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Essay Topics On Hamlet
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Topics on Hamlet" presents a unique set of
challenges. Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare's most iconic plays, is a complex and
multifaceted work that delves into themes of revenge, madness, and existentialism. Navigating
through the intricate plot, analyzing the characters' motivations, and interpreting the profound
soliloquies requires a deep understanding of the play's nuances.
One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between delving into the intricate details of the
play and maintaining a broader perspective. It's essential to avoid getting lost in the intricacies of
individual scenes or characters while still doing justice to the richness of Shakespeare's language
and the depth of the narrative.
Moreover, selecting a specific topic within the broader theme of "Hamlet" adds another layer of
complexity. Whether exploring Hamlet's internal conflict, the dynamics of familial relationships,
or the socio-political aspects of the play, there's a need for a focused and nuanced approach.
Balancing originality with adherence to scholarly interpretations further complicates the task, as
the topic has been extensively studied and analyzed over the centuries.
Additionally, the challenge lies in crafting an essay that not only analyzes the play but also
contributes fresh insights or perspectives. This requires a deep engagement with existing
scholarship, a keen awareness of critical debates, and the ability to present a compelling
argument that adds value to the existing body of literature.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Topics on Hamlet" demands a careful navigation
through the intricate layers of Shakespeare's masterpiece. It requires a balance between detailed
analysis and a broader perspective, a focused exploration of specific themes, and the ability to
contribute fresh insights to the ongoing scholarly conversation. As with any challenging
academic endeavor, seeking assistance or guidance can be beneficial. If you find yourself
grappling with the complexities of Hamlet and need expert help, consider exploring the services
available at for similar essays and much more.
Essay Topics On HamletEssay Topics On Hamlet
Misogyny In The Wife Of Bath
Misogyny is not only visible in the Miller s tale, but also in the Wife of Bath s tale
through the very superficial standards set for women by men. The old woman asks
that the knight marries her in return for giving him the answer to the riddle and he
reacts in disgust and horror, take me as your wife... Alas and woe is me!...I am
ugly and damnation! Alas, that any of my birth should ever be so foully
disgraced! (Chaucer, The Wife of Bath s Tale, 199 213). The knight is visibly
distraught, using words such as damnation and disgraced when the old woman
expresses her wish to marry him. He displays these emotions not because she
wants to get married, but because she is ugly and poor. He is worried because an
ugly wife will mar his reputation and is a poor reflection of him. This translates to
the misogynistic society during the time period where women were seen as property
to be shown off, rather than people who deserved respect. The recurring theme of
misogyny in these two tales shows that Chaucer does not feel sympathy for the
opposite gender, but instead belittles their plight.
In both tales, each woman is judged based on her attractiveness, they are both
surrendered to the unfair and superficial beauty standards of the age Chaucer lived
in. The women are negatively portrayed based on the attributes they display. The old
woman is ugly and poor and therefore is seen as a woman unfit to be a wife. The
reaction of the knight when he finds out that he
Ama Ata Aidoo Feminism Analysis
Ama Ata Aidoo s Feminism and Pan Africanism Ama Ata Aidoo is an outstanding
black and female writer. She is a pan Africanist and a feminist but she doesn t use
these adjectives separately. She combines her racial and sexual identity to produce a
mixed ideology of feminist pan Africanism. This is especially significant because the
pan Africanismdiscourse, like all political discourses, is generally dominated by the
male. She becomes one of the strongest female voices in this discourse and she brings
another point of view to pan Africanism. Her point of view suggests that feminism
and pan Africanism are essentially bound together and they need to be dealt together.
In order to do so, Aidoo constructs literarily strong female characters and she
transmits her pan Africanist ideas through a womanbased perspective by using her
characters and... Show more content on ...
Thanks to her family and the people she grew up among, she knows that the African
people are already feminists at heart, despite the fact that there are lots of things to
improve. Since she learnt feminism in Africa, she believes that feminism is a
fundamental part of the Africa and it cannot be separated from Africa. Besides, she
also thinks that the rationality behind feminism and pan Africanism are essentially
the same, because both suggests a certain group of people having control of their own
lives. Thus, it is intellectually meaningless to separate one from another. Therefore,
Ama Ata Aidoo knows that liberation of the women also means liberation and
solidarity of the African people. She combines feminism and pan Africanism and
creates her feminist pan Africanist ideology. In order to transmit her ideology, Aidoo
constructs strong feminine narratives in her plays and through her characters, by
using feminine images and notions, she reveals the relationship between feminism
and pan Africanism and that they are eventually bound
Cloud Computing System For Computing
Cloud Computing Introduction Cloud computing system, which functions based
on the concept of providing computing as a utility, can be defined as the method of
providing resources for computing on demand, using remotely operational servers
on the internet for data storage, processing data and managing data. Its equivalent
to using a computer for its services, only without having to carry the hardware for
it. Cloud applications, being dynamically scalable, agile and capable of running
virtual applications and even an OS on a browser help in reducing costs of
resource acquisition. A cloud computing model has the following basic features:
Without involving any human interaction, the users can access any contracted
service/ resource, be it data processing, memory space or application programs as a
service from the provider. These contracted services/ resources can be availed by
any user anywhere, anytime via the internet. These computing resources are
distributed in various data centres across the globe which is shared by users from
any part of the world. It goes by pay what you use for policy. The user pays only for
the resources they use. Also, a big advantage is that from a user s perspective, all
the resources are unlimited, and flexible for access. Good QoS (Quality of Service)
is guaranteed by the provider. The cloud services are elastic. So the user can ask for
more services/ resources whenever they require, also terminate, when not required.
Cloud computers
The Importance Of Co-Sleeping In Children
Co Sleeping Co sleeping is the involvement of a child or infant sleeping with their
mother in the same area or room (Berger, 2012). Co sleeping in our society is rare,
but becoming more common like in other parts of the world such as Asia or Africa,
where sleeping next to your child is considered normal, because they feel it s cruel
to separate your child at night. (Berger, 2012). Most American parents place their
infants in warm cribs in their own room and are usually monitored by a baby
monitor. Co sleeping can be very effective when it comes to breastfeeding, helping
the baby feel safe, making it easier for the baby to fall asleep, helps infants and
mothers get more sleep time, and helps connect the child with the parent (Gupta,
2014).... Show more content on ...
Breastfeeding provides many nutrients that the child needs in order to grow. Breast
milk has many more nutrients to help a child s immune system more effectively
than formula milk (, 2005). It has been proven that breastfeeding
can help an infant from coming in contact with diseases later on in life, helps the
mother lose weight, and is also a cheaper way to feed the child (,
2005). This can be very vital information to know because this can help a lot more
mothers become educated in breastfeeding their children rather than using formula.
In recent findings on breastfeeding it was found that children who are breastfed
longer as an infant were less likely to become obese in the future (Carling and
Feldman Winter, 2014). It was believed that breastfeeding allowed the child to
discover proper eating habits due to microscopic substances in the breast milk the
helped regulate metabolism, in which the child can then learn how to control the
food intake as they got older (Carling and Feldman Winter, 2014). This is very
important because mothers can help prevent their child from becoming overweight or
obese. It s recommended that mother s breastfed for more than four months, while
this can be challenging between mothers who work or mothers who are not educated
about breastfeeding, support groups and help are available for these mothers (Carling
How Is Sensory Appeal Used In 1984
In the book 1984, many different devices are used to create different tones and
complexities throughout the story. One device used in a passage in Part One is
sensory appeal. Sensory appeal is defined as literary elements that engage the five
human senses. Appeals to sound and vision are found throughout the story.
Additionally, diction and numerous literary and figurative devices are used to
intensify the sensory appeals in Part One. Sensory appeals to soundand vision are
used to engage the reader s senses and emphasize the tones throughout the story. One
interesting and prevalent sensory appeal used is the element of sound.
Firstly, the sensory appeal to sound is evident in Part One when the character
Winston questions the Party s truthfulness. ... Show more content on
The use of alliteration, diction and imagery enhance the visual appeal and give the
reader insight into life under the party s control. Firstly, alliteration is defined as
the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely
connected words (Oxford Dictionary). In the line, The reality was decaying, dingy
cites (p. 75), alliteration is used in the adjectives describing the infrastructure of
Oceania. This alliteration creates emphasis on the description of the cities.
Alliteration also solidifies the diction of the words by accenting specific sounds in
the adjectives. This emphasizes the description and adds to the gloomy tenor of
the passage. This also allows the reader to better visualize the dreadful landscape
of Oceania. Secondly, the use of imagery contributes tremendously to the visual
appeal in 1984. Imagery is defined as Visually descriptive or figurative language
(Oxford Dictionary). This is seen in the sentence, The ideal set up by the Party was
something huge, terrible, and glittering a world full of steel and concrete, of
monstrous machines and terrifying weapons (p. 75). This imagery engages the reader
s visual sense by helping him visualize the envisioned society of the Party. Through
the uses of adjectives such as monstrous and terrifying, the vision of a fearful tone
towards the Party is conveyed. This gives the reader insight into the power of the
Party and their motives to control the public. Thus, the use of diction and imagery
contribute to the sensory appeal to vision and allow the reader to gain perspective
into the world of Oceania. These uses are imperative to enhancing the story of
Little Canada, Questions And Answers
Question 1: Why are you interested in this position?
From what I have learned city governments provide some of the most challenging,
dynamic, learning centric environments where opportunities to make a difference
abound through numerous opportunities. Often from what I have seen the staff is
smaller, and so is the budget and other resources and yet the issues that arise didn t
shrink as well, so creative and quick solutions are more frequently needed. I want to
start building experience working in government and I want to do it at the local level
because I see meaningful and challenging work. Moreover I have spent many years
developing excellent skills, including communication, problem solving and research
capabilities and working in Little Canada will allow me to take the next step while
doing something that matters to Minnesotans. This important job will give me the
opportunity I have been seeking to further develop my skills while offering my love
for creative solutions when the opportunity arises. From what I have read thus far the
Little Canada government favors people who consistently deliver simple and sound
solutions to problems in a timely and professional manner. This is why I want to
become a part of your government ... Show more content on ...
This position covers a wide area of responsibility and my background has both
taught me to thrive in this environment and more importantly show me that it s
where I am happiest because while there will be recurring duties each day will
provide unique challenges and opportunities to shine. Also I either have
experience at or above what is requested in job description and in the few areas I may
seem to be lacking I have some transferable experiences or skills that coupled with
my adaptability will give you what you need in a City Clerk in the coming years.
Question 3: Tell us about your ideal work
Als a E Essay Writing
Understanding How to Teach Paragraph and Essay Writing
MR. REJULIOS M. VILLENES Instructional Manager, Lopez West District
Division Enhancement Training of ALS Coordinators and Mobile Teachers Ouans
Farm, Lucena City 13 November 2011
Teaching Paragraph Writing Effectively
Where to Start and When to Teach
Diagnosing Learner s Difficulties пѓј Understanding Our Learners пѓј Psychological
Philosophical Factors пѓј Data Analysis and Problem Intercession пѓј Going Back to
What to Teach
Writing Paragraph, ALS A E EssayWriting пѓј Understanding a Paragraph and an
Essay пѓј Constructing and Forming Paragraph пѓј Making Paragraphs an Essay пѓј
Writing with Discipline
How to Teach and Assess
1. ... Show more content on ...
 Constructivism пѓ Learning is the process of adjusting one s mental modes to
accommodate new experience. пѓ Learning takes place through giving instructions.
paragraph writing rmv111311
Philosophical Factors
 Progressivism пѓ Emphasizes change and growth пѓ Focuses on the learner
as a whole rather than of the teacher  Essentialism пѓ Concerns with the
fundamental of education skill and knowledge пѓ Focuses on the basics reading,
writing, speaking and arithmetic
paragraph writing rmv111311
 Recording the Data for Analysis and Intervention  Planning for Intercession
(Topics to be discussed as a Prerequisite in Writing an Essay)
paragraph writing rmv111311
 Teaching the Prerequisites of Making a Paragraph пѓ Reading and writing
skills пѓ Phoneme, morpheme, clause, syntax, punctuations
paragraph writing rmv111311
Teaching Paragraph Writing Effectively
Where to Start and When to Teach
Diagnosing Learner s Difficulties пѓј Understanding Our Learners пѓј Psychological
Philosophical Factors пѓј Data Analysis and Problem
Trinity Monistic
Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a common phrase in the Christian faith. Who are these
people and what do they represent? These three people are separate people, but
represent one God. The concept of the Trinity creates a lot of debate, because some
skeptics think that the Trinity is either Monistic or Pagan. The Father, Son and Holy
Spiritare three separate beings that represent one God, and this can be seen in
different passages in the Bible.
Is the Trinity Monistic or a Pagan grouping of Gods? The Trinity is not monistic
because God does not reveal himself in three different forms. The Trinity is three co
existing eternal persons who exist as one God. The Trinity is also not three separate
Gods. The Father is the godhead of the Trinity ... Show more content on ...
An example of this trend takes place in the book of Isaiah. Jesus states I AM several
times in the chapter. Jesus is making a strong statement that he is God. God is the
Trinity, and Jesus is one of the persons that make up God. In John 5:18 Jesus
breaks the rules of the Sabbath, and calls God his own Father. Jesus is making it
known that he is the Son of the Father, and therefore, equal to God. The only way
Jesus could be God is if he is the Son of the Father. This passage shows Jesus place
in the Trinity. The most concrete example of Jesus being one with God takes place
in John 10:33. Jesus states I and the Father are one where Jesus is very clearly
defining himself as God. Jesus is God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus proves he is a part of the Trinity by clearly stating that he is one with
Analysis Of The Film, Edward Scissorhands, Directed By
My theme Outsiders in society how appearances can be deceiving I think is very
important to the film Edward Scissorhands; directed by Tim Burton, as the theme
is repeated throughout the film. My theme has a general importance because its
shows the other side of society that we don t get to see or notice too often. The
group of individuals on the other side constantly shows the challenges they face, and
the different ways of living are often ignored because they don t fit into the current
society. This brings up a strong contrast and compare between what society defines
as normal and what is abnormal. My theme tells us that their appearances are often
deceiving and we should learn to to give them a chance. This means you are also more
... Show more content on ...
Edward (the outsider) is introduced into the bright society below and I noted he is
readily accepted by most as they got to know him more. Edward I thought also
became happier compared to his sad face in the beginning and more confident in
himself and others as he was recognised by the suburban society. However the
betrayal of robbing a house by Edward later in the film meant he was framed,
forced to leave and return to the place where he came from. I thought this was
cruel and inhuman as Jim, who told Edward to break into the house was using him
as he could open any house with his scissors. He had no knowledge of what he was
doing and was unfortunately framed and Edward being all the more vulnerable
because of his appearance. I thought Carol (a member of the suburb) makes a
strong connection to Edward s appearance by talking on the phone to the other
suburb neighbours Joyce, I just saw this strange guy driving with Peg... I didn t
get a good look at him, he looked kind of pale. I felt quite curious in the way that
Carol felt to see this new character in the suburb and shared this same feeling with
many others in the film. Edward was very welcomed by Peg (who found Edward)
and so, he meet the rest of the people in the suburb and was accepted to be more
involved in their society. This reminded me of the text: Perks of being a Wallflower,
where an anonymous person (named Charlie) describes himself as an outsider. It is
quite unique as he knows what other people say
Comparing Fate In The Aeneid And Homer s The Odyssey
The idea of destiny or fate is at the heart of most Greek and Roman myths, poems,
and stories. It is the ultimate driving force in every person s life. It is not focused
only in a hero or god s life. Every man, woman, child, and god is effected by destiny.
This is an idea that Ancient Greeks and Romans clung to. The idea that no matter
what an individual does there is no escaping their true destiny. Every twist and turn
taken in life is predestined and the outcome will remain the same. The idea of being
able to control one s own fate is laughed at. This idea of a definite destiny is found in
both Virgil s The Aeneidand Homer s The Odyssey. Both hero s lives are shaped by
their destiny and it forces them to make difficult decisions. In The Odyssey Homer
presents us with an epic hero, Odysseus. A man who fought in the Trojan War and
won. All he wants is to return home and be with his family. He was given a prophecy
by the seer Tiresias, that determined his destiny, and it read:
A sweet smooth journey home, renowned Odysseus, that is what you seek but a
god will make it hard for you I know you will escape the one who shakes the earth,
quaking with anger still, still enraged because you blinded the Cyclops, his dear
son. Even so, you and your crew may still reach home suffering all the way... (Book
11 lines 111 118).
Odysseus goal was to reach home and return to his family, but fate had other plans.
He would be derailed and prohibited from returning home
Tacrolimus Research Paper
After oral administration, tacrolimus is absorbed rapidly in most patients and
reaches its peak plasma/blood concentration in 30 minutes to one hour. While in
some patients it is absorbed slowly over a prolonged period, resulting in a flat
absorption profile. Tacrolimus has a large variability in the rate of absorption and
absolute bioavailability between individuals. It ranges from 5% 93% and
approximately 25% of the oral dose is bioavailable due to an active barrier to drug
absorption (Venkataramanan et al., 1995). The poor water solubility of tacrolimus
and reduced gut motility in transplant recipients is responsible for the poor and
erratic absorption of tacrolimus. Since tacrolimus is well known as a substrate of
CYP3A iso enzymes, its poor bioavilability is to a large extent caused by presystemic
metabolismof tacrolimus in the gut wall and liver(Tuteja et al., 2001).... Show more
content on ...
P glycoprotein lowers the intracellular concentration of tacrolimus by pumping the
absorbed tacrolimus back out into the intestinal lumen, it is repeatedly transported
out of the intestinal mucosa cells and then passively reabsorbed. This extensive
presystemic metabolism limits the oral bioavailability of tacrolimus to ~25%.
Therefore, it is very likely that the poor and the variable bioavailability of
tacrolimus is at least partly caused by the activity of this efflux pump in the intestine
and genetic polymorphism of the P glycoprotein (Hoffmeyer et al., 2000).
Polymorphisms, or genetic variations, of these isoenzymes affect the dosage
requirement and trough levels of tacrolimus in stable transplant patients (Haufroid et
al., 2006). The impact of genetic variations in expression of CYP3A and P
glycoprotein will be discussed in detail
Pardoner In Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer is a risen star during the Hundred Years War. Chaucer was a
talented writer, who translated The Romance of the Rose and wrote The House of
Fame, The Legend of Good Women, and The Parliament of Fowls...etc. Pardoner
is a character from Chaucer s masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. Pardoner is not
only one of the major role in the Prologue, but also the character Chaucer dislikes
the most. Chaucer described Pardoner had hair as yellow as wax, ...... Thinly they
fell, like rat tails, one by one (L694 L697 The Canterbury Tales). As the reader
keeps going down the line, Pardoner s personality shows vividly that he is a
untrustworthy, selfish man. In the Prologue, Pardoner is riding in the back and
selling people fake pardons that pardons people from their sins.... Show more content
on ...
In order to make people believe, Pardoner carried around a brass cross filled with
stones to make it seem as heavy as gold and a glass jar full of pig s bone to
persuade people that he is the real pardoner. Even it is seems really stupid for us
now, the idea was brilliant back mid age when the communication and
transportation are poorly. The entire fraud could work, not only because of the
lack of communication, but also because Pardoner knows human psychology that
everyone wants to be forgiven and gone to heaven. Pardoner is a smart but graddy
person, and he knows that not everyone has a clear conscience, and he will always
has business to do. After hundreds of years, Pardoner still exists in people s life.
Maybe he/she is not selling pardons, but people are still trying to use money to buy
comforts of
Analysis Of When The Smoke Clears
A beautiful act is in the art of evolution, and currently cultivating in Los Angeles,
the duo Smoke Season continues to push sight and sound at the will of their touch.
Gabrielle Wortman and Jason Rosen return with a kinetic 6 track EP, Ouroboros,
and take a leap into a better refined, and bound collection of sounds than their 2014
EP, Hot Coals Cold Souls. Wortman and Rosen continue to explore their own souls,
and unfold their chemic reaction into 6 shots of electricity, proving that the duo
truly do play with thunder. The two forces of talent prove that they are
indestructible when fused together, and shine not only on their EP, but on their
recent single, When The Smoke Clears. Beginning with a steady, and slow build of
electrical magic, mimicking a visual representation of lights flicking across one s
eyes, When The Smoke Clears foundation begins. The track s layers and precise
timing of the smallest of sounds is appreciated, heard clearly as the transition from
electronic to the psychedelic installment flourishes. Hints of musical delights are
trickled towards each build. Bass riffs pulls both vocals into an unexpected groove,
noting Rosen s soothing vocals that softens each blow.... Show more content on ...
Wortman s vocals act as a skilled archer pulling back from her bow, with enough
control to hold and release for the final pierce. Keys, synths, and a hazy ethereal
background transfers energy from Rosen s momentum to Wortman s
Physiological Adaptations Of An American Badger
Physiological Adaptations: * During periods of food shortages, badgers
metabolism tend to decrease. A study conducted by Harlow showed that their
metabolism decreased partially because of reduced energy required for food
processing and a decrease in body weight. However, in times of food scarcity they
also increase the efficiency of ingested food. Structural Adaptations: * American
badgers have huge foreclaws measuring up to 5 cm in length. They used it to dig
up their burrows and to hunt their prey. It digs its prey out of the ground with its
strong, sharp claws or sometimes the badger will instead dig into the burrow of an
animal and wait for it to return. * They possess very thick, lose fitting fur which
covers their body. It s helpful
Level Of Autonomy Analysis
AUTONOMY2 I think that your level of confidence around certain people
changes. That is what makes your level of autonomy differ around certain people. I
know for me, it makes a difference on who has help to build my confidence level
up. The people who have rewarded me, praised me, or acknowledged my
achievements. Those who have been there to support me along the way. All of
those people make me feel confident that I am doing the right thing for myself and
making the right choices for myself. Then I have the people in my life that have
belittled me along the way. They have never had confidence in me to do the right
thing. They have always told me that I was wrong, or that I was making mistakes.
These people make me feel like I will not choose the... Show more content on ...
He was at one point extremely belittling and still is sometimes. He thinks he knows
the best way of doing things at all times, and he is intimidating because of these
things. So basically, when it comes to making decisions, it all falls on him. I rarely
make my own decisions unless he is not around to stop me. Like going back to
school, I decided to go back to school AUTONOMY3 when he was not home. I
signed up, I got all registered, and then I told him. He was actually ok with the
decision. I think that maybe sometimes I am just afraid to make my own decisions
because of the way that he is. So I do definitely take away from my own sense of
autonomy. I think that romantic relationships slightly take away from your sense of
autonomy, at least in the beginning, because you are trying to impress your partner.
Maybe not impress your partner, but you want to do what you can to make sure that
you are doing what you think they will approve of, or what they think is the right
choice. In the beginning, everyone wants to do what they think their partner will
approve of so I think that some level of autonomy is
Essay On Empowering Women
10)Events /Workshops/Camps:
This project includes the conduct of various events which relate to creating
awareness and empowering women.
1) As a part of activities of USD Consortium and according to the organization s
mission and vision regular camps and workshops are organized to create awareness
among women and help them in becoming more self reliant and confident.
2) These events help us in interacting with women and tell us about the ground
3) These events are also a source of more data collection and also tell us about the
true status of their lives which reduces the biasness in the data.
[NOTE: Refer to Annexure Point 3 for the pictures of the events. Pg 56]
EVENT 1: A Talk Show (Interactive... Show more content on ...
USD Consortium is a lifetime member of COWE and as interns we did the
promotional drive for this event.
The following benefits were obtained from the event:
1)The event provided us with an opportunity to interact with women and understand
their point of view on linking Vocational Training to economic empowerment of
2)We also tried to get their opinion about how women can be empowered.
EVENT 3: Mission J.U.D.I. (Join Us to Digitize India):
USD Consortium sincerely believes in helping the government of India in achieving
the goal of digitization of India and contributing to the Indian society. Keeping this in
mind an event was organized on 16th June 2017(Friday) in the East Delhi Branch of
USD Consortium under Mission J.U.D.I which is a monthly event.
BHIM App is a very important step towards achieving this goal and the App was
launched by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 December 2016.
This app is for the benefit of all and contains certain special features.
Thus, under this event a presentation was prepared about BHIM App. It included
the details about the App s special features which can be used even by illiterate
section of the society and how the app can be easily used for simple everyday
transactions which are a big step towards the goal of cashless India. The presentation
was shown by the interns to the gathering through a projector and after that an
interactive session was held regarding the doubts about the app. The gathering
Why Soccer Is the Best Sport Essay
L.A. essay
Why soccer is the best sport
By: Omar
Soccer is the most played sport worldwide, many people love it and I m one of
them, it is my favorite sport because you can improve your skills with your feet,
and get a lot of exercise. By writing this essay, I hope that I can provide more
information about the sport and maybe convert the people who dislike the sport into
I have heard from some people that soccer is a boring sport, but the truth is, it s a
very interesting sport with a lot of excitement in it. When playing soccer, ball
control is critical, you need possession of the ball in order to keep it away from the
other team players, and at times, it can be fun because if you have possession of the
ball most of the game, ... Show more content on ...
If you play soccer, you have to practice in order to win, just like any other sport.
When playing a game, you need to do moves that you have practiced, to get past
the other teams defense and score a goal, and you also have to teach yourself
mentally to think before you react. If you have the ball, you can t just kick it
randomly and hope to score, you have to think of your other teammates and work
with them to get the ball up the field. Another part of soccer that is very critical is
passing. You have to pass the ball and develop new techniques and ways to control
how the game is played.
The last part is that you need to be fit in order to play soccer, because you are
constantly on the field, and you don t get a lot of breaks, because the game never
really stops except for halftime and when a foul is called or if you are waiting for the
ball to come. When you re on defense, and playing a good team, you can be running
around a ton, and you get tired really easily, especially when someone is on a
breakaway, you will have to sprint down the field to try to stop them. If you play
soccer a lot over a long time, you will develop good leg strength. Exercise is critical
to the human body, and you will get a whole bunch of it by playing soccer. I hope
this essay encourages parents to in role their kids to play soccer because it s an
Purpose Of Simple Distillation Of Heptane
Purpose The purpose of this lab was to use simple distillation and fractional
distillation to separate an unknown mixture of heptane and hexane. Additionally, gas
chromatography (GC) was used to analyze and determine the percent composition of
three samples taken during fractional distillation.
Theory Hexane is mainly produced by refining crude oil and the exact composition
depends on the source of the oil and the refining process. A significant amount of
hexane is found in gasoline and other types of hexane are used as solvents in labs.
Heptane is widely used as a non polar solvent in lab. It is important in gasoline
production because it standardizes the zero point for the octane scale. It is also used
in paint, coatings, and rubber cement. Simple distillation is a process that can be used
to separate a volatile compound from a nonvolatile compound or to separate two or
more volatile compounds whose boiling points differ by at least 40 50В°C. Hexane
and heptane are two organic liquids that follow ideal like behavior. This means that
there are no interactions between particles in the gas phase once their normal boiling
points are reached. However, heptane and hexane s boiling points are less than 30В°C
apart which means they cannot be effectively separated using simple distillation.
Fractional distillation is used to separate compounds that have similar boiling points.
In fractional distillation, a long fractional column is used so that vapors spend a
longer time in the
The Legend Of Subbanna Summary
The play is a monologue based on the legend of Veeranna who belongs to the
chitradurga region of Karnataka. Before its theatrical effectiveness in the play the
legend is incorporated from Kannada writer, T.R. Subbanna s (Knows as TaRaSu)
novel, Hamsageethe (Swan Song) Published in 1952. The title of the novel literally
means the swan song of the protagonist, Venkatasubbayya whom Subbanna inserts in
the tale of Veeranna, the archaka of the Hidambeshwara temple. About the legend
narrated in Subbanna s version Aparna Bhargava Dharwadker writes in the
Introduction to his collected Play (Vol.II): The married priesthas passionately in love
with a mistress to whom he takes the offering form the temple after the evening
prayers. One day the palegar (chieftain) discovers a hair in the prasada and demands
and explanation from Veerganna, who claims that the hair belongs to god. Challenged
by the chieftain to prove the truth of this claim, the priest in turn challenges god to
display hair or accepts his head in punishment, and enters a meditative trance to the
accompaniment of Venkatasubbayya s song. When the chieftain arrives the next day
to expose Veeranna s lie, the Shivalinga has indeed sprouted long silken hair, and
when (urged by the singer) he pulls out a tuft to test its authenticity, blood begins to
ooze from the crown of the lingam. overwhelmed by a sense of sin at having injured
the deity, Veeranna beheads himself in eh sanctum (xxxi).
Election of 2014 in Bangladesh
Problem of National Election 2014
Bangladesh could face a protracted political crisis in the Lead up to the 2013
elections unless Prime Minister SheikhHasina s government changes course and take
a more conciliatory approach towards the political opposition and the military. In
December 2008, following two years of a military backed caretaker government, the
Awami League
(AL) secured a landslide victory in what were widely acknowledged to be the fairest
elections in the country s history. The hope, both at home and abroad, was that
Sheikh Hasina would use her mandate to revitalize democratic institutions and pursue
national reconciliation, ending the pernicious cycle of zero sum politics between her
AL and its rival, the Bangladesh ... Show more content on ...
Based on extensive interviews and other sources, this report looks at why public trust
in the AL government declined and examines the risks another prolonged electoral
deadlock in 2013 would pose.
The lack of a caretaker government system is not the BNP s only issue; it is also
angry over the possible conviction of Khaleda Zia or her son, Tarique, in their
ongoing court cases, which would bar them from the elections. Such a judgment
could only be designed to cripple the BNP, one 81 under the constitution, the next
general elections must be held in the 90 days before 24 January 2014. 82 Crisis
Group interview, Dhaka, March 2012. 83 Crisis Group interview, adviser to the
prime minister, Dhaka, March 2012. 84 Crisis Group interview, Dhaka, January
2012. 85 Crisis Group interview, Dhaka, March 2012.
Prospectus of national election 2014
The action plan is complementary to the five year strategic plan and the two need
to be consulted together. It is more detailed and structured version of the strategic
plan. It describes a series of action on an annual basis that will move the Bangladesh
election commission to wards meeting its objectives and goals and therefore, its
mission and vision. It is targeted towards operations, procedures and process and
details of who will do what, when and how.
This action plan details the activates for the fiscal years 2011 2013 within the broad
The Indian and the White Communites in Dances with
The Indian and the White Communites in Dances with Wolves and Machimanito
The film Dances with Wolves shares a lot of its content with the story Machimanito.
In Dances with Wolves, two nations come to interact with each other. While the white
man is dominating the land, the Indians are trying to protect both their land and
themselves. In Machimanito, the story describes the epidemic and its effects on the
Indians, while describing the ongoing conflict between Indians and the white man.
There is a huge cultural difference between the white man and the Indians, which is
reflected on their ways of life and communities; each lives a different life style
including their interaction with nature and themselves, their authority within this ...
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The Indians establish their roots in the land and start extracting their needs passively
and in rational amounts that are enough for their survival.
The setting of each of the two communities in Dances with Wolves reflects their
personality. The Indians live as whole and on a piece of land where all the tents are
near each other. This stresses that Indians live collectively rather than individually
like the white man. The first time Dunbar rides to the Indians with Stands with a
Fist, the camera shows Dunbar as being on the top of the hill; the camera is looking
up on Dunbar. Then it moves upwards to give the viewer a panorama of the
surroundings of the community. This sight includes: trees, land, mountains and a
river. These are the basic elements of nature and the Indians live within these
elements. This resembles the bond which the Indians have with nature.
When the camera gives a view of the soldiers fort, it is noticeable that there is
almost no trees presents, and a logical reason is that the tree have been used to build
the post. The buildings in the post emphasize the separation of the white man, as
they are built within a considerable distance between each other. These walls
separate people from each other; thus emphasizes and explains the individuality of
the white man. Also Dunbar builds a fence for his horse to stay in, while in the
Indian community all the horses are left to their will.
Should Arg Designers Go For Ensure The Safety Of Body
What are the limits?
How far should ARG designers go to ensure the safety of body and mind of their
players? What are the responsible limits of immersion? To what extent do these
responsibilities lay with the player themselves? Consider the implications
surrounding the Batman franchise in the context of the Why So Serious ARG.
In the lead up to the 2009 Batman feature film: The Dark Knight, several thousand
people received a series of clues that led them to bakeries across the US. Providing
a password: the name Robin Banks , the bakeries would give them a box. Inside the
box they found a cake. Upon it, a phone number was written in gaudy purple and
yellow icing, along with the demand: Call Me Now . When they called, the cake
rang. A ... Show more content on ...
In response to the shootings, there were murmurs regarding the ethics of immersion,
the responsibility of designers and the implications of fictions bleeding into reality.
The cinema chain in which the shootings took place banned the wearing of costumes
at screenings. Were the creators of the ARG, the cinema, the costumed fans or the
creators of the Batman franchise in anyway responsible for these appalling acts? We
can safely assume not. Designers of fictions cannot predict the way each individual
will respond to their creations, but more importantly, one cannot design any
entertainment product to accommodate for psychotic behaviour. All players must
take responsibility for their participation not just in games, but in society too.
While highly elaborate and controlled, ARGs are also intended as open systems,
engineered to be responsive and adaptive to player involvement. In this way, ARGs
empower players to become part of the construction of the game s narrative. To
respond player actions and ideas, ARGs require a degree of player observation and
surveillance, which in turn raises issues around personal privacy, identifying details
and data collection. In arguably the first sustained exploration of ethics in real space
games, researchers within the Integrated Project on Pervasive Gaming: Montola,
Celsus Critique Of Christianity
Christianity, or religion in general, has come under immense amounts of criticism.
Especially in modern times where science has been growing beyond our imagination,
and, now, individuals might downplay the relevance of religion. However, even
thousands of years ago Christianity was met with criticism. One of the notable critics,
and focus of this paper, was Celsus. He was A philosopher during the second century,
had his writings complied into The True Word that housed his critiques on Christianity
. From these critiques, it is possible to identify the characteristics Celsus might
identity with a true religion. Moreover, the second focus of paper is Mark s gospel,
more specifically, Jesus. Having read Mark s gospel, would his depiction of Jesus
and his movement be considered valid in the eyes of Celsus? In this paper, I will
argue that the depiction of Jesus and the Jesus movement in Mark s Gospel would
not be considered a true religion due to the fact it conflates with many of Celsus s
criticisms of Christianity. Before delving into the reason why Mark s depiction of
Jesus would not meet Celsus s criteria for a true religion, it is important to first
identify what exactly Celsus might believe is a true religion. The first critique that is
offered by Celsus is the secrecy of Christians. He wrote, Christians entered into secret
associations with each other contrary to law (Celsus 1.1). Celsus condemned the
Christians for gathering in secret in order to practice, and
Water Is The Source Of Life And Comes From The Origin
Water is the source of life and comes from the origin, humans have been using
water for various purposes. Since civilizations first started appearing it centered
around a source of water. When civilizations came around they caused
deforestation which lead to rises to floods, annual run off levels and also affects
on stream flow. In many parts of the world, humans obtain water supplies by
pumping from ground water; it reduces level of water table and the replacement of
coastal areas fresh water by salt water (ocean water) which isn t that great to drink.
As fresh water is slowing (not really slowly but vastly) being depleted we will soon
be left only with salt water. Fresh water has been tasted and is showing different
chemicals and substances within the water which can lead to diseases. Waste has
constantly been dumped or disposed of back into the river. In the article by Franz
Josef Bruggemier states The new industries, mainly iron and steel works and coal
mines, consumed large quantities of water... After use, the industries poured the
wastewater back into these rivers without any attempt at treatment. (Bruggemier
Universitat, 1994, p 37) Even during the industrial revolutionpeople constantly abused
the water without thinking of how it was going to further affect the water for the
future. Fish within the water are having some gender transitions, male fish are
starting to have female organs. In the documentary For the Love of Water by Irena
Salina there is a Gandhian
A Summary Of Koch s Poem Permanently
A Response to Kenneth Koch s Poem Permanently What is a woman s role in
society? Do they serve any significance apart from a man? Are women simply here
to marry, create families, and then blend into the background? Kenneth Koch s poem,
Permanently, is a comedic story created by making characters out of the parts of
speech. Through this poem he has created a world along with a love story weaved
throughout the lines. If taken at surface level, the most obvious theme in this poem
is love. Upon taking a closer look, by using the parts of speech as characters in this
poem, we are given a message of one s belief as to what a womans role truly is. While
this poem is written in a comedic fashion which makes it seem as if the speaker is
poking fun at this idea, there is the running love story which makes this poem seem
almost lyrical. These two themes of love and a woman s significance are both very
strong throughout the poem. In this poem, women are seen simply as modifiers to
men. Lines one and two of the poem show the characters as parts of speech, nouns
and adjectives. I believe that the nouns in this poem are meant to be men while the
adjectives are meant to be women. But, why wouldn t the speaker just use men and
women? If we look at the relation between a nounand an adjective, we know that an
adjective modifies a noun. So, knowing that the nouns are men and the adjectives
are women and also knowing how nouns and adjectives relate to eachother, we
seem to get the message that women are there to modify men. Although, when a
man and woman form a relationship, I feel that both parties are changed. So, is the
speaker trying to say that a woman s leading role in life is to be with a man? Can
she have no real role of her own? The speaker of this poem also seems to be trying
to say that unless a woman is with a man, she is invisible. Line twelve of the poem
shows the sentences and nouns laying on the grass and in line thirteen we see that
the conjunctions even have a part of their own, but we are told that the adjective
does not emerge. It seems as though the only adjectives around are those that are
blended in the sentences. They seem to have no part to stand alone as the other
characters do. This seems to be
The Balance Between Relevance and Materiality
ais Contents Introduction1 Relevance and reliability overview1 The balance between
relevance and materiality2 Balancing relevance and reliability2 The balance between
flexibility and timeliness3 Conclusion3 Introduction Conceptual framework is a
coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that is expected to lead to
consistent standards (Degaan 2007). There are four items in conceptual framework
which are objective of financial reporting, qualitative characteristics of accounting
information system, element of financial statement, and operating guidelines. One of
the important items is qualitative characteristic because of that, this report focuses on
qualitative characteristic which... Show more content on ...
Balancing relevance and reliability Accounting information must have both
relevance and reliability but sometime the information is very relevance but not
reliability. For example when a report about cost of building which have proper
detail of information but the building was acquire in 1980. Information require to
balance and contrast relevance and reliability when determining how to account for
particular items (Alford et al. 1993). Produce information quickly and measuring the
information more accurate are the benefits if the accounting information contain of
reliability and relevance. The other consideration is about cost and benefit. It can
be define as cost and benefit that result from making a specific decision which have
highly subjective process on many issue. Benefit of accounting information
provided for users should exceed the cost of providing it (weygandt et al. 2002) It
can useful to establish precise definition but it also involve a range of judgment call
and wide open to criticism. To understand further about relevance and reliability this
report will explain about timeliness. The balance between flexibility and timeliness
The other relevance aspect is Timeliness. When information for decision making is
not available when needed or it available so long after reported events mean that the
information not has value or useless and not
Simulation of Dynamic Responses of First Order and
As part of the experiment requirements, we were required to simulate the dynamic
response of a first order and a second order linear system with the help of
LabVIEW. One of our first objectives of this experiment was to observe the response
of the first order system to the input step signal and then relate it to the time constant
of that specific first order system. The second objective of this experiment included
observing the second order system to the input step signal and then relating it to the
damping ratio of the specific second order system. The third and most important
objective of this experiment was to use different functions of LabVIEW including
loop execution control, LabVIEW formula node, LabVIEW graph, LabVIEW ...
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A shift register was then used to store the y value for the next iteration (y(n 1)) in
case of the first order system while a 2 stacked shift register, in case of a second
order system, was used to store the y values from previous iterations (y(n 1) and y(n
2)). A formula node was used in order to input the formula required to program the
algorithm for each of the first and second order systems respectively. After providing
the required number inputs and outputs (as per the requirement of each of the
formula respectively), a waveform function was used to create the waveform data
from the output data and determine the time interval of the input waveform. After
using an array to contain all the input and output waveforms, a graph indicator was
finally added to the VI to display the final graphical representation of the output data.
After saving, each of the VI were run separately set at different time constants (for
the first order system) and different damping ratios and 100 Hz undamped natural
frequency (for the second order ratio).
After creating the VI for first order differential systems in LabVIEW, we ran the VI
using five different time constant values (0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1) and received the
following graphs:
Figure : LabVIEW generated graph of amplitude against time for
Health Of Dogs Research Paper
Whether you new friend is a puppy or an older dog you rescued from the pound or
adopted from another person, your choice in treats affects the health of the dog.
Many treats are filled with chemicals and tons of corn or grain and both are bad for
hair and skin maintenance and for digestion. Depending on the dog, chemicals and
grains could adversely affect your dog s health due to an intolerance or allergy to
some ingredients.
Skin and Coat
What goes in must come out, and with dogs, that means not only through the
digestive system. A dog s skin and coat are affected by ingredients in the food,
including treats, that you feed it. For a softer coat and better skin condition, feed all
natural treats. The chemicals in the treats affect coat growth ... Show more content on ...
According to the National Institute of Health, BHT was found to cause hepatic and
renal damage in male rats and hepatic toxic effects in both male and female rats.
Additionally, rats who were fed BHT showed an increase in liver weight and less
activity of many hepatic enzymes. When BHT was applied to the skin, studies
showed lung toxicity. This chemical was also found to adversely affect humoral
immune response in animals. A lowered immune response, makes clearing up coat
and skin issues a nightmare.
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). According to, the National
Health Institute has found that BHA is a cancer causing agent.
Blue 2, Yellow 5 and 6, Red 40 and 4 MIE food dyes. Skip the pretty food dyes as
they are attributable to a host of issues including but not limited to hypersensitivity
reactions, cancer and behavior problems. 4 ethylimidazole (4 MIE) causes cancer in
Ethoxyquin. This has been found by Dr. Gloria Dodd, DVM, to be highly toxic to
animals. Yet, it s used as a preservative in many dog foods and treats. Other issues
included shortness of lifespan, problems whelping and liver
Dumas Family Meal Analysis
Hard work pays off, and the Dumas family shows that every weekend. In the story
Sweet, Sour, and Resentful, Dumas s family is showed as a loving and
hardworking family. Their family came to California from Abadan when their
country was at war. While there the war got worse and their family and friends
would call to see what it was like in America. After a while they got tired of telling
everyone what it was like so instead they would invite everyone for dinner.
Every weekend her family, friends, and even strangers would come and eat dinner.
Dumas mom would cook these meals daily; they would take her days to prepare.
Duma and her mom would go to the market every Tuesday to get the ingredients for
all her dishes. When her mom got home Duma and
5 Operating Principles Of Abrasive Jet Machining Principles
Chapter: 1 Introduction 1.1 Abrasive Jet Machining Principle 1.2 Equipment 1.3
Variables in Abrasive Jet Machining 1.4 working 1.5 Operating characteristics 1.6
Advantage and Limitations 1.7 Application
1.1Abrasive jet machining principle:
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the removal of material from a work piece by the
application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in gas medium
from a nozzle. The AJM process is different from conventional sand blasting by the
way that the abrasive is much finer and the process parameters and cutting action
are both carefully regulated. The process is used chiefly to cut intricate shapes in
hard and brittle materials which are sensitive to heat and have a tendency to chip
easily. The process is also used for drilling, de burring and cleaning operations. AJM
is fundamentally free from chatter and vibration problems due to absence of
physical tool. The cutting action is cool because the carrier gas itself serves as a
coolant and takes away the heat.
Abrasive jet machining also known as micro abrasive blasting, is a mechanical
energy based ... Show more content on ...
The main components being the compressor, air filter regulator, mixing chamber,
nozzle and its holder, work holding devices and X Y table. Air from the atmosphere
is compressed by the compressor and is delivered to the mixing chamber via the
filter and regulator. The mixing chamber contains the abrasive powders and is
made to vibrate by an electric motor arrangement. Then the abrasive particles are
passed into a connecting hose leading to the nozzle. This abrasive and gas mixture
emerges from the orifice of nozzle at high velocity. The feed rate of abrasive air is
controlled by the amplitude of vibration of the mixing chamber. A pressureregulator
installed in the system controls the gas flow and
Comparing Tcdb And Toxin
Toxin B and Toxin A belong to the same family of large clostridial glycosylating
toxins that are responsibility for inflammatory responses. TcdB is primarily known
as the cytotoxin and is the most common encoded toxin.The difference in TcdB and
TcdA could stem for the differences in where each toxin receptor tropism (3). In four
different studies using hamster and mouse intestines, TcdB is capable of producing
phenotypes of disease in complete absence of TcdA (1). TcdB has two protein
receptors that are able to bind outside of the CROPS domain. These proteins include
poliovirus receptor like protein 3 and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 that are
found on colon epithelial cells of humans. Both receptors could be responsible for the
Paradox In Everyday Use
Different genres of literature have connections with other literature work that can
be related to. An attracting fact is, that one can figure out the voices that are
presented, not just only the author s. In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, she uses
characterization, A Doll s House by Henrix Ibsen, he uses symbolism, and To His
Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell, he uses paradox which these authors use to prove
how an abusive behavior has been known as a method for confidence. To start off
with, in the story of Everyday Use by Alice Walker, characterization is a literary
element that highlights and [gives an] explanation of the details of a character (
Definition and Examples of Literary Terms Characterization ). Alice Walker wrote
what... Show more content on ...
Ibsen brings out a Christmas tree in the beginning, she leaves the door into the hall
open behind her, and a PORTER is seen outside, carrying a Christmas tree, (Ibsen).
It tells us that the play takes in place during Christmas on a cold day. Behind that
meaning, it represents how Nora is treated by Torvald. Ibsen assures the readers
that a man, Torvald, expects his woman to look fine and representable to the eye of
everyone, since the wife represents how the house looks from the inside. Ibsen was
concerned about the so called weaker sex, referring to Nora in this situation
(Hassan). Ibsen makes Torvald seen as a nice man who pleases his wife, but, he
treats her like a doll. Ibsen made it seem that a man expected their woman to obey
them in everything, which the Christmas tree describes how Torvald expects his
wife. Helmer: ... and I ll think over your costume, too. And perhaps I may even find
something to hang in gilt paper on the Christmas tree! (Ibsen). The way that Torvald
expresses himself about his wife and the Christmas tree, he does not care about the
meaning what it brings to the family other than looking pleasant. Then Ibsen
describes how that affects Nora; In the corner, beside the piano, stands Christmas
tree, stripped, and candles burnt out ... Nora discovered walking about restlessly,
(Ibsen). Nora is anxious about
Place In Fiction By Eudora Welty
In her essay Place in Fiction , Eudora Welty argues that the setting of a story acts as
a character, its traits influencing the plot, and the trait of racism has become closely
intertwined with the character of a southern setting. This character can often be an
antagonist, with the author s goal being to destroy real life racism by making the
problem more relatable to all readers, some of whom may have more influence over
change. Southern literature, especially protests songs, have featured this intersection
of hatred and the fight against prejudice that make an art form so real and personal,
and there are no two better examples than Nina Simone s Mississippi Goddam and
Billie Holiday s Strange Fruit . Both songs, written during periods
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
1.Discuss the ways in which Hardy has raised awareness of social issues in the
readers of The Mayor of Casterbridge.
The Mayor of Casterbridge written by Thomas Hardy in 1884/85 reflects upon the
Progression of Modernism during the first half of the 19th century English society
that was progressing in a difficult transition from a pre industrial Britain to modern
Victorian times. Much of the action and plot in Hardy s novel The Mayor of
Casterbridge takes place during the years surrounding 1846. These were the years in
which traditionalists took their last stand before being defeated in the name of
progress. Hardy undoubtedly and repeatedly illustrates in his novel the problems of
everyday life and ... Show more content on ...
He even punishes an employee for his tardiness.
I don t want to hear it! roared Henchard. Tomorrow the wagons must start at four,
and if you are not there, stand clear. I will mortify thy flesh for thee! But let me
clear up my points, your worshipful Henchard turned away. He asked me, and he
questioned me, and then a wouldn t hear my points! said Abel, to the yard in general.
Now, I shall twitch like a moment hand all night long to night for fear o him !
Farfrae however, takes a more contemporary approach by instilling respect in the
employee by justice.
I don t care what Mr. Henchard said, nor anybody else! Tis simple foolishness to do
this. Go and dress yourself instantly, Whittle.
Farfrae resolved the issue efficiently and with justice, which is illustrative of his
modern attitude toward an employee reprimand. The contrasting views on business
ethics held by Henchard and Farfrae are illustrative of the contrasts between tradition
and modernization.
Another obvious social issue that runs through the books is the question of
superiority and dominance. Henchard starting of as a simple yet ambitious man
climbs the hierarchal pyramid of society into a potion as the Mayor of Casterbridge.
But when his time has come to step down from the seat of power and dominance he
is unwilling to come to terms with it and step down from the position and let Farfrae
take over.
What Are The Economic Implications For The Australian
Discuss the economic implications for the Australian economy of Australia s
continuing current account deficits Australia has a long history of large and
persistent current account deficits. During the 1960s the current account deficit
averaged the equivalent of 2 per cent of gross domestic product. The CAD rose
considerably, due to the floating of the Australian dollar and the opening of the
capital account in 1980s, and by 1990s CAD has sustained around an average of
about 4.5 per cent of GDP. However, in recent years the deficit has been falling and
in 2011 it was just 2.25 per cent. The decline in the CAD has been affected by what
is happening to the nation s levels of saving and investment. The level of Australia s
national... Show more content on ...
Whether a recession or upswing occurs, the BOGS will adjust to the economic
activity. Australia s narrow export base is one structural factor affecting BOGS.
Australia s main exports are mainly coal, beef, iron ores and wool. Despite
Australia having a strong manufacturing sector, many countries such as China are
able to produce goods more cheaply. If many countries can produce the same goods
at a cheaper price, it affects the rate of Australia s exports. .... The net primary
income account, in the balance of payments, plays an ongoing part in the cause of
Australia s current account deficit (CAD). This occurs mainly due to the fact that
the net primary account is comprised of payments of interest and dividends on
Australia s net foreign debt and equity. In 2011 2012, it was equal to a deficit of
3.1% of GDP; however it is expected to increase in the future due to large returns to
overseas investors in Australia s mining industry. Cyclical and structural factors
affect the net primary income account which has a great influence towards the CAD.
The relative size of Australia s interest repayments overseas is the major cyclical
factor affecting the CAD through the net primary account. The changing value of the
exchange rate and lead to the valuation effect, where the Australian dollar value of
debt denominated in foreign currencies will alter. Hence is there were to be a
depreciation of the Australia dollar in global
Descartes Argument Analysis
The argument that caught my interest was on page 32 of the Meditations On First
Philosophy. In there Descartes argues about the nature of one s knowledge as being
finite. He says that anything which is infinite is incapable of a greater increase.
Following, he says that his knowledge is something that is capable of constant
greater increase. With respect to Descartes s definition of the infinite, it is then clear
when he says that his knowledge can never be infinite. My issue in this argument is
with the first premise that talks about infinite as being anything that is incapable of
greater increase and I shall try to counter attack it with an argument of my own.
Looking at things with minimal effort, one can say that everything can increase
The Design Of Network Topology
Design of Network Topology
Pravalika Reddy Podduturi
Virginia International University
Author note
Pravalika Reddy Podduturi, Department of Computer Science, Virginia International
University. Abstract
According to the book Top down network design by Priscilla, and research by
Pandya supports that a network is a group of devices connected together. There are
many types of computer networks like, local area network (LAN), wide area
network (WAN), campus area network (CAN), home area network (HAN),
metropolitan area network (MAN). Topology is the geometric arrangement of the
computer system. The common topologies are bus, star, ring, mesh etc. Network
topology refers to the physical or logical layout of a network. It defines the way
different nodes are placed and interconnected with each other. Network topology
describes how the data is transferred between these nodes. There are two types of
network topologies: physical and logical. Physical topology emphasizes the physical
layout of the connected devices and nodes, while the logical topology focuses on the
pattern of data transfer between network nodes. This paper investigates how different
types of topologies work, its advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: Hierarchical network topology, bus, ring, mesh, tree and star topologies.
Design of Network Topology
In the book Top down network design by Priscilla, the author says, to meet the
customer s goal, designing a network
Afro-Peruvian Population Analysis
Public policy, intercultural approach and the Afro Peruvian population The design
and implementation of public policies with a differential approach is a very recent
action taken by the Peruvian government. These policies must respond to the specific
needs of the most vulnerable communities in the country: women, children, the
elderly and ethnic groups; and seek to contribute to the reduction of structural
inequalities that limit their development. One of these ethnic groups is the Afro
Peruvian population, geographically located along the Peruvian coast . This group
has historically faced profound inequalities, which reflect in lower levels of school
enrollment, low family incomes, job segregation and institutional invisibility, among
others. This situation has been visible through Afro Peruvian civil society
organizations, who have assumed the representation of the... Show more content on ...
However, it was not until the creation of the Directorate of public policy for the Afro
Peruvian population inside the Ministry of Culture, and its designation as the
governing body in issues related to this population, that the government had an
articulate response to the special situation of the Afro Peruvians. The Directorate of
public policy for the Afro Peruvian population was created in 2013 and since then has
made big efforts to generate a space for the articulation with the Afro Peruvian
movements, promoting the generation of official data about the situation of this
population, establishing an official dialogue with other agencies that were working
with Afro Peruvian population or in zones with a high presence of Afro Peruvians;
and dedicating to the institutionalization of some specific actions in the Peruvian
Why Germany Lost the World War Two
Why Germany Lost the World War 2 After WW I Germany had many economic
and political problems that allowed Adolph Hitler to become ruler of Germany.
After Hitler appointed himself chancellor he started rebuilding the German military.
After years of no international response to breaking the Treaty of Versailles
Germany attacked Poland. From 1939 to 1941 Germany had won many victories;
however 1941 was a turning point in the war. By the end of 1941 Germany would
continuously lose land to the allies with the exception of the Battle of the Bulge. The
main reasons for Germany s defeat were that they were fighting the war in too many
fronts, poor leadership and the invasion of Russia. Firstly, Germany is surrounded by
nations capable of... Show more content on ...
The Japanese sent a group of planes from the air force to bomb a small port in
America named Pearl Harbour. This fired the Americans up so much so that they
joined the war to defeat Hitler. Deciding to attack Russia was a bad idea, as well as
declaring war on the US. Both of these countries could substantially out produce
Germany. Although Germany took the initiative both times, they may have had little
choice. The United States would have entered the war one way or another due to the
fact that Britain was their closest ally, and they could not sit and watch them be
destroyed by Germany. Russia was planning on entering the war a few months after
Germany attacked her anyway. [This view that the Soviet Union was preparing a pre
emptive strike against Germany is not widely accepted]. Hence even thought
Germany was a powerful country over all, there were many things to work on which
brought this country down. Germany lost the war because of many reasons but the
main three would be fighting the war in too many fronts, poor leadership and the
invasion of Russia. [ 1 ]. front_war [ 2 ]. http:/
/ [ 3 ].
/wiki/Western_Front_(World_War_II) [ 4 ].
/2007/06/was hitler great leader list of_30.html [ 5 ].
The Defenders Essay
Hello and welcome to my review of Season 1 of the Defenders, the newest Netflix
show from Marvel. The first section will be spoiler free and then I ll get into spoilers
at the end.
Overall, the show is very good and I think anyone who like the previous shows will
like this, but if you didn t, The Defenders won t do much to convert you, as its
mainly intended for fans of the earlier Marvel shows on Netflix.
I m not sure how many people this even applies to, but if you were wondering if
The Defenders would still be enjoyable if you haven t seen everything else, I d say
you can, but it s much more rewarding the more you ve seen. Having watched
Daredevil is especially important as the plotlines and supporting characters from that
show play a ... Show more content on ...
The show starts out with a somewhat of a slow build, with not that much action in
the first two episodes. I didn t have a problem with it and there s plenty of action
later, but just keep that in mind going in.
The Defenders is only 8 episodes long, compared to the 13 episodes that Daredevil
and the others got per season. This lets the plot move along a quick pace and there
really isn t any noticeable filler.
Everyone felt true to the way they had previously been portrayed and I didn t notice
any glaring out of character moments. It s really fun seeing people from different
shows interact with each other, which I ll get more into in the spoiler section.
The cast is very good with the main exception being Finn Jones as Danny Rand as I
alluded to earlier. Sigourney Weaver is great as always in her role as the villain
Alexandra Reid, but the character itself didn t really work for me that much, and
we never get to see her do anything to establish herself as a great villain. It s hard to
explain fully without spoilers, so I ll get into that later. From what I understand,
Reid is not from the comics, which seems like an odd choice to do for the first season
of the team up of all Marvel s Netflix shows, given the ridiculous amount of villains
Marvel has its disposal.
The fight choreography is basically on the same level as Daredevil and huge step up
from Iron Fist. A few moments are a
Police Departments All Over The World Deal With The
When You Go Missing Who Do You Call
Police departments all over the world deal with the common problem of people
going missing. Missing persons is defined best as, any person, 18 or older whose
disappearance is not possibly not voluntary, or a child whose whereabouts are
unknown to the child s legal custodian (Legal). Within the US, there are a
substantial number of missing persons. In the year 2015, over 630,000 reports were
made for missing persons, and while many of them were eventually closed, there are
an average of 90,000 incidents active at any given moment in the US (Ritter). In the
2014/15 year, across the English and Welsh policeforces there were 210,632
incident reports created for missing persons. When relating back to the US s
630,000 reports in the same time, the question should be asked, why is there such
a disparity. Like America, a clear majority of the incidents are resolved within the
same year but of the 47,000 people that are missing each day, only about 12,220
missing persons stay missing(Newiss). While any number of missing persons is
unacceptable, the difference of both incidents reported and people missing at any
given time show a clear problem that seems to plague the American police. The US
seems to have a problem with missing persons investigations, one in which the UK
seems to be more efficient at handling. There is a clear deficit of nearly 80,000
people in comparison between the US and the UK. Even, taking into account the
comparative size
Slender Glass Lizard Research Paper
Slender Glass Lizard Drew Roth What would you do when you were riding your bike
a found an animal and you looked a saw I was a snake and the look closer and see it
has a lizard head. What would it be can it be a deform snake or is it poison and
could I get killed from it those are the question running through your well I am here
to tell you about that snake in this paper. Here is some stuff to make shore it has
round eyes that means that it is not poisonous and then if it has demand eyes run
and the circle if it does bit you will not die but diamond you can get killed. And you
are still wondering what is it well keep reading to find out Well first the snake you
are looking at is a slender glass lizard it is not piousness and it is a lizard.
Agile Approach For Agile Development
Introduction The purpose of this report is to define and discuss the use of agile
methodologies. Agile is becoming a more popular term within the information
technology industry and this report will help those unfamiliar with its techniques
understand how agile works. The goal is also to inform the readers why agile can
be preferred over traditional methods. While reading this report, it is recommended
to keep in mind that agile is an alternative to using the traditional systems
development lifecycle method. Reasons for Agile Adoption To keep up with the
demands of today s world, technology departments must be able to meet the needs of
their customers as fast as possible while still delivering valuable solutions. In order
to do this, a... Show more content on ...
With proper agile adoption, all of these problems can be solved. Therefore, agile can
transform an underperforming team into a team that provides value to their customer
in a timely fashion. Understanding How Agile Works Because many organizations
are switching to agile methods over traditional methods such as the systems
development lifecycle, one must understand the various facets of the agile
methodology. It is necessary to know why agile makes teams more productive, what
form of agile is most commonly used, and the different roles of team members in an
agile system. In order to fully comprehend agile systems, it is vital to understand why
traditional methods have been replaced. When adopting agile, it is important and
highly recommended that all members on the team know how agile works. By
educating the team s members, it will better ensure that your team will yield its
highest potential for productivity. Incorrect adoption of agile may iii пїј leave team
members confused, hindering their productivity. Studies have shown that most
members of an organization are unfamiliar with agile terms and how it works.
According to OneDesk s, Agile Adoption Statistics 2012, most executives and
product owners are unfamiliar with how agile works. The figure below shows agile
familiarity with scrum masters, product
Manageiral Accounting Essay
Commerce 4AA3 Individual Final Assignment Chewbacca Motors International
Students are expected to analyze and answer all questions of this final examination
without assistance and consultation of any kind from any individuals. Please write
down any assumptions you make to answer the questions. Please show all supporting
calculations where necessary. 1 Chewbacca Motors International (CMI) is an
international company in Canada that is currently organized into three divisions,
each of which is treated as an investment centre. Divisional performance evaluation
and managerial bonuses are based on achieving a 12% divisional return on
investment (ROI). Divisional ROI is calculated as pretax... Show more content on ...
ID s only business activity is to sell pod racers imported from PD. ID pays a 20%
import duty based on the transfer price. Customs officials in Japan carefully
monitor the invoices of imported manufactured goods to ensure that the goods are
priced at fair values . The Government of Japan considers any price between full
production cost and 150% of full production cost to be within its definition of fair
value. Information on ID is provided in Exhibit 4. While ID is only two years old,
it has gained a significant market share in Japan by following a penetration pricing
strategy. All indications are that sales will continue to grow. In response to a
recent inquiry by Hank Solo, ID s manager indicated that the proposed increase in
the cost of a pod racer from PD would lead him to increase the ID sales price by
$300 per unit causing volumes to decline to 1,700 per year. At the end of their
meeting, Hank Solo requested Elan Harrar to analyze the company s current situation,
including the TD manager s two proposals, and recommend improvements.
Specifically, he would like you to determine the impact of each proposal on the
pretax income and return on investment for each division and the company as a
whole along with the behavioral implications of these proposals. Hank Solo would
also like a discussion of the relevant considerations in setting CMI s domestic and
international transfer pricing policies. Other issues, such as organization structure,
Business Model And How Their Succes Has Affected On
Nowadays there are many successful companies in the world, but the fact is that
Walmart Inc. is the most competent in their industry. Their strategies and business
model have led them to achieve success and make them the worlds largest retailer. In
this essay I will analyze Walmarts business model and how their succes has affected
to the Corporate Social Responsibility.
First of all, what does Corporate Social Responsibility means? When we are talking
about corporate responsibility, we talk about active and voluntary social, economic
and environmental improvement contribution from companies, with the aim of
improving their competitive position and their added value.
Social responsibility is giving special attention to their workers and ... Show more
content on ...
Its business concept is the convenience store low price and high volume, discount
stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets. Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative
vision, started his own company and became the leader in retail. Through
understanding, and sometimes unusual practices in business, led the company
forward for thirty years. Walmart executives continue to rely on many targets and
traditional philosophies than its predecessor left behind while simultaneously always
one step ahead of technology and methods that changing environment. The
organization has faced a significant amount of controversy over various issues;
however, none of these has made great effect on the progress of this gigantic
The future also looks bright for Walmart, especially if you can strike a comfortable
balance between increasing profits and recognition of its social responsibilities and
Walton had a reputation for caring about their customers, their employees and the
community. To maintain its market in the retail discount, Wal Mart executives
continue to develop management guidelines in accordance with the principles of
The word always can be seen in almost all the literature of Walmart. One of the
deepest beliefs of Walton was that the customer is always right, and shops are mainly
produced by this philosophy.
Dylan Klebold Assassination
The morning of April 20th, 1999 was one that will never be forgotten. The day
started off as what was supposed to be a normal day in Jefferson County, Colorado,
for the students attending Columbine High School. Students were piling into the
school, chatting with their friends, waiting for their classes to start. Nobody expected
what would happen next. At approximately 11:19 AM, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
, students of Columbine High School, began to open fire at students, teachers, and
finally took the lives of themselves around 12:00 PM. The shooters of Columbine,
Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold s, mental states led them to plan out, and to kill 13
people, and themselves, on the morning of April 20th, 1999. Eric Harris was born on
April... Show more content on ...
They came to school in separate cars and waited for the bombs to go off, which
would lead to students running outside where they would then begin to open fire.
When the bombs did not successfully go off, they began to shoot outside the school,
and then entered the school. The shooting lasted approximately 45 minutes. When
the planned events were not successful, the two boys injured more than twenty
students, and killed 13 of them. Right before the attack had ended in the cafeteria,
Eric Harris turned the gun on himself and shot him in the head. When Dylan saw
what he had done, he then killed himself. Dylan Klebold did not suffer from any
mental illnesses that we know of. Dylan Klebold s inability to make romantic
relationships, lack of friends, and hatred he had mentally built up inside of him for
his classmates, led him to attack that morning with no warning signs. He was in a
mental state that influenced his attack, with the help of his friend Eric

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Essay Topics On Hamlet. Hamlet Sample Essay English Advanced - Year 12 HSC Thinkswap

  • 1. Essay Topics On Hamlet Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Topics on Hamlet" presents a unique set of challenges. Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare's most iconic plays, is a complex and multifaceted work that delves into themes of revenge, madness, and existentialism. Navigating through the intricate plot, analyzing the characters' motivations, and interpreting the profound soliloquies requires a deep understanding of the play's nuances. One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between delving into the intricate details of the play and maintaining a broader perspective. It's essential to avoid getting lost in the intricacies of individual scenes or characters while still doing justice to the richness of Shakespeare's language and the depth of the narrative. Moreover, selecting a specific topic within the broader theme of "Hamlet" adds another layer of complexity. Whether exploring Hamlet's internal conflict, the dynamics of familial relationships, or the socio-political aspects of the play, there's a need for a focused and nuanced approach. Balancing originality with adherence to scholarly interpretations further complicates the task, as the topic has been extensively studied and analyzed over the centuries. Additionally, the challenge lies in crafting an essay that not only analyzes the play but also contributes fresh insights or perspectives. This requires a deep engagement with existing scholarship, a keen awareness of critical debates, and the ability to present a compelling argument that adds value to the existing body of literature. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Topics on Hamlet" demands a careful navigation through the intricate layers of Shakespeare's masterpiece. It requires a balance between detailed analysis and a broader perspective, a focused exploration of specific themes, and the ability to contribute fresh insights to the ongoing scholarly conversation. As with any challenging academic endeavor, seeking assistance or guidance can be beneficial. If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of Hamlet and need expert help, consider exploring the services available at for similar essays and much more. Essay Topics On HamletEssay Topics On Hamlet
  • 2. Misogyny In The Wife Of Bath Misogyny is not only visible in the Miller s tale, but also in the Wife of Bath s tale through the very superficial standards set for women by men. The old woman asks that the knight marries her in return for giving him the answer to the riddle and he reacts in disgust and horror, take me as your wife... Alas and woe is me!...I am ugly and damnation! Alas, that any of my birth should ever be so foully disgraced! (Chaucer, The Wife of Bath s Tale, 199 213). The knight is visibly distraught, using words such as damnation and disgraced when the old woman expresses her wish to marry him. He displays these emotions not because she wants to get married, but because she is ugly and poor. He is worried because an ugly wife will mar his reputation and is a poor reflection of him. This translates to the misogynistic society during the time period where women were seen as property to be shown off, rather than people who deserved respect. The recurring theme of misogyny in these two tales shows that Chaucer does not feel sympathy for the opposite gender, but instead belittles their plight. In both tales, each woman is judged based on her attractiveness, they are both surrendered to the unfair and superficial beauty standards of the age Chaucer lived in. The women are negatively portrayed based on the attributes they display. The old woman is ugly and poor and therefore is seen as a woman unfit to be a wife. The reaction of the knight when he finds out that he
  • 3. Ama Ata Aidoo Feminism Analysis Ama Ata Aidoo s Feminism and Pan Africanism Ama Ata Aidoo is an outstanding black and female writer. She is a pan Africanist and a feminist but she doesn t use these adjectives separately. She combines her racial and sexual identity to produce a mixed ideology of feminist pan Africanism. This is especially significant because the pan Africanismdiscourse, like all political discourses, is generally dominated by the male. She becomes one of the strongest female voices in this discourse and she brings another point of view to pan Africanism. Her point of view suggests that feminism and pan Africanism are essentially bound together and they need to be dealt together. In order to do so, Aidoo constructs literarily strong female characters and she transmits her pan Africanist ideas through a womanbased perspective by using her characters and... Show more content on ... Thanks to her family and the people she grew up among, she knows that the African people are already feminists at heart, despite the fact that there are lots of things to improve. Since she learnt feminism in Africa, she believes that feminism is a fundamental part of the Africa and it cannot be separated from Africa. Besides, she also thinks that the rationality behind feminism and pan Africanism are essentially the same, because both suggests a certain group of people having control of their own lives. Thus, it is intellectually meaningless to separate one from another. Therefore, Ama Ata Aidoo knows that liberation of the women also means liberation and solidarity of the African people. She combines feminism and pan Africanism and creates her feminist pan Africanist ideology. In order to transmit her ideology, Aidoo constructs strong feminine narratives in her plays and through her characters, by using feminine images and notions, she reveals the relationship between feminism and pan Africanism and that they are eventually bound
  • 4. Cloud Computing System For Computing Cloud Computing Introduction Cloud computing system, which functions based on the concept of providing computing as a utility, can be defined as the method of providing resources for computing on demand, using remotely operational servers on the internet for data storage, processing data and managing data. Its equivalent to using a computer for its services, only without having to carry the hardware for it. Cloud applications, being dynamically scalable, agile and capable of running virtual applications and even an OS on a browser help in reducing costs of resource acquisition. A cloud computing model has the following basic features: Without involving any human interaction, the users can access any contracted service/ resource, be it data processing, memory space or application programs as a service from the provider. These contracted services/ resources can be availed by any user anywhere, anytime via the internet. These computing resources are distributed in various data centres across the globe which is shared by users from any part of the world. It goes by pay what you use for policy. The user pays only for the resources they use. Also, a big advantage is that from a user s perspective, all the resources are unlimited, and flexible for access. Good QoS (Quality of Service) is guaranteed by the provider. The cloud services are elastic. So the user can ask for more services/ resources whenever they require, also terminate, when not required. Cloud computers
  • 5. The Importance Of Co-Sleeping In Children Co Sleeping Co sleeping is the involvement of a child or infant sleeping with their mother in the same area or room (Berger, 2012). Co sleeping in our society is rare, but becoming more common like in other parts of the world such as Asia or Africa, where sleeping next to your child is considered normal, because they feel it s cruel to separate your child at night. (Berger, 2012). Most American parents place their infants in warm cribs in their own room and are usually monitored by a baby monitor. Co sleeping can be very effective when it comes to breastfeeding, helping the baby feel safe, making it easier for the baby to fall asleep, helps infants and mothers get more sleep time, and helps connect the child with the parent (Gupta, 2014).... Show more content on ... Breastfeeding provides many nutrients that the child needs in order to grow. Breast milk has many more nutrients to help a child s immune system more effectively than formula milk (, 2005). It has been proven that breastfeeding can help an infant from coming in contact with diseases later on in life, helps the mother lose weight, and is also a cheaper way to feed the child (, 2005). This can be very vital information to know because this can help a lot more mothers become educated in breastfeeding their children rather than using formula. In recent findings on breastfeeding it was found that children who are breastfed longer as an infant were less likely to become obese in the future (Carling and Feldman Winter, 2014). It was believed that breastfeeding allowed the child to discover proper eating habits due to microscopic substances in the breast milk the helped regulate metabolism, in which the child can then learn how to control the food intake as they got older (Carling and Feldman Winter, 2014). This is very important because mothers can help prevent their child from becoming overweight or obese. It s recommended that mother s breastfed for more than four months, while this can be challenging between mothers who work or mothers who are not educated about breastfeeding, support groups and help are available for these mothers (Carling and
  • 6. How Is Sensory Appeal Used In 1984 In the book 1984, many different devices are used to create different tones and complexities throughout the story. One device used in a passage in Part One is sensory appeal. Sensory appeal is defined as literary elements that engage the five human senses. Appeals to sound and vision are found throughout the story. Additionally, diction and numerous literary and figurative devices are used to intensify the sensory appeals in Part One. Sensory appeals to soundand vision are used to engage the reader s senses and emphasize the tones throughout the story. One interesting and prevalent sensory appeal used is the element of sound. Firstly, the sensory appeal to sound is evident in Part One when the character Winston questions the Party s truthfulness. ... Show more content on ... The use of alliteration, diction and imagery enhance the visual appeal and give the reader insight into life under the party s control. Firstly, alliteration is defined as the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words (Oxford Dictionary). In the line, The reality was decaying, dingy cites (p. 75), alliteration is used in the adjectives describing the infrastructure of Oceania. This alliteration creates emphasis on the description of the cities. Alliteration also solidifies the diction of the words by accenting specific sounds in the adjectives. This emphasizes the description and adds to the gloomy tenor of the passage. This also allows the reader to better visualize the dreadful landscape of Oceania. Secondly, the use of imagery contributes tremendously to the visual appeal in 1984. Imagery is defined as Visually descriptive or figurative language (Oxford Dictionary). This is seen in the sentence, The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering a world full of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons (p. 75). This imagery engages the reader s visual sense by helping him visualize the envisioned society of the Party. Through the uses of adjectives such as monstrous and terrifying, the vision of a fearful tone towards the Party is conveyed. This gives the reader insight into the power of the Party and their motives to control the public. Thus, the use of diction and imagery contribute to the sensory appeal to vision and allow the reader to gain perspective into the world of Oceania. These uses are imperative to enhancing the story of
  • 7. Little Canada, Questions And Answers Question 1: Why are you interested in this position? From what I have learned city governments provide some of the most challenging, dynamic, learning centric environments where opportunities to make a difference abound through numerous opportunities. Often from what I have seen the staff is smaller, and so is the budget and other resources and yet the issues that arise didn t shrink as well, so creative and quick solutions are more frequently needed. I want to start building experience working in government and I want to do it at the local level because I see meaningful and challenging work. Moreover I have spent many years developing excellent skills, including communication, problem solving and research capabilities and working in Little Canada will allow me to take the next step while doing something that matters to Minnesotans. This important job will give me the opportunity I have been seeking to further develop my skills while offering my love for creative solutions when the opportunity arises. From what I have read thus far the Little Canada government favors people who consistently deliver simple and sound solutions to problems in a timely and professional manner. This is why I want to become a part of your government ... Show more content on ... This position covers a wide area of responsibility and my background has both taught me to thrive in this environment and more importantly show me that it s where I am happiest because while there will be recurring duties each day will provide unique challenges and opportunities to shine. Also I either have experience at or above what is requested in job description and in the few areas I may seem to be lacking I have some transferable experiences or skills that coupled with my adaptability will give you what you need in a City Clerk in the coming years. Question 3: Tell us about your ideal work
  • 8. Als a E Essay Writing Understanding How to Teach Paragraph and Essay Writing MR. REJULIOS M. VILLENES Instructional Manager, Lopez West District Division Enhancement Training of ALS Coordinators and Mobile Teachers Ouans Farm, Lucena City 13 November 2011 PARADIGM ON TEACHING PARAGRAPH WRITING TO ALS LEARNERS Teaching Paragraph Writing Effectively Where to Start and When to Teach Diagnosing Learner s Difficulties пѓј Understanding Our Learners пѓј Psychological Philosophical Factors пѓј Data Analysis and Problem Intercession пѓј Going Back to Basics What to Teach Writing Paragraph, ALS A E EssayWriting пѓј Understanding a Paragraph and an Essay пѓј Constructing and Forming Paragraph пѓј Making Paragraphs an Essay пѓј Writing with Discipline How to Teach and Assess 1. ... Show more content on ...  Constructivism пѓ Learning is the process of adjusting one s mental modes to accommodate new experience. пѓ Learning takes place through giving instructions. paragraph writing rmv111311 WHERE TO START AND WHEN TO TEACH DIAGNOSING PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES 2. Psychological and Philosophical Factors  Progressivism пѓ Emphasizes change and growth пѓ Focuses on the learner as a whole rather than of the teacher  Essentialism пѓ Concerns with the fundamental of education skill and knowledge пѓ Focuses on the basics reading, writing, speaking and arithmetic paragraph writing rmv111311 WHERE TO START AND WHEN TO TEACH DIAGNOSING PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES 3. Data Analysis and Problem Intercession  Recording the Data for Analysis and Intervention  Planning for Intercession (Topics to be discussed as a Prerequisite in Writing an Essay)
  • 9. paragraph writing rmv111311 WHERE TO START AND WHEN TO TEACH DIAGNOSING PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES 4. Going Back to Basics  Teaching the Prerequisites of Making a Paragraph пѓ Reading and writing skills пѓ Phoneme, morpheme, clause, syntax, punctuations paragraph writing rmv111311 PARADIGM ON TEACHING PARAGRAPH WRITING TO ALS LEARNERS Teaching Paragraph Writing Effectively Where to Start and When to Teach Diagnosing Learner s Difficulties пѓј Understanding Our Learners пѓј Psychological Philosophical Factors пѓј Data Analysis and Problem
  • 10. Trinity Monistic Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a common phrase in the Christian faith. Who are these people and what do they represent? These three people are separate people, but represent one God. The concept of the Trinity creates a lot of debate, because some skeptics think that the Trinity is either Monistic or Pagan. The Father, Son and Holy Spiritare three separate beings that represent one God, and this can be seen in different passages in the Bible. Is the Trinity Monistic or a Pagan grouping of Gods? The Trinity is not monistic because God does not reveal himself in three different forms. The Trinity is three co existing eternal persons who exist as one God. The Trinity is also not three separate Gods. The Father is the godhead of the Trinity ... Show more content on ... An example of this trend takes place in the book of Isaiah. Jesus states I AM several times in the chapter. Jesus is making a strong statement that he is God. God is the Trinity, and Jesus is one of the persons that make up God. In John 5:18 Jesus breaks the rules of the Sabbath, and calls God his own Father. Jesus is making it known that he is the Son of the Father, and therefore, equal to God. The only way Jesus could be God is if he is the Son of the Father. This passage shows Jesus place in the Trinity. The most concrete example of Jesus being one with God takes place in John 10:33. Jesus states I and the Father are one where Jesus is very clearly defining himself as God. Jesus is God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus proves he is a part of the Trinity by clearly stating that he is one with
  • 11. Analysis Of The Film, Edward Scissorhands, Directed By Tim... My theme Outsiders in society how appearances can be deceiving I think is very important to the film Edward Scissorhands; directed by Tim Burton, as the theme is repeated throughout the film. My theme has a general importance because its shows the other side of society that we don t get to see or notice too often. The group of individuals on the other side constantly shows the challenges they face, and the different ways of living are often ignored because they don t fit into the current society. This brings up a strong contrast and compare between what society defines as normal and what is abnormal. My theme tells us that their appearances are often deceiving and we should learn to to give them a chance. This means you are also more ... Show more content on ... Edward (the outsider) is introduced into the bright society below and I noted he is readily accepted by most as they got to know him more. Edward I thought also became happier compared to his sad face in the beginning and more confident in himself and others as he was recognised by the suburban society. However the betrayal of robbing a house by Edward later in the film meant he was framed, forced to leave and return to the place where he came from. I thought this was cruel and inhuman as Jim, who told Edward to break into the house was using him as he could open any house with his scissors. He had no knowledge of what he was doing and was unfortunately framed and Edward being all the more vulnerable because of his appearance. I thought Carol (a member of the suburb) makes a strong connection to Edward s appearance by talking on the phone to the other suburb neighbours Joyce, I just saw this strange guy driving with Peg... I didn t get a good look at him, he looked kind of pale. I felt quite curious in the way that Carol felt to see this new character in the suburb and shared this same feeling with many others in the film. Edward was very welcomed by Peg (who found Edward) and so, he meet the rest of the people in the suburb and was accepted to be more involved in their society. This reminded me of the text: Perks of being a Wallflower, where an anonymous person (named Charlie) describes himself as an outsider. It is quite unique as he knows what other people say
  • 12. Comparing Fate In The Aeneid And Homer s The Odyssey The idea of destiny or fate is at the heart of most Greek and Roman myths, poems, and stories. It is the ultimate driving force in every person s life. It is not focused only in a hero or god s life. Every man, woman, child, and god is effected by destiny. This is an idea that Ancient Greeks and Romans clung to. The idea that no matter what an individual does there is no escaping their true destiny. Every twist and turn taken in life is predestined and the outcome will remain the same. The idea of being able to control one s own fate is laughed at. This idea of a definite destiny is found in both Virgil s The Aeneidand Homer s The Odyssey. Both hero s lives are shaped by their destiny and it forces them to make difficult decisions. In The Odyssey Homer presents us with an epic hero, Odysseus. A man who fought in the Trojan War and won. All he wants is to return home and be with his family. He was given a prophecy by the seer Tiresias, that determined his destiny, and it read: A sweet smooth journey home, renowned Odysseus, that is what you seek but a god will make it hard for you I know you will escape the one who shakes the earth, quaking with anger still, still enraged because you blinded the Cyclops, his dear son. Even so, you and your crew may still reach home suffering all the way... (Book 11 lines 111 118). Odysseus goal was to reach home and return to his family, but fate had other plans. He would be derailed and prohibited from returning home
  • 13. Tacrolimus Research Paper After oral administration, tacrolimus is absorbed rapidly in most patients and reaches its peak plasma/blood concentration in 30 minutes to one hour. While in some patients it is absorbed slowly over a prolonged period, resulting in a flat absorption profile. Tacrolimus has a large variability in the rate of absorption and absolute bioavailability between individuals. It ranges from 5% 93% and approximately 25% of the oral dose is bioavailable due to an active barrier to drug absorption (Venkataramanan et al., 1995). The poor water solubility of tacrolimus and reduced gut motility in transplant recipients is responsible for the poor and erratic absorption of tacrolimus. Since tacrolimus is well known as a substrate of CYP3A iso enzymes, its poor bioavilability is to a large extent caused by presystemic metabolismof tacrolimus in the gut wall and liver(Tuteja et al., 2001).... Show more content on ... P glycoprotein lowers the intracellular concentration of tacrolimus by pumping the absorbed tacrolimus back out into the intestinal lumen, it is repeatedly transported out of the intestinal mucosa cells and then passively reabsorbed. This extensive presystemic metabolism limits the oral bioavailability of tacrolimus to ~25%. Therefore, it is very likely that the poor and the variable bioavailability of tacrolimus is at least partly caused by the activity of this efflux pump in the intestine and genetic polymorphism of the P glycoprotein (Hoffmeyer et al., 2000). Polymorphisms, or genetic variations, of these isoenzymes affect the dosage requirement and trough levels of tacrolimus in stable transplant patients (Haufroid et al., 2006). The impact of genetic variations in expression of CYP3A and P glycoprotein will be discussed in detail
  • 14. Pardoner In Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer is a risen star during the Hundred Years War. Chaucer was a talented writer, who translated The Romance of the Rose and wrote The House of Fame, The Legend of Good Women, and The Parliament of Fowls...etc. Pardoner is a character from Chaucer s masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. Pardoner is not only one of the major role in the Prologue, but also the character Chaucer dislikes the most. Chaucer described Pardoner had hair as yellow as wax, ...... Thinly they fell, like rat tails, one by one (L694 L697 The Canterbury Tales). As the reader keeps going down the line, Pardoner s personality shows vividly that he is a untrustworthy, selfish man. In the Prologue, Pardoner is riding in the back and selling people fake pardons that pardons people from their sins.... Show more content on ... In order to make people believe, Pardoner carried around a brass cross filled with stones to make it seem as heavy as gold and a glass jar full of pig s bone to persuade people that he is the real pardoner. Even it is seems really stupid for us now, the idea was brilliant back mid age when the communication and transportation are poorly. The entire fraud could work, not only because of the lack of communication, but also because Pardoner knows human psychology that everyone wants to be forgiven and gone to heaven. Pardoner is a smart but graddy person, and he knows that not everyone has a clear conscience, and he will always has business to do. After hundreds of years, Pardoner still exists in people s life. Maybe he/she is not selling pardons, but people are still trying to use money to buy comforts of
  • 15. Analysis Of When The Smoke Clears A beautiful act is in the art of evolution, and currently cultivating in Los Angeles, the duo Smoke Season continues to push sight and sound at the will of their touch. Gabrielle Wortman and Jason Rosen return with a kinetic 6 track EP, Ouroboros, and take a leap into a better refined, and bound collection of sounds than their 2014 EP, Hot Coals Cold Souls. Wortman and Rosen continue to explore their own souls, and unfold their chemic reaction into 6 shots of electricity, proving that the duo truly do play with thunder. The two forces of talent prove that they are indestructible when fused together, and shine not only on their EP, but on their recent single, When The Smoke Clears. Beginning with a steady, and slow build of electrical magic, mimicking a visual representation of lights flicking across one s eyes, When The Smoke Clears foundation begins. The track s layers and precise timing of the smallest of sounds is appreciated, heard clearly as the transition from electronic to the psychedelic installment flourishes. Hints of musical delights are trickled towards each build. Bass riffs pulls both vocals into an unexpected groove, noting Rosen s soothing vocals that softens each blow.... Show more content on ... Wortman s vocals act as a skilled archer pulling back from her bow, with enough control to hold and release for the final pierce. Keys, synths, and a hazy ethereal background transfers energy from Rosen s momentum to Wortman s
  • 16. Physiological Adaptations Of An American Badger Physiological Adaptations: * During periods of food shortages, badgers metabolism tend to decrease. A study conducted by Harlow showed that their metabolism decreased partially because of reduced energy required for food processing and a decrease in body weight. However, in times of food scarcity they also increase the efficiency of ingested food. Structural Adaptations: * American badgers have huge foreclaws measuring up to 5 cm in length. They used it to dig up their burrows and to hunt their prey. It digs its prey out of the ground with its strong, sharp claws or sometimes the badger will instead dig into the burrow of an animal and wait for it to return. * They possess very thick, lose fitting fur which covers their body. It s helpful
  • 17. Level Of Autonomy Analysis AUTONOMY2 I think that your level of confidence around certain people changes. That is what makes your level of autonomy differ around certain people. I know for me, it makes a difference on who has help to build my confidence level up. The people who have rewarded me, praised me, or acknowledged my achievements. Those who have been there to support me along the way. All of those people make me feel confident that I am doing the right thing for myself and making the right choices for myself. Then I have the people in my life that have belittled me along the way. They have never had confidence in me to do the right thing. They have always told me that I was wrong, or that I was making mistakes. These people make me feel like I will not choose the... Show more content on ... He was at one point extremely belittling and still is sometimes. He thinks he knows the best way of doing things at all times, and he is intimidating because of these things. So basically, when it comes to making decisions, it all falls on him. I rarely make my own decisions unless he is not around to stop me. Like going back to school, I decided to go back to school AUTONOMY3 when he was not home. I signed up, I got all registered, and then I told him. He was actually ok with the decision. I think that maybe sometimes I am just afraid to make my own decisions because of the way that he is. So I do definitely take away from my own sense of autonomy. I think that romantic relationships slightly take away from your sense of autonomy, at least in the beginning, because you are trying to impress your partner. Maybe not impress your partner, but you want to do what you can to make sure that you are doing what you think they will approve of, or what they think is the right choice. In the beginning, everyone wants to do what they think their partner will approve of so I think that some level of autonomy is
  • 18. Essay On Empowering Women 10)Events /Workshops/Camps: This project includes the conduct of various events which relate to creating awareness and empowering women. PURPOSE OF THE EVENTS: 1) As a part of activities of USD Consortium and according to the organization s mission and vision regular camps and workshops are organized to create awareness among women and help them in becoming more self reliant and confident. 2) These events help us in interacting with women and tell us about the ground realities. 3) These events are also a source of more data collection and also tell us about the true status of their lives which reduces the biasness in the data. [NOTE: Refer to Annexure Point 3 for the pictures of the events. Pg 56] EVENT 1: A Talk Show (Interactive... Show more content on ... USD Consortium is a lifetime member of COWE and as interns we did the promotional drive for this event. The following benefits were obtained from the event: 1)The event provided us with an opportunity to interact with women and understand their point of view on linking Vocational Training to economic empowerment of women. 2)We also tried to get their opinion about how women can be empowered. EVENT 3: Mission J.U.D.I. (Join Us to Digitize India): USD Consortium sincerely believes in helping the government of India in achieving the goal of digitization of India and contributing to the Indian society. Keeping this in mind an event was organized on 16th June 2017(Friday) in the East Delhi Branch of USD Consortium under Mission J.U.D.I which is a monthly event. BHIM App is a very important step towards achieving this goal and the App was launched by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 December 2016. This app is for the benefit of all and contains certain special features. Thus, under this event a presentation was prepared about BHIM App. It included the details about the App s special features which can be used even by illiterate section of the society and how the app can be easily used for simple everyday transactions which are a big step towards the goal of cashless India. The presentation was shown by the interns to the gathering through a projector and after that an interactive session was held regarding the doubts about the app. The gathering
  • 19. Why Soccer Is the Best Sport Essay L.A. essay Why soccer is the best sport By: Omar Soccer is the most played sport worldwide, many people love it and I m one of them, it is my favorite sport because you can improve your skills with your feet, and get a lot of exercise. By writing this essay, I hope that I can provide more information about the sport and maybe convert the people who dislike the sport into fans. I have heard from some people that soccer is a boring sport, but the truth is, it s a very interesting sport with a lot of excitement in it. When playing soccer, ball control is critical, you need possession of the ball in order to keep it away from the other team players, and at times, it can be fun because if you have possession of the ball most of the game, ... Show more content on ... If you play soccer, you have to practice in order to win, just like any other sport. When playing a game, you need to do moves that you have practiced, to get past the other teams defense and score a goal, and you also have to teach yourself mentally to think before you react. If you have the ball, you can t just kick it randomly and hope to score, you have to think of your other teammates and work with them to get the ball up the field. Another part of soccer that is very critical is passing. You have to pass the ball and develop new techniques and ways to control how the game is played. The last part is that you need to be fit in order to play soccer, because you are constantly on the field, and you don t get a lot of breaks, because the game never really stops except for halftime and when a foul is called or if you are waiting for the ball to come. When you re on defense, and playing a good team, you can be running around a ton, and you get tired really easily, especially when someone is on a breakaway, you will have to sprint down the field to try to stop them. If you play soccer a lot over a long time, you will develop good leg strength. Exercise is critical to the human body, and you will get a whole bunch of it by playing soccer. I hope this essay encourages parents to in role their kids to play soccer because it s an amazing
  • 20. Purpose Of Simple Distillation Of Heptane Purpose The purpose of this lab was to use simple distillation and fractional distillation to separate an unknown mixture of heptane and hexane. Additionally, gas chromatography (GC) was used to analyze and determine the percent composition of three samples taken during fractional distillation. Theory Hexane is mainly produced by refining crude oil and the exact composition depends on the source of the oil and the refining process. A significant amount of hexane is found in gasoline and other types of hexane are used as solvents in labs. Heptane is widely used as a non polar solvent in lab. It is important in gasoline production because it standardizes the zero point for the octane scale. It is also used in paint, coatings, and rubber cement. Simple distillation is a process that can be used to separate a volatile compound from a nonvolatile compound or to separate two or more volatile compounds whose boiling points differ by at least 40 50В°C. Hexane and heptane are two organic liquids that follow ideal like behavior. This means that there are no interactions between particles in the gas phase once their normal boiling points are reached. However, heptane and hexane s boiling points are less than 30В°C apart which means they cannot be effectively separated using simple distillation. Fractional distillation is used to separate compounds that have similar boiling points. In fractional distillation, a long fractional column is used so that vapors spend a longer time in the
  • 21. The Legend Of Subbanna Summary The play is a monologue based on the legend of Veeranna who belongs to the chitradurga region of Karnataka. Before its theatrical effectiveness in the play the legend is incorporated from Kannada writer, T.R. Subbanna s (Knows as TaRaSu) novel, Hamsageethe (Swan Song) Published in 1952. The title of the novel literally means the swan song of the protagonist, Venkatasubbayya whom Subbanna inserts in the tale of Veeranna, the archaka of the Hidambeshwara temple. About the legend narrated in Subbanna s version Aparna Bhargava Dharwadker writes in the Introduction to his collected Play (Vol.II): The married priesthas passionately in love with a mistress to whom he takes the offering form the temple after the evening prayers. One day the palegar (chieftain) discovers a hair in the prasada and demands and explanation from Veerganna, who claims that the hair belongs to god. Challenged by the chieftain to prove the truth of this claim, the priest in turn challenges god to display hair or accepts his head in punishment, and enters a meditative trance to the accompaniment of Venkatasubbayya s song. When the chieftain arrives the next day to expose Veeranna s lie, the Shivalinga has indeed sprouted long silken hair, and when (urged by the singer) he pulls out a tuft to test its authenticity, blood begins to ooze from the crown of the lingam. overwhelmed by a sense of sin at having injured the deity, Veeranna beheads himself in eh sanctum (xxxi). But
  • 22. Election of 2014 in Bangladesh Problem of National Election 2014 Bangladesh could face a protracted political crisis in the Lead up to the 2013 elections unless Prime Minister SheikhHasina s government changes course and take a more conciliatory approach towards the political opposition and the military. In December 2008, following two years of a military backed caretaker government, the Awami League (AL) secured a landslide victory in what were widely acknowledged to be the fairest elections in the country s history. The hope, both at home and abroad, was that Sheikh Hasina would use her mandate to revitalize democratic institutions and pursue national reconciliation, ending the pernicious cycle of zero sum politics between her AL and its rival, the Bangladesh ... Show more content on ... Based on extensive interviews and other sources, this report looks at why public trust in the AL government declined and examines the risks another prolonged electoral deadlock in 2013 would pose. The lack of a caretaker government system is not the BNP s only issue; it is also angry over the possible conviction of Khaleda Zia or her son, Tarique, in their ongoing court cases, which would bar them from the elections. Such a judgment could only be designed to cripple the BNP, one 81 under the constitution, the next general elections must be held in the 90 days before 24 January 2014. 82 Crisis Group interview, Dhaka, March 2012. 83 Crisis Group interview, adviser to the prime minister, Dhaka, March 2012. 84 Crisis Group interview, Dhaka, January 2012. 85 Crisis Group interview, Dhaka, March 2012. ________________________________________ Prospectus of national election 2014 The action plan is complementary to the five year strategic plan and the two need to be consulted together. It is more detailed and structured version of the strategic plan. It describes a series of action on an annual basis that will move the Bangladesh election commission to wards meeting its objectives and goals and therefore, its mission and vision. It is targeted towards operations, procedures and process and details of who will do what, when and how. This action plan details the activates for the fiscal years 2011 2013 within the broad
  • 23. The Indian and the White Communites in Dances with Wolves... The Indian and the White Communites in Dances with Wolves and Machimanito The film Dances with Wolves shares a lot of its content with the story Machimanito. In Dances with Wolves, two nations come to interact with each other. While the white man is dominating the land, the Indians are trying to protect both their land and themselves. In Machimanito, the story describes the epidemic and its effects on the Indians, while describing the ongoing conflict between Indians and the white man. There is a huge cultural difference between the white man and the Indians, which is reflected on their ways of life and communities; each lives a different life style including their interaction with nature and themselves, their authority within this ... Show more content on ... The Indians establish their roots in the land and start extracting their needs passively and in rational amounts that are enough for their survival. The setting of each of the two communities in Dances with Wolves reflects their personality. The Indians live as whole and on a piece of land where all the tents are near each other. This stresses that Indians live collectively rather than individually like the white man. The first time Dunbar rides to the Indians with Stands with a Fist, the camera shows Dunbar as being on the top of the hill; the camera is looking up on Dunbar. Then it moves upwards to give the viewer a panorama of the surroundings of the community. This sight includes: trees, land, mountains and a river. These are the basic elements of nature and the Indians live within these elements. This resembles the bond which the Indians have with nature. When the camera gives a view of the soldiers fort, it is noticeable that there is almost no trees presents, and a logical reason is that the tree have been used to build the post. The buildings in the post emphasize the separation of the white man, as they are built within a considerable distance between each other. These walls separate people from each other; thus emphasizes and explains the individuality of the white man. Also Dunbar builds a fence for his horse to stay in, while in the Indian community all the horses are left to their will. In
  • 24. Should Arg Designers Go For Ensure The Safety Of Body And... What are the limits? How far should ARG designers go to ensure the safety of body and mind of their players? What are the responsible limits of immersion? To what extent do these responsibilities lay with the player themselves? Consider the implications surrounding the Batman franchise in the context of the Why So Serious ARG. In the lead up to the 2009 Batman feature film: The Dark Knight, several thousand people received a series of clues that led them to bakeries across the US. Providing a password: the name Robin Banks , the bakeries would give them a box. Inside the box they found a cake. Upon it, a phone number was written in gaudy purple and yellow icing, along with the demand: Call Me Now . When they called, the cake rang. A ... Show more content on ... In response to the shootings, there were murmurs regarding the ethics of immersion, the responsibility of designers and the implications of fictions bleeding into reality. The cinema chain in which the shootings took place banned the wearing of costumes at screenings. Were the creators of the ARG, the cinema, the costumed fans or the creators of the Batman franchise in anyway responsible for these appalling acts? We can safely assume not. Designers of fictions cannot predict the way each individual will respond to their creations, but more importantly, one cannot design any entertainment product to accommodate for psychotic behaviour. All players must take responsibility for their participation not just in games, but in society too. Surveillance While highly elaborate and controlled, ARGs are also intended as open systems, engineered to be responsive and adaptive to player involvement. In this way, ARGs empower players to become part of the construction of the game s narrative. To respond player actions and ideas, ARGs require a degree of player observation and surveillance, which in turn raises issues around personal privacy, identifying details and data collection. In arguably the first sustained exploration of ethics in real space games, researchers within the Integrated Project on Pervasive Gaming: Montola, Waern,
  • 25. Celsus Critique Of Christianity Christianity, or religion in general, has come under immense amounts of criticism. Especially in modern times where science has been growing beyond our imagination, and, now, individuals might downplay the relevance of religion. However, even thousands of years ago Christianity was met with criticism. One of the notable critics, and focus of this paper, was Celsus. He was A philosopher during the second century, had his writings complied into The True Word that housed his critiques on Christianity . From these critiques, it is possible to identify the characteristics Celsus might identity with a true religion. Moreover, the second focus of paper is Mark s gospel, more specifically, Jesus. Having read Mark s gospel, would his depiction of Jesus and his movement be considered valid in the eyes of Celsus? In this paper, I will argue that the depiction of Jesus and the Jesus movement in Mark s Gospel would not be considered a true religion due to the fact it conflates with many of Celsus s criticisms of Christianity. Before delving into the reason why Mark s depiction of Jesus would not meet Celsus s criteria for a true religion, it is important to first identify what exactly Celsus might believe is a true religion. The first critique that is offered by Celsus is the secrecy of Christians. He wrote, Christians entered into secret associations with each other contrary to law (Celsus 1.1). Celsus condemned the Christians for gathering in secret in order to practice, and
  • 26. Water Is The Source Of Life And Comes From The Origin Water is the source of life and comes from the origin, humans have been using water for various purposes. Since civilizations first started appearing it centered around a source of water. When civilizations came around they caused deforestation which lead to rises to floods, annual run off levels and also affects on stream flow. In many parts of the world, humans obtain water supplies by pumping from ground water; it reduces level of water table and the replacement of coastal areas fresh water by salt water (ocean water) which isn t that great to drink. As fresh water is slowing (not really slowly but vastly) being depleted we will soon be left only with salt water. Fresh water has been tasted and is showing different chemicals and substances within the water which can lead to diseases. Waste has constantly been dumped or disposed of back into the river. In the article by Franz Josef Bruggemier states The new industries, mainly iron and steel works and coal mines, consumed large quantities of water... After use, the industries poured the wastewater back into these rivers without any attempt at treatment. (Bruggemier Universitat, 1994, p 37) Even during the industrial revolutionpeople constantly abused the water without thinking of how it was going to further affect the water for the future. Fish within the water are having some gender transitions, male fish are starting to have female organs. In the documentary For the Love of Water by Irena Salina there is a Gandhian
  • 27. A Summary Of Koch s Poem Permanently A Response to Kenneth Koch s Poem Permanently What is a woman s role in society? Do they serve any significance apart from a man? Are women simply here to marry, create families, and then blend into the background? Kenneth Koch s poem, Permanently, is a comedic story created by making characters out of the parts of speech. Through this poem he has created a world along with a love story weaved throughout the lines. If taken at surface level, the most obvious theme in this poem is love. Upon taking a closer look, by using the parts of speech as characters in this poem, we are given a message of one s belief as to what a womans role truly is. While this poem is written in a comedic fashion which makes it seem as if the speaker is poking fun at this idea, there is the running love story which makes this poem seem almost lyrical. These two themes of love and a woman s significance are both very strong throughout the poem. In this poem, women are seen simply as modifiers to men. Lines one and two of the poem show the characters as parts of speech, nouns and adjectives. I believe that the nouns in this poem are meant to be men while the adjectives are meant to be women. But, why wouldn t the speaker just use men and women? If we look at the relation between a nounand an adjective, we know that an adjective modifies a noun. So, knowing that the nouns are men and the adjectives are women and also knowing how nouns and adjectives relate to eachother, we seem to get the message that women are there to modify men. Although, when a man and woman form a relationship, I feel that both parties are changed. So, is the speaker trying to say that a woman s leading role in life is to be with a man? Can she have no real role of her own? The speaker of this poem also seems to be trying to say that unless a woman is with a man, she is invisible. Line twelve of the poem shows the sentences and nouns laying on the grass and in line thirteen we see that the conjunctions even have a part of their own, but we are told that the adjective does not emerge. It seems as though the only adjectives around are those that are blended in the sentences. They seem to have no part to stand alone as the other characters do. This seems to be
  • 28. The Balance Between Relevance and Materiality ais Contents Introduction1 Relevance and reliability overview1 The balance between relevance and materiality2 Balancing relevance and reliability2 The balance between flexibility and timeliness3 Conclusion3 Introduction Conceptual framework is a coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that is expected to lead to consistent standards (Degaan 2007). There are four items in conceptual framework which are objective of financial reporting, qualitative characteristics of accounting information system, element of financial statement, and operating guidelines. One of the important items is qualitative characteristic because of that, this report focuses on qualitative characteristic which... Show more content on ... Balancing relevance and reliability Accounting information must have both relevance and reliability but sometime the information is very relevance but not reliability. For example when a report about cost of building which have proper detail of information but the building was acquire in 1980. Information require to balance and contrast relevance and reliability when determining how to account for particular items (Alford et al. 1993). Produce information quickly and measuring the information more accurate are the benefits if the accounting information contain of reliability and relevance. The other consideration is about cost and benefit. It can be define as cost and benefit that result from making a specific decision which have highly subjective process on many issue. Benefit of accounting information provided for users should exceed the cost of providing it (weygandt et al. 2002) It can useful to establish precise definition but it also involve a range of judgment call and wide open to criticism. To understand further about relevance and reliability this report will explain about timeliness. The balance between flexibility and timeliness The other relevance aspect is Timeliness. When information for decision making is not available when needed or it available so long after reported events mean that the information not has value or useless and not
  • 29. Simulation of Dynamic Responses of First Order and Second... Objectives: As part of the experiment requirements, we were required to simulate the dynamic response of a first order and a second order linear system with the help of LabVIEW. One of our first objectives of this experiment was to observe the response of the first order system to the input step signal and then relate it to the time constant of that specific first order system. The second objective of this experiment included observing the second order system to the input step signal and then relating it to the damping ratio of the specific second order system. The third and most important objective of this experiment was to use different functions of LabVIEW including loop execution control, LabVIEW formula node, LabVIEW graph, LabVIEW ... Show more content on ... A shift register was then used to store the y value for the next iteration (y(n 1)) in case of the first order system while a 2 stacked shift register, in case of a second order system, was used to store the y values from previous iterations (y(n 1) and y(n 2)). A formula node was used in order to input the formula required to program the algorithm for each of the first and second order systems respectively. After providing the required number inputs and outputs (as per the requirement of each of the formula respectively), a waveform function was used to create the waveform data from the output data and determine the time interval of the input waveform. After using an array to contain all the input and output waveforms, a graph indicator was finally added to the VI to display the final graphical representation of the output data. After saving, each of the VI were run separately set at different time constants (for the first order system) and different damping ratios and 100 Hz undamped natural frequency (for the second order ratio). Results: After creating the VI for first order differential systems in LabVIEW, we ran the VI using five different time constant values (0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1) and received the following graphs: Figure : LabVIEW generated graph of amplitude against time for
  • 30. Health Of Dogs Research Paper Whether you new friend is a puppy or an older dog you rescued from the pound or adopted from another person, your choice in treats affects the health of the dog. Many treats are filled with chemicals and tons of corn or grain and both are bad for hair and skin maintenance and for digestion. Depending on the dog, chemicals and grains could adversely affect your dog s health due to an intolerance or allergy to some ingredients. Skin and Coat What goes in must come out, and with dogs, that means not only through the digestive system. A dog s skin and coat are affected by ingredients in the food, including treats, that you feed it. For a softer coat and better skin condition, feed all natural treats. The chemicals in the treats affect coat growth ... Show more content on ... According to the National Institute of Health, BHT was found to cause hepatic and renal damage in male rats and hepatic toxic effects in both male and female rats. Additionally, rats who were fed BHT showed an increase in liver weight and less activity of many hepatic enzymes. When BHT was applied to the skin, studies showed lung toxicity. This chemical was also found to adversely affect humoral immune response in animals. A lowered immune response, makes clearing up coat and skin issues a nightmare. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). According to, the National Health Institute has found that BHA is a cancer causing agent. Blue 2, Yellow 5 and 6, Red 40 and 4 MIE food dyes. Skip the pretty food dyes as they are attributable to a host of issues including but not limited to hypersensitivity reactions, cancer and behavior problems. 4 ethylimidazole (4 MIE) causes cancer in animals. Ethoxyquin. This has been found by Dr. Gloria Dodd, DVM, to be highly toxic to animals. Yet, it s used as a preservative in many dog foods and treats. Other issues included shortness of lifespan, problems whelping and liver
  • 31. Dumas Family Meal Analysis Hard work pays off, and the Dumas family shows that every weekend. In the story Sweet, Sour, and Resentful, Dumas s family is showed as a loving and hardworking family. Their family came to California from Abadan when their country was at war. While there the war got worse and their family and friends would call to see what it was like in America. After a while they got tired of telling everyone what it was like so instead they would invite everyone for dinner. Every weekend her family, friends, and even strangers would come and eat dinner. Dumas mom would cook these meals daily; they would take her days to prepare. Duma and her mom would go to the market every Tuesday to get the ingredients for all her dishes. When her mom got home Duma and
  • 32. 5 Operating Principles Of Abrasive Jet Machining Principles Chapter: 1 Introduction 1.1 Abrasive Jet Machining Principle 1.2 Equipment 1.3 Variables in Abrasive Jet Machining 1.4 working 1.5 Operating characteristics 1.6 Advantage and Limitations 1.7 Application 1.Introduction 1.1Abrasive jet machining principle: Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the removal of material from a work piece by the application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in gas medium from a nozzle. The AJM process is different from conventional sand blasting by the way that the abrasive is much finer and the process parameters and cutting action are both carefully regulated. The process is used chiefly to cut intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials which are sensitive to heat and have a tendency to chip easily. The process is also used for drilling, de burring and cleaning operations. AJM is fundamentally free from chatter and vibration problems due to absence of physical tool. The cutting action is cool because the carrier gas itself serves as a coolant and takes away the heat. Abrasive jet machining also known as micro abrasive blasting, is a mechanical energy based ... Show more content on ... The main components being the compressor, air filter regulator, mixing chamber, nozzle and its holder, work holding devices and X Y table. Air from the atmosphere is compressed by the compressor and is delivered to the mixing chamber via the filter and regulator. The mixing chamber contains the abrasive powders and is made to vibrate by an electric motor arrangement. Then the abrasive particles are passed into a connecting hose leading to the nozzle. This abrasive and gas mixture emerges from the orifice of nozzle at high velocity. The feed rate of abrasive air is controlled by the amplitude of vibration of the mixing chamber. A pressureregulator installed in the system controls the gas flow and
  • 33. Comparing Tcdb And Toxin Toxin B and Toxin A belong to the same family of large clostridial glycosylating toxins that are responsibility for inflammatory responses. TcdB is primarily known as the cytotoxin and is the most common encoded toxin.The difference in TcdB and TcdA could stem for the differences in where each toxin receptor tropism (3). In four different studies using hamster and mouse intestines, TcdB is capable of producing phenotypes of disease in complete absence of TcdA (1). TcdB has two protein receptors that are able to bind outside of the CROPS domain. These proteins include poliovirus receptor like protein 3 and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 that are found on colon epithelial cells of humans. Both receptors could be responsible for the initial
  • 34. Paradox In Everyday Use Different genres of literature have connections with other literature work that can be related to. An attracting fact is, that one can figure out the voices that are presented, not just only the author s. In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, she uses characterization, A Doll s House by Henrix Ibsen, he uses symbolism, and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell, he uses paradox which these authors use to prove how an abusive behavior has been known as a method for confidence. To start off with, in the story of Everyday Use by Alice Walker, characterization is a literary element that highlights and [gives an] explanation of the details of a character ( Definition and Examples of Literary Terms Characterization ). Alice Walker wrote what... Show more content on ... Ibsen brings out a Christmas tree in the beginning, she leaves the door into the hall open behind her, and a PORTER is seen outside, carrying a Christmas tree, (Ibsen). It tells us that the play takes in place during Christmas on a cold day. Behind that meaning, it represents how Nora is treated by Torvald. Ibsen assures the readers that a man, Torvald, expects his woman to look fine and representable to the eye of everyone, since the wife represents how the house looks from the inside. Ibsen was concerned about the so called weaker sex, referring to Nora in this situation (Hassan). Ibsen makes Torvald seen as a nice man who pleases his wife, but, he treats her like a doll. Ibsen made it seem that a man expected their woman to obey them in everything, which the Christmas tree describes how Torvald expects his wife. Helmer: ... and I ll think over your costume, too. And perhaps I may even find something to hang in gilt paper on the Christmas tree! (Ibsen). The way that Torvald expresses himself about his wife and the Christmas tree, he does not care about the meaning what it brings to the family other than looking pleasant. Then Ibsen describes how that affects Nora; In the corner, beside the piano, stands Christmas tree, stripped, and candles burnt out ... Nora discovered walking about restlessly, (Ibsen). Nora is anxious about
  • 35. Place In Fiction By Eudora Welty In her essay Place in Fiction , Eudora Welty argues that the setting of a story acts as a character, its traits influencing the plot, and the trait of racism has become closely intertwined with the character of a southern setting. This character can often be an antagonist, with the author s goal being to destroy real life racism by making the problem more relatable to all readers, some of whom may have more influence over change. Southern literature, especially protests songs, have featured this intersection of hatred and the fight against prejudice that make an art form so real and personal, and there are no two better examples than Nina Simone s Mississippi Goddam and Billie Holiday s Strange Fruit . Both songs, written during periods
  • 36. The Mayor of Casterbridge The Mayor of Casterbridge 1.Discuss the ways in which Hardy has raised awareness of social issues in the readers of The Mayor of Casterbridge. The Mayor of Casterbridge written by Thomas Hardy in 1884/85 reflects upon the Progression of Modernism during the first half of the 19th century English society that was progressing in a difficult transition from a pre industrial Britain to modern Victorian times. Much of the action and plot in Hardy s novel The Mayor of Casterbridge takes place during the years surrounding 1846. These were the years in which traditionalists took their last stand before being defeated in the name of progress. Hardy undoubtedly and repeatedly illustrates in his novel the problems of everyday life and ... Show more content on ... He even punishes an employee for his tardiness. I don t want to hear it! roared Henchard. Tomorrow the wagons must start at four, and if you are not there, stand clear. I will mortify thy flesh for thee! But let me clear up my points, your worshipful Henchard turned away. He asked me, and he questioned me, and then a wouldn t hear my points! said Abel, to the yard in general. Now, I shall twitch like a moment hand all night long to night for fear o him ! Farfrae however, takes a more contemporary approach by instilling respect in the employee by justice. I don t care what Mr. Henchard said, nor anybody else! Tis simple foolishness to do this. Go and dress yourself instantly, Whittle. Farfrae resolved the issue efficiently and with justice, which is illustrative of his modern attitude toward an employee reprimand. The contrasting views on business ethics held by Henchard and Farfrae are illustrative of the contrasts between tradition and modernization. Another obvious social issue that runs through the books is the question of superiority and dominance. Henchard starting of as a simple yet ambitious man climbs the hierarchal pyramid of society into a potion as the Mayor of Casterbridge. But when his time has come to step down from the seat of power and dominance he is unwilling to come to terms with it and step down from the position and let Farfrae take over.
  • 37. What Are The Economic Implications For The Australian Economy Discuss the economic implications for the Australian economy of Australia s continuing current account deficits Australia has a long history of large and persistent current account deficits. During the 1960s the current account deficit averaged the equivalent of 2 per cent of gross domestic product. The CAD rose considerably, due to the floating of the Australian dollar and the opening of the capital account in 1980s, and by 1990s CAD has sustained around an average of about 4.5 per cent of GDP. However, in recent years the deficit has been falling and in 2011 it was just 2.25 per cent. The decline in the CAD has been affected by what is happening to the nation s levels of saving and investment. The level of Australia s national... Show more content on ... Whether a recession or upswing occurs, the BOGS will adjust to the economic activity. Australia s narrow export base is one structural factor affecting BOGS. Australia s main exports are mainly coal, beef, iron ores and wool. Despite Australia having a strong manufacturing sector, many countries such as China are able to produce goods more cheaply. If many countries can produce the same goods at a cheaper price, it affects the rate of Australia s exports. .... The net primary income account, in the balance of payments, plays an ongoing part in the cause of Australia s current account deficit (CAD). This occurs mainly due to the fact that the net primary account is comprised of payments of interest and dividends on Australia s net foreign debt and equity. In 2011 2012, it was equal to a deficit of 3.1% of GDP; however it is expected to increase in the future due to large returns to overseas investors in Australia s mining industry. Cyclical and structural factors affect the net primary income account which has a great influence towards the CAD. The relative size of Australia s interest repayments overseas is the major cyclical factor affecting the CAD through the net primary account. The changing value of the exchange rate and lead to the valuation effect, where the Australian dollar value of debt denominated in foreign currencies will alter. Hence is there were to be a depreciation of the Australia dollar in global
  • 38. Descartes Argument Analysis The argument that caught my interest was on page 32 of the Meditations On First Philosophy. In there Descartes argues about the nature of one s knowledge as being finite. He says that anything which is infinite is incapable of a greater increase. Following, he says that his knowledge is something that is capable of constant greater increase. With respect to Descartes s definition of the infinite, it is then clear when he says that his knowledge can never be infinite. My issue in this argument is with the first premise that talks about infinite as being anything that is incapable of greater increase and I shall try to counter attack it with an argument of my own. Looking at things with minimal effort, one can say that everything can increase
  • 39. The Design Of Network Topology Design of Network Topology Pravalika Reddy Podduturi Virginia International University Author note Pravalika Reddy Podduturi, Department of Computer Science, Virginia International University. Abstract According to the book Top down network design by Priscilla, and research by Pandya supports that a network is a group of devices connected together. There are many types of computer networks like, local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), campus area network (CAN), home area network (HAN), metropolitan area network (MAN). Topology is the geometric arrangement of the computer system. The common topologies are bus, star, ring, mesh etc. Network topology refers to the physical or logical layout of a network. It defines the way different nodes are placed and interconnected with each other. Network topology describes how the data is transferred between these nodes. There are two types of network topologies: physical and logical. Physical topology emphasizes the physical layout of the connected devices and nodes, while the logical topology focuses on the pattern of data transfer between network nodes. This paper investigates how different types of topologies work, its advantages and disadvantages. Keywords: Hierarchical network topology, bus, ring, mesh, tree and star topologies. Design of Network Topology In the book Top down network design by Priscilla, the author says, to meet the customer s goal, designing a network
  • 40. Afro-Peruvian Population Analysis Public policy, intercultural approach and the Afro Peruvian population The design and implementation of public policies with a differential approach is a very recent action taken by the Peruvian government. These policies must respond to the specific needs of the most vulnerable communities in the country: women, children, the elderly and ethnic groups; and seek to contribute to the reduction of structural inequalities that limit their development. One of these ethnic groups is the Afro Peruvian population, geographically located along the Peruvian coast . This group has historically faced profound inequalities, which reflect in lower levels of school enrollment, low family incomes, job segregation and institutional invisibility, among others. This situation has been visible through Afro Peruvian civil society organizations, who have assumed the representation of the... Show more content on ... However, it was not until the creation of the Directorate of public policy for the Afro Peruvian population inside the Ministry of Culture, and its designation as the governing body in issues related to this population, that the government had an articulate response to the special situation of the Afro Peruvians. The Directorate of public policy for the Afro Peruvian population was created in 2013 and since then has made big efforts to generate a space for the articulation with the Afro Peruvian movements, promoting the generation of official data about the situation of this population, establishing an official dialogue with other agencies that were working with Afro Peruvian population or in zones with a high presence of Afro Peruvians; and dedicating to the institutionalization of some specific actions in the Peruvian
  • 41. Why Germany Lost the World War Two Why Germany Lost the World War 2 After WW I Germany had many economic and political problems that allowed Adolph Hitler to become ruler of Germany. After Hitler appointed himself chancellor he started rebuilding the German military. After years of no international response to breaking the Treaty of Versailles Germany attacked Poland. From 1939 to 1941 Germany had won many victories; however 1941 was a turning point in the war. By the end of 1941 Germany would continuously lose land to the allies with the exception of the Battle of the Bulge. The main reasons for Germany s defeat were that they were fighting the war in too many fronts, poor leadership and the invasion of Russia. Firstly, Germany is surrounded by nations capable of... Show more content on ... The Japanese sent a group of planes from the air force to bomb a small port in America named Pearl Harbour. This fired the Americans up so much so that they joined the war to defeat Hitler. Deciding to attack Russia was a bad idea, as well as declaring war on the US. Both of these countries could substantially out produce Germany. Although Germany took the initiative both times, they may have had little choice. The United States would have entered the war one way or another due to the fact that Britain was their closest ally, and they could not sit and watch them be destroyed by Germany. Russia was planning on entering the war a few months after Germany attacked her anyway. [This view that the Soviet Union was preparing a pre emptive strike against Germany is not widely accepted]. Hence even thought Germany was a powerful country over all, there were many things to work on which brought this country down. Germany lost the war because of many reasons but the main three would be fighting the war in too many fronts, poor leadership and the invasion of Russia. [ 1 ]. front_war [ 2 ]. http:/ / [ 3 ]. /wiki/Western_Front_(World_War_II) [ 4 ]. /2007/06/was hitler great leader list of_30.html [ 5 ].
  • 42. The Defenders Essay Hello and welcome to my review of Season 1 of the Defenders, the newest Netflix show from Marvel. The first section will be spoiler free and then I ll get into spoilers at the end. Overall, the show is very good and I think anyone who like the previous shows will like this, but if you didn t, The Defenders won t do much to convert you, as its mainly intended for fans of the earlier Marvel shows on Netflix. I m not sure how many people this even applies to, but if you were wondering if The Defenders would still be enjoyable if you haven t seen everything else, I d say you can, but it s much more rewarding the more you ve seen. Having watched Daredevil is especially important as the plotlines and supporting characters from that show play a ... Show more content on ... The show starts out with a somewhat of a slow build, with not that much action in the first two episodes. I didn t have a problem with it and there s plenty of action later, but just keep that in mind going in. The Defenders is only 8 episodes long, compared to the 13 episodes that Daredevil and the others got per season. This lets the plot move along a quick pace and there really isn t any noticeable filler. Everyone felt true to the way they had previously been portrayed and I didn t notice any glaring out of character moments. It s really fun seeing people from different shows interact with each other, which I ll get more into in the spoiler section. The cast is very good with the main exception being Finn Jones as Danny Rand as I alluded to earlier. Sigourney Weaver is great as always in her role as the villain Alexandra Reid, but the character itself didn t really work for me that much, and we never get to see her do anything to establish herself as a great villain. It s hard to explain fully without spoilers, so I ll get into that later. From what I understand, Reid is not from the comics, which seems like an odd choice to do for the first season of the team up of all Marvel s Netflix shows, given the ridiculous amount of villains Marvel has its disposal. The fight choreography is basically on the same level as Daredevil and huge step up from Iron Fist. A few moments are a
  • 43. Police Departments All Over The World Deal With The Common... When You Go Missing Who Do You Call Police departments all over the world deal with the common problem of people going missing. Missing persons is defined best as, any person, 18 or older whose disappearance is not possibly not voluntary, or a child whose whereabouts are unknown to the child s legal custodian (Legal). Within the US, there are a substantial number of missing persons. In the year 2015, over 630,000 reports were made for missing persons, and while many of them were eventually closed, there are an average of 90,000 incidents active at any given moment in the US (Ritter). In the 2014/15 year, across the English and Welsh policeforces there were 210,632 incident reports created for missing persons. When relating back to the US s 630,000 reports in the same time, the question should be asked, why is there such a disparity. Like America, a clear majority of the incidents are resolved within the same year but of the 47,000 people that are missing each day, only about 12,220 missing persons stay missing(Newiss). While any number of missing persons is unacceptable, the difference of both incidents reported and people missing at any given time show a clear problem that seems to plague the American police. The US seems to have a problem with missing persons investigations, one in which the UK seems to be more efficient at handling. There is a clear deficit of nearly 80,000 people in comparison between the US and the UK. Even, taking into account the comparative size
  • 44. Slender Glass Lizard Research Paper Slender Glass Lizard Drew Roth What would you do when you were riding your bike a found an animal and you looked a saw I was a snake and the look closer and see it has a lizard head. What would it be can it be a deform snake or is it poison and could I get killed from it those are the question running through your well I am here to tell you about that snake in this paper. Here is some stuff to make shore it has round eyes that means that it is not poisonous and then if it has demand eyes run and the circle if it does bit you will not die but diamond you can get killed. And you are still wondering what is it well keep reading to find out Well first the snake you are looking at is a slender glass lizard it is not piousness and it is a lizard.
  • 45. Agile Approach For Agile Development Introduction The purpose of this report is to define and discuss the use of agile methodologies. Agile is becoming a more popular term within the information technology industry and this report will help those unfamiliar with its techniques understand how agile works. The goal is also to inform the readers why agile can be preferred over traditional methods. While reading this report, it is recommended to keep in mind that agile is an alternative to using the traditional systems development lifecycle method. Reasons for Agile Adoption To keep up with the demands of today s world, technology departments must be able to meet the needs of their customers as fast as possible while still delivering valuable solutions. In order to do this, a... Show more content on ... With proper agile adoption, all of these problems can be solved. Therefore, agile can transform an underperforming team into a team that provides value to their customer in a timely fashion. Understanding How Agile Works Because many organizations are switching to agile methods over traditional methods such as the systems development lifecycle, one must understand the various facets of the agile methodology. It is necessary to know why agile makes teams more productive, what form of agile is most commonly used, and the different roles of team members in an agile system. In order to fully comprehend agile systems, it is vital to understand why traditional methods have been replaced. When adopting agile, it is important and highly recommended that all members on the team know how agile works. By educating the team s members, it will better ensure that your team will yield its highest potential for productivity. Incorrect adoption of agile may iii пїј leave team members confused, hindering their productivity. Studies have shown that most members of an organization are unfamiliar with agile terms and how it works. According to OneDesk s, Agile Adoption Statistics 2012, most executives and product owners are unfamiliar with how agile works. The figure below shows agile familiarity with scrum masters, product
  • 46. Manageiral Accounting Essay Commerce 4AA3 Individual Final Assignment Chewbacca Motors International Students are expected to analyze and answer all questions of this final examination without assistance and consultation of any kind from any individuals. Please write down any assumptions you make to answer the questions. Please show all supporting calculations where necessary. 1 Chewbacca Motors International (CMI) is an international company in Canada that is currently organized into three divisions, each of which is treated as an investment centre. Divisional performance evaluation and managerial bonuses are based on achieving a 12% divisional return on investment (ROI). Divisional ROI is calculated as pretax... Show more content on ... ID s only business activity is to sell pod racers imported from PD. ID pays a 20% import duty based on the transfer price. Customs officials in Japan carefully monitor the invoices of imported manufactured goods to ensure that the goods are priced at fair values . The Government of Japan considers any price between full production cost and 150% of full production cost to be within its definition of fair value. Information on ID is provided in Exhibit 4. While ID is only two years old, it has gained a significant market share in Japan by following a penetration pricing strategy. All indications are that sales will continue to grow. In response to a recent inquiry by Hank Solo, ID s manager indicated that the proposed increase in the cost of a pod racer from PD would lead him to increase the ID sales price by $300 per unit causing volumes to decline to 1,700 per year. At the end of their meeting, Hank Solo requested Elan Harrar to analyze the company s current situation, including the TD manager s two proposals, and recommend improvements. Specifically, he would like you to determine the impact of each proposal on the pretax income and return on investment for each division and the company as a whole along with the behavioral implications of these proposals. Hank Solo would also like a discussion of the relevant considerations in setting CMI s domestic and international transfer pricing policies. Other issues, such as organization structure, performance
  • 47. Business Model And How Their Succes Has Affected On The... Nowadays there are many successful companies in the world, but the fact is that Walmart Inc. is the most competent in their industry. Their strategies and business model have led them to achieve success and make them the worlds largest retailer. In this essay I will analyze Walmarts business model and how their succes has affected to the Corporate Social Responsibility. First of all, what does Corporate Social Responsibility means? When we are talking about corporate responsibility, we talk about active and voluntary social, economic and environmental improvement contribution from companies, with the aim of improving their competitive position and their added value. Social responsibility is giving special attention to their workers and ... Show more content on ... Its business concept is the convenience store low price and high volume, discount stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets. Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and became the leader in retail. Through understanding, and sometimes unusual practices in business, led the company forward for thirty years. Walmart executives continue to rely on many targets and traditional philosophies than its predecessor left behind while simultaneously always one step ahead of technology and methods that changing environment. The organization has faced a significant amount of controversy over various issues; however, none of these has made great effect on the progress of this gigantic operation. The future also looks bright for Walmart, especially if you can strike a comfortable balance between increasing profits and recognition of its social responsibilities and ethical. Walton had a reputation for caring about their customers, their employees and the community. To maintain its market in the retail discount, Wal Mart executives continue to develop management guidelines in accordance with the principles of Walton. The word always can be seen in almost all the literature of Walmart. One of the deepest beliefs of Walton was that the customer is always right, and shops are mainly produced by this philosophy.
  • 48. Dylan Klebold Assassination The morning of April 20th, 1999 was one that will never be forgotten. The day started off as what was supposed to be a normal day in Jefferson County, Colorado, for the students attending Columbine High School. Students were piling into the school, chatting with their friends, waiting for their classes to start. Nobody expected what would happen next. At approximately 11:19 AM, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold , students of Columbine High School, began to open fire at students, teachers, and finally took the lives of themselves around 12:00 PM. The shooters of Columbine, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold s, mental states led them to plan out, and to kill 13 people, and themselves, on the morning of April 20th, 1999. Eric Harris was born on April... Show more content on ... They came to school in separate cars and waited for the bombs to go off, which would lead to students running outside where they would then begin to open fire. When the bombs did not successfully go off, they began to shoot outside the school, and then entered the school. The shooting lasted approximately 45 minutes. When the planned events were not successful, the two boys injured more than twenty students, and killed 13 of them. Right before the attack had ended in the cafeteria, Eric Harris turned the gun on himself and shot him in the head. When Dylan saw what he had done, he then killed himself. Dylan Klebold did not suffer from any mental illnesses that we know of. Dylan Klebold s inability to make romantic relationships, lack of friends, and hatred he had mentally built up inside of him for his classmates, led him to attack that morning with no warning signs. He was in a mental state that influenced his attack, with the help of his friend Eric