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Essay On Technology
Crafting an essay on the broad and multifaceted subject of technology is undeniably
challenging. The difficulty lies not only in the vast scope of the topic but also in the dynamic
nature of technology itself. The landscape of technology is ever-evolving, with constant
advancements, breakthroughs, and paradigm shifts. Attempting to encapsulate this dynamic
essence within the confines of an essay poses a considerable challenge.
Moreover, the sheer breadth of subtopics within the overarching theme of technology makes the
task daunting. From artificial intelligence and robotics to the ethical implications of
biotechnology, the writer is confronted with the challenge of navigating a vast sea of
information. Balancing depth and breadth becomes a delicate act, as delving too deep into one
aspect risks neglecting others equally important.
Furthermore, the rapid pace of technological progress demands an up-to-date understanding of
the subject matter. What might be cutting-edge today could become outdated tomorrow,
requiring constant research and vigilance to maintain relevance. This necessitates a commitment
to staying abreast of the latest developments, adding an extra layer of complexity to the essay-
writing process.
In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of technology introduces another layer of complexity.
Technology is not a standalone entity but intersects with fields such as ethics, sociology,
economics, and more. Integrating these diverse perspectives into a cohesive narrative requires a
nuanced approach and a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of different
Despite these challenges, writing an essay on technology also presents an exciting opportunity. It
allows the writer to explore the transformative power of technology, its impact on society, and
the ethical considerations that accompany innovation. Navigating through these challenges
requires not only research and analytical skills but also a keen sense of curiosity and adaptability.
In conclusion, while the difficulty of writing an essay on technology is undeniable, it is precisely
this complexity that makes the endeavor intellectually stimulating. The process involves a
continuous quest for understanding, a willingness to grapple with diverse perspectives, and an
acknowledgment of the ever-changing nature of technology.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer a range of services. Whether it's refining your essay on technology or
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Essay On TechnologyEssay On Technology
What Is The Conflict In Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen reasons why essay
In thirteen reasons why by Jay Asher, there are many types of internal and external
conflicts in the two separate narrators of the books life. In Hannah, it is not only
Hannah against Hannah but Hannah against everyone else she describes on her
tapes, but there is also clay against his emotions as he finds the tapes and wonders
why Hannah killed herself and as he learns about her he realizes more about her life.
The conflict of Hannah against herself is told by her in the thirteen tapes as she
explains why she killed herself. Despite her conflict with everyone else, she is
constantly reminded about her conflict with herself and her own emotions which are
something she struggles with through the book as [she] wish[es] [she] ... Show more
content on ...
Clay becomes conflicted about how he was one of the reasons for her death. In her
opening takes she announces that if [you are] listening to these tapes, [you are]
one of the reasons why. Clay becomes confused with his emotions as he wonders
how he was one of the reasons for her death. Clay had barely even talked to Hannah
they only talked once or twice but somehow he was blamed for her death. He
continues to wonder about how he could have done something even though [they]
never had the chance to get closer. And not once did [he] take [Hannah] for granted.
Even though they had never talked through the tapes he made a connection with
Hannah, he wished he had become closer to her and maybe could have saved her
life. Therefore when Clay becomes confused by his emotions he tries to blame others
for her death instead of himself. He is convinced that [he does not] belong on those
tapes... she wanted an excuse to kill herself. Clays conditions cause him to form an
obsession over Hannah s life and why clay is one of the people she
Western Region Research Paper
The Western Region
What interesting facts did you learn about today?
#1 Bridget
The west region has many different geographical features.
The Rocky Mountains are a big part of tourist attractions economy in the West.
The Colorado River is the main body of water in the West.
Before tourist attraction people would come panning for gold!
Many deserted towns are still there and they call them ghost towns.
Mining is still is a really big part of economy in the West especially copper.
The flatland of Idaho produce the most potatoes that any other state.
Most of the cattle there are used for meat and not dairy.
Indians still live in The West and keep up their heritage.
Canyons are everywhere in this region.
The Great Basin contains some of the driest ... Show more content on
Agriculture and mining are what the west is also known for.
Tourism is important to the west
#21 Wynn
Wyoming has a lot of sheep and cows.
#22 Jess
The Rocky Mountains stretch from Canada to Mexico.
The Colorado river has formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years.
Nevada produces the most gold and silver in the U.S. today.
Idaho grows more potatoes than any other state.
The West Region is the least populated region in the U.S.
#23 John
#24 Mr. Jarosz
After writing and interesting fact, hit return to get a new bullet
Critical Success Factors Analysis Of Toyota
Critical Success Factors Analysis
1)Market Share 0.25
The importance of market share is that they dominate the industry. It means that
people are patronizing their cars for such reasons as quality, price and services.
Rating: 3
Toyota has the highest market share since they top the sales last year, and their sales
has been continuously growing and its rate is 65.6%. They deserve a rating of 4 for
being the dominating company in the automobile industry with them on the spot of
having 40% of market share. MITSUBISHI
Rating: 2
Mitsubishi is the next to top in the market share, having 24% of market share
according to last year s YTD sales data from the Chamber of Automotive
Manufacturers in the Philippines. (CAMMPI)
Rating: ... Show more content on ...
5)Distribution Channels 0.15
Distribution channels play an important role towards successful sales of automobiles
since cars are not sold directly to customers. Companies rely more on dealerships for
them to showcase their products.
Rating: 4
Toyota has a vast distribution network. They have more than 50 manufacturing plants
and 27 countries and regions beside their mother country, Japan. In the Philippines
alone, they have a manufacturing plant in Sta. Rosa Laguna.
Rating: 3
For the current marketing strategies of Mitsubishi, they are still into expansion of
their market. According to their President and CEO Hikosaburo Shibata, Mitsubishi
is planning to strengthen their brand most especially that the ASEAN integration is
coming. However, they are facing sales and production volume difficulties which
Toyota rarely encounters.
Rating: 2
Honda is still in search of effective distribution channels in the country. Honda is in
need of dealerships, for Toyota dominates the dealership sector. However, they have
almost 50 branches around the country in which they have put up in
Biography of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury
The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury was pre eminently a figure of Victorian England,
and therefore needs to be understood within the historical context of his times. This
includes what is, perhaps, the most salient motivating factor in Shaftesbury s great
accomplishments in social reform and philanthropy his religion. Christianityin
Victorian England was, above all else, Christianity in crisis. Those with a shallow
sense of history will generally point to the publication of Darwin s Origin of
Species in 1859 as if that were enough to sum up the crisis of Christianity in this
time period but in reality there were massive social changes taking place in England
during this time. After all, it was before Darwin that the Victorian poet and social
critic Matthew Arnold wrote his famous poetic complaint about the decline of belief
in England, Dover Beach :
The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl d.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar... (Arnold 214)
In Shaftesbury s lifetime, Christianity s social message was particularly endangered.
The Industrial Revolution had begun in the period immediately preceding the
Victorian era, and continued with remorseless rapidity throughout the Victorian
period: this had led to massive inequalities of wealth, combined with the total erosion
of traditional ways of life in the rural period, causing the displaced poor to move to
cities. Shaftesbury s
Irish Dance Throughout The 16th And 17th Century
There are many references to group or social dances performed in Ireland throughout
the 16th and 17th centuries. However, most accounts were written by visiting English
historians who were concerned with the social and economic conditions of the
country rather than the dancing itself. They inform us that group or country dances
were performed by the Irish at social gatherings including weddings, fairs and
holidays. These would have been simple dances which almost anyone could have
joined and indeed they were not distinctly Irish but rather dances that were common
throughout western Europe.
In the early 1700s the Travelling Dance Master appeared on the scene in Ireland and
he made a major contribution to the dancing as we know it today. ... Show more
content on ...
This gradual change was due to the increase in contact with overseas teachers and
special exams were set up to facilitate this development, the first of which were held
in England (1969) North America (1967) and Australia (1969).
There are now more than 1800 teachers, adjudicators and examiners around the world
working in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA,
Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Kenya, Holland, Belgium, France,
Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Norway, the United
Arab Emirates and Asia.
Today, the two largest international competitions, the All Ireland Championships
(established in the 1940s) and the World Championships (1970) are very much seen
as a celebration of the Celtic heritage that connects the peoples of the world as well
as being a showcase for all that is uniquely special about Irish Dance.
Thanks to the extraordinary success of shows such as Lord of the Dance, Feet of
Flames, Celtic Tiger and Riverdance, interest in Irish Dance is flourishing; it is
estimated that more than 250,000 people regularly attend lessons in Irish Dancing,
whether step dancing (performed by individuals) or team dancing (both traditional
ceili and modern
Literary Analysis Of Aftermath On Blackboard By
This poem was interesting because it so short and everyone can relate to it. The
speaker of this poem eats the plums someone else was saving. The speaker never
says who he/she was talking to, which makes me question who the speaker was
talking to. He/she could be talking to his/her spouse, significant other, friend, etc.
Also the plums could be a metaphor, sweet, delicious, fresh, for sexual activity,
temptation, or love.
Aftermath on Blackboard
This poem is about how bare the land is after it being harvest, hence the title
Aftermath. Longfellow wrote this poem focusing on nature and the changing of the
seasons, summer to winter. He describes summer as having sweet, new grass with
flowers while the winter has tangled tufts from marsh.
Grass on Blackboard This poem is about how nature, grass growing, has to restore
itself and cover up the destruction that the humans left. The speaker lists the
battlefields to show how nature covers up a disaster the humans made. Humans
usually forget that the battles actually happen and they end up forgetting about it,
then it keeps happening after that.
Upon Julia s Clothes on Blackboard This poem describes how Julia has fancy taste
in clothes and how the speaker likes how Julia looks in them. The reader learns
nothing about Julia, including what she is wearing. The only thing readers know
about Julia is how she looks in silk, describing how it flows , its liquefaction , its
vibration, and its glittering.
Anyone Lived in a
Essay on The Defense Mechanism
Defense mechanism, in psychoanalysis, any of a variety of unconscious personality
reactions which the ego uses to protect the conscious mind from threatening feelings
and perceptions. Sigmund Freud first used defense as a psychoanalytic term (1894),
but he did not break the notion into categories, viewing it as a singular phenomenon
of repression. His daughter, Anna Freud, expanded on his theories in the 1930s,
distinguishingsome of the major defense mechanismsrecognized today. Primary
defense mechanisms include repression and denial, which serve to prevent
unacceptable ideas or impulses from entering the conscience. Secondary defense
mechanisms generally appearing as an outgrowth of the primary defense mechanisms
include projection,... Show more content on ...
The defenses can also give us insight into our own mental processes sometimes
mental gymnastics or contortions. All defenses involve distortions of reality; they
are ways of feeling better by fooling ourselves. If we realized these defenses in our
lives, we might handle reality better. Almost all adjustment books mention these
defense mechanisms, even the writers who are arrogantly critical of Freud. An
excellent text about Sigmund and Anna Freud and the ego defenses is by Christopher
Monte (1980).
Repression: shoving thoughts and urges that are unacceptable or distressing into
our unconscious. This is what happens to the unacceptable urges of childhood the
ego represses them. Taboo ideas, like incest, would probably never get into
consciousness or, if they got there, they d be quickly repressed. Sometimes dreams
or slips of the tongue or attempts at humor reveal our unconscious motives. For
example, if a teacher ridiculed you in class, you might dream he/she had a horrible
auto accident. Or, trying hard to say something nice to the teacher a few days later,
you comment after class, each of your lectures seems better than the next. Or, if you
were unfortunate enough to be asked to introduce your former teacher at a
symposium and said, I d like to prevent huh I mean present Dr.___, some might guess
the truth. All these speculations about repressed feelings are just guesses.
Repression must be distinguished from
The Oath Of The Horatii By Jacques Louis David
The Oath of the Horatii is a historical oil painting by the French artist Jacques Louis
David. Painted in 1784, the piece depicts a Roman legend about settling a dispute
between the nations of Rome and Alba. Instead of succumbing to the possibility of
war, a family from each of the nations was selected to battle out the conflict on a
much smaller scale. These two families were the Horatii (Rome) and the Curatii
(Alba). This paintingdepicts the Horatii family, specifically the three brothers, who
are receiving the swords they are meant to use for the battle. Many of the figures in
the painting show clear distress, but this is not simply because of the dangers
involved in this fight. A closer look into the context of the legend reveals that the
Horatii and Curatii families are joined through marriage. This makes the coming
battle all the more pivotal in the sense that these families must choose between their
duty to Rome and their familial ties.... Show more content on ...
The brothers all hold very strong, powerful stances, the vertical lines of their arms
extended toward the swords, which appear to be the focal point of the piece. The
women mourning in the background are there to remind the viewer that this painting
depicts a great sacrifice. Without their presence, it would be easy to interpret the
painting as one without consequence. The three arches in the background seem to
correlate to the three Horatii brothers as well, perhaps signifying the strength and
integrity needed to support a house or in this case, a mourning family and the entirety
The Leadership and Government of North Korea
In North Korea there are approximately 24 million or more residents. North Korean
believe that their leaders are saints. Kim Jong II was labeled as heaven sent by
propagandists. They are suppressed by their country and are instilled in the Juche
Ideology. About 154,000 North Koreans are in prison camps, there are six camps
surrounded by electrical barbed wire. If you do something that the North Korean
government believe is against them, your whole family will serve your punishment
with you. In the camps the daily struggles are torture, slave labor, malnutrition and
public execution. Approximately forty percent of prisoners die of malnutrition. The
internet is unattainable with access only by granted by the government. Reporters
that traveled to North Koreahad to turn in their mobile phones at the border. The
internet is unattainable with access only granted by the government. Items such as
a ballpoint pen are considered luxury items to North Koreans. Men don t know that
women menstruate or what it even means until they reach their mid twenties.
Marriage is only allowed with in your social class, which is determined by birth.
North Koreans do not have much under the totalitarian system. There is no free
time and even if they did have free time there is nothing to do for them to enjoy.
Girls are not allowed to ride a bicycle, it is considered lascivious. Kim II Sung
implemented women s right to work, rights of free marriage and divorce and rights
of sharing properties
Reasons The Trials Of Witch Trials
Were people accused of witchcraft given fair trials? In my opinion, they were not.
Based on the information gathered from the three documents, many of the men
and women accused of witchcraft were doomed before the trial even took place.
There are many reasons as to why the trials were unfair before they even started.
First, a big reason why the trials were so unfair was because of the church. They
could use their influence on society to decide who has jurisdiction over certain
areas, giving inquisitors legal power over areas they may not have otherwise had.
Another reason the trials were unfair is the suspected party did not really get to
defend themselves, and even if they tried to, they could be found guilty anyway.
However, the biggest reason I think the trials were unfair was because of the Malleus
Maleficarum, where it mentions torture of prisoners with the intention of getting
confessions. The Papal Bull of 1484 was important because it shows that Pope
Innocent VIIInot only openly acknowledged witchcraftas a threat, but also gives
encouragement to witch hunts. Desiring with supreme ardor, as pastoral solicitude
requires, that the catholic faith in our days everywhere grow and flourish as much
as possible, and that all heretical depravity be put far from the territories of the
faithful, we freely declare and a new decree this by which our pious desire may be
fulfilled, and, all errors being rooted out by our toil as with the hoe of a wise laborer,
zeal and
Symptoms And Treatment Of Delirium
Delirium is an acute change in brain function that can be accompanied by inattention
and either a change in cognition or perceptual disturbances (Allen and Alexander,
2012). Delirium in critical care patients is very common, it actually occurs in 2 out of
3 intensive care patients who are on a ventilator, but often goes undetected because
deliriummonitoring is considered too time consuming or unreliable (Reade and
Finfer, 2014). Intensive care unit (ICU) patients that have delirium spend more days
on a ventilator, remain on sedation longer, have increased chance for infections, have
longer hospitalstays, and higher mortality rates during their hospital admission and in
the 6 months after.
According to Eastwood, Peck, Bellomo, Baldwin, and Reade (2012), most of these
patients are also left with permanent cognitive problems that they struggle with for
years. Not only does delirium cause more issues with the patients, it can cost the
hospital more money due to increased length of stay, hospital acquired infections such
as pneumonia, and re admissions. Studies have shown that using the confusion
assessment method (CAM) every shift, and performing the assessment correctly, can
help detect delirium in ICU patients earlier. When delirium is caught early the
healthcare team can initiate interventions to decrease the severity of delirium and
work towards better outcomes for the patient.
Identified Current Practice Issue
ICU patients are not being assessed for delirium every
Futures Contract and Commodity Exchange
COMMODITY MARKET [pic] INDEX |Chapter No |Topic |Page No. | |1
|Introduction to Commodity Market |04 | |2 |History of Evolution of Commodity
Markets |08 | |3 |India and the Commodity Market |10 | |4 |International Commodity
Exchanges |15 | |5... Show more content on ...
This can especially noticed in agricultural commodities where the weather plays a
major role in affecting the fortunes of people involved in this industry. The futures
market has evolved to neutralize such risks through a mechanism; namely hedging.
The objectives of Commodity futures: Hedging with the objective of transferring risk
related to the possession of physical assets through any adverse moments in price.
Liquidity and Price discovery to ensure base minimum volume in trading of a
commodity through market information and demand supply factors that facilitates a
regular and authentic price discovery mechanism. Maintaining buffer stock and better
allocation of resources as it augments reduction in inventory requirement and thus the
exposure to risks related with price fluctuation declines. Resources can thus be
diversified for investments. Price stabilization along with balancing demand and
supply position. Futures trading leads to predictability in assessing the domestic
prices, which maintains stability, thus safeguarding against any short term adverse
price movements. Liquidity in Contracts of the commodities traded also ensures in
maintaining the equilibrium between demand and supply. Flexibility, certainty and
transparency in purchasing commodities facilitate bank financing. Predictability in
prices of commodity would lead to stability, which in turn would eliminate the risks
associated with running the
The Impacts of Technology on Music Recording Industry
The Impacts of Technology on
Music Recording Industry and Society
TV has restored the daily life of family, Photography has altered the way we look at
the world, the computer has changed everything. (Mark Katz, 2010)
It is true the computer has converted everything into digital. Digital technology has
also changed the ways of sound and voice recording. It has gradually led to the
changes not only in the production of sound but also in the views of society, precisely
consumers and producers. Since the 70 s, the computer, music and audio industries
have influenced on one another. Nowadays, many people use different digital sound
recording equipment and sound recording software to transform ... Show more content
on ...
Signing to a record label and a contract, the artists have transferred ownership of
copyrights to the producers and fans could only buy pre recorded music with labels.
However, the new digital music industry has now the abundance of obstacles for
artists and music fans. With the launch of streaming services for high speed Net
access in the smart phones and tablets, the only remaining piece of the old industry
s music network is AM/FM radio in cars but sooner or later, this final change will
also make it collapsed.
The Role of Digital Technology in Contemporary Era * Consumers Views on
Digital Technology Over two decades, digital technology introduced by the
computer industry has made outside influences on recording practice changed
drastically. The Internet also provided a new way to distribute music with new
formats such as mp3, mpeg, and wav; and this led to the rise of the P2P (peer to
peer) file sharing technology. According to Persson (2006), music consumers are
not only the major supporters of recordings, but also of other technical products,
supporting changes in playback equipment and home recording technologies. Music
fans do not need labels, retail stores and media outlets any more, to listen to pre
recorded music before buying it. Public has access to all music and makes their own
decisions to select and buy the songs they like. Therefore, more people are now
engaging and
Land Of Sunshine State Of Dreams By Gary Mormino
Florida has always been a beautiful state aligned with unique natural wonders which
has made it a location of wonder within the U.S. Even with Florida s majestic natural
appeal the state in its territorial years struggled with its public image as Indian
attacks were common place in the region along with yellow fever and environmental
phenomena such as hurricanes. Following in the end of the Seminole and the Civil
war Floridabegan to search for a new identity and sense of prosperity in the face of
massive changes to its economy and societal structure. With the advent of new
technologies, the borders of Florida for the first time were opened to larger
encompassing audience of visitors from all over the country who came to marvel at
the natural landscapeand relax in the temperate weather. Gary Mormino author of
Land of Sunshine State of Dreams described in his book the factors and obstacles
which challenged and ultimately propelled Florida to experience monumental growth
in the 20th century. From the rapid use of automobiles to the creation of the magic
Kingdom Florida has numerous factors to acknowledge when recognizing its recent
success in America. While Gary Mormino book makes no effort to shy away from
the less favorable aspects Florida history including the financial struggles of the early
nineties, his book is clearly portraying an optimistic tone which echoes the glories of
Florida s past and future.
Entering the 20th century Florida was amidst an identity crisis in
Act 1 Scene 7 of William Shakespeare s Macbeth Essay
Act 1 Scene 7 of William Shakespeare s Macbeth
Introduction ============
Act 1 scene 7 is very important in the whole of the play because the string of
murders started here, and what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth wanted to do was
accomplished. This was the scene in which Macbeth became King and the original
King (King Duncan) was murdered. Before this scene what had happened was that
King Duncan came to Macbeth s castle and there was a great banquet. Lady
Macbeth had played a part of a man instead of Macbeth because Macbeth was
worried about the murder that he was going to commit. This scene was the most
dramatic out of all the scenes because Macbeth had/was going to kill King Duncan. ...
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He ends his soliloquy by stating that only vaulting ambition makes him consider
the evil deed; he has no complaint against the king, which makes the murder seem
doubly vile to him. He is obviously vacillating between good and evil. The audience
would react differently to how Macbeth is like now because in this scene he is not
represented as a power hungry and heartless butcher, and this is because he says that
he doesn t want to murder Duncan but is forced into it. The audience don t know
quite how to react because sometimes Macbeth is evil but sometimes he is good. The
motivation behind Macbeth s words and actions is that he doesn t want to murder the
king because he feels that he hasn t any complaint against the king so the murder will
be pointless.
The Character of Lady Macbeth
In this scene lady Macbeth is angry and is insulting and we know this because she
says things like: Was the hope drunk / Wherein you dress d yourself? Hath it slept
since? and she also says that if he s going to go back on his word, he doesn t really
love her, and he s a coward, no better than the poor cat i the adage, who wants a fish,
but doesn t want to get its feet wet. Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth:
I have given suck, and know How tender tis to love the babe that milks me: I would,
while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck d my
World Series Research Paper
The World Series is a big event that happens in MLB every year at the end of the
season to see who is the best team in the MLB. The World Series began in the year
of 1903 and it has been going on until present time. The New York Yankees were a
great team throughout the 1998 season. They had a great winning record the a
MLB team could ever have; going with a record of 114 wins and 46 six loses in the
regular season. In 1998, the New York Yankees
and the San Diego Padres had met at
the World Series. it was said that the Yanks were having a great spring training.
During spring training, the Yankee s coach George Steinbrenner ask if anyone in the
Mlb had ever gone undefeated in the game of baseball. But that was only in the
regular season.Through... Show more content on ...
David Wells, better known as The Boomer took the hill for the home team against
Kevin Brown and company. When the New York scored two runs during the
second inning, San Diego kept up with two runs of their own in the third. Brown was
finally replaced by Donne Wall, who was replaced by Mark Langston who was
replaced by Brian Boehringer who was sadly replaced by Randy Myers. However, no
reliever from the Padres could match with the Yankees starter jeff Nelson and their
reliever Mariano Rivera, who had closed the game on the Padres 9 to 6.
As you can see that year was a great year for the New York Yankees. As they won
the World Series in the year of 1998 on my birth year. Even though they won it easily
they had to go through a lot of practice and training. They went through tough teams.
Even though the had gone through tough times and good times the team had to put in
time and effort and that is how history is
Pollution And Redemption In Dracula, By Anne Mcwhir
Pollution and Redemption in Dracula, written by Anne McWhir, a Professor
Emerita at the University of Calgary, analyzes the complex relationships between
characters of Bram Stoker s, Dracula. McWhir acknowledges seemingly opposing
themes within Dracula, Dracula is remarkable for its blurring and confusion of
categories. Modem and primitive, civilized and savage, science and myth are
confused; so too are other categories good and evil, clean and unclean, life and death
(31). She explains the purpose of hunting Count Draculais to restore the characters,
giving them a chance at redemption, The pollution or dangerous power that
disappears at the end of Dracula means that the characters can return to a world of
clear categories and... Show more content on ...
Dracula is a proud of his lineage. His blood is noble among gypies (criminals) but
when placed in comparison to the elite of England, he is considered primitive,
...Dracula s criminality dominates over his noble blood: science assimilates him to a
lower type, associating him with animals and inferior human groups (McWhir 34).
By the end of Dracula, the younger characters return to clear and defined statuses;
Lucy is at peace in her true death, Dr. Seward and Holmwood (Godalming) are
married to other women, Mina and Mr. Harker have been ushered into adulthood by
becoming parents. They decided to name their child, Quincey (McWhir 35). McWhir
explains, Quincey Morris, wounded in the act of destroying Dracula, dies a hero s
death, reminding us that the dangers have not been mere dreams and mad fantasies
and showing us through his central role in a ritual of purification that blood is
substance as well as symbol (35).
The defined social categories that the characters wish to achieve can only be
possessed by recognizing their opposing forces. Anne McWhir concludes that the
road to purification for Mina requires a blood sacrifice, sanity cannot exist without
recognizing madness, and the danger of and dependence on foreigners (Dracula and
Beat Shazam Research Paper
In a few notes, who can identify a song? Beat Shazam, a new game show on FOX,
answers this question in front of a live studio audience with a few lucky
contestants walking away with cash. This week the show continues with special
guest MC Hammer joining the fun. Watching the show, it s pretty obvious that
some folks have a soul that absorbs music. Excited to be on stage and willing to
push the limits, the contestants seem to really embrace the beats and come up
with the necessary answers. At home, viewers watch (and yes, we yell the answers
at the TV too) as the correct response are revealed. This show is mind blowing and
it just keeps getting better. Based on the popular app Shazam, the show Beat
Shazam offers a human approach to what computers can do in seconds. The idea
of identifying millions of songs in a matter of seconds is mindblowing. Compare
this knowledge to a single person and humanity quickly realizes how lucky we are
to be living in 2017. It s hard to remember thousands of artists and titles from
decades of music as there is already so much to remember in our day to day lives. For
fans of the app, it s the perfect tool when trying to find a name of new band or catch
a song title from released hit from an artist... Show more content on ...
Tossing away the canned feeling, Foxx has found an amazing balance to produce a
high energy show that makes you want to watch more. Adding MC Hammer to the
mix this week is a big boost for music lovers. Yes, it s Hammer time! Here s to
hoping talented artist might open up his private playlist to share what he loves to
listen to when relaxing at home. Since there are no other game shows currently on
TV offering so much excitement, we got to borrow MC Hammer s slogan to
describe just how fun Beat Shazam this season: U Can t Touch
Biblical Archetypes In A Separate Peace By John Knowles
In the book A Separate Peace by John Knowles there are several biblical archetypes.
These biblical archetypes give the reader an insight into the deeper meaning of the
text. This adds a greater significance to the story, and gives the reader a greater
understanding. Some examples of these biblical archetypes are the garden of Eden,
baptism, and Judas and Jesus. The garden of Eden is a paradise, in which there is the
tree of the knowledge of good in evil. Adam and Eveboth live in Eden, and God tells
them not to eat the apples that grow on the tree. In the beginning, Adamand Eve are
innocent, but Eve is persuaded to eat an apple form the tree by a serpent, and Eve
convinces Adam to eat the fruit too. This causes them both to gain knowledge and
lose their innocence, this is known as the fall of man. Next, baptism is a ritual of
sprinkling water onto a person s forehead, or immersing them in water. This is
supposed to purify the person getting baptized. It is also used for regeneration.
Baptism s are also used to initiate or admit someone into a church. Finally, Judas
was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, but he ended up betraying Jesus. While
Jesus was pure and innocent, Judas was immoral and not innocent, and betrayed
someone who he pretended was his friend. The connection between these stories and
the book give the reader a better understanding of the book. The biblical archetypes
in A Separate Peace include the garden of Eden, baptism, and Judas and Jesus.
In the
Argumentative Essay About Kobe Bryant
As it stands today, Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player to have ever played
the game. Some argue that Michael Jordan was better, but he was not. Some argue
that Lebron James is better, but he is not. To compare him to the men who played
the center position is a waste of time. Obviously Shaquille O Neal, Wilt
Chamberlain, and Kareem Abdul Jabbar were more dominant. They were freaks of
nature. What Kobe had that set him apart from everyone else was a skill set and
mentality that is unmatched. Kobe is the best player first and foremost because he
was a Los Angeles Laker for twenty years. Some may say that my bias towards
Kobe as a Laker fan discredits my argument, but it does not. First, a list of his
accomplishments. Kobe was drafted out of highschool at the age of seventeen,
broke into the league by winning the Slam Dunk contest in his rookie season, and
by age of twenty five he was a three time world champion. He was the youngest
person to be named a NBA All Star at the age of nineteen. The combination of his
talents with the talents of Shaquille O Neal was the greatest one two punch of all
time. That is an objective fact. Shaq himself has even admitted that had the duo
stayed together after the 2004 season, they most certainly would have gone on to
win additional world championships, but Kobe didn t need Shaq. When it was all
said and done, Kobe ended up with five rings to his name to O Neals four all five
with the Lakers I might add. I won t lie, Kobe s days in
Catherine The Great Biography
Catherine the Great, was born on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin,
Poland), and became the Russian empress in 1762. During her reign, Russia
expanded its borders, made many political reforms, increased the religious toleration,
and modernized exponentially, earning her the title of Enlightened Despot. She died
on November 17, 1796 in Tsarskoye Selo, or what is now Pushkin.
Catherine, started out as a minor German princess. Her birth name was Sophie
Friederike Auguste, and she grew up in Stettin in a small feudal state called Anhalt
Zebst. Her father, Christian August, was a prince of these insignificant holdings, but
he gained fame for his military service. He served as a general for Frederick William
of Prussia. Princess Johanna ... Show more content on ...
No finalized laws or reforms came out of the commission, but it was the first time
that Russians from across the empire were able to express their thoughts about the
country s needs and problems. Ultimately, the Nakaz became more known for its
ideas and as a point towards Catherine s ideals and progressive thoughts, rather than
its actual influence on the country s standing.
A skeptic religiously, Catherine tried to diminish the power of the Orthodox Church.
She had given them the land peter had taken back, but she soon changed her mind.
Catherine declared that the church s wealth would belong to the state. To that end,
she made the church part of the state, and therefor all of its holdings, including more
than one million serfs.
At the time of Catherine s coup, Russia was viewed as underdeveloped and covered
in rural farms by many in Europe. She tried to change this negative opinion through
expanding and upgrading the country s educational systems and artist export.
Catherine owned a boarding school established for girls from affluent families in St.
Petersburg, and later called for free schools to be an accessible opportunity for
children in towns all across
Imagery In Dystopian Novels
Dystopian novels have been written throughout history to show possible futures in
which humans suffer from oppressive governments. All of these novels show what
will happen if humanity continues to make certain choices. Dystopian novels affect
the choices of everyone who reads them because they don t want their children and
grandchildren to live under oppression. These sources, by Henley, Mandela, and
Wiesel, use imagery to create dystopian like futures and real life examples of what a
dystopian future would look like to warn us of these futures and show how dystopian
novels are important. The use of imagery to create dystopian like futures is used to
show how dystopian novels are important and warn us about the future. William
Ernest Henley, in his poem Invictus, says In the fell clutch of... Show more content on ...
That there will be suffering and pain for everyone living in that future and that,
beyond that future, lies more horrors. This gives us an idea that the future is not
something we should look forward to and should work to avoid at all costs in
order to protect those who will come after us. This poem gives us the precognition
to make choices that will stop such a future from coming about. The use of real life
examples of what a dystopian future would look like is used to show how
dystopian novels are important and warn us about the future. In source C, Nelson
Mandela warns us of the future and shows us how dystopian novels are important
by using real life examples of what a dystopian novel would look like. Mandela, in
his speech, says, Our future, and the future of our children, is being made now... May
all of us commit ourselves to the future. Mandela lived through the apartheid regime
in South Africa, a time of heavy racial segregation and discrimination. The
How I Lost The Junior Miss Pageant Short Story
In the story, How I Lost the Junior Miss Pageant by Cindy Bosley, the narrator tells
her story about how she lost the Junior Miss Pageant. She takes us on a journey
about how she watched pageants and rated the females as if she was the judge and
how she got into the pageant and practiced. She told us about her and her mother s
struggles with money, men and ultimately how she lost the pageant. She went even
further after the pageant was over, to tell the reader how disappointed her mother
was because she did not win and her mother s ultimate sorrow, her loneliness. This
descriptive narrative allowed me to understand the text s main point: being accepted
by others.
The mother definitely wanted people s acceptance because of her weight was ... Show
more content on ...
She did the pageant to get her mother s acceptance for one. Her mother always had
put her down, After my mother s never subtle hints that if I d just lose 20 pounds
boys would like me and I might even win a beauty contest (Mauk Metz, 2016, pg. 34).
Throughout reading the story, I felt the mother and daughter always had a problem
with people accepting them for who they were. The theme about wanting people to
accept you is a hard one to talk about because I feel that everyone wants to feel
accepted. Some people want that to happen without them changing themselves and
some people will change themselves if it means that they re with the rest.
Acceptance is what the mother really wants because she s always had problems
with men and it hurt that her husband left her for an even heavier woman. The
daughter, on the other hand, still wants people to accept her, but she s come to
terms with reality that she ll never be the lucky one, I d lost this contest at birth...I d
lost the contest in borrowed shoes and an out of date dress...I d lost the contest with
the engagement ring on my seventeen year old finger (Mauk Metz, 2016, pg. 36).
The novel, How I Lost the Junior Miss Pageant taught the devastating effects of
what can happen once you need someone else s approval of yourself. The mother
and daughter were both transparent people that wanted a way out from never being
seen. When you live your life by training yourself or
How Did Henry Viii Influence The Government Of The
The reign of the Tudor family is prominent for many occurrences with two
monarchs standing out Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. But the 118 years of Tudor
England have a great deal to thank Henry VII (also known as Henry Tudor) as he
got them off to a stable and powerful start (history learning site). He is mostly
notable for ending the dynastic wars known as the Wars of the Roses and founded
the House of Tudors.
Henry VII was born in England at a time when it was divided by a civil war known
as The War of the Roses. The War of the Roses was fought between supporters of
two rival branches of the Royal House of Plantagenet. King Edward III of England
(House of Plantagenet) had many sons. John of Gaunt, his third son, became the 1st
Duke of Lancaster (House of Lancaster) and Edmund of Langley, his fourth son,
became the 1st Duke of York (House of York). The conflict stems... Show more
content on ...
Morton s Fork , named after John Morton, was a method of ensuring that nobles paid
Yanez !4 taxes(The Columbia Encyclopedia). Those nobles who spent little must
have saved much, which meant they could afford the tax. Henry strengthened the
government and his own power, at the expense of the nobles. The English monarchy
had never been one of the wealthiest of Europe and even more so after the War of the
Roses. Through his monetary strategy, Henry managed to steadily accumulate wealth
during his reign, so that by the time he died, he left a considerable fortune to his son,
Henry VIII(Gordon, Marsden).
Henry VII was clearly a successful king. He had several goals that he had
accomplished by the end of his reign. He had established a new dynasty after 30
years of struggle, he had strengthened the judicial system as well as the treasury and
had successfully denied all the other claimants to his throne(Francis, Bacon). The
monarchy that he left to his son was a fairly secure one and most definitely a wealthy
College Campus Food Is The Most Important For Students
College campus food is the most important for students but overlooked and ignored
by the college campus. Lone Star College holds the key to obtain performing, and
concentrated students in a classroom; the key is the best choices of food for
Breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but
provides students with the energy and nutrients that lead to increase the
concentration in a classroom, also helps to control a healthy body weight. Having
a good lunch is important because it gives students the energy to stay alert and
aware in the classroom. Lone Star College provides both Breakfast and also lunch
but what they provide is disappointing decisions for their students. Lone Star
College provides unhealthy food choices, expensive food choices, it is
understaffed, the quality of food is disappointing and the location to purchase food
is horrible. The effect of lunch and breakfast are so important and should not be
ignored especially by a college. Lone star college Fresh of the grill food choices
consist of single or double cheeseburgers, chicken fried steak, chili cheese nachos,
chicken sandwich, grilled chicken sandwich, Frito pie and a single potato. All
eight choices and only two are healthy for you, could it be because it is easy and
quick to make or because they sell more of that than stem vegetables off the grill?
Possibly not quicker to make since Lone Star College offers a grab and go menu
which consist of Chicken tenders. Chicken
Lethal Injection
Lethal injection is now almost the main method of execution in the US, with all but
one of the 39 executions carried out during 2013 being by this method. Deadly
injection changes from state to state.Normally, the prisoner is strapped to a gurney
or a fixed execution table, rather than an operating room table by leather or webbing
straps over the body and legs. All the chemicals used in the USA are standard medical
drugs. Sodium thiopental is an ultra short acting barbiturate which was used widely
as an anaesthetic and causes unconsciousness very quickly if injected into a vein.
Capital punishmentis supposed to serve the purposes of social defense and
retribution. The argument that it deters or incapacitates dangerous offenders was not
conclusively supported, and analysis of data herein failed to provide solid evidence
for the death penalty as a mechanism of social defense. (Sorensen Pilgrim,2006 ,
p.159)... Show more content on ...
Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should deadly injection ever be
held to be (going against something in the Constitution), for this type of execution
the person usually is shaved and strapped to a chair with belts that cross his/her
chest, groin, legs, and arms. A metal skullcap shaped electrode is attached to the
scalp and forehead over a sponge moistened with salt water.Even without any
trouble, death (by electricity)s are anything but quick and painless. (as a result) most
states with death penalty laws have switched to deadly injection. Only Alabama,
Georgia and Nebraska still employ the old (and useless) and terrible and scary
method of death (by
Swot Analysis on Dating Organisations Essay
Appendix Valentinos Case Study
The following information was gained from an interview with Rudolfo, MD of
Valentinos, a highly successful Personal Introductions Agency . Although they have
been very successful and have made major investment in the Internet they are
becoming increasingly worried about their market share and continuing profitability.
They have asked you to advise them on their strategy and how they might further
exploit technology. Their current technology was at the cutting edge 10 years ago but
a lack of recent investment in this area is beginning to worry their senior management.
There has always been a need for matchmakers throughout history, in all levels of
society Valentinos has successfully filled this role... Show more content on ...
Valentinos unique combination of modern technology coupled with the personal
touch has made them the world s leading and most popular agency of its kind.
The Valentinosservice is, of course, completely confidential. They apply the strict
rules of the Data Protection Act, so a name will never appear on another company s
mailing list. They take great pride in their reputation.
Clients can request as many introductions as required and, for reference, on each
provide a copy of the information held about them. Without charge, and at any time,
clients can change any of their details or requirements to ensure that they get the most
compatible matches. Valentinos experienced staff are always available to help and
advise in any way they can.
If, on any computer list, the client gets fewer than three introductions the next list is
without charge. They can ask for just their address, telephone number, or both to be
given out, and on each computer run Valentinos will automatically print out the
names of the people who have been given their details since the last run.
Valentinos is a computerised matching service which covers the whole of the UK. To
become a member, applicants need to complete a comprehensive questionnaire which
they receive in their initial information pack.
The questionnaire asks a number of questions about the person and also, about the
type of person they wish to meet. They are asked to indicate the areas from
Essay on Impact of West Nile Virus on Humans
The Impact of West Nile Virus on Humans (or Why We Should Worry)
West Nile virus can infect humans, but there are more drastic ways that it affects our
lives. The virus normally lives in birds and is transmitted among them and other
animals by mosquitoes. There is no other definite method of transmission, and people
do not have to worry about contracting the virus through contact with infected
humans or animals. Hundreds of species of birds and many mammals, including
several endangered species, are vulnerable to the virus. Many domestic animals are
also susceptible, but the virus does not create any symptoms in most of them. There
is no way of getting rid of the virus once an animal has been infected, but a vaccine
for horses has ... Show more content on ...
About 20% of people develop mild symptoms, including fever, nausea, and swollen
lymph nodes, within a couple weeks of being bitten by an infected mosquito. Only
one out of 150 infected humans display more
WNV s Impact on Humans 2 serious symptoms, such as high fever, disorientation,
vision loss, numbness, and paralysis. Because West Nile is a virus, it cannot be cured
by antibiotics. People who display serious symptoms are given supportive treatment,
which may include intravenous fluids and respiratory support until they recover
(CDC, 2004).
Animals found in the wild are also susceptible to West Nile virus. It is fatal to up to
285 species of birds, which are the reservoirs that the virus normally lives in (CDC,
2005). Members of the avian family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens,
magpies, and jays (CDC, 2003), are especially vulnerable to West Nile virus, as seen
during the 1999 New York epidemic, when hundreds of crows died from the virus.
Other animals that have been found carrying the virus include squirrels, chipmunks,
skunks, and bats (Lee, 2003). Although humans do not have to worry about becoming
infected by West Nile virus by handling infected animals, they should be aware that
reports of animals that have died from the virus is an indication that there are
mosquitoes that are carrying the virus in the area. Some endangered or threatened
species are also susceptible to West Nile virus, including Asian elephants, great Indian
Too Much Power In Tommy Douglas And George Orwell s
Have you ever thought about power and what it does when there is too much of it? In
the book Animal Farm and the short story Mousland, one group has too much power
and it influences the rules; which shows the theme that if there is too much power in
one group there is no equality within the rules. The authors of Animal Farm and
Mousland use the narrative techniques of characterization and conflict to illustrate
political messages, about power influencing, how the rules affect equality.
The authors Tommy Douglas and George Orwell use characterization to show the
political message that too much power affects the rules that affect equality. In the
book Animal Farm the animals have taken over the farm from the humans and
started producing their own goods. In the book Animal Farm, page 35 it says, The
animals had assumed as a matter of course that these would be shared out equally;
one day, however, the order went forth that all the windfalls were to be collected
and brought to the harness room for the use of the pigs... You do not imagine, I
hope, that we pigs are doing this in spirit of selfless and privilege? ... Our sole
object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has
been proved by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the
well being of a pig. We pigs are the brainworkers. This shows how Orwell uses the
actions of the pigs and their reasoning for those actions to characterize them as selfish
and using their
Rebellion In Richard Wright s Black Boy
Richard Wright s theme in Black Boy is that of survival. In his autobiography, he
struggles to pull through life by rebelling. He rebels in many ways. In the first stage
of his life, when he is just a young boy he often rebels against his parent s authority.
When he is a young adolescent, he rebels against being beat unfairly or into
submission. As a young man, he fights against the Southern way of African American
life. As Richard Wright grows, his rebellious acts grow larger and more daring in
order to survive the harsh Jim Crow life of the South. For instance, Richard Wright
starts to rebel from a very young age and his insurgency isn t an uncommon for a
small child. He begins his life of defiance by fighting against his parents from... Show
more content on ...
Instead of publicly protesting or becoming submissive like a slave, Richard Wright
rebelled against the South and the Southern way of life by reading and writing. In
8th grade, he writes a story and decides to publish it in a local African American
newspaper. After this, Richard decides to become a writer. This is an act of
unconscious rebellion. As an African American boy, he is not expected to have
dreams or aspirations of becoming a writer or have any dreams or aspirations at
all. So this small story that he wrote that probably wasn t anything extraordinary
sparked a revolution inside of him that he continues to fuel as he ages. I was
building up in me a dream which the entire educational system of the South had
been rigged to stifle. (Wright 186.) When Richard Wright is named valedictorian
of his class in ninth grade, he is asked to prepare a speech which he does so without
complaint, but he is called to the principal s office and given a speech to read
instead of his own. Richard simply refuses to read the principal s speech instead of
his own. He argues with the principal, his other classmates and even his uncle and
they all think he is a fool for not reciting the principal s speech. This rebellion shows
that he won t conform to what everyone else does and he uses his writing to do so.
Richard wants to give a true reflection of himself and his education through his
Alternate Outcome At Fort Ticonderoga
Alternate outcome at Fort Ticonderoga
In order to come to an alternative outcome, one must first address the instructional
letter sent from General Gage to General Carleton after the battles at Lexington and
Concord. The letter took far too long to get to General Carleton. General Gage had
credible human intelligence suggesting that the colonists wanted to take Fort
Ticonderoga. While one understands that one must use the chain of command, one
would think the immediacy of the letter was far more important and should have
gone directly to Fort Ticonderoga, instead of the 10 day long ride to Montreal. And
even if that was not proper protocol, General Gage could have at least sent an
advisor with knowledge of surveillance techniques to Fort Ticonderoga to aid in their
post and give better forewarning of a potential attack.
Secondly, had the British force at Fort Ticonderoga had cavalry scouts assigned to it,
there would not have been much of an American Revolution. The cavalry scouts
would have picked up the trail of Colonels Allen, Arnold, and the Green Mountain
Boys. The Scouts could have performed reconnaissance and then reported back to the
garrison commander, putting the whole fort on guard. Then the garrison commander
could have contacted both the British sloop in Lake Champlain and the garrison at
Fort Crown Point for further aid and reinforcements, beating back the patriot
attacking force.
Thirdly, with more troops at the fort, the British could have afforded a couple
Institutional Reform In The United States
Political Science 50, Fall 2015 Short Analytic Paper Many politicians argue that there
is a need for institutional reform in the United States the sole purpose of such reform
should be to develop a more efficient system for the state as a whole. However, others
argue that there are existing institutions in the United Statesthat are structured
efficiently. In order to help determine where an individual will stand on the debate
about institutional reform, one must compare the effects of different forms of
political institutions with the existing form in the United States. There are three new
proposals of reform to discuss for the United States: 1) change in the electoral system
for the House of Representatives, 2) change in the executive structure... Show more
content on ...
depends on what the relationship is between the executive structure and legislative
system. Under a presidential system the executive and legislative branches are
separated so that it is easier to distribute power equally and ensure that those in power
are held accountable. Although they don t hold checks and balances , under a
parliamentary system, the government can be more effective when they do not
separate the executive and legislative branches. This allows the government to
accomplish more because they can pass more legislations faster. It is more difficult
to pass policies under a presidential system because, unlike in parliamentary
systems, they are unable to produce comprehensive proposals in a promptly manner.
Still, problems can arise in parliamentary systems. For example, there may be
immobilism in parliamentary systems, similar to the deadlocks in presidential
systems, which could cause a delay in the process of making legislations. It is also
more difficult to fix problems between the legislative and executive branches in a
presidential system because each side will continue to fight over the power to pass
laws and adjust it in the way they want. If the legislative branches are weakened, there
is more probability of presidentialism failing than parliamentarism. Therefore,
implementing a parliamentary executive structure could be an effective
Human Services Essay
In the past century, the scope of practice and competency of Human Services has
developed and devised astronomically alongside its counterparts who include Social
Work, chemical dependency research, and most importantly; Psychology. There have
been numerous of advocates, social workers, researchers, and psychologists that
have contributed to the progress and functionality in this delicate but crucial field of
work. Although all of these people influenced and shaped what the vast field of
human services looks like today, there is one psychologist in particular that played an
important role in the creation of his aiding work has evolved into today. Sigmund
Freud, a physiologist, health physician, psychologist and husband of... Show more
content on ...
He drew a number of incredibly vivid supporters whom became the heart of the
psychoanalytic movement. While he was flourishing with what he had accomplished,
he was incapable of agreeing criticism and was known for objecting civilians that did
not concede with him and subsequently went onto towards encounter competing
institutes of thought. (Storr, 2001)
Freud did not design the suggestion of the conscious versus the unconscious mind;
however he was responsible for making it well liked. The conscious mind within what
you are conscious of at any particular moment, your show perceptions, memories,
ideas, fantasies and feelings. The biggest portion, however, being the un conscious.
The unconscious incorporates things that are not easily available towards perception,
incorporating out motors or instincts and things that we cannot carry towards glance
at, such as memories and feelings associated with trauma. According towards Freud s
theories, the unconscious is the cause of our motivations. (Stafford Clark, 1997)
The id, the ego and the superego are another prominent theory that acts off of the
conscious and un conscious mind. Freudian psychology initiates with a earth full of
objects. Among them is a exceptional object, the organism. An extremely meaningful
portion of the organism is the nervous system. At birth, the nervous system is a little
many than of else animals, an it
Virtual Organization Behavior
Virtual Organization Characteristics
From the definitions of virtual organization/team, it can be summarized that virtual
organization/team has four main characteristics which make it different from non
virtual organization/team:
First, cross line, virtual organization/team is centralized with a few or without
department. Business environment change makes a company or organization should
be more flexible in doing its activity. When a company should produce a high quality
product to meet their consumer needs, they could collaborate with other companies
to determine consumer needs. In this case, virtual organization/team has an important
Second, resources and purpose sharing, virtual organization/team could facilitate
someone with innovative idea but has not enough resources. Amazon sells a lot of
books but they do not really have the books, they cooperate with other parties who
have the books and then sell it via Amazon.
Third, geographic dispersion, refer to any physical dispersion of team members, such
as different geographic locations or different workplaces at the same geographic
location, nationally or internationally. Virtual organization/team could maximize the
time difference advantage from its member. When a US company develops a website
they can work on it from morning to evening, and their partner in the other part of the
world (Asia, Africa, or Europe) will continue the development so it could finished
Fourth, impermanent member, one team formed
The Career As A Professional Registered Nurse
The success as a professional Registered Nurse (RN) requires hard work,
compassion and empathy. It is important to realize the journey is challenging, but
is fulfilling. The registered nurse profession was established in the 1800s. For over
two hundred years a registered nurse has helped those in need. The responsibilities
of nurses is to educate their patients on many types of diseases as well as provide
guidance to patients and their loved ones. It is important for nurses to express
compassion, emotional stability, and empathy for patients. Being the largest
healthcare occupation, registered nurses are able to work in a hospital, physician
s office, as well as in home healthcare, with the option to travel. Registered nurses
have the opportunity to travel across the United States to help care for patients
whose access to healthcare is limited. In 2015, the average wage a registered nurse
could earn was $67,500. The general probability of someone starting a career as a
registered nurse is exceptional. In order to become a registered nurse, there are
education requirements to be met. Regardless if the degree is for MSN, BSN,
AND, or a diploma, certain requirements must be met. Typically the BSN degree
takes up to 4 years, ADN 2 to 3 years, and a diploma up to 2 years to complete, with
additional schooling to earn a BSN. A MSN allows a combination of BSN and
accelerated programs for those who already hold a bachelor s degree. The courses
required are anatomy, physiology,
Conflict Between Law-Enforcement And Crime
In response to question one, the immediate reaction to this image I exhibited due
to the conflict between the law enforcement and crime is shocking. I myself do not
live in an environment where horrific events like this image portray s happen every
day. I am aware it does occur, but viewing it in this shot exceedingly alters my
perspective of these altercations with the law. Furthermore, I do feel a diminutive
amount of sympathy for these people caught in the perilous setting, I myself do not
know what these people may be enduring in their life. They could be forced into
doing these illegal acts against their will, they may be struggling financially and
looked at this as an only option, or they grew up in an environment where these type
A Report On Protein Intake
A for any age is 41.8 grams, according to the bar graph report my protein intake is
105.63 grams.
Most of my protein is coming from Chicken and Fish. I would recommend replacing
some of the chicken meals with alternate protein source like red kidney beans.
The main source of protien in my diet come from animal sources. The top four foods
Chicken breast 31.7 grams
Salmon Fish 28.8 grams
Egg (Scrambled) 12.6 grams
Whole Milk 8 grams 4. Six options for plant source protein are
Hummus and pita bread
Real beans and rice
Lentil soup and corn bread
Barley and black beans
White beans and pasta
Lentil and rice
a) The intake of VitaminC according to the spreadsheet is 20.2 mg, the
recommended value is 75 mg/day. b) To improve the Vitamin C intake I would
include more citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Including broccoli ,strawberries
and kiwi would also help in improving Vitamin C. a) According to the bar graph
report my intake of Vitamin D is 3.51 mg, the recommended value is 15 mg. b) To
improve the vitamin D intake I would include Vitamin D fortified foods such as
soymilk,cereals,cheese,cod liver oil and fatty fishes such as tuna and mackerel. c)
Sunlight is a good source Vitamin D. Exposure to 15 minutes under sunlight is
a) According to the bar graph report my intake of Vitamin E is 5.92 mg, the
recommended value is 15 mg. b) To improve the vitamin E intake I would include
Expression Of Mind Tupac Analysis Essay
Expression of Mind: An Analysis of Tupac Shakur s XXXXX
Because of his traumatic upbringing, Tupac Shakur is known for his blunt and
unfiltered lyrics and ability to catch the attention of his audience. Shakur was born
Lesane Parish Crooks in June of 1971 in East Harlem, New York. Later in 1972, his
mother changed his name to Tupac Amaru Shakur, after the last Inca monarch, who,
ironically, was executed after leading an indigenous uprising against Spanish rule.
Tupac was born into a family of Black Panthers, a revolutionary black nationalist and
socialist organization. In school, Shakur often excelled teacher s expectations. He
was extremely intelligent and enjoyed participating in school plays and dances.
However, from an early age he was ... Show more content on ...
Tupac Shakur spoke out against police brutality and felt strongly about equality and
expression of mind which reflected in his art. Most of his themes and topics
revolved around inner city struggles, racism, freedom, and other social conflicts.
Shakur s poem In the Depths of Solitude, outlines not only many of the internal
struggles that Shakur was dealing with, but the struggles that a lot of young, black
men were dealing with during that particular time period. This poem is written as
a dedication to himself and the only audience is him. In the poem, the speaker,
Tupac himself, is, Trying 2 find peace of mind (3). During this time period, Tupac
is forced to face all the struggles that come along with being a well known rapper
and idol, admired and observed by so many. Like many young people, Shakur is
not completely secure within himself and with so many others depending on him
to be a certain way, it makes sense for him to define himself in relation to those
around him. He is craving to be accepted and valued. CONSTANTLY yearning to 2
be accepted/ and from all receive respect, (5,6). However, earning these peoples
respect can be too much when one bases his/her happiness on it. I
Biography . Irving Fisher, Is An American Economist, Who
Irving Fisher, is an American economist, who is regarded as an early neoclassical
economist. He was born on February 27th, 1867 and past away post World War II
on April 29th, 1947. All of Fishers contributions to economics were thorough
mathematical and statistical equations. Fisher also concerned himself with political
and social issues. As well, he dedicated a part of his life to promoting healthy living
and world peace. He was also an advocate for the League of Nations, the original
United Nations. Born to a Congregational mister, who taught him to believe that he
must be a strong and helpful member of society. His mathematical skills allowed him
to become admitted to Yale University, however after a week of starting... Show more
content on ...
( Irving Fisher, 2013)
Irving Fisher lived and contributed to the study of economics during a time of both
World Wars, the Great Depression and Prohibition. During these major and global
issues, he became a social activist, advocating his support for Prohibition, and
campaigning for the ban of tobacco. As well, during WW1, he lobbied for world
peace and the supported the creation of the League of Nations. He was diagnosed
with Cancer in early 1947, and past away a few months later, on April 29th.
Fisher Effect
1 + i = (1 + r)(1 + ПЂ)
I = Nominal Interest Rates
R = Real Interest Rates
О = Inflation Rates
в†’ Systematically shows the relationship between Interest and Capital
Fisher is widely regarded for his theory of interest and capital. He was strongly
influenced by John Rae and Eugene von Bohm Bawerk, clarifying and combined
their two theories. He first expressed the theory of capital, investment and interest
rates in 1906 in a book titles, The Nature of Capital and Income as well in 1907 The
Rate of Interest. His major book, the Theory of Interest was published during the
Great Depression which summarized his life work on capital, credit markets and
determinants of interest rates, including the rate of inflation. ( Irving Fisher, 2013)
This theory states that the real interest rate is equal to
Slip Or Trip Case Study
Slip or Trip Reasoning In this scene you see Arthur, the husband lying face up at the
bottom of the stairs with an empty glass, which is still fully intact in his left hand.
You can also see in the background a pan cooking on the stove. Finally you will
notice that everything around the staircase looks to be untouched. Queenie the
suspect in question has just went off to the bar after a tiff with her husband Arthur.
She then returns home along with a few friends, but she comes home 10 minutes
before they do. She claims Arthur has fallen down the stairs coming to get another
drink after already being drunk. The autopsy confirms that he has died from a head
injury. Our claim is: if Queenie is lying then she murdered Arthur.
A Geographical Place Through Visual And Narrative...
Food has the ability to transport you to other countries, different times, and
completely new experiences. The effectiveness of film to create a geographical
place through visual and narrative portrayal of food will be explored through the
elaboration on three movies: Haute Cuisine, Ratatouille, and Chocolat. The
movies explored in this essay are all set in France and have various levels of
effectiveness when it comes to creating a sense of geographical place through
visual and narrative portrayal on film. While all these movies are set in France,
some proved to be more superior than others in terms of successfully portraying
French food through film. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the different
levels of accomplishment on successfully portraying location through visual and
narrative portrayal of food. Each film was individually assessed under the same
visual and narrative context and was judged in terms of effectiveness in portrayal and
ability to transport the viewer.
Haute Cuisine is a French film following the journey of the French president s
personal cook and the ups and downs she faces while working in the Г‰lysГ©e
palace. The movie is every food lover s dream and does a remarkable job at making
viewers salivate just from the sight of the haute French cuisine. According to
Hertweck (2014):
Although there are multiple reasons for a filmmaker to locate food and eating at the
center of a script, perhaps overlooked is the ability of these images to directly
Nt1310 Unit 3 Data Center Design
Server Farm Design (Data Center) Since the data center has several servers that
include critical data, including research, studies, patents, and experiments, I have
decided keep the data center inside the internal network, so there is no direct
interface with internet. The data center will be connected to two servers as it is
shown in figure 4. I have decided to use two Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series switches,
that support encryption and provide scalability and resilience. Figure 4. the Data
Center design of the Future Corporation VTP design (VLAN design) In the Future
Corporation LAN, I have decided to some Virtual Area LAN Network (VLAN) for
better performance, easier administration, less cost, and better security. There will
be two VLANs for each department, total will be 26 VLANs. The first VLAN in
each department will be only for the employees department, and the second VLAN
will be for the guests. I have decided to use static VLANs, so every port will be
configured to be belong to a VLAN. I have selected static VLANs instead... Show
more content on ...
First, it supports up to 1Gbps, which is a fair speed for the users. Second, the
distance does not matter because all the departments workstations will connect to
the switch that is in the same building. For the cabling between the access and
distribution layer, I have decided to use Multi Mode Fiber (MMF) for many
reasons. First, there is huge amount of data coming from the switches in the access
layer to the 3 layer switch in the distribution layer, and the MMF cable can deal
with heavy traffic data. Second, since that MMF speed is 10Gbps, that makes the
3 layer switch receive and send the data faster to the switches in the access layer.
Third, the distance between the switches in the access layer and the 3 layer switches
in the distribution layer is less than 2 km. For the core layer, I have decided to
Computer Systems And Networks Configuration
Assignment 1 Computer Systems and Networks Configuration Course: Bsc
(Hons) Computer Science Module: CO5023 Computer Systems and Networks
Laksamana College of Business Student ID: 1525584 Table of Content Part 1:
Logic circuit3 Part 2 : Research Report13 Part 3 : Network Configuration16
Report16 References17 Part 1: Logic circuit Given the following proposed circuit
an are required to re implement is functionality using the minimum umber of gates
possible. Using K maps to achieve this outcome. Figure 1 This is the original
figure for part 1 Initial Logic circuit Number of input 4 input [ A , B , C , D ]
Number of gate11 gatesInverter 2 gates AND5 gates OR4 gates Number of
output3 output [ X , Y , Z ] Logic circuit for X Logic Circuit for X equation Logic
Circuit for X truth table Truth table for X Logic circuit for Y Logic Circuit for Y
equation Logic Circuit for Y truth table Truth table for Y Logic circuit for Z Logic
circuit for Z equation Logic circuit for Z truth table Truth table for Z Main Truth
table K Maps for X K Maps for Y K Maps for Z The re implement logic circuit for X,
Y and Z This is the equation for re implement logic circuit: Part 2 : Research Report
Short report, outlining the similarities and differences between the instruction sets
used for ARM and Intel processors. This should include an explanation for the ARM
processor s
Death Is Not Stop For Death By Emily Dickinson
Death in Rebirth In this poetic exploration Because I Could Not Stop for Death by
Emily Dickinson; the assumption of accepting death has been the ultimate
interpretation of this poem. Clarification/evidence has given readers an idea that
death is unavoidable and that eternal darkness is what awaits after death. Some might
say death is a sinister man who only takes your life out of spite, but others would
object and lure other pears to be optimistic to the true meaning of death. In a
different perspective Dickinson s poem could be understood as rebirth . Death
being a blessing, as a result of an awakening to an afterlife, new beginning .
Depicting this poem many interpretations can lead to many different ideas. The
strategic poem Dickinson wrote allows you to appreciate her examination of death
as a positive outlook. The mental illustration of the poem is early sunrise as if
Dickinson is about to start her day. As she goes on she clarifies a visit from death
is at her door step. The Carriage held but just Ourselves that sentence alone makes
viewers picture some kind of journey about to take place, somewhat as if it were
the beginning of a reincarnation, or as a detour ride of her life. Dickinson goes on
to explain that she is onboarding a carriage some could interpret this as the last day
on earth judgment day ; from his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place
was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne,
and books were
Bleeding Kansas Research Paper
#4 Choices: Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas was a period in time filled with
violence during the settling of the Kansas territory. It was a small war fought
between proslavery and antislavery for control of the Kansas territory. In 1854 the
Kansas Nebraska Act overturned the Missouri Compromise s use of latitude as the
boundary between slave and free territory and instead, using the principle of popular
sovereignty, decreed that the residents would determine whether the area became a
free state or a slave state. (Bleeding Kansas, A E Television Networks, 2009) People
all around came together to try to influence the decision on whether the state should
be proslavery or a free state. Unfortunately, it took the turn for the worst with brutal
violence. Blood was being shed all across Kansas. It contributed to the political storm
that occurred throughout the United Statesbefore the Civil War came in to play. The
start of violence with Bleeding Kansas, was the spark to what put the United states
through a... Show more content on ...
For example, Bleeding Kansas was the start of the Civil War and the Civil War is
what ended slavery, since slavery has been ended many colored men and women
have become a big part of our nation. The past eight years we have experienced our
first black president, Barack Obama. Now, it is not uncommon to see most news
headlines with an African American name being the subject or even the reporter
being colored. Also, most celebrities that provide us with entertainment through TV,
music, or even books are African Americans. BeyoncГ© has become a big hit to
teen girls throughout the United States. She is sending out the message that you
don t have to be skinny to be beautiful, curves make you beautiful as well. She is
becoming most young teens hero because of society s image of a perfect women to
be almost impossible to achieve. The world has made an evolution to how we
address and treat African
Climate Change Is A Very Controversial Topic, Not Only
Climate Change is a very controversial topic, not only in The United States, but in
various places around the world. Some people say that it is a hoax, and others put it
on the top of their priority list, along with abortions, terrorism and other important
topics circulating around the world. Magnum in Motion did a very good and
detailed job of swaying people to believe that climate changeneeds to be a more
precedent issue. The video essay portrays climatechange as a pogrom, it gives an
unbiased opinion, and it presents ways to combat climate change. The video done by
Magnum in Motion is done in a superb fashion. It portrays climate change as a
pogrom. It does a phenomenal job in showing how climate change can effect things
around us.... Show more content on ...
It shows forests and houses set ablaze due to the recent spikes in the temperature.
Lives are being lost due to Climate change, and if that is not a problem to you then
something is wrong. More and more wild fires break out every week all across the
world spreading from village to village, forest to forest and leaving nothing but a
trail of destruction, death and fire. Magnum in Motion climate change video gives
us ways to combat climate change. One of the solutions the video presents is to
charge taxes for carbon emissions and support low carbon research initiatives.
Although this would let us learn much more about climate change and the ways we
can do to prevent it from being such an issue. I would say corporations would be
upset that they have to pay more taxes, and the word taxes in America is like a curse
word. Another solution is that we can change our way of living and invest in
renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels and such. Solution number three is
thinking collectively and helping venerable communities adapt to the consequences
that come with the effects of global warming and climate change. In doing this it
would help us learn more about ways to combat or be more prepared the next time
it becomes a problem for any of the countries in the world. The quote by the Dalai
Lama speaks volume on this issue, If we looked down at the world form space, we
would not see any demarcations of a national boundaries.
We would
What Is Rachel Carson s Obligation To Endure An Image
In Rachel Carson s The Obligation to Endure an image from the original version of
her work Silent spring is shown. The image appears to be of a flowering tree
branch, possibly of a fruit tree, crossed with a pesticide sprayer. It is intended to
show the reader that just about everything we see as beautiful is tainted by poison.
On page 52 we see an image of a tree branch and a pesticide sprayer crossed in an x
like formation. This is intended to be a play off of the idiom crossed swords, which
means to fight or argue. It is ultimately an allusion to actual sword fighting where
swords will literally end up crossed against each other during a fight. This image,
therefore, represents the constant struggle between naturetrying to survive
Look At The Dark Side Of The Moon
Look at the dark side of the Moon: The Crucible research paper The human race
had never seen the dark side of the moon until the astronauts traveled out to space.
In our world, there are a lot of things that are invisible like the dark side of the
moon. Some of these objects are under one s nose, veiled in mystery and apathy of
the people. These objects that are missed, gives the viewers a whole different
image when it is seen from a particular angle. These unconsciously ignored
components of the play are like an ore of a diamond. The Crucible by Arthur Miller
can be analyzed under three different literary lenses; Historical, psychoanalytical, and
archetypal lenses put its focal point on various ideas, which will able the readers to
perceive the features from different areas. These components allow advanced
understanding for the observers. Without knowing the historical information about
the author, The Crucible seems like a very intense soap opera. History has been
affecting the plot, background, and even the characters of the play. The historical lens
is a literacy theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpreted
within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic.
Historical lens puts its spotlight on the background and connection with the real
world, which structures the storyline. It can be checked from a dialogue between
characters or even in a background setting of the scene. For instance, slavery and
Play Coaches Research Paper
Coaches come from many different backgrounds. Some are former players, some
are students of the game, and some just want to learn a new skill. Growing up, I
have had good coaches, mediocre coaches, and bad coaches. Although our team
record, or my personal seasons haven t always been up to my expectations, each of
these coaches have taught me different ways to coach the game. My sport of choice is
baseball. I have played for 14 years, and although an arm injury has probably ended
my playing days, my love and passion for the sport is still there. When I think of
Why do I want to coach? I think of three main reasons that attract my interest. These
include, I love seeing people reach new heights through hard work, I feel I have a
strong yet unorthodox... Show more content on ...
Generally if you get a hit 30% of the time you are considered an above average
player. There is a fine line between being a good player, or a below average player.
Some call it luck, but above average players can certainly be developed. I want to
coach to help develop these above average players. I want to teach that if you work
hard enough and put in your time you can elevate your game. I ve seen it work for
many people that have put the time in, and would enjoy to help these players get
better. Another aspect that explains my interest in coaching, is that there are many
new methods used that can help win games, and that can help develop players. The
methods used when I was young have now been discredited, yet many coaches still
use them. I would have interest implementing the newly researched methods.
Finally sports are about more than winning and losing at the end of the day. I want
to coach to help these men learn to work together as a team. This is an essential
aspect of their future and they need to learn to use this skill. Players also need to
learn to be respectful and responsible. If you make an error it happens, I would
hope my players would learn from it. I don t believe in embarrassing them after
that, they know they made a mistake, and they need to know how to fix it, not that
they made a mistake. I also want to coach because too many players are disrespectful
to officials in today s game. I don t go after umpires, and I would expect my players
to act in the same
Anti Heterosexuality And Its Effects On Society
Those who remain in the closet are hiding their internalized feelings from their
friends, family, and colleagues, in order to avoid confronting this socially
stigmatized part of their life, along with their own potential denial and self hatred.
Because of the stigmas attached to the LGBTQ community, one often feels that they
have to hide this part of their life in order to maintain social and work relations, with
pressure to conform to the heterosexually dominated culture. This causes internalized
confusion because non heterosexuals are told from society they are abnormal, and
thus this can cause a frightening reality and lead to internalized oppression that is
the acceptance of negative social attitudes, beliefs, and stereotypes directed towards a
devalued or marginalized group (186). There is an assumed need to silence those
who stray from this dominant culture because of fear that they are inherently and
psychologically impaired, which causes the illusion that those from the LGBTQ
community are very limited. Non heterosexuality was even identified as a mental
illness in the DSM before 1973, referred to as an interference, and distress, which
only further increases negative ideas about it (188). These ideas, as well as
heteronormative legislation, lead to violence against those of the LGBTQ community
in overt and covert forms by intentional and unintentional heterosexists. This is
because of the idea that heterosexualism is the norm and standard, and the belief
Laevis In Research
1.X. Laevis in Research
The African Clawed Frog (X. laevis) is among the most widely used animal models
to study anatomy, physiology and vertebrate development. From the 1940s to 1970s,
X. laevis was used in pregnancy testing. The current standardized test for toxicity
measurement of environmental pollutants; the FETAX Assay,1 was developed using
X. laevis.
Recently, X. laevis has begun to be in used research investigating central nervous
system (CNS) regeneration. X. laevis has also been used in ground breaking
biomedical research in developmental biology, cancer and cellular research.1
2.X. Laevis as an Animal Model
Several characteristics make X. laevis an ideal animal model. Firstly, their ability to
produce large quantities of easily manipulable eggs year round,1 coupled with a long
lifespan of 15 20 years1 provides scientists with a stable source of biological ... Show
more content on ...
Primary research article
Quantitative proteomics after spinal cord injury in a regenerative and a non
regenerative stage in the frog Xenopus laevis.
4.1Purpose of Study
This study examined and compared the types and expression levels of proteins
produced between regenerative stage (R stage) and non regenerative stage (NR
stage) X. laevis with spinal cord injury (SCI). Proteomic profiles are developed to
gain essential knowledge on mechanisms controlling spinal cord regeneration and
highlight reasons for its failure in mammals.
4.2Target Groups
8 samples from R stage tadpoles (growth stages 49 51) and NR stage froglets (growth
stage 66) were examined (Table 1).
Table 1: Breakdown of target groups examined in study.4
R stage tadpoles (8 samples)NR stage froglets (8 samples)
Spinal cord transectionSham operationUn operated ControlSpinal cord
transectionSham operationUn operated Control
4.3.1Growth of X. laevis
X. laevis embryos were grown to obtain R stage tadpoles and NR stage froglets. Un
operated controls were chosen from these animals.
The Impact Of Sound On The World Of Sound Cinema
Sound is obviously an essential part of cinema, and most couldn t imagine watching
any sort of entertainment without sound. Although how did sounds start and what
were some major advancements in the world of sound cinema? The introduction of
sound to cinema began by a process known as Phonofilm, created by a man named
Lee de Forest and Theodore Case in 1923. The Phonofilm, which recorded
synchronized sound directly onto film, was used to record a variety of entertainment
including vaudeville acts, musical numbers, political speeches and opera singers.
Unfortunately, this sound filmdidn t last long because it was overshadowed by the
sound on disc, later named the Vitaphone.
The Vitaphone was developed by Western Electrics Bell Laboratories and quickly
acquired by Warner Bros Company in April of 1925. The Warner Brothers film Don
Juan, directed by Alan Crosland, which utilized the first system with synchronized
music score and sound effects, first showcased the Vitaphone. Using the Vitaphone,
Warner Brothers went on to produce over 100 short films during the mid 1920 s. In
1927, The Jazz Singer was released, which was essentially a silent picture with
Vitaphone score and the occasional episodes of synchronized singing and speech.
Although the Vitaphone seemed like a revolutionary concept opening a whole new
market of cinema, it became apparent that recording on film would be much more
Sound on disk had been in the tweaking process throughout the early
Ideo Case Study
Case Study Analysis: IDEO Product Development
The business model for IDEO began as an open minded place to design, develop and
manufacture new products. The last 20 years of proven product design driven by
innovation has translated into profit margins for their clients and continuous
refinement for IDEO s process. IDEO pioneered concurrent engineering where design
and engineering work together to produce aesthetically pleasing products that are also
highly functional. This was different from many other similar companies that placed
more emphasis on the industrial design than the engineering. IDEO s strengths grew
out of the ability to master this ability with high tech clients. Corporations came to
IDEO because they had a proven ... Show more content on ...
In the past Palm projects design had been ignored in order to favor bells and
whistles directed toward male customers. This new Palm was to appeal to the
customer on the emotional level as well as the aesthetic level.
What may have been missing from the innovation formula at IDEO in 2000 was the
philosophy of customer experience. This is the way many corporate brands like
Starbucks have been handled to be an experience, not just a product. It is no longer
sufficient to simply tell customers about the product features or benefits. The brand
must create a visceral connection with customers they have to participate in the
journey emotionally. Product development must be geared with the customer in mind
and the customer must be engaged more often in research.
The Handspring Visor project however, was more of a challenge for all team
members, and the goal was to shatter existing norms by further reducing the
physical parameters of the product. It also challenged accepted user interface
protocol. This would challenge the team members at IDEO to fail less often , so
they would be able to succeed even sooner , but the real problems were the cost and
time limitations put on the project by Handspring. Would sacrificing steps in IDEO s
development process lead to an inferior product? The evidence would come later, but
Synergistic Effect Of Feeding Aspergillus Awamori And...
Synergistic effect of feeding Aspergillus Awamori and Lactic acid bacteria on
performance, egg traits, egg yolk cholesterol and fatty acid profile in laying hens
(Running title: Fungi and Bacteria in laying hens diets)
Ahmed A. Saleh1*, B. GГЎlik2, H. ArpГЎЕЎovГЎ3, M. CapcarovГЎ4, A.
KalafovГЎ4, M. Е imko2, M. JurГЎДЌek2, M. Rolinec2, D. BГro2 A. M. Abudabos5
1 Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University,
333516 Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt
2 Animal Nutrition Department, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak
University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
3 Department of Poultry Science and Small Animal Husbandry, Faculty of
Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra,
Slovak Republic
4 Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences,
Slovak University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
5 Department of Animal Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding: Dr. Ahmed Ali Saleh,
Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University,
Kafrelsheikh 333516, Egypt
E mail: Abstract: This study was conducted to examine
the effects of a combined supplementation of Aspergillus awamori (AA) and Lactic
acid bacteria (LAB) in feed on growth and egg quality. Hens (28 week old) were fed
on a basal diet as control group; diets supplemented with 0.05%
Fundamentals of Project Management
Module: Fundamentals of Project Management Module Code: FPM12/1 Assignment
number: 1 Milpark Fundamentals of Project Management FPM12/1 Assignment 1
Year 12A / Page 1 Assignment Guidelines Guidelines for the successful submission of
assignments Students are sometimes unsure as to what constitutes work of an
acceptable standard when submitting an assignment. Naturally, programmes offered
at different NQF Levels demand different types of responses. An NQF Level 4 or 5
qualification probably requires the student to demonstrate the ability to describe,
explain and apply a concept, whereas at a graduate level (NQF Level 6/7), students
must be able to analyse, evaluate and synthesise information. It is therefore important
that you... Show more content on ...
п‚· Always use your own words, unless you are directly quoting from a source (refer
to the section on referencing and plagiarism that follow). п‚· Don t assume that the
reader understands what you are saying. The reader wants to know your
understanding of the issues (demonstrating competence). п‚· Finally, always read
through your assignment on completion to ensure that your answers are clear and
concise. It is also very important to ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical
errors in your assignment. Technical presentation and precision make an important
contribution to the quality of an assignment and must therefore not be neglected or
disregarded. Guidelines for Referencing Precise and accurate referencing is
important: п‚· Acknowledgment: It is incumbent on you to acknowledge the source
of ideas, concepts, models and arguments used in your assignment. The person who
developed the idea or concept should be recognised and acknowledged. п‚·
Scholarship: Academic referencing is important as it teaches skills of careful and
painstaking scholarship. An assignment that sets out all sources accurately and
consistently, according to an agreed upon referencing style, immediately sets a high
standard for the piece of work. All work that is referenced in the assignment needs
to be listed in a Reference List. If the assignment consists of one long essay question,
the reference list will appear at
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Essay On Technology

  • 1. Essay On Technology Crafting an essay on the broad and multifaceted subject of technology is undeniably challenging. The difficulty lies not only in the vast scope of the topic but also in the dynamic nature of technology itself. The landscape of technology is ever-evolving, with constant advancements, breakthroughs, and paradigm shifts. Attempting to encapsulate this dynamic essence within the confines of an essay poses a considerable challenge. Moreover, the sheer breadth of subtopics within the overarching theme of technology makes the task daunting. From artificial intelligence and robotics to the ethical implications of biotechnology, the writer is confronted with the challenge of navigating a vast sea of information. Balancing depth and breadth becomes a delicate act, as delving too deep into one aspect risks neglecting others equally important. Furthermore, the rapid pace of technological progress demands an up-to-date understanding of the subject matter. What might be cutting-edge today could become outdated tomorrow, requiring constant research and vigilance to maintain relevance. This necessitates a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments, adding an extra layer of complexity to the essay- writing process. In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of technology introduces another layer of complexity. Technology is not a standalone entity but intersects with fields such as ethics, sociology, economics, and more. Integrating these diverse perspectives into a cohesive narrative requires a nuanced approach and a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of different disciplines. Despite these challenges, writing an essay on technology also presents an exciting opportunity. It allows the writer to explore the transformative power of technology, its impact on society, and the ethical considerations that accompany innovation. Navigating through these challenges requires not only research and analytical skills but also a keen sense of curiosity and adaptability. In conclusion, while the difficulty of writing an essay on technology is undeniable, it is precisely this complexity that makes the endeavor intellectually stimulating. The process involves a continuous quest for understanding, a willingness to grapple with diverse perspectives, and an acknowledgment of the ever-changing nature of technology. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer a range of services. Whether it's refining your essay on technology or exploring other topics, these platforms provide valuable support for academic endeavors. Essay On TechnologyEssay On Technology
  • 2. What Is The Conflict In Thirteen Reasons Why Thirteen reasons why essay In thirteen reasons why by Jay Asher, there are many types of internal and external conflicts in the two separate narrators of the books life. In Hannah, it is not only Hannah against Hannah but Hannah against everyone else she describes on her tapes, but there is also clay against his emotions as he finds the tapes and wonders why Hannah killed herself and as he learns about her he realizes more about her life. The conflict of Hannah against herself is told by her in the thirteen tapes as she explains why she killed herself. Despite her conflict with everyone else, she is constantly reminded about her conflict with herself and her own emotions which are something she struggles with through the book as [she] wish[es] [she] ... Show more content on ... Clay becomes conflicted about how he was one of the reasons for her death. In her opening takes she announces that if [you are] listening to these tapes, [you are] one of the reasons why. Clay becomes confused with his emotions as he wonders how he was one of the reasons for her death. Clay had barely even talked to Hannah they only talked once or twice but somehow he was blamed for her death. He continues to wonder about how he could have done something even though [they] never had the chance to get closer. And not once did [he] take [Hannah] for granted. Even though they had never talked through the tapes he made a connection with Hannah, he wished he had become closer to her and maybe could have saved her life. Therefore when Clay becomes confused by his emotions he tries to blame others for her death instead of himself. He is convinced that [he does not] belong on those tapes... she wanted an excuse to kill herself. Clays conditions cause him to form an obsession over Hannah s life and why clay is one of the people she
  • 3. Western Region Research Paper The Western Region What interesting facts did you learn about today? #1 Bridget The west region has many different geographical features. The Rocky Mountains are a big part of tourist attractions economy in the West. The Colorado River is the main body of water in the West. Before tourist attraction people would come panning for gold! Many deserted towns are still there and they call them ghost towns. Mining is still is a really big part of economy in the West especially copper. The flatland of Idaho produce the most potatoes that any other state. Most of the cattle there are used for meat and not dairy. Indians still live in The West and keep up their heritage. Canyons are everywhere in this region. The Great Basin contains some of the driest ... Show more content on ... Agriculture and mining are what the west is also known for. Tourism is important to the west #21 Wynn Wyoming has a lot of sheep and cows. #22 Jess The Rocky Mountains stretch from Canada to Mexico. The Colorado river has formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Nevada produces the most gold and silver in the U.S. today. Idaho grows more potatoes than any other state. The West Region is the least populated region in the U.S. #23 John #24 Mr. Jarosz After writing and interesting fact, hit return to get a new bullet
  • 4. Critical Success Factors Analysis Of Toyota Critical Success Factors Analysis 1)Market Share 0.25 The importance of market share is that they dominate the industry. It means that people are patronizing their cars for such reasons as quality, price and services. TOYOTA Rating: 3 Toyota has the highest market share since they top the sales last year, and their sales has been continuously growing and its rate is 65.6%. They deserve a rating of 4 for being the dominating company in the automobile industry with them on the spot of having 40% of market share. MITSUBISHI Rating: 2 Mitsubishi is the next to top in the market share, having 24% of market share according to last year s YTD sales data from the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers in the Philippines. (CAMMPI) HONDA Rating: ... Show more content on ... 5)Distribution Channels 0.15 Distribution channels play an important role towards successful sales of automobiles since cars are not sold directly to customers. Companies rely more on dealerships for them to showcase their products. TOYOTA Rating: 4 Toyota has a vast distribution network. They have more than 50 manufacturing plants and 27 countries and regions beside their mother country, Japan. In the Philippines alone, they have a manufacturing plant in Sta. Rosa Laguna. MITSUBISHI Rating: 3 For the current marketing strategies of Mitsubishi, they are still into expansion of their market. According to their President and CEO Hikosaburo Shibata, Mitsubishi is planning to strengthen their brand most especially that the ASEAN integration is coming. However, they are facing sales and production volume difficulties which Toyota rarely encounters. HONDA Rating: 2 Honda is still in search of effective distribution channels in the country. Honda is in need of dealerships, for Toyota dominates the dealership sector. However, they have almost 50 branches around the country in which they have put up in
  • 5. Biography of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury was pre eminently a figure of Victorian England, and therefore needs to be understood within the historical context of his times. This includes what is, perhaps, the most salient motivating factor in Shaftesbury s great accomplishments in social reform and philanthropy his religion. Christianityin Victorian England was, above all else, Christianity in crisis. Those with a shallow sense of history will generally point to the publication of Darwin s Origin of Species in 1859 as if that were enough to sum up the crisis of Christianity in this time period but in reality there were massive social changes taking place in England during this time. After all, it was before Darwin that the Victorian poet and social critic Matthew Arnold wrote his famous poetic complaint about the decline of belief in England, Dover Beach : The Sea of Faith Was once, too, at the full, and round earth s shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl d. But now I only hear Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar... (Arnold 214) In Shaftesbury s lifetime, Christianity s social message was particularly endangered. The Industrial Revolution had begun in the period immediately preceding the Victorian era, and continued with remorseless rapidity throughout the Victorian period: this had led to massive inequalities of wealth, combined with the total erosion of traditional ways of life in the rural period, causing the displaced poor to move to cities. Shaftesbury s
  • 6. Irish Dance Throughout The 16th And 17th Century There are many references to group or social dances performed in Ireland throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. However, most accounts were written by visiting English historians who were concerned with the social and economic conditions of the country rather than the dancing itself. They inform us that group or country dances were performed by the Irish at social gatherings including weddings, fairs and holidays. These would have been simple dances which almost anyone could have joined and indeed they were not distinctly Irish but rather dances that were common throughout western Europe. In the early 1700s the Travelling Dance Master appeared on the scene in Ireland and he made a major contribution to the dancing as we know it today. ... Show more content on ... This gradual change was due to the increase in contact with overseas teachers and special exams were set up to facilitate this development, the first of which were held in England (1969) North America (1967) and Australia (1969). There are now more than 1800 teachers, adjudicators and examiners around the world working in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Kenya, Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Norway, the United Arab Emirates and Asia. Today, the two largest international competitions, the All Ireland Championships (established in the 1940s) and the World Championships (1970) are very much seen as a celebration of the Celtic heritage that connects the peoples of the world as well as being a showcase for all that is uniquely special about Irish Dance. Thanks to the extraordinary success of shows such as Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames, Celtic Tiger and Riverdance, interest in Irish Dance is flourishing; it is estimated that more than 250,000 people regularly attend lessons in Irish Dancing, whether step dancing (performed by individuals) or team dancing (both traditional ceili and modern
  • 7. Literary Analysis Of Aftermath On Blackboard By Longfellow This poem was interesting because it so short and everyone can relate to it. The speaker of this poem eats the plums someone else was saving. The speaker never says who he/she was talking to, which makes me question who the speaker was talking to. He/she could be talking to his/her spouse, significant other, friend, etc. Also the plums could be a metaphor, sweet, delicious, fresh, for sexual activity, temptation, or love. Aftermath on Blackboard This poem is about how bare the land is after it being harvest, hence the title Aftermath. Longfellow wrote this poem focusing on nature and the changing of the seasons, summer to winter. He describes summer as having sweet, new grass with flowers while the winter has tangled tufts from marsh. Grass on Blackboard This poem is about how nature, grass growing, has to restore itself and cover up the destruction that the humans left. The speaker lists the battlefields to show how nature covers up a disaster the humans made. Humans usually forget that the battles actually happen and they end up forgetting about it, then it keeps happening after that. Upon Julia s Clothes on Blackboard This poem describes how Julia has fancy taste in clothes and how the speaker likes how Julia looks in them. The reader learns nothing about Julia, including what she is wearing. The only thing readers know about Julia is how she looks in silk, describing how it flows , its liquefaction , its vibration, and its glittering. Anyone Lived in a
  • 8. Essay on The Defense Mechanism Defense mechanism, in psychoanalysis, any of a variety of unconscious personality reactions which the ego uses to protect the conscious mind from threatening feelings and perceptions. Sigmund Freud first used defense as a psychoanalytic term (1894), but he did not break the notion into categories, viewing it as a singular phenomenon of repression. His daughter, Anna Freud, expanded on his theories in the 1930s, distinguishingsome of the major defense mechanismsrecognized today. Primary defense mechanisms include repression and denial, which serve to prevent unacceptable ideas or impulses from entering the conscience. Secondary defense mechanisms generally appearing as an outgrowth of the primary defense mechanisms include projection,... Show more content on ... The defenses can also give us insight into our own mental processes sometimes mental gymnastics or contortions. All defenses involve distortions of reality; they are ways of feeling better by fooling ourselves. If we realized these defenses in our lives, we might handle reality better. Almost all adjustment books mention these defense mechanisms, even the writers who are arrogantly critical of Freud. An excellent text about Sigmund and Anna Freud and the ego defenses is by Christopher Monte (1980). Repression: shoving thoughts and urges that are unacceptable or distressing into our unconscious. This is what happens to the unacceptable urges of childhood the ego represses them. Taboo ideas, like incest, would probably never get into consciousness or, if they got there, they d be quickly repressed. Sometimes dreams or slips of the tongue or attempts at humor reveal our unconscious motives. For example, if a teacher ridiculed you in class, you might dream he/she had a horrible auto accident. Or, trying hard to say something nice to the teacher a few days later, you comment after class, each of your lectures seems better than the next. Or, if you were unfortunate enough to be asked to introduce your former teacher at a symposium and said, I d like to prevent huh I mean present Dr.___, some might guess the truth. All these speculations about repressed feelings are just guesses. Repression must be distinguished from
  • 9. The Oath Of The Horatii By Jacques Louis David The Oath of the Horatii is a historical oil painting by the French artist Jacques Louis David. Painted in 1784, the piece depicts a Roman legend about settling a dispute between the nations of Rome and Alba. Instead of succumbing to the possibility of war, a family from each of the nations was selected to battle out the conflict on a much smaller scale. These two families were the Horatii (Rome) and the Curatii (Alba). This paintingdepicts the Horatii family, specifically the three brothers, who are receiving the swords they are meant to use for the battle. Many of the figures in the painting show clear distress, but this is not simply because of the dangers involved in this fight. A closer look into the context of the legend reveals that the Horatii and Curatii families are joined through marriage. This makes the coming battle all the more pivotal in the sense that these families must choose between their duty to Rome and their familial ties.... Show more content on ... The brothers all hold very strong, powerful stances, the vertical lines of their arms extended toward the swords, which appear to be the focal point of the piece. The women mourning in the background are there to remind the viewer that this painting depicts a great sacrifice. Without their presence, it would be easy to interpret the painting as one without consequence. The three arches in the background seem to correlate to the three Horatii brothers as well, perhaps signifying the strength and integrity needed to support a house or in this case, a mourning family and the entirety of
  • 10. The Leadership and Government of North Korea In North Korea there are approximately 24 million or more residents. North Korean believe that their leaders are saints. Kim Jong II was labeled as heaven sent by propagandists. They are suppressed by their country and are instilled in the Juche Ideology. About 154,000 North Koreans are in prison camps, there are six camps surrounded by electrical barbed wire. If you do something that the North Korean government believe is against them, your whole family will serve your punishment with you. In the camps the daily struggles are torture, slave labor, malnutrition and public execution. Approximately forty percent of prisoners die of malnutrition. The internet is unattainable with access only by granted by the government. Reporters that traveled to North Koreahad to turn in their mobile phones at the border. The internet is unattainable with access only granted by the government. Items such as a ballpoint pen are considered luxury items to North Koreans. Men don t know that women menstruate or what it even means until they reach their mid twenties. Marriage is only allowed with in your social class, which is determined by birth. North Koreans do not have much under the totalitarian system. There is no free time and even if they did have free time there is nothing to do for them to enjoy. Girls are not allowed to ride a bicycle, it is considered lascivious. Kim II Sung implemented women s right to work, rights of free marriage and divorce and rights of sharing properties
  • 11. Reasons The Trials Of Witch Trials Were people accused of witchcraft given fair trials? In my opinion, they were not. Based on the information gathered from the three documents, many of the men and women accused of witchcraft were doomed before the trial even took place. There are many reasons as to why the trials were unfair before they even started. First, a big reason why the trials were so unfair was because of the church. They could use their influence on society to decide who has jurisdiction over certain areas, giving inquisitors legal power over areas they may not have otherwise had. Another reason the trials were unfair is the suspected party did not really get to defend themselves, and even if they tried to, they could be found guilty anyway. However, the biggest reason I think the trials were unfair was because of the Malleus Maleficarum, where it mentions torture of prisoners with the intention of getting confessions. The Papal Bull of 1484 was important because it shows that Pope Innocent VIIInot only openly acknowledged witchcraftas a threat, but also gives encouragement to witch hunts. Desiring with supreme ardor, as pastoral solicitude requires, that the catholic faith in our days everywhere grow and flourish as much as possible, and that all heretical depravity be put far from the territories of the faithful, we freely declare and a new decree this by which our pious desire may be fulfilled, and, all errors being rooted out by our toil as with the hoe of a wise laborer, zeal and
  • 12. Symptoms And Treatment Of Delirium Delirium is an acute change in brain function that can be accompanied by inattention and either a change in cognition or perceptual disturbances (Allen and Alexander, 2012). Delirium in critical care patients is very common, it actually occurs in 2 out of 3 intensive care patients who are on a ventilator, but often goes undetected because deliriummonitoring is considered too time consuming or unreliable (Reade and Finfer, 2014). Intensive care unit (ICU) patients that have delirium spend more days on a ventilator, remain on sedation longer, have increased chance for infections, have longer hospitalstays, and higher mortality rates during their hospital admission and in the 6 months after. According to Eastwood, Peck, Bellomo, Baldwin, and Reade (2012), most of these patients are also left with permanent cognitive problems that they struggle with for years. Not only does delirium cause more issues with the patients, it can cost the hospital more money due to increased length of stay, hospital acquired infections such as pneumonia, and re admissions. Studies have shown that using the confusion assessment method (CAM) every shift, and performing the assessment correctly, can help detect delirium in ICU patients earlier. When delirium is caught early the healthcare team can initiate interventions to decrease the severity of delirium and work towards better outcomes for the patient. Identified Current Practice Issue ICU patients are not being assessed for delirium every
  • 13. Futures Contract and Commodity Exchange COMMODITY MARKET [pic] INDEX |Chapter No |Topic |Page No. | |1 |Introduction to Commodity Market |04 | |2 |History of Evolution of Commodity Markets |08 | |3 |India and the Commodity Market |10 | |4 |International Commodity Exchanges |15 | |5... Show more content on ... This can especially noticed in agricultural commodities where the weather plays a major role in affecting the fortunes of people involved in this industry. The futures market has evolved to neutralize such risks through a mechanism; namely hedging. The objectives of Commodity futures: Hedging with the objective of transferring risk related to the possession of physical assets through any adverse moments in price. Liquidity and Price discovery to ensure base minimum volume in trading of a commodity through market information and demand supply factors that facilitates a regular and authentic price discovery mechanism. Maintaining buffer stock and better allocation of resources as it augments reduction in inventory requirement and thus the exposure to risks related with price fluctuation declines. Resources can thus be diversified for investments. Price stabilization along with balancing demand and supply position. Futures trading leads to predictability in assessing the domestic prices, which maintains stability, thus safeguarding against any short term adverse price movements. Liquidity in Contracts of the commodities traded also ensures in maintaining the equilibrium between demand and supply. Flexibility, certainty and transparency in purchasing commodities facilitate bank financing. Predictability in prices of commodity would lead to stability, which in turn would eliminate the risks associated with running the
  • 14. The Impacts of Technology on Music Recording Industry and... The Impacts of Technology on Music Recording Industry and Society TV has restored the daily life of family, Photography has altered the way we look at the world, the computer has changed everything. (Mark Katz, 2010) It is true the computer has converted everything into digital. Digital technology has also changed the ways of sound and voice recording. It has gradually led to the changes not only in the production of sound but also in the views of society, precisely consumers and producers. Since the 70 s, the computer, music and audio industries have influenced on one another. Nowadays, many people use different digital sound recording equipment and sound recording software to transform ... Show more content on ... Signing to a record label and a contract, the artists have transferred ownership of copyrights to the producers and fans could only buy pre recorded music with labels. However, the new digital music industry has now the abundance of obstacles for artists and music fans. With the launch of streaming services for high speed Net access in the smart phones and tablets, the only remaining piece of the old industry s music network is AM/FM radio in cars but sooner or later, this final change will also make it collapsed. The Role of Digital Technology in Contemporary Era * Consumers Views on Digital Technology Over two decades, digital technology introduced by the computer industry has made outside influences on recording practice changed drastically. The Internet also provided a new way to distribute music with new formats such as mp3, mpeg, and wav; and this led to the rise of the P2P (peer to peer) file sharing technology. According to Persson (2006), music consumers are not only the major supporters of recordings, but also of other technical products, supporting changes in playback equipment and home recording technologies. Music fans do not need labels, retail stores and media outlets any more, to listen to pre recorded music before buying it. Public has access to all music and makes their own decisions to select and buy the songs they like. Therefore, more people are now engaging and
  • 15. Land Of Sunshine State Of Dreams By Gary Mormino Florida has always been a beautiful state aligned with unique natural wonders which has made it a location of wonder within the U.S. Even with Florida s majestic natural appeal the state in its territorial years struggled with its public image as Indian attacks were common place in the region along with yellow fever and environmental phenomena such as hurricanes. Following in the end of the Seminole and the Civil war Floridabegan to search for a new identity and sense of prosperity in the face of massive changes to its economy and societal structure. With the advent of new technologies, the borders of Florida for the first time were opened to larger encompassing audience of visitors from all over the country who came to marvel at the natural landscapeand relax in the temperate weather. Gary Mormino author of Land of Sunshine State of Dreams described in his book the factors and obstacles which challenged and ultimately propelled Florida to experience monumental growth in the 20th century. From the rapid use of automobiles to the creation of the magic Kingdom Florida has numerous factors to acknowledge when recognizing its recent success in America. While Gary Mormino book makes no effort to shy away from the less favorable aspects Florida history including the financial struggles of the early nineties, his book is clearly portraying an optimistic tone which echoes the glories of Florida s past and future. Entering the 20th century Florida was amidst an identity crisis in
  • 16. Act 1 Scene 7 of William Shakespeare s Macbeth Essay Act 1 Scene 7 of William Shakespeare s Macbeth Introduction ============ Act 1 scene 7 is very important in the whole of the play because the string of murders started here, and what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth wanted to do was accomplished. This was the scene in which Macbeth became King and the original King (King Duncan) was murdered. Before this scene what had happened was that King Duncan came to Macbeth s castle and there was a great banquet. Lady Macbeth had played a part of a man instead of Macbeth because Macbeth was worried about the murder that he was going to commit. This scene was the most dramatic out of all the scenes because Macbeth had/was going to kill King Duncan. ... Show more content on ... He ends his soliloquy by stating that only vaulting ambition makes him consider the evil deed; he has no complaint against the king, which makes the murder seem doubly vile to him. He is obviously vacillating between good and evil. The audience would react differently to how Macbeth is like now because in this scene he is not represented as a power hungry and heartless butcher, and this is because he says that he doesn t want to murder Duncan but is forced into it. The audience don t know quite how to react because sometimes Macbeth is evil but sometimes he is good. The motivation behind Macbeth s words and actions is that he doesn t want to murder the king because he feels that he hasn t any complaint against the king so the murder will be pointless. The Character of Lady Macbeth In this scene lady Macbeth is angry and is insulting and we know this because she says things like: Was the hope drunk / Wherein you dress d yourself? Hath it slept since? and she also says that if he s going to go back on his word, he doesn t really love her, and he s a coward, no better than the poor cat i the adage, who wants a fish, but doesn t want to get its feet wet. Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth: I have given suck, and know How tender tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck d my
  • 17. World Series Research Paper The World Series is a big event that happens in MLB every year at the end of the season to see who is the best team in the MLB. The World Series began in the year of 1903 and it has been going on until present time. The New York Yankees were a great team throughout the 1998 season. They had a great winning record the a MLB team could ever have; going with a record of 114 wins and 46 six loses in the regular season. In 1998, the New York Yankees and the San Diego Padres had met at the World Series. it was said that the Yanks were having a great spring training. During spring training, the Yankee s coach George Steinbrenner ask if anyone in the Mlb had ever gone undefeated in the game of baseball. But that was only in the regular season.Through... Show more content on ... David Wells, better known as The Boomer took the hill for the home team against Kevin Brown and company. When the New York scored two runs during the second inning, San Diego kept up with two runs of their own in the third. Brown was finally replaced by Donne Wall, who was replaced by Mark Langston who was replaced by Brian Boehringer who was sadly replaced by Randy Myers. However, no reliever from the Padres could match with the Yankees starter jeff Nelson and their reliever Mariano Rivera, who had closed the game on the Padres 9 to 6. As you can see that year was a great year for the New York Yankees. As they won the World Series in the year of 1998 on my birth year. Even though they won it easily they had to go through a lot of practice and training. They went through tough teams. Even though the had gone through tough times and good times the team had to put in time and effort and that is how history is
  • 18. Pollution And Redemption In Dracula, By Anne Mcwhir Pollution and Redemption in Dracula, written by Anne McWhir, a Professor Emerita at the University of Calgary, analyzes the complex relationships between characters of Bram Stoker s, Dracula. McWhir acknowledges seemingly opposing themes within Dracula, Dracula is remarkable for its blurring and confusion of categories. Modem and primitive, civilized and savage, science and myth are confused; so too are other categories good and evil, clean and unclean, life and death (31). She explains the purpose of hunting Count Draculais to restore the characters, giving them a chance at redemption, The pollution or dangerous power that disappears at the end of Dracula means that the characters can return to a world of clear categories and... Show more content on ... Dracula is a proud of his lineage. His blood is noble among gypies (criminals) but when placed in comparison to the elite of England, he is considered primitive, ...Dracula s criminality dominates over his noble blood: science assimilates him to a lower type, associating him with animals and inferior human groups (McWhir 34). By the end of Dracula, the younger characters return to clear and defined statuses; Lucy is at peace in her true death, Dr. Seward and Holmwood (Godalming) are married to other women, Mina and Mr. Harker have been ushered into adulthood by becoming parents. They decided to name their child, Quincey (McWhir 35). McWhir explains, Quincey Morris, wounded in the act of destroying Dracula, dies a hero s death, reminding us that the dangers have not been mere dreams and mad fantasies and showing us through his central role in a ritual of purification that blood is substance as well as symbol (35). The defined social categories that the characters wish to achieve can only be possessed by recognizing their opposing forces. Anne McWhir concludes that the road to purification for Mina requires a blood sacrifice, sanity cannot exist without recognizing madness, and the danger of and dependence on foreigners (Dracula and Van
  • 19. Beat Shazam Research Paper In a few notes, who can identify a song? Beat Shazam, a new game show on FOX, answers this question in front of a live studio audience with a few lucky contestants walking away with cash. This week the show continues with special guest MC Hammer joining the fun. Watching the show, it s pretty obvious that some folks have a soul that absorbs music. Excited to be on stage and willing to push the limits, the contestants seem to really embrace the beats and come up with the necessary answers. At home, viewers watch (and yes, we yell the answers at the TV too) as the correct response are revealed. This show is mind blowing and it just keeps getting better. Based on the popular app Shazam, the show Beat Shazam offers a human approach to what computers can do in seconds. The idea of identifying millions of songs in a matter of seconds is mindblowing. Compare this knowledge to a single person and humanity quickly realizes how lucky we are to be living in 2017. It s hard to remember thousands of artists and titles from decades of music as there is already so much to remember in our day to day lives. For fans of the app, it s the perfect tool when trying to find a name of new band or catch a song title from released hit from an artist... Show more content on ... Tossing away the canned feeling, Foxx has found an amazing balance to produce a high energy show that makes you want to watch more. Adding MC Hammer to the mix this week is a big boost for music lovers. Yes, it s Hammer time! Here s to hoping talented artist might open up his private playlist to share what he loves to listen to when relaxing at home. Since there are no other game shows currently on TV offering so much excitement, we got to borrow MC Hammer s slogan to describe just how fun Beat Shazam this season: U Can t Touch
  • 20. Biblical Archetypes In A Separate Peace By John Knowles In the book A Separate Peace by John Knowles there are several biblical archetypes. These biblical archetypes give the reader an insight into the deeper meaning of the text. This adds a greater significance to the story, and gives the reader a greater understanding. Some examples of these biblical archetypes are the garden of Eden, baptism, and Judas and Jesus. The garden of Eden is a paradise, in which there is the tree of the knowledge of good in evil. Adam and Eveboth live in Eden, and God tells them not to eat the apples that grow on the tree. In the beginning, Adamand Eve are innocent, but Eve is persuaded to eat an apple form the tree by a serpent, and Eve convinces Adam to eat the fruit too. This causes them both to gain knowledge and lose their innocence, this is known as the fall of man. Next, baptism is a ritual of sprinkling water onto a person s forehead, or immersing them in water. This is supposed to purify the person getting baptized. It is also used for regeneration. Baptism s are also used to initiate or admit someone into a church. Finally, Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, but he ended up betraying Jesus. While Jesus was pure and innocent, Judas was immoral and not innocent, and betrayed someone who he pretended was his friend. The connection between these stories and the book give the reader a better understanding of the book. The biblical archetypes in A Separate Peace include the garden of Eden, baptism, and Judas and Jesus. In the
  • 21. Argumentative Essay About Kobe Bryant As it stands today, Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player to have ever played the game. Some argue that Michael Jordan was better, but he was not. Some argue that Lebron James is better, but he is not. To compare him to the men who played the center position is a waste of time. Obviously Shaquille O Neal, Wilt Chamberlain, and Kareem Abdul Jabbar were more dominant. They were freaks of nature. What Kobe had that set him apart from everyone else was a skill set and mentality that is unmatched. Kobe is the best player first and foremost because he was a Los Angeles Laker for twenty years. Some may say that my bias towards Kobe as a Laker fan discredits my argument, but it does not. First, a list of his accomplishments. Kobe was drafted out of highschool at the age of seventeen, broke into the league by winning the Slam Dunk contest in his rookie season, and by age of twenty five he was a three time world champion. He was the youngest person to be named a NBA All Star at the age of nineteen. The combination of his talents with the talents of Shaquille O Neal was the greatest one two punch of all time. That is an objective fact. Shaq himself has even admitted that had the duo stayed together after the 2004 season, they most certainly would have gone on to win additional world championships, but Kobe didn t need Shaq. When it was all said and done, Kobe ended up with five rings to his name to O Neals four all five with the Lakers I might add. I won t lie, Kobe s days in
  • 22. Catherine The Great Biography Catherine the Great, was born on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland), and became the Russian empress in 1762. During her reign, Russia expanded its borders, made many political reforms, increased the religious toleration, and modernized exponentially, earning her the title of Enlightened Despot. She died on November 17, 1796 in Tsarskoye Selo, or what is now Pushkin. Catherine, started out as a minor German princess. Her birth name was Sophie Friederike Auguste, and she grew up in Stettin in a small feudal state called Anhalt Zebst. Her father, Christian August, was a prince of these insignificant holdings, but he gained fame for his military service. He served as a general for Frederick William of Prussia. Princess Johanna ... Show more content on ... No finalized laws or reforms came out of the commission, but it was the first time that Russians from across the empire were able to express their thoughts about the country s needs and problems. Ultimately, the Nakaz became more known for its ideas and as a point towards Catherine s ideals and progressive thoughts, rather than its actual influence on the country s standing. A skeptic religiously, Catherine tried to diminish the power of the Orthodox Church. She had given them the land peter had taken back, but she soon changed her mind. Catherine declared that the church s wealth would belong to the state. To that end, she made the church part of the state, and therefor all of its holdings, including more than one million serfs. At the time of Catherine s coup, Russia was viewed as underdeveloped and covered in rural farms by many in Europe. She tried to change this negative opinion through expanding and upgrading the country s educational systems and artist export. Catherine owned a boarding school established for girls from affluent families in St. Petersburg, and later called for free schools to be an accessible opportunity for children in towns all across
  • 23. Imagery In Dystopian Novels Dystopian novels have been written throughout history to show possible futures in which humans suffer from oppressive governments. All of these novels show what will happen if humanity continues to make certain choices. Dystopian novels affect the choices of everyone who reads them because they don t want their children and grandchildren to live under oppression. These sources, by Henley, Mandela, and Wiesel, use imagery to create dystopian like futures and real life examples of what a dystopian future would look like to warn us of these futures and show how dystopian novels are important. The use of imagery to create dystopian like futures is used to show how dystopian novels are important and warn us about the future. William Ernest Henley, in his poem Invictus, says In the fell clutch of... Show more content on ... That there will be suffering and pain for everyone living in that future and that, beyond that future, lies more horrors. This gives us an idea that the future is not something we should look forward to and should work to avoid at all costs in order to protect those who will come after us. This poem gives us the precognition to make choices that will stop such a future from coming about. The use of real life examples of what a dystopian future would look like is used to show how dystopian novels are important and warn us about the future. In source C, Nelson Mandela warns us of the future and shows us how dystopian novels are important by using real life examples of what a dystopian novel would look like. Mandela, in his speech, says, Our future, and the future of our children, is being made now... May all of us commit ourselves to the future. Mandela lived through the apartheid regime in South Africa, a time of heavy racial segregation and discrimination. The
  • 24. How I Lost The Junior Miss Pageant Short Story In the story, How I Lost the Junior Miss Pageant by Cindy Bosley, the narrator tells her story about how she lost the Junior Miss Pageant. She takes us on a journey about how she watched pageants and rated the females as if she was the judge and how she got into the pageant and practiced. She told us about her and her mother s struggles with money, men and ultimately how she lost the pageant. She went even further after the pageant was over, to tell the reader how disappointed her mother was because she did not win and her mother s ultimate sorrow, her loneliness. This descriptive narrative allowed me to understand the text s main point: being accepted by others. The mother definitely wanted people s acceptance because of her weight was ... Show more content on ... She did the pageant to get her mother s acceptance for one. Her mother always had put her down, After my mother s never subtle hints that if I d just lose 20 pounds boys would like me and I might even win a beauty contest (Mauk Metz, 2016, pg. 34). Throughout reading the story, I felt the mother and daughter always had a problem with people accepting them for who they were. The theme about wanting people to accept you is a hard one to talk about because I feel that everyone wants to feel accepted. Some people want that to happen without them changing themselves and some people will change themselves if it means that they re with the rest. Acceptance is what the mother really wants because she s always had problems with men and it hurt that her husband left her for an even heavier woman. The daughter, on the other hand, still wants people to accept her, but she s come to terms with reality that she ll never be the lucky one, I d lost this contest at birth...I d lost the contest in borrowed shoes and an out of date dress...I d lost the contest with the engagement ring on my seventeen year old finger (Mauk Metz, 2016, pg. 36). The novel, How I Lost the Junior Miss Pageant taught the devastating effects of what can happen once you need someone else s approval of yourself. The mother and daughter were both transparent people that wanted a way out from never being seen. When you live your life by training yourself or
  • 25. How Did Henry Viii Influence The Government Of The Tudor... The reign of the Tudor family is prominent for many occurrences with two monarchs standing out Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. But the 118 years of Tudor England have a great deal to thank Henry VII (also known as Henry Tudor) as he got them off to a stable and powerful start (history learning site). He is mostly notable for ending the dynastic wars known as the Wars of the Roses and founded the House of Tudors. Henry VII was born in England at a time when it was divided by a civil war known as The War of the Roses. The War of the Roses was fought between supporters of two rival branches of the Royal House of Plantagenet. King Edward III of England (House of Plantagenet) had many sons. John of Gaunt, his third son, became the 1st Duke of Lancaster (House of Lancaster) and Edmund of Langley, his fourth son, became the 1st Duke of York (House of York). The conflict stems... Show more content on ... Morton s Fork , named after John Morton, was a method of ensuring that nobles paid increased Yanez !4 taxes(The Columbia Encyclopedia). Those nobles who spent little must have saved much, which meant they could afford the tax. Henry strengthened the government and his own power, at the expense of the nobles. The English monarchy had never been one of the wealthiest of Europe and even more so after the War of the Roses. Through his monetary strategy, Henry managed to steadily accumulate wealth during his reign, so that by the time he died, he left a considerable fortune to his son, Henry VIII(Gordon, Marsden). Henry VII was clearly a successful king. He had several goals that he had accomplished by the end of his reign. He had established a new dynasty after 30 years of struggle, he had strengthened the judicial system as well as the treasury and had successfully denied all the other claimants to his throne(Francis, Bacon). The monarchy that he left to his son was a fairly secure one and most definitely a wealthy
  • 26. College Campus Food Is The Most Important For Students But... College campus food is the most important for students but overlooked and ignored by the college campus. Lone Star College holds the key to obtain performing, and concentrated students in a classroom; the key is the best choices of food for Breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but provides students with the energy and nutrients that lead to increase the concentration in a classroom, also helps to control a healthy body weight. Having a good lunch is important because it gives students the energy to stay alert and aware in the classroom. Lone Star College provides both Breakfast and also lunch but what they provide is disappointing decisions for their students. Lone Star College provides unhealthy food choices, expensive food choices, it is understaffed, the quality of food is disappointing and the location to purchase food is horrible. The effect of lunch and breakfast are so important and should not be ignored especially by a college. Lone star college Fresh of the grill food choices consist of single or double cheeseburgers, chicken fried steak, chili cheese nachos, chicken sandwich, grilled chicken sandwich, Frito pie and a single potato. All eight choices and only two are healthy for you, could it be because it is easy and quick to make or because they sell more of that than stem vegetables off the grill? Possibly not quicker to make since Lone Star College offers a grab and go menu which consist of Chicken tenders. Chicken
  • 27. Lethal Injection Lethal injection is now almost the main method of execution in the US, with all but one of the 39 executions carried out during 2013 being by this method. Deadly injection changes from state to state.Normally, the prisoner is strapped to a gurney or a fixed execution table, rather than an operating room table by leather or webbing straps over the body and legs. All the chemicals used in the USA are standard medical drugs. Sodium thiopental is an ultra short acting barbiturate which was used widely as an anaesthetic and causes unconsciousness very quickly if injected into a vein. Capital punishmentis supposed to serve the purposes of social defense and retribution. The argument that it deters or incapacitates dangerous offenders was not conclusively supported, and analysis of data herein failed to provide solid evidence for the death penalty as a mechanism of social defense. (Sorensen Pilgrim,2006 , p.159)... Show more content on ... Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should deadly injection ever be held to be (going against something in the Constitution), for this type of execution the person usually is shaved and strapped to a chair with belts that cross his/her chest, groin, legs, and arms. A metal skullcap shaped electrode is attached to the scalp and forehead over a sponge moistened with salt water.Even without any trouble, death (by electricity)s are anything but quick and painless. (as a result) most states with death penalty laws have switched to deadly injection. Only Alabama, Georgia and Nebraska still employ the old (and useless) and terrible and scary method of death (by
  • 28. Swot Analysis on Dating Organisations Essay Appendix Valentinos Case Study The following information was gained from an interview with Rudolfo, MD of Valentinos, a highly successful Personal Introductions Agency . Although they have been very successful and have made major investment in the Internet they are becoming increasingly worried about their market share and continuing profitability. They have asked you to advise them on their strategy and how they might further exploit technology. Their current technology was at the cutting edge 10 years ago but a lack of recent investment in this area is beginning to worry their senior management. There has always been a need for matchmakers throughout history, in all levels of society Valentinos has successfully filled this role... Show more content on ... Valentinos unique combination of modern technology coupled with the personal touch has made them the world s leading and most popular agency of its kind. The Valentinosservice is, of course, completely confidential. They apply the strict rules of the Data Protection Act, so a name will never appear on another company s mailing list. They take great pride in their reputation. Clients can request as many introductions as required and, for reference, on each provide a copy of the information held about them. Without charge, and at any time, clients can change any of their details or requirements to ensure that they get the most compatible matches. Valentinos experienced staff are always available to help and advise in any way they can. If, on any computer list, the client gets fewer than three introductions the next list is without charge. They can ask for just their address, telephone number, or both to be given out, and on each computer run Valentinos will automatically print out the names of the people who have been given their details since the last run. Valentinos is a computerised matching service which covers the whole of the UK. To become a member, applicants need to complete a comprehensive questionnaire which they receive in their initial information pack. The questionnaire asks a number of questions about the person and also, about the type of person they wish to meet. They are asked to indicate the areas from
  • 29. Essay on Impact of West Nile Virus on Humans The Impact of West Nile Virus on Humans (or Why We Should Worry) West Nile virus can infect humans, but there are more drastic ways that it affects our lives. The virus normally lives in birds and is transmitted among them and other animals by mosquitoes. There is no other definite method of transmission, and people do not have to worry about contracting the virus through contact with infected humans or animals. Hundreds of species of birds and many mammals, including several endangered species, are vulnerable to the virus. Many domestic animals are also susceptible, but the virus does not create any symptoms in most of them. There is no way of getting rid of the virus once an animal has been infected, but a vaccine for horses has ... Show more content on ... About 20% of people develop mild symptoms, including fever, nausea, and swollen lymph nodes, within a couple weeks of being bitten by an infected mosquito. Only one out of 150 infected humans display more WNV s Impact on Humans 2 serious symptoms, such as high fever, disorientation, vision loss, numbness, and paralysis. Because West Nile is a virus, it cannot be cured by antibiotics. People who display serious symptoms are given supportive treatment, which may include intravenous fluids and respiratory support until they recover (CDC, 2004). Animals found in the wild are also susceptible to West Nile virus. It is fatal to up to 285 species of birds, which are the reservoirs that the virus normally lives in (CDC, 2005). Members of the avian family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, magpies, and jays (CDC, 2003), are especially vulnerable to West Nile virus, as seen during the 1999 New York epidemic, when hundreds of crows died from the virus. Other animals that have been found carrying the virus include squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, and bats (Lee, 2003). Although humans do not have to worry about becoming infected by West Nile virus by handling infected animals, they should be aware that reports of animals that have died from the virus is an indication that there are mosquitoes that are carrying the virus in the area. Some endangered or threatened species are also susceptible to West Nile virus, including Asian elephants, great Indian rhinoceros,
  • 30. Too Much Power In Tommy Douglas And George Orwell s Animal... Have you ever thought about power and what it does when there is too much of it? In the book Animal Farm and the short story Mousland, one group has too much power and it influences the rules; which shows the theme that if there is too much power in one group there is no equality within the rules. The authors of Animal Farm and Mousland use the narrative techniques of characterization and conflict to illustrate political messages, about power influencing, how the rules affect equality. The authors Tommy Douglas and George Orwell use characterization to show the political message that too much power affects the rules that affect equality. In the book Animal Farm the animals have taken over the farm from the humans and started producing their own goods. In the book Animal Farm, page 35 it says, The animals had assumed as a matter of course that these would be shared out equally; one day, however, the order went forth that all the windfalls were to be collected and brought to the harness room for the use of the pigs... You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in spirit of selfless and privilege? ... Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We pigs are the brainworkers. This shows how Orwell uses the actions of the pigs and their reasoning for those actions to characterize them as selfish and using their
  • 31. Rebellion In Richard Wright s Black Boy Richard Wright s theme in Black Boy is that of survival. In his autobiography, he struggles to pull through life by rebelling. He rebels in many ways. In the first stage of his life, when he is just a young boy he often rebels against his parent s authority. When he is a young adolescent, he rebels against being beat unfairly or into submission. As a young man, he fights against the Southern way of African American life. As Richard Wright grows, his rebellious acts grow larger and more daring in order to survive the harsh Jim Crow life of the South. For instance, Richard Wright starts to rebel from a very young age and his insurgency isn t an uncommon for a small child. He begins his life of defiance by fighting against his parents from... Show more content on ... Instead of publicly protesting or becoming submissive like a slave, Richard Wright rebelled against the South and the Southern way of life by reading and writing. In 8th grade, he writes a story and decides to publish it in a local African American newspaper. After this, Richard decides to become a writer. This is an act of unconscious rebellion. As an African American boy, he is not expected to have dreams or aspirations of becoming a writer or have any dreams or aspirations at all. So this small story that he wrote that probably wasn t anything extraordinary sparked a revolution inside of him that he continues to fuel as he ages. I was building up in me a dream which the entire educational system of the South had been rigged to stifle. (Wright 186.) When Richard Wright is named valedictorian of his class in ninth grade, he is asked to prepare a speech which he does so without complaint, but he is called to the principal s office and given a speech to read instead of his own. Richard simply refuses to read the principal s speech instead of his own. He argues with the principal, his other classmates and even his uncle and they all think he is a fool for not reciting the principal s speech. This rebellion shows that he won t conform to what everyone else does and he uses his writing to do so. Richard wants to give a true reflection of himself and his education through his
  • 32. Alternate Outcome At Fort Ticonderoga Alternate outcome at Fort Ticonderoga In order to come to an alternative outcome, one must first address the instructional letter sent from General Gage to General Carleton after the battles at Lexington and Concord. The letter took far too long to get to General Carleton. General Gage had credible human intelligence suggesting that the colonists wanted to take Fort Ticonderoga. While one understands that one must use the chain of command, one would think the immediacy of the letter was far more important and should have gone directly to Fort Ticonderoga, instead of the 10 day long ride to Montreal. And even if that was not proper protocol, General Gage could have at least sent an advisor with knowledge of surveillance techniques to Fort Ticonderoga to aid in their post and give better forewarning of a potential attack. Secondly, had the British force at Fort Ticonderoga had cavalry scouts assigned to it, there would not have been much of an American Revolution. The cavalry scouts would have picked up the trail of Colonels Allen, Arnold, and the Green Mountain Boys. The Scouts could have performed reconnaissance and then reported back to the garrison commander, putting the whole fort on guard. Then the garrison commander could have contacted both the British sloop in Lake Champlain and the garrison at Fort Crown Point for further aid and reinforcements, beating back the patriot attacking force. Thirdly, with more troops at the fort, the British could have afforded a couple
  • 33. Institutional Reform In The United States Political Science 50, Fall 2015 Short Analytic Paper Many politicians argue that there is a need for institutional reform in the United States the sole purpose of such reform should be to develop a more efficient system for the state as a whole. However, others argue that there are existing institutions in the United Statesthat are structured efficiently. In order to help determine where an individual will stand on the debate about institutional reform, one must compare the effects of different forms of political institutions with the existing form in the United States. There are three new proposals of reform to discuss for the United States: 1) change in the electoral system for the House of Representatives, 2) change in the executive structure... Show more content on ... depends on what the relationship is between the executive structure and legislative system. Under a presidential system the executive and legislative branches are separated so that it is easier to distribute power equally and ensure that those in power are held accountable. Although they don t hold checks and balances , under a parliamentary system, the government can be more effective when they do not separate the executive and legislative branches. This allows the government to accomplish more because they can pass more legislations faster. It is more difficult to pass policies under a presidential system because, unlike in parliamentary systems, they are unable to produce comprehensive proposals in a promptly manner. Still, problems can arise in parliamentary systems. For example, there may be immobilism in parliamentary systems, similar to the deadlocks in presidential systems, which could cause a delay in the process of making legislations. It is also more difficult to fix problems between the legislative and executive branches in a presidential system because each side will continue to fight over the power to pass laws and adjust it in the way they want. If the legislative branches are weakened, there is more probability of presidentialism failing than parliamentarism. Therefore, implementing a parliamentary executive structure could be an effective
  • 34. Human Services Essay In the past century, the scope of practice and competency of Human Services has developed and devised astronomically alongside its counterparts who include Social Work, chemical dependency research, and most importantly; Psychology. There have been numerous of advocates, social workers, researchers, and psychologists that have contributed to the progress and functionality in this delicate but crucial field of work. Although all of these people influenced and shaped what the vast field of human services looks like today, there is one psychologist in particular that played an important role in the creation of his aiding work has evolved into today. Sigmund Freud, a physiologist, health physician, psychologist and husband of... Show more content on ... He drew a number of incredibly vivid supporters whom became the heart of the psychoanalytic movement. While he was flourishing with what he had accomplished, he was incapable of agreeing criticism and was known for objecting civilians that did not concede with him and subsequently went onto towards encounter competing institutes of thought. (Storr, 2001) Freud did not design the suggestion of the conscious versus the unconscious mind; however he was responsible for making it well liked. The conscious mind within what you are conscious of at any particular moment, your show perceptions, memories, ideas, fantasies and feelings. The biggest portion, however, being the un conscious. The unconscious incorporates things that are not easily available towards perception, incorporating out motors or instincts and things that we cannot carry towards glance at, such as memories and feelings associated with trauma. According towards Freud s theories, the unconscious is the cause of our motivations. (Stafford Clark, 1997) The id, the ego and the superego are another prominent theory that acts off of the conscious and un conscious mind. Freudian psychology initiates with a earth full of objects. Among them is a exceptional object, the organism. An extremely meaningful portion of the organism is the nervous system. At birth, the nervous system is a little many than of else animals, an it
  • 35. Virtual Organization Behavior Virtual Organization Characteristics From the definitions of virtual organization/team, it can be summarized that virtual organization/team has four main characteristics which make it different from non virtual organization/team: First, cross line, virtual organization/team is centralized with a few or without department. Business environment change makes a company or organization should be more flexible in doing its activity. When a company should produce a high quality product to meet their consumer needs, they could collaborate with other companies to determine consumer needs. In this case, virtual organization/team has an important role. Second, resources and purpose sharing, virtual organization/team could facilitate someone with innovative idea but has not enough resources. Amazon sells a lot of books but they do not really have the books, they cooperate with other parties who have the books and then sell it via Amazon. Third, geographic dispersion, refer to any physical dispersion of team members, such as different geographic locations or different workplaces at the same geographic location, nationally or internationally. Virtual organization/team could maximize the time difference advantage from its member. When a US company develops a website they can work on it from morning to evening, and their partner in the other part of the world (Asia, Africa, or Europe) will continue the development so it could finished faster. Fourth, impermanent member, one team formed
  • 36. The Career As A Professional Registered Nurse The success as a professional Registered Nurse (RN) requires hard work, compassion and empathy. It is important to realize the journey is challenging, but is fulfilling. The registered nurse profession was established in the 1800s. For over two hundred years a registered nurse has helped those in need. The responsibilities of nurses is to educate their patients on many types of diseases as well as provide guidance to patients and their loved ones. It is important for nurses to express compassion, emotional stability, and empathy for patients. Being the largest healthcare occupation, registered nurses are able to work in a hospital, physician s office, as well as in home healthcare, with the option to travel. Registered nurses have the opportunity to travel across the United States to help care for patients whose access to healthcare is limited. In 2015, the average wage a registered nurse could earn was $67,500. The general probability of someone starting a career as a registered nurse is exceptional. In order to become a registered nurse, there are education requirements to be met. Regardless if the degree is for MSN, BSN, AND, or a diploma, certain requirements must be met. Typically the BSN degree takes up to 4 years, ADN 2 to 3 years, and a diploma up to 2 years to complete, with additional schooling to earn a BSN. A MSN allows a combination of BSN and accelerated programs for those who already hold a bachelor s degree. The courses required are anatomy, physiology,
  • 37. Conflict Between Law-Enforcement And Crime In response to question one, the immediate reaction to this image I exhibited due to the conflict between the law enforcement and crime is shocking. I myself do not live in an environment where horrific events like this image portray s happen every day. I am aware it does occur, but viewing it in this shot exceedingly alters my perspective of these altercations with the law. Furthermore, I do feel a diminutive amount of sympathy for these people caught in the perilous setting, I myself do not know what these people may be enduring in their life. They could be forced into doing these illegal acts against their will, they may be struggling financially and looked at this as an only option, or they grew up in an environment where these type of
  • 38. A Report On Protein Intake A for any age is 41.8 grams, according to the bar graph report my protein intake is 105.63 grams. Most of my protein is coming from Chicken and Fish. I would recommend replacing some of the chicken meals with alternate protein source like red kidney beans. The main source of protien in my diet come from animal sources. The top four foods are Chicken breast 31.7 grams Salmon Fish 28.8 grams Egg (Scrambled) 12.6 grams Whole Milk 8 grams 4. Six options for plant source protein are Hummus and pita bread Real beans and rice Lentil soup and corn bread Barley and black beans White beans and pasta Lentil and rice VITAMINS a) The intake of VitaminC according to the spreadsheet is 20.2 mg, the recommended value is 75 mg/day. b) To improve the Vitamin C intake I would include more citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Including broccoli ,strawberries and kiwi would also help in improving Vitamin C. a) According to the bar graph report my intake of Vitamin D is 3.51 mg, the recommended value is 15 mg. b) To improve the vitamin D intake I would include Vitamin D fortified foods such as soymilk,cereals,cheese,cod liver oil and fatty fishes such as tuna and mackerel. c) Sunlight is a good source Vitamin D. Exposure to 15 minutes under sunlight is recommended. a) According to the bar graph report my intake of Vitamin E is 5.92 mg, the recommended value is 15 mg. b) To improve the vitamin E intake I would include
  • 39. Expression Of Mind Tupac Analysis Essay Expression of Mind: An Analysis of Tupac Shakur s XXXXX Because of his traumatic upbringing, Tupac Shakur is known for his blunt and unfiltered lyrics and ability to catch the attention of his audience. Shakur was born Lesane Parish Crooks in June of 1971 in East Harlem, New York. Later in 1972, his mother changed his name to Tupac Amaru Shakur, after the last Inca monarch, who, ironically, was executed after leading an indigenous uprising against Spanish rule. Tupac was born into a family of Black Panthers, a revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization. In school, Shakur often excelled teacher s expectations. He was extremely intelligent and enjoyed participating in school plays and dances. However, from an early age he was ... Show more content on ... Tupac Shakur spoke out against police brutality and felt strongly about equality and expression of mind which reflected in his art. Most of his themes and topics revolved around inner city struggles, racism, freedom, and other social conflicts. Shakur s poem In the Depths of Solitude, outlines not only many of the internal struggles that Shakur was dealing with, but the struggles that a lot of young, black men were dealing with during that particular time period. This poem is written as a dedication to himself and the only audience is him. In the poem, the speaker, Tupac himself, is, Trying 2 find peace of mind (3). During this time period, Tupac is forced to face all the struggles that come along with being a well known rapper and idol, admired and observed by so many. Like many young people, Shakur is not completely secure within himself and with so many others depending on him to be a certain way, it makes sense for him to define himself in relation to those around him. He is craving to be accepted and valued. CONSTANTLY yearning to 2 be accepted/ and from all receive respect, (5,6). However, earning these peoples respect can be too much when one bases his/her happiness on it. I
  • 40. Biography . Irving Fisher, Is An American Economist, Who Biography Irving Fisher, is an American economist, who is regarded as an early neoclassical economist. He was born on February 27th, 1867 and past away post World War II on April 29th, 1947. All of Fishers contributions to economics were thorough mathematical and statistical equations. Fisher also concerned himself with political and social issues. As well, he dedicated a part of his life to promoting healthy living and world peace. He was also an advocate for the League of Nations, the original United Nations. Born to a Congregational mister, who taught him to believe that he must be a strong and helpful member of society. His mathematical skills allowed him to become admitted to Yale University, however after a week of starting... Show more content on ... ( Irving Fisher, 2013) Irving Fisher lived and contributed to the study of economics during a time of both World Wars, the Great Depression and Prohibition. During these major and global issues, he became a social activist, advocating his support for Prohibition, and campaigning for the ban of tobacco. As well, during WW1, he lobbied for world peace and the supported the creation of the League of Nations. He was diagnosed with Cancer in early 1947, and past away a few months later, on April 29th. Fisher Effect 1 + i = (1 + r)(1 + ПЂ) I = Nominal Interest Rates R = Real Interest Rates О = Inflation Rates в†’ Systematically shows the relationship between Interest and Capital Fisher is widely regarded for his theory of interest and capital. He was strongly influenced by John Rae and Eugene von Bohm Bawerk, clarifying and combined their two theories. He first expressed the theory of capital, investment and interest rates in 1906 in a book titles, The Nature of Capital and Income as well in 1907 The Rate of Interest. His major book, the Theory of Interest was published during the Great Depression which summarized his life work on capital, credit markets and determinants of interest rates, including the rate of inflation. ( Irving Fisher, 2013) This theory states that the real interest rate is equal to
  • 41. Slip Or Trip Case Study Slip or Trip Reasoning In this scene you see Arthur, the husband lying face up at the bottom of the stairs with an empty glass, which is still fully intact in his left hand. You can also see in the background a pan cooking on the stove. Finally you will notice that everything around the staircase looks to be untouched. Queenie the suspect in question has just went off to the bar after a tiff with her husband Arthur. She then returns home along with a few friends, but she comes home 10 minutes before they do. She claims Arthur has fallen down the stairs coming to get another drink after already being drunk. The autopsy confirms that he has died from a head injury. Our claim is: if Queenie is lying then she murdered Arthur.
  • 42. A Geographical Place Through Visual And Narrative... Food has the ability to transport you to other countries, different times, and completely new experiences. The effectiveness of film to create a geographical place through visual and narrative portrayal of food will be explored through the elaboration on three movies: Haute Cuisine, Ratatouille, and Chocolat. The movies explored in this essay are all set in France and have various levels of effectiveness when it comes to creating a sense of geographical place through visual and narrative portrayal on film. While all these movies are set in France, some proved to be more superior than others in terms of successfully portraying French food through film. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the different levels of accomplishment on successfully portraying location through visual and narrative portrayal of food. Each film was individually assessed under the same visual and narrative context and was judged in terms of effectiveness in portrayal and ability to transport the viewer. Haute Cuisine is a French film following the journey of the French president s personal cook and the ups and downs she faces while working in the Г‰lysГ©e palace. The movie is every food lover s dream and does a remarkable job at making viewers salivate just from the sight of the haute French cuisine. According to Hertweck (2014): Although there are multiple reasons for a filmmaker to locate food and eating at the center of a script, perhaps overlooked is the ability of these images to directly
  • 43. Nt1310 Unit 3 Data Center Design Server Farm Design (Data Center) Since the data center has several servers that include critical data, including research, studies, patents, and experiments, I have decided keep the data center inside the internal network, so there is no direct interface with internet. The data center will be connected to two servers as it is shown in figure 4. I have decided to use two Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series switches, that support encryption and provide scalability and resilience. Figure 4. the Data Center design of the Future Corporation VTP design (VLAN design) In the Future Corporation LAN, I have decided to some Virtual Area LAN Network (VLAN) for better performance, easier administration, less cost, and better security. There will be two VLANs for each department, total will be 26 VLANs. The first VLAN in each department will be only for the employees department, and the second VLAN will be for the guests. I have decided to use static VLANs, so every port will be configured to be belong to a VLAN. I have selected static VLANs instead... Show more content on ... First, it supports up to 1Gbps, which is a fair speed for the users. Second, the distance does not matter because all the departments workstations will connect to the switch that is in the same building. For the cabling between the access and distribution layer, I have decided to use Multi Mode Fiber (MMF) for many reasons. First, there is huge amount of data coming from the switches in the access layer to the 3 layer switch in the distribution layer, and the MMF cable can deal with heavy traffic data. Second, since that MMF speed is 10Gbps, that makes the 3 layer switch receive and send the data faster to the switches in the access layer. Third, the distance between the switches in the access layer and the 3 layer switches in the distribution layer is less than 2 km. For the core layer, I have decided to
  • 44. Computer Systems And Networks Configuration Assignment 1 Computer Systems and Networks Configuration Course: Bsc (Hons) Computer Science Module: CO5023 Computer Systems and Networks Laksamana College of Business Student ID: 1525584 Table of Content Part 1: Logic circuit3 Part 2 : Research Report13 Part 3 : Network Configuration16 Report16 References17 Part 1: Logic circuit Given the following proposed circuit an are required to re implement is functionality using the minimum umber of gates possible. Using K maps to achieve this outcome. Figure 1 This is the original figure for part 1 Initial Logic circuit Number of input 4 input [ A , B , C , D ] Number of gate11 gatesInverter 2 gates AND5 gates OR4 gates Number of output3 output [ X , Y , Z ] Logic circuit for X Logic Circuit for X equation Logic Circuit for X truth table Truth table for X Logic circuit for Y Logic Circuit for Y equation Logic Circuit for Y truth table Truth table for Y Logic circuit for Z Logic circuit for Z equation Logic circuit for Z truth table Truth table for Z Main Truth table K Maps for X K Maps for Y K Maps for Z The re implement logic circuit for X, Y and Z This is the equation for re implement logic circuit: Part 2 : Research Report Short report, outlining the similarities and differences between the instruction sets used for ARM and Intel processors. This should include an explanation for the ARM processor s
  • 45. Death Is Not Stop For Death By Emily Dickinson Death in Rebirth In this poetic exploration Because I Could Not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson; the assumption of accepting death has been the ultimate interpretation of this poem. Clarification/evidence has given readers an idea that death is unavoidable and that eternal darkness is what awaits after death. Some might say death is a sinister man who only takes your life out of spite, but others would object and lure other pears to be optimistic to the true meaning of death. In a different perspective Dickinson s poem could be understood as rebirth . Death being a blessing, as a result of an awakening to an afterlife, new beginning . Depicting this poem many interpretations can lead to many different ideas. The strategic poem Dickinson wrote allows you to appreciate her examination of death as a positive outlook. The mental illustration of the poem is early sunrise as if Dickinson is about to start her day. As she goes on she clarifies a visit from death is at her door step. The Carriage held but just Ourselves that sentence alone makes viewers picture some kind of journey about to take place, somewhat as if it were the beginning of a reincarnation, or as a detour ride of her life. Dickinson goes on to explain that she is onboarding a carriage some could interpret this as the last day on earth judgment day ; from his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were
  • 46. Bleeding Kansas Research Paper #4 Choices: Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas was a period in time filled with violence during the settling of the Kansas territory. It was a small war fought between proslavery and antislavery for control of the Kansas territory. In 1854 the Kansas Nebraska Act overturned the Missouri Compromise s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory and instead, using the principle of popular sovereignty, decreed that the residents would determine whether the area became a free state or a slave state. (Bleeding Kansas, A E Television Networks, 2009) People all around came together to try to influence the decision on whether the state should be proslavery or a free state. Unfortunately, it took the turn for the worst with brutal violence. Blood was being shed all across Kansas. It contributed to the political storm that occurred throughout the United Statesbefore the Civil War came in to play. The start of violence with Bleeding Kansas, was the spark to what put the United states through a... Show more content on ... For example, Bleeding Kansas was the start of the Civil War and the Civil War is what ended slavery, since slavery has been ended many colored men and women have become a big part of our nation. The past eight years we have experienced our first black president, Barack Obama. Now, it is not uncommon to see most news headlines with an African American name being the subject or even the reporter being colored. Also, most celebrities that provide us with entertainment through TV, music, or even books are African Americans. BeyoncГ© has become a big hit to teen girls throughout the United States. She is sending out the message that you don t have to be skinny to be beautiful, curves make you beautiful as well. She is becoming most young teens hero because of society s image of a perfect women to be almost impossible to achieve. The world has made an evolution to how we address and treat African
  • 47. Climate Change Is A Very Controversial Topic, Not Only Climate Change is a very controversial topic, not only in The United States, but in various places around the world. Some people say that it is a hoax, and others put it on the top of their priority list, along with abortions, terrorism and other important topics circulating around the world. Magnum in Motion did a very good and detailed job of swaying people to believe that climate changeneeds to be a more precedent issue. The video essay portrays climatechange as a pogrom, it gives an unbiased opinion, and it presents ways to combat climate change. The video done by Magnum in Motion is done in a superb fashion. It portrays climate change as a pogrom. It does a phenomenal job in showing how climate change can effect things around us.... Show more content on ... It shows forests and houses set ablaze due to the recent spikes in the temperature. Lives are being lost due to Climate change, and if that is not a problem to you then something is wrong. More and more wild fires break out every week all across the world spreading from village to village, forest to forest and leaving nothing but a trail of destruction, death and fire. Magnum in Motion climate change video gives us ways to combat climate change. One of the solutions the video presents is to charge taxes for carbon emissions and support low carbon research initiatives. Although this would let us learn much more about climate change and the ways we can do to prevent it from being such an issue. I would say corporations would be upset that they have to pay more taxes, and the word taxes in America is like a curse word. Another solution is that we can change our way of living and invest in renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels and such. Solution number three is thinking collectively and helping venerable communities adapt to the consequences that come with the effects of global warming and climate change. In doing this it would help us learn more about ways to combat or be more prepared the next time it becomes a problem for any of the countries in the world. The quote by the Dalai Lama speaks volume on this issue, If we looked down at the world form space, we would not see any demarcations of a national boundaries. We would
  • 48. What Is Rachel Carson s Obligation To Endure An Image In Rachel Carson s The Obligation to Endure an image from the original version of her work Silent spring is shown. The image appears to be of a flowering tree branch, possibly of a fruit tree, crossed with a pesticide sprayer. It is intended to show the reader that just about everything we see as beautiful is tainted by poison. On page 52 we see an image of a tree branch and a pesticide sprayer crossed in an x like formation. This is intended to be a play off of the idiom crossed swords, which means to fight or argue. It is ultimately an allusion to actual sword fighting where swords will literally end up crossed against each other during a fight. This image, therefore, represents the constant struggle between naturetrying to survive
  • 49. Look At The Dark Side Of The Moon Look at the dark side of the Moon: The Crucible research paper The human race had never seen the dark side of the moon until the astronauts traveled out to space. In our world, there are a lot of things that are invisible like the dark side of the moon. Some of these objects are under one s nose, veiled in mystery and apathy of the people. These objects that are missed, gives the viewers a whole different image when it is seen from a particular angle. These unconsciously ignored components of the play are like an ore of a diamond. The Crucible by Arthur Miller can be analyzed under three different literary lenses; Historical, psychoanalytical, and archetypal lenses put its focal point on various ideas, which will able the readers to perceive the features from different areas. These components allow advanced understanding for the observers. Without knowing the historical information about the author, The Crucible seems like a very intense soap opera. History has been affecting the plot, background, and even the characters of the play. The historical lens is a literacy theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic. Historical lens puts its spotlight on the background and connection with the real world, which structures the storyline. It can be checked from a dialogue between characters or even in a background setting of the scene. For instance, slavery and
  • 50. Play Coaches Research Paper Coaches come from many different backgrounds. Some are former players, some are students of the game, and some just want to learn a new skill. Growing up, I have had good coaches, mediocre coaches, and bad coaches. Although our team record, or my personal seasons haven t always been up to my expectations, each of these coaches have taught me different ways to coach the game. My sport of choice is baseball. I have played for 14 years, and although an arm injury has probably ended my playing days, my love and passion for the sport is still there. When I think of Why do I want to coach? I think of three main reasons that attract my interest. These include, I love seeing people reach new heights through hard work, I feel I have a strong yet unorthodox... Show more content on ... Generally if you get a hit 30% of the time you are considered an above average player. There is a fine line between being a good player, or a below average player. Some call it luck, but above average players can certainly be developed. I want to coach to help develop these above average players. I want to teach that if you work hard enough and put in your time you can elevate your game. I ve seen it work for many people that have put the time in, and would enjoy to help these players get better. Another aspect that explains my interest in coaching, is that there are many new methods used that can help win games, and that can help develop players. The methods used when I was young have now been discredited, yet many coaches still use them. I would have interest implementing the newly researched methods. Finally sports are about more than winning and losing at the end of the day. I want to coach to help these men learn to work together as a team. This is an essential aspect of their future and they need to learn to use this skill. Players also need to learn to be respectful and responsible. If you make an error it happens, I would hope my players would learn from it. I don t believe in embarrassing them after that, they know they made a mistake, and they need to know how to fix it, not that they made a mistake. I also want to coach because too many players are disrespectful to officials in today s game. I don t go after umpires, and I would expect my players to act in the same
  • 51. Anti Heterosexuality And Its Effects On Society Those who remain in the closet are hiding their internalized feelings from their friends, family, and colleagues, in order to avoid confronting this socially stigmatized part of their life, along with their own potential denial and self hatred. Because of the stigmas attached to the LGBTQ community, one often feels that they have to hide this part of their life in order to maintain social and work relations, with pressure to conform to the heterosexually dominated culture. This causes internalized confusion because non heterosexuals are told from society they are abnormal, and thus this can cause a frightening reality and lead to internalized oppression that is the acceptance of negative social attitudes, beliefs, and stereotypes directed towards a devalued or marginalized group (186). There is an assumed need to silence those who stray from this dominant culture because of fear that they are inherently and psychologically impaired, which causes the illusion that those from the LGBTQ community are very limited. Non heterosexuality was even identified as a mental illness in the DSM before 1973, referred to as an interference, and distress, which only further increases negative ideas about it (188). These ideas, as well as heteronormative legislation, lead to violence against those of the LGBTQ community in overt and covert forms by intentional and unintentional heterosexists. This is because of the idea that heterosexualism is the norm and standard, and the belief
  • 52. Laevis In Research 1.X. Laevis in Research The African Clawed Frog (X. laevis) is among the most widely used animal models to study anatomy, physiology and vertebrate development. From the 1940s to 1970s, X. laevis was used in pregnancy testing. The current standardized test for toxicity measurement of environmental pollutants; the FETAX Assay,1 was developed using X. laevis. Recently, X. laevis has begun to be in used research investigating central nervous system (CNS) regeneration. X. laevis has also been used in ground breaking biomedical research in developmental biology, cancer and cellular research.1 2.X. Laevis as an Animal Model Several characteristics make X. laevis an ideal animal model. Firstly, their ability to produce large quantities of easily manipulable eggs year round,1 coupled with a long lifespan of 15 20 years1 provides scientists with a stable source of biological ... Show more content on ... Primary research article Quantitative proteomics after spinal cord injury in a regenerative and a non regenerative stage in the frog Xenopus laevis. 4.1Purpose of Study This study examined and compared the types and expression levels of proteins produced between regenerative stage (R stage) and non regenerative stage (NR stage) X. laevis with spinal cord injury (SCI). Proteomic profiles are developed to gain essential knowledge on mechanisms controlling spinal cord regeneration and highlight reasons for its failure in mammals. 4.2Target Groups 8 samples from R stage tadpoles (growth stages 49 51) and NR stage froglets (growth stage 66) were examined (Table 1). Table 1: Breakdown of target groups examined in study.4 R stage tadpoles (8 samples)NR stage froglets (8 samples) Spinal cord transectionSham operationUn operated ControlSpinal cord transectionSham operationUn operated Control 4.3Methodology 4.3.1Growth of X. laevis X. laevis embryos were grown to obtain R stage tadpoles and NR stage froglets. Un operated controls were chosen from these animals. 4.3.2
  • 53. The Impact Of Sound On The World Of Sound Cinema Sound is obviously an essential part of cinema, and most couldn t imagine watching any sort of entertainment without sound. Although how did sounds start and what were some major advancements in the world of sound cinema? The introduction of sound to cinema began by a process known as Phonofilm, created by a man named Lee de Forest and Theodore Case in 1923. The Phonofilm, which recorded synchronized sound directly onto film, was used to record a variety of entertainment including vaudeville acts, musical numbers, political speeches and opera singers. Unfortunately, this sound filmdidn t last long because it was overshadowed by the sound on disc, later named the Vitaphone. The Vitaphone was developed by Western Electrics Bell Laboratories and quickly acquired by Warner Bros Company in April of 1925. The Warner Brothers film Don Juan, directed by Alan Crosland, which utilized the first system with synchronized music score and sound effects, first showcased the Vitaphone. Using the Vitaphone, Warner Brothers went on to produce over 100 short films during the mid 1920 s. In 1927, The Jazz Singer was released, which was essentially a silent picture with Vitaphone score and the occasional episodes of synchronized singing and speech. Although the Vitaphone seemed like a revolutionary concept opening a whole new market of cinema, it became apparent that recording on film would be much more convenient. Sound on disk had been in the tweaking process throughout the early
  • 54. Ideo Case Study Case Study Analysis: IDEO Product Development The business model for IDEO began as an open minded place to design, develop and manufacture new products. The last 20 years of proven product design driven by innovation has translated into profit margins for their clients and continuous refinement for IDEO s process. IDEO pioneered concurrent engineering where design and engineering work together to produce aesthetically pleasing products that are also highly functional. This was different from many other similar companies that placed more emphasis on the industrial design than the engineering. IDEO s strengths grew out of the ability to master this ability with high tech clients. Corporations came to IDEO because they had a proven ... Show more content on ... In the past Palm projects design had been ignored in order to favor bells and whistles directed toward male customers. This new Palm was to appeal to the customer on the emotional level as well as the aesthetic level. What may have been missing from the innovation formula at IDEO in 2000 was the philosophy of customer experience. This is the way many corporate brands like Starbucks have been handled to be an experience, not just a product. It is no longer sufficient to simply tell customers about the product features or benefits. The brand must create a visceral connection with customers they have to participate in the journey emotionally. Product development must be geared with the customer in mind and the customer must be engaged more often in research. The Handspring Visor project however, was more of a challenge for all team members, and the goal was to shatter existing norms by further reducing the physical parameters of the product. It also challenged accepted user interface protocol. This would challenge the team members at IDEO to fail less often , so they would be able to succeed even sooner , but the real problems were the cost and time limitations put on the project by Handspring. Would sacrificing steps in IDEO s development process lead to an inferior product? The evidence would come later, but initially,
  • 55. Synergistic Effect Of Feeding Aspergillus Awamori And... Synergistic effect of feeding Aspergillus Awamori and Lactic acid bacteria on performance, egg traits, egg yolk cholesterol and fatty acid profile in laying hens (Running title: Fungi and Bacteria in laying hens diets) Ahmed A. Saleh1*, B. GГЎlik2, H. ArpГЎЕЎovГЎ3, M. CapcarovГЎ4, A. KalafovГЎ4, M. Е imko2, M. JurГЎДЌek2, M. Rolinec2, D. BГro2 A. M. Abudabos5 1 Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, 333516 Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt 2 Animal Nutrition Department, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic 3 Department of Poultry Science and Small Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic 4 Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic 5 Department of Animal Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia *Corresponding: Dr. Ahmed Ali Saleh, Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 333516, Egypt E mail: Abstract: This study was conducted to examine the effects of a combined supplementation of Aspergillus awamori (AA) and Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in feed on growth and egg quality. Hens (28 week old) were fed on a basal diet as control group; diets supplemented with 0.05%
  • 56. Fundamentals of Project Management Module: Fundamentals of Project Management Module Code: FPM12/1 Assignment number: 1 Milpark Fundamentals of Project Management FPM12/1 Assignment 1 Year 12A / Page 1 Assignment Guidelines Guidelines for the successful submission of assignments Students are sometimes unsure as to what constitutes work of an acceptable standard when submitting an assignment. Naturally, programmes offered at different NQF Levels demand different types of responses. An NQF Level 4 or 5 qualification probably requires the student to demonstrate the ability to describe, explain and apply a concept, whereas at a graduate level (NQF Level 6/7), students must be able to analyse, evaluate and synthesise information. It is therefore important that you... Show more content on ... п‚· Always use your own words, unless you are directly quoting from a source (refer to the section on referencing and plagiarism that follow). п‚· Don t assume that the reader understands what you are saying. The reader wants to know your understanding of the issues (demonstrating competence). п‚· Finally, always read through your assignment on completion to ensure that your answers are clear and concise. It is also very important to ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your assignment. Technical presentation and precision make an important contribution to the quality of an assignment and must therefore not be neglected or disregarded. Guidelines for Referencing Precise and accurate referencing is important: п‚· Acknowledgment: It is incumbent on you to acknowledge the source of ideas, concepts, models and arguments used in your assignment. The person who developed the idea or concept should be recognised and acknowledged. п‚· Scholarship: Academic referencing is important as it teaches skills of careful and painstaking scholarship. An assignment that sets out all sources accurately and consistently, according to an agreed upon referencing style, immediately sets a high standard for the piece of work. All work that is referenced in the assignment needs to be listed in a Reference List. If the assignment consists of one long essay question, the reference list will appear at