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Essays On Terrorism
Writing an essay on the topic of terrorism is undoubtedly a challenging task that demands careful
consideration and extensive research. The intricacies of terrorism, its historical roots, various
manifestations, and the complex socio-political factors involved make this subject matter both
sensitive and multifaceted. Addressing the topic requires a delicate balance between presenting
factual information, analyzing underlying causes, and exploring potential solutions.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating the emotional aspect of the subject. Terrorism often
involves acts of violence that cause harm to innocent lives, stirring strong emotions and opinions.
Striking the right tone that is both empathetic and objective becomes crucial to avoid
sensationalism or oversimplification. Moreover, distinguishing between different forms of
terrorism, such as state-sponsored, religious, or ideological, adds another layer of complexity,
requiring a nuanced understanding of global affairs.
The vast amount of information available on terrorism necessitates thorough research to ensure
the accuracy and relevance of the content. This involves delving into historical events, political
ideologies, and the evolving nature of terrorism in the contemporary world. Analyzing case
studies and examining the impact of counter-terrorism measures further adds to the research
Crafting a cohesive and compelling argument while maintaining an unbiased stance poses
another challenge. Balancing the presentation of facts with thoughtful analysis without
succumbing to personal biases or stereotypes requires a careful and thoughtful approach.
Additionally, addressing the root causes of terrorism, be they political, economic, or social,
demands a comprehensive understanding of global dynamics.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of terrorism is undeniably difficult due to the
sensitive nature of the subject, the need for extensive research, and the requirement for a
balanced and nuanced approach. However, it is crucial to approach the task with diligence and a
commitment to providing a well-informed perspective. If you find yourself struggling with such
an assignment, it's worth considering seeking assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered
on, where professional writers can help navigate the complexities of this
challenging topic.
Essays On TerrorismEssays On Terrorism
Analysis Of The Rabbit Proof Fence
How would you feel if you got taken away from your parents and family? The
author of the rabbit proof fence Doris Pilkington Garimara wrote the books to help
spread how badly the white people treated the aboriginal people. The forced removal
of Indigenous Australians from land and family had an impact on Australia. Today s
oral presentation will discuss: the time that the rabbit proof fence was set in, why
Doris Pilkington Garimara created the text and how the audience is positioned to
view the indigenous perspective through its use of multimodal elements.
The author of the rabbit proof fence has shown lots about Australian history over
those past years of the white taking the aboriginals land and children. The movie is
based on the stolen
The Ethics Of The Canadian Law System
Bullying is an important topic in society because it continues to be a problem for
individuals whether they are in school, at work or even at home. Bullying can be
demonstrated verbally and/or physically. In other words, it is when one hurts or
threatens to harm a person to do his/her wantings. It is controversial whether
Canadian law has adequately addressed this topic. Bullyinghas indeed been
addressed properly throughout Canada s law system in various ways. The goal of
this essay is to show that the justice system has made many laws and regulations to
help victims or anyone involved in the bullying through the many bills created to
amend existing acts, the created action plans against bullying and laws that are
created in the Criminal Code.
To begin with, Ontario created Bill 13 as an amendment of the Education Act, to
help those suffering from bullying. According to a website: The purpose of this
legislation is to: 1 identify bullying; 2. prevent bullying; and 3. improve
inclusiveness in schools (Bill 13 Accepting Schools Act). Bill 13 helps provide
support for students that are being bullied and improves how the school approaches
these situations. Their goal is to reduce the amount of these incidents and provide
healing for the victims. It also requires for schools to prevent bullying to make sure
that students are learning in a positive and safe environment at all times. Therefore,
having this law ensures the students safety and prevents bullying from ever
Olivia Dunham Character Traits
Fringe is a television series that ran from 2008 to 2013 having a total of five
seasons. For one looking for a science fiction with twists and turns, along with an
appropriate amount of drama, action, little bit of romance and a plot that seems to
deliver great episodes at every turn, this series is it. Not only does this show have
engaging qualities, the lead Olivia Dunham is the utmost depiction of a warrior
woman. Olivia is an impressive protagonist being an example of how a strong
woman works in a male dominate field, have the inability to look vulnerable in front
of criminals, and over come the struggles in her own life. Olivia is a strongly written
character, not only beautiful, but qualified for the job. She earned the positions she...
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When her lover got into an accident, she used it as motivation to find someone who
could be responsible but also help save him. She comes to Broyles with a lead
about Doctor Bishop, who is placed in a mental institute because one of his
assistants died during an experiment he performed 17 years ago. Olivia had to fight
with Broyles to get him to listen to her on why he is a good suspect to question.
Doctor Bishop has experience working with the chemicals that were used and he
may know how to find a cure. Olivia does not back down defending her lead,
OLIVIA: I m coming to you with a solid lead and your personal resentment is
preventing you...BROYLES: And you re wasting your breath and my time. Do
you understand immediate family? You want to question Dr. Bishop, you go find
his next of kin and have him escort you in. Talk to Bishop, uncover something
substantial and I will have your back. Until then, I am not so convinced. Now, can
you handle that? (1.1). She knows what needs to be done in order to be able to
maneuver herself in this field is to prove herself. Her just saying her thoughts on a
case will not be enough. She needs to go out there and work harder in order to gain
the respect of her supervisors. Even though she has prove herself many times in the
past through her work. Olivia still has to validate herself. Leaving the notion that she
has the ability
The Film Fiddler On The Roof
Fiddler on the Roof is a 3 hour musical film based on Sholom Aleichem s stories. In
the opening scene, Tevye discusses the traditions of his community. He says,
Tradition. Without our tradition, our lives would be as shaky as . . . as a fiddler
on the roof. Explain what Tevye means by this statement. Tevye states without
tradition people have not balance in life. The prayer shawl that the men wear is a
reminder of their constant devotion to God. Tevye sings about keeping their routes
in life for several years and every aspect of life tells something about who they are.
What is the role of Yente in the society? Why was marriage for a young woman so
important? ) Yente s role in the village is to be the matchmaker. She was entrusted
with finding husbands for the young ladies in the village. The Jewish people inside
of Russia were in jeopardy of being eliminated, so the... Show more content on ...
God was Tevye s counsel and Tevye was leader of the family unit. Golde was
second in line under Tevye and she submitted to his choices but played the puppet
master to a certain point. Then Tzeitel wad next because the other girls could not
consider marriage until she had married. And the son in law s would be adopted in
like sons once the girls were married. What is the significance of the discussion (in
song) between Tevye and Golde regarding their love for one another? Tevye and
Golde s did not meet until the day of their wedding so there was no love but an
arrangement. Total opposite of all his girls which married for love and rejected the
tradition arranged marriages. I m not too sure if they knew what being in love was
after twenty five years together and neither Tevye nor Golde thought much of telling
each other they loved each other over the years and that it was assumed. Tevye asks
Chava if she knows what this means, marrying outside the faith? What does it mean
to Tevye for one of his daughters to marry outside the
Essay On Gangs In Schools
Gangs are present in many schools in the United States. Approximately 45% of high
school students say that there are gangs or students who consider themselves a part
of a gang in their schools. Around 35% of middle school students say that there are
gangs or students who consider themselves part of a gangin their schools (Arciaga,
Sakamoto, and Jones, 2010). According to the School CrimeSupplement to the
National Crime Victimization Survey (2007), 23 % of students reported the presence
of gangsof their school campus or in the surrounding area in 2007. This is a 21%
increase from the 2003 survey conducted (Arciaga, Sakamoto, and Jones, 2010).
Gang members do not leave their conflicts, attitudes, and behaviors outside the school
doors. Some of the most dangerous gang activities in any community may take place
in and around local schools Gang members encounter each other at school during
class changes, n the lunchroom, in ... Show more content on ...
First, school administrators do not identify gang activity when they see it. Training
and preparation are critical to a real response to gangs in the learning environment.
Secondly, many school administrators, public admission that the school has a
population of gang member might seem like a failure too properly control the
school. Thirdly, school choice laws has passed in many areas to make it possible for
parents to remove their children from a particular school. Finally, schools may be
reluctant to share information on gang activity in and around the school for fear of
violation confidentiality laws. Sharing the information about the problems with the
gang activity can help entities prevent further acts of retaliation and violence. Most
schools and school districts that have openly addressed gang problems have found
that students and staff members, as well as parents and the community are safer and
feel more secure (Arciaga, Sakamoto, and Jones,
The Role Of Guilt In Criminal Law
Chapter 2 explains in detail the factors that could lead a person to do one of the
most unbelievable things a person could do: to admit guilt for a crime that he/she
did not commit, known as a false confession. Police officers are trained to make
criminals confess, however, the techniques used by them, such as bluff, excessively
long interrogatories, the Reid technique, and the use of false incriminating evidence
could make anyone confess, even innocent people. As incredible as this sounds, this
is an ongoing issue in the history of criminal law. People who are more at risk to
break under this kind of pressure are young, mentally or intellectually impaired, or
possess personality traits such as compliance and suggestibility (Perillo, J. T.,
Woolworths Ltd Doing the Right Thing
Doing the right thing | Sustainability Strategy 2007 2015
Doing the right thing. Contents 23478901 21 81 02 22 42 62 82 Foreword
WhatsustainabilitymeanstoWoolworthsLimited Ourmajorcommitmentsandtargets
WhoisWoolworthsLimited? Ourexternalengagement Engagingourpeople
Oursustainabilitypriorities Climatechange Water Sourcing Packaging Waste
GreenStores Implementationandreporting
All of us, every day.
Welcome to the Woolworths Limited Sustainability Strategy 007 015. Woolworths
has been around for over 80 years. We re proud of our history and reputation as a
successful business. And we know that the world is changing. We recognise that...
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In recent years, environmental sustainability has risen to become an everyday
concern. The impact of the current drought and extreme weather events such as
Cyclone Larry on Australian fresh produce supplies has brought into focus the effects
that climate change will have on our business. Paying attention to sustainability is
about future proofing our business.
It s about leadership.
We recognise that Woolworths can take a more prominent role in the debates around
sustainability. It is fair to say that Australian and New Zealand retailers have lagged
behind companies in the United Kingdom and Europe. So we are committed not just
to contributing to the debate but to taking specific, measurable actions to improve
our performance. By virtue of our size, scale, and the complexity of our business,
Woolworths is a significant player in the Australian and New Zealand economies.
With that profile comes not only a responsibility to understand and manage our
impacts, but also a tremendous opportunity to achieve lasting and beneficial change
that extends beyond our own operations. We aim to move to a leadership position on
It s about listening.
As our knowledge of the way in which human societies impact on the natural world
develops, society s expectations of corporate conduct have evolved. Quite rightly,
our stakeholders expect us to consider the broader, long term implications of our
operations as a part of our decision making processes.
Statement Of Purpose Of Technology
Statement of Purpose
What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up
with. It s the equivalent of a bicycle of our minds Steve Jobs.
The present world is the world of technology. Computers and advancement of
technology is playing an increasingly crucial role in today s world. More and more
countries are increasingly moving towards a digital economy. The sovereign
governments can take important and useful inputs through analysis of vast ocean of
data and efficient use of technology, in the formulation of economic and social
policies and programs. A vast amount of data is collected by various entities and if
data is properly organised, analysed and stored, it can be of immense use to the
The contribution I can make to this fast changing society is by dedicating myself to
the effective use of technology by increasing my knowledge and upgrading my
skills. I can commit to contribute toward increase of power of self expression and
informed decision making ability by all concerned for the overall benefit of the
I introduce ... Show more content on ...
I not only have a vision, but I complement it with proper planning and hard work. I
am told that I am a creative and good planner. I continue to strive hard till I get the
desired results. I am not a student who concentrates on studies alone. While
maintaining a right balance between academics and extra curricular activities, I was
actively involved in conducting seminars and guest lectures for the department. I
have participated in many extra curricular activities, cultural events, sports and have
won the cricket tournaments.After being recognized as a person with good leadership
qualities and motivational skills I was assigned a key role in the core team to
organize events held at the
Theme Of The Prison Door
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne opens with a scene that introduces some
of the major themes of the novel. The chapter, titled The Prison Door , contains little
action, and instead sets the scene and introduces many themes and symbols in the
novel. A crowd of somber, dreary looking puritans have gathered outside the door of
a prisonin seventeenth century Boston. The building s heavy oak door are studded
with iron spikes, and the prison appears to have been constructed to hold dangerous
criminals.The one incongruity in the otherwise drab scene is the rosebush that
grows next to the prison door. The narrator suggests that it offers a reminder of
Nature s kindness to the condemned; for his tale, he says, it will provide either a
sweet moral blossom or else some relief in the face of unrelenting sorrow and gloom.
It is through The Prison Door that the major themes of the novel such as sin,
punishment, puritanism, and nature are introduced to the novel.
The scene opens with a crowd of men and women assembled near a dilapidated
wooden prison. The narrator says that this particular prison was most likely built
upon the founding of Boston and then goes on to describe prisons as the black
flower of civilized society. At this point, the theme of sin and punishment is
introduced into the novel. Prisons are a black flower because though they are meant
to punish sin (represented by the color black in the novel), they would not exist
without sin. Prisons feed on sin in
Junot Diaz s How To Date A Brown Girl, White Girl
How to Date a Brown girl, Black girl, White girl, and Halfie by Junot Diaz the
teenage boy continuously has repeated facades on interactions noted with females,
including hiding one s true social status, history, race and ethnicity. This makes the
potential for either of the participants finding out the truth about the other
impossible. Moreover, the writer promotes the manipulation of the given situation
towards gaining his physical cut of intimacy regardless of his partners needs for
emotional maturity and intimacy. Diaz also demonstrates how a person s
expectations of others are determined by their subjective generalizations in terms
of race or social class. In addition, it highlights how individuals try to control other
people s perceptions. In Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison the narrator is living his life
based off the advice his grandfather has given him. Overall, both stories deal with
overcoming obstacles in a way that s different from the other. How to Date a
Brown girl, Black girl, White girl, and Halfie by Junot Diaz comes across as a guide
book for teenage boys for ethnicity dating. The narrator addresses the reader... Show
more content on ...
For example, Diaz says that that hide the pictures of yourself with an Afro...take
down any embarrassing photos of your family, (143). Diaz also instructs one to hide
their ethnicity by saying, run a hand through your hair like the White boys do even
though the only thing that runs easily through your hair is Africa (145). He
guarantees his readers that following the given counsel offers one a high probability
of accomplishing physical fulfillment and closeness because of the precisely
arranged subjective impression he shows towards his date. Diaz suggests that the
covering up of one s character is the best activity. Regardless of the unethical
behaviors joined to the
The Controversy Of Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana has been a highly controversial topic in our society for several years
with the main controversy being over whether marijuana should be legalized or
not. Branching off of the idea of legalization comes this idea of marijuana being
used for a medical purpose. Marijuana has proved to benefit medically in multiple
different ways physically and mentally. Despite the knowledge of relief marijuana
could provide there are still massive amounts of controversy circulating the idea of
legalization for medical purposes. The controversy of marijuana being used for
medicine goes as far back as 1996. In 1996, it was said that at least 8 states in the
United States had voters who approved of the legalization of medical marijuana. In
1999 fuel was... Show more content on ...
While there are studies that lead us to believe that the use of medical marijuana on
cancer patients can actually help their recovery, it is also reported that the THC,
can impair the body s immune system. Some methods of ingesting medical
marijuana include, food and drink consumption, as well as smoking. Smoking can
lead to respiratory problems due to the smoke, leaving the body with a weakness,
possibly causing cancer in the lungs and respiratory tract. This can also lead to an
increased risk of heart attacks. Overall, these side effects and long lasting
impairments can be much more harmful than the possible positives of medical
marijuana. To conclude, medical marijuana is beneficial but if used excessively
side effects could occur. The group is for medical marijuana due to the fact that it
can be used for tax purposes and it helps an ill person get through their pain. While
we focus on the pros, we also understand the cons which include not being FDA
approved, bringing on mental issues, and harming the immune system and other body
systems. There may not be a definite side in society that is for or against this topic,
but it is important to know that medical marijuana is used to lessen the pain for the
patients that use
Electricity Generation
Electricity generation is the process of creating electricity from other forms of energy.
The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the
1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. His basic method is
still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of
copper between the poles of a magnet.[1]
For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers.
The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power
storage and recovery using pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the
electrical power industry.
Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical ... Show
more content on ...
The combustion of fossil fuels supplies most of the heat to these engines, with a
significant fraction from nuclear fission and some from renewable sources. The
modern steam turbine invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884 today generates
about 80 percent of the electric power in the world using a variety of heat sources.
[edit] Turbines
Large dams such as Three Gorges Dam in China can provide large amounts of
hydroelectric power; it will have a 22.5 GW capability.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant.
A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah.
All turbines are driven by a fluid acting as an intermediate energy carrier. Many of
the heat engines just mentioned are turbines. Other types of turbines can be driven by
wind or falling water.
Sources include: * Steam Water is boiled by: * Nuclear fission, * The burning of
fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, or petroleum). In hot gas (gas turbine), turbines are
driven directly by gases produced by the combustion of natural gas or oil.
Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven by both steam and natural gas. They
generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to
generate additional electricity from steam. These plants offer efficiencies of up to
60%. * Renewables. The steam generated by: * Biomass * The sun as the heat
source: solar parabolic troughs and solar power towers
Secrets Revealed Chapter Summary
I do not own the Time Crisis series or Infinite Stratos. Those belong to their
respective owners. The only thing I own is this Fanfiction. Summary: 6 days after
Phantom Task invaded the IS Academy, Ichika Orimura wants revenge against
them. He finds out that his sister Chifuyu was once an agent of the Vital Situation
Swift Elimination (V.S.S.E) Agency and wants to find out the answers to his past.
Now he s working with the V.S.S.E s best agents to find out the truth and get back
at Phantom Task, but he ll have to go through Wild Dog and his cronies to do it.
Chapter 1: Secrets Revealed Orimura Residence Tokyo, Japan 9:00 AM It s been 6
days after the attack on the IS Academy by the rogue IS organization, Phantom Task.
Ichika Orimura, 16... Show more content on ...
Ichika s sister was always worried about her brother. Chifuyu came to him and said
Ichika, what s wrong? You look like you ve seen a ghost. Ichika then said I don t
think so, but I found a file with your name on it, with the letters V.S.S.E, so what
aren t you telling me? Chifuyu sat down next to her little brother and began to talk
with him, Ok Ichika, but you re not going to believe me. Ichika then sat next to her
Try me, I m still a very good listener. He said. Chifuyu then began to tell her story,
Before I came to pilot an IS, I was once an agent of an elite international
intelligence agency, the V.S.S.E, which was short for Vital Situation Swift
Elimination. The agency was involved in eliminating any terrorist threat to the
security of the world. I was a part of the Field Operations Unit which was
comprised of the best agents in the world. After I left the agency, I left most of the
shares to you. I m sorry that I didn t tell you Ichika. You weren t ready for the truth.
Ichika was shocked about what he heard. Well, now you ve told me. , he said. And
now I want to get back at Phantom Task for what they did. Chifuyu was shocked at
those words, Ichika, that s crazy, you aren t even prepared and equipped to face
this organization. You ll die from facing them. Ichika shrugged those words off and
said, Then I ll die trying. Where do I find V.S.S.E Headquarters, because I m done
playing the part of a
Caesar Positive Effects
Some people think that the choices Caesar made were for the better, but I believe that
throughout history, Caesar has shown the common occurrence throughout dictators
that once they start to gain power, they become power hungry and the decisions they
make have a positive effect for them, but a negative effect for the people they are
serving because how Caesar drastically changed between a soldier and a dictator, how
the decisions Caesar made helped him, and most importantly, how he didn think of
the greater good of the people. One reason that throughout history, Caesar has show
the common occurrence throughout dictators that once they start to gain power, they
become power hungry and the decisions they make have a positive effect for them,...
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An example of this is how when he was just starting to become a leader and started
to revolt, he could disobey any of Rome s laws, solely due to the fact that he had an
army behind him, literally. This is important, because if you think back to past
dictators, like Hitler, this is how he started out. He gave speeches, and could do
what he wanted because of the fact that he had people behind him! Another
example of this is because when people in the Senate disagreed with him, mobs
would starting attacking said member. Because of how Caesar so easily resorted
to violence, the people who followed him also figured this was acceptable, and
would do it at the littlest of things! One last example, is how when Caesar first
became dictator for life, he made his title the unconquerable god. Two members of
the Senate disagreed with this, saying that the title wasn t reasonable, and they were
immediately kicked off. This is important, because it wasn t like some important law
he was making, or something in which he was helping people, he was being egotistic,
and due to the fact that not everyone in the Senate thought he was the best thing in
existence, they were kicked off. So, in the end, the decisions Caesar made mainly
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and climatic model (CLM 4.5)
outputs were conducted over the southern part of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer
System (NSAS) (area: 835 Г— 103 km2) in Sudan and Chad to estimate the natural
recharge rate. The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) is shared by Egypt,
Libya, Chad, and Sudan, and is one of the largest (area: ~ 2 Г— 106 km2)
groundwatersystems in the world. Findings from the study include: (1) average
annual precipitation was estimated at 77.5 mm (65 km3); (2) recharge rate was
estimated at 2.79В±0.99 km3/yr; given the annual extraction rate (~0.407В±0.10
km3), recharge rate amounted to 3.2В±1.00 km3/yr; and (3) the east west trending
Uweinat Aswan uplift impedes south to north groundwater flow and replenishment
from the recharge area in the south. A cost effective integrated approach is developed
to quantify the modern recharge of the NSAS during the period from January 2003 to
December 2012.
Groundwater recharge is the process of water movement downward through a
saturated zone under the force of gravity or in a direction determined by a
hydraulic condition (Simmers, 1997). Natural recharge of groundwater may occur
from precipitation, from rivers and canals, or from lakes. In arid and semi arid
areas, assessment of groundwater recharge is one of the key challenges in
determining the sustainable yield of aquifers, as recharge rates are generally low in
comparison with average annual rainfall or
Han China Vs Imperial Rome Essay
Both Rome and Han China rose from a smaller state. They achieved success through
trade, discipline, and a strong military force. Agriculture was a main economic
backbone, which supplied their government with tax funds and wealth. Overall, both
empires encompassed a large amount of culture derived from the peoples derived and
annexed into it. Imperial Rome and Han Chinas similarities in social class, governing
style, and technology helped aide its governmental power, but their differences in
labor, job success, and ruling style caused for slight changes in societal standing. First
of all, the similarities in Imperial Rome and Han China are most prevalent in the
Roman Equites and Chinese Gentry. Wealthy, land owning or scholarly families
constitute... Show more content on ...
Primarily, the style of governments was principally different. Han China favored a
Legalist and Confucian mix, due to Emperor Gaozu abolishing only some of the
previous Legalist ways, and introducing strategic measures to keep the people
happy, such as cutting costs to reduce taxes and storing grain in times of shortage.
Imperial Rome, however, implied a principate and military dictatorial form of
government. Augustus still maintained the the offices, senate, and many functions of
the old republic, while using the military to secure his control. Although he never
called himself an emperor, he chose to be princeps. Just as well, both governments
inforced different types of labor. Han China was popular for it s forced labor, like
for the Great Wall construction, while Rome relied on slave labor for the fieldwork
in farming and doing the lower, more laborious jobs. Relating to the class system, the
government in Han China also suppressed the merchants while Rome was dependent
on them. Han Chinese gentry members and advisers blamed merchants for many of
the economic problems, and prohibited them and their children from holding
government positions. However, in Rome, the empire experienced a pax romana
where its merchants are traders were particularly successful in providing wealth to the
Roman government, which in return deployed military members along trade routes
to ensure the safety of
Relationship Between Attention And Cognitive Psychology
Cognition is defined as the mental activities associated with thought, decision
making, language and other higher mental processes. Cognitive psychology is the
study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception,
problem solving, creativity and thinking. Cognitive psychology concerns how people
perceive ,understand ,evaluate and think. Cognitive psychologists argue that the mind
is a processor of information people perceive information through the senses and try
to understand that information and its relation to them ,and transmit information to
Thinking, an activity that involves the manipulation of mental representation of
various features of external world. Thinking involves reasoning, mental activity
through which we transform available information in order to reach conclusions.
Decision making ,the processes of choosing between two or more alternatives on the
basis of information about them. Problem solving , which typically involves
processing information in various ways in order to move toward desired goals.
Through language, share the ... Show more content on ...
Attention is the ability to attend to specific information and maintain that focus for
the required length of time. It also the ability to shut out competing information and
stimuli that can form distractions. In order for cognitive thought processes to occur,
an individual must be able to pay attention to a particular topic and fully absorb the
material being learned. The ability to maintain attention on a subject is needed in
order for the thought processes necessary for learning to occur.
According to William James(1890),attention is the taking possession of the mind ,in
clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects
or trains of thought. Focalisation ,concentration , of consciousness are of its
The Importance Of Year-Round Schooling
Year round schooling is a system that lengthens the amount of days spent in school by
shortening the duration of vacations. Although students may think otherwise, year
round schooling should be enforced in schools today. Year round schooling keeps
students stimulated, throughout the entire school year. Year round schooling
improves a student s academic and social performance as well as supporting families
financial strains. If year round schooling is not enforced, the academic scores of the
students will continue to decrease.
Year round schooling increases students academic performances. A study from the
California State Department of Education shows that standardized test scores
increased an average of 9.5% in Grade 3 with an average increase
History And Current Dynamic Of Sandstone
Sandstone Federal Correctional Institution in Sandstone, Minnesota has housed many
an inmate including the actor Tim Allen (Rodriguez) and it ranks 40 of 50 on s 50 most comfortable prions in the world. A well maintained
lawns leads to well kept cells, where nonviolent offenders are kept occupied with
leather making and stained glass creation. Some inmates may consider this a little
boring, but anything is better than being assaulted. (Records) This paper will discuss
the history and current dynamic of Sandstone, inmate demographics, services
available to them, staff demographics and their style of this staff. In 1931, the United
States was in the middle of the Great Depression. After the black market crash the...
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This report form 1929, focused on the issue of overcrowding in the federal prison
system and how federal judges in Minnesota indicated a need of more federal
prison farms in the northern part of the state. Barstow reasoned that a prison farm
could bring income and jobs to the town to make up for the economic fall of the
quarry and railroad. The town had a piece of land that had not been cleared across
the Kettle Rover to the east of the Sandstone that Barstow thought would be perfect.
Barstow recruited the help of Senator Adolph Larson, Dr. Homer p. Dredge, and
businessman John F. Hawley. These four men, later known as the prison farm four,
called a town meeting and formed a committee with a goal of obtaining a federal farm
for Sandstone. The U.S. department of Justice had already announced intent to build
a new prison farm in Minnesota, but Sandstone was not the only town bidding for a
new institution. Sandstone, however, had the unique advantage of being positioned
half way in the middle of the Twin Cities and Duluth, these cities delivered most of
the Minnesota s prison population. That June, the superintendent of prisons visited the
prosed site and recommended Sandstone as the location for the new prison far. On
November 10, 1931, Sandstone received the news that their bid of $5 per acre, for 2,
885 acres. (Troolin, Pine County History: The Federal Correctional Insitution at
Sandstone: A History
Canadian Confederation
This historical study will examine the complex provincial affiliations related to
Canadian Confederation that demanded complex political maneuvers to unify the
Anti Confederate party and the Confederate Party to support the Quebec Resolutions
of 1865. The Anti Confederate vantage point of George Etienne Cartier s Parti Bleus
was a primarily French region, which sought its own sovereign country. More so, the
Atlantic/Maritime colonies of New Brunswickand Nova Scotiarejected the idea of a
Canadian federal government, which was based on the political leadership of
William Annand of Nova Scotia and Albert J. Smith of New Brunswick. In contrast,
the Confederate leadership of James A. MacDonald in Ontario sought to unify Canada
due to the rising... Show more content on ...
The lack of political representation under the Union Act of 1840 provided very few
rights for local government, which was perceived as a danger if the new
confederate policies were to be instituted in 1864. In this case, William Annand s
leadership in the Anti Confederacy Party in Nova Scotia provided more seats in
the provincial legislature, which resulted in a rejection of the Quebec resolution
(Beck 56). More so, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were often marginalized in
these discussions, since they were not as economically powerful as Quebec or
Ontario. In this case, the Confederacy Party of Nova Scotia, under the leadership of
Charles Tupper, had temporarily failed to win over the people to federalization. The
distrust between the Nova Scotia parliament and the mainland provinces was a major
barrier to Confederacy due to a lack of representational government under the Union
In Nova Scotia, William Annand contended: It was a matter of very serious import to
the people of this province when they learned from such an authority that their rights
and privileges were to be swept away without their being consulted (Ajzenstat
Don t You Feel Everyone Should Receive A Fair Trial
Don t you feel everyone should receive a fair trial when being accused of a crime?
Well, 19 years ago, on January 13, 1999, a boy at Woodland High School in
Baltimore named Adnan was accused of manual strangling of a girl named Hae Min
Lee. He supposedly told Jay, a buddy of his, that he was going to killher. After Hae s
missing body was recovered, Jay went to the police and the state used his testimony
against Adnan. Recently, a serial podcast was developed by Sarah Koenig, a
detective who goes deeper in the case and believes Adnan may be innocent. I think
Adnan is innocent because Jay s story kept altering details and sounds untrustworthy,
Adnan had very little time to kill Hae, and because Adnan was at the library during
the same time... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Adnan had very little time to kill Hae according to the route Jay said
Adnan took. Adnan tells Sarah Koenig how much time it takes to get out of the
school after the final bell. When the final bell rings at 2:15, you can t just leave
and jump in your car, he wrote. There are 1500 other students filling the hallways
and stairwells of a four story building. Then you have to get out of the school
parking lot, but the parking lot is encircled by the school bus loop, so you can t get
your car out until the buses fill up and leave. Which, Adnan wrote, took about ten to
fifteen minutes. Episode 5: Route Talk pg. 67(Adnan Syed). If there are 1500
students getting out of the school, it would take Adnan quite some time to even find
Hae Min Lee and go to her car. With everything he had to do after school, twenty one
minutes is too little time to kill Hae. Sarah tests the route to see how much time it
really takes for the entire scene to unfold. Right where Dana and I are also parked. It
takes Dana and me almost eighteen minutes to get to this spot. That leaves three
minutes for the actual horror of the thing. An argument maybe, then strangulation,
then he s got to put her body in the trunk, somehow, without anyone seeing. Episode
5: Route talk pg.70(Sarah Koenig). Adnan had to kill Hae Min Lee and put her body
in the trunk
Essay about Tobias Wolff
Tobias Wolff
Tobias Wolff, a boy of a troubled childhood, and a very tough father. Tobias Wolff
had no intentions of being a writer from the start; it just seemed to of popped into
his life. The Amazing part about this writer is that he was not supported by anyone
but himself. His father was against everything that he did, and his brother, Geoffrey,
also a writer would always take his fathers side, leaving Tobias on a side of his own. I
wasn t fair, I always took my father s side. Said Geoffrey (Wolff, G; Duke of 144)
Geoffrey was known as the Good Brother as his father would say. This was wrong for
a father to do, parents can t play favorites, because it leads to one child feeling left
out, or rebelling against it like Tobias ... Show more content on ...
Although I could not get a hold of this book, from what I read about it, it was a very
vivid memoir which unlike other wartime stories, contained information and
experiences from a writer who actually was there, in Vietnam, who experienced the
hard times of war. In the short story Powder by Tobias Wolff
, there is a boy and his
father, and they are sort of stranded out in the wilderness due to a snow storm, and
the father keeps asking his kid questions like we re gonna make it home, right?
And other questions to give the kid confidence in his father. The kid kept
responding with umm yeah, and saying yes in an unsure way, like he didn t have
confidence in his father bringing him home safely. This ties in with the
autobiography This Boys Life in which Tobias Wolff talks about his life, his father
and how he began to lose faith in his father during his childhood years. I think that
the short story Powder was actually about him and his father s relationship, and
how Tobias lost faith in his father like it said in This Boys Life. Tobias Wolff s
father was also very forceful, in having things done his way, and him trying to
manipulate Tobias into doing things that he wanted. His father said to him: Your
brother tells me you re thinking of Choate, Personally, I think you d be happier at
Deerfield. Tobias replied: Well I just applied, Maybe I won t get in. (Wolff, T;
The Benefits Of New Media And Technology
What is the self in the digital age? One might say that their true online self is on
Facebook, or MySpace, or maybe Instagram. The splintering of the self into multiple
versions illustrates a desire to see what one can be online. Truly, new media and
technology has allowed one to find their true inner self, whether that reflect their real
self in real life or not. Yet, not everyone sees these disparate selves with optimism.
Sherry Turkle and Natasha SchГјll see the growth of new mediaand technology as
detrimental to the formation of our true selves and both critically analyze specific
cases where it can be harmful. I, however, disagree with the sentiment that new media
and technology is something inherently harmful. Although they can certainly be
misused, the benefits of these digital innovations can, when applied with critical
understanding, outweigh the negatives brought up by Turkle and SchГјll. First,
Turkle argues that social media is preventing adolescents from dedicating time to self
reflection and replacing face to face communication with online communication.
Turkle states in her book, Alone Together, that teens need time to discover
themselves, time to think. But technology, put in the service of always on
communication and telegraphic speed and brevity, has changed the rules of
engagement with all of this. Here, Turkle state that since social media is easily
accessible and immediate, teenagers will be compelled to interact online, instead of
taking the
Contributions Of Jacque Rousseau
Jean Jacque Rousseau was born in the city state of Geneva, Switzerland in 1772.
Rousseau is primarily known for major works like The Social Contract, Emile,
Discourse on the origin of Inequality, the Constitutional Project for Corsica, and
Consideration on the Government of Poland. What makes Rousseau such an
important figure in the history of philosophyis because of his contribution to both
political and moral philosophies and his concept of general will , which also gained
him a lot of criticism. Apart from his philosophical and political contribution, he was
also a novelist, an autobiographer, botanist, composer and also a music theorist.
Rousseau s his political philosophies flows through his moral philosophies. In order
to understand... Show more content on ...
Rousseau fearing the emergence of a similar situation tries to set an alternative to
this by trying to merge the individual s freedom with the authority of the state.
Consequently, as claimed in his Social Contract, individual remain free by being
subject to their own wills. Alongside General will, the Social Contract also talks
about other three kinds of will individual will, where individuals have their own
will in accordance to their own private interests. Secondly it tells us about what
Rousseau meant by collective will, where individuals identifies themselves as a
part of a collective and try to keep aside their selfish motives. Finally it tells about a
third kind of will, i.e. the corporate will, which according to Rousseau is a bit
problematic because it occurs whenever an individual identifies himself as a subset
of the whole populace. He believes that in a well ordered society, there does not
exists any kind tension because individuals in a well ordered society surrender to the
law and the law in return safeguards their freedom from any kind of control from
Gun Control is NOT Losing your Target in the Recoil Essay
Guns, like many other issues of the day, have two distinct and opposing views with
many people in the middle or undecided. Even following the tragic events of
December 7, 1993, when unemployed handyman Colin Ferguson boarded the LIR s
5:33 out of Penn Station. Ferguson waited until the train, filled with local commuters
on their way home, pulled out of the Hicksville station before drawing a 9mm pistol.
Ferguson then opened fire walking up and down the aisle shooting passangers
indiscriminately, stopping only to reload, twice. When he was finished six were dead
and 19 were injured.
Gun control advocates think that outlawing guns would have stopped the killings
from ever happening. While gun rights advocates believe just as strongly that ... Show
more content on ...
Much has been made by the gun control advocates of the phrase a well regulated
militia , as it appears in the second amendment; arguing that the true intent of the
framers was to guarantee this right to state militias and not the individual. I believe
the flaw in this argument comes from their ignorance at best and selective
interpretation or outright lying at worst, of the historical facts surrounding the
original intent of this amendment.
The framers of the constitution were purposefully vague in the wording of many
articles throughout the constitution. As a significant portion of the constitution s
framers were themselves lawyers, I believe this deliberate vagueness was an effort to
prevent the spirit of the document from becoming lost in the semantics of verbatim
analysis so often favored by barristers and politicians. This necessitates that we look
at other works of the time to help us in interpreting the framers intent. To these ends
constitutional scholars, the federal courts and laymen alike have relied heavily on the
Federalist Papers for additional insight
Positive Optimism Outlook On Life
Life can be full of surprises and is not always an easy journey. However, having an
optimism outlook on life can make one s life journey more enjoyable. Positive
emotion is very important to enhance a progressive life. (Slegiman, 2009). It is one
s choice to choose not to have a negative attitude towards challenges in life but to
instead have a positive attitude towards all trials. Recently, the author s husband was
sentenced to six and half years to federal prison and it was a devastating event for
their family of six which included four children. Initially, depression along with a
flood of negative thoughts began to rush through their minds. However, choosing to
stand positively and have an optimistic outlook allowed them to get through this hard
The court case was difficult and full of surprises. There were times when they felt
like giving up but chose to hold onto hope and faith. They stopped all hopelessness
and negativity that tried to play through their min. Instead they withstood by knowing
and believing ... Show more content on ...
Finally, a plea agreement of serving six and half years in federal prison was made.
But why and how would this be able to pass? Negative thoughts tried to overcome
the husband who was sentenced and the wife who would have to raise the four
children alone while her husband would have to be in prison. But instead this
couple decided to see this as only a temporary setback. Soon they received good
news that with good time and other credit, the husband would only have to serve
four years. Time would pass and this debt of prison time would be completed and
defeated. There was no room to allow sorrow of depression to set in. A positive
mindset had to overcome their thoughts and stand knowing that this will soon pass.
According to Seligman optimism aids in individual well being. Therefore, while
having to face this horrible prison sentence, having a positive outlook brought
The Butcher and His Fiend Like Queen in William...
The Butcher and his Fiend like Queen in William Shakespeare s Macbeth
At the end of William Shakespeare s Macbeth, Malcolm refers to Macbeth and
Lady Macbeth as: This dead like butcher and his fiend like queen, when he was
crowned as new king of Scotland. In Malcolm s eyes, the Macbeths are just that,
cruel murderers who stole away the throne from him and his father. A butcher can
be described as someone who kills, or have people killed unnecessarily or brutally. A
fiend can be defined as a very cruel person, or one who causes trouble and annoyance.
Macbeth is a butcher and Lady Macbeth his fiend like queen, because of greed he
had taken the lives of many people even close friends of him, and she manipulates
him into ... Show more content on ...
Macbeth soon realizes that he cannot stop at just killing Duncan. He understands that
the one person who is most likely to threaten his position as King is Banquo. This is
because he was present when the strange sisters gave Macbeth their prophecy, and
can guess that Macbeth is guilty of murdering the King.
Macbeth murdered his best friend, Banquo, for two different reasons. The witches
predictions, that Banquo s son is to become king, and the fear about Banquo s
knowledge of his dirty crime. Macbeth assigns the three murderers to kill both
Banquo and his son Fleance.
| Fleance his son, that keeps him company,
Whose absence is no less material to me
Than is his father s, must embrace the fate
Of that dark hour. (3, 1)|
Banquo was Macbeth s best friend and had done nothing wrong; therefore must this
act be the most butcher like from Macbeth s side.
Macbeth slaughtered Lady Macduff and her son, due to the predictions made by the
witches. Another example of Macbeth being a butcher is when he hires the
murderers to kill the family of Macduff, just in order to cause him pain.
| The castle of Macduff I will surprise;
Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o the sword
His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls (4, 1)|
To murder innocent children and their mother is an exceptionally brutal act.
The butcher and his Fiend like queen as Malcolm refers to Macbeths in the end of
the play, is
Meursault Religion
Upon opening the book to its first page, readers are witness to the news of Maman s
death. The immediacy with which Camus renders the first scene leaves readers with
the impression that this significant event in Meursault s life is going to engage him
into a kind of introspective mindset. However, as readers journey deeper into the
novel, they will find that only 12% a mere 15 out of 123 total pages of the novel are
devoted to circumstances surrounding Maman s death and funeral. Meursault leads
his readers into thinking that Maman s death should mean more to him than it does;
but on the contrary, it means less. Her death is an (in)significant annoyance that
continues to annoy Meursault even once he returns to work after his four day... Show
more content on ...
This is what we can refer to as the Masculine dualism an analysis of Meursault s
male associates. Almost precisely, and seemingly intentional, Part 2 of the novel
focuses on two different, but related scenes: Meursault s time in jail and his trial.
Both instances illustrate Meursault as an observer and not a participant, and they
are in direct opposition to Meursault s activity in Part 1. On the day of his arrest,
Meursault is put in a room where there were already several other prisoners, most of
them Arabs. The moment that he is placed in the holding room with the Arabs,
Meursault still retains, intrinsically, his French Algerian identity; however, as soon as
one of the Arabs shows Meursault how to fix the mat, extrinsically, he becomes one
of them. His individuality is taken from him, and he becomes a common criminal, no
better or worse than those he is imprisoned with. During his trial, Meursault takes an
active role as an observer. While he may not understand every single detail about the
trial, he does, in fact, take an active interest in its happenings. Although he may not
agree with the testimonies, or the portrayal
Prodigal Genius The Life Of Larry Page Sparknotes
To understand what drives Larry Page, we should understand the story that inspired
him, Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, by New York Herald Tribune
journalist, John Joseph O Neill, written in 1944 (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry
Page s Incredible Comeback, 2014).
Nikola Tesla invented the way almost all of the world s electricity is generated today,
envisioned and created wireless communication, spoke eight languages, and had a
photographic memory (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry Page s Incredible
Comeback, 2014). However, the inventor was lousy at business. After making a deal
and then betrayed by his former employer, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla spent the rest
of his life searching, to no avail, for investors to fund his
Student B As A Reader
Student B as a Reader (Kaylee)
What about the student as an individual (experiences, skills, interests) provides
insight into his or her work samples and your analysis of them? In a class where
most students either fall into the categories of being high achieving or low
scoring, Kaylee is one of few students in the middle. Next year, students have the
choice of going on the college track in language arts and I would like Kaylee to
feel comfortable in her abilities to choose the college track. She feels that she is not
good at reading and therefore, she needs to stay in regular language arts next year.
What are your instructional goals to promote growth for this student as a reader and
interpreter of text in a variety of media? My ... Show more content on
The first assignment to accomplish these goals is the Lyric Analysis Assignment.
This assignment is aligned with all four instructional goals. Students were asked to
analyze a song of their choice as if it were a poem. I used several reading strategies
for differentiation in my class while teaching analysis of poem or song. I allowed
them choice of song in their assignment as a strategy to engage the students in the
reading instruction. This is a tiered assignment with two parts. The strategy of
scaffolding the assignment into two manageable parts in which the second part
builds on the first allows the students to build on their thoughts in an organized
way. This is a good strategy for Kaylee in particular so she does not get
overwhelmed by the assignment as a whole. The students were to create a key using
Google Comments in Google Docs that included a minimum of four literary devices
that they found in their song. I use the Google Classroom and Google Apps for most
assignments now. Technology allows me to differentiate instruction to meet
instructional goals because I can provide immediate written feedback. This
circumvents the problems of just giving oral feedback. Kaylee will never lose the
feedback and she can always revisit it. They needed to include an inference sentence
for each device and explain the effect that the singer gains by using that device. I
used the strategy of modeling for
Politeness Theory and Its Application in Arabic
Introduction People have different ways to express politeness and they usually
use a range of different linguistic expressions to do so, depending on the
relationship with the addressee. This research will explain Browns and Levinson s
politeness theory and will recognize how universal this theory is and weather it can
be applied on Japanese language taking into account the difference in cultures.
Brown and Levinson s theory of Politeness and how it applies in Arabic: Brown
and Levinson`s theory is mainly based on three principle notions: face, face
threatening act (FTA), and politeness strategies (Bowe amp; Martin 2009, p. 27).
Brown and Levinson s concept of face was derived from Goffman (1972 p.5): The
term face may be defined as... Show more content on ...
The seriousness of the (FTA) can be evaluated or measured through these three
factors: (Holmes 2006, p. 687). That means people tend to avoid any arguments,
try to respect other s thoughts, and maintain a pleasant relationship with other
people by implementing politeness strategies in the conversations. This can
happen for example by softening a request to match the addresser and the
addressees needs can save the positive or the negative face of both interactants as
face can be lost, preserved, or enhanced and that can be monitored in the
conversation (Bowe amp; Martin, 2007, p. 28) Japanese politeness: Japanese
people are mainly shy and they are also private, for the Japanese society privacy is
very important and it is considered as one of the main feature for their society, we
can see that from the designs of the windows in the houses so no one can look at
them, also asking plenty question is considered rude in the society.(Coulmas,
2005) Parents in the Japanese society do not talk or practice their passion and love
in front of their children and the adults do not talk and they do not like to be asked
about their private life. Japanese people tend not to socialised with strangers if they
did not have to. It is also used to show social closeness or matching in power It is a
quite society in general. (Coulmas, 2005) The honorific system in Japan is
considered very broad, it includes
Essay about Enduring Self
Is there an enduring self? John Locke believed, the enduring self is defined by a
person s memory. With memory there is an enduring self, and without it there is
no self at all. I believe there is an enduring self, but it is a little more complicated
than that. Even if a person encounters a dramatic change to his/her life, they are
still the same self, the same person. I believe memory is not the only factor that
defines the self. Many things form this enduring self, and these things work together
to form an identity, to form who you are now. These things are your memories, your
experiences and your personality. You may change and grow over time as you are
exposed to new experiences, but under it all you are still But is a... Show more
content on ...
I am, essentially, the same person I ve always been (and my memories go back to
age two ). Hopefully I ve honed the good points and dulled the bad points in the last
few decades, but really ... at my core ... I m the same. I just don t think people, at
their very core, change that dramatically. Someone who commits a heinous crime
(intentionally, not accidentally) always has that innate potential to do it again,
IMHO. At any age. Another way of looking at it is to think about cooking. Think of
yourself as a base or main ingredient. The more ingriendients you add will affect the
taste, consistency, color and even taste, but no matter how many other ingredients
you add, the main ingredient is still Time for more on time. With this being
said, there is something else I ve been curious about. It could argued that our
common sense notion of endurance through time is incorrect. That this mistaken
self conception lead us to experience the passage of time. If so, this would be
illusory no? And if this enduring me is an illusion then so is the passage of time. In
other words, if the enduring me is an illusion, then so is the passage of time. Ceasing
to think of myself as an enduring subject should result in my ceasing to experience
the passage of time no? Coming to think of myself as permanent should result in my
coming to experience different temporal parts of myself at different moments, but no
enduring self past which those moments can flow. Again,
The Viable And Authorization Of Life Cycle Based
This paper discusses the use and importance of EPDs in the viable and authorization
of life cycle based product environmental impacts. The role and purpose of EPDs,
market acceptance of EPD schemes, costs of EPDs to start using this information
tool. It also concludes with a look at potential developments regarding the use of
EPDs in support of product environmental claims. Finally, manufacturers who use
EPDs help to create a greater public awareness of the environmental impact aspects of
products, thereby contributing to global sustainability efforts. Keywords: eco
labelling, environmental product declarations, life cycle assessment, costs.
Emergence of EPD S
Keeping environment green is ... Show more content on ...
An EPD tells the lifecycle story of a product in a single, written report, provides a
complete picture focusing on information about a products environmental impact,
such as global warming, ozone depletion etc. It covers everything from fossil fuel
depletion to effects on human health, and there s already a growing list of industry
organizations that recommend using the EPDs Existence of an EPD for a product
does not indicate that environmental performance criteria have been met. EPDs are
a declaration tool that helps purchasers better understand a products sustainable
qualities and environmental results so they can make more informed product
selections. EPDs can be developed after a product LCA is conducted, and are based
on applicable PCRs. For architects and designers, EPDs helps in intensifying the
sustainability of design and enable to create the best possible spaces. EPDs can also
helps to get industry certifications and LEED credits. It is committed to diminish the
carbon footprint waste, building a bright sustainable future for all of us.
Process for developing an EPD LCA tool helps in promote transparency and full
revelation of potential environmental impacts.
Potential uses for EPDs
World Wide In Industry EPDs help ensure that wood products are not at risk for
non‐tariff trade barriers.
Krypto-Girl Research Paper
Element Super Hero For many years she has been hiding, afraid of what might
become of her powers, afraid of what others will think. She has heard the stories,
she knows what could happen if she tells someone about her powers, but she doesn
t want to hide anymore. She is known right now as Alyssa, but she will soon be
known as Krypto Girl. She had to find a way to control her powers, but until then
she could do that she couldn t leave. After weeks of practicing, she finally felt
ready to face the world. The first day she decided to go to the mall, as she was
walking around the mall she turned around, and someone caught her eye. She fell in
love at first sight, she didn t know anything about him, but there was something
special about him, she could feel it. She wanted to know more about him, she very
bravely went up to him and started talking, immediately they clicked, but little did
she know he would pull her into the world of crime fighting, just like the stories....
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Alyssa and the guy, who s name she figured out was Mark, started walking around
the mall together. After about an hour Mark, checked his phone, but then had to
leave in a hurry. They quickly decided to meet up again some other time and went
their separate ways. Later that week they were meeting up again, this time they
were going to dinner. In the middle of dinner, once again Mark had to leave, Alyssa
asked why, but Mark wouldn t tell her. Eventually Mark told Alyssa that he was not
just a normal guy, he had powers that nobody knew about. After Mark told Alyssa
this, she felt comfortable telling Mark about her super powers, and they decided that
they could conquer more together. Alyssa and Mark went off to Mark s layer to get
ready, they had villains to
Athena Essay examples
With a battle cry that resounded through the kingdom of heaven and earth she sprang
from the head of Zeus. She is one of the most powerful forces on Mount Olympus,
representing war and the immortal spirit of wisdom. Athena embodies the matriarchal
goddess, a complex figure of internal strength and reflection. She is a powerful source
of interpretation for the idea of the goddess as a balance between nature and
humanity. In one aspect she embodies the civic patron of Athens, with her
benevolence and strategic defenses. However her mythological nature as the mother
goddess and eternal being connects her with four thousand years of sacred expression
through intuition, creation and instinct. Athena represents the unity of these ... Show
more content on ...
In birth she is a symbol of the threatening force of dominance and aggression. An
oracle of Gaea, the goddess of the earth, knew of Athena s power and potential. She
warned Zeus of a third generation child who would overthrow him and inherit his
kingdom. Metis was a clever goddess and took on the disguise of various creatures
such as hawks, fish, and serpents to avoid Zeus. However Zeus could change into
many forms as well and he devised a plan to trick the pregnant Metis and swallow
her. When Promethius split Zeus s head open, it was the beginning of Athena and
eternal wisdom.
Metis was the greek goddess of wisdom and the first wife of Zeus. Athena inherited
the qualities of Metis and due to her manner of birth became the symbol of intellect
and insight. The ability to reflect that Athena posesses is known as Metis becuase of
her mother and gives her practical wisdom and craftiness. Her reflective nature gives
her insight and knowledge to offer those she guides.
The image of Athena mourning, a marble bas relief from the high classical Greek
period of 480 450 BC, shows her reflective quality. This quality gives her the
advantage over her opponents because it is a premeditated strategy rather than
impulsive action. There are endless examples of her benevolence and strategy.
Odysseus was one of her mortal companions who she helped return to his family after
his long journey.
Odysseus was one
Miss Smith s Peculiar Children
I m reading Hollow City The Second Novel Of Miss Smith s Peculiar Children by
Riggs. Miss Smith is a protector. Protectors make sure that their peculiar children are
safe andt there are no conflicts. But sadly, there are many conflicts that happen in the
book. For example, there is one humongous conflict that is keeping the book moving.
The conflict is that all of the protectors have been kidnapped by the monsters.
Protectors are women who protect the peculiar children. These disgusting, horrifying
rabid creatures are kidnapping the peculiar children s protectors so that the monster
can eat the protector s children. The peculiar children knew that sooner or later a
monster would find them and try to kidnap Miss Smith and eat her children.
Hershey s Way Of Making Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most popular products consumed in the United States and
all around the world. Hershey Chocolate Company originated in 1894, by Milton
Hershey (Hershey Company, 2015). He was the first American who began
producing milk chocolate bars, and eventually created multiple flavors that
changed the chocolate industry forever. With such mass production and success,
Hershey was able to make milk chocolate, a once luxury item for the wealthy, into
an affordable treat for all (Hershey Company, 2015). Hershey s way of making
chocolate is one of a kind. Hershey starts the chocolate making process by
importing cocoa beans from cacao trees found in tropical regions near the equator.
Cacao is ultimately the key ingredient in chocolate. The seeds from the cacao trees
are then harvested and fermented, where they begin to darken and receive their
rich cocoa flavor. The cocoa beans are then sent to the Pennsylvania in the United
States, where they are cleaned, sorted and sent to the roasters. Roasting the cocoa
beans at 400 500 degrees brings out the flavor of the cocoa beans and also dries
them out to retrieve the nib. The nib is the most important part because it is the part
that actually makes the chocolate. The nibs are then milled to create chocolate
liquor. Chocolate liquor contains a lot of cocoa butter and will be squeezed out in
liquor presses to create cocoa powder. Additionally, Hershey s chocolate would not be
the same without their use of fresh,
Literary Analysis Of The Poisonwood Bible
Michela Murray Miss Keister AP English Literature 22 August 2014 The
Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, literary analysis In The Poisonwood
Bible, symbolism is widely explored to allude to and explore ideas in a nonliteral
sense, Methuselah, a parrot left behind and adopted by the Price family, is an
example of this. Throughout the novel, his role as a symbol of the Congo is
examined. Methuselah, kept in a cage and tended to by its new masters, knows
little about the world of freedom. He has very little experience in fending for
himself, and when Nathan releases him as a consequence for his foul language, he
is oblivious to the behavior a wild parrot should exhibit. He remains near the house
even after being released, still dependant on the Price family for food and shelter.
This shows that through years of being cared for, the parrot lost its instincts to fend
for itself leaving it open to attack and abuse, in comparison to the Congo, who under
Belgian control lost the political and economic stability to stand on its own without
Belgium to take control over it.... Show more content on ...
This suggests that the Congo was now to be seen as prey, much like Methuselah was
seen as by the civet cat. However, through Methuselah s death, the novel expresses
that he is finally free: Set upon by the civet cat, the spy, the eye, the hunger of a
superior need, Methuselah is free of his captivity at last. This shows that Methuselah
would never truly experience freedom within the course of his life, as his upbringing
prevents it. Through complete conquering through a superior nation, would the
Congo achieve freedom of captivity too? Not without giving up its own
The Effects Of Global Warming On The World
Disputed Global Warming Affects Global Warming is in the minds of critical
thinkers and scientist as well as the Industrial World. In this paper, we will look at
man made causes of Global Warming, and natural causes in Global Warming Affects.
The man made cause would be (GHC) which abbreviates to greenhouse gases and the
chemical (SO2) represents sulfur dioxidefrom cars and Industry. The natural cause in
the climate would direct more to a cooler climate. The Global Warming
remains,augmented that one is man made causing the warming or a natural
occurrence trending from the earth s rotation or other explanations. The first topic is
the effect man made contributes to Global Warming. Man made contributions are
cleared of tropical forest resulting in the stripping used for wood in housing and the
clearing of trees for farmland production. The biggest land grabs occur in South
America and Africa, it affects the absorption of (CO2) in the plants, as a result tree
stripping will continue to warm the earth, also the continuing Industrial output from
coalplants in China and around the world will also, Global warming. For example:
Chinas coal burning fire plants contributed more toward Global Warming (So2) then
any other Industrial nation. According toHuman vs. Natural Contributions to Global
Warming, The percentage contribution to global warming over the past years is
shown in two categories, human causes (left) and natural causes (right), from various
peer reviewed studies
Differences Between Broca s and Wernicke s Aphasia
Human beings occasionally suffer bad damage to particular parts of their brains.
Unfortunately, these injuries may lead to major failure of speech production,
understanding language and comprehension which most of the patients suffer it
permanently. This impairment is called Aphasia. Gayle (2012) states that people
with aphasia fail to understand sentence comprehension although it is a simple
sentence. She also mentioned that aphasia patients also have difficulty in reading
and understanding speeches. According to Fromkin, Rodman and Hyams (2011),
aphasia is a scientific term used to explained language disorder due to brain injuries
caused by diseases or trauma. In other words, aphasia involves partial or total loss of
the ability to... Show more content on ...
Scott (2000) suggests that closed head injury happens due to accident. When the
skull has been knocked by a hard surface, the brain is twisted pushed against the
skull which resulted contusion and damage to the frontal part of the left side of
the brain which is dominant for language. Scott also emphasizes that the skull may
be fractured due to the hit but the tissue coverings are unimpaired and there is no
penetration of the skull. Nevertheless, patients with closed head injury will not be
able to produce speech due to the damage. Therefore, their impairment can be
considered as Broca s aphasia. On the other hand, the other cause that can lead to
Broca s aphasia is open head injury. This injury is more severe than the closed head
injury. Kaur and Wolff (2012) report that open head injury may cause diffusion of
the skull because the shape of the skull is badly damaged and the tissue beneath it
is completely destroyed. As a result, injured patient produces halting speeches
which can be considered as Broca s aphasia. Besides that, Broca s aphasia can also
be caused by infectious diseases to the left side of the brain. Infectious diseases are
caused by bacteria and very dangerous because these diseases may damage the brain
tissue of the patient. According to Kaur and Wolff (2012), the effects of the diseases
may be temporary if it can be treated. But if it is severe, it may cause permanent
brain damage to the tissue at the
How Teachers Reinforce The Kiddos For Good Behavior
In the classrooms I am observing I have noticed many ways in which teachers
reinforce the kiddos for good behavior. Each teacher has their own rewards system.
I have witnessed a rainbow chart, a marble system and a stick chart. I have also
noticed that many of the teachers do multiple activities with a lesson in hopes that
the information will reach the kiddos long term memory. The teachers use verbal
lessons, hands on activities and written reflections. Each class has their rules and
what is considered appropriate behavior. It has been interesting to see how each
teacher rewards their students and how they make it known what is and isn t okay for
the students to do.
Two of the teachers I work with a lot have a very good rewards system going as a
way of reinforcing good behavior. The first teacher uses a rainbow chart and when
the students get to the top they get to choose a prize from the bucket. The other
teacher uses a marble system. Each table and student has the chance to gain marbles
along with the class as a whole. If students are listening and behaving they may get
marbles to put in their tables container. If the whole class is doing an awesome job,
the marbles get put into the classes jar. When the students get enough marbles their
table gets a prize or reward of some sort, positive reinforcement. The kiddos get so
excited when they get a prize. Negative punishment is used when they are
misbehaving. The students can also get marbles taken out of their tables jar and
Essay about The Use Of Setting In A P
The setting of A P ; is quite usual for a regular grocery store on a weekday. The
town is north of Boston, five miles from the beach. Since the store is right in the
middle of town, banks and churches and the newspaper store can been seen from
the front doors. The day is Thursday, so there is not very much business. Outside,
the sun can be seen on the pavement. The main character, Sammy, is almost
nineteen years old and his coworker, Stokesie, is twenty two and married. The
manager, Lengel, is gray and teaches Sunday school. The setting in John Updike s
story, A amp; P ;, is used as a way to show humor and realism. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp;Updike uses the setting in a way to show humor. In the beginning,
Sammy is ringing up an... Show more content on ...
The girls also pass a Pyramid of Diet Delight peaches ; (Updike 318). The reason
the girls even make the journey into the store is for a can of Kingfish Fancy
Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream ; (Updike 319). The sounds made by the cash
register also make the story have a sense of realism as Updike sings the cash
register song: I go through the punches, 4,9, GROC, TOT it s more complicated
than you think, and after you do it often enough, it begind to make a little song,
that you hear words to, in my case Hello (bing) there, you (gung) hap py pee pul
(splat)! ; the splat being the drawer flying out. (319) The most realistic point in the
story is when the three girls are described. First, the short one is seen by Sammy as
Updike so explains: The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green
two piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft looking
can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to
hit, at the tops of the backs of her legs. (316) Then, Updike describes the tall one as
being: [W]ith black hair that hadn t quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns
right across under the eyes, and a chin that was too long you know, the kind of girl
other girls think is very striking ; and
Financial Aid Benefits
Easy money, something everyone wants, but more when you need it to reach your
goals. However, as a student you tend to be told in high school when to do
everything and when the due dates are. Financial aid can be found anywhere from
people who are private founders to the financial aid office where you can reach from
the internet at Which can be applied from a certain time frame for the
most money for your collegecareer. Also take in conversation that there are also
people who have organizations and foundations that give money to students who need
it with minimum requirements and characteristics that you already have and have
been born with. Looking for financial aid has changed over the years and the way it
is done.
Now. aid
Raising Money For The Deposits And Closing Costs
Here are 7 ways to raise the cash you need for the deposits and closing costs: 1.
Save Up This is a popular way of raising money for the deposit. Remember the last
time you wanted to go on vacation? You had to save, right? Just like you save for
your big ticket items. You can also open an investment savings account that you
save money towards buying your first deposit. I recommend this method for
raising the deposit you need, because the process will teach you an important
discipline that you need for becoming wealthy. That lesson is frugality. What if you
have tried to save and it s not working for you? Why not try the next way, that is...
2. Borrow from your home equity Do you own a house that has substantial equity?
Do you know you can raise money for your first investment by tapping into your
home equity? Yes, it s possible to raise cash from your home equity line of credit to
buy more properties. There has been a high amount of news coverage on
homeowners abuse of home equity lines of credit. Many homeowners have used the
money from their home equity loan to buy boats, go on vacation, and splurge on
clothes and jewelry. On the flipside, there are many homeowners who have raised
cash from their home equity and bought many properties, increasing their net worth
as a result. The difference between the homeowners that borrowed from their home
equity to buy consumer goods and the homeowners that used their home equity loan
to buy more properties is this.
How Did W B Yeats Contribution To Irish Nationalism
The aim of this thesis is to concentrate on those poems of W.B. Yeats which deal with
Irish Nationalism. His poems intimately connect history and literature. The MLA 7th
edition format has been used in writing this thesis.
Nationalism is a doctrine invented in Europe in the beginning of the nineteenth
century. It pretends to supply the criterion for the determination of the unit of
population proper to enjoy a government exclusively of its own, for the legitimate
exercise of power in the state for the rights, organization, of a society, of states.
Briefly, the doctrine holds that humanity is naturally divided into nations, that nations
are known by certain characteristics which can be ascertained, and that the only
legitimate type of government is national self government. (Kedourie 9) The nation
state is the focus of nationalism. Nationalism is a sentiment and an ideology.
Nationalist sentiment means giving primacy to national interest above all interests.
Nationalist ideology may be defined as a desire of a group people living in a
particular geographical area to become an independent nation by evolving their own
language, symbol, flag and declaring national festivals, and people living in that area
following these rules. It is about loyalty towards the nation and if the nation is under
colonial rule then the national movement ... Show more content on ...
Yeats contribution to Irish nationalism is literary. He took part in political activities
but through his writings he tried to revive a sense of pride among the people of Ireland
. He wanted Irish literature to have its unique place among the literature of other
languages. During his youth, he wrote poems to arouse nationalistic feelings, to
revive a glorious past and heroic days and to protest against the atrocities inflicted on
the Irishmen by the British. But later on, due to bitter experiences, he became a
realist and his poetry was patriotic but universal in theme. His view of the world
matured in his later
Residential Sprinklers System
In the times it takes two minutes to past, could you make it out of your home?
Could your family? The American Red Cross states that it can take as few as two
minutes to become deadly, compared to the ten minutes many survey takes believed
they had (American Red Cross, 2015). When you think of everything we do to
protect our homes, families, and property with insurance, security alarms and locks,
why do we not find more home sprinklers systems? This essay hopes to highlight the
benefits of residential sprinkler systems. Firesprinklers have been around since the
late 19th century yet the technology has been slow to be adopted in residential
construction. The main reason for the slow adoption is due to strong resistance from
Race And Racisms By Golash-Boz Book Report
In todays society people are aware of differences around them. Physical
characteristics, such as eye color, skin color, hair texture, or body type, identify the
difference between themselves and those around them. Labels are also a difference
that is very much seen, such as gender, ethnicity, political role, or education level.
These differences create a bigger view for ourselves that we sometimes do not even
know they are there. Labels, for instance, raceis seen as a divide for some people.
Depending on your race determines the health, the equalities, and opportunities you
will receive. Race has a hidden impact that can give you a greater life, given better
health outcomes. Health disparities has existed for years, it seems people have grown
... Show more content on ...
Some people have the option to have a great health care system and reinsure that
their well being is being greatly taken care of. However, this is not the case for
others. African Americans are proved to have the worst health outcomes (Golash
Boza, 2015). Throughout history, African Americans have always been
discriminated based on skin color. Because of this disadvantage African
Americans are more prone to stress, leading to negative health outcomes (Golash
Boza, 2015). Discrimination can lead to stress, stress leads to stressful conditions
such as poverty, crime, or poor housing. These stressful conditions can lead to
unhealthy behaviors such as illegal crime, smoking, or substance use (Golash
Boza,2015). Due to the stressful resources African Americans are dealing with
they can deal with these situations by eating unhealthy foods, therefore, causing a
negative health outcome. Racism and health are indeed correlated with one
another. As stated by Golash Boza in Race and Racisms, racial discrimination
continues to be prevalent in our society and leads to negative health outcomes for
people of color . Overall racism can affect health in many ways. Those who live in
poor neighborhoods, racial bias in medical care, the stress of experience of
discrimination, and the social brand of inferiority can have consequences for health
(Williams, 1999). Race can be a big factor in the type
Twins In Things Fall Apart
Twins have been a popular theme within Igbo literature. In Things Fall Apart , Chinua
Achebe demonstrates the Igbo culture s acceptance of killing twins due to their
representation of evil. Adichie pokes fun at this nonsensical traditional belief by
making the protagonist in Half of a Yellow Sun a female twin. Adichie depicts the
characters through their actions and interactions with one another rather than
verbally elaborating on them. Olanna and Kainene biologically begin as one, grew up
together sharing a traditional upbringing and shared values, and possessed a strong
internal connection. As they approached adulthood, the twins developed fundamental
character differences, resulting in a troubled relationship. Their relationship distantly
... Show more content on ...
Kainene forgives and accepts Olanna s hard to forgive mistake and explains that there
are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable
(Adichie 435). The two sisters realize in times of crisis, big things become miniscule.
They eventually accept their different fundamental characteristics and learn from one
another. Kainene s powerful impact on Olanna makes her more powerful than
Odenigbo, resulting in a shift of power in their relationship. Olanna s independence
strengthens when she is around Kainene, while Kainene s harsh and masculine
manner becomes softer and more feminine around Olanna. Kainene and Olanna s
forgiveness and acceptance provides an example of how political regimes can come
together, learn from one another, compromise, and adopt positive attributes other
Survival in Auschwitz
Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz; The Nazi Assault on Humanity. 1st edition.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996. I. Survival in Auschwitz is the unique
autobiographical account of how a young man endured the atrocities of a Nazi
death camp and lived to tell the tale. Primo Levi, a 24 year old Jewish chemist
from Turin Italy, was captured by the fascist militia in December 1943 and
deported to Camp Buna Monowitz in Auschwitz. The trip by train took 4 long
days in a jam packed boxcar without food or water. Once there, interrogations by the
SS of age and health determined life as a prisoner or untimely death. Levi along
with hundreds of fellow Jews were stripped of their clothes, given rags to wear, had
their heads shaved... Show more content on ...
During Levi s captivity, the Killing Machines had already been tested and were
being refined with each use. Levi describes how selections could be made at any
time, anywhere. From the hut in the early or late hours, during roll call, on the
march to work, and especially in the infirmary. In the last chapter when the
Germans were evacuating the camp with the healthy prisoners it was not stated
where they were going. It is my impression they were headed for the Killing
Machines. The appeasement of what the Nazi s were doing by other countries was
not in the minds of Levi and his comrades. Survival was of the utmost importance.
What was going on in the outside world was of no significance. Live to see
tomorrow was the ultimate goal. The theme of Isolationism was seen throughout
Survival in Auschwitz. Germany was isolated from the rest of the world and Levi
was isolated from his family, friends and country. Within the camp, each hut was
separated from one another and those confined to the infirmary were secluded from
the rest. The prisoners themselves both consciously and unconsciously practiced self
isolationism as
Marxism And The Marxist Theory Of Karl Marx
Intro Karl Marx, born 1818, a founder of sociology and famous for writings such as
The Communist Manifesto, was an influential ideologist during the 1800 s whose
ideas focused on historical materialism and whose philosophy tended to focus on
the understanding of a capitalist society, he aimed to create a materialist analysis,
being a historical account, which examines the means in which humans
collectively produce the necessities for life. Class One of the main focuses of Marx
s ideology was class, the belief that all human history is just a succession of form of
class societies. Under a capitalist state there is believed to be three class categories
the landowners, capitalists and wage labourers but Marx theorised the emergence of
only... Show more content on ...
Marx believed that the existence of these two classes will lead to an eventual
conflict, an uprising of the proletariat by seizing production from the bourgeoisie
leading to a dictatorship of the proletariat , Marx stated in a letter to J.
Wedeymeyer And now as to myself, no credit is due to me for discovering the
existence of classes in modern society or the struggle between them. Long before
me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class
struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic anatomy of classes. What I did
that was new was to prove: (1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with
the particular, historical phases in the development of production, (2) that the class
struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) that this
dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to
a classless society , a communist state where law would hold no real place, similar
to the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917. In Marx s key work The
Communist Manifesto, he drives home his belief that the divide between these two
African American Cultural Assessment Essay
Cultural Assessment and Analysis:
The African American Culture
In order to provide culturally appropriate care, an examination of one s personal
views, beliefs, and prejudices must be examined. The first portion of this paper will
examine my personal values, beliefs, biases, and prejudices. The remaining paper will
analyze the African Americanculture relating to the Ginger and Davidhizar s
Transcultural Assessment Model cited in Hood (2010). This model uses six key
cultural elements that include communication, space, social organization, time,
environment, and biological variations. This model provides a systematic approach
for assessing culturally diverse clients. I will also discuss an aspect of care that I
would ... Show more content on ...
I grew up having giving importance to democracy and equality. Voices of the
female are now more heard, and I think male and female are both equal. This is
because I think they have equal abilities, as well as, equal rights. Living in a
community filled with Portuguese people made me learn English and Portuguese.
Aside from that, my grandparents required me to learn those languages too,
especially Portuguese which is their main language in their main land. However,
the primary language that I utilize in everyday conversation is English and the
secondary language that I know is Portuguese. However, most of the time, I am
comfortable with non verbal forms of communication, especially doing hand
gestures. I am more expressive with this form of communication because I think it
can bring many messages to the people that I interact with. With a mere wave of a
hand, it can show joy, respect, accommodation, or even comfort to those people
you interact with. Being a Roman Catholic is very importance to my daily life
because this gives me support, comfort, and security whenever difficult situations
occur. This belief helps me to cope with the trials I face by knowing that there is a
supreme being up there that is in control of everything. That the God whom I know
as my Father, my King, and my Savior loves me so much and will never forsake me
whatever happens. Daily life gives us opportunities to grow with our spiritual
Examples Of Special Lighting In Eternal Sunshine Of The...
Joel s Imaginary Actions: Spotlighting in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
While music always plays a significant part to convey emotions in film, light can be
used just as effectively. The use of a special lighting technique is very noticeable in
the memory scenes of Michel Gondry s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A
major part of Eternal Sunshine is spent inside the protagonist Joel s mind. He is in
the process of deleting his memory of Clementine, who was his girlfriend for two
years. Two main lighting styles are used throughout the scenes which play inside Joel
s mind. On one hand, natural bright lighting and on the other hand a darker setting
with only one light source, carrying a strong resemblance of a spotlight (Jason Sperb,
... Show more content on ...
However, this time instead of desperately chasing the spotlight he walks towards it
in a decidedly confident manner. Both Joel and Clementine first walk through a
house party and end up in Mierzwiak s clinic. There, Joel starts talking to
Mierzwiak who is in turn talking to another version of Joel. This other version of
Joel is part of the memory and does not react to the Joel we are following around.
However, Mierzwiak acknowledges the Joel who enters the memory and starts
talking to him. This whole scene is only lit by one spotlight moving back and forth
in a tracking shot between the three characters. (Eternal Sunshine, 55:59 56:44) It
is again, an event which has not happened in real life, but is just part of Joel s
imagination. This could not have been the way Joel perceives this specific memory,
as Sperb called it, as Mierzwiak is saying things which would not make sense in the
real life scenario. Joel is now contacting the memory he has of Mierzwiak instead of
screaming his name out into the void. He is trying out different tactics and none of
them seem to
Assessment Acc
1.State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for the same.
i)There are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. True
Tbere are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. In prenatal period
the skeletal system of girls grows faster as compared to boys. Therefore, at b i girls
are ahead of boys in their skeletal development. The period of puberty is about two
years earlier for girls than for boys.
ii)Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills. Fasle
Critical periods are the best times for learning particular skills. Such periods are
critical for development because during these periods the child is ready to leam a
particular skill. For example, a child ... Show more content on ...
They also show more empathy towards other adults and children. Secure or insecure
attachment thus has long term impact on the child s personality. (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
3.What do you understand by the term cognition ? Discuss how caregivers can
promote cognitive development of children during the first six years of life.
Cognition deals with the development of thought. It is mncerned with how children
and adults understand the world around them.
Caregivers must channelize the child s initiative towards constructive ends, which
will help her to develop self confidence.
The caregivers have to teach the child self control and limits of her behaviour but
they have to do so without curbing her initiative. If something must not be done, they
must explain to the child why it is so, instead of simply restricting her actions.
It would be more useful if caregivers inculcate desirable social values, without being
overly concerned about whether the values are conventionally masculine or feminine.
Affection oriented techniques, which rely on reasoning with the child to foster the
desired behaviour and appeal to the child s sense of responsibility, have a beneficial
impact, while power oriented techniques, which rely on threatening the child or
withholding privileges without explanation, can be harmful.
The affection oriented way of disciplining is more effective in
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Essays On Terrorism

  • 1. Essays On Terrorism Writing an essay on the topic of terrorism is undoubtedly a challenging task that demands careful consideration and extensive research. The intricacies of terrorism, its historical roots, various manifestations, and the complex socio-political factors involved make this subject matter both sensitive and multifaceted. Addressing the topic requires a delicate balance between presenting factual information, analyzing underlying causes, and exploring potential solutions. One of the difficulties lies in navigating the emotional aspect of the subject. Terrorism often involves acts of violence that cause harm to innocent lives, stirring strong emotions and opinions. Striking the right tone that is both empathetic and objective becomes crucial to avoid sensationalism or oversimplification. Moreover, distinguishing between different forms of terrorism, such as state-sponsored, religious, or ideological, adds another layer of complexity, requiring a nuanced understanding of global affairs. The vast amount of information available on terrorism necessitates thorough research to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content. This involves delving into historical events, political ideologies, and the evolving nature of terrorism in the contemporary world. Analyzing case studies and examining the impact of counter-terrorism measures further adds to the research burden. Crafting a cohesive and compelling argument while maintaining an unbiased stance poses another challenge. Balancing the presentation of facts with thoughtful analysis without succumbing to personal biases or stereotypes requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Additionally, addressing the root causes of terrorism, be they political, economic, or social, demands a comprehensive understanding of global dynamics. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of terrorism is undeniably difficult due to the sensitive nature of the subject, the need for extensive research, and the requirement for a balanced and nuanced approach. However, it is crucial to approach the task with diligence and a commitment to providing a well-informed perspective. If you find yourself struggling with such an assignment, it's worth considering seeking assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where professional writers can help navigate the complexities of this challenging topic. Essays On TerrorismEssays On Terrorism
  • 2. Analysis Of The Rabbit Proof Fence How would you feel if you got taken away from your parents and family? The author of the rabbit proof fence Doris Pilkington Garimara wrote the books to help spread how badly the white people treated the aboriginal people. The forced removal of Indigenous Australians from land and family had an impact on Australia. Today s oral presentation will discuss: the time that the rabbit proof fence was set in, why Doris Pilkington Garimara created the text and how the audience is positioned to view the indigenous perspective through its use of multimodal elements. The author of the rabbit proof fence has shown lots about Australian history over those past years of the white taking the aboriginals land and children. The movie is based on the stolen
  • 3. The Ethics Of The Canadian Law System Bullying is an important topic in society because it continues to be a problem for individuals whether they are in school, at work or even at home. Bullying can be demonstrated verbally and/or physically. In other words, it is when one hurts or threatens to harm a person to do his/her wantings. It is controversial whether Canadian law has adequately addressed this topic. Bullyinghas indeed been addressed properly throughout Canada s law system in various ways. The goal of this essay is to show that the justice system has made many laws and regulations to help victims or anyone involved in the bullying through the many bills created to amend existing acts, the created action plans against bullying and laws that are created in the Criminal Code. To begin with, Ontario created Bill 13 as an amendment of the Education Act, to help those suffering from bullying. According to a website: The purpose of this legislation is to: 1 identify bullying; 2. prevent bullying; and 3. improve inclusiveness in schools (Bill 13 Accepting Schools Act). Bill 13 helps provide support for students that are being bullied and improves how the school approaches these situations. Their goal is to reduce the amount of these incidents and provide healing for the victims. It also requires for schools to prevent bullying to make sure that students are learning in a positive and safe environment at all times. Therefore, having this law ensures the students safety and prevents bullying from ever
  • 4. Olivia Dunham Character Traits Fringe is a television series that ran from 2008 to 2013 having a total of five seasons. For one looking for a science fiction with twists and turns, along with an appropriate amount of drama, action, little bit of romance and a plot that seems to deliver great episodes at every turn, this series is it. Not only does this show have engaging qualities, the lead Olivia Dunham is the utmost depiction of a warrior woman. Olivia is an impressive protagonist being an example of how a strong woman works in a male dominate field, have the inability to look vulnerable in front of criminals, and over come the struggles in her own life. Olivia is a strongly written character, not only beautiful, but qualified for the job. She earned the positions she... Show more content on ... When her lover got into an accident, she used it as motivation to find someone who could be responsible but also help save him. She comes to Broyles with a lead about Doctor Bishop, who is placed in a mental institute because one of his assistants died during an experiment he performed 17 years ago. Olivia had to fight with Broyles to get him to listen to her on why he is a good suspect to question. Doctor Bishop has experience working with the chemicals that were used and he may know how to find a cure. Olivia does not back down defending her lead, OLIVIA: I m coming to you with a solid lead and your personal resentment is preventing you...BROYLES: And you re wasting your breath and my time. Do you understand immediate family? You want to question Dr. Bishop, you go find his next of kin and have him escort you in. Talk to Bishop, uncover something substantial and I will have your back. Until then, I am not so convinced. Now, can you handle that? (1.1). She knows what needs to be done in order to be able to maneuver herself in this field is to prove herself. Her just saying her thoughts on a case will not be enough. She needs to go out there and work harder in order to gain the respect of her supervisors. Even though she has prove herself many times in the past through her work. Olivia still has to validate herself. Leaving the notion that she has the ability
  • 5. The Film Fiddler On The Roof Fiddler on the Roof is a 3 hour musical film based on Sholom Aleichem s stories. In the opening scene, Tevye discusses the traditions of his community. He says, Tradition. Without our tradition, our lives would be as shaky as . . . as a fiddler on the roof. Explain what Tevye means by this statement. Tevye states without tradition people have not balance in life. The prayer shawl that the men wear is a reminder of their constant devotion to God. Tevye sings about keeping their routes in life for several years and every aspect of life tells something about who they are. What is the role of Yente in the society? Why was marriage for a young woman so important? ) Yente s role in the village is to be the matchmaker. She was entrusted with finding husbands for the young ladies in the village. The Jewish people inside of Russia were in jeopardy of being eliminated, so the... Show more content on ... God was Tevye s counsel and Tevye was leader of the family unit. Golde was second in line under Tevye and she submitted to his choices but played the puppet master to a certain point. Then Tzeitel wad next because the other girls could not consider marriage until she had married. And the son in law s would be adopted in like sons once the girls were married. What is the significance of the discussion (in song) between Tevye and Golde regarding their love for one another? Tevye and Golde s did not meet until the day of their wedding so there was no love but an arrangement. Total opposite of all his girls which married for love and rejected the tradition arranged marriages. I m not too sure if they knew what being in love was after twenty five years together and neither Tevye nor Golde thought much of telling each other they loved each other over the years and that it was assumed. Tevye asks Chava if she knows what this means, marrying outside the faith? What does it mean to Tevye for one of his daughters to marry outside the
  • 6. Essay On Gangs In Schools Gangs are present in many schools in the United States. Approximately 45% of high school students say that there are gangs or students who consider themselves a part of a gang in their schools. Around 35% of middle school students say that there are gangs or students who consider themselves part of a gangin their schools (Arciaga, Sakamoto, and Jones, 2010). According to the School CrimeSupplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey (2007), 23 % of students reported the presence of gangsof their school campus or in the surrounding area in 2007. This is a 21% increase from the 2003 survey conducted (Arciaga, Sakamoto, and Jones, 2010). Gang members do not leave their conflicts, attitudes, and behaviors outside the school doors. Some of the most dangerous gang activities in any community may take place in and around local schools Gang members encounter each other at school during class changes, n the lunchroom, in ... Show more content on ... First, school administrators do not identify gang activity when they see it. Training and preparation are critical to a real response to gangs in the learning environment. Secondly, many school administrators, public admission that the school has a population of gang member might seem like a failure too properly control the school. Thirdly, school choice laws has passed in many areas to make it possible for parents to remove their children from a particular school. Finally, schools may be reluctant to share information on gang activity in and around the school for fear of violation confidentiality laws. Sharing the information about the problems with the gang activity can help entities prevent further acts of retaliation and violence. Most schools and school districts that have openly addressed gang problems have found that students and staff members, as well as parents and the community are safer and feel more secure (Arciaga, Sakamoto, and Jones,
  • 7. The Role Of Guilt In Criminal Law Chapter 2 explains in detail the factors that could lead a person to do one of the most unbelievable things a person could do: to admit guilt for a crime that he/she did not commit, known as a false confession. Police officers are trained to make criminals confess, however, the techniques used by them, such as bluff, excessively long interrogatories, the Reid technique, and the use of false incriminating evidence could make anyone confess, even innocent people. As incredible as this sounds, this is an ongoing issue in the history of criminal law. People who are more at risk to break under this kind of pressure are young, mentally or intellectually impaired, or possess personality traits such as compliance and suggestibility (Perillo, J. T.,
  • 8. Woolworths Ltd Doing the Right Thing Doing the right thing | Sustainability Strategy 2007 2015 Doing the right thing. Contents 23478901 21 81 02 22 42 62 82 Foreword WhatsustainabilitymeanstoWoolworthsLimited Ourmajorcommitmentsandtargets WhoisWoolworthsLimited? Ourexternalengagement Engagingourpeople Oursustainabilitypriorities Climatechange Water Sourcing Packaging Waste GreenStores Implementationandreporting All of us, every day. Foreword Welcome to the Woolworths Limited Sustainability Strategy 007 015. Woolworths has been around for over 80 years. We re proud of our history and reputation as a successful business. And we know that the world is changing. We recognise that... Show more content on ... In recent years, environmental sustainability has risen to become an everyday concern. The impact of the current drought and extreme weather events such as Cyclone Larry on Australian fresh produce supplies has brought into focus the effects that climate change will have on our business. Paying attention to sustainability is about future proofing our business. It s about leadership. We recognise that Woolworths can take a more prominent role in the debates around sustainability. It is fair to say that Australian and New Zealand retailers have lagged behind companies in the United Kingdom and Europe. So we are committed not just to contributing to the debate but to taking specific, measurable actions to improve our performance. By virtue of our size, scale, and the complexity of our business, Woolworths is a significant player in the Australian and New Zealand economies. With that profile comes not only a responsibility to understand and manage our impacts, but also a tremendous opportunity to achieve lasting and beneficial change that extends beyond our own operations. We aim to move to a leadership position on sustainability. It s about listening. As our knowledge of the way in which human societies impact on the natural world develops, society s expectations of corporate conduct have evolved. Quite rightly, our stakeholders expect us to consider the broader, long term implications of our operations as a part of our decision making processes. It
  • 9. Statement Of Purpose Of Technology Statement of Purpose What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It s the equivalent of a bicycle of our minds Steve Jobs. The present world is the world of technology. Computers and advancement of technology is playing an increasingly crucial role in today s world. More and more countries are increasingly moving towards a digital economy. The sovereign governments can take important and useful inputs through analysis of vast ocean of data and efficient use of technology, in the formulation of economic and social policies and programs. A vast amount of data is collected by various entities and if data is properly organised, analysed and stored, it can be of immense use to the stakeholders. The contribution I can make to this fast changing society is by dedicating myself to the effective use of technology by increasing my knowledge and upgrading my skills. I can commit to contribute toward increase of power of self expression and informed decision making ability by all concerned for the overall benefit of the society. I introduce ... Show more content on ... I not only have a vision, but I complement it with proper planning and hard work. I am told that I am a creative and good planner. I continue to strive hard till I get the desired results. I am not a student who concentrates on studies alone. While maintaining a right balance between academics and extra curricular activities, I was actively involved in conducting seminars and guest lectures for the department. I have participated in many extra curricular activities, cultural events, sports and have won the cricket tournaments.After being recognized as a person with good leadership qualities and motivational skills I was assigned a key role in the core team to organize events held at the
  • 10. Theme Of The Prison Door The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne opens with a scene that introduces some of the major themes of the novel. The chapter, titled The Prison Door , contains little action, and instead sets the scene and introduces many themes and symbols in the novel. A crowd of somber, dreary looking puritans have gathered outside the door of a prisonin seventeenth century Boston. The building s heavy oak door are studded with iron spikes, and the prison appears to have been constructed to hold dangerous criminals.The one incongruity in the otherwise drab scene is the rosebush that grows next to the prison door. The narrator suggests that it offers a reminder of Nature s kindness to the condemned; for his tale, he says, it will provide either a sweet moral blossom or else some relief in the face of unrelenting sorrow and gloom. It is through The Prison Door that the major themes of the novel such as sin, punishment, puritanism, and nature are introduced to the novel. The scene opens with a crowd of men and women assembled near a dilapidated wooden prison. The narrator says that this particular prison was most likely built upon the founding of Boston and then goes on to describe prisons as the black flower of civilized society. At this point, the theme of sin and punishment is introduced into the novel. Prisons are a black flower because though they are meant to punish sin (represented by the color black in the novel), they would not exist without sin. Prisons feed on sin in
  • 11. Junot Diaz s How To Date A Brown Girl, White Girl How to Date a Brown girl, Black girl, White girl, and Halfie by Junot Diaz the teenage boy continuously has repeated facades on interactions noted with females, including hiding one s true social status, history, race and ethnicity. This makes the potential for either of the participants finding out the truth about the other impossible. Moreover, the writer promotes the manipulation of the given situation towards gaining his physical cut of intimacy regardless of his partners needs for emotional maturity and intimacy. Diaz also demonstrates how a person s expectations of others are determined by their subjective generalizations in terms of race or social class. In addition, it highlights how individuals try to control other people s perceptions. In Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison the narrator is living his life based off the advice his grandfather has given him. Overall, both stories deal with overcoming obstacles in a way that s different from the other. How to Date a Brown girl, Black girl, White girl, and Halfie by Junot Diaz comes across as a guide book for teenage boys for ethnicity dating. The narrator addresses the reader... Show more content on ... For example, Diaz says that that hide the pictures of yourself with an Afro...take down any embarrassing photos of your family, (143). Diaz also instructs one to hide their ethnicity by saying, run a hand through your hair like the White boys do even though the only thing that runs easily through your hair is Africa (145). He guarantees his readers that following the given counsel offers one a high probability of accomplishing physical fulfillment and closeness because of the precisely arranged subjective impression he shows towards his date. Diaz suggests that the covering up of one s character is the best activity. Regardless of the unethical behaviors joined to the
  • 12. The Controversy Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana has been a highly controversial topic in our society for several years with the main controversy being over whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Branching off of the idea of legalization comes this idea of marijuana being used for a medical purpose. Marijuana has proved to benefit medically in multiple different ways physically and mentally. Despite the knowledge of relief marijuana could provide there are still massive amounts of controversy circulating the idea of legalization for medical purposes. The controversy of marijuana being used for medicine goes as far back as 1996. In 1996, it was said that at least 8 states in the United States had voters who approved of the legalization of medical marijuana. In 1999 fuel was... Show more content on ... While there are studies that lead us to believe that the use of medical marijuana on cancer patients can actually help their recovery, it is also reported that the THC, can impair the body s immune system. Some methods of ingesting medical marijuana include, food and drink consumption, as well as smoking. Smoking can lead to respiratory problems due to the smoke, leaving the body with a weakness, possibly causing cancer in the lungs and respiratory tract. This can also lead to an increased risk of heart attacks. Overall, these side effects and long lasting impairments can be much more harmful than the possible positives of medical marijuana. To conclude, medical marijuana is beneficial but if used excessively side effects could occur. The group is for medical marijuana due to the fact that it can be used for tax purposes and it helps an ill person get through their pain. While we focus on the pros, we also understand the cons which include not being FDA approved, bringing on mental issues, and harming the immune system and other body systems. There may not be a definite side in society that is for or against this topic, but it is important to know that medical marijuana is used to lessen the pain for the patients that use
  • 13. Electricity Generation Electricity generation is the process of creating electricity from other forms of energy. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. His basic method is still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet.[1] For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the electrical power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical ... Show more content on ... The combustion of fossil fuels supplies most of the heat to these engines, with a significant fraction from nuclear fission and some from renewable sources. The modern steam turbine invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884 today generates about 80 percent of the electric power in the world using a variety of heat sources. [edit] Turbines Large dams such as Three Gorges Dam in China can provide large amounts of hydroelectric power; it will have a 22.5 GW capability. Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant. A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah. All turbines are driven by a fluid acting as an intermediate energy carrier. Many of the heat engines just mentioned are turbines. Other types of turbines can be driven by wind or falling water. Sources include: * Steam Water is boiled by: * Nuclear fission, * The burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, or petroleum). In hot gas (gas turbine), turbines are driven directly by gases produced by the combustion of natural gas or oil. Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven by both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam. These plants offer efficiencies of up to 60%. * Renewables. The steam generated by: * Biomass * The sun as the heat source: solar parabolic troughs and solar power towers
  • 14. Secrets Revealed Chapter Summary I do not own the Time Crisis series or Infinite Stratos. Those belong to their respective owners. The only thing I own is this Fanfiction. Summary: 6 days after Phantom Task invaded the IS Academy, Ichika Orimura wants revenge against them. He finds out that his sister Chifuyu was once an agent of the Vital Situation Swift Elimination (V.S.S.E) Agency and wants to find out the answers to his past. Now he s working with the V.S.S.E s best agents to find out the truth and get back at Phantom Task, but he ll have to go through Wild Dog and his cronies to do it. Chapter 1: Secrets Revealed Orimura Residence Tokyo, Japan 9:00 AM It s been 6 days after the attack on the IS Academy by the rogue IS organization, Phantom Task. Ichika Orimura, 16... Show more content on ... Ichika s sister was always worried about her brother. Chifuyu came to him and said Ichika, what s wrong? You look like you ve seen a ghost. Ichika then said I don t think so, but I found a file with your name on it, with the letters V.S.S.E, so what aren t you telling me? Chifuyu sat down next to her little brother and began to talk with him, Ok Ichika, but you re not going to believe me. Ichika then sat next to her Try me, I m still a very good listener. He said. Chifuyu then began to tell her story, Before I came to pilot an IS, I was once an agent of an elite international intelligence agency, the V.S.S.E, which was short for Vital Situation Swift Elimination. The agency was involved in eliminating any terrorist threat to the security of the world. I was a part of the Field Operations Unit which was comprised of the best agents in the world. After I left the agency, I left most of the shares to you. I m sorry that I didn t tell you Ichika. You weren t ready for the truth. Ichika was shocked about what he heard. Well, now you ve told me. , he said. And now I want to get back at Phantom Task for what they did. Chifuyu was shocked at those words, Ichika, that s crazy, you aren t even prepared and equipped to face this organization. You ll die from facing them. Ichika shrugged those words off and said, Then I ll die trying. Where do I find V.S.S.E Headquarters, because I m done playing the part of a
  • 15. Caesar Positive Effects Some people think that the choices Caesar made were for the better, but I believe that throughout history, Caesar has shown the common occurrence throughout dictators that once they start to gain power, they become power hungry and the decisions they make have a positive effect for them, but a negative effect for the people they are serving because how Caesar drastically changed between a soldier and a dictator, how the decisions Caesar made helped him, and most importantly, how he didn think of the greater good of the people. One reason that throughout history, Caesar has show the common occurrence throughout dictators that once they start to gain power, they become power hungry and the decisions they make have a positive effect for them,... Show more content on ... An example of this is how when he was just starting to become a leader and started to revolt, he could disobey any of Rome s laws, solely due to the fact that he had an army behind him, literally. This is important, because if you think back to past dictators, like Hitler, this is how he started out. He gave speeches, and could do what he wanted because of the fact that he had people behind him! Another example of this is because when people in the Senate disagreed with him, mobs would starting attacking said member. Because of how Caesar so easily resorted to violence, the people who followed him also figured this was acceptable, and would do it at the littlest of things! One last example, is how when Caesar first became dictator for life, he made his title the unconquerable god. Two members of the Senate disagreed with this, saying that the title wasn t reasonable, and they were immediately kicked off. This is important, because it wasn t like some important law he was making, or something in which he was helping people, he was being egotistic, and due to the fact that not everyone in the Senate thought he was the best thing in existence, they were kicked off. So, in the end, the decisions Caesar made mainly helped
  • 16. Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and climatic model (CLM 4.5) outputs were conducted over the southern part of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) (area: 835 Г— 103 km2) in Sudan and Chad to estimate the natural recharge rate. The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) is shared by Egypt, Libya, Chad, and Sudan, and is one of the largest (area: ~ 2 Г— 106 km2) groundwatersystems in the world. Findings from the study include: (1) average annual precipitation was estimated at 77.5 mm (65 km3); (2) recharge rate was estimated at 2.79В±0.99 km3/yr; given the annual extraction rate (~0.407В±0.10 km3), recharge rate amounted to 3.2В±1.00 km3/yr; and (3) the east west trending Uweinat Aswan uplift impedes south to north groundwater flow and replenishment from the recharge area in the south. A cost effective integrated approach is developed to quantify the modern recharge of the NSAS during the period from January 2003 to December 2012. 1.Introduction Groundwater recharge is the process of water movement downward through a saturated zone under the force of gravity or in a direction determined by a hydraulic condition (Simmers, 1997). Natural recharge of groundwater may occur from precipitation, from rivers and canals, or from lakes. In arid and semi arid areas, assessment of groundwater recharge is one of the key challenges in determining the sustainable yield of aquifers, as recharge rates are generally low in comparison with average annual rainfall or
  • 17. Han China Vs Imperial Rome Essay Both Rome and Han China rose from a smaller state. They achieved success through trade, discipline, and a strong military force. Agriculture was a main economic backbone, which supplied their government with tax funds and wealth. Overall, both empires encompassed a large amount of culture derived from the peoples derived and annexed into it. Imperial Rome and Han Chinas similarities in social class, governing style, and technology helped aide its governmental power, but their differences in labor, job success, and ruling style caused for slight changes in societal standing. First of all, the similarities in Imperial Rome and Han China are most prevalent in the Roman Equites and Chinese Gentry. Wealthy, land owning or scholarly families constitute... Show more content on ... Primarily, the style of governments was principally different. Han China favored a Legalist and Confucian mix, due to Emperor Gaozu abolishing only some of the previous Legalist ways, and introducing strategic measures to keep the people happy, such as cutting costs to reduce taxes and storing grain in times of shortage. Imperial Rome, however, implied a principate and military dictatorial form of government. Augustus still maintained the the offices, senate, and many functions of the old republic, while using the military to secure his control. Although he never called himself an emperor, he chose to be princeps. Just as well, both governments inforced different types of labor. Han China was popular for it s forced labor, like for the Great Wall construction, while Rome relied on slave labor for the fieldwork in farming and doing the lower, more laborious jobs. Relating to the class system, the government in Han China also suppressed the merchants while Rome was dependent on them. Han Chinese gentry members and advisers blamed merchants for many of the economic problems, and prohibited them and their children from holding government positions. However, in Rome, the empire experienced a pax romana where its merchants are traders were particularly successful in providing wealth to the Roman government, which in return deployed military members along trade routes to ensure the safety of
  • 18. Relationship Between Attention And Cognitive Psychology INTRODUCTION Cognition is defined as the mental activities associated with thought, decision making, language and other higher mental processes. Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity and thinking. Cognitive psychology concerns how people perceive ,understand ,evaluate and think. Cognitive psychologists argue that the mind is a processor of information people perceive information through the senses and try to understand that information and its relation to them ,and transmit information to others. Thinking, an activity that involves the manipulation of mental representation of various features of external world. Thinking involves reasoning, mental activity through which we transform available information in order to reach conclusions. Decision making ,the processes of choosing between two or more alternatives on the basis of information about them. Problem solving , which typically involves processing information in various ways in order to move toward desired goals. Through language, share the ... Show more content on ... Attention is the ability to attend to specific information and maintain that focus for the required length of time. It also the ability to shut out competing information and stimuli that can form distractions. In order for cognitive thought processes to occur, an individual must be able to pay attention to a particular topic and fully absorb the material being learned. The ability to maintain attention on a subject is needed in order for the thought processes necessary for learning to occur. According to William James(1890),attention is the taking possession of the mind ,in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalisation ,concentration , of consciousness are of its
  • 19. The Importance Of Year-Round Schooling Year round schooling is a system that lengthens the amount of days spent in school by shortening the duration of vacations. Although students may think otherwise, year round schooling should be enforced in schools today. Year round schooling keeps students stimulated, throughout the entire school year. Year round schooling improves a student s academic and social performance as well as supporting families financial strains. If year round schooling is not enforced, the academic scores of the students will continue to decrease. Year round schooling increases students academic performances. A study from the California State Department of Education shows that standardized test scores increased an average of 9.5% in Grade 3 with an average increase
  • 20. History And Current Dynamic Of Sandstone Sandstone Federal Correctional Institution in Sandstone, Minnesota has housed many an inmate including the actor Tim Allen (Rodriguez) and it ranks 40 of 50 on s 50 most comfortable prions in the world. A well maintained lawns leads to well kept cells, where nonviolent offenders are kept occupied with leather making and stained glass creation. Some inmates may consider this a little boring, but anything is better than being assaulted. (Records) This paper will discuss the history and current dynamic of Sandstone, inmate demographics, services available to them, staff demographics and their style of this staff. In 1931, the United States was in the middle of the Great Depression. After the black market crash the... Show more content on ... This report form 1929, focused on the issue of overcrowding in the federal prison system and how federal judges in Minnesota indicated a need of more federal prison farms in the northern part of the state. Barstow reasoned that a prison farm could bring income and jobs to the town to make up for the economic fall of the quarry and railroad. The town had a piece of land that had not been cleared across the Kettle Rover to the east of the Sandstone that Barstow thought would be perfect. Barstow recruited the help of Senator Adolph Larson, Dr. Homer p. Dredge, and businessman John F. Hawley. These four men, later known as the prison farm four, called a town meeting and formed a committee with a goal of obtaining a federal farm for Sandstone. The U.S. department of Justice had already announced intent to build a new prison farm in Minnesota, but Sandstone was not the only town bidding for a new institution. Sandstone, however, had the unique advantage of being positioned half way in the middle of the Twin Cities and Duluth, these cities delivered most of the Minnesota s prison population. That June, the superintendent of prisons visited the prosed site and recommended Sandstone as the location for the new prison far. On November 10, 1931, Sandstone received the news that their bid of $5 per acre, for 2, 885 acres. (Troolin, Pine County History: The Federal Correctional Insitution at Sandstone: A History
  • 21. Canadian Confederation This historical study will examine the complex provincial affiliations related to Canadian Confederation that demanded complex political maneuvers to unify the Anti Confederate party and the Confederate Party to support the Quebec Resolutions of 1865. The Anti Confederate vantage point of George Etienne Cartier s Parti Bleus was a primarily French region, which sought its own sovereign country. More so, the Atlantic/Maritime colonies of New Brunswickand Nova Scotiarejected the idea of a Canadian federal government, which was based on the political leadership of William Annand of Nova Scotia and Albert J. Smith of New Brunswick. In contrast, the Confederate leadership of James A. MacDonald in Ontario sought to unify Canada due to the rising... Show more content on ... The lack of political representation under the Union Act of 1840 provided very few rights for local government, which was perceived as a danger if the new confederate policies were to be instituted in 1864. In this case, William Annand s leadership in the Anti Confederacy Party in Nova Scotia provided more seats in the provincial legislature, which resulted in a rejection of the Quebec resolution (Beck 56). More so, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were often marginalized in these discussions, since they were not as economically powerful as Quebec or Ontario. In this case, the Confederacy Party of Nova Scotia, under the leadership of Charles Tupper, had temporarily failed to win over the people to federalization. The distrust between the Nova Scotia parliament and the mainland provinces was a major barrier to Confederacy due to a lack of representational government under the Union Act: In Nova Scotia, William Annand contended: It was a matter of very serious import to the people of this province when they learned from such an authority that their rights and privileges were to be swept away without their being consulted (Ajzenstat
  • 22. Don t You Feel Everyone Should Receive A Fair Trial Don t you feel everyone should receive a fair trial when being accused of a crime? Well, 19 years ago, on January 13, 1999, a boy at Woodland High School in Baltimore named Adnan was accused of manual strangling of a girl named Hae Min Lee. He supposedly told Jay, a buddy of his, that he was going to killher. After Hae s missing body was recovered, Jay went to the police and the state used his testimony against Adnan. Recently, a serial podcast was developed by Sarah Koenig, a detective who goes deeper in the case and believes Adnan may be innocent. I think Adnan is innocent because Jay s story kept altering details and sounds untrustworthy, Adnan had very little time to kill Hae, and because Adnan was at the library during the same time... Show more content on ... Moreover, Adnan had very little time to kill Hae according to the route Jay said Adnan took. Adnan tells Sarah Koenig how much time it takes to get out of the school after the final bell. When the final bell rings at 2:15, you can t just leave and jump in your car, he wrote. There are 1500 other students filling the hallways and stairwells of a four story building. Then you have to get out of the school parking lot, but the parking lot is encircled by the school bus loop, so you can t get your car out until the buses fill up and leave. Which, Adnan wrote, took about ten to fifteen minutes. Episode 5: Route Talk pg. 67(Adnan Syed). If there are 1500 students getting out of the school, it would take Adnan quite some time to even find Hae Min Lee and go to her car. With everything he had to do after school, twenty one minutes is too little time to kill Hae. Sarah tests the route to see how much time it really takes for the entire scene to unfold. Right where Dana and I are also parked. It takes Dana and me almost eighteen minutes to get to this spot. That leaves three minutes for the actual horror of the thing. An argument maybe, then strangulation, then he s got to put her body in the trunk, somehow, without anyone seeing. Episode 5: Route talk pg.70(Sarah Koenig). Adnan had to kill Hae Min Lee and put her body in the trunk
  • 23. Essay about Tobias Wolff Tobias Wolff Tobias Wolff, a boy of a troubled childhood, and a very tough father. Tobias Wolff had no intentions of being a writer from the start; it just seemed to of popped into his life. The Amazing part about this writer is that he was not supported by anyone but himself. His father was against everything that he did, and his brother, Geoffrey, also a writer would always take his fathers side, leaving Tobias on a side of his own. I wasn t fair, I always took my father s side. Said Geoffrey (Wolff, G; Duke of 144) Geoffrey was known as the Good Brother as his father would say. This was wrong for a father to do, parents can t play favorites, because it leads to one child feeling left out, or rebelling against it like Tobias ... Show more content on ... Although I could not get a hold of this book, from what I read about it, it was a very vivid memoir which unlike other wartime stories, contained information and experiences from a writer who actually was there, in Vietnam, who experienced the hard times of war. In the short story Powder by Tobias Wolff , there is a boy and his father, and they are sort of stranded out in the wilderness due to a snow storm, and the father keeps asking his kid questions like we re gonna make it home, right? And other questions to give the kid confidence in his father. The kid kept responding with umm yeah, and saying yes in an unsure way, like he didn t have confidence in his father bringing him home safely. This ties in with the autobiography This Boys Life in which Tobias Wolff talks about his life, his father and how he began to lose faith in his father during his childhood years. I think that the short story Powder was actually about him and his father s relationship, and how Tobias lost faith in his father like it said in This Boys Life. Tobias Wolff s father was also very forceful, in having things done his way, and him trying to manipulate Tobias into doing things that he wanted. His father said to him: Your brother tells me you re thinking of Choate, Personally, I think you d be happier at Deerfield. Tobias replied: Well I just applied, Maybe I won t get in. (Wolff, T;
  • 24. The Benefits Of New Media And Technology What is the self in the digital age? One might say that their true online self is on Facebook, or MySpace, or maybe Instagram. The splintering of the self into multiple versions illustrates a desire to see what one can be online. Truly, new media and technology has allowed one to find their true inner self, whether that reflect their real self in real life or not. Yet, not everyone sees these disparate selves with optimism. Sherry Turkle and Natasha SchГјll see the growth of new mediaand technology as detrimental to the formation of our true selves and both critically analyze specific cases where it can be harmful. I, however, disagree with the sentiment that new media and technology is something inherently harmful. Although they can certainly be misused, the benefits of these digital innovations can, when applied with critical understanding, outweigh the negatives brought up by Turkle and SchГјll. First, Turkle argues that social media is preventing adolescents from dedicating time to self reflection and replacing face to face communication with online communication. Turkle states in her book, Alone Together, that teens need time to discover themselves, time to think. But technology, put in the service of always on communication and telegraphic speed and brevity, has changed the rules of engagement with all of this. Here, Turkle state that since social media is easily accessible and immediate, teenagers will be compelled to interact online, instead of taking the
  • 25. Contributions Of Jacque Rousseau Jean Jacque Rousseau was born in the city state of Geneva, Switzerland in 1772. Rousseau is primarily known for major works like The Social Contract, Emile, Discourse on the origin of Inequality, the Constitutional Project for Corsica, and Consideration on the Government of Poland. What makes Rousseau such an important figure in the history of philosophyis because of his contribution to both political and moral philosophies and his concept of general will , which also gained him a lot of criticism. Apart from his philosophical and political contribution, he was also a novelist, an autobiographer, botanist, composer and also a music theorist. Rousseau s his political philosophies flows through his moral philosophies. In order to understand... Show more content on ... Rousseau fearing the emergence of a similar situation tries to set an alternative to this by trying to merge the individual s freedom with the authority of the state. Consequently, as claimed in his Social Contract, individual remain free by being subject to their own wills. Alongside General will, the Social Contract also talks about other three kinds of will individual will, where individuals have their own will in accordance to their own private interests. Secondly it tells us about what Rousseau meant by collective will, where individuals identifies themselves as a part of a collective and try to keep aside their selfish motives. Finally it tells about a third kind of will, i.e. the corporate will, which according to Rousseau is a bit problematic because it occurs whenever an individual identifies himself as a subset of the whole populace. He believes that in a well ordered society, there does not exists any kind tension because individuals in a well ordered society surrender to the law and the law in return safeguards their freedom from any kind of control from
  • 26. Gun Control is NOT Losing your Target in the Recoil Essay Guns, like many other issues of the day, have two distinct and opposing views with many people in the middle or undecided. Even following the tragic events of December 7, 1993, when unemployed handyman Colin Ferguson boarded the LIR s 5:33 out of Penn Station. Ferguson waited until the train, filled with local commuters on their way home, pulled out of the Hicksville station before drawing a 9mm pistol. Ferguson then opened fire walking up and down the aisle shooting passangers indiscriminately, stopping only to reload, twice. When he was finished six were dead and 19 were injured. Gun control advocates think that outlawing guns would have stopped the killings from ever happening. While gun rights advocates believe just as strongly that ... Show more content on ... Much has been made by the gun control advocates of the phrase a well regulated militia , as it appears in the second amendment; arguing that the true intent of the framers was to guarantee this right to state militias and not the individual. I believe the flaw in this argument comes from their ignorance at best and selective interpretation or outright lying at worst, of the historical facts surrounding the original intent of this amendment. The framers of the constitution were purposefully vague in the wording of many articles throughout the constitution. As a significant portion of the constitution s framers were themselves lawyers, I believe this deliberate vagueness was an effort to prevent the spirit of the document from becoming lost in the semantics of verbatim analysis so often favored by barristers and politicians. This necessitates that we look at other works of the time to help us in interpreting the framers intent. To these ends constitutional scholars, the federal courts and laymen alike have relied heavily on the Federalist Papers for additional insight
  • 27. Positive Optimism Outlook On Life Life can be full of surprises and is not always an easy journey. However, having an optimism outlook on life can make one s life journey more enjoyable. Positive emotion is very important to enhance a progressive life. (Slegiman, 2009). It is one s choice to choose not to have a negative attitude towards challenges in life but to instead have a positive attitude towards all trials. Recently, the author s husband was sentenced to six and half years to federal prison and it was a devastating event for their family of six which included four children. Initially, depression along with a flood of negative thoughts began to rush through their minds. However, choosing to stand positively and have an optimistic outlook allowed them to get through this hard time. The court case was difficult and full of surprises. There were times when they felt like giving up but chose to hold onto hope and faith. They stopped all hopelessness and negativity that tried to play through their min. Instead they withstood by knowing and believing ... Show more content on ... Finally, a plea agreement of serving six and half years in federal prison was made. But why and how would this be able to pass? Negative thoughts tried to overcome the husband who was sentenced and the wife who would have to raise the four children alone while her husband would have to be in prison. But instead this couple decided to see this as only a temporary setback. Soon they received good news that with good time and other credit, the husband would only have to serve four years. Time would pass and this debt of prison time would be completed and defeated. There was no room to allow sorrow of depression to set in. A positive mindset had to overcome their thoughts and stand knowing that this will soon pass. According to Seligman optimism aids in individual well being. Therefore, while having to face this horrible prison sentence, having a positive outlook brought
  • 28. The Butcher and His Fiend Like Queen in William... The Butcher and his Fiend like Queen in William Shakespeare s Macbeth Introduction At the end of William Shakespeare s Macbeth, Malcolm refers to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as: This dead like butcher and his fiend like queen, when he was crowned as new king of Scotland. In Malcolm s eyes, the Macbeths are just that, cruel murderers who stole away the throne from him and his father. A butcher can be described as someone who kills, or have people killed unnecessarily or brutally. A fiend can be defined as a very cruel person, or one who causes trouble and annoyance. Macbeth is a butcher and Lady Macbeth his fiend like queen, because of greed he had taken the lives of many people even close friends of him, and she manipulates him into ... Show more content on ... Macbeth soon realizes that he cannot stop at just killing Duncan. He understands that the one person who is most likely to threaten his position as King is Banquo. This is because he was present when the strange sisters gave Macbeth their prophecy, and can guess that Macbeth is guilty of murdering the King. Macbeth murdered his best friend, Banquo, for two different reasons. The witches predictions, that Banquo s son is to become king, and the fear about Banquo s knowledge of his dirty crime. Macbeth assigns the three murderers to kill both Banquo and his son Fleance. | Fleance his son, that keeps him company, Whose absence is no less material to me Than is his father s, must embrace the fate Of that dark hour. (3, 1)| Banquo was Macbeth s best friend and had done nothing wrong; therefore must this act be the most butcher like from Macbeth s side. Macbeth slaughtered Lady Macduff and her son, due to the predictions made by the witches. Another example of Macbeth being a butcher is when he hires the murderers to kill the family of Macduff, just in order to cause him pain. | The castle of Macduff I will surprise; Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls (4, 1)| To murder innocent children and their mother is an exceptionally brutal act. Conclusion The butcher and his Fiend like queen as Malcolm refers to Macbeths in the end of the play, is
  • 29. Meursault Religion Upon opening the book to its first page, readers are witness to the news of Maman s death. The immediacy with which Camus renders the first scene leaves readers with the impression that this significant event in Meursault s life is going to engage him into a kind of introspective mindset. However, as readers journey deeper into the novel, they will find that only 12% a mere 15 out of 123 total pages of the novel are devoted to circumstances surrounding Maman s death and funeral. Meursault leads his readers into thinking that Maman s death should mean more to him than it does; but on the contrary, it means less. Her death is an (in)significant annoyance that continues to annoy Meursault even once he returns to work after his four day... Show more content on ... This is what we can refer to as the Masculine dualism an analysis of Meursault s male associates. Almost precisely, and seemingly intentional, Part 2 of the novel focuses on two different, but related scenes: Meursault s time in jail and his trial. Both instances illustrate Meursault as an observer and not a participant, and they are in direct opposition to Meursault s activity in Part 1. On the day of his arrest, Meursault is put in a room where there were already several other prisoners, most of them Arabs. The moment that he is placed in the holding room with the Arabs, Meursault still retains, intrinsically, his French Algerian identity; however, as soon as one of the Arabs shows Meursault how to fix the mat, extrinsically, he becomes one of them. His individuality is taken from him, and he becomes a common criminal, no better or worse than those he is imprisoned with. During his trial, Meursault takes an active role as an observer. While he may not understand every single detail about the trial, he does, in fact, take an active interest in its happenings. Although he may not agree with the testimonies, or the portrayal
  • 30. Prodigal Genius The Life Of Larry Page Sparknotes To understand what drives Larry Page, we should understand the story that inspired him, Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, by New York Herald Tribune journalist, John Joseph O Neill, written in 1944 (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry Page s Incredible Comeback, 2014). Nikola Tesla invented the way almost all of the world s electricity is generated today, envisioned and created wireless communication, spoke eight languages, and had a photographic memory (Carlson, The Untold Story of Larry Page s Incredible Comeback, 2014). However, the inventor was lousy at business. After making a deal and then betrayed by his former employer, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla spent the rest of his life searching, to no avail, for investors to fund his
  • 31. Student B As A Reader Student B as a Reader (Kaylee) What about the student as an individual (experiences, skills, interests) provides insight into his or her work samples and your analysis of them? In a class where most students either fall into the categories of being high achieving or low scoring, Kaylee is one of few students in the middle. Next year, students have the choice of going on the college track in language arts and I would like Kaylee to feel comfortable in her abilities to choose the college track. She feels that she is not good at reading and therefore, she needs to stay in regular language arts next year. What are your instructional goals to promote growth for this student as a reader and interpreter of text in a variety of media? My ... Show more content on ... The first assignment to accomplish these goals is the Lyric Analysis Assignment. This assignment is aligned with all four instructional goals. Students were asked to analyze a song of their choice as if it were a poem. I used several reading strategies for differentiation in my class while teaching analysis of poem or song. I allowed them choice of song in their assignment as a strategy to engage the students in the reading instruction. This is a tiered assignment with two parts. The strategy of scaffolding the assignment into two manageable parts in which the second part builds on the first allows the students to build on their thoughts in an organized way. This is a good strategy for Kaylee in particular so she does not get overwhelmed by the assignment as a whole. The students were to create a key using Google Comments in Google Docs that included a minimum of four literary devices that they found in their song. I use the Google Classroom and Google Apps for most assignments now. Technology allows me to differentiate instruction to meet instructional goals because I can provide immediate written feedback. This circumvents the problems of just giving oral feedback. Kaylee will never lose the feedback and she can always revisit it. They needed to include an inference sentence for each device and explain the effect that the singer gains by using that device. I used the strategy of modeling for
  • 32. Politeness Theory and Its Application in Arabic Introduction People have different ways to express politeness and they usually use a range of different linguistic expressions to do so, depending on the relationship with the addressee. This research will explain Browns and Levinson s politeness theory and will recognize how universal this theory is and weather it can be applied on Japanese language taking into account the difference in cultures. Brown and Levinson s theory of Politeness and how it applies in Arabic: Brown and Levinson`s theory is mainly based on three principle notions: face, face threatening act (FTA), and politeness strategies (Bowe amp; Martin 2009, p. 27). Brown and Levinson s concept of face was derived from Goffman (1972 p.5): The term face may be defined as... Show more content on ... The seriousness of the (FTA) can be evaluated or measured through these three factors: (Holmes 2006, p. 687). That means people tend to avoid any arguments, try to respect other s thoughts, and maintain a pleasant relationship with other people by implementing politeness strategies in the conversations. This can happen for example by softening a request to match the addresser and the addressees needs can save the positive or the negative face of both interactants as face can be lost, preserved, or enhanced and that can be monitored in the conversation (Bowe amp; Martin, 2007, p. 28) Japanese politeness: Japanese people are mainly shy and they are also private, for the Japanese society privacy is very important and it is considered as one of the main feature for their society, we can see that from the designs of the windows in the houses so no one can look at them, also asking plenty question is considered rude in the society.(Coulmas, 2005) Parents in the Japanese society do not talk or practice their passion and love in front of their children and the adults do not talk and they do not like to be asked about their private life. Japanese people tend not to socialised with strangers if they did not have to. It is also used to show social closeness or matching in power It is a quite society in general. (Coulmas, 2005) The honorific system in Japan is considered very broad, it includes
  • 33. Essay about Enduring Self Is there an enduring self? John Locke believed, the enduring self is defined by a person s memory. With memory there is an enduring self, and without it there is no self at all. I believe there is an enduring self, but it is a little more complicated than that. Even if a person encounters a dramatic change to his/her life, they are still the same self, the same person. I believe memory is not the only factor that defines the self. Many things form this enduring self, and these things work together to form an identity, to form who you are now. These things are your memories, your experiences and your personality. You may change and grow over time as you are exposed to new experiences, but under it all you are still But is a... Show more content on ... I am, essentially, the same person I ve always been (and my memories go back to age two ). Hopefully I ve honed the good points and dulled the bad points in the last few decades, but really ... at my core ... I m the same. I just don t think people, at their very core, change that dramatically. Someone who commits a heinous crime (intentionally, not accidentally) always has that innate potential to do it again, IMHO. At any age. Another way of looking at it is to think about cooking. Think of yourself as a base or main ingredient. The more ingriendients you add will affect the taste, consistency, color and even taste, but no matter how many other ingredients you add, the main ingredient is still Time for more on time. With this being said, there is something else I ve been curious about. It could argued that our common sense notion of endurance through time is incorrect. That this mistaken self conception lead us to experience the passage of time. If so, this would be illusory no? And if this enduring me is an illusion then so is the passage of time. In other words, if the enduring me is an illusion, then so is the passage of time. Ceasing to think of myself as an enduring subject should result in my ceasing to experience the passage of time no? Coming to think of myself as permanent should result in my coming to experience different temporal parts of myself at different moments, but no enduring self past which those moments can flow. Again,
  • 34. The Viable And Authorization Of Life Cycle Based Product... Abstract This paper discusses the use and importance of EPDs in the viable and authorization of life cycle based product environmental impacts. The role and purpose of EPDs, market acceptance of EPD schemes, costs of EPDs to start using this information tool. It also concludes with a look at potential developments regarding the use of EPDs in support of product environmental claims. Finally, manufacturers who use EPDs help to create a greater public awareness of the environmental impact aspects of products, thereby contributing to global sustainability efforts. Keywords: eco labelling, environmental product declarations, life cycle assessment, costs. Emergence of EPD S Keeping environment green is ... Show more content on ... An EPD tells the lifecycle story of a product in a single, written report, provides a complete picture focusing on information about a products environmental impact, such as global warming, ozone depletion etc. It covers everything from fossil fuel depletion to effects on human health, and there s already a growing list of industry organizations that recommend using the EPDs Existence of an EPD for a product does not indicate that environmental performance criteria have been met. EPDs are a declaration tool that helps purchasers better understand a products sustainable qualities and environmental results so they can make more informed product selections. EPDs can be developed after a product LCA is conducted, and are based on applicable PCRs. For architects and designers, EPDs helps in intensifying the sustainability of design and enable to create the best possible spaces. EPDs can also helps to get industry certifications and LEED credits. It is committed to diminish the carbon footprint waste, building a bright sustainable future for all of us. Process for developing an EPD LCA tool helps in promote transparency and full revelation of potential environmental impacts. Potential uses for EPDs World Wide In Industry EPDs help ensure that wood products are not at risk for non‐tariff trade barriers. Manufacturers
  • 35. Krypto-Girl Research Paper Element Super Hero For many years she has been hiding, afraid of what might become of her powers, afraid of what others will think. She has heard the stories, she knows what could happen if she tells someone about her powers, but she doesn t want to hide anymore. She is known right now as Alyssa, but she will soon be known as Krypto Girl. She had to find a way to control her powers, but until then she could do that she couldn t leave. After weeks of practicing, she finally felt ready to face the world. The first day she decided to go to the mall, as she was walking around the mall she turned around, and someone caught her eye. She fell in love at first sight, she didn t know anything about him, but there was something special about him, she could feel it. She wanted to know more about him, she very bravely went up to him and started talking, immediately they clicked, but little did she know he would pull her into the world of crime fighting, just like the stories.... Show more content on ... Alyssa and the guy, who s name she figured out was Mark, started walking around the mall together. After about an hour Mark, checked his phone, but then had to leave in a hurry. They quickly decided to meet up again some other time and went their separate ways. Later that week they were meeting up again, this time they were going to dinner. In the middle of dinner, once again Mark had to leave, Alyssa asked why, but Mark wouldn t tell her. Eventually Mark told Alyssa that he was not just a normal guy, he had powers that nobody knew about. After Mark told Alyssa this, she felt comfortable telling Mark about her super powers, and they decided that they could conquer more together. Alyssa and Mark went off to Mark s layer to get ready, they had villains to
  • 36. Athena Essay examples Athena With a battle cry that resounded through the kingdom of heaven and earth she sprang from the head of Zeus. She is one of the most powerful forces on Mount Olympus, representing war and the immortal spirit of wisdom. Athena embodies the matriarchal goddess, a complex figure of internal strength and reflection. She is a powerful source of interpretation for the idea of the goddess as a balance between nature and humanity. In one aspect she embodies the civic patron of Athens, with her benevolence and strategic defenses. However her mythological nature as the mother goddess and eternal being connects her with four thousand years of sacred expression through intuition, creation and instinct. Athena represents the unity of these ... Show more content on ... In birth she is a symbol of the threatening force of dominance and aggression. An oracle of Gaea, the goddess of the earth, knew of Athena s power and potential. She warned Zeus of a third generation child who would overthrow him and inherit his kingdom. Metis was a clever goddess and took on the disguise of various creatures such as hawks, fish, and serpents to avoid Zeus. However Zeus could change into many forms as well and he devised a plan to trick the pregnant Metis and swallow her. When Promethius split Zeus s head open, it was the beginning of Athena and eternal wisdom. Metis was the greek goddess of wisdom and the first wife of Zeus. Athena inherited the qualities of Metis and due to her manner of birth became the symbol of intellect and insight. The ability to reflect that Athena posesses is known as Metis becuase of her mother and gives her practical wisdom and craftiness. Her reflective nature gives her insight and knowledge to offer those she guides. The image of Athena mourning, a marble bas relief from the high classical Greek period of 480 450 BC, shows her reflective quality. This quality gives her the advantage over her opponents because it is a premeditated strategy rather than impulsive action. There are endless examples of her benevolence and strategy. Odysseus was one of her mortal companions who she helped return to his family after his long journey. Odysseus was one
  • 37. Miss Smith s Peculiar Children I m reading Hollow City The Second Novel Of Miss Smith s Peculiar Children by Riggs. Miss Smith is a protector. Protectors make sure that their peculiar children are safe andt there are no conflicts. But sadly, there are many conflicts that happen in the book. For example, there is one humongous conflict that is keeping the book moving. The conflict is that all of the protectors have been kidnapped by the monsters. Protectors are women who protect the peculiar children. These disgusting, horrifying rabid creatures are kidnapping the peculiar children s protectors so that the monster can eat the protector s children. The peculiar children knew that sooner or later a monster would find them and try to kidnap Miss Smith and eat her children.
  • 38. Hershey s Way Of Making Chocolate Chocolate is one of the most popular products consumed in the United States and all around the world. Hershey Chocolate Company originated in 1894, by Milton Hershey (Hershey Company, 2015). He was the first American who began producing milk chocolate bars, and eventually created multiple flavors that changed the chocolate industry forever. With such mass production and success, Hershey was able to make milk chocolate, a once luxury item for the wealthy, into an affordable treat for all (Hershey Company, 2015). Hershey s way of making chocolate is one of a kind. Hershey starts the chocolate making process by importing cocoa beans from cacao trees found in tropical regions near the equator. Cacao is ultimately the key ingredient in chocolate. The seeds from the cacao trees are then harvested and fermented, where they begin to darken and receive their rich cocoa flavor. The cocoa beans are then sent to the Pennsylvania in the United States, where they are cleaned, sorted and sent to the roasters. Roasting the cocoa beans at 400 500 degrees brings out the flavor of the cocoa beans and also dries them out to retrieve the nib. The nib is the most important part because it is the part that actually makes the chocolate. The nibs are then milled to create chocolate liquor. Chocolate liquor contains a lot of cocoa butter and will be squeezed out in liquor presses to create cocoa powder. Additionally, Hershey s chocolate would not be the same without their use of fresh,
  • 39. Literary Analysis Of The Poisonwood Bible Michela Murray Miss Keister AP English Literature 22 August 2014 The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, literary analysis In The Poisonwood Bible, symbolism is widely explored to allude to and explore ideas in a nonliteral sense, Methuselah, a parrot left behind and adopted by the Price family, is an example of this. Throughout the novel, his role as a symbol of the Congo is examined. Methuselah, kept in a cage and tended to by its new masters, knows little about the world of freedom. He has very little experience in fending for himself, and when Nathan releases him as a consequence for his foul language, he is oblivious to the behavior a wild parrot should exhibit. He remains near the house even after being released, still dependant on the Price family for food and shelter. This shows that through years of being cared for, the parrot lost its instincts to fend for itself leaving it open to attack and abuse, in comparison to the Congo, who under Belgian control lost the political and economic stability to stand on its own without Belgium to take control over it.... Show more content on ... This suggests that the Congo was now to be seen as prey, much like Methuselah was seen as by the civet cat. However, through Methuselah s death, the novel expresses that he is finally free: Set upon by the civet cat, the spy, the eye, the hunger of a superior need, Methuselah is free of his captivity at last. This shows that Methuselah would never truly experience freedom within the course of his life, as his upbringing prevents it. Through complete conquering through a superior nation, would the Congo achieve freedom of captivity too? Not without giving up its own
  • 40. The Effects Of Global Warming On The World Disputed Global Warming Affects Global Warming is in the minds of critical thinkers and scientist as well as the Industrial World. In this paper, we will look at man made causes of Global Warming, and natural causes in Global Warming Affects. The man made cause would be (GHC) which abbreviates to greenhouse gases and the chemical (SO2) represents sulfur dioxidefrom cars and Industry. The natural cause in the climate would direct more to a cooler climate. The Global Warming remains,augmented that one is man made causing the warming or a natural occurrence trending from the earth s rotation or other explanations. The first topic is the effect man made contributes to Global Warming. Man made contributions are cleared of tropical forest resulting in the stripping used for wood in housing and the clearing of trees for farmland production. The biggest land grabs occur in South America and Africa, it affects the absorption of (CO2) in the plants, as a result tree stripping will continue to warm the earth, also the continuing Industrial output from coalplants in China and around the world will also, Global warming. For example: Chinas coal burning fire plants contributed more toward Global Warming (So2) then any other Industrial nation. According toHuman vs. Natural Contributions to Global Warming, The percentage contribution to global warming over the past years is shown in two categories, human causes (left) and natural causes (right), from various peer reviewed studies
  • 41. Differences Between Broca s and Wernicke s Aphasia Human beings occasionally suffer bad damage to particular parts of their brains. Unfortunately, these injuries may lead to major failure of speech production, understanding language and comprehension which most of the patients suffer it permanently. This impairment is called Aphasia. Gayle (2012) states that people with aphasia fail to understand sentence comprehension although it is a simple sentence. She also mentioned that aphasia patients also have difficulty in reading and understanding speeches. According to Fromkin, Rodman and Hyams (2011), aphasia is a scientific term used to explained language disorder due to brain injuries caused by diseases or trauma. In other words, aphasia involves partial or total loss of the ability to... Show more content on ... Scott (2000) suggests that closed head injury happens due to accident. When the skull has been knocked by a hard surface, the brain is twisted pushed against the skull which resulted contusion and damage to the frontal part of the left side of the brain which is dominant for language. Scott also emphasizes that the skull may be fractured due to the hit but the tissue coverings are unimpaired and there is no penetration of the skull. Nevertheless, patients with closed head injury will not be able to produce speech due to the damage. Therefore, their impairment can be considered as Broca s aphasia. On the other hand, the other cause that can lead to Broca s aphasia is open head injury. This injury is more severe than the closed head injury. Kaur and Wolff (2012) report that open head injury may cause diffusion of the skull because the shape of the skull is badly damaged and the tissue beneath it is completely destroyed. As a result, injured patient produces halting speeches which can be considered as Broca s aphasia. Besides that, Broca s aphasia can also be caused by infectious diseases to the left side of the brain. Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria and very dangerous because these diseases may damage the brain tissue of the patient. According to Kaur and Wolff (2012), the effects of the diseases may be temporary if it can be treated. But if it is severe, it may cause permanent brain damage to the tissue at the
  • 42. How Teachers Reinforce The Kiddos For Good Behavior In the classrooms I am observing I have noticed many ways in which teachers reinforce the kiddos for good behavior. Each teacher has their own rewards system. I have witnessed a rainbow chart, a marble system and a stick chart. I have also noticed that many of the teachers do multiple activities with a lesson in hopes that the information will reach the kiddos long term memory. The teachers use verbal lessons, hands on activities and written reflections. Each class has their rules and what is considered appropriate behavior. It has been interesting to see how each teacher rewards their students and how they make it known what is and isn t okay for the students to do. Two of the teachers I work with a lot have a very good rewards system going as a way of reinforcing good behavior. The first teacher uses a rainbow chart and when the students get to the top they get to choose a prize from the bucket. The other teacher uses a marble system. Each table and student has the chance to gain marbles along with the class as a whole. If students are listening and behaving they may get marbles to put in their tables container. If the whole class is doing an awesome job, the marbles get put into the classes jar. When the students get enough marbles their table gets a prize or reward of some sort, positive reinforcement. The kiddos get so excited when they get a prize. Negative punishment is used when they are misbehaving. The students can also get marbles taken out of their tables jar and
  • 43. Essay about The Use Of Setting In A P The setting of A P ; is quite usual for a regular grocery store on a weekday. The town is north of Boston, five miles from the beach. Since the store is right in the middle of town, banks and churches and the newspaper store can been seen from the front doors. The day is Thursday, so there is not very much business. Outside, the sun can be seen on the pavement. The main character, Sammy, is almost nineteen years old and his coworker, Stokesie, is twenty two and married. The manager, Lengel, is gray and teaches Sunday school. The setting in John Updike s story, A amp; P ;, is used as a way to show humor and realism. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Updike uses the setting in a way to show humor. In the beginning, Sammy is ringing up an... Show more content on ... The girls also pass a Pyramid of Diet Delight peaches ; (Updike 318). The reason the girls even make the journey into the store is for a can of Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream ; (Updike 319). The sounds made by the cash register also make the story have a sense of realism as Updike sings the cash register song: I go through the punches, 4,9, GROC, TOT it s more complicated than you think, and after you do it often enough, it begind to make a little song, that you hear words to, in my case Hello (bing) there, you (gung) hap py pee pul (splat)! ; the splat being the drawer flying out. (319) The most realistic point in the story is when the three girls are described. First, the short one is seen by Sammy as Updike so explains: The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft looking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the tops of the backs of her legs. (316) Then, Updike describes the tall one as being: [W]ith black hair that hadn t quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns right across under the eyes, and a chin that was too long you know, the kind of girl other girls think is very striking ; and
  • 44. Financial Aid Benefits Easy money, something everyone wants, but more when you need it to reach your goals. However, as a student you tend to be told in high school when to do everything and when the due dates are. Financial aid can be found anywhere from people who are private founders to the financial aid office where you can reach from the internet at Which can be applied from a certain time frame for the most money for your collegecareer. Also take in conversation that there are also people who have organizations and foundations that give money to students who need it with minimum requirements and characteristics that you already have and have been born with. Looking for financial aid has changed over the years and the way it is done. Now. aid
  • 45. Raising Money For The Deposits And Closing Costs Here are 7 ways to raise the cash you need for the deposits and closing costs: 1. Save Up This is a popular way of raising money for the deposit. Remember the last time you wanted to go on vacation? You had to save, right? Just like you save for your big ticket items. You can also open an investment savings account that you save money towards buying your first deposit. I recommend this method for raising the deposit you need, because the process will teach you an important discipline that you need for becoming wealthy. That lesson is frugality. What if you have tried to save and it s not working for you? Why not try the next way, that is... 2. Borrow from your home equity Do you own a house that has substantial equity? Do you know you can raise money for your first investment by tapping into your home equity? Yes, it s possible to raise cash from your home equity line of credit to buy more properties. There has been a high amount of news coverage on homeowners abuse of home equity lines of credit. Many homeowners have used the money from their home equity loan to buy boats, go on vacation, and splurge on clothes and jewelry. On the flipside, there are many homeowners who have raised cash from their home equity and bought many properties, increasing their net worth as a result. The difference between the homeowners that borrowed from their home equity to buy consumer goods and the homeowners that used their home equity loan to buy more properties is this.
  • 46. How Did W B Yeats Contribution To Irish Nationalism The aim of this thesis is to concentrate on those poems of W.B. Yeats which deal with Irish Nationalism. His poems intimately connect history and literature. The MLA 7th edition format has been used in writing this thesis. Nationalism is a doctrine invented in Europe in the beginning of the nineteenth century. It pretends to supply the criterion for the determination of the unit of population proper to enjoy a government exclusively of its own, for the legitimate exercise of power in the state for the rights, organization, of a society, of states. Briefly, the doctrine holds that humanity is naturally divided into nations, that nations are known by certain characteristics which can be ascertained, and that the only legitimate type of government is national self government. (Kedourie 9) The nation state is the focus of nationalism. Nationalism is a sentiment and an ideology. Nationalist sentiment means giving primacy to national interest above all interests. Nationalist ideology may be defined as a desire of a group people living in a particular geographical area to become an independent nation by evolving their own language, symbol, flag and declaring national festivals, and people living in that area following these rules. It is about loyalty towards the nation and if the nation is under colonial rule then the national movement ... Show more content on ... Yeats contribution to Irish nationalism is literary. He took part in political activities but through his writings he tried to revive a sense of pride among the people of Ireland . He wanted Irish literature to have its unique place among the literature of other languages. During his youth, he wrote poems to arouse nationalistic feelings, to revive a glorious past and heroic days and to protest against the atrocities inflicted on the Irishmen by the British. But later on, due to bitter experiences, he became a realist and his poetry was patriotic but universal in theme. His view of the world matured in his later
  • 47. Residential Sprinklers System In the times it takes two minutes to past, could you make it out of your home? Could your family? The American Red Cross states that it can take as few as two minutes to become deadly, compared to the ten minutes many survey takes believed they had (American Red Cross, 2015). When you think of everything we do to protect our homes, families, and property with insurance, security alarms and locks, why do we not find more home sprinklers systems? This essay hopes to highlight the benefits of residential sprinkler systems. Firesprinklers have been around since the late 19th century yet the technology has been slow to be adopted in residential construction. The main reason for the slow adoption is due to strong resistance from homebuilders
  • 48. Race And Racisms By Golash-Boz Book Report In todays society people are aware of differences around them. Physical characteristics, such as eye color, skin color, hair texture, or body type, identify the difference between themselves and those around them. Labels are also a difference that is very much seen, such as gender, ethnicity, political role, or education level. These differences create a bigger view for ourselves that we sometimes do not even know they are there. Labels, for instance, raceis seen as a divide for some people. Depending on your race determines the health, the equalities, and opportunities you will receive. Race has a hidden impact that can give you a greater life, given better health outcomes. Health disparities has existed for years, it seems people have grown ... Show more content on ... Some people have the option to have a great health care system and reinsure that their well being is being greatly taken care of. However, this is not the case for others. African Americans are proved to have the worst health outcomes (Golash Boza, 2015). Throughout history, African Americans have always been discriminated based on skin color. Because of this disadvantage African Americans are more prone to stress, leading to negative health outcomes (Golash Boza, 2015). Discrimination can lead to stress, stress leads to stressful conditions such as poverty, crime, or poor housing. These stressful conditions can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as illegal crime, smoking, or substance use (Golash Boza,2015). Due to the stressful resources African Americans are dealing with they can deal with these situations by eating unhealthy foods, therefore, causing a negative health outcome. Racism and health are indeed correlated with one another. As stated by Golash Boza in Race and Racisms, racial discrimination continues to be prevalent in our society and leads to negative health outcomes for people of color . Overall racism can affect health in many ways. Those who live in poor neighborhoods, racial bias in medical care, the stress of experience of discrimination, and the social brand of inferiority can have consequences for health (Williams, 1999). Race can be a big factor in the type
  • 49. Twins In Things Fall Apart Twins have been a popular theme within Igbo literature. In Things Fall Apart , Chinua Achebe demonstrates the Igbo culture s acceptance of killing twins due to their representation of evil. Adichie pokes fun at this nonsensical traditional belief by making the protagonist in Half of a Yellow Sun a female twin. Adichie depicts the characters through their actions and interactions with one another rather than verbally elaborating on them. Olanna and Kainene biologically begin as one, grew up together sharing a traditional upbringing and shared values, and possessed a strong internal connection. As they approached adulthood, the twins developed fundamental character differences, resulting in a troubled relationship. Their relationship distantly ... Show more content on ... Kainene forgives and accepts Olanna s hard to forgive mistake and explains that there are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable (Adichie 435). The two sisters realize in times of crisis, big things become miniscule. They eventually accept their different fundamental characteristics and learn from one another. Kainene s powerful impact on Olanna makes her more powerful than Odenigbo, resulting in a shift of power in their relationship. Olanna s independence strengthens when she is around Kainene, while Kainene s harsh and masculine manner becomes softer and more feminine around Olanna. Kainene and Olanna s forgiveness and acceptance provides an example of how political regimes can come together, learn from one another, compromise, and adopt positive attributes other governments
  • 50. Survival in Auschwitz Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz; The Nazi Assault on Humanity. 1st edition. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996. I. Survival in Auschwitz is the unique autobiographical account of how a young man endured the atrocities of a Nazi death camp and lived to tell the tale. Primo Levi, a 24 year old Jewish chemist from Turin Italy, was captured by the fascist militia in December 1943 and deported to Camp Buna Monowitz in Auschwitz. The trip by train took 4 long days in a jam packed boxcar without food or water. Once there, interrogations by the SS of age and health determined life as a prisoner or untimely death. Levi along with hundreds of fellow Jews were stripped of their clothes, given rags to wear, had their heads shaved... Show more content on ... During Levi s captivity, the Killing Machines had already been tested and were being refined with each use. Levi describes how selections could be made at any time, anywhere. From the hut in the early or late hours, during roll call, on the march to work, and especially in the infirmary. In the last chapter when the Germans were evacuating the camp with the healthy prisoners it was not stated where they were going. It is my impression they were headed for the Killing Machines. The appeasement of what the Nazi s were doing by other countries was not in the minds of Levi and his comrades. Survival was of the utmost importance. What was going on in the outside world was of no significance. Live to see tomorrow was the ultimate goal. The theme of Isolationism was seen throughout Survival in Auschwitz. Germany was isolated from the rest of the world and Levi was isolated from his family, friends and country. Within the camp, each hut was separated from one another and those confined to the infirmary were secluded from the rest. The prisoners themselves both consciously and unconsciously practiced self isolationism as
  • 51. Marxism And The Marxist Theory Of Karl Marx Intro Karl Marx, born 1818, a founder of sociology and famous for writings such as The Communist Manifesto, was an influential ideologist during the 1800 s whose ideas focused on historical materialism and whose philosophy tended to focus on the understanding of a capitalist society, he aimed to create a materialist analysis, being a historical account, which examines the means in which humans collectively produce the necessities for life. Class One of the main focuses of Marx s ideology was class, the belief that all human history is just a succession of form of class societies. Under a capitalist state there is believed to be three class categories the landowners, capitalists and wage labourers but Marx theorised the emergence of only... Show more content on ... Marx believed that the existence of these two classes will lead to an eventual conflict, an uprising of the proletariat by seizing production from the bourgeoisie leading to a dictatorship of the proletariat , Marx stated in a letter to J. Wedeymeyer And now as to myself, no credit is due to me for discovering the existence of classes in modern society or the struggle between them. Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic anatomy of classes. What I did that was new was to prove: (1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with the particular, historical phases in the development of production, (2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society , a communist state where law would hold no real place, similar to the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917. In Marx s key work The Communist Manifesto, he drives home his belief that the divide between these two classes
  • 52. African American Cultural Assessment Essay Cultural Assessment and Analysis: The African American Culture Abstract In order to provide culturally appropriate care, an examination of one s personal views, beliefs, and prejudices must be examined. The first portion of this paper will examine my personal values, beliefs, biases, and prejudices. The remaining paper will analyze the African Americanculture relating to the Ginger and Davidhizar s Transcultural Assessment Model cited in Hood (2010). This model uses six key cultural elements that include communication, space, social organization, time, environment, and biological variations. This model provides a systematic approach for assessing culturally diverse clients. I will also discuss an aspect of care that I would ... Show more content on ... I grew up having giving importance to democracy and equality. Voices of the female are now more heard, and I think male and female are both equal. This is because I think they have equal abilities, as well as, equal rights. Living in a community filled with Portuguese people made me learn English and Portuguese. Aside from that, my grandparents required me to learn those languages too, especially Portuguese which is their main language in their main land. However, the primary language that I utilize in everyday conversation is English and the secondary language that I know is Portuguese. However, most of the time, I am comfortable with non verbal forms of communication, especially doing hand gestures. I am more expressive with this form of communication because I think it can bring many messages to the people that I interact with. With a mere wave of a hand, it can show joy, respect, accommodation, or even comfort to those people you interact with. Being a Roman Catholic is very importance to my daily life because this gives me support, comfort, and security whenever difficult situations occur. This belief helps me to cope with the trials I face by knowing that there is a supreme being up there that is in control of everything. That the God whom I know as my Father, my King, and my Savior loves me so much and will never forsake me whatever happens. Daily life gives us opportunities to grow with our spiritual
  • 53. Examples Of Special Lighting In Eternal Sunshine Of The... Joel s Imaginary Actions: Spotlighting in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind While music always plays a significant part to convey emotions in film, light can be used just as effectively. The use of a special lighting technique is very noticeable in the memory scenes of Michel Gondry s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A major part of Eternal Sunshine is spent inside the protagonist Joel s mind. He is in the process of deleting his memory of Clementine, who was his girlfriend for two years. Two main lighting styles are used throughout the scenes which play inside Joel s mind. On one hand, natural bright lighting and on the other hand a darker setting with only one light source, carrying a strong resemblance of a spotlight (Jason Sperb, ... Show more content on ... However, this time instead of desperately chasing the spotlight he walks towards it in a decidedly confident manner. Both Joel and Clementine first walk through a house party and end up in Mierzwiak s clinic. There, Joel starts talking to Mierzwiak who is in turn talking to another version of Joel. This other version of Joel is part of the memory and does not react to the Joel we are following around. However, Mierzwiak acknowledges the Joel who enters the memory and starts talking to him. This whole scene is only lit by one spotlight moving back and forth in a tracking shot between the three characters. (Eternal Sunshine, 55:59 56:44) It is again, an event which has not happened in real life, but is just part of Joel s imagination. This could not have been the way Joel perceives this specific memory, as Sperb called it, as Mierzwiak is saying things which would not make sense in the real life scenario. Joel is now contacting the memory he has of Mierzwiak instead of screaming his name out into the void. He is trying out different tactics and none of them seem to
  • 54. Assessment Acc 1.State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for the same. i)There are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. True Tbere are differences in the rate of development of boys and girls. In prenatal period the skeletal system of girls grows faster as compared to boys. Therefore, at b i girls are ahead of boys in their skeletal development. The period of puberty is about two years earlier for girls than for boys. ii)Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills. Fasle Critical periods are the best times for learning particular skills. Such periods are critical for development because during these periods the child is ready to leam a particular skill. For example, a child ... Show more content on ... They also show more empathy towards other adults and children. Secure or insecure attachment thus has long term impact on the child s personality. (5 x 2 = 10 marks) 3.What do you understand by the term cognition ? Discuss how caregivers can promote cognitive development of children during the first six years of life. Cognition deals with the development of thought. It is mncerned with how children and adults understand the world around them. Caregivers must channelize the child s initiative towards constructive ends, which will help her to develop self confidence. The caregivers have to teach the child self control and limits of her behaviour but they have to do so without curbing her initiative. If something must not be done, they must explain to the child why it is so, instead of simply restricting her actions. It would be more useful if caregivers inculcate desirable social values, without being overly concerned about whether the values are conventionally masculine or feminine. Affection oriented techniques, which rely on reasoning with the child to foster the desired behaviour and appeal to the child s sense of responsibility, have a beneficial impact, while power oriented techniques, which rely on threatening the child or withholding privileges without explanation, can be harmful. The affection oriented way of disciplining is more effective in