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Essay On The World
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On The World" is a challenging task that requires a delicate
balance between breadth and depth of exploration. The sheer vastness and complexity of the
world make it a daunting subject to tackle within the constraints of an essay. The challenge lies
not only in capturing the diverse facets of the world but also in presenting a coherent and
engaging narrative.
To begin with, defining the scope of the essay becomes a formidable task. The world
encompasses a myriad of elements—geography, culture, politics, history, environment, and
more. Selecting which aspects to delve into requires careful consideration to maintain a focus
that does justice to the enormity of the topic. Striking the right balance between providing a
broad overview and delving into specific details poses another hurdle.
Researching for such an essay is no small feat. The world is a dynamic entity with constantly
evolving trends, events, and issues. Staying abreast of the latest developments and incorporating
relevant information into the essay requires extensive research skills. Moreover, navigating
through the vast sea of information to extract key insights without drowning in unnecessary
details is a skill that adds another layer of complexity.
The challenge is not only intellectual but also linguistic. Expressing complex ideas, diverse
perspectives, and global phenomena in a coherent and accessible manner demands a high level of
writing proficiency. The writer must ensure that the essay maintains a logical flow, providing a
clear and engaging narrative that captures the reader's attention while delivering insightful
Additionally, addressing the subjective nature of opinions about the world is a delicate task.
Balancing objectivity with personal perspectives, avoiding bias, and acknowledging diverse
viewpoints is crucial to presenting a well-rounded and fair representation of the world.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Essay On The World" is an intricate task that
demands a blend of research, analytical skills, linguistic prowess, and a nuanced understanding
of the complexities inherent in the subject matter. It is an intellectual journey that requires
meticulous planning and execution to offer readers a thoughtful exploration of the vast and
diverse world we inhabit.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of such essays, various resources are
available. One option is, where similar essays and a plethora of other writing
services can be accessed to facilitate the process of crafting insightful and well-structured
Essay On The WorldEssay On The World
How Did Religion And Government Take Political Power
In the United States, religion and government have been separated from one another
for many years. The reason being is that there are so many religions these days, and
people would argue about which religion would take political power, ultimately
resulting in conflicts and fights. Many centuries ago, each country had only one
primary religionwhich every citizen practiced. In Italy for example, their official
religion was Christianity, and having Christian beliefs intertwined in government
allowed Italians to follow their religions rules along with the rules the government has
as well. While some people may think that having religion and government together
would be a good thing, many citizens living in Europe between the 12th and 16th
century did not.
Starting in the 12th century, many European countries like Italy were starting to
give the pope a lot of power. This resulted in the popes becoming more powerful
figures than most of the European counties princes. One example of this was with
pope Gregory VII. He believed that he was one of the most ... Show more content on ...
In the Freedom of a Christian, author and reformist Martin Luther said Many people
have considered Christian faith an easy thing, and not a few have given it a place
among the virtues . Luther says this because he understands that many people were
not found of Christianity, they went to church to show god they are dedicated to
come, and that was it. Most people never practiced Christianity outside of the church
and that upset Luther. By separating from Christianity and joining a new religion,
Luther had the hopes that people would embrace religion again and participate in it
throughout their daily lives, not just at church. With a religion focused just on
gaining power and with a following from people who dislike the religion, it makes
sense that the reformation era to separate church from government started to
1983 Apush Dbq
James McManus Mr. Colameco AP United States History 7 January 2013 Example
Document Based Question Nearly all of the reasons for agrarian discontent in the late
19th century stem from three areas: land, transportation, and money. The farmers
were fighting the perceived threats posed by monopolies and trusts, railroads, and the
demonetization of silver. The American farmer during this period already had his fair
share of problems which, compared to the success of the industrialized businessmen,
resulted in much of the animosity between the two groups. The fact of the matter was
farmers had entered a viscous cycle. Wheat and cotton, once the staples of American
agriculture were selling at such low prices that it was almost impossible... Show more
content on ...
As crop prices fell, farmers were forced to mortgage their lands and take out loans
in order to grow more and more crop just to break even. When these tactics were
ultimately unsuccessful, the banks closed in and quickly foreclosed on the
farmers estates. These mass foreclosures led to a belief among farmers that they
were all slaves to their eastern masters and that only the freedom of unlimited
silver would release them from their shackles. One can see the argument from the
farmer s side. The banks gave out loans with exorbitant interest rates simply
because they could. From 1865 to 1895, the population had risen by close to eighty
percent whereas the amount of currency in circulation had only gone up by about
sixty percent. With this deflation, the farmers were paying back double and triple
the amount of money that they had originally borrowed. With free coinage of
silver, these loans would be balanced and the farmers could suddenly afford their
mortgages. This argument for silver was made famous by William Jennings Bryan s
Cross of Gold speech at the democratic nomination convention. Bryan would not rest
until the Crime of 1873 was rectified. McKinley however shows the counter
argument towards this radical inflation. Coining silver would be a temporary stay of
execution for the farmers. It would not make farming any more profitable, but would
only cheat the banks out of money that the farmers had agreed to pay them. The
farmers were
Causes Of The Chernobyl Disaster
Have you ever helped someone out when they needed it? What caused the first
explosion was that there was faulty in the reactor. Is there a time you can remember
someone had your back when you didn t expect it? Nobody was alarmed that the
explosion had happened and the soviet put many lives in danger. The cause of
Chernobylis very sad because this should have never happened.
The cause of the explosion was from a faulty reactor in the power plant. The reactor
was not stable when it was in use. Right before the explosion had happened there had
been a sudden power surge. Also, a huge steam pressure increase that leads to a
series of multiple explosions. The first explosion was at 1:24 am. 5 out of the 12
people that were there had died because of the explosions that had happened. When
the explosion was released the makers of the reactor blamed it on Dyatlov because
it was his shift to work. Another thing that happened was that they say dyatlov
messed up on a few of safety precautions. The cooling system was switched off
when the explosion had happened. The turbine water pressure was at 0. The
pressure was increasing when it should have been decreasing. They also were
running an experiment when it happened and it was in close down when it
happened. The explosion was equivalent to 10 bombs of Hiroshima. Dyatlov had
received a fatal amount of radiation. Dyatlov was sentenced to 10 years in prison for
the cause of the explosion. Although Dyatlov was sentenced 10 years he got out 18
Essay On Smitten Ice Cream
I doubt that you have taste buds. The rather offensive comment was what my friend
heard from a stranger who overheard our conversation at Patricia s Green in Hayes
Valley. My friend just admitted that he was not a huge fan of Smitten Ice Cream, a
local nitrogen ice cream shop located in San Francisco. It was almost unacceptable
not to be in love with such rich and creamy thing nitrogen icecream often referred as
revolution of ice cream among San Franciscans. I loved living in Hayes Valley
because it had Smitten. On the weekends, I would go to the ice cream place
converted from an old shipping container. What was special about Smitten is that it
has a viewing area for customers to enjoy watching their orders being prepared with
fog oozing out like in a chemistry experiment. The secret of Smitten lies with that fog
of liquid nitrogen. Smitten always had four flavors: Classic Vanilla and TCHO
chocolate were the fixed. The other two depended on the ingredients they had that
day. Besides Brown sugar with cinnamon shortcake , which... Show more content on ...
Ice cream is rather a complex mixture of different particles interacting with each
other to create unique properties of the food. The first component ice crystals are
formed when water in ice cream base freezes. The key to make smooth ice cream is
to prevent ice crystals to form in big size during freezing. Rapid freezing and
constant churning of base lead water contents to form many minute sized crystals.
The texture of ice cream with many smaller ice crystals is better than that with
fewer big crystals. Also, by reducing the amount of water in the base that will be
formed into ice crystals by increasing other ingredients such as milk fat, sugar and
other solids can be a way. However, while normally water takes up 60% of ice cream
base, more than 47% of the total solids will give heavy and chewy
Pia Bausch Research Paper
Pina Bausch was born in Solingen, near DГјsseldorf, Germany, in the middle of
World War II. Was the third daughter of August and Anita Bausch, who had a
restaurant, where Pina grew up and took her first dance classes. It was there when
her parents realized her extreme physical flexibility and talent, they decided to
support her so at age 15, she would study with choreographer Kurt Jooss at the
Folkwang School in Essen, where Pina would acquire the foundations of German
expressionist dancethat would be the basis of her later career.
In 1959, at age 19, she graduated from the Folkwang School and won a scholarship
to continue his studies in New York, where she danced for the first time in the
Metropolitan Opera Ballet.
Following the brilliant performance of Pina Bausch in the United ... Show more
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In this work, she achieved a connection with the scenario based on soil moisture, an
act that shows the basis of his proposal, where the scene is an important part of the
choreography. At the same time, she created a close relationship with the Polish
designer Rolf Borzik, who would become his husband and close collaborator, and
with whom she would develop performance proposals away from classical dance,
opening a new path towards the consolidation of theater dance.
In 1976, with the choreography of The Seven Deadly Sins, by composer Kurt Weill,
Bausch separated completely from the conventions of classical ballet, introducing a
rehearsal method in which she generates questions to her dancers, and creates a
choreography based on His answers, which are reflected in both the physical and the
verbal and visual of the piece, which includes spoken texts and classical and popular
Their dancers connect with the dance tradition embodying feelings of existential
human anguish and references to specific geographic places, dancing focused on
surreal situations, body use and the relationships between stage and
DBQ Barbarian Invasions
HumanitiesName ________________
Mr. Kelly Mr. Waterman
DBQ Barbarian Invasions
Much of the Roman frontier followed the natural boundaries of the Rhine and
Danube rivers across Europe. On the other side of these rivers were territories the
Romans never brought under their control and tribal peoples such as the Goths,
Franks, Vandals, and Huns. By the middle of the fourth century CE, many Roman
governors had allowed these so called barbarians to settle on the Roman side of the
rivers, and Roman generals had even recruited many of the men as soldiers in their
armies. However, the barbarians never assimilated fully into Roman culture. By the
end of the century they started to wage a series of ferocious campaigns ... Show more
content on ...
Among the youths in the army whose beards had not yet grown, but who had just
come of age, he chose out three hundred whom he knew to be of good birth and
possessed of valor beyond their years, and told them secretly that he was about to
make a present of them to certain of the patricians in Rome, pretending that they were
slaves. And he instructed them that, as soon as they got inside the houses of those
men, they should display much gentleness and moderation and serve them eagerly
in whatever tasks should be laid upon them by their owners; and he further directed
them that not long afterwards, on an appointed day at midday, when all those who
were to be their masters would most likely be already asleep after their meal, they
should all come to the gate called Salarian and with a sudden rush kill the guards,
who would have no previous knowledge of the plot, and open the gates as quickly
as possible. After giving these orders to the youths, Alaric straightway sent
ambassadors to the members of the senate, stating that he admired them for their
loyalty toward their emperor, and that he would trouble them no longer, because of
their valor and faithfulness, with which it was plain that they were endowed to a
remarkable degree, and in order that tokens of himself might be preserved among
men both noble and brave, he wished to present each one of them with some
Belonging Of A Sisterhood Of Arms
Belonging to a Sisterhood of Arms
Despite having been involved in the military since the American Revolution, women
are most often overlooked as being a soldier. While many people think it is
respectful to go up and thank a person for their service and duties in the military,
most often they insult women by not acknowledging them as a soldier, because
society still sees military personnel as a male based society. There is a fallacy to this
Almost anyone can point out a man who is in the service, whether or not he is in
uniform. Although it may not be easy to tell that I was a soldier in one point in
time. The main reason is, is because I am a woman. There are not many physical
attributes for a female that gives any tell tale signs like a person would see with a
male member with his high and thigh hair cut and freshly shaven face. The only
sure way to know that I was a soldier is if I had said so, or if I was seen wearing one
of my uniforms with my hair tied neatly in a low bun; however when I am in my
civys (military term for civilian clothes), it s almost impossible to tell unless one
is very observant in human behaviors. Another way to tell how a woman may be a
military member is how we talk; we usually use military jargon such as female
/male , using the NATO alphabet, FUBAR (F*** Up Beyond All Recognition) ,
and many others we may find reasons to use in our civilian lives but can only find a
military term to express how we feel about it.
Another way we can be
Malaga Research Paper
Malaga is a gorgeous city located in southern Spain s. It s known as the best
Mediterranean destination to discover. in addition, Malaga has a rich history to know
about it is almost 3000 years old is the perfect cultural destination and you can enter
to the monuments and museums for free it has more than 20 museums, most popular
one is the Picasso museum.
Malaga has many famous festivals and public holidays all over the year and the
famous one is called Feria takes place in the middle of august. Also, Malaga known
by its beautiful beaches such as the Malagueta beach and you can find different kind
of food like the great seafood straight out of the Mediterranean, pork meat, the local
fruit and vegetables all this sort of food are the most famous
Los Angeles Lakers
The (9 34) Los Angeles Lakers face the (17 23) Sacramento Kings at the Staples
Center in the third game of their four game season series. The Lakers wasted a fast
start (shot 74 percent from the field in the first quarter) and surprisingly competitive
first half before the Rockets turned up the heat defensively, dropped a nine 0 scoring
run on the purple and gold to start the third quarter en route to a 22 point lead in a
112 95 victory.
The Rockets sixth straight win against the Lakers sending the purple and gold into a
three game losing skid. However, the game provided some positives in addition to the
accompanying and omnipresent negatives.
As far as positives; Kobe Bryant had an assist on seven of the Lakers first 12 baskets,
passed Lakers legend, NBA Hall of Famer, the logo, Jerry West (6,238), landing in...
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As far as negatives, the Rockets scored 50 or fewer points in the paint in their
previous 11 games although the Lakers surrendered 70.
The Lakers lost their last two games against the Kings, outscored by 62 points (337
275). As a matter of fact in the Lakers last meeting with the Kings on January 6th at
the Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento the purple and gold played one of their better
games of the season.
The purple and gold down 25 4 five minutes into the game; trailed by as many as 27
prior to mounting an epic comeback. The inspired Lakers posted a 38 point third
quarter, outscored the Kings 29 16 in the fourth and led by one point after a tough D
Angelo Russell layup nearly completing the franchises third biggest comeback, based
on halftime deficit before falling 118 115.
In a tale of two halves of basketball, the Lakers outscored 69 48 in the first half,
showed a lot or grit, determination as well as resolve outscoring the Kings 67 49 in
the second half making the game a competitive
Supraventricular Tachycardi A Case Study
Supraventricular Tachycardia The heart is a muscular pump about the size of a fist.
This muscle is continuously pumping blood to the circulatory system at a rate on
average of 100,000 times a day. Arrhythmia s can cause an abnormal rhythm to this
rate because of a change in the heart s electrical system. These arrhythmias can either
cause the heartto beat too slowly, bradycardia, or tachycardia, where the heart beats
too fast. Supraventricular Tachycardia(SVT) is one specific form of tachycardia.
When a person develops SVT it causes the heart tissue to develop activity similar to a
pacemaker in the upper chambers, or the region above the ventricles (AHA, 2015).
This produces an abnormally fast heartbeat. Understanding this condition is... Show
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Short term treatment can include the use of vagal maneuvers. If these are not
successful at halting or slowing the abnormal rhythm then calcium channel or beta
blockers may be used. Long term treatment can include agents that block the
atrioventricular node or class IC or III antiarrhythmics. Procainamide, ibutilide,
flecainide, propafenone, and amiodarone can all be used to control the rhythm in
patients (Carnell, J., Amandeep, S., 2008). For those patients that experience
persistent episodes of SVT can have a catheter ablation procedure (Colucci, R et.
al., 2010). A catheter ablation is a low risk procedure with a 90% success rate. This
procedure uses radiofrequency heat in order to kill the area of the heart in which the
irregular heartbeat is originating. The purpose of killing this area is to resort the
heart back to its original rhythm. With this procedure, the abnormal tissue can be
destroyed without causing any other damage to the heart. A doctor performs the
catheter ablation by placing a sheath into the groin. The sheath is then filled with
electrode catheters. Through these catheters, the doctor is able to send small
electrical impulses, which helps locate the damaged tissue. Once the abnormal
tissue is located the catheter is placed in that spot so that the radiofrequency can be
sent into the tissue. This area is usually 1/5 of an inch (AMA, 2015). After the
catheter ablation procedure, all of the abnormal tissue should be repaired and the
patient should not experience anymore SVT episodes. They are then also able to
return to normal daily activities within a few
Testing The Conditions Of Black Bread Mold Growth
i. Title: Testing the Conditions of Black Bread Mold Growth II. Introduction:
Bread. A common household food item used in pizza, sandwiches, burgers, and
more. But when bread sits out too long you start to notice some fuzzy stuff growing
on it. This fuzzy stuff is Rhizopus Stolonifer or, more commonly known as, black
bread mold. This mold is a member of the of the phylum Zygomycota, which have
life cycles that include a zygospore. A zygospore is a resting spore that has zygotes
made when the mold is in its sexual phase of its lifecycle. Rhizopus stolonifer
reproduced asexually and sexually. This happens when two hyphae come together,
from different mating types, and form gametangia. The gametangia the fuses ... Show
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Molds can even be beneficial in the way that some make our food taste better, like
in some cheeses. Rhizopus stolonifer is a common find in your food and is only
one in the giant family of molds. Our experiment is to test that if bread is exposed
to light, then mold will grow faster because of the increase in heat. This experiment
s purpose is to test the growth rate and conditions of mold. We hope to have a better
understanding on the prevention of mold growth. Our manipulated variable will be
the amount of light distributed to the bread, the responding variable will be the mold
growth, and the controlled variable is the type of bread used in the experiment.
III. Methods:
Materials used for this is four pieces of white bread, four plastic ziploc bags, and a
source of light and a source of darkness. Our procedure included six steps. First, you
needed to acquire your four pieces of bread and four bags. Secondly, place the bread
in the four bags. Thirdly, number the bags 1 4. Fourthly, place two bags in a well lit
area (windowsill, lamp). Fifth, place the remaining two bags of bread in a dark area
(drawer, box). Sixth and finally, record the amount of mold growth every few days
for nine days using a data table.
V. Analysis Conclusion:
The mold was scarce. As seen on the data table, the bread was only covered .5% in
mold by the end of the experiment. In the period between day one and seven there
was no change in the
The Isolation Of Women During The Victorian Era
1.This quote goes back to the concept of isolation and independence. Here just like
in the beginning of the book, Jane feels isolated and alone and feels like no one can
help and ironically it is her cousins who alienated her to begin with but now are
bringing her in.
2. Another clear reference to gender equality and the lack of it as well as a comment
on class roles. Here Bronte shows the absurdity of gender restriction and attempts to
shed light on the fact that women during the Victorian erahad no rights and were too
1. Then he stretched his hand out to be led. I took that dear hand, held it a moment
to my lips, then let it pass round my shoulder: being so much lower of stature than
he, I served both for his prop and guide. (Bronte 520)
2. Reader, I married him. (Bronte 521).
1. This quote shows how while before Mr. Rochester used to lead Jane when Jane
was metaphorically blind and used to support her, the opposite has just happened and
now Jane leads the actually blind Mr. Rochester and supports him because now she is
2. Bronte addresses the reader personally which signifies that something important
is about to happen, and it does. Jane and Mr. Rochester have switched roles. Jane
now can see while now Rochester can t. This perfect role reversal emphasizes how it
is possible to reach gender equality and how someone from a lower class can actually
work their way up and get lucky and end up in a higher class while the opposite can
happen to
Examples Of Archetypes In The Birthmark
In The Birthmark the relationships and behaviors of the character reveal much more
than the story itself does. The characters of Aylmer, Georgian, Amenidab and Nature
itself, through their words, actions, and behaviors give insight into a much more
meaningful story. A deeper analysis of the characters reveals that they are archetypes,
and as archetypes they provide a deeper hidden meaning to the story. By looking at
Aylmer, Georgiana, Amenidab and Natures relationships and actions throughout the
story we can see how they are used to give deeper significance. The character of
Aylmer can be seen as a sinister, mad scientist who constantly fights with naturein
order to attain human perfection. From the beginning of the story Aylmer s... Show
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Once again this shows Aylmer is not concerned about his wife but rather his victory
of nature itself. Aylmer s true motives can be seen at the end of the story after he has
given Georgiana the liquid that supposedly will take the mark away. Matter and spirit
earth and heaven have both done their part in this! Laugh, thing of the senses! You
have earned the right to laugh (Hawthorne 231). This shows Aylmer s moment of
ecstasy as he seems to have defied nature and begins to laugh in the face of nature
itself. This undirected, almost insane laughter shows Aylmer s true motive of defying
nature and creating perfection through science. The archetype of Georgiana can be
seen as the perfect women, however, her birthmark acts as a symbol of imperfection
and mortality that keeps her from fully pleasing her husband. Georgiana is described
as beautiful and perfect except for one flaw, the birthmark. It was the fatal flaw of
humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her
productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection
must be wrought by toil and pain (Hawthorne 220). The hand shaped birthmark can
be seen as her being touched by nature and acts as a symbol of imperfection and
mortality in humans. The symbol of the birth mark standing for mortality can be seen
again towards the end
Medical Marijuana As A Treatment Option
Speech Title: Medical Marijuana as a Treatment Option
Specific Purpose:
To inform my audience about the benefits of medical marijuana and why it should
remain legal
I. Introduction (Your goal here is to draw us into your speech...)
A.Attention Material (This step helps us focus our attention on you and your
message. It is suggested that you begin with a story, quote, statistic, definition, use
of suspense, etc. Never begin with, Hi I am ___ and today I am going to talk about
___. ): Man Smoking Pot. Digital image. The Daily Beast. N.p., 11 July 2012. Web.
25 Mar. 2017. . Billings, Stephenson. Potheads2. Digital image. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. B.Tie to Audience (This... Show more content on ...
1. Subpoint #1
Used in Central Asia for at least 3000 years; used to treat gout, rheumatism, malaria,
appetite loss and poor memory ( Medical Marijuana What S It Good For? ).
2. Subpoint #2:
How does it work?
The biologically active compounds found in marijuana are called cannabinoids. So
far, at least 85 have been identified, according to Medical Marijuana Inc.
Cannabinoids interact with two types of receptors in our bodies; CB1 receptors
which are found mainly on cells in the brain and spinal cord, and CB2 which are
found in various immune cells ( What Is Medical Marijuana? ).
The most powerful cannabinoid is thought to be delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, also
known as THC; so the higher the THC content, the higher you become ( What Is
Medical Marijuana? ).
3. Subpoint #3:
Medical Marijuana in America
Medical marijuana in the United States first became available in 1996 when
California voters voted in favor of Proposition 215. Since then, medical marijuana
has spread to more than half of the nation, and is now legal in 28 states, District of
Columbia and the terrirories of Guam and Puerto Rico ( Medical Cannabis In The
United States ).
(Transition into Main Point 2 Now that we have covered __________, let s move to
__________. Again, use a more creative approach if you d like! Just remember that
your transitions need to review your last point AND preview your next point. They
Huckleberry Finn Racist
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was viewed as a racist novel, however, it was
not. Mark Twain was criticized for the book, although it was a learning experience
for the meaning behind it. The novel was created to raise attention for slavery and
racism, it was also a great novel. Since it was first published, The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finnhad attracted much controversy due to the use of racial slurs in his
writing which caused accusations that the author himself was racist, unfortunately
due to multiple issues, the novel was banned for a period of time. Samuel Clemens
had made the story become more interesting with the help of the characters which he
had created, Jim and Finn. Jim helped us learn and become convinced that Slaverywas
... Show more content on ...
As a young boy, it s easy to get attached to someone or something. However, in
Huck s case it was called loyalty. The reward must ve crossed his mind and made
him think twice about hiding a slave, but instead he thought that Jim was more
important. Jim really captured Huck s emotion in a way where it would ve been
hard for Jim to be the narrator and carry the same effect. It was weird to Jim that
Huck was willing to help him because Huck had a good life. He was brought up,
educated, fed, and dressed. These were what most kids back then didn t get. Jim
was also Miss Watson s slave so he worked for and around Huck. Furthermore, we
can see that Huck wanted to turn in Jim on multiple occasions. He was educated
that every black person was at a lower level than him and that their purpose was to
make the white peoples lives easier. Pap also helped make the story much more
interesting, he helped Huck decide to run away and bump into Jim. It was a
coincidence that they met together, but we can easily see that Samuel Clemens has
an eye for detail and made sure that everything in the book had a purpose for
Can India Sustain Its Present Economic Growth Rate
Can India sustain its present economic growth rate?
India is an emerging economy that is witnessing unprecedented levels of economic
expansion. It is widely expected that India may overtake China as the world s
fastest growing major economy by 2015. However it is not easy to sustain high
levels of economic growth rates. There were a number of countries that experienced
a high economic growth rate but were unable to sustain it for a long period of time.
In order to determine whether India can sustain its economic growth rate we need to
study the various factors that create an impact on India s economy.
There are several factors that have positive impact on India s economic growth rate.
The first is India s demography. India is ... Show more content on ...
The literacy rate of India is only 66%. Shortage of skill aggravates the problem of
developing the infrastructure (Chrystal amp; Lipsey, 2003). Builders, electricians and
plumbers are often scarce.
Nevertheless, Indian government is trying its level best to tackle these problems.
Efforts are under way to get the private sector involved in building world class
infrastructure. The skill shortage, too, is being addressed. The literacy rate is rising
quickly. Among 15 24 years old, it is over 80%. In an attempt to curb corruption and
make India more business friendly, several reforms are being introduced. All these
corrective efforts coupled with the favorable factors will ensure that India will be
able to sustain its current economic growth rate.
A bumpier but freer road. (2010, September 30). In The Economist. Retrieved from
Chrystal, A and Lipsey, R. (2003). Economicsof developing and transition countries.
In Economics
(10th ed.).London, England: Oxford University Press.
Dhara, T. (2010, August 16). India to top China as fastest growing economy by 2015.
Retrieved from 08 16/india to top china as
fastestgrowing economy by 2015 morgan stanley says.html
Goyal, K. (2010, February 25). India seeks title of fastest growing economy.
Bloomberg Businessweek.
Retrieved from
Concussions And Sports
Some people think sports are beneficial but others think they are dangerous.sports
are overrated. Sports are unsafe for kids because concussion, recovery of a
concussion and Sports are expensive.
For example, how you recover from a concussion. Doctors did studies on football
players that had a concussions every player or person heal at a different rate . When
you have a concussion early Activity can and will slow your healing . Problems with
memory and concentration . This means you should ask the coach to sit and rest.
Sports are too expensive example parents estimated $671 annually on sport related
activities, most of the money goes to football . The parent has to pay 4 to 5 fees like
coach fees, meet fees and equipment fee . This
Similarities And Differences Between Mcdonalds And
McDonald s is one of the world s biggest and well known fast food restaurant in the
world with about 40,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. It started in 1954
when Ray Kroc comes across in a small restaurant in California that was owned by
brothers Dick and Mac McDonald , and decided to buy it. He started off small and
opened his first restaurant in Illinois. Years later he bought the rights to the name
McDonald s. McDonald s continues to expand their franchise business all over the
world including the Philippines. It was in 1981 that George T. Yang a Filipino
Chinese businessman opened the first McDonald s restaurant in Morayta, Manila.
McDonald s wants to bring its food closer to every Filipino and they decided to open
more restaurants. Now McDonald sis one of the leading fast food chains in the
Philippines with more than 500 restaurants. American McDonalds and Philippine
McDonald s working closely together in achieving high quality and value of their
restaurant, but they do have differences in some aspect.
McDonald s in America and Philippines are both working together toward a
common goal. To provide great customer service, both countries give their employees
the tools and resources to be able to handle and deal complaints effectively. They
trained and taught their employee on how to deal with all types of complaints and
questions. For example, service issue, nutritional inquiry, and even how to handle an
aggressive customer. Employees are encouraged to
The Association Between My Social Work Classes And My...
The objective of this composition is to discuss the association between my social
work classes and my field experience. An internship is a platform to provide real
world involvement of students in a field or occupation. Classroom lectures that
involved lessons and exercises on the social work profession were meaningful to me
as a student. They brought insight into policies, laws, research, and methods that I
will need to utilize in the social workprofession. My field internship at Urban
Ministries of Durham (UMD) provides me the opportunity to connect the classroom
lectures and real world involvement in the social work occupation.
More so, to discuss the entirety of the connection between my classroom lectures
and my internship would be lengthy and difficult to accomplish. However, I will
discuss the aspects that were instantly noticeable that would be difficult to notice
without the classroom lectures on the social worker occupation. For instance, one
thing I learned about social work, I learned from my Intervention Method in the
Helping Profession class. In the class taught by Dr. Hodges, I learned about client
empowerment. In the book assigned to the class client empowerment is defined as
to enhance the capacity, or power, of clients to address their life concerns (Walsh,
2009, p.16). I interpret this concept as a social worker that we are to develop a
positive sense self worth and competence about their life. I observed in my field
placement at UMD by addressing
Common Type Of Wrist Fracture
Scaphoid fracture is the most common type of wrist fracture and is an important
health problem as it affects predominately young active individuals (mean age
29)1. They are therefore of significant social and economic importance. These
fractures account for 2 7% of all fractures1. They commonly occur when a patient
falls onto an outstretched hand or are sustained as a sporting injury. Scaphoid
fractures are notoriously difficult to image and due to the poor blood supply, has
issue with regard to non union and avascular necrosis (AVN)1. The clinical signs
of this fracture are swelling and pain in the scaphoid region, tenderness in the
anatomical snuffbox , pain on axial compression, pain while pronating the hand,
and painful pinch grip2. Radiological diagnosis consists of a scaphoid series of X
rays: Anterior Posterior, lateral, semipronated and semisupinated views2. In cases
of so called occult fractures, the fracture is not visible on the radiographs, if the
clinical signs are highly suggestive of fracture a 2 week period of cast
immobilization is recommended, followed by a repeat X ray series2. If further
investigation is required, CT and MRI scans can also be implemented. Surgery is
generally indicated for patients who have displaced or unstable fractures and patients
who will not tolerate cast immobilization. There is currently an increasing trend for
immediate surgical fixation for both displaced and undisplaced fractures, mainly due
to the short term benefits,
College Campus Food Is The Most Important For Students
College campus food is the most important for students but overlooked and ignored
by the college campus. Lone Star College holds the key to obtain performing, and
concentrated students in a classroom; the key is the best choices of food for
Breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but
provides students with the energy and nutrients that lead to increase the
concentration in a classroom, also helps to control a healthy body weight. Having
a good lunch is important because it gives students the energy to stay alert and
aware in the classroom. Lone Star College provides both Breakfast and also lunch
but what they provide is disappointing decisions for their students. Lone Star
College provides unhealthy food choices, expensive food choices, it is
understaffed, the quality of food is disappointing and the location to purchase food
is horrible. The effect of lunch and breakfast are so important and should not be
ignored especially by a college. Lone star college Fresh of the grill food choices
consist of single or double cheeseburgers, chicken fried steak, chili cheese nachos,
chicken sandwich, grilled chicken sandwich, Frito pie and a single potato. All
eight choices and only two are healthy for you, could it be because it is easy and
quick to make or because they sell more of that than stem vegetables off the grill?
Possibly not quicker to make since Lone Star College offers a grab and go menu
which consist of Chicken tenders. Chicken
Isolation In Stephanie Meyer s Twilight
Deeper Into the Twilight
Modern vampire interpretations are supposed to be relatable or desired, they are no
longer supposed to be feared. Stephanie Meyer s book series Twilight is one of the
most popular teenage vampire interpretations. The vampire characters within the
movie are metaphors for the teenager.
It is common for teenagers to feel isolated from their surroundings and the people
around them. The Cullen s in the movie are automatically isolated from the rest of
the town because they are the newest citizens and live outside of the town isolated
from everyone else. When Bella Swan invited Edward Cullen to come to the beach
with her group of friends he declined feeling like he would not be wanted there.
One of the characters, Angela, had this to say while they were at the beach, It was
nice that Bella invited Edward, nobody ever does. This is what Mike had to say in
response, That s because Cullen is a freak. The other male characters in the scene
chimed in with their agreement on his comment. Not only are the Cullen s isolated ...
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The costumes of the vampires are all light and neutral colour clothing that stand out
from the humans who wear darker shades of clothing. This is an immediate
difference to the audience that these people are different therefore isolating them.
The framing of the scene where the Cullen teenagers are introduced, they are sitting
in the top left corner of the cafeteria/screen furthest away from everyone else in the
cafeteria. There is a strong connection to isolation right away within this scene for
the audience from the costumes to the framing of the shot. Just like the vampires,
what a teenager wears or where they sit in the cafeteria could isolate themselves from
the majority. These are common worries that teenagers have because they wanted to
be accepted and not be the one who is isolated from the
Role Of Patronage In The Renaissance
Nicole Papalia 10/30/17 Pd. 4 Patronage in the Renaissance I, Piero Della
Francesca, believe that I am the best choice of an artist to be sponsored by the
Holy Roman Emperor, Mr. Gurney III for a museum dedicated to all my artwork.
Unfortunately many of my works of art have been lost over the years, however if I
were to be sponsored, it would give me an opportunity to recreate all of my lost
works to share with the world.There are many reasons that you should sponsor me.
First of all, I am extremely well at math. My specialties are geometry
The Bible Is True And Not Myths
Archaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has
confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because
of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and
translated has shown people today how the people back in the biblelived and worked.
Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone
on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old
Testament, the book of Judges took place around the Iron Ageperiod, which was 1200
586 BC. Excavations have provided some useful information about daily life in
ancient Israelduring Judges, including the land, climate and people. However,
before we learn about how people lived their daily lives in Israel during the Iron
Ages, we should learn about the geography of Israel. The land of Israel stretches
from Dan in the North to Beersheba in the South and from the Mediterranean Sea
in the west to the Transjordan in the east. Israel s landscape is divided into five
main regions and even though the regions are in the same place they all receive
different amounts of rain, which produce different crops. The first region, the
coastal plain, goes along the Mediterranean coast to Rosh HaNiqura, receives about
25 to 16 inches of rain which is a great place to grow grain. The second region, is
the central mountain range that goes from Galilee to Negev Highlands; this region
receives from 20 to
Network Access And Authentication Policy Analysis
Company is hereinafter referred to as the company.
Steady measures for arrange access and verification are basic to the organization s
data security and are frequently required by directions or outsider assertions. Any
client getting to the organization s PC frameworks can influence the security of all
clients of the system. A fitting Network Access and Authentication Policy diminishes
danger of a security episode by requiring reliable utilization of verification and access
benchmarks over the system.
The motivation behind this strategy is to portray what steps must be taken to
guarantee that clients interfacing with the corporate system are validated in a fitting
way, in consistence with organization measures, ... Show more content on ...
Accounts must be for people as it were. Record sharing, and mix accounts are not
User accounts must not be given chief or root induction aside from this is
inescapable to satisfy his or her activity work.
Occasionally guest will have a sensible office requirement for availability to the
corporate system. At the point when a legit need is illustrated, transitory visitor gets
to be allowed. This permission, in any case, must be seriously point of confinement to
just those implies that the guest needs around then, and impaired when the guest s
obligation is refined.
Individuals request admittance to private data must have a single, distinct account.
This account may be subject to additional monitoring or auditing at the discretion of
the IT Manager or executive team, or as required by applicable regulations or third
party agreements.
Account Termination
When managing network and user accounts, it is important to stay in communication
with the Human Resources department so that when an employee no longer works at
the company, that employee s account can be disabled. Human Resources must create
a process to notify the IT Manager in the event of a staffing change, which includes
employment termination, employment suspension, or a change of job function
(promotion, demotion, suspension, etc.).
Client machines must be designed to ask for confirmation against the area at startup.
If the area isn t
Importance Of Teaching Reasoning And Proof
Teaching Reasoning and Proof
As educators and as students it is pivotal to emphasize the importance of reasoning
and proof in the classroom. By doing such, students will develop a higher level of
thinking not only in the classroom but in the real world as well. In secondary
education, it is only a short period of time until students are faced with complex
thinking that is not specific to any textbook. In education specifically students will
have to approach problems in different directions. This is something that takes a bit
of adjusting to if that student is not previously exposed to reasoning and proofs.
Very young students make conjectures all the time. It is one of the beauties of
preschool and kindergarten. At this stage of life, kids are very curious about most
subjects. In the case of geometry, a preschool student starts to recognize the
similarities of a square and a cube. They obviously may not be able to reason what
the volume of the cube is, but they start to recognize the similarities. This is a
tremendous aspect that shouldn t be looked over. It is important to continue and
develop these students and not let that curiosity diminish. That curiosity is the drive
in education. At this age, educators should focus on the basics of reasoning. There
aren t many formulas for these kids, they are just being exposed to the process. It
makes sense for the teachers to spend more time on the reasoning early; in return the
student s brains will start to develop those
Business and Technical Writing Final exam 050024 Essay
Phoenix Advertising
683 Lawson Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28282
Tel: 704 862 9700
Fax: 704 862 9775
March 24, 2015
Gregory S. Forest
Phoenix Advertising
1695 Chestnut Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24001
Dear Mr. Forest:
Phoenix Advertising as a whole has always put our clients first and is well known
for our excellent work. As you know, the Roanoke branch had been experiencing
difficulties since January of 2015 with regards to overworked and underpaid
employees and a loss of clients. Productivity had declined by 20 percent over the
course of the past few months, and we lost a few key members of our team. In
response to our current crisis, I have developed a proposal in order to return Phoenix
Advertising to the standard of excellence we ... Show more content on ...
This will provide an open line of communication, as well as survey the current
situation and see if there is a need for additional help to any and all team members.
Training: Both managers as well as employees will need to complete a series of
training courses to ensure that everyone is well versed in company policy, as well
as have knowledge of what to do in case of an event such as the current crisis at the
Roanoke branch. One such course would be on the importance of communication
between employees and superiors. All employees will learn when it is necessary
to hire additional help, when they really need to speak up, and that human
resources is here to help and they should not be shy when they need guidance. It is
important for all team members to be knowledgeable about the company and
policy. Employees will be scheduled for two meetings a week on days that best fit
their schedule for four weeks, followed by an evaluation to see if the course material
was thorough. If more training is necessary, it will be rescheduled accordingly.
Manager training:
When to hire additional help; Project Approval: April 6 April 10 Employee training:
Your rights as employees; YOU matter:April 13 April 17 All team members:
Importance of open communication: April 20 April 24
Company policies:April 27 May 1
Kevin O Hara, the director of employment services, has been with the company for 6
years and prior to working with
Ann Bradstreet s Legacy
Julia Dillon
Wallace ENG 203
September 3, 2015
Ann Bradstreet
Religion and the legacy she hoped to leave her children
Ann Bradstreet was always very close with her father Thomas Dudley. Thomas
Dudley wanted to make sure she received a superior education and passed on his
Puritan beliefs to her. Ann writes that when she moved with her family to the new
world, her heart rose in resistance towards this new world and new manners . After
I was convinced it was the way of God, I submitted to it and joined the church at
Boston (1). Unfortunately, Anne s daily life was hard because the rheumatic fever
she had as a child compromised her health and left her with frequent fatigue. Even so,
she still risked dying during childbirth which was a common issue at the time, and
she did so eight times. ... Show more content on ...
One meditation depicted that Ann was constantly worried about whether or not the
Scriptures were true considering that she never saw any miracles. Ann wrote that
she would be more inclined to believe the Scriptures if she could see the miracles
with her own eyes and took pleasure in everyday life rather than how the future was
written in the Scriptures. She wrote, that I see, the vast frame of the heaven and the
earth, the order of all things, night and day, summer and winter, spring and autumn,
the daily providing for this great household upon the earth, the preserving and
directing of all to its proper end (1). Anne regularly questioned her Puritan beliefs,
even going as far as to question God Himself, and thus her admiration for nature
caused a conflict in her
Thomas Paine And The Age Of Revolution
Benjamin Franklin once said, Where liberty dwells, there is my country . What did
he mean by this statement? It s a way of saying that where he lives, America, there
is liberty. To claim the location of liberty to be one s country, is to say that the
location of one s loyalty is dependent on the location of liberty. The location of
liberty was crucial to Franklin, to colonists. In the Colonial Period, colonists arrived
from Europe in search for religious freedom, land, and the chance for wealth. But
even so, Europe governed newcomers; this resulted in anger and rebellion. A period
in early American history that occurred in the creation of a new, independent nation.
This then extended to another important time in history, a time in which the first
pamphlet to advocate American independence was published and seen. Thomas Paine
helped shape the ideas of the Age of Revolution. He outlined ideas of the superiority
of the monarchial system, the equality of right s among citizens, and of the
significance of the American Revolution. He was a man that fought for freedom,
fought for independence. Paine transformed the struggle over the rights of English
people into a contest with meaning for people everywhere (History). And as
periods go by, people similar to their pride and drive for free will live today. People
tend to overlook the work that soldiers put in everyday to maintain the freedom
Americans have today. And to an extent it s very human, but as a country it s
important to
Business environment Essay
4. List of tables and diagrams
1. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012
2. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010
3. Table III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term
4. Table IV Cultural analysis China
5. Table V 2012 SuperGroup Plc Financial Highlights
6. Table VI Supply and Demand curve
14. Summary
17. In this Business Environment report, my objective for SuperGroup plc is
expanding the market to China by using the political, economic, social and
technological (PEST analysis) to identify the external and internal opportunities for
increasing the ... Show more content on ...
As 3% rate applies under the small scale taxpayer scheme which decreased from
6% or 4% from 1 January 2010. Exports are generally zero rated since the input VAT
incurred on the purchase or construction of fixed assets may be credited against
output VAT since 1 January 2009.
44. Before expanding to china, International enterprises must need to consider about
the law of the People s Republic of China, such as Foreign Trade Law, Arbitration
Law, Trademark Law, Import and Export, Commercial Websites, Processing Zones,
Foreign Investment, Patents and Foreign Investment Projects.
a. Economic
47. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012
49. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010
51. In Chart I, we can see that Economic expansion of China slowed to 7.8 percent
year on year in 2012. Since 1999, the slowest growth rate was down from 10.4% in
2010 to 9.3% in 2011. It is obvious that the economy s Q4 grow to 7.9% quickly as
well as increasing the investment and consumption values. The China government
pared the full year growth target for 2012 to 7.5% from 8% in nearly 2012. Many
economists are expecting the target to remain unchanged for this year.
52. The Chart II shows that the average annual economic growth of 10% over the
past 30 years in China.
53. Chart III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term
57. Here you can see the Historic inflation rate is based upon
Virgin Usa
Virgin USA
Francesco Marani
Problem Statement
Virgin mobile is entering the US mobile market. Low brand recognition in USA and
limited financial resources for advertisement represents a constraint because to enter
successfully in such a market Virgin needs to swiftly attract its potential target
customer, in order to establish a critical mass and financial strength to defend itself
from incumbent and/or other potential entrants (price wars, dumping, etc...). The
profile of target customers, youth in between 15 and 29 years old with low credit
credentials and high income / price elasticity (sensitivity to changes in price and
income), is in conflict with the need to retain customers for a minimum period of 17
... Show more content on ...
Any price war is likely to create an immediate change in customer preferences, in
particular Virgin s target customer (15 29 years) is likely to be strongly affected
given their traditional high sensitivity to prices change (price elasticity typically high).
Price below the Competition:
The option to adopt a quasi similar pricing structure, with an exception for the bucket
of consumption in between 100 and 300 minutes, has the same pros and cons of the
one before mentioned, in addition to increase the probability of triggering an
aggressive competitive reaction by incumbent (price wars).
Both the above options fail to address three significant aspects:
вћў The high churn rate, which is one of the main problems in the service industry, is
not addressed by any of the mentioned strategy.
вћў The limited advertisement budget may fail to create an impact and convey
rapidly a clear message to any potential customers.
вћў The post paid contract may be difficult to implement using the planned
distribution channel. Lower sales commission could also implies less prepared sales
representatives, which may fail to properly complete paperwork related to credit
Virgin should adopt a brand new approach entering the mobile market to quickly
capture the favor of unhappy customers, as well as people unable to sign a
The Term Major Depressive Disorder
The term major depressive disorder was created by a group of US clinicians in the
mid 1970s as part of proposals for diagnostic criteria based on patterns of symptoms
(Spitzer et al, 1975). MDD made its first appearance in the third edition in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III) (Phillip, Maier
Demo, 1991). MDD is a mental disorder characterized by an impairment of
functioning in one or more areas of life due to a depressed mood and loss of interest
in activities combined with other symptoms for a minimum of two weeks (APA,
2013, 161).
According to the DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), MDD is
characterized by one or more major depressive episodes minus a history of manic ...
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According to Klerman Gershon et al (2013), there has been an increase in the
prevalence of major depressive disorder within the last 70 years in the US. Even
though a community studies of mental disorders have been situated in the United
States of America previously in the completion of the World War 2, it was just in
the early 1980s that a complete organized professional consultations were
established to diagnose particular mental disorders (Comstock et al., 1976,
Helgason T. 1964, Lin TY. 1953). The initial tool was the DIS (Diagnostic
Interview Schedule) (DIS), Robin LN et al 1981which was established for use in the
Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study Robin LN et al 1991 for the evaluation
of the overall population incidence of mental disorders by Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders.
A study suggested that gender differences in the diagnosis occurred between the
ages of 15 and 18. The rise in the occurrences of new cases of depression is
paramount throughout the pre puberty years (Hankin et al 1998). Similarly, MDD
is less common among children than adolescents. 1.9% of children have met the
criteria for MDD in comparison to 4.7% of adolescents (Kashani Sherman, 1988). In
yet another study, a one year prevalence of MDD was found in 3.3% of
Yom Kipur War Research Paper
A surprise attack can do immense damage to a country. The Yom Kippur War in
1973 was initiated by a surprise attack on Israel ( New revelations about the Yom
Kippur War raise questions about the Mossad. ). Between Israel and the Arab states,
led by Egypt and Syria, this war set fire to an already present ruction. The never
ending conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis intensified during this time.
Following the Six Day warof 1967, it was clear peace treaties needed to be
established. The Arabs refused to agree to these peace treaties, so the tension was
left hanging in the air. In the view of the Israelis, the post war state was just fine,
but the Egyptians and Syrians saw the need for war (Tal). The Arabs and Israelis
reached a stalemate... Show more content on ...
Over the years since the Six Day War, they had built a sense of invincibility. This
image came crashing down after the Yom Kippur War. Israeli Prime Minister Golda
Meir was removed from office ( New revelations about the Yom Kippur War raise
questions about the Mossad. ). As for the United States, this war had presented an
abstruse situation. Around this time, the United States had been trying to mend its
relationship with Egypt. This impacted the choices of the United States during the
war, especially in how soon they decided to send arms to Israel. In addition, this war
had the possibility to ruffle the already fragile relationship between the United
States and the Soviet Union. With the Soviets on the side of the Egyptians and
Syrians and the United States on the side of the Israelis, their relationship was
strained (Tal). Prices of oil in the Middle East rose dramatically. Less oil was sent
from Arab sources to the United States; in fact, the number of imports dropped
from about 1.2 million barrels a day to a mere 19,000 barrels a day. Though there
were many negative effects caused by this war, it did lead to the Camp David accords
(Stephens). Overall, this short war caused a great deal of
Report On Building Construction At Unsw
submission to: Dr. X Shen Course Code: CVEN 4102 Course Name: Operations
Projects Assignment: Group Assignment 1, Report on Building Construction at
UNSW ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS Before submitting this assignment, students
are strongly advised to: в—ЏReview the assessment requirements contained in the
briefing document for the assignment; в—ЏReview the various matters related to
assessment in the relevant Course Outline; в—ЏReview the Plagiarism and
Academic Integrity website a http;/ to
ensure they are familiar with the requirements to provide appropriate
acknowledgement of source materials; and в—ЏRetain a copy of this assessment for
their records and in case it is misplaced and has to be re submitted. If after reviewing
this material there is any doubt about assessment requirements then in the first
instance the student should consult with the Course Coordinator and then if
necessary with the Director Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Committee. While
students are generally encouraged to work with other students to enhance learning,
all assignments submitted for assessment by a student must be their entire own work
and they may be required to explain any or all parts of the assignment to the Course
Coordinator or other authorised persons. Collusion is where another person (s) assist
in the preparation of an assignment without the consent of knowledge of the Course
The Role Of Political Identity In The United States
Emma Lazarus s iconic poem referring to the huddled masses yearning to breathe
free conjures an image of an idealistic, accepting America welcoming refugees with
open arms into the bosom of freedom and liberty. (Magleby, O Brien, Light, Peltason,
Cronin, 2008., p. 114) However, in contrast with this image, America has always been
inconsistent with it s acceptance and instead is frequently suspicious of any
newcomers due to differences in religion, political ideology, skin color or any number
of reasons that could potentially be suspect. Despite this suspicious and oftentimes
ethnocentric nature American society also prides itself on its diversity, which is
typically called the melting pot . Due to this diversity among the inhabitants of the
country and the established political traditions that developed political identity is
made up of a broad spectrum of characteristics that come together to create one s
Much of a person s political identity begins with the beliefs and ideas absorbed in
the home from parents and relatives, in school, and so forth, but regional differences,
race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, religion and level of income are also
contributing factors in how one s political identity and ideology takes shape.
(Magleby, et al., 2008., p. 115) Though there are overreaching national political
traditions such as our two party system by virtue of manifest destiny, the United States
stretches from coast to coast with each region having
Deep Oce The Truth Of The Hundred Thousand Leagues
Gyuseung Hwang
Ms. Bailey
English 101S
23 September 2014
Deep Ocean: The truth of the Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Everyone might have once imagined dark environments and scary creatures which
live in the deep sea. These childlike dreams are visualized in the popular novel,
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. In the novel, the main character, Pierre
Aronnax, searches for a mysterious sea monster while fighting with scary undersea
creatures. Although many undersea creatures have been depicted in the novel, one of
the striking deep sea creatures would be a giant octopus. This octopus is depicted as a
scary creatures that threatens the main character. Many people might think the
creatures are fake, but the giant octopus exists, which is also well known by today s
The deep sea normally is interpreted as the lowest layer in the ocean, existing below
the thermocline and above the seabed, at a depth of 6,000 feet or more. As shown
in the novel, the deep sea has been a mysterious and interesting theme for a long
time. The subject area of the deep sea attracts many readers; therefore, it became a
topic of many pieces of literature and science magazines. As a result, a lot of
research has focused on investigating the deep sea. However, why do we have to
conduct such research?
Deep sea research was accelerated during World War II. The war brought many
scientific developments in various fields; oceanography was not an exception. World
War II caused a Belgium
Adult Development And Wellness In Older Adults
Older Adult Development and Wellness
We all are surrounded by older adult, and we know that we have so many
considerations related to them. We all need to understand how physical, mental and
psychological changes occurs with advancing age and how it is different for each
person. Some people stay healthy, some are surrounded by all kind of disease, and it
all depends upon circumstances in an individual s life.
Some older adults are physically active, intelligent and socially engaged until the time
of their death. Although, we all have misconception that all older adults are
physically, mentally and socially impaired, but the truth is that they get discouraged
by the way people think about them. It is true that most of the older adult tend to
have all kind of disorders like delirium, dementia, Alzheimer s disease, ischemic
vascular dementia (IVD) and depressions, however we need to educate and
encourage them to be healthy and teach them how to prevent all those kinds of
disorders. ... Show more content on ...
Also, they older adult potential to coping new changes and fulfilling life patterns in
a new way (Potter, Perry, Stockert, Hall, 2015). Even thought some want to retire
before their age, however I believe that retiring at early age pushes people to
loneliness and they tend to have more conflict in life which can lead to
disappointments. Death of their spouse, housing and environmental changes can
often lead to more stress and disease. When people get too stress, that is when they
make poor life choices and that is how they become victim of social
Theme Of Betrayal And Lies In The Kite Runner
I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking
into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it s wrong what
they say about the past, I ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past
claws it s way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that
deserted alley for the last twenty six years Hosseini 1). Betrayal and Lies can alter
the choices one makes because as we read in the quote, something happened that the
reader can t seem to forget and feels guilt because he knew he could ve done
something but didn t. Khaled Hosseinis novel, The Kite Runner, teaches the reader
that betrayal and lies can alter the choices one makes through Amir s choice in the
winter of 1975, and Amir s choice with Sohrab when he find out his relationship
with him. To begin with, Amir demonstrates the act of betrayal because he had a
choice to stand up for Hassan in the alley in the winter of 1975. In the winter of
1975, Amir witnessed his friend, Hassan getting raped by Assef, a kid who thought
he was superior to others, and Amir had a choice to either stand up for Hassan or
run. His choice was to run because he was scared of what Assef would do to him.
Hosseini states, I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan the way he d stood
up for me all those times in the past and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I
could run. In the end I ran (77). In other words, Hosseini believes that Amir had a
choice in helping who he said was his friend or he could run, and as Hosseini said,
he chose to run. This is showing how Amir betrayed Hassan in a way that was not
fair because Hassan would always stand up for him when others were bullying him
and he could ve done the same but chose not to, now because of his choice he
cannot forget this day. In addition, the lies that Amir s father kept from him led to
Amir making a decision when he found out that he had a nephew. Amir s father,
Baba, had many opportunities to tell Amir that he had a half brother, Hassan.
Hassan had a kid, Sohrab, which is Amir s nephew. One day Amir was with his wife
and her dad. General Sahib disrespected Sohrab by calling him Hazara Boy which
upset Amir and made him come clean
Doctor Moorhead And A Patient Analysis
The common characteristic of Kim s works was to make detectives notice that the
mysterious phenomenon had been just an appearance, that is, to overturn the plot.
What deserves attention here is Freud s theory of humor, which has a remarkable
analogy with Kim s strange plot. He gives an example of humor as follows: A
rogue who was being led out to execution on a Monday remarked: Well, this week s
beginning nicely. We feel a kind of humoristic pleasure here because of, according to
Freud, an economy in expenditure upon feeling. The situation that ought to drive the
criminal to despair might rouse intense pity in us; but that pity is inhibited because
we understand that he, who is more closely concerned, makes nothing of the
situation. As a result of this understanding, the expenditure on the pity, which was
already prepared, becomes unutilized and we laughed it off. Then, what does the
condemned obtain from this remark? He talks as if it was no business of his and
makes remark from another... Show more content on ...
Heroine Stella, who had made a car accident resulting in death of the victim, has
been receiving doctor Moorhead s counseling since several months ago. Stella
confides the inside secret having impulsive aggression, and this doctor he had
sexual relations with patients several times tells her that it is a natural instinctual
drive and recommends its cancellation by killing animals or spurious suicide
(reckless driving or gambling). However, she can t get satisfied with them and kills
him at last. The tragic ending of this story that is a kind of thriller, where Moorhead
seems to represent sex drive (Libido), so does Stella death drive, is caused by that
she had believed the opinion of this doctor. She should have ignored (burned) the
theory maintaining the real existence of impulsive
What Is The Intuitive Approach To The Orthogonal
Chapter 4
4. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
4.1 Basic Pursuit
4.2 Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
4.3 Compressive Sensing in Image Processing
4.4 Modified OMP
Chapter 4
4. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Before discussing OMP we will go through the very basic algorithm used in CS i.e.
Basic pursuit.
4.1 Basic Pursuit
The intuitive approach to the compressive sensing problem of recovering a sparse
vector x в€€ RN from its measurement vector О¦x=y в€€ Rm, where m N, consists in
the l0 minimization problem min┬(xϵ R^n )⁡〖‖x‖_(0 ) subject to
О¦x=y гЂ— (4.1)
This is a non convex problem that it is NP hard in general. However, keeping in
mind that ‖z‖_q^(q ) approaches ‖z‖_0as q 0 tends to zero, we can
approximate (4.1) by the problem ... Show more content on ...
For 0 q 1, (4.2) is again a nonconvex problem, which is also NP hard in general. But
for the critical value q = 1, it becomes the following convex problem (interpreted as
the convex relaxation of
Papers On Susan B Anthony
Susan B. Anthony
On February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts, a woman by the name of Susan
Brownell Anthony was born to parents Daniel and Lucy (Read) Anthony. She was
the second born of a strongly rooted Quaker family of eight (Hist.Bio. 1). Because
they lived in a Quaker neighborhood, Susan was not heavily exposed to slavery. The
family made anti slavery talks an almost daily conversation over the dinner table.
She also saw men and women on the same level (Stoddard 36). A hard working
father, who was not only a cotton manufacturer, but a QuakerAbolitionist also,
prevented his children from what he called childish things such as toys, games and
music. He felt that they would distract his children from reaching their peak of ...
Show more content on ...
Together they published The Revolution , a New York liberal weekly magazine. This
magazine would soon parish and put Susan B. Anthony in debt of 10,000 dollars
According to author, Hope Stoddard, Susan B. Anthony was a firm, upright person.
She wasn t afraid to show it to anyone and everyone who wanted to know how she
felt. One day, during a marriage custody conference, an abolitionist by the name of
Rev. A. D. Mayo asked Anthony, in modified words, by what means could she take
part in discussions on marriage when she was not married herself. She responded to
this by saying, in revised words, that he was not a slave, so maybe he should not be
taking part in discussions on slavery. It was this kind of determination that led Susan
B. Anthony towards gaining women the right to have equal guardianship of their
children (Dorr 55).
In a period of about twenty years, Anthony supported the United States over the
Confederate States of America before and during the civil war. Her reason for
taking a side during the war was not only to see the slaves be free. Anthony wanted
to see all men equal. She had a plan (Hist. Works).
A couple years after the Civil War had ended, African American men were given the
right to vote and the right to attempt to live the American dream. With this
information, Anthony took off. She felt that women should be granted at least the
Comparison of Four Poems about Loss Essay
Comparison of Four Poems about Loss
I am comparing On my first Sonne by Ben Jonson (a pre 1914 piece of poetry,
written in 1616), My Last Duchess by Robert Browning (a pre 1914 piece of poetry,
written in 1845), Mid Term Break by Seamus
Heaney (a piece of poetry from the Heaney bank) and Cold Knap Lake by Gillian
Clarke (a piece of poetry from the Clarke bank).
The poem, On my first Sonne is about the loss of a close family member, Ben
Jonson s first son, who died at the age of seven. The poem is about the poet coming
to terms with the truth, that his first son had died and he would never see him again.
In the poem, the poet goes through different stages of grief and he is very emotional
about his loss. The poem ... Show more content on ...
The poem is of cold emotion; the only emotion is anger at her behaviour.
Another poem about loss, Mid Term Break , confronts the death of
Seamus Heaney s younger brother, probably from an accident. Like the previous
two poems, Mid Term Break concerns the loss of a close family member. The
overall view of death in this poem is quite a dramatic one, with the description of
contrasting emotions of different people.
At the beginning it is unemotional. Then the poet describes the emotions and
behaviour of others (father, family, friends, the baby, and mother). Finally, the next
morning, he goes into his brother s room to see his body. There is a sense of peace
in the room,
Snowdrops And candles soothed the bedside, and he sees his brother looking pale
and lying in his small coffin. At the end of the poem,
Heaney appears to accept that his brother is dead and there is an air of calm.
In contrast to the other three poems discussed previously, the poem, Cold
Knap Lake describes the near loss of a stranger who would have drowned to death
if it was not for Gillian Clarke s mother doing resuscitation on an unknown child.
Gillian Clarke remembers her mother giving the girl the kiss of life which
ultimately saved her. my mother gave a stranger s child her breath. In her memory of
the incident, Clarke s father took her (the child) home to a poor
Literary Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost
From After Apple Picking by Robert Frost Lines 1 8
My long two pointed ladder s sticking through a tree
Toward heaven still,
And there s a barrel that I didn t fill
Beside it, and there may be two or three
Apples I didn t pick upon some bough.
But I am done with apple picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off. In the selected lines from Robert Frost s After
Apple Picking, Frost creates the setting for the poem through time indicators, while
also relaying the idea that this is not simply a poem about only apple picking, but it
is metaphor about life and death where apple picking means collecting and life
experiences. Line one states My long two pointed ladder s sticking through ... Show
more content on ...
The barrel that is not filled represents the capacity to do things before an end of
some kind, and the space that could occupy the barrel is empty. In other words, the
empty barrel represents missed opportunity: in the case of apple picking, it could
be filled with apples, but is not at the end of the day. When this concept is related
the life itself, it means that ones life could be filled with memories or life
experiences, but at the end, they have not occurred. Then Frost tells us, Beside it,
and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough (4 5). With
these lines we get more information relating to the barrel that is not filled, which
says that there is apples to be picked to fill the barrel but the narrator does not pick
them. With the analogy relating the missed apple to missed life experiences, it can
be inferred that there are two or three life experiences that have or will be missed.
The word bough (5) literally means the main branch of a tree. The missed apples
while apple picking were not missed because they were on a small limb; they were
missed seemingly on purpose, because if they were on a small hidden limb it
would be understandable if they were missed on accident. This tells us that the
theoretical life experiences, represented as apples, were not small in nature but
large. This is a representation of Frost s feelings toward the ending of life before one
is done experiencing normal life steps.
The Book Of Martha And Mrs. Todd s Shortcut
Mehran Azarbad
Heba Elsherief
EAC 505 N1B
14 August 2015
Relationship between Fantasy and Time
Fantasy and time have an absolute relationship as described in the stories The Book
of Martha and Mrs. Todd s Shortcut . The authors have tried to bring out how fantasy
literature and its relationship with time can be used to get the mind of the audience
and its results to the imaginations of the reader in that sense. Therefore, in
understanding the exact imaginations and how they affect or are affected by time,
then the relationship arguments can be explored with specific and distinctive examples
Literature fantasy tries to depict the unbelievable imaginations in the subject of
existence. Its close relation with time comes if the exact setting ... Show more content
on ...
Taking the narrative of Octovia Butler, Martha prays. This time is very unknown
of the exact duration she did this and also, readers wonder how comes she is in her
room and praying then in few minutes she gets herself in heaven and in the
presence of God? Is it the power of prayer? She tries to imagine the scenario and it
seems to be like a dream to her in this case. In time factor, it is impossible to move
such fast.
Again, fantasy and time relationship can richly help in comparing the impossible
actions with what we tend to have an idea about. In the narrative of Octavia, there is
fantasy relation and the time when Martha started to compare God, on his physical
with Michelangelo Moses and his dressing denies this. The reaction of God really is
unrealistic and the whole story is like a dream to Martha. It defines so perfectly the
interaction between the time that Martha was in heaven and the imaginations that she
gets herself and her mind
The Role Of Sociology And Its Effect On Society Essay
Sociology is an important term to understand as it explains social life, behavior, and
change. Everything that individuals, groups, companies, and even nations do shapes
our world and how we interact with others. With that in mind, there are many things
that shape society and the groups within it like culture, race, gender, family, groups
and organizations, education, and the ever changing norms that we associate with
in everyday life. A lot of these norms are influenced by the media. Television
shows, movies, music, and celebrities impact individual lives every single day and
because of our interaction with other people, media can easily change our society. As
it can have such an impact, it is good to look into the sociologythat is hidden in
movies so we can understand the changes that happen around us. Even though some
movies are very realistic and true to the world we live in, some are not, but this does
not mean that we cannot sociologically study it. Lilo Stitchis one example of a movie
that is not very realistic but there are many aspects in the movie that are true to
society that can be illuminated sociologically. Lilo Stitch takes place in a small
town on an island in Hawaii where a little girl named Lilo eventually befriends an
alien who she comes to name Stitch. The movie starts out at a galactic federation
headquarters in space where they are holding a trial for Jumba, the so called evil
creator of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. He explains that he
Nymph Callisto Analysis
This visual description is of the oil painting by Frenchman François Boucher
Jupiter in Guise of Diana and the Nymph Callisto dated 1759 is an oil painting 57.79
Г— 69.85 cm (22.8 Г— 27.5 in) on canvas, which hangs in the Nelson Atkins
Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. The focal point of this work is the two
voluptuous female figures in the center of the bottom half of the canvas. The women
appear to be gentle lovers, gazing each into the others eyes; their expressions are soft
and loving, and their bodies relaxed. Their lightly toned skin colored with a subtle
pinkflush along with their curvy bodies make the figures look and feel soft, beckons
the viewer to reach out to touch them. Their sensual appearance enhanced by the pale
pink and ivory palette used to render their forms, so gently blended the change in tone
throughout the images no brushstrokes are visible.
Callisto, a beautiful fully nude young blond nymph reclines, across the lap of
Jupiter, in the guise of Diana, her right arm extended lazily across Diana s right
forearm, her hand, holding an arrow, gently touches an angelic putti. Tucked between
their bodies is a satiny ivory white gown, atop a velvety smoky blue dress and leopard
skins. The detail of the pelt is so expertly rendered an observer wants to stroke it,
fine brushwork defines the fur, dark umber spots on golden ground.
Callisto s face gently tilts back over her right shoulder, her long blond, curly tresses
pulled back and flowing down her
What Is The Colligative Properties Of Salt Dissolved In
Colligative properties are those properties of solutions that depend on the number
of dissolved particles in solution, but not on the identities of the solutes. For
example, the freezing point of salt water is lower than that of pure water, due to
the presence of the salt dissolved in the water. To a good approximation, it does not
matter whether the salt dissolved in water is sodium chloride or potassium nitrate; if
the molar amounts of solute are the same and the number of ions are the same, the
freezing points will be the same. For example, AlCl3 and K3PO4 would exhibit
essentially the same colligative properties, since each compound dissolves to produce
four ions per formula unit. The four commonly studied colligative properties are
freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, vapor pressurelowering, and
osmotic pressure. Since these properties yield information on the number of solute
particles in solution, one can use them to obtain the molecular weight of the solute.
Freezing Point Depression
The presence of a solute lowers the freezing point of a solution relative to that of the
pure solvent. For example, pure water freezes at 0В°C (32В°F); if one dissolves 10
grams (0.35 ounces) of sodium chloride (table salt) in 100 grams (3.53 ounces) of
water, the freezing point goes down to в€’5.9В°C (21.4В°F). If one uses sucrose
(table sugar) instead of sodium chloride, 10 grams (0.35 ounces) in 100 grams (3.53
ounces) of water gives a solution with a freezing point of
Prison Education Programs
Introduction The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is the largest in the
world (Glaze, 2011). The prisons in the United States are described as human
warehouses rather than rehabilitative centers (Contardo Erisman, 2005). A method to
rehabilitate prisoners is through the use of educational programs. A 2014 U.S
National Research Council report stated literacy rates among prisoners is generally
low, and substantially lower than in general population (Davis, 2014). Those who
hope to successfully rehabilitate prisoners point to increasing the literacy levels of
these individuals before they re enter the community. The focus of the research is to
determine if prisoners who participate in correctional educationprograms has an
impact on recidivating. The purpose of this research is to use empirical data to
express the relationship between adult education and decreased recidivism. Do
educational systems work, and if so, at what levels do we begin to see the greatest
impact? Prisoneducational systems include substance abuse treatment, life skills
training such as anger... Show more content on ...
Opponents of such policies use statistics from the Department of Justice which
states 7 in 10 offenders will re offend within three years of release (2003). With a
success rate so abysmal, why invest in these rehabilitative programs? The cost of
correctional educational programs varies; but, in general the latest figures range
from $140,000 to $174,000 per 100 inmates (Davis, 2014). In essence, that translates
to approximately $1,400 to $1,744 per inmate each year. The opponents of
correctional education policies only evaluate the cost spent, but advocates for the
programs state the cost of incarceration is too high to not consider correctional
education. In the same Rand study by Lois Davis, the cost of incarceration is
estimated to be $3.25 million for the same hypothetical 100 inmates
Post-colonialism in The Hunger Games
The success of the books, The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, is
remarkable considering that the storyline is of a game in which children kill each
other. The books have reached iconic status in America and is an anomaly in the
Young Adult Literature genre in that it has a female protagonist yet is popular with
male and female readers of all ages. Collins wrote the series in response to her fears
of the blurred lines between Reality Shows and televised news events (Blasingame
726). The dystopian world portrayed in the book is rife with Post colonial themes.
There are many opinions about the proper definition of Post colonialismeven going
so far as to argue about whether the prefix post should be added to the word
Colonialism. For the sake of clarity, I will use the term Post colonialism as it is
broadly defined in Post colonial Studies: The Key Concepts, the effects of
colonization on cultures and societies (Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin 186). Many
critics such as Bhaba, Spivak and Said define this critical theory as predominately
characterized by race; however there are other critics, such as Jessica Langer, who
believe that the injustices perpetrated by colonialism, in all its forms (152) should be
considered in Post colonial studies. I will argue that the Post colonial concepts of
Hybridity, Othering and Imperialism go beyond racial barriers and reverberate
throughout the The Hunger Games.
The novel tells the story of a future in which North America has

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  • 1. Essay On The World Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On The World" is a challenging task that requires a delicate balance between breadth and depth of exploration. The sheer vastness and complexity of the world make it a daunting subject to tackle within the constraints of an essay. The challenge lies not only in capturing the diverse facets of the world but also in presenting a coherent and engaging narrative. To begin with, defining the scope of the essay becomes a formidable task. The world encompasses a myriad of elements—geography, culture, politics, history, environment, and more. Selecting which aspects to delve into requires careful consideration to maintain a focus that does justice to the enormity of the topic. Striking the right balance between providing a broad overview and delving into specific details poses another hurdle. Researching for such an essay is no small feat. The world is a dynamic entity with constantly evolving trends, events, and issues. Staying abreast of the latest developments and incorporating relevant information into the essay requires extensive research skills. Moreover, navigating through the vast sea of information to extract key insights without drowning in unnecessary details is a skill that adds another layer of complexity. The challenge is not only intellectual but also linguistic. Expressing complex ideas, diverse perspectives, and global phenomena in a coherent and accessible manner demands a high level of writing proficiency. The writer must ensure that the essay maintains a logical flow, providing a clear and engaging narrative that captures the reader's attention while delivering insightful content. Additionally, addressing the subjective nature of opinions about the world is a delicate task. Balancing objectivity with personal perspectives, avoiding bias, and acknowledging diverse viewpoints is crucial to presenting a well-rounded and fair representation of the world. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Essay On The World" is an intricate task that demands a blend of research, analytical skills, linguistic prowess, and a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in the subject matter. It is an intellectual journey that requires meticulous planning and execution to offer readers a thoughtful exploration of the vast and diverse world we inhabit. For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of such essays, various resources are available. One option is, where similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be accessed to facilitate the process of crafting insightful and well-structured compositions. Essay On The WorldEssay On The World
  • 2. How Did Religion And Government Take Political Power In... In the United States, religion and government have been separated from one another for many years. The reason being is that there are so many religions these days, and people would argue about which religion would take political power, ultimately resulting in conflicts and fights. Many centuries ago, each country had only one primary religionwhich every citizen practiced. In Italy for example, their official religion was Christianity, and having Christian beliefs intertwined in government allowed Italians to follow their religions rules along with the rules the government has as well. While some people may think that having religion and government together would be a good thing, many citizens living in Europe between the 12th and 16th century did not. Starting in the 12th century, many European countries like Italy were starting to give the pope a lot of power. This resulted in the popes becoming more powerful figures than most of the European counties princes. One example of this was with pope Gregory VII. He believed that he was one of the most ... Show more content on ... In the Freedom of a Christian, author and reformist Martin Luther said Many people have considered Christian faith an easy thing, and not a few have given it a place among the virtues . Luther says this because he understands that many people were not found of Christianity, they went to church to show god they are dedicated to come, and that was it. Most people never practiced Christianity outside of the church and that upset Luther. By separating from Christianity and joining a new religion, Luther had the hopes that people would embrace religion again and participate in it throughout their daily lives, not just at church. With a religion focused just on gaining power and with a following from people who dislike the religion, it makes sense that the reformation era to separate church from government started to
  • 3. 1983 Apush Dbq James McManus Mr. Colameco AP United States History 7 January 2013 Example Document Based Question Nearly all of the reasons for agrarian discontent in the late 19th century stem from three areas: land, transportation, and money. The farmers were fighting the perceived threats posed by monopolies and trusts, railroads, and the demonetization of silver. The American farmer during this period already had his fair share of problems which, compared to the success of the industrialized businessmen, resulted in much of the animosity between the two groups. The fact of the matter was farmers had entered a viscous cycle. Wheat and cotton, once the staples of American agriculture were selling at such low prices that it was almost impossible... Show more content on ... As crop prices fell, farmers were forced to mortgage their lands and take out loans in order to grow more and more crop just to break even. When these tactics were ultimately unsuccessful, the banks closed in and quickly foreclosed on the farmers estates. These mass foreclosures led to a belief among farmers that they were all slaves to their eastern masters and that only the freedom of unlimited silver would release them from their shackles. One can see the argument from the farmer s side. The banks gave out loans with exorbitant interest rates simply because they could. From 1865 to 1895, the population had risen by close to eighty percent whereas the amount of currency in circulation had only gone up by about sixty percent. With this deflation, the farmers were paying back double and triple the amount of money that they had originally borrowed. With free coinage of silver, these loans would be balanced and the farmers could suddenly afford their mortgages. This argument for silver was made famous by William Jennings Bryan s Cross of Gold speech at the democratic nomination convention. Bryan would not rest until the Crime of 1873 was rectified. McKinley however shows the counter argument towards this radical inflation. Coining silver would be a temporary stay of execution for the farmers. It would not make farming any more profitable, but would only cheat the banks out of money that the farmers had agreed to pay them. The farmers were
  • 4. Causes Of The Chernobyl Disaster Have you ever helped someone out when they needed it? What caused the first explosion was that there was faulty in the reactor. Is there a time you can remember someone had your back when you didn t expect it? Nobody was alarmed that the explosion had happened and the soviet put many lives in danger. The cause of Chernobylis very sad because this should have never happened. The cause of the explosion was from a faulty reactor in the power plant. The reactor was not stable when it was in use. Right before the explosion had happened there had been a sudden power surge. Also, a huge steam pressure increase that leads to a series of multiple explosions. The first explosion was at 1:24 am. 5 out of the 12 people that were there had died because of the explosions that had happened. When the explosion was released the makers of the reactor blamed it on Dyatlov because it was his shift to work. Another thing that happened was that they say dyatlov messed up on a few of safety precautions. The cooling system was switched off when the explosion had happened. The turbine water pressure was at 0. The pressure was increasing when it should have been decreasing. They also were running an experiment when it happened and it was in close down when it happened. The explosion was equivalent to 10 bombs of Hiroshima. Dyatlov had received a fatal amount of radiation. Dyatlov was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the cause of the explosion. Although Dyatlov was sentenced 10 years he got out 18
  • 5. Essay On Smitten Ice Cream I doubt that you have taste buds. The rather offensive comment was what my friend heard from a stranger who overheard our conversation at Patricia s Green in Hayes Valley. My friend just admitted that he was not a huge fan of Smitten Ice Cream, a local nitrogen ice cream shop located in San Francisco. It was almost unacceptable not to be in love with such rich and creamy thing nitrogen icecream often referred as revolution of ice cream among San Franciscans. I loved living in Hayes Valley because it had Smitten. On the weekends, I would go to the ice cream place converted from an old shipping container. What was special about Smitten is that it has a viewing area for customers to enjoy watching their orders being prepared with fog oozing out like in a chemistry experiment. The secret of Smitten lies with that fog of liquid nitrogen. Smitten always had four flavors: Classic Vanilla and TCHO chocolate were the fixed. The other two depended on the ingredients they had that day. Besides Brown sugar with cinnamon shortcake , which... Show more content on ... Ice cream is rather a complex mixture of different particles interacting with each other to create unique properties of the food. The first component ice crystals are formed when water in ice cream base freezes. The key to make smooth ice cream is to prevent ice crystals to form in big size during freezing. Rapid freezing and constant churning of base lead water contents to form many minute sized crystals. The texture of ice cream with many smaller ice crystals is better than that with fewer big crystals. Also, by reducing the amount of water in the base that will be formed into ice crystals by increasing other ingredients such as milk fat, sugar and other solids can be a way. However, while normally water takes up 60% of ice cream base, more than 47% of the total solids will give heavy and chewy
  • 6. Pia Bausch Research Paper Pina Bausch was born in Solingen, near DГјsseldorf, Germany, in the middle of World War II. Was the third daughter of August and Anita Bausch, who had a restaurant, where Pina grew up and took her first dance classes. It was there when her parents realized her extreme physical flexibility and talent, they decided to support her so at age 15, she would study with choreographer Kurt Jooss at the Folkwang School in Essen, where Pina would acquire the foundations of German expressionist dancethat would be the basis of her later career. In 1959, at age 19, she graduated from the Folkwang School and won a scholarship to continue his studies in New York, where she danced for the first time in the Metropolitan Opera Ballet. Following the brilliant performance of Pina Bausch in the United ... Show more content on ... In this work, she achieved a connection with the scenario based on soil moisture, an act that shows the basis of his proposal, where the scene is an important part of the choreography. At the same time, she created a close relationship with the Polish designer Rolf Borzik, who would become his husband and close collaborator, and with whom she would develop performance proposals away from classical dance, opening a new path towards the consolidation of theater dance. In 1976, with the choreography of The Seven Deadly Sins, by composer Kurt Weill, Bausch separated completely from the conventions of classical ballet, introducing a rehearsal method in which she generates questions to her dancers, and creates a choreography based on His answers, which are reflected in both the physical and the verbal and visual of the piece, which includes spoken texts and classical and popular music. Their dancers connect with the dance tradition embodying feelings of existential human anguish and references to specific geographic places, dancing focused on surreal situations, body use and the relationships between stage and
  • 7. DBQ Barbarian Invasions HumanitiesName ________________ Mr. Kelly Mr. Waterman DBQ Barbarian Invasions Introduction: Much of the Roman frontier followed the natural boundaries of the Rhine and Danube rivers across Europe. On the other side of these rivers were territories the Romans never brought under their control and tribal peoples such as the Goths, Franks, Vandals, and Huns. By the middle of the fourth century CE, many Roman governors had allowed these so called barbarians to settle on the Roman side of the rivers, and Roman generals had even recruited many of the men as soldiers in their armies. However, the barbarians never assimilated fully into Roman culture. By the end of the century they started to wage a series of ferocious campaigns ... Show more content on ... Among the youths in the army whose beards had not yet grown, but who had just come of age, he chose out three hundred whom he knew to be of good birth and possessed of valor beyond their years, and told them secretly that he was about to make a present of them to certain of the patricians in Rome, pretending that they were slaves. And he instructed them that, as soon as they got inside the houses of those men, they should display much gentleness and moderation and serve them eagerly in whatever tasks should be laid upon them by their owners; and he further directed them that not long afterwards, on an appointed day at midday, when all those who were to be their masters would most likely be already asleep after their meal, they should all come to the gate called Salarian and with a sudden rush kill the guards, who would have no previous knowledge of the plot, and open the gates as quickly as possible. After giving these orders to the youths, Alaric straightway sent ambassadors to the members of the senate, stating that he admired them for their loyalty toward their emperor, and that he would trouble them no longer, because of their valor and faithfulness, with which it was plain that they were endowed to a remarkable degree, and in order that tokens of himself might be preserved among men both noble and brave, he wished to present each one of them with some
  • 8. Belonging Of A Sisterhood Of Arms Belonging to a Sisterhood of Arms Despite having been involved in the military since the American Revolution, women are most often overlooked as being a soldier. While many people think it is respectful to go up and thank a person for their service and duties in the military, most often they insult women by not acknowledging them as a soldier, because society still sees military personnel as a male based society. There is a fallacy to this stigma. Almost anyone can point out a man who is in the service, whether or not he is in uniform. Although it may not be easy to tell that I was a soldier in one point in time. The main reason is, is because I am a woman. There are not many physical attributes for a female that gives any tell tale signs like a person would see with a male member with his high and thigh hair cut and freshly shaven face. The only sure way to know that I was a soldier is if I had said so, or if I was seen wearing one of my uniforms with my hair tied neatly in a low bun; however when I am in my civys (military term for civilian clothes), it s almost impossible to tell unless one is very observant in human behaviors. Another way to tell how a woman may be a military member is how we talk; we usually use military jargon such as female /male , using the NATO alphabet, FUBAR (F*** Up Beyond All Recognition) , and many others we may find reasons to use in our civilian lives but can only find a military term to express how we feel about it. Another way we can be
  • 9. Malaga Research Paper Malaga is a gorgeous city located in southern Spain s. It s known as the best Mediterranean destination to discover. in addition, Malaga has a rich history to know about it is almost 3000 years old is the perfect cultural destination and you can enter to the monuments and museums for free it has more than 20 museums, most popular one is the Picasso museum. Malaga has many famous festivals and public holidays all over the year and the famous one is called Feria takes place in the middle of august. Also, Malaga known by its beautiful beaches such as the Malagueta beach and you can find different kind of food like the great seafood straight out of the Mediterranean, pork meat, the local fruit and vegetables all this sort of food are the most famous
  • 10. Los Angeles Lakers The (9 34) Los Angeles Lakers face the (17 23) Sacramento Kings at the Staples Center in the third game of their four game season series. The Lakers wasted a fast start (shot 74 percent from the field in the first quarter) and surprisingly competitive first half before the Rockets turned up the heat defensively, dropped a nine 0 scoring run on the purple and gold to start the third quarter en route to a 22 point lead in a 112 95 victory. The Rockets sixth straight win against the Lakers sending the purple and gold into a three game losing skid. However, the game provided some positives in addition to the accompanying and omnipresent negatives. As far as positives; Kobe Bryant had an assist on seven of the Lakers first 12 baskets, passed Lakers legend, NBA Hall of Famer, the logo, Jerry West (6,238), landing in... Show more content on ... As far as negatives, the Rockets scored 50 or fewer points in the paint in their previous 11 games although the Lakers surrendered 70. The Lakers lost their last two games against the Kings, outscored by 62 points (337 275). As a matter of fact in the Lakers last meeting with the Kings on January 6th at the Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento the purple and gold played one of their better games of the season. The purple and gold down 25 4 five minutes into the game; trailed by as many as 27 prior to mounting an epic comeback. The inspired Lakers posted a 38 point third quarter, outscored the Kings 29 16 in the fourth and led by one point after a tough D Angelo Russell layup nearly completing the franchises third biggest comeback, based on halftime deficit before falling 118 115. In a tale of two halves of basketball, the Lakers outscored 69 48 in the first half, showed a lot or grit, determination as well as resolve outscoring the Kings 67 49 in the second half making the game a competitive
  • 11. Supraventricular Tachycardi A Case Study Supraventricular Tachycardia The heart is a muscular pump about the size of a fist. This muscle is continuously pumping blood to the circulatory system at a rate on average of 100,000 times a day. Arrhythmia s can cause an abnormal rhythm to this rate because of a change in the heart s electrical system. These arrhythmias can either cause the heartto beat too slowly, bradycardia, or tachycardia, where the heart beats too fast. Supraventricular Tachycardia(SVT) is one specific form of tachycardia. When a person develops SVT it causes the heart tissue to develop activity similar to a pacemaker in the upper chambers, or the region above the ventricles (AHA, 2015). This produces an abnormally fast heartbeat. Understanding this condition is... Show more content on ... Short term treatment can include the use of vagal maneuvers. If these are not successful at halting or slowing the abnormal rhythm then calcium channel or beta blockers may be used. Long term treatment can include agents that block the atrioventricular node or class IC or III antiarrhythmics. Procainamide, ibutilide, flecainide, propafenone, and amiodarone can all be used to control the rhythm in patients (Carnell, J., Amandeep, S., 2008). For those patients that experience persistent episodes of SVT can have a catheter ablation procedure (Colucci, R et. al., 2010). A catheter ablation is a low risk procedure with a 90% success rate. This procedure uses radiofrequency heat in order to kill the area of the heart in which the irregular heartbeat is originating. The purpose of killing this area is to resort the heart back to its original rhythm. With this procedure, the abnormal tissue can be destroyed without causing any other damage to the heart. A doctor performs the catheter ablation by placing a sheath into the groin. The sheath is then filled with electrode catheters. Through these catheters, the doctor is able to send small electrical impulses, which helps locate the damaged tissue. Once the abnormal tissue is located the catheter is placed in that spot so that the radiofrequency can be sent into the tissue. This area is usually 1/5 of an inch (AMA, 2015). After the catheter ablation procedure, all of the abnormal tissue should be repaired and the patient should not experience anymore SVT episodes. They are then also able to return to normal daily activities within a few
  • 12. Testing The Conditions Of Black Bread Mold Growth i. Title: Testing the Conditions of Black Bread Mold Growth II. Introduction: Bread. A common household food item used in pizza, sandwiches, burgers, and more. But when bread sits out too long you start to notice some fuzzy stuff growing on it. This fuzzy stuff is Rhizopus Stolonifer or, more commonly known as, black bread mold. This mold is a member of the of the phylum Zygomycota, which have life cycles that include a zygospore. A zygospore is a resting spore that has zygotes made when the mold is in its sexual phase of its lifecycle. Rhizopus stolonifer reproduced asexually and sexually. This happens when two hyphae come together, from different mating types, and form gametangia. The gametangia the fuses ... Show more content on ... Molds can even be beneficial in the way that some make our food taste better, like in some cheeses. Rhizopus stolonifer is a common find in your food and is only one in the giant family of molds. Our experiment is to test that if bread is exposed to light, then mold will grow faster because of the increase in heat. This experiment s purpose is to test the growth rate and conditions of mold. We hope to have a better understanding on the prevention of mold growth. Our manipulated variable will be the amount of light distributed to the bread, the responding variable will be the mold growth, and the controlled variable is the type of bread used in the experiment. III. Methods: Materials used for this is four pieces of white bread, four plastic ziploc bags, and a source of light and a source of darkness. Our procedure included six steps. First, you needed to acquire your four pieces of bread and four bags. Secondly, place the bread in the four bags. Thirdly, number the bags 1 4. Fourthly, place two bags in a well lit area (windowsill, lamp). Fifth, place the remaining two bags of bread in a dark area (drawer, box). Sixth and finally, record the amount of mold growth every few days for nine days using a data table. V. Analysis Conclusion: The mold was scarce. As seen on the data table, the bread was only covered .5% in mold by the end of the experiment. In the period between day one and seven there was no change in the
  • 13. The Isolation Of Women During The Victorian Era 1.This quote goes back to the concept of isolation and independence. Here just like in the beginning of the book, Jane feels isolated and alone and feels like no one can help and ironically it is her cousins who alienated her to begin with but now are bringing her in. 2. Another clear reference to gender equality and the lack of it as well as a comment on class roles. Here Bronte shows the absurdity of gender restriction and attempts to shed light on the fact that women during the Victorian erahad no rights and were too restricted. Ferndean 1. Then he stretched his hand out to be led. I took that dear hand, held it a moment to my lips, then let it pass round my shoulder: being so much lower of stature than he, I served both for his prop and guide. (Bronte 520) 2. Reader, I married him. (Bronte 521). 1. This quote shows how while before Mr. Rochester used to lead Jane when Jane was metaphorically blind and used to support her, the opposite has just happened and now Jane leads the actually blind Mr. Rochester and supports him because now she is rich. 2. Bronte addresses the reader personally which signifies that something important is about to happen, and it does. Jane and Mr. Rochester have switched roles. Jane now can see while now Rochester can t. This perfect role reversal emphasizes how it is possible to reach gender equality and how someone from a lower class can actually work their way up and get lucky and end up in a higher class while the opposite can happen to
  • 14. Examples Of Archetypes In The Birthmark In The Birthmark the relationships and behaviors of the character reveal much more than the story itself does. The characters of Aylmer, Georgian, Amenidab and Nature itself, through their words, actions, and behaviors give insight into a much more meaningful story. A deeper analysis of the characters reveals that they are archetypes, and as archetypes they provide a deeper hidden meaning to the story. By looking at Aylmer, Georgiana, Amenidab and Natures relationships and actions throughout the story we can see how they are used to give deeper significance. The character of Aylmer can be seen as a sinister, mad scientist who constantly fights with naturein order to attain human perfection. From the beginning of the story Aylmer s... Show more content on ... Once again this shows Aylmer is not concerned about his wife but rather his victory of nature itself. Aylmer s true motives can be seen at the end of the story after he has given Georgiana the liquid that supposedly will take the mark away. Matter and spirit earth and heaven have both done their part in this! Laugh, thing of the senses! You have earned the right to laugh (Hawthorne 231). This shows Aylmer s moment of ecstasy as he seems to have defied nature and begins to laugh in the face of nature itself. This undirected, almost insane laughter shows Aylmer s true motive of defying nature and creating perfection through science. The archetype of Georgiana can be seen as the perfect women, however, her birthmark acts as a symbol of imperfection and mortality that keeps her from fully pleasing her husband. Georgiana is described as beautiful and perfect except for one flaw, the birthmark. It was the fatal flaw of humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain (Hawthorne 220). The hand shaped birthmark can be seen as her being touched by nature and acts as a symbol of imperfection and mortality in humans. The symbol of the birth mark standing for mortality can be seen again towards the end
  • 15. Medical Marijuana As A Treatment Option INFORMATION SPEECH OUTLINE WORKSHEET Speech Title: Medical Marijuana as a Treatment Option Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of medical marijuana and why it should remain legal I. Introduction (Your goal here is to draw us into your speech...) A.Attention Material (This step helps us focus our attention on you and your message. It is suggested that you begin with a story, quote, statistic, definition, use of suspense, etc. Never begin with, Hi I am ___ and today I am going to talk about ___. ): Man Smoking Pot. Digital image. The Daily Beast. N.p., 11 July 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. . Billings, Stephenson. Potheads2. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2017. B.Tie to Audience (This... Show more content on ... 1. Subpoint #1 Used in Central Asia for at least 3000 years; used to treat gout, rheumatism, malaria, appetite loss and poor memory ( Medical Marijuana What S It Good For? ). 2. Subpoint #2: How does it work? The biologically active compounds found in marijuana are called cannabinoids. So far, at least 85 have been identified, according to Medical Marijuana Inc. Cannabinoids interact with two types of receptors in our bodies; CB1 receptors which are found mainly on cells in the brain and spinal cord, and CB2 which are found in various immune cells ( What Is Medical Marijuana? ). The most powerful cannabinoid is thought to be delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC; so the higher the THC content, the higher you become ( What Is Medical Marijuana? ). 3. Subpoint #3: Medical Marijuana in America Medical marijuana in the United States first became available in 1996 when California voters voted in favor of Proposition 215. Since then, medical marijuana has spread to more than half of the nation, and is now legal in 28 states, District of Columbia and the terrirories of Guam and Puerto Rico ( Medical Cannabis In The United States ). (Transition into Main Point 2 Now that we have covered __________, let s move to __________. Again, use a more creative approach if you d like! Just remember that your transitions need to review your last point AND preview your next point. They show
  • 16. Huckleberry Finn Racist The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was viewed as a racist novel, however, it was not. Mark Twain was criticized for the book, although it was a learning experience for the meaning behind it. The novel was created to raise attention for slavery and racism, it was also a great novel. Since it was first published, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnhad attracted much controversy due to the use of racial slurs in his writing which caused accusations that the author himself was racist, unfortunately due to multiple issues, the novel was banned for a period of time. Samuel Clemens had made the story become more interesting with the help of the characters which he had created, Jim and Finn. Jim helped us learn and become convinced that Slaverywas ... Show more content on ... As a young boy, it s easy to get attached to someone or something. However, in Huck s case it was called loyalty. The reward must ve crossed his mind and made him think twice about hiding a slave, but instead he thought that Jim was more important. Jim really captured Huck s emotion in a way where it would ve been hard for Jim to be the narrator and carry the same effect. It was weird to Jim that Huck was willing to help him because Huck had a good life. He was brought up, educated, fed, and dressed. These were what most kids back then didn t get. Jim was also Miss Watson s slave so he worked for and around Huck. Furthermore, we can see that Huck wanted to turn in Jim on multiple occasions. He was educated that every black person was at a lower level than him and that their purpose was to make the white peoples lives easier. Pap also helped make the story much more interesting, he helped Huck decide to run away and bump into Jim. It was a coincidence that they met together, but we can easily see that Samuel Clemens has an eye for detail and made sure that everything in the book had a purpose for
  • 17. Can India Sustain Its Present Economic Growth Rate Can India sustain its present economic growth rate? India is an emerging economy that is witnessing unprecedented levels of economic expansion. It is widely expected that India may overtake China as the world s fastest growing major economy by 2015. However it is not easy to sustain high levels of economic growth rates. There were a number of countries that experienced a high economic growth rate but were unable to sustain it for a long period of time. In order to determine whether India can sustain its economic growth rate we need to study the various factors that create an impact on India s economy. There are several factors that have positive impact on India s economic growth rate. The first is India s demography. India is ... Show more content on ... The literacy rate of India is only 66%. Shortage of skill aggravates the problem of developing the infrastructure (Chrystal amp; Lipsey, 2003). Builders, electricians and plumbers are often scarce. Nevertheless, Indian government is trying its level best to tackle these problems. Efforts are under way to get the private sector involved in building world class infrastructure. The skill shortage, too, is being addressed. The literacy rate is rising quickly. Among 15 24 years old, it is over 80%. In an attempt to curb corruption and make India more business friendly, several reforms are being introduced. All these corrective efforts coupled with the favorable factors will ensure that India will be able to sustain its current economic growth rate. Reference: A bumpier but freer road. (2010, September 30). In The Economist. Retrieved from Chrystal, A and Lipsey, R. (2003). Economicsof developing and transition countries. In Economics (10th ed.).London, England: Oxford University Press. Dhara, T. (2010, August 16). India to top China as fastest growing economy by 2015. Bloomberg. Retrieved from 08 16/india to top china as fastestgrowing economy by 2015 morgan stanley says.html Goyal, K. (2010, February 25). India seeks title of fastest growing economy. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from
  • 18. Concussions And Sports Some people think sports are beneficial but others think they are dangerous.sports are overrated. Sports are unsafe for kids because concussion, recovery of a concussion and Sports are expensive. For example, how you recover from a concussion. Doctors did studies on football players that had a concussions every player or person heal at a different rate . When you have a concussion early Activity can and will slow your healing . Problems with memory and concentration . This means you should ask the coach to sit and rest. Sports are too expensive example parents estimated $671 annually on sport related activities, most of the money goes to football . The parent has to pay 4 to 5 fees like coach fees, meet fees and equipment fee . This
  • 19. Similarities And Differences Between Mcdonalds And Mcdonalds McDonald s is one of the world s biggest and well known fast food restaurant in the world with about 40,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries. It started in 1954 when Ray Kroc comes across in a small restaurant in California that was owned by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald , and decided to buy it. He started off small and opened his first restaurant in Illinois. Years later he bought the rights to the name McDonald s. McDonald s continues to expand their franchise business all over the world including the Philippines. It was in 1981 that George T. Yang a Filipino Chinese businessman opened the first McDonald s restaurant in Morayta, Manila. McDonald s wants to bring its food closer to every Filipino and they decided to open more restaurants. Now McDonald sis one of the leading fast food chains in the Philippines with more than 500 restaurants. American McDonalds and Philippine McDonald s working closely together in achieving high quality and value of their restaurant, but they do have differences in some aspect. McDonald s in America and Philippines are both working together toward a common goal. To provide great customer service, both countries give their employees the tools and resources to be able to handle and deal complaints effectively. They trained and taught their employee on how to deal with all types of complaints and questions. For example, service issue, nutritional inquiry, and even how to handle an aggressive customer. Employees are encouraged to
  • 20. The Association Between My Social Work Classes And My... The objective of this composition is to discuss the association between my social work classes and my field experience. An internship is a platform to provide real world involvement of students in a field or occupation. Classroom lectures that involved lessons and exercises on the social work profession were meaningful to me as a student. They brought insight into policies, laws, research, and methods that I will need to utilize in the social workprofession. My field internship at Urban Ministries of Durham (UMD) provides me the opportunity to connect the classroom lectures and real world involvement in the social work occupation. More so, to discuss the entirety of the connection between my classroom lectures and my internship would be lengthy and difficult to accomplish. However, I will discuss the aspects that were instantly noticeable that would be difficult to notice without the classroom lectures on the social worker occupation. For instance, one thing I learned about social work, I learned from my Intervention Method in the Helping Profession class. In the class taught by Dr. Hodges, I learned about client empowerment. In the book assigned to the class client empowerment is defined as to enhance the capacity, or power, of clients to address their life concerns (Walsh, 2009, p.16). I interpret this concept as a social worker that we are to develop a positive sense self worth and competence about their life. I observed in my field placement at UMD by addressing
  • 21. Common Type Of Wrist Fracture Scaphoid fracture is the most common type of wrist fracture and is an important health problem as it affects predominately young active individuals (mean age 29)1. They are therefore of significant social and economic importance. These fractures account for 2 7% of all fractures1. They commonly occur when a patient falls onto an outstretched hand or are sustained as a sporting injury. Scaphoid fractures are notoriously difficult to image and due to the poor blood supply, has issue with regard to non union and avascular necrosis (AVN)1. The clinical signs of this fracture are swelling and pain in the scaphoid region, tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox , pain on axial compression, pain while pronating the hand, and painful pinch grip2. Radiological diagnosis consists of a scaphoid series of X rays: Anterior Posterior, lateral, semipronated and semisupinated views2. In cases of so called occult fractures, the fracture is not visible on the radiographs, if the clinical signs are highly suggestive of fracture a 2 week period of cast immobilization is recommended, followed by a repeat X ray series2. If further investigation is required, CT and MRI scans can also be implemented. Surgery is generally indicated for patients who have displaced or unstable fractures and patients who will not tolerate cast immobilization. There is currently an increasing trend for immediate surgical fixation for both displaced and undisplaced fractures, mainly due to the short term benefits,
  • 22. College Campus Food Is The Most Important For Students But... College campus food is the most important for students but overlooked and ignored by the college campus. Lone Star College holds the key to obtain performing, and concentrated students in a classroom; the key is the best choices of food for Breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but provides students with the energy and nutrients that lead to increase the concentration in a classroom, also helps to control a healthy body weight. Having a good lunch is important because it gives students the energy to stay alert and aware in the classroom. Lone Star College provides both Breakfast and also lunch but what they provide is disappointing decisions for their students. Lone Star College provides unhealthy food choices, expensive food choices, it is understaffed, the quality of food is disappointing and the location to purchase food is horrible. The effect of lunch and breakfast are so important and should not be ignored especially by a college. Lone star college Fresh of the grill food choices consist of single or double cheeseburgers, chicken fried steak, chili cheese nachos, chicken sandwich, grilled chicken sandwich, Frito pie and a single potato. All eight choices and only two are healthy for you, could it be because it is easy and quick to make or because they sell more of that than stem vegetables off the grill? Possibly not quicker to make since Lone Star College offers a grab and go menu which consist of Chicken tenders. Chicken
  • 23. Isolation In Stephanie Meyer s Twilight Deeper Into the Twilight Modern vampire interpretations are supposed to be relatable or desired, they are no longer supposed to be feared. Stephanie Meyer s book series Twilight is one of the most popular teenage vampire interpretations. The vampire characters within the movie are metaphors for the teenager. It is common for teenagers to feel isolated from their surroundings and the people around them. The Cullen s in the movie are automatically isolated from the rest of the town because they are the newest citizens and live outside of the town isolated from everyone else. When Bella Swan invited Edward Cullen to come to the beach with her group of friends he declined feeling like he would not be wanted there. One of the characters, Angela, had this to say while they were at the beach, It was nice that Bella invited Edward, nobody ever does. This is what Mike had to say in response, That s because Cullen is a freak. The other male characters in the scene chimed in with their agreement on his comment. Not only are the Cullen s isolated ... Show more content on ... The costumes of the vampires are all light and neutral colour clothing that stand out from the humans who wear darker shades of clothing. This is an immediate difference to the audience that these people are different therefore isolating them. The framing of the scene where the Cullen teenagers are introduced, they are sitting in the top left corner of the cafeteria/screen furthest away from everyone else in the cafeteria. There is a strong connection to isolation right away within this scene for the audience from the costumes to the framing of the shot. Just like the vampires, what a teenager wears or where they sit in the cafeteria could isolate themselves from the majority. These are common worries that teenagers have because they wanted to be accepted and not be the one who is isolated from the
  • 24. Role Of Patronage In The Renaissance Nicole Papalia 10/30/17 Pd. 4 Patronage in the Renaissance I, Piero Della Francesca, believe that I am the best choice of an artist to be sponsored by the Holy Roman Emperor, Mr. Gurney III for a museum dedicated to all my artwork. Unfortunately many of my works of art have been lost over the years, however if I were to be sponsored, it would give me an opportunity to recreate all of my lost works to share with the world.There are many reasons that you should sponsor me. First of all, I am extremely well at math. My specialties are geometry
  • 25. The Bible Is True And Not Myths Archaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and translated has shown people today how the people back in the biblelived and worked. Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old Testament, the book of Judges took place around the Iron Ageperiod, which was 1200 586 BC. Excavations have provided some useful information about daily life in ancient Israelduring Judges, including the land, climate and people. However, before we learn about how people lived their daily lives in Israel during the Iron Ages, we should learn about the geography of Israel. The land of Israel stretches from Dan in the North to Beersheba in the South and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Transjordan in the east. Israel s landscape is divided into five main regions and even though the regions are in the same place they all receive different amounts of rain, which produce different crops. The first region, the coastal plain, goes along the Mediterranean coast to Rosh HaNiqura, receives about 25 to 16 inches of rain which is a great place to grow grain. The second region, is the central mountain range that goes from Galilee to Negev Highlands; this region receives from 20 to
  • 26. Network Access And Authentication Policy Analysis Company is hereinafter referred to as the company. Overview Steady measures for arrange access and verification are basic to the organization s data security and are frequently required by directions or outsider assertions. Any client getting to the organization s PC frameworks can influence the security of all clients of the system. A fitting Network Access and Authentication Policy diminishes danger of a security episode by requiring reliable utilization of verification and access benchmarks over the system. Purpose The motivation behind this strategy is to portray what steps must be taken to guarantee that clients interfacing with the corporate system are validated in a fitting way, in consistence with organization measures, ... Show more content on ... Accounts must be for people as it were. Record sharing, and mix accounts are not permitted. User accounts must not be given chief or root induction aside from this is inescapable to satisfy his or her activity work. Occasionally guest will have a sensible office requirement for availability to the corporate system. At the point when a legit need is illustrated, transitory visitor gets to be allowed. This permission, in any case, must be seriously point of confinement to just those implies that the guest needs around then, and impaired when the guest s obligation is refined. Individuals request admittance to private data must have a single, distinct account. This account may be subject to additional monitoring or auditing at the discretion of the IT Manager or executive team, or as required by applicable regulations or third party agreements. Account Termination When managing network and user accounts, it is important to stay in communication with the Human Resources department so that when an employee no longer works at the company, that employee s account can be disabled. Human Resources must create a process to notify the IT Manager in the event of a staffing change, which includes employment termination, employment suspension, or a change of job function (promotion, demotion, suspension, etc.). Authentication
  • 27. Client machines must be designed to ask for confirmation against the area at startup. If the area isn t
  • 28. Importance Of Teaching Reasoning And Proof Teaching Reasoning and Proof As educators and as students it is pivotal to emphasize the importance of reasoning and proof in the classroom. By doing such, students will develop a higher level of thinking not only in the classroom but in the real world as well. In secondary education, it is only a short period of time until students are faced with complex thinking that is not specific to any textbook. In education specifically students will have to approach problems in different directions. This is something that takes a bit of adjusting to if that student is not previously exposed to reasoning and proofs. Very young students make conjectures all the time. It is one of the beauties of preschool and kindergarten. At this stage of life, kids are very curious about most subjects. In the case of geometry, a preschool student starts to recognize the similarities of a square and a cube. They obviously may not be able to reason what the volume of the cube is, but they start to recognize the similarities. This is a tremendous aspect that shouldn t be looked over. It is important to continue and develop these students and not let that curiosity diminish. That curiosity is the drive in education. At this age, educators should focus on the basics of reasoning. There aren t many formulas for these kids, they are just being exposed to the process. It makes sense for the teachers to spend more time on the reasoning early; in return the student s brains will start to develop those
  • 29. Business and Technical Writing Final exam 050024 Essay Phoenix Advertising 683 Lawson Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28282 Tel: 704 862 9700 Fax: 704 862 9775 March 24, 2015 Gregory S. Forest President Phoenix Advertising 1695 Chestnut Avenue Roanoke, VA 24001 Dear Mr. Forest: Phoenix Advertising as a whole has always put our clients first and is well known for our excellent work. As you know, the Roanoke branch had been experiencing difficulties since January of 2015 with regards to overworked and underpaid employees and a loss of clients. Productivity had declined by 20 percent over the course of the past few months, and we lost a few key members of our team. In response to our current crisis, I have developed a proposal in order to return Phoenix Advertising to the standard of excellence we ... Show more content on ... This will provide an open line of communication, as well as survey the current situation and see if there is a need for additional help to any and all team members. Training: Both managers as well as employees will need to complete a series of training courses to ensure that everyone is well versed in company policy, as well as have knowledge of what to do in case of an event such as the current crisis at the Roanoke branch. One such course would be on the importance of communication between employees and superiors. All employees will learn when it is necessary to hire additional help, when they really need to speak up, and that human resources is here to help and they should not be shy when they need guidance. It is important for all team members to be knowledgeable about the company and policy. Employees will be scheduled for two meetings a week on days that best fit their schedule for four weeks, followed by an evaluation to see if the course material was thorough. If more training is necessary, it will be rescheduled accordingly. Schedule Manager training: When to hire additional help; Project Approval: April 6 April 10 Employee training: Your rights as employees; YOU matter:April 13 April 17 All team members:
  • 30. Importance of open communication: April 20 April 24 Company policies:April 27 May 1 Staffing Kevin O Hara, the director of employment services, has been with the company for 6 years and prior to working with
  • 31. Ann Bradstreet s Legacy Julia Dillon Wallace ENG 203 September 3, 2015 Ann Bradstreet Religion and the legacy she hoped to leave her children Ann Bradstreet was always very close with her father Thomas Dudley. Thomas Dudley wanted to make sure she received a superior education and passed on his Puritan beliefs to her. Ann writes that when she moved with her family to the new world, her heart rose in resistance towards this new world and new manners . After I was convinced it was the way of God, I submitted to it and joined the church at Boston (1). Unfortunately, Anne s daily life was hard because the rheumatic fever she had as a child compromised her health and left her with frequent fatigue. Even so, she still risked dying during childbirth which was a common issue at the time, and she did so eight times. ... Show more content on ... One meditation depicted that Ann was constantly worried about whether or not the Scriptures were true considering that she never saw any miracles. Ann wrote that she would be more inclined to believe the Scriptures if she could see the miracles with her own eyes and took pleasure in everyday life rather than how the future was written in the Scriptures. She wrote, that I see, the vast frame of the heaven and the earth, the order of all things, night and day, summer and winter, spring and autumn, the daily providing for this great household upon the earth, the preserving and directing of all to its proper end (1). Anne regularly questioned her Puritan beliefs, even going as far as to question God Himself, and thus her admiration for nature caused a conflict in her
  • 32. Thomas Paine And The Age Of Revolution Benjamin Franklin once said, Where liberty dwells, there is my country . What did he mean by this statement? It s a way of saying that where he lives, America, there is liberty. To claim the location of liberty to be one s country, is to say that the location of one s loyalty is dependent on the location of liberty. The location of liberty was crucial to Franklin, to colonists. In the Colonial Period, colonists arrived from Europe in search for religious freedom, land, and the chance for wealth. But even so, Europe governed newcomers; this resulted in anger and rebellion. A period in early American history that occurred in the creation of a new, independent nation. This then extended to another important time in history, a time in which the first pamphlet to advocate American independence was published and seen. Thomas Paine helped shape the ideas of the Age of Revolution. He outlined ideas of the superiority of the monarchial system, the equality of right s among citizens, and of the significance of the American Revolution. He was a man that fought for freedom, fought for independence. Paine transformed the struggle over the rights of English people into a contest with meaning for people everywhere (History). And as periods go by, people similar to their pride and drive for free will live today. People tend to overlook the work that soldiers put in everyday to maintain the freedom Americans have today. And to an extent it s very human, but as a country it s important to
  • 33. Business environment Essay Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. List of tables and diagrams 5. 6. 7. 1. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012 8. 2. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010 3. Table III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term 9. 4. Table IV Cultural analysis China 10. 5. Table V 2012 SuperGroup Plc Financial Highlights 11. 6. Table VI Supply and Demand curve 12. 13. 14. Summary 15. 16. 17. In this Business Environment report, my objective for SuperGroup plc is expanding the market to China by using the political, economic, social and technological (PEST analysis) to identify the external and internal opportunities for increasing the ... Show more content on ... As 3% rate applies under the small scale taxpayer scheme which decreased from 6% or 4% from 1 January 2010. Exports are generally zero rated since the input VAT incurred on the purchase or construction of fixed assets may be credited against output VAT since 1 January 2009. 44. Before expanding to china, International enterprises must need to consider about the law of the People s Republic of China, such as Foreign Trade Law, Arbitration Law, Trademark Law, Import and Export, Commercial Websites, Processing Zones, Foreign Investment, Patents and Foreign Investment Projects. a. 45. a. Economic 46. 47. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012 48.
  • 34. 49. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010 50. 51. In Chart I, we can see that Economic expansion of China slowed to 7.8 percent year on year in 2012. Since 1999, the slowest growth rate was down from 10.4% in 2010 to 9.3% in 2011. It is obvious that the economy s Q4 grow to 7.9% quickly as well as increasing the investment and consumption values. The China government pared the full year growth target for 2012 to 7.5% from 8% in nearly 2012. Many economists are expecting the target to remain unchanged for this year. 52. The Chart II shows that the average annual economic growth of 10% over the past 30 years in China. 53. Chart III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term 54. 55. 56. 57. Here you can see the Historic inflation rate is based upon
  • 35. Virgin Usa Marketing [pic] Virgin USA Francesco Marani Problem Statement Virgin mobile is entering the US mobile market. Low brand recognition in USA and limited financial resources for advertisement represents a constraint because to enter successfully in such a market Virgin needs to swiftly attract its potential target customer, in order to establish a critical mass and financial strength to defend itself from incumbent and/or other potential entrants (price wars, dumping, etc...). The profile of target customers, youth in between 15 and 29 years old with low credit credentials and high income / price elasticity (sensitivity to changes in price and income), is in conflict with the need to retain customers for a minimum period of 17 ... Show more content on ... Any price war is likely to create an immediate change in customer preferences, in particular Virgin s target customer (15 29 years) is likely to be strongly affected given their traditional high sensitivity to prices change (price elasticity typically high). Price below the Competition: The option to adopt a quasi similar pricing structure, with an exception for the bucket of consumption in between 100 and 300 minutes, has the same pros and cons of the one before mentioned, in addition to increase the probability of triggering an aggressive competitive reaction by incumbent (price wars). Both the above options fail to address three significant aspects: вћў The high churn rate, which is one of the main problems in the service industry, is not addressed by any of the mentioned strategy. вћў The limited advertisement budget may fail to create an impact and convey rapidly a clear message to any potential customers. вћў The post paid contract may be difficult to implement using the planned distribution channel. Lower sales commission could also implies less prepared sales representatives, which may fail to properly complete paperwork related to credit checks. Recommendations
  • 36. Virgin should adopt a brand new approach entering the mobile market to quickly capture the favor of unhappy customers, as well as people unable to sign a
  • 37. The Term Major Depressive Disorder Introduction The term major depressive disorder was created by a group of US clinicians in the mid 1970s as part of proposals for diagnostic criteria based on patterns of symptoms (Spitzer et al, 1975). MDD made its first appearance in the third edition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III) (Phillip, Maier Demo, 1991). MDD is a mental disorder characterized by an impairment of functioning in one or more areas of life due to a depressed mood and loss of interest in activities combined with other symptoms for a minimum of two weeks (APA, 2013, 161). According to the DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), MDD is characterized by one or more major depressive episodes minus a history of manic ... Show more content on ... Epidemiology According to Klerman Gershon et al (2013), there has been an increase in the prevalence of major depressive disorder within the last 70 years in the US. Even though a community studies of mental disorders have been situated in the United States of America previously in the completion of the World War 2, it was just in the early 1980s that a complete organized professional consultations were established to diagnose particular mental disorders (Comstock et al., 1976, Helgason T. 1964, Lin TY. 1953). The initial tool was the DIS (Diagnostic Interview Schedule) (DIS), Robin LN et al 1981which was established for use in the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study Robin LN et al 1991 for the evaluation of the overall population incidence of mental disorders by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A study suggested that gender differences in the diagnosis occurred between the ages of 15 and 18. The rise in the occurrences of new cases of depression is paramount throughout the pre puberty years (Hankin et al 1998). Similarly, MDD is less common among children than adolescents. 1.9% of children have met the criteria for MDD in comparison to 4.7% of adolescents (Kashani Sherman, 1988). In yet another study, a one year prevalence of MDD was found in 3.3% of
  • 38. Yom Kipur War Research Paper A surprise attack can do immense damage to a country. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 was initiated by a surprise attack on Israel ( New revelations about the Yom Kippur War raise questions about the Mossad. ). Between Israel and the Arab states, led by Egypt and Syria, this war set fire to an already present ruction. The never ending conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis intensified during this time. Following the Six Day warof 1967, it was clear peace treaties needed to be established. The Arabs refused to agree to these peace treaties, so the tension was left hanging in the air. In the view of the Israelis, the post war state was just fine, but the Egyptians and Syrians saw the need for war (Tal). The Arabs and Israelis reached a stalemate... Show more content on ... Over the years since the Six Day War, they had built a sense of invincibility. This image came crashing down after the Yom Kippur War. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was removed from office ( New revelations about the Yom Kippur War raise questions about the Mossad. ). As for the United States, this war had presented an abstruse situation. Around this time, the United States had been trying to mend its relationship with Egypt. This impacted the choices of the United States during the war, especially in how soon they decided to send arms to Israel. In addition, this war had the possibility to ruffle the already fragile relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the Soviets on the side of the Egyptians and Syrians and the United States on the side of the Israelis, their relationship was strained (Tal). Prices of oil in the Middle East rose dramatically. Less oil was sent from Arab sources to the United States; in fact, the number of imports dropped from about 1.2 million barrels a day to a mere 19,000 barrels a day. Though there were many negative effects caused by this war, it did lead to the Camp David accords (Stephens). Overall, this short war caused a great deal of
  • 39. Report On Building Construction At Unsw ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET [JOINT SUBMISSION OF GROUP WORK] For submission to: Dr. X Shen Course Code: CVEN 4102 Course Name: Operations Projects Assignment: Group Assignment 1, Report on Building Construction at UNSW ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS Before submitting this assignment, students are strongly advised to: в—ЏReview the assessment requirements contained in the briefing document for the assignment; в—ЏReview the various matters related to assessment in the relevant Course Outline; в—ЏReview the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity website a http;/ to ensure they are familiar with the requirements to provide appropriate acknowledgement of source materials; and в—ЏRetain a copy of this assessment for their records and in case it is misplaced and has to be re submitted. If after reviewing this material there is any doubt about assessment requirements then in the first instance the student should consult with the Course Coordinator and then if necessary with the Director Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Committee. While students are generally encouraged to work with other students to enhance learning, all assignments submitted for assessment by a student must be their entire own work and they may be required to explain any or all parts of the assignment to the Course Coordinator or other authorised persons. Collusion is where another person (s) assist in the preparation of an assignment without the consent of knowledge of the Course
  • 40. The Role Of Political Identity In The United States Emma Lazarus s iconic poem referring to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free conjures an image of an idealistic, accepting America welcoming refugees with open arms into the bosom of freedom and liberty. (Magleby, O Brien, Light, Peltason, Cronin, 2008., p. 114) However, in contrast with this image, America has always been inconsistent with it s acceptance and instead is frequently suspicious of any newcomers due to differences in religion, political ideology, skin color or any number of reasons that could potentially be suspect. Despite this suspicious and oftentimes ethnocentric nature American society also prides itself on its diversity, which is typically called the melting pot . Due to this diversity among the inhabitants of the country and the established political traditions that developed political identity is made up of a broad spectrum of characteristics that come together to create one s ideology. Much of a person s political identity begins with the beliefs and ideas absorbed in the home from parents and relatives, in school, and so forth, but regional differences, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, religion and level of income are also contributing factors in how one s political identity and ideology takes shape. (Magleby, et al., 2008., p. 115) Though there are overreaching national political traditions such as our two party system by virtue of manifest destiny, the United States stretches from coast to coast with each region having
  • 41. Deep Oce The Truth Of The Hundred Thousand Leagues Under... Gyuseung Hwang Ms. Bailey English 101S 23 September 2014 Deep Ocean: The truth of the Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea Everyone might have once imagined dark environments and scary creatures which live in the deep sea. These childlike dreams are visualized in the popular novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. In the novel, the main character, Pierre Aronnax, searches for a mysterious sea monster while fighting with scary undersea creatures. Although many undersea creatures have been depicted in the novel, one of the striking deep sea creatures would be a giant octopus. This octopus is depicted as a scary creatures that threatens the main character. Many people might think the creatures are fake, but the giant octopus exists, which is also well known by today s scientists. The deep sea normally is interpreted as the lowest layer in the ocean, existing below the thermocline and above the seabed, at a depth of 6,000 feet or more. As shown in the novel, the deep sea has been a mysterious and interesting theme for a long time. The subject area of the deep sea attracts many readers; therefore, it became a topic of many pieces of literature and science magazines. As a result, a lot of research has focused on investigating the deep sea. However, why do we have to conduct such research? Deep sea research was accelerated during World War II. The war brought many scientific developments in various fields; oceanography was not an exception. World War II caused a Belgium
  • 42. Adult Development And Wellness In Older Adults Older Adult Development and Wellness We all are surrounded by older adult, and we know that we have so many considerations related to them. We all need to understand how physical, mental and psychological changes occurs with advancing age and how it is different for each person. Some people stay healthy, some are surrounded by all kind of disease, and it all depends upon circumstances in an individual s life. Some older adults are physically active, intelligent and socially engaged until the time of their death. Although, we all have misconception that all older adults are physically, mentally and socially impaired, but the truth is that they get discouraged by the way people think about them. It is true that most of the older adult tend to have all kind of disorders like delirium, dementia, Alzheimer s disease, ischemic vascular dementia (IVD) and depressions, however we need to educate and encourage them to be healthy and teach them how to prevent all those kinds of disorders. ... Show more content on ... Also, they older adult potential to coping new changes and fulfilling life patterns in a new way (Potter, Perry, Stockert, Hall, 2015). Even thought some want to retire before their age, however I believe that retiring at early age pushes people to loneliness and they tend to have more conflict in life which can lead to disappointments. Death of their spouse, housing and environmental changes can often lead to more stress and disease. When people get too stress, that is when they make poor life choices and that is how they become victim of social
  • 43. Theme Of Betrayal And Lies In The Kite Runner I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it s wrong what they say about the past, I ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws it s way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty six years Hosseini 1). Betrayal and Lies can alter the choices one makes because as we read in the quote, something happened that the reader can t seem to forget and feels guilt because he knew he could ve done something but didn t. Khaled Hosseinis novel, The Kite Runner, teaches the reader that betrayal and lies can alter the choices one makes through Amir s choice in the winter of 1975, and Amir s choice with Sohrab when he find out his relationship with him. To begin with, Amir demonstrates the act of betrayal because he had a choice to stand up for Hassan in the alley in the winter of 1975. In the winter of 1975, Amir witnessed his friend, Hassan getting raped by Assef, a kid who thought he was superior to others, and Amir had a choice to either stand up for Hassan or run. His choice was to run because he was scared of what Assef would do to him. Hosseini states, I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan the way he d stood up for me all those times in the past and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end I ran (77). In other words, Hosseini believes that Amir had a choice in helping who he said was his friend or he could run, and as Hosseini said, he chose to run. This is showing how Amir betrayed Hassan in a way that was not fair because Hassan would always stand up for him when others were bullying him and he could ve done the same but chose not to, now because of his choice he cannot forget this day. In addition, the lies that Amir s father kept from him led to Amir making a decision when he found out that he had a nephew. Amir s father, Baba, had many opportunities to tell Amir that he had a half brother, Hassan. Hassan had a kid, Sohrab, which is Amir s nephew. One day Amir was with his wife and her dad. General Sahib disrespected Sohrab by calling him Hazara Boy which upset Amir and made him come clean
  • 44. Doctor Moorhead And A Patient Analysis The common characteristic of Kim s works was to make detectives notice that the mysterious phenomenon had been just an appearance, that is, to overturn the plot. What deserves attention here is Freud s theory of humor, which has a remarkable analogy with Kim s strange plot. He gives an example of humor as follows: A rogue who was being led out to execution on a Monday remarked: Well, this week s beginning nicely. We feel a kind of humoristic pleasure here because of, according to Freud, an economy in expenditure upon feeling. The situation that ought to drive the criminal to despair might rouse intense pity in us; but that pity is inhibited because we understand that he, who is more closely concerned, makes nothing of the situation. As a result of this understanding, the expenditure on the pity, which was already prepared, becomes unutilized and we laughed it off. Then, what does the condemned obtain from this remark? He talks as if it was no business of his and makes remark from another... Show more content on ... Heroine Stella, who had made a car accident resulting in death of the victim, has been receiving doctor Moorhead s counseling since several months ago. Stella confides the inside secret having impulsive aggression, and this doctor he had sexual relations with patients several times tells her that it is a natural instinctual drive and recommends its cancellation by killing animals or spurious suicide (reckless driving or gambling). However, she can t get satisfied with them and kills him at last. The tragic ending of this story that is a kind of thriller, where Moorhead seems to represent sex drive (Libido), so does Stella death drive, is caused by that she had believed the opinion of this doctor. She should have ignored (burned) the theory maintaining the real existence of impulsive
  • 45. What Is The Intuitive Approach To The Orthogonal Matching... Chapter 4 4. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 4.1 Basic Pursuit 4.2 Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 4.3 Compressive Sensing in Image Processing 4.4 Modified OMP Chapter 4 4. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Before discussing OMP we will go through the very basic algorithm used in CS i.e. Basic pursuit. 4.1 Basic Pursuit The intuitive approach to the compressive sensing problem of recovering a sparse vector x в€€ RN from its measurement vector О¦x=y в€€ Rm, where m N, consists in the l0 minimization problem min┬(xПµ R^n )⁡〖‖x‖_(0 ) subject to О¦x=y гЂ— (4.1) This is a non convex problem that it is NP hard in general. However, keeping in mind that ‖z‖_q^(q ) approaches ‖z‖_0as q 0 tends to zero, we can approximate (4.1) by the problem ... Show more content on ... For 0 q 1, (4.2) is again a nonconvex problem, which is also NP hard in general. But for the critical value q = 1, it becomes the following convex problem (interpreted as the convex relaxation of
  • 46. Papers On Susan B Anthony Susan B. Anthony On February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts, a woman by the name of Susan Brownell Anthony was born to parents Daniel and Lucy (Read) Anthony. She was the second born of a strongly rooted Quaker family of eight (Hist.Bio. 1). Because they lived in a Quaker neighborhood, Susan was not heavily exposed to slavery. The family made anti slavery talks an almost daily conversation over the dinner table. She also saw men and women on the same level (Stoddard 36). A hard working father, who was not only a cotton manufacturer, but a QuakerAbolitionist also, prevented his children from what he called childish things such as toys, games and music. He felt that they would distract his children from reaching their peak of ... Show more content on ... Together they published The Revolution , a New York liberal weekly magazine. This magazine would soon parish and put Susan B. Anthony in debt of 10,000 dollars (Boynick)! According to author, Hope Stoddard, Susan B. Anthony was a firm, upright person. She wasn t afraid to show it to anyone and everyone who wanted to know how she felt. One day, during a marriage custody conference, an abolitionist by the name of Rev. A. D. Mayo asked Anthony, in modified words, by what means could she take part in discussions on marriage when she was not married herself. She responded to this by saying, in revised words, that he was not a slave, so maybe he should not be taking part in discussions on slavery. It was this kind of determination that led Susan B. Anthony towards gaining women the right to have equal guardianship of their children (Dorr 55). In a period of about twenty years, Anthony supported the United States over the Confederate States of America before and during the civil war. Her reason for taking a side during the war was not only to see the slaves be free. Anthony wanted to see all men equal. She had a plan (Hist. Works). A couple years after the Civil War had ended, African American men were given the right to vote and the right to attempt to live the American dream. With this information, Anthony took off. She felt that women should be granted at least the same
  • 47. Comparison of Four Poems about Loss Essay Comparison of Four Poems about Loss I am comparing On my first Sonne by Ben Jonson (a pre 1914 piece of poetry, written in 1616), My Last Duchess by Robert Browning (a pre 1914 piece of poetry, written in 1845), Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney (a piece of poetry from the Heaney bank) and Cold Knap Lake by Gillian Clarke (a piece of poetry from the Clarke bank). The poem, On my first Sonne is about the loss of a close family member, Ben Jonson s first son, who died at the age of seven. The poem is about the poet coming to terms with the truth, that his first son had died and he would never see him again. In the poem, the poet goes through different stages of grief and he is very emotional about his loss. The poem ... Show more content on ... The poem is of cold emotion; the only emotion is anger at her behaviour. Another poem about loss, Mid Term Break , confronts the death of Seamus Heaney s younger brother, probably from an accident. Like the previous two poems, Mid Term Break concerns the loss of a close family member. The overall view of death in this poem is quite a dramatic one, with the description of contrasting emotions of different people. At the beginning it is unemotional. Then the poet describes the emotions and behaviour of others (father, family, friends, the baby, and mother). Finally, the next morning, he goes into his brother s room to see his body. There is a sense of peace in the room, Snowdrops And candles soothed the bedside, and he sees his brother looking pale and lying in his small coffin. At the end of the poem, Heaney appears to accept that his brother is dead and there is an air of calm. In contrast to the other three poems discussed previously, the poem, Cold Knap Lake describes the near loss of a stranger who would have drowned to death if it was not for Gillian Clarke s mother doing resuscitation on an unknown child. Gillian Clarke remembers her mother giving the girl the kiss of life which ultimately saved her. my mother gave a stranger s child her breath. In her memory of the incident, Clarke s father took her (the child) home to a poor
  • 48. Literary Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost From After Apple Picking by Robert Frost Lines 1 8 My long two pointed ladder s sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there s a barrel that I didn t fill Beside it, and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough. But I am done with apple picking now. Essence of winter sleep is on the night, The scent of apples: I am drowsing off. In the selected lines from Robert Frost s After Apple Picking, Frost creates the setting for the poem through time indicators, while also relaying the idea that this is not simply a poem about only apple picking, but it is metaphor about life and death where apple picking means collecting and life experiences. Line one states My long two pointed ladder s sticking through ... Show more content on ... The barrel that is not filled represents the capacity to do things before an end of some kind, and the space that could occupy the barrel is empty. In other words, the empty barrel represents missed opportunity: in the case of apple picking, it could be filled with apples, but is not at the end of the day. When this concept is related the life itself, it means that ones life could be filled with memories or life experiences, but at the end, they have not occurred. Then Frost tells us, Beside it, and there may be two or three Apples I didn t pick upon some bough (4 5). With these lines we get more information relating to the barrel that is not filled, which says that there is apples to be picked to fill the barrel but the narrator does not pick them. With the analogy relating the missed apple to missed life experiences, it can be inferred that there are two or three life experiences that have or will be missed. The word bough (5) literally means the main branch of a tree. The missed apples while apple picking were not missed because they were on a small limb; they were missed seemingly on purpose, because if they were on a small hidden limb it would be understandable if they were missed on accident. This tells us that the theoretical life experiences, represented as apples, were not small in nature but large. This is a representation of Frost s feelings toward the ending of life before one is done experiencing normal life steps.
  • 49. The Book Of Martha And Mrs. Todd s Shortcut Mehran Azarbad Heba Elsherief EAC 505 N1B 14 August 2015 Relationship between Fantasy and Time Fantasy and time have an absolute relationship as described in the stories The Book of Martha and Mrs. Todd s Shortcut . The authors have tried to bring out how fantasy literature and its relationship with time can be used to get the mind of the audience and its results to the imaginations of the reader in that sense. Therefore, in understanding the exact imaginations and how they affect or are affected by time, then the relationship arguments can be explored with specific and distinctive examples Literature fantasy tries to depict the unbelievable imaginations in the subject of existence. Its close relation with time comes if the exact setting ... Show more content on ... Taking the narrative of Octovia Butler, Martha prays. This time is very unknown of the exact duration she did this and also, readers wonder how comes she is in her room and praying then in few minutes she gets herself in heaven and in the presence of God? Is it the power of prayer? She tries to imagine the scenario and it seems to be like a dream to her in this case. In time factor, it is impossible to move such fast. Again, fantasy and time relationship can richly help in comparing the impossible actions with what we tend to have an idea about. In the narrative of Octavia, there is fantasy relation and the time when Martha started to compare God, on his physical with Michelangelo Moses and his dressing denies this. The reaction of God really is unrealistic and the whole story is like a dream to Martha. It defines so perfectly the interaction between the time that Martha was in heaven and the imaginations that she gets herself and her mind
  • 50. The Role Of Sociology And Its Effect On Society Essay Sociology is an important term to understand as it explains social life, behavior, and change. Everything that individuals, groups, companies, and even nations do shapes our world and how we interact with others. With that in mind, there are many things that shape society and the groups within it like culture, race, gender, family, groups and organizations, education, and the ever changing norms that we associate with in everyday life. A lot of these norms are influenced by the media. Television shows, movies, music, and celebrities impact individual lives every single day and because of our interaction with other people, media can easily change our society. As it can have such an impact, it is good to look into the sociologythat is hidden in movies so we can understand the changes that happen around us. Even though some movies are very realistic and true to the world we live in, some are not, but this does not mean that we cannot sociologically study it. Lilo Stitchis one example of a movie that is not very realistic but there are many aspects in the movie that are true to society that can be illuminated sociologically. Lilo Stitch takes place in a small town on an island in Hawaii where a little girl named Lilo eventually befriends an alien who she comes to name Stitch. The movie starts out at a galactic federation headquarters in space where they are holding a trial for Jumba, the so called evil creator of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. He explains that he
  • 51. Nymph Callisto Analysis This visual description is of the oil painting by Frenchman FranГ§ois Boucher Jupiter in Guise of Diana and the Nymph Callisto dated 1759 is an oil painting 57.79 Г— 69.85 cm (22.8 Г— 27.5 in) on canvas, which hangs in the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. The focal point of this work is the two voluptuous female figures in the center of the bottom half of the canvas. The women appear to be gentle lovers, gazing each into the others eyes; their expressions are soft and loving, and their bodies relaxed. Their lightly toned skin colored with a subtle pinkflush along with their curvy bodies make the figures look and feel soft, beckons the viewer to reach out to touch them. Their sensual appearance enhanced by the pale pink and ivory palette used to render their forms, so gently blended the change in tone throughout the images no brushstrokes are visible. Callisto, a beautiful fully nude young blond nymph reclines, across the lap of Jupiter, in the guise of Diana, her right arm extended lazily across Diana s right forearm, her hand, holding an arrow, gently touches an angelic putti. Tucked between their bodies is a satiny ivory white gown, atop a velvety smoky blue dress and leopard skins. The detail of the pelt is so expertly rendered an observer wants to stroke it, fine brushwork defines the fur, dark umber spots on golden ground. Callisto s face gently tilts back over her right shoulder, her long blond, curly tresses pulled back and flowing down her
  • 52. What Is The Colligative Properties Of Salt Dissolved In Water Colligative properties are those properties of solutions that depend on the number of dissolved particles in solution, but not on the identities of the solutes. For example, the freezing point of salt water is lower than that of pure water, due to the presence of the salt dissolved in the water. To a good approximation, it does not matter whether the salt dissolved in water is sodium chloride or potassium nitrate; if the molar amounts of solute are the same and the number of ions are the same, the freezing points will be the same. For example, AlCl3 and K3PO4 would exhibit essentially the same colligative properties, since each compound dissolves to produce four ions per formula unit. The four commonly studied colligative properties are freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, vapor pressurelowering, and osmotic pressure. Since these properties yield information on the number of solute particles in solution, one can use them to obtain the molecular weight of the solute. Freezing Point Depression The presence of a solute lowers the freezing point of a solution relative to that of the pure solvent. For example, pure water freezes at 0В°C (32В°F); if one dissolves 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of sodium chloride (table salt) in 100 grams (3.53 ounces) of water, the freezing point goes down to в€’5.9В°C (21.4В°F). If one uses sucrose (table sugar) instead of sodium chloride, 10 grams (0.35 ounces) in 100 grams (3.53 ounces) of water gives a solution with a freezing point of
  • 53. Prison Education Programs Introduction The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is the largest in the world (Glaze, 2011). The prisons in the United States are described as human warehouses rather than rehabilitative centers (Contardo Erisman, 2005). A method to rehabilitate prisoners is through the use of educational programs. A 2014 U.S National Research Council report stated literacy rates among prisoners is generally low, and substantially lower than in general population (Davis, 2014). Those who hope to successfully rehabilitate prisoners point to increasing the literacy levels of these individuals before they re enter the community. The focus of the research is to determine if prisoners who participate in correctional educationprograms has an impact on recidivating. The purpose of this research is to use empirical data to express the relationship between adult education and decreased recidivism. Do educational systems work, and if so, at what levels do we begin to see the greatest impact? Prisoneducational systems include substance abuse treatment, life skills training such as anger... Show more content on ... Opponents of such policies use statistics from the Department of Justice which states 7 in 10 offenders will re offend within three years of release (2003). With a success rate so abysmal, why invest in these rehabilitative programs? The cost of correctional educational programs varies; but, in general the latest figures range from $140,000 to $174,000 per 100 inmates (Davis, 2014). In essence, that translates to approximately $1,400 to $1,744 per inmate each year. The opponents of correctional education policies only evaluate the cost spent, but advocates for the programs state the cost of incarceration is too high to not consider correctional education. In the same Rand study by Lois Davis, the cost of incarceration is estimated to be $3.25 million for the same hypothetical 100 inmates
  • 54. Post-colonialism in The Hunger Games The success of the books, The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, is remarkable considering that the storyline is of a game in which children kill each other. The books have reached iconic status in America and is an anomaly in the Young Adult Literature genre in that it has a female protagonist yet is popular with male and female readers of all ages. Collins wrote the series in response to her fears of the blurred lines between Reality Shows and televised news events (Blasingame 726). The dystopian world portrayed in the book is rife with Post colonial themes. There are many opinions about the proper definition of Post colonialismeven going so far as to argue about whether the prefix post should be added to the word Colonialism. For the sake of clarity, I will use the term Post colonialism as it is broadly defined in Post colonial Studies: The Key Concepts, the effects of colonization on cultures and societies (Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin 186). Many critics such as Bhaba, Spivak and Said define this critical theory as predominately characterized by race; however there are other critics, such as Jessica Langer, who believe that the injustices perpetrated by colonialism, in all its forms (152) should be considered in Post colonial studies. I will argue that the Post colonial concepts of Hybridity, Othering and Imperialism go beyond racial barriers and reverberate throughout the The Hunger Games. The novel tells the story of a future in which North America has