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Essays On Family Values
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays On Family Values" can present both challenges and
opportunities for the writer. On one hand, family values are a deeply personal and subjective
topic, making it essential to navigate with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives. On the
other hand, this subject matter allows for a rich exploration of cultural, societal, and individual
beliefs that shape our understanding of family dynamics.
The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the topic
while delving into the intricacies of various family values. One must tread carefully to avoid
generalizations, recognizing that family dynamics can vary significantly across cultures,
generations, and personal experiences.
Additionally, the writer must grapple with the task of addressing both traditional and evolving
perspectives on family values. As societal norms continue to shift, acknowledging and analyzing
these changes becomes crucial to presenting a nuanced and relevant discussion. The essay should
reflect an awareness of the diverse definitions and interpretations of family values, incorporating
historical context, cultural influences, and contemporary challenges.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to maintaining a cohesive narrative that seamlessly weaves
together different aspects of family values. The writer needs to transition smoothly between
discussing foundational principles, such as love, respect, and communication, and addressing
more complex issues like gender roles, generational gaps, and the impact of technology on
family dynamics.
Despite the complexities, the opportunity lies in the potential for introspection and personal
growth that comes with exploring the multifaceted nature of family values. This topic invites the
writer to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of the
significance of family in shaping one's identity and worldview.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays On Family Values" demands careful
consideration of diverse perspectives and the ability to navigate complex issues, it also offers a
chance for personal reflection and growth. Embracing the challenge of capturing the essence of
family values in a thoughtful and inclusive manner can result in a compelling and enriching piece
of writing.
For those seeking assistance with essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available,
including online platforms like, where similar essays and more can be ordered
to aid in the writing process.
Essays On Family ValuesEssays On Family Values
The American Nurses Association (ANA)
On My Watch
The nursing tasks include an ongoing interaction with patients, families, and other
health care team members. Because of the high involvement with patients, nurses
have the utmost responsibility to guard the patient s safety. However, the American
Nurses Association [ANA] (2015) made a valid point in stating that keeping patients
safe and well starts by having a healthy nurse working in a safe environment.
Additionally, Kieft, De Brouwer, Francke, and Delnoij (2014) also mentioned the
study of the direct correlation between the nurses working environment and the
patients quality of care. As such, nurses have to be cognizant of these environmental
safety risks staffing and occupational hazard and plan interventions for both nurses
and patients safety. ... Show more content on ...
In the article, AHRQ (2016) detailed that the patients mortality rate increases with the
additional number of patients each nurse has. Naturally, when the nurses heavy
workload disables her to monitor her patient closely, the quality and safe practice are
compromised. Likewise, AHRQ (2016) cited that the study showed nursing skills mix
affect the patient outcomes. Hence, AHRQ (2016) proposed that staffing should be
planned between nurses and managers to accommodate the changes in patients acuity
in addition to considering the nurses skills. To maintain a safe and competent
practice, nurses must develop a lifelong learning habit through continuing education
or even pursuing an advanced
Fest And Mermaid Splash Research Paper
The Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash is a unique and
entertaining event that combines a renaissance festival, music fest, food fest, and
cosplay into an explosive weekend of non stop fun making it one of the most
anticipated free events in South Florida!
Calling all scallywaggers, wenches, fairy, and mermaid fanatics! The Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) proudly announces the 5th Annual
Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash! This FREE 3 day festival kicks off Friday,
October 21, 2016 with a free concert from 6 pm 10 pm at the Ocean Avenue
Amphitheatre. The fun continues on Saturday, October 22 from 11 am 10 pm and
Sunday, October 23 from 11 am 7 pm.
Last year the Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash
Enviroment of Business
Describe 6 Forces that Operation
Managers go for or look out for in the Environment of their Businesses or
There are many forces that Operations managers go for or look for in their business
environments. They Include:
1.Threat of New Entrants
The easier it is for new companies to enter the industry, the more cut throat
competition there will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new entrants are known
as barriers to entry. Some examples include:
Existing loyalty to major brands
Incentives for using a particular buyer (such as frequent shopper programs)
High fixed costs
Scarcity of resources
Government restrictions or legislation
Entry protection ... Show more content on ...
Are there existing technological hubs that you could work with or learn from?
Are there any other technological factors that you should consider
3.Power of Suppliers
This is how much pressure suppliers can place on a business. If one supplier has a
large enough impact to affect a company s margins and volumes, then they hold
substantial power. Here are a few reasons that suppliers might have power:
There are very few suppliers of a particular product
There are no substitutes
The product is extremely important to the buyer, they cannot do without it
The supplying industry has a higher profitability than the buying industry
Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching costs
Degree of differentiation of inputs
Presence of substitute inputs
Supplier concentration to firm concentration ratio
Threat of forward integration by suppliers relative to the threat of backward
integration by firms
Cost of inputs relative to selling price of the product
4.Power of Buyers/ Customers
This is how much pressure customers can place on a business. If one customer has a
large enough impact to affect a company s margins and volumes, then they hold
substantial power. Here are a few reasons that customers might have power
Small number of buyers
Purchases of large volumes
Switching to another (competitive) product is simple
The product is not extremely important to the buyer, they can do without it for a
period of time.
Vision And Vision Of Coca-Cola
Introduction: it was established in 1886. it is an American multinational corporation.
it is one of the main largest distributor, manufacturer, and marketer of nonalcoholic
beverages. It s headquarted in Atlanta; offers 500 brands over 200
countries. The company is known for its flagship product COCA COLA. It was
invented in May 8, 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia.
History: sIn May 29, 1886 the first Coca Cola ad appeared in the Atlanta Journal on
the patent medicine page. By June of 1887, the Coca Cola trademark had been
patented through the U. S. Patent Office and the product was gaining wider
distribution. In 1891, G. Candler, an Atlanta businessman, purchased the rights to the
product and formed the... Show more content on ...
COCA COLA Vision: Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and
guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in
order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: Be a great place to
work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the
world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people s
desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers,
together we create mutual, enduring value. Planet: Be a responsible citizen that
makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit:
Maximize long term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall
responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast moving
organization. COCA COLA Mission: Our mission is to create a growth strategy that
allows us to bring good to the world by refreshing people every day and inspiring
them with optimism through our brands and our
Mao Zedong Of The Chinese Communist Party
The world has changed a lot since the formation of the Chinese Communist Party in
1949. From a nation, which was barely living during the beginning of Mao Zedong s
reign to a country that boasts the second largest economy in the world. The People s
Republic of China, as learned from class, experienced hardships that most newly
established country. Solidifying the legitimacy of the newly established Communist
Party, securing the leadership position, and pulling people from the grave and
encouraging them to become productive citizens that will help the country to grow.
Mao Zedong was successful in accomplishing the most difficult part in forming China
, help defeating the Japanese and end the 100 years of humiliation and unifying China
under ... Show more content on ...
He had a hands on experience of what China was before (during the Cultural
Revolution) and how it has evolved from that point. We are living in an epoch
where there s no single hegemonic power. Where each state pull its weight and
international organizations exist to support and ensure that it stays that way. China
is one example of a country that was left and considered insignificant
(economically) a few decades ago and now leads the world. A nation that
tremendously denounced globalization is the country that mostly benefits from it.
The US however, is moving towards the opposite. Instead of embracing
globalization trade agreements that promote it, one example is the TPP. Under the
current Trump administration, the US officially closed its doors from further
participation with the said agreement. This of course, benefits China. While
whatever China does right now can be taken as aggression and bullying of smaller
nations, we can all agree that China s action is far from surprising, but in actuality,
is an expected consequence of a rising nation. The fact is that we are not used to
probable change in status quo, China s rise in power may bring. We ve been living
in the current boundaries established since WWII and the possibility of that changing
frightens anyone, especially the one who may be directly affected. Security dilemma
occurs whenever a new power
Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance on Society
Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The
government s surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even drones. We are
told that
this constant surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us
because their
main reason is to protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. U.S.
police have been
asking for greater surveillance in order to keep pace with the technology use of
Surveillance has been a problem in our society because people think that there s too
cameras and privacy invasion which it s not necessary. People feel like they are
constantly being
watched by the government with all the new technologies. This increase in
surveillance makes us
question if the government is collecting of information for their own good. After 9
/11, the day many people lost their loved ones or were injured in the terrorist
attack on United States, surveillance has been increased to try to prevent these type
of events
from ever happening again. On 9/11 two planes crashed into the twin towers where
were trapped, killed or were injured, this day has been an unforgettable moment
because from
that day forward United States was not the same. A way that the government tries to
these things from happening is by increasing surveillance, U.S. police have been
given greater
legal and procedural latitudes to conduct a wider
My Summer Camp Experience
This Summer, I had the best time of my life. I learned some valuable lessons, I
made some friends, and I had so much fun. Even if I didn t know it. This is the
story of my summer camp experience.About two months earlier had signed up for a
Camp in Indiana called YMCA Camp Potawotami. My neighbor who is a year
younger than me went to camp with me. We got to our summer camp on the Sunday
before. I had a lot of fun, but my part of this event, is when the girls in my cabin and
I became true friends.
We walked back from swim time and going onto the walk to our cabin. Our cabin
was one of the older cabins, but it was nice. The building was a Wooden log
building with two main hallways, one for the boys and one for the girls, which both
came together in a main room that had one huge window wall, in the middle, and two
other walls on the side that had one huge window in the middle.
Ok girls, pack up your stuff for camping, but remember we re only going for one
night. Our councilor ,Greer, told us. So we packed our stuff in bags and went to set
up our tents.
We walked about half a mile up a grassy path with woods to the left, and a field of
wheat to the right. We came to a clearing that was in the shape of a circle. With it,
were two tents packed up in their tiny little bags in the middle of a circle, along
with a fire pit, and a picnic table. Ok, we need everyone to help set up, no one
should be doing nothing. Kylie exclaimed, who was our second councilor After about
Oculomotor Nerve Essay
The oculomotor nerve, or CN III, is the third cranial nerve. It is responsible for
controlling eye movement, the pupil and the movement of the upper eyelid (Jaffee
Stewart, 2016). The oculomotor nerve originates at the two nuclei, the oculomotor
nucleus and the Edinger Westphal nucleus that are at superior colliculus level of the
midbrain, travels through the brainand exits through the superior orbital fissure of the
sphenoid bone (Jaffee Stewart, 2016).
The nerve consists of two different motor fibers: the somatic motor component and
the parasympathetic motor component. The somatic motor component controls the
movement of four extrinsic muscles and the parasympathetic motor component
controls the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle,
2017, p. 44). CN III can be divided into two major branches: the superior division
and inferior division (Jaffee Stewart, 2016). The superior branch is composed of
motor fibers that innervate the levator palpebrae superioris and the superior ... Show
more content on ...
A damaged CN III can result in external strabismus, the inability to focus on objects
and the pupil will not respond to changes in the intensity of light (McKinley, O
Loughlin, Bidle, 2017, p. 44). There are several different tests that can be performed
to test the function of the nerve.
When examining the eyes for oculomotor nerve damage, observe if the eyelid
droops (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2017, p. 44). Another simple way to test the
health of the oculomotor nerve is to instruct the patient to keep their head
completely still and have only their eyes follow your finger. While standing in
front of the patient, draw two large, connecting H s with your finger ( Cranial
Nerve, 2013). The pupillary sphincter muscle can also be tested by placing a hand
vertically against the nose and shining a pen torch in each eye to see if the light
reflex is functioning ( Cranial Nerve,
Film and Soviet Bloc Nations Essay
How did the Paramount decision of 1948 change the U.S. film industry? To what
degree did the decision alter the way the industry did business?
The Supreme Court ruled against the Hollywood s monopoly of the film industry of
the United States, directing that the production and distribution of movies be
separated from movie exhibition practices. The ruling marked the death of studio era
and led to numerous changes in film industry decades later. The paramount decision
pushed the Twentieth century fox, Big Five studios, MGM, Paramount, RKO and
Warner Bros companies to sell some of their theatre chains. The ruling went ahead to
outlaw the price discriminatory and purchasing arrangements, fixing of admissions
prices, block booking and ... Show more content on ...
They utilized the emergence of innovations such as cinemascope, 3 D, stereophonic
sound and many others to produce these films.
Identify the major segments of the U.S. film going audience targeted by producers in
the 1950s. What kinds of films were produced for each of these segments? The first
one was the teen audience segment, which proved to have higher spending powers
because of their disposable income that they used mainly on entertainment.
Hollywood therefore produced films that fall under this segment such as The
Blackboard Jungle (1955) and as Rebel without a Cause (1955). The second segment
was immigrant and working class audiences that had enough money to buy tickets for
the theaters. The third segment was the films targeting anti communist groups,
whereby Hollywood produced more than 50 movies that were against the communist
societies. The films intoxicated people that hate the communist societies, saying that
these people were murderers, didn t have children and also caused problems when
arrested. Films such as, In Vittorio de Sica s featuring the Bicycle Thief, was
produced in 1950s.
What factors lay behind the upscaling of Hollywood film genres during the 1950s?
Identify the significant genres of the postwar period, and explain how each was
affected by enhanced production values and increased thematic complexity.
There are many factors that lead to the upscaling genres (Melodrama, the Western,
Designing For Many Architects And Designers
Designing for people is a challenge for many architects and designers. The idea of
creating something innovative, beautiful or in this case, sculptural, which stands the
test of time, is ideal for many designers. But what happens when a building doesn t
meet the needs of its occupants? What happens when, what is considered, a
magnificent architectural feat begins to leak, grow mold and become a safety hazard?
The Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences
(also referred to as Building 32) is housed on the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology s (MIT) historic Building 20 site. Between 1946 and 1948, Building 20
functioned primarily as a temporary facility specifically for wartime outdoor training
exercises, and as a research laboratory for war related innovations. Building 20
continued to function as a research facility until its 1998 demolition. Architect, Frank
Gehry was selected, from a pool of sixteen firms, to design the new building after
funding became available through a donation from Ray and Maria Stata in 1998. The
Institute sought a daring design that set them a part and portrayed the school as the
best. The criteria initially established by MIT in 1989 proposed buildings that
wrapped around the exterior of the site, opening the interior space to the campus. This
didn t quite match Gehry s vision. Instead, Gehry challenged MIT s traditional bar
buildings by dividing the building mass into clusters, connecting the interiors
Feasibility Of A Small Scale Natural Grass Fed Cattle Ranch
Summary The final chapter summarizes the research problem, data collection
methodology, and the analysis of the data supporting this feasibility study. The
research conclusions will provide awareness of the feasibility supporting the final
recommendations concerning a small scale natural grass fed cattle ranchin North
Platte, Nebraska. The purpose of this researchis to determine the feasibility of
starting a small scale cattle ranch, focused on raising natural grass fed cattle in
North Platte, Nebraska. The research examines operating costs associated with small
scale natural grass fed cattle operations to determine the profitability and
sustainability of a small scale natural grass fed cattle ranch. Chapter 1 defined the
research problem, the purpose of the study, provided definitions, assumptions and
limitations to the study, and presented four research questions for this feasibility
study: 1. What are the operating costs associated with raising natural grass fed
cattle? 2. Can the North Platte area sustain a natural grass fed cattle ranch? 3. Will
direct or on line sales produce more revenue? 4. Will the cattle ranch be profitable
within five years? Chapter 2 reviewed literature gathered by the researcher to conduct
the feasibility study. This literature examines 10 aspects of establishing and operating
a natural grass fed cattle ranch. Scholarly research indicated that cattle breed, land
management, and disease control are the three most
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Portfolio Allocation Optimization
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Class Project, STATS 240: Statistical Models in Financial Markets
Implemented the Black Litterman portfolio allocation method, showing that BL
method s superiority to
M V model in terms of cumulative return, sharp ratio and turnover rate in R.
Carried out the NPEB approach in portfolio allocation in MATLAB with two
teammates and tested the linkedin stability of NPEB approach using different data
3 team members
Yongqing Yuan
Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks
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Devini Senaratna
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Data Scientist at Skyhigh
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Data Scientist at Roam Insight
Bo Zeng diao
16 hours ago
Massive Data Mining Projects
January 2012
Class Assignments, CS246: Massive Data Mining
Implemented a friendship recommendation algorithm and k means clustering using
Used A priori algorithm to find association rules for merchandise in Java.
Applied both Power Iteration method and Monte Carlo approach to calculate page
rank in Java.
Implemented both user user and item item collaborative filtering recommendation...
Stanford University
Theories Of Masculinity
The term masculinity connotes certain attributes that are associated with men. In
today s postmodern world gender theorists prefer the more fluid term masculinities
because male attributes change throughout space and time (Reeser 2). Discourse
shows that masculinity is a fabrication or a construct of a given historical cultural
context (ibid.).
The first theory of masculinity as a personal identity was introduced by Sigmund
Freud (Roper 361) whereas in the Victorian and Edwardian periods the word
manliness was used. It had a fixed meaning, could not be amended to individual
properties of men and had to be achieved to be seen as a true man (cf. Whitehead 15).
Usually the meaning associated with manliness is dictated by those ... Show more
content on ...
Edwardian soldiers should leave behind the former image of ideal masculinity
which consisted of Christian virtues like straightforwardness, manly simplicity,
openness and transparent honesty (Newsome 195) and compassion, fairness, and
altruism (Roper 347) to a more aggressive identity which reflected the needs of the
army. Society believed to identify the perfect manly individual from his physical
appearance, gestures, and speech (Nye 420) rather than his inner qualities.
Ultimately, the Great War provided an opportunity to prove one s character (cf.
Roper 344). However, this failed because modern warfare imposed mass casualties
so that willpower and hardness could not help to comply to [heroic gender] roles
(Carden Coyne 111). New military tactics like chemical weaponry, aviation and heavy
artillery made close combat impossible (cf. ibid. 1). Under these circumstances many
men suffered from mental breakdowns, then known as shell shock (cf. Winter 9).
Doctors regarded the hysterical or neurotic male as an unpatriotic, welfare dependent,
and unmanly shirker (Crouthamel 62). Correspondingly, nervous complaints [were]
seen as
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is described as excessive, exaggerated
anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no logical reasons to justify it.
Symptoms from this particular type of mental disorder include over exaggerated
worrying and anxiety, an unrealistic view of situations in everyday life, fatigue,
irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and more. Life becomes a
constant state of worry and dread. Eventually, the anxiety overtakes the person s
mindset so much that it interferes with daily activities such as school, job, and
other social activities. The cause of GAD is unknown, however, there is evidence
that biology, family background, and traumatic life experiences all contribute to its
roots of development. Living with generalized anxiety disorder can be a long term
struggle. In many cases, it is accompanied by other anxiety or mood disorders.
According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, GAD affects around
6.8 million adults and women are twice as likely to be struck with it. The disorder
comes on gradually and the risk to be affected by it is highest between childhood and
middle age. Although some people may avoid certain situations because of the
disorder, others have difficulty even carrying out the simplest daily tasks due to the
anxiety being so severe. The Psychoanalytical Approach The psychoanalytical
approach developed by Freud concentrates on uncovering unconscious information
responsible for a patient s
College Drinking
Another study, similar to the design research project, showed how revision and self
regulation can essentially improve a student s writing. This study included 17
students taking a 13 week course on Women and Leadership at Brescia University
College at Western University in Ontario, Canada. Students received detailing
assignment instructions and a grading rubric covering writing, information gathering
and presentation, and quality of ideas (Feltham and Sharen, 114). The students
received six hours of classroom instruction, which consisted of: library research,
critical thinking, writing, giving and receiving feedback, and revision strategies. To
determine whether the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of the subjects changed, a pre
and post... Show more content on ...
Certain aspects of college life, such as unstructured time, the widespread availability
of alcohol, inconsistent enforcement of underage drinking laws, and limited
interactions with parents and other adults, can create an atmosphere where students
lose sight of their academic career and ultimately their self regulation ( College
Drinking ). Often times, student find themselves putting off their work simply
because the due date is days, weeks, or even months from now. This ultimately leads
to anxiety and stress as the time comes closer and students realize that none of their
work is done. The solution to this is to improve the individual s self regulation and
motivate them by making them accountable for their writing. By creating a timeline
or set of short dates in which items are due, students are more likely to follow through
with their work and complete it in a timely manner, as displayed with Feltham and
Sharen s study. Also, by incorporating social media, a large distraction for this, and
future, generations such as weblogs, students are able to perform in an environment
they are more comfortable and interested in, which inspires and motivates them to
write more (as displayed in the Bangkok University and Baggetun and Watson
studies). Finally, by peer work and communication, students
House Music Research Paper
House, Techno, and Trance are subgenres of electronic dance music. Electronic
dance music became mainstream in the 1970s. The Moog synthesizer which was
released in the mid 1960s is the first iconic instrument of electronic music. The
1970s can be described as the synthpop and disco era in which, Kraftwerk was a
significant German band made in 1970 who used rhythmic sounds of bands like Led
Zeppelin and Deep Purple and combined it with the futuristic sounds of the Moog
synthesizer and vocoder. Giorgio Moroder also used electronic musicto capitalize on
the growing disco music trend and helped popularized it when he produced tracks for
other artists such as Donna Summer and David Bowie. His use of synthesizers
introduced the electronic sound... Show more content on ...
Website such as Youtube and Soundcloud makes EDM easily accessible. Tiesto, a
Dutch trance producer, got worldwide recognition for performing his Parade of the
Athletes album during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics 2004 in
Athens, Greece. This album was 98 minutes long. Modern electronic artists include
Daft Punk, the duo of French artists Guy Manuel de Homem Christo and Thomas
Bangalter, Avicii, or Tim Bergling who is a Swedish artist, Pierre David Guetta,
another French artist, and Skrillex, or Sonny John Moore who is an American
artist. DJs usually got larger profits than bands because bands usually play up to one
hour while DJs can play up to four hours. In conclusion, EDM is a really popular and
modern music
Essay on Structure Of The Lost Honour O
Heinrich Böll uses his novel, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, to attack modern
journalistic ethics as well as the values of contemporary Germany. The structure of
this novel is important to conveying his message. He uses a police report format,
differences in chapter lengths, narrator or author intervention, a subtitle, and the
extensive use of the puddle metaphor. All these things contribute towards the message
in the text.
The puddle metaphor is the most significant device used in the structure of the novel.
The puddle ; means the collective information from all the sources. The narrator
speaks of the information as fluid and he also talks of the conduction of the
information coming from these different sources. There are ... Show more content on ...
Around this time is the celebratory period of Carnival. However there is no hint of
any celebratory moods in the tone. It is all extremely formal. It can be said that the
format of this book is related to how Katharina Blum herself lives her life. The
possible reason that this story is set in this police report format is that Heinrich Böll
wants the reader to know the facts since all the facts come together in the end. The
story uses flashbacks so the reader knows what is happening somewhere else at the
same time. It could be said that the reader is finding out all this information in the
same order as the police investigation. It seems that the information is scattered and,
just like the police, the reader has to try and piece together the puzzle. However, this
is all done for the reader in the end. This is another example of how the puddle
metaphor is used. The information scattered means that the channel is always
changing course.
The tone of this story, and even the text itself says that this is a police report, but the
use of short and long chapters could possibly suggest something different. In the
short chapters there are little bursts of action, whilst in the longer chapters it goes
into far more detail. This is like a newspaper in a way, the headlines with the bursts
of action, and the pages the story is continued on go into more detail, however, this
reasoning is probably incorrect since the author is trying
The Turin Shroud Speech
( removed HTML ) Perhaps one of the most famous religious relics in the world is
the Turin Shroud. Measuring at thirteen and a half feet long by four and a half feet
wide, the shroud depicts the image of a bearded man, said to be Jesus Christ.
According to the legends, it was used to wrap the body of Christ after crucifixion
by Joseph of Arimathea. The first appearance of the shroud in documented history
came in 1357, in the little village of Lirey, France. It was then taken to ChambГ©ry
in 1457, where it was there in 1532 that the shroud was almost destroyed in a
ferocious fire. The event left charred marks on the corner of the folds in the fabric,
and in 1578 it was taken to Turin where it has since remained. The Catholic Church
is thoroughly convinced that the shroud possesses a genuine physical record of
Christ s body, and the cloth is rarely shown to the public. ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) Although, organized religion has not always been so accepting.
Documents written by the Bishop of Troyes and Pope Clement VII from 1389
have been uncovered which note that the Bishop asked the Pontiff to publicly
declare that the shroud was merely a painting. He stated that the image had
actually been painted by an artists, but the priests in Lirey had started tricking the
public into believed it was Christ s authentic death shroud. The Pop bowed to the
Bishop s wishes, and declared that the shroud could keep being shown to the
public, but each time it was, the local priest was forced to announce to the public
that the relic only depicted a painted copy of Christ s real shroud. ( removed
HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Over the course of time such practices dwindled away,
and the authenticity of the shroud was assumed. The earliest days of the age of
science seemed to confirm this belief. During 1898, photographic experts revealed
the image was a negative picture, and when seen in reverse tones, the outline showed
a much more detailed view of the body. In subsequent years, Dr. Paul Vignon
constructed a theory that such a phenomenon was caused by ammonia emanating
from Christ s dead body after his death. Vignon strongly believed the resulting image
was beyond the ability of any forger, and must
Ancient Calendar Research Paper
Muatasim Shaout
English 3
30 September 2016
Ancient Calendars
Accepted systems for the division of time into days, months, and years, calendars
reflect a human effort to measure and order extended periods of the future. Scholars
divide calendars into three general categories lunar, solar, and lunisolar depending
upon whether their temporal divisions are principally based upon the movements of
the moon or the sun or on a compromise between both. Regarding Western forms of
chronology, in which solar reckoning of time predominates, historians have studied
calendar reform, which encapsulates many scientific advancements and cosmological
debates of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. In their studies of other parts of the
world, where ... Show more content on ...
Building upon the work of the astronomer Christoph Clavius, whose calculations
had produced a closer approximation of the tropical year, the Gregorian Reform
removed centurial leap years, except for those divisible by 400. While the reform
was rapidly accepted throughout Catholic Europe, Protestant countries were resistant.
Over time, new scientific discoveries concerning the mechanics of the universe were
brought to light, causing astronomers, regardless of religious persuasion, to
acknowledge the errors of the old system. Notably, as the work of Sir Isaac Newton
in the seventeenth century effectively annihilated the last remnants of the ancient and
flawed Ptolemaic cosmological model and presented a new vision of the universe,
resistance began to erode. Eventually the German states fell into line by 1699, in
large part due to the lobbying efforts of Newton s contemporary, Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz. Still, the change was not accepted until 1752 in England, where, tradition
has it, the loss of 11 days in the calendar sparked protest the so called British time
riots throughout the
Medical Malpractice and Tort Systems Essay
Health care organizations, particularly hospitals, currently face numerous legal
issues, several of which will be examined in this paper. The first issue to be
examined is medical malpractice and the tort system. The medical malpractice and
tort system makes up one of the major legal issues encountered by hospitals and
health systems. Showalter (2012) states that with the decline of charitable immunity
in the 1970s, healthcare was one of the areas impacted by personal injury law and
was held liable for negligent acts. Today, malpractice continues to be a significant
problem. Malpractice lawsuits are considered when negligence in medical treatment
provided by a physician, surgeon, other health professional, or hospital results in
injury.... Show more content on ...
In addition, according to Showalter (2012), physicians consider malpractice suits a
substantial contributing factor to increasing health costs and defensive medicine.
Furthermore, Nelson, Morrisey, and Morrisey (2011) report that physicians
emphasize the negative impact of malpractice lawsuits on their reputations, since
judgments and settlements must be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank.
Like the malpractice and tort system, HIPAA and data breaches are an important legal
issue that health organizations face. HIPAA was enacted in 1996 to ensure medical
insurance portability and later, to improve standards for health information privacy
and security (Showalter, 2012). As a result, it is currently extremely important that
health organizations are in compliance with HIPAA regulations and ensure that
patient records are protected; health organizations that fail to comply can face
significant legal costs and penalties. In November 2010, Page and Fields (2011)
report that six hospitals and a nursing home in California that failed to prevent
unauthorized access to confidential patient information were levied a fine totaling
$792,000 in November 2010. More recently, the General Hospital Corporation and
Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, which represent Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston, had to pay the
Attention Hyperactive Impulsive Defecit Disorder
INTRODUCTION Attention Hyperactive impulsive Deficit Disorder, or also
known as ADHD, is under the category of IDEA, which is the Other Health
Impairments. It is considered as one of the most common childhood mental disorder,
affecting more than one in every twenty children (Shaw, 2008). Moreover, this
condition can continue through adolescence and adulthood. IDEA defines it as a
neurobiological based developmental disorder in children and adults with a
persistent pattern of problems in the areas of inattention, hyperactivity and
impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in
individuals at a comparable level of development. DSM IV defined ADHD as same as
... Show more content on ...
Sugars and food additives are believe to worsen the symptoms of ADHD but the
studies found it to be wrong. It is not proven to be a cause of ADHD because based
on the studies conducted, there is no difference in behaviour if the person take
sugar and food additives or not. (NIMH, 2012) ADHD is also associated with other
disorders like learning disabilities, bipolar, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct
disorder and tourette syndrome. Though some persons with ADHD could have co
existed conditions, it is not applicable to all. In addition, there is a big difference
between bipolar and ADHD. ADHD is the difficulty in regulating emotions while
bipolar is a mood disorder wherein over regulation of emotions. On the other hand,
oppositional defiant disorder is also different with ADHD in terms that ODD do
aggressive things purposively but ADHD may do aggressive things out of his
impulsiveness, not intentionally. BODY PHYSICAL DOMAIN `Persons with
ADHD have trouble in getting themselves sit still; they d like to move always to
stimulate themselves. In boys, they have excessive physical movement and for
girls, they are more likely to do excessive talking. Since ADHD is always in motion,
they got more prone to accidents by this (NICE, 2009). According to Dr. Barkley,
ADHD is having these troubles and difficulties because the motor cortex of their
brain is
Elf Battle and Gwyndor
A long time ago, in a land far, far away from this land we know, there was a land
called Gwyndor, a place where all kinds of life existed. Men, Dwarves, Elves and
other creatures lived in this mysterious land. However, Gwyndor was not all a
place of peace and prosperity, far off near the borders of the east, there was a land
called Azurg, a land where the sun forbid to shine and simply setting foot in the
land drains the life right out of you if you were not strong enough. Right in the
center of Azurg there was a dark and gloomy empire filled with hundreds of
thousands of fang bearing, fearsome creatures who crafted crude weapons out of
metal they gained from fallen warriors whom they slayed, but in the center of the
empire there was a lone tower, and in this tower there was a conjurer of dark magic
whom no man had ever seen, for once you saw him, you never escaped with your
life. This sorcererremained nameless because no one could describe him because no
one ever got a look at him before his or her time was ended. No one ever knew what
that creature was doing up in his tower but one day nearly fifty years ago this good
world figured it out. One day the sorcererreleased darkness over all the land of
Gwyndor, all the villages and towns of Gwyndor were destroyed and none who
stood up to him succeeded. However on one fateful day all the inhabitants of
Gwyndor came together, Men, Elves, and Dwarves marched onto the border of
Azurg. A company of men led by the ruler
Hampton Road Assessment
Identification The name of the community is Norfolk. It is part of the Hampton
Roads area, a region of 1.6 million people located in The Commonwealth of Virginia.
Norfolk has about 245,803 residents and more than 100 diverse neighborhoods (U.S
Census, 2010). The government unit of the city is made up of the Mayor, City
Council, City Manager, City Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue, and
Commonwealth Attorney . Norfolkis classified as the major business, financial, and
educational hub of Hampton Roads.(hamptonroadschamber) The City also hosts the
world s largest United States Naval Base and one of the busiest international ports on
the East Coast (
According to the 2010 U.S Census, the racial breakdown in Norfolk is as follows: ...
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( II. Resources in the Community Most of the welfare, recreational,
civic and housing Community Facilities are provided by the city of Norfolk. For
example, Norfolk Department of Human Services provides: Auxiliary grants Child
Care Assistance Emergency Assistance Energy Assistance FAMIS (low cost health
insurance for children) SNAP General Relief Medicaid Refugee Resettlement
Program Temporary Assistance for Needy Families In addition, NHDS provides
complimentary services such as utilities assistance, energy assistance, and burial
expenses. Moreover, the department provides domestic violence program to educate
and assists citizens on how to get help in this difficult predicament, including shelter,
safety planning, court accompaniment, and referrals to appropriate services.
Attaining Virtue in The Republic of Plato
In the Republic of Plato, the philosopher Socrates lays out his notion of the good,
and draws the conclusion that virtue must be attained before one can be good. For
Socrates there are two kinds of virtue; collective and individual. Collective virtue is
virtue as whole, or the virtues of the city. Individual virtuepertains to the individual
himself, and concerns the acts that the individual does, and concerns the individual s
soul. For Socrates, the relationship between individual and collective virtue is that
they are the same, as the virtues of the collective parallel those of the Individual. This
conclusion can be reached as both the city and the soul deal with the four main
virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice.
To be begin with, an individual cannot be good until they have attained the virtue
of wisdom, and the same can be said for the city. For the individual, the person
must not only be wise himself, but his soul must have wisdom. The only way to
achieve this according to Socrates, is through for philosophy. In this way it is the
same for the city, for in the city, wisdom lies with the guardians as they are the
philosophers. The guardians are put in charge of the city because of their knowledge
of how the city should be run. Because of this, the Guardians wisdom becomes the
City s. (Book IV)
The second virtue that must be attained is courage. For the Individual, courage must
be in the soul to resist temptations, and to be ready to fight. The same is for
Advantages Of Neoconservatism In International Relations
Neoconservatism in International Relations
Neoconservatives have faith in the might of the American Army and its
predominance at the level of labor, gear and advancement. They trust that the US has
the military intends to reshape the world as per its own particular advantages, and
thusly, they tend to benefit military control over tact. Like Jacksonians, Neocons hate
multilateral organizations and have a tendency to see them as feeble and wasteful.
They like to act singularly, regardless of the possibility that it implies violating
global law. This carelessness comes from the Neocon adoration for the RMA,
Revolution in the Military Affairs, which means a dependence on stealth innovation,
air conveyed accuracy guided weapons and versatile ground powers. Precisely what
the Bush organization would convey in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Wilsonian side of
Neoconservatism is clear in the development s advancement of the
internationalization of law based govern to whatever number places as could
reasonably be expected. The Neocon mind is Manichean and trusts that the world
partitions into great states and awful states, and that majority rules systems have
amiable expectations, notwithstanding the vote based peace hypothesis which asserts
that popular governments don t run at war with each other. Thus the more the U.S.
democratizes the less danger of wars there is. This is the thing that Francis
Fukuyama basically called the finish of history . Obviously the occasions of 9 11 put
An Analysis of Forensic Psychology in the Film, Primal Fear
Forensic psychology in Primal Fear (1996) Primal Film (1996) is a legal thriller with
Martin Vail represented as an ambitious; high profile Chicago Defense Lawyer hired
to defend Aaron Kentucky charged with murder of Chicago s Archbishop, Richard
Rushman. During the trial, Martin Vail discloses that the Archbishop was involved in
sexual harassment and other political issues. Based on various substantial factors,
Martin Vail believed that Aaron suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder, which
instigated his action of killing the Archbishop. Vail highlighted the following two
distinct personalities that instigated the death of the archbishop. They comprise; a.A
psychotic, sociopathic, and prevailing alter ego known as Roy b.His usual logical
self named Aaron who recalled nothing pertaining to the incidence. During the cross
examination, the aggressive Roy blew out from Aaron s character and assaulted
Laura Linney, the assistant District Attorney Prosecutor. Vail took advantage of the
situation by defending his client based on insanity. However, at the end of the film,
there is a clear shocking twist, when Aaron congratulates his lawyer for his
competence. Aaron sends apologies to Laura for the assault he caused. It dawns on
Vail that Aaron was still recalling what Roy did, rather than forgetting the incident.
Roy unknowingly revealed his guiltiness of killing the archbishop. It was evident that
his presence in the courtroom was premeditated, and Roy was his real
How Does Antigone Bury Her Brother
If you wanted a family member or a friend to be left unburied and you knew they
would never find peace, would you face the consequences of being stoned to death?
Antigone, the Protagonist, had the obligation to bury her brother while challenging
Creon, the king, to his laws. She believes in family first rather than government first.
In Antigoneby Sophocles, Antigone did do the right thing when she buried her brother.
Admittedly, Antigone is putting her sister, Ismene, at risk by telling her about her
plan to bury her brother, Polyneices. However, Antigone thinks about the eternal
life of her brother. Antigone says, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down
/ with him in death, and I shall be as dear / To him as he to me (56 58). Antigone
challenges Ismene s feelings to their brother s eternal peace. Antigone says, I am not
afraid of the danger; if it means death, / It will not be the worst of deaths death
without honor (80 81). Antigone challenges herself that going against Creon s laws is
worth burying her brother. ... Show more content on ...
Antigone responds, I should have praise and honor for what I have done. / All these
men here would praise me (98 99). Antigone challenges Creon to the attitude of the
Chorus. Antigone challenges herself that the Chorus would praise and honor her for
what she has done. Antigone angrily says, Ah the good fortune of Kings, / Licensed
to say and do whatever they please! (101 102). Antigone challenges Creon s worth
ethic by confronting him with what she believes in. Antigone assumes that standing
up against him will eventually make him believe in what she had
Powder And Metalloids
The Effect of Black Powder and Different Metalloids on the Boom of a Firework
Bryce Jobson and Zach Bollmann
7th hour Chemistry II
Ms. Babb
Table of Contents
Background Research......................................................................
Materials List..................................................................................
Experimental Procedure....................................................................
Works Cited....................................................................................
Bryce Jobson and Zach Bollmann
Ms. Babb
7th hour Chemistry II
May 1, 2015
Will using the same amount of gunpowder and the same amount of metalloids(but
different types of metalloids) affect the loudness(boom)?
Independent Variable: the metalloids (lithium, sodium, barium, copper, potassium,
Dependent Variable: Size(boom) of... Show more content on ...
Two basic types of fireworks are the firecracker and sparkler. Firecrackers are
simply made of rolled paper tubes with black powder, which is made of a strong
oxider, and a fuse, which adds heat to the oxider, resulting in a boom . Sparklers
are just a little bit different they are essentially a long fuse with black powder
around it, so they stay lit longer and show color. The color comes from a reaction
with specific metals like aluminium, copper, and zinc(How Are Fireworks Made?).
The fireworks that most professional shows contain are known as the aerial
fireworks. They are normally made of shells containing black powder, the mortar
itself, stars, shell, bursting charge, and fuse. The stars in the fireworks are spread
out in the shell and they create the sparkling like figure. The bursting charge is in
the center and when the lit fuse hits it, the firework explodes (How Are Fireworks
Made?). Some also use multi break shells to create different
Bartleby The Scrivener Research Paper
The Effects of Bartleby s Depression Herman Melville s Bartleby the Scrivener is a
story about a Wall Street Lawyer dealing with a worker who refuses to do anything
when asked. This worker, Bartleby, initially starts off by being an excellent
scrivener. However, when time passes, he starts refusing to make copies or do any
other task that he s required to do. During this period, Bartleby shows the effects of
depression because of his lack of motivation, social isolation, and refusal to eat. His
lack of motivation impacted Bartleby negatively, which will have negative
consequences in his future. Bartleby gradually loses his motivation to work in the
Wall Street Office. The lawyer wants him to examine a small document but... Show
more content on ...
Bartleby s depression affects the lawyer the most because he makes him move his
office and also his clients notice him there. In the New York Times article, the wife
deals with her husband who experiences depression. She states, The secrecy around
his illness had a tremendous impact not just on him, but on me. Yet because it was
his illness, and he didn t want to talk about it, I felt as if I had no right to talk about
it either. So outside of my family and a few close friends, I didn t talk about it with
anyone (New York Times). The lawyer is going through the same type of
experience as the wife does because they were both getting impacted by someone
else s depression. The Lawyer and the wife both find it as a burden because it
makes their lives harder. The lawyer finds Bartleby s depression as a burden for
being bad for business and husband s depression as being bad for the reduction of
income. Bartleby doesn t interact with any of the lawyer s clients and doesn t do
anything at all in the office. He causes problems for the next lawyer who tells the
police to arrest him which leads him to his death by refusing to deal with his
Compare And Contrast Essay On My Cup Of Tea
Coffee Just Isn t My Cup of Tea
As people kick their tired feet up, comfortably nestle their aching bodies into a
cozy position, what do they do next? Do they chug a mug of energy or sip a cup of
relaxation? In today s society, there has been a distinguishing difference between
people who choose between the beverages of coffee and tea. Further, our drink
preferences let on more than we think at first sip. There are a variety of specialty
stores and aisles in the supermarket because, believe it or not, we have an
indescribable desire for the perfect fix.
After struggling out of bed, most people like Abigail, a coffee enthusiast, wake up
to the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Perhaps it is the sweet aroma, the feel
of the coffee beans, or even just the sheer joy of the dark liquid filling her body
with a pleasant warmth, Abigail appreciates the warm sensation as she takes a sip
of her coffee. For coffee lovers like her, coffee is the most essential part of their
morning and is for them, a rush of energy. Coffee is a fast paced beverage that
matches the rushed life of the person drinking it. However, if you are an admirer of
tea, people like Blair consume the slow paced drink, making sure to take time to sip
it, often staring out the window and contemplating about life. Tea drinkers take it
slow, while coffee drinkers are looking for a rush. For these two women, even if
everything in their day is going wrong, their coffee or tea are the one thing that go
Why Do Chlorine Remains In A Pool
I chose this project because I am a competitive swimmer and I have been
swimming for the past ten and a half years. I wanted to find out how much chlorine
remains in a pool each day after chlorination. I am interested to see how much
residual chlorine is left and the range in which there appears skin irritation and red
eyes because I have experienced the red eyes and itchy skin due to over chlorination.
Chlorine is used in pools in either a gaseous or as sodium or calcium hypochlorite.
The chlorine is added to water to help prevent people from getting sick from disease
producing microorganisms. The chlorine that is added and reacts with the organic
material and metals in the water is the chlorine demand for the water as it will not
be available for any disinfection that keeps people from getting sick while in the
pool. The residual test is ... Show more content on ...
The free iodine is than titrated with the sodium thiosulphate solution.
I2 + 2 S2O32 2 I + S4O62
For every two moles of thiosulphate, one mole of iodine is needed so the amount of
iodine mole needed is half the amount of thiosulphate moles that are needed. Starch
is used as the indicator for the end point because the iodine and water is such a faint
yellow color that the starch will combine with any of the iodine that is still present
and turn it a blue color and the end point for the titration is than easier to notice.
I found the amount of amount of residual chlorine using the equation:
Residual chlorine = volume of Na2S2O3 x Concentration of Na2S2O3 x mass of 1
mol Cl x 1000 Volume of sample pool water
Adverse effects can occur if there is too much residual chlorine in water. The use of
chlorine can possibly cause carcinogenic compounds such as chloroform. There is
still an ongoing debate if chlorine is the best way to disinfect a
Analysis Of Learning To Read By Malcolm X
Learning how to read is one of the most common processes in the world. For me,
learning how to read is the most useful ability that I have learned throughout my
entire life. For others, most people learn how to read though different languages in
different ways. For Malcolm X, he found reading to be appealing and devoted so
much time to it. Malcolm X recounts his personal history of learning to read and
how he finds reading to be the most important skill and influence everything in his
life. He retells his history of reading several books and dictionaries and how th
process slowly affected his life. He elaborates how reading increases a performance
and efficiency to heighten their potential. In Learning to Read, by Malcolm X, he...
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He repeats the various books that he read and it shows the variety of what he read.
For example, he repeats the sentence with I and goes on to talk about reading about
the horrors of slavery (165). It is not directly claimed, but it can be inferred that what
he read had an effect on his goals in later life. This even further shows how using
repetition reiterates a thought and drives the thought into the reader s mind. The
extensive examples prove that Malcolm X uses repetition along with anecdotes to
remind the reader that the events in the story happened to him and not anyone else.
Although Malcolm X s repetition does a splendid job of conveying his message, the
strongest tools in his arsenal are his anecdotes, or short stories. Because the text is a
narrative, it tells mostly of real events in his life. He tells this narrative through
anecdotes about his time in prison reading countless books and texts. For example, he
recounts the time that he read the dictionary, reciting countless volumes of words just
to learn new things (162). This demonstrates that all of these event that he mentions
happen to him and were true. When Malcolm X uses this anecdote he is saying that a
simple dictionary furthered a man that would become one of the most prominent civil
rights activists. This further proves his point that learning to read is the most
important and influential ability
What Does Gertrude s Wardrobe Represent
For my visual representation of Queen Gertrude, I created a model of a wardrobe
containing various articles of clothing from the Elizabethan era that symbolize
different aspects of Gertrude s Personality. The wardrobe itselfs contains a lock on
the outside, as not much is actually known for certain about Gertrude s true nature
because she has very few lines, and much of what we know about her comes from the
opinions of other characters. The first item of clothingon the left side of the wardrobe
is a corset. A corset not only molds a womans torso to its desired shape, but also
forces the women to stand up straight, and can thus be seen as a symbol of the stern
and down to earth side of Gertrude s personality. This is the aspect of her personality
that commands Polonius to speak of more matter with less art and that reprimands
Hamlet for speaking... Show more content on ...
This represents the incestuous...adulterate side of Gertrude that Hamlet spends so
much time dwelling on (I.v.49). However, it is important to note that Gertrude
never confirms that her reason for marrying Claudius was sexual desire, and for
this reason, the smock is proportionally smaller than the rest of the clothing. Next
is a farthingale, which is a hooped petticoat that was meant to add volume to the
wearer s skirts. Just as a farthingale was used to elevate skirts, Gertrude took certain
actions in order to elevate her position in the royal court, such as her o erhasty
marriage to Claudius (II.ii.60). She was well aware that there would be
consequences to a quick marriage, but decided that the benefits outweighed them,
just as women wore hoop skirts to improve beauty even if it meant sacrificing
comfort. I chose to include a drawing of a mirror in order to reiterate the fact by
solely looking at Gertrude s outer appearance, there is not much that the reader can
learn about
Causes Of The Great Schism
Was the Great Schism a good thing?
The Greek and Roman empires were two different and unique places to live. Even
though they had many differences, they also had many similarities with one another.
One of the biggest similarities between these two great empires was they both
practiced the religion of Christianity. People may not know but they practiced
different types of Christianity in these two empires. The Romans would practice in
Catholic churches while the Greeks would practice in the Orthodox church. The
reason for these two churches to split up was because of an event called the Great
Schism which caused Christianity to split into these two churches. Many people at
the time might say that this was a good thing, others might say it s a bad thing. The
schism caused many different event to occur. According to the documents,
assumption of power and rivalry over land was the causes of the schism, churches
blaming each other and ill treatment were its effects. One of the events that lead to
the schism was that one church had more power that the other. As it states in
Document 1, If he wishes to judge us and even rule us and our church, not by taking
council with us but his own arbitrary (Document 1). This quote is said by an
Orthodox Archbishop named Nicomedia. In other words, Nicomedia s trying to say
that the Roman Catholic church things it has more power than the Greek Orthodox
church. Nicomedia complains that the Catholic church is trying to take over the
Regeneration Analysis
Regeneration. Architectural propositions. A look at practical solutions ad proposal
for the regereration on he cixommunity
As a result of the exposure explained in prior chapters, A spotlight of sorts has been
cast on the community, bring it to front of public discuss. More people and
organisation are aware of the dilapidated conditions and as a result are driven to want
to facilitate development of the community. To explore this, two large scale
regeneration schemes will explored in details. The first is a Waterfront Regeneration
plan put forward by the Henriech Boil Foundation and the Social and Economic
Rights Action Center (SERAC) Lagos. The Second is the Lagos Water Communities
project by NLE.
The Guardian online also suggested in ... Show more content on ...
Second is the Lagos Water Communities project by NLE. This project addresses the
issue of Climate change emphasised by rapid organisation . It presents structures
identical to the Makoko Floating School arranged in a cluster to form a large
system. In this scheme, A series of A shaped 10m by 10m wide pyramids floated
on 256 recycled plastic barrels existing on 3 levels like the MFS but housing
diverse program are populated. The structure, solar powered and containing its
own rainwater and waste collection mechanism could represent a prototype that
can be adopted to be homes, community hubs, worship space, social space and
much more. Some of this structure may be connected as smaller clusters to allow
for larger activity space, for example four of these may be connected diagonally by
a wooden platform to accommodate a larger school as well as give stronger
anchorage to the structure and prevent drifting. After a year an a half of deliberation
and testing from the conclusion of the construction of MFS in early 2013 to the its
eventual commission in late 2015, The Lagos state government finally approved the
model proposed in this scheme and stated that it would be taken into considering for
future development in the community. Chapter 6 above provides detailed explanation
about the Makoko Floating School project, however, before the crash of the first
prototype in Makoko, a second prototype tilted MFS 2 was exhibited at the 2016
Venice Biennale. Interstingly, the first
Suffering In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor
In Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud attempts to explain the sources of
human suffering: We are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our
own body, which is doomed to decay and dissolution and which cannot even do
without pain and anxiety as warning signals; from the external world, which may
rage against us with overwhelming and merciless forces of destruction; and finally
from our relations to other men (54). Ultimately concluding that the most
heartbreaking kind of suffering is the pain felt due to the words and actions of our
peers, specifically our loved ones, Freud laments the necessity of turning to others in
order to find some sort of joy and argues... Show more content on ...
For most of this chapter, Ivan recites a poem he wrote titled The Grand Inquisitor to
Alyosha, who listens in silent horror. Ivan begins his poem with the rebirth of Christ
on earth, walking the streets and curing the sick. Christ s actions get the attention of
The Grand Inquisitor, who imprisons Christ and lectures to him that night. The Grand
Inquisitor accuses Christ of dooming humans to perpetual suffering by granting
humans free will, something that they think they want but actually harms them, for
it is a heavy burden upon mankind, who suffers with the knowledge that they are
free to choose or reject Christianity, but without the willpower it takes to be faithful,
rendering them all damned forever. As The Grand Inquisitor attacks Christ for
overestimat[ing] mankind (256), believing that they had the power to freely love
Christ, Christ himself remains silent, until at the very end, when The Inquisitor is
finished speaking, he rises and gently kisses him on his bloodless, ninety year old
lips (262). The Inquisitor responds by setting Christ free. Ultimately, Christ s
silence tells all; his kiss is the whole answer (262) His silence reveals his attempts to
understand The Grand Inquisitor s perspective, his look of apparently not wishing to
contradict anything (262) reveals that he too understands the ambiguity of faith and
how difficult it is for some people to accept religion when they are so caught up in
the contradictions faith presents. And while Christ s kiss does not banish this
ambiguity, it does reveal a profound compassion for The Inquisitor, an
acknowledgement of his suffering, and The Inquisitor s ultimate decision to free
Christ reveals his own compassion for another s
Biography Of Herbert And I Got Married
Page 1: Herbert and I got married on February 10th, 1899 at my mother s home in
Monterey, California. He pursued a career in engineering and became very successful.
Page 2: In 1914, Herbert became very popular for his help in World War I bringing
over 120,000 Americans back from Europe. He also successfully helped create a
Commission of Relief in Belgium to help feed their people during the war.
Page 3: Because of his success in feeding the people of Belgium, in April of 1917,
my husband excepted President Wilson s request for him to become the head of the
U.S. Food Administration. Herbert would use the slogan food will win the war
which became very popular.
Page 4: To help supply more food for the soldiers, Herbert created set days... Show
more content on ...
His goal was to create an efficient economy. One thing he achieved was creating a
standardized product which would make items more safe for consumers.
Page 8: I remember there was a terrible flood in Mississippi in the year of 1927 that
left 1.5 million people homeless. There were also over 120,000 homes destroyed.
Page 9: My husband was sent there and set up health units that helped clear malaria
and typhoid fever from several areas. He also went spoke on radio and recieved
donations from people that totaled up to $15,000. Herbert was praised greatly.
Page 10: In 1929 he was elected to run as a presidential candidate. President
Coolidge did not plan on running for his second term. Because of Herbert s
popularity as secretary, he won and became the 31st president of the United States on
March 4, 1929. I was so proud of him.
Ch 2: Stock Market Crash of 1929
Page 1: As president, he wanted to improve the regulation systems and banish poverty.
But unfortunately after a couple of month, Herbert was put into a difficult situation.
Page 2: On October 29th, 1929, just only eight months into Herbert s presidency, the
stock market crashed. Investors lost billions of dollars after trading over 16 million
shares on the New York Exchange. Most people invested their whole life savings into
the stock market because of the stock market boom in 1925.
Page 3: On October 24th, or also known as Black Thursday,
Graycloud By John Nola Analysis
Like Nola, Ruth Graycloud, was exploited and subjugated by her white husband,
John Tate. Ruth was Moses Graycloud s twin sister. Like Nola, Ruth was an Osage
woman who became a victim of one of the white men who married Native American
women to get access to Osage oil wealth. Despite marrying a Native American woman
, Tate had no respect to Native Americans. As Yanka Kroumova Krasteva contends,
Tate constantly takes pictures of the Indians, as if they were archaeological finds.
And this is the way he treats his Indian wife (55). Tate was a photographer; he used
to appear at all significant events in the Indian territory standing behind the three
legged stand that held his camera, his head covered with black cloth, his own good
eye seeing everything through glass lenses (Hogan, Mean Spirit 58). He used to
photograph Native Americans and send their pictures to magazines. Tate first used
Ruth as a model then as source of income . (Hogan, Mean Spirit 179). He
humiliated and abused her; he did not love her, disliked to be seen with her. They
seldom went anywhere together, but when they did, he never walked at her side
(Hogan, Mean Spirit 134). At the end of Mean Spirit Tate killed Ruth. As a result,
Moses shot him dead.
In fact, Hogan highlights the oppression inflicted upon women. Meanwhile, she
pinpoints the previously discussed ecofeminist principle that women s liberation is
inseparable from the struggle against the oppression and abuse of
Causes Of Mistreatment In Zoos
The Hidden Factor
On average about 175 million people visit a zoo per year. However, the majority of
these people fail to notice a relative issue that is lying in front of their faces. That
these animals within these zoos are suffering every day from mistreatment and
abuse. Most of the society ignores the many factors that have been revealed to them
every time they enter a zoo. Instead, society focuses in on issues that are happening
right now, the issues that draw out the media and are on the cover of every
newspaper. However, these animals facing this mistreatment are relevant and do
impact society. Every time an animal is taken from the wild and placed in the
captivity of a zoo it impacts the mental health of the animal and endangers everyone
and everything around it. Zoos are to blame for this endangerment, yet so is the
public for overlooking mistreatment such as an early death in animals, mental illness,
and being imported illegally from the wild.
When most of the society thinks of a zoo, they think of family fun and a weekend of
their childhood. However, what society fails to notice is that zoos are a deathtrap for
the animals living inside of them. Most animals in zoos die much earlier than they
do in the wild. One factor that causes this early death is entertainment for the
visitors. For example, according to the article, Killing Animals at the Zoo by Ian
Parker reveals two biology students were scheduled to dissect a young lion in front
of a family audience
Consequences Of The Book Thief
Life takes place through series of causes and effects. For every decision made, a
consequence occurs, either good or bad. In essence, history is an effect, and the
consequences of people s decisions are the cause.
Many would say that death is the ultimate consequence. In the eyes of historians,
only one period of time can truly express death as a worst case scenario come true:
the Holocaust.
After World War 1, Hitler and the Nazi partyrose to power in Germany, and the
world is still feeling the loss that was inflicted during that time. Towards the
beginning of World War 2, Nazi Germanybegan to relocate and kill members of
certain ethnic groups and belief systems. Among those persecuted were Jews,
Jehovah s witnesses, homosexuals, and gypsies. ... Show more content on ...
Afraid that officers would come, search the house, and find Max, they try to find
Max a new place to stay. The plan is to meet him at the bridge in four days. When
Hans arrives, he is greeted by a note from Max stating that Hans had helped enough.
Briefly, one of Liesel s worst fears had occurred because of one of Hans s rash
Notwithstanding the theme of consequences, The Book Thief plays on the causes
and effects that shaped Liesel s life all while informing the reader of the travesties
that occurred during the Holocaust.
Not all authors are as obvious when writing books with allegorical meanings, many
writers hide harsh ideas like consequences in subtle ways.
Many children s books play on the innocence of of the ignorant during the Holocaust
to help create a book fitting for kids.
The book, Rose Blanche, builds the rising action with Rose s ignorance which leads
her to a concentration camp where Rose decides to help the children she finds.
Since I [Rose Blanche] had a piece of bread, I carefully handed it to them through the
wires (Innocenti 14).
Although dangerous, Rose begins to continuously bring food to the concentration
camp. Her heroic efforts lead to the brief happiness of the children in the camp which
is a beneficial
Cyber Predators And Its Effects On Children
Introduction: The cyber crime I have chosen is cyber predators. Cyber predators are
individuals who commit sexual abuse that begins or takes place on the Internet.
Although the Internet did not create child predators, it has significantly increased the
opportunities predators have to meet victims while minimizing detection. They can
communicate with children anonymously through instant messaging, social
networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, and even cell phones. Online
predators do not fit any one mold or stereotype; seemingly upstanding citizens have
been caught enticing children for sexual acts. Contrary to popular belief, most
online predators are not pedophiles. Pedophiles target pre pubescent children, while
online predators typically target adolescents who engage in risky online behavior.
(Wolak J, Finkelhor D, Mitchell K, Ybarra M. 2008). Describe the type of
cybercrime you selected. Predators take advantage of children s natural
vulnerabilities, such as their desire to appear adult or their need for attention.
Grooming is the process through which predators play on these vulnerabilities by
offering children gifts and attention. It does not happen overnight. Grooming can be
a long process that a patient, tenacious predator has planned and perfected to gain a
child s trust. This grooming may lead to the child s willingness to meet the person
with whom he or she is chatting. Offenders will often entice a child into a face to
face meeting by
Pyramid Of Giza
Imagine the radiating heat of the bright Egyptian sun, mercilessly projecting its rays
upon your back. Your bones ache for rest, your body thirst for water and your feet
are callused from the blistering, Giza sand beneath you. Gazing from right to left are
what seems like thousands of men, working around you in an effort to complete the
impossible task that lays before them. For centuries and centuries, the Great Pyramid
of Gizahas withstood the test of time, and rises to be the oldest of the Seven Wonders
of the Ancient World. Formed from the ground up, with incredible precision,
unwavering determination and advanced engineering, the Egyptians managed to
construct a monument that would last nearly 5,000 years after its completion.
Originally... Show more content on ...
As any one can imagine, this was a very difficult task, as each stone needed to be
faultlessly position. If a block of stone was too jagged or unevenly proportioned, it
would be chiseled down until not even the thinnest piece of paper could fit
between the crack of two stones side by side. As far as how the stones were set, not
much information is given. Some scientist believe that several ramps where used
towards the end of the project in order to transport the blocks from the ground to
the top part of the pyramid. Evidence reveals that levers where use to help ease the
weight of a 2 ton block and what appears to be an incredibly early form of a pulley
may have also been
Moral Dilemma In Les Miserables
A single quiet splash heard by no one signaled the end of Javert, a man of the law
in Victor Hugo s novel Les Miserables. He chases after Jean Valjean for years
without rest or relenting, simply because Valjean broke parole. Given an opportunity
to capture him, Javert would show no hesitation or mercy to the man who stole a
loaf of bread. His resolve in this goal is shattered when Valjean, given the chance to
the man pursuing him, instead saves Javert s life. The conflicting examples of a
galley slave and a holy man confound Javert s biases. Valjean s actions caused him to
struggle internally, and eventually led him to give up on the world that he no longer
understands and commits suicide. Rather than fight through the sudden change in his
life, Javert succumbed to the struggle. Javert should have endured his moral dilemma
rather than end his life.... Show more content on ...
The novel voices his thoughts by stating, Where was he? He sought himself and
found himself no longer, (Hugo 282). Beliefs building a worldview were shattered
by one man, with no obvious repair. At least, that s what Javert believes.
Unquestioned morals controlled Javert leaving him unprepared for when someone
unexpected Valjean appeared. Without having experienced some opposing views,
Javert was unprepared for any challenge. Reevaluating his beliefs or examining
them from other angles to make sure he was satisfied with them would have
strengthened his resolve and will to live. Javert had a shallow foundation for his
beliefs, and so the first storm that came blew him over. Someone with a deep
foundation, constructed from a variety of materials along with time and effort to
create is able to withstand the storms life brings more effectively and for a longer
period of time. A mentor or friend is exactly what Javert needed in this instance.
Facing the struggle seems impossible unless someone shoulders the load alongside
Essay on Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973
Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973
In this investigation one will find the long term and short term causes of the Yom
Kippur war. This was achieved by reading various sources about the war and the
events that were prior to the war. Thus for this investigation the research question
is called what were the causes of the Yom Kippur war of 1973. By researching
about the war one came across various sources some very reliable and some not so
dependable thus the evaluation of sources shows how reliable and valuable the
investigation s two main sources are. From each source of the sources one took the
liberty of extracting relevant information about the war thus all the events that were
related ... Show more content on ...
This was so due to the armistice gave way for Israel to gain 50% more land then what
was given to them by the U.N which again the Arabs felt it was unjust
( However, 7 years later on October 29 1956 Israel invades
the Sinai region which was Egyptian they did this in retaliation to the Egyptians
closing the Suez Canal to the Israelis. As well as that the Israelis wanted to stop
soviet arms being used and reached by the Egyptians. Clearly a long term cause of
the 73 war due to it almost triggered another war in the region (History of Israel).
On May 1964 the infamous PLO, Palestine liberation organization was founded,
whose soul aim was the destroy Israel. Alongside with the creation of this
organization a charter was made as well for the organization which stated an
immediate liquidation of the state of Israel. This was an organization which would
eventually trouble Israel for a long time and still continues today to do so. 3 years
later, on May 1967 Nasser, president of Egypt once again closes the Tiran straits to
Israeli ships, and ignores UN peace keepers in the region. Again he did this to put
pressure and create a military front off between the two nations in hope that the other
Arab nations would back him if another war
Difference between the US and UK Politial Systems
Possibly the most essential difference amid the United States and United Kingdom
political systems is the constitution or the absence of one. The United States has a
written constitution as does a large majority of nation states. The British do not have
a distinct article called the constitution but in its place its constitutional necessities are
scattered over numerous Acts of Parliament. The United States Constitutionis difficult
to adjust and in present political conditions, maybe impracticable to change in any
significant respect. The Equal Rights Amendment which fought to provide equal
rights for women failed and there has been no victorious amendment of the US
Constitution except for one technical measure since 1971. What for realistic purposes
constitutes the British Constitution numerous Acts of Parliament can be altered by a
simple majority in the legislature. For example, the current Government presented set
terms for the House of Commons by passing the needed legislation. In the United
States, political dialogue regularly makes references to the constitution, usually
Republicans arguing that Democratic proposals are Unlawful . Above and beyond the
fact that the United Kingdomdoes not obtain a constitution as such, it is uncommon
for British politicians to dispute that the actions or proposals of their opponents are
unlawful. An essential characteristic of the American constitution is the firm
separation of the power of the administrative, the legislature
Chestnut Bark Disease
The Chestnut blight is a fungus which is also called the chestnut bark disease. The
scientific name for this is Cryphonectria Parasitica (Murril) Barr. The organism that
assaults the American chestnut has the appearance of an extensive ulcer, and is
regularly found on the tree trunk or other tree surface range. It enters tree wounds
and splits and develops in and under the bark, executing the territory around the tree
twig, extension or trunk. Yellow or orange spores (called pycnidia) radiate from the
infection, and they are as little as a pinhead. The ulcer lodging the parasite could be
either swollen or sunken; with the recent being the deadly sort that executes the tree.
From the start, the tree kicks the bucket over the ulcer, despite the fact that it may
keep on sprouting beneath it. As sprouts develop, they, too, get contaminated and
pass on. In the long run, infections spread all around the tree surface, murdering the
tree. In spite of the fact that youthful trees may succumb to the ailment inside a year,
experienced trees may take years to succumb to the parasite.
The principal study that researched the wellspring of the scourge parasite ailment
was charged in 1913 by the USDA. Candid Meyer, who headed the study for the
USDA, reported in that year that the malady was found on chestnut trees in bumpy
uplands of China. Two years after the fact, in 1915, Meyer likewise uncovered the
curse organism ailment in Japan, in sloping reaches where chestnut trees were

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Essays On Family Values. Write a short essay on Family Values Essay writing English - YouTube

  • 1. Essays On Family Values Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays On Family Values" can present both challenges and opportunities for the writer. On one hand, family values are a deeply personal and subjective topic, making it essential to navigate with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives. On the other hand, this subject matter allows for a rich exploration of cultural, societal, and individual beliefs that shape our understanding of family dynamics. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the topic while delving into the intricacies of various family values. One must tread carefully to avoid generalizations, recognizing that family dynamics can vary significantly across cultures, generations, and personal experiences. Additionally, the writer must grapple with the task of addressing both traditional and evolving perspectives on family values. As societal norms continue to shift, acknowledging and analyzing these changes becomes crucial to presenting a nuanced and relevant discussion. The essay should reflect an awareness of the diverse definitions and interpretations of family values, incorporating historical context, cultural influences, and contemporary challenges. Furthermore, the challenge extends to maintaining a cohesive narrative that seamlessly weaves together different aspects of family values. The writer needs to transition smoothly between discussing foundational principles, such as love, respect, and communication, and addressing more complex issues like gender roles, generational gaps, and the impact of technology on family dynamics. Despite the complexities, the opportunity lies in the potential for introspection and personal growth that comes with exploring the multifaceted nature of family values. This topic invites the writer to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of the significance of family in shaping one's identity and worldview. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays On Family Values" demands careful consideration of diverse perspectives and the ability to navigate complex issues, it also offers a chance for personal reflection and growth. Embracing the challenge of capturing the essence of family values in a thoughtful and inclusive manner can result in a compelling and enriching piece of writing. For those seeking assistance with essays or other writing tasks, various resources are available, including online platforms like, where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in the writing process. Essays On Family ValuesEssays On Family Values
  • 2. The American Nurses Association (ANA) On My Watch The nursing tasks include an ongoing interaction with patients, families, and other health care team members. Because of the high involvement with patients, nurses have the utmost responsibility to guard the patient s safety. However, the American Nurses Association [ANA] (2015) made a valid point in stating that keeping patients safe and well starts by having a healthy nurse working in a safe environment. Additionally, Kieft, De Brouwer, Francke, and Delnoij (2014) also mentioned the study of the direct correlation between the nurses working environment and the patients quality of care. As such, nurses have to be cognizant of these environmental safety risks staffing and occupational hazard and plan interventions for both nurses and patients safety. ... Show more content on ... In the article, AHRQ (2016) detailed that the patients mortality rate increases with the additional number of patients each nurse has. Naturally, when the nurses heavy workload disables her to monitor her patient closely, the quality and safe practice are compromised. Likewise, AHRQ (2016) cited that the study showed nursing skills mix affect the patient outcomes. Hence, AHRQ (2016) proposed that staffing should be planned between nurses and managers to accommodate the changes in patients acuity in addition to considering the nurses skills. To maintain a safe and competent practice, nurses must develop a lifelong learning habit through continuing education or even pursuing an advanced
  • 3. Fest And Mermaid Splash Research Paper The Boynton Beach Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash is a unique and entertaining event that combines a renaissance festival, music fest, food fest, and cosplay into an explosive weekend of non stop fun making it one of the most anticipated free events in South Florida! Calling all scallywaggers, wenches, fairy, and mermaid fanatics! The Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) proudly announces the 5th Annual Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash! This FREE 3 day festival kicks off Friday, October 21, 2016 with a free concert from 6 pm 10 pm at the Ocean Avenue Amphitheatre. The fun continues on Saturday, October 22 from 11 am 10 pm and Sunday, October 23 from 11 am 7 pm. Last year the Haunted Pirate Fest Mermaid Splash
  • 4. Enviroment of Business ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS ASSIGNMENT Describe 6 Forces that Operation Managers go for or look out for in the Environment of their Businesses or Organizations. There are many forces that Operations managers go for or look for in their business environments. They Include: 1.Threat of New Entrants The easier it is for new companies to enter the industry, the more cut throat competition there will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new entrants are known as barriers to entry. Some examples include: Existing loyalty to major brands Incentives for using a particular buyer (such as frequent shopper programs) High fixed costs Scarcity of resources Government restrictions or legislation Entry protection ... Show more content on ... Are there existing technological hubs that you could work with or learn from? Are there any other technological factors that you should consider 3.Power of Suppliers This is how much pressure suppliers can place on a business. If one supplier has a large enough impact to affect a company s margins and volumes, then they hold substantial power. Here are a few reasons that suppliers might have power: There are very few suppliers of a particular product There are no substitutes The product is extremely important to the buyer, they cannot do without it The supplying industry has a higher profitability than the buying industry Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching costs Degree of differentiation of inputs Presence of substitute inputs Supplier concentration to firm concentration ratio Threat of forward integration by suppliers relative to the threat of backward integration by firms Cost of inputs relative to selling price of the product 4.Power of Buyers/ Customers This is how much pressure customers can place on a business. If one customer has a large enough impact to affect a company s margins and volumes, then they hold substantial power. Here are a few reasons that customers might have power Small number of buyers Purchases of large volumes
  • 5. Switching to another (competitive) product is simple The product is not extremely important to the buyer, they can do without it for a period of time. Customers
  • 6. Vision And Vision Of Coca-Cola Introduction: it was established in 1886. it is an American multinational corporation. it is one of the main largest distributor, manufacturer, and marketer of nonalcoholic beverages. It s headquarted in Atlanta; offers 500 brands over 200 countries. The company is known for its flagship product COCA COLA. It was invented in May 8, 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. History: sIn May 29, 1886 the first Coca Cola ad appeared in the Atlanta Journal on the patent medicine page. By June of 1887, the Coca Cola trademark had been patented through the U. S. Patent Office and the product was gaining wider distribution. In 1891, G. Candler, an Atlanta businessman, purchased the rights to the product and formed the... Show more content on ... COCA COLA Vision: Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people s desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast moving organization. COCA COLA Mission: Our mission is to create a growth strategy that allows us to bring good to the world by refreshing people every day and inspiring them with optimism through our brands and our
  • 7. Mao Zedong Of The Chinese Communist Party The world has changed a lot since the formation of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949. From a nation, which was barely living during the beginning of Mao Zedong s reign to a country that boasts the second largest economy in the world. The People s Republic of China, as learned from class, experienced hardships that most newly established country. Solidifying the legitimacy of the newly established Communist Party, securing the leadership position, and pulling people from the grave and encouraging them to become productive citizens that will help the country to grow. Mao Zedong was successful in accomplishing the most difficult part in forming China , help defeating the Japanese and end the 100 years of humiliation and unifying China under ... Show more content on ... He had a hands on experience of what China was before (during the Cultural Revolution) and how it has evolved from that point. We are living in an epoch where there s no single hegemonic power. Where each state pull its weight and international organizations exist to support and ensure that it stays that way. China is one example of a country that was left and considered insignificant (economically) a few decades ago and now leads the world. A nation that tremendously denounced globalization is the country that mostly benefits from it. The US however, is moving towards the opposite. Instead of embracing globalization trade agreements that promote it, one example is the TPP. Under the current Trump administration, the US officially closed its doors from further participation with the said agreement. This of course, benefits China. While whatever China does right now can be taken as aggression and bullying of smaller nations, we can all agree that China s action is far from surprising, but in actuality, is an expected consequence of a rising nation. The fact is that we are not used to probable change in status quo, China s rise in power may bring. We ve been living in the current boundaries established since WWII and the possibility of that changing frightens anyone, especially the one who may be directly affected. Security dilemma occurs whenever a new power
  • 8. Government Surveillance Government Surveillance on Society Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The government s surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even drones. We are told that this constant surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us because their main reason is to protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. U.S. police have been asking for greater surveillance in order to keep pace with the technology use of criminals. Surveillance has been a problem in our society because people think that there s too much cameras and privacy invasion which it s not necessary. People feel like they are constantly being watched by the government with all the new technologies. This increase in surveillance makes us question if the government is collecting of information for their own good. After 9 /11, the day many people lost their loved ones or were injured in the terrorist attack on United States, surveillance has been increased to try to prevent these type of events from ever happening again. On 9/11 two planes crashed into the twin towers where thousands were trapped, killed or were injured, this day has been an unforgettable moment because from that day forward United States was not the same. A way that the government tries to prevent these things from happening is by increasing surveillance, U.S. police have been given greater legal and procedural latitudes to conduct a wider
  • 9. My Summer Camp Experience This Summer, I had the best time of my life. I learned some valuable lessons, I made some friends, and I had so much fun. Even if I didn t know it. This is the story of my summer camp experience.About two months earlier had signed up for a Camp in Indiana called YMCA Camp Potawotami. My neighbor who is a year younger than me went to camp with me. We got to our summer camp on the Sunday before. I had a lot of fun, but my part of this event, is when the girls in my cabin and I became true friends. We walked back from swim time and going onto the walk to our cabin. Our cabin was one of the older cabins, but it was nice. The building was a Wooden log building with two main hallways, one for the boys and one for the girls, which both came together in a main room that had one huge window wall, in the middle, and two other walls on the side that had one huge window in the middle. Ok girls, pack up your stuff for camping, but remember we re only going for one night. Our councilor ,Greer, told us. So we packed our stuff in bags and went to set up our tents. We walked about half a mile up a grassy path with woods to the left, and a field of wheat to the right. We came to a clearing that was in the shape of a circle. With it, were two tents packed up in their tiny little bags in the middle of a circle, along with a fire pit, and a picnic table. Ok, we need everyone to help set up, no one should be doing nothing. Kylie exclaimed, who was our second councilor After about 20
  • 10. Oculomotor Nerve Essay The oculomotor nerve, or CN III, is the third cranial nerve. It is responsible for controlling eye movement, the pupil and the movement of the upper eyelid (Jaffee Stewart, 2016). The oculomotor nerve originates at the two nuclei, the oculomotor nucleus and the Edinger Westphal nucleus that are at superior colliculus level of the midbrain, travels through the brainand exits through the superior orbital fissure of the sphenoid bone (Jaffee Stewart, 2016). The nerve consists of two different motor fibers: the somatic motor component and the parasympathetic motor component. The somatic motor component controls the movement of four extrinsic muscles and the parasympathetic motor component controls the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2017, p. 44). CN III can be divided into two major branches: the superior division and inferior division (Jaffee Stewart, 2016). The superior branch is composed of motor fibers that innervate the levator palpebrae superioris and the superior ... Show more content on ... A damaged CN III can result in external strabismus, the inability to focus on objects and the pupil will not respond to changes in the intensity of light (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2017, p. 44). There are several different tests that can be performed to test the function of the nerve. When examining the eyes for oculomotor nerve damage, observe if the eyelid droops (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2017, p. 44). Another simple way to test the health of the oculomotor nerve is to instruct the patient to keep their head completely still and have only their eyes follow your finger. While standing in front of the patient, draw two large, connecting H s with your finger ( Cranial Nerve, 2013). The pupillary sphincter muscle can also be tested by placing a hand vertically against the nose and shining a pen torch in each eye to see if the light reflex is functioning ( Cranial Nerve,
  • 11. Film and Soviet Bloc Nations Essay How did the Paramount decision of 1948 change the U.S. film industry? To what degree did the decision alter the way the industry did business? The Supreme Court ruled against the Hollywood s monopoly of the film industry of the United States, directing that the production and distribution of movies be separated from movie exhibition practices. The ruling marked the death of studio era and led to numerous changes in film industry decades later. The paramount decision pushed the Twentieth century fox, Big Five studios, MGM, Paramount, RKO and Warner Bros companies to sell some of their theatre chains. The ruling went ahead to outlaw the price discriminatory and purchasing arrangements, fixing of admissions prices, block booking and ... Show more content on ... They utilized the emergence of innovations such as cinemascope, 3 D, stereophonic sound and many others to produce these films. Identify the major segments of the U.S. film going audience targeted by producers in the 1950s. What kinds of films were produced for each of these segments? The first one was the teen audience segment, which proved to have higher spending powers because of their disposable income that they used mainly on entertainment. Hollywood therefore produced films that fall under this segment such as The Blackboard Jungle (1955) and as Rebel without a Cause (1955). The second segment was immigrant and working class audiences that had enough money to buy tickets for the theaters. The third segment was the films targeting anti communist groups, whereby Hollywood produced more than 50 movies that were against the communist societies. The films intoxicated people that hate the communist societies, saying that these people were murderers, didn t have children and also caused problems when arrested. Films such as, In Vittorio de Sica s featuring the Bicycle Thief, was produced in 1950s. What factors lay behind the upscaling of Hollywood film genres during the 1950s? Identify the significant genres of the postwar period, and explain how each was affected by enhanced production values and increased thematic complexity. There are many factors that lead to the upscaling genres (Melodrama, the Western,
  • 12. Designing For Many Architects And Designers Designing for people is a challenge for many architects and designers. The idea of creating something innovative, beautiful or in this case, sculptural, which stands the test of time, is ideal for many designers. But what happens when a building doesn t meet the needs of its occupants? What happens when, what is considered, a magnificent architectural feat begins to leak, grow mold and become a safety hazard? The Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences (also referred to as Building 32) is housed on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology s (MIT) historic Building 20 site. Between 1946 and 1948, Building 20 functioned primarily as a temporary facility specifically for wartime outdoor training exercises, and as a research laboratory for war related innovations. Building 20 continued to function as a research facility until its 1998 demolition. Architect, Frank Gehry was selected, from a pool of sixteen firms, to design the new building after funding became available through a donation from Ray and Maria Stata in 1998. The Institute sought a daring design that set them a part and portrayed the school as the best. The criteria initially established by MIT in 1989 proposed buildings that wrapped around the exterior of the site, opening the interior space to the campus. This didn t quite match Gehry s vision. Instead, Gehry challenged MIT s traditional bar buildings by dividing the building mass into clusters, connecting the interiors
  • 13. Feasibility Of A Small Scale Natural Grass Fed Cattle Ranch Summary The final chapter summarizes the research problem, data collection methodology, and the analysis of the data supporting this feasibility study. The research conclusions will provide awareness of the feasibility supporting the final recommendations concerning a small scale natural grass fed cattle ranchin North Platte, Nebraska. The purpose of this researchis to determine the feasibility of starting a small scale cattle ranch, focused on raising natural grass fed cattle in North Platte, Nebraska. The research examines operating costs associated with small scale natural grass fed cattle operations to determine the profitability and sustainability of a small scale natural grass fed cattle ranch. Chapter 1 defined the research problem, the purpose of the study, provided definitions, assumptions and limitations to the study, and presented four research questions for this feasibility study: 1. What are the operating costs associated with raising natural grass fed cattle? 2. Can the North Platte area sustain a natural grass fed cattle ranch? 3. Will direct or on line sales produce more revenue? 4. Will the cattle ranch be profitable within five years? Chapter 2 reviewed literature gathered by the researcher to conduct the feasibility study. This literature examines 10 aspects of establishing and operating a natural grass fed cattle ranch. Scholarly research indicated that cattle breed, land management, and disease control are the three most
  • 14. Wei Zhou LinkedIn Wei Zhou | LinkedIn authTy... Click to Close $ # % Advanced resume ( Wei Zhou Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks linkedin Like (5) Comment (1) Share Link Tiansheng Yao, Bo Zeng and 3 others like this Bo Zeng diao Wei Zhou 16 hours ago 1st Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks
  • 15. Stanford, California Previous Education Computer Software Stanford University, Visa, National Development and Reform Commission Stanford University 355 Send a message Relationship Contact Info Background ! connections People Similar to Wei Summary Master student in Statistics from Stanford University Excellent understanding of various statistical and machine learning techniques ... Show more content on ... 2 team members Wei Zhou Yunzhu Chen Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks Data Scientist at Adobe Portfolio Allocation Optimization 2 of 6 1/8/15, 1:46 PM
  • 16. Wei Zhou | LinkedIn authTy... Click to Close # $ Class Project, STATS 240: Statistical Models in Financial Markets Implemented the Black Litterman portfolio allocation method, showing that BL method s superiority to M V model in terms of cumulative return, sharp ratio and turnover rate in R. Carried out the NPEB approach in portfolio allocation in MATLAB with two teammates and tested the linkedin stability of NPEB approach using different data sets. % Advanced resume 3 team members Yongqing Yuan Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks Data Scientist at LinkedIn Devini Senaratna ( Wei Zhou Data Scientist at Skyhigh Networks Like (5) Wei Zhou Comment (1) Share Link
  • 17. Tiansheng Yao, Bo Zeng and 3 others like this Data Scientist at Roam Insight Bo Zeng diao 16 hours ago Massive Data Mining Projects January 2012 Class Assignments, CS246: Massive Data Mining Implemented a friendship recommendation algorithm and k means clustering using Hadoop. Used A priori algorithm to find association rules for merchandise in Java. Applied both Power Iteration method and Monte Carlo approach to calculate page rank in Java. Implemented both user user and item item collaborative filtering recommendation... more * Courses Stanford University
  • 18. Theories Of Masculinity The term masculinity connotes certain attributes that are associated with men. In today s postmodern world gender theorists prefer the more fluid term masculinities because male attributes change throughout space and time (Reeser 2). Discourse shows that masculinity is a fabrication or a construct of a given historical cultural context (ibid.). The first theory of masculinity as a personal identity was introduced by Sigmund Freud (Roper 361) whereas in the Victorian and Edwardian periods the word manliness was used. It had a fixed meaning, could not be amended to individual properties of men and had to be achieved to be seen as a true man (cf. Whitehead 15). Usually the meaning associated with manliness is dictated by those ... Show more content on ... Edwardian soldiers should leave behind the former image of ideal masculinity which consisted of Christian virtues like straightforwardness, manly simplicity, openness and transparent honesty (Newsome 195) and compassion, fairness, and altruism (Roper 347) to a more aggressive identity which reflected the needs of the army. Society believed to identify the perfect manly individual from his physical appearance, gestures, and speech (Nye 420) rather than his inner qualities. Ultimately, the Great War provided an opportunity to prove one s character (cf. Roper 344). However, this failed because modern warfare imposed mass casualties so that willpower and hardness could not help to comply to [heroic gender] roles (Carden Coyne 111). New military tactics like chemical weaponry, aviation and heavy artillery made close combat impossible (cf. ibid. 1). Under these circumstances many men suffered from mental breakdowns, then known as shell shock (cf. Winter 9). Doctors regarded the hysterical or neurotic male as an unpatriotic, welfare dependent, and unmanly shirker (Crouthamel 62). Correspondingly, nervous complaints [were] seen as
  • 19. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is described as excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no logical reasons to justify it. Symptoms from this particular type of mental disorder include over exaggerated worrying and anxiety, an unrealistic view of situations in everyday life, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and more. Life becomes a constant state of worry and dread. Eventually, the anxiety overtakes the person s mindset so much that it interferes with daily activities such as school, job, and other social activities. The cause of GAD is unknown, however, there is evidence that biology, family background, and traumatic life experiences all contribute to its roots of development. Living with generalized anxiety disorder can be a long term struggle. In many cases, it is accompanied by other anxiety or mood disorders. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, GAD affects around 6.8 million adults and women are twice as likely to be struck with it. The disorder comes on gradually and the risk to be affected by it is highest between childhood and middle age. Although some people may avoid certain situations because of the disorder, others have difficulty even carrying out the simplest daily tasks due to the anxiety being so severe. The Psychoanalytical Approach The psychoanalytical approach developed by Freud concentrates on uncovering unconscious information responsible for a patient s
  • 20. College Drinking Another study, similar to the design research project, showed how revision and self regulation can essentially improve a student s writing. This study included 17 students taking a 13 week course on Women and Leadership at Brescia University College at Western University in Ontario, Canada. Students received detailing assignment instructions and a grading rubric covering writing, information gathering and presentation, and quality of ideas (Feltham and Sharen, 114). The students received six hours of classroom instruction, which consisted of: library research, critical thinking, writing, giving and receiving feedback, and revision strategies. To determine whether the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of the subjects changed, a pre and post... Show more content on ... Certain aspects of college life, such as unstructured time, the widespread availability of alcohol, inconsistent enforcement of underage drinking laws, and limited interactions with parents and other adults, can create an atmosphere where students lose sight of their academic career and ultimately their self regulation ( College Drinking ). Often times, student find themselves putting off their work simply because the due date is days, weeks, or even months from now. This ultimately leads to anxiety and stress as the time comes closer and students realize that none of their work is done. The solution to this is to improve the individual s self regulation and motivate them by making them accountable for their writing. By creating a timeline or set of short dates in which items are due, students are more likely to follow through with their work and complete it in a timely manner, as displayed with Feltham and Sharen s study. Also, by incorporating social media, a large distraction for this, and future, generations such as weblogs, students are able to perform in an environment they are more comfortable and interested in, which inspires and motivates them to write more (as displayed in the Bangkok University and Baggetun and Watson studies). Finally, by peer work and communication, students
  • 21. House Music Research Paper House, Techno, and Trance are subgenres of electronic dance music. Electronic dance music became mainstream in the 1970s. The Moog synthesizer which was released in the mid 1960s is the first iconic instrument of electronic music. The 1970s can be described as the synthpop and disco era in which, Kraftwerk was a significant German band made in 1970 who used rhythmic sounds of bands like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple and combined it with the futuristic sounds of the Moog synthesizer and vocoder. Giorgio Moroder also used electronic musicto capitalize on the growing disco music trend and helped popularized it when he produced tracks for other artists such as Donna Summer and David Bowie. His use of synthesizers introduced the electronic sound... Show more content on ... Website such as Youtube and Soundcloud makes EDM easily accessible. Tiesto, a Dutch trance producer, got worldwide recognition for performing his Parade of the Athletes album during the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics 2004 in Athens, Greece. This album was 98 minutes long. Modern electronic artists include Daft Punk, the duo of French artists Guy Manuel de Homem Christo and Thomas Bangalter, Avicii, or Tim Bergling who is a Swedish artist, Pierre David Guetta, another French artist, and Skrillex, or Sonny John Moore who is an American artist. DJs usually got larger profits than bands because bands usually play up to one hour while DJs can play up to four hours. In conclusion, EDM is a really popular and modern music
  • 22. Essay on Structure Of The Lost Honour O Heinrich BГ¶ll uses his novel, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, to attack modern journalistic ethics as well as the values of contemporary Germany. The structure of this novel is important to conveying his message. He uses a police report format, differences in chapter lengths, narrator or author intervention, a subtitle, and the extensive use of the puddle metaphor. All these things contribute towards the message in the text. The puddle metaphor is the most significant device used in the structure of the novel. The puddle ; means the collective information from all the sources. The narrator speaks of the information as fluid and he also talks of the conduction of the information coming from these different sources. There are ... Show more content on ... Around this time is the celebratory period of Carnival. However there is no hint of any celebratory moods in the tone. It is all extremely formal. It can be said that the format of this book is related to how Katharina Blum herself lives her life. The possible reason that this story is set in this police report format is that Heinrich BГ¶ll wants the reader to know the facts since all the facts come together in the end. The story uses flashbacks so the reader knows what is happening somewhere else at the same time. It could be said that the reader is finding out all this information in the same order as the police investigation. It seems that the information is scattered and, just like the police, the reader has to try and piece together the puzzle. However, this is all done for the reader in the end. This is another example of how the puddle metaphor is used. The information scattered means that the channel is always changing course. The tone of this story, and even the text itself says that this is a police report, but the use of short and long chapters could possibly suggest something different. In the short chapters there are little bursts of action, whilst in the longer chapters it goes into far more detail. This is like a newspaper in a way, the headlines with the bursts of action, and the pages the story is continued on go into more detail, however, this reasoning is probably incorrect since the author is trying
  • 23. The Turin Shroud Speech ( removed HTML ) Perhaps one of the most famous religious relics in the world is the Turin Shroud. Measuring at thirteen and a half feet long by four and a half feet wide, the shroud depicts the image of a bearded man, said to be Jesus Christ. According to the legends, it was used to wrap the body of Christ after crucifixion by Joseph of Arimathea. The first appearance of the shroud in documented history came in 1357, in the little village of Lirey, France. It was then taken to ChambГ©ry in 1457, where it was there in 1532 that the shroud was almost destroyed in a ferocious fire. The event left charred marks on the corner of the folds in the fabric, and in 1578 it was taken to Turin where it has since remained. The Catholic Church is thoroughly convinced that the shroud possesses a genuine physical record of Christ s body, and the cloth is rarely shown to the public. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Although, organized religion has not always been so accepting. Documents written by the Bishop of Troyes and Pope Clement VII from 1389 have been uncovered which note that the Bishop asked the Pontiff to publicly declare that the shroud was merely a painting. He stated that the image had actually been painted by an artists, but the priests in Lirey had started tricking the public into believed it was Christ s authentic death shroud. The Pop bowed to the Bishop s wishes, and declared that the shroud could keep being shown to the public, but each time it was, the local priest was forced to announce to the public that the relic only depicted a painted copy of Christ s real shroud. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Over the course of time such practices dwindled away, and the authenticity of the shroud was assumed. The earliest days of the age of science seemed to confirm this belief. During 1898, photographic experts revealed the image was a negative picture, and when seen in reverse tones, the outline showed a much more detailed view of the body. In subsequent years, Dr. Paul Vignon constructed a theory that such a phenomenon was caused by ammonia emanating from Christ s dead body after his death. Vignon strongly believed the resulting image was beyond the ability of any forger, and must
  • 24. Ancient Calendar Research Paper Muatasim Shaout Bakomihalis English 3 30 September 2016 Ancient Calendars Accepted systems for the division of time into days, months, and years, calendars reflect a human effort to measure and order extended periods of the future. Scholars divide calendars into three general categories lunar, solar, and lunisolar depending upon whether their temporal divisions are principally based upon the movements of the moon or the sun or on a compromise between both. Regarding Western forms of chronology, in which solar reckoning of time predominates, historians have studied calendar reform, which encapsulates many scientific advancements and cosmological debates of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. In their studies of other parts of the world, where ... Show more content on ... Building upon the work of the astronomer Christoph Clavius, whose calculations had produced a closer approximation of the tropical year, the Gregorian Reform removed centurial leap years, except for those divisible by 400. While the reform was rapidly accepted throughout Catholic Europe, Protestant countries were resistant. Over time, new scientific discoveries concerning the mechanics of the universe were brought to light, causing astronomers, regardless of religious persuasion, to acknowledge the errors of the old system. Notably, as the work of Sir Isaac Newton in the seventeenth century effectively annihilated the last remnants of the ancient and flawed Ptolemaic cosmological model and presented a new vision of the universe, resistance began to erode. Eventually the German states fell into line by 1699, in large part due to the lobbying efforts of Newton s contemporary, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Still, the change was not accepted until 1752 in England, where, tradition has it, the loss of 11 days in the calendar sparked protest the so called British time riots throughout the
  • 25. Medical Malpractice and Tort Systems Essay Health care organizations, particularly hospitals, currently face numerous legal issues, several of which will be examined in this paper. The first issue to be examined is medical malpractice and the tort system. The medical malpractice and tort system makes up one of the major legal issues encountered by hospitals and health systems. Showalter (2012) states that with the decline of charitable immunity in the 1970s, healthcare was one of the areas impacted by personal injury law and was held liable for negligent acts. Today, malpractice continues to be a significant problem. Malpractice lawsuits are considered when negligence in medical treatment provided by a physician, surgeon, other health professional, or hospital results in injury.... Show more content on ... In addition, according to Showalter (2012), physicians consider malpractice suits a substantial contributing factor to increasing health costs and defensive medicine. Furthermore, Nelson, Morrisey, and Morrisey (2011) report that physicians emphasize the negative impact of malpractice lawsuits on their reputations, since judgments and settlements must be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank. Like the malpractice and tort system, HIPAA and data breaches are an important legal issue that health organizations face. HIPAA was enacted in 1996 to ensure medical insurance portability and later, to improve standards for health information privacy and security (Showalter, 2012). As a result, it is currently extremely important that health organizations are in compliance with HIPAA regulations and ensure that patient records are protected; health organizations that fail to comply can face significant legal costs and penalties. In November 2010, Page and Fields (2011) report that six hospitals and a nursing home in California that failed to prevent unauthorized access to confidential patient information were levied a fine totaling $792,000 in November 2010. More recently, the General Hospital Corporation and Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, which represent Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, had to pay the
  • 26. Attention Hyperactive Impulsive Defecit Disorder ATTENTION HYPERACTIVE IMPULSIVE DEFICIT DISORDER INTRODUCTION Attention Hyperactive impulsive Deficit Disorder, or also known as ADHD, is under the category of IDEA, which is the Other Health Impairments. It is considered as one of the most common childhood mental disorder, affecting more than one in every twenty children (Shaw, 2008). Moreover, this condition can continue through adolescence and adulthood. IDEA defines it as a neurobiological based developmental disorder in children and adults with a persistent pattern of problems in the areas of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development. DSM IV defined ADHD as same as ... Show more content on ... Sugars and food additives are believe to worsen the symptoms of ADHD but the studies found it to be wrong. It is not proven to be a cause of ADHD because based on the studies conducted, there is no difference in behaviour if the person take sugar and food additives or not. (NIMH, 2012) ADHD is also associated with other disorders like learning disabilities, bipolar, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and tourette syndrome. Though some persons with ADHD could have co existed conditions, it is not applicable to all. In addition, there is a big difference between bipolar and ADHD. ADHD is the difficulty in regulating emotions while bipolar is a mood disorder wherein over regulation of emotions. On the other hand, oppositional defiant disorder is also different with ADHD in terms that ODD do aggressive things purposively but ADHD may do aggressive things out of his impulsiveness, not intentionally. BODY PHYSICAL DOMAIN `Persons with ADHD have trouble in getting themselves sit still; they d like to move always to stimulate themselves. In boys, they have excessive physical movement and for girls, they are more likely to do excessive talking. Since ADHD is always in motion, they got more prone to accidents by this (NICE, 2009). According to Dr. Barkley, ADHD is having these troubles and difficulties because the motor cortex of their brain is
  • 27. Elf Battle and Gwyndor A long time ago, in a land far, far away from this land we know, there was a land called Gwyndor, a place where all kinds of life existed. Men, Dwarves, Elves and other creatures lived in this mysterious land. However, Gwyndor was not all a place of peace and prosperity, far off near the borders of the east, there was a land called Azurg, a land where the sun forbid to shine and simply setting foot in the land drains the life right out of you if you were not strong enough. Right in the center of Azurg there was a dark and gloomy empire filled with hundreds of thousands of fang bearing, fearsome creatures who crafted crude weapons out of metal they gained from fallen warriors whom they slayed, but in the center of the empire there was a lone tower, and in this tower there was a conjurer of dark magic whom no man had ever seen, for once you saw him, you never escaped with your life. This sorcererremained nameless because no one could describe him because no one ever got a look at him before his or her time was ended. No one ever knew what that creature was doing up in his tower but one day nearly fifty years ago this good world figured it out. One day the sorcererreleased darkness over all the land of Gwyndor, all the villages and towns of Gwyndor were destroyed and none who stood up to him succeeded. However on one fateful day all the inhabitants of Gwyndor came together, Men, Elves, and Dwarves marched onto the border of Azurg. A company of men led by the ruler
  • 28. Hampton Road Assessment Identification The name of the community is Norfolk. It is part of the Hampton Roads area, a region of 1.6 million people located in The Commonwealth of Virginia. Norfolk has about 245,803 residents and more than 100 diverse neighborhoods (U.S Census, 2010). The government unit of the city is made up of the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, City Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue, and Commonwealth Attorney . Norfolkis classified as the major business, financial, and educational hub of Hampton Roads.(hamptonroadschamber) The City also hosts the world s largest United States Naval Base and one of the busiest international ports on the East Coast ( According to the 2010 U.S Census, the racial breakdown in Norfolk is as follows: ... Show more content on ... ( II. Resources in the Community Most of the welfare, recreational, civic and housing Community Facilities are provided by the city of Norfolk. For example, Norfolk Department of Human Services provides: Auxiliary grants Child Care Assistance Emergency Assistance Energy Assistance FAMIS (low cost health insurance for children) SNAP General Relief Medicaid Refugee Resettlement Program Temporary Assistance for Needy Families In addition, NHDS provides complimentary services such as utilities assistance, energy assistance, and burial expenses. Moreover, the department provides domestic violence program to educate and assists citizens on how to get help in this difficult predicament, including shelter, safety planning, court accompaniment, and referrals to appropriate services.
  • 29. Attaining Virtue in The Republic of Plato In the Republic of Plato, the philosopher Socrates lays out his notion of the good, and draws the conclusion that virtue must be attained before one can be good. For Socrates there are two kinds of virtue; collective and individual. Collective virtue is virtue as whole, or the virtues of the city. Individual virtuepertains to the individual himself, and concerns the acts that the individual does, and concerns the individual s soul. For Socrates, the relationship between individual and collective virtue is that they are the same, as the virtues of the collective parallel those of the Individual. This conclusion can be reached as both the city and the soul deal with the four main virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice. To be begin with, an individual cannot be good until they have attained the virtue of wisdom, and the same can be said for the city. For the individual, the person must not only be wise himself, but his soul must have wisdom. The only way to achieve this according to Socrates, is through for philosophy. In this way it is the same for the city, for in the city, wisdom lies with the guardians as they are the philosophers. The guardians are put in charge of the city because of their knowledge of how the city should be run. Because of this, the Guardians wisdom becomes the City s. (Book IV) The second virtue that must be attained is courage. For the Individual, courage must be in the soul to resist temptations, and to be ready to fight. The same is for
  • 30. Advantages Of Neoconservatism In International Relations Neoconservatism in International Relations Neoconservatives have faith in the might of the American Army and its predominance at the level of labor, gear and advancement. They trust that the US has the military intends to reshape the world as per its own particular advantages, and thusly, they tend to benefit military control over tact. Like Jacksonians, Neocons hate multilateral organizations and have a tendency to see them as feeble and wasteful. They like to act singularly, regardless of the possibility that it implies violating global law. This carelessness comes from the Neocon adoration for the RMA, Revolution in the Military Affairs, which means a dependence on stealth innovation, air conveyed accuracy guided weapons and versatile ground powers. Precisely what the Bush organization would convey in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Wilsonian side of Neoconservatism is clear in the development s advancement of the internationalization of law based govern to whatever number places as could reasonably be expected. The Neocon mind is Manichean and trusts that the world partitions into great states and awful states, and that majority rules systems have amiable expectations, notwithstanding the vote based peace hypothesis which asserts that popular governments don t run at war with each other. Thus the more the U.S. democratizes the less danger of wars there is. This is the thing that Francis Fukuyama basically called the finish of history . Obviously the occasions of 9 11 put
  • 31. An Analysis of Forensic Psychology in the Film, Primal Fear Forensic psychology in Primal Fear (1996) Primal Film (1996) is a legal thriller with Martin Vail represented as an ambitious; high profile Chicago Defense Lawyer hired to defend Aaron Kentucky charged with murder of Chicago s Archbishop, Richard Rushman. During the trial, Martin Vail discloses that the Archbishop was involved in sexual harassment and other political issues. Based on various substantial factors, Martin Vail believed that Aaron suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder, which instigated his action of killing the Archbishop. Vail highlighted the following two distinct personalities that instigated the death of the archbishop. They comprise; a.A psychotic, sociopathic, and prevailing alter ego known as Roy b.His usual logical self named Aaron who recalled nothing pertaining to the incidence. During the cross examination, the aggressive Roy blew out from Aaron s character and assaulted Laura Linney, the assistant District Attorney Prosecutor. Vail took advantage of the situation by defending his client based on insanity. However, at the end of the film, there is a clear shocking twist, when Aaron congratulates his lawyer for his competence. Aaron sends apologies to Laura for the assault he caused. It dawns on Vail that Aaron was still recalling what Roy did, rather than forgetting the incident. Roy unknowingly revealed his guiltiness of killing the archbishop. It was evident that his presence in the courtroom was premeditated, and Roy was his real
  • 32. How Does Antigone Bury Her Brother If you wanted a family member or a friend to be left unburied and you knew they would never find peace, would you face the consequences of being stoned to death? Antigone, the Protagonist, had the obligation to bury her brother while challenging Creon, the king, to his laws. She believes in family first rather than government first. In Antigoneby Sophocles, Antigone did do the right thing when she buried her brother. Admittedly, Antigone is putting her sister, Ismene, at risk by telling her about her plan to bury her brother, Polyneices. However, Antigone thinks about the eternal life of her brother. Antigone says, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down / with him in death, and I shall be as dear / To him as he to me (56 58). Antigone challenges Ismene s feelings to their brother s eternal peace. Antigone says, I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, / It will not be the worst of deaths death without honor (80 81). Antigone challenges herself that going against Creon s laws is worth burying her brother. ... Show more content on ... Antigone responds, I should have praise and honor for what I have done. / All these men here would praise me (98 99). Antigone challenges Creon to the attitude of the Chorus. Antigone challenges herself that the Chorus would praise and honor her for what she has done. Antigone angrily says, Ah the good fortune of Kings, / Licensed to say and do whatever they please! (101 102). Antigone challenges Creon s worth ethic by confronting him with what she believes in. Antigone assumes that standing up against him will eventually make him believe in what she had
  • 33. Powder And Metalloids The Effect of Black Powder and Different Metalloids on the Boom of a Firework Bryce Jobson and Zach Bollmann 7th hour Chemistry II Ms. Babb Table of Contents Abstract........................................................................................3 Question......................................................................................... Variables...................................................................................... Hypothesis.................................................................................... Background Research...................................................................... Materials List.................................................................................. Experimental Procedure.................................................................... Conclusions.................................................................................... Works Cited.................................................................................... Bryce Jobson and Zach Bollmann Ms. Babb 7th hour Chemistry II May 1, 2015 Abstract Question Will using the same amount of gunpowder and the same amount of metalloids(but different types of metalloids) affect the loudness(boom)? Variables Independent Variable: the metalloids (lithium, sodium, barium, copper, potassium, magnesium) Dependent Variable: Size(boom) of... Show more content on ... Two basic types of fireworks are the firecracker and sparkler. Firecrackers are simply made of rolled paper tubes with black powder, which is made of a strong oxider, and a fuse, which adds heat to the oxider, resulting in a boom . Sparklers are just a little bit different they are essentially a long fuse with black powder around it, so they stay lit longer and show color. The color comes from a reaction with specific metals like aluminium, copper, and zinc(How Are Fireworks Made?). The fireworks that most professional shows contain are known as the aerial fireworks. They are normally made of shells containing black powder, the mortar itself, stars, shell, bursting charge, and fuse. The stars in the fireworks are spread out in the shell and they create the sparkling like figure. The bursting charge is in the center and when the lit fuse hits it, the firework explodes (How Are Fireworks Made?). Some also use multi break shells to create different
  • 34. Bartleby The Scrivener Research Paper The Effects of Bartleby s Depression Herman Melville s Bartleby the Scrivener is a story about a Wall Street Lawyer dealing with a worker who refuses to do anything when asked. This worker, Bartleby, initially starts off by being an excellent scrivener. However, when time passes, he starts refusing to make copies or do any other task that he s required to do. During this period, Bartleby shows the effects of depression because of his lack of motivation, social isolation, and refusal to eat. His lack of motivation impacted Bartleby negatively, which will have negative consequences in his future. Bartleby gradually loses his motivation to work in the Wall Street Office. The lawyer wants him to examine a small document but... Show more content on ... Bartleby s depression affects the lawyer the most because he makes him move his office and also his clients notice him there. In the New York Times article, the wife deals with her husband who experiences depression. She states, The secrecy around his illness had a tremendous impact not just on him, but on me. Yet because it was his illness, and he didn t want to talk about it, I felt as if I had no right to talk about it either. So outside of my family and a few close friends, I didn t talk about it with anyone (New York Times). The lawyer is going through the same type of experience as the wife does because they were both getting impacted by someone else s depression. The Lawyer and the wife both find it as a burden because it makes their lives harder. The lawyer finds Bartleby s depression as a burden for being bad for business and husband s depression as being bad for the reduction of income. Bartleby doesn t interact with any of the lawyer s clients and doesn t do anything at all in the office. He causes problems for the next lawyer who tells the police to arrest him which leads him to his death by refusing to deal with his
  • 35. Compare And Contrast Essay On My Cup Of Tea Coffee Just Isn t My Cup of Tea As people kick their tired feet up, comfortably nestle their aching bodies into a cozy position, what do they do next? Do they chug a mug of energy or sip a cup of relaxation? In today s society, there has been a distinguishing difference between people who choose between the beverages of coffee and tea. Further, our drink preferences let on more than we think at first sip. There are a variety of specialty stores and aisles in the supermarket because, believe it or not, we have an indescribable desire for the perfect fix. After struggling out of bed, most people like Abigail, a coffee enthusiast, wake up to the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Perhaps it is the sweet aroma, the feel of the coffee beans, or even just the sheer joy of the dark liquid filling her body with a pleasant warmth, Abigail appreciates the warm sensation as she takes a sip of her coffee. For coffee lovers like her, coffee is the most essential part of their morning and is for them, a rush of energy. Coffee is a fast paced beverage that matches the rushed life of the person drinking it. However, if you are an admirer of tea, people like Blair consume the slow paced drink, making sure to take time to sip it, often staring out the window and contemplating about life. Tea drinkers take it slow, while coffee drinkers are looking for a rush. For these two women, even if everything in their day is going wrong, their coffee or tea are the one thing that go completely
  • 36. Why Do Chlorine Remains In A Pool Introduction: I chose this project because I am a competitive swimmer and I have been swimming for the past ten and a half years. I wanted to find out how much chlorine remains in a pool each day after chlorination. I am interested to see how much residual chlorine is left and the range in which there appears skin irritation and red eyes because I have experienced the red eyes and itchy skin due to over chlorination. Chlorine is used in pools in either a gaseous or as sodium or calcium hypochlorite. The chlorine is added to water to help prevent people from getting sick from disease producing microorganisms. The chlorine that is added and reacts with the organic material and metals in the water is the chlorine demand for the water as it will not be available for any disinfection that keeps people from getting sick while in the pool. The residual test is ... Show more content on ... The free iodine is than titrated with the sodium thiosulphate solution. I2 + 2 S2O32 2 I + S4O62 For every two moles of thiosulphate, one mole of iodine is needed so the amount of iodine mole needed is half the amount of thiosulphate moles that are needed. Starch is used as the indicator for the end point because the iodine and water is such a faint yellow color that the starch will combine with any of the iodine that is still present and turn it a blue color and the end point for the titration is than easier to notice. I found the amount of amount of residual chlorine using the equation: Residual chlorine = volume of Na2S2O3 x Concentration of Na2S2O3 x mass of 1 mol Cl x 1000 Volume of sample pool water Adverse effects can occur if there is too much residual chlorine in water. The use of chlorine can possibly cause carcinogenic compounds such as chloroform. There is still an ongoing debate if chlorine is the best way to disinfect a
  • 37. Analysis Of Learning To Read By Malcolm X Learning how to read is one of the most common processes in the world. For me, learning how to read is the most useful ability that I have learned throughout my entire life. For others, most people learn how to read though different languages in different ways. For Malcolm X, he found reading to be appealing and devoted so much time to it. Malcolm X recounts his personal history of learning to read and how he finds reading to be the most important skill and influence everything in his life. He retells his history of reading several books and dictionaries and how th process slowly affected his life. He elaborates how reading increases a performance and efficiency to heighten their potential. In Learning to Read, by Malcolm X, he... Show more content on ... He repeats the various books that he read and it shows the variety of what he read. For example, he repeats the sentence with I and goes on to talk about reading about the horrors of slavery (165). It is not directly claimed, but it can be inferred that what he read had an effect on his goals in later life. This even further shows how using repetition reiterates a thought and drives the thought into the reader s mind. The extensive examples prove that Malcolm X uses repetition along with anecdotes to remind the reader that the events in the story happened to him and not anyone else. Although Malcolm X s repetition does a splendid job of conveying his message, the strongest tools in his arsenal are his anecdotes, or short stories. Because the text is a narrative, it tells mostly of real events in his life. He tells this narrative through anecdotes about his time in prison reading countless books and texts. For example, he recounts the time that he read the dictionary, reciting countless volumes of words just to learn new things (162). This demonstrates that all of these event that he mentions happen to him and were true. When Malcolm X uses this anecdote he is saying that a simple dictionary furthered a man that would become one of the most prominent civil rights activists. This further proves his point that learning to read is the most important and influential ability
  • 38. What Does Gertrude s Wardrobe Represent For my visual representation of Queen Gertrude, I created a model of a wardrobe containing various articles of clothing from the Elizabethan era that symbolize different aspects of Gertrude s Personality. The wardrobe itselfs contains a lock on the outside, as not much is actually known for certain about Gertrude s true nature because she has very few lines, and much of what we know about her comes from the opinions of other characters. The first item of clothingon the left side of the wardrobe is a corset. A corset not only molds a womans torso to its desired shape, but also forces the women to stand up straight, and can thus be seen as a symbol of the stern and down to earth side of Gertrude s personality. This is the aspect of her personality that commands Polonius to speak of more matter with less art and that reprimands Hamlet for speaking... Show more content on ... This represents the incestuous...adulterate side of Gertrude that Hamlet spends so much time dwelling on (I.v.49). However, it is important to note that Gertrude never confirms that her reason for marrying Claudius was sexual desire, and for this reason, the smock is proportionally smaller than the rest of the clothing. Next is a farthingale, which is a hooped petticoat that was meant to add volume to the wearer s skirts. Just as a farthingale was used to elevate skirts, Gertrude took certain actions in order to elevate her position in the royal court, such as her o erhasty marriage to Claudius (II.ii.60). She was well aware that there would be consequences to a quick marriage, but decided that the benefits outweighed them, just as women wore hoop skirts to improve beauty even if it meant sacrificing comfort. I chose to include a drawing of a mirror in order to reiterate the fact by solely looking at Gertrude s outer appearance, there is not much that the reader can learn about
  • 39. Causes Of The Great Schism Was the Great Schism a good thing? The Greek and Roman empires were two different and unique places to live. Even though they had many differences, they also had many similarities with one another. One of the biggest similarities between these two great empires was they both practiced the religion of Christianity. People may not know but they practiced different types of Christianity in these two empires. The Romans would practice in Catholic churches while the Greeks would practice in the Orthodox church. The reason for these two churches to split up was because of an event called the Great Schism which caused Christianity to split into these two churches. Many people at the time might say that this was a good thing, others might say it s a bad thing. The schism caused many different event to occur. According to the documents, assumption of power and rivalry over land was the causes of the schism, churches blaming each other and ill treatment were its effects. One of the events that lead to the schism was that one church had more power that the other. As it states in Document 1, If he wishes to judge us and even rule us and our church, not by taking council with us but his own arbitrary (Document 1). This quote is said by an Orthodox Archbishop named Nicomedia. In other words, Nicomedia s trying to say that the Roman Catholic church things it has more power than the Greek Orthodox church. Nicomedia complains that the Catholic church is trying to take over the Orthodox
  • 40. Regeneration Analysis Regeneration. Architectural propositions. A look at practical solutions ad proposal for the regereration on he cixommunity As a result of the exposure explained in prior chapters, A spotlight of sorts has been cast on the community, bring it to front of public discuss. More people and organisation are aware of the dilapidated conditions and as a result are driven to want to facilitate development of the community. To explore this, two large scale regeneration schemes will explored in details. The first is a Waterfront Regeneration plan put forward by the Henriech Boil Foundation and the Social and Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC) Lagos. The Second is the Lagos Water Communities project by NLE. The Guardian online also suggested in ... Show more content on ... Second is the Lagos Water Communities project by NLE. This project addresses the issue of Climate change emphasised by rapid organisation . It presents structures identical to the Makoko Floating School arranged in a cluster to form a large system. In this scheme, A series of A shaped 10m by 10m wide pyramids floated on 256 recycled plastic barrels existing on 3 levels like the MFS but housing diverse program are populated. The structure, solar powered and containing its own rainwater and waste collection mechanism could represent a prototype that can be adopted to be homes, community hubs, worship space, social space and much more. Some of this structure may be connected as smaller clusters to allow for larger activity space, for example four of these may be connected diagonally by a wooden platform to accommodate a larger school as well as give stronger anchorage to the structure and prevent drifting. After a year an a half of deliberation and testing from the conclusion of the construction of MFS in early 2013 to the its eventual commission in late 2015, The Lagos state government finally approved the model proposed in this scheme and stated that it would be taken into considering for future development in the community. Chapter 6 above provides detailed explanation about the Makoko Floating School project, however, before the crash of the first prototype in Makoko, a second prototype tilted MFS 2 was exhibited at the 2016 Venice Biennale. Interstingly, the first
  • 41. Suffering In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor In Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud attempts to explain the sources of human suffering: We are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our own body, which is doomed to decay and dissolution and which cannot even do without pain and anxiety as warning signals; from the external world, which may rage against us with overwhelming and merciless forces of destruction; and finally from our relations to other men (54). Ultimately concluding that the most heartbreaking kind of suffering is the pain felt due to the words and actions of our peers, specifically our loved ones, Freud laments the necessity of turning to others in order to find some sort of joy and argues... Show more content on ... For most of this chapter, Ivan recites a poem he wrote titled The Grand Inquisitor to Alyosha, who listens in silent horror. Ivan begins his poem with the rebirth of Christ on earth, walking the streets and curing the sick. Christ s actions get the attention of The Grand Inquisitor, who imprisons Christ and lectures to him that night. The Grand Inquisitor accuses Christ of dooming humans to perpetual suffering by granting humans free will, something that they think they want but actually harms them, for it is a heavy burden upon mankind, who suffers with the knowledge that they are free to choose or reject Christianity, but without the willpower it takes to be faithful, rendering them all damned forever. As The Grand Inquisitor attacks Christ for overestimat[ing] mankind (256), believing that they had the power to freely love Christ, Christ himself remains silent, until at the very end, when The Inquisitor is finished speaking, he rises and gently kisses him on his bloodless, ninety year old lips (262). The Inquisitor responds by setting Christ free. Ultimately, Christ s silence tells all; his kiss is the whole answer (262) His silence reveals his attempts to understand The Grand Inquisitor s perspective, his look of apparently not wishing to contradict anything (262) reveals that he too understands the ambiguity of faith and how difficult it is for some people to accept religion when they are so caught up in the contradictions faith presents. And while Christ s kiss does not banish this ambiguity, it does reveal a profound compassion for The Inquisitor, an acknowledgement of his suffering, and The Inquisitor s ultimate decision to free Christ reveals his own compassion for another s
  • 42. Biography Of Herbert And I Got Married Page 1: Herbert and I got married on February 10th, 1899 at my mother s home in Monterey, California. He pursued a career in engineering and became very successful. Page 2: In 1914, Herbert became very popular for his help in World War I bringing over 120,000 Americans back from Europe. He also successfully helped create a Commission of Relief in Belgium to help feed their people during the war. Page 3: Because of his success in feeding the people of Belgium, in April of 1917, my husband excepted President Wilson s request for him to become the head of the U.S. Food Administration. Herbert would use the slogan food will win the war which became very popular. Page 4: To help supply more food for the soldiers, Herbert created set days... Show more content on ... His goal was to create an efficient economy. One thing he achieved was creating a standardized product which would make items more safe for consumers. Page 8: I remember there was a terrible flood in Mississippi in the year of 1927 that left 1.5 million people homeless. There were also over 120,000 homes destroyed. Page 9: My husband was sent there and set up health units that helped clear malaria and typhoid fever from several areas. He also went spoke on radio and recieved donations from people that totaled up to $15,000. Herbert was praised greatly. Page 10: In 1929 he was elected to run as a presidential candidate. President Coolidge did not plan on running for his second term. Because of Herbert s popularity as secretary, he won and became the 31st president of the United States on March 4, 1929. I was so proud of him. Ch 2: Stock Market Crash of 1929 Page 1: As president, he wanted to improve the regulation systems and banish poverty. But unfortunately after a couple of month, Herbert was put into a difficult situation. Page 2: On October 29th, 1929, just only eight months into Herbert s presidency, the stock market crashed. Investors lost billions of dollars after trading over 16 million shares on the New York Exchange. Most people invested their whole life savings into the stock market because of the stock market boom in 1925. Page 3: On October 24th, or also known as Black Thursday,
  • 43. Graycloud By John Nola Analysis Like Nola, Ruth Graycloud, was exploited and subjugated by her white husband, John Tate. Ruth was Moses Graycloud s twin sister. Like Nola, Ruth was an Osage woman who became a victim of one of the white men who married Native American women to get access to Osage oil wealth. Despite marrying a Native American woman , Tate had no respect to Native Americans. As Yanka Kroumova Krasteva contends, Tate constantly takes pictures of the Indians, as if they were archaeological finds. And this is the way he treats his Indian wife (55). Tate was a photographer; he used to appear at all significant events in the Indian territory standing behind the three legged stand that held his camera, his head covered with black cloth, his own good eye seeing everything through glass lenses (Hogan, Mean Spirit 58). He used to photograph Native Americans and send their pictures to magazines. Tate first used Ruth as a model then as source of income . (Hogan, Mean Spirit 179). He humiliated and abused her; he did not love her, disliked to be seen with her. They seldom went anywhere together, but when they did, he never walked at her side (Hogan, Mean Spirit 134). At the end of Mean Spirit Tate killed Ruth. As a result, Moses shot him dead. In fact, Hogan highlights the oppression inflicted upon women. Meanwhile, she pinpoints the previously discussed ecofeminist principle that women s liberation is inseparable from the struggle against the oppression and abuse of
  • 44. Causes Of Mistreatment In Zoos The Hidden Factor On average about 175 million people visit a zoo per year. However, the majority of these people fail to notice a relative issue that is lying in front of their faces. That these animals within these zoos are suffering every day from mistreatment and abuse. Most of the society ignores the many factors that have been revealed to them every time they enter a zoo. Instead, society focuses in on issues that are happening right now, the issues that draw out the media and are on the cover of every newspaper. However, these animals facing this mistreatment are relevant and do impact society. Every time an animal is taken from the wild and placed in the captivity of a zoo it impacts the mental health of the animal and endangers everyone and everything around it. Zoos are to blame for this endangerment, yet so is the public for overlooking mistreatment such as an early death in animals, mental illness, and being imported illegally from the wild. When most of the society thinks of a zoo, they think of family fun and a weekend of their childhood. However, what society fails to notice is that zoos are a deathtrap for the animals living inside of them. Most animals in zoos die much earlier than they do in the wild. One factor that causes this early death is entertainment for the visitors. For example, according to the article, Killing Animals at the Zoo by Ian Parker reveals two biology students were scheduled to dissect a young lion in front of a family audience
  • 45. Consequences Of The Book Thief Life takes place through series of causes and effects. For every decision made, a consequence occurs, either good or bad. In essence, history is an effect, and the consequences of people s decisions are the cause. Many would say that death is the ultimate consequence. In the eyes of historians, only one period of time can truly express death as a worst case scenario come true: the Holocaust. After World War 1, Hitler and the Nazi partyrose to power in Germany, and the world is still feeling the loss that was inflicted during that time. Towards the beginning of World War 2, Nazi Germanybegan to relocate and kill members of certain ethnic groups and belief systems. Among those persecuted were Jews, Jehovah s witnesses, homosexuals, and gypsies. ... Show more content on ... Afraid that officers would come, search the house, and find Max, they try to find Max a new place to stay. The plan is to meet him at the bridge in four days. When Hans arrives, he is greeted by a note from Max stating that Hans had helped enough. Briefly, one of Liesel s worst fears had occurred because of one of Hans s rash decisions. Notwithstanding the theme of consequences, The Book Thief plays on the causes and effects that shaped Liesel s life all while informing the reader of the travesties that occurred during the Holocaust. Not all authors are as obvious when writing books with allegorical meanings, many writers hide harsh ideas like consequences in subtle ways. Many children s books play on the innocence of of the ignorant during the Holocaust to help create a book fitting for kids. The book, Rose Blanche, builds the rising action with Rose s ignorance which leads her to a concentration camp where Rose decides to help the children she finds. Since I [Rose Blanche] had a piece of bread, I carefully handed it to them through the wires (Innocenti 14). Although dangerous, Rose begins to continuously bring food to the concentration camp. Her heroic efforts lead to the brief happiness of the children in the camp which is a beneficial
  • 46. Cyber Predators And Its Effects On Children Introduction: The cyber crime I have chosen is cyber predators. Cyber predators are individuals who commit sexual abuse that begins or takes place on the Internet. Although the Internet did not create child predators, it has significantly increased the opportunities predators have to meet victims while minimizing detection. They can communicate with children anonymously through instant messaging, social networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, and even cell phones. Online predators do not fit any one mold or stereotype; seemingly upstanding citizens have been caught enticing children for sexual acts. Contrary to popular belief, most online predators are not pedophiles. Pedophiles target pre pubescent children, while online predators typically target adolescents who engage in risky online behavior. (Wolak J, Finkelhor D, Mitchell K, Ybarra M. 2008). Describe the type of cybercrime you selected. Predators take advantage of children s natural vulnerabilities, such as their desire to appear adult or their need for attention. Grooming is the process through which predators play on these vulnerabilities by offering children gifts and attention. It does not happen overnight. Grooming can be a long process that a patient, tenacious predator has planned and perfected to gain a child s trust. This grooming may lead to the child s willingness to meet the person with whom he or she is chatting. Offenders will often entice a child into a face to face meeting by
  • 47. Pyramid Of Giza Imagine the radiating heat of the bright Egyptian sun, mercilessly projecting its rays upon your back. Your bones ache for rest, your body thirst for water and your feet are callused from the blistering, Giza sand beneath you. Gazing from right to left are what seems like thousands of men, working around you in an effort to complete the impossible task that lays before them. For centuries and centuries, the Great Pyramid of Gizahas withstood the test of time, and rises to be the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Formed from the ground up, with incredible precision, unwavering determination and advanced engineering, the Egyptians managed to construct a monument that would last nearly 5,000 years after its completion. Originally... Show more content on ... As any one can imagine, this was a very difficult task, as each stone needed to be faultlessly position. If a block of stone was too jagged or unevenly proportioned, it would be chiseled down until not even the thinnest piece of paper could fit between the crack of two stones side by side. As far as how the stones were set, not much information is given. Some scientist believe that several ramps where used towards the end of the project in order to transport the blocks from the ground to the top part of the pyramid. Evidence reveals that levers where use to help ease the weight of a 2 ton block and what appears to be an incredibly early form of a pulley may have also been
  • 48. Moral Dilemma In Les Miserables A single quiet splash heard by no one signaled the end of Javert, a man of the law in Victor Hugo s novel Les Miserables. He chases after Jean Valjean for years without rest or relenting, simply because Valjean broke parole. Given an opportunity to capture him, Javert would show no hesitation or mercy to the man who stole a loaf of bread. His resolve in this goal is shattered when Valjean, given the chance to the man pursuing him, instead saves Javert s life. The conflicting examples of a galley slave and a holy man confound Javert s biases. Valjean s actions caused him to struggle internally, and eventually led him to give up on the world that he no longer understands and commits suicide. Rather than fight through the sudden change in his life, Javert succumbed to the struggle. Javert should have endured his moral dilemma rather than end his life.... Show more content on ... The novel voices his thoughts by stating, Where was he? He sought himself and found himself no longer, (Hugo 282). Beliefs building a worldview were shattered by one man, with no obvious repair. At least, that s what Javert believes. Unquestioned morals controlled Javert leaving him unprepared for when someone unexpected Valjean appeared. Without having experienced some opposing views, Javert was unprepared for any challenge. Reevaluating his beliefs or examining them from other angles to make sure he was satisfied with them would have strengthened his resolve and will to live. Javert had a shallow foundation for his beliefs, and so the first storm that came blew him over. Someone with a deep foundation, constructed from a variety of materials along with time and effort to create is able to withstand the storms life brings more effectively and for a longer period of time. A mentor or friend is exactly what Javert needed in this instance. Facing the struggle seems impossible unless someone shoulders the load alongside
  • 49. Essay on Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 In this investigation one will find the long term and short term causes of the Yom Kippur war. This was achieved by reading various sources about the war and the events that were prior to the war. Thus for this investigation the research question is called what were the causes of the Yom Kippur war of 1973. By researching about the war one came across various sources some very reliable and some not so dependable thus the evaluation of sources shows how reliable and valuable the investigation s two main sources are. From each source of the sources one took the liberty of extracting relevant information about the war thus all the events that were related ... Show more content on ... This was so due to the armistice gave way for Israel to gain 50% more land then what was given to them by the U.N which again the Arabs felt it was unjust ( However, 7 years later on October 29 1956 Israel invades the Sinai region which was Egyptian they did this in retaliation to the Egyptians closing the Suez Canal to the Israelis. As well as that the Israelis wanted to stop soviet arms being used and reached by the Egyptians. Clearly a long term cause of the 73 war due to it almost triggered another war in the region (History of Israel). On May 1964 the infamous PLO, Palestine liberation organization was founded, whose soul aim was the destroy Israel. Alongside with the creation of this organization a charter was made as well for the organization which stated an immediate liquidation of the state of Israel. This was an organization which would eventually trouble Israel for a long time and still continues today to do so. 3 years later, on May 1967 Nasser, president of Egypt once again closes the Tiran straits to Israeli ships, and ignores UN peace keepers in the region. Again he did this to put pressure and create a military front off between the two nations in hope that the other Arab nations would back him if another war
  • 50. Difference between the US and UK Politial Systems Possibly the most essential difference amid the United States and United Kingdom political systems is the constitution or the absence of one. The United States has a written constitution as does a large majority of nation states. The British do not have a distinct article called the constitution but in its place its constitutional necessities are scattered over numerous Acts of Parliament. The United States Constitutionis difficult to adjust and in present political conditions, maybe impracticable to change in any significant respect. The Equal Rights Amendment which fought to provide equal rights for women failed and there has been no victorious amendment of the US Constitution except for one technical measure since 1971. What for realistic purposes constitutes the British Constitution numerous Acts of Parliament can be altered by a simple majority in the legislature. For example, the current Government presented set terms for the House of Commons by passing the needed legislation. In the United States, political dialogue regularly makes references to the constitution, usually Republicans arguing that Democratic proposals are Unlawful . Above and beyond the fact that the United Kingdomdoes not obtain a constitution as such, it is uncommon for British politicians to dispute that the actions or proposals of their opponents are unlawful. An essential characteristic of the American constitution is the firm separation of the power of the administrative, the legislature
  • 51. Chestnut Bark Disease The Chestnut blight is a fungus which is also called the chestnut bark disease. The scientific name for this is Cryphonectria Parasitica (Murril) Barr. The organism that assaults the American chestnut has the appearance of an extensive ulcer, and is regularly found on the tree trunk or other tree surface range. It enters tree wounds and splits and develops in and under the bark, executing the territory around the tree twig, extension or trunk. Yellow or orange spores (called pycnidia) radiate from the infection, and they are as little as a pinhead. The ulcer lodging the parasite could be either swollen or sunken; with the recent being the deadly sort that executes the tree. From the start, the tree kicks the bucket over the ulcer, despite the fact that it may keep on sprouting beneath it. As sprouts develop, they, too, get contaminated and pass on. In the long run, infections spread all around the tree surface, murdering the tree. In spite of the fact that youthful trees may succumb to the ailment inside a year, experienced trees may take years to succumb to the parasite. The principal study that researched the wellspring of the scourge parasite ailment was charged in 1913 by the USDA. Candid Meyer, who headed the study for the USDA, reported in that year that the malady was found on chestnut trees in bumpy uplands of China. Two years after the fact, in 1915, Meyer likewise uncovered the curse organism ailment in Japan, in sloping reaches where chestnut trees were