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Essay On Trust
Writing an essay on the topic of trust can be both challenging and rewarding. Trust is a complex
and multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions of human relationships, social
dynamics, and personal beliefs. Capturing the essence of trust in a coherent and insightful essay
requires a deep understanding of its psychological, sociological, and philosophical aspects.
One of the challenges lies in defining trust itself. Trust is not a monolithic concept; it evolves and
manifests differently in different contexts. Exploring the nuances of trust in interpersonal
relationships, professional settings, and societal structures demands a careful examination of
trust-building factors and the consequences of trust erosion.
Moreover, delving into the psychological mechanisms that underpin trust involves navigating
through theories of interpersonal trust, trustworthiness, and the delicate balance between
vulnerability and assurance. Addressing the impact of trust on collaboration, communication, and
overall well-being adds another layer of complexity to the essay.
The essay also needs to consider the cultural variations in the perception and manifestation of
trust. What may be considered trustworthy behavior in one culture might be perceived
differently in another. Therefore, a comprehensive essay on trust must acknowledge and analyze
these cultural dimensions.
Crafting a compelling essay on trust requires not only thorough research but also the ability to
synthesize information and present a cohesive narrative. Balancing theoretical frameworks with
real-world examples and personal reflections can enhance the depth and authenticity of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on trust is a formidable task that demands intellectual rigor,
empathy, and a keen understanding of human nature. Successfully navigating through the
intricacies of trust requires a nuanced approach and the ability to connect various dots to present
a comprehensive and insightful perspective.
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Essay On TrustEssay On Trust
The Role Of Unreliable Narrator In Edgar Allan Poe s
Almost, if not all, of the narrators in Edgar Allan Poe s stories are unreliable.
Georgetown University defines an unreliable narrator as someone who typically
displays characteristics or tendencies that indicate a lack of credibility or
understanding of the story and this could depend on age, mental disability or personal
involvement . The narratorthen ends up giving the reader either incomplete or
inaccurate information as a result of these conditions . Some of the unreliable
narrators in Poe s stories are the creeper in The Telltale Heart, Montresor in The
Cask of Amontillado, and the murderer in The Black Cat. They are all clinically
insane, as they feel no remorse for any of their actions, and think nothing of what they
did. They... Show more content on ...
It haunted him throughout his life, so he vowed to kill the old man to stop the eye
s constant nagging. However, when he finally succeeded in his act, his own mind
concocted the sound of the old man s heart beating in his head. It got louder and
louder as he was being interrogated by police, until it drove him so mad that he
confessed to the murder. Referring back to how he spends a lot of the story
explaining how he isn t mad, the introduction to his tale itself is him going on and
on. To start it off, he says, True! nervous very, very dreadfully nervous I had been
and am! but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses
not destroyed not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all
things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I
mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily how calmly I can tell you the whole story,
(Poe 89). Then, merely 2 paragraphs later, he states, Now this is the point. You fancy
me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have
seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what foresight with what
dissimulation I went to work! (Poe 89). In all
Nicotine And Epigenetic Analysis
In this article, nicotine is utilized to figure out whether it causes emotional distress,
for example, anxiety and depression. These emotional symptoms might be brought
about because of epigenetic mechanisms or alterations, for example, histone
acetylation. Nicotine is a profoundly addictive part of tobacco. The chronic utilization
of nicotine is believed to increment emotional side effects such as anxiety and
depression. Anxiety and depression is seen in dependent smokers as withdrawal
indications. Epigeneticsis the study of alteration of gene expression which causes
changes in an organism. Mechanisms can be methylation, histoneacetylation and
alteration in microRNAs. Studies recommend that epigenetic changes, for example,
histone acetylation... Show more content on ...
The outcomes utilizing histone deacetylase inhibitors demonstrate the inclusion of
epigenetic histone acetylation in the weakening of nicotine and additionally
immobilization stress induced anxiety and depression like behavioral modifications.
The selective CB1 agonist AC, similar to histone deacetylase inhibitors, gave
anxiolytic and antidepressant like impacts against these behavioral adjustments,
which recommends the association of the endocannabinoid system, and the selective
CB1 antagonist SR antagonized the impacts of AC. Some weakening impact of SR
was seen on the anxiolytic and antidepressant like impacts of histone deacetylase
inhibitor induced histone acetylation, at the same time connected with both function
of the endocannabinoid system, one of the targets for histone deacetylase inhibitors,
and stressor induced emotion related behaviors. Be that as it may, against the
antidepressant like impacts of histone deacetylase inhibitors, the lessening impact of
SR was restricted in the nicotine treatment
The Pros And Cons Of Bluefin Tuna Consumption
Bluefin tuna consumption poses a risk to oceans and people. Despite being an
endangered species and the subject of a worldwide agreement to not over fish,
Bluefin tuna is still served at sushi restaurants around the world. It s beautiful and
delicious and sushi eaters are willing to pay a premium for the fatty, meaty fish. The
truth is, many people either don t know about the tunas status or don t believe it s as
bad as many scientists are saying.
Besides the species being highly endangered and over fished despite regulations,
Bluefin tuna accumulate toxins like mercury in their bodies, which get passed along
to happy restaurant goers. Because the species lives in almost every ocean and
migrates to reach an immense number of countries, Pacific Bluefin tuna and Atlantic
Bluefin tuna (also classified as northern and southern Bluefin tuna) can be caught and
eaten around the world. This also makes them especially hard to monitor: when
different nations are competing for one resource in the open ocean where no one has
jurisdiction, the international regulations are near impossible to enforce and it
becomes a free for all. ... Show more content on ...
Often times before they get the chance to return to Japan to reproduce, further
depleting their numbers. Turns out that some of these tuna, which were born last
year in the radioactive waters of Japan after the Fukushima nuclear reactor
meltdown, have carried their radioactivity to the United States. Though most of the
Bluefin tuna caught here are shipped right back to Japan, the fish ends up on more
and more American plates every year as the demand for sushi, and this delectable
animal, increases. The radioactive chemicals present in the fish do not pose a health
risk to people, fortunately, as they re still below the dangerous levels set by the US
Vivaldi The Four Seasons
I ve once heard a saying that a good music limitless in potential. It is shapeless and
boundless, rich in expression and emotion, connects everyone together, and is
celebrated throughout the span of time. I was reminded yet again of the validity of
this statement during Pacific Musicworks s Viva Vivaldi! performed at the UW
Meany Hall on a windy day in late February. The program, featuring some of the
most phenomenal classic string performers around the region, presented a
masterpiece by one of the iconic Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi, the Four
Seasons. A collection of four concertos, each representing the four distinct seasons of
the year, is revered as an exemplary programmatic work, where musical elements,
melodic contours and dynamics conjures characteristic features and imagery in the
audiences minds what the composer had intended to portray by his compositional art.
To take a step further, Vivaldi had set Four Seasons to a sonnet, where... Show more
content on ...
It was fun, unique, and a wonderful opportunity to experience music on more personal
level. Four Seasons contained many of the signature characteristics of the Baroque
period beginning with characteristic instruments (Strings, Violins, Lute), Exuberant
rhythm, complex melodies with lots of ornaments, and plenty of contrasts including
terraced dynamics. A concertoin ritornello form fully utilized three parts fast slow
fast composition throughout the collection. All unique characteristics combined,
Vivaldi managed to create a programmatic masterpiece that promoted rich emotions,
feelings, and imagery. In addition to all, the performers physical energy and actions
which well reflected the mood of the melody being played, elevated the focus and
emotions of the pieces to another level. Music is truly limitless: it was as if within an
hour, I had traveled through the entire
Community Of Inquiry Model Analysis
Community of Inquiry model, involving the components of social, teaching, and
cognitive presence, was significantly experienced since my first term at Frontier
Nursing University. The teaching presence during my didactic course was superb,
utilizing variety teaching methods, such as power points, group interactions, videos,
books, and power points. The didactic class then guided the teaching presence in
clinical with use of the provided books, resources provided, and guidance of my
regional clinical mentor. My preceptors attributed great deal to teaching presence,
sharing their depth of knowledgeand expanding my own skills and knowledge. The
cognitive presence had the greatest impact throughout the program. I believe that my
Patriarchy In The Woman Warrior
Unlike math or science, most literature is often open to different interpretations;
within every novel there is an inevitable grey area in what an author exactly means to
convey to their readers. The same is undeniably true within Maxine Hong Kingston s
memoir The Woman Warrior, a nonlinear hodgepodge of ghosts, white tiger and
tongues. In the traditional roman fleuve, the protagonist strives to reconcile self and
society so that they can construct a coherent self and achieve wholeness, in The
Woman Warriorhowever, Kingston cannot reconcile. The fact is, Kingston has
internalized so many doctrinal values of the patriarchy, that she incapable of
discerning a middle ground between slavery and rebellion. Throughout the memoir it
is apparent... Show more content on ...
There was one knot so complicated that it blinded the knot maker. Finally, an emperor
outlawed this cruel knot and the nobles could not order it anymore. If [Kingston] had
lived in China, [Kingston] would have been an outlaw knot maker. (163). The story
harkens back to all the previous buttons and frogs that were strung together and the
reader is reminded that each story Kingston has told is outlawed and forbidden. With
Kingston as the knot maker, all these unspoken tales of suicide, sitting ghosts and
women warriors are combined into one cruel knot that Kingston utilizes as her
weapon against the suppression of her culture. Kingston, in finally finding her voice
through these forbidden stories, leads a triumphant act of rebellion against the
traditional Chinese silence that has haunted her throughout the course of her
Evil Eichmann Good Vs Evil
Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
Some fifty years ago, the perpetrator of Holocaust, Adolph Eichmann was put on
trial. The prosecutor referred to him as a new killer, but reporting about the same
trial, Hannah Arendt made a different conclusion. She made a point that Eichmann
was a bureaucrat, referring to him as a law binding citizen who performed his duties
and subscribed to relevant orders. The main assertion was that when a good person in
placed in a bad situation, then it is definite that bad things will happen Haidt 2012).
Since then, numerous evidences have always emerged to support this claim. A
psychologist at Yale, Stanley Migram revealed that men would always inflict... Show
more content on ...
While some, like in the case of Lucifer and Adam turn evil as a result of
disobedience and pride, a majority of good people always get themselves doing evil
as a result of innovation and creativity. As illustrated in the paper, different
perspectives have always been applied to explain how good people turn evil.
Work cited
Fischhoff, B., Chauvin, C. 2011. Intelligence analysis : behavioral and social
scientific foundations. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Gino, F., Ariely, D. 2015. Dishonesty explained: What leads moral people to act
Haidt, J. 2012. The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and
religion. Vintage.
Haslam, N., Loughnan, S. 2014. Dehumanization and infrahumanization. Annual
review of psychology, 399 423.
Russell, A. 2015. Obedience and selective genocide in Burundi. Africa, 437 456.
Zimbardo, P. G. 2011. The Lucifer effect : how good people turn evil. London: Ebury
Literary Analysis Of The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Literary Analysis The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
by James Thurber is about a man who routinely fantasizes about himself in other
lives. The main character, Walter Mitty, inhabits a world that emasculates him.
During an errand run with his wife, Walter repeatedly imagines himself in
traditionally masculine roles. The characters he inhabits display distinct masculine
qualities such as courage, leadership, aggression, and decisiveness. In direct
contrast to this, Mitty shies away from conflict in reality and is often humiliated by
women and men. For instance, Mitty s car is a symbol of his inability to meet his
own masculine ideals. The man in the parking lot is required to park it for Mitty. His
wife sets
Vernon Ah Ke Analysis
Artists today explore ideas, concepts, questions, and practices that examine the past,
describe the present, or imagine the future. Contemporary artists use a dynamic
combination of media and technologies, methods, concepts, and subjects to create
works that reflects The Human Condition in modern culture and society. Three
contemporary artworks that utilise these artistic practices to express The Human
Condition are Michael Parekowhai, Tracey Moffatt and Vernon Ah Kee. Each artist
has used artistic devices to express the contemporary significance of The Human
Condition by creating works that reflect back to their own experience and the history
of their nationality.
The Promised Land by Michael Parekowhai presents Captain Cook as a symbol of
the ensuing debate about our national identity and history. The larger than life,
stainless steel sculpture of Captain Cook, contained in a space that resembles a
suburban house is strongly associated with Britain s settlement in Australia and New
Zealand. His work examines the ... Show more content on ...
Apparent in his works are themes such as racism, identity and culture that references
the artist s own backgrounds and experiences. Ah Kee draws on his own experiences
of being and aboriginal Australian in the contemporary life in Australia.
This work examines the past and also imagines the future by using references of
past racial murders and the way they coincide with the present context and explore
Australian Indigenous and non Indigenous culture in the present day. Ah Kee
created this series of artworks in response to the apparent police cover up of the
death of a young man in their custody, for protection of their own lead to claims of
racism. The faces are also non specific and have no identity, this refers back to the
devastating history of racial discrimination and violence against indigenous people in
Life Is Beautiful Opening Scene Analysis
In the film, Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni

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Essay On Trust

  • 1. Essay On Trust Writing an essay on the topic of trust can be both challenging and rewarding. Trust is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions of human relationships, social dynamics, and personal beliefs. Capturing the essence of trust in a coherent and insightful essay requires a deep understanding of its psychological, sociological, and philosophical aspects. One of the challenges lies in defining trust itself. Trust is not a monolithic concept; it evolves and manifests differently in different contexts. Exploring the nuances of trust in interpersonal relationships, professional settings, and societal structures demands a careful examination of trust-building factors and the consequences of trust erosion. Moreover, delving into the psychological mechanisms that underpin trust involves navigating through theories of interpersonal trust, trustworthiness, and the delicate balance between vulnerability and assurance. Addressing the impact of trust on collaboration, communication, and overall well-being adds another layer of complexity to the essay. The essay also needs to consider the cultural variations in the perception and manifestation of trust. What may be considered trustworthy behavior in one culture might be perceived differently in another. Therefore, a comprehensive essay on trust must acknowledge and analyze these cultural dimensions. Crafting a compelling essay on trust requires not only thorough research but also the ability to synthesize information and present a cohesive narrative. Balancing theoretical frameworks with real-world examples and personal reflections can enhance the depth and authenticity of the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on trust is a formidable task that demands intellectual rigor, empathy, and a keen understanding of human nature. Successfully navigating through the intricacies of trust requires a nuanced approach and the ability to connect various dots to present a comprehensive and insightful perspective. For those seeking assistance with essays or exploring diverse topics, various resources are available. Websites like provide a platform where one can order essays, research papers, and more. These services can be valuable for those looking to save time or gain insights from professional writers, ensuring a high-quality output on a range of subjects. Essay On TrustEssay On Trust
  • 2. The Role Of Unreliable Narrator In Edgar Allan Poe s Stories Almost, if not all, of the narrators in Edgar Allan Poe s stories are unreliable. Georgetown University defines an unreliable narrator as someone who typically displays characteristics or tendencies that indicate a lack of credibility or understanding of the story and this could depend on age, mental disability or personal involvement . The narratorthen ends up giving the reader either incomplete or inaccurate information as a result of these conditions . Some of the unreliable narrators in Poe s stories are the creeper in The Telltale Heart, Montresor in The Cask of Amontillado, and the murderer in The Black Cat. They are all clinically insane, as they feel no remorse for any of their actions, and think nothing of what they did. They... Show more content on ... It haunted him throughout his life, so he vowed to kill the old man to stop the eye s constant nagging. However, when he finally succeeded in his act, his own mind concocted the sound of the old man s heart beating in his head. It got louder and louder as he was being interrogated by police, until it drove him so mad that he confessed to the murder. Referring back to how he spends a lot of the story explaining how he isn t mad, the introduction to his tale itself is him going on and on. To start it off, he says, True! nervous very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am! but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses not destroyed not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily how calmly I can tell you the whole story, (Poe 89). Then, merely 2 paragraphs later, he states, Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what foresight with what dissimulation I went to work! (Poe 89). In all
  • 3. Nicotine And Epigenetic Analysis In this article, nicotine is utilized to figure out whether it causes emotional distress, for example, anxiety and depression. These emotional symptoms might be brought about because of epigenetic mechanisms or alterations, for example, histone acetylation. Nicotine is a profoundly addictive part of tobacco. The chronic utilization of nicotine is believed to increment emotional side effects such as anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression is seen in dependent smokers as withdrawal indications. Epigeneticsis the study of alteration of gene expression which causes changes in an organism. Mechanisms can be methylation, histoneacetylation and alteration in microRNAs. Studies recommend that epigenetic changes, for example, histone acetylation... Show more content on ... The outcomes utilizing histone deacetylase inhibitors demonstrate the inclusion of epigenetic histone acetylation in the weakening of nicotine and additionally immobilization stress induced anxiety and depression like behavioral modifications. The selective CB1 agonist AC, similar to histone deacetylase inhibitors, gave anxiolytic and antidepressant like impacts against these behavioral adjustments, which recommends the association of the endocannabinoid system, and the selective CB1 antagonist SR antagonized the impacts of AC. Some weakening impact of SR was seen on the anxiolytic and antidepressant like impacts of histone deacetylase inhibitor induced histone acetylation, at the same time connected with both function of the endocannabinoid system, one of the targets for histone deacetylase inhibitors, and stressor induced emotion related behaviors. Be that as it may, against the antidepressant like impacts of histone deacetylase inhibitors, the lessening impact of SR was restricted in the nicotine treatment
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Bluefin Tuna Consumption Bluefin tuna consumption poses a risk to oceans and people. Despite being an endangered species and the subject of a worldwide agreement to not over fish, Bluefin tuna is still served at sushi restaurants around the world. It s beautiful and delicious and sushi eaters are willing to pay a premium for the fatty, meaty fish. The truth is, many people either don t know about the tunas status or don t believe it s as bad as many scientists are saying. Besides the species being highly endangered and over fished despite regulations, Bluefin tuna accumulate toxins like mercury in their bodies, which get passed along to happy restaurant goers. Because the species lives in almost every ocean and migrates to reach an immense number of countries, Pacific Bluefin tuna and Atlantic Bluefin tuna (also classified as northern and southern Bluefin tuna) can be caught and eaten around the world. This also makes them especially hard to monitor: when different nations are competing for one resource in the open ocean where no one has jurisdiction, the international regulations are near impossible to enforce and it becomes a free for all. ... Show more content on ... Often times before they get the chance to return to Japan to reproduce, further depleting their numbers. Turns out that some of these tuna, which were born last year in the radioactive waters of Japan after the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown, have carried their radioactivity to the United States. Though most of the Bluefin tuna caught here are shipped right back to Japan, the fish ends up on more and more American plates every year as the demand for sushi, and this delectable animal, increases. The radioactive chemicals present in the fish do not pose a health risk to people, fortunately, as they re still below the dangerous levels set by the US
  • 5. Vivaldi The Four Seasons I ve once heard a saying that a good music limitless in potential. It is shapeless and boundless, rich in expression and emotion, connects everyone together, and is celebrated throughout the span of time. I was reminded yet again of the validity of this statement during Pacific Musicworks s Viva Vivaldi! performed at the UW Meany Hall on a windy day in late February. The program, featuring some of the most phenomenal classic string performers around the region, presented a masterpiece by one of the iconic Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi, the Four Seasons. A collection of four concertos, each representing the four distinct seasons of the year, is revered as an exemplary programmatic work, where musical elements, melodic contours and dynamics conjures characteristic features and imagery in the audiences minds what the composer had intended to portray by his compositional art. To take a step further, Vivaldi had set Four Seasons to a sonnet, where... Show more content on ... It was fun, unique, and a wonderful opportunity to experience music on more personal level. Four Seasons contained many of the signature characteristics of the Baroque period beginning with characteristic instruments (Strings, Violins, Lute), Exuberant rhythm, complex melodies with lots of ornaments, and plenty of contrasts including terraced dynamics. A concertoin ritornello form fully utilized three parts fast slow fast composition throughout the collection. All unique characteristics combined, Vivaldi managed to create a programmatic masterpiece that promoted rich emotions, feelings, and imagery. In addition to all, the performers physical energy and actions which well reflected the mood of the melody being played, elevated the focus and emotions of the pieces to another level. Music is truly limitless: it was as if within an hour, I had traveled through the entire
  • 6. Community Of Inquiry Model Analysis Community of Inquiry model, involving the components of social, teaching, and cognitive presence, was significantly experienced since my first term at Frontier Nursing University. The teaching presence during my didactic course was superb, utilizing variety teaching methods, such as power points, group interactions, videos, books, and power points. The didactic class then guided the teaching presence in clinical with use of the provided books, resources provided, and guidance of my regional clinical mentor. My preceptors attributed great deal to teaching presence, sharing their depth of knowledgeand expanding my own skills and knowledge. The cognitive presence had the greatest impact throughout the program. I believe that my reason
  • 7. Patriarchy In The Woman Warrior Unlike math or science, most literature is often open to different interpretations; within every novel there is an inevitable grey area in what an author exactly means to convey to their readers. The same is undeniably true within Maxine Hong Kingston s memoir The Woman Warrior, a nonlinear hodgepodge of ghosts, white tiger and tongues. In the traditional roman fleuve, the protagonist strives to reconcile self and society so that they can construct a coherent self and achieve wholeness, in The Woman Warriorhowever, Kingston cannot reconcile. The fact is, Kingston has internalized so many doctrinal values of the patriarchy, that she incapable of discerning a middle ground between slavery and rebellion. Throughout the memoir it is apparent... Show more content on ... There was one knot so complicated that it blinded the knot maker. Finally, an emperor outlawed this cruel knot and the nobles could not order it anymore. If [Kingston] had lived in China, [Kingston] would have been an outlaw knot maker. (163). The story harkens back to all the previous buttons and frogs that were strung together and the reader is reminded that each story Kingston has told is outlawed and forbidden. With Kingston as the knot maker, all these unspoken tales of suicide, sitting ghosts and women warriors are combined into one cruel knot that Kingston utilizes as her weapon against the suppression of her culture. Kingston, in finally finding her voice through these forbidden stories, leads a triumphant act of rebellion against the traditional Chinese silence that has haunted her throughout the course of her
  • 8. Evil Eichmann Good Vs Evil 1 2 Understanding How Good People Turn Evil Name Institution Date Introduction Some fifty years ago, the perpetrator of Holocaust, Adolph Eichmann was put on trial. The prosecutor referred to him as a new killer, but reporting about the same trial, Hannah Arendt made a different conclusion. She made a point that Eichmann was a bureaucrat, referring to him as a law binding citizen who performed his duties and subscribed to relevant orders. The main assertion was that when a good person in placed in a bad situation, then it is definite that bad things will happen Haidt 2012). Since then, numerous evidences have always emerged to support this claim. A psychologist at Yale, Stanley Migram revealed that men would always inflict... Show more content on ... While some, like in the case of Lucifer and Adam turn evil as a result of disobedience and pride, a majority of good people always get themselves doing evil as a result of innovation and creativity. As illustrated in the paper, different perspectives have always been applied to explain how good people turn evil. Work cited Fischhoff, B., Chauvin, C. 2011. Intelligence analysis : behavioral and social scientific foundations. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Gino, F., Ariely, D. 2015. Dishonesty explained: What leads moral people to act immorally. Haidt, J. 2012. The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion. Vintage. Haslam, N., Loughnan, S. 2014. Dehumanization and infrahumanization. Annual review of psychology, 399 423. Russell, A. 2015. Obedience and selective genocide in Burundi. Africa, 437 456. Zimbardo, P. G. 2011. The Lucifer effect : how good people turn evil. London: Ebury
  • 9. Literary Analysis Of The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Literary Analysis The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber is about a man who routinely fantasizes about himself in other lives. The main character, Walter Mitty, inhabits a world that emasculates him. During an errand run with his wife, Walter repeatedly imagines himself in traditionally masculine roles. The characters he inhabits display distinct masculine qualities such as courage, leadership, aggression, and decisiveness. In direct contrast to this, Mitty shies away from conflict in reality and is often humiliated by women and men. For instance, Mitty s car is a symbol of his inability to meet his own masculine ideals. The man in the parking lot is required to park it for Mitty. His wife sets
  • 10. Vernon Ah Ke Analysis Artists today explore ideas, concepts, questions, and practices that examine the past, describe the present, or imagine the future. Contemporary artists use a dynamic combination of media and technologies, methods, concepts, and subjects to create works that reflects The Human Condition in modern culture and society. Three contemporary artworks that utilise these artistic practices to express The Human Condition are Michael Parekowhai, Tracey Moffatt and Vernon Ah Kee. Each artist has used artistic devices to express the contemporary significance of The Human Condition by creating works that reflect back to their own experience and the history of their nationality. The Promised Land by Michael Parekowhai presents Captain Cook as a symbol of the ensuing debate about our national identity and history. The larger than life, stainless steel sculpture of Captain Cook, contained in a space that resembles a suburban house is strongly associated with Britain s settlement in Australia and New Zealand. His work examines the ... Show more content on ... Apparent in his works are themes such as racism, identity and culture that references the artist s own backgrounds and experiences. Ah Kee draws on his own experiences of being and aboriginal Australian in the contemporary life in Australia. This work examines the past and also imagines the future by using references of past racial murders and the way they coincide with the present context and explore Australian Indigenous and non Indigenous culture in the present day. Ah Kee created this series of artworks in response to the apparent police cover up of the death of a young man in their custody, for protection of their own lead to claims of racism. The faces are also non specific and have no identity, this refers back to the devastating history of racial discrimination and violence against indigenous people in
  • 11. Life Is Beautiful Opening Scene Analysis In the film, Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni