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Essay Report Example
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Report Example" presents a unique challenge. At first
glance, it might seem straightforward; however, delving deeper reveals complexities that can
make it quite difficult to tackle alone.
To begin with, the topic itself is broad and open-ended. It requires a clear understanding of what
constitutes an essay report, including its structure, purpose, and audience. Crafting a compelling
piece demands not only knowledge of the subject matter but also the ability to articulate
thoughts coherently and persuasively.
Moreover, finding relevant examples to support arguments and illustrate key points is crucial.
This necessitates extensive research and critical analysis to sift through vast amounts of
information and identify the most pertinent sources.
Additionally, maintaining focus and avoiding tangents can be challenging when exploring such a
multifaceted topic. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth of coverage is essential
to ensure that the essay remains informative yet concise.
Furthermore, the task of organizing ideas and crafting a well-structured essay requires careful
planning and attention to detail. From outlining the introduction, body paragraphs, and
conclusion to ensuring seamless transitions between sections, every aspect must be meticulously
Finally, revising and refining the essay to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality is a
time-consuming yet indispensable step in the writing process. This entails multiple rounds of
editing and proofreading to polish the content and eliminate errors.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Essay Report Example" demands a combination
of research, critical thinking, organization, and writing skills. While it presents challenges,
overcoming them can lead to a rewarding and insightful piece of writing.
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Essay Report Example Essay Report Example
Conflict in Ireland Essay
Conflict in Ireland
Which of these events has had the biggest impact on the history of the Conflict in
(a) The Easter Rising, 1916.
(b) The deployment of British troops in Northern Ireland, 1969.
(c) Bloody Sunday , 30th January 1972.
(a) The Easter Rising, 1916.
On Monday April 24th 1916, a force between 1,000 and 1,500 Irishmen and women
consisting of volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army seized control of the General
Post Office in Dublin which became Pearse and Connolly s (organisers of the
rebellion) command post for the rebellion along with the Four Courts, Jacob s
Factory, Boland s Bakery, the South Dublin Union, St. Stephen s Green and later the
... Show more content on ...
Thus causing Sinn Fein to win two parliamentary elections in 1917 to take two
previously held nationalist seats by the end of that year. There were now more than
200,000 Sinn Fein members and they could finally challenge the Irish Nationalists.
The British parliament tried to combat this by setting up a convention which lasted
about a year before Sinn Fein stopped it. In the general election of 1918 Sinn Fein
won 73 seats and the Nationalists 7 and Ulster 23. In January 1919 Sinn Fein
members assembled in Dublin as the DГЎil Г‰ireann with Eamon de Valera their
president proclaiming Ireland s independence which demonstrated their commitment
to the cause of freeing Ireland from British rule. They then organised a guerrilla unit
led by Michael Collins which attacked and bombed the British responsible for
controlling Ireland. The guerrilla unit later formed the IRA freedom fighters .
The British Government were unable to stop the IRA politically, so they called
upon armed units called the Black and Tans and the Auxiliaries to destroy the IRA
by raiding and burning houses, killing and torturing IRA members suspects as well
as innocent people. They failed to defeat the IRA even though they heavily
outnumbered them. This was because Michael Collins organised his guerrilla unit
very well with a series of hit and run attacks
Deconstruction of an Advertisement Essay
Subaru Car Wash Sexy Subaru Car Wash
Sexy Sumo Car Wash Video.flv YouTube
Subaru puts a new Eastern satirical twist on the tradition Western sexy car wash in
their advertisement for the Forrester which in place of Heidi Klum or Jessica
Simpson sumo wrestlers scantily washing the new vehicle. This advertisement starts
off with a dirty Forrester pulling into the car wash with seductive music playing in
the background. Most audiences expect a group of supermodels in bikinis to come
out and wash the car, however the elderly couple and the audience is surprised to see
six sumo wrestlers come out in uniform to wash the car. The sumo wrestlers whip
their rags and rub ... Show more content on ...
This ad violates social and cultural norms by replacing beautiful women who
normally would advertise cars with sumo wrestlers, a reference to the origin of the
cars manufacturer. In an article published in Motor Authority it was quoted that
Unlike the bikini wearing models in other ads, you re not left wondering where the
car is...If anything your eyes seek out the [car], if only for aesthetic relief. (Lienert
In this advertisement Subaru Canada is also portraying a sense of Japanese pride.
Sumo wrestlers are honored in Japan and by replacing a Canadian or American
supermodel with a symbol of Japanese pride, the sumo wrestler. This connects
viewers with the pride of a Japanese manufactured car that the ad is trying to sell.
What else is the ad selling?
Subaru Canada is selling a new type of car advertisement which shows deviance to
societal norms by changing the image of what people think is sexy. Sex sells is a
long standing phrase that can be used to define the advertising industry and before
this commercial was released many manufacturers marketed sexy car advertisements
using Sports Illustrated swimsuit models or models of a similar stature. Subaru in
lieu of the sexy bikini models has chosen to express their individuality by chosen a
cultural representation to poke fun at traditional advertising. Subaru takes a
humorous approach to the commercial, selling the
The Events At The University Of Arkansas At Monticello
Throughout the last four weeks, I ve attended several events at the University of
Arkansas at Monticello. Some events were more organized than others, but each
event had a different purpose and all of the events was executed well. While in high
school I participated in many on and off school activities; in which taught me a
valuable lesson that I later on used at the events on campus. The activities taught me
good communications skills that I needed during the events. During the events I got
the chance to use my communications skills that I learned by participating in
activities in high school. I got the chance to interact with new people and experience
new things that I never done before. Out of all the events I attended, I believed Rock
the Clock was the most beneficial.
Although I think Rock the Clock was the most beneficial; I attended three more
events other than Rock the Clock. The other events were Cosmic Bowling, Freshman
Orientation Day Two, and the Mud Olympics. Although Rock the Clock was the
most beneficial. Cosmic Bowling was on August 22nd at 7:00pm. Timberlodge
Lanes sponsored the event and did a splendid job hosting the event and publicizing
the event. The event was publicized in brochures, letters, and flyers. On every wall I
walked by; I would see something promoting the event. Constantly seeing a reminder
of the event made me not forget about the event; and actually attend it. My roommate
and I left around 7:45; once we got there it was packed. We actually
A Dozen Reasons To Exercise Analysis
Every single person, including kids, should exercise every day for at least thirty
minutes to an hour. Therefore, the more you exercise the superior. Exercising may
embrace of walking, running, doing a sport, and even going to the gym. However,
if a person does not work out at all, that s an immense problem. In fact, people even
convey that not exercising is as defective as it is smoking a cigarette. The article, A
Dozen Reasons to Exercise, (Source 3) by the author, Rosie Alvarado Martin,
essentially gives the audience 12 significant reasons on why people should consider
exercising if they want to avoid having a higher chance of having a heart disease.
Generally speaking, there are 12 reasons, but I m only going to give further
information... Show more content on ...
Yet, if you re also a person who works in an office 5 days a week, and you re just
sitting down, I endorse you to get up during your break and go walk at least around
the building. And, if you re just sitting down, procrastinating, you re going to end
up getting gallstones. Now, when it comes to men, the article expresses that Men
who walked two to three hours a week had a 25 percent lower risk of benign
prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) than men who seldom walked. In my
opinion, the remarkably appropriate reason for why exercising is suitable for you
is because it can benefit both, men and women, reduce stress and help them with
depression. Let s proclaim that you re stressed about something, just give yourself
15 min of your time and go for a walk. and if you really don t want to go for a walk
or run, you could literally just do some aerobics, and that will help you release all
that awful energy that you have stored inside of
The metals analyzed were Cadmium, Copper and Lead. All
The metals analyzed were Cadmium, Copper and Lead. All the selected metals were
present in water, sediments and fish samples from all the study sites.
The heavy metal concentration in water does not exceed WHO guidelines. This
finding was in agreement with (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi, 2009).
Cadmium concentration from Florema, Sher Karuturi, Flamingo and Malewa River
exceed the WHO limits for sediments. Discussion already existing. The fish
cadmium levels were lower than the WHO standards but the samples taken from
Oserian and Sher Karuturi were close recording levels of 0.074 and 0.079
respectively. The finding is in agreement with the results of a study carried out in
Awassa and Koka Lakes in Ethiopia where the Cadmium... Show more content on ...
These high concentrations were attributed to increase in fishing vessels and trawlers
that have galvanized metal coating (Mitra., Mitra., Hazra., Chaudhuri, 2000).
The heavy metal concentration profile in fish followed the sequence, Cu Pb Cd
which was a similar sequence in heavy metal concentration in sediments. This finding
is in agreement with the results of the study on heavy metals in fish of Avsar Dam
Lake in Turkey (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi, 2009).
In fish do not exceed WHO in contrast with (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi,
There was evidence of heavy metal biomagnification as the levels of heavy metals in
fish exceeded the concentration in water samples although the metal levels do not
exceed WHO and USEPA guidelines. This is in agreement with the findings by Olaifa
et al, where the heavy metal concentrations were within safe limits for human
consumption. However, this finding is in contrast with other studies, Usman (2011)
and Muiruri, (2013) where the heavy metal concentration in fish was beyond the
permissible limits and therefore not fit for human consumption (Javed. Usman, 2011).
Dissolved oxygen levels below the critical 5mg/l for fish
Contrasting....The lower the salinity, the higher the rate of uptake. The toxicity of
heavy metals in fish is a function of the free metal ion concentration which is
controlled by the chrolide content in water. As the chloride
Phantom Of The Opera Comparison
With the movie industry becoming more and more popular, it is wondered if the
theatre is becoming a dying art form because of it. After all, musicals are being
made as movies, but are they are better than them? In this essay, I look to compare
the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera with the stage version of it and
decide based off of this, if the theatre is really a dying art form. For the stage
version of the show, I decided to do the 25th anniversary version of it which was
performed at the Royal Albert Hall. In addition to, it was sold out in just 5 hours
and happened in 2011. The starring actors and actresses in this were Ramin
Karimloo as The Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine DaaГ©, Hadley Fraser as
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, Wendy Ferguson as
... Show more content on ...
The last thing that I would like to say that I liked was their costumes. Their
costumes just fit for each of the characters. The one that I liked the most was the
Phantom s one to start the 2nd act. It was just so scary and intimidating. However,
with each excellent part of a show, there are awful ones as well. I didn t enjoy the
ending because I didn t understand who the person was. They just introduced a
new character and I still don t know if Christine got older or if that was someone
else. Something else that I didn t like was when a bunch of people was singing, but
they were all something different which made it confusing. Now that we have
analyzed the stage version, it is time to take a look at the film. The film version had
many pluses and minuses. I ll first start off with what I liked. The part of the film
that I liked the best were the camera angles. Where the parts where the film fell short,
it made up at times with its brilliant placement of the camera. Something else that I
liked was the special effects of the movie. They made it a lot more entertaining with
what they
Essay on The Use of Force
The Use of Force, written by William Carlos Williams is a story about a conflicted
unnamed doctor using physical force to determine a diagnosis. The question that is
brought up is whether or not the doctor s use of force was one of ethical duty or
infuriating violence. The doctor makes it his duty to save the patient, Mathilda as
she does not cooperate he makes a choice to go on and use force to open her mouth
to determine her diagnosis. The choice of using force isn t necessarily the
questionable part, the motive on using physical force is debatable. The ultimate
questionthat the short story, the Use of Force asks is whether or not the doctors
motives become one of dutiful compassion or desirable violence. As the story... Show
more content on ...
He first tries to be accommodating by asking the girl for her name in order to get her
to cooperate in opening her mouth, but she does not budge. The doctor assures
Mathilda that he has nothing in his hands and that she should open up. Such a nice
man, put in the mother. Look how kind he is to you. Come on, do what he tells you
to. He won t hurt you. The mother s helpfulness in assuring the girl that the doctor
is trying to help enrages the doctor; as he puts it, At that I ground my teeth in
disgust. The doctor then shows frustration, If only they wouldn t sue use the word
Hurt I might be able to get somewhere. (par. 16) Despite this he continues to get his
diagnosis. As the doctor reaches again for the girl, she swipes his glasses and the
parents light up in embarrassment. They apologize and chastise the girl and
assures assure her that he is a nice man. The doctor lashes out to the parents, For
heaven s sake, I broke in. Don t call me a nice man to her. (par. 19) He states to the
parents that he is strictly there to check her throat to see if she has diphtheria and
that she could die from it. It is apparent at this point that the doctor may not care
what the parents and child think of him, just as long as he checks the girls (should it
be girl s? I didn t correct you, because I m not actually sure which is right)
Essay on A Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement that Insults
A Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement that Insults America
There are a lot different types of sitcoms, and other types of advertising out there in
this day in age. The one ad that fell upon my eyes, and pulled me enough its way to
persuade me to write a paper on is a Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement. This
advertisement is a true way to show how much advertisement has become
demoralizing, and appealing to the eye. They sell values, images, and concepts of
success and worth, love, and sexuality, popularity and normalcy . (Kilbourne, 178)
Advertising has taken many different methods throughout history to attract people to
its products. Advertisers use television, newspapers, magazines, and many other
methods. It uses different types of ... Show more content on ...
There is absolutely no connection between these two things, yet this company still
tried to make one. At least that is what it seems like to me. I find this truly insulting.
This highly cliquey, and expensive company is just trying to make their product more
charming to the eye then it really is.
Besides the obvious terrible connection they try to make to the American flag, they
also seem to be trying to show us that only cool upper class people own this
fragrance. Or at least that is the kind of person you will be if you happen to use
this fragrance. As you would notice everything is portrayed almost as perfect in the
picture. The big fancy house in the background is eye alluring. All the people in the
picture are good looking people of each gender that are all wearing clique Tommy
Hilfiger clothes. So if I understand this right. If I buy this fragrance do I
automatically become cool, and good looking as this ad is portraying? It s a scam!
Media images are so persuasive, they can easily become prototypes of style, class,
or even profession. (Brownmiller, 209) It s a waist of money and time to even buy
this product. Why don t they use people that are less appealing to the eye, that can t
afford the most expensive clothes, and shoes? This is another method this company
is trying to use. They are trying to advertise their fresh clothes with their fragrance. It
s too bad that they fail to mention how expensive their clothes are in this ad as well.
Analysis Of The Great Dictator Charlie Chaplin
The Great Dictator written and directed by Charlie Chaplin is a film that circles
around two characters, which are both played by Chaplin. The movie begins in a
time and place similar to one where Hitler had risen to power, and started his
annihilation of the Jews. Chaplin plays both the amnesiac Jewish barber and Hynkel
(Hitler), the dictator of Tomainia. Hynkel though a powerful and ruthless dictator is
often shown to be comically dwarfed both in height and intelligence. His right hand
commander, or trash guy, seems to be the one behind some of his plans. He
compliments Hynkel with words of praise then proceeds to hint at ways to destroy
the Jews, and take over the neighboring states. But as the film progresses, we see how
Chaplin portrays Hynkel as being utterly ridiculous; the man cannot seem to do
anything without growing angry at his own incompetence.
Movies like this, and a similar film, Inglorious Bastards , portray Hitler as a man
who in the face of death or immediate anger will quiver and blubber nonsense or the
next second muster enough anger to rant as loud as possible (ex: Cheese and
Crackers!) I think Chaplin did good capturing the Fuhrer s mannerisms in such an
ironic way. Some of his mannerisms include the feeble, affected hand salute;
Inclination for striking ludicrous attitudes; The fabulous fits of rage and violent facial
There were many themes I noticed in the film, and one of the most prevalent themes
was the use of satire. The use of humor and exaggeration provided a constant comic
relief from the actual reality of what was going on during this time. Although he did
state at one point that he was unaware, or not fully aware of Adolf s actions and
intentions. According to an article, Chaplin wrote in his biography that he regretted
making the The Great Dictator: Had I known of the actual horrors of the German
concentration camps, I could not have made the Great Dictator; I could not have
made fun of the homicidal insanity of the Nazis. I found it interesting that in a way
his film was foreshadowing history itself. At the beginning of the film, the detective
missile continues to aim at the Jewish soldier, no matter how many times he changes
directions. It felt like
ASTYM Treatment Principles
The Treatment FITT Principles A typical ASTYM treatment includes 8 10 treatments,
two times per week, with a 2 day break in between each session (e.g. Mon Th, Tu F,
M F). As for intensity, the pressure of using the tool varies based on the condition
being treated as well as the patient s tolerance. Training is required to use the tools
properly and address the soft tissue dysfunction. After the certified PT uses the
ASTYM tool on the soft tissue dysfunction, exercises are given to the patient to do in
order to use that new range of motion, and for functional purposes. Interventions vary
depending on the body impairment, but could include: strengthening the weak
muscles, increasing range of motion (by using the new motion gained from
treatment), performing daily activities with proper mechanics, etc. Each intervention
of ASTYM for treating one body impairment lasts about 10 minutes each session (or
whenever the dysfunction appears to be less restricted). Maximal results usually
achieved in 6 9 treatments. After 12 treatments, a patient probably won t see much
more results. 1 Lastly, ASTYM treatment is administered only by clinicians who have
completed a comprehensive training program and who are certified by Performance
Dynamics. 3 The training includes pre reading, pre tests, specific intensive treatment
/anatomy... Show more content on ...
5 Maximal force output of the lower extremity was measured by an isometric squat
test, before and after treatment in all participants. A sham treatment version of
ASTYM treatment was given to randomly selected participants. Results showed that
in those participants who received the actual ASTYM treatment had a significant
effect on the percent change of maximal force output. Study supports that ASTYM
can have an immediate effect on muscle performance for those who have muscle
weakness after a lower extremity musculoskeletal injury.
Maria Konnikova s The Limits Of Friendship
The emergence of new communication tools such as phones, televisions, and
computers along with internet are constantly changing the way people live and
communicate. Many new information technology, especially the internet, pulled
distance between people closer because human communication will no longer be
constrained by time and space. People can talk through the internetor participate in
online discussion group at every corner of the world; thus, enhanced human social
connections. However, this is not what every human believes. People who opposed
these thinking tend to believe that the internet is what lead to human outliers isolated
since people spend daily social activities times on the internet.
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By age of 20 something, there are enough time, energy, and personal space to learn,
understand, enhance, and get out of troughs. It is... Show more content on ...
However, while getting this connection and social network meanwhile, became
lonely. As Maria Konnikova states in her essay, The Limits of Friendship, While
their median number of Facebook friends was three hundreds, they only counted an
average of seventy five as actual friends (237). The Internet has become another
place for entertainment and recreation. It also reflects that the Internet has become
more popular and became a part of daily life. So much so that the Internet has
become a usual practice. If the use of the Internet is divided into two parts inertia and
accidental use , people who use the Internet inertia usually use it for entertainment to
escape life, and stimulate the mood. On the other hand, those who use it as accidental
use are usually for a specific motivation; including to update information, social and
emotional exchanges. However, these two types of users do not have a consistent and
fixed usage
Multinational Enterprise s ) Implementations Of Strategic...
Scope of this assignment: In this paper I m going to discuss MNE s (Multinational
Enterprise s) implementations of strategic alliance mostly at the international level;
however, I will also provide some specific real cases as examples of strategic
alliance. What compelling reasons might influence a firm s adoption of strategic
alliances when expanding internationally? What are possible pitfalls and how might
they be avoided? Discuss with reference to appropriate With the fast politic and
economic development, and the rapid development in the high technology and
information industry, economic globalization has made the global competition more
intense. Many companies expand internationally when domestic market begin to
mature or become saturated. For those expanding into oversea markets, choosing
appropriate strategy is crucial to its survival in the international business. For an
enterprise, it s purposes for business operation is to ultimately achieve corporate
strategic objectives through an effective strategic choice. In order for enterprises to
achieved corporate strategic objectives and grow, various types of resources and
capabilities are much needed. As globalization advances, industry competition has
become increasingly fierce. Once the enterprise has achieved beyond the scope of
existing recourses that they can carry, it is imperative for them to obtain resources
from outside. Because of the incompleteness of the market, a lot of resources cannot
State X And The Outer Space Treaty
Summary of Facts In February of 2006, State X claimed a 1000 square kilometer
surface area on the moon as part of its territory and therefore subjected to its territorial
jurisdiction. Soon after claiming the territory, State X began to construct permanent
structures on the moon for the purpose of researching and mining resources.
Furthermore, with the newly acquired resources, State X intended to use it to boosts
its own economy.
The issue and lawsuit raised by State Y, which is representing not just itself, but all of
the parties to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, is that State X although not a party to
the Outer Space Treaty, is still subject to it as a result of article 1 and article 2 of the
treaty being deemed Jus Cogens or ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, it highlights the concept
Pacta Sunt Servanda (The United Nations, 1969, art. 26). What this means is that
the treaty is binding to all of the parties that are signed to it. In other words,
according to this principle, State X is not bound by the Outer Space Treaty. This
idea is later and clearly reinforced in article 34, where it states that a treaty does not
create obligation...for a third State without its consent (The United Nations, 1969, art.
However, like mentioned above, through article 36 of the treaty, it is possible that
a third party state may be compelled to act in accordance with the treaty if it
satisfies two conditions. The first condition is whether at the time of creation of
the treaty, did the parties creating the treaty intend for it to apply to all states (The
United Nations, 1969, art. 36(1)). If we examine the Outer Space Treaty of 1967,
we can easily see that the parties creating the treaty did indeed intend for it to be
applied to all states since contains within the first two articles keywords such as all
mankind (Ferreira Snyman, 2015, p.497). Furthermore, within the treaty, it says that
space is open for exploration to all (Ito, 2011). Words such as all here will mean that
it applies to every state, not just states partied to the treaty.
As a result of this, I would definitely agree that
Criterion-Referenced Competency Test
Using the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) to measure Georgia public
schools Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) put pressure on the Atlanta Public Schools
and fostered Beverly Hall to use dishonorable tactics to meet the goals of President
George W. Bush s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which required states to
conduct annual assessments of student academic achievement to determine financial
rewards or penalties for schools and teachers. This act failed to recognize the
underlying problems in low performing public schools, often problems that money
could not fix, and had unintended negative consequences such as the Atlanta cheating
scandal. First of all, federal funding was granted to high performing schools for
meeting the AYP,
... Show more content on ...
NCLB was more likely to help schools that already had high quality teaching and
resources, making the funding incentive ineffective in equal distribution and access
to high quality education. This created an atmosphere where leaders like Hall had to
act unethically to receive funding and play this game that set up low SES schools to
lose. What Hall did was not justified by any means nor do I think she manipulated test
scores for the good of the kids, but her behavior is understandable considering the
circumstances. Different incentives, such as full tuition scholarships for high quality
teachers in the nation s top graduate programs to teach in low SES schools or directly
incentivizing low SES kids to enroll in college for upward mobility and supporting
their families could have been implemented to prevent an Atlanta cheating scandal.
Nevertheless, improving educational outcome does not occur at the school level but
beyond into the societal level. It is important to take these factors into consideration
when implementing future educational
How The Godfather Changed Hollywood
For many Italian Americans, The Godfather changed the way that they were
viewed in American society in a good way. Megan Gambino of the Smithsonian
interviewed Tom Santopietro, the author of The Godfather effect. In the interview,
Santopietro states The film changed Hollywood because it finally changed the way
Italians were depicted on film. It made Italians seem like more fully realized
people and not stereotypes. It was a film in Hollywood made by Italians about
Italians. Previously, it had not been Italians making the mobster films featuring
Italian gangsters (2012). In the movie we get to see a close knit family that is all
about tradition, love, and loyalty; however, it also takes a twist with illegal activity
and murder.
Kirkus Review stated Broadway theater manager Santopietro (Sinatra in Hollywood,
2008, etc.) asserts that with the 1972 release of Francis Ford Coppola s The Godfather
, notions of ethnicity in America had been upended in rather spectacular fashion
especially for young Italian Americans who felt conflicted about many aspects of
their heritage, ... Show more content on ...
The movie itself depicts real world situations of what we know about the mob today,
the John Gotti s, the Genovese family and even La Cosa Nostra. According to They are some of the most notorious and widespread of all criminal
societies (2010). These Italian American gangsters were involved in prostitution, drug
trafficking, gambling, murder, money laundering and racketeering, many of the
things that we see in The Godfather. Mafia families have struck fear in the lives of
many and their communities. Murders would occur in the middle of the street in
broad daylight. Communities were downtrodden with narcotics, alcoholics, and
gangsters until the government stepped in to start indicting these individuals, locking
them up and throwing away the
Health And Safety Regulations Of Bath College
Health and Safety Assignment No 1
This assignment is based on the health and safety regulations of the City of Bath
College Engineering Workshop and a car manufacturer.
The Health and Safety at Work act of 1974 regulations have been used in the
engineering workshops at City of Bath College and a car manufacturer to keep it a
safe environment. Under the Health and Safety at work act everyone in the college
workshops and at work in a car manufacturer has to act responsibly. This includes
things like reporting any hazards such as broken equipment or wet floors that are
unmarked. Bags, coats and any other spare clothing must be placed out of the way
so they do not obstruct the fire exit or cause a trip hazard, which could lead to an
accident ... Show more content on ...
Lifting operations do apply to car manufacturer as they have to lift extremely big
items like cars with other big, heavy equipment.
When working Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn to prevent any
injury or fatality in the workshop and in the work place. This may include high
visibility clothing, suitable eye protection, steel toe capped boots, gloves and a
safety helmet. The amount of PPE needed to be worn in the workshop can depend
on what work is being done and normally only steel toe capped boots, suitable
clothing, eye protection and possibly helmets. It can also include respiratory
protective equipment (RPE) such as dust masks, but not very often in the workshop
at City of Bath College. Most protective items are needing in industry work, like at a
car manufacture. For example dust masks, full on overalls, gloves and other
protective wear is also used in industry to protect workers.
Lots of safety procedures have been put in place in the workshop and in the work
place but there are still some hazards that can remain such as:
Flying particles of wood, for example when working on a disk sander. Or splashes
of corrosive/harmful liquids going into the eyes, this is where eye protection and
even a protective mask is used.
Corrosive materials coming into contact with skin when using different and
dangerous materials (e.g. causing
Aboriginal Rights In Australia
Across the world, countries such as New Zealand and Canada recognise their
Indigenous cultures in their respective constitutions. Indigenous Australians don t
have this same treatment, with there being no mention of indigenous peoples in the
Australian Constitution. Currently in all forms of Australian Government, there is a
formal Acknowledgement of Country before proceedings, though this remains a
formality rather than a necessity. The Australian Government also introduced the
Native TitleAct (1993), which repeals the title of Terra Nullius (no man s land) that
was given to Australiaat the time of British discovery. The Native Title Act also
presents a process in which Indigenous Australianscan make claims onto land that
they can prove to be culturally significant to their respective tribe or community.
Furthermore, Sorry Day and Reconciliation Day , which are both nationally
recognised events that commemorate and pay respects to the Indigenous people
mistreated in the past.... Show more content on ...
The lack there of would thereby mean that Australia is in breach of International Law.
Furthermore, Article One of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
(UNDHR) states that [a]ll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
The exclusion of Indigenous Australians and their rightful ownership of Australia is
clearly the Australian Government depriving said Indigenous Australians of the
respect and dignity they
How Transpiration Is Important For The Improvement Of...
What is transportation? Transpiration is the movement from one place to another.
Different types of transportation are rail, water, road, and air. Transport is significant
because it permits trade between societies, which is vital for the improvement of
evolution. The field can be divided into groundwork, automobiles and operations.
Transport structure involves pipelines, waterways, roads, railways, warehouses, and
busstations. Different modes of transportation include bicycles, boats, planes, bus,
trains, scooter, ect. The word transportation comes from Middle English and Latin.
Different definitions for the word are as follows: to carry or move from one place to
another, to carry away by strong emotion, banishment (deportation), and the means of
transport or conveyance , (reference
/transportation). Common synonyms for transportation include arrivals,
communication, departure, freight, link, public transport, public transportation,
service, shuttle, and transit. Transportation has opened so many doors for us as a
species and without it, who knows where the world would be today. Lives are
saved every day because of cars, planes, trains, and buses. Throughout the years,
transportation has improved tremendously and has become so advanced. Now cars
can park and drive themselves. The new standard vehicle is much more cutting edge
than it was a year ago. For instance, you can get a 2014 car and the 2015 car will may
have totally
Pros And Cons Of Search Engine Optimization
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as the Do s
and Don ts of Search engines that if followed properly can improve the visibility of
your website which will eventually lead to better sales and promotion of your
website, products and services. How?
When you launch a new website it is obvious that you will be among the millions.
And among those thousands that even Google doesn t know about their existence.
And a week passes by with just one or two visitors with zero contribution. It is
obvious to get frustrated. But, it is more obvious to have a question in your mind
what other websites are doing so that they are ranking in the first page and what you
did that you got lost ... Show more content on ...
When compared with the off web marketing your expenses are very high because
you need manpower to promote and the cost of advertisements are also very high.
But, with the growing web surfers business marketing has become very economical
because even the social bookmarking sites like: offers your
advertisements low cost whereas the features they provide are enormous. Similarly, it
is easy because you can promote your business with a click and completely reduces
your manpower budget.
All of the above listed advantages are worthy only if you rank well in Google and
other major search engines. With poor placement and zero page rank no customers
will know your existence in the internet and there is no question of building goodwill.
Black Hat and White Hat SEO:
Black hat and white SEO is two different stream of SEO which are distinctly
different from one another. Black hat SEO represents those people who are engaged
in unethical SEO practices like: keyword stuffing, link farming and article spinning
which can seriously hamper your website and your online business. Google is found
to banned and delist such websites who are engaged in such practices.
Similarly, white hat SEO is the ethical way of competing in the search engine to
gain desired page rank following the do s and don ts of Google.
Free Search Engine Optimization
Du Fu Rebellion
Du Fu, or known as Tu Fu, was considered by many as one of China s greatest
traditional poet of the Tang dynasty and was also known as the Sage of Poetry. He
was a deep reflective person and has been described as the artistic counterpart of
Confucius. (CP 106/565) He was also a keen observer of detail and for that, despite
writing in variety of styles, his most characteristic work is innovative in language
and subject matter and is also densely packed with meaning. (CP 110/766) He was
known to record significant political and social events he experienced in his life
such as the An Lu shan rebellion. As a person who was deeply imbued with the
Confucian ideal of duty, Du Fu was greatly disturbed by the events of the rebellion as
he had such deep... Show more content on ...
The times strike. Before flowers, tears break loose conveys about the sadness of
civilians of Chang an. The fourth line tells us about the alarmed emotion that was
experienced by the people during the chaos and from the fifth line onwards, this
important shift in focus shows us the effects of the long war on both soldiers and
civilians. The sixth line, A letter from home is worth thousands of gold pieces
conveys the feelings of the soldiers when they were far away from their family,
missing them dearly. This message that he conveyed in this line is also telling us
about how far away the soldiers are from
Essay about The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively...
The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the
light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two
poems in your responses.
The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M
Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no
one, something everybody already knew.
If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of
Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the
reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far
more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never
One of ... Show more content on ...
It is possible that the deeper meaning to a Mid Term
Break is that of coming to terms with the fact that it was not his fault that this
pointless loss of young life occurred. He may have felt that if he had not been away
at school his brother may never had died but the poet needs time (many years) to
justify this and come to terms with his bereavement.
A common point in each of the poems is that of the poets internal struggle to come
to terms with himself, acceptance of himself as the person he is. This is clearly
seen in Digging where he shows nothing but admiration for his father and the
expertise needed to farm, which is highlighted by the use of technical terms such
as lug . He finally concludes that his skill as a writer, a poet, is just as valued as
that of a farmer and that in all likelihood his feelings of guilt at discarding tradition
were not necessary and there was no need to believe he could not live up to
expectations, he has accepted himself.
Through Heaney s poetry we come to understand, that his ideas do not just relate to
him, they relate to us as well, they show the connection between human lives. This is
what William Carlos Williams calls the universality of the local . When you look
deeper and scrutinize the poems they become more than just the memories of a man.
Beyond the surface there are layers of meaning, complexity,
Asymmetric Threats Essay
Currently there are several definitions of asymmetric threats listed throughout the
internet as well as other literature. The definition that best sums up the meaning in
my view is leveraging unconventional tactics against a superior opponent with the
goal of disrupting the willingness to achieve the operational objectives. The most
common and current example of this would be the insurgency tactics used in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The United States must not assume those tactics and strategies will
only be used abroad. The same asymmetric threats our country s security initiative is
facing are the same challenges are seaports are facing. Some examples of the potential
asymmetric threats the United States seaport faces are nuclear weapons,... Show more
content on ...
The impact of a chemical environment would also lessen the dominance of a United
States military operation. The United States military is commonly known to operate
both deployment and re deployment operations at specific ports of embarkation and
debarkation; making targeting for a chemical attack fairly simple.
Like chemical weapons, biological weapons are easy to obtain, but the area covered
by such an attack is fairly small and limited. The most effective area to use a
chemical weapon on a seaport would be the operation center of that port due to the
limited damage it will cause to the infrastructure. The psychological effect of VX or
Sarin would devastate any port operation and to trace the origin of the agents would
prove to be very difficult.
The most common vulnerabilities to seaports exist due to the geographical location
and the amount of activity surrounding most seaports. Highways, railways, and
joining waterways create many security issues and make larger seaports terrorist
strategic targets. The sheer size of the sea requires numerous resources and assets
from agencies such as the United States Coast Guard. The task of monitoring and
securing seaports is an international challenge because the United States trade goods
with various countries. Security standards vary from country to country causing any
substandard port to become an
The Spanish And Mexican Period
1. The story line I am going to talk about is power and oppression, throughout
California s history there has been many events of power and oppression that has
shaped California s history in many ways. I selected this storyline because I am able
to relate many of these events that have happened throughout history. I will described
the Spanish and Mexican period, the Americanization period, the early 20th century,
and the late 20th century to today.
First I will begin with the Spanish and Mexican period 1776 1846, during these
period we could see that there was a lot of power and oppression that started with the
Spanish conquest to expand their colonization. The spanish brought with them
christianity trying to convert Native Americans to become that same religion, the
spanish developed a series of presidios, missions, and pueblos in the lands of Native
Americans where they were forced to change their religion, customs, and culture to
become part of the Spanish. Many Native Americans were killed by the Spanish
soldiers when they would decline to change their way of living. The Spanish practice
oppression trying to convert this people into christianity this is an example of the
power and oppression the spanish used during these period of time. After Mexico
became independent from the Spanish empire the Mexican government took control
of California and during these period, the Mexican government put an end to the
mission/presidio system. The Mexican government allowed
Essay Ford Motor Company Memo
To:Retire at Age Fifty Fund (RAFF)
From: Penelope Magouliotis, Jeffery Childs, Marcus Eggleston, Syed
AzeemDate:February 15, 2014
Subject:Ford s Shareholder Value Enhancement Plan (VEP) Evaluation
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company is an American automaker, it is the world s fifth largest
automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales. Its headquarters are based in Dearborn,
Michigan, which is a suburb in Detroit. Henry Ford founded Ford Motor Company
on June 16, 1903 and it became one of the largest and most profitable companies in
the world, as well as being one of the few to survive the Great Depression. Ford
Company is the largest family controlled company in the world; it has been in
continuous family power for over 110 ... Show more content on ...
GM has just over one year s worth. DC currently has negative free cash flows
because of high capital expenditures, so it has negative Cash to Free Cash Flow
ratio. Based on all this Ford has a good amount of cash.
What are Ford s primary sources of cash? Why did Ford choose to accumulate so
much cash?
Ford s primary resource of cash is issuing stock to shareholders. By having class A
and class B shares, Ford is able to have control of the corporation in the family.
They have increased given the shareholders a confidence by increasing their
dividends as well. Ford need to accumulate cash because the automotive industry
easily once projects start to fail. A prime example would be its failure of the car
Edsel, which marked as one of the greatest flops in the world of business history.
Provide an overview of Value Enhancement Plan (VEP) by briefly discussing the
aspects below.
Explain what shareholders would receive in exchange for (a) old common shares, (b)
old class B shares, and (c) old shares held in the employee saving plan.
Explain how dividends and taxations will be applied to VEP.
The VEP is basically a plan for investors to capitalize on instead of having control
over the corporation. The entire reason behind this plan is so that the Ford family
does not loose any control over the corporation, yet still have good financial backing
from its investors.
For class A shareholders, the VEP shareholders would exchange their
Luxenberg-Personal Narrative
I arrive on the scene on time. I open the door and there were at least a hundred
people at this event, maybe even more. There were probably about twenty five
artists that had their work displayed. Nobody recognized me. Perfect. I spotted
Luxenberg he was next to the champagne fountain with another man. His back
faced towards me. This was my cue to start. I slowly walked towards the
champagne fountain. I casually grabbed a teaspoon on the way and hid in my
pocket. I was right behind him and he wasn t even aware of it. I looked at the
glasses of champagne from the table. I picked up one of the glasses with my left
hand and extracted the small tablet and teaspoon out of my jacket with my right.
Then, when nobody was looking in my direction, I quickly dropped the tablet into
the glass. The capsule started fizzing, then dissolved immediately. I gave a quick
stir, then put the spoon back in my pocket. I grabbed another drink for myself.
Now it was time to get his attention. I called out his name in a deep raspy voice Sir
Declan Luxenberg, it is so good to see you this evening. ... Show more content on ...
I m sorry, do I know you?Have we met before? he said looking at me very confused.
What? I gasped, pretending to be offended. You mean you do not remember me? I
asked. I m sorry, I do not. he said. I m D.L, I am one most top five famous art critics
in the country. I m a very big deal especially in New York. I said smoothly. Really?
he said. He was in shock. He knew that local critics were going to see his works of
art, but never did he think that he would meet a person that might change his future
indefinitely. Yes, I brought you a glass of champagne want to make a toast. Why
thank you, that is very kind, coming from you. he said being
Damning Of The Masses Essay
Damning of the Masses
That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
Romans 10: 9
From the time we are small children sitting in Sunday school not able to fully grasp
the love of God that we sing simple songs about, we are taught that Jesus was sent to
earth to love us no matter what. The Puritan congregation listening to Jonathan
Edwards sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry ... Show more content on ...
20:11 note). Edwards interprets this fear as trepidation and terror, allowing no room
for our souls to
Hall 2
love God as he loves us.
Edwards also fails to emphasize a major thematic concept of the Bible love. The word
love is used in 539 verses of the Bible. In this sermon it is used only four times. Only
two of those times directly refer to Christ s love for us. Edwards seems to have
shaded this crucial aspect of salvation.
In the very small section of Edwards sermon that he gives his listeners a way out of
being dropped like a spider into the fiery lake, he fails to give their terror release,
still making his message into a threat. Jesus never threatened. God never finds
pleasure in the damning of men s souls. The Lord wishes only for us to be with him.
I agree with Edwards that if we do not come to Christ and obey His commands that
we will spend eternity in hell, but I also believe that our God is a god of infinite
grace and love. This is something Edwards seems not to have felt or appears to
have interpreted in a way that makes God into a spiteful, jealous god waiting to
crush us at any moment. If only Edwards would have realized how crucial Christ s
message of love was to the salvation of his congregation. His powerful invitation of
deliverance would have given people hope and a more
Factors Influencing Customer Retention Towards Room
In managing the business which provides pure services to the customer, company
need to ensure that the service delivered is meeting with expectation and satisfied
the customer. The quality of services is considered to be a critical success factor for
the service companies. Service is close conceptual as well as empirical link to
customer satisfaction turned it into the core marketing instrument, making it the most
researched area in services marketing (Fisk et al., 1995; Bolton et al., 2000). In
addition, the accumulated research has linked positively the service with profitability
(Fornell, 1992). It is very important to retain the customer. But, nowadays, the service
provider needs to identify other factors ... Show more content on ...
There are Human Resources Department, Account Department, Sales Marketing
Department, Food Beverage Department, Housekeeping Department, Front Office
Department, Maintenance Department, Kitchen Department and lastly Security
Department. Swiss Inn Sungai Petani has 101 rooms which provide restful havens and
the ultimate in modern day comforts. Beside that, Swiss Inn also equipped with
contemporary amenities, 21 suite rooms which come with private Jacuzzi and a
health central with sauna which guaranteed to alleviate stress. Furthermore, there also
other facilities includes 2 tennis courts, squash court and also tennis tables for it
customers and guests while they are staying there. The most popular facilities
provided in Swiss Inn Sungai Petani are swimming pool. Then, this hotel also
provided a gymnasium for their customer who are care about keeping their fitness
and health. For the conferences or seminars purpose, the customers can take
pleasure in any of their 12 well equipped function rooms named on flower like
CARNATION, LOTUS, IXORA, and JASMINE. Besides that, they also has elegant
ballroom which comes complete with a stage, perfects for hosting wedding
receptions, banquets and even performing arts. For dining pleasure, the customers
and guests can head to The Garden
Rural Development Case Study
Case Study Of A Rural Development:
The Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (ARISP) III
Table of Contents
Case Study Abstract
Definition of Terms
Project Beneficiaries
Analysis of the project
Development Framework
Expected Outcomes
Recommendation for Sustainability
This case details the implementation of Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support
Project (ARISP) III in the province of Quezon 1. The vision of writer is to initially
determine the effect of the on going implementation in the ... Show more content on ...
It also includes the replication of Agrarian Information and Marketing Center (AIM
C),when and where feasible, to provide marketing assistance, information service,
training and financing services to the ARBs.
Agrarian reform is defined to mean the redistribution of lands, regardless of crops
or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless,
irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totally of factors and support
services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other
arrangements alternative to the physical redistribution of lands, such as production or
profit sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares of stocks, which
will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work.
ARC Connectivity is a new strategy wherein development in the ARCs will radiate to
non ARC barangays that will benefit more ARBs and communities. Each barangay
will complement the development concept of the cluster barangays which is
conceived to undertake agro industrial development endeavor focusing on production,
processing, and marketing of products where they have competitive advantage.
intervention designed to propel and sustain national growth through a people
centered, concentrated, holistic approach in community development.
Economic freedom is a term used in economics which
The Role Of Marketing In A Corporate Environment
The Role Of Marketing In A Corporate Environment
The definition of Marketing in the eleventh edition of Marketing: An Introduction is
stated as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong
customer relationship in order to capture value from customers in return. How does
the corporate world successfully merge with marketing to satisfy the consumers
opinion of value? By designing a customer driven marketing strategy. One theory
from The Times 100 states that Effective marketing demands the identification and
understanding of target markets. Having a clear understanding of target markets
create an entry into providing a product that will sell. Marketing Mix also known as
the four P s (Product, Price, Promotion, and Distribution (Price) created in 1960 by
McCarthy is used by marketers throughout the world. Broken down into their
segments and defined as:
Product anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
Price amount of money charged for a product or service.
Promotion activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target
customers to buy it.
Place (distribution) company activities that make the product available to target
With social and demographic changes the sale of products can be affected. So if
companies want to continue to add value to products there must be the introduction
of services to the mix.
The Analects Summary
This selection of the Analects revolves primarily around the importance of virtue
tradition and the characteristics of a junzi or ideal gentleman . The introduction of
this selection of the analects defines the key term of ren as true happiness or
humanity and states that it is a necessary characteristic that must be possessed by a
junzi. Book One of the Analects explores the origin and characteristics of junzi and
explains that before one can become a junzi, one must first fulfill their role in the
family. Book Two of the Analects highlights the need for a leader to have virtue,
stating that virtue is preferable to other modes of control because virtue, unlike
alternative methods, will enable the people to retain a sense of shame, which can be
useful in reforming an individual. Book Three emphasizes the need for ritual, using
the success of the Chinese Zhou dynasty as a testament to ritual s effectiveness.
Finally, Book Four of the Analects continues to emphasize the importance of ren,
connecting ren to... Show more content on ...
While, the introduction to this selection of The Analects provides some insight to the
origins by explaining how under the Zhou dynasty and their strict adherence to
religious customs coincided with a prosperous period in Chinese history, it is not
immediately apparent that the two are more than a coincidence. Furthermore,
oftentimes, as history has shown, tradition for traditions sake can often stymie
progress and prevent necessary adaptations in the face of changing circumstances.
Would the course of human history not have been improved if slavery had not been
maintained, at least in part, by tradition? Finally, as the world has become
increasingly secular and progressive over time, in what why should a modern reader
interpret the messages in The Analects and apply them
Persuasive Analysis
Hana T 93
Good tempo and good control veryall. Again, at the octave watch out for the for the
higher note. Make sure it s in tune with the lower note. I know it s hard but try not
to rush in the octave, it will make you life a lot easier. In the up bow staccato, use
your index finger to articulate more especially in this tempo.
Caroline 90
Good overall. Watch out for the indication of the kind of bowstroke technique that
Piatti asked for. Slower practice at the octave area. Think about the connection
between each octave. When you are practicing also try to slide between two chord.
Able to hear the slide while in slow practice and eliminated as you speed up will
help you to have a more accurate intonation in the octave area.
Ethan 90
Watch out for the tunning for the chrod. Practice stop and go will help a lot with
these chord progression. In addition, a lot of time if you put more direction towards
the gesture in the octave will help you with intonation. I can hear the hesitation in the
octave. I understand it s hard but it will be more sucessful when you go for it without
hestitation. Be fearless.
Good sound
Lydia 90
Good overall. Focus more on the lower notes. Feel the connection between the two
chord even when it s awkward. You have it in your handtherefore when you are
shifting it will h be helpful to focus on your right hand for connection and let your
left hand do the work.
Lucas 86
Watch out for what notes you are playing. In the beginning some
Essay On Allen Ginsberg
Lor Deecia Garrett
Mrs. Roy
27 January 2016
Allen Ginsberg Biography Irwin Allen Ginsberg was the most famous American
poet during the 20th century. Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, in Newark, New
Jersey and he eventually became one of the famous fathers during the Beat
Generation. Ginsberg died in April 5, 1997, in New York at the age of 70 and
suffered from liver cancer. Allen Ginsberg most important piece during his time as
a poet was Howl . He also was the leader of the Beat Generation, Ginsberg was
involved in political issues, Ginsberg was also against the Vietnam War, and he also
spoke about issues such as free speech and gay rights. The poet mother had moved
from Russia to different states, while his father pursued a job as teaching students and
writing poetry and both of Ginsberg parents were Jewish members. Throughout his
childhood, his mother had suffered from psychological troubles, including nervous
breakdowns. Throughout his preteen years, Allen Ginsberg was inspired by the
by the poet Walt Whitman during his high school years. He began to be inspired
by this poet and listen to his teacher passionate reading .Ginsberg also got his love
for poetry from his father, when they used to attend the poetry reading together. As
a teenager, Ginsberg used to have a journal and he would write letters to the New
York time about issues that he didn t like such as World War.As Ginsberg went to
University, he met the two most influential people in his life, Jack Kerouac and
William S. Burroughs, who all became important in the Beat Movement. Allen
Ginsberg became convicted of being a robbery and to avoid jail, he ... Show more
content on ...
A quote by Irwin Allen Ginsberg was Poetry is the one place where people can
speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is
known in
Hypothesis Of A Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing is very essential in statistical analysis. It is quite imperative to
state both a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis when conducting a
hypothesis test because the hypotheses are mutually exclusive and if one statement
is true then the other is proven as false. According to Mirabella (2011, p. 4 1) states
that, When we have a theory about a parameter (the average is...,the proportion
is....,etc), we can test that theory via a hypothesis test. Therefore, that is what we
have used to determine if the average age of Whatsamatta U MBA students is less
than 45. We have to conduct a one sample hypothesis test to prove if we can accept
or reject the null hypothesis. In order to determine what decision rule, which is the
statement that tells under which condition to reject the null hypothesis, to propose
we must first determine if we are instituting a upper tailed, lower tailed, or two tailed
test. There are many steps used when initiating a hypothesis test. First and foremost it
is vital to specify the null and alternative hypothesis, next we have to determine a
significance level that is tolerable such as 0.05 which is your tolerance for error, and
last we have to calculate the statistic that is comparable to the parameters set by the
null hypothesis.
Additionally, when utilizing hypothesis testing, we are attempting to determine
whether or not to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we have to
determine if there is enough
A History Of Violence In Latin America
A History of Violence in Latin America Throughout the films that we have watched
for class, there are many similarities and differences that arise between them. Latin
America has a long, detailed history of social, political, and cultural discourse that
have become the main subjects of Latin films during the last 50 years. It has been
beneficial for Latin countries to see these issues play out in films through because it
helps people understand the creation of the modern society that they live. Although
there is a wide range of national issues dealt with in this film, I will be examining the
similarities and differences between films that depict the colonization of Latin
America and films that are based in a modern city. The Other Conquest,
Driverless Car Lab
Driverless cars are equipped with an array of detection technologies and advanced
software that ensure them to cope with major challenges on a city road. An
experiment shows that vehicle setup and software together made the testing
driverless car able to drive together with other vehicles and manage different road
conditions on public urban roads and freeways. [1] The vehiclesetup involves various
sensors that can capture images of the surroundings and extract detailed information
such as traffic lights and road markings. 3D cameras are mounted around the
exterior of the driverless car, having a 50 degree field of view that is wider than that
of a human driver, to enable precise dimensional measurement of obstacles on a road.
Laser scanners,
The Torah And Present Times
The Torah and Present Times
June Rangel
BIB 1310.01 Intro to Old Testament The Torah is an essential part of the Christian
faith and is still relevant to present times. The origins of the Christian faith are still
relevant to today s times. Living in 2016 many people believe the Torah to be
irrelevant to the Christian faith and to be simply outdated. However, the word of God
is timeless, it withstands time itself. If anything the people of today need the
guidance of the Torah now more than ever.
Genesis is a vital part of the Christian faith; it details the origins of the human race
and of the Christian faith as a whole. Genesis entails the creation of the earth and
everything on it. And God called the dry land Earth: and the gathering together of
the waters called He Seas: and God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:10, King James
version). We as Christians know the story of creation by heart because of the book of
Genesis. The Torah explains everything that Christianityitself is based on. God
created everything. For Example, God created heaven and Earth, night, and day,
the sea and land to name just a few things; all the things that were created were
good. We also know from reading through Genesis that God created man to have
domain over the land and animals. God soon after creates woman from man because
it was not good for man to be alone. Genesis also introduces the creation of sin. But
of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath
Analysis Of The Novel Nervous Conditions
In the novel Nervous Conditions, Tsitsi Dangarembga explores the concepts of
power and oppression. Speaking up about oppression can liberate a person, so the
people in charge do not want the oppressed to speak up. In Nervous Conditions,
males have much more dominance in life than females. Maiguru, Nyasha, and
Lucia all attempt to stand up for themselves against oppression, with little success.
Dangarembga develops the characters Maiguru, Nyasha, and Lucia in order to
convey how speaking out against oppression is necessary but not sufficient to gain
power. Nyasha vocally resists when she feels oppressed because she refuses to
accept being controlled. However, as a child, she must defer to her parents
whether she likes it or not. Early in the novel, Maiguru questions if Nyasha should
read Lady Chatterly s Lover, a book that contains many Western themes and ideals,
because that s not very good...[she doesn t] want [her] to read books like that .
Nyasha retorts, What s all the fuss about anyway? It s only a book and I m only
reading it (75). The controversy of Lady Chatterly s Lover causes Maiguru to label
it as not very good . Italics place extra emphasis on the words book and reading ,
because these two words are associated with gaining knowledge, and therefore
gaining power. Maiguru does not want Nyasha to gain power in the form of ideas that
might cause her to rebel against her parents. Nyasha s confrontational attitude about
the book reaffirms Maiguru s belief that it
Alien Vs Illegal Immigrants Essay
Immigration has always been and will always be a topic in the media. While the
online Merriam Webster defines the word immigrants as a person who comes to a
country to live there, the urban dictionary define immigrants as what every
inhabitant of the USA is, except the Native Americans. Many people have different
views on aliens, whether legal or illegal. Even though there are different types of
aliens, people usually make the mistake to classify them all as one. Aliens are of the
other names used to refer immigrants. The different types of aliens classification are
as followed: a legal alien, a nonresident alien, a resident alien, and enemy alien and
an illegal alien. A legal alien is a non citizen who is allowed to stay in the country
for example researchers, business workers. A nonresident alien is a non citizen who
is visiting the country for work, leisure, or to seek medical purposes. A resident alien
is an alien have temporary residential status in the country. An enemy alien is
someone visiting from a country that an enemy and an illegal alien is an immigrant
who reside in the country unlawful. These people usually sneak in through the
borders and some just over stay their welcome. When it comes to immigrants, many
people talk about all of them in general and all those people usually have different
point of view. Because the United Stateswas built on immigrants, some... Show more
content on ...
Trump is totally against immigrants and thinks that immigrants are going to ruin the
future of this country. Trump says the a nation without borders is not a nation .
Therefore, he wants to build a Great Wall and make Mexicans pay for it. Trumps
think that immigrants, especially Mexicans, only bring crimes and drugs in the
country, and also still citizen s jobs. Trump wants to also put an end to birthright
citizenship. He believes that birthright citizenship is the one of the biggest magnet to
Mormon Stereotypes
Mormonism, the largest church to originate on American soil is not without its own
burdens to bear. As one of the younger religions, one that strayed from the
foundations of the other already established religions in the United States, it is
often viewed with negativity and mockery. Modern day social media, television,
news articles and movies often exploit Mormon beliefs. They twist and exaggerated
certain facets of the Mormon way of life. This framing of their belief system by the
media leads the public opinion toward viewing this representation as a true depiction
of the Mormons. Some of the more extreme behaviors exhibited by members that
have separated from the main group are used against the entire faith by the media, so
in turn this extremist view has become a Mormon stereotype.
History of Mormonism The Mormon faith dates back to the year 1830 when Joseph
Smith, the founder along with 5 other men gathered together to form what they
initially called The Church of Christ. This was later changed to The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moving to Palmyra, New York in 1816 with his parents
and seven siblings, Joseph Smith and his family found themselves confused and
troubled by the opposing churches in the area. His family tried to associate
themselves with the Presbyterian Church for a time. Then his father shifted his
interest to Methodism, but none of the churches suited their needs. At the age of 14
Joseph found himself praying ... Show more content on ...
In 2006, then Church president Gordon B. Hinckley declared that no man who
makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a
true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the
teachings of the Church. Let us all recognize that each of us is a son or daughter of
our Father in Heaven, who loves all of His children.
How Did The Peloponnesian War Change Athenian
Between the years 431 and 404 B.C.E. Greece was involved in a war between two
powers, Athens and Sparta; as a consequence, Greek city states adjusted to wartime
stresses. I want to use one Greek polis, Athens, to show how the Peloponnesian War
caused the polis to change, particularly with regards to citizenship and the greater
concept of paideia. This period is absolutely important to us today, since the changing
Athens provided a milieu in which democracy was tested.
In his oration for Athenians killed in the first battles of the Peloponnesian War,
Pericles presented a statement about Athenian democracy. He said, Our public men
have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens,
though occupied with pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters.
(Pericles, Funeral Oration) In this quote, he explains the duality of a citizen; that he
exists both publically and privately. Furthermore, an exemplary Athenian citizen
primarily concerns himself with public matters, or those which deal with the polis, or
city ... Show more content on ...
However, women in all classes were generally without the rights promised to their
male counterparts. The increased immigration due to the Peloponnesian War
increased the ratio of people in Athens to Athenian citizens. Since most were metics,
who all had essentially the same day to day rights as genuine citizens, the line
between citizen and non citizen became blurred. This was particularly true because of
landed Athenians loss of properties; fear of Spartan destruction led to the surrender of
property in order to enjoy the security of Athens walls. Without land, many Athenian
citizens who had once been landed elites felt no different from Athenian metics and
even house slaves. This perceived equality perhaps bothered citizens, which led them
to assume practices which exaggerated their roles as citizens. (9/28
Hemineglect Studies
The advances offer supplementary data, when subjects with hemineglect need to be
assessed, and this data is progress in hemineglect. According to Bensalah, et al,
(2003) study, group one includes accurate portrayals, and nearly half were made by
standard individuals; furthermore, patients with spinal cord or right or left
hemisphere injuries are capable of producing ordinary self portrayals (Bensalah, et
al, 2003). This proposes that figure illustration does not replicate the observable
modifications or errors of the figure (Bensalah, et al, 2003). In the Bensalah, et al,
(2003) experiment, group two contains ordinary subjects with spinal cord, limbs, or
brainanatomy, in quantities which do not fluctuate from those witnessed in the
complete... Show more content on ...
The Jelsone Swain, Smith, Baylis, (2012), research displays these conclusions
provide innovative understandings into the perceptual discrepancies linked with
hemineglect and this backups other effort that fabricates the fast denial account of
non awareness dispensation in visual hemispatial neglect.
The CzЕ‚onkowska, et al, 2009, project endorses the encouraging effect of electrical
somatosensory stimulus of the left hand on left visuospatial hemineglect progress, as
a result, an inquiry emerges as to whether the conclusion was due exclusively to
electrical prompt or whether there was a combined result of the everyday stimulus
and the cognitive teaching. LuateВґ and his cohort (2006) projected that there were
numerous methods of secluded sensory intonation controlled self reliantly of other
precise beneficial mediations did not seem noteworthy (CzЕ‚onkowska, et al,
Million Dollar Baby Stereotypes
Appreciation rather than discrimination
The film Million Dollar Baby directed by Clint Eastwood is a prime illustration of
how to address gender stereotypes and discrimination. Gender stereotyping is the act
of biasing a male and/or female into certain categories simply based on their roles in
terms of their gender. And discrimination is the act of placing a group of people into
a category based on their race, sex, or age, which can be unjust in many ways. The
film demonstrates gender stereotyping and discrimination through the character
Frankie, who changes his perception of stereotyping women; how Eddie decides to
treat the characters who are being discriminated against.
Does the film do a good job of addressing gender stereotypes? ... Show more content
on ...
I believe the film did a great job at coping with gender stereotypes by proving the
standard role a woman should have is wrong. At first, Frankie was reluctant in
training Maggie, simply for being a female. Therefore, automatically assuming
that she s too weak; a female that isn t naturally seen to fight. Although it s pretty
easy to see that she isn t remotely close to the image as Maggie is a boxer, she
fights for what she wants. And when Frankie didn t want to train her because of her
gender, she didn t take no for an answer. She never gave up and kept trying for
example, when Frankie said Don t call me boss, Maggie refused and continued with
until he had decided to train her. When he finally accepted, she attentively listens to
all his orders and recommendations, being committed that she would practice all the
time, even at
Metaphors In The King James Bible
JaLisa Frazier
Ms. Morris
Advanced English 12 6th period
5 December 2017
Metaphors in the King James Bible The King James Bible is a translation of the
Bible. Older translations were more difficult to comprehend. As a result, King James
demanded that a new translation be made to better accommodate the readers. In this
translation, metaphors and other literary devices are presented. In the King James
Bible, metaphors are used to provide examples of God s teachings, to help the
audience obtain a better understanding of the text, and to evoke readers into
remembering the wise expressions displayed.
Metaphors, in the King James Bible, are considered to be examples of God s
teaching. For example, the Bible says you cannot obey two masters, ... Show more
content on ...
Not all expressions found in the Bible are biblical, they also explain subtle life
lessons to us (Sweeny 3). The sayings provides a bit of comfort to those
experiencing life problems. The Bible provides a vast area of expressions not only
relating to religion. The King James Bible is the source of hundreds of common
expressions (Aitken 65). Many of the expressions we use today trace back to this
translation. The King James translation created a majority of the phrases in the
language today. The King James Bible provides life lessons.
The metaphors in the King James Bible had a huge impact on its readers. King
James main goal was to create a Bible easier for the people to understand. Thus,
compared to older Bible versions, the King James version is more coherent. The
presentation of metaphors helped achieve this.. In the King James translation,
metaphors provided a coherent examples of the Lord s work, helped the readers
understand better, and inspired many life
Asian American And Pacific Islanders Essay
Introduction Asians have migrated to and have lived in the Americas since the days
of our founding fathers. The first to come from the Eastern Hemisphere were a small
group of Filipinos in the early 18th century that settled in present day Louisiana. The
first major influx of Asian Americans was Chinese Americans who came in the 1800
s to find financial opportunity during the California gold rush. They settled in the
Golden State and eventually spread out all over the United States, creating the now
famous Chinatowns that millions of Americans visit every year. There is a continual
migration of well educated South Asians and East Asians for job and education
opportunities and their success has formed the basis for the myth of the model
minority (MMM). This is the idea that all people who are Asian Americanand Pacific
Islanders (AAPI) are successful both socioeconomically and educationally. This does
have a logical basis rooted in statistics AAPI students are reported to have higher
grade point averages, math scores, and overall standardized tests scores on tests such
as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Exam
(ACT). Other studies often use a racialized rhetoric comparing Asian Americans to
white Americans in terms of education and socioeconomic status while contrasting
them to the so called lazy and incapable Hispanic and African Americans.
The term model minority was first coined in a 1966 New York Times article written
by William
Fozen Evil Vs Evil
What is the violation of a moral code, the opposite of good, and the ultimate
definition of everything bad? Evil has several clear cut definitions scattered
throughout dictionaries. In reality, evil is a theme so prevalent in all spheres of life,
it has near limitless forms. The word evil has come to symbolize a divide between
the good samaritan and the callous monster. Evilis used as a blanket statement to
describe anything harmful to life or existence. Poachers destroying the life of
endangered wildlife for profit can be called evil. The callous monster that is driven
by hatred and a thirst for violence is evil. Ideas concerning evil have been strung
along through the schools of theology, the minds of society, and the theories of
philosophy throughout the history of mankind. Evil can come in many different
forms, even in a person you love. The film Frozen has a great example of this kind of
evil. Ana falls for a seemingly nice boy named Hans, Prince Hans. With a marriage
proposal the two are in love, or so Ana thinks. In the end Hans... Show more content
on ...
The Beast is just a man trapped in a hairy, ugly, and mutant looking wolf brought
upon by a curse from a witch. The Beast take the fair maiden s father captive. Then
the maiden trades her body for the rest of her life in place for her dad s. In the time
that she is in captivity the Beast makes her his slave basically. She is not allowed
to come out of her room unless told to by her master. The Beast doesn t ever want
the maiden to see his face, and attacks her at one point by throwing her over his
shoulder and throwing her in her room. Towards the end of the movie though he
starts to warm up to her. They end up falling deeply in love, and before his time
runs out and he is stuck in his horrible ways. The fair maiden bestows a kiss on him,
and he returns to his normal state of human being. This proves that evil lies within
everyone of us, and everyone has temptations to be
J. Kyle Braid Reflection Paper
A community that I am actively involved in is the J.Kyle Braid Leadership
Foundation also known as ELITE at my high school. The J.Kyle Braid foundation is
a club that I take part in through my school, but is a nationwide foundation. In my
second year of high school, I was chosen to take part in a leadershiptraining at the
J.Kyle Braid ranch in Colorado, where I met 19 other girls from different schools.
I learned from working with peers who are leaders at their schools. Being
surrounded with other teens who share my desire to make a difference, was a life
changing experience. I came back from the Ranch as a stronger, more effective
leader to my peers and a more confident individual. With the connections to other
schools, I was able to meet up with the other J.Kyle Braid leaders to talk about issues
and events at schooland share ideas for... Show more content on ...
Throughout my years as being a part of the program, we have done various
community service in order to have a positive impact on the community. We planned
and ran fundraising for local charities such as Honors Flight Chicago and PADS.
Another important program that our group runs is DECIDE, which educates middle
schools about the dangers of drugs and teaches lessons about leadership. Each J.Kyle
Braid program for each high school is different, however, we are all united in the
fact that we want to make a change in our community. It is through collaborating
that the schools in my area are able to support and motivate each other to become a
better leaders. I am proud to be a part of such a motivated community that is working
towards a
Bernard Ebbers And The Grand Success Of Worldcom
Bernard Ebbers is an Ex former chief executive, and the co founder of WorldCom.
WorldCom was the second largest long distance phone company in the United States
now known as MCI, because of the tremendous scandal that led to the company s
bankruptcy (Crawford, 2005). With the grand success of WorldCom, Bernard Ebbers
became one of the most powerful American businessman ever to face a criminal trial.
In 2005, Ebbers was found guilty of securities fraud, conspiracy, and filing false
documents with regulators. With the fraud committed to WorldCom, it led to a big
scandal leaving the company in bankruptcy and affecting thousands of people s jobs.
Bernard Ebbers is now labeled Americas Top 10 frauds list of all time.
Bernard Ebbers was the second child of five children and was born in Canada. He
worked as a milkman and bar bouncer before finally getting a scholarship to play
basketball for Mississippi College (Padgett/Jackson, 2002). Ebbers dream was to
become a coach and be a high school teacher. When he graduated he worked for a
Mississippi College as a basketball coach and even own and ran a chain of motels.
Ebbers knew he could achieve only if he had an opportunity to prove it. After a few
years he met a group of investors that wanted to make a company that would compete
with AT T and thought Ebbers would be the guy that would make it happen for them.
Everything started on a napkin the group drew up the plans for LDDS (Long
Distance Discount Services) (Gould). This
Housing Tenure Research Paper
Tenure describes the legal status of and the rights associated with different forms of
housing ownership and occupancy (Mullins Murie, 2006). There are three categories
of housing tenure, which are home ownership, private rent and social rent. Home
ownership is the households that live in a home they owned. The home ownership
tenure includes home that is owned outright, where the owner has paid off their
mortgageand own their home without qualification, and bought with a mortgage,
where mortgagors have taken out mortgage to help purchase their home that repaid
over a period of 20 years or more and are still in the process of repaying the debt. The
lender will require the evidence of a household income sufficient to repay the loan,

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Essay Report Example

  • 1. Essay Report Example Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Report Example" presents a unique challenge. At first glance, it might seem straightforward; however, delving deeper reveals complexities that can make it quite difficult to tackle alone. To begin with, the topic itself is broad and open-ended. It requires a clear understanding of what constitutes an essay report, including its structure, purpose, and audience. Crafting a compelling piece demands not only knowledge of the subject matter but also the ability to articulate thoughts coherently and persuasively. Moreover, finding relevant examples to support arguments and illustrate key points is crucial. This necessitates extensive research and critical analysis to sift through vast amounts of information and identify the most pertinent sources. Additionally, maintaining focus and avoiding tangents can be challenging when exploring such a multifaceted topic. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth of coverage is essential to ensure that the essay remains informative yet concise. Furthermore, the task of organizing ideas and crafting a well-structured essay requires careful planning and attention to detail. From outlining the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion to ensuring seamless transitions between sections, every aspect must be meticulously executed. Finally, revising and refining the essay to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality is a time-consuming yet indispensable step in the writing process. This entails multiple rounds of editing and proofreading to polish the content and eliminate errors. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Essay Report Example" demands a combination of research, critical thinking, organization, and writing skills. While it presents challenges, overcoming them can lead to a rewarding and insightful piece of writing. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay Report Example Essay Report Example
  • 2. Conflict in Ireland Essay Conflict in Ireland Which of these events has had the biggest impact on the history of the Conflict in Ireland? (a) The Easter Rising, 1916. (b) The deployment of British troops in Northern Ireland, 1969. (c) Bloody Sunday , 30th January 1972. (a) The Easter Rising, 1916. Event On Monday April 24th 1916, a force between 1,000 and 1,500 Irishmen and women consisting of volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army seized control of the General Post Office in Dublin which became Pearse and Connolly s (organisers of the rebellion) command post for the rebellion along with the Four Courts, Jacob s Factory, Boland s Bakery, the South Dublin Union, St. Stephen s Green and later the ... Show more content on ... Thus causing Sinn Fein to win two parliamentary elections in 1917 to take two previously held nationalist seats by the end of that year. There were now more than 200,000 Sinn Fein members and they could finally challenge the Irish Nationalists. The British parliament tried to combat this by setting up a convention which lasted about a year before Sinn Fein stopped it. In the general election of 1918 Sinn Fein won 73 seats and the Nationalists 7 and Ulster 23. In January 1919 Sinn Fein members assembled in Dublin as the DГЎil Г‰ireann with Eamon de Valera their president proclaiming Ireland s independence which demonstrated their commitment to the cause of freeing Ireland from British rule. They then organised a guerrilla unit led by Michael Collins which attacked and bombed the British responsible for controlling Ireland. The guerrilla unit later formed the IRA freedom fighters . The British Government were unable to stop the IRA politically, so they called upon armed units called the Black and Tans and the Auxiliaries to destroy the IRA by raiding and burning houses, killing and torturing IRA members suspects as well as innocent people. They failed to defeat the IRA even though they heavily outnumbered them. This was because Michael Collins organised his guerrilla unit very well with a series of hit and run attacks
  • 3. Deconstruction of an Advertisement Essay COMM 10265 DECONSTRUCTING AN ADVERTISEMENT ASSIGNMENT Sexy Subaru Car Wash Sexy Subaru Car Wash Sexy Sumo Car Wash Video.flv YouTube Subaru puts a new Eastern satirical twist on the tradition Western sexy car wash in their advertisement for the Forrester which in place of Heidi Klum or Jessica Simpson sumo wrestlers scantily washing the new vehicle. This advertisement starts off with a dirty Forrester pulling into the car wash with seductive music playing in the background. Most audiences expect a group of supermodels in bikinis to come out and wash the car, however the elderly couple and the audience is surprised to see six sumo wrestlers come out in uniform to wash the car. The sumo wrestlers whip their rags and rub ... Show more content on ... This ad violates social and cultural norms by replacing beautiful women who normally would advertise cars with sumo wrestlers, a reference to the origin of the cars manufacturer. In an article published in Motor Authority it was quoted that Unlike the bikini wearing models in other ads, you re not left wondering where the car is...If anything your eyes seek out the [car], if only for aesthetic relief. (Lienert 2011) In this advertisement Subaru Canada is also portraying a sense of Japanese pride. Sumo wrestlers are honored in Japan and by replacing a Canadian or American supermodel with a symbol of Japanese pride, the sumo wrestler. This connects viewers with the pride of a Japanese manufactured car that the ad is trying to sell. What else is the ad selling? Subaru Canada is selling a new type of car advertisement which shows deviance to societal norms by changing the image of what people think is sexy. Sex sells is a long standing phrase that can be used to define the advertising industry and before this commercial was released many manufacturers marketed sexy car advertisements using Sports Illustrated swimsuit models or models of a similar stature. Subaru in lieu of the sexy bikini models has chosen to express their individuality by chosen a cultural representation to poke fun at traditional advertising. Subaru takes a humorous approach to the commercial, selling the
  • 4. The Events At The University Of Arkansas At Monticello Essay Throughout the last four weeks, I ve attended several events at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Some events were more organized than others, but each event had a different purpose and all of the events was executed well. While in high school I participated in many on and off school activities; in which taught me a valuable lesson that I later on used at the events on campus. The activities taught me good communications skills that I needed during the events. During the events I got the chance to use my communications skills that I learned by participating in activities in high school. I got the chance to interact with new people and experience new things that I never done before. Out of all the events I attended, I believed Rock the Clock was the most beneficial. Although I think Rock the Clock was the most beneficial; I attended three more events other than Rock the Clock. The other events were Cosmic Bowling, Freshman Orientation Day Two, and the Mud Olympics. Although Rock the Clock was the most beneficial. Cosmic Bowling was on August 22nd at 7:00pm. Timberlodge Lanes sponsored the event and did a splendid job hosting the event and publicizing the event. The event was publicized in brochures, letters, and flyers. On every wall I walked by; I would see something promoting the event. Constantly seeing a reminder of the event made me not forget about the event; and actually attend it. My roommate and I left around 7:45; once we got there it was packed. We actually
  • 5. A Dozen Reasons To Exercise Analysis Every single person, including kids, should exercise every day for at least thirty minutes to an hour. Therefore, the more you exercise the superior. Exercising may embrace of walking, running, doing a sport, and even going to the gym. However, if a person does not work out at all, that s an immense problem. In fact, people even convey that not exercising is as defective as it is smoking a cigarette. The article, A Dozen Reasons to Exercise, (Source 3) by the author, Rosie Alvarado Martin, essentially gives the audience 12 significant reasons on why people should consider exercising if they want to avoid having a higher chance of having a heart disease. Generally speaking, there are 12 reasons, but I m only going to give further information... Show more content on ... Yet, if you re also a person who works in an office 5 days a week, and you re just sitting down, I endorse you to get up during your break and go walk at least around the building. And, if you re just sitting down, procrastinating, you re going to end up getting gallstones. Now, when it comes to men, the article expresses that Men who walked two to three hours a week had a 25 percent lower risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) than men who seldom walked. In my opinion, the remarkably appropriate reason for why exercising is suitable for you is because it can benefit both, men and women, reduce stress and help them with depression. Let s proclaim that you re stressed about something, just give yourself 15 min of your time and go for a walk. and if you really don t want to go for a walk or run, you could literally just do some aerobics, and that will help you release all that awful energy that you have stored inside of
  • 6. The metals analyzed were Cadmium, Copper and Lead. All the... The metals analyzed were Cadmium, Copper and Lead. All the selected metals were present in water, sediments and fish samples from all the study sites. The heavy metal concentration in water does not exceed WHO guidelines. This finding was in agreement with (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi, 2009). Cadmium concentration from Florema, Sher Karuturi, Flamingo and Malewa River exceed the WHO limits for sediments. Discussion already existing. The fish cadmium levels were lower than the WHO standards but the samples taken from Oserian and Sher Karuturi were close recording levels of 0.074 and 0.079 respectively. The finding is in agreement with the results of a study carried out in Awassa and Koka Lakes in Ethiopia where the Cadmium... Show more content on ... These high concentrations were attributed to increase in fishing vessels and trawlers that have galvanized metal coating (Mitra., Mitra., Hazra., Chaudhuri, 2000). The heavy metal concentration profile in fish followed the sequence, Cu Pb Cd which was a similar sequence in heavy metal concentration in sediments. This finding is in agreement with the results of the study on heavy metals in fish of Avsar Dam Lake in Turkey (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi, 2009). In fish do not exceed WHO in contrast with (Ozturk., Ozozen., Minareshi., Minareshi, 2009). There was evidence of heavy metal biomagnification as the levels of heavy metals in fish exceeded the concentration in water samples although the metal levels do not exceed WHO and USEPA guidelines. This is in agreement with the findings by Olaifa et al, where the heavy metal concentrations were within safe limits for human consumption. However, this finding is in contrast with other studies, Usman (2011) and Muiruri, (2013) where the heavy metal concentration in fish was beyond the permissible limits and therefore not fit for human consumption (Javed. Usman, 2011). Dissolved oxygen levels below the critical 5mg/l for fish Contrasting....The lower the salinity, the higher the rate of uptake. The toxicity of heavy metals in fish is a function of the free metal ion concentration which is controlled by the chrolide content in water. As the chloride
  • 7. Phantom Of The Opera Comparison With the movie industry becoming more and more popular, it is wondered if the theatre is becoming a dying art form because of it. After all, musicals are being made as movies, but are they are better than them? In this essay, I look to compare the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera with the stage version of it and decide based off of this, if the theatre is really a dying art form. For the stage version of the show, I decided to do the 25th anniversary version of it which was performed at the Royal Albert Hall. In addition to, it was sold out in just 5 hours and happened in 2011. The starring actors and actresses in this were Ramin Karimloo as The Phantom, Sierra Boggess as Christine DaaГ©, Hadley Fraser as Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, Wendy Ferguson as ... Show more content on ... The last thing that I would like to say that I liked was their costumes. Their costumes just fit for each of the characters. The one that I liked the most was the Phantom s one to start the 2nd act. It was just so scary and intimidating. However, with each excellent part of a show, there are awful ones as well. I didn t enjoy the ending because I didn t understand who the person was. They just introduced a new character and I still don t know if Christine got older or if that was someone else. Something else that I didn t like was when a bunch of people was singing, but they were all something different which made it confusing. Now that we have analyzed the stage version, it is time to take a look at the film. The film version had many pluses and minuses. I ll first start off with what I liked. The part of the film that I liked the best were the camera angles. Where the parts where the film fell short, it made up at times with its brilliant placement of the camera. Something else that I liked was the special effects of the movie. They made it a lot more entertaining with what they
  • 8. Essay on The Use of Force The Use of Force, written by William Carlos Williams is a story about a conflicted unnamed doctor using physical force to determine a diagnosis. The question that is brought up is whether or not the doctor s use of force was one of ethical duty or infuriating violence. The doctor makes it his duty to save the patient, Mathilda as she does not cooperate he makes a choice to go on and use force to open her mouth to determine her diagnosis. The choice of using force isn t necessarily the questionable part, the motive on using physical force is debatable. The ultimate questionthat the short story, the Use of Force asks is whether or not the doctors motives become one of dutiful compassion or desirable violence. As the story... Show more content on ... He first tries to be accommodating by asking the girl for her name in order to get her to cooperate in opening her mouth, but she does not budge. The doctor assures Mathilda that he has nothing in his hands and that she should open up. Such a nice man, put in the mother. Look how kind he is to you. Come on, do what he tells you to. He won t hurt you. The mother s helpfulness in assuring the girl that the doctor is trying to help enrages the doctor; as he puts it, At that I ground my teeth in disgust. The doctor then shows frustration, If only they wouldn t sue use the word Hurt I might be able to get somewhere. (par. 16) Despite this he continues to get his diagnosis. As the doctor reaches again for the girl, she swipes his glasses and the parents light up in embarrassment. They apologize and chastise the girl and assures assure her that he is a nice man. The doctor lashes out to the parents, For heaven s sake, I broke in. Don t call me a nice man to her. (par. 19) He states to the parents that he is strictly there to check her throat to see if she has diphtheria and that she could die from it. It is apparent at this point that the doctor may not care what the parents and child think of him, just as long as he checks the girls (should it be girl s? I didn t correct you, because I m not actually sure which is right)
  • 9. Essay on A Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement that Insults America A Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement that Insults America There are a lot different types of sitcoms, and other types of advertising out there in this day in age. The one ad that fell upon my eyes, and pulled me enough its way to persuade me to write a paper on is a Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement. This advertisement is a true way to show how much advertisement has become demoralizing, and appealing to the eye. They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love, and sexuality, popularity and normalcy . (Kilbourne, 178) Advertising has taken many different methods throughout history to attract people to its products. Advertisers use television, newspapers, magazines, and many other methods. It uses different types of ... Show more content on ... There is absolutely no connection between these two things, yet this company still tried to make one. At least that is what it seems like to me. I find this truly insulting. This highly cliquey, and expensive company is just trying to make their product more charming to the eye then it really is. Besides the obvious terrible connection they try to make to the American flag, they also seem to be trying to show us that only cool upper class people own this fragrance. Or at least that is the kind of person you will be if you happen to use this fragrance. As you would notice everything is portrayed almost as perfect in the picture. The big fancy house in the background is eye alluring. All the people in the picture are good looking people of each gender that are all wearing clique Tommy Hilfiger clothes. So if I understand this right. If I buy this fragrance do I automatically become cool, and good looking as this ad is portraying? It s a scam! Media images are so persuasive, they can easily become prototypes of style, class, or even profession. (Brownmiller, 209) It s a waist of money and time to even buy this product. Why don t they use people that are less appealing to the eye, that can t afford the most expensive clothes, and shoes? This is another method this company is trying to use. They are trying to advertise their fresh clothes with their fragrance. It s too bad that they fail to mention how expensive their clothes are in this ad as well.
  • 10. Analysis Of The Great Dictator Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator written and directed by Charlie Chaplin is a film that circles around two characters, which are both played by Chaplin. The movie begins in a time and place similar to one where Hitler had risen to power, and started his annihilation of the Jews. Chaplin plays both the amnesiac Jewish barber and Hynkel (Hitler), the dictator of Tomainia. Hynkel though a powerful and ruthless dictator is often shown to be comically dwarfed both in height and intelligence. His right hand commander, or trash guy, seems to be the one behind some of his plans. He compliments Hynkel with words of praise then proceeds to hint at ways to destroy the Jews, and take over the neighboring states. But as the film progresses, we see how Chaplin portrays Hynkel as being utterly ridiculous; the man cannot seem to do anything without growing angry at his own incompetence. Movies like this, and a similar film, Inglorious Bastards , portray Hitler as a man who in the face of death or immediate anger will quiver and blubber nonsense or the next second muster enough anger to rant as loud as possible (ex: Cheese and Crackers!) I think Chaplin did good capturing the Fuhrer s mannerisms in such an ironic way. Some of his mannerisms include the feeble, affected hand salute; Inclination for striking ludicrous attitudes; The fabulous fits of rage and violent facial contortions. There were many themes I noticed in the film, and one of the most prevalent themes was the use of satire. The use of humor and exaggeration provided a constant comic relief from the actual reality of what was going on during this time. Although he did state at one point that he was unaware, or not fully aware of Adolf s actions and intentions. According to an article, Chaplin wrote in his biography that he regretted making the The Great Dictator: Had I known of the actual horrors of the German concentration camps, I could not have made the Great Dictator; I could not have made fun of the homicidal insanity of the Nazis. I found it interesting that in a way his film was foreshadowing history itself. At the beginning of the film, the detective missile continues to aim at the Jewish soldier, no matter how many times he changes directions. It felt like
  • 11. ASTYM Treatment Principles The Treatment FITT Principles A typical ASTYM treatment includes 8 10 treatments, two times per week, with a 2 day break in between each session (e.g. Mon Th, Tu F, M F). As for intensity, the pressure of using the tool varies based on the condition being treated as well as the patient s tolerance. Training is required to use the tools properly and address the soft tissue dysfunction. After the certified PT uses the ASTYM tool on the soft tissue dysfunction, exercises are given to the patient to do in order to use that new range of motion, and for functional purposes. Interventions vary depending on the body impairment, but could include: strengthening the weak muscles, increasing range of motion (by using the new motion gained from treatment), performing daily activities with proper mechanics, etc. Each intervention of ASTYM for treating one body impairment lasts about 10 minutes each session (or whenever the dysfunction appears to be less restricted). Maximal results usually achieved in 6 9 treatments. After 12 treatments, a patient probably won t see much more results. 1 Lastly, ASTYM treatment is administered only by clinicians who have completed a comprehensive training program and who are certified by Performance Dynamics. 3 The training includes pre reading, pre tests, specific intensive treatment /anatomy... Show more content on ... 5 Maximal force output of the lower extremity was measured by an isometric squat test, before and after treatment in all participants. A sham treatment version of ASTYM treatment was given to randomly selected participants. Results showed that in those participants who received the actual ASTYM treatment had a significant effect on the percent change of maximal force output. Study supports that ASTYM can have an immediate effect on muscle performance for those who have muscle weakness after a lower extremity musculoskeletal injury.
  • 12. Maria Konnikova s The Limits Of Friendship The emergence of new communication tools such as phones, televisions, and computers along with internet are constantly changing the way people live and communicate. Many new information technology, especially the internet, pulled distance between people closer because human communication will no longer be constrained by time and space. People can talk through the internetor participate in online discussion group at every corner of the world; thus, enhanced human social connections. However, this is not what every human believes. People who opposed these thinking tend to believe that the internet is what lead to human outliers isolated since people spend daily social activities times on the internet. дєєд»¬е·ІжЉЉзЅ‘з»њз§‘жЉЂеЅ“еЃљж Їи‡Єе·±дёЌеЏЇе°‘зљ„дёЂйѓЁе€†г Ђ‚ж‰Ђд»Ґжњ By age of 20 something, there are enough time, energy, and personal space to learn, understand, enhance, and get out of troughs. It is... Show more content on ... However, while getting this connection and social network meanwhile, became lonely. As Maria Konnikova states in her essay, The Limits of Friendship, While their median number of Facebook friends was three hundreds, they only counted an average of seventy five as actual friends (237). The Internet has become another place for entertainment and recreation. It also reflects that the Internet has become more popular and became a part of daily life. So much so that the Internet has become a usual practice. If the use of the Internet is divided into two parts inertia and accidental use , people who use the Internet inertia usually use it for entertainment to escape life, and stimulate the mood. On the other hand, those who use it as accidental use are usually for a specific motivation; including to update information, social and emotional exchanges. However, these two types of users do not have a consistent and fixed usage
  • 13. Multinational Enterprise s ) Implementations Of Strategic... Scope of this assignment: In this paper I m going to discuss MNE s (Multinational Enterprise s) implementations of strategic alliance mostly at the international level; however, I will also provide some specific real cases as examples of strategic alliance. What compelling reasons might influence a firm s adoption of strategic alliances when expanding internationally? What are possible pitfalls and how might they be avoided? Discuss with reference to appropriate With the fast politic and economic development, and the rapid development in the high technology and information industry, economic globalization has made the global competition more intense. Many companies expand internationally when domestic market begin to mature or become saturated. For those expanding into oversea markets, choosing appropriate strategy is crucial to its survival in the international business. For an enterprise, it s purposes for business operation is to ultimately achieve corporate strategic objectives through an effective strategic choice. In order for enterprises to achieved corporate strategic objectives and grow, various types of resources and capabilities are much needed. As globalization advances, industry competition has become increasingly fierce. Once the enterprise has achieved beyond the scope of existing recourses that they can carry, it is imperative for them to obtain resources from outside. Because of the incompleteness of the market, a lot of resources cannot be
  • 14. State X And The Outer Space Treaty Summary of Facts In February of 2006, State X claimed a 1000 square kilometer surface area on the moon as part of its territory and therefore subjected to its territorial jurisdiction. Soon after claiming the territory, State X began to construct permanent structures on the moon for the purpose of researching and mining resources. Furthermore, with the newly acquired resources, State X intended to use it to boosts its own economy. The issue and lawsuit raised by State Y, which is representing not just itself, but all of the parties to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, is that State X although not a party to the Outer Space Treaty, is still subject to it as a result of article 1 and article 2 of the treaty being deemed Jus Cogens or ... Show more content on ... Firstly, in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, it highlights the concept Pacta Sunt Servanda (The United Nations, 1969, art. 26). What this means is that the treaty is binding to all of the parties that are signed to it. In other words, according to this principle, State X is not bound by the Outer Space Treaty. This idea is later and clearly reinforced in article 34, where it states that a treaty does not create obligation...for a third State without its consent (The United Nations, 1969, art. 34). However, like mentioned above, through article 36 of the treaty, it is possible that a third party state may be compelled to act in accordance with the treaty if it satisfies two conditions. The first condition is whether at the time of creation of the treaty, did the parties creating the treaty intend for it to apply to all states (The United Nations, 1969, art. 36(1)). If we examine the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, we can easily see that the parties creating the treaty did indeed intend for it to be applied to all states since contains within the first two articles keywords such as all mankind (Ferreira Snyman, 2015, p.497). Furthermore, within the treaty, it says that space is open for exploration to all (Ito, 2011). Words such as all here will mean that it applies to every state, not just states partied to the treaty. As a result of this, I would definitely agree that
  • 15. Criterion-Referenced Competency Test Using the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) to measure Georgia public schools Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) put pressure on the Atlanta Public Schools and fostered Beverly Hall to use dishonorable tactics to meet the goals of President George W. Bush s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which required states to conduct annual assessments of student academic achievement to determine financial rewards or penalties for schools and teachers. This act failed to recognize the underlying problems in low performing public schools, often problems that money could not fix, and had unintended negative consequences such as the Atlanta cheating scandal. First of all, federal funding was granted to high performing schools for meeting the AYP, ... Show more content on ... NCLB was more likely to help schools that already had high quality teaching and resources, making the funding incentive ineffective in equal distribution and access to high quality education. This created an atmosphere where leaders like Hall had to act unethically to receive funding and play this game that set up low SES schools to lose. What Hall did was not justified by any means nor do I think she manipulated test scores for the good of the kids, but her behavior is understandable considering the circumstances. Different incentives, such as full tuition scholarships for high quality teachers in the nation s top graduate programs to teach in low SES schools or directly incentivizing low SES kids to enroll in college for upward mobility and supporting their families could have been implemented to prevent an Atlanta cheating scandal. Nevertheless, improving educational outcome does not occur at the school level but beyond into the societal level. It is important to take these factors into consideration when implementing future educational
  • 16. How The Godfather Changed Hollywood For many Italian Americans, The Godfather changed the way that they were viewed in American society in a good way. Megan Gambino of the Smithsonian interviewed Tom Santopietro, the author of The Godfather effect. In the interview, Santopietro states The film changed Hollywood because it finally changed the way Italians were depicted on film. It made Italians seem like more fully realized people and not stereotypes. It was a film in Hollywood made by Italians about Italians. Previously, it had not been Italians making the mobster films featuring Italian gangsters (2012). In the movie we get to see a close knit family that is all about tradition, love, and loyalty; however, it also takes a twist with illegal activity and murder. Kirkus Review stated Broadway theater manager Santopietro (Sinatra in Hollywood, 2008, etc.) asserts that with the 1972 release of Francis Ford Coppola s The Godfather , notions of ethnicity in America had been upended in rather spectacular fashion especially for young Italian Americans who felt conflicted about many aspects of their heritage, ... Show more content on ... The movie itself depicts real world situations of what we know about the mob today, the John Gotti s, the Genovese family and even La Cosa Nostra. According to They are some of the most notorious and widespread of all criminal societies (2010). These Italian American gangsters were involved in prostitution, drug trafficking, gambling, murder, money laundering and racketeering, many of the things that we see in The Godfather. Mafia families have struck fear in the lives of many and their communities. Murders would occur in the middle of the street in broad daylight. Communities were downtrodden with narcotics, alcoholics, and gangsters until the government stepped in to start indicting these individuals, locking them up and throwing away the
  • 17. Health And Safety Regulations Of Bath College Engineering... Health and Safety Assignment No 1 This assignment is based on the health and safety regulations of the City of Bath College Engineering Workshop and a car manufacturer. The Health and Safety at Work act of 1974 regulations have been used in the engineering workshops at City of Bath College and a car manufacturer to keep it a safe environment. Under the Health and Safety at work act everyone in the college workshops and at work in a car manufacturer has to act responsibly. This includes things like reporting any hazards such as broken equipment or wet floors that are unmarked. Bags, coats and any other spare clothing must be placed out of the way so they do not obstruct the fire exit or cause a trip hazard, which could lead to an accident ... Show more content on ... Lifting operations do apply to car manufacturer as they have to lift extremely big items like cars with other big, heavy equipment. When working Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn to prevent any injury or fatality in the workshop and in the work place. This may include high visibility clothing, suitable eye protection, steel toe capped boots, gloves and a safety helmet. The amount of PPE needed to be worn in the workshop can depend on what work is being done and normally only steel toe capped boots, suitable clothing, eye protection and possibly helmets. It can also include respiratory protective equipment (RPE) such as dust masks, but not very often in the workshop at City of Bath College. Most protective items are needing in industry work, like at a car manufacture. For example dust masks, full on overalls, gloves and other protective wear is also used in industry to protect workers. Lots of safety procedures have been put in place in the workshop and in the work place but there are still some hazards that can remain such as: Flying particles of wood, for example when working on a disk sander. Or splashes of corrosive/harmful liquids going into the eyes, this is where eye protection and even a protective mask is used. Corrosive materials coming into contact with skin when using different and dangerous materials (e.g. causing
  • 18. Aboriginal Rights In Australia Across the world, countries such as New Zealand and Canada recognise their Indigenous cultures in their respective constitutions. Indigenous Australians don t have this same treatment, with there being no mention of indigenous peoples in the Australian Constitution. Currently in all forms of Australian Government, there is a formal Acknowledgement of Country before proceedings, though this remains a formality rather than a necessity. The Australian Government also introduced the Native TitleAct (1993), which repeals the title of Terra Nullius (no man s land) that was given to Australiaat the time of British discovery. The Native Title Act also presents a process in which Indigenous Australianscan make claims onto land that they can prove to be culturally significant to their respective tribe or community. Furthermore, Sorry Day and Reconciliation Day , which are both nationally recognised events that commemorate and pay respects to the Indigenous people mistreated in the past.... Show more content on ... The lack there of would thereby mean that Australia is in breach of International Law. Furthermore, Article One of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) states that [a]ll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The exclusion of Indigenous Australians and their rightful ownership of Australia is clearly the Australian Government depriving said Indigenous Australians of the respect and dignity they
  • 19. How Transpiration Is Important For The Improvement Of... What is transportation? Transpiration is the movement from one place to another. Different types of transportation are rail, water, road, and air. Transport is significant because it permits trade between societies, which is vital for the improvement of evolution. The field can be divided into groundwork, automobiles and operations. Transport structure involves pipelines, waterways, roads, railways, warehouses, and busstations. Different modes of transportation include bicycles, boats, planes, bus, trains, scooter, ect. The word transportation comes from Middle English and Latin. Different definitions for the word are as follows: to carry or move from one place to another, to carry away by strong emotion, banishment (deportation), and the means of transport or conveyance , (reference /transportation). Common synonyms for transportation include arrivals, communication, departure, freight, link, public transport, public transportation, service, shuttle, and transit. Transportation has opened so many doors for us as a species and without it, who knows where the world would be today. Lives are saved every day because of cars, planes, trains, and buses. Throughout the years, transportation has improved tremendously and has become so advanced. Now cars can park and drive themselves. The new standard vehicle is much more cutting edge than it was a year ago. For instance, you can get a 2014 car and the 2015 car will may have totally
  • 20. Pros And Cons Of Search Engine Optimization What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as the Do s and Don ts of Search engines that if followed properly can improve the visibility of your website which will eventually lead to better sales and promotion of your website, products and services. How? When you launch a new website it is obvious that you will be among the millions. And among those thousands that even Google doesn t know about their existence. And a week passes by with just one or two visitors with zero contribution. It is obvious to get frustrated. But, it is more obvious to have a question in your mind what other websites are doing so that they are ranking in the first page and what you did that you got lost ... Show more content on ... When compared with the off web marketing your expenses are very high because you need manpower to promote and the cost of advertisements are also very high. But, with the growing web surfers business marketing has become very economical because even the social bookmarking sites like: offers your advertisements low cost whereas the features they provide are enormous. Similarly, it is easy because you can promote your business with a click and completely reduces your manpower budget. All of the above listed advantages are worthy only if you rank well in Google and other major search engines. With poor placement and zero page rank no customers will know your existence in the internet and there is no question of building goodwill. Black Hat and White Hat SEO: Black hat and white SEO is two different stream of SEO which are distinctly different from one another. Black hat SEO represents those people who are engaged in unethical SEO practices like: keyword stuffing, link farming and article spinning which can seriously hamper your website and your online business. Google is found to banned and delist such websites who are engaged in such practices. Similarly, white hat SEO is the ethical way of competing in the search engine to gain desired page rank following the do s and don ts of Google. Free Search Engine Optimization
  • 21. Du Fu Rebellion Du Fu, or known as Tu Fu, was considered by many as one of China s greatest traditional poet of the Tang dynasty and was also known as the Sage of Poetry. He was a deep reflective person and has been described as the artistic counterpart of Confucius. (CP 106/565) He was also a keen observer of detail and for that, despite writing in variety of styles, his most characteristic work is innovative in language and subject matter and is also densely packed with meaning. (CP 110/766) He was known to record significant political and social events he experienced in his life such as the An Lu shan rebellion. As a person who was deeply imbued with the Confucian ideal of duty, Du Fu was greatly disturbed by the events of the rebellion as he had such deep... Show more content on ... The times strike. Before flowers, tears break loose conveys about the sadness of civilians of Chang an. The fourth line tells us about the alarmed emotion that was experienced by the people during the chaos and from the fifth line onwards, this important shift in focus shows us the effects of the long war on both soldiers and civilians. The sixth line, A letter from home is worth thousands of gold pieces conveys the feelings of the soldiers when they were far away from their family, missing them dearly. This message that he conveyed in this line is also telling us about how far away the soldiers are from
  • 22. Essay about The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively... The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two poems in your responses. The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no one, something everybody already knew. If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never grasps. One of ... Show more content on ... It is possible that the deeper meaning to a Mid Term Break is that of coming to terms with the fact that it was not his fault that this pointless loss of young life occurred. He may have felt that if he had not been away at school his brother may never had died but the poet needs time (many years) to justify this and come to terms with his bereavement. A common point in each of the poems is that of the poets internal struggle to come to terms with himself, acceptance of himself as the person he is. This is clearly seen in Digging where he shows nothing but admiration for his father and the expertise needed to farm, which is highlighted by the use of technical terms such as lug . He finally concludes that his skill as a writer, a poet, is just as valued as that of a farmer and that in all likelihood his feelings of guilt at discarding tradition were not necessary and there was no need to believe he could not live up to expectations, he has accepted himself. Through Heaney s poetry we come to understand, that his ideas do not just relate to him, they relate to us as well, they show the connection between human lives. This is what William Carlos Williams calls the universality of the local . When you look deeper and scrutinize the poems they become more than just the memories of a man. Beyond the surface there are layers of meaning, complexity,
  • 23. Asymmetric Threats Essay Currently there are several definitions of asymmetric threats listed throughout the internet as well as other literature. The definition that best sums up the meaning in my view is leveraging unconventional tactics against a superior opponent with the goal of disrupting the willingness to achieve the operational objectives. The most common and current example of this would be the insurgency tactics used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States must not assume those tactics and strategies will only be used abroad. The same asymmetric threats our country s security initiative is facing are the same challenges are seaports are facing. Some examples of the potential asymmetric threats the United States seaport faces are nuclear weapons,... Show more content on ... The impact of a chemical environment would also lessen the dominance of a United States military operation. The United States military is commonly known to operate both deployment and re deployment operations at specific ports of embarkation and debarkation; making targeting for a chemical attack fairly simple. Like chemical weapons, biological weapons are easy to obtain, but the area covered by such an attack is fairly small and limited. The most effective area to use a chemical weapon on a seaport would be the operation center of that port due to the limited damage it will cause to the infrastructure. The psychological effect of VX or Sarin would devastate any port operation and to trace the origin of the agents would prove to be very difficult. The most common vulnerabilities to seaports exist due to the geographical location and the amount of activity surrounding most seaports. Highways, railways, and joining waterways create many security issues and make larger seaports terrorist strategic targets. The sheer size of the sea requires numerous resources and assets from agencies such as the United States Coast Guard. The task of monitoring and securing seaports is an international challenge because the United States trade goods with various countries. Security standards vary from country to country causing any substandard port to become an
  • 24. The Spanish And Mexican Period 1. The story line I am going to talk about is power and oppression, throughout California s history there has been many events of power and oppression that has shaped California s history in many ways. I selected this storyline because I am able to relate many of these events that have happened throughout history. I will described the Spanish and Mexican period, the Americanization period, the early 20th century, and the late 20th century to today. First I will begin with the Spanish and Mexican period 1776 1846, during these period we could see that there was a lot of power and oppression that started with the Spanish conquest to expand their colonization. The spanish brought with them christianity trying to convert Native Americans to become that same religion, the spanish developed a series of presidios, missions, and pueblos in the lands of Native Americans where they were forced to change their religion, customs, and culture to become part of the Spanish. Many Native Americans were killed by the Spanish soldiers when they would decline to change their way of living. The Spanish practice oppression trying to convert this people into christianity this is an example of the power and oppression the spanish used during these period of time. After Mexico became independent from the Spanish empire the Mexican government took control of California and during these period, the Mexican government put an end to the mission/presidio system. The Mexican government allowed
  • 25. Essay Ford Motor Company Memo Memo To:Retire at Age Fifty Fund (RAFF) From: Penelope Magouliotis, Jeffery Childs, Marcus Eggleston, Syed AzeemDate:February 15, 2014 Subject:Ford s Shareholder Value Enhancement Plan (VEP) Evaluation Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company is an American automaker, it is the world s fifth largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales. Its headquarters are based in Dearborn, Michigan, which is a suburb in Detroit. Henry Ford founded Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903 and it became one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world, as well as being one of the few to survive the Great Depression. Ford Company is the largest family controlled company in the world; it has been in continuous family power for over 110 ... Show more content on ... GM has just over one year s worth. DC currently has negative free cash flows because of high capital expenditures, so it has negative Cash to Free Cash Flow ratio. Based on all this Ford has a good amount of cash. What are Ford s primary sources of cash? Why did Ford choose to accumulate so much cash? Ford s primary resource of cash is issuing stock to shareholders. By having class A and class B shares, Ford is able to have control of the corporation in the family. They have increased given the shareholders a confidence by increasing their dividends as well. Ford need to accumulate cash because the automotive industry easily once projects start to fail. A prime example would be its failure of the car Edsel, which marked as one of the greatest flops in the world of business history. Provide an overview of Value Enhancement Plan (VEP) by briefly discussing the aspects below. Explain what shareholders would receive in exchange for (a) old common shares, (b) old class B shares, and (c) old shares held in the employee saving plan. Explain how dividends and taxations will be applied to VEP. The VEP is basically a plan for investors to capitalize on instead of having control over the corporation. The entire reason behind this plan is so that the Ford family does not loose any control over the corporation, yet still have good financial backing from its investors. For class A shareholders, the VEP shareholders would exchange their
  • 26. Luxenberg-Personal Narrative I arrive on the scene on time. I open the door and there were at least a hundred people at this event, maybe even more. There were probably about twenty five artists that had their work displayed. Nobody recognized me. Perfect. I spotted Luxenberg he was next to the champagne fountain with another man. His back faced towards me. This was my cue to start. I slowly walked towards the champagne fountain. I casually grabbed a teaspoon on the way and hid in my pocket. I was right behind him and he wasn t even aware of it. I looked at the glasses of champagne from the table. I picked up one of the glasses with my left hand and extracted the small tablet and teaspoon out of my jacket with my right. Then, when nobody was looking in my direction, I quickly dropped the tablet into the glass. The capsule started fizzing, then dissolved immediately. I gave a quick stir, then put the spoon back in my pocket. I grabbed another drink for myself. Now it was time to get his attention. I called out his name in a deep raspy voice Sir Declan Luxenberg, it is so good to see you this evening. ... Show more content on ... I m sorry, do I know you?Have we met before? he said looking at me very confused. What? I gasped, pretending to be offended. You mean you do not remember me? I asked. I m sorry, I do not. he said. I m D.L, I am one most top five famous art critics in the country. I m a very big deal especially in New York. I said smoothly. Really? he said. He was in shock. He knew that local critics were going to see his works of art, but never did he think that he would meet a person that might change his future indefinitely. Yes, I brought you a glass of champagne want to make a toast. Why thank you, that is very kind, coming from you. he said being
  • 27. Damning Of The Masses Essay Damning of the Masses That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10: 9 From the time we are small children sitting in Sunday school not able to fully grasp the love of God that we sing simple songs about, we are taught that Jesus was sent to earth to love us no matter what. The Puritan congregation listening to Jonathan Edwards sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry ... Show more content on ... 20:11 note). Edwards interprets this fear as trepidation and terror, allowing no room for our souls to Hall 2 love God as he loves us. Edwards also fails to emphasize a major thematic concept of the Bible love. The word love is used in 539 verses of the Bible. In this sermon it is used only four times. Only two of those times directly refer to Christ s love for us. Edwards seems to have shaded this crucial aspect of salvation. In the very small section of Edwards sermon that he gives his listeners a way out of being dropped like a spider into the fiery lake, he fails to give their terror release, still making his message into a threat. Jesus never threatened. God never finds pleasure in the damning of men s souls. The Lord wishes only for us to be with him. I agree with Edwards that if we do not come to Christ and obey His commands that we will spend eternity in hell, but I also believe that our God is a god of infinite grace and love. This is something Edwards seems not to have felt or appears to have interpreted in a way that makes God into a spiteful, jealous god waiting to crush us at any moment. If only Edwards would have realized how crucial Christ s message of love was to the salvation of his congregation. His powerful invitation of deliverance would have given people hope and a more
  • 28. Factors Influencing Customer Retention Towards Room Services 1.0 INTRODUCTION In managing the business which provides pure services to the customer, company need to ensure that the service delivered is meeting with expectation and satisfied the customer. The quality of services is considered to be a critical success factor for the service companies. Service is close conceptual as well as empirical link to customer satisfaction turned it into the core marketing instrument, making it the most researched area in services marketing (Fisk et al., 1995; Bolton et al., 2000). In addition, the accumulated research has linked positively the service with profitability (Fornell, 1992). It is very important to retain the customer. But, nowadays, the service provider needs to identify other factors ... Show more content on ... There are Human Resources Department, Account Department, Sales Marketing Department, Food Beverage Department, Housekeeping Department, Front Office Department, Maintenance Department, Kitchen Department and lastly Security Department. Swiss Inn Sungai Petani has 101 rooms which provide restful havens and the ultimate in modern day comforts. Beside that, Swiss Inn also equipped with contemporary amenities, 21 suite rooms which come with private Jacuzzi and a health central with sauna which guaranteed to alleviate stress. Furthermore, there also other facilities includes 2 tennis courts, squash court and also tennis tables for it customers and guests while they are staying there. The most popular facilities provided in Swiss Inn Sungai Petani are swimming pool. Then, this hotel also provided a gymnasium for their customer who are care about keeping their fitness and health. For the conferences or seminars purpose, the customers can take pleasure in any of their 12 well equipped function rooms named on flower like ORCHID, HIBISCUS, BOUGAINVILLEA, LILY, TULIP, BLOSSOM, DAHLIA, CARNATION, LOTUS, IXORA, and JASMINE. Besides that, they also has elegant ballroom which comes complete with a stage, perfects for hosting wedding receptions, banquets and even performing arts. For dining pleasure, the customers and guests can head to The Garden
  • 29. Rural Development Case Study Case Study Of A Rural Development: The Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (ARISP) III [pic] By LEONILA TANYAG CONRADO 2012 Table of Contents Case Study Abstract Introduction Definition of Terms Objectives Project Beneficiaries Analysis of the project Development Framework Expected Outcomes Recommendation for Sustainability Sources CASE STUDY ABSTRACT: This case details the implementation of Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (ARISP) III in the province of Quezon 1. The vision of writer is to initially determine the effect of the on going implementation in the ... Show more content on ... It also includes the replication of Agrarian Information and Marketing Center (AIM C),when and where feasible, to provide marketing assistance, information service, training and financing services to the ARBs.
  • 30. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Agrarian reform is defined to mean the redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totally of factors and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares of stocks, which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work. ARC Connectivity is a new strategy wherein development in the ARCs will radiate to non ARC barangays that will benefit more ARBs and communities. Each barangay will complement the development concept of the cluster barangays which is conceived to undertake agro industrial development endeavor focusing on production, processing, and marketing of products where they have competitive advantage. AGRARIAN REFORM COMMUNITY (ARC) DEVELOPMENT is an area focused intervention designed to propel and sustain national growth through a people centered, concentrated, holistic approach in community development. Economic freedom is a term used in economics which
  • 31. The Role Of Marketing In A Corporate Environment The Role Of Marketing In A Corporate Environment The definition of Marketing in the eleventh edition of Marketing: An Introduction is stated as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationship in order to capture value from customers in return. How does the corporate world successfully merge with marketing to satisfy the consumers opinion of value? By designing a customer driven marketing strategy. One theory from The Times 100 states that Effective marketing demands the identification and understanding of target markets. Having a clear understanding of target markets create an entry into providing a product that will sell. Marketing Mix also known as the four P s (Product, Price, Promotion, and Distribution (Price) created in 1960 by McCarthy is used by marketers throughout the world. Broken down into their segments and defined as: Product anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Price amount of money charged for a product or service. Promotion activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it. Place (distribution) company activities that make the product available to target consumers. With social and demographic changes the sale of products can be affected. So if companies want to continue to add value to products there must be the introduction of services to the mix.
  • 32. The Analects Summary This selection of the Analects revolves primarily around the importance of virtue tradition and the characteristics of a junzi or ideal gentleman . The introduction of this selection of the analects defines the key term of ren as true happiness or humanity and states that it is a necessary characteristic that must be possessed by a junzi. Book One of the Analects explores the origin and characteristics of junzi and explains that before one can become a junzi, one must first fulfill their role in the family. Book Two of the Analects highlights the need for a leader to have virtue, stating that virtue is preferable to other modes of control because virtue, unlike alternative methods, will enable the people to retain a sense of shame, which can be useful in reforming an individual. Book Three emphasizes the need for ritual, using the success of the Chinese Zhou dynasty as a testament to ritual s effectiveness. Finally, Book Four of the Analects continues to emphasize the importance of ren, connecting ren to... Show more content on ... While, the introduction to this selection of The Analects provides some insight to the origins by explaining how under the Zhou dynasty and their strict adherence to religious customs coincided with a prosperous period in Chinese history, it is not immediately apparent that the two are more than a coincidence. Furthermore, oftentimes, as history has shown, tradition for traditions sake can often stymie progress and prevent necessary adaptations in the face of changing circumstances. Would the course of human history not have been improved if slavery had not been maintained, at least in part, by tradition? Finally, as the world has become increasingly secular and progressive over time, in what why should a modern reader interpret the messages in The Analects and apply them
  • 33. Persuasive Analysis Hana T 93 Good tempo and good control veryall. Again, at the octave watch out for the for the higher note. Make sure it s in tune with the lower note. I know it s hard but try not to rush in the octave, it will make you life a lot easier. In the up bow staccato, use your index finger to articulate more especially in this tempo. Caroline 90 Good overall. Watch out for the indication of the kind of bowstroke technique that Piatti asked for. Slower practice at the octave area. Think about the connection between each octave. When you are practicing also try to slide between two chord. Able to hear the slide while in slow practice and eliminated as you speed up will help you to have a more accurate intonation in the octave area. Ethan 90 Watch out for the tunning for the chrod. Practice stop and go will help a lot with these chord progression. In addition, a lot of time if you put more direction towards the gesture in the octave will help you with intonation. I can hear the hesitation in the octave. I understand it s hard but it will be more sucessful when you go for it without hestitation. Be fearless. Good sound Andrew??? Lydia 90 Good overall. Focus more on the lower notes. Feel the connection between the two chord even when it s awkward. You have it in your handtherefore when you are shifting it will h be helpful to focus on your right hand for connection and let your left hand do the work. Lucas 86 Watch out for what notes you are playing. In the beginning some
  • 34. Essay On Allen Ginsberg Lor Deecia Garrett Mrs. Roy AP ENG IV 27 January 2016 Allen Ginsberg Biography Irwin Allen Ginsberg was the most famous American poet during the 20th century. Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, in Newark, New Jersey and he eventually became one of the famous fathers during the Beat Generation. Ginsberg died in April 5, 1997, in New York at the age of 70 and suffered from liver cancer. Allen Ginsberg most important piece during his time as a poet was Howl . He also was the leader of the Beat Generation, Ginsberg was involved in political issues, Ginsberg was also against the Vietnam War, and he also spoke about issues such as free speech and gay rights. The poet mother had moved from Russia to different states, while his father pursued a job as teaching students and writing poetry and both of Ginsberg parents were Jewish members. Throughout his childhood, his mother had suffered from psychological troubles, including nervous breakdowns. Throughout his preteen years, Allen Ginsberg was inspired by the by the poet Walt Whitman during his high school years. He began to be inspired by this poet and listen to his teacher passionate reading .Ginsberg also got his love for poetry from his father, when they used to attend the poetry reading together. As a teenager, Ginsberg used to have a journal and he would write letters to the New York time about issues that he didn t like such as World War.As Ginsberg went to University, he met the two most influential people in his life, Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs, who all became important in the Beat Movement. Allen Ginsberg became convicted of being a robbery and to avoid jail, he ... Show more content on ... A quote by Irwin Allen Ginsberg was Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in
  • 35. Hypothesis Of A Hypothesis Test Hypothesis testing is very essential in statistical analysis. It is quite imperative to state both a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis when conducting a hypothesis test because the hypotheses are mutually exclusive and if one statement is true then the other is proven as false. According to Mirabella (2011, p. 4 1) states that, When we have a theory about a parameter (the average is...,the proportion is....,etc), we can test that theory via a hypothesis test. Therefore, that is what we have used to determine if the average age of Whatsamatta U MBA students is less than 45. We have to conduct a one sample hypothesis test to prove if we can accept or reject the null hypothesis. In order to determine what decision rule, which is the statement that tells under which condition to reject the null hypothesis, to propose we must first determine if we are instituting a upper tailed, lower tailed, or two tailed test. There are many steps used when initiating a hypothesis test. First and foremost it is vital to specify the null and alternative hypothesis, next we have to determine a significance level that is tolerable such as 0.05 which is your tolerance for error, and last we have to calculate the statistic that is comparable to the parameters set by the null hypothesis. Additionally, when utilizing hypothesis testing, we are attempting to determine whether or not to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Furthermore, we have to determine if there is enough
  • 36. A History Of Violence In Latin America A History of Violence in Latin America Throughout the films that we have watched for class, there are many similarities and differences that arise between them. Latin America has a long, detailed history of social, political, and cultural discourse that have become the main subjects of Latin films during the last 50 years. It has been beneficial for Latin countries to see these issues play out in films through because it helps people understand the creation of the modern society that they live. Although there is a wide range of national issues dealt with in this film, I will be examining the similarities and differences between films that depict the colonization of Latin America and films that are based in a modern city. The Other Conquest,
  • 37. Driverless Car Lab Driverless cars are equipped with an array of detection technologies and advanced software that ensure them to cope with major challenges on a city road. An experiment shows that vehicle setup and software together made the testing driverless car able to drive together with other vehicles and manage different road conditions on public urban roads and freeways. [1] The vehiclesetup involves various sensors that can capture images of the surroundings and extract detailed information such as traffic lights and road markings. 3D cameras are mounted around the exterior of the driverless car, having a 50 degree field of view that is wider than that of a human driver, to enable precise dimensional measurement of obstacles on a road. Laser scanners,
  • 38. The Torah And Present Times The Torah and Present Times June Rangel BIB 1310.01 Intro to Old Testament The Torah is an essential part of the Christian faith and is still relevant to present times. The origins of the Christian faith are still relevant to today s times. Living in 2016 many people believe the Torah to be irrelevant to the Christian faith and to be simply outdated. However, the word of God is timeless, it withstands time itself. If anything the people of today need the guidance of the Torah now more than ever. Genesis is a vital part of the Christian faith; it details the origins of the human race and of the Christian faith as a whole. Genesis entails the creation of the earth and everything on it. And God called the dry land Earth: and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas: and God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:10, King James version). We as Christians know the story of creation by heart because of the book of Genesis. The Torah explains everything that Christianityitself is based on. God created everything. For Example, God created heaven and Earth, night, and day, the sea and land to name just a few things; all the things that were created were good. We also know from reading through Genesis that God created man to have domain over the land and animals. God soon after creates woman from man because it was not good for man to be alone. Genesis also introduces the creation of sin. But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath
  • 39. Analysis Of The Novel Nervous Conditions In the novel Nervous Conditions, Tsitsi Dangarembga explores the concepts of power and oppression. Speaking up about oppression can liberate a person, so the people in charge do not want the oppressed to speak up. In Nervous Conditions, males have much more dominance in life than females. Maiguru, Nyasha, and Lucia all attempt to stand up for themselves against oppression, with little success. Dangarembga develops the characters Maiguru, Nyasha, and Lucia in order to convey how speaking out against oppression is necessary but not sufficient to gain power. Nyasha vocally resists when she feels oppressed because she refuses to accept being controlled. However, as a child, she must defer to her parents whether she likes it or not. Early in the novel, Maiguru questions if Nyasha should read Lady Chatterly s Lover, a book that contains many Western themes and ideals, because that s not very good...[she doesn t] want [her] to read books like that . Nyasha retorts, What s all the fuss about anyway? It s only a book and I m only reading it (75). The controversy of Lady Chatterly s Lover causes Maiguru to label it as not very good . Italics place extra emphasis on the words book and reading , because these two words are associated with gaining knowledge, and therefore gaining power. Maiguru does not want Nyasha to gain power in the form of ideas that might cause her to rebel against her parents. Nyasha s confrontational attitude about the book reaffirms Maiguru s belief that it
  • 40. Alien Vs Illegal Immigrants Essay Immigration has always been and will always be a topic in the media. While the online Merriam Webster defines the word immigrants as a person who comes to a country to live there, the urban dictionary define immigrants as what every inhabitant of the USA is, except the Native Americans. Many people have different views on aliens, whether legal or illegal. Even though there are different types of aliens, people usually make the mistake to classify them all as one. Aliens are of the other names used to refer immigrants. The different types of aliens classification are as followed: a legal alien, a nonresident alien, a resident alien, and enemy alien and an illegal alien. A legal alien is a non citizen who is allowed to stay in the country for example researchers, business workers. A nonresident alien is a non citizen who is visiting the country for work, leisure, or to seek medical purposes. A resident alien is an alien have temporary residential status in the country. An enemy alien is someone visiting from a country that an enemy and an illegal alien is an immigrant who reside in the country unlawful. These people usually sneak in through the borders and some just over stay their welcome. When it comes to immigrants, many people talk about all of them in general and all those people usually have different point of view. Because the United Stateswas built on immigrants, some... Show more content on ... Trump is totally against immigrants and thinks that immigrants are going to ruin the future of this country. Trump says the a nation without borders is not a nation . Therefore, he wants to build a Great Wall and make Mexicans pay for it. Trumps think that immigrants, especially Mexicans, only bring crimes and drugs in the country, and also still citizen s jobs. Trump wants to also put an end to birthright citizenship. He believes that birthright citizenship is the one of the biggest magnet to illegal
  • 41. Mormon Stereotypes Mormonism, the largest church to originate on American soil is not without its own burdens to bear. As one of the younger religions, one that strayed from the foundations of the other already established religions in the United States, it is often viewed with negativity and mockery. Modern day social media, television, news articles and movies often exploit Mormon beliefs. They twist and exaggerated certain facets of the Mormon way of life. This framing of their belief system by the media leads the public opinion toward viewing this representation as a true depiction of the Mormons. Some of the more extreme behaviors exhibited by members that have separated from the main group are used against the entire faith by the media, so in turn this extremist view has become a Mormon stereotype. History of Mormonism The Mormon faith dates back to the year 1830 when Joseph Smith, the founder along with 5 other men gathered together to form what they initially called The Church of Christ. This was later changed to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moving to Palmyra, New York in 1816 with his parents and seven siblings, Joseph Smith and his family found themselves confused and troubled by the opposing churches in the area. His family tried to associate themselves with the Presbyterian Church for a time. Then his father shifted his interest to Methodism, but none of the churches suited their needs. At the age of 14 Joseph found himself praying ... Show more content on ... In 2006, then Church president Gordon B. Hinckley declared that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church. Let us all recognize that each of us is a son or daughter of our Father in Heaven, who loves all of His children.
  • 42. How Did The Peloponnesian War Change Athenian Between the years 431 and 404 B.C.E. Greece was involved in a war between two powers, Athens and Sparta; as a consequence, Greek city states adjusted to wartime stresses. I want to use one Greek polis, Athens, to show how the Peloponnesian War caused the polis to change, particularly with regards to citizenship and the greater concept of paideia. This period is absolutely important to us today, since the changing Athens provided a milieu in which democracy was tested. In his oration for Athenians killed in the first battles of the Peloponnesian War, Pericles presented a statement about Athenian democracy. He said, Our public men have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens, though occupied with pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters. (Pericles, Funeral Oration) In this quote, he explains the duality of a citizen; that he exists both publically and privately. Furthermore, an exemplary Athenian citizen primarily concerns himself with public matters, or those which deal with the polis, or city ... Show more content on ... However, women in all classes were generally without the rights promised to their male counterparts. The increased immigration due to the Peloponnesian War increased the ratio of people in Athens to Athenian citizens. Since most were metics, who all had essentially the same day to day rights as genuine citizens, the line between citizen and non citizen became blurred. This was particularly true because of landed Athenians loss of properties; fear of Spartan destruction led to the surrender of property in order to enjoy the security of Athens walls. Without land, many Athenian citizens who had once been landed elites felt no different from Athenian metics and even house slaves. This perceived equality perhaps bothered citizens, which led them to assume practices which exaggerated their roles as citizens. (9/28
  • 43. Hemineglect Studies The advances offer supplementary data, when subjects with hemineglect need to be assessed, and this data is progress in hemineglect. According to Bensalah, et al, (2003) study, group one includes accurate portrayals, and nearly half were made by standard individuals; furthermore, patients with spinal cord or right or left hemisphere injuries are capable of producing ordinary self portrayals (Bensalah, et al, 2003). This proposes that figure illustration does not replicate the observable modifications or errors of the figure (Bensalah, et al, 2003). In the Bensalah, et al, (2003) experiment, group two contains ordinary subjects with spinal cord, limbs, or brainanatomy, in quantities which do not fluctuate from those witnessed in the complete... Show more content on ... The Jelsone Swain, Smith, Baylis, (2012), research displays these conclusions provide innovative understandings into the perceptual discrepancies linked with hemineglect and this backups other effort that fabricates the fast denial account of non awareness dispensation in visual hemispatial neglect. The CzЕ‚onkowska, et al, 2009, project endorses the encouraging effect of electrical somatosensory stimulus of the left hand on left visuospatial hemineglect progress, as a result, an inquiry emerges as to whether the conclusion was due exclusively to electrical prompt or whether there was a combined result of the everyday stimulus and the cognitive teaching. LuateВґ and his cohort (2006) projected that there were numerous methods of secluded sensory intonation controlled self reliantly of other precise beneficial mediations did not seem noteworthy (CzЕ‚onkowska, et al,
  • 44. Million Dollar Baby Stereotypes Appreciation rather than discrimination The film Million Dollar Baby directed by Clint Eastwood is a prime illustration of how to address gender stereotypes and discrimination. Gender stereotyping is the act of biasing a male and/or female into certain categories simply based on their roles in terms of their gender. And discrimination is the act of placing a group of people into a category based on their race, sex, or age, which can be unjust in many ways. The film demonstrates gender stereotyping and discrimination through the character Frankie, who changes his perception of stereotyping women; how Eddie decides to treat the characters who are being discriminated against. Does the film do a good job of addressing gender stereotypes? ... Show more content on ... I believe the film did a great job at coping with gender stereotypes by proving the standard role a woman should have is wrong. At first, Frankie was reluctant in training Maggie, simply for being a female. Therefore, automatically assuming that she s too weak; a female that isn t naturally seen to fight. Although it s pretty easy to see that she isn t remotely close to the image as Maggie is a boxer, she fights for what she wants. And when Frankie didn t want to train her because of her gender, she didn t take no for an answer. She never gave up and kept trying for example, when Frankie said Don t call me boss, Maggie refused and continued with until he had decided to train her. When he finally accepted, she attentively listens to all his orders and recommendations, being committed that she would practice all the time, even at
  • 45. Metaphors In The King James Bible JaLisa Frazier Ms. Morris Advanced English 12 6th period 5 December 2017 Metaphors in the King James Bible The King James Bible is a translation of the Bible. Older translations were more difficult to comprehend. As a result, King James demanded that a new translation be made to better accommodate the readers. In this translation, metaphors and other literary devices are presented. In the King James Bible, metaphors are used to provide examples of God s teachings, to help the audience obtain a better understanding of the text, and to evoke readers into remembering the wise expressions displayed. Metaphors, in the King James Bible, are considered to be examples of God s teaching. For example, the Bible says you cannot obey two masters, ... Show more content on ... Not all expressions found in the Bible are biblical, they also explain subtle life lessons to us (Sweeny 3). The sayings provides a bit of comfort to those experiencing life problems. The Bible provides a vast area of expressions not only relating to religion. The King James Bible is the source of hundreds of common expressions (Aitken 65). Many of the expressions we use today trace back to this translation. The King James translation created a majority of the phrases in the language today. The King James Bible provides life lessons. The metaphors in the King James Bible had a huge impact on its readers. King James main goal was to create a Bible easier for the people to understand. Thus, compared to older Bible versions, the King James version is more coherent. The presentation of metaphors helped achieve this.. In the King James translation, metaphors provided a coherent examples of the Lord s work, helped the readers understand better, and inspired many life
  • 46. Asian American And Pacific Islanders Essay Introduction Asians have migrated to and have lived in the Americas since the days of our founding fathers. The first to come from the Eastern Hemisphere were a small group of Filipinos in the early 18th century that settled in present day Louisiana. The first major influx of Asian Americans was Chinese Americans who came in the 1800 s to find financial opportunity during the California gold rush. They settled in the Golden State and eventually spread out all over the United States, creating the now famous Chinatowns that millions of Americans visit every year. There is a continual migration of well educated South Asians and East Asians for job and education opportunities and their success has formed the basis for the myth of the model minority (MMM). This is the idea that all people who are Asian Americanand Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are successful both socioeconomically and educationally. This does have a logical basis rooted in statistics AAPI students are reported to have higher grade point averages, math scores, and overall standardized tests scores on tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Exam (ACT). Other studies often use a racialized rhetoric comparing Asian Americans to white Americans in terms of education and socioeconomic status while contrasting them to the so called lazy and incapable Hispanic and African Americans. The term model minority was first coined in a 1966 New York Times article written by William
  • 47. Fozen Evil Vs Evil What is the violation of a moral code, the opposite of good, and the ultimate definition of everything bad? Evil has several clear cut definitions scattered throughout dictionaries. In reality, evil is a theme so prevalent in all spheres of life, it has near limitless forms. The word evil has come to symbolize a divide between the good samaritan and the callous monster. Evilis used as a blanket statement to describe anything harmful to life or existence. Poachers destroying the life of endangered wildlife for profit can be called evil. The callous monster that is driven by hatred and a thirst for violence is evil. Ideas concerning evil have been strung along through the schools of theology, the minds of society, and the theories of philosophy throughout the history of mankind. Evil can come in many different forms, even in a person you love. The film Frozen has a great example of this kind of evil. Ana falls for a seemingly nice boy named Hans, Prince Hans. With a marriage proposal the two are in love, or so Ana thinks. In the end Hans... Show more content on ... The Beast is just a man trapped in a hairy, ugly, and mutant looking wolf brought upon by a curse from a witch. The Beast take the fair maiden s father captive. Then the maiden trades her body for the rest of her life in place for her dad s. In the time that she is in captivity the Beast makes her his slave basically. She is not allowed to come out of her room unless told to by her master. The Beast doesn t ever want the maiden to see his face, and attacks her at one point by throwing her over his shoulder and throwing her in her room. Towards the end of the movie though he starts to warm up to her. They end up falling deeply in love, and before his time runs out and he is stuck in his horrible ways. The fair maiden bestows a kiss on him, and he returns to his normal state of human being. This proves that evil lies within everyone of us, and everyone has temptations to be
  • 48. J. Kyle Braid Reflection Paper A community that I am actively involved in is the J.Kyle Braid Leadership Foundation also known as ELITE at my high school. The J.Kyle Braid foundation is a club that I take part in through my school, but is a nationwide foundation. In my second year of high school, I was chosen to take part in a leadershiptraining at the J.Kyle Braid ranch in Colorado, where I met 19 other girls from different schools. I learned from working with peers who are leaders at their schools. Being surrounded with other teens who share my desire to make a difference, was a life changing experience. I came back from the Ranch as a stronger, more effective leader to my peers and a more confident individual. With the connections to other schools, I was able to meet up with the other J.Kyle Braid leaders to talk about issues and events at schooland share ideas for... Show more content on ... Throughout my years as being a part of the program, we have done various community service in order to have a positive impact on the community. We planned and ran fundraising for local charities such as Honors Flight Chicago and PADS. Another important program that our group runs is DECIDE, which educates middle schools about the dangers of drugs and teaches lessons about leadership. Each J.Kyle Braid program for each high school is different, however, we are all united in the fact that we want to make a change in our community. It is through collaborating that the schools in my area are able to support and motivate each other to become a better leaders. I am proud to be a part of such a motivated community that is working towards a
  • 49. Bernard Ebbers And The Grand Success Of Worldcom Bernard Ebbers is an Ex former chief executive, and the co founder of WorldCom. WorldCom was the second largest long distance phone company in the United States now known as MCI, because of the tremendous scandal that led to the company s bankruptcy (Crawford, 2005). With the grand success of WorldCom, Bernard Ebbers became one of the most powerful American businessman ever to face a criminal trial. In 2005, Ebbers was found guilty of securities fraud, conspiracy, and filing false documents with regulators. With the fraud committed to WorldCom, it led to a big scandal leaving the company in bankruptcy and affecting thousands of people s jobs. Bernard Ebbers is now labeled Americas Top 10 frauds list of all time. Bernard Ebbers was the second child of five children and was born in Canada. He worked as a milkman and bar bouncer before finally getting a scholarship to play basketball for Mississippi College (Padgett/Jackson, 2002). Ebbers dream was to become a coach and be a high school teacher. When he graduated he worked for a Mississippi College as a basketball coach and even own and ran a chain of motels. Ebbers knew he could achieve only if he had an opportunity to prove it. After a few years he met a group of investors that wanted to make a company that would compete with AT T and thought Ebbers would be the guy that would make it happen for them. Everything started on a napkin the group drew up the plans for LDDS (Long Distance Discount Services) (Gould). This
  • 50. Housing Tenure Research Paper Tenure describes the legal status of and the rights associated with different forms of housing ownership and occupancy (Mullins Murie, 2006). There are three categories of housing tenure, which are home ownership, private rent and social rent. Home ownership is the households that live in a home they owned. The home ownership tenure includes home that is owned outright, where the owner has paid off their mortgageand own their home without qualification, and bought with a mortgage, where mortgagors have taken out mortgage to help purchase their home that repaid over a period of 20 years or more and are still in the process of repaying the debt. The lender will require the evidence of a household income sufficient to repay the loan, while