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Essay On The Other Wes Moore
Writing an essay on the topic of "The Other Wes Moore" can be a challenging yet intellectually
rewarding task. The complexity lies in dissecting the various themes presented in the book and
weaving them into a cohesive narrative that reflects the author's intentions and the broader
societal implications.
To begin with, the narrative structure of the book itself is intricate, alternating between the two
Wes Moores and their contrasting life trajectories. This demands careful attention to detail and a
nuanced understanding of the characters' motivations, backgrounds, and the societal forces at
play. Analyzing the parallel lives of the two individuals requires a deep exploration of their
choices, influences, and the impact of their respective environments.
Furthermore, delving into the book's underlying themes, such as the role of education, systemic
inequality, and the consequences of one's decisions, adds another layer of complexity.
Addressing these themes requires extensive research and critical thinking to provide a
comprehensive analysis that goes beyond a surface-level interpretation.
Crafting a well-structured and insightful essay involves not only summarizing the content but
also offering a thoughtful interpretation and engaging with relevant scholarly discussions. It
requires the ability to connect the specific narrative of "The Other Wes Moore" to broader
sociological, psychological, and cultural concepts.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Other Wes Moore" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a deep understanding of the book's narrative intricacies, character dynamics, and
underlying themes. It necessitates critical thinking, research, and the ability to synthesize
information to create a coherent and meaningful analysis.
If you find the task too daunting or time-consuming, it's worth considering seeking assistance.
Services like provide an option to order similar essays, offering support for
those who may need additional help in navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Essay On The Other Wes MooreEssay On The Other Wes Moore
Functions Of Currency And Currency
There are multiple functions to U.S currency and currency in general. One of the
functions is that it is a medium of exchange. U.S currency can be used for the
buying and selling of goods and services. This means that a person with money can
exchange their money in order to get something of equal value. What determines the
value of goods and services are called market forces. Another function of moneyis to
store value. Money is not the only thing that is used to store value but it is the most
common. People have been using currency much earlier than when the dollarcame
around. People would use different types of metals or other durable, valuable items
as a form of currency. The purpose of having currency is to have something of value
... Show more content on ...
Ever since the 1960 s, United States currency has been backed by the full faith and
credit of the United States government. This means that currently United States
currency represents an IOU from the U.S government. Although this might not sound
like much, the United States government is one of the most stable institutions in the
world and an IOU from them is reliable and valuable.
There is controversy over the penny in the United States. Some people believe that
the U.S government should keep the penny in circulation and continue to make
them but other people think that the U.S should just get rid of pennies. There are
valid points to both arguments which is why it is so controversial. The main reason
why people believe the penny should be eliminated is because of the cost of pennies
for the United States government. The price of making each penny costs the
government 1.5 cents while the value of a penny is one cent (Sparshott). Although
half a penny might not seem like much, the U.S made 92 billion pennies between
the year 2000 and 2014 (Wing).By continuing to make pennies, the U.S government
lost over 4.6 billion dollars between 2000 and 2014. Another argument why the
penny should be eliminated is because its worth to little to be useful. Inflation has
eaten away the value of a penny over the years and they are practically worthless
because of
8th Amendment Death Penalty
As the famous American politician Martin O Malley once said, The death penalty is
ineffective as a deterrent, and the appeals process is expensive and cruel to the
surviving family members. This quote explains that the death penalty is ineffective
and arises even more complications for the family of the accused. In addition, the
death penalty is a consequence that an accused pays for their crime. Moreover, the
Eighth Amendment is trespassed because the death penalty is considered cruel and
unusual punishment. Also, a former national basketball player and now a politician,
Kevin Johnson said that in some states, they use three drug methods, including the
sedative midazolam; a drug used to make people feel relaxed and/or sleepy during
surgery. Altogether, the... Show more content on ...
To begin, the director of the Death Penalty Clinic at the University of California
explained how the majority of the death penalty is from race discrimination (Gass).
Mostly, the victims of the death penalty is accused not only because of the crime, but
because of their status in the community. In addition, the extent the criminal justice
system tolerates racial bias and discrimination. This includes the accusation of the
discrimination of minorities as legal (Gass). For an accusation of the death penalty, a
reason can be that the accused is of a different religion, race, or ethnicity. Lastly, the
eighth amendment of the constitution and the death penalty conflict. For example, As
Gass wrote, Instead, the court will limit arguments in the case to another Eighth
Amendment protection, decided in the 2002 case Atkins v. Virginia, that executing
people with intellectual disabilities constitutes cruel and unusual punishment (Gass).
This shows that the death penalty targets the minorities and interferes with the Eighth
Amendment. Overall, the death penalty does not stop crime; however, it does
increase the rate of death around the
Persuasive Essay On Molly
Have you met molly? This is a widely asked question to promote the awareness of
molly. Molly is an illegal drug that is made from dangerous lab created mixtures.
The drug is used in social settings because of multiple reasons. Many do not
understand all the harm that it can do to one s body because of all the harmful
chemicals in the drug. It is primarily marketed to preteens and teenagers. The
synthetic drug market is the fastest emerging drug problem, which includes the drug
molly. The government has tried to stop and raise awareness about the drug. I
believe that peers talking about the drug and how it has affected them or their
family and friends would help spread the awareness of the drug, and get teens and
preteens to listen. MDMA is a harmful drug that is created dangerously and more
people our age should be more aware about the synthetic drug.
The real name for the drug is 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Molly is a
popular term referring to molecular, but it is most commonly known as ecstasy. It
is a drug made with lab created chemicals and most of the time people do not know
what drugs are in it due to the fact it is not regulated by the FDA. This is one reason
that it is such a dangerous drug to be out on the streets. Back in ... Show more content
on ...
Making people aware at a younger age and helping them understand the damaging
effects will help teens be more thoughtful before taking the drug Parents should also
talk to their children about the harmful effects of drugs. Many kids around the ages
of 12 17 hear about the drug molly, but do not pay attention or understand what they
are hearing. Most of the time users do not know what the are ingesting because it is
chemically made at the dealer s house and isn t regulated by the FDA. Users and
potential users of molly need to understand what they are putting into their body and
the risk associated with this harmful
Cohesion In Discourse Essay
It s the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal
communication (Renkema, 2004, p.1). According to Longman Dictionary, Discourse
is a general term for examples of language use, i.e. language which has been used as
the result of an act of communication. Discourse refers to larger units of language
such as paragraphs, conversation, interviews, sermons, speeches....etc. Discourse can
be written or spoken. The study of how sentences in written and spoken language
form larger units such as paragraphs is discourse analysis(Longman dictionary,
p.147). What makes a sequence of sentences a discourse is cohesion (Renkema,
2004, p.49). Cohesion in discourse appears to involve the further grouping of... Show
more content on ...
2 collocation
It s a part of lexical cohesion that is achieved through the association of lexical items
that co occur together. (Halliday and Hassan, 1976, p.285)
Examples: make mistake do homework. Grammatical cohesion
It focuses on how grammar works across sentences. It could be substitution, ellipsis,
conjunction, and reference.
2.1. Substitution
It s the replacement of one item with another one in the text. It could nominal (one
/ ones), verbal (do), and clausal (so/not).
look at these green hats, and the red ones. (Nominal)
Do you like the apples? Yes I do. (Verbal)
Is it going to rain? I think so. (Clausal)
2.2. Ellipsis
It s the omission of a word or part of a sentence. Ellipsis is closely related to
substitution and can be described as substitution by zero . (Renkema, 2004,
p.104).Ellipsis can be nominal, verbal, and clausal.
look at these green hats, and the red. (Nominal as there is omission of
Mi Hogar Contiene London Rhetorical Analysis
Mi hogar contiene la memoria de mi niГ±ez y el ser una persona ingenua sin saber
las realidades de la vida. Contiene el amor que yo le tengo a las puestas del sol, al
perdГіn y a la sabidurГa, tambiГ©n contiene el recuerdo de que todo tiene un final,
incluyendo el dГa. La razГіn por cual mi hogar abriГі un aleph tiene que ver con lo
vulnerable que me ha hecho. Upon entering my home, you will stumble upon my
raw soul. On my front door, which I consider the first thing a person will notice
about me reads, ... it is not right that we hold a grudge in our hearts ... (Truman
Capote). I chose this as my welcome sign to represent my will to forgive, and my
effort to remove the negative thoughts and emotions out of my life by letting go of
the harm done... Show more content on ...
I have chosen 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero. As a child, my mother
would play classical music for me because the doctor recommended it. Recently I
read studies that brought to light the capability of focusing and recapturing what
has been studied could be better done if the student listened to wordless songs i.e.
classical music, while studying. When I gave it a try I realized my focus increased
and just stuck to it. The song mentioned above represents me in such way that I had
previously listened to classical and when I reconnected to it for school purposes I
realized I had found my home in music. I chose that specific song because although it
includes violin it provides this sense of modernity and really enlightens my mood.
Por otra ventana, a la cual yo considero ventanas al alma, se observa el refrГЎn El
que no trabaja por lo que quiere, no merece lo que desea . Para mГ eso significa el
tener que esforzarte para alcanzar y cumplir tus metas. En mi vida diaria eso es
evidente en la escuela, porque el tener calificaciones buenas no solo se ganan, si no
se debe ser diligente y cumplir todos los requisitos, es poner doble esfuerzo y tomar
todas las ventajas que la vida te permite, aunque incluya renunciar tu verano para salir
Manage Risks
Identify, Assess and Manage Risks
During the period November 2006 to June 2011 I was employed by RF Industries
(RFI). RFI is a nationally represented company within the telecommunications
industry that designs, manufactures and distributes wireless technology products. In
2010, the E AUTRY project commenced, sponsored by the Defence Science and
Technology Organisation (DSTO), for the development of a man portable UHF/VHF
radio repeater allowing radio communication extension for field troops. I was
appointed Project Manager, as such, one of my responsibilities was the management
of project risks.
As part of project start up activities, which included the creation of Project
Management Plan and Schedule, I also created a Project Risk Management Plan. This
plan outlined how risk identification, analysis and evaluation would be monitored and
controlled over the life of the ... Show more content on ...
The meeting was as forum to brainstorm foreseeable project risks as well practical
mitigation strategies. I conducted post analysis of this information, including risk
categorization, and risk applicability to project stage. This information was compiled
and entered into the Risk Register before being shared with all stakeholders.
To actively manage project risks, I understood ongoing communication with the
project team was essential. The established weekly team meeting provided the
opportunity to discuss risks related to immediate development activities. In addition
to discussing the active mitigation to known risks, new risks were uncovered and
added to the risk register for subsequent mitigation. As the project timeline progressed
new risks were identified, these were subsequently included in the risk register,
monitored and prioritised. As existing risks were mitigated they were marked as
closed removing any further need to
Human s Helpful Nature Can Sometimes Do More Harm
Than Good
Humans prove to be extremely influential, whether it is answering a question in an
interview, or recollecting every detail about a crime, their answers can be impacted by
the actions of the interviewer. Human s helpful nature can sometimes do more harm
than good.
Often in times a witness trying to be more helpful by recollecting things they do not
remember can have dire consequences, such as a conviction of the wrong person.
During the experiment conducted by Elizabeth Loftus, many people were asked
about details about a crime committed, each question dictated a different answer
depending on two things; how the question is asked, and who asked the question
(Eyewitness testimony: Psychological aspects, 2009).
There are many positive uses for open ended, as well as closed ended questions, both
have their place at specific moments in an interview. Open ended questions can be
extremely useful to get a substantial amount of information, but they are not always
the best ways to ask specific questions. Closed ended questions can allow an
interviewer to control the interview more easily. Interviewers can control an
interview in many ways, most of these controls are positive aspects to an interview;
one thing an interviewer should not control however, is the answers being given.
This is referred to as leading, leading questions can control the witness to say exactly
what the interviewer is hoping for them to say, which can conclude in a wrongful
conviction. Asking a question that
Biblical Heroism In Treasure Island By Robert Louis
Noah. Moses. Joshua. Esther. What might all these people share in common? All
were heroes in light of the biblical understanding of the term, heroism. Matthew
20:28 states, Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give his life as a ransom for many (NIV). This verse embodies one of the components
of a true heros character. The biblical heroes mentioned above were humble, led
others by serving, counted others needs more significant than their own, and
obeyed God s call for their lives. Of course, they were sinners and still stumbled
and fell, but their lives demonstrate true biblical heroism in their strivings to honor
God and serve others. Noah obeyed God s command to build an ark and rescued
his family and the animals from the Flood. Moses led the grumbling people of Israel
out of Egypt and into the desert after continually pleading with Pharaoh to let them
go leave Egypt. Joshua listened to God s instruction and led the Israelites around
Jericho s walls until they came tumbling down. Uninvited, Esther came into King
Nebuchadnezzar s presence, asking him and Haman to dinner where she would
eventually expose Haman s evil plans and save the Jews. In Treasure Island by
Robert Louis Stevenson, the main characters, Long John Silverand Jim Hawkins, do
not measure up in comparison to this biblical standard of heroism. Therefore, neither
Silver nor Jim are heroes in the biblical light of heroism. Jim Hawkins arrogance,
cowardice, and selfishness
Compare And Contrast Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding
When it comes to infants there are many different methods on properly raising a
baby. This is a very important part of the child s development. This sets the tone for
the rest of the child s life. Breast feeding vs. Bottle feeding is one of the most
controversial issues when it comes to parents deciding which will be best is for
the babies. In my opinion breast feeding is more superior when it to come to the
benefits the baby more according to many studies the mother body can adapt to the
changes of the baby. For example if the baby is sick the mother s body can produce
milk that caters to the baby s health. There are also cons that come along with breast
feeding like the child becoming too attached to the mother which is separation anxiety
Pan s Labyrinth By Guillermo Del Toro Essay
Pan s Labyrinth is a Spanish film which is most likely known for being a dark
fantasy film. The author is a Spanish filmmaker; his name is Guillermo del Toro. He
was born on October 9, 1964. In one of his interviews, they ask him how can he
describe the movie of Pan s Labyrinth and he said: It is a fairy tale for grownups .
The movie has a lot of fantasy, action, and sadness. This movie deals with a lot of
fantasy and darkness, different worlds in just one movie. In the interview Guillermo
del Torosaid that the whole idea of the film was that he wanted to make a movie with
a fantasy world that was as real and dangerous as the real world we live in. This
movie had a lot of amazing characters that all together collaborated to make this
movie possible. The major character was Ofelia as the Princess Moanna, a girl who
comes to believe she was a reincarnation of a princess from the underworld. Captain
Vidal, Ofelia s new stepfather and a Falange officer. Mercedes, Vidal s housekeeper.
Carmen, Ofelia s mother and Vidal s wife. The Faun Pan, who tells her that she needs
to complete three dangerous tasks in order to claim immortality and go back to the
world she belongs to. The minor characters were Doctor Ferreiro, a doctor in the
service of Vidal s, he was an anti Francoist. Pedro, who was the brother of Mercedes
and leader of the rebels. Garces, one of Vidal s officer. Cerrano was other of Vidal s
officers. El Tarta, was one of Pedro s rebels. El Tarta, was one of Pedro s
Examples Of Abigail s Monologue For The Crucible
As I have stated earlier Abigail wants John Proctor, She and John proctor had an
affair in his household as she served them in it. She was so desperate she tried to
kill John Proctor s wife basically using witchcraft, aka drinking blood. Betty says,
You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor s wife! You drank a charm
to kill Goody Proctor! (919); Abigail already has a bad image going for her since
she was fired from her job for no reason . If we are counting the girl already has a
terrible reputation, she had her fun with a married man but after getting kicked out,
but she is STILL pursuing him. You are young there are many single young men out
there, get something better to do with your life, you are out here letting people...
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I want the light of god, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw
him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with
the devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the
Devil! (934). This statement was made by Abigail basically to put more attention
on her, the more attention she got the closer she is to being so believable she can
insult the best person there is and people will still believe her. It will take a lot of
innocent people s lives to get exactly what she
Concept Of Culture And Organizational Analysis
3.1 Concept of culture and organizational analysis:
The concept of culture has been linked increasingly with the study of organisation
(Graves and Rouse, 1990). Nevertheless, Organisational culture is a set of beliefs,
values, and norms, together with symbols like dramatized events and personalities,
which represents the unique character of an organization, and provides the context
for action in it and by it (Deshpande and Webster, 1989; Ravasi and Schultz, 2006;
Xiaoming and Junchen, 2012). In other words, these organizational values in turn
form out the standard norms and guidelines for the organization that makes it distinct
from others (Van Maanen 1979).
Schein (2004), stated that functionalist believes that ... Show more content on ...
Finally, many definitions imply that organizational culture is multidimensional and
multileveled and includes many cognitive and symbolic strata. Hofstede (1980)
framework for analyzing organizational culture mentions two different types
dimensions of organizational culture: Individualism and Collectivism, which are
likely to influence the process of employees social categorization. Individualistic
organizational cultures focus on and reward employees personal accomplishments,
individual characteristics and abilities. This dimension is rather flexible, as
employees are allowed and encouraged to behave in their own personal way
(Chatman et al. 1998). Therefore, organizational membership is not salient and
personality traits are appreciated. As Markus and Kitayama (1991) argued that
individuals maintain their independence from others by attending to the self and by
discovering and expressing their unique inner attributes. Collectivistic organizational
cultures, on the other hand functionalist,belives that the general agreement of
acceptable actions and behaviors, which assure shared objectives, interchangeable
interests and commonalities among employees(Minkov and Hofstede
2011).functionalist believes that main priority of collectivistic cultures is
independence and cooperation and that organizational
Japanese-American Kochiyama Analysis
All About Yuri Kochiyama Yuri Kochiyama was a Japanese American activist who
fought for topics that she was extremely passionate about. In her ninety three years on
this Earth, Kochiyama worked to gain civil rights in the black, Latino, Native
American and Asian American communities. Unfortunately,Yuri Kochiyama has
recently passed away due to natural causes in Berkeley, California. Although
Kochiyama was born in San Pedro, California, her family was forced to evacuate as
the bombing of pearl harbor took place. They moved throughout various different
internment camps along with other Japanese Americans. This relocation continued
until Yuri met her husband, Bill Kochiyama and moved to New York City to start
their family. Although Yuri Kochiyama
... Show more content on ...
For example, the rap duo from Seattle, Washington, the Blue Scholars, were
inspired to make a music video dedicated to their idol, Yuri Kochiyama. In this rap,
the two young men say, when I grow up, I wanna be just like Yuri Kochiyama .
This line is repeated multiple times throughout the song to prove the fact that these
people look up to Yuri Kochiyama because of her courage of standing up for those
who are not able to. It is important for people to be knowledgeable about social
injustices towards other races because they will be the ones who can protest for
these people to be treated fairly and equally. Helping others who are incapable of
doing so is a duty that every citizen in a community must follow through with. This
is a significant act of activism because it leads to allyship. Becoming an ally with
someone will be beneficial to both races or communities involved because this
allegiance would become an even harder bond that would have the potential to be
destroyed by racial discrimination. Allyship is important because it shows others that
they are not alone. Everyone can feel included because allyship is not meant to be
an exclusive concept. The main purpose is aimed to make all races feel involved and
represented in the grand
The Importance Of Greek Learning And The Use Of Reason
The emphasis on learning the use of reason are concepts that refer to knowledge.
Knowledge is the skills acquired by a person through experience. The importance
of knowledge is displayed through Greek art, philosophy, and the Odyssey but is
also a factor in the way we see the world around us. Our perspective of events that
occur can be developed through learning and the use of reason. Reason is the ability
to think clearly, without reason we could get caught up in a variety of things and
miss the chance to expand our knowledge. The Greeksbelieved in this principle and
therefore it is a factor in art, literature, and philosophical ideas.
Through Greek art architecture, it displays how the Greeks valued the emphasis on
learning the use of reason. The Doryphoros was a statue that represents Contrapposto,
a stance which is natural and relaxed. This position is more relatable to humankind
and through this act, a state of equilibrium is reached. An example is when the right
hip shifts upward and the left down. Polykleitos was able to convey this idea of
contrapposto through his study of the human figure, he strived for perfect segments
of the body that embodied realistic features.The Doryphoros proves that the Greeks
believed and valued the emphasis on learning the use of reason because it exhibits
intellectual advancement and a better understanding of the human. The Parthenon
was a detailed temple that was constructed mathematically proportioned. The Greek
Personal Narrative Equipment Hazard Analysis
While working I am having three main objectives to learn and master. My first
objective being learning about job specific personal protective equipment hazards
analysis for the shop and field locations. I have learned that this is used to describe
how to perform a task step by step, any hazards associated with a task, and controls
to lessen these hazards. Which in the shop I have noticed they have grinders which
cause huge amount of noise in the shop. Wearing proper personal protective
equipment such as ear plug are important and needed when in the shop. Also while
conducting a job specific personal protective equipment hazard analysis I have
notice as well that flying debris is a huge in the shop and at field locations so wearing
proper safety... Show more content on ...
Next, review documents that defines safety system records or verifies completion
of critical tasks. These tasks may include emergency preparedness; hazard
identification, control, and monitoring; and safety education and training. Last,
conduct field assessment of the facility or equipment. Also My supervisor taught
me a six phase step to perform a safety audit phase one being safety audit
preparation this is where you make sure you have all document, records, past
programs and all local, state, federal requirements. Phase two being fact finding,
this is where you get all applicable information. Phase three being review of
findings of the safety audit where you get a team make sure everything you found is
correct. Phase four being recommendations from the safety audit, which basically
you just make recommendation for any problem you see. Phase five being corrective
actions from the safety audit, this is where the mangers and supervisor give you
corrections. The last phase six publish the safety audit results, which allows the
supervisor and mangers to see the result and see some recommendations for
Racial Discrimination In Workplace Essay
As human beings, it is instinctual to be social beings by frequenting social
restaurants, nightclubs, and bars. It seems as with each passing year these
establishments are becoming more and more diverse. However, despite each
establishment claiming to be openly diverse, can they still practice discrimination
against individuals of different races? In this paper, we will be analyzing an audit
study conducted to determine whether racial discriminationis practiced in a popular
nighttime bar.
Literature Review
I want to begin by defining race. Race is a simple social construct that was used to
create an order to exploit individuals that did not look European (Gallagher, 2009).
This simple social construct has been an excuse to racially ... Show more content on ...
The last article is interesting as it emphasizes that in order for any minority to avoid
being discriminated against, they have to modify their racial identity.
Our group decided to further research discrimination in a popular bar. We decided
to conduct our study in a bar as bars are extremely popular and are increasingly
becoming more diverse. According to de Bruin (2011) an individual can only have
a full positive experience at a nightclub bar if they blend in the crowd, by wearing
the standard clothing and embracing the culture of the bar. De Bruin informs us that
despite minorities possibly being met with resistance at first, if they look and dress
like every other individual in the bar they would fit in.
My groupmates and I decided to conduct our audit study at the famous 360
Midtown Bar, as this specific bar has had racial allegations, where they have
discriminated against ethnic minorities. Just two years ago the bar was known as
the Gaslamp, and it had to be renovated as they were faced with a lawsuit for
discriminating against black civilians. In order to conduct our audit study thoroughly,
we broke down our experiment into two parts. First, we plan on having our male
groupmates whom are of
Other Descriptive Research Methods
Other Descriptive Research Methods
l Developmental research l Case study l Job analysis l Observational research l
Correlational studies
~Developmental Research l Is the study of changes in behaviors across years. l
Infancy, childhood, adolescence, as well as, elderly.пїЅ The total human life span. l
Longitudinal пїЅ follow same individuals over time l Cross sectional пїЅ select
different participants at each age level
~Longitudinal designs l Are time consuming l Drop out rate l Participants become
increasingly familiar with the test items l Items may cause a change in behavior
~Cross Sectional Studies l Are less time consuming l A cohort problem exists: are the
environmental circumstances ... Show more content on ...
~Observational Research
Provides a means of collecting data by observing peoples behavior and qualitatively
or quantitatively analyze the observations.
The Questionnaire and interview are the participantпїЅs self report.
~Methods of Observational Research
Behaviors to be observed пїЅ operationally defined
Who will be observed is part of the sampling method
The Setting пїЅ natural or unnatural, observer participation, behavior related to
Number of observations пїЅ related to time constraints and the behaviors Scoring the
Computer assisted
Narrative, or continual recording пїЅ records in sentences as they happen; slowest,
least efficient
Tallying, or frequency counting пїЅ record each occurrence of a certain behavior in a
certain period.
Interval method пїЅ does the certain behavior occur in a certain time period
Duration method пїЅ A timed behavior by using a stop watch or other timing device
to record how much time an individual spends engaged in a certain behavior
~Videotape for Observation
Can observe many students simultaneously
Can take time recording the occurrences of specific behaviors
Must set up the camera so that there is sufficient field of view, while being able to
see the behavior.
Proper lighting, etc.
~Weaknesses of Observational Research
Operationally defined behaviors
Using observation forms effectively requires
The Glass Of Champagne
Whenever I remember this moment, I remember it drenched in sunlight. Even though
the clouds blanketed the sky. Even though they covered the city hall building in a
grey shade.
He asked because someone had died, someone who was young, our age, but
someone whom I can t remember. It shocked him into temporarily, but whole
heartedly, believing that life was too short. I said yes because I couldn t say no.
I do.
I do.
We shared the glass of champagne because he had only brought two cups and he
offered one to the women who notarized our certificate. He was so charming back
then. Even she had started to fall in love.
The word husband felt too big between my teeth, but that day I said it 24 times
anyways. Scientists ... Show more content on ...
We were sitting cross legged and we were drinking coffee and I was reading the
paper and the sunlight was hitting the very tip top of his hair. I think, he said
grabbing my hands in his, that we should have kids.
I didn t know what to say because I had nothing to say. So I said nothing, at least for
a little bit. Then, I think now s not the time. I mean, we don t have the space and
you re starting your new job next week and we re still young. It would hold him
over for the next year or so, keeping the topic at bay. I didn t know how to tell him
that I didn t want them, that I had never wanted them, that I would never want them.
Things were lovely then.
Things change. VIII
All that time lying left a sour taste in my mouth, like rotten fruit, but I thought it was
better thaen the alternative. I didn t want to have kids, but I also didn t want to be
alone. I didn t want him to leave. I didn t want to be divorced. So I swallowed the
taste on my tongue and lied. Until the taste came back and refused to leave.
During the worst of it, we had just decided not to have kids. More accurately, Chris
asked and asked and asked and I finally told him. Not everything, but enough.
Before I did, I kept picturing the possible confrontation. It would start in disbelief,
maybe he would try and convince me, maybe he would say it would pass. As he
came to understand, it would build into an anger like a white fire, an anger that he
couldn t quite
Negative Body Image
You re scrolling through your Instagram account and you see a post from a model
that you follow. It s a group photo from an A lister party. All the women have
enormous busts, but narrow waists perched upon huge derrieres while all the men
have a broad upper body, followed by a set of washboard abs. You think to yourself
how beautiful and perfect they look. A twinge of jealousy flickers within you as you
subconsciously start comparing yourself to that photo. Unfortunately, these are some
expectations that society has built on how one should one. Moreover, when we don t
reach it, there are often consequences of developing negative body imageissues.
So what is negative body image exactly? According to NEDA (Australia s national
eating disorder association) , body image issue is the dissatisfaction a person may
have of their body not meeting unrealistic criteria. It is the negative thoughts and
emotions that result from their perception of their own physical self. Unfortunately,
in today s day and age, this is an existing issue due to the world we live in promoting
unrealistic body ideals. It tends to become a challenge to not compare yourself to
these expectations when you scrutinize those images of Instagram models in your
everyday life.
A study conducted Down Under showed that, out of 10,500 Australian women, a
staggering 89% of women all hated or wanted to change something about their
appearance. A further study was conducted among 1,500 women and 1,500 men.
Each person
The Internet Has Made Education Better For Teachers,...
The internet has made education better for teachers, student and parents however the
use of the information super highway does not have its faults. What are some
solutions to problems such as cheating, plagiarism and the validity of the information
online? Ethics, honesty, and fairness in online educationare always concerns because
of the quick internettransferring of information available to our students. There are
numerous ways that educators can help minimize this problem. Some action steps
that are readily available to online internet education are TURNITIN which is
plagiarism detection software, remote live PROCTORING which uses web cams and
humans monitoring several screens in the room where students are connecting to
their assignments online, a LOCKDOWN BROWSER can be downloaded to the
students computer which prevents students looking up things during an exam, and
there are KEYSTROKE RECOGNITION devices that recognize the student and
assures that the work is done by that student. Educators have to pay attention to the
criticisms as well. Some of the criticisms to examine are the claims that the internet is
unreliable, students don t get group interaction, teaching profession put at risk, no
way to measure truth in learning, students sheltered from real world, learning is
impersonal, and prevents students from learning how to communicate. The first
claim to examine is that the internet is unreliable. In order to find an internet website
that has reliable
Examples Of Brand Logo
The brand logo is part of the visual brand identity (Abratt, R. and Kleyn, N., 2012)
and refers to the accompanying sign or symbol (Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S., 2006)
that represents the brand name and company. The design of logo is very important;
logo design play an important role in influencing brandattitude among the target
market. Logomust be design to fulfill what company or the brand image is to convey
correct message to consumers. Some logos also design creatively and have some
hidden message.
Example like the logo design of FedEx Corporation, FedEx is an American global
courier delivery services company. The logo of the company look like simple, but
actually between the word E and X there is a hidden forward arrow symbol which ...
Show more content on ...
And some redesign logo failure because people might don t like the new logo or
people will read some other meaning on the new logo brings. One of the examples
of company that redesign their logo and make consumers can t recognize it is
Super Coffeemix Marketing Sdn. Bhd. Super Coffeemix is a food and Beverage
Company which is established at year 1987, their famous product is 3 in 1 instant
coffee and cereal drink. The previous logo of the company is a red color word of the
company name Super surrounded with the green wheat symbol; the new logo
changed by the company in recent year is red in color background with white in
color of Super word with a yellow curve below the word. The new logo was totally
different with the previous one which the company was use for many years, this will
make consumers confuse. Even the company has stated their previous logo on the
package of the product to bring up to date to consumers, but this only work for the
loyal consumers who was always and continuing purchases for the company products,
the others consumers who was just purchases the product when their needed will not
notify and they might switch to the others competitors brand, this might be a risk for
The Roles of Women in France
French culture and society has evolved from many different aspects of French life.
From the mastery of French cuisine to the meaning of French art, the French have
changed and evolved in many ways to produce a specific modern culture, the
dignified culture of the French. One thing that parallels the progress and continuation
of French culture is the role of women throughout France. Compared to other nations,
the role and rights of women in France were confronted earlier and Women s
suffrage was enacted earlier. The role of women in France, because of the early
change in perception of women, enabled France to develop faster and with less
conflict than other competing nations.
Missing from the painting is Marat s murderer, Charlotte Corday. Corday was a tall,
attractive and articulate 25 year old who decided to travel all the way from
Normandy to Paris in order to strike an important political blow. A very big supporter
of the moderate Girondin Party, Corday blamed Marat for the Terror consuming the
French Revolution, as faction warred against faction. While modeling herself after
the heroes of antiquity whom she studied in Plutarch, she had planned to murder Jean
Marat, like Julius Caesar, publically at the National Convention floor. But, when
illness forced Marat to the confines of his bathtub due to his skin condition, Corday
tracked him down to his apartment and won a private audience. This type of bravery
and commitment to stopping the terror would most likely to be
Performance Enhancing Drugs In Baseball
Imagine being able to take a drug that enhances your performance at work so much
that you are rewarded with a raise. A drug that could land you the job of your
dreams and give you the competitive edge needed to beat out the rest of the
competition. Drugs in baseball have been around since the early days of the game.
From steroids to stimulates, baseballplayers have been willing to put anything in
their bodies if it ll help them stay in the show for a few years longer and keep those
paychecks coming in. Now, the question is, do these performance enhancing drugs
ruin the integrity and sportsmanship in the game of baseball? How many good
baseball players didn t get a job on a Major League team because their competition
accelerated their abilities... Show more content on ...
Many would argue the game peaked during the 1998 home run race between Mark
McGwire and Sammy Sosa. This race jump started the sport and began to heal the
tension that brewed between the game and its fans after the cancelation of the 1994
World Series. Of course, this home run race was not the only reason fans came back
to the game. The anticipation to see one of the greatest pitchers of all time in
Rodger Clemens, one of the most talented baseball players of all time in Barry Bonds,
and sluggers such as Jason Giambi and Jose Canseco, were surely going to draw a
large viewing. Each of these players has had some connection to performance
enhancing drugs. We can sit here writing articles and opinion pieces arguing why
performance enhancing drugs should or should not be allowed in this sport, but
there is no argument when it comes to the stats and when we, as fans, have
witnessed the best baseball to ever be played. Any fan of the game will admit that
one of the best things in sports is a homerun. In 1996, 17 players hit 40 or more
homeruns. In 2008, only two players hit 40 or more homeruns (Rymer 2013). We
are seeing better, more exciting baseball during the steroid era, which is
considered to take place from the end of the 80 s and continued through the 2000
s, than we ll ever see during any other era of baseball. Players are hitting more
homeruns, while pitchers are throwing their best balls when they re in there 40s
(Pantuosco 2011). PEDs should be allowed in baseball because first, we, as fans, get
to see a higher competition level while players are on such drugs. Second, these
drugs create an even playing field for all players. And third, do we as fans even care
if these athletes take these
Descriptive Essay About Tattoos
small tattoos 01.jpg
Tattoo on the outer side of the upper arm about four inches long depicting army like
stripes approximately a quarter inch thick, with the first stripe two inch from the
crook of the arm. Four stripes of light black ink tone point upwards towards the
upper arm and transform into two dark toned images of a bird in motion.
Small tattoos 02.jpg
Tattoo design covering the entire circumference of the wrist. Shows of ocean wave
on the backside of the wrist of the right hand in gray and accented in black ink and
with the front side depicting a small island with a single coconut tree on it.
Small tattoos 03.jpg
Tattoo style on the innermost part of the forearm of the left hand indicating an
intricate image of Da Vinci s framed hand of God and Adam, about two inches thick.
This is a perfect way to represent spiritual path
Small tattoos 04.jpg
Small tattoos for guys on the lower side of the chest, one inch from mamma and on
the left side a drawing that shows a simple representation of an elephant. A great
tattoo that symbolizes dignity, strength and pride.
Small tattoos 05.jpg
Small tattoo ideas can be applied on the left inner arm and turns cycling into body
arts! adorable and lovely black bicycle design pointing direction on the left; about
two inches thick for travel lovers.
Small tattoos 06.jpg
Small tattoo for men, a classic flying bald eagle one inch from clavicle, drawn
entirely using black ink with simple white horizontal lines at the wings apart from
My Trip On North Carolina State University
As I sat in the passenger seat of a truck that usually brought me so much joy, I was
overcome with sadness. North Carolina State University was the destination, and in
the eyes of my family, it was the best day of my life. The tour was booked months
in advance, and the most dreaded day in the summer before my senior year had
finally arrived. Instead of the usual conversation with my grandpa, the three and a
half hour drive from Whiteville, North Carolinato Raleigh was filled with an
emptiness, as we sat in silence. I received many sweet good luck texts and smiley
faces from my mom and aunts. I knew they were only being so nice because I was
exactly where they wanted me, which filled me with so much confusion. I was
frustrated with my... Show more content on ...
You have to do what s best for you, and follow where God leads you, but I ll miss you
so much he would say to me each time I brought it up. I would sit on a stool beside
his recliner, and hold his hand in silence as I pondered the idea of moving. It was a
hard decision for me, because, at the time I didn t even have an idea for college.
All I knew was that I wanted to move. I had a yearning in my heart to be in a bigger
city. Being blinded by opportunity, made it seem that everyone else only saw the bad.
During the second half of my senior year, I was living life as an early graduate. I
had completed everything I needed for my diploma, and I was saving up tips while
working at a local Mexican restaurant. It was there that I discovered my passion for
not only the Spanish language, but also hospitality. I began to discover a possible
idea for my future.
It was also there that I received a text saying my decision letter from NC state had
arrived. Bored from the lack of guests and the dreadfully slow lunch shift, I
decided to act over joyed so my manager would let me go home. Good luck,
chaleca! Adam, my manager yelled to me. It s funny because Chaleca is the Spanish
word for vest. I never knew why that was his nickname of choice for everyone.
When I arrived home, I decided to open the letter quietly before my mother noticed I
was in the door. As I wished, it was a denial letter. My mom came running in, and
when I told her the news, she recommended I go to the
Reflection Of Lolita
Having read Lolita before this one, I was in a divided mind whether to bring the
book home. Not that Lolita was bad , no chance of that, but it exerted an
impression which I would love to liken to a massive dose of LSD: lovely
exasperating, trippy to the max, to a certain extent very similar to a case of
migraine. Unfortunately, the black butterfly on its cover knew my dilemma and
blinked with me. I brought the book, and soon envisioned myself getting stuck in
the same vein of chaos of words, metaphors, excessively equivocal language and
bizzare monologues once again. However, to my utmost bewilderment, Laughter
turned out not very elusive as I had expected. I made hardly any endeavor to finish
it all in one light read, and even had time for reflective pauses during and after
reading. Wow, is it me or the tale monster really that easy to tame this time?... Show
more content on ...
Laughter s plot is an accomplished amalgam of Lolita and Anna Karenina: age gap
romance and marriage infidelity. Albinus, a celebrated middle aged art critic
desperately longing for the beauty that s never his, is enchanted by the alluring 16
year old Margot when he aimlessly leads his footsteps to a movie theater where
Margot works. Poor Albinus is soon drawn to the love game of his mistress, and
plays havoc with his former family relationships. Little does he know Margot
never falls for him, and has already parted with her ex lover, Axel Rex, who s also
Albinus friend, to steal his asset. One day on the runaway journey with Margot,
Albinus has his eyes so seriously damaged in a car accident that he becomes blind.
Margot suggests she look after him on the face of it, while at the same time draws
up scheme to get away with Axel and all of Albinus properties. To cut the long story
short, Albinus finally finds out the couple s treachery and decides to kill Margot by
his own hand; however, it is the blind man that is eventually
Behind Me Dips Eternity
Behind Me dips Eternity , by Emily Dickinson displays poetic excellence because,
she avoids the three errors of decent poetry (very didactic, overly sentimental, and
over use of figurative language). The theme of the poem is, when people are sad,
they look for an end but are stuck in the middle till death. In the story the speaker is
depressed, she wants to die but will not come to do it herself. Her only salvation is
hope that she will reach immortality or eternity. She cannot come to kill herself
because she is Christian, the Christian belief is that committing suicide will not allow
you access into Heaven. In the first stanza, Dickinson describes what she sees in
front of her and behind her (Immortality and Eternity). In between these two hopes
stands the speakers life, a depressing and... Show more content on ...
In the next stanza, the speaker goes on to describe the Christian view of Heave; the
kingdom with one eternal ruler (God). Then she talks about Jesus, the prince of
Heaven, and son of none meaning that no human can claim Jesus as his/her son
because Jesus father is God himself. The Prince s dynasty is eternal, meaning that
there ruling will go on forever. In the next stanza, she begins by say that there is a
miracle in front of her and a miracle behind her (Immortality and Eternity). She then
describes her life as a little island in the sea; the island has a beautiful view in front
and behind it. But all the island ever receives is maelstrom. The overall message of
the poem is death and despair, death because the speaker looks forward to her end
but cannot come to do it herself because she has a strong Christian belief against it.
Despair because the speaker has a depressing and tumult life, and the only thing that
keeps the speaker going is hope that she will die soon and reach either immortality or
eternity. To conclude, the poem displays poetic excellence in the story alone, but I
will show you how the poem triumphs by avoiding the fundamental mistakes a
regular poem
Julius Caesar Research Paper
Dionisiy Christensen
Ms. Crisler
Ancient Literature
12 May, 2017
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar has been a great Roman politician, general, and notable author of Latin
Julius Caesar has been born in Rome, Italy. He has borned in a patrician family,
also he has been a member of the Julian family. Julian family has been one of the
first families in Rome. He has been tall, handsome, agreeable in his manners, and of a
cheerful disposition. Julius Caesar has been a rich noble, he became a friend of the
plebeians and always support them. When Julius s father has died, Julius became the
head of the family at sixteen years old. A young Caesar began his political career
after he turned thirty one by being elected one of the twenty questors. In ... Show
more content on ...
Roman territory was far flung across the Mediterranean sea in the early first
century B.C., but this territory increases during the central half of the century.
Caesar s first great battles have been in Gaul. The Gauls were brave, but Caesar
has proved to be a great general. In a few years he has conquered all of Gaul. The
Roman soldiers had a great confidence in Caesar. When he led them they believed
victory was certain. He has stricted in his discipline, but very friendly and pleasant
with the men, and he often gave them praise. Caesar has shared in their hardships.
Day after day he marched on foot at their head through heat and rain and snow, and
fought with them in the front ranks. (Shearer 98). One of the Greatest victorious in
Gaul has been the taking of the town of Alesia. This town had very strong walls all
around it, and it has defended by a great army of Gauls have commanded by a
brave chief named Vercingetorix. Caesar has surrounded the town with his army
and has prevented them food from being sent in to the inhabitants. He also has
defended an army that came from the other parts of Rome. In 53 B.C. Crassus has
died in the war. In 49 B.C. Caesar s army forced Pompey and his followers out of
Italy. Battles have continued between the two in places like: Greece, Italy, and
Egypt. Caesar has chased Pompey and later Egyptian assassin killed Pompey in
Egypt. The play opens on the Roman religious feast of
The Code Of Ethics For Nurses With Interpretive
The process of effectively staffing a nursing unit is one that requires great research.
As a manager you need to be up to date with current trends and current standards so
that you can be assured that your staffing reflects highest quality and safest care
available. Not only is best practice vital, as a manager you must also be thinking of
the most cost effective way to run your unit. Joint Commission standards are a
benchmark that most hospitals use, if your hospitalis not complying with Joint
Commission standards it is likely you will risk non reimbursement for treatment
of care. You also want your unit to be practicing according to The Code of Ethics
for Nurses The code of ethics establishes the ethical standard for the profession and
provides a guide for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision making (Code of
Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive). Having a base knowledge of the Texas
Department of States Health Services would also be a huge help in keeping your unit
up to current codes and standards.
The staffing plan I am purposing is to open another medical surgical wing that
would consist of 20 beds. This unit would take place in an already developed wing
on 2 central. Currently these 20 beds are reserved for bariatric patients only, and
the unit is closed down other wise when no bariatric surgeries are scheduled.
Currently 2 central is open on average, 2 times a week as the two bariatric surgeons
perform their surgeries on Friday s and on average only 8
Service Dogs Research Paper
Dogs, a popular breed of pet and consider Man s best friend, yet some breeds of
dogs improve the magnitude of life by assisting in different areas. Many breed of
dogs receive special training, which classifies these dogs as service dogs. A dog s
training will determine the category of service provided such as; guide dogs, search
or rescue dogs, and dogs that locate narcotics. These animals contribute and perform
functions unique to enhancing the lives of individuals, yet have the validity to work
with law enforcement assisting in drug trafficking. Traditionally, guide dogs aide
people with disabilities to help in every day functions for instance, a Seeing eye dog,
would be supportive and assigned to a person with visional disability. These dogs
start their training early, puppies selected has the temperament and the ability to
perform certain task to support the mission of their training. For example, alerting a
visual impaired person that a set of stairs are on the right or left... Show more content
on ...
Another classification of a service dogs is the, search and rescue, these dogs train
for a specific task of locating and following people in distress. Dogs with their keen
senses of smell and hear greatly enhance the task of searching for survivors at a
distresses event. Perhaps, the most famous and tragic events was the use of these
dogs after the attack on the Twin Tower New York City) using these highly
specializes dogs were the different between life and death for some victims. The
additional training of search and rescue dogs finable the dogs to rescue missing
people for example, a child or elder adult wonders off from home, park, or a public
places. The tracking ability of the sense of these people will help the dog locate
using senses these dogs Search and rescue dogs are a firm planted in the law
Are Greenhouse Gases A Harmful Or Helpful Or Harmful
Are Greenhouse Gases helpful or harmful to our environment? Well, overall they can
cause some damage such as an increase in the climate change (Global Warming).
Although there are two different types of Greenhouses there are a Natural
Greenhouse Gases and an Enhanced Greenhouse Gases both have a big difference in
their effects on an environment.(56) A Natural Greenhouse includes water vapor,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone this effect supports the
environment where there is life because it uses the sun s energy to create a blanket
over the earth. This blanket keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life. This
process is supposed to have an equal amount of heat being emitted to space as it
Essay on American Politics
Every two to four years, politicians aspire to demonstrate their competency for
political office. Political campaigns and organizations concentrate millions of dollars
to undercut and outlast the opposition. They drag names through the mud, as if it
were the next step on the political corporate ladder. The American people, caught in
the middle, are torn between the need for elected officials and the heartbreak of
countless shattered oaths. Consequently, they dissociate themselves from misused
words like Democrat, Republican, and change. They have learned to bite their
tongue, drink their beer and leave well enough alone. That s exactly what the
politicians want. In 1933, the political landscape attained a new twist: No single...
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Sinclair was the author of over forty fictional books. In those books were quotes,
from fictional characters, that Campaigns, Inc. used as Sinclair s own words in the
L.A. Times. Campaigns, Inc. didn t just omit a couple words to suit their needs.
They forged a man s beliefs (Lepore). This tradition of dishonesty carries through to
today. Now, hiring a political consultant is a requirement and a warning: we will do
whatever it takes to win (Cain 377). Ironically, Leone Baxter once voiced that
political consulting must be in the hands of the most ethical, principle[d] people . . .
or else it will erode into the hands of people who have no regard for the world
around them. It could be a very, very destructive thing (Lepore 59). In America s
political history, there has never existed a person, who fits Baxter s standards. The
first five presidents, who helped instigate America s freedom, were still trapped in
monarchy s glamour: They hated monarchial rule, yet desired the appearance of a
king. Their periods of rule was marked with great ideologies, yet blotted with law
that was quite contrary. With the election of the seventh president, Andrew Jackson,
George Washington s political party free America was abandoned. Jackson
compared to . . . John Quincy Adams . . . was poorly educated, with rather limited
experience as a public servant. Yet his popularity among voters had reached
Mongolia Compared To Modern America
Culture essay
2/4/16 Comparing Modern Mongolia To Modern United States
Cultures in every area are always interesting to learn about and they are many
differences, let s see what we can learn about from modern Mongolia to the modern
United States. The countries that I will be comparing are the United States and
Mongolia in the today s world. My three main points that we are gonna learn about
are the eating habits, animal species, and how people live and interact with the
environment. The first point that I will be comparing is the way people eat in
Mongolia and the US.
According to ... Show more content on ...
For instance in the article Modern Mongolia kids wait at a bus stop men in suit
talking about business stuff at a cafe shop. People talk on a cellular phones. More
than half of the population lives on the countryside which is three million.
Information like this is important because now you know what they do (sorta) and
they act mature and they are not one of those poor countries.
United States
We Americans are always modern an article called american lifestyle parents have
children, always work, kids go to daycare,lots of people always on social media,
lots of narcissism, people meet on social media, fun things to do on weekends, lots
and lots and lots of other stuff. We americans tend to be busy a lot but we can have
fun and times to be serious. This information is important because for newcomers let
s say mongolians want to come to the US well the american lifestyle is so much
more different at least I think so. Eating habits, animals, and lifestyle are very
interesting topics to compare about, it s also important because each of these plays a
very important role in each country. People can learn about and share cultures without
stereotyping by ging on research in
Daniel Andre Brisco. Liberty University. Integration Of
Daniel Andre Brisco
Liberty University
Integration of Faith Learning
BUSI 690
Other than Whole Foods, think of company examples where doing things right and
acting in the interests of broader stakeholders (rather than just stockholders alone)
have produced a stronger competitive advantage. Why was this the case? Other than
Whole Foods, a company that examples doing things right is Starbucks. Starbucks
trusts that leading business morally and endeavoring to make the best decision are
fundamental to the achievement of the organization (Starbucks, 2017). All partners
make particular commitments to a firm, which thus gives diverse sorts of advantages
to various partners. Representatives contribute their time and gifts to the ... Show
more content on ...
Additionally, Starbucks focuses on the customer satisfaction aspect, setting them
apart from their competition. The purpose behind an organization s presence is to
give items or administrations that address the issues of its objective clients and
benefit them definitively. The part of clients is basic to the organization s survival
and achievement. Through the purchase choices they make every day, they select
which organizations will flourish and which will fizzle. They likewise give
profitable criticism to the organization about its items and client benefit level (Hill,
2017). This criticism empowers the organization to enhance what it offers and to
think of altogether new answers for client needs in view of what its clients
requested. For some organizations, clients additionally assume a key part in the
organization s advertising endeavors by prescribing the organization s items or
administrations to other potential clients (Hill, 2017). Decisions... the best power
we have in our lives are our decisions. As Christians, this ought to dependably
include making the best decision. In any dialog about making the best choice, we
should likewise raise love. This is on account of God s adoration for us and our
affection for him urges us to need to do great too. We adore and serve others, since
he initially cherished us. Galatians 6:9 teaches us, And let us not grow weary of
doing good, for in due season we will reap,
The sandinista Revolution Essay
During the forty three year Somoza dictatorship a revolution was proved inevitable.
During the period of the Somoza regime many conflicts between the government and
the people arose. Some of these conflicts were mainly with the National Guard, but in
1978 conflicts hit its climax. In 1978, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, a salient newspaper
editor and leader to the Somoza opposition was assassinated; it is believed that by one
of Somoza s business man. This mans death gave a deep feeling of commotion
throughout the country, establishing a nation wide strike against the Somoza
government. The National Guard responded to the attacks by assassinating many
civilians and violating many others rights.
On August 1978, a Sandinista Commando (headed by ... Show more content on ...
This victory sparked the general population, many uprisings followed. The National
Guard did not react well to these uprisings; many massacres came, and this made the
general population angry. This gave the Sandinistas an advantage; they were gaining
many recruits for their revolution, and the business class of Nicaragua supported the
idea of ones again calling to a general national strike.
Negations to take Somoza out of power were developed by the United States, but
these efforts where crushed when Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Panama joined Cuban
efforts and supported the Sandinistas. The majority of the business class then decided
that despite their Communist ideals, the Sandinistas were the best option that they
had, and supported them. On July, 19, 1979 Somoza was forced to resign, and a forty
three year dynasty came to an end. The government was the turned over to the
Council of National Reconstruction, which was selected by the Sandinistas.
The Sandinistas had appointed a broad based cabinet which included non Sandinistas
to rebuild a destroyed nation. Their goals were mainly to improve healthcare, literacy
and land reforms for the poor. It did not take much time to prove that power rested
only on the Sandinistas. By 1980, all non Sandinista leaders had left the government.
The relation with the Catholic Church deteriorated greatly, and the relation with the
United States had been blocked. In
Similarities Between The French Revolution And
The American Revolution and the French Revolution
The late 1700 s was a time for cutting edge inventions, literary and philosophical
achievements, upcoming and rising leaders, and lastly, revolutions. The American
revolution took place from 1770 to 1783. The French Revolution began in 1789 and
lasted for a decade
Both the American and French Revolution occurred at the same time and the citizens
were both fighting for freedom from a monarchy, there are many important
similarities and differences that are seen throughout the war s history.
Conflict arose in 1775 when tension grew in the people of the 13 colonies in North
America. The British governments attempted to collect revenue by taxing the
colonies. In 1770, British soldiers open ... Show more content on ...
The members of the third estate represented 98 percent of the people but would
still be considered less in many aspects by the higher classes. The Tennis Court
Oath was an attempt to reform this inequality. While the third class was still
suffering to survive, the second and first class was thriving, eventually leading the
storming of Bastille in an attempt to get gunpowder and weapons. Peasants began
a time known as the Great Fear when they were burning the homes of tax
collectors, landlords, and the elites. This inspired the National Constituent
Assembly to abolish feudalism on August 4, 1789. The Declaration of Rights of
Man and of the Citizen was adopted. A newly elected Legislative Assembly was
now in control and declared war on Austria and Prussia due to counterrevolutionary
alliances. The Legislative assembly was soon replaced by the National
Convention, which abolished the monarchy and established a Republic. On
January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine for treason and crimes
against the state. This was the beginning of the most violent time of the French
Revolution, known as the Reign of Terror. Thousands of enemies of the revolution
were put to death by the guillotine, carried out under the orders of Robespierre. The
French people eventually revolted and Robespierre received the fate he gave to
many others. Power would next lie in a five member Directory appointed by
parliament. These four years in power were full of financial
Essay on Follow Me, I Want to Teach You Something
Tolkien has created many guidelines that help define what a Faerie story consists
of. Tolkien is so specific that you get the feeling that the only books that fit into the
guidelines are his own. Of course there are thousands of books and stories that
people call Fairy Tales that don t fit into everyone of these guidelines, but a new
genre hasn t been created. This fact leaves one wondering; do everyone one of
Tolkien s guidelines need to be achieved for a book to be called a Faerie story? The
answer to me is that the situation can not be possible. Now you are left to wonder
how many of the guidelines need to be achieved before being placed in the Faerie
category. Also, are some of Tolkien s guidelines more important than the others?
These... Show more content on ...
Tolkien is saying that a Faerie story will most likely have men or women talking
with other living objects that don t appear in our world or that if present, have no
voice. In The King of Elfland s Daughter the King sends a Troll from his land into
our world to deliver his daughter a message of sorts. While this Troll, whose name
happens to be Lurulu is in our world he entertains the young son of Alveric and
Lirazel, Orion. Later in the book Orion is a great hunter but he needs someone to
watch over his dogs, to his luck he runs into Lurulu. What are you doing in men s
fields? said Orion Playing, said Lurulu What do you do in Elfland? Watch time,
said Lurulu (Lord Dunsany 149) The conversation, which goes on and is quite
amusing isn t a turning point in the book and doesn t even hold that much
meaning, but it does satisfy Tolkien s guideline. Orion, a young man from our
world, although a bit magical himself (remember his mother was the princess of
Elfland) was talking to a troll. There are no trolls in our world, we can never walk
through the woods or down a street and bump into an old troll friend of ours, it can
only happen in Fairy Tales. When compared to the other guidelines we have viewed
so far, this one holds more meaning, for if this simple conversation didn t happen
there would be fewer ties to Tolkien. On the other hand however, throughout the book
there are no
The State Of Wisconsin Is Home
Eliza Frankel
Mr. Biglari
AP Government
8 November 2016
INTRO GOES HERE In the Midwest region of the United States, the state of
Wisconsin is home to more than 5,700,300 citizens, which is only a mere fraction of
the 321,000,000 citizens that live in the United States. 62% of all Wisconsin citizens
are between the ages of 16 and 65, compared to 62.2% of all Americans. 15.6% of
Wisconsinites are over 65 years old, while only 14.9% of all United States citizens are
in the same age range. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). Only 27.4% of Wisconsinites
over 25 have an education above a bachelor s degree, while there are 29.3% of
United States citizens with this education as well. The average income for the
millions of Wisconsin citizens is $52,738. This is almost $800 less than the United
States average of $53,482 (U.S. Census Bureau).
With almost 6 million citizens, Wisconsin has 10 electors in the electoral college,
and makes up 1.8% of all electoral votes (National Archives and Records
Administration, 2010). The Wisconsin legislature is made up of mostly Republican
politicians. The current governor, Scott Walker, one of the two U.S. Senators, five of
the eight House of Representative members (Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for
Wisconsin, n.d), 18 of the state senators, and 63 of the state representatives
(Wisconsin State Legislature, 2015), are Republicans. The second U.S. Senator, the
remaining three House of Representative members (Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for
Statistics Cheat Sheet
What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = +2.00?
What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = 1.40?
The Z score corresponding to the 52nd percentile is
A normally distributed variable has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 2. The
probability that a value between 7 and 9 is obtained is
An accelerated life test on a large number of type D alkaline batteries revealed that
the mean life for a particular use before they failed is 19.0 hours. The distribution of
the lives approximated a normal distribution. The standard deviation was 1.2 hours.
About 95.44% of the batteries failed between what two values?
16.6 21.4
The average time students need ... Show more content on ...
n = 100 with s^2 = 100
I other factors are held constant, which set of characteristics is most likely to
produce a significant t statistic? n = 50 with s^2 = 50
If other factors are held constant, what is the effect of increasing the sample size?
It will decrease the estimated standard error and increase the likelihood of rejecting
A researcher conducts a one sample hypothesis test using a sample of n = 40 from an
unknown population. What is the df value for the t statistic?
With О±= 0.05, what is the critical t value for a one tailed test with n = 15? t = 1.761
With О±= 0.05 and df = 20, the critical values for a two tailed t test are t = + 2.086.
Assuming all other factors are held constant, if the df value were decreased to df =
10, what would happen to the critical values for t?
They would increase (move farther from zero).
A sample of n = 4 scores is selected from a population with an unknown mean. The
sample has a mean of M = 40 and a variance of s2= 16. Which of the following is the
correct 90% confidence interval for Ој? Ој= 40 + 2.353(2)
When is it appropriate to use the two sample, pooled variance t test? When
2 independent samples are compared.
Which of the following accurately describes an independent measures study?
It uses a different group of participants for each of the treatment conditions being
Which of the following is the correct null hypothesis for an independent measures t
Mu1 Mu2 = 0 Accounting procedures allow a
Pros And Cons Of Keeping The Driving Age
How many people die every year from car accidents? How many of those people
qualify as careless teenagers? Nearly 1.3 million people die each year in car
accidents, which is on average 3,287 deaths per day. Young drivers between the
ages of fifteen and twenty account for sixty percent of these accidents. For almost a
century, the age for teenagers to be allowed to drive on public roads without
supervision has been sixteen, resulting in a higher death rate due to the carelessness
of young drivers in the United States. For example, as stated by the Free Personal
Injury Help Center, one in every three teens says they text or email while driving: the
number one cause of deaths among all drivers. The amount of young and old drivers
on the road... Show more content on ...
Teenagers are more likely to speed than older drivers because people have less
developed brains at the ages of 16 or 17 than at 21 or 22. As a result, one in four
teenagers are aggressive drivers and almost twenty percent of teenagers admit that
they enjoy speeding, as stated in the New York Times. Drunk driving is a recent
problem even among adults. Although drinking and driving is illegal, and drinking
under the age of twenty one is illegal, twenty five percent of all fatal car crashes
caused by teens involve an underage drunk driver. Teenagers also have the lowest
rate of seat belt use, and seat belts are the most effective way of reducing accidents.
In addition, texting while driving is the number one cause of car accidents among
teenagers due to the development of social media. This causes teens to drive while
looking down at their phones, which can eventually put them in the hospital.
Therefore, raising the driving age to 21 will prevent teens from dying due to car
accidents the number one cause of teen deaths in 2013, according to the CDC Injury
How Does Malcolm Respond To Macduff
Malcolm s response to Macduff s offer is that of distrust for many possible reasons.
These reasons include Macbeth s prior attempts to murder Malcolm, Macduff s
promise to get revenge on the person who killed Duncan, and Malcolm s absence of
the character flaw that Duncan had which was trusting someone without knowing
them thoroughly.
Malcolm s reaction to Macduff s offer is that of distrust because Macbeth has tried to
trick him before. Malcolm decides to test Macduff to see if he is attempting to trick
Malcolm into coming back to Scotland so that Macbeth can kill Malcolm. Malcolm
tests Macduff by claiming that he has three vices. These three vices are lust, avarice,
and violence. After hearing Malcolm say he is violent, Macduff responds ... Show
more content on ...
Macduff learns about this after his talk with Malcolm.
The third reason for Malcolm s apparent distrust of Macbeth could be because of
Macbeth s vow to kill Duncan s murderer. By leaving Scotland when he did, it
seemed that Malcolm fled, not because he was scared, but because Malcolm was
trying to escape Scotland because he had something to do with Duncan s murder.
Malcolm s reluctance to trust Macduff immediately shows that he does not inhibit
the same flaw his father did. Duncan s flaw was that he trusted someone before he
got to know him or her. By testing Macduff the way he did, Malcolm could tell if
Macduff was worth trusting, unlike Duncan and the Thane of Cawdor before
Macbeth. After testing Macduff, Malcolm realizes that he can trust Macduff
because Macduff s reaction to Malcolm s claim to be violent tell Malcolm that
Macduff does not support Macbeth, and that Macduff wants to usurp Macbeth from
the Scottish throne. It seems like Macduff has figured out that it has Macbeth who
killed Duncan, and he wants to take his revenge as he vowed to do. Malcolm at this
point has already amassed an army of ten thousand men led by Siward, Earl of
Northumberland. Malcolm and Macduff are victorious, and Malcolm renames the
title of Thane to the title of Earl to thank Siward for
Jon Stewart and News Distortion
Network News stations like Fox and MSNBC have distorted news information so
much so that viewers now turn to comedy central to keep current with the news.
Turning to comedians for news is not a horrible idea as long as viewers understand
that comedians must also distort news in order to entertain. Now that is not to say
that comedians give out fake news; a comedian must first understand the whole of
the topic before running it through a comedic process, in which they then begin
distorting the information to attain laughter. Jon Stewart has an enormous impact
in the media. Many young viewers turn to Stewart for his take on the news.
According to Cox of in an article by Kurtz Howard, The Campaign
of a Comedian; Jon Stewart s Fake Journalism Enjoys Real Political Impact, says It
s not that young people don t like politics. The way politics is talked about in the
media is alienating. They re seeing Jon Stewart as a kind of hero who will lead us
out of the darkness. Stewart allows his viewers to keep current with the news by
giving sound bites, which they then could verify or explore. While many news
reporters believe Stewart to be highly controversial, the majority of young adults will
watch Jon Stewart s comedic take on the news because it is unbiased and attempts to
only entertain. In an article by Rachel Smolkin, What the Mainstream Can Learn
from Jon Stewart, Venise Wagner an associate chair of the Journalism department at
SFSU says the Daily Show [Jon
Pro Curfew
Many cities have curfews for it s minors; however, many parents have his or her
own curfew for one s own child. I oppose against any city appointed curfew as a
curfew is not a city s duty to control what time a minor must be home. A curfew
should be appointed by a minor s parent or guardian, a city curfewis far too
interfering in one s personal life, and many teenagers have jobs in which they do
not leave work until ten. A curfew should be made by a minor s parent or guardian.
To elaborate my point, a teenager is under the care of his or her parent; therefore,
each parent may have a different opinion on when his or her child should be home.
Each person has different rules at his or her house in which he or she must stay true
to. Furthermore,
Reflection On Micro Teaching
This essay will analyse and highlight on the fifteen minute micro teaching reflection
that is vital for the self evaluation and professional development of my teaching
practice. It will further identify my strengths and weaknesses through my peer
assessment and reflect on the teaching and learning theories, methods and strategies
that are linked and practiced in my micro teach.
According to the teachers standards (DfE, 2012) teachers make the education of their
learners their first concern, keep their knowledge up to date and are self critical.
Therefore, this reflection practice will guide me towards the improvement on my
lesson planning strategies and delivery. In addition, it will also make an enormous
difference in my teaching and learning practice which is vital for teacher training.
One of the significant part of this course is micro teaching session, in this session
we are required to deliver fifteen minute planned lesson containing learning
outcome. Furthermore, this session was recorded and observed by the peers to
evaluate. Due to my interest in ESOL I decided to deliver my session on Boogle
Puzzle to embed a simple literacy/numeracy activity aims to target ESOL (English
for speakers of other languages) learners. In this task, pupils are given activity to
make seven ten words in the English language from the word grid to improve word
recognition and spellings.
Based on reflection of my micro teaching I provided learners with the basic
instructions on Boggle puzzle and opted for potential instruction strategy. I used
present, practice and produce strategy (English language resource, 2017) to allow
pupils to practice and learn new vocabulary in co operative way. Similarly, I used co
operative learning method to encourage pupils to learn from each other and gain
interpersonal skills. According to Johnson and Johnson (1995) co operative learning
method have proven effective in increasing motivation, self esteem and problem
solving. Thus, to enhance inter dependency, the class was divided into two main
groups of fours and were further divided into pairs, to finish their task. According to
Mercer (1985) effective communication is as cognitive and social development are
The Country Of Cameroon Is Considered A Third World...
EWB Challenge Energy
Anthony Burgess 11982927
Executive Summary:
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction: The country of Cameroon is considered a third world country and
the production and quality of energy matches this view. Rural Cameroon
experiences many black outs and is in constant need of more energy for the
population to perform basic tasks such as cooking with greater ease and with a
higher knowledge of hygiene. The main issue is the quality of the generated power;
this is a result of the method of production and transportation of the power.
The government s priorities are another term to address as the main focus is on
abolishing poverty. This is a good goal, however the emphasis should be placed
elsewhere for the start of maximum growth. So there is a primary need for engineers
to communicate how energy production can shape their society. So a choice needs to
be made in terms of energy production that has maximal social and environmental
2.0 Problem Definition:
Cameroon faces many difficulties in terms of power generation and power
transportation as stated before. There are many areas that need to be considered so
for the sake of this report, the most crucial areas will be considered. The issues are
listed in no particular order below.
1.Culture: The people of
Pepsi and Its Competitors
PepsiCo World Leader In Convenient Foods Beverages Industry
Revenues About $43 billion and over 198,000 Employees across the globe PepsiCo
was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay PepsiCo brands
are available in more than 200 countries and territories across the globe PepsiCo has
more than 500 products in it s portfolio of which 18 brands generate $1 Billion each
in retail sales
A broad spectrum of beverages worldwide bringing fun and refreshment to consumers
Frito Lay invigorates PepsiCo s portfolio of products with plenty of good food and
good fun
Tropicana, the strongest name in juices; the best of fruit
Quaker expands our portfolio with a wide range of healthy food choices ... Show
more content on ...
The Social Media Landscape Today Is A Powerful Enabler Of The Changing
Types of Social Media
Blogs ( web logs)
Emerged in the Mid 90s; Simple online diaries by individuals, corporates
Micro blogs
Twitter fastest growing social media brand Instant messaging, news/image sharing,
job board Continues to evolve as a real time communication tool
Social Networks
Connections Music, sports, politics, sex, hobbies Sub category includes customizable
social networks eg Ning, KickApps
Video/Image sharing sites
Upload and share; The blurring of public vs private
Social Media Aggregators
FriendFeed , socialthing Centralize users various profiles; manage multiple
conversations from one location
Social News Aggregators Submit links to content on other websites Ranked by
discussion it evokes
Social Bookmarking sites Folksonomies
Bookmark and share useful web pages Wikis Creation and editing of interlinked web
pages collaborative websites 100% UGC By the readers
Media Consumption Is Evolving From LeanBack, Captive to Lean Forward, Engaged
out about
OOH, Malls, Book / Music Stores, Theme Parks
Events, Gym, Disc/Pubs, Clubs
lean forward
Newspaper, Magazines
RSS Feed, Internet
Blog, Gaming, Contests, Social Networking
lean back
TV, Radio
Cinema, Movies on Demand, DVR
IPTV, Interactive Games

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Essay On The Other Wes Moore. The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore

  • 1. Essay On The Other Wes Moore Writing an essay on the topic of "The Other Wes Moore" can be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding task. The complexity lies in dissecting the various themes presented in the book and weaving them into a cohesive narrative that reflects the author's intentions and the broader societal implications. To begin with, the narrative structure of the book itself is intricate, alternating between the two Wes Moores and their contrasting life trajectories. This demands careful attention to detail and a nuanced understanding of the characters' motivations, backgrounds, and the societal forces at play. Analyzing the parallel lives of the two individuals requires a deep exploration of their choices, influences, and the impact of their respective environments. Furthermore, delving into the book's underlying themes, such as the role of education, systemic inequality, and the consequences of one's decisions, adds another layer of complexity. Addressing these themes requires extensive research and critical thinking to provide a comprehensive analysis that goes beyond a surface-level interpretation. Crafting a well-structured and insightful essay involves not only summarizing the content but also offering a thoughtful interpretation and engaging with relevant scholarly discussions. It requires the ability to connect the specific narrative of "The Other Wes Moore" to broader sociological, psychological, and cultural concepts. In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Other Wes Moore" is a challenging endeavor that demands a deep understanding of the book's narrative intricacies, character dynamics, and underlying themes. It necessitates critical thinking, research, and the ability to synthesize information to create a coherent and meaningful analysis. If you find the task too daunting or time-consuming, it's worth considering seeking assistance. Services like provide an option to order similar essays, offering support for those who may need additional help in navigating the complexities of academic writing. Essay On The Other Wes MooreEssay On The Other Wes Moore
  • 2. Functions Of Currency And Currency There are multiple functions to U.S currency and currency in general. One of the functions is that it is a medium of exchange. U.S currency can be used for the buying and selling of goods and services. This means that a person with money can exchange their money in order to get something of equal value. What determines the value of goods and services are called market forces. Another function of moneyis to store value. Money is not the only thing that is used to store value but it is the most common. People have been using currency much earlier than when the dollarcame around. People would use different types of metals or other durable, valuable items as a form of currency. The purpose of having currency is to have something of value ... Show more content on ... Ever since the 1960 s, United States currency has been backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. This means that currently United States currency represents an IOU from the U.S government. Although this might not sound like much, the United States government is one of the most stable institutions in the world and an IOU from them is reliable and valuable. There is controversy over the penny in the United States. Some people believe that the U.S government should keep the penny in circulation and continue to make them but other people think that the U.S should just get rid of pennies. There are valid points to both arguments which is why it is so controversial. The main reason why people believe the penny should be eliminated is because of the cost of pennies for the United States government. The price of making each penny costs the government 1.5 cents while the value of a penny is one cent (Sparshott). Although half a penny might not seem like much, the U.S made 92 billion pennies between the year 2000 and 2014 (Wing).By continuing to make pennies, the U.S government lost over 4.6 billion dollars between 2000 and 2014. Another argument why the penny should be eliminated is because its worth to little to be useful. Inflation has eaten away the value of a penny over the years and they are practically worthless because of
  • 3. 8th Amendment Death Penalty As the famous American politician Martin O Malley once said, The death penalty is ineffective as a deterrent, and the appeals process is expensive and cruel to the surviving family members. This quote explains that the death penalty is ineffective and arises even more complications for the family of the accused. In addition, the death penalty is a consequence that an accused pays for their crime. Moreover, the Eighth Amendment is trespassed because the death penalty is considered cruel and unusual punishment. Also, a former national basketball player and now a politician, Kevin Johnson said that in some states, they use three drug methods, including the sedative midazolam; a drug used to make people feel relaxed and/or sleepy during surgery. Altogether, the... Show more content on ... To begin, the director of the Death Penalty Clinic at the University of California explained how the majority of the death penalty is from race discrimination (Gass). Mostly, the victims of the death penalty is accused not only because of the crime, but because of their status in the community. In addition, the extent the criminal justice system tolerates racial bias and discrimination. This includes the accusation of the discrimination of minorities as legal (Gass). For an accusation of the death penalty, a reason can be that the accused is of a different religion, race, or ethnicity. Lastly, the eighth amendment of the constitution and the death penalty conflict. For example, As Gass wrote, Instead, the court will limit arguments in the case to another Eighth Amendment protection, decided in the 2002 case Atkins v. Virginia, that executing people with intellectual disabilities constitutes cruel and unusual punishment (Gass). This shows that the death penalty targets the minorities and interferes with the Eighth Amendment. Overall, the death penalty does not stop crime; however, it does increase the rate of death around the
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Molly Have you met molly? This is a widely asked question to promote the awareness of molly. Molly is an illegal drug that is made from dangerous lab created mixtures. The drug is used in social settings because of multiple reasons. Many do not understand all the harm that it can do to one s body because of all the harmful chemicals in the drug. It is primarily marketed to preteens and teenagers. The synthetic drug market is the fastest emerging drug problem, which includes the drug molly. The government has tried to stop and raise awareness about the drug. I believe that peers talking about the drug and how it has affected them or their family and friends would help spread the awareness of the drug, and get teens and preteens to listen. MDMA is a harmful drug that is created dangerously and more people our age should be more aware about the synthetic drug. The real name for the drug is 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Molly is a popular term referring to molecular, but it is most commonly known as ecstasy. It is a drug made with lab created chemicals and most of the time people do not know what drugs are in it due to the fact it is not regulated by the FDA. This is one reason that it is such a dangerous drug to be out on the streets. Back in ... Show more content on ... Making people aware at a younger age and helping them understand the damaging effects will help teens be more thoughtful before taking the drug Parents should also talk to their children about the harmful effects of drugs. Many kids around the ages of 12 17 hear about the drug molly, but do not pay attention or understand what they are hearing. Most of the time users do not know what the are ingesting because it is chemically made at the dealer s house and isn t regulated by the FDA. Users and potential users of molly need to understand what they are putting into their body and the risk associated with this harmful
  • 5. Cohesion In Discourse Essay It s the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal communication (Renkema, 2004, p.1). According to Longman Dictionary, Discourse is a general term for examples of language use, i.e. language which has been used as the result of an act of communication. Discourse refers to larger units of language such as paragraphs, conversation, interviews, sermons, speeches....etc. Discourse can be written or spoken. The study of how sentences in written and spoken language form larger units such as paragraphs is discourse analysis(Longman dictionary, p.147). What makes a sequence of sentences a discourse is cohesion (Renkema, 2004, p.49). Cohesion in discourse appears to involve the further grouping of... Show more content on ... 2 collocation It s a part of lexical cohesion that is achieved through the association of lexical items that co occur together. (Halliday and Hassan, 1976, p.285) Examples: make mistake do homework. Grammatical cohesion It focuses on how grammar works across sentences. It could be substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and reference. 2.1. Substitution It s the replacement of one item with another one in the text. It could nominal (one / ones), verbal (do), and clausal (so/not). look at these green hats, and the red ones. (Nominal) Do you like the apples? Yes I do. (Verbal) Is it going to rain? I think so. (Clausal) 2.2. Ellipsis It s the omission of a word or part of a sentence. Ellipsis is closely related to substitution and can be described as substitution by zero . (Renkema, 2004, p.104).Ellipsis can be nominal, verbal, and clausal. look at these green hats, and the red. (Nominal as there is omission of
  • 6. Mi Hogar Contiene London Rhetorical Analysis Mi hogar contiene la memoria de mi niГ±ez y el ser una persona ingenua sin saber las realidades de la vida. Contiene el amor que yo le tengo a las puestas del sol, al perdГіn y a la sabidurГa, tambiГ©n contiene el recuerdo de que todo tiene un final, incluyendo el dГa. La razГіn por cual mi hogar abriГі un aleph tiene que ver con lo vulnerable que me ha hecho. Upon entering my home, you will stumble upon my raw soul. On my front door, which I consider the first thing a person will notice about me reads, ... it is not right that we hold a grudge in our hearts ... (Truman Capote). I chose this as my welcome sign to represent my will to forgive, and my effort to remove the negative thoughts and emotions out of my life by letting go of the harm done... Show more content on ... I have chosen 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero. As a child, my mother would play classical music for me because the doctor recommended it. Recently I read studies that brought to light the capability of focusing and recapturing what has been studied could be better done if the student listened to wordless songs i.e. classical music, while studying. When I gave it a try I realized my focus increased and just stuck to it. The song mentioned above represents me in such way that I had previously listened to classical and when I reconnected to it for school purposes I realized I had found my home in music. I chose that specific song because although it includes violin it provides this sense of modernity and really enlightens my mood. Por otra ventana, a la cual yo considero ventanas al alma, se observa el refrГЎn El que no trabaja por lo que quiere, no merece lo que desea . Para mГ eso significa el tener que esforzarte para alcanzar y cumplir tus metas. En mi vida diaria eso es evidente en la escuela, porque el tener calificaciones buenas no solo se ganan, si no se debe ser diligente y cumplir todos los requisitos, es poner doble esfuerzo y tomar todas las ventajas que la vida te permite, aunque incluya renunciar tu verano para salir
  • 7. Manage Risks Identify, Assess and Manage Risks During the period November 2006 to June 2011 I was employed by RF Industries (RFI). RFI is a nationally represented company within the telecommunications industry that designs, manufactures and distributes wireless technology products. In 2010, the E AUTRY project commenced, sponsored by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), for the development of a man portable UHF/VHF radio repeater allowing radio communication extension for field troops. I was appointed Project Manager, as such, one of my responsibilities was the management of project risks. As part of project start up activities, which included the creation of Project Management Plan and Schedule, I also created a Project Risk Management Plan. This plan outlined how risk identification, analysis and evaluation would be monitored and controlled over the life of the ... Show more content on ... The meeting was as forum to brainstorm foreseeable project risks as well practical mitigation strategies. I conducted post analysis of this information, including risk categorization, and risk applicability to project stage. This information was compiled and entered into the Risk Register before being shared with all stakeholders. To actively manage project risks, I understood ongoing communication with the project team was essential. The established weekly team meeting provided the opportunity to discuss risks related to immediate development activities. In addition to discussing the active mitigation to known risks, new risks were uncovered and added to the risk register for subsequent mitigation. As the project timeline progressed new risks were identified, these were subsequently included in the risk register, monitored and prioritised. As existing risks were mitigated they were marked as closed removing any further need to
  • 8. Human s Helpful Nature Can Sometimes Do More Harm Than Good Humans prove to be extremely influential, whether it is answering a question in an interview, or recollecting every detail about a crime, their answers can be impacted by the actions of the interviewer. Human s helpful nature can sometimes do more harm than good. Often in times a witness trying to be more helpful by recollecting things they do not remember can have dire consequences, such as a conviction of the wrong person. During the experiment conducted by Elizabeth Loftus, many people were asked about details about a crime committed, each question dictated a different answer depending on two things; how the question is asked, and who asked the question (Eyewitness testimony: Psychological aspects, 2009). There are many positive uses for open ended, as well as closed ended questions, both have their place at specific moments in an interview. Open ended questions can be extremely useful to get a substantial amount of information, but they are not always the best ways to ask specific questions. Closed ended questions can allow an interviewer to control the interview more easily. Interviewers can control an interview in many ways, most of these controls are positive aspects to an interview; one thing an interviewer should not control however, is the answers being given. This is referred to as leading, leading questions can control the witness to say exactly what the interviewer is hoping for them to say, which can conclude in a wrongful conviction. Asking a question that
  • 9. Biblical Heroism In Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson Noah. Moses. Joshua. Esther. What might all these people share in common? All were heroes in light of the biblical understanding of the term, heroism. Matthew 20:28 states, Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (NIV). This verse embodies one of the components of a true heros character. The biblical heroes mentioned above were humble, led others by serving, counted others needs more significant than their own, and obeyed God s call for their lives. Of course, they were sinners and still stumbled and fell, but their lives demonstrate true biblical heroism in their strivings to honor God and serve others. Noah obeyed God s command to build an ark and rescued his family and the animals from the Flood. Moses led the grumbling people of Israel out of Egypt and into the desert after continually pleading with Pharaoh to let them go leave Egypt. Joshua listened to God s instruction and led the Israelites around Jericho s walls until they came tumbling down. Uninvited, Esther came into King Nebuchadnezzar s presence, asking him and Haman to dinner where she would eventually expose Haman s evil plans and save the Jews. In Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the main characters, Long John Silverand Jim Hawkins, do not measure up in comparison to this biblical standard of heroism. Therefore, neither Silver nor Jim are heroes in the biblical light of heroism. Jim Hawkins arrogance, cowardice, and selfishness
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding When it comes to infants there are many different methods on properly raising a baby. This is a very important part of the child s development. This sets the tone for the rest of the child s life. Breast feeding vs. Bottle feeding is one of the most controversial issues when it comes to parents deciding which will be best is for the babies. In my opinion breast feeding is more superior when it to come to the benefits the baby more according to many studies the mother body can adapt to the changes of the baby. For example if the baby is sick the mother s body can produce milk that caters to the baby s health. There are also cons that come along with breast feeding like the child becoming too attached to the mother which is separation anxiety
  • 11. Pan s Labyrinth By Guillermo Del Toro Essay Pan s Labyrinth is a Spanish film which is most likely known for being a dark fantasy film. The author is a Spanish filmmaker; his name is Guillermo del Toro. He was born on October 9, 1964. In one of his interviews, they ask him how can he describe the movie of Pan s Labyrinth and he said: It is a fairy tale for grownups . The movie has a lot of fantasy, action, and sadness. This movie deals with a lot of fantasy and darkness, different worlds in just one movie. In the interview Guillermo del Torosaid that the whole idea of the film was that he wanted to make a movie with a fantasy world that was as real and dangerous as the real world we live in. This movie had a lot of amazing characters that all together collaborated to make this movie possible. The major character was Ofelia as the Princess Moanna, a girl who comes to believe she was a reincarnation of a princess from the underworld. Captain Vidal, Ofelia s new stepfather and a Falange officer. Mercedes, Vidal s housekeeper. Carmen, Ofelia s mother and Vidal s wife. The Faun Pan, who tells her that she needs to complete three dangerous tasks in order to claim immortality and go back to the world she belongs to. The minor characters were Doctor Ferreiro, a doctor in the service of Vidal s, he was an anti Francoist. Pedro, who was the brother of Mercedes and leader of the rebels. Garces, one of Vidal s officer. Cerrano was other of Vidal s officers. El Tarta, was one of Pedro s rebels. El Tarta, was one of Pedro s
  • 12. Examples Of Abigail s Monologue For The Crucible As I have stated earlier Abigail wants John Proctor, She and John proctor had an affair in his household as she served them in it. She was so desperate she tried to kill John Proctor s wife basically using witchcraft, aka drinking blood. Betty says, You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor! (919); Abigail already has a bad image going for her since she was fired from her job for no reason . If we are counting the girl already has a terrible reputation, she had her fun with a married man but after getting kicked out, but she is STILL pursuing him. You are young there are many single young men out there, get something better to do with your life, you are out here letting people... Show more content on ... I want the light of god, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! (934). This statement was made by Abigail basically to put more attention on her, the more attention she got the closer she is to being so believable she can insult the best person there is and people will still believe her. It will take a lot of innocent people s lives to get exactly what she
  • 13. Concept Of Culture And Organizational Analysis 3.0 LITRATURE REVIEW 3.1 Concept of culture and organizational analysis: The concept of culture has been linked increasingly with the study of organisation (Graves and Rouse, 1990). Nevertheless, Organisational culture is a set of beliefs, values, and norms, together with symbols like dramatized events and personalities, which represents the unique character of an organization, and provides the context for action in it and by it (Deshpande and Webster, 1989; Ravasi and Schultz, 2006; Xiaoming and Junchen, 2012). In other words, these organizational values in turn form out the standard norms and guidelines for the organization that makes it distinct from others (Van Maanen 1979). Schein (2004), stated that functionalist believes that ... Show more content on ... Finally, many definitions imply that organizational culture is multidimensional and multileveled and includes many cognitive and symbolic strata. Hofstede (1980) framework for analyzing organizational culture mentions two different types dimensions of organizational culture: Individualism and Collectivism, which are likely to influence the process of employees social categorization. Individualistic organizational cultures focus on and reward employees personal accomplishments, individual characteristics and abilities. This dimension is rather flexible, as employees are allowed and encouraged to behave in their own personal way (Chatman et al. 1998). Therefore, organizational membership is not salient and personality traits are appreciated. As Markus and Kitayama (1991) argued that individuals maintain their independence from others by attending to the self and by discovering and expressing their unique inner attributes. Collectivistic organizational cultures, on the other hand functionalist,belives that the general agreement of acceptable actions and behaviors, which assure shared objectives, interchangeable interests and commonalities among employees(Minkov and Hofstede 2011).functionalist believes that main priority of collectivistic cultures is independence and cooperation and that organizational
  • 14. Japanese-American Kochiyama Analysis All About Yuri Kochiyama Yuri Kochiyama was a Japanese American activist who fought for topics that she was extremely passionate about. In her ninety three years on this Earth, Kochiyama worked to gain civil rights in the black, Latino, Native American and Asian American communities. Unfortunately,Yuri Kochiyama has recently passed away due to natural causes in Berkeley, California. Although Kochiyama was born in San Pedro, California, her family was forced to evacuate as the bombing of pearl harbor took place. They moved throughout various different internment camps along with other Japanese Americans. This relocation continued until Yuri met her husband, Bill Kochiyama and moved to New York City to start their family. Although Yuri Kochiyama ... Show more content on ... For example, the rap duo from Seattle, Washington, the Blue Scholars, were inspired to make a music video dedicated to their idol, Yuri Kochiyama. In this rap, the two young men say, when I grow up, I wanna be just like Yuri Kochiyama . This line is repeated multiple times throughout the song to prove the fact that these people look up to Yuri Kochiyama because of her courage of standing up for those who are not able to. It is important for people to be knowledgeable about social injustices towards other races because they will be the ones who can protest for these people to be treated fairly and equally. Helping others who are incapable of doing so is a duty that every citizen in a community must follow through with. This is a significant act of activism because it leads to allyship. Becoming an ally with someone will be beneficial to both races or communities involved because this allegiance would become an even harder bond that would have the potential to be destroyed by racial discrimination. Allyship is important because it shows others that they are not alone. Everyone can feel included because allyship is not meant to be an exclusive concept. The main purpose is aimed to make all races feel involved and represented in the grand
  • 15. The Importance Of Greek Learning And The Use Of Reason The emphasis on learning the use of reason are concepts that refer to knowledge. Knowledge is the skills acquired by a person through experience. The importance of knowledge is displayed through Greek art, philosophy, and the Odyssey but is also a factor in the way we see the world around us. Our perspective of events that occur can be developed through learning and the use of reason. Reason is the ability to think clearly, without reason we could get caught up in a variety of things and miss the chance to expand our knowledge. The Greeksbelieved in this principle and therefore it is a factor in art, literature, and philosophical ideas. Through Greek art architecture, it displays how the Greeks valued the emphasis on learning the use of reason. The Doryphoros was a statue that represents Contrapposto, a stance which is natural and relaxed. This position is more relatable to humankind and through this act, a state of equilibrium is reached. An example is when the right hip shifts upward and the left down. Polykleitos was able to convey this idea of contrapposto through his study of the human figure, he strived for perfect segments of the body that embodied realistic features.The Doryphoros proves that the Greeks believed and valued the emphasis on learning the use of reason because it exhibits intellectual advancement and a better understanding of the human. The Parthenon was a detailed temple that was constructed mathematically proportioned. The Greek architects
  • 16. Personal Narrative Equipment Hazard Analysis While working I am having three main objectives to learn and master. My first objective being learning about job specific personal protective equipment hazards analysis for the shop and field locations. I have learned that this is used to describe how to perform a task step by step, any hazards associated with a task, and controls to lessen these hazards. Which in the shop I have noticed they have grinders which cause huge amount of noise in the shop. Wearing proper personal protective equipment such as ear plug are important and needed when in the shop. Also while conducting a job specific personal protective equipment hazard analysis I have notice as well that flying debris is a huge in the shop and at field locations so wearing proper safety... Show more content on ... Next, review documents that defines safety system records or verifies completion of critical tasks. These tasks may include emergency preparedness; hazard identification, control, and monitoring; and safety education and training. Last, conduct field assessment of the facility or equipment. Also My supervisor taught me a six phase step to perform a safety audit phase one being safety audit preparation this is where you make sure you have all document, records, past programs and all local, state, federal requirements. Phase two being fact finding, this is where you get all applicable information. Phase three being review of findings of the safety audit where you get a team make sure everything you found is correct. Phase four being recommendations from the safety audit, which basically you just make recommendation for any problem you see. Phase five being corrective actions from the safety audit, this is where the mangers and supervisor give you corrections. The last phase six publish the safety audit results, which allows the supervisor and mangers to see the result and see some recommendations for
  • 17. Racial Discrimination In Workplace Essay As human beings, it is instinctual to be social beings by frequenting social restaurants, nightclubs, and bars. It seems as with each passing year these establishments are becoming more and more diverse. However, despite each establishment claiming to be openly diverse, can they still practice discrimination against individuals of different races? In this paper, we will be analyzing an audit study conducted to determine whether racial discriminationis practiced in a popular nighttime bar. Literature Review I want to begin by defining race. Race is a simple social construct that was used to create an order to exploit individuals that did not look European (Gallagher, 2009). This simple social construct has been an excuse to racially ... Show more content on ... The last article is interesting as it emphasizes that in order for any minority to avoid being discriminated against, they have to modify their racial identity. Our group decided to further research discrimination in a popular bar. We decided to conduct our study in a bar as bars are extremely popular and are increasingly becoming more diverse. According to de Bruin (2011) an individual can only have a full positive experience at a nightclub bar if they blend in the crowd, by wearing the standard clothing and embracing the culture of the bar. De Bruin informs us that despite minorities possibly being met with resistance at first, if they look and dress like every other individual in the bar they would fit in. Method My groupmates and I decided to conduct our audit study at the famous 360 Midtown Bar, as this specific bar has had racial allegations, where they have discriminated against ethnic minorities. Just two years ago the bar was known as the Gaslamp, and it had to be renovated as they were faced with a lawsuit for discriminating against black civilians. In order to conduct our audit study thoroughly, we broke down our experiment into two parts. First, we plan on having our male groupmates whom are of
  • 18. Other Descriptive Research Methods Other Descriptive Research Methods l Developmental research l Case study l Job analysis l Observational research l Correlational studies ~Developmental Research l Is the study of changes in behaviors across years. l Infancy, childhood, adolescence, as well as, elderly.пїЅ The total human life span. l Longitudinal пїЅ follow same individuals over time l Cross sectional пїЅ select different participants at each age level ~Longitudinal designs l Are time consuming l Drop out rate l Participants become increasingly familiar with the test items l Items may cause a change in behavior ~Cross Sectional Studies l Are less time consuming l A cohort problem exists: are the environmental circumstances ... Show more content on ... Ergonomics ~Observational Research Provides a means of collecting data by observing peoples behavior and qualitatively or quantitatively analyze the observations. The Questionnaire and interview are the participantпїЅs self report. ~Methods of Observational Research Behaviors to be observed пїЅ operationally defined Who will be observed is part of the sampling method The Setting пїЅ natural or unnatural, observer participation, behavior related to setting. Number of observations пїЅ related to time constraints and the behaviors Scoring the Observations: Computer assisted Narrative, or continual recording пїЅ records in sentences as they happen; slowest, least efficient Tallying, or frequency counting пїЅ record each occurrence of a certain behavior in a certain period. Interval method пїЅ does the certain behavior occur in a certain time period Duration method пїЅ A timed behavior by using a stop watch or other timing device to record how much time an individual spends engaged in a certain behavior ~Videotape for Observation Can observe many students simultaneously Can take time recording the occurrences of specific behaviors Must set up the camera so that there is sufficient field of view, while being able to see the behavior. Proper lighting, etc.
  • 19. ~Weaknesses of Observational Research Operationally defined behaviors Using observation forms effectively requires
  • 20. The Glass Of Champagne VI Whenever I remember this moment, I remember it drenched in sunlight. Even though the clouds blanketed the sky. Even though they covered the city hall building in a grey shade. He asked because someone had died, someone who was young, our age, but someone whom I can t remember. It shocked him into temporarily, but whole heartedly, believing that life was too short. I said yes because I couldn t say no. I do. I do. We shared the glass of champagne because he had only brought two cups and he offered one to the women who notarized our certificate. He was so charming back then. Even she had started to fall in love. The word husband felt too big between my teeth, but that day I said it 24 times anyways. Scientists ... Show more content on ... We were sitting cross legged and we were drinking coffee and I was reading the paper and the sunlight was hitting the very tip top of his hair. I think, he said grabbing my hands in his, that we should have kids. I didn t know what to say because I had nothing to say. So I said nothing, at least for a little bit. Then, I think now s not the time. I mean, we don t have the space and you re starting your new job next week and we re still young. It would hold him over for the next year or so, keeping the topic at bay. I didn t know how to tell him that I didn t want them, that I had never wanted them, that I would never want them. *** Things were lovely then. Things change. VIII All that time lying left a sour taste in my mouth, like rotten fruit, but I thought it was better thaen the alternative. I didn t want to have kids, but I also didn t want to be alone. I didn t want him to leave. I didn t want to be divorced. So I swallowed the taste on my tongue and lied. Until the taste came back and refused to leave. During the worst of it, we had just decided not to have kids. More accurately, Chris asked and asked and asked and I finally told him. Not everything, but enough. Before I did, I kept picturing the possible confrontation. It would start in disbelief, maybe he would try and convince me, maybe he would say it would pass. As he came to understand, it would build into an anger like a white fire, an anger that he couldn t quite
  • 21. Negative Body Image You re scrolling through your Instagram account and you see a post from a model that you follow. It s a group photo from an A lister party. All the women have enormous busts, but narrow waists perched upon huge derrieres while all the men have a broad upper body, followed by a set of washboard abs. You think to yourself how beautiful and perfect they look. A twinge of jealousy flickers within you as you subconsciously start comparing yourself to that photo. Unfortunately, these are some expectations that society has built on how one should one. Moreover, when we don t reach it, there are often consequences of developing negative body imageissues. So what is negative body image exactly? According to NEDA (Australia s national eating disorder association) , body image issue is the dissatisfaction a person may have of their body not meeting unrealistic criteria. It is the negative thoughts and emotions that result from their perception of their own physical self. Unfortunately, in today s day and age, this is an existing issue due to the world we live in promoting unrealistic body ideals. It tends to become a challenge to not compare yourself to these expectations when you scrutinize those images of Instagram models in your everyday life. A study conducted Down Under showed that, out of 10,500 Australian women, a staggering 89% of women all hated or wanted to change something about their appearance. A further study was conducted among 1,500 women and 1,500 men. Each person
  • 22. The Internet Has Made Education Better For Teachers,... The internet has made education better for teachers, student and parents however the use of the information super highway does not have its faults. What are some solutions to problems such as cheating, plagiarism and the validity of the information online? Ethics, honesty, and fairness in online educationare always concerns because of the quick internettransferring of information available to our students. There are numerous ways that educators can help minimize this problem. Some action steps that are readily available to online internet education are TURNITIN which is plagiarism detection software, remote live PROCTORING which uses web cams and humans monitoring several screens in the room where students are connecting to their assignments online, a LOCKDOWN BROWSER can be downloaded to the students computer which prevents students looking up things during an exam, and there are KEYSTROKE RECOGNITION devices that recognize the student and assures that the work is done by that student. Educators have to pay attention to the criticisms as well. Some of the criticisms to examine are the claims that the internet is unreliable, students don t get group interaction, teaching profession put at risk, no way to measure truth in learning, students sheltered from real world, learning is impersonal, and prevents students from learning how to communicate. The first claim to examine is that the internet is unreliable. In order to find an internet website that has reliable
  • 23. Examples Of Brand Logo The brand logo is part of the visual brand identity (Abratt, R. and Kleyn, N., 2012) and refers to the accompanying sign or symbol (Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S., 2006) that represents the brand name and company. The design of logo is very important; logo design play an important role in influencing brandattitude among the target market. Logomust be design to fulfill what company or the brand image is to convey correct message to consumers. Some logos also design creatively and have some hidden message. Example like the logo design of FedEx Corporation, FedEx is an American global courier delivery services company. The logo of the company look like simple, but actually between the word E and X there is a hidden forward arrow symbol which ... Show more content on ... And some redesign logo failure because people might don t like the new logo or people will read some other meaning on the new logo brings. One of the examples of company that redesign their logo and make consumers can t recognize it is Super Coffeemix Marketing Sdn. Bhd. Super Coffeemix is a food and Beverage Company which is established at year 1987, their famous product is 3 in 1 instant coffee and cereal drink. The previous logo of the company is a red color word of the company name Super surrounded with the green wheat symbol; the new logo changed by the company in recent year is red in color background with white in color of Super word with a yellow curve below the word. The new logo was totally different with the previous one which the company was use for many years, this will make consumers confuse. Even the company has stated their previous logo on the package of the product to bring up to date to consumers, but this only work for the loyal consumers who was always and continuing purchases for the company products, the others consumers who was just purchases the product when their needed will not notify and they might switch to the others competitors brand, this might be a risk for the
  • 24. The Roles of Women in France French culture and society has evolved from many different aspects of French life. From the mastery of French cuisine to the meaning of French art, the French have changed and evolved in many ways to produce a specific modern culture, the dignified culture of the French. One thing that parallels the progress and continuation of French culture is the role of women throughout France. Compared to other nations, the role and rights of women in France were confronted earlier and Women s suffrage was enacted earlier. The role of women in France, because of the early change in perception of women, enabled France to develop faster and with less conflict than other competing nations. Missing from the painting is Marat s murderer, Charlotte Corday. Corday was a tall, attractive and articulate 25 year old who decided to travel all the way from Normandy to Paris in order to strike an important political blow. A very big supporter of the moderate Girondin Party, Corday blamed Marat for the Terror consuming the French Revolution, as faction warred against faction. While modeling herself after the heroes of antiquity whom she studied in Plutarch, she had planned to murder Jean Marat, like Julius Caesar, publically at the National Convention floor. But, when illness forced Marat to the confines of his bathtub due to his skin condition, Corday tracked him down to his apartment and won a private audience. This type of bravery and commitment to stopping the terror would most likely to be
  • 25. Performance Enhancing Drugs In Baseball Imagine being able to take a drug that enhances your performance at work so much that you are rewarded with a raise. A drug that could land you the job of your dreams and give you the competitive edge needed to beat out the rest of the competition. Drugs in baseball have been around since the early days of the game. From steroids to stimulates, baseballplayers have been willing to put anything in their bodies if it ll help them stay in the show for a few years longer and keep those paychecks coming in. Now, the question is, do these performance enhancing drugs ruin the integrity and sportsmanship in the game of baseball? How many good baseball players didn t get a job on a Major League team because their competition accelerated their abilities... Show more content on ... Many would argue the game peaked during the 1998 home run race between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. This race jump started the sport and began to heal the tension that brewed between the game and its fans after the cancelation of the 1994 World Series. Of course, this home run race was not the only reason fans came back to the game. The anticipation to see one of the greatest pitchers of all time in Rodger Clemens, one of the most talented baseball players of all time in Barry Bonds, and sluggers such as Jason Giambi and Jose Canseco, were surely going to draw a large viewing. Each of these players has had some connection to performance enhancing drugs. We can sit here writing articles and opinion pieces arguing why performance enhancing drugs should or should not be allowed in this sport, but there is no argument when it comes to the stats and when we, as fans, have witnessed the best baseball to ever be played. Any fan of the game will admit that one of the best things in sports is a homerun. In 1996, 17 players hit 40 or more homeruns. In 2008, only two players hit 40 or more homeruns (Rymer 2013). We are seeing better, more exciting baseball during the steroid era, which is considered to take place from the end of the 80 s and continued through the 2000 s, than we ll ever see during any other era of baseball. Players are hitting more homeruns, while pitchers are throwing their best balls when they re in there 40s (Pantuosco 2011). PEDs should be allowed in baseball because first, we, as fans, get to see a higher competition level while players are on such drugs. Second, these drugs create an even playing field for all players. And third, do we as fans even care if these athletes take these
  • 26. Descriptive Essay About Tattoos small tattoos 01.jpg Tattoo on the outer side of the upper arm about four inches long depicting army like stripes approximately a quarter inch thick, with the first stripe two inch from the crook of the arm. Four stripes of light black ink tone point upwards towards the upper arm and transform into two dark toned images of a bird in motion. Small tattoos 02.jpg Tattoo design covering the entire circumference of the wrist. Shows of ocean wave on the backside of the wrist of the right hand in gray and accented in black ink and with the front side depicting a small island with a single coconut tree on it. Small tattoos 03.jpg Tattoo style on the innermost part of the forearm of the left hand indicating an intricate image of Da Vinci s framed hand of God and Adam, about two inches thick. This is a perfect way to represent spiritual path Small tattoos 04.jpg Small tattoos for guys on the lower side of the chest, one inch from mamma and on the left side a drawing that shows a simple representation of an elephant. A great tattoo that symbolizes dignity, strength and pride. Small tattoos 05.jpg Small tattoo ideas can be applied on the left inner arm and turns cycling into body arts! adorable and lovely black bicycle design pointing direction on the left; about two inches thick for travel lovers. Small tattoos 06.jpg Small tattoo for men, a classic flying bald eagle one inch from clavicle, drawn entirely using black ink with simple white horizontal lines at the wings apart from
  • 27. My Trip On North Carolina State University As I sat in the passenger seat of a truck that usually brought me so much joy, I was overcome with sadness. North Carolina State University was the destination, and in the eyes of my family, it was the best day of my life. The tour was booked months in advance, and the most dreaded day in the summer before my senior year had finally arrived. Instead of the usual conversation with my grandpa, the three and a half hour drive from Whiteville, North Carolinato Raleigh was filled with an emptiness, as we sat in silence. I received many sweet good luck texts and smiley faces from my mom and aunts. I knew they were only being so nice because I was exactly where they wanted me, which filled me with so much confusion. I was frustrated with my... Show more content on ... You have to do what s best for you, and follow where God leads you, but I ll miss you so much he would say to me each time I brought it up. I would sit on a stool beside his recliner, and hold his hand in silence as I pondered the idea of moving. It was a hard decision for me, because, at the time I didn t even have an idea for college. All I knew was that I wanted to move. I had a yearning in my heart to be in a bigger city. Being blinded by opportunity, made it seem that everyone else only saw the bad. During the second half of my senior year, I was living life as an early graduate. I had completed everything I needed for my diploma, and I was saving up tips while working at a local Mexican restaurant. It was there that I discovered my passion for not only the Spanish language, but also hospitality. I began to discover a possible idea for my future. It was also there that I received a text saying my decision letter from NC state had arrived. Bored from the lack of guests and the dreadfully slow lunch shift, I decided to act over joyed so my manager would let me go home. Good luck, chaleca! Adam, my manager yelled to me. It s funny because Chaleca is the Spanish word for vest. I never knew why that was his nickname of choice for everyone. When I arrived home, I decided to open the letter quietly before my mother noticed I was in the door. As I wished, it was a denial letter. My mom came running in, and when I told her the news, she recommended I go to the
  • 28. Reflection Of Lolita Having read Lolita before this one, I was in a divided mind whether to bring the book home. Not that Lolita was bad , no chance of that, but it exerted an impression which I would love to liken to a massive dose of LSD: lovely exasperating, trippy to the max, to a certain extent very similar to a case of migraine. Unfortunately, the black butterfly on its cover knew my dilemma and blinked with me. I brought the book, and soon envisioned myself getting stuck in the same vein of chaos of words, metaphors, excessively equivocal language and bizzare monologues once again. However, to my utmost bewilderment, Laughter turned out not very elusive as I had expected. I made hardly any endeavor to finish it all in one light read, and even had time for reflective pauses during and after reading. Wow, is it me or the tale monster really that easy to tame this time?... Show more content on ... Laughter s plot is an accomplished amalgam of Lolita and Anna Karenina: age gap romance and marriage infidelity. Albinus, a celebrated middle aged art critic desperately longing for the beauty that s never his, is enchanted by the alluring 16 year old Margot when he aimlessly leads his footsteps to a movie theater where Margot works. Poor Albinus is soon drawn to the love game of his mistress, and plays havoc with his former family relationships. Little does he know Margot never falls for him, and has already parted with her ex lover, Axel Rex, who s also Albinus friend, to steal his asset. One day on the runaway journey with Margot, Albinus has his eyes so seriously damaged in a car accident that he becomes blind. Margot suggests she look after him on the face of it, while at the same time draws up scheme to get away with Axel and all of Albinus properties. To cut the long story short, Albinus finally finds out the couple s treachery and decides to kill Margot by his own hand; however, it is the blind man that is eventually
  • 29. Behind Me Dips Eternity Behind Me dips Eternity , by Emily Dickinson displays poetic excellence because, she avoids the three errors of decent poetry (very didactic, overly sentimental, and over use of figurative language). The theme of the poem is, when people are sad, they look for an end but are stuck in the middle till death. In the story the speaker is depressed, she wants to die but will not come to do it herself. Her only salvation is hope that she will reach immortality or eternity. She cannot come to kill herself because she is Christian, the Christian belief is that committing suicide will not allow you access into Heaven. In the first stanza, Dickinson describes what she sees in front of her and behind her (Immortality and Eternity). In between these two hopes stands the speakers life, a depressing and... Show more content on ... In the next stanza, the speaker goes on to describe the Christian view of Heave; the kingdom with one eternal ruler (God). Then she talks about Jesus, the prince of Heaven, and son of none meaning that no human can claim Jesus as his/her son because Jesus father is God himself. The Prince s dynasty is eternal, meaning that there ruling will go on forever. In the next stanza, she begins by say that there is a miracle in front of her and a miracle behind her (Immortality and Eternity). She then describes her life as a little island in the sea; the island has a beautiful view in front and behind it. But all the island ever receives is maelstrom. The overall message of the poem is death and despair, death because the speaker looks forward to her end but cannot come to do it herself because she has a strong Christian belief against it. Despair because the speaker has a depressing and tumult life, and the only thing that keeps the speaker going is hope that she will die soon and reach either immortality or eternity. To conclude, the poem displays poetic excellence in the story alone, but I will show you how the poem triumphs by avoiding the fundamental mistakes a regular poem
  • 30. Julius Caesar Research Paper Dionisiy Christensen Ms. Crisler Ancient Literature 12 May, 2017 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar has been a great Roman politician, general, and notable author of Latin prose. Julius Caesar has been born in Rome, Italy. He has borned in a patrician family, also he has been a member of the Julian family. Julian family has been one of the first families in Rome. He has been tall, handsome, agreeable in his manners, and of a cheerful disposition. Julius Caesar has been a rich noble, he became a friend of the plebeians and always support them. When Julius s father has died, Julius became the head of the family at sixteen years old. A young Caesar began his political career after he turned thirty one by being elected one of the twenty questors. In ... Show more content on ... Roman territory was far flung across the Mediterranean sea in the early first century B.C., but this territory increases during the central half of the century. Caesar s first great battles have been in Gaul. The Gauls were brave, but Caesar has proved to be a great general. In a few years he has conquered all of Gaul. The Roman soldiers had a great confidence in Caesar. When he led them they believed victory was certain. He has stricted in his discipline, but very friendly and pleasant with the men, and he often gave them praise. Caesar has shared in their hardships. Day after day he marched on foot at their head through heat and rain and snow, and fought with them in the front ranks. (Shearer 98). One of the Greatest victorious in Gaul has been the taking of the town of Alesia. This town had very strong walls all around it, and it has defended by a great army of Gauls have commanded by a brave chief named Vercingetorix. Caesar has surrounded the town with his army and has prevented them food from being sent in to the inhabitants. He also has defended an army that came from the other parts of Rome. In 53 B.C. Crassus has died in the war. In 49 B.C. Caesar s army forced Pompey and his followers out of Italy. Battles have continued between the two in places like: Greece, Italy, and Egypt. Caesar has chased Pompey and later Egyptian assassin killed Pompey in Egypt. The play opens on the Roman religious feast of
  • 31. The Code Of Ethics For Nurses With Interpretive The process of effectively staffing a nursing unit is one that requires great research. As a manager you need to be up to date with current trends and current standards so that you can be assured that your staffing reflects highest quality and safest care available. Not only is best practice vital, as a manager you must also be thinking of the most cost effective way to run your unit. Joint Commission standards are a benchmark that most hospitals use, if your hospitalis not complying with Joint Commission standards it is likely you will risk non reimbursement for treatment of care. You also want your unit to be practicing according to The Code of Ethics for Nurses The code of ethics establishes the ethical standard for the profession and provides a guide for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision making (Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive). Having a base knowledge of the Texas Department of States Health Services would also be a huge help in keeping your unit up to current codes and standards. The staffing plan I am purposing is to open another medical surgical wing that would consist of 20 beds. This unit would take place in an already developed wing on 2 central. Currently these 20 beds are reserved for bariatric patients only, and the unit is closed down other wise when no bariatric surgeries are scheduled. Currently 2 central is open on average, 2 times a week as the two bariatric surgeons perform their surgeries on Friday s and on average only 8
  • 32. Service Dogs Research Paper Dogs, a popular breed of pet and consider Man s best friend, yet some breeds of dogs improve the magnitude of life by assisting in different areas. Many breed of dogs receive special training, which classifies these dogs as service dogs. A dog s training will determine the category of service provided such as; guide dogs, search or rescue dogs, and dogs that locate narcotics. These animals contribute and perform functions unique to enhancing the lives of individuals, yet have the validity to work with law enforcement assisting in drug trafficking. Traditionally, guide dogs aide people with disabilities to help in every day functions for instance, a Seeing eye dog, would be supportive and assigned to a person with visional disability. These dogs start their training early, puppies selected has the temperament and the ability to perform certain task to support the mission of their training. For example, alerting a visual impaired person that a set of stairs are on the right or left... Show more content on ... Another classification of a service dogs is the, search and rescue, these dogs train for a specific task of locating and following people in distress. Dogs with their keen senses of smell and hear greatly enhance the task of searching for survivors at a distresses event. Perhaps, the most famous and tragic events was the use of these dogs after the attack on the Twin Tower New York City) using these highly specializes dogs were the different between life and death for some victims. The additional training of search and rescue dogs finable the dogs to rescue missing people for example, a child or elder adult wonders off from home, park, or a public places. The tracking ability of the sense of these people will help the dog locate using senses these dogs Search and rescue dogs are a firm planted in the law enforcement
  • 33. Are Greenhouse Gases A Harmful Or Helpful Or Harmful To... Are Greenhouse Gases helpful or harmful to our environment? Well, overall they can cause some damage such as an increase in the climate change (Global Warming). Although there are two different types of Greenhouses there are a Natural Greenhouse Gases and an Enhanced Greenhouse Gases both have a big difference in their effects on an environment.(56) A Natural Greenhouse includes water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone this effect supports the environment where there is life because it uses the sun s energy to create a blanket over the earth. This blanket keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life. This process is supposed to have an equal amount of heat being emitted to space as it
  • 34. Essay on American Politics Every two to four years, politicians aspire to demonstrate their competency for political office. Political campaigns and organizations concentrate millions of dollars to undercut and outlast the opposition. They drag names through the mud, as if it were the next step on the political corporate ladder. The American people, caught in the middle, are torn between the need for elected officials and the heartbreak of countless shattered oaths. Consequently, they dissociate themselves from misused words like Democrat, Republican, and change. They have learned to bite their tongue, drink their beer and leave well enough alone. That s exactly what the politicians want. In 1933, the political landscape attained a new twist: No single... Show more content on ... Sinclair was the author of over forty fictional books. In those books were quotes, from fictional characters, that Campaigns, Inc. used as Sinclair s own words in the L.A. Times. Campaigns, Inc. didn t just omit a couple words to suit their needs. They forged a man s beliefs (Lepore). This tradition of dishonesty carries through to today. Now, hiring a political consultant is a requirement and a warning: we will do whatever it takes to win (Cain 377). Ironically, Leone Baxter once voiced that political consulting must be in the hands of the most ethical, principle[d] people . . . or else it will erode into the hands of people who have no regard for the world around them. It could be a very, very destructive thing (Lepore 59). In America s political history, there has never existed a person, who fits Baxter s standards. The first five presidents, who helped instigate America s freedom, were still trapped in monarchy s glamour: They hated monarchial rule, yet desired the appearance of a king. Their periods of rule was marked with great ideologies, yet blotted with law that was quite contrary. With the election of the seventh president, Andrew Jackson, George Washington s political party free America was abandoned. Jackson compared to . . . John Quincy Adams . . . was poorly educated, with rather limited experience as a public servant. Yet his popularity among voters had reached
  • 35. Mongolia Compared To Modern America Bobby Culture essay 2/4/16 Comparing Modern Mongolia To Modern United States Cultures in every area are always interesting to learn about and they are many differences, let s see what we can learn about from modern Mongolia to the modern United States. The countries that I will be comparing are the United States and Mongolia in the today s world. My three main points that we are gonna learn about are the eating habits, animal species, and how people live and interact with the environment. The first point that I will be comparing is the way people eat in Mongolia and the US. Mongolia. According to ... Show more content on ... For instance in the article Modern Mongolia kids wait at a bus stop men in suit talking about business stuff at a cafe shop. People talk on a cellular phones. More than half of the population lives on the countryside which is three million. Information like this is important because now you know what they do (sorta) and they act mature and they are not one of those poor countries. United States We Americans are always modern an article called american lifestyle parents have children, always work, kids go to daycare,lots of people always on social media, lots of narcissism, people meet on social media, fun things to do on weekends, lots and lots and lots of other stuff. We americans tend to be busy a lot but we can have fun and times to be serious. This information is important because for newcomers let s say mongolians want to come to the US well the american lifestyle is so much more different at least I think so. Eating habits, animals, and lifestyle are very interesting topics to compare about, it s also important because each of these plays a very important role in each country. People can learn about and share cultures without stereotyping by ging on research in
  • 36. Daniel Andre Brisco. Liberty University. Integration Of Daniel Andre Brisco Liberty University Integration of Faith Learning BUSI 690 Other than Whole Foods, think of company examples where doing things right and acting in the interests of broader stakeholders (rather than just stockholders alone) have produced a stronger competitive advantage. Why was this the case? Other than Whole Foods, a company that examples doing things right is Starbucks. Starbucks trusts that leading business morally and endeavoring to make the best decision are fundamental to the achievement of the organization (Starbucks, 2017). All partners make particular commitments to a firm, which thus gives diverse sorts of advantages to various partners. Representatives contribute their time and gifts to the ... Show more content on ... Additionally, Starbucks focuses on the customer satisfaction aspect, setting them apart from their competition. The purpose behind an organization s presence is to give items or administrations that address the issues of its objective clients and benefit them definitively. The part of clients is basic to the organization s survival and achievement. Through the purchase choices they make every day, they select which organizations will flourish and which will fizzle. They likewise give profitable criticism to the organization about its items and client benefit level (Hill, 2017). This criticism empowers the organization to enhance what it offers and to think of altogether new answers for client needs in view of what its clients requested. For some organizations, clients additionally assume a key part in the organization s advertising endeavors by prescribing the organization s items or administrations to other potential clients (Hill, 2017). Decisions... the best power we have in our lives are our decisions. As Christians, this ought to dependably include making the best decision. In any dialog about making the best choice, we should likewise raise love. This is on account of God s adoration for us and our affection for him urges us to need to do great too. We adore and serve others, since he initially cherished us. Galatians 6:9 teaches us, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,
  • 37. The sandinista Revolution Essay During the forty three year Somoza dictatorship a revolution was proved inevitable. During the period of the Somoza regime many conflicts between the government and the people arose. Some of these conflicts were mainly with the National Guard, but in 1978 conflicts hit its climax. In 1978, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, a salient newspaper editor and leader to the Somoza opposition was assassinated; it is believed that by one of Somoza s business man. This mans death gave a deep feeling of commotion throughout the country, establishing a nation wide strike against the Somoza government. The National Guard responded to the attacks by assassinating many civilians and violating many others rights. On August 1978, a Sandinista Commando (headed by ... Show more content on ... This victory sparked the general population, many uprisings followed. The National Guard did not react well to these uprisings; many massacres came, and this made the general population angry. This gave the Sandinistas an advantage; they were gaining many recruits for their revolution, and the business class of Nicaragua supported the idea of ones again calling to a general national strike. Negations to take Somoza out of power were developed by the United States, but these efforts where crushed when Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Panama joined Cuban efforts and supported the Sandinistas. The majority of the business class then decided that despite their Communist ideals, the Sandinistas were the best option that they had, and supported them. On July, 19, 1979 Somoza was forced to resign, and a forty three year dynasty came to an end. The government was the turned over to the Council of National Reconstruction, which was selected by the Sandinistas. The Sandinistas had appointed a broad based cabinet which included non Sandinistas to rebuild a destroyed nation. Their goals were mainly to improve healthcare, literacy and land reforms for the poor. It did not take much time to prove that power rested only on the Sandinistas. By 1980, all non Sandinista leaders had left the government. The relation with the Catholic Church deteriorated greatly, and the relation with the United States had been blocked. In
  • 38. Similarities Between The French Revolution And American... The American Revolution and the French Revolution The late 1700 s was a time for cutting edge inventions, literary and philosophical achievements, upcoming and rising leaders, and lastly, revolutions. The American revolution took place from 1770 to 1783. The French Revolution began in 1789 and lasted for a decade Both the American and French Revolution occurred at the same time and the citizens were both fighting for freedom from a monarchy, there are many important similarities and differences that are seen throughout the war s history. Conflict arose in 1775 when tension grew in the people of the 13 colonies in North America. The British governments attempted to collect revenue by taxing the colonies. In 1770, British soldiers open ... Show more content on ... The members of the third estate represented 98 percent of the people but would still be considered less in many aspects by the higher classes. The Tennis Court Oath was an attempt to reform this inequality. While the third class was still suffering to survive, the second and first class was thriving, eventually leading the storming of Bastille in an attempt to get gunpowder and weapons. Peasants began a time known as the Great Fear when they were burning the homes of tax collectors, landlords, and the elites. This inspired the National Constituent Assembly to abolish feudalism on August 4, 1789. The Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted. A newly elected Legislative Assembly was now in control and declared war on Austria and Prussia due to counterrevolutionary alliances. The Legislative assembly was soon replaced by the National Convention, which abolished the monarchy and established a Republic. On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine for treason and crimes against the state. This was the beginning of the most violent time of the French Revolution, known as the Reign of Terror. Thousands of enemies of the revolution were put to death by the guillotine, carried out under the orders of Robespierre. The French people eventually revolted and Robespierre received the fate he gave to many others. Power would next lie in a five member Directory appointed by parliament. These four years in power were full of financial
  • 39. Essay on Follow Me, I Want to Teach You Something Tolkien has created many guidelines that help define what a Faerie story consists of. Tolkien is so specific that you get the feeling that the only books that fit into the guidelines are his own. Of course there are thousands of books and stories that people call Fairy Tales that don t fit into everyone of these guidelines, but a new genre hasn t been created. This fact leaves one wondering; do everyone one of Tolkien s guidelines need to be achieved for a book to be called a Faerie story? The answer to me is that the situation can not be possible. Now you are left to wonder how many of the guidelines need to be achieved before being placed in the Faerie category. Also, are some of Tolkien s guidelines more important than the others? These... Show more content on ... Tolkien is saying that a Faerie story will most likely have men or women talking with other living objects that don t appear in our world or that if present, have no voice. In The King of Elfland s Daughter the King sends a Troll from his land into our world to deliver his daughter a message of sorts. While this Troll, whose name happens to be Lurulu is in our world he entertains the young son of Alveric and Lirazel, Orion. Later in the book Orion is a great hunter but he needs someone to watch over his dogs, to his luck he runs into Lurulu. What are you doing in men s fields? said Orion Playing, said Lurulu What do you do in Elfland? Watch time, said Lurulu (Lord Dunsany 149) The conversation, which goes on and is quite amusing isn t a turning point in the book and doesn t even hold that much meaning, but it does satisfy Tolkien s guideline. Orion, a young man from our world, although a bit magical himself (remember his mother was the princess of Elfland) was talking to a troll. There are no trolls in our world, we can never walk through the woods or down a street and bump into an old troll friend of ours, it can only happen in Fairy Tales. When compared to the other guidelines we have viewed so far, this one holds more meaning, for if this simple conversation didn t happen there would be fewer ties to Tolkien. On the other hand however, throughout the book there are no
  • 40. The State Of Wisconsin Is Home Eliza Frankel Mr. Biglari AP Government 8 November 2016 Wisconsin INTRO GOES HERE In the Midwest region of the United States, the state of Wisconsin is home to more than 5,700,300 citizens, which is only a mere fraction of the 321,000,000 citizens that live in the United States. 62% of all Wisconsin citizens are between the ages of 16 and 65, compared to 62.2% of all Americans. 15.6% of Wisconsinites are over 65 years old, while only 14.9% of all United States citizens are in the same age range. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). Only 27.4% of Wisconsinites over 25 have an education above a bachelor s degree, while there are 29.3% of United States citizens with this education as well. The average income for the millions of Wisconsin citizens is $52,738. This is almost $800 less than the United States average of $53,482 (U.S. Census Bureau). With almost 6 million citizens, Wisconsin has 10 electors in the electoral college, and makes up 1.8% of all electoral votes (National Archives and Records Administration, 2010). The Wisconsin legislature is made up of mostly Republican politicians. The current governor, Scott Walker, one of the two U.S. Senators, five of the eight House of Representative members (Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for Wisconsin, n.d), 18 of the state senators, and 63 of the state representatives (Wisconsin State Legislature, 2015), are Republicans. The second U.S. Senator, the remaining three House of Representative members (Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for Wisconsin,
  • 41. Statistics Cheat Sheet What proportion of a normal distribution is located in the tail beyond z = +2.00? 0.0228 What proportion of a normal distribution is located between the mean and z = 1.40? 0.4192 The Z score corresponding to the 52nd percentile is .05 A normally distributed variable has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 2. The probability that a value between 7 and 9 is obtained is .2417 An accelerated life test on a large number of type D alkaline batteries revealed that the mean life for a particular use before they failed is 19.0 hours. The distribution of the lives approximated a normal distribution. The standard deviation was 1.2 hours. About 95.44% of the batteries failed between what two values? 16.6 21.4 The average time students need ... Show more content on ... n = 100 with s^2 = 100 I other factors are held constant, which set of characteristics is most likely to produce a significant t statistic? n = 50 with s^2 = 50 If other factors are held constant, what is the effect of increasing the sample size? It will decrease the estimated standard error and increase the likelihood of rejecting H0 A researcher conducts a one sample hypothesis test using a sample of n = 40 from an unknown population. What is the df value for the t statistic? 39 With О±= 0.05, what is the critical t value for a one tailed test with n = 15? t = 1.761 With О±= 0.05 and df = 20, the critical values for a two tailed t test are t = + 2.086. Assuming all other factors are held constant, if the df value were decreased to df = 10, what would happen to the critical values for t? They would increase (move farther from zero). A sample of n = 4 scores is selected from a population with an unknown mean. The sample has a mean of M = 40 and a variance of s2= 16. Which of the following is the correct 90% confidence interval for Ој? Ој= 40 + 2.353(2) When is it appropriate to use the two sample, pooled variance t test? When 2 independent samples are compared. Which of the following accurately describes an independent measures study? It uses a different group of participants for each of the treatment conditions being compared. Which of the following is the correct null hypothesis for an independent measures t test? Mu1 Mu2 = 0 Accounting procedures allow a
  • 42. Pros And Cons Of Keeping The Driving Age How many people die every year from car accidents? How many of those people qualify as careless teenagers? Nearly 1.3 million people die each year in car accidents, which is on average 3,287 deaths per day. Young drivers between the ages of fifteen and twenty account for sixty percent of these accidents. For almost a century, the age for teenagers to be allowed to drive on public roads without supervision has been sixteen, resulting in a higher death rate due to the carelessness of young drivers in the United States. For example, as stated by the Free Personal Injury Help Center, one in every three teens says they text or email while driving: the number one cause of deaths among all drivers. The amount of young and old drivers on the road... Show more content on ... Teenagers are more likely to speed than older drivers because people have less developed brains at the ages of 16 or 17 than at 21 or 22. As a result, one in four teenagers are aggressive drivers and almost twenty percent of teenagers admit that they enjoy speeding, as stated in the New York Times. Drunk driving is a recent problem even among adults. Although drinking and driving is illegal, and drinking under the age of twenty one is illegal, twenty five percent of all fatal car crashes caused by teens involve an underage drunk driver. Teenagers also have the lowest rate of seat belt use, and seat belts are the most effective way of reducing accidents. In addition, texting while driving is the number one cause of car accidents among teenagers due to the development of social media. This causes teens to drive while looking down at their phones, which can eventually put them in the hospital. Therefore, raising the driving age to 21 will prevent teens from dying due to car accidents the number one cause of teen deaths in 2013, according to the CDC Injury
  • 43. How Does Malcolm Respond To Macduff Malcolm s response to Macduff s offer is that of distrust for many possible reasons. These reasons include Macbeth s prior attempts to murder Malcolm, Macduff s promise to get revenge on the person who killed Duncan, and Malcolm s absence of the character flaw that Duncan had which was trusting someone without knowing them thoroughly. Malcolm s reaction to Macduff s offer is that of distrust because Macbeth has tried to trick him before. Malcolm decides to test Macduff to see if he is attempting to trick Malcolm into coming back to Scotland so that Macbeth can kill Malcolm. Malcolm tests Macduff by claiming that he has three vices. These three vices are lust, avarice, and violence. After hearing Malcolm say he is violent, Macduff responds ... Show more content on ... Macduff learns about this after his talk with Malcolm. The third reason for Malcolm s apparent distrust of Macbeth could be because of Macbeth s vow to kill Duncan s murderer. By leaving Scotland when he did, it seemed that Malcolm fled, not because he was scared, but because Malcolm was trying to escape Scotland because he had something to do with Duncan s murder. Malcolm s reluctance to trust Macduff immediately shows that he does not inhibit the same flaw his father did. Duncan s flaw was that he trusted someone before he got to know him or her. By testing Macduff the way he did, Malcolm could tell if Macduff was worth trusting, unlike Duncan and the Thane of Cawdor before Macbeth. After testing Macduff, Malcolm realizes that he can trust Macduff because Macduff s reaction to Malcolm s claim to be violent tell Malcolm that Macduff does not support Macbeth, and that Macduff wants to usurp Macbeth from the Scottish throne. It seems like Macduff has figured out that it has Macbeth who killed Duncan, and he wants to take his revenge as he vowed to do. Malcolm at this point has already amassed an army of ten thousand men led by Siward, Earl of Northumberland. Malcolm and Macduff are victorious, and Malcolm renames the title of Thane to the title of Earl to thank Siward for
  • 44. Jon Stewart and News Distortion Network News stations like Fox and MSNBC have distorted news information so much so that viewers now turn to comedy central to keep current with the news. Turning to comedians for news is not a horrible idea as long as viewers understand that comedians must also distort news in order to entertain. Now that is not to say that comedians give out fake news; a comedian must first understand the whole of the topic before running it through a comedic process, in which they then begin distorting the information to attain laughter. Jon Stewart has an enormous impact in the media. Many young viewers turn to Stewart for his take on the news. According to Cox of in an article by Kurtz Howard, The Campaign of a Comedian; Jon Stewart s Fake Journalism Enjoys Real Political Impact, says It s not that young people don t like politics. The way politics is talked about in the media is alienating. They re seeing Jon Stewart as a kind of hero who will lead us out of the darkness. Stewart allows his viewers to keep current with the news by giving sound bites, which they then could verify or explore. While many news reporters believe Stewart to be highly controversial, the majority of young adults will watch Jon Stewart s comedic take on the news because it is unbiased and attempts to only entertain. In an article by Rachel Smolkin, What the Mainstream Can Learn from Jon Stewart, Venise Wagner an associate chair of the Journalism department at SFSU says the Daily Show [Jon
  • 45. Pro Curfew Many cities have curfews for it s minors; however, many parents have his or her own curfew for one s own child. I oppose against any city appointed curfew as a curfew is not a city s duty to control what time a minor must be home. A curfew should be appointed by a minor s parent or guardian, a city curfewis far too interfering in one s personal life, and many teenagers have jobs in which they do not leave work until ten. A curfew should be made by a minor s parent or guardian. To elaborate my point, a teenager is under the care of his or her parent; therefore, each parent may have a different opinion on when his or her child should be home. Each person has different rules at his or her house in which he or she must stay true to. Furthermore,
  • 46. Reflection On Micro Teaching This essay will analyse and highlight on the fifteen minute micro teaching reflection that is vital for the self evaluation and professional development of my teaching practice. It will further identify my strengths and weaknesses through my peer assessment and reflect on the teaching and learning theories, methods and strategies that are linked and practiced in my micro teach. According to the teachers standards (DfE, 2012) teachers make the education of their learners their first concern, keep their knowledge up to date and are self critical. Therefore, this reflection practice will guide me towards the improvement on my lesson planning strategies and delivery. In addition, it will also make an enormous difference in my teaching and learning practice which is vital for teacher training. One of the significant part of this course is micro teaching session, in this session we are required to deliver fifteen minute planned lesson containing learning outcome. Furthermore, this session was recorded and observed by the peers to evaluate. Due to my interest in ESOL I decided to deliver my session on Boogle Puzzle to embed a simple literacy/numeracy activity aims to target ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) learners. In this task, pupils are given activity to make seven ten words in the English language from the word grid to improve word recognition and spellings. Based on reflection of my micro teaching I provided learners with the basic instructions on Boggle puzzle and opted for potential instruction strategy. I used present, practice and produce strategy (English language resource, 2017) to allow pupils to practice and learn new vocabulary in co operative way. Similarly, I used co operative learning method to encourage pupils to learn from each other and gain interpersonal skills. According to Johnson and Johnson (1995) co operative learning method have proven effective in increasing motivation, self esteem and problem solving. Thus, to enhance inter dependency, the class was divided into two main groups of fours and were further divided into pairs, to finish their task. According to Mercer (1985) effective communication is as cognitive and social development are intertwined,
  • 47. The Country Of Cameroon Is Considered A Third World... EWB Challenge Energy Anthony Burgess 11982927 Executive Summary: Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION: 2.0 PROBLEM DEFINITION: 3.0 DESIGN ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 4.0 DESIGN SELECTION: 4.1 SELECTION: 5.0 CONCLUSION 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 7.0 REFERENCE LIST 8.0 APPENDIX 1.0 Introduction: The country of Cameroon is considered a third world country and the production and quality of energy matches this view. Rural Cameroon experiences many black outs and is in constant need of more energy for the population to perform basic tasks such as cooking with greater ease and with a higher knowledge of hygiene. The main issue is the quality of the generated power; this is a result of the method of production and transportation of the power. The government s priorities are another term to address as the main focus is on abolishing poverty. This is a good goal, however the emphasis should be placed elsewhere for the start of maximum growth. So there is a primary need for engineers to communicate how energy production can shape their society. So a choice needs to be made in terms of energy production that has maximal social and environmental bonuses. 2.0 Problem Definition: Cameroon faces many difficulties in terms of power generation and power transportation as stated before. There are many areas that need to be considered so for the sake of this report, the most crucial areas will be considered. The issues are listed in no particular order below. 1.Culture: The people of
  • 48. Pepsi and Its Competitors PepsiCo World Leader In Convenient Foods Beverages Industry Revenues About $43 billion and over 198,000 Employees across the globe PepsiCo was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay PepsiCo brands are available in more than 200 countries and territories across the globe PepsiCo has more than 500 products in it s portfolio of which 18 brands generate $1 Billion each in retail sales A broad spectrum of beverages worldwide bringing fun and refreshment to consumers Frito Lay invigorates PepsiCo s portfolio of products with plenty of good food and good fun Tropicana, the strongest name in juices; the best of fruit Quaker expands our portfolio with a wide range of healthy food choices ... Show more content on ... The Social Media Landscape Today Is A Powerful Enabler Of The Changing Conversation Types of Social Media Blogs ( web logs) Emerged in the Mid 90s; Simple online diaries by individuals, corporates Micro blogs Twitter fastest growing social media brand Instant messaging, news/image sharing, job board Continues to evolve as a real time communication tool Social Networks Connections Music, sports, politics, sex, hobbies Sub category includes customizable social networks eg Ning, KickApps Video/Image sharing sites Upload and share; The blurring of public vs private Social Media Aggregators FriendFeed , socialthing Centralize users various profiles; manage multiple conversations from one location Social News Aggregators Submit links to content on other websites Ranked by
  • 49. discussion it evokes Social Bookmarking sites Folksonomies Bookmark and share useful web pages Wikis Creation and editing of interlinked web pages collaborative websites 100% UGC By the readers Media Consumption Is Evolving From LeanBack, Captive to Lean Forward, Engaged out about OOH, Malls, Book / Music Stores, Theme Parks Mobile Events, Gym, Disc/Pubs, Clubs lean forward Newspaper, Magazines RSS Feed, Internet Blog, Gaming, Contests, Social Networking lean back TV, Radio Cinema, Movies on Demand, DVR IPTV, Interactive Games scheduled demand