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Essay On Yes We Can Speech
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Essay On Yes We Can SpeechEssay On Yes We Can Speech
Working At The Country Club
During my sophomore year of high school, one of my teachers approached me and asked if I
was interested in a job for the summer at the country of a local country club. While I was
nervous at first, I accepted the job, and have now completed two successful summers there. The
experience of having a summer job taught me many things; and as I continued to take on more
and more responsibilities over the summer, I learned even more about how to be responsible at all
times and to empathize with someone in order to understand their perspective and to help improve
their experience. One of the many responsibilities of my job was to help prepare billing statements
for the members of the country club. This taught me to be responsible at all times, as even the
slightest mistake could result in a member being overcharged or undercharged which could lead to
a number of other problems for both the member and the club.... Show more content on ...
If a member was having a problem of any kind, I had to be able to place myself in his or her
shoes, and understand that he or she was paying a lot of money to be a member, and a result they
deserved to receive the best service possible. Working with customers also helped me realize that
the way you conduct yourself in all settings leaves an impression upon people, which was a
valuable lesson in developing my character. In conclusion, working at the country club taught me a
number of things which will come in handy as I continue maturing into adulthood. Being a
responsible, well rounded person may not seem like an extraordinary accomplishment, I think the
world would be a better place if more people embodied those
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Compromise For The Compromise Of 1850
Compromise that means to come to an agreement, a settlement that brings peace, but not without
some discomfort for both sides. This compromise is hopefully long lasting and satisfying to both
sides and brings with it a rest. The Compromise of 1850 sounds like exactly that, but there is more
to this compromise. This compromise came when there was much dispute about the future of the
western lands recently acquired from the Mexican government California, Utah, and New Mexico.
The Southerners of America wanted the states entered into the union as slave states, while the
Northerners wanted them entered as free states. When this issue became more heated and continued
to escalate, The Great Compromiser, Mr. Henry Clay himself, came out of retirement to do his
thing and create a compromise. He proposed that California would enter the union as a Slave State
and Utah and New Mexico would enter as neutral, being neither a slave nor free state. Parts of both
the North and the South hated and liked this plan. Some misanthropists in the South threatened to
secede from the union and while the majority knew that to be rubbish at the time, it did eventually
come true with the start of the Civil War. The North wanted to see slavery come to an end and were
fighting tooth and nail to see that through. After months of debating and changes made to Clay s
compromise it was eventually put into action. There was still unrest in both the North and South,
and the compromise only
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Senator Rubio Case Study
Descriptive representation may not have a positive and significant impact on a politician s
agenda. This case study is on Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. He was born on May 28,
1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents were born in Cuba, which makes Senator Rubio a Cuban
American. He makes a great case study to reflect on the opposite idea of descriptive representation
in the political system. It is essential to talk about his parents history with immigration in order to
understand why he does not correctly represent Latinos, especially Cuban Americans or other
minority groups that he should be representing. His parents immigrated from Cuba to the United
Statesin 1956 before the rise of Fidel Castro, which was in January 1959. When Senator Rubio was
born, neither of his parents were U.S. citizens.... Show more content on ...
citizenship, and got naturalized in 1975. The second time that his grandfather immigrated to the
U.S. in 1962, he did it illegally, so he was detained, and under the risk of deportation. At the end,
Senator Rubio s grandfather was able to stay in the U.S. His grandfather was given legal status.
According to McClain Johnson Carew, Cubans entering the United States after Castro s rise to
power in 1959 generally enjoyed handsome financial support from the US government and were
encourage to seek US citizenship (17). His grandfather ended up applying for a permanent resident
status in 1966, which got approved, right after the Cuban Adjustment Act, which is a federal law
that gives Cuban refugees permanent resident status under certain circumstances. There were other
relatives of Senator Rubio, who immigrated to the U.S. as refugees as
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Reduction of Natural Resources Essay
Reduction of Natural Resources
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to make known the negative social implications of the
catching up development myth through globalization and to break down specific concepts of
vertical and lateral oppression from the top natural resources consumers of oil in the world. This
paper also demonstrates my interest in creating biological and economic equity in the world
through breaking down these oppressive frameworks and hence, my interest in obtaining
knowledge about alternative energy uses to be used as a tool to help liberate others in places of need.
The catching up development myth as explained by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva in
Ecofeminism, is the idea that underdeveloped countries ... Show more content on ...
The ecological costs of making the materials in the Maquladoras result in chemical wastes into the
local air, soil, and water systems. The Maquiladora companies are responsible for the short and
long term environmental degradation inflicted on the local area, which is not factored into the cost
of production. One of the main reasons, however, as to why not all countries can be as industrial
productive as the U.S., is simply because it is materialistically impossible. The carrying capacity of
the earth s natural resources cannot handle the consumption rate of the U.S. if it is applied to the
rest of the world. If, for example, we note that the six percent of the world s population who live
in the U.S. annually consume 25 percent (which we discussed in class) of all the oil energy
produced, obviously, it is impossible for the rest of the world s population, of which 80 percent
live in poor countries, to consume energy on that scale. How can the concept of catching up be
true? Maria Mies explains In my opinion, the powers that dominate today s world economy are
aware of this, the managers of the transnational corporations, the World Bank, the IMF, the banks
and governments of the club of rich counties; and in fact they do not really want this
universolization because it would end their growth model. She goes on to explain how this
oppressive framework is often masked by such euphemisms as North South relations , sustainable
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Thesis Of Super Size Me
Contrary to the popular belief of the time, Morgan Spurlock s amateur documentary Supersize
Me pushed reform in both fast food culture, and eating habits of citizens, being one of the first
catalysts in a new movement in America. This 2004 film, being the first of his works to establish
Spurlock as a filmmaker, focuses on Spurlock s 30 day journey in which he vowed to eat solely
McDonalds for three meals a day, and track his overall mental, physical, and social changes over
this span of time. Throughout the film, Spurlock consults three doctors (a gastroenterologist, a
cardiologist, and a general practitioner) as well as a nutritionist to monitor physical change and
gather quantitative data supporting his claim. The film often exhibited... Show more content on ...
For the most part, the straight forward thesis used multiple successful techniques for it s support.
One of these tactics being Spurlock s combination of different filming styles. He utilizes a large
range of film techniques from factual, statistical data to interactive, cartoon style animations and
pop culture soundtracks. Spurlock also often interviews a multitude of different people, films his
own home video style shots from in his car or apartment, and even show clips of an open
liposuction surgery to broaden his targeted audience, and appeal to the average person . With each
additional film style Spurlock adds to his final product, he is adding new views on the same issue;
that change needs to come and reforms need to be made. Thus bringing me to my next thought.
This film does an exceptional job at indicating that much of these unhealthy options are coming
from increased advertising. Though to some it may seem as though Spurlock is only targeting
McDonalds, he is really arguing that unhealthy choices are flooding our culture, not only for the
adults, but also the youth through a profound amount of advertising. Everything from commercials
on T.V. with fun characters and catchy jingles to large, flashy billboards, Spurlock suggests that
this has a large impact on many people. And as A. O. Scott says in his review of the movie, anyone
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Group Policy Paper For Profits Institutions
Group Policy Paper For Profits Institutions
Policy: Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010
Relevant History
Higher education attainment is one important parameter of national competitiveness in today s
increasing global world. Compare to 1990, today, the rank of U.S. in the world in four year
degree attainment dropped from the 1st to the 12th. Therefore, President Obama set a new goal for
the United States to be first in the world again in college attainment by 2020, in order to remain
global competitive, and fulfill the needs of the growing new jobs which requires more education of
the new economy (The White House, n.d.).
President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne announced the United States Department of
Education s Race to the Top competition, a $4.35 billion incentive program designed to make
drastic reforms and improvements in education and student performance, as a part of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. After a rigorous competition with other states, Tennessee
emerged as one of the two states awarded Race to the Top funding and will receive $501 million
over the next four years (The Public Agenda for Tennessee Higher Education2010 2015, 2011).
For Profit Institutions
Characteristics of For Profit Institutions
For profit institutions are different from traditional public and private institutions on educational
philosophy and business mission (Mmeje, Newman, Kramer II, Peason, 2009). Traditional
universities receive funding and
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How Does Offred Use Religion In The Handmaid s Tale
wanted. Because of this, Offred lost her identity as married, educated, and free women. Because
of the works of her mother, she is now seen as a women with viable ovaries, and can no longer
live the wonderful life she used to have. Aunt Lydia is another character, who unlike the other
characters, affects Offred with anti feminism. Offred introduces Aunt Lydia as one of the mentors
at the Red Center, who prepares the handmaid s to be sent out to the home of the elite to produce a
child. Aunt Lydia uses brainwashing as a way to promote anti feminism. She believes that women
were given too much freedom during the pre Gilead period, and that the restricted freedom
currently is the best freedom available for women. There is more than one kind... Show more
content on ...
During the pre Gilead period society was free and was able to do as they pleased. However, the
extremist views of religion changed the life of Gilead. Society is forced to believe that the
Republic of Gilead is much better than the pre Gilead period, and that they are the supreme
power of the world. The creators of the totalitarian regime believe that society can forget about
the past. They also use brainwashing and desensitizes society from the amount of violence,
executions, discrimination, and horrible treatment towards women and those with different
religions. Women in Gilead are just seen as reproductive machines, like as they were commonly
used in the Bible. Aunt Lydia brainwashes the handmaid s by stating: This may not seem
ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary (31). However, Offred
knows that her life will never be ordinary. She admits to the reader that her once free life is lost.
She walks by Harvard University everyday; what once was a symbol of knowledge and
innovation, is now seen as a place where executed bodies hang as a fear tactic for those who do
not believe in Gilead. While others have become desensitized to the amount of executions and
harsh violence in Gilead, Offred never does. Society was forced to forget their past, however,
Offred never does. Offred cannot simply accept a society that took everything that she once loved
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The Common Problem Of Addiction
Some people truly do not understand how serious an addiction really can be; they even used the
word lightly. They say thing like I m addicted to shoes, or I m addicted to eating chocolate. They
can really like shoes or really like to eat chocolate but can they truly say that they are addicted to
these things. The common definition for the word addition is to have a compulsive need to have
something on a regular bases, that can means every day. Addictionis looked at as being a chronic
disease of the brain. Just like any other disease addiction can take over your life. The most
common addiction that hurts our society more then we know is drug or alcohol addictions. Not
only is it taking over our community s but it is also taking over our jails and prisons. There are
over 6.8 million people in America that are suffering with a drug or alcohol addiction, and many of
these people are suffering alone. Since they have these addictions many times they are arrest for
using drugs or committing a crimeso that they can get the drugs they need. There are over two
million people serving time in our jails and prisons and over 500,000 are there because of a drug
related crime. Drug and alcohol addiction has become an increasing problem over the years. We
need to look more in to making sure that these individuals get the right help instead of just locking
them up and throwing away the key. By doing this we could decrease their chances of them reusing
and re offending and returning to jail
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Treatment Of Women In Othello
Women In Society
In Shakespeare s play Othello , women are often represented as pure,while being misunderstood as
adulterous because of the men, often leaving them in powerless positions and manipulated by men.
Women are viewed as adulterous in society s eyes, but mainly in Othello s eyes because of the lies
that were feed to him. Othello believes people s perception over the truth perception meaning he
took Iago s words over Desdemona s. Was this fair paper, this most goodly book, Made to write
whore upon? What committed? [Committed? O thou public commoner, (4.2.82 84). Othello was
brought into lies toward his wife. Women are seen differently from the outside as their appearance
than the way they act around men because of these judgements women were mistreated without
having to speak up. Eventhough. they might be with that one specific guy married or not married
women are still not faithful. Men are betrayed by their own wives or at least that is what they are
told. ... Show more content on ...
The riches of the ship is come on shore! You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to
thee, lady, and the grace of heaven (2.1.93 96). This demonstrated, that women were perceived as
angelic and heavenly, Cassio has always shown respect for Desdemona, but cassio is not the only
one who shown respect. Othello gets manipulated by Desdemona s beauty and her poetic tone
towards him Illustrating Othello has been in a trance to Desdemona s love, but feels guilty because
his name calling toward his wife illustrated that he had lost hope for what seemed to be his true
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Pdf Level 3 Unit 731
Unit 731
Most of us have heard of the experiments performed by Dr. Mengele and the nazis, but most of
us have not heard of the evils of Unit 731. This is a group that showcases the means people go for
knowledge and research, this is a group that is more or as equally as disturbing as the holocaust. It
all starts with one man Named Shiro Ishii an extremely bright young mind who had his life all
planned out and worked for the military but disappointed with the ban of chemical warfare and
from then on was adamant about building chemical weapons to aid his country. He then started
traveling the world primarily america and europe to research an extremely contagious disease that
was hard to study and when he came back he returned with a project ... Show more content on ...
Other conditions of the hell were that women were raped daily and contracted syphilis and s.t.d
s also it was almost routine for the guard s, and people would be exposed to extreme heat and
cold to study the frostbites and burns of them and others were infected by the plaque and every
day blood would be taken from all prisoners and when they were to weak they were all given the
fate of vivisection. Infections were so bad that people s limbs were rotting because of necrosis
and that prisoners were hanged upside down to how long it takes for a person to
suffocate(deepblacklies) and they were always starving to the point of famine and death other s
limbs were amputated and often reattached to other parts of the body, others were exposed to
lethal doses of x ray radiation and people were injected with horse urine in their stomach causing
numerous infections. And probably the worst one is vivisection on infant and children and when
women were pregnant by the guards by rape they vivisected them and often you could see the
fetus in them. These are not all the experiments performed by the group and this was all in the
name of science . These experiments shows the evil that can be and will be committed in search of
power and future generations will look down with shame knowing
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Compare To The Flea By John Donne
William Wordsworth once said, Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes
its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility . This quote definitely holds true to Andrew
Marvell s poem To His Coy Mistress and John Donne s poem The Flea . The theme of each of
these are quite similar, these two metaphysical poetsboth used poetryas a way to convince their
lovers to have sex with them. Being metaphysical poets, their writing styles are indeed similar as
well; argument, union of lovers souls, abstruse terminology, and carpe diem. Although both Donne
and Marvell used the same theme and writing styles, the way they depict their arguments are
extremely different from one another.
In the poem To His Coy Mistress in three stanzas the speaker is convincing his female beloved to
sleep with him, he says that his lover s coyness and doubtfulness would be adequate if they had
all the time in the world. The speaker convinces his lady by saying that time is fleeting and in
the same manner as all other humans their time will end one day so why not make love now. In
the poem The Flea in three stanzas the speaker is also convincing his female beloved to sleep
with him, he uses a flea as a way to convince his lover that their bodily fluids have already came
together. The speaker declares that having sexual intercoursewill not be that big of a deal being
that their bodily fluids have already came together. Towards the end of the poem the speaker claims
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Analyzing The Studio System In Hollywood In The 1920 s
The studio system was an arrangement of craft services and talent that made movies dictated by
contractual terms. Through this system, studios could easily move from project to project,
producing like that of a factory. Creating movies in this arrangement eliminated the need to raise
money or finances; directors usually created movies in the style of the studio which lessened
artistic creativity (Lewis, p 104). The studio system was dominant in Hollywood through the
1920 s well into the 1950 s. Analyzing the studio system simplistically we see basic capitalism. In
the 1920 s movies became more popular, so fulfilling the rules of basic supply and demand,
studios were formed to profit from the insatiable public desire to see more films (in
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Hotel Personnel
The Hotel Director is responsible for all hotel departments onboard and supervises all hotel
department heads to ensure company standards and procedures are being upheld, in an effort to
maximize guest service and satisfaction. The Hotel Director oversees crew morale onboard and
allocates crew cabins. They are directly involved in the maximization of onboard revenues and will
monitor and control expenses and requisitions of all hotel departments. The Hotel Director ensures
all group functions and our VIP guests are looked after.
The Chief Purser is responsible for the overall operation of the Guest Services on board and
manages the Purser ... Show more content on ...
Also, working different shifts, such as a Day Assistant(s) and Night Assistant(s).
Laundry Manager Responsible for the cleaning and pressing of all items onboard, such as guests
clothes, ship s linens (tablecloths, napkins) and crew clothes. Responsible for the operation and all
personnel associated with the Main Laundry.
Manages the Camp Carnival youth program. Supervises the youth counselors in performing baby
sitting and scheduled youth activities. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT
Responsible for virtually all cash handling onboard, the Chief Accountant will control the ship s
safe, prepare weekly cash and expense reports, pay tour operators and issue funds to the Pursers for
Purser floats. The Chief Accountant also collects the cash deposits from business partners in
addition to the Casino. The Chief Accountant is responsible for overseeing the cost and revenue
accountants in their departments and ensuring proper reports are generated daily.
Revenue Accountants Responsible for the maintaining the Sail amp; Sign system. They recognize
and repair problems with the system, execute daily and voyage functions and balance all cash
reports and figures related to Sail amp; Sign.
Paymaster Responsible for paying the crewmembers onboard their salary.
Oversees the medical team onboard and makes any
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Abnormal Psychology
According to Cherry (2016), abnormal psychology is a branch within psychology that focuses on
behaviour that is unusual and not deemed as normal within society. This branch of psychology is
composed of a variety of disorders and their causes as well as possible management and/or
treatment. With this in mind and within this assignment, I will discuss the causes of abnormal
behaviour, discuss the causes and symptoms of mood disorder as well as discuss the background
and importance of Sigmund Freud.
Section One The Causes of Abnormal Psychology
With the above understanding of the branch that is abnormal psychology, it is important to look at
the causes or reasons as to why unusual, that which is beyond the norm of what behaviour is ...
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(Fincham et al, 2005: 317)
Biological make up and genetics could also play a part in causing an individual to display
abnormal behaviour. It is believed that the disorders that are found within abnormal psychology
are as a result of the genetic make up of the individual, for example as a result of a brain defect.
Although some disorders can be characterised by genetic defects, it is not possible that these
defects can be pin pointed as the sole cause.
(Fincham et al, 2005: 317)
Attachment and security serve as further causes of abnormal psychology. As above, the
attachment model of psychopathology also places emphasis on the relationship between the
parent and child but, rather than focusing on the perceptions of the child, there is a focus on the
characteristics of the actual relationship. It is believed that if a parent does not provide a feeling
of security, trust and love then the child will develop a negative view and, thus, result in an
inability to regulate emotions and feelings. As a result, the child will be at a greater risk of
developing a disorder.
(Fincham et al, 2005: 317)
Distorted can be defined as selectively changing or not completely representing true reality. With
this definition in mind, distorted thinking can most certainly be deemed as a cause of abnormal
psychology. Thinking in a distorted manner can allow an individual to expect the worst and
exasperate on negativity and pessimistic ways.
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Stephanie Case Study
Stephanie was referred to FACT for CMO services by Trinitas Hospital CCIS unit. Stephanie was
admitted to CCIS on 4/18/17 for running away from her mother s home and making threats to hurt
self if she were to return to reside with her mother. While in the hospital, Stephanie has also been
refusing to visit with mother. At the time of the FCP meeting, Stephanie (Youth) resides with her
Natalia Ramos (Mother), Elsa Sanchez (Maternal grandmother) and Johnathan Sanchez (Uncle)
who disabled. Mother and stepfather recently divorced. Her father Hamilton Ramirez (biological
Father) lives in Elizabeth with his girlfriend and younger daughter. Each biological parent has
children with other people. Parents do not get along at all. Youth wants to live with father.
Stephanie appears to have no respect for her mother and does not follow her directions especially
when mother disciplines her. She argues with her mother often and Ms. Ramos hit youth in the past
with her hand and a ... Show more content on ...
Stephanie reports that mother is not home a lot and feels that her mother is also not emotionally
available. Stephanie has witnessed domestic violence between her biological parents as well as
between stepfather and mother. Ms. Ramos had surgery for breast cancer and is beginning stages of
treatment. Within the past year, there have been several changes in the familial structure and family
dynamics appear to be very unstable.
Upon Stephanie discharge from the CCIS unit on 5/25/17 it was court ordered through family court
that youth resides with her biological father Mr. Ramirez in Elizabeth. Family court judge ruled in
youth favor due to Stephanie s continuous troublesome relationship with her mother. Stephanie
identifies her family problems as the primary stressor for her depression. Stephanie reports having
difficulty focusing in school, decreased energy, frequent thoughts of hurting herself with no attempt
and difficulty
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What Caused The Stock Market Crash
Since the creation of stock exchanges in the 13th century, the stock market has played a vast
role in our history. It s the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks or shares; these may include
securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. The biggest crash in
history took place in 1929. Depression consumed the people and the economy was at its nadir. In
2008, another crash took place. Still today we can look back and see how it has shaped the world in
a negative way. A stock marketcrash has been defined as a sudden dramatic decline of stockprices
across a significant cross section of a stock market, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth.
Crashes are caused mainly by inadequate management of the stock market. The 1929 Stock Market
crash was the result of multiple economic disproportions and lack of organizational structure. Many
people think that the Great Depressionwas caused because of the crash; however, that is an
entirely misled idea. The depression took place just after the crash, meaning it was not really its
cause but the spark to the fire. Just before everything happened, the market was as high as it could
ever be.... Show more content on ...
Just as people could feel the side effects of the crash back in 1929, still today we can feel the
effects of the crash in 2008. When the recession occurred, about 9 million people had lost their
jobs by 2009 in the United States and housing prices had fell to their lowest point. It has been
seven years since the market has gone down that severely; however, it has recovered greatly since
the crisis
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Tiktaalik Research Paper
The picture of the cover of the magazine features Tiktaalik, a creature that is intermediate
between fish and primitive land living animals. Tiktaalik has fish like characteristics with scales
on its back as well as fins with fin webbing. However, it also has a flat head and a neck similar to
early land living animals. Inside the fin, one can also see bones that correlate with the parts of
the wrist, forearm, and upper arm. All of this is inside a fin with webbing. Shubin once dissected
a cadaver, but was never emotionally attached to it until he dissected the hand. It was when he
unwrapped the hand did he come to the realization that this hand once belonged to a living person
who used it to move and touch. Later on in his career, Shubin discovered Tiktaalik which revealed
the early stages of the parts of our hand evolving: the finger area, palm, and wrist. Shubin
expressed that seeing the wrist of a fishwas just as worthwhile as unwrapping the fingers of the
cadaver because during both times, he uncovered a deep relationship between his humanity and
another being. Sonic hedgehog is a gene named by fly geneticists Tabin, McMahon, and Ingham.
The name was given to the chicken version of hedgehog because the flies with a mutation in the
gene possessed bristles and this reminded them of a hedgehog. In... Show more content on ...
In humans, the first arch forms the upper and lower jaws, the malleus and incus, and all the vessels
and muscles that supply them. The second arch forms the stapes, a tiny throat bone, and the
majority of the muscle that control facial expression. The third arch forms the nerves, muscles, and
bones located deeper in the throat that is used for swallowing. Lastly, the fourth arch forms the
larynx and the surrounding muscles and vessels that help it function
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How Did Nathan Hale Influence The Military
Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut, in 1755 to Richard Hale and Elizabeth Strong,
his parents. In 1768, when he was fourteen years old, he was sent to Yale College with his
brother, Enoch. Nathan was a classmate of a patriot spy. His name was Benjamin Tallmadge.
Nathan graduated with first class honors at the age of 18 and became a teacher. He was the first
in East Haddam and later in New London. After the Revolutionary War began, he joined a
Connecticut militia and was elected first lieutenant. It has been suggested that he was unsure as
to whether he wanted to fight, or whether he was hindered because his teaching contract in New
London did not expire until several months later, in July 1775. On July 4, 1775, Hale received a
letter from his classmate and friend, who had gone to Boston to see the siege for himself. He
wrote to Hale, Was I in your condition, I think the more extensive service would be my choice.
Tallmadge s letter was so inspiring that, several days later, Hale accepted a commission as first
lieutenant in the 7th Connecticut Regiment under Colonel Charles Webb of Stamford. In the next
spring, the army moved to Manhattan to prevent the British from taking the City of New York. In...
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He was ferried across on September 12. During the mission, New York fell to British forces on
September 15 because of that Washington was forced to retreat to the island s north shore. On
September 21, a portion of the lower part of Manhattan burned in the Great New York Fire. The
fire was later widely thought to have been started by American saboteurs to keep the city from
falling into British hands, though Washington and the Congress had already denied this idea. It has
also been seen that the fire was the work of British soldiers without orders. In the fire s aftermath,
more than 200 American partisans were rounded up by the
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Analysis Of Kingdom Of Heaven
Regardless of how one feels about Kingdom of Heaven in terms of its quality, the film undoubtedly
takes a unique approach in its portrayal of the crusades. Although some critics have bemoaned the
film for its historical inaccuracies and the way in which it presents Islam, such detractors are
excessively dogmatic in their baseless scrutiny. In addition to their assessment of Kingdom of
Heavenbeing unfounded, they fail to understand one of the broader notions expressed, which is the
view that morality is not black and white: individuals are capable of doing both good and evil. This
key theme shown throughout the movie is especially compelling since it not only applies to the
Crusadesbut also to the modern world.
Throughout the movie, the director, Ridley Scott, emphasizes the complex moral landscape of the
Crusades to enhance the quality of the story. As best put by Peter Stanford in his review, Kingdom
of Heaven is, however, no run of the mill variation on the popular theme of the historical thriller...
Instead, Scott has directed a complex modern morality play (Stanford, Screen god ). One way he
blurs the moral lines is the way in which he presents the force invading Jerusalem. Scott could have
taken the easy route and made the Muslim invaders the stereotypical evil villains of the film.
Instead, he presents the audience with a more nuanced view; even though the Muslim leader,
Saladin, does try to violently conquer the city of Jerusalem, he is also merciful. He sends
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Arguments Against Mandatory Civil Service
The U.S. Congress is considering a requirement of one year of civil service by either participating
in the military, or contributing to a civilian service program, a mandate that would be imposed on
high school graduates prior to them entering college. Consequently, this is directed towards all high
school students in the U.S. In my opinion, this requirement would be in direct conflict with all that
we value as citizens of the United Statesof America. Moreover, I feel that this move towards
mandated civil service aimed at all high schoolgraduates would infringe on our basic freedom of
choice and our right to The American Dream , the ability to choose what we do and have the
freedom to try to achieve our dreams.
Those in favor of this new ... Show more content on ...
I feel that such a move would be against the core values that we hold in this country, most notably
our freedom of choice and our respect for human dignity. By taking away these simple freedoms, I
feel that our country would be making a move that could be compared to a country know for
having one of the worst records in the world on human rights, is a communist state, and is also a
dictatorship, North Korea. Moreover, we need to hold true to our freedoms, and in order to do so
we cannot implement any type of mandated civil service policy that would dictate the direction the
lives of our graduating high school students take, that choice should be left up to
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The American Dream And The American Dream
The answer to the question of whether or not the American Dream of owning a home is alive
and well among Millenials is a resounding Yes! According to the National Association of
Realtors, one consistent finding is that for the last four years homebuyers 36 years and younger
is the largest share of homebuyers at 34 percent! Although Millenials have experienced the Great
Recession, it evidently has not dampened their enthusiasm for home buying. It s possible that
the older Millenials may have at first been reluctant and that they have delayed home buying
until a little later in life, but they are certainly on board now! I am a senior in college, and I was
born in 1995 so I m considered a Millenial. For me personally, home ownership is a worthwhile
goal. I don t intend to buy a home until I have graduated from college, have decided where I
want to live, and I have my dream job. I think Millenials are cautious about financial matters, but I
also think that can be a great advantage. Generally we don t rush into decisions without a great
deal of thought and analysis. That means that when we do buy a home, we are financially and
emotionally prepared and less likely to lose that home due to foreclosure It s easy to understand
why home ownership is considered a major component of the American Dream. As a college senior
looking toward graduation, I understand that owning a home can mean independence from my
landlord, a statement that I have arrived or succeeded,
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The Role of Ambition in Macbeth
The role of ambition in Macbeth The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare recounts
Macbeth s meteoric rise as a soldier and promising future leader whose megalomaniacal ambition
led to his tragic downfall. In addition to Macbeth s ambitions, which initially enable him to be
strong leader and soldier, he is influenced heavily by his wife, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches
that prophesize his ascent to the throne, as well as warn him of his eventual demise. It can be
argued that it is Macbeth s ambition that allows him to succeed in his endeavors, however the
goals to which he is working toward influence the results of his hard work. Macbeth s ambitions
help him to become a war hero, and as his goals change, his ambitions drive him to become a
tyrannical villain. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth and Banquo, Macbeth s friend and a
sergeant in King Duncans army, are hailed as heroes in helping to defeat Macdonwald who led the
allied forces of Norway and Ireland against Scotland. The Sergeant exalts Macbeth s prowess and
For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name
Disdaining fortune, with his brandish d steel,
Which smoked with bloody execution,
Like valour s minion carved out his passage
Till he faced the slave;
Which ne er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him,
Till he unseam d him from the nave to the chaps,
And fix d his head upon our battlements. (Shakespeare, n.d., 1.2.35 42)
The Sergeant continues to describe the duo s valor, As
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Longhorn Steakhouse History
LongHorn Steakhouse
It all started with a man by the name of George McKerrow Jr, who had a passion for delicious
steaks. Luckily he had a snowstorm hit his hometown in Atlanta, Georgia that brought stranded
motorist into the only hospitable place available a restaurant called LongHorn Steaks Restaurant
Saloon. The tales of the expertly grilled steak was spread like a wildfire throughout the towns. This
was the beginning of a new chain restaurant called LongHorn Steakhouse, which is known for their
Flo s Filet and the Bone In Outlaw, fall of the bone ribs, and hand cut salmon. In later years,
LongHorn eventually joined Darden Restaurants with Olive Garden and Red Lobster. With a
location in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, it is one of many steakhouses that you can choose
from. It is a well organized restaurant that has been serving steak, chicken, and fish for 30 years
where the meat is never frozen. In addition to that, it is the only steakhouse that catches the eyes of
the customer, usually from the dark red lights that light up during the night. The restaurant is
opened Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM and Friday to Saturday 11:00 to 11:00 PM.
As we walk through the double doors of the entrance, we are warmly greeted right away by the
LongHorn Staff, who are dressed in black tops and blue jeans. We had dinner at Longhorn after
discovering a 30 minute wait at our first restaurant choice. The wait at Longhorn was only about 15
minutes, which was not bad for a
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Complexities Of Image And Text Relations
Complexities of Image and Text Relations Illustration is a popular aspect in literature, and can
be found in all genres and forms. Although it is sometimes more heavily associated with children
s books such as illustrated stories, there are large amounts of illustrated work that are designed
specifically for an adult audience. Images and text both convey meaning, but they can also
compete with one another. Image and text can work to guide the reader on a desired path of
understanding, or they can complement each other and allow for a greater understanding. There
are a lot of examples of image and text working together, but the medium can be very different.
From statues and sculptures with text engraving, paintings inspired by text (or vice versa), prose
and verse and illustrations, this relationship is seen regularly in the Romantic Era. This
relationship between images and text can be quite complex. Although the use of text and image
complement each other and create a deeper understanding and meaning, an image can work to
suggest a way of reading a text, therefore limiting the imagination of the reader, and insinuate a
certain understanding of a text/story that the reader/viewer may not have come to on their own. In
order to understand how text and image work in unison to create meaning, it will be beneficial to
look at Lacan s Theory of Meaning . Victorino Tejera explains that a Lacanian approach to reading
puts the work of art, not the critic, in a position analogous
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Family Marriage And Family
I am learning many things about family, marriage and relationships. God wants us to show
unconditional love towards others as he has showed us. Marriage takes commitment, according to
Balswick Balswick, (2014) continued commitment in modern marriage is contingent on happiness
and self fulfillment. In today s society it seems like convenience is more of a priority than
commitment. We must first be committed to our God who is wholeheartedly committed to us. In
Psalms 37:5 it says to commit your way to the lord trust in him, and he will act. Marriageis difficult,
but it is easier when we depend on God and not man. Some of the things I will discuss are family,
marriage and what God designed it for. I will also talk about my own experience with marriage
and family. According to Balswick Balswick (2014, Marriage is the process whereby a man and
a woman marry and become one, yet maintain their individual distinctiveness, (p. 4). This is a
very sensitive topic for me seeing that I have two failed marriages. When I walked down the aisle
and made that commitment until death do us part I did not realize that it would not be death but
selfishness that pulled us part instead. God designed marriage to provide, partnerships, spiritual
intimacy and the ability to pursue God, (Heffernan, 2014, p. 7). I now understand what intimacy is
and how important it is in a relationship. Many individuals including myself mistake intimacy as
only being about sex. Balswick (2014)
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Hamlet And The Movie Hamlet
The movie Hamlet has an identical script to the play, with the little stage direction present in the
play the director of the film had to interpret what he read and create the best scene possible from
his interpretations. The effects used in the film that stemmed from the director s interpretations of
the play are zoom ins, jump cuts, flashbacks and music. The four main effects used in the film
gave a stronger idea of what is to come in the play based on the big amount of guilt shown by
Claudius. During the film, the director uses zoom ins and jump cuts to illustrate the fear Claudius
feels when he is exposed by Hamlet. When actors come to the Danish castle to perform for the
royalty, Hamlet requests that sixteen lines be added to the play. These added words would tell
the exact way Claudius poisoned the King and for what reason. When the actors perform the
play and recites the sixteen lines, Hamlet joins the actor on stage and begins to yell while
looking directly into Claudius s eyes. As Hamlet is yelling towards Claudius in rage he exclaims,
You shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago s wife. While yelling towards
Claudius, the camera switched between the two six times during the span of 3 seconds. This is to
allow the film audienceto recognize the negative and damning effects Hamlet s words are causing
towards Claudius. As Hamlet is looking into the eyes of Claudius, Hamlet yells the word murderer
, the zoom and jump cuts are very
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China Airlines Flight 611 Research Paper
China Airlines flight 611 was a regularly scheduled flight from Taiwan International Airport to
Hong Kong International Airport. The Boeing 747 flight took off on schedule and departed over
the Taiwan Strait between China mainland and the island of Taiwan. Around 20 minutes into the
flight the airplane obliterated without warning and crashed into the Taiwan Strait. There were no
warning signs to the disaster, and this made discovering the cause very difficult. Engineers began
recovering parts of the plane to begin analyzing what caused the disaster. What they did not know
is that the reason for the disaster, began twenty two years before in Hong Kong. Until one day,
when they discovered a piece on the lower part of the tail, that led... Show more content on ...
It was determined that ballistic trajectory analysis was the next method to try and solve the
mystery. Ballistic trajectory analysis is a computer program that uses factors of the atmosphere
and the plane to trace where each object landed. This system is based on the fact that the part
that breaks off first will land in the water first. The engineers used the GPS locations of each of
the pieces along with the weight, speed, direction, ocean currents, and wind to determine which
part of the plane broke off and therefore landed first. After performing this analysis, it was
concluded that the tail end of the plane broke off first, and after they discovered this, the focus
of the investigation focused to the tail. Then one day while scanning over the wreckage pieces,
metallurgist Frank Zakar noticed a certain piece that had a different looking crack than all of the
other pieces. When an airplane breaks in midair, many smaller pieces break off just because of
the sudden force of the air acting on it, this is called an overload fracture. Overload fractures
break at an angle, and up to this point all the pieces of metal that had been found had this
characteristic. The new piece that was found did not have this type of character at all. The
engineers examined this piece and found that it had very smooth cracking, very typical of metal
fatigue. Metal
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John Adams Influence
The second president of the United States of America John Adams was born in the Massachusetts
Bay Colony in 1735. He became a Harvard Lawyer who latter throughout his lifetime, he became
an individual who became identified with the patriot cause which was led by George Washington
who became the first president. Washington led a group of Patriots or Rebels to try and break free
from the injustices that Great Britain placed upon the newly founded colonies. John Adams
supported the ideals that the rebels thought of and became one of America s Founding Fathers. John
Adams became a delegate in the first and second continental congress Adams strives towards the
movement for independence against Britain. Adams became a critical player in the fight... Show
more content on ...
Although when Adams became president, he had to deal with the war that the French and the
British were now facing something that his predecessor faced a tad bit off. The French and the
British were causing major disorders on the high seas and severe favoritism towards contending
factions within the nation. Adams administer choose to focus on France rather than Britain. The
ruling group, had refused to receive the American envoy that had suspended commercial relations
between the two countries. This lead to the X, Y, and Z case where Adams sent three of his
commissioners to France. Later on though Adams found out that the French Foreign Minister
Talleyrand and the ruling group had denied negotiating with the United States unless they were
willing to pay a substantial bribe. Of course this angered Adams as Congress appropriated money
to achieve new frigates and build new ships. Congress also passed the Alien and Sedition Acts,
which were intended to frighten foreign agent out the county and bring some sort of oasis of the
attack on the republican editors. After some time Adams later learned that France had no intention
to have another war long negotiations after another both nations were able to conclude with their
respective earnings. The campaign of the 1800 the Republicans were fully united and the
Federalist were divided and not working as a group. This may be a reason why Adams may never
had his second term in
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Mr Marek Case Study
Mr. Marek is assigned as the Information Technology Specialist for ESD New York supporting
the largest operational field command on the East Coast, Sector New York. Demonstrating
outstanding technical expertise and professionalism, he delivered superior Information
Technology (IT) services for 1,495 customers in ESD s area of responsibility consisting of 22
afloat and ashore units and eight Rescue 21 Remote Fixed Facilities. Mr. Marek fills a vital role
contributing to Sector New York s operational success responding on average to 360 search and
rescue cases, 920 emergency distress calls, and saves approximately $5 million in commercial and
personal property. As ESD s IT technical representative, Mr. Marek oversaw several operational
critical re cabling enterprises. He exceptionally integrated objectives and resources to provide
sophisticated C4IT insight for Sector New York s $418K Demarcation Relocation project. He
partnered with the Coast Guard s Facility Relocation Support Branch contributing high level
guidance that advocated improvements to Sector s telephony physical security. Complying with
rigid specifications and protocols, he aided contractors with developing a centralized point of
connectivity... Show more content on ...
Marek was a key member as Project Manager for renovations involving C4IT at Sector New York
s athletic and educational facility. Throughout this evolution he provided first rate guidance on
strict quality and control specifications, industry standards, and safety protocols for eight
technicians and one seaman who is apprenticing under the ESD mentoring program. During the
execution of this project, over $7,000 was expended on equipment enrichments and supplies, with
approximately 1,000 feet of CAT3 and CAT5e cabling replaced, 100 feet of single mode fiber
installed, and 24 new voice and data connections upgraded. His actions greatly improved network
security measures, providing multiple physical barriers exceeding Coast Guard controlled space
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Depreciation and Vital Spark
New Economy Transport (A) p. 182The New Economy Transport Company (NETCO) was
formed in 1955 to carry cargo and passengers between ports in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.
By 2008 its fleet had grown to four vessels, including a small dry cargo vessel, the Vital Spark.
The Vital Spark is 25 years old and badly in need of an overhaul. Peter Handy, the finance
director, has just been presented with a proposal that would require the following expenditures:
Mr. Handy believes that all these outlays could be depreciated for tax purposes in the seven year
MACRS class. NETCO s chief engineer, McPhail, estimates the postoverhaul operating costs as
follows: These costs generally increase with inflation, which is... Show more content on ...
This is a nominal, not a real, rate. NETCO s tax rate is 35%. QUESTION 1. Calculate the NPV
of the proposed overhaul of the Vital Spark, with and without the new engine and control
system. To do the calculation, you will have to prepare a spreadsheet table showing all costs
after taxes over the vessel s remaining economic life. Take special care with your assumptions
about depreciation tax shields and inflation. New Economy Transport (B) There is no question
that the Vital Spark needs an overhaul soon. However, Mr. Handy feels it unwise to proceed
without also considering the purchase of a new vessel. Cohn and Doyle, Inc., a Wisconsin
shipyard, has approached NETCO with a design incorporating a Kort nozzle, extensively
automated navigation and power control systems, and much more comfortable
accommodations for the crew. Estimated annual operating costs of the new vessel are: The
crew would require additional training to handle the new vessel s more complex and
sophisticated equipment. Training would probably cost $50,000 next year. The estimated
operating costs for the new vessel assume that it would be operated in the same way as the Vital
Spark. However, the new vessel should be able to handle a larger load on some routes, which could
generate additional revenues, net of additional out of pocket costs, of as much as $100,000 per
year. Moreover, a new vessel would have a useful service life of 20 years or more. Cohn and
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Resource and Capability
[pic] [pic]
Document Management Services
Business Report Part B
1 Executive Summary03
2 Resource Demands04 2.1 Financial Resources 2.2 Human Resources04 2.3 Physical Resources05
2.3.1 Location05 2.3.2 Technological Resources05 2.3.3 Marketing06 2.3.4 Infrastructure
Resources06 2.4 Intangible Resources06 2.4.1 Brand07 2.4.2 Reputation07 2.4.3 Goodwill07 2.4.4
Organizational Values07 2.5 Value Chain Analysis07
3 Resource Availability09
4 Business Goals11
5 Key Tasks13 5.1 Customer ... Show more content on ...
[pic] (Business information demand, 2011)
Physical resources, human resources, financial resources and Intangible resources are identified.
Infrastructure, information technology, location and marketing are physical resources.
Organizational values, culture, reputation and brand consist of intangible resources.
2.1 Financial Resources: Financial resources are one of the important requirements for starting up
business. On need to identify the funds for current and future requirements for smooth business
operations. Business owners main focus area is to meet different financial constrains occurring
during business startup. Adequate financial arrangements for initial business operations and proper
strategic planning to meet all future requirements are to be made before starting operations.
(Weinrauch Mann, n.d). Safedocs capital investment is arranged by owner and balance amount
arranged as bank loans. Initial investment calculated approximately $ 280000 including registration,
office building, information technology, insurance premium, manpower cost and other operational
2. Human Resources: The purpose is to provide human resource requirement solution to meet
business requirement that can support present and future functional demands of organization.
Resources requirements includes manpower for management, control, training, development and
operational requirement. Identify human resource requirement for
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Secondary Headaches
A headache is a throbbing pain in the head which tends to be unilateral, spreading across the
forehead and eyes. Headache is an agonising ache which could simply be a typical pain or it could
be constant discomfort around the head which could be severe. (Wedro, 2015)
Headaches are very common with around 10 million people frequently complaining of headaches in
outpatient practice (Kaderebek, 2015). The nature of headaches varies from typical headaches to
migraines which need to be given more attention to. If the pain is relentless and is affecting their
performance it would be advised to visit a health professional, to find out the underlying issue.
Primary headaches are not a symptom but rather over activity of pain fibres in the brain. Secondary
headaches are due to an underlying problem from an illness. It is a symptom of a disease that
activates the pain fibres in the brain such as dental problems, ear infection, and dehydration. A
clear example of secondary headaches is spinal headaches which are caused by low ... Show more
content on ...
The role of the pharmacist is to greet the patient/customer and ask questions and enquire about the
treatment and patient such as who s it for, what s it for, what are the symptoms, how long have you
had them for, are you on any other medication, have you tried anything for migraines. If they wish
to speak privately they will be taken into the consultation room. Once the pharmacist clearly
understands the problem they will supplement the medication or if they feel it is necessary for them
to visit a health professional, they will advise them to book an appointment with their doctor. At the
end of the conversation the pharmacist will clarify if they understood everything and offer the
opportunity to ask questions if they have any concerns or confusion. The pharmacist will tell them
to ring or visit the pharmacy again if they need further advice or
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The Film, Coordinated By Tom Tykwer
Perfume is a dull and sensational story of fixation murder and the mission for a genuinely
extraordinary fragrance.A mix of stunning tension and unparalleled olfactory writing, this abstract
presentation was one of the best overall blockbusters in the mid 80s. The eponymous film,
coordinated by Tom Tykwer.
Perfume is the frightening story of an eighteenth century Parisian vagrant, Jean Baptiste Grenouille.
Jean Baptiste is the primary character to be seen in the film. Scent s legend is malevolent , grimy
and has no exchanges. He acted with his nose which can be appeared in the film with closeups
around 27 times. In a film the characters physical appearance, activities and surroundings of the
characters give awesome insight about the attributes of the character. One can thoroughly analyze
the characters on the premise of it. Grenouille and Baldini, the perfumers in the film have an
extremely humorous characters.
Grenouille s life had been a veiled of youth injury. His identity had been incited in his prime life,
particularly amid his initial five years. He was an undesirable Parisian orphan,with no individual
fragrance and with no feeling of belongingness, absence of social cooperations with the outside
world, dismissed without appropriate direction of importance of emotions, and better
comprehension of fundamental information that every individual ought to know. His childhood
was covered with lack of interest from his mates, disregard and psychological mistreatment
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Beethoven Summary
EARLY SONATAS (1795 1802)
Beethoven s early sonatas were highly influenced by Haydn and Mozart, he dedicated his first three
sonatas to Haydn, his teacher. Before Beethoven moved to Vienna, he composed three piano
sonatas, WoO 47, KurfГјrsten (composed and published 1782 1783). Few years later, the composer
moved to Vienna and established his ability in composition. Four movement sonata is uncommon in
Beethoven s time, but young Beethoven started to experiencing the freedom of multiple
movements. Op. 2: three piano sonatas was composed in 1795 and were dedicated to Joseph
Haydn. All these three sonatas have 4 movements. Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor, No. 2 in A major
and No. 3 in C major. The last one often believes to be his first virtuosic piano sonata.
Op. 7, Piano sonata No. 4 in E flat major, Grand Sonata is dedicated to Beethoven s student
Babette, the Countess Keglevics and published in 1797.
Op. 10 is another set of three sonatas, Piano Sonata No. 5 in C Minor (3 movements, 1796), is
dedicated to Anna Margarete von Browne, the wife of a Russian diplomat. Piano Sonata No. 6
in F Major (3 movements), is also dedicated to von Browne. Piano Sonata No. 7 in D Major: The
third sonata is dedicated to von Browne, this piece was written in 1798 and is the longest of the
three. In the year he composed this set, 1798, Beethoven started to lose his hearing. He started to
realized that he was becoming deaf, but Beethoven is a fighter and the deafness did not stop him
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N. P. U. s Neighborhood Planning Units
Neighborhood Planning Units were first established in 1974 as a way for citizens in the community
to be engage in planning around their city but to also voice their ideas and concerns. There are
currently twenty five different N.P.U. s that spilt up Atlanta based off neighborhoods. Some argue
that N.P.U. s serve no purpose and should be perish, while others contend N.P.U. s are the
foundation for communities. Either way, an N.P.U. is only as successful as how well it is run. Last
week the author had the chance to attend N.P.U.: E meeting and view how the meeting was
conducted and went. Neighborhood Planning Unit: E contains elven different neighborhoods that
range from Atlantic Station to Brookwood Hills. With that being said this N.P.U. is very, very huge
and has a lot to cover. The meeting started with an introduction and hot topics in neighborhoods
with a time limit of a minute. Following that was the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board report,
along with the planner s report. The next half of the meeting hold the most important parts of the
meeting. Succeeding was the introduction of the public officials, which included five different
departments. This part was tedious but, also informative of what each department is currently
working... Show more content on ...
meeting and they don t have much to compare it to, the meeting went perfect. If there are any
suggests that could be given to the officials, it would be that a microphone would be a good idea.
For people sitting in the back or that have poor hearing, it was very difficult to hear at times.
There should be a time limit on the meeting as it ran very long. This could be why many people
left early after presenting. The author did enjoy the meeting, however would not attend this
particular N.P.U. again. It did encourage the author to attend her own N.P.U. and become involved.
N.P.U.: E is a great neighborhood planning unit and comes highly recommended for a first
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Animals Should Not Be Bred
Animals that are born into this can spend most of their lives in cramped cages, with no room to
exercise and play. Often times, the water and food provided for the puppies is contaminated,
crawling with bugs. And most of the time the puppies can even be malnourished. Puppies in mills
are found with bleeding or swollen paws, feet falling through the wire cages, severe tooth decay,
ear infections, dehydration, and lesions on their eyes, which often lead to blindness. Living this
unhealthy life is abuse in so many ways, most puppy mills have no veterinary cave, climate
control, or protection for the animal from weather. So basically these animals are starving and
dying slowly just for the profit of the seller when instead these animals should... Show more content
on ...
Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs will not or cannot continue. In
addition, the injuries inflicted and sustained by dogs participating in dog fights are frequently
severe even fatal. The American pit bull terrier type dogs used in the majority of these fights
have been specifically bred and trained for fighting and are unrelenting in their attempts to
overcome their opponents. With their extremely powerful jaws, they are able to inflict severe
bruising deep puncture wounds, and broken bones. The dogs used in these events often die of
blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection hours or even days after the fights. Other
animals often scarified as well; dogs who are born cold , or won t fight maybe kept around to sic
other dog s on. Also they use cats (in cages) to make the dogs mean, it not only affects the dog, but
it s very cruel to the cat to be put through that. Animal hoarding has become a large problem. It has
been estimated that there are nine hundred to two thousand new cases every year of animal
hoarding in the United States, with two thousand and fifty thousand animals falling victims.
Another case of animal abuse is animal hoarding, animal hoarding impacts communities across the
United States on a daily basis with approximately three thousand five hundred reported new cases
discovered each
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Determination of a Rate Equation Essay
Determination of a Rate Equation
Rate equation has the form rate = k [A]x[B]y which shows how the rate of a chemical reaction
depends on the concentration of the reactants
(A B) and the rate constant k. The rate equation normally indicates what species are involved in the
rate determining step and how many species are involved.
A rate equation is used to describe how the concentration of a product increases or the concentration
of the reactants decreases with time, the equation also indicates how the concentration of one or
more reactants directly affects the rate. Occasionally it can even be the concentration of a product
that affects the rate. In general the rate equation for the reaction: A + B C + D
Is found by experiment to ... Show more content on ...
The equation is:
2HCl(aq) = Na2S2O3(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + S(s) + SO2 (g) = H2O(l)
В· Conical flask.
В· Beaker.
В· Pipette.
В· Burette.
В· Clamp stand.
В· Grippers.
В· Funnel.
В· Stop watch.
В· Labels.
В· Marker pen.
В· White paper.
В· Goggles.
В· 0.2 mol dm 3 of sodium thiosulphate.
В· 2.0 mol dm 3 of hydrochloric acid.
В· Distilled water.
2.0 mol dm 3 of hydrochloric acid.
Concentration of HCl Volume of HCl Volume of water (Mol dm 3) (cm3) (cm3)
2.0 10.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 2.5 7.5 0.25 1.75 8.25 0.0 0.0 10.0
0.2 mol dm 3 of sodium thiosulphate.
Concentration of Na2S2O3 Volume of Na2S2O3 Volume of water (Mol dm 3) (cm3) (cm3)
0.2 50.0 0.0 0.1 25.0 25.0 0.05 12.5 37.5 0.025 6.25 43.75 0.0 0 50.0
В· Firstly set
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Dark Energy Research Paper
The universe might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and re collapse, but it might
have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding scientist from NASA What is the
Universe made up of?
The universe is suspected to be made out of 3 substances. The first substance is Normal Matter,
which consist of the atoms that make up stars, planets and almost everything alive whether it be
abiotic or biotic and every other visible thing in the universe. Normal matter even though it sounds
like it makes up almost the entire universe surprisingly it accounts for the smallest portion of the
universe, which is somewhere between 1% and 5%. Since there is more unknown than known of
Dark Energy it is difficult to know exactly ho much of the universe is Dark Energy. Henceforth
scientist have theorized that roughly 68% of the Universe is Dark Energy. And scientist at NASA
have concluded that Dark Matter makes up about 27% of the Universe. What is Dark Energy? You
can go to this site and read what is Dark Energy or you can read the summary of what it could be.
To summarize it all Dark Energy could be a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new...
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Due to this a lot of matter condenses to a small space which causes gravity to be stronger that
not even light can escape. And since there is no light we ca not see it due to it being so dark
rendering it virtually invisible, luckily we have created space telescopes with special tools to help
us locate Black Holes. As we all know the strength of the gravity of the Black Hole varies on its
size, but what we don t know is that where does everything a black hole pulls into it go? For as
long as we have know about Black Holes we have wondered, where do the things a black hole
takes go? Many scientist have theorized a numerous amounts of possibilities. And as of know we
will never know and hopefully we
... Get more on ...
Bmw 7 Series
BMW: The 7 Series Project Case
Team 7: Jonghoon Ahn, Sangdong Kim, Chae Won Lee,
Wonil Shin, Jonghwan Lee
Question 1: How does one define design quality?
Answer: Design quality means the product attributes that enhance the utility of the product for the
customers. It is that making products for consumers to use the products better with more
conveniences and values.
Question 2: What are the causes and consequences of BMW s quality problems with newly
launched products? What should be done to improve launch quality?
Answer: I think there are several reasons in BMW s new model development way like below; 1.
BMW doesn t use pre production tools during prototyping. gt; BMW has less opportunity to
uncover and solve many kinds ... Show more content on ...
It would save the time for solving problems with tool design, the part, or the process before the
actual production starts and would save the money at last. 2. Let the vendors supply the prototype
parts. They are the specialist for the products. They have more experience and skills in their filed.
Using them in development process let them fix our problems in advance. After completing the
final design approval, let them supply the parts for commercial production, too. It will make the
relationships between BMW and vendors more cooperative and friendly. 3. Shorten the period
from pilot production to commercial production. Apply pre production tools in pilot production as
early as possible and get rid of and shorten the period of factory pilot production if possible.
Regarding future development projects, same changes should be applied, I think.
Question 4: What changes would you recommend in the way BMW develops new models? What
attributes of newly launched products would you expect to improve as a result of these
recommendations? Which attributes might deteriorate?
Answer: I recommend like; 1. Design for production. In BMW, designing is the first thing in
development. However I think, design people don t consider efficient production engineering. If
they make production engineering into design consideration, the development process will be more
efficient and quality problems and period will decrease. However the creativity can be injured. 2.
... Get more on ...
The Making Of Space Race And Place Analysis
Going back to the original question, what is considered graffiti? McAuliffe and Iveson proposed
an idea, asking whether graffiti is still graffiti if it is taken from its illegal context on the walls
of the city and placed in a gallery (130). In The Making of Space, Race and Place by Maggie
Dickinson, Sandra Fabara, a writer who was featured in the Brooklyn Museum exhibit, answered
this question. Fabara argued that The pieces in galleries cease to be graffitibecause they have been
removed from the cultural context that gives graffiti a reason for being, a voice from the ghetto.
Authentic graffiti cannot exist in the sanctuary provided by the galleries and museums (39). She is
saying that since the cultural side is being taken away and
... Get more on ...
Army Descriptive Writing
Picture this: you can smell the incoming rain on a cool October day, you can hear the leaves
peacefully falling. You can also hear 65 screaming kids playing on the playground at lunch
recess; you yearn to get going to pack for your camping trip that you know will be fun. You
quickly throw your clothes, three pairs of boots (you insist that 2 pairs will simply not be enough),
your helmet (knowing that you will be riding your horse), and 4 sweatshirts. You throw your bag(s)
into the car and start calling to the rest of your family to hurry up. You throw yourself into the car
and anxiously wait for them. Feeling like they are taking an eternity, you call, again, for them hurry
up. Finally, after what felt like forever, they finally get into... Show more content on
You could almost taste the thick moisture in the air. The taste of the mouthwatering breakfast
lingered in your mouth throughout the morning. A wild imagination fills your mouth with the
potluck that I longed for later that evening. You can feel the grogginess of all of the campers in
the group, even though it was late in the morning. The morning sun rose to surround the
landscape with its warmth. The ever lingering moisture in the air was thick enough you could
feel it. You can clearly see the heavy dew on the grass. The thin layer of moisture covers every
surface. The insanely beautiful sunrise on the horizon showers you with a bright light that is
bound to wake you completely. The peacefully resting horses can be seen from your trailer s
window. The slow moving preparation for the day ahead is seen in many neighboring campsites.
There is a group of boys desperately trying to start a fire with whatever dry kindling they can find.
Many of the adults are seen trying to clean up their campsite from the night before. You can very
clearly hear the movement of every squirrel within fifty feet of your camper. The quiet murmur of
each family rising to get ready is a prominent sound throughout the campground. The sizzling of the
newly built fire, and the water running in a nearby trailer prove to be the only sounds not coming
from nature that morning. The quiet sound of
... Get more on ...
My Organization s Programs Promote And Impact The Healthy...
Professional Development Grant
Please state your organization s mission and describe how your organization s programs directly
promote and impact the healthy development of children and youth. Include the number of Indiana
youth served and briefly discuss program outcomes.
The mission of Kankakee Valley High Schoolis to provide a rigorous academic training that is
relevant and transferrable to students future learning and success.
As a teacher, I am responsible for the development of students academically as well as socially. I
prepare them to be productive citizens while in high school and after graduation. If they are
planning to attend any postsecondary training, it is my duty to make sure they are adequately
prepared. As an advisor of the Council of Student Leaders, it is my purpose to put my students on
the path to being great leaders. In order to achieve this, I provide them with activities that promote
the healthy development of their social skills, making healthy connections and relationships with
others, breaking down barriers, eliminating stereotypes, empowering their fellow students, and
inclusion for everyone in our school.
In our school, we have roughly 1,100 students in grades 9 12. However, my students have contact
with other student leaders from all over the state of Indiana through various state leadership
conventions and workshops. What I am able to impart on them will trickle down throughout the
rest of the state as more of my students have
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Yes We Can Speech. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay On Yes We Can Speech 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Yes We Can SpeechEssay On Yes We Can Speech
  • 2. Working At The Country Club During my sophomore year of high school, one of my teachers approached me and asked if I was interested in a job for the summer at the country of a local country club. While I was nervous at first, I accepted the job, and have now completed two successful summers there. The experience of having a summer job taught me many things; and as I continued to take on more and more responsibilities over the summer, I learned even more about how to be responsible at all times and to empathize with someone in order to understand their perspective and to help improve their experience. One of the many responsibilities of my job was to help prepare billing statements for the members of the country club. This taught me to be responsible at all times, as even the slightest mistake could result in a member being overcharged or undercharged which could lead to a number of other problems for both the member and the club.... Show more content on ... If a member was having a problem of any kind, I had to be able to place myself in his or her shoes, and understand that he or she was paying a lot of money to be a member, and a result they deserved to receive the best service possible. Working with customers also helped me realize that the way you conduct yourself in all settings leaves an impression upon people, which was a valuable lesson in developing my character. In conclusion, working at the country club taught me a number of things which will come in handy as I continue maturing into adulthood. Being a responsible, well rounded person may not seem like an extraordinary accomplishment, I think the world would be a better place if more people embodied those ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Compromise For The Compromise Of 1850 Compromise that means to come to an agreement, a settlement that brings peace, but not without some discomfort for both sides. This compromise is hopefully long lasting and satisfying to both sides and brings with it a rest. The Compromise of 1850 sounds like exactly that, but there is more to this compromise. This compromise came when there was much dispute about the future of the western lands recently acquired from the Mexican government California, Utah, and New Mexico. The Southerners of America wanted the states entered into the union as slave states, while the Northerners wanted them entered as free states. When this issue became more heated and continued to escalate, The Great Compromiser, Mr. Henry Clay himself, came out of retirement to do his thing and create a compromise. He proposed that California would enter the union as a Slave State and Utah and New Mexico would enter as neutral, being neither a slave nor free state. Parts of both the North and the South hated and liked this plan. Some misanthropists in the South threatened to secede from the union and while the majority knew that to be rubbish at the time, it did eventually come true with the start of the Civil War. The North wanted to see slavery come to an end and were fighting tooth and nail to see that through. After months of debating and changes made to Clay s compromise it was eventually put into action. There was still unrest in both the North and South, and the compromise only ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Senator Rubio Case Study Descriptive representation may not have a positive and significant impact on a politician s agenda. This case study is on Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. He was born on May 28, 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents were born in Cuba, which makes Senator Rubio a Cuban American. He makes a great case study to reflect on the opposite idea of descriptive representation in the political system. It is essential to talk about his parents history with immigration in order to understand why he does not correctly represent Latinos, especially Cuban Americans or other minority groups that he should be representing. His parents immigrated from Cuba to the United Statesin 1956 before the rise of Fidel Castro, which was in January 1959. When Senator Rubio was born, neither of his parents were U.S. citizens.... Show more content on ... citizenship, and got naturalized in 1975. The second time that his grandfather immigrated to the U.S. in 1962, he did it illegally, so he was detained, and under the risk of deportation. At the end, Senator Rubio s grandfather was able to stay in the U.S. His grandfather was given legal status. According to McClain Johnson Carew, Cubans entering the United States after Castro s rise to power in 1959 generally enjoyed handsome financial support from the US government and were encourage to seek US citizenship (17). His grandfather ended up applying for a permanent resident status in 1966, which got approved, right after the Cuban Adjustment Act, which is a federal law that gives Cuban refugees permanent resident status under certain circumstances. There were other relatives of Senator Rubio, who immigrated to the U.S. as refugees as ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Reduction of Natural Resources Essay Reduction of Natural Resources Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to make known the negative social implications of the catching up development myth through globalization and to break down specific concepts of vertical and lateral oppression from the top natural resources consumers of oil in the world. This paper also demonstrates my interest in creating biological and economic equity in the world through breaking down these oppressive frameworks and hence, my interest in obtaining knowledge about alternative energy uses to be used as a tool to help liberate others in places of need. The catching up development myth as explained by Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva in Ecofeminism, is the idea that underdeveloped countries ... Show more content on ... The ecological costs of making the materials in the Maquladoras result in chemical wastes into the local air, soil, and water systems. The Maquiladora companies are responsible for the short and long term environmental degradation inflicted on the local area, which is not factored into the cost of production. One of the main reasons, however, as to why not all countries can be as industrial productive as the U.S., is simply because it is materialistically impossible. The carrying capacity of the earth s natural resources cannot handle the consumption rate of the U.S. if it is applied to the rest of the world. If, for example, we note that the six percent of the world s population who live in the U.S. annually consume 25 percent (which we discussed in class) of all the oil energy produced, obviously, it is impossible for the rest of the world s population, of which 80 percent live in poor countries, to consume energy on that scale. How can the concept of catching up be true? Maria Mies explains In my opinion, the powers that dominate today s world economy are aware of this, the managers of the transnational corporations, the World Bank, the IMF, the banks and governments of the club of rich counties; and in fact they do not really want this universolization because it would end their growth model. She goes on to explain how this oppressive framework is often masked by such euphemisms as North South relations , sustainable ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Thesis Of Super Size Me Contrary to the popular belief of the time, Morgan Spurlock s amateur documentary Supersize Me pushed reform in both fast food culture, and eating habits of citizens, being one of the first catalysts in a new movement in America. This 2004 film, being the first of his works to establish Spurlock as a filmmaker, focuses on Spurlock s 30 day journey in which he vowed to eat solely McDonalds for three meals a day, and track his overall mental, physical, and social changes over this span of time. Throughout the film, Spurlock consults three doctors (a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, and a general practitioner) as well as a nutritionist to monitor physical change and gather quantitative data supporting his claim. The film often exhibited... Show more content on ... For the most part, the straight forward thesis used multiple successful techniques for it s support. One of these tactics being Spurlock s combination of different filming styles. He utilizes a large range of film techniques from factual, statistical data to interactive, cartoon style animations and pop culture soundtracks. Spurlock also often interviews a multitude of different people, films his own home video style shots from in his car or apartment, and even show clips of an open liposuction surgery to broaden his targeted audience, and appeal to the average person . With each additional film style Spurlock adds to his final product, he is adding new views on the same issue; that change needs to come and reforms need to be made. Thus bringing me to my next thought. This film does an exceptional job at indicating that much of these unhealthy options are coming from increased advertising. Though to some it may seem as though Spurlock is only targeting McDonalds, he is really arguing that unhealthy choices are flooding our culture, not only for the adults, but also the youth through a profound amount of advertising. Everything from commercials on T.V. with fun characters and catchy jingles to large, flashy billboards, Spurlock suggests that this has a large impact on many people. And as A. O. Scott says in his review of the movie, anyone ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Group Policy Paper For Profits Institutions Group Policy Paper For Profits Institutions Policy: Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010 Relevant History Higher education attainment is one important parameter of national competitiveness in today s increasing global world. Compare to 1990, today, the rank of U.S. in the world in four year degree attainment dropped from the 1st to the 12th. Therefore, President Obama set a new goal for the United States to be first in the world again in college attainment by 2020, in order to remain global competitive, and fulfill the needs of the growing new jobs which requires more education of the new economy (The White House, n.d.). President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne announced the United States Department of Education s Race to the Top competition, a $4.35 billion incentive program designed to make drastic reforms and improvements in education and student performance, as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. After a rigorous competition with other states, Tennessee emerged as one of the two states awarded Race to the Top funding and will receive $501 million over the next four years (The Public Agenda for Tennessee Higher Education2010 2015, 2011). For Profit Institutions Characteristics of For Profit Institutions For profit institutions are different from traditional public and private institutions on educational philosophy and business mission (Mmeje, Newman, Kramer II, Peason, 2009). Traditional universities receive funding and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How Does Offred Use Religion In The Handmaid s Tale wanted. Because of this, Offred lost her identity as married, educated, and free women. Because of the works of her mother, she is now seen as a women with viable ovaries, and can no longer live the wonderful life she used to have. Aunt Lydia is another character, who unlike the other characters, affects Offred with anti feminism. Offred introduces Aunt Lydia as one of the mentors at the Red Center, who prepares the handmaid s to be sent out to the home of the elite to produce a child. Aunt Lydia uses brainwashing as a way to promote anti feminism. She believes that women were given too much freedom during the pre Gilead period, and that the restricted freedom currently is the best freedom available for women. There is more than one kind... Show more content on ... During the pre Gilead period society was free and was able to do as they pleased. However, the extremist views of religion changed the life of Gilead. Society is forced to believe that the Republic of Gilead is much better than the pre Gilead period, and that they are the supreme power of the world. The creators of the totalitarian regime believe that society can forget about the past. They also use brainwashing and desensitizes society from the amount of violence, executions, discrimination, and horrible treatment towards women and those with different religions. Women in Gilead are just seen as reproductive machines, like as they were commonly used in the Bible. Aunt Lydia brainwashes the handmaid s by stating: This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary (31). However, Offred knows that her life will never be ordinary. She admits to the reader that her once free life is lost. She walks by Harvard University everyday; what once was a symbol of knowledge and innovation, is now seen as a place where executed bodies hang as a fear tactic for those who do not believe in Gilead. While others have become desensitized to the amount of executions and harsh violence in Gilead, Offred never does. Society was forced to forget their past, however, Offred never does. Offred cannot simply accept a society that took everything that she once loved ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Common Problem Of Addiction Some people truly do not understand how serious an addiction really can be; they even used the word lightly. They say thing like I m addicted to shoes, or I m addicted to eating chocolate. They can really like shoes or really like to eat chocolate but can they truly say that they are addicted to these things. The common definition for the word addition is to have a compulsive need to have something on a regular bases, that can means every day. Addictionis looked at as being a chronic disease of the brain. Just like any other disease addiction can take over your life. The most common addiction that hurts our society more then we know is drug or alcohol addictions. Not only is it taking over our community s but it is also taking over our jails and prisons. There are over 6.8 million people in America that are suffering with a drug or alcohol addiction, and many of these people are suffering alone. Since they have these addictions many times they are arrest for using drugs or committing a crimeso that they can get the drugs they need. There are over two million people serving time in our jails and prisons and over 500,000 are there because of a drug related crime. Drug and alcohol addiction has become an increasing problem over the years. We need to look more in to making sure that these individuals get the right help instead of just locking them up and throwing away the key. By doing this we could decrease their chances of them reusing and re offending and returning to jail ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Treatment Of Women In Othello Women In Society In Shakespeare s play Othello , women are often represented as pure,while being misunderstood as adulterous because of the men, often leaving them in powerless positions and manipulated by men. Women are viewed as adulterous in society s eyes, but mainly in Othello s eyes because of the lies that were feed to him. Othello believes people s perception over the truth perception meaning he took Iago s words over Desdemona s. Was this fair paper, this most goodly book, Made to write whore upon? What committed? [Committed? O thou public commoner, (4.2.82 84). Othello was brought into lies toward his wife. Women are seen differently from the outside as their appearance than the way they act around men because of these judgements women were mistreated without having to speak up. Eventhough. they might be with that one specific guy married or not married women are still not faithful. Men are betrayed by their own wives or at least that is what they are told. ... Show more content on ... The riches of the ship is come on shore! You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to thee, lady, and the grace of heaven (2.1.93 96). This demonstrated, that women were perceived as angelic and heavenly, Cassio has always shown respect for Desdemona, but cassio is not the only one who shown respect. Othello gets manipulated by Desdemona s beauty and her poetic tone towards him Illustrating Othello has been in a trance to Desdemona s love, but feels guilty because his name calling toward his wife illustrated that he had lost hope for what seemed to be his true ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Pdf Level 3 Unit 731 Unit 731 Most of us have heard of the experiments performed by Dr. Mengele and the nazis, but most of us have not heard of the evils of Unit 731. This is a group that showcases the means people go for knowledge and research, this is a group that is more or as equally as disturbing as the holocaust. It all starts with one man Named Shiro Ishii an extremely bright young mind who had his life all planned out and worked for the military but disappointed with the ban of chemical warfare and from then on was adamant about building chemical weapons to aid his country. He then started traveling the world primarily america and europe to research an extremely contagious disease that was hard to study and when he came back he returned with a project ... Show more content on ... Other conditions of the hell were that women were raped daily and contracted syphilis and s.t.d s also it was almost routine for the guard s, and people would be exposed to extreme heat and cold to study the frostbites and burns of them and others were infected by the plaque and every day blood would be taken from all prisoners and when they were to weak they were all given the fate of vivisection. Infections were so bad that people s limbs were rotting because of necrosis and that prisoners were hanged upside down to how long it takes for a person to suffocate(deepblacklies) and they were always starving to the point of famine and death other s limbs were amputated and often reattached to other parts of the body, others were exposed to lethal doses of x ray radiation and people were injected with horse urine in their stomach causing numerous infections. And probably the worst one is vivisection on infant and children and when women were pregnant by the guards by rape they vivisected them and often you could see the fetus in them. These are not all the experiments performed by the group and this was all in the name of science . These experiments shows the evil that can be and will be committed in search of power and future generations will look down with shame knowing ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Compare To The Flea By John Donne William Wordsworth once said, Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility . This quote definitely holds true to Andrew Marvell s poem To His Coy Mistress and John Donne s poem The Flea . The theme of each of these are quite similar, these two metaphysical poetsboth used poetryas a way to convince their lovers to have sex with them. Being metaphysical poets, their writing styles are indeed similar as well; argument, union of lovers souls, abstruse terminology, and carpe diem. Although both Donne and Marvell used the same theme and writing styles, the way they depict their arguments are extremely different from one another. In the poem To His Coy Mistress in three stanzas the speaker is convincing his female beloved to sleep with him, he says that his lover s coyness and doubtfulness would be adequate if they had all the time in the world. The speaker convinces his lady by saying that time is fleeting and in the same manner as all other humans their time will end one day so why not make love now. In the poem The Flea in three stanzas the speaker is also convincing his female beloved to sleep with him, he uses a flea as a way to convince his lover that their bodily fluids have already came together. The speaker declares that having sexual intercoursewill not be that big of a deal being that their bodily fluids have already came together. Towards the end of the poem the speaker claims that ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analyzing The Studio System In Hollywood In The 1920 s The studio system was an arrangement of craft services and talent that made movies dictated by contractual terms. Through this system, studios could easily move from project to project, producing like that of a factory. Creating movies in this arrangement eliminated the need to raise money or finances; directors usually created movies in the style of the studio which lessened artistic creativity (Lewis, p 104). The studio system was dominant in Hollywood through the 1920 s well into the 1950 s. Analyzing the studio system simplistically we see basic capitalism. In the 1920 s movies became more popular, so fulfilling the rules of basic supply and demand, studios were formed to profit from the insatiable public desire to see more films (in ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Hotel Personnel PERSONNEL: DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES HOTEL DIRECTOR The Hotel Director is responsible for all hotel departments onboard and supervises all hotel department heads to ensure company standards and procedures are being upheld, in an effort to maximize guest service and satisfaction. The Hotel Director oversees crew morale onboard and allocates crew cabins. They are directly involved in the maximization of onboard revenues and will monitor and control expenses and requisitions of all hotel departments. The Hotel Director ensures all group functions and our VIP guests are looked after. CHIEF PURSER The Chief Purser is responsible for the overall operation of the Guest Services on board and manages the Purser ... Show more content on ... Also, working different shifts, such as a Day Assistant(s) and Night Assistant(s). Laundry Manager Responsible for the cleaning and pressing of all items onboard, such as guests clothes, ship s linens (tablecloths, napkins) and crew clothes. Responsible for the operation and all personnel associated with the Main Laundry. YOUTH DIRECTOR Manages the Camp Carnival youth program. Supervises the youth counselors in performing baby sitting and scheduled youth activities. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Responsible for virtually all cash handling onboard, the Chief Accountant will control the ship s safe, prepare weekly cash and expense reports, pay tour operators and issue funds to the Pursers for Purser floats. The Chief Accountant also collects the cash deposits from business partners in addition to the Casino. The Chief Accountant is responsible for overseeing the cost and revenue accountants in their departments and ensuring proper reports are generated daily. Revenue Accountants Responsible for the maintaining the Sail amp; Sign system. They recognize and repair problems with the system, execute daily and voyage functions and balance all cash reports and figures related to Sail amp; Sign. Paymaster Responsible for paying the crewmembers onboard their salary. SHIP S DOCTOR Oversees the medical team onboard and makes any
  • 15. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Abnormal Psychology According to Cherry (2016), abnormal psychology is a branch within psychology that focuses on behaviour that is unusual and not deemed as normal within society. This branch of psychology is composed of a variety of disorders and their causes as well as possible management and/or treatment. With this in mind and within this assignment, I will discuss the causes of abnormal behaviour, discuss the causes and symptoms of mood disorder as well as discuss the background and importance of Sigmund Freud. Section One The Causes of Abnormal Psychology With the above understanding of the branch that is abnormal psychology, it is important to look at the causes or reasons as to why unusual, that which is beyond the norm of what behaviour is ... Show more content on ... (Fincham et al, 2005: 317) Biological make up and genetics could also play a part in causing an individual to display abnormal behaviour. It is believed that the disorders that are found within abnormal psychology are as a result of the genetic make up of the individual, for example as a result of a brain defect. Although some disorders can be characterised by genetic defects, it is not possible that these defects can be pin pointed as the sole cause. (Fincham et al, 2005: 317) Attachment and security serve as further causes of abnormal psychology. As above, the attachment model of psychopathology also places emphasis on the relationship between the parent and child but, rather than focusing on the perceptions of the child, there is a focus on the characteristics of the actual relationship. It is believed that if a parent does not provide a feeling of security, trust and love then the child will develop a negative view and, thus, result in an inability to regulate emotions and feelings. As a result, the child will be at a greater risk of developing a disorder. (Fincham et al, 2005: 317) Distorted can be defined as selectively changing or not completely representing true reality. With this definition in mind, distorted thinking can most certainly be deemed as a cause of abnormal psychology. Thinking in a distorted manner can allow an individual to expect the worst and exasperate on negativity and pessimistic ways. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Stephanie Case Study Stephanie was referred to FACT for CMO services by Trinitas Hospital CCIS unit. Stephanie was admitted to CCIS on 4/18/17 for running away from her mother s home and making threats to hurt self if she were to return to reside with her mother. While in the hospital, Stephanie has also been refusing to visit with mother. At the time of the FCP meeting, Stephanie (Youth) resides with her Natalia Ramos (Mother), Elsa Sanchez (Maternal grandmother) and Johnathan Sanchez (Uncle) who disabled. Mother and stepfather recently divorced. Her father Hamilton Ramirez (biological Father) lives in Elizabeth with his girlfriend and younger daughter. Each biological parent has children with other people. Parents do not get along at all. Youth wants to live with father. Stephanie appears to have no respect for her mother and does not follow her directions especially when mother disciplines her. She argues with her mother often and Ms. Ramos hit youth in the past with her hand and a ... Show more content on ... Stephanie reports that mother is not home a lot and feels that her mother is also not emotionally available. Stephanie has witnessed domestic violence between her biological parents as well as between stepfather and mother. Ms. Ramos had surgery for breast cancer and is beginning stages of treatment. Within the past year, there have been several changes in the familial structure and family dynamics appear to be very unstable. Upon Stephanie discharge from the CCIS unit on 5/25/17 it was court ordered through family court that youth resides with her biological father Mr. Ramirez in Elizabeth. Family court judge ruled in youth favor due to Stephanie s continuous troublesome relationship with her mother. Stephanie identifies her family problems as the primary stressor for her depression. Stephanie reports having difficulty focusing in school, decreased energy, frequent thoughts of hurting herself with no attempt and difficulty ... Get more on ...
  • 18. What Caused The Stock Market Crash Since the creation of stock exchanges in the 13th century, the stock market has played a vast role in our history. It s the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks or shares; these may include securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. The biggest crash in history took place in 1929. Depression consumed the people and the economy was at its nadir. In 2008, another crash took place. Still today we can look back and see how it has shaped the world in a negative way. A stock marketcrash has been defined as a sudden dramatic decline of stockprices across a significant cross section of a stock market, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth. Crashes are caused mainly by inadequate management of the stock market. The 1929 Stock Market crash was the result of multiple economic disproportions and lack of organizational structure. Many people think that the Great Depressionwas caused because of the crash; however, that is an entirely misled idea. The depression took place just after the crash, meaning it was not really its cause but the spark to the fire. Just before everything happened, the market was as high as it could ever be.... Show more content on ... Just as people could feel the side effects of the crash back in 1929, still today we can feel the effects of the crash in 2008. When the recession occurred, about 9 million people had lost their jobs by 2009 in the United States and housing prices had fell to their lowest point. It has been seven years since the market has gone down that severely; however, it has recovered greatly since the crisis ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Tiktaalik Research Paper The picture of the cover of the magazine features Tiktaalik, a creature that is intermediate between fish and primitive land living animals. Tiktaalik has fish like characteristics with scales on its back as well as fins with fin webbing. However, it also has a flat head and a neck similar to early land living animals. Inside the fin, one can also see bones that correlate with the parts of the wrist, forearm, and upper arm. All of this is inside a fin with webbing. Shubin once dissected a cadaver, but was never emotionally attached to it until he dissected the hand. It was when he unwrapped the hand did he come to the realization that this hand once belonged to a living person who used it to move and touch. Later on in his career, Shubin discovered Tiktaalik which revealed the early stages of the parts of our hand evolving: the finger area, palm, and wrist. Shubin expressed that seeing the wrist of a fishwas just as worthwhile as unwrapping the fingers of the cadaver because during both times, he uncovered a deep relationship between his humanity and another being. Sonic hedgehog is a gene named by fly geneticists Tabin, McMahon, and Ingham. The name was given to the chicken version of hedgehog because the flies with a mutation in the gene possessed bristles and this reminded them of a hedgehog. In... Show more content on ... In humans, the first arch forms the upper and lower jaws, the malleus and incus, and all the vessels and muscles that supply them. The second arch forms the stapes, a tiny throat bone, and the majority of the muscle that control facial expression. The third arch forms the nerves, muscles, and bones located deeper in the throat that is used for swallowing. Lastly, the fourth arch forms the larynx and the surrounding muscles and vessels that help it function ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Did Nathan Hale Influence The Military Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut, in 1755 to Richard Hale and Elizabeth Strong, his parents. In 1768, when he was fourteen years old, he was sent to Yale College with his brother, Enoch. Nathan was a classmate of a patriot spy. His name was Benjamin Tallmadge. Nathan graduated with first class honors at the age of 18 and became a teacher. He was the first in East Haddam and later in New London. After the Revolutionary War began, he joined a Connecticut militia and was elected first lieutenant. It has been suggested that he was unsure as to whether he wanted to fight, or whether he was hindered because his teaching contract in New London did not expire until several months later, in July 1775. On July 4, 1775, Hale received a letter from his classmate and friend, who had gone to Boston to see the siege for himself. He wrote to Hale, Was I in your condition, I think the more extensive service would be my choice. Tallmadge s letter was so inspiring that, several days later, Hale accepted a commission as first lieutenant in the 7th Connecticut Regiment under Colonel Charles Webb of Stamford. In the next spring, the army moved to Manhattan to prevent the British from taking the City of New York. In... Show more content on ... He was ferried across on September 12. During the mission, New York fell to British forces on September 15 because of that Washington was forced to retreat to the island s north shore. On September 21, a portion of the lower part of Manhattan burned in the Great New York Fire. The fire was later widely thought to have been started by American saboteurs to keep the city from falling into British hands, though Washington and the Congress had already denied this idea. It has also been seen that the fire was the work of British soldiers without orders. In the fire s aftermath, more than 200 American partisans were rounded up by the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Analysis Of Kingdom Of Heaven Regardless of how one feels about Kingdom of Heaven in terms of its quality, the film undoubtedly takes a unique approach in its portrayal of the crusades. Although some critics have bemoaned the film for its historical inaccuracies and the way in which it presents Islam, such detractors are excessively dogmatic in their baseless scrutiny. In addition to their assessment of Kingdom of Heavenbeing unfounded, they fail to understand one of the broader notions expressed, which is the view that morality is not black and white: individuals are capable of doing both good and evil. This key theme shown throughout the movie is especially compelling since it not only applies to the Crusadesbut also to the modern world. Throughout the movie, the director, Ridley Scott, emphasizes the complex moral landscape of the Crusades to enhance the quality of the story. As best put by Peter Stanford in his review, Kingdom of Heaven is, however, no run of the mill variation on the popular theme of the historical thriller... Instead, Scott has directed a complex modern morality play (Stanford, Screen god ). One way he blurs the moral lines is the way in which he presents the force invading Jerusalem. Scott could have taken the easy route and made the Muslim invaders the stereotypical evil villains of the film. Instead, he presents the audience with a more nuanced view; even though the Muslim leader, Saladin, does try to violently conquer the city of Jerusalem, he is also merciful. He sends ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Arguments Against Mandatory Civil Service The U.S. Congress is considering a requirement of one year of civil service by either participating in the military, or contributing to a civilian service program, a mandate that would be imposed on high school graduates prior to them entering college. Consequently, this is directed towards all high school students in the U.S. In my opinion, this requirement would be in direct conflict with all that we value as citizens of the United Statesof America. Moreover, I feel that this move towards mandated civil service aimed at all high schoolgraduates would infringe on our basic freedom of choice and our right to The American Dream , the ability to choose what we do and have the freedom to try to achieve our dreams. Those in favor of this new ... Show more content on ... I feel that such a move would be against the core values that we hold in this country, most notably our freedom of choice and our respect for human dignity. By taking away these simple freedoms, I feel that our country would be making a move that could be compared to a country know for having one of the worst records in the world on human rights, is a communist state, and is also a dictatorship, North Korea. Moreover, we need to hold true to our freedoms, and in order to do so we cannot implement any type of mandated civil service policy that would dictate the direction the lives of our graduating high school students take, that choice should be left up to ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The American Dream And The American Dream The answer to the question of whether or not the American Dream of owning a home is alive and well among Millenials is a resounding Yes! According to the National Association of Realtors, one consistent finding is that for the last four years homebuyers 36 years and younger is the largest share of homebuyers at 34 percent! Although Millenials have experienced the Great Recession, it evidently has not dampened their enthusiasm for home buying. It s possible that the older Millenials may have at first been reluctant and that they have delayed home buying until a little later in life, but they are certainly on board now! I am a senior in college, and I was born in 1995 so I m considered a Millenial. For me personally, home ownership is a worthwhile goal. I don t intend to buy a home until I have graduated from college, have decided where I want to live, and I have my dream job. I think Millenials are cautious about financial matters, but I also think that can be a great advantage. Generally we don t rush into decisions without a great deal of thought and analysis. That means that when we do buy a home, we are financially and emotionally prepared and less likely to lose that home due to foreclosure It s easy to understand why home ownership is considered a major component of the American Dream. As a college senior looking toward graduation, I understand that owning a home can mean independence from my landlord, a statement that I have arrived or succeeded, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Role of Ambition in Macbeth The role of ambition in Macbeth The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare recounts Macbeth s meteoric rise as a soldier and promising future leader whose megalomaniacal ambition led to his tragic downfall. In addition to Macbeth s ambitions, which initially enable him to be strong leader and soldier, he is influenced heavily by his wife, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches that prophesize his ascent to the throne, as well as warn him of his eventual demise. It can be argued that it is Macbeth s ambition that allows him to succeed in his endeavors, however the goals to which he is working toward influence the results of his hard work. Macbeth s ambitions help him to become a war hero, and as his goals change, his ambitions drive him to become a tyrannical villain. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth and Banquo, Macbeth s friend and a sergeant in King Duncans army, are hailed as heroes in helping to defeat Macdonwald who led the allied forces of Norway and Ireland against Scotland. The Sergeant exalts Macbeth s prowess and states, For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name Disdaining fortune, with his brandish d steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour s minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave; Which ne er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseam d him from the nave to the chaps, And fix d his head upon our battlements. (Shakespeare, n.d., 1.2.35 42) The Sergeant continues to describe the duo s valor, As ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Longhorn Steakhouse History LongHorn Steakhouse It all started with a man by the name of George McKerrow Jr, who had a passion for delicious steaks. Luckily he had a snowstorm hit his hometown in Atlanta, Georgia that brought stranded motorist into the only hospitable place available a restaurant called LongHorn Steaks Restaurant Saloon. The tales of the expertly grilled steak was spread like a wildfire throughout the towns. This was the beginning of a new chain restaurant called LongHorn Steakhouse, which is known for their Flo s Filet and the Bone In Outlaw, fall of the bone ribs, and hand cut salmon. In later years, LongHorn eventually joined Darden Restaurants with Olive Garden and Red Lobster. With a location in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, it is one of many steakhouses that you can choose from. It is a well organized restaurant that has been serving steak, chicken, and fish for 30 years where the meat is never frozen. In addition to that, it is the only steakhouse that catches the eyes of the customer, usually from the dark red lights that light up during the night. The restaurant is opened Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM and Friday to Saturday 11:00 to 11:00 PM. As we walk through the double doors of the entrance, we are warmly greeted right away by the LongHorn Staff, who are dressed in black tops and blue jeans. We had dinner at Longhorn after discovering a 30 minute wait at our first restaurant choice. The wait at Longhorn was only about 15 minutes, which was not bad for a ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Complexities Of Image And Text Relations Complexities of Image and Text Relations Illustration is a popular aspect in literature, and can be found in all genres and forms. Although it is sometimes more heavily associated with children s books such as illustrated stories, there are large amounts of illustrated work that are designed specifically for an adult audience. Images and text both convey meaning, but they can also compete with one another. Image and text can work to guide the reader on a desired path of understanding, or they can complement each other and allow for a greater understanding. There are a lot of examples of image and text working together, but the medium can be very different. From statues and sculptures with text engraving, paintings inspired by text (or vice versa), prose and verse and illustrations, this relationship is seen regularly in the Romantic Era. This relationship between images and text can be quite complex. Although the use of text and image complement each other and create a deeper understanding and meaning, an image can work to suggest a way of reading a text, therefore limiting the imagination of the reader, and insinuate a certain understanding of a text/story that the reader/viewer may not have come to on their own. In order to understand how text and image work in unison to create meaning, it will be beneficial to look at Lacan s Theory of Meaning . Victorino Tejera explains that a Lacanian approach to reading puts the work of art, not the critic, in a position analogous ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Family Marriage And Family I am learning many things about family, marriage and relationships. God wants us to show unconditional love towards others as he has showed us. Marriage takes commitment, according to Balswick Balswick, (2014) continued commitment in modern marriage is contingent on happiness and self fulfillment. In today s society it seems like convenience is more of a priority than commitment. We must first be committed to our God who is wholeheartedly committed to us. In Psalms 37:5 it says to commit your way to the lord trust in him, and he will act. Marriageis difficult, but it is easier when we depend on God and not man. Some of the things I will discuss are family, marriage and what God designed it for. I will also talk about my own experience with marriage and family. According to Balswick Balswick (2014, Marriage is the process whereby a man and a woman marry and become one, yet maintain their individual distinctiveness, (p. 4). This is a very sensitive topic for me seeing that I have two failed marriages. When I walked down the aisle and made that commitment until death do us part I did not realize that it would not be death but selfishness that pulled us part instead. God designed marriage to provide, partnerships, spiritual intimacy and the ability to pursue God, (Heffernan, 2014, p. 7). I now understand what intimacy is and how important it is in a relationship. Many individuals including myself mistake intimacy as only being about sex. Balswick (2014) ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hamlet And The Movie Hamlet The movie Hamlet has an identical script to the play, with the little stage direction present in the play the director of the film had to interpret what he read and create the best scene possible from his interpretations. The effects used in the film that stemmed from the director s interpretations of the play are zoom ins, jump cuts, flashbacks and music. The four main effects used in the film gave a stronger idea of what is to come in the play based on the big amount of guilt shown by Claudius. During the film, the director uses zoom ins and jump cuts to illustrate the fear Claudius feels when he is exposed by Hamlet. When actors come to the Danish castle to perform for the royalty, Hamlet requests that sixteen lines be added to the play. These added words would tell the exact way Claudius poisoned the King and for what reason. When the actors perform the play and recites the sixteen lines, Hamlet joins the actor on stage and begins to yell while looking directly into Claudius s eyes. As Hamlet is yelling towards Claudius in rage he exclaims, You shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago s wife. While yelling towards Claudius, the camera switched between the two six times during the span of 3 seconds. This is to allow the film audienceto recognize the negative and damning effects Hamlet s words are causing towards Claudius. As Hamlet is looking into the eyes of Claudius, Hamlet yells the word murderer , the zoom and jump cuts are very ... Get more on ...
  • 29. China Airlines Flight 611 Research Paper China Airlines flight 611 was a regularly scheduled flight from Taiwan International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport. The Boeing 747 flight took off on schedule and departed over the Taiwan Strait between China mainland and the island of Taiwan. Around 20 minutes into the flight the airplane obliterated without warning and crashed into the Taiwan Strait. There were no warning signs to the disaster, and this made discovering the cause very difficult. Engineers began recovering parts of the plane to begin analyzing what caused the disaster. What they did not know is that the reason for the disaster, began twenty two years before in Hong Kong. Until one day, when they discovered a piece on the lower part of the tail, that led... Show more content on ... It was determined that ballistic trajectory analysis was the next method to try and solve the mystery. Ballistic trajectory analysis is a computer program that uses factors of the atmosphere and the plane to trace where each object landed. This system is based on the fact that the part that breaks off first will land in the water first. The engineers used the GPS locations of each of the pieces along with the weight, speed, direction, ocean currents, and wind to determine which part of the plane broke off and therefore landed first. After performing this analysis, it was concluded that the tail end of the plane broke off first, and after they discovered this, the focus of the investigation focused to the tail. Then one day while scanning over the wreckage pieces, metallurgist Frank Zakar noticed a certain piece that had a different looking crack than all of the other pieces. When an airplane breaks in midair, many smaller pieces break off just because of the sudden force of the air acting on it, this is called an overload fracture. Overload fractures break at an angle, and up to this point all the pieces of metal that had been found had this characteristic. The new piece that was found did not have this type of character at all. The engineers examined this piece and found that it had very smooth cracking, very typical of metal fatigue. Metal ... Get more on ...
  • 30. John Adams Influence The second president of the United States of America John Adams was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735. He became a Harvard Lawyer who latter throughout his lifetime, he became an individual who became identified with the patriot cause which was led by George Washington who became the first president. Washington led a group of Patriots or Rebels to try and break free from the injustices that Great Britain placed upon the newly founded colonies. John Adams supported the ideals that the rebels thought of and became one of America s Founding Fathers. John Adams became a delegate in the first and second continental congress Adams strives towards the movement for independence against Britain. Adams became a critical player in the fight... Show more content on ... Although when Adams became president, he had to deal with the war that the French and the British were now facing something that his predecessor faced a tad bit off. The French and the British were causing major disorders on the high seas and severe favoritism towards contending factions within the nation. Adams administer choose to focus on France rather than Britain. The ruling group, had refused to receive the American envoy that had suspended commercial relations between the two countries. This lead to the X, Y, and Z case where Adams sent three of his commissioners to France. Later on though Adams found out that the French Foreign Minister Talleyrand and the ruling group had denied negotiating with the United States unless they were willing to pay a substantial bribe. Of course this angered Adams as Congress appropriated money to achieve new frigates and build new ships. Congress also passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were intended to frighten foreign agent out the county and bring some sort of oasis of the attack on the republican editors. After some time Adams later learned that France had no intention to have another war long negotiations after another both nations were able to conclude with their respective earnings. The campaign of the 1800 the Republicans were fully united and the Federalist were divided and not working as a group. This may be a reason why Adams may never had his second term in ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Mr Marek Case Study Mr. Marek is assigned as the Information Technology Specialist for ESD New York supporting the largest operational field command on the East Coast, Sector New York. Demonstrating outstanding technical expertise and professionalism, he delivered superior Information Technology (IT) services for 1,495 customers in ESD s area of responsibility consisting of 22 afloat and ashore units and eight Rescue 21 Remote Fixed Facilities. Mr. Marek fills a vital role contributing to Sector New York s operational success responding on average to 360 search and rescue cases, 920 emergency distress calls, and saves approximately $5 million in commercial and personal property. As ESD s IT technical representative, Mr. Marek oversaw several operational critical re cabling enterprises. He exceptionally integrated objectives and resources to provide sophisticated C4IT insight for Sector New York s $418K Demarcation Relocation project. He partnered with the Coast Guard s Facility Relocation Support Branch contributing high level guidance that advocated improvements to Sector s telephony physical security. Complying with rigid specifications and protocols, he aided contractors with developing a centralized point of connectivity... Show more content on ... Marek was a key member as Project Manager for renovations involving C4IT at Sector New York s athletic and educational facility. Throughout this evolution he provided first rate guidance on strict quality and control specifications, industry standards, and safety protocols for eight technicians and one seaman who is apprenticing under the ESD mentoring program. During the execution of this project, over $7,000 was expended on equipment enrichments and supplies, with approximately 1,000 feet of CAT3 and CAT5e cabling replaced, 100 feet of single mode fiber installed, and 24 new voice and data connections upgraded. His actions greatly improved network security measures, providing multiple physical barriers exceeding Coast Guard controlled space ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Depreciation and Vital Spark New Economy Transport (A) p. 182The New Economy Transport Company (NETCO) was formed in 1955 to carry cargo and passengers between ports in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. By 2008 its fleet had grown to four vessels, including a small dry cargo vessel, the Vital Spark. The Vital Spark is 25 years old and badly in need of an overhaul. Peter Handy, the finance director, has just been presented with a proposal that would require the following expenditures: Mr. Handy believes that all these outlays could be depreciated for tax purposes in the seven year MACRS class. NETCO s chief engineer, McPhail, estimates the postoverhaul operating costs as follows: These costs generally increase with inflation, which is... Show more content on ... This is a nominal, not a real, rate. NETCO s tax rate is 35%. QUESTION 1. Calculate the NPV of the proposed overhaul of the Vital Spark, with and without the new engine and control system. To do the calculation, you will have to prepare a spreadsheet table showing all costs after taxes over the vessel s remaining economic life. Take special care with your assumptions about depreciation tax shields and inflation. New Economy Transport (B) There is no question that the Vital Spark needs an overhaul soon. However, Mr. Handy feels it unwise to proceed without also considering the purchase of a new vessel. Cohn and Doyle, Inc., a Wisconsin shipyard, has approached NETCO with a design incorporating a Kort nozzle, extensively automated navigation and power control systems, and much more comfortable accommodations for the crew. Estimated annual operating costs of the new vessel are: The crew would require additional training to handle the new vessel s more complex and sophisticated equipment. Training would probably cost $50,000 next year. The estimated operating costs for the new vessel assume that it would be operated in the same way as the Vital Spark. However, the new vessel should be able to handle a larger load on some routes, which could generate additional revenues, net of additional out of pocket costs, of as much as $100,000 per year. Moreover, a new vessel would have a useful service life of 20 years or more. Cohn and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Resource and Capability [pic] [pic] Safedocs Document Management Services Business Report Part B TABLE OF CONTENTS:Page No: 1 Executive Summary03 2 Resource Demands04 2.1 Financial Resources 2.2 Human Resources04 2.3 Physical Resources05 2.3.1 Location05 2.3.2 Technological Resources05 2.3.3 Marketing06 2.3.4 Infrastructure Resources06 2.4 Intangible Resources06 2.4.1 Brand07 2.4.2 Reputation07 2.4.3 Goodwill07 2.4.4 Organizational Values07 2.5 Value Chain Analysis07 3 Resource Availability09 4 Business Goals11 5 Key Tasks13 5.1 Customer ... Show more content on ... [pic] (Business information demand, 2011) Physical resources, human resources, financial resources and Intangible resources are identified. Infrastructure, information technology, location and marketing are physical resources. Organizational values, culture, reputation and brand consist of intangible resources. 2.1 Financial Resources: Financial resources are one of the important requirements for starting up business. On need to identify the funds for current and future requirements for smooth business operations. Business owners main focus area is to meet different financial constrains occurring during business startup. Adequate financial arrangements for initial business operations and proper strategic planning to meet all future requirements are to be made before starting operations. (Weinrauch Mann, n.d). Safedocs capital investment is arranged by owner and balance amount arranged as bank loans. Initial investment calculated approximately $ 280000 including registration, office building, information technology, insurance premium, manpower cost and other operational costs 2. Human Resources: The purpose is to provide human resource requirement solution to meet business requirement that can support present and future functional demands of organization. Resources requirements includes manpower for management, control, training, development and
  • 34. operational requirement. Identify human resource requirement for ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Secondary Headaches A headache is a throbbing pain in the head which tends to be unilateral, spreading across the forehead and eyes. Headache is an agonising ache which could simply be a typical pain or it could be constant discomfort around the head which could be severe. (Wedro, 2015) Headaches are very common with around 10 million people frequently complaining of headaches in outpatient practice (Kaderebek, 2015). The nature of headaches varies from typical headaches to migraines which need to be given more attention to. If the pain is relentless and is affecting their performance it would be advised to visit a health professional, to find out the underlying issue. Primary headaches are not a symptom but rather over activity of pain fibres in the brain. Secondary headaches are due to an underlying problem from an illness. It is a symptom of a disease that activates the pain fibres in the brain such as dental problems, ear infection, and dehydration. A clear example of secondary headaches is spinal headaches which are caused by low ... Show more content on ... The role of the pharmacist is to greet the patient/customer and ask questions and enquire about the treatment and patient such as who s it for, what s it for, what are the symptoms, how long have you had them for, are you on any other medication, have you tried anything for migraines. If they wish to speak privately they will be taken into the consultation room. Once the pharmacist clearly understands the problem they will supplement the medication or if they feel it is necessary for them to visit a health professional, they will advise them to book an appointment with their doctor. At the end of the conversation the pharmacist will clarify if they understood everything and offer the opportunity to ask questions if they have any concerns or confusion. The pharmacist will tell them to ring or visit the pharmacy again if they need further advice or ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Film, Coordinated By Tom Tykwer Perfume is a dull and sensational story of fixation murder and the mission for a genuinely extraordinary fragrance.A mix of stunning tension and unparalleled olfactory writing, this abstract presentation was one of the best overall blockbusters in the mid 80s. The eponymous film, coordinated by Tom Tykwer. Perfume is the frightening story of an eighteenth century Parisian vagrant, Jean Baptiste Grenouille. Jean Baptiste is the primary character to be seen in the film. Scent s legend is malevolent , grimy and has no exchanges. He acted with his nose which can be appeared in the film with closeups around 27 times. In a film the characters physical appearance, activities and surroundings of the characters give awesome insight about the attributes of the character. One can thoroughly analyze the characters on the premise of it. Grenouille and Baldini, the perfumers in the film have an extremely humorous characters. Grenouille s life had been a veiled of youth injury. His identity had been incited in his prime life, particularly amid his initial five years. He was an undesirable Parisian orphan,with no individual fragrance and with no feeling of belongingness, absence of social cooperations with the outside world, dismissed without appropriate direction of importance of emotions, and better comprehension of fundamental information that every individual ought to know. His childhood was covered with lack of interest from his mates, disregard and psychological mistreatment ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Beethoven Summary EARLY SONATAS (1795 1802) Beethoven s early sonatas were highly influenced by Haydn and Mozart, he dedicated his first three sonatas to Haydn, his teacher. Before Beethoven moved to Vienna, he composed three piano sonatas, WoO 47, KurfГјrsten (composed and published 1782 1783). Few years later, the composer moved to Vienna and established his ability in composition. Four movement sonata is uncommon in Beethoven s time, but young Beethoven started to experiencing the freedom of multiple movements. Op. 2: three piano sonatas was composed in 1795 and were dedicated to Joseph Haydn. All these three sonatas have 4 movements. Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor, No. 2 in A major and No. 3 in C major. The last one often believes to be his first virtuosic piano sonata. Op. 7, Piano sonata No. 4 in E flat major, Grand Sonata is dedicated to Beethoven s student Babette, the Countess Keglevics and published in 1797. Op. 10 is another set of three sonatas, Piano Sonata No. 5 in C Minor (3 movements, 1796), is dedicated to Anna Margarete von Browne, the wife of a Russian diplomat. Piano Sonata No. 6 in F Major (3 movements), is also dedicated to von Browne. Piano Sonata No. 7 in D Major: The third sonata is dedicated to von Browne, this piece was written in 1798 and is the longest of the three. In the year he composed this set, 1798, Beethoven started to lose his hearing. He started to realized that he was becoming deaf, but Beethoven is a fighter and the deafness did not stop him from ... Get more on ...
  • 38. N. P. U. s Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units were first established in 1974 as a way for citizens in the community to be engage in planning around their city but to also voice their ideas and concerns. There are currently twenty five different N.P.U. s that spilt up Atlanta based off neighborhoods. Some argue that N.P.U. s serve no purpose and should be perish, while others contend N.P.U. s are the foundation for communities. Either way, an N.P.U. is only as successful as how well it is run. Last week the author had the chance to attend N.P.U.: E meeting and view how the meeting was conducted and went. Neighborhood Planning Unit: E contains elven different neighborhoods that range from Atlantic Station to Brookwood Hills. With that being said this N.P.U. is very, very huge and has a lot to cover. The meeting started with an introduction and hot topics in neighborhoods with a time limit of a minute. Following that was the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board report, along with the planner s report. The next half of the meeting hold the most important parts of the meeting. Succeeding was the introduction of the public officials, which included five different departments. This part was tedious but, also informative of what each department is currently working... Show more content on ... meeting and they don t have much to compare it to, the meeting went perfect. If there are any suggests that could be given to the officials, it would be that a microphone would be a good idea. For people sitting in the back or that have poor hearing, it was very difficult to hear at times. There should be a time limit on the meeting as it ran very long. This could be why many people left early after presenting. The author did enjoy the meeting, however would not attend this particular N.P.U. again. It did encourage the author to attend her own N.P.U. and become involved. N.P.U.: E is a great neighborhood planning unit and comes highly recommended for a first ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Animals Should Not Be Bred Animals that are born into this can spend most of their lives in cramped cages, with no room to exercise and play. Often times, the water and food provided for the puppies is contaminated, crawling with bugs. And most of the time the puppies can even be malnourished. Puppies in mills are found with bleeding or swollen paws, feet falling through the wire cages, severe tooth decay, ear infections, dehydration, and lesions on their eyes, which often lead to blindness. Living this unhealthy life is abuse in so many ways, most puppy mills have no veterinary cave, climate control, or protection for the animal from weather. So basically these animals are starving and dying slowly just for the profit of the seller when instead these animals should... Show more content on ... Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs will not or cannot continue. In addition, the injuries inflicted and sustained by dogs participating in dog fights are frequently severe even fatal. The American pit bull terrier type dogs used in the majority of these fights have been specifically bred and trained for fighting and are unrelenting in their attempts to overcome their opponents. With their extremely powerful jaws, they are able to inflict severe bruising deep puncture wounds, and broken bones. The dogs used in these events often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection hours or even days after the fights. Other animals often scarified as well; dogs who are born cold , or won t fight maybe kept around to sic other dog s on. Also they use cats (in cages) to make the dogs mean, it not only affects the dog, but it s very cruel to the cat to be put through that. Animal hoarding has become a large problem. It has been estimated that there are nine hundred to two thousand new cases every year of animal hoarding in the United States, with two thousand and fifty thousand animals falling victims. Another case of animal abuse is animal hoarding, animal hoarding impacts communities across the United States on a daily basis with approximately three thousand five hundred reported new cases discovered each ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Determination of a Rate Equation Essay Determination of a Rate Equation Rate equation has the form rate = k [A]x[B]y which shows how the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the concentration of the reactants (A B) and the rate constant k. The rate equation normally indicates what species are involved in the rate determining step and how many species are involved. A rate equation is used to describe how the concentration of a product increases or the concentration of the reactants decreases with time, the equation also indicates how the concentration of one or more reactants directly affects the rate. Occasionally it can even be the concentration of a product that affects the rate. In general the rate equation for the reaction: A + B C + D Is found by experiment to ... Show more content on ... The equation is: 2HCl(aq) = Na2S2O3(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + S(s) + SO2 (g) = H2O(l) APPARATUS ========= В· Conical flask. В· Beaker. В· Pipette. В· Burette. В· Clamp stand. В· Grippers. В· Funnel. В· Stop watch. В· Labels. В· Marker pen. В· White paper. В· Goggles. SOLUTIONS ========= В· 0.2 mol dm 3 of sodium thiosulphate. В· 2.0 mol dm 3 of hydrochloric acid. В· Distilled water. DILUTION TABLES ===============
  • 41. 2.0 mol dm 3 of hydrochloric acid. Concentration of HCl Volume of HCl Volume of water (Mol dm 3) (cm3) (cm3) 2.0 10.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 2.5 7.5 0.25 1.75 8.25 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.2 mol dm 3 of sodium thiosulphate. Concentration of Na2S2O3 Volume of Na2S2O3 Volume of water (Mol dm 3) (cm3) (cm3) 0.2 50.0 0.0 0.1 25.0 25.0 0.05 12.5 37.5 0.025 6.25 43.75 0.0 0 50.0 METHOD 1 ======== В· Firstly set ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Dark Energy Research Paper UNIVERSE The universe might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and re collapse, but it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding scientist from NASA What is the Universe made up of? The universe is suspected to be made out of 3 substances. The first substance is Normal Matter, which consist of the atoms that make up stars, planets and almost everything alive whether it be abiotic or biotic and every other visible thing in the universe. Normal matter even though it sounds like it makes up almost the entire universe surprisingly it accounts for the smallest portion of the universe, which is somewhere between 1% and 5%. Since there is more unknown than known of Dark Energy it is difficult to know exactly ho much of the universe is Dark Energy. Henceforth scientist have theorized that roughly 68% of the Universe is Dark Energy. And scientist at NASA have concluded that Dark Matter makes up about 27% of the Universe. What is Dark Energy? You can go to this site and read what is Dark Energy or you can read the summary of what it could be. To summarize it all Dark Energy could be a property of space, a new dynamic fluid, or a new... Show more content on ... Due to this a lot of matter condenses to a small space which causes gravity to be stronger that not even light can escape. And since there is no light we ca not see it due to it being so dark rendering it virtually invisible, luckily we have created space telescopes with special tools to help us locate Black Holes. As we all know the strength of the gravity of the Black Hole varies on its size, but what we don t know is that where does everything a black hole pulls into it go? For as long as we have know about Black Holes we have wondered, where do the things a black hole takes go? Many scientist have theorized a numerous amounts of possibilities. And as of know we will never know and hopefully we ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Bmw 7 Series BMW: The 7 Series Project Case Team 7: Jonghoon Ahn, Sangdong Kim, Chae Won Lee, Wonil Shin, Jonghwan Lee Question 1: How does one define design quality? Answer: Design quality means the product attributes that enhance the utility of the product for the customers. It is that making products for consumers to use the products better with more conveniences and values. Question 2: What are the causes and consequences of BMW s quality problems with newly launched products? What should be done to improve launch quality? Answer: I think there are several reasons in BMW s new model development way like below; 1. BMW doesn t use pre production tools during prototyping. gt; BMW has less opportunity to uncover and solve many kinds ... Show more content on ... It would save the time for solving problems with tool design, the part, or the process before the actual production starts and would save the money at last. 2. Let the vendors supply the prototype parts. They are the specialist for the products. They have more experience and skills in their filed. Using them in development process let them fix our problems in advance. After completing the final design approval, let them supply the parts for commercial production, too. It will make the relationships between BMW and vendors more cooperative and friendly. 3. Shorten the period from pilot production to commercial production. Apply pre production tools in pilot production as early as possible and get rid of and shorten the period of factory pilot production if possible. Regarding future development projects, same changes should be applied, I think. Question 4: What changes would you recommend in the way BMW develops new models? What attributes of newly launched products would you expect to improve as a result of these recommendations? Which attributes might deteriorate? Answer: I recommend like; 1. Design for production. In BMW, designing is the first thing in development. However I think, design people don t consider efficient production engineering. If they make production engineering into design consideration, the development process will be more efficient and quality problems and period will decrease. However the creativity can be injured. 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Making Of Space Race And Place Analysis Going back to the original question, what is considered graffiti? McAuliffe and Iveson proposed an idea, asking whether graffiti is still graffiti if it is taken from its illegal context on the walls of the city and placed in a gallery (130). In The Making of Space, Race and Place by Maggie Dickinson, Sandra Fabara, a writer who was featured in the Brooklyn Museum exhibit, answered this question. Fabara argued that The pieces in galleries cease to be graffitibecause they have been removed from the cultural context that gives graffiti a reason for being, a voice from the ghetto. Authentic graffiti cannot exist in the sanctuary provided by the galleries and museums (39). She is saying that since the cultural side is being taken away and ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Army Descriptive Writing Picture this: you can smell the incoming rain on a cool October day, you can hear the leaves peacefully falling. You can also hear 65 screaming kids playing on the playground at lunch recess; you yearn to get going to pack for your camping trip that you know will be fun. You quickly throw your clothes, three pairs of boots (you insist that 2 pairs will simply not be enough), your helmet (knowing that you will be riding your horse), and 4 sweatshirts. You throw your bag(s) into the car and start calling to the rest of your family to hurry up. You throw yourself into the car and anxiously wait for them. Feeling like they are taking an eternity, you call, again, for them hurry up. Finally, after what felt like forever, they finally get into... Show more content on ... You could almost taste the thick moisture in the air. The taste of the mouthwatering breakfast lingered in your mouth throughout the morning. A wild imagination fills your mouth with the potluck that I longed for later that evening. You can feel the grogginess of all of the campers in the group, even though it was late in the morning. The morning sun rose to surround the landscape with its warmth. The ever lingering moisture in the air was thick enough you could feel it. You can clearly see the heavy dew on the grass. The thin layer of moisture covers every surface. The insanely beautiful sunrise on the horizon showers you with a bright light that is bound to wake you completely. The peacefully resting horses can be seen from your trailer s window. The slow moving preparation for the day ahead is seen in many neighboring campsites. There is a group of boys desperately trying to start a fire with whatever dry kindling they can find. Many of the adults are seen trying to clean up their campsite from the night before. You can very clearly hear the movement of every squirrel within fifty feet of your camper. The quiet murmur of each family rising to get ready is a prominent sound throughout the campground. The sizzling of the newly built fire, and the water running in a nearby trailer prove to be the only sounds not coming from nature that morning. The quiet sound of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. My Organization s Programs Promote And Impact The Healthy... Professional Development Grant Please state your organization s mission and describe how your organization s programs directly promote and impact the healthy development of children and youth. Include the number of Indiana youth served and briefly discuss program outcomes. The mission of Kankakee Valley High Schoolis to provide a rigorous academic training that is relevant and transferrable to students future learning and success. As a teacher, I am responsible for the development of students academically as well as socially. I prepare them to be productive citizens while in high school and after graduation. If they are planning to attend any postsecondary training, it is my duty to make sure they are adequately prepared. As an advisor of the Council of Student Leaders, it is my purpose to put my students on the path to being great leaders. In order to achieve this, I provide them with activities that promote the healthy development of their social skills, making healthy connections and relationships with others, breaking down barriers, eliminating stereotypes, empowering their fellow students, and inclusion for everyone in our school. In our school, we have roughly 1,100 students in grades 9 12. However, my students have contact with other student leaders from all over the state of Indiana through various state leadership conventions and workshops. What I am able to impart on them will trickle down throughout the rest of the state as more of my students have ... Get more on ...