limit and tested to see where they need to improve to succeed. Also without planning to compete in competitions the performers may become bored as they don t have a
  • 35. Essay On Aoi No Ue Research Investigation Research question: To what extent do traditional Noh masks express the personality of the lead characters such as Lady Aoi, Hikaru and Jasko in the play Aoi No Ue? Introduction The NOH theatre Noh theatre is derived form Japanese language as a word for skill or talent, so the full translation on English is a talented theatre . Noh is a Japanese form of theatrical art that has been transferred through the generations and it also has been marked as one of the oldest theatre arts in Japan , and even the world. Unesco has designated the Noh theatre as an Intangible Cultural Heritage . Noh is an art form, which has some elements of drama, music and dancing. While NOH theatre is compared to western opera, the differences can be quite immense. Due to the use of masks in Noh plays, one can call Noh theatre a mask theatre . Aoi no Ue Aoi no Ue is a famous Noh play, and the meaning of the phrase Aoi no Ue is Lady Aoi. She is a formal wife of Hikaru Genji and the lady Aoi is a daughter of the Sadaijin who is a minister in Japan. Lady Aoi has been possessed by a demon and after this the daughter of a minister got seriously ill. Although her ... Show more content on ... The name of the mask is Koomote 1. The word Ko represents cuteness, youth and beauty. Omote means face. The mask represents a very young woman. It is one of the well known female masks in the NOH theatre company. The nurse character is not as important for the play as her mask is for the NOH theatre, as it is one of the most demanded in the Noh theatre. However the audience needs to see the pretty nurse, as the stage direction in the dialogue between Hikaru and the nurse, when she speaks about the patient dreams in the hospital we may see that she is young and beautiful too. Pause. Silence of the young nurse comes in inexplicable
  • 36. Gluten Free Shoppers According to a survey of understanding gluten free shoppers , 55% of the customers who prefer gluten free diet spend 33% of their total monthly income in purchasing food items with gluten free ingredients. Furthermore, 77% of the consumers stated that finding tasty gluten free dishes are hard to find. For these consumers, convenience, low price and product selection are the three most important factors. Approximately 68% of the customers visit, on monthly basis, 3 or more grocery shops in order to look for item with gluten free ingredients. It is predicted that gluten free market of US is expected to hit the sales of $66 billion by 2017 (Schultz, 2013). Additionally, consumers are getting more inclined towards eating gluten free products. As per a research 5% prefer gluten free products to treat celiac disease, while 6% for alleviate asthma, 9% for depression, 10% for cleansing their digestive system, 12 for stress reduction, 13 for improving their mental functioning and concentration, while 25% for shedding weight, 33% due to the nutritional value and 39% for their digestive heath (Sutton. 2014). ... Show more content on ... 2014) Messages Shape the purchaser s state of mind towards the latest trend of home made meals, food delivery services, and shopping for food benefits by making it a one stop look for comfort. Advertise more natural, beneficial recipes with new intergradient gluten free home cooked meals and recipes while making it available and simple to the buyer with allergies to specific food items. The marketing and development of meals and recipes that are gluten free would, in this manner, need to change later on to reflect changing buyer ways of life, and guarantee that these recipes are designed keeping in mind the needs and desires of the end buyer. Communication Objectives Stimulation of sample purchases will help in increasing the number of
  • 37. Marine Biology Personal Statement I have always admired and respected marine life, and the career field seems to be exciting to do. I ve had a few childhood memories with my family that gave me a strong interest in the coastal region since I was around five and six years old. Studying marine biology at University of North Carolina at Wilmington will allow me to eventually have a profession in the marine life that interest me the most. The reason I have chosen marine biologyas my major is because it combines my passion of animals, the coastal environment all in one. First, what is a marine biology? Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviors and interactions with the environment. It consists of studies of biological and geological oceanography, and the ... Show more content on ... The goal intended in the mission is applying for students to get hands on experience into the studying of all fields of marine science. I believe getting the hands on experience in this major would be such an important thing for me as a student because it will provide me the sense of interpretation of what I m going to be doing once I graduate and get my career
  • 38. A Raisin In The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry The chasing of a mirage is a futile quest where an individual chases an imaginary image that he or she wants to capture. The goal of this impossible quest is in sight, but it is unattainable. Even with the knowledge that failure is inevitable, people still dream of catching a mirage. There is a fine line that separates those who are oblivious to this fact, and to those who are aware and accept this knowledge. The people who are oblivious represent those who are ignorant of the fact that their dream will be deferred. This denial is the core of the concept used in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The perception of the American Dream is one that is highly subjective, but every individual dream ends in its own deferment. During the... Show more content on ... Struggling like a woman trenching through thick brown mud, Lena is still adamant in her quest to attain a higher existence in this world (Hansberry 139). As her trek to their inescapable fate continues, Mama s dreams dry up in the heat of realization. Mama is not the only character that is intricately characterized in the book. Beneatha, Lena s daughter, is also put together to represent the inevitability of living like one of the lower class. She says that, George looks good he s got a beautiful car and takes me to nice places.. (Hansberry 49) While this quote defines Beneatha s acceptance of George s privileged life, it is said with a shadow of jealousy. According to Freydberg, a writer and author, this establishes the class differences between the Youngers and the Murchisons. This new fine line that separates the upper and lower class creates individual characteristics that define each class. Darwin Turner, an honored African American who taught at the University of Iowa, asserted that even though the blacks and whites have similar character traits and similar values, they are ambivalent about social interrelationships. These two races are truly self defining, and the inequality between these two ethnicities proves it. With Beneatha s apparent jealousy for the life of the upper class, the text
  • 39. Why A Monument Is Important Essay Everyone can learn from the world s history, but we don t always remember its history. This is where monuments come in handy. Monuments are made in remembrance of an event that people feel strongly about. Monuments are not just randomly thrown together, or at least shouldn t be. When making a monument there are a few things that cannot be overlooked or discarded, like the fact s that people can and will become attached to some monuments, and that the history behind where the monumentis built and its name are extremely important, and that all monuments must be created with respectand respected once made. To start things off we will discuss how and why the attachment that can occur between a monument and a person can not to be overlooked. As I said before, monuments are built in remembrance of something that people feel strongly about. One of the many reasons people can feel strongly about a monument or an event is because, that person may have been there for the event. They could have had a loved one involved in the event, or they could just feel strongly about what occurred during the event. For many, monuments are places that they can remember a loved one that has been lost in a tragic event and pay respects to. This causes some... Show more content on ... A good example of this was in Maine when a fisherman modeled with a lobster for an artist for the New York s World Fair, however the artist being in such a hurry ended up doing a ill quality job on the statue. It was passed around for quite a while and no one seemed to want the man and his lobster (Source F) and it ended up in a storage place eaten by rats before finally being found and restored to its former glory. This is not what monuments are created for. They are created for remembrance and should be treated with the utmost respect, so if respect cannot be shown to a monument, then it should not be
  • 40. Deafness And Hearing Loss Essay One of the most effective ways to learn about oneself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you. (Hall, E. 2015) Deafness is the complete inability to hear sound, hearing loss is the reduce of ability to hear. Deafness and hearing loss can occur at any age and have many causes. The aim of this essay is to give sub types of deafness and hearing loss, causes of deafness and hearing loss, characteristics, needs and implications, support services, overall impression of the school in terms of the resourcefulness and availability to learners and differences in teaching between mainstream and special schools Sub types of deafness and hearing loss. Landsberg. E et al (2011: 385) Conductive hearing loss when hearing loss is due to problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its little bones (the malleus, incus, and stapes). When hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve related hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss refers to a combination of conductive and sensor neural hearing loss. This means that there may be damage in the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear (cochlea) or ... Show more content on ... 2003:1) The description of hearing loss that this author has given is similar to one I found to the learners I was assigned to. I also noticed that although they have hearing loss some of them also have mental health. Referrals for hearing loss are best directed to audiologist, otolaryngologist or both. Audiologist has expertise in hearing testing, use of assertive listening devices and the selection and fitting of hearing aids. (Yueh et al. 2003: 7) I find it more important to have one or both of these, from the school I was assigned to they have speech therapist and audiologist that helps in hearing
  • 41. Analysis Of Better Than Hum Why Robots Will-And Must- Take... Claude Elwood Shannon once said: I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans. And I am rooting for the machines . A lot has changed in our world since Shannon passed away in 2001, and the world of robotics has become more important than ever. In His article Better than Human: Why Robots Will and Must Take Our Jobs , Kevin Kelly discusses how robots and machines have been taking over our jobs and how this will only become more common in our everyday lives. He believes it is a good and necessary thing that AI take over our jobs, because it will improve our society and increase productivity. Kelly s essay is an accurate depiction of the future of technology and how it will impact our lives. Kelly introduces his essay with a some statistics. Two hundred years ago, 70 percent of American workers lived and worked on a farm. Today, however, machines and robots have taken over all but 1 percent of those jobs. He speaks about the fact those jobs have been replaced by newer jobs, such as the actual making of robots and AI machines. Other jobs have surfaced as well: photographer, graphic designer, appliance repairman, food chemist, and more. These jobs have been able to ... Show more content on ... One of the points he made was that robots can do the jobs humans are used to doing better. For example, humans can weave cotton cloth with great effort, but technology can do it with virtually no error. Another example are the recently introduced self driving cars. Of course, there have been recent fatalities on the news, but they make far less mistakes than a human does. Plus, in one of the accidents, the woman ran right in front of the car on a pitch black highway. It was an accident that absolutely no human could have avoided, and if somehow they could have, they would have gone into the other lane and possibly killed themselves or someone
  • 42. Cause And Effects Of The Age Of Exploration The Age of Exploration, or sometimes known as the Age of discovery, began in the 1400s and continued throughout the 1700s. These expeditions took a great deal of man power, money, and technology. Many ships were only able to cover about one hundred miles a day, making the duration of these voyages long, taking years to complete. During this period Europeans began to explore various parts of the world via sea. Most of the men did not join these voyages willingly, they were forced into service and worked around the clock minding the ships they were on. The typical diet of a sailor consisted of wine or hard liquor, pork or beef which sometimes they used fat to mix with flour when meat portions were low, biscuits, peas, and rice. Due to... Show more content on ... He was interested in rare items such as: exotic specimens, jewels, mineral substances, and many other goods as well. To successfully complete seven voyages, the Chinese had many different methods as to how they would tackle each voyage. The Chinese had a lot of power in the ocean, they gained this power because piracy was sponsored so heavily. Chinese were led by enlightened despot. They believed that each place should be under china as mandated by heaven. The Chinese were in favor of those who supported the idea and those who did not agree face consequences. The Ming navy consisted of 3,500 ships which exceeded any navy in the world. Their ships came equipped with an overwhelming amount of gunpower which symbolized military power. China also aimed to achieve a greater structure within their government. They were also interested in the Treaty of Tordesillas which was done by the pope. The treaty was put in place to help Spain and Portugal resolve their conflicts over newly discovered lands and goods. The Chinese became mongols in trade so much so that their foreign trade became a state monopoly. Although they were successful in trade and known for being so powerful these voyages had consequences. China ended up with a large expense for going into the Indian ocean. Their expenses came from having about 28,000 soldiers to tend to and feed in order their ships be manned. Even though China monopolized trading by having ports in various areas,
  • 43. A Comparison Of France And The French America is by far the most hated country in the World. The reason why everyone else hates us, is that we are different and optimistic whereas others are not. The French wrote saying that there was nothing special in America, which really surprises me. The minister of France once said, The purpose of language is not to communicate thought, but to conceal thought . Now I realize the French really do not like us from this lecture and how he describes in detail in what each class thinks. The French think that we are sloppy, bostrious, optimistic, and incurious. They surprisingly don t hate us for our faults as in murder, rape, and stealing, but more towards the side of letting women have an abundant amount of rights. We also discussed
  • 44. A Research Study On Leaf Disease Detection By Using Image... Abstract In research of area of agriculture, automatic plant disease recognition is important research topic. It may prove aids in monitoring huge arenas of crops, and thus unsurprisingly detect symptoms of disease as soon as they appear on plant leaves, stem. The term disease is usually used only for ruin of live plants. This research provides different methods used to study of leaf disease detection by using image processingtechnique. Index Terms Mobile cellular networks, Internet, image processing, traits, water resources, wireless sensor networks. I.INTRODUCTION In 19th century, in the irrigation system, the sprinkler are used to irrigate the field, but there are certain limitations of this system like the field is not properly irrigated. Because the water which will be sprinkled is not properly captivated by field. In this method the proportion of water, essential pesticides fertilizer is much more than they required. So it is not actually worthy method by considering the low water resources. There are lots of confines in our traditional system viz, 1.Water is not appropriately scattered on field. In some case it deliver in large amount and in some cases in low amount. 2.Fertilizers given to plants are not in proportion and well proficient. The area of agriculture uses 83% of existing freshwater resources globally, and this percentage will continue to be dominant in water consumption because of population growth and increased food demand. There is
  • 45. Necrotizing Fasciitis Research Paper Necrotizing Fasciitis is a medical infection which requires emergency professional help as soon as it is indicated. The break down of this name can create an idea of the common symptoms relating to the bacteria. For example it is means inflammation describing how the skin gets due to the dead skin tissue. This requires medical diagnosis before being able to be treated. Lab tests and/or imaging are always required. This can be short term or long term eventually being deadly. Fewer than 20,000 cases in the United States occur per year. Necrotizing Fasciitisis a bacterial infection which causes the tissue under the skin to be destroyed. This flesh eating infection is caused by more than one type of bacteria making it rare in many cases. Once the bacteria enter the body, it can quickly spread causing it to be deadly. The fascia, which is the connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels, nerves, fat, and muscles is infected making the body weak and lack support. In order to acquire this infection the skin needs to be broken such as getting a cut, scrape, or wound. With small injuries... Show more content on ... Signs of inflammation may not be visible within the early stages making it more risky and have a larger fatality rate. Symptoms will appear after 3 to 4 days. It will start with a fever and the feeling of being unwell. Unfortunately it will make the skin red and hot with blisters and intense pain in the areas. Some patients have experienced confusion, dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting. Once they are in a bad stage, the affected area of tissue will turn black as a sign of it starting to die. As fast as 5 days, the patient is considered extremely ill. At this time, the infection has now entered the bloodstream causing them to have high temperature and low blood pressure. Sometimes the pain of the skin will come to an end due to the nerves being dead
  • 46. Case Study Of Sukuk Defaults Methodology used in this report is explanatory research case study and qualitative research method where data regarding the sukuk defaults and shariah issues in Sukuk Asset Based and Sukuk Asset Backed are being collected. From these data collection, the development of theory can be focused through an approach of case studies and this method can relate to the growing issues of sukuk defaults. (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 1994). An explanatory method is used among other qualitative approaches in conducting a research because it can prove the real default cases that happened in Sukuk through the reasons behind it. Besides, it also can give more meaning to this research report. Qualitative method is easier method to be used because data regarding... Show more content on ... Wa ad which is the promise to repurchase the underlying asset at par in substance is a guarantee of principal without the actual performance. The Wa ad is totally acceptable Islamic financial instrument if used by its own but status from Amanah based will change to debt security when comingled with other credit enhancements. Whether in the case of the venture is beneficial or not, the borrower (originator) has to pay that this situation can create an injustice. AAOIFI also state in its Sukuk standard that there shouldn t be any axiom that depicts the stipulation of bounding the originator to repay at par or he must pay predetermined and an uninterrupted return erstwhile than negligence is proven. (Hidayat,
  • 47. Thoughts on Austen s Persuasion Faith Bianchi Thomas Edison State College | March 2013 Dr. Christine Hansen One Writer s Vision ENG 393 | Written Assignment 3 April 17, 2013 Admiral Croft who was among the nouveau rich, had the financial means to rent Kellnych from Sir Walter, one of the so called landed gentry. How does Jane Austens treatment of class and social mobility reveal about these men and their women such as Anne Elliot and Mrs. Smith? Which group fares better and why? Class in Persuasion Jane Austen s Persuasion challenges the notion that one s social class determines one s happiness. In the novel there is the upper class, which includes Sir Walter Elliot and his family; the nouveau rich, such as Admiral Croft and Captain Wentworth; and the poor ... Show more content on ... They are often seen arm in arm, enjoying nature or exploring the grounds at Kellynch Hall. Perhaps a somewhat unconventional couple, Admiral Croft allows his wife to take the reins in a carriage (Austen 62) and go with him on his naval journeys. When they visit Bath, they have no shortage of acquaintances who are delighted to see them (Austen 111). Genuinely lovely and loving, the Crofts, though not the main characters in the novel, outshine the others as the picture of true happiness. Anne Elliot, the protagonist, is unlike the rest of her family. While she does not completely disregard social class (for example, in thinking Mrs. Clay below her father and not suitable as a marriage partner), she does not allow class to dictate her acquaintances. At age nineteen, she falls in love with Captain Wentworth. This love does not wax or wane based on the amount of money he possesses. In Bath, Anne renews a schoolgirl friendship with Mrs. Smith, who is now a poor, crippled, helpless widow (Austen 101) that lives in the humble Westgate Buildings. At one point in the novel, Anne passes up spending time with her cousin of royalty, Lady Dalrymple, in order to honor a prior engagement with Mrs. Smith (Austen 103). While life has not been kind to Mrs. Smith, Anne observes that she is not bitter, but content: ...Anne had reason to believe that she had moments only of languor and depression, to hours of occupation and enjoyment. How could it be? She watched observed reflected and
  • 48. Persuasive Essay Friends Pre Test Persuasive Essay Friends is a hit television (tv) show, and has been since 1994 when it first came out. The television show follows the lives of six friends throughout the course of 10 years. Friends is a good tv show despite some people s opinions. The show was at the top of the charts for the years that it ran, and even more after that. The theme song itself was number 1 for 8 weeks, and after that was still within the top numbers (Billboard Staff, 2015). Even though the show is aimed for a mature audience, it captures the qualities a hit tv show needs. Friendsis a good tv show due to the fact that it is a comedy, includes lots of plot twists, and follows one basic storyline. To begin, the genre of Friends is comedy. This is the ideal genre for this show because comedies keep people in a good mood while they watch it. Even on a bad day, a comedy can amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment, (AMC Filmsite, 2017). Also, comedy is one of the most popular choices within adult audiences. 52% of adults watch comedy tv shows, with the only category having a higher percentage being movies at 58% (Scarborough, 2013). As well as, comedy can mean more than one thing. Multiple types of comedy exist, as there are many ways to make someone laugh. Friends does a very good job of touching on many different kinds of comedy. Friends is one of the most popular genres of television, and includes elements that draw people s interest. Not only is Friends a comedy, it includes multiple plot twists. One of these plot twists is when Monica and Chandler start to date. Throughout the show up until this point, Monica spends time to tell Chandler that she is not interested which is especially outlined in an episode set at the beach, where Chandler tries to find any way to make Monica say she d date him. An example of this is that he says Okay, there s an apocalypse and we are the last two people on Earth... and Monica still responds with eh. This is what caused the decision for them to start dating to be a shock to everyone watching. Another plot twist was when Rachel got pregnant. This was clever writing because the show had been more focused on Monica and Chandler at that point, and when the pregnancy test was
  • 49. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Grid Computing This paper gives an overview about Grid Computing and the various key issues related to that.Today we are in the Internet world and everyone prefers to get fast access to the Internet. The growth of the internet with various resources and high speed networks changes the society enormously. We can improve the speed of the computer using Grid. This paper presents clearly the vision of the grid computingand the architecture of grid computing.The advantages and the disadvantages of the grid computing has also been discussed. 1.Introduction The grid vision is the computational power such as resources, power, data are readily available as electric power1.Grid allows the user to use these resources efficiently and securely. Grid computing is an ... Show more content on ... The main services provided through utility grids are software and special equipments. For instance, the applications can be run on one machine and all the users can send their data to be processed to that machine and receive the result back.Grid Computing will not come in reality unless it provides a core of services ,reliability and enough usability1. III. Advantages and Disadvantages There is no need to have large number of SMP servers. It efficiently uses the idle resources. If there is any failure in one grid ,the grid environment automatically uses the other resources. Easy to scalable. Jobs can be executed in parallel and increase the speed of the computation. Grid computing consists of some disadvantages too. Some applications need to be modified in order to use this application in grid computing. The applications which are not designed to use an MPI (Message Passing Interface) will have to revert to an SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing). Grid computing requires an advanced infrastructure like small servers, fast connections between the servers and the use of quality tools, software and skilled technicians to manage the grid.This grid computing is also costly and security issues also need to be
  • 50. Essay on Health and Social Care Level 3 Unit Title: Unit sector reference: Level: Credit value: Guided learning hours: Unit expiry date: Unit accreditation number: Facilitate person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review HSC 3020 Three 6 45 30/04/2015 H/601/8049 Unit purpose and aim This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review. Learning Outcomes The learner will: 1 Understand the principles of person centred assessment and care planning Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support 1.2 Describe ways of supporting ... Show more content on ... This unit is competence based. This means that it is linked to the candidate s ability to competently perform a range of tasks connected with their work. This unit may be assessed using any method, or combination of methods, which clearly demonstrates that the learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been met. This unit requires workplace assessment of occupational competence. Assessment decisions for competence based learning outcomes (eg those beginning with Be able to ) must be made in a real work environment by an occupationally competent assessor. Any knowledge evidence integral to these learning outcomes may be generated outside of the work environment but the final assessment decision must be within the real work environment. Competence based assessment must include direct observation as the main source of evidence. For this unit, learning outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 must be assessed in a real work environment. Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements OCR does not stipulate the mode of delivery for the teaching of the content of this unit. Centres are free to deliver this unit using any mode of delivery that meets the needs of their candidates. Centres should consider the candidates complete learning experience when
  • 51. Kepler Space Telescope Essay Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star outside of our own solar system. However, over the past two decades, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered (Howell, 2015). NASA s Kepler space telescope, in particular, is responsible for most of these discoveries. Since its launch in March 2009, the Kepler space telescope has discovered over a thousand alien planets more than half of all known exoplanets to date (Wall, 2015, para. 1). According to the Planetary Society (n.d.), planets only possess, a fraction of the mass of a star, and as a result the nuclear fusion reaction that makes stars burn does not take place ( Exoplanets , para. 1). Without the burn , these planets are essentially very dark and small compared to stars, which in itself would make... Show more content on ... However, NASA s Kepler space telescope is capable of detecting a planetsized object orbiting a star, from dozens of lightyears away ( Search for Exoplanets , n.d., para. 2).The discoveries made with the Kepler space telescope reveal that most of these solar systems resemble our own ( Extrasolar Planets , para. 2). In fact, the Kepler space telescope has had recent success in discovering Kepler 186f, an Earth sized planet orbiting a star (2015, para. 1). On April 17, 2014, the discovery of Kepler 186f (also known as Earth s cousin ) reveals that the planet orbits a star within the habitable zone . According to NASA (2015), a habitable zone refers to, the range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting planet (para. 1). Bolmont et al. discuss that the extent of this habitable zone naturally depends on the atmospheric conditions, geological activity, and the dynamical environment of the planetary system ( Formation , 2014, para. 5). Given the former, if Kepler 186f has an Earth like atmosphere and some liquid water at its surface, and is of a suitable climate in comparison to Earth, then the planet is likely a habitable environment (Quintana et al., 2014,
  • 52. Identity In Night By Elie Wiesel Sometimes in life we are faced with challenges that threaten our identities. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel his challenge was the holocaust, and every aspect of his identity changed. He lost his faith, his appearance changed dramatically, and his lost his ability to care about things he loved most. Elie starts out in pretty good physical condition but that changes throughout the course of Night. In the book Elie is afraid of failing the second examination after he had been in the work camp so long. (Wiesel pg.71) It s proof his condition must have been worsened because in the beginning he passed with no problem. Him showing this fear proves he was weakened from starvation and the abuse he faced, so he might not be able to work much longer. No work meant the ultimate liberation from the bleak and dismal life that was the concentration camps. In the end of the book after the allied forces liberates Elie he is in a hospital and he looks in the mirror and says a corpse was looking back contemplating me. (wiesel pg 115) It provides the fact the he changed enough that he ... Show more content on ... In the story Elie was whipped savagely by the Kapo, and all he can think about is his father. Later in the new camp Elie s father is giving up on life and Elie tries to make him move. There is an allied air raid and for the first time Elie leave his father.(wiesel pg. 106) This proves he finally gave up on his father. He started off in the story really caring about his father sacrificing his own safety just so he could stay close to him. After his father was struck ill in the new camp he gave up on him. In the story Elie wanted to keep his shoes even if that meant he would get tormented even more. This show he has a very strong will and loves things that give him a glimmer of hope. At the end when his father died he stopped caring and lost all hope in surviving the
  • 53. Communication Management Challenges in Construction... Go Up to Table of Contents| | Go To Chapter 2 (Organizing for Project Management)| The Owners Perspective Introduction The Project Life Cycle Major Types of Construction Selection of Professional Services Construction Contractors Financing of Constructed Facilities Legal and Regulatory Requirements The Changing Environment of the Construction Industry The Role of Project Managers References Footnotes| | | 1. The Owners Perspective 1.1 Introduction Like the five blind men encountering different parts of an elephant, each of the numerous participants in the process of planning, designing, financing, constructing and operating physical facilities has a different ... Show more content on ... From the viewpoint of project management, the terms owner and sponsor are synonymous because both have the ultimate authority to make all important decisions. Since an owner is essentially acquiring a facility on a promise in some form of agreement, it will be wise for any owner to have a clear understanding of the acquisition process in order to maintain firm control of the quality, timeliness and cost of the completed facility. From the perspective of an owner, the project life cycle for a constructed facility may be illustrated schematically in Figure 1 1. Essentially, a project is conceived to meet market demands or needs in a timely fashion. Various possibilities may be considered in the conceptual planning stage, and the technological and economic feasibility of each alternative will be assessed and compared in order to select the best possible project. The financing schemes for the proposed alternatives must also be examined, and the project will be programmed with respect to the timing for its completion and for available cash flows. After the scope of the project is clearly defined, detailed engineering design will provide the blueprint for construction, and the definitive cost estimate will serve as the baseline for cost control. In the procurement and construction stage, the
  • 54. The Legend Of Jack The Ripper England has always been known for their elevated culture and afternoons fit for tea, but in the small town of Whitechapel, London around 1888 this was not the case. Poverty played a big role during this time period and mothers of small families had to prostitutes themselves in order to provide meals for their families. Between August and November of 1888, a notorious murderer rose to the surface, slaughtering at least five women escorts. The legend of Jack the Ripperis one of the most famous, yet unsolved mysteries of English crime. I.Suspected Murder Victims August 31, 1888, was the first killing, Mary Ann Nichols was found dead on the side of a street at four o clock in the morning. She had been dead for approximately 20 minutes, her throat had been slit, her abdomen mutilated with one deep jagged wound, several incisions across the abdomen, and three or four similar cuts on the right side caused by the same knife at least 6 8 inches long used violently and downwards. There seemed to be surprise at the small amount of blood at the crime scene, about enough to fill two large wine glasses, or half a pint at the most (Llewellyn). This comment led to the suspicion that Nichols was not killed where her body was found, but the blood from her wounds had soaked into her clothes and hair, and there was little doubt that she had been killed at the crime scene by a swift slash to the throat. Death would have been instantaneous, and the abdominal injuries, which would have
  • 55. Comparing The Consolidated Statement Of Earning Or Income... The consolidated Statement of Earning or income statement, tells the user about the sales and expensed applied by the Home Deport during the fiscal year. An analysis of income statements shows a company with strong sales figures and the worth of up to $71 billion sales per year. Nevertheless, the one thing that is very noticeable is the substantial drop in sales from to Fiscal 2008 compared to previous years. Home DepotВґs net sales in Fiscal have dropped from 25,997 to 23,990 (in the millions). In addition to the drop in sales, Home Depot had reported higher expenses throughout Fiscal 2008. The statements provides through information that is very helpful throughout the decision making process of the company. For example, upper management may determine that a struggling economy is the possible cause of the decrease in sales and it may not be the best time to introduce any new projects. Also, the company may decide to increase their credit programs for consumers with the intention to increase sales. In general, the company is strong, however the drop in sales and net earnings cannot warrant some cautions until the economy shows signs of improvement and the sales and net earnings continue to drop. The drop in sales and net earnings shows that even the strong companies are affected when the economy is not doing so well. The balance sheet is one of the major and critical financial statements that show the financial position of the company. The balance sheets tell the user of the